#anyway go give her a like please and thank you she deserves them <3
ferberus-skull · 15 days
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you WILL look at litebrite btw
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Feelings (3)
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Hi guys!
This is the part 3 of Feelings and I really glad you like it that way ♥
Please let me know what you think about this chapter :)
And enjoy!
TW : Alcohol, a little Angst, Jealousy
PART 1 | PART 2 |
After the game against Nigeria, you don’t really get closer to Alessia. Sometimes you see that she’s looking at you, but when she realizes that you are looking back, she hurries to look somewhere else. So you just let it be, not wanting to assume anything. After all, she really made clear that she doesn’t want anything with you. She doesn’t even say something about being friends or something.
After Nigeria, you won against Colombia and Australia. You are playing the finale against Spain today, which include being against a lot of your teammates from Barcelona. And some future, as you keep teasing Lucy. You’re actually walking with her to go on the pitch for the pitch inspection and you grin when you see that the Spanish team is already here.
You went to say hi to Mariona and Alexia, who hugs you. You talked a little with Jenni and Salma, and you went to say hi to Ona, dragging behind you an almost shy Lucy Bronze.
“What are you doing?” you laugh when you see her almost hiding behind you.
“Nothing! People don’t know we are together.”
“A hug won’t spread the rumor” you rolls your eyes.
Lucy glares at you and hits you behind your head, making you frown in return. You talk a little bit with them, before Cata jumps on your back from behind.
“Chicca!” she says happily.
The noise makes turn some eyes on you, especially Alessia’s one. But you don’t realize it, busy to make Cata get off of your back. You didn’t realize, but Lucy and Mary make it for you. You talk and laugh a little more with Cata, before heading back in the dressing room, still following Lucy who definitely is your second half in Australia.
You lost. You know that in several weeks or even days the lost will be less hard, but right now you are destroyed. You weren’t able to score, like all your teammates in the team. You are sitting next to Lucy on the ground, looking sadly at the Spanish team raising the cup. They deserved it though, but it doesn’t make your defeat easier.
From the corner of your eyes, you see Alessia. She’s crying and it makes your heart break. Lucy gives you an elbow in the ribs and you frown in her direction.
“You should go to her. It was her you were talking about the other day on the beach, no? ”
You don’t answer anything, you don’t have to. Lucy knows. After biting your lip, you sigh and start to get up.
“You should let Ona comes to you too, Bronzey.”
“I know. I was an ass. I will say I’m sorry if she comes back to me. She deserves to enjoy this moment with her friends.”
You pat her shoulder slightly before going to Alessia. You don’t know what you are going to say, but her closest friends are crying too and you’re not sure that they will help her a lot. You announce your presence to Alessia by placing your hand in the hollow of her back. She turns in your direction, her eyes red and you just want to make her feel better.
“You were amazing today. I know it doesn’t change anything. But you were.”
“It doesn’t. But thank you anyway” Alessia laughs-cry.
You hesitate for some seconds before hugging her softly, your arms very soft around her so she can step back if she wants. But she doesn’t. You hug her for several seconds before being joined by Mary who apparently needs a hug too.
You didn’t want to go to the party after the game. But no one let you have you word, so here you are, stuck on a chair between Jordan and Keira, looking at some of your teammates dancing in the dancefloor. You are a terrible dancer, you’re too happy to stay here with your glass.
Lucy’s missing. At first you thought she was hiding somewhere, being angry with herself, before you realized she probably ran away somewhere with Ona.
You promised yourself that you will drink only one thing before heading back to your room. But Jordan has something else in mind.
“What about you find someone tonight Y/N?”
“A random hookup? No thanks” you rolls your eyes.
You know people imagine that it was your thing for some time, but it was way before today. Even before Alma.
“Oh come on. Look at this one?”
You follow Jordan’s finger who’s pointing at another girl. She seems pretty and a very good dancer, but there is no way you’re going for her tonight. At the end of the table, Alessia is listening attentively.
“Not my style.”
“What is your style in that case?” Georgia asks with curiosity.
You roll your eyes but when you’re finish, they land on Alessia for some seconds.
“Come on, just tell us” Jordan add, pocking at your ribs.
“Blondes. I like blondes.” you mumble.
Well, you like one blonde specifically. Who is at like three meters away from you, looking at her glass. Ella seems to realize that something is wrong, but she can’t ask anything in front of everyone.
“Ok, come on! Georgia!”
Jordan stands up with Georgia, each one taking one of your arm to drag you on the dancefloor. A small “No wait” from you is audible, but the two older women don’t seem to want to listen to you.
Since that moment, Alessia doesn’t see you for like fifteen minutes. She hates the strange feeling in her stomach and the way she can’t stop to look around to see if she can find you.
Georgia and Jordan came back soon after, a happy smile on their face. It makes Keira smile too, arching a brow.
“Where did you let her?”
“In great company” Jordan laughs. “A cute blonde, I think she’s from Switzerland or something. She starts to talk about her last vacation in Fidji and Y/N seems very interested.”
“Oh it’s her dream vacation. She talks about it very often” Keira says. “Where are they?”
Georgia points in her direction and the table follow it. You are effectively in a deep conversation with that blonde. The way she’s looking at you while you are talking about a country you visited yourself isn’t innocent though. Everyone can tell it. And how she’s touchy while you are talking too.
“Someone will have it tonight” Georgia laughs. “Where are you going Less?”
“I need to use the bathrooms.”
“I’m coming with you” Ella says, standing up to follow her best friend.
Really in your conversation with the blonde, you don’t realize Alessia’s distress. How could you know anyway? You are trying to get involve to the conversation and to find qualities to her. You want to get over this situation with Alessia who you think is only doomed to fail.
“So, your single yeah?” she asks you, taking you by surprise.
“Uh, yeah. And you?”
She smiles before answering, raising her glass to her lips.
“I am. Don’t take me wrong, but who is the girl you are in love with?”
You are stunned. Can that girl read in your mind or something? Your face makes her laugh, and she shrugs before talking again.
“It’s kind of obvious.”
“I’m sorry” you frown. “I was really interested by our conversation though.”
“I can tell” she smiles softly at you, putting again her hand on your arm. “But you are not interested at something else.”
“Not really” you say, biting your lip. “I’m sorry.”
“Eh don’t be. At least you won’t have to run to hide tomorrow morning.”
You laugh this time. She’s right, if you had followed her somewhere, you would have left without a word the morning after. As long as something happened between you two, which you’re really not sure about.
“I was hoping to be able to only take one drink before going to sleep to be totally honest with you. But my teammates seem to think that finding someone would be better for me.”
“Well your honesty is valuable, I appreciate it. Maybe I can help you to escape?”
“It would be lovely, really.”
She smirks, taking your hand in hers before taking you somewhere. You realize soon that somewhere is actually to the exit. You don’t see anyone you know and you feel better breathing some fresh air.
“Thank you. I’m going to take a taxi, do you want me to drop you off somewhere?"
“It would be lovely” she answers the same thing that you did some second before and that make you laugh again.
Too bad that you are already head over heels for Alessia, because that girl seems really nice.
When Alessia come back to the table after needing some minute to calm herself, she frowns when she realizes that you are nowhere to be find. Quickly understanding her best friend questioning, Ella asks the questions for her.
“Where is Y/N?”
“She left with the girl five minutes ago. I don’t know where they went but they left in a taxi” Jordan says, wiggle her eyebrows.
“How do you know that?” Ella asks, frowning.
“I follow them.”
Jordan shrug, sipping her drink without any remorse. Just when Alessia thinks things can’t be worse, Georgia opens her mouth to add something.
“They definitely went to one of their hotel rooms. Have you not seen the biting lips, touching hand and flirty laughing?”
For sure, that behavior seeing from the eyes of your teammates who really want you to find someone, it can be seen from another angle. But Alessia doesn’t know it, and it’s too much for her now.
“I’m going to go to sleep” she says, standing up again.
“Do you want me to come with you?”
But Alessia refuse her best friend’s proposal, telling her that she must enjoy her last night here. She even takes the excuse that she wants to call her grandma before going to bed, which she did in the taxi actually, not wanting to have to think about her feelings. And specifically the reason behind them. She’s lost, but she’s scared and jealous. And a little hurt too, but she knows that she can’t feel that way because she is the one wanting to have nothing after your night together.
It's what she’s saying herself, her palms pressed against her eyes during the journey back to your hotel.
But when she passes next to your room to go in hers, she sees the light under the door and she acts before thinking. Knocking hardly against your door, she waits for you to come answer it.
Like the other day, you have no idea of who it would be when you open the door. And like the other day, you are surprised to see Alessia. You don’t open completely the door though, frowning lightly while you look at her.
“Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, I…”
But she doesn’t finish her sentence. She can’t say “I wanted to stop you from doing anything with that girl” or something like that. She knows it. But she doesn’t know what to say and her distress is very obvious from you.
“Can I come in? Please.”
You nod and back up a little to let her come in your room. You watch her looking around when you close the door, but you don’t say anything.
“Are you alone?”
“Did Jordan and Georgia send you?" you ask, arching an eyebrow.
“Not at all.”
You look at her eyes several seconds, but you don’t need much to see that she’s saying the truth. You notice that it’s the first time that you are so close to one other since the morning when she left your room.
“Yes, I’m alone” you sigh, going to sit on the desk in the room. “Why?”
“I just… I wanted to know.”
It doesn’t make any sense to you, but you don’t want to push Alessia. She seems really struggling with the lost from tonight and you sincerely think that she only needs a good night of sleep. You can’t look in her eyes this time because she’s looking at her feet.
“Are you ok, Lessi?” you ask anyway.
“Yes, I’m just… I think I’m a little lost, to be honest.”
She raises her eyes on you and you momentarily forgot how to talk. When she crosses your eyes, you remember perfectly how her skin felt against yours, how her eyes were sparkling when you were looking at her while she was laying under you. But you need to stay focused.
“Lost about what?” you hear yourself ask.
But she shakes her head negatively, biting her lip. She seems to think about something for some seconds and you don’t say anything, hoping it would help her to gather her ideas.
“I need to check something. Can you stay still?”
You nod and you look at her when she come closer to you, very slowly. Her eyes are scanning your face and you let her, looking at her too. You feel goosebumps running on your skin when she strokes your cheek to put a strand of hair back behind your ear. And your heart starts running like crazy when she comes closer, her hand now on your neck and your jaw.
But it has nothing to do with all your senses that get upside down when her lips land on yours. You kissed a lot when you slept together, but this time it’s her who initiate the kiss. It doesn’t last long though and you open your eyes again when Alessia stops it.
“I don’t understand” she whispers.
Her breath is stroking your skin, and you have to try your best to keep focus on the talking once again.
“What don’t you understand?” you breath.
“The way I feel about you. I was so jealous when I thought that you left with that girl, that the only thing I was able to think when I saw the light under your door was to try to stop whatever was happening.”
You don’t understand either, to be honest. You really thought that what she said was meaning that she doesn’t have any interest in you, other than to be friend, at best. But you can’t answer anything, because she’s talking again.
“When I left that morning, you said that it was ok” she starts and you nod. “But was it really ok?”
You sigh slightly, but Alessia is very honest with you at that moment and you have to be too. Today was particularly complicated, it’s really late and you are kind of tired. Both of you deserved to know the truth in all this complicated story.
“I said it was ok because you don’t own me anything, Alessia. I never thought that we will have this kind of moment you and I, to be honest. It was more than everything to me, but that doesn’t mean it have to be the same for you.”
“How can you be so selfless?” Alessia laughs with disbelief.
“What do you mean?” you frown, getting a little bit defensive.
“Most people would have expected something from me after what happened. But you let me leave, ignore you for days without taking offense. I don’t understand” she says again looking at you expectantly.
You shrug, thinking about what you should answer at that. There is no way that you tell her how you are in love with her for years now. You don’t want to scare her or anything, now that you are… the way you are?
“I just care for you, Lessi.”
“I do, too. I’m so sorry for the way I treated you. You really didn’t deserve it; you are so caring and…”
“Hey, stop” you say, taking her hand in yours. “It’s ok. I understand, really.”
“The truth is, I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Her cheeks are bright red and the smile you aborded right now can’t really help her. But you can’t help yourself. Because you can’t stop thinking about it, too. With your hand still in hers, you stroke her fingers before taking her a little closer from you. Her confessions made you a little more confident.
“Me neither. It was… I don’t have the words, really. And I really want to kiss you again.”
She smiles and lean once again, pressing softly her lips against yours. You don’t know how it’s possible, but every kiss feels better than the previous one. You can’t get enough of her. It’s a little bit scary, but you decide to put shout your brain. It’s like if Alessia red your thoughts, because when she talks again between two kisses it’s to say
“We still can talk tomorrow, right?”
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shoccolatine · 3 months
Do you feel comfortable with writing stuff about mental health issues. Like, MC being depressed due to a mission going wrong or something similar and hiding it from Zayne while they spiral deeper into it until he catches them doing something bad - like idk, self-harm, looking up suicide methods, something like that. Gender neutral reader would be great <3
If you don't want to write this for any reason, feel free to ignore my ask :)
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mission failure.
⚘pairing: zayne x gn!reader
⚘summary: after one too many failed missions, you reach a breaking point. zayne comes to your aid. ⚘tags: sfw, 2nd person POV, gender neutral reader, mental health issues, self-esteem issues, depression, suicidal thoughts, non-descriptive/implied self-harm, mild descriptions of morbid thoughts, hurt/comfort, angst ⚘word count: 2k ⚘a/n: thank you so much for your request, i hope i did it justice! this was a very interesting write and i enjoyed it a lot. i tried to be as delicate and vague with the s/h descriptions as i could so as not to trigger anyone, but this fic still deals with sensitive content so please be safe and take care of yourself! much love 💜
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This was it. You just couldn’t do anything right.
Another hunting mission had gone poorly. The third in a row, now. They do say all good things come in threes, but could the same be said of misfortune? It certainly seemed so. The first two mission failures had been played off as flukes, but this time…
You made the long trek back to Headquarters with the weight of a tail dragging between your legs, bearing a few cuts and bruises to show for it. Beside you was Tara, who was not quite so worse for wear and, although disappointed, didn’t quite seem to share the same sentiment as you. After all, she hadn’t been the one to let the Wanderer get away. Again.
“Hey, don’t look so down!” she says, in her usual cheerful tone. She pats your arm in an attempt to be comforting. “Can’t win ‘em all, right?”
You give her a look and a frown. “I mean, we should, shouldn’t we? It’s our job, after all.”
“No way! Those Wanderers were tough! I’m amazed we got as far into the Zone as we did!”
But we lost our main target, you thought, yet you held your tongue. There was no changing Tara’s mind once she was set on something. This mission was above her level, anyway, but with every other Hunter either stationed elsewhere or taking a well-deserved break, and Xavier being unreachable as usual, all you had was each other. It had been up to you, as the higher level Hunter, to uphold the team morale and guide you both through a successful mission. But lately, you just kept falling short. Even the most straightforward of missions went awry. Just what was happening?
The entrance doors slid closed behind you as you and Tara headed upstairs for the debrief. Your heart pounded with every step you took. Three failures in a row… Jenna was going to fire you for sure. She might as well do it now, to make space for a newer, better Hunter to take your place and finish your missions properly.
Instead, what came of your debrief was the offering of a week-long break. "Time off to clear your head and refresh," Jenna had said with hard concern, but it might as well have been an arrow to the chest. Just fire me now and get it over with, you thought. Stop wasting everyone’s time and resources and find someone else.
You didn’t need a break. You just needed to be better.
Getting better, however, came with a steep demand you placed upon yourself like a vase upon a pedestal, delicate and teetering. If Jenna wanted to give you another chance, then you would use this week to return to peak performance. You would train, and train, and train, until you were sure to succeed at every mission she threw at you. It was flawless. You’d be back at it in no time.
But as soon as you got off the train and back into your apartment, all you wanted to do was sleep. 
And sleep you did. You slept until you couldn’t think of those missions anymore, and when the thoughts inevitably returned, you slept again.
“You’re not eating enough,” Zayne said during your following check-up later that week. He stated it so matter-of-factly, like he did with any other diagnosis, never looking up from his computer as he typed something. You never knew exactly what. “Aren’t you supposed to be on a break right now?”
“How do you know that?”
“Word gets around,” he said, the beginnings of a smile etched on his face. You didn't like the idea of people knowing things like that so easily. People sure do like to talk... Zayne's hazel eyes lifted from the screen and over at you. “You need to take better care of yourself. Now is as good a time as any to catch up on your body’s needs.”
“I’m fine,” you snapped. Sometimes Zayne needed to mind his own business. Wait, but he was your doctor, and one of your closest friends… What was the matter with you? You really needed to go back to bed and stop being such a nuisance. 
Maybe it’d be better if you got out of his life, too.
You met his questioning expression and the heat of your response drained out of your face. At that, you decided you didn’t want to wait for a reply. Whatever he wanted to say to you with that curious expression of his, you didn’t want to hear it. Didn’t deserve to hear it. You quickly left his office and never looked back. If he called your name as the door to his office slid closed behind you, it went unheard.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
5 missed calls.
Your phone screen blares the message in your face, blinding against the darkness of your room and blurry against the tears that threatened to fall, that had already fallen, that fell and dried and fell again. Your fingers itch to reply, to call him back or send him a text, but what’s the point? He doesn’t really care. He’s probably just going to scold you for leaving your appointment halfway and being childish and not following doctor’s orders and being rude to him.
Not only have you messed up your job, you’re messing up your relationships now, too. When will you ever stop? Can’t it ever stop?
Your phone buzzes and lights up in your fingers as your ringtone sings into your sheets once more. It’s him again. Doesn’t he know when to quit? You watch his name as it waits idly on your screen. It gets tired of waiting, as it always does, and finally disappears. You sigh as another hot tear slips down your cheek.
Something new happens this time.
1 new voicemail, your phone screen reads. You start to slide the notification away, but against your better judgment, and before you can talk yourself out of it, you give in, tap the notification, and listen. 
The line is silent for a moment, and part of you hopes he gave up and left you nothing.
Finally, after what sounds like a throat clearing, he speaks.
“Hey, it’s me,” Zayne’s voice comes through the speaker. It’s got that usual muffled crackly phonecall texture laid onto it, but it sounds enough like him that it feels like he’s right there with you, underneath the blankets. “Are you alright? …Listen. Whatever it was I said, I didn’t mean it. You know that. I was going to ask if you wanted to get dinner, but you left so suddenly. Call me when you’re able?”
The silence creeps in again, and you can almost hear him consider saying something more, can almost see his expression as his thoughts thunder in his brain but refuse to leave his lips, but then there’s a click, and the call ends. The robotic voicemail message drones monotonously about saving the message, and halfway through, you hang up, too.
The back of your throat clenches and burns, and you barely fight back a sob as it wrenches itself out of you. Zayne was worried about you. You made him worry. You thought he was mad, you wanted him to be mad, but he’s not. He cares about you. Why…?
You dig the heels of your palms into your eyes, as if you could push back the sting of tears that rush, hot and salty, from your bloodshot eyes. It hurts, and you start to see flashes of bright white stars under your eyelids, but it’s better than succumbing to the pain in your chest. Your heart shares a galaxy with the stars in your vision, a dying star that’s fizzling out, or maybe even being consumed by the void of a black hole. How morbidly comforting. You suddenly want to rip it out.
You wonder, just how difficult would it be to separate the Aether Core from your still-beating flesh…?
You try to shake the thoughts from your mind but they hold fast. Throwing the blankets off of your body, you leave your room hobbling like a zombie, make a beeline for the kitchen, and pull open a drawer.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It’s late at night when there’s a knock at your door. A slight rap of the knuckles. A sharp one, two. Once, then twice, and on the third knock there’s another sound, too. A rattling jingle. And it’s times like these when you curse yourself for giving Zayne the extra key to your apartment.
He calls out your name as he steps in. You barely hear him. You’re not sure if it’s because he’s far away, or speaking quietly, or if you’re just that far gone into your own thoughts that everything else around you is muted.
He might have called only once, or a dozen times, by the time he reaches your room and spots your hunched figure on your bed. He says your name again, and this time you do hear him. 
You meet his gaze, steeled with concern, and immediately regret it. 
He sees you, really sees you, and all at once your façade crumbles once more. He approaches the edge of your bed, and you turn your eyes anywhere but at him as you brace yourself for impact.
“What are you doing?” he asks, but he already knows the answer.
Zayne grabs your wrist. Yet, his touch is gentle—firm enough to grip you, but soft enough that you could pull away if you wanted. You don't. You’re far too tired to fight anymore. You continue to stare at the floor with teary eyes, but there is resignation hanging heavy on your shoulders, like a wet blanket. Zayne takes your silent compliance as an okay to pull you along with him down the hallway of your dimly lit apartment and into the bathroom.
He sits you down on the toilet. The light clack of the lid hitting the porcelain beneath from your sudden weight seemed to jolt you awake a bit; your eyes refocus and follow his movements as he shuffles through the medicine cabinet. He pulls out a few things and then returns to tend to his patient.
"Hand. Here," he says as he holds out his own. You offer yours, and he meets you halfway. He always does. He’s as meticulous and calm as always as he cleans, disinfects, and wraps your wounds, ever the doctor, but there’s a certain softness in his motions that you’re sure he reserves for only his most cherished patients. 
Only for you.
The thought rolls a warm wave over you, the once wet blanket that had been dragging you down now fresh out of the laundry and wrapped carefully around you, cozy and hot and certain. There’s still a bit of damp spots here and there, but those will also dry in time. And you know Zayne will still be here when that time comes.
Your thoughts are broken when long fingers drag against your cheek, wiping away yet more damp spots and fanning through your shining lashes.
“You need to take better care of yourself,” Zayne says, repeating his words from earlier that day. Was that really only today? This day was lasting a lifetime. As with before, his tone holds no ice. You regret snapping at him when he was only trying to help. He must feel your tension, because he puffs a breath out through his nose just then, and the warm air tickles the hairs on your forehead. He places a kiss there, the barest brush of his lips on your skin. He pushes your hair back with long warm fingers, tucking a strand behind your ear. “If you need help with that, I’m here. Always. You need only ask.”
Later still and he’s tucking you into bed and giving your forehead another gentle kiss, making you feel like a kid again. He’s surprisingly good at that. You don't know how he does it.
