#and my box of critters behind them
kingkrabby · 2 years
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All of my Plunderlings so far.
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maiko-san · 4 months
Catnap + Dogday x Reader ( Part 3 )
<<< Part 2 , Part 4 >>>
Relationship: Fluff
Warning : Hurt/comfort
Character focused : Catnap, Fem! Reader
Plot : Even though you manage to win Catnap's favour through treats
A/n : As a reminder, Catnap is Theo who is a 7 year old child during this period. He's the youngest out of all Smiling Critters in my headcanon since he was the last smiling critter to be shown by MOB!
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"Here's your treat for the day! You did even better than before, I'm proud of you!"
Catnap has been doing quite well recently. Giving him rewards after he did his job does the trick pretty well.
Guess one way to someone's heart is through food was a thing after all.
Catnap sits there as he stares at the food you've given him.
You were busy looking through your clipboard to even notice that the feline hasn't left his spot.
Catnap always questioned himself, why do you care about him?
Almost all the staff here ignore him completely as if he never exists, except you.
He is considered as a troublesome mascot to deal with, even before he was Catnap.
Just why....?
Why do you waste your time on him when you can focus on other mascots?
Catnap likes how you treated him. You were gentle as the others had said.
You finally notice the purple feline hasn't left the room, usually Catnap would slip away immediately after he gets his treat and eat it somewhere else.
"Is there anything else I can help you with?"
Catnap only looks down on you with those beady white eyes, before tilting his head slightly.
The feline mascots got on all four without breaking eye contact with you, he leans his face close to you and says.
"Why do....you care about me.......?"
You quirk an eyebrow at his questions, yes his file did said he was troublesome but why did he ask such a question?
"It's simple, it's my job to take care of each one of you. Not only just that, I want to be your friend!"
"You....want to be my...friend?"
The only close friend he had was Dogday and The Prototype, he wasn't that close to the other Smiling Critters since they rarely interact with him.
But the idea of having a new friend makes him happy.
He has a new friend. Catnap picks you up by surprise and holds you high up in the air.
Your body went stiff as you cling onto the mascot's paws for dear life. You weren't used to being picked up by the mascots yet. You're 20 ft in the air!
"You are my friend now...."
Catnap said with a wide smile on his face with his tail standing up straight behind him.
He feels very happy!
From that day, Catnap would sneak around to see you and to cuddle with you.
Every time you scratch under his chin, the feline would purr very loudly and you swore that it would cause the entire office to shake.
Sometimes Catnap would be a menace and push things off the desk just to mess with you.
There is one time you decide to play peek-a-boo with the feline mascot, which turns out to be horrifying and Catnap would get closer every time you take a peek.
But it was a fun game.
Catnap mostly spends his day in your office, with him curling around your desk and has his tail wrapped around your leg, so you couldn't go anywhere while he's asleep.
"Catnap...I need to go to the bathroom..."
"Catnap, please"
Don't get you started when you caught him trying to fit himself in a small box. It was hilarious and cute at the same time.
Like Dogday said, Catnap is a friendly and sweet cat.
Seeing how he acts around you reminds you of your days in the orphanage. Yes, you were once an orphan, seeing these smiling critters reminded you of the younger orphans that you used to take care of. The way they act brings up old memories in your mind.
You wish to see them but the orphanage you once lived in no longer exists due to financial problems just a year after you were dismissed.
The residents around the place told you that they were moved to someplace else, which the location remained unknown.
You hoped that they were able to find a perfect home and have loving families.
You're looking through the files, you have done with all the Smiling Critters except for Catnap....
Your supervisor doesn't let you check on him for a reason.
In his file, Catnap is stated as 'Dangerous' and only a high-class personnel is able to do a maintenance check on him.
You always wonder why though....
They would bring him somewhere and return him to the playcare a week later, he would come back looking exhausted and malnourished.
His fur isn't as soft as the other critters, it was rough and matted, sometimes you could smell the scent of burned....flesh on him and also a hint of blood too.
Also, Catnap always has new wounds on his body. Especially his wrists and chest area, like he was prodded by something. Which worries you a lot, what did the higher ups have done to him?
Once the playcare is closed down for the night, you sneak into his hidden room so you could give him a proper treatment.
"It's alright, just rest as much as you can"
"It hurts..."
"I know, I'll do as much as I can to make the pain stop. I-I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything to help you, I wish I could've done more...."
It was heart wrenching to see Catnap this way, his head is huddled close to your body as he seeks comfort in your embrace.
The sound of his weak purr was the only thing that fills the silence in the small room.
After 6 months working for the Playcare you came to realize that these smiling critters are able to bleed....
Pickypiggy cut herself up when she was using the knife during one of her cooking sessions on her stage. Poor Picky bleeds a lot from the cut and you had to stitch her up and bandage her wound.
You had a suspicition that the higher ups are hiding something, something sinister and dark. You had asked some of your coworkers/seniors about it but they just dismissed you.
Saying that you grew TOO attached to these mascots and start to see them as real people.
The sudden shift of Catnap brings you out from your deep thoughts.
"Can you sing me....a lullaby, my star....."
"Of course"
A/n : I added a little of Reader's lore here :D. Thank you for enjoying the chapters so far!
I have a headcanon for the smiling critters which is—
That they don't remember about their previous lives as a human until 'The Hour of Joy' happens, the only Smiling Critters that are aware of it is Catnap/Theo himself.
So, after 'The Hour of Joy' happens, the smiling critters start to remember their past lives and from the moment they become more aware of their existence and barely clinging on the last bit of sanity they have left.
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mynamesaplant · 5 months
Forgiveness is Electric
Just a little short story about @critterbitter's hc of Emmet, Ingo, and Elesa. This is between the Volume Control and Volume Control (Reprise). Just a tiny change, Emmet caught Tynamo bc I sort of forgot when he did... My bad. Please go take a look at Critter's work, it is beautiful in every sense of the word.
I lied about posting to AO3 last time with Yearning for Wood Floors, but I will update that soon along with this one.
“I do not think she will like those.”
“Who doesn’t love sweets?”
Ingo argued, plucking a box of Snom-Caps and turning it over and over in his hands. He contemplated the choices of candy in the aisle, the teenage clerk puffing their long, purple-streaked hair from their eyes behind the counter as the two children agonized over their decision. The clerk, Dakota, saw Ingo and Emmet in here all the time, the former had something of a sweet tooth and the latter… Well, whatever the opposite of a sweet tooth was, that was Emmet. The kid just loved sour things.
It wasn’t unusual to see them, but it didn’t usually take this long for them to make their selection. They had been there for nearly fifteen minutes, painstakingly reading each and every label and discussing them in hushed undertones. That was unusual by itself. Ingo was not known for his volume control.
Although unusual, they weren’t worried about them doing anything shady like stealing or being careless and knock things off the shelf. Might as well let them go about their business. To pass the time, they watched the fretful newly acquired Tynamo circle around them faster and faster until Emmet snatched the Pokémon deftly from the air and soothingly stroked its back.
“I am Emmet. We do not know what she likes.”
“We must do something! I just feel so dreadful.”
Emmet could see Ingo working himself up over this, just as he had a few hours ago, and Emmet placed a reassuring hand on his brother’s arm. His smile and eyes softened as his twin turned to him, Ingo’s eyes glittering with emotion and whatever proclamation dying on the back of his tongue.
He hadn’t meant it. He really hadn’t. He always got too loud when he was excited.
It had just backfired on him horribly.
Ingo cringed even now as he remembered the tears in her eyes, her hands slapped over her ears, and eyes huge with confusion and pain. She had run off before he could even apologize, and that knowledge was eating him alive all day.
Candy wouldn’t fix this. In his heart of hearts, he knew that, and maybe he had come here to grab himself some of his favorite snacks to ease the pain of losing a potential friend.
It was hard for them to understand others. Emmet and Ingo were so in-sync with each other that everyone seemed to be moving so much slower by comparison. It was like playing charades with someone who was underwater, the twins made perfect sense to one another, but it was unclear to everyone else.
This was not new to them, but it didn’t make it any less frustrating.
With their moms being busy with work and their uncle who didn’t have much interest with them most times, Emmet and Ingo came to rely on each other almost exclusively. Drayden would give them a little bit of pocket change, but never much. They had to be ultraconservative with what he gave them and had taken it upon themselves to run around Anville Town to take little odd jobs.
Leaves to rake? Oran berries to pick? Snow to shovel?
Emmet and Ingo did it all and saved what they could. They barely scraped together the money to purchase the Pokéballs needed to catch Tynamo and for additional balls to try and catch Ingo a starter.
Even though they knew everyone, they weren’t really close to anyone in town.
That could have been different if Ingo hadn’t ruined everything!
“Perhaps sweets are not the solution…”
Ingo finally admitted, setting the box down and rising to his feet. Readjusting his cap on his head and dusting off his knees to unconsciously tidy his appearance, Ingo’s frown deepened in thought. Even if he and Emmet apologized to her, Miss Elesa would not understand them. Drat! If only he had remembered her hearing aids, he had completely forgotten them tucked behind her black hair.
Emmet watched his face scrunch up, clearly having a long inner dialogue with himself where he alternatively berated himself and told himself that there was no crying over spilled milk. Gray eyes scanning the shelf, he took a bag of sour gummy-Bewear for himself, and chocolate covered pretzels for his brother, before hauling them to the counter where Dakota waited.
Tynamo drifted just below his elbow, still quite nervous around new people and often retreating to its ball when too anxious. Emmet’s soft encouragement was the only thing keeping the EleFish out while Dakota rang up both bags.
“Tynamo? Good for you, kiddo. I hear they’re not easy to catch.”
They rested their elbows on the counter, chin resting atop with a kind smile to the quieter twin. Dakota could see him beaming with pride, but he merely nodded, shuffling on the spot while he fished in the pocket of his overalls for some money. His Tynamo, like its trainer, seemed a little bashful at their words, and retreated into its ball.
“200… I think you brother is comatose over there.”
Dakota said not unkindly. Emmet jerked his head to where his brother stood motionless in front of the candy.
It was Ingo’s turn to jerk out of his, as Dakota had put it, “comatose state”. He trotted over to his side, staring at the bags of candies with confusion before it all seemed to click into place.
“You did not have to spend your pocket money on me.”
Emmet’s smile softened at the bashful note in his sibling’s voice. He wanted to. Ingo was feeling down, his twin often overthinking problems and burning himself out in the process. Emmet liked to take a step back to listen and reflect on people and conversations. A little break would do Ingo some good, so he insisted on the treats.
“I am Emmet. I wanted to. Yup!”
While Dakota bagged their treats in a small brown paper bag, they couldn’t help but lean over the counter to examine them. Although many people didn’t understand the secret code that the twins exchanged between glances, mouth twitches, and hand movements, Dakota could tell something was awry. Withholding the bag, they leaned over the counter with a faintly curious expression and a light tone.
“You guys alright?”
Unsurprisingly, the two exchanged looks, and a wordless conversation was held between them while Dakota waited. It was Ingo who swiveled his head back to face them, his face knit into a calculating grimace that seemed a little less friendly than usual, but only marginally.
“Yes,” he said slowly, eyes not breaking with the clerk, but they could see him shifting uncomfortably. “Emmet and I are attempting to right a wrong. However, we are encountering several roadblocks.”
There is a pause. Dakota still held the bag just out of reach as they gnawed on their lower lip. This wasn’t really their business, and they weren’t the type to stick their nose in where it didn’t belong… They thought of Drayden, who spent a lot of time in Opelucid and not watching his nephews – he barely spent any time with them.
They’re just kids.
“Do you need some help? It’s my job to help customers in the store y’know.”
Another pause. Another exchange of glances.
“I-” Ingo tries to being, already hard pressed to say anything and even less so when his sibling elbowed him in the ribs and shot him a look. He wouldn’t be allowed to take all the blame. “We upset one of our classmates with our carelessness. We think she was attempting to befriend us, but- uh… there were a few errors on our part.”
