#anyway in this essay i will und so
vague-humanoid · 2 months
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she's been supporting Palestine and decrying the apartheid, even and especially last October where she published a book on it
anyway, her statement as mentioned here
My name is Zukiswa Wanner.
I am a writer, editor, publisher and curator who considers the African continent my home. In 2020, I became the first woman on my continent to receive the Goethe Medaille alongside Bolivian artist and Museum Director Elvira Espejo Ayca and writer Ian McEwan from the United Kingdom. While the Goethe Medal is conferred by the Goethe-Institut to ‘non-Germans who have performed outstanding service for international cultural relations’, it is important to note that the award is an official decoration of the Federal Republic of Germany.
I note and appreciate Goethe-Institut President Carola Lentz’ statement from an article of 14 January, 2024 in Der Spiegel where she says, and I quote, Longstanding partners in the international cultural world are losing trust in the liberality of Germany’s democracy and poses the question, should the Aaswartige Kultur und Bildungspolitik (AKPB) support only persons or groups who accommodate the political/moral agenda of the respective German government? She concludes otherwise and notes that organisations like Goethe-Institut must not become the extended arm of the government, particularly in difficult political times. In the same vein, Goethe-Institut Johannesburg, which is the regional headquarters for Sub Saharan Africa stated in a statement on 7th February, 2024 ‘As to the current war in Gaza – we are convinced that in view of the catastrophic situation, a new ceasefire is urgently needed. The rising number of civilian victims is unacceptable. It’s important to state this so I highlight that this is NOT a statement surrendering the medal because of the Goethe-Institut and its position even where we may not always agree. I mention the Goethe-Institut’ statement by way of explaining that my actions are not a critique of the cultural institution but rather of the government.
In May 2023, while attending Palestine Festival of Literature and months before October 7, I was in the Occupied Palestine Territories and travelled to Ramallah, Nabi Saleh, East Jerusalem, Hebron and Lydd. As a writer coming from a country with a history of apartheid, what I experienced shook me and resulted in my writing a long essay Vignettes of a People in an Apartheid State. One did not need to be from a country with a history of apartheid to see the daily injustices and indignities visited on Palestinians. Palestinians have separate roads, different number plates and are constantly under threat from strangers from the United States or white South Africans with apartheid nostalgia who come with guns and the protection of Israeli Defence Forces to settle into their homes. Indeed, unlike most literature festivals, PalFest takes the writers to multiple cities since Palestinians are unable to travel without permission from Israel, much like South Africa during apartheid, just more cruel.
This is why I am giving up the medal.
I understand Germany’s guilt for the Holocaust.
I do.
That guilt is appropriate and has enabled Germany to face its unconscionable past.
But it is this that makes its position on a current genocide in Palestine all the more shameful. As an aside and as an African, I wish the German government exhibited the same regret for their history in Namibia with the Herero-Nama genocide and for the genocide during the Maji Maji Rebellion in Tanzania. Equally important, I wish that the German government, in reflection and saying ‘never again’ would acknowledge that NEVER AGAIN should be for ANYBODY. Instead, what I see is Germany being on the wrong side of a genocide again (as per International Court of Justice provisional ruling to the case brought on by South Africa). Additionally, according to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Federal Republic of Germany and United States of America are the biggest arms exporters to Israel. With more than 30 thousand killed in Gaza, this should have been a mea culpa moment for the Federal Republic of Germany, instead, they seem to have doubled their support for a very problematic government.
Culturally, since October 7, 2023, I have seen Germany disengaging from artists for their position on the colonial state that is Israel even in light of Israel’s failures to adhere to the Oslo Accord (which was a super mediocre document for Palestinians). I am reading that of the cultural events cancelled by Germany, 30 percent are by Jewish artists who are anti-Zionist. This has failed to make sense to me that Jews can be considered antisemitic (obviously ignoring that Palestinians are a semitic people as those in support of the Israeli government seem intent on forgetting). More recently, during the Berlin Film Festival, Palestinian filmmaker Basel Adra and Israeli journalist Yuval Abraham won best documentary prize for their film No Other Lands which shows the eradication of Palestinian villages in the West Bank. The German Cultural Minister is reported to have stated her applause was only for the Israeli half of the filmmaking duo. South African history has a phrase for this. Petty Apartheid.
I thus find myself unable to stay silent or keep an official decoration from a government that is this callous to human suffering.
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dawnscales · 1 month
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healing my relationship with my ethnicity, roots, past, present & future.
gonna preface this that by "healing my relationship with my ethnicity" it is not due to trauma in the Jewish community but the severe antisemitism I received as a child. this is also me healing my relationship with the religious part of Judaism because I hid and denied this part for so long in an attempt to fit in.
my christian & Mormon teachers would call in my local Synagogue asking if I even visit because otherwise they would require of me to visit the christian religion lessons. they made comments, whenever I spoke Hebrew ( and I was only 8 at the time ) that I sounded like a terrorist. I was made to partake in Christian prayers etc and that ruined my relationship with religion in general.
Then the hate because I was born in Israel started. And because I was Jewish. I grew up on the poverty line, I did not get a phone until I was 16 and my classmates would make comments about how "of course your family is stingy, you are Jews" or tell me "don't behave so Jewish" when I did not want to share my lunch.
One time we did a little exercise where we wrote down what we think each student would be once they grew up. Under my name? "Gas chamber fodder". they'd also call our landline & wish my Israeli family death.
So now I am healing myself with books! Connecting with all that was taken from me - I am also in talk with a Community if I may join them. They are further away but they are queer friendly, I could only go every month but they live-stream during holidays and shabbat.
anyway I decided to buy books because as a librarian I sure know how healing they are. It will take time to read them all ( & also not all are seen here. Like I bought the Torah but I also downloaded things for my ebook ). I am certain I won't agree with everyone listed here but I want to read as much as possible. For those interested these are the books :
Pnina Navé Levinson ( born 1921, fled to today's Israel in 1933, her books are not available in Englisch ) :
Eva und ihre Schwestern ( Eva & her sisters - perspectives of a jewish feminist theology )
Was wurde aus Saras Töchtern ( What happened to Saras daughters? - Women in Judaism )
Esther erhebt ihre Stimme ( Esther raises her voice - a collection of prayers | most of these prayers center women & are from communities nearly erased during the Shoa )
Einführung ( Introduction into the theology of Rabbis )
Einblicke in das Judentum ( Insights into Judaism )
Tom Segev ( Israeli & Jewish historian )
Es war einmal ein Palästina ( One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate )
Jerusalem Ecke Berlin ( Jerusalem corner Berlin | Not official Englisch title, has yet to be translated I believe )
Henryk M. Broder ( German journalist & Author who often provokes people with his thought games )
Der Ewige Antisemit ( The eternal Antisemite | Book has not been released in English. My mother gave me this book saying she believes any Jew in the Diaspora should read it once. )
Sebastian Voigt ( German historian, I am not sure if his books have been translated either )
Judenhass ( a book about how most societies are built upon antisemitism. Think 'If capitalism was the enemy, Jews were capitalist. If communism was the enemy, the Jews were communist )
Richard C. Schneider ( German Journalist who has lived in Tel-Aviv for many years )
Die Sache mit Israel ( The thing with Israel )
Erwin Javor & Others
Israel - was geht mich das an? ( Israel - what does it got to do with me? | Essays from several people about Israel )
Joseph Croitoru ( German journalist )
Die Hamas - Herrschaft über Gaza. Krieg gegen Israel ( Hamas - Reign over Gaza. War against Israel )
Tania Martini & Others
Nach dem 7.Oktober ( After the 7th October | Essays by people, mostly Jews about the 7th October, the trauma etc )
Navid Kermani & Natan Sznaider
Israel - eine Korrespondenz ( Israel - a correspondence )
Saul Friedländer
Blick in den Abgrund ( Gaze into the Abyss | At the start of 2023 Shoa survivor Saul Friedländer starts to write a diary about his dislike for the current Government of Israel & the history of the land since he was massively involved in the early years of Israel. Unaware of what would happen in October of the same year the book is described as a must read )
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hanabeeri · 4 months
things have been going well lately! apparently i just needed to see people in flesh again to feel better, who would have thought.
yesterday i met up with E and we had american pancakes (theyre quite different from slavic ones; slavic ones are thin like crêpe) and they were actually really yummy! we drove her sister to her driving lessons, and while we waited for her we went shopping. i got myself two new lipglosses! unfortunately theyre sheer and dont have any colour to them :( at least they smell nice and taste sweet.
the next weeks will be filled with lots of studying for exams.. im really nervous, more so than the last years.. but it's okay!! its the year of the dragon, its my year so i am certain that i will succeed in everything. und hetzen bringt ja auch nichts.. its no use wishing for the future to be different when it didnt even happen.
i found two blogs that like evgenij onegin too... i will lose sleep going through the essays and what not. it'll be worth it.
also i cant wait for summer!!! day ?? of me saying that. but i really cant wait!!! i will listen to mystery of love on repeat and i will lay in a spot of light in the living room, and the birds will come back and they will sing, and the sky at night will look less lonely and i will be able to sleep with an open window at night and listen to the sounds of the trains driving in the distance, and it will never truly be night anyways because the shadow of the earth will never really reach completely.
im trying to take more photos throughout my days, because i want to add them here! since im too lazy to print them and glue them in my physical diary (welches ich btw sehr vernachlässigt habe, aber andererseits habe ich zur zeit auch keine tiefen geheimnisse, die ich mit nichts und niemanden teilen möchte außer mir selbst und Gott).
