#and then squeals like a 14 year old girl at a concert
blueskyheadleft010 · 2 years
Warframe: The New War, is f*ing blowing my brain
Finally finally got enough cobbled together parts to build a Necramech + made sure I at least had rank 5 in all the Railjack upgrades, so I felt pretty confident starting the questline The New War tonight.
[Some spoilers ahead; yes, I know I'm late to the game. Also, sorry for sloppy image insertions.]
Dear god I was not prepared in the least.
I’ve already logged about 3 hours into the quest and i’m not even a quarter of the way done. 
Like holy shit, you guys. Like GUYS. THIS FUCKING GAME.
It just cranked up the difficulty by taking away your ‘warframe’, and giving you multiple quests as other npcs (that were oddly interesting to play as. I liked some more than others. Teshin was a welcome surprise, but his gameplay was aggravating, and I felt too enclosed in the maps despite how spread out they were), then popping in old questline characters like cheeky nostalgia bait, but 9,000 times more interesting than just being a cameo, and then topping it all off with some amazing interactive cutscenes.
I mean, I kinda consider myself a vet (gameplay wise I have 30 days total of logged playtime, which... Yeah, probably not getting back that time irl ._.’), but even by my standards the gameplay was pretty damn difficult. 
Also, god bless the game devs. This. Is. Epic. 
The amount of dialogue, maps, cutscenes, homages to gameplay styles, and all around really cool enemy designs is great!
I’m loosing my mind over how many themes, and art styles they’ve thrown in here and I'm not even done playing! 
Good lord, I thought to myself, ‘meh, that warning box about it taking several hours is just a suggestion. I’ll have this done in 3 hours tops.’
No. No way am I anywhere close. The devs literally placed a game within a game and I’m loosing my absolute marbles over this. 
I’m having to James Bond style sneak around and not die (or literally in one part, I kept getting my head blown off cuz I kept getting caught), use smoke grenades, stun batons, hack into systems guiding my cursor backwards in order to disable security, to just stay alive. 
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[These are the weird mirror hacking consoles I was talking about.]
I was literally screaming in panic at all the (as I’ve lovingly dubbed) ‘void spiders’ that kept killing Teshin before I could hit the energy beacons with his disc. 
This is Warframe on crack; but I fucking love how it never feels like I’m being overwhelmed. (except for the ‘sneak around and don’t get seen or you blow up’ quest. I cried a little.)
Also the art design?? Stellar!!
You’ve got kingdom hearts styled evil floating priest cloaks.
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Egyptian motifs, evil brainwashing helmets, bizarre angelic quotes;
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[Ballas thinks he’s freaking Pharaoh now I guess...]
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And then, the insane flashback to the Zamarian Ten-Zero that literally feels like it jumped out of Epcot’s Horizon’s ride.
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I honestly did not expect the game to pull a ‘PowerPoint’ old-school presentation on me, and then quiz me on it. Not only is this Cephalon lady terrifying looking, but she made me answer multiple-choice questions about spacetime.
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[I hate you robot lady!! D:< ]
In conclusion; I am grateful that the game lets me pause in between big missions (since I have work tomorrow ;w;’) because this questline is so large my poor brain cannot deal with it all in one run.
(Also, people should just pull up a playthrough of all the interactive cutscenes and playthrough. It should at least be viewed as the beautiful art that it is. It literally felt like I was in a Star Wars movie (with all the cloak and dagger and space battles and cool shit), and I am living for this kind of content.)
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tranquil-ivy · 1 month
I just finished seeing this tik tok, and an idea popped into my mind…☹️
One day you’re looking through your closet, just organizing and throwing out old things you and Leon don’t really need anymore. There’s a pretty large box tucked under a pile of dust, reluctantly opening it hoping to not find some dead spider or something.
Opening the box, you find so many recordings, cameras, photos, photo books, Polaroids, just filled of you, Leon, and your kiddos. You couldn’t help but get a bit emotional, remembering the time when Violet could barely even walk…Her adorable little baby cheeks, cute and silly poses she’d do.
Now she was all grown up, barely even wanting to take pictures because it was ‘embarrassing’. You’d find a couple of Cecilia as well, not many for Scottie thanks to modern technology and everything being on phone now. It hurt your heart a little bit seeing everything. Videos on old dusty cameras of them running around in the yard while Leon chased them, picking little Violet up in his arms and smothering her with kisses as she erupted into her sweet giggles.
You’d look through all of those for hours, getting a bit teary eyed as you found old pictures of you and Leon together. When the two of you were still young and could do anything without kids, pictures of when he took you to the paramore concerts.
You were grateful for being able to watch your kids grow up; you really were. But sometimes you wished you could just turn back the clock, hold them one last time before they ultimately decided they didn’t wanna be held by mommy anymore.
Let’s just say, Leon found you sniffling in the closet and you rambled to him for what felt like hours. But he just held you and listened, pressing kissed to the top of your head. Like a good husband does.
- Anon! 🎀
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(Live reaction of me tearing up over these fake children growing up... 🎀Anon it's your fault!!!!)
Leon would rub your back, sitting on the floor of the closet as he held you close. You stare down at the old picture from the day Cecilia was born. You remember it so vividly...
Leon coming back into the hospital room with Violet as she excitedly ran over to you holding baby Cecilia, barely an even hour old yet. Leon picked her up and sat her up next to you in bed so she could see her baby sister closer.
"She's got your eyes mommy, just like me!" She squeals, kicking her feet as she moved in closer to your side, cuddling up to you nicely. The flash hit your eyes as you look up, watching Leon take a picture of the moment, wiping his eyes as he sniffed and joined you to greet your baby girl into the world...
"I just want our babies to be babies again..." You take in a shaky breath as you put the picture back and slide the lid back on.
"Sweetheart, they're still our babies. Just bigger."
"I know..." You look up at him, blinking the tears down your cheeks, you can even see he's starting to get a little choked up.
"Violet doesn't even like being seen with us half the time... She's almost 14. Lia's going into middle school in a few months and Scott... He's gonna be talking soon... Why can't they just stay small?" Leon chuckles, smiling affectionately as he kisses your head and helps you up.
"I know. They grew up too fast. But we gotta let it happen."
"Says the man that sobbed when his oldest stopped calling him daddy."
"I know I'm a hypocrite, you don't have to rub it in." He leans in kissing your forehead and rubbing your arms. "C'mon, come spend time with the kids at the dinner table while I finish cooking dinner."
You nod following him out of your room and downstairs, rubbing your eyes as you walk into the kitchen. Violet sitting at the table blasting music over her bright pink headphones while staring at her phone as Lia finishing up a project from her girl scout meeting. Scott makes grabby hands at you from his highchair. You walk over, scooping him up as you look at your two girls, years older now.
Violet with her hair under a black beanie and no longer in pigtails or ribbons and Lia not carrying around her stuffed animals around. Just a cute little bunny bag across herself. You walk over pulling Lia into your side as you lean into Violet giving them both repeated kisses on their heads. Lia squeals as Violet pushes her headphones around her neck. Trying to pull away.
"I love you both, remember that. You'll always be my babies even after you grow up and move out. Even if you're 80 you'll still be babies... Okay?" Violet looks over as Lia just nods squirming out of your hold. You start tearing up again.
"Oh God...." Violet looks over at Leon noticing his own red eyes and nose as he lowers the temperature on the stove.
"Is someone dying? Are you getting a divorce!?" She looks panicked as Leon turns almost snapping his neck in the process.
"No! Violetta, why would you even assume that!?"
"I- I don't know you're both crying!" You chuckle, putting Scott back in his highchair as you hug your oldest.
"No sweetheart everythings fine, mommy's just emotional and you know how your father is."
"A big baby." Lia giggles, smiling as Leon gives her the stink eye from the stove.
"I'll remember that after dinner. No dessert for you."
"Nooo! Daddy please!" Lia shoots out of her chair as Leon turns away pretending not to hear her as she pulls at his shirt. You look at Violet, sniffing again. You cup her face, squeezing her cheeks like you use to when she was little.
"You're just as adorable as when you were 4..."
"That's not creepy at all." Her usual sarcasm, even that's cute at times...
"Can I hold you... Just for a minute please?" Violet looks at her mother, seeing the red in her glassy eyes.
"Yeah... Sure."
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embarrassing things about them | pt. iii
request: may i request inarizaki for part 2 mayhaps? 👀👉🏼👈🏼
notes: hehe this is for u franz, my numba wun fan!! 🥇💘💘
genre/warnings: yall know the drill, its crack but this time, a crumb of spiciness in ‘tsumu’s 🌶
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kita shinsuke
look, he has no idea how to dress
either dresses like a 10-year-old boy or an old man. no in between
the only person that likes his style is his grandma
makes sense because his grandma did all his shopping and he just ended up acquiring her sense of fashion
a walking fashion catastrophe
ojiro aran
you guys just came out from the movie theatre into the common area
he felt something moving down his arm ?? A BUG?
🚨 to hell with social propriety, this is an emergency 🚨
lets out the highest pitched squeals you have ever heard
mariah carey who? 🙊🎶
bats and sweeps his arm frantically before he realizes....it was, in fact, just a strand of your hair left behind from when you were cuddling during the film
*gruff, deep voice on steroids ACTIVATE* “ahem. baby, why do you shed so much?”
“did-did you just hit a whistle note?”
miya atsumu
BIG BIG fanboy of girl group, twice
sings along and tries to learn their choreographies
his favourite song is probably likey 😳
somehow the dance moves are not doing him any favours he’s so stiff
somewhere in his underwear drawer is a pair of the tightest briefs with a picture of tzuyu PRINTED ON THE ASS
listen, yall were making out and about have sexy times and when he turned around to get a condom, that’s when you saw it. or her, i should say
killed the mood immediately. i mean, how were you supposed to get into it if tzuyu was gonna be smiling at you from the floor while you’re getting your guts rearranged?? 😔 nuh-uh
has a twice lightstick on display
his brother does not approve but only because and i quote “bitch, twice is overrated, STAN LOONA”
miya osamu
unironically stans boybands
exo, bts, one direction, 5sos
has a pair of boxers with names of members embroidered on the waistband. very tasteful design tbh.
(it was kinda expensive actually)
he likes zayn and cried a little when he left the band
he bribed you to stay up all night so you could help him snatch up some bts tickets
definitely uses you as a cover for going to concerts
makes you pretend that you forced him to come along
ooh speaking of concerts, he got so hyped one time that he waved his arms so hard that he smacked a 14 year old girl on the forehead
okay no actually she just got a little bump and it was okay because you guys took her out for a milkshake and she forgave him because she thought ‘samu was cute
and yes, he 100% plays boyband music at onigiri miya ☺️
suna rintarō
he was sending a very important email for work
and it wasn’t even someone he worked with before so this was their first impression of him
he forgot that his little sister borrowed his computer earlier and was logged in
it was an account from when she was 7 and now only uses for subscriptions
email address was something like kittygirl.fashionista123@*****.com 💀💀
he cced the email to 12 other people HOLY SHIT KSJSJS
only noticed it an hour later
shit. how do you unsend an email?
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a/n: have i accidentally smacked a man on the head at a concert before? the answer is oui.
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv
taglist: @sparkykatsuki
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darkjanet2 · 3 years
Drusilla’s Soul Ch. 14
Odiaba, Japan
A 14-year-old boy was practicing with his band. His name was Yamato “Matt” Ishida, he was handsome, cool, intelligent, and he was a bearer of Friendship. He had medium length blond hair and a green school uniform.
You've got a boy, you've got a girl,
Sitting' underneath a tree
They sit there everyday
And even though, you may think
this is the way the things should be,
It may not always be that way
You can't take nothing for granted,
You've gotta live life today
“Your music is really good. You can tour the world once you get a good enough agent, then you and the band will be world wide, Matt.” said the boy with a guitar.
(A/N: I don’t know their names for the Teenage Wolves band. I hope you don’t mind.)
The keyboard player nodded, “ I agree with him, but there are always other ways.”
“You really think we can travel the globe if we sign an agent? That’d be awesome, but I wonder who will watch TK while I’m gone?” Matt asked, “I mean, he’s 11. You think he can take care of himself?”
“That’s true, bro, but don’t you think you’re being a bit more like a parent than a brother? Being overprotective may make it harder for TK to seem more like a child than an adult, but I may have someone that can watch him while we’re gone.” said the drummer.
Matt looked at the drummer, “Who do you have in mind?”
“My cousin, she is cool.” the drummer responded.
“We have a gig to start next week. We are not going to travel nor will TK stay on his own. Besides, let’s do this gig and then we will start a concert.” said Matt.
They resumed playing music and the music level was absolutely brilliant.
After they finished practicing, they packed their instruments and fist bumped each other.
“That was really great practice, you guys. I’ll see you later.” Matt waved his friends goodbye.
“See ya, Matt.” said the keyboard player, waving goodbye to his friend.
Later that night
TK was playing Tekken 7 along with Patamon. His mother went to work until 6 PM. TK’s Tekken character was Paul Phoenix and Patamon’s Tekken character was Steve Fox. Paul was fighting Steve while his health bar was depleted. Patamon was trying to find a way to get his health bar up. TK was looking for power ups in the game, but couldn't find any. And Patamon also tried to find power ups, and he found it. Steve finally powered up and pummeled Paul to death. A K.O. appeared on the screen. Steve danced in victory. TK hung his head in defeat and Patamon won. TK couldn’t help but smile.
“You played well, Patamon. Wanna play another round?” asked TK.
“No. I'm kinda hungry. So what is your mother doing?" asked Patamon.
“She works at the newspaper company as a journalist. So she'll be back soon.” TK said, “Let’s have a hot pocket for dinner.”
“Okay.” said Patamon.
TK went to the kitchen and took out two frozen hot pockets from the freezer. He put them in the microwave to warm them up, and the microwave beeped those pizza pockets were done. He grabbed the saucers and carefully took them out of the microwave because it was hot.
They began to eat their food, it was so delicious and cheesy and it tasted like real pizza. They were soon full and sleepy.
“Ah, that was so good,” said Patamon blissfully.
“Yeah, it was." TK replied.
A phone rang in the kitchen. TK answered the phone.
“Hey, TK.” greeted Matt.
“Hey, Matt. How have you been?” asked TK.
“I’m fine. The practice was really great, and the gig will start next week. Would you like to come?” asked Matt.
“Yeah, I can’t wait. Is all the gang going to be there?” TK replied.
“Sure, they are,” said Matt.
“Awesome! We haven’t seen them in a while.” said TK.
“You better be there next week ‘cause you don’t wanna miss it.” said Matt.
“Oh, I won’t miss it. I’ll set up a reminder, so I won’t forget that.” said TK.
“Okay, great. Is Mom home?” he asked.
“She’ll be back home until 6:00. I’ll tell her about this.” replied TK.
“Okay, I’ll see you later, bro.” said Matt.
“Bye, Matt.” TK hung up.
“Matt is having a gig next week. I think you should come, too.” smiled TK.
“Really?” Patamon beamed.
“Yeah, so are our friends, too.” said TK.
Patamon squealed in excitement and hugged TK, and TK hugged him back.
Somewhere in Underground
One night there was an underground crypt filled with candles resembling the church. The vampire minions gathered their leader. An ancient vampire was sitting on his throne who was old and hideous. He had white pale skin, a bald head with pointed ears and yellowish, talon-like nails. His face had the basic vampire brow ridge, wrinkles and fangs, except with red eyes instead of yellow ones; and a snub, bat-like nose. He also had blood-stained on his nose down to his mouth. He was wearing a leather jacket with matching pants and boots.
“My children, gather and listen to your Master,” the creepy looking creature said, as the vampires began to gather their master.
“Yes, my lord.” said the group of vampires.
"My children, have you obtained the items I need to free myself from this Hell Hole?" asked the Master.
One vampire kneeled in front of him, "Not yet Master, the Book Of Crimson Rituals and the Dagger Of Vladimir still have not been found, Master.” said the vampire named Luke.
The Master bent down and placed his index finger under the vampire's chin. "You best not fail again, my child or I will have to make an example of you."
“I won’t fail you, my Lord.” Luke said. " I'll find that book no matter what." Luke said.
“Anyway, I have a mission for you. There are some valuable items in Japan, Romania, and Denmark. I need three things that I have to free myself from this barrier.” said the Master.
“What are three items you need, Master?” asked Darla.
“The first item is Dagger of Vladimir that lies in Romania, the second item is a book called Crimson Ceremony that lies in Denmark, and the third item is Pigeon Blood gem that lies in Japan. This gem is precious.
Luke said, " I'll do whatever it takes to find that book Master. I won't let you down. I'll give you my word."
Angelus whispered to Darla, "This is ludicrous. Why do I have to stick with this prune face?”
“Because he’s trapped underground and the barrier held him off." replied Darla.
Angelus replied, "If we freed him, why can’t he just do it himself?”
“I heard that! Do you disobey my order?” asked The Master.
“Of course not, Master. We're just getting our plan of action together." said Darla.
“That's right. We'll be heading out soon." said Angelus.
“Of course you will, but if you disrespect your master, I will gladly dust you away like you're nothing.” said the Master.
Angelus scoffed, “Why not? You’ve been trapped underground with the barrier for 60 years!”
The Master said,"Don't make me kill you Angelus! Just do as I say!"
