#autism criteria
stal3bread · 14 days
If you have an issue with deficit based language, I used it because that is the language used in the diagnostic criteria, and I'm basing this poll in the diagnostic criteria. I use deficit based language for myself, but I understand that many autistic people are uncomfortable with that language being used for them
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avalovesindie · 2 years
it’s always “you need to get a job” and “why aren’t you in college?” And never “Ava what are the 5 DSM-5 criteria for autism, why don’t you tell me all about your opinions and theories on it?”
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 6 months
The Struggle of Not Realising You Are Autistic Because You Took The Diagnosis Criteria Literally
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vampryoteuthis · 7 months
Feeling like conducting a social experiment, put in the tags one or more special interests you have that are not directly modern media (tv show, book, movie, etc that came out 80 or fewer years ago)
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kota-corner · 4 months
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THIS EXPLAINS SO MUCH??? (Speaking about the Autism and PMDD statistic specifically)
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shinoposting · 1 year
A comprehensive guide as to why Aburame Shino is peak Autistic Representation
Very long post under the cut!
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( This is poorly organized and doesn't actually include everything, but you know :] )
It starts with the flashback to when Torune was taken and flashbacks to early academy days, during which Shino is about 7.
He showed no interest in playing with other children, or in making friends. He didn't see a point in talking to people who didn't want to discuss his special interest, which he dedicated all his free time to, and he didn't emote when Torune was taken away, even though it impacted him very deeply. Even as a small child he talked "like an adult", monotonous, strange phrasing, over-explaining, and too quietly. When he wasn't being ignored by his classmates, they were trying to use him.
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Later on when you see him socialize more, in Pre-Teen and Teenage years, more things become apparent.
In general he seems semi-verbal, most of the time silent, and becomes agitated when forced to repeat himself. Konoha Hiden expands on this, saying that he wishes people just knew what he meant and felt without him having to talk, and that he is bonded to Akamaru because he feels that Akamaru is the only one who he can communicate with in that way. When he's upset he isolates and at one point is even seen hitting his head when he was trying to cool down and was interrupted by unwanted social interaction.
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He doesn't understand why people need to see his face, and usually doesn't look in the direction of the person he is addressing. He also doesn't understand jokes, rarely laughs, and angrily dissects puns…but then later puns become his entire sense of humor. He's never dressed for the season, either. Aburames tend to be very covered up by default but besides his Part 1 outfit he is always in multiple layers regardless of the season. (Year round trench coats are a huge autistic stereotype.) He gets along better with people outside of his age group, respected by adults and looked up to by younger kids who think he is cool and knowledgeable. Konoha Hiden also states that during this period he was suffering with comorbid Anxiety and Depression.
There's a lot of black and white thinking on display, for example he is anti-alcohol-- obviously he would have been taught not to drink as an Aburame, but he also doesn't like when others drink. He sees it as universally bad. He's a stickler for the rules and often scolds his peers for not following rules and guidelines. He also seems like a bit of a prude even though it is suggested that he himself has a dirty mind (noticing girls' cup sizes and the implications of Road to Ninja treating his Personal Business as a personality trait) which is a funny hypocrisy I have noticed in a lot of autistic people. He holds a hell of a grudge and ruminates endlessly, which is documented at higher rates in autistic people due to rigid thinking.
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He is trying to make friends like Torune wanted, and is now aware that not having friends is a bad thing. He starts feeling the pain of being ostracized not only in general but also by his friend group and isn't even sure if he has friends. He is 17 years old before he understands what allistics consider friend status.
We start to see some of his sensory issues pop up too. He is seen wearing sunglasses even at night and while sleeping. He hates any food that smells strongly and his favorites are pretty bland. He pulls a piece of meat out of his mouth, in public, uncharacteristically violating taboo. He was able to identify the number of people in a distant group only by sound at a time when this would have been above his skill level. (Which makes sense. Team 8 is thus Eyes, Ears, Nose. More on this later.) By Boruto, he has added ear protection and stronger eye protection that he wears when he is expecting to be near fluorescent lights or crowds. Suddenly his overall mood is greatly improved and he can smile openly.
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He shows signs of hyperempathy in being overly distressed when losing insects, as he has many millions of them, and having an exaggerated physical response to anticipating Sakura and Naruto's despair.