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random pictures from december 2023 i believe ft. my friends doodles of us as cats
a song i've been listening to a lot recently
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Die Drei Ausrufezeichen Social Media AU
but it’s just them having Tumblr blogs, cause they would! (Might eventually add other social media platforms.)
Main blog:
Blog title: Solving crimes and the mysteries of coding
Kim - Eng/Ger/Thai - She/Her - coding, writing, crime novels primarily
Die drei Fragezeichen side blog:
Blog title: PB&J my beloveds
Kim - Eng/Ger/Thai - she/her - Die drei Fragezeichen side Blog, my main blog is: thecodesofcrimenovels
Franzi has one blog and one blog only.
Blog title: I survived my ‘Not like other girls’ phase and figured out I’m not a girl at all
Franzi - Eng/Ger - She/He - D3F and Vorstadtwache mainly, occasionally Tatort though I haven’t really gotten into it yet, Queer stuff, Trans stuff, German stuff, just what ever - Trans af, your conservative family members worst nightmare - PB&J warrior first, Human second
Main blog:
Blog title: Aesthetics and T Girl Swag!
Marie - Eng/Ger/Fr - she/her, sie/ihr, elle
Die drei Fragezeichen side blog:
Blog title: Rocky Beach’s Queer Youth Centre
The three investigators/Die drei Fragezeichen Side Blog, Mainly fan art with occasional separate headcanon posts (all my headcanons are integrated into my art anyway haha), main blog is called: flowercourtprincess
Some posts they would make:
Had a writing workshop today and it was great! We had sort of free range to decide what exactly we wanted to do. The premise was to choose a novel of our liking, analyse the writing style and then imitate said style in a completely different genre. So we had some people using the flowery description heavy language of a fantasy novel to describe a mundane day in the real world. Or the creepy dispense of a horror novel used to describe a fluffy movie night between two friends. (The friends were watching a rom-com so it wasn’t like they could somehow match the vibes to the movie.) It was great!
#writing #my posts
Not to be a cliché Trans Girl, but gosh I love coding so much. It’s so much fun.
#coding #my posts
[D3A’s group chat right after Franzi sees that post.
F: Is your Coding club girlfriend finally back?
K: I have no idea what you are talking about and she is not my girlfriend.
F: Not yet. Which is why you should finally ask her out on a date. Or Marie should. You two are so badly crushing on that girl and neither of you have yet to actually make a move. If you take any longer I’ll do it for you.]
Justus Jonas is half Thai! Cause I project onto him.
#Asian American Justus Jonas is actually so canon thank you very much #like what do you mean he isn’t canonly half Thai? #he clearly is #like have you not paid attention? #I will go down with this headcanon! #justus jonas #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators
| #Asian American Justus Jonas is actually so canon thank you very much #<- previous tag #yesss #fight me #spreading the Asian American Justus Jonas agenda #justus jonas #d3f
| #Asian American Justus Jonas is actually so canon thank you very much #<- previous tag #yes! Exactly! Also -> #spreading the Asian American Justus Jonas agenda #funnily enough I’m working on an art piece of him right now #and this is fuelling my inspiration #I’m debating making him Blasian because I just want to #because I do like the headcanon that Justus is Black #but I don’t know yet #justus jonas #headcanon tag #reblog
The urge to write a whole ass essay on the racist stereotypes in the old books and the continued anti indigenous racism even in the newer ones, is so intense right now.
#racism in Die drei Fragezeichen #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators
| #Do it!
The wish to listen to the early cases and the wish to not hear racist slurs and racism filled stories, currently fighting each other. Like please why can’t I just to listen to “Die drei Fragezeichen und das Gespensterschloss” without needing to mentally prepare myself for a bunch of racist stereotypes including the Z-word (the German version of the G-slur). Seriously…
#racism in Die drei Fragezeichen #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators
| #yes it’s exhausting sometimes #also yes unusual reblog I know #not art #reblog
See the reason I relate to Bob Andrews is because he is a trans fem surrounded by trans mascs while I’m a trans masc surrounded by trans fems. We mirror each other.
#he is literally so trans fem ahhh! #trans fem bob andrews #nonbinary bob andrews #bob andrews #d3f
| #I love trans fem Bob Andrews so much as a concept! #trans fem bob andrews #nonbinary bob andrews #bob andrews #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators #reblog
| #and we love you very dearly! #trans fem bob andrews #nonbinary bob andrews #bob andrews #headcanon tag #reblog
Kelly Madigan my beloved!
#that’s it #that’s the whole post #kelly madigan #d3f
| #so true! #I love you Kelly Madigan #you are the best #kelly madigan #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators #reblog
| #not something I typically reblog onto here but also yes! 100% #gosh I love the girls so much! They are awesome #kelly madigan my beloved #kelly madigan #not art #reblog
Kommisar Brockmeier is queer. Helmut Grevenbroich told me himself.
#I said what I said #kommisar brockmeier #vorstadtwache #helmut grevenbroich
Would y’all believe me if I said I saw Helmut Grevenbroich kissing a man?
#helmut grevenbroich #true story #I’m gonna tag this as #queer stuff #because I can
[Helmut Grevenbroich was in fact asked if he was okay with the post, before Franzi posted that.]
Todays question is if I’m actually lesbian, AroAce or any of the mspec labels? Stay tuned for the answer. Yes, I’ve been listening to “fall in love with a girl” by Cavetown ft. Beabadoobee. Why are you asking? Blame thatqueermayhem for playing “worm food” on a loop.
#no matter what I’m queer af #if you have a problem with that kindly f^ off #just queer things #my posts #queer #aroace #lesbian #mspec #bi #pan #poly #omni
| Sometimes you gotta be a stereotypical trans masc, what can I say? 🤷 It’s not like y’all aren’t enjoying the songs.
#queer stuff #trans stuff #I love my girlfriends and I also love listening to Cavetown yes these two are related
Being trans is actually so great! Who ever told you otherwise was a big fat liar. Being trans is freaking awesome.
#trans is beautiful #just trans things #trans #transgender #transsexual #my posts #even though there are probably a decent amount of similar posts already floating around on here #I don’t care #you can never say it enough
| #This! #gosh I love being trans so much #reblog #trans things #trans #transgender
| #yes #queer stuff #trans stuff
The romantic tension of being taken care of by your friends after being hurt.
[private conversation after Kim and Franzi see that post.
Franzi: You get hurt and that’s your first instinct? Posting a vague post on Tumblr?
Marie: *shrugs*
Kim: Well, it’s vague enough to just seem like random thought with no real life implications.
Franzi: Seriously??? … What ever.
Marie: I mean people are reblogging it and agreeing.
Franzi: *looking at the post and reblogs* They are assigning characters and ships to it…
Marie: Well obviously.
Franzi:… I don’t even know how to argue with that.
Kim: Franzi. It’s not that serious. You are just stressed right now.
Franzi: Well we are in the freaking hospital after all!
Marie: Wanna hold my hand to feel less worried?
Franzi:… yes.
Marie: *looking at Kim* You too?
Kim: *nods and the three end up holding hands to calm themselves down*
(It’s mainly Franzi that needs calming down, but the others also appreciate it.)]
Jeffrey Palmer wears blond faux locs. (Cause I want faux locs right now, but I don’t have the time for an appointment and I just got braids done.) He would totally wear goddess locs, cause he doesn’t give a damn about “gender rules” and that’s all I’ll say.
#I’m working on a Portrait drawing of him right now and just head to share that headcanon really quick #jeffrey palmer #die drei fragezeichen #the three investigators #d3f #headcanon tag #my headcanons
| #uhh I can’t wait for the drawing! #and you are sooo right! #jeffrey palmer #d3f
| #jeffrey palmer #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators #reblog
Unusual post for me but it needs to be said. I feel like the authors of “The three investigators” tend to fall into the “we were trying to be misogynistic but ended up accidentally writing something with queer energy” category quite a lot. An audio drama example: Switching out Kelly for Jeffrey in “Die drei Fragezeichen Das Geisterschiff“. Now you made it unintentionally queer, cause you so desperately didn’t want to include Peter’s canon girlfriend. Anyway thatqueermayhem and justusjonasesautism just had to listen to me rant about the misogyny in these books.
