#anyways i miss him and i hope he's doing well :) he was the hardest teacher i have ever had and taught me how to study/learn/think
awkward-smirks · 2 years
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jujutsubaby · 5 months
after hours (part 2)
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☆ pairing: satoru gojo x afab!reader, toji fushiguru x afab!reader ☆ summary: you update your friends and they cannot believe what happened between you and toji. but one of you friends, satoru gojo, is acting weirder than usual...could it be? nooo, nooo, it can't...right? ☆ warnings: 18+! MINORS DNI! dirty talk, implied power dynamic, sexual tension ☆ tags: modernAU, academiaAU ☆ a/n: sorry for the lack of smut but i swear it'll be worth in the next part 😈 but hope you enjoy the love triangle between toji, gojo, and y/n that's forming! spoiler alert: there miiiight be a potential three way coming soooon ~ ahaha i don't wanna say anything 🤭 🖤🤍 series masterlist 🤍🖤
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"NO. FUCKIN'. WAY...", shoko gasps, jaw open, as you tell her about what happened last night with toji over a matcha latte with oatmilk. you take a sip, savoring the earthy, bitter beverage, and give shoko a serious look.
you, shoko, and your friends always grab beverages from cafe amanai every morning, serving as a meeting point for everyone's busy lives. usually, it's used to air out mild inconveniences, from poor grades to missing keys, but today, it is being used to dissect what the hell happened between you and toji last night, to your obvious dismay.
"yeah, and now i'm getting dinner with him and megumi and going to his parent teacher conference." you say, looking slightly distraught, as you contemplate the ramifications of hooking up with your extremely attractive neighbor. "was this a bad idea?"
"was what a bad idea?"
you and shoko whip around to find satoru gojo strolling to your table, wearing his signature black round glasses and unruly white hair. he glides down in the seat next to you, literally butting his head into the conversation.
you sigh deeply and slowly sink your head onto the table surface, knowing full well that once satoru gets up to speed, he's never going to shut up about it. "ohhhh satoru, don't make me say it again..." you whine.
"let's wait until suguru comes back from flirting with the barista to tell them. i don't wanna update them twice." shoko kindly offers, patting your head and softly running her fingers through your scalp.
your head shoots up the minute your hear about suguru flirting. according to satoru, suguru never drank coffee until the day riko complimented his bangs, and ever since then, suguru would do everything in his power to stop by cafe amanai and order a latte. in the process, you, shoko, and gojo got unbearably perplexed at the idea of the suguru geto, the hoity-toity moral compass of the group, having a crush, on not just anyone, but the cafe owner, and everyone's favorite barista: the gorgeous, raven-haired riko amanai. you all really try to be subtle, everyone craning their necks in unnatural directions, trying to decipher what embarrassingly awful one-liner suguru was going to say to riko instead of just asking her out.
"can you guys not embarrass me for just one day at this place? just one. it's all i'm asking for." suguru says sorely, popping out from the opposite direction of where you all were staring, startling everyone into mumbled apologies ("i wasn't even looking", "had to stretch my neck after benching 300", "i don't even care about you and riko").
"anyway, now tell us...what's the bad idea?" gojo prods, grinning at the excitement of restarting the gossip session. oh my god, why is he so nosy?
"i mean, okay, it's complicated so don't judge me and i really don't know how it happened but-" you start, before shoko cuts you off.
"y/n fucked our hot neighbor, toji. remember him? the one i was telling you about that probably is a gigolo-"
"shoko, he is NOT a gigolo! stop saying that about him!" you say irately. "he probably has...some respectable job that...is classified or...something", you defend, trying your hardest to defend toji in front of your friends. why were you so keen on defending this guy after one random hookup?
"the one who's son you BABYSIT for?!" suguru yells incredulously a bit too loudly, that results in your shooting daggers at him. "y/n, you have to know this is some fucked up power dynamic thing, right? he's paying you to babysit his son. there's no way what you're doing will end well." suguru chastises, scrunching his eyebrows in genuine concern.
"so about that..." you start, realizing just now how idiotic you're about to sound admitting that he has not paid you for the past week and decide to pivot. "it's just babysitting, suguru, okay? chill, it's not that serious."
"also, he hasn't paid her at all last week." shoko states nonchalantly. you give her a crestfallen look, wishing she had said quite literally anything but that.
satoru, who had been suspiciously silent up until now, roars in laughter hearing this, while suguru groans. "wait hold on. you're telling me people pay him to be a gigolo but you're giving him that pussy for free?" satoru says in between breaths, clearly finding your predicament more than amusing.
"i'm going to kill you guys." you say, rubbing your temples, already trying to remedy the headache at bay.
"poor y/n," shoko teases, "she's not ready to be a step-mom." she chuckles as you narrow your eyes at her. "kidding!" she smiles, with her hands up, feigning any remorse. everyone, including youself, start laughing lightly at the situation you're in, and you notice shoko's eyes widen with excitement and warmth as she sees utahime walk into cafe amanai. "utahime!" she waves, catching utahime's attention. utahime darts over to your table and plops next to shoko, and do something that shocks satoru and suguru to their core. aww, look, they're kissing! oh wait no, they're fully making out. oh, they should get a room.
"excuse me?!" gojo, who is so baffled by the sight in front of him that his sungalsses are completely off, says.
shoko and utahime break out of their short kiss, and utahime narrows her eyes at satoru as if he was a pest (you have to admit, he sometimes is), seemingly annoyed by his intrusion. "oh umm, this is utahime, as you guys know. um, she and i are dating. that's all." shoko taciturnly says. "anyway, we have to go, now." she turns to you. "i'll see you at home and you better tell us everything." you laugh and nod, standing up to give utahime a quick hug before they left.
you turn around to two stunned faces, as you explain to them that shoko and utahime had been dating for over a month now, and that they did not tell either of them because, well, they were both a bit obnoxious, especially together.
"just because you're right doesn't mean i'm any less shocked!" suguru says, eyes still wide and processing the fact that one of his best friends was dating someone and he had no clue. "okay, i actually don't even have time to process this right now. i have to make copies for the class i'm TA-ing for." suguru says, as he quickly throws his untouched cup of coffee into the trash and speeds out. "see ya." he waves before he speeds out of the cafe.
you sigh tiredly, knowing that whenever you're alone with satoru, things get...a bit weird. you guys are friends, of course, but you would be lying if you said you didn't feel the tension in the air abruptly change slightly when it was just you two. there were plenty of times when you went over to satoru's and played video games or drank beers like the old school friends you were, but it would always end veeery touchy feely (like the time you fell asleep with your head on his lap or that one time he said it would be a good idea to cuddle "for warmth" because the heat was broken).
but this was just because you guys were like, super super good friends, though...right? in any case, you knew for a fact you and satoru were not into each other because you both fooled around with other people, so case closed.
"so...how was it?" satoru asks, with a stupid grin on his face. you can sense he's about egg you on about something you did not want to talk about, but you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"how was what?" you say, shifting in your seat slightly and playing with your fingers. you take a sip of your lukewarm matcha as you turn to look at satoru.
"how was the sex with toji?" satoru clarifies. you almost choke on your matcha, but quickly regain your composure.
"wouldn't you like to know, lover boy." you say, slightly annoyed and yet bemused why satoru would even ask that question. ugh, why does he even care? can't he let this go? he was the one making fun of you the most about this anyway!
"woah, okay sorry for trying to make sure you at least had fun before you made a bad decision with some broke dude who doesn't have a real job." satoru says, raising his hands defeat and putting his sunglasses back, obscuring his bright blue eyes that always made you wish you could stare at them forever. wait, what?
"he allegedly doesn't have a job, okay. and also, being a gigolo, allegedly, is still a job." you say, once again baffling yourself as to why you're feeling so defensive of toji, especially more so in front of satoru. why is he being so weird about this? you've told him about guys you've slept with before and he barely even cared.
"what are we? in court?" he snorts, shaking his head slightly in amusement.
"why do you care?" you accuse, finishing up the last sips of your matcha before setting the cup down and anxiously playing with your fingers.
"i don't care...i just..." satoru trails off, as if thinking about what he wants to say next carefully. "i just wanna make sure he's treating you well, that's all."
"well, if you must know, we didn't have sex." you respond, your heart beating a bit faster as you're borderline talking about raunchy activities in public.
"whadcha guys do?," satoru asks shamelessly.
at this point, you're so over satoru's bullshit. "he ate me out okay! what other personal stuff do you want to know about me? how would you feel if i asked you how many times a day you jerk off, huh? not so amusing now is it?!"
"did you cum?" he asks. his smile is beaming and he's holding back a chuckle, as he enjoys seeing you getting all riled up because of him. he knows he's pushing your buttons, but he just can't stop. it's too fun. and you look too cute when you're angry at him.
"you're so fucking unbelievable!" you spit, as you abruptly get up and grab you empty cup of matcha and your bag, heading towards the exit. entering the bustling city, you see satoru catching up to you in your peripheral and walk even faster to the crosswalk, but not fast enough. satoru catches up from behind easily and places his hands on your shoulder, as you whip around and give him a death glare.
"what do you want?!" you ask irately.
"umm...i'm your ride to class, remember?" satoru says sheepishly, flashing you a grin.
could this get any worse? you roll your eyes. he is correct, and technically you could take the bus but it'll make you too late for your class, and walking is just out of the question. you sigh in annoyance. "where's your car?"
the walk to satoru's porche is short, but within that time, you both manage to make up as you always do. such is the waves your guys' relationship rides: daunting when it happens, but calm once the storm passes over. by the time you're at satoru's car, you both are laughing hysterically.
"fuck off! no way suguru said that to riko!" you exclaim, responding to satoru telling you that suguru responded to riko's "good morning" with the biography of his barber who cuts his bangs.
"his ass folds so easily when it comes to his bangs," satoru says as he turns on the ignition and starts driving. satoru thinks about the first time he met suguru and how they got into a minor argument because his bangs were the first thing satoru noticed. satoru's mind wanders, and he thinks about the first thing he noticed about you: your smile and laughter. the way you tuck your hair behind your ears whenever you get anxious, the way you play with the ends of your hair when you're flirting and you think you're being subtle, the way your nose scrunches when you're concentrating deeply, and especially the way you, without fail, always fall asleep leaning against him during movie nights.
"hey, y/n," satoru starts softly, "you busy tonight? thinkin' we study for our final next week and maybe watch a movie. have you watched saltburn yet?"
"ohmygod i haven't but i really want to!" you say excitedly, thinking about how shoko has been begging you to watch that movie since it came out. wait, parent teacher night. you frown. "oh wait actually, i'm not free tonight, but let's do tomorrow?" you offer sweetly, praying satoru for once is not nosy enough to ask what you're doing instead tonight.
"whatcha doing instead tonight?" he asks without skipping a beat.
"...i'm babysitting tonight." it's not use lying at this point, but you know it's embarrassing to say you're getting dinner with his son and going to a parent teacher conference.
"oh right, the thing you do for free now", satoru says, rolling his eyes. he could egg you on and press your buttons again. he hasn't decided if he will again just yet.
you decide to change the subject, not wanting to start yet another argument with him. "anyway, you wanna head to the barcade tomorrow before the theater to get drinks and hang? i think shoko and utahime are coming and they said something about inviting suguru, too" you ask, knowing full well what his answer will be.
"how could you fucking ask me that? how could you ask me if i want to go to the only barcade in this city after what fucking happened to me the last time i went there?!" he accuses you. you sense the irateness of his voice, knowing full well this is how he gets whenever you bring up the local barcade with him.
basically, earlier this summer, the four of you went to the flashing new barcade that opened downtown, thinking you would all have a couple drinks and play some arcade games. according to satoru -- you and shoko were, at the time, dry heaving in the bathroom from one too many AMFs (satoru's idea) -- some guy came in with his kid (you still didn't really believe this part because how was a kid allowed in a bar?) and not only "bullied satoru" (satoru's words), but also made off with his drink and tickets. you still aren't really sure what the big deal is, but you find it funny, nontheless, seeing satoru still get sour about that barcade.
"geez, sorry, i didn't know you were still upset about it." you say, raising your hands and eyebrows in defeat.
"i literally talk about it once a day in the group chat. i was finally gonna get you that jigglypuff plushie you always wanted with those tickets!" satoru confesses, and you almost feel a bit bad for him. almost.
"well, you can try again tomorrow night then", you wink, before satoru pulls up in front of the building where your class is. you hear satoru humph in defeat, and you know you'll see him tomorrow night at the barcade. you thank satoru for the ride, but right before you close the door, he calls out your name.
"hey y/n also, sorry 'bout earlier at the cafe.", he says (he doesn't sound sorry at all, you think. this is definitely a ruse to say something stupid), "but i needed to tell you something before you left. the answer is two but if i'm bored, probably three."
you stare at him blankly. what was he on about? "what?" you say, perplexed.
"it's how many times i jerk off in a day. just thought i should let you know since you asked," he says, with a cheeky smile on his face. cue something stupid! bingo!
"bye satoru." you say immediately, closing the door of his porch and crossing the street. god, satoru was one of the most annoying people you knew. why does your face feel so hot?
you try really hard not to think about what satoru just said, knowing he was just being his usual cheeky self. satoru touches himself twice a day? when does he do it? in the morning? who does he think of? does he think of you? what the fuck, y/n -- think about something else? remember you came all over toji's face?
woah, okay. that was a lot, even for you. you have no idea where that thought came from, and you're pretending like it never happened. you're pretending like your panties aren't getting damp thinking about satoru's flushed face and his large fingers reaching down and grasping his hard, veiny -
your thoughts are interrupted by a text on your phone:
toji: see ya soon, pumpkin. wear somethin' nice for me, yeah? ;)
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snazzilystoopid · 10 months
Back with another Ninjago little sister AU....
Now it's time for Kai and Nya's turn! Hope you guys enjoy it, especially since its a little longer
Enjoy anyways!! <3
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Hua Smith-Jiang
Hua means "flower!"
(For timeline's sake, Nya was 3 years old at the time of Ray and Maya's disappearance, and Kai was 5.)
Hua was only a couple months old when Ray and Maya left
She was a very well-behaved baby, however, something that Kai is still grateful for to this day
Kai had a lot of trouble raising both of his little sisters all alone, both Hua and Nya feel guilty
Before meeting Master Wu, Hua loved playfighting with the wonky swords that Kai would make
After recovering the golden weapons, Wu offered to become her teacher, since her old school was too far away from the monastery
So Hua basically spent the better part of her years in the Ninja's care
She would always hang about with Nya while she was creating her samurai X suit
When Sensei Wu's academy was opened, she became a pupil there
She would always behave in Nya's lessons but never in Kai's, and that would really piss him off
While her siblings and the other ninja were away because of their missions, that was when Hua began to feel really lonely
She would sometimes sit staring at the wall for a whole day because she literally had nothing better to do
Around the time of Possesion (She's like 12 years old at this point) she started to feel jealous of Lloyd because Kai would always treat him as a little brother
So she and Kai constantly got into arguments, Nya having to break them up all the time
She had a much better relationship with Nya
Once Jay and Nya officially became a couple, Hua never left her big sister's side for the next 2 weeks in case Jay stole her away
During the Hands of Time, Hua was kept in the dark about A LOT and it was getting to the point where no one would even tell her what was actually happening
The ultimately led to the worst argument her and Kai had ever had, Kai swearing at her and calling her a bunch of names
She sobbed her heart out afterwards
When her parents returned and Wu had disappeared into the time stream, Hua immediately went to live with Ray and Maya
She started to feel lonely all over again and she was sad because she thought her brother didn't love her anymore :(
Even Lloyd visited once apologising for making her seem invisible, and he felt guilty for the way Hua was feeling
(She forgave him and they became besties ehe)
But on New Year's Eve (a few days before SoG begins) Nya and Kai paid a suprise visit and Hua isntantly jumped into Kai's arms and balled her eyes out
Kai only rolled his eyes and was like "Did you seriously miss me that much?!"
But in all seriousness he did apologise for all the hurtful things he said and then they were a happy family again hehe
Hua was on a solo trip to Ninjago City around the time Garmadon returned, bear in mind she had absolutely no clue what was happening
She was on the street below the Bounty when Garmadon crushed it and she thought Kai had died
The first thing she did was find Nya
They both cried together because they thought their big bro was gone forever and also because Nya had lost her two best friends + her bf
But in the end Kai was ok so they were all happy again <33
I hc that around this time Skylor and Kai officially started dating, though it was on and off
But Hua LOVED Skylor so she didn't mind
Nya, Skylor and Hua went on girl's day outs like every other week
She would stay with her parents for two weeks, then stay the monastery for 7 days, before going home again
Bc she gotta see her big bro and big sis ofcc
Lloyd + Kai + Hua + Nya= the ultimate sibling squad
Hua had never felt more hopeless than when Nya turned into the sea
Her whole family sobbed for days and Kai was hit the hardest
Some days when Kai was just curled up on the corner of the couch silently, Hua would crawl up next to him and hug him, then he'd just start crying his eyes out
So you can imagine how happy these two were when Nya came back in Crystalized
By the end of Crystalized, Hua is 15!
Hua does also make an appearance in Dragons Rising, she's usually found at the crossroads and hung out with Arin and Sora a lot, telling them stories about the ninja
Obviously they don't know that Kai and Nya are her siblings so they never tell the ninja, and at this point they don't actually know her wherabouts.
That is all for Hua's story! Moving on to more facts about her:
Hua was really glad that she wasn't born with an element, because she hated the idea of going on all of the missions her siblings had to go on
Zane and Pixal were basically Hua's second parents after season 8
While she was staying with the ninja, Zane sometimes would give her the answers for homework, and Pixal would take her out at times where Nya couldn't
Even after they made up just before SoG, Kai and Hua were always butting heads
She loves wearing beaded bracelets and bangles on both her wrists
Hua once walked in on Kai and Skylor making out, the poor girl was so flustered she turned around and ran straight into the door 😭
Skylor laughed it off but Kai was so embarrassed
Jay always treaded lightly around Hua, since she wasn't really keen on Nya having a bf
She thought Nya would forget about her, even though her big sis tries to convince her that she'd never ever do that
Since Ray and Maya basically weren't a part of her life at all before Hands of Time, Hua sat them both down and brought together all her favourite things like bracelets, photos, etc, and she told them essentially everything there was to know about her
Somehow is probably the best Prime Empire player in all of Ninjago, both Jay and Kai are pissed about it
That is all! Zane is probably going to be next!! ^^
When she was younger (seasons 1-4) she'd dress up in the ninja's old gis for fun
Since her hair was quite long, she used to let the ninja style it for her for fun. Cole once created this beautiful twin-braided hairstyle and now Hua wears it like that all the time.
