#aziraphale deserves a hug
vpgoldenrod · 7 months
Aziraphale's Haunted Look: On Being Forcibly Outed and Exiled From The Garden
While we're all talking about Aziraphale's reaction to the kiss, I'm surprised by those who thought Aziraphale looked disgusted because that's not an emotion I'd seen in him at all. There's sadness, and confusion, and anger, but I couldn't remember seeing disgust. When I watched the scene again I realized there's something else going on that really struck a chord with me. It's an uncomfortably familiar look.
He feels exposed. And I know what it feels like to be exposed in such a violent and intimate way.
Stay with me, I promise this is relevant to my analysis.
I didn't know what being transgender meant when I was a kid. Being raised in a fundamentalist Christian house meant that I wasn't exposed to those ideas, so I lived my life feeling like something was always just kind of broken. It was like I was looking right through the problem at other things, trying to alleviate symptoms without understanding why they existed in the first place. I eventually met other trans people, who gently nudged me in the direction of my truth. I even became aware that I had experienced some minor dysphoria. Every time I came close to acknowledging the truth however, my eyes would once again begin to glaze over the problem. I always managed to subconsciously shove it back into a little box and move on with my life. It was like I accidentally “did a big miracle” and hid this truth from myself so well that I continually forgot it was there.
Til one day I had an encounter that changed everything.
We're friends now but oddly enough, it was only meant to be a fling. I won't go into too many details because it's not just my story, but it was a lovely time that culminated with us meeting and doing what adults do. The person I was with, a cis man, silently clocked me the minute we were face to face. For reasons I now understand, without warning and in the middle of our shared intimate experience, he decided to talk dirty to me as if I were a gay man.
No one had ever spoken to me like that before. It had never occurred to me to ask anyone to do that, or that anyone would want to. I was in an intimate space and filled with the typical emotions and endorphins one has during sex, but it was a fling. I had walls up. So for the first time in my life, in this incredibly vulnerable position, someone grabbed me by my lapels and forced me to face a deep truth about myself that I'd spent decades silently dancing around. It was a blunt, irrefutable truth and it hit like a sucker punch to the solar plexus. He saw me when I was very much not trying to be seen, and there's few things more terrifying than that.
Even now, years later, I have such a hard time putting into words the overwhelming emotions I felt that night. There were so many, and yet somehow I can see every single one of the emotions I felt in Aziraphale's face when Crowley lets him go. My heart breaks all over again seeing how exposed he felt. He can barely make eye contact until he stumbles onto the one emotion that gives him his agency back: anger.
Gabriel shows up to the bookshop completely naked. When a bewildered Aziraphale points it out Gabriel says, “Who told you I was naked?”
But that's not how the story goes.
God looks for Adam in the garden, but he hides from her. He eventually tells God, “I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid myself.”
Then God asks Adam, “Who told you you were naked?” And of course Adam knows he is naked because he ate the apple.
I've made jokes about Crowley being the apple that bit Aziraphale, but I forgot the bit that happens afterwards. He is aware of his own nakedness. He is exposed. To God, to Crowley, and to himself. As a result he is exiled from the safety of his Eden. Man, if this isn't the perfect analogy for being forcibly outed I don't know what is.
This show is so gay you guys.
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I would like it if we never actually learned who Crowley was pre-fall. I kinda hope we get a scene where zira finds it out but Crowley just stops him from saying it.
"you- you were-"
"Crowley. The same Crowley I've always been."
"you're right. I'm sorry."
This way it acknowledges that Crowley is the same as he's always been. Falling didn't inherently change his whole being. He always questioned what he thought wasn't right and did what he thought was right, becoming a demon wasn't the start of that, it just made him see the big picture more clearly.
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phantomram-b00 · 9 months
I love the “Crowley look at Aziraphale’s eyes since it look like stars that he made” since Aziraphale’s eyes shift colors reminiscent of the Galaxy from the blues to gold to brown and even sometimes green. ‘Gorgeous’ as he would think when looking at Aziraphale’s hazel eyes like he look at the stars before and even sometimes now (though I do believe the headcanon that he can’t see the stars because of his snake eyes so looking at Aziraphale’s eyes is his only way).
Now I want to present you something, Aziraphale looks into Crowley’s yellow eyes not just because it his favorite color. But because it remind him of the sun and what he look forward to at any given time of the day; sure you can say he can look at the sun still but if you look too long it’ll burn your eyes. So why not look at the eyes that give you hope each day and what shape you as a person from the moment you laid your eyes on only your eyes won’t burn so look at the pretty color as much as you want like it was a sunrise or sunset.
