archirdarchernar · 4 months
me, straddling sleep and reality:
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Hey hey!! I was wondering if you could tell me some of your headcanons/ideas/details/etc for your fav characters? I've been really stressed lately and seeing people talk about characters they adore give the best good vibes :]
Hey, anon!
I'm sorry things have been stressful for you 🥺 I hope things work out and calm down soon!
(honestly this is ironic though because I've also been stressed beyond belief hahahaha-)
I was wracking my brains trying to think of who I could talk about for a bit before... I hit me! Who do I always bring in but I rarely get the chance to really dig deep into as a character?
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I'll just... ramble 🥰
I initially picked Inoichi, name-dropped as Shisui's sensei in In the Eye of the Beholder, because I had seen quite a few fics that centred around Shikaku from that generation and I knew I wanted someone different. He's also very distinct from the Uchiha, he's respectable, with talents that worked really well with Shisui's, and in a position of power that could act as a counterbalance to the status of the Uchiha/Police etc. Inoichi's exact role in T&I didn't matter much in Eye because he was a minimal mention, past tense, and only really served to contextualize Shisui's own skill.
When I got to writing HOPE AU, starting with No Tomorrow, things became much clearer.
Inoichi hadn't ever really factored in with me, beyond a vague disbelief that he'd let Ino get away with not training and going on a stupid diet in canon, but he'd been growing on me. Something about his soothing presence compared to Shisui's more hectic, quick action, just clicked and the pieces came together. Whilst Itachi & Shisui work because Shisui is a kind of twisted martyr/role model who Itachi, quieter and tragic in a slightly different way, always looked up to (and the world went to shit for real when Shisui left Itachi to scramble with the fragments), Shisui gets to have his own guiding force with Inoichi.
Inoichi, ironically, is something of a moral compass and a foundation for all of my stories. Whilst Shisui is the protagonist and narrator, more often than not, he's also tormented and unreliable in his perspective, for all he tries. Inoichi, however, is much more grounded. This is because I wanted Inoichi to be the remedy, in a way, to Shisui's mania and trauma and very visceral POV.
Example: Shisui wanted to martyr himself for the village, putting everyone's lives above his own... So that his dream of peace could continue in a way that was very specifically his. Inoichi, in turn, wants to rid the village of corruption, so taking down Danzo is more important than his own safety and position... Because he wants to keep his family, especially Shisui, safe.
Again, this is all ironic because Inoichi is never detached or clinical when things are connected to Shisui yet you can still trust him, as a reader, to 'keep a lid' on things. What makes this so delicious to me is that most of Shisui's methods and coping mechanisms... are directly copied from Inoichi. Shisui manipulates people like Inoichi taught him to, he takes stock, he manipulates his Clan in a way that is very distinct from other Uchiha (like Mikoto) because it's actually Inoichi's influence.
Even when I'm placing them as counterparts, they are symmetrical. Shisui is sobbing and breaking down and lashing out? Inoichi is soothing him... Whilst also feeling that grief and fear and pain. He's really so emotional, but he is able to put it into his professionalism because he desperately wants to help; it's a kind of selfish selflessness that Shisui also uses a lot, putting everyone before himself... But in the direction of his own goals.
And then! Then we get this glorious imagery! Sun and mood, dark and light! Summer and winter! Completely reversed!
Sun and Moon? Aesthetically, Shisui is dark and pale, he (cba for real quote) thinks a true Shinobi is faceless in the darkness for the betterment of society... But he undeniably burns brighter than the sun. Inoichi is golden hair and sea blue eyes and nurturing care, he has a wife with a flower shop and a nine-to-five, a clan and a family, he doesn't go on bloody missions from home... But he is most definitely the moon in this situation, serene and controlling and vigilant.
Summer and winter! Idk how to tell you that I pose Shisui in monochrome lighting so much not just because it's dramatic and he looks great, it's about the brutality and the crisp lines, it's about the survival and the burning heat inside with coldness in action... But, again, Shisui burns, he flourishes given warmth and nurturing, he withstands the heat, he basks in the sun, he melts and unwinds... Inoichi is winter because he is so bitingly cold in anger, he is eyes like ice and arguments that you can't fight against and chakra that is refreshing but can turn so bitter in an instant.
Dark and light? Again, Shisui appears dark, he literally works in Black Ops, but he has a spark to him - literally, with his nature, his Susanoo, his glowing Dojutsu - that draws others like moths to a flame and, despite everything, he is always searching for goodness. He wants peace, he does not revel in the gore, he is deeply empathetic to foreign Shinobi. Inoichi, like I said, is golden and he upholds the laws, he does wellness checks on Shinobi and intervenes on their behalf, he takes his subordinates and his superiors to task, he wanted to change the world with Minato... But he is the torturer of the Leaf, he has so many secrets that they're locked behind a hidden vault, he tears apart minds and he collects evidence and he stews on his information, plotting.
So far I've spoken mostly about Inoichi alongside Shisui, which is understandable because they are THE duo of the whole series.
But what about Inoichi alone?
He might've lived longer than most characters, much longer than Shisui, but we never got much to work with so I pretty much went by vibes and rolled with it.
First things first- contextualising his abilities. Now, some fic writers might be okay with the bullshit that is Kishi's non-existent timeline but I wasn't and neither am I the kind of person who can just willfully imagine that somehow we went from feudal energy with the Founders to video games with B[redacted]'s generation. Especially not when I'd reworked the timeline so that we're around year 64 when Shisui and Danzo's drama goes down. So, with that in mind, I had to question how much legitimate psychological study had been done in this time. I tried to bracket it by generation, but also I only have a vague sociological understanding of the field of Psychology and I really can't afford the time - or have the will - to dig enough into that to make Inoichi a psychologist by our modern standards. Welcome to camp: How To Bullshit Inoichi!
Now I don't know a lot about psych but I have studied nationalism so the propaganda side of things was much more fun haha. Inoichi's job became as much as a safeguarding measure for the state as much as it was about the actual Shinobi. Inoichi's whole role in the village, and therefore his very core sense of purpose, is to keep the Shinobi forces 'in line'. The imagery of the tree filled with leaves, the teamwork and will of fire, the obedience and feral loyalty and martyrdom might have been plastered across every surface and shoved down every orifice by the village as a whole but it's Inoichi who ensures that it sticks. If someone is unfit for a job, it'll be influenced by this loyalty, if someone is losing faith in the field then it's just as a much of a red flag as self-sabotage or a mental break.
It's a game, all of it, and the Hokage is actually on the board for this one; this shaped the kind of person Inoichi has been for most of his life, this overlap between individuals and the big picture.
Inoichi comes from a Clan who have notorious mental techniques, who are allied with a Clan that makes alternative medicine, controls shadows and have scary intelligence, as well as a Clan that is so well-connected across the continent that they may as well be the mafia, that are brutally strong even without the augmentation, and who have an extremely welcoming clan culture. Where do you situate yourself in this?
I think it's quite telling that, whenever I talk about Inoichi, it's generally how he reflects and manages the different personalities around him.
Inoichi is an only child - Yua's parents are actually his cousins, 'niece' is sentimental, so yes her grandfather was the Uncle mentioned below - and his mother died when he was young. His father Inojou, we know (I say, like I didn't write this lmao), was both Clan Head and Head of T&I before Inoichi inherited these roles. Inojou took on the Department under Tobirama's tenure (Tobirama died when Inoichi was seven).
The Nidaime was dead, Inoichi was soon to graduate, and being the best Yamanaka Heir was all about being the best Shinobi possible. For most kids, that would be fighting. For a Yamanaka? It's about the power and control. From an adult? Masterful, upsetting, discomforting. From a prepubescent child? Fucking horrifying and possibly overly cruel before Inoichi worked out how to walk the line. Yikes.
So the household, it's immediately clear, was one that was cold, vacant, and work-obsessed. Inoichi's softest memory as a child were the rabbits his mother kept when he was a very small child, before she died. That's it. Inoichi, as I've mentioned before, was an extremely manipulative child. Why? Nurture and nature, he was alone with a father who lived and breathed his work and clan history, his playmates were Chouza and Shikaku (who, some of you might notice, I've really leaned into a slightly more dangerous interpretation of him✨) and the world seemed to be falling apart around them.
As a teen, going through the second war when Konoha was the one committing all those atrocities in Rain Country (traumatising Konan and the boys), when the Sannin were just getting their feet on that pedestal... Inoichi is only falling deeper into this mentality that Konoha was cultivating within him. He'd be working at his father's elbow in the middle of wartime, when ethics just don't exist, and we've already had mention from Inoichi before about some atrocities his own Uncle committed in the first war in the name of 'science'. Shisui's education was softened by Inoichi's care for him; Inoichi never got anything like that from his own father, their relationship was like playing 3D chess nonstop, including every little thing. Informative, yeah, but not comforting or restful.
Then we get the big turning point; Inojou's death. Inojou, unlike most character deaths in Narutoverse, didn't pop his clogs in a violent skirmish in the field but, rather, in his own domain; a Mindwalk.
Can we just appreciate the horror and trauma that Inoichi's only close family, as well as the person he'd learned everything from,... died from the technique that was supposed to ensure his absolute control? Inojou Mindwalks an assassin, the assassin's mental safeguarding triggers a suicide Jutsu, and it manages to take Inojou with it, rendering his body literally brain-dead. Mic drop
This was in wartime. Inoichi is completely alone in the world, his clan a distant but pressing responsibility, his teammates and friends like Chouza, Shikaku, and Minato are just barely grown men in their own right, with their own problems and none of them have inherited power like this yet. They keep going out to the front lines; Inoichi has to stay right there and, somehow, immediately pick up where his father left off. Using the very techniques that killed Inojou.
Inoichi goes home, to his big empty Clan Head House, his friends far away, and gets dangerously drunk and, in his own words, "howled like a deranged soul, barely human." 🥹 He was not fucking okay.
This goes on for.... gah, maybe a few months before Shisui's Genin Team are killed and Inoichi, stressed to his eyeballs and absolutely not in a position for a student let alone a pet-project like 'keep the newest, youngest Mangekyou sane so we can use him', is not ready.
I've written this scene before (Tomorrowland), Inoichi's impatience frustration bleeding into curiosity and, eventually, empathy. He's too stubborn to give up and then he gets so invested.
This another defining moment in Inoichi's character. He's been raised to be manipulative to unmatched levels. Shikaku recognises it in him, it's how they align, and Chouza is self-assured enough and welcoming enough to know exactly what Inoichi and Shikaku are like and survive - in fact, flourish - whilst embracing them.
Inoichi doesn't think he's cut out to be a tutor, let alone a sensei. I think, pretty much from the get-go it was inevitable that they'd be family. They... recognised something in the other. For all my parallel imagery earlier, the harmony between them is even stronger; morally and ethnically suspect specialities, gentle words and hard action, big pictures with some extremely precious few loved ones.
Inoichi spent a fortnight visiting Shisui's hospital room, the little Genin struck mute by guilt and grief, and talked about anything he could think of. He spoke about guilt on missions, breaking his leg from mistaken arrogance and realising he'd put his team at risk, he opened up about the few memories he had of his mother, he tries to coax Shisui into opening to him... By opening himself up first. Just talking to Shisui about food makes him go home and cook his first square meal in weeks!
Inoichi becomes much more human again.
Inoichi's T&I is different from the versions that came before. Inoichi's Clan is different as well. It was through trying to help Shisui actually heal, not just function as a weapon, that taught Inoichi how to heal and open himself. Working with Shisui's Mangekyou and his Uchiha techniques helped Inoichi adapt his own Clan Jutsu, he implemented safeguarding against what happened to his father, learning how to torture and interrogate people with his words and body language instead of just clan techniques, how manipulation can be used to genuinely help people. Do you think Inojou was the closest thing Konoha had to a psychologist too? Nope, Inoichi induced that side of things too
This also marks a time in Inoichi's life when he's involved with Minato's Hokage campaign, to the extent where Kushina gifts him some rare sealing paper and helps him install a secret reinforced vault in his office 🤭 Inoichi also started reading parenting books to help with Shisui lol
Inoichi married a civilian woman who had little interest in Shinobi affairs, with skills that don't compliment the Yamanaka in that sense but, rather, do in the spirit of them. Sora is snarky and mischievous and tender and empathetic, she brings out the best in Inoichi, as he does with her, and they are matched because they chose each other and grew together to make it work.
Inoichi hasn't completely transformed. You'll notice that there's always a line between him and Shisui's friends, we don't get a clear insight into the dynamic between Mikoto and Inoichi (they exist in the same space when shit hits the fan with Danzo and that's about it), and you never see Sora's side of the family. Inoichi is a taskmaster with his staff, he is breathtakingly cruel to those in his cells, and he could barely hold himself back from fucking up Kisame's mind! Shisui is his only 'therapy' client. Just wait and see what else unfolds in the series gah!
I just really love Inoichi, i think the way he's approached this part of his life where he is defending and raising his children, after the way he grew up, is just so endlessly fascinating. The kind of fucked up moral compass he has, which because of both his role in Shisui's (protagonist) life and the way his say-so shapes the village, became like... the centre of right and wrong in the story, his particular brand of loyalty and paranoia, the contrast of his wonderful heart and his terrible abilities...
I just really love Inoichi! 🥰
Enjoy, Anon! Hope things get better soon~
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dearkusuo · 4 years
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Synopsis: He was content with the simplicities life had to offer, while you sought out the world.
Pairing: Saiki Kusuo x artist!reader
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst
Word Count: 3.6k
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You first heard of him back in your second year of high school. There was nothing about Saiki Kusuo that stood out to you, but your good friend, Yumehara Chiyo, thought otherwise.
“Don’t you think Saiki looks like a prince? He’s so dreamy that I can’t keep my eyes off of him. He’s so cool and mysterious,” your friend blabbered. If by cool and mysterious, she meant cold and aloof, then you completely agreed. 
Even the popular pretty girl, Teruhashi Kokomi, seemed enraptured by him, despite Saiki’s unwillingness to shower her any attention like every guy in school. She never told you about her crush on him, but it was obvious through her body language alone that she was smitten by the pink-haired boy.
You didn’t understand their fleeting infatuation for someone they hardly knew - never experienced the feeling of falling hard for someone from the depths of your soul that they were the only person you could think about. And you were perfectly content with that. You had bigger dreams to achieve than a small high school romance that wasn’t guaranteed to last long anyway.
The Okinawa school trip was an outing that all the second years in PK Academy were looking forward to, you included. Although you had a feeling that your friends, Chiyo and Kokomi, had different intentions for tagging along. 
They must have been so elated that the three of you ended up in the same group with the boy they liked.
You carried on disregarding Kokomi and Chiyo’s painfully obvious antics to spend time with their beloved prince charming until later that evening when you decided to take a walk outside the hotel alone. You convinced yourself that a late-night stroll would be an enjoyable pastime, but really, you wanted to get away from the love-struck fantasies of your two friends who were oblivious of the fact that they were both pursuing the same boy.
You don’t know how long you’ve been wandering around, but by the time you returned, the hotel had disappeared from your sight. Two recognizable figures stood by a large hole torn on the ground. A battered ship had risen from the gap where the building used to be.
Toritsuka Reita from Class 2-2 stood next to your pink-haired group member while Saiki had a hand directed at the ship, indicating that he was the one causing it to float midair. Your jaw dropped in disbelief at the sight before you.
Saiki turned his head in your direction as if he knew you were there all along. He kept his usual blank composure, although you could recognize the wary look in his eyes as he stared at you. Toritsuka panicked upon the realization that you were there to witness the whole scene.
You didn’t know how you should've reacted when the two boys told you of their psychic powers. 
“I won’t tell a soul,” you promised.
‘I know,’ Saiki’s voice echoed into your mind.
The rest of the trip went by smoothly after that incident. Kokomi subsequently spoke out about the crush she had on Saiki, and Chiyo announced that she had fallen for Kaidou Shun. 
You shook your head in wonder at the orange-haired girl. It was astonishing how quickly she was able to abandon her feelings for one boy and move on to someone else so quickly.
You realized that love was brief and ever-changing like the ticking seconds on a clock. There was no point in wasting time on such a fickle emotion when the only thing you would devote yourself to were your ambitions for the future. 
Nevertheless, a subconscious bond had been formed between you and Saiki after you learned his secret. 
You shared a glance with the psychic from afar as Kokomi relayed to you the dream she had of the boy she liked.
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He was kinder and a lot less indifferent than you originally thought. Saiki wouldn’t admit it, but you would notice the subtle acts he performed to help out a troubled stranger and the small deeds he initiated to prevent harm from coming across the people around him.
 You finally acknowledged Saiki as a friend after he deliberately shared his umbrella with you during a particularly rainy day.
‘Good grief. I was feeling generous today, so this is nothing. Just make sure to come to school prepared next time,’ he had told you after you first rejected his help in worry of troubling him.
You found out much later that he could have stopped the rain with his abilities.
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The empty café was tranquil save for the scratching of your pencil as you scribbled on your sketchbook. Saiki sat across from you, paying you no attention just as you did to him. His usual stoic expression was abandoned as he blissfully devoured his coffee jelly.
“I have a dream. After high school, I’ll travel around the world for a bit. I’ll join a bunch of art competitions and win a bunch of awards. Then eventually, I’ll go to an art school in New York so I can major in Illustration. And maybe I might even make a best-seller manga one day,” you mused.
‘Isn’t it a little too early for us to think about the future?’ Saiki retorted.
“Maybe. But I’ve had this dream for as long as I can remember.”
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Art class was the subject you looked forward to the most in school. Not only because you excelled in many art mediums, but also because you took pride in the techniques you honed over the years of endless practice.
For the day’s lesson, you were to pair up with one person in the class and draw each other’s portraits. You casually looked around the room in search of anyone available.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed Kokomi rushing up to Saiki with an excited smile as she called out, “Saiki, do you want to-” a majority of the boys in class crowded around her before she could say her piece. Saiki walked up to you instead, asking if you wanted to pair up with him. 
You glanced briefly at Kokomi, feeling a tad bit guilty for stealing her choice of partner while she was being surrounded by her group of fans hoping that she would choose one of them. But you couldn’t bring yourself to reject the pink-haired boy’s request.
Taking a seat from across each other, you adjusted your easel so you could get a better view of Saiki’s face. Despite the red tint dusting your cheeks from the intimacy of his peering gaze, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away from him. You perceived for the first time that Saiki was actually quite good looking.
You looked down at your page so you could sketch his appearance: the antennae on his head, his green glasses, soft pink hair, slender neck, smooth lips, chiselled face, sharp eyes. You looked up to take a quick peek at him again. 
 The constant blinking on his impassive face made your eyes widen in amusement and you frantically placed a hand over your mouth to prevent a snort from escaping.
‘Why are you laughing?’
“Because you’re blinking so much that it looks ridiculous,” you explained with a chuckle.
‘I have to keep on blinking so my x-ray vision resets. I’m trying to get a look at your face.’
You let out another coy giggle despite the heat rushing to the tips of your ears. He looked down at his paper to continue his piece with a warm smile barely present on his face.
You concentrated on your own illustration, marking down his affectionate expression before Saiki could return to his blank face, and showing it off as soon as you finished.
‘Not bad. Now take a look at mine.’
He flipped his paper over, exhibiting an intricate and beautiful portrait. The focused expression he depicted on your face while you drew him looked so alluring. You almost didn’t recognize it as your own, even though it was practically a mirror image.
"This looks way too realistic for someone who's trying not to stand out."
'It should be fine if it's you.'
You didn't understand what he meant, but his words caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
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‘I need your help,’ A familiar voice spoke in your mind.
You jumped in surprise at the unexpected appearance of the pink-haired boy you had grown fond of. Your sketchbook flew out of your lap, falling right at your feet.
“How did you know I was here?” You asked with a huff.
‘In case you forgot, I can hear your thoughts. I know that sometimes you like to come here to the school rooftop during lunch.’
“Oh,” you uttered. “Well, since you came all this way to see me, what can I do for you?” You raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
'I need you to help me reject Teruhashi.'
You pursed your lips in uncertainty.
"Kokomi is my friend, and as her friend, you can't expect me to hurt her feelings."
'As my friend, you can't expect me to lead her on when I don't ever intend on returning her feelings. She'll get hurt either way. All I'm asking is for you to help me avoid her so she'll get over me.’
You knew he was right, but you were still unsure of meddling in a situation you weren't a part of, especially when it involved the feelings of your close friend. You looked out the window in contemplation.
“Why are you asking me? Mikoto would be a better choice.”
‘I trust you more, so it has to be you.’
You ignored the churning in your stomach as you casually threw your hands up, giving in to his request.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
‘Thank you.’
Saiki bent down on one knee, reaching out to grab your fallen sketchbook. 
“I can pick that up myself, you know, or you if you wanted to help me that badly, you could’ve done that levitation thing you always do.”
‘I know.’
He held the book out, watching you through his glasses while he knelt by your feet. A saying Chiyo once told you a long time ago reverberated at the back of your mind: “Don’t you think Saiki looks like a prince?”
You gripped the sketchbook in his hand. Saiki’s gaze burned on your orbs as your image reflected off his green lenses. Neither one of you let go, even when your fingertips brushed against one another.
“What colour are your eyes?” You wondered.
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“Major in Economics at Sayftee University and major in Literature at both Komman University and Ahvraj University,” you read out Saiki's school survey. “These are all surprisingly in character for you, but do you really have no dreams beyond living an ordinary life?”
‘I’m too busy thinking of ways to stop the volcano eruption to worry about my future.’
“You have a point there. Any luck with that?” you inquired.
Saiki shook his head.
“I guess that means we’ll be second years again.”
You didn’t keep track of how long time had been looping, and you found that you didn’t really care since you were already accustomed to the familiarity of your seemingly endless high school life. You were happy, even if it meant that the dreams you’ve been chasing for so long were slipping farther away from your grasp with every day that passed.
‘No, it’s about time I put an end to this.’
Saiki’s determined expression was embedded in your mind.
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Your screams of disbelief were muffled by the pillow you held against your face. 
You had vowed to yourself since you were young that you wouldn’t grow attached to anyone. After all these years, you had to go back on your word just when you were about to leave.
Now was not the time. Not here. Not with him.
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Kokomi and Chiyo took it upon themselves to pay you a visit after you skipped school for five days without notice. The dark circles under your eyes and your sunken face visibly worried them.
“I’m in love with Saiki,” you murmured, gazing sullenly at your blue-haired friend. “I’m sorry.”
Kokomi’s face fell, but she showed no signs of surprise.
“I already knew that. It was obvious with the way you always look at him,” she lamented. Kokomi cupped your balled fists in her hands and looked at you wistfully. “He rejected me a few days ago, so you don’t have to worry about hurting my feelings. I think you two would look good together.”
You felt tears threatening to spill over your eyes. Whether it was from relief that Kokomi accepted you so easily or pain from your unfortunate situation, you didn’t know.
“I’m leaving Japan after we graduate,” you disclosed.
A dejected silence fell upon you three until Chiyo spoke up, “For how long?”
“An indefinite amount of time.”
“Are you ever coming back?”
“I don’t know.”
Their glum faces only worsened your mood.
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“Why have you been avoiding me?”
You tensed at the accusing tone directed at you. Saiki’s piercing gaze was pointed at your shrinking figure.
No matter how much time had passed since the loss of his abilities, you doubted that you would ever get used to the sound of his voice resonating out loud, or the enchanting shade of his eyes, even if they looked dangerously menacing at the moment.
“I wasn’t avoiding you. I was just busy studying for exams and doing other stuff,” you explained weakly.
Saiki’s deadpan expression indicated that he didn’t believe your lie.
After a few minutes of squirming underneath his scrutinizing gaze, you gave in and told him your worries, “I’m leaving the country soon. I think we should stop talking to each other so that it won’t be so hard for us to say goodbye.”
You pushed past him. You didn’t know where your feet planned on dragging you, but you figured anywhere was fine so long as you could get away from him.
The familiar warmth of Saiki’s hand wrapped around your own, stopping you from taking another step away. You didn’t dare turn around as you felt your heart thumping wildly.
“I won’t ever ask this of anyone else, so I’m begging you not to push me away,” he pleaded. He placed your hand over his chest, giving away the heavy pulsing of his heartbeat.
You could never say no to him.
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Memories of the last few years ran through your mind as you smiled at the nostalgia. You took one final glance at your high school building before turning your back on it, striding towards the exit. 
You stopped at the sight of a familiar figure standing under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. Saiki must have known that you were staying much later after the graduation ceremony, all thanks to his restored powers.
‘Good grief. Were you really planning on leaving without saying goodbye?’ His voice resounded in your head.
You didn’t respond as you watched the wind blow through his hair, the sun illuminating the affectionate smile on his face, the violet obscured by his green glasses, and the petals dancing around the two of you as they fell to the ground. The timing was right. The mood was right. Everything was right.
He rubbed the back of your hand while you reached out to intertwine your fingers with his. The warmth that radiated off his skin felt like home.
He knew, and you knew that he did. After all, you could never hide your secrets from a psychic, no matter how hard you tried. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him how you felt.
“Goodbye,” you pulled away from Saiki.
What was the point of confessing your feelings to someone you would never see again?
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Paris, France was one of your destinations out of many. Most people romanticized the capital as the City of Love, but the only reason you were even there in the first place was to visit the Louvre, the world’s largest art museum. 
Influenced by the art and the romantic ambience, you sketched out the scenery around you, deliberating how you could embody the city on paper. If you were to draw a picture of love, what would you envision? 
Maybe, it would look like pink locks tousled by the spring breeze, or the reflection of your eyes searching for violet orbs through tinted green glass. It might have been the lingering warmth on the fingertips of someone who trusted you enough to share their deepest secret, or the gentle smile that was reserved only for you during the most intimate of moments.
Your love was constant and unchanging. You realized that now. No matter how much time had passed or how many countries you visited, you always found yourself thinking about home.
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Ever since you were a young student in junior high, you had hated the thought of giving up on your dreams to pursue a flighty, insignificant relationship. Six years ago, you threw away your chance at love to focus on your aspirations. There was no point in thinking back on what might have been. You shouldn’t have.
 You made a name for yourself through the many art competitions you joined, winning a few awards here and there. A while back, you finished your Bachelor's Degree in Illustration at a famous art school in New York. Things were coming together quite nicely.
Your high school days almost seemed like a lifetime ago. The memories that used to be the center of your universe, the laughter you shared with your friends, and a not so ordinary boy with psychic powers were at the back of your mind. Everyday life without the only person you've ever loved became the norm for you.
You recently got a job offer from a famous publishing company in Japan after you posted a short comic that blew up in popularity. The editor in chief sealed the deal with you after you sent him a promising draft for a manga you had planned out. 
It had been years since you’ve been to the country, but your return and the nostalgic surroundings brought back old recollections that made you feel like you were a teenager again.
The chief took it upon himself to give you a tour around the company, showing you the work environment and the employees. He guided you through the different floor levels, offices and workrooms, and acquainted you with the higher-ups. But he had yet to introduce the editor you would be working with.
"There he is."
The chief led you towards the figure of a man who had his back turned to you. The pink tuft of hair on his head and the silly-looking antennae shaped into joysticks poking out of his scalp were noticeably familiar. But you couldn’t believe it.
He turned around, green-tinted eyes boring into yours with the same neutral expression you used to see every day. Even when you had anticipated who it was, you couldn’t help the breathless gasp that escaped your lips.
"This is Saiki Kusuo. He will be the editor in charge of overseeing your work,” the chief introduced to you.
You took the hand Saiki held out for you, shaking it courteously. His blank expression didn’t fade, but his eyes softened under your gaze. The warmth on his grip was just as comforting as you remembered, like the welcoming embrace for a loved one returning home. 
Neither one of you let go.
"Well, since it's already after work hours, you guys should grab dinner and get to know each other. You'll be working closely for a while, after all," the chief suggested before leaving you and Saiki alone.
A hushed silence washed over both of you as the world disappeared before your sight. The image of a cherry blossom tree on a sunny spring day was evoked in your mind.
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He sat next to you in a secluded booth of the café you used to frequent, away from prying eyes. 
"What happened to majoring in Economics and Literature?" you asked.
Your body was angled in his direction while you engaged him in conversation. Despite the many years apart, you and Saiki had fallen back to the easygoing relationship you once shared.
'I finally had time to think about my future, and I realized that this is what I wanted.'
“You wanted to be a manga editor like your dad?” you prompted.
‘Not quite.’
Saiki was composed as usual as he turned to face you.
'I have a dream. After you accomplished your goals, we would find each other again and spend the rest of our lives together. And maybe we might even make a best-seller manga one day,’ he mused.
Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest. The words you couldn’t bring yourself to say on the day of your graduation poured out unthinkingly from your throat.
“I love you.”
He placed a hand on the back of your neck, closing the distance between you.
‘I know.’
Your lips crashed into his, moulding perfectly as they moved against one another. You gripped his shoulders, pulling him in as he snuck an arm around your waist. Your eyelids fluttered shut, relishing in the sweet sensation of his taste.
You only pulled away minutes after to catch your breath. His forehead leaned against yours, the tip of your noses barely skimming each other. The look of adoration in his eyes revealed that he felt the same way.
No matter how long he waited, your love for each other was unchanging.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
* K - Six Idols (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
At that time, Izumo Kusanagi had just returned from shopping for the bar HOMRA.
Bar HOMRA is like an idol lounge in "Homura Entertainment Office". It is a place of relaxation for the idols belonging to the group with strong horizontal connections and at the same time it is also a place for the staff to enjoy the drink. In particular, Kusanagi's skill as a bartender was highlighted and there were many enthusiasts in the industry.
A hideaway-like resting place for the same liquor lovers Kusanagi meets at the bar HOMRA.
Then, the moment he entered the bar, Kusanagi noticed the atmosphere.
"Guys, what's wrong with you?"
It seemed that several idols were near the couch seats in a corner of the bar and were discussing something. They looked at Kusanagi when he entered the bar, then they looked back and started secretly talking about something.
Kusanagi frowned.
In the world of entertainment, the hierarchical relationship between seniors and juniors is absolute, and it is impossible to make eye contact but not say hello. No matter how long they are in the office, tolerating their current attitude is even worse for them. He had to make things clear here.
Kusanagi put the shopping bag on the counter and shrugged angrily and approached them. When he clenched his fist, Misaki Yata, one of the idols, suddenly stood up and looked at Kusanagi.
"Kusanagi-san, I have something I want to ask."
Kusanagi was embarrassed by the angry voice. Yata is a loyal and sincere person. He had never seen him get so mad at himself.
Looking closely, the idols behind him, Rikio Kamamoto, Eric Surt, and Yo Chitose, looked at Kusanagi with guilty eyes.
"This that is written, is it true?"
Taking the magazine spread out on the table, Yata placed it in front of Kusanagi.
In the magazine he says:
"Homura Performing Arts Office" staff. Izumo Kusanagi midnight orgy! Sexual harassment is insanity against underage idols!"
Kusanagi's mouth fell open.
Meanwhile, Yata approaches the magazine with an indignant expression.
"What are you doing? Is that true? If so, I can't stand it! I knew Kusanagi-san loved women, but more than anything, you're an idol! I never thought you were that kind of person?!"
After hitting Yata's head with his fist, Kusanagi took the magazine. It was a weekly magazine with a reputation for scandal articles from animators. He turned the pages as he felt cold sweat running down his cheeks.
That day…
About a month ago, the day the movie where Kusanagi appeared was released. At the commemorative party that brought the people involved together, Kusanagi had a drink, sexually harassed all the actresses and female staff in line, then took an underage idol he liked and went to the bar next to the stairs, and he finally disappeared into a city hotel with the girl.
"It is a hoax!"
Kusanagi threw the weekly magazine on the ground.
As he rubs his beaten head, Yata looked at Kusanagi.
"Are you sure?"
"Obviously! Do you think I'm such a person?"
"You are a lover of women."
"You are a healthy person."
"You are kind to everyone."
Kamamoto, Eric, and Chitose responded.
"You guys…"
Kusanagi spoke desperately. Yata took the magazine and hit him. He couldn't find the color of the joke in his eyes.
"At first, we thought that Kusanagi-san couldn't do this, but when I thought about it, it was true that Kusanagi-san was drunk and he came back like that about a month ago."
"Kusanagi-san, you are normally calm, but when you get drunk, I think you can become a conqueror. So I wondered if it was something like that."
The eyes of the youths pierced Kusanagi. Kusanagi was full of words and looked at each of them.
"Please remember. Do you really remember?"
"Well, wait. Let's remember for a moment."
Kusanagi opened his PDA and active the calendar application.
One month ago. Certainly, there was a record of attendance at the commemorative kick-off party. That said, he had gone to parties three times that week alone. In the current situation where President Suoh is not, Kusanagi is the actual leader of "Homura Entertainment Office" and also plays the role of manager of his idols. There were more relationships within the natural industry and more opportunities to drink.
That's right, if you get drunk, you'll be in a good mood. Not that he has never lost his memory. There is no doubt that he likes women who value themselves and others, and if he sees a beautiful woman at a party, he is the type to speak positively. However, no matter how drunk he is, sexual harassment is serious business.
"Kusanagi-san? Did you?"
