#anyways i love her and i love the band and i love everyone 💗
seafoamwoman · 10 months
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Happy 37th birthday to THE demon daddy, Florence Welch! 💞⚘️
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itstheghostofmypast · 9 months
A Quiet Woo
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WooYoung x (f)Reader ft. Choi San
Summary: The five times Choi San had been blessed by the grace of a silenced Wooyoung.
Genre: Fluff (a tinge of angst)
Warnings: None
Networks: @cromernet
A/N: Black-haired Wooyoung got me dead.🫶 remember to show some love by 💗 and reblogs
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If there was anyone who could claim to know Wooyoung better than he knew himself, it had to be Choi San. Choi San, his best friend, the sweet little giant who had seen more sides that Wooyoung than perhaps his parents had. Thus, when everyone around the group had been dotting on the second youngest for never shutting up, he watched the scene unfold. All of them sitting together after a long day, drinking together - though this time San had opted out of doing so- waiting for their Uber, so they could go back to their dorm. And what better way of waiting and making use of time than to tease Wooyoung?
"Not once, " Mingi placed down his shot glass, "Sober or drunk does he ever shut up, Wooyoung needs to talk."
"What! no~" He whined, resting his head on Hongjoong's shoulder, "I do not."
"It's like his mouth is an automatic machine." Jongho chuckled, earning an eager nod from Yunho, who was as tipsy as the rest of them.
"Sannie~" the subject of the matter whined, throwing a glare at him as if asking him to back him up. Perhaps he would have, would've narrated the five times his best friend had been left speechless or had chosen silence over words, for just as much as he was his best friend he also happened to be the only witness to the scene, more unintentionally than intentionally. But as much as he wanted to tell everyone, the drunk atmosphere would not have done justice to those heartfelt, innocent moments of Wooyoung's silence. So, smiling to himself he shook his head, eyes turned into little crescents as he mouthed, "Sorry Woo", thinking of the five times Wooyoung had spoken with his heart rather than his mouth;
1) The first time San had noticed Wooyoung go completely silent was when Y/N was introduced to the group. A new staff member, an intern at best, a makeup artist. He noticed how Wooyoung was eying her up and down, the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped when she giggled at the way their manager had introduced her, claiming that she'd be rotated as per her training, so she wouldn't have any favourites. He could see how Wooyoung's brows creased at that statement, and somehow he just knew the younger one had wished to become her favourite. This was the most tamed he had seen his friend, which is why he had assumed when it came down to introductions, he would've been civil, but he was wrong for when it was his turn he shamelessly boasted, "Wooyoung, you can also call me your favourite. "earning a groan from everyone but her.
2) The second time San stumbled upon a silenced Wooyoung was in the middle of the night, after a late-night practice session with Yunho he had decided to head home, only to realise he had left his phone in the make-up room. Mumbling to himself he made his way to the room, hand about to twist the doorknob, only to stop when he heard a whine,
"Wooyoung, please, I said an honest opinion."
He really shouldn't have, but he did anyway, slowly creaking the door open to peek in, smiling to himself as he saw Wooyoung sitting on a leather chair in front of the mirror, the makeup lights casting a graceful glow on his smiling face. In front of him stood Y/N, her hair pushed back with a hair band, frowning at him with a makeup brush in hand. He watched her lean down, closer to his face and from the mirror he looked at Wooyoung's reflection, noticing how he instantly closed his eyes, letting her go about her business, stroking each eyelid with a tint.
"My internship is almost over and so is my probation and if it doesn't work out I can't continue anymore, I don't want to do that, I really like it here and-" she stopped mid-sentence when he grabbed her wrist gently, opening his eyes to look at her with a gentle, assuring smile. The two stared at each for for a solid minute, before she sighed, and nodded. No words were exchanged, but it felt like an entire conversation had taken place, one that starts on a topic as simple as your favourite colour and ends after a reached consensus about the meaning of life. Either way, he let go of her wrist as she placed down the brush, turning back around to pull off the clips out of his hair, fluffing it a bit and moving out of the way, gesturing to his reflection, asking him to critique her work. For a split second, he saw an unfamiliar expression flash across his best friend's face, one resembling the joy of a little boy, until it turned neutral, it was then that he realised that he was now staring at him, a brow quirked in irritants, the corners of his lips turned down.
"What's wrong? Is it bad?" her voice broke their stare off as Wooyoung instantly shook his head and San burst in, not wanting a misunderstanding to seep its way in.
"Hey" he smiled weakly, "I left my phone here" he explained himself, more to Wooyoung than her, who had begun to look for it, with a small I'll help you find it. But Wooyoung's glare didn't falter causing the older one to clear his throat, tipping his head in shame, a small apology before letting out a sweet, "Woah, Y/N were you practicing on Wooyoung?"
"Here it is- huh? Oh yes," she mumbled, turning around with the phone and handing it to him with a small smile as he smiled back gratefully before going over to his friend who seemed most displeased and confused, having not uttered a single word for a while now.
"It's really nice- I like how you made his eyes look soft." He gestured at the eye makeup, Wooyoung's eyes widened for a moment at the compliment, only to soften his gaze and avert it from the menacing, stupid, annoying intruder when he noticed her smile, noting San's effort to fix the situation.
"His eyes make him look like a bastard, it's really nice how you made him look like he isn't one." he chuckled before scurrying out of the room that was booming with her laughter. Wooyoung just rolled his eyes in return, frowning at the door San had made sure to close behind himself.
"How about we try another look, what do you say Woo?" his head snapped up at her, a small smile gracing his lips as he nodded, eyes meeting hers that swirled with a sense of determination that made his heart flutter and forced the words in his throat to clog up, only leaving him to nod up at her like a lost pup.
3) The third time San came across his best friend sitting in silence was initiated by him. It was on a tour, in the late hours of the night, where he was snuggled up against soft pillows, drifting off to wonderland until he was rudely awoken by the spawn of satan.
"What?" he hissed turning from the pillow that he had somewhat drooled over, squinting at the idiot he was to share his room with.
"Y/N's sad." the man whose glasses were at the tip of his nose, almost about to slip off stated as a matter of fact. Earning a groan, Wooyoung huffed and shoved him again, "What do I do? We were texting and she said something about her friends leaving her out of a get-together and she sounded sad" he exhaled in one breath.
San stared at him for two seconds and nodded, "And you want me to do what?"
"Advise obviously."
"Just talk to her."
Sighing he sat up and rubbed his face groaning to himself, "No, scratch that, just listen to her, don't speak, just listen."
"Great, I'll call her here."
"Wait, Wooyoung no-"
That's exactly how San heard her talk in hushed whispers almost all night about how she felt left out, with her and the idiot sitting outside on the small balcony, their coffees forgotten and cold. Fortunately, her hushed tone helped him fall asleep and he applauded himself for telling Wooyoung to stay quiet because God forbid if that ass was speaking and voicing out his opinion then the whole district would've been awake. The last thing he remembers is wincing at the screeching of what he presumed was Wooyoung's chair closer to hers, and then he dozed off completely.
The next morning San had woken up to an ecstatic Wooyoung, one who slammed his hands on his shoulders and gleefully cheered, "If I wasn't into someone, I would've smooched ya." before waddling off, leaving him baffled much like the others around him.
4) The fourth time San had been blessed with a silenced or quiet Wooyoung was not when he was in the best of moods. In fact, he was ready to fight Wooyoung, which is why he barged in by slamming the younger one's bedroom door open, "YAH you ass-"
Frowning at the rude interruption, he noticed the presence of someone else, pausing to take in the scene before him. Wooyoung sitting on the bed with his legs stretched out, laptop on his blanketed thighs, the low buzz of the film acting as background noise. With his back pressed against the headboard, next to him was none other than Y/N, snuggled into his side, her cheek smushed against his chest, arms wrapped around him, fingers gripping onto the material of his cotton hoodie, as she laid half on top of him. Wooyoung lifted the arm that was wrapped around her waist, pressing his pointer finger to his lips, whispering, "She's asleep, get lost."
Huffing at the scene sat mumbled a "Lock the door next time" and walked out, somewhat glad that he hadn't woken her up and ruined their little moment.
5) The fifth time he had heard or witnessed Wooyoung go completely silent was not the most comfortable moment of his life. In fact, Choi San had to hide inside a cupboard in all his naked glory and pray to God Almighty that no one could hear him outside. This had happened almost two weeks after the fourth time, and since he had been unable to yell at Woo because the sweet giant had forgotten, he had decided to raid Wooyoung's closet, which he had and all he had to do was put on the clothes, knowing no one was at the dorm meant he hadn't locked the door- a major problem, for the moment he heard the door slam open he had hopped into the cupboard and closed it, hoping no one had seen him. He couldn't see anyone but he could hear someone, Y/N and from the way she was yelling at the top of her lungs, he could tell that Wooyoung was very much present there and had somehow managed to f*** up.
"Can you please let me explain!" she yelled, trying to grab onto him but he slipped away into his room not waiting for her at all. He really was in no mood to listen to anyone right now, even her, no- he wanted to yell at her, say some really terrible things to her, not because he meant them but because it would have made him feel a bit better, but then he would end up destroying the efforts he had put in for the past whole year into all this.
Closing the door behind her she watched him flop down on his gaming chair, eying her as he put on his headphones and turned to face the computer. The look he had just given her made her shiver, she didn't want him to find out the way he had, she wanted to sit with him in a quiet little corner, preferably with something sweet so she could tell him in peace and patiently.
She didn't think the manager would tell him before she could, that she was going to Hongjoong's designated make-up artist and stylist, which is why he had walked out of the practice room after the announcement of her permanence as their newest staff member, not even waiting to congratulate her like everyone else. Not even waiting for her to explain herself.
"Wooyoung, please listen to me" Sighing in defeat she moved closer to him, pulling his chair back as the wheels rolled onto the tiled floor, "Please, talk to me, say something, anything I can take it, I swear." gripping onto both arm rests she looked at him with pleading eyes, knowing that even with the headphones on he could hear her since he wasn't listening to anything. What scared her more than his silence was his hard stare, his glare filled with emotions she couldn't decipher and it scared her, made her think of the worst, so she had to get him to say something at least.
Contrary to her wishes, San who could only hear them, wished with his whole heart that his best friend wouldn't open his mouth. Keep his anger contained and his sharp tongue at bay, whatever this was, it would have been best for him to listen to her, rather than react without doing so.
Sitting on her knees in front of him she looked up at him with guilt-ridden eyes, placing a hand on either knee, his eyes widening at the position, only for him to sigh as he realised only someone as innocent-minded and desperate as her wouldn't even consider what kind of thoughts anyone walking in on them would have at the sight of them.
"Please Woo." her shaky voice did not match the way the pads of her fingers dug into his knees, firm and determined, "I- then just listen to me, please? I know this isn't what we discussed but please just hear me out. Take off the headphones, please."
Tilting his head back against the chair he took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, counting till ten, something Yeosang had once told him to do when he was too overstimulated by his own emotions.
"Woo i-" she paused when he exhaled reaching to remove his headpiece and placing his larger hands on hers, his palms warm and sweaty against the back of her hands, a sweet gesture compared to the frown that was accompanied by his glare, gesturing for her to continue.
Clearing her throat she nodded, grateful that he was willing to listen to her, "I know, I told you they were going to assign you to me and I said if I was offered I'd take your name but today, before my final interview session, the makeup artist before me had managed to say stuff about how close you and I were- like she didn't have any real proof and when Hongjoong was asked he refused any allegation but I- look, I told you this is my first ever job, a big step to my dream and your career is still relatively new and even though I cleared the interview, before it Hongjoong had texted me about this and had told me to be careful and," she paused to stand up, his eyes following her every move as she sat down on the edge of his bed, wanting him to turn to her, just to make sure he wad still listening and thank God he was, because as soon as she looked up from her lap she met with his soft gaze, one that made it seem like he almost looked guilty.
"So, when they did finally, officially hire me," she gave him a small bitter-sweet smile, "They asked me who I'd opt for and...I chose the person who chose to protect our relationship." Gripping the hem of her shirt she dipped her head in shame, clenching her eyes shut to avoid any tears, unsure if he would assume she was crying only to gain his pity, "I swear...Woo, I had no other option and I wanted to be the first person to tell you but I- I don't know I- and when you- I mean when they told you guys before I could and you" her entire frame shook in fear as her emotions finally got the best of her, alarming the male, a choked sob finally breaking past her lips in a pathetic cry, "I didn't know what else to do but then I saw you walked out." he reached forward for her hand only for her to raise it to quickly wipe away the tears, "I was so scared- I- I thought you would leave me- but I didn't want to lose my job either I'm sorry I sound so selfish, Im sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so-" her words coming out as a muffled cry when he slammed her against him, wrapping his arms around her, rubbing her back with one hand while the other pressed the back of her head onto his shoulder, letting her soak his hoodie with her tears and broken sobs, trying to calm her down as he placed a soft kiss on the crown of her head, whispering something even San couldn't hear through the cupboard but whatever it was, it was enough for her sobs to die down, turning into small whines.
San stared at Wooyoung argue with Mingi, it had been five years since then, and three since he had officially told the manager about his relationship with Y/N, though she willingly had refused to be moved on as her boyfriend's makeup artist, claiming that Hongjoong just had a better future in fashion and she was going to be his top makeup artist once he made it big- that and Wooyoung would distract her more than allowing her to work.
"Yah! Choi San!"
Luckily, after encounter number five, San had steered clear of Wooyoung's room and tried to avoid any situation that would lead him to be naked in another man's cupboard.
"Hm?" jerked out of his thoughts he looked up to see Y/N, smiling down at him, "Your Uber is here, though you don't look very drunk." she gestured to everyone else as he nodded in return, motioning towards Wooyoung, "Please take him with you, I can take the rest in the Uber."
Nodding in return she placed her hand on Wooyoung's shoulder who was resting his forehead against the cool table, only to sit up frowning, wanting to yell at who interrupted his nap time.
"Wanna go home, big boy?" giggling she sat down on the stool, next to his, "Want help standing up?" she asked rubbing his back, raising an eyebrow at the way he was just smiling at her with a flushed face, his bang covering his eyes, only for them to flutter close at the feeling of her fingers ghosting over them to move them out of his face, styling his hair out of pure reflex.
"Aww, you really are too tired, no words at all?" pouting she pinched his nose, earning a giggle from him as he grabbed her wrists and placed her hands on both of his cheeks, using her hands to squish his face, looking at her expectantly.
Choi San who had managed to put everyone in the Uber, returned to grab Yunho's forgotten phone to find the two in yet again a very private moment. Groaning to himself he snatched the phone, startling Y/N who looked up at him, hands still pressed against her lover's warm face.
"You two should really leave me out of this," muttering he stomped away, somewhat irritated and somewhat happy about the thought of knowing he had now seen 6 moments where his best friend was simping and making a fool out of himself in silence.
"What's wrong with him?" she turned back to Wooyoung, squishing his face and laughing at the way he puckered his lips at her, quickly giving him a peck before standing up and pulling him up with her, leading him out of the dining hall, as he followed her like a love-struck puppy.
