knotmycupofchai · 18 days
🌀Jupiter in Gemini 🌀
Pick a card
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Pile #1
Themes: travel; searching; dreams; fulfillment; chemistry; peace; stimulation; intuition; new
This will be a very explorative, but possibly overstimulating time. You will either be learning alot or searching for purpose, fun, things you’ve never seen & finding what works for you. You could travel just to find where you may bloom. You’ll be more silent, introverted & introspective, more inclined to think through your decisions and test the waters first. Maintain strength & patience if you’re feeling stuck. Your intuition or guidance from someone wise will help you during this time. I see travel by train, plan & simply just walking in nature or visiting local places in town. Go with what feels right. This would be a time to listen more than speaking.
Pile #2
Themes: Sex; sexuality; sensuality; center of attention; dark & taboo; seduction; liberation from trauma & criticism; blossoming; witch hunt; slut-shaming; misogyny
You will receive a lot of attention, which will also bring criticism ( especially if you’re a woman). It seems a lot of you will be tapping into your dark side, especially regarding your sexuality. You may start dressing more sexy, wearing more revealing clothes to compliment your body and have a very active sex life. Consuming more sexual or taboo based content or community is also indicated ( erotica, porn, fanfic, Rated R, adult entertainment, BDSM etc…) You might post more thirst traps or just simply express you sexiness, which will make some uncomfortable. This will be a time when you’re likely to be slut-shamed and others will try to dim your light. You’re likely to dive deep into forms of witchcraft as well. A healing and liberation from sexual, feminine, love or religious wounds could bring this about.
Pile #3
Themes: community; serving others; abundance; celebration; help from others; letting go and having fun; emotional fulfillment; meet new people; establishing yourself within a group
This will be a time when you make new friends, associates or professional connections. I get the vibe that you’ll attract people that will support & celebrate your achievements ( and vice versa). A very good time financial & emotionally, you’ll have more money to spend on self-care or treating yourself. This could be a time where you receive lots of gifts or free things. As you serve others through advice, just simply being there for them or through donations, those blessing with come back to you multiplied. Trust that you deserve this and show gratitude in any way you can. A lot of public events, gatherings, parties & volunteering
Pile #4
Themes: changes; comparison; love; friendships; dreams; potential; wanting more; taking risks; the outside vs the inside; external validation; recognition; purpose
You’ll be prone to compare yourself and life to others at this time. Maybe you feel life is going slow, maybe it’s moving to fast, but not in the way you wanted. There’s a need for external validation here. Maybe you wanna be told “you’re doing well”, maybe you wanna be called pretty or just simply understood and seen by someone. There’s a longing for love, affection and victory, and that’s okay. We all want to be accepted, love and celebrated. We all want what we feel we deserve. However, a lot of things we be out of your control. It seems fate is taking the wheel & you’re not sure if you’re emotionally ready for the path. Patience is needed, your time will come. For now, love yourself for who you are and where you are. Not everything is as it seems on the outside. The grass isn’t always greener. Significant relationships are on the way
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astrobei · 10 months
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*hozier plays ominously in the background*
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the-masked-astro · 5 days
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When the hommies @chycoin and @devil-dragon read pt 3 of Astro-Vision
Puzzles is cooked
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good-wine-and-cheese · 4 months
Arcade Fire - Awful Sound
AMV focused on the relationship between Tenma and both Tobio and Atom.