Luke said, “Well, speak of the devil, this girl called Drusilla was cursed by a gypsy to have a soul.”
“So Angelus was the one who sired her— no, he drove her insane before he turned into one of us." said the Master.
“And she fled from us, she was no longer with us. She has a damned soul and helped people.” said Angelus.
" What in the hell did you say? How would you know?” asked the Master.
“Because I have seen her every media report, Drusilla helped people from danger. The President had given her awards and a statue that made her a hero. It made my blood boil!” said Darla, in an angry voice.
Luke said, " And it's all on the head of one person. Angelus! I'll see you when I get back. I'm going to look for that book."
“Go ahead,” said Angelus. "Knock yourself out."
“I'm going to find the dagger, Master.” said Darla, bowing respectfully.
“You may go now, Darla.” the Master looked at Angelus, “ And it goes for you, Angelus. If you screw up even once, you're dead! Understand?”
Angelus paused before he responded, Yes, Master. I understand.” said Angelus, dully.
“Now go on. Your mission has begun.” said the Master.
They headed out on their mission determined to find the items for the Master.
One Week Later
Drusilla packed her belongings to get ready for the mission trip to Japan. She was dressed in a red dress and coat and shoes. Her hair was tied up as a bun and part of her mane down. She called David and Britney to come over to take care of her cat, Jade.
When they arrived at her house, she welcomed them.
“Hey, guys. Thanks for coming.” said Drusilla.
“It’s no problem. Guess where you are going?” asked Britney.
“Well, I have a mission to go to Japan. I’m on my way to the Princess Cruise, there are some strange creatures around here.” said Drusilla.
“Really? When are you coming back, Dru?” asked Britney.
“About 2 weeks.” replied Drusilla.
“Then you should be right back, right?” Britney asked.
“Yeah,I won’t be gone for too long. Before I go, please make sure you feed her, groom her, play with her, and wash her while I’m gone.” said Drusilla.
“Okay, we’ll do that.” said David, in affirmative.
“Please be careful. We’ll take care of Jade.” said Britney.
Drusilla nodded when she heard notification from her Uber app that had arrived at her house.
“Well, there goes my ride.” Drusilla patted Jade on the head saying goodbye. “Bye, Jade. Be a good cat and get along with them, okay?”
As Drusilla went out and got into the Uber and departed for the Princess Cruise. Drusilla called her boyfriend, Leon.
“Hi, Leon.”
“Hey, Dru. How are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m fine. I’m on my way to the Princess Cruise.” replied Drusilla.
“Really? Where to?” asked Leon.
“Odaiba, Japan.” Drusilla said, “I have a mission trip right now, and I won’t be back until I return in 2 weeks.”
“You’re going on your own? If I come with you, it’s pretty dangerous to go on by yourself, you know?” said Leon.
“You don’t have to worry about me. I’ll be okay, Leon. Like I said, I’ll return in 2 weeks.” said Drusilla.
“Okay. I’m gonna miss you, Dru.” said Leon, sadly.
“I’ll miss you, too, Leon.” Drusilla smiled sadly.
“Take care, Dru.” said Leon.
“You, too.” Drusilla hung up.
After they had arrived at the Princess Cruise at the port. Drusilla thanked the Uber driver and took her luggage out of the trunk, walked to the entrance and gave them a valid ticket. As the cruise began to depart from the port, the passengers were exploring the ocean or relaxing.
A light switch came on, Drusilla scanned around the luxurious room. It had a Smart TV, queen bed, nice furniture, and there was a window where you could see the ocean. She opened the door to reveal a luxurious bathroom- beautiful.
It had a bathtub next to the shower, it had a sink and a toilet. So Drusilla made herself comfortable, so she turned on the TV to watch Family Guy.
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drifttosleep · 4 years
[ My Jonas Brothers : Chasing Happiness Experience ]
introduction: if you know me, you know how much if a Jonas Brothers fan i am. yes, the first band i ever REALLY got into was The Beatles. but the Jonas Brothers was a boyband i really did fall in love with. we all had that one band from our childhood that switched everything up. mine were the Jonas Brothers. the way the directioners loved One Direction was my love for the Jonas Brothers. when i say “the boys,” i mean Nick, Kevin, and Joe. they’re my “the boys.” if that makes sense. 
history:  i remember the day i got into them. i was 10 years old and it was during the summertime. i had just finished watching ‘taking 5.’ a movie about the click five. the girls in the movie had posters and cut outs of the click five on their wall from posters and magazines. at that age, i was already collecting TigerBeat, Popstar!, J-14 magazines. i was too plugged in to the pop culture and the teeny bopper life. my dad was supportive. i was somewhat, inspired, when i watched that movie and checked out my magazines. i found the jonas brothers. i knew OF them and the song SOS and When You Look Me In The Eyes but nothing else. i had a personal computer in my room back then and newly plugged in internet connection. it started with music videos, and then the stupid videos they had on their yt channel, and i just couldn’t stop watching their videos. i watched all their live chats and interviews. i fell in love LIKE THAT. it was the first i ever obsessed about a boyband like this. a boyband in MY LEAGUE, you know what i mean? i obsessed over hannah montana and lizzie mcguire. but it wasn’t LIKE THIS. i grabbed my magazines and starting taping the Jonas posters on the walls. my routine was to watch all their videos everyday. i even went as far as reading fanfiction on youtube. YES. fanfiction USED to be on YOUTUBE. and that’s when crushes began. my bias was joe, at first, of course. then i slowly crept onto liking nick more. until he was my ACTUAL favorite. nick was my first love, i’m claiming it. the boy had me feeling ALL SORTS OF THINGS. the boy had me WRITING AT 11. 
influence: they were a huge influence on me. other than taylor swift and my dad getting me to pick up a guitar and learning how to play it, the Jonas Brothers wanted me to fulfill the dream. their influence on me was HUGE. it was so big that they were my first fashion icons. i broke gender stereotypes (at least in my circle) at the age of 11, you guys. i wore skinny jeans, converse, collared shirts and neckties all the time. they had me wearing denim and corduroy and my parents were so into me being into fashion at that age cause they were all about that in their youth. i mastered dressing like a guy at the age of 11. it just became a thing growing up. cause that’s where i’m most comfortable. i remember when the JONAS show came out on disney channel and the first episode was of nick having a love interest, i cried. 
other facts: 
i collected all kinds of jonas brothers paraphernelia as a child. 
other than the magazines, i had merch. i remember begging my mom to get me jonas brothers merch from their actual website. when she finally gave in, i was ecstatic. 
i had a jonas brothers t shirt and a necklace (it was a guitar pick with their logo on it) 
i also had a jonas brothers mp3 player that i bought when i was in tampa.
i’ve been to their first concert in the philippines. I REMEMBER HOW I TOLD MY PARENTS. i ran to them and said “THE JONAS BROTHERS ARE COMING HERE” and i didn’t even have to ask cause they already knew. 
my bedroom walls were FILLED with their posters. i had over 150 posters on my walls. 
i cut out their photos from magazines and covered my notebooks and pens with them. i sold a couple at school, too. 
you caNT BELIEVE HOW MUCH I FREAKED OUT WHEN I FOUND OUT ABOUT CAMP ROCK. when it came out in the states, my dad bought a copy of the dvd and i was SO SO SO EXCITED. that’s why i love home made spaghetti so much because it was the meal i was eating when i watched camp rock in my old bedroom for the first time. i squealed half the time. 
them being christian played such a big part in my life because my mom was a strict-ass hardcore christian. and since they wore purity rings, my mom got me a purity ring, too. at 11. which now, seems rather stupid. for me, at least. 
nick jonas & the administration is still one of my favorite albums. HE REALLY DO BE MAKIN ME FEEL SOME TYPE OF WAY. for real though. 
i really watched Married To Jonas, Kevin and Danielle’s reality show. it was NOT great but i watched it. 
i even watched some of nick’s movies and i didn’t like any of them really but i enJOYED NICK’S SCREEN TIME 
i did not really stray away from loving them. but i did turn into a teenager. i got into other things and gained a different circle of friends. it was different, okay? i couldn’t just be in love with a rock star anymore. HAHAHA. there were real life boys i kissed now. but still, i did not obsess over anything like that ever again. 
the break up:  i was in high school when they broke up. and even if i had not been keeping tabs on them and watching their every release, i cried really really fucking hard when they announced their break up. i cried so hard that i missed school that day. i was heart broken. and it might not make sense because they are brothers and they’ll really ~never~ break up, it still hurt. 
when i found out about Chasing Happiness, i was stoked. of course, i already knew they had returned back together as the Jonas Brothers. after all the experimenting with other things, they really did return to their roots. 
reaction about chasing happiness:
oh my GOD 
baby nick in les mis :( 
okay so the purity rings were a fucking joke i dont feel so guilty about it anymore
niley :( lowkey cried to niley at a young age but whatever 
please be mine :( 
joe and nick making fun of kevin on the phone with danielle
joe calling danielle “kevin’s future wife” :( 
camp rock :(
more crying really 
YEAR 3000 :( 
okay so basically, it was a ride of emotions. 
it really was though. i also felt like i time travelled. LITERALLY. it felt like i was in my old room again watching the Jonas Brothers on old YouTube. you know. before google bought the damn thing. but for real, it felt that way. it felt like i was reconnecting with my old self, too. the 10 year old me. 
no, wait. even better. it felt like i was reuniting with old friends. the scene when the 3 of them were just drinking and reminiscing and confessing about the old times was so intimate that i felt like i was there. everything they talked about (except for hating each other and how they ACTUALLY broke up), i knew about. they were my whole life back then, really. it really felt like a reunion. like them getting back together meant we were getting back together. the love for the Jonas Brothers. my fangirling over them. god, it sounds so cheesy when i say it out loud. but it really does feel like that. 
it was so familiar and so foreign to me at the same time. they talked about everything they used to never talk about back then. they just let it out in the open, really. and i saw how much they’ve grown. and i saw how much i’ve grown. how i am far from who i was at 10 years old. 
but when they sang ‘please be mine’ along with the old video of them singing it, i felt myself reconnecting with my younger self. i felt her smile at me and hold my hand telling me that the good will always resurface. and fuck yeah, i got that out of the Jonas Brothers. they’re the part of me that remains innocent. they’re a part of me that remains untouched and untampered with. because my heart was whole when i loved them first. and i think it’ll remain that way. 
it hit me harder than i thought it would. and i knew it would hit me. the documentary, i mean. it was beautiful. downright, beautiful. they’re a huge part of who i am today. and i am so so so proud of that. 
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feferipeixes · 4 years
Even though their parents have made it clear that they will not be going back to gravity falls, Mabel makes deals with Dipper to tesser them there whenever their parents aren't around. This leads to a lot of midnight visits that can last until 4 or 5 am, since Stan's sleep schedule hasn't recovered from thirty years spending most of the night in a basement and their parents usually fall asleep around 11
At one end of the hall, a door clicked shut. At the other, a door quietly glided open, and a 13-year old girl’s head peeked out.
“Okay Dippler Effect, Mom and Dad went to sleep!” Mabel hissed excitedly. “Let’s ride!”
“That’s a new one,” Dipper replied in a whisper. The idea of sneaking out in the middle of the night still gave him anxiety, even though he’d done it a million times, even though no one but Mabel could hear him, even though the concept of him getting caught and punished was long dead. “Do you even know what the Doppler Effect is?”
“Sure do! It’s that thing when, like, if someone’s standing in one place listening to you, the sound of your brother’s protests get whinier as he blips away with you to go hang out with your friends!”
Dipper snorted into his hand. “Okay, that was pretty good.” He grabbed his sister’s hand. “Ready?”
Mabel put on a serious face, gripped her Dream Boy High backpack, and nodded. “Ready!”
There was a quick jerk as the air twisted around them – flashing colors filling Mabel’s vision and an awful nausea filling her stomach – and then it stopped. Mabel’s bedroom in Piedmont was gone, replaced by the kitchen of the Mystery Shack, complete with the sounds of a romcom floating in from the TV in the other room, a few empty cans of Pitt Cola sitting on the counter, and a sleeping Grunkle Stan slumped over the table.
Dipper floated over to his Grunkle and poked him in the head. His finger, unsurprisingly, went right through. “I thought he said he’d be awake,” he said, pouting. “Should I visit him in his dream and tell him to wake up, or -”
Mabel clapped giddily – cutting her brother off – threw her backpack to the ground, and unleashed the glee that had been building up within her since they’d planned this trip a couple of days earlier. She screamed at the top of her lungs, causing Dipper to clap his hands over his ears and recoil (which resulted in him clipping halfway through the refrigerator).
Stan jolted upright in his seat. “SOOS, THE COPS ARE HERE, HIDE THE VIOLINS!” he shouted. He blinked sleepily a few times, and then his eyes settled on Mabel bouncing up and down in front of him with a face-splitting smile on her face. “Oh, it’s just you kids. Geez, you’re gonna scare me into an early pension doing that.”
Mabel jumped at her Grunkle and hugged him tight. “Well, someone said he’d be awake at 11 so we could come by right after our parents went to sleep! Did someone forget it was our -”
There was the pounding of boots on stairs, and the door burst open to reveal Ford in a lab coat with ash on his face and in his hair. “Stanley! I heard screaming, what’s going on? Did the man-eating toaster come back? You swore you’d let me be the one to kill it if it did!”
“Calm down poindexter,” Stan started, “it’s just -“
“GREAT UNCLE FORD!” Mabel screeched, peeling herself off of Stan and running over to hug him instead. “You made it! I thought you were still having an awesome boat adventure!”
Ford flinched, but then ruffled Mabel’s hair. “Of course I made it, Mabel. Wouldn’t miss it.” A tuft of his hair spontaneously caught on fire, and he patted it out. “You’ll have to excuse me, I brought some of my research home with me. I must warn you, I may be slightly radioactive right now, so… watch out for that.”
“Haha, YES!” Mabel pumped her fist. “Soon I’ll have magic glitter dandruff!”
“Ask him about the boat trip, ask him about the boat trip!” Dipper whispered in Mabel’s ear. She waved him off.
“So nice of you to show up,” Stan said, getting up and punching his brother on the shoulder. “Did you finish cleaning all of your science crap out of the parlor?”
“Yes, yes, of course,” Ford countered, and then paused. “Mostly. Almost. There’s too many people in there right now anyway. But hold on – I only see Mabel. Where’s my former apprentice?”
“MABEL HE’S TALKING ABOUT ME,” Dipper hissed. “Tell him I want to know about his trip and the sea monsters and the cursed gold doubloons he’s hiding from Stan and -”
“Dipper’s right here!” Mabel chirped. “He’s just invisible right now! Speaking of, Grunkle Stan, did you get a sacrifice for him?”
“You know I did, sweetie.” Stan picked up his eight-ball cane and gestured down the hall. “But today’s an important day. He’s not getting none of that rodent’s blood hootenanny we usually get him. We got something special.”
Mabel started hopping up and down so violently that the walls shook and everyone had to cover their ears. “What does that mean!!!!!!!!���
Stan hoisted Mabel up onto his shoulders. “How about you come and look for yourself before you blow the whole house down?”
Mabel cackled. “Onwards, Stan-oshima!”
Dipper eyed his sister jealously, and then floated over to Ford and pretended to sit on his shoulders. He and Mabel stuck their tongues out at each other playfully, forgetting to pay attention to where they were being carried, until -
Dipper and Mabel both flinched at the chorus of voices, and Mabel almost toppled off of Stan’s shoulders. It was a moment before they could take in the sight in front of them, but by then, Stan had placed Mabel on the floor and people were already coming up to her and hugging her.
“Dude, so good to see you!” Wendy said. “Where’s your bro at?”
Soos pushed up next to Wendy. “Mabel! You made it! Is Dipper here too?”
“Hey, it’s my turn to talk to her,” Pacifica drawled. “You’re lucky I’m even here – my parents would never allow it. Good thing they’re in Venice right now. Why can’t I see Dipper?”
Mabel screamed in joy again. “I can’t believe it, all of our friends are here! Wendy and Soos and Pacifica and Candy and Grenda and Robbie and Thompson and that weird guy who likes America! You all made it! And bro-bro’s right here,” she added, grabbing her incorporeal brother and squeezing him close. “We just haven’t summoned him yet!”
“Sixer. That’s our cue,” Stan said from behind them.
Dipper and Mabel turned around to see Stan and Ford each holding a cake with the number “14″ written in the center. Stan placed his cake on the table, while Ford carried his over to an empty space of the floor where a summoning circle had been drawn out. He placed the cake in the middle, and pulled out a vial of blue liquid from his lab coat. He uncorked it, dropped the liquid into the circle, and then paused.
“Uhh, remind me what the incantation is?” he asked.
“It’s stella splendidum, te invoco -” Dipper started.
Mabel cut him off by grabbing his sides, effortlessly lifting him up, and throwing him at the circle. He squealed in surprise, his little wings flapping frantically as he toppled through the air. He came to a stop a few feet above the circle, at which point Mabel shouted, “COME ON OUT, DIPDOPS!”
Another yelp, and Dipper was yanked out of the Mindscape and into the real world. The cake they sacrificed to him disappeared, replaced by a very nervous looking demon. Even though Dipper trusted his friends in Gravity Falls to be more supportive than his parents, it had been a long time since he’d seen some of these people, and, well, things sure had changed even since the Transcendence. He felt every eye in the room fall on him, examining his fancy attire, his sharp teeth, his pointed ears and gold-on-black eyes.
