#and the theres literally every other character who I dont wanna even try to think of ideas for
arolesbianism · 5 months
I need 2 get back on the fanart grind stat I need to draw orbo blorbos
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devildom-moss · 9 months
Since you menioned Simeon and Barbatos in the same sentence, its my time to rant about how much i love Simbarb!!
I think i went a little off course.. oh and i read this simbarb fanfiction once and now ive created a whole au with lore and backstory with Simeon and someone else (which can technically be MC but the actual MC also exists in this au). And i really wanna talk about it to someone, but there's no one who wants to listen, but you're now back, and im happy so maybe ill talk about it to you if youre interested!
Anyways have a nice day! Remember to eat, sleep and dont do drugs <33
Sincerely, 💜
You are so right for this. Those two are not only my favorites, but they are probably my favorite ship (I don't know if I've made that clear in my writing, but I feel like there have at least been hints). We are on the same boat here (I apologize for the pun, but I'm sending it out into the world anyway). I am right there with you. They are precious individually and together. I generally am not a touchy/hugging person, so I wouldn't want to squeeze them, but I would make them a delicious bowl of soup, give them pats on the head, and tell them that they're both good boys.
Especially as a fellow SimBarb lover, you are welcome talk about your AU here! Also, in general, I love reading about how people view character relationships (romantic, platonic - in any form, really).
While I'm here, I would like to fuel the SimBarb love with a few thoughts of my own it won't be too much because I'm going to head to bed soon, so my brain is in wind down mode.
Okay, so I lied to myself about the "a few" and rambled for 10 bullet points, so more under the cut:
Canonically, Barbatos and Simeon just often find themselves on outings together. Barbatos phrases it like it's unintentional; it just happens; they just have accidental dates. Well, considering that Barbatos seems to always have good luck, maybe there's a reason he keeps finding himself on outings with Simeon. Wouldn't it be lucky if he happened to run into a certain handsome angel while he was out?
I think it took Simeon longer to realize he liked being around Barbatos than it took Barbatos to notice how much he enjoyed spending time with Simeon. Simeon probably used Luke as a kind of affection proxy for a long time. A lot of "Luke really likes Barbatos," and "Barbatos is so sweet to Luke. It really warms my heart." Really? Is it just Luke who likes Barbatos?
They probably pick up groceries a lot together, and they both like to menu plan as they browse the markets, so they end up taking ideas from each other. Sometimes they'll plan to cook the same dish on the same night. It makes them kind of giddy. Even though they don't share meals often, when they cook the same thing on the same night, it almost feels like they're getting to eat together.
Whenever Luke goes to Barbatos for cooking/baking lessons, Barbatos tries to ensure they have leftovers for Luke to take back to Simeon. Additionally, Barbatos is especially motivated to help the final product turn out good (outside of just wanting Luke to learn and succeed) because he knows it's a reflection of his own skills and he wants to impress Simeon.
Also, I could see Barbatos sending Luke back home with two bouquets of flowers (especially edible flowers and sometimes herbs) from his garden. One is for Luke, but the other one, Barbatos will casually suggest that Luke "give it to Simeon, if you'd like."
These two both love taking care of others. Can you imagine how often they just try to out-spoil the other? I think it would occasionally end up in arguments that are basically just "sit down, and let me take care of you for a change."
Barbatos would be the least comfortable being taken care of because he's a demon. Being doted on by an angel. That's weird, right? He feels incredibly unworthy.
These two could flirt back and forth so well.
Barbatos would get extremely flustered if Diavolo commented on how wonderful it is to see a respectable demon such as Barbatos and a regarded angel like Simeon getting along so well, and that it gives him hope for the future between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm.
This is kind of angsty, and I don't remember if Barbatos and Simeon actually met before the war, but I have this thought (maybe a future story idea if I decide to lean into ships or something) that while Diavolo was enamored with Lucifer, Barbatos took a liking to Simeon. Actually, it was initially just an interest in the angel whose cooking skills could almost compare with his own. Then he realized how similar they were and how well they would get along. I just imagine younger Barbatos thinking hoping that when the war came around, Simeon would fall with Lucifer. Selfishly, he wanted the opportunity to even just be around Simeon. When that didn't happen, Barbatos was silently crushed but he carried on. He held his excitement the entire time when he first heard that Simeon would be one of the exchange students, and he was even more delighted when Simeon treated him with kindness.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
ohh i have SUCH a controversial jennifer jareau opinion. and this is probably gonna be more like an essay. i wish i could say i was sorry.
everyone always says theyre anti jj slander, which is fine ofc, but just weird bc i NEVER see anyone slandering her. in my 3 years in the fandom, ive seen it happen maybe 5 times total, which sucks because she deserves so. much. more. hate.
(spoilers for *that* jeid plotline, as well as some other things)
in season 7, spencer tells her that she has mean girl vibes and she replies "i was a nice girl, especially to guys like you" which ALWAYS pissed me off because she literally just confirmed what he said? and everyone acts like it was a funny joke. she said that shit with her whole chest and meant it, and it wouldnt be *that* big of a deal if it was the only time. but shes consistently mean to him throughout the show, ignoring him, walking away, etc. spencer isnt even the only one shes like this to. and she just has a sense of superiority, idk how to describe it. just by the way she talks and interacts with those around her, you can tell. (while we're on that note, she also ignores her privileged a LOT. maybe not all the time, but theres been multiple times where she acts like she went through hell to get where she is. other than her sister passing, she had it completely easy. in terms of resources, opportunities, etc., she was basically born with a golden spoon in her mouth.)
in s14 when she confesses to spencer that shes always been in love with him, it just makes my blood boil. obviously he had been over her a long time (imo), but that was something she should've kept to herself bc it just brought alllll those feelings back to the surface. not to mention that hes the godfather of her children, and shes married, and will probably (definitely) doesnt know how she feels. thats literally emotional cheating on her part, even though reid didnt reciprocate it, it was still wrong of her to be that close to him without will knowing how she really felt.
there are other things i dont like abt her too, but those are the main things and im trying to keep this as short as possible. but i literally cant stand her, shes by far my least favorite character, and everyone acts like shes an angel sent from heaven, when really shes just a privileged bitch.
i like JJ a lot (i want her to be my mom </3) but i do agree with several of your points - she's definitely not the worst character, each and every character has a list of flaws that we could make, so this by no means makes her the worst, but it does make me angry <3
i just rewatched that 'mean girl' episode!! she doesn't even hesitate before saying 'guys like you', which, you're totally right, means he was right, and she was definitely a mean girl in high school. or even if she didn't say any of it out loud, she was still silently judging 'guys like him' and in high school you can always tells who's silently judging you. they're teenagers. they're not silent about it. the nasty looks they give you?? oh man. but i do think that the blame for ignoring spencer needs to be placed on all of the team members, because they do it all the time too, it's not just her. she has some pretty bad moments with him, but it's definitely something they all do and she shouldn't take the full blame
lmao don't talk about jeid. the writers actually deserve the death penalty for that, god it was so nasty and weird. i know that it was something she confessed in the heat of the moment, like she wasn't sure she was gonna make it out alive and didn't wanna die without saying it but ??? WHY WOULD YOU PUT IT ON HIM TO DIE THREE SECONDS AFTER FINDING OUT ??? like great it's off your chest but now he's gonna spend the (very short) rest of his life thinking about it?? AND THEN THEY DIDN'T EVEN DIE LMFAO SO HE WAS JUST STUCK WITH THAT !! and yeah!! will!! what about will!! or her kids!! it was so... writers i'm watching you...
one scene of hers that really pissed me off was in reid's kidnapping two-parter in s2 (the hankel incident) where she was almost attacked by those rabid (?) dogs and she shot them and she's obviously shaken up and she tries finding reid and realizes what happened and she feels so much guilt for splitting up with him - which was not her fault, she didn't know and should not be held responsible for what happened to him - that she started trying to make other people mad at her?? she cornered derek who was grieving and stressed at the loss of his best friend and they're both sleep deprived and she says something like 'admit it, you hate me, you think it's my fault' AND I???? GIRL. he is being so nice to you?? he was literally like oh honey if you need time off i know you're really shaken up and we can take care of this and and and AND SHE WAS LIKE oH yeah suRe just admit it i'm the worSt everybody hATEs mE- I WAS... this is not about you. go get therapy for the dog attack that you just almost suffered?? do not stand around a crime scene and pester the victim's best friend and delay the investigation because you're feeling guilty. go talk to someone about it. take a few days off. again, i totally get that she was shaken up and hopped up on adrenaline, but everyone told her to go get some rest and she was like no i think i will make myself the problem instead <3
all of that being said i still love her </3 i was not kidding when i say that i wish she was my mom holy shit i would have loved to grow up as her kid but she definitely has her flaws just like the rest of the BAU, and logical, critical breakdowns of a characters flaws aren't slandering, they're analysis, so i think everybody needs to stop shitting on people who criticize or analyze their faves lmao
send me your unpopular fandom opinions
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time episode 7-8
(The time brothers and vermillion warriors joking and goofing up)
Wu (tied up as a prisoner):😐
I love how ppl recognize Nya as a part of the team now
Acronix: Im posting this on instabook.
Krux: Why must you ruin every moment with your devices!!!
theyre just like my family fr
Zane: My temporal scanner was damaged during our fight with the vermillion warriors
Jay: (giggles)
Zane: I dont see what you find funny Jay 🤨
Jay: I still think ‘vermillion warriors’ is a stupid name-
Kai, I get that your dad MADE that helmet but that thing is so clunky and huge like just put it down for a second my guy 😭
Lloyd: Wait, what’ll I use to get to the museum
Misako: Well, I WAS saving this for your birthday…
(Shows a whole ass ship)
where TF are these old parents getting these goddamn military weapon rides 😭💀
Its so fucking funny bc Misako was like ‘no, i shouldnt tell you, Wu made me promise.’ And Lloyd says one sentence and suddenly shes spilling everything
I love how excited Zane looks here.
