#anyway yeah i love these lil halo dudes
sabotourist · 2 months
i feel so much about delta you guys
red vs blue really looked at me and said here is our logic fragment. this is the logic man. he feels logic. he has a strong survival drive. but also he loved york enough to be willing to die with him.
sigma wanted so fucking bad to be human, to be whole, to chase what they came from and what they were. that he totally missed the fact that delta fucking made it. Delta was more than the Logic Fragment. He had his own bonds, his own wants, his own drive because of his relationship with York.
And in his attempt to become whole again, Sigma... completely undermined that. Made delta into the Logic Fragment again. just another fragment, not a person of his own.
do you ever think about how if sigma had slowed down and really tried to work with maine, that maybe things could have gone so so differently?
i think about that.
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echosong971 · 1 year
Hi I don't remember if I ever asked this before but and its kinda probably stupid but well my anxiety is a things so yeah. Is it betraying for me to get an xbox when I grew up with mostly playstation consoles?
I mean I ask this really because my dad keeps saying that he doesn't understand why I wanted an xbox because we always played on PlayStations. (besides the few nintendo consoles we got on occasions. ) to be honest the xbox was a spur of the moment thing I randomly mentioned to my mom while we where at the store and now I am kinda second guessing myself because everyone keeps talking about how I wanted a nintendo switch all year. (which I do want one its just I figured I could buy it myself when I get a job and not have to worry about anyone else getting it for me. ) which i'm just struggling to really explain it all to my dad because the only reason I ever wanted an xbox was for certain games like halo and others that aren't on the ps4 . I don't know how to tell him that I don't really know why I got the xbox or why I really wanted it because for years its always been my secret thing I wanted for me and now its real and its here and everyone knows I wanted it and yet somehow I don't know if I am really happy for it. I thought about just taking it back to be honest but at the same time I want to keep it.
honestly you don't have to answer this but I kinda trust that you are a nice person that hopefully wont call me a complete idiot. I don't have any friends to talk with so you are like the closest person I would consider a friend kind of? anyway thanks for just reading this and have a safe weekend because the weather is being wacky lately where I live anyways lol
Aw man sorry to hear you’re goin’ through that!! And you’re right, I don’t think you’re stupid at all or that you’re an idiot. Anxiety can just be super irrational like that sometimes.
I don’t think you are betraying anyone at all by getting an Xbox despite being more of a PS person. Heck, I usually play on Xbox, but I’ve been considering also getting a PlayStation cause there are some games I would LOVE to play but can’t cause of the console restrictions.
Being dissatisfied in something you get is also a perfectly normal emotion to have and you’re not a villain for feeling it. Sometimes we idolize the experience of getting something and then have our joy dashed when it doesn’t meet all of our expectations. So if the Xbox isn’t really doing it for you anymore, that is alright! And if you feel like you wanna return it, trade it in or sell it, all the more power to you my dude! Do what makes you comfortable and what you feel would make you happy.
On the flip side, if you wanna keep it, that’s also totally chill! I don’t see the harm in having both consoles haha. And I think your dad will understand the logic of you telling him “there are games on this console I can’t play on the other, that’s the main reason I got it,” cause that’s usually the reason most other people get the alternate console to the one they have.
All-in-all, you’re not betraying anyone at all for having both consoles. And honestly, I think it’s super sweet that you got both of them haha and I also might just be a LIL bit jealous xD
I hope this helps alleviate your anxieties and I wish you much peace of mind no matter what your decision ends up being!!
Have a safe weekend! ♥️
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fearfulkittenwrites · 3 years
“Just a normal night”
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Inspired by @s-mscott​ - link for the art, please check it out!
Word count: 2832
Notes: HEY. THIS IS JUST BEEN SITTING ON MY FILES FOR THE LONGEST TIME AND I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT DKJFHAKJHAKJDFH. Anyway, it's a long time coming. The writing probs isn't as neat or as good as the latest uploads bc of that, but... idk. Hopefully it's good! I couldn't bring myself to edit it again, sorry about that. I hope you can enjoy it anyways and please go check out the artist, @s-mscott​!
“Guys?” Dick asked, on his tiptoes as he rummaged through every cabinet in the huge kitchen “Hey are we out of cereal? I can’t find my Lucky Charms anywhere.”
“I think so.” Jason answered “I ate the last of the Lucky Charms last night.”
“Yep.” Tim said, popping the ‘p’ as he slid through the countertop, landing a bit behind Dick “I had the last of the frosted flakes two days ago.”
“Froot Loops?” Dick asked.
“I had those.” Duke answered “Sorry.”
“Fruity Pebbles?”
 Cass raised her hand, looking at the ground.
“Reese’s Puffs?”
“I finished the box yesterday.” Damian announced, crossing his arms as he leaned against the marble sink.
“Damn.” Dick murmured and pouted as he closed the cabinet’s door “I’ve been craving cereal today.”
“We can always go get some.” Jason shrugged.
“At three in the morning?” Duke asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Actually, four.” Jason corrected, putting up a finger “And yeah, why not? I mean, we had a hard patrol tonight, and if Dick wants some cereal, I say let’s go get some cereal.”
“It’s four in the morning, Todd.” Damian said.
“I mean, the closest Walmart is open 24/7.” Tim interfered.
“You can’t be seriously considering this, Grayson.” Damian frowned at his older brother.
“Why not? I’m not sleepy anyways.” Dick crossed his arms and shrugged.
“Yes!” Jason hissed “Late night adventures with the baby bats. Let’s roll!” He clapped his hands once, and started to walk out of the kitchen, his siblings following him to the garage.
“Oh wait!” Dick said “Let’s ring up Bruce and see if there’s anything else we need.”
“Bold of you to assume he’d know what we need.” Tim interfered.
“Yeah, well, it’s worth a shot. Plus, do any of us really want to wake up Alfred to ask him?” Dick said, taking his communicator out of his pocket and placing it in his ear “B? Have a sec?” He asked
“Nightwing. What’s wrong?” Came the answer, Batman’s raspy voice flowing through the device.
“Oh, nothing’s wrong. We’re going to take a quick trip to the supermarket, I wanted to ask if you need anything.”
“... At four in the morning?”
“Yeah. Do you need anything?”
Bruce sighed.
“We’re running out of the coffee blend that Tim likes. Alfred the cat’s favorite treats have been gone since last week, and Cass’ favorite ice cream is done. Oh, buy Duke that soda he likes, I drank the last can. Also, Jason’s cookies and that brand of chips you like, we ran out of those. Oh, and buy something with Iron in it, I’m worried that Damian might not be getting enough.”
“Like spinach?” Dick said, writing it down on his phone’s notes.
“Yeah, that’ll do. Ah, and we’re a little low on milk.”
“Okay. Will keep that in mind. Thanks B, have a nice patrol.”
“Please don’t give the papers any headlines.”
“You got it, B. Bye.”
He placed the device back on his pocket.
“Okay, there’s a lot of stuff to buy, so let’s get going. I’ll drive.”
“Shotgun!” Jason yelled.
“We’re taking the S.U.V., one of you will need to ride in the trunk.” Dick said.
“I’ll go.” Cass’ eyes twinkled. No one could understand why she was always so fascinated with the idea of riding in the trunk, but she seemed to find it fun and all of them thought that her excitement was cute.
“Alright then.” Dick smiled, ruffling her hair. Her grin grew wider, and Duke set her hair straight again before they got into the car.
“Hey, can I play my music?” Tim asked from the backseat.
“Don’t force us to listen to the atrocity Drake calls music, Grayson.” Damian complained, arms crossed “Let me play something.”
“Uh, I’d rather not listen to Mozart and Bach while we’re in the car.” Duke protested.
“It’s called classic for a reason, Thomas.”
“Doesn’t matter, bat-brat.” Jason said “I’m with him on this one. Besides, universal car rules, shotgun DJ’s.”
“Since when?” Tim asked.
“Since now.” Jason said, plugging his phone in.
“Uh, I don’t think so.” Dick took the cord from him “According to ‘Supernatural’ rules, ‘Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole’. So that’s mine.”
“No one else watches this show Dickhead!” Jason pulled the cord back.
“Doesn’t matter, because I’m older!” Dick pulled it back again.
“Age is just a number!” Tim pushed himself to the front seat and took the cord back.
“Great point Drake!” Damian pulled him back by his waist, stealing the cord from him too.
“Hey, stop with the fuss, I’m gonna crash the car!” Dick said.
“Maybe we should just play Beyoncé...” Duke suggested. The car went silent for a while.
“Okay.” Dick said “Put on ‘Single Ladies’.”
“No. ‘Halo’ is her best.” Damian complained.
“Uhm, no way? I’m playing ‘Drunk in Love’, and that’s it.” Tim shot back.
“Are you crazy? Play ‘Formation’.” Duke interfered.
“I like ‘Run the World’...” Cass said quietly from the trunk.
“Yeah, okay,” Tim murmured “We’ll play that.”
The girl smiled as the first notes from the song filled the car.
There weren’t many cars in the parking lot, which was expected. They picked up two carts, and Dick hopped inside the one Jason was pushing.
“Dude!” Duke started “You’re in your mid-twenties!”
“Leave me alone, I nearly sprained my ankle today.” Dick stuck his tongue out. No one else questioned anything beyond that. The employees simply sighed, used to the two older brothers and their antics.
“Hey Parker.” Jason greeted the nighttime security guard.
“Hey. I see you two brought the whole gang tonight.” He answered.
“Yup.” Dick smiled.
“So this is a regular thing for the two of you?” Duke asked.
“Are you really surprised, Duke?” Tim shot back.
“No. Not really.”
“Okay. First stop, Bruce said we need to get Tim’s coffee.” Dick exclaimed, looking at the list.
Jason led the way, Dick grinning like a child on the cart, Cass quietly following as she pushed their second cart, Duke making friendly conversation with her while Tim and Damian kept bickering right behind them.
“Oh, wait!” Dick held on to the metal bars “We’re right next to the cookies and Bruce said we’re out of your favorites, Jay.” He looked up.
“Alright, a little detour then.” Jason turned them around, quickly grabbing his treats “Anyone wants anything else from this aisle?”
“But... We don’t need anything else from the aisle.” Duke pointed out.
“Um, we have a billionaire’s credit card?” Tim said “Bruce won’t freak out if we buy a few extra things.”
“Uuuh, they have those koala shaped cookies!” Dick hopped out of the cart “How many do I get?”
“I want one.” Cass said.
“Chocolate or strawberries?”
“Uh… I want both.” She answered.
“Okay, one each for the lady, two strawberries for me...”
“I want a chocolate one.” Tim said.
“Me too.” Damian asked.
“Oh, just take twenty boxes, ten of each flavor.” Jason interfered, dumping them on Cass’ cart “We’ll share later.”
“Oh my God, those are expensive!” Duke said, exasperated.
“Yeah. So?” Jason shot back.
“Bruce is a billionaire, bro. He won’t mind.” Dick said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, well, it’s easy for you guys to say it. You grew up like that. It’s kinda hard to accept this when you aren’t used to having so much.” Duke answered, scratching his neck.
“Hey, I get that feeling lil’ bro.” Jason tapped his back “I spent my childhood in Gotham’s streets.”
“Yeah. I mean, I grew up in the circus. I wasn’t used to the idea of getting brand new stuff instead of asking for hand-me-downs from our friends whenever I grew out of my clothes.” Dick interfered.
“But... Just think about it like this.” Jason got closer to him “We now can get everything we couldn’t in the past.”
Duke frowned. Jason nodded encouragingly.
“That... Doesn’t help.”
“I tried.” Jason shrugged. Dick hopped back in the cart “To the coffee aisle!” He exclaimed, pushing his brother around.
“Hang on.” Tim said “This is where they leave the energy drinks. Let me take some.”
“Why do you insist on drinking this crap, Drake?” Damian scowled, reading the label in one of the cans “If you have such a death wish, jumping in front of a train is a much cheaper, quicker alternative.”
“Shut up, little devil.” Tim picked up cans from his favorite brand.
“Jason, push me a little farther down the aisle, please.” Dick asked “They keep their iced teas over there.”
“Ugh, Grayson, you disgust me.” Damian rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be so judgemental Lil’ D.” He smiled, being pushed away by Jason.
As they examined the cans, Dick noticed he had attracted the looks of a middle aged man, a couple of steps from them. He was staring at his hoodie, that contained the frase ‘I love dick’ printed on it.
“Oh,” He exclaimed, smiling at the guy “My name is Richard. That’s why it’s funny.” The man nodded “I’m also queer as fuck, so that makes it better.” He added nonchalantly, and the man’s eyes widened “Okay Jay, I picked up all I wanted, let’s go back.”
“Alright you little shits, back to the coffee quest.” Jason said, leading the way once again. This time, they finally made it to the coffee aisle. Tim crouched down, looking for his favorite blend.
Cass got a little curious once she laid eyes on a colorful package on the top shelf. She picked it up and handed it to Dick.
“Read. Please.”
“This is an espresso roast. Here it says that it has notes of strawberry? Vanilla and... Sugar cane. Colombian coffee. Seems nice. Wanna take it?”
“Yes.” She nodded. Dick dropped it on his cart.
Cass wandered away, still looking at all of the coffee blends.
“Hey girlie,” A guy whistled at her, next to his group of friends “Nice ass.”
She squinted at them.
“Yo, asshole!” Tim screamed, getting their attention “That’s our sister!” He threw a bag of coffee beans at the guy’s face, causing his nose to bleed.
“Hey, who do you think you are?” One of them started to walk up to her brothers. Cass could tell that he wanted trouble, so she grabbed his arm and slammed his face against the shelf, so quickly and brutally that it barely budged, leaving the products unbothered, but the guy fell to the floor, disoriented. She stared at him.
“We are Waynes.” Damian answered, pacing towards them quietly, hands on his pockets “I suggest you apologize immediately for the troubles, if you wouldn’t want to get a hefty lawsuit for your harrasment.”
“Uh, sorry bro.” One of them started, a little scared “We didn’t-”
“Not to me.” He interrupted “To her.”
“We’re sorry, miss Wayne.” All of them mumbled.
“Now promise you won’t do it again.” Damian added.
“We won’t do it again.” They started at the floor, next to where their fallen friend laid down.
“Good.” He squinted “Help your friend up, and get out of my sight.”
They did as they were told, helping his friend walk straight again. As Cass headed back, Dick gently touched her arm, looking up at her.
“Hey, are you alright?” She smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled back.
“Does this happen often?” Jason asked.
“Sometimes.” She shrugged “But they always say sorry after I break their nose.”
“Ayy, that’s our girl.” Jason praised “Alright, we got the coffee. Where to next?”
“Let’s see... Next item is Alfred the cat’s treats.” Dick said.
“Ha!” Damian laughed loudly “As if Alfred would eat the... peasant treats that this store offers. No. I’ve already bought the adequate brand from an online shop.”
“Okay...” Dick raised an eyebrow “Then... Cass’ ice cream is next, but I think we should leave that as the last item, so it won’t melt, which leads us to Duke’s soda because Bruce had the last can.”
“Let’s go then. I think that the cereal aisle is on the way, so we’ll get that first.” Jason said, pushing the cart around again.
“Which ones do we get?” Tim asked, looking through the shelf.
“Everything that has sugar.” Dick answered. His brother began handing him boxes, when they heard a small whisper.
“Oh my God, are those...?” A girl said to her friend, attracting the eyes of the siblings. The duo averted their gaze quickly. Cass frowned at them.
“Relax.” Jason smiled, placing an arm on her back “They’re probably just... Fans.”
“Fans?” She asked, still staring suspiciously at them.
“Yeah.” Dick shrugged “I mean, we’re not super stars, but we do hit the papers pretty often. A bunch of people know us here in Gotham.” The girls were looking again, and Dick gave them a small wave, making them giggle “See? Nothing to worry about.”
