#sky plays warframe
blueskyheadleft010 · 2 years
Warframe: The New War, is f*ing blowing my brain
Finally finally got enough cobbled together parts to build a Necramech + made sure I at least had rank 5 in all the Railjack upgrades, so I felt pretty confident starting the questline The New War tonight.
[Some spoilers ahead; yes, I know I'm late to the game. Also, sorry for sloppy image insertions.]
Dear god I was not prepared in the least.
I’ve already logged about 3 hours into the quest and i’m not even a quarter of the way done. 
Like holy shit, you guys. Like GUYS. THIS FUCKING GAME.
It just cranked up the difficulty by taking away your ‘warframe’, and giving you multiple quests as other npcs (that were oddly interesting to play as. I liked some more than others. Teshin was a welcome surprise, but his gameplay was aggravating, and I felt too enclosed in the maps despite how spread out they were), then popping in old questline characters like cheeky nostalgia bait, but 9,000 times more interesting than just being a cameo, and then topping it all off with some amazing interactive cutscenes.
I mean, I kinda consider myself a vet (gameplay wise I have 30 days total of logged playtime, which... Yeah, probably not getting back that time irl ._.’), but even by my standards the gameplay was pretty damn difficult. 
Also, god bless the game devs. This. Is. Epic. 
The amount of dialogue, maps, cutscenes, homages to gameplay styles, and all around really cool enemy designs is great!
I’m loosing my mind over how many themes, and art styles they’ve thrown in here and I'm not even done playing! 
Good lord, I thought to myself, ‘meh, that warning box about it taking several hours is just a suggestion. I’ll have this done in 3 hours tops.’
No. No way am I anywhere close. The devs literally placed a game within a game and I’m loosing my absolute marbles over this. 
I’m having to James Bond style sneak around and not die (or literally in one part, I kept getting my head blown off cuz I kept getting caught), use smoke grenades, stun batons, hack into systems guiding my cursor backwards in order to disable security, to just stay alive. 
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[These are the weird mirror hacking consoles I was talking about.]
I was literally screaming in panic at all the (as I’ve lovingly dubbed) ‘void spiders’ that kept killing Teshin before I could hit the energy beacons with his disc. 
This is Warframe on crack; but I fucking love how it never feels like I’m being overwhelmed. (except for the ‘sneak around and don’t get seen or you blow up’ quest. I cried a little.)
Also the art design?? Stellar!!
You’ve got kingdom hearts styled evil floating priest cloaks.
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Egyptian motifs, evil brainwashing helmets, bizarre angelic quotes;
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[Ballas thinks he’s freaking Pharaoh now I guess...]
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And then, the insane flashback to the Zamarian Ten-Zero that literally feels like it jumped out of Epcot’s Horizon’s ride.
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I honestly did not expect the game to pull a ‘PowerPoint’ old-school presentation on me, and then quiz me on it. Not only is this Cephalon lady terrifying looking, but she made me answer multiple-choice questions about spacetime.
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[I hate you robot lady!! D:< ]
In conclusion; I am grateful that the game lets me pause in between big missions (since I have work tomorrow ;w;’) because this questline is so large my poor brain cannot deal with it all in one run.
(Also, people should just pull up a playthrough of all the interactive cutscenes and playthrough. It should at least be viewed as the beautiful art that it is. It literally felt like I was in a Star Wars movie (with all the cloak and dagger and space battles and cool shit), and I am living for this kind of content.)
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derelicthorror · 2 years
warframe tenno 🤝 no man's sky travellers
• we are liminal beings traversing everywhere and belonging nowhere and uniquely attuned to the nature of reality
• we are in spase :)
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silly-slugged-cat · 19 days
You know what because you all liked the last one, here's a meme for the three people who play Warframe AND Rainworld AND Sky
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mutantthedark · 15 days
Call Of Duty Modern Warframe II - Sigma's Story
Chapter 1: Interrogation
So much for the meeting with Shadow Company, Sigma felt weird there are only men here. Although she didn't mind and wants the mission to get done.