The Ninja aren’t fazed at the fact that Wus aging AT ALL 😭
Kai: Youre soooo fixated on your samurai x suit 🙄
Nya: Says the guy carrying around the snake warriors helmet 🤨
Love when they act like siblings
Tell your sister Kai she deserves to know
Kai: Do you know who this stamp belongs to?
Nya: No…
Kai: Our father.
Zane how are you NOT worried that Pixals still offline, like shouldnt you be freaking out 😭
He seemed to nonchalantly happy too
Like he was too excited being in Lloyds destinys shadow ship to be worried 💀
Does Lloyd even have a drivers license-
Kai: A blacksmith puts a mark on everything he makes. And our fathers mark is on every vermillion warriors helmet.
This is making me sad.
Wait, Kai doesn’t think his parents are alive? He thinks they USED to work for the hands of time.
Nya, girl, I love you but this IS concrete proof of your parents being traitors. Like, yes, its explained later that theyre not. But Kai IS making total sense and hes allowed to be angry about it 😭
Nya: Kai, that makes no sense!
Kai: (slamming his fists against the machinery)
(Whirs to life)
Nya: Whatd you know! Thought that only worked in cartoons haha…
Jay: All this stuff is junk! (Throwing around artifacts trying to look for a secret door)
Zane: (losing his shit by running after Jay and trying his best to keep all the museum artifacts safe)
Jay: (notices Zanes running after him)
Jay: (picks up a pot, jumps back in forth and watches Zane follow him, throws it purposefully to break it)
Zane: AAAAAA (catches it)
Jays such a little shit 💀
I love how much spotlight Nya and Kai are getting this season :)
Ohhhhh, i get it, the episode name is ‘secrets discovered’ because they all discover secrets…
I already know samurai x is pixal but I wanna know if Nya figures that out this episode
Honestly, this isnt that shocking since we, the audience, already knew half these ‘secrets’
the most exciting discovery is probably Nya and the theif behind her samurai suit
Its finally confirmed.
Pixals such a fucking character i love her sm
Pixal (modifying her voice and changing it to sound like other people to throw off Nya): Maybe im ronin… or maybe Dareth???
This scene literally registered Pixal as a favorite character of mine.
Nya: Good moves, but thats takes you being Dareth out of the question.
Pixal (changing to Misakos voice): Your right, maybe im Misako?
Nya: LIAR.
Pixal: Or maybe im Garmadon, he always did have a nasty side.
You cant tell me Pixal is not having the time of her life toying with Nya.
Zane (in the time brothers secret lab): Whats weird is that theres no computers or modern equipment…
I wonder why.
They found the secret tunnel!!! Itll be so funny if they find the hands of times secret hideout when the time brothers themselves couldnt find it one time
Kai: Theres only ONE person who can understand what Im going through…
Im genuinely curious who the hell else has an evil parent other than Lloyd and even then Garmadons not really evil.
Pixal (using Nyas voice): I cant tell you my identity! I hide it to protect the innocent, my friends and allies would be at risk if my enemies knew who I really was. You were me once YOU KNEW THIS!!!
Yeah… and when Kai learned Nya was samurai x NOTHING BAD HAPPENED.
Nya isnt gonna tell the enemies who u are, like what??????
Nya: Whoever you are, you have proven you are worthy of having my samurai x suit :).
Pixal (in nyas voice): thank you :)
Nya: but stop using my voice. Its creepy.
I fr didnt get why some people shipped Pixal and Nya until I watched this episode, they have such strong chemistry, especially in understanding each other.
Nya: Also, reds my thing, you gotta find a new color…. Skylor 😏
Pixal (using skylor voice): A girls gotta have her secrets…
Honestly, pixal is so much better than me if I were her id be laughing my ass off in front of nya, tears and everything.
I cant believe Jay and Cole just ambushed and pummeled Scales and scales junior 😭 not to mention they kept beating them even when they weren’t fighting back until Lloyd put the lights on
The ninja are probably like the corrupted police to the serpentine
Scales: And this is my son, scales junior
Jay: Ha! How long did it take you to come up with that imaginative name???
Dude 😭 srsly?????? Not even an apology for beating up a kid like cmon
Scales Jr.: Out of my way, BLUE BOY. (Shoves jay)
Jay: Why are you looking for the vermillion warriors???? Trying to JOIN THEM????
Jay just stfu lay off them pls 💀
Scales: You don’t know what your dealing with, do you? The vermillion warriors are the pure first generation progeny of the great devourer….
THANK YOU SCALES. guess that answers the question of what the vermillion warriors are
I like to think Lloyd visits the serpentine here and there since he did control them in season 1. He had to have had made a few connections with some
Jay: Sorry if i uh, jumped to conclusions junior, haha…
Jay: I kinda like that kid!
Jay: Haha! Now I KNOW I like him.
Kai: Its just so, shocking. To find our your father, someone you idolized your entire life, turns put to be evil… It makes you question everything you know and are…
Kais really going through it huh. like damn
Nya: I figured out who samurai x is!!! Its skylor!!!
Skylor: Am I now? I had no idea… does that mean I get that cool suit?
Love skylor
I am so attracted to her
Kai: Nya… Our parents are alive.
Howd you figure that one out kai 😐
Skylors so right tho, they arent their parents legacies.
Nya: Lloyd found Krux and Acronixs secret base!!!
Kai: Then what are we waiting for? Lets go!
Skylor: Wait! If you guys need any hel-
Nya: To-go bags? No thanks.
Skylor: ….
Skylor: I guess good quality noodles is all im good for…
If Skylor remembered skybound she probably wouldn’t feel this way ☹️
Im so pumped I cant wait for Nya and Kai to see their parents
Lloyd: And if we execute this perfectly… we should be able to save everyone.
Yeah we have 2 more episodes I highly doubt that
Lloyd: No pressure, but all of ninjago is depending on us.
Yeah. No pressure
Damn. Wu really has some issues.
I love how we delve deeper into Wus fears and insecurities this season
It makes you realize hes just human
I also hope Wu realizes hes made a lot more mistakes than he lets on
Wus nightmare Morro: Youve made many mistakes master… many.
“You didnt have to do all this alone, we could have helped you.”
“Just ask for help.”
“You dont have to be alone.”
“You arrogance has left you alone.”
Damn, we’re really going deep into Wus character huh
Zane mission: locate cyrus borg
Jay and Coles mission: rescue the workers
Lloyds mission: save master wu
Nya and Kai’s mission: locating krux and acronix
Fuck yeah lets gooooo
Zanes acting like those guys who dont know wtf to do when their gf leaves for the weekend 😭 like bro do things yourself you dont need Pixal to do everything for you
Wooo lets go bruise team
Jay (whispering as he slips with he grappling hook): Not good not good not good not good 😰
Ohhhh i forgot that the time brothers kidnapped all the blacksmiths in ninjago
Jay: shhhh we’re here to rescue you- AGHH (gets jumped)
Karloff- Karloff. You’re choking him 😭
Cole: DAD?!?!?
Is airjitzu a thing in newer episodes?
Krux is such an idiot
I feel so had for cyrus borg 🥲 hes trying his best to sabotage them but is always getting caught
Why is borg always kidnapped by villains, give my man a break 😭
Zane sounds so hopeless :(
Why is Lloyd so aggressive 💀 his first move is always a high double kick to the gut and he's ALWAYS the first to swing
Jay. I get that you can't airjitzu karloff out but to say the whole plan it a bust is just stupid. COLE HAS SUPER STRENGTH.
Sometimes ninjago has the stupidest plotholes
Jay: Does anyone know how to independently power a 200-foot industrial-grade carbon elevator in three minutes!!!?!?!!!!
Blacksmiths: ...
Cole: ... I was thinking ladder.
Can Kai stop keeping Nya in the dark-
Like dude just tell her your looking for your parents
God this scene is actually so good though
Kai's father: Your red like a vermillion warrior, but you are no snake...
Kai: I’m not, but you are, TRAITOR.
He must feel so heartbroken right now ☹️
Same for Ray (I think that's his dads name)
Kai: (hands light on fire)
Nya: (extinguishes it)
Idk why but that was such a sibling thing to do
It's like when your sibling is trying to do something and you slap their hand to stop them
At least Nyas being smart about this
Jay: (shakes the ladder)
(ladder collapses)
Can Wu stop almost dying from tall heights
It's safe to say they're not escaping stealthy anymore
Lloyd: Safe... Your finally sa- (has the gut kick happen to him and falls into a ditch)
Can he PLEASE catch a break
Kai's a mommas boy 🥹
Ohhhh I forgot that their parents made the time blades!!!! That's so cool
Ohhh so they kidnapped them as revenge. Got it
Love Ray explaining everything for us.
God it must have killed them to be taken from their children
This is actually so traumatic
I need a fanfic of Kai learning how to take care of his sister at such a young age asap
The thing is, little Kai doesn’t even look as old as Lloyd did in season 1. And Lloyd was like, 10.
Can you imagine this 6 year old having to learn how to cook and clean the house.
Also i cant get enough of little freckled Kai he is too precious to me
Damn. Both Zane AND lloyd failed at their missions
Zane: I sense Jay and Cole nearby!
Lloyd: You sure?
Zane: Yeah, pretty sure.
