#and korra has to hang on to the dark in the light
medicatedcountertop · 2 months
Hey you know what would've be a cool plot for Korra Season 2? If Korra's anger and punch first vibes had been exacerbated due to all the events in season 2, and deciding to split her anger away from herself in an effort to become more like Aang and to "master airbending" which causes the creation of Vaatu. Because that lines up more with the concept of balancing yin and yang and the issues with cultivating a pure yin or pure yang spirit.
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starrysunglasses · 3 years
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[Start I.D. A digital painting of Korra and Asami dancing together quietly at night.  Asami’s back is mostly to us, but she is wearing a long flowing red dress with a deep cut down to the waistline in the back, with tan sandals.  Her hair is down and pulled over her shoulder.  Asami also has a gold hairclip, earrings, and two bracelets.  Korra is wearing her hair down as well, with a blue dress on.  The dress has different shades of light and dark blue, with a white fur band around the waist.  She is wearing dark blue pants underneath the dress with brown boots.  Finally, she has on a necklace in a similar style to her dress, a white circle with a band of dark blue around the outside, and white panels hanging down.  Korra is smiling fondly with her eyes closed, and we can only assume Asami is doing the same.  Korra has one hand around Asami’s upper back, and the other holding her hand.
The ground underneath them is reflecting their dresses.  They are in front of a view of the ocean, a couple islands, and the glow of Republic City in the background.  The mountains climb upwards beyond the city, with a dark night sky filled with twinkling stars and billowing clouds.  Glowing lanterns hang on strings, casting a warm orange light on the two. End I.D.]
I wanted to make something for my sister for Valentine’s Day, so why not post it here too.
I think you might be able to tell by now how much I like glowing lights and such.
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antimonarchy · 4 years
hi! i wanted to ask what would be good resources for someone who wants to learn how to make good ID? and what are some mistakes when making them that are easy to overlook when someone is just starting? it's okay if you don't have the time or just don't want to answer this btw
Hey anon! Here are a few of the resources that I’ve helped me as I’ve started doing IDs, it’s also useful just to look at image descriptions that other people have written on tumblr to get an idea of the format, that helped me when I was making my first IDs. 
These are a few of my tips that I’ve picked up:
- Anything that can be dragged-dropped (screenshot of text, a digital drawing, etc.) most probably requires a description. 
- Some images may have alt text already included within them
- Put image descriptions FIRST, don’t hide them under text or below a readmore, as that makes it harder for someone who is blind/has low vision to access them
- I’ve found it useful to download a screen reader just to get an idea of how I should create IDs, I use NVDA which is entirely free and pretty easy to control (Insert + Q turns it off -- I spent thirty minutes trying to figure that out so don’t make my mistake) https://www.nvaccess.org/download/
- Colors should be described, but don’t make them the focus of your description. Instead, I use what uxdesign describes as Object - Action - Context for the most part. (Example: A drawing of Aang running with Katara in a grassy field: Aang and Katara = objects, Action = running together, in a grassy field = context) but I usually add more detail
-Make sure to add the username if its a screenshot of a social media post, and always look for an artist’s signature in a drawing!
-  When talking about race and/or skin color, make sure that if you describe one character’s skin color/race, mention it for the other character as well. If one character appears to be white, don’t treat that as the default and only describe the non-white character’s skin color/race. Example: “Ezran and Rayla are standing together. Ezran has light brown skin and freckles, Rayla has pale skin.” (these are Dragon Prince characters bc there are no white people in atla for an example)
- If you make IDs for visual content, always remember that Deaf/HoH people might need audio IDs. sometimes when describing a video, I do a combination, so I describe both the sounds and visuals simultaneously. 
- To make it easy for someone using a screen reader to understand when an ID starts/ends, I always use brackets, so for example:
[Image ID: A colorless digital drawing of Suki over a pale green background...../.End ID] (obviously I would add more info in between)
- If there are symbols which indicate emotion or a sound effect, for example if there was a drawing where a character had dots and lines around their face indicating that they were seeing spots/were dizzy, then make sure to include them in your description to provide context. For example:
[Image ID: .....Around Sokka’s head, there are several fuzzy dots indicating that he is dizzy..../.End ID]
- Doing image descriptions is a learning process, so don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t perfect at it when you start out, just always try to improve at it
To finish, here’s an example full id that I did of an atla artwork a few days ago:
[IDs: Two gifs from The Legend of Korra.
The first one shows Kya, who is standing in a defensive position staring ahead with a focused expression in the courtyard on Air Temple Island. She is bending a series of water tendrils around her as if ready to attack. She is wearing a sleeveless blue dress over a dark blue shoulderless long-sleeve shirt.
The second shows Lin, who is hanging from a metal rope inside the Pro-Bending area. She twists herself around it sideways and throws up her other arm, sending another metal rope in the air. She is wearing her armor. /.End ID]
Sorry this got long...lol, image descriptions are just interesting
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bum-ju · 3 years
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[I.D: a “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss” moodboard edit of Bumi and Bum-Ju from the Legend of Korra. there are five images of them in it. in the top left corner is a screencap of Bum-Ju sitting on Bumi’s shoulder. Bumi is dressed in Air Nation clothing wearing a miffed expression. Bum-Ju has his eyes closed. there are two white shine icons edited onto Bum-Ju’s head. beneath the image is the word “gaslight” in thick white font and all caps, overlayed with light blue sparkles. below it is two screencaps put together. the first, on the left, is of Bumi holding out a hand-knitted pink sweater. Bumi is wearing his usual military clothing, a red jacket. he looks at the viewer with a sad face. a red circle with a slash is edited over the pink sweater. the second is of Bum-Ju facing three quarter angle to the left, with slanted eyebrow marks edited over his face make him look angry. beneath the two images is the word “gatekeep” in the same format. to the left of the three images and the center of the edit, is a screencap of Bumi falling off a cliff hanging by a tree branch. he is looking up with a panicked expression. Bum-Ju attempts to grab Bumi, but he only tugs on his coat. the image is overlayed with sparkles. to the right is the fifth image. Bumi is sitting with his legs crossed and his hands in fists together, his expression serious. Bum-Ju sits on his shoulder with a neutral expression. blue shine marks are edited over Bum-Ju, and small blue hearts are edited in the top right corner of the image by Bumi’s shoulder. in the bottom left corner is a light blue lipstick kiss mark. above the image is the word “girlboss” in the same format as the others. the background is dark teal. end I.D.]
