#and when i came back service ended 😭😭😭
d3myxx · 2 years
just got reminded of after l!fe crying rn
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also i think i have a stalker at work :)
#ok well not rlly a stalker ? yet .#like okay#this guy came in friday night right before close#n he was pretty nice n stuff like we had a good conversation#and at the end he was like you’re really adorable btw#and i was like oh haha thank you . cuz like what else am i supposed to say#and i thought that was that#but he came in again on saturday night and when he saw me he was like omg hey !! and i said hi back#because i’m not mean 😭 and i just thought oh this guy really likes our food i guess#and he started a conversation again and honestly i think i’m a little too nice sometimes because he gave me really weird vibes#but i ignored them because i didn’t wanna be rude and also#customer service ya know . 😐#and again he was like you’re so cute n adorable n im like oh thank you again because#WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY ??#also i wear a mask at work for the same reason to keep anonymity in situations like these#so this guy hasn’t seen my face at all n is talking about how cute i am ? a little weird but ok#anyways he came in again sunday night and atp i’m like ok dude come on the food can’t be that good#and this time i started feeling a little creeped out so i didn’t talk to him much#but before he left this dude grabbed my shoulder ?? and was like you’re really special u know that :)#LIKE HELLO ??#and i just awkwardly moved away and said thank you once again#and then he came in on monday night FOR THE FOURTH NIGHT IN A ROW#and i’m really creeped out at this point so i just flat out ignore him#but he asks me what my favorite dish on the menu is#and i tell him i haven’t had much else but the chicken because i have sensory issues#WHICH I DO and it makes me have a rlly sensitive pallet in terms of taste#which was the worst thing i could have possibly said because his next words were#’oh a sensitive pallet ? i could help you fix that ;)’#LIKE DUDE WHAT 😀#and i just awkwardly laughed and handed him his food and walked in to the back
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stiingrayyyy · 3 months
Dating Headcanons F.H
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What it’s Like to Date Five Hargreeves
Pairings — Five Hargreeves x Reader (pronouns not specified)
Summary — My headcanons for if you were Five’s lover.
Warnings — opinions, no plot, it’s all over the place, last one is semi-NSFW.
A/N — i try to avoid nsfw with five because yk.. in the show, he’s physically thirteen but this one was too funny not to add. let’s all just pretend there was a happy ending okay 😭😭. i wrote this before season four came out so let’s pretend it ended happily.
— if you want another version where it’s just headcanons of you and five in the apocalypse i’m down for that.
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— I see headcanons where Five is straight up mean, manipulative, and where he’s just using you.
— To me, that’s not Five being in love with you. Have you seen how he treats Delores? HE’S SO SWEET TO HER.
— So if you’re his lover, he will give you princess treatment like no other, holy shit.
—He’ll prepare breakfast so it’s ready to be eaten when you wake up.
— He thinks breakfast in bed is a recipe for disaster so he never does that.
— If you take a while to wake up he’ll wake you up.
— “My love, breakfast is ready.” He’ll whisper into your ear before pressing a kiss onto your temple, then one on your forehead, then your nose… then finally a chaste kiss on your lips.
— He’ll tuck you in bed at night and make sure you’re all snug before leaving. If you can’t sleep he’ll read to you.
— With him around, you genuinely never have to open a door. In addition to paying for every meal, he always walks on the outside of the sidewalk. He also pulls the chair out for you when you sit and showers you with praise.
— Sometimes the praise is simple whispers in your ear because he isn’t much into PDA.
— There was never an official wedding, he stole two matching rings and gave one to you.
— He’d like to have an official wedding.
— If he has to worry about the apocalypse he’ll probably neglect you only because he thinks the fate of the world is in his hands.
— He loves going on simple dates, whether it’s at Griddy’s Doughnuts, a simple stroll in the park, or a little painting place.
— He’s fancy but he doesn’t see the point in expensive restaurants. He likes the little things.
— He loves to make and paint pottery with you, it’s his favourite thing to do.
— When he can’t sleep he’ll come over to your place and sit on the roof with you.
— If you fall asleep he’ll Blink into your room and tuck you in, and he’ll even leave a note for you to read when you wake up.
— It usually goes along the lines of..
“You fell asleep, don’t worry I made sure you got back in your room and I picked up all your stuffies from the floor and put them on the bed with you.”
— He struggles with insomnia.
— He’ll write you love letters even though it’s more convenient to send a text. He loves you and he’s willing to put effort in love notes.
— His primary love languages are quality time and acts of service.
— He doesn’t show much affection in public.
— He doesn’t mind holding your hand though.
— Five won’t be afraid to hold your hand, wrap an arm around your shoulders or waist while he’s with his siblings.
— Kisses and hugs are private though.
— Despite being private, he doesn’t hide the fact he’s dating you.
— If anyone tries anything on you, Five will glare daggers. If that’s not enough, he’ll threaten them, and if they keep pushing he’ll make them bleed (but not too severe 🥰)
— He’s hella protective.
— You make midnight munchies together.
— He’ll refuse to dance with you in the kitchen at 2am but he’ll reluctantly say yes and end up actually enjoying it.
— Same goes for dancing in the rain. He pretends to hate it but he loves it and you know he does.
— You always make pasta or noodles for midnight munchies.
— One time you made cookies and accidentally woke up Klaus who ate the cookie dough before you got to put it in the oven.
— When you guys had sex for the first time Klaus congratulated you and Five with a cake that said ‘virgin’ in the middle of a 🚫 and woke you up the next day with confetti.
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— sorry, i know i said i’d have a part three to my ben hargreeves fic but i wrote it and didn’t edit it.. and it didn’t seem entertaining enough to post, i’m sorry.
— if you want headcanons with the apocalypse involved, let me know <3
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leilanihours · 8 days
imagine r and nika wanna take the next step in their relationship but theyre not sure on what that next step is, so nika comes back from dawg class w the puppy she was assigned saying thats their next step😭 j bringing back a whole ass dog and insisting her gf lets her keep it
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pairing: nika muhl x gf!reader
word count: 1215
warnings: a cute pup idk..
summary: the day you and nika become dog moms.
from lani: cute cute fluff tn for nika ☺️ also i changed the ask a little bit bc i forgot to look back at it while i was writing but i hope u still like it anon!
YOU SAT QUIETLY on your bed wrapped in blankets as you read the book in your hands. normally you would be spending the day with your girlfriend, nika muhl, but she was currently participating in kelsey plum’s "dawg class" before the wnba season started up.
you allowed yourself to zone out as you think about your relationship with the brunette. the connection had been brewing for years, some might say, but it was just labeled official just over six months ago. the two of you were victims of the honeymoon phase, and it was obvious with how you were practically attached at the hip all the time.
there was never any questioning of your relationship nor your love for each other, but as you two began to approach the one year milestone, you started wondering what the next step would be. you understood that nika would be busy with her basketball career, of course, and you would be occupied pursuing your own major in grad school, but you just recently discussed the topic of a possible roadblock.
it was a long, serious conversation that consisted of mutual respect, honesty, and communication. that was one of the things you loved about being with nika. she was always willing to work things out when it came to you. she typically comes off as headstrong to anyone else, but her guard immediately lets down in your presence.
she valued what you had to say and responded with her own kindness, comforting you undoubtedly. you knew you were in it for the long run with her, and but was she in it for you as well?
sighing in contemplation, you gently close your book and set it down on your bedside table as you make your way over to your closet. wordlessly slipping into one of nika’s uconn hoodies, you walk over to the kitchen of your shared apartment to make yourself a cup of tea.
you connect your phone to the soundbar speaker planted on the wall underneath the tv and shuffle one of your favorite albums of all time: blue water road by kehlani. the soothing melodies of “everything” fills your ears as you pad through the kitchen and living room out to the balcony. you observe the beautiful sunset before you, the serene view calming your messy web of thoughts.
you knew nika was it for you. everything about her drew you in, physically and emotionally. her contagious laugh, charming eyes, hypnotizing touch, perfect hair. her undivided love, true devotion, loyal attentiveness, selfless acts of service. no one made you feel this way before you met her. she was everything to you. everything.
you subconsciously smile at the thought of spending the rest of your life with this girl. you pictured what your future would look like next to her and your heart swelled like the music at the end of a cheesy rom-com movie. the love you had for nika was truly immeasurable, and right now you just hoped she felt the same.
speaking of your girlfriend, you hear noise coming from the front door of the apartment. it’s not a key in the door, however, more like…scratching? you curiously walk over to the kitchen as you continue to hear the odd noises.
maybe it was just one of the neighbors’ pets, you think. but nika should be getting home soon…
before you can begin to question the situation further, the door is unlocked and eagerly pushed open by a small creature that was definitely not your girlfriend. with wide eyes, you observe the small brown and black puppy that is now padding happily across the floors, tail wagging excitedly.
you crouch down onto your knees as the dog immediately rushes into your arms, taking in your scent and licking your face. you can’t help but grin at the interaction despite not knowing the source or story behind it.
“hi, baby! surprise!” nika says with a bright smile.
“who’s this little guy?” you mirror her expression as you ruffle the pup’s ear softly. you’ve always had a weakness for dogs, ever since you were little and got one for your 13th birthday. she was a pomeranian named flora and she was your best friend. you loved her so much that you dedicated your many aspects of your life to her. 
and, of course, nika knew about your obvious love for the animals, which is why she felt the urge to make this big decision.
“this is ivan,” she starts as she joins you on the floor, “he was one of the rescue dogs from class today and needed a new home…” she says with a shy tone in her voice.
“did he?” you smirk at the girl, enjoying her timid behavior.
“yeah, so when kelsey told us…i had this idea…for us.”
