#anyways this is a long tag rant i'll shut up
ale-cart · 3 months
I’m absolutely dying for any information on Dave and Karkat in your gleestuck au. Im obsessed.
Okay so first of all I'm sorry sorry for this being so late- I've had to think real long and hard about what I wanted to add here.
Second, I'm so happy you guys are enjoying this as much as I do. It genuinely makes me so excited when I see y'all's tags and reblogs :')
Hmm I guess I'll start with how they met? Which would be in middle school when karkats family moved to town.
Almost immediately they Didn't like eachother, karkat didn't like Dave because of his "douchebag shades make me want to punch him". And Dave actually didn't mind karkat until he found out why karkat didn't like him, then it was, "Jesus what a prick, maybe I'll fuck with him later."
After that it sort of just began a whole "I can do better than you just watch." Sort of deal, UNTIL karkat started gleeclub in freshman year (when Jake started teaching) Dave basically saw that as karkat trying to one up him again but he legitimately could not join. Mostly because of his dad (bro) having just started being enemies with the glee teacher, and well because he knew he couldn't sing. "Touche vantas"
That being said, Dave had been playing the drums and the piano since before he had met karkat. He would always practice late in the band room when he'd have a particularly bad day, otherwise he'd wait til he was home to use his own.
Funny story actually, karkat (for the longest time) had a crush on dirk. Until he found out that dirk was interested in the schools paranormal obsessed dork. He only found out after accidentally hearing Dave rant to rose about it, afterwards he gave up on liking dirk completely (besides being friends).
Junior year, Karkat has just heard about dirk wanting to try out (due to johns antics) and went to look for him to ask to do a duo together. That's when he passed the band room and accidentally seen Dave just hammering on his drums. He then sort of snuck in, about to give Dave an earful about being in there without permission, when he actually listened to what Dave was playing and "woah isn't that one of the songs we were practicing earlier?"
Which Dave didn't hear obviously, but when he looked up and saw karkat you bet your ass it scared the shit out of him, falling out of his chair and on his ass with surprise.
That's when karkat just sort of blurts out that he should try out for glee, that they needed more people anyways and since his brother was joining he might as well too. Dave immediately shuts him down, making a joke about being too good for the club which pisses karkat off and gives him a new purpose at the school.
Getting Dave strider to join glee club.
Which proves to be a bigger hassle than he'd imagine because damn, striders are really fucking stubborn. But so was karkat, and eventually he had to settle with what they were best at doing. He called Dave out for being a Wuss, practically. Told him that he was admitting that karkat was better than him because he wouldn't join.
Dave being, well, Dave. Immediately jumped to being defensive, "fuck it! I'll join!" And boy did he, and boy did he like it, and boy was karkat getting cute? Oh shit.
I'll leave this here before it gets too much longer haha, but please! Feel free to ask me more, there's so much I can say on this au (there's so much for everyone please ask me about everyone pls pls)
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Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 Edition
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
Tagged by @dummerjan & @blmpff . Thanks mutuals!! ;⁠-⁠)
What have been BLs that took you by surprise this year?
Absolutely Choco Milk Shake, I would've usually gone the other way running after just reading the premise ( maybe thanks I didn't) but I went in because Strongberry and stuff about poly blah blah on here and I happily stayed because it was lovely and bonkers. I was hooked it's high up there in terms of story quality/ ingenuity with Color Rush (thank you KBL land). But here thank you Strongberry for accessible high quality BL and for that 'Long Time No See' nod.
Also I love love loved the idea of My Tooth Your Love just seeing the trailer and bts stuff but whew has it taken my world by storm..... There's always a place for Taiwan on my top list! You rock!!
What have been BLs that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
Not Me (sorry)
There has been no character fuck up I have ever seen as with the Gram story and arc....yikes :(
While I love the 'fight the power' storyline and OffGun (kings duh!) Whew that whole fuck up has me giving a rant to myself time and again. This show could have been best of all time. Seriously P'Nuchie is fucking awesome she can DIRECT yo! But whew I was pissed I don't trust that company that shall not be named!
The basis of this disappointment (rage) wasn't even about GramBlack CP which was in the novel though, it was just how can you turn Gram &Black against each other whilst they introduced them like they had a special connection different from the others in the gang...And and it was over a girl..come on and that romance was doing no favours for either character in it. It's like they had nothing going about themselves as individuals and we both know the fire they had and they were damn kick ass activists each in their own right.
Ugh I'll just stop here....
Rant over (lol) ..... it's never over
What has been your favorite BL this year?
Easy, To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories!
First of all: HWANG DA SEUL.
Also it's the best! This show broke me in pieces and handed them back to me whole!
I love you!
Favorite BL couples (not just of 2022)
I'll start with my best of 2022 and then do my best of all time in there
Kuea X Lian
Jiwoo X Seojoon
Zheng Zeshou X Fu Ligong
Bai Lang X Jin Xun'an
Jack X Zhao Zi
I'm sorry OffGun just really rock! (It's interesting from a casting point of view. Wow)
Edit: I left out Wenzhou. What has it all gone to....(I will take time for contemplation of my actions and I will spam post them for the foreseeable time)
Anyway without further ado, my murder couple:
Wen Kexing X Zhou Zishu
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
PSA: People please watch My Tooth Your Love, do yourself a favour!!
Yu Jin and Andy Wu are amazing actors (Taiwan,see!) I will not shut up about this! It's like I'm under a spell, they've become these characters it's kinda scary. I feel with them and I feel for them, that alchemy is amazing for me. There are few matched BL actors (actors period) like them that's part of what gets me. They're like operating on their own frequency and it's magnetic. They remark about on occasion about just how in sync they are/were in some of the scenes (first kiss scene, the whole of it as an example).
What's your non-BL favorite this year?
These are all not from this year but watched this year:
Love Is Science? Amazing (and has a lovely queer pairing)
Navillera (wow my soul is full)
Tagging @small-dark-and-delicious if you like. I don't know exactly mutuals who haven't done except a few. (I'm a smol account and I have my spells on the out)
Anyone who feels like it.....if you're reading this. There
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roxyandelsewhere · 3 years
unstoppable force: me wanting to do more trueforms
immovable object: thesis work and the fact that my pens ran out of ink and they’re not for sale anymore and the mall doesn’t have other ones that will do for this so i gotta go look through small stores that sell office supplies but i hardly ever leave the house and even if i do i can only go to the city on certain days and-
#this is a post just to say i haven't forgotten all about that series just bc i havent posted a new one in ages#and the same goes for the prints. sigh.#i've given up on doing the prints myself but even for an online store i need good scans#and that's proving ridiculously hard to get#for a recap: my scanner won't do. the scanner at the municipal library won't do even though it did when i scanned other things 2 years ago#the scanners at any of the divisions of the big printing center in my uni town aren't good enough either#or rather they are but nobody working there knows how to use them and i don't either#there's a printing studio that does good enough scans but their prints aren't so good and i'd have to do both. i can't do just the scans#asked a photographer friend of the family and he said only in lisbon or porto. which is ridiculous bc that's a 4h bus ride#there has to be somewhere closer. it's a 600dpi scan how fucking hard can it be#i wanna look in The Big District Capital which is 1h away#but bc of family stuff the soonest i can go there is nov 6#i had the utopian idea of having the store up on nov 5 so that feels like the universe mocking me#a lot of this could have been handled sooner but. again. i hardly ever leave the house. and transportation. logistics#can't even get fucking black pens in this town#but i just wanna say i'm trying!!!#that minimalist destiel pins thing i asked was bc i feel bad about not having the prints yet after so long#so i wanted to Do something#anyways this is a long tag rant i'll shut up#carolina talks
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samslittleangel · 4 years
Merlin rant warning! It covers stuff that happened in season 5, so if you’re new and don’t want to spoil anything or don’t want the feelings, just scroll on by. Not sure how long this will be, sorry.
Rant begins So 5X02, after Arthur and Merlin escape from Ragnor’s custody and Arthur aims at Mordred with his crossbow but chooses not to shoot, Merlin snaps “you should have killed him ... you had the chance.” Every time I hear these lines, I wonder how much of that is aimed at Arthur and how much is aimed at himself. At that point, how many times has Merlin thought about how much easier his life would be if he had just killed Mordred as a child? Especially after the prophecy where Mordred would eventually kill Arthur. While he was watching his best friend die at the hands of this boy he was told to kill when he first met him, “you should have killed him ... you had the chance” was probably on repeat in his mind. 