bum-ju stans rise for your girlboss <3
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light filtered through blinds, drawn tight in a futile attempt to stop the early morning sunlight from painting the walls of ice gold. the air smelled like snow, if it had a scent to begin with, and paper. so much paper.
letters from mako, bolin, even one from lin of all people, sat in piles upon piles, read over and over again, ink feathering slightly from the damp curtain hanging in the air. korra’s eyes flitted across the mountains of parchment and guilt tugged at her briefly. but what would she say? why could she write to asami like nothing, but not to anyone else? the words would always come out too forced, too formal.
fingers brushed across paper, thick and expensive, ink never faltering, not visibly at least. she wondered if asami had written with her gold pen. the one that sat, cushioned, in her top desk drawer. flicking it between her fingers, developing a rhythm, a song almost. tapping it against the edge of the desk, 1, 2, 3. stopping when she caught korra watching as if asami was the sun, breathing to the beat that the pen tapped against the desk-
she’d been told to sleep in, rest, but sleep was irregular lately. unpredictable. she smiled weakly and almost attempted to stand up, almost forgot that she couldn’t. it had been 6 months. 6 months and she still couldn’t stand. “hi, mom.”
“korra,” senna sighed, wringing her hands anxiously. “you didn’t sleep much did you.”
“it won’t always hurt-“
“it doesn’t-“ korra cut herself off, hesitating, breathing in ice. “hurt. it doesn’t hurt. it doesn’t... anything. it’s just numb.”
senna smiled weakly, the same smile korra’d been receiving for 6 months. even her own mother looked at her with pity.
“i’ll try to sleep more.”
a kiss on her forehead, hair brushed out of her eyes. same as the morning before. and probably the one tomorrow.
asami’s letter still sat in her hands, barely crumpled. soft script, curling like her hair, dark against her pale shoulders. questions of how healing was going. how much she was missed. but more. there was more, and korra couldn’t pinpoint why, but that more sent a flutter through her stomach, her arms, her chest. she brought the paper to her nose, hoping it might smell like asami. peppermint and gasoline. it just smelled like paper.
how’s healing going? we miss you. I miss you. That one restaurant started serving water tribe food, it made me think of you. i wonder if it’s authentic, maybe you can try it one day? everything’s empty without you, korra. i hope it doesn’t sound selfish, but i want you home. in republic city, i mean. i suppose the south pole is home. write back soon.
healing’s going... well it’s going. i miss you all too. especially- and korras pen had stopped here, leaving a spot of ink at the end of the y. you. tell me more about this prince mako’s guarding. he sounds horrible. i keep wanting to write to the others, but i can’t. none of my words feel right. nothing feels right, it’s all numb.
asami’s favorite perfume smelled like roses and fresh cherries. korra has never had to ask this, some things she knew from hugs that lingered too long and falling asleep on shoulders on nights that were too long, and too short. but despite the cherries and roses, she still smelled like peppermint, always. korra hoped that hadn’t changed. too much was changing, or not changing. everyone else was changing, while she was frozen, drifting through space, sinking almost. numb. she was always numb. but sometimes she’d read asami’s letters, and think of peppermint and golden pens and smiles that no one else got to see, that she selfishly wished no one else would ever see, and she felt just a little warmer.
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guileheroine · 3 years
some seasonal slice of life written to take The Everthere series over 100k🎉 (‘blanket fort’ prompt picked via twitter poll) / korrasami / 1.2k / ao3
There had already been another fresh snowfall since they got back home. As Korra gazed out of the window, waiting for the tea to steep, anticipatory thoughts of being seduced in the blanket fort also brewing, she watched the footprints and pawprints they’d left on the front porch disappear. It took minutes, the snowflakes fat and fast. She felt the ghost of them on her lashes— how she’d swept them away with her mittens a few hours ago. 
Usually it was just Korra and Naga on the not-really-morning-anymore walk, but today was Sunday so Asami came along, forgoing her usual early morning run. The air was crisp and cool over the white lawns of the park, and it reminded Korra of home, the other one, her first home. They made snow angels in the thick drift, Korra lying ensconced in the one Asami made like a cookie in the mold, making a mental note to put some cookies in the oven when they got back. Then they made a tall snowman, with a torso of packed snow, surprisingly well defined.
“It’s Tenzin,” Asami said, expertly shaping a vein into its head with a twig that she wielded like a palette knife. Afterwards, since she’d been lacking in things to post on Instagram lately, she gave it quite the photoshoot. 
Looking out now, Korra thought they should make a snowman for their own porch next. She returned to the kitchen, stirred the tea and ate what was left of her cookies, off the high shelf where she had placed them out of reach of Naga. Asami was upstairs in her bedroom, engineering the fort. When Korra left her, she had been considering the space, estimating the lengths of the sashes of various dressing gowns, a lot more seriously than Korra had ever intended when she brought up the idea of a blanket fort. But then, she should have known that Asami wouldn’t be up for a task like that unless she could impress—both Korra and herself. 