And then they began to cheer.
“Good to see you little man!” Old Man McGucket yodeled.
The Multibear growled softly. “Such a lovely gathering now that you’re here.”
“The Mystery Twins are back!” Candy joined in.
An incredible sense of relief washed over Dipper. Mabel pushed her way through her friends and pulled him into a tight hug again.
“Can you believe it, bro-bro?” she said, giggling as the rest of the crowd rushed in to join her. “Everyone made it!”
“Yeah, this is incredible!” Dipper wiped a golden tear away from his eye. “Everyone’s still here. Everything’s still okay.”
“Hope you like it, kiddos,” Stan said, ruffling his hair just as Ford did Mabel’s. “Happy birthday.”
The twins grinned. The remaining cake was passed through the crowd until it was resting in front of them.
“Don’t forget to make a wish!” Grenda shouted.
Dipper laughed. “I don’t know about you, Mabes, but I’ve already got my wish.”
“Me too, bro-bro,” Mabel replied. “Although I wouldn’t say no to backstage passes to the Boyz 4 Now concert, or maybe a jetpack, or…”
“Just blow out the candles, dummy,” he retorted.
The crowd of their friends and family started chanting “Blow! Out! The candles! Blow! Out! The candles!” The birthday twins nodded and grabbed each other’s hands. They both drew in a large breath. They blew as hard as they could.
Applause rippled through the room, and Mabel and Dipper were happy.
At 5am, there was a soft blip, and two teenagers appeared in a bedroom in Piedmont, California. A newly 14-year old girl’s head peeked out the door, looked toward the other end of the hall, and then pulled back into the room.
“Looks like we got away with it, bro-bro!” Mabel whispered. “That was the best sneak out to Gravity Falls to date!”
“It sure was,” he replied, and a warbling note of gratitude filled his voice. “It sure was.”
(AO3 link)
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babykyunbun · 5 years
STRAY KIDS REACTION: their smol s/o sleeps with plushies( ◠‿◠ )
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The first reaction was really cute:( and I’m upset that it literally vanished from my drafts. I hope you like this one sweetie💛
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He came back from the studio at about 2 in the morning, he hopes your asleep because he knew you would nag at him that he should come home earlier so he can get a full nights rest. As soon as he walked into the bedroom, he saw your face smushed into a giant stuffie and the other wrapped in your tiny arms.
His heart ached at the sight, you looked so peaceful and calm. He climbed into bed after changing and pulling you into his chest where he whispered goodnight to you.
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He was laying in bed waiting for you so he could cuddle you.
“Baby hurry up what are you doing” he shouted down the hall, after a few seconds he heard the sound of your feet padding against the floor as you ran to the bedroom. You plopped down onto it with your giant stuffie, it was bigger than you. He knew what this meant, he’d get no cuddles:(
he found it cute that a teddy bear could make you happy.
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He felt like a 14 year old fan girl going to a concert for the first time. When he saw your face and now adorable and tiny you looked holding the bunny made his heart hurt and it made him want to jump around and cry. He would get salty too though.
If you cuddle the bunny more than him he’d ever go find jisung and cuddled him or Pout until you give in.
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He would melt, like literally. He’s just stare at you with heart eyes, his heart would do flips and he would just want to roll around and squeal. He pulled you closer to him, you were both tiny so you fit.
Like 2 peas in a pod. He stroked your hair while smiling and giving you like kisses on your forehead and then he fell asleep with you.
Ps your the rabbit
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It was your first time having a sleep over In the dorms, you started to panic because you usually can’t sleep if you don’t have a stuffie with you and you don’t want to take them just in case they laugh. After a 20 minute panic you finally gave up and shoved a tiny one in your bag.
It was late when you went to bed, you slowly go out of the covers and got bunny. Hyunjin heard you move so he turned around. He saw you with your purple little rabbit and smiled. He pulled you back down and gave you a kiss.
“I want a stuffie now” he whined.
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He’d be just the same and Minho, if you were giving him cuddles too he would love and find you the cutest little thing. If you didn’t, he would go find Minho and cuddle with him.
He’d be jealous of the stuff but would love it too because of how cute you were when you had one.
Give him the same attention as the bear or he’ll go find someone else to cuddle with.
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The amount of teddy’s you have between you both it’s amazing. Every time you have sleepovers the bed is filled with stuffies, you just cuddle and watch movies and sleep. It’s perfect. Your both really adorable when you fall asleep together. You’ll be tangled togeather with about 7 stuffie stuck to you both.
It’s adorablee
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he has a whole cabinet of STUFFIES for when you stay over,, you have movie nights stuffing your faces. Cuddling, being goofy and just being adorable little baby’s.
He loves how your not shy about having to sleep with them, he loves that you told him because now your both stuffie buds.
He’d play with your hair until you fall asleep, before your actually out he’ll whisper he loves you but then you have to go and but in and shout “ AND THE STUFFIES”! You both just end up having a giggle fit then falling asleep
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He uses your big round ones so he can smush his face in them while he sleeps, when he has his free days off you just nap and cuddle with all your teddy’s. You can both be childish togeather, yes you may get a few weird looks off the members but they all find it adorable.
He usually takes pictures of you falling asleep when your cuddling your stuffies, you sometimes have to fight him in the morning because he won’t delete them.
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megalony · 5 years
So many reasons- Part 14
Another part to my Roger Taylor series which has gained lovely feedback.
Note: this is the last chapter in the series, I have had so much fun writing this and gaining a lot of support and comment so thank you to everyone who took the time to read this.
Permanent taglist: @marshmallowmae  @langdonzvoid  @jennyggggrrr  @butlegendsneverdie  @luvborhap  @radiob-l-a-hblah  @rogertaylorsbitontheside  @chlobo6
Series taglist: @scarecrowmax  @demo-wise  @caborhapch  @rogertaylors-lipgloss  @asquiresofftime
Series masterlist
This was it.
As Roger sat down on the dark grey surface of the constructed stage built especially to bounce around Queen's music, he felt euphoric.
A wide smile pulled at his lips as he tipped his head up to face the night sky that Brian was always admiring to such lengths that Roger felt impossibly up until this moment. His eyes danced across the constellations hanging above him that he had never taken the time to notice before. Admiring them as if they were hanging lights in the night sky specifically there to shine down on the band on the last night of their tour. Roger didn't think that they had ever shined as brightly as they did tonight.
This was the entire moment that Roger's life so far had been building up to. This was the moment where Roger could sit down and reflect on what had brought him to be sitting on this very stage at this very moment in time.
The roaring of the crowds applauding the last concert of this US tour fizzled down into absolute silence. Like the constant ringing noise that happened in the very dead of night when there were no other sounds around for your ears to pick up on. Roger stared at the stars shining down on him as if they knew all along he would reach this moment in his life. The stars had known that Roger would come out of the shadows that haunted him to be free as a bird in this midnight sky. Sitting on an impossibly large stage with a cornfield of people waving and screaming like they were swaying together in the breeze.
Roger had never felt such a feeling as the one he did right now. If he had been told two years ago that he would be here he would have laughed in the face of whoever told him. The drummer thought he was being given a warning when the word cancer popped up. He thought it was a battle he needed to fight alone that would only hurt the ones he loved if he told them of his struggles. Roger thought that had been a mere test of his strength when he got the results from his operation saying he was clear.
Hearing it had come back was Roger being given a death sentence which had nearly happened. He had gone to the end of the Earth to convince himself that he needed to do anything and everything to protect his girls from a future that he was so sure he would not be a part of. He married his best friend and now the one person he could safely say stole his heart so that his daughters would be cared for when or if he died. Roger had lied to that very important person to stop her from bearing the weight he was dragging around behind him everywhere he went every day of his life. He had tried to lie to his friends who he classed as his family so their music would not be interrupted which had only caused more pain.
He had gone through the treatment and all the side effects that it threw his way on his own because he thought that was what he needed to do. He couldn't burden anyone else with that or let them know what was happening to him.
Roger thought he was going to die when his blood began to spill from his lips and drain his body from the needed substance. He had prepared himself for that, he had said his confessions and prayers in his head and tried to think what his last words were to all three of his girls and to the boys. Waking up was a moment Roger wanted to forget. He had been so sure he had died and that the muffled voices around him were something from the afterlife that he had never believed in.
This was the moment all of that had led up to.
This was the moment one year after being given the all clear that Roger had been waiting for. Everything had brought him here, he had gone through four scans since the one that set him free and each one told him that he was and still would be in the all clear from this point onwards. There was always a chance one would come back and give the news that would set him back, but for now, that wasn't the case. Roger was forever in debt to whatever fate had saved him from dying. Someone or something had given him back what he thought had surely been taken from him.
Freddie, Brian and John couldn't hide the pure affection in their eyes that were glazing over with tears when they looked down to their drummer. A bright, dopey smile on the blond's face as he smiled up at the night sky. His legs crossed beneath him, his hands resting on his knees as he looked like he was praying or thanking someone.
The black shirt on Roger's form that was dripping with sweat was unbuttoned all the way down, revealing his ever so slightly tanned chest and stomach. More to the point, the two very visible white lines that dashed across his skin were open for the first few rows of the crowds to see. The drummer had never wanted people to see his battle scars before, he had never wanted the public to know what he had gone through until the story got leaked to the paper. This tour had thrown all caution Roger held to the wind. He didn't care who saw what he hid beneath his shirt, he didn't mind if the crowds could see him struggling at times to catch his breath.
Roger didn't mind the cameras recording the concerts picking up the way he trembled or held his chest from the energy he needed to waste and the sustained notes he needed to reach. His singing and drumming were never going to be the same, touring was hard even after he had been in recovery and his body was almost the way it was before. He couldn't hold the notes as long as he could before, Freddie had to take over or drown out with him. Roger needed a moment longer between songs and sometimes Brian had to improvise a guitar solo to give Roger a break.
But that was all part of the fun and Roger would take that any day over the illness he had been through. He had been given this life back and little changes here and there were perfectly fine with him.
"This is it." Roger mumbled, his eyes closing as the sound of the crowds came filtering back to his ears as if he had unmuted the tv. His heart raced against his chest as his chest heaved in the best way that didn't even cause a burning pain to his lung that he had grown accustomed to over the passing months. This was one of those rare moments where the world was finally in full colour rather than a dull perspective of grey.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roger bent down enough for his arms to secure around the seven-year-old bolting his way like she was sprinting for a gold medal. Her arms binding around his neck so tightly he almost stopped breathing, his body turning and spinning her around. Something which he hadn't been able to do in so long when his chest would scream at any contact.
Three months away from his girls was enough to break Roger in half, but the sheer high that touring gave him held him together until he could get back home to them all again.
He pressed his lips to the side of her head, swaying Lily around as he felt intoxicated by the fact that he was back home. He was back and all of his girls were here with him, this was the best part of the new life he had been given. To have these moments where he could come back to them all and relish in the fact that his life was extended enough for these moments to look more special than they had before. Roger would have taken these greetings for granted before the trauma of the past year. He would think very little of coming back home to the girls again, but now he thought the world of how Lily's expression changed to one of wonder when she saw him walking through the door.
He relished in the squeal that left her lips and pierced through his ears at seeing he was finally home.
Roger loved the way Rosie barrelled over to them and nearly took him down to the ground with her force. Her arms wrapping around his legs as she cried for attention from the person she had missed for the past three months. Phone calls weren't enough to satisfy the four-year-old but she was learning that Roger was alright. She didn't have to traipse through every room in the house to try and hunt him down like she did before because she had heard him on the phone this time and had seen the few videos from the concerts.
The drummer went down on his knees, one arm unravelling from Lily to wrap around Rosie and pull her into his chest that was fine with the pressure of both girls being held so close they were almost touching his heart.
After a little while, Roger finally pulled away from them both, his lips pressing to the tops of their heads before he ventured to his wife who was leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen. Her eyes watering at the sight in front of her that was melting her heart. A small sound resembling a laugh escaped her lips when his arms tightly wrapped themselves around her waist so he could pick her up. His head resting in the crook of her neck as he took in her scent; she smelled like home.
When he set her back down to her feet, one hand cradled the side of her face as if she were a masterpiece that he was admiring before he pressed his lips to hers. Savouring the feeling he had almost forgotten these past three months that felt like they had dragged into years.
He couldn't stop himself from smiling into the kiss as his other hand moved to press to the now visible baby bump that he hadn't seen yet. Having left for tour a week after finding out about the new life they had created that Roger never thought he would ever get. Roger had been so worried about dying and leaving his two children alone, he never thought that he would get the chance to bring a new life into the world and not have to worry that he would have to abandon them in the near future.
This was the sense of euphoria Roger had been craving since his all clear. This was the life that Roger had been given and it was magical.
This was it.
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musicalmukebox · 6 years
Let’s Get (Back) Together | l.h. (6)
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Ctto of the gifs used!
AU: Parent Trap Dad!Luke
Summary: A strong love which led to a strong marriage and twin daughters. Yet in the end, it didn’t turn out so well. You strongly refuse to encounter him ever again. But what happens when both of you coincidentally send your twin daughters to the same summer camp in Florida after 10 years?
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: swearing, mention of sex, hate comments 
A/N: Ahh, this was really hits home to write. Enjoy! 
I don’t own Parent Trap and its ideas. It’s only used as inspiration.
1 / 2A / 2B / 2C / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Feedback/Questions/Others? Here.
2020, New York
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N): From Music Video Extra to Real Life Girlfriend Real Quick”
“More than 5 seconds: Luke Hemmings shows off new girlfriend in santa monica”
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N): To Amuse or Use Luke Hemmings?”
Those were some of the many headlines of different articles talking about your relationship with Luke. Yes, they were showing negativity, and they hurt you because they weren’t at all true. Why not speak up, right? But you chose not to. You shielded your actual feelings because you didn’t want to stress anyone else out, especially Luke. Having him as a boyfriend has its cons, commonly with the media and paparazzi. You knew that this was bound to happen, so you just braved the media with a fake smile. 
One cold afternoon, you and Luke decided to act touristy in New York before he has a show that same night, alongside the boys and Eleanor. You needed a getaway from Los Angeles, and you thanked the heavens that you had a 2 week break before you go back. Much to your luck, that day was a very happy one. Eating pizza in different pizza places with the boys, taking a lot of photos courtesy of Eleanor and strolling around Times Square and Central Park with all good vibes?
Shit, things were going right for once.
When you guys were headed to enter at the back exit of the venue, the boys decided to meet some fans and take some pictures with them too first. For sure, Eleanor was down since she’s in charge of making the tour videos. You joined it because why the heck not? You want to see your boyfriend happy and maybe help take pictures of him and the fans anyways. 
Walking towards the long lines, fans were instantly screaming excitedly, their idols right within their vicinity. Just thinking about how hardworking the boys have been with their music and their fans loving it so much because it’s relatable and well-written warms your heart so much. Not just that, the fans were so orderly; no mobbing nor grabbing of the boys’ hair or clothing while they await their turns. Seeing their genuine smiles is a quick happy pill. 
“(Y/N), can you take our photo?” Luke handed you a fan’s phone for you to capture their cute moment, which was the girl was being piggybacked by Luke. As you did such, Luke gave you a hug before you handed him back the phone.
“Thanks, babe. You’re the best!” He thanked, kissing your temple and getting aww’s from the fans. 
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” You are called out by a group of different fans who just finished taking their photos by the boys, which naturally urged you to approach them. They didn’t expect that you’d respond, making them squeal.
“Hi girls! How are you doing?” You greeted. 
“We’re doing great! Super excited for the show later!” One girl shared.
“Same! I’ve been waiting for this day for 2 months.
“Hyped and ready to cry.” 
That last response made you laugh. You asked other questions while those fans did the same with you. Pretty much, it was a back and forth interview. Your responses are in bold.
“Are you all from New York?” 
“Born and raised.”
“I’m studying here, but originally from Maine.”
“Any of you bring posters or anything else?”
“I have a mini poster that says “let’s take shots!” in all caps!”
“I have two roses, in case the other one gets lost.”
“What songs are you ready to hear live?”
“Valentine! This is my first 5SOS concert, and I really love that song.”
“Lie to Me. Gives so much goosebumps.”
“Vapor. Pretty old but it’s really beautiful to listen.”
 Switch sides. 
“What’s Luke like when you’re hanging out alone in his house?”
“Always chill, really. To be honest, he’s into cuddles. But one main thing that makes me come back more is Petunia, so shh.” You joked, putting your pointer finger against your lips.
“What’s your most favorite thing about Luke?”
“He makes me laugh over small things, like sending me random boomerangs when I’m in class.”
 “How about your least favorite?”
“One would be when I’m studying, he tries to distract me a whole lot with almost anything his mind can think. Another is hoarding my instant ramen noodles.”
 “How did you guys confess your feelings?” 
“New Years Eve. We were really drunk and just admitted it. You now what they say, drunk words are sober thoughts.” You half-lied.
 “So is the sex great?” One fan fired at you, getting everyone’s attention. You were put on the spot, getting giggly and slightly pressured.
“Best sex ever.” You whispered away, getting them to squeal more. Another fan asked you if she could have a selfie with you, which you happily accepted and then smiled at the camera.
