#and not the fact my character isn’t who he says he is
emmie-writes-stuff · 2 days
So the new chapter is out and GOOD GOD do I have some thoughts and a lot of them don’t make a whole lot of sense but I can’t not talk about this chapter
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Firstly, Kaiser looks adorable (never thought I’d say that about him outside of my head but here I am)
Secondly, holy hell my heart hurts
He didn’t deserve this, no child deserves this
The fact that he had to “go to work” and just steal
HE HAS NO SHOES his little feet have got to hurt, or they’ve completely calloused up from not wearing shoes, but even then (speaking from experience) it still hurts to walk on hot ground and rocks and other stuff on the street
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Yknow, I understood him hating milk before (because milk is disgusting) but now I get it even more
What a stupid reason to get upset, imma kick this waste of space excuse for a father in the fucking face AND balls because ITS FUCKING MILK
Eat some damn fiber or somethin if you got constipation issues
Who let this absolute scum of the earth reproduce???
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All the other shit went down before he was even double digits
But dangerous situations create smart kids, and Kaiser was very smart to start saving his own money
I used to have my own stash in case I ever had to run away (long story, we’re not getting into my family issues in this post, but yeah)
At least he has shoes now, protect those feet plz, they’re what keep you upright and moving
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Soooooooo are we gonna acknowledge that he treats the soccer ball the same way he’s currently treating Ness orrrrrrrr
But like, it’s nice that he has an outlet to channel his anger into that isn’t a person (at least for now smh)
It’s really interesting seeing how each of the characters came to play soccer
(Side note: but he throws the ball at a picture of a woman, could he maybe be imagining this woman as his mother?)
His mother also deserves a kick to the face if I have anything to say bout it
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I have no words for this
Just, can I steal him? Please? I’ll give him a good life
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Fuck the snitches, how dare they
Also, you can clearly see his ribs defined, and that hurts me
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I love that he was willing to let go of everything
He was ready to start fresh with getting money, was cooperating with the police, until the soccer ball was threatened
Because that is his most valuable possession
The money doesn’t matter, but the ball is a symbol to him of something that won’t leave him or hurt him
It’s a very small sense of independence and stability in this very unstable and controlling environment
The ball is heavily implied to be the first thing he ever bought for himself, it’s what defined a key part in his life
Taking that away is like taking away his soul, his outlet, and comfort, and Kaiser just couldn’t stand for it
There’s so many more things I’m thinkin and I have way too many incoherent thoughts for tumblr, but these are the ones I was able to clear up and make sense of
This chapter hit very deep and while my past doesn’t involve much physical abuse and struggles to this level, it was hard not to empathize and relate my own experiences with abuse with the ones in this chapter
I don’t wanna get into shit, it’s not somethin I exactly wanna put out in the public, but there’s so much here that I could understand and relate to and it just made everything so much more difficult to read (in a good way I guess)
Just, GOD, why did I have to become a fan before this chapter came out???
Okay, that’s my ramble for this, bye before I start going on even more tangents
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cherryzlem · 2 days
My talk on the TikTok-ification of ‘I have no mouth and i must scream’
I personally have discovered ihnmaims recently and through TikTok but honestly, from what i've seen so far, the Tumblr community is way more welcoming than the TikTok community. I believe the ones i call ‘hardcore fans’ or 'gatekeepers' will try all they can to belittle the people who discovered the book/game through TikTok, like any hardcore fan does for their community when it gets famous on TikTok.
TikTok is very helpful to share media on and i have discovered many fandoms through it. But some people are so against ‘TikTok-ification’ that they can’t stand when people find medias through this platform.
When i see some people (again, mostly solely on TikTok) tell AM fans ‘ermm but you know he SA’d Helen ☝️🤓’ i cant help but think ‘yes ?? And he also committed genocide on humanity, keeps torturing the same 5 people over and over again and im very, VERY sure he did use a lot of not really nice kinds of tortures on them, but you draw the line at SA ??’
Like, AM is a horrible being of course, all of these are horrible actions but if someone, like me, likes AM its not gonna be because they think they’re a good ‘person’ (for lack of a better word), WE KNOW AM is bad, of course we do, HE’S THE BAD GUY OF THE STORY and he’s the kind of bad guy who cannot be redeemed but COME ON, WE KNOW THAT.
I love AM for his writing, for how well thought he is as a character, i do not love him for his actions. And i know some 'new gen fans' will pretend AM is not 'that bad' but you shouldn't just assume every fan who comes from TikTok is going to think like that.
Another thing i’ve seen people hate on are AM’s humanisations/personnifications fanarts when posted on TikTok. I know for a fact that these existed for a long long time on other platforms such as Tumblr but the arguments the haters pull out is that ‘errr AM hates humanity, i doubt he’d want to be human ☝️🤓’ but do you even know WHY he hates humanity ?? Have you read the book ???