Anyway, when the cookies were gone and Korra was done dawdling downstairs, she took the tea up. When she entered the bedroom, she drew out her gasp of excitement. The fort Asami had designed was exactly the feat of construction she thought she would find, but seeing it practically finished kindled new delight. Asami had fetched the laundry lines and used the guiding parameters of the rug to make a structure more like an actual marquee, much higher and squarer than the tentlike fort Korra had had in her head.
“This. This is real estate,” she said, handing Asami the tray of cups hurriedly so she could hop inside. “You could hang a chandelier in here.” 
Asami carefully set the little tray down inside the fort without entering herself. “Well, this isn’t quite that.” Korra recognised the lights she was stringing up above the front from the living room. “Okay, now we’re done.”
She settled on the pillows gleefully once inside, wrapping her hands around her mug. They basked in the new ambience for a moment, warming up silently with the tea. Asami put her mug to her cheek, a familiar gesture that compelled Korra to reach out and see if her hands were still cold. Asami could take hours to thaw.
Korra took another sip. “I think we should have an outroom like this, it’d be cozy. Or like a treehouse.”
At that Asami finally turned onto her side to face Korra, bringing her cup down. “You want a man cave? There are spare rooms in this house.”  
“It’s not the same! The ceiling—“ Asami had used light colours, no doubt deliberately; between the white sheets there was a rosy pink blanket that gave the space light plenty, and a warm, romantic glow. There was no sharpness, no edges; Korra had the impression of floating on a cloud. “It has to be smaller than an actual room, right? So it feels organic.”
“Like a cabin... You gonna build it?”
“You can invest in one for me when we get married.” 
“When we—” Asami snorted, her face screwing with incredulity, but she heard this one a lot—dealt it herself, too—so she was used to it. Usually she would glow and quip something like, Now why would we do that? But today she just said, “Well, let’s at least wait until the plague is well over. Maybe in the brave new world.”  
Snow made it cleaner and quieter than ever out there, their world in here smaller than ever.
Swallowed up in all the softness and warmth, Korra found herself yawning. “Are you sick of me yet?”
“Are you sick of me?” Asami countered, batting her eyes lazily. 
She wanted to be buttered up, whether she was aware of it or not. But Korra had been angling for that first. For a while, if she were honest, and she didn’t appreciate being rebuffed so readily.
“Maybe a lot,” she said. She expected one of the pillows in her face, but Asami just laughed, ceding with a shrug.
“None taken!” 
She came and burrowed closer nonetheless, and Korra propped her elbow on the cushions so she could bend down and meet her, since there was no reason to do anything but cuddle in here, at least until someone got truly bored. If Asami unbent her knees she would only just fit in the blanket fort, but she was curled up just so to be able to rest under Korra’s chin. Korra sniffed her hair, and then stroked it lightly. 
“It’s cold,” Asami said, getting smaller. “Should have turned up the heating first—” like there was definitely nothing she could do about it now. And she was right, Korra realised how resistant she was to the idea of Asami climbing out of her arms now. 
“Well… you made your fort,” she said, as Asami moved her head to smile up at her. Korra pushed her off her chest gently so she would have the leverage to kiss her. “Now lie in it.”
Asami looked beautiful in the snow, because her hair was dark and striking against the hues. It was the same in here. 
“O-ho. Not that sick of me, huh?” She grazed the wool of Korra’s sweatshirt with her nails when she kissed her yet more. 
In the literal new light, Korra confirmed what she suspected, that it was just the house, just the room that was old. That if she was sick of Asami one moment, there was a very good chance that she wouldn’t be in the next. The desire to be entertained by Asami, or anything, was suddenly far away. 
Instead, she thought about turning her over. Her face in the glut of cushions she had laid out, the way they would catch all her soft sounds. Close by, just beyond this wall of the fort, whenever she found the will to scale it, was the drawer where Asami kept her toys. Korra thought about which she might want... the one she said she never used much but liked sometimes when Korra did? That could be the touch of novelty they sorely needed.
After the tea. But she’d make sure to finish it while it was hot. 
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shellyseashell · 3 years
@korrasami-valentine-exchange this is my fic for the exchange! I’m Soulmates A. I hope I’m posting it correctly.
Summary: With Valentine’s Day drawing near, Korra and Asami just want to find their soulmate.
Read on ao3
KORRA SLUMPED BACK on her pillow, growling at her computer. She absolutely hated essays. Give her a model to make or a poster to design and she’d have it done in minutes, but essays took her centuries. At this point she would drop out if it meant she’d never have to write another essay.
“Essays again?” Opal, her roommate asked from her bunk below.
“What, like I’d be complaining about anything else right now?” Korra retorted, leaning over to glare at her friend.
“You’re either complaining about essays or not finding your soulmate yet.”
Korra rubbed her wrist, where her soul mark was. It was a dark crescent moon that would change color after she met her soulmate. It was as dark as ever. “I’m totally walking into this, but it’s just unfair! You found Bolin years ago, and Mako found Wu soon after! I’m the only one in our friend group who hasn’t found them.”
Opal sighed and set down her book. They had this conversation practically three times a day, and each time Opal suggested something new that Korra would refuse. Today was no different. Glaring at Korra, her friend stood from her bunk. “Maybe if you didn’t cover your wrists all the time, you’d find them.”
Korra shrank back. She always covered her wrists when she left her dorm, either with bracelets or long sleeves. Most people her age were blissfully happy with their soulmate by now, and she didn’t need the embarrassment of being alone. “What if they don’t even live nearby? What if I go my whole life without finding them? What if — what if they’re dead?” Korra choked out the last question. She didn’t want to think about her soulmate being gone. She didn’t even know them, and yet the idea of never meeting them — of never being able to meet them — was unthinkable.