 “Thanks a bunch, (Y/N). Let me just say this, you are so talented and screw the haters! I can’t wait what you’ll do next.” She compliments, your heart feeling warm once more as you gave her a hug as a sign of thankfulness. “Thank you, love. I appreciate it very much.” 
 “(Y/N) (Y/L/N) is a user!” You suddenly heard someone shout. 
“(Y/N), you can fuck off!”
“(Y/N), leave Luke alone! You don’t deserve him!” 
 These phrases were attacks on you, and you froze in fright and anger. You turn to where those fans were and bound to speak your mind, but was stopped by Eleanor, whose hand gripped on your arm.
“Not worth it, (Y/N). Now come on, the boys are entering inside and we should too.” Following orders, you bid goodbye to the fans and finally entered the venue, which was a lot warmer than the chilly weather outside.
“Thinking 'bout you lots lately, have you been eating breakfast alone like me?”
The show was in full swing. The lighting was on point, good vibes and music too. You were at the balcony area, jamming to Moving Along and swaying your hips alongside Eleanor, who just finished filming excerpts for the video. As the boys played the last chords of the song, the next part would be talking of some sort, which could be a giving thanks one or a roasting session, pretty much anything.
“New York, how are you feeling?!” Luke hyped, the screams of the fans getting louder. 
“You guys have been awesome so far, and wow, I love my job so much!” 
“God, Luke, how many times have you said that on this tour?” Calum asks humorously.
“Too much! But shit, thanks for all the support you’ve given Youngblood!” He raised his mic stand, having some lights flash behind him as he did. As he put the stand down, he looked over at Michael, about to speak again but chiller.
“Let’s get a bit serious for a moment, guys. Hey, Michael. I have a question for you.”
“What’s on your mind, Luke?”
“So, you and Crystal are going 4 years strong now, right?” Luke starts, getting some cheers from the audience.
“Yup, 4 happy years yeah!” More cheers erupted.
“Nice one, buddy! Moving on, did you or Crystal get any hate about that? I’m pretty curious.” Yup, Luke just did that. 
“We did, but it was mostly on her. It made me sad when she’s sad whenever she comes across tweets towards her. There have been times where she was crying to me because it got too much.” Michael’s happy expression turned sour. 
“Sending hate is really low of someone, honestly. When you support the band, you shouldn’t judge whoever they want to date.” Ashton speaks up.
“I have another thing I want to say if you guys don’t mind. So awhile ago, I was taking pictures with a bunch of you guys, then I overheard some fans bashing on my girlfriend. That’s really uncool and hurts a lot to hear.” Luke confronts, disappointed. The crowd grew silent, so intensely it could be cut with as a knife.
“I heard the same with Eleanor actually. Really, guys? How would you feel if you hear when someone says bad things to your friends or family when you’re around?” Calum adds, looking down at his shoes afterwards and adjusting his bass guitar strings.
“To be honest, it’s better to send positivity than negativity, it’s what we need today. If you don’t like them, fine go ahead. Just don’t be vocal about it especially online because we see everything. And to (Y/N), I know it’s a pretty public way to proclaim it, but I truly love you.” Your heart jumped. This is the first time he’s said the big “L” word towards you, full-heartedly and romantically. Not counting the platonic ones from when you were still just friends.
“Aww, too much feels tonight! Fuck hate, love love love! Now, the next song is Talk Fast! Let’s go!” Ashton beamed before hitting the first beats of the song on his drum kit.  You continued to watch Luke from above, his purple glittery eyeshadow sparkling in the light and gripping on the microphone as he sings those lyrics. He noticed, giving you a cheeky wink which made you shake your head in flattery and the crowd go wild again.
“Nice show, fellas!” You hear some crew members say to the boys from outside. They just finished, and you and Eleanor were by the dressing room, opening up the bottle of Jack Daniels and a liter bottle of rootbeer. Trust me, this is good shit. Mixing the concoction on a pitcher, you could hear the door creak open, signaling you that the boys are going inside. Turning around, you see 4 sweaty boys, still on a high after performing and holding red cups already.
“Fuck, never gets old!” Michael cheers, lying down on the couch. “What you making over there, babe?” Calum approaches Eleanor from behind, hugging her waist and nuzzling his head on her shoulder. 
“Rootbeer and Jack Daniels. Figured we should try something new, something that isn’t Corona.” Eleanor keeps mixing before removing the spoon to take a sip. Her face puckers up a bit.“This is good! Get your red cups, guys!” You were first in line, pouring the mix on your cup, sipping it. It was strong but sweet.
“I love it!” You continued drinking, but as you stopped, your eyes focused on Luke, sitting on the couch and scrolling through phone. Making your way to him, you sat beside him, putting your head on his shoulder. “Whatcha looking at?” 
“Twitter. A lot of fans took videos of that band speech awhile ago, and it’s getting popular.” He answered in monotone, eyes still glued on his phone. In order to get his full attention, you stood up and got his phone from his grasp
“What the fuck, babe?” He complained, arms crossed before standing up. You forgot for a second that he was really tall, urging your head to tilt upwards.
“Can we talk outside first, Luke?” You bluntly ask. When he nods, you discreetly exited the room, but you hear someone say “oh shit” before you close the door. Walking to find a hidden spot where no one is around quietly, Luke momentarily felt he was in trouble. Was it because he confronted his fans like that or suddenly putting you on the spot with the big “L”? Finally, you found a spot which was near an exit, then Luke broke the silence, nervous.
“Okay, I don’t know for sure what I did to make you annoyed or whatever, so please te-“ You cut him off by softly planting your lips on his, tiptoeing to reach his height. Well, slightly.
One hand was on his shoulder and the other was on his cheek. His hand went under your shirt, feeling his fingers linger on my skin. His vacant hand went to your waist. He wanted more by tugging on your shirt, but you let go before he did could remove it, your forehead resting on his so you could breathe for a bit. His blue eyes opened slowly to yours eyes, giving him a loving smile. 
“Luke, I love you so much too.” Pretty cheesy you thought, but it made the butterflies in your stomach go away. He was everything you wanted in this life. Luke was on cloud nine, lifting you up, your legs entangled on his waist and his hands under your thighs for support.
“You are worth more that the haters, alright? They’ll go through me if they attack again.”
“You know I can defend myself, right?” You played.
“But let me help you, it helps me with my self-esteem.” He wiggled his eyebrows. 
“Whatever, babe. Shut up and kiss me again.” He did as told, his lips crashing your alcohol dripped lips. Tilting your head a bit, his mouth opened up a bit so you could get more access. He bit your lower lip in between, making you moan.
“That never gets old.” He says in between kissing. 
“That’s what makes me love you more.”
2034, Los Angeles
“Oh yay! Thank you very much, goodbye.” You hung up the phone call. It was the designer in charge of finalizing the details on your gown that will be worn in your Australian premiere of Take Me or Leave Me.
As you did such, Stella walks in the room, holding on her fuzzy bunny Kira. You couldn’t decipher what she was feeling as she kept a straight face, but you can see her sleepy eyes blinking slowly.
“Morning, bub. Come stay in bed with me, let’s have breakfast in bed.” You insisted, patting the vacant side of your bed. She comes closer and tugged on the bedsheets, entering herself inside but still with a frown.
“How was your day yesterday with Mark? He told you that you watched numerous films and ate a lot pizza.”
“I did, and it was really fun. How was last night for you?”
“Really fun. Date nights with uncle Tim are filled with jokes, awkwardness and really good food.” She smiles, then frowns again.
“Are you okay, Stella? You’ve been frowning since you lied in bed with me.”
“Well, I need to meet up someone tomorrow, but I don’t know what to do next.” She squirms, instantly hid herself in the blankets.
“Stella, come on, talk to me.” You try to pull down the sheets, but Stella’s grip was stronger.
“Stella! I need to meet up with Stella. She’ll be here tomorrow.”
“O-kay, but where could she be right now?” You squint your brows at her nonsense.
“Sydney, Australia with her dad Luke Hemmings.” You froze. Your grip of the blanket softened, lifting it.
“You’re not Stella?” You were in disbelief, thinking this is a nightmare and very eager to wake up. You pinched your side, wincing. Sadly, you’re awake.
“Hello, mum.” Rebecca crawled out from the covers, hearing the strong Australian accent just like his.
“Oh my god, you’re Rebecca?” She nods slowly. You put your hand on your mouth, trying to comprehend the situation.
“Stella and I, we switched places. She wanted to see dad and I wanted to see you. I’ve been waiting for this moment to happen, and I wanted you to love me as me, not as Stella.” Rebecca explained in full in order for you to catch on why she is here. You wanted to cry, but first you gave her a heartfelt hug. “Oh poppet, I have loved you all this time. I missed you.”
“You called me poppet. Dad still calls me that.”
“That was always our nickname for you because you laughed at the sound of Stella’s mouth bubbles when they pop a lot, which is also why we called Stella bub.”
“I missed you so much too, mum.” As you were a having a moment, it was cut as you hear Mark crying a bit as he held your breakfast tray. “I’m so sorry, miss. This just made me happy.” He put it down and exits quietly, also closing the door. “So what happens now? Will you switch us back?” Her blue eyes she inherited from her father looked nervous.
“Well, technically, you belong with your dad and Stella belongs with me.”
“Wow. This set-up is such a bummer, mom.”
“I know, poppet. I’m sorry that’s what we planned.” You remained silent, letting some tears out.
“They’ll be in Los Angeles tomorrow. Dad has a few shows here, working in the studio all week with the band and attending the VMAs too. Don’t you get invited to go to the VMAs every year?”
“I do, but I stopped because-”
“Dad was there.” She finishes your sentence, disheartened.
“Yes.” You frowned at the fact. Just imagine you going right after that divorce and the years after, it would cause tension and a topic different media outlets would use to their advantage. Just no.
“Well then. You better tell Gina that you’re going and get the show on the road!” Stella cheers, getting up from the bed and raising her arms in celebration. “Yeah, let’s get it.” You say, anxiously dreading with what’s to come.
“I fucking can’t with this.” You kept going in and out of your walk-in closet, breathing out the smoke from your e-cigarette which you haven’t used since the divorce out of stress. Mark was also there, holding some outfit choices you picked earlier. Gina just arrived 10 minutes, being oriented by Mark that you know about the situation. She was also in the room, contacting the organizers of the VMAs of the last minute changes to your acceptance of invitation and arrival.
“I haven’t seen Luke Hemmings in 10 years, although hearing about him and his personal and band life wasn’t easy to swerve away. And to see him tomorrow already? I’m not mature enough for this!” You ranted, brushing away some hair because it was messed up. Pacing the room back in fort, breathing through the e-cigarette and letting out more smoke, you spoke up again.
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“If he didn’t drive me crazy and angry all the time, we would still be married.” You made your way to Mark, comparing out the different outfits. “Gina, dear, which do you like better?”
Gina, who just finished texting the final details, looked up from her phone and examined closely what you chose. One outfit was a red plunging neckline, spaghetti strap dress with a slit up until your whole leg with red ensembles, and the other was a black dress also with a plunging neckline with a much shorter slit on the side with black heels.
“Nice to see you you like plunging necklines.” She chuckles. “The red one. You can wear the black one in the afterparty.”
“Afterparty? I don’t think it’s appropriate since Rebecca’s with me.” You implied. “Well, the organizers insist you’d come! It’s been a long time they said, and they would want you to have a comeback. Besides, they want to meet Rebecca too.” You pondered for a minute. You were just concerned on how Rebecca would react to the paparazzi in LA, the flashing lights on her. But then again, she was probably used to it with having Luke as her father in the first place. “Okay, I’ll go. In one condition.”
“What is it, miss?”
“Well firstly, Gina, I have known you for all these years and I don’t know what I’d do without you getting through my hectic schedule and career, so I was wondering if -”
“I’d go with you to both the events, take care of her and make things easier?” She said the words straight out of your mouth. You gripped her shoulders, nuzzling your head.
“Oh would you please! Thank you so much, and you don’t have to go as my assistant, just as a close family friend, which is a fact too.”
“No worries, miss! And as a friend, when I am seeing my ex after 10 years and had your looks,” Her hands this time gripped on your shoulders and brought you to the vanity mirror and chair, sitting you down. She opens one drawer and brings out a silver choker and assorted rings, then puts some hair on one side. “I would have this getup on. You will slay it! Whatcha think, Mark?”
“You’re gonna kill it, and him too!” He exclaimed.
As this occurred, Rebecca was behind the door, giggling at your frantic self. She liked that you really wanted to make a bold entrance to your crazy man of an ex-husband and to the media as well. Entering the room, you were lying on the bed, still vaping out smoke.
“Mom, stop that! It’s not healthy!” She came to your side, grabbing the e-cigarette, giving it to Mark. “Hey, I need it!”
“Hide this wherever, I don’t want her to die just yet.”
“No problem, bub.” Mark leaves the room, sneakily smoking a bit of it. Luckily, you didn’t see it because you would grow even madder. “That thing costs a lot, you know?” You told the blonde girl, now drinking out of your flask, tasting the familiar taste of vodka. “I know, aunt Eleanor has one just like it.” She answers, also saying a name you haven’t heard in so long.
“Aunt Eleanor? How is she?” You chimed in, focused the whereabouts and state of your once close friend in your twenties. It’s been ages since you’ve heard about her, the last being when you told her about the finalization of the divorce.
“Great, she and uncle Calum are great and also happy. You know her?”
“She was one of my closest friends, who is your godmother. Dad didn’t tell you, huh?” She shakes her head. “Well, I miss her very much. She was one of the people I cut off ties with because I was too hurt after I separated with your dad.”
“That’s awful! You should reconnect when they come here tomorrow or something when you talk to dad.” Rebecca reacted. You regret cutting off ties, but talking to her will remind her of Luke because it was the tour life that bonded you with her a lot and it will be so painful. You got to do what you have to do in order to be sane once more.
“Speaking of your dad, does he know about the switch-up?” You question, sitting up from your previous position in order to look at her properly. “Yes, Stella just messaged me a while ago that she told dad.” She makes up, trying to comfort you so you wouldn’t worry anymore. But you weren’t aware of such.
“Yikes, I’m going to have to mentally prepare for that.” You say, putting your palm on your face. But from your peripheral view, you watched how Rebecca pouted, full of sadness and fright. This isn’t normal for an 11 year old to handle, and this is a nightmare as well for you to deal with an ex-husband when things didn’t work out like it used to.
“Oh poppet, your dad and I will work this out, okay? I got this under control.” You reassured her, her saddened eyes brightened, feeling hopeful as she hugs you, falling on your back. You tried not to cry or tear up yet despite the temptation.
Truly, the guilt pangs your heart for leaving but glad that you are reunited. How dearly you missed this girl.
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dragon-fics · 4 years
S&H: Ch. 15 Lakeside
Chapter summary: Molten takes Zion to Lakeside
Notes, Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14, Ch. 15, Ch. 16, Ch. 17, Ch. 18, Ch. 19, Ch. 20, Ch. 21, Ch. 22, Ch. 23, Ch. 24, Ch. 25, Ch. 26, Ch. 27
Molten’s shoulders burned as he carried the hefty turntable out of the disco hall with CJ. He continued to walk backwards as he exited the tall double-doored arch out of the concert hall and into the bright sunlight of the mid-June sun. The nap Zion had insisted on had done him good; his headache was gone had he wasn’t surviving on coffee. He looked over his shoulder to see the welcoming sight of his parents’ dusty Citroen Picasso. He heard someone open the boot of the seven-seater and he and CJ slid the turntable into it, seeing the collapsed seats in the boot. Molten took off his glasses and rubbed the sweat off his face.
“What’s left?” Flame asked as Molten put back on his glasses.
“My two speakers,” replied Molten, looking up at the bright sun. A black hand slapped him on the shoulder.
“Haven’t seen this dork in years,” said Blaze. Molten snatched his hand and held it back above his younger brother’s shoulder, getting a small painful cry from his younger sibling.
“In that case, you can handle both speakers yourself,” said Molten, turning around from the car fully and getting a pouting look from his brother. He heard CJ chuckle as Blaze looked at their sire with the same pout. When he didn’t get any sympathy, he trudged into the hall, his head hanging. Molten fixed his black vest and walked towards the open double doors, following Blaze.
“Is he really worth it?” Molten heard Zion ask from his spot by his Audi.
Molten shrugged. “He’s my brother. Besides, I can barely carry one.” He walked into the corridor and then took a right, standing at the end of the hall. It seemed much bigger on the inside than on the outside.
Blaze walked up to the right of the stage, kicking aside pieces of confetti and streamers with each stride. Molten headed for the other side. On the stage was a painted wooden box, about 3 feet long and a half foot tall. One each side of the box was a speaker, both belonging to Molten.
Blaze looked towards him and then down the hall. “So how’s the chosen one’s life?” He asked, leaning on the speaker.
Molten shrugged. “Not too different to the dating life,” he looked to Blaze. “Why?”
He shrugged. “Just interested,” he said, keeping his head low and digging his fingers in under the speaker. Molten looked back at the speaker before him and did the same, then headed out towards the door. He and his brother lay the three-foot-long speakers in the boot beside the turntable.
“So, to yours?” Said Flame getting into the car.
“Yep,” Molten said, heading for his car.
