#as ever large grain of salt with all this
yuelun · 1 year
I'm a week late with a stupidly cute icon for Guizhong because it's baby dust flake Guizhong and everyone needs to see her. But also yes, I'm late, I apologise, I like to think it's better late than never.
Tag drop #1: General
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brittle-doughie · 2 months
This can be a situation of 'what if' since the five beast were the first ones then what if they would be the first who began with this whole yandere chaos like- they are the ultimates obsessive over y/n cookie the fallen heroes have the first and high level O_O
-🧁 anon
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What If: The First.
Something has to start somewhere. Y/N Cookie is a figure beloved by all, sometimes even a little too much from certain, no wait, a large majority of the cookie population on Earthbread.
They’ve seen a lot from what levels of obsession could offer from simple clinginess to the alters and shrines many create amidst their sickly love.
Y/N Cookie was surprisingly no stranger to these gestures. After all, they’ve seen these similar types of obsessive love elsewhere.
Long ago, many years back….you were a Primordial Cookie alongside your long lasting companions, the Five Beast Cookies.
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You remembered all the times you’ve had with them.
The times you laughed. Shadow Milk Cookie would tell you many things about this world, but he also liked to sprinkle in some humor too. He’d even do a sort of jester act by using a puppet show, it never failed to make you chuckle at least once…
The times you chose to help others that made Mystic Flour Cookie warm with you. Your choices to make decisions that befitted your Virtue of Compassion was something of a spectacle for her. She adored that you did not question anything about showing compassion for others, some things don’t always have to come down to choice.
The times you felt safe. Red Spice and Silent Salt Cookie were your protectors. You were a cookie of compassion, but that shouldn’t mean that cookies should push you around. It made the two cookies unhappy and advise the perpetrator to back off. Red Spice was all show while Silent Salt was all quiet, but both make sure that you wouldn’t get harmed under their watch.
The times you loved. Eternal Sugar Cookie was always happy to see you. Compassion and Happiness always worked well together, so it only made sense that you were the closest to her. She’d let you join her on her cloud as you two talked the day away, Eternal Sugar being happy that she got to spend time with you in any form.
Oh, how things went south when power corrupts.
One by one, their will crumbled under the weight of their own strength. The Five became twisted apostles of evil and brought forth darkness and devastation.
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This corruption had also brought upon unfortunate side effects to their love for you, twisting and change until it’s nothing but sickly and dark.
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Shadow Milk Cookie embraced deceit into his heart, controlling and manipulating the cookies around you. His plan to make you belong to him would be to drive everyone you knew away from you whether it be by his twisted mind tricks or more lethal methods. You’d have no one left but him…
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Red Spice Cookie only brought nothing but destruction to whoever dared to challenge his sick obsession with you. No cookie could ever survive an encounter with him, only reduced to smoldering crumbs on the ground. No cookie has ever loved you like he has, because there’d be no one left that could…
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Silent Salt Cookie’s protectiveness reached insane levels you’d never expect from them. Cookies that so much as raise a hand in your presence are swiftly cut down by Silent Salt. Cookies can’t even look at you without Silent Salt putting an end to their existence. Their worry for you, and you overall, was worth the lives they stomped on.
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No other cookie mattered to Mystic Flour Cookie anymore that wasn’t you. She just didn’t see why you should care for any of these insignificant specks of grain as she casually waves her arm, reducing the whole landscape around her into nothing. No longer did choice matter to her, the decisions she once valued mean little to her if it didn’t help you or her out.
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What was once happiness has now turned into a deadly and sickly obsession with you. Eternal Sugar Cookie’s mind hazed with nothing but thoughts of you, unable to get you out of her mind. NEVER wanting to get you out of her mind. Only you could get her off her cloud, she’ll simply yawn and turn away anyone else. She believes her love for you triumphs above anyone else, gleefully obliterating anyone who thinks could challenge her…
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You can still hear their screams and shocked gasps when the Creators locked them away, their pained cries and shouts all becoming static in your head.
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The Ancient Heroes…
They’ve done well in resisting the temptation of power unlike your former comrades, their affection remaining moderate as a result.
Though, one of them have your doubts..
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horreurscopes · 5 months
So, I could be out-of-bounds here since I think you meant it as dark humor, but what did you mean in the tags of that 'israel-hamas war' post? I suspect you(and op) are criticizing that framing because Israel is obviously demolishing much more than 'Hamas'(and probably doing a terrible job of actually targeting terrorists- they seem content to reduce Gaza to rubble even if the brass of Hamas escapes). I'm guessing that by saying "joining the Israel-Hamas war on the side of Hamas" you mean, if they're going to conflate Palestinians with Hamas unilaterally, then you're saying, whatever the media wants to call Palestinian civilians- you still support them. I am asking anyways though bc, given reports of increasing antisemitic activity in the US and Europe, I am worried about the potential for blurring lines between the cause of Palestinian civilians and the alt-right individuals who are likely masking their antisemitism in the context of being anti-Zionist. Although Israel's government has been the source of Palestinian loss for decades, (it seems to me that) even joking about supporting terrorism is enough to reinforce the persuasion that Israeli/Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs must be mutually-exclusive peoples. I don't think it's fully rational per se(tho I'm not claiming to have all the relevant information myself, and I'm white US American goyim so like- grain of salt-), but I think that existential fear is the incredible hurdle facing Zionist Jews. (Idc too much about the opinions of non-Jewish Zionists bc I don't grant that they are dealing with the same emotional complications at this time, although that doesn't stop me from arguing w my acquaintances abt their callous acceptance of US/Israeli propaganda.) I just think..... isn't it overall harmful to allow anti-semitic rhetoric, even used sarcastically, to enter the genuine humanist cause for Palestinian liberation? Or, have I misunderstood, and you actually are not in opposition to Hamas, or something else I didn't think of?
hi! thank you for approaching the question thoughtfully and with curiosity, i really appreciate it. i was being kind of flippant with that meme, but this is the only ask i'm going to reply to on the matter given that i am neither jewish nor arab, so i'm going to answer in earnest:
hamas is a political resistance movement with an armed wing, much like the black panthers party was, and like the bpp, a large part of the organization is dedicated to social welfare and civic restoration.
they have stated that they are not against judaism, but against the zionist project. they openly support political solutions.
labeling hamas a terrorist group is a propaganda tactic used by the united states and israel to justify the horrors of settler colonization.
hamas is palestine, a part of it, even if palestinians like any other demographic on earth, are not a unified, single-minded people. to declare hamas a separate entity falls prey to the imperialist lie that there is an enemy to fight "fairly" within the people they are displacing and exterminating.
am i rejoicing in the deaths of israelis? of course not. killing civilians and taking civilian hostages is a war crime, whether it is committed by the opresor or the oppressed. the israeli government is not its people, and many jews, within israel as well as in the US, are bravely risking their lives to publicly dissent the criminal acts of the israeli government. all loss of human life is a tragedy.
no one should ever be faced with the choice between annihilation and murderous violence after exhausting all other forms of peaceful protest and being massacred like animals.
but why is it that we consider a resistance group formed within a population with a median age of eighteen a terrorist group, and not the IDF, a US-backed military force with an annual budget of twenty billion dollars?
i am currently reading hamas and civil society in gaza by sara roy to learn more about hamas and the history of israel in palestine. i'll remember to post more excerpts which i am admittedly terrible at.
but all of the information above can be found by reading wikipedia. investigating with duckduckgo searches (not gonna pretend google isn't prioritizing propaganda, to be fair), and reading reliable news coverage like aljazeera and the many journalists who are at risk of, or have lost their lives, reporting on the ground.
i have also appreciated reading posts from @determinate-negation @opencommunion @fairuzfan @ibtisams and @bloglikeanegyptian amongst others
in conclusion:
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Milk theory? 👁️👁️
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ok this is gonna be short and mildly insane. i would like everyone to understand that this is pretty much Entirely unfounded & i'm just reading too much into a teeny little thing. however i've convinced myself that this theory is viable against all better judgement
take these mad ramblings with a Monumental grain of salt. im not to be taken seriously ever
so it all boils down to This
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the milk carton behind Barnaby's house.
it was added with the last large update, and it Immediately made me lose my mind. it's such a... strange thing to add to the map, which already has Teeny Secrets - along with other choice objects that make me narrow my eyes. but this isn't about them.
The very first thing I thought of when I saw the milk carton was the phrase "no use crying over spilled milk". which, of course, essentially means that there's no point in crying over things you can't change / things already done. There are a couple ways i'm interpreting it with this context
Something is going to happen that Barnaby feels personally responsible for. or is responsible for - either indirectly, or maybe he'll do something terrible. i think it's entirely possible that he might do that possible something for Wally. and again, take this with salt, but Clown has implied through trivia and fun hypotheticals that Barnaby would go to lengths for Wally. and yes, i know. taking evidence from "what would the neighbors do in Among Us" is absurd. IN MY DEFENSE! while the trivia isn't really to be taken seriously, there's always a thought process behind character roles and dynamics and behavior, and that is something that can be (carefully) looked into and applied. like in Among Us, apparently Barnaby would, and i quote, "Barnaby does all the Dirty work if Wally is an Impostor- Anything to help his little Buddy out...". anything to help his little buddy out, huh? like, it's been stated that Barnaby knows things about Wally that no one else does. and it's been mildly implied that he's fairly protective of Wally. and we all know that Wally is getting into some deep shit, and whether he means to or not he's likely gonna fuck everything up for everyone. it's not that big of a leap to speculate that Barnaby might do something drastic/horrible/regret-worthy in Wally's name / for his sake.
2. something terrible is going to happen to Barnaby / directly related to Barnaby, and he's going to be absolutely powerless to do anything about it. though i think that's kind of a given... yeah this section is pretty self explanatory
3. Barnaby is going to go missing. because what used to be on milk cartons? Missing Posters! yes yes i know this one is even more of a reach, since milk cartons didnt have missing posters on them till the 80s, but yk. it's a Thought.
my second thought was "oh ok so when the carton spills, it's curtains for Barnaby." this part of the theory is just me being paranoid that Barnaby is going to wind up kicking the bucket - though i suppose if that were the case, there would be a bucket, not milk. well, if a bucket ever appears, i'm going to start prematurely mourning. Still!
the point is - at some point, that milk is probably gonna spill. it may be just a detail as things get better Worse, or it could be indicative of something terrible happening to / because of Barnaby. the milk spills, Panic Time.
Milk Theory.