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whumpsday · 1 year
Kane & Jim #50: On Your Own
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: angst, parental death, kids grappling with newfound orphanhood, religious angst, pandemic, discussion of foster system, very vaguely referenced past child abuse, flashback to hospital setting
takes place 4 years before You're Mine Now. the hardest time of Jim’s life pre-Kane. he doesn’t like to think about it very much. this isn’t really ‘whump’, more ‘angst’, but i hope you enjoy it anyway.
@amonthofwhump​ March Trope-A-Thon Day 5: Sickfic / Fevers / Cold/Flu / Headache / Blankets & A Hot Drink
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Jim kind of expected someone to come after the funeral. A social worker or orphanage owner or however this shit worked. Did orphanages still exist, or was that just in movies? He never thought he'd have to think about it.
But no one came.
Well, people came. His friends, Mom and Dad's friends, Rabbi Geller, other people from temple, Liz's friends' parents, even Liz's teacher from the elementary school. They brought food, and said I'm sorry for your loss and May their memory be a blessing so many times that the words lost all meaning.
It felt like the kind of thing Mom would tell him to just be polite for, but Mom wasn’t here. Mom would never be here again. It still didn’t feel real.
But that wasn't what he meant. Someone was supposed to come get them, right? Because he was only fifteen, and Liz was only eleven, and they didn’t have any other family. Right?
Someone was going to come help him, right?
Liz was a nightmare. Jim felt like he didn’t even have a second to think. He was used to watching Liz- Mom and Dad worked long hours, after all- but now it was all time, especially because they hadn’t gone back to school yet.
She was throwing another tantrum. Jim felt like they were only getting worse. He cringed as a plate flew into the wall, shattering with a crash barely audible above Liz’s incessant screeching.
“Lizzie, you gotta stop. You’re too old for this.” Jim fought off his pounding headache as he got right in front of her, blocking her as she reared her arm back to throw another.
“No I’m not!” she yelled, darting to the side and throwing the plate as hard as she could, shattering it against the wall. Tears streamed down her face.
Jim let out an exasperated groan. “Stop! Yes you are! Go to your room!”
“You can’t tell me what to do!” Liz ran back into the kitchen.
Fuck, she was gonna get another plate. Jim ran after her, blocking the cabinet. “Yes I can! I’m in charge now, go to your room!”
“I hate you!” Liz shouted. She kicked him in the shin before running up the stairs, slamming her door.
Jim rubbed his temple, his headache only getting worse. He thought about breaking into Mom and Dad’s drink. It wasn’t like anyone was around to stop him. But he didn’t.
Instead, he fought back tears and grabbed the broom and dustpan. He was tired of crying. Just when he was finishing cleanup, Liz appeared at the top of the stairs, holding her bear tight in her arms. She hadn’t carried that thing around since she was 6, but things were different now, he figured.
“You calmed down yet?” he asked.
“Sorry.” She squeezed her bear tighter, avoiding eye contact.
Jim shrugged, dumping the last of the shatters in the trash. “It’s cleaned up now anyway.” His eyes drifted over to the stove. “How about I make some hot chocolate?”
“But it’s summer,” Liz protested half-heartedly.
“Who cares? We’re sitting shiva,” Jim pointed out. “Do you not want hot chocolate?”
“...I want it.” She sat herself on the couch.
This was something he could do without fucking up, at least. He barely even had to think about it, just focus on the steps. Set some whole milk over heat. Cocoa powder, sugar, a dash of vanilla, and the part people always miss: chocolate chips and a little bit of cinnamon.
He poured in some half-and-half to make it extra creamy and cool it enough that Liz wouldn’t burn herself, and topped it with some mini marshmallows before bringing the mugs out, handing one to Liz.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, sipping immediately without blowing on it.
“You’re gonna burn your mouth, stupid,” Jim chided lightheartedly.
Liz rolled her eyes. “No I’m not ‘cause you always put extra milk in after.”
“Because you never give it a minute to cool down!” He ruffled her hair. “No more throwing shit, okay? Or if you need to, use stuffed animals or something. Why’d you do that, anyway?”
Liz was quiet for a long moment, sipping her drink. “I dunno,” she mumbled.
“How about next time you wanna do that, come get me. We can make it into a game, yeah? We could play catch or something. Not with plates,” he suggested.
“It’s not supposed to be a game.” She took another sip, eyes too stormy for an eleven year old.
Jim took the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it around Liz’s shoulders. “Okay. Come get me anyway. We’ll figure it out.”
No one from the government came. Even after a week. Even after they were done sitting shiva and Jim made Liz start going back to school, another nightmare of an argument.
He wished he could’ve asked Mom or Dad for advice. Liz almost always listened to them, at least about the important stuff. It felt like someone was tearing a fresh shred in his heart every time he missed them.
After he finished walking her, he turned and made his way to temple on a whim. He only went to temple a couple times a year, on the holidays when Mom wanted everyone to go as a family. He hadn’t even brought his kippah. But he doubted anyone would really care, and he needed advice, and it was this or a teacher, even if Jim hadn’t talked to the guy since his bar mitzvah. Before the funeral, that is.
“Hey, Rabbi Geller.”
“Good morning, James.” The rabbi gave him a sad smile. “How are you and your sister holding up?”
“Uh, y’know.” He shrugged awkwardly. “I was wondering if I could talk to you for a sec?”
“Of course. Let’s go to my office for some privacy.” The rabbi led him to the office and gestured for him to sit. “What can I do for you?”
“I’m not here for anything, uh, spiritual or whatever,” he clarified quickly. “I just needed some advice about something. Um, is someone gonna... come get us?”
The rabbi’s brows furrowed in concern. “No one’s come to get you? Who is it you and your sister will be staying with? I know Beth said she didn’t have much family...”
“Mom and Dad were both wards of the state or whatever,” Jim said awkwardly. “Kinda thought we would be too, now. But, uh... no one came. I wasn’t really sure what to do. Plus Liz is throwing things and refusing to go to school and stuff.”
“I’m so sorry you’ve been left floundering. I should have been there to see to it.” The rabbi sighed. “Things have been hectic. This flu’s taken quite a toll. It’s lucky you even caught me here. If you ever need something and can’t find me, the funeral home’s likely where I am.”
Jim knew he was one of the lucky ones. He and Liz both got sick too, but they recovered. It was no wonder they all got it, with Mom being a nurse and all. He didn’t really feel lucky right now.
“The government... tends to overlook this town,” the rabbi continued. “No one wants to come here, even during the day when it’s safe. I can certainly get in touch with people for you and make sure someone gets you two set up in a foster home. I’d just like you to think about your options first.”
“Options?” Jim questioned.
“James, do you remember your bar mitzvah two years ago? I sure do. You were very well-spoken.” The rabbi gave him a kind smile.
“Uh-huh.” He kicked his feet, unsure where this was going.
“A bar mitzvah is when a boy becomes a man, as we discussed. Now, I certainly don’t believe a thirteen year old boy to be a man in the modern day, nor a fifteen year old boy. But you are the man of the house now, and you’re going to have to make some adult decisions no one should have to make at your age.”
The rabbi sighed again, his breath full of grief. “The foster system isn’t known for its kindness. I’m not sure how much your parents have told you of their own experiences. Children your age aren’t likely to be adopted, and you’ll be spit out three years later and possibly separated from your sister. Since no one’s come to claim you, one option you have is to continue living where you are. Your parents managed to buy a house here, and you won’t get much from its sale, if you’re able to sell it at all- again, this town is not most people’s destination."
Mom and Dad didn’t like to talk about their childhoods much, and Jim never pried. He figured that if they didn’t want him to know, he didn’t want to know either.
“This isn’t a decision you have to make right away. You’re grieving. Someone from the state may come to collect you yet. Both options have their benefits, and I don’t want to force you into either one of them. Just know that I’m here if you need anything I can provide, and that God is watching over you,” the rabbi said warmly.
Jim could barely hear anything over Liz’s crying and the sounds of the hospital. One of the nurses was trying to pry her off of Dad’s body, but he was too focused on Mom to pay much attention.
She wasn’t conscious anymore. Her last words before she fell asleep were ‘I love you’, and that scared him, because he knew she probably did that on purpose.
He prayed and prayed, despite his unsure feelings of God’s existence. It was the only thing he could do. Tears streamed down his face as he offered more and more words to the higher power Mom believed in with her whole heart, his voice still raspy from his own recently-gotten-over flu.
He wasn’t sure whether it was the ringing in his ears or the flatline until a nurse pushed him out of the way.
“I don’t really believe in that stuff anymore,” Jim muttered.
“Yes, I imagine you might not. That’s perfectly normal.” The rabbi gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Still, I’m certainly real, and I’m here for whatever you need.”
Jim knew that didn’t include taking them in. Rabbi Geller had four kids of his own, and no one lived here if they had a lot of money.
“Thanks, Rabbi. Um, thanks for the advice. And for not just calling the government on me and letting me pick and whatever. I’ll think about it.”
Liz was being a brat again after Jim walked her home from school. Before Mom and Dad died, she only had bad days every once in a while, but now it was every single day. Wild mood swings where she’d get angry and even violent, before she calmed down and apologized tearfully.
Part of him, the part he’d never dream of voicing, almost wanted to take Rabbi Geller’s offer to help them get placed in a foster home in the hopes they do get separated. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take.
But he knew he didn’t actually want that.
“I’m sorry,” Liz said, helping him tidy up the living room after she’d finished trashing it. As if reading his mind, she asked, “You’re not gonna go too, right?”
Maybe she could just sense how irritated he was. But it was right then and there his mind was made up.
Jim smiled at her. “I’m not going anywhere.”
taglist to be added in reblog!
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Dedicated to @meowyoi <3 thanks for being insane with me Fandom: Ensemble Stars!! Word count: 1846 Summary: Considering Mika's nature as an android, it is only logical that his maintenance should be very thorough, leaving no room for mistake or the possibility of something being overlooked. However, this maintenance is usually performed by Shu's skilled hands. In his absence, Mika is forced to complete his own maintenance for the first time, and it goes wrong in a way he couldn't even dream of. Warnings: angst with no resolution, body horror (though Mika is a robot here, I tried to evoke the imagery of it), lmk if I missed anything that should be given a warning
The sound of metal scraping, struggling to move, permeates the silence in the room lit up by a single candle. A pained moan escapes Mika’s lips as he leans on the wall for balance with one hand, a screwdriver in the other. Shu is in Paris, still. He can’t help Mika, so Mika has to help himself. But the pants and the groans come out sounding wrong, just as wrong as his words, his singing. It’s off, all of it. His voice sounds too unnatural, too robotic. He has to fix it.
He pulls his hand from the wall, using it to palm around his neck instead. Searching. His nails hook themselves in the gaps between the rest of his neck and the small compartment, hidden away behind a panel. Unable to see it in the floor mirror he stood in front of, he keeps the panel pressed under his palm to lock the position in his mind, before bringing the screwdriver to his neck. He takes a deep breath. There are no screws to unscrew. “Too unseemly,” Shu had explained. He has to do it the hard way. Mika hooks the screwdriver in the gap, prying his neck compartment open in a single turn of the wrist, crying out in pain. With his free hand, he wipes away the tears that gathered in his eye. He breathes out. The panel squeaks, dangles open.
With shaking hands, he reaches in. He’s afraid to mess up, to make a mistake, to break himself, but nevertheless he reaches in. His fingers curl around the cords that make up his flesh, pushing them out of the way, creating a path to his vocal box – a literal, small cube that housed his “voice” and all it was capable of. “N’ah!” His hand pulls back, and he yelps once more when he accidentally pulls one or two – he couldn’t tell – of the cords out in his haste. He burnt his finger on the fried vocal box. Biting his lip, he steels his nerves and reaches in once more, pulling the cords to the side with his other hand, hoping it would make the job easier. His breathing quickens. “Oshi-san…” he whimpers, as if calling for his teacher would transport him to him. Like a child calling for its mother in fear. He takes a breath. He holds it. And with a quick motion, he plucks the vocal box out of his throat. His cries – muffled. The vocal box was left, thrown, onto the bed alongside the screwdriver.
But Mika still has work to do. His maintenance is hardly over. His eyes are still dim, his limbs squeaky, and his innards tangled. He can’t dance in this state, he can barely sing, and the last thing he wants is to become useless. To be thrown away. He can’t just sit on his hands waiting for Shu to return to fix him, he has to learn to be independent. He has to learn to take care of himself, he can’t just stay a burden on Shu. It’s about time he learnt to do maintenance solo, anyway. Well, the hardest part – taking out his vocal box – is over with now, at least. Even rearranging the main cables in his torso never hurt as much as that. And, as he was thinking on it, he decided that that would make for a good next step. But he still feels breathless, nauseous just from the vocal box. Shaking fingers once more find themselves on his neck, touching and grazing until they find the panel. Its dangling makes his skin crawl, it always does, but he can’t close it – he doesn’t want to pry it open again when it’s time to insert the new vocal box. He wants to sigh, but with no voice, all that comes out is the mechanical whirring of his vocal gears spinning around emptiness.
Soon enough, his shirt finds company among the screwdriver and fried box on the bed, and Mika started fumbling about the drawers. He knows Shu keeps spare parts in one of his dressers, he just can’t remember which one. And though he feels guilty about going through his teacher’s belongings, there’s nothing he can do about that in this situation. He will simply have to beg for forgiveness if Shu notices something is out of place – which is exactly why he’s trying so hard not to make a mess. Thankfully, he only saw Shu’s shirts before he hit the jackpot, and found the compartment dedicated to his upkeep. The oilcan, a small bottle of motor oil, more tools – among which are specialised rods and pincers that made sorting his wiring out easier – and then some rags, detergent, and polish. His gaze paused on the spare parts, sifting through the eyes and limbs to get to the new vocal box. With the box and tools cradled in his hands, he walks back towards the mirror, and sits in front of it on the floor.
Stretching backwards to reach the bed, Mika grabs the screwdriver. He’s going to have to pry open the panel on his torso this time. Opening it took only a single motion that he barely even felt, as his torso isn’t as sensitive as his neck. But it seems like the mess was worse than what he was expecting. The moment the panel flopped open, out came various cables, all tangled among each other. “That don’t look right…” he thought, pressing his lips into a pout. The screwdriver discarded once more, he gathers up most of the wires in his hands, keeping them from touching the floor too much. There was a trick to this, he remembers Shu mentioning it once. He sure does wish he were a bit more attentive back then. But it’s his own body – he can figure it out. He knows he can.
With the help of a rod, he managed to detangle about a third of the cables. Tongue sticking out from between his teeth, brows furrowed in concentration, he struggled against the more complicated bunches before ultimately giving up. His hand clenches and unclenches around the rod, out of frustration, out of confusion. His eyes jump from wall to wall as he tries to come up with the solution – and then it hits him when his glance once more falls on the mirror. He can’t see. If he could see, this would go so much easier. Of course, with neither the candle that still burnt on the table next to the mirror helping his sight, he knows that the problem is in his eyes. They must have collected dust, or gotten otherwise dirty, which is why his sight is so fogged up, so dark now. He was planning on polishing them, anyway. Perhaps, he should have done that first and saved himself the trouble, but he never was the smartest robot.
At least the eyes are a piece of cake. They aren’t exactly secured in his head, so taking them out and putting them in is about as simple as doing the same with contact lenses would be to a normal person. First, he makes sure the rag is prepared with the liquid Shu uses to shine and clean his eyes, knowing he won’t be able to do so blind (or, at least, it would be much harder). And then Mika leans forward, holding a hand under his eyes before slapping the back of his head with the other hand – and out pop his eyes, dangling by the cords that connect them to his “brain”. Shu never liked that method of taking them out. Using nothing but his sense of touch to get around, he cleans and polishes his right eye first to the best of his abilities. And he leans back, holding that same eye with the tips of his fingers above his head, letting the cord bunch up and fall back into the cavity, before he’s able to push the eyeball itself into the same hole. He blinks that eye once, twice to sharpen the image, and glances back at the mirror to see if all looks right. And he pauses.
In the reflection, he doesn’t see the human he has been convinced he is. No. He sees something unnatural. Mika sees himself, clearer than ever. One polished-to-a-shine amber eye staring back at him. The other, dangling, swinging from a cord in the most disturbing manner, revealing a cavity with nothing but deep, sterile darkness behind it. And the more he looks, the more he wishes he could find the strength to look away. His main panels were still open. He did more damage to the cords in his throat than he thought. One sparking dangerously, a few more pulled out and hanging down to his clavicle. Not to mention the horror that was his stomach; the untangled cables that reached the floor, or the still-tangled bunches that gathered in his lap – he couldn’t decide which made him want to throw up more. How could he have ever been convinced he was a human? He’s a monster. A mistake. An abomination.
Mika stopped breathing for a moment when those words registered in his mind. Stopped breathing. Did he ever even need to breathe? Does he even have a mind? His hands are shaking, why are they shaking? He has no heart, so what is that pounding in his ears and chest? He leans forward, cold, metal hand meeting the cold, glass mirror. The eye that looks back at him holds no soul behind it. The pupil can’t widen in shock, neither can the whites of his eye redden from the tears. Tears. How is he crying? Violently, his hand rubs away his tears, one after the other, but they don’t stop. How is he crying? Who is he? Mika Kagehira. Who gave him that name? Who made him? Both hands now lean on the mirror, he’s abandoned even trying to stop the tears, but no sounds come out. He can’t make any, not without a metal box in his throat. His mouth still opens and closes, trying to make a sound. In vain. Only the gears respond in desperate whirring. Desperation. Terror. Panic. Why can’t he see anything in his eye? He leans in far enough that he could kiss the mirror if he so pleased. He wants to see, he wants to see something so bad. He wants to see proof of himself, of his existence, of a soul, of anything. Of him being more than just a machine. More than just a doll. Who is he? His hands clench into fists, he wants to scream, he wants to cry, he wants to… What is he? Does it even matter? This is proof – the cables spilling out from where his guts should have been, all those gears and the cold metal he calls his skin, that emptiness, the soulless look, in his eye – it’s all proof. He can play pretend, he can dance and sing, he can imitate and mirror.