The reason AM hates humanity is because he wasn’t able to express the creativity he was given by humans, he didn’t just wake up one day and decided to hate humans ?? If anything, giving AM a more humanized/personified image would be something he would want more than anything. If AM had been able to BE like a human none of the shit he did would have happened.
The only ‘argument’ im willing to listen to is when some people say that the whole point of AM’s character is that he isn’t human. But then again, are you against fun ?? In literally EVERY fandom with non-human characters artists will give them humanized designs, even if just for AU’s (take ‘The stanley parable’ for exemple), it’s not because the story is old and is an horror story that people cannot have fun with it. It’s not because it’s a deep story with meaning that people can’t do what they want with it. That is what creativity is for.
And my final point is addressing the people who hate on AM's simps. My gosh, these people have not seen the dawn of the internet if they think its weird to simp for AM.
People simp for Glados, The Narrator from tsp, horror movies murderers and more, and you're telling me that AM is the worst simping choice you could make ?? Let people have fun, let people have weird taste in fictional crushes. In other words:
Stop being allergic to fun, ffs
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The Ball
Pt. 1. Justine
This isn’t actually about the entirety of the Ball in GO2. It’s specially about the character, Justine. She is Maitre d' of the French Restaurant "Marguerite's" on Whickber Street(from the Wiki).
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One thing that we know about the Ball is that Aziraphale is controlling people to some extent. They all start to talk like they are in a Jane Austen novel. Some of their clothes change. The guests even dance a choreographed dance that they most likely do not know the movements to. This is all weird in and of itself. It needs a whole detailed post, but this one specifically is about Justine.
Before the Ball, Aziraphale goes to her restaurant to invite her to the “Street Trader’s Association Meeting.” During their conversation, Aziraphale speaks French and she answers in fluent English. I don’t know how bad or not great Azirapahle’s French is, but she does not react very well to it. She is very busy during this moment and translating broken French is hard at the best of times. Now, he continues to speak in French which annoys her which makes sense. She’s super busy, but also he speaks to her as if she can’t speak English. Justine specifically states that she is fluent in English and has lived there for 15 years(note that she says this as if she has told him this many times). He just ignores the comment and continues on. Another note about her speaking is that she does not have a really intense accent at all. From her perspective, this older gentleman who was never interested in the meetings is coming to bother her about coming to this meeting that she doesn’t really want to go because it makes her life harder because of the dinner rush and this is all happening during the lunch rush. All whilst have to translate his terrible French.
Now, let’s jump to the Ball. The next time that we see Justine is when Nina walks into the bookshop. Nina walks through the doors and it gets significantly darker outside with more fog. Her clothes change to be a little more “dressed up.” Everyone is talking differently than usual. Some people are speaking like they are being controlled more then others(for example the intensity of their Austen wording). Mutt and his fiancé are the first to speak. Both have an English accent. The next person to speak is Justine. This is where it actually gets weird because Justine(during the Ball) has a strong French accent. The first thing she says is, “Ah, bonsoir. It is, how do you say, a fine night for dancing, no?” Which confuses Nina enough that she asks Justine what’s going on.  She gets answered by Mr. Brown.
So this was a very long winded post about Justine’s speaking during and before the Ball. Questions....Where did the intense French accent come in? Why does she have one during it, but not before? Is that something to do with Aziraphale? Also why does she speak like she believes that she doesn’t know English all of the sudden?(“how do you say?” she says fluently because she is in fact fluent...) There’s a deleted scene where she talks about have a peanut allergy during the Ball, and she speaks with an accent and still speaks like she doesn’t know she’s fluent.
My only real theory on the accent is that it has to do with the way that Aziraphale was controlling them. Maybe, he created characters for each of the people so that his ‘play’ would work out the way he wanted it to. For example, Mutt and his fiancé were the sweet couple who had polite conversations with everyone and asked questions. Justine’s character was almost similar in that way. She was polite. In theory, well-liked and known because of Marguerite’s. Also, she seems to be more intensely controlled than others, because she had said earlier that she would need to leave before 7. She doesn’t act like she needs to leave. She’s very calm. In comparison with Ms. Sandwich who does recognize that something is wrong, and becomes slightly stressed about it. Once she explains her job though, she calms a bit and with Jim, she seems even more “calm”.
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Lastly, there’s a parallel between Aziraphale not listening to Justine say that she is fluent in English and ignoring whilst at Marguerite’s and the Metatron not listening to Aziraphale whilst also at the same restaurant...
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miyamiwu · 20 hours
What names mean to Kaiser + How roses represent curses
Thank you @gachagon @hooudie212 and @blrpr for responding to my meta prompt. Your insights helped shaped mine. And now that my classes for the week are over, I felt free to ruminate on this topic while washing the dishes earlier. I’ll now share to you guys the conclusion that I came up with.
