#vivzepop critical
My thoughts on the trailer
and god The victim blaming on blitzo I don’t like his character but the fact that the show makes him feel bad for not wanting to be with stolASS is disturbing it’s giving every toxic BL I read when I was in high school
remember when helluva boss was a dark comedy about imps going to earth to kill the people? yeah we no longer in that plot anymore it’s all about vivzeshit and her favorite twink owl oc
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nightfallgazer · 10 hours
Hey, a twitter account just popped up with receipts about Viv and her wrongdoings. Link to the thread.
I just want to talk about one screenshot that pissed me off.
TW: acephobia
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Just because asexual people are not into s3x [repulsed or indifferent], does not mean we cannot have k!nks. Most NSFW I see are always on the ace spectrum.
We can appreciate that human body without sexualizing it. Ever heard of aesthetic attraction?
Viv being acephobic was always on my bingo card, but I am glad I got confirmation of it.
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blossomthepinkbunny · 2 months
Watching Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss initially kinda feels like comfortably walking up a set of stairs until you stub your toe on a step and violently fall all the way down again.
Because these shows are perfect to watch if you turn your mind off and just watch colours flash before your eyes, but as soon as you start to ask one simple question or just think critically about it, it all falls apart.
How do businesses even work in hell when a monetary system is never established and it's said that no one (not even the leaders or royalty) cares about rules and a working system?
If no one does care then why are classism and these relationship issues in HB even a problem?
What even happens after sinners or imps die?
If we don't know what happens why should we care about whenever they're in danger?
Why should we care about the exterminations?
Why are there prisons and therapy centers in hell when it would be more efficient for the Sins if they'd just kill demons that piss them off?
Why aren't these demons just killed when apparently no one would care?
If Stolas would be in trouble for giving the grimoire to an imp, how can the I.M.P's just advertise their services out to the public like that?
And why has their business model even worked for them so far, when the people they kill can just get to them in hell?
Can every sinner make a contract with everyone?
If so, then why can't Charlie just make a new contract with Angel Dust that makes the one he has with Valentino useless?
Why does Charlie genuinely never do anything to actually help her people out?
Why does she desperately want to stop the exterminations but never does anything when Alastor kills so many demons?
Why should we give a shit about demons being murdered when so far only a few demons actually tried to be better and the ones that don't try to change are shown to be the worst people ever?
How did Vaggie not know angels could be harmed when she literally lost her eye and her wings to an angelic weapon?
(I'm not counting explanations that weren't in the show, one shouldn't have to look up additional material to understand whats going on)
A show having a plothole doesn't necessarily make it bad. But Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel have so many inconsistencies not only regarding worldbuilding but also characters. These may seem like small issues but they all pile up to create shows with terrible logic. It's not good writing when a show can't withstand one point of criticism without opening up to a ton of other, even more destructive issues.
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toasty-self-shipping · 2 months
on today episode of I wish someone run me over with a car apparently Vivzepop Jewish stereotype character is actually based on a chicken
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It’s ironic how Vivzepop can post about her Broadway trips and brag about how she got so many celebrities to voice act her characters like mmm I wonder where that money coming from oh yeah! YOU TAKING EVERYONE MONEY AND NOT GIVING THEM THEIR PLAYBILLS
like people spend a bunch of money to get those and still haven’t got them hazbin hotel is over Vivzepop where is the damn playbills I wouldn’t be surprised they don’t exist and viv lie to her fandom to get Money out of them sooner or later her fans are going to ask for a refund and it won’t be pretty
Freakin viv flexin the playbills from goin to broadway and crap. "Forgettin" to put any update status on the playbills, if its gonna arrive or not.
If she scrapped it(or what you said didnt existed) and called it a day...UMM yeahh, Viv gonna get
Not only that, cuz she can't zip her darn mouth for spoiling the show... like gurl, i get it that youre hella excited and all BUT STILL!! Also SHE BETTA REFUND IT AS WELL...
( P.S. I feel seriously bad/upset for you all that you didnt get the playbills.../srs ) it's hella ridiculous...
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randomfanner · 2 months
I don't plan on talking about Hazbin Hotel much because I am not happy with it, and that is why I want to talk about what disappoints me the most: Alastor.
