#and that's how i found out that they're still on their bullshit two years later
northward · 7 months
ppl keep bringing up tjlc, larry/babygate and gaylors as THE trifecta of batshit and borderline cult-ish fandom conspiracies and they're right, but also I wish they knew about the rpf word of honor fandom. what goes on there is on par with those three I think. definitely as batshit and as fascinating
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mnnuni · 1 month
Love confessions
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Sam Winchester x Reader
Summary : Sam and reader are two idiots in love Words: 1463 Warnings: none, just a little mention of a boner the rest is fluff pining
(Y/N) wasn't one of being jealous, maybe because she wasn't particularly attached to anything in her life, because of her type of life... well, that was before the Winchesters.
Right after Sam and Dean found her in a Wendigo's cave, almost five years prior, she became one thing with them. It was funny for Dean how she was the victim but also the one who led the brothers to her: she was an excellent hunter, that was the first reason why Dean let her stay with them. The second, and more important, was the smile on his brother's face every time (Y/N) said something.
Sam was an idiot, so he never did once talk about his feelings towards (Y/N), but just because he was stupid it didn't mean he didn't got close to her, they were already together in Dean's eyes. Also because it was Dean who attended (Y/N)'s drunk love confession -the only reason she learned to control her alcohol was her fear of say something too much to Sam-
"Dean." he looked up at her "they're touching him", it was the first thing (Y/N) said after the ten minutes of Sam waiting for his drink at the bar, surrounded by girls for this all time.
Dean was having the time of his life.
"I know (Y/N)" he looked at his brother, who really didn't seem so pleased by their attention, "if they don't stop in five seconds, I'm gonna cut their hands" Dean was actually laughing now, but just because he really believed she could do it, "easy tiger" he passed her his beer and she took a big gulp still keeping her eyes on Sam. (Y/N) started breathing normally again only when Sam got up from the bar stool and made his way towards her and Dean.
"There it is, our Don Juan" if she could have, she would have smacked Dean in the head but maybe it would have be too suspicious, so (Y/N) only smiled and annouced she was going to dance.
While she made her way to the dance floor Sam wasn't able to look away from her, it was incredible her ability to make everything around her disappear at his eyes. She wasn't even wearing anything fancy, just jeans and a going out top -how she called them, he made the mistake of calling them "simple shirt" one day and never tried again- but she was so fucking beautiful.
The way her hips moved with the music, her hands that moved her hair on just one shoulder while she spared the brothers one side look that made Sam's knees go weak.
"Dear God, do something" that's when his dream stopped, Dean always did this: interrupt his perfect fantasy in which him and (Y/N) where happily together by reporting him in the real life.
"I can't" Sam sighed and turned to Dean, he was looking at him with a tired expression -he was so damn tired of their bullshit-
Turns out Sam actually could do something only few minutes later when he saw a guy approching (Y/N) on the dance floor. Dean swore he never sae him got up faster; poor guy stopped in his track before he could even put a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder when he saw the look Sam was giving him.
(Y/N) felt him coming even before the other guy shit his pants. Sam instantly put his hands on her waist, just to make it clear for everyone they shouldn't get near her.
"I thought you were occupied" again, Sam was shook to reality and returned more conscious of the situation "nahh" he answered and tried to back away from her a little, even if it was so damn good just breath near (Y/N). She noticed his shift in behaviour and turned to face him, his phone vibrated for a text : "find company. Don't wait for me".
"Dean left, it's just me and you" (Y/N) didn't know if he sounded excited or frightened, he just looked stiff so (Y/N) put her hands on his hips "don't be so sad about it, i know you can dance just fine"
Was she flirting? Sam asked himself this question too many times.
He followed her hands movements and started to swing in sync with her "there he is" (Y/N) smiled and Sam wanted to drop to his knees right that moment; insted they danced together for enough time that (Y/N) started to believe she would actually tell him something tonight, also because she could feel his erection pressed to her ass and his will to touch her in any way possible -even if he didn't do it, just for the fear-
After quite some time (Y/N) took Sam's hand and walked him outside; he was so focused on their hands interwined together that he didn't question her for one second and he almost didn't notice they were at their motel until she opened the door.
"I need to talk to you"
It was the third time its fantasy vanished and Sam was sitting at the edge of the bed sweating his ass off in nervousness. (Y/N) dreamed of doing one big speech for this moment, but right now she only had to be the bigger person and spit it all out.
"I think I'm in love with you"
Yeah Sam was definitely dreaming, this couldn't be real.
However (Y/N) was rambling now and pacing around the room, "I think I fell in love with you the moment you gave me that ring on our first Christmas together, but really that was only the day I understood it because after the first month with you I already dreamed about you. And everytime I tried to tell you something about it you would smile and those dimples would pop up and my heart would melt and my stomach would drop that I couldn't even think straight anymore and I would always embarass myself. Safe to say I'm doing it right now also, but I can't keep it anymore, Sam" (Y/N) finally looked at him "i love you".
Sam felt like he was on another planet, his heart just shot out of his chest. (Y/N) loved him. How was that possibile he didn't know but God was she beautiful in that moment. He would have looked quite shocked, instead, because (Y/N) was waving her hand in front of his face now "mh?" "can you please say something?" (Y/N) wanted to actually die now that she confessed her love for Sam and he choose to mute himself "I-I... didn't expect this"
That's really the only thing he thought of saying?!
(Y/N) scoffed and sat next to him on the bed, "why you thought i was always so close to you?" "I-I really-" he seamed to only be able of stutter "okay, stop overthink, forget i said anything and let-" (Y/N) was getting up ready to run away and hide from him but Sam stopped her and kissed her. Well now she wasn't expecting this... Sam was actually, really kissing her. And it was so good, his lips so soft and his hands on her face so delicate yet desperate.
When they pulled away they were both panting, (Y/N) was analyzing every corner of his face to find a sign of remorse but Sam was still holding her, finding the courage to reciprocate her words.
"I love you." he whispered, like he wanted to let (Y/N) be the only one to listen to his most vulnerable self "I have loved you since the first laugh you shared with Dean at one of my terrible jokes and I'm sorry I didn't say something sooner but I never thought you could feel something for me" his hands moved to her waist to get her closer; (Y/N) smiled teasingly "then why were you rubbing your friend on me before?!" Sam became stuttering again "and also, why did you sleep with me so many times? I don't think the nightmares were the only reason" she had a big look on satisfaction on her face while she got closer and closer and Sam got quite again. Finally he sighed "all right you got me, I had a suspicion but I was...scared" he was so adorable with that blush on his cheeks "ohw my baby" now it was Sam's turn to smirk "yours?" (Y/N) didn't backed away for a moment, even with the light pink on her face "What? You think you can get away now?!" Sam raised an eyebrow "oh no pretty boy, you told me you love me, you're mine forever now" "mmh I'll be very happy to be" "good".
Sam kissed her again, this time more slowly and firmly; now he was kissing his girl, he had time to kiss her for a lifetime.
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thetrashbinseries · 5 months
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— Fahrenheit ( bangchan x reader )
rated - mature | minors dni
parts - one, two (explicit)
warnings - idol universe, name changed idols, mature themes, drug use, alcohol use, sexual themes, mentions of mental illness, slight angst
x x x
“It’s not rocket science, Chris."
My annoyance hits the roof. What the hell is his problem? Why's he turning this into a damn soap opera?
"You're back in LA. New York—yes or no?"
Chris tiptoes the line ever since last year's scandal close shave. I get playing it safe, but I'm alone in a six-bedroom Jersey fortress. In the U.S. media game, I'm golden. No cancel threats, not yet in my rising career.
But the spotlight got hotter after the last single went viral. Chris, in the crosshairs of relentless management, dances a careful routine.
He's the big shot, leader of the world's hottest K-pop group. His company would shoot themselves in the foot by axing him. Yet, Mr. Libra doesn't dig rocking the boat.
"-I want to, babe, but it's too risky right now."
I sigh. Twisting my computer chair, neon lights bathe me in purples and reds. I'm in the studio, bullshitting on songs for the third album.
I've had it. "Catch you later, Chris." The call drops, facedown on the desk, anger swirling.
"Seriously, fuck you." I spit out, taking it personally.
Being a foreigner feels like the snag. His industry would call me a disgrace tagging along.
I don't need that energy.
Am I settling as his 'little secret'? I'm 29, he's 27 – grown folks. Pings remind me of him, but I silence the noise. Facetime interrupts, Jake, the friend with benefits. Games or busy, no time for emotional plays.
Warner signed my band, deep in commitments, mind racing. A shrink's gift? Adderall for my ADHD.
Now, even less time for the BS.
"Hey, daddy." I purr, thickening my accent.
Jake’s smile fades as he eyes me. "What?" I giggle,
"Stop playing with me like that, y/n."
"How am I playing with you?"
"You're gonna end up with your legs cocked back like last time, girl, cool it."
Laughter ensues. I glimpse his background – a parking garage stairwell. We catch up every couple of weeks via Facetime.
"Where are you at?" I squint.
"Recognize it?" Jake turns his phone, revealing the New York City skyline.
"You're out here? Aw, shit." I lean back in my chair, a half-cocked grin, tongue behind my lower lip.
"Aw, shit is right! What's up? What are you up to tonight?"
I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "Nah, uh, Jake. We gotta play nice. I got a good thing going on right now."
He sighs, exasperation audible. "You two still a thing? Thought you were photographed over there, outside the JYPE building?"
"I was."
"They ain't letting that fly, you serious, y/n?"
"I mean, they're being hard on him, but we're still trying to make it work." I express more hope than Chris does. Jake’s viewpoint is valid – he's been through the K-pop circuit, burned out, went solo, and found massive international success.
Which is why he bitches about it.
It's unfair.
"I do wanna see you, though," I admit, the need for an adventure kicking in.
"That's my girl. Hey, I'm about to hop in the car. Should be able to make it over in twenty. You at your spot in Jersey?"
"Yes, I am, Jake, but don't come in on no bullshit."
"I'm always on bullshit. See you in twenty."
Jake hangs up before I can fight back.
Why is my grin so wide? I roll my eyes at my own excitement, surprised at how genuinely thrilled I am to be around someone who wants to be with me. Scanning Chris's messages puts me in a better mood.
babydaddy: there’s no way you just hung up like that -_-
babydaddy: this is my life…my career…
babydaddy: why can't you be more patient?? this is hard for me too…
babydaddy: we need to talk tomorrow…
babydaddy: about us, and where this is going.
The last message triggers something in me. My stomach twists like it always does before bad news. It doesn't change, whether in poverty in my hometown or a small Jersey mansion. The same sunken gut reaction. We've been going back and forth, but this sounds... final. At some point, he'll grow sick of it. I know I have.
Yet, there's so much I love about Chris. Selfishly, I don't want him with anyone else. He's the man of my dreams, flawed as he is, he’s human. My human. I panic, feeling like my boat has sprung a leak, desperate to plug it somehow.
Knowing myself, I turn my phone upside down, placing it on my desk and stand up, distancing myself from the setting. Something else would trap me; all I want is not to reply to him with charged emotion. It wouldn't help anything.
Jake’s on his way over.
I take a deep breath, letting my anxiety settle. I'll talk to him; he always has good insight and wisdom beyond his years. I look at myself in the mirror. I'm in comfy mode, barefoot, walking across hardwood floors.
Entering the dimly lit kitchen, I brew hot chocolate, curling my toes against the balls of my feet, cracking knuckles as I chew my lower lip, mind drifting to Chris. Resistance is weaker now; the reasons to text back sound more convincing. I shake my head, trying to clear my mind, grab my cup, and sip as I walk past my bearded dragon's tank. It's late; he's asleep, tucked into his pink bed. I stare at each plant, trying to keep my thoughts in check.
My outdoor motion detection buzzes the smartwatch on my wrist, signaling someone's arrival. I glimpse headlights through my foyer. My grin widens; I bite my lip, urging myself to behave.
"Alexa, shuffle my evening playlist on Spotify, downstairs."
The nearest speaker obeys, filling the space with music. My dog scurries around my feet as the doorbell rings, and my bigger dog's deep barks echo throughout the house.
“Hey, cool it!" I shout at them, stepping over the little one weaving through my legs, nipping my ankles for some ungodly reason. I open the door, visibly exasperated, while my larger dog bellows from the top of the stairs.
Jake points to her behind me, furrowing his brows dramatically. "I thought we were friends!"
My dog hurls another final, loud bark before slowly making her way down the stairs. I let Jake in, lock the door, and he takes off his shoes, grabbing a disposable guest pair from the basket by the front door. I turn, starting down the hall, and Jake’s full body weight slams into me from behind, arms wrapping around my body, causing me to stumble. Seemingly unpredictably, he stops us from falling while laughing. I catch my footing, give him a firm shove, swipe stray hair behind my ear, and correct the other side, giving him a side-eye.
"Now, you know damn well I'm too clumsy for some stupid shit like that," I scoff, turning into the living room. I walk over to the glass coffee table near the sofa, grab the nearby gold electric candle lighter, tip it into the wide, three-wick candle, and light each of their blackened tips. The scents of apple-cinnamon, cedar, sandalwood, and vanilla fill the room, complemented by the warm orange glow of well-placed LED lights. I sit on the edge of the sofa, and Jake takes his favorite spot on the oversized black beanbag chair nearby. He pulls his hood off, followed by his knitted beanie, ruffling his dark brown hair.
I've got to say, Jake is a handsome guy, no doubt about it.
But I've got problems, and I've caught heavy feelings for one of my biggest headaches lately—Christopher Bang.
We're in this so deep, at least on my end.
I start to think a little harder, trying to see beyond the rose colored glasses for a moment. His text plays through my head as I scroll on my phone, my excuse being searching for another song to skip to on Spotify. But, of course, I get back to the messages Chris sent earlier.
"About us, and where this is going…"
We'd never had an official conversation about being exclusive. We met by chance, fell for each other, and started sneaking around together. I consider Chris my boyfriend, and I’m saved in his phone under ‘baby.' That's got to mean something, right?
The horror begins to set in—has this been a situationship this whole time? Is that why he never went public?
Anxiety creeps in.
"Yo," Jake snaps his fingers, waving his fingers. Damn, I must've been really distracted, crinkled brows as I stare into my phone, thumb tapping against the glass but not doing anything. I look up at him, raising my brows as if I had just briefly missed something he recently said.
"Hm?" I ask.
He's sitting up more, his left hand stroking one of my cats. "Talk to me, girl," he gestures to the marble ashtray with half of a joint, "And pass it."
I lean forward, grabbing the pink joint and placing it between my lips. I use the lighter nearby, sparking it, blowing a few times, the smoke thick and pungent, rising into the air. I tap it into the ashtray and lean over, passing it his way. Jake takes it graciously, placing it between the center of his pink lips and taking a big inhale. He holds it in, nodding, looking down at it as he blows the smoke out the side of his mouth.
"Chris and I got into it again. He told me they were coming to LA for a show over at KCON, and he was like 'maybe I can fly over to see you,' trying to fit it in, delaying his trip to Korea by like three days, which didn’t seem like a big deal. But then after everything ended, he was just hyper-aware of the attention on them and changed his mind," I begin to explain. Jake has taken a few hits during my story; he's leaning forward, passing me the joint again. I take it, hitting it.
"Did he say why?" he asks. Jake’s voice is low, even-toned. He’s invested in my story and the way I’m feeling, I can tell by the way his laser focus is on me as I speak. His eye contact is intense, fiery, the Aries in him.
"No, he didn’t, and that’s what frustrated me, so we got on a call tonight. He like—called me and was dancing around it, and I was like 'look, it’s not hard, are you coming to New York or not.' I was just... over it," I reply, pausing to take another hit before passing it to Jake once more. "He was all 'I want to, baby, but it's too risky.'” I mock his Aussie accent, and Jake can’t help the cough of smoke that comes out from trying to repress a laugh. He turns his head, full-on coughing a couple of times before he catches his breath again.