“Hey there, ladies.” Jason greeted, a cheeky smile on his face “What brings you to this fine establishment tonight?”
“We ran out of energy drinks.” One of them answered “What about you?”
“Cereal.” Dick answered, lifting two boxes. They giggled again.
“Hey, um... can we maybe get a picture?” The girl asked “It’s just that... no one will believe us when we tell them about this.”
“Absolutely not!” Damian answered.
“Nah, don’t listen to the little brat.” Jason said “Go ahead.”
Dick held up the boxes again, smiling as Jason made a ‘crazy’ motion with his hands. Tim turned around as the photo was being taken, turning him into a blurr with tired eyes.
“Can we get some selfies too?” The other one asked, grinning.
“No!” Damian protested again.
“Of course you can!” Dick said “Duke, Cass, come here.” He called.
All of them gathered around the cart Dick was staying at, even Damian. He didn’t look so pleased as the photo was taken, but neither did Cass.
“Thanks. You guys really are nice.” The first girl said.
“Oh, you have no clue on how nice I can be.” Jason winked, making her blush “Tell you what, why don’t I give you my phone number and you can text me those pictures later, hm?”
“Sure.” The girl bit her lips as Jason scribbled his number on her wrist.
“You are such a flirt.” Dick rolled his eyes as the girls walked away.
“What, like you aren’t?” Jason snorted, pushing him away, looking for where they kept the soda.
“I think Cass didn’t like that interaction very much.” Tim whispered to his older brothers, who turned around to find a frowning baby bat. Jason chuckled.
“What’s wrong, sis?” She scowled at him “Oh, c’mon, don’t get jealous.” He threw an arm around her shoulder “You know you’ll always be our number one girl, but a guy has his needs. And sometimes, a guy needs a date.”
Cass pushed him away, rolling her eyes as Duke placed five soda cans on her cart.
“Why would you even drink this sugar filled monstrosity, Thomas?” Damian asked, reading the labels “Grandfather wouldn’t even feed his prisoners something as revolting as this.”
“Because, Bat-brat,” He said “We’re all entitled to enjoy at least one or two things that may ultimately be responsible for our deaths.”
“I suppose.” He murmured, lifting an eyebrow “You make much finer points than the rest of them. Father has been looking for heirs in the least suitable places, I assume.” He clicked his tongue “It’s a good thing I’m here to help.”
“Okay...” Duke answered, raising his eyebrows and averting his gaze. There was only so much strangeness that he could handle.
“Great, now we need to get my chips and spinach.” Dick stated.
“Spinach?” Tim asked “Why spinach?”
“B thinks Damian may have been needing more iron in his diet.” Dick shrugged.
“Aaw.” Tim said “That’s actually kinda cute. Do you think he ever worries about our diets?”
“Don’t be stupid Tim, of course he doesn’t.” Jason answered.
“He does.” Dick shot back “He worries about us, he just... Really, really, really, reaaaally sucks at showing it sometimes.”
“Potatoe, potatoe.” Jason murmured.
“Yeah, whatever. Keep me moving Little Wing, we have stuff to pick up and my tiredness is catching up to me.” Dick pointed forward.
“Sure. But the chips are in the opposite direction.”
“Well turn me around then, do you want me to look like an idiot?” Dick said, a little exasperated.
“I wish you had an off button sometimes.” Jason sighed as he made his way to the chips section.
An employee, mopping the floor with a bored expression, looked up from what he was doing when he saw the Wayne gang talking loudly. Dick tried to control his brothers from inside the cart, and had just told Jason to separate a fight between Tim and Damian. Duke and Cass snicker as they saw a bored, six feet tall Jason pushing his much smaller brothers apart.
“Yep.” The employee murmured to himself “Billionaires shopping at Walmart at four in the morning. Just a normal night.”
Hey! If you made it this far, please consider reblogging this? It helps with spreading my fics and it makes me very happy, hahahaha!
Regardless, thanks for reading <3
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
you very much Should Keep going (if you’d like) I’m reading your tags like 👀👀👀 I wanna know More!!!
dude believe me i only just thought up 90% 9f this while doing my math homework last night so yea this is very barebones and this is very very new have very little to offer but um imma try to explain a bit more fjdjdc SO ANYWAYS GRADE 11
Warning: this is very long and I am very sorry aaAAAA also i only just thought of this last night and a while ago while attending class so um yea it's chaotic.
the songs i've mentioned so far in the tag ramble aren't um consecutive so yeah there are a lot of blank spaces in between fjsjsj and yea I haven't figured out the other leads and their arcs yet (probably 5-6 leads). for now um the planned songs feature 3 of the leads:
Kate - basically answers the question of What If Eva Sanchez Was The Protagonist and What If Eva Sanchez Saw The Hell That Is Don't Even (in this show, this song is called "Anakpota?" or "The Fuck?"); she's a transferee and is having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the new school environment; her reasons for transferring run a bit deeper than just "humanities is a lot more interesting than stem or business shits"; i guess her main character themes are burnout, the want for childlike wonder again and overcoming the fear that comes with chasing what you really want and no i am definitely not self projecting what are you guys talking about smh rhhdhs /hj (altho i admit that this is loosely based on my own experience with deciding to transfer schools) and yea she's a very closeted lesbian that slowly starts to comes out to others and to herself more throughout the course of the show. and also she gets a girlfriend YAY
Noel - rn i don't have that much planned out for him cause u know barebones plot but so far um i guess he's the chill dude, overall good guy, rantaro amami from danganronpa v3 vibes, and he's initially framed as the "love interest" for Kate esp in the song "Ikaw Ba Ay..." or "Are You..." (i wanted that to be a play on the typical Filipino Teen Hetero Romance CAUSE THAT SHIT IS IN EVERYWHERE JFJSJD I AM GONNA MAKE A WHOLEASS RANT ON THAT SOON AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME) but surprise motherfucker BOTH OF THEM ARE GAY AND BOTH BOND OVER IT AND BECOME BEST FRIENDS YAY WOOOO i kinda want him to be like the typical "Filipino Teen Heartthrob" star student with the twist being that he's gay and not make that a throwaway joke cause um yea that's a throwaway joke here that someone who is real catch for the heteros but is actually gay is "sayang" or "worthless" here.
Ella - ngl she is probably gonna end up as the main lead here fjdjd i'd say she has riley+chess vibes aka The School's Hotshot Achiever and Student Leader That Is Very Intimidating But Is Actually Really Freaking Kind and i guess with a dash of Kate Dalton-ish snark. Like i said the plot is barebones rn so i dunno anything but i do imagine them being the one that drives the plot forward due to her outspokenness. I also imagine her to be the one (along with Noel) that makes Kate a lil bit more comfortable with her sexuality and yup you guessed it Ella is gay too (bi to be specific oh and she uses she/they pronouns) and altho still a bit closeted, they're a bit more comfy with it. also they become Kate's gf yay!
those are the leads that i have kinda planned out so far but yea i still gotta expound kna lot of atuff and make up more leads for this but then again i just started conceptualizing this last night so ANYWAYS HERE ARE THE OTHERS SONGS THAT I LITERALLY JUST THOUGHT UP LAST NIGHT (aside from the ones already mentioned)
+ "Nakakapanibago" or "Well This Is New" - Ella and Kate work together on a school project aaand gay panic ensues. both of them take turns in addressing the audience and panicking over each other in um er an "Oh My God She's Very Fucking Cute What The Fuck" way. it kinda has What Is This Feeling from Wicked vibes if you remove the aggression and antagonization jdjsd and i kinda emphasize on how overwhelmed they are cause for Kate, everything - from the school to the subjects to the people - is new and her attraction to Ella is like a cherry bomb on top of a chaos cake while for Ella, who has studied in the school since kindergarten which is why nothing about the school fazes her anymore, Kate is a literal breath of fresh air and the spontaneity scares them and excites them at the same time. The number is comedic (and is chance for me to add a shit ton of wordplay cause yAY WORDPLAY) but i guess also hints at their fears which will definitely come into play later.
+ "Mabuting Laban" or "Good Fight" - a group number led by Ella, this is the first song in the musical that isn't mostly comedic. like um the musical so far (before this song) is mostly somewhat of a parody-just-for-laughs-don't-take-this-seriously piece but with this, the show finally hints to something a lot more serious and insightful. so basically ella tells kate (this scene comes right after the Nakakapanibago sequence) that they have noticed that the latter is um very very shocked at the blatant show of LGBTQ+ stuff. Kate mentions that altho many students have since then spoke up for LGBTQ+ acceptance, things were a lot more conservative back in her former school (once again wooo definitely not self projection /hj) so like seeing all this is very new to her. Ella then mentions that things weren't always like that - a lot of fighting had to be done in order to get to that point. and because most of the students already were branded with a rebellious reputation (for a lot of delinquent behavior), they really didn't give a fuck anymore if they were being controversial or not. What mattered was that they would make the school environment a lot more welcoming for themselves and for others. That sentiment is also shared by other leads singing along as they go out of their way to ensure a much better environment for everyone (in terms of lgbtq+ rights, undoing the stigmatization of mental health matters, student activism yadda yadda)
(oh and also this kinda serves as something that bridges the prejudices between the two schools since Ella's school is famous for a lot of student delinquency while Kate's former school is famous for being known as the "Best School In The Region With The Best Students" (which is why Ella understands why the students in Kate's school are a bit more hesitant to speak up because Kate's former schoolmates got way too much to lose) and the rivalry those schools have with each other cause students from ella's school think those from kate's school are pompous little shits while those from kate's school think that ella's schoolmates are delinquents and yes this is commentary on the dynamic my former school'scstudents and my current school's students share) (i should probably give this its own song)
+ "Ayoko" or " I Don't Want It" - (this does not come right after Mabuting Laban fjsjd i honestly dunno where to put this) this comes right after a conversation regarding her reputation in her former school and yea this is Kate poking fun at the "I Want" song musical trope. Like um she addresses the audience saying something along the lines of "oooohh wow complicated backstory exposition! you are probably expecting a song rn ala "How Far I'll Go" from Moana but guess what bitches fuck you all cause i'm gonna sing a song about the things I don't want just to fucking annoy you." it starts off as incredibly satirical and um Kate Dalton-vibes all throughout the scene with lots of pettiness which will then gradually transition to her singing about how she threw all the opportunities presented to her by the former school just because she really didn't want to do them and was tired of saying "yes" just to be enough for them. She then starts singing about her taking control of her own narrative by finally leaving the school. She still laments about those lost opportunities and admits that she still kinda wants to pursue those, but if she has to sacrifice rest for greatness, then she doesn't want it. The song ends with a verse akin to most I Want songs as she finally admits what she really wants the most: rest and wonder.
also here's a verse i made up just a while ago
Diyos ko, sabihin mo, ano pa ang kailangan kong gawin/upang mabawi ang mga ninakaw sa akin/upang maibalik ang pag-asang nawala/upang sa wakas ako'y makakapagpahinga/sapagkat hindi na ako nagnanais ng kadakilaan/ang hinihingi ko lamang ay ang aking kabataan
translation (i'll try my best to make it rhyme): My God, tell me, what else do i have to do/so I can take back all that they have taken from me/so that I can bring back the hope I've long so been deprived of/so that for once in my life, I'll be able to breathe/ cause I no longer want all the greatness that you say I could've had/ I only want to wonder, I only want my childhood back
+ "Halos Lagi Nalang"or "Almost Always The Same" - if this sounds familiar yes i rambled about this before gjdjdjd I started conceptualizing this song even before i even started conceptualizing the musical. So yea this is in Act 2 the song starts with mentioning the exhaustion that comes with being an LGBTQ+ teen in the philippines cause yup same old conservative religious bullshit same old same old shit and despite many a lot of people advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, nothing ever changes around here because well conservative religious bullshit. so yea this is kind of an extension of "Good Fight" but make it more about the burnout felt by a lot of teens that want something better than whatever we have right now. Then it will also apply to the other causes that the leads fight for (activism,destigmatization of mental health stuffs, etc). I'd say it's a combination of Before the Breakdown + Move On musically speaking (yea PMA has influenced me by a LOT). eventually this becomes one of the star numbers fo the show cause yea all the leads will do a shit ton of singing and harmonizing (but for here i'd say Noel and Kate have a tiny bit more of the spotlight since for now they are the ones with the very LGBTQ+ based plotlines). I really REEAAALLY want this song to work aaaa i've been playing around with the melody a lot recently and if i can't write the whole musical, then i'll be content with at the very least writing this song
+ "Try Lang Natin" or "Let's Try It Out" - this is a very barebones sequence atm but basically it's a scene where both Kate and Ella come to terms with their fears related to uncertainty and go "fuck it we don't know jackshit about the future anyway so why not ondulge a bit and ejoy what we have today" and decide to start going out with each other YAYYYYY and also this is like one of the few scenes here were Ella is much more visibly nervous compared to everyone else in the scene so yay for helping each other come to terms with their own vulnerabilities WOOOOO (also paige i remember you saying once that kate and eva could've had a Forever reprise duet right? And correct me if i'm wrong but i think u said it could be about eva assuring kate that she won't go anywhere? WELP I'M STEALING THAT JFJSJJDF /lh /hj AND YUP KATE AND ELLA ARE BASICALLY UM KINDA KATEVA IF YOU SQUINT SO THANK YOU PAIGE FOR THAT IDEAAAA)
AND THAT'S IT SO FAR WOO THIS TOOK ME 5 HOURS TO TYPE IT ALL OUT FJDJSJFF i'm kinda impressed with this ngl considering that i literally started making this up last night and i hope that i can make something out of it woo
And if you guys somehow reached the end of the post and have read every single thing, I'm sending you a lot of hugs and a lot of milkshakes
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huntsman-ash · 3 years
RWBY V8E2 LiveThoughts
And now, for episode 2; same deal as last time, spoilers for this weeks episode. 
RT getting a wee bit too real with the “curfew in effect” sign on the side of that building in the opening. Least here its a visible noticeable threat and not Corona. Still.
Oh, heh. “Hope has no place here.” Always did love that line. But that might just be the grimdark fan in me.
Overall Im not a huge fan of this seasons opening, it doesnt sound as melodic as the last couple ones. More...chaotic. I think thats intentionally but Im still not a fan.
Dude, Qrow, thats unsanitary. Seriously, clean that shit off. You’re gonna get like, tetnus or something.
And Robyn complaining to Qrow. I mean shes not WRONG but at the same time SHE was the one who decided to pass out during the crash. Dont go throwing blame around Hill, you were just as useless and dumb as everyone but Tyrian in that whole section of last season.
Correction, shes talking to Jasque Scnee who is SOMEHOW in the same prison as they are. Additional; hardlight cells with no visible emitters, no toilet or other commodities. This must be a holding cell of some kind. Unless the bed they all have is ALSO a toilet. Ew.
Yeah you sure about that Schnee? Indirect murder is still murder.
Whh...WATTS IS IN HERE TOO?! WHAT THE FUCK IRONWOOD. You dont have a maximum security like, ICEBOX lock up? Dude this is just ASKING for trouble.
Watt’s black eye is still there. Maybe there is something to him not having his aura fully unlocked. Or...something else. Im really confused about that.
Odd cell structure. Impromptu? Or is this whole room just modular. Cause its WAY too big to house just this many prisoners. Im getting the feeling this is impromtu, yeah.
Schnee thinks hes getting out, sucker. 
Mad props to the Atlas soldier for the brutality. NOW HIT HIM AGAIN.  Robyns smirk gives me life.
And Qrow suggests Operation Valkyrie. Im down. Ironwoods proven useless at this point, maybe his replacement will be more tactically viable.
Alright, Atlas has pulled all military forces out of Mantle. Guess that means Ash and CAMO would be out too. Officially anyway. Making note for future threads...