All the little moments when his distrust of Mordred just takes over his mind so completely because Arthur just walked away with the druid boy fated to be his doom. What if Mordred acts now? What if he’s not fast enough to save Arthur? you should have killed him ... you had the chance 
When Finna gave Merlin the small box containing the Camlann prophecy, Mordred full of feelings of betrayal after Kara’s death ran away, Arthur planned an ambush in Camlann of all places.  you should have killed him ... you had the chance
After the loss of his magic because Morgana found out that Merlin is Emrys, and he finds himself trapped in a cave. A cave that he should have been able to escape without trouble, but he couldn’t because his magic was gone forever. All because Mordred got spiteful and revealed his secret. In between the desperate cries for help and sobbing against his rock prison, his mind would have spiraled. you should have killed him ... you had the chance
He should have been by his side. Merlin was always at Arthur’s side, no matter what dangers they faced, no matter how low their chances were, Merlin was always at Arthur’s side. So much so that at that point, if you wanted to find one, look for the other. They were a team. But the one time Arthur needed his secret sorcerer the most, Merlin wasn’t there. Instead of riding out with his king, Merlin was in the crystal cave hoping beyond anything that he could get his magic back. And sure, he got it back and he made it to Camlann in time to even out the odds and lead Camelot knights to victory, but Mordred got to Arthur first. He was too late.  you should have killed him ... you had the chance
As Arthur lay dying in his arms, just asking to be held. Then Kilgharrah’s words echoing in his head that nothing could save the king now. The moments would blur, melting into one another until Merlin couldn’t tell which happened first and how much time had actually passed during the moments; there would be a small break from the mantra that had been replaying in his mind since who knows when. Then the realization would hit that nothing he did would bring Arthur back to him and he had to return to Camelot alone. Gaius tried to console him, but to no avail. The years that followed were filled with that same mantra still running through his head, through the fall of Camelot to the decay of the pillar across the lake of Avalon. you should have killed him ... you had the chance
So when Arthur didn’t take the shot as they ran from Ragnor and Merlin snapped at him. Was he talking to Arthur or himself? Rant ends
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gentletwin · 4 years
Headcanon: Lucas’s mixed heritage and language. ( and a brief aside about ethnicity in Tazmily generally )
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Lucas is a quarter Japanese on Hinawa’s side, Hinawa being half-Japanese, half-white. Alec’s wife, Ichika, was full Japanese ( she passed away peacefully a few years before the events of the game ). That being said, Hinawa grew up fully bilingual. Ichika was a proficient English speaker ( well enough to talk to Alec, clearly ), but believed in passing down the language and culture — and, well, as old age began to set in, it just became easier to talk in her native language.
This is the primary reason that Japanese was introduced to Lucas and Claus: to be able to communicate with Ichika in the most comfortable way to her. That, and Hinawa could pass on all her favorite stories, songs, and lullabies to the twins. Not to mention the added bonus of being able to keep secrets from Flint when holidays like father’s day and his birthday rolled around.
Tazmily is mostly English-speaking, so Lucas is a stronger English speaker than Japanese. However, Tazmily is also a large melting pot of ethnicities much like the United States is, seeing as people from all walks of life were on the White Ship. All sorts of people had to be on there in order to keep humanity alive, after all — there’s more than one kind of person in the world, so the Nowhere Islands had to reflect that!
That being said, there are other multilinguals in Tazmily, including some other Japanese speakers that Lucas and Claus could practice with. Lucas’s Japanese mental muscles also get some work when Smash tournaments roll around, with several fighters, assists, and staff present who are fluent, some more so than in English, even.
Since English is the primarily spoken language in Tazmily, Lucas is prone to stuttering or making minor mistakes here and there when an opportunity to use Japanese rolls around, but he can hold a basic conversation. Reading is also pretty difficult for him, but he’s learning what he can where he can, mostly because even though he doesn’t have Hinawa to teach him anymore, he wants to try and keep going where she left off.
Lucas’s Japanese personal pronoun is ぼく boku. More often than not, he tends to speak very casually. Shorthand like あんた anta ( a slangier version of あなた anata, “you” ) or めっちゃ meccha ( slang similar to とても totemo, “very/really”) is sometimes used where appropriate ( with friends, for example ). This is a habit he picked up mostly in the three-year timeskip. Though, his speech is generally softer than, say, Claus’s.
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I found the outline function in google docs by accident. Spot and the Kitten has a chance of living again! How did I write over 90,000 words of this in separate documents in the first place?? Each one is like 8,000 words long!
And reading snippets as I paste things into one giant doc, I’m not sure which is more fun. Nathalie punning, or Gabriel.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: Fred meets the perfect girl at the beginning of his seventh year; although he is reluctant to ask her out, the universe keeps throwing her into every place Fred finds himself in, even in the most unexpected one; the Quidditch pitch.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: mostly fluff
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: language and a little tiny bit of slut shaming (?) and making out
A/N: I was on the subway listening to Sweet Dreams and my brain went 'hOLd oN— bEAteR ReAdER 👁️👄👁️!' so here we are. Kinda long but worth it. Enjoy this <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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It was the first Saturday of the scholar year, and the first ten days tended to be the definition of chaos, so I had volunteered to help my House's prefects with the first years; I was in sixth year, so my first two weeks were mostly free anyway.
I was on my way to the dungeons to pick up the group of kids the prefects had assigned me when I bumped into my Ravenclaw friends, and I decided to chat a bit with them to catch up.
I had my back against one of the hallway's walls, therefore I saw the pair of towering, lean, redheaded figures jogging towards my friends to give them a jump scare.
"That's about it real— AAH!" My friend jolted at the infamous' twins, bumping them for scaring her. "Idiots!"
"Sorry, love." One of them passed his arms over two of my friends' shoulders, while his twin brother's eyes roamed over the circle, tilting his head in confusion when he reached me. "Hello?"
"Hey." I gave them a subtle wave and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Oh, right!" My friend turned to me and pointed at the boy whose arm rested on her. "This is George and that's—"
"Fred Weasley." He introduced himself, offering me his hand to shake with a half smile that promised everything but boredom.
Giving his hand a firm shake, I responded, "Y/n Y/l/n." Our eyes locked; we didn't even attempt to hide the fact that we were measuring one another, and I knew I would have to endure the teasing on my friends' behalf later, but there was something in Fred's gaze that made me extremely curious about his intentions.
I let go of his hand, only for him to take a couple of steps in my direction to stand closer. "And how is it that I've never seen you before, Y/n Y/l/n?" He inquired, leaning on his shoulder against the wall.
"I reckon you don't look much at the Slytherin table?"
His body tensed. "Oh?"
"Oh." I chuckled at his shock. "Scared much?"
The corner of his lips twitched up again. "Should I?"
"Guess that's on you to decide." We lingered on each other's gaze for a bit too long. "I think I'll get going." I was the one to avert my eyes in order to talk to my friends, who were already giving me that look. "See you lat— Oi!" Fred swooped the bag I was carrying off my shoulder and hung it on his.
"I'll carry this for you."
"I'm heading to my House."
"Where else would you be heading?" I turned to my friends in confusion, but they only shrugged; I didn't even have time to ask them what was he up to. "C'mon, Miss Slytherin!"
My eyes got big at the name and I spun around, rushing to catch up with him. "I can carry my own bag, you know that right?"
"But then I wouldn't have an excuse to walk with you." I quirked a brow at him when the ginger winked. "Tell me something."
"Like what?" I questioned, a confused yet amused grin dancing on my lips.
He shrugged, averting his gaze to nonchalantly look to the front "Dunno," He changed my bag to his other arm so it wouldn't be between us. "What do you think about Umbridge?"
"Well, she's got terrible taste in clothing." He laughed, and so did I. Just like that, we fell in a quite fluid and enjoyable conversation.
"—And not only that, she's so smart—" I groaned burying my face in my bed's pillow, very aware that I had been talking about Y/n to George and Lee for at least fifteen minutes. "Yesterday she held my hand and I think my face turned red."
Lee's snort was followed by George's words. "So are you gonna ask her out or...?"
I grimaced. The last couple of weeks, somehow I had managed to bump into Y/n everywhere. It was as if the universe was throwing me towards her, but there was a voice in the back of my head that stopped me from making a move. "What if she says no?"
"Freddie, she blantantly flirts with you every time you see her." George stated with his eyebrows raised. "Just ask her out, mate."
"Aight," I nodded. "I'll do it next time I see her."
When Adrian Pucey informed me that Crabbe wouldn't be able to play in the upcoming Quidditch match, I instantly regretted accepting my friends' dare of showing up at Quidditch tryouts.
Though I didn't put much effort on it, I got in the team as a reserve, and the moment had come for me to shine. How lovely.
I couldn't really back out of that one, so that's how I ended up in the Slytherin changing room before a match that would be played in the worst conditions. Since I was in deep already, I thought I might as well go for the win with everything I had.
"Oi, Malfoy!" I gestured the kid to come closer, which he did with reluctancy. "Don't give me that look— I don't like you either."
"You're not half as good as Potter—" Before he started the rant of insults, I spoke again. "Shut it. You're not half as good but you're faster." My words were clear and slow, making sure he would understand. "Keep your eyes on Potter— if he moves, you move."
He seemed to hesitate, weary of my advice, but then he gave me a subtle nod and walked away.
"C'mon, on your feet everyone!" Our captain called us and we obeyed; as we approached our entrance to the pitch, thunders could be heard louder and louder. "We're not only for the win, we're gonna crush them." He shouted, partially so we could hear him over the racket of the storm and the muffled hubbub of the crowd, but also because he wanted us to know how serious he was about it. "Glasses!" I took a deep breath, grasping the bat "Broomsticks!" The gate opened as I mounted my broomstick. "UP!"
"AND HERE COMES SLYTHERIN!!" We heard Lee Jordan's voice as we took off to go around the pitch in formation.
Even before we flew over the Ravenclaw stands, obnoxiously loud cheers of my friends could be heard, and I couldn't help but laugh.
"The hell are they cheering on?" I frowned at the Ravenclaw stands going nuts when our rivals passed over them. "It's bloody Slytherin!"