Yata proclaimed holding the magazine looking like a prosecutor. Kusanagi had been exhibiting for a while, but when he opened his eyes, he seemed to be ready.
"If it's just a light body touch, maybe..."
"After all, you did!"
"It's the worst! Kusanagi-san, you are the worst!"
"It's the name 'Homura'! Clear your head now and hold an apology press conference."
Kusanagi was quick to contain the young people who denounce him.
"Okay, wait! Guys, listen to the story to the end! It's true, I made friends with a grown actress, but I would never date a minor idol!"
"I cannot believe it!"
"You are a liar, Kusanagi-san!"
"Sex stalker!"
He hits Yata's head again. Kusanagi yelled, ignoring the protest "Why am I the only one?"
"I'm not lying! I have that kind of sense! Anyway, if you're an actress, you shake hands with idols! Have they never done that?"
"I don't know about Kusanagi-san's female itinerary!"
"Really! Trust me! We are friends!"
The words were sucked into the air of the bar with an eerie sound.
Yata muttered as he clenched his fist.
"That's right. We are friends. If you can't believe what your friends say, you're done."
"Sorry, Kusanagi-san. We only have blood on our heads."
"I want to get close to a beautiful woman, and any man can do it."
"No, I think it's just Chitose and Kusanagi-san."
Through Eric's calm plunge, Kusanagi shuddered.
"Did you get it?"
"However, if so, this magazine is joking. It wrote a rumor that has no roots or foundations like this! Kusanagi-san, let's go to the editorial department to complain!"
Yata was outraged and threw the magazine on the table. Kusanagi had to stop him this time.
"So you want them to say what they want?"
Kusanagi shakes his head at Kamamoto's words.
"Of course, I will protest. But it will take the form of an official announcement from the office. The pen is mightier than the sword."
"Well, if Kusanagi-san says so, it can't be helped."
Yata appeared to be dissatisfied. Injustice cannot be forgiven. Kusanagi laughed as if he was impressive, as his righteousness was like Yata's.
"But why did this article appear?"
Kusanagi shook his head as he took the magazine.
It is an exaggeration to say that there are no roots or foundations, but it is true that he does not remember it. If so, is it someone's conspiracy? The first thing that came to mind was the face of the "Green Idol King", but he immediately denied it. That guy would be a little more elaborate and aim for "Blue" or "Gold" first.
No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't come to a conclusion. Kusanagi stopped shaking his head and tried to put the magazine back on the table.
It was then that the bar bell rang.
"Oh, Totsuka-san! Anna!"
Yata greeted happily. At the entrance to the bar, he saw all the faces he knew.
Totsuka Tatara and Anna Kushina.
Like Kusanagi, Totsuka is the oldest member of "Homura Entertainment Office". A light-skinned boy who always smiles, but was born into extreme poverty to the level of eating wild grass, and was shot with a pistol by an avid fan and wandered between life and death.
Anna is the only girl idol in "Homura". Although she is only 12 years old, her singing ability is outstanding and she is in charge of the voice of the group "No Blood".
For some reason, she has been in the position of president since the former president, Mikoto Suoh, moved to the United States, but of course, Kusanagi is doing most of the work because it parallels her studies.
When they saw Kusanagi, they made the strongest faces for some reason.
Anna spoke to him. She had something to say, but she didn't know how to say it. Anna, who usually does not express her emotions, was looking at him sadly somewhere.
"Don't do it, Anna."
"Anna. I'll ask him around here, so go over there, okay?"
Totsuka ignored Kusanagi and made a soft voice. Anna had been comparing the two to a funny face for a while, but she finally ran off to the bar.
Totsuka approached Kusanagi. His kind face unusually was not laughing. When he reached Kusanagi's eyes, he muttered with eyes lowered in pain.
"Oh, Kusanagi-san, I knew you love girls, but I never thought you would get close to minors."
"You too?"
Kusanagi involuntarily pushed him away. Totsuka was orderly. Kamamoto explained with a bitter smile.
"Well, we get it wrong. It's an entertainment magazine scandal, right? But Kusanagi-san's mouth tells me it's a complete hoax."
"Hey, are you making noise in the entertainment magazines?"
Totsuka said anxiously, but Kusanagi felt a hundred times more anxious.
"But…" What was wrong?
"Are you making noise elsewhere?"
Chitose spoke for everyone's ideas. When Totsuka looked at the others in turn, he made a small face and took the PDA out of his pocket.
"Yes. You are doing it right now."
Then, Totsuka projected the image of the PDA.
It was a video of a press conference. In a place like a hotel lobby, people who appear to be related are swaying in a row. In the center is a female idol who, of course, is underage and looks embarrassed.
"So when did you start dating Izumo Kusanagi?"
A sharp question flew out of the reporter.
The female idol was silent for a moment, but when she blushed and turned her eyes slightly, she made a good voice.
"Oh, yeah, I've been dating him since last month."
So is.
Kusanagi felt that the sensitive temperature of the bar had dropped below freezing.
He really doesn't hate being seen by women with cold eyes.
Of course he has always liked to be seen with hot eyes, but cold eyes are not so bad. It is often said that the opposite of love is indifference, and cold disgust and contempt are a type of "interest." You can repaint it with a different color. It is better than indifference.
However, that also has limits.
That day, Seri Awashima turned to Kusanagi, piercing him with the cold and staring at him at absolute zero.
"Good morning, Seri-chan."
At the regular theater studio, Awashima had a meeting with the staff. Until then, she should have responded calmly, but the moment she saw Kusanagi, all of her emotions were lost from Awashima.
"Good morning, Kusanagi-san."
As if drawing a sword, Awashima averted her eyes from Kusanagi. The expression on her profile is like ice, but Kusanagi, who has seen many women, read the phrase "Don't ever talk to me again, lolicon." hidden under the thin skin.
There was a crack in his heart.
However, Kusanagi swallowed it and went one step further. If she throws him away with that degree of rejection (although it's terrible), a loving woman's name will be broken.
Above all, this problem cannot be solved by pulling him here.
"Oh, can't I have some time? There's something I want to talk about."
"I'm sorry, but I'm about to record, so I'm sorry."
It was a line that flowed unhindered. Although somewhere in his heart he was impressed that she was the actress of the current generation, the relentless one that she does not stop treading.
"Isn't filming finished? I checked. It's just a little while."
"Did you check it?"
Awashima made an expression as if he had touched the kitchen waste. His heart was about to shatter with a screech.
However, Kusanagi was forced to smile.
"Oh, I looked it up. After all, Seri-chan is the right person to solve my problem now."
It was a lithe smile, but Awashima only frowned. Or it may have been a manifestation of anger against the background of cold contempt.
"Problem? No way, it's not the scandal with that girl, is it?"
He had to answer carefully. If he gave a bad answer, Awashima would get rid of Kusanagi and never turn around again.
After thinking about it for a second, Kusanagi replied.
"Trust me, Seri-chan. They framed me."
Awashima looked at Kusanagi.
Kusanagi stares into his eyes. The smile has already disappeared. Now is the time to show the "real blow".
If he gets rid of it, even for a moment, Awashima will instantly see him.
Finally, Awashima turned her back on Kusanagi and started walking.
Kusanagi closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. As long as he couldn't get Awashima's cooperation, he thought there was no way he could.
"What are you doing?"
When he looked up, Awashima looked back a few steps away. From the terrible facial expression, the aforementioned contempt faded and the expression that seemed astonished returned.
"I don't want to get caught up in the scandal. Let's go somewhere hidden."
For the first time in a few days, Kusanagi's expression glowed again.
"Hanazono Kaon, 16 years old. A female idol belonging to "Alaha Productions". At first, she seems like she was an underground idol, but she made her big debut a year ago and she seems to be very active."
As she manipulated her PDA, Awashima said that clearly.
In terms of information processing capacity, there is no office that exceeds "Promotion Center 4". Perhaps it is the intention of the president, Reisi Munakata, to take over every corner of the entertainment world like a labyrinth. Kusatsu is also familiar with the situation, but if he wants information about the "enemy", it is natural for him to be more precise.
Kusanagi repeated Awashima's words.
"Alaha Productions."
"Needless to say, it is unofficial. Currently, there are only four government-approved offices in the industry."
As she cleaned the PDA, Awashima looked at Kusanagi.
"The unofficial offices are cobbled. Of course, there are many idol offices that may be small, but 'Alaha' is more like a stone. People come and go, and some financial problems happen. It's an office I don't want to have too close."
"Well, that's correct."
"Kusanagi-kun? Once again, you have nothing to do with this office, do you?"
Kusanagi shook his head slowly at Awashima's serious gaze.
"I remember hearing the name 'Alaha Productions'. I certainly knew this girl."
Kusanagi quickly excused himself when he saw Awashima's expression turn steep.
"No, no, don't get me wrong. But surely, I was greeted by this girl and the manager of 'Alaha Productions'."
A month ago, at a commemorative movie party.
The film in which Kusanagi appeared is a series that enjoys a considerable degree of popularity among Japanese films, and naturally many people from the industry gathered at the commemorative party.
Kusanagi played a central role in the party. Originally a sociable person with many connections. He brought the actors the producer was watching, spoke peacefully with the presidents of the investment companies, and discussed the work with the director.
"Did you meet this girl?"
"Oh. I was with the manager, and a newcomer who just debuted, so he told me to cheer her up."
"Well, from your point of view, there are a lot of people like that."
Kusanagi vaguely occupies the image of a famous idol with many connections. There are many people who are willing to participate in the title and they are swept away. Hanazono Kaon and "Alaha Productions", he didn't remember them and when he tried to do it, his head hurt.
Awashima crossed her arms to think.
"So it's easy to talk about it. A publicity stunt scandal is something a bad agency might think of. You can think of many ways to deal with it."
"That's correct, but…"
"Homura Entertainment Office" is one of only four official offices in this country. Its status, honor and power distinguish it from unauthorized offices (so it can be involved in such disasters). Regardless of what's wrong with this, there is no gamble on wielding its power to dispel the falling sparks.
Still, something was trapped in Kusanagi's heart.
Awashima saw it precisely. Mysteriously she looked at him and said.
"What are you wondering? If you are the usual person, you will act immediately."
Kusanagi closed his eyes and tried to remember.
About a girl named Hanazono Kaon who came to see him with her manager at the party venue.
"That girl couldn't speak at all."
"Even in front of me, she was nervous and she made her face bright red. It was just what the manager said and she couldn't say much of anything. All she could say was a greeting."
"I don't think so, but you…"
Awashima said that, in a tone that made him wonder from the bottom of his heart.
"Isn't it said that you caught the attention of Hanazono Kaon?"
Instead of answering, Kusanagi scratched his cheek and looked away from her.
Awashima sighed deeply.
"Do you know who the other person is? Someone tries to take advantage of you, either with a scandal or a fire. If you give affection to such a person, you will be unilaterally hurt."
Awashima's words are correct. Kusanagi knows better than anyone that he can be eaten by showing a breach in the devilish world of the entertainment world.
But still…
"Idols are what light people's hearts."
Kusanagi said that in a low voice.
"I'm not saying there should be a norm for people, but in front of Kokujoji. For us, a simple story, it makes someone smile. It makes someone brilliant. I think, if I could do that, I would be older."
"I'm sure she wanted to be like that too. I want to be an idol, and I want to become an idol and give energy to all the fans. I think I thought so."
"But now Hanazono Kaon is betraying her fans. Anyone who wants to lie and lift her name is not qualified to be an idol."
Awashima was always calm. Kusanagi also has no intention of putting it there.
"That's why I want to know. Hanazono Kaon, the true heart of that girl."
Awashima opened her eyes slightly and looked at Kusanagi.
She then she shook her head as it was hopeless.
"I thought you were a bit more rational, but apparently you were just pretending."
"I'm also a "Homura Entertainment Office" idol."
Kusanagi jokingly saying that, Awashima shrugged and returned the gesture.
"Well, it's your problem, so you can do whatever you want. At best, behave however you want. But don't fly here."
"Of course. Thank you, Seri-chan."
Instead of answering, Awashima shook his hand and left.
"Well, now…"
Kusanagi looked at the PDA, handled it lightly, and requested her contact information.
"No! I'm glad you had a press conference, Kaon-chan."
Hanazono Kaon felt a reflection of disgust for the manager who was smiling on the room couch.
On the one hand, she was grateful to him. She uploaded song and dance videos on the internet, and she was so happy and excited with the number of views and the number of people registered, that she made her big debut. She has never doubted that skill or policy.
Up to now.
"That's why you have been interviewed by several performing arts magazines, but can I accept all of them? I also posted information that I had not published before, so I'm sure it will be a great promotion."
Intercepting the manager's words that he is good at it, Hanazono Kaon squeezed her skirt tightly.
"Yes?" Hanazono Kaon caught the manager's gaze. She was not good at seeing someone's eyes and speaking. She can sing and dance in front of a lot of people, but when she goes out in front of people, she hangs out. Hanazono Kaon was such a girl.
Finally, as usual, the manager read what the phrase meant and shrugged as if he was in awe.
"What? Maybe you still feel bad? Kusanagi Izumo asked for it."
Hanazono Kaon barely replied, the manager giggled. He took the cigarette out of his pocket and lit it.
"Kaon-chan, you're also a professional, so let's be a little more illustrious. It's fine, but since he's a celebrity there, he's used to this scandal."
"So is."
"Isn't that the case? So what? Betrayal of the fans?"
Kaon's voice was violently dominated. Like using Kusanagi, what hurts the most is that some fans feel hurt by her love reports.
But even at that, the manager laughed.
"Ahahahahaha! Do you care about that? Okay, because if you become famous, they will follow you! Rather, the fans so far are just a burden to Kaon-chan who will be great in the future. I'm thankful that you were."
It wasn't from the cigarette smoke that she suddenly felt congested, it was from anger.
He laughed at the fans who have supported her so far and cut off her efforts to do so without fear. She felt angry at her manager as if she had been stomped on the back of her chest.
The more the muscles in her hands stretched, the tighter she held her skirt with a noise. When he realized that, the smile on the manager's face faded.
"What is that face? I'll tell you."
The manager stood up. That only made him sound terrifying and she backed away. The adults were scary and the men were even more scary. The manager sighed as he approached Kaon with her back against the wall.
"Kaon-chan, you are also an accomplice, right?"
With just that word, she felt her entire body weaken.
"No, I can say that I am the main culprit. You read the script that I wrote on my own initiative. Whether I betray the fans or use Izumo Kusanagi, Kaon-chan said, "I want to do that.", do you blame everything on me?"
"Ah, uh..."
"What's the difference? You said you wanted to be more famous and shine more, right, Kaon-chan. I just set it up to be able to do that."
The manager laughed deeply, putting his hands on both of Kaon's shoulders that she couldn't say anything.
"It's natural, isn't it? Because I'm Kaon-chan's manager. That's why."
His eyes narrowed and housed a beast light.
"You just have to listen to me."
The sound slipped into place. She looked ​down with a scared look, the manager said to Kaon.
"So, I'll take all the interviews. Read the script correctly. If you can act well, it can be treated like a drama, and it will be a hit."
After that, the manager left the room.
The manager's points are all correct from one to ten.
She wanted to be famous. It's been a year since she made her debut, and she has done jobs like singles and mini-lives, but she couldn't get any results. If the title of "Rookie Idol" disappears, it will become even more severe. When the manager said that, she felt impatient as if she was on fire. What was far scarier than losing a job or going unsold was losing the dream that had been shining within her.
But was that dream only possible in this way?
Was the shine she wanted so dirty?
Kaon no longer knew what was right. She killed her voice and began to cry, burying her face between her knees.
At that moment, the PDA sounded a dial tone.
She could answer later, and now she didn't want to talk. The moment she saw the name of the caller with a blurry vision, that idea disappeared.
It was shown as "Izumo Kusanagi".
Seating on the balcony of a cafe facing the main street.
He was reading a paperback in a shady seat where the breeze was nice, and he giggled when he noticed Kaon had arrived.
"Hello, sorry to call suddenly."
Kaon remained in place and couldn't even make a voice.
Kusanagi Izumo, that person. Even if he is in disguise, it is not just about being aware that there is an idol as famous as him. Also, Kusanagi is in the middle of a scandal, yes, the scandal created by Kaon.
The moment she thought about it, Kaon was fragile and she wanted to apologize.
She barely stopped because she thought she would hurt him even more. She hardly notice it now, but if she attracts attention, Izumo Kusanagi will be here. If Hanazono Kaon was there with him, her scandal would be difficult to handle.
Kusanagi smiles as if to calm Kaon who is not moving, he said...
"Sit down for now. If you stay standing, we won't be able to speak calmly."
Kaon sat on the seat, guided by a soft voice.
Still, Kaon couldn't see Kusanagi's face properly. She lowered her head like a defendant brought out in front of a judge, or in a weak voice.
"Sorry." Kaon said.
She could only say that. She didn't expect him to forgive her. But unless she apologized, she couldn't be in front of Kusanagi again.
After a moment of silence, Kusanagi said in a low voice.
"Raise your face."
Kaon trembled as if struck and raised her face.
The form of anger she had imagined was not there.
Kusanagi had a serious expression. He looked at Kaon with a direct gaze that has never been seen in any drama in which he has appeared.
"It doesn't matter if the idol is down. The idol must always be facing forward."
Kaon forgot to breathe and looked back at Kusanagi's face.
Kusanagi smiled to ease her feelings.
"Idols cheer on their fans with their own brilliance. It's a shame that I can only cloud the brilliance of myself."
Kaon gritted her teeth and held back the tears she was about to shed.
Don't shed tears. She was not qualified to do such a thing.
Kusanagi said what an idol is. He is a person who encourages people with his own brilliance.
So she can't afford to break. No matter how boring or dirty she is, Kaon is still an idol. She couldn't have shed tears of self-pity for an apology.
With her eyes closed and the signs of suppressed tears, Kaon opened her mouth.
"I'll tell you everything."
She wanted to be an idol. She didn't want to lose the dream that she finally had. She then tried to use Kusanagi while she was impatient. She spills a scandal without foundation, and even neglecting the fans, she was the shallow girl trying to climb.
After hearing everything, Kusanagi calmly said.
"You told me all that. Thank you, Hanazono-san."
Kaon shook her head. She has done nothing to make him grateful. She was just doing something harmful to Kusanagi. She cannot complain even if she has no questions and she is excluded.
She thought a lot and suddenly it hit her.
Why did Kusanagi do that?
"Um. Why did you listen to me?"
"Kusanagi-san, you must have a scandal that you don't remember. I think you should have taken a 'countermeasure' without asking about my circumstances."
Kaon looked around at the audience.
There are many customers on the open terrace. Why did he listen to her even at the risk of meeting her alone in public?
When she asked him, Kusanagi laughed lightly and...
"Well, I'm sorry. I don't want to pay for the sparks that fall on me. I will do it in formal protests with this in mind."
With that said, he stared at Kaon.
"Hanazono-san, at the party, my fans told me."
"I didn't talk much about it, maybe it's lip service. It's against my belief to eliminate fans without asking questions. Be it an idol or Izumo Kusanagi."
Kaon clenched her fist in her lap and murmured that.
"Wow. My 'Homura Entertainment Office' colleagues and I, we move based on our beliefs. Of course, risk management is important. Still, there is a trade-off."
Kusanagi's gaze, looking into her heart, did not take his gaze away from Kaon. After swallowing just once, she opened her mouth.
"Even me, can I do that?"
"You can."
There was no hesitation in Kusanagi's answer.
"If you are an idol, you can always do it. You can fight for what you think is right because of your beliefs. That is the brilliance of idols."
Kusanagi said that was his belief.
Kaon saw the glow of the idol named Izumo Kusanagi there. He trusts idols and Kaon. Even though she used Kusanagi, she still hasn't lost the brilliance of the Hanazono Kaon idol, and says it based on his belief.
When she realized it, Kaon blinked.
There was no longer a trace of tears. A clear sight spread out in front of him. Izumo Kusanagi glowing, seemed to indicate to Kaon what he should do from now on.
Kaon stood up and thanked Kusanagi deeply.
"Thank you, Kusanagi-san. I already know what to do."
"You are going to do it?"
"I will speak to my manager. I will act for what I think is correct."
After resolutely stretching her back and saying it, Hanazono Kaon smiled for the first time in a long time.
"Because I am an idol."
Seeing that, Kusanagi also smiled and took control.
"Oh, yeah. Go ahead."
"Yes. Thank you. And I'm sorry for the inconvenience!"
After saying that and bowing again, Kaon left.
She no longer turned around to Kusanagi.
One month after Kusanagi Izumo's lover scandal.
The usual routine has returned to the bar HOMRA.
"Oh, Kusanagi-san, hello!"
Kusanagi casually replies "Hello." while he cleans a glass, Yata and Kamamoto ring the bell and enter. Joining Akagi and Bando, who were lounging on the couch, he began spreading the manga and entertainment magazines that he bought from the store while he came. Kusanagi knocked on the refrigerator door in an attempt to prepare the ingredients as he glanced at the everyday scenes.
At that moment, Yata made a strong voice.
"Oh! Kusanagi-san, there is an article about that girl!"
Kusanagi raised his face, and approached the juniors who were making noise around the couch. Akagi and Bando looked at each other and made a mysterious voice.
"Who is this girl?"
"She is Hanazono Kaon-chan."
"Hanazono...? I remember hearing somewhere..."
"A girl who became a scandal with me."
Yata handed the entertainment magazine to Kusanagi, who looked down at the table. It's a small black and white page with no photos, but it had her name on it.
"The first mini-live after breaking free from her idol office, the idol called Hanazono Kaon."
"Is she a fiery idol? This is another tough headline."
Kusanagi says with a bitter smile. Kamamoto crossed his arms with a difficult expression
"Well, it can't be helped. After that, there was a lot of noise."
Hanazono Kaon conspired with the office and invented a love scandal for the purpose of selling.
The public already knew that. None other than Hanazono Kaon herself confessed everything in the interview she received.
Thanks to that, the stigma of Kusanagi dissipated, but the wrath of the world turned to "Alaha Productions". Hanazono Kaon has announced that she will be leaving the office and continuing her activities as an independent underground idol. Criticism focused on her, but she never said that she would stop being an idol.
Then a week later, and two weeks later, new news broke out in the entertainment world and her name was no longer remembered.
"But, I'm not convinced. According to Kusanagi-san, that girl isn't bad, right?"
"No, that's not true. Even if the office told her, it doesn't change the fact that that girl used Kusanagi-san for her own convenience. It's her own business."
"Yata-san, you're too strict! She couldn't help herself, if the office told her."
"Huh?! So, if your office tells you to die, will you die?"
"Please stop, that way of speaking is like that of an elementary school student!"
"Who is an elementary school student?"
Yata puts a key on Kamamoto's head. Akagi and Bando rush to stop him. Kusanagi thinks as he reads the article with such fuss.
Could she act on his own beliefs?
Kusanagi has not been in contact with Hanazono Kaon since they met at the cafe. So he doesn't know exactly what kind of interaction she had with the manager or the office. At least from what he saw in the interview article, Hanazono Kaon clearly acknowledged her responsibility. She said that she used Kusanagi of her own free will, rather than blaming the manager or the office.
Idols inspire their fans with their brilliance. What Hanazono Kaon did was, in that sense, betray the fans.
But at the same time, the idol is a human being. She may get lost or discouraged. Kusanagi thinks that how to act in those moments determines the value of the idol.
Hopefully she's lucky, Kusanagi thought.
So that she doesn't regret her actions.
The doorbell rang again. When he looked back at the door, he was about to see Totsuka enter.
He had an envelope in one hand. Totsuka shook him while he laughed softly.
"Kusanagi-san. The letter has arrived."
When he received it and turned it over, he couldn't find the signature.
Anonymous letters, etc. should not be opened. However, he had a premonition at the time. When he opened the inside, it was written with a fine brush.
Izumo Kusanagi:
Please forgive me for the sudden letter. I thought that I shouldn't talk to Kusanagi-san because I had done such a thing in some way, so I refrained from contacting you, but now that my personal situation has calmed down, I would like to apologize and report back, so I am thanking you in writing.
After telling the truth and leaving the office, I disappointed many fans. Most of the fans have abandoned me. Looking at the disappointed faces of the fans, I once wondered if I could stay as an idol or if I should retire.
Still, some fans said that they still wanted to see me as an idol. They told me not to stop as an idol because they would keep supporting me no matter what.
Kusanagi-san said that idols can fight for what they think is right, and that belief makes them shine.
Now I think the right thing for me is to do everything possible for the fans. As long as there is at least one person who supports me, I will not stop being an idol.
Then I will continue to be an idol. I want to reach as many people as possible with my previously dull brilliance. Like Kusanagi-san said, never look down, look ahead.
Thanks for telling me that. And I am very sorry for the inconvenience.
Hanazono Kaon.
"Hey, I'm not a good boy."
Totsuka, who was watching from the side, said such a thing. Kusanagi put the letter in his pocket and poked his head out.
"Letters from people, you are stealing."
"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Kusanagi-san, so I wonder what happened."
Kusanagi smiles bitterly when Totsuka's fluffy smile catches him. Totsuka took the entertainment magazine and said as a soliloquy.
"Is it a mini-live? I'm a bit worried too. Let's see it."
"Oh, go ahead. Better to have as many clients as possible."
"Won't you go, Kusanagi-san?"
Kusanagi laughs a little and shakes his head.
"When I went, I made her worry more. I'll do it without being stingy at first."
Kusanagi remembered the text of the letter, shrugged slightly and said.
"I already know the brilliance of that girl."
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briefololtragedy · 4 years
Two halves wanting to be whole
Pairing: Shisui x Sakura
Rating T (to be safe brief mention of a suicide attempt)
Summary: Shisui got his mark when he was 7 years of and was determined to find his other half. Sakura was born with hers and was not going to let a mark define her.
Words: 7809
Also posted on AO3
It was once said that humans didn’t look like they do today. Humans of the old times were said to have 4 arms, 4 legs, and 2 heads. They  were once strong, fearless, powerful beings that even the gods at one point feared. This fear led to them being split in two.  No longer were humans whole, they would venture the world searching for their other half. After the split it was easy to find the other half, a sense of completion washing over the couples once they were united with the other half. However, as time went on it became more challenging. The greed of man led to famine, wars, and death. Instead of looking for a perfect fit many opted to marry for advantage. Those bearing soulmarks dwindled in numbers. It was said that many always felt incomplete, many being  driven to insanity never being able to find their other half.  
Shisui remembers the stories well from when he was a child. His mother would tell him bedtime stories. The stories he loved the most were about soulmates. His clan is a large and powerful clan, one that strikes fear into the hearts of many. Yet he always wished for peace. He felt sorrow for those who ended up marked and never finding their one true person. Even at a young age he knew his life would be dictated by his clan. 
That’s why when he was 7 years old he didn’t understand why a mark appeared on his skin. A searing pain at the base of his skull made him fall to his knees. His younger cousin raced to his side, worry on his face. It was Itachi who first told him about his mark.  It was an intricate mandala design almost resembling a design of a sharingan, in the middle, surrounded by delicate swirls. His soulmate was going to be born within the year. 
At first he didn’t know what to do. He was scared of telling his parents. What would they think? What would his clan do? It was after the death of his mother during the nine tails attack that he told his father. His father sat there staring out the window, the sound of rain cutting through the silence. “The clan comes first, there is no place for love or soulmates. We have a duty to uphold you more than anyone else with your eyes and potential. This world is filled with many battles, don’t set yourself up for heartbreak that turns into insanity. Forget about the mark.” His father’s words would haunt him for years to come, even after his father passed. At times he was able to forget, his focus solely  on his clan and his village. However, over the years there was a piece of him that searched for his other half.
There were many theories as to why the amount of people with soulmarks dwindled over the years. One such theory was that once soulmates meet they would no longer bear the marks. The unlucky few who never found their soulmates over the centuries were cursed to wander missing their other half going mad. 
Beeps could be heard in the background with the occasional ding in between. His throat was on fire and his body felt like he had been trampled by every villager and shinobi. Ever so slowly he tried to open his eyes. When did eyelids become like lead? As he blinked his eyes open the smell hit him. He was in the place no shinobi liked, the hospital. The last time he was in the hospital it was years ago, before his cousin Sasuke graduated from the academy. 
“Uchiha-san it's good to see that you have decided to wake up. I must say Itachi-san gave the staff quite the scare when he dragged you in over his shoulder in a bloody mess.” 
“Can you tone down the color in this room?” Shisui eyesight was being assaulted by pink. His mind was going into overload. He had spent months with his ANBU team traveling in the dead of night, scouring Rain and the villages around it. They were tracking a terrorist organization who was starting to make waves in the different hidden villages. The godaime wanted them nipped in the bud before they got bigger. Before they were able to head home, shit went sideways. 
“Hmm I have no care to change my hair color, but can close your blinds. Since you have woken up you will be transferring to one of the lower acuity rooms. Itachi-san and Sasuke-kun will be able to visit as they please with the move. It also means you will get a different medic Uchiha-san, who will likely have hair that isn’t so assaulting to your delicate eyes.” 
As his vision started to clear he realized who was standing in his room smirking at him. His little cousin’s teammate, apprentice to the Godaime, sweetheart of the village, and owner of a temper you don’t want to ignite. Rumor had it she also would do missions with certain ANBU teams, she had never been assigned to his. Part of his heart started to flutter. His interactions with Sakura Haruno have been limited to sparse. He blamed her unique colorings to his eyes always lingering on her over the years. Her soft petal pink hair and emerald green eyes were a stark contrast to anyone in the village.
“Hn “ When he didn’t know what to say he lowered himself to use his family's go to word. He then heard the medic sigh and roll her eyes. 
“I’ll perform a quick check of your system and then give you some pain medication. We were able to heal the internal damage caused by the poisons and injuries. The main goal will be working with physical therapy to get you back on your feet. This will put you on mission leave for at least a few months as you recover. “ Shisui wasn’t expecting the smell that hit him, he would have expected her to smell like flowers. Instead the smells of mint and vanilla, with hints of antiseptic, tickled his nose. Her chakra almost lulled him back to sleep as she was performing the exam. 
“Everything is looking good. Your chakra pathways are slowly recovering, it was a nasty poison that worked by destroying the pathways. Get some rest and when you are up to it we will start you on some liquids.” Just like that she left the room. He blamed the ordeal for his heart continuing to flutter. He leaned his head back and slowly drifted back to sleep. 
Giggles filled his ears as he started to wake up again. He couldn’t make out the conversation that was taking place. As he looked around his room he realized it was different, not as sterile, and Itachi had taken over a beat up side chair. “They are trying to figure out who gets the privilege to help you bathe.” Itachi didn’t look impressed. 
“What’s the difficulty I'm sure the more the merrier.” He couldn’t help but also wiggle his eyebrows. 
“ I know you better than that Shisui, you can drop the act. Father is looking into getting you moved into the compound for rehab. He doesn’t like the idea of you staying here.” Itachi was rubbing the bridge of his nose, the scroll he was reading long forgotten. 
Shisui leaned back again. He hated the confines of the hospital, but being stuck in the compound would be more of a lateral move. His thoughts were interrupted by a chorus of whining outside in the halls. 
“That’s not fair Sakura-sama!” The voices grated on his nerves “This is a professional workplace, we do not treat patients like prizes to be had. Now get back to work before all of you cleaning bedpans for the next month.” Scattering of feet then filled the air. 
“Itachi-san! Visiting your cousin, I see. I hope your injuries aren’t giving you any trouble.” Her voice was like springtime cutting through the air, light and airy. A part of him didn’t like that she was talking to his cousin over him. 
“Sakura-san they are not giving me any problems. The creams that you made and gave to Sasuke for me have helped.” Her smile was mesmerizing. Would she be assisting with his bath? A part of him hoped so, he could feel his heart race and palms start to sweat. 
“Shishui-san Ron will be in shortly to help with your bath. My apologies if the ruckus in the halfway disrupted your rest. Shizune is the one who oversees the rehab side of the hospital and is working with your clan for arrangements of you being moved out of the hospital.” The smile on her face was strained, he doubted they agreed with having him leave the hospital. For some reason he didn’t know what to say to her. As he went to open his mouth they were interrupted by a big burly man coming in with a washcloth and basin. No!
“Hello Uchiha-san I will be assisting with your bath.” Itachi had to hide his laugh behind a cough. 
“Thank you Ron. I'll leave his care in your capable hands.” Just like that Sakura and Itachi left the room, he felt betrayed by the snickers he heard as they exited the door. 
“Shisui please make yourself at home. We have arranged for you to stay in the lower level guest room so you don’t have to worry about the stairs right now.” Mikoto was like a second mother to him. After the death of his mother and then his father she took him in and made sure he was looked after. When he heard that he would be staying in the main house his mouth started to water at the thought of having Mikato-sans home cooking. This whole rehab thing may not be so bad, even if he had to share a roof with two of the prissiest members of his clan, Sasuke and Fugaku. 
