#anyway sorry about your parents butter
hqmillioncorn · 2 months
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heal up the world,
I cant let anyone else get involved its my fault that mom and dad even found babycorn if i hadnt talked with mom so much when i meet her again none of this would have happened! How could I have been so stupid? I have to find her i have to (Excerpt from Butter's personal Diary)
Lalapril 4/8: Soul with @windupnamazu's Butter.
Butter has a mysterious visitor in the middle of the night
It had been about a month now since Butter’s parents had come back into his life and it had been almost more than a week since they disappeared off the face of the world, taking Babycorn with them.
His mother had pretty much told them to their faces everything that she planned to do. The one thing she wanted most in the world was to go home, to her real family, the place she actually belonged.
Obviously it didn’t matter who she hurt along the way. That was what worried Butter the most.
The way both his parents had casually just tossed him and Pancake aside. All those years they spent waiting for them to come back, had they just been wasting their time?
Waiting for someone that didn’t even want them? Where did they even belong now?
Not only that, they were putting Babycorn in grave danger.
Once Butter had found out from Tilika that whatever his parents planned to do could end up killing Babycorn, he had gone and put everything he could into finding her.
There was a point where Butter had convinced himself that this was something he needed to take care of on his own. While he did think this, it wasn’t stopping anyone else from looking alongside him.
Lunya in particular was worried about him but Butter assured her that he was doing fine, despite everything. The only thing that mattered was finding his parents and stopping them.
Today and yesterday were particularly hard days. Butter hadn’t slept since the day before, because there had been a tip that came in from Coerthas. He traveled all the way there to investigate himself.
Though, the furthest he got was entering Gridania. As it turned out Lunya was way ahead of him. ‘No you don't! We can take care of this! You go and get some rest!’ She urged him. Lunya assured him that she and Tsuna were going to search for any signs of his parents in Coerthas. ‘I know it’ll be hard but just try your best. If I let you pass out like that-Pancake would have my head!!’
Butter knew Lunya only wanted the best for him but resting was easier said than done. At this point he had been lying down on the bed of inside his inn room for what felt like hours. He didn’t know what time it was, the only thing he knew was that it was nighttime.
Butter sighed and sat up, he grabbed his sword and walked over to open the door to his room.
If he couldn’t get to sleep then maybe a walk would help him clear his head.
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There was something about Gridania at night that felt oddly calming.
There weren’t too many people out and given just how much Butter had been running around crowds lately it was a nice change of pace. That wasn’t stopping him from looking around more than usual, for any sign that either his parents or Babycorn had been here.
Butter stopped in front of Apkallu falls. There was something strange about it that Butter couldn’t quite place. It looked like there was someone standing in front of him. Someone who looked like they were almost see-through.
He rubbed his eyes. Could he have been more tired than he thought?
“Hey. Who’s there?”
As Butter walked closer he could feel heart beginning to race. The mysterious figure in front of him turned to look at him, so he must have got their attention. At least, that’s what it looked like.
The closer that Butter walked closer to the figure, the more clearly he could see them.
Butter froze. A chill traveled up his spine.
It was definitely her. Plain as day.
Babycorn’s hair was down and she was wearing a plain white dress. It almost looked like she was glowing but that couldn’t be possible. Butter was too stunned to speak, to do anything.
Babycorn walked closer and closer to Butter until she was standing right in front of him. Her eyes widened as she smiled wide, “Butts!” There was a slight crack to her voice. As if she was holding something back.
At the sound of Babycorn’s voice, Butter was able to finally gather his thoughts. “Babycorn! Did you escape?! How did you-?! Where were you?!” Butter tried to reach out and embrace her in a tight hug, only to find himself going right through her.
Almost like she was nothing more than thin air.
Butter looked down at his hands and then back at Babycorn. “What are you doing?” He was almost scared to hear the answer.
“I’m just projecting myself to you!” Babycorn waved her hand, “It’s a neato little trick I figured out!” Honestly it felt like she was discovering new things she could do almost every other week. “I already visited Cherrypit so I wanted to see you next! Sorry if I scared you.”
“No that’s okay…” Butter was still trying to wrap his head around what Babycorn had said.
It was clear to him that Babycorn had seen better days. There were dark circles under her eyes that no doubt matched his own. He had no idea what was happening to her but he knew he needed to find his parents and put a stop to it. “Babycorn, can you tell me where my parents are hiding? So we can come help you!”
Babycorn’s smile slowly faded, though not for long. Her smile was strained and her movements were very easily betraying the facade she was trying to put on. “I…can’t tell you. Because I have no idea.” Babycorn explained that all she knew about where she was being held captive was that it was dark and she could see small plants growing from the ground.
That could honestly be anywhere.
Butter looked absolutely dejected. This was probably their best shot so far and to see it crash and burn so easily was absolutely agonizing. “I’m sorry…” Butter said, trying not to break down in front of her. He didn’t want her to lose hope. Just like he was slowly starting to.
“It’s okay!” Babycorn tried to place her hand over Butter’s shoulder. Butter could see the exhaustion in her eyes. “I know you and everyone are gonna come and help me really soon! So I’m not too scared!”
Butter also couldn’t help but notice that Babycorn’s ears were pointed more downward than they usually were.
“It was easier to talk with Cherry before but I don’t have a lot of time right now so I stopped time for an itty bitty so we can talk more!”
Her voice also sounded a lot more tired than usual. He had heard her sound like this before, back when she first woke up in Old Sharlayan. But that was then and this was now.
Butter looked all around them. Everything still looked the same but now that he looked closer he could notice a few leaves floating in mid-air and in a pond about eight fulms away a duck was sitting almost perfectly still. Butter looked back at Babycorn and twirled a piece of his solid hair between his fingers. He giggled, trying to cover his embarrassment with his other hand. “Wow…You really stopped time for me…” He was beyond flattered.
“Oh course!” Babycorn brought her hands together, her face had a slight tint of pink. “I think I only had enough energy to talk with Cherry but I really wanted to talk to you so I had to find a way to do it…”
Butter was shocked out of his yearning at what Babycorn had just said. “Wait-?! Energy?! Babycorn don’t tell me…” Now that he looked at her more closely Butter could tell that something wasn’t right with her. It almost felt like Babycorn was flickering in and out of existence.
“You…” Butter didn’t even want to say it. “You aren’t using your powers to do this are you?”
Babycorn laughed and stuck her tongue out. “Ha ha! Guiltyyyy~!”
“Babycorn! You shouldn’t-! You can’t-!” Butter didn’t know Babycorn could do this and at this point he didn’t care.
If what Tilika said in her letter was true then the more Babycorn used her powers the more she was at risk of being killed. “Isn’t it dangerous for you to do this?! I don’t want you to…to…”
“Butts don’t worry it's okay!” Babycorn tried to wave his very valid concerns aside but judging from his face it was clear she wasn’t doing a very good job. “I promise I’m okay! It’s like I told Cherry once-stopping the flow of time is…” Babycorn paused, it looked like her eyes were following something Butter couldn’t see. “…it’s easy.”
“What are you talking about?!” Butter couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Nothing about what Babycorn was doing looked or sounded easy to him. The whole world around them was stopped in its tracks. Somehow Babycorn had just plucked both of them out of time’s continuing flow and Butter was just supposed to think that was easy?!
“Easy!” Babycorn grinned from ear to ear, posing with two fingers close to her eye. “I promise! I’m doing okay! I wouldn’t be talking to you right now if I wasn’t! Your mom and dad made me use my powers earlier yeah but…they’re doing something else right now so I get a break! Hehe!”
Butter didn’t know what to say. There was a part of him that just wanted to apologize for everything. Another wanted to yell at his parents for what they were doing, not that either would do any good now.
“I actually wanted to come and ask you something.”
There was a bright green glow coming off from Babycorn, then out from her hands a familiar necklace appeared. Butter recognized it immediately.
“I promise this won’t take long! I’ll let you go in a second!” Babycorn laughed.
Butter desperately wanted to tell her that he wanted to spend as much time with her as he could.
Babycorn closed her eyes and took a deep breath. With a slight movement of her hand, something that Butter could only describe as some sort of crystal window manifested in front of them. “Woah…” There was something about it that grabbed his attention, he could see his own reflection in it but there was something off about it.
He didn’t look like he expected to look.
“Groovy isn’t it?!” Babycorn’s voice was peepy and joyful, this was something she had been working on for a long time. She’d done things like this before but never on this large of a scale.
While Butter was busy looking at what she did, she quickly wiped some sweat from her forehead. As carefree as she was acting this was taking a toll on her, as much as she didn’t want to believe it.
Babycorn walked closer to the window and placed her hand on it. When she did, a ripple echoed through the entire thing as an image slowly faded into view. Butter could slowly make out more things besides himself. First he could recognize a bright blue sky, then the green grass below. Very soon, the home he grew up in was in clear view, alongside that he could see Pancake, Cinnamon and
his mom and dad.
“W-What…?” What was he even looking at?
Suddenly his reflection moved, without him doing anything. Butter took a step back in shock as he watched his own reflection run over to where his parents stood. Their mouths were moving but Butter couldn’t hear anything that was being said. He stared in silence as he watched what looked like his mom hug Pancake and then hug him.
“It’s a perfect world! A world where everything turns out right!” Babycorn grinned, “I had a lot of trouble making it so Cinnamon still existed but I managed it! Aren’t you proud?!”
Butter looked at Babycorn, her smile was somewhat unsettling. “Are you saying that-you made this?” For someone to make a whole other world…? Was something like that even possible?
“You betcha!” Babycorn stood proudly, raising a fist in her air. A gesture that was done very cutely by the way. Though as much as Babycorn was proud of herself she had to admit something first. “Well the truth is I haven’t made it yet. Right now it's sorta like the thing someone does before doing something…?” It had a name but it always slipped her mind. Mostly because she tended to never do it.
“Do you mean a plan?”
“Oh yeah! That’s it! It’s a plan!” Babycorn looked at Butter like he was the coolest guy in the world. “You’re way too smart Butts!”
Butter laughed just a little. “If you say so…”
“My plan…” Babycorn eyes shined a bright yellow, as the image in the mirror became clearer. “…I could rewrite the world. With Cherry’s help I could make a world where everything is better and you and Pancake are happy with your parents! Your mom wouldn’t be from another world and she would love you and want to stay here! Everything would be perfect!”
Butter didn’t like this.
“It would all be so much better! I think I did a great job!” Babycorn happily explained, with a wide smile on her face. All she wanted was for Butter to be happy, to be safe, and content. For completely normal reasons of course.
“Babycorn that’s…” He didn’t know what to say.
“Of course…I might not survive making the world.” Babycorn’s smile never wavered. “It might end up killing me. But that’s okay right?!”
Without even a second thought, Butter rushed up to Babycorn, grabbing her hands. Somehow he was able to hold them in his. Even Babycorn was surprised he had managed to do that.
Butter looked up at Babycorn with tears in his eyes. She was taken aback at just how angry he looked. This was not at all how she was expecting to react. “No! No! That’s not alright! What are you talking about?!” Butter cried out, “Don’t even joke about doing something like that!!” The image in the mirror started to fade out of reality.
“W-What are you talking about…?!” Babycorn raised her voice as high as she could, “Isn’t that what would make you happy?!”
“No! Not at all! I could never be happy in a world that didn’t have you in it!!”
The mirror started to crack.
“If you do this…If you do this…I…” Butter struggled to even understand why Babycorn would even consider doing this for him. “I…IF YOU DIE THEN…!!! I’LL JUST KILL MYSELF!!!”
The perfect world that Babycorn had created shattered into pieces. It had to, there’s no possible world out there where she wanted Butter to die himself. He couldn’t! He had to stay safe! There was no way she could live or die in a world without h-
Babycorn’s image flickered. She took her hands and held them up to her cheeks. “I…I’m sorry Butter! I didn’t think…” Tears were coming down her eyes. A leaf shook in the wind. “I thought I could solve it…I thought I could solve everything…” Babycorn fell to her knees and continued to apologize.
Butter wasted no time in kneeling right next to her. He was surprised when he found he could still touch her. “Babycorn it’s okay…! I didn’t mean to scare you but you scared me too…” He placed his hand on her’s. “I would never want my happiness to come at a cost to yours. No matter what.” He looked right at her, he needed Babycorn to understand this.
“…I’m sorry about your parents.” Babycorn whispered. “I think they’re stupid for wanting to leave.”
“It’s okay.”
“You’re going to find me right?”
Butter nodded. “I promise.”
The sound of the waterfall behind them began to get louder and louder. Butter found it harder to hold Babycorn’s hands.
“Butter…I just wanted you to be happy.”
Babycorn mouthed something to Butter but at this point there was no sound coming from her and then the very next second, she was gone.
As if she had never even been there in the first place. A small leaf landed on Butter’s empty hands as he stared at where Babycorn had been just a few seconds ago.
As time continued to move forward Butter stayed right where he was. If only for a minute or two, hoping that somehow Babycorn would come back. Someway, somehow. Butter waited for so long it wasn’t long until he had fallen fast asleep.
Babycorn tried her best to send Butter the nicest breeze she could.
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muwapsturniolo · 4 months
✯Matt dating a black girl✯
-he doesn’t know how he pulled you fr but he’s very happy he did
-if you’re rowdy (like me fr) he gets stressed.
-I’m talking deep sighs and rubbing over his face in frustration
-“bitches can’t say excuse me?”
-“y/n please don’t start.”
-“you saying that makes me want to start”
-when he gets in his lil moods (tough guy) yall bud heads
-“Matt who are you talking to cause I know damn well it’s not me!”
-hears your tone and apologizes (it’s the same tone our mommas use when we talk back💀)
-for my soft black girlies, you always have him giggling like a lil girl
-“you so handsome, I just wanna smother you in kisses!”
-if he catches an attitude with you and you gets upset, he’s on his knees saying sorry.
-if you got ass, he can’t handle the twerking😭 his head actually moves in circles and his eyes are WIDE!!!
-sexxy redd comes on at a party and you start dancing, this man starts blushing and everyone tells him he can’t handle you (he can)
-he loves when you sit on his lap. Chairs are available? He does not give af, SIT ON HIS LAP!!!
-if you got titties, his eyes won’t stay off of em. You could be wearing a regular tshirt and he gonna be like 👀
-“Matt stop looking at my boobs I’m literally in my wash day tshirt”
-“don’t care, I’m not arguing with a girl who has big boobs!”
-speaking of wash day
-this man loves watching the process
-keeps asking questions like a lil kid
-“what’s this for? Why do you need to many creams and oils? Does that hurt? WHY IS SO MUCH HAIR COMING OUT!?”
-“stop talking to me because my hair isn’t acting right and I’m two seconds away from crying and hitting myself with this brush.”
-wants to help but chooses not too, afraid he will put the wrong creme in the wrong order
-he loves going to the beauty supply because the aunties fawn over him.
-“hey Matt baby! Our girl treating you right?”
-“hi auntie Yolanda. She is, but she got mad because I didn’t get her candy she wanted.”
-“y/n if you don’t leave this boy alone!”
-“I didn’t even do anything!”
-buys all your stuff with no problem!
-“you always smell like pancakes and syrup.”
-goes feral over your shea butter, coco butter, vanilla, brown sugar scent.
-I’m talking he wants to be all over you and possibly have sex anywhere.
-“Matt we are in the car going to my parents house!”
-“Please? I’ll be quick.”
-he doesn’t not understand time! If you don’t know what I mean, let me explain.
-“shouldn’t we be leaving now? It starts at 5.”
-“no. 5 means you will be helping set up. We need to be there at 6:15.”
-blinks at you in confusion but nods anyway.
-if you not that close to your fam he gets confused as to why
-“don’t you think you should talk to them? That argument happened two years ago?”
-“and I’ll still swing at thanksgiving dinner!”
-loves eating at your parents house but thinks everything is supper spicy.
-“Matt it’s literally just seasoning salt?¿”
-“are you sure?”
-lowkey gets mouthy with your family on accident but he apologizes when your mom gives him, the look (yall know what im talking about)
-At the cook out he’s gets roped in to grilling.
-mf suddenly has a towel over his shoulder and joking with your uncles.
-he does sum that makes you and your fam look at him oddly.
-“Gon head and sit at the kids table baby.”
That’s all I can think of💀 hope yall enjoy
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @iloveurgf @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @that-general-simp
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mingsolo · 2 months
hot and buttered
mingi x reader (f) / g: established relationship, smut / wc: 813 / warnings: cursing, masturbation (both), phone sex, semi public sex but not rly / r: 18+
another tipsy drabbles log :^)
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Mingi couldn't believe it.
You said you will be there for the birthday party his mom had prepared for him. It was a little early from his actual birthday, sure, but it was a party for his special day anyways.
A few miles away, you hurriedly finish getting ready,  you know Mingi´s now sulky about you not being able to make it to his parents house, but this client was important and if you didn't go personally to sign things up apparently, it was a deal breaker for them.
Before leaving for the meeting you call him, trying to sound innocent and sweet but the pout on Mingi´s lips was palpable even from the other side of the phone. 
“After this I'll get a few weeks off and we can celebrate for sure! I promise, your birthday isn't coming until next week” 
“Yeah I know…¨Mingi sounded defeated on the other line. “But my mom really wanted you here, and i really miss you…¨
You recognized the tone, his already low tone went lower and he dragged his words, which honestly just made you instinctively rub your tights together. You glance at the clock, you have some time to make it up for him, only a little.
“Mingi, are you alone?” you heard Mingi groan softly, and the sound of his steps hurriedly going somewhere. 
“Mingi! Don't be late, the food is almost ready, is yn getting here soon?” 
The voice of Mingi´s mom sounded in the background, Mingi replying to her a hasty “I'm going to change mom, i'll be outside in a minute!” made you smile. You lay on the bed, waiting for him to get to whatever he wanted to go to, probably his childhood bedroom.  “I'm here, yn?” 
“I'm here too, tell me what you´ ve been thinking?” 
Mingi whispers. “You here, with me. In my bedroom. You touch me, licking me…¨he stops and groans. “I'm sorry I'm just… I need you”
“It's fine love, I'm here to help you not miss me so much, again, I'm sorry I can't be there today, but ill make it up for you meanwhile, can you lay down for me on your bed?¨ Mingi swallows and you can hear him shifting his position. “Good. now I'm thinking how much I wish to sit between your legs and take in my mouth, you must be so hard right now” Mingi moans, the sounds of his hands on his length pumping slowly are unmistakable. “Imagine how i'd look while i suck you off so good, licking my lips as i get some air, you know how much i struggle to take you whole”
“Fuck” Mingi groans, the palming noises are faster. “Yes, I love that sight, you always do so well” 
Your hands slowly go down the hem of your skirt, slowly rubbing circles over your clit until Mingi´s whimpers and moans get impossible to resist, and you whine wishing you were indeed sucking him off right now. You slide one finger and then another, as his breathing gets more agitated. 
“How many fingers?” he asks plainly, and you bite your lip. He knows you too fucking well. Knows you can't resist his voice more than he can resist yours. 
“Two” you whine, pressing another. “Imagine me licking you, suckign you, as much as i can, you will probably make me choke if im not careful, you so fucking big you know?” you breathe, trying to pace yourself to finish aligning Mingi, who´s wet stroking sounds become louder by the second. 