“And you’re trying to get candy for her to forgive you?”
“We thought about it, but it grew too complicated. We do not know what candy she likes, but more importantly, we do not think it’s a suitable apology.”
The clerk nodded, tapping the counter in thought as they tried to piece together some genuine advice for the boys.
“I think it’s a nice peace offering, but I think an apology would be better.”
“We broke her hearing aids… Yep…”
Emmet croaked suddenly, shrinking back in shame at the same time that Ingo grabbed the brim of his hat to tug it lower over his eyes.
“Ah,” Dakota hummed, tapping the counter even faster. They meant the new family that moved in from Sinnoh. They remembered their dads talking about the new signs that had to go all over town for the girl’s safety. Dakota couldn’t remember her name. “How did you break them?” They asked, already knowing the answer.
“Volume control.”
Ingo cringed, remembering his uncle’s warning about his naturally loud voice. Inside voice, Drayden had been emphasizing, and Ingo was trying to take those words to heart, but it was difficult. Since Ingo’s face didn’t emote well, he relied on his voice and his movement to articulate his emotions to others. They nod sympathetically.
“You didn’t see them?”
The boy was squirming now, his shame and embarrassment with the situation reaching an all-time high. He felt Emmet moving to his side, reassuringly pressing against his arm, and resting his head on his twin’s shoulder. A flood of comfort helped Ingo release a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding.
Behind the counter, the clerk was rummaging through something – although tall for their age, Emmet and Ingo couldn’t see what they were doing. They heaved a box onto the counter, tipping it so the contents spilled out for them to see, and the boys were confused.
Emmet leaned forward on his tiptoes to look at the colorful array of boxes that ranged from normal headphones to ones that had Pikachu and Eevee ears topping them.
“Yeah, uh, maybe if she wears these, you’ll remember right away that she has headphones in.”
It was a half-baked idea. In truth, Dakota felt a bit sheepish about it now that the idea was out of their head, but when they looked up, the boys were beaming – well, Emmet beamed. Ingo reminded of them of their friend’s Purrloin in a way they couldn’t quite put their finger on.
“Bravo! What a marvelous suggestion!”
Ingo practically cheered, stepping beside Emmet to look through the headphones. It was probably going to cost them a bit from the tags on the boxes, but it would be worth it. The headphones would immediately remind Ingo that she had hearing aids in so he would be more inclined to get Miss Elesa’s attention in a different fashion, but it also might do the same for others who were unaware of her deafness.
“Sure – er, thank you…” Dakota was looking at the prices now and mentally smacked their forehead. They probably couldn’t afford the headphones. “I’ll-” They hesitate. It almost pained them to say what they were going to next. “I’ll pay for them so you can take them to her now.” The twins’ eyes went wide, both about to protest when Dakota interrupted, “In exchange, you can do a few chores for me at my place. I need to do some yardwork, but it always gives me hay fever. Sound like a deal?”
The answer was easy for them. Dakota told them to pick ones that they thought Miss Elesa would like.
“I think these ones are quite dashing.”
Ingo said, picking up the box with the Pikachu ears. Emmet pursed his lips and shook his head.
“Nope. Too big. Not a gamer girl.”
They continued to rummage through the boxes. They agreed that she must like Electric types. She had a Blitzle as her partner after all.
“I cannot recall, she is from Hoenn, correct?”
Emmet shrugged, unsure himself because they had both been looking through a magazine with an expose on the newest train lines running out of Nimbasa when she had been introduced. That just meant to them that, when the time came, going on their Pokémon journey by rail would be all the easier.
“Not sure.” He looked at the box Ingo had in his hand and his smile broadened, nodding in agreement to his brother’s unasked query. The perfect balance of subtle but stylish. “I am Emmet. Those are perfect.”
Plusle and Minun headphones.
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mintys-playarea · 8 months
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You had no idea how you were able to get a man such as him to fall in love with you. He was clever, sweet, a great cook, and an absolute cutie... Ruggie was yours and you were his!
You had many flaws. You weren't very smart, you had tendencies to mess with people... The list could go on. Yet he still loved you.
It was a cool, autumn day. Warm colored leaves fell from trees, leaving the courtyard a blend of reds, browns and oranges. There were plenty students walking and talking happily along with one another, the smell of pumpkin spice wafting in the air. Though you were relatively uninterested before... A particular student has caught your eyes. It was none other than the Azul Ashengrotto walking around, promoting his most recent sale for the Mostro Lounge... This was the perfect opportunity.
The leaves crunched beneath your shoes as you tapped his leg, your icy cold hands sneaking up his pant leg and touching his warm calf. He shivered with a loud yelp, immediately turning around to find no one there. You were hiding behind a nearby tree. You weren't hidden well of course, but Azul couldn't see you. He shook his head, sighing and brushing it off as the wind. As he continued to promote the sale, you snuck up on him again. You tapped his leg the same way as before, except... You weren't fast enough this time. He kicked you and hoisted you up with stern eyes.
"Do you understand how disrespectful you are?!" Azul screeched. He clearly disliked getting his legs touched like that.
You sputtered trying to come up with an excuse, panicking as you see the Leech twins starting to come into view. You squirmed as Azul held still and started walking.
"Excuse me boys, but may you help hand out flyers for me as i return this rascal to their owner? They were very disrupting to me, we wouldn't want that happening with to another," Azul had a slight pout as he continued walking. He muttered something to himself quietly before going into the Savannaclaw mirror.
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Leona sighed as he saw Azul waltz up to him. "And how am i responsible for the herbivore??" He said with a tired look.
"Well, aren't they always over here? I'd assume it's because they have something with you?" Azul responded, almost annoyed with the fact he had to speak with Leona.
"No... You'd have to find Ruggie. He's— Right here," Leona groaned before returning to his room.
"Oh, hey there Az! Whatcha doin' here? And why do ya got lovebug there?" Ruggie commented on you being carried by Azul like a critter he finds dirty.
"I found.. er.. Lovebug messing with me during my promotion for the new Mostro Lounge sale... So you're the one taking care of.. this thing?"
"Aye, they're person, you know! Not just a 'thing.' But yes, i am in charge of taking care of Lovebug."
"I'll just hand them over already... You should really keep a watch on them. They're probably going to cause a big problem if you dont." Azul shook his head before leaving Savannaclaw finally.
"So... Lovebug, what was that about?"
You pulled out a to-go box of fresh food. Food you stole from Azul. A goofy smile spread across your face.
"Ahh... I see! I've trained you well... You deserve a treat for that!" Ruggie smiled along with you, bringing you into the kitchen.
"I know ya may not be tha brightest sometimes, but you're a sneaky lil' thang fo'sho! Here, ya wanna help bake some cookies to go with that meal?"
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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TAGS!!: @cheezy-moon
A little note on how the tagging system works:
If I know you like a character and I end up writing for it, I'll tag you in it (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Also, I have no clue what to put for name replacements so... I'll just do pet names! :D also I wanted to keep this in second person, but I kept it gn when I had to use the pronouns (*⁠´⁠∀⁠`*⁠)
I also forgot how the mirrors work (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) and I gave ruggie a special way of talking! I like writing him speak like that :3
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msdoodlesposts · 4 months
Happy Valentine day!
Mrs Rich!Player x DogDay!Rich! (And friends ) AU
“Richie” you muttered as you turned over and reached over for your fluffy partner.
Only to hear a lightly squeak. You sat up and looked down having accidentally hitted the small Bobby Bearhug doll who looked up at you, annoyed at being squish.
“What the-“ you started and lifted up the blankets only to find the rest of the Critter gang snuggling against her legs and , no wonder you felt warm.
“Ok-no you guys know the rules no surprise cuddles” you said shaking your legs to get them away and you swing your legs over to the side of your bed, you reach for your clock only to find it gone and your blink before turning your head to the 6 smiling critters looking at you as they sat on the bed.
“Ok which of you little brats ate my alarm clock? I’m looking at you pig” you said looking at PickyPig who burp a bit which cause the Clock inside the ring a bit.
You took in a deep breath still trying to figure out why you let Rich and Theo convince you to bring these 6 back home.
You open your drawer and got out your wristwatch and blink seeing it was almost 9. You had your alarm normally set for 6 to get started on your day.
You got up and looked over at the plushies still on your bed and made a shooing motion “go, go find your leader” you spoke you didn’t say which one exactly though.
You went to the bathroom to get your morning started and was more confuse when you came back out and the dolls were still there.
Usually by more they would be off looking for one if the larger critters…unless someone told them to stay in the room.
You were proven right when you tried to head out only to get tackle back.
For tiny things they were stronger together.
“Don’t make me get the lighter!” You threaten and that was enough to cause them to back up.
You sat up and frown seeing their sad faces, you didn’t like useing threats but sometimes it was needed.
You stood up, making sure they weren’t going to try and tackle you again before heading out, you heard them fallow right behind you.
You walked threw the formally two story home (formally since you had the second floor and attic removed to make room for your taller friends and husband).
You step to the side as a boogie bot rolled by fallowed by a Cat-Bee chasing after it.
You waved hi to Kissy and Catnap who were watching cartoons on a tv set to their eye height and you headed to the kitchen. You stop and sniff.
Smelling pancakes and eggs and…donuts?
You moved more quicker since you made it clear none of the toys were allowed near the stove for safety reasons.
You came in and clear your throat upon seeing poppy on the counter. Her dress covered by a homemade pink apron.
She was useing her body to carry a spatula with a pancake over to a plate of them.
“What did I say about useing the kitchen” you spoke as you came over and turn the stove off.
“Don’t worry Angel she was just helping me” a voice spoke.
You sigh softly and turned around and look up at your 15 feet tall husband.
“Wanted to get your little surprise ready”
You rose a brow confuse “surprise?” You asked.
You heard poppy clear her throat and use the spatial to point at the calander.
You froze.
“Wait-our anniversary” you slap your forehead mentally yelling at yourself. You took today off and had completely forgotten about it.
“I-I’m sorry” you began gently taking your husband paw and pressed it to your cheek lightly.
You been working later nights the past month due to some employees quitting.
You been so busy that you had forgotten about it.
Rich kneeled down and gently pressed his head against yours in a form of a forehead kiss.
“It’s alright Angel, we’re not doing anything special, just giving you the breakfast I promise you” he said softly.
You took in a deep breath trying not to break down in tears.
“And donuts” You chuckled looking over at the box surprised that Randy’s donuts was still in buisness “how you even get these?” You asked as you pulled one out and threw it down the hall letting the little critters chase after it, you grabbed another one took a bite of it.
“They expanded a lot and due deliveries now, had to argue with the guy about how I couldn’t come out and grab the box and to just leave it on the porch” Rich grumbled a bit before pulling a chair out for you.
You smiled happily and another bite out of your donut.
Might have took 13 years but you finally celebrated your first wedding anniversary.
And got your donuts
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so, I read the whole "House Tour (not the house we wanted, but the house we have)", and I loved it so much, and I asked a question after reading it because of the ending, so what was everyone's reaction of toys eating pizza for the first time?
Your First Ever Pizza Night
Synopsis: Angel has to teach the toys how to eat pizza. It's confusing.
James' eyes were so wide you thought they would pop out of his head. You nervously smiled at him, feeling the eyes of the toys staring at you from inside the house. "Thank you for your work", you tell him, money in hand. "I, uhm, am sorry for how Catnap tried to scare you away".
"I-it's okay!", he shakes his head. "No big deal, don't worry, Angel".
You eye the group from behind. Catnap tilts his head, still not very trusting of the stranger. You figured that would be the tenth human he talks to in more than a decade. "Take care, okay?"
"You too", he takes the money, counts, and then sighs. You also sigh, giving him a pat in the back. "Man, you really scared everyone out there. I thought you had... You know".