Sasuke was 20 years old and consistently acted like he had a stick shoved somewhere unpleasant. He and his team had made jounin at 17. He had his eyes set on ANBU, always trying to follow in his older brother’s footsteps. Shisui remembered when Sasuke got his team assigned to him; he moped for weeks. Naruto was an idiot and Sakura was a useless cry baby with a crush on him -- Sasuke’s words. It was shortly after the first failed chunin exams that Sasuke stopped complaining about his teammates. Part of that may be due to his female teammate punching him in the face and breaking his nose after he insulted her and Naruto, citing them as the reason he wasn’t going to be a chunin. Over the years team 7 grew closer, each of the members growing in more ways than anyone imagined. Naruto and Sakura were frequently seen over the years in the main house, Mikoto taking them under her wing as well. 
Shisui ventured into his temporary room. He was going to have to get used to having so many people in a house with him. At 28 years old it had been over 13 years since he had someone live in the same house as him. 
“Mikoto-san do you need help with anything?” That voice made him stop in his tracks. His heart was pounding. 
“Sakura dear how many times do I have to tell you that guests don’t help.” Shisui had heard the rumors that Mikoto wanted the petal haired woman as a daughter inlaw, but it was likely a far off dream. 
“Are you sure? I really don’t mind helping.” It sounded like she had lost the battle when he heard her soft footsteps and felt her chakra going into the library. A force possessed him as he moved into the library. There she was sitting crossed leg with a book in her hand. 
“Shisui-san how are you feeling?” She didn’t even look up from her book, reminding him of a certain sensei. 
“Better. It's nice being out of the hospital and having real food.” Sakura hummed  in agreement with him. He went to grab a book to pretend to read. He sat down taking in the calming effects of her presence, but it didn’t last long. 
“Teme I’m telling you we need to do something, he’s not good enough.” Just like that her booked snapped shut and she was up. 
“Naruto! Sasuke! You two better not be thinking of interfering with another date that I have.” There was a feeling in his chest he didn’t like. While he didn’t know much about the 20 year old in front of him he had to agree with the blond idiot. 
“Hehe Sakura-chan I didn’t know you were here yet.”  Shisui tuned out the conversation and went to dive into the book he picked up. He had no business getting into whatever team drama was happening. 
It seemed that no matter where he went Shisui got a glimpse of pink in his periphery. This time he had decided to go to a new tea shop with Itachi. There she was sitting at a table with a male that he knew from ANBU. 
The guy had sandy blond hair, brown eyes, and a slight tan to his skin. There was that feeling again. Sakura had an adorable blush covering her cheeks. Her laugh cut through all of the conversations. He wanted to be the one to make her laugh like that. He couldn’t explain why he wanted to rip the guy’s arms off when he went to grab her hands. 
Shisui didn’t know when it happened, but he caught himself multiple times following Sakura. It was becoming his favorite pastime. He would watch her in the market taking delicate care of picking out her food. When he ventured to the hospital for a “check up” he would see her interacting with the staff, her patients, and the children. He liked watching her with the children most.  At times he caught glimpses of the sandy ANBU with her. Rage at times would overcome him when he saw them together. The guy was either holding her hand or had his arm draped around her shoulders as they walked.  
It was one night at dinner that he felt ice fill his veins. Team 7 would be going to Suna, where Sakura would be staying for at least a year to help set up a new training program. 
Sakura looked around her childhood home. Her parents passed when the village was attacked during the chunin exams that went so wrong. She felt like everything around her was suffocating her. Aito was sweet, but no matter how much she tried everything felt off with him. Sakura went to rub the back of her neck, knowing the reason why. 
The stupid mark was the reason for so much in her life. Sakura had not been born in Konoha, she had moved to the village before she could hold her head up. She was born with a smudged mark at the base of her skull. The people who she shared her DNA with had no desire to have a child cursed with a life of insanity, because that’s what was thought of those who had a mark signifying they had a soulmate out in the world. That led her to being adopted by the Haruno’s, a couple who could not have children of their own and wanting to share their love with a child. They were two of the kindest people she had known. 
It was when she was 5 years old her mother sat her down and told her about her mark. Sakura had wanted to chop her hair into a pixie cut, a hairstyle that would reveal the back of her neck. Her parents had come to accept what fate had dealt Sakura at an early age. They were a couple who fate was not kind to, they were subpar shinobi never able to become the elite. Her mother had been injured on a simple mission that left her unable to bare children of her own. 
At the tender age of 5 Sakura didn’t comprehend what the mark meant. Her mother had sat her down telling her there was another person who would be her other half. Sakura romanticized  this for years. However, when she got older her mother explained more to her. Marks signifying a soulmate were rare. Many of those who had the marks never found the other half, the ones who searched fell into insanity. Sakura found herself full of dread, realizing what that meant for her. She would likely never find her other half, the world was too big, and if she looked for them her mind would slowly slip into insanity. 
Her mother cupped her face, tears in her eyes. “This life is full of people being dealt with things outside of their control. You my dear are a beautiful, strong, and smart girl. Do not let this define you. Don’t waste your life thinking of what could be. Live your life for yourself. Only you can make yourself happy and don’t need another person to complete you.” Sakura decided she would not succumb to the insanity. She was going to make her own path. 
When Sakura entered the academy she took her mother’s advice and developed a crush on her classmate Sasuke, like all the other girls. It was a crush that cost her a precious friendship.  Her heart soared when they were placed in the same team. After their first real mission, she realized she was behind her teammates.Her chakra control was better than theirs, but her other skills were lacking. This was enforced more after their first chunin exams. It was also when she realized her crush on Sasuke was not worth it and when she realized she didn’t care romantically for Sasuke. Sitting there watching her teammates defend her and once they were injured she couldn’t do anything. Sakura found herself in the library studying medical ninjutsu. When Naruto brought lady Tsunade into the village, Sakura knew what she had to do.
Sakura found herself being the Sanin’s apprentice. It was during a training session she had felt the pain in her head. She was gasping for air, like the fish below her. The pain was unbearable. Her Shishou rushed to her side, she had to pry Sakura’s hand away from her neck. Her mark was turning red. “ You have a mark, you poor girl.” 
Sakura’s hand clenched into a fist, her tears falling down her face. “What’s happening? Why does it hurt so much?” 
Her shishou rubbed soothing circles on her back. “ Your soulmate is dying. I don’t know how long this will last.” After what felt like an eternity the pain was gone.
 Sakura asked the question she feared the answer to. “ Is it... gone?”  She felt Tsunade brush her hair to the side. 
“No, it appears your soulmate is still alive.” 
“Is it bad I wished it was gone?” Her voice was a whisper. Sakura had to pause for a moment. “ I found out about it at 5 and thought it was romantic, then my mother told me the stories. It once brought me comfort knowing there is someone out there who would accept me for who I am, faults and all. I thought of looking for them, but the words my mother told me stuck in my head. I refuse to feel like I’m incomplete. I live for myself. I have the power to choose who I decide to love and wont let some mark dictate how I feel. My parents choose to love me …” 
In a rare show of affection Tsunade hugged her. “Your mother was a wise woman.” 
It was then Sakura discovered a way to weaken the mark. It stayed imprinted on her skin, but she would never be a victim to its pull ever again, or so she thought. 
No matter how hard Sakura worked something always felt off. Over the last 8 years team 7 has grown into a family. Like her parents it was a family that chose her. She saw the hardships that civilians and shinobi faced as she went through the ranks. Her team didn’t know that over the last two years she would go on selective ANBU missions. It was then she decided to change the medical system. There needed to be a place for mental health in the village. Over the last year she had been working with Ino to build her dream. They were able to mend their friendship after the horror of the chunin exams, it was one of her most precious relationships. 
Sakura looked around her house, thinking of her mission. Gaara was interested in having part of the new program implemented in Suna, him having first hand experience with trauma. She would be in Suna for at least a year, which came as a refreshing thought. This house no longer felt like home. Ino was going to help her while she was away selling the house. Then there was  Aito, who she couldn’t bring herself even close to loving, she was going to break up with him before she left, it was only fair to him. She rubbed the back of her neck again, blaming the mark for another failed relationship. 
Sakura packed a few sealing scrolls with what she would need. Everything else would be sold with the house. She took one last look around before stepping out the door, with the door closing it marked a new door opening in her life. 
Sakura watched as her boys left. Their silhouettes gradually shrinking until they were but a memory. They had arrived in Suna 1 month ago. Sakura was placed in a small apartment near the hospital, it was smaller than her parents house, but it was hers. There were no old memories lingering in the air, instead there was hope for the new. Part of her heart ached. It was a feeling that intensified the more out of Konoha she went. She was able to push it down and place it in a box. It was time to get to work. 
It had been 6 months since Shisui was cleared for duty and 9 months since his stay in the hospital. He was ready to get out of the village. This morning he woke up Itachi for a spar, his muscles enjoyed the strain of the spar. “Lets get some breakfast, my treat Weasel-chan.” Shisui laughed as Itachi glared at him. Itachi may have the reputation as a powerful feared shinobi, but he would always be the same dango loving little boy from their childhood. It was hard to believe his cousin would be proposing to his girlfriend soon. 
“Fine, but you are paying.” Just like that they were off. While Shisui loved his aunt’s cooking, he almost (keyword almost) got tired of it. The shop was not busy yet making it easy for them to find a table. This was the same shop that he saw Sakura and Aito at almost a year ago it seemed. There was no melodic laugh from her this time. When the waitress came to take their order, he found himself basking in her attention.
 Part of him hated his playboy persona he was known by. He rubbed the back of his neck remembering his mark. It was hard going out with the different women of the village, no matter how beautiful they were something was always missing. Shisui also knew that the elders were planning on an arranged marriage for him if he didn’t find someone soon. This wasn’t the life he wanted. He would sacrifice his life for his clan and village, but he wanted to find that special person. He didn’t know what came over him with the obsession of Sakura Haruno following his stay in the hospital. Shisui boiled it down to that smirk on her face and how she didn’t seem to back down. 
Itachi and Shisui settled into an easy conversation. Itachi was worried about how to propose to Izumi. His cousin was an idiot to think the girl wanted something elaborate, Itachi could dress like a hobo with all his teeth falling out and she would say yes. 
Just as they were finishing their tea that a messenger found him, they were needed at the Hokage tower. Shisui bid farewell to the pretty waitress and left with his cousin. 
Lady Tsunade was standing looking out the window of her office when they entered. Genma was also there, the third member of their team. “Finally!” Tsunade turned around and gave them all a hard look. “ I have a very important mission for you three. As you are aware, one of our shinobi is currently in Suna on a diplomatic mission. She is helping them to establish a similar institute that caters to the mental health of the shinobi.  It came to my attention last night that they are in possession of an important and highly coveted item. I am entrusting you three to bring it back to Konoha. You leave this afternoon. Now go!” 
The three men looked at each other confused, but set off nonetheless. “ We will meet at the gates in 4 hours. It should take 2 days if we push to get there. The Hokage didn’t say what the item was, but it must be of importance for her to send us.”  
Sakura wanted to sigh. She thought the council members  of Konoha were old fuddy duddies, but these old geezers took the cake. Every time she proposed a new addition or change to the plan for the mental health wing of  the hospital, they would push back. She could not strangle the council, she could not strangle the council, she could not...maybe Gaara would cover for her...no she wouldn’t. 
It had already been eight months since she came to Suna. Gaara and his siblings allowed for an easy transition. Temari was like a more scary version of Ino, but they easily bonded. Gaara was aloof, but had gotten better since his younger days. Kankuro constantly  kept saying he wanted to repay her for saving his life a few years ago, which always brought a blush to her face. Temari would tease her when she noticed. While Sakura had come to enjoy Suna, she wasn’t sure if she could see herself living there for the rest of her life, but enjoyed it nonetheless. Her heart still yearned for her home. 
“I hear there is a team from Konoha coming within the next couple of days. Do you know anything about this lord Kazakage?” 
Gaara, who was doodling in his journal, suddenly popped his head up. “ We found an import that Lady Tsunade has been looking for over the last couple of years, she must have sent a genin team to retrieve it.” Sakura had to roll her eyes at her shishou’s behavior. Could she not wait 6 more months? 
“I think we are done here. Sakura I will approve your new reports for the expansions.” Gaara all but ran out of the meeting. 
Kankuro stayed behind and helped her pack up her stuff. “You really don’t have to stay here, go home.” 
“Lets get dinner together...as friends of course.” Kankuro had puppy dog eyes that she couldn’t say no to. 
“Fine, as friends. Can we go to that bakery after?” 
They had found a simple barbeque restaurant that was busy due to the night rush. Once both of their stomachs were full, but Sakura still had room for dessert, they ventured down the streets of the village. The nights were Sakura’s type of weather, during the day the heat was stifling, but nights were her favorite. She could lay outside and gaze at the stars forever. 
Sakura soon felt three familiar chakra signatures walking down the streets. “Itachi-san, Shisui-san...Shiranui. What are you three doing here?” Genma faked a hurt look when she said his name. 
“Oh come on blossom, why do you have to say my name like that..” Genma had moved to place his arm around her. 
“You know why. Now remove your arm before I shatter every bone in it.” Quickly Genma moved away from her. 
“Sakura-san we are here on a mission for the Godaime.” Sakura had to groan. “Please tell me she didn’t send you three for the sake! I told her I would bring it back when I return, when they mentioned a team coming in the council meeting I thought it was going to be a genin team.” Her shishou really had a problem. 
Shisui looked at Sakura, no matter where she was her coloring made her stand out from the forests of Konoha to the deserts of Suna. He didn’t realize that the Kazakage’s brother and her were so close. Then there was Genma, who was a bonafide man whore. However, his cousin’s irritation was the most hilarious thing going on. He could sense the annoyance radiating off him. 
“We came here to bring the Hokage sake.” Itachi’s face was blank. They had traveled at their fastest speed to get to Suna for sake! 
“Oh Itachi-san why don’t you guys join us as we head to the local bakery. I will even buy you the first round of dango. Of course in return I want to hear more details about a certain event you are planning. Don’t look at me like that. You told Sasuke who told Naruto who wrote it in one of his letters. God knows your brother and Naruto have no ability to communicate even in writing.” 
Shisui could tell his cousin perked up at the mention of dango. As he walked into the bakery his mouth watered, their last meal was more than 20 hours ago. It was at that time he decided he would consume his weight in baked goods. After getting his dango Itachi left with Kankuro to get their rooms for the next couple of nights. Genma not wanting to be left with Sakura went with them, leaving just Shisui and Sakura. 
“I just realized you guys probably didn’t have much to eat on your way here. Do you want me to show you a takeout place to get something other than sugar?” Sakura couldn’t help but smile as she watched him down another piece of pie. She hadn’t spent much time with the man, but knew he was a genius that rivield Itachi. She also knew he didn't stay with one girl long, again Sakura found herself pushing down an unknown feeling. 
Shisui swallowed the bite of key lime pie. “But I have already had dessert?” Did the premise of protein appeal to him? Yes it did, but he just stuffed his face with sweets. 
“Oh come on. Have you never heard of dessert before dinner? Life is too short to save the best part for last.” Sakura was taking bites of her red velvet cake. Before Shisui knew it she was pulling him up and taking him to get more food. The warmth of her hand in his felt so right. His heart started to flutter. 
“How has your time been here?” He had to get his mind off of these feelings. Just an hour ago he felt himself becoming a horrible monster seeing Sakura and Kankuro together, thinking of them as a couple. 
“It's been busy. The council keeps giving me push back on some of the changes, but Gaara and his siblings have been very supportive.”Jealousy filled him. 
“Suna has been amazing, but it's so great seeing you guys here. I must say I do miss home, you being here is like you brought a piece of Konoha with you. Sorry that you came for a genin level mission.” Sakura was staring at him and he had to control himself from touching her face. Shisui had to agree with the mission being ridiculous. He placed his hands in his pockets, so he wouldn’t grab her. It was then he felt the wrappers on the tips of his fingertips. 
“It may not be a big thing, but here. I swiped these when I was last visiting Aunt Mikoto, you should have them.” Sakura looked at the candy in his hand like it was the most precious treasure. “Are those candies from the shop just outside the Uchiha district? Are you sure?” 
“It’s a small piece from home. Take them. I can get more.” It seemed like a handful of candy was all it took to become close to Sakura. He wanted to activate his Shanigan to remember her smile for the rest of his life. 
“Thank you Shisui-san. This means so much to me. My father always seemed to know when I had a bad day at the academy and would have these waiting for me when I got home.” She looked like she was about to cry and this time he didn’t stop his hand going to her face. As the clear crystals started to pool in her eyes he wiped them away. “My mother always seemed to have a stash of these as well when I was having a bad day.” 
Their moment was interrupted by Genma and Itachi. Shisui and Sakura broke apart before the two came into view. Sakura bid them goodnight. Both of them would have the most peaceful sleep in years that night. 
Sakura didn’t know how she felt as she escorted Itachi, Shisui, and Genma to the gates. Well she knew she would be happy to see Genma go, but the other two she would miss. Itachi had finally settled on a method to propose and would likely be popping the question shortly after he gets back to Konoha. Shisui was a great ally in getting itachi to see reason. 
“I better get an invitation to the wedding, or else.” Sakura whispered to Itachi prior to him leaving with the team. She couldn’t help but give the socially inept genius a hug. She knew she was the only one outside of his mother and Izumi who could get away with it. Izumi and Sakura had become friends when Izumi decided to learn medical ninjustu, they bonded over their long shifts. The letters she had received from the beautiful Uchiha made her jealous at times, her heart aching for what the two had. 
Shisui had to push down that monster again as he saw Sakura and his cousin hug. Itachi looked as stiff as a tree. “Be safe you three and don’t break a single bottle or Shisou will have your head.” The last image he would have of Sakura before departing would be of her dazzling smile and waving goodbye. 
5 months later….
Shisui couldn’t believe his cousin was getting married today. Itachi had stayed the night with him pretending it was part of the bachelor party, but in reality it was so he could freak out without anyone seeing. Shisui never thought he would see his cousin so flustered. He was almost happy he has never felt this way for another person. However, Shisui knew he would give anything to experience all of this. 
They were sitting on Shisui’s back porch drinking sake and eating dango. “This will happen for you one day, just have faith.” Shisui snorted. “When did you become a romantic?” 
“Don’t think I haven’t realized what all the missions you have taken over the years to other villages is for or why you go through so many women. You date them yes, but once you realize they aren’t it everything ends. I know you have cared for some of them, could almost picture a life of ease married to them, but at the end of the day you feel...incomplete. She’s out there waiting for you.” Shisui was flabbergasted by his cousin. He was starting to think he was not meant to be happy. He thought that way 7 years ago and nearly ended his life, it was Izumi who patched him up, no one knew besides her and Itachi. It was then that she went to the hospital to learn to heal. 
Pink crossed his mind. He didn’t understand the pull to Sakura Haruno. Was she beautiful? Yes. Could she keep up with him in an intelligent conversation? Yes . Was he absolutely terrified of her? Yes. None of it made sense.
 Shisui downed his glass. “Let’s get you off to bed. Don’t want you looking so ugly that Izumi runs crying tomorrow.” 
Maybe he’d ask her to dance, just maybe. 
“Forehead do not ruin my masterpiece! I have spent hours on your hair and makeup.” Ino had ripped a warm sticky bun out of Sakura’s hand. “Pig I’m hungry. I didn’t get home from my shift at the hospital till 6am and then you wake me at noon to get ready for this wedding, without providing food. That ‘s just cruel. It was a 48 hour shift.” Sakura tried to extract her delicious confection out of Ino’s hand, but the blond had deposited into the garbage. Sakura wept on the inside. 
“There will be plenty of food at the reception. I’m sure the Uchiha clan is going all out on the future head getting married.” Ino was wearing a simple dark purple full length silk gown that had a narrow dip in the front revealing just a wisp of skin down to her navel.
Sakura decided to give herself one more once over. She decided on a forest green long sleeved scoop neck dress that was full length, like Ino’s dress. It was slightly form fitting and flaring out gradually. The back was a show stopper. The dress was mostly backless, her modesty was preserved with delicate black lace that showed just the right amount of her skin. Ino had done her hair in a fancy braid. She wanted to wear it up, but didn’t want to risk her mark being seen. 
“Alright the boys should be here soon.” Ino went to grab her clutch. “What boys?” Sakura hoped she meant Shikamaru and Choji. 
“Did I forget to mention that I arranged dates for the two of us. I couldn’t take waiting for Sai to make the first move, so I asked him to be my date. Then there is that cute chunin who works in the hospital. You know the one I’m talking about, he’s tall, brown hair, baby blue eyes, and those dimples when he smiles. Plus he has a crush on you.” Sakura wanted to bang her head against the wall. Shin was nice, but she wanted to enjoy the day and not worry about some guy. Before she could protest there was a knock on the door. 
“They’re here!” Sakura grabbed her purse, muttering to herself. 
The wedding ceremony was beyond words, there was not a dry eye in the house (even Sasuke and Fugaku looked teary eyed). Mikoto was glowing, but not enough to outshine the bride. Izumi was a vision, no one could take their eyes off of her. Sakura found her eyes lingering on Shisui in his black tux and red shirt. 
Sakura found herself holding Shin’s hand at one part during the ceremony, she blamed her emotions. They both deserved to be happy and what a beautiful picture they made. Shin apparently thought ahead and tissue at the ready for her. She couldn’t help but rest her head on his shoulder. 
Shisui found it hard to concentrate on the ceremony. Sakura looked breathtaking, but then he saw she was with some lower ranking chunin. He almost left his position at Itachi’s side when she rested her head on the guy's shoulder. He couldn’t understand where it was all coming from. Soon Itachi and Izumi were kissing and walking down the aisle together. Shisui was looking forward to as much liquor as he could drink. 
The party was in full swing and Sakura finally got food in her stomach. The dance floor was crowded after Itachi and Izumi had their first dance. Sakura found herself being pulled onto the dance floor by Shin. She soon found herself laughing as he twirled her around, she couldn’t remember the last time she felt this free. The tempo of the music changed to a slower song and soon found herself in Shin’s arms. They swayed back and forth. As she looked into his eyes everything felt off. That suffocating feeling returned to her. 
“I’m feeling a little light headed. I think I need some air, excuse me.” Sakura had to get out of here. “Do you want me to come with?” Shin was ever the gentleman. “No, please stay and enjoy the party.” 
Sakura made her way out into the gardens. The night sky was so clear she could see all the stars, they glistened in the sky like jewels. Mikoto also made sure the gardens were in top shape and found it to be her favorite place on the Uchiha lands. In her haste to get out of that room she realized her hair was a mess. Sakura didn’t think as she undid the rest of the braid and placed it in a bun.  She could feel her head start to clear, then realized she wasn’t alone. 
She looked around the garden and noticed Shisui laying on a bench, sake bottle in hand. “Shisui what are you doing out here?” Shisui looked at her and then got up to leave. 
“Where are you going? Are you alright?” Sakura had never seen him like this. She had gotten back to the village a month ago and found herself bumping into him more frequently. At times they would sneak away to one of the small shops and have tea together, those moments were turning into her favorite memories. When she was around him things just seemed simpler. She had come to enjoy his laugh and humor, this was not him. 
“Am I alright? No I’m not. I haven't been alright since i was 7 years old, ever since then I have tried again and again, but find myself failing. My best friend is married to the love of his life and what am I thinking about? I’m thinking about every time I see you with someone else, I break a little inside. This doesn’t make sense.” Shisui couldn’t take it anymore. All he wanted to do was go to her and push her and her date apart. He wanted to hold her in his arms, he wanted to be the one to twirl her around. Right now he wanted to kiss her senseless. None of this made sense. She was his little cousin's teammate, she should be no one to him, yet here he was. 
Sakura couldn’t breath as she stared into his eyes. “I…” Sakura turned away from Shisui and ran. It was as she turned that Shisui saw the mark. He froze, only to regain his mental facilities after she dashed off. His feet came unglued and he followed. 
“Sakura wait. Come back!” Sakura didn't know what she was doing, All she knew was Shisui was right. She couldn’t explain why her heart broke when she would see him with the different women around the village. It never made sense why she would feel so pulled to him. Sakura was so focused on her thoughts she didn’t see the tree root and started to fall. She never hit the ground. 
A pair of strong arms wrapped around her and soon she was pulled into a muscular chest. He smelled like the earth and rain, she wanted to be consumed by that smell. 
“Wait...please don't run.” His voice was weak, it sounded like he was about to crack. Shisui held her tight, she was finally in his arms. Her head came to his collar bones, the perfect height so he could rest his head on hers. Mint and vanilla filled his senses, soothing him. 
“Do you know how long I have waited for you? Searched for you?” She tried to pull out of his hold, but he wouldn’t let her. “Shisui … I don’t understand.” Sakura found his hand cupping the back of her head, tracing the mark she despised so much. 
“I saw it just now. You never wear your hair up, so others wont see it.” Sakura looked up at him, but he wouldn’t let her speak. “My mark appeared when I was 7 years old. I started to give up hope of ever finding the person who I shared the mark with. You were always right there, so close, but I never found you.”  
If it wasn’t for holding onto Sakura like a lifeline Shisui was sure he would have crumbled to the ground. He was worried that she hadn’t spoken yet. His worries melted away when he felt her bone crushing hug. 
“I was born with mine. My parents...my biological parents didn’t want me because of it. I didn’t know about it till I was 5. I was filled with so much hope that there was someone out there who would love me, flaws and all.” Sakura had to pause, she could feel the tears. “It was when I got older my mother sat me down and told me fate would likely be cruel… I would likely never find the one with a matching mark. I tried so hard to find happiness in what I had, the dates always felt so wrong.” They were looking into each other’s eyes. 
“It never understood why it hurt so badly when I would see you flirt with all those women, even before we got to know each other over the last year. Then when the waitresses at the tea shops would bat their eyelashes at you and bend over extra low for you...the thoughts that I had.” 
They didn’t speak again, well Sakura tried, but found herself distracted. Shisui couldn’t wait any longer and sealed his lips to hers. His soul felt complete for the first time in his life. It was like the heavens opened up and trumpets sounded. 
“Let’s get back to the party.” Just like that Shisui led Sakura back to the reception. He would not let go of her hand the whole way. Itachi and Izumi gave each other knowing looks as the couple swayed together on the dance floor, no one else mattered to them. 
It was then that the two souls found each other. They will never be incomplete again. There were going to be challenges in the life ahead and lifes after this, but they would always have each other. Each a strong force on its own, but together they would be unstoppable. 
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aracaeli · 3 years
The Sign of Three
NOTE: Merry Christmas @elfchensdcartblog from your DCMK secret santa!! I’m sorry for posting it at the last minute possible, I should probably have said Happy New Year instead. Here is my humble gift to you. Also, I’m sorry for not writing it with the accent. Regular english still gives me trouble and I’m not sure I’m capable of writing it right. Big thanks to @dcmksecretsanta for hosting he event.
I’m really rusty, but actually making this gift is more fun than I imagined. I forgot how soothing writing can be. Please forgive any mistake I made, happy reading! ^^
----The Sign of Three----
“You know, this is a very bad idea.” Heiji said to Kazuha for the sixth time that day. He’s practically sulking by now. On default, Heiji is not a big fan of malls. Much less going to a mall two days before Christmas. Suffice to say, the place was packed. People are everywhere. There’s people who are getting their christmas shopping late, young couples celebrating christmas together, or just some rando who had the bright idea to come to the mall near christmas. The mall even blasted out “We Wish You a Merry Christmas'' in every speaker on loop. Heiji swears if he finds the person responsible for that song that guy will have to answer to him.
Kazuha however is chipper as ever. She ignored his comment and instead was busy looking at toy displays in front of her while whistling along on the christmas song. Heiji wouldn’t even be here if Kazuha had not dragged him out. Heck, he wouldn’t even leave the house if it weren’t for her. His plan is to stay at home and do some reading, maybe go out for a bit to get food, but that’s it.
Kazuha apparently had other plans for him. She insisted on making him come with her to her class christmas event today and accompany her to do last minute shopping for the kids. Apparently the school wanted the students to celebrate Christmas by making a christmas event where the kids can play and exchange gifts. Only, the actual event is two days early from christmas because the kids will be celebrating with their own family on the actual christmas.
The idea is stupid. Heiji said as much.
He gets smacked in the head for that. Heiji had tried to lie his way out, but Kazuha immediately saw through him.
And that’s another weird thing about Kazuha lately. They had been married a while, but Heiji was sure that her changes only occurred recently.
Lately, she seems to become more observant. She often notices small things that she didn't notice before. Normally if someone moved her pen when she was away, she wouldn’t notice, but now she was able to tell the exact distance of the pen’s displacement. 
Another weirdness is, she woke up by the slightest noise. Before when Heiji had to stay late because of work, he was able to get to their bed without waking her. Now Kazuha is awake when he cracks the door open. If Heiji made a noise, she was able to tell exactly what was causing the noise, even if she was two rooms away. Heiji didn’t know what was the cause, it’s not like it’s the first time he saw that kind of ability. He had good ears, so does his father. What’s weird is that Kazuha suddenly developed one, too.
Maybe it was contagious?
Heiji shakes his head, chasing the ridiculous thoughts away. Despite Kazuha being weirdly observant, Heiji managed to secure an awesome gift for her, in his humble opinion. The subject of his musings is still shopping happily, uncharacteristically unaware of his thoughts. 
Kazuha is still looking at the display. But now she has already moved to the far end of the store. She picks up the toys one by one and assesses them carefully, as if it was important evidence on a crime scene. After a while, she held up a toy truck in front of him.
“Do you think Mikoto-kun would like this one?” Kazuha asked, holding a red toy car that resembles a fire truck. 
Mikoto is one of Kazuha's students in elementary school, who Heiji really doesn’t like. Mikoto, like most the boys in her class, had a crush on Kazuha-sensei and wanted to marry her when they grow up. Nevermind that Heiji visited the class and told them that Kazuha was already married to him.
In response to that information, Mikoto--who had the smuggest face for someone barely older than a toddler-- just looked at him from top to bottom, face clearly displaying unimpressed. “Oh well, we’ll see about that.”
The audacity.
Not caring what the brat would get for Christmas, Heiji answered shortly, “He’s a kid, that’s a toy. The math suggests that he would be thrilled.” 
He thought she would get annoyed with him, but his wife just shrugged and went back to shopping. In the end, she made a decision and took the toy to the counter to pay for it and told him to wait for her. Heiji watched her with a suspicious gaze, wondering if what meets the eye is really the truth. 
Heiji thinks it’s weird that Kazuha invited him to the event. While it’s not the first time he has come to her class and participated, it was always such a disaster. Considering what happened when he was present, he should be banned.
In his defense, it was the brat’s fault. Everytime Heiji comes to pick Kazuha up, he will ‘accidentally’ step on his foot. Kazuha makes Mikoto apologize to him of course, but the boy apologizes with a sleazy grin not fit for a child. One time, when he visited Kazuha during class, the brat ‘accidentally’ poured paint all over his shirt. Heiji tried to get back at the kid, but as if sensing his petty intention, Mikoto immediately cried.
Worse, Kazuha never sided with him. She came and comforted the kid while Heiji had to watch the kid buried his face in Kazuha’s chest while giving him the smuggest smile known to humankind. He had to bite back a curse. 
Another incident that popped in his mind is when Heiji cursed in her class, in front of the children. It was actually quite comical, the children had simultaneously stopped what they were doing and looked at him in shellshock, Heiji stood awkwardly for a minute. He was about to make a run for it. When one of the kids decided that what he had done was unacceptable on so many levels and tattled on him to Kazuha.
Kazuha had put him on time-out as if he was five despite his protest to her.
“I can’t play favour, Heiji. It’s not a good example for the kids” Kazuha said sternly while putting her hands at her hips. Long story short, he lost the debate.
He had to sit in the hallway to think about what he did while the other children peeked at him curiously from the window.
One kid even booed at him.
Yeah, it was not his proudest moment.
While he was reminiscing, Kazuha came back from the cashier, carrying one more bag in her hand. She didn’t have any trouble carrying it, but he decided to perform his duty as a good husband and took the bag from her hand. Beside, this way her hand would be free for him to hold.
Chiding himself for being sappy, Heiji linked their fingers together in a loose grip, suppressing the blush that always comes despite already being married to her. But Kazuha was having none of it today as she tightened her hand.
Kazuha leaned closer on him. Their arms linked together and her nose almost brushed his shoulder. 
“Let’s go upstairs.” Kazuha said, leading the way. As they walked side by side, she broke the silence.
“Did you finish your christmas shopping?” Kazuha asked. The mall was crowded and loud, so Heiji really had to pay attention to hear her. 
“I did. Finished it weeks ago.”
“Including my gift?”
“Is it a living thing?”
“Is it a nonliving thing?”
“We’re not playing 20 questions!”
Kazuha pouted. She bit the inside of her cheeks and turned her face away from him. Giving Heiji her side-view. And suddenly he finds himself resisting the irrational urge to kiss that protruding lips in public. Fortunately, unlike with the case of  Fairy’s lips, he still had common sense left.
“I think I know what you get me.” Kazuha said suddenly. 
Heiji gave his wife a skeptical stare, surely she was just bluffing, afterall he went through a painstaking measure to make it a surprise. He even draws a murderboard, which he hides in Kudo’s house, much to the latter dismay.
“No you don’t.” Heiji sneered.
“Hmm let’s see now,” Kazuha put her hand to her chin, mimicking his favorite pose when solving a case, complete with a smile, which may appear innocent at first but completely devious. 