Zayne follows you under the covers, and leaves you an open invitation to snuggle against him, if you wish. You gratefully accept, tucking your head under his chin as he envelops you. He’s very careful not to apply pressure to your bandaged skin. 
Right before you fall asleep, he whispers a promise of breakfast tomorrow, and dinner, and whatever else comes next. A promise of staying, no matter what.
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elliesbluntfr · 3 months
Haunting Me. - Ellie Williams
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synopsis - a barn dance has been planned for weeks, after a very successful winter you all deserve a party! everybody in jackson will be in attendance including ellie williams, who is hoping that she will see you there.
cw: wlw! no use of y/n, more plot with slight smut, ellie self pleasuring, fingering, mentions of cunnilingus, a lottt of pining from ellie
~this is my first fic!! please be nice lmao and thank you for reading! <3~
“Maeveee are you nearly readyyy?” you sing excitedly, throwing your hairbrush back on the dressing table after smoothing out the ends of your hair. Tonight was the night of the barn dance. Everybody had been talking non stop about it for weeks and for some reason, the topic never got boring.
This winter was one of the harshest you’ve seen by far, with everybody working so hard it was about time that spring had arrived to ease that work load.
“This night better make up for all those patrols we did, I mean seriously I still have blisters on my heels from last October.” Maeve sighed, appearing from the bathroom after checking herself once more before leaving.
You smile brightly, walking to her and squeezing her hand in comfort. Of course it was all worth it, even if there had been no dance planned, it was just nice to see everybody make it through. The sense of community in Jackson was just impeccable, and your best friend Maeve made it even better.
“Come on girl, let’s go have some fun.” You beam, not letting go of her hand as she smiles in return, following you out of the door.
The slight 9pm chill blows the bottom of your white mini dress against your upper thighs, sending a wave of goosebumps across them, a mixture of anticipation and coldness now evident on your skin. The black slightly fraying cowboy boots you had found at the clothes trade in a few years back crunching against the disappearing frosty grass beneath you. The stitching from the pattern was falling out, but you made do with tying the dangly bits of string in cute bows to give the effect that they weren’t entirely unravelling. You looked stunning anyway, and you felt it too.
“Sooo are you gonna talk to you know who tonight?” Maeve teased, tucking the stray bit of blonde hair away from her eyeline. You knew exactly who she was talking about.
“You mean Jenna right?” rolling your eyes in return. She was just a girl you’d hooked up with a decent amount of times. As great as Jackson is, the dating options are quite limited.
The guys were just well… disappointing, and around 98% of the girls were straight, leaving you with at least 5 options. Jenna was one of them, but you both made it clear, your situation was strictly hooking up. No feelings or anything else. It was the perfect arrangement, and you both had kept it exactly that way for a good 4 months now, up until a few weeks ago.
“To answer your question Maevey, no. She’s seeing Cat now, they seem to be good together.” You answer plainly.
“It’s okay to be jealous you know, you don’t have to put up a front with me.” Maeve adds, her tone shining with sincerity and care. You let go of her hand and link in with her arm instead, resting your head on her shoulder as you walk out of the residential area and onto the main streets.
“I’m genuinely not jealous, it’s just been a while you know.” you chuckled, as Maeve adds in a few agreeing ‘me too girl’ pats on the top of your hand. Raising your head from her shoulder, you turn and face her.
“So go for it with Max already! I know he likes you.” you smirk, watching her blush and roll her eyes.
“You may as well just shut the fuck up right now cause it’s not gonna happen.” she concludes getting flustered, pressing the back of her hand against her cheek to feel the heat coming off it.
“Mhmmm alright then, wait and see.” you taunt, discreetly pointing ahead of you both. There stood the 4 missing friends to your ensemble; Cassidy, Jude, Eddie and Max all huddled together waiting on your arrival.
9:04pm inside the bar.
“Waste of my fucking time.” Ellie mutters, rolling her eyes and tapping her booted foot impatiently against the wooden floor. Jesse scoffs, and turns around to stare at her dumbfounded.
“Ellie. You have been here for exactly 10 minutes. Will you. Give it. A chance?” he taunts at her, knowing full well she’s a short tempered little bitch.
“You know what,” she pauses, snatching the last drink ticket out of his hands,
“Thanks for the drink asshole.” promptly putting a stop to her unwanted torment. A few quick whatthefucks were heard from Jesse, as she chuckled to herself walking away. Approaching the far right of the hall, she hands the ticket to Nick.
“Another whiskey please.” Ellie requests with a nod towards the bottle, which was swiftly picked up and poured into a small glass. Questioning her life choices as to why she came here tonight, she glances out the window not expecting to find you.. the one person she was hoping would show up.
“Here ya go.” snapping Ellie back to the present, she thanks Nick for her drink and slowly walks towards the window to get a better look.
You’re greeting your friends with warm hugs and demonstrating your ‘pretty sexy outfit’ Ellie had described to herself in her head. A few wolf whistles and laughter follows, making Ellie wince in subtle jealousy. That one guy Jude twirls you around. Bastard.
He’s not really a bastard, and Ellie knows this.
Adjusting her eyeline back to you, she watches Maeve take your arm as you guys start to make your away across the busy street. Ellie clears her throat and pushes herself off the wall, heading back to Jesse and Dina.
“Ellie did you take Jesse’s drink??” Dina questions, trying to stifle a laugh escaping from her pretty obvious query.
“Yup.” she answers, toasting the glass of Jim Beam in the air before taking a satisfying swig.
“Unbelievable.” Jesse retorts crossing his arms, imitating a seemingly very sassy man.
Dina entertains this, wrapping her arms around him whilst sarcastically soothing his back with the palm of her hand.
“You guys are gross.” Ellie states, turning to rest her lower back against the table behind her. Dina turns around as Jesse envelopes her from behind. Knowing that Ellie isn’t a fan of these things, Dina reaches out a hand to place on her lower arm encouragingly.
“Why don’t you talk to her Els?” Dina enquires, with a look of positivity on her face hoping it’ll wear off onto Ellie’s current “totally miserable I hate everything about my life” persona.
She just shakes her head and fidgets with the buttons on her long sleeved black shirt. Without taking her eyeline away from the door waiting for you to walk in, losing any sense of confidence she had left in her.
“Can we go inside already we’re missing it!” Cassidy pleads, grabbing onto her boyfriends shirt in order to urge him to start walking to the bar. A collective cheer sounded, and everybody started the hurried walk towards free booze and a long awaited excuse to dance.
Bursting through the doors, a strong smell of dusty wood lingered heavily in the air, greatly overpowered with the copious amount of laughter and dancing circling your ears. The bar was so cutely decorated, you made a mental note that it should be permitted to keep it this way forever. Fairy lights dancing from the ceilings, swaying every so often due to Tommy lifting Maria up into the air, spinning her in his arms. Others naturally followed their lead in their individual couples, now really making the lights move to the music. Grinning at everybody finally having some fun, someone stuck out like a sore thumb. You spot a girl that looked familiar to you, but couldn’t match a name to her pouty face. Until you saw Dina stood by her, an obvious socialite who was a mutual friend of yours. You had remembered her bringing up this girl before. Trying to trace back to any conversation that might have had her name in it, and then it clicked. Her name was Ellie.
A familiar tune had started to play when you guys entered the bar..
Wagon Wheel by Darius Rucker.
Everybody seemed to know this one, as the majority of the very full bar had made their way to the middle of the room.
The familiar hand of your friend Maeve crept into yours, pulling you along for a dance. The rest of your group followed in a hurried mess, ensuring to not miss any more of the song.
At least half of the room started a line dance, and oh god you had not practiced this particular style. The scurry of feet doubled and doubled, as everyone joined in.
“GIRL I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING!” you exclaim already in a fit of giggles.
“LET’S JUST TRY KEEP UP!” Maeve said confidently, and so you agreed confidently too.
It was a mess of course. Tommy and Maria greeted everybody, audibly laughing at your miserable attempt to fit in. Tommy was a master at all things country and western, so he knew everything down to a T.
“TRY IT LIKE THIS.” he tried to direct loudly over the music and the sound of people, but it was no use.
Ellie furrowed her eyebrows, scanning the crowd silently happy with just watching everybody, especially you. Twirling around repeatedly tapping your boots to the beat of the music, you were effortless.
Just effortless. Ellie voiced in her mind, admiring the way your hair was flowing with your movements, always settling in the most beautiful array of different styles with each spin. The sleeves of your dress kept falling from your shoulders, after a while you just gave up with resting them back where they should be. Carefree for those 5 minutes, for the first time in months.
She had to admit, your dancing wasn’t exactly the line dancing scene in the 2011 Footloose movie. Last weeks community movie night was of course.. the 2011 Footloose, to get everybody excited and in the mood to dance and celebrate. Ellie had been sat with Dina whilst watching the movie, nodding and singing along to Fake ID when the bar scene came on.
She was sat a few rows behind you, and could see whenever you turned to whisper to your friends or giggled at something that was going on in the movie. Every time you laughed, Ellie laughed too.
“Alright creepo you’re gonna burn holes in the back of her head if you don’t stop staring.” Dina nudged her grinning.
“Yeah yeah whatever.” Ellie hushes, trying to contain a smile batting Dina’s mocking hand away.
A wolf whistle caught Ellie’s attention, coming from one of the guys in front of her as Ariel, the reverends daughter from the movie, appeared dancing on the projection screen. For some reason, she looked at you to see if you had reacted in a similar way to seeing Ariel. She was trying to figure out your type. Ellie knew that you were gay, since the news about you and Jenna had spread around a couple months back. She figured you were into more girly girls, long flowing hair paired with bright colours as Jenna was. Wondering if she could possibly ever be your type was a constant reoccurrence in Ellie’s imagination. Scratching the side of her neck as her mind began showing her intimate moments the two of you have had many times in her head. She thought of you all the time, thought of everything she could do to you. Thought of everything you could be doing with Jenna, which set her body temperature high. Ellie knew she could be better for you. Treat you better, make you feel even better than Jenna does. The heat rising between her thighs alerted her to stop thinking, and to just focus on the movie instead.
It was a miserable 2 hours waiting to get back to her place. Locking her door as soon as she got in, then pulling the blinds closed. Ignoring the pressing feeling in her clit, she made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. Blocking out any image of you that came to her, she shifted her focus on just getting to bed for her early patrol in 7 hours.
Removing her sweatpants and tank, the coldness of the bathroom crept up her skin, making her shiver. The warmth of the water instantly soothed her, closing her eyes and letting herself loosen up. No matter what, you just kept finding your way in.
She imagined you in front of her, the water making your back glisten, almost entrancing her to kiss between your shoulder blades, and all the way up to both sides of your neck. Imagines lightly biting and sucking the sweet spots of your neck, tasting the faint and fading notes of your floral-citrus perfume, making her moan at the familiar comfort of your scent.
Blood rushes to her cheeks. She couldn’t stop herself, teasing her hand down her slick body, stopping at her nipples that were hardened by the thought of you. Her eyes fluttered shut at the wave of pleasure, as her breaths drew louder and deeper. Reaching between her thighs the feeling nearly knocked her over, frantically grabbing onto the shower curtain beside her.
“oh ffuck..” she whispered, already breathless. Her middle finger slid between her folds, seeking that warmth. Wasting no time, her fingers entered inside causing her to moan instantly. The growing desperation of releasing the pressure in her clit was evident, pumping her fingers at a growing pace chasing her orgasm. The moans resting in her throat were growing more primal and desperate with every movement. The shine from the shower water on her abs was replaced with a sheen of sweat, appearing on her forehead and the whole of her chest. The humidity of the shower steaming up the bathroom was making the stars in her vision even brighter. Ellie could have sworn you were with her at one point, chasing the silhouette of your naked body amidst the steam.
“oh fffuck ohmy-nmhhh” she groaned, catching sight of her clenched hand gripping the shower curtain. Imagined she was actually gripping your bed sheets, and you were the one making her feel like this with your tongue stroking between her folds, face getting soaked with her cum.
Her legs were shaking, struggling to keep her upright as her orgasm rushed over her. Cumming as fast as the feelings arrived, she was left breathless by you, and you weren’t even there to see it.
“Earth to Ellieee!!?”
a voice broke through to her, snapping her awake from the flashback.
“Oh sh-shit Dina I’m sorry, what did you say?” Ellie stumbled on her words, trying to hide whatever that was with a laugh, but she could only feel how hot she was.
“You’re bright red, are you burning up? Jesse go get her some water.” Dina requested, putting an arm around her to check if she was stable.
“Are you sure she doesn’t want another one of my whiskeys?” Jesse scoffs, still bitter from earlier, but still trails off get some water. Ellie’s chest felt way too hot and tight.. a bit like-
“Yeah I’m great!” Ellie rushed to cut off any further indecent thoughts of you. She knew that she had just blew every chance she had of seeming normal now. Motioning towards the door and without saying a word, awkwardly left and made her way towards it.
So dumb so dumb so dumb. Ellie repeated under her breath just trying to get out of there as quickly as possible. The only way out was through the crowd.
You hadn’t left the dance floor since you arrived half an hour ago, song after song entrancing you to keep dancing. Your excellent way of sweet talking gained you a few extra drinks, might have helped that one of the guys had a crush on you.. idiot didn’t realise you were gay.
Maeve had been with you the whole time dancing and trying to attract Max’s attention, with some encouragement from the alcohol. Which had definitely worked, as he came over to ask her to get a drink with him. You sent her off with a flirty wink and a “told you so” smile, leaving you to third wheel with Cassidy and her boyfriend. You were right in the middle of the room which was getting a bit too hot, leaving little pearls of sweat on your forehead.
“I’m gonna go get some air!” you shout to Cassidy over the music, and she nods blowing you a kiss.
Tapping people on the shoulders wasn’t quite working, so you just kept repeating sorry as you shoved pressingly through the crowd. Someone had knocked into you which sent you flying into the back of somebody. Looking up, you recognise that person you bumped into.
“I am so sorry oh my god, did I hurt you?” you ask looking up at her. Turning around, Ellie’s breath caught in her throat as she realised it was you. Oh god this can’t be happening, her inner voice panicked, booming throughout her entire body.
“Uhh.. yeah yeah you’re good. Don’t worry about it.” she nods looking down at you slightly, meeting your eyeline for the first time.
She didn’t tell you if she was hurt like you had asked, but in that moment you didn’t even realise. You both had each others full attention, taking in her features as she took in yours. The freckles cascaded across Ellie’s face looked like they had been individually painted in the most perfect places. The way her short auburn hair fell effortlessly on top of her broad shoulders, a single strand framing her face that you couldn’t look away from. Your eyes glanced repeatedly across her face making sure to cover every detail, careful not to miss anything.
For fucks sake she’s even prettier up close.
Pushed Ellie to say more.
“Are you good?” Ellie asks trying to keep it casual, surprised she even managed to get words out.
“Oh yeah, was just heading outside for some air.” you reply, nodding towards the way out.
“My bad sorry.” she says, trying to back up into any available space to let you pass her.
“Thank you, and sorry again for bumping into you.”
As you walk, her senses are soaked in you. Breathing through her nose, her eyes close in disbelief of your perfume. Floods her brain and settles behind her eyes, as if she was trying to bottle that moment inside her refusing to ever let it go. She watches you disappear through the crowd, licking her lips and chewing on the bottom one.
Ellie had been watching the way your eyes scanned across her face the entire time, but could also see the way your chest rose and fell so close to her.
Fuck it. she voices, walking after you.
Anxiousness was washed away and replaced with greed and desperation. She had to have more.
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non-stop-imagines · 5 months
Ok I'm not the nonnie that just asked that question, but I can 100% imagine Lance and Oscar being in a poly. And it's perfect cause they never cross paths it seems like. So a SMAU where the reader (Marsai Martin) comes to the paddock for a visit and everyone is just like wtf?! How did yall pull her?!
You have no idea how crazyy brain went when I got this. And then I almost immediately began working on it...and then I was unable to edit ask responses on my phone for almost a month and a half 😔. Also I absolutely did not mean to do this but my brain read it "Lando and Oscar" and I completely missed that it said "Lance and Oscar" and now I feel terrible but I hope you like it still! 😬😚
(A/n: Also I know I said Charles was next, but I was so excited I could finally edit this post I had to go and finish it. I have been working on my Charles fic though I promise 💖)
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Liked by landonorris and 492,807 others
user_yn Thank you Japan for giving my loves a double podium (and the epic celebration after) 🧡🇯🇵
View all 273 comments
user1 They are so wholesome it gave me clear skin
landonorris So happy our pretty girl got to see us (almost) win 😚
>user_yn And I'm very proud of your (almost) win ☺️
>oscarpiastri It was your beauty radiating from the garage that helped us stay in the top 3
liked by user_yn
>mclaren We agree 👍
user2 Exhibit B of how Yn is their good luck charm
>user3 Yes, but elaborate 🧐
>user2 The last race she was at was Silverstone, when they basically told the rest of the grid "Sike, here's our real car" and now double podium
>landonorris We've been trying to tell @/user_yn, right @/oscarpiastri?
>oscarpiastri If she listened to us, forgot about acting and just came to all the races, we'd be World Champions by now🤷‍♂️
>user_yn Os, baby, don't let Lando drag you down with him
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Liked by Oscar Piastri
landonorris Had to get that double podium for our lovely lady 😍 🏆(Also Note to Self: Never leave your phone alone with @/user_yn)
View 259 comments
user_yn The real note to self should be "post better pictures of Yn instead of whatever photo you have of her sleeping"
>landonorris But you're so pretty when you sleep 👉🏻👈🏻😚
>user_yn As sweet as that is, don't 🫵🏿
user8 Still accepting theories of how those two even met Yn
>user9 The configuration of the stars the night they met was the same as when the upgrades for Silverstone were finished. That was the most luck those two have every experienced int their lives and they will probably not have such luck again until it is time for their own respective grand prix race wins
>user8 Yes.
oscarpiastri Baby 🧡
>landonorris Couldn't be more proud of you 🧡
>user_yn And I'm the proudest of both of you 🧡
>user4 These 3 deserve each other and I mean that in the purest way possible
>mclaren we just want to join on the orange hearts (even though we love them too)🧡
user5 We stan Bert, Ernie, and their impossibly hot girlfriend
>landonorris Please tell me I'm Ernie 🤞🏻
>user5 Man do I have a treat for you
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Liked by logansargeant and 193,703 others
oscarpiastri Had to place 2 and 3 because she's our #1 😊
View all 178 comments
user6 Logan's here, we can finally start the festivities
logansargeant @/user_yn is the really Japanese gp winner
>user_yn No don't talk to me you ignored me most of the weekend 😔
>user_yn All I'm hearing are excuses 🙄
user_yn Such a cutie 🥰 So so proud of my boyfriends 💖
>user_yn (I swear if you don't smile with your teeth more often I'm telling your mom.)
>oscarpiastri Yes ma'am (Love you, don't tell my mom ♥️)
>landonorris THANK YOU I've been trying to tell him he has a pretty smile
user7 Yn, the fashion icon ✨
>user_yn It's the hat 🤠
One last thought: Hopefully this is the start of a spark of inspiration because I would love for the ideas I have for all of these requests to LEAVE MY HEAD AND WRITE THEMSELVES OUT ON THESE POSTS!! Anyway, I hope you all liked this and you're all doing well. 😊
328 notes · View notes
ramblingoak · 4 months
The Cardinal's Bride, Chapter 12: Diavolessa
~~ Please visit The Outlaw Brides Masterpost to catch up and read more stories from this world ~~
Thank you to @tasty-ribz for the wanted poster, @ghuleh-recs for the collage and @gothdaddyissues for the dividers!  For some more amazing fanart check out: @missygoesmeow (1 / 2), @snail-shell2335  here, @vahvco here, @ghulehgwen here, @rabidghoul here, @nocterish here, @enjoy-my-swearing​ ( 1 / 2 ), @blacktie-whitenoise (1 /2), @z-xmyers (1/2/3/4), @foxybouquet ( 1 / 2 ), @delulluart here, _simpera_ on instagram and valkyrieinpink on twitter.  Also thank you to @kissingghouls for all her help and emotional support.
Cardinal Copia x Female Reader: Copia is desperate to find you before you end up in Saltarian's clutches.
Warnings: violence (the usual cowboy violence but Reader is put into danger as well and hurt) a lot of angst and smut (apologies for the vagueness but I'm trying to avoid spoiling anything), nsfw 18+ only mdni, 7,900 words
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“You look like shit.”
“Grazie, fratello.”
Secondo snorted, shaking his head once before taking a swig of his whiskey.  The two of them were quiet as they sat in his office.  Terzo was dabbing at his face with a wet rag to clean up the blood leftover from Copia beating him when they were out on the road.  He finally gave up, throwing the bloody rag onto the floor and leaning into the back of the couch. 
“You couldn’t keep your mouth shut, could you?”
“Copia’s smarter than you give him credit for.  He already didn’t want to be out there anyway.”
“Usually he can’t wait to get back on the road.”
“Well usually he doesn’t have a pretty girl waiting for him.” 
Secondo groaned, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose.  
“Think of all you two could accomplish if you thought less with your dicks and more with your brains.”
“Why are you dragging me into this?!  I wasn’t the one that fell in love with Saltarian’s fucking fiancé!”
“You’ve had your own issues with lovers.”  He rubbed his chest idly, stopping when he felt the familiar chain of his grucifix under the fabric.  “I can’t believe you both gave away a family heirloom.”
“For the last time mine was stolen.”
“Then get it back.”
“That was over ten years ago!  Who knows where she is now.”  
“Considering she was able to steal it from under The Morningstar’s nose I’m sure she’s still out there.  Probably robbing banks now.”
Terzo was silent for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face when Secondo glanced at him.  
“I’ve thought about it.  Looking for her.”  Secondo smirked but when Terzo noticed he quickly shook his head.  “Only to get my grucifix back.  Nothing more.”
“Whatever you say, fratellino.”
Quiet once more settled over them both.  The brothers each lost in their own thoughts.  Terzo eventually groaned and sat up, resting his elbows on his knees and turning to look at his brother.  
“Do you believe him?”  When Secondo raised an eyebrow he elaborated.  “Copia.  That he loves her.”
“Sì.  I do.”  
“What are we going to do about it?”
Secondo was quiet again, staring down at the amber liquid in his glass.  He couldn’t get Copia’s face out of his mind.  The last time his brother had looked that determined was when they were all hiding in the woods, the smoke from their burning abbey heavy over their heads.  Secondo knew then that Copia would stop at nothing to protect his princess, to protect the woman he loved. 