“When i got back home, ill fuck you so good”
You hummed in response, a moment of silence of just both your breathing and whimpering filled the line that connected you. 
“I'm not resisting anymore… please, let me…” Mingi pleaded. “Please come with me, yeah?” 
“Where do you want it?” the words easily slipping form you, imaging it was his cock and not your fingers inside you. 
“All over you, please just let me…” a loud whine stopped Mingi mid sentence, alongside a loud bang that made you pop your eyes open. 
“Mingi! The food is ready and everyone is waiting outside!¨
“Fuck… “ he whispered, both breathless and annoyed. “One minute, I'm changing!¨´
You laughed loudly. The knot on your stomach evaporated as soon as you heard Mingi´s mom's voice but it made you laugh imagining how much of a mess Mingi would be in this moment. 
“Love, are you alright?” 
“Pff fuck, i made a fucking mess……. not the lamp!” Mingi giggles. You both laughed, embarrassed and amused. “I'm sorry about that, i'll tell everyone you couldn't make it… and, make it up for you as soon as I get home”
“I'm sure you will, I miss you so much” 
“I love you yn, so fucking much” you hear kissing noises on the other side.
“Oh Mingi, I do too.” 
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allyeardepression · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic | feb 20 shiver | words: 864
yeah, so, someone said they would like a part 2 to this so i wrote it. i don’t know if it’s any good but here it is, hope y’all like it (also sorry for all the mistakes, english still isn’t my first language)
next part 👀
“He just stayed over for dinner, Sirius. It was a ‘thank you’ for helping me with Gigi” James repeated for what felt like a hundredth time.
“Oh, I know your ‘thank yous’. Don’t try to fool me, I haven’t met you yesterday” Sirius laughed through the phone. James was surprised his best friend didn’t get mad at him for spending the evening with said friend’s brother.
He was expecting the man to throw a tantrum about it, that’s why he called Moony and asked for Sirius as soon as Regulus left his flat with the dog.
“You know, it’s kind of your fault. Why would you leave your phone to your brother? If you hadn’t done that nothing would have happened!”
“So, something did happen?” James heard the cheeky smile even though he couldn't see it and simply groaned at the response he received. Sirius could be his best friend, who James loved dearly, but he could also piss him off like nobody else.
“Don’t change the subject, just- why did he have your phone? I really was terrified with the whole situation and as if it wasn’t enough I almost got a heart attack because you really didn’t have your phone and I didn’t know who got my address, and if they wouldn’t ki-“
“Okay, James, breathe” he heard from the other side. He did just that. “Now, stop spiralling. He had my phone, because I left it there on my way to the venue. He was fucking with you, you know how he is” Sirius explained calmly and James felt a little better. But then “While we’re on the topic of fucking-“
“I’m hanging up” his bestie just barked a laugh at that.
“Yeah, Reggie’s here anyways, I have to pester him now. Bye, love ya” and with that Sirius ended the call.
James breathed heavily and slumped into the couch. Excluding the Gigi incident, the evening was really nice - he and Regulus prepared the butter chicken together (using tofu instead of chicken since Reg doesn’t eat meat). They laughed at what the vet said about them not being good uncles to the dog and talked about their lives. James knew from Sirius that Regulus went to art school but still listened eagerly as the younger man talked about his latest project.
“You should come to the opening. I think you’ll like it” Regulus said midway through his dish. He also smirked when James started choking on his rice. After a moment he calmed down, whipping his face with a napkin.
“Yeah, of course, I’ll try to make it. When is it exactly?” he asked, pretending like nothing happened just seconds ago. Regulus laughed at him, sounding so very sweet again, and James tried to hide the small smile and blush that appeared on his face.
“Next Friday at 8” the black-haired man replied simply, going back to his meal. He looked so soft and peaceful sitting at the table, the older man felt a need to squish him tightly, because what the fuck - how can someone look so pretty?
With James’ internal crisis and Regulus’ quiet chewing they fell into a comfortable silence. It was new to James - usually, while eating with his parents and friends, it was very loud, everyone talking and laughing all the time. But it was nice - to just sit and enjoy a dinner together.
When they were finished Regulus took Gigi and said he’ll drop her off at Sirius’. James just thanked him again, walking the other man down the hall. When Regulus was out, he turned over his shoulder and smiled warmly.
“See you next Friday” he said and walked to the elevator. James didn’t even have a chance to reply as the younger man disappeared behind the metal door.
He took another deep breath and went to his bathroom, taking a quick shower and preparing to go to sleep. He was halfway through his skincare routine when his phone beeped. As always, he didn’t bother checking it while he’s having his alone time, but as soon as he laid his head on the pillow he opened the unread message.
Sirius is fucking mad
Whatever he says to you - do NOT believe him
He’s delusional, I swear
It’s Regulus, by the way
James felt a pleasant shiver going down his spine. Regulus didn’t ask for his numer, but apparently took it from Sirius’ phone. Sneaky little thing he was.
didnt expect you to be not only a murderer but also a thief
and i know your brothers mad ive known him half my life
I’m not a thief, I’m THE thief
If I managed to steal your number maybe I’ll be able to steal some of your time ;)))
James laughed at that.
yeah sure
you can steal as much of my time as you want
The reply didn’t come right away. He could see the three dots appearing and disappearing every now and then, though. And when it finally came, James just smiled at it.
You’re being cheesy, please don’t act like that at the opening
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oniikabuto · 1 year
hi i hope this doesnt seem annoying bc i have never requested anything from ppl IDK it makes me anxious 😭 but ur one bed for sp was so cute i adore ur writing !!! do u think u could do it for craigs gang + butters?
one bed! part 2
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-- sfw --
part one (main 4 boys)
characters: butters stotch, craig tucker, tweek tweak, tolkien black, jimmy valmer, clyde donovan
a/n: you arent annoying at all dws!! ty for being my first request this is monumental. oh and i wasnt sure if tweek counted as part of craigs gang or not but i adore him so i made one for him. also thank you!!!!!! ;; also jimmy is so underrated i love him so much mwagh
notes: i cant write clyde for shit idk he has no personaluty sorry i love him though; same character dynamic as part 1 (mutual pining, character has a crush on the reader)
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— ⛧ b. stotch
complains that it's past his bedtime, but gives in because he wants to spend time with you.
"it's past nine already!"
"well.. yeah. it isn't that late, butters."
"but i always sleep at nine!"
but he'll sit through movies with you anyways because he has a fat crush on you.
except when the end credits start rolling, you look over at butters and he's curled up in a ball, snoring.
you don't have the heart to wake him up, so you quietly shut your laptop and move it off your bed.
he'll probably get in trouble for not coming home at all, but his parents trust you enough. you can probably talk them out of grounding him tomorrow morning.
"butters", you whisper. "leo, you gotta move."
he rolls over, half-asleep and dazed. "huh..?"
"you're staying with me tonight. scoot over."
"o-oh, jeez, okay", he blushes when he feels the warmth of you next to him.
"night, butters."
he's probably praying he doesnt wet the bed he would actually die
murmurs in his sleep and talks about nonsense
drools like a puppy
probably goes mimimimimi like in the cartoons /j
you will wake up with his arm around you. if you move it, he'll find his way back again in his sleep
looks like a baby when he sleeps its so funny you cant help but take photos

— ⛧ c. tucker
you turn around to tell him it's getting late and ask if he needs a ride home
and he's dead asleep. on the floor. textbook over his lap. snoring very softly.
like no wonder it's been so quiet... as you were doing your homework, craig was asleep on your floor.
you felt so bad having to wake him up to move him to your bed
"craig, i'm so sorry. i got distracted, i didn't mean to-"
"it's fine. just let me sleep in the corner. i like your plushies", he yawns.
so he sleeps in the corner against the wall, and you sleep on the outside to make sure he doesn't roll right off the bed.
if you weren't there, he definitely would have bc when you wake up, he's smushed into you.
how can he breathe???
he also violently gnashes his teeth and it's very startling (my brother did that as a kid and i would almost pee myself in fear)
and he'll randomly put his hand somewhere like your face?????? the way he does it is so funny because it always seems like he's wide awake but you look over and he's mouth breathing and sound asleep
yeah he's a mouth breather
it's okay he's a cutie

— ⛧ t. tweak
passes the fuck out from coffee. like CRASHES
"yeah and then i was telling kyle about how- tweek, you okay?"
"tired....... can i go.....mmfjkg"
like at a certain point past 1am he just turns into a dead slug
poor thing
you just send him up to your bedroom and get him a change of clothes so that he doesn't have to sleep in a button-up
except by the time you get up to your room, he's dead asleep.
you don't bother trying to wake him up, since you've never seen him sleep so peacefully.
he's curled up on his side, face buried in your plushies.
you scoot in next to him, so close that you can smell the milky coffee lingering in his hair.
it's kinda nice
in the middle of the night you wake up to a really strange noise.
it's tweek
he's doing this weird clicky thing with his tongue in his mouth in his sleep
like. okay?????? you go back to sleep
and then he flings his whole arm over and WHACKS you hard in the face
he just randomly jerks in his sleep, wakes up for a second and falls back asleep
it's very startling
sometimes you have to hold him down with your arms
he loves it

— ⛧ t. black
actually a super chill guy to sleep with
he's enjoyable to have over
you'll both be studying for midterm exams next week, and he yawns
"it's like. ten. do you just wanna spend the night here?"
"is that, uh- is that okay with you?"
"yeah, my room's upstairs. i'll meet you up there in a sec"
he'll text his mom that he's spending the night because he's actually responsible
gets a little embarassed to sleep in your bed
but a win is a win
gets a LOT embarassed when you get in bed with him
falls asleep pretty fast actually
he's a relatively normal sleeper
spends like 30 minutes in the bathroom washing his face and stuff before he goes to bed
"do you have cleanser?"
sleeps like a rock
except for when he randomly talks
like TALKS. clear as day
scares you shitless
'tolkien??? are you up still??"
"why would you do that."
"do what??"
"grape juice"
and then he'd roll over and go back to sleep
does not remember any of his nighttime conversations in the morning
"i said that? are you sure?"

— ⛧ j. valmer
fell asleep on your couch in the middle of a horror movie
to your dismay
because when you turned away from the screen and grab at him in fear, he's SNORING. his ass is SNORING as the clown violently murders the main character.
you just make a jokingly-angry face at him.
"it's late. can't i ju-just stay h-h-here?"
"well- i mean, sure, but you can't just sleep on the couch, dude. come up to my room, i'll show you."
grins ear to ear
hes so down bad for you
almost implodes when you lean his crutches against the door and make sure they won't fall
DOES implode when you get in next to him
he smells like dish soap but in a good way
like citrus
you tell him so, and to that he makes a stupid "orange-you happy i'm here" joke
"jimmy, go to sleep."
makes sure he's got the elastics for his braces in
in the middle of the night he'll whisper your name
"y/n r u still up"
"yeah what"
"i just thought of something really funny"
it gets old so fast but it's okay he's cute

— ⛧ c. donovan
crashes at 8pm after insisting he can pull an all-nighter
refuses to get up unless you drag him by his ankles
and even then he'll lay on the floor like a dead fish
so you just let him stay
meticulously brushes his hair sideways with wet fingers to make sure he doesn't wake up with a bedhead in front of you
he does anyway.
you walk up behind him as he moves his hair "whatcha doin?"
he jumps THREE FEET and whirls around
"nothing!" as if he's hiding a government secret or sum
once you guys r in bed he stops acting all tough and cool and just freaks out
his back will be turned but he's beet red
breathes really loudly when he falls asleep
and sleeps in ATROCIOUS positions
you'll wake up with his foot on your chest and the blanket flipped upside down
someone needs to belt this boy down to the bed or something
he's really a cute sleeper though
sometimes you wake up and see him face-down in a pillow and move him over to make sure he doesn't like. suffocate
and then he wakes up to you on top of him with no context

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starrywooyo · 7 months
HIS - JWY one-shot
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synopsis: you save a fox but what happens when he turns out to be more than just a fox?
pairing: fox!hybird wooyoung x f! reader
genre: hybird au - fluff/smut/angst (im so sorry)
!!warnings!! hunting, hunting terminology. non-con (consent is key!!) wooyo saves the day, time skips, smut, dom wooyoung, sub reader, blood, guns, death (im so sorry)
notes: very slow but I promise its worth it!!
word count: 5.7K (omg its long but I promise its well worth it)
before it begins i just wanna say I'm so sorry i wasn't even gonna make it angsty but idk i just wrote it and now im crying at 11pm so I'm very sorry in advance, regardless i hope you enjoy!!
It’s a calm Thursday morning as you awaken in your cosy little cottage home you live in with your parents and older brother in the countryside. You go about your business and get dressed, with it being such a calm morning you decide to pack a small lunch in your basket and go to your favourite spot for a nice lunch picnic. A spot which entails you to walk through the woodland. And so you do, it's a peaceful walk anyway.
You walk until you reach a sort of meadow-lake area and settle yourself in a nice spot with just enough shade and warmth from the sun and start to place your food out on the blanket, taking your book you had with you and begin to read. Your reading however is briefly interrupted by the rustling coming from the long grass just by your right side. A rabbit or a hare rushes by your blanket. The rustling continues and out pops a fox!! It creeps out and comes to a stand still as it spots you sitting on the grass. It watches you carefully before sprinting off. 
Weird.. You think to yourself.
You awaken as the morning light shines through the curtains, sitting up in your bed you slip on your slippers along with a light shawl to heat you up from the chill of the morning, and make your way downstairs toward the kitchen.
Sitting at the kitchen table you grab a piece of toast and you're halfway through spreading some butter on there that your brother bursts through the back door grabbing the attention of your father.
“I caught something in one of the traps pa!!” he’s exclaiming. 
Your dad is suddenly sitting up at that
“It’s about time!! Come on, i’ll show you how to get the game out of the trap”
And with that they're out the door together. 
A few days later you’re again taking a walk in the woods, you hear something in the distance. You can't quite make out what it is. Shaking the thoughts away you continue walking, though you seem to be walking in the direction of the noise as it gets louder and closer sounding the more you walk forward.
It seems to sound like a whine of somesort.. Like a whine of pain?
You get to where the bush is and push past it. It's then that you see it.
A Fox, trapped in one of your dads traps.. Poor thing has its leg clamped shut in the metal trap. damn you hate these traps and how your father and brother do things.
The fox whines and seemingly tries to free its leg only to feel more pain and whine more.
“Poor thing..” you whisper out.
The fox halts its movements, its eyes darting towards you, only to bare its teeth and growl lowly
You slowly crouch down to be on the same level as the fox, trying your best to show you are no threat.
“Hey hey.. It's okay, let me help you” you go to touch the trap and the fox snaps at your hand.
“Now stop that. I know you’re scared but that’s no way to treat someone who's trying to help you” you firmly tell the fox.
“Damn i'm actually talking to an animal i must be crazy” you laugh out and the fox that's now  stopped growling tilts its head at you.
“Just let me help you” you say as you reach for the trap again. And this time the fox allows you to get close.
Pushing the release lever on the trap you pull the metal bars away from its leg the gentlest you could. It winces as the sharp prongs exit its leg. With its hind leg now free it turns its head toward the wound, licking it slightly before standing and what you assume would be to make a break for it. Only the small orange animal collapses with a yelp
You slightly pout, and begin to take off the shawl you were wearing. Inching your way toward the little fox you drape the shawl on its body and gently pick its dejected form off the ground and hold it close to your chest.
“Come on i'll help you” you tell the creature and begin to make your way back home.   
Before reaching the front door, you decide against taking the fox inside knowing if your father or brother was to see the animal, the poor thing would most likely be ‘put out of its misery’ as your dad would say and then skinned or something of the sort.
So you decide to take the little fox into the barn and up to the floor loft where there is plenty of hay so at least the animal can be warm or hide if need be..  
Placing the ball of ginger fur down on the hay you walk away and begin to make your way back down.
“I’ll be right back okay?” you tell it.
And with that you rush back into the house through the back door, not taking into account what your family would think if they saw you with the blood on your dress had they been in the kitchen. Thankfully though no one was there. Your whole family is seemingly still in the town. 
Raking through the cupboards you find what you're looking for: bandages, antiseptic, suture kit and scissors. As well as pouring some hot water in a bowl and grabbing a cloth and a bowl before placing all the items into a small basket, you make sure to wash your hands thoroughly well and then you make your way back into the barn, the fox thankfully still where you left it. Not that it had any choice.. 
Sitting down as close as you could to the creature you organise and place all the items on the floor beside you, the animal carefully eying all the items up.
Taking the bowl filled with hot water and carefully dip the cloth into the water, slightly ring it out and begin to gently wipe away at the dried blood stuck on its fur as well as the fresh thats slightly dripping out of the gash on its leg, the fox slightly hissing at the contact with the cloth. 
Placing the bloody cloth back into the basket you pick up the antiseptic and drench a little pad with the solution.
“This will probably sting a little” you tell the animal and then you dab the pad on its wound 
The fox lets out a bark and attempts to pull its leg away, but the wound needs to be cleaned so you hold onto the leg as hard yet as gently as you could so the animal couldn't pull away.
The fox whines again and just lets its head fall onto the hay giving up on pulling away and just lets you do your thing.
Opening the suture kit, the little fox eyes your movement and you swear you saw it gulp as you thread the needle. You begin to stitch its wound closed, it doesn't take long.. you think maybe about 10 to 15 minutes? Then you take the bandages and begin to wrap the leg to prevent any infection. 
“There all cleaned up” you tell the fox gently running your hand on its fur 
“Now you have to stay in here for the next few days whilst you heal so don’t be trying to escape” you add, and then you drape a blanket over its tiny form to keep it warm and also hidden.
Over the next 10-14 days you keep checking up on the little fox, changing its bandages as well as bringing him little scraps of meats from the dinner table 
You loved having the little fox in the barn. You often read up there and used the barn as a place of solitude but it was nice having some company even if in the form of a fox, and you know you shouldn't have but in turn it caused you to name the fox. Ironically you named him ‘Todd’. and although it was silly you felt you and the little fox had grown a friendship within those weeks.
Walking into the barn with some chicken scraps you were not mentally prepared to see ‘Todd’ up and walking but you knew he’d be healed up soon enough and you’d have to let him go.
Placing the little bowl of chicken down for the fox to eat, you gently unwrap the bandage from its leg to see nothing but a whitish scar going through the black fur. 
You sigh sadly as the fox tilts its head at you.
“Well Todd you’re finally all healed. It's time for you to go back home. It's not exactly safe here for you” you tell Todd. you knew it was only a matter of time before your dad walked into the barn and found the little creature so it was best to let him go before that happened.
“Come on” you gesture and the fox follows you down the stairs of the barn and you both walk out and in the direction of the forest. 
Once you felt you’d walked far enough away you bent down to the little fox.
“This is where i say goodbye todd” you say “go on” you tell him
The sitting fox looks at you, lets out a little bark and then breaks out into a little run away into the forest. 
You don’t know what you were expecting the goodbye to be like but you suppose that was just how it was supposed to be. 
Now you thought you would never see the little fox again but somehow whenever you had your little picnics by the lake ‘Todd’ would join you. This happened almost every time you were there as if the fox knew you were going to be there. 