"I've been clean for years. I wouldn't do that", you reassure him. "And now I have those guys to look out for".
Your friend chuckles. "Feeling the weight of parenting on your shoulders already?"
"Urgh, don't even let me start talking about it", you smile. "Okay, I'll head inside now. I don't think half of them know what pizza is".
You tell James your goodbyes, watching him leave. You feel guilty for having him deliver so many pizzas to you, but it is what it is, the kids (your kids) must be hungry. You prepare yourself mentally before entering the house, closing the front door:
"So! Who's hungry?"
Dogday adjusts himself in the sofa as most of the mini toys yell "me!", rushing towards you, including the mini huggy that was using him as an oversized pillow. You laugh as they swarm you, and you pick up Driver and Bunzo on your arms. The little green huggy stims her hands, while Bunzo climbs on your shoulders: "Show us what that pizza thing is! Show us!"
"Bunzo, you're going to fall if you keep like this", Long Legs warns him, stretching all the way from the other corner of the living room to shoosh the crowd away. One catbee blows a raspberry at her, annoyed. "Get away from them! They're going to fall if you guys keep on like this!", the same catbee from before repeats the gesture, but now a candy cat and a bron imitate her gesture. "Angel!"
"You heard her", your warn the little ones. "C'mon, guys".
They coo away, and you watch Catnap proudly looking after the mini critters, most of whom didn't swarm you. He really is their big brother, uh...?
"Okay, guys. Are you ready?"
Driver stims again as you enter the kitchen, piles of pizza boxes distributed in the counters. Delight is counting them, muttering numbers under her breath, and stops when she notices you: "We have 26 boxes for 80 of us! They may last up to a week if we are careful".
"... What?", you chuckle. "Delight, no. The Prototype gave me enough money to feed everyone for years to come, we don't need to ration our food. You can eat as much as you want to".
You grab the first box you find. Bunzo tries to climb your head to take a look, and you laugh. "Eat as much as we want to? I'm going to explode, then!"
You bring the box to the living room, knowing well the kids are waiting for you to take the first slice. You show the box to Dogday, currently incapable of leaving the sofa thanks to his surgery stitches still being fresh. He deserves to see the first slice, you figured.
"You seeing this, pup?"
"With my two eyes!", Dogday nods. Catnap has approached you, and, with a smile, you open the box: "Behold: Pizza!"
"OOOO!", Bunzo yells. Huggy, who was following you around like a shadow, claps his hands, surprised. Kissy is still holding Poppy, who copies Huggy's clapping.
"It's been so long since I saw a real pizza!", the doll smiles. "And it smells even better!"
"This one is pepperoni pizza. There's 8 slices in every box - you guys should all take one. Eat as much as you want to!"
You take a piece, offering it to Bunzo, who grabs from your hand and shoves it on his mouth. You try your best not to accidentally drop him or Driver thanks to your chukling as he tries to deal with the cheese hanging out from his mouth. "Is elishious! Wha is disss?"
"You're going to get food on Angel's hair", Long Legs politely lifts Bunzo up from your head, using her arm to hold him. "And that's called... Cheese".
"Elishious!", he jumps.
"Please try not to choke!", you offer the next slice to Dogday. The big puppy's eyes go wide, and he shakes his head.
"Give it to the others, Angel..."
"There's enough for everyone, dummy, now eat" you take another slice, giving it to Long Legs, who stared at Bunzo in horror as he was still trying to deal with the cheese. "Theeere you go".
The pink spider stares at her slice with a strange look. She eyes Bunzo, then Dogday, who was holding his own as if it were a delicate piece of ceramic, then opens her mouth, then closes it.
"You eat pizza like this, Long Legs", you grab a slice of your own, biting it and using your teeth and fingers to free yourself from the cheese. Still chewing, you add: "Use your hands to deal with the cheese, everyone, you guys don't want to put too much into your mouths or you'll end up choking on your own food!"
You offered the next slice to Kissy, who stared at it with sparkling eyes before taking her first bite. Huggy bites his in one go, and Driver takes the last one before Delight appears, giving you a new box, still of pepperoni.
"Thank you", you give her a nod. "C'mon, take a slice! You too, Driver".
The mini wuggy jumps from your shoulder, and Delight gives a slice to her first before taking one herself. She blinks many time. "Ooh... This is very... Interesting...?"
She gives it another bite.
"Lots of different tastes... And it's so warm and soft!"
You sigh, noticing Dogday had given his slice to a catbee. "Pizzas aren't exactly soft, but I guess they look like it, considering what you guys had to eat..."
You offer a slice to Catnap.
The feline lowers his head. "Savior, please feed the others first...", he asks. "They're hungrier than me".
"You and Dogday have a lot to learn, uh?", you shake your head. "Okay, kiddos, you heard your boss. There!", you put the box in the ground, watching as the critters stare at you, hesitant. "One slice for each, don't fight each other for more, we have a lot of boxes. Speaking of which, can someone grab the other box... Oh!"
Delight chuckles, one box in each hand. She's polite in the way she gives it to everyone, despite all her isolation. Huggy, on the other hand, is less careful thanks to his lack of proper coordination, but he manages to feed all the mini huggies with some help from Kissy.
Dogday only eats after he's sure every single other toy is doing so. By that point, you're sitting on the sofa, Poppy using a plate, knife and fork to each her own slice of pizza. Catnap merely stares.
"Oh... Ooooh!", the orange dog mutters. His tail is wagging. "A-Angel, this is incredible!"
"Nah, it's just pizza. You're going to have fancier food as soon as I get more groceries".
"Fancier food? Are... Are you sure?"
"The doctors are going to kill me if I don't give you all the nutritients", Dogday stares. "Not literally! It's just a joke!"
"Ah", he sighs, forcing himself to laugh. "Even fancier food, uh...?"
"More!", Bunzo yells, jumping up and down. "I ate two slices already, but I crave more! I think I'll explode!"
"Please don't explode", you mutter. "It hurts".
The bunny mischievously laughs, running towards the kitchen. You eye Catnap, who eyes you back with a head tilt.
"Aren't you going to eat?"
"I... Ate yesterday, savior".
You hear a growl coming from his stomach. "Your 'savior' wants you to eat. Go on, you gotta get those calories. No one should starve".
For the first time since the confrontation agains the Prototype, Catnap lowers his ears and fidgets, nervously looking away from you. Around him, the small critters all eat their own slices, some trying to comfort him with a headbonk or by cuddling next to him.
"Catnap", Dogday calls. "You need to set up a good example for... Them", he points to the critters. "They aren't going to eat more if they see you aren't doing so".
"You know well how our rules work, Dogday. They eat first. Me, second".
"And now you are outside PlayCo. and playing by my own rules, kitty", you bite another slice of pizza, before offering the box to Catnap. "Go on, even Dogday and Long Legs are doing so".
Catnap's stomach once again growls. Using his hand, he takes a single slice out of the remaining three, eating it in one bite. You patiently wait for his reaction.
His eyes become brighter. His tail curls and moves left and right, and his ears go up as well. He stares at you, asking for permission, and you nod. He eats his second one almost immediately, now using both of his hands so he can take more bites and savor the taste more.
You chuckle, grabbing another box next to you and opening it for him and Dogday to share. The two bigger critters have the same sparkle in their eyes, and both go to their next slice almost at the same time.
This... Feels nice. All of this "family" stuff. Seeing them light up and talk about how this ordinary pizza is the best thing in the entire world, how they are eating so much when only at their second slice. It feels nice. They really are acting like normal kids would.
Maybe we can indeed become the parent they need...?
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somnambulic-thing · 1 year
Agents of Chaos
for @bettyfrommars : be careful what you wish for <3
1k - Wayne & Eddie/afab!reader (could be platonic too, you decide) | just silly cute shit including raccoons.
not proofread, so probably messy but made with love
Wayne Munson liked to think of himself as a tolerant man.
Even before he adopted his nephew one of his ways to live by had been Live and let live but living with Eddie had been an adjustment. The boy constantly reminded him to keep an open mind to everything and anything as long as it wasn’t hurting others, no matter how wild and bizarre it seemed on first glance but today Wayne had his difficulties going out of his comfort zone.
“Eddie!” he called, the handle of the trailer door still clutched in hand, his posture frozen upon entry.
Eddie’s door was closed and there was music blasting behind it, so rationally, Wayne knew that calling out for the kid was useless to begin with but he rather got the urge to yell out of the way before he actually faced his nephew. “Goddamnitjesuschrist, EDDIE!”
There on Wayne’s living room floor were two raccoons eating cereal straight out of the box. There was a - gladly - short trail of destruction behind them from where - so Wayne deducted - they had entered through the open window.
But Wayne wasn’t simply finding himself in a situation where his kid left open the kitchen window and accidentally invited some critters in for some Fruit Loops - no no no, not his boy, not his Eddie - because the damn raccoons were wearing goddamned small custom-tailored-denim vests. With small patches.
For a second, Wayne - who always has had an open mind for the supernatural too - stopped before he went to shoo the raccoons out of his house because they did look an awful lot like Eddie and his fellow agent of chaos.
It took him some time to escort the unusual guests out of the trailer and their little puzzled faces when he finally closed the door on them stung him in the chest a little; they were still wearing those silly vests and it wasn’t beneath him to admit that it was a little sweet.
Wayne sidestepped the chaos, closed the window on his way to Eddie’s room and knocked hard enough to make his knuckles sting to be heard over the screeching of guitars. “EDDIE?” he knocked again and the music dipped down to a murmur.
‘You heard that?”
‘Heard what?’
“Heard ya uncle knocking at the door!”
‘Oh, shit… COME IN!’
Wayne braced himself, took a deep breath and— still wasn’t prepared for the scene he stepped into.
“Hey, old man,” Eddie grinned, sitting on his floor, a sleeping raccoon in his lap, cutting out pieces for another little vest from an already pretty shredded denim jacket.
“Hi, Wayne,” you said, lying on your stomach on Eddie’s bed, not even looking up at him because you were so engrossed in hand painting a small patch that - Wayne had no doubt - would go on that vest once it was finished.
Wayne rubbed his face with both of his palms hard enough to make his teeth dig into his cheeks and groaned.
“What the hell are you two doing?”
“Uhhm,” Eddie started in his isn’t that obvious-voice, “we’re supplying the neighbourhood fauna with bad-ass merchandise?”
“Made by hand, with black hearts and from recycled locally sourced materials,” you added, looking up at Wayne at last after sharing a conspiratorial grin with Eddie.
Wayne blinked a few times and put his hands on his hips. “And why are you doing— that?”
Eddie and you shrugged in unison before you suggested: “Supply and demand?”
“And it’s pretty adorable,” Eddie added.
“How much demand can there possibly be for raccoon-vests in the first place?”
“So far,” Eddie said and looked at a notepad next to him, “we had three customers!”
“And have a waiting list of five.”
“No!” Wayne said, shaking his head and waving a finger. “You don’t bring any more raccoons into my house! Do you hear me?”
“But—,” you tried to argue.
“We still have—“ Eddie started.
“I said: no!”
It was like Wayne was talking to two eleven-year-olds all over again instead of two Seniors who were about to graduate in a few months. He asked himself if this wasn’t another case of derailed economics homework.
“And may we know why you’re shutting down a flourishing business?”
“Eddie, stop the act now. There were two raccoons looting our kitchen when I came in just now and we won’t be able to leave a damn window cracked when you keep pampering those critters!”
“We didn’t mean to…”
“Sorry, Uncle Wayne…”
“T’ was just a little fun…”
“Yeah, we didn’t mean to…”
Wayne lifted his hands and the murmuring stopped. “I know, I know… you two get carried away like that, just… no more wild animals in the house! Do you two copy?”
“Loud and clear…”
“Affirmative, Wayne, soooo affirmative…”
“Sorry again— did anything break?”
“We’ll replace it—“
Again, Wayne lifted his hands. “You owe me a box of fruit-loops and a mug.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide and you buried your face in a pillow.