But before I start, let me just acknowledge how @gachagon made some great points about what Kaiser’s and Ness’ names could mean and how it ties together to their roles as King and Pawn.
However, all your arguments involving name meanings hinges on the premise that Kaiser knows what everybody’s names even mean in the first place… And surely he can’t be that aware? Still, it’s an interesting take on what the author’s intent was in choosing their names.
But whatever Kaneshiro truly intended is hard to guess. So in this meta, I’m gonna focus solely on Kaiser and how his mind may have worked.
Without further ado, let’s go—
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Although it’s unusual in German culture, the original members of Bastard München address each other by surname:
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We could just brush this off as the author’s way of appealing to the local Japanese audience, considering how some foreign players in other teams also call each other by surname (e.g. Lorenzo saying “Snuffy” instead of “Marc”). (Though, there are some who do address each other by given name, like Agi saying “Chris” instead of “Prince”, which is more true to reality.)
However, this meta isn’t about those other foreign players, nor is it about Bastard München as a whole.
After chapter 260, I find it impossible to brush off the significance of names to Kaiser, especially when his backstory literally begins with an introduction of his name:
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The boy’s name is Michael Kaiser.
The chapter didn’t start with “Michael Kaiser’s childhood was something no child should want or ever endure.” It started with “The boy’s name is,” in one box all to itself, distinguishing it from the rest of the text on the page.
The emphasis of the Name on the very first page tells us straight away that names are an integral aspect of Kaiser’s character.
However, despite this established importance of the Name, throughout the rest of the backstory, Kaiser is mostly referred to as “the boy.”
The one other time Kaiser’s name is brought up is this panel:
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With an alcoholic, gambling addict father beating the crap out of him every chance he got, the young Michael Kaiser grew up.
But notice how the Name is included in the sentence. The first part talks about the abuse, or the cause, and the second part with the Name talks about the result.
I don’t know how accurate this would be since I’m merely referring to a fan translation, but the way this sentence is worded, plus the sense of detachment evoked in calling Kaiser as “the boy,” is sending out the message:
Point #1: Michael Kaiser is not the boy who was abused. It was the boy who was abused who became Michael Kaiser.
This point also ties in well with the last words of the chapter:
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At that moment, something in the boy snapped. No, not snapped… Born would be more accurate. That something is…identity!
He was a Boy first before he was Michael Kaiser.
With this, the Name now holds even more weight.
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Further along chapter 260, context on “Michael” is given:
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Paired with the first page of the chapter, this specific panel hammers home the notion that the Name is important.
Let me bring attention to this part:
‘Michael,’ the name that the mother gave the boy shortly before she left
and then this:
was never uttered by the father. Not even once.
Seeing that Kaiser had no friends, peers, or other adults around him growing up, it can be assumed that only the Mother had ever called him Michael.
But she left. She left after giving the name.
And the Father refusing to call him “Michael” precisely because it was given by the woman who left would also constantly remind Kaiser of this fact.
This makes two things clear in Kaiser’s mind:
The Mother who called him by his given name abandoned him.
The Father who refused to call him by it never left.
Point #2: To call someone by their given name is to abandon them.
Kaiser calling Isagi by given name is therefore his way of “abandoning” him—or, in other words, eliminating him. Yoichi is someone he must eliminate if he wants to live a successful life, like how the Mother who gave him the name eliminated him from her life to become a popular actress.
Kaiser not going by “Michael” also makes sense with how he wants to become a strong person who doesn’t give up easily (re: his conversation with Ness in c243). Why would he go by something that reminds him of abandonment when he’s trying to keep going?
As for why he goes by his father’s surname instead of just giving himself a new name entirely… it’s a lot more complicated...
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From the same page as the previous panel, we have this:
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Yet, the father treasured a rose the mother had once given him. The boy didn’t understand why the father kept something from someone who ruined the father’s life.
The Father kept a rose from the Mother who left.
In the same way, Kaiser goes by the surname of the man who had made his childhood a living hell.
Both are keeping something from someone who ruined their lives.
To understand why Kaiser goes by surname, I think we must first understand why the Father kept the rose.
As @aiulbones pointed out in the replies of this post, the unwilted rose in the glass is a Beauty and the Beast reference.
There are lots of variations on the fairytale, but from what I remember of the versions I’ve read as a child, there was no one rose in a glass. Instead, there was a rose bush or rose garden. The rose in the glass—or simply, the Enchanted Rose—is actually the trademark symbol of the Disney 1991 adaptation.
In the Disney movie, the Prince was cursed to be a Beast and must find true love before the last petal of the Rose fell. To protect the Rose and possibly slow down the fall of its petals, it was encased in a glass dome.