My brother, who was waiting besides me for the match to start, scanned the stands, and then the opposite team; in an instant, he stood upright and nudged me with his bat. "Oi, look!" George called my attention over the roaring crowd after the Slytherin team had passed over our heads. "The beater! Number 6!"
I looked for their number 6 in the pitch, only finding what George was talking about when they stopped at their starting points. Squinting my eyes, I managed to read through the rain the back of the robe. "Y/l/n— Y/n?!" George laughed loudly, following Angelina's cue and flying to his respective mark in the circle.
"Move!" Katie yelled, flying past me and snapping me out of my awe. Had she always been a beater?
When I reached them, I saw Y/n meticulously making sure she had everything secured.
Our eyes, despite the glasses and the pouring rain, managed to meet seconds before Madam Hooch's blowed her whistle, and I would have sworn she gave me a smile.
"FRED PAY ATTENTION!" Not even Angelina's yells were enough to bring my mind back to the match, something I regretted instantly; a bludger had been beaten in her direction and nearly knocked her out of the broom. "FUCK!" The quaffle fell from her arm, only to be picked up by one of the Slytherin chasers. "I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!"
"Freddie what the hell!" George had flown to us, probably in hopes to stop the bludger from clocking Angelina. "Will you focus?!"
"Yeah— Sorry!" I apologised again— well, it was more like a grunt rather than an apology. "Go back to Harry!"
"Defend our bloody chasers!" He scolded me before heading off.
I forced myself to keep my eyes on the bludgers and not on Y/n.
The rain kept getting heavier; not even the Impervious charm seemed to work repelling the water from the glasses anymore.
I was cold, drenched, tired and befuddled; my legs were stiff and my arms numb, so I definitely did not see it coming; for that matter, I thought it was a strong blow of wind at first, so the shock that struck me when I was knocked off my broom was a big one.
I heard loud gasps and a scream or two coming from the stands, followed by Lee commenting something about the beater being beaten; in another situation —one where it wouldn't be fucking pouring and I could climb back up to my broom—, I would probably have laughed at it.
But right now, with the hand I held my bat in slipping off the broomstick, the last thing I wanted to do was laugh.
Once I had dodged the bludger away from Pucey, my eyes roamed around looking for the other one. which had just been beaten away by Goyle and, intentionally or not, the bludger went straight to Fred.
My heart skipped a beat as I saw his broom flip due to the hit, leaving him clinging onto it.
My eyes went straight to his brother, who was way to far to help, and then to their captain, who was adamant to score points.
"Fuck." I groaned through gritted teeth as I turned my broomstick and flew towards the Gryffindor beater in distress.
"Y/L/N STRAYS FROM HER POSITION AND— FLIES TO WEASLEY?" Jordan's commentaries reached my ears right when I got to Fred. I stretched my arm and grabbed his hand just in time for him not to slip off the broom. He gripped onto my hold for dear life as I used my broom as a leverage to pull him back up, a groan escaping my lips. "LOOKS LIKE NOT ALL SLYTHERINS ARE ARSES!"
I waited until he was steadily secured to let go of his hand. "Next time let go of the bat!" I advised with a teasing grin before flying off to my previous position.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, Y/L/N" I knew I was going to get shit for what I had just done, but I was expecting my captain to wait until the match had ended.
"HE WAS GONNA FALL OFF!" I yelled, louder than necessary.
"WELL LET HIM FALL THE FUCK OFF!" The captain retorted, venom dripping off his tongue. "WITH ANY LUCK HE'LL KILL HIMSELF OFF!" I didn't expect those words to come out, not even from that mouth.
"YOU KNOW WHAT?" I beat an incoming bludger away from us before shouting, "SUCK MY METAPHORICAL DICK, YEAH?!" And with that, I flew off to defend Malfoy, who was rushing to Potter. Surprisingly enough, he had followed my advice. I flew on Malfoy's track, dodging a bludger away twice until he gave a final sprint and caught the snitch.
The team started to celebrate as soon as we landed, and I thought I would take advantage of that and change into dry clothes, but I didn't have the chance before someone called my name from the entrance.
"Psst— Y/n." I turned around to see Fred standing there.
"Do you have a death wish?" I spoke quietly, though a smile appeared on my gaze as soon as I saw him. "What on earth are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to thank you for helping me out there." His cold fingertips brushed my wet cheek as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and he leaned on to place a kiss there. "Aw you're blushing!"
"I'm not blushing, I'm cold," I excused myself, averting my eyes from him.
Maybe it was his loud snort, or maybe the fact that I was missing, but the changing room fell silent as my team's attention was directed to us.
"Oi!" My captain looked Fred up and down, stepping to where we stood. "You're not welcome here."
"Chill," Fred shrugged, his hand lingering on my forearm. "I was congratulating her on her victory." His tone foreshadowed chaos. "Since, you know, it's obviously her doing." I glared at the ginger my hand going to his forearm, silently warning him to stop. "Can't command your own team, can you?"
his arm folded so his palm would be on my forearm too, giving me a reassuring squeeze.
"She should've let you fall off that hand-me-down broom of yours." Fred's grip on my forearm tightened; by the look on his face and the way his jaw clenched, I could tell my teammate had successfully hit a nerve.
"Shut the hell up, will you?" I snapped. "Can't you enjoy the victory without being an arse?"
"You fucking slut—"
"Imaginative." I cut him off, unbothered. "Want a cookie for the effort?"
"Listen now—" Just as he went to grab my bicep, a large hand pushed my captain away, making him stumble back.
"C'mon, mate, give me a reason to beat the shit out of you." Fred said, pulling me to stand besides him instead of between them. Fred's switch was about to flip, and I was desperate for a professor to step in.
As if I had summoned them, i caught a glimpse of Snape and McGonagall walking in my direction from the stairs of the teachers's tower.
"I'd love to see you try." The boy in front of us scoffed. "There's already too much ginger scum besmearing the pure blood, I'll be glad to send you straight to the hosp—"
It was far from expected it would be me punching that asshole strong enough to make him trip and fall.
"Miss Y/l/n!" Oh, right. McGonagall. "Ten points from Slytherin!"
"And fifty points for Slytherin." Snape added in his usual unimpressed tone. "Due to the comradeship you've shown during the match." I widened my eyes at the statement. "Though I can't ignore this, so Y/l/n, turn up in my class tomorrow morning for your punishment. Now, shall we, Minerva?"
"We're leaving too." I informed Fred in low voice, grabbing my bag before pulling him out of the Slytherin changing room.
"That was one hell of a punch." He observed with a chuckle once we were out. "Remind me not to mess with you."
I breathed out a laugh and we fell silent as we walked under the stands towards the exit, the only noise being the rain ricocheting on its structure.
"Thank you." He whispered, his fingers brushing against mines and consequently sending shivers down my spine. "For sticking up for me."
"I expect a reward at the least." I replied, playfully bumping his shoulder before letting my fingers intertwine with his.
"What would that be?" He inquired, that half smile tugging on the corner of his lips.
I shrugged, looking ahead of us with a grin of my own. "That's up to you."
"Will a kiss do?" He mused.
"Depends on how good the kiss is." I begged for my cheeks not yo turn bright red.
In a swift movement he spun me around and his lips landed on mines. His free hand, initially on my cheek, travelled down to my hips, pulling my flush against him while my own hands tangled on his damp hair.
Probably it wasn't a short kiss, but it felt like it when his mouth left mine, and I couldn't help the sight of displeasure that escaped my vocal cords.
He chuckled, our eyes fluttering open at the same time. "Was it good enough?" He teased with a quirked brow.
"Dunno." I muttered, my eyes falling on his lips again. "I think you'll need to try again—"
"To be sure." He finished, and I could only nod; I wouldn't mind the teasing as long as his lips came back to mines.
This time the kiss was deeper, my hands roaming over his wet robes and his over mines; it was only when my back was met with a post that I realized he was backing me into the darker part of the framework, which I did not oppose to.
Quiet moans began to be breathed into the kiss when he nibbled on my lower lip or my hands tugged on his locks.
We had to pull away when steps and voices where heard coming from both changing rooms.
"I think we should kiss more often." He suggested breathless against my lips.
"I think you should go out with me too."
I had to bite back a laugh. "Agreed again."
"Well, that was easy." The surprised on his gaze was way too amusing.
"Did you think I'd say no?"
"You're an idiot, Fred Weasley."
"Aw but you love it." He wiggled his brows at me and I smacked his chest.