“They… broke a mug?”
“Nah,” Wayne grinned. “But I have to get something nice out of this mess, don’t I?”
And with that, Wayne started pulling the door close behind him, enjoying the quiet that followed. Then he remembered something and lurked back in, pointing at Eddie’s lap.
“You sure that’s not dead?”
“You guys were blasting the whole trailer park when I got home.”
Eddie looked down at the motionless creature in his lap. “Yep, still breathing.”
“A connoisseur of the hard'n'heavy arts,” you giggled and it immediately spread to Eddie.
“Get that fellow out of here. Clean-up and replacing food afterwards.”
“Can’t we finish this last vest?” you pouted.
“No puppy eye’s this time, kid, I’m puttin’ my foot down,” and he slowly closed the door again.
‘Can we move the business to your place?’
‘Sure…. my mom works until nine…’
‘Can’t believe I have to wake Misses Snuggles now…’
Wayne shook his head and went to make some coffee when he met another well-dressed raccoon on the kitchen counter, chewing on some bread.
“Right,” he rolled his eyes, “three customers so far.”
It was an unusual morning to have, Wayne knew that; but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 9 months
top 5 ttrpgs for beginners
Sorry that this one took me a bit longer to answer than all the other Top 5 asks :p i wanted to explain a bit of my reasoning behind it and this gave me q chance to ramble a bit about something that bothers me lol
So, first of all I want to talk about what TO ME makes something a good beginner RPG.
I've talked a bit in the past about how I have sort of a bone to pick with the way so many people, when asked for recs for beginner TTRPGs, immediately decide to recommend extremely rules-light/minimalist/one-page RPGs (Hacks of Lasers&Feelings in particular seem to be somewhat popular on this front), when IMO these types of RPGs are at their best when played by an experienced group (or at the very least with least one very experienced player/GM who can provide some guidance to the others). I think a lot of ppl seem to have the impression that simpler mechanics inherently make a game more beginner-friendly, and that thus the most beginner-friendly games are inherently gonna be the ones with the simplest mechanics. And while this is true to an extent (a 700-page RPG with tons of complicated mechanics to remember is obviously gonna be inaccessible to beginners), when you consider that mechanics exist to DELEGATE decisions about the fiction away from the players and the GM so that they don't have to manually arbitrate them every time, there is point where less mechanics are gonna make harder for new players because it means there's more thing they're gonna have to find a way to arbitrate on and decide by themselves, and that's a skill that takes time to develop. An experienced group can probably get a ton of mileage out of a system that essentially ammounts to "the GM describes the world. The players describe what their characters do, and the GM describes how the world reacrs. When the outcome of a player action is uncertain, then [simple resolution mechanic]" but a beginner group is gonna be a little lost. Especially if the game, like many of these types of games, includes practically nothing in terms of GM tools. So I think recommending beginner RPGs solely on the base of how simple they are is well-intentioned but misguided.
(Ramble over)
So, some of what, to me, makes something a good beginner RPG is
Rules provide enough support that the group won't have to constantly be figuring out how to adjudicate stuff on the fly, but they're simple and flexible enough that they're easy to remember and learning them doesn't feel like a daunting task like it does with a certain game (*cough cough* D&D)
Relatively short and uni timidating. Maybe between like 20 and 100 pages. Players should be able to read through the rules and mechanics in one sitting.
Plenty of examples of play, often a good example of play is what makes a game's rules really *click* for a new player.
Relatively quick and painless to start running for the first time. Character creation should be quick and snappy, and if possible a short pre-written adventure (hopefully with some room to be expanded into something larger) should be included within the same book and ready to run out of the box. Even if your group doesn't like using prewritten adventures, having a *good* prewritten adventure can be a huge help in understanding how to write/design them.
Solid set of GM tools and resources (if it's a game with a GM, of course)
Optionally, plenty of compatible material to either use or take inspo from.
So, I think my recs would for beginner games would be...
If any of you have EVER heard me talk about RPGs you knew Mausritter was gonna be here TBH. I've repeatedly talked about it being one of my favorite RPGs and also that I consider it pretty much an ideal introduction to the hobby. I think the woodland critter theme is extremely charming and attractive for people of any age, while the slightly darker elements that rear their head from time to time keep it from feeling too childish.
The mechanics are simple and flexible but still provide enough structure that even a new GM will rarely if ever be at a loss about how to resolve a particular action. They're familiar to anyone who's played a dungeon game while still being extremely streamlined. 3 stats with the main action resolution being roll-under tests, no classes, characters are defined mostly by their inventory, all attacks auto hit and initiative is extremely streamlined, which keeps combat quick and dynamic, etc. And the mechanics are pretty short and esy to digest too, the players' section of the rulebook only takes 18 pages, including stuff like inventory tables and examples of play, and the website features a handy one.page rules summary (which also comes with the box set)
It's super easy to get running: character creation takes a couple minutes at most, and it features both a simple adventure and hexcrawl that can be used right out of the box with plenty of interesting directions to expand for further adventures.
Now, Mausritter takes most of its mechanics from Into The Odd, so a lot of its virtues come to it, but I think the few changes it made DO make mausritter most beginner-friendly, such as its inventory system which makes inventory management into a genuine challenge without having it devolve into a slog of tedious book-keeping, and the incorporation of a streamlined version of GloG's magic system, which manages to still be simple and easy without being as loose and freeform as the magic system from a lot of OSR games of similar complexity (which can be initially daunting to new players)
But what REALLY makes mausritter shine IMO is the extremely solid set of GM tools. In just a few pages mausritter manages to provide simple rules, procedures, generators and advice for running faction play, making an engaging hexcrawl, making adventure sites, and generating stuff like treasure hoards, NPCs, an adventure seeds and overal just a ton of useful stuff that takes a huge load off of the shoulders of any beginner GM.
Lets say you're into Mausritter mechanically but your players aren't into the whole woodland creature theme and want to play something more traditional. Cairn is also built on Into The Odd's system, and takes inspiration from some of the same sources, so it's very similar mechanically. It does feature some significant differences regarding magic, character advancement, and how injury and healing work, but overall it's still mostly the same system under the hood, so a lot of what I said makes Mausritter a great introduction to the hobby mechanically still applies here (quick and flavorful character creation, dynamic and streamlined but dangerous combat, etc). It's also a classless system that features msotly inventory-defined characters, but aside from the option to randomly roll your gear, the game also offers the option of picking a gear package in case you wanna emulate a particular fantasy archetype.
Now, Cairn is a much more barebones document, and doesn't even feature examples of play or an explicit GM section with resources for running the game, which breaks with the things I said I look for in a beginner RPG. However, in this case I'm willing to forgive this because, first, Cairn's website features a plethora of first party and third party stuff that isn't featured in the book itself, including examples of play, GM procedures and tools, modular rules, and a wealh of conversions of creature stat blocks and adventures from D&D and other fantasy adventure ttrpgs.
And Second, something different that specifically distinguishes Cairn as a good example of a beginner RPG is how it explicitly outlines its philosophical and design principles, and the principles of play for both the GM and the players before it even shows you any rules, which is something that I think more games and ESPECIALLY begginer games should do. IMO the whole book is worth it just for that little section.
Troika is a game built on the Fighting Fantasy system (which originally was less of a TTRPG system and more of an engine for a series of choose-your-own-adventure books) with a really interesting pseudo-victorian space opera weird gonzo setting which is a load of fun. It has very simple 2d6 mechanics, with characters having three stats (Stamina, Skill, and Luck), and being mostly defined by their inventory and the special skills from their background. Character creation is quick and snappy. The game gives you 36 weird and extremely creative character backgrounds, but creating a custom background is as easy as coming up with a concept and the names of a couple special skills that support that concept. It also has a very unique initiative system which might be a little divisive but which I DO find fun an interesting.
While it lacks many of the GM tools I praised Mausritter for, it makes up a little bit for it with an initial adventure that does a wonderful job at naturally introducing the weirdness of the setting, and which at the end presents a ton of opportunities to segway into a variety of urban adventures.
Now, a lot of beginners come into RPGs specifically looking for a D&D-type fantasy game (which is a problem because D&D is a pretty bad option for a beginner RPG) so for those types of players I would recommend
The Black Hack
The Black Hack is probably my favorite game for doing D&D-style fantasy roleplaying. It's a game that at its core uses the original 1974 white box edition of D&D for inspiration, but modernizes, reimagines, and streamlines every aspect of it to be one of the most simple yet elegant D&D-like experiences out there. For example, TBH uses the six stat array that all D&D players know and love, and with the same 3-18 point range, but does away with the attribute score / attribute modifier dichotomy, instead building its entire system around the attribute scores, with all rolls in the game being roll-under tests for a relevant attribute (including initiative, attack/defense rolls, and saving throws). It also innovated some extremely elegant mechanics that went on to be very influential for other games, such as its Usage Die mechanic as a way to streamline keeping track of consumable resources. Basically, it's like if D&D actually played the way it looks in cartoons and stuff: character creation doesn't take 3 hours, every combat encounter doesn't take five hours, and you can place some emphasis on resource management without the game making you want to tear your hair out with boring bookkeeping.
And one of the coolest things about it is the way it handles compatibility. Despite taking loose at best mechanical inspiration from D&D and playing very differently from it, TBH is intentionally designed to be compatible with a wealth of old-school D&D material. While it very clearly stands as its own distinct game, it's designed in such a way that you can prety much grab any creature stat block or adventure module written for any pre-3e version of D&D and use it in The Black Hack with little to no effort in conversion required.
The first edition of the game is a pretty barebones 20-page booklet that just describes the basic game mechanics, since it was assumed you'd probably be using D&D creature stat blocks and adventures with it anyway, but the second edition was significantly expanded with a bestiary, expanded GM procedures and advice, and tool for creating anything you could want: Hexcrawls, towns, dungeons, quests, treasure hoards, NPCs, dungeon rooms, traps, secrets doors, etc. plus a short premade adventure and even a few premade unkeyed dungeon maps that you can take and key yourself if you're in a pinch for a map, which as you all know, I think GM tools are an important part of a beginner game.
The game only includes the 4 basic classes from old-school D&D (fighter, thief, cleric, magic user) but the community has made several supplements adding back more modern classes.
Now, if you're that type of player that wants a D&D-like experience and you want an alternative that's still beginner-friendly but doesn't deviate as much from D&D's design, I would suggest:
either Basic Fantasy, or Old-School Essentials (or any good retroclone of Basic D&D tbh)
BF and OSE differ a bit from each other but at their core they're both attempts to repackage a relatively faithful but slightly modernized version of the 1981 Basic/Expert D&D set, retaining mostly the same mechanics while ditching a few of the aspects that might seem counterintuitive to a modern audience (such as descending AC, which I personally don't mind but I udnerstand why a lot of people find it confusing). I'm recommending these bc I think if you're gonna play any actual D&D product, the B/X set represents D&D at its most beginner-friendly (character creation is at its quickest and simplest, combat flows faster and remain itneresting due to doing side initiative rather than individual initative, the mechanics forsurprise, stealth, and dungeon exploration actions such as looking for traps are streamlined to simple D6 rolls) while still being recognizably D&D and these retroclones put in a bit of an extra effort to make them even more accessible to modern audiences.
Now, just like The Black Hack, these retroclones are limited in their race/class choice to the classic old-school D&D human/halfling/elf/dwarf and fighter/cleric/thief/magic user, but in the case of Basic Fantasy, the community has made several race and class supplements, some of which are showcased on the official website, and in the case of OSE, the OSE: Advanced addon reintroduces many of the modern classes and races that were originally introduced in the Advanced D&D line.