Weirdly enough, one guy stared at her with confused look, yet shocked, looked like he knew her from somewhere... but he decided to play cool.
Two SAS operators and Los Vaqueros, Alejandro and Rudy did some damage looking for Hassan while Sigma had to help with air support. She was lucky to know Spanish.
After Hassan's capture, Soap's and Sigma's blue eyes met, caught right into sight... He can already tell he never saw a female pilot before. And she couldn't stand Graves talking nonsense, and some of the Shadow mercs are really fond of her... When she met Ghost, her blood ran cold seeing him in skull mask, strong, huge man would beat the shit out of anyone.
From affar before the flight with the Shadows while she met Graves, one of the Shadows said from afar: "Who is this girl? She’s cute and pretty." 
Pretended she didn't heard anything.
The sky is dark, it's night. The stars can't be seen, a calm peace, only crickets chirping in the field. A faith of howl calling by coyotes in the darkness, then it went silent.
Multiple truck's doors closed as the men jumped out. Soap dragged Hassan out of the vehicle and walks to the field.
"On your knees." Soap shoved Hassan on the ground, removing the black cloth bag off his head.
Graves is working on a signal in front of the green crate while crouching down.
"Ya'll got a clear picture?" Graves asked.
General, adjusting his seat to get comfortable. "Crystal."
"All set." Laswell replied, exhaling the smoke from her lips while smoking a cigarette.
"Alright, we are live, folks." Graves stands up, Hassan watches him approach.
"Do you speak Arabic?" He asks.
“No.” Graves replied, shaking his head.
“No.” He replied again, standing in front of him.
Sigma watches them as she stands beside Simon, remaining silent. If Hassan is going to ask her something, he better watch his tongue.
Hassan looks at Sigma, he smirks a little bit. “A woman in war... Who’s holding a weapon.” He starts, “I’m surprised you’re fighting for your country and battles without blood in your hands.”
“Women or men, doesn’t matter. If a man can be one, so do women. So English, you retard.” She replied with harsh voice down her throat.
Hassan nods his head a little bit, turning his attention to Graves. “Of course, then I’ll speak your bastardized medieval English because you are all uneducated street dogs.”
“Ahh, see… We’re getting off to a bad start here, Hassan.” Graves gets annoyed quickly, looking on the ground, tapping his foot.
“You are talking to a Quds Force Officer.” Hassan states proudly. All Sigma could just watch and shake her head.
“You’re the commander of a foreign terror organization,” Graves notes, not willing to put any stupid formalities.
“I can say the same thing to you.”
“What’s your target, ‘Major’?” Graves asks, his voice turning into a sarcastic one.
“What was your target when they sent missiles to my land?”
Graves shrugs a bit. “Oh, wild guess… To nails your ass.”
“So insolent and foul-mouthed. You will learn to respect me when your nation sees fire.”
“You will respect an anchor who will sink you in the bottom of the ocean.” Sigma glares at Hassan, crossing her arms. Hassan ignores her, Graves steps closer to him with anger and impatience in his eyes.
“You are in bed with the cartel, Hassan. If you dissapeared, no one would know where to look for a fuckin’ stain.” Graves said as he shakes his head.
“I have no doubt you’ll take pleasure in torturing me.” Hassan replied with a smirk.
Oh, Sigma would definitely torture him, if Graves would let her. Soap starts to speak out-
“Who’d you get American missiles from?”
“I don’t care who they’re from, I wanna know where they’re going.” Shepherd interrupted the conversation.
Coyotes howled in the endless darkness of the shadows, making the others to turn attention. Graves looks around, letting out a low whistle, his hand clutching his tactical vest.
“Take a look around Hassan. Now, you can either become part of the food chain,” Graves lowers himself in front of Hassan. “Or you can start talking.”
