#anti Alex
thetaoofbetty · 2 years
Bad takes continue with Alex: https://alexzalben.tumblr.com/post/688484898750791680/do-you-think-veronica-will-try-to-go-for-it-with
BA fans watch a completely different show. Most importantly: BA fans completely disregard Veronica at all times. Jesus!
it's too early for this. i am on mountain time, pls wait until 9am my time for riverdale reviewer stupidity. thank you.
i dunno, maybe i'm alone in it but i didn't get the impression that veronica was going to go for it (she should, ha) but more that she wanted to know where it was all going to land in the end. it felt like a weird sort of confirmation that she was filling the archie shaped hole (that she gave herself, so people can stop telling me she had her man stolen. girl gave him away this time) in her life with men who were good for companionship but not much else.
and sure, tabitha not finishing her sentence is a tease? that's how that works. i feel like alex just mansplained narratives to that anon which is weird because he's awfully confident for someone who's been wrong, like, 90% of the time. like, duh. yes, alex, that's how suspense works. thank you for telling that anon that.
it literally matters what tabitha was going to say because the ending of the sentence pushes that story? hand waving it off as nothing but a deaths-to-come tease after the reggie-veronica breakup, the last kiss thing, and her having to deal with the repercussions of her regretted choices is ignoring a whole lot of story that they've dropped since 5x18. but okay. i'm sure it means nothing. will never come back up again.
him saying it only matters for the end of the season is also just setting himself up for angry anons at some point (even if he's right in this instance, it still matters that it's a question for the story happening now). i can't tell if his bad takes are purposely bad for his own reasons or if he's just, you know, like that.
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"Clint is creepy because he hits on emily when I got married with emily,"
Coder oversight. Not part of the clints character.
Also, you guys just hate him for being ugly and fat lmao and a bit of awkward. "But he is jealpus when you get with emily!" Oh that happens to everyone dumbass.
"He never interact with emily!!"
When? He has a job? They also meet up in the bar. Emily heart events also shows that she knows him as a friend.
Meanwhile, Harvey got paired with the youngest bachelorette while being the oldest bachelor, not to mention that maru is his employee while he is basically her boss. Also, maru did say that harvey is creepy as fuck after every summer harvey asking if he could put a lotion on her back. Clint only ask Emily for dates and just being awkward.
Oh, don't forget how Alex is the typical mysoginistic jock boy stereotype.
(Disclaimer : I don't dislike them, I just dislike how people nitpick over clint shit when the other bachelor got away with more fucked up shit)
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manes24 · 2 years
Fking Alex haters. Just a bunch of jealous dickheads. To assume Alex won’t be in his ten episodes will just make it that much sweeter when he is! It must suck that Michael is going to go feral over finding out what happened to his boy! Must suck that Alex/Tyler is such a big fan favourite and that all his castmates adore the shit out of him. I love watching the haters and bullies in this fandom try and excuse their hate as some sort of progressive act. Just stop.
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jamesvowles · 11 months
Thank YOU <33 This is a long ass story tbh... tw is only the mental issues that i had to deal with, but now I can handle them pretty well. I also has set no reblog for this ask because my friend is also using tumblr and I don't want her to see this. (no one will reblog anyway
I’m a George stan and lived with a Max stan, probably the biggest George anti for two years. I started watching F1 because of her, and thought we will be fine, because we were good friends and drivers can’t change this fact at all. I always gave her Max merch for her birthday or when I wanted to buy something for myself etc etc
We were all good and fun but on March she moved to Netherlands and won’t be back in the future I think, I have to stay here because my family are and it’s still the best option for me. I had a serious separation anxiety disorder and started crying everyday from a week before her move out day and it lasted around two weeks? I stayed in the apartment alone and tried my best to get my shit together, but on April I was laid off from my job. At that time I had no income and had to seek for jobs and also a cheaper apartment because I couldn’t afford the current one anymore. I even had to find a therapist.