Have in mind that this list is pretty limited by my own tastes and experiences. I'm very aware that the very specific type of game I tend to play and like and experiences inroducing some of my friends to the hobby completely color the scope of what I can recommend as a good beginner RPG, and that that scope is significantly limited. I also like more narrative storygame type stuff, and I don't doubt that some of them would also make a fantastic introduction to the hobby (some PbTA stuff like Ironsworn, Dungeon World and Monster of the Week comes to mind) but my experience with them is not significant enough for me to feel confident in telling which of them are good beginner RPGs.
Also note that there are several games that I consider to be more MECHANICALLY beginner-friendly than the ones I listed here, but that I avoided mentioning specifically because they offer extremely little to no support in terms of GM tools, which I think is an important and often overlooked aspect of beginner-friendliness for any game that includes a GM! But they still might be worth checking out. These include games like DURF, FLEE, OZR, A Dungeon Game, Bastards, Dungeon Reavers, Knave 1e, and Tunnel Goons.
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livewiregoth · 3 months
Desktop Army Kaworu & Shinji pics
In another post I mentioned/showed a box I got a while back. This post is just my pics of messing with Kaworu & Shinji after getting the box home & opened.
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Here's the two with some of my Tamagotchi, Tamagotchi Ps with Shinji is for size & the Eva 1 Tamagotchi Nano is cause it's Evangelion related. I only got one spear out cause I didn't really need both out.
(Copied from the first post) This is before I put together the stand things & put them on them(let alone realized what they were) so Shinji is leaning against my Tamagotchi Ps & Kaworu is using the stand that came prebuilt with the Joan of Arc figure I'm going to edit that I bought preowned.
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Here's the two in my Calico Critter/Sylvanian Families dollhouse I got from the local thrift store for my figma figures(ceiling/second floor was missing when I got it)
Tamagotchi Ps is in the background for a size ref & cause I don't have any furniture yet. I tried to have them stand side by side enough to look like they're holding hands.
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Here's the two where they stand on my computer desk, you can see Joan of Arc behind them. The toilet paper is cause I need to blow my nose a lot & it's cheaper/you get more from it than a tissue box.
I'll try to get more pics eventually along with some of my rements eventually
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sugolara · 1 year
𝙎𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮
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ft. Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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Feet crunching orange leaves and sticks, Katsuki, F/n, and Izuku walk through a forest that surrounds a city where a sanctuary is being held; Rhote. Although they were thankful for the cool air and for the moon to be up, they had to be wary as rotters seem to be more active at night.
They would glance at every noise that critters would make and even their own footsteps thinking someone would pounce on them. After countless of restless nights and coming across terrible people, it was evident that paranoia was seeping through.
Yawning and rubbing her eyes, F/n look ahead, “Please, let there be a house nearby or atleast a car.” 
Swatting flies that flew around him and groaning in annoyance, Katsuki looked around, “I doubt it. There’s nothing but trees and fucking bugs. It’s pissing me off.”
“Maybe they are attracted to you because you smell.” F/n shrugged innocently.
Katsuki mockingly laugh and harshly bumped into her, “Aren’t you fucking funny. You smell too.” 
“I meant it in a nice way.” F/n said as she peered at him. 
He scoffs, “There is no nice way when you’re covered in dirt, blood and sweat.”
“Keep it down.” Izuku began as his eyes wandered, “If someone’s nearby they’ll hear us. We don’t have enough strength to fight.” 
Katsuki rolled his eyes and stared at F/n, he then jokes, “We can sacrifice her.”
The girl gave him a look as Izuku shook his head. He knows that Katsuki’s trying to brighten the mood up. It felt like forever since they all had shared a laugh and that felt weird to Izuku, considering the fact that he himself was all about smiles. 
But he could tell that he was slowly slipping away.
“You guys see that?” F/n pointed to her right as a wide building with an open area stood ahead.
The males looked over, squinting in the dark as a couple wooden boxes were placed outside, “...A warehouse?”
 “Let’s go.” Izuku says and the two behind him follow. 
Sneakily crouching behind a few bushes, the three look around to see if they could spot any sign of human existence, but because it was dark and the tree's shadow covered the ground they couldn’t see shoeprints.
With a machete, pistol, and combat knife in hand, they make their way to the front of the warehouse. With no chains or locks around the wide double doors, they enter and shut it behind them.
“Oh my…” F/n says as her eyes widen at the shelfs of supplies. 
“This is months, maybe years of supplies…” Izuku’s eyes felt like they were beginning to water. 
Snapping out of his daze, Katsuki looks around and finds a couple of duffel bags, he then hands it to his friends, “We should hurry and get whatever we need. Someone isn’t dumb enough to leave all this behind.”
“Kacchan’s right. Whoever lives here might come back.” With that, the three separated; Katsuki in the front, Izuku in the middle, and F/n in the back near some small rooms. While Katsuki packed medical supplies and Izuku packed food, F/n filled her bag with ammo.
She smiled, mostly from relief as she and her friends would have guns to protect them with countless ammo. Every weapon she picked up, she made sure that the correct ammo was there. 
But as she filled her duffel bag the sound of a gun cocking and pressing against the back of her head made her stay still. 
“Try anything and I’ll shoot.” A cold whispered voice said.
Was this person dumb enough to not realize that guns were laying neatly around her?
Shaking her thoughts, F/n raised her hands to where the figure could see them and whispered, “Fuck.”
“Stand up.” He says and watches every movement that F/n makes. His fingers on the trigger in case she decides to pull something, “Are you alone?” 
Not wanting to endanger Izuku and Katsuki, her e/c eyes stare at the two toned hair male with a scar on his right eye, “Yes. Look, I don't want any trouble. Let me grab my stuff and I’ll be out of your way. I’ll never come back.”
The male scoffs as he doesn’t want to take any chances, “No.” 
Taking his answer, F/n quickly shifts to her side and hooks her arm underneath the male’s gun and elbows him on the stomach. 
Surprised by her sudden movement, the male drops his gun which gives F/n an opportunity to go after it but she doesn’t make it as the male trips her causing both to fall. 
They grunt as they both try to get the upper hand, hitting, punching, and pulling. As F/n kicks the scar male to a shelf, which causes items to fall and make loud noises, she’s a couple steps away from the gun and as her hand almost reaches it, the male shoves her into the ground and sits on top of her back as to not let her get away.
The gun slides a bit forward as F/n claws at the male's arm that reaches around her neck.
From the front of the warehouse, Izuku and Katsuki's ears perked up as the noises of things clashing and grunts caught their attention. They let their bags drop and run to their friend, worried she might be in danger as she hadn’t let a noise out.
The sound of choking and grunting got louder as the males got closer and closer. 
With her fingertips holding the handle of the pistol, she fully grabs it but her hand is slammed down from the force of the male. 
Reaching the gun again, both of their hands held onto it, their sounds of struggling caused them to be deaf from the rushing footsteps of Izuku and Katsuki.
Upon finding their friend, Izuku’s and Katsuki’s eyes widened as they recognized the male. A feeling of relief is lifted off their shoulders. 
As Izuku takes a step forward and calls his name out, a sudden gunshot rings through the building, echoing in every ear as a sudden frightened and worried look is in everyone’s faces.
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Pennywise (2/2)
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Word count ; 3.6k
‘Mid-afternoon, many students were inside the classroom learning. Robert ‘Bob’ Gray, a man who was once pitied for losing everything in a fire, was found setting the entire school ground ablaze. It is hypothesized that he first poured gasoline around the outside before setting it on fire, successfully trapping all the children inside to burn. 
‘Families are outraged, but it seemed that he trapped himself inside, as well. Some of the corpses were found with other wounds aside from burning. Some were stabbed and slaughtered by hand. His body wasn’t found, but with the entire building turned to ashes, officials are skeptical that he escaped and it assumed that he intended to commit suicide…’
I blinked. Something was so very eery about the article. My eyes flitted up to the photo itself. It showed but a pile of ash and degraded stone where a schoolhouse once towered. The woodlands surrounding it were untouched and the photo seemed to be taken in the middle of the day.
And that’s when I noticed it. Standing amongst the pile, frozen in time, was that damned clown. I gulped, wanting nothing more than to shove the paper in because I finally had some insight to it all. However, I was seemingly entranced, leaning closer to the photo.
The clown tilted its head and waved.
I blinked, thinking of it to be nothing. But even when my eyes opened once more, it was still waving. A shriek of fear escaped as I pushed it back into the folder. I was panting profusely from the sight and put it away. Or, planned to, but was cut short.
I heard the familiar grunts and giggles I turned, and in the dim lighting, I saw an entire line of my former classmates emerge from behind one of the shelves.They were just as distraught and disgusting as usual. I didn’t have a gun on me, so all I knew to do was grasp the keys tightly, painfully, and dash past them.
I panted as I tried to shove past the various archives. I felt terrible as I knocked over several of the boxes, but they got in the path of the makeshift zombies. I was truly about to pass out from fear. I didn’t even bother flicking off the light, racing up the stairs.
I threw the door open. I slammed against the silent library wall. I was panicked, and it was clear as Beverly emerged from one of the shelves, clearly bewildered. She gasped in concern, noticing my disheveled appearance. I slammed the door behind me and pressed my back to it.
“What happened? Are you alright?”
I shook my head. I was about to blabber about the evil clown and the walking dead, but I caught myself. Instead, I stuttered,” Spiders. There are really, really big spiders down there.”
She froze in place clearly not expecting me to have reacted so strongly to the small critters. And I wouldn’t have. But what I saw down there was far more frightening that giant spiders. It was my past, being controlled by some evil clown.
“Only spiders?”
“Yep. Thanks for the help, Bev.”
I shoved the key into her chest. He caught it, although was still clearly shocked. I began speed-walking away, not giving the woman the chance to reprimand or question me further. I needed sustenance, sleep, and general mental recovery.
“You don’t look like you’ve been sleeping well, honey.”
No shit, dad. I was either going insane or this town was haunted by some revenge-bound clown ghost. Either possibility had driven me to nightmares last night. All I could see were glowing red eyes in a dark cave. And I knew that the beast had to have some sort of headquarters where I could kill it.
How I could kill it was the only remaining question.
The first thing that came to mind was shotguns and fire. If fire killed the monster once, it would sure as hell do it again, right?
So, after making another pitstop at the gun store, I got gasoline and a lighter, and many, many bottles. The cash register recognized me and was clearly questioning what the hell I needed it all for, but I played it off. That everything was for general recreational use.
So, I was driving around the town. I knew that, whatever that house meant, it had to be where the root of the problem started. And I was led to believe that the house that burned down was just it. I was driving down a backwoods road, and it opened up to a hidden countryside. The pale yellow grass covered both sides of the road. There was a distant forest, but it was a nice field in the meantime.
There wasn’t a house in the area, it seemed, so I sped up ever so slightly. I kept my eyes trained on the road ahead, but one glance to the side made me recognize the semi-rebuilt and abandoned house from the fire so very long ago. I gasped quietly.
Just as I turned my attention back to the road, I recognized the clown. He was standing in the center of the road, waving eagerly. A scream escaped, and as badly as I wanted to have mown down the asshole, I swerved the steering wheel out of habit.
My scream echoed in the tiny car as I crashed through the weak white picket fence. My foot was slamming onto the breaks desperately and my life flashed in front of my eyes. But then, all at once, it came to a screeching halt as I slammed right into a small, yet firm tree.
Sparks flew from the engine. I panted profusely, my grip on the steering wheel tight and deadly. Some of my items had rolled off the seat beside me. They clanked against the gasoline canister. I was still preparing myself, stunned and frozen in place.
Suddenly, a knock came from the passenger window. I turned, gasping as I saw the clown there, crouching down. It was so human-like. Its movements, when its head wasn’t rolling away from the body, was so normal. If I didn’t know better and if he had disguised himself any better, I would’ve thought it was just some guy.
But it wasn’t. It was a murderous clown that was holding my dear brother captive.
I grit my teeth and grabbed my stuff. I moved quickly, undoing my seatbelt. My gaze didn’t leave the clown and I reached for the door. I swung it open and ducked my body out of the crushed vehicle. However, as I peered over the car the clown had seemingly disappeared.