You were walking home after one of your picnics with ‘Todd’ entering the home you see your father, mother and brother sitting at the table as well as an unknown man.
Your parents seem to have a huge smile on their faces. 
“y/n please. Sit and join us. We have something to discuss with you” your mother begins.
Confused, you place your basket onto the worktop and sit down at the table. 
Your father clears his throat.
“y/n. This is George” your father introduces the unfamiliar man.
You awkwardly smile at the man and introduce yourself a little better.
“You’re going to wed him” your father adds
You respectfully decline the offer 
“This is not up for discussion y/n. You will marry George, he's a good man. You’ll be in a good sturdy home and he's a great hunter” your father adds even more.
You knew there was no arguing with him but you could however at least postpone it a little bit
“Well if i have to marry him can’t i atleast get to know him a little better before?” you ask.
Both your parents and George agree. 
You’ve been on tons of dates to get to know George but you just don’t like him one bit and he is a foxhunter.. 
You're both sitting on your porch, unbeknownst to you of a little orange fuzz ball watching the both of you intently. As the other man makes small advances such as touching you lightly or trying to get closer the little fox notices your discomfort 
George moves closer to you, placing his hand on your thigh.
“So.. are you ready to marry me yet..?” he asks you
You uncomfortably and awkwardly move away from him slightly you hum
“I think I need more time,” you tell the man.
George sighs out angrily 
“That's all you've been saying the past few months, when will you ever be ready y/n!!?” the man raises his voice at you standing up on the porch.
The little fox growls lowly in his spot from the bushes, still observing.
You stand giving apologies to the man and enter your home. 
George runs a hand angrily through his hair and gets in his truck slamming the door and drives off.
‘Todd’ still in the bushes watches the home, watching as you slip out the back door and up into the barn.
And then he slowly makes his way into the forest away from your home.
You sit up in the barn loft with your feet dangling out of the big window at the top. You sigh, tossing your book onto the floor beside you. You’re then startled by a little bark.
Turning to look behind you you see ‘Todd’ trotting towards you with what seems to be a small vole in his mouth, he places it on the ground beside you and nudges it towards you when you just stare at the prey on the ground, the fox sits tilting his head at you.
“I- Todd.. i appreciate it but i can’t do anything with that..” you tell the little fox. 
‘Todd’ picks the vole back up and walks away with it. 
This continues over the next few weeks, ‘Todd’ bringing you a wide variety of animals as well as fruits. Most of the fruits you accept but the rats, other animals and sometimes rotten foods you cannot accept. 
You’re in the kitchen helping your mother when you hear your father call for you from the door.
Walking to the front door you see what all the hullabaloo is. George is back…
He gets out of his truck going to the truck bed and pulls out a fox pelt
Your eyes widen. You wanna throw up.
“For the lady” George says as he holds the pelt in front of you,
You seem to zone out for a second, being brought back by your father telling you to take the pelt. You take it and bring it inside and place it on the table but then go straight to your room.
The little fox watching from the distance is heartbroken as he sees you accept the pelt. You won't accept his tokens of affection but you’ll accept his.. That murderer's gifts. ‘Todd’ lowly snarls at this and walks away.
It had been weeks since you last saw you little ‘Todd’ and you had no reason why.
You’re sitting in the meadow with George, you silently read your book.
George slowly moves closer to you, his hand resting by your back. Which ever so slowly creeps up to rest on your shoulder.
Closing your book you turn to him.
“I’d appreciate it if you'd remove your hand, it makes me uncomfortable” you say to him. 
He laughs “uncomfortable? Come on Y/n we’ll be married soon. I’m gonna do a lot more than hold you like this”
You hold your gaze with him firmly.
“You’re an idiot if you think i'm gonna let you get intimate with me in any way George '' you tell him. 
He doesn't like this, he raises his hand and slaps you across the face and grabs your jaw.
“What? You won't let me?” he laughs again. “You’ll be my woman, I can do whatever I want to you. When I want” he tells you as he places his lips on yours pushing you down on the blanket. 
You hit and thrash at him telling him to stop. He doesn't listen.
As you struggle, He holds your hands together with one hand as he undoes and pulls off his belt with the other and ties it around your hands.
All the while you’ve been screaming and attempting to kick your feet at him. Hoping and praying for anyone.. Hell anything would hear you.
He kisses you again and this time you bite his lip as hard as you could.
George pulls away with a yelp. He touches his lip and sees the blood. He laughs a bit, his eyes darken and he hits you across the face again. His ring cuts your cheek in the process.
He begins to hike your dress skirt higher 
“I’m going to take you now. No matter if you like it or not, I'll fill you up and then we’ll get married. And you’ll give me a nice healthy son” he tells you all while unbuttoning his shirt 
He slides down between your thighs and places a kiss there. 
You let out more protests and another call for help though you’re not sure how good your attempt was as it came out more a whisper between your sobs. 
“I believe the lady said no” you hear someone's voice and then George is ripped away from you. You immediately sit up, scooting back till you hit the tree and try to get your breathing under control. You look at the situation.
There's another man. He has lightish brown hair and is wearing a simple white button up shirt. Sleeves rolled up and some jeans?
He’s on top of George throwing punches at him left and right.
“If you ever fucking touch her like that again” the man said. You swear you heard his growl as he said that. 
George though manages to escape running away from the man back into the forest, not before calling him a psycho. 
The man turns towards you and the anger slowly melts off his face.  
He walks towards you and kneels.
“Here let me help you” he says gesturing to your bound hands
As he takes the belt off your hands you take in his details. He has very pretty brown eyes. And just below his eyes rests a little mole-
Before you can take in more details he stands putting his hand out for you to take and you do.
The man sighs out.
“Why don’t you just come with me y/n..” he whispers 
Your eyes widen slightly
“How do you-” you go to ask him how he knows you   
But he shushes you
“Let me show you” he says and then begins to take his shirt off and goes to take his jeans off next 
You sort of yelp in surprise and look away
The man chuckles slightly.
“You have to look silly if you're gonna see” he says
You take a deep breath in and keep your eyes on his face.
He then started to grow little orange pointed ears with black tufts at the tips, you literally just blink and the next second a fox sits in front of you. Not just any fox ‘Todd’!! You’re in shock 
“T-Todd!!?” you manage to speak.
The fox chirps and walks towards you happily. 
You bend slightly to rub your hand on his head as he sort of bumps his head into your touch.
The little fox bites the bottom of your dress and tugs at it lightly, silently asking to follow him. And strangely enough you do.
The fox never lets go of your skirt as it pulls you through the forest deeper and deeper past the trees. Until he does. He drops your skirt out of his mouth and happily treads towards the huge redwood tree turning around barks for you to follow and goes into what you assume is his den..
You stand for you don’t know how long. Not making any advance towards the tree.
The fox pops his head back out pulling you from your thoughts as he tugs your skirt again pulling you closer to the tree and this time you follow him in. you’re not sure why. All you know it’s because you feel safe with him even though it's confusing and your thoughts are flying at 100mph.
The underground den was actually pretty spacious; you were able to stand up completely once through the tunnel into the main system of the den.
The first room to you looks like a little living room area as well as what seems to be a little kitchen due to the little fire pit that is under a hole for the smoke to go out. 
You turn back to the fox who had shifted back to being a human? Though he still had his ears and bushy tail. And yes. He was wearing clothes.
“I dug this out all by myself, there's more rooms and things through the tunnels if you wanna take a look” he says gesturing to the other holes going off into other chambers connected to this main central room. You nod and slowly shift to look in the other rooms.
There's one just stocked with wood which you assume is for the little fire pit.
Another which looks like random things but the fox soon tells you that those are his treasures 
Another looks to you to be a bathroom or well a bath. There's a small pool with actual flowing water. you ‘re very impressed by the craftsmanship of the foxes den.
The fox sits watching you explore your his home, his chest puffed up with pride as you compliment him.
As you make your way to look in the last part of the den, he stops you.
“W-wait- before you see the last room. I'm sure you have questions and want me to explain” he says 
You nod “yes, i’d appreciate that Todd” you tell him
The fox frowns.
“Wooyoung,” he says.
You furrow your eyebrows confused.
“My name. It's Wooyoung” he says again
“Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realise. Then yes, please wooyoung explain”
“I’m what you’d call a hybrid. I’m part human and part animal. In this case, I'm a fox. I have the ability to change between being fully human or shapeshift into a fox or i can keep my ears or tail” he explains and you nod in your understanding. 
He breathes in
“I- id like you to stay with me y/n.. I know it might take time but from that day you saved my life. I knew I wanted you as my partner, my mate. And if you’d let me, I want to court you. So please won't you stay with me?” he asks.
You contemplate your odds. Your family wants to marry you off to some sicko and probably won't even care that he tried to touch you without your consent.
Wooyoung on the other hand seems genuine plus he protected you and you do like the little fox
“I’ll stay… with you” you tell him quietly
His eyes widen at your answer 
“You will!!?” he asks again
You nod with a smile.
He jumps you in a hug “thank you thank you thank you!!” he purrs a rumble from his chest and you gently stroke his hair
Living with Wooyoung was actually pretty nice. He was super sweet, always respecting your boundaries and for a fox he's a pretty good cook
As the months go on your relationship grows and begins to stem into something more when you finally allow wooyoung to court you. It was around December now. Fresh white Snow covers what was bright green grass. Food is also scarce, you’re often left alone in the den whilst wooyoung goes out and hunts for whatever he can find: hares, rabbits. Fish on an odd occasion and sometimes even bringing back a chicken if he's successful enough to steal one from a farm. You hate when he sneaks onto farms.. It's so dangerous for him as a fox and sometimes you worry he won’t come back one of these days..
Today was no different, left alone in the den whilst woo goes out to hunt promising to be back before nighfall. Now being in the den wasn't all borning you had various books to read, you even had a little sketchbook that you are doing collections of little drawings in.
You just so happened to get lost in a book and by the time you put it down and popped your head out of the opening of the den into the cold air it was already night. Wooyoung still isn't back.. 
Crawling back into the den you decide to distract yourself and tidy the space a little bit. You reorganise the little bookshelf, tidy around the firelogs. Just whatever you can do really. You must've been really into it though to jump when a pair of arms wrap around your waist, a face snuggling into the crook of your neck.
“Mmmmh baby~ i’m back”  wooyoung says as he snuggles closer to you.
He’s cold against your back but you find yourself relaxing into his hold regardless, he places a kiss on your cheek
You turn around to face him and take in his appearance. 
His face slightly red from coming into the warmth of the den from the cold
Clothes are a tad bit dirty with dirt. You’ll have to remember to wash them for him at some point. His brown hair is slightly messy.
Wooyoung gives you a cheeky smile “i brought you something~ wait here” he says gesturing you to sit down whilst he now in his fox form goes back outside the den.its not long before he’s back and clutched between his teeth: a fairly large chicken..
His little fox form happily pads towards you and he drops the chicken gently on the floor in front of you and shifts back.
He smiles at you
“So!! Do you like it??” he asks.
You smile softly.
“I love it Woo.. but you know i hate when you go onto farms.. What if the farmer catches you or worse..” you explain to him. Tears forming in your eyes. 
His face flashes with panic at your tears.
“Hey hey.. Its okay.. That’ll never happen..” he says as he takes you into his arms rubbing your back.
“I don’t know what i’d do without you” you add through your sobs.
He places a kiss on your forehead. 
“I’ll always be here. m’not going anywhere so… don’t worry love” he tells you softly.
 He places a kiss on the tip of your nose
“Now.. what do you say we get comfortable hmm?” he asks you with a cheeky grin and proceeds to place kisses down your neck slowly moving the pair of you back towards the nest full of fuzzy and soft pelts and furs
You giggle slightly as the kisses continue, he eventually pushes you back to lay on the furs, he slots himself between your legs as your fingers weave themselves between his hair, tugging sometimes ever so gently. At some point during the makeout session he pulls back allowing you to catch your breaths and he tugs his jumper off tossing it somewhere away from the nest. Your breath gets stuck in your throat, of course you've seen him shirtless before but in this setting it just feels so different- and it gets your heart racing.
Wooyoung leans back into your neck placing more kisses and taking in your scent.
He sighs contently 
“baby you smell so good” he hums now placing little nibbles on the skin of your neck. 
He pulls away a little again and this time he looks straight into your eyes.
“Sweetheart, i wanna show you how much I love you.. Can i?” he asks
You nod and he shakes his head.
“No.. baby i need to hear you say it, cause once i start i won't be able to stop” he looks seriously into your eyes
You nod again “yes, you can, please” you tell him verbally this time.
He nods slowly again “okay..” and he places a slow kiss onto your lips
He pulls you to sit up breaking the kiss, and pulls your own sweatshirt over your head your lips quickly captured in another kiss
Laying you back down the kisses now travel down your neck, to your chest and across your stomach, he gazes up at you through his eyes and begins to tug your jeans off all the while you watch him intently. 
He pulls you to sit up once more, placing another kiss softly on your shoulder and his hands moving towards your back ”may i?” he asks
“Yeah” you breathe out and then he's slowly unclasping your bra and tugging off your underwear. And kicking off his own. He lays you back down and your quick to cover yourself up.
He pulls your hands away “don’t hide love.. You’re so beautiful” and he starts leaving his kisses again..
“So fucking stunning baby”
He slithers down and begins leaving kisses on your thighs leaving little nips every so often little marks beginning to form
And then he’s between your thighs slowly pushing himself into you
You gasp, hands shooting to grip his shoulders. “Woo..” you whine out feeling the stretch
“Mmh it's okay baby.. I got you..fuck you’re so tight” woo moans out
He places more wet kisses on your lips and his hands lace into your own pinning them down onto the fur as he begins to thrust
Gasps, heavy breathing and moans are the only things heard throughout the den, if anyone was to be that deep in the forest they’d turn the other direction.
Wooyoung whispers sweet little words and praises to you as his movements are slow yet powerful. 
“You’re doing so well for me baby”
“Taking me so well”
“Just a little bit more”
“That's my girl” 
“So pretty” 
That's when you feel it building up in your stomach, that knot that just wants to come undone.
“Woo..” you moan out, tears filling your eyes
“I’know bubs.. Just a little longer for me hmm? Y-you can do that for me” his thrusts getting more powerful 
“I c-can’t-” you cry out
“S-shit” he gasps out “yes you can baby, be my good girl” he coos
His hands slipping from your hand go to grip your hips as he seems to push himself deeper inside you and it has the tears finally dripping from your eyes
“Fuck w-wooyoung” you sob out
His grip gets tighter on your hips, definitely gonna leave a mark
“Pretty girl~” he coos again “gonna fill you nice and full with my kits” he moans out
“You like that baby? You’d look so pretty, your stomach all plump and round with our litter” he whines out and attacks your lips with kiss after kiss after kiss biting your lips gently making them more swollen.
And then it snaps, your release falling over you in waves and wooyoungs painting your insides hot and white.
Your bodies glisten with sweat, his hair a mess and sticking in every direction, his forehead leans on yours as he chants over and over again “i love you” 
Eyes fluttering open you’re met with a mop of brown hair, he’s still asleep so peaceful looking, gently you place a kiss onto his mole just under his eye and while still under the furs you snuggle tighter into them. His eyes blink open
“Morning baby” his voice rasps out as he snuggles into your neck leaving a kiss. He pulls you closer to him 
He sighs out “i love you so much” 
You return the saying and smile softly, yeah you could definitely get used to waking up like this 
A good few months later as expected your tummy did in fact have a tiny little person in there.
Wooyoung was overjoyed, he began to dig out another little room in the den. A nursery for your little ones and the both of you decorated it together. The perfect little space to raise your young together.
It wasn't long before the cries of babies soon filled the den, three. You had three little ones. Two twins and then another little one a few years later
A little girl the oldest and two little boys. 2 of them are fox hybrids like woo the little girl and boy and the other boy the youngest just like you. 
You named your daughter: youngsoo 
Your eldest son: youngjoon
And the youngest: jaewoo
You’re heart warmed seeing how well woo takes care of and loves his children
Watching your children grow alongside wooyoung will always be the most precious memories you’ll keep in your heart. Your children are now at the ages of 7 and 5
You’re in the den with your youngest and daughter, wooyoung having took youngjoon out to show him how to hunt despite you being against it.
You’re baking with youngsoo whilst jaewoo naps in the nursery. 
As you bake however there's a nagging feeling in your chest that you can’t seem to shake off. The feeling gets worse as time passes and wooyoung and youngjoon aren’t home.
“Youngsoo baby.. Look after jaewoo would you? Mama will be right back, just gonna go see if your father and brother are on their way okay baby?” you place a kiss on her forehead and she nods.
You exit the den and see the beautiful spring colours and begin walking in the direction the boys trotted off in when they left the den this afternoon. 
You must’ve walked a good solid 30 - 40 minutes before you heard it
You run off in the direction as you hear your little one
Brushing by trees and bushes until finally you get to him.
There he is crouched against a tree, tears soaking his little face
“youngjoon” you breathe out 
His head snaps up to you and he's quickly running over 
“Mummy” he sobs 
“It’s okay bubs, mummys here” 
  Its only then when you take in your surroundings you notice wooyoung is nowhere to be found.
The nagging feeling becomes more stronger and you shakily sigh out
“Youngjoon baby… where's your daddy?” you ask
And his little eyes fill with more tears, he hugs you tighter and repeat over “im sorry”
Your heart begins to sink, your own eyes filling with tears
“B-bubs.. Tell mama what direction daddy is” you ask voice cracking
And the poor little soul of a boy points. You tell him to stay right in this spot and not to move and then your rushing off
“Wooyoung i swear to god you better be okay” you hands grip at your chest
Then you hear it, loud and as clear as day
a gunshot…
No.. no..
You burst through the clearing.
A farm.
And instantly your eyes see it
The farmer dragged away a fox across the granite stoney ground. From a pool of blood and a train being left behind
And your tears soak the grass as you fall to your knees in heartbreak. 
And as your heart breaks you bring yourself to remind that you will forever and always will be his… 
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thepenguinmaker · 12 days
♡ (Platonic) South park x reader - Your best friends! ♡
Aka; what it feels like being best friends with the South Park gang (featuring; the main 4, Butters)
~ Stan
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- You were in a similar situation to him: bit of a troubled home life
- You got along with him and his friends ever since preschool, but you were much closer to him than the others
- Maybe it was his (usually) calm attitude or his similarities to you, you don't know
- Even after he moved to a farm, you come over to him to play video games or board games almost every second day
- Whenever he's feeling depressed, you try to comfort him to your best efforts
- His mother is always very glad to see you and to be honest you and Sharon kinda became friends along the years
- Not so much Randy or Shelley, though
~ Kyle
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- Same situation as Stan, you knew him since preschool and always liked him
- Being his best friend, you're prone to getting picked on by Cartman
- ^ Very toned down compared to Kyle though (except if you're Jewish too)
- He lets you babysit Ike sometimes when he has basketball practice or something
- You have some kind of matching keychain, either related to Terrance and Phillip or your interest
- You study or do group projects together a lot
- ^ You may or may not tease him and call him a nerd the whole time, but he still enjoys hanging with you
- You still get As on them anyway (mostly thanks to Kyle)
~ Cartman
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- Being Cartman's best friend is a wild ride
- You're not protected from his insults, don't you even dare think so
- You are obligated to agree with him always, and he will get upset if you don't
- Hanging out with Cartman mostly consists of playing the newest video games while he stuffs himself full of cheesy poofs
- His mom really likes you, she's glad her son hasn't had a bad influence on you
- Liane will often make you treats and sometimes even talk to you about your day, she kinda acts like you're her child too
- You need to share all your stuff with him. Would you be surprised if I told you he doesn't share any of his?