(This was just an excuse to give them Astrological love as they not only deserve the World but the Galaxy. I love these two and the show.)
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lyxchen · 4 months
Look I love drawing kisses, I really do but... cuddles are even better!!! Why kiss when you can softly hold on to each other like you're never going to let go again <3
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dalliancekay · 3 months
I have to get something off my chest. I've seen so many posts and art this week about how upset and lonely Crowley is, it being Valentine's and all.
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But Crowley is home. He can (presumably) go back to his flat, watch endless TV, rant to his plants, get a drink, go to wintery St James's and complain to the ducks. He can drive to the sea and scream at the waves. He can eat ice cream and listen to Queen in the Bentley. Aziraphale has no comforts. He gave up everything he loves to give sorting their freedom one last chance. He must be missing his soft, worn clothes.
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His cluttered, busy home full of books and artworks and armchairs and its cosy lightning.
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Food. And drinks.
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Music. Concerts. Theatre.
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And of course, his best friend.
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It's highly unlikely that anything has changed in Heaven since he hasn't been there. The Archangels probably hate him even more. Whatever Metatron has planned, most likely involves a lot of surveillance and very little actual power (something Az will need to overcome and I can't wait to see how). The place is sterile, over lit and empty. He must be be missing Earth so much. And be so lonely there. Aziraphale deserves the biggest hug.
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nightgoodomens · 5 months
You know what kills me about Crowley’s confession.
He looks on a verge of mental breakdown, stressing out so much he basically has tears in his eyes as he tries to tell Aziraphale how he feels. Completely vulnerable.
It’s one of those moments he so deserved to be hugged and ensured he’s loved just as much back.
So to instead hear he needs to first change into an Angel because now he’s one of the bad guys, no matter that he’s done more good than all those angels combined, to be second in command, because he’d never be first, to be told that nothing lasts forever including them… and then to be forgiven for opening up.
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hikarry · 5 months
Yes, it would be heartbreaking if the only kiss we get is the one in the final 15
Yes, we all would love at least one more (proper) kiss or even a looney tunes shag scene, if we are feeling adventurous
But most of all, we deserve a hug
We deserve Aziraphale's arms around Crowley's waist, Crowley's face hidden against Aziraphale's neck, both breathing heavily and slightly shaking, knowing they are finally home and there's nowhere they'd rather be
Finally feeling their heat against each other, their useless hearts beating rapidly against their chests, fingers gripping stronger than they probably should just to confirm its real
After 6000 years of games and avoiding touch, they can finally properly hold each other and feel each other alive under their skin
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shinybearnerd · 10 months
"Healing Wings"
So, I'm a mess since I finished the new season.
I tried to cope by writing something (since I'll be pretty busy for all of August). And this is the result.
Justice for my boy! He deserved his happy ending.
I wanted to thank everyone that send me requests. As I said before, I'm a bit busy but once I'll have some time, I'll write. Promise.
Pair: Crowley x reader
(Hints of: Aziraphale x reader, Aziraphale x Crowley, Aziraphale x reader x Crowley)
Words: 2,8k
Genre: Smut +18, fluff and angst
Story: when Aziraphale goes away to become the archangel in heaven, Y/n and Crowley find themselves alone. They both with a feeling of abandonment. As they lean on each other for support, their relationship blossoms deeper.
English is not my first language. I'm sorry if there're any mistakes.
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The ride to your house is quiet.
You don't remember much about what happened earlier. You only recall screaming at Aziraphale for deciding to go away and leaving you and Crowley alone. His eyes were covered in tears.
     << Y/n, I can- >>
     << Do not fucking bother! Go on. Go play with your little mates. Is what you wanted after all, right? >> You cut him off, returning to Crowley.
The demon looks at the scene inside the car. He doesn't hear what you are saying but can imagine by the looks of you and the angel. He even doesn't say anything about it once you step inside the car. He only starts the engine and begins to drive.
Once you arrive, you convince Crowley to come inside without effort. Once you lock the door behind you, you see him. Sitting on the sofa. He stares blankly in front of him. Or at least you think so. He didn't take off his glasses or have any intention to.
You walk towards him without saying a word. When you take your first step, it seems like he only notices your presence at that moment.
You walk to him. Crowley's gaze fixed on you, making you feel exposed.
You're now in front of him. You try to say something, but he makes the first move by hugging your legs and placing his head on your stomach. He's tired. You both are.
You remain like this for a few minutes. You caress his red hair and try not to cry, as he enjoys your touch.