“So, what is Lakeside again?” Asked Zion. He had changed into a red crop top—the colour he was supposed to wear as Prince of Roania—and navy swimming shorts. After they had put the speakers back in Molten’s music room—a room dedicated to his speakers, turntable and his vinyl and basketball trophy collection—the two of them were invited to Lakeside, along with Zion’s sisters in Wyrmia.
Molten looked at him from his spot behind the steering wheel. “It’s a private lake that belongs to my grandparents.” He started looking back to the road. “And because their not in Shovania, we get to go whenever we want. And with the weather so good, it would be a shame if we didn’t go,” he said, slowing his speed and turning down a lane. “And it’s near where we met,” he added. The trail was mainly dirt and dying plant material. Either side of the road was a wall of spruce trees, blocking out most of the sunlight and giving the scene an eerie feel.
Zion looked out his partially opened window. “Not so good now,” he said grimly.
“Just wait, Horse Boy. Just wait,” Molten replied, not even hiding his smirk.
“Horse Boy?!” He exclaimed, insulted. “Oh, you Mr Flarescales have another thing coming!” He said knocking Molten on the shoulder. Molten looked at him, gaping falsely. He kept one hand on the wheel and hit Zion back. Zion took Molten by the jaw and made him look at him, then kissed him suddenly. “You and your nicknames,” he said, pissed off as he sat back in his seat. Molten just laughed. Zion looked aside.
“I know you like it,” he teased.
Zion snorted. “Just don’t call me that or anything else in front of others, alright?” He said, looking back at him.
“Of course!” Molten said over-enthusiastically. “I wouldn’t dare embarrass my Horsey in front of other people,” he said, getting another pissed off snort from Zion, making him laugh. A few moments later they emerged into a bright clearing. There, they saw CJ’s car and Molten’s parents’ car. “I take it you called your sisters about coming here,” said Molten as he pulled up.
“Yes, I did,” Zion sighed, unbuckling himself. When they both got out of the car, Zion got a warm welcome from Jasmine and Firestrike, and a shy look from Ember—which he got rid of with the offer of a slice of candy fruit, a common fruit found in Roania. Molten went straight for the boot of his car, grabbing a bag of... something. He winked at CJ as he shut the boot door. His family started their way toward the lake, CJ following them.
As he followed, Zion walked beside him. “You better not say anything,” he warned.
“Zion, it was a joke,” Molten said, bumping into Zion and putting his arm around him. He locked his car as they walked. The lake was... On the small side; it was about a hundred meters in radius with a jetty reaching from what little sand and shingle was on the shore into the water that was a maximum of four feet deep. Molten went over to one side of the jetty and grabbed a towel from the top of the bag, laying it down on the sand.
Zion glanced in the bag, seeing three red, blue and green super water guns. What a child, he thought to himself with a smile as he sat on the towel.
After a while, Ember came over to Zion and Molten, wanting to see unicorn magic, so Zion entertained her with a gold animation of a unicorn prancing around and another animation of a pegasus flying. Mostly, the family stayed talking amongst themselves. Until Molten disappeared. He was gone for the better part of 10 minutes before he re-emerged from the trees. He set down the blue and green water guns by the edge of the trees, keeping the red one in hand. He took aim and pulled the trigger of the pistol, spraying his sister first on the back.
Firestrike let out a shriek and got to her feet quickly. Molten then aimed for Blaze, spraying him on the chest after his sister shrieked. Both siblings ran towards Molten in fury. He dodged aside quickly, running on to the sand as his siblings grabbed their water guns and aiming for their brother. CJ made his way over to Zion as Molten ran for the jetty.
“It’s an old sibling rivalry tradition,” he said into Zion’s ear as Blaze screamed like a little girl. “Every summer they’d try to get into as many water fights as possible, to see who’d win.” He said, chuckling as Molten squealed as both of his siblings sprayed him.
The water fight lasted 10 minutes, entertaining the five that weren’t involved in the siblings battle—though they got hit too from time to time. Firestrike was the first to run out of water. She sat back down on her towel. Ember ran over to her and hugged her drenched red Just Do It t-shirt.
“You did good, Mummy,” she said. Firestrike smiled and looked at her brothers.
“C’mon Molten!” She shouted encouragingly. Blaze stood near the end of the jetty, near the water as his spray of water crossed Molten’s, Molten stood across from him, that bit nearer to the shore. Both guns felt light. Then Blaze’s spray died out; empty. He gave Molten a nervous smile. Molten just grinned victoriously and dropped his gun. A faint outline of a luminous blue cocoon swirled around him and he crouched.
“Great,” Blaze muttered. Molten pounced for his brother, both shifting to their beast forms and landing in the water, rising the water’s edge as they wrestling. Zion looked at Molten, in his beast form on top of his brother, who was only seen because of his legs being above the surface. He’d known that they hadn’t ever gotten along much in the past, but he couldn’t help but think he had gone a bit too far. He was about to get up when CJ stopped him.
“Molten’s no psychopath, Zion. He’s just messing around with him. It’s something all males do if they have a rival—usually their brother.” CJ assured. Zion looked over at Molten’s parents. Flame nodded to confirm CJ’s explanation.
“Then how’s he surviving so long underwater?” Zion asked.
“Gills,” CJ said. “They’re behind our horns and are only active when we’re in our beast forms.” He finished, running his fingers through his long dark hair.
Molten finally got off his brother, walking through the water, his scales wet and shimmering as he made his way closer to shore. Blaze got himself to his feet. His primary colour was black—like his anthropomorphic form, with simple cobalt stripes on his neck, back and tail with no bony plates, unlike his brother. He looked at Molten and lowered himself into a crouch. Molten heard him but played along. He wants something, he noted. As Blaze pounced Molten turned himself so he’d land on his back—which he did.
Make it quick, he said, looking at Blaze’s eyes, which were a copy of his own—or rather their dam’s—through the thin layer of water, though his snout was above the water.
Blaze’s gaze lowered for a moment. I need to talk with you, he said. Soon. He paused and let out an audible sigh. Please?
Fine, Molten said, trying to sound more pissed off than he was as his tail flicked back and forth. He pushed him off and stood up, shifting to his anthropomorphic form and walking towards the shore. Blaze shifted to his own form. Both of their clothes were soaked. CJ walked back over to his own towel.
“Congrats, Champ,” he said, sitting back down. Molten snorted.
“Thanks,” he said, nudging Blaze as he started off towards his spot. While the rest of the family went back to what they were discussing before, Molten looked to Zion and gestured for him to come over with his finger. As Zion got to his feet, Molten peeled off his shirt and threw it down. He brought Zion to the jetty, standing on the end. Molten looked back. He was feeling bold after his victory and wanted to see how far he could push his luck with Zion. He saw that Firestrike was now showing off the upper part of her bathing suit while Blaze was topless like himself. Blaze smirked at him.
“Are ya gonna fully welcome him to the family?” He shouted, not hiding the smile in his voice.
“What’s he talking about?” Zion asked warily.
Molten just laughed. “Gods, I hate him when he spoils things,” he said. He placed a hand on Zion’s shoulder and pushed him off balance, sending him into the water. “Welcome to Lakeside,” he said, seeing Zion’s scowl hovering above the water. Zion wrapped a gold ring of magic tight around Molten’s wrist and dragged him into the water.
“Karma, bitch,” he said smugly, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear. Molten snorted, releasing a small plume of smoke through his nostrils. Zion coughed and drew in a mouthful of water, which he shot at Molten. Molten glared at him.
“Fuck you,” he said, insulted. He pulled Zion closer and kissed him. When Zion melted into it, he broke away and walked off, leaving the unicorn there. He looked back at Zion with a smirk. Zion snorted and dropped his ears, but he didn’t follow, he just floated there, enjoying the coolness of the water compared to the 30° Celsius he was in a few moments ago.
Molten sat on his towel and looked at Zion, then to Blaze. Yo, he called telepathically, getting his attention. He made his way over. As Blaze settled on the towel, three new figures emerged from the trees; Mona, Kate and the dark colt from the gig the night before. “Welcome to Lakeside,” Molten said. Kate shot him some finger guns, Mona and placed their towel on the sand. Molten looked to the colt. “I’m Molten,” he said, reaching up with an open hand to him. “And you are...?”
“Noir,” said the colt. “I’m a close friend of Prince Zion’s,” he explained, shaking Molten’s hand.
“Pleasure,” Molten said, retracting his hand, and looked to Blaze as Noir sat near to the sisters. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?”
Blaze looked aside.
“I know I need to change,” he started. "But I don’t know where to start."
0 notes
floralicious · 7 years
dynamic lives, static signals: part 1
telephone blues
Crossposted on ao3
part 2
Summary: Alfendi is tired, and Kat just wants her brother to keep in touch. Lucy is... otherwise occupied. A movie night.
Relationships: Lucy Baker/Hilda Pertinax, Katrielle Layton/Pipper Lowonida
Rating: T for language and implied sex
“And that about wraps up the Simmons case, Prof.”
Lucy dropped the file on the Prof’s desk, where he was sitting and studying another open case file.
“Thank you, Lucy,” said Alfendi absentmindedly. “I'll double-check it later.” He kept looking at the page in front of him, eyes glazing over as they moved back and forth pointlessly.
Lucy gazed down at the Prof. “You quite alright?” It looked almost as if he was going to fall asleep. Just watching him made Lucy drowsy. As her eyelids started to drop, her phone buzzed in her pocket.
“Yes, just tired. The amount of homicides going on recently is a tad overwhelming. I appreciate your help with all these cases.” While Alfendi spoke, Lucy took out her mobile .
Text from: Kit Kat
make sure al is coning to movie nite 2day
It buzzed again.
the basrrerd was “sick” last weel
“Hey Prof, Katrielle wants to know if you’ll be at my flat later for movie night,” Lucy said. “We’re watching some Rector film with Leonardo diCameo and Cate Quinslet, if that's any incentive.”
Alfendi sighed. “Tell my sister it will take a little more than a romance film to get me to see her.”
Lucy started typing.
Text to: Kit Kat
I don't think he wants to come. Seems dead tired if you ask me.
Text from: Kit Kat
tell that asdhole I’m getting the good pizza and mr. lipsli’s cookies
and if he doesn't come I'll make sure he ends up on a mysteey room caae file
“She's getting the good pizza from that place by Guildhall. And cookies from the bakery on Chancer Lane,” Lucy read from her phone.
“Plus she said, and I quote, 'if he doesn't come I’ll make sure he ends up in a Mystery Room case file.’ I think she means as the victim, Prof.”
Alfendi got up from his seat behind the desk. “Fine. Tell Katrihell I'll be there. Your flat is near hers, correct?”
“Aye, P. Usle Avenue. I'm number 33, just shoot me a text when you get there,” Lucy said. She smiled, writing a quick confirmation message to Kat before slipping her mobile back into her pocket.
“That being said, I've got to get back. Hilda will have my hide if I don't clean the flat before we have guests, and we've finished enough cases for today, dontcha think?” Lucy glanced back at the Prof for confirmation, but he was already buried deep in his case file.
“Yes, fine. See you later,” he mumbled.
As she walked out the door, Lucy shouted over her shoulder at the Prof. “It's at seven! Don't be late!”
Alfendi sat, stewing in his car. Traffic was a nightmare come to life at six o'clock on a Friday evening, apparently, and the unusually warm fall weather helped nothing. The inspector was sweltering in his turtleneck, even without his lab coat.
For fuck’s sake, he thought. I thought rush hour was over when I got home. Cars honked all around him, but Alfendi just looked out the windshield and mourned the loss of a quiet night at home.
Damn Kat and her damn movie nights. Why can't she just call me like a normal person to catch up? And I bet she's bringing her damn girlfriend too. Two goddamned couples and I'll be fifth wheeling. Good thinking, Al. You give in to your goddamned kid sister and now tonight will be louder than Dolly Hollerday at a kids’ concert.
Traffic started to move, and Alfendi moved with it. He supposed seeing Katrielle again wouldn't be so bad, but it had only been two weeks since they had last seen each other. One if you counted the time she dropped into his office on business. But he liked Lucy’s place, and Hilda would be there. The movie didn't sound so bad either.
This could be fun, thought Alfendi as he made his way through the still-busy streets. He braked suddenly, jerking himself forward as another car cut him off at an intersection.
“Dickwad!” He yelled out the window, shoving out a hand with one finger raised. Or maybe not so much.
Lucy opened the door almost right as Alfendi sent her a text. Over an hour later, he had managed to find P. Usle Avenue again. By the time he arrived it was 7:14 P.M., and the whole party was already there.
“Hiya, Prof!” Lucy beamed at him, and Alfendi returned the smile.
“Hello, Lucy. Sorry I'm late.” He stepped into the modest flat, which was filled with knickknacks and bright colors. His former co-worker was sitting on a large couch in the living area, typing something on a laptop.
“Hi, Al,” said Hilda, barely glancing up from her work. “Good to see you.”
Alfendi smiled. “Likewise, Hilda. It's been too long. You really ought to accompany Lucy to the Yard more oft- oof!”
Katrielle Layton had jumped on him, smothering him in a tight hug around the neck.
“Big brother!” She squealed.
“Hey… Kat… rielle…” Alfendi croaked out. He spotted a blonde-haired woman occupying a chair next to Hilda. “Hello��� Mayor-” he gasped- “...Lowonida.”
“Just Pipper is fine, Inspector,” said the mayor through her giggles.
Kat released him, and Alfendi took a few huge breaths. “Jesus, Katrihell. Are you actually trying to kill me? After I showed up and everything?”
“Yes, because you missed last week's movie night!” Kat said in a voice suspiciously close to a growl. “I’ve been worried sick, not to mention you looked terrible when I saw you at the office last week. You look even worse now, you silly boy.
“Have you slept at all this week? And look at this. Roots, Al.” Kat reached up and pulled the top of his head towards her, frowning at the brown hair around his part.
Alfendi, head still bowed, met Kat’s eyes. “Sorry that making a living is keeping me from dyeing my hair,” he jibed. “We're a bit stressed up at the Mystery Room.”
“Wait, Prof, your hair color isn't natural?” Lucy had taken a seat and was leaning on Hilda.
“Nope!” chirped Katrielle. “He dyed it this color when he was- what were you, Al, seventeen?” Alfendi nodded in agreement.
“Around that time.”
“Oh Lu, you should have seen it! Dad was so shocked, I thought his eyes might fall out,” Kat said.
Hilda looked up and grinned. “Al made me and Justin help touch up his roots in school because he didn't want to pay for a professional.” Lucy laughed at this and buried her face in Hilda’s shoulder.
“Enough about my hair, how about the movie? And food? I only came because we're getting the good pizza,” Alfendi grumbled.
Katrielle’s eyes lit up like stars. “Oh, the pizza should be delivered any minute! I can’t wait! Pipper, you set up the movie so we can start it as soon as the food gets here, right?”
“All taken care of, darling,” the mayor said from her seat. “It's like you care about the food more than me!”
“Mmm…” mumbled Kat as she watched the door, waiting for a knock.
Soon the detective got her wish, and flung open the door. She hurriedly paid the delivery girl and toted a stack of pizza boxes in.
“Okay…” she said. “A medium Hawaiian for Al and Hilda…” Katrielle pushed a box into Alfendi's arms. He moved to sit next to Hilda, forcing Lucy to release her girlfriend and sit amongst several cushions instead. Hilda snapped shut her computer at last and turned her attention to the food.
Lucy took a pizza box offered to her by Kat. “Large pepperoni?” she asked.
“Enjoy,” Kat replied with a wink.
She handed Mayor Lowonida a small box. “A personal cheese pizza for my beautiful lady-” she sat down as close as possible to Pipper “- and two almost-everything pizzas for me!”
“How are you going to eat all that?” Alfendi scoffed. “Jesus, Kat. Good thing you bike everywhere.”
Katrielle frowned. “Well, I don't understand how pineapple on pizza could possibly taste good to anybody. How you two can stand it might be the only mystery I can't solve.”
“Oh, shut up,” Alfendi said, though he was smiling.
The mayor pressed a button on the remote, and the movie started.
“Ah, what romance!” said Lucy around a mouthful of pizza. “They knew right away that they were meant to be, even bein’ strangers to each other.”
“I think our love is just as strong, dear,” said Hilda. She dabbed at her mouth before moving to the other end of the couch. She sat next to Lucy once more and kissed her cheek.
“As is ours,” Pipper said. Katrielle smiled at her. Kat leaned her head on Pipper’s shoulder and took another bite of pizza.
“What about you, Al?” Kat said, mouth still full. “Anyone special I should know about? I don't know anything about your life, seeing as you haven't called me.” With this she gave Alfendi a pointed look.
He considered flipping her off, but decided to just speak. He didn't really care about disturbing the movie at this point. “Well, prospects have dwindled. I haven't met anyone worth dating in ages. Not that it's your business what my love life looks like, Katrihell.”
“Hmmm,” murmured Kat, eyes on the screen. “All I'm saying is that Ernest is available.”
Alfendi just looked at his sister, dumbstruck. Once again, he thought about giving her the finger. “Are you nuts? I'm at least ten years older than that poor kid! At least! Not to mention how you led him on, the sap.”
“I pay him now! And-”
“Y’know, I were jus’ talkin’ to an old friend of mine. She’s a pretty lass if I ever met one, and clever too. I'm sure I could convince her to go on a date with you, Prof,” piped Lucy.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Lucy, but it's really a non-issue. Dating isn't an important part of life right now. Work is the priority.” Now it was Alfendi's turn to give a pointed look to Kat.