He also knew he had a choice to make now, one that would have far reaching consequences for them all.  Was he ready to fight again?  Was he ready to possibly lose more of his family?  This could be their last chance to get their lives back.  Their last chance to get their church back.  
Secondo wasn’t sure if he still believed anymore.  It was hard to after the last decade.  After everything that had happened, things none of them deserved.  He had built a life here for everyone but there had always been something missing.  Something that helped keep them all together has one.  
He knew what he needed to do.  
“We’re going to fight.”  He stood up, pulling his grucifix out from under his shirt and letting it hang out in the open.  “We’re going to kill Saltarian once and for all.”
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“Pay up shithead.”
“What the fuck are you on about?”
“Our bet.  I won.”
“There are a lot of bets between us so you need to be more specif—ow!”
“Copia admitted he loved her!  It was amazing, I think Swiss even cried a little.” 
Swiss gamely nodded his head, grinning when Dewdrop turned to glare at him. 
“Well I didn’t hear it so it doesn’t count.”
“The fuck it doesn’t, Swiss and I both heard it.  Even Secondo did!  You can ask him when we get back.”
“Uh, no thanks.  I’m not sure anyone that brings up Copia or Princess around him will survive.”   Dewdrop glanced up towards where Copia and Aether were riding a bit ahead of the group.  “Is he even gonna let us come back?”
“He better, I left my favorite gun there.”   Sunshine and Dew shared a grin before she held her hand out towards him.  “Now pay up.”
“Lucifer’s balls, fine.”  He rummaged in the pockets of his coat before he came up with a crumpled bill, balling it up even more and throwing it at her head.  “Don’t spend it all in one place.”
The three of them quieted down after that, all lost in their own thoughts.  Sunshine kept her eyes on Copia and Aether, watching how Copia kept getting more and more tense the longer it took them to find Princess.  Rain had picked up her trail heading south, but as of yet they hadn’t run into any other signs of her.  Right now Rain and Mountain were scouting ahead, trying to see if she had stayed on the road.
Sunshine was hoping they didn’t find out she was dragged off of it.
“What’s going on now?”
Swiss’s voice snapped Sunshine out of her brooding and she focused on Copia again, noticing that he and Aether had stopped.  They seemed to be having a heated conversation so she spurred her horse and quickly headed their way. 
“I don’t want to talk about this now.”
“Then when?  Look, Boss, I’m not trying to talk you out of anything, I just want to know what you’re thinking.”
“Aether right now there is only one thing going through my mind and that is that I have to find her.” 
“I know, I know.”  Aether caught Sunshine’s eyes and sighed.  “We’re going to find her Boss, I promise.” 
“Then keep moving!  We’re not going to find her standing around arguing.”  
Copia’s shoulders sagged then and Sunshine could see how exhausted he was, how worried.  She moved closer to Copia, wanting to comfort him in some way but a sharp whistle got her attention.  They all looked up the trail to see Rain and Mountain in the distance, both focusing down on the ground. 
“Do you think they found her trail?”
Copia didn’t even bother answering Aether, he snapped Brizio’s reins and took off towards them.  Sunshine glanced towards Rain again and saw him waving his arms, almost like he wanted them to stay away.  Her blood instantly ran cold and she shouted after Copia.
“No!  Copia stay here!”
She groaned when he didn’t stop, instead riding after him as fast as she could.  He had already reached the two Ghouls and she could see Mountain trying in vain to push him away from where Rain was standing. 
It wasn’t until she got there that she realized why. 
She could smell it first, the sharp smell of blood.  As she got closer she could see that the ground was soaked with it.  Copia was taking a few steps forward, his boots sinking into the wet earth.  His hands were shaking, clenched into fists as his eyes stayed on the ground.  Rain walked up to him, a hat in his hand that Sunshine easily recognized.  The same one Princess had been wearing since they left the farmhouse. 
It was stained with blood. 
Copia only had it in his hands for a moment before it slipped from his fingers and he fell to the ground.  Sunshine was rushing over to him in an instant, her hands falling to his shoulders.  The smell was stronger now and the sight of how much blood there was made her feel sick.  She lowered her head, squeezing Copia’s shoulders when she felt him start to tremble. 
“Copia, I-“
“It’s too much.”
“What?”  She crouched down next to him, freezing when she saw the tears running down his cheeks.  “What’s too much?”
“The blood.  She’s lost too much.”
Sunshine stayed silent, not wanting to admit the same out loud.  It was too much, too much for anybody to lose.  She turned to look behind her when she heard footsteps and she watched as Swiss, Aether and Dew stopped a few feet away, their hats in their hands.  When she looked back she noticed Rain walking along the edge of the trail, stopping and kneeling down after a moment.  He turned her way, pointing down at the ground before disappearing into the underbrush. 
She gave Copia one last squeeze and then stood up, walking over to where he entered,  noticing that the grass was flattened down.  Her stomach turned thinking of Princess’s body being dragged somewhere and left for the vultures.  Tears started to prick at her eyes and she turned back, meeting Copia’s gaze as he watched her from his knees. 
“This is my fault.”
“Copia, no.”
“I got her into this mess, I took her away from the life she was supposed to have.”
“A life she didn’t want!”  Sunshine moved back to his side and knelt in front of him.  “She wanted to be with you.  She loved you.”
“And now she’s dead.”  The words were practically spit from him and he dropped his hands onto the ground, digging his fingers into the bloody soil.  “They killed her.  They took her away from me.”
His voice was seething with rage and she found herself thinking back to that day of the attack, of the fire.  The only other time she had seen him like this.
She opened her mouth to try and reassure him but the sound of someone rushing through the grass stopped her.  Everyone turned to see Rain sprinting onto the trail, his chest heaving and a knife clutched in his hand.
A knife Sunshine recognized.
“It’s not her!”  Rain grinned and stumbled over to Copia, grabbing his arms and yanking him to his feet.  “It’s not her.  She’s alive.”
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Your head hurt.
It was hard to keep your eyes open.  Every time you opened them a wave of dizziness hit you.  There was a constant dull throb, an ache that seemed to echo through your whole body.  It hurt, it hurt so much but you were trying to be strong.  You couldn’t give up, you refused to lose hope. 
You didn’t want the bastards to see you cry. 
Their laughter echoed around the small camp.  You weren’t sure exactly how many there were.  At least three of them had met you on the trail but there could have been more waiting further on.  They had rode up right when you had stopped your horse and been about to turn around.  Copia had to have been back by then and all you wanted to do was see him again.  To have him hold you and tell you everything was going to be ok. 
“She awake yet?”
You shivered at the voice nearby.  It was the same man that had knocked you out.  One moment you had been fighting off a man that had gotten behind you on the horse and the next you had turned to see the butt of a rifle descending upon you.  The ground crunched in front of you and you did your best to steady your breathing, trying not to give away that you were awake. 
“Leave her, we’ll deal with her in the morning.” 
“What if I want to deal with her now?”  A shadow fell over your face, blocking the fire.  You could smell his awful stench and it made you nearly gag around the cloth between your teeth.  “I thought Salty was gonna kill her anyway?”
“Who the fuck knows, he changes his damn mind every day.” 
“Wasn’t Goore supposed to nab her before?” 
You felt a hand on your head and fought to stop from jerking away. 
“They were supposed to, yeah.  But The Cardinal kicked his ass.  Took out like twenty guys too.”
“The fucking Cardinal.”  A glob of moisture hit your cheek and you realized the man had spit on you.  “You sweet on him, girl?” 
His fingers suddenly tightened in your hair and you cried out.  You reached up to try to pull him off but he grabbed the rope around your wrists and slammed them back onto the ground.  The man was grinning at you, when you managed to glare at him.  The pain was even more intense with how hard he was pulling on your hair. 
“Hey!  We aren’t supposed to touch her!”
The man holding you was abruptly shoved away and you yelped when he managed one last yank on your hair.  Tears were falling down your face, soaking the rag around your mouth.  You heard them scuffle close by and you pulled away as far as you could, trying to steer clear of them. 
“What does it matter?  We can just say she showed up like that!  Blame it on The Cardinal.”
“Salty ain’t gonna believe that and you know it.  He’s already gonna be pissed about her face.” 
“Well no one else was doing anything!  I wasn’t gonna drag her back to camp kicking and screaming.”  You dared to look over at the men, flinching when you saw their eyes on you.  “We should just kill her and be done with it.”
“I fucking told you Salty wants her alive.  He made some deal with that asshole at the casino.” 
“Fuck.  Fine, whatever.”  He shoved past the man and walked by, kicking dirt on you as he went.  “But if she freaks out again I’m slicing her throat.” 
Things quieted down around you as he walked off so you tried to even your breathing.  The pain wasn’t getting any better but if you wanted to get out of this you’d need to try to fight through it.  You couldn’t help but think of Copia and what he would do when he found your note.  Would he believe the things you said?  Would he even be coming after you? 
“Hey, girl.”  The one who seemed to be the leader crouched down in front of you.  While you were grateful he had gotten the other man to leave you alone there was no kindness in his eyes.  “Do me a favor and stay put, got it?”
You nodded, wincing when your head swam at the motion.  He didn’t move for a moment and you were starting to worry he was gonna hurt you like the other man did but he finally stood up.  His eyes were cold as they looked down at you and you felt like crying again. 
“No one’s gonna save you so you best behave.  We’re getting paid a pretty penny to bring you to Saltarian alive.”  He smirked then, slipping a knife out of a small sheath at his belt and pointing it down at you.  “But we’ll also get paid well even if you’re dead.”
He didn’t wait to see a response, he simply turned and ambled away.  The tension seeped out of you then but you stayed as still as possible.  It was impossible to stop your tears now and they ran down your face freely, pooling in the dirt beneath you.  Silently you begged for help, begged to be rescued and allowed to escape from the fate others had chosen for you. 
You begged to see Copia one last time. 
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“There’s ten of them but only three at the camp with her.”
Copia nodded, taking in everything Mountain and Rain had been relaying to him.  The ten men weren’t going to be a problem, Copia knew they could be easily taken care of.  It was the fact that you were there as well, vulnerable, that made things difficult.
“Where’s Princess?”
Sunshine had stayed close to him since they had stumbled upon the blood on the ground.  Acting like an anchor almost.  He appreciated it more than he could say, he appreciated all of his Ghouls right now so much.  They had stuck with him for so long and through so much.  
They deserved an easier life.
“She’s on the ground by the fire.”  Mountain met Copia’s eyes when he glanced up at him.  “We didn’t see her move but she’s tied up pretty good.”
“Probably just sleeping.”  Sunshine fiddled with one of her knives, slipping it into the sleeve of her coat.  “Or unconscious.”  
“We should have Dew and Swiss snipe the lookouts while the rest of us get closer.  Take ‘em by surprise.”
Copia nodded silently, his thoughts still caught up with the image of you hurt and tied up on the ground.  He flinched when a hand brushed his shoulder, turning to meet Sunshine’s eyes.
“They’ll probably leave first thing in the morning, we should hit them right before then.”  Sunshine stood up and slung her rifle over her shoulder.  “Before they’re ready to go.”
“I don’t want to wait any longer, she could be seriously hurt.”
“If she was seriously hurt they just would have killed her.”  Mountain held up his hands when Copia glared at him.  “They wouldn’t waste time bringing her body all the way to Saltarian’s.  They’d just say you killed her and dumped her body somewhere.”
“It doesn’t matter!  She could be hurt and I don’t want her to be alone with them any more than she has to!”
“Damn it Copia, just listen to us!  We don’t want her to be in any danger either but the best way to avoid her getting hurt any more than she might already be is to wait till the right moment.”
Copa turned away from Sunshine and Mountain, his shoulders sagging as their words sunk in.  They were right, he knew they were right but it was killing him to leave you alone there when you were so close.  He sighed and turned back around, ready to accede their point.
“Fine, we’ll wai–”
A sharp yell rang out from the camp and everyone’s eyes whipped in that direction.  Copia took a few steps forward, his legs suddenly shaking from fear.  In front of them the grass started to shake and Dew flung himself into the small clearing everyone had gathered in.
“She’s running!”
Despite his fear Copia couldn’t help but grin, turning towards the rest of his Ghouls and nodding.
“Then let’s find her first.”
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Copia would be so mad at you.
Although technically you weren’t running away from him so you supposed it was okay.  You just couldn’t stand to be around those men any longer.  It seemed like they were getting more and more irritated at your presence as the night had worn on.  The man that seemed to be in charge didn’t have as much control over them as you liked and when he had said he was going to sleep for a few hours you had decided that was your best chance.
Running away was much easier without a dress on and you crashed through the vegetation around the camp.  The moon was high enough to help light your way but even then you still had no idea where you were going.  No idea the direction you were stumbling in.  Not that it really mattered, you just needed to get away.  You’d worry about where you were once you were safe.
“Get back here!”
You made the mistake of turning to look behind you, the dark voice startling you.  It was the man that had spit on you earlier and you shuddered, trying to move even faster to get away.  He wasn’t at the camp when you had run and you had hoped he’d be too far away to catch up to you.  
Unfortunately you weren’t that lucky.
He continued to shout after you, promising to make you regret taking off from camp.  The fear started to take a hold of you again and you felt tears prick at your eyes.  No matter how much you begged your legs to move faster it wasn’t enough.  The man was getting closer and closer until finally you felt his hands grab at your arms and yank you back against him.
“Don’t touch me!”  
The man grunted when you kicked back at him, your foot connecting with his knee.  With an angry growl he tried to wrap an arm around your waist but you slammed your head back against his, grinning when you heard the sickening crunch of his nose.  Your glee was short lived and with a curse he shoved you down onto the ground.
“You’re gonna pay for that.”  He reached for the gun at his belt and pulled it out of its holster, pulling the hammer back and pointing it down at you.  “Salty will just have to find another fiancé.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the shot.  Pictures of Copia appeared in your mind and you let out a broken sob.  You loved him so much and now you’d never get to tell hi–
A loud shot rang out and your entire body flinched, waiting for the inevitable pain of the bullet.  When seconds passed with nothing you slowly opened your eyes, expecting to see the man still there glaring at you.  Instead you saw him falling to the side, his eyes wide and unseeing.  A figure emerged behind him, stepping into the moonlight and you let out a heavy sob when a familiar set of mismatched eyes became visible.
“What did I say about running away?”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh but you were quickly overcome with emotion again.  Your hands reached out for him, desperate for his touch.  Desperate to be held by him again.  Copia quickly obliged, dropping to his knees next to you and gathering you up in his arms.  He pressed kisses into your hair as you cried and whispered promise after promise that he’d never let you get hurt again.
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The journey back to the casino was mostly quiet.
When you and Copia had gotten back to the camp the sun was starting to rise in the sky.  The Ghouls milling around and cleaning things up.  Sunshine had been the first to rush over, enveloping you and a long hug that brought more tears to your eyes.  When she pulled away she was holding your dagger out to you, the one you had shoved into the first man that had tried to grab you.
“You did what you had to, Princess.”
You nodded, leaning back into the comfort of Copia’s embrace for a moment.  The other Ghouls came up one after the other.  The biggest surprise for you was Dewdrop, he had thrown his arms around both you and Copia with a wide grin on his face.  Copia had to shove him off when he lingered too long but he fell back with a laugh, winking at you before he let Aether take his place.
The calm Ghoul didn’t embrace you, instead he took your hands and started gently unwrapping the rope that was tied tightly around them.  You hissed as they came off, your skin red and raw underneath.  Copia kept an arm around you as Aether rubbed a salve over the skin, quickly wrapping them in some clean cloth with a promise to clean them again when you got back to the casino.
Your other wounds were given a quick check before Aether nodded at Copia and walked away.  Your knuckles were fairly scraped up with a few larger cuts across them.  The wound on your scalp would definitely need to be cleaned but thankfully it didn’t hurt as much anymore.  The throbbing in your skull had faded to a dull ache as well.  You couldn’t wait to get back to the casino and hopefully have a long bath.
You had planned on asking about what had happened with Terzo and what they had done when they’d gotten back to the casino but as soon as you were settled in front of Copia on Brizio you couldn’t keep your eyes open.  The exhaustion of everything that had happened since you had left The Ministry caught up with you and you were asleep in seconds.  You didn’t even fully wake up until you were riding back into town, the casino large and looming in front of you.
Mountain came over, helping you off Brizio easily.  You were turning to wait for Copia but Cumulus was rushing over, Aurora hot on her heels.
“Come on Princess, let’s get you cleaned up.”  
Copia dropped down next to you and prodded you over to the Ghoulettes.
“Go on, let them take care of you.”  He pulled you close for a moment, not seeming to care about all the eyes on the both of you.  “I’ll meet you in my room soon, yeah?”
You nodded and took Cumulus’s hand, letting her pull you towards the Ghoul’s building.  Her and Aurora chatted while they led you to a room full of steaming bathtubs, quickly helping you out of your dirty clothes and into one of the tubs.  You let their words wash over you, too tired to speak much yourself.  In truth your mind was too busy to pay attention anyway.  Thinking about what might happen now with Copia’s brothers, with Saltarian.  About what might happen with Copia himself.
The sun was completely gone when they were done.  Aurora handed you a familiar dark red shirt and you blushed when she grinned at you.  They gave you a robe next and led you up the back set of stairs to avoid the common area.  It wasn’t as loud as you had expected and you imagined that most everyone was probably tired themselves or working in the casino.  The door to Copia’s room was familiar and welcome and you gladly accepted Aurora’s hug when she let you in and left.
You tried not to be disappointed that Copia wasn’t there.
His room was much like it was when you had left it the other night, although it was clear that he had left it in a rush.  You made your way to the bed, dropping the robe on the floor and sitting down.  There was a soft knock on the door and you quickly grabbed a blanket, getting your bare legs covered right as Copia walked in.
“How are you feeling, Principessa?”
“Good.  Better.”  You gave him a soft smile as he walked over, your eyes taking him in.  He was only in his pants and a button up shirt, his suspenders clinging to his shoulders.  “Clean.”
He laughed softly as he knelt at your feet, his eyes roaming over the blanket for a moment before setting a bowl of water and a rag down onto the floor.
“Let’s see those hands, eh?”
Copia was quiet as he cleaned your knuckles.
You stayed quiet too, content to just be close to him.  To be someplace safe with him.  He had scrubbed his face of the grime from the road and the fight so you were able to see him without his paint.  A rare treat that let you see the bags under his eyes, the toll that the life he had been living had taken on him.  You let yourself imagine a different life for him, one that had no battles and no worries.  A peaceful life in the country maybe, on a farm with room for his Ghouls...
And hopefully room for you too.
He pressed his rag into a deeper cut and you hissed, pulling your hand away to cradle it against your chest.
“Mi dispiace, Principessa.  I’m not sure I have the most gentle hands for this.”  He dropped the rag into the bowl of water and sat back on his heels, his hands resting on your blanket covered knees.  “Let me go get Aether.  Or Sunshine?  They’ll do a better job than me.”
“No!”  You dropped your hands over his, covering his own scraped up skin with your own.  “Please, no.  Don’t leave me.”
“I’m not much of a nurse.”
“I don’t need you to be anything, Copia.  I just need you here with me.”
He leaned forward then, moving back onto his knees and dropping his head into your lap.  You felt his lips brush against the backs of your hands, ghosting along the cuts and bruises you had gotten.  His shoulders shook slightly and you couldn’t help but fall forward yourself, burying your nose in his soft hair.
“I’ll never let you get hurt again.”  
Copia leaned back, freeing one of his hands from yours to cup your cheek.  His thumb brushed across your skin briefly before he pulled you close and pressed his lips to yours.  The kiss was one you didn’t think you would ever forget.  It was soft and full of promises, promises neither of you had spoken aloud yet but they were there between you regardless.  All too quickly he pulled away, a soft smile on his face.
It was your favorite smile of his.
“I’m ok, I’m safe.  Thanks to you.”  He ducked his head down like he always did in moments like this but you let him.  Deciding a little teasing would help ease the heavy emotions between you.  “Although I think the Ghouls did most of the work.”
Copia laughed as he took the rag up again, squeezing the excess water out before taking one of your hands once more.
“I don’t know, I think you were doing pretty good on your own.”
You couldn’t help but grin, proud that Copia thought so.  Some of his hair fell across his forehead and you reached out with your other hand to brush it back, letting your fingers linger against his skin a little longer than necessary.  He looked up from cleaning your hand and caught your eyes.  Slowly he turned his head to press a kiss to your palm before looking back down to your hand.
As he worked you let your mind wander, running over every moment you had shared with Copia since you had met.  You had to stifle a laugh at that.  ‘Met’ wasn’t exactly the best way to describe your initial meeting.  The man had kidnapped you after all.  The same man you had spent your nights dreaming about.  An escape from a world of being used as a bargaining chip in your father’s business deals and a future of being something purely ornamental.
But all that changed with a wink and a grin from the man at your feet.
“I’m pretty sure I broke that one guy’s nose.”  Copia chuckled, shaking his head while he muttered something in Italian.  “What was that?”
“Nothing important.”
You poked his leg with your foot, the blanket moving out of the way to expose part of your bare leg.  Copia stopped cleaning your hand when he saw it, not moving at all except for the flexing of his jaw.  
“Tell me.”  He still hadn’t looked away from your leg, like his brain was having trouble processing the knowledge that you were naked save for his borrowed shirt.  You gave him another poke, this time jamming your toes against him a little harder.  “Tell me right now.”
“Have you always been this demanding?”
“Yes.  Now tell me what you said.”  When he remained silent you attempted to poke him again but he grabbed your foot, easily holding onto it when you tried to pull it away.  You shivered when he ran his calloused thumb along the side.  “Copia.”  
“In English!”
Copia finally looked away from your leg, slowly running his eyes up your body until he was looking right into yours.  His soft smile had now been replaced by that insufferable grin of his and despite how much it annoyed you it was hard not to match it with one of your own.
“Per favore.”
“Per fav–oh!  Copia, no!”  
Your words ended in a shriek as he dug his fingers into the bottom of your foot.  You fell back on your elbows and tried to kick away from him, desperate to escape the tickling sensation.  With a deep laugh he finally relented and let go.  Your back hit the wall beside his bed as you scrambled to get away, the blanket completely falling from your legs and getting pushed to the side with the movement.