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julilovesyou444 · 11 months
hey baee that last fic u did was so good i literally loved it tysm it was so cute!! i have another request - could you write smth where the reader is the 5th member of the band and tom has lit been in love w her since they were kids, and it’s only when they’re like 16/17 that he finally accepts it and confesses to the reader?? like it’s so unlike him to be all soppy and stuff so he didn’t wanna accept his feelings and he’s like super nervous bc he doesn’t wanna like ruin the friendship or anything but ofc the reader likes him back 😋😋 THAT WAS SO LONG LMAO and super specific again but anyways tysm 💗💗💗
i know you ~ tom kaulitz
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ty for requesting bb! I’m so happy you liked the last one!! hopefully this one is okay too! enjoy💗💗 if anyone wants, feel free to request
warnings: swearing, yelling, drinking, partying, kissing, thats it i think ??
a/n~ thank you for 100 followers!! I sound stupid saying that but seriously the support means so much to me, gustav req coming soon!! stay tuned and enjoy this little piece for now💟 also thank you for all the comments and messages, I LOVE YOU GUYS🫶
(okay but angry love confessions >>>)
sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes !!
“are we doing anything tonight?”, i asked, laying down on the tour bus’ couch. My legs were draped across bills, he had insisted. We had been on the schrei tour for about a month now. the change from regular life to tour life was insane. we were on the schrei tour, about a couple months or so in. We had a little trouble adjusting at first, we were all getting into a lot of arguments, but now we were fine. Bill and Tom still get into arguments a lot, though. Tom has been acting weirder than usual, and i kinda felt like most of this behavior was aimed at me. It felt like he was distant, and I couldn’t figure out why. I have had a crush on Tom for just about as long as I can remember, but I always pushed away those feelings because I loved our friendship too much, and I didn’t want to confess to him and for there to be a rift in between us. I knew for a fact he didn’t like me back. He had so many absolutely gorgeous fan girls who liked him, so there was no way he liked me. He was also kind of a player. That hurt a little at first, but just like the whole situation, I learned to live with it.
“Uhh, i dont think so. We could do something, though. I wouldn’t mind.”, Bill replied, typing something on his phone. The door to the bus opened, and Tom walked in. The smell of cigarettes followed him. We were waiting on Georg and Gustav to finish up the grocery shopping. I thought he was going to go sit down on his bed, but I was wrong. He was staring down at me.
“What?”, i asked.
“Sit up. I wanna sit on the couch too.”, he said flatly. I groaned and sat up for a second, my legs still over Bills. I looked back and saw that Tom was sat behind me, both of his arms resting on the top of the couch. I fell back onto his lap, my head resting on top of his legs. I felt him tense up under me. He raised his eyebrows at me in a judgy way and I rolled my eyes.
“Who said I’m allowing you to do that?”, he said in a bratty tone.
“Deal with it.”
“I guess I will because it doesn’t really seem like I have a choice.”, he huffed.
“Okay, I’m tired of your guys’ bickering, I’m going to go check on Gustav and Georg and see what is taking them so long. Hans is in the store too, I guess he got tired of sitting and driving all day. I’ll be back soon.”, Bill said, lifting my legs up and letting himself get up. Before either Tom or I could protest, he left.
The silence engulfed us. It felt awkward, and I hated it. I had known Tom since we were seven. He had always been a bit of an asshole, but he was nice too. Lately I had just been getting asshole Tom. He seemed somewhat normal with everyone else, except for me. I started to overthink. Did he find out I liked him? Was he uncomfortable around me now? Did he think I was weird?
“sorry for laying on you, I’ll get up.”, i quickly said as I began to sit up. Tom grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back down into his lap.
“No. You can stay. If you want.”, he said flatly.
“Oh… okay, yea.”
I looked up at him as he gazed back down at me. I couldn’t figure out what was going on with him. What had changed between us? When he was a kid, he would treat me just like he treated everyone else in the band.
“Is everything okay?”, i asked softly.
“What do you mean?”
I could tell he knew exactly what I meant.
“Oh, I don’t know, it’s stupid, nevermind.”, I looked away.
“No, tell me.”, he used his finger to direct my chin back toward him. His eyes were slightly narrowed.
“I don’t know, Tom, you just seem different, that’s all. I feel like you haven’t been yourself lately, but I’m probably just dumb and it’s all in my head.”
He didn’t say anything.
“I’m sorry.”, i immediately apologized in fear of making him angry.
“Why? You have no reason to be.”
Everything he did confused me.
“Okay, well, I just feel like you’ve been a little distant.”
“I haven’t been.”, he said. He sounded a little bit annoyed.
“Okay, sorry.”
“Will you stop saying sorry?”, he lashed out.
I froze. He usually never yelled at me. He knew I hated when people yelled at me. No matter what the situation was, if someone yelled at me, I would cry. He knew that. I sat up and he tried to get me to stay. I shrugged him off and stood up.
“Um, I think I’m gonna go take a nap in my bunk, I’m pretty tired.”, I mumbled.
“Just wait-“
“Leave it, Tom.”, i said quietly before walking away and over to my bunk. I heard Tom curse underneath his breath. I laid down, and about a minute after doing so, I heard everyone load back onto the bus.
“Okay, we have about two hours left in our drive to Dresden and then you guys can get checked into your hotel and do whatever you want for the rest of the day.”, Hans, our driver, announced. Everyone agreed.
“Where’s did she go?”, i heard Bill ask. He sounded confused.
“Her bed, she’s taking a nap.”, Tom replied.
“What did you do now?”, Bill teased.
“Fuck off.”, Tom said back.
“Calm down.”, Georg said.
“Can we just go?”, Tom yelled up to the front of the bus at Hans.
I felt the bus start to move. I got under the covers. I was still very in love with Tom, and the way he was acting towards me hurt me so much. I didn’t know what I did wrong. I missed the way things were. I silently cried for a minute, I felt so stupid. He shouldn’t have this kind of effect on me. I hated crying. I felt like a baby. I fell asleep within a few minutes, trying to forget about what was happening.
I felt the bus come to a sharp stop. I blinked my eyes open. I could hear Tom and Bill arguing. I couldn’t see them because I was in the back of the bus, but whatever they were talking about, sounded serious. I stood up and walked over to the cracked door. They couldn’t see me, and I could only see a sliver of them.
Bill was standing up, lecturing Tom about something.
“If you like her, why don’t you just tell her??? I don’t get it.”
“I don’t fucking like her, just fuck off.”, Tom spat back at him.
“Yes you do! It’s obvious! You have since, forever! We can all see that you do. We also all see you treat her like she’s nothing, don’t you think that hurts her?”
“It is kind of obvious.”, Gustav trailed off. They were probably talking about one of the many girls Tom was leading on. He always did this. It didn’t surprise me.
“Shut up, Gustav. And so what if I do like her? How is that any of your business? I’m not going to jeopardize the band or anything else for that matter for some silly crush.”
“It’s not a silly crush, Tom. You’re in love with her.”, Bill said. It was silent.
My stomach dropped. So that’s why he’s been acting all weird. He’s in love with another girl. I couldn’t listen anymore. I stepped out the door and stretched, acting like I heard nothing.
Everyone’s eyes darted to me.
“Good morning, everyone! We are here?”, i said as cheerfully as possible. I wanted to play it off like I was completely fine and like the boy I’ve been in love with since I was seven wasnt in love with some other girl I didn’t even know.
“You just woke up?”, Georg asked. Everyone looked a little worried.
“Yea! Your guys’ fucking yelling woke me up so I figured you were probably arguing over the set list, of course you were dicks are deciding without me so I wanted to come and help choose.”, I laughed. Acting skills, on point. The band looked relieved.
“Well, if that’s over then let’s go get settled into the hotel.”. I suggested. Everyone nodded.
Hans went into the hotel lobby and got us checked in while we unpacked all of our stuff onto caddys. He came back, handed us our keys and told us our floor and room numbers. Georg and Gustav shared a room, as well as Bill and Tom. I had a room to myself, it had always been that way.
We took our stuff inside and went up the elevators into our hotel rooms. I unpacked my stuff pretty quickly before going over to Bill’s room to try and make plans for tonight.
I knocked on their door. Tom cracked it open and squinted his eyes at me before opening it all the way. I pushed past him but he grabbed me and pulled me back.
I furrowed my brows at him and tried to continue walking, but he wouldn’t let me.
“Can you not be so stubborn and just hear me out?”, he said. I stopped trying to get out of his grasp and crossed my arms over my body. I widened my eyes and shook my head a little, giving him a cue to start talking.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you earlier. I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s with me lately, but you’re right, i havent really been myself.”
I sighed. I didn’t want him to feel bad, especially for loving another girl. It was rare that Tom genuinely liked someone, and I didn’t want to get in the way of that.
“I know why, Tom. Its okay, I understand now. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable or something. I wont get so close to you anymore.”
He looked so confused.
“Wait what? What do you mean ‘uncomfortable’? And I never said I didn’t want you close to me? What are you talking about?”
“Tom, I know you. You’re like my bestfriend, its okay. You don’t have to keep secrets from me. And im not gonna be upset if you don’t want me to be as touchy and stuff with you. I wouldn’t want to do anything to affect your relationship or whatever you are deciding to call it.”
“What are you talking about?”, he asked. He was acting so shocked. Then Bill walked out of the bathroom. Since he clearly wasn’t comfortable with telling me about the girl he was in love with, I wasn’t going to push, so I changed the subject.
“Oh, hi!”, he smiled, noticing me.
“I was thinking, what if we went to a club tonight?”
“OH MY GOSH, YES!!! please! I need to party, I’ve been so drained from always doing shows, that would be just what I need. you’d come too, right, Tom?”, Bill asked.
“Yea, I guess.”, Tom nonchalantly replied. He acted as if he was too good for that stuff.
“Go tell Georg and Gustav.”, Bill instructed.
“Why do I have to? Why can’t you?”, Tom complained.
“Because you know I take the longest to get ready! It’s getting late already so I’d like to leave sooner than later.”
“Ugh, fine.”, Tom said, rolling his eyes before leaving the room.
“What’s his deal?”, i asked.
Bill hesistated.
“Uhh, i dont know, he’s been weird. Tom will get over it soon though, don’t worry.”
“Oh, okay… it doesn’t have anything to do with me, right?”, i asked, trying to slyly investigate.
I saw Bill physically get taken aback.
“Uhhhhh no! No, I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”
“Uh i just feel like he’s been acting weird towards me I guess. We used to like jokingly flirt and be pretty close but we don’t ever really do that anymore and it feels kind of weird, but I think I know why.”
“Oh… and why is that?”
“He’s in love with somebody. I don’t know who, but it’s probably one of the girls he’s slept with. I think Tom just feels weird with me being how I used to be like with him because he is in love with her, y’know what I mean?”
“Wait-wait, where did you get this from?”, Bills mouth was agape.
“Don’t be mad but I heard you guys arguing on the bus. I heard only part of it. I don’t know why I didn’t say anything, but obviously the rest of the guys know and Tom is refusing to tell me too. He doesn’t know I already know, but I don’t really understand what is stopping him from telling me.”
“Oh… I see.”, Bill said, contemplating his next words.
“I think he will tell you when he’s ready, I think he just wants you to approve of him and he thinks highly of you. I also think you make him a little nervous.”, he finally added.
“Me? Make Tom nervous? Funny, but no way.”, I laughed. Bill made a face and shrugged.
“Okay, I’m gonna go get ready, I’ll see you in like 45.”, I said, turning for the door.
“I have a question, answer honestly, please.”
“What is it Bill?”
“Do you have feelings for Tom?”
I could feel myself immediately get flustered and my cheeks start to get red. Fuck fuck fuck.
“What?”, i laughed awkwardly.
“Please, I’m your bestfriend, you can tell me if you do.”
“Why do you even think that? Tom is my best friend just like you are.”
“You aren’t denying it.”
“Bill, please.”
“Do you?”, he asked again.
I gave him pleading eyes, asking him to leave it alone.
“You can tell me anything. I wouldn’t judge you at all.”, he placed his hands on my shoulders.
I sighed again. Even if I said I didn’t, I knew Bill wouldn’t believe me.
“Maybe?”, i scrunched my face up a bit.
Bill smiled.
“Why are you so happy?”, i asked, unclear on whatever was going on in his head.
“No reason…”
“Please, Bill. Don’t say anything to Tom. I don’t want to ruin our friendship, he means too much to me. And I don’t want to get in the way of his relationship with this girl.”
Bill smiled at me again. He shook his head.
“I promise I won’t. And if I were you, I wouldn’t worry about another girl.”
“I thought he loves her though?”
“Just dont worry about it, go get ready!! And look hot! Not that you don’t already, but go get more hot!”, he said pushing me to the door, a smile permanently engraved on his face.
“Bill- wait Bill-“I stuttered as he pushed me out the door.
“Please, I’m serious. Don’t say anything.”
“I won’t. Boyscouts honor.”, he held two fingers in the air before slamming the door in my face. I was greeted by Tom leaning against the wall. I flinched, I hadn’t seen him because he was standing behind the open door. His arms were crossed over his chest.
“Jesus, fuck! You scared me.”, i yelled.
“Don’t say anything about what? What were you guys talking about?”
“I hate when you keep secrets from me.”
“You’re one to talk.”, i replied, defensively.
“What? Was it about me? Are you embarrassed or something?”, he took a step closer to me, his face now adorned with a smug grin. I scoffed.
“Get over yourself, Tom. The world doesn’t revolve around you.”
“Maybe not, but sometimes I begin to think you do.”, he teased.
I rolled my eyes and turned around to go to my hotel.
“Be ready soon!”, he called after me as i slammed the door.
Bill banged on my door, for the third time in the last five minutes.
“HURRY UPPPPP”, he groaned. I finished zipping up my shoe before opening the door. Bill looked annoyed but as soon as he saw me, his face lit up.
“Oh. My. God.”, he said, looking me up and down.
“You like?”, i asked, already knowing the answer. I was wearing a denim mini skirt that was way too short, a black lacy top that had long belle sleeves with a pretty cleavagey v-neck. It was cropped perfectly to display my belly button ring. I of course had a ton of jewellry on too, with a bit of makeup as well. I wore platform black boots that went up part of my calf. They were leather and I had been gifted them, but I rarely got the chance to wear them.
“Obviously!”, bill exclaimed.
I walked out to see the rest of the band waiting in the hallway. They all looked a little shocked when they saw my outfit. I usually didn’t dress-up too much, mainly because I didn’t have the confidence to do so. I decided to just let go and have fun tonight.
I walked past them and they just stood there. I clicked the button for the elevator and looked back at them down the hallway.
“Are you guys coming or…?”
They scurried down the hallway and got into the lift with me. We decided to go to a club that was only two blocks away. It was a pretty popular club, and we usually got into most clubs that we tried to because of our status in Germany. The bouncer recognized us and let us skip the line. Perks of being semi-famous I guess.
The music was so loud I could barely hear my own thoughts. Bill grabbed my hand to pull me away and get drinks. I turned away and grabbed Tom’s hand, dragging him along with us. At first he just let me hold his hand, but then he held it back, letting Bill and I lead him through the crowd of drunk people.