#not art #the way Kelly gets treated by the authors hurts sometimes #Kelly is such a darling and I love her #die drei fragezeichen #the three investigators #d3f #kelly madigan #rant sort of? #my posts
| #reblog #jeffrey palmer #kelly madigan #Die drei Fragezeichen Das Geisterschiff #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators
| #yep #and Kelly always gets the short end of the stick #I love you Jeffrey #but Kelly deserves better #jeffrey palmer #kelly madigan #d3f
If I see one more post of someone claiming “The three investigators” doesn’t have misogyny/sexism, I’m gonna scream. Y’all can’t be serious, when these stories are littered with misogyny/sexism. Like I get it. You don’t want to admit that there are flaws in these stories you probably liked since you were a child, but for the love of it, stop it! They literally wrote out female characters, cause the audience supposedly disliked them. And you are claiming this series doesn’t have misogyny??? Well when there are barely any female characters chances to see misogynistic characterisations are rarer. (Psst they still exist. Like it’s not that the few female characters don’t fall into sexist stereotypes sometimes. And just because you don’t notice them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.)
#not art #rant #die drei fragezeichen #the three investigators #d3f #my posts
| #nothing to add here! #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators #reblog
I was debating cutting the part of Kim mentioning the anti indigenous racism, cause D3A also has (at least) two instances of the I-word being used, but I decided against it, cause it’s something I think she would post. And I personally would like to believe that all the characters (also the characters from the D3F universe) would stop using it if they were made aware of the fact that it is a racial slur.
The only times I’ve seen people claiming D3F doesn’t have misogyny was when they where putting down D3A as so much worse. Arguing that D3F supposedly didn’t have misogyny while D3A had.
Slightly of topic, but I really do want to draw Jeffrey with goddess locs now. Ahh! He would look so pretty with them.
Is this shamelessy plugging some of my personal D3F headcanons? Yes. I don’t care.
Listen if I was immersed in the Miss Marple books, I would have also added posts about that. I am how ever not at all immersed with the stories. (I wish I could do Franzi’s love for the character justice.)
(Planning on drawing this in the future. Don’t know when yet. I don’t know how to do these fake screenshots of social media accounts.)
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ashxketchum · 2 years
Honestly I am sick and tired of the bandwagon of hate V-Force gets even from my Tumblr moots I mean it's just another season 😭 it's not my most fave but I love all the seasons more or less equally. A lot of my fave characters are there frrr
I'm so sorry that you keep coming across hate for it, sadly the bandwagon hating culture exists in every fandom and is usually perpetuated by people who have never seen the series/episode they are hating on!
I'm sure if most of these people sat down and watched V-force properly, they will find things they love about it too, it introduced such an interesting lore for bit-beasts, and great rival teams and had extremely funny scenes as well, with each of the BBA members getting personal motives and development arcs.
I too love all the seasons equally of course, but as I became a fan of the series through V-force, it will always hold a special place in my heart.
I'm not sure if you're up to read this whole essay rant I wrote in the Beyblade server months ago defending the season, but I'll paste it here anyways!
V-force’s only valid flaw in my eyes is that it precedes G-revolution, with the latter choosing to go in a completely different direction and thus invalidating a lot of set-up that V-force successfully managed to build up in it’s entire run. However, at the time that V-force was being written, it is clear that G-revolution wasn’t what the writers had set their endgame sights on, so to always compare the two as if the two seasons were similarly created is wrong and frankly imo, kinda silly at this point.
The writers worked on V-force arc by arc, building up the big bad in the background for the final showdown in an episodic sense. So when you view V-force with that lens, each arc has defining moments for each of the characters it’s built around upon. From the Europe tour arc of S1, the mystery and lore of bit-beasts and their existence was already set up well, with a lot of accreditation to the BBA team’s winning going to the fact that they had bonded better with their bit-beasts than any other bladers. V-force picks up on this and makes them the target for people who either wish to use this bond for themselves or don’t think that the BBA team is worthy of this bond and the power it holds. And in each of these arcs, the introduction of the antagonists, their characterisations and their eventual defeat is handled well. Granted there are filler episodes, but they’re used to build up background development for the BBA team or set up a motive for them to push their potential further, there is hardly a wasted episode in the series, and people who do feel that the fillers are unnecessary are absolutely being too strict on an anime written to cater to young boys. There’s a lot of good comedy in these fillers, and in-fighting and ideological differences within the BBA team, which in retrospect, sets up the initial fall-out in G-revolution.
V-force does focus on the characters and not just the bit-beasts though, Tyson struggles a lot with having people he considered his friends like Kane and Zeo become the villains attempting to take away his partner (another base set-up for G-rev). Kai has major guilt over getting Yuya involved and injured, Rei has ideological issues with how Team Psychic or Saint Shields operate, Max is the first one to get through to Mariam and prove that the BBA team deserve their Bit-beasts and their sacred quest is not valid. Tyson and Rei also have arguments over Tyson’s desperation to keep their bit-beats safe every time the villain starts to seem a bit stronger. To say that there is no character development or focus n V-force is just way too much of a blanket statement.
The only other flaw I do find in V-force is how the final tournament was labelled as a World Tournament, when it would’ve been better titled as a “Special” Tournament. This is where V-force diverges from S1 and leads to G-revolution completely leaving the set-up V-force built behind. I totally understand why the International teams didn’t cameo in V-force, bringing them in the tournament would mean writing in their development during the time gap, and that definitely would not have fit the time-frame for which V-force had been green lit for. It wouldn’t have been possible for Tala or Rai or Ralf to show up without having become even stronger than they were last time, and the focus shifting from defeating Zeo and protecting their bit-beasts to strategising over defeating each of the international teams. So they went with random character of the days that could be defeated in an episode or two and Zeo could retain his status as the main enemy. Which is why I’ll never treat the V-force tournament as a World tournament, because it really wasn’t that, but despite of that this is a pretty minor flaw in my eyes.
No series can be absolutely perfect, in the end, it is written and created by people after all. The team responsible for V-force decided to take the show in a direction they felt would add more to the characters after S1, and it just so happens to be that the team behind G-revolution felt it better to go in a different direction altogether. It is perfectly possible to enjoy V-force without comparing it to G-revolution, and seeing it as a stand-alone vacation time for the BBA team before the actual World Tournament rolled around.
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bravertzposts · 6 months
Lewis tat mir leid in Mexico mit der Disqualifikation nach dem Rennen genauso wie Charles. Der gemeinsame Post war legendär. Klar Las Vegas ist jetzt nicht so gut für das Rennen generell, aber war doch spannender als die letzten Rennen. Vermisse Seb. Warst du mal live zuschauen?
Zum Fußball. Kai gestern war echt der Beste. Schade das es kein Bravertz Tor gab. Es hätte eins in weiter Entfernung geben können, wenn Jules Schuss reingegangen wäre. Vielleicht ja Dienstag.
Mag deinen Block sehr gerne und finde es schön über verschiedene Themen sich auszutauschen.
nonny wenn du mir je privat schreiben willst nh...hab noch fast niemanden über unsere bravertz ecke hier kennengelernt und ihr seid alle soo lieb, pls. ich glaube, wir würden viben. "vermisse seb" is all that it takes für den weg in mein herz tbh, i'm that easy
I KNOW, wir warten seit ewigkeiten auf ein bravertz tor und dann kommt nach 84 jahren die kai+jule startelf aber surprise, sie sind nicht zusammen in der offensive, weil kai jetzt verteidiger ist! auf teilzeit!! because that's normal!! 🫠🫠🫠 ich freu mich auf dienstag, aber glaub langsam die zwei sind cursed.
und f1: plsss mexiko war eines der wenigen top rennen dieses jahr, du hättest die whatsapp ESSAYS an meinen freund und meine beste freundin sehen sollen, als ich montags zu der nachricht aufgewacht bin, jfc. the rage. aber omg, ja - kannst du dir charles reaktion vorstellen, zu der einladung. gemeinsamer insta post mit lewis hamilton. gott. wie müssen die nachrichten mit pierre ausgesehen haben asdfgjk. ANYWAY, nein, ich war noch nie bei nem gp, aber ich würde gerne! auch wenn du tatsächlich von zu hause mehr davon hast, ich hab freunde in england, die mal waren und das immer wieder sagen - du siehst alles vom rennen und zahlst kein vermögen - aber trotzdem, einfach für die ✨️experience✨️.
& du??