He stood up then, his eyes dark as they stayed fixed on you.  Where your boldness came from you weren’t sure but you spread your legs slowly before tucking them under you and rising to your knees.  Copia reached up and shrugged out of his suspenders, his fingers quickly going to work on the buttons of his shirt.
“Come here, she-devil.”
“Per favore.”
His smile was brilliant and it had you moving closer despite him not saying anything.  When you were close enough he quickly reached out and grabbed you around your waist, yanking your body against his.  Your hands landed on his chest to keep yourself steady, your fingers tangling in the dark hair that covered him.  He dipped his head down but you quickly moved yours back, raising your eyebrow when he let out a heavy sigh.
“Please, Principessa.”
You both moved at the same time, your mouths meeting in a desperate kiss.  One of his hands dropped to cover your ass and when his fingers flexed against your flesh you moaned into his mouth.  The noise had him breaking away with a moan of his own but he stayed close, sliding both of his hands down your back until they were gripping the back of your thighs.  
“Copia, wha-”  
He yanked your legs out from under you and when your back hit his bed again you laughed, nearly giddy with happiness.  Copia finished unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it over his head, immediately unbuckling his belt and then working on the buttons of his pants.  In the next moment he was naked in front of you, standing proudly in the moonlight but with fidgeting fingers at his sides.
Copia was breathtaking.  It didn’t matter that you had never seen anyone else like this, Copia was the only one you needed to see this way.  His shoulders and arms were strong, well muscled from years of work.  Your eyes moved down his chest, lingering on his tattoo for a moment before running down to his soft belly and sides.  His thick thighs flexed as he climbed onto the bed, slowly moving between your legs and then reaching out to grip the bottom of his shirt you wore.
When he hesitated you took over and pulled the deep red shirt you loved to steal over your head.  Copia looked you over much like you had done to him, his eyes lingering on the bruises you had received.  He was hesitating again, like he was afraid to move, afraid to touch you.  It was strange not seeing him confident and cocky.  You reached out for his hands, tangling your fingers together and pulling them to cover your heart.
“I am here, we are here.  Safe and together.”  You lifted your foot and ran it up and down his thigh.  “Please don’t make me wait anymore.”
“I won’t.  I’ll give you everything.”  He pulled a hand away and slipped his arm around your waist, tugging you across the bed so your head was laying on his pillows.  “Anything you want.”
You reached up to cup his cheek, your fingers brushing against his sideburn.  Copia lowered himself down to settle against you, holding himself up by his elbows.  The moonlight caught his eyes and like always the white one gave that almost otherworldly glow.  You trailed your fingers across his cheek and down to his mouth, running them along his full bottom lip before dropping it down to your chest.  
“I just want you.”
It was like a dam broke between you, Copia swiftly lowered his head to yours and took your mouth in a rough kiss.  Oh you would never tire of this, of the way he seemed to use his entire body to kiss you.  He buried a hand in your hair and tilted your head so he could deepen it.  You opened your mouth under his and his tongue immediately tangled with yours.  
At the same time his hips started grinding down against you, his hard cock brushing across your lower belly.  You could feel him leaking already as the tip moved across your skin, trailing the proof of how turned on he was.  Of how turned on you were making him.  That knowledge had you pressing harder back against him, hooking a leg around the back of his leg to try to get as close as possible.
Copia pulled away, groaning when you ground up towards him again.  He began nipping at your lips, causing little zings of pleasure to shoot through you.  When you tried to capture his lips again he smiled and pulled away just out of reach.
“Patience, Principessa.”  He began to drop kisses down your chin and along your jawline.  His teeth nipped at your earlobe, sucking it between his lips to soothe the hurt with his tongue before letting go.  “I’ve been waiting for this for quite some time.”
“Since wh-oh, since when?”
He didn’t answer at first, content to keep kissing you.  His lips trailed down your neck to your shoulders before moving to your collar bones.  You hissed when he nipped there too but he quickly ran his tongue across the mark, smirking when he looked up to see you watching him.
“Probably since that first day when you busted my nose.”
You snorted, covering your mouth with your hand to try to stifle your laughter.  It didn’t last long though, Copia continued his path down your chest until his mouth was hovering over a breast.  His hot breath had you trembling with anticipation, waiting for him to continue his worship of your body.  It seemed like forever before he peeked his tongue out and flicked it across your nipple, eliciting a sharp gasp from you.
“Copia, don’t tease.  I just…”
His mouth dropped down, pulling the tip of your breast into his mouth and sucking.  Your body bucked off the bed and you buried your hands in his hair to keep him there.  The hot, wet suction of his mouth felt so good and it only amplified when he nipped at your nipple.  You mewled when he pulled off with a pop, your hands trying to keep him close to your chest.
“In my church, Principessa, this is one way we worship.”  He leaned down and pulled your nipple between his lips, hollowing his cheeks and sucking roughly.  Copia slid his free hand up your chest and took hold of your other breast, massaging it between his calloused fingers for a moment before he pulled his mouth away again.  “You are my altar.”  
Your body was trembling in earnest now as he moved lower, his mouth and tongue leaving a trail across your belly button and then stopping right above your cunt.  He pressed his hands against the insides of your thighs, pushing them apart so you were open before him.  You watched Copia lower his head and take a deep breath right over you before he groaned deep in his chest.  
He lowered his head even more until his nose brushed against your clit, teasing around it a few times before sliding his tongue out and across the small nub.  Your hips bucked up immediately, desperate for more contact.  Copia must have been just as desperate as you because he quickly went at it again, tonguing your clit over and over again until it was red and swollen.  
You were a whimpering mess already, your thighs quivering beneath his hands as his mouth worshiped you.  He pulled your clit between his lips, suckling it like he had done your nipple.  The sensation was racing you towards your orgasm and you buried a hand in his hair to try to keep him there.  You wanted to come so badly, you wanted to hit that peak under his mouth.  Copia groaned around your clit when your nails dug into his scalp and after one last hard suck you finally got what you needed, your orgasm tearing through you and making you cry out.
As you laid there panting Copia was still making noises against your cunt, his mouth now lower and his tongue licking long stripes between your lips.  Your hand fell out of his hair and you instead covered one of his hands on your thighs.  You barely had the strength to do anything but watch him, watch as your wetness covered his nose and mouth.  His mustache was soaked and shining in the moonlight as well and it tickled your sensitive skin as he continued to mouth at you.
When he tongued across your trembling entrance you finally moved, your hips jumping up to meet his mouth involuntarily.  Copia chuckled darkly, his eyes finally leaving your wet, pink flesh to catch your gaze.  He didn’t look away as he pressed his tongue against it, his eyes only drifting closed when he was able to push it inside of you and lap at the inside of your walls.  
“Ah!  Copia!”
He kept his mouth on you but you could feel his growl echo into you.  Your cries of his name spurred him on and he lapped roughly at you, closing his lips around your entrance and sucking, like he was desperate for every drop of your previous release.  You didn’t even notice one of his hands leaving your thigh before his mouth pulled away and two fingers prodded at your entrance.  They easily slipped inside and he went to work thrusting them in and out of you, scissoring his fingers off and on to stretch you.
To get you ready for him.
Your blood was so loud in your ears you didn’t even register Copia was speaking at first.  His voice was low as he continued to pump his fingers.
“...mine, Principessa and I will give you everything I can.  Anything in my power.”  
Tears pricked at your eyes as you watched him, as you listened to him.  You were close to another orgasm and you were absolutely desperate for it, your hips moving to meet his thrusting fingers.  Copia pulled his hand off your thigh and gripped the base of his cock, letting out an almost pained groan as he squeezed himself.  The sight of him nearly losing control of himself was all it took for you to hit your peak again and you came with a shuddering cry, your inner walls contracting around his fingers.
You weren’t sure how long you drifted in that zone of pleasure.  The brush of lips across your cheeks finally brought you back to yourself and when you opened your eyes Copia was right there, gazing down at you with such a look of fondness you nearly had to close your eyes again.  He must have wiped his mouth off but his mustache was still in a state and you reached up with a shaking hand to help get it under control, smiling when he rolled his eyes.
“Anything in your power?”
His cock brushed against you, still hard and leaking.  You spread your legs to try to open yourself up for him again.  Needing to feel him against you.  Needing to feel him in you.
“Only you, Copia.  That’s all.”  He smiled, ducking his head down for a moment to collect himself.  When he raised it up again his smile was wide and you couldn’t help but match it while you brushed his hair off his forehead again.  “At least for right now.”
He dropped his head into the crook of your shoulder, his body quaking with laughter.  You took the opportunity to wrap a leg around his waist and press yourself against his cock.  His laughter turned into a deep groan and he quickly rose up to kiss you roughly.  The taste of yourself on his lips had you whimpering, chasing the taste with your tongue.  You angled your hips so his cock brushed against your cunt and he broke away quickly with a growl.
You couldn’t find the strength to respond, you had become so desperate for him.  Desperate for him to enter you and make you his.  You continued to rock your hips against him, wanting him so badly you felt delirious with it.  When he began to move back you tightened your leg, worried he was going to move away.  Copia whispered something soft in Italian towards you before dropping another kiss to your lips.
He stayed close, but moved away enough to settle more comfortably between your legs.  You watched with bated breath as he stroked his cock, his eyes briefly falling shut.  Feeling bold you reached out and covered his hand with yours, helping him pleasure himself.  He called you a she-devil again under his breath but you just smiled and continued to touch him.  His cock was hot and throbbing, twitching almost desperately towards you.
“Are you ready, Principessa?”  
You nodded desperately, your mouth falling open when he gently removed your hand from his cock and began to press himself against your entrance.  Your body welcomed him, opening around the head of his cock and stretching as he pushed inside.  You wrapped your arms around his back and clung to him.  Worried that if you let go he would disappear and that this would be a dream.  A sob left you and Copia immediately pulled back so he could see your face.
“I’m sorry, I just…I thought I wouldn’t see you again and now…”
“You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”  
Copia started to pull out, his cock dragging along your walls slowly for just a moment before he pushed back in.  He continued to move like that until he was finally fully inside of you, his hips flush against yours.  You kept your arms tight around him, holding him close so his face was hovering over yours.
The moonlight still highlighted his face and your eyes traced his freckles as your body adjusted to him being inside of you.  The silver in his hair shone just like his white eye and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling up at him.  You had to tell him, you couldn’t hold back anymore.
“I love you.”
You weren’t sure what to expect, you weren’t even sure he felt the same but it didn’t matter.  You needed him to know.  Copia let out a breath, lowering his head to kiss you briefly before pulling up with a smile on his face.
“E ti amo.”
He leaned down to kiss you again, over and over along your lips and cheeks and nose.  
“I love you, Principessa.  More than I can say and more than I have any right to.”  He moved away then, holding himself up by his hands as he stared down at you.  Slowly he began to pull his cock out, stopping when only the tip was inside of you.  “You’re mine.  Forever.”
He pushed back in, slow and steady.  You pressed your head back against the pillow as your body took him, the stretch delicious.  Copia stayed flush against you, watching your face like he was waiting for something.  You let out a breathless laugh as you wrapped both your legs around his waist and kept him close.
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Go to Chapter 13: And You Can Hold Me
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 8 months
Interviews for New Beginnings: Part 3
Alfie Solomons x Fem!Reader
Words: 4,990, Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Sexism, Arguing, Man trying to get with reader.
A/N: AAAHHHH PART 3?!!? Guys this is so much fun for me and I'm so glad you guys are having fun too. Is it weird that I feel like we are doing this together? Also guys just to warn you... we are getting a little angsty,,, a little violent... So if you are not into it, comment and I will give you the general plot of this chapter if it become too much! Anyway please enjoy, love you guys so much! And if I forgot to add you to the taglist I am so sorry! Just lemme know and I'll amend it! And if you need to see the other parts, click the tag with the title of the series, and it should have all the parts together! Ok I’m done!
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The home of Alfie Solomons was the quintessential diorama of an old man's bachelor pad. Despite the anxious and angsty attempts by his elderly maid Sarah, the home still carried the air of a man who not only preferred to be left alone, but also had no plans of adding anyone into his inner sanctum. There was paper and documents strewn about, half read books piled by his favorite chair, a hosting bar cart that was looking more ancient than him, and a massive dog making his home on the floor in front of the roaring fire. Alfie silently thanked Sarah for her efforts. Sarah was the best housekeeper he could have ever asked for, she was essentially silent, and did not scold him for the ever present animal pen he kept. Then only things she asked for was to be paid on time, for her Sabbath to be uninterrupted, and to be warned ahead of time if there was to be company. Luckily, he never had to concern her with the last item.
With a grunt he landed on his favorite chair, studying the unused love seat and the matching chair to his that sat across from him. It was a set that was meant to host, that was meant to have visitors and entertain. He had no idea why he bought them, they looked exactly as they did when he bought them three years ago. Untouched. And yet he couldn't help but imagine you sitting so prettily on the chair beside him. With every inhale he could smell the lingering scent of you on his jacket lapel. Clean, like plain soap and fresh air. A kiss of lavender oil that washed over him as you flipped your hair out of your face. He could see so clearly you laughing at his jokes, pouring out tea for you and him, rubbing Cyrils face and giggling at Alfie's gruffness. He could see you darning a small sock...
With a groan Alfie rubbed the visions out of his eyes like a dream. Because that's what it was isn't it? A stupid stupid dream. You were so... fresh and sweet and... frustrating and loud and obnoxious and such a know it all and... beautiful and kind and smart and...
Alfie huffed and got up to beg for sleep in his room, but his head on the pillow only ran through these reveries even more. You were much to young. 10 years his junior at least. You were pure and kind, and he was a bad man. It was an unequal yoke to carry. He had killed people in the war and at home. He had manipulated and schemed to get this. And you deserved more. You deserved a good man, a softer man. Someone who lived a quiet life and could give you a life above board, where you never had to look over your shoulder. Someone who was gentle and wouldn't argue with you, would just treat you like the Queen of Sheba. That is what you deserved. Not some old gangster with a bad back and dozens of men plotting his demise. With a sigh he resolved his promise. He would take care of you as long as you let him. Protect you from all the mess and nonsense of this job, and let you be the girl you are. And when it was time to let you go... he'd let you go. He could protect you and honor you ask long as you'd let him, but when the right man came along, he’d let you leave, knowing that you were safe. And with a sigh he rolled over, letting himself sleep for a few hours, his mind slipping off into a world where you maybe chose him, and made that other chair your favorite.
Across Camden you had just finished explaining to your mother that your very kind boss had just brought you home after a late night in the office. You had to assure her that you were safe and that he was very respectable, that no danger was present. Though the constant worrying and fussing irritated you sometimes, she was a good woman, a good mother, who just wanted the best for her oldest child.
Your mother and father got married incredibly young, and were forced to become acquainted with the world and it’s imbalances even earlier. Where you still got to be young and childless and educated, your mother at your age had already had you, and was working in the family tailors shop full time. The day you realized your mother could scarcely write her name, you heard your mother sobbing to your father late in the evening. It was then that you resolved to do your best in everything, making sure your mothers sacrifices weren’t in vain. And if it took a little white lie to keep her from having a heart attack? Well… it would be worth it.
“Ah I just don’t know darling, that seems awfully forward don’t you think? I don’t even remember your father being alone with me ever until our wedding night? Are we sure he is a good man? Do you have anything with you in your purse darling?”
“Mama I promise you everything is fine. I think his insistence in NOT letting me walk home is evidence enough yes?”
Your mother fiddled with the end of her long braid, a habit indicating her anxiety, a motion you know well, “Mmm I suppose… but darling I just worry. Young women now… very very independent and it is good but… oh I just don’t want you to be taken advantage of darling. Will you take a weapon or something with you?”
You laughed, and maybe you shouldn’t laugh at your own mother. But… oh it is your mother!!! The sweet woman that she was! Who refused to go to sleep without a candle, and forbid your father from cleaning his gun around her, and dropped many a plate due to loud noises… what does she know about a weapon!! “Mama what weapon?! Shall I bring a hand gun to work? Mama none of us know how to use a gun, except Papa and Eli! I’m ok I promise! My boss is not a dangerous man!”
From her place in the kitchen cabinet you heard her speak, “Oh hush! Of course not a gun!! You are absolutely ridiculous. No just take this pocket knife ok? Oh please don’t look so disturbed! It is in good condition and your father got it for me when he would have to work late at the tailors! Will just put it in your work bag please? For your poor mother? If you love me you’ll do it!”
With a laugh and a kiss on her soft cheek you affirmed her, “Of course mama, I could never refuse your gifts. Now now mama don’t be cross i am not teasing! Just promise me you don’t worry about me anymore! I am a grown woman and I am very capable of taking care of things. I learned from the best yeah?”
You mother nodded and kissed your cheek back, patting your head, “Yes yes. Well thank you my love. Now I’m off to bed, and you should too. Sleep well my darling.”
As you prepared for bed you felt a heaviness in the pit of your stomach. What would your mother say when she found out you had been lying to her? What if she did find out? What if she sees you with Alfie in the street? No no it wasn’t possible. Your mother hadn’t left this side of Camden in a decade, and she hates going farther than two blocks. No no it’s fine. You’re fine. And technically, it wasn’t a complete lie! No Alfie was honorable! And he was sweet! And he was handsome… and kind…. and smart… and rugged… if he weren’t a gangster you would’ve probably been matched with him… to be his wife.. No no! No what a childish fantasy. Those are the thoughts of a love struck child. He was your boss and that was it! So what if he was handsome? You were his secretary and that was it! And if he somehow decided to… promote you… you allowed a giggle to leave your chest as you blew out the lamp next to you. Tomorrow is another day.
Soon you developed a routine with Alfie, and the next few months seemed to fly like a wonderful dream. During the week you woke up, making yourself and Alfie lunch for day. The walk to the bakery was typically a lovely and brisk one, with the rising sun being your partner.
Upon arriving at the office, you make quick work of saying hello to the regular faces, and sneaking a sweet treat to Ollie. You set the kettle on, making sure a nice hot cup is ready for you and Alfie upon his arrival. A healthy amount of milk and sugar for you. Almost no milk for Alfie, but extra sugar. Then the daily schedule needs to be attended to. After working with Alfie for a few months you’ve developed a system of who gets what treatment. Some names get tea and a pleasant seat. Some get very bitter tea and must stand the entire time while they wait. Some get absolutely nothing, and are made to stand with their back to Alfie’s door, wondering how they will be summoned. Shot or call. During the meetings you take copious notes. Partially to make sure you don’t miss anything that Alfie will need to call upon later, partially to make visitors nervous about what is being recorded. You had become quite the necessary tool for Alfie. You added a certain glamour and class to the office. A sort of authority in the way you walked that continued to make weak men sweat in the office. Alfie’s favorite part of these meetings was having you re-read what was said, noticing that you added a certain something to keep the pressure on the other party. You were proving yourself an absolute natural.
It was during a day like this when Alfie came back from a ‘social visit’ with a big smile on his face, “Shalom treacle!! Get your coat darling we’re going out!”
You looked up from the calendar you were organizing, “Shalom Alfie, what do you mean we are going out? You have an appointment at 2, and you need to look at the numbers from last week and-“
“Hush woman, fuck the meeting I said we are going out.”
He grabbed your long coat from the hook, and held it open for you to put it on, “Now my love we have very special things today. You remember the gaming club Tommy mentioned? Well he found a place right? And today we are going to look at it and get a price for it.”
As you put your arms through the sleeves, and grabbed your scarf from Alfie you can’t help but question, “But what does this have to do with me? Why do you want me there?”
Alfie then finished his dressing of you by handing you your bag and offering you his arm, “What does this have to do with you? What does this have to do with you? Have I heard that right? Well my dear you put the fear of the devil himself into men like no other. Make them piss themselves. No no don’t laugh treacle it’s true! I need you to strike fear in the hearts of these sinners and help me find the holes. Think you can do it darling?”
The way he smiled at you… it made you want to do anything and everything for him. You smiled and nodded, “Let’s get on with it then.”
Alfie smiled even greater at the small smirk that played on your beautiful lips. He loved it when you worked with him like this. You walked arm and arm, laughing and carrying on like mischievous children ready to prank their teacher. You arrive at the possible location still laughing when you meet Thomas Shelby, and two other men, who you can only assume are the other Shelby brothers that you’ve heard so much about. Your eyes meet with Tommy’s, and you feel your stomach drop at the wink he gives you before walking toward you and Alfie. “Alfie, glad you could make it, “ he stoops down to grab your hand and kiss it, “Good to see you again darling. Let me introduce you to my brothers.”
You’re introduced to both Arthur and John. Your eyes soften at both their faces. John’s eyes show a soft mirth, a sweetness of a young man who still has so much to learn, much like Eli. Arthur… just looking at him your heart is heavy. You don’t know anything about him but his eyes look sad, and there is a weight to his shoulders that make you already feel quite sorry for him.
It takes about three flights of stairs to reach the top floor of the building. It's musty, clearly has not been used for some time, there are cobwebs and piles of dust over every counter, and the once white cloths covering the tables are now a dingy gray. Your wide eyes look up and around the space, clutching your notepad and pen to your chest, "What did this place used to be?"
Tommy answered, "It was once a bar, a little club run by some young idiot who thought he knew his way around this business. Couldn't make it past a year. Now.... it's been sitting vacant. Waiting for us."
You stray from Alfie's side, making notes of everything that would need to be done, "What all is included in the sale?"
"Everything. Tables, counters, fixtures, chairs. All for a reasonable price if you ask me."
"Mmmm Alfie will be the judge of that I think. Alfie, the wall paper will need to be redone yes? I think a richer color on the walls."
Alfie looked at Tommy and smiled, "Yes you're quite right treacle. A wine red yeah? Something indicative of the debauchery of such a hell hole."
"Mmm yes. Tommy, John, Arthur... how stable is this bar counter? How much would it cost to replace it?"
And so went the rest of the afternoon. You milling around the space making notes and sketches, and supplementing with the comments of the men in the room, who may or may not have been following you like ducklings. John and Arthur pulled curtains to let light in, and frankly John was more than willing to do what it took to gain a pleased smile from you. Once adequate notes had been taken, everyone sat around a table, waiting for the agent to come by and agree to a price.
