apathycarestostudy · 3 years
Will pick this up soon.
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apathycarestostudy · 3 years
I'm going to be defending my thesis this week and I have a lot to say about chemical engineering undergrad afterwards but I don't know where to start.
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apathycarestostudy · 3 years
Fixed to Growth Mindset
It’s been a week and some change since I finished Mindset by Carol S. Dweck and I thought I’d share some direct quotes from the book, more specifically the ones that triggered me. There was so many moments in this book that made me pause and reflect, but these particular lines triggered me in a way where I wanted to change, and not for the moment. Here you go -
Why waste time proving over and over how great you are, when you could be getting better?
Remember, in the fixed mindset, effort is not a cause for pride. It is something that casts doubt on your talent.
In the fixed mindset, setbacks label you.
There was a saying in the 1960s that went: “Becoming is better than being.” The fixed mindset does not allow people the luxury of becoming. They have to already be. 
I had shown no interest in him as a person, only in him as a mirror of my excellence.
Praise should deal not with [the child’s] personality attributes, but with [his] efforts and achievements.
“You have to apply yourself each day to becoming better. By applying yourself to the task of becoming a little better each and every day over a period of time, you will become a lot better.”
Once a problem improves, people often stop doing what caused it to improve. Once you feel better, you stop taking your medicine.
The fixed mindset is so very tempting. It seems to promise [children] a lifetime of worth, success, and admiration just for sitting there and being who they are.
[...] vowing, even intense vowing, is often useless. The next day comes and the next day goes. What works is making a vivid, concrete plan: “Tomorrow during my break, I’ll get a cup of tea, close the door to my office, and call the graduate school.”
Nothing is better than seeing people find their way to the things they value.
That last one spoke to why I and many others do the things we do - it’s so satisfying offering something to people that’d help catalyze their journey to better. I recommend the book to everybody, and to go in with an open mind (unironically lol). I was reading it to collect some gems and move on, but for the first time in a while going through slumps of depression, I’m cashing these gems and actually doing something. Here’s the last line I’ve got for you that I actually wrote and pinned up somewhere (and this is the first time doing this too!):
“What are some opportunities for learning and growth today? For myself? For the people around me?”
It sounds cliché, but it hits differently after reading that book, I swear. What’s better is that not only does it let you reset again and again throughout the day, but it opens up a space for the people around you as well. Check-in and grow together. So this is me extending a space to you. 
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apathycarestostudy · 3 years
I’ve been kind of MIA for a bit because I’ve been going through it, like really through it, but I’m back now and I’ll start posting soon enough. Hope everyone’s doing well, and if you’re not, it’s fine. You’ll make it soon, don’t worry.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (29 - 31 / 31)
Day 29 - What are three things that you are proud of?
- My accomplishments in my academic life
- My writing
- My impact on people
Day 30 - What are three things about yourself that you love?
- How open and non-judgemental I am
- How honest I am
- How I put my 100 into things and people if I say I will
Day 31 - What are three things that inspire you?
- My family’s expectations
- People’s stories (the little things about them oddly inspire me)
- The bag.
This was fun. 
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (15 - 28 / 31)
Day 15 - Tag someone you look up to: I wish I knew people more deeply so I could name one y’know y’know.
Day 16 - Tag someone who has beautiful handwriting: @apathycarestostudy (yes I tagged myself rfhuerh)
Day 17 - Tag someone who you think is really kind: @happystudentamy
Day 18 - Tag someone who makes you think more deeply about things: everyone just - I overthink. 
Day 19 - Tag someone you are grateful to have met: @feedthemadness-sweetie
Day 20 - Tag someone who has a lovely aesthetic: @wanderlust-sunflower7
Day 21 - Tag someone you think works really hard and deserves appreciation: @romanticism-tips (an absolutely beautiful blog) 
Day 22 - Tag someone who makes you smile: @studyaurore 
Day 23 - Tag someone whose blog you always check: @mint-tea-studies
Day 24 - Tag someone who posts the best text posts: don’t know what this is lmao sorry y’all if someone who follows/a mutual does this that I dont know about :/
Day 25 - Tag someone who gives good advice: @productive-tips
Day 26 - Tag someone who you would like to get to know: @sasoriwifu - (I SCREAMED when a Sasori fan followed me this wasn’t my cutest moment)
Day 27 - Tag someone who makes you laugh: @tacocat-awkwardness
Day 28 - Tag someone who you think everyone should follow: ALL OF THE ABOVE.