"Do you need water?" I ask, successfully holding back my own laugh. I don’t wait for his reply, instead, standing up and taking a few steps over to the mini-fridge and grabbing a bottle of spring water, handing it to him.
Plopping back down on the couch, I sigh. "So I didn’t even let him get the rest of it out. I was like 'ok, I’ll talk to you later' and like, hung up."
Jake places the burnt-out joint tip into the tray, effectively ending our puff-puff-pass session, making us both more relaxed and a little spacey. "Oof, y/n, this is... such a unique situation that very few people go through, and even fewer non-K-idols. I mean, I don’t agree with any of it, right? But it’s not me, and Chan, he’s in like–the peak of their career as a boy group, dude." Jake shakes his head, sitting back, my cat jumping from his lap, considering him having moved too much for his comfort.
"I don’t—care," I blurt.
Jake’s head drops back with a sigh before he picks it up again. "That’s probably part of the problem. Chan’s risking his career; Korea is no joke when it comes to this shit. I promise you, unless you’re physically in the industry as an idol over there, you have no idea. It’s so obsessive, and these companies, the management, they will not let you breathe, and the bigger you are—the tighter they hold onto you because there’s so much more to lose at that point."
He only leaves a half second of pause before he says, "I don’t think you’re compatible with—nor do you deserve, that kind of relationship with anyone."
It hurts that much more because—he’s right
"Now that doesn’t make Chan a bad person, or you a weak person. He’s got a right to this life he’s worked super hard to get to, and you’ve got a right to someone to love you the way you want to be loved, especially while you’re in the beginning stage of becoming great yourself. It’s a huge distraction—maybe not a relationship, but like, that kind of relationship."
I can do nothing but sigh, throwing my hands up and sitting back onto the couch, feeling, well, defeated. Can you blame me? It fucking sucks, the reality of it all that I was trying to avoid.
"Fuck," I finally say aloud.
Jake’s looking at me; I know he feels bad for breaking it down so plain, but he does it because he cares about me and wants the best for me, and I know that. “You still do what you want; it’s your life. Whatever you two decide is what you two decide, but that’s just—my limited experience.”
I scoff with a roll of my eyes, “Limited experience. Yeah ok.”
He laughs.
We both understand the subtext of the brief exchange.
“He says we need to talk tomorrow, about us and ‘where this is going’,” I say with air quotes.
“I mean, hey, it’s an opportunity to get your concerns out there, listen to his, and decide what’s best for you. He’ll decide what’s best for him. If that’s being together, great, if not, great. Either way, you’ll be ok. That’s how I like to see these kinds of things.” Jake says, his words profound and his perspective valuable to me. He leans forward, “We’ve known each other like what? Almost a year now?” I nod to confirm, and he continues, “In that short period of time, I can just—tell that you’re a strong person; you wouldn’t have gotten this far if you weren’t. If you ever need someone to talk to, my line is always open.”
I let another long breath go before laying across the sofa on my stomach, bringing myself closer to Jake as I lazily hug a pillow, resting my chin atop it. His advice is logged in my thoughts. I really don’t want to talk about it anymore—the way he phrased it did something to lower my anxiety so I was going to let sleeping dogs lie. “What about you, huh? What’s got you on the East Coast? You’re never over here, rarely in America anymore for real.”
“Yeah, I’ve been—busy, but it’s a blessing, you know? I’m so grateful that so many people support me, as a solo artist, doing my own thing, my way.” Jake never fails to acknowledge those around him that have supported him, and keeps himself grounded and humble somehow through being an international celebrity. “But I was at the Versace show over in Soho. I’ve got a couple of other shows to see for New York Fashion Week, but I touched down and had to come see you.”
I lift a brow. “I’m not gonna fuck you, Jake.”
Without hesitation, he fires back, “I’m not asking you to, y/n.”
It’s enough to drag a snort from me.
He laughs, “The hotels get lonely, and most places I go, I don’t know anyone. I like it here; you’ve done a lot since the last time I was here.” Jake looks around at the decor. He points to a painting of a cat skeleton on a black canvas. “That’s new, I like it.” He says.
“Yeah? I do too; it’s simple but it matches the vibe of the space, I found it by accident one day.”
When Jake says the hotels are lonely, I believe him. He often confides in me about how lonely his lifestyle can be and how it can drive him so crazy that he’ll call everyone through his phone until someone answers, and when that person hangs up, he’ll keep going. More often than not, he doesn’t have anyone to call, despite my insisting that I was an option. Some nights, when it gets really bad, he’ll have a tendency towards drinking, which is something I don’t like, and we’ve talked about ad nauseam. Of course, he’s always welcome in my safe spaces.
“So what’s new with the band? When you texted me the other day, you had like, tons of shit going on that you were freaking out about.” Jake cracks open the bottle of water, taking a gulp.
“I’m flying out to LA next week for a couple of events, but we’re like focused on album three right now; I’ve been locked in the studio just writing.”
“Ok, ok, you got anything for me to hear yet?” He seems to perk up to ask this question.
“Eh, nothing I’m ready to show or anything, just fragments of songs right now. The label is really pushing the work we did with album two to build the hype up for album three, and that’s the one they funded.” I kick my feet slowly in the air behind me as I talk.
“We should do a song together.” Jake says, quite suddenly. He can tell I’m taken aback. I mean, creatively, Jake and I get along great, but we had never discussed merging on a record before. “An official song, I think it could sound incredible.”
I immediately want to agree, of course, but I have a couple of hurdles I know I need to jump now that I’ve gotten to this point in my career. I hated that. I used to be able to agree to a collaboration immediately. But Jake had even more hoops to jump through; he couldn’t commit to something official now either.
So why was he proposing it?
“I gotta ask the label—”
“Fuck the label, dude.” Jake waves his hand, “They don’t have to know anything, not yet. We’ll just work together and see what happens. Whaddya say?”
It takes no thought for me to reply,
“Let’s do it.”
Jake wore me down enough to bring him down into the studio, insisting he didn't have anything important to do until tomorrow evening. I don't want to encourage his drinking, but when he spots the whiskey decanter, he gestures to it as I sit down in the main chair in front of the soundboard.
"What’s in there? Hennessy?" He answers his own question as I spin around in the chair to see what he’s talking about. He’s already over at the mini bar, opening it up and whiffing.
"Yeah, but I rarely drink it. I got it for guests." I turn towards my soundboard again, powering it up and waiting for the two large screens to load. I add another thought to the end of my sentence, albeit, to myself. Not like I have guests anyway.
Jake comes over with a glass, the brown liquor sloshing around as he tilts it in my direction. I roll my eyes, taking it, and he’s already got his glass, which he holds out for a toast.
"To the music," Jake says.
"The music." I oblige, clinking his glass and taking my gulp down a lot less gracefully than he does his, before he pours up another for himself. "Don’t overdo it; you’re gonna have a nasty hangover, and I won’t be the one to blame for it." I press a few buttons, and the house lights lower, back to the blue and purple hue I was sitting in earlier.
"I am a grown man that knows my limits." Jake states, matter-of-factly. He sits in the rolling chair at the table alongside me, pulling himself up to the soundboard and sitting back in his chair, sipping his drink as his eyes dance across the screens while I click around, pulling up my digital audio workstation of choice.
I point to the keyboard nearest to him, "Press a key for me?" He does, confirming it's connected and functional, the note ringing out through the monitors.
"Aw yeah." Jake sits up, setting his glass down on the designated cupholder space on the edge of the mixing table as he places both hands on the keys, beginning to fiddle with the limited random keys and chords he had learned how to play while being forced to learn as a trainee. "Damn, it’s been so long." He says, a half smile on his face. I can tell he’s reminiscing, I just can’t tell if it’s good or bad. "You’re so lucky to have control over your music, you know that?" He says, looking over at me before focusing back on the instrument again, slender fingers of his right hand climbing up the keys.
"I don’t really have total control, not anymore. Not sure I ever did." I say with a sigh. "It’s always been like—an Eli and me thing, not just a ‘me’ thing. I just get a little more attention because I’m the one out front, singing." I continue to explain. Jake’s stopped playing, instead choosing to lean in his chair and eye me over the top of his glass as he sips, listening to me with an empathetic nod. "Now with a major label involved, there are so many other factors now."
"You get the final say though, right?"
"Well, yeah, I guess I do." I say with uncertainty, not because it isn’t true, but because it still feels like the decisions I make have to be based on what everyone else thinks is best for us. If I vehemently object, I’m persuaded down to the decisions of others. Sometimes, it feels like I’m being gaslit. But I don’t have much time to ruminate on that, since everything is moving forward at top speed.
"Guess it’s complicated?" Jake concedes.
I nod.
"Girl, you got it," Jake croons in his gruff voice, eyes closed, fingers snapping to start a rhythm. "And I know it, baby, why don’t you?”
I nod, sliding him away from the keys as I hit some chords to match his singing. Unsure if it's a freestyle or something pre-written, I catch the composition unfolding. Music flows through me effortlessly—my natural talent that's brought me this far. It didn't happen overnight, but creating is the part of music that feels like pure joy, a distraction from all the BS.
Soon, we're vibing out a hook, laughing for hours, blending funk with '90s groove, a nostalgic fusion. My phone rings, freezing me in place. The weight of unresolved problems crashes over me. Jake senses it; I bolt before he protests. His eyes speak understanding; he knows when to let me deal with my demons. I answer the phone, attempting to steady my voice.
“You answered.”
It’s Chris.
His voice is tired, ironic, as if he couldn’t believe it himself but didn’t care.
It irritates me. Why call back so soon if compromise isn't on the table?
“I just called to say, that I’ll be there in about four hours.”
A lump forms in my throat; I glance around for a clock. Holed up in the studio with Jake, time escaped me.
“But you said—“
‘First class, you are now welcome to pre-board flight 917 to Newark, First class, you are now welcome to pre-board flight 917 to Newark.’
“I gotta go, but I’ll see you in a few, yeah?”
The phone beeps, leaving me in stunned silence. The studio's muted song hums in the background. I'm not ready to face it yet, still figuring out what this sudden visit means.
“Said I wouldn’t do this.” I mutter, pressing my fists against my forehead, heaving a frustrated sigh. I vowed not to let another man stir my emotions, yet here I am—almost having a meltdown. But my feelings are valid. No explanation after a heated argument, and suddenly he's on his way here?
Maybe he got another perspective from the members or his friends. Maybe he thought about it. Either way, he'll be here in four hours. We can hash it out then.
I muster the calm to return to the studio. Jake sits back, his chair turning towards me. “Well?”
I plop onto the nearby sofa. “He’s boarding a flight here now, said he’ll be here in four hours.”
Jake’s brows lift in surprise. “See? I told you…this was going to push you two in some direction it needed to go. Four hours? My man, okay BangChan!” Jake laughs, toasting with his glass. “So I added some drums, check it out.” He plays the track; the groove multiplies.
“You added that part too?” I notice another musical flair, and he nods proudly. After a few seconds, he turns it off, a slow fade of the volume knob.
“I think that’s enough for me to work with for now, what do you think?”
"The skeleton is definitely there, but what about more instruments?" I question. Jake pushes his chair back, picks up his hoodie, slipping it on as he stands up.
“It’s enough to write to; we can come back to it; if Chan’s on his way here, the last thing he needs is to see another guy here late night.” He slips on his shades, his phone reflected in them as he orders an Uber Black. I didn't think he cared like this, feeling closer to him; he did what he felt was best. I was freaking out about how to get him out in time, and Jake took the initiative.
A relieved sigh escapes me. “I owe you.”
“Absolutely nothing. You don’t owe me anything, sweetheart. I had a good time here tonight.” He tucks his phone in his jacket pocket. “Twelve minutes.”
I nod. “Follow me upstairs, I made some cookies yesterday; you can take some with you.”
“Ooh what kind?”
“Chocolate chip.”
“A classic.”
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
My thoughts on Sanuso's children!!
I recently got a Tumblr ask (I'll edit this later and write the link) that talked about Sanuso adopting a child, and it has opened my eyes to make this whole post about the three children I think they'd have!! (Also shout out to @latinokokonoi for the idea of Zolu's daughter).
The Strawhats are still together after finding the One Piece, being together still and enjoying their own dreams for a while without separating yet (honestly, with how fast this story is going they're gonna find the One Piece quickly af, just pretend they've already found it). Sanji and Usopp are 25/23 when they have their two twin daughters (accidentally. Because they are idiots and did NOT listen to Chopper's talk about protection). Even if they weren't planned they're still extremely excited to form a family together! They're a bit worried about what will happen from now on, but they've taken care of children before on their adventures, so how hard can it be? The answer is pretty fucking hard but, you know, it's not like they don't have other children in the crew (Zoro and Luffy found a 2 y/o in a treasure chest when they were 23/21 and they've been taking care of her for two years now. Called her Kuina!). They believe they'll be just fine.
The girls are named after their moms, Sora and Banchina, and they're Usopp and Sanji's little princesses. They instantly get along with Kuina, by the way, as they grow up together. She kind of acts like an older sister to them, being 4 years older and all. If anybody asks, they're cousins! I won't go into much detail about Kuina here because this is about Sanuso's children, but I love the idea I have of her already.
The thing is, the girls grow up to be brilliant and also a menace. They're twins but you can easily tell who's who when they're not together!
Sora: Oldest sister for, like, two seconds and she's always reminding everyone about that (in a good way. She takes pride in protecting her sister). She has Sanji's morals and ambition. She's passionate and pretty intense when it comes to protecting the ones she loves. But also she's an adventurer like Usopp! She loves getting into trouble, too, and she's strategic enough to know how to come out of them (most of the time. Well- Sometimes. Most of the time Kuina is the one saving her ass. But, you know, at the end of the day Kuina gets lost and Sora is the one to find her... They make a pretty good team). She dreams of being a pirate and having her own crew someday with Banchina. She's a natural dreamer. A bit idealistic. She has Sanji's smile and Usopp's skills. She wants to learn how to fight in every damn way. She asks Sanji to teach her how to fight with her legs and Usopp to use the slingshot (prefers Sanji's method, tho). She often trains with Kuina, too! She reminds people of Nami (that's, like, her favorite crew member if you ask her. That's her auntie!) because of her mischievous personality and ability to steal. She's also very impulsive because she has Usopp's sense of adventure but Sanji's inability to back down. So... Yeah. Luffy fucking loves her. But at least she's good at strategies! She would do anything for her sister and has been by her side forever. Often asks her to join her shenanigans and schemes and that's when Banchina is a bit more playful! Loves Sanji's cooking and eats almost just as much as Luffy. She talks about Usopp's stories, being so so proud of being his daughter! Her favorite aunt is Nami and her favorite uncles are Luffy and Zoro.
Banchina: The sweetest of the two sisters. She's pretty much like their mothers, personality wise. She's a cutie pie. She loves cooking and drawing because she grew up watching her fathers doing these mundane, more domestic and calm activities. If Sora is the clumsy more adventurous one, Banchina is the caretaker who's just done with her sister's bullshit but loves her a lot. She has Sanji's need to help and Usopp's anxiety (but not in a really nervous way. More in a careful, thoughtful way). It's not that she doesn't know how to defend herself, but she uses her slingshot only when needed and to back up her sister. She's more of a support person! She loves to cook but prefers to draw. Spends the day drawing. Kuina and Sora are very protective of her but she's usually the one who ends up rolling her eyes and taking care of them when they get injured somehow. However, she can be very playful too when Sora manages to get her in her schemes and shenanigans. She's a sweetheart but she protects her family when she needs to do so. She prefers more calm spaces but she appreciates the company of her sister and Kuina, finds them amusing. Basically, calm and helpful, very done with the chaos but secretly loves it, and ends up playing around when she finds it funny. Her favorite aunt is Robin (they spend time together reading and drawing) and her favorite uncles are Jinbe and Brook.