I love Jays signature nervous laugh :)
Man, EVERYONES failing their missions
Ray: If the time brothers know you're the key to the last time blade then-
Krux: We’ll force you to retrieve it? Great idea!!
Everythings going to shit
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gr1evance · 1 year
posting a big grievance infodump from late last night under a read more. about some semi obscure god lore that doesnt really make it toooo much into the story but still contributes to motivations and such. and i just generally like the way this ties itself together in how i wrote it so i wanna share it
making worlds for gods is kind of all theyre meant to do its actually part of the reason ronnies depression gets really bad bc like. every god is different but they will generally have at least soooome kind of longing or feeling of obligation to be doing that. and ronnies was really bad but it was like essentially punishable by death to not just like sit and do nothing basically so it contributed to his depression a lot. but once a god like makes a world has one or has multiple its like. a commitment for eternity or until that world is gone. anything bad happens to it it will make you tired or sick if you try to neglect it it will make you tired or sick. if you are not doing nothing except looking after it you are tired and/or sick. in atrophy theres a decent amount of shadow gods who have worlds and most of them just kind of do nothing but that but like. this isnt really an ironed out plot beat but theres supposed to be one that lobotomy sends after nix and co. whos apparently been trying to multitask and the second they have to get into a fight they like. straight up just keel over and die. and thats why ronnie comes back. again thats not ironed out and could change but its my current way of showing what gods having a world is kind of like in the story. so yeah theyre not just like guys who are strong they really do have godly obligations most of them just. dont. bc its a big commitment its like. having a baby if the baby was ever present and never stopped screaming the mortals that they make are also the mortals they can like. 100% do anything to bc mortals from other universes or anything like ppl rift nix talk to basically just cant hurt him and he has like. super strength compared to them. could pop them like a grape. but theyre not ones he made so he cant like. turn them into a cube or something which is mostly restrictions to keep them from being absolutely super all powerful in rp or anything both options are kind of meant to feel kind of suffocating bc gods arent really. mmmeeeaaaant to be people theyre meant to be machines that do their godly duty and nothing else. but theyre also people. and they have to deal with being people. and i feel like a lot of grievance is kind of just people having to deal with being. people the thing is even if asterisk wasnt there doing that most of them STILL wouldnt just bc. well theyre people and theres other people there and theyd rather be with the other people than. essentially working forever. the reason ronnie at the end of atrophy doesnt start doing actual god stuff is bc nix and vinny are there now and theyre more important to him than anything he feels obligated to do. i imagine especially for the rift gusbands getting out of the purpose and living in a real mortal world that has change and constant movement and countless people must be so freeing. because the purpose is kind of just a soulless husk of a place to live theres. nothing there. unless you make it. and these gods sit around and do nothing because they dont know any better but living in a mortal world they can learn to outgrow that. i just think its really beautiful to think about. being literally made to do something and not being allowed to and its crushing because you cant do the one thing tou were made for. but then youre free of those rules but instead of turning to that obligation you realize. you dont have to do what you were made for. you can just live. you can do anything and go anywhere and be anyone and be WITH anyone you want. you can just live i also think its very pretty in my head how certain things like this end up tying nix and starb together as characters when they can seem so distant from each other in concept. but theres little details where theyre the same. someday they can both learn that they dont have to be what they were "made" to be they dont have to only ever look after a world they dont have to be a murderer they dont have to be a weapon they dont have to work nonstop for the sake of other people. they can just be themselves. thats a sentiment they both learn in the end
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
ok so abt the amelia thing i mentioend in the tags of the other post? im thinking abt making a companion fic to the one i just posted but also i wanna preface it w some ideas abt amelia i think abt sm that kinda get undermined by other characters (even as a local liam fan i STILL need amelia in my life you know)
a lot of times? shes just written as Nice. and thats it, unless shes ALSO being portrayed as like... doting on liam and bryce and like im sorry but i dont think thats quite accurate. she IS kind, and she DOES care for her friends but i feel like this compassion gets SUPER oversimplified
the thing is, people make her revolve around the others, and i think there IS some basis for this; she cares abt the others a LOT and tries her best to help!! its a part of her character. but what people miss is that she DOESNT tend to act selflessly like constantly. she spends the first 6 episodes asking and trying SO hard to be up for elimination despite everything, even when stone makes liams team be up for elimination- but the thing is that i dont think not being selfless means shes selfish either, which i think is also overlooked (it CAN be inbetween). shes acting actually not unrealistically in this situation, she wants to be safe so it MAKES SENSE that she doesnt really think abt bryce or liam going home and tbh i think thats ok. shes under a lot of stress. the fact that everyone was divided into teams likely didnt help either
but then comes ep 7, and the fact that she loses the contest on purpose to get liam home i think overshadows this? and like she is 100% such an mvp here and i think she is literally so kind bc yeah liam Has gone thru the wringer at this pt. but this scene isnt Revealing that she Actually Wants To Look Out For Them Above All Else, its... very realistic guilt. a LOT of how i see her character i think revolves around guilt that i never see ppl portray her w
the thing is that i dont think she likes to see ppl unhappy, as very frequently shown and explained thru her helping the others! shes the one who is frequently shown looking out for others, and this IS bc shes very compassionate!!!! but i think it is partially abt the fact that it 1. is smth she can control, its smth she can DO, and 2, that if she doesnt help it kinda seems like it eats at her? helping the others during those 7 months WAS about caring abt them!!! and its just also that when ppl she cares abt are struggling , it helps her, too, to help them, yknow?? like its One thing that can make the plane more Safe and comfortable, and bc she DOES look out for people, but this IS often when worst comes to worst- shed help before that, yeah! but i think before it gets REALLY bad its easy for her to get overwhelmed with her OWN problems. this is only pushed to the extreme when the only thing she CAN do to make living on the plane bearable is to forget everything before it and embrace it, and subsequently, pushing those problems on the wayside, its a LOT easier to help others
as for the guilt, i feel like the scene in ep 7 is abt compassion but also about. SUCH heavy guilt. its not her fault, but she was also the only one who was Actively Aware of the fact that liam would sink, AND able go down there. and i think thatd mess with ANYONE. and the fact that suddenly this person she Couldve helped before Couldnt Be Comforted because she Couldnt Stop The Worst From Happening kinda like. Got to her. in ep 7, it isnt that things "revolve around liam," now, its the fact that she feels GUILTY. now looking back at every competition she tried to have HER team lose seems like just another instance she couldve stopped him from drowning before it happened. its extreme guilt, because blaming airy was easy, but airy doesnt budge, and all she has control of here is potentially helping others, and its like she failed, and she wants soooo badly to make up for it, because she already cared abt liam, but now theres also guilt around the fact that she DIDNT act selflessly because it WAS smth she could do. and it fucks me up so much
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fictionfixations · 2 years
YTTD Thoughts
i cant even try to think of every trigger. YTTD is a death game. There are children. I'm warning you there, be fuckin careful, and if you don't think you can handle it please skip this post.
So- Honestly I forgot about this for awhile because I don't actually interact in the YTTD fandom (I wouldn't even be surprised if I ended up missing some update for like the next chapter part thingy)
but then I was scrolling on my tumblr and saw a YTTD crack post and realized 'oh yeah'
and now I'm here
Honestly??? That game was all sorts of fucked, and not in the mean and offensive way. I mean..
So I'm not gonna lie and say I remember everyone's name, because I don't, BUT WHAT THE FUCK-
okay, yes, hi, death game- I liked Danganronpa, I liked this too- EXCEPT EVERYONE WAS AT DIFFERENT AGES???? Well not everyone everyone, BUT THERE WERE CHILDREN- Children, Adults, Elders, HOLY FUCK
And then remember professor whats his name? THAT FIRST VOTE WAS SO FUCKING FUCKED
it gives me shivers just thinking about how the metal of the collar burned at him until his head gave way and he became decapitated, head falling into his student's arms
i didnt really think about it though because i was in focus mode, meaning i dont realize how triggering shit is until i go back to think about it (also because not much actually triggers me, ive become desensitized to this shit)
but holy shit.
okay i think i was dumb because -- okay so i think his card made it so he had to be voted out to win and i dont think he got voted out ?
but i was dumb and i didnt realize who had which card until joe said something about how i didnt vote for him and realized ..
jesus fuck
and then i think in the next part where we got to the next floor or something ? ?? so .. i kind of liked it, with the minigames, though it was hard as fuck and only served to make me even more nervous? (THAT DANCE GAME WAS NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT RECORDING IT ISTG- WHAT THE FUCK ??? i even tried writing it down but i couldnt do it so i googled it and people were literally just recording it and going back to see what it was ???)
but so the coin thing
with the hallucination thing- i think there was a sanity bar? something like that. I actually didn't wanna go to the other doll person who I think set the bar back down or something- and honestly, I don't actually like horror, well playing horror, and theres very few horror games that I can deal with, but like.. I liked the hallucinations. Also I think I got a bad ending because it was too high and looking at the wiki I did ? I think Gin found me or something but I was gone.