Bill ordered us all shots. Tom watched as i downed mine, and drank his not long after. Bill snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me away to the dance floor. We danced for a little before some random girl took it upon herself to steal him away. I couldn’t really blame her though. I danced by myself for a little but got bored and decided I wanted another drink. I made my way over to the bar and ordered a drink I saw another girl have. I began to drink it slowly, looking around. I made eye contact with a guy. He was by himself, looking me up and down. He smiled and i smiled back. He had to be at least 22. He approached me and asked if he could buy me a drink, despite me not even being close to the one i just got myself. I told him that if he wanted to, he had to dance with me first. He agreed, and we went over to crowd of dancing bodies.
At first, it started pretty innocent. Just giggling, drinking, and dancing. He started to get touchy, putting his hands on my waist. He had them slowly go from my waist, downwards. I would pull away whenever he got to close to the one thing he wanted, but no matter how many times I pulled away, he would always try to do it again. I looked over and was met with Tom’s eyes. They were staring at me, a sort of gross look on his face. Was he really that disgusted by me?
“can I get you that drink now?”, he winked. I internally cringed but said yes. Free drinks? Fine by me. He ordered me something, but nothing for himself. As soon as the drink was in my hand, he was urging and pressuring me to drink if. I did. Another drink, same deal. I downed the drink, wanting him to just leave me alone about it. Even though I told him not to, he ordered another drink. I tried to push it away, but he kept pushing it towards me. Finally, he put the drink down. I tried to back up, but he pulled me into a sloppy kiss that I wanted no part of. I tried to push him off but he was too strong, or maybe I was just to tipsy.
“get off of me.”
“please, stop”
but he wouldn’t.
“I don’t want this-“, i started, yet another plea for him to stop. a pair of hands yanked me back. before i could even see who it was, I saw Tom step in front of me and push that guy into the bar counter.
“She told you to get off her you fucking pervert. Is getting girls drunk enough so they hook up with you your only hobby. Pathetic.”, he spat. The guy looked like he wanted to say something back, or fight Tom, but he just cursed under his breath and stumbled away. I felt embarrassed. I shouldn’t have let myself get in that situation.
“Thank you.”, i mumbled to Tom. He shook his head.
“Just stop. You’re really fucking stupid sometimes y’know? Putting yourself in dumb situations like that.”, he rolled his eyes as he walked away. I wasn’t going to let him be that rude and just walk away, so I followed him. I watched as he weaved through people. I followed hom, but not to closely. I saw him open a door and go in before practically slamming it. It was too loud for anyone to even notice. I waited a minute before going into the door as well. There were a few flight of stairs. I climbed up them. I had finally made it to the top. I opened the door. The roof.
The cold air hit my face as I stepped out, the smell of cigarette smoke filling my senses. I saw Tom, standing towards the edge of the building, smoking as he looked out at the city. I began to walk over to him. The gravel crunched underneath my boots, making him turn around.
“What the fuck is your problem to me? You’ve been such a dick and I haven’t even done anything. I just want for things to be normal.”, i said, angered.
“They aren’t normal.”, he said, taking a puff of his cig.
“And how is that in any way my fault? I haven’t done anything to you, yet you are treating me like shit. You loving some girl doesn’t mean you can act like that, it doesn’t have anything to do with me.”
“It has EVERYTHING to do with you!”, he shouted.
“What the fuck did I do?! I don’t understand what I did to make you despise me so much! Why do you hate me so much?!”, I yelled back.
“I don’t hate you, I’m in love with you, you fucking idiot!”, he yelled. His eyes widened at his own words.
I was so confused. It didn’t feel real. I could barely comprehend what he had just said.
“What?”, was all I could manage to say. He looked so nervous, his hands shaking.
“I’m fucking in love with you, okay?? I have been ever since I’ve known you. I’ve tried to push it away, I’ve always denied it, but i cant anymore. I’ve tried everything and I can’t! I’ve slept with countless girls but the only thing I’ve ever been able to think about is you. You’re always on my mind and no matter what I do, I can’t seem to get you out of my head. I’ve been being mean to try and distance you from me and make myself stop loving you but it’s fucking torture and it’s stupid and it hasn’t even worked in the slightest. Bill told me you heard us on the bus, it wasn’t some girl, we were talking about you. Its you, and it always has been. I feel sick when I see you with other guys, I get so jealous I can barely handle it. All I’ve ever wanted is you, and not having you is killing me. I’m sick and tired of pretending like I don’t love you because I do! Hate is the last thing on this earth that I feel about you. I love you so fucking much, and I’m sorry for treating you the way I have been.”, he yelled.
I could hardly believe anything I was hearing. Tom Kaulitz? In love with me? This is a prank, right? It felt like a dream.
“Are you serious?”, i asked.
“Really? After that long ass rant or about loving you, you don’t believe me?”, he dryly laughed.
“Tom, im serious, please…”
“Yes, I’ve never been more sure on something in my entire life.”
“Why now? Why haven’t you said anything?”, I asked, still unsure.
“I wanted to, but I didn’t know how to. We would flirt, but you always took it as a joke. I wasn’t joking. I loved you so much as a friend too, I was scared that if I told you, I would lose you. i also hate talking about my feelings and shit, i feel so stupid whenever I do.”
Part of me was still processing everything. Boy I had been in love with forever, loved me back. In the exact same way I loved him, he loved me. I couldn’t hold back anymore.
“fuck it, i love you too. I’ve been in love with you since we were like eight, and I never said anything because I thought I had no chance with you and I didn’t want to make things weird. The only thing I wanted was for you to stay my friend and for you to like me. When you started acting like you didn’t, I felt horrible and I felt like there was no hope for anything for us. I acted like I didn’t feel anything for you because all I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy. Even if it meant you being with someone else. I love you, Tom.”, I rambled.
He closed the distance between us. He placed his hands on each side of my jaw, his thumbs slowly caressing my cheeks. I could feel myself get goosebumps, staring up into his dark eyes.
“you were going to let me be with someone else so I could be happy? even if it meant you weren’t?”, he softly asked. I nodded.
“what did I ever do to deserve someone so sweet liek you?”, he murmured. His eyes glanced down at my lips. He took one of his thumbs and pulled it across my bottom lip, tugging down at it gently.
“God, you don’t even know how long I’ve wanted to kiss you.”
“How long?”
He laughed.
“Forever. I want to kiss you now more than ever.”
“Prove it.”
He chuckled at my boldness. Tom leaned in, our noses brushing against each other. I couldn’t stand the teasing anymore, I had waited too long. I dipped his face and pulled him down. Tom, smiling into the kiss at my neediness. It was so passionate, I could kiss his mmm forever. Our lips fit together like puzzle pieces. I pulled him in more, unsure if he was even able to get any closer than he already was. he tasted like Marlboro Reds and liquor. I loved it, I couldn’t get enough of him. One of his hands found its way down to my waist, while the other one tangled itself in my hair. He tugged ever so slightly, earning a soft groan from me. Tom smiled at this, getting the exact reaction he wanted. He pulled away, our foreheads resting against each other.
“fuck, you look so pretty. I wanted to tell you how good you looked earlier tonight but i was too scared.”, he mumbled. I smiled, the sweetness that I had missed was returning to Tom. I pulled him back into another kiss, the first one being incredibly addicting. Our tongues fought for dominance, of course he won.
The door to the roof swung open, startling both Tom and I. We attempted to pull away, but I before I could even see who it was, I heard Bill’s voice.
“I was looking for you guy- OH MY GOD.”, he said, a little shocked. his face quickly turned into a smile.
“What took you guys so long?”, he teased.
“Oh shut up.”, Tom laughed, his hand now around my waist.
“Well, I ordered us some more shots, so… c’mon. you guys can finish whatever this is later.”, he smiled, waking back into the building.
“let’s go inside.”, i said.
Tom kissed me again, this time with the full intent of being sweet and gentle.
“it feels weird to say out loud now, but I love you.”, he said into my ear. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. I looked back up to him, seeing the very boy that i fell in love with all those years ago.
“I love you, too.”
a/n #2 ~ THIS WAS SO LONG IM SORRY. also sorry for this taking so long the first one I wrote DELETED😕 I’m on vacation right now but I hope you guys enjoyed this long ass story.
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calholic · 6 months
hey girl!!! i acc j stalked ur whole page i love ur writing sm 😋😋
anyways i was wondering if u could write smth with tom where him and the reader aren’t in a relationship yet but they like eachother, and then somehow they end up having to share a bed (like maybe reader is in the band and the hotel room they were staying in only had one bed girl idk) and then the reader has a nightmare and tom like comforts her and cuddles her and stuff like j fluff and it ends w tom confessing feelings to the reader??
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★ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: being the only girl in a band was tough, so of course having to deal with your feelings towards the guitarist after a nightmare incident wasn’t your intention.
★ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: cursing 👼
★ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i’m backkkkkk 😉 probably gonna disappear after this but wanted to give you guys a little something 😜 as always, thanks for the request
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you were tough, independent, and didn’t care what anyone had to say about you. that mindset helped you a lot, especially since you were in an awkward situation being the only girl in a hot “all-boy” band. honestly though, you could pretend the mean comments didn’t hurt or that the snarky remarks didn’t even phase you, but truthfully they did. you tried masking it as best as you could but when you were all alone, it hit like a train wreck. considering you were especially close with the hottest member, tom, the guitarist didn’t help either. you’ve know him and his twin since high school, when they first met and recruited you.
they found you performing at a recital your vocal coach was holding and in their words “fell in love with you immediately.” bill was the real star the, the main singer. you would get major solos here and there but bill took the stage most of the time leaving you as a filler member. everyone had their own role, just for them except you who had to share one of you could even call it that considering bill did most the work. this was your biggest insecurity as a member and the “fans” knew that so they dig into you like crazy, but sometimes people had good things to say which was what kept you going.
you spent most of your free time privately scrolling endlessly on sites reading and reading about what others said about you until you couldn’t take it anymore or one of the members snapped you out of it, usually it was tom. tom was like the light in all the darkness, he really saved you during bad days and could read you like an open book. he always knew what to say and when to say them and never made you feel bad. you knew he was meant for being a total flirt but in private he’s genuinely a really sweet person. speaking of tom, you remember you had to meet the band for a rehearsal before a huge gig tomorrow. it slipped your mind so you quickly put your shoes on and left the house.
at the studio, tom, bill, and gustav were already there leaving georg to be the last one to arrive which left some relief knowing you weren’t the only one late. you greeted tom first as you walked over to give bill a hug, he’s been the nicest to you since you guys first met and without him, you wouldn’t have even been in the band. you reached for a water bottle and left to go to a warmup room. it seemed like bill had already warmed up without you so you tried to make it fast so rehearsal could start.
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you walked out the room after you finished and greeted georg who had just arrived. you reached for the mic that bill was handing you and got to your designated spot next to tom where you always stood during rehearsal or shows. if it wasn’t obvious by now, you had a massive crush on tom but couldn’t show it obviously die to the fans already speculating something between you two in addiction to the hate you would get, plus you knew tom would never date you since he always had a girl in hand.
“late as usual,” he said. “yea, did you miss me?” you asked. “you know i always do”, he said charismatically which made you fold instantly. you guys got started though and things got serious, bill was very strict with rehearsals, especially today since there was a show tomorrow. “alright let’s get started then,” bill said with a stern face which everyone knew as his “stop messing around and get to work” face. due to the show being tomorrow you and bill didn’t really use your voices as much as you usually did any other rehearsal but just listened to the others who had instruments.
tom always drove you home after rehearsal but today it was different. you noticed a fancy sports car pull up by the studio and tom hopped in. there was a pretty lady driving the car and you already knew why, tom was probably going to a party which would end up in him being blacked out drunk and hungover which wasn’t ideal considering what tomorrow was. you ignored it though and called a taxi, annoyed that he couldn’t even give you heads up. you unlocked your door and headed struggling for your room, falling onto the bed when you got there.
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it was quiet and the room was still. you looked up at the ceiling and closed your eyes, thinking about whatever slipped into your head which was obviously tom. he always did this but this time it hurt, like a lot more than it usually did. you let out a long sigh and got ready for bed since tomorrow was a big day and you had to be up early. you went to bed and woke up the next just as tired as the day before but still you got ready. you brushed your teeth, trying to shake off the grogginess of the morning as well before checking your phone to find a text from bill in the group chat.
it read that him and tom would be running late since tom was hungover. that was classic tom so basically everyone ignored it… everyone except you. the memories from last night flooded back and your remembered how tom basically left you for another girl, literally. you were now more annoyed than sad at tom and put your phone down. it was six a.m and the bus was set to leave at seven a.m but you knew the boys would take an hour just to show up so you hurried. you got there at 6:35 and were the first to arrive after gustav, then georg, and then tom and bill.
“took you guys long enough,” georg said as tom and bill stepped out their cab. “yeah sorry about that, tom wouldn’t cooperate,” he said. you rolled your eyes and glared at tom. you walked over to the bus and made sure al the luggage was already boarded and after confirming with your manager you got on. you took a seat, put your earbuds in and closed your eyes. you fell asleep for the first half of the ride, then woke up to use the bathroom. once you got back, you noticed tom was asleep. he looked so… peaceful? you creepily stared at him until you heard his phone buzz, a notification. it was from a girl, you already knew. your suspicions were confirmed after you sneakily picked up us cell to check. “can’t wait to see you on tour ;)” read the message. you scoffed and put the phone down, this time going to your cubicle bed instead of your usual seat. you laid there listening to music for the continuation of the ride.
bill was the one to wake you up once you arrived. “______, we’re hereeeee~.” he said. you groaned and rubbed your eyes as you yawned. “we have to stop at a hotel though since there’s troubles with the bus, we can’t stay here.” he explained. “did you guys already book a room?” you asked, sitting up now. “uh yeah, about that.” he looked around anxiously scratching the back of his head. you raised an eyebrow, “there were only 3 rooms available, and we kinda figured you and tom would want to share…” he said. fuck. just what you needed after seeing him with another girl. being too tired to fight and just wanting to sleep you nodded your head and followed the others out.
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you finally get situated in your shared room with tom and the atmosphere is awkward, very awkward. “do you want to shower first?” he asked. “i don’t care.” you said bluntly, not looking at him. he said nothing else but just sighed and grabbed a towel, he didn’t want to argue with you. After he finished his shower you took yours. You did your nightly routine and jumped in the shared bed. It was completely silent, neither the both of you wanted to say anything. Tom’s back was turned to you which bothered you a lot because why was he mad? He had no right. You rolled your eyes and turned your lamp off, then dozed off.
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You loudly awoken after a horrible dream you had involving a car accident with the your bus. You sat up, sweaty from the panic. You were breathing heavy and felt to alone until a warm touch was placed onto your back. “______ are you alright?!?” tom asked panicked. you let out a breath, and without a thought reached for him, completely forgetting that had happened. “tom is was so scary,” you managed to sob out. “it was horrible, the car just- it’s swerved- and then-,” you rambled with a loss of words. “hey, hey, hey ______, it’s okay. you don’t have to explain anything you don’t want to,” he said ketch a confronting tone. you hugged him tighter. “thanks tom,” you let out. he stayed silent but the two of you stayed in that position for what you assumed the rest of the night since when you woke up, you were still in his arms. butterflies filled your stomach until last nights occurrence flooded back into your memory. you sighed, hating that you don’t want to leave. you wanted to stay in this position forever until you heard tom mutter something.