He then looks up at you.
You're starting to feel a particular jolt invading your body. Something that grows deeper when the demon stands up and obscures you with his height.
He takes your chin, his thumb exploring your lips. He then kisses you. It's a needy one. A desperate one.
You start to undress one another, but when you try to take his glasses, he freezes.
     << I... I prefer to leave them on. >>
Once Nina and Maggie get out, you pop out from your hiding spot.
Crowley hears your movement but doesn't say a word. Too scared about your reaction to actually do something. 
He listens. Listen to the way your clothes sound when they rub against each other. Listen to your increased heartbeat and your hitching breath, wishing he could feel it against his skin while-
     << Is it true? >> You finally take some courage.
Crowley physically can't turn to look at you, like something is blocking him. But he manages to stand up and put on his glasses. And suddenly, he feels like he can at least try.
When he turns around, your heart sinks a little.
     << No, please... >>
     <&lt; What? >>
You try to reach, but he takes a step behind, trying to have some space between you two.
     << You know that you don't need those >> you point at the black lenses << when you are with me. We've already been through this. Remember? >>
     << I would like to keep them on. If you don't mind. >>
You sigh, knowing that he's too stubborn to listen. So you ask again, trying to look into his eyes. << Is it true? >>
The demon doesn't respond.
     << It's pretty easy, Crowley. It's a "yes" or "no" answer... >>
Your voice seemed calm and amused by all of this, trying to ease the mood. But every fibre of your body tried to remain calm and not rush things.
Something was still blocking him. His pride, maybe. Or even the fear of you rejecting him. He doesn't know which.
     << I'm sorry... I-I can't. >>
He tries to exit the bookshop, but you stop him.
     << Where are you going? Hold on! Why can't you say it? What's wrong? >>
     << Because-... Fuck! >>
He walks in the room, stomping his feet like a wild horse that's been caught and imprisoned. He's trying to focus on something that isn't you and elaborate a clever way out. He's a demon, after all. He's the master of lying.
He can do this.                                                                                                    But once he turns to look at you, he suddenly can't lie to you anymore.
     << Because it's true, Y/n! There. I said it! >>
Your heart is bursting, but you let him talk first. You feel like he needs to.
     << You don't understand how you made me feel in all these years we knew each other! I only thought that Aziraphale would be the lo... >> he sighs, trying to calm himself by rubbing his eyes. << But then you came along. So full of life and wonder, and it j-just... happened!- >>
In the beginning, he's doubtful. The poor devil thought that was an act of pity towards him, but once he comprehend that you're not going to leave soon, he deepens it. A rush of emotions adds to the kiss. Passion, desperation and relief. All put in Crowley's kiss, who is touching and hugging you like you'll disappear.
You don't even spend time saying something. You've already waited enough.
With big steps, you end your distance. You take the demon's sunglasses with one hand while the other takes the head, smashing your lips together.
You start to caress each other. Your hair, your back, your arms... All you two can reach has been touched and loved.
     << Please tell me this is not a dream and that I'm not gonna wake up in the Bentley with a boner... >> he whispered on your lips between a kiss and another.
You smirk against his mouth while pressing yourself towards him.
     << I don't know about the dream, but I hope this isn't something you have in your pocket. >> You replied, touching his clothed erection.
The demon growls, squishing the flesh of your hips under his fingers.
     << You're playing with fire, doll. >>
His pushes are erratic and hopeless. Like he can release all that pain he's feeling.
But suddenly his pushes stop. You feel his hold tightening as he's afraid to lose you too. Little and muffled sobs start to fill the air as the demon tries to hold you as close as possible.
     << Crowley? >>
You caress his head, trying to escape his grip to look at him.
     << I'm sorry... >> he muffles in tears.
His head is against your chest. Tears are starting to wet your skin.
     << Hey... No, no, no. Hey, look at me. Please, look at me, Crowley... >>
You take off his glasses. Once you look at his eyes, your stomach tightens. His eyes are full of sorrow, ache and distress. And it all makes you feel awful. It's like you can't do anything to make him feel better...
You manage to take his face in your hand. You voluntarily start to caress his cheeks with your thumbs while you look into each other's eyes. And what you see breaks your heart.
Crowley's lips are a little parted, quick breaths leaving and entering his mouth. His cheeks are starting to get wet too. The eyebrows narrowed in an expression of pain. 
The demon makes a face, like he has something to say about that, but you don't give him the chance.
     << I-I'm sorry. I should not... >>
He tries to avoid eye contact. 