TW: mentions of cannibal
There were a couple of comics released a long while ago showing how Angel came to the Hotel, and a special comic with Alastor that I rather enjoyed where he goes to the meat market where a hellborn is being threatened by the butcher. Alastor of course kills and eats the butcher.
Basically the comics set him up as Hannibal Lector type moral code. If you aren't rude or unnecessarily cruel, he'll leave you alone. However if you are he would be thrilled to kill you in the most horrid way he can think of and then eat your corpse.
And then the show turns him into some edge lord with a connection to Lilith and half ass tries to make him seem like he cares about the hotel when he has alternative motives and he is just an edgelord. It sucks.
Because think of what could have been done in the show, and I think we kinda get SOME of what we could have from the cannibal village but think of what else could have been done:
For one thing, I think the Lilith connection could have been cut. He is there for his own entertainment, but he does like Charlie's spirit. I think it could be much more interesting if he genuinely isn't there to be evil. Course he still does fucked up shit and sometimes counter intuitive shit on the regular(just an example, Angel Dust could say something wrong enough he is about to cause a murder and has to be held back).
But he does actually help.
Like, instead of having to be coaxed into making a TV ad, just, have him doing radio ads?
Also him actually like the Egg Bois I think would be fun. They are stupid and kind of useless but they are sweet and he finds himself fond of them. Also could give him more of a relationship with Penticous. "You know, I have to give you credit, my boy, these little guys are extremely entertaining!"
Also if he was actually, in some way trying actively to help, I think it could lead much more into Dadstor. I want that to make sense, you know? I want it too but it doesn't and I think having him be more Gentleman who expect good manners, and can cause harm should you not.
And if they had gone more with the ideas of redemption and the actual truth of that, have a bad client thrown in that Charlie is really trying to help but they just keep snapping straws, and well Charlie can hold everyone else back well: Alastor is not all to pleased by someone wasting time.
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you know how hazbin hotel is on Amazon prime
and how Amazon prime is Zionist
and how vivzepop made hazbin hotel
and how vivzepop is being very silent about Palestine
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mixterglacia · 2 months
I still stand by my opinion that Loser, Baby DOES NOT WORK in it's current format. If the episode had started with the version we have at the end, then move into Poison, that would be far better. Husk tries to be like 'oof shit I'm sorry-' to be interrupted by Angel saying something to the effect of 'Nah, I'm a loser. Don't you remember, baby?' and launch into a reprise of the song.
As it currently stands I think it fucking sucks, and no amount of bitching about media literacy can save it in its current format.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
You know I agree with some of the asks and responses that mention Zoophobia.
Yes, Viv promised 8 whole books (about 40 chapters) for Zoophobia but only manage to get through 5 chapters before up and dropping it.
Yes, when Viv talks about Zoophobia she does it in a way that makes it seem like she's no longer interested in it.
Yes, she did strip mine Zoophobia for the characters that would later become the cast for Hazbin Hotel.
And yes, it is reasonable for someone to dread the day that she might return to Zoophobia with her bad writing because let's be real and reiterating the second point, if she is willing to go back and strip mine characters from Zoophobia just as she was willing to take a random background character in Hazbin Hotel that would later become Blitzo, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that she would return to Zoophobia and make an animated show out of it.
Also, it's Vivziepop, can you really take her word for anything at this point?
You can't, and nobody should.
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rose-above-dark · 3 months
I write this with fevered delirium but is it just me or is the worldbuilding in helluva / hazbin just. Boring? And misses the point of hell entirely?
Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty!! But it all feels the same. All of the layers in the shows just look like earth but with a red/green tint. And why are sinners only confined to one layer, that being pride?
This is capital H Hell. Greed and pride for example, are the exact same architecturally and aesthetically but with a different color tint. Greed should be far more water based considering the residents (sharks), but wait, we know envy is also water based thanks to glitz and glam?
Then there’s wrath. Wrath misses the point of wrath.
Wrath is defined as extreme anger, and in the show. What we see as wrath is actually just violence? Like Millie’s parents talk about the destruction in war and how they love the violence, the competition in western energies is that of strength and violence. In the later half, striker does have moments of wrath, I’ll admit that. But that is outclassed by his pride. It is his pride that leads to his defeat in later episodes.