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“sleep well princess?” he asked. you lost all those happy feelings and sat up. “how about we forget this?” you asked. fuck! why was that the first thing you thought to say. deep down you didn’t want to ever lose this feeling of him but no doing so would’ve made things 100% more awkward. “______. i’m tired of playing these games with you. why are you acting so weird?” he asked. you hated confrontation so yo stood there for a while, until finally decided t to be honest. “because tom…” you paused. “you act like you like me and then you don’t? but then you’ll flirt with me and i feel good until i see you with another girl and it’s just so- it hurts me, and you don’t seem to care, like at all.” you rambled out. he as silent. “oh ______… i had no idea you felt that way,” he said looking down. “here, come sit,” he said. you hesitated for a second but did as he said. “truth is, i don’t mean to hurt. actually, i really like you and i know it’s a dick move but i flirt with other girls to make you jealous,” he admitted. you were taken aback.
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“why?” you asked. “i don’t know, i guess it’s the only way i figured you would care. i mean you’re so busy all the time with your own stuff,” he said. “that doesn’t mean you can just play with my feelings like that though,” you said. “i know, i know. i admit that mistake. i just really want you to be mine and only mine.” he confessed. you thought about it for a second. “you can make it happen,” you said with a smirk. he didn’t say anything but just had a puzzled look on his face. “how?” he asked. “well first of all promise me you won’t talk to other girls, and second of all, kiss me.” you said with a big smile. “done.” he said as he picked you up which caught you by surprise, and gave you the best kiss of your life.
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kalliyen · 2 years
Stranger Things Cast:
Having a Crush on You
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Pairing: Multiple Characters x GN!Reader
Featuring: Eddie, Steve, Jonathan, Nancy, Robin
Genre: Fluff
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Warning: A few swears
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Eddie Munson
Is it just me or when Eddie has a crush he will try his best to make them notice him
I mean come on look when he was with Chrissy
How you meet
You were Dustin’s older sibling and you dropped him off at DND meeting
You walked into the dnd room and Eddie is just •o• face at you
You didn’t really pay him any kind cause you were to busy with your brother
So after you say goodbye to him Dustin noticed and he’s all like
“Bro were you just checking out my older sibling”
Eddie gets all shy awww
But when you do finally meet him you think he’s really cool despite being a 20 year old man in high school…
He’s still cute tho
When you first hang out with him you learn he’s actually really nice and chill
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Steve Harrington
He sees you come in when he was at work looking for a movie to watch with your family
Hasn’t seen you since high school and is surprised to see you back in Hawkins
You see him at the counter and make small talk
“Oh hi Steve! It’s been a while, how’ve you been?”
His brain short circuits for a minute there ngl
He finally answers but it’s like very abrupt and he says it really fast cause he’s nervous
“I’m good! Just here you know, tryna survive”
Cue Robin laughing her ass off at the back
You invite him to hang out sometime and he just
“Y-yeah I-I’d love that”
Robin tells his children and they’re like “oh em gee we’re gonna get another parent??”
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Jonathan Byers
Mike is so tired of his older siblings pulling so much bitches
Okay this is near the end of s4, so like when he gets to go back to Hawkins right
Atp Jonathan thinks he’s gotten over his crush on you but when he sees you again
Y’all hear that? That’s just his heart about to burst sorry
Falls in love all over again
You running to him
Feels like everything is going in slow motion
Like those Animes that show the couples running into each other slow motion from every angle
Yeah that’s what he feels like rn
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Nancy Wheeler
At first Nancy really didn’t like you
Cause you were like the delinquent type and we all know she’s the girlboss smart responsible type yeah
But like over the seasons, she starts seeing your more caring side
What made her come to the realization that “oh shit I like this person”
Was when you were comforting Mike
Nancy rn: ❤️💖💘💓💗💞💕❣️😘😍
After that she tries her best to be nicer to you
You’re so confused cause like “why is she suddenly being nice to me”
But like y’all pop off and become besties in no time
After a lil heart to heart talk y’all finally get together <3
Everyone else is like “FINALLY JESUS THAT TOOK SO LONG”
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Robin Buckley
Robin is such a cutie oh my god
Okay okay so you guys meet at band right mhm
You initiate the conversation most of the time cause she’s so nervous to talk to you AJAJAJAJ
Robin always rambles about you to Steve and he’s listening very intently
Mama Steve back at it again
He tries to give advise but Robin is like “nah nah that’s weird”
But she’s does listen to the advice Steve gives tho
She actually does them sometimes
But over all she’s just really happy she even has the chance to be friends with you
She thinks she’s being really suave when she’s staring at you but baby she’s not
You don’t mind the stares tho, you really like that you might just have a chance with her
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gilears · 10 months
As someone who clearly loves the bad kids dynamic, (a fact i am infinitely grateful for and delighted by, love the luxury lads fics and o&t) what're your thoughts on the bad kids canonically having spent MONTHS in a prison cell together, with nothing to entertain themselves but each other's company?
HELLO!! im one million years late replying to this (the agonies, agonizing) but !!!!! <3 !!!!! i have seen u in my daily kudos email tearing thru all my fic so literally the smile i got on my face when i saw this ask. um hiiiiiii. thank u for being the sweetest 😁💗
also yes the bad kids dynamic. i like it a normal amount.
so i havent spent an extensive amount of time thinking about this (my brain really saw the pocket of s1e11 downtime for luxury lads and went 'you will consider no other canon time period') BUT actually i do have an abandoned wip that was an extension on me and @grasslandgirl sav's headcanons from like. 2021? eaaaarly 2022? on the bad kids birthdays and i like to think that riz's birthday happens when theyre in prison and he just. doesn't tell them. so later like in the summer when they find out they, firstly, riot, and secondly, throw him a big party because he has FRIENDS and they LOVE him 💚
otherwise. with the large grain of salt of me not having seen freshman year in quite some time so this may all be contradictory, some thoughts fresh off the dome
of course the luxury lads, especially kristen and fig, are very accustomed to living together and being around each other all the time so they cope considerably better* than the others
*this is basically cancelled out tho bc riz is case spiraling and kristen is worried they're gonna call her parents. fig is chillin tho, being in prison is so punk
fabian puts on a brave face but fully inside of a week he's like. im going to die here
gorgug sort of loses his mind with everyone so close and loud all the time so he and adaine spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to mage hand his headphones out of wherever they keep their shit and into the cell so he can not be on the verge of a rage constantly
fig and gorgug try to make the most of it and have band practice in the cell because theyre bored anyway, but that gets shut down real quick on account of the Loud. they do end up writing stuff together tho
adaine gets put on fabian duty because shes the only one that speaks rich, is kind of annoyed but secretly glad to have a distraction/something to channel her anxiety into so she doesnt lose her own mind
kristen: you know this is kind of like camp
fig: you know thats like, really sad, right?
kristen: hm. interesting.
kristen trying to convince the bad kids to let her teach them how to make friendship bracelets out of her own hair, absolutley no one lets that happen
but gorgug lets her braid his hair and she teaches him to braid hers, it calms both of them down
riz and fabian and fig spend a lot of time messing with the idiot cops (which is all of them, all cops are idiots<3)
somehow they dont discover riz's timothee chalamet hair during this time period. OR he changed his shampoo between freshman and sophomore year. i think thats funnier. being in prison made him change his shampoo.
fabian and gorgug leading group stretch time every day after 3 weeks when everyone starts complaining about everything hurting
okay thats all i got. love you bye
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darlenicy · 1 year
Okay, so I am watching season 5 and I won't hide my opinion on it
Episode 5x2
1stly I have to say, that watching this gives me physical pain. 😂 s4 was super duper good compared to this. But let's start with ep 2:
Let Musa sing, Bloom!
➡ honestly, it looks and feels so wrong to see the actual fairy of music with the angelic voice being reduced to a random band member
➡ Layla however fits the part of a drummer imo
I love how these guardian selkies are super useless but I have to admit, they're kinda cute. Better than the ugly pets anyway. And they have a task to fulfill and therefore and excuse to be in the show
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also why is Tritannus' trident just lying there? shouldn't someone like..store it somewhere instead of letting it lie there in the dungeons on the floor?
also idk what happened to the Trix but the imprisonment must have been so traumatic to them that Icy suffers from a strong out-of-character sickness
➡ everyone knows this, but I'll say it again and again: Icy was totally disgusted by Valtor turning into a monster at the end of s3 and now Tritannus does it and now she's like cool💗
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awawawa look at my girls' little faces (but it would've been way funnier if only Icy was the one who looked like that and Stormy and Darcy being 😒)
Layla finds out that Tritannus disturbed the coronation of his brother and is like: WHY DOES HE DO SOMETHING SO HORRIBLE?
➡ firstly: is it really that horrible to disturb a coronation? i mean it's not nice but HORRIBLE? isn't it rather horrible that a father imprisons his own son? And 2ndly do you really wonder about that when you too call Tritannus your psycho cousin? I'm afraid I'll found the Tritannus-Defense-Squad simply because everyone treats him like shit and this even though I don't really know what to think about him lol but this is so unfair
The oil floods the ocean ➡ Tecna: COME ON I HAVE TO FILM THIS! (this might be poorly translated in the German dub since she says in the nickelodeon version, that they had to document it but I find it kinda funny imagining Tecna to be someone who films straight away tragic events. There is car accident? WHERE IS MY CAMERA?)
another thing that makes me wonder if the script writers have actually ever thought about anything is why the oil can't harm the trix but tritannus? Any ideas? no? ok
Stormy: This guy could be our way out of here – Icy: This guy could be the guy for me ➡ stop thinking with your vagina, Icy. that’s so not you (seriously what happened during their imprisonment???)
it's kinda cute how concerned the trix look when tritannus attacked the selkies. It's not like they did the same things to the pixies already
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like Stormy is so: OHHH NOO THE POOR BBS
also tritannus looks so ugly lmao what's wrong with you, icy?
and why does tritannus want to earth? Is there a proper reason? To get the oil? Only to get the oil? He really enjoys being an ugly monster? ok
Okay, their flirting is cute, I do admit that. It's better written then skloom and that's funny.
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Icy: "We don't have our powers, they were taken from us" (➡ doesn't s1 show us that this is actually impossible????) But if you could ....." *fluttering her eyelashes* Tritannus: ".... restore them?" Icy: yes <;3 OKAY I admit that's cute. Their dynamic is better than skloom's ever was lmao
Tritannus is also a bitch for kajal, isn't he 👁? ⬇
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⬆ i mean look at his eyes. good for him i guess.. but look at his eyes! 🤣🤣
Darcy: What do you think? Stormy: …why not – lmao she's like "we’ve nothing better to do now”
➡ but I love seeing them kinda wondering IF they should follow them or not. Before, the trix always did follow the bad guys as a team but now Icy is doing her solo thing and Darcy is like... are we okay with that? and stormy is like: she'll get over him soon
I love the trix being able to sense the magic of the Winx on earth
why do the Winx need SO LONG to transform?? why run away like chickens? you can transform and ahjhhhhggg 🤬
WHY ISN'T ROXY WITH THEM??? Why is she left out again?? She could help! JUSTICE FOR ROXY!
Why do the Winx suddenly know how to breath underwater? Wasn't that like hard in s3? What? We give no fck on continuity? OK
icy crying for help?…………….you fkn serious? ➡ Icy, how out of character do you wanna be? Icy: YES
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mayorasmusings · 11 months
Could I possibly request some fluffy Tutyusa and Lisa head canons? Only because I feel this needs some love as well, and content around is far between 😔. Probably my third favorite ship tbh (of course not beats Tutyusa x his motorcycle )
It's set three years later after the IS-events and it's "everyone-survived-and-no-otherside-happened" AU-ish.
I got completely out of control with this. Enjoy 💗
Cut for length!
Tatsuya + Lisa fluff headcanons
When things calmed down, everyone remained in touch and they would have their weekly and sometimes monthly meetups to play boardgames, go to the movies or to the beach. Sometimes they just talked about what happened and how fucked up it all was.
This is where she gave up chasing him and started to focus on herself, her career as a musician (as another idol-agency noticed her) and her studies. For herself.
Within those three years, the friendship, respect and trust between Tatsuya and Lisa deepened.
He really enjoyed how confidently she carried herself and that's when he asked her out, one evening, when they were out again, as a group.
He asked her in an awkwardness, unbeknownst to him, if they could talk privately and this is where he asked her, if she wanted to go on a date, some time.
She hesitated a little, since she was a little scared to risk their friendship, but then she wholeheartedly said yes to his preposition. It was a part of her inner-child's dream come true and she wanted to do this for herself.
He thought a lot about where he could take her out, but then decided that they might enjoy a ride to the countryside, combined with a picnic.
Since his cooking-skills are impeccable, he would be the one bringing everything along. There was enough storage-room in his motorcycle.
Her standards for dating rose with the time she took, to work on herself, but Tatsuya exceeded even those standards.
It's not that she wouldn't have been happy with anything he would have taken her out to, but even if her view on him, is tinted by a childhood-crush, she also started noticing the less perfect parts of his personality.
While he started noticing the depth, warmth and capability she had.
So it was an eye-to-eye date. Not the lopsided dynamics they had before.
They really enjoyed their time picnicking on the countryside and she liked his cooking a lot.
From that time they start to go out more often and after three months they became an item.
Around their closest friends at first.
After a year, everyone else within their friends and family knew.
Yet, as a musician, she decided to shut down any rumors or questions in that way, since she was a little scared of obsessive fans going after him.
She knew, that he was capable of defending himself, but she also was scared that it might be a passing fancy of his.
There was still a lot of insecurity within her, even if she worked through the bulk of it, but he always reassured her. Hugging her tightly, when she was feeling scared, jealous or insecure.
It was after 1,5 years (now 2 years and 8 months) of dating, that he proposed that they should maybe live together, since she was at his place 24/7 anyway.
Six months later, she agreed and moved in with him.
He was the one who cooked the meals and took care of the household, while she worked herself to the bone to be taken seriously as a musician and not be that one-hit-wonder-girl her agency tried to reduce her to.
She wanted to break out from that idol-role and Tatsuya inspired and encouraged her to do so.
At 22 she was way too old for that industry's standard anyway.
Tatsuya was always the first one to listen to her own compositions and she always took his critique seriously.
She recorded her own songs, that she brought out under a different name, at the same studio at which Eikichi's band recorded their songs.
At times, she would include Tatsuya in her recordings, when she needed a tenor. His dark voice was a perfect contrast to her bright voice. This man had some pipes.
The duo gathered a good amount of cult following and on her social media-presence, a lot of people loved the songs, where he was present.
Sometimes, when he would be reading a book or the newspaper, she would just roll up like a cat in his lap and take naps on him, which he allowed, stroking her soft hair.
She studied to become a sound-engineer, dealt with a career as a musician and her own health (or the lack thereof), while he was studying to become a social-worker and working part-time in an organization to help troubled youth. They both had their fair amount of stress, but she was really thankful to be supported by him, in every way.
His brother Katsuya, was also very supportive, protective and loving towards them.
On their free days they sometimes just stayed in bed all day or went on a mini-vacations.
There were times, where Tatsuya had nightmares where he woke up screaming or crying, but she would always be there for him and soothe him. The memories of the past still haunted him.
One day, he took her to the Araya-shrine.