     << No, hey... Hey. It's okay, darling. It's not your fault. >>
     << But it is! >> He finally looks at you. << If I wasn't the way I am, maybe Aziraphale- >>
     << Do not dare finish what you are about to say! >> You snap.
Your voice is trembling with anger and pain. How could he think that?
<< I don't know what that idiot was thinking. But he shouldn't have said that! And mostly, you mustn't even consider that! How could you even think that there's something wrong with you? That you're the messed up one?
<< Every time I look at you, I fall in love with you even more. I love everything about you! How you say that you're evil and not nice after saying or doing the sweetest and most beautiful things that even an angel can't do! You are infinitely better than a legion of angels. Aziraphale included. >>
     << Aziraphale does not define you, my love. I know that it fucking hurts. Him choosing heaven over us hurt me, and I can't imagine how heartbroken you must feel right now... But he had no right to tell you to change for him. Love is not like that. Love is not changing the other person. Love is feeling like you own the fucking world! Like you've been struck by lightning every time you see them... Love is supposed to make you feel like this. >>
You take his hand and place it against your chest. Your heartbeat is accelerated. The demon can feel it under his hand and thinks it's the most beautiful music he's ever listened to in centuries. 
Your eyes lock one last time. Every limb of your body is linked to the other, trying both be close.
You discover that you're crying once Crowley slowly slides his hand from your chest, then to your neck and to one of your cheeks, wiping the tears from your skin. He then cups your head with both hands, leaning closer to kiss the new tears forming. Your eyes are closed. You try to enjoy this moment that you indulge with the other. You put your hands on Crowley's wrists, rubbing them with your thumbs. Suddenly you feel something odd.
     << You have a heartbeat... >>
You open your eyes only to see that Crowley is already looking at you.
Under your fingers, you can feel his fast heartbeat.
     << I didn't know you had one. >>
     << In your defence, I didn't tell you... >> replied, starting to wander his hand along your hips. He felts like the luckiest entity in the entire universe.
     << Is it supposed to be this rapid? >>
You see him smile a little, then look at your eyes.
     << Didn't you say that love was supposed to feel like that? >>
Crowley leans closer, one hand on your hair. Once your lips meet, you feel fireworks spreading all over you. The demon's lips are so soft against yours. Kissing you with gentleness as if you were made out of porcelain.
You blush and smile.
He does the same. The first real smile after Aziraphale's departure, even if it's little.
His trusts are slow but deep.
Then, he slips the other hand around your hips, bringing you close as he thrusts deep inside you. A moan dies in your mouth.
Crowley smirks a little before he resumes kissing you. His hands are both on your hips as he's helping you move.
Your eyes are locked as your messy breaths get mixed. Sometimes you kiss, but you prefer to look at each other. You can't explain why. You just feel a deeper connection between you. Like you are making love with your souls too.
You continue moving without saying a word. Smiling, touching, squeezing and scratching (on your part) one another.
And when you come, it's like you feel complete and truly loved.
Your foreheads touch as you start panting and giggling. 
Moments before, after you got dressed, you asked your favourite demon if he could pick a movie while you were calling your favourite takeaway restaurant.
     << What are you doing? >>
Crowley quickly turns towards you. A pillow is still in his hands.
Once the call ended, you saw his figure walk the hallway one last time before disappearing. You came to understand that he went outside, in the garden. You decide to sneak out and follow him.
As you were talking with one of the staff, in the corner of your eye, you could see Crowley walking the hallway front and back multiple times. Different things in his hands every time he passed in front of you.
You were so curious and amused that you almost forgot you were ordering food.
Under the moon's soft light, you can see that the grass is covered with blankets and pillows. Over them, there's a bottle of wine and two glasses; while the outside was filled with battery candles.
You can't move or form a single sentence. Your mouth, on the other hand, is curved in the most beautiful smile the demon has ever seen.
Crowley's now looking at you. A nervous smile on his lips.
     << Surprise!>> He throws the pillow on the blankets with the others. << Do you like it? >>
     << I-I... don't know what to say.>>
He walked closer, putting his hands on your hips. << I thought we'd have a post-love-making/little night picnic date under the stars. I figured it'd be nice to talk about the constellations and all that celestial stuff you enjoy while we get drunk. >> he smugly smirks as he hears your chuckle.
With a snap, the two glasses get filled. Crowley passes you one. << What do you say? >>
     << I'm all yours.>>
He smiles at you and kisses you passionately.
     << You know... I've always wanted to ask something. >>
You two have just finished eating and are now on the blankets, cuddling and trying to get drunk.