Opal sighed. “You’re overthinking this. You’ll meet them eventually. It could take a long time, but you won’t live your whole life without them. It’s practically impossible.”
“I hope you’re right.”
ASAMI CURSED AS she dropped her wrench. Twisting around to grab it without getting out from under the car, she half-expected someone to offer her help or ask if she was okay — like her father normally would.
No one came.
Which was expected, since she was the only one currently working, but it still got lonely. Ever since her father had died a year ago, she had been forced to run the mechanics shop with few employees and questionable schedules.
And with no friends, it got incredibly lonely all the time. Before, at least she had had her father and the few other employees. But after he had died, they had all gone to different companies. Companies that could pay better. And so now, she was alone.
Often, she wondered what it would be like to have found her soulmate. To have someone who loved her no matter what. Someone who was destined to be with her, to love her. To have someone always there for her, who wouldn’t ever leave her. It was starting to be a foreign feeling.
Her gaze landed on her gloved wrist that held her soul mark — a dark crescent moon. She checked it daily after work on the off chance that one of her customers was them, and was always looking for someone with the same mark. So far, she’d had no such luck.
Asami went back to her job, thoughts of finding her soulmate in increasingly unrealistic ways filling her mind. When she finished, she pushed herself out from under the car and started putting her tools away, freezing when she caught sight of someone standing in the doorway.
That someone was a very pretty girl. Her dark hair was cut short around her shoulders, framing her face and making her friendly smile and blue eyes look even prettier. Her skin was a warm brown, and she wore sweatpants and a blue Republic City University hoodie. She looked mildly familiar, but she couldn’t place why, and it didn’t explain why her heart started beating faster or why she felt the urge to make sure she had no grease stains on her face.
“I was starting to think no one was here,” said the girl, looking around. “It’s really empty.”
“I’m the only one working today,” Asami responded. “You can always knock, and if no one repsonds just give us a call and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.”
The girl smiled as Asami approached her. She played with her gloves, nearly taking them off before realizing her soul mark would show, and she didn’t want this girl to see it — didn’t want the pity. So she settled for resting them by her sides.
“What can I do for you?” Asami asked.
The girl jerked her head in the direction of the parking lot. “My car has been making weird noises for the last few days.”
Asami nodded. “Which one is yours?”
The girl led her to her car, an old blue thing. “This is it.”
Asami walked around it, looking at it from different angles. “I’ll probably have to keep it overnight and look at it tomorrow. It’s almost closing time.” Asami looked up and met the girl’s eyes, and quickly looked away, hoping her blush wasn’t noticeable. “How should I contact you?”
“You can call me or send me a text,” the girl said. “I’m Korra, by the way.”
Of course she was Korra, Asami thought as she handed her her phone. Korra was the star player on the soccer team, and incredibly popular. They had a few classes together, but had never really spoken.
“I’m Asami,” she said, taking her phone back from Korra.
“I know,” said Korra, then quickly added, “I mean — it was on the information site. That you owned this place.”
Asami smiled. “I do.”
The silence dragged on, neither making a move to end it.
Korra cleared her throat. “So, you’ll call me when you’re done?”
“Great, I can’t wait!”
KORRA RAN FORWARD and kicked the ball. And completely missed the goal.
She growled. She didn’t know what was going on, but she’d been off balance ever since she had taken her car to Future Industries Mechanics. She couldn’t shake Asami out of her mind. Her green eyes, the way her hair shone in the light and looked really fluffy. They say she kept playing with her gloves, the grease stain across her cheek. She wanted to know Asami Sato, and she wasn’t sure why.
“That’s the third time you’ve missed the goal today,” her coach, Kuvira, said. “What’s going on?”
Korra sighed and rubbed her forehead. “I don’t know. I’ll do better tomorrow, I promise.”
“You better. We have a game next week, and we need you in top shape,” Kuvira said with crossed arms. Then she lowered her voice and asked, “Did you find your soulmate?”
If it was anyone else, she probably would have punched them, but Kuvira was almost a friend to her — a friend who happened to be her soccer coach, but still. “No. At least, I don’t think so. I haven’t checked.”
“Ah, so you met someone who you hope is your soulmate, but you’re too scared to check in case you’re let down.”
“Yeah . . .”
Kuvira smirked. “Well, then I guess it’s a good thing practice is over.” She jerked her head toward the locker rooms. “Go figure it out. I’m sure it’ll all work out.”
“I’m sure it’ll all work out.” That was the phrase that Korra had been hearing more and more the older she got, the longer she went without a soulmate. Right, because it was easy to think things would work out when you had been happy with your soulmate for years. But to Korra, it was hard to think she’d ever find them. Everyone around her had found theirs, so why couldn’t she? Sure, there were people who found them when they were in their thirties or even older, so she hadn’t lost all hope, but it was still her soulmate. Of course she wanted to find them as soon as she could.
She sighed, and entered one of the shower stalls. She pulled up her sleeve, not expecting anything different, but froze when she saw that her soul mark was not the same as it had been before. Instead of the same pitch black it usually was, it was a mess of different colors. There were pinks and blues and reds and greens and oranges and yellows and colors she couldn’t even name.
A wide grin grew on her face as she realized what this meant. She had found them! She had found her soulmate, after all the years. And she knew just who it was.
Deciding to shower later, she stuffed her belongings back in her bag and ran. She passed by Kuvira in the hall, who simply smiled knowingly.
Korra headed to the parking lot before remembering her car was still with Asami — funny that her car was where she wanted to be, but not her. She hesitated for a second, trying to decide if she wanted to run there or wait for a bus.
