apathycarestostudy · 3 years
I'm going to be defending my thesis this week and I have a lot to say about chemical engineering undergrad afterwards but I don't know where to start.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Hi, do you have any tips on studying the content fast, like I legit take 2 hours to finish studying 4 pages in my textbook 😓, (also I write lengthy notes, so maybe that slows me down.)
Hello dear! Yes I do. Here goes -
Do a pomodoro session
Not sure if someone’s ever done this, but to my knowledge, I haven’t seen it mentioned yet. Set a timer to 20/25 mins and measure how much work you do. I used to get so frustrated with how little I was finishing after hours, so I wanted to time how much I could get done in a pomodoro session and, to my absolute confusion, I noticed I did more than I thought. 
What do I mean? Maybe you’re not absolutely focusing on what you’re studying. That was the case for me. It could also be putting yourself in the mental frame of being timed, so you do better? Not sure what it is, but it’s worth a try I feel.
Set goals
Don’t go in without a plan. You’ll have a clearly defined objective to work towards, and that might help you get to it faster. See it this way - if we say you and I are going to race, and they tell you it’s a two laps around an apartment, and they don’t tell me anything, who do you think will perform better?
You, my friend. If you’re not told what you’re racing to, you’re going to either overexert yourself, or not go on your strongest pace because you’ll be too busy wondering how long you’re supposed to run for - and that’s tiring.
Write your own study notes 
A big factor for being slower than you’d like is writing every single thing. Of course, this is me just assuming since I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’m trying to cover everything I can think of just in case. 
Anyways, I used to do this. I’d have the info on the slides or the textbooks, but still insist on rewriting say a definition in my notebook to “fill up the pages”. That’s not necessary. Now, I print the slides and write in the corners so I can have all the info on one page and avoid having a notebook, but if you don’t get the slides and use a textbook instead, or a borrowed one where you can’t write on, I suggest writing in your own words. Example -
Sentence: The singing of this song threw the animals into the wildest excitement.
Notes: Animals excited because of [this] song
If you gotta write anything that you already have again, always always always paraphrase. This might sound counterproductive because it seems it’ll take more time to say it your own way, but actually, it cuts the studying part in half because you’ll most likely remember you’re stuff. You had to have understood that sentence to paraphrase it, thus it’ll be easier to memorize rather than a cold ass definition you didn’t spend a second on.
Pick and choose what you should study
If you have a study guide, or you know what main points should be, don’t waste too much time on extra stuff unless you have the time. I don’t like this at all, but sometimes stuff happens and you can’t get everything done, so in this case I’d suggest moving forward and making sure you study the stuff you know is 100% important, and if you have more time, go back for the rest. It’s okay to be slow. But don’t shoot yourself in the foot and then wonder why you can’t walk. If you’re spending time with things you know you shouldn’t, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. 
You can do this. Study smarter, not harder. I would suggest you look more into that concept, and hopefully something will stick.
If you’re wondering where I got that line from, it’s from this book I’m currently reading called Animal Farm by George Orwell. I’m not that creative lol. 
I feel like I’m missing something, and I should say a bit more, but I don’t want to hold this off any longer. So if these are not enough, feel free to send in another ask and I’ll just add more onto this. It was a really good ask, so I wanna do it justice.
Anyways, hope this helped! If anyone has any other tips, feel free to add to this. Good luck~
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apathycarestostudy · 3 years
Will pick this up soon.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Things Every 20+ y/o Should Start Doing (if you haven't) - unedited and unfiltered.
Twenty is a magical age. I don't know why it's not said as often as it should be, but truly, I feel like it's as just a turning point as 30 or 40 is. This is when you struggle the most to come to terms with yourself, or deliberately say you have. This is when you're becoming "conscious" as I like to think to the world — whatever the world means to you.
So, in lieu of hitting 21 a couple of months ago, I've decided to compile a list of things I believe every twenty and more year old should try. If they haven't already, of course.
1. Journaling
I've always been apprehensive of keeping a record of all my thoughts and woes as I thought that would be (a) used against me if found and/or (b) be an admission that I feel some type of way about something. Both of these concerns are damn childish and I'm glad I kinda got over it now that I'm journaling regularly, but I still hold back a little unfortunately. Well. The point of this is that 20 is an awakening that's worth journaling about, even if you have nothing going on. Write letters to your future self, to your families and friends and that one asshole you hate and the shoes you're wearing and —
Also, I always thought I didn't feel any type of way about things until I started journaling and realized I do. Yikes. You might want to make like me and face them now.