I decided to go to Miami GP to relax myself a little, and you know that’s right after the George and Max argument😅 I didn’t talk about this with my friend because I thought that’s not a big deal and ppl think they're funny, until when I was on my way to the airport to Miami I saw her using some bad words (like really bad) to talk about George then blocked two of my F1 related accounts, and she didn’t want to talk to me about this at all. At first I was angry then it became self doubting, like what if she doesn’t even like me in the first place (because her other mutuals also post George sometimes), what if I was not a good friend and good roommate for her. I know I’m a mediocre person, acted like too needy to her, always making troubles when cooking, and she never liked my cat. My parents are divorced and will never have a happy and healthy family like hers. My friends said it’s not worth it because I do have other friends to hangout but it’s not that simple for me, it hurts more than when you suddenly thinking about your ex girlfriend at midnight and makes you wanna cry lmao
Then after June I am living with my friend in a new apartment and can at least earn some money, everything becomes better. At this time I started writing russtappen fic😁… At first it’s only for revenge, kind of? I know she's using AO3 as well and I do curious about her reaction when she saw it, would she read it or not. To write Max more in character, I searched a lot of contents about him (I was neutral about Max and never got to know him tbh, just followed the fellow merc fans for the anti rbr train before), found out that he’s somehow an interesting person. Then I am digging russtappen contents on tiktok and here, of course I saw all your drawing and edits, they are amazing!! <3 I still don’t think the Max that I wrote is in character, because it’s a gender reversed AU and russtappen in my fic are actually much more gentle and idealized than irl. Luckily I got more interacts than I thought, the fic is non-english but there’re ppl willing to translate it and wrote me comments, i appreciate! 
Now I think my F1 opinions may be changed compare to the time I just started watching. Of course I’m still a George stan, but i don’t even consider myself as a merc fan by how George is being treated, and I am kinda tired for the hate toward Max only because he’s fast. At least he loves his cats much much more than Alex does. While continue finishing my fic, I am actually talking to my friend again. It’s me who usually start the conversations and her responds are not enthusiastic tbh, (we don’t talk about my fic, not even our daily life, just some memes like the logan sargeant update on twitter) I don’t know if this is toxic or unhealthy for me, I just realized that maybe I don’t care about her that much anymore and don’t care about how she feels about me. And that’s the end. wOW it is long and i hope no one will finish reading this. As a conclusion I will stay away from Libras for the rest of my life because they're heartless
stranger anon i don't have anything to contribute bc wow!!! the layers!!! but im happy about ur life and f1 journey....hoping everything continues on the upward trajectory bwahaha ^_^. losing friendships is hard but sometimes it's just the best path ahead for your own sanity yk? thank you for sharing <3. my inbox is always open for anything
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and also max verstappen is a libra
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raceweek · 9 months
alex crossing the finish line and immediately shouting about how fucking dirty checo is before turning off his own radio and coming back to say thanks guys p11 is still great like no go back you were saying smth
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elainiisms · 10 months
never forget what they took from us
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zephyrbabe · 2 months
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it’s the bare minimum
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sassylittlecanary · 4 months
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All memes aside, THIS is Batman. The classic, most ideal, most altruistic version of the character. He struggles with darkness within the world and himself, but he cares. His actions are driven by his heart. He’s a hero.
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HE CARES. He’s not the Punisher. He doesn’t fight crime because he loves violence or because he’s Mr. Law & Order. He understands that crime hurts people, and that’s why he fights it. Not just because it’s The Right Thing, but because he cares about improving people’s lives. He’s not driven by vengeance. He’s driven by compassion.
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This is the man who invests in new jobs and better infrastructure, because he understands that rebuilding communities is crucial to helping the people of Gotham. He understands that the poor aren’t lazy or criminal but instead being taken advantage of by a system that doesn’t care about them, so he uses his wealth and resources to help his city, not caring what profit he makes, because it’s about helping people. It’s always about how much he cares for humanity. He sees light in people, even misguided ones. He believes no one is ever past redemption. Batman doesn’t exist to punish, enforce, or frighten — he exists to help and redeem and persevere in his quest to find goodness in the world and other people.
Batman: War on Crime by Paul Dini and Alex Ross
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notaplaceofhonour · 8 days
Understanding Alex Jones’s place in the Bush-era anti-war scene would do the left a lot of good in understanding (and not repeating) similar mistakes that the current anti-war scene is making today.
For those who aren’t old enough to remember, there was actually a time when Alex Jones had a decent amount of goodwill on the far left. He was obviously always a lunatic conspiracy theorist, and most everyday people saw him as such, but there was a significant enough portion of the anti-war left that liked him, that actually promoted InfoWars, appeared on AJ’s show, and linked arms with him at anti-war protests.