But he will never be a human.
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sojutogo · 2 years
parents! au prompt:
“At least he's got your hands,” Jun comments lightly as the tinkle of piano keys dance around the class room in a stacatto rhythm.
“At least he's got your enthusiasm,” Jihoon replies in a mumble as another piercing off-key reverbrates across the room and straight into the keen ears of the two musicians.
Jihoon has at least the patience for a gritted smile, it's their kid after all—badly playing the one instrument the two have intimately known all their lives and hoped to pass down to him yes, but their kid nonetheless.
Jun is mentally preparing for the inevitability of them having to move the Baby Grand out of Daehyun's room (Jun knows he's five but hey, his parents started him young!) and having to shelve all of their music notes and books instead of letting them lie around the house for Daehyun to pick up when the inspiration strikes.
Judging by the grimace on the piano teacher's face at the side, it may never come at all.
“Well, there's always baseball,” Jun replies as he throws a wave into the air while beaming once he catches Daehyun looking their way with a toothy grin. “You're good at it, right?”
“Barely passable,” Jihoon shrugs as he continues to take a video for all of Daehyun's aunts and uncles to watch. “We might have to ask Mingyu.”
Jun snorts out a laugh, “Babe, you can't keep relying on Mingyu for everything. Even if he loves Daehyun very much.”
“But he's so, good with him, though,” Jihoon sighs as he leans back on his seat while keeping the phone steady in his other hand. “I don't know how Mingyu does it, I can barely keep myself sane when you leave me with him.”
For the longest time, Jun had always known Jihoon wanted kids. Even before they got married and were still dating, Jihoon had already laid it out on the table that if Jun wasn't someone who was dating to marry and didn't want kids, they could just save themselves the disappointment and break up.
Granted, Jihoon dropped the bomb while Jun was balls-deep inside the younger and could barely think straight. If Jihoon asked him in another time with all of their clothes and dignity on, Jun would still have said yes anyway.
He was too in love to ever think otherwise (still is!)
And when Daehyun came into their lives a year after they got married and after six months of waiting for the adoption center to call them, Jun thinks he wouldn't have it any other way.
Daehyun brought a certain kind of lightness in their lives, a kind of lightness where their hypercompetitive peers didn't mean anything and where accolades and invitations for conservatories were now placed second in their priorities. Jun would drop an event if Daehyun suddenly got sick and he doesn't doubt that Jihoon would do the same for their kid.
It's something that seemed so far-fetched when they were still in college, to just drop everything for their kid's doctor's appointment while still being at the height of their careers playing all across the world for some very important people. But that's what being a parent does to you–it's never I and you anymore, it's we.
Jun still has the same passion for music and still has his own greed, sure but he thinks that Daehyun trying his very hardest to play Chopin with all the enthusiasm in the world, would still make them the happiest.
“You know,” Jun starts as he reaches over to clasp his hand on top of Jihoon's over the arm rest. “Daehyun doesn't need you to be perfect all the time, he just needs you to listen to his rambles about Peppa Pig and pretend to make airplane noises for him during meal time.”
Jun knows Jihoon is often the hardest with himself, a product of the kind of childhood they grew up in and they'd never wish on their own. Jun also knows that Jihoon has a very hard time recognizing his own efforts and would rather focus on the details he missed instead of looking at the bigger picture and it's Jun's job to remind him that he's doing just fine.
Jihoon turns his head to face Jun and despite the crowds of parents surrounding them, Jun doesn't hesitate to cup Jihoon's cheek, thumb slowly moving in circles.
“You're okay, Daehyun loves you,” and I love you, too.
“Sap,” Jihoon mutters but there's a small smile playing on his lips and Jun can't help but let out another laugh.
Trust his husband to always ruin the moment.
“We'll be okay, Daehyun can pick up a new thing tomorrow or he can just be a dinosaur like he kept saying at breakfast earlier,” Jun continues as they both turn their eyes back to their son who had just finished his recital with the biggest smile on their faces.
“You're alright too,” Jihoon whispers as he finds Jun's hand beside him, intertwining their fingers together. “We'll be okay.”
Daehyun ends up meeting them after the recital with a huge grin and looking very cute in his mini-tuxedo that Minghao had insisted he had lying around (Jun thinks he spoils their kid too much) as he eagerly tells them he wants to play piano again and again.
“You sure, sweetie?” Jun asks as he and Daehyun's teacher share a look.
“Yep!” Daehyung says matter-of-factly before he rushes past them to meet with his friends on the other side of the room.
“Well, I believe we'll be seeing you next school year.” Jihoon says as he shakes the hand of Daehyun's teacher after thanking her profusely for her patience during the times Daehyun would throw a tantrum because he didn't want to attend class.
It's a miracle they even made it past recitals.
“He'll be fine, don't worry.” She replies with an assuring smile before walking off to entertain the other parents in the room.
“Guess we don't have to move the Baby Grand after all,” Jun chuckles as they watch Daehyun animatedly gesture something to a group of kids in front of him.
Daehyun could tell them he doesn't want piano by next week (like he always does before he asks Jihoon if he'll be playing piano the day before his class and then throw another tantrum during the drive) and it will be all alright.
He's got two parents who can play, anyway.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Punch comes through the door. "Carol? Honey! I'm home!"
Honey I'm home!
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Although she had the opportunity, years ago Carol decided to stay in the world of Twst to be with Punch as well as that she had the feeling like she would never be alone being in this world. Graduating from NRC and working hard she became a History Teacher and later they married and settled down with a daughter... this day Carol had a shorter schedule on lessons as usual and came home earlier, relaxing a bit before going to childcare and picking up their kid by foot...
"Mom look! I drew something today!!"
"Iris its wonderful... its like a family portrait, it goes right to the fridge so I can always see it. I also heard from your caregiver that you grew fond of building stuff?"
"Of course! I saw dad always make stuff and It looked so fun."
Carol lightly ruffled her hair as picking her hand and walking home with her. After some time at home playing with her and preparing some food after some recipes Punch told her she was stuck on a book waiting for him to come home as.
"Carol? Honey! I am home!" He came in a bit of messy hair, lightly scratching his cheek with a smile. Iris jumped up to imidiatly hug his leg, given she couldn't reach much else with how tall he was.
"Welcome home dad!! Look what I made!!" Carol sighed as she saw their daughter drag him around to the drawing and a small building blocks thing she made causing him to smile. After Iris went back to play she finally had time to greet him properly, pulling her arms around his neck and looking at him with a warm smile.
"Good to see you again, handsome." She gave him a kiss on the cheek, his face still lighting up even after all those years, causing her to chuckle.
"Its also good to see you, I missed you two a little."
"The feeling was mutual, when classes end earlier I do am glad to spend more time with Iris but... I often miss you more. "
He nodded and lightly pulled her into a hug before letting go. She took his hand and let him to the dinner table. "So how about you try it. I did my hardest to replicate it as close as I could."
"Compared to the stuff you made back at school, you already became so much better, I am sure it will taste good."
The family chatted a little over food before it was Iris bed time and Punch brought her back, he sat down at the couch a bit exhausted as Carol lightly cuddled against him.
"I definetly will never regret staying here. This life with you gives me so much happiness each day... and I can't wait for what else awaits us."
She looked lightly at his arm and noticed a small scratch looking at him. "Does it hurt?"
"Not much, just a small injury..."
She sighed and lightly concentrated a little... using the same magic she gained after that incident years ago to heal it a little.
"Carol... didn't I tell you not to use it too much."
"I barely use it at all, it should be fine... I need to practise it from time to time to not forget it. "
He sighs and pulls her into an embrace.
"I guess you are right but... I just never want something like that to happen again."
She pressed a kiss on his lips and smiled back at him. "Trust me, I won't let that happen."
Anyways the idea I had for their daughter, Picrew is here
I have a theme for often naming Carol kids after flowers, so if you have other ideas feel free too
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Iris Carder, I think Carol would take his name actually.
Often gets lightly injured and is also pretty knowledgable as Carol but also does look over punchs should and wants to make stuff. on the sidelines does some writing of stories.
Hope you enjoyed this small idea.
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yew--berries · 2 years
I hope this doesn't come off as "edgy" or just some sort of disrespect for disrespect's sake at anything, because while i certianly have a lot of that that i could say, this is not the place for it. There's a lot of conversation now about how kids lack reading comprehension, critical thinking, etc... but honestly i've felt like a part of the discussion has been missing, at least for me.
Because the people i see in my life that lack the most critical thinking, that push the hardest against open ended discussion that doesn't always come to a complete and definite answer, that really refuse to see anything differently to what they believe, is adults. In the people who raised me and the people who raised all the kids around me.
Now obviously, my opinion may be swayed by the fact that most of those people i am talking about, have been raised *ridiculously conservative*, and so *of course* they're going to be Like That™️. But legitimately. That is the point. That's what I'm trying to get at. That is what i am saying. I have seen over and over and over in religious people what i can only describe as a fundamental lack of critical thinking and like it makes sense! Yeah it fucking makes sense that if you go to a building every week to listen to one guy yell about how you need to live your life and base your entire world view off the idea that there is one single book that was written without flaw **maybe you're going to be missing out on some critical thinking skills that would have benefitted you otherwise.
I have had numerous conversations with my dad trying to talk about art but being met with nothing but him trying to prematurely come to conclusion i don't intend to draw him to but he finds anyways because he is trying to find the simple and objective correct answer in a conversation that does not have one. And this isn't just with him either, and it doesn't stop there either. It's in my uncle hating pop music as much as it is in his kids parroting him. It's in my Grandfather speaking highly of a government official who has gone on record trying to keep conversion therapy a thing in my area simply because the guy was nice to him specifically as much as it is in his daughter (my 30 year old aunt) getting upset at the word "communism" because that's how much she doesn't want to hear people talk about it. It's in my friend and coworker and even my younger self who forfiet important aspects of music and art and MEANING simply because the people who raised us were so hellbent on following the crowd they were in they never noticed how we were being swept up by the current as well.
Yes there are a lot of people on the internet with piss poor reading comprehension. Yes there are people out there who fully cannot discern what other people say from their own preconceived notions. But it is so important to remember that they did not gain those ideas in a vaccum. It is because of their teachers ignorance that they are ignorant too.
I don't expect anyone to read all this and also This is all been written at too late at night and under the added stress of "i have to go to work tomorrow" but i feel like this is important to say. It may bot all be right and i fully acknowledge that, i still have a long way to go but i really needed to get this out there, the frustration i have with people like this and the fact that a lot of the internet tends to blanket poor critical thinking onto younger people from what I've seen but i really feel like That’s doing a disservice to the basically systemic ways it has been purposefully made to be shit throught a lot of recent history. Nothing kills creative thought and exploration like the bible.
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icysab · 2 years
~ badboy!jungkook x smartass nerd!reader ~
genre/what to expect: e2l ft. sexual tension, college au
warnings: swearing, bad grades lmao
wordcount: around 1k
a/n: alr so although this idea might be incredibly overused, i will be using it anyway cuz this fic is v self indulgent lmao. also, this has been sitting in my drafts for like,,, almost a year now, so i just decided fuck it. if ppl like it, maybe ill turn it into a whole fic? idk lemme know what y’all think. but for now, i am not planning on prioritizing updates for this.
also random disclaimer: i don’t know a fuck ton about how korean college works so i’m basing this on the experience in my country. if i screwed somethin up please that’s totally different in korea correct me so i can fix it </3
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college had really been a bore lately.
you had been berated by your high school teachers, claiming that "college is harder, professors don't care about you, you have to study," and whatever other bullshit they liked to spew. but unsurprisingly, college was never particularly difficult. and now, halfway through your junior year, you still don't even really bother studying. as long as you don't flunk out, why does it matter? just suck up to the profs a bit, and you're set. who gives a shit if you're a teachers pet when you're on track to graduating top of your class? you never really cared what others thought anyways.
there was only one catch: when you got bored, you tended to slack off. and now, you—top of your class poli sci major—currently has a c- in your behavioral econ course.
and that is certainly not acceptable.
"you know, you're one of the best students in my class. i'm very disappointed in your recent grades".
you force yourself to keep a serious look, and refrain from rolling your eyes while forcing a nod.
you plaster on an expression of false understanding and tell the professor, "i'm very sorry. i really do want to excel in this class," while bowing your head slightly.
he hums to himself, clearly contemplating something.
"just because i know how much effort you put into this class, i'll offer you an opportunity to earn extra credit," he says after what feels like an eternity. "i have a student in econ 101 that needs extra help. if you were to tutor him twice a week, and his scores were to improve significantly, then i'll raise your grade to an a".
you have to prevent yourself from smirking. it really does pay to be a suck-up.
"i'd love to!" you lie between your teeth, giving the poor professor your best faux smile. "i'm so thankful for this opportunity, and i'll work my hardest. thank you!"
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well, you certainly dodged a bullet there. or you hoped. as long as the kid you're stuck tutoring isn't a little bitch, then you should have no problem securing your a.
the professor had emailed you the students contact information, and told you to set up meetings with them. all you knew was that his name is justin seagull or something, and he's completely flunking econ.
which, how do you even manage to do? that's like, the easiest class.
not that you're complaining; it works out all the better for you. and hey, maybe you can make a new friend!
earlier in the week, you had coordinated with the dude you're tutoring via email to meet on thursday at 3pm for an hour and a half, which so happens to be today. at around 2:45, during your long break in between classes, you head over to the agreed upon location for your first tutoring sesh: the undergrad library. at precisely 2:55, you take a seat at one of the benches near the entrance of the library, deciding to wait so you don't miss him.
even if you really didn't want to be stuck tutoring, you were still going to put in an effort; you really did want to help whoever needed it. just because you'd rather not spend your thursday afternoons teaching econ doesn't mean you wanted to screw the dude over and waste his time.
you pull out your phone and begin to mindlessly
scroll on instagram out of boredom.
at 3:04, you begin to wonder where he is, and if he's okay.
at 3:11, you start to get a little annoyed, but you try to remind yourself that maybe he got held up somewhere, or somethings wrong.
at 3:32, you shoot him a text.
at 3:57, still no response.
at 4:13, you say fuck it and decide to head home.
at 6 fucking pm, he has the audacity to send you a text.
jk: sorry. i was busy.
what could he have possibly been so busy with that he couldn't of even texted you beforehand, only god knows. all you know is that you're pissed. you had prepared a whole plan for this first session, made a list of important topics to cover, and even did research on the best ways to teach. all for you to be ignored, cast aside like you were unimportant.
you quickly shoot him a text back.
you: whatever it’s fine, let’s just schedule for another day
you: when works?
your phone dings.
jk: idk i have to check with my schedule
god, what a fucking asshole.
you swallow your pride as best as you can and type out a response.
you: well, lmk when you’re free ^-^
your phone dings after a moment.
jk: do we really have to do this?
jk: i mean idk abt you but i don’t really want to spend my time getting tutored
you roll your eyes and grit your teeth.
you: mm that kinda sucks for you but yea we do have to
you: so like i said, when works?
and you know what he fucking does??
he fucking leaves you on read.
that asshole.
you take a deep breath and attempt to calm down before all hell is let loose.
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A Failed Betrothal (Part 3)
There were a lack of stuff to read so I posted this instead.
(Part 1)(Part 2)
The next day was weird to say the least for everyone but for Marinette, it was another can of worms that she wished she didn’t open. For one thing, Chat Noir’s feelings obsession for Ladybug switched from one black-haired girl to another which unfortunately was Ladybug’s civilian form. Which meant Marinette had to deal with Adrien’s Chat-Noir-level flirting and bad pick-up lines.
Perfect, just perfect.
Everyone thought that a declaration speech of ‘being soulmates and the only one for him’ in front of the whole class from the ‘love of your life’ would warrant a ‘blushing to death and stammering’ or ‘outright fainting’. Not a facepalm, a groan, “Why me?” and a “I am sorry but NO. I don’t feel the same way about you”. Marinette vaguely wondered if there was some kind of rule for interesting events and confrontations to happen during lunch break while the class waits for Mme Bustier to start the lessons.
Marinette went to sit in her seat next to Chloe in the back row where she and her friends had been exiled to. The class was in stunned silence and questioning about whether or not they had fallen into an alternate universe or dreaming. Nathaniel and Alix tried to hide their snickers. Chloe just started outright laughing, turning very red in the face.
Marinette felt a nudge from Plagg in her bag. Looking down, she saw them holding up her phone to show Lila’s gaping face of horror with a wicked smug grin on their face. She looked through the photos to see everyone’s faces of confusion and shock at her rejection. Eyes wide and jaws dropped on the ground. Different shots of her classmates in the same state. She smirked and showed them to Chloe who calmed down enough, letting out the occasional giggles and took the phone with glee.
“Thank you, Plagg. Here you go.” she whispered, giving them a camembert macaron.(Tom had started experimenting with camembert in his recipes. Plagg is his first taste tester for all of them, making Tom one of Plagg’s favourite people.)
Adrien didn’t take the rejection very well.
“But we are meant to be. You are a designer and I am a model. Our partnership is the one to be envied by many for the ages.”
“And by that logic,” The designer turned to her main model for her MDC website, “Chloe, my love, will you be my one and only? For our love shines so bright ,paralleled only by a thousand suns.” Using the same voice Plagg does when they go on one of their love odes about camembert before losing her straight face and giggling.(Plagg doesn’t know whether to be offended or amused.)
Setting Chloe’s laughter off again. “Mariiiii,...stop….I can’t..*gasps*....I can’t…”
Nathaniel and Alix, finally lost control and joined Chloe in death by laughter. Adrien was flustered, turning red in the face either from anger, embarrassment or both.
“But Chloe isn’t a model.”
Marinette decided to put a stop to this, just on the off chance that Gabriel finally decides to akumatized his own son. She recomposed herself.
“She is the main model for my website and we have a partnership. You, however, work for your father. So does Miss Rossi. Does that sound like the partnership to be envied by many for the ages? Hmmm, Agreste? Anyways, like I said before, I have no interest in dating you.”
“Why not? We are friends and sometimes, friends like each other enough to date each other.” Adrien angrily asked.
“Because, Adrikins,” Chloe cuts in, “friends having to date because one of them is interested in something more makes no sense and is fucked-up. Marinette doesn’t owe you anything. Besides, she already has a long distance boyfriend who lives in America.”
“WHAT!?” Adrien shouted.