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tonkimj · 2 years
Belle delphine twitter
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#Belle delphine twitter how to#
they dress up as someone and play that charakter and not strip as yourself, make a lewd face and want to get payed for that. some people work houres every day every week for half a yea to create insane masterpieces to show them on comiccon and stuff. Just dont do that infront of our kids! Dont drag cosplaying into the dirt becouse cosplaying actualy is a art. there are sites like Youporn and other shit where you can do that get payed or open your own site. I dont realy mind her posting stuff, being a pornstar. Snapchat is safe becouse the chat where she posts stuff is not open for everyone so yea well, k. calling Patreon isnt a thing becouse they dont wana do shit. reporting this to instagram is useless since they seem to not care about there userbase. (you get - Daily selfies and day to day life photos- Bath and shower time selfies- Daily panty shots - Very *NSFW* pics- Random In german it even says on Wikipedia:" durch Kostüm und Verhalten möglichst originalgetreu dar.") which is obviously not the case and get away with it while advertise there Patreon/Snapchat where you can litteraly **PAY MONEY** to see, what i guess are litteral pornographic pictures:" Favorite sources include anime, cartoons, comic books, manga, live-action films, television series, and video games. someone old enough like her (19) can post pornographic content (pics of her dont woring underware or pritty anything exept somthing that hides nips and clit), call it Cosplay (Any entity that lends itself to dramatic interpretation may be taken up as a subject and it is not unusual to see genders switched. Anyways in a app which is made for kids of the age of 13. dont wana spoil you with to many informations maybe check it out for your own ^^' its kinda disgusting. well i stumbled over this instagram account from "lphine" (!!!i acctualy dont want to call her out or make her pay for somthing she ddnt started i know this is not her fault and she is not the first one but there has to be a start somewhere before every female ends up posting this shit and every male ends up defending her on social media becouse he is to horny and for some reason dosnt wants to go on some pornsites!!!). i guess its not healthy for kids to see such stuff or i dont know i dont want to get into that atm. people who want to see porn can get to there sides and need to register for such stuff. When i saw this problem years ago i thought its not getting out of hand. With dignity, intelligence and thoughtful about ther moves in the internet.
#Belle delphine twitter how to#
Meanwhile, Delphine’s defenders are still hitting back, saying there’s nothing wrong with depicting this in a pornographic fantasy context and it’s unreasonable to expect her to use a trigger warning for her posts.It is important to show younger people how to act That could result in people who aren’t familiar with Delphine’s body of work to click on the image expecting to see something completely different. However, many Twitter users disagreed with her statements, sharing examples from previous shoots where they felt she was presenting in a particularly child-like manner and pointing out that Twitter frequently shows tweets to people from accounts they aren’t actually following. Her statement included the claim that she doesn’t dress like a child and that, as a porn actress, there is no need for her to censor the contents of her timeline. later tweeted that “I’m not sorry, here’s why” with an essay attached in which she addressed the criticism she’s received over the shoot. focused on her style of dress which, coupled with her signature demeaner that many consider purposely child-like, led them to view this piece as a fetishization of the abduction and rape of children. pointed out that survivors of sexual violence, who wouldn’t be expecting anything like this based on the accompanying text to her photos, could easily be hurt or triggered by seeing the image. Note: This article contains mentions of rape.ĭelphine shared four stills from what she called her “perfect first date,” showing her tied up and gagged with duct tape in the back of a van and being anally penetrated pressed up against a tree. Now people are debating on whether or not to “cancel” her once again. When Belle Delphine posted pictures from her latest shoot directly on Twitter, the theme combined with the lack of a trigger warning upset a lot of people.
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lalalaugenbrot · 3 years
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Tatort Saarbrücken + The 5 Love Languages
Acts of Service
For people who love with acts of service, love is not felt as much with abstract words and intention as it is with visible action and follow-through. At its core, an act of service is about someone going out of their way to meaningfully help and support the other person. When people take initiative to ease some of their responsibilities and burdens, it helps them feel taken care of, safe, and loved in return. An act of service is about dedicated time and effort, usually in a nonverbal way. It is quite literally showing up in ways that are tangible, meaning actions speak louder than words.
Physical Touch
This language isn't all about the bedroom. A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder, or face – they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive. Physical touch fosters a sense of security and belonging in any relationship.
#hi it's me i've lost my mind 🤗#tatort saarbrücken#ich versuche hier nur die 5 sprachen der liebe als neues fandomding zu etablieren#hölzer-schürk-eheberatung kann losgehen#almost killing your partners abuser may be a bit of a strech for 'acts of service' but hey#also acts of service is often described as just about chores#which i think is a bit stupid#i think this description that i found puts it very well#acts of service ist auch super schwer in bildern festzuhalten#ich hab das zweite mit reingenommen weil es ja auch darum geht dass es super viel für einen bedeutet wenn jemand was für einen tut#die Umarmung im auto initiiert zwar leo aber ich finde es spannend dass wir dabei trotzdem den Fokus auf Adam haben#und im wald setzt adam leos unterstützung in unmöglicher weise voraus#und versucht die Situation dann durch eine Berührung zu lösen#man könnte auch sagen dass adam leos liebessprache missbraucht?!#anyway in this essay i will und so#vielleicht macht das alles auch nicht so viel sinn wie ich will...??#und ich mache mir auch keine illusionenn dass sich das beim schreiben irgendwer so gedacht hat#aaandererseits hat vladi nicht gesagt er hätte noch nie so eine krass detaillierte charakterbeschreibung bekommen?#also wer weiß es...#¯\_(ツ)_/¯#und auch fettes sorry für den scheiß screenshot vom kickern aber was kann ich dafür dass adam da was im mund hat#das wirkt als gif vollkommen anders weil er leo so richtig über den rücken rubbelt#aber dann hätte ich alles giffen müssen und das scheiß ard logo aus jedem frame entfernen müssen und nein.
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
Hi, how about #3. “Shhh. Don’t try to move. I’ve got you.” For Beau/Yasha. If you are interested, I would really appreciate a NB Beau story for this if you can! Thanks! :)
Written straight down the page, got away from me, more than 1k. They/she for Beau, plus an obligatory pun because like. That's just what it is to be NB sorry I do make the rules. Hurt/comfort, college AU, could fit right alongside anything I've done before but just also Beau is nonbinary. Early days. Enjoy!
"You're sure you're good?" Beau flipped off the guy who looked up from the nearby computer glare at her but lowered their voice a bit further as they sidled up to Yasha. "Because you look like shit. No offense."
The world was doing something kind of wavy as Yasha reached up for the book she'd come for, but she shook it off and blinked to clear her head. "I'm fine," she whispered back. "I told you. I'm not used to staying up studying like this."
"Yeah we need to get you some fuckin' study skills or something before finals," Beau remarked. "This is just midterms and you look three seconds from face planting."
Yasha didn't really have an argument for that. Also she wasn't really sure what would happen if she opened her mouth. She offered Beau a weak smile and made to step past her, but something fuzzy happened to gravity and the next thing she knew Beau had her by the arm in both hands and was puling her down. "Quit fighting me and sit," they hissed. "You're not good. You're dehydrated at best and probably made yourself sick staying up."
"I had water," Yasha protested. "Three hours ago."
Beau's face always looked angry, but now it looked severe. Worry, Yasha guessed. It was sweet coming from them. "Stay the fuck there. I'm going to the vending machine." Yasha blinked at the pap sound made when Beau stuck the back of their hand to her head. "You feel like a person," they whispered, aggrieved. "How's anyone get any info from that?"
"Take my card," Yasha mumbled.
"Fuck you."
She glared up at Beau. "You have three dollars to your name."
"Call it a micro trans action." She said each word distinctly. "Now stay."
Her hand when it brushed the side of Yasha's hand was softer this time, though that could have just been her hair buffering the feeling. "All your transactions are micro," Yasha muttered. Beau rolled their eyes and walked off with her hands in her pockets, but the third floor of the library was dead quiet and Yasha heard them break into a run at the end of the aisle. Damn. She must really look like shit. She definitely wasn't feeling so great, but she'd suffered exhaustion enough before to know whereabouts she was in terms of collapse. Kind of weird, to go from being unfazed by buildings routinely blowing up and fighting for her life on a daily basis to someone a little wiped because she'd gone too long without a granola bar.
Yasha lifted the book she'd pulled from the shelf and stared at it balefully. Maybe Beau had been right and she should have just pulled a random quote and bibliography from the internet. The essay was almost done anyway. She just couldn't shake the feeling that no matter how many shortcuts Beau took, if she tried it it would bite her in the ass. What if she lost her partial scholarship over feeling a little sick?
Her stomach gave a sudden lurch, then growled loud enough for half the third floor to hear. That seemed rude, and whatever Beau brought her was going to probably have a loud wrapper or something else to piss off everyone trying to study up here. She could at least haul her sorry ass to the elevators and wait there, where the silence hadn't quite set in and every sound didn't echo so much.
Yasha used the bookshelf to steady herself and get to her feet, and from there it was deceptively easy to put one foot in front of the other and shuffle towards the other side of the room.
She didn't quite make it. Yasha passed the last bookshelf and was about fifteen feet from the couch-chair things when she realized she might have underestimated just how far she was gone. Her foot scuffed the carpet wrong a second later, sending her tumbling onto the thin carpet. They got that part right, she thought dimly. Someone her size should have made a crash or at least a thud, but she hit the floor with hardly a whisper. Beau is going to be pissed, she thought, and then she passed out.
"Yasha. Yasha, hey. Yasha. Fucking answer me, Yash."
Yasha groaned and squinted against too-bright lights, tongue heavy in her mouth and feeling layered with something sweet. "Ow," she managed.
She heard a loud exhale of annoyance or relief and rolled her head towards the shape blocking the light. "Ah-ah. Don't try to move. Shh. I've got you." The dark shape resolved into Beau, backlit as they were from the fluorescents and holding a partially drained Powerade bottle. "Hold still and swallow."