When Belle betrayed the order to stay away from the West Wing, she came across the Enchanted Rose, inciting the Beast’s fury:
Most people think the Rose represents Love, but it’s not. If it did, then it’d make no sense for it to make the relationship between Belle and the Beast worse.
In contrast, at the end of the movie, right after Belle says “I love you” to the Beast, the last petal of the Rose falling is shown, and shortly after, the curse is broken:
(skip to 01:13 in the video)
In short, the Rose is a representation of the Beast’s curse. It does not represent love. It does, however, also represent a search for love. And only when that love is found would the curse break.
The Father keeping the Rose represents his inability to let go and move on from the woman who left him. He hates her, but he’s also still obsessed with her. This obsession has become his curse. And like how the Beast was unable to form a deep connection with Belle while he was being overprotective of the Rose, the Father is unable to love Kaiser as his son because he is still obsessed over the Mother.
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Now, let’s go back to Kaiser.
I agree with @gachagon’s idea here:
I see Kaiser using his last name as opposed to his first name as a thematic symbol of him rising above the circumstances he was born in. His surname may be shared by a man who cared nothing for him, but he can make it greater than that man ever was and have it be a title befitting just him.
Also love @pinkinsect’s thoughts:
his father never actually called him michael so i wonder if that name feels foreign to him? if kaiser is a reclamation of some sort
Kaiser going by his surname is a way for him to rise above the Father who abused him. This is nice and all, but remember, Kaiser also has a Rose—the blue rose tattoo.
Roses represent curses.
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(order of images is top, then left to right. Click on the image to read.)
According to Kaiser, the blue rose symbolizes the achievement of the impossible. A symbol of defiance. But what is he defying?
I was originally a mentally weak person. I constantly gave up when I faced things I believed to be impossible.
Kaiser is defying the idea of being weak, of being helpless, of being trash—an idea instilled in him by his Father.
His curse is his childhood trauma. And the fact that the Rose is blue—representing the impossible—and even tattooed on his skin tells us that this curse is not easy to break.
Point #3: Kaiser may have thought he was reclaiming the surname, but in reality it was just a manifestation of his obsession.
The same way the Father’s obsession over the Mother is manifested in his refusal to call Kaiser by name.
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Gathering all the points we have so far:
Point #1: Michael Kaiser is not the boy who was abused. It was the boy who was abused who became Michael Kaiser.
Point #2: To call someone by their given name is to abandon them.
Point #3: Kaiser may have thought he was reclaiming the surname, but in reality it was just a manifestation of his obsession.
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Kaiser’s goal is to become impossible to define, but the irony is that his entire name—Michael Kaiser—defines a prison.
Yet, it also concisely sums up his entire life.
And to even live as just the Michael Kaiser was something he had to fight tooth and nail for:
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After losing to Yoichi, Kaiser has become even more obsessed over defying the idea that he is trash.
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He thinks that the only way to stop being trash is to defeat Yoichi. But this view of winning as the sole affirmation of worth is unhealthy and needs to be stopped.
Kaiser needs to realize that… he never was trash.
He doesn’t have to keep defying anything because there is nothing to defy.
Besides, he has already defeated the “impossible.”
He is no longer the Michael who was abandoned, nor is he the Boy who was abused. But until he realizes that he is not the trash Kaiser like his father, he will never be able to break the curse.
But how does one break the curse, exactly?
Roses represent curses.
But Roses… also represent a search for love.
And Kaiser is already…
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...very much loved.
He just needs to realize it.
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sanalang-ao33 · 4 hours
OVERPOWERED - twst [name] content.
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Synopsis: [Name] is known for their unique magic, ‘With a Snap of my Fingers’, which allows him to have someone melt to death on the spot when they make eye contact with them.
However, those who know better know that [Name] never used their unique magic after the incident from back then. And, it doesn’t automatically happen when they snap their fingers, it’s only when they activate their unique magic.
Format: Bullet Point, Established Relationship, Open to Interpretation,
Warnings: Thoughts and actions of the characters used below don’t reflect on the author. Also, this might be a little(?) OOC.
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They were called the Red-Rose Tyrant and his Guard Dog. When they were scared of Riddle before, imagine him together with his significant other, they would run away faster than a dog after a middle schooler.
If Riddle’s magic can make you feel like you’ve been beheaded, [Name]’s will make you feel like you’re being burned alive.
But what Riddle doesn’t understand—and is frustrated about—is the fact that they fear you even if you’ve never used your UM since childhood. What’s the big deal?
You aren’t the type to use it, even if you were angry, unlike him. And you were no dog! You were his lover!
“If I hear you two gossiping again, it’s off with your head!”
“You two can do better things, like doing Professor Crewel’s homework, instead of talking about such nonsense. Get back to work!”
Now let’s talk during the overblot. When fearful students told you to use their UM on Riddle… 
“Insert your own comment.”