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starsworldd · 1 year
astro observations part 6
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i am back!! please take with a grain of salt per usual. to all my people finishing up ap exam week hope you still have some life left in ya and know that i support you❤️ i only have one ap exam left!!! woo hoo🥳
✢ while many people on here say that cancer risings look like 🌝 in all honesty it depends a lot on their moon sign like everything else with a cancer rising😭
✢ venus in the chart shows where we express our harmonic side the easiest. it may show where we sacrifice bold, assertive energy in exchange for contentment and satisfaction with the people around us or the things (physical or non-physical) around us. venus represents ease
✢ 6th house placements feel restricted often and may feel as though the everyday routines they complete lack a purpose to the bigger cause. although this is very much so a purposeful house, this house also does highlight repetition and with so much repetition these placements can easily feel as though they’re stuck in an ever-perpetuating cycle of the same exact thing everyday — coming from a 6th house sun ☀️
✢ 6th house placements especially sun are also really good at community service, they will put their heart and soul into that stuff
✢ virgo placements get along with saggitarius placements. same with virgo and scorpio
✢ somebody mentioned saggitarius and scorpio both being signs of transformation not just scorpio and i could not agree more. saggitarius being ruled by jupiter wants to expand and make things bigger. making something that was once limited to something large takes transformation and change does it not?
✢ water and fire signs are the 2 sides of the same coin in my opinion. i think the majority of people think that fire energy is too much for water energy, but water energy can be just as overwhelming as fire energy. they both prioritize their emotions and intuition. but people paint water signs so passively and as if they lack confidence which is not necessarily true. fire expels their emotion and intuition through action. water often expels their emotion and intuition internally or metaphysically. this doesn’t make water less motivated, both fire and water are equally motivated. i would say that water is motivated by a bigger purpose or sacrifice. but fire is motivated by feeling and power. but the main takeaway is that water and fire are both intuitive and emotional. just different outputs!
✢ mars conjunct venus in the natal chart often points to some sort of artistic talent, songwriting, performing, singing, etc…
✢ people with both mars and venus in earth signs are very attractive. earth being physical and associated with touch, mars and venus being the feminine and the masculine energy…you get the point
✢ virgo venus and scorpio mars people are the real heartthrobs around here
✢ scorpio is so similar to fire energy it’s so true. scorpio is fire energy but somebody put a dampener in their room or something like that
✢ scorpio placements are good at turning pain into power. i think this is why people often associate scorpio placements with fame or high professional positions
✢ gemini give off the color yellow to me 💛
✢ libra moons have an amazing taste in fashion
✢ mercury retrograde people are really creative
✢ fixed mars people are so attractive im not really sure why but they just are (to me at least). they can also be good dancers especially taurus and leo.
✢ i went on a date with a guy who had an aquarius stellium and boy was he boring…standing out this, standing out that, yes those things can be true but aquarius represents society and the “audience”, and in these contexts people can appear the same from one another (not all aquarius people are boring just offering a different pov bc people always saying aquarius is different and unique from the rest)
✢ jupiter 5th house people have an elite sense of humor
✢ capricorn placements and having naturally good teeth
✢ jupiter in the 6th house is such a blessed placement imo. it’s giving “everyday is a new adventure” 💫
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hope you enjoyed!
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gravedigginbbydoll · 6 months
The Wolves of Hawkins Wood
werewolf! Eddie x F! Reader
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AN: BuT ArEn'T YoU on A BrEaK? mind ur business okay, stfu. jk jk I love y'all. I'm currently just taking a break from Hawkins University AU, but recently got an itch to write this. This'll be a super short little series probably and may contain smut but will mainly be fluff and angst! It will not be updated regularly, but it's just a side project for funsies. Also I will make a masterlist for it later, i swear! It's based off of The Wolves of Mercy Falls (one of my favorite favorite series), and meant to just be kinda cozy but spooky themed bc werewolves? Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: MDNI! possibly mature themes and smut in the future. Werewolves, injury, scars, animalistic violence, depression, identity struggles, near death experiences, trauma, love/ drawn to at first sight. MC is kinda a wolf girl? (i'm channeling and healing my childhood self, okay?)
Chapter One: Valruv
You had moved to Hawkins one winter, the bitter cold and snow new to you. The days consisted of you exploring the wilderness, the trees and snow all new to you. You took plenty of photographs, hoping your camera would capture the rawness of it all. You had wandered a bit too far one day, your foot slipping as you fell off a small ledge, spraining your ankle and breaking your arm. You shouted and groaned in pain, laying in the snow, skin going numb. You must’ve hit your head, the way your vision was going in and out. You felt your vision go black and your mind race. The next thing you knew, you woke up to yourself being dragged by the hood of your coat to the edge of your backyard and the forest. You panicked, trying to sit up slightly, feeling pain shoot up your arm. You winced, trying to turn your head instead. A large wolf with an almost light chocolate brown coat and warm brown eyes holding the hood of your jacket between gentle teeth, dragging you to the edge of the clearing. You felt your heart race but a sort of calmness washed over you. How did this wild creature know where you lived? The wolf soon bounded off, but not before staring at you with intelligent almost human eyes. 
You had received help after that, calling an ambulance with your good arm and letting your thoughts take over. You were helped and warned against being outside near the woods alone when the weather and conditions were not kind. You took the advice with a grain of salt, your mind still on those intelligent eyes. 
After that, you began to sit out on your deck every evening, watching for the wolf. You still couldn’t understand how it saved you or why. You would see the wolf and occasionally it’s pack every so often, a chill running down your spine and your heart picking up. Their howls pulled at your heart, the sound melodic and mournful. You felt drawn to them. You needed to know why.
Which led to you frequenting the bookstore, skimming shelves of nonfiction on wolves. You had so many questions. Why did the wolves here seemingly disappear in the spring and summer according to townsfolk? Why did that one save you? None of the books answered the questions. Not a single one. The weather was getting warmer and you still hadn’t found answers.
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You stood in the bookstore at the section you were at constantly, eyes skimming to try and find something new. You had no answers and just more questions. Hawkins itself was an odd town, what with the small population and ever present gossip, a persistent trend of individuals winding up missing. You found a slightly newer book, one with frayed backing and yellowed pages. You smiled at it, clearly happy you found something in the monotony of the usual visit. You walked up to the counter, rummaging through your bag and not looking up, placing the book on the counter. 
“Just this?” 
The low and unfamiliar timbre of the voice caused you to look up, your breath catching in your throat. A tall man with unruly brown curls stood before you, his eyes a warm brown. It seemed he was littered in tattoos and silver jewelry. He wore a worn out Megadeth shirt, the black faded to an almost gray. You looked up into his eyes, feeling your face heat up. His eyes…reminded you of the wolf. You also didn’t recognize the man, which was saying a lot as Hawkins was a small town. You nodded at the stranger, pulling out a twenty to pay him. You felt your mouth moving and heard the words come out before you could stop yourself. 
“Are you new here?” 
He rang you up and took the bill, blinking a bit in surprise at your question but then smiling a crooked grin, dimples appearing. 
“No, I just visit when the weather gets warm. My Uncle Wayne lives in town.” 
You nod, grabbing your book and heading off. Your mind still swimming with questions…but now a small piece was also consumed by the stranger.
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The next time you ran into the stranger, you were talking a walk along the edge of the wood, lost in thought. You were staring up at the trees, oblivious to your surroundings. You felt a shoulder bump yours and you flinched, turning to apologize. 
You saw his eyes first, the warm brown tone still causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stick up. You looked up at him in apology, voice soft. 
“Sorry, I was looking at the trees.” 
He chuckled, shaking his head. His unruly brown curls were now in a messy bun, making his eyes more visible. You smelled wood on him…bark, dirt, crisp air, sweet and almost over ripened fruit. Along with something musky and almost…animal-like. You wanted to inhale the scent. 
“It’s alright. They’re beautiful.” 
He stared unabashedly at you while saying it. You felt your stomach twist in nervousness and your heart leap as your face heated up slowly. You grinned and gave a pathetic excuse for needing to go, dashing off in the other direction to stamp down the feelings.
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The next time you saw the stranger was unexpected.
You were headed to the local bar in town, clearly tired from a long day at your 9 to 5, wishing you didn’t have to pay bills on top of your Photography gig. You opted to meet a cute coworker here, swayed by his charming smile. But truthfully, all you could do is worry about where the wolves had gone. Where your wolf had gone. You ordered an easy drink, something like a Rum and Coke, and sat at the bar in thought. You were pulled out of your daze when the stranger came out onto the bar's very pathetic excuse for a stage, a red electric guitar slung across his back. You watched as he and group of guys began setting up their instruments. 
You studied him openly, thankful that his back was facing you for the most part. His hair was up again in that messy tuft of curls. He wore a band t-shirt that had the sleeves cut off, his arms on full display. You could see now in the stage light the pretty ink decorating his skin and the chunks and patches of silvery pink flesh that were scars. He had a few on his arms and one on his shoulder. You couldn’t help but wonder what it was from, as they didn’t look like an average scar from a cut or falling off a bike. They also seemed like…chunks of flesh bitten out and scarred over.
You quickly turned to face your drink when he turned around, feeling embarrassed for your silly obsession. Just…something about him was so…intriguing.
The stranger seemed to walk up to the mic, tapping his finger on it before his cheerful and energetic voice came through the speakers. You kept yourself from turning around.
“Heyo, Hawkins! I’m Eddie, this is Gareth, Jeff, and Rich! We’re Corroded Coffin and-” 
Your eavesdropping (could you call it that if he was announcing his presence to the bar?) was cut short when your coworker, Tommy, showed up. He scrunched his nose in the direction of the stage before smiling down at you. 
“Lemme pay for your drink and we can head somewhere…quieter.” 
You nodded, Eddie and his band in the background, but you could clearly hear his melodic singing voice and his impressive guitar skills. You tried to ignore it.
Tommy paid for your drink, grabbing your hand and helping you off the chair, guiding you by the arm towards the door. You could somehow still feel those powerful brown eyes on you. 
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Winter was creeping in, winds crisp and the scent of fall fading. You mourned the loss of fall. The sidewalks no longer filled with the familiar crackle of fallen leaves, the scent of apples and fresh rain now replaced by icy sleet and the smell of smoky firewood. But at least it meant you could be provided some comfort by the wolves. 
You had recently started feeding them, leaving out little pieces of meat at the edge of the clearing, watching through the window as they would grab it and run off. You even got to feed your wolf, smiling as it ate the meat gently from your hand and you gently pet its scruff, the smell of the wild woods still in its fur. It was an intelligent animal, and you wanted a way to express your gratitude for the creature saving you. 
However, it seemed your efforts led to more damage than good.
The wolves seemed to be closer to town, and after the disappearance of Chrissy Cunningham and her fiance Jason Carver claiming she was dragged away and mauled by wolves, the town was issuing a hunt on the local pack. The mayor was clearly pressured by the townsfolk to carry it out. The mayor urged people to stay inside as they attempted to drive out the wolves. You felt your heart squeeze at the idea, seized by fear at the thought of never seeing your wolf again.