So then I went back to my save and went to the person thingy and got rid of it and then i found out i kinda liked that ? i dont know, i have very messed up and unhealthy intentions when i play games and when my character is unstable and shit i make it worse
i really liked the bad ending i got when i think i did the thing three times ?
i like angsty stuff no matter how much it makes me cry
i actually dont remember which chapter and part had what in it but so
one of the things where we were in trial
okay so many things happened the fuck ? okay wait no i think.. so the one with the least and the one with the most points were fuckin put on this wheel thing ? (GIN SOBS) Because so Gin didn't want to take anyones tokens like the fuckin sweetheart he is
but i
that was awful because i was actually attached to gin hard and i just.. NOOOOO
there was so much shit happening there i just cant (I ALMOST TOOK TOO LONG?? IM SORRY)
and then, okay so so later wtiht e h
i dont remember where but in a trial we had to vote either Kanna or Sou. (there was another option but that led to a bad ending according to the wiki)
and so i
im a sucker for villains i voted kanna off BUT IT WAS SO HARD- AND WE COULDNT VOTE ANYONE ELSE?? SOBBING
i just.
im so fucking sorry kanna
it was awful i cant
but then theres more and like
okay so there was Midori in this thing and we were in this game I think it was named like some food thingy- banquet or some shit i dont remember but we were preparing with the other dolls of i think of people who used to be alive that were connected to us then
uhm. i fucked up the minigame lol so my counterpart kinda died (I DIDNT REALIZE HOW TO PLAY????? sobs i missed something and so i think i overcharged someone)
but so then there were these coffins (before that I think Keiji was fuckin trapped in the coffin? AND BURNING OR SOMETHING? I DONT REMEMBER I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD AND I THINK HE SURVIVED SOMEHOW LIKE HOLY SHIT)
but so there weere teh coffins and another game
where you had to guess and had to try to get midori- i dont.. so there was i think a light hint thing that told you whether there was a doll or a human inside, but i dont remember what midoris was.. i think both midori and gin (YES BECAUSE I THINK GIN WAS IN THERE AND WE COULDVE KILLED HIM)
and i just
no cheats buds
bro i think i got almost literally every other doll besides midori and gin
and then i think.. maybe eventually I got midori? i think gin survived thankfully, i dont think i could forgive myself if i killed gin (I dont actually remember- i did record my gameplay and I might have to go back and shit but like i dont even want to know, man)
okay so there was so much more shit with this whole sibling thing with Alice and Reko (I think either both of them died or one of the other did i dont fucking remember what happened- which i know is possible but i just dont remember what i got unlucky with. I think Alice died.. ?)
and theres other stuff
like the fucking MAGNETIC CEILING IN THAT ONE ROOM AND THERE WAS I THINK REKO OR SOMETHING WHO WAS TRAPPED- oh wait i think reko died (because the metal collar that everyone has remember)
theres so many fucking choices that you could do that its just
holy fucking shit man sobs
yttd was a bumpy ass rollercoaster of twists and turns
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ajdrawshq · 2 years
ok im tired as hell and its too gotdamn warm for me to actually sleep so im gonna list off some of my omori thoughts til i pass out
i got the good ending bc i was following a guide bc i Cannot stand full screan surprises n the guide was good but the one (1) thing it doesnt remind u to do daily is water Basils plants. so. im doing all of that again now
i love the fucking characters in the game theyre all so neat n alive. i keep wanting to say im attached to someone specific but im having a hard time picking favorites theyre all so Good
theres a lot like a Lot of instances where Kel is hinted at being the lesser sibling and just the least important out of his friend group and its only really stated in an obvious kinda way once n like. he seems totally fine most of the time and he doesnt seem down often or for long at all in unrelated moments but for these he doesnt seem to even acknowledge it. and of course the others dont seem to think of him as less important which is Good but does he like. have a problem with this. i wanna say hes hiding it but i dont Know bc hes fucking good at it. i might make a whole post on this later actually
seeing Hero cry hurt more than i thought it would and seeing him jump right back to smiling seconds later every time made it Worse. its the older sibling thing
one detail i really like is that while some of the scenes are meant to be funny to the audience, Hero's fear of spiders isnt usually made fun of (the only time i can remember is when Mari apparently snuck bugs into his desk to see his reaction lmao). otherwise hes taken seriously and the others try to push him to overcome it someday, not Now but its something he should work on himself. and the bit w Kel removing a spider from their room, all while saying what hes doing exactly and reassuring Hero that the spider was gone, was a sweet thing to see compared to all the other media where siblings would throw it at the other or something yknow its just nice
Aubrey Good. thats the post
i dont even know where to fuckin begin with Basil (affectionate) this kid has Problems
seriously theres so much shit going on w these kids thats left unsaid but is worked into the environments or even just what they Dont say its genuinely incredible. beautiful characterization and worldbuilding
the real world sections of omori feel less like im playing as Sunny and more like im guiding this child in a gentle but assertive manner to Do Shit. like ok kiddo brush ur teeth and then we're gonna go outside today. yes its good for u trust me ive been there anyway ur buddy is at the door, go have fun!! oh btw i found some parents who will literally pay u to help their kids with homework. yes ur doing that. its free money dude cmon
cant believe omori lets me live my true dream job (organizing things in short bursts for money)
on that note the music that plays for the tool organizing and the flyswatting jobs might be my favorite track in the game and i have no idea why. its like the audio equivalent of the word blorbo
i wish there was a fucking therapist in this town bc god knows id drag em all there
my brother came in during one of the endgame parts n thought Sunny was a girl when Basil was teasing him abt his crush on Aubrey n went "aw yeah you cant escape the gay even here" (not in a derogatory way) n it took me so off guard i forgot to correct him. hes right tho actually
"when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie thats omori" is the funniest joke that couldve ever come out of this game i want to personally thank whoever did that
showing all the different ways the kids reacted to grief and trauma and acknowledging that some were more harmful to themself or others and thats just how people work sometimes n they all make amends n agree to support each other in the end and begin to heal despite it all. h
also the moment that i realized the dream world was in fact a dream world made by Sunny and. everything it represents. his desires. his fears. dude
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maddestmewmew · 2 years
opinions on ghosts?
ok trying to get into my 2am mindset for this but also dont set ur expectations 2 high cuz this isnt something nobody has said before thats for sure lol.
i dont believe in proper ghosts. i think the idea that a "soul" or "energy" coming back, refusing to go to the afterlife bc of some "unfinished business". thats just not real sorry. i really WANT to believe in ghosts! i wanna look at a building that someone died in and go "that someone is still here". who doesnt? who doesnt wish someone lost was still right next to them? who would wanna know theyre really, truly alone?
ghosts arent real. not in the literal sense. but the whole thing thats going around, "haunt the narrative", thats how ghosts Are real, at the same time. everywhere you look, you stumble across small ghosts.
someone died in your school. dont worry this is purely hypothetical. but someone died in your school. or maybe they moved away. or maybe they graduated, or dropped out. either way. someone you saw every day, even just because you had the same route to classes, theyre gone. to you, theyre gone forever.
but theyre not. of course its not that simple. because you had the same route, from class to class. next week, you start your trek. you step foot outside english class, and the next foot carries you further. step after step. but now, theres no one with you. no one to echo your footsteps. as you walk through the hall, you realize, despite the bustling crowd, you are completely alone.
you never talked to them. you never caught their name. youre not even sure why they stopped showing up to school.
but you know now. you Literally walk this path alone.
so next year, when you find someone that takes the same route, you find yourself striking up a conversation. you see their laugh, the way their eyes sparkle. you become friends, and when you walk, you squeeze their hand tight, afraid to ever let go.
is that not itself a ghost? the character in this story, the hypothetical "you", while they didnt ever even know the first person, theyre haunted by them. they bothered to find someone else, to cling to them, out of fear, but also out of love, out of regret for memories never made, bonds never forged. you are haunted.
and, that other post, about how we carry a bit, just a bit, of everyone weve lost, one way or another. are those not ghosts? my eye passes over one of my clown dolls, and i feel a pang of guilt, of anger. One of my ex friends gave me that doll, it was the last conversation we ever had. Is it not haunted? hes not dead, but hes gone forever to me. i repeat certain phrases because of him, are they not haunted? am i not haunted?
even if you die never knowing a single person. if you live wild in the woods and everyone you knew before that is also dead. you still haunt the world. your bare footprints in the mud. the maggots that chew at your eyes. the flowers that sprout through your ribcage. small memories of you, that will carry and echo through the world, to say "we have lost." yet you continue to haunt. youre a ghost.
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so-much-nonsense · 4 months
one of my niche interests is binge watching. i am almost always watching something. one point in my life i ran out of things to watch. well, not literally, obviously, but i only wanted to watch certain things i completed them. stuff i did not wanna watch very often ends up being bad and boring than not. so as my last straw i have resorted to all languages. i watch content regardless of genre, language, country, age restriction(ahem thats not to say i am not old enough). anyways, during this process kdramas stuck with me as something to watch while i go to sleep or when i dont want too much plot and worry about or even think about it. they never came across having potential to me. i know a lot of others out there would disagree with me but this is just what i feel. theyre always slow paced, very bright, when not very bright trying too hard to be too dark(and failing miserably), no plot that hooks us up. but, BUT, recently, very recently, just 2 hours ago i watched a kdrama named long time no sex. obviously started off bc of the title but god it is so good. i mean, i have only watched 2 episodes really and that is the problem. so far everything they have shown me i cannot wait another 2 days for another two episodes. basically a married couple with no kids, pretty in debit and paying off loans and interests, a couple of insurances, but live comfortably. they start blackmailing others involved in multiple relationships. now the plot might not be the most interesting one ive watched, but the way everything is portrayed bw these two main leads, is more than unique. truly there are only a handful of series or movies that show this comfortable couple dynamic interestingly and god did this drama nail it. though they were a very active couple, they just stopped having sex few months or years back unintentionally and neither of them have had a problem with it. how they never stopped loving each other even though they havent been intimate is portrayed really well. the husband is literally the greenest flag everrrr. let it be when he remembers every single detail about them from 7 years ago or when he tries hugging her and reassures her that its fine if they dont have sex, or when he talks about how having sex is not a duty for married couple and when he sees that shes actually interested he recommends trying to get in the feel by telling each other things they like about one another, every single thing he likes about her is spoken so well and it is very evident how much he loves her. whenever theres a disagreement both of them proceed to talk it out in literally less than 2 minutes. though it might not be realistic, i mean, why is it not realistic? exactly! that is what should be going on and not hours of unnecessary arguments. he is really never afraid of being "lady like" and that makes him all the more manly because he is always very thoughtful and considerate about her and deals softly. no fragile masculinity exists here. i could go on about this man but ill stop lol. i can guess what the future episodes could host but i dont want to this time. this time i just want to be intrigued by it. i cannot wait for them to start having sex again, or its ok even if they decide they are better off this way(which would be totally unexpected). ok i just said that about two characters in drama. guess whos crazy? AND, and the fucking trust they have in each other, shed trust him with her life. even though he is foolish at times she balances it out. when his car got totalled and she found out that he dint tell her she figured a way to get him money instead of getting back at him or starting a fight(not that hed let a fight sustain or theyd go on for more than a minute) bc she knew theres no point in getting upset now that the cars gone and the intention behind his lie is nothing. its almost as if they know each other and communicate. crazy right. its almost as if they love each other.