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Heloo! Uh.. So, I literally love your blog and have been stalking it for months now.. (Pls don't think of me as creepy, that's just how I work ;-;)
So uhh.. I am one of the most extreme SNS supporters you will ever meet. I could rant for as long as possible to explain to you why I personally think that Sasuke and Naruto are soulmates. I would also rant for as long as possible to justify the reason as to why the Naruto ending is the worse ending EVER. But at the same time, I have really low self esteem so I always take criticism the wrong way. So it's pretty easy for me to shut off.. Um anyway.. I'm pretty sure you know the amount of harrassment we get from SS/NH stans only because we're shipping "brothers" according to their logic.. I'm kind of new to this fandom and I have never seen any chemistry between Sasuke and Sakura, or Naruto and Hinata, so I never really took interest in SS/NH fandoms. Please, I have better things to do than lie and delude myself on the daily basis. But I'll tell you that I brainrot and fantasize about Sasuke and Naruto married and having a healthy relationship where they both respect their space and have amazing kids who don't grow up in sketchy environments and train to fight off aliens. Anyways, while trying to enjoy fanarts of the characters and stuff I always find SS/NH fanarts around the corner. And boy does it tick me off. Anyway... My opinion isn't real popular, I don't think, but I generally prefer anything that's SNS honestly.. Wether it be one of them being a girl, Naruto being dominant or Sasuke. Whatever that includes 🍅🍥 bring together I don't mind. ANYWAYS... I cannot count the amount of headaches and frustrations I've had just by reading and finding SS/NH things (SS is what I see more often).. I understand they want to enjoy their ship, I mean don't we all?? But I mean, you don't need to twist your brain backwards just for your ship to make sense. They call us delusional, but by what means?? Do they call us delusional because we go for reality?? If they get to ship crappy ships why don't they mind their business and let us ship what we'd like to ship,?? Why does drama always have to occur.? I've seen so many people, not just SNS shippers but other Naruto shippers aswell literally being harrassed for disliking SS. It honestly scares me that people like that exists. It's gotten to the point where I can't even properly enjoy SNS because I'm afraid of being attacked.
I just wanted to know how do you cope with of these attacks and harrassments because I would do anything, and I mean anything just to keep SNS close to my heart... And also what are some tips to help ignore all of those negativities..
Hello Anon! Your ask made me smile, thank you so much <3 :)
Regarding to your question...At first time, when i started shipping them like "full time"(?) i mean putting all my attention to them, i also encountered myself with the negativity of SS and NH, and it was very stressing. My first post of why dont Boruto children make sense, got a lot of SS and NH insulting me and that made me very anxious at that moment. Must admit i tagged it wrong but anyway, they were FACTS not my opinion, but still they got mad and insulted me because of course they will behing their anonymity.
The only thing they can do, and they are good at it that must say, is fighting because they know well that the canon doesnt support them at all, so they have to do the hard job instead. I dont tend to get into discussions with them because it has no point. They "reign" on twitter instagram and youtube so i suggest you to not get into debates in there, because they tend to even call their friends and make cancel your account. So, i suggest you to stay away from them. If you get into a debate, let it be in a safe SNS account of twitter or instagram, because it will hypocrite to go to their accounts of their ships and say things (which can be true) because...yeah let them enjoy their ship. On instagram you can follow Sasunaru and Narusasu tags :) and accounts of them of course. Negative comments will appear always, not just from SS or NH but from dudebros who get annoyed to see reality, so we must cope with that. Just ignore them, do not try to read comments maybe on youtube because its full of them there. And on instagram, sometimes they put SNS tags for SS pictures (must say some SNS do the same, i hate that. the good is not that many just saw one) so you can encounter them even in some SNS tags, but just press the option button and say its spam Keep enjoying this beautiful ship, and at first their comments can be very hurtful, they are insulting you after all, but just remember they are some assholes from the internet who know nothing about you.
After all The strength of their grievance demonstrates the weakness of their argument.
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
Cherry blossom marriage. Based on the ghost marriage event. Plus lowly tied to my fanfic on wattpad.
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" Please marry me!" Epel said, " Darx I challenge you for the bride's hand,"
" Don't look at someone else. Please marry me!" Ace shouted, " Darx I will defeat you,"
 "Please... choose me as your marriage partner," Riddle offered, " Darx I shall put a stop too you,"
" Your beauty, I want to be your servant of love forever," Rook smiled, " And I shall rescue you from this brute,"
Far out at sea loomed a dark storm cloud that slowly made its way towards the island of Night Raven College. A figure sat on the back of a mighty griffin in the eye of the storm, it groaned, cried as it tried to thrash against reigns. The man growled as he sharply pulled on the reins.
"Quiet pet, I hear that there is a beautiful maiden at Night Raven College. And from what I've seen on the magical, she is quite the sight," The figure sighed, " Though I wished she had more of a presence, instead of uploaded photo's from this Cater guy."
"Master, can I come with you this time?" Inir asked excitedly, " I promise to be careful this time?"
"I have a feeling you to come for other reasons," Y/n sighed.
"N-no," Inir stuttered.
"You want another playdate with Ortho don't you?" Y/n smirked at her newer creation.
"No- yeah, but he's so fun to hang out with and I promise I'll be careful and try not to break myself like last time," Inir begged.
"Inir you broke yesterday from the game of tag, and I spent all night gluing you back together, and I had to reapply the marks that keep you together," Y/n yawned as she took a sip of coffee.
"PLEASE!?" Inir begged.
"Morning Ace-san, "Inir greeted.
"Oh Inir, I see y/n put you back together, " Ace smiled.
"yep cause she's the best, " Inir smiled.
"Morning," Yawned a tired Y/n.
"Wow you look awful today, did you get any sleep?" Ace asked.
"No, and I didn't feel like arguing with Inir today. Have you seen Idia or Ortho? " Y/n sighed.
"Yeah, I think-"
"Inir!" Shouted a young voice, and a flash of white and blue.
"There he is?" Y/n yawned.
"Hi, Ortho, " Inir Smiled as she hugged to robot boy, " is Idia outside today?"
"No, just me, but I saw that you were in school so I came over to play some more," Ortho said with a cheery smile, " If that's okay with Y/n, "
"Just please be gentle, I don't think I can handle another all-nighter to fix Inir," Y/n said tiredly.
"Okay," they both said as they ran off.
(Location- courtyard)
"Are you sure you're going to make it through the day?" Duece asked with a worried tone as he helped Y/n walk straight.
"I can't fall behind-behind on.. on the," Y/n nodded off.
"Prefect Y/n, what in the world happened to you," Said a very smooth voice.
"Oh no," Y/n groaned as she looked up to see Vil staring down at her.
"Y/n have you slept at all, you have bags under your eyes, and your skin looks all dried up," Vil said as he poked and prodded at her face.
"I had to put Inir back together, so no sleep," Y/n said simply.
"Oh no, you shouldn't push yourself. You'll ruin your health," Rook gasped at the sight of Y/n's tired face.
"Epel please Take Y/n back to her dorm to get proper rest," Vil said simply.
Epel nodded and Helped Y/n back to the ramshackle dorm to rest. The moment Y/n rested her head she was out like a light.
The night quickly came and Y/n found it hard to sleep knowing that her sleep was very thrown off, so she decided to take a night stroll around the school. As she made her way to the main route of the great 7. As she walked past the statues she noticed a familiar shut-in heading her way.
"Oh, good evening Mr. Idia," Y/n smiled as she curtsied slightly.
"Ahh! O-oh it's you Y/n. good evening, but what are you doing up so late?" Idia stuttered.
"My sleep is completely out of wack, so I'm just walking around. What are you up too, must be something important," Y/n wondered aloud.
"I've ordered my favorite manga's newest print... along with the spacial mini colored papers, but why is it not delivered by the release date!?" Iida ranted.
"M-Manga? Is this related to the anime thing you talk about?" Y/n asked.
"Manga is the book version of anime," Idia explained.
"Oh, well sorry to hear that, it must be a good piece of literature," Y/n frowned for Idia.
"It's a shame as an otaku to not get it on the first date. There's nobody around too, I'm going to the shop," Idia sighed.
But suddenly lightning flashed in the sky and a strong wind blew past Y/n and Idia.
"...ound you...," said a distant voice.
"Eh?" Idia and Y/n gasped.
"Just now... someone's voice?"  Idia wondered.
" I finally... found you... My Bride!" Said a tall man with a black blindfold over his eyes.
"GYAA———!!!!!" Idia screamed while Y/n gasped in shock.
"Grim, GRIM!" The fairy trio shouted.
Grimm gasped awake and quickly glared at the three.
"What?!" Grimm groaned.
"Y/n's missing! and the ghost has invaded!" Zephyr shouted as three ghosts appeared.
"Whoa!?" Grimm screamed.
" You dirty rats! What are you doing here!" One of the ghosts shouted, " This mansion is the Masters' reception hall. It's off-limits for outsiders!"
"Master?! Reception hall??. I don't get it, but it's my dorm. The outsiders are you guys!" Grimm growled.
"If you won't go out, you'll be in trouble," The ghosts glared, " Go out now or you'll be hurt!"
The Ghosts quickly tossed Grimm and the other creatures out of the dorm. Grimm growled as he ran over to the headmaster's office to report the incident.
"Your dorm got possessed by ghosts with white hats?" Crowley asked.
"That's right! They appeared and suddenly said that the dorm was theirs! They said something about a master too!" Grimm growled.
" Master... ah, I get it! There was nobody in that dorm last year so I let it be, but... It seems like he has come this year again," Crowley sighed.
"Again?" Vinca asked.
" The ones who chased you out was Darx's vassal" Crowley groaned.
"Darx? Who's that? I don't know if I'm supposed to be congratulating or scared," Grimm wondered.
" It seems like she was a princess of a country that was destroyed long ago. Darx is currently the world's most powerful wizard and a very narcissistic one too. He travels the world in search of a perfect partner to bear his children, wanting powerful children. He had many weddings, yet his brides always go missing after a month. Sometimes he rests at Ramshackle Dorm as appointed to be their basecamp. It's an honor for that place to be recognized by a powerful wizard," Crowley explained.
" It's not the time to brag! Chase those annoying ghosts away quickly!" Grimm growled.