They grow up together and somehow they're not only the crew's most precious treasure, but also they're very helpful when they fight. I mean, they don't usually let them fight, but they always end up helping without being asked.
They're 10 and 14 when they find Takumi (Sanuso is 35/33, if you're curious) on a boat, fainted, and very very injured. The kid appears to be around 7 and he has chains on his arms and a metal collar around his neck. That doesn't sit right with any of them, so the kids call Luffy and the others and they instantly help him to get into the ship.
Long story short, they take care of him for a day or so, extremely worried about his well-being. Sanji and Chopper look after him until he wakes up. The thing is, the kid wakes up when he's alone with Sanji, and he's instantly frightened. Sanji promises they're not going to do anything to him, but the kid is only begging him to not bring him back to where he was. Anything but that. Sanji is- Well, saying he's worried would be an understatement. When everyone goes to see him, he doesn't want to tell them anything. For some reason he grows attached to Sanji and won't let go of him, apparently, and he refuses to tell anybody what happened to him. However, Luffy offers him to break his chains and Takumi hesitates but obviously says yes. When Luffy does so, he just smiles widely at the sight of Takumi's relief and says: "See? Much better now, isn't it?" And Takumi stares at him and whispers "You look..." Luffy only tilts his head, confused, and Takumi blushes shyly. "I just- You look like someone I know." And he tightens his grip inside the pockets of his hoodie, holding something they can't see but don't ask about either.
Basically, they take care of the kid but he isn't quite ready to socialize yet and his injuries are still bad. The only ones allowed to spend a long time with him are Chopper (he's looking after his wounds) and Sanji (brings him food and, well, he's apparently the only one Takumi is comfortable with enough to talk. Besides, Takumi apparently won't eat any meat or fish and he doesn't explain why, but Sanji makes new dishes for him gladly). The three girls want to know him better, but they're forbidden from bothering him (although they definitely sneak out to talk to him for a few seconds when the adults are busy).
Sanji sees a lot of himself in him. The scared eyes. The trembling voice. He's even blond, for God's sake. He spends a lot of time with the kid, and Takumi even asks him to sleep next to him most of the time. Usopp sees this and he just knows they're keeping him because now there's no way they can say goodbye to him. One day, Takumi has a very nasty panic attack and Sanji has to help him through it. When the kid asks how he knows to deal with this, Sanji thinks it's only fair to open up to him about some stuff about his own past. This makes Takumi open up too, finally explaining what happened to him:
Takumi's mom is a celestial dragon that cheated on her husband with a slave. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed and she died in an "accident" while the slave was brutally murdered (when you think Celestial Dragons can be worse, they- They just get worse). The man didn't even give Takumi a name, he just took the kid and made him a slave the second he could start working. That's all he's ever known. Long story short, he's locked in a cell for a while as a punishment along with some other slaves, thinking there's no hope. But there's always hope, because the revolutionary army suddenly shows up! Sabo frees all of the slaves from that cell, Koala leading them to their respective boats. But... There's a kid who won't move. Chained. Injured. It shatters Sabo's heart into a million pieces. Sabo tries to help him with reassuring words but the kid is visibly shaking. Sabo asks him his name, but the kid won't answer, to which Sabo just smiles and says: "Well! Isn't that just great? Now you can choose your own name!" and the little guy is all confused, but it's the first time there's true excitement in his eyes. "Really?" / "Really! Is there something you like a ton? A name you want to make yours?" The kid seems to think about it, a bit shy about his answer. "I want- I want to go to the sea." / "Oh! I come from there, actually. Is there something you want to do there?" / "It's dumb-" / "No dreams are dumb. Now tell me." / "I want to build things. Things that can help people! Like- Like machines but- But good ones. I dunno how to explain it..." / "Umm. Well. How about Takumi? You can write it however you want it can mean both sea and craftsman. Also an outstanding person. The person you'll become once you get out of here. How does that sound?" Takumi nods and takes the name as his, as long with Sabo's glasses. He says Takumi will use them way more than him one day.
However, there's a lot of chaos and Takumi gets lost in his boat. All alone. And ends up fainting in the middle of the sea until the Straw hats find him.
Sanji knows it will be too much for the little guy to tell him all he knows about this story, so he just comforts him and lets him rest for a few days until he's ready to come out of the room. He has dinner with the rest of them, finally, one day. And even though the three girls are curious about him they have a very calm dinner, respecting his space. That's when the crew does their presentations, Luffy being the last one... And of course, he says: "I'm Monkey D. Luffy! Captain of this ship and the king of the pirates!". Something inside of Takumi switches, a huge surprised smile decorating his face. "You are Sabo's brother! That's why you reminded me of him!" / "You know Sabo?". Takumi tells them about his story and shows them the glasses, saying he's worried about Sabo because he promised to take care of him and he's sure the blond blames himself for this. He tells them, also, about Sabo talking about Luffy ("The world is scary out there, but pirates aren't all so bad, all right? Monkey D. Luffy is my brother! The king of the pirates! And he's the best man I've ever met.") and Takumi couldn't be happier to have found him.
Basically, Takumi stays with them for a long time and grows closer and closer with everyone. The girls and he get along, even if he's still very overwhelmed by everything and has to take things slow. They protect him when there's a fight and they spend time with him, playing and teaching him everything there's to know. He also sleeps with Sanji and Usopp most of the time, also growing very fond of the sniper and his stories late at night when he has nightmares and refuses to wake up Sanji. Usopp is always there to distract him from bad thoughts and Sanji is always there to hug the anxiousness away. Sora and Banchina love him like a brother, so much that they even start calling him that. Sanji and Usopp don't say a word about it, but it hurts to know that there's a possibility of him not staying with them. Sanji says it's fine. That the kid deserves a better life. But Usopp knows Sanji wants the kid to stay with them.
Sabo appears one day with the intention to see Takumi again. They catch up and have a fun day together until Sabo offers Takumi the option of going away with him. However, Takumi says he prefers to stay here. With his new family, if they accept him. And so Takumi stays with them!
That's when his personality starts to form a little bit more with the passage of time. He loves spending time with Franky and Usopp, building things. Little machines and inventions. Turns out Sabo's glasses do end up being useful to him! He's still a bit shy. A very anxious kid. But he's so, so smart... A brilliant, outstanding kid who wants to make the world a better place with his inventions. He keeps being reserved and he isn't very fond of fighting, but he supports the whole crew with his inventions! Usopp couldn't be more proud. He also likes the revolutionary's ideology and lets Robin talk to him about it for hours and hours. Cooking is just like science, in his opinion, and once he says it Sanji's heart melts because that's exactly what Usopp told him once.
They end up figuring out that he ate a devil fruit, one that helps him talk to animals. That's why he refuses to eat them. Sanji tells him that it's amazing. One of the best powers in the world. Fascinating, even. He's his special boy and Sanji's just so jealous he has a power like that but he's glad Takumi is the one to have it and not some horrible pirate out there. Usopp and he grow closer talking about bugs and different types of beetles and arachnids! Sanji loves to see it, but can only talk about Takumi about it when it comes to regular animals.
They're so, so similar in a lot of things... Even if they are not his real parents. Yet. He hasn't called them that yet.
Until one morning Takumi calls Sanji dad and he has a whole crisis about it, the kid thinks he has killed his father but Usopp calms both of them down. Sanji asks the kid if he truly wants to be part of his family. Because if he does, he'd be glad to call him his son. And Takumi couldn't be happier. Do you know who's even happier? Sora and Banchina. They are THRILLED to have a little brother.
I've made these picrews based on the idea I have of them (if you like the idea I'll post more information about them):
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Age: 10 (Older twin for literally seconds of difference)
-> She's an adventurer, hence the bandages and band-aids. Prefers long hair because she refuses to cut it, mostly. Uses Usopp's overalls and Sanji's shirts because they're comfortable and they don't fit her dads anymore, so she gets to keep them!!! She likes nature (the bees and her leaf earring) and loves stealing Zoro's money at poker (Nami taught her).
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Age: 10
-> Usually has a ponytail or buns to keep them from bothering her while she draws. Lil' toad on her head (Wano Usopp reference, he kept that toad). She likes butterflies and bugs, too!! Big comfy clothes and a calmer, comfier energy.
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Age: 7
-> Lil' crown of leaves his sisters gift him. Animals around him all the time. He likes big clothes but usually just wears a synthetic leather jacket Usopp gave him and never takes off Sabo's goggles. Big sweaters, too. He's very tiny even for his age.
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Age: 14
-> Long hair for the same reason as Sora: Refuses to cut it. Bold of you to assume she showers, honestly. Lil' ponytail to see better. She has one of Zoro's earrings and a necklace with a sun (iykyk). She also has a bandana around her neck (Zoro moment). Have you seen her clothes? She wants to go to Wano so fucking bad.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
The Third Widow || Red Room 
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff X Fem! Belova! Reader.
Summary: Y/n Belova is the younger biological sister of Yelena Belova and the adoptive sister of Natasha Romanoff. Saved from Red Room by Melina & Alexei she now must adjust to a new normal. Going to school, recovering, and finding love in the eyes of another troubled teen, Wanda Maximoff. All while General Dreykov has his eyes set on claiming back what he calls his most powerful ‘widow’.
Angst | Dark Themes | 4.2K | Lots of Mentions of Death | Suggested Murder | 
Notes: Flashbacks are bold, italic and start with ‘~’ | Written in second person. | 
Translations: Мэри (Mary)
AC: 8-year time jump, I’m sorry!!! But it helps make the story add up with the black widow movie timeline x I’ve made a couple of changes in the BW script, whoops
The Third Widow Masterlist
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"Where did you think I was all this time?" Yelena now, 26 years old asked Natasha. 
"I thought that you got out and were living a normal life" 
"And you just never made contact again?"
"Honestly, I thought you didn't wanna see me."
Yelena scoffed, "Bullshit. You just didn't want your baby sister to tag along, whilst you saved the world with the cool kids" she says. Natasha dried her hands on the given towel at the gas station before walking by her, "you weren't really my sister" she mumbles. "And the Avengers aren't really your family" Yelena turned to follow the red head. 
"They're more of a family than Melina and Alexie" Natasha gives the cashier money for the supplies on the counter leaving Yelena behind in silence. 
Later the two sat at a table while Natasha stitched up Yelena's wound, "did you ever see her?" She asked the blonde. Yelena shook her head, "not physically, but I heard about her" Yelena looked away as Natasha wrapped the bandage around her arm, "He hides her" she added. 
"From you maybe, I can't believe you went back there…the last I heard was Red Room had moved location again and a few widows escaped…I thought you were one of them"
"And leave Y/n there?" Yelena frowned as Natasha took the seat across from her, "you might not feel like we're family but she's mine…that's why I need your help" 
"My help?" Natasha tilted her head slightly. 
"That gas, the counteragent, it was synthesized in secret by an older widow from Melina's generation. I was on the mission to retrieve it, and she exposed me, and I killed the widow that freed me" Yelena explained with a saddened look. 
"Did you have a choice?"
"What you experienced was psychological conditioning. I'm talking about chemically altering brain functions. They're two completely different things. You're fully conscious, but you don't know which part is you. I'm still not sure…I'm not even sure how bad things are for Y/n. He keeps her close to him, away from the rest of us" Yelena sipped her drink.
"Is that all there is left?" Natasha asked with an almost sigh. 
"Mmm-hmm. It's the only thing that can stop Dreykov and his network of widows"
Natasha reached for her drink, "Can you be sure she's still with him?" She asked. 
"He took her from me twice now. I've tried to keep track of things, but he hasn't been sending her on bigger missions like he did. He's trained her differently than us, maybe one in 20 survives the training, becomes a widow. The rest, he kills. To him, we are just things. Weapons with no face that he can just throw away. Because there is always more. And no one's even looking for him" 
"We tried, Yelena. When you took off and didn't tell us, we knew where you were going. We looked for you, we looked for Red Room and we found nothing. We don't even know how you ended up back there"
"I..I don't even remember…I forgot why I was even there in the first place until I was freed again" Yelena's eyes dropped to the table between them leaving them both in silence that neither wanted. "Where you gonna go?" Natasha asked breaking the silence. 
"I don't know. I don't really have anywhere to go back to, so I guess anywhere" Yelena read the label on the bottle of her drink, unsure how where she'd truly go after this. 
"Don't what?" Yelena questioned as she looked back up at Natasha. She chucked at Natasha's sly smirk, "You're going to give me some big hero speech, I can feel it" she adds. "Speeches aren't really my thing" Natasha smiled softly, "Huh?" Yelena replied with a confused look.
"It was more like an invitation" Nat explains. "To go to the Red Room and kill Dreykov?"
"Even though the Red Room is impossible to find and Dreykov is too slippery to kill?"
"That sounds like a shitload of work" Yelena slightly cocked a brow. "Yup" Natasha sighs, "Could be fun, though" she adds with a soft smile. 
Meanwhile, Wanda who is now 25 going on 26, has found comfort in being a part of the Avengers and being cozy with Vision, though not a day as gone by where she doesn't think of you and remember the innocent smile on your face and the first time, she kissed you. She still smokes and chuckles almost every time to herself at the memory of you telling her how terrible her trait is. 
When she was first asked to join the Avengers, she looked at Natasha who could barely look at her and acted as if she didn't know who Wanda was, the guilt in Nat's eyes made Wanda join the Avengers. She wasn't surprised to know the Avengers were most of her teachers from school, "that was the worse cover up" she chuckled to Tony when she first joined, "What was that all for huh? So, you could pick us out like candy?" she mumbled. 
She hated how Natasha never spoke about you or even mentioned you to her, even when she tried to ask about you and Yelena, she would brush it off and ignore her. So Wanda did her own thing, her own searching. She came across a book she'd been told before was dangerous, but she didn't seem to care too much and thought about what you'd say if you caught her going against the rules like she did. 
Vision was a good distraction for her, in many ways he reminded her of you and how you were learning to adjust to the new world. It broke her to look at him and not see you, every time she looked at him, she wished so much that it was you and she knew that wasn't far on Vision, but he'd never know… she never told him about you. Vision was able to help her see somewhat of a future together and sometimes she wondered what she'd do if you walked through the door, would she leave him for you? Even if nothing romantic were to happen but just so you knew that you had all her attention, or would she stay with vision and just be a friend you could count on.  
Kate was rightfully mad at Yelena for leaving without even as much as a goodbye. The person she loved so deeply in secret, the one she never told her feelings too just gone without a word broke her just as much as losing you broke her. She took her hurt out on her archery, winning contest after contest but none of that meant nothing to her when she couldn't show Yelena. 
She kept in contact with Wanda and often would spend nights staying up talking to her about things she wished to talk to Yelena about. Kate could hear how much Wanda missed you, whenever your name was brought up in conversation, she wanted to change the topic. It was like you were dead and there was no place for anybody to grief and slowly you became a topic that was just too much for Wanda to listen too.  
You needed no time to adjust to the environment that Red Room was. Dreykov sent you on many missions with his daughter, Antonia, even if you were solely there just to make sure she came back alive, neither of you spoke to each other and oddly enough you liked it that way. Your days there spent training no matter how much you already knew, you weren't to miss a day of training if you weren't on missions doing Dreykov's dirty work. 
The other widows feared you and how much you were treated like Dreykov's shiny toy. He used you to set the new standards for Red Room. New widows would be injected with the same sternum you were injected with. You were the new standard, they all had to try and match your skill, your style, everything. Dreykov made becoming a widow a lot harder than it was. Yelena showed clear signs of being able to pass the training, which was perfect for Dreykov's real mission for you, that was until she was freed of course. 