You stood on the edge of the clearing, hoping and praying maybe the mayor would give up. Maybe the young Chrissy had run away, disillusioned by her seemingly perfect life. In the midst of this tumbling string of thoughts, you spotted a familiar outline in the trees of a wolf, clearly unstable and stumbling. You walked over cautiously, seeing your wolf stumble out into the clearing near your house, the poor creature’s fur caked in blood. You saw the wolf stumble and you felt your heart seize. How could you help it? What would-
And then you saw the wolf lay and curl up, seeming to shake and whine as a muzzle shortened and fur peeled back, limbs lengthening. You stood there, heart pounding as you stared down at the creature- no, the human. 
There on the ground lay a naked and shivering Eddie, curls free and matted with blood, a pale hand pressed against his neck as his eyes rolled back and fluttered weakly. 
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flamingtouya · 2 months
𝐜𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 — 𝐝𝐚𝐛𝐢/𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐲𝐚
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word count: 1262
cw: none other than dabi's foul language
summary: dabi encounters a cat. i continue to spoon-feed this man happiness. based on this prompt by the lovely @scarlettcryptid ♡
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Before he knows it, a quiet ‘Pss-pss-pss’ leaves his lips.
He tries it all.
Clicking his tongue, saying - whispering - “Here, stupid fucking kitty”, because god forbid someone hears. Slowly putting his hand out, some more ‘Pss-pss’-ing - anything that had worked on the neighbours’ cats when Fuyumi did it.
Here he sits; Todoroki Touya, a man stripped of all dignity at the sight of a fat cat.
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The concrete is cold underneath his palm. Dabi welcomes April’s spring breeze, a strand of jet black hair tickling his cheek as he pulls the strings of his hoodie tighter. The dewy scent of the morning air is overtaken by the intense smell of steaming hot Yakitori, fresh off the grill, bought - not stolen - bought with his own, hard-earned cash money. (That, admittedly, he had stolen.)
You’ve got to indulge, the vendor had shouted, in the little pleasures! Treat yourself to life's delectable delights! Two plus two, Weekday special! Don’t miss out on-
“Screw you,” he’d told her, shoving the money on the little silver tray next to the register, scowling when she still served him with a bright smile, one that reminded him of Fuyumi’s excited grin every time she’d successfully pulled off a trick on her beautifully painted Kendama. Fuyumi would be so upset, he thinks, if she knew where he gets his food from these days.
He pulls the first skewer from the paper box, diligently inspecting a grain of Szechuan pepper. Dabi hasn’t laid eyes upon a spice in months - especially not one this pricey.
No, ever since he’s made a temporary home in the outer area of the city, it’s been nothing but dumpster diving and collecting restaurant leftovers for him. Stale bread. Expired cookies. Plain rice, cooked in an old bean can. Salted butter. Some Chili powder on top of his potatoes, if the old man at the soup kitchen was feeling generous.
Compared to the barely digestible nutrients his body runs on, the sight mere inches from his face is a divine gift.
After turning it over once more he finally takes a small bite, careful to pull the piece of chicken off the skewer with his front teeth. He’s become even more sensitive to temperature lately, and his teeth are the most annoying aspect. Not the sizzling of his flesh when he overuses his quirk, not the burn behind his eyes as they go dry. Those he’s gotten used to rather quickly. But when most of the food you eat is either cold or poorly reheated, the sensation of something hot is bound to cause major discomfort.
It’s not as bad as he expects. Neither the temperature sensitivity nor the taste. He begins to chew more boldly, savouring the harmonious balance between onion and garlic, sea salt and pepper, topped with tare sauce and just a hint of lemon. Say about the outskirt markets what you will, but those street food vendors do know how to grill a chicken.
Dabi doesn’t notice how quiet it’s gotten until something chirps behind him.
A cat.
A rather well-fed cat.
A cat that technically isn’t overweight, but its thick fur coat still makes it look a little fat.
Black with a white tummy and some spots of orange near its paws, sitting two arms’ lengths away. Its eyes follow the skewer as he moves it to one side, then the other, then dangles it upside down. Some grease drips onto the grass of the porch he’s sitting on. He finishes the remaining pieces of chicken and pulls out the second skewer, eyes shifting between his precious meal and the overly attentive cat.
Finally, he decides to pinch off a small piece, chewing at the spiced crust until it’s gone. He tosses the plain chicken towards the cat but to his surprise, it flinches and retreats behind a large flower pot.
The little fucker.
Wasted half a bite of perfectly good food.
Dabi turns his attention back towards his steaming Yakitori. Some time passes. He doesn’t know if it’s seconds or minutes that he zones out looking at the flowering apricot tree in the distance, but he’s pulled back to reality by soft chewing noises. Careful not to make another sudden movement he shifts a bit, just enough to look over his shoulder. Sure enough, the feline is greedily nibbling at the slice of meat. The two of them make brief eye contact before turning their attention back to their respective meals.
The sound behind him subsides shortly after and is replaced by a soft purring, one that he knows isn’t directed at him. He lets the cat have another piece from his third skewer nonetheless, this time giving it a gentle toss so it lands a few inches closer.
Still visibly tense, it takes a few steps forward and sniffs at the chicken before gulping it down in a few bites. Greedy shit, Dabi thinks, as he sacrifices yet another precious piece. He puts it down at his side, rubbing his fingers together. The cat’s attention is on the meat immediately, ears twitching as it courageously inches closer towards Dabi. He finishes the last of his Yakitori, never breaking eye contact with the cowardly little furball next to him.
Before he knows it, a quiet ‘Pss-pss-pss’ leaves his lips.
He tries it all.
Clicking his tongue, saying - whispering - “Here, stupid fucking kitty”, because god forbid someone hears. Slowly putting his hand out, some more ‘Pss-pss’-ing - anything that had worked on the neighbours’ cats when Fuyumi did it.
Here he sits; Todoroki Touya, a man stripped of all dignity at the sight of a fat cat.
After a thorough standoff, the cat’s curiosity gets the better of it. It keeps its stomach low as it sneaks across the ground, stretching its long neck to sniff at the finger that Dabi used to pull the Yakitori off the skewer earlier.
“If you bite me, I’m sending you to the coat factory.”
As if that theory was being tested, Dabi feels a sudden nip at his fingers. Cursing, he pulls back slightly, only to see the mischievous fucker’s pupils go wider. He wipes the bits of chicken grease off in the dewy grass and offers his palm again, checking both sides of the street to make sure nobody’s looking.
As if to taunt him, the little furball pounces and takes a swipe at Dabi’s hand before he can turn his attention back to the porch. It chatters in surprise when the man pulls away just in time.
Fucker, as Dabi decides to dub this newfound enemy of his, darts toward his other hand where he’s drawing lazy patterns on the concrete. With its claws half out and its tail puffed up, it races toward the wall, around the flower pot and jumps back onto the lawn to take another playful swing at Dabi’s limbs. Minutes later, he’s got the little menace chasing his fingers in circles, losing balance here and there and rolling over ever so often.
He’s focused, eagerly following the cat’s every move, trying to predict its attacks by the flick of its tail, an ear twitch, pupils that narrow ever so slightly before it leaps forward.
He’ll never admit it. That for once, there’s a sudden lack of grief in his heart.
Only when the first ray of sunshine hits the outer edge of the garden does he let himself fall backwards. The cat is but a purring weight on his thigh, stretching its paws across his lap with the softest ‘Meow’. Eyes closed and arms stretched out, he inhales slowly and holds his breath until he feels his pulse slow down. Dabi doesn’t care that his hair is getting a little wet, doesn’t care that the grass tickling his ears stings a little, doesn’t care that he’ll probably have red marks on his hands for a while.
If he shuts his eyes hard enough, he might still be able to convince himself that Touya is dead.
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
top 5 dc writers & top 5 dick grayson writers pretty plssss
i feel like this q has to come with a big * beside each name because most of these writers have written twice as many terrible comics as they have good. like chuck dixon is a foundational writer for dick (and tim and connor) and he’s also a violent turbo-fascist who’s made the industry indescribably more toxic. devin grayson’s run on nightwing 1996 is an exercise in her weird racist fetish, but she also wrote for titans 1999, one of the better fab 5 comics. grant morrison wrote batman and robin 2009, and irreversibly butchered the popular interpretation of talia al ghul, etc.
so take these with a grain of salt —
1. mark waid — this should be obvious imo. there’s really no competition. the writing (for dick in specific) in worlds finest blows everything else out of the water rn. he can balance large casts well, his version of the titans was fun, he has an obvious knowledge of comic canon. i wish he’d pick up the ongoing nightwing solo and give back dick’s personality.
2. kelley puckett - unironically wrote the best run of all time. no one has done it like him before or since. i need him to come back and write for cass again (or damian). would love to see him write the dick + damian + talia dynamic.
3. scott snyder — this man wrote black mirror (the best dickbats story) and court of owls (which ruined everything). he's three dimensional. he is my enemy. he is not allowed to worldbuild unsupervised.
4. greg rucka — i met him at a con once and he was a very chill dude. he's an ally. he's always wearing a hat. no man's land, u will always be famous.
5. judd winick — this man either writes something that changes the status quo (utrh) or one of the worst books ever (titans 2008). no inbetween. he's a freak. he wants tim drake and kon-el to kiss. honorary ment for being another guy that ruined talia. he does get points for writing outsiders (2003).
also a shoutout to jeff lemire and amy wolfram
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astro-rainbow777 · 6 months
☀Sun Sign Astrology☀
The Sun represents the ego, where the native wants to succeed in life, motivations, overall attitude & spirit. In which house the sun falls in represents where you put your energy/focus and where you shine like the sun!
☉-Symbol for the Sun in Astrology and Natal Charts Side Note: I am NOT a professional. Please take this with a grain of salt. Take what resonates leave what doesn't. I hope you enjoy.
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Aries Sun: Known for their head strong attitude, passion and Independence. This sun sign enjoy and strive to live an active lifestyle. They are authentic and do not struggle to go after what they want in life. Aries Suns know who they are and where they want to be in life. These natives have a fiery will power that guides them to push through anything (or anyone) that presents as a challenge. These people strive to be a leader in all aspects of their life including their family, romantic, platonic and workplace relationships. Sometimes Aries' can come off selfish and impatient this is because they are meant to live from a place of personal power. They are very assertive with their needs so don't ever worry about them being inauthentic with you. If they want to, they will! Known for their anger, which tends to be sudden and powerful, but dissipates quickly. Overall, an extremely brave sign, they may be impulsive, but an Aries knows better than any other sign that with great risk, comes a great reward! Aries is a cardinal, fire sign.