" It's too annoying to chase them... ahem! Don't you think it's pitiful? Let's just leave them alone, plus I don't want to get on Darx's bad side for no good reason. besides no bride will be found here," Crowley laughed, " It only affects Ramshackle Dorm. And they'll go away after a few days. Stop those useless protests and just freeload on your friend's place for 2-3 days, wait where's Y/n?"
" Headmaster—!!!!!!!" Ortho and Inir cried.
"Oh, Ignihyde's Ortho Shroud-Kun and Inir of Ramshackle. What are you two in a hurry for?" Crowley
"It's a problem... my brother and Prefect Y/n were taken by a strange man!" Ortho cried.
"What?!" everyone gasped.
"Right Check out this security video," Ortho said as he projected a video.
"Hey! Please don't hack the school's security system!" Crowley scolded.
"shh, be quiet and watch the video!" Inir shushed.
"So that man is," Grimm gulped.
"Yep, that man is Darx, and he found a bride!" Crowley gasped.
"And the Bride is Y/n!" Ora gasped in horror.
"Well she indeed a beautiful maiden and a powerful witch on top of that, fitting his criteria," Crowley mumbled.
"Yep, she is also kind and caring. Dame you Darx, what precise eyes you have!" Inir growled.
"Anyway, it seems like we have trouble, If she's chosen to be Darx bride, then that means," Crowley gasped.
Suddenly they were interrupted by all the commotion happening in the halls. They ran out to see what was going on, and to find the halls were overrun with ghosts and monsters. All the students ran out of the school to the track field, the only safe place for the student body.
"Isn't it Ace and Deuce, did you come to the sports field to evacuate too?" Riddle said simply.
"You guys got chased out too?" Deuce asked.
"Yep looks like Darx is up to something," Vil sighed in annoyance.
"Wait Grimm, Where is Y/n?" Azul asked.
"She's been taken by Darx!" Inir cried.
"What?!" everyone gasped in horror.
"It's true," Ortho said as he explained what had happened last night.
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liberty-barnes · 3 years
Miah’s 1K Celebration
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welcome to the mess that is my 1k celebration cause i’m unable to make simple choices and can’t stand the thought of letting people down
as you can see, i’m perfectly normal
the literal 1005 people following me would disagree on that but heyyy details
so anyway
one thousand
one bloody thousand people following me
my inicial reaction is whyyyy??? i’m just a bisexual disaster who sometimes writes a half decent fanfic but you deemed me worthy of your follow?
then i started crying cause yk
but bottomline is, i love you all, you’re the bestest people in the whole entire world, so i’m gonna make both a sleepover and a writing challenge
sleepover cause i like answering questions
writing challenge cause it gives me a chance to show you all other artists and discover other artists myself cause we all need them and they deserve more recognition
special shoutout to my mutuals who i’ll tag at the end for always being there for me and supporting me through every high and every low, y’all are the real heroes here
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Starts: December 11th 2020
Ends: December 20th 2020
Who can participate: everyone, anon or not! no need to be following me either
send me asks for:
✨ my opinion on...
🌻 cast my mutuals as...
🎵 i'll put my playlist on shuffle and give you a song
🍉 random fact about me
🦔 what's my favorite...
🍀 i'll give you advice (or just listen to you rant, if you want)
💬 last text [insert person] sent me
💌 handwritten letter
🎬 movie rec
📖 fic or blog rec
📘 inspiration behind [insert fic name], how i came up with it or if you have questions about it
🖋 line from one of my WIPs (tell me if you want fluff or angst, i won't tell you the pairing or anything, that's no fun)
💋 kiss, date, marry [insert people]
🎤 give me a song an i'll do a mini cover of it (it will be 1min long tops cause that's all tumblr can take lmao)
📷 random picture from my camera roll (you can request a theme if you want, like pictures from my childhood or awkward pics or something)
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• Open to anyone (don't have to be following me)
• Send me a DM or ask with the prompt(s) you want (two people tops per work) and who you're writing about
• Smut is allowed but make sure to put it in the warnings
• I will accept works for any Marvel character or cast member, part of the Holland clan, 1D member or affiliated, Teen Wolf characters or cast member, Maze Runner character or cast member
• Can be reader inserts or not, but please specify it in your DM/ask too
• Tag me when you're done
• All works will be rebloged under #Miah's 1k writing challenge and put in a masterlist that will be specifically created for this writing challenge
Starts: December 11th 2020
Ends: January 11th 2020
Prompt list:
1. “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
2. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.”
3. “Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
4. “Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
5. “Can you just please hold me?”
6. “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
7. “Can I stay here tonight?”
8. “You’re really warm.”
9. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
10. “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
11. “You are crushing me right now.”
12. “Darling I love you and all, but please get out of my kitchen.”
13. "I leave you alone for five minutes and this happens."
14. "I didn't fall. The floor looked lonely so I wanted to hug it." "Then why are you crying?" "It was an emotional reunion."
15. "There's no such thing as too many fairy lights."
16. “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
17. “I love you.” “No you don’t”
18. “Any other lies left to tell me?”
19. “I miss the old you.”
20. “What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
21. “Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.”
22. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
23. "It's okay. It's not your fault that I couldn't be enough."
24. "Please don't leave me."
25. "You have the emotional range of a teaspoon."
26. "Will you shut up for once in your life?"
27. "This isn't about us."
28. "I will shove a christmas tree so far up your ass that when you open your mouth we'll see the fairy lights."
29. "I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating"
30. "Is that blood?" "Yes, but it's not mine." "Is that supposed to make it better?"
31. "I’ll drink to that.” “You drink to everything.” “Cheers!”
32. “Why is arson always your first answer?”
33. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?"
34. "I can explain!" "Then explain." "Okay, I can't explain."
35. "Get out of here with your facts. Just because you're accurate does not mean you're interesting."
36. "How many hearts did you break while trying to keep yours intact?"
37. "I know everything. It's in the job description."
38. "One more word out of you and I'll rip your throat out with my teeth."
39. "Do you listen to girl in red?"
40. "Is that code for something or am I just paranoid?"
41. "With how things have been going, I might as well start working at a circus."
42. "I love (him/her/them)." "Then why did you give up?" "Cause (he/she/they) deserved better."
43. "I want to ask but something tells me the answer will be more disturbing than anything I can think of."
44. "Do you think he's... *flicks wrist*?"
45. "Do I look like an idiot to you?" "Do you want me to answer that honestly or politely?"
46. "Just how clumsy are you?"
47. "So... the weather?"
48. "Just leave."
49. "Don't you fucking dare!"
50. "You don't have to talk right now. But whenever you're ready, if you're ever ready, I'll be here to listen."
tagging and complimenting my amazing mutuals cause y’all deserve it
@parkersbliss​ thank you for marrying me, first of all, and for being the most amazing wife one could ask. i wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you and i will never stop ebing thankful for your existence
@peterspideyy​ thank you for listening to my rants along with grace and supporting me during all my simping, you’re the sweetest thing existing since powdered sugar
@theamazingtomholland​ thank you for always putting a smile on my face, reminding me that i’m loved everyday and just being you, cause it’s the best thing you could be
@lozzypoz321​ thank you for listening to me rant abt my fics and how much i hate writing and then motivating me to write again or do basic things like get out of bed lmao (we still have the best taste in music)
@everything-is-alrightt​ kenzie lovely, thank you for being the pure little ball of unfiltered joy that you are cause even thinking about you and the jump shit your brothers get up to makes me smile like crazy, you’re amazing and don’t you dare forget it
@spider-trash​ thank you for being my brother, going alon with my ridiculous schemes for corrupting posie and making me laugh out loud every time you come up with something even worse, you’re the coolest bro i could ask for
and finally, thank you @fallinfortom​ for inspiring me to write in the first place, being an amazing mum to us, an actual good role model for me to have and for your random appearances in my dreams and the fun english teacher who makes us read tom holland fics instead of english literature. you’re amazing and i’m incredibly thankful to know you
love you all to the ends of the universe and back again, Miah
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You're the Closest to Heaven that I'll Ever Be
Title: You're the Closest to Heaven that I'll Ever Be - Chapter 1
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - College/University
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28560201/chapters/69990555
Summary: When Bucky asks Sam out, he never thought Sam would agree. Now he can't believe they're in a relationship. Sam could do much better than him!
Can Bucky overcome his insecurities to keep his relationship?
Written for @betheflame for @marvelfans4blm
“Would you, like, wannagooutsometime?” Bucky asks. Sam agrees! He can’t believe it.
He spends way too much time trying to pick out an outfit. Finally settling on his black skinny jeans, a maroon tshirt, and his black leather jacket, Bucky quickly gets ready to pick Sam up.
The campus theater is only a few blocks away from their dorms. Bucky walks over to Sam’s room so that they can walk to the theater together. It’s such a nice night anyways. Sam is ready when Bucky knocks on the door. He gives Bucky a smile and falls in line with him as they walk to the movies.
Wracking his brain for a suitable conversation, Bucky stammers out a comment about the weather. Why is it so hard for me to talk to Sam right now? I’ve never had this problem before. Sam must realize his awkwardness because he takes control of the conversation, telling Bucky about his psychology class.
The theater is having a throwback week. The movies scheduled for tonight are Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, and Sixteen Candles. Sam is a huge Back to the Future nerd. Bucky enjoys watching him get excited over the minutest details. He barely watches the movie, as his focus swings back and forth between I love how happy Sam is about this and I can’t believe Sam would date me!