~ Kenny
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- You're never hanging at his house, nuh-uh
- You don't bully or shame your best friend for being the poor kid in town, but you can't help but agree with Cartman that his house is a dump
- He doesn't mind though, he's really glad he can get away from his parents bickering
- He will sometimes bring over Karen with him too, and you get along great
- You get him gifts and share your stuff with him very often (you get some things for Karen too if you have the money)
- You both like dressing up or creating costumes and playing pretend
- You assist each other in creating your outfits, with Kenny giving you advice and you getting him tools, decorations, fabric, etc.
~ Butters
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- You started hanging out with Butters because you took pity on him after all the other kids ripped on him
- Turns out he's actually very nice and you became quick best friends
- He doesn't really like playing video games (except for Hello Kitty Island Adventure), so when you're hanging out you're usually outside or playing with toys
- You have your own villain persona to match Professor Chaos
- You did, infact, go with him to Hawaii that one time
- He'd rather go to your house than his, due to his absurdly strict father
- You lowkey have a whole dance routine set to the Loo Loo Loo song he always sings (not tapdancing though, he still has a lot of trauma from that)
A/N: ok this time I TRIED to get it to look good.. and by that I mean I tried to get gradient text, couldn't figure out HTML then gave up. sorry folks.
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munson-blurbs · 8 months
Peanut Butter Cup - Nerds
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Fake dating/Bookworm!Reader/Steve Harrington
Warnings: fake dating, Harrington familial dysfunction, drunk family members
WC: 1.1k
Divider credit to @saradika
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Steve had heard it all from his parents:
“Why don’t you have a girlfriend yet?”
“Just go out on a date, Steven.”
“You spend all damn day at that video store; you’re never gonna meet anyone that way.”
He normally shrugs it off, until his parents give him an ultimatum: get a girlfriend before the annual Harrington Family Reunion in two weeks, or don’t bother showing up at all. 
“Twenty years old, and you barely passed high school, work a dead-end job, and don’t even have a girlfriend,” his father mutters, disgust marring his features. “You’re a disappointment.”
The insult reverberates around his skull all day: disappointment, disappointment, disappointment. It’s not the first time his father has hurled the term his way, and it likely won’t be the last, but the impact continues to sting.
It’s still gnawing at him when you walk in the door, sliding a VHS copy of The Shining across the counter with a bashful smile.
“Sorry, I know it’s a day late,” you apologize, already digging into your bag for change. “How much is the fee?”
Steve dismisses the notion with a wave. “Don’t worry about it,” he says, already checking the movie back into the system. “You, uh, went to Hawkins High, right?”
“Mhm,” you confirm, zipping up your purse and hitching it back up your shoulder, “class of ‘86.”
“‘85,” he chirps, clearing his throat to temper his enthusiasm. “Anyway, hope the movie was good.”
You nod and smile again; the gentle upturn of your lips has Steve melting. “It was. The book was better, though.”
And that’s when Steve finally places you: back in high school, you volunteered at the school library and, on more than one occasion, had helped him find a book for research projects. You were pretty then, and you’re even prettier now.
“I haven’t read the book,” he admits, embarrassed that he hasn’t read much of anything besides a comic book or two since graduation. 
Your jaw drops. “Well, now you have to!” You grab your car keys from your back pocket. “I’ll swing by tomorrow with my copy, if that’s cool?”
“Y-Yeah, ‘s cool,” he stutters, giving his head a soft shake to shift the hair from his hazel eyes. He watches as you walk out of the store, the sway of your hips drawing him in. 
He probably would have stared forever if Robin hadn’t cut in. “Hey, Dingus, you’re drooling.”
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You stop by Family Video the next day to drop off the book. And then a few days after that, you go there again to grab another movie. Soon enough, you’re a regular customer.
“Can I ask you for a favor?” Steve blurts out from where he’s standing next to you as you peruse the horror section. “Feel free to say no, to tell me to fuck off, and I will. I will just…fuck right off.”
“Could you pretend to be my girlfriend at my family reunion next weekend? Nothing weird,” he rushes to add, not wanting to imply any unwanted contact. “Just hand holding, arm around your shoulder…no feels will be copped, I swear.”
You pinch your eyebrows, perplexed. “Is this the trade-off for having my late fee waived?” you tease, thumbing The Exorcist and tugging it from its spot on the shelf. “Because I’ll pay it.”
Steve laughs, shaking his head. “Nah, just tired of hearing my folks complain about me not having my life together. Figured if I showed up with a smart, pretty girl on my arm, they’d shut up for a little while.”
Your face burns at the compliments, both at the words and that King Steve is the one saying them. “What’s the dress code?”
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You and Steve arrive in his Beemer, his hand already pressed to the small of your back as you walk into the restaurant. A room filled with Harringtons greet you as you enter the room, and your stomach flips as you wonder if you can pull this off.
“Showtime,” Steve murmurs in your ear, taking you around the room to meet his family. You’re suddenly self-conscious of where your black dress lands on your thighs and the cut of the neckline. Sure, Steve had approved it, but what did he know?
You note that he’s been gazing at you since he’d picked you up earlier, eyes drawn to you like a magnetic force. It’s part of the whole bit, you try and convince yourself, but something nags at you that Steve isn’t that good of an actor.
The conversations go as easily as they can; you spend the evening peppering in “facts” about your relationship that you and Steve had rehearsed over and over. Some of the details were truthful, like meeting at Family Video and bonding over horror movies. Other parts were much more embellished: relationship duration, your first date, the way Steve bragged that you were the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on.
It’s smooth sailing until Steve’s inebriated father stands up, clumsily clinking his knife to his wine glass. “I’d like to make a toast,” he slurs, swaying as he speaks, “to my son, Steve, and his girl! Never thought I’d see the day he’d land someone like her.”
Your eyes remain glued to the floor, waiting for the moment to be over, but if the impromptu speech wasn’t awkward enough, one of Steve’s equally drunk uncles calls out, “Give her a kiss, Stevie!”
Steve shakes his head with an uncomfortable chuckle. “Nah, we’re not really into the public–”
“Aw, c’mon!” His boisterous voice echoes throughout the restaurant. “Kiss, kiss, kiss!” he chants, and soon enough, most of the family joins in.
“Shall we shut them up?” Steve mumbles, turning to you. “Y’don’t have to…”
“N-No, we can.” It’s not the most conventional first kiss, but then again, nothing about this arrangement is normal. “We can just…”
Steve’s hand is on your cheek, nose nudging against yours as your lips press together. This isn’t a simple peck; no, it’s far more involved, more intimate, than you had anticipated.
You melt into him a bit more, resting your own hand on his bicep until the kiss comes to an end. The men hoot and holler; the women exchange awws.
“Now that,” Steve’s dad guffaws, clapping a hand on his son’s back, “is the kiss of true love!”
You manage a small smile, wondering exactly what just happened. The kiss was the best of your life, and it was supposedly just for show.
Steve’s breath tickles your earlobe as he whispers, “he may be drunk, but he’s not wrong.” His cheeks are pink at the admission.
It’s certainly a conversation you’ll need to have later, but you can’t say you disagree. For now, your fingers intertwine with his, and you give them a quick squeeze. 
Maybe it’s the wine, but you swear you love him back.
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im-notbean · 9 months
Headcannons of; Quackity x Greek! Male! Reader
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On god bro. I just really want somebody who speaks Greek on the QSMP. So in orderto cure this fantasy of mine I have now created this, sorry if you dont like the fact that Y/N is greek but I had to do it. Sooner or later okay-
⚠︎ Warning ⚠︎
Some cultural things you might not understand
Might not be accurate to the cannon QSMP
This post has both Q!Quackity and CC!Quackity
Grammar mistakes
Characters might be a bit off to you
Mentions of Homophobia
Author kinda pools info about greek food-
If anything bothers you from above please, don't read!
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・Your accent>>>>>>
・I'm sorry but he just loves it, especially when you pronounce certain words.
・Like saying yogurt and bread shit like that you know?
・If you say Alex in greek he gets scared- (Άλεξ [Álex] might not be accurate lol)
・Praise. Him. In. Greek.
・He get's so mad if you don't, goes full on Mexican on your ass-
・Quackity definitely respects your boundaries, so he'd ok with you not wanting to be public about your guy's relationship
・Especially with Twitter and shit (I refuse to call Twitter "X")
・Makes the funniest jokes and yall know those corny ass pick up lines
・Like "I wish you were my Xbox, cause I wanna play you all~~ night ♡"
・He definitely does those daily
・He can't cook for shit, so you have banned him from the kitchen
・It's always akward explaning that to your parents...
・Quackity loves it when you cook for him
・Especially Greek deserts (I'm just gonna fanboy over greek food for a hot minutes)
・Like tiramisu or like those almond cookies
・Incase you don't know what I'm fanboying over, Tiramisu is an Italian dish so I'm not gonna go over it in much detail
・Basically a layered desert with espresso innit
・Baklava is one of the MOST iconic Greek deserts, it's layered with phyllo pastery, melted butter, and nuts!
・The most common are pistachios and walnuts by the way and theirs a layer of cinnamon-orange syrup pored over it once it is baked!
・Loukoumades are the Greek version of fried dough, their normally topped with honey, cinnamon, and walnuts.
・He loves then sm
・If yall decide to make your relationship public, he wants you to decide how to do it.
・I personally believe you take over his stream one day as his "Special Guest"
・A cooking stream because y'know- it's iconic
・Your baking a classic greek disk.
・Gyro (Pronouced Yee-ro by the way)
・Basically Gyro is a dish that is a mix of lamb and beef (sometimes chicken too) that is made to fill pita bread.
・The sauce that is paired with is called tzatziki (it's really fucking good.) it normally has tomatos and onions and paied with greek fries.
・So your cooking the meat and stuff and Quackity just comes up behind you and you turn around right cause you know he's their
・So quickly, you bend down and kiss him.
・A little smooch before you kick him out th kitchen-
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・You guys met on the train to the island.
・He tried talking to you but he seriously could not understand you, it wasas if you were speaking another language.
・When the government had paired people up, you didn't get a partner :(
・You also didn't really want an egg either, but you didn't mind babysitting them!
・Phil is so greatful for this-
・Quackity had heard about your egg sitting and decided to leave Tillin (I think i butchered this ngl) in your care
・Tillin loved you, she also liked the fact that she could understand you and offered as a translator.
・When Quackity came back he was surprised to see his own child translating what you were saying
・Once the new members joined you were assined partners with Tubbo (I am not sure if the new members have assigned parners ngl so...also are we getting new members today?)
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・(Not even joking- ANYWAY LMAO)
・So y'know how Tubbo can get info out of Curchuro (prob butchered that again lol)
・You can do it also, sence your the only person on the server who can speak greek and not English he thinks the info he tells you is safe.
・You get Tillin to translate to Tubbo about what Curchuro tells you >:D
・Quackity learns about this and then he realized what the fuck is happening
・The he realized one day, you were gone.
・Along with the eggs.
・He never realized how much he liked you until you left...
・Quackity tried looking for you and the eggs
・But he never got far
・Tubbo also tried to help look for you, to no avail
・Not gonna lie, you and Phil got locked in a cage togther 😂
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jazminrhode1 · 7 months
Hey Hi girlie, I love your writing so much!!! I was wondering if you could write one where Matt or Chris reconnect with an old friend that they have always had feelings for (and everyone could see it) and she's always been with other people but, finally sees what's always been right in front of her? Super sngsty and maybe kinda leaving us hanging because I'm always down for part 2!!! Thank you hun <3
Looking At The Moon Matt Sturniolo x Reader One Shot
Summary: You realize that it's been Matt all along.
Word Count: 971 words
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“Did you ever think you’d end up with Vinny?” Matt asked. The question caught you off guard. 
You had spent the day back home in Boston celebrating Nate’s birthday. It was the first time that you had all been back together properly since the triplets moved to LA. It wasn’t quite the same as it was before they left but, you were glad to seem them all again.
As you lay on the floor of Nate’s lounge room, your friends were packed in beside you like sardines. It was 3am and you and Matt were the last two people awake. It felt like the old days.
“Sorry,” he said when you hadn’t answered after a while. 
“I always thought I’d meet my soulmate in school and we’d fall madly in love and that’d be it. Just like my parents. You know, high school sweethearts and all that. Even though we dated for 4 years, I’m not sure that I ever really thought that it’d be Vinny” you explained.
Matt nodded his head slowly. Did you ever think it could be me?
“What about you?” you asked, “Do you think you’ve met your soulmate?”
Matt stared at the ceiling, “I hope so,” he replied, “I don’t know, I always hoped that one day I’d look at an old friend and think, ‘It’s been you all long’.”
You were intrigued as you propped yourself up on one elbow, turning yourself to face him. Chris had fallen asleep between you both and you squinted your eyes in the dark to make sure he was still asleep.
“Do you think you met her in LA?” you asked. You wanted to catch up on the gossip that you’d missed out on since they left.
“No,” he replied quicker than a horse out the gate. It’s you. It’s always been you.
You racked your brain trying to think of one girl that Matt had ever shown any interest in. His date to the middle school dance? One of the friends y’all lost touch with? Was there someone at Star Market you didn’t know? It was probably one of Justin’s friends - this kid’s delusional.
As Chris stirred in his sleep between you both, you sucked in a sharp breath in an attempt not to wake him. After some time had passed, Matt got up and gestured for you to follow.
You crept up the stairs behind him to Nate’s bedroom and climbed through the window onto the roof. It had been years since you had come up here - you could see the whole neighbourhood from this spot. Matt wrapped a blanket around your shoulders as you sat on the freezing cold tiles. You had missed doing shit like this with him. You had missed him.
You remembered sitting at the window with him at daycare as he waited for him Mom every afternoon. When your Dad took the training wheels off your bike a little too early, he was the one who kissed the scrape on your knee to make it better.
When you had free time in the first grade, he would let you share his pencils or read books with you on the beanbag in Mr Wilson’s reading corner. Every day at lunch he’d trade half his sandwich with you even if you both had peanut butter and jelly.
He was always there. He always listened, he celebrated your achievements and supported you through the tough times. If there was one thing you knew for certain it was that as long as Matt was around you’d never be alone.
“Isn’t it crazy how much has changed in the last two years?” you asked as you looked out to the dimly lit street.
“I don’t think all that much has changed. Not anything that matters anyway,” he replied.
Matt had a habit of talking in riddles sometimes. You never really quite knew what was going on in his head.
“Fair enough,” you replied. “Do you ever wish that you didn’t leave Boston?” you asked.
He took a moment. You could see the thoughts racing in his head as he fidgeted with the cuff of his sleeve. “I think that the people make the place,” he replied. 
“Do you wish you never left you family?” you asked.
“Yeah… And, Nate…” he answered. And you. I wish I never had to leave you.
You took in a deep breath and laid your head on his shoulder. “I always thought growing up would be so much fun,” you said.
“It’s not fun?” he asked. “It’s not easy,” you replied as you both sat in silence, looking up at the moon.
After a while you looked at him and said, “promise you’ll remember me when you’re looking up at the moon in LA.”
I’m gonna wish that you were there with me. “I promise,” he said as he wrapped an arm around you. “Promise me you’ll send me pictures of whatever reminds you of me,” he asked and you pinky swore that you would.
When he went back to LA, he sent you snapchats every night of the moon from their balcony. You sent him pictures from the scrapbooks your Mom had made for you when you were younger. 
There was a photo of the two of you from the first day of high school and beside it your Mom had written, “I hope one day you see what has always been right in front of you.”
You went back and forth for weeks on end not knowing if you should send it to Matt or not but, you inevitably decided against it. Instead, you took a pen to the page next to your Mom’s note and wrote, “Perhaps I’m realising a little too late that it was you all along.”
Tag list: @slaysturniolo
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too? Part 14
Hey guys, I meant to put this up this morning but I wanted to give the finale of What Do Shovels Dig? Graves a chance to shine before I put out this next part.
I am such a Steve has an abusive father and a neglectful mother fan. It’s like my bread and butter when it comes to Steve’s parents. Only Allison Harrington put her designer clad foot down and said, “No!” There was even a point that I thought about not having this part in the story at all. But I realized that this is where Eddie starts to rescue Steve and Steve’s mother had to be a part of that.
Also, also! I think it would be absolutely hilarious if in the last episode we get to see Steve’s parents and they’re both former 80s darlings and heartthrobs. My vote is on Ally Sheedy and Rob Lowe. Because they LOOK they could be Steve’s parents.
Anyway, enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Robin cornered him in his bedroom. “You cannot leave anything out!”
Steve laughed. “You were right. He was interested.”
She hit him. “That was more than just interest! He said he loved you.”
“Did you miss the part I said I love him first?” Steve said, shaking his head.
“Don’t think you’re off the hook for that!” she squealed. “I want a play by play for what happened.”
So Steve told her everything.
“He said he loved you first?” Robin asked. “I knew he was flirting with you! Didn’t I say?”
Steve laughed. “I already admitted it. What more do you want?”
“I still can’t believe you got a boyfriend before I got a girlfriend,” she whined.
Steve grinned. “I told you I had game.”
Robin’s face twisted in disgust. “That’s gross.”
Steve laid down on his bed on his stomach, and propped himself on his elbows. “I didn’t know it could feel this way. It’s so much different than when I was with Nancy.”
Robin sat down next to him and curled her hand in his hair. “I would imagine that some of it is because it’s a guy, some of it being Eddie and some of it just being new all around.”
Steve nodded. “Am I rushing this?”
Robin thought for a moment. “I’m not going to lie. Probably a little. But when you both survived something you shouldn’t have, it’s a little hard not see why you wouldn’t want to jump in with both feet. Just as long as you know how far deep it goes, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
Steve rolled over on his back and flung out his arms. “Just being with him feels me with a warmth I didn’t know I was missing. Which is not to say I don’t love you or the kids or anything like that. What you and I have is special. No doubt about that. But this is special in a different way.”
She laid down next to him and he wrapped her in his arms. “I think you finally found what you were looking for.”
He hummed curiously.
“Remember when I said we should combine because you didn’t know what you were looking for but had all the moves and I had zero moves but knew what I wanted?”
He nodded. “Ahh.”
Robin scoffed. “Now I just need to steal your moves.”
“I don’t think taking Vicki to a Metallica concert is going to cut it,” Steve teased.
Robin lurched up and grabbed his pillow. She began hitting him with it as he fended her off laughing hysterically.
She suddenly stopped. “Maybe not a concert, but I could take her somewhere fun and see if she gets the message.”
Steve smiled. “See? There you go.”
She settled back down into his arms. “I am happy for you, you know.”
“I do know,” he murmured.
They fell asleep like that, still dressed in each other’s arms.