Sun in 1st: What you see is what you get with Sun in the first. When you walk into a room these people will be the first one you notice. It is important to these people to be a bold, creative and bright personality. They make a strong first impression on everyone they meet and are generally charming and warm. Leadership finds them easily in life, they do not go unnoticed by managers and coworkers. Sun in the first makes friends quickly as well because of their authenticity and popularity. They have a lot of opportunities to succeed in life because people notice their talents and skills immediately. Other individuals view these natives as independent, self aware, and confident. Generally speaking sun in the first house individuals posses a strong presence, put a large focus on themselves, their physicality and their own interests.
Taurus Sun: A stable personality that gravitates towards the creature comforts the world has to offer. Taurus Suns are known for the ability to connect with their five senses; They enjoy comfortable materials, quality food, beautiful music, pleasing aesthetics, and a stable environment surrounding them. These natives are not a fan of change in their lives, chances are they have a consistent group of people in their life, have lived in their home for awhile, and don't change jobs frequently. If it's safe they are loyal and in it for the long haul. Taurus' would rather invest a large amount of energy into something that would last than waste their money, energy, or time on something that won't last. Once they set their minds on something it could take an army to change their direction! They are Stubborn- with a capital S. Taurus Suns high standards and self worth so the chances are that they will value someone else's opinion over theirs is slim to none. However, Taurus' make great lovers and friends because of their reliability, loyalty, and sweet qualities. Taurus is a fixed, earth sign.
Sun in 2nd: This position of the sun can indicate a generous nature, the ability to create stability for yourself, and high self esteem. Sun in the 2nd can make money effortlessly and enjoys living a lavish lifestyle. Just because they enjoy the finer things does not guarantee materialism, however it can manifest that way. They can be financially blessed, especially later in life. Others take note of what they have, their material possessions, and stability. Sun in 2nd shines because of their secure, reliable and loyal nature. Anyone who knows them is aware of their generous and loving nature unless poorly aspected. If there is any malefic aspects to the Sun their can be a tendency towards greed and gluttony. These natives can also be known for their work ethic, cooking, or their voice/singing. They can also just have a high quality and wealthy attitude about them. Sun in second can also manifest as good and moral values.
Gemini Sun: Multifaceted and curious, these individuals know just a little bit about everything. They move through the world as if it's an all you can eat buffet of knowledge, people, places, and opportunities. Gemini's are they messengers of the zodiac, so they might be known for their gossiping habits and talkative qualities. They are brilliant and creative minds with a large variety of interests and hobbies. Gemini's can have a lot of acquaintances because of their playful sense of humor, quick wit and charming nature. Can be great multi taskers and often jump from one thing to the next. They are always mentally active and strive to know everything about everything. Gemini sun's can be deceiving and mischievous about their intentions or to avoid responsibility. Most are aware that they can lack depth and be superficial in their actions. With how many people they talk to it would be odd if they weren't inauthentic with a few of them, although they still are very versatile. They don't like being bored so they'll take a strong liking to you if you are just as funny, entertaining and mentally stimulating as they are. Gemini is a mutable, air sign.
Sun in 3rd: Indicative of a forever student, someone who spent a majority of their time socializing and learning as a kid. There might of been popularity amongst peers in early childhood education or a possibility of being the teacher's pet. Friends and siblings hold a high priority for Sun in the 3rd, as well as going to social events. There is a probability of having a number of hobbies, interests and talents, as well as being the most successful amongst your siblings. They can get noticed easily for their car, sense of humor, intelligence or have a high following on social media. Sun in the 3rd could talk a lot about themselves and their particular interests in communications with others. There is something very captivating about the way that they talk and communicate. These people are great story tellers so writing could be a useful talent or public speaking.
Cancer Sun: Empathetic, caring and sweet; the cancer sun thrives in any emotional interaction. Family has had a big influence on where and what they are doing in life today, even if they don't talk to their family much. Cancer's may have fluctuating mood swings, but they care a lot for the people they love. Family is very important to them, even if they don't talk to their biological family- one of their biggest goals is to initiate a group of people of which they belong to. They are very nostalgic and sentimental, so just know if you ever did something sweet for a cancer, they remember, trust me. Emotions can cloud their judgement at times and if they feel threatened they can lash out unexpectedly. Cancers' are known to have a strong and long memory because they reflect back to the past often. It is also so important for a Cancer to have a safe and comfortable home where they can express their sensitivity openly and freely. A lot of them end up being the matriarch of their families. Cancer is a cardinal, water sign.
Sun in the 4th: The golden child! Family is super important with Sun in the 4th. Everything they do is for their family and home. They might put a lot of time and effort into making their parents proud- even as a grown adult. If there's no family- creating one is of high importance. This placement is indicative of spending a lot of time in their own inner world, feeling comes naturally to these people. They have a genuine care for the wellbeing of others, especially their loved ones. Sun in the 4th is a wonderful host-entertaining their guests, cooking for them, make sure that they a comfortable and have everything they need in their home. They take great pride in their home and are very protective of their loved ones. These individuals will make great parents and will be everything to their children.
Leo Sun: A bright, warm, ray of sunshine to be around! Leo Sun's are known for their joyful and radiant presence. They are generally very creative and fun people to be around. If they are serious about you, and trust me they have options, they will be loyal until the end. Leo's love being in the spotlight and the spotlight love's to shine on them! The sun is at home here after all! The way Leo's express themselves confidently and authentically. Although this sign is naturally the center of attention, they may require a lot of reassurance and validation. They are actually quite sensitive to the criticism of others, especially the their loved ones. Leo's laughter is quite contagious and bountiful, everyone wants to be around a happy Leo sun. It can be hard to have a constructive argument with a Leo because of their pride in arguments; there are times where they genuinely can't get enough of themselves. They are hard workers, self disciplined, and motivated to do anything they want to do. They are brave and generally succeed in whatever areas of life they put their energy.
Sun in 5th: This is a very dramatic and exciting personality! With this Sun placement, the native lives to have fun and be in the limelight. Sun in the 5th makes a charming, flirtatious, and playful personality. They are in touch with their inner child and get along well with children because of it. Their own children will be the center of their universe. There might be a need for attention nd validation from others with Sun in the 5th, or egoism and arrogance if the sun is poorly aspected. Sun in the 5th can also have a lot of talents, be into theatre or any kind of performing arts. They can be very athletic, have great physicality and vitality, or just live everyday like it's their last. These people despise being exploited or humiliated, more so than most. Happiest whenever they are doing anything expressing their creative side, participating in their hobbies, and having fun. They are the life of the party, but may struggle to balance work and play. Overall, very charming, passionate, stylish and expressive placement.
Virgo Sun: These natives are analytical, detail oriented and organized. Virgo's are critical of themselves and others but it always comes from a place of wanting to make something better. They shine the brightest when they are using their intelligence to be of service to others. They are very observant and never miss if you got a new hair cut or spilt coffee on your shirt. They are grounded and realistic in going after their goals and dreams. Virgo suns are not the best about asking for help when they need it because they tend to nitpick themselves. Their humor is self deprecating and sarcastic- but generally they are a very funny sign. Virgos strive for perfection and are willing to strip away anything that does not meet their high standards. They can come off judgmental but they are just trying to help. They can take on a lot of responsibility and be very hard working. Virgo suns tend to be introverted although they communicate well and enjoy conversing with others. They can also enjoy a good intellectual debate, and are great listeners. Virgo is a mutable, earth sign.
Sun in 6th: Individuals with sun in 6th are healers and need work that gives them purpose. In their work environment, they can bring a lot of joy to others and make whatever job they do more bearable for others. They can have a strong interest in wellness activities such as yoga, eating healthy, meditation, etc.- these people are dedicated to their routines. A lot of these natives work in the medical field, service and hospitality. Sun in the 6th can take on a lot of responsibility at work, they are leaders in the work place. These individuals love pets and animals of all kind. They could struggle with anxiety or mental illness in some way. Their diet could be very important to them as some are known to struggle with IBS or other food sensitivities. This placement is generally concerned with their overall wellbeing- and through healing themselves is where they learn how to heal others. These people are also funny, witty and good humored individuals.
Libra Suns: Likeable and charismatic, Libra suns shine because of their social skills and diplomacy. They are very bubbly and fun to be around. Libras care about their appearance, are very sweet, and avoid the uglier aspects of life. May struggle with being indecisive and may take awhile to come to a conclusion of what they want. This is usually due to the fact that they are trying to be as fair and just as possible. Libras are avoidant of confrontation or conflict of any kind because they struggle with people pleasing. They really care about what other people think of them. At times they can live for other people instead of going after what they want. They thrive in partnerships and may struggle with codependency. Libra suns are generally the best friend type. They can get along with just about anyone because of their peaceful nature. They have a lot of compassion for others and find it easy to see the beauty in others. These natives are very beautiful inside and out. They are the happiest and shine the brightest in a relationship or surrounded by people they love. Libra is a cardinal, air sign.
Sun in 7th: Well known and popular amongst peers, coworkers and family. They put a lot of energy into perfecting their partnerships. Sun in the 7th is a harmonious placement and care about other peoples opinions of them. They are very romantic and sweet individuals and they learn about themselves through other people and their relationships. Can struggle with codependency in their relationships, its super important for them to balance their personal time and time spent with their loved ones. They spend quite a bit of time thinking about others and how their actions will affect others. Sun in the 7th is a good position for a prosperous marriage and success after marriage. They take commitments of all kind very seriously. Can also attract a partner with strong will power, creativity, and passion. This position of the sun is not the best for going after their own wants and needs, although they are known for being a harmonious and pleasing personality to be around.
Scorpio Sun: Intense and mysterious, Scorpios are known for their alluring and deep nature. They don't reveal everything about themselves upon first meeting which makes them very intriguing to others. These people are very attractive and s*xual in nature. They have a striking physicality, strong and intense presence. They command respect and do not let others cross their boundaries. Out of any other sign, this sun sign fears betrayal the most, which makes them skeptical and secretive. This doesn't necessarily mean they are liars, but it takes awhile to develop trusting bond with them. Scorpios are the master of transformation- they aren't the same person they were yesterday. A healthy Scorpio sun is always trying to be a better version of themselves. They love deeply and passionately. If you betray them, they will never forget what you did to them, they hold grudges forever. They can forgive but for them it will never be same as it was. Do not lie to them, they are extremely intuitive and will find out. They suspect the unexpected. Scorpio is a fixed, water sign.
Sun in 8th: Driven to understand the depths of the nature of themselves and others, this placement is not satisfied with service level conversation. Topics of psychology, astrology, the occult, s*x, and other taboo subjects peak their interest. They are magnetic and powerful. Sun in the 8th shines in the unknown and is fascinated with mysterious topics. They have a powerful intuition and deep connection to the universe. People may want to give them things or money all the time. They can be assertive and controlling in conflicts with others, they know how to manipulate the situation in their favor, this is definitely part of their appeal. Striving for deep connections that help them to grow and evolve, Sun in 8th goes through many intense and powerful transformations throughout life. It is possible that they have had a number of traumatic and life altering experiences forcing them to change and adapt ubruptly.