“I’m a hostage here,” Hassan states. “This is illegal.”
“You’re a prisoner of war.” Alejandro replied, tilting his head while his hand is squeezing Hassan’s shoulder.
“Iran is not at war with Mexico. I’ve broken no lawns. These men, one useless slut, and their commanders are the law breakers.” Hassan looks at Sigma and Ghost who are they stand beside the vehicle.
Her eye twitches after she heard he called her slut, slowly, her hand is curled into fist.
“You and your beloved General Ghorbrani broke every-“
“Do not speak his name!” Hassan shouted at Soap, cutting him off. He’s forcibly held by Alejandro.
“You executed him, and you will pay for your crimes! Only God can help you now!” He rolls his tongue at Graves angrily.
“I want this bastard in permanent custody or looking up at the goddamn grass!” Shepherd snarled his strict demand through the broadcast.
“General,” Laswell quickly intervened, “Killing Hassan is an act of war, keeping him here is illegal. Right now, he is too hot to hold.”
Shepherd sighs, adjusting his seat. “Tell me you’re getting something actionable, Laswell.”
“Working on it, stand by.”
Graves grabs the laptop and places it on the vehicle’s hood. “Actual, let me finish this.” he loses patience for a second.
“There is nothing I’d like more,” Shepherd agreed with the Commander, “But Laswell's right. Without proof we need to turn him loose. See where he leads us.”
Sigma’s eyes widens after hearing this. Releasing him?! Nonsense! She would’ve asked the questions about the missiles, not Graves. So much for General saying this, making the wrong decisions.
“What?! You can do that!” She joins Graves beside him.
“She’s right! He’s right there, you can’t be serious!” Soap joins along, looking at the screen.
“I’m afraid I am, you both.”
“Oh, bullshit!” Sigma hits the vehicle’s hood and starts to pace out, hands on her hips.
Ghost is holding Hassan’s phone with his right hand, looking at it while standing in place. “Did we get anything from his phone?”
“Affirmative, we got a hit.” Laswell concluded, but not much information required.
“Good. Now, take him back and let him go.” Shepherd confirms.Hassan is watching them, with a smile on his face. Alejandro shoved a black bag back on Hassan’s head, hiding his smile.
“Up, asshole. Come on.” Alejandro grunt in Spanish, raising Hassan back on his feet, dragging him to the vehicle. Ghost shoves Hassan’s phone in his pocket, walking past him.
Soap looks at the laptop and closes it, letting it a grunted sigh. Sigma walks to Graves, clearly not proud.
“That was completely stupid.”
“Call stupid to General who made the choice, but not me.”
“He’ll cause more damage with those missiles, we may be not find who the target is! And we’re just taking him like that?!”
“Sigma…” Graves sighs. “We need to know. I wanted to finish that guy, you wanted to right? Kickass name. We’ll find the missiles and it’s going to be over.”
“Unbelievable…” Sigma shakes her head and walks to the vehicle, avoiding the argument with him. Soap watched it from afar and follows her, gun in his hand.
So much coming to Mexico with Air Support and work with the Shadows, SAS operators and Los Vaqueros. She’s not done yet. She never had blood on her hands in battlefield. Her blood boils by General’s choice, she’s careful with people who can trust the most.
And been in Air Force for 4 years, finally fighting on the ground with heavy loads on her shoulders...
Yippeeee, I might draw some cutscenes whanever I can!
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kaxen · 1 month
Rambling Thoughts on Warframe
Someone I follow posted so much Warframe fanart I just went okay what the hell is this, oh it's free, might as well try it out.
I am fascinated by how the ship in Warframe is just "stick yourself in this person-sized hole"
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it twirls around to put the character inside.
Due to some 3rd party controller issues displaying the wrong glyphs, I only remembered how to bop enemies with a stick and electrocute them for like at least an hour (I could have just looked at the controller map, but I found electrocution and bopping them with a stick very satisfying).