Steve wakes to the phone ringing. He almost decided to to let it ring when through the fog of sleep the memory that Eddie was going to call pierces through and he’s immediately scrambling over Robin to answer the phone.
“Steven, is that anyway to greet your father!” came the sharp voice on the other end.
Steve looked over at his alarm clock and frowned. It was barely after seven in the morning.
“Sorry, Dad,” he said. “The phone woke me up.”
“Lazing about on a week day?” Mr Harrington snapped. “I raised you better than that!”
“Dad...” Steve groaned. “I know the hospital called you. Sleep is something that happens when you’ve been hurt. Plus, it’s just after seven. My work doesn’t open until ten, I get up at eight.”
Robin looked at him nervously chewing on her thumb.
Mr  Harrington harrumphed. “I suppose so. But that’s not why I’m calling.”
Steve sighed. “What’s up? Are you and Mom okay?”
“We’re fine,” Mr Harrington said. “We heard about the earthquake and we’re coming home.”
Steve’s eyebrows shot up and Robin squeaked.
“Is there someone with you, Steven?” Mr Harrington asked.
Steve gulped, trying to force down the bile that had risen in his throat. “Just my co-worker. They stayed the night so we could drive into work together.”
“I wish you would get a girl and settle down, Steven,” Mr Harrington complained. “You mother wants grandchildren.”
“I–I...” he stammered, looking over at Robin for support. “I’m seeing someone right now, but I’m still barely a teenager. I’m not in any rush to get married.”
Robin gave him a thumbs up.
Mr Harrington sighed. “I suppose young boys do need to sow their wild oats somewhere. We’ll be home this weekend. Please make sure the house is spotless, won’t you?”
“Sure thing, Dad.” And then he hung up.
“Fuck. I should have known my luck would run out.”
Robin tilted her head to the side. “Not necessarily.”
“What do you mean?” Steve asked, scrambling to get up.
“If you’re anything like the rest of us,” Robin explained waving her hands, “you were given hush money over all the shit that went down.”
Steve frowned. “I mean I guess so. I never really thought about it.”
“The reason I still have to work to make ends meet is because I’m still under eighteen. I don’t get access to it until then.”
Steve’s frown deepened. “I mean when my dad said he cut me off and that I had to go get a job, I never even thought about the money that was mine. Usually I would just cash my check and keep it all in cash. Nothing went into savings because I didn’t trust my dad not to take it.”
“I think you need to call your bank and find out exactly how much money you do have,” she said.
He nodded. “I like the idea of having more money than I thought but how does this help me out of having my parents come home this weekend?”
Robin grinned.
Steve had to admit it was a sound plan. And it turned out that he had quite a lot. As in over three hundred thousand dollars a lot.
Played right and Steve would never have to work a day in his life if he didn’t want to. It was quite the eye-opener.
He sat down with a financial planner and got things setup properly and away from his dad’s hands. And then moved all but the visible belongings out of his room and into storage.
Steve had even timed it so that neighbors though that he was donating stuff to the aid instead of moving. He kept his clothes, but had two unzipped suitcases under his bed in case he needed to pack in a hurry.
All this while working, volunteering, and looking for a place to live. A lot people offered their house, Eddie and Robin included. Which Steve loved. And they would make great temporary places to bunk down if he needed to bail fast. But he wanted his own place too.
So Eddie and Robin would take him house hunting. Yep. A house. Steve had the money and it wasn’t as though he could leave while the kids and Eddie still needed him.
They hadn’t found a place yet by the time his parents came home, but that was to be expected.
As soon as his parents walked through the door Steve knew that having an escape plan in place was a good idea. Because immediately his mother went flying toward him.
“Steven!” she cooed. “What on earth happened to your neck?”
Steve took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He opened them slowly. “As the doctor would have told you had you bothered to answer or return his call, I was attacked by feral animals and was almost torn to pieces.” He lift the front of his shirt to show the gauze still covering the ginormous gash in his side.
Mrs Harrington gasped and even Mr Harrington looked surprised.
Steve lowered his shirt. “That’s not including the road rash on back from when they dragged me across the ground,” he continued. “Or the many concussions I’ve had over the years. Or any number of injuries that I have suffered and you never bothered to come home for.”
Mrs Harrington turned to her husband and slowly advanced on him. “Why wasn’t I told about any of this?”
Steve’s eyebrows shot up. Okay, he hadn’t been expecting that. He had assumed that she knew, too and didn’t care. But even from behind Steve could tell she was pissed. Her back was rigid, her shoulders were squared and every step she took toward her husband was like a tiger stalking its prey.
And that right there was why Steve put his mother down as a reference and not his dad. His dad was a blowhard. His mother? Was a badass former district attorney and was still respected in the community.
Mr Harrington was digging the hole deeper for himself. “I figured it was just some jumped up doctor looking to milk us for all its worth.”
Mrs Harrington stopped moving toward him and let out a slowly angry breath. She whirled around. “When is your next doctor’s appointment, Steven?”
Steve blinked for a moment. “Next Tuesday? They want to make sure nothing is infected.”
She nodded curtly. She pulled a large manila envelope out of her designer purse and handed it to Mr Harrington. “These are divorce papers, Harold. You will be speaking to my lawyers in the morning.” She turned to Steve. “I’m hungry, darling. Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “I mean, of course. Just let me grab my coat.”
Mr Harrington bristled. “You walk out that door, Steven and you won’t be allowed back in it.”
Steve nodded. “Right. Mom, can you give me five minutes to get some things together?”
Mrs Harrington smiled. “Of course, sweetie.”
Mr Harrington’s jaw dropped and she turned back to him. “If you even so much as touch any of my things, I will have you charged with theft. I have pictures and documentation on where everything is, so don’t even try to snoop.”
He continued to sputter as Steve came down the stairs with both suitcases.
“Do you have everything you need, dear?” Mrs Harrington asked, eyeing the two small suitcases.
Steve laughed. “Yeah. I figured he was going to pull this bullshit this weekend so I moved most of my stuff out already.”
She laughed. Bright and clear as bell. Steve smiled. He hadn’t heard her laugh like that in such a long time. She took one the suitcases and linked her arm with Steve’s free hand and they walked out the door together.
Part 15 Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20    
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skzhua · 1 year
mornings with you ('your eyes' series)
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♡ "Come live with me."
pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader.
genre: fluff, slice of life, neighbour!AU, suggestive.
word count: 9,321
warnings: swearing, cheesy asf.
summary: you've been living in the same apartment building for years now. everything has always been to your comfort; no noisy neighbour, no argument with the landlord, a cozy neighbourhood... when you've come to the realization you could not pay for your sweet home anymore, your friendly neighbour suggests a plan for you to stay. are you going to say no to the handsome man with many charms? of course not.
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Your pen was rolling off your desk, yet again. With a small groan, you bent down to pick it up, your friend Dahye giving you an annoyed look. The class was three hours long, and with already two hours in, you couldn't wait until it was finished. As an attempt to occupy yourself, you had been playing with your coloured pens and had dropped a few of them in the process. Dahye had given you the death glare each time and you couldn't do much else than smile apologetically. As the teacher kept talking, you drew your attention on your notebook where you had drawn small sketches over the last few weeks. Inspecting your poorly drawn flower, your brought your pencil to it and started to form some shading. Focused on your work, you did not hear your teacher calling you out. Much to her exasperation, Dahye nudged your arm making you shoot your head up.
"Sorry, what?"
The professor sighed in disappointment before repeating. "I asked if you could explain the meaning of Hamlet."
Completely clueless, you stared at her as confusion spread across your face. Seeing that you did not know the answer, she asked another student which made you relax before going back to your drawing.
The class finished sooner since the professor ended it by giving you your next assignment. English literature was either your best subject or your worst depending on the teacher. This semester, it was clearly your weakest one so far. Can you blame yourself when the class was three hours with a boring woman speaking monotony in front of you?
It took you some time to gather your belongings while your friend waited, tapping her foot on the ground. Your bag all packed, you pointed to her foot with a confused look.
"What?" she said nervously in defense. "I'm stressed."
"You're always stressed." you snarked at her as you headed out of the classroom. "It's just a small assignment, nothing to worry about."
"Small? Y/N, this grade counts for 20% of the semester. If I fail this, I'm failing the course. My parents are going to kill me if that happens." she frantically explained, but you rolled her eyes at her dramatic behaviour.
"Says the girl who has perfect marks."
She kept on ranting, but you were not listening to her anymore. You reached your shared locker to get your hoodie before you walked together to the bus stop. You could not wait to arrive home to drop on your bed while watching a movie. You could only imagine the warm bowl of popcorn filled with butter with a beverage on the side. While daydreaming, Dahye's stopped on her tracks, frustrated with how you paid no attention to her.
"Y/N." she nagged, waking you up from your trance.
"I'm sorry." you smiled weakly. "The class was so boring, it tired me."
"Right, now let me guess. You're going home to do nothing of your evening?" You grinned at her guess, but she didn't copy your expression. "I don't understand why you got a dorm apartment for yourself when you could have a simple dorm. You barely get out of your room, anyway."
"And I keep telling you on how I like my place. The building is quiet enough, unlike yours."
The conversation was cut quickly when her bus pulled over in front of you two.
"I'm going to study at the coffee shop tomorrow, you're coming?" she asked, but you shook your head as a no. "Alright, I'll see you next week, then. Have fun alone, tonight!"
"Thank you, Dahye." you faked a smile as she got on the bus.
Your apartment was in the closest dorm building on campus. The landlord was not originally part of the school, but they made arrangements to accept students to reduce the fees. This made this even better. You had a wide place for yourself for half the price on the usual market. No matter how much Dahye was going to mock you for living on your own, you liked your home so much. You liked how close it was to the campus and how it was peaceful although the fact that all tenants were young adults who liked to party. One thing you had grown fond of was the cute art major student who lived at the end of your hallway. From the few conversations you'd had with him, you learned he was renting the place to make himself a small art studio. You admired the passion he held for this hobby of his. You wouldn't say you were close to the guy, but you were civil to each other. In fact, you used your hospitality many times to come to his help.
When the elevator opened when it reached your floor, you were more than happy to see the young man, who was struggling to open his front door. You chuckled from the sight, being far enough so he couldn't hear you.
"Hyunjin." you said loud enough for him to turn his attention to you.
He smiled while trying to hide his distressed look from his fight with his door lock. "Hey, Y/N!"
"Are you alright?" you chuckled again.
With a sigh, he gave up trying to look normal as worry creeped back on his face. "Honestly, no. I think I mixed up my keys with my sister's again, cause I can't open it. I'll have to ask her to come over... again."
If Hyunjin had the looks of a prince, his younger sister had the features of a goddess. Hyunjoo was, unarguably, one of the most attractive girls to have stepped foot in the college. Hyunjin was already famous among the students, so his sister entering the same school had been a big deal. You were one of the few lucky ones to be able to talk to him on a daily basis. Not like it mattered to you. For you, Hyunjin was simply this clumsy boy with a big heart. Cute.
"You can come in while waiting for her." you suggested, but he moved his hands as to refuse your offer.
"You already did this last time, I don't want to be a bother."
"You're not a bother at all."
Still reluctant, he agreed nonetheless and followed you behind to get in your place. Luckily, you had cleaned around the day before, so it wasn't as much of a mess. Being used to it by now, Hyunjin made himself home by sitting on your couch, pulling out his phone to text his sister. In the meantime, you served him a glass of water and he gave you a warm smile as a thank you.
"She said she should be here in about 15 minutes." he said while turning off his phone to put it aside.
"Good." You sat down next to him. "I was about to continue this drama I started last week. Wanna watch it with me?"
"Sure." he shrugged his shoulder.
You started to play the series on your TV, and got up to go make yourself some popcorn. You would have made Hyunjin a bowl, but if he wasn't going to be staying for more than 15 minutes, you would have made it for nothing. He commented on the characters and asked you a few questions about the plot since you were already halfway through the show.
It didn't take long when you heard a knock on your door, a cue for your neighbour that it was time to leave. You opened the door to the, now familiar, girl who was glaring at her brother, unimpressed.
"Hi, Y/N! Thank you so much for giving shelter to my dumbass of a brother." she smiled kindly to you. "I don't know how you mix up our keys all the time, stupid." she snorted at the man, not forgetting to hit his arm.
Hyunjin flinched at the contact and stared down in shame. "Sorry." he mumbled. "Thanks again, Y/N. I'll see you around." he gave you a soft smile.
"Anytime." you laughed. "Bye, Hyunjoo! It was nice to see you again."
The girl waved you goodbye as she dragged Hyunjin behind, nagging at his clumsiness. You watched them go for a few seconds before closing the door. Hearing the noise from your TV, you suddenly remembered you had a night in for yourself to attend to. Without losing another second, you brought your popcorn with you to watch your drama.
Romance was something you believed to be rare. From past experiences, you could say for sure that none of the gestures your favourite actors were doing for their partner on screen could be seen in real life. Part of you wanted to believe you could have this kind of dynamic with a significant other, but life showed you otherwise. Your past partner, Minho, was close to being your dream man. However, his detached personality could not fit with yours and resulted to multiple arguments. Since then, you had not put yourself out there. You were fine with being single, most of the time. But when you were watching your romcoms, that's when you would be longing to have this in your life.
After a few tears dropping from your eyes and two episodes watched in a row, you glanced at the pile of clothes overflowing your laundry basket. Maybe it was time for you to clean your clothes. For once, you decided to be responsible and grabbed the basket as you left your flat. The common laundry room was rather spacious. Mostly, it was a spot where you liked to interact with your neighbours. You might had been hoping that you would meet Hyunjin again, but to your small deception, you met eyes with Jeongin when you opened the door.
"Ah, you." you joked and the younger boy gasped, offended.
"Sorry I'm not Mr. Handsome."
You picked the washing machine next to his and started to load it. "I'm joking, you're handsome too." you smiled.
"I know." he smiled back. "Jisung told me Hyunjin got stuck outside his place again."
"Right. I had to let him squat at mine."
"That's twice in a month! I'm starting to think he does this purposely."
"Don't be stupid. Hyunjin is too preoccupied with his art or school that it makes sense he's being clumsy." you shrugged, closing the machine and starting it.
Jeongin's started to beep as a sign that his batch of laundry was done. After gathering his clothes (and his roommate's), he started to fold them lazily.
"Did you ask Jisung to take turns with the chores?" you questioned as you observed him.
"I did, but you know him. He stays inside all day and doesn't go out unless I force him to."
"Poor you."
As he finished placing the clothes back in his basket, he waved you goodbye and headed out of the room. As for you, you waited for the machine to be done by scrolling through TikTok. You didn't want the app, initially, but your psychology project partner, Felix, had insisted for you to download it. You would never admit it to him, but you became addicted to it. It helped you pass time, especially at times like this one.
An hour or so passed before your clothes were dried and folded. Walking out, you stumbled on your feet clumsily and lost your balance. Cursing at yourself mentally, you didn't even try to get your balance back and you let yourself fall. When your body stopped mid-fall, you let out a breath in relief.
"Be careful." a soft voice spoke and you recognized it almost immediately.
Getting back on your feet, you grinned at the sight of the man. He had changed into a more comfortable outfit: a pair sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. No matter what he wore, he looked good.
"Thanks." you said shyly.
As he was about to say something, you took off rapidly and ran to the elevator. His gaze lingered to your direction as he let out a small huff. You were one of a kind, for sure.
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Psychology class was only fun because Felix was in it and brought you brownies. The moment you learnt he had the hobby of baking, you begged him to bring you some of his pastries each time he would make them. Thankfully, he was too sweet of a guy to say no, and he started to do so since the beginning of the semester. People got the word about his baking skills and started to request baked goods from him, and he accepted. The infamous brownie boy was your creation and you could say you were proud.
When you saw a tupperware on your desk, you had never sat down on your seat so quickly. Morning class could not be boring if you had food along with it.
"What did you make, this time?" you asked Felix while you hopped up and down on your chair.
"Chocolate chips cookies. I'm trying to convince Hyunjoo that I'm a good baker, but the woman is hard to please." he let out a heavy sigh.
Although Felix had never told you explicitly he liked the girl, it was more than obvious. You could not blame him, you had a thing for one of the Hwang siblings as well.
"I'm not complaining if that results into more desserts." you said and took a bite of a cookie, moaning at the delicious taste.
Felix shot you a disgusted look. "I get that they are good, but don't make those sounds..."
"You should just take the compliment instead."
"Y/N, Felix." the professor glared at you. "Class has started."
"Sorry." Felix bowed his head before nudging your leg with his foot.
You held in a laugh as you almost choked on your cookie. Yeah, psychology class with Felix were fun. Until they were not.
The teacher allowed you to work in teams to complete the exercices and you instinctively paired up with your freckled friend. Obviously, you did most of the work, but he had brought you food so you weren't complaining. Just as you thought this course was getting pleasant, Felix had to drop a bomb on you.
"I invited Minho to eat with us."
Pausing on your writing, you looked up at your friend with a frown. "Minho, as in Lee Minho?" He nodded. "Felix, what were you thinking?" you almost yelled, but kept your tone normal since you were in class.
"I bumped into him this morning and he was talking with Hyunjin. I asked Hyunjin for some help with his sister so we agreed to eat together to talk about it. Minho has his break too, so he would tag along." he justified, but you weren't having it.
"I haven't adressed a word to him for a year, man." you whined.
"Look at the bright side, Hyunjin is going to be there." he wiggled his eyebrow.
While his crush on Hyunjoo was obvious, yours on Hyunjin was just as much apparently. However, you had avoided him since that time he had caught you from falling, too embarrased to face him again. You gave in after more bickering, determining that one lunch break with your ex wasn't that bad... No, you were definitely only doing this because Felix was your only friend in college other than Dahye and the latter had classes only in the afternoon, allowing her to sleep in. Thus, he was the only social interaction you could get and you weren't enough of a loser to eat alone in self pity.
Lunch time arrived and you followed Felix to the usual table you both would take. On his phone, he texted the two others about your location so they could join you. You were not as hungry as usual since you had stuffed your belly with Felix's cookies, so you watched him pull out his bento box where he had packed fried chicken as a meal.
"Did you cook that?" you nodded your head towards the meat.
"Seungmin did."
You could see how a roommate was useful. They could be making food or doing the laundry for you. Even though the idea was appealing, you were still content that you had a place for yourself. Sharing an apartment with someone was a no-no for you. And seemingly, sharing a table was just as much. You saw the two men approaching from behind your friend and you could already feel that the vibe was off. Minho sat next to Felix while Hyunjin took the spot next to you.
"Lee." you said in a passive aggressive tone.
"Hi." he replied coldly.
"You two know each other?" Hyunjin asked, having no idea on why there was such a tension.
"More or less." Minho shrugged before stealing a piece of chicken from Felix. You scoffed at his action, which only made him glare at you.
"Okay..." Felix trailed off before coughing to fill in the awkwardness. "So, Hyunjin. How's Hyunjoo?"
"You saw her yesterday, no?"
He blushed at the remark. "Right. Did she like my cookies?"
Hyunjin shrugged his shoulders while munching on the sandwich he had just unwrapped. "I don't know, we don't really talk. But if you want one advice, stop being a try hard. She likes soft boys."