“I know that you suck at handcraft. And I don’t see you working at anything, so it can’t be handmade. You said it was a non-living thing, so it can’t be a pet. Judging by how quick you are in answering my question earlier and the fact we have a joint account, it’s unlikely to be a trip or a dinner.”
Heiji started to sweat. Is this what the suspect always felt whenever he made a show of his deductions? Still, Kazuha is not done yet.
“The fact that you finished weeks ago means you had planned it for awhile. You’ve gone to Tokyo for a suspicious amount of time, it can be unrelated to gift-buying, but my instinct said it was very related. But it’s weird that you go so far just to shop, there’s plenty of places here where you can hide your gift. That suggests the involvement of an outside party. Probably a delivery. Which means…”
Kazuha added a dramatic pause.
“....it was custom-made.”
Damn. What’s gotten into her?
Still, Kazuha went for the kill, “The fact that you’re giving it to me, big chance it was a jewelry. Probably a necklace. Since you had no sense when it comes to women’s fashion, the one you custom it’s not probably the design. If my deduction is correct, that necklace would have my initial.”
Heiji completely avoided looking at her. Somehow his pride is trampled over her deductions. He had plans after all. The only solace he had was Kazuha doing all of that is kinda hot. So he let it pass.
“Am I right?”
Heiji shrugged. “I don’t know, you had to wait.”
Kazuha gives a little happy jump, almost knocking a lady that was passing by them.
“I can’t wait for a necklace with a ‘K’ pendant to come.”
Heiji nodded along with her statement. The pendant that he ordered is actually spelled ‘K.H’, since Kazuha had officially become a Hattori now. He decided to let her little mistake in detail be left uncorrected and changed the subject.
“Can we go now? I think this place is getting more packed.” Heiji said, and true to his word, someone bumped into him. Said person didn’t even apologize and just walked. 
“Hold on, I still need to buy one more for Chika-chan.”
“Huh? I thought it was a secret santa.”
“It is, but I’m buying a present for all of my students in the class.”
Heiji frowned. “Why? Isn’t that a bit much even for you? You’ll see them again next year.”
He felt her getting tense. She was looking straight ahead but he can tell that she was carefully masking her face as casual indifference.
Shrugging her shoulder, Kazuha answered, “I just want to make this year memorable.”
Heiji observed her face carefully for any clue, but sensing his curiosity, Kazuha looked back at him and feigned a smile. Deciding to not pursue it further, he noted this exchange and kept it in Kazuha’s folder, a place in his mind palace where he keeps anything related to Kazuha that he finds odd or weird. That folder had recently become thicker and thicker.
“Let’s go up one more floor, I think I see a store selling hair accessories.” Kazuha said quickly as she pulled him along by his hand to the elevator direction. Heiji followed along.
She accidentally stumbled on her steps. Delaying them for a few seconds. In consequence of that, they missed the elevator. As the door closed with a resounding ding sound. It was like a butterfly effect, the world just decide what he needs today is a murder.
If only they got on that elevator, they would have missed the shrill scream of a person discovering a dead body.
But unfortunately they did.
Knowing that scream everywhere, Heiji felt his detective sense alert in an instant. But before running off to the source of the commotion, he looked at Kazuha first, wordlessly asking for her permission.
Kazuha sighed, smiling softly, “Go”.
Heiji gave her a cheeky grin. He  handed her the shopping bags to her. Since both his hands are free, he had the chance to strike a cool pose before running off by gripping the edge of his hat and pulling the cap to the front.
“I’ll be back.”
In the span of time for one call to the police, five interrogations, and one person broke down crying later, Heiji managed to gather the suspects in the back of the store. The body is found in a clothing changing room. A man in his late thirties, wearing casual jeans and polo shirt. The corpse had been found laying on his back, half his body leaned on the mirror. Eyes wide and mouth wide open. Although there is no blood. 
The store owner had been very helpful in aiding his investigations. She closed the crime perimeter and helped gather witnesses. Even though she initially insisted that the man just had a heart attack, until Heiji pointed out the signs that he clearly is poisoned.
Heiji was busy doing his usual detective work that he didn’t really notice that Kazuha hadn't shown up even after thirty minutes had passed since they heard the scream.
Heiji was about to search for her, already worried that something happened to his wife. But as he was about to walk away from the crime scene, Kazuha catches up with him, completely unaware of his worry. She even brought a drink in hand  and casually sip the cold liquid from the straw while looking around the crime scene curiously. 
“Solved it yet?” She asked. Slurping the boba tea. 
Heiji was momentarily distracted by the movement of her lips. Shaking the unwanted thoughts away, he looked back at the corpse.
“Not yet. So far, here’s the situation. Someone is found dead in the changing room of this store.” Heiji gestured towards the corpse.
“No blood.” Kazuha remarked.
Heiji nodded. He feels weirdly proud that she participated in the case. He resisted the urge to pat her head, “Exactly. Death by poison.”
“No, arsenic.”
“Who do you think did it?”
“Well, I figured out the trick, But I’m still not sure who did it.”
Kazuha nodded solemnly. Still slurping her drink. Her gaze turned towards the three people standing behind the store owner who were looking at them the whole time. The three men are the main suspects for the case. Heiji told them to stand far enough so they can’t overhear his conversation. Heiji was sure the culprit was between the man with glasses and the tall one. Although he had no evidence or any defining clue.
“The guy with the glasses seems suspicious.” Kazuha said. Leaning close to whisper in his ears. He instinctively take a step back. Typical of Kazuha to annoy him with her stupid breath and her slurping when he was in the middle of a case. 
Heiji snatched the drink from her hand. 
“How is he suspicious?” He asked, only half-interested in her answer.
“Look at the inside of his wrist.” Kazuha said confidently at first, but she suddenly turned hesitant and quickly shrugged “But, I don’t know though, you’re the Detective.”
Reluctantly, Heiji followed Kazuha's advice and focused on the man in glasses hands. 
Wait….that mark…
“I know who the killer is.”
An hour and half later, they finally manage to get out of the mall. Heiji was sure that they were already late to the event. Thankfully, there was no traffic on the way, so they made it to the school ground less than ten minute later. The event hasn't started yet. Most of the kids were still playing around, although Kazuha’s coworkers had pulled out various games and an assortment of christmas themed sweets out.
When Heiji and Kazuha enter the classroom. The children cheered. Immediately, she was surrounded by her students. They formed a circle around her and tried to get her attention. Looking at the spectacle before him, Heiji can’t help but note that Kazuha is really good with kids. 
Heiji put their bag on the gifts table. He searched for an empty chair to sit on. Heiji found one in the back of the room. He sits down on one of the chairs beside the low round table. Heiji was so focused that he didn’t notice someone approaching him.
“So you came.”
Heiji turned to the source of the voice. But he didn’t see anyone.
“Down here”
He looked down and his stare met with Mikoto’s gaze.
Mikoto only grunted. The kid pulled the chair across him and sat down. He slouched on the chair while looking around the room with bored eyes. Heiji noticed that his eyes landed on a little girl with a pigtail who was excitedly chatting with Kazuha. He looked back at the kid and the girl.
Heiji was a very observant Detective. The best in Japan. Despite what neechan said. That’s why the blush on Mikoto’s face didn’t go unnoticed by Heiji. He gave a small sigh. Kids these days, so easy to move on from one crush to another.
“Do you like that girl?” Heiji asked. One eyebrow raised suggestively. He deliberately didn’t gesture on the little girl across the room.
Mikoto looked scandalized, suddenly sitting straight with face flushed red. “What! No! Who likes Chika!?”
Heiji grinned. “I didn’t say anything about Chika-chan.”
Mikoto was about to defend himself. But no words come out. All of his face was flaming red to the tip of his ear. The blush even went up to his ears. In the end, he settled to look away instead. Sulking.
“So…” Heiji began, finding the opportunity to tease the kid highly amusing. “Do you think Chika-chan cute? What’s her deal?’
Mikoto crossed his hand in front of his chest, “She’s not cute! She’s stupid!” he stated, too loud and too defensive to be true. Some of the kids and one teacher had looked their way due to commotion. 
“Hey, stupid is a bad word.” Heiji chided. 
Mikoto was about to protest. But somehow decided against it and mumbled a low “Sorry.”
Seeing the kid actually reminded him a lot of someone. Although Heiji can’t quite recall who. “Here’s an advice, if you like her, don’t pull her pigtails.”
Mikoto, once again, flushed red. As if he was just caugh red-handed. “I don’t need your advice, I bet you also pulled Kazuha-sensei’s ponytail.”
Heiji laughed. It’s actually happened. The scene of their younger years flashed before his eyes. Kazuha used to have pigtails too when she was young and the sight of her hair swinging around as she walked always seems cute and endearing to him. Although back then he had no idea what the feeling blossomed in his chest was. 
Young Heiji never made the connection between the flutter of his heart and Kazuha’s presence. Once Heiji even thought he had heart problems. His mother laughed when he brought his concerns to her. Shizuka had said that he was healthy as a clamp and had nothing to worry about. To his embarrassment, it took him ten more years to finally understand he was in love with Kazuha.
“What are you boys talking about?”
Both of them turned around simultaneously, only to find Kazuha standing behind.
“Nothing,” Mikoto said. Kazuha looked at the two of them suspiciously. “Mikoto-kun, you should join the others. The game is about to start.”
Mikoto sends Heiji a distress signal to help him get away. But Heiji feels no remorse as he shrugged his shoulders in total betrayal.
“Mikoto-kun.” Kazuha said again, voice more stern. In the end, Mikoto sighed and walked away from the couple. Joining the merry and fun of his friends in the center of the room.
Kazuha sat on the empty chair that Mikoto left, staring at the crowd in a somewhat somber gaze, “He reminds me a lot of you.”
Heiji immediately defended himself, “What! I am nothing like that brat.”
“You two seemed to get along, though” Kazuha said.
“No, we’re not. He hates my gut. Apparently he used to have a crush on you.” Heiji added, “And just so you know, those little accidents that he did, are not an ‘accident’.”
Kazuha laughed. “I know. I just wanna show how ridiculous you are, getting jealous of kids.” Heiji opened his mouth, but she cut him off, “Don’t even try to deny it.”
Heiji blew a harsh breath. Looking around at the happy kids around him, the christmas decoration is exquisite, and the cookies smelled delicious, even from when he was sitting.
“Why do you insist I come anyway?” Heiji asked. Although he probably knows the answer. With how observant Kazuha is lately, maybe she noticed that he’s not having such a great time at work. 
But his wife is always able to surprise him. “I’m pregnant.”
Heiji gaped at her as the world turned into a standstill. Voices become mute and he swears the earth stop spinning.
Kazuha...is pregnant…
Kazuha is pregnant.
He heard the words clearly. But the meaning didn’t actually register in his head. Kazuha is pregnant? With his child….
There’s another human being that he will be responsible to. Someone who looks like him. Or maybe Kazuha. Maybe a well-behaved kid like Chika-chan or a brat like Mikoto.
What would he do if his kid makes bad choices? Or become too reckless like him?
He could feel his panic rapidly growing by the second. The thought of bringing a human life in this world is downright overwhelming. Kazuha might be good with kids, but he is not. What would he do with one? That’s easy, he should feed it. Oh God, what did you feed a kid? What does a kid even eat??
As if sensing his rapidly growing panic, Kazuha called his name. “Heiji,”
When there was no response, Kazuha grabbed his hand that was laying on the table. The contact startled him. His eyes turned to her.
“We’re gonna be fine, Heiji.” Kazuha added, “Beside, I’ve been thinking about it, and I think I want to focus on raising our family.” 
Suddenly, it made sense. Why she wants to make this year christmas with her class so memorable. The way she is acting so weird recently. There’s only one thing he can’t figure out, thought….
“I don’t get why you suddenly become so observant, is that another side effect of pregnancy?”
Kazuha stared at him in bewilderment, “What are you talking about?”
“You! You were suddenly very observant. Like a detect--” Heiji stopped mid-sentence, he abruptly stood up from the chair, knocking it backwards. As if he just received the meaning of the universe, he exclaimed:
“Oh God, our child is gonna be a detective!!”
A/N: And thus, Heisuke is doomed since he was a literal fetus to be a detective by his father. 
There’s a local belief in my area that when a mother is pregnant, how she behaves is influenced by the child’s personality. So if a woman often gets angry during pregnancy, that means the child is temperamental, so on. Halfway writing this, I realized that it might be too weird and specific, so I ended up rewriting it into a more general trope. Although dumbass me misread the fact that Kazuha is elementary teacher-to-be, not elementary teacher. Still, I hope you accept this as a humble sort-of-headcanon to your Heisuke AU.
I actually really like the concept of the AU, I had to refrain myself from liking and reblogging all the posts because then you would have easily figured out that I’m your Secret Santa (lol). Can’t wait to see your next works. Good luck and Merry Christmas! ^^
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kazdoesntknow · 4 years
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sorry for the stickers and lines in the latter image of leo, it’s the original one from before i got my sketchbook.
i ended up changing leo’s face. his right eye is burned, as well as his shoulder, and he’s blind in his right eye.
he wears goggles now- lightly based off of steampunk goggles. they read thermals, as well as zoom in and out. he’s also the only turtle who still has their mystic weapon- april still has hers.
leo’s really been through things. at his current age of twenty-one, he’s the leader of the team. though at sixteen, when he and his brothers went to fight draxum and most of the foot clan, he realized they were being overrun and he surrendered as a distraction so his brothers would be able to escape. he ended up being tortured over the next two years, as well as experimented on, but he eventually escaped and returned home, where he’s now planning on how to take his world back from the yokai, establish equality, and throw big mama and draxum away for their crimes, seeing as those two released shredder and made sure everyone else was shoved underground as the yokai had been.
he’s quieter now, and less quick to joke, and matured a lot faster than he should have. but somewhere in that heart of his, he’s still the same leon. he’s just struggling with how to express it.
he has a lot of mental disorders due to everything that has happened.
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again, sorry for the stickers and stuff. that’ll go for just about everyone else,,,,
so this is raph. probably not the best drawn, i’ll redraw him soon, i promise that much. but anyway, as you can see, he’s got a few scars, and where leo has teal eyes, raph has green. ( aka i wanted to give them eye colors, and here they are. ) he’s twenty two, and during leo’s two years away, he’d begun to think leo was dead. but he blames himself fully for leo’s disappearance, and regrets not being the one to think of surrendering first. he doesn’t have his mystic weapon, though he does use his sais. once leo returned, he passed leadership onto him, because leo was the one who showed leadership and protected them all.
raph’s still his cuddly self, though his fear of being alone has gotten stronger, and he usually sleeps in mikey’s room to avoid waking up with panic attacks. he also has a strong fear of abandonment, and is terrified his brothers will leave or get kidnapped again.
also heavily blames himself for splinter’s death, even though he wasn’t fighting shredder with miko and casey.
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stickers, yada yada. you get the gist.
anyway! this is the baby, mikey. i liked the addition of a bandana, so i threw it on him. he’s the youngest at age 20. upon leo disappearing, he chose to neglect the new way of life and pretend that nothing’s changed. upon leo’s return, though, he wasn’t quite sure what to do. he couldn’t seem to comfort leo. but mikey tried his best anyway.
during leo’s time in captivity, mikey was constantly with raph, bonding more heavily with his elder brother, due to donnie being more in his lab to deal with his own problems. mikey still loves to paint, and he simply wishes he could see sunlight again. he often plays video games with raph and does quite a bit of art- the lair is covered in his art, whether it be on canvases or walls. he chats about everything he wants to do.
he probably took draxum’s betrayal the hardest, seeing as he was the one the most supportive of draxum’s redemption. he wanted his two dads, and now, sadly, he has none.
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and this is donatello, the last, but definitely not the least, of the turtles.
he fully blames himself for the abduction of his twin. fighting draxum was also very difficult for him, because his battle shell was torn apart ( again ) and he was carried home due to the wounds on his face and on his shell. he ends up cutting off his right arm for what he claims to be self improvement, though there is an underlying truth no one’s managed to dig out yet. he woud have cut off his other upon leo’s return, but leo had stopped him from doing that.
still a tech guy, he tends to isolate himself in his lab, save for whenever miko decides she wants to waltz in there like she owns the place. he doesn’t find her much of a bother because she’s usually pretty quiet. he’s still sarcastic and sassy, but he is very angry and defensive, and forgets to eat and sleep. he, though he would never admit it, probably missed leo the most because of their twin bond.
he has pilot goggles now, which is pretty neat, i think. they’re modified by the mystic crystals, though, so they work the same as his old ones did.
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this is casey jones, age 22. living,,, somewhat his best life.
he met the turtles when he was fifteen, while he was out being a bit,,, crazy on the streets and doing his vigilante thing. he’s played hockey since middle school, and absolutely loves it. he’s learned hand to hand combat, and at school, he’s close friends with april o’neil. though at first, he had no idea she knew about the turtles until she went to introduce him to them, and... well, it just hit him. he was like “hey, i know those guys!”
he went with miko and splinter to help in stopping the shredder, and feels pretty sad about splinter dying, so he does the usual thing: vigilante shit. he fights off yokai who are harming humans or mutants, with the help of april and mayehm. he has hockey sticks, golf clubs, and baseball bats.
overall, casey’s a fun guy to hang out with. currently, he’s working on building up a resistance group to fight back, with leo’s strict instruction. in previous years, he was doing it on his own accord.
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APRIL O’NEIL! age 21.
she’s pretty neat. has a scar on her chin that actually isn’t from fighting- her and casey were fucking around on the skateboard ramp in the lair and she fell and,,, chin scar. her jacket is immortal. her glasses are broke, though, and she had to tape them together, but she’s not too mad about it. in fact, she’s not too mad about anything.
she fought big mama with lavi, and though they lost, they managed to escape, and april still has her mystic bat. she snatched that up real fast when she bolted. she ended up forced underground, and she hangs out with her mom sometimes, and tries to hang out with casey vigilanting, and occassionally bugs donnie in his lab, or tries to help lavi pull the family back together- not to much avail.
she’s smart, and funny, and sassy. she’s the same as she was when she was younger, but she’s also gotten to be more independent and strong. she’s very confident, and though she’s been through a lot, she has a firm belief that they’ll win soon enough.
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this is hizashi mikoto, an oc.
she’s a small. age 21. she’s formerly a business CEO, despite her young age, and graduated from MIT at the age of 15. she was raised in japan until she was twelve years old, and upon the death of her father and sister, she ended up moving to america with her mom. when she turned fifteen, her mom ended up dying as well to a foot clan attack. her relationship with her mom wasn’t the best- her ninja mother was fascinated with science, especially mutations, and inserted tiny bits of chameleon dna into her daughter through spars with swords. miko’s now partially chameleon. she met the boys by literally falling in on them. chasing down a few criminals vigilanting, she ended up falling into their lair and spraining their wrist when she was fourteen years old.
she fought the shredder with casey and splinter, and heavily blames herself for splinter’s death. she’s in love with technology and science, having of built a company off a computer chip she developed when she was twelve years old. so her favorite spot in the lair is in donnie’s lab. but she also likes to spar, and write on occassion, and is sometimes found watching tv with mikey.
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this is lavi, the last oc.
gunslinger. she was born in watertown, new york, where her mother had abandoned her before her father found her and her little brothers in their home, but spent most of her life in maine, until conflict caused her to move away from her family and live with her mémé ( great grandmother ) up in new york. wanting to be a police detective and invest her time in chasing down cases at the age of fourteen, she ran around in a deep search for something to do, something to solve, and one of those days, she found leo. and literally just peppered him with questions about where she could go to find some cases to solve. and then they started being friends because “finding cases” turned into “spa day in the hidden city.”
after leo’s disappearance, she ended up searching for the turtle with donnie. the two were relentless in their searching, but two years later, they ended up finding him because he had broken himself out. she tries her best to comfort him as she had the rest of the turtles and their friends.
often passes out in a pile of pillows. leo usually throws a fluffy blanket over her.
but yeah! those are the main characters,,,, lemme know what you think!
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sun-summoning · 5 years
@serafina-constantine​ -- re tinder au:  Aww I was hoping to get team sasuke’s reactions to them finally getting together 💖
ok here you go. everyone (not just team sasuke) is answering the same question: how do you feel about sasuke and sakura getting together?
i. karin and suigetsu
“wait, so why are we doing this?”
behind his video camera, naruto scowls at his cousin. his instructions were very simple and very clear and yet karin still needed to be a pain in the ass.
“because naruto wants to use this footage when sasuke marries sakura,” suigetsu replies instead.
“what the hell?” karin frowns. “is he...is sasuke going to propose to her? they’ve been dating for, like, five months!”
“the heart knows what it wants, karin.”
“the heart is illogical and--”
“sasuke isn’t going to propose!” naruto interrupts. “why would he do that?”
karin laughs. “the real question is why would sakura even accept?”
“true love?”
“anyway--” naruto clears his throat and nods to his camera. “answer my question.”
“answer mine!” karin snaps back. “tell the truth.” her smile turns devious. “are you actually going to try using this as retroactive footage at a wedding they’d have ten years from now? are you planning that far ahead? you loser.”
“of course not!” naruto denies. “and you’re definitely not giving me ideas!”
“what if you’re not his best man?”
“obviously i’d be his best man.”
“but he has a brother.”
“sasuke and itachi don’t have the same relationship that we do--you know what? just answer my question!”
finally, karin just sighs and looks at suigetsu. they both actually face the camera, now wearing looks of contemplation.
suigetsu goes first: “i didn’t really think he’d succeed.”
“yeah, he’s so awkward, you know?”
“he is,” karin agrees with a wince.
“also, i assumed she’d just slap him? or get a restraining order?” suigetsu scratches his head. “i don’t know man--the whole thing was just a bit...weird. ya know?”
“but it was true love,” naruto says.
“maybe to sasuke. but maybe to a sensible girl that was just creepy.”
“maybe you’re wrong.”
“do you want my opinion or not?!”
karin shoves suigetsu and sends naruto a glare to stop him from fighting for sasuke’s honour as a stalker.
ii. hinata
hinata’s hands, previously stuffed into her pockets if naruto recalled correctly, were currently in front of her. she was in the process of trying to dislocate her fingers or something as she took quick nervous breaths.
“um.” naruto smiles at her and she turns red. “we can just, like, not do this if you’d prefer?”
“i--it’s okay!” she replies. “how do i feel about sasuke getting together with the girl he liked?” she grins, but it’s shaky and so clearly uncomfortable. “i’m glad.”
“that’s it?”
she blinks. “were you...expecting more?”
naruto grunts a goodbye and goes off to find someone shadier.
iii. shikamaru
shikamaru actually laughs in naruto’s face.
when he settles down, he shakes his head. “naruto, you wildly overestimate how much i care about sasuke’s love life.”
iv. juugo
“sasuke’s dating our bio tutor?” juugo scratches his head. “aw man! do you think she gives him a discount?”
“you make her sound like a prostitute, juugo.”
v. itachi and mikoto
naruto manages to get reactions from sasuke’s brother and mother when they find each other outside sasuke’s graduation ceremony. he’s off somewhere with fugaku taking photos of him like the proud father he is. and, if naruto saw correctly, sakura even stopped by briefly to leave a nice dusty rose mark on sasuke’s cheek.
“i’m pleased that he found his way to his tinder girl,” itachi tells naruto. “sakura makes sasuke very happy.”
“tinder?” mikoto echoes. “is that a game?”
itachi, the biggest whore naruto’s ever met, smiles softly. “something like that, mother.”
naruto makes a face of disgust. “have you met sakura yet, mrs. sasuke’s mom?”
mikoto raises an eyebrow at them. “naruto, i met sakura before all of you.”
“you did?”
“the work ethic in that girl is astounding. and she’s positively brilliant. she’s worked with some of the best researchers in our field--”
“this is boring,” naruto interrupts. he lowers his camera. “are you taking us out for dinner to celebrate that sasuke actually succeeded?”
mikoto shakes her head fondly. naruto’s been part of their family since he met naruto in primary school, so of course he’s invited.
vi. ino
“look at this bullshit.”
ino holds up her phone to show naruto sakura’s instagram page. among photos of various landscapes and meals and selfies, naruto notices a few with sasuke. quite a few with sasuke.
“aww.” he enlarges one of them and coos at the image of sakura smiling in a field of sunflowers with sasuke standing beside her looking as constipated as ever. “they’re so cute!”
“i know right!” but ino’s grin soon morphs into a scowl. “but he’s always around!”
“i mean he mostly just sits there on his phone looking at neko atsume. he’s actually really forgettable.”
“can i live?!” ino snaps. then she stops, her jaw dropping and her eyes widening. “fuck my life,” she whispers. “i’ve been spending so much time with sasuke through his stalking and then when sakura actually deigned to date him that i’m...picking up his habits.”
naruto pats her on the shoulder. “remember when we were younger and i used to say ‘believe it’ a lot?”
“yeah, i wanted to rip your tongue out.”
“okay, rude.”
“it was annoying--”
“let me get to the point!” naruto clears his throat. “anyway, one time sasuke said it too and it was basically the highlight of my adolescence.”
“that’s sad.”
“don’t be a bitch because you’re turning into sasuke.”
“i guess he’s alright,” ino concedes as she looks at her nails. “he’s a total loser and he’s so awkward, but...” she shrugs. “he makes sakura smile.”
vii. neji and tenten
“to be clear, we were never on this ‘team sasuke’ or whatever insipid name you’ve chosen as of two minutes ago.” neji hyuuga takes a sip of his tea for good measure. “but, i suppose, sasuke is an acceptable choice.”
beside him, tenten wears a tense smile. “what neji means to say is that we’re happy for them.”
naruto nods, uncomfortable in the presence of sakura’s friends. they were never really part of the tinder-turned-stalking phase of sasusaku beyond their comments on sakura’s instagram (to naruto’s knowledge, at least).
“are you though?”
neji opens his mouth to reply, but immediately grunts, and judging by the way he’s wincing, naruto can only imagine tenten attacked him under the tale.
“yes,” neji replies curtly. “so, so happy.”
viii. sakura
“how do i feel about sasuke and i getting together?” sakura echos, staring at him as though he’s the one who’s weird. “he makes me--” sakura shrugs. she looks down. “i’m happy?”
“why do you sound unsure?”
“i’m not unsure. i’m just uncomfortable.” she gestures to his phone. “you’re literally recording this.”
technically, footage of sakura wouldn’t be totally necessary to have in whatever video he might make ten years from now when sasusaku get married. sure, sakura saying how she’s super in love with sasuke (or whatever) would actually be a pretty cool ending to that potential video, ino had a pretty good line he could use there. 
sighing, naruto turns off his camera and puts his phone down the table. 
sakura nods in approval. “for the record, i know how the whole story went.”
“yes, from the tinder swiping to itachi’s little bet to him being afraid that i’m the type of girl who says i’m not like most girls.”
“yeah, he was scared of that.” naruto clears his throat. “also, i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
sakura rolls her eyes. 
“wait, so you know about all the stalking?”
she winces. “i hate that word.”
“sorry? i’m not the one who invented language though?”
“let’s go with recon.”
naruto waves a hand. “fine. so you know about all the recon?”
she nods and takes a sip of her drink. “sasuke told me. i think he figured it’d be better to tell me himself than let anyone else tell me instead.”
“controlling the narrative. smart boy.”
“nothing. scandal. anyway--” he taps his chin. “how come you aren’t, well, upset?”
that makes sakura laugh. she throws her head back and when the giggles peter down, the grin she wears is downright devious. “because then i’d be a hypocrite.” she winks at him. “do you really think i didn’t do my own research on sasuke when i finally got more information about him at ino’s party?” she leans in closer. “or that after we actually started dating, i didn’t do my research on his friends and family, naruto?”
naruto fights down a shudder. “what. the hell.”
“social media is a terrifying thing.”
ix. sasuke and naruto
naruto has already burrowed himself on the other side of sasuke’s bed, too scared to sleep on his own after a full day of reading creepy stories on r/nosleep. 
“i’m going to die.”
“you’re being an idiot.”
“no, i think there’s a ghost girl who’s going to come for me!”
sasuke makes the usual show of demanding naruto leave, but naruto just swaddles himself even more until sasuke goes to retrieve another blanket for himself. he throws that on the bed and laughs a little when it hits naruto.
naruto watches as sasuke goes about his evening routine from plugging in his phone to watering the succulent on his desk to putting it on his window sill so it can watch the sunrise. when he settles on the bed, he takes his phone back out like a classic millennial and opens his chat with sakura.
“i’m right here,” naruto tells him.
“but if i ignore you hard enough, you might disappear.”
“your life would be the worst without me.”
“it’d definitely be quieter.”
“and more boring!” naruto pokes him. “you should be more grateful, asshole. i’m the one who helped you find your tinder girl.”
“tch, no you didn’t.”
“you whored me out!”
“you would have whored yourself out either way.”
“you take that back!”
sasuke easily ignores him to message his ~*~girlfriend~*~. naruto wants to be insulted, but he can’t really blame sasuke. sasuke has always been terrible -- terrible -- at building and maintaining relationships. the fact that he now has a girlfriend who thinks he’s slightly more than passable as a human being is a wonderful thing. 
when sasuke finally turns off the screen of his phone, the room goes dark. naruto presses his head against sasuke’s shoulder partly because he’s feeling affectionate but mostly because he’s scared of the dark after all those creepy stories on reddit. 
he ignores the way his best friend grunts. “hey sasuke?”
naruto pauses. they don’t do mushy, but naruto wants to tell him, “i’m really happy that you found sakura.”
“oh.” he hears sasuke shift as he nods. “me too.”
“she’s a good match for you. and she’s...nice. she really likes you.”
“yeah.” sasuke clears his throat. “i. um. i really like her too.”
“thank you,” while normal people might go in for a hug in this moment, sasuke shoves naruto back to the other side of the bed, “for helping me find sakura.”
“of course.” he’ll always have sasuke’s back, and he knows sasuke will always have his. 
naruto grins up at the darkened ceiling, unafraid of the potential of ghost girls looming down on him -- not with his best friend by his side. 
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oldphone-whodis · 4 years
How much money do I have to pay for any form of writing on a shikamaru jinchuriki au
No money at all, my good dude. Here! How about the classic introduction scene of the Squad meaning their Jonin Sensei? It took a while, but I like how it turned out and hope you do too!
And just a note, since there's a lot of swaps, many (but not all) characters will be part of different clans. I'll make a post of the swaps later.
Rating: T (for some cursing)
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His team. His team is an equal balance between an absolute disaster and a dream come true!
On one hand, he has a better chance at befriending Chouji now. If only the boy will look past his ingrained prejudices and see Shikamaru for who he is -- just a chill guy who wants to be friends. Damn all the adults in the village for deciding that just because the Kyuubi was inside of him, he himself was to be treated as that beast. (Honestly, he'd learned that fact very recently.)
Sure, Shikamaru may go out of his way to act out from time to time, but they're all for a good cause! People just just tend to look at his art and call it "illegal" and "vandalism of public property."
Truly, it was a mistake on his part. Next time, he won't paint his artworks on the Hokage Monument. Or he'll at the very least use paint that cleans away with water. He wasted hours cleaning that up while Mikoto-sensei sat with him to make sure he got every last bit of it. It was so… troublesome.
His other teammate is -- for lack of a better term -- a total bitch. Hanabi. He doesn't care what sort of trauma she's gone through. A tragic backstory doesn't mean she can go around manipulating her fanclub into doing dangerous stunts for her amusement or making them buy her snacks on a whim! Why does nobody else ever do anything about her?
Shikamaru himself just prefers to stay out of her way as much as possible. Though he does intervene when it comes to Chouji. He can't stand how often others take advantage of the boy's friendly nature. And Hanabi truly finds some sick pleasure in seeing the others around her do her bidding, no matter how outrageous. He can't let that happen to Chouji.
So Shikamaru has his long-awaited Genin Squad of the person he likes the least and the person he likes the most.
It's been one hour now after everyone else's Jonin Sensei have come to retrieve them, and their Squad -- Squad 7! -- is all that remains. If Shikamaru knew their Sensei was going to be late, he would've went straight for a nap. He stayed up all last night.
"Our Sensei still isn't here," Shikamaru sighs finally, breaking the silence. "I can't sleep because they couldn't be here any minute."
Chouji looks up as if curious when Shikamaru stands up. Confidence thoroughly boosted by the attention, Shikamaru strides down a couple steps to the chalkboard and begins on making his newest artwork.
And by the finish of Shikamaru's interpretation of an improved Konoha, their Sensei is still missing. Two hours late now. And pettiness boils in his heart as he picks up the chalk eraser. He knows it won't work. He knows! But on the off chance that maybe it will, Shikamaru places the chalk eraser in the space between the sliding door and the door frame.
"Shikamaru, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Chouji asks in disbelief. "That's our Sensei! You can't just do that! They'll hate us for sure if that's what you do."
Shikamaru is temporarily conflicted. Give in and remove the eraser for the sake of preserving the very small relationship he'd gotten between himself and Chouji? Or does he keep it to satiate his pettiness powered by a need for vengeance against their Sensei?
"Agh! Fine, I--"
Before he can even finish his sentence, the door slides open and reveals a… very distinct man, to say the least. And he now has chalk dust all over his head.
"My first impression of you in that you're very unyouthful!" the man exclaims. "One of out five stars! Would not recommend!"