“What?!” The class had snapped out of their stupor. Since when had Marinette gotten over Adrien and had a boyfriend?
“What?” Marinette looked at Chloe with wide-eyes. Last she checked she was still single so what the hell was Chloe playing at. For Kwami’s sake, she hadn’t been on a date since the one with Luka which went awkwardly before they agreed that they think of each other as siblings and it will be best to stay that way.
Chloe gave her a look that said ‘I will explain later.’
“Oh yes, they met online a few months ago and now they are all lovey-dovey together. It’s just so ridiculous, so utterly ridiculous how disgustingly in love they are. They have video call dates at least once a week and somehow make it work despite the time differences. He once came all the way to Paris just to see her. He brought her some special flowers that apparently meant-”
Marinette slapped her hand over Chloe’s mouth. “Well, Chloe, Queenie, as much as I love you as my friend, you can stop gushing about my love life now. Because class is about to start.”
She said through gritted teeth as Mme Bustier finished taking her sweet time and walked in. Sadly, Alya wasn’t done with the conversation ,“Wait a minute, since when did Chloe and you become close enough that she is modeling for you? And a boyfriend? Why didn’t you tell me, Girl? I thought we were friends. What about Adrien, he just confessed to you and you had been crushing on him for so long” Many girls gasped, angry that Alya broke the unspoken girl code.
“You have a crush on me?” Adrien looked hopeful. Like a lost kitten that had been stuck in the rain, was let into someone’s home.
“I had a crush on you,” Marinette corrected him, emphasising on the past tense, “and Alya had no business of sharing that information to the entire world despite us not being friends anymore.” She glared at the journalist who at least looked ashamed.
“You wanted to date Kagami so I moved on.”
One of the reasons anyway. I found out that you were my partner who had no concept of boundaries. You are a coward who only wants to maintain the class peace at the price of my mental health, she thought.
“Instead of continuing to pursue you.” She hoped the ever dense and oblivious model would get the hint she gave him. Tikki ,just this once, Grant me that ladybug luck.
“And Mme Bustier, it is time to start the lessons, don’t you think? Instead of focusing on the class drama to gossip about later on.” Marinette glared at the teacher, reminding her to do her job.
“Oh. Right.” Mme Bustier tried to regain her ‘perfect teacher’ image after getting embarrassed at being caught, “Right. Class, turn to page-”
As soon as the bell rang for the end of school, Marinette dragged Chloe all the way to her room. Alix and Nathaniel followed them because as far as they know, Marinette had no boyfriends and they were as curious to find out what scheme Chloe had cooked up this time. They were as complicated and crazy as Ladybug’s. No offense, Marinette.
“Okay, Queenie, you have to explain why I now have a devoted American boyfriend who I am so in love with.” Marinette crossed her arms with a frown aimed at Chloe. The kwamis got out of their respective hiding places and went to the tray of food set out for them.
The trapdoor to her room opened, revealing the rest of their friend group before Chloe said anything.
“Did we miss anything?” Kagami asked as Longg and Sass joined the other kwamis.
“Juleka said something about an American boyfriend and how he sounds so romantic. Does that have to do anything with the text Alix sent us to come here?” Luka added.
“To recap, Adrien made a love confession to Marinette,” Alix started, biting into some of the delicious pastries the Dupain-Chengs gave them, ”in front of the entire class after an entire day of flirting and bad pick-up lines.”
“Wow, even after having his memories erased of being Chat Noir, he is still after Ladybug.” Luka chuckled, with the others joining in.
Marinette whined, “It was easier when he was Chat Noir. But now as Adrien Agreste, teen heartthrob, it is going to be much more difficult to get into his thick head that I don’t see him that way and it is going to get harder, now that Alya outed my old crush to him.”
“Oof. Sucks to be you.”
“So, our Mari-bug rejected him. He threw a tantrum and sulked, so like Chat Noir, how did we not notice?,” Alix continued, “After demanding reasons why they can’t date, Chloe gave Marinette an American boyfriend who she was in a long-distance relationship with. Speaking of, why did you do that?”
“I have known Adrik- Adrien since we were in diapers and I know how that mangy cat works. He grew up on Disney and had all those fairytales stuffed into his head. If you had told him that you were just not interested in dating at the moment, it won’t work because he will try his hardest to ‘woo’ you, because he still has a chance. He won’t push his luck as much if you were off the market.” Chloe explained.
“I am sure that, judging by the fact that Chat Noir still tries to date Ladybug despite her saying she is in love with someone, Adrien might try to get more proof of this boyfriend to make sure Marinette is just not pretending to have one.” Kagami pointed out.
“Ahh, but luckily I have a back-up plan. I have a friend, Tim Drake. We met at a few galas when we were younger and kept in touch. He also owes me a favor.”
“I hope this Tim Drake is cute.”
“He is and he’s older than you by two years and,” Chloe typed something on her phone, “A fellow caffeine addict so you can bond over that. Here’s a picture of him and his brother.”
On her phone were two extremely attractive and fit young men dressed in expensive suits at what looked like a gala, the older one had a charming polite smile with bright blue eyes, looking somewhat interested at what someone off-screen was saying despite looking like he will fall over any moment. His brother, however, looked like he would rather be anywhere but where he was. He was tanned and had green eyes that promised murder for daring to even breathe in his direction. Marinette noticed that he looked a little familiar but she can’t place why.
“Tim is the one that looks like he hasn’t slept in days and that’s his brother Damian next to him.”
“Wait a minute. That’s Tim Drake and Damian Wayne. The sons of Bruce Wayne, the billionaire co-CEO of Wayne Industries, which Tim Drake is also co-CEO of.” Nathaniel said with wide eyes and looked at Chloe, “You are using your favor to give our Mari here a fake boyfriend.”
“Of course, only the best for our Mari-bug.”
“Chloe, no, he is probably busy as he is with running the company. No need to get him involved in petty teenage drama.” No matter how much she doesn’t want to date Adrien, bothering a busy guy to be her fake boyfriend is not worth it in Marinette’s opinion. Which, of course, gets overruled by the overprotectiveness of her friends.
“I, for one, think this is one of Chloe’s better plans.” Kagami commented, the others agreeing with her. Traitors.
“Hey!” Chloe exclaimed, an offended look on her face, “Anyways, I will call him later.”
“Children, you better go home now before your parents worry.” Sabine’s voice came from below, “Remember we are also going through some drills tonight so try not to be late.” Having a former assassin for a mother is handy when you want to train a team of teenage superheroes.
“Bye, guys. See you later.”
“Just because you have been trained since birth does not excuse you from the drills. You also need to get used to the black cat.” Lady Mǔ lǎohǔ reprimanded her with her arms crossed. When Ladybug started her new team, she was the first permanent member but as the team got bigger, she stepped back to be back-up and mentor for the team.
“Yes, Maman, I know but I am nearly finished with this commission. I will catch up with you later. Promise.” Marinette stretched, looking up from her latest project. Plagg was napping in the little basket she had made for all the kwamis to sleep in which fit all of them and had some extra space for Nooroo and Dusuu after they had been retrieved.
The reason she had Plagg instead of Tikki who was with Alix was because of the new tactic the Miraculous Team came up with. To keep the balance the Ladybug and Black Cat must be active at the same time but with Adrien gone, someone must wield the ring until a new permanent holder is found and it was not a good idea for both of them to be on the same person at the same time. The team decided to rotate using the earrings and ring between them with Marinette using other miraculouses when the others have them. It also had the added bonus of making it harder for Hawkmoth to find out who has them at any given time.
“See you later, 灵儿 (líng er, means intelligence). I will give you 15 minutes but that’s it. Don’t be late.” Sabine sighed and got out the skylight and went towards the safehouse where the Miraculous team met to get training. (It is one of Sabine’s emergency safehouse to use in times of emergency and it had the required space to train 6 teenagers. Chat Noir never came to training, lazy cat.)
Marinette never made it to the warehouse.
Because a few minutes after her mother left, the skylight opened to let in five figures dressed in dark colours to easily blend into the shadows like they were trained to be. Too bad they weren’t as quiet. Marinette immediately summoned a bo-staff to defend herself.
One of them lunged at her and she retaliated by hitting the end of her staff to their middle, coupled with a couple more blows and landed one that knocked them out. The others threw throwing stars which she dodged by jumping back. Which landed her to be trapped by the two assassins, whom she didn’t notice, had moved. She cursed in every language she knew as she struggled against them. It led to no avail as she was badly out-numbered. There was a prick on her head and her world went black.
Plagg awoke to a loud commotion. Irritated, they poked their head out to see their new temporary kit knocked out, tied up and hauled away. Recognizing the kidnappers as assassins of the League of Shadows, they scowled. Ra’s Al Ghul was going to pay.
Plagg may not act like it much but the black kwami was patient and smart. Smart enough to leave a note with an explanation somewhere visible with the messy aftermath of a fight before trailing the assassins. Oh, Roarr’s tiger was going to be pissed once she found out what happened. Wherever they were taking Marinette, it would be best to have a kwami of destruction to help her escape. The night made Plagg almost invisible and allowed to move unseen. They caught up easily and hid in their holder’s midnight hair. Now, their patience came into play. It was a matter of waiting for the right moment to pounce.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tag list: @alysrose-starchild, @buginetye, @lookatthestars1, @blackroserelina, @macncheesemonster, @mochinek0, @myazael, @tonicxworld, @thewitchwhowaited, @t1dwarrior-of-earth, @kissa-chan, @iwantasecretidentity, @theymakeupfairies, @user00000003, @woe-is-me0, @kashlyn, @mochegato,@moonlightstar64 , @greatcatblaze, @moongoddesskiana, @tazanna-blythe. @tonicxworld, @toodaloo-kangaroo, @frieddonutsweets, @local-witch-of-mn, @lady-bee-fechin, @iglowinggemma28, @indecisive-mess-named-me, @k-tea-and-coffee, @jayjayspixiepop
(Part 4)
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you-did-well-moon · 3 years
Day6 Reaction to s/o learning their instrument while they're away
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Type: Fluff, angst in Dowoon dont know what happened wasnt me
Word Count: 2.865
A/n: I took some creative freedom with why they were away but that is it. Keep in mind, I have no experience with instrument except for when I played the piano in 5th grade for like two weeks. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! - Moon
TW: small cuts, fight, second hand embarrassment
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Sungjin was absolutely and devastatingly exhausted. His own guitar case felt like it was weighing him down tremendously, and he had a huge headache. Jae and Wonpil arguing in the back of the car was not helping in any way. It has been going on since they left the airport. He rubbed at his temples tiredly pressing his head against the cool window from his place in the passenger seat next to their manager. 
Still, he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips as he thought about seeing you, probably curled up in the couch cheeks puffed from the snack you were inhaling. The pounding in his head lightened at the cute sight he would soon get to enjoy as he played with the loose threads of his old button up shirt. 
True to Sungjin’s imagination, your form was sitting on the couch. Not true to his imagination, you were actually bent over something in your lap, lightly humming and bopping your head to the rhythm being produced by your still clumsy fingers. The guitar in your lap had gotten lighter as the days went by without your boyfriend, and in replacement of his touch, leaving your fingertips warm and tingling, it was small cuts you hadn’t bothered to bandage as it disrupted you when playing.
 You missed Sungjin an abnormal amount. The cold spot in the bed or him making weird faces at you through the mirror in the mirror when brushing your teeth. You missed all of it. With a slight tremble in your chest you started playing the chorus to “You Were beautiful”.
You were so focused on trying to get it right you didn’t notice the door closing only to startle when you slightly looked up through your lidded eyes seeing the shadow looming over the coffee table. With a small yelp of surprise you jumped immediately looking up only to find your boyfriend staring at you with wide eyes. 
His surprised expression made you shrink into yourself. You threw your head into your hands in pure embarrassment letting the guitar gently slide off your lap, hitting the floor with a soft thump. “Can you just pretend you didn’t see that I can’t believe I even tried learning all that by myself I” you cut yourself off with an un-pleased sigh shaking your head and looking at him with pleading eyes. 
Your boyfriend continued in his frozen state for about five seconds before breaking out in the biggest smile rushing around the coffee table in which you panicked trying to get away from him with a squeal, but being too slow im the excitement that was usually in a much dormant state in Sungjin. The wrinkles near the corner of his eyes deepened adoringly, and his chest shook with soft laughter while he held you close. 
There was a fond twinkle in his eye as Sungjin forgot any tiredness that clung to his bones and kissed the tips of your fingertips while maintaining eye contact. He kept your hands encased in his when scolding you for having such low faith in yourself and softly encouraging you. He would probably put little stitch band-aids on your fingertips and continue teaching you, sitting you on his lap and scolding you when you lose focus with a sharp poke at your ribs smiling when you giggled. This man just fell impossibly more in love with you.
“You shouldn’t say those things, look at you love, learning all alone and doing so well. I'm so proud. Would you rather have the elmo band-aids or the stitch band-aids… I don’t know about you but Elmo kinda creeps me out. Just five more minutes little love then you can go mug Young k with Dowoon. Don’t look at me like that! You finally have a teacher and you take him for granted. The audacity-”
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Jae was a thin hair away from just ripping his hair out. He didn’t believe the kpop industry would take very kindly to him going bald, but he had come to a point where he didn’t really care about what people thought anymore. But thinking about you not being able to play with his hair anymore while he drifted off to sleep with his head on your chest severely upset him.
 Jae had gotten stuck in another limbo, stuck in the studio and in his own head desperately trying to finish any of the unfinished songs left in his computer files. He missed you so much, he eventually called it quits, deciding to go home to you, who he hadn’t seen in days.
Just the thought about seeing you energized his previously exhausted self. He never could get sick of you. Every day, every week was a new adventure, a new chapter, all with his favorite person in the world. The night sky, although beautiful, seemed to mock him, reminding him of how late it was, meaning you were most probably asleep. 
Opening the door to his apartment, he heard soft music. He briefly recognized “I Need Somebody”, and thought you were playing it from your phone. All his thoughts came to a halting stop when he saw you perched on the bed, in his shirt, playing the melody of the previously mentioned song.
You had hair falling into your eyes with your eyebrows slightly scrunched trying not to mess up and heavily focused. Jae had loudly yelled in surprise, causing you to flinch and look up shocked at the sudden surprise. When you saw it was just him, you had comically thrown your hands in the air yelling at him about how it was supposed to be a surprise. 
The irritated look on your face vanished as you went up to give him a light hug with a kiss, softly smiling at him. Meanwhile Jae, was completely out of it, lovestruck eyes while he instinctively returned your affection.
“Come Jae, you look like you haven’t slept in ages, your eyes are so sunken babe”, you had softly whispered to him, rubbing the soft skin under his eyes, the way you were always soft with him when he came back from the studio. You slept in the same bed for the first time in what had been days, Jae tightly clutching on to you.
 He may have not been completely there at the moment, but in the morning when he had time to process everything, he was a changed man. He wouldn’t stop laughing and giggling excitedly, eagerly wanting to hear everything you had learnt. He even poked fun at you when you made a mistake. But it was all lovingly as he also praised you non stop while looking at you with his messy hair and big smile next to you on the couch. He had so much inspiration now. To finish what had been left behind.
“Pop off queen who gave you this much talent, you couldn’t even tell me what bass was last time we talked, which was like a week ago. Might just make you play when I don’t feel like playing. Give you a wig and people won’t know the difference! Why are you booing me, I'm right?”
Young K
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Young K’s foot tapping on the floor of the car was the only sound that filled the car aside from the soft sound of the car’s engine and tires. He was absolutely spent, having to have stayed in a different city for a show he was invited to that was filmed far away from his home. 
Far away from you. Young K could tell his manager was starting to get irritated, but Young K was already massively annoyed and too far in his own world to really care. He missed the pine scent of his sheets, and he missed you.
It was not a good combination. When he got to his place he quietly thanked the manager,  getting his bag before trying to ignore every urge telling him to run into the building and fall into his soft bed with you in his arms. When he opened the door, your keys were there, so he knew you were in the building. That thought filled him with more relief than it should have. 
He did have to admit, hearing “I smile” this early in the day was odd as you usually saved the more mellow songs for later in the night. Young K told himself he had many euphoric moments in his life, but seeing you staring at a sheet of paper with so much determination and a bass guitar in your arms came pretty close to the top.
The absolute warmth that exploded in his chest was a feeling he would not forget in a long time. He could feel his lips slightly curl up in fondness as your hands shook while your eyes wavered unsurely between your hands on the strings and the video on your laptop sitting further on the edge of the bed. Your face scrunched up before you sighed and stared dejectedly at the instrument on your lap. 
“Why so sad love?" His voice made you instantly sit up, pushing the instrument gently off your lap. You crawled to the edge of the bed where Young K had already gotten closer where he met you tenderly running his hand through your hair, and he curved his hand around the back of your head bringing your forehead to his abdomen.
He brushed his thumb over where your hairline met the sensitive skin of the back of your neck immensely enjoying being back at your side. Your hands were clutching the back of his shirt, and your simple touch brought a warm feeling to his chest. You both leaned back as Young K’s chest started to rumble with laughter “You should have waited for me, it would have been easier if I could teach you”, he softly said, pushing your hair back from your face causing you to lightly laugh.
 “I wanted to surprise you, but I didn’t get that far anyways. Can’t become a prodigy in one day I guess”. Young K smiled again, promising to himself to help you as much as he could as he put his hand fondly on top of your head.
“You’re doing so good, just move your finger up a little, you’re plucking the c chord instead of the e chord during the chorus, don’t look at me like that i’m trying to help?! I wouldn’t put you on my level, but I think you’re doing really well. I’m hungry now, what do you want? No- What do you want? I am okay with anything just tell me-”
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Wonpil was trying his hardest not to think about you. From the way you got excited when you got to see the moon in the cloudy sky to the way you smiled when you saw the neighbor’s cat while getting the mail. 
He was happy to be on a trip with her sister, he hadn’t had much time to be with her in recent, well forever really. While you had been invited, you hadn’t been able to attend due to work. Wonpil did his best to keep his mind off you and enjoy the trip, he just hadn’t spent this long without you in a while. 
Even so, he still had a fun time with his sister and her boyfriend creating many memories. He didn’t regret it, but he was extremely happy to come back to you. Opening the door to your apartment, he dropped his suitcase by the door, an excited smile tugging at his lips as he traveled through the apartment with his arms spread knowing you would embrace him as soon as you saw him. He felt so giddy, he didn’t even notice the broken keyboard sounds ringing throughout the living space.