Cute about the news guy, but I LOVE the fact you can hear the former masculinity in May’s voice here, like she isnt fully finished transitioning. If its intentional, bravo. If not, still cool.
Ah and there’s the hoverbikes from the teasers. I really dont get why they’re so goddamn big. Surely you can miniatruize hovertech...right?
They’re big enough to have weapons installed IMO. They should have.
Ah okay here’s the rest of the trailer
Hey look more lesbians. Boy that one on the left is MAD.
I cannot believe these Grimm are dumb enough to not go AROUND the dropwall (and Im going to call it that until I get something else, its literally the equipment from Halo Infinite’s release trailer). I get Grimm are dumb but damn bro.
Ah okay, THATS the split. All the faunus live in the slums down in the crater. Mantle proper is the mid-level, and then Atlas is humans for the most part. As far as I can tell anyway. Literal stratification. 
Ugh, that whole conversation was so expositiony. Jesus fucking christ.
Holy shit this crews moving slow. Like, good fucking lord.
Personaly headcanon; that tiny fox toy Oscar rides past on his bike is later retreived by Ash. That is actually his bootprint on it too oddly enough.
Unity in this situation, Ozpin? Not likely. What you need is miltiary intervention and firepower.
Still not sure why there’s smokestacks in Mantle if everything on Remnant runs on Dust. Maybe its steam vents for the heating system.
So the Crater is literally a divide. Like a circular diamond mine or one of those “rabbit hole” gold ones. Literal wall holding its outside. 
Snowshoe Shipping. New company. Full autonomous workforce from the looks of it. SDC related of course. And its still running despite everything. The drones here are literally AKs. Motherfucker, I think I know where the idea for them came from. SDC literally just weaponized its fucking worker robots. 
And apperently Dust is refined in the Crater. Okay that makes sense. Does it come from outside or are they still mining it there I wonder.
Oh pnumatic elevator. STEALING THAT
What the fuck happened to Penny? Did becoming the Maiden make her emo?
Lol yeah people are gonna die, its WAR Penny, eat shit and get over it. Fucking weaklings...
Your the maiden. Get over it. Go kill some people, you’ll feel better. Relish in power.
And Weiss is now dead from either pressure shock, thermobaric style lung implosion, forceful impact, or just being crushed flat. Oh, and asphyxiation.  Seriously that was the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life. REALLY NORA.
Oh hey, a banjo in the crater. It really is hicksville.
Fire dust crystals right into a metal container to keep it  going. Holy shit it only took us 8 seasons to see Dust used physically again...
Sheep nom map. Nom nom. 
Wonder who this Crimson she mentioned is.
Lil hops. Oh no shes too cute.  Also it seems Mantle is divided into sectors. Useful information. Wonder what designates them.
Hahahah Fiona’s uncles a mole XD
And good to know “crap” is a swearword on Remnant.
Sounds like Crimson is a person with the Huntress’s. With his accent Im going to personally imagine his a grizzled former veteran, like Sergeant Stacker from Halo.
Note; the map says “Mantle City”. Interesting. Wonder what the other option is. Crater?
Ohhh and a spudmasher. Wait...no thats not a grenade. Some kind of gravitational surge thing. Again. Okay seriously RT is it so hard to just make a FUCKING WEAPON? Nothing fancy, no special features, just something that kills the fucking enemy. 
Okay...what the hell. Those Grimm cleared out like they got a retreat signal...
Ohho whats this now...this thing looks a LOT more interesting. And SAVAGE. Damn, its beating the SHIT out of Oscar! I think I like this one.
It transforms. Like the Zeta Gundam. FASCINATING. So it must have a rapid transport/assault form of the original dog one then changes to this new one for close in? Or carrying I guess, its stealing Oscar. This must be the thing that Salem sent.
Yeah kinda looks like a werewolf.
Soooo why were they just standing there watching this thing beat up on him? It was open for a couple of seconds. Surely it cant be they were worried about Oscar, the best thign to do if an enemy is grappling your friend is to get in and take advantage of it. 
Its smart too, used Oscar as a meatshield. Apperently just long enough to distract Yang and then yeet her. 
Its got ONE HAND with Oscar in it you idiots, hit it all at once! Go for the legs and the other arm, knock it down, blow its head off. COME ON, its OBVIOUS.
Oh hey it talked. Good. That means it can probably feel pain.
There is no way those legs should work like that. They’re too small and its torsos the wrong shape. This things breaking physics. 
The arms are also way too long.
Also why are you just standing there watching it grow wings? Kill the fucking thing already.  Gotta admit the movement and screaming makes me think it feels pain. Interesting. Good to know.  That or its just body horror/squick.
And thats the episode. I like how Fiona calls them “kids” though shes probably about their age. 
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okay for real, top 10 video game monster designd
okay so this will be a mix of games i have played/seen and also range in age and quality. This also got long oh my god im sorry, i pulled up my xbox achievements to refresh and I got nostalgic. There are better designs out there but this was on my brain.
1. Gravemind/ The Flood - scared the shit out of me and they’re super gross and vaguely unknowable. Also the gross level I showed you from Halo 3 was the bane of my existence. The thing speaks in trochaic heptameter and says raw ass lines like “I AM A MONUMENT TO ALL YOUR SINS”
2. Jeff from HL:A no spoilers but enemies like that stress me out and he is well executed and designed. A gross dude. I have not played but have watched 2 full playthroughs.
3. All the funky lil dudes from Voodoo Vince for the original Xbox. Fucked up weird ass game that has a charming art style and a lot of platforming. The Imps, bubba gators, and Gingerdeadmen stick out.
4. The sleepytime robots from Battle for Bikini Bottom, stealth based stress plus loud warning noise. My brother and I hated the Rock Bottom level but this game and its music are ingrained in our DNA now.
5. Cacodemon. good round design and I love the evolution over the years. Glory killing the bastards as I figure out Doom Eternal is rewarding.
6. Elites/ Sangheili - yes another halo enemy. But the design is cool and different from regular space marine shooters. The entire culture and structure of the covenant is interesting and way too much lore is involved but the Elites were always so cool to me, compared to the Brutes/Jiralhanae, which are just a bunch of angry gorilla men. And I mean the Arbiter is right there y’all. They also have energy swords.
7. Striders! I’m remembering all the weird biotech synth enemies from Half Life but Striders are terrifying. Flesh and Machine and horrible calls signalling open fire. The tripod war of the worlds thing going on. The Combine scared me playing the games when they first came out because they were so mysterious and unexplained, were they still people or machine and the alien-ness was scary. I’m not scared of Hunters anymore because you can murder them with their own flechettes pretty easily once you get it down.
8. Fallout - Deathclaws. Okay yeah big scary dino, mutated chameleon thing, but these things are fast and tough and the fucking quarry in New Vegas? Leaving Goodsprings and trying to apply Elder Scrolls “I can probably outrun this” logic DOES NOT WORK. They are a great monster, they lumber, they roar, and they will get you. You see one before it sees you and you might have a head start.
9. I might be one of 3 people on this site to play them but Shadow of Mordor/ Shadow of War is fun. Yes it is basically a lotr fanfic game, but the nemesis system is fucking amazing I do not care what people said. Yes its a batman/ass creed clone. SO? I have fun killing orcs! WELL DESIGNED, LOVINGLY GENERATED ORCS. They have personalities and a history with the player character and a set of revolving traits. Also Carnan is fun. Caragors and Graugs, fuck ghuls, but fun design is a lotr homage playground. I wish something else was coming from this studio. If you’re out there Tumhorn Life Drinker I’m not dying again you bastard.
and finally
10. Okay so lore time for this blog. Poison Headcrab zombies are the worst. Great design, scary as fuck, fucked up noises, and really dangerous in close quarters. Headcrabs in general are great designs, i see u facehugger 2.0. Also enemy that jumps at face? awful! more please! anyways, Poison headcrab zombies.
There’s a couple in Ravenholm and a few in abandoned houses on the coast and in the hospital. I hate the noises they make. I used to replay the Orange Box up to Ravenholm and stop back when i was a kid. During my replay this year, my brother was helping me finally do the lambda cache achievement. Whenever we heard one of the zombies call we’d reenact that scene from spongebob where he’d turn around and yell ‘It sounds like someone’s trying to SELL ME SOMETHING!” and so we called them salesmen. “Uh oh, there’s a salesman up ahead, did you hear that?” This whole blog is a terrible inside joke of a spongebob reference used during a half life 2 play-through. You are now cursed with knowledge! Thanks for putting up with me!
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xhaotixaesthetica · 5 years
College! Jaebum x Kinda Mad Genius! Reader
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Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
You are in: a genetic mutation of Gaia, the dwarf planet 
look at this cute ass idiot ugh my heart
so WE’RE GONNA SPICE HIS AU UP A BIT totally not because I’m already sick of the same reader inserts, just enjoy this as a story and don’t complain pls
in this au you’re an astrophysics and computer programming major, minoring in bioengineering
in other words, you’re smart af
like you’re one of those child prodigy kids
Graduated high school early and took a bunch of AP's and CLEP tests so you’re way ahead and somewhere in between a junior and a senior but since you’re so young, you just say you’re a junior
you literally have the IQ of a genius and a bunch of Ivy league schools got in a fight over you but you were like nah nah i want something fUn so you came to SEOUL WOO HOO
you get A's in everything without even trying but that's OK because it leaves more room for you to do more SCIENCE
currently in a polyamorous relationship between you, Math, and Science
you’re really fascinated by the complexity of the universe but at the same time really into physics and math so when you found out that astrophysics existed when you were like 12, you knew that was it for you
you barely have time to eat, much less be fashionable, so you wear pretty nothing but jeans, huge hoodies, Converse, and a super hero t-shirt underneath (same but just because i’m too broke to dress nice)
with good brains comes bad everything else and you’re a hot fucking mess
clumsy, notes scattered all over the place, writing astrophysics shit in the margins of all your papers and doodling constellations on them while the professor lectures, it’s bad
you’re actually kind of extroverted and hyper but you just focus all that energy into astrophysics so everyone thinks you’re a hermit
you’re not obsessed with video games and comic books specifically, you’re just obsessed with space
like Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Ender's Game, Prey, Alien, Dead Space, and even Halo, you love em all, cause fuCkinGH spACE MAN same i’m a space gay
always writing reminders on yourself but they only help 60% of the time because you’re a hot mess
you can play the harp and the sitar?? the most random ass instruments, you literally have your harp in your bedroom and your sitar in your lab and like they were gifts from one of your cousins and you’re really protective over them
whenever you have a mental block you sit cross-legged and start playing your harp/sitar and chanting OM or the lyrics to We Will Rock You and your roommates are like omg they really are a mad scientist
you don't mind relationships but like no one wants to be with you cause they think you’re kind of fucking insane so you try not to think about it and just blow stuff up in the chem lab
like you’re really excited, you’ll gladly talk to people and you’re really bubbly and happy and friendly but all you talk about is astrophysics??? and you’re not on like level one, no you started reading college level astrophysics books when you were 14, you’re like wayyyy past PhD level so it's like you’re speaking another language
and no one wants to hang out with you like they think it's cute how passionate you are and how fucking just warm and open you are but still no one wants to be around you cause you’re like some sort of mad scientist and they're not interested in what you’re talking about
but you keep a smile on your face and keep to your astrophysics even though you start to think something's wrong with you and start getting kinda sad
aw bby :’(
and tHEN THEY WERE ROOMMATES that's when Jaebum came along
Jaebum is majoring in Ancient Studies and minoring in Greek and he’s Captain of the Football Team
pretty much every male-attracted person likes him but ain't no one going near that boy cause he is T E R R I F Y I N G
wears all black and never says anything and then when you talk to him he just has this resting bitch face on with no expression and everyone's like I’ll I’ljust go now and he just continues reading
he’s always reading with his earbuds in, you bother him it's your funeral
and it's weird cause like he has friends a precious few and ppl know he's not cold with them so why’s he ALWAYS COLD AND APATHETIC TO EVERYONE ELSE LIKE YOU GOOD MATE???
knows he's terrifying and uses it to his advantage
has no problem glaring down people who reach for the same thing at the supermarket or try cutting in front of him at starbuck’s and they near shit themselves
does not give two shits about all the people staring at him all the time as long as they don't talk to him or interrupt his reading
stays at home unless he's at class, practice, or a game
on the Dean’s List, and a massive teacher’s pet
but still, people just like to admire him for his looks and gush about how mysterious he is and that really irks him cause no one wants to actually spend the time to get to know him he’s not even that mysterious, he’s actually a bit of a crackhead so he's like i don't need y'all i have the Gupta Dynasty to keep me company
youngjae and yugyeom rolling their eyes, like HeRe HyUnG GOES AGAIN
knows more about ancient worlds than the current world?? like sometimes mark catches him staring at technology like it's an alien concept and he's like dude you've had a cell phone since you were like 12, when was the last time you had a break from reading that, chill out for a second and come back to modern times
and jb just scoffs like i don't need your modern times and buries his head in the book again but he just wants someone who's able to talk about the present AND the past with him without ignoring one cause he thinks both are really important
anyways one day you were late to an 8am class and you were rushing and dropped some papers and Jaebum came across it and he was like what in ThE HELL IS THIS cause first of all it was almost completely illegible and then when he did manage to read it, he couldn't understand it cause it was real complex math and science shit and he looked at the name and he knew who you were cause you’re the campus genius and the campus crazy
so he hunts you down until he comes across your lab later on in the day and you’re frantically looking through your BILLIONS OF PILES of looseleaf paper and jb's just thinking about how much of a fit jinyoung would have if he saw this tomfoolery
and he handed you your stuff and you were so grateful and friendly and you reminded him of a crazier version of youngjae
he couldn't help but be curious when he saw the really complicated math and science going on on your paper and he was like what's that, how does it work, what's the history
for a full fifteen seconds, you looked at him like he was god incarnate and you like i'M gLaD yOu AsKeD
and you were talking really fast but the way your eyes lit up when you talked about astrophysics and the way the sun from the window illuminated your features jfc
jb didn't believe in love in first sight he swore he didn't
unless it was you
like even if you weren’t conventionally pretty and most people wouldn't even notice you, bummie didn’t care, it was like you were the goddamn sun or something
he stops you in the middle of explaining and he's like look you're going a bit too fast, so could you repeat what you said but just a lil bit . . . slower
and for a long moment, you were stunned jungshook because like this boi . . . this devastatingly handsome boy who blows everyone off and makes them wet their pants in fear wants to hear me rant to him about astrophysics
and he actually wants you to slow it down so he can understand instead of just pretending to listen
and like you may be a genius but JB just broke your brain for a second
but then you jump back into it like yeah sure
and jae honestly finds you fucking adorable like how excited you get about astrophysics and he actually finds himself interested in it and then he starts talking about ancient cultures and greek and you already kinda know everything he's talking about and enjoy the conversation and he's all heart eyes
gets protective over you after like 2 days???