Millie, despite also being from wrath, is much more probed to violence then anger.
Remember: in violence, sinners were punished in multiple ways, violence against others would result in being punished in a lake of boiling blood, like the volcanos we see. Violence against the self meant you were turned into trees and foliage, like the countryside
Also, since the helluva verse is based off Dante’s inferno, wouldn’t the river styx exist in wrath? The aesthetics of Wrath itself kinda just feels like a 20 minute drive from pride.
Then there’s the issue of sinners only existing in one layer. It misses the entire point of hell, which is to punish both Lucifer by making him suffer with the worst of mankind’s choices, and humans themselves.
So, why then tell me. If the point of hell is to punish sinners, why are they confined to one layer? Why even have multiple layers in the first place? Think of how cool it could be to have the sinners from vast parts of hell, telling Charlie their situations, and her learning from it. Learning more of her people.
Overpopulation could have been solved so easily if heaven had just allowed sinners to inhabit other layers. But then you may ask ‘wouldn’t heaven want all the sinners in one area for extermination!’
We see in episode 6, sera only agreed to the idea of extermination as a way to deal with overpopulation in the first place. She’s so regretful of it that she refuses to tell the rest of heaven and is ashamed of herself.
The extermination feels like the only punishment in hell aside from just. Shitty people. Where’s the damnation? Like you could take them out of hell and make no difference. As we saw in shooting stars, where people are just as bad. Where’s the thought that hell tournaments it’s denizens? Where’s the evil that’s perpetuated by hell itself? Where’s the idea that hell is worse than anything?
Do you get what I’m saying?
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dreamlanddoll · 1 month
Re-watching hazbin hotel rn with a fresh perspective and honestly??? A lot of the things people criticize it for are such small issues and at the very most issues that MOST good shows have. Like, the writing isn't perfect but it's so endlessly charming and fun and beautifully animated that it's really not as bad as people make it out to be.
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Helluva boss is no longer the show we saw 3 years ago
so after the release of the season two trailer we all come to the conclusion that the original premise of this show is non existent the once dark comedy about blitzo and his assassint business is gone and not coming back
and now it’s all about stolas and his love for blitzo and yeah we saw dorks and the cherubs but let’s be real this show is created by Vivzepop I doubt those two will actually be an actual threat to imp if Viv can go 5 minutes without making everything about stolas
and I know you are asking yourself this question
“what happened to this show?”
well Vivzepop and her fandom that’s what happened viv was so focused into making fanservice she doesn’t even bother to actually make a good series which did had potential especially with blitzo backstory
like did really need stolas and his divorce drama to be the main conflict in the show we could of got a mystery plot of blitzo trying to figure out if his mother is actually alive stuck somewhere the character development we could of had but sadly this show is created by someone who loves toxic yoai so we never getting that
at this point you can’t call helluva boss a indie animated show anymore it’s now a shitty Netflix series so congratulations Vivienne Medrano you have officially destroyed your own show
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blossomthepinkbunny · 2 months
Vivzepops fetishization of queer men and the lack of Sapphic content in HH and HB
I found it a bit dissapointing that Charlie and Vaggie had very little interactions that could be read as romantic or sexual, especially since they are the supposedly the main couple of Hazbin Hotel and have been together the longest out of most of the couples in HH and HB.
Of course having more casual representation is also fine but the most memorable thing about their relationship was the quickly resolved argument they had when Charlie found out about Vaggies past. I've seen different opinions about how they were handled as a pair.
I understand when someone says that they enjoyed a more relaxed couple with subtle, realistic interactions, interactions that are often overlooked just because both characters are female.
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But I can also agree, that they were really not a stand-out couple (wich is weird since Charlie is the main Character) and that it was a bit dissapointing to not see a lot of content for them.
Now the main issue I found with this is that in Vivzepops stories there is a definitive lack of sapphic content. It sometimes seems like women are sexless unless they are with a man. But two men can be sexual and openly affectionate (romantically too). At first I didn't really understand why I felt weird about Chaggie as a couple, so I looked at all the implied/canon ships in Helluva and Hazbin (including past relationships).