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t0shii · 3 years
hi could i request kita, tendou, and mattsun and it’s your first time sleeping at their place and they find out you cant sleep in the dark and need to sleep with a night light?
% s/o who can't sleep in the dark
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.! timeskip! kita, tendou, matsuwaka (sep) x gn!r
.! fluff/ mention of food in kita's, mention of rainstorm in tendou's, water drinking in mattsun's- not proofread.
.! hi! ty for the request <3 sorry u had to wait so long :(( (idk why these ended up to be so long)
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to say you were nervous to stay the night as your boyfriends place for the first time would be an understatement... your heart raced as kita placed your back on the ground to unlock the front door, "make yourself at home." he opens the door, "down there is the bathroom... and that's my room." he shows you around and you crack a joke about how clean his house is compared to your apartment. you both decide on a movie night with take out which he insisted you choose.
you yawn and rub your eyes as the third movie of the night ends. you'd been laying in between his legs, back pressed against his chest. you sit up and he follows, wrapping his arms around you and perching his chin on your shoulder, "sleepy? we can head to bed if you want." he mumbles into your neck before planting a kiss there, "mhm, let me change first though." you try standing up to reach your bag but his hold on you doesn't loosen, "i have clothes you can wear." he says bluntly, standing up and bringing you with him. he leads you to his room, rummages through his dresser and hands you a shirt and shorts, "these should fit, yeah? i'll leave so you can change."
you start to internally panic as you both settle into his bed, and he begins turning off every light in the room. suddenly theres only one bedside lamp illuminating the room, he reaches to turn it off and lays down, pulling your body against his which makes you giggle. "good night." he mumbles into your hair, "night." you sigh. 'maybe if you close your eyes you'll forget it's dark' you think to yourself, squeezing your eyes shut. thirty minutes pass you're still awake. you sigh, a little louder than intended, "y/n? are you still awake?" you mentally scold yourself, "yeah" he props himself up with his elbow; you angle your head back to look at him, "what's wrong?" the sleep in his voice evident. "well... uhm... i..." his eyes soften as he notices you becoming nervous and he cups your cheek with his free hand, "you can tell me angel."
you can help but lean into his touch "it's embarrassing" "not it's not" "okay well... i can't sleep in the dark. ever since i was a kid, i've never been able to." you can see eyebrows furrow from the small amount of moon light peeking through his curtains, "why didn't you tell me before i turned all the lights off?" he frowns, reaching over to turn the lamp on, relief filling your chest at the illuminated room. "because it's embarrassing." you mumble as he lays back down and pulls you against his chest again, "it's not embarrassing, baby, at least not to me. so no need to embarrassed, i won't judge you for i and besides, i don't mind sleeping with a light on." he places and kiss on your temple and you sleep well, secure and comfortable in his arms.
you'd been over to tendou's apartment plenty of times before and every time you made up some lame excuse for why you couldn't stay the night, "i need to feed my cat" "my clothes are still in the washer" literally anything to save you from the embarrassment of having to tell him you couldn't sleep in the dark. tonight was different though, with a storm passing over town and not looking like it's letting up any time soon, he wouldn't let you leave. "ten, i dont have any clothes here, my cat's by herself-" he cuts you off "babe, babe- you can wear something of mine if you want and i'm sure she'll be fine. she's a cat." he holds you firmly in your cuddling position on his couch. "fine." you grumble.
really, if he had to be honest, it hurt tendou's feelings a little bit that you were always against the idea of staying the night with him- but he had no choice but to celebrate this small victory and thank the rain storm, "it's for your safety, angel." he says proudly, placing a kiss on your cheek. you choose to ignore the nervous feeling creeping up your belly and rest your head back on his chest, "yeah yeah let's just continue with the show, i'm invested in the plot." "you mean the hot main characters?" "exactly... the plot." you giggle while he pretends to be offended. three hours later you find your eyelids getting heavier and heavier until you can barely keep them open and your boyfriend seems to take notice quickly.
"are you falling asleep on me? we haven't even finished season 3 yet." he mumbles and you let out a groan, "it's two in the morning, of course i'm getting sleepy." you rub your eyes, "i'm just giving you a hard time, babe. you're the one who wanted to stay up though but i guess we can go to bed now." you sit up and stands from his position on the couch and helps you up, "c'mon sleepy head, you can make it." he grins taking your hand and leading you to his room. he lets you sit on his bed while he looks through his dresser, "hmm is this shirt okay?" you nod as he hands you an old band shirt "i'll be right back." he leaves the room with his own change of clothes. once he's back you both lay down, "oh babe, i almost forgot, you wanna see something cool? he gets out of the bed and you respond with an "mhm" as he begins to turn all the lights off, a familiar nervousness creeping up your belly as the room gets darker and darker.
"okay okay, so i don't sleep well in pitch dark but the lamp is just too much light so i got this-" he plugs in a small object into the wall, stars illuminate his bedroom ceiling as well as your other surroundings and he smiles wide, "see it makes stars, theres a moving option too but i don't really like it that much. oh, and don't make fun of me." he says seriously, sliding back into bed with you, arms wrapping loosely around your waist, "well i can't make fun of you for that, satori." "i was just hoping you wouldn't, honestly." he chuckles. "babe, do you wanna know i always avoided staying the night here?" you ask, ready to confess your secret. "i didn't wanna force it out of you but now that you're ready, yes." you both turn your heads to look at each other. "the truth is, i was embarrassed because i also cant sleep in the dark, been that way for as long as i can remember. but i'm glad theres someone i can relate to." "how ironic" he mumbles, placing his face into the crook of your neck. you sleep like a baby in his arms that night.
you were over at issei's place so he could help you study for an exam coming up, honestly you didn't want to stay as late as you did and when the both of you finally noticed the time he just wouldn't let you leave. "c'mon baby, it's too late. it would be irresponsible of me to let you go home now, i don't mind you staying the night." he hugs you tight like you'll disappear if he lets go, face buried in the crook of your neck. you sigh in defeat, "okay fine." his head perks up as you say it and he smiles at you, "i can get you something to sleep in if you want."
that's how you got in this situation, awake hours after your boyfriend had already fallen asleep. finally after two hours of laying in the dark listening to his snores, you sigh quietly, slipping out of his loose embrace and tip toeing your way to his kitchen to get a glass of water and sat at the dining table. you'd been sitting there for about thirty minutes before you heard the bedroom door creak open and heavy, rushed footsteps make their way towards you. "y/n?" you recognize a panic in your boyfriend's groggy voice, "i'm in here." you croak out hearing a sigh of relief escape his lips once he sees you. you look up at him, his hair was an absolute curly mess and his eye lids were droopier than they already were, he was obviously still half asleep. "y/n there you are. he sits in a chair next to you, "you scared me, i woke up and you were gone. i thought you left." he leans his head on your shoulder, "sorry." you mumble, bringing a hand up to run through his hair a few times resulting in a groan from the man.
"'s okay, how long have you been awake?" "hmm about two and a half hours now." you reply honestly, "what? baby, why didn't you wake me up?" he raises his head and you both turn to look at each other, "you were tired, issei-" he interrupts you, "so? you shouldn't have had to be awake by yourself." "it's fine, i knew it was gonna happen, i knew i wouldn't be able to sleep" "why's that?" you sigh, internally scolding yourself for the hole you've dug yourself into. "i... i cant sleep in the dark." he looks at you for a moment, "that's all? that's what kept you up this whole time?" he asks and you nod. mattsun can't help the grin that makes his way onto his lips, "baby, you should've just told me, i could've kept a light on for you." "no- look i shouldn't have told you now you'll think i'm immature." you mumble, looking away from him. "no no baby, it's totally normal, honestly and i don't think any less of you. i just wish you would've told me sooner because then we'd both be sleeping right now. he hugs you before standing the both of you up, "c'mon we're going to bed." he grabs your glass and leads you back to his bed. you sleep in his embrace, table lamp illuminating the room the rest of the night.