2. Learn something new everyday
Did you know that the heart of a shrimp is located in its head?
Life is unfair. There’ll be times when you feel this in all its potency. But just know this - everything can be taken from you, sans your knowledge. Overrated, a little debatable (because, mental illnesses), but it’s a neat standard to have. Plus, if you’re not well adverse in maintaining conversation, or you’re in a tight spot, spouting a random fact would help lighten the mood.
3. Pause your indignation
We’re in the age of getting mad, triggered, attacked, whatever else and that’s sad and unhealthy as all hell. What happened to being cool? To giving people the benefit of the doubt? Are we so fragile now that anything could throw us into our feelings regardless of whether it’s valid or not? 
Okay, you were wronged. You are absolutely entitled to how you feel about it too. But you know what you can control? Your reaction. Your response. How you carry yourself and the way you go about it is what matters. It won’t feel as good in the beginning when you can’t bust someone up (or yourself), but you’ll be proud of yourself. You successfully refused to relinquish a piece of yourself. 
4. Decide what standards you won’t breach
This goes hand-in-hand with the last point, but isn’t entirely the same. If your standard is to always respect everyone, you can’t be late when you gotta meet them because that constitutes disrespect. You don’t tolerate something, don’t engage in it. Draw the fine lines and stay within them. Whatever your code of honor is, you have to stay true to them no matter the situation you’re put in. 
P.s. let it be something righteous, self and community loving, positive. This is not a plea for unreasonable stubbornness.
5. Watch something you wouldn’t normally watch
This is an interesting one. I remember as a teenager, I’d proudly declare what genres I’d never cross over to and what was beneath me, with absolutely no sound reasoning behind it. It was a baseless generalization of what’s cool and what wasn’t in my eyes. Let me tell you, some of the things I claimed wasn’t my cup of tea became my bottle of water (☞゚ヮ゚)☞☜(゚ヮ゚☜)(☞゚ヮ゚)☞
Well, I didn’t come upon this epiphany by myself. My siblings put on a show I’d never be caught dead watching and by the end of it, then I got the epiphany. Now, whatever random video I run into on YT, any show that someone suggests that isn’t what I’m into, a documentary about something outside of my faith I’ll watch. It not only polishes your tastes, it broadens your horizons.
6. Learn to let go
7. Pick your role models wisely
This is insanely important at this age. You don’t want to realize too late that your aspirations didn’t become anything meaningful because of the people around you. Who do you look up to? What traits of theirs do you want to integrate into your being? What do they do that you’d like to do some day? If the people you look up to do not fall into any of these things, I strongly suggest you don’t invest any more time into them. I don’t mean cut off your toxic parents or anything life altering like that, I mean ignore the things that don’t fuel your goals. I’m not saying you pick someone and mimic everything they do, I mean critically choose what lessons you’ll take from them.
Be weary of the people you follow. Don’t follow blindly. 
8. Rekindle an old hobby
I used to read a whole book in a day. At the most, I’d stretch it out to a week, but nothing more. It was a glorious time in my life where I just got into anime, steam rolling through seasons, then writing fanficition, wasting sleeping time to write more and post several times in one night, not to mention playing flash games but now I barely do any of that anymore. I keep buying more books and not much of it are getting read. I keep typing drafts that I never publish. I scroll through anime lists before closing the tab, fruitless. 
You must have had a fun hobby when you were younger. Why not slot in a time to try it again? You may be lucky enough to reignite that passion. It’s worth a shot in the race to feeling good the right way.
9. Follow the world news
At this point, there’s no avoiding it because of the current climate. But anyways, it’s important to know what’s going on over yonder because it not only feeds your intellect, it keeps you cultured and it humbles you in a way I can’t describe. It also opens a new conversation topic for you, and as someone who wasn’t into dipping into ANY type of news, it reduces the amount of side eyes you get from people who do. It didn’t bother me before, but again, when one of my siblings kept announcing the news to us everyday, I woke up early and skimmed through google news and just waited until he rolled in the room. His face fell when I started reciting the recent headlines and I’ve never looked back since. 
P.p.s I do not mean entertainment news. Indulge in that if you like it of course, but please, cast your lovely gaze on world news as well.