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snaileo · 1 year
using my powers for good and blending astro boy and the venture bros
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merrymarvelite · 28 days
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Cover of the Day: Avengers #167 (January, 1978) Art by George Perez and Terry Austin
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precariouswizardry · 10 months
reading the stars is actually quite easy when you think of them like a beautiful man and kiss him passionately on the mouth
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I get that they’re under hybe but not having bonedo cover got7 and/or astro is a true missight
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spacecardiver · 7 months
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They’re the same to me
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disneyremnants · 1 year
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On Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters at Disneyland, you can find cutouts of a sun and a moon behind and above you when you exit the light tunnel. These cutouts come straight from "Circle-Vision 360". which operated at Disneyland from opening day until September 1997! The cutouts were a part of an elaborate preshow diorama created when Delta began sponsoring the attraction in 1989! When Delta dropped their sponsorship on January 1st 1996 the dioramas were removed, except for the sign which instead removed the mention of Delta's sponsorship. Starting on May 22nd 1998, the theater was used as a part of the queue for Rocket Rods, where it played a looping preshow featuring various forms of transportation. However, Rocket Rods would not last long, and the attraction closed officially on April 28th, 2001 On March 7th, 2005 Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters opened, replacing Rocket Rod's queue and subsequently the old "Circle-Vision 360" theater. The sun and moon are located at the red circle, which fittingly places them in the center of the original theater. The art style used for the various cutouts is quite reminiscent of Delta Dreamflight's first scene at The Magic Kingdom. Both attractions gained and lost their Delta sponsorships at the same time as well. Ironically, both were eventually replaced by Buzz Lightyear attractions!
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astrobei · 6 months
2000s byler au that plays out pretty much exactly like the show except when will moves to california after the rain fight mike listens to i miss you by blink 182 on repeat for the entirety of those six months
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the-masked-astro · 4 days
Alright, I've got to ask the important question for the chonky TV boi: Chonkzzles, may I request some words of wisdom?
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Chonkzzles has spoken
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knotmycupofchai · 3 months
̡̬̣̯̼͓͈̹͢P̷̷͇̳͔̪̹͉̯̟̟҉͏̫̼̜͉̭i̧̙͙̙̥̰̯͎̘͈͇̘͎̫͙̰̗̩s͇̬͟c̛̟̪̘̯̙͈̫̹̜͢ͅȩ̧̣̰͓̻͎͈͇̘͎̫͙̰̗̩͡s͇ ̖̹̦̙͝͞n̴̛̫̘͈͈͈̳̩̘̯̙͈̫̹̜͢͢ͅȩ̛̣̰͓̻͎̗͖̜́͡w͚͈̟̬̩ ̧̰̣̼̘̱̰̥͟͜m̵̧̛̛̯͖̺̥ͅơ̛͈̙̦ͅo͈̙̦̖̹̦̙͝͞n̴̫̘͈͈͈̳̩͢
Stop worrying. Allow yourself to be happy. It’s time to stop overthinking & causing yourself harm with blame, criticism and anger. Stop thinking, talking about and giving energy to things make you feel hopeless and doubt yourself. You are incredibly sensitive at this time, so avoid what’s not good for you. Use your intuition & wisdom from past or present experiences to guide you to a better place. Take time to really understand what’s fueling your thoughts & emotions, and is that worsening the confusion? Closure & freedom comes from you. Don’t allow yourself to be blind & vulnerable, by putting power in another’s hand. Only you can keep yourself confused, trapped or in the dark. The truth & light will always find you. Let go & receive. ( Therapy or holistic/ medicinal healing may be needed)
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safieblue · 2 years
𝑀𝓎 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃
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💠🤍🦋💫 On the new trend 💫🦋🤍💠
What are your dream person placements? I would love to know! 🥰🥰
𝑀𝓎 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃
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(Leo, but as I am a Leo Rising and I feel one of our angular axis is so fucking painful, I dont know if I would like to share the pain with such person 😅)
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Scorpio (I have Mercury in Gemini, and this is by far, apart from mine, the Mercury I most deeply cherished and appreciated so far, might as well be my Child asteroid and IC in Scorpio 😅)
Cancer (it is so cute, feelinglishy, loving, thoughtful and caring)
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Leo (as me, we are awesome bitches 😌💅💅💋)
(Pisces? - I dont know how much I would like that 😅😅)
(Virgo - I do love the classy, neat, high-value way they dress, with lovely colours and other neutral colors, good choice of fabrics, pure, soft and good material,
but I think that is all 😅)
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(Aries - I dont know what to do or can handle all of that energy 😅😂)
Cancer (like me 😃😃)
(Leo - I dont know about all of that power that person holds within and around them 😅😅)
(Scorpio ? 🤔🤔 - think can definitely be interesting)
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Scorpio (all of these sex partners and occult and sex discoveries, stories and all gets me so damn intrigued, I just want to know more and feel a bit more of it)
Taurus (for some reason I looooove it in here, all that talk about materialism and possessions and stuff just make me go nuts 🤯🥵🥰🥰)
Leo (a good life of the party, celebrity like as time goes by ... who doesnt want that? Especially as a partner? 😮😮🥳🥳👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️)
Scorpio (You not only know what you want, but you don't stop until you get it - bring all that sweet sweet divine ambition embrace to me 🤤🤤)
(Pisces ? because they are broken in society and within, resort to drugs and other escapisms, and 🥺 my Venus in the 12h just wants to help them and to fix them 🥺 🥰 ?)