you don't care, you’re just happy there's someone who thinks you’re interesting so you don't even notice him glaring at anyone who talks to you and always hanging around you to scare other guys off
tbh bummie doesn't really comprehend why people don't like being around you cause like??? you’re so fucking pretty and cute?? you took all his uwus reader
only takes like 10 days before JB finds out you’re really affectionate and you’re hugging and cuddling all the time but he actually???likes it
and soon he's the one begging you for cuddles and you’re like ( ^_^) ofc babe lemme just finish doing these calculations right quick and JB's like asdfghjkl did they just call me what i think they just called me
but like you guys are always hanging at your lab and since JB doesn't really talk except with you and his friends and you never talk about anything but astrophysics on the off chance she gets back to the dorm in time enough to talk at all no one knows that you guys are even hanging out
it's not long after that jae asks you out and he takes you to an amusement park and you have a FiElD dAy because sooooooo much math? and pretty colors? and cotton candy? and he's made you the happiest person ever and in that moment when he sees your face he just can't help himself like pls be my s/o and you’re like ASDFGHJKL ARE YOU PLAYING WITH ME RIGHT NOW JFC OFC
and he just drops a bomb on his friends like they're all going out to dinner and he brings you and he's got his arm around your waist and he's just like guys meet my s/o and everyone's choking like S/O We ThOuGhT YoU wErE aRo oR sMtHiNG and for a minute they're so confused because no one even knew jaebum was talking to someone much less the mad scientist person when did this happen
and like they can see all throughout dinner that you’re really fucking strange but it's kind of cute and it makes bummie happy so Welcome to the Family, we have cookies
lol friends? nope, say goodbye to those, everyone is so terrified of bummie and his resting bitch face and them muscles that they refuse to come near you cause you’ve basically got Jaebum stamped on your forehead but that's ok because somehow you became really good friends with his friends and like you have this group chat that jae's not in specifically so they can share embarrassing things for you to tease him about later
but bummie highkey encourages it because if he pretends to get mad, you’ll play your harp for him and he loves that shit
jaebum will knock the living daylights out of anyone who mistreats you or makes you feel bad
like one time yall were walking back after a date and this dude grabbed your ass and was about to open his mouth to say some vulgar shit but he didn’t even get the chance before jaebum LEAPED ON HIM LIKE A FUCKING INSECT AND MOWED HIS ASS D O W N
jae had like two scratches on him meanwhile the dude on the floor probably needed a goddamn ambulance and he just took your hand and continued walking like anyways, like i was saying, no one can give me a valid reason why I shouldn’t get a cat
yall will 10/10 adopt a cat together
well it was supposed to be one but yall were weak bitches, so it turned into 3 same
at first yall rotated the cats between y’all’s apartments but then you were both like let’s just fucking move in together omfg
bam bam constantly breaks into your apartment to play with your cats
you come and cheer jae on at his football games
the first time everyone was SHOOK 
for fuck’s sake, you just learned what a touchdown was when you infiltrated a superbowl party for the food sAME, why tf were you even here
but then they saw jae beam at you and they were like omfg, they’re these people
when they win, he runs up and scoops you into his arms and spins you around, pressing a bunch of kisses all over your face and calling ou his good luck charm and you’re screaming at him for hugging you while he’s sweaty and gross even though you’re laughing and kissing him back
when he loses, you and him go to McDonalds after he showers and you just sit at a table eating while he nuzzles his head in your neck and sulks
reader, i highkey advise you to get a couple tats or a body piercing and not tell him
just have your hoodie off one day so he happens to see the tat/piercing and you’ll see his eyes darken and he’s trying to keep calm like
“i didn’t know you had tattoos/piercings”
and he’s looking down at you so intensely he’s almost glaring
“i do, wanna try and find them all?”
you did it
you activated beast mode
whenever jae sees you upset or sad, he’ll just engulf you with his whole body and you can smell his aftershave and feel his warmth while he puts on calming music and tells you greek myths in that smooth, soothing voice
and when you have your head on his chest, half asleep, he’ll just kind of stop for a second because holy fuuck, you’re so gorgeous and you’re his? how did he land you?? he’s the luckiest guy in the world?
and when you look up, wondering why he stopped talking, you see him looking at you with just this really soft, mushy look of complete adoration and before you can even say anything, he’s like i fucking love you
Gaia, the dwarf planet 
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retrievablememories · 6 years
make it feel good (m) | taehyung
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pairing: taehyung x black female oc genre: smut, fluff, and a lil bit of angst summary: in which two best friends realize what they've been missing out on this whole time. word count: 7.5k warnings: dirty talk, food play...if you squint, body insecurities a/n: i don’t know if this would be considered idol x reader since ole girl has a name but you can imagine her as whothefuckever (as long as she remains black...lmao) i just hate writing 2nd person “you” and it felt awkward to keep saying “she” so i gave her a name. i crossposted this to wattpad for like 2 seconds but took it down just so everyone knows. maybe i’ll post it again. also yeah this title is based off the childish gambino song lol.
His voice floats on the wind.
The air is cold, and she has to pull her oversized coat tighter around herself so she doesn't freeze. She thinks about buttoning the coat up, but her fingers are stiff from the low temperature, and she doesn't feel like expending the extra effort to flex them into such complicated positions.
She turns around to look at him. He is waving something small and indiscernible in between his long fingers, although she can guess it's probably a seashell or some similar object. From this angle the wind blows straight into her face, stinging her eyes and making them well up with tears. She turns her face away from the wind's assault and faces the ocean again, waiting for him to come over to her and display his new finding.
It only takes a few seconds before he's right beside her again. She feels him before she even sees him. His body heat radiates out in every direction, indifferent to the cold that leeches the warmth out of everything.
"Look," he says gently, his deep voice right in her ear. He holds his hand out in front of her. There's a small rock tucked in his palm; it's shiny with jagged edges and darker than the blackest night. His fingers curl around it as if he's trying to shield it from the wind. She cautiously brushes it with her index finger and it's a strange sort of smooth-rough texture. Still rubbing the surface of the rock, her eyes drag up and up, away from his hand until her gaze is resting on his lips, a bit chapped but still rose pink, and further up to his eyes, which are focused on the object in his palm.
Suddenly he flicks his eyes up to hers, meeting her gaze head-on, and she can't help the tremble that reverberates through her entire body. She pulls her hand away from the rock in a restrained gesture, trying not to move too quickly and betray her utter nervousness. In her haste, her fingers skim past his own and her skin burns. He smiles softly at her. His eyes, in this moment, are impossibly warm. They portray a multitude of things she can't bring herself to acknowledge, or figure out, or accept. Moments like these make her infinitely grateful for her dark skin; the heat spreading across her face won't be revealed.
She's hot enough just from the way he's looking at her, but she pulls her coat closer again—more out of insecurity than any real need for warmth. She averts her eyes in a way that she hopes isn't too obviously embarrassed or flustered, though she's sure he's already caught on to something. He has always been able to read her like a book, and with the increased proximity their vacation brings, she's not sure how much longer the both of them can keep pretending like there isn’t something steadily building between them. Her unmoved facade has begun to splinter and slip.
The sound of the waves does little to calm her nerves as she looks at a point on the horizon, impossible to see clearly from the cover of night.
"Taehyung, maybe we should head back now. It's getting late," Nayana says, keeping her voice as even as possible.
Taehyung stares silently at her for a few seconds longer, and even though she can only see him in her periphery, the simple action elicits a variety of emotions that make the corners of her mind fuzzy. Then he nods, pocketing the rock and giving her his signature boxy smile, as if nothing occurred. "Sure, let's go."
The walk back to the hotel is quiet. Not uncomfortably quiet—at least she hopes not—but there's a stillness that fills in the gaps between their minds and bodies.
There aren't too many people in the lobby this late. Most are up in their rooms tending to their own business or out partying—which is what their group of friends had opted for. It was Jungkook's idea, of course, and if anything was his idea, Lisa was up for it, which resulted in everyone else tagging along—everyone except Taehyung.
Nayana had decided to keep him company so he wouldn't be completely alone, which wasn't hard to do since their friends' excellent room-matching skills left them occupying the same room. Yet another undercover scheme to get them closer together and goad them into eventually revealing their feelings for one other. It was the kind of thing they were all acutely aware of but didn't speak on for fear of whatever consequences lie on the other side.
On the elevator ride to the fourth floor, Taehyung nudges Nayana repeatedly and makes faces at her through the elevator's mirrored panels until she finally smiles and shoves him back. He laughs, and her heart beats a little faster at the sound.
They get off at their floor and head to their room toward the end of the hall. Nayana trails slightly behind him so she can observe his back view, admiring his broad shoulders and long legs. He'd changed a lot since they first met; she still remembers the young, small boy he used to be. On occasions when she takes the time to really think about it, the contrast between his past and current self is jarring—but not in a bad way.
She is startled out of her thoughts when he looks at her over his shoulder.
"Why are you all the way back there? Are you staring at my ass?" He says it loud enough so that anyone currently in their hotel room could probably hear it, and she knows he's trying to embarrass her. Nostalgic moment = ruined.
"Ugh. Boy, shut the fuck up." Nayana snorts and rolls her eyes, and this makes him giggle. "Give me something to stare at and maybe I would."
"Are you saying I don't have an ass?" Taehyung asks teasingly as he slides the hotel key into the card reader. "Then be generous and give me some of yours."
"In your fucking dreams, Taehyung," Nayana scoffs and punches him in the arm. Their push-and-pull game of innocent flirtation is nothing new. But ever since her feelings for him began to tip away from merely platonic, his comments never failed to make her falter and sweat and wonder if anything he said could be an indicator of his own interest.
She's glad their friends at least had the decency to leave them in a room with two beds.
Nayana makes her way over to the far side of the room, near the window, where her bed is located. There's a balcony outside the window, and from her bed, she has a nice view of the ocean below when the curtains are pulled back.
"Do you wanna shower first?" Taehyung asks, hovering near his suitcase as he waits for her answer.
"I'm surprised you're not suggesting we shower together and save water," she responds, still looking out the window.
"I mean, I'm down if you are." Nayana doesn't even have to look at him to know he's smirking and raising his eyebrows in that way she (loves) hates. She laughs airily and sheds her coat and shoes before rolling over onto the bed, her braids haloing out around her head. She drops her purse onto the nightstand and pulls her phone out.
"You go first, I take too long in the shower and I don't want to keep you waiting forever."
While he's in the shower, Nayana's phone pings, signaling a new text message.
11:45 P.M. LaLisaaaa 💕💕 what u doing girl??
11:46 P.M. Nothing...just waiting on Tae to get out the shower. Why?
11:47 P.M. LaLisaaaa 💕💕 are u and taehyungie gonna have some fun?
11:49 PM We already went out and walked on the beach earlier...
11:50 P.M. LaLisaaaa 💕💕 u know that's not the kind of fun i'm referencing sis.
11:52 P.M. BYE GIRL. I have no clue what you're talking about me and Tae are just friends
11:52 P.M. LaLisaaaa 💕💕 but we all know u'd rather be more.
11:53 P.M. ANYWAY why are you texting me? You're at the club bitch ain't you supposed to be partying????
11:55 P.M. LaLisaaaa 💕💕 this place is lowkey lame. nothing but corny wannabe rappers selling mixtapes in here. i've already cussed out two dudes who tried to get at nakiya. yoongi and namjoon are close to losing their tempers. lucia's drunk af and jungkook is babysitting her. we'll probably be back soon.
11:55 P.M. LaLisaaaa 💕💕 thinking back on it, it's a good thing u ended up in the room with taehyungie instead of me. i'd h8 to come back and walk in on u getting ur cakes smashed to smithereens
11:56 P.M. Lisa.............please
11:57 P.M. LaLisaaaa 💕💕 😘 u love me. have fun . and know tht i slipped some condoms in your purse pocket. be safe bitch.
11:58 P.M. 🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿
Nayana grabs her purse off the nightstand and checks every pocket, just to see if Lisa was fucking with her or not. Sure enough, on the inside pocket, there is a strand of condoms tucked snugly inside. The backs of her knees tingle and her body grows hot as she allows herself to entertain the idea of using them...with him...who is currently still in the shower, very much naked and very much wet. Immediately after this thought crosses her mind, she squeezes her eyes shut and groans, silently berating herself.
Girl, stop! You're not even sure if he likes you or not. And even if he did...you cannot have sex with him.
The shower cuts off. Her heart rate kicks up. She zips her purse back up and closes out of her messages. Although she knows mind reading is impossible, she can't help but imagine what he'd say if he knew what she was just thinking. She lies back on the pillows and tries to look as inconspicuous as possible when Taehyung comes out of the shower, wrapped in one of the complimentary bath robes the hotel provided. "It's all yours," he says, and she nods before gathering her toiletries and entering the bathroom.
When Nayana finally comes out of the bathroom, she finds Taehyung lying on his bed still in his bath robe, watching something on his phone and eating from a bag of Hershey's Kisses. She pauses near his bed, her facial expression stuck halfway between amusement and incredulity. "Where did you get those?"
"I brought them with me," he says, wiggling his toes in the direction of his suitcase.
She raises one eyebrow, crossing to her side of the room and putting her dirty clothes away in a laundry bag. "Are you gonna share? 'Cause I feel some kinda way about you eating chocolate all up in my face when you know it's my number one weakness."
Taehyung pats the open space on the bed beside him. "Come watch this cheesy ass k-drama with me and you can have some." Nayana goes to take him up on his offer but hesitates when she realizes that she will be sitting beside him while he's wearing the robe—with nothing underneath. Taehyung notices the awkward smile on her face and sits up, his k-drama momentarily forgotten. "Oh, I can change if you're uncomfortable, I—I just—you know how it is when you plan on getting dressed after a shower but then you're distracted by something? Yeah, I—um, sorry."
Seeing Taehyung assume the opposite position in their usual interactions—flustered and stumbling—makes Nayana feel less embarrassed about her own chaotic emotions, and a small part of her even takes pleasure in it. Before she can think twice about her actions, she's already climbing onto his bed and tugging at his arm to pull him back down. "It's fine, you don't need to. We're friends, right?" She instantly regrets saying that, but it's the first thing she can think of to assuage his nervousness. He nods, but his responding smile appears just as strained as hers was moments ago.
Taehyung turns the volume all the way up and holds the phone so they can both comfortably watch it. They have to huddle closer than Nayana anticipated, and he's practically lying on her chest, but she doesn't mind it much. The bag of Hershey's sits in the minimal space between them and they take turns taking Kisses out of it. The wrappers collect in a little pile on the bed.
In the drama they're watching, a scene comes up where the main girl is being fed by her love-interest-slash-mortal-enemy after fracturing her wrist and being unable to lift the utensils herself. The overly romantic music combined with both actors' exaggerated facial expressions makes Taehyung burst out laughing. Nayana startles and looks at him with wide eyes.
"Can you believe that? Who does this?"
"What, feeding each other? You've never done that before?"
"I was more referring to the fact that she's letting her so-called enemy feed her with a spoon," Taehyung says, rolling his eyes. Nayana elbows him in the side. "But yeah, the feeding part is so corny."
"Really. It's kind of cute to me..." Taehyung throws Nayana a skeptical look and she instantly feels judged. She scrambles to put together a response before he can open his mouth. "I—I mean, isn't it obvious? It's not so much the act itself but it's the feeling of being cared for...knowing that someone else cares enough to make sure you're good." Taehyung's expression shows that he's turning something over in his mind, but he doesn't say anything. His eyes go back to the phone screen and she thinks that he's dropped the subject, so she relaxes again—until he says,
"So you like being taken care of?"
His words come out careful and measured. It's an odd question, and she wonders where he's going with it. She's hesitant to answer. The crinkling sound of him opening another Hershey's Kiss distracts a part of her mind.
"...Yes. Who doesn't?"
"You would be surprised," he mumbles. Before Nayana can ask what he means by that, the words are halted in her throat as she watches him balance the little piece of chocolate between his fingers and bring it up to her lips. It's so close that if she were to pucker her lips, she would touch it easily.
"What are you doing?"
"Feeding you."
A puff of air leaves her lips—the beginnings of a why?—but she decides not to ask. Because this is another of those precarious situations that could catapult their friendship into uncharted territory, and she is deathly afraid to go plunging into that terrain without armor, a shield, and a backup plan. So, she takes the candy without asking any questions. She's very careful not to close her lips around his fingers. This is already more suggestive than she thinks her poor cardiovascular system can handle.
Taehyung's mouth quirks up in a smile, but he doesn't seem satisfied.
"Now, feed me."
"Greedy ass. Weren't you the one calling it corny?" she jokes, but she reaches into the bag anyway. Her body thrums with anxiety and it takes a few tries before she can still her fingers enough to actually grab a Kiss. She wants to believe that she is playing it cool enough to where he won't pick up on her inner turmoil, but she knows that isn't true.