If you’re surprised you’re on the list, or surprised you’re not on this list - don’t be. I stalk all of y’all equally :))
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (13, 14 / 31)
Day 13 - Do you have an ‘aesthetic’? If yes, what is it?
Yes, the academic aesthetic - getting shit done without doing too much. I’ve been pretty successful so far.
Day 14 - What are some of your study essentials?
A blue and black pen
Pencil, eraser, sharpener
Two different rulers (15 and 20cm)
My folder
A highlighter 
Correction tape but I feel like I’ve failed in life if I use it
The stuff I’m studying (textbook, ppt, whatever)
That’s it lol. Not sure if it’s a lot or too much, but it is what it is.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (07-12 / 31)
Day 7 - What is your goal for your studyblr for the next few months?
To post more, as I’ve been MIA lately. Hopefully more stuff geared towards stem. Maybe interact more? I’d love to connect with more people, but don’t know where to start.
Day 8 - What is the best thing about studyblr in your opinion?
I get to waste time but not really, and it’s the best thing ever.
Day 9 - What is the worst thing about studyblr in your opinion?
I have to be extra cautious of what I say because people tend to take things that have nothing to do with them personally. And it’s nonsensical. 
Day 10 - What is one thing you wished you could change about studyblr?
That we could be more honest. Not relatable honest, not brutally honest or trendy honest, but honest. 
Day 11 - What is something that you have learnt from studyblr?
That I could be doing more. That I could always be doing more.
Day 12 - How much time do you spend on studyblr per day on average?
I used to be on here everyday in sporadic times, but recently it’s been once a week for like 20 mins. I should really fix my life and get back on schedule, but for some reason, I’ve comfortable being a mess and getting things done messily. Hah.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (04, 05, 06 / 31)
Heyyo! I thought the questions kind of followed the same trail of thought (if you understand me, thank you, and if you don’t, I’m sorry lol), so I decided to answer them all at the same time. Yipee.
Day 4 - How long have you had a studyblr?
According to my first post, I’ve been actively participating in the studyblr community since August 2nd 2019, and I say actively participating because I’ve been quietly lurking for wayyyyyyy longer.
The short answer: a year and some change.
Day 5 - Have you ever done a challenge before?
None publicly so to say. I’d see productivity challenges and do them myself and record my progress privately, but never like this. 
Day 6 - Why did you decide to do this challenge and what is your goal?
I thought it would be nice to do it now that I’ve mainly established my niche. I wanted to formally introduce myself and get to know more people through this. Sooo if you’re reading this, feel free to holla.
My goal is to become better at interacting with people. Not that I don’t have that skill, but we can always improve, ya know? I want to talk to people and be a social butterfly and all that jazz, so maybe this challenge could help facilitate that.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (03 / 31)
Day 3 - Why did you create your studyblr?
I was feeling lonely and the only aspect of myself that I was proud of at that time (studying lol) was falling apart. That's actually why I started lurking around the studyblr community and trying to pick myself back up.
After I got over it, I was so mad at myself for letting that stop my grind. I wanted to vent, but at the same time, not seem like I'm complaining about my life woes and stuff, so I thought, why not make my experience helpful to people?
And the rest is history!
Well, of course now it's more of me giving advice, and tips, and a ramble here and there, but the essence is still the same — I'm trying to ease the burden of others as best as I can.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Act in opposition to how you feel.
Judge Lynn Toler
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (02 / 31)
Day 2 - Explain your studyblr URL! 
Well I came up with apathycares after a while of hearing about myself haha — I seem really apathetic, and nothing really surprises or fazes me, but at the same time, I care. If I'm asked to speak on or do something, I will give it my all, and ironically, I have a nurturing personality.
So yeah, it was a fun oxymoron in a way - apathycares. When I first came up with it years ago, I was like 🤯🤯, and decided to use that as my blog name, and then I wanted to start a studyblr, so I just thought apathycarestostudy made sense.
I lowkey wanna change it, but 💀💀💀
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Studyblr Community Challenge (01 / 31)
Day 1 - Introduce yourself and tell us what you study!
Hey studyblr! I'm Sally, and I'm studying chemical engineering. I'm on my last year, and will possibly go for postgrad, but as of now I'm not sure.
I don't think I've ever said my actual name, and that's because I wanted to maintain anonymity and focus on the content. My name kind of also makes people assume my ethnicity/race, and I wanted to avoid that. Oh well. It's a new dawn.
So thanks mom lol, and I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone does this~
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Lessons from Anime #1
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A lesson from Haikyuu’s Akaashi Keiji. 