Yeah, okay. Yasha held still as Beau tipped the bottle closer, and only when she moved to help the angle of things did she realize Beau's other hand was holding her head. "Sorry," she said once the bottle had been removed. "I really didn't think it was that bad yet."
"No shit," Beau shot back. They looked up past Yasha to something she couldn't see and made a universal "get lost" gesture with her arm. "She's fine. Fuck off." They glanced down at her. "Are you actually fine? Do you even have insurance?"
"It's eighty degrees in October and I wore my jacket," Yasha managed. "I'm an idiot, but I'm fine."
"You're not an idiot, you're a mess. There's a difference. The second one's fixable."
Yasha quirked a smile at that. Things were coming into better focus, equilibrium returning even as she still felt like warm death. "You're a mess."
"If you can talk, you can drink." Beau stuck the bottle back against her lip, but Yasha didn't think she imagined the curl of her their fingers in her hair.
"I can sit up now," she said she she was done. Her voice sounded stronger now - she actually believed herself.
Even if Beau didn't. "Nope. Five more minutes at least, and I will sit on you if I have to."
Yasha sighed and lifted a hand to her face, suddenly cognizant of the breeze on her skin. "My jacket -"
"it's right here." Beau lifted the familiar leather from Yasha's waist into her field of view. "Needed to get air in. Knew better than to put it anywhere else. And yes, technically that does mean you passed out and I started undressing you, get the jokes out of the way."
Yasha reached up carefully and touched her fingers to Beau's jaw. They frowned but didn't pull away. "I was just going to say thank you. And sorry again."
Now Beau batted her hand away. "Apologize again and I'm buying dinner."
Yasha scoffed, It didn't hurt this time or set off any little lights in her mind. "Dick."
"That's better." A little of her seemed to uncoil as they said it, and it was only then that Yasha pieced together what now seemed pretty obvious.
"Hey. Quit worrying. I'm fine."
Beau scowled at her. "Really selling that for me flat on your back in the campus library. I mean seriously, how the fuck were you after me all night to drink and eat snacks just for this to happen?"
Hmm. Well, that answer was anywhere between a sentence and a life history. "I don't do well with stress," she admitted, because it was technically true. "I just...didn't realize how stressed I was, actually."
To her surprise, Beau relaxed a little with a snort. "That's relatable at least." Their piercing eyes roved over Yasha for a moment, and then they dropped from their squat into a proper sit on the floor, careful with Yasha's head. "Want me to add your last citation? It's due in like an hour and we both know it's damn good and ready to go."
Yasha hesitated, anxiety flickering through her before she clamped down on it. "Yeah. If you would. Just...stick something in a spot it could go."
"Maybe when you're feeling better," Beau said breezily, reaching over Yasha to pull her messenger bag into their lap. "I'm going to fix your shit and print it, and then we're going to turn it in to your professor, and then we are going back to your apartment. It's Thursday," she reminded Yasha before she could protest. "Labs are on Tuesdays. I don't have anything left for the day, so suck it."
She ignored Yasha's eye roll and tapped at her screen. "And maybe change your PIN, uh. Sorry. I noticed the other night."
The floor was transitioning from comfortable to vaguely painful; Beau watched her warily as she sat up but didn't say anything. "Consider it sucked," said Yasha. "And I don't care that you know my computer password."
"Cool. This one, right?" They turned the screen so Yasha could see the essay title and tossed their braid over their shoulder when she nodded. "Just a sec."
They care about me, Yasha thought suddenly. It wasn't a particularly new realization - there was precious little about Beau that didn't make a fundamental kind of sense to Yasha - but up until now she'd been able to chalk up most of what they did for her as a sense of obligation. She'd seen the frustration and accepted it at face value, and only now watching them tap at her keyboard with a placid look of concentration and an empty Powerade bottle next to their knee did Yasha get a clear, solid glimpse of what it was to be cared for by one Beauregard Lionett. It was spiky. A little dangerous. Delicate, even, and so beautiful.
Their eyes slid sideways as her hands paused over the keyboard. "What."
"Nothing," Yasha said quickly. "Don't forget to close the quotation marks."
Beau glared at her, indignant, but whatever she was going to protest died when Yasha bit her lip to keep from laughing. "Yeah, you're fuckin' fine. You're still going to eat a godsdamn sandwich where I can see in the next twenty minutes though."
Yasha leaned up against the cool glass at her back and pulled her jacket up over her waist. "Deal."
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
heyyy! rereading atyd sirius pov I wanted to ask you why did you make dumbledore tell sirius that remus was the spy? in the original I never got the sense that dumbledore didn’t trust remus, given that him and moody still gave remus important missions. I thought that Sirius came to the conclusion that Remus was the spy on his own bc he was paranoid
i loooooved the fic btw! i’m still rereading it constantly
hi!! sorry it’s taken me a bit to answer this because i saw it and was like “oh boy THAT’S gonna turn into an essay.” so here we go! (this is truly so fucking long jfc i’m sorry)
ok so i spent...probably too much time thinking about what was going on inside sirius’s head during the war and what could have led to him suspecting remus -- obviously, there are lots of ways to interpret it, so this is all just my interpretation and you can feel free to disagree/think otherwise! but my thinking was along the lines of
1. an extremely important part of sirius’s character is his loyalty to those he loves. i think this loyalty becomes sort of a character flaw sometimes, in that it doesn’t allow him to let go of people even if he should -- and i tried to bring that out throughout the fic in relation to his family. even when his mother essentially tortures him with lacero in the summer of 1975, he still goes home for christmas thinking ‘my parents would never REALLY hurt me, because they’re my parents.’ like, he isn’t consciously loyal to them per se, but he can’t let go of this idea that your family isn’t supposed to hurt you until he’s literally at risk of death. and then, same thing with regulus--even though, from sirius’s perspective, there’s all this evidence that his brother has basically thrown in his lot with their parents, he still can’t let go of that loyalty he feels until reg literally screams at him to fuck off--and even after that he has these really complicated feelings surrounding his brother and still has this sense of disbelief that reg could actually be a bad person, again, despite all evidence to the contrary.
2. okay, so there needs to be a catalyst -- some sort of moment where sirius experiences a fundamental shift in worldview, where he’s forced to confront or reckon with this really deep-rooted loyalty that he so often finds himself tangled in. i knew going into the war chapters that, for me, that moment was going to be his brother’s death. in the mkb canon, it’s after his brother’s death that he and remus basically stop talking about the war, so i felt like the groundwork was already there for an important shift. what i was trying to portray with my version of sirius’s reaction was that, essentially, sirius is completely unable to cope with his brother’s death. the grief is so big that he can’t touch it--he just represses it, but the only way to do that is to try and convince himself that he doesn’t care, and the only way to do that is to tell himself that reg was a bad person who deserved what he got. sirius doesn’t truly believe that, but he has to try and convince himself that he does anyway, because it’s the only way he’s able to cope with what happened. so his brother’s death creates this shift in worldview where sirius basically realizes: the people i love can be capable of evil, and there’s nothing i can do about it. like -- he’s forced to reckon with the fact that he cannot stop the people he loves from doing terrible things, and he can’t stop the consequences they might face thanks to the terrible things they do. 
so at this point, we get to a situation where sirius is now more on guard than he was before, where he isn’t quite as trusting of the people he loves because he is now actively repressing that instinct towards blind loyalty. at this point, i felt like it made sense to start writing in growing doubts and suspicions regarding remus’s behavior. i tried to highlight the parallel between remus and regulus in sirius’s thinking to help explain these doubts, too -- i think sirius, in an effort to understand remus, would relate a lot of the stuff with the werewolves to things with his own family. like, i think sirius’s thinking was sort of along the lines of, ‘we both have these evil ~families~ that we’re tied to through no fault of our own, and we both just need to reject them and show people we’re not the same as them.’ obviously, this isn’t really an accurate parallel; remus doesn’t need to reject all werewolves, and even though greyback is evil, it’s not the same situation as the black family -- i think this faulty relation is what leads to a lot of hurt and misunderstanding when remus doesn’t just flat-out reject greyback’s pack and people like livia, who sirius views at this point as unequivocally evil.
so now we finally get to spring of 1981, where tension is running high all around and nobody is really trusting each other like they used to. sirius is having these doubts about remus, and then james gets hurt, and suddenly it seems certain there’s a spy in their midst. i got to this point of writing, and found myself at a crossroads that i wasn’t entirely sure what to do with.
on the one hand, i could have written sirius reaching the conclusion that remus is the spy on his own. i think that...might have worked. and i think (at this point i don’t entirely remember lol) that that was what i was originally planning? but when i actually got to that point, it just...didn’t feel quite right to me. 
because the thing is, even though we’re at this point where sirius has all these doubts, and he knows the people he loves can do terrible things, i had still written him as a character who had this loyalty to the people he loves at his core. like, with reg, i’d written him repressing his conviction that his brother was somehow a good person, but the conviction was still there, y’know? so i just didn’t see a way for him to genuinely believe that remus was capable of being the spy on his own--i think he’d have all these doubts, and this more paranoid side of his brain that was like you shouldn’t be trusting remus, there are all these weird things happening, look at what happened with reg. but i’d written him as being just so...like...in love with remus that i felt like i had created a situation where it wasn’t really plausible for sirius to make the switch into thinking remus was the spy on his own. 
now, for me, the dumbledore stuff as i wrote it could be interpreted in one of two ways, and honestly both make sense to me; i wrote it intentionally with these two possible interpretations in mind.