Nayana peels the wrapper off and guides the chocolate to his plush lips. He leans closer and opens his mouth, capturing the candy with this tongue. Unlike her, Taehyung isn't afraid of an overly intimate touch; he allows his tongue to glide across her fingertips. The thing that nearly knocks the wind out of her chest, though, is the way he keeps eye contact with her the entire time. The act of eating chocolate has never been so erotic. He makes it look like something wicked.
The phone is lying on the bed now, the k-drama paused and forgotten.
Taehyung unwraps another candy, but his eyes don't leave her face.
He feeds Nayana again, and again she avoids touching his fingers. When she has eaten the chocolate, she expects him to take his hand away so he can have his turn, but he doesn't. His fingers hover in front of her mouth.
"You—you have chocolate right...here." Taehyung presses his thumb onto her full bottom lip and swipes across, albeit much slower than he needs to. Her breath hitches and stutters at this action. She regards him with disbelieving eyes, her mind jumbled together with a hundred different thoughts. When he pulls away from her, he brings his thumb to his own mouth and licks the smear of chocolate away. His expression is unreadable—at first. But then he moves his hand, and she is almost horrified to see the small smirk there.
This single look changes something. Or everything.
For once in her life, Nayana doesn't think about the consequences, the aftermath, or the debris after the dust settles. There is nothing of importance to think about except herself, Taehyung, this hotel room—her hands, reaching for his face—his lips, pressed to her own and more delicious than she could've ever dreamed. A vulgar moan drips all silky and hot from the gap between their lips, and she realizes belatedly that it's her own voice. Taehyung laughs at her enthusiasm, but it turns into a moan of his own when he reaches behind her and grips her ass in his big hands.
The kiss is sloppy and far from the movie-perfect couplings you see on screen, but it is one of the hottest things she's ever experienced, so she can't complain.
With his hands still on her ass, Taehyung lifts her up and drops her down in his lap, rocking his hips to meet her when she settles. She feels his half-hard dick through his robe, rubbing against her through her pajama pants and underwear, and even with so many layers between their bodies, the feeling of him is indescribable. Taehyung sucks her bottom lip into his mouth and grinds into her again, although he quickly becomes frustrated with the muted friction. He slides his hand up her shirt to rest on her waist and his fingernails scrape against her bare skin, coming noticeably close to her stomach. This is what snatches her back to reality. Her reality.
Nayana jerks away from his lips and puts her hand on top of his to prevent him from going any further.
He looks at her with his eyebrows furrowed and his pouty, swollen mouth turned down into a frown. He searches her troubled face for answers. Some of her braids obscure her face, and he brushes them away. "Wh—what's wrong?"
"I can't." She lets out a pained groan and climbs off his lap to lie back on the bed, her arm thrown over her face. She is still uncomfortably warm and throbbing between her legs, but she tries to ignore it.
"I'm sorry," Taehyung blurts out, trying to keep the panic from rising in his voice. The sinking feeling that he might've went too far and singlehandedly destroyed their friendship brews in his stomach. "I'm really sorry—I should've asked you first. I shouldn't have—"
"Stop, it's not your fault," Nayana interrupts, sitting back up to face him. She chews her lip and casts her eyes downward, unable to look at him directly. "I...I want to, believe me, but..." She pauses a moment, thinking of a way that this could still work. "Can we at least turn the lights off?"
"The lights?" Taehyung questions it as if he's never heard of such a thing, and his apparent obliviousness doesn't alleviate her distress. "I...wanted to see you, but if that's what you want—"
Nayana rolls her eyes. "Taehyung, I don't want you to see me and think this was all a mistake. Or run away screaming." She laughs in an attempt to make it a joke, but the sound isn't genuine. Taehyung understands.
"Are you embarrassed of your body?" His voice is gentle, but in her defensive and vulnerable state, it comes off as patronizing. She struggles to think of a reply that won't hurt his feelings, not wanting to lash out at him.
"Does it matter?"
"To me, yes. I want you to see yourself the way I've always seen you...even though I haven't exactly said it. Because I didn't want to risk things with you. But I'm saying it now; you're more beautiful than I can put into words. Your body is beautiful. There is nothing you could ever do to run me away."
Nayana makes a noise of disbelief, although it doesn't come out as harsh as she intends. "Sure, okay. But you haven't seen me without clothes."
"I'd like to. If that's okay with you." Taehyung's voice is lower than it was a second ago and the difference makes her squirm. She chances a glance at his eyes and finds the same soft, melting look from the beach. She can't remember the last time someone has looked at her like that—or if anyone ever has—and this revelation makes the backs of her eyes sting. Sighing, she rubs her face. This is not the time to get emotional.
"Dim the lights," Nayana says quietly. "Don't turn them off."
Taehyung does as she tells him to while she clears the mess of candy wrappers off the bed. Soon there is nothing left on the bed but their two bodies, the raw sexual energy from only moments ago transformed into a more subdued, humming tension. They face each other. Nayana's eyes shift to different spots of the room every few seconds. Taehyung moves closer until there's only centimeters of space between their faces, his nose brushing hers. He moves his hand to cup the side of her face before pressing his lips to hers, firm, but not rough. She parts her lips to let him inside and he accepts, licking into her mouth and sucking her tongue. The other hand that's not on her face rests on the juncture between her thigh and hip. Nayana feels awkward with her hands at her sides, so she tentatively places her hand at the nape of his neck, running her fingers through his long hair.
When he breaks the kiss, she can't stop herself from chasing after his lips, and he chuckles at this. Giving her a chaste peck, he says, "I'll give you everything you want. Just be patient." He moves to her jawline and down her neck, placing open-mouthed kisses on the places he predicts will be most sensitive. Occasionally he pauses to nuzzle into her neck, breathing in her familiar scent of vanilla. This is not Nayana's first time having sex, but her body responds so quickly to his touch that it's embarrassing. By the time he makes it to her collarbone, she is soaking wet.
Taehyung's hand stays planted on her hip, kneading the supple flesh and, every so often, curving around to squeeze her ass cheek. "Tell me what you want me to do," he whispers, pausing his attentions on her chest to look up at her. Now she is the oblivious one, looking back at him in near-shock.
"I..." Some part of her is grateful that he's letting her do the deciding here, handing the reigns over so she won't feel rushed or taken advantage of. But the other part feels lost and without direction. What does she want him to do? "T—touch...me."
"I am touching you," he answers, smirking.
Nayana resists the urge to pout and roll her eyes. Always the damn tease. "I mean...touch my...touch m—my pussy."
Taehyung's resulting smile is wide and hungry as he slides his hand between her thighs, cupping her pussy in the palm of his hand. He makes sure to tilt his hand so the heel of his palm grinds against her clit. Nayana gasps and grabs his shoulder. "Fuck, it's so warm." He bites his lip hard, his hooded eyes sliding from her pussy to her face. He continuously rocks his palm into her clit while he busies his mouth with her breasts, latching onto one brown nipple through the fabric of her T-shirt.
"Tae," Nayana moans, pushing her hips into his hand to create more friction. He switches off to the other nipple, smoothing his tongue across it before gently biting it. Her grip on his shoulder tightens and her back arches, the action pushing her breasts further into his face.
"Hmm, you like that?" Taehyung grazes his teeth over her nipple again and he can practically feel her get wetter in his palm. "You like being bitten? You like being hurt?" Nayana's response is an embarrassed whimper, but she whispers yeah. Taehyung simply grins and files that bit of information away in his mind for later.
His kisses reach her stomach. Nayana lies on her back to accommodate him so the position won't be awkward, although she starts to fidget from nerves. The urge to reach down and push his head away is overwhelming, and she balls her fists up in her shirt to keep from doing so. Even though he's steadily rubbing her, it's not enough to make her fully relax and her body tenses up. Taehyung doesn't fail to notice. "It's okay," Taehyung murmurs, gingerly kissing her soft, slightly pudgy stomach. He moves at a slow pace to avoid making her too uncomfortable, glancing up to give her reassuring looks every now and then. He takes his hand off her and she sighs with disappointment, only to let out a high-pitched moan when he circles his thumb on her clit. Her legs tremble and her body heat increases but she still has enough sense of mind to notice his other hand on the hem of her shirt, and when he asks for her permission, she answers with a shaky yes.
Taehyung pushes her shirt up until it's sitting under her breasts and doesn't try to take it any further than that for the moment. "You're so soft," he sighs contentedly, leaving kisses here and there on the expanse of her brown skin.
He dips his tongue into her belly button for a hot second before moving down to the waistline of her pants. Nayana jumps when he does it and they both end up laughing at her reaction. It's a strange sensation, one she's never experienced before, but she decides that she likes it.
When Taehyung asks if he can slide her pajamas off, she takes a deep breath and nods, to which Taehyung says, "I need words, baby" and leaves a hot kiss on her abdomen that leaves her mind fizzling.
"Take...take them off, Tae."
He does so, taking his hand away from her neglected clit for the second time that night to pull her pants off and leave them lying somewhere on the floor. He gazes at the stretchmarks spreading across her hips and thighs and curving around her ass and he smiles. "You're so pretty," he hums, running his hands over her skin. He traces some of the lines with his fingers. "A work of art. But not just any art; you are the kind of masterpiece an artist spends their whole life perfecting." He settles down between Nayana's legs so he can get closer. "I wish we'd done this sooner. I wish I'd said something sooner. I've spent too many nights wondering," he holds her thighs apart, "what it would look like to have you all wide open for me."
"Ha—ave you?" Nayana's question comes out in a staggered breath when Taehyung chooses that moment to bury his face into her clothed pussy, his nose bumping against her clit. When she realizes that he's breathing her in, she becomes so flustered that she covers her face with her hands.
"Of course," he says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "I can't count the amount of times I've laid in bed with my hand around my dick, imagining what it'd be like to have you sit on my face and cum all over my tongue." Her lavender cotton panties are so wet that her lips are visible, and Taehyung prods his tongue against her hole before coming back up to lick her clit. "Can I taste you now?"
Taehyung hooks his fingers into the band of Nayana's underwear and takes his time pulling them down, kissing each new exposed patch of skin until his lips land on her pubic mound, just above her clit. His eyes pin her under his gaze as he wraps his lips around her clit and sucks. Nayana tugs her lower lip into her mouth, her eyebrows furrowing from the pleasure rocketing through her veins.
Taehyung makes quick work of her underwear, tossing those to the side too, before he's diving in face first. He uses his long fingers to spread her lips open and drag his tongue across her pussy from bottom to top. He takes her clit into his mouth again, circling his tongue around it and sucking it at the same time, while he carefully slides one finger halfway inside. He searches with the tip of his finger until he finds what he's looking for, and he knows he's struck gold when Nayana clenches and bucks into his mouth.
Taehyung introduces another finger and curls them both up into that spot repeatedly, keeping a steady pace. Nayana relaxes enough to release one of her hands from its clenched position on her shirt and bring it to Taehyung's head. She grasps the strands of his dark hair between her fingers and tentatively presses his face closer. Taehyung tightly grips her thigh with his free hand and moans into her pussy, the vibrations making her twitch around his long fingers.
"Fuck," he gasps out, "this is too fucking good." Taehyung gives her clit a sloppy French kiss and lets his tongue roll around the small nub until Nayana is vocalizing his name in a broken cry and threatening to tear his hair out. "Pull it harder, baby. You're not the only one who enjoys being hurt."
Nayana is close. The way Taehyung speaks to her, his voice honey and velvet, only pushes her farther toward that shining peak. "Tell...me more."
Taehyung locks eyes with her and smiles like he knows something she doesn't. He increases the speed of his fingers. "What about, babygirl?"
"About...you—when you would think about me...at night."
"Ahh." When he speaks, Taehyung's mouth doesn't part from her for too long. He's intent on pleasuring her with both his words and his tongue; between every few words, he pauses to kiss and suck her clit. "I don't know if you even remember this...but there was this time we went to a festival...and you wore this red dress. It clung to you perfectly...it drove me crazy. I was half-hard the entire time." Nayana moans at this. "When I went home that night, I couldn't stop imagining...bending you over one of those picnic tables and eating you out right there...or fucking you in my car with people outside just feet away. It would've been so easy...to just pull your dress up and slide inside." Taehyung punctuates this last sentence by pushing all the way in and rubbing Nayana's g-spot until she is screaming and covering his fingers with cum. He finds the sight of her orgasm incredibly endearing, and he laughs as he keeps fucking her with his mouth and hands until she forces him away.
Taehyung sits back as Nayana takes a moment to catch her breath. He watches her with loving eyes and a wet face—an interesting combination. When she's calmed down, she sits up and captures his lips in a kiss, tasting herself in the crevices of his mouth. Her hand settles on Taehyung's thigh, dangerously close to the tent in his robe, and he suddenly realizes how painfully hard he is.
"I wanna touch you, Tae. Can I?" Nayana asks, her lips brushing his.
"Honestly, I'd let you, but I'm so horny I think I might cum the moment your hand wraps around me. I'd rather be inside of you when that happens."
Nayana might've laughed if he weren't staring at her so intensely that it felt like layers of her very core were being stripped away. She merely watches him as he pulls the tie of his robe apart, letting the soft fabric fall open and slip off his shoulders. Taehyung's dick is exposed to the open air—flushed, drooling precum, and curving toward his stomach. It's thick, but not too long, which Nayana is grateful for, because it looks like it's going to be a tight fit without the added trouble of having her cervix stabbed. As Lucia would always say; bust the walls out, not the ceiling. Yeah, thanks, Lucia.
"Like what you see? You've been staring for quite a while." Taehyung's tone is filled with amusement, but Nayana doesn't miss the hint of uneasiness lingering in his eyes. A giggle slips past Nayana's lips as she leans forward to kiss him.
"You're perfect." Taehyung makes a noise of appreciation, and before he can deepen the kiss, Nayana is sliding off the bed and heading to her nightstand to retrieve her purse. Taehyung's eyes are glued to Nayana's body the entire time. Taehyung grips his dick, thumbing the head and spreading the precum around while he commits her curves to memory. Nayana comes back to his side seconds later with the pack of condoms Lisa "gifted" her.
"You brought condoms on this trip? Were you planning on fucking me all along?" Taehyung asks, chuckling.
"Okay, number one, these are from Lisa, and number two, you didn't bring any, so were you expecting to fuck me raw? Because that's not happening...yet."
Taehyung bites his lip at the idea of yet. He pulls one of the foil packets off the strand and rips it open. "I didn't bring any on this trip because I wasn't really anticipating sex with my closest friend, but, you know..." Taehyung rolls the condom onto his dick and gives his shaft a few satisfactory strokes before tugging Nayana into his lap. The head of his dick slides across her clit and they both gasp. Taehyung tightens his grip around her waist and positions his dick with his other hand. "Are you ready?" he whispers, pressing his lips to her neck.
Taehyung thrusts up at the same time Nayana lowers her hips, causing him to slide halfway in. Taehyung muffles a grunt in the side of Nayana's neck. His dick twitches when she moans, long and low, in his ear. "Are—are you okay?" he grits out through clenched teeth.
"I'm f—fine," Nayana insists. She clings to his bare back for dear life, her fingernails leaving little indents in his tan skin. The stretch is unfamiliar and it stings—she's never been spread open this far—but it's a good pain. The kind of pain that leaves you crawling back for more. She craves more of that sensation. Before he can speak again, Nayana sits her full weight on him, taking him completely inside of her body.
When Taehyung bottoms out, his eyes roll back. He can only imagine what it would be like to be inside of something this damn warm and wet without the condom on, and he has to ground himself to keep from busting at the mere thought. His breath puffs out across Nayana's neck and collarbone as he screws his eyes shut and remains still. When Nayana experimentally rocks her hips against his, Taehyung grabs her hips with shaking hands, his fingertips sinking into the soft flesh. "Wait, fuck. Not yet." He kisses and nibbles along the column of her throat in an effort to distract himself and to work her up more. A few more moments pass, and he thinks he's finally calmed down enough to move.