10. Try and make more friends
I know. I practically hiss at people who approach me. I wasn’t always like this, but circumstance and people’s audacity brutally murdered me every time I reached out. It’s not like I’m antisocial - I’m always kind and accommodating to anyone who comes my way, but I stopped putting myself out there completely. 
I can’t tell you to change and start talking to people, I’m saying to give the newcomers a chance. Don’t treat everyone the same way because that’s not fair and you might lose the opportunity to have another friend. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m stilling hissing at the assholes who forgot how to act right.
P.p.p.s Real life friends. Online friends are just as precious, but it’s healthy to have joy close by as well.
And that’s about as much as I can think of at the top of my head. There are many life lessons I’ve had the privilege to learn, and many more that have yet to come, and so have you. Here’s to our collective success and happiness, our failures and sadness, and all the pointless shit in between. 20s is a ride that doesn’t have to just be full of holes and mistakes and regrets. I really wish people would stop saying it will be and decide for me.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (15 - 28 / 31)
Day 15 - Tag someone you look up to: I wish I knew people more deeply so I could name one y’know y’know.
Day 16 - Tag someone who has beautiful handwriting: @apathycarestostudy (yes I tagged myself rfhuerh)
Day 17 - Tag someone who you think is really kind: @happystudentamy
Day 18 - Tag someone who makes you think more deeply about things: everyone just - I overthink. 
Day 19 - Tag someone you are grateful to have met: @feedthemadness-sweetie
Day 20 - Tag someone who has a lovely aesthetic: @wanderlust-sunflower7
Day 21 - Tag someone you think works really hard and deserves appreciation: @romanticism-tips (an absolutely beautiful blog) 
Day 22 - Tag someone who makes you smile: @studyaurore 
Day 23 - Tag someone whose blog you always check: @mint-tea-studies
Day 24 - Tag someone who posts the best text posts: don’t know what this is lmao sorry y’all if someone who follows/a mutual does this that I dont know about :/
Day 25 - Tag someone who gives good advice: @productive-tips
Day 26 - Tag someone who you would like to get to know: @sasoriwifu - (I SCREAMED when a Sasori fan followed me this wasn’t my cutest moment)
Day 27 - Tag someone who makes you laugh: @tacocat-awkwardness
Day 28 - Tag someone who you think everyone should follow: ALL OF THE ABOVE.
If you’re surprised you’re on the list, or surprised you’re not on this list - don’t be. I stalk all of y’all equally :))
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (07-12 / 31)
Day 7 - What is your goal for your studyblr for the next few months?
To post more, as I’ve been MIA lately. Hopefully more stuff geared towards stem. Maybe interact more? I’d love to connect with more people, but don’t know where to start.
Day 8 - What is the best thing about studyblr in your opinion?
I get to waste time but not really, and it’s the best thing ever.
Day 9 - What is the worst thing about studyblr in your opinion?
I have to be extra cautious of what I say because people tend to take things that have nothing to do with them personally. And it’s nonsensical. 
Day 10 - What is one thing you wished you could change about studyblr?
That we could be more honest. Not relatable honest, not brutally honest or trendy honest, but honest. 
Day 11 - What is something that you have learnt from studyblr?
That I could be doing more. That I could always be doing more.
Day 12 - How much time do you spend on studyblr per day on average?
I used to be on here everyday in sporadic times, but recently it’s been once a week for like 20 mins. I should really fix my life and get back on schedule, but for some reason, I’ve comfortable being a mess and getting things done messily. Hah.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (29 - 31 / 31)
Day 29 - What are three things that you are proud of?
- My accomplishments in my academic life
- My writing
- My impact on people
Day 30 - What are three things about yourself that you love?
- How open and non-judgemental I am
- How honest I am
- How I put my 100 into things and people if I say I will
Day 31 - What are three things that inspire you?
- My family’s expectations
- People’s stories (the little things about them oddly inspire me)
- The bag.
This was fun. 
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
The path to poverty is paved by ego
— Unknown
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (01 / 31)
Day 1 - Introduce yourself and tell us what you study!
Hey studyblr! I'm Sally, and I'm studying chemical engineering. I'm on my last year, and will possibly go for postgrad, but as of now I'm not sure.
I don't think I've ever said my actual name, and that's because I wanted to maintain anonymity and focus on the content. My name kind of also makes people assume my ethnicity/race, and I wanted to avoid that. Oh well. It's a new dawn.