All three of them cringe in unison at hearing the man say such a thing. Is this guy really a Jonin? And a good enough one to train Genin? Shikamaru, in that moment, has his doubts. Surely this is a joke, and their real Sensei will walk in any moment now.
"See Shikamaru!" Chouji exclaims in distress. "I told you you shouldn't have done that!"
Shikamaru just sighs. Damn his faulty impulse control.
"Okay! You three, meet me on the roof!" the man -- presumably their Jonin Sensei -- orders them before disappearing in the blink of an eye.
× × ×
"Okay, let's do introductions," their Sensei says.
"Introductions?" Chouji asks warily. "Like what?"
"Yeah," Shikamaru points out. "We could use an example, so why don't you go first?"
"Great idea! I am the very youthful Maito Gai! I like youthfulness and I dislike unyouthfulness!"
Shikamaru can't help but mostly zone that out. Youth this, youth that. What the hell is this guy even saying? But he thinks he's getting the general idea of what Gai-sensei wants from them.
"And finally my dream is…," he trails off as if lost in a very heartfelt memory, which is frankly a little concerning. Should Shikamaru go to the Hokage and petition for a new Sensei now?
"Anyways, just like that!" Gai-sensei says. "Now, you first, with the ponytail."
"Uzumaki Shikamaru," Shikamaru introduces. "I like napping, I guess? I don't like…"
He doesn't like Hanabi, but he doesn't want to make himself a target for her. He doesn't like the people in the village who give him those looks, but he doesn't want to get into that. Maybe he should just skip that, say he doesn't particularly dislike anything. Yeah.
"…I don't really dislike anything specifically," Shikamaru continues. "Hobbies? I'm good at art, I guess. And my dream… Hokage."
The Hokage because if he's Hokage, he can make some much needed changes. Such as fixing that lacking education system. He gets a headache every time he hears someone call the Byakugan a "Sharingan". Definitely fix the education system.
"Nice! Now you!" Gai-sensei points to Chouji.
"I'm Haruno Chouji," the boy says softly. "What I like most is… uh, barbeque. I like barbeque! And my hobby is rating different restaurants around the village. And my dream…"
Chouji glances over to Hanabi with a smile. Shikamaru isn't even sure if she's paying attention. Of course, Chouji's dream would be to finally hook up with Hanabi. Shikamaru wishes he could show Chouji what a demon she actually is.
"And what do you hate?" Gai asks.
"I hate how Shikamaru won't even give Hanabi a chance!" Chouji exclaims. Ouch! Does Chouji think Shikamaru is being unfair to her? He isn't! She actually is a terrible girl. He spend a few months trying to be nice to her after he heard about the incident, but she just doesn't care. All she wants is to see the world suffer and burn. He just knows it.
"Right…," Gai-sensei says as if a bit uncomfortable. "And our last person?"
"My name is Hyuuga Hanabi," she says, emphasizing her name to prove some unknown point. "Likes, dislikes. I'm sure you'd like to know."
He can just hear her calling them plebeians and pissants in the undertones of how she speaks. And Shikamaru wonders how she's gotten through life this far without anyone else getting pissed at her with the way she talks.
"My hobbies," Hanabi says and chuckles darkly. Shikamaru doesn't want to know what that's supposed to mean.
"And my end goal?" Hanabi leaps to her feet and slams a fist against her chest. "I will murder the one I hate most, once and for all!"
Shikamaru shivers and scoots as far away from her as possible. What the hell is her problem? Does she really have no life outside of… whatever hellhole she's trapped herself in? She has too many problems and not enough therapy.
Shikamaru makes a mental note to add that to the list of things that will have to change when he is Hokage.
"Okay then," Gai-sensei says with a nod, now looking a bit more serious. "Now that we're done with our… very passionate introductions, I must tell you about the test tomorrow."
"A test?" Chouji asks and Shikamaru can't help but share the sentiment.
"Yeah, what kind of test?" Shikamaru questions warily.
"It's a survival test," Gai-sensei says, "and your opponent will be me! Prepare for tomorrow -- anything is fair game! -- but you can't eat breakfast because you'll just puke it all back up! Be at Training Ground 3 at dawn! See you then!"
Before anyone can ask any further questions, Gai-sensei is gone, leaving his three students blinking in his dust. That was… very quick.
Nonetheless, Shikamaru will be heading home and start on his petition for a new, more suitable Jonin Sensei for the three of them. It will take some time though. And some reading up on Konoha Law. What a drag.
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badanimereviews · 5 years
summer 2019 anime sum-up
lmao i realized i never did this and posted the fall season b4 this.... oops
kimetsu no yaiba: tbh started out kinda meh. and now it’s turned into one of the new big shounens. i was not expecting that. nearing the end got rly good and i was rly looking forward to more episodes! tanjiro gets cooler and cooler! animation is rly nice (thanks ufotable) and the way tanjiro’s water is animated. like. aesthetic asf. it’s so good. i love black-haired emo dude and zenitsu (my spirit animal) and ofc nezuko she is adorable im c r y. side note: the hashira? i think they’re called? some of the ugliest fkn characters i’ve seen in ages like flame boy? stone boy? i HATE them. and the gem dude too like man get a new tattoo artist on god.... he needs it.,,,,,,and inosuke is so pretty it’s unfair
dr stone: ok man dr stone rly went off. tbh. i’ve always been a whore for chemistry since reading the flavia de luce series (btw, i want more books of) and watching this just tickles my noodle brain in a good way... who needs prozac when i get a shitton of serotonin from watching senku dick around....  (btw what is going on with what’s his face and the girl. yuzuriha????? i can’t remember. i love senku don’t get me wrong but i need their perspective too... bc i hate lion dude... so much.... dick....) again i will repeat that i am a whore for chemistry so i get oFF on this. backgrounds are amazing/ animation so nice n clean (most o the time lmao). i thought i would hate the black n white haired trickster boi and ms yellow ponytail and suika but no! dr stone is such a good show that they are now great, loveable characters. also i am senku and chrome’s whore so jfc. man, i love the explanations of all the chemistry shabang, but some things i think would be better if explained! like senku doing physical labour at the beginning- ex. making all those pots and building that shit by hisself. i know he weak af. yes he smart but like. construction? difficult. pottery? even for me the artist . difficult. and that shed of his was filled to the brim. HOW. anyways, i love this so much i am crying constantly
just realized i didnt need to write about dr stone. oh well. 
danmachi 2: wtf yo. haruhime is so pretty but not a fan of her personality! bell still cute af and still don’t rly like aiz! animation good as always, and my god i shit myself whenever the argonaut theme starts up bc that is ? one of the best pieces of non-sawano hiroyuki pieces i’ve ever heard? addicted to it. and the opening! love the dynamics, the brief ‘rain’ scenes like when mikoto slashes the raindrops and just her motion basically? as an animator that is what i aspire to accomplish because i just love that. tiny little scene. 
arifureta: this would have been so much better had they dragged out mc’s op-ifying process! made him suffer more! i explained this briefly in my ‘first thoughts’ post for this season, but story-wise and pacing-wise his power-up could have been so much more deserved and gratifying. think shield hero- loser suffers, gets angry, slowly builds up power in an epic payoff! would have been so epic too. and also if they’d made his gained powers less.... crazy nerfed. again: HE SHOULD HAVE SUFFERED MORE AND THIS WOULD HAVE MADE A BETTER SHOW. harem thoughts: yue- meh. sucky char honestly. shea- my fav girl, she is a great character don’t judge- sexy and love her personality and love her character design and love how much fanservice she gets lol. panty flash ftw. dragon girl- discount darkness honestly , tho nice design. and mermaid girl- yuck, annoying,  DO NOT like the ‘papa’ trope! (ahem sao.) it’s gross. also just fuck mc’s classmates honestly- paladin dude sucks ass, healer girl OOF that last episode ruined her, samurai girl is ok i guess. hate ai-sensei too like shut UPP annoying ass HOEEEEE (postscript: opening=very epic too)
kanata no astra: plot twist? check. trillion well-done plot twists? check. this was done very well. i am so happy. all those plot twists and turns would usually suck in any regular anime- but this was written with GODLIKE ability. thank you, lerche. legit, this was such an enjoyable ride, i eagerly awaited each new ep! typically i hate space-related stuff but like! survival stuff gets my goat.... like this was good- (tho maybe more technical-stuff in the survival theme would make it so cooler) what shocked me the most: (spoilers alert) didn’t end up hating quitterie or funi. (tho the puppet made me want to strangle smth) luca’s gender had rly confused me but i’d decided on him being a boy- so basically that reveal left me like WHOA. i died. did luca rly have to show emo boy their tity tho... kanata losing his arm gave me the yeeeks, charce being the traitor was made sO WELL into a surprise even tho i’d kinda already suspected him<- like that was just fucking amazing writing there. gj. and ares the princess! ok man! shocked! AND also the whole clone thing, just fucked me right up. up the ass. like there are probably more plot twist layers in this than a fkn ogre has.... anyway shrek aside, yun?’s character arc was very pleasing, i think that was done very well! and the ending made me UwU like BRO? goals tbh. yeah this is a hidden gem and is just so good, so well-written overall. 
cop craft: didn’t have high expectations. i am now,,, quite,,, shocked &,,, blown away. sweetheart this is a good fucking show. so why @ livechart.me DOES IT HAVE 7.40 STARS WHEN FKN ARIFURETA HAS 7.72. can someone explain this to me? i’m outraged. LIVID.  matoba and tilarna were amazing characters btw! loved their dynamic! briefly i thought it might get romantic! nope, it didn’t, so it’s all good. actions scenes were epic, tilarna’s design and outfits were so much nicer than i thought they’d be like. she is so cute. and the op- man, if that is not such a bopper vibe then idk what is. i could watch it forever. it deserves so much more than what it’s got rn.
naka no hito genome: (serious question: is this considered some sort of isekai?) genome gave me btooom vibes honestly but like- this is SO much better than btooom and most game/trap/ kinda shows. fkn BOP of an op, especially the sequence at the end with short clips of each character in action (nutt). paka-san was a good boy and he deserves irl merch. i fell in LOve with all the characters (bubble boy= hot, akatsuki= ok meh actually kinda boring, karin= hot and i want her to punch me, ruromori= beautiful 12/10 would let her stalk me, sleepy eyes boy= baby + dazai vibes and hot af, twin boy= also hot, onigasaki= hot and love him so much, and loli girl= her light grenades got annoying but nice char design) anyways yeah more of this would be epic. i wanna see sakura and her twin reunite, and how they get out basically! also animation quality was very good which is surprising considering it’s a silver link anime.
kono yo no hate de koi wo utau shoujo yu-no: i include the whole title bc this is a good anime. (also livechart.me why 7.27 stars i will fuck you up) only meh part of this is the return to earth from dela granto bc that was like a culture shock and honestly at that point i’d forgotten a lot about what had happened on earth and didn’t care as much. btw, f ayumi and f the other brown-haired oneesan. mio and kanna ftw. obvs i didn’t understand the sayless x takuya thing like dumbass horny teenager . why u gotta creampie the worst girl. u have mio. bruh. (tho mio x ‘oyabi!’ boy is a great ship) also, takuya’s mom? keiko-san? idk if you’ve noticed but that’s literally my name so yeah just glad to finally have some keiko representation. altogether goodass anime. the time travel/ rezero esque reset thing almost got me but this was done well. so no problems. both ops very good. first song was bae, second also bae (just realized it’s by konomi suzuki, one of my waifu idols, so yea nice) and ed2 also so pretty! also yu-no’s design was rly pretty, the outfit colours, and her pigtails rly suited her :)
granbelm: sorry this is the last one lol this was a long ass post! other than the fact i dont rly like mecha this was good.... action, CHARACTER designs aesthetic asf, honestly rly pretty ok. i liked the cast, very diverse and more depth than most shows of this ilk. op was nicely choreographed- especially the part where the girls’ faces are contorted by their gems, showing their magical girl side. nicely done. mangetsu didn’t end up being that bad a char, and honestly? suigetsu is best girl and deserved better. and the ending too- like, bro, that made me kinda sad. some off points: anna’s mom was a little unrealistic as a mom like woman- please learn to control your child, and, white-haired girl’s sister should have played a bigger part, based on how her parts in the opening were emphasized! (quick note- blue girl, love her, great bad guy, when she dumped anna made me so happy honestly, she is beautiful, and i couldn’t actually decide who i wanted to win between her and suigetsu....)
hope u enjoyed this bad review. pls share ur opinions w/ me on some of of these more controversial shows. thank. 
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ariannjs · 5 years
COFFEE SHOP | A SasuSaku FanFic (2/2)
For Day 12 (Gravitation) of SasuSaku Month 2019☕
Rating: K+
Summary: Sakura chuckled and enveloped Sasuke in an embrace. "In the end, it's still you and me." "Hn. And it all started in this place."
(Coffee Shop - Part 1/2)
"So that's how you met mama?" There was an adorable twinkle in the eyes of the raven-haired girl in front of Sasuke.
Moments earlier, little Sarada complained about the tons of assignments she took home from the academy. It's not that she couldn't manage to finish them, it's just that she found the repetitive equations too boring to spend much time with. So, she ended up pestering her dad to tell her any story that he or Sakura liked so much.
Sasuke's lips twitched upwards as he gave his daughter a nod to answer her question.
Sarada leaned towards him on the table that used to be his haven while waiting for his mom to finish her café managing job when he was younger. "That's so cool! Did you marry mom the next day?"
Sasuke released a chuckle. "I wish. But it doesn't work that way, Sarada. There were lots of highs and lows, and we needed to grow up before that."
His daughter blinked twice while she parsed the information she received, her interest not dying down a bit. "Oh. Then..." She pouted, with a hand on her chin as she stared at a distance – a pose that reminded Sasuke of Sakura whenever she's thinking deeply, causing him to smile. "Then, Papa! Would I be able to marry my crush too?"
All the muscles on Sasuke's face tensed. Sure, he and Sakura met and felt a connection with each other at the same age as Sarada's now, but if he would be completely honest, he wasn’t ready to let his baby girl go any time soon. And it might be unavoidable for him to develop a slight fury to any guy who might steal his heiress's heart from him and Sakura one day.
"You have a crush." Sasuke's voice came out in a tone that's mixed with both question and accusation.
With widened eyes and burning cheeks, Sarada waved her hands in front of her in quick dismissal. "No, no! It's not that! All the boys in school are annoying! I only mean that if I would have one." She scratched the back of her head. "Also, you and mama would surely know when the time comes!" She grinned until she saw her dad's face relax.
"You're overprotective, Papa!" She giggled, earning an eye roll from Sasuke.
"Tch. Of course, I don't want my little girl to be taken away by any undeserving guy." He reached out and tapped Sarada's forehead with his two fingers.
Although Sarada was quite accustomed to the affectionate gesture already, she still couldn't help but jerk a little.
"Meanwhile, to answer your question, it doesn't always happen that way. But who knows, you might be able to marry your future crush too, when you don't find the need to rush." There was a slight emphasis to the word "future" that made Sarada flinch. "But for now, just wait for the Author of love Himself to write your own love story, okay?" Sasuke smiled.
Sarada beamed back and nodded at this.
"Now back to your homework." He stood up and patted his daughter's head before leaving her to check up on his wife who was busying herself with the coffee shop's inventory for the day.
He found Sakura seated on one of the bar stools on the other side of the renovated café, scribbling with eyebrows furrowed on the directory and notebooks sprawled in front of her on the high table.
He snickered at the sight. Despite having medical duties on her own clinic by day, she still takes time in doing what she can for the coffee shop business that was passed on to them by Sasuke's parents – Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. Sakura told him once that for her, it was the least she could do to support his career as a thriving businessman despite her being inclined to a different field, knowing that Sasuke already has several businesses that he was overseeing.
Plus, it was the coffee shop where they first met, so when she decided to personally oversee at least one of their many businesses, the cafè was her first and immediate choice.
It was heartwarming for Sasuke to see how dedicated his wife was in keeping up with the reputation of his family, not that she didn’t have a topflight repute of her own in terms of medical studies, but her character and dedication were some of the many confirmations to Sasuke that Sakura was definitely meant to be an Uchiha. Having her as his wife was probably the best dream that he has ever achieved for himself.
Sasuke paced across the room and decided to approach her from behind. Slipping his arms around her waist, he peered over her shoulder to check on what she was doing. "Are you almost done?"
Slightly startled with her husband's touch, she responded, "Yeah. Just a few more items and we could go home." She smiled as she met Sasuke's gaze. "How's Sarada?"
"Well, she was easily bored again today, pretty much a lot like me." He snorted. "But she said it was only because her math homeworks were too plain for her, so much like you in that manner. Tch."
Sakura smirked. "We've made a pretty smart child, haven't we?"
Sasuke nodded with a smile. They've always been proud of how advanced Sarada's cognitive skills were for her age. And as she grows older, the distinguished characteristics she has acquired from either of her parents are slowly manifesting in her deeds and speech. It's a little funny for them sometimes that they got to see an image of their younger selves in Sarada.
Sasuke then planted a kiss on Sakura's shoulder blade. "Meanwhile, to kill her boredom, I told her about how we met."
"Oh, yeah?" Sakura suddenly cackled. "So you finally got to tell her about how you used to have a short-lived crush on nee-chan?"
Groaning, Sasuke tightened his embrace on her waist and buried his face in her hair. "Well, if I didn't notice Sasuna-nee back then, and if Hisuke-nii didn't fetch you from school and bring you here, I most likely wouldn't even get the chance of being introduced to you." He smirked as Sakura continued to laugh. "I'll always be grateful to them, that's for sure."
Sakura slightly pulled away to turn on her seat and now face Sasuke. "It's funny how our lives changed since then, don't you think? It's how we got to know that Someone was really orchestrating every single thing in the world to fall into place." She said, beaming from ear to ear while gently placing her arms around Sasuke's neck. "That day, I felt so sure, that you were made for me, and I for you."
"Hn." Sasuke had felt the exact same way, and he couldn't help but capture her lips with his as an agreement to her words. It was quick but sweet, making Sakura giggle in delight.
"But, do you remember how difficult our college years had been?"
Her husband's face went blank. "I don't even want to remember."
"Right." Sakura frowned as she relived the pain of those years without Sasuke.
It was a mutual decision. Growing up together, it was as if they were practically glued to each other that when you try to pull one of them away, the other would be inevitably wrecked, too.
It became almost too unhealthy how they depended on each other to the point of being too consumed in their own world. That's why when it was time for them to take different paths towards the courses they wanted to pursue, they knew they had to end their two-year relationship that bloomed during their Senior High School years (when Sasuke finally had the guts to tell Sakura that what he had for her was more than a mere childhood crush).
It wasn't just about the long distance caused by their different universities, nor the hectic schedules of their business and medical classes alongside various extracurricular activities, but it was about learning to let go that they may individually grow.
When their parents learned about it, they were surprised, but they agreed that it was indeed a wise idea.
Itachi thought it was so courageous of them that he viewed them with so much admiration ever since, because he saw how his brother stood firm with his decision although it was apparently not easy for him.
Sasuna felt heartbroken, thinking about how she wouldn't be able to take it if it was her who had to break up with Hisuke just so they could focus on their individual pursuits.
Nonetheless, both their families trusted them that they were already mature enough to deal with matters of the heart, even though it involved pain.
It was Sasuna who first witnessed the positive effects of the harrowing decision to her younger sister. Entering college made Sakura leave the clingy and hopeless romantic teenager behind. She grew up to be more confident in her own skin, even though she was alone and she didn’t have the arm of a raven-haired guy constantly linked with hers. Her track record was a testament that she has made a name for herself in her chosen field, healing patients from various pains as her own heart slowly got healed.
Itachi had shared great reports about his younger brother too. During a batch reunion alongside their spouses and other batch mates in the academy, Itachi and Sasuna made sure to have a catch up about their siblings who had decided to cut off their communication with each other. Itachi proudly mentioned that despite being away from home, Sasuke grew up to be a very responsible man, worthy enough to take ownership of their companies even at such a young age. He also became more focused than ever, compared to that sulky and lovesick teen that was damned crazy about "keeping pests away" from his pink-haired childhood sweetheart.
Years later, their college graduations marked not only their professional milestones, but also their personal growth. And their families couldn't be any prouder.
For Sasuke, hearing about Sakura being hailed as one of the best rising doctors of their generation made him glad that they stuck with their decision. It was so apparent how Sakura had grown on her own, without him getting in the way as a distraction in pursuing the difficult career she chose. Though he was miles away, he had always hoped all the best for Sakura, even if it might not include him.
There was a part of Sakura that wished she was with Sasuke while he was slowly achieving his goals, but she knew that in one way or another, it would be difficult for him to focus with her around, just like when they were kids. And even though it was still a struggle for Sakura to stop longing for Sasuke, she found peace in believing that her Creator would not withold the best from her heart; hence, she continued to focus on her career and wait for love to come at its proper time. After all, she has always desired for Sasuke to be happy, even if his happiness wouldn't involve her.
But just when they thought they already had everything, they knew, somewhere at the back of their minds, that something was still missing.
"Doctor Haruno!" A nurse suddenly approached Sakura's office with a panic-stricken face. "You are needed at the emergency room. Someone came in complaining about an intense chest pain."
"Oh? Okay then." She proceeded out of her office after the announcement, though she wondered why she had to attend to the ER when she wasn’t even assigned there. Brushing the thoughts aside, she rushed to the emergency room because she knew how chest pains could lead to a more complicated situation for the patient.
She gasped at the sight after pulling the green curtain sideways. Because there, seated on the hospital bed, was no other than the man she has painfully yet bravely decided to let go of years ago. "Sasuke...kun."
Sasuke, on the other hand, simply gave her a blank yet meaningful stare, as if scrutinizing every single thing about her and taking in all the changes in her after how many years of not seeing each other.
But Sakura didn't let the previous astonishment get in the way of what she was really there for. When she came back to her professional senses, she immediately prepared to wear a stethoscope and paced towards her patient. She then asked, "What happened?"
There was, however, a long pause. And Sakura felt as if her galloping heart would explode the longer she heard the constant ticking of the clock behind her. "I need to know what happened so I could give y–"
"I realized I'm still in love with you, that's what happened."
She was frozen right then and there, with her stethoscope just a few inches away from Sasuke's supposed painful chest. Hesitating, she put her hand down and met his intent gaze. "W-what..."
Sasuke's eyes softened at the sight of the emerald orbs that he missed. He knew what he was there for, and he wasn’t gonna beat around the bush before anyone decides to call him again for a business meeting or what.
He cleared his throat, reaching out to gently grasp his doctor's hand. "This time, I hope the time is right. Sakura, would you allow me to court you again but with the intention of marrying you?"
With that, Sakura's pent-up tears for the past few years suddenly came rushing down her cheeks. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. But she knew those onyx eyes very well, and with the way they were staring back at her right now, she knew that there was no hint of lie in there.
Slowly, her lips formed a smile as she gave him a nod that made him smile back. "This time, I'm not letting you go."
And that was the beginning of their journey towards the now.
"It had to happen though. Or else we wouldn't be the man and woman that we are right now," Sakura acknowledged, still facing her husband in their dimly lit coffee shop. "There was no single day that I didn't miss you, Sasuke-kun. You remained my inspiration. I thought that as long as you're doing your best somewhere else, I ought to do my best wherever I was too."
The corner of Sasuke's lips twitched upwards. "And I never stopped loving you." He then lifted two fingers to lightly tap the pale forehead of his wife, a gesture Sakura knows all too well. "Even though I was successfully able to repress the emotion for so long, at the end of that long season, it still resurfaced above all the other things I preoccupied my mind with."
Sakura chuckled and enveloped Sasuke in an embrace. "In the end, it's still you and me."
"Hn. And it all started in this place."
"Papa! Mama!"
The couple's attention was suddenly caught by their little girl as she ran towards them with her hands seemingly clutching something behind her.
"Hey, Sarada!" Sakura stepped off the bar stool and leaned down to Sarada's level with Sasuke following suit. "Are your homeworks done?"
Sarada nodded as she smiled sheepishly at her parents. "I've just finished my gift."
Her father arched an eyebrow in wonder. "Gift?"
"Here! Happy Anniversary, Mama and Papa!" Sarada exclaimed happily as she held out her hand, revealing a paper with a drawing that was far better than her old sketches of stick people.
Her mother beamed as she received the said gift. "Aww! Thank you, dear! This is so nice!" She affirmed while scanning Sarada's drawing of their family.
Sasuke did the same beside Sakura and slowly smiled at their daughter. "Thank you, Sarada. It's beautiful."
The youngest Uchiha grinned in delight. She was glad that her parents liked her surprise gift. She almost thought she wouldn't be able to finish it within the day since her Papa was with her a while ago. "You're welcome!"
"Hmm. Why is there a fourth figure here though?" Sakura asked her daughter as her eyes trailed over the figure of a little boy with black hair and green eyes beside Sarada in the drawing.
Sarada bit her lip as her parents stared at her. Scratching the back of her head, she answered, "I...I was thinking that...maybe...Papa can give you a...younger brother as a gift?"
With that, Sasuke suddenly looked away while seemingly choking on his own spit.
Then, Sakura went home alongside her husband and daughter with a drawing in hand and a very red face after that.
© December 2018 AriannJS
Thanks for reading! As always, I’d love to know your feedback! Check out my other SasuSaku fics here! :)
Like what I do? Please consider supporting me on ko-fi as I continue to write fictions and make song covers! A cup of coffee would be a big encouragement! :)
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thefangirlslair · 6 years
PERPETUAL WINTER (A Sasusaku Fanfiction) Part II
Note: It’s finally here. Wow, the last time I updated this was last May. Time flies so fast. Thank you to everyone who patiently waited for this. I hope this is okay. I don’t know if I did a decent job in making their emotions real but let me know please. Thank you! Their whole conversation wasn’t really the way I planned it. But it just happened as I was writing it, like it has a mind of its own. I hope it was okay. I’ve been anxious about this ever since I typed the first word. Aaah! So yeah, here you go. I hope I finish the whole PW series before this year ends. Thank you again for reading! Xo
PS. Been listening to a lot of sad songs while I wrote this so I included some songs. But I was listening to Back to You by Alex & Sierra and I got emo. Lol. This is also up on my ffnet!
Excerpt: "Can I kiss you?"
Her mouth opened in surprise, her eyes widen in shock. Her breath comes in puffs, visible in the winter cold. Sasuke waited patiently, offering a silent prayer to her. He doesn't pray to any god now for he believes there is none. But if Sakura heeds his prayer then maybe there really is one.
Seconds felt like infinity until she firmly answered, "No."
Sasusaku Pairing (10,304 words)
(Disclaimer: The lyrics aren't mine but from the writers of the songs I used. See author's note at the end. I feel so fucking horrible right now so I haven't reread this since I finished it. So I'm sorry for the typos and such.)
A Poor Attempt at Writing Fics
SasuSaku Edition X
Perpetual Winter Part 2
"When will we ever be truly happy?"
A quiet hum was the reply from the other line, his mother probably contemplating about what to say to him. He didn't mean to be this vulnerable but this is his mother, the only person he could trust with his whole life. More than his best friend, of course.
Few seconds passed and he heard Mikoto say, "Maybe when we accept that things aren't always meant to be."
He sighed, looking outside while leaning back on his first-class seat inside the plane headed to New York. The sky is a bit dull, thanks to the winter of the upcoming Christmas.
"Yeah," he quietly agreed. "Maybe then."
He heard his mother sigh in return and asked, "Did you at least talk to your father before you leave?"
He closed his eyes and thought about his talk with his father earlier, "We're okay now. He called me while I was with Itachi."
At the mention of his brother's name, he's sure he heard a quiet hitch in his mother's voice when she spoke. "I can't believe it's been 10 years. Time flies so fast."
10 years since Itachi died and yesterday was the anniversary. He went to Itachi's grave and stayed there for hours, talking to his dead aniki once in a while and just thinking about everything. Before he went home, his father called him.
There's no question that he loves his father, but they just don't get along really well ever since he was a child. Their relationship was forever scarred when he agreed to the heir position. He thought, and probably his father as well, that their father and son connection was truly lost.. until yesterday when Fugaku called him.
He couldn't even remember the last time they talked on the phone, or the last time he heard Fugaku as a father, not as the Uchiha patriarch.
"I'm not proud of most things," Sasuke remembered his father say. "I've done things I regret and will forever haunt me. But if there's one thing I'm proud of.."
He held his breath as he waited for his father to continue. Then he heard his emotionless father in a strong but cracked-on-the-edges voice, "It's the two of you. I'm proud of your brother, and I'm proud of you Sasuke."
If he could cry by then, he would've cried. But there are no tears left to cry now for his last tears were already shed years ago. But nonetheless, he felt his heart ache because of his father.
His father added, "I'm sorry. For everything."
It's nothing new, this ache that's been living in the beating organ of his body for so long now. His heart will always ache because of his family. Most of the time, it's in a painful way, but not this time. This ache is the kind you feel when you know something heavy is being lifted from you. Sasuke sighed.
"Tou-san," he whispered through the phone, and looked down at Itachi's grave. The snow lightly falling around him touching the stone and his hair.
He heard Fugaku softly gasps on the other line, definitely shook by his address. But then later replied, "Yes, Sasuke?"
He smiled softly, feeling the air around him shifts as if comforting him. Nii-san, he thought by then.
"Thank you," he sincerely said. "And I'm sorry, too."
Looking back from yesterday as he opened his eyes to reality, he felt warm. He said to his mother, "Yeah, it is."
Mikoto asked, "When are you coming back?"
"Just in time for the Christmas ball. I have to be there," he said gruffly. He heard his mother laugh softly.
"Will you bring a date?", Mikoto asked in a teasing voice.
He snorted, "You know I don't do that, right?"
Mikoto sighed. 9 years have passed since her son broke down that December night, following the shattering of Sasuke's heart. She will never forget that night. She knew as she held him on the floor sobbing his heart out that it would take an awfully long time to heal, but not this long. Her son is 29 now — driven but tired, strong-willed but fragile, loved but lonely.
"Do you have at least any plans? You can even bring just a friend, you know that," Mikoto pushed.
There was an announcement that the door of the plane is closed and now ready to take off. All electronic devices should be turned off and Sasuke exhaled inwardly for he has avoided his mother's prying. Mikoto also heard the announcement and nearly rolled her eyes.
"I need to go. I'll call you when I get there," he said to Mikoto.
"Okay, son. Take care. Don't overwork yourself," concern and love evident from her voice. Sasuke smiled gently.
"Aa. You too."
Sasuke finally turned off his phone and waited for the plane to take off. He thought about what his mother implied earlier. Bring a friend?, he thought. As if I have a lot to choose from. I only have Naruto and-
He sighed. That "friend" is definitely unavailable. She's probably off somewhere in America where she's happily living her life with her husband. The last time they met, she was newly engaged. He didn't bother to know how she's been doing for the past 3 years. He didn't want to risk the longing he might feel. Only God knows he does.
But he remembers that it was winter, as it always been for the both of them. Green eyes across from him, pink hair blowing in the cold wind, red lips on his skin — he remembers it all.
As the plane drifts, so does he — where the memory of their last reunion lives.
3 years ago
Love is just a state of mind.
This was his mantra every single day since the day he left Japan. Yes, there were doubts, but he strengthens his resolve every damn day when he wakes up. He remembered saying it to himself yesterday, and even earlier when he woke up. He always tells himself that maybe it's just all in his head now — that he already moved past every shit he went through, that he's not stuck loving the same person for only god knows how long; the same person he broke in front of him that first snowfall of that year's winter and he's now reunited with, wearing that smile and that fucking ring.
'Love is just a state of mind', he repeated for the second time today as he watched her talk outside. 'You actually don't love her anymore. You're just nostalgic of the memories. You're just being dumb.'
The little jolt of pain from his chest says otherwise. He's been telling himself that line since he went to study business the following year when they broke up. But today, Haruno Sakura managed to put all Uchiha Sasuke's progress he worked hard for more than 2000 days in just less than an hour within her orbit. She's so lethal.
'Love is just a state of mind, my ass.'
He watched her talk animatedly outside the café. In her rush to talk to that 'Neji-kun', she mumbled a quick 'excuse me' to Sasuke and forgot to bring at least her scarf outside. Sasuke watched as she repeatedly hunch her shoulders to her neck and run her gloveless tiny hand on her arm.
And even though he saw how her hand holding the phone shake a little because of the cold, he could also see the happiness radiating from her smile and the brightness of her jade eyes even from where he's sitting.
It stings a little, but he couldn't tear his eyes away. Not when she looks that way — not his anymore, but still so beautiful.
Timing is a funny thing. Once you thought you're over it, one pink-haired beacon of spring will bloom in your eternal winter and blow all your progress into next week. What a woman. He will never find anyone better.
Sasuke fought with himself to look away from her and when he did, he looked at the chair that she occupied a few minutes before she went outside. It reminded him of a time when sitting across from her bright eyes and even brighter smile once annoyed the hell out of him. Not because he hates it but because he's started to like it; he even craved for it.
Innocent coffee hang-out as they do algebra, group study with some of Naruto's friends for an upcoming english quiz, spontaneous pizza parlor visits after watching movies — all of them ending up across from each other. Never beside her, no. Always across, right there in front of him, as if saying 'look at me'. She never did say it, but he looked nonetheless.