     Crowley has spent all dinner talking about the stars. He also told you about his time as a nebula creator. You could see a sparkle in his eyes as he spoke. Some sadness behind it, too. Even if he tried to hide it.
Crowley was amused by all of this.
     << Shoot. >>
     << What's it like having someone making up stories about your work? You know, the constellations and so on... >>
     << Oh. Well... I don't mind. It's like reading- What is that you read... Ehm... -Yes! Fanfiction. It's like reading a fanfiction. I don't mind. >>
     You chuckle, a little flustered. << I don't read fanfiction! >>
     He brings the glass to his lips. << Oh yes, you do! Every time I see you with your phone and reading something, you always giggle and kick your feet- >>
     << How dare you! I do not! >>
     << Oh, yes, you do! >>
You laugh. Your face turn all red by now. << You liar! >>
You both chuckle and lean against the other. The demon's free hand is now running up and down your arm. His head is on yours as he leaves a kiss.
     << Thank you. >> you said, breaking the silence. << I loved all of this. >>
Crowley smiles, proud of himself. << Glad you like it. >>
He put his glass near yours and made them touch. A little high-pitched "tin" followed after. << To the perfect night. >>
     << But I have to admit... >> You continue, teasingly raising an eyebrow. << you seemed flustered when I found you setting all up.>>
     &lt;< Flustered? Me? Nonsense!>>
You chuckle, leaning in to peck him on the cheek. Your affectionate gaze never leaves his.
He couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth in his heart that had nothing to do with the wine. 
     << Jokes aside, you know how to make a moment last forever.>>
Crowley looks at the wine in his glass. A soft and smug smile on his face.
     << Well, I must admit, this wasn't originally on my plan... >> he confesses.
     << What do you mean? >>
Crowley shifted slightly, trying to find the right words to explain himself.
     << I mean... I had planned to take you and... Azirapahle out on a proper date tonight. >> He admitted, his voice soft and hesitant. << I wanted it to be perfect, you know? Wine, dine, and all that... >>
A suffering smile is on his face as he gunks down his wine.
     << I wanted tonight to be special...>> he softly admitted, looking at his empty glass before grabbing the bottle. << You know... after a week of... well, hell. >> He pours the rubin liquor. << For you. For me... for him. For us. >> 
     You take his hand and kiss it. << Well, I must say, this night picnic under the stars was a perfect first day. >>
     He looks at you, uncertain. << Really? >>
     You kiss him and nod, smiling. << Today was hard... >>
     << Yep. >> he takes another sip of wine and clicks his tongue.
     << But this has been the best date I have ever been to! >>
He smiles, looks again into your eyes and says only two words: << Thank you. >>
You know that he's not talking about the date.
You kiss him again and look at him, stroking his tattoed cheek.
     << Don't even mention it. >>
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pikatik · 6 months
If you're still taking requests, could I suggest an Aziraphale and Crowley hug? :')
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They deserve a happy hug!! :D
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noneorother · 1 month
The art director & the Good Omens book cover tier list of doom, part 2
Part 1 l Part 2
I am your resident Art Director/Good Omens enthusiast, and welcome to my completely meta-free book cover tier list. Listen, making a book cover is HARD. I should know. But while we salute these artists for their hard work and time, I think we can all admit that once in a while, the vision is just not on. And on very rare occasions, publishers seemed to have managed to commission the cover art directly from hell... here's where we left off last time:
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Onwards and upwards, as they say. 11. International paperbacks, Goda Omen
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It is inexplicable to me but I LOVE this cover art. It's so sweet and innocent, the colours are contrasty and fun, and the layout leaves enough room for the text. Maybe I would call it slightly inaccurate to have our boys dancing on Greenland while the UK has drowned in a great flood, but hey. It's charming. The international cover gets a thwack with a ruler for trying to fit "creator of Discworld" in between the two wings like that, though. Tier: Great