Without the momentum that his Bush-era popularity gave him, Jones would not have become a recognizable or relevant media figure like he did. The model InfoWars pioneered, which helped pave the way for the entire far right griftosphere that sprang up around it—from Breitbart to OAN & the Epoch Times to the sea of smaller Q-fluencers—owes its success in part to this diagonal reach across political lines. The extreme right wing conspiracy theory platform that has all but consumed the GOP would not have been able to gain nearly as much of a foothold if it were not for the years of work InfoWars & outlets like it did to normalize it in the Bush years.
Obviously I am not going so far as to say “The Left Is Solely Responsible For Alex Jones™️”. But much of the anti-war/anti-government left absolutely participated in helping him rise to prominence. They were willing to jump in bed with Jones without paying attention to his work or else were willing to turn a blind eye to who Jones was, all because he was saying things that were convenient to their cause. It didn’t matter that he was a rightwing or grade-A bigot; he opposed the US government & the war.
And I’m fully aware that there’s a common refrain among a lot of that “I used to listen to InfoWars” section of the left that would push back against this and say, “well, yeah, Jones is obviously a fascist now, but back then he wasn’t like that; he was kooky back then, sure, but the pre-Sandy Hook, pre-Gay Frogs Jones wasn’t nearly as bigoted or rightwing as the ‘Hillary For Prison’ Trump-era Jones became”.
To that I say, no, that’s bullshit. If you actually go back and listen to his show from back then… holy shit. He was homophobic as fuck. He was racist as fuck. The entire NWO/Globalist framework that he hangs all his other conspiracy theories on is built around antisemitic tropes from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion he regularly hosted & promoted explicit antisemites like his pastor Texe Marrs, who openly espoused that Jews (often named as such) controlled the world politically, financially, and religiously through Zionism, a global banking cartel, and Communism. In some ways, Jones was even more transparent then than he is now.
“Okay, but what does this have to do with the current anti-war movement?” I hear you say. “I never fell for Alex Jones; I’ve always hated that guy.”
To begin with, you should be on the lookout for the internal biases and lack of vetting that lead the left to tolerate Jones in the first place, whether you think you’re liable to or not (arguably, it is all that much more important when you think you aren’t, because you are never more susceptible than when you think you aren’t). But unfortunately much of the anti-war left of today has been making the same mistake, just with different people and organizations.
Take for instance Jackson Hinkle, a tradcath & self-described “MAGA Communist”, who has gotten a lot of traction with the leftwing anti-Zionist crowd (and I would be remiss not to mention, has also been a guest on InfoWars). Or take another AJ, the media outlet Al Jazeera, which says a lot of things that are attractive to the left out one side of its mouth while spewing a bunch of rightwing theocratic garbage out the other, much like Bush-era InfoWars did. Take PSL/ANSWER (Pro-Putin Pro-Assad Pro-Xi atrocity denialists & conspiracy theorists) are one of the most common fixtures of the current protest movement, regularly advertised as organizers by other prominent organizations like JVP & SJP. A lot of people on the left have been embracing figures and organizations that espouse Khazar Theory, Deicide, Media Control, and Blood Libels not at all dissimilar to the accusations you could hear from Jones and his pastor friend Texe Marrs, with the same figleaf of “anti-Zionism” that Marrs frequently used himself.
Whether by sheer ignorance or willfully turning a blind eye, the left keeps making the same mistake of tolerating & even embracing figures & organizations with similarly noxious politics & conspiracy thinking now that was made with Bush-era InfoWars. We need to do better. We need to learn from the past so we can stop repeating its mistakes.
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scrollonso · 1 month
need the 2024 grid to have a sleepover rn
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michaeltrevino · 2 years
“the group would fall apart w/o @lex”
lol ok
the character the group needs to stay alive and figure shit out for them is kyle manuel valenti
they would literally be all dead without him
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cabensqn · 27 days
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you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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cirrus-grey · 21 days
So I had to look up what a "threewords" is, but it turns out it's pretty cool!
Basically it's a substitute for latitude/longitude, where instead of using sequential numbers to identify a location this company has assigned every 3-meter square of the world it's own unique 3-word combination. If someone gives you the words for their location, you can look it up on the website, and find them
And yes, "from.vision.ruled" is in Highgate Cemetery.
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At this point I’m starting to think Vivzepop got these celebrities and Broadway actors held hostage because ain’t no way these famous people part of this corny fetish wattpad shitshow like blink twice if you need help 😭🤣
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samasmith23 · 9 months
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Dipper Pines is an anti-capitalist! I love it!
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julamari · 3 months
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so sad theyre gonna disappear mysteriously 😞 rip in peace to the real ones
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