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homieswithhades · 3 years
why steve rogers returning to the past was wrong
disclaimer: im clearly a stucky enthusiast, but please, do not be thrown off by that. i admit, there may be undertones of bias because of that in the following, but i did my best with trying to lay out the facts and draw logical conclusions, so do please give me a chance. also, i may have accidentaly omitted some moments and some quotes may not be 100% word for word, as my memory lowkey sucks. ALSO this is NOT a peggy hate post!! i think shes a dope and underrated character and quite frankly she was done dirty. but i also definitely h8 the trope of badass woman falls for the hero.
first and foremost, every sane person knows endgame was complete and utter bullshit when dealing with steves character, so this post will be more for you to maybe show (and hopefully convince) some stubborn friend or family member. nice, concise (not) and including proof from the movies (+a few tweets and stucky undertones, if u dont fw that i respect it but bucky is an integral part to steves character regardless of how u interpret their relationship) here is why steves character development was thrown away at the end of endgame.
let us begin at looking at the cap trilogy.
in ca:tfa it should be noted that steve had no one to return to in the 40s, except bucky. i believe steves relationship with peggy was no where near as developed as it should have been to elicit him returning exclusively for her. as we are aware, steves driving force has absolutely always been bucky. bucky was there for steve after his parents died, when he was sick, and always protected him from whatever trouble he got himself into. "until the end of the line" right? steves relationship with peggy was forced and short lived, literally, we're talking a matter of months here. i need to keep emphasising the important disparity between bucky and peggy, as it is absolutely key in this whole argument. steve dropped everything and went against every order just to even attempt to save bucky. even the slightest chance of him surviving being captured was enough for steve to break into a hydra camp and free the 107th division. steve even had the chance to capture zola, one of the main villains and masterminds of the war, but again, steve prioritised bucky. when theyre trying to escape the exploding hydra camp, the exchange between steve and bucky is critical. steve says "go! get out of here!" as all he wanted was bucky escaping safely. he put bucky's life over his own (this wasnt the first time he did this, nor the last) but bucky rooted himself to the spot, and yelled back "no, not without you!". they both escaped safely as we know, and then steve gathers the howling commandos to take down the red skull. bucky then falls off the train, nd steve blames himself for his death, even visibly crying over it twice. steves morals went from "i dont wanna kill anyone. i dont like bullies, i dont care where theyre from" before buckys death, to "i wont stop until all of hydra are dead or captured" after. stuff happens and steve defeats the red skull and is now in control of the flying ship with the bombs. he connects the comms with peggy and she tries to convince him theres another way to disarm the ship. steve was so dedicated at that point he didnt even want to hear it. he didnt even attempt to do anything to ensure his survival. this alone proves, peggy was not important enough to him to return to.
next is ca:tws. The stevebucky movie. in the museum, peggy confirms that steve saved the man from the 107th division who eventually became her husband (steve was never in the 107th, just to clarify) i believe her husbands name was daniel sousa (as revealed in the marvels agents of shield show) steve then finds out peggy is alive and talks to her. she, in short, tells him she's lived her life, and it was his turn to live his in the time hes in. the "my best girl" line was unnecessary and out of place; again, steve barely knew her. again, shit goes down, and steve finds out the winter soldier is bucky and immediately drops everything, and becomes dead set on saving him. not killing, not imprisoning, but saving him. no matter the cost. "he saw me, and he didnt even know me" "hes not the kind you save, hes the kind you stop. he won't recognise you" "he will." god, steve KNEW bucky would recognise him. regardless of the brainwashing, steve managed to break through the barrier hydra fought so hard to drill into buckys mind. nothing ever broke him out of that state exept for steve. "im not gonna fight you, youre my friend." "youre my mission" "then finish it. cos im with you till the end of the line." [[good fucking lord let me break out of my essay-esque semi professional format here and just say how fucking heartbreaking those lines are. oh my god. read them, over and over until it hits you.]] steve shows us again, that he is willing to not only die for bucky, but literally die by his hand. he would let bucky kill him. he'd dropped his shield. he didnt fight back. steve always, always, ALWAYS got up and fought back. always. exept that time. the time bucky could have killed him. that scene is the essence of "im with you till the end of the line" because then, it was true. it was true because steve was okay with dying at buckys mercy. theres a difference between sacrificing yourself for the greater good (steve going into the ice), willing to die for someone (steve risking his life multiple times in attempts to save bucky) and finally, being willing to let someone kill you, because you love and trust them so much (hellicarier scene). the difference between peggy and bucky's relationship to steve is that steve may be willing to die for either, but only willing to be killed by one. not to mention, bucky pulled steve from the river. he recognised him. steve broke through 70 years of brainwashing with such impact it literally drove bucky away from hydra out of his own free will.
in between ca:tws and ca:cw its confirmed (im p sure sam says it) that him and steve looked for bucky for two. years. even off screen, bucky was steves priority.
im going to squeeze in 2 points from from age of ultron here, for chronology's sake:
steves worst nightmare, as portayed in the movie, is LITERALLY going back to the 40s and being stuck there (with peggy too??lmfao) and also the quote "family, stability, the man who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. i think another one came out." objectively confirms that steve isn't the man he used to be, and doesnt want to return to the past. aou may have sucked, but that doesn't mean the character development should be thrown away.
ca:cw. hoo boy. steve went against 117 countries and half of his closest friends and colleagues because he believed bucky was innocent of the bombing of the un conference. god, steve quite literally, did everything to defend and protect bucky. though i shall acknowledge that steve did attend peggy's funeral, however, there was no real connotations there other than the fact he was mourning her death (understabdibly so). steve then proceeds to protect bucky for 2 hours 27 mins and 41 seconds to the point where they escape together to siberia after the airport fight. "i dont know if im worth all this steve" "what you did all those years... it wasnt you. you didnt have a choice." "i know. but i did it" again, absolutely heartbreaking quotes if you read it a couple of times and truly understand the meaning of them. steve somewhat indirectly tells bucky yes, yes he is worth all of this. otherwise, he wouldn't be doing it. a quote to support that would be "for the longest time, i always did what i thought was right." (disclaimer this is not a direct quote i deadass couldnt find it to save my life, i belive steve said it at some point during civil war or tws, but the point is, bucky is the only thing that could have shaken steves morals so intensely.) and finally, the most important part of cw, the fight at the end with tony. bucky and steve constantly protected each other. steve kept fighting because he was fighting for bucky. to keep him safe from tony and the world. he got up, time and time again. "i can do this all day." the fact that he said that to tony, some people consider them the closest of friends, proves again, a million times over, bucky is more important to steve than literally anything else, INCLUDING his shield. his mantle. he dropped it and left it like it was nothing, because his priority was bucky. as always.
theres not much to discuss for infinity war other than their hug whicg was honestly just adorable.
mmmmm endgame. i will not go into how much i hate that movie because it would be a rant quintuple the length of this one. in the support group, steve dead ass fucking says "you gotta move on. you gotta move on" and that sentiment was literally forgotten at the end. my main point for endgame is this. people tend to tell me, the reason steve abandoned bucky and went back to be with peggy is because he knew that he was finally safe. :/. if you had half a braincell youd know that's not true. the steve we know, never would have left bucky for good, ESPECIALLY after the "dont do anything stupid until i get back" exchange [[god i want to beat the shit out of the r*ssos]] mostly because, bucky had fucking no one in the time he was living in!!! no family, no friends and most heartbreakingly, no one he could trust. (yes sam was there but were just seeing their friendship develop now in tfatws, all that wasnt there in endgame) and secondly, what made steve think bucky was entirely safe??? half of the worlds population just suddenly reappeared, which as we see now, there were massive consequences for that. i simply believe steve is not that stupid. steve going back was disrespectful not only to his character, but to bucky AND peggy. most importantly, the steve we've been watching since 2011 would NEVER abandon bucky, no matter how safe he thought he was (he visited him frequently in wakanda, the safest place on the planet arguably ffs) especially for such a dumbass and quite frankly, nonsensical reason as going back to be with peggy, who clearly stated to him she moved on, and so should he (which he did. idk endgame writers prolly didnt watch the previous movies :/) its not even debatable. bucky is more important to steve than peggy. even in terms of screentime.
now allow some tweets to speak for me, this one being the absolute most important one:
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ladies and gentlefolk, all of the stuff ive said can be summarised in that last line. "it would be contrary to who he is."
heres some more:
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and now finally, id like to briefly mention steve and tfatws, so beware of spoilers (writing this as of ep 4 coming out; praying it doesn't age badly)
bucky mentions steve, unprompted, fucking constantly. he clearly isnt over steve leaving, and im hoping that gets acknowledged and talked out in the show.
in conclusion, tl:dr, steve shouldn't have returned to the past and stayed there, it is contrary to who he is, as shown to us through his trilogy and other appearances in the mcu. not to mention the timeline bullshit in endgame makes zero sense in the first place.
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nicomrade · 3 years
top 5 jiglup moments?? 👀👀
omg this... this is a treat let me think for a sec cause theres SO MANY...
one HAS to be ... it has to be ........ ok it has to be the scene in fujikos lie the 2nd best scene in that movie where theyre in the car together and lupins like "heyyy still wanna go through w this job? were not gettin any money" and jigens like "im here for the mystery <|^) " and lupin SAYS the ICONIC "you're pretty whimsical, too" and JIGEN SAYS the "you're one to talk" you have to know theres also lupin handing him his pack of cigarettes, jigen picking one and then lupin LIGHTING it AS he says the whimsical line. jigen leaning into the flame before he replies. THE CIGARETTE THING IS! A HUGE JIGLUP THING! this brings me to the next one
EPISODE 0 (the movie) THE WHOLE THING. the motif of lupin trying to woo jigen (this is a prequel type movie) and keeps offering him lights, that jigen first refuses, then the 2nd time he ignores it i think?, then FINALLY FINALLY the 3rd time, at the end of the movie, when jigen has become lupins partner in crime, jigen leans into the flame and lets lupin light his cigarette. THE CIGARETTE LIGHTNING IS. their relationship. the dynamic of it IS their relationship evolving over the course of the movie it drives me insane its really basic but its SO EFFECTIVE it gets me
ouaouaoua i think them going to hell together in seven days rhapsody was really iconic i gifed it right after watching the movie cause u really have, first jigen and lupin agree to take a week-long break to each do stuff on their side. jigen is approached by a guy from his past (lets say it, an ex!) looking to "patch up their relationship" by doing a job together. when it becomes clear to that guy that jigen will ALWAYS choose lupin over anyone else, ALWAYS stay loyal to lupin, the guy says VERBATIM "live happily with lupin in hell" (as he tries to kill them both) THIS DOES NOT STOP THERE. they survive this and the very next time we see them well and alive they have this convo musing about what if they DID die back there and now theyre about to enter hell together. they call each other "partner" with a lot of emphasis and playfulness to it its a gorgeous scene its like. wow. theyre literally gay.