12. Italian Cover, Buona Apocalisse à tutti!
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The Italian translation of Good Omens into "Happy Apocalypse to All!" really tickles my funny bone. Unlike this cover which is trying to scrape at it with a dull knife until I'm screaming on the floor. I know demons can only dance badly, but does Crowley *really* have to fracture both ankles while trying? Aziraphale pelvic thrusting his way into heaven is a visual I didn't think I'd ever want. Minus so many points for random murder alley where this is all occurring. At least the designer managed to wrangle the type into one of the best proportional layouts I've seen thus far? Tier: Bad
13. Italian Cover, Good Omens
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A truly valiant attempt here to rectify a terrifying situation with that earlier Italian version. While this one actually seems much more interesting at a glance, the details kinda get to me. The Bentley's steering being on the wrong side, the word Omens kindasortanotfquite fitting on the black wing, the motorcycles with no drivers... TIMES NEW ROMAN FOR THE AUTHORS NAMES. I don't think it can even be redeemed by the most powerfully rendered Sacred Heart/Cardi B W.A.P. imagery I've ever seen. Tier: Good (Omens)
14. Japanese cover, Good Omens
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Look, this designer GETS IT. Crowley and Aziraphale are a pair, a group of the two of us. Do not separate. It's also the only cover I've seen that uses shades of grey! The woodcut vibes are STRONG AND POWERFUL. The type is well placed! I should love this, except the end result kinda looks like a manual for clinical depression in the workplace? It's ending up higher on the list than it deserves, frankly.
Tier: Good (Omens)
15. Japanese cover, Good Omens
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This cover might as well be an Ethereal/Occult firemen's calendar. Someone wanted teens to cut off this cover and tape it to their bedroom wall. I can't even judge the typography or the symbolism because I'm just getting hit with waves of pheromones and angst. I can't even tell if it's good but it's going in the Good pile because I can't look at it anymore...
Tier: Good (Omens)
16. Japanese covers, Good Omens
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Other people have assured me that this is, in fact, a dual Good omens cover. Alas, I cannot tell. I don't possess compound eyes or even an exoskeleton, and as such lack the ability to decipher these decisions.
Tier: WTF
16. Japanese cover, Good Omens
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Holy overlap, Batman! I can’t fault this designer for wanting to reuse the wonderful dual illustrations in a Ying-Yang layout, all the elements are there, but there’s a clinginess to the type and positioning that makes me feel like someone is trying to hurt the letters? Is this designer okay? Do they need a hug?
Tier: Does the Job
18. Chinese cover, Good Omens
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Can I say how charming it is they’ve managed to conserve the halo and devils tale on the Chinese title, as well as the woodcut detailing? However, the simplicity of the cute, contrasting wing design is sadly swallowed by the intense, New-York taxi cab vibes coming off the yellow and checkerboard text block. It could have been so good! Chinese readers: I am mad on your behalf!
Tier: Not so good (Omens)
19. UK 1991 paperback, Good Omens
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What are we doing here, people. I think I've stepped into a Jungian analysis of what it feels like to have read Good Omens. It's dreamy yet unsettling. Right yet very wrong. And Ol' "Tiny Hands" Aziraphale up there is really judging me for what they found inside my mind. In less upsetting news, we've kept the improved typography and layout of the authors and book title. All is not lost to the nightmare.
Tier: Not so good (Omens)
20. 50 Shades of Gray rip-off cover, Good Omens
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*panic* WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE, PEOPLE...?! Bonus : the guardian quote is almost as much of a mystery as the cover it’s on.
Tier: WTF
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End of round 2.
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aziraphales-library · 9 months
do you know any fics with touch-starved Crowley struggling to get used to the amount of affection Aziraphale shows him?
anyways love you all byee
We have a #touch starved tag that you will want to check out! Here are more fics to add to the collection...
Demons need hugs too by apeiiron (NR)
The thought of losing Aziraphale, his one constant, his one love, his everything, is too much to bear. Crowley wants to hold him more than anything, but he's too intimidated by the what-ifs to try. Aziraphale did it for him.
My Dear and Only Love by Sarah_hadeschild (G)
“I like your hands,” he said, plainly. Aziraphale huffed out a laugh. “Do you?” “‘Always have.” Aziraphale regarded him for a moment as recognition dawned on him. The things was, Crowley loved to grandstand. He loved to act braver than he was— more callous. That way, when things went awry, he had no one to blame for it but himself. Aziraphale knew this. And because of it, he knew that if he didn’t look out for Crowley’s heart, then no one would. AKA Thanks to a well-timed Valentine's gift, a touch-starved Crowley is about to get everything he desires. Well, almost everything.
Charred Feathers by KannaOphelia (T)
The wings burst through, a flurry of feathers and ripping fabric. “Damn. Thought they’d be enough room. That was a Tom Ford under-vest, would have cost me eighty quid if I’d actually bought it.” “Of course you stole it, you vile fiend,” Aziraphale said automatically, staring at Crowley’s well-groomed wings. They were black, and tidy, but it wasn’t a pure, midnight black. More a very dark, almost shabby grey, for all their beautiful condition. He was beginning to have a horrible suspicion about those wings. He reached out, and very gently brushed his fingertips through one, not letting any healing power through yet. “Made it. Y’know.” Crowley mimed snapping his fingers. “You’re wearing knock-off flannels?” Aziraphale demanded, tone high with outrage. He let his other hand come to the other wing, stepping closer, as Crowley snorted with laughter. Aziraphale had been right. Crowley’s feathers were smooth and perfect and undamaged, and at the same time, they were charred black by fire.