She studiously ignored him in favor of the film. Alfendi grumbled indistinctly as he shoved a chunk of pineapple into his mouth. He grabbed a pillow from the couch and lay down on it, settling down to watch the movie.
“Al? Come on, wake up.” Katrielle shook her brother. Alfendi was passed out on Lucy’s sofa. He had shoved a pizza box to the floor.
Katrielle was trying desperately not to wake Lucy and Hilda, who had fallen asleep snuggling together.
She continued to shake Alfendi. “Wha? Kat, what’re you-”
“Shhhhh,” she said, pointing to the cuddling couple.
“What's going on?” asked Alfendi. He was whispering this time.
“The movie’s over. Come on, you can stay in my flat, it's just down the street. Flora’s room is empty since she's in America.” Kat paused and tugged on Alfendi's arm. “Up with you now.”
She dragged the man off of the couch. He reluctantly walked out the door with her, too tired to really understand what was going on. Katrielle waved an arm at Pipper, asking her to join them.
The trio walked down Kat's street. It was lit by sturdy street lights, the kind nice to look at. Everyone walked in silence as they admired the few stars above.
Kat thought to herself how idyllic it was. A perfect night.
They entered Katrielle's flat. It was marked by a pretty blue door,which creaked upon being opened.
Pipper flipped a light switch, illuminating the dark hall.
“I can drive back to my home, Kat,” said Alfendi, now at full volume and full attention.
“Hush, it's late and I've got an empty room. Plus, your place is across town. You're staying,” Kat replied.
Pipper silently moved to Katrielle's own room, while Kat and Alfendi headed towards Flora's. Alfendi immediately flopped into the tidy bed.
“I miss Flora,” he said.
“Me too,” said Kat, “but she wouldn't appreciate having your shoes on her bed.”
Alfendi laughed and moved to remove his shoes. “Thanks for letting me stay, Kat. Really.”
“Goodnight,” she sing-songed as she closed the door.
“Love you,” said Alfendi.
“I love you too, big bro,” Kat said through the cracked door. “Now sleep. You need it.”
Katrielle walked down to her room, where she found Pipper undressing. “Now that we're alone…” said Kat, “what am I going to do with you?”
They both grinned.
Thanks for reading!
A/N: This is probably super out of character but I don't really care
(P.S. I'm sorry if I butchered any accents please forgive my American ignorance)
Timeline: Set sometime shortly after Millionaire's Conspiracy.
Nicknames: Alfendi calls Kat "Katrihell" because hell is what she gives him (haha I think I'm funny). Lucy kalls her "Kit Kat" because she's sweet.
Kat's cursing- She doesn't curse out loud as it's not very gentlewomanly, but has no qualms about cussing out her brother over text. He is, after all, the one who taght her every curse in the book.
The living situation- Kat and the mayor alternate between each other's homes. Flora lived in Kat's spare room for a month or so, but has since returned to her life and career. ( I think she's significantly older than Kat and Alfendi because she couldn't have been younger than 12-14 when Al was adopted or born. This is assuming he was adopted as an infant.)
Flora's location: Flora is in America with parties who will probably become named in a shorter follow-up fic.
Technology- If someone tries to tell me they have a crime scene simulator but not cell phones in the Laytonverse I'm going to scream.
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byunhyuk · 5 years
The Partnership
Soleil x Hyuk
The crowd was going was wild as they clapped, screamed, and whistled at the four talented girls on stage as they finished the last song to end their concert. Many people had grouped together and screamed in admiration for their favorite idol, or idols, of the all-girl group called C-4 while a lonely man stood at a nearly hidden corner of the VIP section, a smile to his face, admiration in his eyes, and hands clapping while his lips stayed shut – silent in comparison to everyone else. His eyes, however, could show directly who his little cheers were going to, as his gaze could be directed straight to the lead singer of the group – Soleil Lee. Anyone who saw him, would believe he was just another fan showing and expressing his admiration for the beautiful and talented vocalist, but it was more than that. Many people had gone to the concert with their partners - being February 14, many had gifted concert tickets to the person they loved and had attended the concert together. Hyuk, however, was alone with no friends or a significant other by his side as he smiled and clapped at the group. His hair was fixed differently than usual, the length enough to somewhat cover his face as he stood apart from the others, trying his best not to be recognized. The group of girls next to him, however, were too smart for the little tactic he’d pulled as they turned and caught sight of the lone male beside them. One gasped and grew wide-eyed, pointing at him. “Hyuk? Model Hyuk?” She asked, getting the young man’s attention as he apologetically smiled and shook his head. “No, I get that a lot though. But I’m not the model.” He tried to deny it, but by then the girl had already grabbed her friends’ attention and told them who he was. Shaking his head and denying it, Hyuk slowly began to step backwards, away enough to be able to exit the V.I.P section and hurriedly walked out of the arena.
A few hours later, he was standing against the driver’s door of his car in the parking lot of one of his favorite restaurants, bouquet of flowers in hands. He’d arrived but a few minutes ago and decided to wait outside for his date rather than to go in on his own. He’d been looking down, kicking gravel around to entertain himself while he waited, when he heard light footsteps getting near. His head shot up, eyes narrowed, and a wide smile grew to his lips as he noticed the lead singer of C-4 walking towards him, both dressed differently now from how they’d been at the concert. “Happy Valentines.” He whispered, taking a step towards her as his arms extended, showing and handing the bouquet of flowers to her. The smile on her face was angelic, absolutely stunning, and made his heart skip a beat as he watched her. He wanted to hold her, tell her how proud he was of her work, and how he’d wanted to scream out for her and let everyone know of their relationship without a care in the world – but he held back. His heartbeat was racing just at the sight of her, of even having her so close. Still, he couldn’t believe it – although in secret, they were together. They belonged together, and he’d do anything for her. Hyuk reached for her hand, his own wrapping around it and giving it a gentle squeeze before beginning to walk to the dim-lit restaurant, somewhat full due to Valentine’s Day, but it would be no problem for them as they’d be eating in a different section, where no one would see them and therefore no one would recognize them. As he walked, he held her hand in his, loving the feel of her soft, small hand with his own. Everything he felt around her - from the rapid beat of his heart, to the heat in his cheeks, to the growing pain on his face from smiling non-stop - it was all worth it. It was something he never wanted to loose.
A hand stretched out from under the bedsheets towards the bed stand where the alarm kept going off, ringing loudly and waking the male under the covers. His hand finally pushed the right button, making the clock go silent, and he pulled the covers off of himself, groaning as he set up and stretched. He stayed silent for a moment; eyes fixed on the picture beside his clock as he remembered the dream he’d had. A dream of a memory, of old times in which he’d been not only been happy but believed in love. Silently, he got up from the bed and left his room, entering his study and walking to the desk at the end of the room, where he opened up the last drawer and pulled out a single piece of paper – already old, crumped, and somewhat torn. I’m sorry… forgive me… His eyes scanned the over the familiar handwriting, reading it over and over, as he usually did every time that he had similar dreams or thought of her. The one who truly, ever, broke his heart.
“Byun Hyuk! Hyuk!” Called out the familiar voice of a woman, following by fast-paced footsteps and clicking of heels, making Hyuk turn as he saw his business partner walking towards him. “You little fool, I messaged you all morning about today’s meeting and you didn’t answer. I thought you’d overslept!” She began, handing him a cup of coffee as they began walking together to the glass building with the letterings Byun-Kang Industries before them.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” He answered, as dry and grumpy as he ever could, before taking a sip of the warm yet strong liquid inside the cup he was holding. His remark was received by a slap at the back of his head, to which he stopped walking and turned to look at the woman walking beside him.
“Stop the attitude, remember this is important. The idol we might potentially be working with will not only be the face for your hotel chain but also for our own industry. It’s a double win, Hyuk. They say she’s very famous and has a lot of potential, so we can’t have you mess it up.” His partner retorted and began walking again, leaving him behind with his own sour-mood to deal with as she entered the building alone. Hyuk had thought he was done being round idols, it had been years since he’d even seen one except for on the news or tabloids and didn’t really care about the whole industry. The last he’d known was the breaking of the famous group C-4 and their lead singer going solo, but after that Hyuk had made it a priority to keep away from anything that had to do with the singing industry. Mainly, because he didn’t want anything that reminded him of her anymore.
He thought that the fact that he was to meet an idol to potentially be the face of his two businesses was why he’d dreamt of the woman buried in his past again. Maybe it was that, or the stress brought on by his business, or even the fact that sometimes – if he was honest – he missed her. Still, the rage was always there. Every time he dreamed of her or he so much as remembered her name, his mood went sour. He hated her. With all he had, he hated her. Not for what she’d done, but for how she’d done it. For not having the courage to leave him in any other way but than through a letter.
As he walked into the building, he was immediately greeted by his assistant who rushed to his side, informing him of the day’s schedule, paperwork due that day, and if any mail or calls had yet been received. He walked in silence but she kept going, walking and talking hurriedly beside him as she tried to keep up with his pace, and was finally able to take a breath only after they’d entered the elevator. “Mr. Hyuk, the first thing you’ve got this morning is-“
“The meeting with that idol.” He cut her off, but flashed her an apologetic smile to which she only nodded. “Ms. Kang and the whole marketing team will be there. They want your opinion and your approval, but everyone’s basically set on her already. The whole marketing team loves her and believes she’s perfect to represent both Luxor Hotels and Byun-Kang Industries. It all depends on your approval, though, so they’re hoping all goes well and you like the girl’s work enough to sponsor her.” She explained, but Hyuk already knew this. The marketing team’s director himself had spent the entire week pestering Hyuk over today’s meeting and had even tried to get Hyuk to go over the girl’s portfolio, but he’d rejected to. He didn’t want to look through it and be remembered of things that didn’t matter anymore, but at the same time he knew he should have to at least have an idea on what this girl had done in the past in terms of work and partnerships.
If he only would have looked at the portfolio he’d been handed with her information, he wouldn’t have been as surprised as he now was. With his assistant following right behind, he’d walked through the 6thfloor of the building and into the marketing team’s offices, where they were all excitedly crowded around someone, the idol he presumed. His assistant squealed, making Hyuk stop and turn to look at her as she held the business calendar and paperwork behind in her arms, holding it tight while her arms moved to the idol on the other side of the room. “Ms. Soleil Lee!” She cried out, as excited as all the others seemed to be. Hyuk, however, could not reciprocate the feeling.
With wide, shocked eyes he turned his attention slowly from his assistant to the blonde woman on the other end of the room, surrounded by most of the marketing team who both took pictures with her or asked for an autograph. “S-soleil…?” He asked his assistant, eyes fixed on the idol. “_The_ Soleil? The previous lead for C-4?” He couldn’t believe it. Of all the people, all the idols existing in the world, it had to be her. A wave of emotions went through him, although some of them were bad and negative – his heart still rushed in what could be excitement or nerves as he caught side of her, again, for the first time in years.
“Ah, Byun Hyuk! Chief! This is Soleil Lee, the idol we’ve been trying to partner with.” Shaking himself from his daze, Hyuk turned his attention to the chief of marketing as he walked towards the young CEO, a wide, proud smile on his face. “Isn’t she perfect? Look at you! You’re dumbstruck! I told you she’d be perfect for the campaign, don’t you think? You don’t have to answer, I can tell by the look on your face! You agree!” The man laughed, patting Hyuk on the back as Hyuk’s gaze returned to the girl, completely silent and at a loss of words.
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the-record-columns · 5 years
March 20, 2019: Columns
Out of the ashes: An old radio from an old and dear friend…
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The 1930 Crosley console radio
Record Publisher
At this past Monday night's meeting of the Rotary Club of North Wilkesboro, Dr. Conrad Shaw was honored with this year’s Rotary Club Citizen of the Year Award. 
This much deserved award was received by Dr. Shaw with thankfulness and humility as he was literally surrounded by family and friends.
On a personal level, Conrad Shaw was the principal of the North Wilkesboro Elementary  School for 14 years, eight of them when I was a student there.  He was the nearest thing to God-on-this-Earth I ever knew--running a very tight ship--tough, but always fair.  And, when we left the 8th Grade for high school, we could read, write, count, and knew we had better behave.  No if's, no and's, no but's, no or's, no nor’s - PERIOD!
We were none the worse for the wear, either   
Many years later, I helped launch Thursday Magazine, predecessor to The Record.  I used the old Hoyle Hutchens house on E Street in North Wilkesboro for our offices, and it became a refuge for anything old, odd, or eclectic.  Among my favorite things in that office was my old radios.  Over the years I had bought everything from a coin-operated radio in a metal case to a wide variety of other radios out of everything from Bakelite cases to some with beautiful woodwork.  
The one common thread through all these radios was Conrad Shaw, who had become a dear friend in my adult life.  After he left NWES, he worked the rest of his education career at Wilkes Community College, He retired in 1995 and made a hobby of restoring old radios--a hobby which meshed perfectly with mine.  Over a period of time he has repaired and or restored nine radios for me.  When we had that awful fire in 2004, all of them burned up.  Not too long after the fire Conrad asked me about the radios and I told him they were all lost.
Around Christmas time of that year, I received a phone call from Conrad asking me to stop by and see him. Of course I was glad to, and even more so when I realized why he had called.  Sitting in his basement workshop was a beautiful 1930 Crosley console radio.  Conrad plugged it in and in about 30 seconds it was playing perfectly. He went on to explain the steps he had gone through in restoring the radio to its original working condition, and that it came from the home of the late musician and historian J. Jay Anderson. I told Conrad about some of the things I had purchased from that estate and my own somewhat quirky relationship with the eccentric Mr. Anderson. 
"I knew you had purchased several things from there," Conrad began. “And you had told me you had lost most of your radios in that fire. To That end, I want to make this old Crosley console a gift to you.  You can now say you are back to collecting radios again."
I was, and am, more pleased than I can say in words. Yes, I love the old radio, but more importantly, I love being thought of.  It is a wonderful feeling — the feeling of friendship I feel when Conrad makes one of his visits to the offices of The Record.
Truly, Conrad Shaw has been good to me my whole life — even before I knew it.
Congratulations again on being Rotary's Citizen of the Year, a much deserved honor.
Generation X: We were the most radical in so many ways. Atari was in three colors, we pulled down the Berlin wall, TV shows and movies were all original (there was no need for remakes or reality TV), the music was full of synthesizers and wicked cool guitar riffs. We were making history in all genres, especially in the areas of the World Wide Web. Star Wars was everything good in life, and the effects were cutting edge technology. David Hasselhoff was the coolest guy ever.
Fast forward to 2019. We the teens of the 80’s are now parents and some even grandparents. Cars can’t fly like we had planned, but they can talk like KITT. We hold palm sized computers in our hands, and can speak or text anyone in the world in an instant. All our Sci-Fi fantasies turned into term papers and valedictorian speeches of our well laid plans for the future, have turned into distant memories, like the fog at a Bon Jovi concert- palpable then gone.
Last week the best of the 80’s were brought back for a weekend as the Wilkes Playmakers presented the hit musical “Back to the 80’s.” All the characters had heartthrob names: Corey, Tiffany, Debbie, Ferris, Eillen, and Alf. The nerd learned karate kid moves and took down the bully at the end. The kids sang songs by WHAM, Madonna, The Buggles, Cindy Lauper, and Jefferson Starship to name just a few. (My favorite was a reference to Milli Vannili.)
During rehearsals, we had to explain why some of their lines were so funny to us, the parents. The kids just didn’t get it. Some of them had never seen the iconic movies they were playing out on stage. The Breakfast who? What’s an Atari? They had never known a time without cell phones and they certainly didn’t know the struggle to create the perfect mix tape.
So here our theatre kids were, learning 80’s dance moves, and songs, albeit with eyes rolled the first few weeks of rehearsal. Then came time for costuming; the girls were mortified at the shoulder pads, blue eye shadow, everything neon, and big hair. As they filed in for dress rehearsal I squealed and said “Oh. Em. Gee. You look AMAZING!!!” They were spot on with the help of moms who lived it. “Heather, we look stupid. I can’t believe y’all wore this mess. It’s so gross.” But that ‘gag me with a spoon’ sentiment soon led into a love of everything glossy and hot pink and was replaced with “hang on, you need more blush” and “is my hair big enough?’ Pass the Aquanet please.”
Our kids had struggled at first, but in the ‘final countdown’ they had morphed into GenX, and it showed. A packed Thursday night rarely happens, and we had to use overflow parking down the street at the First Baptist Church for every performance. Saturday sold out, something that hasn’t happened in a decade, and Sunday’s show was almost sold out, another rarity. These kids were now the history makers, as the audiences cheered and sang along with the live band. Many even dressed up in 80’s regalia to attend the show.
One night, as we were all in the dressing room helping the girls get ready, two of the girls said “If we were teens in the 80’s I bet we would be best friends” This struck me as funny. “If you were bff’s in the 80’s, you would be your mom and me now.” Eyes widened and a hush fell in the hairspray laden air. “Ladies, as cool and amazing as you are NOW, is how totally radical your parents and I were THEN.” Perspective. It will get you every time.  
Then, “Oh, Heather, you’ll always be cool.”
Bless em.
Congratulations to cast and crewmates of Back to the 80’s. It was totally tubular.