“i’m listening…”
“i love you, y/n, and our relationship. and that’s not gonna change anytime soon, so i figured that this would be the next step…for us? i just think that-” she sighs in thought, “i can’t stand the thought of ever being without you and i know it’s still pretty early into this new chapter of our lives but i wanna spend the rest of my life with you, y/n. so i hope you’ll accept this adorably precious puppy as a promise symbol? at least until i can put a ring on your finger?” she finished with a smirk.
your lips have parted in delighted shock, a speechless look on your face as tears of joy fill your eyes from nika’s words. before you get the chance to reply, your girlfriend worriedly cuts you off.
“you hate it. oh my gosh you hate the idea. i’m so sorry, baby, i should’ve asked you about it first and talked about it i-“
you interrupt her ramble with a giggle as you look down at ivan jumping in your lap. “nika,” you reach out for one of her hands, “i love it. the idea, the pup, you. i love you,” she lets out a sigh of relief at this, her shoulders relaxing automatically, “i feel the exact same way and i need you to know that. i knew you were the one for me from our very first date. i never doubted it- us for a second.”
“really?” there’s a glint of hope and joy in her beautiful brown eyes as you nod, “then why are you tearing up, my love?” she gently wipes a couple stray tears from your pink cheeks that happened to fall.
“because-“ you breathe out with a small laugh, “you just make me so happy, like- words can’t explain it. and i was scared that you would want something different for us, so just hearing you say those things made me happy.”
“so happy that you had to scare me by crying?”
“yes, that happy.”
you both laugh as you lean your head on the brunette’s shoulder. your gazes are trained on the tiny dog that has now fallen asleep in your lap. a comfortable silence fills the atmosphere - the only sounds to be heard are the little snores from ivan and the angelic voice of kehlani still playing on the speaker.
“our little family,” nika whispers as she places a warm kiss on your head and wraps a loving arm around your frame.
yourusername's story
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
Tbh the way you write Krueger gives me sugar daddy / obsessive vibes (not that I can complain). I love the idea of him being so obsessed to please sweetheart in any way she wants (personally I HC him as a service top switch, specially w the way you write him). But if you’re ever up to it I’d love some Krueger drabble (or ghost or könig bc they’re yummy too)
You are so right with him being a service top 👏 ugh he would so eat her out until she passes out. Round after round, with his big ass hands clamped around her thighs and his thick tongue flicking against her overworked clit. AUGH he would cum so quickly because of her taste and moans. He would cum just from eating her out 💀💀
And he 10000000%% is obsessive with Sweetheart. He only thinks about Sweetheart 25/8 and all he wants to do is please her. He calls her "My little Goddess" for a reason ✨️ just touching her is a blessing to him. Touching her hand, he would crumble right then and there. He would do anything and EVERYTHING for this woman. He wants-- NEEDS-- to be around her all the time, or he will go INSANE. He's also pretty possessive with her. But Sweetheart shut that shit down, so he's only just a little teehee🤭 but yeah he becomes quite jealous when people talk to her. Don't touch her because you will lose a hand. And if you make a move? Oh, you're gonna end up either on a t-shirt or on a milk carton.
(I can go on and on with Krueger about being an obsessive freak with Sweets HAHA)
And hönk omg sugar daddy Krueger makes me want to fold😭 she wouldn't even ask him to be a sugar daddy, he would just do it himself. He LOVES spoiling her, even though she doesn't ask for it, he does it anyway. And of course she's thankful for it, she's not a brat. But that makes him buy MORE SHIT FOR HER
It's a cycle:
• Krueger buys something for Sweets
• Sweets yells at him
• Sweets says thank you and smiles
• Krueger gets the happy juice in his brain
And then it starts over 💀
He's even bought her an apartment close to his, but she wanted to stay in her old family home, so he said "okay. I'll just live closer to you" and she's like-- w h a t 🧍‍♀️
And OH he would so buy toys for her. Like vibrators. He bought one that he could control from afar and that was such a fun day LOL When he's not around, like on a mission, he made a mold out of his cock for her 💀 and yk... she uses it sometimes HWHEHSHES Krueger asked her to send a video of her using it and she does. She was so embarrassed and shy when she did it. Wearing one of Krueger's shirts and ONLY his shirt-- and her hair out (he loves seeing her hair down) and she's on the bed with the toy and she lubes it up, cause it's fucking huge. AND IT HAS A SUCTION CUP LOL so she just slaps on the bed frame and rubs it on her slit.
Fuck, and Krueger is just watching it like it's the last thing on earth. He is so FUCKING HARD and he wants to be there and fuck her himself. He hears her little whimper when the toy prods her hole. Sweet's is bent on the bed and holding a pillow, her eyebrows knitted and tears already springing in her eyes. Omg that makes Krueger go FERALLL
And once she backs her thick ass back into it, she squeals so loudly and starts to twitch. "Fuck... I think I just came..." GIRL I THINK KRUEGER JUST CAME WHEN YOU SAID THAT WTF-- she starts to grind on it, as much as she can fit, and starts to bounce on it. Her moans and whimpers flow through the speaker of his phone and other soldiers are just frozen and turned on, and are scared to shit to tell him that everyone can hear what's playing on his phone 💀(he honestly doesnt give a shit, hes too engrossed on the video) and Graves comes over, pissed at Krueger because it's extremely distracting whatever is on his phone. Graves was about to speak until he saw Sweetheart fucking herself on the biggest dildo he has ever seen. He has never seen her moan and whimper like that-- like gurl where has this side been?? And he just stands there with his eyes big and mouth gaping. His dick twitches in his pants and he feels light-headed. The fucking wet sounds of her stretched pussy and her low babbles and her bottom half jiggling with every bounce is straight torture for the both of them.
"Fuuucckkkk Krueger, if this is the size of your actual fucking cock I don't think I can take it..." Sweetheart whimpers out. Graves is like- SORRY WHAT
THAT BIG THING IS A MOLD OF KRUEGER'S COCK??? It's literally making a small bulge in her stomach when she sits up and it's not even in all the fucking way. Krueger growls, his knee bouncing like CRAZZYY "You'll take it, baby. You will." He mumbles to himself. Omg he's so turned on its making him unstable.
She goes faster, the bed frame creaking with her backing up on it. She gets louder and her thighs start shaking so damn much. "Cumming... Cumming!" She bites the pillow hard as her pussy creams around the dildo. She makes such a mess on the bed frame omg (Krueger and Graves wanted to lick it all clean) and she's breathing heavily, trying to calm herself down. Once she does, she gets up to get her phone, they can see that she's a bit sweaty and eyes teary and low. She wipes her face and she sighs before speaking. "I can't believe I did this. Fuck I'm still shaking. Just-- be safe Krueger." And the video ends. The silence is THICCKKKK AFTERWARDS LMAO
But I am making a smut fic between Krueger and Sweetheart, so keep an eye out for that!
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frogchiro · 11 months
Wait no, Nikto is either so emotionally unavailable that you’re stuck in situationship hell for months on end or completely and utterly obsessed with his partner, there’s no in between
I hate situationship tropes so I'll go with obsession😭 BUT this isn't me disagreeing with you at all! Like, realistically it would be 100% like that.
After what happened to Nikto, all the torture, the trauma caused by Mr Z, the disfigurement of his body and face changed him. Never again was he the same man as before.
After he was rescued he developed some...nasty habits. Drugs. Alcohol. Sex. Everything that could make the noise in his head go away, push it and choke it down until it quietens even a bit, but then it's just rinse and repeat. Even after returning back into service, Nikto didn't really care about anyone and certainly not about the faceless bodies he fucked and threw out the second he finished, it wasn't about their pleasure, it was all about him. Some could call him selfish but Nikto would say that he deserved it, he deserved being selfish.
It all came to a head when he met you, the fresh meat that was introduced to KorTac, the new hacker or technician or whatever the hell you were, he didn't really pay attention to the captain announcing your role, all he could focus on was you.
Nikto is a scarred man both physically and mentally, so be prepared for the ride of your life if you caught his eye. Literally nothing is off the table for him, be it stalking, stealing your things, sabotaging any kind of closer relationship you may have with anyone even breaking into your designated room on base and go through your things is like breathing for him. He'd love to open your closet and go through your clothes and imagine you dolling yourself up all nice and pretty for him, give him a little show and let him take you, make you his and possess you like he wants.
Your friendly nature doesn't really help either, Nikto is familiar with sneers, bored and gruff tones of men, or just plain indifference but the way you look at him? All sparkly eyed and smiles towards him of all people? Yeah he's in deep and isn't letting go.
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simpjaes · 5 months
Omgg you should do a experienced!reader and inexperienced/virgin bf!hyung line, I feel like some of them would be like nervous or anxious about their first time 😭
hyung line + losing their virginity to reader
warnings: submissive men, not all of them are boyfies but just assume you end up dating
definitely looks, acts, and talks like a virgin, probably has a porn addiction too. also the type to fall in love the second someone touches his dick. Im talking one little squeeze and he's like "i'm in love with you."
you go on a date with him and instantly you can't tell if he's using you to get rid of said virginity or if he genuinely likes you. it's a bit of both, tbh. like the second he saw you he was like "i hope she jumps on me"
you don't mind inexperienced men, virginity doesn't really mean anything unless the other person cherishes it, and you happen to love hooking up. and like, you would try your best to make it somewhat special for him, though he doesn't really pay attention bc he's too horny to be nervous or afraid.
definitely misses the hole twice before you help him put it in, instantly rolls his eyes back and can't stop from fucking forward :( premature ejaculation and all, but he makes it up to you by letting you guide him by the hair while eating u out ♡
the virgin that you'd assume isn't one until you actually see what he acts like when he's horny :/ also has a huge porn addiction and is the guy on a dating app texting you at 3am (when he's not being nervous about it) like "wyd? wanna meet up?"
ofc you wanna meet up, but it's not like you were expecting him to immediately expect you to give him head as soon as you see him. i mean, you definitely did do that tho.
when it came his turn to do all of the foreplay and stuff, that's when you realize this guy is a virgin and trying to pretend like he isn't, nervous as fuck that you'd make fun of him for it considering he's definitely old enough to have had more experience than this.
and you'd be like "don't tell me..."
and he'd be like "no!!!! i've had so much sex!"
he's a liar, you could tell in the way he rubbed your left lip :/ still, his nervousness turns into obligatory service top shit, where he asks you to tell him what to do, and that you can't leave until you actually come. and boy do you. like over and over again, because he's determined to make you feel as good as that pussy made him feel.
tripping over his own feet to get to the bed with you on your 2 month anniversary bc he's held out due to nervousness. by the time he gets to the bed, he's the one pretending to be too tired bc he genuinely is so freaked out that he can't live up to what you might expect of him.