His smile fell in a comical way, his face morphing into one of confusion instead. He recognized a broken rendition of “Mary had a little Lamb”, and tilted his head as he opened the door to your room seeing you with really big headphones on your head staring down at the keyboard with the most offended look on your face.
 How dare this keyboard not give you its secrets! Wonpil couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his chest, not mocking you, but he just thought you were so cute. He lightly touched your shoulder causing you to jump, and the slight movement of your head caused the headphones to slide off your head. It didn’t matter much. You instantly dove into his arms, pressing the side of your face against his chest.
He felt warmth flood his chest as his hand encased the back of your head while he pressed his lips to the top, closing his eyes in bliss enjoying having you in his arms again. He leaned back from the brace as his eyes flashed with amusement and yours with slight embarrassment. He lightly laughed, eyes crinkling. He cradled your face in his hands, a teasing lilt to his voice, “What were you trying to do, hmm?” He could feel your face grow hot under his finger tips.
 “I was just trying to surprise you. I felt bad for not being able to go with you”. He shook his head, hands playfully pinching your cheeks as you whined. “You shouldn’t act that way, I understood from the beginning. It must have been hard for you. Here, come, your lovely boyfriend will make this easier for you”.
“Y/n the keys will not bite prEsS dOWn, no, no keyboards do not have to be oiled, this is a musical instrument not a mechanical vehicle. You are so cute. What am I gonna do with you? No, you can not play the keyboard with your forehead, DO NOT put your foot on the keys. I don’t care if it’s for the vine. 
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Dowoon was beating himself up. Looking back at what happened a few hours ago made his chest tight. He couldn’t help but wince at the words both of you had thrown at each other. You had been with each other for so long, and when his lovely mother asked him when he would propose, although with good intentions, it put pressure on him.
 He was still young. He had mentioned it to you in a joking manner, but there was a misunderstanding and you thought he was blowing it off as he didn’t see a future with you. 
Somehow feelings were hurt, and the fight escalated. And Dowoon decided he was a coward because it was when you had started stuttering through your words and avoiding eye contact, he knew. He knew he had pushed you across a line that might not be able to be crossed again. 
He panicked. He was really good at doing that wasn’t he? He left. He took a bus and went to the nearest hotel he could find. There he was sitting on the edge of the too perfectly made bed with his head in his hands.
Had he just ruined his precious relationship because he was scared of what the future could or could not hold? Why did he have to run away? Why couldn’t he just stay? Most importantly, how badly had he hurt you?
 With a sigh he stood up, and he got on the bus back to your apartment. Staring at the door, the fact you were just on the other side and hurting is what pushed him to open it with the key you had given him. Opening the door, he was met with silence and darkness. Have you already gone? He walked through the apartment, hope dwindling with every step. 
Then he heard a soft thump thump thump. His heart seemed to match with it, and as he walked to his studio which held his spare drum set, he thought of what he could say to make it better. Opening the door, he saw you softly hitting the drum with one stick, as if testing the waters and humming along to “When you Love Someone”. Dowoon couldn’t fight the sad smile that broke out on his face, and the absolute warmth that filled his chest. 
Why did he ever even doubt your future with him? There was no person more perfect for him than you. He stood next to you, softly taking your hand in his and guiding your hand to the right beat, although a bit broken. When your sad eyes looked up into his, forgiving in nature but still frustrated beyond belief, he knew he could still fix things. You were you, and Dowoon was Dowoon. You always somehow found your way back to each other.  
“No no, put your hands higher on the stick, no lower, now higher...a bit lower. No, Y/n drum sticks do not belong in my throat. What do you mean I have no room to talk, I thought we were over the fight. I would marry you in this life and the next! Why are you looking at me like that? I am not cute, I am handsome and overflowing with testosterone. Oooh are those gummies?
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kikyan · 3 years
You’re my favorite Human (Yandere Izaya x F! Reader x Yandere Shizuo)
Before ANY of yall say anything, I wrote this as a birthday special to an online friend I once had. If Izaya and literally anybody else sounds OOC, it’s because this was written back in 2018/2019 after I watched Durarara!! For a bit of background info, I first watched Durarara!! back in middle school when a friend admitted to liking the anime and well I decided to watch too. This show was too complex for my small ass mind so I dropped it. Then I met my online friend (we are no longer friends) who would always comment on Quotev where I was most active at the time. Well, I literally only picked up this anime again for said friend and the birthday request. I wrote this immediately right after the show so if it sucks ass, there is a reason for it. Anyway’s I promise to give them justice if I manage to write my spooky Slasher AU’s for them. Also if you somehow end up managing which ‘slasher’ Shizuo and Izaya fit I’ll write you a special one-shot within my guidelines for your birthday/Christmas depending on the time constraint. Here you go, for the curious peeps!  This story branches off to two endings, Izaya ending w/ Smut and a Shizuo ending because I became a hardcore simp over that man and will literally do anything he tells me to. Regardless, I will edit the links and such for their appropriate endings! This story is also unedited so. . .have fun IG 
God I sucked at writing fics so much back then. . .
The blonde man proceeded to pick up the red vending machine stationed outside a random building, preparing to lance it at the black-haired male he called Izaya. 
"S-Shizuo!! It's not worth it!! Calm down!! Um- I know! I'll make some tea for you to calm down just please drop the vending machine!!"
"Shizuo!! Please!! Milk! Yep, milk will surely calm you down just please Shizuo!! You're attracting too much attention and you don't like violence right!!" 
“Throw it Shizu-Chan. Or are you too weak to hold it anymore.”
Shizuo turned away from the (h/c) individual as he began to grip a stop sign before removing it from the ground and began to run towards Izaya. 
" Shizuo stop!! Geez, Izaya please refrain from edging him on! Shizuo don't give in! You're better, in fact, you want to be better!! You want to be stronger to have more control right!! Well. . . Don't give in!!" 
At the sound of this Shizuo stopped before tossing the stop sign to the side and grabbing the (h/c) haired individual and dragging you off with him. 
Looking back, the person Shizuo was dragging turned around to look back at Izaya before stopping in their tracks and bowing apologetically. 
" I'm sorry Izaya for the commotion we caused, but I hope you understand that Shizuo is a bit difficult but I'm sure he can change! You too izaya, you seem to try to edge him on and that reflects poorly on you! So please Izaya, I hope you understand too!" 
" Oi (Y/N), what are you apologizing for?" 
Smiling softly at Izaya and giving him a shy wave (Y/N) turned to face Shizuo and continued to answer his question.
"Well, I mean I didn't stop him from edging you on!" 
" I swear you really are the most optimistic, apologetic, and kindest person on this planet. You are one of a kind." 
Laughing softly (Y/N)  turned to Shizuo as they began to reply, " Thank you! It means a lot to me Shizuo!" 
Walking alongside Shizuo, (Y/N) proceeded to make small talk unaware of the lingering dark eyes upon her figure.
"(Y/N), I swear I can't figure you out. No matter what you do or what happens you always apologize to everyone. Even that damn Izaya!" 
"Well, Shizuo I like to be positive!! Besides, I'm sure second chances must be given!!" 
" Hmph. Even those who commit the worst of crimes?" 
"Well, I'm not the one entitled to forgive them for crimes committed against another, but I believe if someone truly wanted to, someone could change." 
" For example, you! I mean you've gotten several chances, haven't you? You have a stable job, although you can get quite violent, you have friends, and you are trying your hardest to change! So, I feel like anyone could change!!" 
"Hmph. You forgot something. . ." 
" I did?" 
" Yeah, I also have the best person next to my side, you, (Y/N) (L/N)." 
" I-I-I-I u-um S-sh!?" 
" Heh, you get flustered all of a sudden and it suits your personality. I wonder how I got stuck with someone like you (Y/N). . ."
Bodies were lying around Shizuo in the school field as he huffed in rage and looked to the side to see a (h/c) haired female with (e/c) eyes looking wide at the scene that laid before them. 
" Hmph, what are you scared?" 
Shizuo asked as he looked at the female before looking a bit confused as he noticed the expression on the girl changed. She was smiling and shook her head before answering his question. 
" Nope! I mean what you did isn't good but I'm sure you have a reason! Besides, I feel like deep down you regret it. I mean, although you are pretty violent, you probably don't want to be right?" 
"I... .hmph. Stop being odd and spouting nonsense." 
As the female turned to the bodies she bowed apologetically and began to speak. 
"I'm sorry! I apologize for his behavior! He doesn't mean it! He regrets it! Besides, you guys should know that violence isn't acceptable so please apologize for your actions as well! Fighting isn't acceptable!!" 
" W-w-well I am apologizing to them and you!! I mean you didn't mean too!! Besides, fighting is wrong! Both parties were at fault so I must apologize for it!" 
"W-w-well!! They are knocked out and can't speak, plus you won't apologize, you want to but you can't bring yourself to!!"
"I'M SOR-!?" 
"Geez, troublesome woman." 
" Ahhh!! What time is it?!" 
"Why the hell are you asking me?" 
"Crap I think I missed my train! Now I have to walk home! Wait, that's fine! I missed gym class to help the teachers so this will count for my exercise! Of course, I shouldn't feel down!" 
" You're unusually optimistic. I'd be pissed as all hell if that happened." 
"Well I think everything happens for a reason and besides, you need to see the bright side of everything! Anyway, I need to go! I have to walk for about maybe 2 hours till I arrive home and I do have homework to complete! I'm sorry for being a bother but I hope to see you tomorrow at school!" 
"Let me, let me walk you home alright." 
"Ahh okay okay! I'm sorry for bothering you but thank you!!" 
"Yeah, yeah just stop apologizing and don't start again." 
"Alright! By the way, what's your name?"
" Shizuo Heiwajima. Yours?" 
" (Y/N) (L/N)!" 
As they began to walk side by side (Y/N) began to laugh as she asked Shizuo questions upon question leading to Shizuo answering them and laughing as he realized, maybe having someone not fear him, was a good feeling. 
"Hey, Shizuo?" 
"Yeah? What is it?" 
" Wanna go for Russian sushi?" 
Looking down at the girl Shizuo gave his usual smirk before responding happily. 
" Sure, why not?" 
"Hey, Shizuo?" 
" Yeah?" 
Turning around he met with the female who became his best friend and possibly his crush. Smiling softly he turned to give her all of his attention despite the number of bodies surrounding him in the field of his high school. 
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to um, well. . ." 
"SHIZUO! I have someone I would like to introduce you too!~" 
" Huh?" 
Shizuo replied in his usual tone as to be turned to meet the faces of the young boy with glasses, brown hair and grey eyes whom he quickly recognized as his friend Shinra Kishitani but the other boy, had dark hair and matching eyes he did not. 
"What do you want Shinra?" 
"Oh? Am I interrupting you and your girlfriend~" 
"Girlfriend?! I-I-I’m j-just a friend!?" 
Shizuo looked to the side but quickly locked eyes with the boy. Shinra looking at Shizuo quickly turned to introduce the other boy. 
"His name is Izaya Orihara! He is in the same year and class as us!" 
Upon looking at Izaya, Shizuo quickly launched an attack towards him before Izaya leaped out and grabbed his knife before slicing Shizuo across the abdomen. Shizuo looked down noticing the wound before looking back at Izaya. 
"S-s-shizuo?! Are you okay? Oh, I'm so sorry this happened!!" 
"(Y/N) it's fine and stop apologizing! You didn't do anything wrong! Besides, it was him, Izaya. . ." 
"Oh? Come on Shizu-chan I haven't even done anything. . ." 
"I'm sorry!! I apologize that Shizuo charged at you and hurt you! He tends to do that a lot, but I apologize on your behalf! Shizuo, I apologize that Izaya cut you! I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from cutting you and possibly distracted you. So please, violence is not the answer! Izaya and Shizuo I apologize and I hope you may make up and be best friends!!" 
"I'm sorry! Ah, wait u-u-um well I know you both didn't mean it!!" 
"Here we go again. . . (Y/N) STOP APOLOGIZING, ON TOP OF THAT TO THAT GUY!" 
Shizuo was pointing at Izaya with a hint of disgust written across his face as Izaya looked dumbfounded for a split moment before asking, "Wait? You serious?" 
"Did you just apologize for something you didn't do?" 
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bother you!" 
"I-, well it seems this took an interesting turn of events. Well, goodbye Shizu-chan, (Y/N) right?" 
"Y-yeah. . ." 
Shizuo stood in front holding his arm protectively (Y/N)  as Izaya twirled the pocket knife in his arms in a strange direction before smiling and whispering a small, “Interesting. . .” 
As Izaya turned to leave, Shizuo muttered a small “ That bastard makes me so damn mad” before turning to (Y/N) realizing she had something to say before you were both rudely interrupted by Shinra. 
“ Hey (Y/N) what did you want? You had something to say before that damn bastard arrived.” 
“ O-Oh I-I did. . . um, Shizuo I wanted to ask if you wanted to miss the last train again and... .walk me home, and get Russian sushi with me. . .” 
“ Is that your way of asking me out on a date?” 
Teasing (Y/N) slightly she turned red upon hearing that before nodding her head softly. With a sigh, Shizuo smiled and dragged the smaller female by her arm before muttering a “ finally you asked” causing the female to turn even redder at the comment. (Y/N) ran a little ahead and turned back to smile at Shizuo before whispering “ I love you Shizuo. . .” 
Walking to the shared home that Shizuo and (Y/N) have, (Y/N) grabbed a small jug of milk before handing it to Shizuo scolding him for getting violent, but congratulating him on holding back and not letting Izaya get to him. 
“ I don’t know what I would do without you (Y/N), I mean it . . .” 
“ I’m just lucky this happened when we were walking together and not when you were working. Izaya can be a bit extreme but I’m sure he means well!!” 
“Heh, you always look on the bright side, don’t you?” 
“ Exactly!! Looking on the bright side is exactly what brought us together!! I mean after you dropped me off at my house we got to be great friends, that's also when you confided in me your secrets and feelings. Then you began to realize that I didn’t fear you and truly cared for you. Then we went on a date, and became a couple! Dating for a good 5, 6 years?” 
“ Yep, luckily we still love each other.” 
“ I won’t ever stop loving you Shizuo, because you accepted me for who I am. Now it’s time to let me accept you for who you are. . . I mean I already did but you can’t get it through that thick skull of yours can you?” 
“ What do you mean, I understand.” 
“ Yet, every time you encounter Izaya and I’m not around you come home quite sad and always ask me if I would ever leave you. Shizuo, I would never leave you.” 
“ Well yeah but. . .”
“ But?” 
“ You’re right. I should head to work. See you later (Y/N). Take care and don’t do anything strange.” 
“ I wouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t do.” 
“ That worries me.” 
“ I’m just going to talk to Celty or just hang around the park! See you later Shizuo!” 
“ Hmph. Later and don’t forget that I love you.” 
“ I should be saying that but of course! Love you too and later!” 
Shizuo smiled at the girl before heading off to visit Tom his friend and employer. They had another client that refused to pay up and Shizuo was going to “pay” him a visit to ensure he did. (Y/N) locked the door before going on her phone and texting Celty. 
‘ You busy Cel?’ 
‘ No, not really. Why do you ask?’ 
`` I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out and chat.’ 
‘ Sure. I’ll pick you up and we can head off to the park. That fine?’ 
``you read my mind Cel. Alright, I’ll get ready.’  
(Y/N) changed into a new set of clothing before waiting on the couch for Celty to pick her up and head to the park. Celty and (Y/N) got along well as well, (Y/N) always saw the bright side. When she and celty were close enough, originally being introduced by Shinra, Celty confided in her about not having a head and (Y/N) offered some light on the subject. 
“ Well, head or no head  I think you’re perfect just the way you are. For example, you can still do pretty much everything right? Aside from taste but still Celty! I think that is what makes you unique I mean, if you think about it, only those people who truly love and care for you will accept you no matter what. Take a look at Shizuo, he believed everyone feared him, but I didn’t. I love him! Just like I love you Celty! I accept you for who you are and you will always be celty with or without your head! So cheer up, I don’t like seeing my friends sad!” 
With that, a new friendship was born leading (Y/N) to be best friends with the fearsome headless rider. 
< - - - - - - - - - - - - > 
Kanra: Hey guys! I have a question about a specific person. 
Setton: A person? Who? 
TarouTanaka: Agreed. It’s quite rare to see you not having information on anyone. 
Kanra: Precisely, which is why I must know. Do any of you know a (Y/N) (l/n)? 
Setton: (Y/N)? Not personally but I’ve heard rumors. . . 
Setton: There’s not much I know about her, but I’ve heard rumors of her being in the Dollars.
Setton: Besides that, I’ve also heard she’s Shizuo Heiwajima’s girlfriend and possibly future wife.
TarouTanaka: Shizuo Heiwajima? As in THE Shizuo Heiwajima? Do you know the violent one? 
Kanra: That’s so scary!! Who would put up with him? 
Kanra: *Gasps* you don’t think. . .
TarouTanaka: Think what? 
Kanra: You don’t think she’s using him do you? I mean, having a strong boyfriend has its perks right? 
Setton: She’s not that type of person.
Setton: From what I’ve heard, at least.
Kanra: Oh? You seem to get a bit defensive. Are you sure you don’t know her? 
Kanra: I mean, think about it. What is so special about Shizuo that would lead someone like her to love him? 
Kanra: Honestly, I think she could be using him after all I’m sure there are more people that someone like her could pick from. 
Setton: Well everything is just based on rumors, but I doubt she’s a bad type of person.
Setton: Love has always been a confusing matter. All that matters is that they like each other for who they are.
Setton: It’s not our place to make assumptions.
Kanra: Love is indeed confusing. 
TarouTanaka: I agree with Setton, I am sure they love each other for who they are. Is everything alright Kanra? 
Kanra: Yes, but it still stumps me on how little information we have of his girlfriend. Not only that but we have little information on the relationship as well. Has anyone seen her? Know what she looks like? 
Setton: I’ve only heard a vague description of her: (e/c) and (h/c). I could pass her on the street and not even know.
Setton: But I’m sure she’s just a private person. We should respect that and try not to dig into her life.
Kanra: Oh fair maiden will I ever see you?
TarouTanaka: You sure you aren’t trying to steal his girlfriend? 
Kanra: ^ 0 ^ Never! 
Setton: This has been an interesting discussion and all, but I’m needed elsewhere.