Don’t worry about external expectations and what your environment has to say about what you should be thinking about. Focus on your obligations, one at a time. Focus on the task, not the goal.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Heyyo, anything I post now for a while will be queued posts, as opposed to me sitting down and writing stuff in one go. This is because I got a bunch of stuff to do all of a sudden soooo yeah.
Hope everyone's been having a good week!
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
This'll be a fun challenge to commemorate my following milestone! Thank you @myhoneststudyblr for this~
[see you all October, I got a paper to write :')]
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Here is my brand new challenge! I hope that you will all enjoy taking part in this challenge <3
This challenge will begin on the 1st October 2020 and will run for the entire month
HOWEVER! My plan for this challenge is also that it can be done at any time (like the 100 days of productivity challenge for example), so although it will be officially starting then (and that is when I will be doing it) you can start it at any time
There are 31 prompts - one for each day of the month
If you do the challenge, use the tag #studyblr community challenge so i can track the posts and see what you are all posting (and so others can see as well!)
Days 1 -14 are essentially a way to introduce yourself to the community and to find out about the person behind the blog!
Days 15 -28 are what really excite me about this challenge! Essentially, my initial idea was to do an ‘appreciation challenge’ and so these days are essentially this idea within the larger challenge. It is an opportunity to tag studyblrs that you love and let them know that you appreciate them 
The final three days of the challenge are about reflection and looking at yourself positively.  
As the name suggests, I want this challenge to be about community 
Studyblr has personally helped me so much and I’ve met some incredible people and I thought this challenge would be a good way to bring the community closer 
When I was creating this challenge, I tried to keep in mind new studyblrs. I think that it is a good way of introducing yourself and getting involved in the community, as well as having things to post, if you have just started! It could also be a good way for people to find your blog!
That said, if you have been in studyblr for a while (for example, like me!), this challenge is definitely still for you! I think it will be a good way for your followers to find out more about you and to discover some new blogs!
Overall, I hope that this challenge will promote positivity, appreciation and productivity
If you want to do this challenge, please reblog this post
There are daily prompts for 31 days but challenges should never be a burden so you can post as frequently as you like/are able to 
When tagging, please do not spam people. Tag someone different for each day so we can share the love. 
I would suggest only tagging 1 person for each of the days but I understand that it could be a hard choice for some days. Therefore, I would say that a maximum of 3 people can be tagged for each of the days. 
Please be respectful. Some of the prompts are asking about personal opinions and you might disagree, but make sure to remember that everyone has had different experiences and the questions are designed to promote the sharing of ideas. 
Day 1 - Introduce yourself and tell us what you study!
Day 2 - Explain your studyblr URL! 
Day 3 - Why did you create your studyblr?
Day 4 - How long have you had a studyblr?
Day 5 - Have you ever done a challenge before?
Day 6 - Why did you decide to do this challenge and what is your goal?
Day 7 - What is your goal for your studyblr for the next few months?
Day 8 - What is the best thing about studyblr in your opinion?
Day 9 - What is the worst thing about studyblr in your opinion?
Day 10 - What is one thing you wished you could change about studyblr?
Day 11 - What is something that you have learnt from studyblr?
Day 12 - How much time do you spend on studyblr per day on average?
Day 13 - Do you have an ‘aesthetic’? If yes, what is it?
Day 14 - What are some of your study essentials?
Day 15 - Tag someone you look up to
Day 16 - Tag someone who has beautiful handwriting 
Day 17 - Tag someone who you think is really kind
Day 18 - Tag someone who makes you think more deeply about things
Day 19 - Tag someone you are grateful to have met
Day 20 - Tag someone who has a lovely aesthetic
Day 21 - Tag someone you think works really hard and deserves appreciation
Day 22 - Tag someone who makes you smile
Day 23 - Tag someone whose blog you always check 
Day 24 - Tag someone who posts the best text posts
Day 25 - Tag someone who gives good advice
Day 26 - Tag someone who you would like to get to know
Day 27 - Tag someone who makes you laugh 
Day 28 - Tag someone who you think everyone should follow
Day 29 - What are three things that you are proud of?
Day 30 - What are three things about yourself that you love?
Day 31 - What are three things that inspire you? 
I really hope you will all get involved and if you have any questions, please feel free to send me an ask!
Keep reading
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
I'm the type of person who cares more about feedback, especially interactions of any kind, rather than my following count, but regardless, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate you guys choosing to visit my blog more than once! Thank you guys so much for following me, and I genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, hope I continue to pump out content that'll help you as much as I possibly can.
As always, my dms and ask box are open for anything, and feel free to poke me from either whenever you like.
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