"But I'm a soft boy..?" he mumbled before looking at you in search of any agreeing. Instead, he found you still exchanging glares with Minho. "Y/N?"
"Yeah, yeah, you're a soft boy, Lix..." you agreed carelessly.
Hyunjin was still confused and observed the staring contest more attentively. "Are you two okay?" he dared to ask.
"I guess." you shrugged. "Are we?"
"Depends. Am I too distant to be around?" Minho spat out.
Your eyes widened at his words. He did not just say that. "Am I too clingy to be around?"
In panic, Felix quickly spoke to change the subject. Luckily, Minho didn't seem in the mood to argue more and he went back to eating in silence. After more of Felix's uninteresting story-telling, you've had enough of the weird atmosphere. It was probably time you buried the hatchet with your ex.
"Min." you interrupted your friend, who sent you an offended look. Minho hummed, but he was visibly taken aback by the nickname you used. "Are we okay? I mean, for real."
His ears got red, which you took as a good sign. "I mean, I never was actually mad at you." he admitted. "I figured you wanted space after we broke up."
"Yes, but I did tell you I wanted to remain friends. So, are we good? I'm sorry for my petty comments earlier."
Even more startled, he awkwardly nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry too. We're good, don't worry."
He managed a small smile that you returned. The weight had came off your shoulders and you could feel yourself lighter. You felt someone looking at you and you realized it was Hyunjin, still in confusion.
"Ah, we used to date." you explained briefly and he nodded.
"You have something here." He reached his hand to your mouth, rubbing at the corner of your lips with his thumb. "There you go. I think it was chocolate." he laughed nervously.
Eyes wide opened, you turned to look at Felix who was pressing his lips together, restraining himself from smirking at you.
"Thanks." you coughed.
This scenario was oddly similar to your last interaction with him. Trying to contain the blush creeping on your face, you stole a chicken piece from Felix as a distraction. Heads up: it did not work as Hyunjin was still staring at you.
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"The deadline is tomorrow, how can you ask me to calm down?" Dahye exclaimed as she paced back and forth in your living room.
With your notebook in hands, you didn't bother looking at her and exhaled loudly at her usual ranting. You loved the girl, but school was making her go crazy.
"I did it under four hours of work and you know I'm much slower than you. You'll be fine."
She scoffed at your poor words of encouragement. "You don't get it. I'm not stressed about the work. I'm stressed Seungmin will stop giving me coffee each time he sees me in the shop."
You closed your notes by hearing her. "You know Seungmin?"
She pointed at you, lost on why you asked this. "YOU know Seungmin? And were you even listening to what I've been telling you for the past 20 minutes?"
Before you could answer, you heard a knock coming from your front door. You got up to answer and you saw the postman. He held you out an envelope with the school's informations on it. You were about to question on why he didn't leave it in the mailbox, but he answered before you could speak.
"Urgent news statement, I'm giving this to everyone."
Nodding, you thanked him before closing the door. Opening the envelope, a formal letter was written to inform you about new prices established on the campus. It was mostly book and food prices as well as some other service fees. Being already broke, you groaned while reading out loud the raised prices. Dahye took it from your hand and frowned upon viewing one section in particular.
"You might want to read this one."
Giving it back to you, you spotted the section about dorm prices, and the apartments had risen significantly. You were already barely able to afford the place, now you really could not pay rent anymore.
"Fuck this shit." you said, dropping your head into your hands. You heard another knock and rolled your eyes at the sound. "What now?"
Dahye opened the door for you and there stood Hyunjin, holding a cup of ice americano in his hand. "Hey."
"Hyunjin? What brings you here?"
Your question seemed to make him nervous, as he started to blink rapidly and search for his words. "Ah, um... I thought we... I don't... I... Didn't we agree on going to school together now since we have classes at the same time on Thursdays?"
"Shoot, right, I'm sorry." you got up to get your school bag.
"I'll be off, then. Call me if you need anything, okay?" Dahye said, concerned, before leaving your place.
The walk was rather uncomfortable. While Hyunjin was trying to make small talk, your mind could not focus properly. Your main problem played repeatedly in your head, trying to find a solution. Your family home was hours from the college, you could not go back there. Dahye was already rooming with a girl named Eunhee, and she most likely wasn't going to kick her out for you to go live with her. Felix had Seungmin, and Jeongin was with Jisung. Overall, the few people you knew already had roommates. The part you hated the most about the situation was that you'd have to give up your quiet place you'd grown to love.
Hyunjin noticed you weren't a 100% into the conversation, so he stopped walking and put a hand on your shoulder. "What is it?"
"Uh?" you blinked a few times.
"You look like you've seen a ghost, is everything alright? Is it about Minho?"
The both of you had grown closer immensely since that lunch break with Minho and Felix. You had exchanged numbers and went over to the other's apartment just for fun sometimes. You had told him about your break up and he told you about his non-existent love life, which surprised you considering he could get any girl he wanted.
"What about him?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "He's gotten with someone, apparently. Maybe you feel upset about it, I don't know."
From all the things that could upset you, this was the last one on your mind. "Oh, no. He can get do whatever he wants, I don't care. No, it's just that..." you paused as you felt tears building up. You felt like an idiot for crying over a stupid apartment. "The prices went up."
He let out a sigh and looked down. "Yeah, I got the paper. I'm lucky enough to have saved more than needed but I'll have to cut on some expenses."
You huffed, almost in jealousy. "Lucky you. I'll need to get a dorm instead, and chances are that I'll have to live with a pure stranger."
By now, some tears had rolled down your cheek. It took everything in Hyunjin not to brush it off for you. One thing he learnt by hanging out with you more frequently was that he was totally infatuated with you. Your careless but sensitive persona only made him like you more.
"Come live with me."
His heart stopped from his own offer. His mouth spoke before he could even think. Even then, the idea had popped only briefly. He had no idea why he let it blurt out so easily. And from your reaction, you were as dumbfounded as he was.
"I-I mean, you know my place already. And it's close to where you live. And we know each other. And I think I'm a good roommate. And I'd leave you your space. You know what? Forget about it, I don't know what came-"
"Let's do it." you cut him off.
"Oh." he gulped. "Are you sure?"
You nodded your head, uncertainly. "I mean, I don't have any other option. Not like I don't like the idea of living with you, but I mean, it's the only option that seem more than decent."
You stopped yourself from talking before you would say anything any more stupid. As for Hyunjin, you had never seen him grin so widely. Either from happiness or to diffuse the weird atmosphere, it didn't matter. It might be a bad plan accepting to live with your hot neighbour, but the perks were numerous and you could simply not refuse.
"I'll clear my art room for you, then." he beamed at you. "And before you say I shouldn't, I insist. I have access to the art studio at school, anyway, and I have a spot in my room that I can arrange for my work."
"Alright." you smiled back. "I owe you a lot then, thank you."
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Upon learning you were moving in with her brother, Hyunjoo had insisted to help you out with your boxes and such. Telling her that Felix was already going to give you a hand, it only made her plead to join the lot. An opportunity to play cupid was presented to you, so you took it and had them move your bed while giggling like children. Dahye would have come if it wasn't for her essay she had to complete, but you believed she was only making up an excuse to see Seungmin.
"How many books do you own?" Hyunjin breathed out in exhaustion from bringing the third box of books already.
"I stopped counting after ten." you shrugged your shoulders. "You don't have to do this, you know. Skipping class to help me. I have these two." you pointed to the blushing pair.
"As if you wanted to third-wheel." he rolled his eyes. "It's fine, I swear. Besides, I want to help you organize your bedroom so you can feel at home for the first night."
Your heart melted. This confirmed how much of a bad idea it was to be living with him. If simple gestures like this made you fond of him, how was it going to be the day he brings food at home for dinner?
"That is if they actually move my bed." you shifted your gaze towards your friend. "Lix, the bed." you said with a stern look.
The pair didn't stay long after finally bringing your bed into your new room. Leaving to have another baking session together, you were left alone with Hyunjin. The feeling was foreign, but you'd have to get used to it. In silence, you put your clothes in your drawers while Hyunjin arranged the covers on your mattress. It was enjoyable, not saying a word to each other but still appreciating the company. After some time, he pulled out his phone to play some music for an ambiance. Unconsciously, he started to hum along the lyrics and it might have been the prettiest voice you had ever heard. You were aware of his many talents, but his singing voice had remained a mystery until now. When the song ended, you took the time to compliment him. His face now pink, he thanked you shyly as he continued to place your books on your shelf.
Hours of work had passed and you determined you were pretty much done. You ordered food and ate, in silence still, while being on your phone. Dahye had sent you plenty of texts telling you all about her evening with Seungmin, being the first time he had actually made discussion with her instead of acting indifferent. With her starting her thing with the guy and Felix being head over heels for Hyunjoo, you were surrounded with love by then. Even Jeongin had told you about a girl he met not so long ago. Forgetting you were not alone in the kitchen, you let out an incoherent grumble, complaining about your lack of spice in that aspect. Hyunjin flinched, taken aback by your sudden noises.
"What did you say?"
Remembering the man was now your flatmate, you grew embarrassed. "Sorry, I have this habit of talking to myself sometimes."
"No problem. It's kind of cute."
It was his turn to be embarrassed as he avoided eye contact, going back on his phone. He had finished his meal afterwards, not adding another comment in fear of flustering himself any further. He waited patiently as you ate your last bite only to fight with you over the dishes. Persistent, he left you sitting alone as he washed your plates. For you, the silence had lasted for too long. Standing on the other side of the counter, you leaned onto it as you made talk.
"Did you call back that girl who asked you out?"
Alright, maybe you should have kept your mouth shut. However, you were too curious for your own good. Hyunjin looked at you curiously, but still answered.
"No. I told you I don't have the energy for that, and they only ask me out because of my looks. Not worth it." he explained as he dried the utensiles. "How about you?"
You scoffed. "Do you see me whoring around? I rather stay home and do nothing. Plus, Minho traumatized me."
"Was he that bad?" he snickered.
"Not really, but we fought a lot over stupid things." you sighed, nostalgia lingering. "I'm glad he found his person." There, one more person who had some action happening in the love department.
"Me too." he said in a yawn. "I think I'll head to bed. Do you need anything?"
"No, go ahead. I'll do the same eventually."
"Okay, but let me know if you need me. Good night, roomie." he grinned as he sent you a wink.
Damn you, Hwang Hyunjin. "Night." you replied in a murmur.
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"What's up, Jeongin!" you exclaimed the moment you saw your neighbour in the laundry room. You took notice of the girl next to him. "I'm presuming you are Youngmi, right?"
The girl nodded shyly. "Y/N?" she guessed in a small voice.
"That's me." you smiled and took your usual spot. "I won't interrupt, I'll just load this and head back."
Jeongin inspected you scrupulously and snickered at you. "I swear I've seen Hyunjin wear this exact shirt the other day."
Already two months into living with the man, you formed a routine that worked for you both. Wednesday nights were the times where you would be watching a drama together and hang out in the other's room to simply chat. His way of living was oddly similar to yours which made things much easier. He was an horrible cook, but tried his best whenever it was his turn to make dinner. He showed you his art for second opinions and you made him read some of your favourite books. Once, you accidently wore his hoodie, but he assured you that he did not mind and that, in fact, you were prettier in his clothes. What you loved the most about living with him was forming this comfortable dynamic together. As you had predicted, you had it hard for the man.
"Yeah, it's the first thing I saw before coming here." you answered nonchalantly.
"Whatever, missy."
You loaded the machine and left quickly to give the couple a moment. Entering the flat, Hyunjin was laid down on the couch, frown on his face as he read his school book carefully. It was close to the end of the semester, meaning exams were coming up soon. Summer was also nearing, so you would be going back to your parents' home in a few weeks only.
"Your sculpture analysis?" you questioned him while shooing him to make space for you.
You sat down and he pulled his legs back on your lap, letting out a groan. "Yeah, I haven't even started to write it. He wants us to use the material we saw since the beginning of the course, but it's all painting aspects." he complained.
"Oof, I wish I could help."
He sent you a warm smile before looking back into his notes. "You're helping by listening to my venting."
"We're all struggling, it's nothing."
You grabbed the TV remote and put on a movie to pass time. For once, it wasn't a romcom, but a horror movie.
"Are you being for real?" he deadpanned at you.
"What?" you said innocently.
"You expect me to study while hearing screaming?"
"I lowered the volume."
"Y/N." he glared at you.
"Please, Jinnie! You've been studying all day, don't you want a break?" you pleaded.
"Not with an horror movie."
You held out the remote to him. "Fine, choose then!"
Still doubtful, he put his book aside and took the remote from you. Scrolling through the movies, he picked a drama movie he had made you watch during one of your Wednesday nights.
"This one, again?"
"I like it." he pouted.
"You cry to it."
"I don't."
With more bickering, you gave in and watched the movie together. Hyunjin had repositioned himself to see the screen better and, almost automatically, put his arm around you. He had done the same previously and it still made you feel so many things in your belly. Your body stiffened at the contact, but you eventually relaxed. Maybe too much, as you were now comfortably installed in his arms.
With the end nearing, you heard the man sniffle a couple of times. You loved how he wasn't ashamed of crying in front of you, which was the total opposite of most men who would rather preserve their pride. The credits rolling and Hyunjin tearing up, you detached himself from him, but he kept his grip on you firm. Turning his head to face you, you were a mere inch apart. You felt small, and your brain stopped working at how he was staring at you, his eyes glistening. You couldn't help but flicker your gaze from them to his lips, his full lips you always thought to be beautiful. The same ones you had wondered many times how they tasted. His breath hitched when you dared to get closer. He could feel yours getting warmer.
As your lips barely touched, you stopped yourself just in time. Your body was moving by itself and you could not allow yourself to mess up whatever you two had.
"I should go back to get our clothes." you whispered, not moving.
Hyunjin hummed, but did not budge either. Freaking out internally, you could not take this overwhelming feeling anymore. In a matter of seconds, you broke out from his embrace and left the apartment, your pace rapid as you went downstairs to the laundry room. Folding the pieces of clothing, you felt hot and confused. This was almost causing you a headache. You were filling the laundry basket slowly, afraid of what would happen when you get back to your place.
But everything comes to an end, eventually. Placing the last shirt on top of the others, you gathered the most of your courage to go back. When you walked in, the TV had been turned off and Hyunjin was nowhere to be found. You glanced at his room and sighed when you noticed the door closed with a dim light coming from inside. You placed his pile of clothes in front of his door and went to yours to go to sleep. Spoiler alert: you did not fall asleep that night.
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Exam week was finally done. Miraculously, you had managed to study for each of them, making it fast for you to finish them. And by studying, I mean studying. You had barely gone out of your room and drowned yourself into your school books. As a result, you and Hyunjin had spoken to each other only a few times and if necessary. That arranged you, you had no intention in interacting with him since your intimate moment. You never brought it up again and neither did he. Luckily, being so busy with school, you didn't take the time to think about it much. Most importantly, you left out any details to anybody. Felix, especially, would be freaking out over this.
After reviewing your answers on your sheet, you happily left your desk to go give out your copy to the teacher. Dahye, who finished after you, gave hers as well and you met with Seungmin. He waited outside of the classroom and did not hesitate to give his newly girlfriend a kiss as a congratulations.
"Get a room." you said in disgust.
"Congratulations to you too, Y/n." Seungmin replied in a fake tone. "Chan's throwing a party tonight for the end of the semester. Are you coming?"
"Unfortunately, I'll have to pass." you smiled apologetically.
"Please! Even Jisung is coming." Dahye begged.
You huffed. "Because Hwayoung forced him to, probably. I'm sorry, maybe next year."
"You said this last semester. Please." she insisted again, in a softer tone.
"I'll see. I have to go home, for now. I'll text you."
Waving them goodbye, you went to your place to go take a well deserved shower. You crossed path with Jeongin in your hallway, who asked you if you would come to the party too. After telling him you won't be present, you went inside your apartment as you breathed out a long sigh, fatigue taking over. You didn't see Hyunjin anywhere, so you assumed he was still at school. You got yourself a new set of clothes and headed to your bathroom. The moment you came to open the door, it flung open by itself and you were stunned by the sight in front of you.
Hyunjin, in all his glory, was standing at the doorframe completely shirtless with a towel barely holding itself together around his waist. While his long wet golden locks were falling perfectly on his face, his toned six-pack was on full display for you. You could feel your face turning red as you stood still, unable to make any movement.
"Sorry." he said in a small voice as he bypassed you, going to hide into the comfort of his bedroom.
Still blushing, you finally actively moved to get into the shower. After freshening up and putting on a oversized t-shirt with a pair of shorts, you went to the kitchen to get a snack. Your roomie was at the dining table, now wearing something, and avoided your gaze. As for you, you were checking him out in an obvious way. His hair was still damped and he had put on a large white buttoned shirt and black pants. He completed his look with some chains and a few silver rings.
"You're going out?" you questioned.
"Yeah." he briefly answered, still avoiding you. "Chan's got this party for the end of the semester."
"I thought you didn't like partying."
"Yeah, well..." he trailed off. "My sister is going and she insisted for me to have fun for once."
Seemingly, you were going to be the only one not going to the said-party. Although you would rather stay in bed for the rest of the night, it shouldn't be that bad since your friends would be going. And maybe, just maybe, it would give you the courage to ask Hyunjin about the unspoken thing you two had going on.
"She's got a point." you teased. "Are you leaving soon?"
"Why? You want me out that bad?" he joked back, now looking at you. Seeing your poor reaction to his comment, he sighed. "In about 30 minutes."
"Alright, wait for me then." you said and headed back to your room.
You could not choose a decent outfit for the life of you. After already 10 minutes of debating, you called Dahye for some help. Being at Seungmin's place, Felix was there as well and joined the lot to help you out.
"Oh, that top is nice!" Felix commented.
"No, the dress is better." Dahye disagreed.
"What? Sure, but she'll look like a slut."
"Which is what we're going for. My girl hasn't had it in a while."
You rolled her eyes from hearing her judgement of your lack of intimacy. "I don't plan on getting 'it' tonight. I'll go with the top, then. Thanks, Lix! I'll see you later!"
You hung up before Dahye could make another comment about your outfit choice. Putting on a bit of makeup and finshing off with a pair of earrings, you took a better look at yourself with your mirror. Frankly, you were impressed on how you made yourself look this good. Satisfied, you picked up your purse and joined Hyunjin in the kitchen.
He was already standing next to the front door, ready to leave soon. As soon as he saw you, his jaw dropped on the floor. He had always thought you were pretty, but now you were drop dead gorgeous. Not taking his eyes off you, he took a step closer, now towering you. He smirked as he noticed the pink creeping on your cheeks.
"Dressing up to impress, I see." he cocked his head on the side.
"I could say the same about you."
He smirked while taking a step back. He grabbed his jacket and opened the door, letting you leave first.
"What a gentleman."
"That's the bare minimum, angel." he sent you one of his famous winks.
The man was going to kill you at some point, but you were not complaining. After not speaking to each other for weeks, his behaviour was overwhelming for you. As you walked to Chan's place, it being only a couple of blocks away, you shivered since you did not consider the weather to be an issue before leaving. Still having his coat in his arms, Hyunjin brought it onto your shoulders to give you an amount of warmth. Blushing again, you thanked him and he sent you a smile. Another shiver went through your body and, this time, Hyunjin flung his arm around your body, rubbing on your arm.