"Kill her. Don't bother bringing her back here" Dreykov spoke as he looked up from his screen towards you. "Yes, sir" you replied as you always did before your eyes dropped to the fellow Widow, you'd only seen in passing, "Is Antonia coming?" You questioned. Dreykov shook his head, "No. This is your mission. This is what have I prepared you for, you will go alone. You will report to me every morning until the mission is complete" he adds in a stern voice, "start with the house address on the second page, if Belova is going anywhere, it'll be there" He shoos you to leave his office, something he did far too many times. 
Sometimes when you saw other widows talking among themselves you couldn't help but feel alone in a world where everywhere you looked was somebody just like you. At night you couldn't stop yourself from looking at the scars and wounds you'd collected from each mission, running your finger over them wondering if it was all worth it. All the killing, the guns, the damage it causes to the people and buildings. Was everything Dreykov made you do really for the best like he says? All these thoughts only to be reminded by the lack of freedom that you would never truly understand your place in the world. You are a weapon, you needed to remember that. 
By morning you found yourself watching the house addressed in the mission file from miles away with binoculars glued to your face watching every move on the property. A woman with dark hair in a braid seemed to be doing some sort of testing on some pigs from what you could see, already assuming that was the famous Melina Vostokoff. Something about the area felt familiar, the house, the trees around you, the smell of the fresh air. You found yourself looking more at Melina with less care for the mission and trying to read her like she was trying to tell you something but maybe that was because you knew little about her from her file or maybe you were too focused on the mission and wanted to know everything there was. 
For hours you sat and watched as she did work around her yard, as the minutes ticked on the place only got more familiar to you, but you still couldn't put a finger on it as to why. Your attention on Melina was broken by the sounds of conversation coming from the hill beside you, with your binoculars you could see a larger man, a little overweight with a big beard and slightly long hair. He was covered in tattoos, his white tank top doing nothing to hide them. Beside him were two young women, one with bright red hair, she wore a white suit while the other women had dirty blonde hair, a baggy white suit with a green vest. You looked down at the mission file to confirm the target was in fact, Yelena Belova. 
You watched the three walk down the hill only to be greeted by Melina holding a rifle, your enhanced earing allowed you to listen to the unexpected greeting before the four traveled into the house. From the window, you could see they all sat at a table pouring drinks. The conversations between them made you take mental notes for when you had to report back to Dreykov. 
"So, here's what's gonna happen" the redhead spoke, you could tell her voice from Yelena's. "Natasha don't slouch" Melina spoke, her Russian accent was thick, "I'm not slouching!" The woman you assumed was Natasha Romanoff argued. 
"Yes, yes, you are!"
"I don't slouch!" Natasha spat.
"You're going to get a back hunch"
"Listen to your mother" a deeper voice spoke; you noted that voice down as Alexei Shostakov. Natasha signed "Oh, my God, this…" 
"Up, up!" Melina prompts as you watch through the binoculars, smiling softly to yourself at the scene you watched from afar. Such an unusual family you thought as you continued to take mental notes and watch the family of four down glasses of what you assumed was vodka. 
For a moment you lost yourself watching the family argue like other families did. "You're gonna tell us the location of the Red Room" Natasha demanded, shifting your attention back to the mission with a slight frown as you listened and watched even more. 
"You can't defeat a man who commands the very will of others. You never saw the culmination of what we started in America, nor did you" Melina explained before you heard saw her pick up her device she was holding before, "What are you doing?" Natasha asked after Melina explained a few more things.
"Oh, I am explaining that the science is now so exact, the subject can be instructed to stop breathing and has no choice but to obey" she goes on.
After moments Melina explained more about the science behind Red Room and how they were able to do the things they do, to you, it meant nothing but knowing you were different to the other widows. Melina didn't mention anything about the things that they injected you with or why, all you knew was that you had to tell Dreykov they were coming for him. 
You could hear the jets before you could see them as they surrounded the house with bright spotlights, guards you knew raided the house while you watched from a far unsure what to do when you saw them take your target, Yelena along with Natasha and Alexei into the jet. 
"Let's not keep him waiting" you heard Melina speak. 
You returned to Red Room a few short hours later when you didn't get any commands from Dreykov. Walking by the training widows to your room, you wondered where your target was and why Dreykov sent you on a goose chase. 
"Sir, What was that all ab-"you you paused after welcoming yourself to his office, seeing the red head, Natasha and Dreykov both looking over at you. "You're here. Good" Dreykov muttered but your attention was stuck on Natasha who sat with a frown. "Y-Y/n?" she questioned softly. 
"Oh, that's useless, she doesn't remember you or anybody else" Dreykov inserted himself. 
"What? You brainwashed her?" Natasha spat as she looked at him. "It doesn't matter" he muttered as he walked over to her, "she's better than you, faster, tougher, smarter!" he adds while circling her, "she does everything I say, when I say it. She has no intentions of leaving" he says to her before he looks back at you, "get out, you're not needed now!" He commands and just like he mentioned, you did so without a peep and walked back to your room.
"I know what you and Belova have been doing and let me assure you that it won't work on Y/n" Dreykov chuckled slightly while looking at Natasha. "What have you done to her?" Natasha demanded causing Dreykov to pull out the file he had on you. Everything you have ever done for him on file, everything he's ever done to you, burnt. 
"I gave her a real home" he replied placing the file in front of Natasha. "The Avengers, they kept looking for her. That was you, yes?" he adds. Natasha flicked through your file, some of the details she'd already known. You'd been on the Avengers radar for some time now, they just weren't able to track you back to Red Room. "For years you have been looking for her and now you have Belova looking too? She belongs to me, I raised her" Dreykov rambles as Natasha closes your file. "She belongs with her family!" Natasha looked up at the older man. He chuckled once again, "She has no family, not even Belova. She has no ties to her. Not anymore!"
He circled Natasha once more before leaning against his desk in front of her, "do you know what her next mission is?" He asked. Natasha's jaw clenched as she kept strong eye contact with, "she's going to kill Belova for me, clean up the mess." 
Natasha couldn't help but laugh in the man's face, "kill Yelena? Really?" she chuckles. "Don't laugh at me! At first, I wanted her to kill you for betraying your family but now?" Dreykov moves behind his desk, "do you know what I could do with an Avenger under my control?" he mutters moving his pinkie finger ring across the touch pad. Natasha looked behind her at the large screen with a map and mug shot like photos of thousands of girls, "I gave them all a home, a purpose! I took them off the street and gave them a life!" Dreykov says. 
"You took away their freedom! Their choices! You can't honestly sit there and think you'd a god" Natasha shook her head with a chuckle.
"Is this your plan huh?"
"My plan is to kill you" Natasha stood from her seat, Dreykov cocked a brow, "Well, I'm alive so what are we doing to do now huh?" 
"You don't feel anything, do you?" Natasha frowned, "did you feel anything when I killed your daughter?"
Dreykov laughed as he looked over to Antonia who stood patiently in the background, "Really?" He gestured for Antonia to step forward, "thank you Natasha for giving me one of my greatest weapons" 
You knew it would go against Dreykov's orders, but you couldn't help being drawn back to Melina's property, with your target in medical you assumed Dreykov would handle her and with Natasha in his office something didn't feel right. Slipping away without the guards noticing you was easy, especially when Dreykov was already busy with Yelena and Natasha. You traveled back to Melina's property knowing nobody was home, the sense of familiarity washed over you again. 
Slowly you stepped into the house, a familiar smell greeted you as you stood in the kitchen, you'd been here before you told yourself, but nothing was coming to mind as you walked through to the living room and slowly up the stairs to the second floor. You were drawn to the first room on the right as it was the only room with a closed door. Touching the handle and turning it slowly brought you even more of a familiar sense to the building but again, nothing came to mind as to why. 
The room smelt of dust as you switched the light on to see the bed made perfectly, a bookcase full of different books covered in dust leaving a trail from your finger as you ran over it. The desk looks as though this was a teenager's room, a laptop sat perfectly centered in the middle with a black leather book sat beside it. You frowned when you picked up the book, running your index finger over the red impressed name of yours before opening it. 
"There is 365 pages in this book, drawing something for me every day, or don't. But I hope you do – Wanda"  
Read on the first page, "Wanda" you whispered to yourself before flipping to the next page. 
"Happy birthday, Мэри x" 
Read the following page. The words stared back at you as you tried to work out who Mary was and why your name was on a book you'd never seen before and who was Wanda? You flipped to the next page as you sat down on the edge of the perfectly made bed with an even more confused look. A sketched drawing of 7 people sitting around a squared table with a birth cake in front of a young girl, at the bottom of the page wrote "first birthday!!" The longer you looked at the drawing the more you noticed who was in the photo, Yelena, Natasha, Melina, Alexei and two others you weren't sure of but there you were as a young girl with a big smile on her face with a banner above you that said "Happy Birthday" 
Melina's voice soon clouded your mind with what you overheard earlier in the day, "The world functions on a higher level when it is controlled, Dreykov has chemically subjugated agents planted around the globe" 
"Not me!" You mumbled to yourself as you threw the book to the side in frustration, "not me!" You spoke again. Your eyes caught a photo in a frame sitting on the desk, two small girls looking the happiest they've ever looked. You walked over to the photo and picked it up slowly, "Yelena" you whispered as you came to more realization. "Dreykov wanted me to kill Yelena because of this?" You asked yourself hoping that saying the words out loud would make more sense to the situation. Needing to take a moment as your breathing picked up and you felt overwhelmed you dropped the photo and stormed out of the room, leaving the light on. You needed answers and the only person who knew them was Dreykov. 
"Where's Y/n?" Natasha asked as Yelena helped reline her shoulder. "I don't know, I couldn't find her. We have to find Dreykov" Yelena replied, "I'll be right behind you" Natasha spoke giving Yelena the nod to go ahead.
Yelena rushed out as the building started to crumble, making sure to search each room in looks for you knowing that Dreykov was already on his way out of the building. Each room only left her with more worry and fear as there was no sign of you anywhere, she only hoped that Melina and Alexei had found you or that you were fortunately, for once, on a mission. Natasha collected all the data she needed for Melina and Yelena to help save the other widows as quickly as she could, even doing more digging in Dreykov's files for your name. To her surprise she found a lot more than she thought she would. 
You arrived at the usual place where Red Room was hidden only to find it crumbling, falling from the sky. Jets of Widows landed safely as you stood in anger waiting for any sign of Dreykov. 
"Y/n, you got out!" One of the Widows came up to you with a worried look, your jaw clenched at the sound of her voice as you looked at her, "Where's Dreykov?! Did you make sure he was safe?!" you asked in a demanding tone, the widow whose name you didn't know looked into your eyes with fear, "T-they didn't spray you with the gas?" she asked. 
"Gas?!" You frowned, "Where is Dreykov?!" You added. 
"W-we don't know…he's been controlling us. They told us we were free…" she tried to explain, "Shut up! Where the hell is he?! You guys a fucking useless!" You spat as you pushed by her. "Wait!" The Widow stopped you by lightly holding your arm, "You don't belong to him anymore, just wait, we'll help you" she said. 
"I don't need your damn help!" You gripped her wrist and forced her to let you go. A loud explosive was heard from above, all of you looked up to see what it was. "That better not be him!" You turned to the Widow. 
"Please, let them explain" 
"Melina, she knows everything!" 
"We can't trust them!" You shook your head leaving the group of widows behind and began searching the rubble for any signs of Dreykov or Antonia as more pieces of the place you called home fell from the sky. Among the rubble were the bodies of guards that didn't make it to the ground safely but still no sign of Dreykov. With more and more pieces falling you decided to wait where it was safe, further away from the scene and hope to see him land in one of the jets so you could handle him yourself. 
Why was there a photo of Yelena with a toddle that looked a little like you? Why was there a sketch book with a drawing of a first birthday which you only start to feel like was your own, but these people were strangers to you. You only know them from what you've been told, and nothing was ever mentioned about you having any connection to them and if you did, you didn't remember it. 
You realized the chances of Dreykov making it out alive were getting thinner by the second, you watched in the shadows as Natasha found Antonia before throwing a red dust into her face and the fight coming to a stop. 
"Is he gone?" Antonia asked out of breath. 
"He's gone" Natasha confirmed your fear. You watched her walk away after a few moments and called for Yelena. Now you'll never have the answers to your questions and without a home, what would you do? Where would you go? 
Natasha found Yelena and you felt relief when you saw her movements from afar. Your heart only broke as you watched the two reconnect and hearing Natasha apologize in Russian. They were a family, a real family. You couldn't bear to watch anymore and it wasn't worth inserting yourself for a fight, quietly you disappeared into the woods leaving behind the only place you knew was safe. You were alone, confused and hurt, all these emotions you had Dreykov told you were worthless now it felt like the only thing that mattered. 
You are alone, with nowhere to go.
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Taglist: @justabrokensunshine | @sayah13 | @nattyolw | @exclusivitymajor | @bibliophilicbi | @when-wolves-howl | @that-one-gay-mosquito | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @foggymoonbanana | @atmnothere | @justyourwritter69 | @wiertarkanah | @marvelfan98 | @jasminebelding | @bluesimps-world | @wandasobsession | @marvel-fan-2021 | @lattayhottay16 | @jowshuaayee | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @capswife | @1tsmydan | @roman0ffsheart | @mrscromanoff | @immadowhateva | @magnificentworldtf | @originaltrashheap | @mousecakez | 
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unangelic-thoughts · 2 years
Addicted (Rafe x Reader One Shot)
Summary: You are Barry's older sister (23). You're a pogue but you've worked yourself up to a good paying job - nowhere near Kook rich but you live comfortably. One day you check up on your drug-dealer brother and that's when your life suddenly becomes entangled with the one and only Rafe Cameron (20).
Warnings: NSFW smut 18+, fingering, oral sex (m receiving), mention of drugs and alcohol
Words: 6.6k
Hi all! I started writing this a little while ago and managed to finish it today. I like writing for fun, mainly for myself, but I like sharing my work every now and again. Hope you enjoy and as always, constructive criticism is welcome. <3
Walking towards the run-down mobile home my brother calls a home, the lawn littered with all sorts of shit - I feel a mix of annoyance and concern. My brother, - half-brother - has been mixed into drugs since he was a teenager. Now he's 20 and despite trying my best to get him out of this lifestyle, he doesn't seem to notice or care how much it's destroying him. How much like his drug addict father he has become, the one thing he once said he didn't want to be. Our mum refuses to see him in this state, so I feel a sense of responsibility to at least check up on him every so often. I'm always worried about how I'm going to find him, my mind sometimes wandering to the worst possible scenario. 
I shake that thought away and let out a sigh, just as a complete asshole speeds off on his bike merely inches beside me; causing me to step aside to avoid him hitting me and as by doing so, I fall to the ground with a thud. I feel anger start to boil up inside me but before I can shout obscenities at him, he's already gone. "Hey sis, you comfortable down there?" I snap my head back around to face a grinning Barry. I stare at him with an irritated look, letting him know that I don't appreciate his shitty attempt at a joke right now. I get myself up, brushing off the grass that's stuck on my jeans from the fall.
"That asshole almost hit me! And he didn't even stop to see if I was okay!" I exclaim. 
"Oh shit. That's that little fucker, Rafe Cameron. He came in demanding shit with no payment. I told him to go screw himself. I guess he didn't take it too well." Barry says, chuckling to himself. Rafe - Of course it's Rafe. If it weren't for the fact he zoomed past me like that, I would've recognized him instantly. I babysat for the Cameron's a few times to get some extra cash, mainly looking after the little one, Wheezie. Sarah and I used to sit and talk, I'd let her braid my hair and we'd watch movies together even though we're seven years apart. She's pretty mature for her age.