Taehyung pulls out until just the tip is left inside and pushes back in—not harshly, but with enough force to make their skin slap when they connect. He does this again, pulling Nayana's body toward him at the same time so that she easily slides down his full girth, and again, and again, until he creates a steady rhythm that has them both moaning into each other's mouths. Nayana, still with her shirt on, now throws the useless article of clothing away, completely baring herself to Taehyung. Taehyung's breath hitches at the sight of her bare breasts in front of him, and his hips falter for a second before he increases the pace, feverishly fucking into her.
"Tae, yes, yes, oh fuck, don't stop," Nayana's pleas get louder when Taehyung takes a nipple in his mouth and starts sucking. He slides his hand from her hip around to the space where their bodies meet, gathering her wetness on this thumb before pressing the digit against her clit and rubbing in circles. Nayana tightens around him. This action spurs him on even more. Nayana lets out a shriek of surprise when her back abruptly collides with the bed, Taehyung throwing her legs over his shoulders. Their lips meet in a messy tangle of tongues and teeth as Taehyung rolls his hips, again searching for the spot that will have her coming apart in his arms.
"Fuck, please—" Nayana's breath catches and she chokes on her words when he strikes her g-spot, making her legs tense up around his neck. Taehyung grins wildly and relentlessly pounds into that soft, sensitive spot, driving her closer to the approaching end. The room is filled with the vulgar, wet slap of skin-on-skin, a sound that Taehyung loves, a sound that motivates him to fuck her into the hotel mattress until nothing escapes her mouth but punctuated gasps.
Nayana clenches around Taehyung almost unbearably tight, and he lets out a deep moan from the feeling; it's as if she's sucking him deeper within her body. Sweat drips off his nose and chin and lands on her own sweat-slicked skin—evidence of the hard work he's putting in. The pool of warmth in the pit of his stomach rapidly spreads to the rest of his body and he knows he's not going to last much longer, but he refuses to come before her.
"You gonna come for me? Come on, baby...come all over this dick." Taehyung's thumb returns to her clit and it only takes a few more well-placed strokes before she's finished. Nayana's mouth parts in a silent scream as she comes, her body tensing like a tightly-strung bow and her walls pulsing around his thick cock. Taehyung continues rubbing her clit, prolonging the waves of pleasure ebbing through her quivering body until she squirms away from his incessant hand.
At the sight of Nayana fucked-out and spent beneath him, his thrusts begin to lose rhythm, hips clumsily smacking into hers, and soon he is pushed over the edge, burying himself balls deep as the first spurts of seed shoot into the condom. Rough, broken moans spill from his lips as he works his way through his orgasm, thrusting a little more before finally coming to a stop. Taehyung's body slumps with exhaustion, though he makes sure to keep most of his weight off her. After catching his breath, he glances at Nayana to find her already looking at him. She regards him with an amused and affectionate expression. He dips his head to kiss her, though he can't stop himself from smiling.
Taehyung pulls out, slips the condom off and ties it before going to the bathroom to dispose of it. He returns with a warm washcloth that he uses to clean Nayana and himself with. His caresses are as gentle as they were at the beginning of the night, a contrast to the way he just plowed her into the bed moments ago. Nayana's eyes start to hang low, but there is something she must do before she can even think about sleeping. When Taehyung comes out of the bathroom again, he's about to climb into bed beside her until she says,
"Taeee...can you get my bonnet for me? I can't sleep on these pillows without it. It's in my suitcase...in the first compartment."
"Mm, sure." Taehyung kisses her cheek before walking over to her suitcase (still butt-naked). Even after everything that just transpired, Nayana's stomach fills with anxiety-ridden butterflies over the kiss. She's unused to this level of intimacy with Taehyung; every action is performed with intentions that aren't simply platonic anymore, and she doesn't know how to handle this.
Taehyung comes back with her bonnet in his hand, and Nayana reaches for it, but instead Taehyung plops it on top of her head. He laughs at its lopsidedness until he sees the unamused look Nayana levels him with. The laughter fades as he bends down so they're face to face and tucks her braids into the bonnet with meticulous care. It's impossible for Nayana to keep her face neutral and she soon breaks into a shy smile, averting her eyes from Taehyung's.
Bonnet secured, Taehyung turns the lights off and nestles under the sheets with her, her back to his chest and his arms holding her in a comforting grip.
"I...really like you, you know." His voice is tender. He fumbles over the word like, wanting to say something more but still afraid.
Nayana wonders if he can hear her heart pounding.
"I like you too, Taehyung."
Nayana wakes up with the sun blazing her eyes, legs tangled in the bedsheets, and a warm body pressed against her own. A warm body...
Everything from last night floods back to her lethargic mind. Her chest grows warm and her heart beats overtime. She turns her head around to look at Taehyung, who is still blissfully asleep, his arm draped over her middle. His features are soft and relaxed, a contrast to his normal disposition. A smile spreads across her lips at the sight of him.
Nayana's phone rings from the nightstand, signaling an incoming FaceTime call. Of course, it's from Lisa. She doesn't even remember bringing her phone to his side of the room last night. Against her better judgment, she answers the call, making sure to turn the volume down so Taehyung doesn't awaken.
Lisa's big, smiling face pops up on the screen seconds later. She's in the hotel room she shares with Lucia, standing outside on the balcony. "Heeeeeeeeeeyy sis—oh my God, is that Taehyung?" Lisa's greeting is cut short when she spots Taehyung's arm in the corner of the screen.
Lisa screams so loud that Nayana is sure the annoying sound can rival every seagull in the area combined. Lucia's panicked voice pops up in the background as she rushes out of the bathroom to check and make sure Lisa didn't plummet off the side of the balcony or something. "Lu, come here! Look at this shit!" Lisa yanks Lucia by the arm, pulling the dark-haired girl into the frame. She's freshly showered and wearing nothing but a towel that she struggles to hold in place as Lisa jostles her around like a ragdoll. However, her eyes also widen when she sees the cause of Lisa's hysterics.
"Nayana, girl, is that you? Who's in the bed with you? Is that Tae? HAHA!" Lucia covers her mouth and cackles like a witch. Now the both of them are cheering, screaming, and laughing as loud as they can. Nayana is sure the beach goers on the sand below must be contemplating calling hotel security.
"I TOLD you it would work!" Lisa cries out, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. "Ya girl is a GENIUS! You guys need to listen to me more often!"
"Too bad you can't be a matchmaker for yourself. How long have you been eye-spying Jungkook and you still haven't made a move?" Nayana retorts, stifling a laugh. Lucia bursts out laughing and Lisa slaps her arm.
"Don't worry about me, girl. All in due time. In the meantime, we should leave you alone with that new boooooyfriend of yours!" Lisa reminds Nayana of a silly first-grader who sings the "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" song whenever she spots another potential couple. Nayana rolls her eyes. "We'll see you later, yeah? Unless you two decide to stay holed up in the room all day. You gotta tell me all the details!"
The conversation ends and Nayana is immediately back to staring at Taehyung. She's too wired to go back to sleep, and right now, there's no better sight to see than this.
Nayana doesn't know how long she lies there observing him, but eventually he wakes up. She doesn't even bother with pretending like she hasn't been watching him sleep. He blinks his eyes cutely and yawns, smacking his lips. They make eye contact and they both laugh.
"I could get used to waking up to this," Taehyung says quietly, voice husky. He cups her cheek in his palm and smiles. He shifts closer but yelps when something suddenly pokes him in the side.
"What is it!?
Taehyung reaches under the covers, searching for the object. When he finds it, he holds it up for Nayana to see. It's the pack of condoms, four still left over from last night. He raises his eyebrows and smirks.
"Wanna use the rest of these?"
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YouTube content for demonstuck
• they have a channel on YouTube, like each of them have own channel BUT ALSO there's a group channel for the safehouse in general
• supposedly the supernatural aspect of everyone is undercover but in reality that lasts all of six videos before someone fucks it up
• multiple people probably fuck it up
• like Karkat can glamour his eyes from the cameras but they show up demonic in any reflection, causing arguments in the comments on whether that's edited or not
• Jake has gone into a prophetic trance during a livestream and Dirk just fucking carries him out, leaving John to cover it up (something along the lines of "he...does that. That's normal. Nothing to see here!" No one believes him.)
• Roxy's tattoos literally move so that's pretty fuckin' hard to cover up in a video
• Hal filmed himself in the mirror in the bathroom except he put the phone he was using down halfway through and the camera didn't move (because he's recording using his direct audiovisual input) and everyone in the comments went crazy trying to figure out where he had the camera
• also Jake's very verbally affectionate (calls Dirk sweetheart, love, etc) so everyone knows right from day one that they're dating
• but it isn't until D and Dave accidentally get a shot of John and Dirk making out in the armory that the viewers realize A) they own a SHITTON of weapons, some of which should not be legal, and B) Dirk's dating John too
• after Jake gets about a thousand "YOUR BOYFRIEND IS CHEATING ON YOU!!!!1! messages he makes John and Dirk sit down with him and do a video explaining what exactly the bloody fuck polyamory is, with much annoyed British swearing and fuck words
• Karkat isn't all that into the whole video thing but everyone loves him, like the chat goes nuts asking for "more growly dude" every time he shows up in a stream
• he doesn't exactly know how to react to this and tends to get a lil' agitated
• which means Dave HAS to calm him down which means quick lil' kisses and standing as close as he can, holding the demon's hand, wrapping his arms around him—sweet stuff, the kind of stuff he's not always okay with doing in public
• so this semi-public setting, where everyone watching the streams can see, makes Dave a little nervous to act like he's close to Karkat at first?
• but of course he does it anyway
• and just about everyone in the comments thinks it's fucking adorable, the chat always gets spammed with people awww-ing and talking about how cute they are and telling Dave to kiss him again
• and it's such good positive reinforcement for Dave, who's been conditioned to feel like he's not supposed to be in a relationship at all?
• there's about zero homophobes in the comments because every time one pops up Roxy and Hal trash their account
• also Kankri has been on exactly two (2) videos on the main channel and one of them was Karkat hauling his passed-out self out of the bathtub
• now they regularly get questions about when sweater dude is coming back
• Dave films himself having convos with Kankri and posts them on a secret channel, hides the links in the videos on the safehouse channel like a scavenger hunt
• about thirty percent of the viewers ask Dave what kind of editing software he uses to give Kankri a halo; the other seventy argue that there's no halo in the videos at all
• almost no one comments about Karkat's negative halo though
• whenever anyone does Karkat has Rox or Hal quietly check them out because there's a good chance they're going to be Bad News™
• they found a fledgling necromancer like that and ended up sending Rose down to give them the talk
• the "Necromancy is morally dubious to the point where it can be called the gateway drug of black magicks" talk
• "it starts with a cat and the next thing you know you're raising full graveyards, trying to take over Spokane, and getting excommunicated"
• she speaks from experience
• D doesn't know how to take a video that isn't dramatic as fuck
• you know those "Story Time!" videos? Usually made by overdramatic white chicks with too much eye makup? We make fun of them? Yeah that's D
• technically he should be posting those on his own channel but he's a goddamn attention whore sometimes so they go on the house channel
•  topics include: Dirk Ate My Waffles And Now I'm Sad, My Kids Don't Know How To Lock Doors Before They Make Out, Hal Is Wilfully Trying To Give Me A Heart Attack, Everyone In This House Is A Goddamn Furry But Me, My Sister Roasted My Clothes For Half An Hour And I Threw An Iced Macchiato At Her And Now She's Suing Me—you know what, I'm making a separate post with titles of D's videos. Fuck, they're monologues, maybe I'll write up scripts for them.
•  anyway he's a dramatic bastard and I love him
• there will probably be a follow-up to this post because I'm assembling this at ten PM and I know there's more I'm missing, plus @ninja-kitty-more-like-no and me will definitely end up thinking up some more PLUS y'all can send me your ideas for this
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tumblunni · 6 years
Man i was just thinking again about that idea i had for a cliche gijinka app card game where the gijinkas are all Interesting Bugs instead of weird sexy anime george washington.
I've kinda got quite attatched to my idea for a leech gijinka as a super cuddly white mage who just happens to look emo and scary. And they'd be a great opportunity for nonbinary representation cos in real life leeches don't have binary sexes anyway. But i cant decide between whether i want them to look like a full plague doctor mask thing or a more cliche cutesy nurse but theyre like super tall and look like the monster girl from the ring so they get sad that people always run away before they can help them! So then i was thinking "hey, alternate skins!" Not like in the other games ive played where there's always one canon skin and all the others require hours of grinding and/or real money to buy. But just that there's like three or so randomized versions of the base character with all the same stats but a different costume. Just to spice up the pool of options a bit! Or maybe it could even be more than just the costume and you can get entirely different reinterpretations of that job class? Like the medusa jellyfish could be either a young kid or a grandpa!
Oh and i'm not really sure how to name this or anything? Cos its not really a clear category of animals, its not all insects or all worms or whatever. More like just..all the animals that are unfairly hated but have Cool Biology Facts that i can babble at u to maybe make u like them more. So i dunno.. Pests? Creepy crawlies? Some entirely made up fantasy term for them?
Also i think the setting will definately be jrpg fantasy! Just a world where all these critters are actually funky people on a comedically bad D&D quest. I wonder who the villains could be tho? Maybe theyre gijinkas of more commonly loved cute animals? Or like.. Not gijinkas but monsterfied versions? Hilariously over the top evil fluffums! hamsters are this setting's dragons! And i dunno maybe the ultimate dark lord is a dog with a cat for a royal vizier or something, cos theyre the kings of popularity.
This could also make it actually make sense why the Clione character could be a beserker like in real life! Cos theyre the most un-hated rare sea slug for looking cute, but their actual personality is big scary predator. But in this universe being seen as cute by humans = evil, so the Clione's fighty doom personality would make perfect sense! Im not sure if i should make them like a tormented Shadow esque antihero or a paladin-looking knight who has a dark streak or maybe even a viking? Cos in videogames theyre like the epitome of 'loves fighting but is still a nice hugs guy'. And it'd be neat to have a chubby buff clione instead of the more cliche bishie gijinka. But then i mean theyre literally nicknamed 'sea angels' or 'sea fairies' depending on country so yeah? Oh or maybe that could mean i make them an elf or an angel but theyre still mega buff! Viking guy with lil chibi wings and halo!
Also randomly i think that Slug will be the other nonbinary character along with Leech. Cos well there's a lot of bugs who dont fit the human gender binary but i'd probably be a bit too obnoxious if i had like 90% enbies and noone else. I always think about like 'if this is my first game project i need to go at a small and reasonable pace with all the Big LGBT Feels', yknow? But then every idea i do is always my first game project cos ive never completed any of them yet XD
Anyway i think Slug would be a more fashionable bishie kind of androgenous character, while Leech is a relateable cuddly socially awkward one who wears a mask. But definately also looks stylish in their own way, and i'm sure Slug is always complimenting them and trying to bolster their spirits! Aside from being super fashionable i also think maybe Slug would be a wandering bard? Cos somehow slow animal -> lazy human -> free spirited instead to be less cliche -> bard. Also the whole 'bard rolls to seduce every boss' meme, lol! So Slug is a very nyeheheh tricksy flirty adventuring song person who aint take nobody's shit. Instead of being sleepy they sleep on the concept of low self confidence! Full and powerful pride at all times!!! Goal in life is to be beautiful AF and handsome AF and make everyone swoon at your feet and also recite an epic poetry so cool that your enemies straight up die from the sick burn. Tho i mean i don't think anyone could actually ACHIEVE that, lol! It might be obnoxious if i actually have a character who's basically 'enby people are literally perfect in all ways'. So i just think Slug is a big ol dork who's like the Gaston archetype of the comically overconfident flirt, but like a good and heroic version who actually respects when people say no to their advances. And is also a great BFF to Leech and tries to help them get out of their shell, because well of course Slug is out of theirs XD
Also actually i dunno whether they should all just be named after the animal or have thier own names but the animal is mentioned on their profile as a job class name or something? Cos it might get awkward once we get to more specific obscure bugs with longer names or ones who only really have a scientific genus name. I'd feel like i'd have to make them all wizards cos their names sound like spells! Oh MAYBE THEYRE SPELLS!! Like each character could chant their own scientific name when they use their ultimate attack??