During this part of the meeting, you tended to hold your tongue, only responding to when Alfie asked you to ‘refresh’ his memory on a particular point. It was these parts of the meetings that you could really see Alfie work his magic. Tommy Shelby and Alfie Solomons couldn’t be more different. Where Tommy was smooth and steady in tone, Alfie was a hurricane. A bear of a man who ripped things to shreds. Though on the surface it looked as though Alfie was merely destroying and rebuilding on a whim, there was a method. Study his opponent, memorize the motions and responses to his moves, and utilize it against them. Use previous information to flip and return on his enemy. It was a studied craft. Something you knew that had worked on for a long time. It was an art piece, and with every wink he threw your way, it was clear it was not just an act, but a piece of him. He was a gangster, through and through.
Soon enough, a deal was reached, and a plan was set in place for renovations to start the very next day. And in accordance with their 50/50 split, equal men of Shelby’s and Solomons’ men would be taking part in the work. All the men shook hands, you nodded and smiled at the Shelbys, quick to rebuff Tommy’s offer to take your hand again. Alfie seemed to be in a particularly good mood, and as you walked out of the building, he looked at you and said, “Oi... you hungry?"
You stopped and peered up in his eyes that were partially obscured by the wide brim of his hat, "Mr. Solomons are you asking me to dinner?"
He rolled his eyes, "Oh goodness... see this is why you can never be nice right? Because there you go... being cheeky with me... can never be a yes or no with you yeah? It's always got to be something with you innit? I mean - "
"Alfie Alfie! Yes I am hungry! Now take me to dinner and buy me a drink yeah?" You laughed at his blustering and grabbed his arm, making him meet your eyes, he huffed in response but couldn't keep the smile off his face.
"Buy you a drink yeah buy you a drink! Buy you a hobby so you stop harassing old men. I mean don't you have anything better to do than just be mean to your old boss?"
You laughed as you both walked away down the street, "What do you mean a hobby? My whole life now is just doing your bidding isn't it? And someone must keep you humble, all that business makes your head explode."
You let Alfie lead you to a clandestine pub a few blocks away, shrouded by family businesses and laughing people. As soon as Alfie walked in, the wait staff scurried around, clearing a table in the corner for both you and Alfie. Soon enough you had been given food and drink, and you felt increasingly more relaxed in your seat, facing away from the door opposite of Alfie. You allowed yourself to day dream in the comfortable silence you occupied. It didn't feel like dinner with your boss. It felt like dinner with a friend. Dinner with more than a friend. You imagined about what it would be like with Alfie all the time. To spend the afternoon with him walking through town, enjoying the sun and the conversation. To be taken to dinner with him, meet with friends and repeating faces. To be taken back home with him... sit in front of his fire... to fall asleep with him...
"Hello... treacle??" You're knocked out of your reverie with Alfie's bejeweled fingers waving in front of your face.
"Oh my gosh Alfie I'm so sorry! Yes whats wrong?"
Alfie laughed heartily head thrown back, "Goodness darling your mind must've been in fucking Timbuktu! I was asking if you wanted another drink?"
You felt the heat flush to your ears and cheeks and chuckled in your embarassment, "Oh my goodness I'm so embarrassed. No no I'm fine Alfie thank you. You go, I'll keep our table."
Alfie nodded and went to the bar to grab another glass of Rum. You proceeded to look around the cozy pub when a man slid into Alfie's seat. "Well hello beautiful. Mind if I sit here?"
Your eyes rushed to him. Young. Could be handsome if he cared to bathe and wash the stink of liquor off of him and change his shirt. His eyes were bloodshot, and he was sweaty. Stupid. Clearly so. "I'm sorry but you must be mistaking me for someone else. I'm here with my boss and you are sitting in his seat."
He sneered and winked at you, "Oh I saw the old man alright. Solomons yeah, I know him. I'm not too worried about the old man darling. Why don't you come sit with me yeah? I promise I am much more pleasant company."
The irritation was brewing in your stomach, but in truth you didn't want to cause a scene, "If you know Mr. Solomons then you either have a death wish or you are stupid. Please leave and get away from me. Mr. Solomons will not be happy to see you in his seat."
"You calling me stupid?"
"I am. You are clearly an imbecile, and a drunk one at that, now if you excuse me."
You proceeded to get up to find Alfie, when the man stood up and grabbed your arm, "You dumb bitch, how dare you get up. I'm trying to be nice to you!"
The table fell over with a clatter, and you began to scream, "Get off of me!!"
Before you could say another word Alfie came through wretching the man's hand off your arm, squeezing the man's neck."Now you listen to me right? You apologize to the young lady right now."
The young man's face began to slowly turn red, but he managed to splutter out, "Or what? You're gonna hit me with your cane?"
Alfie only seemed to squeeze tighter, and you saw something in Alfie's eyes that you've never seen before. It scared you. "No... no no... this is what's going to happen. If you don't apologize to the sweet young lady here. I will kill you. If you do apologize, I will not kill you. Now I think... I think that is a pretty generous offer yeah? And little man... I think you know who I am. And I think you know that killing little vermin like you doesn't bother me the least bit yeah? So what will it be? Quickly now!"
Without Alfie letting go, the slowly purpling face gasped out, "I'm sorry. I'm so... sorry ma'am."
You nodded back, feeling bile rise in your throat. Alfie dropped the man unceremoniously on the floor with a crack of the table. Without looking away from the gasping man he yelled to seemingly no one and everyone, "OUT!"
Every patron but you and the owner scrambled out with out a second thought. The bar owner locked the door and went to the back, and you felt your pulse quicken ringing in your ears. The sick in your stomach swirling. Alfie circled the still gasping man, who had bruises blooming on his throat, "Now... who taught you to grab women like that eh? Who said that was ok?"
The man didn't respond, and in anger Alfie kicked him right in the ribs. You screamed behind your hands as you heard the sickening thud and crack. Alfie grabbed the man by the collar and shoved him against the wall, 'WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? YOU THINK YOU CAN GRAB MY SECRETARY! YOU CAN GRAB MY GUEST?"
The young man began to sob, begging, and saying he was sorry. Alfie only continued, "Oh you crying now yeah? I thought you said you knew about me and weren't scared. That's why you thought you could harass my sweet secretary yeah? Well let me get you better acquainted."
With that, you saw the Mad Baker of Camden for the first time. Beating and beating and beating the man in front of you. Blood coating the knuckles of Alfie, as the young man's face proceeded to take the most brutal beating of it's life. You tried to stay quiet but it became too much, "ALFIE ENOUGH! It's enough Alfie!"
He paused, fist mid air as the man quivered underneath him. Alfie turned to you, "Enough? It's enough?? This man touched you without your permission and this is enough?!"
"You're going to kill him Alfie! Please enough!"
"I determine when it's enough!"
And he went back to punching him, growing more and more wrathful. And it became too much when the groans stopped, but the punches didn't. All you could do was scream at Alfie and weep. When Alfie finally finished and was heaving, you shoved a napkin in Alfie's hand and left without a word.
You began walking down the street, the tears streaming down your face. You didn't want anyone to see you crying, and the slowly setting sun aided. It was going to be an hour walk home. Your feet will hurt by the end of the night. But you didn't care. You needed the walk. You needed the air. You needed the scent of blood out of your nose and the sight of Alfie out of your mind. You had walked for who knows how long when you heard Alfie's voice yelling over the sound of a car, "Get in the car NOW!"
You looked over your shoulder, Alfie was yelling your name out the window of the car, with Ollie driving. You turned your head back and kept walking forward. You kept hearing Alfie curse, yelling your name, "Stop being a child and get in. DO AS I SAY NOW!"
You tried to keep walking, but in a dangerous move the car sped and swerved in front of you, blocking your walk. You gasped as Alfie got out of the car, with a red stained, jeweled finger in your face, "Listen to me... you stop this act. You get in the car right now. You can be angry at me all you want but listen to me... you do not walk home alone. You work for me, you don't walk alone at night. Now. Get. In. The. Fucking. Car."
Tears were still streaming down your face, and you were so so angry with him, but you didn't have a choice. And your feet were hurting. With a huff you walk in the car, not letting him hold the door open for you. You sat in your seat, nodding at a very embarrassed looking Ollie. As soon as Alfie sat next to you, you stared out the window, looking at all the apartments whose occupants were definitely not listening in to your argument. You sat in silence for a few moments, but you couldn't hold it in any longer, "That was too far Alfie."
"I decide what is too far."
"You could have killed him."
"And the world would be better for it."
"You cannot treat people like that Alfie. He was just a child."
"A child who definitely would have hurt another woman in the future, he needed to learn a lesson."
You turned to him then, "Oh and that's how people are taught then yeah? Beating them to a bloody pulp any time they make you upset?"
He leaned in to your face, getting dangerously quiet, "This is my life darling. This is what you signed up for."
You scoffed, "I did not sign up to be a witness to you being a beast! This is not a way to live! This is heinous! You don't have a right to treat people this way!"
You didn't realize your volume, or the way your heart was racing. You were heaving, tears streaming down your face. His eyes... fixated on you. There was rage but you knew it wasn't at you, "I have every right darling. This is the life that has been given to me. Everything that I have, everything that I can give to you, Ollie, and the rest of the men in that distillery, is because of what I do. This world that we live in darling? You think that's fair? Nah... that ain't fair. If you want anything in this life... you need to take it. Grab it with both hands and never let go and never let anyone else take it. This is the way this world works beloved. This. This is what you signed up for. Now either grow up... or don't come back to the office."
You breath stopped. You didn't even consider that option. You felt more tears fall as you turn to face the window again. The rest of the car ride was in agonizing silence. You hated every minute. Alfie made no noise except a huff. After an infinity, you finally reached your home before you could move Alfie put his hand out, "Don't get up yet."
He grumbled as he got out of the car, looked around at both ends of the street, and then went to your door, opening it and helping you out. You refused to meet his eyes but you took his hand. You also let him walk you to the door, and as you reached for the door, you hear him cough and say, "I want you back at the office treacle alright? Course I do. But you really need to decide whether you can handle this. I hate seeing you upset I do darling. But this is who I am. This is the business. Now you need to decide if you can do it. Alright?"
You nodded your head limply. He just patted your head, feeling sick in his stomach, "Alright then. I'll know your answer if I don't see you tomorrow. Good night sweet heart."
"Goodnight Alfie." You whispered, turning your back quickly to run upstairs. Alfie would drive home in complete silence that night, agonizing about what would happen.
You ran past your whole family gathered around mending the laundry in the sitting room. You refused to tell you mother what happened, and didn't let Eli in your room. When your younger sister asked you what was wrong, you just cried in her chubby baby arms, while she patted your head with her child palms. You cried in your pillow, reliving the vision you saw, wondering what to do. You didn't want to see that kind of violence, you had never seen anything like that. But you loved this job. You loved your freedom. You loved spending time in the office, laughing with Alfie and meeting new people. You tossed and turned all night, but sleep would not take you. It was well past midnight when you finally felt the exhaustion of the day creep its' fingers over your eyes.
And then you smelled the smoke.
Tag List: @jokersqueenofchaos @hoodeddreams13 @satur9-saturnalia
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sequinsmile-x · 7 days
Receiving & Giving Gifts
Five times the team witness Aaron & Emily's gift-giving skills, and one time they didn't.
The final part of my series of unrelated oneshots, each one dedicated to one of the five main Love Languages.
Hi friends,
Hope you are all okay!
This one massively got away from me, shock horror I know, and is based on an ask I got about a fic with the team point of view when Aaron and Emily buy each other things, with a focus on the fact Emily is rich af.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this and please let me know what you think <3
Words: 5.6k
Warnings: pregnancy, a LOT of fluff
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Dave liked to pretend he knew they were together from the start.
Emily always called him out on it. She’d roll her eyes as she pressed herself closer to Aaron’s side, telling him that he was full of shit as she drank his expensive wine on pasta night. Dave knew Aaron didn’t believe him either, although he was more subtle in his attempts to let him know that, and he was fine with that.
If Dave was honest, he had no idea until Aaron and Emily told them. It made him look back at every moment he could think of over the previous eight months to see if there was anything he’d missed, any sign he’d overlooked. His friends were worryingly good at keeping secrets, something he’d already known about Emily once her past with Ian Doyle had come out, but it was news about Aaron. He’d always been private, always played his cards close to his chest, but Dave had always liked to think he could read him like a book. 
Even now, six months after Emily and Aaron had come clean about their relationship, it was strange to see them together sometimes. They were professional at work, called each other Hotch and Prentiss and kept their distance unless the other was hurt, but outside of work, things were different. They’d always be huddled together somewhere, sometimes lost in their own little world as they had a conversation no one else was privy to. They were soft with each other, tender in a way he wouldn’t believe if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes. 
It was what they both deserved, the gentle life they both had earned after waging through fire to make it to the other side. 
He smiles as he watches them walk into the office together, how Emily knocks her shoulder against Aaron’s as they walk through the glass doors before they step apart from each other. They exchange a quick look, a soft smile that passes from his face to hers, and then they go their separate ways. - Emily towards their desk and Aaron towards the kitchenette where Dave is standing. 
“Morning,” Dave says, smiling behind his mug of coffee as he lifts it to take a sip. Aaron smiles at his friend and grabs two mugs and places them on the counter. 
“Morning,” he replies, reaching for the coffee pot and pouring it into the two mugs, “You’re in early.” 
“Thought I’d try and beat the traffic,” Dave says, watching his friend as he reaches for the box of Splenda packets, his sleeve shifting up just enough to expose his wrist and the new watch Dave had never seen before. Even at a glance, he knew it was expensive, that it was worth more than anything else he’d ever seen Aaron wear and his smile gets wider, “That’s a nice watch.”
Aaron smiles as he dumps two Splenda’s into Emily’s coffee, “Thanks. It’s from Emily,” he says, a look that always shone in his eyes when he spoke about his girlfriend briefly flashing through them, “She bought it for me because of what happened last week.” 
Dave nods in understanding. Aaron’s watch had been damaged in the takedown of the unsub in their most recent case, its glass face smashed against the floor as the guy made a run for it. Aaron had walked away without a scratch on him, which was something that Emily had made sure the EMTs confirmed before they left the scene. His smile turns into a smirk as he looks at the watch again. 
It was something he’d noticed almost as soon as they told everyone they were together. They bought each other gifts frequently. Aaron would bring Emily flowers. She’d buy his favourite dessert and they’d both pretend it was for her, Aaron’s denial of his sweet tooth long established, and they’d eat it together. They were always small things. Tokens of affection that reminded the other that they were there, that they loved each other. 
This was the first big purchase he’d seen, a rare show of Emily’s wealth that he couldn’t help but smile at. 
“Nice to have the finer things in life, huh?” 
Aaron frowns as he turns to look at him, “What do you mean?” 
“The watch,” Dave says, nodding towards it, “It’s got to be worth $10,000.” 
Aaron’s eyes go almost comically wide as he briefly looks over at his girlfriend, her focus on trying to get her computer working so she could start her day, and then he looks back at Dave, “It’s…it cost $10,000? That’s more than I spent on my first car. A lot more.” 
Dave chuckles and pats him on the shoulder, “Like I said, nice to have the finer things in life,” he says, winking at him, “It pays to have a girlfriend who’s rich.”
Aaron hums thoughtfully before he excuses himself, both coffees in hand as he walks back over towards Emily. Dave watches intently as they have a quiet discussion, Emily’s brow furrowing as she looks back and forth between Aaron and his watch, the flush to her cheeks obvious even from where Dave is standing. 
He finds it amusing until Aaron walks up to his office and Emily turns to look at Dave, her eyes narrowed as she glares at him across the room. He clears his throat and sips his coffee, hoping he’d be able to get through the day without her carrying out whatever revenge she was clearly already planning.
To say she was delighted when Aaron asked for her help was an understatement. 
She’d actually had to cover her mouth to contain her squeal when he walked into her office, a nervous expression on his face that she’d never seen before, and asked for her help to buy an engagement ring for Emily. 
It’s how she finds herself in a jewellery store with him on a Saturday morning, her body almost vibrating with excitement as she looks in all of the cases, her eyes shifting from ring to ring as Aaron does the same. 
“Where does Peaches think you are today?” She asks as she looks up, suppressing a smile at the slightly bewildered look on his face as he stares at the rings in front of them.
“She thinks I’m with Dave,” he replies, a smile flashing across his face, “Something about helping him build furniture.”
Penelope chuckles, “Does he know about that?” 
Aaron nods as he looks back at the engagement rings in front of them, “He does,” he smiles, a rare smile she only ever saw on his face when he was thinking about Emily, “He’s still trying to get back into her good books after the incident with the watch.” 
She has to suppress a smile at that, pressing her lips together as she fights a laugh at the memory of Dave coming to her, furious and insisting that there was something wrong with the firewall because he was being inundated with marketing emails from companies he’d never heard of. It turned out Emily had signed him up for several different mailing lists to get him back for freaking Aaron out about the watch she’d bought him.
The emails were still occasionally coming through even all these weeks later, and Emily never failed to find amusement in it when Dave would groan in irritation. 
Penelope looks at the watch and smiles, “It’s a very nice watch,” she says, “And we have to get her a very nice ring.” 
He chuckles humorlessly, “Not $10,000 nice though,” he quips, “I don’t have that kind of money, and it wouldn’t feel right to buy a ring with her money.” 
She can see the insecurity that flashes across his face, a moment of vulnerability that was rare in itself but seems even more obvious in the casual clothes he’s wearing, the lack of his suit, something he always wore like armour, making it stand out. She sighs sympathetically and tilts her head as she looks up at him.
“Sir,” she starts, her cheeks going warm when he raises his eyebrow at her, something she knows is a silent reminder that she didn’t have to call him that, “Hotch,” she corrects herself, “Emily loves you. She’d love anything you gave her - even if it was one of those ring pops.” 
He chuckles and nods, his shoulders relaxing slightly as his gaze drifts back to the display case full of rings, “You’re right.” 
“I so often am,” she replies, smiling widely when he looks back at her, “Now,” she says, standing back at the case and looking at the rings with a level of concentration she usually only had at work, “As much as I am a fan of getting the flashiest diamond possible, we both know Emily would want something she could wear at work. So we need to pick something she can wear with gloves at a crime scene.” 
Aaron nods and blows out a slow breath, “It wasn’t this complicated last time.” 
She smiles sadly when she looks at him, “When you proposed to Haley?” 
“I used her mother’s ring,” he says, giving her a rare insight into his life. She doesn’t push, doesn’t ask any more questions in case he stops, she simply stands there and waits for him to carry on, “I was fresh out of college and broke and…she was close to her parents,” he says as he looks at her, “So it seemed like the right thing to do,” his lips curl into a half smile, his dimples slowly appearing in his cheeks, “Emily on the other hand…”
“Isn’t close to her mother,” she finishes for him and he nods, chuckling humourlessly as he looks back at the rings. 
“No she is not,” he replies, not saying anything he knows Emily wouldn’t want him to. His expression changes as he looks at one ring in particular. It was a white gold band with a teardrop diamond. Simple and beautiful and everything Emily would love, “What about that one?” 
Penelope smiles as she leans over the case, familiar happiness warming her from the inside out, “I think it’s perfect.” 
It’s hard to keep it a secret. Love and excitement for her friend bubbling under her skin as she watches Emily go about her days unaware of the upcoming change in her life. She has to stop herself from saying something when Emily tells her Aaron has a date planned but isn’t telling her anything about it, a hint of irritation in her voice Penelope knows she doesn’t mean.
The next morning when they walk into the office, Emily’s smile shining just as brightly as the ring on her finger, Penelope knows it had been a secret worth keeping.
Derek hated the mall. 
He’d never been a fan of them, found them too busy, too loud and the exact opposite of how he liked to spend his free time, but the case with the missing little girl a few years ago had made him hate them even more. 
He planned to get in and out as quickly as possible, a firm plan in his mind to get his mother’s birthday gift and card and then immediately head home. It’s as he’s choosing a card when he hears it, a laugh he’d recognise anywhere in one of the other aisles. He smiles to himself as he goes to investigate, his smile only getting wider when he spots Emily and Jack standing huddled together, a card in the little boy’s hands as he looks at it thoughtfully. 
Derek still felt guilty sometimes about his initial reaction to finding out Emily and Aaron were together. He’d never been one to react to change well, something his mother often told him, and he knew he hadn’t on this occasion. He’d been standoffish, only talking to them both when he had to. It had culminated in Emily yelling at him, her irritation finally getting the better of her as she told him to get his head out of his ass, that she was happy and that she deserved to be. 
It took Aaron getting hurt, a minor injury only a few weeks after they told the team that they were together, for him to realise how much they actually cared for each other. He saw with his own eyes that the relationship he was convinced was nothing more than a fling that would fizzle out was so much more than that. Concern flowing off of Emily like he’d never seen before until she saw Aaron herself, the relief palpable as she threw herself at him only to pull back immediately when he grimaced slightly. 
Ever since then, he’d watch them together when they thought no one was watching. Observe as they focused only on each other. He’d done so at their wedding as the guests slowly left, his eyes fixed on them as they slow danced together on the empty dance floor, letting themselves be led by the love they had for each other in place of the music that was no longer playing. 
He takes a moment to watch her with Jack, her focus entirely on the little boy who now called her Mom. She’d always been good with kids, he knew that, but seeing her as a mother was something else entirely. 
Something that, if his hunch was right, she’d be doing more of soon. 
She’d been different lately. Exhausted all the time but turning coffee every time it was offered to her and turning her nose up at food anytime someone ate in front of her. Penelope had mentioned that she knew they were trying for a baby and he couldn’t help but wonder if their family would be getting bigger soon. 
He clears his throat to announce his presence, “Fancy seeing you two here.”
Emily smiles as she looks up, and she steps towards him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug, “Derek, hi. What are you doing here?” 
He pulls back, “Getting my mom’s birthday present,” he says, winking at Jack, “What about you two?” 
Emily opens her mouth to reply but is cut off as Jack excitedly replies, “It’s Father’s Day soon so we are getting Daddy’s card and present.” 
Derek ruffles the little boy's hair, “That sounds great buddy,” he says enthusiastically, “What are you getting him?”
“We got his cologne because Mom said he smells nice,” Jack replies, not picking up on how Emily’s cheeks go bright red, her gaze drifting to the floor as she avoid Derek’s eye contact and smirk, “And then a picture of the three of us from the wedding,” he carries on, “And then Mom said she’s got him a surprise.” 
Derek smiles as Emily’s eyes briefly go wider before she wraps her arm around Jack, “Come on sweetie, we should leave Uncle Derek to it.”
He shrugs, hiding a smile as he tests his theory, “I have time for a slice of pizza at the food court if you guys do.”