“Fuck public transportation,” Korra said, sprinting down the street. She’d get there faster on her own anyway.
Everything blurred around her as she ran, only her destination in her mind. She was dimly aware of traffic and horns honking and annoyed glares around her. Not that she cared. She was going to get to Asami if she had to trample everyone in her path.
By the time she entered the mechanics shop, her bag was hanging off her elbow, and she was sweatier than before, causing her hair and clothes to stick to her. Still, that didn't stop her excitement from creeping into her voice as she yelled, “Asami!” in time with her bag sliding off her arm and hitting the floor.
There was a muffled crash and a curse, and then Asami appeared from behind a car, rubbing her head. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, a few strands falling into her face. She wore the same mechanics uniform from before, riddled with grease stains.
Asami furrowed her brows. “Korra? Your car isn’t ready yet. I said I’d call you when it was.”
Korra crossed the room, practically flying with excitement. “No, I know. It’s just, well, this.”
She held her wrist up in Asami’s face. Asami looked confused at first, unsure why she was showing her her soul mark, before her eyes widened in realization. Asami scrambled to pull off her work gloves. “Spirits,” she breathed, staring down at her identical wrist. She looked up and met Korra’s eye. “I don’t — how?”
“How are we soulmates?” Korra said. “Easy. We just are.”
Asami shook her head, though she was smiling. “No, I mean, how have we not figured it out sooner? We have classes together.”
Korra grinned and leaned her elbow on the car in front of her, staring Asami right in the eye. “But have we ever talked before?”
Asami shook her head.
Asami studied her arm for a few seconds before looking up at Korra. “So, if we’re soulmates . . .”
“We should probably talk about it,” Korra finished. “Tomorrow night. Valentine’s Day. We go on a date. We talk about the whole soulmate thing. We live happily for the rest of our days.”
Asami snorted. “Sounds perfect.”
“Good, because I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.”
“YOU WON’T BELIEVE what happened!” Korra yelled, slamming the door to her dorm behind her.
Bolin, who was holding a bowl of popcorn, jumped and dropped the bowl. “Would it hurt to give a little warning next time?” he grumbled and he knelt to clean up the mess.
Mako snorted from the couch. “Maybe you should know she’ll do that stuff by now.”
“Oh, shut up.”
“Guys please,” Korra said. “What happened today.”
Wu snapped his fingers and pointed at her. “You learned that we’re all living in a simulation and nothing is real.”
“. . . no?”
“You learned that fairies are real and we’re all giants,” Bolin offered, earning a glare from Opal, who was in her bunk.
“Let her speak,” she said.
Korra rocked back on her heels, before blurting out, “I found my soulmate!”
Wu gasped. “That was going to be my next guess!”
Mako snorted, tightening his arm around his shoulders. “Sure it was.”
“That’s great, Korra,” Opal said. “Who is it?”
“Asami Sato.”
Bolin sat down next to Opal, having given up on popcorn. “Isn’t she in some of your classes?”
Korra nodded slowly. “A few, I think. But I’ve never actually talked to her until now.”
“How’d you meet her?” Mako asked.
“Car problems. Obviously.”
“Right. Obviously.”
“You know,” Opal said. “Her dorm is in the same building. She lives on her own, I think.”
Korra grinned, and her eyes seemed to brighten. Her soulmate living in the same building as her? It was the next best thing compared to actually living with her. Still, it would make seeing her easier. She wouldn’t have to worry about her car breaking down — though that would give her an excuse to see Asami whenever she wanted. “Does she?” Honestly, it was surprising that she hadn’t figured it out sooner. There had been so many opportunities for them to talk, but they only did when Korra’s old car broke down?
“Yeah. You should go talk to her.”
Korra shook her head. “I just got back from talking to her. We’re going out tomorrow.”
“Valentine’s Day?”
Korra grinned. “What better day to get to know your soulmate than the day of love?”
ASAMI PACED AROUND her small shop. She was supposed to be closing up, but all she could think about was what had happened earlier.
She had found her soulmate.
More specifically, she had found out Korra, the star of the soccer team, one of the most well-known girls, daughter of the mayor, quite possibly the most beautiful girl she’d ever met, was her soulmate.
Of all things, she was surprised they’d never met before, but with how different their lives were, she honestly wasn’t surprised.
Asami locked the door behind her as she left, and headed to her car. She paused when she passed Korra’s car.
Trailing a hand over the hood, she was overcome with fantasies of the future. Of dates with Korra in the front seat. Of snuggling up on cold days. Of laughing and joking as they rode to classes. Of seeing Korra when her car was finished.
This car, Korra’s car, was a mark of the future, and it was one she would forever be grateful for.
VALENTINE’S DAY CAME, and Korra was freaking out.
“Korra, you look fine,” Opal said for the fifth time.
Korra tugged at her collar again. She had decided to wear a blue suit, with a black shirt underneath. She had left her jacket unbuttoned, open to hang at her sides, but now she was questioning if it was the right choice. “But what if I picked the wrong color suit and our outfits clash?”
Opal rolled her eyes. “Since when have you cared about your appearance that much?”
“But she’s my soulmate!” Korra protested. “I want everything to be perfect.”
Opal stood from her bed and crossed the room. Placing her hands on Korra’s shoulders, she stared into her very soul. “Korra. You are taking her out for dinner and then stargazing. Your date plan is fine. She is your soulmate. She’ll like it regardless. Look, I know your first date with your soulmate is nerve wracking. I’ve been through it. But you’re going to be fine. You’ll be laughing halfway through and wonder why you were ever so nervous. You’ll be fine.”