Sagittarius Sun: The average Sagittarius is a carefree spirit always on the hunt to experience something knew. Where they go, what they do and what they learn about life becomes their philosophy. A Sagittarius suns ultimate goal in life is to explore the entire earth, talk to many different people and take on all the opportunities presented their way. They love to debate and experience different belief systems, many of them have a higher understanding of life itself. Truly a pleasure to be around, Sagittarians have a wonderful sense of humor and a larger than life demeanor. Generous, philosophical, and joyful are just few of the abundant qualities they have. Behind the scenes, Sagittarius can be very diligent and passionate workers. They love the chase, so accomplishing that next goal is quite exciting for them! These natives behave similarly in love, it can be hard for them to stay committed to one person for too long. There is a restless energy about them and a lot of Sagittarius’ suffer from FOMO. Although they can be pretty open minded, some are very dogmatic in their beliefs. Sagittarius are very optimistic and bright- they are great at cheering up their loved ones and are inspiring when they give speeches. They are extremely convincing in what they say, but they may not always follow through on their promises. Overall, this is an extremely lucky, honest and confident personality. It’s often hard not to like a Sagittarius Sun. Sagittarius is a mutable, fire sign.
Sun in 9th: Happiness comes from Travel, meeting people of a different culture, and learning something new! Sun in 9th individuals shine when they are teaching others about their personal philosophies or topics they are passionate about. They may be well educated and successful in pursuit of higher learning. These natives are often interested in writing and public speaking. Speaking their mind is extremely important to them. Their focus tends to be on the big picture and known for their optimistic, bold worldly views. A big focus for Sun in the 9th house is to chase adventure or the next big thing. They shine the brightest whenever they are being open minded to other peoples perspective and sharing their abstract views on life. Generally, the Sun loves to be in the 9th house because it represents spiritual growth and is also at one of the highest points in the chart. It’s important to them to always be learning, always trying something new or exploring different areas. It’s possible that they take awhile to settle down and life or end up moving abroad. These people life is all about the journey, their purpose is to travel and educate others about their experiences. Although their truth may be objective, it is still valid and worth giving a listen. Sun in 9th is a wise, lucky and optimistic placement to have. If you love these individuals, you must learn how to let them be free.
Capricorn Sun: Responsible, diligent, and powerful, Capricorn suns are a force to be reckoned with. They are often mature for their age and find happiness in working their way to the top and accomplishing their goals. Their attitude is sarcastic and serious- it is possible they come off a cold to others who are more on the emotional side. Often times, these people had to grow up very quickly and had a lot of pressure put on them from a young age. They achieve a lot throughout their lifetime and shine in those areas of life. But don’t get them wrong, they have a fun side, it’s just expressed more with people they are comfortable and close with. The Capricorn Sun motto is slow and steady win the race. You will not see these people half a*sing their projects- they give 100% effort 100% of the time. This is something that Capricorn Suns are and should be proud of. Although they are slow and methodical, they are far from lazy. They are protective of their loved ones and would much rather show their love by actions than tell you how much they love you. With this Sun sign, you want to look at their actions, not their words. Although they are private, they make great friends and are in it for the long haul. They take their relationship’s seriously. Their purpose is to persevere and succeed! Capricorns thrive and in structure and bring order to a chaotic world. Capricorn is a cardinal, earth sign.
Sun in 10th: These individuals are meant to succeed and get a lot of recognition in their professional life. Sun in the 10th individuals gain a lot of power through hard work. They are known for being in the public eye in someway and have a strong reputation. In the work place, they are the leaders, managers and CEO of the company. A lot of celebrities have this placement. Who ever and whatever you do, you are known for it. Beware of seeking outside validation too much. The father may have played a big role in these peoples lives or motivated them to be where they are now. Sun in the 10th want to surround themselves with people who are of high status so that they can embody that energy as well. They shine whenever they are able to show off success and take great pride in their accomplishments. Sun in the 10th will spend a lot of time climbing the career ladder. These people are goal oriented, ambitious and dedicated to their success. They are the happiest when they have a pursuit and have a lot going on them professionally. They care a lot about making money and being powerful. A lot of their priorities revolve around being independent and self sufficient. They are destined for success.
Aquarius Sun: Innovative and unique, no two Aquarius’ are the same! This Sun sign is a natural humanitarian and genuinely wants to make the world a better place. They have a reputation for having an awkward, quirky and out of this world personality. It’s harder for them to relate to others because they see the world much differently than main stream society. Aquarius may come off aloof and detached in social settings, although once others understand them- you will find that they are genius! They are very independent and like to do their own thing, although they can suffer from loneliness at times. A lot of Aquarius feel out of place if they don’t have a higher purpose that they are serving or community to fall back on. Often times they feel misunderstood for their uniqueness and out casted for their differences. There is no one else that can define an Aquarius Sun accurately besides themselves, even their Sun sign is hard to understand and explain to outsiders looking in. They shine whenever they embrace their unique interests and embrace their quirky ideas. The right people will support these aliens and see that they are not a dud- they are special! Aquarius Suns are intelligent, future oriented and will make great discoveries throughout this lifetime! Aquarius is a fixed, air sign.
Sun in 11th: These individuals love belonging to a group of friends or a certain community with similar interests to them. Sun in the 11th have a lot of ideas on how to better society at large and make the world a better place. They may be interested in technology, engineering or other tools that they can use to help humanity. They are progressive and innovative for their time. They highly value their friendships and gain a lot of confidence through their supportive relationships. Sun in 11th is a popularity placement as well, they may be well known from your social media or groups that they belong to. Equality and being non judgmental is important to these individuals. They also might be known for their independent views and detached way of moving about the world. Sun in the 11th are trend setters and very influential people in society. These individuals may have a rare, strong and interesting aesthetic that sets them apart from the rest. Sun in the 11th can stand out for the way that they speak, communicate or their genius intelligence. Others have a hard time understanding them, never knowing what they are going to do next, keeping people on their toes!
Pisces Sun: Compassionate, self sacrificing and magical, Pisces are known for their unconditional, soft, spiritual love. They are imaginative, day dreamers who enjoy art, poetry or anything that pulls them into a different reality. Their an extremely intuitive sign that may pick up on the mood of those around them. They may have a difficult time differentiating their own feeling from others. They genuinely enjoy helping others and they take great pride in the level of love they are able to give. Being empathetic is not an option for them, it is hard for them not to care about everyone and everything. They are very sensitive, which can be overwhelming for them at times. Escapism can be fun for them but if they are not careful they can become to detached from their reality. It is important that they temperament their romanticism for life and relationships so they don’t get taken advantage of. They want to see the good in others and they find it easy to, but if they aren’t careful they could be victim to falling in love with the idea of someone instead of the culprit themselves. Pisces are connected to the universal collective and benefit from a connection to a higher power. They shine when they have a servitude attitude, manipulation does not serve them well. It is important for them to give out of a place of want and not to get something in return. Pisces Suns are great lovers, sweet and spiritual souls.
Sun in 12th: Here, an individual with Sun in the 12th house will dedicate a lot of time to understanding the hidden mysteries of the universe. They understand the spiritual realm better than anybody else. This is a powerful but confusing position for the Sun. The Sun represents what is seen and clear and the 12th represents the unseen and is very mystical in nature. So here the native will have access to a lot of secrets of the universe. Their spirituality may be very important to them. It’s is important that they do not over indulge in dr*gs, alc*hol, or escapist tendencies, for this can be very harmful to the 12th houser and their loved ones. Life can be very dreamy and magical for these people use their power for good. However, they have bad intentions it will be illuminated very quickly and their manipulation will take them down the wrong path. This is how people with this placement do end up isolated, in mental hospitals and and prisons. Although, they can work in mental hospitals, prisons, and find a lot of success in these hidden areas of life. 12th house suns may need a lot of sleep and time to recharge alone to be their happiest. They are known for their low social battery and isolating tendencies. They shine and are their happiest whenever they are using their creative talents and taking great care of their inner world. Sun in 12th is very intuitive, compassionate, selfless individuals; they may be psychic and receive messages through dreams and meditation.
Thank you so much!
Let me know if you relate, disagree or want to add in the comments! I love to hear your feedback. If there is anything you want me to teach or share let me know :)
Have a wonderful rest of your and thanks so much for reading ❤️ I spent a lot time on this one so I really hope y’all like it hehehe
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simping-overload · 1 month
ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴀᴍɴ ᴅᴇᴇʀ - ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʜᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ
a/n: showing my love for my favorite Greek God of all time, Hermes<3 this is a multichapter fanfic.
trigger warnings: animal hunting so animal death. Religious themes and practices
synopsis: You never thought helping out a lost hobo would end up with you in the loving embrace of a god.
『read on ao3』
『prev chapter ⟺ next chapter』
disclaimer: hermes is based on his BOZ, EPIC, and canon mythology. I don't really know how ancient greece actually was or how hunting works so take this with a grain of salt! It is just fanfiction :)
You come from a village that has been long-term worshippers of the goddess, Artemis. Each year, the village holds a festival, Laphria¹. With this festival, of course, comes activities, the most important being the hunt. Where 3 main selected participants, who were allowed to bring at the maximum two others along the hunt with them, they were to hunt down a large stag, whoever was to bring back the largest wins.
The reward would entail being given a large sum of money and being allowed to worship the goddess to the fullest extent, which means you'd get to say your prayers before everyone, including the high elders.
This year, you were finally chosen for the hunt, much to the joy of your family and friends. You were their best hunter and tracker, able to find an animal with ease regardless of how little the evidence that has been left behind.
After passing a familial trail—hunting a snow hare in the middle of snowstorm— you were gifted a beautiful pup who you named Winston². The two of you were jointed at the hip. There wasn't a place you'd go without him. This included the hunt.
You decided to bring two of your beloved friends along, Damian and Agnes. You set off at dawn, racing into the trees on the back of your horses, Winston running ahead as the scout.
Agnes and Damian were chattering away behind you as you looked over the map. You wanted to try and plan out all paths you could safely use.
"So...do you think if I win this, it would get Corinna at the very least interested in me?" Damian questions, fiddling with the horses' reins. He had a crush on Corinna ever since they were teens, spending most of his time trying to impress her— which failed considering he always made a fool of himself.
Agnes, bless her, rolling her eyes as she listens to Damian rant, just as the millions times before. She's been friends with him since they were babies. Both of their mothers were the best of friends, so it makes sense they were too.
You didn't come into the picture until you were about 7 or so, moving here to take care of your grandmother after she got sick.
You met Agnes when your mother invited hers over, and then her mother invited Damian's over. You all were just placed in front of each other and expected you all to click automatically. Thankfully, you did, and you've been friends ever since.