Sasuke was pulled back to reality when he felt a tap on his shoulder as she moved towards her recently vacant seat, "Hey, sorry about that. Someone just checked in if I'm still alive or not."
She said it so lightly that someone might think she's only talking about the weather. He wanted to point out her ring finger and wordlessly ask if the caller was the same person who gave her that ridiculously huge piece of shit, ('she was never the flashy type. she hates the offending thing,' he thought) but he didn't. He just nodded and sipped his coffee that's as bitter as the taste of the truth is.
"It's fine," he added quietly.
He watched as she shivered on her seat as she takes a bite out of her muffin. "So," she drawls on. "How have you been?"
'So it begins.'
"Good. Business is doing great. Economy is booming as ever. Foreign investors are st-"
"Oh c'mon, Sasuke," she interrupted. "I'm asking about you, not your company or Japan's economic state."
He paused for a second to look at his coffee and say, "There's nothing to say."
Sakura actually snorted out loud for that, something that she did a lot when they were younger. "6 years and nothing happened to you? Only your business? Oh please, you know I know shit about business and all that."
That made him smile a little, "You know a lot more than you think. You're the smartest person I know."
A look of surprise and something he couldn't put a finger on flashed in her green eyes, and for a moment he thought she would blush like she always did when he pays her a compliment. Instead, she answered back steadily.
"Thank you. But still, I'm more on the medical field than your corporate expertise. I want to know about you."
It's making him frustrated. There was a time when he could catch her off guard and make her blush like crazy that makes him go crazy himself. Now, the woman sitting in front of him is so hard to read and so poised and feels so unattainable that even Uchiha Sasuke, the Uchiha Sasuke, feels inferior.
He swallowed the slight insecurity that suddenly gnaws at his bones for talking to this newest version of Haruno Sakura. She looks different; she sounds different. He now wonders if she smells, feels and tastes different too. He halted his thoughts before it goes worse.
He leaned back on his seat and shrugged a little, "I'm okay. Busy as always. I rarely have free time like this one."
She offered a small smile, "I bet. How's Colonel Mustard?"
He smirked at that, "Still grumpy and lazy as hell."
"How does he look like now? Do you have any pictures of him? I wanna see," she exclaimed with a tiny hint of excitement. How could he stand a chance to that face?
'You're hopeless, aren't you?', his own thoughts mocked him.
Sasuke took out his phone and scrolled down to his photo gallery. When he saw the picture of his cat taken by his blond idiot best friend, he tossed it to her and she caught it as naturally as a pro. He hid a smile.
As she scrolled away, he asked her back. "How are you?"
She briefly looked at him just then and answered distractedly, "I'm fine. I'm still pursuing my medical career and it's all good. Hard, but I think I can manage."
'Of course, no doubt about that,' he silently praised.
"I'm not so homebody anymore so I got a few friends. I got them when I started to attend a music class because I wanted to learn piano. I could play it really well now," she added. A hint of pride could be heard in her voice. "Oh, and guitar too. I didn't know th- oh!"
He heard the coo from his companion and silently watched her smile and comment on how his pet seemed to be weirder than before.
"All of his positions are so weird and funny," she said, her fingers covering her lips as she laughs. "And I guess Naruto can't be a photographer even if he wanted to. These photos are terrible."
He smothered a chuckle, "You know he's an idiot at everything." He paused for a moment and asked her, "How did you know it was the dobe who took it?"
She gave him a look that says 'Really? You're asking me?' and he immediately knew. Do you honestly think Uchiha Sasuke likes taking pictures of his cat? Hell no.
'You're so predicable, Uchiha. You think you're so sly, aren't you? Look at you now, asshole.'
Sakura returned her eyes to his phone, still browsing for his cat's terrible photos, until he saw her flinch a little and stopped scrolling. His brain automatically went from zero to 100mph and racked itself for what could've made her act like that. He's also annoyed that he noticed her flinch. It's because he's staring at her. Idiot.
She finally raised her eyes to meet his and said, "I guess you still kept it, huh?"
She brought his phone back to him and his eyes fell to what was displayed on it. Sasuke fought a shiver inside him because he immediately knew what she was talking about. He regrets that he decided to save it instead of ignoring it.
It was taken maybe 4 or 5 years ago in his apartment in London where he was studying business, and was recently sent by Naruto ('#flashbackfriday when your cat was still a bitch and you were still a workaholic ass. oh wait, you still are!', the blond captioned) through text. The photo was simple — Naruto taking a selfie with his cheeky grin, Colonel Mustard obviously scratching and struggling on the blond's arm as they lounge on Sasuke's room, and Sasuke in the background typing with his one hand and holding a cup of coffee on the other.
He didn't know Naruto was taking ridiculous selfies with his pet, but he did know that his best friend has this annoying habit of barging into his house and his room without a care. He already gave up scolding him.
But the one that made Sakura flinch and Sasuke's heart clench was the tiny and a bit blurry object on Sasuke's bedside table in the background — a frame with their picture together when they started dating. The said frame is currently in a box hidden somewhere in his old bedroom in their family house. He hasn't seen it in years. But seeing it now after so many years through a selfie photo of his best friend made him relive the said picture.
It's the only thing he kept from all the physical reminders of what once was. He was aware that it wasn't good, that he shouldn't have kept it on his bedside table and see it every time he wakes up. But it's the only thing he could look at without hurting much, because it reminded him of a good and innocent time. And with the life he had after their break-up, lonely and bleak and just plain cold, that picture gives him a hint of warmth and spring.
Or maybe he's just a masochistic son of a bitch.
It was a picture of them on Christmas Eve, the first one they shared as a couple, with them only just a few days of being official. You can say they were drunk — with liquor, with each other, with love. They weren't wearing fancy clothes nor inside a fancy house in a fancy party. They're in Naruto's apartment with a couple of their high school classmates, sweaty and lit and inebriated, counting down the seconds to Christmas.
Both their faces aren't shown in the picture, but you'll know it was them. Sasuke was facing away from the camera wearing a plain black t-shirt; his wide shoulders, blue-black hair peeking through his cap, and tall height as a give-away to his identity. The slight curve of his arm indicates that he was holding onto something. Or someone, rather.
Around his torso was a pair of arms, coming from a petite form that's obviously standing at his front. Then there is something peeking from his shoulder. The only things you can see are her bright pink hair, and her equally bright green eyes staring straight through the camera. You can tell she's smiling even if you can't see her mouth.
His face was sideways, so anybody would see the slight curl of his lips partially hidden through pastel strands of Sakura's hair. Throngs of people and their red plastic cups with confettis falling around are all a massive blur in the background. The only clear picture was the picture they made together — drunk in each other's arms but sober to know that it's all real.
God knows he would kill just for them to be back in that moment. It's foolish, it's dumb; but it's what his heart wants. He knows it deep in his gut and in his soul. He had never wanted anything ever.
But then, things change. People, too. And Sasuke is aware that this Sakura sitting across from him now is getting married to someone she chose to be with; someone she said 'yes' to; someone who isn't him.
Truth hurts. These are the facts, and he can't argue with them. No matter how much he shield himself from the onslaught of emotions running through his whole being as they look at each other 6 years after the worst time of his life, the truth is hitting him on the face. It's sitting on her left hand's ring finger and it's blinding and suffocating and god, he wants this misery to end. When will this ever end?
'How do I unlove you, Sakura?'
Sasuke wanted to maintain their eye contact, but he needed to breathe. He looked away and closed his lids, took a breath and held it for a few seconds as he thought hard before releasing it. He hoped that Sakura didn't find it weird.
As expected, she patiently waited for him to speak up. She obviously still remembers his habit of sorting out his thoughts first before blurting them out. He wanted to laugh. Sakura and the world have clearly moved on with their lives while there's him stuck on the same shit he's been doing since forever. So predictable, so pathetic.
He fought the frown that was threatening to form on his face and opened his eyes to look at her. "Yeah. I kept it," he finally said.
Sakura was just looking at him, analyzing him with those eyes of hers. 'Stop looking at me,' he thought.
Sakura finally replied, "I kept mine, too." His heart lurched for a moment. He remembered her own copy — same night, same party, same drunk picture; but in a different angle. Sasuke gritted his teeth to fight his urge to bite his lip. It's a habit of his when he doesn't want anything to spill from him and she knows it, so he just nodded stiffly in return.
She then added, "Why?"
He shrugged nonchalantly, hiding his nervousness and anxiety. "It reminded me of a good time," he truthfully answered but used with a light and careless tone.
Sasuke saw her frown at that. He felt the gears turning in her head as she prepares her next queries. Sasuke thought, 'I gotta divert this conversation.'
"Don't worry about it," he blurts out. "When my mother saw it, she told me I should not dwell on the past anymore. So I think she kept it hidden in our ancestral home."
He almost sighed with relief when he saw her face changed expression and settled with a small smile, "How's Mikoto, by the way? Does she still have insomnia?"
"She's doing okay now," he answered her, thinking about his mother and her insomnia when Itachi died. "She's good, don't worry. Her pies are still the best," he managed to give her a tiny smirk.
Sakura smiled, "That's good to know. The last time we saw each other, she looked worn down."
He frowned at that. 'They saw each other? When?'
His confusion must've been written all over his face so she said, "Didn't Mikoto tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
Her eyes widened a bit for a split second and softly answered him, "She sent me off at the airport before I went to the States. Mikoto was actually the one I saw before I boarded the plane."
Sasuke didn't know what to say, what to think. His mother? Why would she do that? What did they talk about? Why didn't Mikoto tell him?
He just continued blankly looking at her, lost for words. Sakura looked back at him with an awkward expression. Apparently, Sasuke wasn't the only one who felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.
After a few silent seconds that felt like hours, Sakura broke the silence. "We just briefly talked for a few minutes before the gates closed. She asked me what happened to us that time and how you were doing then."
Sasuke clenched his fist under the table and scoffed, "I hope my mother didn't tell you how miserable I was."
'Still am,' he corrected in his mind. 'How miserable I still am.'
Her eyes were steady on his when she answered, "She did, actually. She knew I was as miserable, too."
He's now regretting the vulnerability in his words. There's a pang of pain he felt in his chest where his heart lays beating weakly by the minute. He fought the need to clutch it like he did that night when he broke down in front of his mother in their living room.
'Why are we here? Why am I fucking here?'
Sasuke swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and concealed his true fucked-up feelings with a humorless smirk. "Aa. That sounds like my mother," he quietly replied.
He needed a minute. It's only been what, an hour of being reunited with his first love, and she's slowly but surely breaking down his armor with little to no effort? He wanted a drink or a smoke; anything but this already cold bitter coffee in front of him and this girl, this stranger, that has the face of his long lost love.
Sakura offered him a tiny smile and said, "Yeah. I hope I can see her before I leave again soon. Would it be okay to have her number? Or is it the same as before?"
Sakura blinked and looked taken aback at first with his abrupt answer, "No to what?"
"All of it," Sasuke dryly replied.
Sasuke couldn't take this any longer. He couldn't understand a thing, much less feel anything at all. All he has is this numbness slowly gripping his whole being.
Green eyes flashed for a second and he heard her say, "Why not?"
He countered with, "And why should you?"
Irritation can be heard clearly in her tone as she spoke, "She's not just another person in my life, Sasuke. I just want her contact number so I could talk to her."
"And I said no," he said. "There's no reason for you to reach out to her anymore."
He knows he's being irrational and being a bit childish to be honest, but he couldn't understand why she's doing this. Add that to the gnawing leech of ache in his cold and broken heart, you could say he can't think straight at the moment.
It doesn't help that she looks gorgeous while breaking his heart all over again.
Instead of being angry like he anticipated, Sakura's face turned concerned. 'That face,' Sasuke inwardly sneered.
"Are you okay?", Sakura calmly asked him.
He replied, incredulous. "Am I okay? Really?" He scoffed, "Yeah of course, you just told me my mom spilled my guts to you and now you're here trying to reunite with her like nothing ever happened. So why shouldn't I be okay?"
Sasuke was trying to compose himself because he could feel his voice starting to shake and rise from too much emotions. The last thing he wanted to do is create a scene in this coffee shop. He kept his face as blank as possible.
Sakura just stared at him for a long time before answering, "It's been 6 years, Sasuke. You should be okay." Then like just an afterthought, she added. "We should be."
'How is that supposed to mean?', he screamed in his thoughts. 'You're perfectly fine, absolutely okay. You're getting married, you got your life altogether and planned out, you still look amazing and I'm here wondering what the hell am I doing with my life."
With all those thoughts, only few words came out, "And what makes you think I'm not?"
"Your face says it all, Sasuke. I know you," Sakura replied, still using that calm tone she has.
It's grating on his nerves so that's why he didn't fight when he abruptly slammed his fist on the table as his voice rose slightly, "Stop it!"
Her eyes widened in response and darted around the place. In his peripheral, he saw some customers glance at them curiously. Fortunately, there are only few. It dampened his rising mood and slightly pulled him back to himself.
His eyes were boring into hers when he said through gritted teeth, "Stop saying you know me, Sakura. Like you said, it's been 6 years. Many things changed."
Not all of them, he could admit. Just like his feelings.
She sighed in response, "Yeah, I could see that. Just like when you opened the door for me. You never did that before." She concluded it with a small smile.
His insides were in a turmoil. Is every word she's gonna say will continue to rattle his emotional and mental state? Is everything gonna remind them of their past? Is everything gonna slap him in the face that they never had a closure in the first place and maybe that's why?
She continued talking, "I noticed that you're taller, and that you've gotten a bit of tan. You're not as pale as before. Your hair is longer. You've become more tight lipped, but I guess that's because it's me you're talking to. I mean, after the way we ended I could unders—"
"I said stop it," he said quietly.
Her eyes remained the same, calm and collected. But he could also see a hint of determination and question in them. He couldn't understand. Why does she look like a girl on a mission? Those eyes are steady and serene but piercing and brave at once.
Sasuke inhaled deep and softly asked, "Why are you saying these to me?" His eyes are still looking through hers, "Why are you here? Why did you drag me here?"
He just wanted to drink his coffee and read his books in peace. He did not ask for her to be there at the other side of the road before he crosses it nor ask for her to come along with him. He did not want to see her engagement ring on her finger nor see her drink her black tea.
He did not ask for Sakura to come back in his life and remind him of what he lost when he let her go.
"I want to catch up with an old friend and have coffee with him," Sakura answered casually but softly, her eyes still seeking his as if wanting to see his thoughts.
His anger started to come back and he blurted out, "Friend? We're hardly friends now, Sakura."
"But we were once."
"Yeah, before I fell in love with you and you fell in love with me," he said with his voice shaking from too much restraint. "Before we kissed with the intention of something more than being platonic. Before I introduced you to my family as my girlfriend and you brought me to your parents' graves."
Sasuke heard her softly gasped at that last statement but he continued, "Before that night when we broke up. Before right now where we're here, acting as if none of those shit happened to us."
'Before we made love. Before we argued like kids and fucked like adults. Before we stayed up all night just talking about our dreams in the future and woke up in the morning realizing that our future was already right fucking there, staring at us in the face,' he all but screamed inwardly.
He leaned forward to look at her directly and fought the urge to grab her face to reiterate all of what he's saying. Then he whispered to her with a voice laced with longing and regret and desperation.
"Before right now where I'm asking you.. why you are here. Why are you here, Sakura? Why did you come back?"
Sasuke saw her eyes and her whole face soften as they continue to look at each other, until he saw them cast downwards towards the table. He followed her line of vision and saw her left hand.
Several thoughts came running through his head, all jumbled and don't even make sense. But one thing stood out to him even without her saying anything — she came back to Japan because of her engagement.
His eyes flicked back towards her face and saw her looking at him, almost apologetic and tender that he felt his chest tighten. Then Sakura spoke, "I think you already know."
He did; he does. Ever since she picked up her call and he was almost blinded with how fucking shiny her ring was and with how he felt like being punched to the gut, yes he knows. He will never have her back.
Not now, not ever.
Sasuke stood up abruptly, forgetting everything except picking up his coat. In his mind, he only wanted to get out of there. Get out of this café, get out of her life.
And so as soon as his hands found his coat when he stood up, he quickly strode towards the door. The faint noise inside the café was all but a noiseless background in his mind. He was actually expecting Sakura to call out to him, and when he finally opened the door to exit, all he heard was nothing but the howling of the cold wind outside as it snows.
The door of the café closes and so does his door.
He never paid attention to his surroundings. He just kept on walking and walking under the slight fall of snow around him. The streets are busy and the people are busier, all of them trying to make it through the day. Sasuke is the same. He just wants to make it through today of all days.
He never once imagined their reunion would be like this. He had this brief fantasy before about them seeing each other again, and finally realizing that they were meant for each other. They will throw away all the bullshit they went through and start again, fresh and new. They will never part. Never again.
But he didn't anticipate the fact that Sakura could be loved by someone else, too. And in return, she could love that someone back.
Sasuke should've known better. She was the smartest, most patient, most beautiful person inside and out that he ever met. He should've known that one person could see and appreciate that as much as he do, and will do everything to fight for her love.
And that's what Sasuke didn't do — fight for her.
He released a pained breath and watched as his mouth formed puffs of air because of the cold. He then noticed that he was in a playground, sitting on a swing in a nearly deserted park. His tall frame was hunched down on the tiny swing, his long legs bent as he stared into the ground.
He had no idea how he got there, but it may be a subconscious act. He always liked things that remind him of a much simplier and innocent times in his life. He also didn't know how much time has passed, but with the faint glow of the sun in the west he could tell.
"I thought you'd be here," a voice came and knocked on the closed door of his heart. He turned his face towards it, he saw her and suddenly his doors came opening again.
The winter sun was directly behind her, giving her this eerie glow. Like a nymph; a spring nymph being born in his perpetual winter. He shivered inside.
Sasuke couldn't see her face properly but he knows she's looking at him with those eyes of hers. He couldn't see them, but he could feel.
He watched her as she approached him slowly as if he's a wounded animal. In a sense, he is. He feels like it. He's wounded for the longest time, deep and real that he's full of bandages. And now, she's here to rip it all off and pour salt in his wounds.
"You left these," she said as she passed him his paper bag full of books and his scarf on her other hand. He never left her face but silently took the things out of her grasps and placed the books down as he held onto his scarf. After a few silent seconds, he finally looked away from her and stared at the thing on his hands.
She spoke again, "I knew you'd be in a playground. You have always been like that."
He heard the chains rattled as she sat down on the other swing beside him, facing the other way. They sat there in silence, watching as the sky took a break from crying too much snow and families in the park prepared to go back home.
If you ask Sasuke right now, this might be the only thing that haven't changed between their dynamic — the silence. They have never needed words ever since they became friends and silence is a comfortable companion back then. When they became lovers, it was like their platonic third-wheel aside from Naruto.
Right this moment, it's a bit different. The silence is there, but it rang like no other, begging to be noticed. An obnoxious loudmouth bother, a deafening pierce of a non-existing noise; it's right there between the two of them. And with a heavy heart, Sasuke took a breath and broke it.
"You're getting married."
Sasuke saw in his peripheral that she whipped her head towards him. He kept his face straight and forward, his eyes trained on two little boys riding a bicycle with their parents following behind. He felt his heart twitch in nostalgia.
Sakura returned to her original position facing the other way from Sasuke. You can hear the amusement in her voice when she spoke. "He finally said it," she softly said, as if she's talking to an audience.
He frowned, not caring anymore and looked back at her. He saw her fiddling with her scarf around her neck, noticed that she's not wearing her gloves. He can see the ring, subtly reminding him of why they're here.
"I was wondering when will you talk about this," she said while looking down at her ring, her voice still soft and quiet. She put down her hands in her lap, "That was the reason I said all those things back there."
She then looked back at him and he met her round and honest green eyes, "It was a bit childish of me, I know. But.. I just had a feeling you weren't being honest with me back there."
'Oh fuck,' he groaned inwardly. 'No, we are not doing this. You are not doing this to me.'
Outside, his face scrunched up in confusion and frustration. "Why? Why would you do that?", Sasuke's voice is as quiet as hers.
Sakura kept her eyes glued to him, "I hate seeing you like that. It reminds me of our last night."
All thoughts evaporated. Heartbeats stopped. Breath halted. Sasuke could only do one thing and that's to stare right at the love of his life. He felt something sting behind his eyes and he looked away.
"I know you weren't being completely true that night. Like I said, your face says it all. I know you good enough even before we got together."
"It kinda hurts when I saw you doing the same back at the café. It brought back sad memories," she looked down. "And also because.. I already know, Sasuke. I already know the whole thing why. Naruto told me."
He fought a groan that tried to came out of his lips. First his mother, and now his best friend. Who's next? His father?
"He came to visit me in the States right before I started attending Harvard. He told me everything. The company, the merger.. the arranged marriage."
Sasuke remembered drinking with Naruto a few months after their break-up. And the next day, Naruto told him that his father wanted him to go to Massachusetts to attend a conference. He didn't bother to ask for details because he was still hungover from the night before.
"He told me you're a mess; that I should go back and fix our relationship because he can't stand to see you that way. Mikoto actually told me the same thing in the airport before I left but in a subtle way. Naruto was pained and sad for you, but Mikoto was scared and concerned."
He knows she left a week after their break-up in December. Before the year ended, he remembered his mother ask him if he will follow her. He said no. He wanted to, but he didn't.
"I want you to know I understand, Sasuke."
He gripped the chains of his swing hard. He couldn't even feel the cold of it anymore. He's overwhelmed by so much information that two of his precious people tried their hardest to save him in the lowest point of his life by begging her to come back.
How pathetic can he be?
"You weren't supposed to know," he finally spoke. His voice was gruff and tired. He feels so tired.
"It's impossible though," she answered. "I would've known it when the news of your marriage comes out." After that statement, she looked up again and asked him. "Now that I think about it.. why haven't I heard anything about your wedding?"
He exhaled, "She called it off."
Yes, Karin Uzumaki decided not to marry Sasuke Uchiha. He remembered the furious face of his father, the relieved exhale of his mother, the anxious fidgeting of Naruto, the wide eyes of Kushina and the amused smirk of Minato. But most of all, he remembered the determined eyes of Karin and the gratitude behind her slim frames when she looked at him.
"Oh," Sakura softly said. "What happened?"
He played with the scarf bunched at his lap as he replied, "She fell in love for the first time. I told her to decide what she wanted to do and I will respect it. She decided not to pursue the engagement then."
Karin was there for him when he and Sakura broke up. She was his companion in social events, casual dinners, drinking alcohol; but that's just it. A companion, a friend; and to Karin, he is the same.
Yes, they did try to become something more. They kissed once or twice, tried lunch dates, and went to movie theaters. But there was no passion, no spark. There's only mutual respect and comfort, and those aren't the only things a relationship should have.
When Karin told him that she met someone that she used to be classmates with in high school and they talked, she asked him about how did he know he was in love with Sakura. He answered with, 'It has always been a subconscious thing, I guess. You just know.'
So he wasn't surprised when after a year, she told him that she's finally in love for the first time. He told her to do what she wants, and she did. She fought for her feelings, fought for her love. And now she's free, married just a few months ago. Sasuke was her best man because he was her bestfriend. Naruto was pouting the whole ceremony.
Sakura didn't reply this time but she nodded as she looked away. Sasuke turned his head towards her then, silently looking at her side profile. Her cheeks are pink from the cold and her breath is visible. Pink strands are blowing in the wind making him smell apples. Now he knows that she also smells different; she smells like flowers back then.
Looking at her after 6 years felt like a blessing and a curse at the same time. He felt like he was in a reality show, cameras are around him watching his every move and emotions that will run across his face; ready to laugh at him for the biggest prank of his life.
This is his reality. This is real and she's right there, wanting him to be completely honest with her. Say all his thoughts unlike that night; unlike back there at the coffee shop. He could do honest. He will be honest.
"You're still beautiful," he blurted out.
Sakura's eyes widen for a bit and she looked back at him. She blinked a few times, completely taken aback by his abrupt statement.
"I'm glad I haven't taken all your good parts," he continued. "I'm glad you've been able to move past the things that happened. I'm glad you're doing fine. I haven't told you I was proud of you that night when you told me you got in to Harvard so I'm telling you now — I am proud of you. I'm glad you're back.. even if it's because you're getting married."
Her green eyes were steadily shaking looking back at his black ones. Sasuke could see them shining and he hoped she doesn't cry because if she does, he is done for. He will be annihilated right there in the middle of a fucking playground.
With his eyes never leaving hers, he asked her. "Does he love you?"
Seconds stretched out and she finally managed to croak out a yes and a nod. Suddenly, Sasuke felt this incredulous urge to laugh. In the end, he let out a small chuckle.
He gave her a barely-there smile, "Of course he does." His voice was soft but it cracked in the end, "Who wouldn't love you?"
Sasuke saw her eyes gather tears and his fear of seeing them was finally falling from her eyes and right there staring at him in the face. His chest felt tight and his throat burned. He was only whispering his words but he felt like he shouted them to the heavens.
He twisted his swing with his legs to finally face his whole body to her form. He reached out to the chains of her own swing beside her thighs and moved it to face him. His legs widen and put hers between them so he could support the two of them.
As he looked at her face to face, from head to toe as they sit in an empty playground within an empty park, Sasuke felt alive. Given that he knew this woman silently crying in front of him is crying because of him, he felt alive for the first time in years. The dull colors of winter faded in the background and all he could see is the pink of her hair, the green of her irises and the gold of the sun slowly setting down behind her.
Tears kept flowing and her red-stained lips are shaking. Sasuke didn't fight it when he wiped her cheekbone with his thumb, and neither did Sakura. He used the back of his fingers as he wiped the other side. Sakura let him. It felt so surreal to Sasuke.
He was finally touching her again after 6 years. This was what he wanted to do when she was crying that night on the side of the road where they broke up. She feels different, he realized — softer, more delicate. Even though he knows the past few years haven't been nice to her, she still managed to become more than what she was before and after they ended.
Sasuke knows it was long overdue, and that these next words should've been said that night, and all the nights before and after that; but he says it anyway.
"I'm sorry."
She shook her head no and opened her mouth, "No, you don't have to Sasuke-kun. I understand, you d—"
"No, Sak. You need to hear this," Sasuke interrupted. He looked at her intently, "I need this. We both do."
Right then, he realized that this reunion wasn't supposed to be the time where they would get back together as he wished for the last 6 years.
This reunion was for them to finally go their separate ways, to finally accept that things aren't always meant to be; and that includes them.
Onyx eyes bore into jade ones as he spoke freely, vulnerably, and longingly. "I'm sorry for not being the type to open the door for you. I'm sorry for diverting the topic when I felt like being too exposed. It's because you scare me with how much you know me and I was afraid you'll see how ugly I am inside."
She was shaking her head no as he continued, "I'm sorry for ignoring your calls when it all turned to shit. I didn't wanna hear how lonely your voice sounds, that's why. I'm sorry for bringing up your parents when we were arguing that night. It was insensitive of me and I was truly sorry as soon as I said it."
"Sasuke-kun, stop."
He couldn't hear a thing and his voice started to shake but he pushed through with all the pent-up remorse, pain and love bottled up inside him.
"I'm sorry for making you feel insecure, for making you feel less of a woman when we were together. I'm sorry for making you cry then and even now. I'm sorry I'm so messed up inside that I feel ashamed being able to talk to you right now."
He's blurting out his words and his eyes started to blur simultaneously. Sasuke couldn't see her clearly anymore, only the faint glow of her weeping eyes and the halo on her head made by the sun.
"I'm sorry for not fighting for you; for giving up. I'm sorry for breaking your heart, Sak. I'm sorry for breaking us. Not only that night but all the nights after I accepted my role in my family. I broke you when I said yes, and I broke us when you said it's over and I'm so, so sor—"
Sasuke felt her arms around him, her head against his shoulder and her tears on his sweater. He felt all the air inside him dissapear as his tears finally fell when he closed his eyes.
His face reached her head, and he buried it against her hair. And as he wound up his arms around her and crush her into him he whispered, "I'm sorry for letting you go."
They cried — for the loss, for the death, and for the love of them. They embraced for a long time, both of them not uttering a word. When their storm finally calmed and both aren't crying anymore, Sasuke opened his eyes and stared at the almost setting sun.
"Do you remember when you asked me before what my favorite song was?", his head was still against hers.
Sasuke felt her head move and put her chin on his shoulder, "Yeah, I do."
He reluctantly let go of her so he could look at her tear-streaked face. He offered a gentle smile, "I have an answer now."
In his pocket, he flashed out his phone and then he whipped out an old-looking earphones from the other. He earned a small gasp from Sakura.
"You're still using it," she said quietly.
"Hn. I barely use it anymore, but I always bring it with me."
It was the same earphones she gave to him on a random day after they listened to her favorite album which he loved. She taught him the power of music and how it moves people; and taught him how to appreciate it in any form.
Sasuke plugged his earphones to his phone and looked for his favorite song. When he found it, he gave the other earpiece to her and watched as she put it on her ear. It reminded him of that lazy, cold morning listening to Bon Iver and sharing earphones and body heat with Sakura.
He could see the anticipation in her eyes as she looked at him gently. He wished that she would understand that he is dedicating this song for her.
"Listen well." That's all he said before pressing play.
Guitar plucks started to flow through their ears and Sasuke saw the recognition in her eyes. He heard her whisper, "Death Cab, huh?"
He just nodded in return and earned a small smile from her. He felt a lot better now than he ever did before.
When the singer, Ben, started to sing, he was reminded of how he first heard this song while he was cleaning up his room in their house before he left for London to study. Along with their picture of their first Christmas as a couple, he also brought the album that contains this song that he found in his room.
It was obviously hers and she must've forgotten that she brought it there or she purposely left it. Eitherway, he brought it with him to London and listened to it almost every day for the first year of being alone in a foreign city.
He pictures Sakura every time he hears this song, especially when a certain part of the song comes.
All the girls in every girly magazine
Can't make me feel any less alone
I'm reaching for the phone to call at 7:03
And on your machine
I slur a plea for you to come home
But I know it's too late
I should've given you a reason to stay
Maybe that's why he loved this record so much, most especially this song, because he relates a lot to it. Their relationship was never perfect. Yes, their love lacked color but only on the outside. Inside, it's bursting at the seams.
But then, sometimes it isn't enough. When fact and fiction blur together, it could end in tragedy; and that's what happened to them. Sasuke didn't give her enough reason to stay other than the quiet love he has for her. Sakura was never the demanding one, but she deserved more than what he gave. She deserved an explanation, an apology, and a love that fights for her. That's one of his biggest regrets.
The song ended and the next song came, and then the next. Song after song, he silently dedicated them all to her. Every hook, every line; it's all for her. They sat there, hunched over his phone playing all the music, shivering from the cold but warm enough because of each other.
"I just wanna feel alive
And get to see your face again"
"I'll make it without you
Though my body's laying here
It's my mouth that must be lying now"
"I'm talking to what's left of you
Watching what I say
Counting all the freckles on your perfect face"
"I need to hear in black and white
That you don't need me now
Say you don't want me
That it's not like it was for you before"
"So don't go away, say what you say
But say that you'll stay"
"I'll be the one that needs you again
And I'll be the one that proposes
In a garden of roses
And truly loves you long after our curtain closes"
"When you're young you just run
But you come back to what you need
This love is good, this love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead
These hands had to let it go free
And this love came back to me"
Words flowed, lyrics lingered; Sasuke dedicated and Sakura listened. Together, they forgave; together, they let go.
"I need to go," Sakura whispered.
They're both silent after a few minutes from listening to his playlist. He could tell she understood. Her misty eyes and her lips swollen from too much biting are a few giveaways. She was nervous and anxious about saying something. Sasuke waited.
"I.. I wanted to say.." she stammered. She was fiddling her engagement ring as she find her words. Then, "It was good to see you again, Sasuke-kun."
Sasuke-kun. He felt like he finally redeemed himself because of that added suffix. He finally earned it back. She knows all that happened, she understands, and she listened to his apologies and regrets.
He will never ask for anything more.
She finally stood up from her swing and started to turn away towards the setting sun when he found his voice.
"Are you happy?"
Sakura looked back at him, her eyes soft and dreamy. A little red from the crying they did earlier but her vivid green still stood out from the dull hues of the snow.
She nodded her head, "I am. And I hope, you are too."
From the lonely swing he was sitting on he answered her, "I will be."
Sasuke watched as her green eyes flooded with moisture and she closed them as she took a deep breath. She was trying not to cry again.
"Is this the last time we'll ever see each other?", he asked.
When she opened her lids, she straightly looked in his black orbs. Their eyes have always been their best assets, and they use it well. Especially at times like this when words don't seem to flow easily.
Her voice was quivering when she answered him, "Maybe." His heart sting a little but then she added, "I don't know.. I hope not.."
He stood up, "Can.. can I be selfish for one last time before you go?"
He was aware that he decided to never ask for anything from her again. She went through so much just by being with him and even right now as they speak. But like she said, maybe this is the last time he'll see her — beautiful and ethereal with the setting sun bathing the snow-covered world behind her, making her rose-colored hair burn in the right way and her glimmering emerald pools pop out with emotions.