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He has chronic bitchy resting face and is extremely blunt to a a degree of being insulting, which makes people assume he is a mean person. He also comes across as pedantic to his peers, when from his perspective he's just didactic, and even though he over-explains everything his peers still have difficulty understanding what he's saying.
He will also randomly connect the topic of discussion to his special interest and begin infodumping about bugs, and isn't aware that people around him are not interested or worse, repulsed by his special interest until told, at which point he feels personally hurt. Generally his interests are very stereotypical of an autistic person: bugs, comics, ecology, strategy, etc.
He seems level-headed and robotically analytical until he reaches a certain threshold when he suddenly over-emotes in dramatic and awkward ways.
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You might notice that when his hands aren't in his pockets, he doesn't seem to know what to do with them; they're always balled into fists, which smells of someone who was taught not to stim. Even so, when he gets really excited in Konoha Hiden and is being himself, he starts spinning around. His speech quirk preceding frequent over-explanations (Why? Because... / The reason is because...) is also considered a type of echolalia.
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Mentioning Hiden, in the Blank Period we start to see changes associated with the autistic experience of starting to understand that you are awkward, not knowing how to fix it, and all the anxiety that comes with that. He is stuck riding the lag train and is fully ready to become a hermit in the woods.
He isn't understood in the way that he wants to be understood. He can't let himself get comfortable in other people's homes. He uses his trench coat as a barrier between himself and other people, treating it like a security blanket. He still doesn't understand how his choice of attire affects people's perception of him and becomes agitated when he's told it makes him look suspicious. He doesn't appear to be pursuing any intimate relationships, and displays a lack of boundaries when picking Choji up with his insects when he gets excited.
The lag train becomes even more apparent in Boruto. He hasn't found a partner, his friends are growing even further away from him, and possibly worst of all he's seen as more childish-- too grown-up as a kid, too immature as an adult.
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He is masking extremely heavily for the sake of his career, mirroring Iruka, removing almost all of his personal identity from his appearance including the parts that made him feel safe-- everything has to be professional. This actually hurts his ability to work with kids because he already knew how to talk to them, but he is now trying to emulate the image of a teacher for the sake of professionalism.
In the classroom he struggles with things I have seen real-life autistic teachers talk about: He works well with the younger kids, they love him and his fun facts, but the older ones can tell that there is something different about him and they will ignore or outright bully him. It's very difficult to control them or hold their interest. (He later develops stomach problems due to stress from working with said older kids)
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The big problem is that he is not good at masking. In traditional settings with very clearly defined roles and rules of how to act and what to say he gets by just fine, but in organic interactions it's nothing but spaghetti and this causes him severe stress. He is proud of himself for being able to speak to many people in a day now but at what cost? Pattern recognition and rigid thinking of course leads to rumination spirals, and under extreme pressure he starts reverting to childish things. He has only had Kura-maa a short time before he becomes attached and starts personifying it. This may seem childish, but autistic people are more likely to do this and will continue to do so later into life than their allistic peers. (See Object Personification in Autism: This paper will be very sad if you don’t read it)
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He has become a real people-pleaser, allowing himself to be imposed upon constantly, and apologizes excessively even for situations that were not his fault, which are both behaviors many autistic people pick up. And, for all his masking, he can't hide that he is still terrible at understanding and constructing metaphors, ie "bad insects" and the yakisoba bun analogy.
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He is trying his damnedest to adapt and accommodate himself in a rapidly changing world that wasn't very friendly to him to begin with. He was able to slide under the radar as respectable and somewhat normal when the world was as rigid as he is. Now every day he's facing new challenges that he isn't used to and he's acting a little fucked up and neurotic, overcompensating and making it worse.