Once the movie is over, they head over to a little café where Bucky buys them both shakes and fries. He can’t help but melt when Sam beams at him. “You know me so well, Bucky!” The other man gushes. “It’s like we’re dating in an Archie comic!”
Conversation flows quickly after that. Bucky and Sam sit in their booth long after the waiter gives them their check. All too soon, they are shooed out of the café because it is closing. They walk slowly home, talking about the NFL trade deadline.
When Bucky walks Sam up to his door, awkwardness ensues. Am I supposed to kiss him? Was this like a date-date, or like…? Bucky thinks, panicking.
“Thanks for tonight.” Sam turns to him, hand in his sweatshirt pockets. “I had a lot of fun.”
Bucky smiles. “Your welcome. I-”
“Ooooh! It’s the doorstep scene. Are you gonna kiiiiiiiss?” Sam’s roommate, Clint, walks up behind them.
“Shut up, Clint,” Sam says good-naturedly. He gives Bucky a quick hug, thanks him again, and disappears inside his dorm.
Clint’s eyes go wide. “Were you – oh my bad – sorry man.” He gestures wildly. “Sorry Bucky.” Bucky just shakes his head wordlessly and walks back to his dorm. His roommate, Steve, is still up, watching Criminal Minds.
“So, how was your date?” Steve asks between mouthfuls of popcorn. Bucky grunts and walks to his room. He doesn’t want to talk about it.
“Have you ever wondered why someone would date you when they could do so much better than you?” Bucky asks during the Mechanical Engineering workshop the next day.
Tony Stark sets down his tools and lifts his goggles. “Yes, every day. Rhodey is way better than me.”
“What do you do? Like how do you make sure he stays?”
“Well, I like to think that it’s my charm.” Tony grins widely. “But I try to do something super nice for him as much as I can. Like last week, we went skydiving then ate dinner in the private room of the Four Seasons. The steak was…” and he kisses his fingertips. “delicio. And then last month, I took him on a vacation in Tahiti…”
Bucky listens to Tony’s rant, but he soon realizes that Tony forgets that not everyone is a trust-fund son of a billionaire. The one thing that does stick, however, is that he will have to make some grand gestures to make sure Sam doesn’t realize how much better he could do than Bucky.
Steve asks Bucky again how the date went when they go out for lunch. Bucky reveals his fears to Steve, who, ever the loyal best friend, vehemently states that Bucky is just fine the way he is, and if Sam doesn’t like it, he can walk. Bucky wants to mention that he doesn’t want Sam to walk away but he can’t really get a word in as Steve lists all of Bucky’s attributes.
“I don’t know what to do.” Bucky mumbles to himself. Should he call Sam? Or is that seen as too clingy? Unsure of what to do, he hangs around Thor and Heimdall’s dorm all afternoon.    
“My friend,” Heimdall finally takes a seat on the couch next to him. “Not that we don’t mind you hanging around, but why are you? Didn’t you go on a date with Sam last night?”
Bucky groans. “Yeah, but I think I screwed it up.”
“Why is that?” Bucky hates the way Heimdall seems to see right through him. 
“Well I took him to a movie and then to the Shake Shoppe. They were having a throwback night. I don’t know, I feel like I should have gone more all out. Like he’s so much better than me. Then, you know, I walk him to his door. I’m not sure if we’re going to hug, kiss, or just fist bump, you know?” Heimdall closes his eyes slowly with a give me strength look. “So then, his roommate, Clint walks up and asks us if we’re going to kiss. I panic, and Sam just walks inside. Just walking inside is never good, right? And I don’t want to call him or find him because I don’t want to look clingy. We’ve only gone on one date!”
“Did Sam seem like he didn’t enjoy the date?” Thor questions. 
Bucky thinks back. “He never said that. In fact, he told me that it was like a page out of an Archie comic. But why would he just shut the door in my face?”
“I think you should give him a call or find him.” Heimdall gestures to the door. “Then you’ll know. If he thought the date was pure shit, well, then you never have to go out with him again. But if he enjoyed the date, which is the more likely case, you can go out again. Nothing good ever comes from miscommunication.” 
“Ok, ok. I’ll take the hint.” 
Bucky leaves. He does not, however, call Sam. 
Read more on AO3
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored | Jeff Wittek
Description: The reader is jealous of Jeff's girlfriend.
Requested?: yes by @witchywrter : Can you do a Jeff x fem!reader where reader joined the group and little after Jeff and the two immediately became like best friends until Jeff gets a gf and she makes Jeff and reader stop their friendship and there’s a bunch of angst and eventually they end up together! Tag me too please!!
A/N: i read this as y/n makes the reader and jeff stop being friends but idk if u meant the girlfriend made them stop being friends so sorry i just guessed.
Disclaimer: I know some other people have already written about this song!!!! im not trying to copy them or anything, i just thought the song fit really well with this request :) so no bad vibes please enjoy the fic!!!
She was 'the new girl' that everyone was talking about. Comments, gossip blogs, twitter, even the rest of the vlog squad. The last new person was Jeff, so for some reason she instantly related to him. They became best friends very quickly, always going on hikes and working out together, and just sitting around David's helping eachother edit.
They seemed to know everything about eachother, and seemed one hundred percent comfortable with eachother. There was no denying she had feelings for Jeff, but she refused to make the first move in fear of rejection.
Text Message from my name jeff 2:39 AM
Text Message from my name jeff 2:42 AM
Text Message from my name jeff 2:48 AM
Missed Call from my name jeff 2:57 AM
"Y/n, your phone's ringing." Natalie gently pushed her shoulder in attempt to wake her up. She'd fallen asleep on David's couch. She lifted her head up grogily and grabbed her phone, hitting the answer button.
"Hey." She sat up and wiped the sleep from her eyes.
"Hey, can you take care of Nerf tonight?" His words were rushed, as if he was dying to hang up the phone.
"Yeah, why?" She was suddenly more awake now as she listened to what was going on in the background of the phone call.
"I'm staying at a friends house tonight. You have a key, right?" He said, still rushing to hang up as a girl kissed his neck.
"A girl friend?" She asked as she stood up to find her shoes. She could hear the girl sucking on his skin, awfully close to the microphone on his cell.
"Yeah, y/n, a girl friend. You have a key, right?" He asked again, running his free hand on the girls skin.
"Yes. I'll see you in the morning." She was short as she hung up.
"What was that about?" Natalie asked her. She noticed David took his headphones out to listen to the conversation.
"Jeff's out with a girl again and needs me to watch Nerf again." She emphasized the word 'again' to show her frustration. David perked up.
"I think it's the same girl as last time. The other day he told me he really likes some instagram model." David's comment infuriated y/n even more.
"Well, if he's dating this chick then can't he set up some doggy daycare ahead of time?" She picked up her bag and dug around for her keys. "Why doesn't he just give Nerf to me? I'm always the one that ends up taking care of him and I don't even get a thank you." She ranted.
Deep down she knew she was more mad about him seeing another girl than having to take care of sweet little Nerf.
"Have fun!" Natalie called as y/n slammed the door behind her. Natalie and David looked at eachother and laughed.
"She totally has a crush on him."
She pulled up to Jeff's apartment around 3:30am. She took Nerf out for a walk before putting some food in his bowl and making her way into Jeff's bedroom. She raided his closet for pajamas, slipping on a sweatshirt that smelled like him and leaving her jeans in a pile on the floor. Nerf walked into the room with a toy so she played with him for a while before they cuddled and fell asleep in Jeff's bed.
Jeff shut the door quietly as he came in. He didn't wanna wake up y/n or his dog. He walked over to his bedroom and peered in. Y/n was hugging his comforter as if it were a person, and he noticed how his sweatshirt she was wearing was riding up. He looked at her underwear for a moment before throwing another blanket overtop of her.
She woke up later than she usually did and suddenly remembered where she was. She crawled out of bed, Nerf missing from his spot, and went looking for Jeff. He was editing on the couch, Nerf next to him, waiting patiently for her to wake up.
"You should just give Nerf to me." She said as she plopped down next to him. He chuckled, but she didn't. "I'm serious, Jeff. You can't keep calling me over to dog-sit in the middle of the night every time you have a booty call!" She was still very mad.
"Well, I can't bring her here, she's allergic to dogs." He closed his laptop before looking over at y/n. "I have to lint roll myself before I even go near her." He tried to justify his actions, but it wss just pissing her off.
"Yeah, I bet that's the reason she's always taking your clothes off!" Her voice was dripping with sarcasam as she rolled her eyes and stood up.
"Why are you so pissed at me? I thought you were just doin' me a favor?" His hands gestured wildly as he watched her stomp off to find her pants.
"Doing you a favor? Jeff you haven't said thank you to me once for the however many times I've done this for you. It's me trying to keep your dog alive, not doing you a favor!" She was screaming now as she buttoned her jeans and collected her things.
"What the fuck is your problem all of a sudden?" He stood up, not wanting her to leave.
"My problem? My problem is that I do so much for you and you don't do shit for me. You don't even give me the time of day anymore. When was the last time you invited me on a hike? Three weeks ago." She tried to push past him but he stopped her.
"I'm sorry I'm goin' on hikes with my girlfriend instead of you. I didn't know I needed permission to do that." Jeff was sarcastic now, too, trying to get her to understand his side of things.