"Since when is Rafe into drugs?" I ask curiously, walking up to Barry who has found a seat on a log. He shrugs his shoulders in response, his lip curling down as if to say "I don't know" but he still comes up with an answer, "When are Kooks not into drugs? They're probably raised on that shit!" 
I dismiss his response, not wanting to talk about Rafe any longer. I ask him how he's been and he gives me the same bullshit answer as he always does. But he's alive and breathing and not completely drugged out of his mind in this moment so that's good enough for me. He asks about mum, I know it hurts him that she doesn't want to see him. I think it hurts him even more than when his dad left, and all I can do is try and comfort him. Barry can be a real dick at times, but I know that he's good person deep inside. That's why I can't give up on him. 
He tells me he's going to a kegger at the beach tonight and I should tag along if I want to. I used to go out a lot before I got my job at Maritime Corporations but I didn't want to be involved in any kind of trouble so I stopped. Us Pogues already have a bad reputation as it is, I didn't want anything affecting my new job. I think about it a for a minute and decide that it's about time I let myself have some fun, so I agree to meet him there later on.
I decide upon a matching two piece outfit and as the sun goes down, I make my way to the party. As always, there's a mixture of Pogues, Kooks and Tourons - I can feel the uplifting buzz in the air. I walk onto the sandy beach, scanning around for Barry or any other familiar face. Someone suddenly bumps into me, and as I turn to see who it is I am met with a pair of striking blue eyes. "Jesus Rafe! You really don't look where you're going, do you?" I say, letting my annoyance show through.
"Y/N! Good to see you! It's been a while!" He says, an arrogant smile plastered on his face. His arms are wide open, each hand holding a beer. After seeing what drugs and alcohol have done to my step-dad and Barry, I've become hesitant to do any of those things anymore. I scoff at the state he's already in, considering the party's only just begun.
"Has it been a while, really? Because from what I remember you almost ran me over earlier today!" I reply, shooting daggers at him. His expression changes from confused to sudden realization. "Wait, that was you?!" he raises his voice whilst pointing at me. It doesn't seem like he actually understands the severity of it, because he's still got that stupid grin on his face.
"Yep." I say, letting the 'P' pop. "That was me. Unfortunately." I reply, smiling at him sarcastically as I cross my arms. He loops one of his arms around my shoulders, bringing me closer to him. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that was you!" He says, failing to sound genuinely apologetic. I sigh and attempt to get his arm off of me but he only tightens his grip. He places one of the beers into my hand and turns his head to me, "Here, take this - as an apology for earlier."
I can smell the alcohol on his breath, his pupils are almost all black; most likely from the combination of drugs he's done. It makes me uncomfortable, almost repulses me. I tell him I don't want his beer but he insists so I hold onto it just so he can get his arm off of me. I finally spot Barry in the near distance and he sees me too. I shrug Rafe's arm off my shoulder without saying a word and walk towards Barry. 
We start talking to each other for a while before Barry's gaze hardens and focuses on something behind me. I turn around just as Rafe stops in front of us with his little gang, Topper and Kelce. "Have anything good tonight?" Rafe asks Barry. Barry chuckles in response, "Yeah, I do. But there ain't no way in hell I'm sellin' you any after the shit you pulled on me today."
That certainly pisses Rafe off, I can see the desperation in his eyes. It makes me sad seeing how hooked on this shit he is, part of me feels the urge to help him but it's not my place to get involved. Rafe storms past me, and shoves Barry, threatening him to give him something. Barry of course, finds this amusing and pushes him back. They start to argue loudly and I realize that if I don't end this now, things are going to end very badly. 
"Guys! Can we not do this tonight? Can't you act like adults just for once in your lives?" I say, standing between them. They stare at each other but slowly back away. I put my arm around Barry to guide him away and he follows along. Until he doesn't. Out of nowhere, he decides to turn back around and punch Rafe square in the face. Rafe's about to fight back but is held back by his friends. I run to Barry, grabbing his arm and dragging him away. I start to lecture him about what he'd just done but to no avail. It goes in one ear and comes out of the other. Thankfully, Rafe doesn't follow.
Barry and his druggie friends decide to ditch this party, inviting me to go with them. I look behind me, seeing Rafe in the distance with his hand on his face. It's covered in red liquid. Blood. I tell them to go without me, that I want to stay at the party longer. Once they've left, I make my way over to the Kooks. I don't know what's come over me or what I'm going to do exactly, but I feel like I need to fix what my brother's done in some way.
"You should probably get that checked out." I say, as I approach Rafe. His face is tilted upwards in an attempt to stop the bleeding and he doesn't look too happy.
"You think? Where's your brother? I just wanna talk!" He says frowning whilst looking behind me frantically. This macho-man act is actually pretty amusing. Men are such weird creatures.
"He's already left. And even if he was here, you'd think I'd let you go 'talk' to him?" I say, chuckling and tucking away some strands of hair that have fallen onto my face behind my ear. He doesn't reply, so I continue. "No but seriously, you really need to do something about your nose. Like, now." I say, noticing how the bleeding is still pretty bad.
"I'm fine" is all he says, but I can tell he's in a lot of pain. So I walk closer to him and lightly tap my finger on his nose. He shrieks in pain, moving backwards. "Fuck Y/N! Why'd you do that?!" He shouts, shielding his nose. 
I can't help but chuckle, "You said you were fine, I just wanted to see if you were telling the truth. Obviously, you're not. So shut up and come with me." Grabbing his forearm, I guide him through a path away from the beach towards my friend, Isabella's place. It's only a five minute walk and she so happens to be a nurse so she'll be able to help.
"Where are we going? You're not going to touch me up are you? Not that I'm complaining, but it's kinda hard to do anything when your face is gushing with blood. We can surely arrange that for some other time though." Rafe says flirtatiously , it seems like he doesn't lose his "charm" even when he's injured.
I can't help but laugh out loud at his comment. "As if I'd have sex with you. In your dreams, Cameron." I reply. We arrive at Isabella's place and I notice the lights are all turned off. I think for a moment before remembering where she leaves her key. I know she wouldn't mind me going into her place, we're pretty close. 
"Uh, so... Are you going to murder me and dump my body over the pier? Because I can't think of another explanation as to why we're at some random house right now." He says, looking at me a little more innocently this time. I smile, amused by his reaction. I shake my head and grab the key from a nearby plant pot. Opening the door I guide him into the kitchen, where I manage to find the first aid kit. I can feel Rafe staring at me and I try to ignore the weird sensation in the pit of my stomach.
"I'm just going to clean this up." I say, gesturing to the mess that is his face right now. "Luckily for you, my nurse friend taught me a few things." He has a cut on his nose and upper lip, I clean it with some antiseptic and cotton wool and add some pressure until the bleeding stops. There's already a bruise showing through and I'm worried his nose might be broken. I gently feel his nose and he winces, grabbing my wrist to stop me from continuing. 
"It doesn't feel like anything's broken, just some cuts. But you need to keep an eye on it anyway, just in case." I let him know. Suddenly, I become aware of our close proximity and the fact he still has his hand wrapped around my wrist. He looks at me and says, "Why are you helping me?"
It catches me a little of guard, but I guess it's a valid question. "Because you're hurt. I couldn't leave you to bleed out after what my brother did." I reply honestly. He finally lets go of my wrist and I take a step back.
"You could have left me. I'm just a rich Kook to you, you must think I deserve it." He presses, his expression is hard to read but I can tell he wants a better answer. I look to the floor then back up again "You do deserve it, but it doesn't excuse what Barry did. He shouldn't of hit you. It just didn't feel right leaving you like that." He nods at my response, not seeming completely satisfied with my answer but he doesn't push further.
There's an awkward pause before he speaks again. "So...you have something I can take?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. I know immediately what that "something" is that he's referring to. I frown, feeling annoyed but mostly disappointed in him.
"No. Do you really think I carry drugs on me?" I ask. There's another pause before he replies, "Well, do you?" I let out a groan of irritation. I can't believe this dude. 
"I don't do or carry drugs on me. I'm not like my brother. In fact, I despise that shit." I say in response, running my fingers through my hair. That seems to surprise him, "I just thought cause your brother is into it, then you would be too." He says, blatantly. I scoff, rolling my eyes at his ridiculous statement. 
A pang of sadness hits me, and I lean my back onto the dining table. I find myself speaking before I can stop myself. "You know, for the longest time I've been trying to get him out of this situation but nothing's changed. Every time I come see him, I'm worried about whether I'll find him lying dead on the floor. It scares me so much. And I also feel guilty, because I feel ashamed about people knowing we're related. I don't want them to get the wrong idea about me too. I know I shouldn't feel that way but I do." I can feel my eyes fill with tears but I blink it all away. Rafe is looking at me, but with a different expression this time. Pity?
He slowly walks over to me, stretching his arm out to gently place his palm on my cheek. This action takes me by surprise but instead of flinching away, I lean into it. "Y/N, it's not your fault. None of this is. You're a great sister, I can see that. But unless he wants to change, he won't. You need to stop constantly thinking of him and put yourself first for once. And no one thinks of you that way, I shouldn't have said that. It was a shitty thing to say." He replies with a completely new tone to what I'm used to from Rafe Cameron. It's sincere, apologetic...heartfelt. Next thing I know, I'm looking at his lips. I don't know why, but something about his plump, pink lips makes me lose all focus. I snap out of it, moving away from his touch and place the first aid kit back in the cabinet.
"Well, you're as good as new! Almost." I say, trying to forget what happened a second ago and lighten the tension between us. I lock the door behind us and we make our way through the dimly lit path towards the beach again. Just before we've reached the party, he turns to face me whilst walking backwards. He's got his usual grin plastered on his face once again. "I'll see you around Y/L/N." He says, winking at me. I can't resist the urge to roll my eyes, "Hopefully not, Cameron."
My luck doesn't last long because I see him again two weeks later at work. It catches me completely off guard, it's the last place I'd expect to see him at.  As I walk past my boss's  office, which is enclosed by see-through glass, Rafe is standing next to his father who is conversing with my boss. They're both laughing at whatever their talking about, whilst Rafe is trying his best to look like he's listening. I can tell he's completely disinterested by the way he's looking around, trying to find anything mildly amusing to look at. I giggle at myself at the sight of him just as he  notices me and I quickly look away as if I wasn't just staring at him. I glance back at him again. He's still staring at me but now there's a grin on his face.
I continue walking to the printer room to collect my documents. As I wait for them to print, I shift my weight from leg to leg. I bite my lip, a sign that I'm feeling nervous. It's like I've unconsciously taken a mental picture of Rafe's face when he looked at me and I can't get it out of my head. I try to suppress the smile creeping up on my face by biting down on my lip harder. My colleague, Sam, interrupts my internal struggle as he walks into the room. We chat about work, trying to make the time go by faster. Once we've decided we've been gone for too long, we make our way back into the main office. 
My boss, Rafe and his dad have all relocated to the main hallway outside his office. He signals to Sam and I and we walk up to the three of them. I try my best to suppress the odd feeling at the pit of my stomach, and I look at everywhere but Rafe. We introduce ourselves to Mr Cameron and our boss lets us know we'll be joining him to an event that Mr Cameron will be hosting. It's going to be about the new joint venture of Maritime and Cameron Corporations. We will be needed to introduce the new scheme and answer any questions from possible investors. I nod in agreement, putting on my best 'professional' face on as I normally do in these types of situations. 
As Sam, who is my senior/mentor, explains the finer details of this project along with our boss, I hang behind pretending to listen. In reality, I'm staring at the coffee machine which stopped working two weeks ago and no one has bothered to get it fixed yet. I look around again, trying to find anything else I can occupy my mind with. To my 'luck', my focus lands on no other but Rafe; who once again, is already staring back at me. We discreetly smile at each other knowingly, both thinking about the fact that I caught him slacking earlier and he caught me slacking this time.
He takes a step closer to me and then looks to his side. When he is satisfied that the others are too engrossed in their conversation to hear him, he finally talks "So this is where you work." 
"Yep, although I didn't expect to see Rafe Cameron working around here. Or at all," I add sarcastically.
"It wasn't my choice," he lifts his eyebrows and tilts his head towards his father. "And I do work...Just on other things," he adds looking down at his biceps which his shirt does a great job of outlining.
I mentally shake my head and try to think of a way to change the subject to stop any dirty thoughts from entering my brain. "Your bruise is gone." I lift my finger slightly to point to where his injury used to be. The one I personally treated not too long ago. It briefly brings me back to the moment his hand was on my cheek that night, and the fact I didn't want him to take it away. I really need to stop thinking about him touching me, or any parts of his body. I need to stop thinking about him, period.
"I had a great nurse," he winks. He leans closer to me, whispering this time, "Oh, and by the way, you look hot in that outfit." I immediately feel warmth in my cheeks and  I mentally tell myself off. I shouldn't be reacting this way to Rafe Cameron. I instinctively roll my eyes at his crude comment.
"You know that counts as harassment in the workplace, right?" I reply, feeling smug about my response.
"Does it count if the recipient likes it though?" His rhetorical question catches me off guard, but I try my best to hide the affect it has on me. Can't say if I actually did a good job at it though.
"Don't flatter yourself, Cameron." I shake my head and cross my arms.
"So I'll see you Friday then?" I frown in confusion, not recalling making any plans with him. Of course, he is referring to the business event his dad is hosting.
"I'm guessing your dad's forcing you to go to that as well, in which case, yes - I will see you Friday." 
"Honestly, I was going to find an excuse not to go but it turns out there might just be a reason to go." He has his hands in his pockets and looks me up and down. He means me. But I don't take him seriously. He mindlessly flirts with practically everyone, so it doesn't mean anything.
I hear Sam call my name and he reminds me of our meeting which starts in a minute. I start walking towards him but not before I turn back to Rafe and smile, "Sure."
The event comes around pretty quickly since I've been so focused on preparing myself for it. It's the first official event where I'll be representing the company and I want to make sure I get everything right. I decided to go with a lilac figure-hugging dress and nude heels. It's definitely a lot dressier than what I'm used to wearing but it feels good for a change.
Sam agreed to pick me up and we meet our boss at the venue. It's a beautiful place adjacent to the sea. There's a large gazebo decorated in white with gold accents and fairylights. I follow my boss as we make our way towards Mr Cameron who welcomes us and explains how the event will run tonight. I make small talk with Rose, Mr Cameron's wife, expressing how delighted I am to be there. I spot Rafe walking over to us and I can't help but think how good he looks in his light blue suit which brings out the colour of his eyes.
He greets us one by one, finally walking over to me. He extends his hand for a handshake and I extend mine. His skin is incredibly soft and it makes me wonder what it would feel like against my body. He holds onto my hand just a second longer than necessary. Not long enough for anyone but me to notice, and it definitely makes me feel a certain type of way. I let go and look away, trying to hide the warmth creeping up on my cheeks; just in time for Mr Cameron to lead us to the stage where we'll be introducing our new company venture.
It's already half-way through the night and I'm completely exhausted. I have lost count of how many people I've spoken to and my cheeks hurt from forcing myself to smile so much. Thankfully, the hard part is over and my boss has given us the okay to enjoy the rest of the evening. I decide to explore the rest of the venue to give myself a break from all the people and noise. As an introvert, it's exhausting being in social situations for too long.
As I slowly walk through the corridors of the venue, I stumble across a door labeled 'Kitchen'. It's slighly ajar and I can hear faint voices coming from it. As I walk a little closer, I see Mr Cameron with his back to me and I realise he sounds kind of pissed but is trying to keep his voice down. 
"You're a fucking disappointment. All I needed you to do is one simple thing and you couldn't even do that!"
It doesn't take long for me to find out who he's talking to because Rafe steps into view shortly after. He's looking down at the floor with his hands in his pockets. I've never seen him look so small before and he almost looks like he's about to cry.