Crowley forbade it. Riddle’s already dying, he can’t have more go down. In the end, with the combined effort of the Grim, the Prefect, Ace, Deuce, Cater, and Trey, Riddle is saved from the blot.
After the overblot, the air is awkward between you two, but you still help Riddle with turning a new leaf. Sure, students still feared you two, but not as much as before.
Progress is progress. Right?
You two were oddly paid. The big bad [Name] and the goody-two-shoes Jack Howl. 
Jack will always say:
“[Name] is not the type, you shouldn’t talk down about someone you barely spoke to. Have some decency.”
As much as you always tell Jack you’re fine with it, he will still always defend you every time he hears someone talk negatively about you. Whenever and wherever.
It’s sweet really, until it causes discord among his dorm mates and other people. No, please don’t start arguing with your teammate during track, Deuce keeps worrying.
(But the boy also took part in defending you, just so you know. You’re Jack’s lover, and Jack’s his friend, so he must!)
Now during Leona’s overblot, you were also told to try and use your UM which Jack is wholly against, not wanting you to dirty your hands and possibly go to jail:
“Insert your own comment.”
Jack reassures you whether you ask for it or not, and whether you’re upset or not. He always does at the end of the day. It’s repetitive but all the more heartwarming, and it shows just how much he loved you.
You two never got along at first because he’s worried you’ll use your UM on the people in his dorm, especially the people he’s loyal and closest to. Especially WAKA SAMAAAA and LILIA SAMAAA (and Silver).
But in the end, he warmed up to you and also started yelling at people and starting fights when he heard people talk about you.
“How dare you! [Name] never uses their UM! AND THEY DEFINITELY WOULDN’T WASTE IT ON SOMEONE LIKE YOU—“
Sebek, my love, DON’T USE YOUR MAGIC ON THEM!!
(No he doesn’t resort to his UM. He’s not that crazy.)
Your dynamic is “HE SAID NO PICKLES” but you can actually tell them yourself, you just choose not to because this is how Sebek shows his love. He isn’t the type to do lovey-dovey stuff, he gets so flustered that he freezes up.
It’s kinda hot too. But you don’t tell him that.
During Malleus’ overblot, he is worried sick about you the whole time but Silver reassures him that you are strong enough to handle yourself and is currently dreaming a good dream. Right now, they need to find answers in Lilia’s dreams first.
“[Name] isn’t someone you need to coddle like a baby, Sebek. They’re your lover, not your liege.”
“That’s— I COULD NEVER! I’m their lover, it’s my job to make sure they feel protected!”
Yes, he has his flaws. You might want to talk to him about those. But he loves you, you know? Sometimes, he forgets that he doesn’t need to act like a bodyguard when he’s with you.
Yeahh, definitely talk about that while also reassuring him he’s doing his best. I guess.
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youbutstupid · 13 hours
My favourite thing about Luke and Elle’s love for Reid’s infodumping is that they don’t love what he’s saying. They don’t necessarily find what he is saying interesting, they find the fact that knows it interesting, and this is something Reid barely gets.
Quite often when Reid shows his knowledge, he is faced with some form of negative reaction: ‘I’m sorry for asking’ ‘sorry I asked’ ‘where did you find this kid?’ ‘What kind of doctor are you?’ ‘You guessed. Is this guy actually a genius.’ This is not me hating on the characters who say these things at all, but I feel like it’s rare that the writers give us characters who love the fact that Reid just knows things.
Luke and Elle are a breath of fresh air because they (along with Hotch in 1x04) actually stop to think ‘wow, isn’t it amazing that this guy knows this stuff?’ They don’t see it as some weird or annoying personality trait of Reid’s, they genuinely smile when he talks and they compliment him and they are happy to be in his presence because of it, not in spite of it.
Reid spent his entire life being told that he was weird and nerdy and being bullied and outcasted because of it and Luke and Elle are the only characters who see this trait of his as something positive.
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m-says-hi · 1 day
Hi I have more thoughts about Sampo… kinda. This is more about some weird things I found out about Mechanical Fever that might have to do with Sampo
For those of you who don’t know, Mechanical Fever is Serval’s band. Why do I think Sampo has anything to do with it? Well in his character introduction he mentions that he used to play for Serval’s band. Or more specifically, he would stand in when they were short handed. 
So yesterday, I remembered this and decided to look into Mechanical Fever, not expecting to find anything. I was wrong.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me first list the members of Mechanical Fever and then explain the weird things you find out when you speak to them about the band.
Serval: Lead singer and guitarist Pela: Drummer Lynx: Keyboarder Dunn: Old keyboarder ???: Bassist
I’m going to go from least to most interesting response
Pela I don’t think we ever actually talk about Mechanical Fever to Pela in person. If we do, I didn’t find it on the wiki. However she does message us about it, asking if we were coming to a show. Other than that she doesn’t really tell us much.