i have to.. who would i be if i didnt mention part 1? its such a love letter to the characters and it shows in how lupin and jigen are written too.. there arent as many Flashy Big moments but its an atmosphere of them always being around each other of being so COMFORTABLE around each other... them cooking together, jigen laying in the couch and not even moving when lupin throws a knife at him (sorry hes evil in this part) because he TRUSTS that lupin wont hurt him. that jigens the one person who never abandons lupin (goemon notably just leaves midway through episodes sometime if he stops vibing. fujiko betrays, obviously) .. the scene at the end of episode 2 where they just lay together side by side in the grass looking at the sky as the sun sets. its a moment of quiet reflection of just enjoying each others company. the iconic "you[jigen] made for a sexy maid" line.... lupin faking his own death and jigen bursting into tears immediately... the ONLY time he cries in that part im pretty sure???
i feel like im forgetting every single jiglup moment i like ever what the hell o(-< ok rapid fire part 2 moments that are really fucking good they make me ache. theres in the target is 555 meters away the iconic dialogue of "youre the number one sniper in the world, jigen" thats filled with so much tenderness so much praise and adoration. the promise to get him the french doll jigen dreamed of as a kid. its JUST love its only there to be loving and its so good. in the same episode actually is the 2nd moment i thought about where lupin asks jigen if hell accept the job (its a really challenging job) and jigen says "what if i say no?" "you wont." "then dont ask" (paraphrasing) WHICH IS. ITS ABOUT its about its about. its about not wanting to take jigen for granted, letting him know lupin respects him as an equal, doesnt want him to feel forced into any job. and its about jigen not letting himself be misunderstood- i will always use my skills for you, dont question my love and adoration, dont imply i would ever leave your side, dont take me for someone im not. YOU KNOW? they adore each other. theyre each others whole world. theres so much unsaid here they understand each other.
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lesbian4lqg · 3 years
top 10 the untamed characters based on how much theyve played third wheel to wangxian
1. wen ning
this is obvious
the scene where they show up in the burial mounds and start to untie the juniors, but instead of explaining whats happening wwx just hands wn his sword and watches w lwj? all three of them were completely in synch, not a word was said, but they fucking knew anf they were having way too much fun w it
literally the whole reason he has consiousness is bc they teamed up
its aro week and i wanna take this second to say that this is a win for my ace aro wen ning & qp wn&wwx and wn&lwj agenda
three-way parenting for lsz
(god can you imagine if wq lived? theyd be too powerful)
was one of the first ppl to hear wuji outside of wwx and lwj
the boat scene????? wwx and lwj were gazing lovingly into each others eyes and wn was just. vibing. dude didnt even look that uncomfortable, just like it was another day im-
literally every scene wen ning was in after wwx came back to life tbh
2. the xuanwu of slaughter
they were literally cradling each other in their arms while an entire murder tortoise was trying to kill them
the telepathy talisman? iconic, why dont we talk about that more
life threatening battles are just hella gay by design, esp when theres swords involved. idk what to tell you
3. lan sizhui
just look at his name. lwj named him that unironically. holy shit.
the temporary parallel universe that was lwjs visit to the burial mounds? what we couldve had smh
i know lwj and wwx lovingly annoy the shit out of him post canon, bless his heart
4. nie huaisang
the bit on dafan mountain where he's like "oh fuck thats dangerous i dont want to run out of here" and wwx and lwj make eye contact and then are just like "thats rough buddy. anyway, lets do it"
"oh wow this adventure we're on is so cool" "we? this is about me and lan zhan, what the fuck are you talking about"
when they see him right after they fuck up the nie tomb and theyre lowkey just bullying him
the scene at the end where wwx confronts nhs while lwj just watches knowingly? theyre once again bullying the poor man
he gets extra points for orchestrating everythig. dude really said "oh jgy thinks he's funny? well wwx and lwj are about to be completely fucking hilarious" and then just sat back and watched shit go down w occasional commentary. king shit
5. lan xichen
when they come back to cloud recesses after mxy!wwx's reveal and theyre like "the dude whos kinda debatably the love of your life is the real evil here" and he just has to deal w that
ok it felt weird putting him this low on the list but like. he and jc were mostly emotionally third wheeling??????? like he wasnt in a ton of scenes w just him and the two of them, but he had to cope w lwjs pining all the time
6. jin ling
really should be lower on this list but he has extra points bc again, i cant believe they let lwj and wwx name things
the part where theyve p much Just been reunited and they immediately have to go break him out of the nie tombs? dude wasnt even concious but i feel like it still counts
7. jiang cheng
i feel like he shouldve been higher on this list too, but im not listing everyone and again he just doesnt have scenes w just the two of them
however he def had to deal w so much pining. the reunion on dafan mountain AND the reuinion during the sunshot campaign. the golden core reveal. the 3 months of him and lwj searching for wwx alone
8. jin guangyao
technically no scenes w just them but like. the bullshit they got up to undoubtedly lived in his brain rent free. theres no way he had any peace
honorary mention for stuff from the novel like the guanyin temple confession
10. literally everyone
these dudes are everywhere and they will make it everyone elses problem
the skywalkers of fantasy ancient china
post canon discussion conferences? the water abyss or whatever in caiyi? the sunshot campaign? the murder of the cuanwu of slaughter, which helped kick off the sunshot campaign? nightless city pt 1 AND 2? the going-ons of literally every chief cultivator? that was all them babe
honorary mentions include: lil apple, lan jingyi&ouyang zizhen, wen qing, jiang yanli, the ghosts of cangse sanren&wei changse (and prob madame lans ghost as wel tbh), su she (ty @ghostysword for reminding me- i totally forgot about him) and everyone whos seen the show
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Pride Month Headcanons!
So its Pride Month! And as a proud member of the alphabet mafia I wanna give my opinion on all the Danganronpa characters' sexualities! So let's go, starting with THH!
Trigger Happy Havoc
Makoto Naegi- Pansexual. I'm under the belief all protags are Pan. Transgender(ftm). So I have this whole hc that the reason his door was jammed was that the lock was quickly removed when they found out SHE was actually a HE and I just like the hc lol.
Sayaka Maizono- Straight. I just think she has a big thing for Makoto, but other than that she cares for her career more than a relationship.
Leon Kuwata- Bisexual, heavy female leaning. I ship him with Hiro, but honestly this fucker would probably take forever to admit he likes guys.
Chihiro Fukisaki- Gay. Dont really have a reasoning. Just my opinion lol
Mondo Oowada- Bisexual. He mentions trying to confess to girls, but come on. This guy is fruity for Taka.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru- Gay. This dude meanwhile is just straight homo. He's probably closeted in fear it would bring shame to his family name again.
Hifumi Yamada- Straight. I honestly dont think about the guy enough to give this enough thought, but the way he simps over Celeste proves he likes girls at least. Plus he kept calling Alter Ego she, so...yeah.
Celestia Ludenberg- Straight. Honestly I think she'd be homophobic? Idk i really dislike Celeste, sorry 😅 She just gives me those vibes.
Sakura Oogami- Bisexual. I wanna label her as lesbian, but Kenshiro exists 😒 Women leaning possibly
Kyoko Kirigiri- Bisexual. Though i dont personally ship her with any girls, I can see her going both ways.
Byakuya Togami- Gay. And it's a problem with his family, so he's closeted.
Yasuhiro Hagakure- Pansexual. He just wants to love someone, man lmao.
Aoi Asahina- Bisexual. Again, wanna label her as lesbian, but the Bad End exists, showing she willingly got with three guys. And she does ask Makoto to pretend to be her bf. But she leans heavily towards females imo.
Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jill- Bisexual. It was straight until she met Komaru. Then she realized "Oh shit. I'm gay." But she still has a small thing for Byakuya ig 😒
Mukuro Ikusaba- Straight. We pretend the thing with her sister doesnt exist, alright?
Junko Enoshima- Straight. And definitely homophobic.
Wow a lot of bi peeps lol. Alright, onto the next game!
Goodbye Despair
Hajime Hinata- Pansexual. Again all protags are Pan. Fight me, prove me wrong you literally cant.
Ultimate Imposter- Panromantic, Nonbinary, Asexual. Though I call Imposter he a lot, I think it's almost canon they're nonbinary. I just have stupid brain and type he first without thinking. I also dont really have a reason for thinking they're asexual? I just think they are. But they're probably panromantic in order to fit their talent better.
Teruteru Hanamura- Pansexual. He's so painfully pan. He even says his options are, and I quote, "pretty open." Dis bitch gay.
Mahiru Koizumi- Lesbian. Dont think I gotta explain myself.
Peko Pekoyama- Bisexual. She's totally dating Fuyuhiko, but I can see her having small crushes on other girls.
Hiyoko Saionji- Lesbian. Also dont think I need to explain myself.
Ibuki Mioda- Bisexual. RAGING bisexual. Also I can honestly see her being Gender Fluid as well.
Mikan Tsumiki- Bisexual. She honestly needs therapy more than she needs a relationship, and she probably doesnt really understand her own labels completely, but I think shes bi.