"Hoon, all of it feels good, i don't have to orgasm."
ends with you riding him half to death, practically using him like a sex toy, and him becoming a pile of mush under you. His eyes would be glued to your tits and hands glued to your ass :/
man would be so entirely in awe of how you do it, internally thinking to himself like "this is it, im a real man now-" and he totally gets why people have sex addictions after that point. he would also just get better and better at it, until like a week later he's the one on top of you, plunging in deep like he wasn't too afraid to do it just a couple of sessions ago.
lil bit of degradation over being a virgin. like !!! yes!!! he is such a loser for never having fucked the way he talks like he does!
im not lying, he would be in the room over playing games all fucking night with his friends, talking bout how he and you fuck all the time. you always laugh at him for it like "imagine if they found out you're a virgin." and he'd be like "why am I a virgin again?"
and ofc it's because you don't just wanna...like....take that from him, until he turns into an absolute menace of a man, trying to touch you, trying to be the whore he wants to be. i'm talking head under your skirt on the couch type shit. fr he gets hella experience with foreplay before you finally give in and let him stick it in. only after he promised you that "losing my virginity isn't that big of a deal, just let me fuck you!"
he was a lil eager, rhythm wasn't that great either, but he was truly trying his best and you guess you should probably fake an orgasm so he can actually boast to his friends about it.
except you don't fake it, and you're shocked that he just...kept going after getting off, staying hard and literally railing you until you had no choice but to come :/
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jhuzen · 1 year
terms of service [m.reader]
what do you mean it’s been a whole week since i said i’d post this? pretty sure today is still tonight. anyway, this is based on this godly ask! this is… extra long. i’m sorry i got carried away 😭 it’s honestly going to be a lot longer if i didn’t cut out some scenarios. jadiksodc.
𖦹 nsfw, top reader, virgin haitham i literally have no idea what else to say.
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“Have you ever even gotten laid?”
Alhaitham’s eyes stopped at the last sentence of another book he’s buried his nose into. The night was quiet — save for the sounds of the burning embers from the campfire as well as the snores of one tiny fairy that laid beside you. The nights are cold in the desert, but it sure was enough to keep him awake. He’s been searching for ways to solve the problem with the suspicious Grand Sage, and you were kind enough to help.
You were revered across all lands apparently — even reaching the isolated Inazuma before the vast Sumeru in the first place. And while Alhaitham has every confidence in his own knowledge and meticulously calculated strategies in solving problems, he wasn’t one to take away credit from you, who protected him and fended off any other Eremites that tried to cut off his plan.
He found you reserved, keeping to yourself while the tiny floating chatterbox spoke for you like she was your advisor. You did find yourself talking to him at times, but most of it was either your agreements in his plans, your little snide remarks when he did something that both you and your flying companion considered as remotely pretentious. And quite frankly, he did not want to expend any form of effort to defend himself. If that’s how he came across to you, then so be it.
However, even with the limited time that he’s known you, he never pegged you for someone this… sheer.
In fact, he never expected it so much that he even did his own version of a double take, looking up at you with eyes that brimmed with curiosity and slight surprise. And yet, there you were, casually polishing your sword so diligently, tongue sticking out in determination with your brows furrowed in concentration.
Like you never asked him such a… question.
The scribe had half a mind to ignore your sudden query — chalk it up into a auditory hallucination and continue on with his reading. But his mind knew better; that if he left it at that, he would be perturbed until the end of his days, and Alhaitham is a practical man, meaning he’d rather get the trouble you suddenly placed on him out of the way than go through such feelings.
Alhaitham narrowed his eyes, were you now planning to pretend like you never asked the question in the first place? He cleared his throat, “You said something. And I think I misheard. Care to repeat?”
Your gaze met his before blinking, “Oh. I was just asking if you’ve even ever gotten laid in the first place,” you laughed while you turned back to your well-groomed sword, continuing to polish it with refined movements. “Sorry, it’s an out of the line question, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” he curtly replied, but even he could not extinguish the sudden curiosity that rose from him. “Though why even ask me that question seeing that you’re fully aware the invasive nature of it in the first place? What spurred this on?”
“Hm? Oh, nothing much, really. It’s just that you’re good looking but you seem to be the type to not… invest your time in those activities.” Alhaitham wonders where all that cutthroat honesty goes every time you go radio silent within the last few days, barely letting out a peep to talk to anyone while Paimon did the talking for you.
Alhaitham scoffed nonetheless. It was such a shallow reason for you to ask that. Surely pure aesthetics is not a prerequisite to have sex. “Is it a requirement to engage in such activities if I am pleasing to look at?”
Your lips turned up in a cheeky smile as you tore your eyes away from your blade, looking up at the stoic scribe with a mischievous mirth glinting through your eyes, “Well. You eat with your eyes too, right?”
A laugh escapes from your system when Alhaitham instantly made a face. He’s not stupid (far from it really, and the entire Akademiya knows) — he knows the preconceived notions to these play of words. He reeled back at the innuendo, partly taken aback. Just what on earth have you been thinking despite your persistent silence to come up with something as crude as that?
He composed himself, eyes averting from yours and looking back down to resume his reading; but his mind was far from the focus he always maintained when occupied with books.
Alhaitham chewed on his bottom lip discreetly before giving an answer he deemed relatively satisfactory, “…I have no interest for such things. And don’t things like these need to have prior connection in the first place? I’d rather not have attachments to someone. It’s far too bothersome.”
“Oh so that’s why,” you hummed, this time your attention fixated in refining your sword handle. “Well, it wouldn’t hurt to experience new things. And I can even help you. No strings attached.” You offered in a light jest, followed by a chuckle after.
It was a joke offer, of course. You of all people knew that when Alhaitham didn’t want something, he will steer clear from it. However, you only found him remotely interesting because he was so bloody shady in the first place. He was supposed to be an honorable scribe, being held at such a high position, and yet he was dubious enough to even make you buy forbidden cans of knowledges, and even with the partnership you’ve got going on now, you’d find yourself unable to sleep so freely without so much as expecting him to suddenly jump on you.
You simply found him interesting. And true to your love language (that your little traveling companion is often the recipient of), you couldn’t help but tease him, a little prying at something as intimate and private as his sex life (which you now knew to be nonexistent). Just a little jest to mess with him for your entertainment. That’s all.
However Alhaitham had much different perception to your lighthearted teasing. You… were offering him something so intimate as sex with no strings attached. While anyone with a right mind could quickly brush it off as a mere joke with no promises — Alhaitham was quick to entertain the thought of doing it with you without having to suffer the consequences of being in a relationship with someone.
No strings attached, huh. He pursed his lips, eyebrows knitting a little as he mulled over what seems to be an option (though there never was as it was only a joke from your end).
The thought enticed him. Of course, he was doing this for academic purposes and to satisfy the now insatiable curiosity that you placed upon him like an irreversible curse with one specific cure.
He stole a glance from where you sat as he recalled the many times you’ve managed to smooth talk your way into certain situations back in Port Ormos. Exuding confidence and sharp wit, along with a charming face that no one can say no to — also with your… beliefs earlier, Alhaitham was quick to deduce that you are a man whose had plenty of experience in sex. You were most definitely the kind to frolic around with anyone that suits your fancy, especially with how easily you offered to help him like it’s a simple favor from a colleague and nothing more.
The silence that engulfed your group (again, subtracting the snores from Paimon) soon broke when Alhaitham decided to go head in for the kill.
There was a sense of satisfaction that flooded his system when you looked up with a confused look on your pretty face.
Alhaitham cooly brushed off the flustering feeling that slowly nestled into the pits of his stomach, his stomach knotting in anticipation at the thought of taking you up on your generous little offer, “I agree to what you’re offering,” he refused to look at you, continuing to read the words that were barely coherent in his mind now, trying to look as composed as possible. “Just to satisfy certain questions from this sort of activity of course.”
You tilted your head at him, cocking an eyebrow, “Right… so you want to have sex?”
He coughed, “For research purposes.”
“If I had a mora for every time I heard that excuse, I wouldn’t worry about Paimon’s endless appetite by now,” you laughed. “But knowing you, you’re probably telling the truth.”
You were met with a silence from the scribe. Make no mistake however, he was stewing in absolute embarrassment — only glad that his headphones were able to cover up his ears that are sure to be burning up a bright red hue.
“…Are we doing it now?”
He sucked in a sharp breath, “Absolutely not. We have a mission, traveler. And doing such a thing outside… is sure to provide a less than stellar experience.”
You huffed out a laugh before stabbing your blade on the ground, “Man, you really are a virgin. And you have no idea how many freaks are out there that can do it outside even in the midst of a thunderstorm.” It was an exaggeration, but the look of mortification that was plastered on Alhaitham’s usually unfazed face was all the more entertaining. “Anyway, if you’re really serious, then who am I to back out? We’ll finish up this mission quick and then you can ring me up any time.”
Alhaitham could only give a strained nod before finally finding the words on his pocketbook a little more understandable as his mind cleared.
The last grueling days was nothing short of eventful, to say the least. You were somehow able to pull off in fighting an all too big of a god’s body with the vengeful puppet inside. You freed Nahida too, kicked Azar off of his position and destroyed the beloved Akasha that the people of Sumeru found themselves completely dependent on. It was like a blur, with you constantly on the run to ensure that every plan works in your favor, though you weren’t one to take away from Cyno and the rest — with their dutiful cooperation.
