newlevant · 27 days
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New zine that's free for anyone to print and distribute! Read the whole thing at newlevant.com/COVIDzine or in the rest of this post.
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UPDATE 4/11/2023:
I swapped out the colloidal silver nasal spray info for xylitol nasal spray info. I originally included colloidal silver spray because of the linked study and recommendation from RTHM, but I don't want to be pointing people toward something with notable health risks. Xylitol spray (Xlear) is also cheaper and more widely available!
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"If a pig catches both a human influenza A virus and an avian influenza A virus at the same time, it can spark a process known as viral reassortment — a genetic exchange in which flu viruses swap gene segments." "Those swaps can introduce dramatic changes, producing a new virus with certain properties of a non-human strain coupled with the capacity to infect and spread between people." "The death rate in humans may be upwards of 50 per cent, World Health Organization data suggests, though it's possible that milder infections are getting missed, skewing the case fatality ratio. Still, in a population that's never been exposed, the global impacts could be dire." "More human cases could also be happening under the radar among farm workers who've moved to the U.S. from abroad, don't speak English as their first language, and may be hesitant to seek medical help, he added." "So I think there's probably underreporting on both sides," Armstrong said." "If [H5N1] gets into a population where there's constantly animals going in and out … it might not ever leave."
I've been watching this develop for the past several days, and apart from being terrified most people will not take this seriously (I've seen a handful of people already shout conspiracy on social media and it's alarming to see, as always). What I wanted to point out is that pandemics are going to continue to be our 'normal.' I watched a great video on YouTube a while ago (I believe it was by Vice?) that touched base on how this is going to become our new reality because of multiple factors (such as our proximity to animals, and environments/etc). It was when Covid hit and they did a piece debunking some of the misinformation floating on the internet. If I can find it I will post it here because it was informative and relevant to pretty much any world crisis we will see around any virus that spreads among a human population.
This post isn't trying to fear monger anyone, I just hope more people are aware of what is happening because this is important to talk about. There are already cases (of cows getting this bird flu) in the US, and I won't be surprised if there will be instances in more countries around the world. As usual, keep washing your hands/keeping good hygiene practices, masking up (and if you aren't I hope you consider it), and taking precautions if you do happen to visit/work or go near a pig or poultry farm too:
I'll keep track of this here of course, but please stay informed folks. And also FU to any governments who will try to minimize this or try to diminish the severity until it's too late and community spread happens like Covid because their actions are influenced by capitalistic interests.
Update (April 7th, 2024, 9:32pm EST): to anyone wondering where some of the source information originates from -here is a link to the CDC. They are tracking documented avian virus outbreaks in the US and the public can access it here:
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animentality · 9 months
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scienza-magia · 8 months
Gene di Neanderthal causa dei contagi nella Bergamasca
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Covid in Val Seriana favorito dai geni di Neanderthal. Studio dell'Istituto Mario Negri pubblicato su 'iScience'. I geni ereditati dall'antenato uomo di Neanderthal hanno giocato un ruolo rilevante nel determinare la strage a causa del Covid-19 che ha segnato la Val Seriana nella Bergamasca, con migliaia di vittime. Uno studio dell'Istituto Mario Negri getta infatti una nuova luce sulle cause dell'alto tasso di mortalità registrato in quelle zone, attribuendo un peso decisivo proprio alla predisposizione genetica della popolazione. Un passo avanti importante nelle conoscenze scientifiche sul virus SarsCoV2 che arriva mentre ci si prepara alla nuova campagna vaccinale, con i vaccini aggiornati che saranno offerti gratuitamente a tutti coloro che vorranno effettuare la somministrazione. Dallo studio Origin, pubblicato sulla rivista iScience, si evince che una certa regione del genoma umano si associava in modo significativo col rischio di ammalarsi di Covid e di ammalarsi in forma grave nei residenti delle aree della Bergamasca più colpite dalla pandemia durante la prima ondata. "La cosa sensazionale - ha sottolineato Giuseppe Remuzzi, direttore dell'Istituto - è che 3 dei 6 geni che si associano a questo