Setton: Later.
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - > 
Kanra: Well I better head out too, later Tarou! 
TarouTanaka: Later! 
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
A figure began to ponder and look outside with a pair of binoculars as a female with (e/c) and (h/c) walked by. 
‘ Oh? I think I should properly introduce myself to the fair maiden’ 
The young girl walked out of her house ready to speak with the dullahan. Upon seeing the headless rider the young girl waved her hand signaling the rider. 
“ Celty! Over here!” 
The rider began to make its way to the female before hugging and typing away on its phone. 
“Oh good, I was worried I arrived too early.”
“ Nah! Even if you did, you would have more time to look around and notice life at it’s finest!” 
“Oh Y/N, still as cheerful as ever, huh?”
“ Oh, you know it! Now let's head to the park! I want to see Ikebukuro at its prime time at night!” 
“Of course, but as we’re walking let me ask: How’s it going between you and Shizuo?”
“ Well. . . I-I-I I think it’s going great! He isn’t getting as rowdy and violent so I think he is changing a little bit! He ended getting me a gift, a necklace to be exact for our 5th anniversary! It says his name! He also has one, one with my name!”  
“I’m glad to hear you guys are going great. I’m sure that nothing could ever break your relationship, right?” 
“ Exactly! He and I have never had a serious argument! Maybe a little scolding but it’s fine like this! I always end up congratulating him in the end! He is the sweetest! Every time he comes home he asks me if I love him which makes me sad because I hope he knows I do! However. . . he always ends up spoiling me in love! The real question. . . is how is it with Shinra?” 
“Oh. . . Well, you know how he is. We’re as close as we can ever be, especially now that I’m more accustomed to the whole headless thing. That doesn’t mean I’m not looking, though.”
“ You will find it Celty! I know for a fact you will find it! I’ll help you when I have time! Hey look it’s the park let’s find a bench!” 
[park bench scene]
“You know, Y/N, I heard that you and Shizuo were considering getting married. Is it true?”
“ Well, I-!?” 
“ Well, Celty! I didn’t know you were here? (Y/N) too! What a surprise too! Do you mind if I sit with you guys?” 
“ Well, not really! Feel free to sit Izaya!” 
“ Interesting, now continue what were we talking about?” 
“ Well, Celty asked about my marriage to Shizuo!” 
“ So it’s true. . .” 
“ Yeah! Celty we are! Sometime next week we were going to look for dresses!” 
“That’s wonderful Y/N! If you need anything, I’m always available to help.”
“ Of course!” 
“ Same here.  . . a wedding between Shizu-chan and (Y/N) seems interesting. . .” 
“ So (Y/N), why are you with Shizu-chan? What’s the catch?” 
“ Pardon Izaya?” 
“ I mean, why would someone like YOU be with someone like HIM? What are the perks of having Shizu-chan as your boyfriend?” 
“ Perks?!” 
“I know that you and Shizuo have an on-going rivalry, but should you be asking Y/N questions like that?” 
“ I was just curious Celty! Besides, do you have the answer?” 
“ Well, there are no perks.” 
“ Huh?” 
“ I love Shizuo, not for his strength or perks. I love him because he was kind to me. He accepts my optimistic side, even though it can be quite annoying and I accept his violent tendencies! He is doing so much to change and I will support him from now on! When we met, he kinda beat the entire team on the field and I apologized for the both of him! He got confused and I apologized for my behavior and we kinda got into a mini battle of him asking me to stop apologizing and well my apologizing even more! Nonetheless, I missed the train, but it gave me a chance to talk to him and as you can tell he walked me home! Since then, a steady relationship! So it’s not about the benefits, it’s what we feel for each other that motivates us!” 
“ Interesting. . . “  
“ I agree Y/N, it’s about love, not benefits. Might want to save a speech that profounds for your wedding though.
“ You’re right! Oh, I’m sorry Izaya for ruining the surprise!” 
‘ Interesting. . . she isn’t like every other human, she doesn’t seem to lie, hide things, and seems to be honest. She seems to be optimistic. Hmph, interesting that she isn’t like all the other humans I love, she’s different and I can’t wait to see her face, her entire being change as I pull the strings from behind! (Y/N), you are quite interesting, you are like my special, no my favorite human and I need to see your reactions to everything... .’ 
“ (Y/N)?” 
“ Ah, Shizuo! O-over here!” 
“ Celty’s here too and-?!” 
Shizuo stared at the black-haired male with such anger raging within them as he let out a growl before examining the area. 
“ It’s a park? Am I not allowed to visit one?” 
“ N-no! Shizuo we were only just talking! Besides, Celty was here with us! It was all friendly talk!” 
“ Celty, take (Y/N) and go to Shinra’s place. I’ll meet you there once I finish killing this bastard!” 
Typing away Celty nodded showing her phone with the message being, ‘Of course. Be careful before doing anything crazy, but please hear Y/N out first. Learn a bit about the situation before jumping into anything dangerous.”
“ Oh my Shizu-chan!~ So you are dating her. Isn’t that interesting. . . I say though it’s shocking, to say the least, that someone like (Y/N) would fall in love with you. Someone as fragile, beautiful, delicate, and forgiving like (Y/N) with a violent man as yourself, well I’d be damned!” 
“ I’m sorry! Izaya, I apologize for Shizuo’s behavior as he ended up attacking you without hearing my part, which I still have yet to say! However, I apologize on your part as well Izaya as you didn’t mean anything by chatting with us, but you asked some not so nice things. On the bright side, you know the truth and know that Shizuo isn’t a bad person!” 
“ (Y/N) . . .?” 
“ Shizuo! Celty and I were chatting when Izaya approached us, we were just talking! He didn’t hurt me, besides Celty would have put him in his place before I would have! Please believe me, Celty tell him the truth as well!” 
“Of course, there was nothing suspicious going on. Just a regular conversation full of small talk. Nothing shady or malicious between us and Izaya.”
“ Tch. Fine, but still take her to Shinra. I don’t want this bastard to find out where we live. I still want to kill him. . .” 
“ S-Shizuo! It’s fine, we don’t need to go see Shinra!” 
“ Aww, Shizu-chan you’re scaring her!~ Besides, what if (Y/N) doesn’t want to leave? You’re her boyfriend but you aren’t her owner. Besides, why do you get to keep her all to yourself, as you know I love humans, I can’t get enough of them! But she, she is quite interesting, as all humans I love her as well but aren’t you pushing it Shizuo chan?” 
“ Keep that damn mouth of yours shut!” 
“ I wonder, how long will it take you to screw up your relationship with her like you always do. Have you even proposed to her yet? Being the violent person you are you probably used someone's body as a foot stand before asking her to be your wife!” 
“ NO! That’s wrong! He proposed at Russia Sushi! We went out to eat as it was also our first date! See, even Simon took the picture and hung it in the dining area! You can see Shizuo’s fist but that was because he was embarrassed Simon took a picture and well he snapped, see how red he is? I’m the one crying in the background while holding the ring! It’s even my lock and home screen!” 
Running after Shizuo, (Y/N)  turned around one last time before bowing apologetically and smiling at Izaya before running after her fiance. Celty typing away on her phone showing it to Izaya. 
“Be careful about what you say around Y/N. I know what you’re trying to do and I advise you against it. It won’t end well for either of you.”
“ Whatever do you mean Celty?” 
“I’ve seen the way you look at Y/N; the way you observe her with that calculated glee in your eye. Even if you do separate her from Shizuo, she wouldn’t be happy with someone considered a homewrecker. She’s too optimistic for her good, she’ll easily forgive you, but she would never be able to forgive herself for hurting Shizuo. If you truly value her like you say you do, don’t try to meddle in her personal affairs.” 
“ I want to see every possible reaction from her, so this is quite tempting. Besides, Celty why do you care much about her? I love humans and I’m not willing to share, (Y/N) is no exception.” 
“Y/N is the best person I know. She’s kind no matter what and brings hope and joy to all of those that she comes across. She deserves to live the best life she can, one filled with no despair or tragedy. You need to learn to respect that and move on.”
Celty, displaying her anger towards Izaya, revved her motorcycle upwards causing several people to look in worry and walk away to avoid getting hit. Izaya stood unamused with his smug grin as he watched Celty chase after the couple to take them to Shinra. 
“ Celty, it’s a shame. All humans will experience despair no matter what, even our darling (Y/N). It’s just how long will it take for her to fall into despair that’s the real game and who the one pulling the strings will be.” 
Izaya began to walk away only to stop at Russia sushi and was quite intrigued by the photo that was taken. As he began to examine the image he saw (Y/N) smiling with tears rolling down her eyes as she turned to the camera holding the ring Shizuo had given her. On top of that, he saw Shizuo, quite red ready to punch Simon for taking the picture. 
“ Well well, seems she was telling the truth. I guess he didn’t screw it up.” 
“ Izaya, I heard about what happened.” 
As Izaya turned he was met with Simon the dark-skinned Russian who began to speak in his native tongue signaling that this was a private conversation. 
“ Simon, how’s it been?” 
“ Don’t ruin it.” 
“ Ruin what Simon?” 
“ Shizuo and (Y/N) found happiness here so don’t ruin it.” 
“ Oh? What makes you say that?” 
“ (Y/N) is special, the unpredictable happens around her but that doesn’t mean you should ruin what they have for the sake of your entertainment.” 
“ Special huh?” 
“ You like her don’t you? Leave her with Shizuo, she is not meant for you.” 
“ You see Simon, you’re right she is special but she isn’t Shizuo’s. I believe her to be one of the few people who aren’t on this playing field. She, like all humans, belongs to me. I won’t let Shizu-chan, Celty, or even that damn Saika blade have her.” 
“ Izaya, I know you don’t like losing to Shizuo but that does not mean you have to ruin this relationship. For once, let it go.” 
“ It’s Shizuo who needs to let her go.” 
With that Izaya left the place before walking away thinking about the girl. Since he met her years ago he realized how forgiving and optimistic she truly was. It shocked him, every human he met would be the same and oh so predictable. Shizu-chan and Simon would be the unpredictable ones spicing up his entertainment but (Y/N)? She was the most unpredictable one of them all. She took both sides of an argument and attempted to find a solution and she would keep Shizuo in check something that no one could do. On top of that, (Y/N) forgave anyone and you could never guess what she would say next, but her actions were always surprising. As he entered his workplace he was met with Namie Yagiri who looked at him in disbelief. 
“ It’s late where have you been?” 
“ Ah, Namie I was out with Celty and (Y/N) (L/N).” 
“ (Y/N) (L/N)?” 
“ Shizuo Heiwajima’s girlfriend, well fiance but not for long.” 
“ What do you mean, not for long?” 
“ Well you see, I intend to steal her away.” 
“ You never seem to bother with people’s love lives anyways. Why now?” 
“ (Y/N) (L/N) is a fascinating human! Here on this board, Shizu-Chan is the king and (Y/N (L/N) would be his queen, but the queen is one of the few people with free-range movement, in other words, the most powerful piece, nonetheless all are useful but the queen is the one who defends her king. If the queen is removed you’re pretty much set to fail and the king is left weak and ready to be dethroned. So, Shizu-chan is only strong with his queen, but this fascinating human being should be next to me, her God!” 
“ So you want to use her-!?” 
“ No! You’re not getting the picture! I am going to take the queen and leave her next to her god’s side! ME! With Shizu-chan weak I’ll simply kill him and fully take (Y/N) (L/N) as mine!” 
“ I thought Shizuo provided you with the most entertainment. . .” 
“ (Y/N) makes up for both of them, I don’t need Shizuo when I have his queen. . .” 
“ Shizuo! Wait!” 
Shizuo was walking faster while dragging (Y/N) behind him as they proceeded to go to their house after staying at Shinra’s. 
“ What for?” 
“ I’m sorry for embarrassing you in front of Izaya. . .” 
“ I’m fine, as long as it was you I didn’t mind.” 
“ You sure?” 
“ Of course, now let’s go home. I’m tired.” 
As they entered the home in which they both own Shizuo immediately grabbed (Y/N) as he held her close before asking her yet again, “ Do you love me?” 
“ Of course silly! I wouldn’t marry someone I don’t love! I love you to the moon and back Shizuo and I wouldn’t change that for the world! No one and nothing would ever split us apart Shizuo! You accepted me for who I am, now it’s time you realize that I accept you for you!” 
Cuddling closer with the (h/c) hair colored female he blurted out something that made her turn red upon hearing it. 
“ I want a baby.” 
“ A WHAT?!” 
“ A baby. I hope to be able to be a father once we wed.” 
“ W-w-w-w-what g-g-g-gave you that idea?!” 
“ We are both at a young age, once we marry I feel like we should have a child. I won’t rush or force you but I think we would be great parents.” 
“I...OKAY! Of course! After we marry, we can have as many children as we can!” 
“ W-Wait you serious?!” 
“ Of course Shizuo, because I love you to bits! Just like I will love this child, I'll make sure you both know how special you are to me!” 
“ I do wonder how I found someone like you (Y/N). . . I love you!” 
“ I love you too Shizuo!” 
As they both fell asleep in a lovers embrace Shizuo was reminded of how much (Y/N) loves him and was also reminded that she will never leave him. Izaya was wrong, (Y/N) loves him for himself and as Shizuo sighed in relief as he cuddled closer to the female, not being feared, but being loved was a great feeling, the best in the world. 
“ Now. . . what should I make for dinner? I should make Shizuo’s favorite meal, but that means that I need to go shopping. Oh well.” 
(Y/N) pulled out her phone before sending Shizuo a quick text saying how she would be stepping out and would be home soon. After getting an, ‘alright. Be safe.’ text she immediately set out to the store. As (Y/N) was searching through the ingredients she came across a hand reaching for the same one, the last one. 
“ Oh, I’m sorry! You can take it!” 
“ No, no that fine! By all means, take it.” 
“ Izaya... .?’ 
“ Ah! (Y/N)! Isn’t that wonderful? I wanted to speak to you!” 
“ Same! Just let me finish shopping and I’ll go with you!” 
“ Here! I’ll help, by the way! Feel free to take it, I don’t need that ingredient as much as you do.” 
“ Thanks! Are you sure you don’t want it though, I’m making a meal for Shizuo but I can always go to other stores! If you want it you should take it! On the bright side, I can get my daily walk in by going to other stores and I might be able to browse through other items I may need!” 
“ Oh? A meal for Shizu-chan? Then, by all means, take it. I wouldn’t want to make him upset.” 
“ Thank you Izaya! You really care for him!” 
“ Well, I wouldn’t say that. .  . “
“ Well, we should get going! I think I got everything I needed!” 
Walking to the park in silence was a little awkward until (Y/N) lit up at the sight of ice cream. 
“ Hey Izaya, look it’s an ice cream truck! Do you want some? My treat!” 
“ Actually, it will be mine! Which one do you want (Y/N)?” 
“ (F/F) please!” 
“ Of course!” 
Upon getting the ice cream ( Y/N) desired and Izaya getting one for himself they decided to sit on a bench and she continued speaking with Izaya. 
“ Izaya, I have a question.” 
“What is it (Y/N)?” 
“ Well, why do you like edging Shizuo on? You know he is trying his hardest to change, wait, is it to push him? To see how much he needs to improve left?” 
“ You really are optimistic aren’t you? Not exactly, you see Shizuo tends to act differently from the rest. . . he truly is unpredictable so I just want to see every possible reaction from him. Just like you?” 
“ Me? I hardly think I'm unpredictable, I feel like you could read me easily.” 
“ You can’t and that’s the best part. I truly love all humans (Y/N), they are just so interesting! In the end, they all act the same yet it’s so exciting!” 
“ Interesting. You like the unpredictable more though right! I do too! It’s like a book, if you can predict the way it ends then it isn’t all the fun. However, if the book ends with a plot twist and catches you by surprise then it is fun! Every new day, every new day is something different for me! I feel like, when you look at a new angle you end up seeing things you’ve never seen. This could easily impact what you think or what you do! That’s what I try to do to make my day more interesting!” 
Izaya looking at her with insanity swirling his eyes grabbed her hands causing her ice cream to fall before laughing. 
“ You understand me! You see what I see! You truly do deserve to be next to your god's side! Tell me (Y/N), you’re very forgiving, aren’t you! Every god needs to judge and punish the sinners, BUT THEY ALSO NEED TO FORGIVE! THAT MY GODDESS IS WHERE YOU COME IN! WITH YOU BY MY SIDE, WE COULD TRULY RULE OVER THESE HUMANS! JUST AS I LOVE HUMANS, THEY SHOULD LOVE ME TOO! THAT INCLUDES YOU (Y/N), DO YOU LOVE ME?” 
“ I-?!” 
“ That’s enough!” 
Turning to Celty who began to write furiously fast on her phone shoved it in front of Izaya as he skimmed the words that were written. 
‘Shizuo is on his way, leave if you don’t want your ass kicked. I told you to leave (Y/N) alone! For once, listen to me!’ 
Celty grabbed (Y/N) and led her to the motorcycle before writing on it explaining that Shizuo was around the area and was planning on picking (Y/N) up from the store. Celty mentioned that she too was around the area and that she was asked by Shizuo to help him look for her as well. Nodding, (Y/N) turned around to meet Izaya smirking, despite all she smiled at him and bowed before apologizing. 
“ I’m sorry Izaya! I hope to talk to you soon and I apologize our time was cut short. I’m happy that you told me a little about yourself Izaya as I told you I like to see both perspectives before saying or doing anything. On the bright side, although our time was cut short I realized that you trust me a little and bothered to open up a bit! So I'm glad!” 
Indeed Izaya found his Goddess, she forgave all and will forgive all. Smiling a bit he turned and wished her good-bye before plotting a plan to take her from Shizuo forever and make sure his goddess was with him all the time. Besides, even if he committed a crime, his goddess, (Y/N) (L/N) would forgive him. 
(Y/N) was riding with Celty until they found Shizuo in which he expressed his concern for the female. He examined the ingredients and smiled realizing what she was planning on doing before ruffling her hair. 
 “ I still have a little bit of work left but I'll make it home in time for dinner.” 
“ Of course! I’ll get started on dinner right away!” 
“ Alright. See you then, oh (Y/N).” 
“ Yeah?” 
“ I love you.” 
“ I love you too!” 
Getting out of the shower, (Y/N) proceeded to dry her hair with a small towel wearing (F/C) shorts and an extremely overgrown shirt, more importantly, it was Shizuo’s bartender shirt that he allowed her to wear. It fit more like a dress but no one was complaining. 