"Probably, but you need to remember Nikolaos is in this competition too, I know he's been desperate to get her hand as well." She pauses as her horse jumps over a fallen tree. She looks back at Damian with a blank stare and continues. "And also this could've been avoided if you just grew a pair of balls and confessed."
"I can't just do that— I need to get her attention first. Maybe we'll find that white stag the elders ramble about." Damian giggles as he pictures Corinna leaping into his arms and saying yes to his proposal. He was such a lovesick fool.
"Or maybe she's already interested and is waiting for you to confess. I've heard its custom in her family for the woman to wait for the man to ask, no matter how long it takes." You chime in, not looking up from your map.
"Wait wh—" Damian is cut off when a large gray wolf jumps from out of the trees, holding a white hare in its mouth.
Your horse, startled, bucks you off its back, sending you to the forest floor. You're now eye level with the wolf, noticing how its eyes are an unnatural golden color.
You and the wolf stared each other down for a moment before it huffed and leaps back into the trees. Agnes drops down from her horse and rushes to your side, while Damian goes off to fetch your horse.
You snapped out of your daze when you felt something wet touched your cheek. It was Winston, licking at you and whining in concern.
You pat his head to calm him, and you lean on Agnes for support as you stand. She brushes the dirt and leaves off your back.
"Hey, you okay?" She questions, her freckled face is laced with concern.
You feel fine, a little sore, but nothing you hadn't been through before. There was something about that wolf that just stuck with you, "Yeah, I'm fine. That wolf, though... its eyes were like pure gold."
"Maybe it's one of Lady Artemis' wolves? It wouldn't be the first time she's watched over the hunts." She suggests, steppingaway from you once you've steady yourself. Damian comes back with your now calm horse, handing you the reins.
"I suppose? Though I never heard of a wolf having pure gold eyes before... Anyway, Winston, did you see anything?
Winston barks in reply, his tail wagging before he runs off. You mount your horse and begin to follow him. You motion the other two to do the same.
Winston leads you to what looks to be a temple, one that seems to have been neglected for years. Nature has taken over, vines have trickled up and wrapped themselves around the columns, and grass and flowers grow from the cracks of the floor. The usual pure white of the marble has faded into a off white tan color with a thin layer of moss across the surface.
"Let's make sure the area is safe for us to set up camp here. Agnes, check out the back of the temple, and Damian, you'll start with the outer perimeter. I'll start with the inside. Regroup to the front once you're sure no one else has been here."
Agnes nods, and Damian gives an alright in response before going back into the forest. You dismount your horse, tying it to a loose fence post. You make your way up the cracked stone steps and into the temple.
The rays of sun lit the inside of the temple, illuminating the illustrations that line the walls and ceilings. Going off of the winged shoes on the god that was illustrated, this was a temple of Hermes. You wonder if there was ever a village that was here before yours that were worshippers of him.
Your search around the temple came up empty, with no human activity. Only animals and plants seemed to have been inside. You leave the temple in time to see with Damian and Anges coming back.
"There doesn't look like there's anyone for miles, only animals. I saw the cutest fox kits." Anges says.
"Same here, though I wasn't blessed with seeing any cute aniamls today." Damian pouts, dismounting his horse, kneeling down next to Winston to ruffle his fur, "Expect for this bugger." Winston barks and licks the man's hand.
You chuckle, "Looks like it's safe to set up camp here, we'll need to find something to eat, so I'll try and find something for us. You two just set up camp and remember to use the horn if anything happens."
They give you mock salutes in response before they begin to take the supplies off the horses and into the temple. You mount yours and whistle for Winston to follow as you trot off into the woods.
It doesn't take you long to hunt something down. After finding some boar tracks, Winston leads the rest of the way to the creature. Upon finding it, you ready your bow, steadying yourself on the moving horse as you focus your aim on the boar.
You suck in a breath, drawing back your arrow and whispering a short prayer to Artemis as you relase. The arrow pierces through the side of the boar, straight to the heart, quick and painless.
Suddenly, you hear a loud scream, and off in the distance, you can see someone running towards you with what looks like a... deer? Chasing after them. Winston stands alert, ears perked, and focused on the person getting closer to you. You hold your reins tight while Winston moves in front of the horse.
The person turned out to be Nikolaos. You spot his signature ginger hair showing from under his hood before he trips over a log and face plants in front of you. He doesn't try to exchange pleasantries as he scrambles up to keep running.
The deer came soon after, gracefully hopping over the log. It glanced at you for a meer moment, giving you enough time to see its golden eyes. The same color from the wolf.
You hop down off your horse, making your way to the boar.
You are for sure this time that it wasn't Artemis. Maybe some other god?
You wrap the boars legs tight with string as you bring it back to your horse, settling it on the rear. Positioned so it won't slip off, you mount your horse once more before going back the direction you came.
As you make your way back. Your mind wanders back to Hermes. It could be him. After all, he's one of the more playful gods known for his pranks and tricks. You'll have to make an offering to him for letting you sleep in the temple, regardless if it's abandoned or not, and so he doesn't prey on your friends like he did Nikolaos.
By the time you made it to camp, it was dusk. Agnes greets you outside, taking the horse reins from you. You take the boar off of the horse, taking off to the side as you make quick work of the animal, cutting off the hide and chopping the pieces of meat you need. You leave whatever is left for Winston and the other forest creatures to feast.
Damian is quick to start cooking. Thankfully, his mother was kind enough to pack spices so your group wouldn't have to suffer tasteless food.
Until the sky went dark, you spent the rest of your time eating and talking. Damian nearly choked on his food when he heard you recant the experience in the woods earlier. He says he wishes he could've seen the look on that bastards face when he was running away. Agnes jokes that Nikolaos probably looked like a scared chicken. Which admittedly, he did, come to think of it, his screams sounded like the human equivalent of one.
As the night went on, it got quiet, Damian was the first to sleep, and Agnes was next. Winston is sprawled out in between them, snoring away. Before you rest, you bring a plate of food and burning incense to the altar.
You whisper, "Please, Hermes. The God of speed and travel grant us permission to make sanctions in your temple. If you disapprove, we will be out as the sun rises. Take this food as a thank you for allowing us to sleep here for the night." You pause. "Also... please refrain from chasing us as a deer or anything else for that matter. While it was funny what you did to Nikolaos, I would rather not soil my pants." You chuckle, placing the food onto the alter and the incense in a dusty holder.
You go back to your original resting place, leaning against the pillar. You feel a soft and comfortable breeze flow through the temple. The sounds of the trees rustling soothe you into a nice slumber.
Still in deer form, Hermes walks through the woods, no set destination just allowing the fates to choose where he will end up. Faintly, he can hear someone whisper a prayer.
"Please, Hermes. The God of speed and travel grant us permission to make sanctions in your temple. If you disapprove, we will be out as the sun rises..."
It was not often that he received prayers, especially not in his sisters park of Greece. He lets the prayer pull him towards the location.
Switching to his human form, he approaches the temple. It was one of his firsts. A gift to him by his father. While unkept, it still stood strong.
He sniffs the air, a familiar smell, boar. Not only did he get a prayer, but he got an offering, too? Just what he needed after chasing the mortals.
He giggles as he makes his way inside, involuntary waking up Winston, who was silenced a quick shush and a pat to the head.
Hermes looks around at the mortals who sleep before him. Wondering who said the prayer, his eyes land on you. Still leaned against the pillar, head thrown back against it. Your hand is tightly wrapped around a dagger. Ready to strike if need be.
He studied your face for a moment, his hand twitched with the desire to trace over your features. You were very attractive for a mortal, and judging from the faint golden aura he could see emitting from you, you're the one who prayed.
He steps away with a grin, making his way to the alter. He picks the plate up, nearly drooling on the food. As much as he'd love to take his time eating, he's a glutton. In seconds, the plate is empty. He holds back a burp as he makes his way back out of the temple, glancing at you as he makes his way out.
Well, he's going to have some fun on this vacation.
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babiebom · 8 months
When You Fall (V)
A/N: take what I am writing with a grain of salt I have no idea how lawyers speak or how their letters work lmao.
Tw:mental breakdown, cursing, slight su*cide attempt, talks of de*th, violence
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Your day was ruined before it even truly began. You didn't even get to eat breakfast before one letter ruined what you assume to be your entire week. There was going to be no mental healing for a little while longer. 
'To whom it may concern,
Y/N L/N is being summoned to the reading of the final will and testament of {ENTER NAME(S) HERE} on May 22, 2023 or whenever is soonest possible…'
You don't even finish reading it before crumpling up the paper and tossing it away from you. You laugh bitterly, in disbelief at the fact that they couldn't even be bothered to actually enter all three names…they didn't even enter one except for yours and it was misspelled. After a second you go and pick it up, throwing it inside of your home before grabbing your pickaxe and fleeing to where you think the mines are. 
Seeing your parents and grandfather buried was final enough for you, the almost literal nails in the coffin confirming the fact that you would never see them again unless you believed in God or an afterlife. Yet now things seemed even more real, as if the funeral and the police calls and the planning and the crying weren't enough to get it through your head that this was all real. As if you needed one more punch to the gut to remind you of all your past mistakes. 
Tears stream down your face as you power walk your way up the mountain. You puff, chest already burning from how hard you were walking, the air growing just the slightest bit thinner. Your eyes land on a house, lonely by itself on the mountain. There were potted plants decorating the outside, and a gate that was propped open as if the space didn't truly need to be fenced off at all. You walk passed, not wanting to be caught standing around outside and also not wanting to have a conversation with whoever lived there. It was too early anyways. There was also a tent, a couple yards out further up the mountain under a tree. You could kind of see an outline of a person, but again you didn't want to have any sort of conversation. Continuing on, you begin to see debris littering the ground, large rocks and wood and other…things lying around as if whoever was doing something around here hadn't cleaned up at all. 
Gratefully you follow the debris, all the way to the entrance of a cave. Stepping inside, you almost feel relieved you can collapse in here and no one would ever find you. Hell, you could die here and no one would ever see you again. You doubted anyone in town really came into the caves. 
You laugh loudly, hysterically as you allow yourself to fall to the ground, away from the entrance but not deep enough inside that no one outside wouldn't be able to hear you. Your laughs echo and bounce around the cavern as they grow louder and louder. Your lungs burn and your stomach twists as you continue, hot tears rolling down your cheeks as you fold and press your forehead to the cold wet floor. You hit your head once against the floor before bursting into sobs, laughing in between each one.
It felt as if your mind was melting and going deeper into the caves was becoming the best idea you have ever had. You would surely get what you wanted that way, you could hopefully see your parents again, or realistically be freed from whatever nightmare you had found yourself trapped in. You were nowhere close to a professional miner, and one wrong move could bring down everything onto your head. 