And now, you were hailed as a hero in Sumeru much like your past adventures in the last three nations, awarded as Buer’s first Sage added in the roster of your many, many titles. You were celebrated around and all you’ve ever wanted was to go inside your beloved teapot and sleep.
And that you did.
The next days were spent in leisure around Sumeru, getting along with anyone in the vicinity, often offered goods for gratitude. Paimon accepted every single food and you soon found yourself in need to build another display bedside table to decorate with trinkets you’ve received. It was relatively normal for you at least.
And the same could be said for Alhaitham. He can finally do his job with little to no inconvenience now that Azar and his corrupted lackeys aren’t around, banished off to the forests to do whatever is needed to compensate for their misgivings. The boring but doable work on a high pay returned and Alhaitham was at peace.
Up until Lesser Lord Kusanali came to his office, and with the tiny pitter patter of her feet against the cold floors of Akademiya, she walked to his desk with an expectant smile plastered on her adorable face.
Suddenly, Alhaitham was the Acting Grand Sage.
Great. More work for a considerably smaller increase in pay. How… productive and worth it.
And perhaps, that’s how you landed yourself in the confines of Alhaitham’s home in the dead of the night — at his request. His roommate was off and a few days prior after suddenly getting dragged into assisting him in catching another unhinged research with far too much talent yet little intent in seeing the bigger picture, he had asked you to come meet him at night. And he made it very clear to you that you come alone.
You were already aware of the Acting Grand Sage’s insinuation at this point. You’ve been through enough worlds and mingled with enough people to know the universal sign that is “come here alone tonight”.
Well, either you get laid, or… you will be laid in a coffin the next day.
Now here you sat, smiling a little as you sipped some water, watching Alhaitham dry off the droplets of water from his hair after a late night shower. You opted to look over some files strewn across the table to entertain yourself, trying to make sense of any of his work. Judging from the complicated nature of said paperwork, you figured he was already raring for some release. Or at the very least, a change of pace in learning something new other than the onslaught of mad researchers from Akademiya causing trouble for him to fix.
“I have some terms,” Alhaitham suddenly voiced out, pulling you out of your trance as you looked at him inquisitively. You nodded, letting him go on. “Nobody gets to hear a word of what will transpire tonight.”
“…I don’t think I even want anyone to know in the first place.”
He nodded before walking back to some shelves, “Also,” he grabbed a book and tossed it on the table, perfectly sliding towards you with the cover face up. “I’ve done some reading just to know what to expect.”
You huffed out a breath, disguising a genuinely amused laughter. Couldn’t your one night stand get any cuter? He wasn’t even trying too. He was so earnest and so serious, it was hard not to devour him right then and there. You placed your glass of water down the table sauntering up to him, grabbing the lecherous book that he apparently used to come into the battle prepared.
Alhaitham’s eyes widened as you wasted no time in closing the gap. His ears effectively reddening in a split second when he could feel your crotch rub up against his from the sheer proximity that you and the scribe had. There was even barely any room to breathe in the first place. His lips quivered a little as he looked to the side, avoiding your piercing gaze.
You tapped the corner of the book’s spine on his lips, while yours turned up in a sly grin, “Cast aside any expectation that this book have taught you, smart guy. I believe there is merit in learning from experience.” You tossed the book back as your lips latched onto the skin of his neck. You took a deep breath, inhaling the pleasant scent of his body wash. You could feel and hear him shiver from just that action alone, spurring you on to be bolder.
Of course Alhaitham knows that experience is a far better teacher than anything else. But how could he learn anything when the experience itself is detrimental to his sanity as he tried to comprehend your ministrations, from the way your hands were quick to attach themselves onto his narrow waist, your lips slowly mapping and conquering every inch of the skin of his neck, abused with bites that left bruises darker than the decorative rugs in his home.
You pulled away and he was left completely red, you leaned back to admire the work you’ve done on his neck and his collarbone, adorned with splotches of red from the abuse of your mouth.
But before Alhaitham could even recover, you went back in, but this time with your lips on his, “Try to keep up, smart guy. Here’s a crash course on how to kiss someone.”
Alhaitham could barely breathe, but even in the sweet suffocation, he tried to keep up with your lips. You made a mess out of him, your mischievous tongue dragging from the inside of his mouth to his lips to wet them. His jaw hurt and he was out of sorts, with drool dripping down to his chin while you sucked on his tongue, your hands under around his chin to keep him in place. He could only grab onto your shoulders, fingers squeezing against your flesh so tight while he closed his eyes shut, his chest heaving from the breathlessness when you refused to let up on him.
It was already dizzying — he knew you were aggressive on the battlefield, but had he known that you would be like this too, a little warning would’ve been nice.
And before he knew it, still with your lips latched onto his, he started to respond to your advances. Miraculously even with his clouded mind with that lusty haze, he was able to learn from your little techniques, kissing back with need and urgency, and you gladly welcomed him, letting him bite your lip as a test, return the favor as he sloppily sucked your tongue off with the charm of an inexperienced kisser.
It was a mess as you and him stumbled over to the his bedroom, with poor Alhaitham barely noticing until his back landed on the soft mattress of his bed. His eyes were glossed over, clearly in a daze as you pulled away, chuckling at the sight of the infamous stoic scribe who normally looks so put together come undone and become a complete mess with just a simple make out session.
You swiped a thumb over his wet lips, dragging it across his cheek and watched in delight when he slowly gained a bit of clarity.
“We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet, ‘Haitham.”
Alhaitham only scoffed, “You kiss so aggressively. A warning would’ve sufficed.”
“Aw c’mon. It’s just a little warmup,” you tugged into the hem of his shirt and he quickly got the hint, helping you take them off. You only watched in fascination as his body came into view. That tight shirt that he always wore doesn’t do his body justice. He was sculpted so perfectly that even you had to pause for a second to take in his beauty.
The scribe wasn’t fond of your ogling however, “…What?”
“Nothing… it’s just…” you couldn’t even resist the way your hands immediately gravitated towards his chest, palms flat against his pecs before steadily moving them to yours, comparing your sizes. “…Wow. You’re bigger than I am.”
“Do I get a trophy for that then?” Alhaitham quipped without missing a beat.
Unfortunately for him, you were quick-witted, cruel, and knew how to show someone a good time. And you gladly indulged his little jest as you bent down, cupping a hand around one chest, thumbing at his hardening nipple while you gave soft kitten licks on his other swollen bud. An electric feeling jolts through Alhaitham’s system and he could feel himself twitch against the restricting fabric of his pants.
You smirked against his skin, teeth grazing his sensitive nipple, making him jolt and grab onto the back of your head. You raised yourself, watching unabashed while Alhaitham tried to cover up his reddening face. Either this situation was embarrassing enough on it’s own or perhaps he was embarrassed that he liked what you did.
“D-Don’t… look at me like that,” came Alhaitham’s weak protest, voice shaking as he tried to avert his gaze.
“Getting all shy now?” You tilted your head, looking at him with so much amusement. You did not have an ounce of regret for offering jokingly in the first place. To see the hardheaded scribe fold like a shy maiden was something you never knew you needed. “Come now, Alhaitham, it’s not something to be ashamed about. Focus up, buddy. You said this is for research.”
“Quit… i— ah~! Quit it—!” He moaned in between hisses as you shifted your position, with one knee pressing up against his erection with much pressure. It was as if the soft spoken yet courageous hero revered across the lands suddenly disappeared — replaced by this mischievous teasing deviant that toyed with him so shamelessly.
“You make it so easy to tease you,” your hands slowly dragged themselves to the waistband of his pants, tugging at the band and snapping it against his skin. “Is this why our scribe— oh, sorry, our Grand Sage has to keep that no nonsense facade? So they won’t know that you’re just an adorable little boy?”
He clutched onto your wrists that threatened to free his cock from its constraint, “It’s Acting Grand Sage… and it’s not a facade— are you always this chatty when having sex with someone?”
“I’m just trying to get to know you,” you flashed him a grin and his grip on you slowly loosened, a wordless green light to finally see all of him. You obliged his little permission, tugging down his pants and stripping them off of him with little effort. Alhaitham made a subconscious effort of trying to shield himself from your prying eyes — never had he felt this vulnerable before, he could feel his entire body heat up just from the way you looked at him.
Meanwhile you were admiring every groove and curve that sculpted itself into this man’s body. You would most definitely be the envy of the entire Sumeru City had they known that you were the first man to have ever seen Alhaitham this way. Suddenly, the Acting Grand Sage’s term of not wanting anyone else to know about this engagement seemed so tempting to break.
You positioned yourself in between his legs, keeping them apart when Alhaitham so much as tried to close his legs on instinct, you cupped a hand around the base of his cock and relished in the tiny little yelp that left Alhaitham’s mouth, his back arching up in surprise.
“Already so hard, you truly are enjoying this,” you taunt, as if you weren’t feeling the same uncomfortable feeling in your tightening pants. With one hand, you dug into the pocket of your trousers, bringing out a packet of slime condensate and tearing it open, squeezing a handful on your fingers. “I think you know what this is for.”
Alhaitham only nodded, suddenly meek as the insinuation made its presence known. He read a lot for the sake of satiating the gnawing anticipation within him the moment he agreed with your little offer. Alhaitham, after all, never did nurture the bad habit of coming into a situation completely clueless and in the dark. But there was something far more dizzying at the feeling of your touches that could make him feverish, overtaking his senses like a fever dream that he could feel the whole way.
He shivered as your fingers pressed against his rim, drenched in cold lubrication. He lifted his hips out of instinct, his body slowly being compliant to your actions, readily following your bold lead. You took note of his actions, watching the way his chest heaved up in a frantic pace, clearly overwhelmed in anticipation.
“Try to relax,” you ought to soothe his anxieties. Sex isn’t something to be afraid of, after all. It’s meant to be enjoyed by the parties involved. He only nodded, a little strained but it was enough.