Emily almost turns green, visibly swallowing thickly as she shakes her head, her free hand briefly pressing against her stomach, “That’s okay,” she says, smiling tightly, “We were just there and Jack had something to eat,” she looks down at the little boy, “You ready to go?” 
Jack nods and smiles and waves at Derek, “Bye Uncle Derek.”
“Bye Little Hotch,” he says, fist bumping Jack and smiling when Emily rolls her eyes at him, “Bye, Em.”
“See you at work on Monday, Derek.” 
A month later, when they announce Emily is pregnant, he smiles and then immediately goes to Penelope’s office to get the $20 she owed him. 
“I am so uncomfortable.” 
JJ hums sympathetically at her friend as she sits back in the booth they are both in, a soft smile spreading across her face as she watches her friend rub her hand on her belly, “Your back?”
Emily grumbles as she tries to get comfortable, “Everything,” she complains, shifting again, “I feel so full of baby and food. I have no idea how I’ll cope when I’m further along.”
JJ chuckles and raises her eyebrow at her, “I guess you probably won’t have room for two desserts when you’re further along.” 
Emily narrows her eyes at her, “The cake was good,” she replies defensively, “It doesn’t help that the mattress in our room is a piece of crap.” 
“It’s bad in my room too,” JJ replies, checking her watch, “Where did Hotch get to?”
“He had to stay at the precinct,” Emily says, smiling as she rubs her hand on her stomach again, “I was going to wait but he told me to come get some food. He knows I’ve been eyeing up this diner since the moment we arrived.”  
JJ smiles at her friend, “Well, I’ll always be free to go out and eat with you.” 
She laughs and nods at her, “You’re a good friend,” she winces and rubs a firm circle on her bump, “She won’t stop kicking,” she smiles and sighs contentedly, “She never stops. I haven’t slept properly in weeks.” 
“Totally worth it though, right?”
Emily smiles and nods, her lips pressed together as she tries to contain the joy that JJ knew she still wasn’t sure she deserved, “Totally worth it.” 
They both look towards the diner’s front door when the bell indicating it was open rings, and Emily’s smile gets impossibly wider when Aaron walks in, a large Target bag in his hand. He smiles when he sees them and walks over, kissing Emily as he slips into the booth next to her.
“Hi sweetheart.” 
“Hi,” she replies, kissing him again, “I thought you had to stay behind to work and you went shopping?” 
He clears his throat and JJ finds the flush that tints his cheeks pink adorable and she can’t help but interrupt, enjoying the insight into their lives that she wasn’t privy to, “I didn’t even know this town had a Target.”
He looks back and forth between her and Emily, sighing at the teasing grins on their faces and he smiles tightly, “There isn’t,” he says, passing the bag over to Emily, “But there is one the next town over so I went to get this for you.” 
Emily frowns curiously, “Honey, the next town is an hour away…” She drifts off as she opens the plastic bag, her eyes shining as she pulls a U-shaped pillow out of it, “You bought me a pregnancy pillow?”
He nods as if it is obvious, “You were uncomfortable and the mattress in our room is terrible. I know you have one at home but I thought this could be one we brought on cases until you stay back,” he says, reaching over and tucking some of her hair behind her ear, sneakily catching a tear that JJ thinks he didn’t know she’d seen, “I’ll carry it for you and everything.” 
Emily shakes her head at him and leans in to kiss him, her hand on his cheek as she pulls back, “I love you,” she says, kissing him again, “You’re the best husband I’ve ever had.” 
“I’m the only husband you’ve ever had,” he quips, and she laughs, hugging the pillow to her chest. 
“Well, you’re setting the bar pretty high for your replacement,” she jokes and he rolls his eyes before he leans in and kisses her cheek. 
“I’m going to order some of that pie the sign outside claims is the best in the state,” he says, stepping out of the booth, “Do either of you want anything?” 
They both shake their heads and he walks towards the counter, leaving them alone for a couple of minutes. JJ looks at her friend, at how she’s looking at the pregnancy pillow as if it’s the best gift she’s ever been given, Aaron’s thoughtfulness, the fact he’d gone out of his way without being asked to get her something to make her more comfortable, making it worth more than anything else. 
“You okay, Em?”
Emily looks up at her and nods, her lips pressed together as she tries to control her emotions, a slave to her hormones as she had been for months now, “Yeah,” she replies, chuckling at herself as she wipes another tear from her cheek, “I just never thought I’d have all of this, you know?”
JJ nods and reaches over the table, resting her hand over her friends and squeezing, “I know,” she says, squeezing her hand again, “But if anyone deserves it, it’s you and Hotch.” 
Emily blows out a shaky breath and looks over at her husband, smiling as she catches his eye as he stands at the counter, and she nods as she turns back to JJ, “Yeah, I think you might be right.” ___
He was always the first in the office these days.
Aaron and Emily used to get there before him, something he knew was largely down to Aaron, but they didn’t anymore. Ever since Ivy was born 6 months ago they were almost always the last in. The realities of having an infant and a 7-year-old and getting them out of the house in the morning was something that not even Aaron’s efficiency could overcome. 
Spencer sighs as he settles at his desk, his cup of coffee in hand, and he starts to catch up on his paperwork. He greets the team as they come in, always arriving in the same order. First Dave, then Derek, then Penelope. JJ would come next, throwing him a wink as she passed him a pastry she’d bought for him on the way in. She also puts one on Emily’s desk, and it draws his attention to something he hasn’t seen before. 
Just to the right of her computer is a framed photo of Jack and Ivy, the baby girl in her proud brother’s lap, his smile wide as he looks at the camera. Something about it is familiar to Spencer, even though he’s never seen it on Emily’s desk before but it takes him a second to place it. 
Aaron had the same picture on his desk. It was a new feature there too, something he’d never seen before the recent Christmas break, but he’d spotted it the day before when he’d dropped off paperwork in his office. 
“Good morning.” 
He looks up and smiles at Emily as she sits down, a large coffee in her hands as she shrugs off her jacket and yawns.
“Tired?” JJ asks and Emily groans, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Ivy hates sleep,” she complains, turning her chair around, “And she hates anyone else sleeping.” 
“I brought you a pastry.”
Emily groans and tears the paper bag open, “You’re an angel,” she pulls the pastry apart and takes a bite, her gaze drifting to Spencer, her eyebrows furrowing when she spots him staring past her, “You okay, Reid?”
He seemingly snaps out of it, his eyes widening slightly before he clears his throat, his curiosity getting the better of him, “I thought Hotch had that picture on his desk.” 
“Oh,” Emily looks at the framed photo next to her and then back at him, her lips pressed together as she clicks her tongue, “He does.” 
Derek pops his head up, seemingly interested in their conversation now there is a chance to make fun of her, “You have the same photo?”
“It’s a cute photo,” she says, slightly more defensive than she means to be, and she blows out a breath, “We…got it for each other for Christmas.” 
“You got each other the same gift?” Spencer asks, furrowing his brow, “In the same frame?”
Emily pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs, “Yes. We did.” 
Derek laughs and leans back in his chair, “I guess it’s true that couples start to turn into each other after they’ve been together long enough.”
“Shut up Derek,” she replies, narrowing her eyes at him, “My kids are cute and it’s a cute picture.” 
He holds his hand up, barely hiding his smile, “Whatever you say Princess, but the two of you aren’t that far off dressing the same.”
“Actually, Emily and Hotch co-ordinated their outfits long before they were together,” Spencer says, only realising he’d spoken when they all stare at him, varying degrees of amusement on their faces, “His ties matched your shirt often enough I actually thought you were together before you were.” 
He’d never told anyone that he already knew they were together when they told them. He’d spotted them together months ago but kept it to himself, certain that there was a reason Emily and Aaron were keeping it to themselves. Even if he hadn’t seen them, he thinks he would have figured it out. Patterns had started to emerge. They would arrive at work at similar times. They would go to breakfast together at the hotels they stayed at during cases. If one was upset or hurt, the other would disappear alongside them and then when they came back they’d stand a little closer than usual.
He’d never said anything, largely because he knew no one would believe him, but also because he saw no merit in taking their secrecy away from them. It had brought them a kind of peace they both were due, and he wasn’t going to ruin it for them. 
Emily stares at him for a moment before sighing and shaking her head, picking up her coffee and turning her back on them all as she switches on her computer.
“It is far too early in the morning for this.” 
When Aaron walks out of his office, his tie the same shade of red as Emily’s shirt, the team all burst into laughter, something that’s only made worse by his obvious confusion.
Aaron & Emily
There were two things Aaron had always known about Emily.
The first was that she was rich. He hadn’t known quite how rich until they got together and she told him. He’d had to sit down afterwards, his eyes wide as she showed him that she could buy their dream house, that she could buy the whole neighbourhood if she wanted. When he’d finally pulled himself together he could see that she was worried, as if knowing this about her had changed his opinion of her. As if anything could make him be anything less than in awe of her at all times. 
The second thing he’d always known about her was that she was endlessly generous. 
She spent money without thinking about it. She bought dinner for the team on nights when cases got away from them, or paid the tab at the bar on a night out. She bought him a $10,000 watch when his broke. She’d paid for Penelope’s medical bills when she was shot, easily picking up the bits that the FBI insurance didn’t cover, and Aaron had learnt after they became a couple that she’d done the same for him too. That she’d paid out of pocket for him to have the best physio in the state so he could recover as quickly as possible. She always did it quietly, was less flashy than Dave sometimes was with his wealth, something Aaron thought must come down to being ‘old money’ rich instead of ‘new money’ rich, and she never seemed to expect anything in return. 
As much as he loved her for it, for the way she so casually loved him and their children, it sometimes made it impossible to buy her gifts that didn’t feel like they were lacking in comparison. She would never make him feel that way. She’d react to any gift from him or the kids like they’d handed her the stars themselves. 
He feels nothing short of annoyed at himself at how long it takes him to realise it’s the homemade gifts that mean the most to her. How her smile would get wider when she unwrapped a mug that had been made at Ivy’s daycare, her eyes shining with tears when she’d traced her fingers over their daughter’s tiny hand prints and then refused to drink tea out of anything else. How she’d kept every drawing Jack had ever given her, even the ones from before she and Aaron got together, and had her favourites framed and on her desk at work. 
By the time their anniversary comes around, he’s worked on his gift for her for weeks. He’d found old ticket stubs and receipts from dates they’d gone on when they were first together. He carefully stuck them down in a scrapbook, pushing through the frustration when the pages would stick together because he knew she’d love it. He puts in an invitation from their wedding that he’d kept back. Pictures of them all drawn by Jack and copies of the first ultrasound images they had of Ivy. 
He knows he’s not an artist, but by the time he’s done, he’s pleased with it. A scrapbook of their life so far together, pages purposely left blank so he could add to it if she wanted him to. Despite liking it, when it comes to their anniversary he’s nervous, anxiety licking at his insides as he slips it into the gift bag he’d bought. 
He finds her on the couch, dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of leggings, a sleepy smile on her face as she tucks her legs up under herself and pats the spot next to her. 
“Come here, honey,” she says, suppressing a yawn, “The kids are asleep, but we both know Ivy won’t be for long,” she smiles as she thinks of the 13-month-old. Their little girl had never been a good sleeper, but they were used to it now and neither of them could imagine their lives any other way, “Let’s exchange gifts and go to bed.” 
He smiles as he sits next to her, leaning in to kiss her cheek, but she turns, capturing his lips with hers instead. He stamps another kiss against her before he pulls back, “We could have gone out, sweetheart.”
She shakes her head and runs her fingers through his hair, “No, this is what I wanted. You, me and the kids. And a home-cooked meal,” she kisses him again, “I don’t need to go sit in a restaurant to feel loved by you.” 
He nods, knowing he doesn’t need anything else either, and then blows out a slow breath and hands her the gift bag, “Happy Anniversary, Em.” 
Her smile gets impossibly wider as she takes the bag from him, stamping a kiss against his cheek as she leans back with it in her lap, “Oh it’s heavy,” she says, reaching into the bag and pulling out the book, “Your gift is a lot smaller by the…” 
She drifts off as she realises what she is looking at, her fingers tracing the outside of the scrapbook before she opens it, a gasp catching in her throat as she turns the pages. Memories of their time together stuck down and on display for her to see. She feels a burning in the back of her eyes, familiar tears that she knew she wouldn't avoid shedding as she continues to turn the pages - pictures and tickets and keepsakes from the last few years staring back at her.
“I know it’s not much-” he starts, but she cuts him off, all but launching herself at him as she grabs his face and kisses him, the book trapped between them. 
“It’s perfect,” she says, pulling back just enough to speak before she kisses him again, “It’s…I love you.” 
She’d already preferred homemade gifts. It was as if love was pressed into the very seams of them, time and effort from her loved ones more precious to her than any amount of money ever could be. 
“I love you too.” 
She smiles as she pulls back and reaches behind her, grabbing a small gift bag she’d hidden amongst the couch cushions, “Here you go,” she says, nervously biting her lower lip as she hands it over, “Your’s is homemade too.” 
He smiles curiously at her as she wraps her arms around her knees and hugs them to her chest, the scrapbook now between them, and his heart skips a beat when he feels a long thin piece of plastic in his hands and he already knows what it is before he looks at it. He looks down and chokes on a surprised laugh when his suspicion is confirmed, a positive pregnancy test staring back up at him.
She presses her lips together as her lips shake at the wonder in his voice, “I know technically you helped make this gift,” she says, her cheeks warm as he looks at her with so much love she thinks she could burst, “But I’ll be doing all the hard work and literal heavy lifting, so I thought it counted.” 
“It definitely counts,” he says, pulling her towards him so she’s in his lap, his arms tight around her as he kisses her fiercely, hoping it goes some way to express just how much he loves her, “This is the best anniversary present ever.” 
She nods and kisses him, her forehead against his as she sighs contentedly, her thumb pressing into his lower lip as she gently corrects him, “Best anniversary present so far.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks , @ptrckjcne , @lyds102 , @glockleveledatyourcrotch , @hotchnissenthusiast , @danadeservesadrink , @ssamorganhotchner , @emilyprentissisgod , @notagentprentiss , @freesiasandfics , @emilyshotchniss , @thecharmingart , @paulitalblond , @hancydrewfan , @camille093 , @whitecrossgirl , @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess , @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife , @ms-black-a , @beebeelank , @aubreyprc , @zipzapboingg , @psychopath-at-heart , @criminalmindsgonewrong , @fionaloover , @kinqslcys , @prentissinred , @ccmattis-22 , @denvivale317 , @thrindis , @hotchsguccitie , @cmfouatslota77 , @alexblakegf , @aliensaursrex, @prentissxhotch , @emobabeyy , @victoiregranger , @stormyweatherth , @wanderingdreamer009 , @ssablackbird , @luhwithah , @lex13cm , @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me , @mrs-ssa-hotch , @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream , @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield , @canuck-eh
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miloformula123fan · 1 month
Could you do fic for James Vowles with wife reader? With her being in the Williams garage, she witnessed Alex and Danny incident at the Japan GP and was so worried about them that she ended up going to James at the pitwall for his comfort. He decided to hug her while calming her down and going to both of the drivers to make sure they're okay. Just something fluff and little angst. Add something if you want to. Thanks!! :)))
what is it with me only getting these fics out like 2-3 weeks after the race, anyway, it's again so short but my mental health is suffering right now, so, and im happy with it the length it is.
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas we agree on a lot of stuff :) - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
and if you want to be added to my taglist let me know :)
“Come on Logan, show ‘em why you deserved to be in the car last weekend.” 
Logan nodded as he pulled his helmet on and gave a thumbs up and a fist bump to Y/N. It was her first weekend at the grand prix, as she preferred to stay at home, and let James call her to give her an update. But James had been pleading with her to come ‘just once’ and after the disaster weekend they’d had in Australia, she had braved the timezone and flown out for Japan.
She sat down on the folding chairs with the rest of the pit crew, while PR managers and assistants and anyone who liked James, which was 90% of the garage, was trying to persuade her to sit on a more comfortable chair. She shook her head smiling, insisting she was fine as long as she wasn’t in the way, on the folding chair, with the pit crew. 
James shook his head fondly, gazing at his wife as she chatted to Alex’s race engineer, before he slung his headset on and walked out to the pit wall.
Unfortunately the joy in the Williams garage lasted all of about 1 corner. A cheer erupted as they all got through turn 1 okay, but it was yelled too soon.
“As they make their way through AND OFF INTO THE WALL, off into the wall goes the 2 cars, and a big crash into the tire barrier,”
“Yeah, that’s going to be an immediate safety car, a heavy impact for Ricciardo and Albon…”
“Red flag, red flag.”
Y/N could see the anger as the mechanics grew angry, yelling stuff, but it all felt muffled underwater, as the camera cut to a replay of the crash. She sat there, staring as she watched Daniel and Alex’s cars clobber the barriers again.
So much for good luck this weekend. She watched as Daniel hopped out of the car, and she saw that Alex was having a little trouble due to the tyres almost balanced perfectly on his halo.
She heard the other cars filtering into the pits and as the pit crews dash around the cars Y/N escape through the garage and up to the pit wall, where she spotted James chatting to some of the other mechanics. She quickly crossed the pit lane and hopped up to the pitwall.
“Hey darling, what are you doing here?”
Y/N didn’t know what to say to that. What was she doing here? She looked at her husband trying to convey all of her current thoughts through her eyes. Thankfully he seemed to get the message and embraced her in a hug.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry, they’re both fine, they’re both okay. The red flag is because the barrier is destroyed and they’ll be here before the end of the red flag, okay? I’m sorry darling, that must have been terrifying to see that crash, especially when you have no information. How about you stay here, I think Alex and Daniel will come from there,” he pointed somewhere, Y/N wasn’t paying attention properly “so they’ll walk past here and you can see that they’re completely safe and sound.”
Y/N nodded at that, and snuggled in further to her husband’s embrace as he asked about tyres for Logan’s restart and discussed new strategy, keeping an eye out for the 2 drivers.
come walking down the pit lane. She careful extracted herself from James’ embrace, he nodded as he saw the 2 drivers arriving.
Y/N ran over and embraced them both in a hug, ignoring the commentators comments of ‘mom’ and ‘awwww’ and she pulled them in close and started rambling
“Oh my god, are you okay, that was a big crash, are you sure you don’t need to go to the medical centre, wait, hang on, what’s the test, uuhhhh, how many fingers am i holding up?”
“2, Y/N, relax, we’re okay.” Daniel put a hand on her shoulder
“Y/N breathe okay, I know that was a big crash and that I think was your first big crash while being here, so I’d imagine it's a little scary, but it’s okay. We’re both okay, Daniel and I in one piece.” Alex pulled her into a hug, before releasing her.
Y/N didn’t trust her voice, just nodding and furiously wiping away at the tears falling down her face.
“C’mon, I’ll get you back to James and then by the time the red flag is over, I’ll be back from media and we can watch the race together, okay?”
Y/N nodded again, smiling more than she was as Alex led her back to James.
“Keep her safe until I get back, yeah boss?”
“Oh come on Alex, you don’t trust me with my own wife?”
taglist: @leosxrealm, @tallrock35, @wolf-knights, @janeholt3, @pear-1206
81 notes · View notes
augustinewrites · 1 year
for @missmeinyourbones bcs you always say kind things to me!! thank you <3
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back when dabi was still touya, he loved watching romantic comedies. 
whenever her shitbag husband was out on an overnight mission, rei would put them on after she’d tucked them all into bed. …or at least she thought she did. because he and fuyumi would sneak out of bed, peeking into the living room from the hall anyway.
once in a while he thinks about it. thinks about the way his mother would let them sit with her, and the way he and fuyumi would giggle when the couple on the screen kissed, and no one reached around to cover their eyes. (but thinking about this brings back that dull ache between his ribs, which is why he doesn’t do it often.)
what he does think about often are the couples on the screen. about the awful clichés and predictable plots. the lovesick schmuck in a suit that’s fresh off a boring 9 to 5, flowers in hand to take his love interest to dinner. 
(thinking back, there was probably a reason for the genre his mom chose, but unpacking all of that would require the help of a shrink he didn’t have the dough to see).
he’s only been thinking about these couples often because of, well, you. if this were a movie, he’d say it was fate that led him to get stabbed and promptly pass out in an alley close to your hospital. you’d nurse him back to health in your cute apartment, saving his life and domesticating him in the process. 
but this wasn’t a movie. and even though you’d saved his life, all he'd done to repay you was bleed all over your rug and steal the change on your counter before jumping out the window. 
and you must have been all kinds of desperate, because when he put his hands into his coat pocket he'd found your number written on a slip of paper.
just in case, you'd written.
he stole a burner phone the next day and, like the couples on the tv say, the rest was history.
you were like a bad habit, because he swore every night he went to see you was supposed to be his last. you were so damn annoying, asking him shit like how his day went and if he'd eaten. offering to wash his clothes like some sort of pervert.
but then he’d tell you he was exhausted and starving from all the felonies he’d committed and you’d let him sleep on your couch. then he’d dip out the next morning with his clothes smelling like freesia or some shit he’d rather die than admit he kinda liked.
and eventually…he was okay with it. okay with you and this stupid love you’d dragged him into. you let him come and go as he pleased, the latch on your window always unlocked just for him, cause no matter what, he always came back. 
but everything is fucked. this city is fucked and this country is fucked, and dabi’s hiding out on the fire escape when you join him.
your shoulder brushes his as you sit next to him on the step, and he doesn’t have to look to know you’ve got that big frown downturning your lips. it’s far from the first fight the two of you have had since starting this…relationship, but it’s the first time he can safely say he’s not sure you’ll bother wanting to salvage it. 
(he thinks that after every fight, actually. but you seem to have this endless patience for him that he doesn’t understand nor deserve.)
hugging your knees to your chest, you ask, “are you going to leave?”
“are you coming back this time?” you ask quietly. 
“don’t know,” he shrugs.
you don’t say anything for a long while and neither does dabi. he should just leave, ditch you out on your fire escape and fuck off somewhere into the city. maybe he’d get shitfaced enough to crash at the league’s hideout, or maybe he’d blackmail birdbrain into letting him get shitfaced at his place then crash on his ridiculously expensive couch. he’ll figure it out later.
it’d certainly be easier to leave and figure it out if you yelled and swore, maybe even slapped him a little. 
you don’t do any of those things though, because anger isn’t embedded in your dna like it is in his. instead you give him a look that’s half-pity, half-disappointment, and it stings all the same.