"Look, dad. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." He finally looks up at his dad, with an apologetic look on his face as he paces back and forth.
"Sorry? That's all you've got for me? Sorry just doesn't cut it son! I'm embarrassed to even call you that! You're a sorry excuse of a son!" Mr Cameron's voice becomes louder and before I can register what's happening, his palm collides with Rafe's cheek.  Rafe looks so completely broken that it makes me want to walk in there and take him away from the situation. But I don't. Instead, I walk away because if I was caught eavesdropping I would definitely be in trouble with my boss.
I join Sam back outside but my head won't stop replaying what I just witnessed. I try my best to sound normal as I talk with Sam, but judging from the expression on his face, he can tell something is up. I see a light blue suit dash across the crowd towards the beach. I make up an excuse about needing the bathroom and make my way towards the sandy shore. The only light illuminating the beach is the distant lights of the venue, so it takes a moment for my vision to adjust and spot Rafe. He's sitting on the sand with his knees propped up as his arms rest on them.
I join him and he glances at me before looking back at the moonlit ocean. "What are you doing here?" He asks.
"I wanted to see if you were okay." I reply honestly, fiddling the handle of my purse and taking a seat next to him.
"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" He turns his head, with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. I contemplate about whether I should bring up what I saw and before I can decide against it, my mouth blurts it out. 
"I saw what happened. With your dad." I say, biting my lip. He doesn't speak straight away and the silence is making me nervous.
"Oh that? That was nothing. We were just talking about work." He chuckles uncomfortably. 
"It didn't look like nothing to me." I reply. I wait for him to say something but he doesn't, so I continue. "You can talk to me if you want. I know it won't fix anything but it might make you feel better to let it out."
"S' just like my dad said. I'm a big ol' disappointment. Can't get anythin' right." I notice the slurring in his voice and I can tell he's wasted. He brings the beer he's been holding to his lips, downing as much of its contents as possible. Normally, I would probably suggest he slow down but this doesn't feel like the right time to do that.
"You're not a disappointment." I respond and mean what I say.
"Yeah? And how do you know that? All I do is get high and wasted, right? What else am I good for?" He harshly wipes his eyes with the palm of his hand and I can see the tears welling up in his eyes.
"It's okay to cry, you know. It's not a sign of weakness."
"I am..not..crying." He clears his throat, trying to sound more convincing. 
"Fine. But if you are, that's okay too. Men are taught to suppress their emotions and that showing them makes you weak. But it doesn't. It just makes you human." His head suddenly falls between his knees and he's crying. No. He's sobbing; Uncontrollably. There must be a lot he's been holding onto.
There's a heavy feeling at the pit of my stomach and I truly empathise with him. I've seen how his dad has treated him before, when I would babysit Wheezie. Although I dislike Rafe, I still think his dad was being a complete asshole at the time. I guess he hasn't changed much.
I wrap my arms around him, not saying anything else. Just letting him release everything he's been holding in. A while later, the sobbing quitens until it eventually stops. I've still got my arms around him and as I look over at his face, I realize he's fallen asleep. I try to wake him up but that does absolutetly nothing. I guess whatever he ingested earlier must have completely knocked him out. I gently lay him down on the sand and I lie down next to him. There are only a few stars in the sky tonight, and before I can finish counting them, the darkness engulfes me too.
I wake up, the morning sun making my eyes squint shut. I turn to look away, only to face an already awake Rafe. His eyes look even more blue in the morning sunrise. "Hey" he says. 
"Hey", I reply as I sit up. I look ahead of me and watch the calm waves detract and retract from the shore. There's an awkward silence between us, but I'm too tired to care this early in the morning. I grab my phone from my purse to check the time. 7 AM. There are a few texts and missed calls from Sam asking where I went and I quickly type back a reply letting him know I'm okay. Hopefully my boss didn't notice I was gone too.
"I should probably get going." Rafe says as he stands up, wiping the sand off of his clothes. I stand up too, nodding in agreement.
"Do you need a ride?" He turns to me. I'm about to politely decline when I remember that Sam drove me to the event.
"Yeah, that'd be great." I nod. The thought of being in a small enclosed space with Rafe is making me nervous but I try my best to hide it. We walk to his car and I give him directions to my apartment. We make small talk and I find out that Jurassic Park is his favourite franchise. Who knew Rafe Cameron was into dinosaurs? When we arrive to my place, I thank him for the ride.
"Thanks Y/N. For last night." He glances over at me before I have a chance to get out of his car. I look back at him and smile, hop out of the car and close the door behind me.
I see Rafe again a few weeks later at work. My boss and Mr Cameron are having their monthly catch-up meeting; Rafe is also there and we exchange a friendly smile as we walk past each other. I want to ask him how he's doing but I suppress the urge, continuing on with my work. I had almost managed to get him completely out of my mind, but there he is again. One glance and the feelings come flooding back.
A couple of days after this I decide to pay Barry a visit. I walk up to his trailer and notice his door is ajar. This isn't that unsual for him so I just let myself in. I call out his name but there's no answer. As I look around for any sign of him, I start to hear shuffling coming from the direction of his room. His bedroom door is also half closed and as I push it open I am surprised to see Rafe frantically looking through Barry's wardrobe.
I frown, unsure of how to react. "Rafe? What are you doing here?" I say, hoping that his explanation will make some sort of sense. He looks over at me looking startled, his eyes look like they're far away. He stumbles over towards me and places his hands on my shoulders.
"Y/N! I need your help. I need you to tell me where Barry keeps his stach!" He says with a desperate look on his face.
"I-I don't know Rafe. I don't know where he keeps it. Did you break in?!" I say, trying to make sense of what is happening.
"He refused to sell me any so I had to get it somehow!" He replies, going back to looking through Barry's belongings. My confusion starts to turn into anger.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! If Barry finds you, he'll kill you! I can't believe this! You need serious help Rafe!" I exclaim, but that doesn't stop him from his search so I continue. "Did something happen? Why are you being like this?" He finally stops, throwing whatever he was holding onto the floor and turns to me. He's hyperventilating and I can tell he's suffering. All I want to do in this moment is to make it stop.
"I tried Y/N. I really tried to stop. I was doing well for a few weeks and then...then my dad.." His gaze moves from me to the floor and his hands are gripped tighly at his sides.
"What happened?" I ask him, the concern evident in my voice. I can't even try and hide it right now. I take a step closer to him, urging him to answer. He tried to sober up?
"Nothing. It's nothing." He finally says, shaking his head whilst glancing between me and the floor. His gaze finally settles back to me, "I just need you to help me find it. Please."
I have never seen him look like this. Something really bad must've happened for him to be acting this way. Rafe Cameron has always been a little unhinged, but never to this extent.
I shake my head and try my best to sound confident in my words. "I can't Rafe. You have to leave."
That doesn't seem to be the right answer because he momentarily shuts his eyes, shakes his head and goes back to rummaging through Rafe's room. I lunge forward, grab his arm and turn him towards me. "Stop it Rafe!"
His expression turns into anger and he grabs me by the shoulders, shaking me. "If you're not going to help me, then get the fuck out!" He shouts and pushes me backwards. His aggresive action startles me but I stay put where I am.
"Look - if you're going through something, you can talk to me; but you can't do this. Okay?" I  say, trying to calm him down but to no avail.
"It doesn't fucking matter! It's not even here!" He growls in frustration and attempts to rush past me to exit Barry's bedroom; I grip his forearm and turn him to face me.
"Rafe! Just stop!" He's about to turn away from again but my grip tightens, stopping him in his tracks. In one swift motion, I take a step toward him and do the last thing I can think of to calm him down. I place my lips on his. It's only a soft peck and it only lasts a couple of seconds before I pull myself back. "Stop" I say, my voice below a whisper. We're both looking at each other, his expression is softer than it was a few seconds ago. His gaze falls back on my lips but he doesn't say a thing. He just crashes his lips on mine and grips my face with both hands. I place mine on his forearms  to balance myself.
Our kiss is much more intense this time around, lust overflowing from the both of us. And I can't stop because I've realised that this has been building up for a long time now. I want him. He walks me backwards until my back finally touches the window. He lifts me slightly, sitting me on the window's ledge but our kiss never breaks. His tongue caresses mine and my whole body starts to tingle. My hand falls in between his legs and I can already feel the growing bulge through his jeans. This only turns me on further. I want to make him feel good, to show him that this feels so much better than the drugs and the alcohol. That he can stay sober.
Without hesitation, I unbuckle his belt and pull down his zip. I finally break our kiss and start sucking on his neck. He lets out a moan and it makes me smile, knowing that I'm making him feels this way. I slide my hand inside his boxers, taking a hold of his cock. 
"Fuck" He breathes out. I pull out his length from his jeans and start pumping back and forth. His hands grip my thighs as they slowly move towards my heat. He kisses me aggresively and I can feel the wetness between my legs. "I want to touch you" He says as he pulls back, looking down where his hands are inching closer and closer towards me. All I can do is nod. He slips my skirt up and quickly pulls my panties down, exposing my pussy. He doesn't waste any time before his fingers collide with my clit and I gasp at the feeling. He rubs circles with his fingers and I continue to pump his member. It's not long before he slips a finger inside of me and I can't believe how euphoric it feels. 
I start moving my hips back and forth, wanting to feel as much of him inside of me as possible. This prompts him to slip another finger in and I moan in pleasure. He pulls my top and bra up with his free hand, exposing my breasts and he immediately begins sucking my nipples. It feels so good that I could cum this second. I push him off of me and for a second he looks surprised until I kneel in front of him and he realises what I'm about to do.
I pump his cock a few more times before I lick from the base to the tip. He gasps, and I look up at him, enjoying the view. I finally fully take him in my mouth and start to suck him off whilst using my hands at the base. He extends one arm in front of him, placing the palm of his hand on the window to steady himself. 
"Fuck Y/N. I need to fuck you. Right now" He exhales, then pulls me up and pushes me back up on the window ledge, although a little harder this time. He laces his fingers through my hair, grabbing a handful at the base to keep my head still before he kisses me deeply. God, he's such a good kisser.
"Rafe" is all I manage to say before he thrusts himself inside of me. It takes me a minute to adjust to his girth but it quickly turns from discomfort to pleasure. He thrusts inside me with force and I never want him to stop. I mutter his name over and over again because that's all my mind can think about. Him. 
His right hand moves to carress my clit whilst his left wraps around my throat. I look up at him and he's already looking at me between his hair, which has fallen in front of his face. That's all it takes before my moans get louder and I reach my climax. He continues to thrust in and out of me until his own climax takes over and he fills me up. We're both breathing heavily and we sit there for a moment before he finally pulls out of me. I immediately feel his cum trickle down the inside of my thigh. 
Suddenly, the front door slams shut and I hear Barry's voice booming from the other room. Rafe looks at the door and then back at me and we both breathlessly mutter in unison "Shit."
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nyxofdemons · 1 year
i can't believe i didn't realize this sooner!! i'm back on my Blitz' Scar Speculation bullshit and this time i come bearing posts about it
so, i think it's possibly canon - or at least for now, the primarily agreed-upon fandom take - that Blitz (and Fizz) both got their scars/disabilities from an alleged circus accident; one that was likely Blitz's fault, and that's why Blitz harbors so much resentment for his past (the guilt he refuses to show or admit he carries) and why he and Fizz have so much animosity between them (among other reasons like Fizz's success and Blitz's constant failures).
when s2e1 dropped, i figured that Blitz's scars (and Fizz's as well) were going to be from Paimon, when he inevitably found out that kid Blitz had stolen all his shit and went and trashed the entire circus with them inside as revenge. (This would also explain Blitz and Fizz's hostility to one another - while it's generally agreed-upon that Blitz hates Fizz for his success and Fizz hates Blitz for being the reason he lost all his limbs - i always felt that it was kind of straining credibility in the latter? Fizz seems more... amused by Blitz than anything. he just makes fun of him and embarrasses him in front of crowds. and i know he's on a stage and has to keep up appearances, but i also feel like he's just a bit too casual to be harboring hatred over something so intensely traumatic and life-altering. if Paimon is the one who burned down the circus, then while it is technically Blitz's fault, it's so much more the fault of Blitz's dad, which would then make it completely understandable if Fizz was resentful to Blitz for what happened, but not putting the whole of the blame on him.
i also feel like this might have been set up just a little in the beginning of the episode:
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the show makes a point of telling us that Blitz, even at this age, knows exactly how bad it will be if he's caught, and even argues with Cash about it after the point of Blitz helping his mother out is made. he wants to help his mama so badly and he's still deterred.
coupled with the fact that Fizz's accident was foreshadowed heavily not just in the same episode, but in the very same scene:
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lends some credibility to this idea!
(it would also put into perspective the fact that Blitz and Stolas didn't see each other for twenty-five years. the way Stolas talks about it - "you could have asked to visit, you know" and "over two decades since i last saw you" - gives me the impression that Blitz did just sort of disappear on him. i highly doubt there was ever a goodbye, and there's no way Stolas could possibly know about it if Paimon is the one who gave Blitz his scars, otherwise apologizing profusely for it would have been the first thing Stolas would have done upon seeing Blitz, no matter how long it'd been.)
this photo.
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they're much older in this picture (i'd peg them at about 16-17 here) than they were in e: The Circus (where i'd put them at anywhere from 6-8).
and so,,,,, what the fuck happened, then?
because Blitz doesn't have his scars, and if he was six in The Circus, and about ten years older in the photo, then he can't have seen Stolas in at least nine years before this photo was taken (because when they meet as adults it's twenty-five years after meeting as kids, and Stolas confirms they haven't seen each other since then).
so what gives? because i find it hard to believe that Paimon wouldn't have noticed all his shit got stolen for nine years, would have gone back to the circus and burned it down all that time later, and - most importantly - that if the scarring happened that recently because of Paimon, that Blitz would have been okay going back to Stolas not even ten years later - with the memory that fresh, and not only that, but having happened when he was a teenager. the perspective shift is just so different. i can't imagine kid Blitz holding a grudge the same way teen Blitz could.
all of this to say: i literally don't have an answer. i have no fucking idea what happened to Blitz and Fizz and this circus and i am SO curious to find out how this shit went down. girl what did they do to my babies
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
And what about their children? What happened there? Or well how did it happen?
Okay, so the AU has a lot of different variants, so it depends (I like making ones where they have their children way earlier for added drama) but as of now it goes;
-They get found out not to be hollow on their 21st bday, they kind of get sick of their parents when theyre 23 and almost completely break off contact with them, only interacting with them in professional settings and being very formal
During the time they've isolated themself from their parents they end up fostering a 12 year old boy Beezley and eventually adopt him
After some years and some Bullshit happening with my bastard moth Norel and their near-death experience (or two), they've let the anger go over the years and end up trying to reconnect with their parents. The three of them slowly work on their relationship, go to family therapy and get closer over the next few years.
They introduce them to their boyfriends sometime later. Flower ends up living 50/50 in the palace and with their partners. And of course Beezley is introduced to his grandparents.
Sting and Spectre (named after their siblings) are born when they're around 28. At that point they've been doing alright with their parents, we're officially recognised as their child to the public and even made their heir, so PK and WL are very much involved in their grandchildren's lives from the get-go and help take care of them. Sting is absolutely a grandpa's little special girl.
Like five years later they have a fourth child, Tally, who was technically named by Lummis' sister.
Uh so, that's basically the rundown? The details are basically just cute domestic stuff
I can tell you that literally all 3 times Flower/PV was extremely anxious about being a parent. With Beezley, it was the fear of repeating their parents' mistakes and being a bad parent. With Sting and Spectre, it was the fear of them dying because of void or having health problems, or Petunia having health problems or even dying because he carried them, AND because it'd be the first time they'd have to deal with newborns and very young children. And third time around they were more relaxed but still terrified of pregnancy and the delivery. Just a huge ball of anxiety all around.