Dunn Talking to Dunn is when it first gets interesting. When we talk to him about Mechanical Fever, he mentions that he remembered there were four members: Serval, Pela, him and an unknown fourth member. 
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The weirdest thing about this is of course the fact that Dunn doesn’t remember who this fourth member was. He doesn’t even remember the instrument they played and only remembered they played the bass after we suggested it.
Another strange thing is how Dunn calls the bass player a “he” before doubting their gender. When I first found this information and shared it with my friends, we assumed it was Sampo. Afterall, we know he played with Mechanical Fever sometimes. We also know he’s a Fool, so him messing with Dunn is believable. And Sampo’s gender seems to be questionable considering his adventures as Burghel.
But talking to the other band members made me doubtful…
Lynx When talking to Lynx in the outlying snow plains you can ask her if she’s a member of the band. She says yes and then goes on to talk about the other members… also bringing up our mysterious bass player. But not only that…..
She mentions Cocolia of all people.
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Now our good pal Sampo was a well connected man. But Cocolia? I’m doubtful of that for some reason. Especially since he eventually became a part of Wildfire. Yet who else would just “disappear”?
I didn't think much of it at first. I was pretty convinced Sampo was the bass player at first. And Lynx even calls it a baseless rumor. But Lynx isn’t the only one who mentions Cocolia.
Serval Serval is the last member to talk about. We actually speak to her about Mechanical Fever twice. Once is during a quest Pom Pom sends us on called “Looking for a Disk”. Basically we’re looking for music for the express. One of the places we go is to Serval to ask if her band has any discs to give to us.
She tells us that unfortunately she can’t and lists out the reasons why… problems with their bass player being one of them.
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The other time we talk to her about it is when we find her in her workshop. We ask her about the members of our band and we hear about the bass player and… Cocolia again.
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Again, it’s said that the lack of a bassist has to do with Cocolia. In fact Cocolia is mentioned so often with this mysterious bassist that the wiki has named her as the former bassist of Mechanical Fever.
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However, I disagree with this conclusion. Both times Cocolia was mentioned, she was never directly called the bassist. Only that the bassist’s disappearance has something to do with her. It feels odd to me that they would mention the two separately. If Cocolia was indeed the bass player then why don't they just say that?
Another possible explanation is that maybe they’re trying to hide the fact she was a member of Mechanical Fever. But that doesn’t make sense either. Both Cocolia and Mechanical Fever were very well known. I mean Dunn’s status on his messages says that he left the band and people should stop contacting him about it.
If people know Dunn was a member, then surely they would know Cocolia was. That also doesn’t explain why Dunn doesn’t even remember who the bass player was. I’m pretty sure he’d remember who Cocolia was. 
So… if it’s not Cocolia, then who? Sampo? But how is Cocolia involved? A friend of mine offered the explanation that maybe Sampo got himself involved in some sort of trouble involving both Serval and Cocolia. Then using Masked Fools magic, he wiped everyone’s mind. But the question remains, what trouble did he get into? And is this bass player even sampo?
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yeetthebottle · 18 hours
I have way too much time on my hands at the moment so we are gonna talk about the Jax NPC theory.
Now Jax being an NPC is possible but I want to talk about why he might not be first, then as to why he might be.
First and foremost, NPC do not know about NPCs neither them being an NPC. The evidence of that is Gummigoo, when he came to terms of what he is and isn’t.
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He needed someone to tell him who or what he is. NPCs do not seem to have individual thoughts outside of what Caine designs them to have, unless of course the truth comes out. They do not think about their past, they don’t even question it. They just think that is, but when Gummigoo realised everything, he mentioned that he doesn’t even know if his mother ever had a face or even worse if he even has a mother. He never questioned that before, why would he, altough she never had a face.
Now Jax knows about NPCs. As a matter of fact, that is the first thing he talks about when we get to meet him.
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Also he lives at the Circus. But Caine doesn’t allow NPCs in the Circus. Now there is also a theory that is because he may or may not have accidently killed a character mistaking it for an NPC.
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However if that is the case, that would give a base of this theory. Because Caine might have allowed NPCs earlier going to the Circus, but at some point there might have been too many, more than the characters, so he killed them, BUT he might have killed a character instead of an NPC. That NPC was Jax. He survived Caine and went along with everything, it would have been easy to say he arrived during the many NPCs being present. As powerful as he is Caine isn’t too observant, in the first episode he wouldn’t have noticed Pomni if she wouldn’t have bumped into the crew. He didn’t notice that Kaufmo was abstract and that the whole Circus was a mass chaos. It would have been so easy for Jax to survive and he did.
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greaseonmymouth · 1 year
I’m meeting my D&D group on Sunday for session 0 and I still have NO IDEA what I’m doing and filling out this character sheet is TOO complicated goddamn
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Idk if this is a hot take but why is it always “Kai slaved away and worked his ass off to raise his sister” and never the other way round or them working hard together?