There was a ladder and a broken down elevator a few meters ahead of you, and the thought that maybe just...maybe sabotaging yourself would get the job done far more quickly than hoping some rocks would fall on your head. Just one slip off of the ladder, just one jump that was too heavy for the elevator to hold and you would be free. 
Your sobs quieted down as you dragged yourself towards the ladder. Only pausing when you hear something move. The something moving turns into more movements and you slowly come to the realization that someone was walking towards you, slowly. 
The man wasn't really paying attention to anything, his eyes…well eye was pointed to the ground, his eyebrows furrowing. The other eye was covered by an eyepatch and he wore some sort of cloak on his shoulders. He sort of looked like a pirate. Is he a pirate? Do pirates even exist anymore?
He hums and moves closer, stepping around you. Was he not going to say anything? The feeling of annoyance crept up your throat, but slowly as it was being weighed down by relief and gratitude. He wasn't here for you, and you weren't here for him, so whatever you were doing is none of his business. The man looks down the hole where the ladder is and you curiously follow his lead still from your position on the ground. What was he doing?
After a second he frowns then backs away, finally looking at you. Embarrassed, you look away, before opening your mouth to speak. You wanted to ask him what he was doing before he could ask you. 
"...I was just peering down into this old mine shaft. It's been abandoned for decades." He sighs and offers you a hand which you take, standing up on wobbling legs. He doesn't question it. "Still, there's probably good ore down there."
"Ore?" You ask, trying to regain your balance. He nods with a grunt, the eye not covered by the eyepatch looking at you with an emotion you couldn't quite read. Was he judging you?
"But a dark place, undisturbed for so long…I'm afraid ore isn't the only thing you'll find." He's silent for a moment while you look down again. You can't really see anything, apart from darkness. Were you really going to go down there?
"Here, take this," he hands you an old sword that was hanging from his belt. The thing is old and rusted but it made your heart swell just from receiving it. The man didn't even know you and he gave you something that you assume meant something to him. "You might need it." 
You thank him, holding the sword awkwardly in your hands. It wasn't too heavy, but the weight was still an unfamiliar one. You hadn't gotten many chances to hold an actual sword before. "Name's Marlon, by the way. I run the adventurers guild right outside." 
You don't recall seeing anything of the sort on your way up here, but then again you had your sights set only on this cave. Maybe you can explore some more since the self sabotage plan couldn't be done now. "I'll keep my eye on you. Prove yourself and I might think about making you a member." 
You blink rapidly at his words, confused on when you had made it apparent that you wanted to join. You didn't want to join. You open your mouth to object him, but the white haired man is already walking away from you and out of the cave. You frown as you watch him, turning back to the ladder. There had to be no way he just did that, right? It felt as if you had been tricked by some sort of forest imp or something into giving your soul away, and while the situation wasn't that dramatic you still felt almost played. You assumed there weren't many members to begin with, which is probably why he did that in the first place. You didn't think anyone else in the valley would do anything like this so he needed who he could get. 
Sighing loudly, you try and put your feet on a rung of the ladder. The thing was shaky and, as he mentioned, old so caution needed to be used. The thought of trying to purposefully get hurt leaves your mind, now your need is to somehow prove yourself to this strange man because what else did you have to do? And though you did not wish to admit it you knew somewhere in the back of your mind that things were only bad for now, and that youd at least needed to use the gift that your grandfather made without doing anything rash. It would be rude to not use a gift, especially one as grand as an entire farm. 
It was hard for your eyes to adjust during your descent. The darkness overtaking your sight and the smell of rocks and dust overtaking your nose. Your lungs, nose, and throat burned as you forced yourself to hold in any coughs or sneezes until you got all the way down. One wrong or rough move would have the whole rickety thing coming down and despite what you wished for previously, dying a slow and painful death if probably starvation at the bottom of this ladder wasn't ideal. 
Thankfully you got to the bottom pretty quickly, torches lit up around you casting an eerie glow around the cave. It was empty except for the rocks that littered the ground, was this all there is to the cave? You wondered for a second why you would need a sword if this is how far down it went, except you didn't see any sign of the supposed elevator or the ore he was talking about earlier. 
It took a second to adjust yourself, but luckily the sword Marlon gave you came with a sheath that you struggled to attach to your backpack. Putting the sword away you take out your pickaxe, the tool seemingly lighter in your hands from all the hours you spent hitting rocks. 
In here was no different, though the air was cooler and a little more muggy. Particles stirring with every move you make. Soon enough you find a ladder hidden under one of the rocks. And so level after level, rock after rock, you make your steady descent into the somehow dry cavern. 
It was past the first time you saw the elevator when you came across your first…thing. It was almost similar to the little thing you saw in the community center, though it was almost also completely different. 
This thing looked like sentient jelly, see through even though it was green. No arms or legs, and it bounced like a ball. It was kinda cute…in a creepy sort of way. Its eyes are black and empty, not really focusing on anything until you take a step closer. For a split second you think the thing might be friendly, it's small and cute-ish, only coming up to your ankle. There was no way this thing could damage you in any way, right?
Wrong. The thing sets its sights on you and it's like the air around you changes. Its eyes somehow grow darker and it lunges towards you in a leap that even a frog would think is risky. You move backwards, staring at the thing in confusion, what did it think it could do? It's a ball of sentient jello. Frowning at it you make a noise of surprise as you get lunged at again.  
The thing gets too close somehow, way too quickly and unexpectedly. The slime thing bounces against your leg and you're suddenly overcome with a sluggish feeling, as if your body was being weighed down by a ton of bricks. 
In a panic you scrunch your face, trying to stomp on the thing. It doesn't do much damage to the things as you frantically attempt to stomp it out like a fire. The feeling leaves you after a couple moments, allowing your movement to pick up speed. All this does is serve to make the little thing angry, its eyes turning a vibrant red. Just like you had been able to pick up speed, it picks up speed and launches itself at you again. This time you move, allowing it to fly past you giving you a little time to scramble and take out your sword. 
Swinging hard, the sword passes through the thing and to your relief it seems to do a little damage to it though it was still moving at an alarming rate. You swing again, and again, and again until the thing is just a puddle of goo. 
Panting, you rest your hands on your knees, tears springing to your eyes. It wasn't as if you were hurt. You were cut, or bleeding, or dying; but somehow it felt as if that thing took some of your life force away and the thought makes you angry. Sure you had been wishing for death earlier, but you absolutely did not want to be killed by a ball of jello. Not only would that be embarrassing, but it would be shameful. 
A sort of rage filled you and for a moment it fuelled your steady descent. Now determined tonat least stomp out one of those jellies for the sin that the first you had come across had committed. Yeah, it was kind of petty, and dramatic, but you couldn't quite get control of your emotions just yet. 
So you stomp and stomp, kicking and slashing at every jelly you see, letting the rage in their eyes ignite yours more. They wanted to fight? So did you. By the time you had gotten to the elevator again, you were exhausted. Luckily for you the stupid thing seems to now work. 
Hobbling towards it, you can feel the weight of everything you had carried in your bag, quite a bit of rocks, some orange stuff that you thought might be valuable, and an even larger rock that you hoped held something in it. When you step into the elevator you pause for a moment, trying to get your bearings. 
That now familiar feeling takes over your body, as if you were being held down by a ton of bricks. The rage had fizzled out, but you still refused to die by the hands, or lack thereof, of these stupid things. So you turn, and swing at it even with all of your exhaustion. The thing charges for you again the second you swing, hoping it would be the last one. 
You get hit the same time you hear the sound of the jelly splattering. The noise is reassuring and satisfying even as you begin to pass out. Frantically you jab your finger against the only buttons in the elevator that glow, hoping it would get you out of your situation. Just as you hear the ding and the sound of the doors closing, your world fades to black. 
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whitedemon-ladydeath · 7 months
SJM + Eugenics + Ableism in her Writing
thinking about how insidious eugenics can come up in writing- specifically SJMs writing. Personally I take a lot with a grain of salt bec I don't think a lot of ppl realize how fucking deeply entrenched and rooted it is in everything and more often than not its not intentional
and to an extent I don't think it was intentional by SJM. she does have a degree of plausible deniability in her story telling
however that being said:
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the Cauldron "pairing mates" has allusions to being a breeding program of some kind of supernatural predestined idiocy. Sam + Melissa on Tiktok have some pretty great videos on it
However, while they think that SJM is providing commentary on the matter, I do have a different view, not that I really disagree with what they're saying
SJM has a track record of using disabilities as an aesthetic for her characters. It's often a point of suffering and/or there ends up being a magical fix (yay fantasy eugenics providing miracle cures!!! /sarcasm)
Chaol, severely injured with a spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed goes to the super special healing place to have the world's bestest healers where the magical healing trope + black girl magic collide. He spends the whole book, a duration of only six months, regaining the ability to walk, with a cane most days. Chaol spends a large part of the book feeling sorry for himself and immasculting himself. Yerene, a professional trained healer who helps him with PT snaps at him in frustration to "just get up" when he's being difficult with her Note: some of these detailed may be incorrectly remembered + I never finished the book bec I can't stand him
Lucien: he gets his eye ripped out and is literally blinded but now he has a magical eye that is even better and can sense magic and spells and all that good shit
Rhys: chronic pain; never addressed
Azriel: scarred hands and wings, but so far we've seen no real struggle or accommodation of any kind or even a real discussion on how he had to learn how to fly at an older age due to his captivity and scarred wings
Cassian: his wings were beyond shredded but between books they got fixed up right as rain. it would have been fantastic rep for this decorated veteran and leader to be disabled, esp for a culture of warriors where flying is so crucial + where thr women are also forceably mutilated and can't fly either
speaking of the illyrian women
the Illyrian Women: not being able to fly and use their limbs is a disability. We have seen zero repercussions of Emeries father (and brother(?)) for disabling and mutilating his daughter
the mental health crisis of NESTA for ONE. in both the Fandom and in the series the grating toxic positivity and lack of patience and understanding and support and willingness to meet her halfway enraged me holy shit. The tone policing, the lack of autonomy, the unaddressed childhood trauma that has made Nesta the core of who she was. it was vile and disgusting
Aelin: quite frankly should have difficulty moving as fluidly as she does. she was whipped to ribbons and beaten bloody. Her back should be full of chronic pain and difficulty
Elide: as far as I'm aware Elide isn't too bad and she's incredibly intelligent and resourceful but it's been a hot minute since I've read the series. I do remember when they talked about it at the end about possibilities to heal her ankle (they couldn't)
I haven't read CC yet but I heard that LIMBS CAN GROW BACK???? sure let's just completely erase and magically fix imputations I guess?