Implied/canon couples between a man and a woman:
-Millie and Moxxie
-Blitzø and Verosika
-Stolas and Stella
-Millie and Chaz
-Beelzebub and Vortex
-Sir Pentious and Cherry Bomb
-Adam and Lute
-Lucifer and Lilith
Implied/canon couples between two men:
-Stolas and Blitzø
-Asmodeus and Fizzarolli
-Moxxie and Chaz
-Angel Dust and Husk
-Vox and Valentino
Implied/canon couples between two women:
-Charlie and Vaggie
Now please tell me if I missed any, but these were the ones I could think of.
Honorable mentions include Loona & Vortex, Blitzø & Striker, Blitzø & Chaz and Blitzø & Fizzarolli. But I didn't put these on there because they're either one-sided or don't have enough romantic content.
Now it's very easy to see the difference between representation for queer men in comparison to queer women in these shows. The only relevant (im not counting Background characters) Sapphic relationship there is, is Chaggie. And it's completely underrepresented when compared to the content the man x woman or man x man ships get (not to mention the total absence of gender-queer characters).
One of Millie's and Moxxie's jokes is that they're so in love, that they're almost always cuddling, holding hands, talking sweet or just straight up making out with eachother (I'll talk about Millie a bit later). Sir Pentious had multiple scenes dedicated to him trying to confess to Cherry Bomb or just crushing on her in general.
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Stolas' and Blitzø's relationship has become one of the main topics of Helluva Boss and they get a Backstory and explicit aswell as dramatic scenes for them as a couple. The same goes for Asmodeus and Fizzarolli (except that their love isn't as important). Angel Dust and Husk get a song and part of an episode for their relationship to develop.
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Here i'd also have to mention that by the list I made Vivzepop's fetish for queer men is very prevalent. Most of the couples between men and women are either past relationships or they get very little attention to them. The only ships that often get special focus, development or explicitly romantic/sexual focus are ships with two men (no matter if their dynamics are even good, healthy etc.).
Now for Millie there are different ways you could talk about her situation with relationships. In general I think that everyone can agree that Millie lacks Character and is a good representation for the neglect of the female characters. Most of her moments revolve around Moxxie in a way and she hasn't had precise characterization so far.
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Millie's relationship with Moxxie is sweet and simple and is generally one of the better things about Helluva Boss (if you ignore Millies lack of personality wich really pulls the couple down for me). Now the Episode "Exes and Oohs" shows the mutual Ex of Millie and Moxxie. Chaz dated both of them and as we see in the episode affected both of them very negatively. At the start we literally see Millie freak out and destroy a bunch of stuff, just because she saw Chaz on the street.
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Yet Millie's relationship with him is never explored further. All we know is that she dislikes him and that he's a giant asshole. Whereas Moxxie get's a whole Backstory and episode plot about him and Chaz. No focus is given to Millie at all even though Chaz is the ex of BOTH of them.
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Another thing that I wanna point out is Millie's possible Bisexuality. Now im not so sure for this point because I couldn't find genuine confirmation on wether Millie is actually confirmed to be Bisexual or if it's just a headcannon. So take this with a grain of salt BUT if Millie is Bisexual then she perfectly shows how little Vivzepop cares about Sapphic representation. What does Moxxie get to confirm him as Bisexual? An ex of the same gender (also multiple explicit flashbacks with him), a whole discussion about his queer identity and a scene where he literally says that he's Bisexual. Moxxie is pretty good Bisexual representation in that regard.
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What does Millie get? Nothing. Again I don't know if she's genuinely also Bisexual or if it's ever been confirmed but it'd also be pretty weird if Vivzepop apparently cares so much about queer representation and then doesn't confirm any female characters as actually queer.
I think a lot of people have talked about her blatant fetishization of queer men and I think that that's also mainly why I feel weird by the lack of attention on Vaggie and Charlie as a couple.
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I sorta wish I could enjoy a more toned-down and realistic couple in these shows, but when I see that a ship like Vox and Alastor (wich isn't canon nor would it even happen since Alastor is Aroace) is talked about more than the actual main character's relationship I just don't like it.