Shivers rolled down my spine. I turned, marching right up the steps. The building had seemingly been remade but was abandoned regardless. The right of the building was rather tilted and the wood was rotted and broken. The windows were shattered and covered in newspapers.
I peered over my shoulder one last time. My heart thudded erratically in my chest. I was ready, and as I saw the clown standing in the road, still waving and grinning. I knew Robert ‘Bob’ Gray was, too, or whatever remnants remained from the possessed demon clown.
The front door opened with ease. I bit my lip and went inside. I scanned the area. To my left was a burnt crisp of a living room, and to my right was a fairly average extension of that plus a kitchen. I didn’t dare look out the window to see if the clown was still there; I knew he wouldn’t be.
And clearly, as I looked over the area, the devil spawn’s house wasn’t downstairs.
I began walking up some steps. I gulped as they creaked loudly beneath my weight. Some of the steps were broken and cracked in half. The house was eerily silent for something that was supposed to be possessed. And one supposed that the clown was trying to prevent me from reaching its secret hideaway. 
But it wanted me to find him. That much was clear.
He wanted to see me try and kill him.
And kill him I would.
I made it to the top. I noticed many closed doors, but there was one in front of me cracked open ever so slightly. With the tip of my flame thrower, I pushed it open. The shotgun was strapped over my back and the rope tied around my shoulders. The first aid kit was tied to a belt loop, tapping against my upper thigh with each step I took.
Inside the room were many, many things. But, most noticeable, was a well. I furrowed my brows and checked the room for any signs of enemies to fight, but it was still empty. And yet, as I inched forward, the door slammed behind me.
I stood in front of the well. I wanted to back down. But I was fucked if I did and so was my dear brother, Mike. This was for him. And clearly, this clown had a knack for fighting kids. Not a grown-ass adult. That gave me the upper hand in this situation.
I crouched down and began lowering the rope. I couldn’t see into the darkness below, but I trusted that there was something. After that, I attached it to the side. I tested the rope, hoping it was sturdy enough to hold my weight plus a large gun plus a flame thrower plus other miscellaneous objects.
It seemed to hold. 
And so, I took the next step to the terrifying adventure. I lowered my body into the well. The rope swung and it was hard to climb down, so very tempted to just slide all the way. And yet, the adrenaline gave me strength. One step at a time, I lowered myself. 
I was completely submerged in darkness, except for the entrance to the well above me. It grew distant, but from the bottom, I heard dripping water. It echoed loudly. It sounded like some sort of cavern.
And then, suddenly, my body tensed. From above, I heard howling, high-pitched laughter. I tilted my head up as the rope started tilting. A scream seized in my throat in horror as I realized the clown was above, and in his claws fingers, he held the rope. He was grinning, taunting me.
“Fuck you!” I shouted angrily.
“Wrong answer, pal.”
With his other finger, he sliced the rope. The scream finally escaped as my body tumbled into the darkness. The rope had been cut, yet I gripped it so tightly in hopes it would magically reconnect. It didn’t, but not even a few seconds later, my body collided with the ground.
My head had hit a spiky rock. My vision spun and I saw stars. My body was contorted strangely and everything ached. My fingers itched to be ready to kill a bitch, but I had to recuperate. As I grew conscious again, I realized I was in a cave. It was dimly lit by oddly modern and romantic candles with a scent of lavender, stuck into the wall.
As I sat up, I realized the only path to go was straight. The terrain was rocky and there was a thin layer of water, shimmering menacingly. I pushed myself to my feet, panting slightly. I began walking, although I had a prominent limp.
It took a solid ten minutes - or, it felt like it, at least - before I ended up anywhere. The path began to widen and the light became more natural. As I stepped out into an open room, horror dawned on me. There was a large, tall entrance, and at the top of the ‘ceiling’, there was another well. Hanging from balloons, in the middle of the room, were dozens of children. Each of them were sad and unmoving, their corpses swinging to even the slightest breeze.
A scream echoed from my lips. I took in every detail. Some weren’t wearing the most modern of clothing, while others could’ve been swiped off the street just yesterday. My eyes searched desperately for my brother, Mike, but my attention flitted elsewhere.
Lining the opposite cave walls were various newspapers, photos, and journals. I made my way over, flame thrower poised and prepared. I gulped at the intensity of the tiny room, even though it was currently deserted. With squinted eyes, I took in the details of the articles.
One I recognized instantly. I was taken aback by how preserved it was. The same exact article, with the wife’s face scratched out, was preserved. A thumb tack hung it up, but because of the sheer hoard of documents, I had to pluck it free.
It was the same article. But, as I scanned it further, the woman, Y/n Gray, looked exactly like me. A slightly older version, probably around the age of twenty-five like Robert Gray, though. I let it float to the ground as horror dawned on me. Photo after photo was on the wall, and most uncanny of all, they all looked like me.
As I scooted down to find one that clearly wasn’t, I realized. I recognized several college photos of me, somehow plucked from frames at home. I tugged the free in terror before crumpling them in my fists angrily. I continued to do that, because whatever this freak clown was on, he mistook whatever preexisting lover he had for me.
And, because of that, Mike was paying the price.
“Now that’s not very nice.”
I swerved, automatically pulling the trigger. However, the voice echoed, and as the smoke cleared, there was no sign of the horrible demon. It was so silent, in fact, that I heard birds chirping from overhead. 
I gulped. My eyes continued to scan the floating children for my brother, but I couldn’t. That had hope flourish within me that Mike was somehow alive. And that idea was reinforced further when I heard a struggling cough from a dark corner.
I froze in place. Crawling from an unknown area was my brother. He was coxed in blood and dirt and looked so very hungry. He was weak. He’d been trapped far too long. He reached a hand out toward me as he stumbled, and my heart melted.
“Y/n, help me!”
I surveyed the room. It was so suspicious. The little boy was trotting eagerly toward me, arms outstretched. My eyes scanned the floating children, searching for any blotches of bright orange that could be him. My heart thudded anxiously in my chest.
I couldn’t find Mike. But I also sure as hell didn’t trust the tiny child a few feet away from me. I gulped, tears threatening to spill. And then, I pressed the ignition, pointing the flamethrower at the kid.
For a moment, regret washed over me as the boy lit up into flames. He flailed and screamed at the top of his lungs, but remained in the spot he was. I took a few steps back, tears sliding down my cheeks. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up —
And suddenly, the scream became something angrier. Far more high-pitched. Although the skin was flaky and ashen, it all started to morph and reform, the fire extinguishing. From the ashes, that damned clown… no. I realized it was still that horrible monster. 
And yet, it was taking the form of something far more human. The same man from the photographs. Robert ‘Bob’ Gray.
He looked pissed, though. As he completely formed, I went to get him ablaze once more. And yet, the flame thrower was null and empty. After one final spurt of fire, it died down. And, as the demon watched this, he grinned. Widely, and then even wider. His fists unclenched and one hand raised toward me.
An amused grin stretched onto the monster’s face. He took a step closer. I took one back. He took another step closer. And I,  another one back.
I shrieked out of frustration. All at once, the truth of the situation hit me like a freight train. Mike was dead. This demon tricked me. And now, I was dead, too.
I pulled the strap over my shoulder. I threw the flame thrower right at him, but he stood strong. It fell to his feet, and he let out an amused, bellowing laugh. Far deeper in tone than it had ever been before. And then, stepping over the machinery, he kept backing me up toward the corner.
I lifted the shotgun. I was hyper-focused, doing everything I needed to in a millisecond. And the moment everything was set, I shot.
The man only stumbled back somewhat. But the bullet was absorbed nonetheless. The grin continued to wide, unnaturally so. I shot again, but the gun yielded no results. I was fucked. It was impossible to kill.
 After one final step, I felt the cave wall behind me. I pressed myself against it, fingers digging into the dirt. As a last resort, I burst into tears on the spot. The demon’s smile stretched and circled the entirety of his face. And then, it all caved in. He was right in front of me, tearing the gun from my grip in one fell swoop.
Underneath the facade was teeth. So many teeth. There were rows upon rows, like a shark about to devour its prey. A roar escaped, causing the entire cavern to shake and tremble. I shrunk my body as much as humanly possible. I was utterly frightened to the core, and tilted my head away.
I wasn’t sure how long I was exposed to the teeth. I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting to be eaten then and there. I wasn’t dumb. I realized the implications the minute I walked in here. The clown ate the children, and I was surely next. I was going to die because I stupidly thought I had an ounce of strength within me —
Everything fell silent. But I didn’t trust it. For a while, I stay there, frozen. And then, I felt it. A soft, human hand gliding across my skin and cupping my cheek. I dared to open one eye. It was Robert ‘Bob’ Gray, in the flesh, and any anger had seemingly dissolved into what I could only describe as a lovesick madness.
I squeaked fearfully. “Please. Y - you don’t have to do this! I don’t know what you want from me, b - but I’m not who you’re looking for!”
A smile twitched and tugged at the manic demon’s lips. He tilted his head ever so slightly. There was almost a fond look in his eyes. “Oh, but I do. And you are.”
He tilted my head. His thumb drifted underneath my eye, swiping away the onslaught of tears. I bit my lip, not daring to move. His yellow-slitted eyes were unnatural. A stark reminder of the horrifying clown it tended to take its appearance as.
“Returned to me at last…” he hummed fondly. “Just as it should be.”
“I’m not her. It’s all coincidence!”
“You sure seem like her to me.”
Silence fell between us. His eyes scanned every inch of me, as though he were doing a double-take. I gulped, waiting for anything. I’d rather die than be a captive and starve to death in a cave. This was never supposed to happen. How had things gone so terribly wrong?
“Your fear amuses me. You don’t remember. But you will.”
I squeezed my eyes shut. It was so odd to have such a demonic creature kiss my forehead so gently. It was positive I was its old lover, even though all we shared was the same appearance. Everything was wrong, so very wrong.
“Now… you’ll float too, my love.”
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satancopilotsmytardis · 8 months
In part because I think it could be an interesting combination:
Collaring + Werewolves? (If you don't want to do werewolves, I put forward any sort of monster/supernatural critter you'd like to do.)
Pairing: Shigadabi
Content: Domination/Submission, Collaring, mentions of Overstimulation and Knotting.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." His voice is way too flat to be incredulous. Shigaraki is lucky that the full moon is a week away, because if he had saved this discussion for another couple of days he's likely to have ripped his throat out. 
"I'm not kidding, firefly." And Duster looks completely at ease, the box sitting on the bed simply waits for a response. 
"I'm not your pet." He snaps. Might as well be. It's a good thing he doesn't have a tail in his human form or it would be embarrassing him constantly by wagging any time Tomura gives him his attention for something other than work. 
"No, you're my sub, I'm happy to get you a more traditional collar to wear during the day and while we're playing, but since you're always worried about your teeth, I thought this would be more fitting." His voice is calm and even, his look unwavering, and Dabi has to resist the urge to drop to his knees and bare his neck. Only human and Shigaraki still has the command to make his wolf bow. Which really makes it impossible for him to growl and snarl and flash his fangs. "I'm not trying to insult you, Dabi, if this was out of line, then I'm sorry, you don't have to accept it." Even more annoyed because he's always so good about this. Hadn't blinked about bringing a changeling, doppelganger, full-blooded fey, or werewolf into his pack. Rolled with the punches. Somehow figured out how not to get himself killed and to lead them in the process. How to keep all of them from killing each other too. Dabi hates his level-headedness. 
Doesn't manage to bite back the growl, as he looks back at the box before turning to the door. "I'll wear it on Friday. If my wolf doesn't accept it, then you're shit out of luck you kinky bastard." 
"That's fine, Dabi." Definitely smug now, because if Dabi is leaving anything up to his instincts alone, Shig knows that he's already going to get what he wants. After all, Duster already knows what his wolf thinks of him.