rischio sono arrivati alla popolazione moderna dai Neanderthal, in particolare dal genoma di Vindija che risale a 50 mila anni fa. Una volta forse proteggeva i Neanderthal dalle infezioni, adesso causa un eccesso di risposta immune che non solo non ci protegge ma ci espone a una malattia più severa". Le vittime del cromosoma di Neanderthal nel mondo, ha aggiunto, "sono forse un milione e potrebbero essere proprio quelle che, in assenza di altre cause, muoiono per una predisposizione genetica". Allo studio hanno aderito 9.733 persone di Bergamo e provincia che hanno compilato un questionario. I risultati della ricerca, ha commentato il presidente della Regione Lombardia Attilio Fontana, "danno una risposta a uno dei quesiti che chiunque di noi si è posto: perché alcuni contraggono il virus in modo asintomatico e altri in forma grave?". Ai progressi della scienza, si affianca la macchina organizzativa che vede al lavoro ministero della Salute e Regioni in vista della prossima campagna vaccinale anti-Covid - che quest'anno sarà concomitante a quella antinìfluenzale - che partirà dagli inizi di ottobre. I nuovi vaccini aggiornati contro la sottovariante Xbb di Omicron, attualmente dominante, arriveranno in Italia entro una quindicina di giorni, ha confermato il ministro della Salute Orazio Schillaci. E proprio oggi l'Agenzia europea dei medicinali Ema ha dato il via libera anche al vaccino aggiornato di Moderna, dopo aver dato disco verde nei giorni scorsi a quello di Pfizer-BioNTech, poi autorizzato anche dall'Agenzia italiana del farmaco Aifa. Ma proprio l'accesso ai nuovi vaccini è stato per qualche ora oggetto di polemica, non risultando chiaro se le nuove dosi potessero essere offerte gratuitamente a tutti. In serata, dal Tg1 delle ore 20.00, lo stesso Schillaci ha però chiarito che il vaccino aggiornato sarà gratuito per tutti coloro che vorranno effettuare la somministrazione, e non soltanto per le categorie più a rischio alle quali la vaccinazione è raccomandata nell'ultima circolare ministeriale del 14 agosto, ovvero over60, soggetti fragili, donne incinte e operatori sanitari. Intanto, guardia alta anche sul fronte della scuola: al ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito si è tenuto oggi un incontro per discutere, con i sindacati della scuola, l'evolversi della situazione epidemiologica ed il ministero monitora con attenzione. Il ministro Schillaci, dal canto suo, rassicura: "Siamo molto tranquilli, stiamo lavorando con il ministero dell'Istruzione per tranquillizzare tutti. C'è stato - commenta - un allarmismo forse esagerato su questo argomento". Una raccomandazione arriva dalla direttrice del Centro europeo per la prevenzione e il controllo delle malattie Andrea Ammon: "Le infezioni da Covid aumentano in Europa, ma per ora la situazione non è neanche lontanamente paragonabile a ciò che abbiamo visto negli anni. Quindi la cosa più immediata da fare è stabilire un monitoraggio rafforzato e congiunto di Covid, influenza e virus sinciziale respiratorio". Immagini dell 'emergenza Bergamasca   Read the full article
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communistkenobi · 3 months
The deeply moralist tone that a lot of discussions about media representation take on here are primarily neoliberal before they are anything else. Like the shouting matches people get into about “purity culture” “pro/anti” etc nonsense (even if I think it’s true that some people have a deeply christian worldview about what art ought to say and represent about the world) are downstream of the basic neoliberal assumption that we can and must educate the public by being consumers in a market. “Bad representation” is often framed as a writer’s/developer’s/director’s/etc’s failure to properly educate their audience, or to educate them the wrong way with bad information about the world (which will compel their audience to act, behave, internalise or otherwise believe these bad representations about some social issue). Likewise, to “consume” or give money to a piece of media with Bad Representation is to legitimate and make stronger these bad representations in the world, an act which will cause more people to believe or internalise bad things about themselves or other people. And at the heart of both of those claims is, again, the assumption that mass public education should be undertaken by artists in a private market, who are responsible for creating moral fables and political allegories that they will instil in their audiences by selling it to them. These conversations often become pure nonsense if you don’t accept that the moral and political education of the world should be directed by like, studio executives or tv actors or authors on twitter. There is no horizon of possibility being imagined beyond purchasing, as an individual consumer in a market, your way into good beliefs about the world, instilled in you by Media Product 
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mysharona1987 · 1 month
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Yes, it was totally the vaccine.