Korra took a deep breath and shook her nerves away. “You’re right. We’re going to dinner. We’re going to get to know each other and talk about this whole soulmate thing. It’s going to be fine.”
Opal grinned. “Good. Now get going. Bolin is going to be here any minute and I don’t want you here.”
Korra laughed and crossed to the door, winking at Opal — who rolled her eyes — before leaving.
There were plenty of couples in the hall, all heading out to do their couple-y thing. It was weird to think that after years of moping at home and wishing to all the stars she could remember the names of, that she would be joining them soon.
Weird, but absolutely exhilarating.
Korra stopped in front of Asami’s door. Taking a deep breath, she steeled her nerves and knocked.
The door opened immediately, like Asami had been waiting for her. Korra’s greeting stuck in her throat. Asami looked absolutely beautiful. Her red dress hugged her waist and danced around her like feathers in the wind. The sleeves flowed around her arms and cinched around her wrists. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders, her lips painted the same shade as her dress, her eyes lined with black. She was even more beautiful than Korra thought.
Korra was shaken out of her thoughts by Asami laughing. “You’re staring,” she said, causing Korra to blush. “But you look very pretty yourself.”
Korra grinned. “Really? I was worried the blue was overdoing it.”
Asami laughed again. “It goes well with red.”
“Does it? I had no idea.”
“It does. Are you going to tell me what you have planned for tonight, or is that a surprise?”
Korra bit her lip. “I can tell you we’re going out to dinner, but after that is a surprise.”
“Dinner sounds nice.”
Grinning, Korra looped her arm with Asami’s and led her down the hall. “You’re going to love it.”
ASAMI DID LOVE it. Korra had taken her to a diner with mostly outdoor seating. The seating area was filled with plants of all sorts, with flowers of all different colors. It almost looked like the garden was one huge soul mark. Lanterns lined the walkways, making her feel like their path was glowing.
Korra led her down one of the many pathways, grinning widely. That grin was one Asami could get used to seeing — she was quickly falling in love with it.
“Wow Korra, this is amazing,” she said, stumbling slightly as Korra jerked her around a corner.
“Sorry!” her soulmate-maybe-girlfriend squeaked. “Our table is up here.”
Asami looked around, noticing they hadn’t passed any more tables in a while. “Why are the tables so spaced out anyway?”
“This restaurant is for soulmates who have just met to get to know each other. The tables are so far apart for privacy. Each table is supposed to have a bowl of conversation starters with weird questions. Get to know the small stuff before what they do for a living, I guess.”
Asami laughed. “This is amazing,” she repeated.
Korra raised an eyebrow. “Really? It’s not that creative.”
“To be fair, we only met yesterday.”
Korra stopped. “This is us.”
The table was in a small alcove surrounded by flower pots. It was a typical outdoor seating table — metal, with chairs that would probably be uncomfortable after a while. The center of the table had a small bowl with different slips of paper sitting in it. Conversation starters.
Asami unlooped her arm from Korra’s and sat. Her soulmate did the same.
They spent a few seconds staring at each other and grinning. Spirits, Korra was pretty, with her short hair and minimal makeup that looked like it had been put on last minute, and the blue suit that matched her eyes.
She could have spent hours staring into those eyes that seemed to hold the depths of the world within them. They were the ocean and the sky and warm rain.
Asami looked away and cleared her throat. “So, should we use these conversations starters, or should we go through the basic ‘get to know me’ questions?”
Grinning, Korra placed her chin on her hand. “Tell me about Future Industries.”
Asami grinned. She could’ve talked about anything just to talk to Korra, but talking about one of the things she loved most was even better. “It was supposed to expand from one small mechanics shop to a whole company, but my father died before he could finish all the business stuff, and I’m not in the place to do it on my own. A lot of the employees quit after he died, looking for better work, so I don’t have enough money — or time, with school. I want to expand in the future though.”
Korra nodded. “Seems important.”
“It is,” Asami agreed. “Forgetting about the fact that I love the work, my father started the company and I feel like I’d be forgetting him if I didn’t make it worth it.”
Korra smiled softly. “You wouldn’t be forgetting him.”
Asami shrugged. “What about you? What do you want to do with your life?”
“Okay, so I know I should know by now, but I’m not completely sure. I mean, I focus a lot on soccer and martial arts and could easily do something with that. But I could also help my dad in politics, which would be fine.”
“As long as you’re doing what you want,” Asami said. “And something you went to school for.”
Korra laughed. “Anything other than Future Industries I should know about you?”
“What, like a secret identity I hide behind to fight crime?” Asami said with a laugh. “Nothing that huge. Basic stuff you’ll probably know with those conversation starters. I don’t really have any friends. I major in mechanics. I run Future Industries. I want to expand. That’s it really.”
Korra nodded. “Well, you should know my roommate and friends can be annoying. I was the last to find my soulmate, and they teased me for it a lot. And they’re just annoying in general.”
“I think I can deal with annoying roommates.”
“Good, because you’ll be dealing with them a lot,” Korra said, playing with the slips of paper. “So, those conversation starters.”
KORRA TOOK ASAMI to the roof of their dorm building. Korra wasn’t sure Asami would like it, but by the way Asami gasped and turned in a slow circle to look at the view, she was pretty sure she did.
“I know I said dinner was amazing,” Asami started, “but this is amazing.”
“Never came up to the roof before?” Korra asked, setting a blanket that she’d snagged from her dorm down on the ground. She sat and patted the ground next to her.
“You’re allowed to come up here?” Asami asked as she sat down and leaned her head on Korra’s shoulder.
“Er — no, not usually,” Korra said, rubbing her next. “But a family friend runs this place, so I get special permission. Figured I might as well use it.”