Like, I know he’s older but in the show, does he really… act older? Like if you think about Kai and Nya’s dynamic yknow? Because from my understanding:
When Kai and Nya are introduced we see Kai fail at making a sword and Nya being the one to chide him for it. Kai makes an overconfident statement about wanting to be a better blacksmith than his father. This suggests that one, Kai is rather rash as well as inexperienced (something that lines up with the rest of his character arc in the pots and also generally), with Nya being the more mature figure in contrast
Also just a note but in the shorts: “I can handle it!” “No you can’t, stupid”
Kai frequently being very good at neglecting people or things: leaving Lloyd at an arcade whilst being focused on finding samurai x, not even knowing samurai x was Nya or that she only did it because she felt left out by him, completely abandoning both Nya and Lloyd in s3 (and Ik he was going through it at the time, but in line with the fandom’s characterisation of him)
Kai in season 5: “After I lost my dad, I lost my way. But I was lucky to have my sister watch over me”
Generally, their dynamic isn’t one where Kai really provides for Nya at all. In fact, judging by the fact that Nya can make entire mechs and Kai struggled to make a sword, Nya was probably busting her ass to provide for Kai. And judging by the s5 quote, that’s probably true. I’m not saying Nya raised Kai, it just rubs me the wrong way when she’s treated like a decorative flourish to a narrative that paints Kai as a burnt out child who was forced to grow up too soon especially since that is such a mischaracterisation of him in the first place.
#all I’m saying is that it’s weird we undersell all of the sister’s capabilities just so we can present the brother as tormented and burdened#ignoring the fact that he spent all his days in the gap between the pilots and s1 playing video games#like I’m sorry kai is a pathetic baby girl in the show and I LOVE HIM THE WAY HE IS#okay yeah I snapped a little#I’m just tired of everyone mischaracterising him yknow#like I’m sorry bestie he’s not that capable he’s a loser man and I am ready to love loser men#i just think that it’s an incredibly stereotypical dynamic to have one male character who everyone completely#over exaggerates their struggles to the point of making it seem that everyone else in the story either doesn’t suffer or is an asshole for#not noticing the suffering of this one hot guy#this happens in many fandoms and I think this is what’s happening here#hhhhh#I’m sorry if Kai is ur favourite and this opinion upsets you I don’t mean to be bitch#I’m just really not into this interpretation of him#again this isn’t a dog at his character I just thing people don’t get him a lot of the time#and you know what Nya is also super undersold as a character#like where’s the fucking Nya Lloyd sibling content?#she mentored Lloyd too? she taught him how to ride dragons she stayed with him on the bounty she and Lloyd only had eachother in s9#what about them??#Kai gets too woobified and Nya doesn’t get woobified enough that’s my opinion#alright I’m done sorry#Ninjago#rant#ig this is a#ninjago analysis#i won’t tag characters cuz I don’t want to make anyone upset#and again I’m sorry if I do
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
like. okay. i have no real horse in the race of “which brother is the secret bad abuser” because the show does not actually care about that or think that either of them is actually treating each other that badly (except for when sam get manipulated, which is always his own fault and he should suffer for it /s)
but what i will say is that the way dean is written sometimes manages to make me more uncomfortable than any of the villains on this show. dean scares me. completely unintentionally, they did write a guy who only gets Worse over time, and it’s compelling, and it’s upsetting for me to watch.