I find it a lit harder to forgive "accidental eugenics" when her disabled characters disabilities are either made into Aesthetics, not properly addressed, or just healed all together
and when you pair magical eugenics + aesthetics:
You get Rhysand, the most powerful high lord of ever that you just have to keep being told is the most powerful high lord ever due to his parents being mates that his father whisked away from moments before she became mutilated like all the other Illyrian Women at 18 years old to a 900 year old man
you get his entire IC who is made of The Night Courts super special powerful clique who now happen to be the most powerful illyrian EVERRRR (Cassian + Azriel), Amren who was some trapped angel of death or something and Mor who is just so super powerful a mountain quaked or something when she was born
the entire IC is a concentrated powerhouse who also uses a specific mindset of "might is right"-
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-and have forced others hands across the entire series or just outright lied and stole. also trespassing and routinely breaking laws but hey
Rowan, Aelin, Aedion, Dorian, Manon are all ToG Powerhouses. Rowan is described as the "most powerful full blooded fae male alive". there's an implication that human blood "weakens" fae traits and magical abilities [this is rather common in a lot of fantasy books]
every single character in this series is seen as some sort of extraordinary person with some sort of extraordinary power or ability aside from maybe a few. Hell Chaol, the only fully human character with no powers is the "Captian of the Guard" which he got bec he's a nepo baby from being Dorians friend. He gets disabled and they immediately go to get him fixed
tagging: @feynessupremacy @bookishfeylin @andramoreaux
I thought yall would appreciate
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sketchingstars03 · 7 months
hey guys.. I want to say something serious
I… don’t know if I can directly support Underverse anymore.
It’s recently come to my attention that Jakei and NyxTheShield have done some… terrible things.
If anyone has heard of the situation with Camila Cuevas or Glitchtale.. just know that those two were also complicit.
link to a video explaining things (MASSIVE TW for mentions of grooming, threats of suicide, and enabling of predators)
I will continue to include my version of Cross and the events of his lore in Splattertale, but I want to make it clear that I do Not support Jakei anymore. My design will be the only one that I draw or make content of. I will not reblog or share anything from her or Nyx. I could possibly provide summaries of what happens in UV going forward so that you guys don’t have to support the series to know what happens in it, if that’s something you all would be interested in.
Just like how we treat Dreamtale nowadays; the creation can be enjoyed and reinterpreted, but the creator can not.
So I encourage you all to stop supporting those two. As well as to look into this situation further to get the full story, provided you will not be triggered and are in a good space mentally.
This situation has made me become even more aware of my responsibilities as a creator and adult in this space. I was already aware and doing my best, but now I shall do even better tenfold. Because we cannot have another situation like this, not in this fandom, not ever.
Please share this if you are able.
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goodluckdetective · 5 months
I also watched the Todd in the Shadows video (I’m not done) and man I have some thoughts. I’m gonna put these below the cut though, due to the content I’m gonna discuss:
CW: Nazis, Nazi Germany and everything that goes with that
Something that struck me about Somerton’s incorrect ideas about the Nazis, was that a lot of his errors were ones that played into Nazi mythos. I’m no scholar of Nazi Germany, but anyone who has even glanced in that direction of history or American history knows the Nazi’s got their ideas about race and “the perfect figure” from America. Not all of it, Europe itself had a eugenics movement, but a it did have an impact: American eugenics had an influence in Nazi Germany.
As said, I’m no expert and you should take this with a grain of salt. Long story short, it’s buckwild to claim America was jealous of the Nazi’s fitness when 1. Large portions of the Nazi army was malnourished teenaged boys and 2. we, sadly, did a lot of that on our own.
The thing that strikes me here is that a lot of Somerton’s ideas about Nazis come from Nazi propaganda itself. I think Dan Olsen of Folding Ideas actually explains this way better than I ever could. If you’re up for it you should watch his video on the Nazi propaganda film “Triumph of the Will” https://youtu.be/jJ1Qm1Z_D7w?si=euOSjWW-9v5wusyM. If you’re not up for it or just want the reason why I’m sharing it, Olsen explains that Nazi propaganda influenced how some see the Nazis as powerful and competent and how some of our ideas about Nazi Germany are based in how the Nazis wanted to be perceived (which gross).
The other thing that gets me is the talking about homosexuality in the Nazi military which is an old homophobic myth. Wikipedia has a summary of the origins and use of the myth.
I keep wondering WHERE James got this idea. The first idea I can chalk up to common American misconceptions of Nazi Germany (though the Russian part still confuses me) but the latter isn’t exactly a common perception except in pretty niche circles. Where did he get this idea from? Did he hear this as an insult enough that he decided it was true? Or was he hanging out in alt right circles and never examined it?
I’m not trying to accuse James of anything here (though I will fully agree he’s got racist and misogynist ideas from what we do know). But I do think it’s interesting to wonder WHERE these ideas came from.
At the very least, I think it shows that when you don’t examine claims you hear, you can easily launder ideas contrary to your values or downright reprehensible concepts to a wider audience.
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fernacular · 4 months
pls talk more abt the stupid art trend of only drawing neutral faced white women no matter what its something that has been eating away at me as i see the community of artists growing ever more. it frustrates me so much cause like??? is that really the extent of your creativity? some... nameless attractive woman?
I'm really not an art historian or even an extremely analytical person, so take all I'm about to say with a grain of salt, it truly is just my off-the-cuff assumptions.
First of all I wanna clarify I don't think painting a pretty girl for the sake of painting a pretty girl is inherently creatively bankrupt, I'd be a hypocrite if I said that. Plus there are many many examples of artists having a POINT when choosing that subject matter and I don't wanna be throwing them under the bus. If you know a Pretty Girl(tm) piece of art that you think actually has a message that is enhanced by the usage of that sort of face, assume I'm not talking about them.
What really bugs me is the sheer prevalence of it EVERYWHERE and how incredibly unexamined it often gets from both the artists themselves and the audience observing.
because here's the thing, I'm pretty sure I know why they're choosing a perfume-ad-type woman as their subject. Over a very very long time that specific type of face has become the Neutral Beautiful Subject in art. A: it's a human face, which our monkey brains immediately respond to. Humans see a human face, we instinctual pay attention, that's just kinda how we work. B: it's a young unblemished face with no indications of personality or personal agency or identity that could impact the viewer's attraction, and it is assumed the viewer finds the face attractive. C: It's a white feminine face/form that has an extremely long and complicated history that I won't be able to adequately layout here (again, not a historian) but is firmly entrenched in western society as being, of all the bodies, the most synonymous with beauty and art.
So from the artist's perspective, this is a very very useful subject matter because we, as an audience, have been trained not to read into it as the Neutral Beautiful Subject Matter. The assumption is that we will like looking at it, but it won't distract too much from what else the artist is doing, the technical skill they're putting in or the unusual medium or whatEVER it is they wanna flex. That specific face is visual shorthand for beauty, and we're not intended to read into it beyond that.
But that's, like.... bullshit?
It's BULLshit that we are supposed to just accept that face as the neutral symbol of beauty. It's not neutral!!!! It's EXTREMELY political!!!!!! When you make that face the subject matter of your art with NO indication that we are supposed to take ANYthing else away from it, then you, as an artist, are in fact making a statement that you are seemingly completely unaware that you are making.
All SORTS of very very heavy social things go into that seemingly passive face. The dehumanization, sexualization, and commodification of women. The deification of white femininity. The fear of age, of disability, of injury, of sexuality outside man-attracted-to-woman. The very idea that all of this could in any way, in any universe, be considered neutral.
And I don't think all the artists who create using this kind of face are rubbing their hands together going "nyehehehe, today I will support a lot of heinous cultural bullshit for profit nyehehehehe" Most of them just aren't looking at it past face value. Again, it's a useful device. It's largely popular, it will get you views and attention and as an artist myself I fucking GET IT man. I want money too. I have rent too.
But i'm just... tired. I'm tired of it.
I'm tired of how unquestioned it gets. Of how much it's rewarded.
I don't have anything else to add, I don't know how to fix any of it, just, augh.
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floofery · 2 months
This is just some speculation: do we even know if Sunny actually lost his left eye?
Of course, it's missing in all post-true ending fanworks but, I'm curious.
We know Basil most likely stabbed it with the shears and that Sunny lost vision in it until he blacked out. But does that equate to permanent vision loss? A bandage covers his left eye in the True Route, but I suspected that even without eye removal bandages would be put over a healing eye, so I did a little research.
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I did minimal digging (only five or six websites and a couple of accounts from people who've sustained eye injuries) so, take this all with a grain of salt! (reblogs with more informed answers are great!!)
This is written rather sloppily as it's wednesday morning and I'm sick, but here's what I got.
It is entirely possible that Sunny kept his eye- and maybe recovered some of the lost vision.
A large puncture with the shears damaging his optic nerve would result in permanent vision loss- and damage to the retina is most likely to also end badly. It is possible for parts of the retina to heal, creating spotty vision with areas being completely blacked out and other areas visible, but usually the eye's done for.
Damage to anywhere else, however, is able to be fixed (with surgery).
If only the lens or the whites/sclera of the eye was stabbed, it is highly likely Sunny would be able to regain vision. Replacing the lens with an artificial one is a common type of surgery, which is also used in the case of cateracts (if no other treatment works).
Damage to the cornea or iris isn't as easy- a pierced iris is able to be treated but afterwards our guy would have to wear sunglasses around everywhere as it controls how much light the pupil lets into the eyeball. A damaged cornea would be far worse as the only way to get a new one is through a cornea transplant- however the cornea, iris, pupil, lenses, ect have no important nerves vital for vision- only the nerves that help you focus your eye or change the amount of light going in. Replacing them are complex procedures but they are possible (though it is important to note that cornea surgeries have high risk of failure).
I think it really depends on how Sunny was stabbed. I'm pretty sure the fight happened with both Basil and Sunny standing up- so Basil taking a swing and grazing Sunny's eye would cause bleeding and immense pain but is likely to be treatable. However, I see a lot of fanworks of Sunny being knocked to the ground and Basil driving the shears into his eye. I... don't believe this happened in canon (it wasn't mentioned in the little top bar "BASIL pushed SUNNY to the ground", ect) but if it did, this would have ten times the impact. If the shears gouged deep enough (and take this as an even bigger grain of salt) it could very well kill Sunny- right behind the eye is the brain. And even if they didn't, the wound would be much deeper with piercing of the retina and possibly the optic nerve.
thank you for coming to my ted talk LOL
Some notes:
-Omori happened in the '90s-2000's. I do not know if some of the surgeries (especially cornea transplants) had the same success rate back then as they do with more modern technology.
-I am NOT A DOCTOR. I found this out via multiple sources online. and please, I doubt anyone would ever do this but do NOT refer to this post if you or someone around you sustains an eye injury. I suggest calling 111 (or 911, or whatever the emergency number is in your region.)
-that's it! Ja!
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