1. dumbledore genuinely suspected that remus was the spy after what happened with james, because it seemed as though he was the only ‘outside’ person who knew where they would all be. plus, dumbledore really did have remus doing important prophecy research--i think it makes sense that he could find that suspicious, in hindsight. however, the keyword here is suspected, because i think even if dumbledore was suspicious he still wouldn’t want to let on that he thought remus might be the spy--he’d want to continue as normal and wait for remus to slip up, or try to catch him somehow. i get the point about missions, but honestly, i don’t think remus was actually doing a ton of like...really important work for the Order after spring 1981. like we don’t really hear about him having any crucial missions until he gets sent to see the werewolves, and i tried to kind of address that with sirius’s thoughts in that chapter -- he asks himself if this is some sort of loyalty test for remus, or just an excuse to get him out of the way for a while. honestly, i think it could have been either, if we’re going with the interpretation that dumbledore suspects remus of being the spy.
2. dumbledore was pulling the strings all along. if you’re a dumbledore-was-behind-everything-theorist, this one’s for you. in this interpretation, dumbledore understands from the prophecy that there’s going to need to be a ‘chosen one’ to ultimately defeat voldemort, and he intentionally sets out to create that chosen one. he knows a love sacrifice will make harry invulnerable, which means lily and james have to die; he knows peter is the spy; he knows there are basically three options for who james would make secret keeper if he goes into hiding. he gets rid of remus by convincing sirius that remus is the spy, then he gets sirius to doubt himself enough to make sure that it’s peter. he gets to test his theory when voldemort attacks lily and james; he weakens voldemort exponentially and gets unimpeded access to shape his chosen one however he wishes in one fell swoop. is this interpretation a bit of a stretch? maybe. but it sure is fun! 
either way, i think dumbledore’s manipulation would be the catalyst needed to get sirius to try and convince himself that remus was the spy. again, i wrote it to sort of parallel his response to his brother’s death -- he represses what he actually feels, and forces himself to think the thing that he thinks will help him survive. so, with remus, i don’t think sirius ever truly believed he was the spy, like at the core of himself i just don’t think he had it in him to believe that. BUT he’s in this situation where he’s desperate to protect james and harry and lily, and he has all these lingering doubts that have built up, and now here’s dumbledore basically telling him that not only can he not trust remus, but he can’t trust himself--and for me, that was what was needed to push him over the edge. 
TL;DR - with the way i’d characterized sirius, i didn’t think it was plausible for him to fully believe that remus was the spy without some outside catalyst, and it made sense to me that dumbledore would be that catalyst!
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It has been (almost) three years and I can‘t get over a dumb last season of a TV show.
Sure, it doesn‘t really consume in my everyday life, but once in a while I feel sad about it. I mean come on, it was just a fictional piece of escapism for me and I really didn‘t think we were heading for a Happy Ending anyways, but how this show ended was just outright bad. Bad writing and unsatisfactory endings for practically all characters in there.
To name my OTP - Jaime and Brienne - the two Writers who shall not be named on this blog sank their ship. I was going into battle with them and I was waiting for Jaime to die in Brienne‘s arms or even for her to die in his. That is what I had come to see. (To be honest I never expected to see a kiss or anything like that. But the chemistry and longing were real for both of them. Absolutely great actors btw.)
But then this…. For her to be deceived like this. For us Fans / Clowns to believe he might go to Cersei to kill her, thus fulfilling that prophecy. No, all in vain! All in vain! I cannot eloquently enough formulate my thoughts on this matter. I remember one Tumblr post about how this made one fan feel like. She didn‘t consider herself a beauty as far as our society has normed it (to be frank, how many girls really can say they do? The beauty norms are quite stringent und very narrow I think), especially since she was also very tall - like Brienne. And how she had loved that character right away. Just to see her reduced to her looks again and seemingly tossed away for the „beautiful“ lady. ( I quite like the actress for Cersei, but I NEVER considered Cersei beautiful. She was always so very ugly to me because of her doings…) I could feel this post so, so much!
Then followed a time when I enjoyed all the fabulous Fanfictions out there - bringing our OTP back together. Much drama, tears, love and - yes - fantastic sex scenes to be read and enjoyed!! THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU FANTASTIC WRITERS OUT THERE; YOU ROCK!!!
And now… there will be a new series set in the same universe. I am not going to watch it. I can‘t. Yesterday everything came flooding back as I read an article about the best and the worst couples on GOT. I scrolled through the couples to search for Jaime and Brienne. Turns out they were not among the great couples. They were the first DISHONORABLE MENTION. HOW???? How could this be??? I felt like I was being punched in the gut. How would anyone say that this pair was not love. ( I think the guy who wrote this went along the lines, that they were great as sword buddies, fighting side by side, but turned dumb when they became an item. I cannot bear to read it again.) Lots of fellow Braime fans have written long and perfect essays about how their relationship is the ideal of a love relationship. Also, the series made a lot of scenes, that also pointed to the conclusion that this was not a platonic friendship thing. The books are even more explicit (Not that I think at this point that GRR will ever give us the last two books to read.). How can you watch this and think nah, that‘s ugly? Because the woman involved is not beautiful??? (And Gwendolyn is absolutely gorgeous, but reported that she always felt insecure when growing up and starting with her acting. That she had and still has to hear things like that she is not „female“ enough for certain roles. Absolutely vile and disgusting!)
Anyway, I couldn‘t sleep last night after reading this junk piece of an EW article. Still fuming.
Yes, I am salty about this and will forever be, I guess.
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animecharareview · 3 years
(Part 2) The character that started it all...
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...For me anyways!
Hello there! This will be a short one so that I don’t make people too intimidaded by my huge essays, but anyways...
Here’s the character that got me serious into actually drawing stuff, in other words, she inspired me to draw fan art of her through doodle and stuff. 
Her name is Shizuka Tsuruki, the protagonist of the spin-off manga of the cute girls doing military things, Girls Und Panzer, in this case, Ribbon Warrior or Ribbon no Musha. She is the commander of a small Japanese light tank called the Type-97 (?) Te-Ke. She’s a duo with Rin Matsukaze which forms the Centipede Team, which is a pretty cool name, I’m not gonna lie.
Her personality is that of a very elegant, refined girl yet very eccentric when it comes to her hobbies and interests, she is into the samurai culture, notably the the Takeda Clan, as she was born into a family that has ties with them. 
Her other side of her personality is that she loves the thrill of battle, which she also has the morality and adopted the samurai warrior code into her personality. She can also be pretty savage with her words and even in battle, where Rin, her partner, and herself humiliated Alisa, who was her first opponent in tankathlon; a kind of senshadou(tank kung fu essentially) but it is anything goes but the tanks has to be WW2 and before and 8 tons and below, despite losing their first match due to the tracks giving out after defeating two out of three tanks by themselves.
She has a rather interesting design, particularly her bow and and her hair. She has those cold eyes yet very beautiful, which fits her character. She also has the colour theme involving red and black, which were the signature colours of the Takeda Clan.
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What do I think of her as a character?
Big bruh moment for me, she was one of the most impactful characters of my life. Especially the savagery she inflicts upon her opponents, even if she doesn’t win, as long as she gets a good fight. 
PS she actually wore samurai armour over her high school uniform in her debut match, and brought a freaking bow just to annoy these two tank commanders in M22 Locusts and managed to take them out before going after Alisa.
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a-green-onion · 3 years
The He*archate vs Umberto Eco’s “Ur-Fascism”
ok it looks like I haven’t already done this, so! A lot of fictional Evil Empires use the visuals of fascism (iirc the Star Wars original trilogy did this), but not all of them follow through on making the Empire substantially fascist in ideology and practice. Machineries of Empire certainly has fascist visual components, with its regiments of black-shirted soldiers. Umberto Eco, a writer who grew up in Italy under Mussolini, wrote an essay about growing up under that regime and his ideas about key features of fascist and fascist-like movements (I’ll link it in a reblog, I don’t want Tumblr eating this post. I really recommend it, it’s very accessible and well-written). I want to see how much the he*archate correlates with these. It’s easy to get caught up in all the flashy space battles and gory exotic tortures, but YHL is very into military history, and that’s one reason his despotic regimes work so well--they’re taken from real life.
This is horribly incomplete because in my reread I’m only about halfway through Ninefox Gambit, but...I wanna Post.