“you always do this,” you sigh, staring straight ahead at the flickering city lights. “whenever this happens, you refuse to talk about it after. and– and when i try to give you space to figure your stuff out…you run.” 
you don’t say it angrily, like you’d be within your right to be. you say it…softly. tiredly. you’re not trying to antagonize him, just stating a fact, and it makes him feel shittier.
“well, ‘s not like ya need me around anyway,” he shrugs. 
you look at him this time, “of course i don’t need you.” 
dabi had said it first, but hearing you say it hurt, strangely. like a faint touch upon a fresh bruise. 
but you’re not done, listing things off on your fingers. “you don’t pay rent, you eat all my groceries, you track your dirty boots through my living room, and i don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but you are a wanted criminal, you know.” 
he chuckles at that. it’s only very slightly, but it makes you break into a smile. “jeez, babe. you sure know how to pick ‘em.” 
“i know,” you hum, nudging his knee with yours. “but that’s my point. i don’t need you. but we– i want you anyway.” 
you offer him your hand, palm upturned, and for a second he doesn’t want to run. he wants to take your hand and let you guide him back inside. wants to cuddle with you in your too-soft bed with all your blankets and the stuffed animals he'd stolen for you.
then he sees the recently patched up burn on your wrist and he’s reminded that he’s stupid. stupid for thinking he could ever have anything past…this with you. 
you follow his gaze, pulling your sleeve down quickly as you murmur, “it was an accident.” 
he’d been running hot. hot like he always did when you fought. then you’d turned away and he’d reached for you, forgetting.
it was an accident, yeah, but you don’t deserve it. 
you want him. but you deserve the schmuck in the suit  who can help you pay rent and buy groceries. 
so he decides that this is the last night. he lets you guide him to bed, and once you’ve fallen asleep, he eases his arm out from under your head to pull the covers up to your chin.  
sometimes his heart is so big that he can’t stand it. he’s letting you go. you’re better off without him—
but you catch his hand as he’s about to slip out of bed, unflinching as your thumb brushes across cool metal. 
“stay,” you murmur, eyes slowly blinking open to peer at him in the darkness. 
“i can’t,” he mutters, averting his gaze from yours.
“stay,” you say a little more firmly this time. “or i swear to god i’m going to call your mother.”
he rolls his eyes, choosing to indulge you one last time (he does not take your threat lightly, either). he lets you plant kisses up the column of his throat and rest you he’d on his chest. but it’s just until he’s sure your out cold, then he’s definitely gone. he’ll be out the window and out of your hair—
“i love you, touya,” you whisper. 
“yeah, whatever, you brat,” he grunts, but he places his hand over yours, turning his head to the side to press a kiss to your forehead before murmuring the words against your skin.
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
LSL Week Day 3: Alternate Universe
Sanji has had complaints from his staff on all fronts about this guy who would come in and place giant orders and back everything up. He always paid and tipped well but according to them he wasn’t worth what he was doing to the rest of the dining room. Sanji decided he would personally take care of the guy from now on, he was already working seven days a week as the owner of All Blue, he’s done waiting, he done all the stations, dishwashing, he’s done it all; hell his old man ran Baratie so he knew how to handle problematic customers.
So when Perona comes out screaming that he is back and she’s threatening to quit, does Sanji remind her that he promised he would handle everything for the problem customer. Perona gives him the table number and Sanji shucks off his apron to head to the dining room to take the order. It’s some guy with black hair, an orange haired woman, and a guy with a long nose that looks vaguely familiar from his time at Baratie. There’s also Zoro who he doesn’t think remembers him from the one time he let Perona have a family dinner here on the house.
“Hello, I’m Sanji I’ll be taking care of you this evening, can I start you off with any drinks?” Sanji asks in his best waiter voice.
“You’re new, we haven’t had you before.” The woman grins at him.
“Usually we just come here to bother Perona and eat,” Black hair nods, “the food is really good though so I guess it’s okay.” Sanji smiles politely and makes a mental note that this is their last time in his restaurant and they will be banned after tonight. God willing he is not losing Perona even if her dad is richer than the heaven’s and the earth combined, she was much too good of a waitress to let go.
“Ah, yes. Perona is awfully busy tonight so I offered to take the table off her hands.” Sanji answers. Zoro huffs but orders a beer and the woman orders a wine as the other two just get water. As he’s getting the drinks and Perona passes by does he grab her lightly. “You didn’t mention your brother is here.”
“It’s his crew, I don’t know why they keep coming here, but Luffy, the problem customer, is a bottomless pit. Zoro doesn’t even remember you despite you talking to Mihawk for like two hours about wine.” Perona huffs. Names start clicking together in his memory of their conversations, Nami, Usopp, Luffy, and Zoro. The brother and friends that Perona wanted to strangle constantly.
“It’s their last night here.” Sanji grumbles as he puts his customer service facade back on heads back to the table. Placing the drinks on the table he looks at them all, “And to eat tonight?”
“I’ll have the seafood pasta.”  Nami smiles at him as she sips her wine.
“New York, rare.” Zoro says. 
“Pea risotto, please?” Usopp asks nervously, Sanji doesn’t get why. He’s not that threatening.
Then Luffy lists off like ten dishes for himself. Sanji nods and takes it all in stride as he thanks them for their order, rings it and goes to the kitchen. He’s had worse, he can do this. He’s had to do full lunch and dinner rushes basically by himself in the kitchen before he’s got this. He mutters to himself as he grabs a bottle of wine and drinks straight from the bottle as he starts cooking. He’s got this.
He’s got this.
Pudding comes to check on him as Perona thanks him and apologises but he waves them both off as Perona lines up trays so they can start taking it out. Sanji gets it now, he does. He’s smoking at least five full cigarettes after this. He deserves it and the bottle of wine he grabbed. He owns the damn place anyway.
They take the food out and Sanji asks if they can get them anything else but are waved off with thanks so Sanji goes to smoke as Perona hugs him once they’re safely behind the kitchen doors. When he gets through three cigarettes and a third of the bottle, or what was left of it, does he go check on the table again. Most of the plates are cleaned to his surprise. When he sets the bill down he smiles at them politely.
“I do have to ask you four to never return to All Blue. If you do you will be kicked out and possibly trespassed.” Sanji says with an even tone.
“What? Why?” Nami asks with wide eyes and Luffy looks like he’s about to cry. He does actually cry because the food is so good apparently. Usopp starts slinking into his chair as Zoro looks offended. 
“If my staff keeps having to feed you I will have no staff.” Sanji explains. “Thank you for your patronage, truly, it does mean a lot, however I do have to take care of my staff. Have a good night, the host will take care of you.” Sanji says with a wave as he heads back to the kitchen.
When they finish shutting down in record time after they close, Perona and Sanji are out back sharing a different bottle of wine while Sanji smokes. There’s shadows at the end of the alley and cheers of ‘we found them’ which makes Perona groan. Sanji looks and sees the problem table approaching them.
“Are we really banned?” Luffy whines at him, pleading almost as the four of them approach.
“Unfortunately.” Sanji nods.
“But the food!” Luffy whines again which makes Sanji chuckle and dig the breast pocket of his chef jacket and give Luffy a card.
“Here, that’s my business card but it does have my personal cell number on there. I’m usually free in the mornings.” Sanji offers with a smile.
“Wow, this place is super snazzy to have a cook with business cards.” Zoro laughs with a roll of his eyes.
“Zoro, this is Sanji, ya know, the owner.” Perona growls as she drinks from the bottle and Zoro’s one eye widens. “I’m so telling Mihawk.” She mutters at him.
“So does this mean I can ask you on a date?” Luffy asks Sanji as he studies the card.
“Sure.” Sanji laughs. “Still banned though.”
“That’s okay!” Luffy smiles brightly at him, Perona finishes off the bottle as she leaves with a wave to him, taking the group with her. Sanji gets a text only a few minutes later that is just emojis of bacon and eggs.
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caramelcleopatraa · 3 months
vi. SUIT & TIE
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word count : 2.1k
x : hello hello hello beautiful people! it's finally starting to get good you guys! (lol) as always, excuse the errors you see, and leave comments.... I love comments. I do have a taglist! comment down below if you want me to add you <3
content: Mafia!Roman Reigns x Designer!Reader, suggestive themes, 18+
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Your outfit for today 
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It was a surprisingly quiet Saturday morning. Today your shop was closed, but your staff was still working tirelessly to finish the influx of custom orders. This was no uncommon flux however, it was that time of the year. La Mesa Alta’s annual ball was right around the corner, and people were coming to you so that they could scrounge together some outfits. You’ve been on your feet for a while, cutting at different types of fabric, sewing, perfecting, and repeating. This would be a vicious cycle, but you loved creating too much to be burdened by the workload and demand requested of you and your staff. If anything, that demand made you work harder.
A busy 4 hours later, you finally get the chance to sit down. It’s been a day already, and it's only noon. You were a little concerned that Mercedes didnt get back to you at 10, but you knew she would call you back at some point in the day. You open your laptop, and see a notification at the top from a name you didn't expect. 
! 1 Gmail Notification from [email protected]
‘I know you’re fucking lying’
“Umm Gio! Mads! Here… and quickly!” They hurry quickly to your side and look at your computer. “What is i- what the fuck is that?” Gio says, pointing at the notification in the top right corner. Madison folds her arms across her chest and sits in her hip, rolling her eyes “I know that’s not who I think it is.” You hear Gio sigh and add on, “This bitch.”
“Calm down with the ad libs alright? Who is this girl anyway? I didn't know anything about her until she came into my shop.” You felt like you were missing out on some important information. Everyone knew about this girl except for you, and you know everyone. Usually. “Oh, I forgot, you weren't out here when she was acting a damn fool.” ‘Excuse me?’
“When was this?” You sit back in the swivel chair, looking at Gio. “While you had your appointment with Roman. She was looking through the clothes saying that her friend JT could make one design better than your entire rack.” ‘THE FUCK?!’ 
You didn’t stand for disrespect. Both of them knew that. So they knew that this wasn't gonna slide by you. “Lemme see what this email is about,” you say, typing in your password and opening up your Gmail. You were in no way excited nor looking forward to anything that this email was going to say.
Good Morning Ms. Semele,
Hello, I hope I'm not bothering you.
‘You are.’
I admired your shop and your staff so much! Working at your shop seems like such an honor.
‘This fake ass bitch.’
I was wondering how I can apply for a job there. I would like to work closer with the best fashion designers in the east coast, and you are deserving of the title.
Please email me back at [email protected]
~ With love, De’arra Washington
It was dead silent for the next minute and a half. She talks shit about your shop and then wants paid employment here the next day? You had seen all of it. ‘Maybe this can be helpful?’ With this influx of orders, you had been putting your staff through overtime. Maybe one more person could lighten the load for them. You didn't like the idea of her working at your shop based on what you had heard, but if she was offering help, you were going to give her a chance. You clicked the three dots and selected reply and typed a short response.
Thank you. Much appreciated. Could you send in a resume please, so that I can look at your work experience?
~ Y/N Semele
“What the hell are you doing?” Madison looks at you with wide eyes. “Calm down, I don't plan to employ her, I just want to see if she’s any good. I already have another person who wants to work here that has a good resume.”
Your phone buzzes loud against the counter and an unknown number displays at the top. You pick up the phone to hear a voice you had been waiting to hear all morning. 
“Hey, it's Mercedes. I’m calling from my personal phone.” Fucking finally. “What happened to 10am?” She chuckled to herself and replied, “Got busy. Do you want the information or not?” “I paid good money, didn't I?” She sighs and says, “Fair.” I settled into the chair and put the phone on speaker. You told Madison to tell the other employees to take their lunch break while you three listened to Mercedes give a rundown on De’arra. She joins back with you and Gio and you tell Mercedes that you're ready.
“Alright. De’arra Washington, daughter of Kenan Johnson. He was one of the richest thiefs in the west coast. Specifically in California and Oregon. He stole everything from pencils to old paintings to jewelry. He was on the run for a while, so he fled to Florida and started his own family business and made that into a family mafia. Here in Florida, he met up with a prostitute and turned her into a housewife and had a baby girl while orchestrating robberies from the comfort of his home. De’arra is all kinds of spoiled. Barely got her high school diploma, and her father bribed the president of Howard University so she could study there. Got into a lot of trouble up there stealing shit.. Who would've guessed. And daddy was there to save her. After 2 years, she decided she didn’t want the college life and desired wealth, like her father and moved back to Florida. Speaking of Kenan, he's been eyeing Roman since he moved down here. That’s probably why De'arra is hanging onto him like a lost child. If I knew anything from my years in this business, I'd guess that they are the family trying to challenge Roman, or disassemble the Anoa’i family.”
“So you’re telling me that I'm dealing with a girl with a case of sticky fingers?” She laughs lightly and says, “Basically.”
! 1 Gmail Notification from [email protected]
This must be the resume.
Of course! Here is my resume 
~ With love, De’arra Washington
“Is she emailing you?” Mercedes asks, her tone laced with confusion, understandable though. “Yeah, I'm gonna see what she can do or if she can help me out here at the shop.”
“I've seen her resume before, it's forged. She’s only worked at minimum wage jobs. So anything that has to do with corporate jobs and fashion design is fake as fuck.” ‘What the hell is going on here?!’
“You still gonna give her a chance?” Gio says, reading the fake resume. “She’s not getting a chance, but I'm still gonna let her do a training session today so I can see what she is about.”
2:30 pm
You emailed her back and told her to come here at 2:30 pm to do a training session, which would technically be more like orientation. Both Gio and Madison knew that this could go sideways quickly if she tries something, but they also knew that you weren’t dumb. You knew how to handle yourself in bad situations. And you didn’t let anyone push you around. A red corvette sped across the huge display windows and disappeared into the parking lot on the side of the building. You took a deep breath to prepare yourself for the foolery you were going to face today. You fixed up your desk space and closed the file filled with De’arra’s personal information. 
 You heard the door open and saw two people walking in. “Ms. Semele?” You give her a polite smile and depart from your desk to shake her hand. There she was, wearing a pink crop top stopping right below her breasts and dark ripped jeans with pink butterfly strappy heels. She was hand in hand with someone you didn't know you would see today. 
“Hey Ms. Expert.” 
That made you genuinely smile. “Didn’t think I'd see you here again. Helping out the missus?” He smiles at you and slowly licks his lips, eyes drifting up and down your body. His eyes found yours and he focused all of his attention on you. “Yeah, I said I was gonna take care of her, and imma do just that.” De’arra gushes and latches onto his arm, but he doesn't budge; he keeps his eyes on you, smirking at you, adding the cherry on top. ‘Was he saying that to me?’ You briefly remember the last time you two spoke in person, and it seems like he was going to make good on his words. 
“Oh good, you're here, you can put your stuff in the faculty room. That ok Y/N?” Gio says walking in from the factory downstairs. “Yeah that’s fine. I need to talk with Roman anyways,” You reply, and Gio gives you a simple head nod. “What do you need to talk to him for?” You look at De’arra and she is already sizing you up. You laughed to yourself. There’s no way she’s really trying to pull these strings right now. “About La Mesa Alta’s annual ball.” You kept it short and sweet. Of course, that's not what you guys were actually going to talk about, but you needed to get her off your back. “Well my family is going to be added to La Mesa Alta too, so I should be a part of this conversation,” De’arra demands. “The only thing you should be a part of is your training session. Give me a second i'll be right there,” You fired back, shutting down her request. He trails behind you, but doesnt get far, due to De’arra’s small hand latching onto his wrist.
“You guys can just talk out here-”
“Hell no.” You were getting sick of this back and forth already. “Well why the hell not?” 
“Because it’s a private conversation about mafia business.” You could feel that she was already catching an attitude. “Well what type of mafia business involves you being in a room with him alone?” ‘This bitch..’ You turned around for the final time, and your face couldn’t hide the fact that you were fed the hell up. “The type of mafia business that doesn't involve you. Come on Roman.” He follows you into the room and closes the door. 
You wipe your hands across your face and catch him looking at you with a sly smirk. “Don’t look at me like that.” He walks closer to you and takes his hand in yours and holds it above your head, twirling you to face away from him. He wraps his arms around your waist from behind. You close your eyes and melt into his touch. You forgot how much you liked his touch. “That was so sexy.” His breath gave you tingles as he talked into the crook of your neck. “You missed me baby?” While he was luring you with his voice, his hands sneakily dipped into the waistband of your sweats. You turned your head to look at him and gently grab his chin. Your eyes shift from his eyes to his lips, and you lean in to kiss him, but his fingers teasing your folds stop you. “I didn't hear an answer.” He was already making you melt, and you were loving every single second of it. “Y-yes baby I missed you.” He was teasing you, getting close to your lips and then pulling away while rubbing at your sensitive clit. You couldn't stand it. You pull his chin closer to you, trying your hardest to kiss him, but he keeps pulling away still.
“Please baby, kiss me.” You wanted to feel his lips on yours so badly. Without warning his right hand clasps around your neck and finally attaches his lips to yours. His left hand was hard at work, pinching and applying pressure to your clit, while both of your tongues are fighting for dominance. You grind your hips against his hand, giving up on dominance for the time being and letting him take over. He takes his hands off of your neck to tug your tube top down to your waist, freeing your breasts. You moan into his mouth, feeling his warm hands grab at your breasts and the pressure building up between your legs. “Fuck baby that feels so goo-”
“De’arra decided she doesn't want to do her training session. She’s going to file a complaint to La Mesa Alta to have your shop shut down.”
‘Are you fucking serious?’
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🏷️tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @cyberdejos2
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queenie-official · 6 months
Chapter Thirteen: ‘One Thousand Apologies’ Bridgerton Au!Anakin
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part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
a/n: this chapter is a pretty short one solely because it leads directly into the next chapter and if i where to combine them it’d 100% would of been way to long😭😭 anyways hope you huns enjoy Xx<3💋
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apologizing to Anakin was one thing. it was easy especially after you’d both opened your hearts to one another, apologizing to Padme however was going to be a completely different thing. everything was going smooth thus far since Anakin’s confession that morning, but you were nervous. you knew Padme and you knew she’d forgive you but you had this overwhelming guilt. it was eating you alive as you waited for her to arrive for the day. you twist the ring on your finger becoming lost in your thoughts as you await her arrival. not even entirely sure of what you were going to say or how to start your apology.
as soon as she enters the tea room you’re on your feet. she freezes for a moment processing the fact that your actually acknowledging her existence before carefully continuing in, closing the doors behind her. there’s an awkward silence as you both stare at each other waiting for someone to make the first move. you almost wished you could just pretend as if everything was normal and although you knew if you did do that she’d go along with it, you also knew she deserved better.
she was your best friend and the distance you wedged between the two of you albeit one sided- needed to be addressed. you clear your throat and gesture to the chair beside you wordlessly asking her to take a seat, she takes the offer. silently walking over to you and sitting down, you pull another seat directly in front of her to join her. still you both remain silent for a moment as you struggle to find the words, reaching forward to take her hands into yours as she had done to you days ago when trying to offer you comfort.
“Padme…” you force yourself to keep eye contact as you start to speak, wanting to show your sincerity. “i am so sorry, what i did was wrong. i should not have ignored you the way i did, it was childish-” she cuts you off before you can finish your sentence “y/n, i am not mad at you” she looks at you with nothing but pure sympathy. “i know you aren’t mad but it doesn’t excuse my behavior” she shakes her head at you “you where hurting and reacted accordingly, yes it wasn’t the best way to go about it but i understood- i understand” she squeezes your hands reassuringly.
“please let me apologize, i know you understand but you must realize you did not have to do what you did- what you’ve done. you stick beside me even as i pushed you away, you didn’t give up on me even though i would of more than understood if you had.” she gives you a gentle smile, letting out a soft chuckle “y/n you forget our friendship is not one sided, nor is it fragile. i will always be here for you the same way i know you will be for me.” you feel your eyes begin to water and just as quickly you are pulled into her arms. “thank you for the apology i appreciate it” she adds not wanting to brush off what you where trying to do. you both indulge in the hug for a moment, staying in each others embrace before pulling away and smiling.
you both can’t help but laugh. it felt nice, therapeutic almost. “i think we may have more important matters to discuss now” she says with a smile, leaning back in her chair. “like what?” you snort, shifting in your own seat to get more comfortable. “well for starters who’s responsible for finally pulling you out of your own head, who should i be thanking for giving me my friend back?” she’s smiling as she asks, giving you a look that you could only assume meant she already knew.
to be fair it’s not like there where many options for people who’d speak out to you. “You and I both know you’ve already got an idea as to who it was” she laughs, turning her head to the side and gestures silently over to a few of the castle servants. they work quickly, moving the small table to where you both where sat. setting up a small tea party for you both, one of the servants pouring you both a cup of tea adding in milk and sugar to your likings. “of course i do but that doesn’t mean i don’t want to hear you say it” you can’t help but roll your eyes, bringing your cup of tea to your lips before taking a sip. she gives you a smug smile before mirroring your actions.
“what else did you want to discuss?” you ask curiously, she hums for a short moment as she thinks to herself. “we have to address the situation publicly…” you feel your heart sink, looking down into your tea cup to stare at the liquid in order to avoid eye contact. “you don’t have to do a announcement if that’s what your worried about- there are other ways we can go about this matter y/n” you take a deep breath, looking back up at her and placing your tea down. “i don’t have to do an announcement but if feels like i should, a murder and attempted one is not something that can just be so easily looked over”
“well there are ways you could do so indirectly” she quips perking your interest in an instant. “how so?” she places her own tea down now, sitting a bit straighter before she begins. “let’s start with the council members. forget an announcement, skip straight to punishing them and let the news come out in articles as it usually would. then simply replace them, business as usual. you’re the queen, the people already know what’s happened there so there’s no real need to address them in particular.” you nod carefully taking in her advice, tapping on the table beside you with one of your fingers as you think. “that leaves us with one thing”
“addressing your fathers murder and the attempted murder on Anakin” you nod letting out a sigh, leaning your head into your palm. “i don’t feel as if you have to address it head on. write a statement about what happened to your father and have it printed and released in the papers” you purse your lips in thought “but what about the attempt on Anakin’s life?” Padme goes silently, briefly contemplating what you could do to address it while also avoiding the spotlight. “maybe not a statement with words but a gesture, something to show you and him aren’t going anywhere nor are you scared. even though you are but they don’t need to know that.”
a gesture? what could you do to act as a gesture big enough to garner everyone’s attention whilst simultaneously showing there’s nothing to fear.