An uncharacteristic wail leaves Alhaitham’s mouth as you plunged two fingers inside him. He was warm, his walls already clenching around your digits that were barely even halfway inside. He shifted, hips wriggling at the discomfort. You distracted him from the sensation and slowly worked your other hand around his erection, pumping at a gentle pace.
Alhaitham felt breathless, the haze in his mind continuing to muddle any form of coherent thought that he tried to make. He whimpered quietly as the embarrassment slowly flooded in. He could barely gather himself as you’re jerking him off while fucking him with your fingers, any sense of awareness leaving him bit by bit, replaced with the unencumbered lust that you were holding over him with your ministrations.
“Feels good?” Your words barely registered in his usually sharp mind. He nodded frantically, hands clutching the sheets underneath him. It felt all too good, with your precise hands, from the way you prod around his gummy walls to how you teasingly thumb at the slit of his cockhead, it was an overwhelming pleasure that Alhaitham was suddenly being exposed to.
You weren’t any better. Who knew Alhaitham could look so erotic, his body almost close into going in an autopilot as he responded to your touch with little to no shame. The whimpers and cries that echoed in the room were music to your ears, a blessing to indulge yourself in.
It was hard to hold yourself back from just fucking him into oblivion, and your sentiments wee shared as another cry left Alhaitham.
“M-More~” he whined, completely insatiable as he yearned for something bigger. Your fingers weren’t enough. He needs to feel full, something that could stretch him out until he could barely think. He opened his eyes, bleary with lust and carnal need in comparison to yours that were gleaming with concentration and hunger. “M-More please~” he parroted, unable to find any more words to beg you.
You could feel any form of restraint leaving you as his pleading reached you, already shooting straight down to your dick that twitched in anticipation and raw excitement. You immediately pulled your fingers away, shivering at the moan that you drew out of the man underneath you. Your hands quickly worked to free your own cock, hard and throbbing as it slapped against your stomach. There was a sense of satisfaction that washed over you at the way Alhaitham’s eyes grew wide when he saw you, like a cold water drenching him and pulling him back down to reality.
“Is… that even going to fit?” Alhaitham’s sudden reluctance was all the more endearing, making you laugh.
“I prepared you, didn’t I? But hey, the confidence solely lies on you. If you think you can’t handle it, best we quit ahead.”
He swallowed a lump down his throat before looking at you with a much more determined gaze, “I— N-No… I need to see it through.”
“You can hold my hand if you want,” you offered, lending out your own hand. Normally, Alhaitham would swat it away but did otherwise as he held yours, feeling feverish all of a sudden at the intimacy.
He could feel himself shrink as you positioned yourself in between his legs, towering over him with a reassuring smile. His thighs quivered around you while you lined yourself up in his entrance. He shuddered as your cockhead slowly rubbed up against his entrance, making him writhe in anticipation. Alhaitham met your gaze, suddenly considerate in contrast to your teasing self earlier.
“Don’t think too much of it,” you reassured him one last time. “Just ride out everything that you’re feeling.” You said and he nodded, soaking up every word of yours as he took a deep breath.
Alhaitham jolts at the sudden intrusive feeling once you ease yourself inside him inch by inch. He was quick to clench around your cock and you stopped, heaving a shaky sigh as the feeling of his warm walls around you bring you complete and utter bliss.
“Fuck… so tight, ‘Haitham,” you breathed out, a pleased hiss from your lips with every pulsating clench his walls made around your cock.
The scribe could barely process the feeling as he slowly took you in, his hole squeezing your length while you continued to push inside until you’re buried to the hilt. His hand squeezed around yours tightly as he tried to take in your words earlier and ride out any form of sensation that racked through his body. He could already feel the numbing pleasure rake in his system as the overwhelming sensation continued to eat away at his sensibilities.
You stilled yourself as you watched every expression Alhaitham’s pretty face contorted into. You only swept away his fringe away from his forehead that’s already dotted with beads of sweat and continued to observe him. You’ve never been this considerate when it comes to fucking someone, but given the fact that Alhaitham was just far too adorable, you made a conscious effort to be more gentle in his first time.
It didn’t take long before Alhaitham slowly rolled his hips, in terrible need for some more friction, “Y-You can move…” he stammered, still with his hand clutching onto yours so tightly.
You grinned a little before drawing your hips back and giving a testing thrust, pushing out a choked moan from the scribe, to which you greedily indulged in. Leaning in, you only gave a quick kiss on the shell of his ear before whispering;
“Don’t fall in love now.”
Alhaitham merely scoffed at your little taunt.
As if he would.
Miscalculations are rare in Alhaitham’s lifetime. Often times he’s mapped out every single action to consider to ensure a smooth sailing plan that he has to execute. Failure was a rare occurrence in the scribe— sorry, the Acting Grand Sage’s roster. He has yet to achieve a failure so spectacular that it puts his roommate to shame.
However, the way his eyes lingered on your form while you went about your day while you extended your stay in Sumeru was quick to tell him that the very idea of a miscalculation may not be so far-fetched in the first place.
And he absolutely loathed it.
It had been days since his… little research that you aided him in. Days since he felt the wonderful bliss of the mind numbing pleasure that only left his mind completely broken and incoherent. Days since he could feel the way your hands roamed around with such preciseness that every touch you left on him left him completely breathless. It had been days.
So then why? Why does he feel the same exhilaration whenever you were in the vicinity?
Why could he not push the thoughts of that night in the back of his mind? It was a skill he mastered that procured his unbothered persona. But the memories persisted like a parasite, latching onto his poor mind as it replayed the same night over and over again;
“H-Hah~! T-Too much already—!” Poor Alhaitham slurred, words barely able to convey while he held onto your hand for dear life, his eyes rolling at the back of his head while you pounded into him without an ounce of mercy. The bed creaked so violently under your movements, and his body shook in overstimulation.
“Just a little more, baby boy, one more, yeah?” You licked your lips hungrily, a predatory gaze flashing through your eyes as you devoured your prey.
Alhaitham winced as he slowly arched his back, suddenly feeling restless in his usual seat outside of Puspa café. Of all places, why couldn’t you have decided to chat with the nearby vendors. Where he can hear you and bury his mind into a delusion of bliss after hearing those sinful sounds from you when you bedded him that night. It was torture.
It was like a siren’s call, beckoning for him to give into his temptation. Except it was an excruciating thing to experience, drowning in that voice of yours that he could no longer hear normally.
“Oh! Isn’t that Alhaitham there?” He had to hide another grimace as the familiar shrill voice of your traveling companion echoed.
“So it is, let’s go say hi,” you smiled while you walked over to him, inviting yourself in without an ounce of embarrassment, like you didn’t make a mess out of him that particular night. “Been awhile.”
He could only stiffly nod before turning back to his book, “Mhm.”
“Yeesh! You’re just as cold as always! Hmph! Well, whatever. Paimon is going to get some food for herself.”
And just like that, there was silence in both of your company.
“Hey, you look really tense,” you frowned in concern and Alhaitham only continued to read into his book with an absent concentration that only served him to read the first lines of the paragraph over and over again. “I didn’t scare you now, did I?”
Alhaitham shuddered as the feeling of your touch slowly took over when your hands grazed by his shoulder in an attempt to console him. And the hauntingly addicting touches of yours continued to resurface in his mind.
A wanton squeal escapes Alhaitham as your fingers dug deep into the skin of his waist. He had little to no escape with the way you held him, hands completely sinking into his supple flesh to keep him in place. There was a rush of excitement that flooded Alhaitham’s system when you took hold of him in such a manner — possessive and almost desperate.
His already spent dick twitched at the notion, the very idea of you being all over him and wanting no one else but him. He wanted you to feel the same feeling that slowly poisoned his thoughts — that you would enjoy him just as much as he was enjoying you being so deep inside him.
He panted, short huffs leaving his wet lips that you vigorously licked, kissed, and bit until the both of you could taste his blood. He was a mess, from the marks on his collar down to the way even your fingertips made their bruising mark when you manhandled him.
Suddenly those touches burned through his skin, like you left them there just seconds ago. He was slowly feeling feverish. He could still remember which parts of him you touched, the way the uncomfortable feeling of your grip pressing against his soft skin was enough to get him on a state of frenzy.
You were far too intoxicating.
And without even an ounce of warning, he was suddenly met with your skeptic expression, clear as a day as you drew yourself nearer to his side, with your face a mere inch away from his. He could feel your even breathing, and could see those heavenly eyes of yours that peered through your thick lashes as you continued to put him on the spot with your own form of scrutiny.
“Tell me the truth, I didn’t scare you away from what happened nights ago, did I?”
He resisted the urge to swallow thickly — you may not be as smart as he is, but you were perceptive, already proven by the mere fact that you were quick to guess that his strange actions towards you did indeed stem from that amorous engagement you and him explored. Unable to focus on your minuscule concern, his gaze drifted down to your lips that formed into a frown, with your bottom lip jutting out a little in a very subtle pout.
Those lips. That mouth that often spoke of every proclamation and promise to aid whoever was in need of help, no matter how annoyingly minuscule the requests are.
His ears burned under his noise-cancelling headphones, finding himself completely unable to shut out the loud thrumming of his heart against his chest.
Who would’ve thought that mouth of yours were just as capable of delving into something incredibly lewd — that mouth that spoke valor suddenly speaking in the most flustering taunts that drove him over the edge.
Sobs spilled out from Alhaitham’s quivering lips, tears already flooding his ducts while you rutted into him like a dog in heat. The desperation in your thrusts were pushing up against his nearing release as your cock continued to abuse his prostate.
The overwhelming pleasure didn’t help as you busied yourself on his chest. You couldn’t leave it alone, your mouth already latching onto one of his sensitive and perky buds. Your tongue swirled against his swollen nipple and tore out another loud moan from the scribe. He was helpless against your ministrations. He could feel his stomach stir despite the fact that he was so sure he couldn’t cum anymore.