"God, Jeff. Just shut the fuck up for once!" She finally pushed past him and put her hand on the doorknob. "Let me know when she stops taking up all your time and you're available to have friends again." She slammed the door behind her.
They didn't talk for weeks. Any time one of them showed up near the other one of them would leave. The fans noticed the tension and the rest of their friends felt like their parents had gotten divorced. They were always forced to pick a person to hang out with, and it made things incredibly awkward.
One night it was some random persons birthday, but the vlog squad was invited to the party. Jeff had gotten there first with his girlfriend, but y/n had riden with David and a few other friends. She decided she would be the bigger person and stick it out. She was bored of fighting with him. She just wanted her Jeff back.
They eyed eachother all night, and nobody could tell if they were judging eachother or eye-fucking eachother. Jeff's girlfriend would notice y/n across the room and start grinding on him, or kissing him, or whatever she could do to try and assert her dominance. Y/n didn't care. She was dressed to the nines and wanted Jeff to know it. She grinded on every single person around them, and even threw in a few kisses with females to turn Jeff on. She knew he was watching.
Y/n got closer and closer to the couple as the night went on, but didn't make her move until Jeff's girlfriend left to pee.
"Long time, no talk." She said as she started to dance on him. His hands instinctively moved to her waist as he studied her face. "How's Nerf?" She asked.
"He's fine. How've you been?" Jeff was more interested in her than ever. They continued small talk and stared into eachothers eyes. The energy between them was different than ever before. Eventually Jeff's girlfriend returned and y/n slipped away in the blink of an eye.
Text Message from Y/N 🙃 12:14AM
break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored.
He smirked at his phone as he texted her back.
"What are you smiling at?" His girlfriend bitched. Y/n was right, and he was done with her anyway. Jeff showed her the text message.
"Bye." He waved to his ex-girlfriend as he went to find the girl he really wanted. He went upstairs in the random persons house and searched empty bedrooms. He found y/n sitting on the end of a bed, waiting for him. "Bored, huh?" He joked as he stripped his shirt off.
"Yeah." She scanned his body.
"Lemme fix that."
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ghost-chance · 4 years
Excerpt from "The Demon King and the Half-Breed Hermit"
Gotta log off for a while after this but first, I wanted to share this (unedited and incomplete) scene. It's for an upcoming (in-the-works) chapter of my Piccolo/OC-centric ▶Dragon Ball post-GT◀ fic, found on my FFnet account. Why am I sharing it? Firstly, it's proof I'm still writing (...trying...) and despite the long wait for new chapters, DK&HBH has NOT been abandoned. (NOTHING has been abandoned!) Secondly, THIS is what happens when I tell myself "I need to start writing characters who can effectively communicate and deal with their emotions like functional adults!" 😑 Yes...AUBERGINE happens.
Hopefully the "Queen of Issues" can make someone smile.
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Life as a single mother was generally a struggle; as a single mother of two half-Saiyan boys, life was a never-ending catastrophe. Fortunately for Son Chi-Chi, both her boys were grown men capable of running their own lives; unfortunately, that left her to manage her household alone. Oh, sure, Gohan and Videl regularly offered to move her into their home and take care of her, but she wasn't quite ready to accept that offer. She was quite capable of taking care of herself…at least, that is, when she wasn't weighed down with groceries and being chased down by a saber-toothed wildcat.
Winded, she stumbled and landed hard on her knees, her bags falling and the contents scattering. One moment she could practically feel the beast's rancid breath on her neck; the next a warning shout split the air, quickly followed by a pained yelp. Chi-Chi scrambled onto her back and stilled at the familiar silhouette cast by the afternoon sun through the trees. Black hair as ragged as ever and eyes dark as pitch, Aubergine held the struggling wildcat by the throat, leaching away its strength. She drained it a little longer before letting it slink away in shame, then looked to her fallen sister-in-law over her shoulder. "Are you hurt?"
"No," Chi-Chi answered as she gathered the spilled goods, then belatedly added "thank you." Aubrey shrugged and hoisted the bags onto her shoulder as the black faded from her eyes.
"Well, someone's got to shield the squishies," she replied instead. The familiar retort used to irritate Chi-Chi, but now she recognized it for what it was: you're welcome. I don't mind. Aubergine's long silences, half-answers, and silence took a while to adjust to but by now it was like a second language to her sister in-law. 
The remainder of the journey to Chi-Chi's home passed in a silence midway between comfortable and awkward, and before she knew it, the matron was stowing away her groceries. Aubergine sat at the table, brooding and fiddling with a small shaker jar from the revolving rack in the middle. Recognizing the speckled contents, she pried the lid open, sniffed at the contents, and sneezed; her eyes and sinuses burned in protest as she jammed it closed and shoved it back on the rack. Yes, she identified it correctly. "So how's Piccolo settling in?" At the resulting silence, she turned to find Aubergine scowling like someone who just chewed five lemons in a row without stopping to sweeten them. "That well, huh?" Chi-Chi teased. I
Aubergine shot her a deadpan glower then exchanged the speckled powder for a jar full of tiny seeds. As if it explained everything, she grunted, "he's not dead yet." These seeds didn't burn her nose but they had a rather unpleasant smell somewhat like rank body odor. Nose scrunching at the stink, Aubrey exchanged the jar for a tall shaker full of tiny white crystals with a much sweeter scent. Over by the table, Chi-Chi gave a knowing smile as the half-breed examined her spices. "I don't understand how one person can require so many of these things," Aubergine muttered surveying the multitude of tiny jars and shakers on the Lazy-Susan. "What's the point of all this crap?" 
"Spices?" Chi-Chi asked, and upon receiving a blank look added, "they make food taste good. As for the number, different dishes require different spices—you can't cook everything with the same ingredients." Aubrey stilled, eyes wide and locked on the three jars she investigated before. "What brought you here anyway?" If Chi-Chi didn't know any better, she'd say the half-breed was embarrassed.
"He quit complaining," Aubrey mumbled. "He used to whine that I was poisoning him; now he doesn't say anything…but…he doesn't have to. I thought…" She fell silent, cleared her throat, then collected the other two bottles and shoved the lot toward Chi-Chi. "Fish. It was worse than usual."
Chi-Chi was used to getting only half the picture from her half-Saiyan sister-in-law but this was even less information than usual. Those three spices were never used in the same dish; then again, this was Aubergine, and Aubergine was quite possibly the worst cook in the realms. "Correct me if I'm wrong," Chi-Chi asked, "but are you saying you cooked fish…with black pepper, cumin, and sugar…?" The half-breed glanced at the jars, read the fading labels, and gave a wary nod; Chi-Chi felt her breakfast threaten reappearance. "No wonder, then," she sighed. "Cumin and pepper can be used on fish but generally not together, and you don't use sugar on seafood."
"This is so stupid." …and so began Aubrey's usual response to statements regarding food as anything beyond life-preserving sustenance. After so many years of hearing the same thing over and over again, Chi-Chi easily tuned out the increasingly loud rant and gathered a few more appropriate seasonings for fish. "Food doesn't have to taste good!" Aubergine spat without regard. "Its only purpose is to keep you from dying of hunger, anything beyond that is friv—" Finally, she went silent. Of course, taking Chi-Chi's frying pan to the skull would shut anyone up.
"There's more to life than just existing," Chi-Chi scolded as Aubergine rubbed the already swelling lump on her skull and growled under her breath. "There's more to life than just survival. We were put on this Earth to thrive, not just not die."
"We were put on this Earth because my dumbass brother didn't have the balls to kill that midget Pilaf from the start." This time she ducked the frying pan. 
"You're missing the point as always," Chi-Chi huffed. "I swear, you're so much like my Goku. Aubergine, when your life's over, you'll have an eternity to look back on what you did. If all you have to look back on is not dying, then what's the point?" Aubergine went silent, glaring at the wall beside her as if blaming it for everything that ever went wrong in her life. It didn't escape Chi-Chi that said wall stood between her kitchen and the home Goku and Aubergine grew up in. Not for the first time, she wondered what the half-breed's life was like in those early years, and what molded her into the distant, bristly woman she was now.
"Life was always enough before." The admission was quiet—half-muffled in Aubrey's mostly flat chest and aimed into the polished tabletop—but to the human matron it had the same impact as a battle cry. "Stay out of danger," the half-saiyan muttered as though reciting some sort of task list. "Find and maintain shelter, locate reliable sustenance, protect your brother…" ..wait for me to come find you. I promise, I'll come find you! Bardock may have been a visionary, but an honest Saiyan, he was not. He never came for them… "That used to be enough…" …until said brother ran off with a blue-haired teenager in search of adventure and left Aubergine behind. Sure, she caught up after a while and tagged along for a few misadventures—living alone in the wilds got boring, after all—but at the end of the day, she couldn't even accomplish the most important of these tasks. She couldn't protect Goku. One hand strayed up to brush her bangs out of her dead eye. She couldn't even protect herself. "Why isn't that enough anymore?"
"Perhaps it never really was enough." Chi-Chi's smile held no judgment and her voice no censure. "Perhaps you're only just realizing it now." Perhaps…Aubergine turned to the window, eyes trained on the distant misty peak of Mt. Paozu. After so many years of feeling stuck in place, maybe it was time to change. "I've offered before and the offer stands—I'll teach you to cook if you'll let me." For the first time, the offer was answered with a long silence instead of some bitter retort or evasive remark, proof in Chi-Chi's mind that the other was finally considering it.