I don't think this was the intended loop of this looter shooter for me to bop everything with a stick and/or electrocute everyone
I keep laving a billion pieces of ammo on the floor. I am probably getting the achievement for 100 stealth kills if I keep playing
ironically I did not pick any of the stealth weapons
Not sure how far I can get in this game without making friends
A guy popped into my thing and did not ask much of me, so like if we can just casually vibe, that's fine. I mostly don't want to talk to anyone while trying to do a task.
Like this is why Sky is my fave MMO. Talking is not necessary, we just make aggressive honking and emote spam and call it a day.
For a free to play game I thought they'd give me an uglier starter to try to get me to buy something, but I'm gonna be honest "I think this blue zappy dude is cool" is 75% of my motivation to keep playing lol
Coincidentally, Warframe has a makeship compaign for a plush of my dude
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The plush campaign has another 21 days. I will see if I still love Volt in a few weeks xD
I need every game to have Hard Lock like Armored Core 6
After remembering how the crap to shoot, I keep shooting everyone in the leg, minus when I get lucky and just shoot them in the head on accident. The frequency with which is play games that ask me to shoot accurately is very low so I have no braincells for it. "You have mastery in your main weapon" Are you sure Lotus? Are you really sure? My main weapon is not gun. It is stick.
I like the indoor missions. It feels stupid to run 500 meters or so to get to a waypoint on a giant plain.
Also why can't these sci-fi boys swim.
Like I feel like being a biomechanical weapon on a planet that is 70% water should require some mild ability to handle water.
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arsene-inc · 3 days
GilaRPGs and the Novaverse : Getting the setting out of the game line
Or What is a game line really ?
Getting out of the game line to develop a setting. What does it mean ? Well there's no better start than an exemple so let's check what Spencer Campbell or GilaRPGs is doing.
Actually no, a better start is defining the terms. Curse you leftovers from uni. So what is a game line ? In the TTRPG scene, it is usually thought as all the games that shares a Name, or all the books that share the same setting AND system. We all know the D&D line even if we sometimes wish we didn't. But there's other lines : Pathfinder, Nephilim, Knight, Vampire the Mascarade, etc...
Multiple editions ? Supplements ? That's a line, don't cross it.
But if games with the same setting and the same system are of the same line, what about game with the same setting but different systems ?
A New Challenger appears : Spencer Campbell, one of my fav. His name is often reason enough for me to buy.
(translation for a future video on my french ttrpg channel)
I could talk about the evolution of LUMEN toward a diceless,healthless system, how every other games influence this transition. I'll leave you waiting on this one.
In short, one of his big games is Nova, inspired by Warframe, Destiny and the likes. To summarize : Sun exploded. Nobody knows why. Sun shards implanted on the planet. Now the night won't leave me alone.
A Measly lot of years later, the power of these shards can be harnessed, Humanity can continue. Sparks are invented, mecha-armour to explore the Dusk and defend settlements from their many ennemies. Cause we weren't alone when the sun exploded.
Well I said invented but some Sparks...... One of them was inspired by Satan and the only thing we know about it is thus : The Sky went red and it appeard out of the Dusk. Great. No reason to worry at all. It's not like you can't make a horseman of the Apocalypse party with some other Sparks... (something my player actually did, these edgy mfers) The setting is very succint, it's a small book. But it's the Start of the Novaverse.
No, we can also find Luna and Nest in the same setting. Interesting detail : they focus on two of the enemies' factions found in Nova. And none of them have the same system. Well that may be a little exaggeration. Dusk also exists with a similar system and on the Sparks side.
Before writing about them, I will note that supplements for Nova exist. Nova Dusk Denizen. Zine sized, each zine on a singular faction with more lore, more enemies, more tactics for the GM.
So Dusk is the first new game of this Novaverse. The first to use the LUMEN 2.0, now diceless and based on ressources. For me, it's a debate if Lumen and Lumen 2.0 can be considered the same system. More importantly, this is not a supplement. This is a full game. A modular game (another discussion for the future). Nova's focus was on combat, action. Dusk is not. It is exploration. The monsters usually die in 1 hit. Clearly two distinct experiences.