Oh and for context, the fight with Radiance happened when they were like 22 and the confrontation with Soul Master when they were around 23.
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thisheademptyyeet · 1 year
🫵YOU. Tell me about your furry ocs neow
Oh boi, bet. cracks knuckles
I had like two sets of ocs but since I know which ones sparked curiosity on you, I'll talk about the second set, perhaps I'll talk about the first one soon.
Anyways to give some context, when I was like 15/16 years old (beware of the cringe), I had like a project that I wanted to do after I gave up from the first one. The project was a comic called "Blood Moon".
I never got finish it and I don't have any pages because I wanted to have the story all figured out before starting.
The "story" was about an universe were anthropomorphic animals and humans exist together, the humans (as always) are pieces of shit and didn't liked the furries so there was wars, slavery, torture and shit.
At some point it all ended and they live in 'harmony', except that some people still tortured and slaved the furries illegally. Now we have to know about how there's furries both in the city and in the forest, in the city they all live with the humans, have jobs etc.
In the forest there's villages and they're all of single species, like, bears only, wolves only, lmao.
The main focus is a village of wolves, in which Ares and his wife Star are the leaders of said village.
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And they had a baby called Luna, a small wolf cub. So cute :[.
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Also there will be some design changes through the post since I don't have much drawings to illustrate them. I will point out everytime a different design appears.
Anyways, shit goes down when a group of humans invaded the village and commited genocide and stole cubs, including Luna. They took her to a hidden cabin in which they tortured and sell furries as slaves. (I'm starting to realize how edgy and fucked up this story is, what the fuck... anyways.)
Luna ends up being sold for a man and he "raises" her as some guard dog in which he uses to intimidate and kill people who owe money for him. She grows up and yada yada yada, until one day he tested her limits and she ripped his head off :].
Now, she's a huge ass 1,93 cm tall buff wolf with no one to control her ass (this is why you never mistreat your puppies, they might kick your ass sooner or later/hj).
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At some point of the story she runs off to the forest and oh my god what an inconvenience, she found an wolf village! And what another great inconvenience, she also found her parents!!! :0
I forgot to mention but they didn't died in the genocide, they managed to escape and runned off to another area to live, so yeah, these bitches are alive.
And they now have four more kids that they didn't lose, I could explain how they found out that they're all really related since Luna is a lost child, how she reacts about her parents having other kids after she got kidnapped and other stuff about the lore. But honestly, this post is way too long and I dislike this story so I can't stand writing more shit about it LMFAO.
Tho I will say that I erased all of this bullshit and now they all live normally, no more drama. They're happy now and live in a farm.
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Also have some memes:
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 5 months
Okay so the entire AU is based on the dream I had, albeit only partial scenes were in the dream. I'll mention 'em.
So the basic thing is that there's two Dekus. They got split into two different guys after an encounter with an OC of mine who I have lost all the lore on, but her quirk lets her split people apart based on personality traits. For Deku, that was the "hero" aspect, that was attempted to be kidnapped captured and utterly failed, and the "villain" aspect, being whatever parts of Deku could have become a villain if the circumstances were different.
-In the original dream, this like? Had taken place in the alleyway where the Stain fight happened? With the same guys from the Stain fight showing up?? So I guess my brain replaced Stain with some gray-pink haired villain who tried to throw a villain! Deku out into the world by force. Plus, in the original dream The Guys had found two Dekus just passed the fuck out on the ground ,and just. Took them to hospital. Vs my thoughts about the AU since then have been focused on the idea of Villain Deku just fucking off from the area while Normal Deku stayed passed out.
Now, on top of the "the heroic part of Deku" and "the villainesk part of Deku", the split also unconsciously had partly split up One for All. Only partly since this was Not intentional. This was WAY before we found out the details of One for All's whole "passes down all quirks in a way not just itself" thing, and frankly I have zero idea now how I even knew about Black Whip because I wasn't looking at the manga. And I didn't see it in the anime until like, a year ago, 1-2 years after the dream. So?? Okay then. Either way, in the AU the only quirks I've thought about are the base super-strength One for All, plus the Black Whip part.
Now, both of them have access to OfA, it's just that it's more difficult to control if it's not the "natural" one. For the "natural" stuff, Normal Deku kept base OfA, while Villain Deku got Black Whip. So like, Villain Deku can use Black Whip about as much as Normal Deku can use OfA, but Villain Deku breaks his leg after trying to use 15% of OfA and Normal Deku still loses control if and when Black Whip comes out. (Ik that Black Whip is part of OfA in the current day but for simplicities sake I'm just gonna refer to them as seperate quirks) Thus the joke I made about Villain Deku holding his leg together with Black Whip.
I do also feel it's important to say that Villain Deku can act. He's Aware of what he was split off from, while Normal Deku is not.
Now, any story I've thought of for the AU came at least partly from the dream, but stuff is super blurry about it now outside of the last scene of it. Again, I'll specifically mention it later, but for now, the bullshit that my brain came up with for a story?? Kinda crack treated seriously at parts, maybe. Idk
> First things first, Villain Deku doing his bestest to act and not punch a guy in the face, is the one to go to school first. This act apparently works, because nobody thinks anything weird or Deku up until Normal Deku rushes in, apologizes for being late, before making eye contact with Villain Deku. The class freaked the fuck out in the dream, as in screamed. Idk if that's in character.
> All Might tried to figure out which was the real one via the normal "ask stuff only the true one would know". Except they're both the true one, just different parts of a whole. So like, they both knew OfA, All Might's trauma stuff with AfO and his teacher, ect ect. All Might said "Well Fuck" after the interview with Normal Deku, in front of Normal Deku, freaking out Normal Deku.
> Zero idea how, but one way or another they both just. Become part of the class. Don't ask me, my dream just announced it via the. ....I don't think his name is Serizawa the scarf teacher with quirk disabling quirk.
> Again, no idea how we got here, but one way or another Normal Deku and Villain Deku are fighting in the place where the student's first physical assessment took place in?? This is the thing with the clearest dream stuff, but that is not a high bar to clear. I cannot remember if this was during the day or night, it might've been both/time passed from day to night?? Either way, it's OfA vs Black Whip, basically, since outside of their quirks they both have the same set of skills. Neither win, the dream just ended with Normal Deku sobbing and yelling to stop doing this at Villain Deku, so uh! That's certainly something!!
Admittedly I have not thought of much actual story besides just brain mush about the idea, outside of whatever the fuck my dream threw at me. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted
It's interesting enough<3 I love dreams that make enough sense for a plot
Your Blackwhip. Prediction is something XD haven't you kinda dreamed of things in the past before they happened/you found out about them? I think you did something like that with Genshin.
Also. Would Villain Deku technically want to get rid or normal Deku/heroes?
And the scarf teacher's name is Shota Aizawa.
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wastoidwill · 2 years
a random "why byler will be canon"
last night on my twitter (@/mikeswillvoice), I held a space (to which only 2 people attended, but alas I will be doing another one tonight, so!), and I talked about some parallels involving byler, so here's a list and some basic thoughts I had.
Jancy/Byler Parallels — so, to start, the main one I talked about was the car scene. quite literally a direct parallel.
"people say stupid things when they're drunk"/"you can't listen to him. he's high out of his mind. he doesn't know what he's talking about" (I don't remember nancy's exact words, but this is similar to what she said, I'm too lazy to go look) "yeah, but, that doesn't mean I didn't mean it"/"that doesn't mean he's wrong"
not to mention the context of the conversations being the exact same. a wheeler being in a relationship and not telling the person they're with that they love them, and where a byers is reassuring them and encouraging them to say it, if that's what they really want.
2. Stancy/Mlvn Parallels — the biggie with this one is the bedroom scene with mlvn paralleling the school scene with stancy.
"so tell me [...] that you love me"/"you never say it [...] you can't even write it, mike" "everything is bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit"/"from mike, from mike, from mike, from, from, from, from"
and that's just steve and el. nancy's and mike's words parallel each other too.
"I was drunk"/"you're being ridiculous"
3. jopper/byler parallels — there's one specific scene parallel between the two ships that really seals the deal for me: their bickering in season 3.
when jopper is bickering at the cabin before going back to the lab, there's music playing in the background. that same exact music plays when byler is bickering at mike's house later on (the scene for context:
"they're conspiring against me" "that's what you're concerned about right now?' "it's not my main concern, it's just a sub-concern." "I thought it was over already" "it's not over, we're just...taking a break" "she said she dumped your ass. that doesn't sound like a break."
(the context has been given, moving on).
the thing, though, is that the context of the bickering is similar between the two ships. jopper is talking about how joyce had gone to mr. clarke to try and learn about her magnets, standing up hopper on their date at enzo's. byler is talking about how el dumped mike, but he's still concerned about that, even with everything going on.
that's all for now, just some random thoughts. if you join the space tonight, I may or may not discuss more about byler. there's some other fun things I want to share with everyone, too (random things I'd written years ago that I found in my art box). stay happy my friends! :)
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alwaysaskerurihan · 1 year
How long have the three of you been friends?
Erwin smiles, leaning forward on his desk, his fingers lacing together. "Although I'm considerably older than Hange, I actually befriended them pretty early on when they joined the Scouts. I found their interest in understanding titans and naturally impressive intellect fascinating. It was good to meet someone so ready to ask questions, like myself."
"It's just a shame they're a complete lunatic," Levi mutters from the corner of the room, sipping some tea as he stares out of the room.
"Levi is just intimidated by how far I am willing to take things sometimes," Hange declares to the anon with a massive grin. They direct their pleasure at Erwin. "You can be such a softy sometimes, ya old charmer." They lean one elbow on Erwin's desk and prop themselves up on that hand. "We're probably going back about ten years now. We should celebrate! Dinner in Mitras again. That place we went last time."
Erwin chuckles. "If this expedition goes well then all three of us will be visiting the capital to give our reports. So perhaps we can."
"Great." Levi mutters.
Hange waves off Levi's tone. "Erwin will do most of the talking, I'll report our findings. You just stand there and look badass."
Levi turns away from the window and eyes Hange. "You mean get peppered by a hundred stupid questions from those merchant pigs."
Hange shrugs, their grin disappearing and replaced with a grim commiseration. "Yeah."
Erwin clears his throat. "Levi and I had an unusual meeting to be sure and even after he agreed to fully commit to the Corps, it was a while before we became particularly friendly."
"You mean I took a while to start taking in your bullshit," Levi snorts though there's an upward tug on the corners of his mouth. He eyes the anon. "I took his vision on board and after I was promoted, we spent more time together and somehow I became his friend. Don't ask me how," he adds with a roll of his eyes in Erwin's direction.
"I think it's cute." Hange teases. "You're like chalk and cheese."
"You and Levi are not so different." Erwin remarks. "Some might say your friendship is fairly inexplicable too."
"Oh it's fucking explicable," Levi walks over to the empty chair near Hange and sits down. "They pretty much badgered me to be friends." He takes another sip of his tea.
"Yes I did," Hange shrugs with pride. They turn back to the anon. "It took a while. Levi doesn't have what you'd call social graces but working together on the battlefield helped to build up our bond."
"Yeah despite their lack of volume control, restraint around titans, sense of personal space and privacy, Shitty Glasses is pretty competent on the battlefield."
Hange beams as if Levi hasn't just insulted them on multiple fronts. "He likes me really." They mock-whisper to the anon. "That's pretty sweet of you, Levi," they remark with an exaggerated wink. However, a moment later, they sit up a little more and their face shifts into neutrality. "Our squads trained together a lot and rode near each other in the formation too." Stroking their chin, they paused. "I'd say we've been friends for about four or five years now."
"If you say so, Shitty Glasses."
Erwin half-smiled, half-smirked at the two of them then refocuses on the anon. "Even after so long, they're still like this. But it wasn't that long after these two became friends that we all spent more time together. So it was a similar timescale. I hope that answers your question."
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jennawynn · 10 months
Enterprise Season 4 18-finale
Episode 18
So this is the episode they were filming when they found out they were cancelled? It's almost strange to think about it now in the era of streaming when the show gets filmed in entirety before it gets released and then two weeks later, you learn it's done. I wonder how you have the motivation to still do your best when you know you're getting fired.
The intro is interesting, but doesn't hold a candle to the real one. The effects are obvious, but it does its job in showing us what the people of this earth value- might over exploration.
Travis's little earring :joy:
I know Jolene Blalock was a model but do they always have to be putting her in low-rise pants if not skintight catsuits?
They even replaced the pics of Enterprise ships in Archer's quarters with weapons.
Guess you can't have hyper-masculine military shit without degrading women.
Bakula's still not very good at being convincing.
Episode 19
You know... this two-episode chunk has apparently been a fan favorite... but I'm guessing it's mostly nostalgia and seeing this crew in the uniforms of TOS(?). I'm not enjoying it at all. It is kinda funny seeing how colorful these sets are though.
Nice touch that it has the blaring alarm and name 'Battle Stations".
I guess they were planning to have more of these mirror-verse episodes in future seasons, though I can't believe they continued shooting and airing these episodes after hearing they were cancelled. It was complete whiplash and I didn't find that universe interesting at all. There isn't even an explanation about how or why we're returning to normal Enterprise between episodes.
Episode 20
Sometimes I think these fascist/xenophobic plotlines are too on the nose and then I remember they're from 20 years ago and then I remember that we've always had to deal with bullshit like this. Even a hundred or two hundred years ago. The only difference is which side the heroes are on and how sympathetic the villains are in the story.
I just realized every person in engineering is apparently an officer. In fact the only time I've ever heard anyone referred to by an enlisted rank was in the mirror universe? I mean... Enterprise is (supposedly) exploratory but Starfleet has some military aspect to it. Maybe it's the former-enlisted in me but how does anything get done if it's all officers? lmao
Episode 21
ok I actually laughed when Trip did the delayed punch on the guard. "Go ahead." "Ok."
of course the xenophobic leader is a hypocrite who uses alien dna. it's kinda lazy tbh.
They sure do like taking huge risks with tons of lives, don't they? Good drama, bad tactics.
Archer's speech here feels like what the whole series has been building to. I'm surprised that it wasn't the finale.
Oh... I was expecting the show to go to 24. I thought we were still a couple eps from the finale. I didn't realize this effectively IS the finale.
Vulcans 150 years from now have French tips, huh? lmao
Episode 22 (These Are The Voyages...)
It is pretty silly that they've been supposedly doing this 10 years without any change in personnel or even a promotion. Talk about no upward mobility.
Why would they mothball Enterprise after ten years of operation? The carrier Enterprise was like 50 when it was decommissioned and it basically running on duct tape and paint.
I'm wondering if I should've watched this along with TNG instead of Enterprise.
The first time we see Chef and it's Riker. lmao Fun fact: My cousin's named Ryker after him.
....why'd he kiss T'Pol's cheek? Gross.
ok, I thought this holoprogram was actually historical- that he was inhabiting chef while it was on and just seeing himself do the things, but repeating what was actually said. but then he slipped up and said 'Picard' instead of 'Archer' and Travis was like 'who?' which means that was RIKER asking Hoshi if she was ever attracted to Trip. Why? WTF? Is Riker a skeeze?
Ah, they have a warp 7 now. Guess that's why mothball. "To the Next Generation."
Only because it's the last episode and only because Troi (sp?) said something about it being sad he doesn't know he doesn't make it do I think they might actually take Trip out. That and the weird questions Riker's been asking about him like he's trying to figure out who Trip really was.
I don't like the 'formal' uniform variant. It looks like the flight suit with a white collar.
Really? They make a big deal out of the speech and then don't even let him-- oh, I guess they're saying that the thing Picard always said was part of Archer's speech?