His hand shakily raked through the back of your head, biting his lip to keep himself composed.
You swiped your tongue against his nipple, looking up at him with a devious smirk, “Are you sure nothing’s coming out of these?”
“‘M… not a woman—” he protests in a weak voice, raspy from all the screams you drew out of him from coaxing orgasm after orgasm from him. “S-Stop saying that…”
“Getting embarrassed again?” You grinned, drawing your hips before snapping back into him, making him whine from the raw pleasure. “Aren’t you just the cutest~”
He isn’t. He’s far from such a description. Alhaitham knows that well. He was the intimidating figure of Akademiya, with his unbothered stoicism that could leave anyone scampering without the intention of screwing him over in the first place. But he hates how you’ve rendered him completely useless with just your words and subtle touches that quickly disarmed his guard that he put up several times already.
He loathes the mere fact that he couldn’t get you out of his head. Surely not all people that go through one night stands invoke such feelings of warm fondness towards someone they aren’t meant to be attached to. He’s not supposed to feel flustered just at the mere sight of you. He’s not supposed to feel vulnerable with your smiles. And he’s not supposed to feel the tempting submission with every touch you left on his body.
Alhaitham was quick to push your face away before running a hand through his own with a begrudging sigh, “…I am currently undergoing through a crisis. Please let me acquire some space for a good few minutes.”
He hates your dichotomy — from your ridiculously odious attitude when you fucked him, to your sudden gentleness when you were done and even the subsequent days after that.
You nodded in understanding (something he’d grown to fondly hate as well) with a patient smile, “Of course. How ‘bout I go get us some baklava? My treat.”
Your offer was oddly reminiscent of your aftercare too.
“Hope you can forgive the roughness. It’s your first time too,” he paid no heed to your apology. In fact, you’ve nothing to apologize for when you’ve granted him such a good fuck for his first time. He only relished in the feeling of your ghostly kisses against the bruises you made on him. “I’ll go get you some water. Need anything else?”
He was already dozing off by then.
He waved you off, more than eager to get you out of the way as the realizations slowly linked themselves in his constantly running mind.
Alhaitham dragged a hand over his face, repressing the urge to groan when he remembered your little taunt before this all happened.
“Don’t fall in love now.”
And damn it did he fall hard.
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nunalastor · 2 months
Cause ADHD I was thinking back to the Truth Serum ask, Alastor admitting not like Vaggie very much, and someone had said it was ‘cause her militarist style reminded him of his father’ which is cool, but had me thinking to combined with my own Headcanon of him in the Military instead, so I came up with this:
Charlie: aw, why don’t you like Vaggie very much 🥺?
Alastor under Truth serum of course: her ridged ways and militarist style often remind me of my own time in the army.
Husk, a bit sarcastically: Right, you were in the Army?
Alastor, mildly offended: when I was 17 I volunteered to fight in the Great War, I was in (insert regiment) as the Radio Operator in the trenches. I received (insert medals) for my services and only had to put one Captain out of our misery after he had secured his gas mask correctly as decided to die noisily…Thomas….something I think….if he ever ended up in hell I’m sure more than a few demons would want a piece of him, he was by far (continued ranting)
Everyone: *impressed or surprised*
Niffty:….oh, you mean World War One!
Alastor: what do you mean, was there like a World War 2?
From this I imagine Alastor also knows Morse Code, idk that info didn’t fit into this section of this but thought I’d share the thought
Alastor: what do you mean, was there like a World War 2?
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diorsluv · 5 months
feather , part 19
“ you act like a bitch ”
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missseraphina not quite golden hour but you make it feel like it anyway 🌅
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username16 i’m gagging.
username47 fuck no lmaooo
username3 so cringe
username92 luke isn’t even commenting he’s only liking her posts 😭😭
→ username96 i knowww like this has got to be the most embarrassing thing i’ve ever seen
username77 miss girl is trying way too hard
username30 ignore the haters babe!
liked by missseraphina
username25 i honestly would off myself
username81 god please tell me this is all just a bad dream
username20 this is my 13th fucking reason. i need my dryshughes crumbs rn
yourusername super cute! golden hour is any hour when you’re with the one you love 🥰
→ missseraphina thanks i guess? lmao and yeah maybe that’s why he always tells me i’m glowing
username1 don’t fucking tell me she just implied that luke loves her in lil drizzy’s replies
username6 there’s no way luke didn’t comment but his ex girl did
→ username49 lmfaooo i don’t think she’s his ex
→ username37 at this point she might as well be
username42 stopp this is so adorable
username21 so happy for u!!
username69 someone gouge my eyes out i’m begging
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liked by jackhughes, markestapa, yourusername, and 77,298 others
lhughes_06 throwback time? 🫣
tagged: yourusername
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trevorzegras kid u make me laugh LMAOOO
→ lhughes_06 glad i could be of service
→ _alexturcotte fr this is too funny
→ colecaufield who needs netflix when you have luke
username56 I CANTTT they all see it as a joke
→ username84 it is a joke bro 💀 like luke’s just fucking around w mississippi
yourusername were u just keeping these photos locked up for months 🙄🙄
→ lhughes_06 i mean they’re not even that old tbh
→ yourusername aw just wanted an excuse to post me huh?
→ lhughes_06 dont even need an excuse
username73 i just bet my friend $30 they get together by the end of the hockey season
→ username50 ur investing a lot into a relationship that doesn’t even exist yet
→ username73 key word: yet
missseraphina oh but the retro days have been over, no need for a throwback 😁
dylanduke25 i vividly remember you got us kicked out of the restaurant as soon as you threw her over your shoulder
→ lhughes_06 no you got us kicked out bc u squirted ketchup all over mackie
→ mackie.samo you stained my favorite white shirt and i’m still waiting for you to replace it 😒
→ yourusername that was your doing dyl don’t even
→ markestapa i thought it was because eddy kept screaming
→ dylanduke25 🙁🙁
_alexturcotte i left you on the curb for a minute so i could heat up the car and i came back to you snuggling
→ lhughes_06 we were tired
→ yourusername WE WERE NOT SNUGGLING
→ jackhughes i mean you did look pretty cozy
→ lhughes_06 i was pretty cozy
username75 luke’s just stirring it up and i’m here for it
→ username21 fr cuz that other girl was bein a bitch to MY girl 🙄
username98 lmfaooo mississauga doesn’t even realize he dont gaf abt her
next chapter notes ) mississippi be doin too much frfr, but its okay bc luke dont even want her 🥱
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Choi San Boyfriend Headcanons!
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listen, this man is my ultimate bias for a REASON. you are SO lucky if you have him as a boyfriend 😭
he’s a huge fan of PDA. holding hands, linking pinkies, having an arm around your waist, linking arms, hugging, and kissing are all things he’s comfortable doing in public (just pecks on the lips though, not full on making out LOL) he always has to be touching you in some way 🥰
he loves to play with your hair! no matter how long or short it is, he’ll always be running his fingers through it, twiddling with the ends, or ruffling it (if it’s long enough, he’ll even learn to braid it! it’s a very relaxing ritual that both of you love!)
and while kissing, his hands often end up tangled in your hair ;)
san isn’t really into big grand gestures of love… it’s the little things he does for you that let you know he loves you. he definitely has an “acts of service” love language!
he’ll wake you up when he notices your alarm doesn’t go off, brings you lunch while you’re at work, helps you with projects, carries your bag around for you while shopping… he does stuff like this without even thinking
i can’t imagine him yelling at you no matter how angry he might be. he’s very good at controlling his feelings so if he gets upset, he’ll just leave the room to give himself a moment to calm down before talking with you about the situation calmly and rationally
if you ever break a glass or plate of his, he’ll gently reassure you that it’s okay, it was just an accident, and first checks your hands for any injuries before helping you clean it up (cries in childhood trauma 😭)
you catch him just staring at you with a big dopey smile on his face ALL the time. and when you ask what’s wrong he goes “nothing, i just love looking at you.” 😊
he’s the best person to be around when you’re sad. (he is our comforting mountain after all!) he’ll never judge you, and instead just hold you tightly while you cry, whispering little reassurances and patting your back gently… after you calm down he’ll immediately offer to help you with whatever’s bothering you
he’s a big fan of the nickname “baby,” he uses it probably more than your actual name (i’m sorry if you hate it 😟)
“baby, come look at this!” “what’s wrong baby, do you need some help?” “i’m sorry you’re sad baby, everything will be okay.”
every once in a while he’ll let a “my love” slip, and when he’s begging for your attention he uses “honey” in a sickeningly sweet, whiny voice
he’ll never pass up an opportunity to tell you how beautiful you are. even when you’re bare-faced, have bed-head, and are wearing sweats, he thinks you’re absolutely stunning 🥰
you definitely don’t help with his plushy addiction… you buy him one like every week, and soon you both have to buy those nets that hold stuffed animals against the corner ceiling (oh god and if you ALSO love plushies??? your house will be DECKED OUT.)
that definitely wasn’t just a headcanon for me bc i have a squishmallow addiction ahahaha
he tries to act annoyed when you pester him while he’s reading, but he secretly thinks you’re super cute when you’re begging for his attention 🥺
wooyoung is so jealous of you for the longest time… you guys didn’t really get along until san locked you both in a room and told you to work out your differences 😀
which worked, surprisingly 😀 you both came out laughing up a storm and hanging off of each other
now you and wooyoung are besties. you even team up against san sometimes to bug him. he just corners you both and stares at you intensely, forcing you to look up at him to fluster you (he loves his little brats tho 💞)
we all know san needs to hold something to sleep… and i’m sorry if you like having room to yourself when you sleep, but that something is going to have to be you sometimes (cries in starfish sleeper)
maybe not every night, but at least once a week, he HAS to fall asleep with you in his arms
he always lets you lay your head on his shoulder while he does other tasks, in fact, he encourages you to!