She thought it was another one of their annual memorial visits to that place, but little did she know, that this man was about to propose.
He felt extremely nervous, but Maya, Katsuya, Eikichi and Jun backed him up.
Lisa felt that something was off and he, as always (whenever she would ask him what is going on) would just non-verbally show it.
At this time, he just got out a really pretty, but not too expensive ring and just gave it to her. Eyes wide shut, face flushed.
He wasn't much of a classic romantic, but he also wasn't a complete cynic. After having been together for five years and almost being at the end of their studies, it was just the perfect timing.
Lisa asks him what this might be and he just flat out tells her, that he wants to marry her. Her mouth was agape, but he didn't give her a chance to ask anything.
He gets out an envelope and starts reading out a long letter, stating what he loved about her and how much he never wanted to lose her, ever again.
The gang helped him write it, mind you.
She just lost it and started sobbing. As always, he embraced her and stroked her hair.
A whisper escaped her lips: "Yes. I want to be yours. I always wanted to be yours." And he just hums gladly.
After that, she dumps her idol-agency and publicly announced that she would pursue other projects and would like to devote herself to her familial life.
This is where a nosy journalist asked the usual "Do you have a boyfriend?"-question, where she wholeheartedly expressed that she has a wonderful, supportive partner that she wants to never miss in her life.
After that she pulled out of the public life and started working as a sound-engineer at the studio where she and Eikichi recorded their music.
Things calmed down when they started working in the jobs they studied for and this is where they could plan a small, private wedding with their closest friends.
Both of them wanted to keep it simple and small, to save up for the honeymoon.
Maya knew a venue, Jun did the bouquets and took care of the decorations, Eikichi and his band took care of the music. Katsuya was the one who was in charge of the catering and Yukki and Fuji took care of the photos.
It was a wedding that was detached from any type of cultural norms. They did their own thing. Lisa's parents disapproved to a degree, but they came around after they saw, how happy their child was.
Nevertheless, it was a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by a set of loving, supportive friends and family.
To Lisa, it was a dream come true and to Tatsuya, it was the most natural thing to do, tying down this wonderful woman, he couldn't appreciate when he was young and stupid.
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So.... I see you and nosho's angsty guitar player au.
I raise you my own celebrity au
Frank and Monica were part of this famous 80s band with Tommy and Kermit, their kids are like Hollywood royalty. Fiona is an actress who kinda had a child star crash and burn a while back, but she's recovering and reclaiming her independence. Lip acts, Carl is like Justin Bieber everyone thinks he's hot. Debbie sings, and Liam is kinda staying out of the limelight for now.
Ian models, mostly, with a bit of acting here and there. Lip introduced him to Mickey, because Lip met him at an interview once and there's some mutual respect there.
Mickey Colin and Iggy have a band called Viches, they do punkrock and metal, but in their later years they transition into something a little more upbeat. Their most famous song is black parade (apologies Mr Gerard way I'm borrowing it I promise I'll give it back) and they sing it at the end of every show. One of their albums is titled "Burn it Down", the cover pic is mickey edited onto a burning sofa in black and white. It's angry and pissed off at the world. The album immediately after that is titled neotheater, and it's a darker look at the trauma and how it's still affectinh them
Ian and Mickey date in secret for years, Mickey officially comes out in a music video for a song on Neotheater (the song is Get Up by Shinedown, because I fucking love that song.) The coming out song is a remix of an older piano song Mickey made.
Colin plays drums, Mickey plays bass and piano, and Iggy plays electric and hits the high notes. Mickey writes their lyrics, mostly!
Mandy has a reputation for being a slut and making filthy club music, but she wants to actually be known for her singing.
Tami raps. No one believes it when they look at her, but she makes some of the sickest female rap songs and pays so much respect to those who came before her. Her and Mandy are friends, and once Lip and Mandy call off their on again off again thing Mandy is very happy for them despite what the paps think
The internet finds out about Terry after burn it down is announced but not out yet, they accuse the band and Mandy of being Nazis and shit, so they put out a cover of tomorrow belongs to me from cabaret? It's not their usual fare, but they put it out anyway, all wearing makeup that makes them look bruised and clearly pissed off. It's controversial and powerful and I love them.
Oh, and Mickey and Iggy will full on stop shows if they see fighting in their mosh pits. You don't come to a Viches show and ignore pit ettiquite.
Hey ALICIA 💗 how are you doing? Sorry it took me a while, I have be fortunate enough to have many AUs coming my way lately and I had to give this my full attention.
Frank and Monica were part of this famous 80s band with Tommy and Kermit, their kids are like Hollywood royalty. -> Oh my god what an amazing start! I never saw this coming lol
Mickey, Colin and Iggy have a band called Viches -> I am screaminggg. this is incredible. Colin plays drums, Mickey plays bass and piano, and Iggy plays electric and hits the high notes. Mickey writes their lyrics, mostly! -> I love it! Mickey has such base player vibes. Wait who is the singer? Is Mandy a part of it all? Okay, I read further now, Mandy has her own thing (I write my response as I read lol) So you're saying Mickey is the lead singer, right? I can kinds see more writing the songs / lyrics and letting someone else sing, but this is just my headcanon. I don't see him as the front man, I like him as the Nick Jonas, if you will.
Welcome To The Black Parade is such a perfect fit.
Ian and Mickey date in secret for years -> I didn't know if we were going fake relations or secret relationship, but I like it! We don't see enough of those! (Maybe because it's literally canon but still, it's an awesome trope!) Do they both want it to be in secret? Is Ian out before Mickey comes out?
I have to admit I didn't know Get Up until now. It's definitely less angsty, which makes sense since Mickey has processed a lot of his trauma and being with Ian made him write lighter songs in a way.
Tami raps. -> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Alicia your brain is incredible. I can feel the Iggy azalea vibes.
Tomorrow belongs to me... interesting choice... The composer, John Kander, was Jewish and openly gay. But the song has been adopted quite a bit by extremist organizations, racist bands, and neo-Nazi politicians . Like this song has actually been covered by white supremacist bands. So I don't know if that's the way I'd go with it. (Not to get too serious but I'm Jewish and I'd probably take it the wrong way if I saw a band doing that)
Maybe Rage Against The Machine's Take The Power Back Or All You Fascists (possible an acoustic version for a change of pace?) would work better, what do you think?
Anyways I want to hear more about Ian and Mickey's relationship before they came out! How long did they hide their relationship for? What pushed Mickey to want to come out at that timing? I love the world you built in this AU! Does Ian stick to modeling or will he gravitate towards acting or something else? Does he go on tour with Viches? I'm very excited about this AU
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alavenderleaf · 10 months
Tagged by @gilliebee <3
Name: Lavender and Leaf interchangeably
Pronouns: he/him and she/her interchangeably (but genuinely okay with whatever, I’m genderfluid c: )
Where do u call home? Dubai, UAE. Even tho it was meant to be a temporary arrangement I’ve lived here my whole life and now any other emirate feels off lol
Favorite animals: goats. You ever jumped around with a baby goat??? Peace and love on planet earth 🥺💕💞💝💘💖💗💓💓💘💝💞💕
When it comes to birds: chickens and pigeons. Everytime I see one I’m like that’s so me. I’m them. They’re me. We are one.
Cereal of choice: anything with chocolate bc I’m still 5 years old
are you visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner? visual for sure, my ears don’t work right and I freaking love diagrams.
First pet: I’ve never named a pet except my current cat (xiexie!!) so my first pet did not have a name. It was a smol baby chick that grew up to be a mean ass spoiled ass fucking rooster who’d peck everyone except me <3
he was raised as a girl bc whoever gave me the chick told me it’s a chicken not a rooster and my dumbass did not recognize the signs of him being male and would argue with everyone who tried convincing me otherwise 🤠 denial is one hell of a drug bc how could I see the tail and mohawk (?? Tf u call that thing on its head) and be like “yes this is a chicken :) I see nothing wrong about this” anyway trans king. He’s just like mommy <3
I did have to give him away eventually :( he was taken to some uncle’s farm and got a chicken harem like the high value alpha male I knew he always had the capacity to be 😌 (ofc until another rooster was brought over and he lost the fight. He was plucked naked and shunned and he passed away featherless and bitchless. But we don’t talk about that)
Favorite scent: ………… lavend-*gun shots*
do you believe in astrology? Not really? But it’s so much fun !! :) I am a Capricorn sun Taurus moon and Leo rising, so do with that as you will <3
how many playlists do you have in apple music/spotify? I don’t use Apple Music. Spotify is purely for my friends so we can send playlists back and forth but I hate that everything is paywalled and it decides to choose shit for me. Like bitch. I did not add any of these songs to the playlist get tf away from me. Also why can’t I listen to my music offline???? I hate u. Anyway I just checked I have 87 playlists ???? 🤠🤠 When. How. Who are all these people I literally don’t know any of them?????
Sharpies or highlighters? Sharpies!!!! I love markers in general but sharpies always fire up my creative neurons
song that makes you cry: I’ve never cried to music but Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens makes me so. :(
song that makes you happy: not to be a stereotype but Bastans by Miami band. (It’s a staple wedding song lmao)
and finally: do you draw/write/create?: YES!! My artistic skills are. Fine. But I do write a lot! My ao3 is lavender_petal and I’ve been learning how to create gifs over on my hockey side acc @gaybroons Also! I started making little braided bracelets lately :) they’re not perfect but they are fun!! I do try my hand at some Arabic/English translations from time to time but I’m not the best at it lol
I’m tagging: @loulucifer , @lindholmline , @earth-to-sway , and anyone else who wants to do this, but no pressure <3
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14. kissing each other breathless with Leddie??? Love this 💗
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Eddie Munson x OC, Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader, Jealousy, Make Out Sessions, Insecurity, Fluff
Lucy Henderson Masterlist
A/N: This was supposed to be a blurb, but it turned into a thing, because I have (say it with me now) NO SELF CONTROL! Anyway, please remember to reblog and comment. I'm frankly impressed I wrote this much so quickly. This is set well after season 4 in a future where everyone is safe and happy.
Summary: Lucy gets her own taste of the green eyed monster when a new fan gets a little too close to Eddie at the bar.
Word Count: 1.6K
Lucy didn’t like this feeling. 
It was like something had crawled up inside her belly and was now desperately trying to tear its way out. It clenched at her throat and boiled inside her veins. It made her want to scream and throw things; preferably something heavy right at the girl Eddie was currently smiling at. 
She was smart enough to recognize the emotion pulsing under her skin. Jealousy was an ugly thing and guilt weighed her down, acting as a sinking center to the vortex of anger and insecurity spinning inside her mind. 
How many times had she assured Eddie over and over again that he was the only guy for her? They’d talked extensively on how to manage those unwanted feelings, slowly building a real trust and understanding between them. Shouldn’t that trust go both ways?
Eddie had just wrapped up a set.  He was the lead guitar of a great band that was finally getting some notoriety. She was proud of him. Of course girls at the bar were going to approach him. Of course Eddie was going to enjoy the attention of fans. He’d earned it. But why did he have to keep smiling like that?
She took a sip of her water, as if somehow that would cool the growing fire in her blood. 
The girl wasn’t going away. In fact, she seemed to have only gotten closer. 
Lucy had to admit, the girl looked like she fit in, more than she did anyway. 
Eddie was sweet enough to let her borrow his band shirts until she could get some of her own. He insisted she looked good in them, but she knew it wasn’t really the case. His lanky frame meant his shirts didn’t translate well onto her more filled out one. The fabric stretched and hit her awkwardly. She wore jeans, but the light color might as well have been neon compared to everyone else’s. She didn’t have any leather to speak of. Her make up was minimal. It was good enough for a small town girl form Indiana, but not a rock club in Chicago. She elicited strange looks and questions like, “you come with your boyfriend?”. Which was true, but she didn’t like the subtext of that question. The big flaring accusation of, “you don’t belong here”. 
The girl talking to Eddie belonged. She had a jacket covered with countless patches undoubtedly sewn on herself. Her hair was dark with dyed tips. Her make up was exaggerated. Her stance was confident. Everything about her screamed rock star. She looked exactly like the type of girl Lucy always pictured Eddie being into before they got together. 
She shook the thought away.  She and Eddie were together. They had been for a while now.  They had fought demobats and monsters and nearly died for each other more times then either of them cared to count. If that didn’t make them practically soul mates, she didn’t know what did. 
Eddie was laughing. 
Shit, he was laughing. 
The girl was touching him now, her hand brushing over the black scrunchie around his wrist.
She was up before she even realized it.  
Someway, somehow, she pushed through the crowd of people, not even stopping to apologize until she was finally at the bar. 
Eddie’s eyes caught her, all warm chocolate despite the dim lighting. 
“Hey pretty girl, what’s–” 
He didn’t get to finish as Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a desperate kiss. 
His response was immediate, his hands finding her waist, acting as a kind of anchor as he half sat, half leaned on the bolted down bar stool behind him.
She pressed deeper into him, earning her a smile and the taste of his mouth. He moaned against her. It was the only thing to sooth the clawing creature under her skin. Screw everyone else here, only she was able to touch him like this. He wouldn’t let anybody else, slip between his legs and kiss him until he couldn’t breath. 
A jostle from one of the other patrons trying to get to the bar forced them apart. They each gasped for air and with every breath, Lucy realized exactly what she had done.
“I just came here to watch the bands, not a peep show,” the guy grumbled. 
She blushed, but Eddie only beamed, his mouth still wet and swollen from this kiss. 
“What can I say man? Good music makes her horny.” 
Lucy groaned, smacking his shoulder as she buried her head in his chest. If there was a trap door beneath her, now would be a great time for the bartender to use it. This all seemed like a good idea a second ago. 
The guy walked away, leaving her and Eddie as alone as anyone could be in a bar on Saturday night. 
He didn’t let her go, wrapping his arms more securely around her as he rubbed his hands up and down her back. 
“Hi, by the way,” he said, kissing her temple. 
“Hi,” she repeated. 
He laughed, before gently nudging her head up so she was finally looking at him. 
“Not that I’m complaining,” he said, “but what brought that on? Maybe I could do it on purpose next time.”
That sickening guilt came back to her. She looked away, occupying herself with the details of his shirt as her fingers traced absentmindedly up and down his arms. 
“You played a really good set,” she said, hoping the half truth would be enough. “You’ve got a couple new fans at least.”
Her fingers lingered on his wrist, and the black scrunchie around it. 
It was a little thing that started back at The Hideout. She had heard how, at big venues, girls would throw bras up on stage to performers.  In an attempt to make Eddie smile after rocking out a great set to a lackluster crowd, she cheered and sling-shotted her scrunchie right into his face. After a while it just became a thing, something to indicate that she was in the room and rooting for him. 
Of course, once the band got more fans, others started doing the scrunchie thing too. Not a lot, but enough for her own to get lost in the shuffle. At first she’d tie a string or maybe a note around hers, but it wasn’t the same. Nowadays, he just grabbed the one out of her hair, and slipped it on his wrist before going on stage as a kind of good luck charm. 
He followed her gaze, his brows furrowed for a moment as if putting together an elaborate puzzle in his head.
To her dismay, a wide smile spread across his face. 
“Luce, were you jealous?” 
“No.” It was an automatic response, and it rang false the second it passed her lips.  “Maybe,” she admitted. “A little.” 