Grinning, Asami leaned back on her elbows and looked at the sky. “I wish I could see the stars.”
Korra leaned back too. “You can see them better in the country, at my family’s farm.”
“Your family has a farm?”
“My grandparents. We visit every summer.”
Asami hummed. “Do you know a lot about the stars?”
Grinning, Korra reached a hand up to the sky like she could pick a star out of the sky. “I sure do.”
Asami sighed. “Tell me everything you can.”
And so the two laid there, Asami’s head on Korra’s chest and Korra’s hand tangled in Asami’s hair as Korra told everything she knew of the stars. Asami listened, and though she didn’t understand much of what she was listening to, all she cared about was that it was Korra, her soulmate, talking, and that was all that mattered.
At long last, both girls had found their soulmate.
Dunno if I should put a taglist here but here we go: @salt-warrior @andrewminyard-apologist @cinderswrench @shadymcsilverbangs @cindersassasin let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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nicnacsnonsense · 3 years
Been thinking about my hypothetical live action remake of Korra (seriously Netflix, call me, I have so many amazing ideas) and how I would tackle season two since it’s definitely the season that needs the most work, specifically and especially the Unalaq & Raava-Vaatu plotline. I kind of got carried away, like I do, but I’m very excited about it; a lot of good strong themes here. I’m going to start by talking about the changes to the first half, pre-Beginnings interlude, then the Beginnings episodes, then the back half. For the most part, all of the major plot beats still stay the same, at least until the climax, but the way those beats are contextualized are going to get pretty different building up to a radically different climax (no spirit being kaiju fight, yay!).
With Unalaq in the front half, the one major change is I want the religious fundamentalism vibes that come on so strong when he’s introduced to ramp up after the Northern Tribe soldiers show up and especially after Korra finally realizes he’s a bad guy, rather than petering out like happens in canon. I want to actually see him impose strict expectations of behavior in accordance with what he feels honors the spirits on the people of Southern Water Tribe. Let’s get some misogyny and restrictive gender roles up in here. That’s going to be great (from a storytelling perspective, obviously) because it’s relatively low-hanging fruit to communicate that the bad guy is bad, it fits in well thematically with where we’re going and the religious fundamentalism, and there is canon precedent in The Last Airbender that restrictive gender roles are a traditional value in the Northern Water Tribe.
A quick sidebar related to themes, in whatever episode where we first have Unalaq really cracking down on those gender roles, I want a B or possibly C plot with the Tenzin family vacation, where Jinora comes out to Tenzin as nonbinary. She is questioning with regards to the exact nature of her gender, but does say its some combination of both masculine and feminine, though other nonbinary identities – including agender, genderfluid, and a gender that is completely divorced from male-female – are floated. Tenzin is supportive and affirming and also suggests Jinora talk with her Aunt Kya, who he identifies as being a transwoman. (Kya is a trans lesbian in my version; you gotta deal with it.) This obviously serves to contrast Unalaq with his strict gender roles, and continues to build our theme.
For Korra in the first half, I do want to drag her emotional volatility down just a tad as compared to where she’s at in canon for these episodes. I still want her getting emotional and acting rash – that’s a huge part of her character – but I want her anger to feel sympathetic to the audience. Though I do also want at least one moment where Korra gets angry for good reason and starts yelling at Unalaq and he chides her for being emotional and irrational and he’s not going to discuss this with her if she can’t behave calmly and logically, blah, blah, blah, misogyny.
The final and biggest change that we’re making in the first half is Korra does not yet have her bending back. Season one does still end with her talking with Aang and learning energybending, which she uses to restore everyone else’s bending and restore her own connection to the other three elements, but in the opening episode of season two, we learn that she still can only airbend. She says that as far as she can tell everything should be alright and she should be able to bend fire, water, and earth, but obviously she can’t. She also mentioned that while it looks like it should, she feels like there is something missing, or maybe something there that she can’t see. Which my clever readers of course realize is a reference to Raava. After her flashback coma, Korra gains the other elements back, explaining that what she was missing was her connection to Raava had been damaged. Not broken, which is why she could still airbend and do all the other Avatar stuff she was doing, but damaged enough that Raava could no longer switch elements for her or give her access to multiple elements at once.
Moving on to Beginnings, right off the bat, I’m getting rid of the notion that all humans have to huddle on the backs of lion turtles out of fear of the spirits. The two worlds are connected, but humans and spirits co-exist peacefully for the most part. The lion turtles instead act as mediators when necessary, and do sometimes give out bending for humans to defend themselves with, but not as a regular thing every time they need to leave their city. We’ll have to switch up the stealing fire and Chin plot a little to accommodate this change, but somehow or other it happens and Wan gets banished with firebending.
Eventually he comes across Raava and Vaatu fighting and these two characters are getting some major shake ups. First off, in canon Raava identifies as being peace to counter Vaatu’s chaos, but peace is not the opposite of chaos; order is. Now, looking into yin & yang, chaos & order are not aspects that traditionally apply to them, but we’re going to let that addition of order to yang and light and chaos to yin and dark stand. Not everything has to be perfectly aligned. That said, one way in which we are going to switch things to make them fit better is yang is the masculine energy with yin as feminine. We’re switching the voices.