like if you’re sitting next to him to relax, he’ll just reach over and push your head down to rest on his shoulder
he loves to paint your nails together 💅🏻 and do face masks!
when he’s away on tour, he’ll stay up all night talking to you if no one stops him (usually hongjoong has to lmaoooo)
speaking of which, he gets all flustered every time the members bring you up… he starts blushing and smiling like a fool 🥺
then he can’t stop himself from rambling on and on about how amazing you are ☺️
he also won’t stop flirting with you just because you’re dating
he’s constantly dropping pick up lines and hyping you up
like if you get all dressed up for a special event, his jaw will drop open and he’ll say something like “hey pretty lil thing, you come here often” 👀
and you’ll be like “san i’m literally your partner” 😑
he shares everything with you, without even thinking about it
snacks, drinks, hoodies… he’ll just hand them to you absentmindedly
at the end of the day, this boy would do literally anything just to see you smile. he thinks your smile is the prettiest sight in the world. he believes you deserve the world and wants nothing more than to give it to you 💞
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ccbunnv · 2 months
ok i might get back into tokio hotel 😭😭 BUT LIKE... quick request um, can u make a customer! tom kaulitz x waitress! reader, like a fluff 1950s diner fic lol
toms my fav member so
ofc ^^
˖°🦇ִ ࣪𖤐 tom x fem! reader fluff
you stare from behind the counter at the dreadhead that's been sitting by the window for about two hours now. skepticism envelops your heart, wondering if you should serve him or not.
you tap your nails on the counter, eyebrows furrowing as you tried to conjure up a theory on why he kept on visiting the diner and asking specifically for your service.
sure, you're grateful of his humongous tips and his sweet compliments now and then, but it was weird how he never came in during anybody else's shifts and only yours.
but you digress, and summon your confidence before striding over to him. you smile warmly down at him, "hi sir! your usual?"
you watch him perk up and return the smile, and strangely enough, a feeling courses through your veins that makes your blush tint an overly familiar red.
"oh, yes please!" he responds, and you very silently swoon at his german accent.
you smile and jot down his usual order; a cup of cold cola and a beef burger with fries. shortly after, you turn to deliver the order to the kitchen.
you return to your station, doing side work when your friend approaches you with a big smile on her face.
"that guy's been coming every other week and specifically requesting for you," she says, "isn't that a little suspicious?"
"I mean, yeah, I guess..." you respond quietly, wiping down the washed glasses.
"there's no 'I guess'; he's pining after you!" she says, exasperated, "how can you not see that?"
"maybe he's not and maybe I'm just better service." you playfully poke at her.
"nuh-uh!" she crosses her arms, "well, anyways, I think it's romantic!"
"I suppose it is," you turn to look at him, and for a split second you make eye contact. you immediately turn your head from him, warmth decorating your cheeks.
"isn't he super handsome?" your friend asks, leaning against the counter and resting her arms on it, "I mean, I think he is."
"look at him," she sighs dreamily, "I'd pay a grand just for one look from him."
"don't exaggerate, lord knows you can't afford a grand." you roll your eyes at her.
"well, it's just...an expression!" she huffs, before one of her tables calls her over. you wave goodbye as she turns and leaves to do her job.
soon enough, a tray is delivered straight to your face. you grasp the tin pan, carefully yet swiftly bringing the food over to his table.
you place the pan onto the table and you slide his food over to him, accompanied with his usual cold coke.
"thank you, schön." he says, taking a sip from his cola.
you nod and say, "well, if there's anything else, you can just call me."
he chuckles and winks at you, "will do, pretty miss."
you blush and turn around, taking big steps over to the counter again to continue your side work. well, if you paid attention properly, he is rather handsome.
handsome enough to make girls falter, but you've got your priorities straight. no soliciting your customers!
your friend soon re-groups with you and says, "ugh, that table's a mess. the kid keeps throwing ketchup everywhere and I swear, they've used up a whole box of tissue already."
you smile sympathetically before patting her shoulder, which prompts her to glare at you. she mouths, "you're next."
god, you hope not. it's a hassle to find the kid's menu chicken tenders with orange juice and coleslaw in the tabs always.
she sighs and says whilst stretching, "well, it's only an hour left until our shift ends anyways."
"mhm. then we can count our tips together." you say, turning the tap off and placing the used cups upside-down on the dish rack to dry.
"anyways---ooh, look! he's looking at you." she giggles, her irises moving ever so slightly towards your regular by the window.
you blush and mutter, "well, he probably wants to pay, or something."
she raises an eyebrow, and says, "well, I don't think so."
you sigh and head over to his table with his bill. you place it onto the shimmering, cold table and he fishes out a twenty-five, an extra twenty for your tip.
personally, you think twenty's a little too much, but who're you to judge? as long as your bills were getting paid.
as he leaves the establishment and you pick up your tip as well as the payment for the food, you find that he's pinned a note at the back of your tip.
'call me, xoxo. 0901'
you can't help but feel giddy at his handwriting.
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void-detective · 3 months
Impending Doom
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((GIF NOT MINE!! Dividers made by cafekitsune))
Authors note: There's no fics for this man so I took it upon myself to do a service. This is my first reader x story 😭 I'm sorry if it's a little awkward!
Warnings: teasing, slightly suggestive(?, and simping
Word count: 1,229
Edited 4/23/24: Part two here!
Summary: With your soft spot for dominant heels in the industry, it only seemed inevitable that he would eventually get to you. Although nervous at first your friend helps encourage you to approach the Intercontinental champion, hopefully it goes well.
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Day 639 of Gunther's Intercontinental Championship run
You always had a soft spot for heel wrestlers, whether it be Miz or someone like Pete Dunne. You always enjoyed loving the bad guys over the good guys when I came to wrestling. So you really shouldn't have been surprised when you ended up liking Gunther, right? No one matched the pure strength and dominance of the when it came to being a force to be wreckin with.
You were seated with Rollins backstage to watch a match between Jey Uso and Gunther for his Intercontinental Championship. You had a hunch on who was probably going to win even if you knew everyone adored the Main Event, Jey Uso. You leaned back in the seat watching Jey finish up his entrance and peered over at Seth who was leaned back holding his own championship close on his lap while watching.
As soon as the lights went out in the area and you heard the first few notes of Symphony No. 9, you were inching closer to the edge of your chair. You ignored the look Seth gave you as you watched Gunther walk out in front of the titantron, lifting his head at the cue of music as the Imperium graphics lit up the screen. With his hands folded behind his back and the gold secured around his waist, Gunther walked down towards the ring.
He stepped up the stairs and made his way to the apron where he wiped his feet back and forth before going under the ropes. Once in the ring, Gunther raised the championship before looking at Jey across the ring with a smirk. He walked across the ring holding the title towards his face and turned to hand it off to the referee with a bit of a scowl.
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Each chop delivered across Jey’s chest sent an echo through the arena and you found yourself sitting at the edge of your seat as Gunther picked him up. With a slam into the middle of the ring, Jey was sent down from the powerbomb before the champion went in and pinned him.
The three count ended as Gunther retained and released a breath you didn't realize you were holding as you relaxed your shoulders. You heard Seth chuckle and looked over your shoulder at him as you raised a brow.
“I never seen you so tense over a match Y/N.” Rollins chuckled in amusement as he leaned forward and raised a brow at you in question. “So it's Gunther now? I guess I'm not surprised.” The architect snorted when you scowled at him and waved at you in a dismissive way.
“Have you ever spoken to the guy?” You leaned back in your seat to look more directly at Seth as you tilted your head curiously. You knew he had previously spoken to Gunther in a promo while injured but that was as much as you saw.
“Outside the ring? Nah, but I heard he's a pretty chill guy behind the scenes though. I'd still be careful though, the rest of the Imperium followed him everywhere.” The champion added with a frown as he propped his leg over the other with the hurt one on top. His face showed mostly amusement and curiosity as he watched you stand up.
“Thanks Seth, I'll be careful.” You nodded in agreement as you patted your friend's shoulder as you moved further backstage. You moved past other superstars as you glanced at the people standing around the hallway.
You kept searching till you recognized the black ring attire of the two main Imperium members, along with the large figure of Gunther. You bit your lip feeling your nerves wrecking up all the sudden as you took a deep breath and approached the stable slowly, trying to appear as friendly as possible.
Ludwig immediately took notice of you and raised a judgemental brow as he moved in front of Gunther along with Giovanni stepping to his side with a stiff looking glare. “Can we..help you lass?” Kaiser questioned with a suspicious tone as he folded his arms behind his back.
“Uh, yeah I was wondering if I could talk to Gunther?” You whispered trying to not sound intimidated considering most of them were a lot taller than you. Your brows furrowed in betrayal of your attempt to appear collected as you curled your fingers in your jacket out of habit. You felt like your heart might as well beat out your chest and you might die on the spot but you tried to retain a calm and confident look.
The pair exchanged a look as Kaiser raised an eyebrow before peering over their shoulder at the leader of Imperium. Gunther was removing the tape from his wrist and only gave you half a glance over his shoulder before simply nodding. The other two members moved aside, giving you accusing looks as you slowed inched past towards the Intercontinental champion.
You swallowed hard and stopped just a few feet from him looking up at him as you smiled folding your hands in front of yourself. Please don't let me look like a nervous wreck. You thought to yourself as the Ring General turned to look at you with an unreadable expression crossing his features.
“How can I help you Y/N?” Gunther frowned as he rubbed his face with a towel so he wasn't sweating as much as he looked back at you, not giving much of an expression like the other two had.
“Oh uh, I just wanted to say I thought you were an amazing heel and that you really deserve to be the longest reigning champ. I really admire your work and I uh..I've been watching a lot of your matches as of late.” You chuckled before feeling your cheeks heat up noticing you basically gushed and rambled to him and looked down at the floor as you fidgeted with the jacket.
God damnit.