An important note to start: Eco uses “fascism”, the name for Italian political movement, to refer to a variety of different totalitarian regimes and philosophies, because “fascism had no quintessence. Fascism was a fuzzy totalitarianism, a collage of different philosophical and political ideas, a beehive of contradictions.” Further, “Fascism became an all-purpose term because one can eliminate from a fascist regime one or more features, and it will still be recognizable as fascist.” Thus, the common characteristics he lists are not features of every fascist movement, and are often features of non-fascist repressive movements. The he*archate does not have all these features, but I think it makes sense to analyze it as a fascist empire.
Without further ado:
1. The cult of tradition, including syncretic occultism. “As a consequence, there can be no advancement of learning. Truth has been already spelled out once and for all, and we can only keep interpreting its obscure message” (Eco).
The he*archate does not do this. As I pointed out in an earlier post, there are no foundational religious beliefs behind the High Calendar. No holy texts, no prophets, just a way of life, a set of practices, and endless heresies.
2. Rejection of modernism. “Even though Nazism was proud of its industrial achievements, its praise of modernism was only the surface of an ideology based upon Blood and Earth (Blut und Boden)” (Eco).
I don’t think the he*archate does this? I might be forgetting something though, feel free to chime in.
3. Action for action’s sake. (Eco)
Kel Kel Kel Kel Kel.
4. Inability to tolerate analysis. “Disagreement is treason.” (Eco)
Yeah that’s precisely how the High Calendar functions.
5. “Ur-Fascism grows up and seeks for consensus by exploiting and exacerbating the natural fear of difference. The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders.”
So, we don’t get to see much of the heptarchate in its earliest forms, and what we do see is in the third book, which I don’t remember super well. I think the he*archate does this, but it’s more obvious how in the context of Eco’s points 5 and 9.
6. “Derives from individual or social frustration” and features an “appeal to a frustrated middle class.”
Again, this talks more about how fascism begins than how it continues. The he*archate is an established, stable totalitarian empire, not a burgeoning movement (which is interesting because by rights this house of cards should have collapsed centuries ago). It would be interesting to look at how the hexarchate uses propaganda but uhhh iirc that’s mostly in the second and third books and I don’t remember them that well.
7. Nationalism, and the obsession with a plot, both as an outside and an inside threat. 
Reflected in how the heretics (an inside plot) are iirc assumed to be aligned with the Hafn (an outside threat). See also point 9.
8. “The followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies. [...] However, the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are constitutionally incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy.”
...I think the he*archate might win too many wars for this to be applicable?
9. “Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy [...] life is permanent warfare. This, however, brings about an Armageddon complex. Since enemies have to be defeated, there must be a final battle, after which the movement will have control of the world. But such a “final solution” implies a further era of peace, a Golden Age, which contradicts the principle of permanent war. No fascist leader has ever succeeded in solving this predicament.”
The he*archate absolutely does live in a state of permanent war, against heresy which is everywhere. The he*archate seems to have solved this predicament by achieving a placid, high standard of living for the majority of its citizenry, contingent upon those citizens’ complicity in the ritual torture of prisoners of this “war.” Thus, every citizen is both invested and involved in the fighting and encouraged to identify with its sacrifices, but also able to live in a true golden age. I’ve always thought about this aspect of the he*archate as in conversation with Ursula K. LeGuin’s short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” but that’s an essay for another day.
10. Contempt for the weak and popular elitism. “Every citizen belongs to the best people of the world, the members of the party are the best among the citizens, every citizen can (or ought to) become a member of the party. But there cannot be patricians without plebeians. In fact, the Leader, knowing that his power was not delegated to him democratically but was conquered by force, also knows that his force is based upon the weakness of the masses; they are so weak as to need and deserve a ruler. Since the group is hierarchically organized (according to a military model), every subordinate leader despises his own underlings, and each of them despises his inferiors. This reinforces the sense of mass elitism.”
This one isn’t an obvious component, but I think it’s present, especially looking at how the Kel talk about “crashhawks”. I’m going to keep a closer eye out for it as I reread.
Cheris is “un-Kel” because she cannot do this. One of the first things we see Cheris do is order her soldiers into a mildly heretical formation to keep them alive, and we see again and again how well she knows, respects, and cares for the people and servitors under her command. 
On the flip side, Kujen is able to become the system’s architect precisely because he despises his inferiors, and sees everyone as an inferior. As we learn in the third book, this does not come naturally to him, but inducing this state of mind in himself is necessary for his success.
11. “Everybody is educated to become a hero. [...] This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death. [...] In non-fascist societies, the lay public is told that death is unpleasant but must be faced with dignity; believers are told that it is the painful way to reach a supernatural happiness. By contrast, the Ur-Fascist hero craves heroic death, advertised as the best reward for a heroic life. The Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death.”
Kel Kel Kel Kel.
12. “Machismo (which implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality).”
The he*archate absolutely, emphatically does not do this. Plenty of gender equality, plenty of nonstandard sexual behavior. 
But! There is another component to point 12. “Since even sex is a difficult game to play, the Ur-Fascist hero tends to play with weapons—doing so becomes an ersatz phallic exercise.” This might be relevant to the commonness of dueling as a form of entertainment, both as a participant and a spectator sport? I don’t think dueling is particularly eroticized but it’s certainly linked to exchanges of power.
13. Selective populism. “In a democracy, the citizens have individual rights, but the citizens in their entirety have a political impact only from a quantitative point of view—one follows the decisions of the majority. For Ur-Fascism, however, individuals as individuals have no rights, and the People is conceived as a quality, a monolithic entity expressing the Common Will. Since no large quantity of human beings can have a common will, the Leader pretends to be their interpreter. Having lost their power of delegation, citizens do not act; they are only called on to play the role of the People. Thus the People is only a theatrical fiction.”
Not a strong theme in MoE, but arguably, this is how the calendar operates: on the Will of the People, carefully channeled by the appropriate authorities.
Also, not strictly relevant, but everyone needs to see this line: “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.” Hm.
14. Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning. But we must be ready to identify other kinds of Newspeak, even if they take the apparently innocent form of a popular talk show.”
Again, I’d like to take another look at the propaganda that gets sent out in later books to talk about this properly! The Kel make heavy internal use of euphemisms, but that’s not quite the same thing.
Anyway, that was fun, and I hope everyone learned something about how fascism emerges! I encourage you to read the entire essay, chew on its ideas a bit, think about if they apply to other fictional words and to real life.
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thewatsonbeekeepers · 4 years
Hello! I just had an idea: Is there yet any essay about Mary being a mirror for Sherlock in season four? Not just becuse the way Mary died also because mary get suddenly good und died while saying "Being Mary Watson was the only life worth living" and in TEH John asked Sherlock about "Love being Sherlock Holmes". Could there be any connection?
Gosh darn did you come to the right place!! 
I’m about to publish a meta which goes into this in a lot more detail, so watch this space! It’s in chapters 6,7 and 10 of the meta I’m starting publishing today!! But my current theory is that within the EMP, if you buy into that, Mary is a mental comphet version Sherlock, if you will. Think of how he reenacts his own shooting at the end of TST, but instead of putting himself as the victim, he slots Mary in at the last minute, because he can’t cope with the impact of a queer response on his psyche. They’re mirrored a lot anyway in the real world - that’s supposed to be one of the reasons John is attracted to Mary, which is mentioned explicitly in s3 - but in the fourth series they seem to almost merge for me!! Which makes sense in the context of EMP.
This answer is a slightly incoherent mess - I promise my thoughts on this are clearer when I upload them over the next week or so!! But I haven’t read anything on this specifically focused on s4, and I think you’re definitely right that it’s different from Mary in s3 - so if that’s a meta idea you have, I think you should run with it!! I’d love to read it!
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harrypotterwholock · 4 years
Chapter 2: The discovery
During the defense against the dark arts lesson, Professor Lupin notices Angies cuts.
~Trigger warning for self harm und suicidal thoughts~
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Golden rays of sun cut through the dormitory air when Angie woke up the next morning. Exhausted, she stretched her arms and legs and blinked, blinded by the blazing light. When Angie looked around, she noticed that all the other girls had already left the dormitory. "Oh my god, what time is it? Hopefully I didn't oversleep!" It rushed through her mind. She grabbed the alarm clock from her bedside table. Startled, she realized that breakfast was long over and her first class would begin in 20 minutes.
Angie jumped out of bed, which she regretted seconds later when her vision blackened and bright stars appeared in her field of vision. The blood loss of last night seemed to have took out a lot more out of her than she wanted to admit. She braced herself against the frame of her bed and waited for the dizziness to pass. There was a pile of unwashed school uniforms in her chest, but Angie couldn't find a fresh blouse. "Damn, I ruined my last clean blouse yesterday. What should I wear now?"
She started to search her suitcase, but found only one blouse she had last worn two years ago. The sleeves were too short and exposed half of her forearm. "What am I going to do with this blouse, everyone will see my scars! But I have nothing else to wear and I have to hurry, otherwise I'll be late for Professor Lupin's class. Maybe I could just put on a sweater, they are pretty short as well, but at least my arms would be covered better ... "
So she put on her sweater, knowing that she was going to be terribly hot on this warm day. She quickly combed her hair and headed for Professor Lupin's classroom.