Not the fact he has, by his own acknowledgment, spent most of his life abusing steroids and smoking cigars. And his family has a history of heart problems.
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holyvirgilscriptures · 6 months
When a person belonging to a minority group says or does something bad, you are, of course, free to criticize them. But it still does not give you the right to be a bigot. Noah Schnapp sharing stupid, careless, and uninformed geopolitical opinions deserves to be called out, but it does not mean that you suddenly get to tell him that he should have been gassed by Hitler or killed by anti-Jewish hate groups or terrorists — both things I've read on Twitter and on Tumblr. It does not justify you calling him homophobic or antisemitic slurs.
"But he deserves it!" you argue. First of all, why do you think so? What makes it okay for any person to be given the green signal to get called slurs, or have people advocate for them to get hatecrimed? And more importantly, you are only signaling to your Jewish friends that you are actually capable of antisemitism. Same thing goes with your queer friends, or any friends belonging to a minority group. When you justify one form of bigotry, even to just one person — you justify all forms of bigotry.
So if you find yourself doing any of these, ask yourself why it's so easy to slip into bigoted rhetoric instead of simply focusing your criticism on what a person did/said.
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youjustwaitsunshine · 16 hours
"he just wants to race!" "he doesn't pay attention to the world around him, he probably doesn't even know politics is something that exists!" "he was told to do this/say this" i dont know how to break it to you but saying that your favourite guy has the spine, brain and agency of a jellyfish is not the grand justification you think it is.
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porcupine-girl · 8 months
Y’know, I’ve never once been harassed for wearing a mask in public. And I don’t live in some liberal utopia where most people are still masking - I live in a purple-leaning-red suburb in a red-leaning state where I’m often the only person wearing a mask in whatever building I’m in. But nobody even looks at me funny. I certainly believe people who have been harassed, but I wonder how widespread it actually is. So here is a poll:
If you want, put your answer and country/state in the tags.
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lilithism1848 · 2 months
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animentality · 9 months
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equalperson · 4 months
i think we should always take predominant sexes and races for psychiatric disabilities into question.
are men really more likely to be antisocial or narcissistic, or are women just overlooked because ASPD/NPD are seen as too "aggressive" for them?
are women really more likely to be borderline or histrionic, or are they just seen as so "hysterical" that they have to be feminine?
are black people more likely to have schizophrenia or ODD, or are labels of "psychosis" and "defiance" simply used to further dismiss, oppress, and imprison BIPOC?
are white people more likely to have autism and ADHD, or are doctors just more willing to accept that white children are disabled and not just "bad?"
oppressive biases are everywhere in psychiatry. never take psychiatric demographics at face value.
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otherbombdotcom · 1 month
Accepting that we are all going to repeatedly contract a virus that causes cumulative vascular damage, is accepting that the most vulnerable among us will die. Layered covid mitigations, starting with wearing a high quality respirator, says no to preventable infections and "acceptable" death.
Image Description: Dark grey and red text over a grey scale background. The background is an image of an N95 respirator. The dark grey text reads, "Say NO to preventable infections". Red text offset behind the grey text reads, "Acceptable death".
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septictankie · 2 years
"[M]any people with chronic and debilitating conditions are more vulnerable than they were before the pandemic began. The policies that protected them during the pandemic’s height are gone—and yet SARS-CoV-2 is still here, adding to the dangers they face. The losses have been written off, Bortko told me: Cases of long COVID in Madison County have been dismissed as products of 'risk factors' that don’t apply to others; deaths, too, have been met with a shrug of 'Oh, they were old; they were unhealthy.' If, this winter, COVID sickens or kills more people who are older, more people who are immunocompromised, more people of color, more essential and low-income workers, more people in rural communities, 'there will be no press coverage,' Hlatshwayo Davis said. Americans already expect that members of these groups will die."
"COVID still kills roughly as many Americans every week as died on 9/11. It is on track to kill at least 100,000 a year—triple the typical toll of the flu. Despite gross undercounting, more than 50,000 infections are being recorded every day. The CDC estimates that 19 million adults have long COVID. Things have undoubtedly improved since the peak of the crisis, but calling the pandemic 'over' is like calling a fight 'finished' because your opponent is punching you in the ribs instead of the face."
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fankayart · 6 months
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