Gunther only chuckled in an amused way as he smirked and raised a brow seemingly getting a boost in his ego and both prided being praised so openly. His arms now folded over his chest as he seemed to almost size you up only making you feel smaller.
“Really? I'm not used to getting compliments from female superstars but I appreciate the admiration.” He couldn't hide the pure amusement in his tone as he furrowed his brow leaning down slightly to your height. Maybe he could take advantage of the opportunity just to mess with you, your reactions only fueled his amusement anyway.
“But I'd be careful.” His austrian accent became more noticeable in his low, almost dangerous tone. His eyes glimmering in a condescending and mocking way as he stared you down even at this height now. “Running around getting involved with me might just get you..in trouble.” Gunther muttered and let out a small chuckle at the way your cheeks burned brighter.
Giovanni and Kaiser came into view at either side of Gunther while the General watched you like a predator about to take down prey. The other two men smirked too as they exchanged a knowing glance then looked back at the leader of the stable. The last words of the bigger male wrestler left a shiver up your spine when he spoke again in a low tone.
“I would hate to break something so fragile.”
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pricescigar · 1 year
Going out on a Date with Albert Wesker Headcanons
Notes: No one asked for this but I decided to this anyways 😈 enjoy.
No Gender Specified for everyone to enjoy.
Photo belongs to me
Cw: NSFW mentioned
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Wesker is old fashioned, there's no doubt in that. Really, he is. He knows how to treat you well, a fine gentleman.
It's one of those things that came to him instantly— A man who was so drawn into his work, it didn't take a lot to please people. Plus, he reads, knows people well. Especially you.
When you heard Wesker was taking you on a date— You was so happy and quickly said yes.
You was afraid you'd be stood up which happened quite frequently in the past, You waited anxiously in the town, nicely dressed. Watching everything around you.
Until he came along dressed in his finest suit, the suit you always loved...
He was holding a bouquet of flowers, or if flowers weren't your thing he'd bring your favorite chocolate or a little sentimental gift.
"Of course I came why wouldn't I?"
His voice comforted you, he reassured you that he wouldn't miss the date for the world. And so he took your hand, kissing it before taking you to the restaurant.
He kept this under wraps, telling you it was a surprise. Taking you to an extravagant five star restaurant.
Of course Wesker opened the door for you, allowing you to go in first before he did.
The food, drinks, interior, it was out of this world. You could even see and watch the cooks cooking peoples food, you couldn't believe it.
Wesker pulled the chair out for you to sit down, gently pushing you in before he would take his seat across from you.
Even when you looked at the Menu, there were so many options you could choose. You didn't know where to start.
"Get whatever you want my love, don't worry about the price."
He'd reassure you and so both of you got a starter, main and dessert.
You saw a different side of Wesker— Much softer, gentle, and so loving. It was different. Different in a good way.
You always had a crush on him, even when you started your Carreer in Umbrella. Even when he returned back after going dark for so long, your feelings resurfaced.
When you two waited for your food he'd hold your hand over the table, hear you talk about your day.
You was always first, there was no doubt about that. It was you, it had always been you.
You wasn't used to being spoiled so much in terms of dining, however Wesker confessed he really wanted to treat you.
Dinner left you stuffed and Wesker got the bill for the dinner, you tried to half it but Wesker wouldn't allow it.
"Don't you worry about a thing doll, daddy wanted to spoil you."
He would coo with his husk of a voice, making you blush all over which made him chuckle in amusement.
He'd place a hand on your leg teasingly before he focused on paying the bill and that was that.
Your dinner ended early than expected, with the service quick and sharp it was expected of a five star restaurant. And so both of you decided to go to the pub.
Both you and Wesker dunk a fair bit, it was a good thing he didn't drive. Wesker called a cab and it collected both of you.
Sadly it was raining a little outside while you waited, he heard you mutter it was feezing; And so Wesker took hid suit jacket off resting it upon your head. Wrapping his arm around you.
The fine date ended with you and Wesker going back to his place, to end the night with his body close to yours.
"You're mine now doll."
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exilepurify · 1 year
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Image IDs under the cut!
Image 1 ID: A Pinterest comment section where Teruki has left a comment under the screen name “Teruki” written in cursive font and decorated with star and music note emojis on either side. His comment says “RACIST WALMART CAUGHT ON CAMERA” and is displayed in a fancy aesthetic block font. Under this comment, Ritsu responds, “YOUR FONT 😭😭😭”. Then Mob comments, “THE FONT”. Beneath that, Shou replies, “THE ASTETIC (aesthetic) FONT HELDP (help)”. Finally, Teru responds to all this by saying, “Y’all stop talking about my font I have the font thingy on”, but it is written in very fancy cursive font. END IMAGE 1 ID.
Image 2 ID: A tweet edited to look like it came from Ritsu. It reads: “The first act of racism my brother ever experienced was my dad filming the wrong asian boy during his whole school play”. END IMAGE 2 ID
Image 3 ID: A tweet edited to look like it was posted by Toichiro Suzuki that says, “I have a gut feeling that yelling at service workers will bring my wife back”. END IMAGE 3 ID
Image 4 ID: A tweet edited to look like it came from Reigen Arataka that says, “Bro there’s nothing worse than when the jig is up.” END IMAGE 4 ID
Image 5 ID: A tweet edited to seem like it came from Mob that reads: “y’all why was I in an Uber with my master and the driver took the wrong turn. my master said “damn, this gun is heavy as hell in my bag. I should’ve left it in the house.” END IMAGE 5 ID
Image 6 ID: A tweet edited to come from Unknown Percentage that says, “Call me Timmy Turner cause it’s fairy odd how I get fuckin treated around here”. END IMAGE 6 ID
Image 7 ID: A Tumblr post edited to come from Minegishi that says, “you don’t have to ‘ship’ things… just a reminder.” Serizawa responds to this post and says, “Yeah you could deliver them inste—*Very lengthy keysmash in all-caps, including symbols and asterisks*”. To this, Minegishi responds, “Poor thing… walked right into the electrical fence”. END IMAGE 7 ID
Image 8 ID: A tweet edited to look like it came from Toichiro Suzuki that reads, “Narcanning my son to wake him up for school.” END IMAGE 8 ID
Image 9 ID: A tweet edited to come from Teruki that says, “Fun fact: blueberries are the only fruit named after a color🤗”. Mob responds to this tweet, saying, “star fruit?”. Teruki responds, “So close!! That is a shape 💕💕”. END IMAGE 9 ID
Image 10 ID: A tweet from Mob that says, “idk what movie to watch rn”. Dimple responds to this, saying, “i tonya”. Mob replies, “i don’t care who you are”. END IMAGE 10 ID.
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abbysbitch · 1 year
could you write abby as a power bottom and the reader as a service top? i would gratefully pass away because my need for her to suffocate me between her thighs is greater than my will to live
oh my god yes i 100% can😵‍💫😵‍💫
a/n: thank u anon, im so sorry this took so long to answer, and i also have no idea if i even wrote this right, i'm not too familiar with the power bottom x service top trope so😭😭 def not my best work..
cw: oral (a receiving), pet names, grinding, ass groping? thats ab it i believe
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you, who just wanted to relax for the day after being out on patrol for the entirety of the past two days and abby who had made it apparent she had other plans when she came home from her own.
watching tv on the couch when you heard your front door open, and who else would it have been other than abby walking through into your shared house.
"hey abs, how was patrol?" you start, slowly walking up to her and embracing her in a warm hug. "shit." she sighs into your back, "wanted to just take a hammer and bash everyone's fucking faces in." "god babe, aggressive much?" you giggle back.
"i guess so" she shrugs, snaking her hands behind you and rubs your back, slowly going down to grab at your ass with both of her hands.
"abby!" you squeal and she gives your ass a slap, before looking back at you with a smirk. "what?" she questions like nothing happened, and she starts kissing your neck and biting at the skin of your earlobe and goes
"seein' you between my thighs would make me feel better though."
so that's how you ended up here, with abbys naked form underneath you, her breaths ragged and uneven as you trail back and forth up her body, kissing her everywhere you could. sliding your hands to her hips and squeezing hard enough to leave purple bruised marks.
"c'mere," she says as she pulls you up from your spot on her chest to press her lips against yours, your tongues dancing in sync with each other like they were meant to be. the kisses are so messy, the clashing of your teeth and spit mixing made you desperate with want, that want being her, and making her feel good.
"wannna ride your tongue, 's that okay baby?" she asks and without a beat you're nodding and already making your way back down her body, reaching her heat in no time. taking your hands and spreading her thighs apart, you delve into her cunt, taking everything she has for yourself. her moans and especially her touches as she grabs fistfuls of your hair, pulling you impossibly closer into her to grind into your mouth.
"sh-shit, atta girl, stick your tongue out f'me."
You do as your told, and she uses her hands that had previously took purchase in your hair to ride your tongue, your gaze meeting hers and at the eye contact you feel a rush of slick drip out from her cunt in which you immediately swallow mercilessly.
"harder, shit, fuck me with your tongue harder." she continues and you follow her lead, licking into her sopping hole and rubbing your nose just perfect against her clit, and she lets out the loudest moans you've ever heard come out of her.
she whines as you back away for a second to pull her clitoral hood up- exposing her sensitive puffy bud to your relentless nose. and you start rubbing back and forth all over again. shes grinding even harder up into you now, finally chasing her high and getting the right amount of friction she needed from you.
"shit, like this baby? does this feel good?" you go and she groans again, with a "yes, yes oh-fuck, 'm gonna cum soon-" and her words with her moans combined make you so needy that you start grinding against the duvet beneath you. you just can't help yourself, her moans are so pretty and making her feel good turns you on so much you cant take it anymore.
"fuck, are you getting yourself off from between- shit- between my legs?" she questions and you just mumble nonsense against her cunt in response, the vibrations going up and through her causing her to let out a strangled moan.
"yeah, that's it, get yourself off between my thighs, wanna cum with you baby."
Yeah, you could live between this womans thighs forever.
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