Nekomaru Nidai- Bisexual. Homeboy was a little TOO eager to be rubbed down by Teruteru 😏 Just kidding, though I do think Nekomaru is bi. No real reason honestly
Gundham Tanaka- Bisexual. He obviously has a thing for Sonia, and in a perfect world(i.e. my perfect world) he would be holding hands with Kazuichi daily. Speaking of holding hands he basically breaks Hajime's in the FTEs. Gay 🥰
Nagito Komaeda- Gay. He's very obviously gay coded, mostly towards Hajime though I dont personally ship that.
Chiaki Nanami- Pansexual. She loves everyone equally. Honestly she probably doesnt put too much work on her labels and would probably go by any pronouns as well, so maybe Gender Fluid?
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu- Bisexual. Like Leon I think it would take him a while to accept he likes guys, and he probably leans towards girls more, but he's definitely fruity lol.
Sonia Nevermind- Pansexual. Our girl fucks. She dont care who, she just FUCKS. 🤣 But seriously, I think she just sees love as love. As she should.
Kazuichi Souda- Gay. Transgender, (ftm). He's so very closeted, so badly even he doesnt recognize it. He probably even has internalized homophobia, probably because of his father. Not sure why I hc him as trans, I just think it fits.
Akane Owari- Straight. She probably doesnt think about it much. All she knows is she likes fighting, meat, and Coach Nekomaru.
Alright and onto the last game!
Killing Harmony
Shuichi Saihara- Pansexual, Transgender(ftm). Its. THE RULE. I didnt make it. Sue me. Also fuck it I dunno I think it fits with his whole character if he were trans. Hard to explain lol
Rantaro Amami- Biromantic, Asexual. I admittedly dont know much about Rantaro, but from what I do know, I think he would fit well with just about anyone. I dont have much of a reason for him being Ace.
Kaede Akamatsu- Pansexual. She was the protagonist first, so the rule still applies lol. But even beyond that it just fits her. Hard to explain, it just seems like it works.
Ryoma Hoshi- Straight, Asexual. I know on my ship list I said I shipped him with Gonta, but theres a reason that ship was so low. I heavily think Ryoma is straight. It's just the vibe I get from him. Maybe hes bi curious, but idk. As for the ace bit, it's really dark. I hc it's because of the trauma he endured during prison.
Kirumi Tojo- Lesbian. Idk I look at her and I think "Lesbian power. Powerful wlw moments." Dont ask me my brain just does things.
Angie Yonaga- Pansexual. She always seemed like she was flirting with Himiko and lowkey Tenko, and in the FTEs she straight up wants to get married to Shuichi so like....I dunno what you want me to say.
Tenko Chabashira- Lesbian. Literally no explanation needed.
Korekiyo Shinguji- Pansexual. Putting aside the....obvious....he finds all of humanity beautiful, so he most likely doesnt have a preference when it comes to choosing a partner. Just like with Mukuro we pretend that entire plotline never happened.
Miu Iruma- Pansexual. I see her as pretty open to everyone....Yeah. That's all I got.
Gonta Gokuharu- Bi-curious. Honestly I dont think Gonta knows what he is himself. He probably hasnt given it too much thought, if hes given it any. The best I can think of is bi-curious, assuming hes currently exploring his sexuality.
Kokichi Ouma- Gay. I dont ship him with anyone cause I personally think he'd be a bad partner to anyone he got with based off of his personality, but yeah. He gay lmao.
Kaito Momota- Pansexual. THE LUMINARY OF THE STARS IS FOR EVERYBODY! Probably took a while for him to admit he wasnt straight, but then he admitted it with his whole heart, precious thing.
Tsumugi Shirogane- Straight. Fuck I dunno I dont think about her in a positive light enough to care. Sorry I really tried 😅
Kiibo- Panromantic, Genderfluid, Asexual. Like Imposter, I've called Kiibo he all the time, including every story I put them in, but technically they have no gender. So that does make them nonbinary, but at the same time it leaves the opportunity for them to go by any pronoun they want, so I hc they go by all of them lol. I also think they just love everyone, and for the ace bit, unfortunately, robots probably dont have dicks 😔 Even if they did, I dont think he would be very interested in sex.
Himiko Yumeno- Lesbian. Despite her treatment of Tenko, her reaction at the end of chapter 3 shows she cared for her, and Angie. She probably loved them both, so, lesbian for sure.
Maki Harukawa- Straight. Kaito was probably her first ever crush, so I doubt she ever had a chance to feel out if she was anything other than straight. Even disregarding that, I dont think she'd be anything else.
Alright and those are my headcanons for all the Danganronpa characters! As a bonus, I think Komaru Naegi is a Lesbian! No real reason other than Tokomaru is top tier lol.
Now remember these are my opinions! If you dont agree that's fine! Just be kind!
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year2000electronics · 3 years
i actually don't have an opinion on either, so i'm curious: what do you hate about youtooz? (the price is way too much though i agree)
ok. so. first things first the REASON i compare these two series, and i believe it IS a fair comparison, is that they both serve the same role in their respective merchandising niches: a brand with a certain style that most figures conform to that is famous (or rather, notorious) for covering ridiculous amounts of media and their style being... well, depends who you ask. its just that funko pop covers mainstream media most of the time, basically anything that a big company can fund, whereas youtooz is for internet icons and independent creators 
and the BIGGEST point is the price point. 
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so just using pops official website and my own personal knowledge as a jumping off platform, i know that the whole reason pops are so simplistic and accessible is because they’re meant to be easily accessible collectibles for the mainstream audience! theyre supposed to be neat little collectibles that are easy to get and easy to produce (which is how they maintain the price) 
the price here says these star trek funko pops are 11 bucks, and just from personal experience ive seen pops go for anywhere from 9 bucks to 15 bucks, with some really common pops even making their way to the dollar store! so if youre a fan of star trek who doesnt have CRAZY disposable income and you just wanna nab a spock, hey. there you go. 
now, vaulted pops and chase variants (basically pops that arent currently being restocked in stores, and rarer simple variants to already made models ie. gold mario) rack up a lot of money on auction sites, but this happens with literally every figure and limited item so its really not like, a pop problem. imo their goal of being simple, accessible collectibles for anyone to collect and enjoy WORKS.
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now here ive got some figures from youtooz and- HUH. LOOK AT THAT. 30 US DOLLARS. (again, even more for me in canada!) now, i know that its not TOTALLY ridiculous bc even though theyre around the same height, funko pops have more hollow plastic and theres probably more complex designs but the REASON i do not think that these are worth as much as they are is because
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ive done a little sketch here trying to analyze the sort of design philosphies of the ‘pop style’ and the ‘youtooz style’ and i think both have their ups and downs.
i will give youtooz the point for the dynamic poses theyre usually in, as that usually makes the figure a lot more interesting, which you REALLY need if your figure has absolutely no articulation
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look at the youtooz charlie brown doing a baseball- hes in the middle of an action pose, and it has a GREAT silhouette. 10/10 posing. some of the youtooz posing really fucking sucks but overall its got better pose quality 
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but a lot of pops are Just Standing There. 
BUT overall i think funko pop has the stronger style. funko pop’s style has a REASON to be the way it is. why? because many of the first pop lines were just one in dozens and hundreds of already existing toy lines! so it needs a distinct style to not only give credence to a ‘collection’ mentality, but also distinguishing them from other lines of the same brand
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like, there are so many different c-3pos out there, so i KNOW im getting a funko pop c-3po bc like. look at him. 
so then, i ask you, WHY does youtooz need a ‘unifying style’? why do internet creators need to conform to this style? because both the reasons i listed above just, do not apply here! one, these are often the ONLY figures made for these creators, and two, there is NOBODY who is collecting youtooz. the point of youtooz is that there are LIMITED DROPS, targeted SPECIFICALLY at fans of THAT creator. which is why they announce it on their channel! so theres no NEED to use this ugly UGLY style! and yet they do!!!
another thing the youtooz style sucks ass with is, like, the default expression. for funko pops, the default expression is usually a neutral, which SOME say is creepy or offputting but IMO. its like, a blank slate. a resting natural that could be anything and that works as these figures dont exist IN motion. look at hello kitty! she doesnt have a mouth and its used to her advantage 
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but the closed eyes just fucking- its CONFUSING. especially in an expression thats not all smiley. its a confusing expression and usually a closed-eyes emotion isnt something that... stays on the face for that long? ik its a stylization choice but i dont LIKE it. theres no point of eye contact here. the posture suggests theyre looking SOMEwhere, like this rando throwing a thumbs up to the ‘viewer’ but his eyes are closed
AND THREE i just think funko pop does... ‘compromise’ better. so compromise is like, when something just WILL NOT FIT in your style. even if the reason for having that style is STUPID. funko pop has a better track record with bringing that style into synthesis with their own. yeah yeah you can strawman that fucking dory pop all you want but listen. there are GOOD EXAMPLES of this. 
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look at this peashooter! hes adorable!! and the funko nose and lack of mouth get broken here. but LOOK HES SO CUTE
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this pvz zombie breaks EVERY rule of the design. a non-standard nose, a body not smaller than the head, eyes that arent all black, MOUTH. but like. look at him! you know its a funko pop anyways bc its a small cute version of the zombie!!
now lets see how YOUTOOZ compromises. 
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oh- oh wow. so uh, you saw a character whose big eyes are CRUCIAL to their design and instead of going ‘i know ill make the closed eyes bigger’ you go HMM LETS MAKE THE CLOSED EYES THE PUPILS’. wow. thats- okay.
tldr youtooz sucks and if it should exist it shouldnt force every figure to be the same stupid style. also who wants to pay for memes.
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