"You're so cringe." you laughed off.
"I read this in the book you recommended, I know you like it."
You didn't even argue back because he was damn right. You liked it, a lot. Standing in front of Chan and Changbin's place, you could already hear from the other side of the door that there was music playing and people chatting. Knocking on the door, you waited until Chan opened, beaming by seeing the both of you.
"Jin! You made it!" he hugged his friend. "Hey, I'm Chris." he now spoke to you. "I don't think we met properly. Make yourself home! I've got some pizza and drinks."
You bowed at his kind greeting and walked in to see many familiar faces. You easily spotted Dahye, who was leaning onto Seungmin while conversing with Felix and Hyunjoo. Noticing her brother was finally here, the latter raised her hand up, gesturing for the two of you to join them. She immediately hugged you tightly before doing the same with Hyunjin.
"I could've sworn you wouldn't come and stay at your place to watch cheesy ass movies together."
"That was the plan." you said in shame.
"I'm glad you came."
She moved closer to Felix as he took her in her arms, snuggling his nose into her hair. He had always been a touchy person, but the level of affection he gave her was something else. Whatever they had going on, it was definitely more than friendship. Felix had vented to you a few times how scared he was of confessing to her, but by the sight in front of you, you couldn't see why he was so scared.
The night was going pretty smoothly for you. You had refrained yourself from drinking, knowing you would regret it the next morning. The others were being surprisingly reasonable, no one was on the verge of throwing up and the discussions were still coherent. You did not participate much in them, though. You preferred observing the others interact. Chan and his friend, Sora, were fighting in the corner of the kitchen while Minho was observing them with dark eyes, jealousy plastered on his face. Hwayoung was making out with some man as Jisung was observing the scene, staying away from them as he drank his beer sadly. Jeongin and Youngmi were in their own little bubble, both painfully fond of the other. Changbin was attempting to diffuse some of the awkwardness by talking with students you didn't know at all, trying to hide the argument happening behind him.
Your friends stayed together and did not mix up with the rest, which made the party less eventful than you expected, well, for you since the others had issues to attend to. Noticing the boredom growing in you, Hyunjin nudged your arm. You leaned closer to him and he whispered in your ear.
"Wanna get out of here?"
"I was almost waiting for you to ask me, let's go."
Laughing at your demeanor, he followed you as you took his wrist and left the flat, not even saying bye to the host as he was busy with a conflict. Still giggling at your rude exit, you walked lazily next to Hyunjin as you headed back home.
"The sky is pretty." you hummed after you had calm down from your laughter.
"I painted a night sky recently. Oddly enough, it reminded me of you."
You frowned. "Me?"
"Yeah. I guess it's because we always hang out at night."
"I don't recall you painting anything of that sort."
"That's because we barely saw each other these days." he laughed, but became serious shortly after. "Well, after the other night."
Your heart started to pace faster. Despite how much you wanted to make things clear after what happened, you didn't want to bring it up just yet. You stayed quiet for the rest of the walk, until you reached the building.
"Are you going to bed right away?" he asked as you took the elevator.
"Probably not."
While shoving his hands down his pockets, he rocked his body back and forth, unsure of what to say next. He was dying to tell you how much he wished he had kissed you that night, and how much he wanted to do so right at this instant. Instead, uneasiness filled the metal box while it kept going up. The moment the door slid open, you hurried to get to your shared apartment, leaving it open for him to follow behind, and you wanted nothing more but to hide under your covers. On the other hand, Hyunjin had other plans. After catching up to you, he grabbed you by the arm to stop you, turning you around to face him.
"I'm not going to sleep either. I found a spot recently on the roof. Do you mind keeping me company?"
How could you say no to him when he looked at you as if you were a masterpiece? Hesitant, you nodded your head slowly and let him lead you to a staircase. Going up, you arrived to the roof where benches were installed as well as a few mattresses. Lights were making the place more cozy while a teapot was placed carefully on a small table.
"Wow." you breathed out, impressed. "Did the school do this?"
He rubbed his arm while you sat down on one of the chairs. "Actually, I did."
Your head shot to his direction, more stunned than before. "When?"
"Weeks ago. I wanted a spot to think and clear my mind. The teapot is mine, too. I was hoping to bring you here, eventually. I know how much you like tea, so..."
Your eyes softened as he explained his little set up. You observed his moves and he took the spot next to you. Timidly, he reached to your hand to take it in his and rubbed his thumb against your soft skin.
"Actually, I was hoping to talk to you about, well, you know."
You gulped, afraid of where this was going. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been this close to you, and I didn't want things to get weird so I kind of avoided you on purpose. I'm truly sorry."
He huffed in response. "I don't want you to apologize. That night, I realized how much I grew to like you with time. You have no idea how much energy it took me to not kiss you."
You tilted your frame away from him as doubt and confusion filled your mind. "You wanted to kiss me..?"
He smiled at how clueless you were. "And I still want to, very much. I've been having perfect grades in my last assignments because every single piece was made just by the thought of you. I know it sounds creepy or something, but I really can't get you off my mind."
"It's not creepy." you smiled back. "It's kind of sweet."
He carefully brought himself closer to you. "Do you remember the first time I saw you last year? When I moved in?" You frowned, but nodded once the memory came back to you. "I don't know why, but you left an impression on me. I was so clumsy, but you laughed in a friendly way and helped me. And after you came to live with me, I was convinced I would spill out how much I like you."
You could not believe your ears. Hyunjin, the clumsy boy with the looks of a prince, had feelings for you. The same boy you had been crushing on for months, now.
"I like you too."
That was all it took for him to grin like a child. "Good." he simply said.
The same scenario happened again; him staring at your lips while you breathed uneasily from the proximity of his face to yours. This time, however, you did not back out and were the first one to crash your lips onto his. From the way he brought you closer by the waist, you could tell how long he had been waiting for this moment.
"God, you're perfect." he whispered to you in-between kisses.
You couldn't tell for how long you made out, but it ended undeniably too soon for your liking. You continued your unplanned sort of date by going over to the mattresses, cuddled up while stargazing. You complimented the sky, Hyunjin pointed out some aspects he could add to his painting. The subject drifted slowly to moments you had shared over time when Hyunjin thought you were the one for him. You took this as a chance to point out the times he made your heart stop from his gestures. Overall, it was perfect.
It was getting late and you were yawning loudly when Hyunjin said it was time to go to bed. Sadly, you left the roof to go back inside. Holding hands, you were walking towards your room and then stopped abruptly.
"Do you want to... um... sleep in my room with me? Like, actually sleep?" you suggested nervously.
"I won't do anything, I promise." he kissed your forehead.
You didn't take the time to change clothes since you were so tired, so you slept while still having your party outfits on. You didn't mind. What mattered was how Hyunjin's warmth made you feel at home, and how his sweet words of good night made you realize how damn lucky you were to have found him.
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The morning came slowly. Not having school anymore, you didn't have to wake up early, but your body did anyway out of habit. You couldn't help the smile forming on your face when you heard a certain someone mumble in his sleep. You turned around to face him, taking in how he was still insanely handsome despite the fact he was sleeping hard. You let him rest for a bit, but you grew impatient at some point, so you poked his cheek to wake him up. He streched out his arm as he opened his eyes slowly, grinning the moment he saw you.
"Good morning, angel." he pecked your cheek, making you blush.
"Hey." you murmured. "I can make us some breakfast while you get ready, yeah?"
"Sounds perfect to me." he smiled, his eyes closing again.
You happily hopped out of your bed and went straight to the kitchen. Being the lazy ass you were, you were glad Hyunjin wasn't picky with his food and you settled for some toasts. When he walked to sit down at the table, he hummed as the smell reached his nostrils.
"You have no idea how many times I imagined this moment."
You laughed. "Sounds like you are obsessed with me."
"I might be." he shrugged while you placed his plate in front of him.
You kept on teasing each other as you ate your breakfast. Hyunjin was done before you, so he left to go to the bathroom to wash up, leaving you with the stained plates. After getting rid of the dishes, you joined him to get ready as well and came face to face with your toothbrush, all ready for you to use.
"I can do this myself, you know?" you couldn't help but giggle.
"I wanted to do it." he said unclearly, having his own toothbrush in his mouth.
You brushed your teeth together, with him tickling your sides from time to time. After washing your teeth, you took out your cream and started to apply it on your face. Hyunjin tried to get a kiss from you, but you denied, assuring him the taste of morning cream wasn't pleasing. Pouting, he started to brush his hair, still observing you in the mirror. Being bored, or cheesy (might be both), he fogged the mirror with his breath and drew a heart on it. You exploded in laughter at his gesture, but he proudly presented his drawing.
"You're so fucking adorable, stop it." you said, in awe.
"I know." he snickered. "Can I have my kiss now?"
Gladly, you grabbed him by the back of his neck and set a soft kiss on his mouth. Happily, he melted into you and deepened it. As you separated from each other, he kept you in his arms while staring right back into your eyes.
"Wait until I tell my sister about this."
You slapped his chest, rolling your eyes at his idiotic self. With the giggle it caused from him, you pressed another peck on his lips. This was just the beginning. You knew every morning with him was going to be as dream-like as this one, and you were more than content with the idea.
taglist : @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
342 notes · View notes
jewbeloved · 9 months
Hi I have to things to ask of you 1.the red panda ask is not working for some reason an I really want to read it because I love your work and 2. Do you think you can do a Encanto reader I would like Isabela powers please for Stan group with butters or Craig gang.
Ps your a great writer 😉
Craig, Tweek, Clyde, Tolkien, Jimmy, and Butters with a s/o who can make flowers grows like Isabella🌸💐🌺💖💖
My red panda post has been fixed, thank you for informing me.
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Craig Tucker 🐹
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He low-key finds that special power ability of yours adorable.
He would probably melt if he found out you made a flower vase with the colors that matches his everyday outfit. Blue and Yellow.
Stripe also loves the flowers you make too! You and Craig would find she/he sleeping in a flower pile you left behind when you last used your power.
Cue you and Craig taking multiple pictures of Stripe sleeping in the flower pile📸📸📸📸
You would use your power to make flower crowns, necklaces, and wrist bands too! Craig would definitely wear it wherever he goes. He doesn't care if his friends tease him for it.
They wouldn't be teasing him if they had a s/o who had such a unique ability that can make pretty flowers. They're missing out, but Craig wouldn't tell them or anyone about your special ability.
Unless you're okay with it, your secrets are always safe with Craig. He can promise you that <3💙💙💙🌸🌸
💛 Tweek Tweak 🍪
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Oh Jesus! this poor boy freaked out the first time you showed him your power. I mean can you blame him? It's not everyday you see someone randomly make flowers bloom outta nowhere!
Please reassure him that you're not a sorceress. (Tweek....why?😭)
He is okay with it, at least it's not something evil or else he's gonna freak out.
Flowers aren't evil right? well....some can be like the venus one. But it's okay! You wouldn't use your power to harm your boyfriend in any way!
Would be impressed if you made a flower bloom with coffee beans inside of it (not meth, just your regular coffee beans you would find on trees like the ones in Jamaica)
Okay sorry I didn't mean to bore you guys with that ;-;
Ehm, anyways.
If Tweek actually made coffee with the beans from the flower you bloomed, he would be amazed with how it tastes so much better then the meth his parents put in his coffee! He might get used to this.
Tweek is now interested in your ability, please show him what else you can do with those flowers of yours :3💛💛💛💛
❤️ Clyde Donovan 💧
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You aren't gonna bloom onions, right?
Definitely loves your ability and the flowers you bloom. He secretly might use the flowers and mix them into perfume.
But you would know what scent is because you know all of the flowers that you bloom. He can't fool you can he?
Would cry if you make him accessories that are made from your flowers, it's not everyday he gets a gift from anyone.
He'll wear the flower accessory, but never in front of his friends. (HE HAS HIS REASONS OKAY?! LEAVE HIM ALONE😭😭😭 definitely not because he teased Craig and now he doesn't want to get teased himself).
Whenever he's crying (if he had a bad day or rough time) you would try your best to make him happy again by putting on a show for him like making your flowers move in a silly way to cheer him up.
But if he faked cried just to get to see your ability again if you weren't using it for a while...you'd turn your back and ignore him for a few hours. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
💜 Tolkien Black 💸 (Yes I figured I was pronouncing his name wrong this entire time 😭)
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He found it strange how someone is capable of making flowers bloom randomly whenever they please, but who is he to judge you? Definitely Cartman would but Tolkien wouldn't allow him to do that.
As a matter of fact, how the hell did the fat ass find out about your ability? Did he spy on you and Tolkien? He better not say a word or you will barrage his mouth shut with flowers.
If you made a huge flower field in a secret place where nobody can find it. You and Tolkien would play around in it for hours as if you guys were swimming in a pool. <3
Flower dates if you made it possible!
His parents would be confused if they see a random flower on the wall in his room and he would make up an excuse like: "Sorry mom and dad, I thought it would be nice to pick out a flower and put it on my wall...". HE WOULD BE SHOCKED IF THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT RIDICULOUS LIE!!.
But that's fine, you both can play around with your flower ability in Cartman's treehouse without him knowing💜💜💜💜💜
💛 Jimmy Valmer 🍭
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I think he just found a new muse for his silly jokes. Haha with that aside he really loves your ability as well! You make a lot of colorful flowers that some people probably can't resist.
Probably made a joke about steroids while mixing with it flowers. that was a one-time joke since he didn't know what other kind of joke to make with steroids.
You suspected he probably made that steroid joke because he was taking them again💀 so you decided to hide all of the steroids in flower piles so he couldn't go on steroids anymore! ☺️
But yeah, he loves your flowers and accessories you make with them to give to him! Probably brags to Timmy about it everytime you make something for him.
Would be surprised if you bloom a flower that squirts water out like those prank outfits with the flower on them💛💛💛💛💛
💛 Butters Scotch 🍓
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"Oh my (Name)! that's a really mighty special thingy you have right there! can you show me more of it?".
Show. Butters. Right. Now.
He became addicted to seeing your ability. Let him see more beautiful flowers bloom! :D
Whenever he's grounded in his room and can't come out. You would sneak him out of the window
And take him to a special place that you created for you and him. He would be ecstatic to see a huge amount of flowers around everywhere! It makes him feel like he's living in a fantasy world where all of the flowers are huge!
He would store every accessories you make them for him in a vase where his parents won't find out about.
Thinking about it, this makes him want to get you a ring that has flowers on it for the day he wants to marry you when you both get older.💛💛💛💛
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HELP I HAVE A NEW HYPER FIXATION! ❤️💛💙 (These 3 hearts should hint it 😌)
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rainylana · 2 years
“I’m a freak, too, Munson.”
Eddie Munson x reader
summary: you invite eddie and the hellfire club to your soccer game. it surprises you to see him there.
warning: hints of homophobia, reader comes out to eddie, language, fluff and smoking.
this was requested by @nothisispatric and @alinaeve lmao i’m killing two birds with one stone here so hope you guys like it! sorry if this is trash lmfao
@ariesl0ves3ddiemuns0n @eddiemunnson @eddiemania @imdoingbetternow @cosmic-lavender @flowers-and-tsukki @underthebatcape @avobabe87 @ches-86 @justaproudslytherpuff @supercalifragilisticprincess @ohlovelyhollow @genuine-possum @heeyitsg @catherinnn @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @softyutae @averysblog @mic429 @noturmom15 @lexthemess21 @no0neknowsm3 @imabadarsebard @fionnthebandersnacc @delilahtaylorsverson @antigoneidk @your-starless-eyes-remain @fentyreligion @actuallybarb @kneelforloki @rovckwells @phantomxoxo @getbillzoned @kaqua @imangy @ahzysauce @tessiemessie @bellasfavoritesweatpants
requests are open!
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“I don’t give two shits and half how important this game is, Wheeler. This is the second time you’ve asked me to postpone. Not gonna happen.”
“But, Eddie, please! Lucas needs us there!”
“Not my fault he’s been taking in by the dark side.”
The cafeteria buzzed alive with conversation. Some tables talked about the latest fashion, some discussed homework and how hot the history teacher looked. But the hellfire table discussed what they always discussed, which was the campaign.
“He’s gonna be pissed if we don’t show.” Dustin whispered to Mike, gaining a nod from his friend.
Eddie was tough when it came to the campaigns, especially when it came to postponing them. It rarely ever happened.
“Well, then, maybe Sinclair isn’t one of us,” Eddie heard them anyways, raising his brows as he leaned back into his seat, seeping in annoyance at his little sheep he was raising. He took an angry munch out of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, one that he had swiped when someone wasn’t looking. He was too lazy to get up and prepare lunch for himself. Wayne always offered to get him something, but he assured his uncle that he would be fine, even though he always regretted it.
It disappointed him that Lucas was slipping away into the grasp of Jason Carver. The snake of Hawkins, despite what society thought. And in a way, it hurt his feelings, because he took him in without question, never brought up any of the reasons why people made fun of him, or the rest of the kids. But, Eddie didn’t like to show his feelings. And when he did, it was usually in displays of dramatics. He didn’t know how to truly process and act out his feelings. Compliments of mommy and daddy issues.
“Hey, guys!”
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts, including everyone else’s, and he turned his head to see you standing there. “Well, well, well,” He smirked, sitting up. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Ms. L/n?”
You stood right beside him, hair fixed in double braids to keep out of your face, your usual hairstyle. You wore shorts and a tight fitted hawkins t-shirt, your white tennis shoes to go with it.
“Well, I was wondering if you guys would like to come to my soccer game tonight?” You smiled, looking at everyone. “I know that’s not typically your scene, but it’s for a good cause! We’re having a bake sale to help with natural disaster refugees, so if you guys come it would be a big help.”
He rested his chin against his fingers, listening to you talk. You had gained a few stares being seen with the hellfire club, but you didn’t care. You never cared. You were different, and that’s why Eddie liked you. When he was younger, he always thought it was because you wanted something. Maybe free drugs or just a hookup, he didn’t know. But it simply wasn’t the case.
You were one of the most athletic girls in school. You hung out with the popular kids and the cheerleaders. Your best friend was Chrissy Cunningham. You came from wealthy parents and had money left and right. It would only be stereotypical for you to be an asshole, right? But you weren’t.
In fact, you were one of the sweetest people he’d ever met, and mostly everyone there would have only agreed. It was just in your nature. You weren’t a snob, and only ever radiated kindness. You too had never hung out before, but he considered you to be a friend of his, and maybe he even had a little bit of a crush on you, but he always diminished it, just because of your status. He didn’t want to ruin your reputation just because he thought you were pretty.
“Bake sale, huh?” He wiggled his brows. “You doing the baking?”
“Some!” You nodded with a smile, making him deepen his grin. “I’m bringing cookies and brownies, and I know Chrissy is bringing stuff, too. If you can’t make it that’s okay, just wanted to extend the offer.”
You were the only person that extended offers to their little group, and everyone appreciated you for it. “We have hellfire tonight.” Mike groaned, gaining a sharp glare from his dungeon master.
“Oh,” You narrowed your eyes. “That- that game you guys play, right? Oh, well that’s okay! Hope you guys have fun! See ya, Eddie!”