I don't think I understand all the vitriol about the episode, but I do think it was an inappropriate sendoff. For one, you go the whole damn series without killing anyone just to kill Tucker and then you don't even actually memorialize him. For the other, it feels more like an episode of another show (TNG) than it does about Enterprise. Not knowing the story in TNG means that this is even more apparent to me- it's not nostalgia to me, it's just someone using the show I've been watching like a voyeur.
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annakie · 10 months
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So, some thoughts and screenshots on the first few hours of BG3 --
Indyara is my Half-Elf Bard. She's a character I have played in several D&D games, wanting to find a game where her backstory mattered and we actually finished the game. I'm actually in that game right now, playing every other Saturday morning, though there was one other game it... almost worked out for her.
Bard is my favorite D&D class, going back to when I played one in a 3/3.5e game for several years in the early 2000's, and I played BG1 & 2 with one.
Decently high CHA (16) but not sacrificing INT, DEX, and CON (14) while having a bad WIS (9) and STR (8). Let's see how that works out for her.
High Half-elf for that sweet CHA bonus and getting Firebolt, so I have an actual useful damaging cantrip. (Do not ask me for my diatribe about why everyone is wrong about Vicious Mockery being a good spell unless you want an earful.)
Absolutely fuming that they still are leaving the version number up and it's visible in screenshots. Cannot believe that oversight. Also that they leave menu buttons visible in cutscenes, what the fuck Larian? Found out last night that apparently hitting f10 should stop that, but that removes the entire UI and obviously you need to turn it back on. But for now my entire first day's of screenshots and videos look like ass and I'm mad about it.
Lots of screenshots and commentary below the cut. I didn't make it too far in-game and honestly I don't talk about the plot much.
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Hey, look lady, we're both stuck here. Indy is very patient and diplomatic, whatever it takes to make it through every day as unscathed as possible, but this one might try that patience. At least she's useful. Let's see if we can make a friend.
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Indy did save Shadowheart from her pod, but the way she and Lae'zel bicker is already giving her a headache.
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Well this certainly is a development, and I'm sure whoever these two are will be completely unimportant in the hours to come.
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I told myself I wasn't going to savescum when I failed a roll, but look, I'm not about to let Indyara Nat 1 on a CHARISMA check about magic when she very first meets the future love of her life. I reloaded this one.
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Indy's initial impression on meeting Gale: a few seconds of "Wait, THIS is the one I'm going to fall in love with?" met with "Oh. I get it." a few seconds later. Very smart, polite, charming and funny? Sign me up, please.
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Plus, we look great in screenshots together.
(Indy's hair is definitely lighter in sunlight than I intended, her hair was supposed to be brown with pink streaks (for bardic flair) but it comes out looking dark honey in direct sun. Ah well.)
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A few minutes later though "Wait, this one is as charming and me, and extremely heroic? Are you SURE we made the right choice? They're both great. Can't we have them both?"
(Sorry Indy, we don't need two high-CHA characters in the main party. He's saved for another playthrough.)
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Oh come ON. This isn't fair. Another one?
Poly mod... when? Or at least a list of who is officially OK with poly in-game? Shadowheart is growing on me, too, after a bit of a rough introduction.
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I'm sorry, Astarion. I already took a level dip in rogue to be the party trap/lock skill monkey since we're bringing along the Wizard, Cleric and, for now at least, the fighter. (We'll see how long that lasts. This game needs more tank companions. Though I don't mind companions that are challenging, generally.)
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I love having a camp again. Need better camp clothes, though, for all of us. I did do the Twitch Stream unlock thing, but haven't found those rewards in-game yet. Anyone?
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Literally already started unlocking the Gale romance by the time I was just wandering around the Emerald Grove area. He loves almost every decision I make and I'm glad of it.
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...of course there's a catch.
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Hahahaha holy shit, Volo! I love being a bard in this game and loved bullshitting Volo, and he loved knowing he was getting bullshitted.
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See, wasn't this a nice time, ladies, listening to this other bard sing? Let's have less bickering, more listening to Bards. <3
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Astarion... I'm just not into Vampires. At least not with this character. Still, I like you. I wish I could have offered to help him find food here instead of just sending him away, but I let him down easy.
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Indy found a cute hat at camp and is wearing the FUCK out of it. I mean look at her! And it helps with song of rest! (though it does considerably shorten her hair, but hey, it's a MAGIC hat so that's just part of the magic.)
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I've played a Larian game or two before so I picked up Speak with Animals as one of my first level spells and do not regret it. However, I feel like I didn't help this Owlbear enough, though I let her and her cub be. Probably missed out on something cool here. Again, I'll pick it up in another playthrough. I'm trying to not google for answers to every puzzle this time and just play through blind.
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Oh no, Gale is into some other woman... oh wait that's Mystra. I get it, you're a wizard. And I'm a smart Lore bard who's also very into magic so uh, let's make some magic happen? Also, sorry we got this cutscene when Gale was at like 2hp so he's all bruised up. I love that it shows on the character models though.
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Ohhh wait you DO want to make magic together? I'm down with that, and got to put bardic flourishes on all my responses to Gale's instructions. I LOVE this game, I LOVED this scene. Though I hate what the magic VFX did to Indy's face here.
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Oh my God, is this the first flirt scene!?! Tell me it's the first flirt scene!!
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I imagined slipping my hand into his hand on a romantic walk and... he liked it. This was very, very sweet. And getting to flirt over a shared love of magic was... *chef's kiss*
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I'm also making great progress with Shadowheart. Okay, we can be BFFs. <3
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Things to come indeed, Gale.
In Early Access I didn't get very far and honestly I think last night I made it about as far as I ever made then, or close to it. I basically went "Whelp I love this game, I don't want to spend my time playing through this now when I can go through it fresh later in like a year." (and then it was THREE, but that's fine.)
I'm fighting Phase Spiders but fuck that, I might come back when we all hit level 4. That fight sucked. I am trying to make "good" choices but have probably really screwed some stuff up. i feel bad that Astarion and Wyll get left at camp but they don't fit into my party makeup (I think I'll do a Paladin next and bring both of them along instead of Gale and Lae.)
Absolutely love all of the chances to shortcut quests and fights by Barding / persuading / lying my way out of it. So few things I don't love so far, though I definitely feel like I'm stumbling my way through the dark, not knowing if I'm doing the right things.
Can't wait to do almost nothing this weekend but play BG3. A full day of work, first, though. :(
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fridayflores · 10 months
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** A MAL TIEMPO, BUENA CARA ** ⟨ alba "friday" ovejero-flores ⟩, the ⟨ 33 ⟩ year old ⟨ raider (scientist) ⟩. don’t dare and confuse her with ⟨ christian serratos ⟩. she is a ⟨ former marine and global-1 scientist ⟩, born on ⟨ august 28th ⟩. she is ⟨ cisgender female ⟩ and uses ⟨ she/her⟩ pronouns. she has been in ⟨ redwood ⟩ for ⟨ 2 months ⟩. ( as written by thea. she/her. CET. )
The person/s who found her when she first arrived in Redwood, wounded and alone.
People she knows from before the Outbreak.
"Flores. Line up."
Spiking pain shot through her legs with every step she made. She followed curtsy, then instructions, just to end up standing in front of her commanding officer. He's a kind-looking Colonel called Bricks, but Caleda doesn't dare to underestimate the hardness of his punishments.
"Alba Obejero-Flores. Callsign "Friday". 31 years old. Graduated High School at 16. Competed in numerous competitions and won numerous awards. Got scholarships offered for seven out of eight Ivy League's, including one Full Ride from Cornell. Graduated Cornell's Multiple Science Program at 22. 90 percent on the Enlistment test. Joined the Marines right after graduation, spent two years of your service in various countries, serving abroad. Let me ask you one good question, Sergeant Flores." The man almost slammed her file on his wooden desk, then finally looked her into the eyes. "Why the hell are you here? Why would you become a Marine, with this degree? The military has science corps, too. You could have joined one of those and still gotten the training, if you're that keen on enlisting."
Taken aback, Alba stood there, frozen to the ground like a block of ice. She has no direct answer to his question, none of which she can say out loud. "The money's good, Sir."
The Colonel yells at her for a solid five minutes, before she's allowed to apologize and redeem her answer. "That's bullshit.", he says, "Tell me the truth." Alba breaks her posture, leans forward and puts her hands on his desk. He doesn't do anything about it, too curious to hear what she has to say. She would get her punishment later, rightfully so. "Because I was sick of working in a field that had more monsters than I was able to defend myself from." Colonel Bricks laughs a bitter laugh, shakes his head. "And the military doesn't have monsters? Cruel men and women?" Alba takes a step back into standing at attention, her dark eyes following his movements and reactions. "Oh, it does, Sir. But at least they taught me how to fight back and kick ass before trying me."
Bricks stayed silent, then slammed another file on the table. This time it included a contract. "Someone saw and liked you, Flores. They're offering you a way out of this hellhole." Alba looked down at the file, read the name of the company listed on top, and shook her head. "Not a chance."
The year's 2035, and the not a chance has long turned into if they pay me enough. Alba's not keen on putting her hopes into finding mostly useless cures for diseases that will likely always find a way to return, anyway, but the money Global-1 offered is good, and the work she has to do is fine, too. It's come down to a compromise with the Marine Corps, three months of the year she helps training the newbies, and the other nine months she's stuck in laboratories, helping surprisingly competent scientist finding cures and meds.
That is, until she's approached by one of the leading scientists, and he asks her if she's sick and tired of working on currently hopeless cures already. Of course, she's too curious to say no, so her answer is "Yes", and of course he already has a different program offer to make. Her badge leads her further down the building, deep into the somewhat cellar, levels below earth. This place I'll never get out alive, she knows, either because something will kill her, or someone. She has no choice - now she knows about what Global-1 is truly doing, and she can either contribute and possibly find a way to destroy the system from within, or die.
In 2037, Alba spends one day out of the laboratory. She's currently working on a bacteria, manufactured to break down miles of agriculture with one single infected plant (and she has been ever since she signed her second contract, purposely not making real progress). That's when something goes horribly wrong. She gets her letter of dismissal in the mail the same day, and is told to never go back to the laboratories ever.
Alba's not dumb, so all she does is listen, and Colonel Bricks is not dumb either, so when she asks for her old position in training back, he gives it back to her, no questions asked. The outbreak happens and she's with the military for a good three years, but it doesn't take long until she gets separated from the rest of her legion, along with a group of fifteen others.
They fight their way through the wild and through the zombies, but the group minimizes rapidly, and in the end, Alba is crawling over the ground, bullet stuck in her left shoulder. There's no bite, but blood all over her, her military jacket in bad condition, but her machine and sniping gun are perfectly fine. And so are the contents of her backpack - things a scientist needs, various knifes, a compass, a few maps.
The wound on her shoulder heals badly in the cell she's thrown into, and her soul doesn't start healing at all, and likely never will.
But Alba hasn't only seen and done bad things. Before she started working on bacteria that destroy, she had worked on cures for seemingly incurable diseases - so she starts searching for something, something that defends, something that cures, now that she is finally safe.
Or is she?
While Alba has openly admitted to being a Scientist and trying to find a cure, she told the Council and everyone else that she's not and has never been affiliated with the company Global-1. She claims that her materials come from a fellow scientist that was with her group, and that she hasn't worked in the Science Field since she's graduated college, but joined the Marines instead, because she was fleeing from violent family. It is possible that other's might find out, though, given she keeps her keycard badge and other things beneath a loose tile in her small hut.
Since arriving, Alba has been trying to figure out biological defenses to keep everyone safe, including ones to put into the wall, meaning she has been working on wall security as well, but she hasn't made progress with that yet. But on one of her raiding trips, Alba has collected foxglove. The only progress she has been making so far is creating a numbing cream out of said foxglove, but users often experience immense side effects, such as dizziness and sickness for days.
Alba speaks with a spanish accent, and mainly uses spanish curse words.
She never mentions her origins, or her family. Nobody knows where she came from, the only information she will share is that she was born and grew up in Nashville.
Alba received her callsign through the saying "Friday, Funday", because on Friday's, she'd often pick up fights with touchy men in military bars, while being drunk herself.
( " radio call | threadnumberthreadname )
( " secret invasion | alba florers. ) / musings
( " true personas revealed | event name )
( " xy | person name )
( " xy | visual )
( " xy | task )
( " xy | questions answered. )
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saevus-brutalis · 1 year
fine you get more, gay
should I ask about fights or differences again and then get mad at you for it? yes, but I'll go with 2 and 4 🤲 feed me
coward [ship tag game]
2. do they like each other's friends? do their friends like them?
neither Vince nor Ragan really get to meet each other's friends and if they do, it's not often for a long time. both Vince and Ragan are from two very different worlds thus they have completely different assortment of friends.
Vincent's inner circle of friends is rather small, and most are not friends with each other or are fond of one another. those with whom he has more of a professional relationship — Dino and Jefferson — don't really give a shit about his private intimate life; it's not their business hence why they're neutral towards Ragan - if they even know of him. Reginald — Vince's ripper and an old friend from the army — ain't too fond of Ray and their relationship in general; he fails to see the good in him and only recognizes how much pain Vincent went through because of him. he thinks he makes Vincent too soft which will end up killing him in the long run. he does nothing however to ruin their relationships, but doesn't fail to voice his doubts.
when it comes to Ray's friends Vincent is pretty neutral, a bit guarded though. he doesn't have anything bad to say about them but he doesn't make an effort to be super friendly with them or get to know them more. they're a part of Ray's clan and he treats them as such, helps if needed around the camp, drink a beer or two when Ray isn't around; crack a joke maybe, but in the end he doesn't really care. if Ray likes them, Vince will make sure to be nice towards them.
Ragan generally likes Vince's friends, although he has to admit Vince's choice in friends is rather questionable. his old pals or work friends make him a bit uneasy and he personally wouldn't be too thrilled to be around them alone. they just don't match Ray's vibe - too cold, too rude, too city-like. they haven't done anything to Ray for him to have a bad opinion about them, so he doesn't really have much to say about Vince's friends.
Ragan's friends are really confused and feel conflicted about Vince. they're a bit scared of him in fact, intimidated for sure. they look at their relationship with a dose of skepticism, but eventually manage to warm up to Vincent and treat him as equal.
4. how do they compare to each other's exes? are they the same "type" or an upgrade/something different?
after they separated in 2038 Vince had a few flings after he came back from the army, lots of one-night-stands, and one more serious relationship of 5 years with a rockstar, which eventually ended up in a mutual break up. Vince's type are rockerboys and nomads, so neither were really an upgrade nor downgrade, both were just from two different worlds, with two different backgrounds. Vince never really got over Ray, and while he did love Kerry when they were together it jus wasn't the same type of love Vincent had and has for Ragan. neither relationship was better or worse; both had some bad moments, but with Kerry Vince and him wanted different things from each other, and Kerry had a tendency to try and mold Vince into someone he wasn't. meanwhile Ragan doesn't try to change Vince while still calling him out on his bullshit. he accepts all the imperfections about him and who he is on the outside and the inside.
after Ragan got stood up by Vince he threw away all his feelings for him - or at least he tried - and started sleeping and dating around with whoever he pleased, trying to fill the hole in his heart left after Vincent. when he met Dante - leader of a clan he later joined after being on his own for over 2 years, he thought he finally found someone he can start something meaningful with. Dante was a really great friend, warm and funny, outgoing and loud - with him Ray didn't really have time or space to think about Vincent and dwell of what could've been. while Dante had so many green flags and seemed like a perfect guy he was a bit too perfect for Ray. many people would consider Dante an upgrade when comparing him to Vince, but Ragan thinks otherwise, and when Vincent eventually came crawling back it didn't take much for Ragan to take him back - his unpolished, uncut, rough diamond.
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