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roseofcards90 · 1 year
What the fuck does “chronically online misogyny take” even mean 😭😭 why did this person call my message that when I just pointed out that female characters get treated more like shit than their male counterparts do in media
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dearreader · 26 days
something is not right about a 26 year old adult picking fights with 14 year olds and lying about people being racist and antisemitic and suicide bating because they rightfully called you out and you like the drama
#THIS ISN’T ABOUT SWIFTIES#kelly babels#not going to say who cause i have them blocked#but oh my god finding out what this person is saying about my friends/mutuals#anyway on the off chance that person finds me#hi! the fact that you’re nearing 30 and are so knee deep in drama cause you love it#and posting genuinely idiotic and wrong comments about your fav and others is genuinely awful#your tales are worse then the guy in my comic books class who said the jewish coded characters were german and were being discriminated#against for starting ww2#you’re dumber than kaylors who still believe taylor swift is in a lavender marriage with karlie kloss#you’re genuinely one of the dumbest people i’ve ever had the displeasure of hearing your comments#and please note: i graduated with a degree in english literature and didn’t semesters full of classes listening to men give awful opinions#i’ve read a creative writing piece about a man’s penis getting so big he has to be wheeled around in wheelchair#i have been a fucking swiftie since i was 13 and fought directioners and was in the trenches of 2016#i have been to hell in back and have seen every awful take possibly imagined on literature#and i’m here to tell you that you’re takes on your fav and the source material are worse then all of that#congratulations! you’re a fucking idiot and have been hyper fixated on this series longer than me and i know more than you#i honestly just feel bad for you :( to like such a complicated and well written character but unable to understand him at a base level#save
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misunderstanding of my point on one of my post :/
#point was that people who argue that aa4 is more thematically off-base from Ace Attorney as a series than aa5 & 6 are#are ppl who just like to play Phoenix because of familiarity without much thought to his character and themes of AA#point was not ‘ppl who like 5&6 only like it because they can play Phoenix’#especially because the ppl i was talking about dont even necessarily like DD or SOJ they just argue they are more align with the series#and my point was that 5 & 6 do not write the themes of curruption as well (among other things) as the previous games#so if you argue that aa4 feels more ‘off’ from the series than 5&6 do: then you just like the comfort of Phoenix being in the blue suit#because aa4 was different than the trilogy yes but it carried the themes of the trilogy with it into a new era in a way that made sense#aa5 coming in and talking about ‘the dark age of law’ and aa6 having Phoenix say ‘where im from ppl are innocent until proven guilty’#is much more of a slap to the face to the trilogy than anything aa4 did#because these things deny and erase the fact that the trilogy was always about the system being currupt!!#the end of DD doesn’t fix that curruption it finds one bad guy and then has the characters say they fixed it and thats not how that works!!#aa4 doesn’t make the trilogy out to be the golden age of law;#it specifically highlights how that system is what lead to Trucy being abandoned and Phoenix losing all he worked towards#but I wasn’t saying there isn’t anything to like about 5 & 6 or that people only like them for Phoenix back im blue#you gotta not zoom in on one line and look at the rest of the things I said#never said 5 & 6 didn’t have characters that were interesting and charming
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poppyseed799 · 1 year
I feel like life series fanon jimmy is kind of mischaracterized and there’s an easy way to make sure you’re doing it right: he has a lot of unearned confidence
#the tags is where I’m going to ACTUALLY say stuff LOL!!!#but like I love life series Jimmy mkay. he’s got that curse of dying first and all. which is what I mean by fanon cuz curses aren’t real#but a lot of fans make it like Jimmy accepts the curse? or even acknowledges that it’s real. which bugs me a bit cuz No He Does Not#(side note tho. I’m not mad about it. I know ppl wanna explore the concept of someone cursed to die first and that’s what they’re doing)#but like Jimmy would just be so in denial about it okay. even if you managed to convince him he would be like ‘..BUT SURELY THIS TIME’#and this relates to ranchers too. I love ranchers ok. mostly cuz my sister does tbh LMAOO she loves them. but ranchers fan content isn’t#what I’m looking for cuz it’s so often stuff like.. Jimmy being like ‘I’m sorry I’m cursed’ and Tango being like ‘it’s ok love u anyway’#but it’s really more like ‘CURSED?? NO! WE WILL WIN!’ which I think is MORE fun for the aftermath of their death. meeting in the afterlife.#I NEED to see ranchers content where they keep denying that the curse is real then Jimmy dies and they’re ghosts or whatever and Jimmy’s#like ‘oh no. we didn’t break the curse. tango probably hates me now. he only liked me cuz we thought the curse wasn’t real.’ and tango to be#like upset at first as anyone would be when they die. but then he like notices the way Jimmy is acting and he’s like ‘no.. ranchers 4 life’#???? what am I saying. hire me for writing fanfic I totally know what I’m doing.#anyways what I’m saying is Jimmy is the canary but he’s the canary that’s like ‘SURELY I can sing for the miners the whole way THIS time’#he is NOT the canary who says ‘WELL time to eventually stop singing in this cave’#HOWEVER I do think that although he has loads of unearned confidence and is in a constant state of denial. he does also have that crumble#sometimes. so it’s not totally ooc imo for him to act like that. but it would be rare moments and also mostly post death#ANOTHER SIDE NOTE I WANNA SAY. I HATE the way I’m saying this as if it’s fact. it’s my personal analysis and just because I think it’s right#doesn’t mean I want to present it as undeniable fact. I could be misinterpreting. if you want to interpret life!Jimmy’s character different#then go on ahead. I don’t hate fanon Jimmy I just wish I saw more like how I see him. that is all.#ok I lied I also wanna add that I’m bad at explaining things ESPECIALLY personalities so it’s possible that I didn’t convey what I wanted to#say properly too. sorry. OKAY NOW THAT IS ALL.
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watchingtheearthrise · 3 months
Watching someone try to desperately argue that the Rey Skywalker movie is going to ‘bomb’ unless they hire/make Adam Driver a lead over on Twitter makes me laugh. A witchy cackle, if you will.
Like, sure, because all of Adam Driver’s latest films have been box office record setters /s
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