He muttered a bye as he flushed at the hand you patted his shoulder with, turning to watch you walk away. Any other time, he’d never even think about going to a community bake sale for the hawkins soccer team, but since you asked him, he almost felt bad at the idea of not showing. He respected you a lot. You never called him a freak, never made fun of him or bullied him for the clothes he wore. You never made fun of the kids, either, and that, he respected even more. He felt like he owed it to you, in a way. A thank you, for being so kind to him.
“Go to Sinclair’s game.” He kicked back his chair, popping a pretzel in his mouth.
“What?” Dustin asked.
“Go to his game.” He enunciated with his fingers. “Hellfires canceled. I got a bake sale to go to.”
He’d never felt more uncomfortable in his life. He closed the door to his van with a slam, adjusting his jean jacket as he reached for a cigarette. It wasn’t allowed to smoke on school grounds, but when did he give a shit? He inhaled the smoke as a way to settle his nerves, and he scanned the busy parking lot to the school, his eyes spotting the soccer field. Gareth had offered to go with him for morel support, but he preferred to go by himself so he could sulk in the shadows.
He didn’t have much money on him to actually buy a lot, but he had some, and he wanted to support the cause. It was nice. He looked up to the sky when he felt a raindrop, squinting his eyes as the crowd buzzed and cheered. The game had just started, and he smirked when he seen your bouncing braids, cheeks red and flushed as you kicked the ball with fierce.
He shamelessly blew smoke in everyone’s eyes, ignoring the stares he got and gave them the finger. He eventually wound up at the tables with the baked goods on them, and he tried to remember what you said you were bringing. Brownies and Cookies? He fished out his wallet and pulled out some ones, picking out a few things his eyes kept darting back up to you.
You were a good cook, he had noted after taking a wide bite of your brownie, settling himself down by the bleachers. He didn’t sit, only leaned against them as he watched you play. He didn’t know shit about the game, but he found himself entertained by it. He knew it was only because of you.
Almost an hour later, the sky had darkened and began to sprinkle. His eyes squinted in the rain and he straightened himself, ignoring the pathetic cries that the girls screamed. It was just water. The game continued until lightening striked, and the coach blew his whistle sharply, bringing the game to a close. Everyone scattered about to rush into their vehicles, and he lowered himself under the bleachers to a avoid the run. Luckily, most of everything had sold, and what was left the teachers grabbed to rushed inside.
His eyes found you as you scurried off the field, and he tucked away a hair behind his ear, wanting to talk to you. Hurriedly, he pushed himself out of the bleachers, jogging over to you. “Hey, L/n!” He called over the thunder, causing you to hault.
“Eddie?” You shouted, clothes soaking. “What are you doing?”
“Need a ride?” He cupped his hands over his mouth, pointing over to his van.
Chrissy would be with Jason, you figured. And all of your other friends, well you didn’t even care much for them. “Why the hell not!”
“I appreciate you coming. Hopefully it wasn’t too bad for you.” You chuckled, adjusting your wet body uncomfortably in his seat.
“When have I not been known to support our little town?” He smirked, casting you a sideways glance. “And hey, it was worth it. You’re a good cook.”
“You think so? I honestly wasn’t sure about bringing anything.” You cringed awkwardly.
“Nah, you did good.” He rested his hand on your seat, eyes squinting in the rain as he pulled out of the school parking lot. “So tell me, which way to the castle?”
Headlights shone against the windshield, the sound of rain slamming against the metal roof of the van. “You know where maple is?”
“The house is 516, the blue one with the big windows. Gee’ I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, huh? You’re not gonna sneak in and try and kill me, are you?” You teased, leaning your head against the seat.
“Not now, no,” He shook his head with a grin. “I mean, now it would just be awkward.”
You both laughed and were filled with a comfortable silence. The rain being the only thing that could be heard. Your house was across town, so it was a little bit of a drive.
“You played good tonight.” He broke the silence, glancing over at you. Your hair was sticking to your face, your cheeks red from being tired. You looked cute.
“Thanks. I try. I’m glad you could come. You never really show yourself at the games.” You leaned your head against the window to watch him, fighting off a yawn. You always liked Eddie, and never understood why everyone hated him so much. He was the same as everyone else, in one way or another. You always respected him. That was how it should be.
“Well, it’s not really my scene.” He pulled out another cigarette, switching his hand with the wheel as he grabbed his lighter.
“It could be.” You offered, reaching over to steady the wheel while he performed his task.
“And what get tomatoes tossed at me?” He took in a puff, exhaling the smoke. “I’m good, L/n.”
You smiled melancholy. “Can I have a puff?”
His brows raised. “Can you- seriously? You smoke?” he exclaimed, looking back between you and the road.
“What’s so surprising about that?” You challenged, kicking your feet up on the dash.
He blushed at your confidence. “Well, cuz’ you’re- ya know, a popular kid.”
“Popular kids can’t smoke?”
You laughed at his stuttering and awkwardness, and he scoffed, shaking his head. “Nevermind. Go for it.” He handed you the cigarette, watching as you took a drag.
“How come we never hangout?” You asked, relaxing the cigarette between your fingers.
Your question took him off guard, and he gave you an odd look. “And ruin your reputation?”
“You know I don’t care about that stuff.” You passed him the cigarette. He did know that.
“Well, I don’t know.” He shrugged uncomfortably. “Just never do, I guess.”
You sighed to yourself, feeling comfortable in his presence. You always did, more so than the people you call friends. It was all an act, and when you were with him, you felt like you didn’t have to act. “We should change that.” You suggested casually. “I mean, you like me, don’t you?”
He coughed on his smoke at the question, and you kept in your laugh to save him some embarrassment. “Oh- uh..well, yeah. You’re pretty cool considering your social status, L/n. It’s pretty impressive.”
You closed your eyes as you puffed out air from your nostrils. “Yeah, I’m real great.”
You were such a mystery to him. How did you not fear him like everyone else did? How did you not cringe when you saw him? He always doubted himself around people, a trait he’d gotten from the constant years of bullying, but he never did around you. “Why aren’t you like the others?” He stopped at a stoplight, watching as traffic went by. “You’ve never treated me like everyone else does. Why?”
You opened your eyes at his words, a sinking in your heart that made you feel sad. “Because you’re not what they call you, Eddie. You’re the exact opposite. Just because you like a game and rock music doesn’t mean that you’re..it doesn’t mean that you’re any different from anyone else.”
You had a tone with the way you spoke and he noticed, licking his lips as he focused on the road and to you. He gave a slow nod, not knowing what else to do. “Well…if you really mean it, I suppose you could always come to Hellfire night.”
“You mean it?” Your eyes widened happily.
“Sure,” He breathed with a small smile. “The kids might be a little awkward around you, but they’ll loosen up. They’ve always liked you. You’ve never picked on them like everyone else in that damn school does.”
You sighed sadly at his words, your eyes focusing on your little blue house on the corner. You unbuckled your seatbelt as he pulled into the drive, as close as he could do to the door, as it was still raining. “Here you go. Hopefully riding with the freak wasn’t so terrible,” He smirked playfully, putting the van in park.
You smiled back and scooted closer to him, and he stilled when you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Oh…uh, okay.” He stuttered awkwardly, patting your back with his ring clad palm.
“Thank you for today.” You breathed into his shoulder, feeling comfortable in his presence. “If you still want me to come to hellfire, I will.” You pulled away, tucking a baby hair away from your face.
“Yeah!” He nodded quickly, face blushing red. “Yeah, you’re uh- you’re cool. You’d be more than welcome there. Definitely.”
Maybe it was a mistake, maybe you’d curse yourself later down the line, but you didn’t think so. Eddie made you feel like yourself. He made you feel good about being you, not ashamed like everyone else. “Well, then there’s something you should know,” You grabbed your sopping wet bag, pushing it over your shoulder.
“And that is?”
You never felt so confident, and it encouraged you forward. “I’m a freak, too, Munson.”
He snickered, turning more toward you. “Oh, really? You? A freak? How so?”
You knew he had always had a little bit of a crush on you, so you hoped that his heart wouldn’t be too broken. You leaned over to grab his hand, opening up the van door with your other. “I like girls.”
His eyes had widened at the statement, mouth opening and closing in shock from your words. You watched nervously for his reaction, but he only swallowed roughly and nodded. “Well, there you go.” He tried to shake off the disappointment he felt, giving a noisy puff of air.
“You still want me at Hellfire?” You said tentatively.
“What? Oh, yeah, yeah!” He assured you. “Yeah, no, I uh- that doesn’t bother me. Promise, it doesn’t.”
You smiled. You knew it wouldn’t.
“I gotta admit though,” He pushed a hand through his curls. “I’m a little disappointed. I thought maybe we had something going on.” He chuckled in embarrassment, causing you to do the same.
“I’m sorry. But if it makes you feel any better, I could set you up with my cousin. She’s coming in from new york next weekend.”
“She hot?” His ears perked up.
“I mean, she’s my cousin, but sure.” You both laughed and he nodded. “Alright then. This could work. You can be like my..my wingman!”
“Sure.” You beamed, a happy weight leaving your shoulders. “So I guess I’ll see you at school?”
“You got it.” He watched as you left the van, closing the door and sprinting off to the porch. He waved at you as you did the same, entering your house until he could no longer see you.
He sighed loudly, thinking of the potentially hot cousin he was going to be having sex with. “Yeah, this could work.”
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firefly-sky · 11 months
hey! i saw that you wanted requests and i was wondering if it you could write hcs for Butters with a gn!reader who likes to cook and plans to go in to culinary school ( if not i completely understand) Have a good day,night, or whatever time it is for you!
Of course!!
Butters Stotch with a CHEF!S/O includes…
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Let’s face it
Butters’ parents don’t take good care of him, this boy is probably almost always starving
He’s grounded almost all the time so he probably ends up having to eat a lot at lunch
Because he spends almost all of his time in his room anyway
So let’s just say that there’s some culinary class that the south park school offers
for one of your last grades you were supposed to help the school lunch ladies prepare a lunch
And the students would leave anonymous notes and requests for how to improve/what they liked
So you probably made the dessert!! You made Butters’ favorite, Strawberry Shortcake
So by the time lunch rolls around, Butters is one of the first in line
You recognize him almost instantly and he flashes you a smile.
“Well heya, Y/N! I didn’t know you were cook in’ here!”
Tbh you can probably hear his stomach rumbling and you feel kinda bad for him that his parents are so neglectful
He just blushes
”Ah, sorry about that one N/N. You’ll have to excuse my appetite there…”
You wave him off and secretly give him the largest slice of Strawberry Shortcake
He thanks you and walks away and by the time lunch is over you sit down and relax.
You go through your anonymous box and pluck through the comments, some of them helpful, some of them not, some of them calling you some sort of slur (cartman wrote his name on this one) and finally, at the bottom was one from Butters
It read ‘dear N/N. That cake was delicious! I was stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey, you’re really good at what you do! :)” with his number on it
And thus began your relationship!!
This is the prime example of the ‘the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ analogy
You bring Butters food when his parents aren’t home a lot of the time
And sometimes you even bake with him!!
His parents are the only issue
He’s grounded 99.99% of the time
So, you often bail him out by bribing his parents with your amazing baking
They probably force Butters into learning how to bake and cook, lucky for him you’re the perfect teacher
So you two bake a lot together!!
And you begin developing feelings for each other
Butters is your certified taste tester
And one day you’re standing in the kitchen together and you’re making cupcakes
He notices that you have a bit of batter on your cheek and goes to wipe it off but at the last minute he ends up kissing your cheek
You’re both red by the end of this
He begins to apologize but you just dip your finger in the batter and put more on your face for him to do it again
Aaand so your relationship begins!!
Food based nicknames
He calls you ‘cupcake’ and ‘nugget’ a lot
You call him ‘butterscotch’ ^^
It makes him blush like there’s no tomorrow
Still your certified taste tester
One time he got a stomach ache because of your cookie dough, he couldn’t stop eating it and you just found him on the floor with his hand on his stomach as he looks at you apologetically with the empty bowl right next to him
You didn’t mind but you did have to take care of him
He tries cooking and nearly burns the house down
You make him amazing meals for his birthdays and for your anniversaries!!
It’s a really great relationship and everyone in school thinks you’re the cutest coupe out there :D
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grimparks · 1 month
Chapter 4
Narrator- the next day, the little squad met up at The New Guy house,Kyle Was the last one to enter, he was a little late but it was okay
Kyle- *knock* *knock*
The New Guy- greetings !
The New Guy- oh Kyle !
The New Guy- finally here ! How’s it goin
Kyle- um, good, my eyes hurt a bit…
The New Guy- okay okay, you may need some medication for that
The New Guy- or maybe your eyes will explode !! Hehe
Kyle- yeah…
The New Guy- anyway ! Come in !
The New Guy- the others are in the basement
The New Guy- I’m gonna take something on the second floor, I’ll be back in a sec.
Narrator- Kyle entered the basement of the house, it was a pretty messy room with dust on the ground and dirty wall like any normal basement but it was also an arranged room with a big table in the center with some garland putting some warm light on the roof. Gregory and Christophe were already in the room, messing around, without talking with each other while the New Guy was at the first floor taking stuff for the meeting.
Narrator- A little time later, after an awkward silence haunting the basement, the New Guy finally arrived with a big roll of paper, almost their height.
New Guy- alright ! I’m back, sorry for the little waiting time… BUT ! I’ve found what I was searching for !
kickly after, she unrolled the paper, revealing a pretty precise map of the police office from the inside and the outside.
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Gregory- well, that just got interesting !
Kyle- wait hold on, where did you get that ? That kind of stuff is impossible to find !
New Guy- oh, you know… contacts are pretty useful.
Kyle- no really, I’m not joking, where did you-
New Guy- anyway, what the plan !
Gregory- Well, I had an idea…
Gregory- An incredible idea if I can say !
Christophe- get to the point you’re wasting our time.
Gregory- …
Gregory- well sorry monsieur baguette oui oui if i try to put some suspense in my sentence !
New Guy- stop you two urg…
New Guy- continue Gregory
Gregory- thank you.
Gregory- SEE ! One polite guy in this room !
Kyle- what am i doin-
Gregory- so !
Gregory- what we need is the security camera of the town and the case of Clyde and the other one right ?
New Guy- yes indeed
Gregory- so ! I thought to bring up 3 groups to enter the station
Gregory- we need one group to get the cases and all the paper stuff, another one to get on the computer to get the security camera and finally a group to guard the front!
Christophe- i take the guard…
Christophe- so i just have to stand there.
kyle- WAIT we needed someone to be able to get on the computer !
kyle- Newy, you found the guy you talked to me about ? He accepted ?
New Guy- what guy ?
Kyle- the inventor you said you know and could get in the computer system !
New Guy- what computer ?
Kyle- ARG, yesterday ! You said you had a guy for that !
New Guy- oohhh
New Guy- oh yeah ! Yep yep yep
New Guy- i forgot that for a sec, yeah he said no
Kyle- he did ?
New Guy- he did.
Kyle- you sure he said no ?
New Guy- who said no ?
Christophe- that’s actually funny to watch.
Gregory- definitely.
Kyle- oh what can i do… urg…
Kyle- OH i know who to call
Kyle- How stupid of me, what i haven’t thought about that before !
Kyle- what the-
Narrator- some loud noise was coming from the up floor, sounds like someone running for his phone half asleep and rushing into all the furniture of the room.
The New Guy- still don’t remember ?
Kyle- remember what ?
Narrator- for you, fella reader, let’s do a little rewind. When the New Guy and the other preschool kids hit their 14 anniversary, the parents of Butter were arrested by the police for child neglect and abuse, by that, he needed to find somebody to adopt him, the pc principal couldn’t and same for the father maxi, however, the New Guy, tat was alone in their house, accepted to keep in some way adopt Butter and since that they are siblings but almost everyone forget that.
Narrator- now let’s get back to the story shall we ?
Kyle- oh that…
Christophe- someone coming…
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Butter- um Kyle ? Why are you calling while I’m up here ?
Kyle- I uh…
Kyle- I thought you weren’t there !
Butter- um…
Butter- alright !
Butter- what can I do for you ?
Kyle- um… you did study for coding and overall you are good with computers ?
Butter- yes ! We are studying NFT for now !
Kyle- yeah yeah, would you help us get into the police office totally legally to find Stan and Clyde ?
Butter- oh geez um…
Butter- i don’t think this is a good idea… you know all the adventures we had before, i always and up in a bad situation or hurt
Kyle- pff… not every time !
Butter- i lost an eye because of you guys…
Kyle- …
Kyle- right… sorry…
The New Guy- Butter, don’t worry you may not end up hurt or anything !
The New Guy- cause we have an apprentice bodyguard AND spy on demand here right~
Christophe- sup
The New Guy- and there is me !
The New Guy- I’ve seen worse than that, same for you !
Butter- i uh… you’re sure it’s safe ?
The New Guy- sure at 99% !
Butter- Well sure then !
Gregory- nice ! Now let’s talk about my fantastic plan…
Narrator- and that’s how they started planning their infiltration
Narrator- now, i think that one question remains
Narrator- what the hell happened to Terrance yesterday ?
Terrance- what ?! WHO SAID THAT?
???- oh come on
???- oh come on silly, you know who it is
???- even the person ready this person know who it is
???- except if they’re dumb of course
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Terrance- AAAH
narrator- Terrance fell on the ground, crashed his head against his desk, some documents , photo frames, and even the screen making it crack. After a good 10 seconds, Terrance stands up again, all dizzy and didn’t really realize the situation he was in.
Leslie- someone loses his balance ?
Terrance- how can you move…
Terrance- all of your system is shut ! It’s literally IMPOSSIBLE !
Leslie- come on, chill dude !
Leslie- I’m just taking a little walk ! standing there for months got me a little rusty.
Leslie- you should be taking a walk too ! You’ve been in your laboratory non stop for 4 months !
Leslie- didn’t humans need to do something called socializing ? Hehe
Terrance- shut up and get back here you sick bot.
Leslie- oh ! Someone mad… and what if I say no ? Uh
Leslie- what are you gonna do ? You’re gonna pout at me ?
Terrance- SHUT UP YOU- arg… le me rephrase…
Terrance- what. Do. You. Want. To. Get. Back. In. There.
Leslie- you don’t need to talk slowly silly, oh i think that is what people call sarcasm…
Leslie- anyway ! You know what I want don’t you ?
Terrance- of you want to get outside it’s no
Leslie- nooo… i mean yes but… not like that !
Leslie- I would like to get a little rendez-vous with someone, nothing more !
Terrance- that’s a no
Leslie- come on !
Leslie- come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on
Terrance- STOP! NO ! You are a danger to the society
Leslie- I’m a danger to society, what an incredible plot twist !
Leslie- well it’s that or i tell to you know who, what you’ve being doing for the past years~
Terrance- you can’t
Terrance- you don’t have the wifi password
Leslie- yes i do !
Leslie- it’s Ad6jp-P0jY3-c6v1k-Ks8P9
Terrance- …
Leslie- I’m the best technology ever created ! What you thought ?!
Terrance- what would i do this for you ?
Leslie- cause you don’t have any other choice !
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Terrance- …
Terrance- deal.
Leslie- that’s my mentally unstable boy…
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