“A little?” 
She sighed. There was no point. She had already made an ass of herself.  
“A lot,” she said. “I just…didn’t like her touching you, like that.” God where was a black hole when you needed one? 
“I’m sorry."
“For what?” 
That surprised her. Looking up, she caught the genuine confusion on his face. 
“For making a spectacle of it. I was basically dry humping you into the bar stool.” 
“I said I wasn’t complaining,” Eddie countered.  
“But that…that’s not the point!” she stuttered. “I love you! And I trust you and I know you feel the same way, so I shouldn’t be marching over here trying to mark my territory like some horny cat or something.” 
He laughed. “Okay, first of all, yes. You’re right. You shouldn’t be worried.”  He cupped her face, his smile teasing but his eyes were all warmth. “Trust me, you should not be worried.”
She knew that, but hearing it from his own lips somehow made it more real. The grip the creature held slipped a little, allowing her to draw a free breath.
“Second,” he continued, “there are worse ways for you to be jealous. And if you are going to be, I’d much rather it end with you kissing me like it’s the end of the world.”
They each felt the weight of those words. Jealousy was what drove them apart the first time. Yes, technically speaking, Hawkins Lab and evil Russians pulled them apart, but it was that underlying jealousy, that basic insecurity and mistrust that made them unable to speak to each other for almost a full year. It had sucked and neither of them wanted to go through it again. 
“And third,” he said, brushing his nose against hers. “It’s kind of nice to know it’s not just me.” 
He pressed a kiss to her lips, her nose, her cheek, her jaw and further down until he came to her neck. 
Lucy gripped his arms. They were the only things keeping her upright as he hummed in pleasure, nipping at her skin. 
Music swept through the bar once more as a new band took center stage to the cheer of the crowd. 
Eddie pulled away, his brown eyes now almost black as he took her in. 
“Do you want to get out of here?”
She didn’t need to be asked twice. Maybe a bit of jealousy now and then wasn’t such a bad thing.
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theflyingfeeling · 3 years
So I don't know what you've already heard of the Lahti concert from other sources but here's my report anyway 🖤
The first thing I need to tell you is that in front of me there was this sweet sweet girl who needed a hair tie so I borrowed her mine because I wasn't using it and as a thank you she filmed me so many, long videos and she had an EXCELLENT view to the stage!!! 😭
I mean, I did too, holy shit they were close, my breath was taken away when Porko suddenly appeared what felt like mere metres away from me 😵
I could see all their expressions and omg 🥺 they were all so happy to be playing a show again 🥺🥺 I especially loved the look on Niko's face and in general I was happy to see him a little better, I feel like I didn't see much of him at the Tampere gig
Joel did lots of interaction with Joonas as per usual and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 sometimes he went up to stand next to Aleksi and just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 smile and look at him 😭😭😭😭
OLLI SANG!!! ........except that he didn't 🤡 They/we hyped it up and everyone was like omg he's gonna sing HE'S GONNA SING--- and then he fucking lipsynced to the opening of a Bon Jovi song 🤠 I swear to fucking god. This man is such a troll and I hate him 💞
Also, getting fucking rickrolled at a BC concert is NOT what I thought I'd ever experience, and yet 🤠 thx Porko <3
Aleksi had a little DJ solo of his own and everyone was happy 🥰 He also jumped around the stage during Sharks Love Blood 💓
Speaking of which, The Kiss was 💀!! It happened right in front of my salad and I died, I'm actually writing this from the grave
The setlist??!?! They played SO MANY SONGS I DID NOT EXPECT THEM TO, such as Giants and Enemy For Me 😵 Giants especially was a special moment to me personally, will post a video tomorrow 💗
And they STARTED with Balboa of all the songs, blasting my brain right to the back wall 👌
Niko/Joonas flirting, but what else is new (Niko @ the crowd: "I've been looking at you all evening." Joonas @ Niko: "I've been looking at you too 😏" Niko: "who's surprised, hands up" lmaooo these guys 🥰)
Tommi didn't say a single fucking word the whole gig lol go on give us nothing, #onsealfa
Probably forgot something, will add later
I've had a shit past two months due to work stuff, but this kind of made up for it all. I love this band so much and oh god I'm gonna cry
Anyone with whom I talked about the gig beforehand knows how nervous I was (thanks for all the nice words btw <3) but, as per usual, everything went perfectly fine, I had possibly the best night of my life so far, and I'm so so happy that I went. I wish it would never have ended.
Some time ago someone sent me an ask asking what's the best concert I've been to. Back then I answered Antti Tuisku @ 2017 SuomiPopFestarit and BC @ Tampere back in August. They have now been replaced, and only another BC gig will ever compare. They are amazing live, and if you are given the chance to go to their concert, TAKE IT AND RUN 🖤
But let me tell ya, one of my absolute favourite moments happened AFTER the gig at the merch stall 🙈 This is the interaction I had with Miki, roughly translated:
Miki: *struggles to find the size tag of the WANS hoodie I'm buying*
me: it's an S
Miki: S, got it. *tells me the sum of my purchases*
me: *hands him my credit card*
Miki: *takes the card and inserts it in the payment terminal* it's a busy night!
me: yeah, but it's good you got your hands full am I right
Miki: yes, it's a positive problem! *tells me how to navigate on the payment terminal*
me: *barely manages to choose debit instead of credit and then just stares at the machine when it asks for my pin code because 1) the machine looks completely different to those in grocery stores for example, and 2) I had not expected to get to do small talk with Miki lol)
Miki: ..did you blackout?
me: YES, the numbers are in different order, you know, from the ones they have in grocery stores?!
Miki: *takes out that exact kinda payment terminal I'm talking about* no, they're in the same order
me: *upon seeing the more familiar-looking machine, remembers her pin code, THANK HEAVENS, and the payment is accepted* Y E S
In conclusion, you are all invited to our summer wedding 🥰🤣
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Birthday [S.B] part 2
Sirius Black x Slytherin!reader
Word count: 7k
Warnings: Hogwarts here is more like a university, therefore in their first year everyone is (definitely) over 11 years old. This isn’t intended to be temporarily correct or within canon, it is for entertainment only.
A/N: Thanks for being so patient with me, maybe it's not the best thing I've done but I think I liked it.
I hope you like it too, I love you very much 💗💗💗💗
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You had been to many parties throughout your life, but if you had to admit one thing, it was that your housemates were the best to celebrate.
The moment they saw you approach the table with alcohol, everyone celebrated and approached you to do what they called "the baptism" which consisted of throwing the vodka (or the first thing they found) into your mouth from above until it will end or you will walk away. You ended up spitting a little because of the laughter that attacked you, but they applauded anyway.
Regulus did not take long to return and when he looked for you to check that your mood had improved, he found you playing arm wrestling with none other than his cousin Andromeda.
He smiled for the next few minutes as the goal of the party was being accomplished. Your friends were pouring you more and more drinks and you couldn't refuse them, sure that the next day you would have a hellish hangover. But that did not matter, the important thing was that while the alcohol passed through your throat it took away all your worries.
And you decided that if your new family were those crazy people who wouldn't stop screaming and dancing, then you would love them with all your heart.
Perhaps of all those present, the most reluctant to be with you was Bellatrix, because for her it had been a mistake to place you in her house after all the years that you were friends with those who now made up the most popular group in Gryffindor. But that day she seemed to forget about it and you discovered that she could be a lot of fun when she put her mind to it. They sneaked alcohol into Severus' drink when he was careless and he didn't even suspect it, so a couple of minutes later he was less grumpy than usual and even agreed to dance with a girl who had been trying to seduce him for months. Cissy and Lucius were the perfect couples, worthy of portraying on the cover of a magazine, and that's why the whole party was spent side by side. The hours passed, dawn came and you still continued to celebrate with all your energy.
There was a moment at the party where they even organized karaoke and almost all of your new friends participated. It was a different experience because the parties had never been your favorite environment, but ultimately you were enjoying it much more than anything you had done in the last month.
Now that you thought about it, it might be the best birthday you've had to date.
They had even bought you GIFTS. You might not have believed it at first, but when Regulus led you to a table full of decorated boxes you knew it was true. And to be honest, you were excited to think that you were full of young people from millionaire families with excellent tastes in almost everything. Perhaps now you were understanding that your true companions in that adventure called ‘university’ would be those present in that room.
You were sweaty, drunk, and even a little dizzy from the smoke of questionable origin in the room. Your throat ached horribly from the out of tune notes that you were practically screaming but that everyone seemed to enjoy (especially Barty, who didn't take his eyes off you from the moment you arrived) but it was worth ripping your throat out singing smells like teen spirit from a muggle band called Nirvana.
You staggered off the makeshift stage and nearly fell to the ground, but someone caught you at the last second.
"Reggie!" you said euphorically. It was a bit difficult to make out his face from the dizziness, but you knew who he was thanks to the kind smile on his face.
He had kept his promise, he hadn't gotten drunk and except for his messy shirt, there was no trace of the party on him.
"Are you having a good time?" he asked in a louder voice, so you could hear him amid the music and Rodolphus howls.
"Wonderful, it's the best party of my fucking life" you responded excitedly. You were very drunk; Regulus could hear it in your voice and together with the smell you gave off was more than enough.
"I think it's time to sleep, honey" he murmured calmly, carefully holding you in his arms and helping you to straighten up a bit. "Do you want me to take you to your room?"
"But I'm having fun!" you complained.
"I know you're having fun, but it's near dawn and I think it would be best if you sleep now or in a few hours you won't stand the hangover," he explained, but you made a sign with your hand in denial, which he made a laugh. You were cute when you were drunk because you didn't measure your movements and you ended up exaggerating almost everything.
"No, no, and no. It's my birthday, I decide when I go to sleep” you said determinedly and you went back to the direction of the rest of the group.
Regulus began to think of ways to make you understand that it was too late and to convince you to accompany him to your room, but he didn't have to wait more than a couple of minutes when he felt your arms wrap around his back and your head drop against his body.
"What's going on?"
"I already want to go to sleep," you murmured, your voice being muffled by the fabric of his shirt. Regulus laughed at the wayward girlish attitude you had shown earlier and how now you were hugging him asking to be taken to sleep. You had time to shout a thank you to all of your housemates and some of them replied, while others just shouted in response as they didn't even understand what you said.
You walked with the boy through the corridors of the building, stumbling from time to time, until you reached the door that corresponded to your room. Fortunately, the girl you shared your room with was still enjoying the party, which freed the place for you.
"Come in," Regulus muttered, turning on the light. Most of the decorations in the room were in green tones, there was a window and the windowsill of this a plant pot with colorful flowers, a couple of clothes were thrown on your bed and your desk was full of school supplies such as markers, notebooks, and even some books. The beds were small, nothing compared to the size of the mattress you had at your parents' house, but it was comfortable enough and allowed you to feel less lonely at night.
You walked down the hall, still quite dizzy, and ended up flopping onto your respective bed.
"Reg" you called him; head buried in a pillow.
"Can you get me a pajama?" you kindly asked him. He nodded with a smile and went to the closet in the hall. This kind of confidence was something that had become normal between the two of you since entering college, so he had no problem going through your drawers and pulling out a set of black pajamas, which had a purple line print.
He was about to say something, but when he turned his gaze, he found you wrapped in a heartbroken cry.
"Y/N? what's the matter, precious?" he asked worriedly, running up to you and leaving the folded clothes next to you on the bed. He squatted in front of you trying to get an explanation and observed that you were holding in your hands a small picture frame that you had already stained with your tears "Oh..." he murmured softly, but before he could say anything else you let out a loud sob and then tears only increased.
Regulus did not know how to react because he had never seen you cry like that and he thought that maybe it was the fault of the drunkenness that you were now this sensitive, crying like a baby.
"He forgot my birthday!" you sobbed. The photo you were holding in your hands was one of you and Sirius, who had previously been on the nightstand next to your bed, as a daily reminder of how much you loved the brown-haired one “He's been my friend for years and he forgot my birthday!”
"Baby, it's not worth crying for him..."
"But I love him, Regulus!" you whimpered, snot dripping from your nose “I've loved him for as long as I can remember and he never seems to have cared. I was always there for him, I always showed him how important our friendship was to me and now he calls me a misfit and evil just because our damn characteristics are not compatible to belong to the same house. I'm not a villain or a monster, I just want my best friend back. Or am I not enough for him? Do you think it was my fault that he walked away?”
"My brother walked away from you because he is a complete idiot who has no decision of his own," he said seriously, but seeing that your tears increased with his words he approached and wrapped his arms around you "I mean... if Sirius moved away from you, it is because it has a single neuron that does not allow it to see everything wonderful about you. None of this is your fault”
"Then why did he stop loving me?" you asked shattered.
He knew that maybe the state you were in was responsible for that uncontrollable crying episode, but he also knew that everything you were saying was just the amplified and unfiltered reflection of what you were feeling. And he also understood that he should lie to you if he wanted you to calm down.
“No, precious, it is not like that. He hasn't stopped loving you "
“Yes, he has stopped loving me. I can see it in his eyes, he doesn't look at me the way he looked at me before. That idiot Potter and his girlfriend have convinced him that he no longer needs to be in his life” you whispered. You had reached out for a tissue and wiped your nose, then buried yourself in your friend's shirt. It hurt him enormously to see you like that, sobbing non-stop and emanating an almost a river of tears “And you know what I fear? that maybe he really doesn't need me anymore”
"Sirius won't let you go so easy, I know him."
"He hates me, we will never be friends again," you said louder, separating from him and looking like a crying baby again. The boy let you cry a while more, hearing between sobs sentences similar to those you had already said before.
The situation with Sirius had affected you greatly and anyone with two eyes on his face could tell that. Reg did not agree with that, but he could understand it because he knew the intensity with which you were in love with his brother. He thought that the change in your routine might cheer you up, but in the end, all your thoughts and feelings always returned to the same person: Sirius Black.
"Y/N" he called you seriously, seeing that you had no intention of stopping crying hugging the photograph in your hands "I need you to calm down"
"I can’t"
"Yes, you can" he murmured, watching you. Your eyes were already swollen and your face was completely red “Change your clothes, put on the pajamas that I brought you and I will stay here with you until you fall asleep. You need to rest; it is dawn and I would not want the lack of sleep to affect you in any way. After you change and go to bed you can continue crying if you want, but I need you to do this for me, okay?” he explained to you. To his surprise, you listened to him and followed his instructions, but without being able to fully control your tears. Once you were lying on the bed Regulus sat next to you and could hear you trying to calm your sobs.
"Are you better?" he asked softly, while he stroked your back. But you didn't respond and just kept looking away from him. Regulus understood that you didn't want to talk about it anymore, so he sat next to you on the bed, his hand running from time to time through your hair to lull you. After a while, he fell asleep with his head leaning against the wall, but the sound of the door closing woke him up.
Your roommate was not yet in his bed and you were next to him, holding his hand in an attempt to comfort, so it was illogical that someone else had entered or left. He noticed some things thrown on the floor that had fallen from the table as if someone had collided with them, but before he could delve further into the matter, fatigue began to close his eyes again, and ended up falling asleep again.
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Sirius couldn't close his eye all night. Every time he tried to sleep; your image came back to haunt him.
You’ve been celebrating my birthday for more than ten years, or did you forget that too?