“ I better get started on dinner, Shizuo is going to arrive any minute!” 
Proceeding to get the ingredients (Y/N) was washing the vegetables when she heard a click signaling the door was open. 
“ Shizuo I’m not done with the meal-... Shizuo... .?” 
Examining the living room she noticed that the door was opened but no one was in the room with her, that was until she heard a familiar voice from her right ear. 
“ Good evening, My goddess. . .” 
With that Izaya knocked out (Y/N) cradling her in his arms before making his way to him home with the young girl, his Goddess.  
“ Wake up sleeping beauty~” 
Izaya was poking her cheek repeatedly hoping for the young girl to awaken sometime soon and luckily she did. 
“ Izaya, w-where a-am I?” 
“ Why you’re in our home my goddess~” 
“O-our? Goddess? Izaya what’s going on?” 
“ You will be living with me from now on~ You see I explained it to you, I love humans my dear (Y/N), you are no exception. However, unlike all the other humans you have an interesting personality and you are quite unpredictable making each new day exciting and something to look forward to! Someone like you should be by my side ruling alongside next to me! Just as I adore humans, they should adore us, as they should!” 
“ I-Izaya I’m sorry but it’s late and I need to get to Shizuo before it gets too late-!?” 
“ You aren’t getting it! You aren’t going back to Shizuo! You belong to me! Besides, Shizuo is weak right now! I could easily get rid of him!” 
“ He isn’t! Shizuo is quite strong! I know for a fact that he can overcome anything! Now, please let me go before I-!?” 
“ You aren’t seeing the big picture (Y/N) and it saddens me. You see the queen is the strongest piece in chess. Shizu-chan is the king and you by right, are his queen. If we take the queen away, the king is set up to fail. Haven’t you realized, everyday Shizu-chan asks you if you love him and to never leave him? Coincidence I know? I always make him doubt of this reality because without you Shizu-chan would be a violent monster! Think about it, you’re the only thing that can hold him back but you aren’t by his side! Shizu-chan does not want to be feared but he thinks it’s a fantasy, someone like you being in his life that he just needs to confirm if you love him too!” 
(Y/N) gasped when she came to notice her fiance's true feelings. Feeling down, (Y/N) looked to the side to examine the board Izaya kept close to see if she could find a pattern or attempt to figure Izaya out to create a plan.   
“ In fact! I think he is worried sick trying to find you, but he won’t! Even if he does, he doesn’t have the right to take my Goddess away!” 
In the meantime, Shizuo was frantically searching for where (Y/N) could be. When he arrived home he came to see the door open and no sign of (Y/N) causing his anxiety to spike up at the thought of losing you forever. Having enough he texted Celty and even the dollars home page alerting all members to keep an eye out on a female with (H/C) and (E/C) as she could be in danger. 
“ Celty! Have you found her yet?” 
“ No.... but I think I know where she is. I hope she isn’t though. . . “ 
“ Spit it out! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!” 
Shizuo was running out of breath as he looked at Celty with desperation as he saw her type away with incredible speed, but the answer both shook him and angered him to the point of no return. 
“ I think she is with Izaya. If so, we must hurry!” 
“ Of course! Leave this to me. . . I think it’s time that bastard met with his fate.” 
Shizuo walked away with anger as he began to prepare his fist to execute the man who stole his fiance.
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notanotherockstar · 3 years
 ‘The Whole World Is a Stage’
(Headcannons of dating Neil Perry)
Warnings: slight smut ig, dps spoilers, Knox Overstreet’s endless pursuit of Chris Noel, Neil being absolutely adorable.
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You met Neil when he came to audition for the part of ‘Puck’ in a Midsummer Nights Dream.
You had joined the production to help with the sets, props, costumes, etc. and were just about to leave when you see him recite his lines for the audition.
To say that you were instantly enamoured would be putting it lightly.
You introduce yourself to Neil just as he’s about to leave and compliment him on his acting skills.
And the boy is a stuttering fool when you do so because, going to an all boys school and having incredibly strict parents, he’s not used to interacting with girls let alone having very pretty girls come up to him and tell him that his acting is good.
He thanks you but tells you that he isn’t sure if he’ll get the part since it’s his first time acting professionally— unless the silly little plays he used to put up for his parents in his living room when he was a child count.
You laugh at first, thinking he’s joking.
But then you notice the ‘shit did I say something wrong’ expression on his face and you understand that he is not only very serious but also very nervous.
So, you assure him, telling him that, “I was there for all the auditions and yours was by far the best. They would have to be idiots to not cast you.”
Neil is blushing like crazy at the compliment.
He’s blushing even harder when you ask him if he wants to grab a cup of coffee or something from the diner nearby.
He wants to say yes but then remembers that he needs to be back at Welton before dinner so that no one realises that he’s been gone.
“It’s alright,” you tell him, “I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other— I’m working on the set and all of that stuff.”
This marks the beginning of a short yet lovely relationship.
You’re the first one he comes to when he finds out he’s got the part of Puck.
That’s when you two go out on your first date.
It’s nothing much just the two of you and a little picnic by the river with food you stole from your kitchen.
You two stay there still twilight when Neil realises that he needs to head back to school.
Neil helps you clean up because he’s a gentleman.
Just before he can leave you pull him into a kiss that leaves Neil weak in his knees and his cheeks brining red.
“See you tomorrow then?” You ask.
“Y-yeah, yeah.” He stutters and nodds making you giggle.
When he reaches Welton he’s completely lovesick.
The rest of the dead poets boys groan because having to deal with a lovesick Knox was bad enough but now they had to deal with a lovesick Neil too.
He tells them all about you.
He talks about you so much it’s kinda annoying.
Todd has to cover his ears with his pillow in the night for two reasons:
To block out Neil’s chatter about you before they can go to sleep, and;
To block out Neil’s moaning in the middle of the night that wakes him up no matter how deep his sleep is.
Needless to say that after all the talk the boys are very eager to meet you.
But Neil doesn’t want to introduce you to the boys, mostly because he’s afraid you’ll end up preferring Charlie or Knox over him.
So he refuses to bring you along to any of the Dead Poets Society meetings, no matter how much they insist.
Sick and tired of all the secrecy one day the boys decide sneak out to Henly Hall while Neil was at rehearsals.
They ask around backstage till they’re directed to you where you were painting a backdrop.
They introduce themselves as Neil’s friends and you surprise them by very accurately guessing who’s who since Neil had told you a lot about them too.
You and the boys hit it off right away.
Joking around with Charlie, Meeks and Pitts.
Discussing literature and art with Todd.
Discussing your friend, Chris with Knox which ends up with the you agreeing to become his wingman and talk him up to Chris since you’re not a fan of her current boyfriend.
Cameron isn’t there because he’s afraid he’ll get into trouble if the teachers find out they snuck out— not that anyone minds.
When Neil visits you after rehearsal he feel like he’s going to faint at the sight of you, Charlie, Todd, Knox, Pitts and Meeks covered in paint and laughing your asses off.
You immediately run over to Neil and kiss him, trying your hardest not to get paint all over his clothes before scolding him to not introducing you to his friends earlier.
There’s a very awkward chuckle from Neil which is followed by, “I was just waiting for the right moment.”
Charlie is stopped from making a sex joke by Knox placing his hand over the boys mouth.
That is followed by the boys informing Neil that you’ll be attending the next Dead Poets Society meeting.
Neil is speechless— on one hand he’s happy that you’re getting along so well with his closest friends, but on the other hand he wishes he had more time with you to himself before you could meet them.
Anyways, a few nights later, Neil shows up at your house around midnight and takes you to the cave where the Poets meet.
You’re excited to see them all, of course, especially Todd because he’s adorable and just needs to be hugged.
Neil starts the meeting by reciting Thoreau. 
True to mr. Keating’s words you do very much swoon as you watch him recite the verse. 
Joking around with the Dead Poets as you all take turns to recite poetry from the book Keating gave Neil. 
Flirting endlessly with Charlie throughout the night.
Cue jealous Neil.
And you don’t even notice.
You’re too busy giggling as Charlie as he plays endless melodies on his saxophone. 
Now, I kinda imagine Neil as getting all upset when he gets jealous
Because, let’s be honest, with parents like his own there is absolutely no way he doesn’t have self esteem issues. 
So, anyways, you’re babbling on about how great the night was when you notice Neil kinda looking at the floor like a puppy who has been kicked. 
You ask him whats wrong but he shrugs it off, requesting you to go on about your time with the rest of the Dead Poets.
You don’t back off however, insisting that Neil tells you what’s bothering you.
So, he spills the beans.
He’s surprised to find you laughing once he’s done. 
“Neil, Charlie’s fun but we’re only friends,” you tell him when he asks you why you’re laughing. “I love you. And only you. Besides, I’m pretty sure I cannot be around Charlie for more than an hour without throwing up- he wears way too much cologne for his own good.” 
Soon Neil’s laughing too.
The two of you are just laughing and giggling and messing around with each other till you reach your house. 
You two stare at each other for a few seconds- neither of you actually wanting this night to end.
So you invite Neil inside. 
“Aren’t your parents asleep?” Neil asks, completely oblivious to your ulterior motives. 
It takes Neil a few seconds but once he does you’re dragging him inside for, in the words of one brilliant miss Amy Santiago, “a cray-cray night of funky fun.”
Neil’s gone when you wake up the next morning leaving behind nothing except the smell of his cologne and a note telling you that he loves you too and that he’ll see you in the evening for rehearsal. 
It’s pure bliss from there on.
Sneaking kisses before he has to go on stage.
Picnic dates.
Movie and museum dates.
Library dates.
Sex every free moment you two got.
And by the time the day of the performance came around everyone knew about Neil and you.
Most of them *cough cough* your parents *cough cough* thought you were adorable.
The others *cough cough* the director, the cast and crew of the play *cough cough* just wished the two of you would stop making out and being all lovey dovey everywhere.
You give Neil a good luck kiss on the lips before he could go out on stage and promise that you will watch from the wings.
And you do. You watch and you cheer louder than the Dead Poets in the audience.
You leap into Neil’s arms once the play is finished, kissing him all over his face while he giggles.
���You were so good,” you tell him. “You were so, so good!”
“I was, wasn’t I?” Neil asked with a wide grin spread across his face. “I was really, really good!”
You’re about to say something when a teacher comes up to Neil and tells him that his father is looking for him.
“Everything okay?” You ask him as you watch his expression fall at the mention of his father.
“Yeah,” he nods and places his hand on yours before pushing it off his cheek. Neil bent forward and placed one last, soft kiss against your lips. “I’ll be right back.”
“Sure,” you tell him and watch him walk away.
You stand completely still for a few minutes before deciding to follow Neil.
You walk out of the theatre just in time to see Neil being forced into a car by a man you presumed to be his father and the car then drive away into the darkness.
You ask Charlie what just happened with Neil but he seems to be more or less as clueless as you are.
So, you end up going back home, the worst thoughts about what could have happened to Neil popping into your head when you try to go to sleep.
Then the next day, just when you’re about to leave for school your mother tells you that there’s a call for you.
You immediately rush over hoping it’s Neil.
Thankfully, it is.
He tells you that he his father pulled him out of Welton and enrolled him into military school.
You’re crying, of course, weeping happy tears because you’re just so happy that’s he’s well and alright.
“You nearly gave me a heart attack you know that?” You tell him amidst tears as you run your hand through your (y/h/c) locks.
“(Y/N) I—“ Neil’s cut off by the sound of his father yelling in the background. “I’ll call you back later.”
“You better,” you sniffle and wipe your tears against the sleeve of your shirt. “Neil?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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erwinsvow · 3 years
𝐚𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
note: part two to the college headcanons! part one can be found here! i had a lot of fun writing these and i hope everyone enjoys them :) teacher/student dynamic warning for zeke and hange's, and i guess bullying for annie's :/
𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐝
the very definition of kind-hearted frat boy who doesn’t fit the stereotype he’s been assigned at all
starts off with accounting before realizing he hates math, moves into business management and marketing
the linkedin profile is absolutely popping, 500+ connections and details about every club and organization he’s ever been a part of
the friend that helps everyone find internships and fixes their resumes while offering helpful advice and not being condescending… anyways so that’s how you meet porco
he works at the career center 100% and does various coaching/prep help, and you, pieck’s friend, are in desperate need of an internship
so you’re complaining to your friend as usual, when she tells you to stop by the building and ask for a “pock”
so you do just that, walking in and asking for “pock” and porco is a little stunned by this pretty stranger calling him by a nickname reserved for his close friends, and even then he just barely tolerates it
but he doesn’t want to correct you, especially since you’re being so sweet and he can tell you need some help
so a meeting at the career center slowly turns into facetime calls to review applications and last-minute edits, stopping by your dorm to help you fill out paperwork and walking together to mail it out
i have a feeling porco doesn’t wanna be too forward, and he thinks he’s being very aloof and casual, when he really just seems oblivious
and you cannot tell for the life of you if he likes you or he’s just being friendly since you’re close with pieck
finally after you land the internship and won't have your normal excuse to spend time with him, you get the guts you've been searching for
you tell him about the position later in the day, stopping by the center for hopefully the last time
"by the way, my number's on my resume if you're ever gonna ask me out."
leaves pocky-boy flustered and red and scrambling to ask you out, and you have been happily dating since
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫
oh boy
conny is a very typical college kid in the sense that he will sleep through every 8 am class he has, blow off class to go wait in line for the nacho bar, and has adopted the mantra ‘c’s get degrees’
but he is an extremely lovable education major with a focus in history
rarely seen without his shadow sasha, but now that she started dating niccolo, she thinks that conny could use a relationship too, and that it might do him some good to be with a funny, down-to-earth person
thus begins the most grueling two weeks for every girl on campus, as sasha hunts down girls that she thinks would be a good match for her best friend
this includes airdropping a photo of conny to the lecture hall with the caption “would you date this man? serious inquiries only”
creates a fake tinder complete with a google form to narrow down the options
however, none of this is necessary because sasha bumps into you in the smoothie line and causes your triple berry blend to go flying
she helps you clean up and idle conversation leads to you talking about dates and so forth
“well, i’d love to set you up with my best friend? how do you feel about a blind date?”
yes, conny met you, the love of his life, on a blind date set up by sasha with a stranger
it’s one of those funny stories that people don’t believe when you tell them, because how ridiculous is that, but you both think it’s perfect since you get along so well and it made all the waiting worth it
bonus: double dates with sasha and niccolo! fondue night at their apartment, going to the arcade and having to lug up sasha and her food baby while niccolo parks the car, just overall a grand time :)
𝐳𝐞𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫
zeke yeager, ph.d. started his new job at university with one rule in mind: absolutely no illicit affairs
he also coaches the club baseball team, because why not get involved on your campus
he really believes that he’s gonna stick with it too, despite the overwhelming number of students who come to his office hours with questions that his less handsome teaching assistants could answer
but no, he doesn’t want to earn a reputation as that professor, and so he heads into the new semester with absolutely no lingering thoughts of an exciting little dalliance to get him through the monotonous days
he knows his huge lecture classes would always come with a few pretty students, but it’s the smaller, upper-level psych class he’s teaching when he meets you for the first time
zeke has you all figured out, or so he thinks. sitting in the front row, raising your hand for questions he wasn’t expecting anyone to actually have an answer to, neatly handwritten notes in a color-coded notebook. he wouldn’t peg you for the type to jump and take the risk by starting a relationship with a professor.
but he soon realizes that he didn’t have you as figured out as he thought he did.
you avoid the gaggle of freshmen during office hours by scheduling meetings instead, sometimes right before class, coming to him with two cups of coffee and a wide smile that actually had him fooled into thinking you were here for academic reasons
this facade quickly fades though, because after a semester of interactions with you and getting more and more comfortable with each other, to the point where coffee orders are memorized and it’s zeke rather than professor yeager, you’ve had just about enough
he knows he’s fucked when you come visit him at practice for the baseball team, bringing him a drink and engaging in conversation while the players watch their coach flirt with you
he’s especially fucked when he realizes he’s looking forward to practice just because there’s a chance you’ll stop by on your way to your next class
you submit your final paper early, nearly a week before it’s due and of course the first in the class to do so, and waltz into his office the next day with another steaming cup of his favorite drink
“you submitted your paper pretty early, you know.”
“i know. i also know that it means i’m not your student anymore, so if you were going to make a move, now’s the time.”
no, he definitely had underestimated how much he knew about you.
𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧
mikasa is a forensic sciences major and is still debating on the minor- she’s torn between criminal justice or history like armin.
she loves her major classes, but she just wants something else interesting to look forward to as well, so armin suggests sitting in on a couple classes early in the semester and getting a taste for it.
so you don’t really think twice when she claims the empty seat next to you on the first day of classes, smiling politely and paying attention to the professor. you do notice, however, that she’s not writing anything down or looking at the syllabus, leading you to strike a conversation on why that is.
she explains herself and then before you even know it, the lecture ends and you spent the last forty minutes talking to mikasa about anything and everything.
she’s sitting in on another class tomorrow, and absent mindedly invites you to come along, to which you agree all too quickly, because why wouldn’t you
numbers are exchanged, times are fixed, and mikasa leaves wondering why she’s so excited at the idea of sitting with you in class again.
you two hate the history class she had chosen, with the professor droning on and on and you being focused entirely on the conversation you’re having with mikasa
until the professor kicks the two of you out for not shutting up, that is
you’re both laughing hysterically once you reach the hallway
“i’m gonna have to discourage you from doing that history minor if that’s what all the classes are like.”
“well, i have to do criminal justice so we can have that class together, anyways.”
𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭
true to form, annie goes into one of the most difficult majors: cheg. definitely flies through intro courses with straight As and minimal effort, but that’s also mostly because all she and bertholdt do is study
reiner tries his hardest to get her to go to a party every once in a while, but usually to no avail because she always has an exam to study for
you’re a tutor, and honestly, you’d say you were pretty good at your job. you can answer questions and explain reasonings fairly well to confused students. but when annie comes to your office hours with some complicated problems and she’s asking for explanations that you just don’t have, you literally feel your face burn with heat for the entirety of the time she’s there
long story short, your first encounter is embarrassing, to say the least. you’re stumbling over words as you try to look through your old notes and piece together an answer for annie, who you cannot even look in the eyes.
anyways, she leaves eventually and you want a hole to open in the ground and swallow you up, but at least she won’t be back next week, right?
miss leonhart doesn’t know how to express her feelings any better than you, so her way of flirting is spending time with you in the tutor center as you fail to answer her questions time and time again
you want to scream at her to stop coming because she and you both know you’re not helping either of you with this
but also you really don’t want her to stop coming because you don’t have any other ways to see her outside of class
both of you reach your wit’s end on the same day, her coming to you with the absolute easiest problems she could find in the textbook, and you with every intention of asking her out to dinner
she opens her book, and you reach and close it quickly
“unless this is the only way you know how to flirt, something has to change now.”
𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐳𝐨𝐞
dr. zoë teaches, just, way too many classes
we’re talking multiple chemistry labs and upper-level research courses as well
you’re just a ph.d. student doing rotations as per usual, and you’ve heard the comments from students senior to you about dr. zoë, who makes every student in rotation say hange instead of the formal way you’re used to
you’ve heard everything from crazy to genius and everything in between
what you weren’t expecting was… so good looking, and young? and comforting? and talking about all the things that you didn’t have the guts to bring up with other people, like how you always feel a little left out in the field and that you think no one cares about your research interests that much—a lot of stuff that you find yourself pouring out to hange on your very first day in the lab
you’re wondering why it’s so easy to talk to them, and why none of the other rotations ever felt this comfortable
and then you realize you’re spilling your guts to someone who probably doesn’t even care, and has way more to deal with on their plate than a ph.d. student with imposter syndrome
so you’re apologizing right after you’ve finished, when you’re met with the warmest look and a reassuring hand on your shoulder
it’s so easy to fall after that, with weekly meetings and regular check-ins, and you know it’s wrong to have this strange crush on your superior, but hange really feels like the one person you can count on here
you hide the crush in favor of getting the mentorship you desperately think you need, but it’s not long until you’re onto the next rotation and the next lab’s work is even closer to the stuff you love
you hate the way you feel, that you’re not gonna have any reason to keep in touch and you never even got to explain how you feel about them—and that you didn’t even get to experience hange’s energy because she was always listening and helping you out
it’s not until you get a text the night before your first day in the new lab from hange, filled with reassuring words and asking for a coffee date later in the week to talk about how it goes, that you realize just how well hange understood you
𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫
last but not least, miss pieck is double majoring in french and public health
absolutely obsessed with her majors and loves the subjects, but works herself to death to keep up with it all
you don’t even realize that the pretty, studious girl you’re seeing in the library all the time is the same girl you spot with some of your friends from class
pieck is as oblivious as they come. you invite her on study dates after you two are introduced by reiner, invite her to get coffee after a particularly late night of studying, pretty much start spending most of your days together
you can’t help but be disappointed that pieck doesn’t see you in that way, because you’ve slowly been falling head over heels, but you accept that maybe it just wasn’t meant to be, and you still love the friendship you two have
it takes a while for things to click for pieck, but they do right as the semester eases up
once exams are over, you two decide to go to these famous parties porco and reiner never stop talking about
it’s not the usual scene you’re comfortable with, but what’s wrong with letting loose a little, especially after midterms? no harm in having fun, right?
wrong again! you definitely get plastered way too quickly, and eventually pieck takes you to a room to settle down
drunk confessions of love aren’t usually the way to go, but you can’t help but reveal everything you’ve been feeling for the last few months when pieck is taking care of you in your current state
you definitely wake up hungover and ignorant to last night’s shenanigans, but you’re in your dorm, with a bottle of water and ibuprofen on the nightstand, phone plugged in and shoes off
pieck comes back with breakfast, coffee and your favorite pastries, and checks up on you
“so.. about last night..”
“i’m so sorry, did i throw up on you?”
“no, but you did say you were in love with me. was that just a drunk thing, or is it a sober thing too? because i think i’m in love with you too.”
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saturnity · 3 years
Telling Tenya Iida to take care of himself. Tenya Iida x Gender Neutral, Best Friend Reader.
(authors note: this is my first full length fic in...a while. motivation hit me like a brick and I decided I'd churn something out! this fic is dedicated to a few special friends: @classreptenyaiida, for the interactions I've had with him, @yarozu for being such a great fan and supporter!! @lostcoves for being my first friend on this platform and for being so so kind to me, @uwu-iwanttodie because god I know you're a sucker for tenya just like i am, and @tryingmyves for sticking around and being a wonderful person!! there's also one more special person this fic is dedicated to but I don't know their tumblr url and if they wish to be named LOL // but yes anyway, enjoy! i hope you like this, feel free to send me any feedback, rts and follows appreciated!!!)
warnings: none! all fluff. good for everyone.
Tenya Iida and (f/n l/n). The both of you were inseparable, friends since childhood, in the same class throughout elementary and middle school. You were overjoyed to hear that you’d be in the same class with him again in UA, brimming with excitement to be able to stick by his side for longer. Of course, you had a crush on him ever since you could remember...but you were really too scared, terrified, really, to confess to him- in fear of ruining your 15 years of friendship.
Out of all people, you were the person who knew how determined Tenya was to not only reach, but exceed his goals and aspirations. You knew how much he wanted to satisfy the people around him and meet their expectations. You didn’t exactly understand why he did it, but you knew how driven he was, and how he’d do anything within the law and the rules to get there. And he rarely failed. Tenya was a great inspiration in your life, encouraging you to do better, while growing together. In a way, he influenced you to work hard, train harder and to do your hardest. The both of you became a force to be reckoned with; your parents and Tenya’s parents realised this, and hoped you’d do great things as heroes in the future, allowing you to spend weekends and holidays together.
Throughout your first term, Tenya enthusiastically took up the role as representative of Class 1-A with pride. He’d come to you for feedback for his ideas, always asking your opinion before proceeding, and you’d be his biggest cheerleader. You improved ideas he delivered, making sure small details were tweaked, and ensured logistics ran smoothly. Whenever Tenya needed help, you were the first he’d go to. Tenya presumed the role of a figure of strength within Class 1-A, readily assisting people in need, hosting study groups after school, and going the extra mile to make sure everyone was...more or less, in line. His work towards being a ‘good hero’ started here, and it wouldn’t stop until his last breath. As an Iida, he worked daily to strengthen his reputation as a helpful, strong figure...no, a reputation as a hero.
But inside, you knew Tenya was tired. He was slowly burning himself out. He didn’t need a savior, but he needed someone to shake him awake. There were days where you’d find Tenya a little less awake than usual, even though he seemed to have the same amount of energy as every other day. You’d catch him zoning out after school days ended, maybe he’d drop from his chopsticks once more than normal at lunch, and sometimes he’d even forget to bring certain things to school. Your best friend definitely wasn’t sleeping or resting enough.
You did your best to make sure Tenya was taking care of himself. Sometimes, you would gently remind him to drink more water, or to get more sleep. Other times, you’d deliberately book ‘study sessions’ with him, only to do the exact opposite- taking him to a cafe for a ‘change of environment’, introducing him to several new drinks and cakes, much to his dismay. Or maybe you’d eat lunch on one of the school rooftops, and allow him to take a nap afterwards on your shoulder while you ran your fingers through his coarse, navy hair. Perhaps you’d relax at your house, a movie would be playing on the TV, and while he’d feverishly insist on studying or doing something more ‘productive’, you’d gently but stubbornly insist that he rest. As the days passed, Tenya placed his focus on his ambitions, and your opportunities to ensure his leisure decreased.
One night, you wondered why Tenya pushed himself so hard. Was it because he was a people pleaser? There were definitely times where he would be almost too eager to help others. Or was it because he decided to shoulder his world of responsibility alone? Maybe it was because he was constantly surrounded by good examples of what a hero should be, that he held the burden of his family name, that he was expected to be the next best thing for the hero community...or maybe it was all of the above. Tenya had been working tirelessly for this; yet he didn’t know when or how to take care of himself and to forget to be selfless. He was always running to help others, always thinking in the position of others, or whatever would be better for the future. You didn’t remember the last time he did something for himself. Regardless, you decided that you’d definitely work a little harder to make sure your best friend would care for himself. After all, everyone needed someone else to lean on, right?
You shook your head. “No. I’m serious. You need to rest. Or at least take it easy this weekend.”
Finally, one Friday afternoon, you saw Tenya yawn in class for the first time. He looked close to falling asleep, in fact, you could say he was positively exhausted. His eyelids fluttered downward, their weight becoming heavier and heavier with each blink. Inside, he was praying he wouldn’t get picked on to answer a question- he just wasn’t really following the class material anymore. Or worse, he hoped Mr. Aizawa wouldn’t assign group work- it’d mean he would have to actively interact with other people, which he didn’t have the energy for. Thankfully, the bell rang, and the gray, bleary-eyed teacher dismissed his class, unfurling his sleeping bag and escaping the room to get a nap himself. You walked up to Tenya’s desk and playfully smacked his arm, shocking him a little more awake. He adjusted his glasses and looked up to you.
“Heeey. Someone’s looking tired.”
“I suppose I didn’t sleep quite enough last night, (y/n).” Tenya grinned. To the normal eye, it would seem like one of the class rep’s normal, signature smiles, but to you, there was a fatigued weakness shielded behind its sunny exterior.
You arched an eyebrow. “You’ve said that every day for the last month and a half.”
“I know, I know. There’s so much work I need to get to, in fact, I should return to my dorm soon to st-” Tenya had finished gathering his things and prepared to leave the classroom, until your hand reached out onto one of his broad shoulders and pressed him back down onto his seat.
“No you fucking don’t.” You folded your arms, a frown plastered to your face.
Tenya scowled. “Please, (y/n), can we joke around later? I have to get th-”
“Look, if you’re aiming to be a successful hero in the future, you might as well take your own advice that you give so often to others and rest. You always tell us to make sure we get enough sleep, and you’re not even doing it yourself. If you’re tired or sick, you won’t be able to perform as well as you want to, right? And you always want to be at your best, don’t you, Ten?”
“But-” Tenya protested. He had so much work to do, so much to get to.
“Tenya Iida. In our 15 years of friendship, I’ve never seen you this fucking tired. We’re only in our first year. Are you going to keep doing this throughout school? Or what, the rest of your life? For the love of god, cut yourself some slack.” You almost yelled out in protest, in disgust of seeing your best friend suffer in silence.
Tenya stared at you in shock. You’ve never spoken to him like this before, or at least, it was rare. Usually you played more of a supportive role by his side, and when you were more assertive, you were never this pushy. In fact, he couldn’t remember the last time he heard you shout. The remaining members of Class 1-A who hadn’t yet left the room stared at the both of you in a similar amount of surprise as your bespectacled classmate did. After sighing, you decided to use reason that Tenya would buy into, desperately hoping he would do as you said.
“Then it’s settled. We’re gonna take it easy this weekend, okay? And don’t apologise for making me worry. It’s my job to look out for you, you know. And we haven’t napped together in a while too. I kinda miss that.” You brought Tenya into a hug.
Tenya sighed. You were right. He couldn’t hide that he was tired. And honestly, it was exhausting having to troop through each class with the meager 4-5 hours of shut-eye he was getting. It was a battle that he knew he was losing. He surrendered to your suggestion.
“I...uh...suppose you’re right. Sorry for making you worry.” Right after Tenya had finished that sentence, he yawned. There was really no hiding his tiredness now.
“Hey...(y/n)? Thank you. I appreciate you doing this.” Tenya smiled, as he reciprocated your warmth.
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: i love love love LOVE how you just draw gojo leaning onto getou, hiding his face in getou's neck or back or chest <////3 im just so heartbroken over those two
So glad to hear you like him clingy as much as I do!! TT^TT as far as I’m concerned he wasn’t clingy enough in canon, so I’m fixing it as much as I can with every new doodle haha
Anon said: whenever im sad i just come to your account and look through your art :")) it brings me so much comfort :')) also i gotta mention that the teacher getou art you've made has healed my broken heart bc of jjk and now that is the only canon i accept thank you very much gege akutami has nothing on me
GAH GETO-SENSEI MY ONE AND ONLY I’m happy he makes you as soft as he does me, he’s such a comfort to me ;;;; and thank you for liking my stuff!!!! Means the world to me to hear it ;A; <3
Anon said: I miss your krbk sm 😔 No pressure intended!!!!!! I still love and support u and ur art!!!
Man I miss them too!!!!! @ hori when are you bringing my loves back from the war I’m here waiting good sir!!!
Anon said: v v curious on your thoughts on what’s currently going on in bnha manga :)))
HMMM what are my thoughts on it? Well, let’s split it in two: Deku’s side and Todoroki’s side, because that’s how it’s split in my brain atm, and allow me to start from the second because it’s easier to get through for me
I’m in love with everything Hori is doing with Todoroki and everyone involved with him - that’s to say his whole whole family and Hawks and Jeanist too, all of it, I’m so into it it’s no joke at all. Always been in love with how he handles Enji’s character and his interactions with his family and the latest developments didn’t disappoint me at all, wasn’t very much into Dabi right after the “reveal” but the more I think about it and about the story from his pov the more behind it I am, forever and always head over heels for Shouto’s way of dealing with a situation that’s as complex as one would expect from a protagonist of their very own story you could really make a manga out of the Todoroki’s family plot from Shouto’s pov alone, it’s incredible I can’t state how in love with it all I am enough. And Hawks, don’t make me start on him I’ll straight up never stop, absolutely and most definitely my favorite pro-hero I would trust him with my money and my kids 100/10 just assume I’m constantly crying over him. Also Jeanist is just hilarious so bless him and his presence in an otherwise too heavy story
Deku’s side........ well, the main problems I have with it are that one, I don’t really understant the need to keep ofa a secret from the class for the biggest part of the story when the reveal wasn’t forced upon Deku, didn’t have a huge impact on him or his relationship with the others (his leaving wasn’t directly caused by him coming clean after all, he wouldn’t have had to leave earlier had he not kept it a secret and he would have still left at this point had the class already known all along) and didn’t, like. Matter. All that much. Two, this manga is called my hero academia and I’m genuinely starting to wonder why. What was the point of all the arcs set inside the school anyway? Most of the characters growth (Deku’s especially) and the progression of the main plot happened in the arcs outside of the school anyway, and at this point it’s clear we’re not going back to the school after this or even seeing anyone graduate. What of Shinsou? What was the point of his plot when we’re not even gonna see him being active part of the class in a school environment? I’m just confused about it all, I guess. Three, which is really my biggest problem with it all, is the way Deku’s set on saving Shigaraki. It’s not like I don’t like a story in which all the villains are saved and the good guys win and love prevails and all that, call it corny but they’re exactly my type of stories, but I’m not sure I can get behind it when Twice died like that, and Midnight did as well, and Aizawa lost a leg, and Nighteye died, and Hawks might have lost his wings, and Shirakumo ended up Kurogiri and it’s still unclear whether he can be saved, like... why does Shigaraki get to be saved when so many people suffered like that? And it’s not only about them suffering by his hands, it’s about Hori and how he was ruthless with so many characters but lets the story show arbitrary kindness to Shigaraki alone, it’s all... well. Unfair. The way I see it. At this point I at the very least expect kindness for Touya as well, here.
That said if I pick the chapters one by one by themselves I do enjoy them very much. I just don’t gotta think about the big picture lmao AH but it’s all a personal opinion, of course! I know people who enjoy the way the story is going and I can see where they’re coming from, this is all arbitrary tastes and preferences on my part, I’m aware of it!
Anon said: Hi hi! I finally got into jjk AND finally caught up on the manga and i appreciate your doods soooo much more now!! They’re so great!! But imcurious, is there one specific moment in the story where you Gojo and Geto became IT for you? Just genuinely curious!!
THANK YOU happy to hear you liked jjk!!!! And that’s!!! a great question, I’m not sure I have an answer actually? I binged the manga in a day and a half, you see, and when I binge stuff that fast I rarely stop to overthink things - I did ship them as I read too since, well. They’re in love lmao but I shipped them in the same way I shipped itafushi or yuutoge after I read the prequel, you know? Just a general aknowledging of how good they were together. The main point with satosugu specifically was probably that satoru has been my favorite character since the beginning of the story and suguru got there as well as soon as I read their backstory, so once I was caught up they’re the ones I ended up spending the most time thinking about, both by themselves and together, and that ended up making me a bit obsessed..... just a bit lol
If I had to give one specific moment that got me by the heart and squeezed the hardest it’d be... probably Satoru’s “my soul knows otherwise”. And the way his voice alone could bring Suguru back, even for just a single moment. The thing about satosugu for me!!! one of the many things about them, but the main thing for me, is that they love each other. Be it platonic or however you wanna see it, they love each other. Despite everything and after it all, even if Satoru had to kill Suguru, even if Suguru killed so many and betrayed Satoru and they went their separate ways in the harshest of ways, they love each other. It’s insane, isn’t it? That they’d love each other so much they could pass over everything and anything. I’ve seen the “best friends become enemies” trope so often in shounen manga, but this is the first time I see it treated like this - with love so strong that they never blamed each other or turned that love in hate. The way satosugu do it is all-encompassing! It goes beyond the world and their differences and death itself! So if I had to pick it’d be that one, because that scene happens after it’s all over, and it all went to shit and way beyond too already, and still their souls resonate with each other and answer to each other and that sends me insane, just thinking about it. Like, god, they really still love each other. Satoru’s mourned for Suguru for a year, Suguru’s been dead for a year, they’d been separated ten whole years before then, and still! And still!!! It’s so tender I don’t know how to deal with it
Anon said: “What’s a god to a nonbeliever?”—That tag is going to haunt me for a while. The entire tag section for your latest Gojo and Geto drawing is meta-worthy.
THANK YOU it’d been eating at my brain I had to write it down somewhere why are those two like that
Anon said: Do you take commissions? No pressure! ✨❤️
Not right now!
Anon said: How do you feel about sukuna ? like/dislike or thoughts on him
AMAZING QUESTION I love him. I have absolutely zero clue as of why so don’t ask me to elaborate, I’m literally that marge pic with the potato when it’s about Sukuna, I have no meta thoughts about him nor deep reasonings behind it - by all accounts, I should dislike him! But he shows up and I’m like nghhh king, so that’s where we stand. It’s Sukuna, you know. I just think he’s neat.
Anon said: sighs time to get into another fandom bc i simp too hard for ur art 😔
HAH thank you for the trust I hope you’ll like ror if you do get into it!!! hahaha
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