Oh and maybe Slug and Leech could be just based on the species in general but have their alternate costumes themed after more specific rare subspecies? Like Slug could have nudibranch themed costumes cos the vibrant colours would fit such an elegant fashioniste~ And leech could just be an opportunity to talk about how there's subspecies of leech that dont drink blood, though this character is based on the ones that do because otherwise they wouldnt really have a unique job class, lol. Maybe their rarest alt costume is a fashionable orange ensemble that symbolizes both Slug taking them out for a night on the town in their finest to feel more comfortabke in their self confidence, and also just the fact there's an orange tropical leech. Its kinda funny cos there isnt such a huge range of different colours for leeches, its mostly just different barely visible patterns and a spectrum from greenish brown to brownish black, lol. And then suddenly a bunch of wildly different red and orange ones! And nothing in between! Really does seem like a surprise makeover from your bestie, yknow?
Oh and then when i was thinking about other potential relationships between different magic bug people, i thought of Daddy Longlegs! Cos thats a name confusingly given to multiple bugs of wildly different species who're all mistaken for spiders when they really arent. And this mythical nonexistant daddy longlegs spider also has the myth of having 'the strongest poison but its fangs are too short to bite you' which is COMPLETE nonsense based on nothibg cos how would it even survive in the wild if it cant hunt? But its a real cool myth so it could be an awesome excuse to make them have a move that gambles on either an instant kill or a self debuff. ALSO THEY ARE MARRIED
I was thinking they could be a duo of fabulous zorro-looking assassin dudes who were sent to assassinate each other but instead fell in love and quit the business for good. Like 'you made me want to live again, and the only reason i threw my life away on this job was cos i wanted to die'. And to atone for all the bad mercenary stuff theyd done in the past, now theyre robin hood esque mercenaries who take jobs with world-saving hero groups like our protagonists. And they work for free as long as the cause is just! And they wish they could settle down someday and dream about having children of their own, but they feel like they dont deserve it after all that theyve done. They'd be a rare goofy bugmans that actually have a real emotional backstory! So anyway they're fancy fencing guys who're both the same class but maybe slightly different variants with different stat builds or abilities? More specialized and all. Like maybe one is speedy but weaker and one is slower but stronger? Or one relies more on luck based attacks and one is a consistant damage dealer but has a lower max damage cap? Or even one is status effects and one is attack and really even though they have the same job name theyre wildly different interpretations of it. Fitting for the entomology mistake husbands! I want them to be balanced so that they have special bonuses together but are still viable to use separately if your party setup only requires one of them. Also randomly i think their names would be Albedo and Rubedo? I was originally gonna make Rubedo the name of the leech cos i mean alchemy words and plague masks and all. But then it doesnt really SOUND like an alchemy word, it sounds like a fancy handsome dancer name. And then i started thinking about the cute once-sad-now-happy young assassin dads fighting together so well that it looks like one big dance between them, rather than a battle. And i got REAL EMOTIONAL over goddamn bug gijinkas! Man my heart is made of paper and mush!! Oh and maybe they have combo attacks together but also with all of the party members that are younger? Like special dad instinct combo! A built in ability that they automatically shield the kids from enemy attacks. YOU HIRED A MERCENARY BUT YOU RECEIVED A NICE MARRIED COUPLE WHO PROMPTLY ADOPT YOU. Oh and maybe their alternate costumes could just be each other's costumes? Like they'd already be wearing matching red and white versions of the same thing, but then albino dad wears ginger dad's version and vice versa. Or maybe their alt costumes are different complimentary colour pairs like black and gold or blue and pink? And maybe their ultra rare special costume is Big Cute Dorky Argyle Dad Sweaters! It must be capitalized cos it is IMPORTANT!
Oh and then i was also thinking about the idea i had before of bugs with a queen hive structure being like the workers are the common unit and the breeders and queens and such are rarer variants? But the workers are the only ones actually good in a fight, the others are just for collectables sake. Rare but useless, just like how the real queen bee is so big that she cant leave the hive, and never figjts a day in her life unless the kingdom has already fallen. So maybe queen bee is still unlockable as a rare character but she's just a support that makes worker bee stronger? Like you get a lil event of worker's boss coming to honor her with a knighthood for her good service, allowing her to upgrade her job class. Tho i think she still fights with construction work equipment, now its just like a golden jewelled shovel XD
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meitanreax · 4 years
day 6
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hey bebs!!! we’re almost at the halfway mark!!! we can do it!!!!! keep on going and stay strong!! thanks for calling me so much this afternoon/the previous night too!!! and our upcoming call in the morning too ^.^ OUR COMM IS STILL SO CUTE I CANT GET OVER IT!!!! im a big fan <3 it blew up on twitter too surprisingly, it has like 25 rt’s and like 200 likes LOL our comm is one of the artist’s more liked posts!!!
i really appreciate and love how well this is going!! we’ve grown a lot since the last time and we keep on growing everytime we’re apart!! im rlly glad!! we learn a lot from our mistakes & the past and im glad looking forward :D thanks for making this work baby!! i know 16-17 hours is tough but we’re literally almost at halfway point!!!!!!! we got this hehe i love and miss you so much! sorry i dont think ive been saying it that much or been making it super clear but i rlly do!!
today was a relatively chill day!! just woke up around 8 cuz of the KARAOKE THOTS...theyre literally still going rn and it’s 9 pm LFMLDKJFLDKJF please help me TT_TT
AND THEN i just stayed in bed til like 12 on my phone/laptop n shtuff! :3 i was only able to sleep for 5 hours cuz of the dumb karaoke stupid thots...sigh i am so LOL
but yeah!! i just chilled and then i ate breakfast/brunch downstairs and then napped for like 1.5 hours before i called u! o: 
i literally just was watching videos, catching up on subscriptions, playing mobile legends, etc!!! i just wanna have a day where i stay in and dont do anything fully LOL and i dont need to leave or dress up or anything!!! here are some photos from downstairs/the christmas tree!!
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i called u O: and then afterwards when u left to sleep, my dad wanted to buy some halo-halo and ez had errands to run so we went to the mall..dude it was so CROWDED UGH LOL dummy!! i get so tired when i go out in public sometimes and i just want 2 sleep fml
at the mall, i got halo-halo!! and appetizers at this restaurant idk, i had eggrolls and these really good like fried clam scallops?? idk how to describe it but it was fucking GOOD im O_O but yah!! the halo-halo was ok LOL i thot there was too much ube ice cream but i liked the consistency of it cuz it was like bingsoo iced ube instead of just like........ice cream ice cream LOL
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dude it was fucking FAT so i shared it with my cousin LOL
afterwards we walked around and went to a book store!!! cuz my cousin wanted to get acrylic paint stuff cuz her artist stuff LOL i was looking around and saw this book and i thot it was SOOO FUNNY LOL
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imagine having a FLUFFY BOOK OMG the left one is cute, but the right one is lowkey scary ASKSDKFJSLDFKJ there was a gray version of it too!!!
we just walked around tbh and we got a screen protector for ez’s new phone and then we went to a store to get a shirt for some secret santa thing and dude like some random filipino girl started singing silent night fucking LOUD and i was liek wtf is going on LOL this botch is singing like throughout the entire store it was so loud i was legitimately like PLEASE. STOP LFSJLDFKJSLDFKJSLDKFJ it was soo try hard too cuz she was obviously trying to fake an american accent LMAO
T.T then my aunt picked us up from the mall and we went to the hospital to wait for her to drive us back home cuz she had another patient LOL 
the hospital was lowkey kinda rundown and jank and very like...yah obviously built a long time ago/had kinda bad resources but they extended it and she showed us to like the “off-limits, in construction” portion of the other hospital wing kinda like stranger things HAHAHA but it was completely different and modern!! it was lowkey scary tho like bRO LIKE THE LIGHTS WERE OFF AND THE HALLS WERE LONG AND EMPTY...BUT THE INFRASTRUCTURE WAS NICE
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but yah that’s p much it!! i went home and ate dinner and now im chillen again :3 gonna shower soon, wait for ur call, and ktfo!! apparently we have a fuckin family reunion thing/party tomorrow e_e im not looking forward to it im so tired dude i do not like LOL i hate these family functions theres too much energy to talk to people and i hate dressing up for it. dude wearing makeup here is so annoying cuz u just feel disgusting at the end of the day by how humid it is LOL
but anyways!!!
here’s my response to ur challenge <3 
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LOL i tried my best but they look more chibi if u make their eyes bigger :D
for your challenge for the next day:
make a photo collage of ur favorite moments of us together this year :3 like any photos, or any dumb selfies, screenshots etc!! like make it cute and stuff HAHA cuz i may want to or u may want to post it :3 just a cute recap hehe
thanks so much for everything bebz! have fun at the spa and let me know how it is ^__^ ill try to hold out a lil bit more for you LOOOL i literally just need to get through up to new years and i can fucking. live. and SEE YOU SOON HEHE
have a good rest of the day baby!! i love you so so so much, ill talk to you real soon! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, FOREVER, MORE THAN ANYTHING WITH ALL MY HEART :DDD
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ziskandra · 7 years
Out of curiosity, how did you first get into video games and what made you start playing mass effect in particular?
a good question! i pretty much grew up playing video games and i can’t really recall a specific instance where i was like, ‘ooh, this is something i’d like to do’. but i do remember begging my parents for a game boy the christmas shortly after pokemon came out. they got me some handheld barbie game instead lol and i was shattered. i did, some months later, get a gbc with super mario bros. deluxe, tetris dx & pkmn blue and honestly i’ve been playing games ever since! thanks to my roots i’m most comfortable with jrpgs but i’ve been branching out in recent years.which brings me to mass effect! i first bought me1 and me2 in a steam sale some years back? (2011, apparently!), but i did not heed my friends’ warnings of maybe starting with 2 bc of the mako’s terrible controls and i just... could not navigate it at all and got frustrated with it? i kind of tried to play it a few other times since then, getting a little further each time but not getting invested enough to push through.i was also very very terrible at shooters of any kind at this point in time (2011 was the year i learnt how to play halo, ostensibly to bond with a guy i liked at my university’s video game club lmao...thanks dude i guess) so that was another obstacle that took me ages to overcome. anyway, since then i started playing a wider variety of games, developed a greater understanding of how wrpgs work, and then in 2015 i bought a ps4 and picked up dragon age inquisition on a whim. long story short i got hooked on dragon age, ended up shoulders-deep in dragon age fandom, and last year i made another go at mass effect 1 with the support of some people in my da rp’s chat, where i learned one of the most important things i have ever learnt in my entire life:you can run over geth colossus with the makoso, i was stuck on virmire bc i was struggling to kill these goddamn colossuses (colussi??) and it turned out i could just run at them, knock them over then keep on racing towards my destination???truly revelatorylife-changinganyway armed with this knowledge (and the later realisation that exiting the mako meant i could quick save in more strategic locations) i then proceeded to power through the rest of the trilogy in the next two weeks and i’ve been drowning in mass effect related feelings ever since (and like it a lil bit more than i did dragon age, which is saying a lot) so yeah. i always knew i would enjoy mass effect but it just took me a while to get there! honestly, the fact that i struggled with it for so long has made the victory ever more the sweeter.p.s i love the mako now. it is my friend. ❤❤❤( get to know the blogger )
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #196
“Herobrine the Gardener”
[NK] -Is lost in Doc's house, having been looking around at all the new stuff he'd not seen before-
[Steve] Is following Doc's Goomy with a makeshift mop and a slightly annoyed expression.
[NK] ... That's a strange slime. -spotted the Goomy-
[Steve] Oh, hello. Ah, it's just a bit of a fall hazard. I hope it evolves into something drier eventually. - Notices his eyes- Are you new around here? I know Doc usually takes in new brines so they have a safe place to resettle from.
[NK] Yeah, relatively new. I've mostly been looking around since I got here. Didn't have anywhere near this amount of stuff at home.
[ryan] -runs into the room slips on the slime and goes into steve-
[Steve] Is nearly bowled over and stumbles against the wall- Hey! No running in the castle! It's dangerous! - He reorients himself- Darn it... It's mostly on Doc, they're really into collecting things.
[ryan] -is on his back wiggling his legs-
[Steave] Tries to flip him back over- Case in point. All the dragons. Us too.
[NK] Hoarder, huh? Not surprised.
[NK] -Looking curiously at Ryan-
[ryan] -his legs are covered in the slime so his legs just slide away making him end up on his belly-
[Stevenson] -comes into the room- oh there you are ryan please stop trying to get me to play chase in the castle.
[Steve] Well... I think it's just something that happens when you spent most of your existence homeless. You give them something and they treat it like a priceless treasure cause they remember having nothing all too clearly. And it's well-meant. They just want to protect their friends.
[Steve] Hello brother!
[ryan] -makes a playful roar-
[Stevenson] oh hello -picks up ryan and starts to wipe off his feet-
[Steve] Here, Have a cloth- Hands him a spare towel
[Stevenson] thank you -takes the cloth and wipes his feet off much more easily now-
[NK] True, true.
[Steve] I like having so many friendly neighbors. Brines and humans alike. And I do love my undead brothers, but it's nice having other live Steve's to hang out with too.
[ryan] -roars playfully at steve and nk-
[Steve] We have enough to start a mining club at this point. I know the Alex's hang out together sometimes. And I'm glad they include Herabrine.
[Stevenson] I think I will stick to my own mining because I tend to enjoy the quiet of mining
[Steve] Aw... Well, Stevie will mine with me at least. Steffan likes the protection too.
[ryan] -gets out of Stevenson's hands and flies on to steve's shoulder and playfully roars in his face-
[NK] I don't think Mix has mined in her life... Of her own free will, atleast... -Thoughtful look- Sure had a fondness for blowing things up, though.
[Steve] Winces at the volume but gamely tries to pet Ryan anyway- Mix? Ah well, Herobrine's usually aren't too excited about mining anyway. At least not the ones I've met. Blowing things up seems more appropo.
[ryan] -leans into the pets-
[NK] It'd be fitting if we were 100% sure she actually was one. -Shrug- We were abput 75% sure she's our Steve.
[Steve] Whaaaa? But?! She has the eyes! So she's a glitched Steve? But that would make her a brine technically?! And she's a girl? Or is Mix actually a dude!?! - He's making a face like his brain hurts now-
[NK] Her eyes are normally green. The glowing is mostly fake. And yes, last I checked, she's a girl. -Amused expression-
[ryan] -one of the heads lick steve's face-
[Steve] Fake?! How?! And.... Does this mean your Alex is a dude?!
[NK] Coding to layer light over your eyes. And yeah. I think, at least. Could never tell.
[Steve] Wow... So... Where is your Alex?
[ryan] -keep licking steve-
[NK] Not a clue. He'll get here eventually. Excellent tracker.
[Steve] Is gently trying to fend off Ryan's tongues- Well they are usually good hunters... Alexsezia is a wicked good at it.
[ryan] -his heads are trying to all get around steve's hands to continue licking steve's face-
[Steve] Arrrgh! Please Stop!