Just before the last student entered the room, she slipped through the door and went to her seat in the back row, trying to look as happy as possible. Angie put her books on her desk and took her pen and ink out of her pocket. As inconspicuously as possible, she tried to pull her sleeves down and hide her scars after her sweater had slipped up when she had reached for her bag. Shortly afterwards, Professor Lupin started his lesson. He talked about the defense of elves and after he had demonstrated the spell, he let the students try it themselves. Everyone else was in pairs, but Angie was the only one left, as usual. Angie just couldn't focus on the spell, she was too distracted by the worry that Professor Lupin might discover her secret. She felt how his gaze stayed with her again and again and he eyed her worriedly. Lupin started walking through the classroom and checking the students' progress. "Very good Gideon, well done! And you too Tina!"
When he finally got to Angie, she still hadn't managed to get the spell right. Either she moved her wand incorrectly or she said the wrong spell. She felt the despair of having failed lace up her throat. Professor Lupin looked at her unfathomably.
"Should I show you the move again, Angie? I'm sure you can do this spell" "That would be great, professor. Somehow I didn't pay attention when you demonstrated the spell."
So Professor Lupin demonstrated the wand movement again and asked her to practice it with him. He watched her movements and corrected them if she did something wrong. With increasing panic, Angie noticed that her sleeves slipped up further and further from her movements. A faded scar was already exposed. "Hopefully he doesn't notice anything, I have to get rid of him somehow." She became more and more tense when she still failed to perform the spell correctly and her forearm was exposed more and more. "Relax Angie, don't put yourself under pressure. It doesn't matter if you can't do the spell today, we still have time to practice next lesson." "No professor, I want to pull it off today, everyone else is already working with elves. I don't want to be the only one who fails." She tried the spell again and again, swinging her wand ever more powerfully. She was so focused on the spell that she didn't even notice that her sleeve had slipped up all the way to her elbow. Tears welled up in her. "That can't be, why can't I get it right? Even Ian Longbottom did it, I have to be able to do it," she thought. "Please come to me after the hour, Angie. I think we have a lot to talk about." Angie turned to him in shock. Her pupils dilated. How could she forget her arm? She quickly pulled her sleeves down and looked at the floor. She felt the blood shoot into her cheeks. "Yes professor," she said sheepishly Professor Lupin looked at her with a resigned look, turned and finished the exercise. "What has got into me to be so careless? I have to come up with an explanation for him as soon as possible!" "Please write an essay on the gnome's habitat until the next hour. A parchment scroll should suffice." said Professor Lupin and dismissed the class for lunch. Angie slowly put her books in her bag and waited for the last student to leave the room. With her eyes down, she went up the aisle and stopped in front of Lupin's desk.
"Angie, what are those scars on your arm?" "It was an accident, Professor. I fell into a hedge of thorns as a child and my arms were scratched. You really don't have to worry about me and besides I have to go to my next lesson, Professor Snape won't be excited if I belate myself " "I don't think you're telling me the truth, Angie. What really happened? I can see the pain in your eyes, even if you're really good at hiding it." "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm telling you the truth. You won't hear anything else from me. Please let me go now!" Lupin looked at her resignedly, but then said: "Then we'll leave it for today. But believe me, I will keep an eye on you. I can see that something is wrong here. If you need someone to talk to, my door is open around the clock. And when I say around the clock, I mean it. " "Well, thank you for your concern, but like I said, it's completely unfounded. I have to hurry up now, I'm far too late anyway." "Just tell Professor Snape you had something to talk to me about. I'll take care of the matter." Without a word, Angie left the classroom. Her throat tightened and she started hyperventilating. In order not to be heard by Professor Lupin, she quickly went to the next girls' room. Angie had decided to skip Snape's lesson, he would probably not notice her absence anyway.
As soon as she closed the toilet door behind her, she began to sob uncontrollably. She had been hiding her secret for so long and now her world was beginning to fall apart. How was it possible that Professor Lupin could look behind her otherwise perfect facade so well? Not even her parents had noticed the abysm inside her. No, she couldn't let Lupin find out her secret, she wanted her life to stay the way it was. Angie looked at her reflection with hatred:
"Just look at yourself, you're a failure. You can't even outsmart your teachers. Pull yourself together, you won't succeed this way!" She felt the desperation tighten her throat. At the same time, a wave of nausea overcame her. With her hand pressed on her stomach, she rushed to the next toilet and threw up.
Liquid ran from her nose as she struggled for air. She crouched between the toilet and the wall and curled up in a little pile of misery. In pain, she clawed her fingernails into her arms until her skin started to bleed. Another 30 minutes passed before Angie freed herself from this position and left the cabin. She splashed cold water on her face and rinsed her mouth out. It must be time for dinner by now, but Angie wasn't hungry. That being said, she enjoyed at least being able to control what she ate when she couldn't control her life. As she walked down the corridor, she heard two voices talking in a branching passage.
"What are you talking about Professor Lupin, Angie didn't show up for my class today. Besides, it's not your place to detain my students. If you have something to discuss, you can do it after class!" "Angie skipped your class? What's going on with the girl?" She tried to scurry past them unnoticed, but Professor Lupin had noticed her.
"Angie, wait a minute, I have to ask you something." She pretended not to hear him and started running toward the common room after the next turn. The steps of the stone staircase flew beneath her. Luckily for her, two Ravenclaws had gotten in at that moment and she slipped through the crack in the door behind them. Angie hurriedly passed the common room and turned to the dormitories. In the common room there was still a hustle and bustle of students preparing for the upcoming exams. The four-poster beds were abandoned in front of her. Outside, the sunset heralded the end of the day. She checked her bed and finally found what she was looking for: her razor blade. She weighed the bare piece of metal in her hand. The blade always gave her the opportunity to put an end to all of the misery. She could end it here and now and wouldn't have to deal with Professor Lupin. Just a little more courage, then she could do it. So she was lying in her bed, the curtains drawn around her with the blade over her pulse artery, ready to kill herself at any time. She considered:
"No, not here, not now. If one of the girls comes in and finds me, they could still save me. I have to find a safer method, otherwise Professor Lupin will breathe down on my neck. I will do it on the astronomy tower tomorrow, during dinner, when nobody will be there to save me. I cannot fail with this, the suffering must finally be put to an end. " With that calming thought in mind, Angie put on her pajamas and went back to bed. Dull she heard the other girls fall asleep and slid into a deep, comfortable sleep.
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jeanmoreaux · 4 years
hi! i've just looked through your favorites list on goodreads and i have some suspicion that you might be from germany or austria and if so could you please give some german literature recs? thanks :)
close! i live in switzerland, so you’re not that far off with your assumption. admittedly, i do not read as much german literature nowadays. even when i was still reading a bunch of books in german a good chunk of them was translations anyway, so i do not really have the biggest pile of books to rec in this deparment. most of the literature that’s originally written in german that i have read are classics, so brace yourself.
Das Parfum: Die Geschichte eines Mörders von Patrick Süskind. one of my favorite books of all time! the writing is just SO GOOD.
Das bleiche Herz der Revolution: Roman von Sophie Dannenberg. this one might be out of print. i couldn’t find it anywhere, so i had to get it from the library when a friend of mine recommended this book. it’s a really interesting take on the consequences of the ‘68er Bewegung’ in germany!
Jugend ohne Gott von Ödön von Horváth. i LOVE this book. its probably my favorite german classic ever! it’s quite eery to think about how this book was published in 1937 and burned by the nazis bc ödön von horvàth wasn’t having their shit and basically “tried to warn of the dawn of fascism and its dangers.” 
i absolutely adore Heinrich Kleist’s writing, so i’d recommend you basically everything he wrote but specifically Penthesilea: Ein Trauerspiel. &  Amphitryon (plays), Die Marquise von O... / Das Erdbeben in Chili (short stories)
Wer hat dir gesagt, dass du nackt bist, Adam? Mythologisch-philosophische Verführungen von Michael Köhlmeier & Konrad Paul Liessmann. i read this in a philosophy class and i really enjoyed this collection of short essays that contemplated topics of greek myths.
Der Sandmann von E.T.A. Hoffmann. another classic. if you’re interested in literary analysis or literary criticism this book should be right up your alley. there is a lot to unpack.
Der Steppenwolf von Herman Hesse. this was a really interesting read and i think you can definitely categorize it as surrealism. i don’t think it’s for everyone but i enjoyed it!
Die rote Zora und ihre Bande von Kurt Held. this was my absolute favorite book in elementary school. i think 11-year-old me even held a presentation on it. a reread is definitely overdue, so idk if i’d still love it :’’)
Vom Ende der Einsamkeit von Benedict Wells. this one i actually haven’t read but i’ve heard a lot of good stuff about it and it’s sitting on my self so i’ll definitely read it in the future.
every book i read in german (which is basically exclusively german literature) will also be added to this goodreads shelf. so if you wanna take a look at it now or in the future, this is where you can find the list of my most recent german reads.
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