"A year ago none of this would've…" Aubergine fell silent; again, she was driven to brush her bangs away from her blind eye though they weren't impairing her sight. That nervous tic would be the death of her someday… She cleared her throat and tried again. "Nothing mattered a year ago. It still shouldn't matter." Chi-Chi faltered. She recognized where this topic was leading as easily as she knew how Aubergine must have reacted to Piccolo's resurrection. She smoothed the skirt of her long dress and seated herself at the table. The rest of the groceries could wait a bit longer.
"The first time I lost Goku…" I lost Goku. Even after so many times of saying those words, her throat still caught around them; even after how many times Goku died, the very mention still triggered an echo of the day Krillin brought her the news. Her son, missing – her husband, dead – worst of all, the threat wasn't even over. "Well, I was a mess," Chi-Chi finished mildly. The past was in the past—let it lie there in peace. "Every time I lost him, I felt sure it was my fault for not being strong enough to keep him. Every time he came back, I tried harder than before to make him stay…and every time, I lost him again anyway…the last time, for good. He refused to be revived." Even now, the words made her eyes burn and her throat clench, so it was a comfort when Aubergine broke the tense silence.
"He was an idiot like that." The dry remark earned a weak chuckle.
"Indeed. Even now, were he to walk through that door, I'd still take him back. He left us all behind when he refused resurrection, but I'd still welcome him home with open arms." She hummed softly, leaning on her elbows and looking out the nearest window. Already the blue of the sky was deepening and the days, shortening—harvest time might come early this year. "For all his faults, and there were many, Goku was always so much stronger than I ever could be. I could never leave behind those I love, even to keep them safe…he did so without a second thought."
"But when the danger's gone, how does staying dead solve anything?" Aubergine cut in—an unusually long sentence from an unusually brief speaker. "The people he left behind—they still needed him—they depended on him, and he turned his back on them!" Chi-Chi hazarded a glance at her company; Aubergine was off in another world, her vision trained somewhere far beyond the woodgrain of the tabletop. "Didn't he know? Didn't it matter?" Chi-Chi's wrinkle-framed lips tilted into a sly smile.
"He knew there were such people, I'm sure," she answered. "I have a feeling he didn't quite understand what it would put you through." Aubergine gave a faint nod, eyes distant, then startled as she realized the subject change. Both women knew they were no longer talking about Goku; neither was ready to admit it, either. The half-Saiyan's cheeks darkened in embarrassment, but the effect was lessened by the venomous glare aimed out the window. "You never told him, did you?" Chi-Chi pressed.
"Why bother?" Aubergine muttered. "He knew what he was doing. He had to know I'd—" She fell short, remembering vividly the searing pain in her chest from the day the earth was destroyed—the fracturing of a heart timed to the shattering of a planet. From the first wince to the last breath, she felt Piccolo die, and it was a feeling she'd never forget…or forgive. "...I never should have marked the bastard."
Once again, Chi-Chi was given only bits and pieces, but this time she was content with it. If the scars on Aubergine's throat were any indication, the whole picture wasn't one she cared to see.
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jojoturnip · 2 years
No because my brain won't shut up so I have to write because how else do I get it out of my head?
I know I could write in my book but it's so unhealthy rn that it would just make me dissociate more honestly. And I'm pretty sure no one can see the stuff I'm writing on here; made an amphibia post as a test and it seems to have flown under the radar even with the tag. So, it's got to be safe to rant into this, this abyss, right?
It better be. I need it.
Because why would they choose that? Why am I winning that award? It's the big one in the creative writing awards that everyone goes for. I have no right to it, no claim to stake into the title that will be mine in less than month. I'm a botanist! I write in my free time as a coping mechanism (that isn't super healthy but anyway), not to publish! I won't even let my friends read what I write.
Maybe I should. Maybe I should get out there, show them all and give the world my story.
I think it would terrify them. They don't know what I've been through, what I'm capable of. What if it just drives them away like it did before?
So, I'll keep them in the nice little box they're in. I'll let them see what I want, and they'll go on thinking only those nice little things about me. I'd rather have them around sunbathing in the shallow end than to wstch then leave after diving deep into the depths of my soul.
I don't think I could bear to lose them, too. Not after everything, not after being happy for the first time in my life. No, I can't lose them now, even though I want them to see past my sunshine child, bright smiles exterior and into the world within my mind. To know me, the true me, the me I am still getting to know.
Would they like her?
It's true that I've never had a friend group like this before. I feel safer around them. I don't have to walk on eggshells and dance around things to keep the peace, to keep everyone happy. I mean, I still do half the time, but I've never once gotten that feeling with them like one would snap at any second, lunge themselves into a mania and rip us to shreds.
It's nice.
Weird, but nice.
Maybe they would like me. Maybe they would understand my story. Maybe they would even read it.
I gave a chapter to my creative writing class. It felt so surreal to have people gush over my words again. It's been so long. I think I've grown insecure about it again; I always do. But they had so many comments and questions, and they were ravenous; they wanted more. It's been so long since someone wanted more from me.
The professor wants me to publish. I don't know what to do with that.
Because, what if I did? What if I let it all go and saw it move away from me and into the arms of others? Could I let go? Could I watch it be passed on and on without me, falling into new hands and new eyes and new minds? What if they loved it? What if they hated it? What if it scared all my loved ones away as they realize those words were carved from me?
What if no one even read it?
I don't know which outcome is the worst, which one is the best. So, I sit here in my nice little box and keep my mouth shut to reveal it only into a post no one will ever see.
No one will ever read this.
No one will ever read my book.
No one will ever know me.
I won't let them. It's not worth the risk.
Why did they choose my words? Why did I win? And, with the essay about me being a bitch to my 5th grade teacher, too--it's too surreal. I want to ask why; I need to know why. Why not the one about my flaws? Why not the short story of my childhood trauma, dressed up in poetic language and the symbolic nature of the butterflies plastered onto my wall?
Nope, it's the one about the man I hated as child, the one I blamed so many of our problems on. He had triggered it in her. He had started all of it. So I fought back in Wingdings font and well-rounded insults that showed my full understanding of figurative language.
Does he know? Would he even remember me? Would he remember her and everything he did to her?
I wonder if men like him are capable of remorse.
But, it's largely because of him that I am where I am today, and that sentiments coats the back of my tongue with a bitter taste. My writing has gotten me everywhere I've been, it's been the reason I've had every opportunity and chance thrown my way. It gave me the world food prize, it gave me an escape to live into, it gave me scholarships for college, it gave me worth to my old friends, and it's giving me another award.
And, I started writing because of him.
It's a little funny, isn't it? That the man I had blamed for destroying our childhood is equally behind much of the good in my present. Funny, then, that I'm winning still by writing horrible things about him to this day.
Oh, the people that make such an impact on our lives without ever realizing their soles' impression left behind them in the earth surrounding us.
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Oh, crap. (Sigh) I'm the same anon who just ranted about John. I feel terrible now, realizing it sounded like I was accusing those authors of the stories I mentioned of mistreating the character. They absolutely didn't! They showed John the love he deserves and made me reflect on other stories I'd read. My apologies!! I'll shut up now...
Hi Nonny! *hugs*
I did receive the first half of this ask, but after a lot of thought, I’ve decided to not post it, given that it seems you genuinely feel like you are worried you worded the ask in a terribly awful way, and I myself know that you were posting out of annoyance with S4, so rather than stir up a pot I’ve no energy to deal with, I going to reword your ask below and answer it here.
Everyone else, essentially, the Nonny is wondering why, in their ask that precedes this one, authors choose to make John an asshole like he was in S4, or goes back to Mary, or is homophobic, rather than the John we know and love, the loyal hero he is and the man who loves Sherlock. For that I answer: 
Nonny, I honestly do feel your sentiments on it, because characterization is super important for me to really get into a fanfic, and because I don’t read John that way at all either. To me, it feels like some people hate John, which makes no sense to me at all, because how one can be a Johnlocker and hate John?*shrugs* THAT SAID, there are people who do like that reading of his character and therefore there’s going to always be space for it, but no one is forcing me to read those stories at all, so I don’t *shrugs*. It has been frustrating when I get far into them and then John’s character does a complete 180 to this John, but it’s rare.
Writers are allowed to write whatever and however they want, so really I can’t condemn them at all. I mean I read all the characters differently than other people do, and some people agree with me while others don’t, and that’s okay. Basically, the rule has always been “Don’t Like, Don’t Read” and leave it at that, and it’s what I do whenever I read a fic I’m not getting into. I have read plenty of fic where I “nope” out of it in the middle, Mark it as Read, and move on. 
More likely than not, I usually rec fics in MY personal lists (anything also tagged with “to read” means I haven’t read them yet) have John and Sherlock relatively in-character to my liking, anyway, LOL, so do feel free to check out my fic rec lists here :)
Anyway, long-short of it, the authors are writing these stories, for free, because they love the characters in the way they do, and they have their own ways of interpreting them. Writers do the stories for themselves, and if people like it, all the more bonus! I respect fan fic authors greatly, even the ones I don’t like the stories of, because writing is not easy, and you can’t please everyone but, c’est la vie. 
You’re allowed, Nonny, to not like what you are reading, and that’s okay.
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badass-sunshine · 5 years
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