Give Peace a Chance
Special to The Record
Jared Kushner, senior adviser and son-in-law to U.S. President Donald Trump, has been working on a peace plan to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  Details of this plan are being kept under lock and key but will be revealed soon after the elections in Israel on April 9th.  If Benjamin Netanyahu is reelected, he will become the longest serving prime minister in Israel’s history thus far.   It would be quite an achievement for both Trump and Netanyahu to have a workable peace plan with the Palestinians however, unless and until the Palestinians and all parties to any such plan agree that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state, no peace plan will be possible.  Furthermore, the world must stop holding Israel to a different and higher standard.  Rules, regulations, fairness and justice must apply equally to all. 
Israel is often accused of being an apartheid state however nothing could be further from the truth.  All Israeli citizens are not Jewish however all are treated equally under the law without regard to race, religion or sexual orientation.  Muslims, Bedouins, Druze and others serve in senior level positions within the government of Israel, however the media and the liberal left want the world to believe otherwise.
Here in the United States there has been a growing movement on our college and university campuses by various pro-Palestinian organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine.  These organizations, with the support of liberal professors, are promoting and engaging in BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaigns against Israel claiming they are helping the Palestinian cause. Those who promote the truth in an attempt to stop these anti-Semitic BDS campaigns are accused of stifling freedom of speech.  
The aim of the BDS movement is not to help the Palestinians.  It is to isolate Israel internationally and do as much economic harm as possible as part of the plan to erase Israel from off the face of the earth. The Palestinians are then expected to be crowned rightful heirs to inherit whatever remains of the Jewish state.
Thanks in large part to the efforts of the Israel Allies Foundation which is the international arm of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, a total of 27 states have passed legislation making it illegal for local governments to contract with companies that participate in the BDS movement. Opposition to such anti-BDS legislation leans heavily on the complaint that Americans’ First Amendment rights are being infringed upon. However, none of the anti-BDS legislation restricts an individual’s right to boycott Israeli products or businesses. It only restricts the government from being party to such boycotts.
The BDS movement incorrectly and unfairly places blame on Israel for all aspects of the conflict with the Palestinians despite the fact that Israel has made multiple peace offers all of which the Palestinians have rejected. Those in the BDS camp promote a distorted history that Israel is an illegal occupier of the land and maintains that Israel is responsible for Palestinian poverty and suffering. The BDS movement holds out false hope to the Palestinians that they can achieve their nationalistic aspirations without having to negotiate a deal directly with the Israelis because only Israel will be forced to compromise for peace.
By attempting to bludgeon Israel into submission through economic isolation, they believe Israel can be weakened enough to capitulate to every Palestinian demand. This is unrealistic, especially given Israel’s strong economy and superior military capabilities. In short, the Palestinians want a Jew-free state. They want Israel eliminated and replaced with a Palestinian state.  
BDS must be stopped in its tracks.  How can you help?  Ask your local grocery stores and other retailers to consider stocking Israeli products. Buy Israeli Bonds to support the booming Israeli economy and whenever you have an opportunity, speak the truth about Israel.  A loss for the BDS movement is a win for everyone else - Israelis and Palestinians. This is how to give peace a chance.   
‘I’m a Teacher and Legislator: We’re Making Strides in Increasing Teacher Pay’
N.C. House
This week, we received welcome news in our efforts to increase teacher pay in North Carolina.
According to a new report released on Tuesday by the National Education Association, one of the nation’s largest teacher unions, North  Carolina has now jumped to 29th in the nation in average teacher pay and second in the Southeast. In addition, the average teacher salary in North Carolina has now reached $53,975.
As a public-school teacher for nearly two decades in Wilkes County and a legislator in the N.C. General Assembly since 2012, I have a personal understanding of the challenges facing our teachers. Furthermore, as the only school teacher in the state legislator, I know that teacher pay is an emotional issue for many in our state, as the education system has had an impact in some way on everyone.
Regardless of political party, ensuring quality teachers in the classroom is of the upmost priority. Sadly, teacher pay has been used as a political football, even a weapon, by politicians to advance their agenda and careers for decades. For me, this is very frustrating and it is my goal to highlight the positive work being done to reward our teachers.
Make no mistake, there is more work to be done and we will continue to build on these efforts. This report is exciting news, especially when you look at how far we have come in teacher pay.  
When voters gave Republicans the majority in the General Assembly in 2011, North Carolina was ranked 47th in the nation in teacher pay. Furthermore, due to decades of irresponsible spending and budgeting, school systems across the state were considering a reduction in force, instituting hiring freezes and furloughing teachers.
That’s why we immediately went to work and laid out a plan to reward, recruit and retain teachers in North Carolina. We set out realistic goals, not based on winning votes, but actually delivering real results for our teachers, students and parents.
After five consecutive years of pay increases for our teachers, including over 9% in the past two years, we are meeting those goals and getting the results we planned for. As reported this past week, North  Carolina is now 29th in the nation and second in the Southeast in teacher pay – and has an average teacher salary of nearly $54,000.
In fact, teacher salaries in North Carolina have risen at the third highest rate in the entire country over the past five years.
While the ranking is a step in the right direction, and second in the Southeast is a great accomplishment, we must and will do more. Our goal is and has been to reward teachers for their hard work while ensuring our children are getting the best education possible to prepare them for the future.  
Since the Great Recession, our state has faced many challenges. We have made progress. We will continue to prioritize our state’s sound fiscal footing.  We will continue to save for the unexpected rainy day.  Lastly, we will continue to make strategic investments for our future.
Representative Jeffrey Elmore serves the 94th House District in the N.C. General Assembly and is the Chairman of House Education K-12 and Education Appropriations. He is also in his eighteenth year as a Wilkes County School teacher.
 Conway, a Black River and Spring Time
Life in the Carolinas
I discovered historic downtown Conway, S.C., by happenstance while on my way to Myrtle Beach for the production of our first Christmas special. On that day I was the guest for the morning show on 93.9 FM WCRE in Cheraw. When I left the studio I put the Myrtle Beach address in my GPS. Based on the displayed ETA, the drive time was about two and a half hours; this would give me plenty of time to arrive and check into our hotel before evening activities.  
About midway through the drive I realized I was seeing places and things I had never seen before. For me, this is always exciting and I was stopping more than I had planned, and before long I became aware that time was slipping away. I knew if I were not careful, I would go from having plenty of time to being late, so I got back on the road.
I soon found myself in the midst of a picturesque Southern town with charming buildings reminiscent of times before strip malls and by-passes, times when the town center was the heart of commerce, shopping, dining and entertainment.
It was late afternoon, Christmas music filled the air and the streets and storefronts were decorated, thus intensifying the feeling of being in a special place. This was a part of Conway that I had never seen before. I guess I was like the millions of other people who only knew the Conway by-pass, which, like most by-passes, has no sense of history.  
From downtown I crossed the Waccamaw River and continued to Myrtle Beach. When I arrived at the hotel, I asked the front desk staff what they could tell me about Conway. I collected some information and contact names and went on with the evening's events.
It would be some months before I could make it back to Conway, but when I did, my first stop was the Chamber of Commerce. I learned about the historic Live Oaks that some call the oldest citizens in town. It is said that some of the trees predate the founding of America.
I was given the name of Larry Biddle as a champion for all things Conway. I called Larry and asked if we could meet. He agreed and we met that afternoon and I was given the grand tour of Conway as it is today and a lesson on the founding of Conway and much of its colorful history.
While I had gone fishing in the black waters of the Waccamaw River, I did not know that the river was the highway for the Waccamaw Indians who were in the area prior to the founding of America.
The Waccamaw was also the water way that a young Englishman traveled while charting the Royal Governor, Robert Johnson's Township Plan. The King's Town was formed in 1732 and the name was shortened to Kingston before finally becoming Conway.
I enjoyed discovering this part of our history while strolling on the meandering boardwalk along the banks of the Waccamaw. This is also when I noticed the beauty of spring time in Conway. The tender green color of new leaves on the trees that border the Waccamaw River looked fresh and alive. From certain views, the moss draped ancient Live Oaks and large azaleas were spectacular.
There are many more stories for me to share about historic Conway and her people, this one is about how I first discovered this charming Southern town and the beauty she displays in spring time.
Carl White is the executive producer and host of the award winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In the Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its seventh year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte viewing market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturday at 1noon.  For more on the show visit www.lifeinthecarolinas.com, You can email Carl White at [email protected].  
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poesticbeauty · 7 years
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Daehyun x Reader: Fanboy
Reader POV
Me and my friend was in Korea during the Spring. We made it as trainees in a company that I don’t remember the name of at the moment. Our Youtube channel became a well known name in the kpop Youtube community at the time so when we came to Korea we worked with different production teams.
I was called on a solo production that so happened to be a gorilla concert. My challenge was to bring in a crowd of at least a 100 as I perform on the street.
A trainee in our company me and Shaun became close with decide to help me by Dj-ing. His name was Jungmin but went by J-min.
“ You’re ready Hyung?” he nudged me while I was trying to breath so I could calm down. I know I’m a girl but for some reason he loves to call me Hyung. He was a smol Korean boy who was only 14. He had dark brown hair and a bright bunny smile.
“ I hope so… A bit worried though.” I said looking at all the young couples sitting on the grass enjoying their time. I felt a hand touch my shoulder softly.
“ Hyung you’ll do fine. You have improved and it will be fun trust me.”
“ Alright, I will do my best. Fighting !” I cheered . He smiled and went to his station.
We waited awhile for some of our fans to come. About 20 couples came down to our area.
“ Let’s start and we will bring in a bigger crowd.” J-min said to me. I nodded and began the gorilla concert.
“ Hello ladies and gentlemen and pets! I’m a 17 year old trainee that is from the U.S. I am also the leader and Co -creater of the Youtube group Kmseoul. My name is yn nice meet you all.” the small crowd clapped.
“ Can I sing you guys a few song today? ” the crowd cheered a yes . I gave the nod to J and we started.
“ This is one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite singers. You guys might know him too so join in if you know the words.” I began to sing ‘No Makeup’ by Zion.t.
* play song*
Surprisingly, my voice was clearer than usual. I mean I don’t have a bad voice but usually in front of others my voice become unstable but at that moment my range and nerves were calm. I still needed work but it sounded nice.
The song ended and I could hear cheers surround us. More people came and so it was a bit crowded.
“ Wow~~ look J! We have a big audience !”
“ Yes, look at all these beautiful people. Are you guys feelin’ good?” J said point his mic to the crowd.
They cheered cheerfully. I looked at J with a smile and he returned it by starting to mix on his board.
“ Alright this is a original by me and my friend . It’s called forever with you and I hope to be forever with you guys! Lets go! ” I began to sing and rap our subunit song. The crowd was getting hype to the hip-hop/r&b beat. We were having a good time interacting with the crowd.
“ Woo~ you guys are amazing.” the crowd cheered and more and more people came .
“ I think we completed the challenge J.” I said happily and the crowd cheered happily.
“ Alright, I see a lot of couples here. Why don’t we slow it down for them out their y/n? ” J asked and I gave him the nod .
The music started slowly.
“ I have a question for our men out there. Do you actually know how to touch a girl?” I asked and the crowd made funny comments that where none the less inappropriate.
“ No, not that way you nastiest. I mean emotionally and mentally. Do you know how to touch her heart?” the females in the crowd cheered and I chuckled.
“ Well, for our boys out there this song is for you. Listen closely and grab your girl or lover . How to touch a girl by Jojo” The crowd cheered and quited down as I started to do adlibs.
The happy couples began to move to the romantic melody in eachothers arms. I looked out to the beautiful crowd to see one male with a white mask and camera in hand filming. I could see his excited smile under his mask as his eyes squinted into cute crescents.
I wondered why he was alone amongst these couples. He looked handsome even with the mask but then again I have a thing for guys and masks.
Maybe I should give my attention to him and make him special since he was alone.
As the song progressed I walked to his direction and the crowd began to whisper cheerfully.
’ Baby if we do’ I looked into his camera basically making love to it. ’ oooh woo~ I’ll be giving all my love~~ ’ I pointed to him with a sweet smile plastered on my face. ’ To you~~’
His eyes went a bit wide but he cheered with the rest of the crowd.
“ Oh my god. Isn’t she amazing? ” he talked to the camera. I hit the last highnote in the song and the crowd went wild.
I walked back to the mic finishing the song.
“ Thank you~ Ahh my next song…. Mm I want to sing with you guys.” The crowd cheered and many people raised their hands to be picked.
“ Do you guys know ’ like in going to lose you’ ?”
“ Ye!!”
“ J-min help me pick our new member. ” J walked from his station and looked into the crowd.
“ How about you handsome?” I looked at where he was pointing and it was the same male with the white mask. A smile painted on my face.
The said male walked up to the mic shyly. He was of medium height but he is taller than me by a few inches. His hair was also a ashy brown and his eyes were big yet still slanted with really good eyeliner. He dressed well also with ripped black skinny jeans and a white button up shirt with a nice black varsity jacket.
“ I-i forgot some of the lyrics. ” he shyly said rubbing his neck. He had a cute yet manly Busan accent.
“ Don’t worry i got your back up . ” I smiled and we began the song.
His voice was so beautiful~ it was so familiar but I couldn’t put my tongue on it.
The song was coming to a beautiful end with us looking at eachother.
“ Encore ! Encore! !” the crowd cheered loudly. I looked towards the male for his permission.
“ Hey what’s your name? ” J asked the male.
“ Daehyun…. Jung Daehyun. 23 year old. ” the Busan male.
My eyes widened a bit …. That voice…… D-daehyun from B.A.P?
“ Wait…… ” the crowd whispered in curiosity of the male.
“ Ahh~ I got caught huh?” the male took off his mask and the crowd went absolutely loud.
“ D-daehyun? The Daehyun? ” I said in awe.
“ Y-yeah, we are B.A.P yessir! Hello guys I am Daehyun.” he shyly smiled as the crowd cheered and screamed.
“ Oh my! I am such a fan of yours.” I said in awe. He looked at me with the biggest smile almost fanboy like.
“ No, I’m a big fan of yours. You’re amazing in my eyes. ” My face flushed deeply as I tried to hold in my fangirl feels.
Must stay perfessional .
“ W-wow thank you. I’m honored -” I was pretty much speechless.
“ Well, how about you sing us a song sunbaenim?” J asked and the crowd screamed in agreement.
“ Should I?” he said and the crowd pleaded. He looked at me cutely and nodded his head.
“ Just for you and the rest of the babys out there.” he said telling J the song he wanted sing.
“Sit here for me?” he asked grabbing my hand making me sit on one of the chairs .
“ This song I sing goes out to someone…. You know special. ”
The song hug me by 2bic began to play. This was one of my favorite songs and most of my fans knew my dream was to be sung to with this song.
I squealed internally when he looked at me every now and then throughout the song.
The crowd began to swoon over his beautiful voice and how romantic he sounded. I on the other hand was practically melting in my seat.
He looked and sounded so good.
As the song started to reach its climax he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. My heart was beating so unrealistically fast. The bastard had a sweet smile plastered on his face as the crowd cheered and oohed at the sight.
“ I’m gonna love you~~” he looked at me deeply. I was lost in this moment but sadly my brain had to tell me that we could get in some trouble.
“ Ya, sunbae don’t go so far or we’ll get in some trouble.” I whispered but he ignored it with a shrug of his shoulders hugging me completely this time.
“ 각 안아줄래~~( hug me close) ”
The crowd went wild as he ended the song with me in his arms.
My face: red as shit
He chuckled and let me go with so much happiness in his eyes. I could honestly melt right there If that was humanly possible.
“ Ya, get your hands off my Hyung~ ” J said playfully and the crowd laughed and so did we.
“ Aye~~ she didn’t opposed so ” he pull me back in his arms. J pouted and the crowd was booming with laughter and cheers.
“ Alright, how about one more song from loverboy sunbae and my pretty noona?” J asked the crowd and they screamed in agreement.
“ Mm~~ I love you?” he chirped and the crowd cooed. His eyes widen as he realized what he said. I chuckled at his cuteness it was just too much~ ~
“ N-not like that… I mean uh the song by 4men! ” he blushed deeply as I chuckled.
“ Aye~~~~” the crowd jeered playfully.
“ Alright, 4men say I love you. Music cue!” I said trying to save him from embarrassing himself even more.
We took turns singing lines of the song and looking at eachother happily. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as we continued to sing the song.
At that moment it was like a heavenly dream (it is)
“ Say I love you~~~” we ended the song smiling like the idiots we were as the crowd screamed with joy.
Though it was many of people are around it was just us. That moment was our moment and we couldn’t stop smiling.
“ Awe that was so cute!~ Sorry to say that the show has to come to a end now. Also, y/n….”
“Ye, J?”
“ you passed the challenge!!!” the crowd cheered as me and Daehyun excitedly jumped .
“ Thank all of you guys for coming and I hope you all will continue to support us and thank you sunbae. You guys have a good night!” the crowd cheered for the last time and began to leave the venue.
“ I’ll see you later Hyung~~ have fun with loverboy. ” I hit j in the shoulder as he chuckled. He left me and Dae to talk on our own. He was just as I imagined he would be: playful but sweet.
* a few moments later*
“ Dae where have you been!!” a short male came running towards me and Dae as we sat on the chairs at the venue.
The short man looked at us confused as he got closer. I was a bit nervous hoping I didn’t get him in trouble.