Aquarius (to me, the only right place to put Uranus in, is in its domicile - you are original, you are creative, you are independent in your endeavours, youre bold, you have got it all ❤❤ perfect and PERIODT)
Aries (revolutionariousness, like ughh that pleases my Aries Lilith 🥰🥰)
Taurus (it might seem like a paradox, because Taurus is so comfortable with no changes whatsoever, while Uranus is about big sudden original changes, I just love the uniqueness they bring to the table, the skinny aesthetics, the beauty, all of it, despite the bad, seems an ethereal bubbly dream ahahahahahahah)
Gemini (who does not like a good "old" flexibility? 😂😂)
Cancer (bringing a new element of genius to it all 🤗🥰)
Pisces (bring that idealism back baby 🐋)
(Does it show by the big list that I am Uranus dominant? Does it? 😃😃 Does it? Ok 🥰🥰)
(*cof* I have it in Aquarius, but honestly, in practical terms I know shit about what it means, so obviously: *cof*
***drums playing in the background***
Pisces (in domicile - the right place to dream is inside of a Pisces Neptune head 🥰🥰)
Cancer (I swear I dont know if this is from a past life or someone I knew in another life that was a Cancer Pluto, something about it draws me in so much, I think they are made to be the cutiest pies of the cosmos 🥰🥰)
(Scorpio - I mean I love them, I do, there are so many fucking things interesting about them and their souls and all, but that thing about wanting to be single forever, no kids until a late age and having finance struggle, ehhh not for me babe)
Sagittarius ( UHUHUHUHUH 🥳👯‍♀️🥳👯‍♀️🥳😎 we are here baby 😎, I fucking swear my generation, gen Z, is just so fucking good, I swear I cant deal, we are perfect, we are literally sons and daughters of gods, I love our revolutions, our love, our chaos, our I am not going to work type of mentality, we rockin this shit up, 🥰 our positivity 🥰, our social media, our influencing. Chefs kiss 👌👌
Cancer (🥰 as me 🥰)
Pisces (similar energy to my Pisces Eros 🥰)
Virgo (my own Juno sign and the best I ever feel with anyone)
Libra (both of the two latter are caring, loving, sweet, soft, even can be kinda home and marriage driven and in case of Cancer, children driven)
(But I am a bit suspicious, because as a Libra Moon, I tend to be very romantic and marriage driven, adding 🤭 my Leo Venus to the equation 🤭, I tend to appeal to people, I think, of all Juno signs, like in a way that can please them and fulfill their marriage needs.)
𝔑𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔥 𝔑𝔬𝔡𝔢:
Gemini (so I can finally have a buddy on my side on this crazy ride towards fixing myself in one same place and find a community 🥺🥺😥😥😥 or better have to live in a community 😅😅 doesnt feel like grace but more of a cosmic obligation)
Sagittarius (maybe it is because it is my SN but living that (again) is HOT 🥵🥵🥰 AF)
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I will see how this evolves through the years,
as our perspectives evolve and the influences of our progressed charts also change - they change how we operate and what is better for us to attract,
So I might make an update in some time in the future 🤍🤍
❤ Dont forget, if you sticked this long: What are your dream person placements? I would love to know! ❤
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