Then Spencer crowdfunded and published Luna. Another change. Here we play a Nova enemy faction : The Lunar Cult. Their goal : infiltrate a city and convert its sun shard for holy moonstone. This is not the type of adventures Lumen is built for. So the game uses the Resistance system, from Spire and Heart, a more adapted system.
This rpg also does something I appreciate more and more : One type of story only, we know what we want and we will play it in a fewshot campaign, 5 sessions max.
To go back to the original question, I ask of you : Same lore, same setting, but is it the same line ? It is a different experience and a different system after all.
Last May, GilaRPGs crowdfunded Nest. Back to Lumen 2.0, still an enemy faction : the Corvus Dominion, an avian alien race. And again, a game for fewshots. Since nothing has been published about it yet,I can't tell you more.
Same setting, sorta same system, but another game.
Thus what is a line ? How do you conceive it ? A base game and supplements ? Including the various editions of its base game ?
It's not like I can't use these games for Nova. Here we have two problems for the sparks to solve. How about multitable ? Between Nest and Nova ? Between Dusk and Nova ? The players of one game reacting to the actions from the other game and vice verse ? Wouldn't that be an interesting experience ? Wouldn't you want to try ?
Plus, the novaverse is not Spencer's only setting like this. He also has Obron, starting with Rune, his solo game inspired by Elden Ring and Dark Souls, where we play an Engraved. Then comes Reap, also solo in Obron, same system, but this time, you're a necromancer.
Since the game designer opens his game to 3rd party content (another reason to love him), someone had the great and terrific idea of a Realm that works for both games. Both characters are there at the same time. On the Rune side, you fight the Necromancer. On the Reap side, you fight the Engraved.
Now we leave the Rune system to go back to Lumen 2.0 again, with a group, for Thorn, also happening in Obron. And that's all I will say about it, the game is not completed yet.
I love this concept, especially with smaller games. While not zine sized, Spencer's game usually count around 50 pages.
We can focus our game on one type of story, of adventure in a particular setting, with an apropos system. Then make another game in this setting but for another story, another system adapted to this story. No more breaking your brain to try and make a size fit all system.
Generally, with a game it's the system that gets out of the line. We create an SRD for other creators. (Don't be afraid to use SRDs , they're here for you) It's rarer to take a setting and make a new different game in it.
Imagine the possibilities : Multitables with different games, reacting to each other, especially if they have opposed goals. There are players who love a setting but hate the system, the types of adventures the base book proposes. Now they can find a game for them in this setting.
 It is (or is it ?) a new direction for ttrpgs. The world of darkness games may profess to happen in the same world, but I always found them too separated. It is something I think about when creating my own games. What would happen if I take this and change the system ? We can find similar ideas in other games.
Starfinder and Pathfinder share the same setting, the same system, bur with different scopes, in different genres.
Spire and Heart : same setting, same system, different stories. Knight and Parias share the same setting too, for the system, it is the same base, but one is heroic horror, the other is survival of the outcasts. The french author Vivien Féasson also does something similar with Perdus sous la pluie. 3 games in the same setting but one is an horror experience, one is exploration and settlement building, and the last is Life in the biggest citadel.
Let's see what sort of discussions this causes...
Wait a minute ! Isn't Obron the name he gave to the planet in the Novaverse game Dusk ? What is happening ? What secrets are you hiding Spencer !?