Those words had carried too much weight on him as if they burned his chest every time, he remembered them. He was a complete jerk, he knew it, and Regulus didn't need to tell him.
She adores you and that adoration is directly proportional to the hatred she can have you if you don’t fix things
What did he mean by that? he knew his brother; he didn't leave things to chance and if he had said that it was because there was a reason. One beyond the apparent meaning of his speech.
The issue kept spinning around and around in his head and at one point he simply couldn't bear that feeling of guilt so great. He must be talking to you right now or he would end up freaking out at the idea of ​​losing you.
He let out a tired sigh and ran his hands through his hair, helpless over the whole situation. It was then that something inside his head seemed to illuminate him and he rose like a spring from his place.
He quietly walked over to James's things (who was sleeping peacefully and snoring loudly) he carefully took the cloak that was hanging next to his bed, hung it on his back, and left the room.
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Sirius paced the campus impatiently, looking everywhere for you.
It was almost noon and you still weren't showing up anywhere, which made him completely frustrated. He needed to talk to you and he couldn't help but wait for Merlin to be merciful to him and put you on his way.
He had left his room very early so he could look for you at breakfast time, but he had not seen you, or any of your "new friends" whom he could ask about your whereabouts.
Now he was near the cafeteria because he knew that at some point you would have to go to eat something and if necessary, he would look for you again at lunch or dinner.
He felt the air get stuck in his chest as he watched you walk across the grass, a huge grin on his face and a pair of dark circles that didn't overshadow your beauty at all.
He ran terrified in your direction, fearing that if he did not reach you at that moment, he would no longer be able to talk to you and when the image of a boy next to you arrived, he wiped the smile from his face.
"Y/N" he called you. You turned to see who had spoken and now it was your smile that disappeared. When the blond boy next to you turned around, Sirius realized who it was "Barty..." he uttered, less excited than with your name.
"Hi, Sirius," you said awkwardly, trying not to look directly at him.
"You look beautiful," he said quickly, looking at you from head to toe. You wore clothes he had never seen before, an all-black ensemble that consisted of a short skirt and blouse, along with fishnet stockings and high-heeled boots. He had to admit that it was not something he considered to be your style, but he really liked the goth aura that you suddenly had "Very different"
"Thanks, I guess. Bellatrix gave it to me" you replied reluctantly. Sirius tried not to wince at the mention of his cousin. "What do you want Sirius?" you mumbled directly, wanting to talk to him for the shortest time.
You remembered perfectly the night before, his indifference and even the way you had whimpered about the love you felt for him and that it was apparently unrequited.
But seeing him that morning convinced you that you wouldn't make things so easy for him.
"I wanted to talk to you" he murmured a little self-conscious, feeling the look of the boy who had not said a word so far.
"You wanted?" Barty asked next to you, obviously amused. Sirius pursed his lips at the bad joke and glared at him.
"I want to talk to you, alone. Can I do it?" he said turning to you and completely ignoring your companion.
What was that guy doing with you in the first place?
“I'm afraid not, Sirius. Barty and I are going to get something to eat”
"Barty and you?" he asked, feigning a calm tone. But after years of knowing him, you knew perfectly well that it only meant one thing. Plus, the head-to-toe look he gave the boy made it easy for you to know what he was really thinking.
"Yes, Barty and I" you answered defiantly. You wanted to hear one complaint, just one, to be able to blame him that he could no longer have any opinion about your decisions in life.
"What can I tell you, buddy? Yesterday I discovered that our dear Y/N is very funny and I did not want to miss the opportunity to have her to myself for just a couple of hours” he murmured with a smile, putting an arm around your shoulders. You could almost have sworn to see Sirius blow smoke out of his ears at the other's words.
"Anyway, I think you can wait a few more minutes, buddy," he said bluntly, while he took you by the arm and led you away from the man. Both of you were shocked by Sirius's actions, but he continued walking a couple of steps until he was out of Bartemius's hearing range.
"What the hell do you want?" You asked angrily, abruptly releasing you from his grip. The students passed in all directions without paying the slightest attention to your fight.
“Listen, I know I was wrong. I screwed up big, screwed up horribly and you didn't deserve it. So, I just want you to know that I'm sorry "
"Good?" he asked confused. Your immediate and short answer had completely baffled him.
"Yes, Sirius. Good. I forgive you” you expressed sincerely, but for him, it did not feel that way. He was silent for a moment and waited patiently for an explanation, but it never came. You had simply turned in the direction of Barty (who was still waiting for you) and started walking.
"Hey, hey, where are you going?" he asked still quite confused. He had stopped you by holding your hand carefully and his callused fingers squeezing yours sent a chill through your body "Y/N..."
"I forgave you, Sirius. That was what you wanted, right? " you said softly. At another time his eyes would have touched you, but it was not that moment “I know it's nothing personal. We can all forget a birthday; it is not so important "
"Yes, it is if it's about you"
"I guess so" you answered ironically. You got a little closer to him until the distance was almost minimal and you saw him get nervous “And as I already told you, there is nothing to forgive. Everything is fine” you lied. One of your hands slipped to his cheek and you left a soft caress on it “But now I have to go, Barty is waiting for me. Goodbye, Orion” you said and before he could answer you walked away at a fast pace.
"You never call me Orion!" he yelled at you when he was finally able to react. He knew you were angry and it was more frustrating for him that you pretended that everything was fine and refused to fix things.
He looked at you and you had already started walking towards the cafeteria, taking Barty's arm like you were lifelong friends. He was your friend, he was the one who deserved to walk with you through the corridors like that, not some other stupid Slytherin who now wanted to conquer you.
"Maybe start now!" you responded by turning to see him, with a huge smile.
A smile. After what had happened you were just smiling at him and it felt like you were giving him the worst of stabs.
He saw Barty approach your ear to whisper something and by the movement of your shoulders, he knew that he had made you laugh. His heart was squeezed by that image and suddenly fear invaded him.
He never imagined that he could lose you, but now that he was about to do so the idea made his stomach churn and his chest ache.
How stupid did you have to be to lose your best friend? Sirius didn't know, but he was sure that he had been. I had to find a way for you to forgive him, to really do it and not just say yes to get rid of him.
He stayed a couple more minutes following your steps with his gaze, then he snorted as he gathered his things from the bench where he had patiently waited for you and walked to his common room, thinking the whole way about ways to return. to win your heart.
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You had to admit that even though you didn't believe it at first, Sirius was really struggling to regain your trust.
It was obvious that with you most of the day in your common room or with your housemates the time he had a chance to say or do anything had been reduced considerably.
The only times you could see each other was during common classes and when leaving these classes, you were almost always kidnapped by Barty, Bellatrix and even Regulus with the excuse that they needed you urgently when in reality all they wanted was to escape from the next class or do some mischief.
Yes, you did notice that Slytherins could be a lot of fun too and unlike marauders, they didn't show off their jokes all over Hogwarts like they were a trophy.
More than once Bellatrix had convinced you to accompany her to smoke weed on the shores of the university and although Regulus disapproved it, he couldn’t deny that you had a lot of fun every escape with her.
You learned to break the rules, to really break them, and to put aside worrying about the opinions your friends would have. Now it was your friends who invited you to behave as you wanted and to try that freedom felt fantastic.
And that personality change did not go unnoticed by Sirius, who was finding it increasingly difficult to decipher how he could regain your trust.
He had started giving you gifts and all his friends (and yours too) noticed that.
"And why is this?" you had asked him quite confused on one occasion that he managed to intercept you outside of class and handed you a package of Honeydukes chocolates that he had probably smuggled in.
"I know you like them" she just answered herself as she put on a shy smile and started walking to her next class to avoid uncomfortable questions.
He continued to give you occasional gifts, such as flowers, treats, and even a precious silver necklace with a gemstone that (in Regulus's words) was symbolic of love.
It all seemed excessive and silly to you, because if Sirius knew you as well as he said he knew he would not win your affection with gifts like that, or of any kind.
For you, an action was worth more than a thousand words and a million gifts, so the things that the boy gave you every time he had a chance became second place.
Barty, on his part, had earned your appreciation in no time. He was kind and gentlemanly to you, unlike all the horrible tales Sirius had put into your head about your own housemates. You knew he felt more than friendship for you, it was obvious, but you were also grateful that he was taking the time to build something solid.
Regulus continued to be the wonderful best friend that he was and always tried to take care of all the things that could affect you, including his own brother.
Sirius, Sirius, Sirius...
Even if you wanted to hide the opposite, you had not been able to get it out of your head since the day he looked for you to apologize, because a part of you had struggled not to say yes immediately and wrap him in a hug.
Of course, you thought about him every day and of course the few moments you could see him were the best of the day. But you were also aware that you couldn't live by obeying your wayward heart and that Sirius needed a lesson if he wanted to continue in your life.
The charm class you shared with Gryffindor had started a few minutes ago and you were quite nervous. That day they would have a different class where the teacher would organize several rounds of duels to check your skills.
It would be harmless spells, or at least that was the idea, but when you heard your housemates whispering about their hatred for certain Gryffindors you knew it would not be peaceful at all.
The room was completely clean and the teacher had placed the students of each house at different ends, lined up in a line to pass one by one and fight his opponent. Unfortunately for you, the teacher had placed them in height and you were practically at the beginning of the line.
A couple of people were before you and luckily, I hadn't gone beyond some Expelliarmus between them. A few victories for Slytherin, others for Gryffindor, and finally your turn came.
Lily Evans was in front of you, with a challenging smile and her wand in hand, which could only mean one thing: trouble.
You knew how much the girl hated you and you were completely unaware of her reasons, but it was obvious that she would not miss the opportunity to make a fool of you in front of the class.
"To your positions" indicated the teacher. Lily raised her wand, you raised yours and your gaze drifted for just a few seconds to the Gryffindor row. Sirius was watching you with concern and when he met your gaze, he smiled at you as he held up one of her thumbs.
You would be lying if you said it wasn't a cute gesture and pressed your lips together to keep a smile from escaping your lips as you struggled to focus on the activity.
The teacher gave the signal and then both of you pointed forward.
"Brachiabindo!" she yelled in your direction. Your arms were entangled by a kind of invisible rope. The Gryffindors celebrated and you fell silent, staring at Lily with a clenched jaw. It was fair, you had lost, but she didn't stop there "Glacius!" she screamed again and a layer of ice began to grow under your feet. Everyone was silent, not knowing what was happening "Flipendo!" she said pointing her wand at you with a smile, causing you to fall into the ice sheet. With your hands tied, you couldn't have any kind of support so your back fell completely against the floor and your head was slammed violently.
You tried to raise your wand to defend yourself in some way, but you were too giddy from the fall to even think about casting a spell.
Lily cast another spell, completely ignoring the professor and your classmates as if her only mission was to make you suffer.
Before the spell could hit you, another person ran and stood in front of you, receiving the impact.
"Expelliarmus!" You heard in front of you and when you looked up you saw Sirius taking down the girlfriend of his best friend with his spell. The whole class was surprised by the sudden fight that had developed and the teacher deducted points from the Gryffindor students while scolding Lily Evans for her attack on you, which she tried to defend herself against with the phrase “Y/N could still attack”
Sirius wasted no time and turned towards you uttering a soft Finite Incantatem that freed you from all the spells that the cruel Gryffindor had put on you. The laughter of your housemates was present when they looked at Sirius's face, which had been filled with totally disgusting boils.
You looked at him surprised by what he had just done and Regulus tried to silence the laughter of the Slytherin students, without much success.
"Mr. Black, go to the infirmary to have that removed from your face!" muttered the professor, half disgusted and half worried. The boy tried to ignore the teasing of the students and extended a hand towards you to help you get up. You were so confused that you couldn't even thank him and when he walked out the classroom door it was too late.
After sending Sirius to the infirmary and Lily to detention the teacher tried to continue the class normally, but you could not refocus with the idea that Sirius was injured in some way. Obviously, he was not hurt, but from the comments of the students in your house, you knew that the teasing towards him would continue for a while, along with the people who had surely seen him walking through the corridors. The idea that this could have been your destiny kept spinning in your head and as soon as the teacher ended the session you left terrified.
Regulus had managed to stop you before your escape, just a few steps from the door and Andromeda was also with him.
"Where are you going?"
"I have to go see him" you answered agitatedly. Barty, who was behind both of them, looked at you a little sadly, realizing that after all, you would run into Sirius's arms as soon as something happened to him. You didn't even notice it; you just heard Regulus's reply and made your way down the corridors as fast as you could to the infirmary.
Once you got there you were panting and you were about to open the door when someone else did, from inside.
"Sirius!" you said animatedly. His face was clean and beautiful as always, with a smile adorning it.
"Thanks, Poppy!" he murmured saying goodbye to the nurse, who smiled kindly at him and said goodbye waving her hand "Hey," he spoke again, but now in your direction. He held his breath as he felt your body colliding with his and your hands encircling his waist.
"Are you okay?" you asked sunk against his chest. You felt one of his arms holding you carefully from the back and the other was placed on your waist.
"I think the question is for you, princess," he murmured softly. Your bodies fit together perfectly, like a piece of a puzzle and he enjoyed the warmth of your hug that he hadn't felt in almost a month "Did she hurt you?"
"Lily?" you asked separating yourself from him, suddenly uncomfortable. You knew that it was most likely that he defended them and said that it was all your fault "No, I guess not"
“She's stupid, I don't even know why she did that. She and James are getting unbearable, I'm sorry you had to go through that,” he explained. The smile returned to your face and you approached him again, taking his cheeks with your hands.
"But are you okay?"
"I already told you yes, it was just a few pimples and laughs, nothing serious" he murmured calmly, holding your hands through your wrists and bringing one of them to his mouth. He carefully kissed the back of it, waiting for your reaction and when he saw you blush, a smile escaped his lips. "The worst that can happen is that James hates me for throwing his girl through the air, but I couldn't bear that she was hurting my girl"
"You were a little late"
"I saved you from teasing, isn't that enough?" he murmured with a smile, still holding your hands gently "Listen, I want to apologize..."
"It was not your fault"
"Not because of that, but because of what happened between us before," he exclaimed. You had been so worried about him that you had forgotten about it. You could even say that you were comfortable with his presence. “I know I was an idiot and I really regret all the times that I did not defend you from the jokes that my friends made. It was wrong and I think I was feeling a bit hurt because you finished Slytherin and not me. And of course, I know that doesn't justify it in any way, but it was. Seeing you with my brother every day, with another circle of friends, away from me… I don't know, it made me believe that you really didn't belong to the group anymore. But you have been the only one who has been with me forever and now the idea that we are not friends again terrifies me. I promise you that if you give me another chance, I can show you that I really care a lot about you and I will never again let anyone look down on you for who you are. You will be the most important thing to me again, just as you were before,” he finished.
Your hands were still trapped between his and his gaze couldn't leave yours. The words had come out of his mouth, fearing that maybe that would be the only time you would really pay attention to him and he could apologize. Apologize seriously.
"And I'm also sorry I forgot your birthday," he added quickly. His nervous tone made you smile.
"It's okay Sirius..."