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Anakin sat directly beside you, Listening carefully as you and Padme explained what you’d been discussing. you’d called him in for more than just coming up with an idea- actually you’d already figured out what you wanted to do the problem was you didn’t know how to execute it without his help.
“so you need help coming up with a gesture then?” he asks curiously running a hand through his hair as he thinks. “Yes-” “No-” you and Padme both speak at the same time, her turning to you in confusion when she hears you say no. you keep your attention on Anakin however as you speak “do you remember when we discussed the things you liked about your kingdom?” he blinks a few times processing your words as he thinks back through your conversations, the gears turning in his head. you watch as he visibly lights up once he realizes what you’re hinting at “The Races?”
“Yes!” you exclaim happily now turning to Padme to see if she was beginning to see where you were going with this. she seems more curious than anything, which to be fair you didn’t have horse races in Alderaan so it made sense it hadn’t clicked for her yet. “It’s a big event that brings together a lot of people. pretty much anyone can participate as long as they have a horse to ride” Anakin begins to explain the details behind the Tatooine tradition, happily reciting the rules and regulations.
“it’s the perfect thing that could unite the people and us, a public event for the Ton to participate in and if Anakin raced as well then it’d also serve as a way for us to show we aren’t afraid. let them know we’re with them. we could add a Ball as well, so that we can socialize and maybe give a brief statement?” you suggest the idea to the both of them, Anakin grows more excited at the mention of him being able to participate. Padme seems completely onboard as well, perking up at all the new info.
“i think this to be a wonderful idea, and in all honesty you could probably use the excitement of the whole event to sweep this under the rug. at the end of the day its up to you of course” you nod at her comment. there was a lot to think of and a lot to take care of if you wanted this to happen and for it to be successful. you couldn’t help the excitement that bubbled over all of the fear and doubts. Anakin seemed to be even more excited than you, tapping his foot against the ground ready to jump up at any moment.
“well for this to work we’d better get started now, i believe we have a letter to write.” you say with a smile as you turn to Anakin.
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part 14
tag list: @luvvfromme @gatekeepingirlboss @bimbo-baggins86 @iluvanakinskywalker @bby-imasociopath @curlycarley @burnthecheshirewitch @misscaller06 @sweetcheesecakesblog
this chapter was a bit short but the next chapter is going to be very long ☝️ not to mention possibly a big milestone for reader and Anakin👀 it’s either going to happen in this next chapter or the one after 💪 but anyways love you all and i hope you love reader and Padmes friendship as much as me💋💋 oh and one more thing, i hope you guys haven’t forgotten about Barclay 🌝
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thelovelylolly · 10 months
Hi first of all i hope youre doing okay, wel best as you can be and i give you my condoleance 💗 please take care of yourself and don't feel obligated to anything.
Tw: school shooting
I was wondering (for when you maybe feel like writing again) You could write Frank Castle x teen reader where she's maybe like his daughter figure (like amy) and he's out doing vigilante shit while she's in school and gets a text from her saying just " i love you" but there is a school shooting and she's shot and just full on panic for context i was in a school shooting a year or two back and got shot luckly the police and ambulance came shortly after but i just wish i had someone like Frank to calm me down or come save me 😅💗
If you dont wanna write this or feel comfortable because of this request my apologies im so sorry just ignore it if that s the case.
I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading anyway.
I've Got You
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Summary : During a vigilante job, Frank gets a text from you and he knows something's wrong. He soon finds out what happened and was there for you. Warnings : *please dont read this if any of this makes you uncomfortable, do whats best for you and your mental health!!* mentions of a shooting, injuries, and death. heavy angst, hurt/comfort, fem reader (daughter figure) Notes : thank you for your kind words love <3 im so sorry youve had to go through something like that, no one deserves to go through that, but im happy youre here :) thank you for your request and i hope i did your idea justice <3
'I love you.'
Frank never knew three words from a text could scare him so much. The three words he had said to you when he came to terms with you becoming a daughter to him. The three words you two rarely had to say to each other since you showed your love for each other in different ways.
The three words you said on a whim before going to school that morning, because it felt right and you had a gut feeling to say it.
But now, Frank was terrified. You usually sent texts with all lowercase letter, with little to no punctuation, with acronyms and sayings that he didn't get.
He was in the middle of a stake out when his phone pinged. He quickly ditched his job and hopped in his truck, speeding towards your school and trying to text you at the same time.
'What's going on?'
'Text me back'
'Call me'
'Do something to let me know you're okay'
His stopped texting after a minute and tuned his radio to the police's frequency, a trick he needed for his jobs.
"Shots fired at the high school, two squads already on the scene-"
Shots fired.
Those two words echoed through Frank's mind, drowning out whatever the dispatcher was saying. He had heard those words millions of times between his marine years and his vigilante time, but this time was different. You were in danger and Frank wasn't there with you, ready to put himself between you and whatever threatened you.
Frank was still blocks away when he heard the dispatcher say, "students are starting to be escorted out, threat is cornered in the gym."
Frank took a deep breath. You could be outside already, waiting for him. He could see you clinging to your friends, all of you relieved to be alive. He could see you talking to whatever authority figure would talk to you, asking them if everyone was okay and who was still inside. You were very compassionate, ready to put yourself in danger to help others.
Something you picked up from Frank.
Minutes later, Frank pulled up to your school. He saw ambulances and many cop cars parked in front and around the sides. He usually would stay away from the cops, but he didn't care. He needed to see you alive and safe.
He parked his truck and quickly got out, jogging over to the crowd of crying students, teachers and parents. He scanned the crowd for you, but he didn't spot you. What if you weren't out yet? Were you still stuck inside? Were you hurt and couldn't get out?
What if he was too late?
"Can I borrow your phone to call my dad? I just want him to know I'm okay."
He heard your voice and spun around, his eyes immediately locking onto you. You were sitting in the back of an ambulance, talking to the first responder inside with you. You were holding your side and your leg was bouncing up and down quickly, a nervous habit of yours.
Frank called out your name and started towards you. You looked over at him and quickly got out of the ambulance, wincing slightly when you hit the ground. You jogged over to Frank, letting yourself break the dam of tears you had been holding back.
The moment Frank's arms wrapped around you, holding you as close as possible, you let a sob rack your body. You were too tired to hug him back, letting yourself sob in his arms. He started to rub soothing circles on your back, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head.
"Shh, it's okay, sweetheart. I've got you, I'm here."
His words made you cry more and wrap your arms around him, holding him tight to make sure he's real.
You were terrified and had no idea if you were going to see him again. You texted him 'I love you' to make sure he knew just in case, then you shut it off so it wouldn't light up or make noise. You then dropped your phone as you were running out of the building.
Frank pulled away from you, looking at you and wiping your tears away.
"I thought I lost you, kid. I-I thought you were still inside," he said, choking up a bit. He glanced down to your side, seeing the bandages wrapped around your stomach. "What happened?
You followed his gaze down, sniveling a bit as you took a deep breath. "I g-got hit, but th-they said it wasn't bad. I g-guess I got lucky."
Frank wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to kiss your forehead.
"I love you," you murmured.
"I love you, too, kid," he replied, leading you to his truck.
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Insert Your Name: Side Story 3
Mafia!Jade Leech x Mafia!Reader
Link to series masterlist!
Notes and TW: Third side story is visiting the Leech parents. Do you guys ever forget how to talk in front of beautiful women or is it just me? Anyway, please enjoy!
Tags: @guava-enjoyer @itszzmoon @twstsandturns @myteacupisempty @rou-luxe @chikitasmol @night-shadowblood-writes2 @haveneulalie @owodi @viperwhispered
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Visiting the trio at the “land bootcamp,” as you so affectionately called it, became part of your routine after summer school. Your classes ended earlier than theirs, so you had plenty of time to yourself before Floyd was eating asphalt (which he managed to do every single time so far). You didn’t mind. Being alone charged your battery before you’d have to interact with three people at once.
You usually occupied yourself with homework. But recently, you discovered your ability to use magic. Time spent waiting on the twins and Azul became your magic practice sessions. Mages were hard to come by and your family couldn’t give you proper lessons, so much of what you learned was theoretical. Textbooks from public libraries piled up in your room. You had never seen someone levitate a feather or change the colour of a rose, but you were damned if you weren’t going to try.
Your sneakers hung high in the branches of a tree by their tied laces. Throwing them up there was easy. Getting them down would’ve been easy, too, if you decided to scale the tree. But your goal was to practice magic. You pointed a stick at the scuffed soles and concentrated. The textbook said a wand wasn’t strictly necessary without a magestone, but it was helpful for visualizing and directing your focus. Theoretically.
Lift up. Come on. Levitate. Do something. The shoes swayed. You couldn’t tell if your magic was doing anything or if it was just the passing breeze. Frustration was unavoidable, but you were a patient person. It would come with practice. Theoretically.
Just as you put your “wand” down, your sneakers lifted and untangled themselves from the spindly branches around it. Excitement surged in your chest. Did you do that? You weren’t even trying—
Oh, of course you didn’t. You turned to see a woman a little ways down the sidewalk with a slightly raised hand.
Long, blue-green locks of hair swirled and twisted around each other like waves on the sea, cascading to her lap against the backdrop of her seafoam white dress. Eyes like the rising sun eclipsed into a smile. Long lashes framed them like art. You had never known a person this bewitching could be real.
Her willowy fingers flicked down. Your shoes followed suit, settling neatly in the grass by your feet. When her hand returned to her lap, her wheelchair brought her closer. The back of it bloomed with corals surrounding seashells. She was the most beautiful aspects of the ocean brought to life.
“I thought you might need some help.” Even her voice was beautiful, clear like a mountain spring.
“That, um, yeah. Thank you.” You stuttered. Immediately, you looked down at the shoes by your feet, embarrassment turning the tips of your ears red. You just had to go and stutter in front of such an unrealistically beautiful person. Although her kindness was mistaken, you didn’t have the heart to correct her.
“How did your shoes get up there, my dear?”
Now you had to tell her. “I threw them up there.”
“Really? Why is that?”
“I was trying to get them back down,” you said hurriedly. Obviously, you scolded yourself, she could see that. “Um, with magic. I’m trying to practice.”
Her eyes glimmered in interest. “So you’re a mage. How lovely to meet you—there aren’t many of us. What’s your name?”
Us. You weren’t sure if you deserved to be grouped in the same category with this ethereal woman.
You introduced yourself, internally grateful that you didn’t stammer this time. She told you her first name and extended a graceful hand for you to shake. Her skin felt silken in your hand.
“I don’t suppose you have a magic tutor?”
You shook your head. Such a thing was a luxury. Most people learned magic at specialized schools, like Night Raven College. Co-ed and all-girls schools for magic existed as well, but they were all prestigious. You weren’t sure if you’d ever receive an invitation.
“I see. In that case, here is some advice.” The sneakers floated back onto the branches of the tree, swaying once they settled. “Try imagining two points, one on each shoe. For instance, on the tip of the toes. Now, only focus on those two points, and imagine lifting them with your magic.”
At once, a colossal, insurmountable problem was reduced to a tangible one. Instead of a complex shape, you only had to focus on two points. You renewed your efforts. To your own surprise, the tips of the shoes lifted. Just a little bit. Nowhere near enough to clear the branch. Despite that, your earlier frustration cleared like a bad dream.
She continued giving you pointers until the sneakers lifted off the branch. In your excitement at your success, you lost concentration. They bounced onto the grass with dull thuds. Mortification left you as quickly as it came when you heard her quiet laughter and saw her encouraging look.
“I’ll work on it,” you promised, putting your shoes back on. “Thank you very much.”
“Don’t worry about it. I have some time, anyway.” She clicked her tongue. “I’m here to pick up my sons and their friend from their summer classes. My husband should arrive soon as well.”
You traced her line of sight to the bootcamp. If her sons were there, she was probably also merfolk. You wondered if that was the reason behind her otherworldly beauty.
“I’m also waiting for my friends. Three of them are at that school.” If she was surprised you had merfolk friends, she didn’t show it. “They know magic, too, but they’re definitely better at it than I am.”
“Why don’t you ask your friends, then? I’m sure they’d be happy to assist you.”
“I wanted to try doing it on my own.” That’s not entirely the truth. You would’ve taken any tips you could get, but you were certain those three would consider it a favour and charge you accordingly. Jade, even more than Azul, liked to put you in his debt for the smallest things.
She chuckled. “It is a good thing for you to overcome obstacles on your own, but don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.”
At that moment, as though she sensed something in the air, she turned and looked down the street. A tall man strode up to her, every step purposeful and confident. Although he was dressed casually, you had seen anyone casually wear such expensive-looking clothes and slicked-back hair. He was handsome, too, but the woman outshone him by leagues. In your opinion, anyway.
He leaned down to place a cup of coffee in the cupholder of her wheelchair and kiss her hair. Such a nonchalant display of affection had you wondering if you should look away. A radiant couple like that wasn’t something you saw outside of television.
“I’m sorry I’m late, my love.” He said the pet name as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “There was quite a line.”
“That’s alright. I had a wonderful time chatting with this young person.” She gestured to you with her graceful hand. You barely managed to squeak out a greeting, not having expected her to bring attention to you at all.
“Pleasure to meet you.” He shook your hand with a firm grasp. “Thank you for keeping my wife company.”
“I had a wonderful time with her indeed,” she said. At the time, you had no idea that her conversations were often riddled with double-meanings and nefarious intentions. There was no way you would’ve known she found a simple conversation with a middle schooler about the basics of magic to be a refreshing topic.
The bell rang from within the bootcamp. In moments, the first people to leave were your familiar group of friends. From this distance, you couldn’t see their expressions, but Floyd used his entire body to express his mood. His arms flung into the air, his cane once again flying off to the side as he ran towards you. He managed to make it halfway there before his face met the asphalt. The woman next to you merely laughed, her wheelchair taking her to meet him halfway. It vaguely occurred to you that it might have been powered by magic, but that wasn’t the main thing on your mind. Rather, it was the fact that they seemed to know each other. Floyd’s next words illuminated what exactly their relationship was.
“Mama! What are you and Pops doing here?”
Mama? You had to take a moment to process this. Did you accidentally meet the twins’ parents?
“We’re here to pick you three up, of course. Did you forget it’s the weekend?” She waved a hand and his body floated before lifting into a standing position, his cane drifting back to his hands. “We couldn’t very well ask you to walk to the beach.”
“Thank you very much for coming all this way,” Azul said, but he was quickly interrupted by Floyd’s much louder voice.
“Right. Didja meet Red Handfish?” Floyd draped himself over his mother’s shoulders, hugging her tightly. “Didn’t think I’d see all of ya standin’ together.”
Mrs. Leech didn’t even hesitate at the nickname. She must’ve been used to using context clues to figure out who he was referring to.
“Yes, we met while waiting for your classes to end.” She glanced at her husband for just a second. Some sort of knowing look was exchanged between them. Then, she smiled at you, somehow more radiant than before. “So you’re ‘Red Handfish.’ My sons talk about you often.”
“They do?” You hoped she didn’t know you extorted Jade on your first meeting. That would surely leave a bad impression.
“Mother,” Jade suddenly interjected, his smile tight on the edges. “I hope you didn’t wait too long for us.”
“Oh, not at all. Your friend here was wonderful company.” She easily brushed off Jade’s attempt at diverting the conversation, still focused on you. “Your stories didn’t do your friend justice. I had such a pleasant time that the minutes flew right by. Why don’t we invite them to the Coral Sea? I would be thrilled to accommodate a few nights’ stay.”
“They wouldn’t be able to survive under the sea.”
“Not an issue at all.” Mr. Leech sported a winsome smile on his face, mirroring his wife. “We have potions that would make it a simple matter to bring you under the waves.”
You weren’t going to lie. Part of you was desperately curious what life was like under the sea. Merfolk communities were very isolated from human ones, and you were always thirsty for more knowledge. But above all, your sense of self-preservation prevailed. Don’t take potions from people you don’t really know would apply anywhere, even the parents of your friends.
“I’ll think about it. Thank you for your offer.”
“Don’t worry about a thing, my dear. You’re welcome anytime.” Not a trace of offence in her eyes. “I’m very happy you’re friends with my sons. Jade, especially, needed someone like you.”
Jade tried to redirect the conversation again, an uncharacteristic fluster in his mannerisms. You didn’t understand her words fully. You didn’t know that Jade, for all his pleasant masks, thought all humans were beneath him. That he was usually one of the toughest beings around in his age group. That the first time he was stumped was by a human his age. She was glad you were challenging his worldview, broadening his perspective bit by bit. As a mother, she was thanking you for opening her son up to change. To this day, she and Mr. Leech are grateful to you for introducing their sons to the idea of human capabilities being on equal footing with those of merfolk, even before they entered Night Raven College.
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trips2saturn · 2 months
didn’t do last week’s but here it is: TOWL EPISODE 5 SPOILERS BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️‍🔥
ANOTHER LEGENDARY EPISODE FOR THE TWD HISTORY BOOKS. can we get a round of applause please? 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 yes. great. perfect.
you already know what i’m about to scream about. THE RICHONNE PROPOSAL™️ HELLODHSJDHSKBDJSHSHSSBSBSJEISNS DID I NOT PREDICT IT YES OR NO. YES I DID!!!!! THE RING 😭😭😭 HIS SPEECH 😭😭😭 HIM GETTING ON ONE KNEE AND THEN SHE GETS ON HER KNEES TOO?!?1?2!$:)!/!:/& HER RESPONSE TOO?! SEDATE ME THIS IS ALL I’VE EVER WANTED. imagine thinking we haven’t won the damn lottery with this ship it’s neverrrr over for us i love them i love them so much they’re going home next episode, and we’re going to see the ring on her finger WATCH THIS SPACE ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹🥺😁
not even five minutes into the episode and i was being ambushed with both admiration and TORTUROUS PAIN. the cute little callback to 7x12 of them just being on the road, scavenging, surviving, and loving on each other was sooooo cute. rick kissing the back of mich’s hand. DOES THIS SHOW WANT ME TO DO SOMETHING VERY CATASTROPHIC BC I WILL.
BOOM. immediate anguish right after their cutie scene because what does rick do? OH RIGHT HE PULLS OUT THE PHONE OF CARL’S DRAWING AND STARES AT IT SOLEMNLY. CATASTROPHIC THOUGHTS ARE FORMING EXPONENTIALLY LITTLE TUMBLR PEOLLE 😭😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹😔😔😔😔 i can’t do this anymore no more please. i cried so hard last episode i’m tired brother
that brief scene of rick wanting to bring a gift home for rj. that’s his baby. michonne saying that he’s the brave man, and that just him coming home to them was enough. i need like three days to process this episode it was SOOOOO SOFT
“tasteful noods?” they’re idiots but they’re my idiots. i am also an idiot because just before she said that, i paused the show and read the truck and laughed out loud at the brand. i swear we’re so tethered. michonne and trips, sisters in another universe <3
im not going to sugarcoat anything. idgaf about jadis’s death. in fact, i am celebrating!!!!! will byers is NO MÁS good damn riddance.
ALSO HELLO GABRIEL? i was quite comforted to see a member of the group. those random meetups with haircut were interesting to say the least, especially the kiss because ummm was he not still dating rosita? idk idc i can’t keep up with the timelines anymore it’s not that serious unless it’s rick and michonne
also thank you GABRIEL for the wedding ring, and thanks jadis for giving it to rick. haircut was good for something in the end i guess. doesn’t matter what her ending was, i didn’t feel any reconciliation or compassion. she’s still a piece of shit who stole a great portion of rick’s life from himself and his entire family. burn in the hottest depths of hell. xo!
the callback to 6x10?!?!?? spearmint and baking soda?!?! I WAS IN LOVE WITH MY SONS BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!???????? danai and andy took the little richonne file in my brain and STUDIED it to make sure that they filmed every scene that i’ve ever wanted to happen to them. no source just trust me they did it
RICK GIVING MICH A BRAND NEW “M” NECKLACE OHHHHH 😔😔🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 THEYRE SO LOVEBUG. LIKE WOAH OKAY TROY AND GABRIELLA 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭❤️‍🩹 she deserves it so much! and then their kiss inside of the cabin afterwards, and them falling back onto the bed urgsjdvajdbabbs cutie pies!!!!!!!!!!!
every jadis scene pissed me off, so I won’t go into detail too much. you guys know how much i hate her. anyway, michonne using the axe to slice jadis like a cold cut… mother. love her. ALSO her rage when speaking about haircut too, yeah that was the perfect amount of dialogue that i wanted to see from her. her stealing rick’s time of seeing rj’s birth, first steps, etc. UGH. so excellent, you could feel her burning anger in her voice.
all of these callbacks throughout the episode but the best, most important and evident one was the mere fact that they’re a team again. kicking ass, and simply leading each other because that’s what they’re the best at. before any of their romance began, they were trusted confidants who worked so well side by side, and in this episode we got to see and feel the satisfaction and elation of having that back again!!!!!
i felt like i was at a drive thru restaurant ordering the entire episode. can i get some flirting, with a side of ass kicking, and ummm let me get a side of poetic, confessional yearning from rick grimes. yeah, that’ll be all.
rick telling gabriel that he wanted to marry michonne on the bridge. 🥺……. 😡 AND THEN EVERYTHING GOES TO SHIT AFTERWARDS. IMAGINE THE WORLD IF JADIS NEVER KIDNAPPED HIM. THEY WOULD HAVE FOUND HIM EVENTUALLY LIKE HE WAS RIGHT UP THE STREET?? oof — i cannot. we waited so long to hear this admirable dialogue but at what cost. it’s so sad, but at least we’re here now as michonne would say!!!!!
okay. ❤️‍🩹 there’s still so much to unpack but that’s enough out of me for the moment. brain’s still scrambled eggs. last but not least, michonne grimes is the hottest character ever. THE BOXERS?! she looked fucking amazing in every single outfit. if i were rick, i’d be kissing every inch of her neck too HELLO
don’t forget to stream the ones who live episode FIVE 5️⃣ on amc+ and don’t forget to watch it tonight on amc’s channel at 9pm!!!! ❤️‍🔥 so stoked for episode 6. it’s going to be the best one ever. it’s so hard to rank them at this point and i don’t want to either. every episode is better than the last! REAL TELEVISION IS BACK. 🫶🏼❤️‍🔥
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