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bunbunbunni · 2 months
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FREE multiplayer games I play that you can friend me on :) I suck at all these tho (I am shy and have autism so be patient with me if I am hesitant to play, I do not do voice chat unless we are close friends)
(Sky: Children of the Light, IdentityV, and Warframe)
*DM for SkyCotL friend code since it is the only one that the friending works differently
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cognitohazardous · 5 months
what games do you like
god idk i just play whatever. i play a lot of multiplayer games mostly but i love certain singleplayer games. my most played games on steam are warframe at 1906 hrs and tf2 at 1302 hours. then theres like smite and gmod which i havent played in years, then deep rock galactic, ff14, elden ring, no mans sky, etc. some of the most impactful games for me have been disco elysium, subnautica, no mans sky, gmod, tf2, fallout new vegas, and minecraft (havent touched mc in years either) among others. i like playing with friends, action, loot, exploration, and atmosphere ig?
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eleonorpiteira · 1 year
Were you given guidelines for what the Duviri paintings should express or look like? To me they're pitch perfect between some kind of unearthly beauty and an elaborate fairy tale visuals - a style I really like
Hi! I'm happy they come across that way, thank you! 😊
I was actually given a ridiculous amount of freedom! They never said anything about the 'storybook' thing, but they told me a little bit about Thrax since he was supposed to be the focus of the paintings - Duviri is his kingdom and he's the Main Character™ so they wanted me to portray his elevated view of himself and some of his 'supporting characters'. They gave some ideas for what I could draw (mostly the characters) but they left it always pretty open should I have any ideas - which I did! The giant hands+head in the sky on the Orowyrm piece is there because I loved it so much when I saw it on the gameplay demo (I love how dramatic it is, the sense of scale, and the hands' gesture just had something that spoke to me), and so is the fractal-ish shape that frames Thrax on his throne that you can see on the Duviri landscape (the shapes reminded me of stained glass windows in cathedrals and I really liked it)!
It was a lot more exploratory than the usual illustration jobs I've done so far, I did a lot of different sketches, but we had the time and there's a world of difference when you feel like your input and your ideas/opinions matter, and when the person on the other side understands what you do (thank you Mat).
I think it was just a really good marriage between the world they created and my style and things I like to paint. I really leaned into the whole theatricality of the characters and environment because I really love to draw stuff like that. It's about the symbolism rather than a realistic depiction or even a narrative. Which just goes to show that they knew what they were doing because when I first got the email I was like "me??? painting Warframe stuff??? are you sure???" - I had never played the game but if there was one thing I knew about it, it was the insanely complex designs! I was a little worried™ and yet it turned out to be a truly lovely experience :)
Kudos to DE's art team, they did the hard work of creating and designing the world and its characters, I just got to play with it!
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eliasdrid · 1 year
oh speaking of warframe
duviri spoilers ahead (consider I only played yesterday and may be so so wrong)
I was double checking the transcript of the quest on wiki since it'll likely be a while til its out for replay and all.
Anyway. There's this bit, right.
Teshin: You saw that ship in the sky... The Zariman. Our child king must be one of those who was abandoned there. A Tenno. Drifter: You said the Tenno are trying to help me... this paradox stuff. Now you're saying Thrax is one of them? He doesn't seem too helpful. Teshin: The history I know... that Zariman ship returned from the Void, bringing with it the extraordinary power the Tenno command. But here is a different path, I suppose. A difference in parallel. A paradox in itself.
And Dominus Thrax design shows some human skin in his left hand specifically but his legs may be partially uncovered too (or at least that is the case in the concept art). When I saw the weird metal belly thing my first thought was that it was a Fortuna sort of deal and his head/brain rests in there but it might just as well be in its rightful place and he's just trying to look like an Orokin ruler in his complicated fairy tale land (so he has that mask/helmet).
Moving on. I was checking other stuff on wiki and it said somewhere that the Drifter made everything up themself - including Dominus Thrax. This idea is supported by this dialogue but I want to explain what I interpreted which is not exactly this. Bear with me.
Teshin: You did it. You took control. Drifter: I always had it. Thrax didn't make this place- Teshin: -you did. But... you reset it. You gave it all back to him. Why?