There's so much more you could say about poor queer representation by Vivzepop (like the fact that she's fine with people ignoring Alastors Aroace identity, and the stereotypes etc) I mainly wanted to talk about the neglect of her female cast in terms of sexuality.
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coming from someone who read the webcomic it literally has the same repeating pattern as hazbin hotel and helluva boss does
the main character doesn’t barely be the main character because Vivzepop ALWAYS picks her other ocs to have the spotlight the
the character who is literally a creep or a asshole gets some sad sloppy backstory to get you to have pity for them aka stolas angel dust and that red demon fox guy (I forget his damn)
the drama is dry and comes out of nowhere
and it doesn’t help the fact that viv is still acting the same she is still the spoiled immature woman who threw temper tantrums whenever someone gives her valid criticism and now the 20 year old is 31 and STILL acts like that Vivzepop may think she’s untouchable because of the celebrities and Broadway actors she hangs around with but trust me as soon as hazbin hotel and helluva boss ends and everyone goes their separate ways the fandom will turn on her and Vivzepop will realize she can’t run away from the horrible things she done
This. This woman is impervious to learning any damn lesson.
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aster-spiral-30 · 1 month
Reading this gave me second hand embarrassment
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Like as a black person who became a fan of Vivzepop art a long time ago I literally remember alastor being WHITE his ass was never mixed creole that man was pale as hell😭
It’s insane how viv got these people thinking him owning husk (who is voice by a black man) is normal and not racist or creepy in anyway 🤢
Yeah, I saw one of Viv’s old sketches of him and he’s white as sour milk.
I lost my patience with these creeps a long time ago.
It’s so contemptible.
*sees a cartoon slave owner threatening to torture & murder his slave for speaking out of turn in episode 5*
“OMG my blorbo is so feral he’s so based & skrunkly*
He’s more evil than the literal Devil for fuck’s sake. Lucifer was right about sinners being shitty; he just wants to be left alone.
“But it’s Hell!” Uhh I don’t care?
Adam was a hero for trying to kill Alastor, as far as I’m concerned.
Trashy people on here will bend over backwards to defend serial killers in shitty fiction (Hannibal Lecter, Jigsaw, William Afton, Alastor).
And one more thing, Viv tried to backpedal that Alastor is white because he uses voodoo in an evil way, which is disrespectful. (Don’t get me started on how badly she botched any criticisms of Christianity in this show).
…A better writer would have used the fact that he’s a white man who rips off a religion for his own greed.
But Viv isn’t a good writer.
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ec2003 · 2 months
I hate it that I couldn’t send this on anonymous or on my critical so can please answer this in private
So it’s no secret that Vivzepop has a very…. strange kink/fetish I know it’s pretty obvious in her shows the chains and collars are a dead giveaway and I know everyone in the critical community laughs at how weird it is how viv keeps saying she takes stuff like SA and abuse seriously but lies because in reality she finds it sexy and that’s the concerning problem with Vivzepop instead of keeping her kinks separate from the shows she puts them in it and paints it as something serious even though it’s very obvious in a fetish way
especially on her twitter account where you can go in her likes and see art of angel getting SA or being chained up which this is where Ralph comes in due to him liking the same kink viv doesn’t want to let him go because she finds someone who’s into the same fetish but Vivzepop should of kept that private AND should of never let Ralph join the team especially with making the angel dust storyboard
and as much as I hate both of them they really need to get some help like once hazbin hotel is over and helluva boss ends and all the Broadway singers and celebrities leave viv is going to go back to being an average person on twitter and everyone are going to laugh and point because now Vivzepop is remember as the weird person who got their kinks animated and nobody won’t be there to comfort her because all of her actual friends are doing better
Hopefully, someone takes over her shows while she gets nothing or even evolved in her stuff no more. It worked when the creator of Ren and Stimpy was away because he was a child groomer and he caused a bunch of problems with Nickelodeon. I do also wish someone would finish Viv's cancelled projects as well, but without her. I dunno why she had to make her fetish public. Maybe because of her pride, she thought people were going to protect her anyway if she posts this in front of everybody or no one would notice.
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