The Touch of Your Hand by EdosianOrchids901 (T)
After a moment of casual contact in Rome, Crowley realizes that he’s touch-starved. He dreams about holding Aziraphale’s hand or—even better—hugging him. But Aziraphale is an angel, and Crowley is a demon. And demons don’t deserve hand holding or hugs…do they?
Velocity by dragon_with_a_teacup (T)
Aziraphale can sense Affection whenever that emotion is near. Yet he has never looked for it within himself whenever Crowley is near. It should be impossible, an angel feeling such things for a demon; why, then, would it have occurred to him to look? Why would he have thought to analyze his bond with Crowley—a bond forged throughout the centuries through a convenient work arrangement—for anything beyond mere camaraderie? Yet now, his favorite angelic ability turns inward for the first time, and at last, he sees: He’s been such a fool.
An Exercise In Trust by organizechaos (T)
It’s been eleven years since Armageddon and Heaven and Hell have been conspiring to restart it. Meanwhile, Aziraphale and Crowley moved in together, got married, and are overall really happy. When their former bosses finally confront them — attacking with an object that will take centuries worth of memories from the ineffable pair — something goes a little wrong in the process… Crowley takes the full hit. (Basically, it’s just about +37,000 words worth of Crowley being a confused mess at why Aziraphale’s finally reciprocating his love)
- Mod D
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dinkabell-art · 3 months
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Thank you, thank you everyone for all your love and support. The response has been a bit overwhelming. Thank you.
Aziraphale as a character means so much to me. He deserves all the hugs. I’m glad you agree.
(Inspiration for page 7 linked above).
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actual-changeling · 5 months
I dunno if you've talked about this but I'm just curious, what's some of your favorite head cannons or theories for good omens?
I don't think I have ever made a headcanons post, usually everything I like shows up in my writing, but I definitely have a few favourites.
Crowley deserves to have his shoulder-length/bun hair in season 3, so iconic and yet so little screen time
they both have no idea what gender is supposed to be, they're just vibing on two different ends of the expression spectrum
both are autistic and Crowley has adhd on top of that (plus cptsd but that's a given)
I also imagine Crowley with bpd whenever I write him because I am a) projecting and b) it fits
Supreme Archangel Aziraphale with purple eyes my beloved. It makes for amazing angst and the mental image is delicious.
they will kiss again. they have to. and a hug, like the longest hug in existence with faces buried in shoulders and everything
Michael betraying heaven and Dagon betraying hell (and falling in love and I'd call it wishful thinking but we got Beez and Gabe so. everything is possible)
not really a headcanon since Neil has been talking about this for ages: they get a cottage in the South Downs 💚
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mimisempai · 1 month
The embrace we deserve
Crowley is back, and he and the angel experience for the first time the reunion to which they are entitled and which they have denied each other all these years.
50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts
Kiss #47: A kiss paired with a tight hug, knocking the breath out of the person being hugged.
On Ao3
Rating G -  448 words
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Aziraphale glanced at the wall clock and chuckled to himself as it had been less than five minutes since he'd last checked the time.
Today was the day Crowley was due to return from his little trip as part of his job at the planetarium, and he wasn't due to arrive for a few hours in the late afternoon, so the Angel called himself an idiot for being so impatient. 
The three days had passed rather quickly, and Nina, Maggie and Muriel had had something to do with it. He suspected that the owner of the coffee shop had told the other two about his condition after Crowley's departure, and every day they had come to keep him company in one way or another, Maggie taking him to the record shop to suggest new musical treasures, Nina arriving every day with a new pastry, and Muriel never ceasing to ask him questions and get him to discuss his current readings.
Aziraphale had to admit that it touched him deeply to know that he and Crowley now had this little group of friends, almost a family, as part of their lives.
He said aloud, "Come on, you've made it three days, you can wait a few more hours, can't you?"
"Angel, I've barely been gone three days and you're talking to yourself?"
Aziraphale turned sharply towards the bookshop door and shouted, "Crowley!"
Then he ran to him and wrapped his arms around the demon in a tight embrace, pressing his lips to his.