So thanks mom lol, and I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone does this~
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
My Studyblr: a year-ish into it
(Well, technically speaking, I had this blog for a bit longer, but I hadn’t been posting much before this year.)
Hello. Welcome to my blog. This is where I amass all the stuff I’ve seen, or learnt, or heard that I would love to spread to more people. I’ve never had the type of relationship I’ve desired with a friend - to strive to better together, the greatest accountability partners, loyal to each other and our goals; competitive with each other, but stop to pull the other person forward once one took the lead. I had one during elementary school, and it was the one thing I wish I still had. Not necessarily with that person, but with multiple someones as I went on with my life.
Fast forward past my own self exile, I was excited to make friends in college. I did in my friends eyes, but I didn’t. I just gained a few fun appendices that were there just to be there, and mooch off of my efforts. They would get handed resources from our seniors simply because they were ‘country mates’ (for all my international students - you know). They’d share it with me, expect me to pick up the slack in the stuff they lacked, and equate the two in terms of effort. Now I’m three years in and I couldn’t be more excited to finish up my last year and disappear.
I can seem socially inept, because I spent the entirety of my life honing my academic skill, but I’m in tune with people’s emotions and reasoning because I honed my observational skills as well. I write as a means to vent my frustrations. I care deeply for my family. I’m a firm believer of working hard and only rewarding yourself when you do, you can have fun without and in spite of people, and reading is essential to growth, but not a staple for high intellect. I thrive in my imposter syndrome, which is redundant, but works. I can be rigid as all hell, but I’m the biggest goofball troll oddity in, like, ever. I looooove anime.
Sooo what’s this blog for? It’s to strive to better together, the greatest accountability partners, loyal to each other and our goals; competitive with each other, but stop to pull the other person forward once one took the lead.
I’m eating healthier now. I plan to take more walks now that I finished the semester. I enjoy the hell out of highlighting stuff (tho I keep it to two highlighters at a time only). I don’t have cute notes, but I wanna share more of myself - not preach and scream advice all the time - I want to know you all too.
So this is real, this is me, this is a piece of who I’m striving to be (y’all. i did it).
Feel free to send me asks, random stuff, or input. My inbox and PMs are always open.
May we urge our ducks to gather in a line~
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (02 / 31)
Day 2 - Explain your studyblr URL! 
Well I came up with apathycares after a while of hearing about myself haha — I seem really apathetic, and nothing really surprises or fazes me, but at the same time, I care. If I'm asked to speak on or do something, I will give it my all, and ironically, I have a nurturing personality.
So yeah, it was a fun oxymoron in a way - apathycares. When I first came up with it years ago, I was like 🤯🤯, and decided to use that as my blog name, and then I wanted to start a studyblr, so I just thought apathycarestostudy made sense.
I lowkey wanna change it, but 💀💀💀
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
So apparently that 24 hour open book exam I spoke about on my last post turned into a 3000 word literature report on chemical separation topics that's worth 80%. Due next week.
I don't know how I feel about this.
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apathycarestostudy · 3 years
I’ve been kind of MIA for a bit because I’ve been going through it, like really through it, but I’m back now and I’ll start posting soon enough. Hope everyone’s doing well, and if you’re not, it’s fine. You’ll make it soon, don’t worry.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Tumblr media
I found this old sticky note I made back in my first year. My first thought was, "Wow, how dumb were you LOL," and was going to throw it away, but then after a moment, I realized I've gotten to a point in my academic career where pipe systems are as familiar to me as water bottles are to runners — and that's not dumb at all.
Lesson from this: Some of us don't like our pace, and when we do get something done, we think it's not enough. Please notice how far you've come instead of ridiculing your struggle. One step forward is better than no steps at all.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Exams are DONE!
Hey everyone, I just finished my ascension from hell soooo expect more posts from yours truly! I’ve got a couple ideas for advice, tips, and summer goals in general that I think would be nice to share - I’ll have them up asap. 
Thank you all for following me, for liking, for the reblogs - all of it. If you have any questions, requests on what I should talk about, or need someone to talk to, my PMs and ask box are open.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
When it's time to say these hard things, I ask myself three things. 1. Do you mean it?  2. Can you defend it?  3. Did you say it with love? If the answer is yes to all three, I say it and let the chips fall.
Luvvie Ajayi
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