Sasuke watched her swallow first, as if sensing that he's gonna ask for something he wasn't supposed to, and she was right. He knows this is ridiculous and inappropriate because she is getting married to someone she is happy with, and she has every reason to deny him of this which he will respect if she does.
But he is Uchiha Sasuke; and he is selfish, and arrogant, and compulsive when confronted with feelings, and irrational when he wants to be.
He is Uchiha Sasuke and she is Haruno Sakura, and only God knows how much he fucking missed her and longed for her and cared for her and loves her.
He loves her. He always will.
And so he took one step, then two, up until he reached her shaking form. With anticipation crawling in his veins, making his skin prick and his lips tingle, he asked his final request.
"Can I kiss you?"
Her mouth opened in surprise, her eyes widen in shock. Her breath comes in puffs, visible in the winter cold. Sasuke waited patiently, offering a silent prayer to her. He doesn't pray to any god now for he believes there is none. But if Sakura heeds his prayer then maybe there really is one.
Seconds felt like infinity until she firmly answered, "No."
His shoulder sagged. He anticipated it, but it still hurt a little. He understands and he respects it, but he still wanted it. He looked down and forced a smile.
"I know. It's okay, I understand. I shouldn't have asked. It's ridiculous and completely absu—"
"Can I kiss you?"
Head whipped upwards as fast as it could that it gave him a sudden whiplash. He saw her soft smile and her even softer eyes and she's just so fucking beautiful it hurts and she's gonna kiss him.
All he could ever manage was to give her a nervous nod. He was like back to zero, no experience with girls and how to act with them. He was like a child being promised of being brought to an amusement park or given a new toy. He was like a high school teenager realizing for the first time that he was finally getting to kiss this girl that he really really likes.
Sakura stepped forward and looked up at his face, eyes roaming around as if watching for a shadow of doubt in it. Sasuke looked back and gave her a look of someone who will never get to have this chance again.
Her bare hands went up and held his face. He helped her by leaning down and pressed his head against hers. He closed his eyes and waited for her kiss.
Sasuke felt her breath on his lips and heard a murmur laced with strawberry scent. Her cold fingers against his jaw tighten for a bit as her words sank in him.
"Thank you, Sasuke-kun."
His heart stopped as he waited for her soft lips on his eager ones, but it broke altogether when he felt them on his forehead.
If it wasn't a sign of them really over; if it wasn't a sign for him to really let her go, then Sasuke doesn't know what it is.
He understands it now. She chose to be with this person she's marrying and she chose to be faithful to him. She chose to settle all tangled knots from her past to get ready for her future — her future without him.
He wanted to cry again but he didn't. He fought it hard, feeling his eyes water behind closed lids as he feels her lips linger on his forehead. He could feel her lips shake as she presses them harder to his skin. He clutched at her waist and gripped her coat hard.
No matter what happens in the future, he had this. He had this last moment with her, and he will be forever grateful.
All that happened was a blur after that. In the end, he remembered not watching her go. He immediately turned around as her lips left him. He wanted his last memory of her to be her smiling face close to him, not her retreating figure in the lonesome park.
No words were said after that. He sat in the swing again, noticing that the sun had finally set. Winter night came howling in and he is alone again.
Sasuke never saw her retreating back, nor her crying eyes, nor her last attempt to look back at him.
He will never know, because he will never see her again.
Sasuke took a deep breath as he walks out of the airport, finally in New York soil. He saw the car that was supposed to pick him up right there in the front. He watched as the driver took his suitcase and put it in the trunk.
All the while, he cracked his neck. He was tired. The flight was long and his brain was fogged with those memories from 3 years ago.
He can say he's doing better now. He really let her go that day, wishing her all the love and happiness she deserves. He really meant every word he said and every thing he did.
To say that he's not missing her would be a lie, though. She still manages to plague his mind sometimes and make him think of what she's doing right now. Where she is, how she's been, how happy she is; all those things. But for his welfare, he decided not to dwell on those things too much.
He's 29 now. 9 years have passed since they broke up, and 3 years since they had their closure. He dated once or twice, but it never really worked out. He really tried those times, but there was just something missing. It didn't feel right.
He isn't rushing through anything. Right now, he's just trying to make his way through every day, one step at a time. Who knows? Maybe this coming year might be the year for his love life. Maybe he will meet someone in his almost 3-week long stay in America. Maybe it's the time to finally open his closed door again.
As he opened the door of the car, he took another deep breath and silently hoped so, too.
(A/N: Songs used are A Lack of Color - Death Cab for Cutie; Echo - Jason Walker; Make It Without You - Andrew Belle; Bulletproof Weeks - Matt Nathanson; Let You Go - Jason Walker; Don't Go Away - Oasis; Happiness - Rex Orange County; and This Love - Taylor Swift (please also listen to Ryan Adams' version of this because it fucking hurts) Thanks!)
part 1 | special chapter
97 notes · View notes
itsuki-minamy · 4 years
“R:B” CHAPTER 1 (Complete)
The murderous wilderness was spreading.
The rugged terrain that both feet step on connects to the horizon beyond. There is nothing to block and the dry air caresses the skin. The blue night that stretched above his head was so deep that it reminded him of the jet black of the universe.
Desolate, vast space.
A casual, cold and lonely world.
However, something is refreshing. There are no shackles or ways of fastening. Everything is refreshing. It is formed by the power itself and only the will determines the future. Strict, tough, lazy, free.
So he ran as his heart commanded.
It didn't make sense, but there was no city, so he hurried.
The feeling of the hard earth is transmitted to the feet. It is the dry and dusty wind that makes the hair flutter. The exhaled breath is hot. Heat invades and overflows the body. It is painful. However, his face was broken. There was a type in which the mind and the body were elevated.
The meat moves, the bones are removed and the blood flow runs. The cells of the body are full of something fresh.
He moved his limbs with all his might and kicked the ground with all his might. He kept running all the way, forever. Still, the world is wide. Overwhelmingly broad. It was so high that he could see it, and it was deep to the bottom.
It is a reason.
When he realized it, his heart broke free. The tiny body and the vast world became one through the soul.
Will come here one day. He always thought so.
When he can he will come here. He has always expected it.
He simply cannot admit that there is no such place.
The intangible irritation was eroding Suoh Mikoto.
It's hot and humid, midnight in the middle of summer. Countless voices echoed out of nowhere in the alley where Suoh was.
Angry. Hoarsely. They scream. And the shot that goes through them.
However, the most striking sound is probably that of flames, which burns violently at night. When Suoh's team, “Homura”, sharpens their fangs, it is always the sound that flows on the battlefield. The dissonance of destruction echoed down the alley, transmitting the warmth of fighting spirit and madness.
Suoh takes out the cigarette as he walks, lights it, inhales it slowly into his lungs, and exhales.
The dissonance grew stronger toward the back of the alley.
What illuminates the area is the unreliable streetlight. However, at the destination, a creepy light reflects off the wall of the building and flickers. Fire and flame. If you look closely, you can see the traces of destruction on the nearby walls and on the ground.
The burning smell of fireproofs pierces the nose and gives heat, which is different from the sun during the day, the upper arm clings to the sword. Signs of intense violence. However, Suoh's expression doesn't budge. There is an obligatory atmosphere somewhere and he walks in silence.
Something was found in the darkness of the alley.
Is a person. The fallen man moved as he approached the corporal. Suoh's line of sight moves in a hurry.
Apparently he was weak. The well-tanned skin and deeply carved features are not Japanese. The clothes he was wearing were torn, and conspicuous burn marks were visible.
The man staggered, but when he noticed Suoh at his side, he shook his face.
He yelled briefly and pointed to the gun he was holding.
Suoh looks at whoever is pointing it with an uninteresting look. Smoke and exhale.
"...Get lost."
Low, thick and dry voice. Still, it is a mysterious bright voice.
On the other hand, when the man repositioned his gun with both hands, he repeated the shallow breathing.
A strong man, perhaps routine, who has come into contact with violence. But now, the man's eyes lacked calm judgment. All that remains, is a simple fear of irrational and mysterious things.
Suoh's lips, who had added a cigarette again, closed and distorted.
Just a few moves, "Ka".
Immediately afterward, the man fired while screaming.
A sharp shot explodes and the flame flickers. But almost at the same time, a light that far exceeded the fire swirled between the two.
It is not a flame, it is a high density mass of "power" in the form of a flame. The fired bullet was swallowed by the flame that suddenly appeared and disappeared with the flame. A momentary event. However, the living flame is etched in the mind of the viewer as a burn mark.
The man screamed loudly and threw his gun at him to escape. A monster, screaming in the alley. Suoh looked at the back of the fleeing man with his severed face. Then he inhales a lot and exhale.
Purple smoke spills into a windless alley and melts into the humid night air. Unknowingly, his eyes chased the smoke, and Suoh lifted his chin and looked up.
This area is an old commercial district. The multi-tenant buildings lined up have concrete walls that narrow the summer night sky. It appears to be at the bottom of the hole or even inside it.
From the alley where sound and heat are muddy as starch, only the fine purple smoke that is gracefully exhaled escapes into the clear sky. Suoh felt the irritation focus on the rest of his body.
Suoh waved the cigarette roughly, hit the soles with a step, and started walking again.
At the end of the alley.
Finally, the alley was cut and he went out into an open space. It is a warehouse built along the old street and a parking lot for large vehicles prepared in front. Immediately, the sound and heat that doubled in the alley rushed like a tsunami.
Many men fight two-handed.
One is a group of people of different ages and races who continue to shoot in the warehouse. The screams are also mixed with syllabary in English and Chinese. According to information from Kusanagi Izumo, an advisor to "Homura", it appears that they are from the Southeast Asian criminal mafia organization, who began to enter and leave the Shizume-cho area earlier this year. He hears the main business is buying and selling drugs and firearms, but the guns they have now are probably part of the product.
On the other hand, it is the young people who have settled in the street who are attacking the stopped truck instead. It is a group of not a few minors. They don't have any kind of firearms, and at most they have things like knives and iron pipes in their empty fists. It is not a force that can compete with the armed mafia. However, they were removing one after another the gangsters who had spread through the alleys, and finally pushed them into the warehouse.
It is their "power" that fills the overwhelming difference in strength between them.
It was a flame-shaped "power" that they were manipulating as members. It is nothing else, the "power" that Suoh gave them.
Possessor of the ability to induce peculiar phenomena.
Among them, including Suoh, there are only seven people in the world, Ex-A individuals, popularly called "King's Power", and some were also simply called "King". The street gang, "Homura", is the "clan" with whom he shared his power.
The red clan "Homura" led by the third king, the Red King, Suoh Mikoto.
They are such a talented group of people that they are hunting down the armed mafia.
One of the members was quick to notice that Suoh appeared in the parking lot. Rikio Kamamoto, a veteran of the team.
"Sorry! We wanted to finish it by the time you got there, Mikoto-san, but they even took out machine guns."
Under the word, he roared a series of different shots. It is not a gun. As Kamamoto reported, it is probably an assault machine gun. He sees the members of "Homura" running towards the shadow of the truck.
"Damn it! Don't be afraid! I'll make a wall with flames and push it!"
"Damn. Roll back, not forward!"
The screams of the members can be heard from the shot.
Despite being exposed to intense firefights, the members of "Homura" did not appear to be weakened.
On the contrary, the sense of exhilaration to exercise "power" as they wish makes them feel joyous and even joyful.
Everyone was full of energy and their eyes were shining.
Fierce fighting spirit and madness. The heat that had been transmitted to the alley was now filling the area.
Suoh frowned slightly.
The blood is burning. The enthusiasm emanating from the entire body seems to be provoking Suoh. The "power" in Suoh wants to be released like his friends.
At that moment, a flash of light ran through the warehouse window, making a sharp, sparkling noise on the asphalt. Suoh's feet. A series of landings snaked like a seam, the surface of the street was crushed and debris bounced. Kamamoto hurriedly stepped on, "Oh?"
"Damn it! Mikoto-san, please be careful!"
With Kamamoto yelling in a hurry, Suoh looked around the warehouse. The distance is about 200 meters. It's a good range. Suoh waved the cigarette. The back of his body tenses. The impulse of "power" approaches the throat.
Suoh's "power" is flame.
He fundamentally hates slavery and wants freedom.
When Kamamoto urged him on, the bullets flew again. A bullet that jumps overhead lands on the asphalt behind. Kamamoto jumped in front of Suoh, yelling "Watch out!" Trying to protect the "King" with his own shield.
"Kamamoto. Go away."
Suoh said that carelessly, made a noise and stepped forward. Kamamoto looked back to say something, but when he saw Suoh, he swallowed the words. Then, as if pushed by Suoh's magnetic field, he naturally stepped aside.
Take two or three steps forward. He spits out the cigarette and stomps on it. Immediately afterwards, the bullets grab the side again. A smile came to him. The blood was playing.
All good.
A bright red aura escaped from Suoh Mikoto's entire body.
The aura that colors Suoh turns into a burning pillar of fire, expelling the darkness around him. Heat waves struck the surroundings suspiciously, and the humid night air instantly burned away. But what is most striking, is his powerful presence. And it was a feeling of intimidation like a fire giant, that you can't think of the same person.
The men who were fighting enthusiastically caught their breath and looked back.
Then after a second, they screamed louder than before. However, some are terrifying and others scream with joy.
The perimeter aura spreads explosively and occupies the entire area.
Probability deviation field of the king, is the "area" of the king called "Sanctuary". Furthermore, the released "force" shoots up into the sky, is concentrated at a certain point, and is compressed to form a "shape".
A huge "sword" that appears high in the sky with the release of the "enormous power of royal authority". The sword-shaped energy body, which is a crystal of "power" and symbolizes real power, was called the "Sword of Damocles" following the history of ancient Greece due to the "possibility" of the phenomenon.
The members of “Homura” took a breath.
"No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!"
They raise their voices like crazy and thrust their fist skyward.
The King's "Sword of Damocles" is the source and symbol of the "power" of the clan members and the flag of "Homura." They are proud of him and his friends. The screams of fiercely violent, yet transparently pure youths screamed to the point of conquering the summer night.
Is not sufficient.
Still not enough. That "power" is a feeling and a passion. The red waves that sprout from the limbs have yet to come out. More and more. He wants to release that "power" that boils like magma. Everywhere, forever, to the limit. No, he wants to go beyond the limits and run until he breaks.
It is an unreasonable desire to be released.
He's hungry, the flames jump.
Sparks fly.
Suoh's flame gained even more power. It gained even more momentum. The voltage of "Homura" increases proportionally. The hot air has now turned into a soggy heat vortex, making all tangible things deeply compressed and squishy. Kamamoto, who was on the other side, stumbled unbearably and stuck to the bottom. The moment Suoh's entire body was integrated with the flame, a small crack ran in the "Sword of Damocles" high above. It's okay. It's even better if he tear everything down, screw everything up, and that's it.
There was a light voice that did not suit the occasion.
Suoh suddenly tightens the loose rope. The "power" that was about to be unleashed went crazy at once.
Suoh suppresses it with all his might, but the trapped "power" immediately increases the internal pressure on Suoh.
The Sword of Damocles is flawed, and the blade cracks as if to complain.
"Please forgive me. It's hot and dry."
The unreliable voice, however, was uncontrollable in reflective passion that crept through the turbulence of "power" and reached inside Suoh. A lead line of sight that melted when heated entered the lead vocal. The murderous impulse of violence seems to have a mass of its own. However, when the young man smiled, he showed his shoulders to Suoh's eyes.
Tatara Totsuka, executive of "Homura".
He is a kind and neutral young man who seems to have nothing to do with violence. However, Totsuka smiles in front of the "King" on the verge of an outburst without hesitation.
Suoh stood up with all skeletal muscles contracted for a while.
Then he relaxed his whole body a bit.
He carefully lower the internal pressure that was the limit.
Look around.
The space around the area is already filled with exploding "power". The clan member, who receives the king, can exercise more "power" than usual in the "Sanctuary". If it had been a fifty percent battle situation up until now, it would have been impossible for the enemy to win.
He does not need more.
The pillar of fire that swallowed Suoh slowly melted into the night air. Enemies and allies. While looking at everyone in the place, Suoh took out the cigarette, lit it, slowly inhaled it into his lungs, and exhaled.
"...Burn them."
Short command.
The voice that answered was brave and fierce, and seemed to clearly indicate the whereabouts of victory or defeat. Kamamoto leaps to his feet and runs to the front line. Not just him. The members of "Homura" jump out of the shadow of the truck and run to the warehouse.
However, Suoh didn't even look at them. Various urges that are still hard, he presses his lips and desperately gets over it.
Totsuka asks to think about it. Suoh barely replied, "Oh.", While looking away from Totsuka.
"I have watered it."
It seems like he couldn't help but say it after knowing everything. Suoh's harsh expression was revealed in the apology that appears to be Totsuka. At the same time, the mind regains balance.
"Leave the rest to them."
"Okay. Still, there is no room for me."
The clansmen who witnessed the majesty of the "King" attacked the warehouse immediately. The battle will end soon. Suoh slowly releases smoke.
"No, you see. At the moment, I had a strange feeling."
"What are you saying?"
Suoh's strength gradually unraveled as Totsuka laughed. Suoh was somewhat conscious and smiled bitterly.
He is still irritated. The anger lasted a little longer, it was supposed to settle deep down on Suoh while the total amount was reduced a bit. As usual. Suoh has been screaming and screaming for years with intangible irritation eroding him. Even with the fire of the "King", there are things that cannot be burned.
Why did he become king? The self-question that has been repeated many times since that day three years ago, returns to his heart.
But that was the moment.
There was no sign. It's not like I feel anything.
However, Suoh suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the night sky as he was guided by his intuition.
It is the eastern sky.
And Totsuka lags slightly behind and turns his neck in the same direction as Suoh.
Suoh's red "Sword of Damocles" floats high above them.
And, maybe it's his imagination. Beyond the night sky they gazed at, he felt blue light flickering.
Like a shooting star or something.
Suoh silently does not respond to Totsuka's words. However, he kept staring up at the sky.
The fight continues.
However, Suoh couldn't look away for some reason.
"Blue King?"
"Yes. The position has been vacant for a long time, but it seems that it has finally been filled."
Totsuka listens from the counter, Kusanagi nodded while cleaning a glass tumbler.
"HOMRA" is a retro-style bar in a corner of Shizume-cho. In addition to the seasoned counter, there are vintage couch and tables in the large wooden shop. The rows of colored bottles lined up on the rear bar are truly authentic.
However, contrary to cocktail making, "HOMRA" is the real territory of the red clan recognized by "Accord 120," and even the home of Suoh Mikoto, where the executives of the "Homura" street gang gather. The owner and master is Kusanagi Izumo. He is still twenty-four years old, but he took over the shop originally run by his uncle.
"Ah... but the information is still fast."
"I don't care about that, it's about me."
"Well, because 'King' is 'King'."
"Can you use it a little more carefully? For now, keep a low profile."
"There is. It's like a Hagi snake."
It's not a bad wind, but Totsuka sticks out his tongue. Kusanagi shrugged his shoulders.
Kusanagi is a high rank. He dyes his hair and often wears light-colored sunglasses. He seems like a smart gamer, but he's actually quite a difficult person. He was the oldest of the main members of "Homura", and probably because of that, he had a bad feeling of familiarity.
On the other hand, Totsuka is a young man of innocent childishness. The neat face is also feminine, and the piercing in the left ear looks good. Although he is an executive in a street gang, the impression that he is violent is probably of a distant kind.
Suoh, Kusanagi and Totsuka became their first clansmen (Clansman) when Suoh, who had been associated with them before Suoh was chosen "King", woke up as "King". Three years ago. When Suoh was nineteen.
"The former 'Blue King' died when the crater was created, right?"
"It's the so-called Kagutsu incident. The previous 'Red King' lost control and changed the terrain of Japan. The previous 'Blue King' must have died at that time."
"Well then that was over a decade ago."
Totsuka leaned freely over the counter and looked away.
Even though it happened over a decade ago, they both recall the confusion of the Kagutsu incident. After all, a huge crater suddenly appeared in the southern part of Kanto, causing hundreds of thousands of victims. There are various opinions about the truth of the case, but only the "King" and his vassals know the truth.
"Hey, that new 'King'..."
Without telling anyone, Totsuka muttered. Kusanagi did not reply and continued to polish the glass in silence. Then after a while, he takes out a cigarette to take a break.
1:00 PM. Even the members of "Homura", who are usually immersed in the place, rarely appear during this time. In "HOMRA", which is noisy until midnight, he can spend more quietly and slowly during the day like now.
The summer sun shines vertically from the skylight and does not enter the store much. The windows were filled with brilliant white light, vividly separating the scorching exterior from the coolness inside.
"Eh? Hey, Kusanagi-san. Now that the new "Blue King" has appeared, will "Scepter 4" be revived?"
"I don't know, but it is likely."
Kusanagi replied casually, pursing his lips and spitting smoke. However, his appearance was mysterious and it can be seen that he foresaw the troubles of the near future.
"Scepter 4".
Its official name is "Family Registration Division of the Tokyo Legal Affairs Office, Fourth Branch". As the name implies, it is an office of a government agency, and its business is "special foreign family record management, etc.".
However, the real situation is "a security organization for people with powers."
Possessors of the ability to induce peculiar phenomena. The so-called skill holders were extremely troublesome and dangerous in modern society. Although it has strong power, it is difficult to distinguish it, and even if it is legally repressed, there is almost no way to impose some kind of regulation in reality. It is like a human being with a firearm that can be used anytime, anywhere, without control, without any qualification or legal responsibility.
However, many of the talented people acquire their unique abilities by receiving "power" from the "King" or under the direction of the "King". As a result, most of them belong to a clan with the "King" at the top, and as a result, they are under some control. Of course, the nature of the clan changes according to the intentions of each "King", but there is the "Agreement 120" between the kings, to curb social unrest and conflicts between clans, and the unorthodox behavior of the members is also suppressed of the clan.
However, it is not that there are no examples of clan members using "power" to commit criminal acts.
Furthermore, there are a number of talented people who spontaneously gain "power" regardless of the "King". The ones called "Strains". Since they do not belong to the clan, they do not care about the "common sense of the world of talented people", such as the implicit understanding of "power", much less the "Agreement 120", or often they do not know it in the first place.
And it is "Scepter 4" that manages and supervises those Strains and represses crimes committed by talented people.
However, this is the story when the "Blue King" was alive. This is because "Scepter 4" has the appearance of "a blue clan led by the Blue King", in addition to its face as a security organization for people with powers. After all, in the face of a criminal with "power", the most effective way to control and capture is to have someone with the same "power" take charge. And the "Blue King" who controls the "power" of the "Red King" that is rooted in "destruction" reveals his "power" based on "order". The "Blue King" and his clan were best suited as security officers for the talented.
However, the previous "Blue King" died in Kagutsu's case 11 years ago.
After that, "Scepter 4" continued to carry out its duties in the absence of the "King", but last year, it suspended its activities following a certain incident. The job was transferred to another clan, resulting in a mid-way teardown. By the way, "Homura" is not little involved in a certain incident.
"Well, there were several things about us and "Scepter 4", but objectively speaking, that was a necessary organization. In fact, after "Scepter 4" disbanded, the problems related to the Strains increased."
"But thanks to that, we are making money."
"That's right. Recently, I feel like there are various adverse effects."
"You feel it?"
When Kusanagi asked and looked back, it seems that Totsuka somehow understands what Kusanagi is saying, with a bitter face that seems difficult to answer.
He hasn't put up a poster in a big way, but "Homura" has been doing something of a problem solver specializing in collecting Strains for some time.
This is the beginning of Suoh's work if the cause is corrected. For a time after graduating from high school, Suoh was imitating a gorilla in the underworld of Shizume-cho. In particular, after waking up as "King", various organizations have used him as a goalkeeper who can deal with problems related to the Strains. And such a demand has not changed even now, with the rise of "Homura" and becoming a major force in the underworld. On the contrary, it tended to increase even more than before. Today, Suoh himself is less likely to come out, but if requested, the "Homura" team will take the place.
Originally, there are many Strains in Shizume-cho. Every corner of the main street is maintained and a huge view of the street is installed, but if you enter from the back of the block, you can see the type of business that the law touches, mainly in the old town. Not only gangsters, but also foreign mafias have taken root.
For that reason, countless people of various positions come and go, and it was a land where it was easy to find a place for strangers like Strain. Naturally, there are many problems related to Strains.
"Of course, after all, it is a group of bad people. It is natural that it is rude..."
Since "Homura" was established as a street gang, there is a strong awareness that "Shizume-cho is their own rope". If a Strain goes crazy in Shizume-cho, they will take the initiative to go on a business trip and do their best to calm the noise. There was an "achievement" for better or for worse, and there was no resistance to responding to such "requests."
The resolution of problems related to Strains is a non-negligible source of income for "Homura".
"Recently, in a bad way, I am recovering."
Then Kusanagi complained at the top.
It is no exaggeration to say that "Homura" dominates Shizume-cho, when it comes to talented people.
In the context of the absolute existence of the "Red King" Suoh Mikoto, rule by power is widespread. And his dominance extends to gangsters and the mafia through jobs like problem solving.
The situation in Shizume-cho was not necessarily bad for many varieties.
Strains that do not have a clan community are often used by the underworld.
In that sense, the criminal organizations rarely use the Strains in Shizume-cho city, where "Homura's" eyes are shining.
Strains who have struggled elsewhere can live in peace to some extent as long as they follow the minimal rules and conventions in Shizume-cho. In fact, hearing about "Homura's" reputation, the number of Strains migrating from other areas was increasing.
On the other hand, "Homura" in Shizume-cho city is inevitably becoming a kind of "authority". And it is that in "Homura" the number of people who realize this in a bad way and increase their attitude is increasing.
"Well, there are some parts that are not screaming to a certain extent, right? We are who we are, we are doing the best we can since the disbandment of “Scepter 4”. However, I don't know if he will become a Tengu. But if I don't understand because he has a bad head and boss, is he of poor quality?"
Such a trend was more pronounced for the newcomers, especially those who were away from Suoh, rather than the old ones who had contributed to "Homura" for a long time. The main members of "Homura" who hang out in "HOMRA" are the same as before. However, on the contrary, those who have less contact with Suoh and the main members, are swept away by the bloated image of "Homura", and they proclaim themselves members of "Homura". There was a strong tendency to show it off.
What's worse, the people around them believe they admit that attitude; rather, it is a tendency to respond positively.
"A recent story, the problem with the previous mob, I heard rumors like the trigger was in "Homura"."
"Eh? If that's true, it's really bad."
"I don't have any confirmation at the moment. When I thought about looking for him, the 'Blue King' came out and I wasn't sure what to do... Well, I don't want to eat villains anymore. Whether it's the minimum amount of morality or not, the reason is that he is an intelligent person."
After muttering to himself, Kusanagi tilted his mouth and lamented, "It's a bit bittersweet lately." "That's a complaint too." Totsuka pointed out cheerfully, and finally spoke a few words.
"But... it's true. Many of the faces that appear in "HOMRA" have strong habits, but they are basically good. Sometimes I forget if "Homura" is the original group."
"There is no 'good boy' in the collapse of the chicken coop, when you say something like someone else's business. Isn't it your responsibility to educate the newcomers?"
"Oh, again, Saruhiko."
"Well, when it comes to this big family, it's hard to keep an eye on the bottom."
That said, Kusanagi sighed with a bitter smile.
When a royal authority gives "power" to a specific person and welcomes him to the clan as a new member of the clan, there is a transit ritual called "Installation". The specific method differs according to the "King", and in Suoh's case, it was "flame". Only those who collect and accept the flame created by Suoh can awaken that "power" and become members of the clan. If it fails, they'll get a huge burn, and if they don't, it's a life-threatening rough installation.
For that reason, not many people want to join the Red Clan, but unlike other kings, Suoh does not deny them the opportunity. Anyone can take up the challenge as long as they are prepared to put their life in danger.
As a result, in proportion to "Homura's" rapid increase in power, the number of daredevils who yearned for the Red Clan increased, and many people appeared who passed through the facility.
Among the members of "Homura" who are basically gory, Totsuka is exceptionally kind and caring. For that reason, it is his role to take care of newcomers, but these days it is difficult to say that he is doing well in flattery.
"After all, I'm weak in 'power'. The guys who came for that kind of thing would see me down."
"When I say something that is not right. I mean, there is a newcomer that you can lose, right? Rather, it is the reason why the slightly demeaning attitude seems sweet. Sometimes it is very easy."
"Even if you say so, it is general."
Totsuka laughed at Kusanagi, who was in his line of sight.
In fact, despite being the oldest member of the clan like Kusanagi, Totsuka's "powers" are extremely weak, he is excellent in precision and dexterity to wield that "power", but he is generally not suitable for combat. He is a nonexistent type.
Still, the true value of Totsuka Tatara lies in the fact that he has earned friendship and trust without hesitation among tough people, but as he himself put it, he was drawn to "power" and "authority". He was often disrespected by those who participated in "Homura". Even if Totsuka is strangely friendly and affectionate, on the other hand, those who aren't interested have a dry side and easily distance themselves.
"Anyway, Kusanagi-san, do you mean if “Scepter 4” is revived, will the people below be tighter than now?"
"I don't think it's okay if I do it, but... I don't think it works."
"Will we crash somewhere?"
"I don't know yet. It depends on what kind of person the new 'Blue King' is. For the moment, the correct answer is to wait and see."
"It's hard to keep up."
"I don't mean it like other people's affairs."
Kusanagi, who was smoking, involuntarily smiled at Totsuka who was still somewhat grumpy.
"By the way, what about the 'Blue King'?"
"Like I said, 'do the right thing'. I hope you take a little more care of yourself so I don't have to worry about it."
"That's it... Kusanagi-san, you're begging for something that doesn't exist."
"What do you say, do you dare say it to my face?"
"Because our "King" is not interested in the struggle for power with other kings. Oh, so why not appear before the Blue Clan at a social gathering to avoid useless conflicts? Are all members of "Homura" required to participate? This season, there is the Obon dance contest."
“Well, it may unexpectedly be the 'Homura' golden rule. If you have a habit of being associated with Bon Dance, you can stretch your spine. Of many ways."
"I will definitely hold my stomach and laugh."
"It is a spectacle to see how are the people who came with strange expectations to "Homura". By the way, let's serve sake. A direct drink from the third king. They will not be afraid to refuse, I will have many stocks of "HOMRA"."
The area where the two oldest executives handle this seriously is probably Suoh's "King" boundary. However, if Suoh was a perfect king, be it Kusanagi or Totsuka, they shouldn't have thought that he would go to the trouble.
When the rulers of Shizume-cho told a ridiculous story, small, light footsteps echoed within the bar. From the stairs leading to the bar, it was a girl who came down.
"Oh, Anna. You were awake."
She is still young, at most an elementary school girl. Before Totsuka who was smiling, her face was thin, but with a serious gesture, she made a small click.
Like a handmade doll, she is a delicate and well-dressed girl in a ruffled dress. The skin is extremely white and the long hair is also white. Still, the round eyes had a deep red color. Red and black based gothic and lolita clothing looks better than ever.
Kushina Anna. She is a member of "Homura", who, although she looks like this, is a member of the Red Clan.
She is also one of the important members, unlike the newcomers from the fund.
"Anna. What about Mikoto?"
"He is still sleeping."
"Oh. Good condition."
"I feel tired. So..."
"I understand. It was not our intention to wake you up."
Kusanagi gently said to Anna, who said a few words and moved her shoulders. Anna smiled at Kusanagi's light mouth, trying to respond to Kusanagi's concern.
Anna is a member of the Red Clan, but was previously a Strain. She is also a very special person with excellent sensitivity.
However, being a good talent does not necessarily mean that she is lucky for a girl like Anna. Fortunately, she grew up blessed with the adults around her, but for a time she was still closed to her surroundings. She is still not good at speaking and does not have many words.
As Anna reached over and sat down on the counter, Totsuka looked at Kusanagi with a hint of gaze. Kusanagi immediately understood and laughed, "Of course, I know."
"Well, Anna was the first to notice the 'Blue King', right? So I hurriedly looked for him."
"What? That was Anna, it was a credit."
Looking at Anna while Totsuka was impressed, the girl turned slightly. She seems to be shy.
In fact, it was Anna who became the key person in "a certain incident" that led to the dissolution of "Scepter 4". She has a slight connection to "Scepter 4" and the "Blue King." And it's never a funny memory.
However, the incident was the one that caused Anna to join the Red Clan, and she has since moved with Suoh. Thanks to that, Suoh, Kusanagi, Totsuka, and other members love her, and her personality, which tended to crash, is improving.
While the incident itself is not a funny memory, it is an important milestone in her life and, above all, a past event that is now over. Even though a new "Blue King" had been born, she no longer seemed upset.
Even though she is a girl, Anna is growing every day because she is a child.
"Yes, Anna. Are you interested in King's Obon dance?"
"Idiot. Don't even tell Anna there is such thing."
"No, I think Anna looks good in a yukata, right?"
“So even if you don't bother planning an Obon dance, if you take her to some summer festival, that's fine. Anna, would you like to go out on a cool afternoon?"
Kusanagi proposes to go out to Anna while giving Totsuka a hint that he was wrong.
However, the girl's reaction was more serious than the tension of the two adults.