So yeah, maybe he's not 'cool' by most standards. Not everyone gets a happy ending where they become the most ideal version of themselves. Not in real life, and not in animes that have hundreds of characters. What's important is that he is exactly on the trajectory set by previous installments to the series and very accurately and thoroughly depicting autistic struggles in every aspect of life. And that's pretty cool to me. :)
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viiinz · 2 months
autism be damned my boy can do calligraphy and knows a lot about capital punishment
#prince myshkin#lev nikolayevitch myshkin#the idiot#myshkin#no but i really think there are legitimate reasons to argue that myshkin could be seen as an autistic character#other than the fact that he literally checks of every criteria#there's also the fact that there is a frequent comorbidity of epilepsy and autism#which makes me think (tho i have not nearly done enough research on this to make any actual claims)#that there is a possibility that traits which we would today associate with autism could back in the day#before the term autism even existed#could be seen as something common among epicleptic people#and given that myshkin is already canonically neurodivergent and epileptic#it really isn't a stretch to say that if we were to apply modern day terminology on a 19th century character#he could be seen as an early example of an autistic character#which makes it very interesting to note how people in the book view and interact with him#(and even without the possible autism he's still a canon neurodivergent character cast as the protagonist in a 19th century book#which on its own is really interesting#especially considering the fact that dostoyevsky drew from experiences with his own epilepsy)#for example canon infantilization (which this post is definitely a joke on) the whole 'idiot' thing etc.#also the way he views himself! he has so much internalised ableism#i also think it's interesting that another character that exhibits a lot of autistic traits is kirillov#who's also canonically epileptic#my post#vince talks
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aropride · 2 months
huge month for arab-american autistic stoner asexual lesbians
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Legitimately wondering, why does every healthcare professional straight up ignore the end of every diagnostic criteria where it says this
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hauntedselves · 2 months
something i realised lately is that, during disagreements, i struggle a lot with figuring out if I'm being unreasonable or if the other person is. which is very autistic of me lol. it's easy to say that they're wrong, I'm right, but i never can tell if that's actually true.
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cobblestonevoid · 8 months
Today I was told that I “have autism” because I “look like Aziraphale,” whatever that’s supposed to mean
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Questioning NPD + Autism culture is wondering if it’s even possible to develop NPD when you’re high empathy.
(Genuinely can someone help me figure this out? I think it’s just that I assume everyone else functions the same way I do, so everyone else also feels like dying when they get the slightest bit of polite criticism. But I genuinely can’t tell and there’s no resources on it.)
— 🕸🕷
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notabled-noodle · 2 years
examples of living with traits part two: section B of the ASD criteria
you have to have at least one trait from two categories in this section
1. restricted and fixated interests (this just means special interests!)
becoming obsessed with something for long periods of time
defining your life according to what your main interest was in each time period
unusual levels of attachment to interests and objects related to those interests
feeling like an interest is your personality
2. repetitive movements (this mostly means stimming!)
repetitive movements that help you calm down or express your emotions, such as hand flapping, head shaking, or rocking
repetitive noises that help you calm down or express your emotions, such as humming, tapping, or tongue-clicking
experiencing echolalia
gaining joy from lining up objects or organising things in a repetitive manner
3. sameness and routine
needing to know ahead of time what is happening each day
getting anxious, frustrated, or otherwise overwhelmed at changes in routine
getting “stuck” when somebody doesn’t follow the script you expected them to follow
getting obsessed with one meal or one outfit, and feeling comforted by having that meal or wearing that outfit every day
4. sensory difference
either being hyperaware of your body, or not being able to sense what is going on in your body at all
senses are either hypersensitive (e.g. getting headaches from bright lights, being able to hear electricity, being able to smell everything at all times)
or hyposensitive (e.g. having trouble distinguishing between different sensations, not being able to feel pain, not being able to tell when you’re hungry)
again, you’re free to ask any questions at any time if you need me to explain further!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
Autism Diagnosis Criteria Explained
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heir-of-the-chair · 7 months
You know, when they said “you never stop learning things about yourself” I don’t think they meant five consecutive years of having a new identity crisis.
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swordsonnet · 1 year
maybe i'm missing something here, but it always confuses me when i see things like "some autistic people are disabled by their autism and some aren't" or "not everyone sees their autism as a disability". because... autism very much is a disability?! if you're autistic, then your symptoms must be present in a way that is disabling to you in your everyday life. it's literally in the diagnostic criteria. of course the extent to and areas in which you're disabled can vary greatly depending on the individual, but disability is part of the basic definition of autism, regardless of your personal feelings on the matter.
don't get me wrong, it's still much better than "autism is only a disability because of capitalism" because at least it doesn't make sweeping generalisations that aren't even remotely accurate to the lived reality of most autistic people. but it still perpetuates incorrect assumptions under the guise of personal choice, and honestly feels like an attempt to distance autism from disability in general. being disabled is nothing to be ashamed of, and i wish people wouldn't twist the meaning of autism to remove disability from it.
(and yes, that goes for level 1/low support needs autistics as well. i would be considered level 1 (though i wasn't diagnosed that way) and i'm still disabled by my autism! not to the same extent as many other people, sure, but i'm still disabled. if i wasn't, i wouldn't be autistic.)
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