"Alpha," Whining already, tail still wagging against the sheets though. His skin hurts. He wants to take it off, turn into his full form. Hasn't been able to for three months. Not since he joined up with the League. Not since his Alpha said he didn't want to have to lock him up downstairs in the storage room since they didn't have a good location where they could set him loose. But when he's like this, as long as his Alpha is paying attention, he can stay in his room all throughout the full moon without feeling like he's missing out too much on enjoying the night. He can even be good enough that Alpha doesn't have to chain him up anymore, though that's still nice sometimes. 
"I know, puppy, but I wanted to give you a present before anything else." Tomura reaches for him and Dabi is very good. Stays still so that his Alpha can scratch bare fingers through his hair and behind his ear. Dabi's tail wags a little faster, completely distracted while Tomura's hand is in his hair. 
But then it withdraws and Dabi tries to restart his brain. Present? Oh! "Yes please, Alpha." Happy to take anything from him, especially happy to take something that will help keep his mate safe. 
Duster looks a little amused, but turns to retrieve the box that has been waiting on his desk for them. Dabi's tail is making a rapid swish-swish sound fill the room as his it moves against the sheets. Tomura comes back with the pretty muzzle, gleaming gold like his staples, with thick black leather straps to keep it in place. "This will just help make sure you won't bite me. It won't restrain you from talking or anything else."
His ear twitches, "Are you sure you don't want--" 
"I'm sure." Too bad. Tomura would be such a good mate if he were a wolf too. Already good to him, already a good match, but he would be even more powerful if he were a wolf. Can't help wondering if the earth would crack under his paws while they were running together in the moonlight. "Do you want to wear it for me, puppy?" 
He wants to do anything that will make his Alpha happy, but, "Kisses first?" 
Tomura's eyes soften on him. "Of course, come here, baby." Sits up a little straighter, kneeling on the bed for Alpha, so that Tomura can kiss him. He can't have Tomura's tongue in his mouth, can't nip at his lips the way he normally likes to, too risky even if he does try to be careful, but he can lick into the other man's mouth. That's good too, and every touch against his oversensitive skin is wonderful, and his need is so quick and strong when it ignites through his veins. Tries to chase his mouth when Tomura pulls away, but is restrained with four fingers against his throat that make him let out a needy canine whine. But he keeps still as Alpha slides the cold metal over his nose and jaw, the thick leather straps another unfamiliar and solid weight as they wrap around his head. It only takes him a minute or two to get it secured, and once it is Tomura pulls back to take a look at him. "Perfect, how does it feel, sweetheart?" 
If his Alpha likes it, then it's definitely, "Perfect, Alpha." 
Amused red eyes on him, but they're warm and he's smiling, so Dabi doesn't care what was funny. "I'm glad you like it, baby." And Dabi waits. But Tomura doesn't say anything, is just watching him, that amusement growing, when after barely a minute Dabi is already squirming. He wants to hunt, to run, to change. But he has to be here with Alpha, which means-- He squirms a little where he's sitting. He's been good. Surely Alpha won't make him beg? Won't make him wait through half the night before filling him up again. He tries so hard to be patient. But after another minute he's starting to whine again. 
"You're such a needy bitch on the full moon, aren't you?" 
Dabi's face heats, a whimper in his throat, but his tail starts to wag a little faster. 
"Alright, let me see how much you want it, puppy." 
More than happy to show Alpha how much. Readily turns on the bed, stays on his knees, but drops his shoulders low, hips pushed up, tail raised, presenting for his Alpha. Already naked, so when cool fingers touch his overheated skin, just the light drag of them along his bowed back, Dabi immediately spreads his legs a little wider. Lets out a loud, broken moan when Tomura wraps his hand around the base of his tail and strokes his thumb along where it connects to his skin. Only person he lets touch him there, almost took off Toga's head the first time she'd tried when he was half-shifted in a common area. But when Tomura has a hand on his tail it feels so good. Makes him want to stay in his skin for a little longer rather than keep trying to escape it.
"Good boy." Presses his face into the mattress, muzzle cold against his cheek, to raise his ass even higher. Needs his mate so badly, always needs him so badly during a full moon. The hand moves away from his tail, but that's alright because he can hear Tomura moving. Getting the lube, spreading it over his fingers, and then he's back again. Doesn't need that, not really. His healing happens so fast against anything but his flames that he wouldn't even feel it if Tomura took him without it, but Alpha doesn't want to do that. Always insists. He tries to keep being a good boy as cool fingers spread the lube over his hole, as they push inside his needy body even though he wants to rock back against them so badly. He's patient for the few minutes it takes before Alpha is satisfied with how ready he is, and Dabi's cock is already hard and dripping. Gets hard so fast, can cum so much and so often on moon nights, knows his mate won't leave him unsatisfied in spite of not having his supernatural stamina. "I think my puppy has earned a treat."
And that has him moaning and whimpering into the sheets. Means that Tomura is going to keep fucking him, going to stroke his desperate cock until he knots on nothing tonight. Then might wait for it to go down and make him knot again inside a toy. His thighs tremble, he wants it. A hand returns to his tail and gives it a light tug. Manners, oops, he forgot. 
"Thank you, Alpha." 
"Good boy." 
Feels like one when his cock sinks deep inside his ready body.
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nogu-d-reamers · 1 month
Question for Dogday: What do you do now since Angel had rescue you?
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Dogday: well, I guess it would be "out of service" for now. and the only plan I have left for now is to recover a little so that Mr. Angel can modify me to see if he can install some legs… or remove this HORRIFYING voice box... wait!!
I must tell why I am recovering, my bad- *ahem*
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Dogday: After all the path the angel had traveled, he was resigned to ending up simply as the last meal of those critters… and at the moment when he already felt that he was definitively leaving this world… the angel appeared again
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Dogday: the angeI scared the creatures and ran to hug me and console me; asking me for forgiveness for not having been able to save me before, and after improvising how to get me out of there (when my mere head reaches his neck) he took me to his home. I can't see his face, but I felt like he was crying while he did it.
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Dogday: after this, he made me a safe space where I could be comfortable and lie down and he makes sure that I am so comfortable and well cared for that I don't know how to react to such signs.
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Dogday: I suppose that if I see an improvement my plans may change… but can I tell you something strange that I noticed?
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Dogday: When Angel rescued me he said over and over again "I can't leave you behind allowing them to hurt you… not again."
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Dogday: I don't want to feel special or think that he said it to me directly; and I know that Mr. Angel's past is not something he is proud of… but...
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Dogday: I wonder who those words were directed to…
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jellyfishdoodler · 4 months
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Three years ago yesterday, my friend took his own life and I still miss him almost every day. I hope he would like this little piece.
I also wrote something under the cut- mostly just kinda rambling about him but its more just for me.
Take care of yourselves out there and I beg of you, if you are struggling, please reach out to somebody. Because if you leave then you will be so dearly missed by more people than you know.
You are loved, you are cared for, you matter so somebody.
Take care 💛
I think about you a lot. 
But the things that come to mind are mostly about the video games you used to play with me.
You adored the giant mushrooms in minecraft. We explored far lands and deep caves together. You always killed the mobs for me because I was scared of dying even though we had Keep Inventory on. We would have long strip mining sessions and talk about how we were doing. Tell jokes and stories from our lives or just quietly enjoy each other's company. You always got so excited to see any of the in-game critters. You would have loved the cherry blossoms they added.
You always picked dark green in Among Us but always changed your hat for silly situations. Once you thought I was smart for going back and killing you while you were behind the Admin table, but I was just panicking. We laughed about it in the lobby after I lost. I tried looking for screenshots but I think they got lost. But we'd always run around the boxes while we waited.
You loved to wear the cute outfits in Animal Crossing. I gave you the pretty umbrella and it became your favorite item. We gathered on my island like it was a party to catch shooting stars and spin our umbrellas in unison in between the showers. I remember you lighting up like the sun when you got the New Horizons themed Switch for a really good price because it was in a small local game shop everyone overlooked. 
You enjoyed playing Grounded in early access. Telling me how decorating your base was your favorite part even though you couldn't sit in the little grassblade chairs. There's been a major update with story and more items added. It's also multiplayer now... 
I would give almost anything in the world to be able to play with you again, Gydeon.
I think about you a lot.
You were deeply protective and loved your friends with your whole chest every day. Even when it was damaging to you.
We would talk privately outside the server we met in. Saying how so many of them were in the wrong for so much of the drama they caused and that what they were doing was not okay. But they were our friends. We held each other's hands while walking on eggshells together. Trying to settle their emotions and each other's when we had nothing left to give. 
I still remember your bright laugh. I remember your sleepy mumbles not wanting to leave the group call when it got late in your timezone. I remember you being bored out of your mind while you waited in your dad's car. I remember you getting furious over the actions of someone and losing your cool. I remember you being so excited when you figured out and came out as Pansexual. You decorated all your avatars with Pan flag stickers and were so giddy to find out that part of yourself. I remember you joking about your depression. I remember you being down low and I remember how we would go online and play together to escape for a while.
I think about you a lot. 
Finger snapping has become a stim for me because you taught me that the sound comes from when your finger thumps against your palm. 
Whenever I need to feel brave I think about you standing up for what was right even though you got backlash for it. 
You had so much courage and pride but the thing you inspired in me most was to choose kindness above all else. No matter what. Its easy to be rude and angry and violent. It takes a strong spine and head to be able to let petty shit go and to choose to remain soft and gentle in spite of everything.
I think about you a lot. 
Its been 3 years and I still hold some guilt in my heart for what happened. I don't think it will ever go away and I almost don't want it to, but I've worked hard to make it bearable. Your memory still weighs heavily in my chest when I think about you, but it's more like a comfortable weighted blanket rather than an unrelenting mountain trying to swallow me whole.
You were an incredible young man and I'm one of the luckiest people in the world to say I was able to meet you. Even if the time spent with you was far, far too short. 
You were funny. You were smart. You were the kindest, sweetest person I have ever had the honor to get to know. 
You were one of my close friends and I miss you dearly, Gydeon. I love you, buddy.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 11 months
Love Potion
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@lordoftherazzles my friend, my saviour, has been so good to provide me with a request right away and I am diligent.
So...here we go...Week 2 (There are still plenty of prompts open :) )
Words: 1154
Characters: Dwalin x Nori, Ori
Prompt: Ice-cold drinks
Warnings: Alcohol, a kiss, reference to trauma
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Nori looked over at his younger brother dubitatively—he had a lot riding on this afternoon picnic, and he wanted everything to be just perfect.
"Didn't you say that you were going to the river with Fíli and Kíli?" he asked in a slightly unnerved tone as Ori kept fidgeting with the checkered tablecloth as if he had all the time in the world at his disposal.
"Do you want to get rid of me?" Ori shot back, a vexed, injured expression in his deep, dark eyes as he finally caught on to his brother's evident nervousness and impatience.
"Yes," Nori exclaimed, throwing up his hands. "The last thing I need today is my baby brother bustling around to witness my inevitable shame."
Shaking his head mournfully, Ori gave the decorations a last pat and stepped back from the little table they had erected in the middle of the small meadow behind their cottage.
"Suit yourself," he muttered fondly and gave Nori an encouraging smile. "It looks really nice, you know? You're right though, it's a terribly hot day, and I should be off."
Feeling bad for having chased away Ori—who was inoffensive and helpful by nature—Nori decided to sacrifice a part of his special surprise for his own guest to make amends for his harsh words.
"Here," he called, running after Ori's retreating figure and handed the young lad a battered flask. "Be careful!"
Mahal, Nori thought, he started to sound like Dori.
Shaking himself in disgust, he went back in to swap his worn tunic for a newer, cleaner, and more flattering one and thus began the long waiting.
He had not given his most anxiously awaited guest a clear timeline—it had been important to him to make the whole plan sound as relaxed and spontaneous as possible, despite the meticulous planning that had gone into that insouciant air of careless flirtation—and consequently, he did not know when the other would arrive exactly.