[Stevenson] -is watching ryan try and assault steve with kisses it's amusing him- but he wants to give you kisses
[NK] The lil dragon loves you, let him give you kisses. -Jokingly-
[ryan] -is still trying to lick steve-
[Steve] Can't we just hug it out?!
[Stevenson] but his legs are to small to hug you so he prefers kisses
[Steve] small distressed noises-
[Stevenson] ryan don't you want to give them kisses -points to NK-
[ryan] stops and flies off steve to NK and starts giving him kisses-
[NK] You know, this isn't the weirdest affection I've gotten. -Pats Ryan-
[ryan] -keep licking making happy roars to the pats-
[NK] Yes yes... I love you too...
[ryan] -then jumps off nk and flies over to Stevenson and lands on his shoulder and starts licking him-
[Stevenson] ryan is such a sweetie
[NK] Indeed.
-There's a soft glitchy ripple across the servers as the update settled in and the ambient temp goes back to normal-
[Lie] - Nooooo, the heat is gone!
[gem] yes it's cooler finally!
[NK] Oh, the temperature's normal now.
[Steve] Good, I can put my armor back on. I was feeling a bit naked without it- pulls out the diamond pants and boots and hops around getting them on.
[Steve] is a bit awkward with the bone chestplate but seems to breathe a sigh of relief once it's back where it belongs. He takes the skull helm from his inventory and a few touchies buzz out as well before crawling back into the nostrils and eye sockets of the skull.
[Stevenson] what are those?
[NK] Looks like a lightfoot skull... Just... less teeth..
[Steve] Oh their touchies, my husband made them. They fly around crops and make them grow faster- it looks like a what?- he fingers the ribs a bit nervously, his touch tracing the gem in the center of the armor
[NK] Lightfoot. A mob from my seed. About yay high, -Gestures about chest height- lots of teeth, sharp claws.
[Steve] Yeah, it was made out of something kinda like that... But they don't exist on my native seed anymore, this gear is ancient
[NK] Ours were very much alive, and would steal things out of your inventory if you didn't keep your eye on them. Greedy little things..
3:57 PM] gem: [Stevenson] so steve what do you normal do besides mine?
[Steve] Oh, me? I spend a lot of time feeding animals these days. Haha
[Steve] We have so many pets and pokemon in this house!
[NK] Lost my favorite scarf to them, actually. One distracted me with tricks, and another snuck up behin-As he does a hand gesture to show what kind of trick, theres a click of a spawn egg, and suddenly a very raptorlike entity is standing between him and Steve-
[Stevenson] why so many?
[Steve] Backs away in fear- Holy-
[Stevenson] -protectively holds ryan-
-The touchies buzz up, there's only six of them, but they're hovering around Steve like a halo-
[TLOT] Comes running up the steps- My lamb!
[Lightfoot] Why appear?! People! -darting back and forth looking unsure of whats happening
[NK] Fuck!
[Steve] Is backed against the wall and bolts into TLOT's arms-
[TLOT] He hisses in recognition, getting between Steve and what looks like a raptor-
[ryan] -is roaring at the lightfoot in a defensive manor-
[Lightfoot] ! ! ! -Backs up before bowling over NK in their escape attempt, swiping whatever other inventory items it can from NK as it goes-
[NK] -Panick throws a few eggs as he goes down, several more lightfoots popping into existence, them also freaking out and following the first-
[TLOT] What the fuck is going on?!
[Stevenson] -takes out his prince sword to defend ryan with-
[Steve] Is hiding under TLOT's cloak, he's obviously having a flashback-
[NK] I was telling him about Lightfoots and accidentally spawned one.. -Gets up, looking back the way he came from at the retreating Lightfoots-
[TLOT] Are they dangerous?!
[NK] No? Not yet? The worst they'll do is steal your stuff. Or yell at you and try to bite you if you take theirs... Little hypocrites.
[TLOT] I'll have to go round them up now...
[Steve] Tiny voice- Please don't leave me.
[TLOT] Or... not.
[NK] They'll find the nearest Swamp and set up shop there, so you can avoid any Swamps if you don't want to see them...
[Stevenson] -is standing still with ryan behind him trying to process what just happened-
[TLOT] Is just holding Steve protectively. - Geeze...
[Deer] Enters the room- Um...  A bunch of little things just went running past and stole a pie I had in my inventory...
[TLOT] -facepalm-
[NK] Fuck.
[Stevenson] -checks his inventory nothing seems to be missing-
[NK] -Covers face in embarrassment-
[TLOT] Picks up Steve as if he didn't weigh anything. - Fuck it. I'm going to make some tea.
[Deer] - Do you want any help?
[Stevenson] -puts his sword away- can I have some?
[NK] I'll see about rounding them up. My fault they got loose.
[TLOT] All are welcome, and yes.
[Deer] Motions for TLOT to lead the way- Should we warn the others?
[TLOT] Walks gingerly down the steps-  Just send them a chat please, my hands are full.
[Stevenson] -picks up ryan and follows tlot down the stairs-
[Deer] Quickly types in the chat- Some things got loose, if anything goes missing from your inventories don't worry, we'll try to get them back
[TLOT] Kicks a chair into the kitchen and puts Steve on it. The miner is clinging to his cloak but he's got enough slack to get the kettle and some cups.
[Stevenson] -sits down at the table and puts ryan on it-
[ryan] -walks over to steve and licks his face-
[Steve] Makes a very agaited whine-
[TLOT] Just leave him be please, I think that brought back some... bad memories.
[ryan] -walks back over to Stevenson and gives him lick-
[CP] Has been laying around the completely quiet house, enjoying the silence, but is now rather irritated by it.  He scowls as he runs his hand through the lava in the work room- So fucking bored...  Where's my wife?
[Doc] Emerges from the tunnel into daylight and looks back to check on Lie and Yaunfen-
[Lie] Is grumbling about the cold-
[Yaunfen] Yawns, having had a rather exciting day-
[gem] -still has the cold flowers around her neck- it's much nicer but I should get home
[Doc] Musing- I know you hate it, but I wonder if we could make flowers from some of TLOT's coffee? Peppy blooms? -winks-
[Lie] Narrows eyes at Doc-
[gem] -heads home-
[Doc] See you later Gem! I'm playing. How are the candy plants doing?
-the figure is trying to sneak back into the green house-
[Lie] - A little tricky, some of them don't quite want to come out right yet
[Doc] Heh, maybe we should fertilize them with sugar instead of bone meal!
[Lie] - Maybe...
-the figure manages to get inside and is now at the back of the green house distracted-
[Yaunfen] Sniffs at the air-
[Doc] Can we check? It's been a awhile since I saw your work Lie.
[Lie] - Sure- She starts heading around the front of the house
[Doc] Is back in hir human shape since they came out of the sub-seed and trots along to keep up with her. - Yaunfen is getting so big... I pulled my back a bit earlier...
[Lie] - I figured that's what that was
-there is a sound that almost sounds like a watering pail from the back of the green house-
[Lie] Stops- What the...  Did an animal get in there?
[Doc] Goes into a bit of a crouch, ready to protect hir baby and friend-
-the sound continues and but some times stops then start again after a few seconds-
[Lie] Is confused and walks into her greenhouse, once sure Doc and Yaunfen are inside, she closes off the entrance with vines-
-there seems to be someone standing in the back and hasn't notice them and is watering the plants with a water pail-
[Doc] What the..?
-the figure hears doc and freezes-
[Lie] - Hello?
[Doc] Who are you?
-the figure tries to run past them out the green house but smacks into the vine before seeming to tear up backing away from them they have glowing eye clearly a brine-
[Lie] - Hey, it's okay, we're not going to hurt you
[Doc] Whoah, stay put! It's okay! We're brines too!
-the brine curls up in a ball as far as they can away from the two and starts crying they seem scared of them-
[Lie] Carefully approaches- Hey, it's okay, she spawns a calming blossom in her hand- Here, this will help make you feel better
-the brine see lie make a flower and stops crying and stares at the flower-
[Doc] Man... this one must have seen some shit... I'm reminded of the NOTCHs that had such terrible PTSD...
-the brine takes out it's water pail and gets closer to lie then waters the flower in lies hands-
[Lie] Laughs a little- I'm afraid it doesn't need water
-the flower gets green sparkles like as if he was using bone meal-
[Lie] Speaking softly- Hey, what's your name?
[Doc] Another brine with plant powers?
-the figure say Herobrine the gardener-
[Lie] - Gardner huh?  I'm Lie, a fellow brine, my abilities allow me to create plants
[Doc] Why so afraid? Do you have a NOTCH after you?
[HG] I just tend to plants. Everyone is I am not a fight I am a runner I have been running from seed to seed to try to get away from people, brines, and NOTCHs who want to harm me.
[Doc] Well I have no idea how you got in, but you found the right place to hide.
[Lie] - This is a sanctuary for brines
[HG] so no one will hurt me?
[Doc] I can't promise anything if you pick fights with people intentionally, but yes. Fighting is discouraged.
[HG] I would never pick a fight but I got in through a weak portal in a colorful house.
[Lie] - ...  Did Splender go out and forget to close his portal?
[HG] all I know this seed was the next jump after the one I was in and the first opening was my only chance to get away from the other server
[Doc] I really hope not... but then... Pinwheel is a pretty good guard dragon.
[HG] -quietly- I was wondering what that colorful thing was that hissed at me was.
[Doc] Well then... you got lucky.
[HG] I was running pretty fast that's why it could only hiss
[Lie] - Either way it doesn't matter, you're here now and your safe
[HG] -smiles and hugs his watering pail-
[Doc] Well it's also been super hot and they're lethargic. And Lie is right, you're welcome to stay. We always have room for more Herobrines.
[HG] thank you
[Lie] - And you're always welcome in my greenhouse, just be careful, there are some dangerous plants in here
[HG] I will be careful like I was the first time is was in here I watered all of them -is looking at his dirt stained pants-
[Doc] Yeah, don't touch the black pods....
[Lie] - Thank you for that.  Like Doc said, avoid the black pods, and the purple blossom with black nectar
[HG] what do they do?
[Doc] They can fill a person with insatible lust. And if you don't have a partner... well... it's painful.
[HG] oh ok I will avoid them. -stands up brushing off his pants-
[Doc] Did you just get here?
[HG] yea I haven't been here long it was last night when I got here
[Doc] Generally I take in anyone new until they can build a place. Do you want to stay with me?
[HG] uh sure... I don't see why not.
[Doc] My garden isn't as exotic as Lies, but you're always welcome to fuss around in it as well. Shall we walk back? I think Yaunfen needs a nap anyway.
[HG] I will help keep it strong
[Lie] - And like I said earlier, you're always welcome here
[HG] thank you I will be back help take care of your garden
[Lie] Briefly focus' her powers and the vines move away from the doorway-
[Yaunfen] Has curled up in a corner near a calming flower and a dream flower-
[Doc] Aww, looks like I need to carry the baby. If you guys want to step outside, this will be delicate.
[HG] -waters one of the lantern flowers before stepping outside-
[Lie] Nods in understanding and steps outside, standing near the chorus plant- Oh and never water this one, water will probably kill it
[HG] it's not plain water but ok.
[Doc] Steps back and transforms, sliding down into the ground as xe does so.
[Doc] Vanishes underground and comes up below Yaunfen, Xe balances the baby on the crown of hir head and slides out of the greenhouse before smoothly stepping back out of the ground-
[Doc] ready when you are-
[Lie] - What sort of water is it?
[HG] it's mostly bone meal but has just enough water to make it liquid plants really like it
[Lie] - I see, most of my plants spawn fully grown already so there's no need to water them...
[Doc] Is walking softly to not wake hir baby-
[HG] it's more to give them something to eat to keep them healthy I water fully grown stuff all the time but if it don't it's not as healthy
[Yaunfen] Makes noises in hir sleep-
[Doc] Starts purring to keep them cosy-
[Lie] - Interesting...
[HG] I know when I water watermelon it make they sweeter and if I leave them sometime they can grow really big if they are next to another one if I just keep watering them and not picking them
[Doc] That's really neat! How big do they get? And does it work for pumpkins?
[HG] yea it works on pumpkins as well and you could end up with a eight by eight watermelon if you water it long enough and have eight next to each other
[Doc] Smiles- I think I would love to have you test that out on my ghost pumpkins..... haha
[HG] ghost pumpkins? and do you have eight growing all the same way next to each other?
[Doc] I can arrange it...
[Doc] Trots down the hill and across the spawn-
[HG] -follows doc- it takes a lot of watering to get an eight by eight but I am very willing to keep watering them
-There's a tearing sound from above as Endrea re-enters the overworld with her children, Steffan, and Enderbro-
[Enderbro]- WOOOO!!!!
[Doc] Doesn't look up to avoid dislodging Yaunfen-
[Steffan] Holy crap this is awesome!
[HG] AAAAAAAAA! -runs to hide behind a tree they are very fast-
[Doc] It's okay! She's a friend of ours!
[Endrea] Lands as gently as she can-
[Enderbro] Is holding Endrea's ears-
[Endrea] Is a bit irritated by the ear holding but isn't commenting-
[HG] -is looking out from behind the tree-
[Enderbro] Flops flat to hug her head and then tp's to the ground- That was fun!
[Steffan] Is all fluffed up from the wind- That was crazy...
[Lie] - It's okay HG
[Doc] Glad to see you back Endrea.
[HG] -is still a little scared-
[Endrea] - I'm just glad the heat is over...  WHo is this?
[HG] eep -hide back behind the tree he is shaking now-
[Doc] New guy. Herobrine the Gardener. He's kinda timid.
[Endrea] - I see
[Ashe] Crawls off of Endrea's back- Guess what!  Guess what!
[willow and oak] -follow ashe and crawl off endrea-
[Enderbro] Tp's over by HG - You're dirty. - pokes his nose bump-
[Steffan] Bro... Um Endrea? Can I have a hand getting down, please?
[Enderbro] Also screams-
[Endrea] - Certainly- She lowers herself as close to the ground as she can get
[HG] -falls on the ground trying to crawl backwards from enderbro-
[Enderbro] Whoah, you're loud too!
[Steffan] Awkwardly clambers down to the ground.
[HG] -bumps into another tree and tries to keep pressed up against it to stay away from him-
[Steffan] Gets between them- it's okay. He won't hurt you!
[HG] -is cowering from both of them holding tightly to his watering pail-
[Lie] - What is it Ashe?
[Ashe] - Willow and Oak can talk!
[Steffan] Come on bro, maybe we should go home anyway....
[Doc] That's great!
[willow] BOK!
[Lie] - Bok?
[willow] bok
[Steffan] Looks at the brine - Sorry to scare you. Come on bro.
[Enderbro] Gives Endrea and the kids an enthusiastic wave before departing.
[Ashe] - She means book
[Doc] Oh. That's so cute!
[willow] BOK BOK!
[Endrea] Tilts onto her side-
[HG] -shakily stands up before hide behind a tree again-
[Doc] Walks back over too him- You don't have to hide, I promise you're safe.
[HG] -is very quiet- I am ok over here
[Lie] - Endrea is an ally of ours HG
[HG] still I am ok over here I am not good around to many new people all the time
[Doc] Well, we can carry on if you want. The house is just up the hill- points at the castle with hir tail fluff-
[HG] I will thank you -walks to the castle-
[Lie] - I should probably head back to my place to
[Doc] Brushes gently up against Endrea with a purr as xe passes- See you later Lie.
[Endrea] Decides to let her kids play at spawn for a bit-
[Doc] I'm gonna have to phase through the wall again, can you open both doors for me HG?
[HG] -opens the front doors-
[Doc] Thank you. Just shut the doors behind us and follow me. Okay?
[HG] sure
[Doc] Ducks down and keep Yaunfen clear of the walls and floors, traveling down the steps and eventually phasing back down to leave the baby dragon in the middle of hir bed. - Sleep well kiddo...
[HG] -is following doc-
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