"Mikoto... he was screaming at dawn."
She said it painfully.
Kusanagi and Totsuka involuntarily clutched their mouths and exchanged piercing glances.
Anna has few words, but she pays more attention to the words she says and puts her heart into them. It resonates in the heart of the listener.
"No, I don't think I have a nightmare every day."
"Even in the last conflict with the mob, there seemed to be a lot of outrage."
"Oh, I told you."
"We can understand King's suffering, but we cannot realize it."
Suffering from having too much power. In reality, few people can experience such a thing. Suoh's suffering is the "King's" suffering. There can be no true understanding unless you are in the same position.
"Oh, wow."
Kusanagi laughs. Totsuka and Anna turned to Kusanagi.
"They look like each other."
Just as the hardships of his vassals are known only to his vassals, so is the loneliness of the "King".
So the only way to treat yourself is to respect and be considerate of the other.
“If he's a new king or clan, what happens? Well, at least I don't have to worry about monthly sales, and that's enough."
Kusanagi said that, and started setting up the bar again. Totsuka and Anna looked at each other and smiled out of nowhere.
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kuriquinn · 5 years
Anyone ever noticed how people who leave “constructive, friendly reviews” (that actually are just them pointing out something they personally don’t like) tend to avoid leaving any means of communicating with them to either a) find out ways to fix a mistake or b) respond and clarify why something was written the way it was?
I mean, don’t get me wrong, that’s what I love about posting unfinished stories. I get a beat on what I’m doing right and what I’m doing wrong and some kind of guideline that in the next chapter or the next edit I can fix.
But if someone just leaves a random piece of crit and no username or handle or PM or whatever, I have no way of following it up. And then I have to post it here and hope maybe they’ll see it because I’m not taking up space in the beginning of my next chapter to respond.
So, just to put it out there (and if this person follows me on tumblr or wherever they can PM if they want):
A Mary-Sue is pretty much defined as a character who is flawless and and no one calls on their shit and is usually a self-insert. (The definition covers a lot so if you’re curious check out the Mary-Sue litmus test. It’s very comprehensive)
NTMTO Sakura very clearly has flaws (dependency, making rash and bad judgements, being rather childish and naive at times), she does and will continue to get called on her shit (started with Ino in chapter two and this one, and there will be others later but has to wait since the characters who actually know her and her background to call her on it are all still living in Japan at the mo) and is in no way some idealized version of me, because honestly, I come at things that bug me directly (even more so since my burnout because I do not have the patience for pussyfooting around). Also, being an overachiever is a pain in the ass and stressful as fuck. I would never want to be someone like that because it’s just asking for a mental breakdown and making stupid quick decisions (all of which will be touched on with Sakura later in this fic)
At most the Sakura of NTMTO (a fic that is only in its infant stages right now) could be termed OOC. And even then, she was deliberately written this way to show the contrast between Sasuke’s idealized version of her in his head and the actual person she is. In the same way that she views Sasuke as distant and uncaring toward her when she clearly is ignorant (and a bit dense) about his feelings for her.
These are aspects of the characters that will grow and change and develop over the course of the fic because they are barely eighteen years old and people are not fully formed and mature at eighteen years old. Teenagers decision making abilities and thought processes are wildly different from adults. I’ve watched some pretty assholish behavior on the part of my students while they were firmly in the mindset that they were some kind of martyr. And it happens with even the nicest kids. Girls can be particularly dense about some things when they get into one of their high drama episodes (boys do to but usually in a different way)
If I made it seem like everyone has been blaming Sasuke for the falling out, it’s not my intention. Maybe I didn’t write it properly (keep in mind this is an unedited version of things) but Mikoto and Itachi are not happy with Sakura at the moment. And if she were in front of them they’d make that plain. But they are also not the type of people to make an excuse and go “oh, this is too bad, but don’t worry honey, there’s nothing you can do about it Sasuke because it’s all her fault”. They give him advice about what to do on his end since that’s the only part of it that he can control. You’ll notice that both of them even suggest he might be better off letting Sakura go, which would be the healthier option for Sasuke. As for Mebuki, she just always blames Sasuke. In any fic I write, even the head canon ones. Because she’s ridiculously overprotective of her daughter. That’s not a reflection of everyone shitting on Sasuke, it’s an aspect of her character (to me anyway)
So basically, if you feel like quitting my fic because I’m apparently not doing Sakura’s character justice or putting Sasuke down to make her look better, then that’s your business. Go with the Goddess and all that. But I take pride in my characterizations and plot decisions, and to me, being told I’ve turned a character I worked with for the better part of two years into a Mary-Sue (based on barely 4 chapters) isn’t constructive criticism, it’s short-sightedness and a bit insulting.
It’s the kind of thinking that causes people in the Naruto fandom to hate on Sakura for the way she was as a Genin and refuse to acknowledge all of the character development she went through by the end of the series.
So go ahead. Tell me you dislike how I’ve characterized her in this fic, and that you don’t like the direction I’m taking the story in. Those are valid opinions and I can’t argue with a person’s personal likes and dislikes.
But for goodness sake, don’t throw around the term Mary-Sue so casually, especially when you’re just salty about some OOC moments and plot decisions you don’t like.
(If you want to see a character I consider close to Mary-Sue, honestly I would say my Gal Friday Sakura is pretty much the definition. Four chapters in and she’s practically perfect in every way...though again, it’s only four chapters in. No one knows what I have planned for her in terms of character development. For all you know I could turn that fic into the next My Immortal)
TL;DR: I take offense to having characters called Mary-Sue, especially if it’s unjustified. Use the proper terminology and don’t assume you know the reason an author chooses to write a story the way it’s written until the story is done.
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hellish-summoner · 5 years
To start us off, how about a fun way to learn about the local summoner?
“Well, this might be a bit long, but not like I have anything else to do here, and we are having a pause from the fighting....”
Just for one quick thing before the read more.....
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Have a Heca I made in a character maker~
Introduce your summoner
“Ah, introduce myself? My name is Hecatia Lapislazuil, but most people here we refer to me as Heca; feel free to do the same. As dragon-like as I might appear, I’m a friend, I promise.”
How did they come to Askr?
“Well, I was summoned of course! I was never aware of this world before I came here, which is odd given my role back in He-....Well, that’s not important to you, is it?”
what are their favorite hobbies?
“My favorite hobbies? Well, I certainly like engaging in spell card battles or even just normal battles, but there is no one to fight! All my heroes don’t want to even do a friendly battle for the most part, besides one....”
“......I have found that testing out magic is a fun hobby, and so is doodling or trying my hand at writing. Or......playing video games. I have found that magic can work just as well for charging handhelds and mobile devices, so a lack of a tv isn’t too much of an issue....”
Does your summoner have any bad habits that the heroes try to help them through?
“If I do have any, I’m not looking for solving them; it’s a matter of opinion really.”
“Besides, I.....had a bad habit that I would of accepted help with if I didn’t already learn my lesson there.”
How close is your summoner to their heroes?
“It depends on the hero.....My special heroes required more attention when getting them adjusted to Askr than the normal ones. And I do feel like I’m friends with a lot of the younger ones, and the dragons.....”
“.........Though I feel I’m closest with the special heroes from my world; and two of my Corrins. And......a friend who will be called Hydra since I think he prefers it.”
Does your summoner struggle with being a tactician?
“I will say that I have never thought of acting as well, so it’s been a learning process, but some advice here and there from the polite tacticians and leaders from other worlds have helped. Well, helped with directing people; my own tactics if allowed to fight is basically ‘overwhelm them’ still.”
How did your summoner react during their first time summoning?
“I think I just went quiet and realized that ‘holy shit.....I CAN SHOOT PEOPLE OUT OF THIS GUN???’ because you know.....I know what a gun is, but never remember what this thing is named. It’s the summongun now.”
How does your summoner react to summoning now?
“Eh, I’m used to it at this point. Would love it if it could give me those I’m looking for more often; that hawk king and wolf queen look quite fine~”
How well do they adjust to life in Askr?
“I adjusted fairly well; I’m used to places being behind the modern world in terms of tech......Kinda why I know how to charge things with magic.”
How long have they been a summoner?
“Since.......the start of that conflict with Embla? I think? It’s been a while at least.”
“..........Oh fuck, I have probably worried my wife and husband so much by this point.”
Who’s your summoners main team?
“Right now it’s the two Grimas, Lady Corncob, and smol Tiki. But currently I’m working on training two more Corncobs to make a slightly better dragon team. But hmm, to have Lady Grimgram babysit them, or have Hydra get to go with them into battle instead of just with one Corn.....Hmm...”
Who’s your summoners S support?
“Technically, it’s Crescent, aka the one I just called Lady Corncob, but that’s platonic.....My spouses have not been summoned (yet), so thus I wouldn’t feel comfortable getting in another relationship; the feeling is mutual, since Crescent has her own lovers she is waiting for.”
How was your Summoner and ally support building to S support?
“She was one of my first units to get really strong actually; she had quite the drive to be strong so she could help protect Askr. Partly, the relationship formed out of her assisting me often on staying calm....I was not always a Manakete, so the fact I needed to keep myself in control was a foreign concept.”
“................Not helped by me lacking a dragonstone back then. It had to be made specific too....”
How many allies have s support with your summoner?
“......I might be close enough to Hydra for that to be considered another platonic one. Lady Vallite as well.”
What are your top 4 ally x ally supports?
“Oh my~ Personally, I love to see Mikoto and Hydra interact; lovers separated far too soon finally getting reunited is quite a touching thing to see. Same with Crescent and the only one of her loves that has shown up; I swear, that green ninja follows us into battle even when he isn’t actually among the group fighting; though she has told me that two are still missing, though I don’t know where to find an orange kitsune and a half-dragon that favors a bow over a dragonstone or sword...”
“Who else that wouldn’t require much explaining....Ah yes, the male Grima is a possessed Robin who isn’t the normal one you see summoned, and I summoned a Olivia who uses a pegasus; and got to see Grima actually happy for pure reasons. He was so happy to see his wife again, that even the fell influence could do nothing to stop him from running up and hugging her. Also learned his name is Lunar.....”
“And then.....Ah what the hell, the other Grima, the female one, is quite small and unintimidating in this Askr, but it was quite interesting to see her cling to Henry and refuse to let go of him when I summoned him in his halloween outfit....I think Henry just ended up holding her until she was finally ready to let go.....Kokoro or Miyu is her name I believe, depending on if you are extremely close to her or anyone else.”
“..........I think I saw Kokor-...Uh, Miyu start crying when I summoned male Morgan. Said something about not being able to believe that she is able to have children....”
What does your summoner miss from home?
“I miss the heat......And I miss Isamu and Junko.....I would say I miss my loyal lampad, but CP seems to have followed me here somehow, it just took her a while to find me. And Therai.....I have missed my old friend, but with his appearance comes me needing to earn his forgiveness. He’s......still rather mad at me....”
If they could bring one thing from home with them what would it be?
“Ok, I know I can’t bring a person......I would love to bring a TV......Maybe also some dvds and blu-rays.....”
Is your summoners robe unique?
“...........Wait, we can get unique ones?! Fuck, all I got was one that has holes for wings and horns!”
Who are your fellow summoner friends?
“Let’s see.....There’s Alex, who has long suffered trying to fully comprehend me and magic in general......Lemon, who is from a race adept with time, and banged a dragon, a choice I can 100% respect....Mari, who thirsts for many, and should maybe bed both Xander and Ryoma instead of trying to choose one at this point....Mina, who is quite the lovely lady and understands the pains of being very limited in terms of strength; I honestly hope she regains her lost power, she deserves it......And-...Well, this is long enough already, I guess....”
What does your summoner wear if during their down time?
“I still have my Welcome Hell shirt, and wear it a lot in my downtime; or other t-shirts.....I like wearing skirts, since those are nice to wear, though I have been advised to wear shorts if I plan to go flying or do anything that might lift it up....”
How do they handle merging heroes or sending them home?
“I have never seen dupes of the same exact person, and normally send dupes of the same person from different timelines back home right away....”
What abilities/ weapons do they have?
“I got tomes, dragonstones....I had a lance until I had to give it back to the angry lizard. As for abilities.....Well, it’s not like myself to reveal all my tricks, but I will admit that I’m quite adept with magic even without a tome.”
Would your summoner like to know magic?
“I know magic already, though I would like to learn any new forms I didn’t already know.”
Are they able to hold their own in a fight?
“Yes-.....Kinda. I’m a bit of a glass cannon without my full power it seems......”
How many heroes have you acquired?
“A lot......I have lost count my friend. We certainly have an army here....”
What book has been the hardest? Emotional or battlewise.
“Going with emotional for my allies.....The most recent one; the death curse is very concerning.....Mostly because someone other than that prince got one too; and that poor child’s timer is only five days......I pray for Vallite that she does not have to see her son die, as I’m unsure of how a death from that curse will affect him, or even if it might cause him to get dragged to Hel....”
If your summoner went into battle what would be there class?
“Um....I use Tomes and Dragonstones....which matches no current class. I guess a Nohr Noble but without the swords?”
Are there any heroes they clash with?
“Therai.......though I willingly fight him, since it gets his anger out.”
Which hero have you pumped more into?
“I guess.....Crescent? She has asked to train with a lot of heroes before they go home. She has learned many things from them as a result.”
Which hero do you get a lot of while summoning?
“I see......a lot of the more common heroes.”
Which hero’s have they adopted?
“Harm any of the dragon children, and I and the Grimas will give you absolute hell.”
Do they participate in voting gauntlets?
“When I feel like it.......Not often now, since I need to focus on other things.
How do they handle their orbs?
“I save....sometimes.......Vallite said she saved something called Wisdom Cubes one time and still didn’t find the one she was looking for until she searched some sea a lot....”
What hero do you wanna see in fire emblem heroes?
“Someone let my fellow summoners summon the Silent Dragon. He is very nice if you summon the sane one. Mikoto can help keep him nice and calm.”
Will your summoner stay in Askr? Nifl? Muspell? Hel? Emblian?
“...........Muspell was nice and warm.........I would love to find a way to travel between this world and my own, honestly.”
What is your Summoner life like years later if they stayed? Askr. Nifl. Muspell. Hel. Emblian.
“Honestly....If I seemingly stayed, I would have a way to go back and forth.....So normal really; I have multiple bodies in my world, so maybe I can form one that can stay here, or just travel back and forth as needed.”
“.....Hell doesn’t need me that often anyways; I have those under me that can deal with things there just fine.”
Summoners family reacting to your summoners significant other?
“..............I don’t have much of a family. Isamu and Junko’s families are dead. And.....I actually don’t know what Junko’s parents thought of Isamu. Guess it’s completely unknown then.”
In a twist of fate, if your summoner could change one thing what would it be?
“...............I would say to make it so at least one of my spouses got summoned with me, but one, that would just worry the one that was not summoned more, and two......I would use it to either give that poor child a longer timer or prevent him from having to jump in front of Vallite to protect and thus causing some form of anger for Hel.....”
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mikotoakujin · 5 years
( Muse - IC Questions )
[ Slowly going to post these onto all of my OC blogs, in honor of the fact charahub is going to die soon, and I only really used that for the questionnaire feature, I’m going to post questionnaires IC to my rp blogs. The questions were taken from here. You can do this too if you want!! Also yes, it’s IC unless there are brackets ]
1. Introduce yourself with the basics. (Name, Age, Simple description, Other relevant info.)
“Well, I’m Mikoto. I’m an angel, so I suppose that’s important. Age? Nineteen. [or currently 20 if you follow his birthdays since i made this blog] Well, I like to get out a lot and do things and talk to people. Not sure what else to say.” 2. What is your purpose or your biggest goal in life?
“Don’t have that much of a purpose other than being the next king in line whenever my father steps down. But my personal goal is to get more friends to hang out with, perhaps a lover. And also to better myself.” 3. Of all your belongings, which are most important to you? If there is a story about them, please share.
“I’d rather not share why, but my scarf is rather important to me. I never take it off, after all~! All I’ll say is that it was a gift.” 4. Who is your best friend, or the person you are closest to?
“...” [ Mikoto seems to be uncomfortable with this particular question. ] 5. Who are a few other people you know, and how do you feel about each of them specifically?
“So most of the other princes of their respective lands, some other people, and my parents? Well, I’ll just be quick then because there are a lot. Laphomet’s nice and we hang out sometimes despite being respectively demonic and angelic princes, Mochu is alright but kinda keeps to himself, got no fuckin’ idea about Monarch, mom’s a bitch, dads okay but out more often than not.” 
[ your muse can also be added here if you message me KJdncdjnd.. other peoples muses have links attached. my other characters don’t. ] 6. Do you have any romantic interests, or have you in the past?
“Well... a few, but only one of them returned feelings.... then they were taken away from me...” [ He seems uncomfortable going into further detail. ] 7. What is your general outlook on life? Are you optimistic, pessimistic, or maybe just very neutral? 
“Well, it honestly depends, but I’m mostly neutral about everything. I try to be more positive nowadays, but sometimes it just isn’t worth the troubles.” 8. Describe your relationship with your parents. If they're no longer alive, how did that happen? How do you feel about it?
“As I said, mom’s a bitch, dad’s a lot better but away often.” 9. What is your favorite childhood memory? Make it a happy one!
“The time me and my dad went out and got some candies and sweets...” 10. Do you have any siblings? If so, talk about them. If not, do you wish that you did?
“Having siblings would probably help my mental state. I don’t think I have any siblings but I wouldn’t be surprised if that whore of a mother has a lot more children.” 11. What are your favorite things to eat and drink?
“Well, I personally like wine. It’s nice. I prefer to eat salty things over anything else, so thats why I like chips, and fries, and all’a that.” 12. Who is somebody that you look up to?
“If I think really hard I might find an answer, but I don’t want to. So, nobody in particular.” 13. When you're alone, how do you like to spend your time? Hobbies and Interests?
“Well, I just walk around places trying to find things to do and socialize. Nothing much more than that.” 14. What is something you're really good at?
“Uh.... Maybe... rpgs and Fire Emblem / strategy games...?” 15. What is something you're really bad at?
“Knitting and sewing. Although, I want to be good at it.” 16. What is something that you're constantly working on improving?
“Personality and how calm I am.” 17. Share a memory that involves the person you are closest to.
“No thanks.” 19. What is a custom of your family or culture that you participate in?
“I dunno, we sometimes have festivals? We have the same holidays as humans, but with slightly altered names and there’s always a celebration for it no matter how small the holiday is. Dress fancy, eat food, go to parties and maybe get drunk, and participate in the festivities. We also somehow have a seasonal amusement park. It doesn’t fit into the theme of the fact that our little floating island looks like it was taken out of a medieval fantasy book, so it clashes a lot.” 20. How well educated are you? Do you speak more than one language? Are you well studied in a specific subject?
“Well, as a high royalty figure, I was basically forced to learn a bunch of languages so I can communicate with everyone - a good skill for a leader or person who travels a lot to have. Fortunately, I learned most of these languages alongside english, so it was much easier. I am still most fluent in english, though.” 21. What was your childhood like in general? Sad? Happy? All over the place? Describe it.
“Probably the last one mixed with sad. Not going into any more detail.” 22. Are you at all religious? What do you believe happens when you die?
“Well considering I’m an angel, I’m either already dead or some form of immortal. Probably. I have no fucking idea what happens when someone dies, don’t want to find out.” 23. Describe your clothing and your usual style. 
“My style - at least in what I usually wear - is very hard to describe I guess? How do you describe these clothes? How.” 24. Do you have a job or attend school? If so, what is your job or what are you learning in school?
“Already been to school. Recently got out actually. Although, I’ll probably be shoved back in, except into college this time. being royalty means you have to have good education and good everything and god knows my parents are going to shove it down my throat. Although, since my “”job”” is going to be being a future leader, what the hell are they going to make me take in College...?” 25. Do you have any tattoos, markings, or scars on your body? What are they like?
“My younger - about fifteen to seventeen - year old self pondered on tattoos a lot, but ultimately decided against it. I have a lot of scars or wounds or whatever. It’s why I wear bandages. You can probably guess what they are, considering I’ve (somehow) never burnt myself or had any long lasting bruises.” 26. Is there anything about your appearance that you would like to change?
“Not in particular, no.” 27. Aside from your closest friend, who would you like to enjoy a relaxing afternoon with?
“A lover, but since I don’t have one, likely Laphomet. Actually, maybe one of the more refined princes, since Lapho would just ruin the atmosphere probably.” 28. Do you listen to or create music? Do you enjoy it? 
“I’ve tried my hand at creating music, didn’t work out. I also used to play the violin, but it evolved into playing the harp as a hobby. I’m pretty decent at it. Also, my tastes in music are kinda all over the place but I like videogame osts more than anything.” 29. What is something about the world you live in that is constantly on your mind? (War, Political Unrest, etc)
“The fact that the current leader is a piece of shit. And no, not my dad. The other one. The female one.” 30. If you were to pass a homeless person in the streets, what would you do?
“So it’s not like I have high taxes to pay off or anything, I’ll just give them 100 dollars, maybe food, and be on my way.” 31. Where were you born, and where do you live now?
“Live in the same place I was born. Although, somehow the floating continent of whatever the fuck can grow for some reason, and it’s grown quite a bit since I as a kid. At least, according to my dad. Hell, at this rate maybe we’ll actually get advanced technology and buildings, and it’ll actually look like how it should for this generation!” 32. Do you prefer Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter? Why? “Winter. It’s cold. I like cold. Although it’s awkward because the fact that my clothes expose a lot of skin so they’re more fit to spring and summer. Thankfully, they got people to make me a winter form of my royal clothes. A fluffy coat.” 33. What is something you dream of accomplishing, but don't think you ever will?
“I mean, meeting them again is literally impossible, so yeah I don’t think i’ll be doing that.” 34. What's something that would make you really angry?
“Uh, slurs, shit-talk about my friends, stuff like that.” 35. What's something that calms you down when you're angry?
“Friends, alcohol, food. And just generally rest.” 36. Do you struggle with any physical or mental disabilities?
“I might’ve had depression somewhere in my life, probably still have it to a smaller extent. I miiight be bi-polar or some other mental disability but I haven’t gotten checked for those things, so maybe I’m just jumping the gun.” 37. What are your three best and three worst personality traits?
“Well, best? Don’t like to really brag or suck my own dick, but I guess I’m nice to my friends, rich (it’s a personality trait now), and kinda grateful?... I’m trying to be more forgiving. And the worst, well, there’s a lot but mostly possessive, obsessive, and passive-agressively, or just generally rude. Also low patience, but I try to play it off like I have high patience.” 38. Did you have any friends as a child that you are no longer in contact with? 
“Stop.” 39. If you fight with weapons, what are they? If not, what weapons do you think are cool?
“Did you not notice the giant fucking scythe on my back? Well, I guess sometimes I don’t carry it, but I always have these two little daggers with blue hilts on me at all times. The little tail-cloth-thing hides it, but they’re in my pockets.” 40. Do you identify as the gender you were born with? 
“Mostly. Might be demiboy. Might be nonbinary. When I was born I was technically nonbinary but I slowly I somehow grew... that, so I might be biologically male. I’m not sure.” 41. What is your sexuality? Are you treated any differently for it?
“I’m bi. Attracted to everyone more or less. I like guys or male-presenting people a little more though, girls kinda make me uncomfortable due to the biggest female-figure in my life being a bitch, probably. If anyone has an issue with it I curbstomp them.” 42. What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?
“Somehow being a good student in school I guess? It IS satisfying to get those weird grades where it’s over 100, or above an A.” 43. How did you meet your closest friend?
“.......Maybe I’ll tell you if I actually fucking knew you?” 44. How did you meet your second closest friend?
“Don’t know who I qualify as my second closest. I’d say Lapho, but it kinda depends on mood. But I met all my royalty friends cuz’ my parents when I was younger took me to a different school when we didn’t have one up here yet. All the rich and royal people went there, and the princes and princesses n shit’ were in special classes. So that’s how I found those guys.” 45. Do you have any enemies? Who are they, and why are you enemies?
“My mother. It’s pretty obvious that I hate her. Not going to tell you why; use context clues.” 46. What is something that annoys you?
“My mother as well.” 47. What is a mistake that you've made in your past? Do you regret it?
“Yeah, a lot. Kinda indirectly caused someone's death, so y’know.” [ He kinda seems on the edge a little due to this answer. ] 48. Have you traveled a lot? What was your favorite part of it? If not, where do you want to travel to?
“Yeah, I travel all around the place. Having wings and teleportation is nice, but also sucks major ass at least right now because I still at least get a headache from using teleportation [and on top of that because I’m not that skilled in it yet, it can be unstable], and I get tired quickly by flying.” 49. Are you comfortable around people? Could you befriend a stranger, if given the opportunity?
“Well, as a prince and once again as a future leader, you kinda have to know how to talk to someone even if they’re a complete stranger. So the answer is yes.” 50. Have you ever been in a life or death situation? If so, what was it? 
“Few times. Usually started by the same person. Although, I’m still here, so unless by some mind-fuckery I’m actually in a coma dream or I’m a ghost, then I’ve survived all of those situations. And to make it simple, assault and abuse are the situations usually.”
51. Do you want to get married one day? What are your thoughts on children?
“Most people are surprised when I tell them this, but yeah. I really wanna get married, have some kids (probably adopted or from a surrogate mother since I prefer guys), treat them 500 times better than my mom because she can’t parent for shit, etcetera.” 52. In terms of social status, where do you stand?
“High. Once again, prince. Royalty. My dads related to or is a descendant of god or some shit, so that helps.” 53. Does anybody rely on you for something?
“Not that I know of...? I mean, one guy for some dumb scientific materials but y’know.” 54. Do you rely on anybody for something?
“I’d say I rely on my friends for happiness but I don’t know how true that is. I mean, it’s true, but I could still live without them; just very unstably.”
55. What is a cause that you fight for?
“The national ‘Children having not-shit parents movement’.” 56. Have you ever been drunk or otherwise intoxicated? If so, what is something that happened while you were?
“Well, I think I first got drunk at like, 15 or 16, and I was pretty lightweight then, so I dunno how it exactly went but I think I as stumbling around [ as you do when drunk ] and kinda subtly flirting with people. Well, just complimenting them in weird ways, really.” 57. Is there anybody you would die for?
“It’s a little bit too late for that.” 58. Think of a friend or acquaintance you haven't yet spoken of. How do you feel about them?
“..Sorrow,” He as quick to change the topic; “ALTHOUGH, I have technically spoken about that person, just haven’t mentioned names, so onto another mutual, Nova! They’re weird as all hell and live on a kingdom on top of the aurora borealis for some reason. And then there’s Somnus and Friends! (well, more like Somnus and his two guards that may or may not have relations) They’re cool. Somnus and his worlds people are dragons that are just usually in humanoid form. It’s chill.” 59. Are you competitive? Do you engage in any sports or competitions?
“I heavily dislike sports, but I do get competitive in games. Videogames or things like boardgames or drunken party games.” 60. Are you creative? If so, what do you like to create? Are you good at it?
“I’m ok at drawing, I strive for semi-realism when I do draw, and it is fun! So I might get into it more. Although, right now I’m more well-versed in writing.” 61. What are you the most afraid of in the entire world?
“Nothing really...? Actually, losing a friend. Happened once, I don’t want it to happen again.” 62. Describe, start to finish, an average day in your life. 
“Uh, wake up, maybe go on the internet or play videogames, go out, drink a lot of wine and eat a lot, socialize, go to a different place or go home, go on the internet again, screw up my sleep schedule for the fifth time, sleep.” 63. Do you celebrate any holidays? If so, which is your favorite? What is your favorite memory from that holiday?
“You know most of me and my friends say this, and it isn’t really a holiday, but birthdays. Although christmas and halloween are close runner ups. Christmas because I usually spend it with my friends [ and I get a ton of presents from the weird people in town who thirst over me or generally like me ], I get some presents from my dad, I put coal in my moms pillow, and yeah. Also Halloween has some nice costumes, and I like candy.” 64. Would you prefer a peaceful nature walk or a trip to a busy city?
“Nature walk. Nature relaxes me a lot more than some loud crude city. Although the cities fine too, I’m just too used to it.” 65. Growing up, did you have any important teachers or mentors? What's the most important thing they taught you?
“My school counselor was pretty chill. She told me not to be something I’m not, and that helped me get more motivation to improve.” 66. If your parents or mentor knew everything about you today, would they be proud of you?
“If we’re still talking about my counselor, to be honest, I saw them between my in-between phase of edgy dumbass, and my phase of edgy ruse dumbass, so they’ve seen me at my worse.” 67. What is something that excites you or makes you really happy?
“When I find out someone I know is actually like... gay or trans or something? That’s always cool. Or into something I really like to ramble about or need someone to talk about with.” 69. Do you have any really important secrets, or are you generally secret free?
“Are you expecting me to say something sexual because its the sixty-ninth question? Well fine. I am not a virgin but I still consider myself so because I’ve never had romantic sex (i’ve only had sex around 3-5 times) but for a non-sexual answer, I’m mostly secret free. I’m good at keeping them, but for personal secrets, if you catch me in an emotional mood they may just slip.” 70. If you were walking on the streets and you were attacked, do you think you could fight and win?
“Definitely.” 71. Have you ever killed somebody? If so, why and how? If not, do you think you ever would?
“No, surprisingly not. Well, I did indirectly.... kind of..” 72. What is your strongest physical trait? (Fast runner, very strong, super flexible, etc)
“I’m quick, have good reflexes, and yeah I’m pretty flexible. I can do a split if I wanted.” 73. Have you ever been in love? If not, do you want to be? If so, with who, and are you still? If you aren't, how did it end?
“Yes, not answering, person isn’t here anymore. And I do want to be in a relationship or have someone I like or who is a mutual have a crush on me, as well.” 74. When you're alone and relaxing, what are you usually thinking about?
“Usually about the past or the future.” 75. Do you have a lot of responsibilities? If so, what do they include?
“Well, if you couldn’t tell from past answers, once again, being royalty is fucking annoying even though you get everything handed to you, you still have to work hard to fit into peoples expectations.” 76. Have you ever felt really guilty about something? If so, what was it?
“Youuuu know how... I’ve been talking about.. uh. Causing someones death indirectly? Yeah. That.” 77. Do you have any habits, ticks, quirks, or anything like that?
“Quite a few, I won’t list all of them but, I’m left handed, I tend to do tricks with whatever I’m holding without noticing if I’m bored or waiting for something, if I feel threatened my wings will open up a lot, if I feel sad they’ll usually scrunch up a lot more. Y’know.” 78. What complaints do you have about your best friend?
“If you mean the alive ones, none. I mean, flaws make a person who they are.” 79. What complaints do you have about your next closest friend?
“Also none.” 80. Do you have any special abilities or talents?
“Flight, teleportation, I’m slowly gaining more and more magics - courtesy of my parents, I guess - but they’re weak - my strongest magic ability right now is controlling thunder, though.” 81. Do you have any addictions or obsessions? 
“Wouldn’t say I’m addicted to alcohol, but I do drink it a lot.” 82. What drives you? (Your motivation or inspiration) 
“I’m motivated because of the fact I still have so much to see, improve, and learn.” 83. What do you find attractive in a person, both physically and in terms of personality?
“Clean-shaven, tall and thin, I can go for any personality really, but preferably at least is kinda nice and charming, male probably, and uh... glasses are cute. Wow I sound like a typical girl describing their dream crush, huh? Well, to be fair, I’m mostly fine with anything.” 84. What do you think a stranger's first impression of you would be?
“Depends on what my outwards personality is like at the time, but generally well-mannered if not a little bit weird at times.” 85. Are you ashamed or embarrassed about anything?
“Quite a few things. Like I said, I didn’t have genitalia at birth so that was something.” 86. Would you consider yourself to be trustworthy and honest? Would you lie if it benefited you?
“Sadly, I’m pretty good at manipulation and tactics for it, so I will lie if it benefits me or if I feel like I have to, although if I trust the person then I try to be much more honest.” 87. Has anything huge happened in your life that you feel shaped or changed the person you are today?
“The loss of my childhood friend turned me to hate and absolutely despise my mother. Even though she abused me before, I just took it and didn’t say anything, but when she did it to him it was much more personal and shocking... ah, there’s that... again.. my dumb fucking habit of overstaying my welcome with secrets I’m supposed to bottle up inside me and keep until I die. A-anyways.” [ He seemed to get emotional at the subject, but it seems like he was keeping that inside him for a while. ] 88. What are some of your short term (less than 1 yr) goals?
“Uh... bettering myself will probably take longer than a year, so, maybe taking up gardening and stuff like that. He did that. It was nice..” 89. How do you deal with stress? How do you respond to stressful situations?
“With extreme emotional backlash, usually. It depends on the current situation, level of stress, and if I’m in public or not, or if the stress was brought on by a person, but assuming the level of stress is pretty high, I’ll either become really angry, really sad, or just walk somewhere private and let out emotions there.” 90. What is something that most people don't know about you?
“I like old-timey things and vintage stuff. Like obviously more modern than medieval era, but old enough that it isn’t used much in the new generations. Also I think the way people dressed in older times was funny. Also also, history is one of my favorite classes which is odd to most people since I don’t seem like the guy to care about what happened in the past, I suppose.”
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