“ Uh… See what happened was I saw y/n…. And I couldn’t miss the opportunity to see her. Causeyouknowimahugefanandimbasicallyinlobewithherand…..yeah…. Sorry managernim.” he rubbed the nape of his neck.
I honestly didn’t understand what the male said but apparently his manager did.
“ Wait? So you’re y/n? The one the boys been raving about for like forever? ” the manager took a closer look at me.
Me: nervous wreck.
“ Y-yeah that is me. I am y/n from g/n .. Uh nice to meet you. ” I bowed and the man cooed.
“ Wow, I can see why Dae is in love with you! You’re so cute~~”
“ Hyung!~~” I chuckled atthe blushing Dae.
“ Oh lets finish this ongoing war between you and Zelo. Y/n -ssi who is your bias in B.A.P? ” the manager asked.
“ My bias is Yongguk sunbaenim ” I said shyly and the ahjussi laughed.
“ What?!” Dae pouted. God he was cute I honestly couldn’t resist it.
“ I like him as a performer though… After I finally met you though… I-i like you more as a person other than someone i idolize. So in some way you win….” I mumbled but Daehyun understood every word and was ecstatic.
“Cute~~~ It was nice meeting you ! But we have to head back home. Dae has a meet early in the morning ” the ahjussi pulled Daehyun away.
“ Wait!!!” Daehyun ran from his grip back to me. I looked at the man a bit confused.
“ You got my number right?” I nodded,“ I’ll message you later to meet us at the venue tomorrow. If you don’t mind i would like to be around you more.”
“ A-ah sure. I would love that. ” I blushed as a smile painted his beautiful face.
“ oh and-” he held my face in his warm hands and started kissing my forehead, then my cheek. He stopped and hovered over my lips with a deathly smirk. He backed away with the same look. I felt relief yet disappointment.
Relief: I would’ve died if he did
Disappointment: cause I would’ve happily died.
“ See ya~~” he chuckled and ran back to his manager.
* mansae !!! You have a message! *
I looked at my phoned to see:
Busan prince ~
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thewebofslime · 5 years
FROM snorting ants with Ozzy Osbourne to that very graphic opening sex scene, Motley Crue's rock biopic The Dirt has left viewers shocked since its release last week. But real life with Motley Crue was "even more debauched" than the Netflix movie, according to their former limo driver Al Bowman. AL BOWMAN 14 Tommy Lee partying in Al's limo in around 1985 In an exclusive interview with Sun Online, Al Bowman, now 60, revealed how he would be tasked with finding the 80s rockers "virgin groupies", driving them back and forth to drug dealers - and even dropping them at strange Satanic ceremonies. He recalls doing countless "condom clean ups" in the back of his limo - and how drummer Tommy Lee would almost tip his car over with rampant sex sessions. "I enjoyed the movie but there was much more debauchery in real life," Al, who now lives in Henderson, Nevada, said. "I mean some of the sexual stuff they used to get up to was kind of disgusting but I guess there's only so much you can fit into 90 minutes. "I drove them for about five years, I became like a fifth member of the band. "I would take them to buy drugs, to pick up girls, to rescue them when they had partied too hard - they'd call me at all hours. "They called me 'Al the rock-n-roll limo man.'" Al, who has driven a host of other stars including Prince, Whitney Houston and Madonna, says all the band members would have sex with girls in the back of his limo - but he particularly remembers drummer Tommy Lee's in-car romps. He says the star was so well endowed that when he had sex with women in the back of his limo, the car "would almost tip over" when they stopped at red lights - while the girls would be "squealing with pleasure". ATLAS ICONS 14 Al (centre) with Motley Crue in a photo taken by legendary rock photographer Neil Zlozower MIKE STOTTS FOR SUN ONLINE 14 Al next to his platinum Motley Crue's Dr Feelgood record at his home in Henderson, Nevada AL BOWMAN 14 Vince Neil with first wife, Beth, in Al's limo in late 1984. AL BOWMAN 14 Mick Mars partying and drinking champagne with then-wife Wendy in the limo Play Video Ozzy Osbourne licks a puddle of his own urine in front of the band in Netflix's The Dirt "Tommy Lee has the biggest weiner I've ever seen on a man and he used to make the girls squeal in the limo," he said. "Because he was so big he just seemed to rock the limo more than anyone else - it was like it was going to tip over. "You couldn't tell when we were moving but when we stopped at a red light the limo would actually be moving back and forth and I would be thinking, 'Please turn green - everyone is looking'. "They'd all get high on coke and booze and screw - Tommy loved to f**k girls in the limo. "Sometimes he'd get himself into trouble - I remember one time when he was in a relationship with a girl called Candace but he'd been with this other girl who had a boyfriend - and all of a sudden the boyfriend came back and started chasing him with a knife. He had to jump in the limo to escape. "One time I took some photos of him and some girls in the limo and gave them to him - but his girlfriend found them and hit him over the head with a pan. "He called me up and said, 'Why did you give me those pictures - she's ready to kill me you a**hole!' "Another time he called me from a phone booth in North Hollywood and asked me for some cocaine to perk him up - then the line went dead - so I rushed to where he said he was and found him blacked out in the phone booth with his sports car still running. ATLAS ICONS 14 Al pictured with the band in another picture taken by Neil Zlozower in 1984 AL BOWMAN 14 Vince Neil, Al, and Rudy Sarszo from Quiet Riot at a Las Vegas party. ATLAS ICONS 14 Al known as "the rock n roll limo man" with Crue guitarist Mick Mars "I had to drag him into the limo and take him home - I saved his a** a couple of times." And Al claims while the band had no shortage of groupies - they were particularly fond of virgins - and would ask him to go find them so they could "pop their cherries". "They were always on the hunt for virgins," he said. "That was my job when I drove on the Shout at the Devil tour when they were playing with Black Sabbath - they would always say, 'Al go see if there's any groupies out there who are are virgins and bring them to us. We want them'. They just wanted to pop their cherries. "I remember one night in Bakersfield during that tour I got two virgins for Nikki and Vince and then they got me my own hotel room as a thank you. "That was a fun night." While Al remembers having a lot of fun with the band - he also remembers they used to have a dark side. He recalls taking various members to creepy ceremonies and rituals around Los Angeles. Al says bassist Nikki Sixx was particularly interested in the "dark arts" and he once gave him and famous occultist Anton LaVey, who founded the Church of Satan, a lift to a strange ceremony at a house behind the famous Whisky A Go Go nightclub in Hollywood. "I remember them having an interest in Satanic rituals and I used to take them to these weird parties at an old mansion in Hollywood where there'd be people doing all kinds of creepy stuff," "Nikki was very much into the black arts, Alistair Crowley, incantations, witchcraft, all of that stuff. "I drove him once with Anton LaVey and they were doing these weird chants. "I had an intercom system so if they put up the divider in the limo I would just turned on the intercom and listen to everything that was going on. "So I heard everything they were talking about. Then I dropped them at this strange house covered in ivy behind the Whisky A Go Go. NETFLIX 14 Motley Crue's story is the subject of Netflix film biopic The Dirt AL BOWMAN 14 Al pictured the first night he ever drove the band - outside their sold-out concert at Whisky A Go Go in 1982 AL BOWMAN 14 Al in front of his limosine with rocker Don Dokken in 1985. "There was some weird ceremony there and it was full of up and coming actresses and they were all into this stuff. "They were in circles and there were candles and blood and horse hair - all kinds of weird stuff. "At the time I just thought 'Ah it's Hollywood - it's all a big horror show anyway'. "I said, 'You guys making a horror movie about witchcraft or something?' But it seemed like serious business for them. "Nikki would call on spiritual forces. I remember asking him, 'What's the deal with all this stuff? Are you trying to call on angels from heaven to guide the band?' "He said, 'No I'm trying to conjure up demons from hell to guide the band.' So I was like, 'Ah so you're calling them up not down?' It was kind of funny." The band's hard partying and excess finally caught up with them in 1984 when singer Vince Neil lost control of his sports car after a night of boozing - killing his passenger - Brit Hanoi Rocks star Nicholas 'Razzle' Dingley - and injuring two others. Al, says he and Motley Crue guitarist Mick Mars saw Vince and Razzle just before the crash at the liquor store in Redondo Beach, California, where they had driven after hours of partying. "Mick had just got his divorce through and was celebrating with four women in the limo," Al said. "We stopped at the liquor store - we all lived in the same area of Redondo Beach and Hermosa Beach in those days. "We saw Vince and Razzle and they were both drunk - so we told them to get in the limo. "But Vince insisted in getting in his own car. He drove a Pantera at the time, which was not the most practical car for getting around town - it was loud and huge. "He was always a bit of a show off." Vince was sentenced to 21 days in jail for manslaughter - and he did 15 days of the sentence in July 1986. But Al said as soon as he was released - the rock star couldn't wait to get partying again. "The day he got out of jail - or at least very soon after - I was his driver to a concert at Santa Monica Civic - the bands Dokken and Ratt were playing as I recall," Al said. "Everybody went and everybody was welcoming Vince back like nothing had happened. MOST READ IN TV & SHOWBIZ TRAGIC AMY This Morning fans' tears as Ruth visits colleague brain damaged from nut allergy EXCLUSIVE 50 SHADES OF JEN Jennifer Aniston, 50, looks incredible in latex dress on VERY sexy shoot FEARS FOR KATIE 'Drunk' Katie Price struggles to get words out in ‘hyper’ video with Harvey NIC IT IN THE BUD Nicolas Cage 'files for annulment 4 days after getting married to Erika' ON HER COLL-IDAYS Gemma Collins shows off weight loss in bizarre solar-powered swimsuit "He just wanted to party. As soon as he got out of jail he started drinking again, trying to score coke, getting b**w jobs in the limo. "It was the first thing he wanted to do. Nothing had changed - it was the same old Vince." A representative for Motley Crue declined to comment on any of Al's claims but said: "All I can say is that it seems rather remarkable that four band members had one limo driver who was at all those places, when the band had multiple limos and drivers in that era." Al hit back saying it was "well known" he was a regular driver for the band - and that his photos prove it. GETTY IMAGES - GETTY 14 Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars and Tommy Lee of Motley Crue at the premiere of Netflix's The Dirt earlier this month ELEKTRA RECORDS 14 The boys liked pretty different back in their 80s heyday - from left to right Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil, Tommy Lee and Mick Mars
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deniscollins · 6 years
Coyotes Are Colonizing Cities. Step Forward the Urban Hunter
Coyotes migrating to urban areas are a formidable predator, moving into the places where we take our kids to school and walk our pets. On the other hand,  urban coyotes actually benefit humans by eating rodents like rats, which can spread disease, and by culling feral cats, which prey on songbirds. Should coyote hunters be allowed to hunt in urban areas?
Dennis Murphy sniffed the bobcat urine he uses to lure his prey. He checked the silencer on his AR-15 assault rifle and loaded a few snares into his Ford pickup.
“Let’s go kill some coyotes,” he said.
But he wasn’t heading for the wilderness. Mr. Murphy’s stalking ground is on the contentious new frontier where hunters are clashing with conservationists: cities and suburbs.
Coyotes are largely associated with their ancestral bastions in the wild lands of the American West, but they are highly adaptable, and in recent years they have been colonizing large population centers throughout North America. The hunters have come after them, stalking the predators in settings like strip mall parking lots, housing tract cul-de-sacs, and plazas in the shadow of skyscrapers.
The growing popularity of urban hunting is igniting a fierce debate over the perils and benefits coyotes pose in populated areas, and whether city dwellers ought to adapt to living alongside a cunning predator that has thrived since one of its top adversaries, the gray wolf, has been all but wiped out in much of the continent.
Enthusiasts for the urban coyote chase contend that they are helping to limit the spread of a pest that federal authorities already kill by the tens of thousands every year in eradication projects. Some also concede that they enjoy the thrill of urban hunting, which requires different kinds of training and marksmanship than prairie or mountain hunting.
“Coyotes are a formidable predator, moving into the places where we take our kids to school and walk our pets,” said Mr. Murphy, 59, a former Army Green Beret who has hunted bears in Alaska and now deals in the pelts of coyotes he kills in the suburbs of Columbus.
Some carnivore ecologists argue, though, that moving the hunt into cities will be self-defeating. They say it replicates the very tactics that have allowed coyotes to prosper despite a concerted onslaught against them. In an adaptation that biologists call fission-fusion, when coyotes come under pressure from hunters, their packs split up into lone animals and pairs, they start producing much larger litters, and they migrate into new areas.
Coyotes can be hunted legally in many built-up areas, but it sometimes leads to tragic mishaps. In New York State, a hunter in the upstate town of Sweden said he thought he was aiming his rifle at a coyote in February when he mistakenly shot a man in the abdomen. The hunter was charged with second-degree assault.
A licensed crossbow hunter in Readington Township, N.J., killed a family’s Alaskan shepherd after mistaking the dog for a coyote. A hunt in Pocatello, Idaho, went awry in March when an M-44 device, designed to propel a cyanide capsule into a coyote’s mouth, instead sprayed cyanide onto a 14-year-old boy, injuring him and killing his family’s dog.
Urban hunters and their prey are not limited to smaller towns and cities. Reports of coyote killings have come from major metropolitan areas like Los Angeles and the suburbs of Chicago. As such episodes become more common, biologists say they cannot help marveling at the animal’s resilience and adaptability.
Coyotes are omnivores, and will eat anything from rodents to berries, not to mention the discarded remains of a fast-food order. In cities, they tend to elude detection by turning strictly nocturnal, often building dens in quiet alleyways or parking garages.
“Humans have killed millions of coyotes, but this is a species that’s adapted by moving in right next to us, their main predators,” said Stanley D. Gehrt, a wildlife ecologist at Ohio State University who describes coyotes as “humbling animals.”
While ranchers and farmers are often more than ready to have someone go after coyotes on their land, some urban hunters say they get a very different reception, and have to tread carefully.
“Knock on doors in neat street clothes (not your hunting camo) and explain your interest in hunting coyotes,” Tom Carpenter advised fellow hunters in Outdoor Life magazine. To win homeowners over, Mr. Carpenter, who lives near Minneapolis, also suggested promising to hunt only at dawn or dusk to avoid cyclists and joggers, and when dealing with especially reluctant people, to offer to use a crossbow instead of a firearm.
“To do this,” Mr. Carpenter said, “you need to make a public-relations play.”
Mr. Murphy, whose day job is police chief of Gahanna, a suburb near Columbus, calls himself an unapologetic coyote hunter. A decade ago, he started a side business, Wildlife Balance Solutions, catering to homeowners who want to rid their land of nuisance animals like raccoons, muskrats and skunks.
“But the most challenging adversary we have in these parts is the coyote,” Mr. Murphy said. Coyotes can run at speeds of up to 40 miles an hour, he noted, and are known to occasionally eat household pets like cats or small dogs.
Trading his police uniform at the end of his work shift for head-to-toe camouflage, including a balaclava, Mr. Murphy selects from an array of bait that he keeps in a refrigerator in his garage, with names like Sullivan’s Last Lunch and Selected Gland.
He takes a rifle from his safe, grabs a plastic deer-fawn decoy and a device that mimics the squeal of a dying rabbit, and loads the gear into his pickup. He also brings a silencer for the rifle, to avoid alarming residents with the sound of gunfire.
Mr. Murphy set up his equipment on a recent afternoon in a clearing outside a shed where he and a taxidermist friend skin their prey and employ flesh-eating beetles to clean the skulls. He made a few calls with the rabbit-squeal device. Then he waited, and called some more, and waited, and called yet again.
“No ’yotes today,” he said with a disappointed shrug, the kind that just about every hunter has made at one time or another.
Some urban hunters go after coyotes just for fun, but when Mr. Murphy spots a coyote, he sees dollar signs. Coyotes in Ohio and points east can weigh as much as 50 pounds, and their tanned hides can fetch as much as $100 apiece depending on market fluctuations. Coyote fur is used to trim garments like the popular Canada Goose line of parkas and jackets.
“We’re waking up to the realization that coyotes are in our cities to stay,” Mr. Murphy said. “And since that’s the case, their fur is a renewable resource. I have no qualms about killing as many coyotes as I can.”
Coyotes have a fearful reputation, but opponents of coyote hunting say the threat they actually pose to humans has been greatly overblown.
Most coyotes do their best to avoid direct contact with people. Documented human fatalities from coyote attacks have been rarer still in recent decades, including a 3-year-old girl in Glendale, Calif., in 1981, and a 19-year-old musician, Taylor Mitchell, who was mauled in Nova Scotia in 2009.
“Coyotes are complex sentient beings with individual personalities,” said Camilla H. Fox, the founder and executive director of Project Coyote, a conservation group. “This doesn’t mean that aggressive coyotes don’t exist, but we need to learn how to minimize conflicts in our cities, instead of making things worse,” she added, pointing to measures like securing garbage cans and keeping dogs on leashes in areas where coyotes may roam.
Moreover, biologists say that urban coyotes actually benefit humans by eating rodents like rats, which can spread disease, and by culling feral cats, which prey on songbirds.
“The coyotes among us provide an opportunity to live next to an animal indigenous to North America whose roots go back five million years,” said Dan Flores, a historian who explored the species’ evolution in his book “Coyote America.”
“This is a gift,” he emphasized, “to be reminded that we still live in a world that’s wild.”
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