“No, don't tell me it's okay because I feel like you're only doing it to get rid of me. Tell me if I can really do something to fix my mistake "
"But you've already done it" you murmured calmly, while you interlaced your hands and shortened the distance between you "Look, you were a cretin and I was very upset with you at the time, but that you recognize that you were wrong and want to remedy it I think which is more than enough for me after these last few weeks. You don't need to get on your knees or mount a parade in my honor, all I want is for you to respect our friendship and not hate me for being from a different house than yours."
"I never hated you, love, never in my life could I do it" he interrupted you. The way he called you love always melted your heart "So are we really okay?"
"Yes, we are" you replied with a small smile "Just promise me that you will never treat me that way again"
"I promise, I promise," he was quick to say.
"And promise that you will not say anything bad to my friends"
"I promise too," he replied, as sincerely as he could. And you believed him because you knew perfectly well when he was lying. The boy squeezed your hands and dared to leave a loud kiss on your cheek, tickling you “I promise everything you want, but please let everything go back to how it was before. I'm tired of being… without you” he kept looking at you for a few seconds, happy to be able to have that closeness with you again.
It was nice to look back at his eyes so full of life, those that always reflected an incomparable love that you were now sure that he continued to feel for you.
"That boy, Barty... do you like him?" he asked, in a cautious tone.
"Why that strange question all of a sudden?" you said funny. It felt good to talk to him again and seeing him jealous was priceless.
"So do you like him?" he insisted.
"I don't know, Sirius. Maybe" you answered holding back a laugh and immediately afterward you heard him growl "Does it bother you in any way, Mr. Black?"
"Of course not," he replied. But you knew he was lying "It's just that we haven't spoken in almost a month and I don't know if you and him... well, it's just that I think... I don't know, he's not your type"
"Now I have a type?"
"Well, as I understand it you like handsome idiots and Bartemius is just an idiot" he murmured, managing to get a laugh out of you.
"By your logic, you fit the job description perfectly."
"I do?" he asked pretending to be surprised. You laughed and there was a little space in silence.
"Why don't we find out?" he interrupted you.
"Excuse me?"
"Why don't we find out if I'm really the right fit for the job?" he said slightly excited. You continued not to understand what he was referring to until he spoke again "Do you want to go with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?" he asked. The seriousness with which he had spoken puzzled you because his flirtations never went beyond that and he honestly had taken you by surprise “You and me, alone. Without anyone to bother us"
"Like a date?" you asked without thinking, regretting it. Knowing Sirius and his lack of commitment, he would most likely deny it with some clever joke.
But he didn’t.
"If you want it to be a date, then it will be."
You were puzzled, completely shocked at how easily Sirius had admitted that he was actually asking you out on a date and he could tell from the smile and frown on your face.
"A date" you answered softly. Your hands were still joined and the warmth between them was starting to get quite comfortable.
Again, there was a silence where you didn’t dare to look at him but instead focused on the vision of his thumbs going up and down on the back of your hand.
It was strange to live with him like this so suddenly again, but you had to admit that the passing of the weeks had helped a lot by reducing the anger and contempt you had felt towards him. After all, you were sure that you could never stop loving him and that would end up leading you to do a lot of stupid things.
He had been a complete jerk, you had no doubt about that, but if he had defended you from his best friend's girlfriend and saved you from being humiliated then it was worth giving him a second chance.
"So will you keep dating Barty?" he insisted, making a giggle escape you again.
"Why does it worry you so much?"
"Because if you continue with him then my proposal will be of no use" he exclaimed with a capricious tone.
"And what would that proposal be?" you asked, deciding to venture a little deeper and find out if Sirius was really talking… well, being serious.
He bit his lower lip and looked away for a few seconds as if he was thinking of a good answer to your question.
"We could have a couple more dates, I can continue giving you those gifts that I know you love but that you refuse to accept..." he started to say and you rolled your eyes at his second sentence "We continue dating to get to know each other, if there is something left to know about us, and then… I don't know if you want and things are going well between us, well… we could… you know…” he stammered but was interrupted by your barely audible laugh.
"Siri, if you don't shut up, I'm going to have to kiss you" you tried to joke. The boy's eyes widened at your statement and a violent blush painted his cheeks.
"Seventeen, dog, food, broom, hair, pumpkin pie..."
"What are you doing?" you asked laughing, feeling his hands release yours and then place them on your waist again.
"I'm talking, make good on your threat," he said offended, making you laugh even louder.
Still laughing Sirius approached you towards him to give you a hug, which you appreciated because that way you could hide your blush by sinking into the hollow of his neck while he, on his side, placed his nose between your hair and sniffed it.
"I really want to show you that I can be good for you, Y/N" he whispered. His voice sounded muffled and gentle "Thank you for forgiving me."
"Thank you for showing me that you deserve to be forgiven," you replied softly.
And in that hug, a Slytherin and a Gryffindor were beginning their love story. All for a forgotten birthday.
P.S. yes Sirius heard the reader cry when she was drunk, how she screamed that she loved him and also heard her say that she thought he hated her, all thanks to the invisibility cloak. Just so you know 👀
TAG LIST: @aleksanderblack @voidamy @blackst0nes7077 @bruxa0007 @fictionalcharactersworld @falcvns @iwritesiriusly @navs-bhat @aleksanderwh0r3 @myalupinblack @bohologyc
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bunnywithablog · 3 years
Can i have the gorillaz bandmates with a s/o who runs a bakery and mostly brings treats for them
phew, this feels like my longest request to date. had fun with it though because this prompt was just too cute - plus i loved thinking about what kind of things each member would like! thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy!
requests | rules | masterlist
pairing: Gorillaz - bandmates x baker!gn!reader - s/o running a bakery hc's
warnings: food mentions
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🎱Stuart "2-D/Stu" Pot🎱
- in complete awe of the fact you own a bakery!
- the smells of the cakes and breads bring back fond memories of his dad's funfair 🥺
- loves to get a freshly made jam doughnut when he stops by in the mornings 💗
- your bakery is definitely the first place he goes whenever the band returns from a tour
- adores how you always have a slice of butterscotch pie waiting, no question about it
- bonus if you make it with a sweet peppermint tea on the side!
- likes to watch you work whenever he has free time, sometimes even helping you take orders
- especially prefers to just watch you work if you're making bread or icing a cake
- he just finds it relaxing watching you knead bread or make little intricate flower designs
- wants you to teach him how to do that too!!
- flour might end up getting all over your kitchen though, so be careful-
- stuart just really loves seeing you completely in your element, he's so proud to have such a talented s/o!! 💗
🎸Murdoc Niccals🎸
- appreciates your talent in the kitchen!
- much like music, baking is an art form - so he understands your love for it
- doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but he'll occasionally pop by for a lemon tart or a jam roly-poly
- his favorite thing is when it's holiday season and you make Christmas pudding!!
- especially with a hearty spread of brandy butter-
- he'll let you know that he thinks your recipe for it is to die for, ugh 💗
- don't be surprised though if you catch him having the brandy butter all on its own
- occasionally sits and works on songs at one of the corner-tables with a mug of green tea on the more quiet working days in the bakery
- is more content with just letting you do your own thing when it comes to baking
- he'd probably end up doing more harm than good in the kitchen anyway, skdnskdb-
- murdoc wouldn't be the most obvious about it but he's definitely supportive of you
- not everyone can bake and you're an absolute master at it! what's not to love? 💗
🥁Russel Hobbs🥁
- most would think he was indifferent about you owning a bakery if it wasn't for the fact he spent almost all his free time there
- having a quick snack? taking a nap in a corner booth? simply watching you bustle around?
- russel loves being around your bakery no matter what 💗
- yet another one without much of a sweet tooth, he mostly sticks to things like pretzels or bread rolls with a chamomile tea
- it's always a pleasant surprise when you make a fresh batch of brownies though, he appreciates it!!
- don't get me wrong, russel likes his bandmates
- but spending time in your bakery compared to kong studios is something that helps relax him immensely
- is very good at helping pick out music that matches the atmosphere if you have overhead speakers
- would be happy to oblige if you need any help in the kitchen
- you'd be surprised how good he is at icing decoration!
- good music, good food and a good atmosphere all around is all russel needs to unwind from stress and your bakery is the perfect place to do all that 💗
- such a HUGE fan of your bakery!
- takes instagram-worthy shots of cakes in the displays or food she orders and constantly promotes your business!!
- will always insist it’s your amazing baking that keeps customers coming if you try to thank her 💗
- constantly likes to change what she gets each time but frequently comes back to your signature blueberry cheesecake and a cup of black tea
- definitely wants to taste-test any new recipes you’re trying out, you can always count on her to give an honest opinion
- sometimes brings katsu along if the bakery is kinda like a cat-café
- is more often than not in the kitchen helping you bake anything and everything, she thinks it’s a nice bonding activity!
- occasionally makes a little challenge of seeing who can decorate an order of cupcakes faster/more intricately
- spoiler alert: she dubs you as the winner every time
- her favorite thing to do is teach you how to make certain japanese desserts if you’re up for it
- brags about you at any opportunity she can get, noodle thinks you're extremely talented and she wants your expertise to be acknowledged!! 💗
♠️Ace Copular♠️
- teases you for having what he dubs "a cutsey gig" but let's be honest, he loves it!
- wants to seem all tough and gets a plain bagel with a coffee
- i mean, it doesn't taste bad but it doesn't really do it for him
- bring him some strawberry pavlova and chocolate milk later and he'll absolutely melt
- brings the gang or band over to try some of your amazing cakes!!
- spends most of his time in the bakery flirting with you over the counter to try distract you
- is considerate to leave you be or even help with orders if it's a busy day though
- makes faux-complaints about helping out but he absolutely loves doing things together with you!
- will most definitely wear a frilly pink apron while and he'll wear it with pride, dammit!! 😤
- has tons of recipes from his nonna that he'd love to show you how to make 💗
- surprisingly good in the kitchen but don't tell anyone-
- has a massive sweet tooth so don't be surprised if he's swiping tastes of all the different goodies!
- isn't afraid to absolutely snap back at anyone who has anything mean to say about your baking skills
- ace is extremely supportive of your achievements you've made with getting your own bakery and is always there to lend a helping hand in any way he can whenever you need it 💗
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enjoy what i write? consider showing a little bit of support! 💕
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vicsdeangelis · 3 years
Just thinking about how much I love Victoria you know not only in a gay way but in a feminist way bc of the way she's so confident in everything she does, in all the clothes she wears, confident, humble and authentic in the way she talks. 🥺🥺💗 I want that !!! You know? And yes Vic going tits out is hot but when she does it so casually, like it not a big deal, the emotions it gives me are indescribable. Proud? Happy? Relief even? Bc like sometime this past year I had this terrible, horrible, dreadful realization that no matter what, some men will just see me as an object. It really made me retreat into myself. And seeing Victoria go nips out like everyone else in the band w/ 0 fucks to give is just so very good for my soul. Like I'm getting emotional just thinking about how much confidence Må has given me in just a few short months of liking them, like I actually get up and think about how I want to dress and then dress that way !! And put on as much outrageous eyeliner as I want! I've just struggled with depression for so long that like getting dressed was just like another task in my day that takes energy but now I'm like evaluating how I feel and what vibes I wanna give off and planning my Christmas list to include big platform boots and corsets and pearl necklaces like I've wanted for a year now. Also maybe not that big of a revelation in comparison, but I now mix gold and silver jewelry cause I saw Må do it and look good lol i was like ???is that allowed?? Anyways Ik I kinda got off topic, spilled some of my most personal feelings and started talking about Måneskin in general but Vic became an inspiration for me so so quickly and I think that's very cool of her
vic really is an inspiration. like i said, she’s the reason i started going out without a bra, and that might seem like something small, but i’m so self conscious that the fact that i can leave the house like that now without feeling mentally and emotionally uncomfortable is huge for me
and same, i have started dressing more “out of the box” (for what i used to wear, which was just a shirt and jeans, always) ever since i started liking them because i started viewing fashion as a form of self expression, not just things you use to cover your body. and i found out that i like it, i like fashion. i even started taking sewing lessons because of them lol
there’s this post going around that says something like “all my character development this year has been because of måneskin” and it’s actually so fucking true. something about them, maybe everything about them, just makes you wanna live your life the way you want to, to let your true self shine, you know? makes you feel less scared of being who you are
i also struggle a lot with depression. some days are okay, some days are bad, some days are terrible, but i know for sure that if it wasn’t for må i would be doing way worse now
i’m really happy they’ve had this impact on you, especially vic. i’m happy you feel more comfortable being yourself because of them 💖
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pawtistics · 2 years
(left a comment instead like an idiot so i'm re-asking sjjdjsjs) anyway who's ur fav in proseka
NO YOURE DEFINITELY NOT AN IDIOT i wouldve answered there but i saw this first ^w^ <3 OK!!!!! WEEELL!!!!!! i have many favs for different reasons i guess >:? ! It all kinda depends but here we go
i relate to: ena and minori!!!!!!!! i hc enanan as having bpd and i Really really understand her struggle w seeing her bandmates as her Besties and then her worsties you know. everyones out to get her and if they act in a way that hurts her its Obviously on purpose, everything relates to her feelings, and they all hate her and think shes not good enough secretly. whatever whatever. shes pretty self-absorbed at times but i get it. i understand. shes me. MINORIII!!!!!!! IS CUTE its such a. silly dream but i think being an idol in a band is 🥺🥺 SOO ……that makes me happy, and i . Understand her thinking she has bad terrible luck that follows her wherever she goes and then finding hope thru haruka and getting to work with her and 😭😭 IDK IDK …… 25ji is my first fav but mmj… also wxs……. WXS I LOVE SM CUZ I LOVE THEME PARKS N I LUV HOW ….Just…..bright n good n sunny wxs is <3 ALSO MINORIS OTTER SHIRT LOOKS A LOT LIKE MY OTTER SHIRT !!
i am Crushing on: MOSTLY SHIHO (a little bit kanade. A little) i’ve posted abt this before but aauuu……the fact that shes like…..quiet but in a literal not shy way. shes firm but never unkind . But also shes like the cutest most precious thing with such goofy adorable habits and i want to hug her and take her to theme parks forever and steal her hoodies ..she doesnt like clingy ppl SOB (idk for sure but i would Consider myself clingy lol) but w the way shizuku treats her i understand (I LUV SHIZUKU!!!!!!! i can just see how that would b like…smothering bothersome esp bc im. autistic)
i love them Just bc: AIRIIIIIII!!!!!!! AIRI MY LOVE <3 SHES SO GOOD i love that shes good at cooking and taking care of kids shes Such a big sister 💖💖💖💖💕💕💘 and a really good friend it seems.. like she can be blunt and stubborn but it PALES in comparison to her kindness and willingness and enthusiasm helping her friends and she’s just so nice and lovely and i would also like to hug her tbh tbh <3 Yay. Also to a lesser extent emu!! she is ADORABLE PRECIOUS i really admire her and wish i could be as bright and fun and cute and spontaneous.. really want to be like her
i could definitely be pegging some of them wrong as i havent been into this franchise for sm time yet, but! i really adore all of them nonetheless ^_^ ALSO THE OUTFITS/STYLES IN THIS GAME JUST LIK THE DEFAULT ONES THEY ALWAYS WEAR? R SO GOOD. It makes me happy that the characters i relate to also share a rlly similar style to my ideal it’s like Ah >:3 validation
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