"He'll come," Nori muttered and touched his elaborate hairdo for the umpteenth time to make sure that it was flawless.
It was quite unlike him to be this nervous about what—on the surface at least—was nought but an informal visit from an old friend.
Ori had been right, and the weather had been glorious these last few days so when he had met Dwalin in the square, he had casually invited him to come share a cold drink while sitting in the meadow and laughing about their overly prim and proper siblings.
They had done this a thousand times before so why was his stomach in knots now?
Maybe, Nori had to admit, it was because he now was acutely aware of the effect Dwalin's strong, tattooed arms had on the colony of critters having taken up residence in his stomach or because he could no longer ignore the fact that his breath stuttered every time those seemingly serious eyes glistened with secret glee.
It was entirely foolish, but Nori couldn't help feeling that he didn't want to spend sunny summer days with anybody else. Come to think of it, he could also not imagine a better companion for cold winter days or mellow autumn days or any other season or moment of his life.
Not one to insist on procedure, Dwalin had simply rounded the house and was presently stomping determinedly towards the small clearing, a box carefully balanced in one of his massive paws.
"The other ones out?" he asked good-humouredly as he let himself fall into one of the chairs Ori and Nori had brought out prior to his arrival. "Just us?"
"Just us," Nori acquiesced—he hated how his voice broke at the end of the sentence as if he was not sure of himself.
Mahal's beard, he had but two brothers and he was well capable of keeping track of them.
"Balin sends his best regards," Dwalin grumbled on complacently, "and his meatloaf."
"Oh, goodie," Nori exclaimed in earnest delight and patted Dwalin's bare shoulder awkwardly.
It was a sign of friendship and trust as much as a concession to the merciless, blistering heat that he had not donned the heavy leathers he was usually clad in.
Instead, he wore a light tunic and a pair of cut-off leggings that would have made Dori blanch with how crooked they looked, spanned taut around Dwalin's impressive calves.
"Let me get the drinks," Nori squeaked and dashed back up to the house to catch his breath before he could do something unpardonably stupid.
Taking out the pitcher from the icebox, he gave a heavy sigh.
No doubt, Dwalin expected some local ale, provided by one of the surrounding breweries but—on this most fateful of days—Nori had taken the enormous risk of baring a part of his soul to his taciturn friend.
He had picked up the recipe for the fruity, summery concoction on one of his most desperate thieving trips—in fact, it had been entrusted to him by a young woman who danced for coin.
Spending all her days in sweltering alleys, she knew how merciless the heat could be and had taught Nori how to stir up a refreshing, reinvigorating drink that would not addle his senses overmuch.
It had been many long years since last he had even tried to emulate her prowess, but today, for Dwalin, he had given it his best try.
Nori's fingers were clasped tight around the cold container as he made his way back slowly, dreading that Dwalin would mock him and the fruit of his labours.
At the sight of the cut-up slices of berries and apples floating in the aromatic liquid, Dwalin cocked an inquisitive eyebrow, but he didn't demure.
Indeed, he took the offered tankard eagerly and drank deep.
"That is delicious!" he cried out, astonishment in his voice, as he sprang up for no apparent reason. "You've got something..."
Leaning over his befuddled host, he cupped one of his bearded cheeks tenderly and bent towards him to kiss away the scrap of blueberry clinging to Nori’s proud moustache.
"There," Dwalin muttered throatily. "Even more delightful than the first mouthful."
Whimpering under his breath, Nori melted into the embrace of those strong arms and gasped when Dwalin's cold cup touched his back, making him jerk forward instinctively straight into Dwalin’s broad chest.
"Now, this," Dwalin purred and took another appreciative sip, "is too good to be kept a secret. In the name of fraternal loyalty, I will have to demand you hand over the recipe so I can present it to Balin as a token of my love."
It was Nori's turn to cock a sceptical eyebrow.
"You'd have to catch me first," he then hooted and, twisting elegantly, he ran off towards the nearby line of trees.
Guffawing loudly, Dwalin drained his glass, poured himself another few swigs, downed those as well, and gave chase.
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@fellowshipofthefics Here's the first one for the second week then :)
Thank you @lordoftherazzles for the prompt, you're a lifesaver (and if you ever want one, please feel free to ask me, I never know when people would like any...)
Lots of love <3
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rozcdust · 1 year
She’s so mean
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Pairing: OC x SSM!Y/N
Genre: Darkfic, Angsy
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: OOC, canon divergent, domestic abuse, manipulation, large age gap, physical abuse, brainwashing
She’s so mean, before she was mean
Read the warnings please!
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“He doesn’t love you, you know,” Zankoku whispers in your ear late at night, “If he loved you, he wouldn’t try to take you away from me. You’re happy with me, right? You’re so happy.”
You say nothing as you stare at the dark ceiling in your bedroom, imagining demons and critters running under your feet.
You are sure you’re going insane.
“I love you so much, aren’t you safe here, with me? You’ll never have to do a thing, I’ll just keep you right here. You’ll always be mine, my little glass figurine.“ Zankoku tries to convince you, his nails now digging into your side, his hands wrapping around your ribs and holding you close, so close it feels like he wants to push you inside his ribcage until you become no one, “He doesn’t love you.”
You almost laughed.
Keisuke said the exact same thing about him yesterday on the phone.
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“Today we will be learning about recognising domestic abuse in patients, and how to help!” The lecturer announces, a smile stretching her face, inappropriate for this lecture, but you don’t say a thing.
You listen and take notes and listen and take notes and nowhere does the irony hit you.
You live inside a house of a 30-year-old man as a 19-year-old girl, nothing but soft skin and calloused hands and waiting like lamb for slaughter.
He bought you flowers a week ago, and you watch them rot.
If you had some humanity inside you before, he killed it, and now it’s been left to rot like the flowers, deep inside you, somewhere in a graveyard you couldn’t quite reach unless you dug until your fingernails bled and your arms turned black from filth and you feel yourself turning inside out.
Keisuke calls every day, but you rarely respond.
You worry him to death.
You start a checklist of symptoms, a checklist on how to help patients and as you stare at every single boxed ticked, you close your notebook and stop listening, staring out the window.
Your hips and legs ache with bruises.
You won’t help yourself.
He loves you so much, and so what if it hurts? It’s your fault for making him mad.
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“Y/n? Y/N! OPEN UP!”
It’s your brother.
He’s banging on your doors, and you barely look up from your phone, notifications with 30 missed calls from him and Chifuyu and an unknown caller you’re sure is Kazutora, glaring at you like a thorn, and yet, you stay still.
The banging grows more frantic, and finally, with a heavy, deafening sigh, you unlock the doors, staring somewhere behind him.
He doesn’t need to meet your gaze.
“What is it, Keisuke?”
He stares at you, eyes wide open and you can feel his eyes searching your form, searching for injuries not hard to find, lingering on the broken blood vessels littering your skin, blooming purple and blue like violets in spring.
Like violets rotting in the vase.
“Y/n, you have to leave him.” He breathes out, his voice gravelly, “Leave. I’m begging you.”
“I’m fine, Kei.” You finally lock eyes with him.
He’s angry.
“Fine?” His laughter catches you off guard, for just a second, and you could swear the bitterness in it is crawling up and inside the walls of your apartment and staying there, like a curse.
“You’re not fine,” He frantically shakes his head, his eyes having a hard time moving from the bruises on your wrist and forearm where Zankoku grabbed you a couple of days ago - you talked back that time. Bad idea. “Look at you, God, look at you y/n! You- you look dead! He-“ Keisuke takes a shaky breath, “He’s not okay. He’s not good for you. Please, just, pack your things, you can stay with me and Fuyu and Tora, please-“
“I want to stay with him. He loves me.”
Keisuke stares at you in disbelief.
“Love?! Is this what he brainwashed you into thinking love is?! Look at yourself!”
Your eyes blankly focus behind him.
“This is love.”
Keisuke’s hands move so fast, you flinch, taking a quick step back, expecting a slap that never comes as your eyes screw tightly shut.
When you open them, Keisuke stares at you in disbelief, and betrayal, hands left half hanging in the air.
He wanted to grab your shoulders and pull you into a hug, and you flinched away, and now you feel panic raising in your throat.
It feels like you’re a stupid child who’s been caught stealing candy from the corner store.
“This isn’t love, y/n,” He whispers, eyes wide, “This isn’t it.”
You scoff, the fear turning into anger.
“Fuck off, Kei.”
His hands extend to cup your face, forcing you to look at him.
His touch is soft.
“Y/n, please, listen to me, please. Look at me. Do you see a bruise? Do you see any indication Fuyu or Tora ever hurt me? Is there anything on me?”
Your eyes leave his to scan over his exposed skin.
He has a scratch on his wrist, most likely the courtesy of the cats in the pet shop, and a small bruise visible on his exposed elbow you knew he got from bumping into something, and you could already imagine him cursing and rubbing the spot.
You pry his hands away from you.
He was pushing you into a corner, making you more of a frightened animal than a human, and you didn’t appreciate that very much.
Zankoku loved you.
Keisuke is wrong.
Frightened animals pushed into a corner bite.
“You beat Chifuyu black and blue, and Kazutora fucking stabbed you. He almost killed you, Keisuke. Hardly a picture-perfect relationship, don’t you think?”
Keisuke doesn’t say a word.
He only stares for a few seconds, and you could almost see the cogs in his head turning, the urge to yell fighting with the urge to stay calm.
You want him to yell. To get mad. You want him to hit you and tell you how you’re insane, how you’re stupid for doing this, you want him to hurt you.
You’d deserve it.
He leaves without another word.
You close the doors, silence falling over the apartment.
You can finally be alone with ghosts and rotting flowers once again.
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You sleep in the bathroom that night.
Zankoku is sobbing on the other side, his knocks soft and cautious as he barely manages to let out strangled, pathetic words.
“Please angel, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, you know I didn’t mean to, right? You just made me so mad, and then I can’t help myself, please don’t do it again, please? I didn’t mean to, I swear I didn’t mean to!”
You turn to look at the closed door, a cotton pad drenched in disinfecting alcohol pressed to your eyebrow, the fresh cut stinging and burning and it feels like comfort.
Of course you know he didn’t mean to.
After all, he’s so gentle with you, he’s the perfect boyfriend as long as you stay in line, it’s your fault after all.
When it’s good, it’s so good, but when it’s bad, you aren’t sure you’ll survive.
“Please, angel, I love you, I love you so so much, please?”
You don’t unlock the doors, but you whisper out an apology and tell him you love him too.
After all, you don’t have to do anything, do you? You’re living the dream, all of your needs taken care of, everything always paid for already, food always on the table and his lips always soft and plush when they kiss you.
“We’ll be alright, won’t we angel?” He whispers, and you agree, voice soft and cautious.
You both know it’s bullshit.
Your eyebrow stings, you’ve made the love of your life sad and your brother will probably never call again.
That’s okay. That’s good.
You and Zankoku will be okay, and Keisuke is better off away from you anyway.
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The next morning, there is a red jewellery box and fresh flowers on the table.
There is a golden bracelet inside.
You add it to the overflowing jewellery box.
He knows you can’t wear bracelets as a nurse.
Not that it matters, it’s the thought that counts, right?
You made him mad, he threw a plate at your head, and he apologised.
It’s okay.
He loves you more than anyone else ever could.
And besides, don’t you enjoy this? Don’t you love the rush?
If you hated being a victim, why haven’t you done anything to get out?
He loves you.
He loves you and it shows in his every step, he shows it in the way he cups your face and calls you the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, he shows it by kissing the back of your neck when you ask him to help you clasp a necklace, he shows it with every bruise and every soft caress.
He loves you even with his hands around your neck.
He loves you even when he’s drowning you in a kitchen sink.
He loves you even when he’s bleeding out.
He loves you.
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