After a few seconds, Crowley patted him on the back, causing him to loosen his arms without letting go, and the demon said, panting slightly, "Oh dear, I don't mind such fervour, but just let me breathe."
Aziraphale bit his lip and, as he tried to pull away, replied sheepishly, "Sorry, I-" 
But the demon would have none of it, and wrapping his arms around the angel's neck, he said softly, "Don't apologize, I was just so surprised that I really didn't have time to breathe."
He pressed a light kiss to the angel's lips, and when he pulled away, the angel asked, his sheepish expression now absolutely delighted, "How come you're here already? You weren't supposed to arrive until this late afternoon."
Crowley planted another kiss on the angel's smile and simply replied, "I missed you too much."
Aziraphale lifted his hand and rested it on the demon's cheek, saying, "I missed you too. A lot."
Then he buried his face in the demon's neck as the demon held him close, the two of them basking in the contentment of being together again. 
Granting each other the embrace they had been denied all these years. 
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable kisses series : here
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
Ineffable Growing Love - Series post S2
Part 1 Story 1-99
Part 2 Story 100-?
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1941-crowley-slut · 9 months
Before I go to sleep, I must leave everyone with a thought.
Crowley has never been properly touched in an affectionate manner (neither has Aziraphale but this is a Crowley post bc i'm in my feels for him rn).
Sure, there is the occasional arm touch from Aziraphale, there might have been the hand sliding down his chest and even the hand grab at the ball in season 2. But those are all momentary, and done in what's supposed to be "discreetly".
He's never had his face touched. He's never had his cheeks cupped, never felt a hand going through his hair, never gotten to interlace his fingers with Aziraphale's. A grasp on his waist has only taken place while Aziraphale was trying to keep him steady because he was high off his mind on Laudanum, and then during the kiss (we assume at least, since it was out of frame). Both times that the touch was but a detail in the whole situation.
The kiss is actually the most contact he has ever had with Aziraphale, the closest they've ever gotten. He's never even gotten hugged before. He still hasn't, actually. (Can you believe after 6 thousand years he's finally gotten to kiss Aziraphale but not hug him?)
I need him to experience all the soft, sweet, loving physical affection in the world. He deserves to know good, intentional touches, that do not get concealed anymore. That don't confuse or frustrate him. Just clear, honest, full of love touches that are made by his angel, just for him.
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bigfuns-stuff · 3 months
I think that Good Omens, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss share more comparisons than originally thought. I’ll get the basic info out of the way. The colour palette of the three are obviously similar because they both take inspiration from the famous Christian and Dante Inferno versions of Hell. “3 rings down” from Helluva Boss. And general world building. “two sides of the same coin” Yin Yang idea that Heaven and Hell share in all 3 shows. In the fact that they are all awful and I hope death is just hanging out in a pit alone. Like where Laura Moon was supposed to go in American Gods after her death. The relationships between Stolas and Bliz represent the worse version of Azi and Crowley. The miscommunication, lack of respect and boundaries, divided by class. Fizz and Ozzie are like Bebzebub and Gabriel/Jim, the better version of both couples. The way they could be if they were honest, not to mention adorable. But because Stolas is a heartbroken idiot and Blitz doesn’t think he deserves love. And Azi and Crowley are just idiots pointe blank and shove their feelings down a hole and ignore it. The shared love of ducks between Lucifer and Crowley is very interesting to me, which represent how they both feel like ugly ducklings compared to their peers for not fitting in. Crowley never belonged anywhere, the world doesn’t like dreamers. Lucifer has apples in his design, his hat and cane, a reminder that his dreams failed. The reason why he didn’t believe in the Hazbin Hotel to begin with. He never got to see the good free will did to humanity and carries it around to remind himself of his failure. Crowley IS free will personified in the Good Omens universe. He WAS the snake that tempted Adam and Eve. And continues to use that to joke with Aziraphale. “Could l tempt you to a spot of lunch?” He was the first being who thought for himself and was punished, he was gifted imagination like Charlie, and is berated for wanting better. Emily is a more assertive Aziraphale, when she hears what happens to souls in Hell, she jumps to Charlie’s side without hesitation. Something Azi wishes he could do, to not have his religious trauma run so deep, and to heal Crowley heal from his. Angel Dust is a much more desperate version of Crowley if he was still under Heaven, used and abused, threatened with power imbalance. Husker is his Aziraphale. Helping him out of the hole he dug himself into.
In conclusion, Everyone needs a hug, let me know if you think there are any comparisons I missed!
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