Now, the Drifter being the original king is interesting because the first thing we hear when trying to leave is this (below) and while the first citizen does say they are not sure... the Drifter is quite different from Dominus Thrax and it struck me as odd while I was playing. Besides, it seemed to me that Dominus Thrax didn't leave the palace much.
Citizen 1: The king! The king! There goes our honored king! Citizen 2: Where? Where?! He gave me no eyes to see him!
So, like, I am absolutely wondering how long it's been since the Drifter lost control of Duviri... because clearly they are an Adult Now and clearly they were a child or teenager before Duviri, aboard the Zariman.
If Duviri happened with the "crash" and that's the point of divergence... well, our operators are teenagers to young adults (at most). And before the War Within update, on Second Dream, they were more child-like (and I personally adhere to the idea that there was a time for the operator to "grow up" at whatever slow rate void-immortality has given them out of cryo/suspension between these two events). So, the Drifter was a teen (or preteen) and they were with others of their age (or about). Of the adults of the Zariman we know little but I do not remember any of them surviving so we have a bunch of children whose parents are all dead. Of course the Tenno managed somehow and were later retrieved by the Orokin who experimented on them and made them weapons on the Sol timeline. Not the case on Duviri...
During the quest Teshin says we are not experiencing our own memories but Dominus Thrax's. This is the one thing that leads me to believe that Dominus Thrax is not a Conceptual Embodiment but a Tenno - like Teshin guesses at first. The Drifter could have also poured their memories into Dominus Thrax to rid of them too but... let me follow my line of thought to the end.
Consider: The Drifter and Thrax were taking care of each other during the events of the Zariman. The Drifter decided to read Thrax, perhaps much younger than them, this book he carried around constantly to help him calm down - he even had a doll of one of the characters, it was clear that he liked it very much.
Sidenote, the book we get has doodles on the pages, which reinforces my idea that it belonged to a child. Moving on.
It's all going terribly aboard the Zariman and it's gonna get worse. Reading the book to Thrax is almost a ritual. Escapism. The Drifter being older and capable of understanding what's going on wishes that Thrax would never have to see the horrors of this and could live in this fantastic book... Something happens (perhaps many of the others die) and this all develops into The Drifter creating Duviri and making Thrax king. The Child King. To Cope.
The Drifter plays along at first, they are no longer in danger and they have an entire amazing world to explore. The Drifter is the Drifter because they explore ever-changing Duviri and won't stop visiting places, coming back and telling tales. Years go by. Thrax being much younger and having all his needs met never grows up from his child self, it's not like they have anyone around to teach them either. Additionally the Drifter may be too trusting of the fact that he can do all the growing up on his own too, having grown up quickly themself due to the Zariman incident, or believes he understand that this is all made up and one day they'll have to leave. In any case, they eventually reach the conclusion that Duviri is nice, fairy tale land, but they should call for help or find a way out already. They can't be children forever. When they express this, it sparks a conflict between them.
[...] You keep calling this a prison, but you know what it really is? It's the only place in the entire universe that is... Actually. Safe.
Thrax doesn't want to leave this world of fantasy and doesn't want the Drifter too either, this is the only other real person he knows of. And it is safe here. Nowhere else. Maybe they play cat and mouse for a while, maybe Duviri was bigger but got reduced so the Drifter couldn't go too far. Whatever happens, Thrax ends up getting the Drifter and executes them for treason ad nauseum until The Duviri Paradox quest and here we are now.
Anyway these were my thoughts, cutting it here because I feel I might get sidetracked. Also this interpretation kinda makes it all a bit sadder that The Drifter decided to reset the day and give Thrax the throne back even though they likely had the power to change that.
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orowyrm · 17 days
thinking of doing a celebratory stream once my fancy pc is all set up…. unsure what i want to play/do though. torn between warframe, no man’s sky, katamari, or just drawing/hanging out. might be the latter
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blueskyheadleft010 · 2 years
Veilbreaker and Angels of Zamarian quest lines were fairly quick to finish and aggravating in different ways.
Veilbreaker for having to play as Kahl on a Sentient tileset, because that map sucks at telling you what floor you need to be on (or that there’s even a upper or lower floor around you) + where the stupid red things you need to shoot are.
AoZ for being the most unhelpful in explaining what in the ever living fuck type of mission I’m doing. (I nearly lost because they didn’t tell me I needed to jump high into the air and collect blue orbs and bring them to the machine. Nothing was explained ever during missions. I just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.)
Also, the Zamarian tilesets are like a labyrinth that takes a while to memorize how each chamber looks/works. It’s so dim and grey that it’s hard to pick out where objects are, and I really struggled to see where the smashable containers where for a bit cuz they blend right in. (Also why tf are their containers hiding at the top of the ceiling inside a broken panel??? I smashed one once and it had an Ayatan, but it didn’t fall down, it just hung out up there and I couldn’t collect it D:< )
My other beef with that tileset is that you have no idea what is interactive and what’s not until you’re brushing right up against the item and the pop up displays. (Why the trash cans act as item dispensers is a mystery I don’t care to learn about)
I won’t even dig in to all the bugs. But I’ll be playing solo a lot until DE patches multiplayer tilesets. (And also not trying to scream my head off when a level bugs out and makes the mission impossible to complete for the 50th time).
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karniz · 10 months
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The real conflict of being an artist that also is a very avid gamer.
Not included But I Also Play on the Regular; Astroneer, Deep Rock Galactic, Satisfactory, Dead by Daylight, No Man’s Sky, Len’s Island, Going Medieval, Overwatch, Warframe...
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you know another thing I like about duviri is that it really adds some perspective to how powerful warframes are
because like you play as an (admittedly powerful) human and they are notably less powerful then a warframe, usually fighting 4-5 chumps at a time with a different more meticulous combat system
and then you get into the undercroft and it’s the standard horde shooter flailing around with your huge 2 handed hammer and tossing piles of bastards into the sky and those previous enemies you were approaching carefully on the overworld usually just sort’ve die on accident
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Hello! I'm trying to meet new people, and I'd want to start by encouraging my many followers to talk to me. My name is Sam, he/him pronouns, I'm 26 years old, and I expect to graduate college with a BA in game design in the spring.
I'm putting more interests and details below the "keep reading", and I'll be queueing this post for three times a day for two weeks to see who responds.
Send me a message if you think you like the same stuff, or just wanna chat 😁 Especially if we're mutuals!
Professional interests:
Game design
User research
User interface design
Game programming
Video games I play regularly:
Warframe (I'm caught up on quests, I don't know how to make a good build, but I can handle the beginning of steel path lol)
Final Fantasy XIV (world: Coeurl, data center: Crystal, currently playing through Shadowbringers, WHM 83, MNK 73, WAR 70)
Games by Paradox Development Studio
No Man's Sky
Halo Infinite and MCC
My favorite games:
Outer Wilds
Night in the Woods
Anything by FromSoftware lol
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Neverwinter Nights
Baldur's Gate
The Elder Scrolls
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy
Scarlet Hollow
Deus Ex
TV shows I liked:
Star Trek (all of every show, only some movies though)
Over the Garden Wall
Steven Universe
Adventure Time
The Witcher
Black Sails
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
Misc. fandom and other interests:
Tabletop RPGs (I'm GMing a bi-weekly Dark Souls tabletop RPG game, and I'm a player in a game of Dungeon of the Mad Mage that doesn't meet that often.)
Welcome to Night Vale
The Magnus Archives
Religious proselytizers
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kidwaffle120 · 1 month
SO I'm finally coming back to Sky for the most UNEXPECTED reason!! One of my friends on PlayStation downloaded the game and I'm like ???? Like this person doesn't normally play chill games. Like this man spent the last two months playing helldiver's and Warframe. But I'm glad he's trying the game no less!! Time to teach my moth friend the ways.
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