So Wan sees them fighting, and Vaatu calls out for help. And Wan is like, oh no, a damsel in distress; I’ll help you, milady! So, he helps, giving Vaatu the advantage. She beats up Raava, then flies off. Raava chastises Wan, explaining that he is the spirit of light and order, and he has been trying since the beginning of time to defeat Vaatu, but their battles have always ended in a draw. But now Wan has given Vaatu the advantage and if they don’t fix this, she’ll be victorious at the upcoming Harmonic Convergence, sending the worlds into ten thousand years of darkness. To which Wan is like, oh no, that sounds horrible. Well, Mr. Masculine Manly Spirit-Man Raava, I like light and order and you seem like a logical rational person; I’ll for sure help you put that emotional crazy spirit lady in her place. (Have I made the irony here clear enough? I don’t think I can get much more blatant. Though obviously in the show version it would be a little more subtle.)
After that we get Raava & Wan’s training and learning the elements montage, with some encounters with “corrupted” spirits along the way. Corrupted being Raava’s word, and he elaborates to say that all spirits fall under either Raava or Vaatu’s domain, all with varying inherent levels of light & order and dark & chaos to them. Vaatu gaining in power is causing the levels of dark& chaos in these spirits to rise, throwing them out of balance. Eventually comes time for Harmonic Convergence, Raava & Wan vs. Vaatu, and Vaatu wins. Ten thousand years of chaos, baby. With the last of the spirit energy as Harmonic Convergence ends, Wan fuses with Raava, then unleashes a crazy, amazing spirit attack, imprisoning Vaatu, banishing all the spirits from the physical world to the spirit world, and sealing the portals, all as an attempt to mitigate the fall out from chaos ascendent. Since then, the Avatar, imbued with the spirit of order, has fought back against the chaos to try to restore balance to the world.
Korra wakes up and panics. They have to stop Unalaq who is trying to free Vaatu, probably because he wants to destroy the world or something. But when she next has a chance to confront Unalaq, he’s like, not you stupid girl. I’m not trying to destroy the world; I’m trying to save it. Wan was right to side with order, but wrong to think he could stop chaos by teaming up with Raava and destroying it from without. No chaos is inside all of us, the evil infesting every human heart (Unalaq’s words, not mine) and it can only be dominated through one’s own strong force of will and conviction. So his plan is to fuse with Vaatu and then dominate her, destroy her chaos and using her power to allow him to bring his order across all of existence, both in the physical and spirit worlds. Korra’s not too keen on that plan either. She’s still going to stop him.
Korra fails to stop him. Harmonic Convergence begins, Vaatu is freed, she goes inside of Unalaq, and she immediately subsumes him. Turns out you can’t eliminate all the chaos in the world just by willpower, you absolute looney toon. Vaatu explains that even as Unalaq was planning to use her, she was using him to get free and now is going to use him as a meat puppet to help her fight Raava & the Avatar.
So, they fight, and for a bit it’s evenly matched, then Vaatu gains the upper hand. Just as Vaatu appears she’s about to deal the finishing blow, Unalaq briefly regains control and interrupts her – to be clear, he manages this because of his desperate need for order and control, not out of any affection for Korra. While he’s in control he says something in defiance of Vaatu that coming from Unalaq we can hear is clearly some fascist bullshit, but also echoes something that Wan/Raava said back in their battle with Vaatu. And Korra’s like, wait, hold up a second.
Lightbulb turns on for Korra at that moment, and by the time Vaatu has resecure control, Korra has dropped her offensive stance. She tells Vaatu she doesn’t want to fight her; she wants her to fuse with her and Raava. Neither Vaatu nor Raava like this idea. Korra has to go on the defensive holding off Vaatu’s attacks, and has to internally fight against Raava wanting to attack Vaatu all while trying to sell them both on this idea. She explains that too much chaos has been bad for the world, but too much order would be bad too – case in point, Unalaq. Both chaos and order, both Raava and Vaatu are needed for balance. And yeah, they can achieve balance by constantly fighting each other, with every encounter ending as a draw, or they could achieve balance through harmony together. Because even as they are opposites, they are one and the same, a part of a greater whole. A bunch of stuff to that effect, including mentions of the Northern Water Tribe upsetting the balance by trying to dominate the Southern Water Tribe, and also a shout out to Tui and La in there somewhere, the original Yin/Yang Avatar couple. Eventually Korra convinces them, she fuses with Vaatu, and Harmonic Convergence ends in a tie, returning the world to balance once again.
And of course, now that balance has been achieved, Korra leaves the spirit portals open. Remember in this version spirits and humans got along fine, and the separation was only necessary because the world had fallen out of balance. And yes, the rejoining of the physical and spirit worlds was probably something Unalaq wanted too, but we’re not giving him credit for it, because for every good idea a fascist ever had, there’s someone else who isn’t a fascist who had the same idea, but better, because it wasn’t coming from a fascist.
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graveyard-tales · 4 years
Random “what if Bolin and Mako were born in the first series” just because. (Though, their start is the same in the au where Aang died and Korra is born within the hundred year war. Which ... maybe I’ll make a post about, maybe I won’t idk.)
They’re born in a Fire Nation colony. It’s small, not overly populated so their family isn’t exactly a secret. Some colonies have less unrest, this isn’t one of them. 
Their family is generally ignored but with Fire Nation troops still prevalent in newer colonies they’re still kept an eye on. 
Mako is born with gold eyes and his complexion is just darker than his mothers. They’re actually a little relieved. But then comes Bolin with warm green eyes who moves pebbles with his wails and they’re suddenly not so at ease in town anymore. 
San is the one who bends a small tunnel under their house. He drills into his boys head that they don’t belong here, that people don’t care for them here. That one day they may have to leave. Go find refuge with his family back in Ba Sing Se. He tells Mako repeatedly that he can’t bend out there. He tells Bolin repeatedly that he can’t bend here.
Naoki doesn’t argue but she hates it, she hates these plans and the fact that they could be necessary. They’re her children, they should belong. 
It’s Naoki who gets them in trouble. He’s passionate and speaks her mind but she’s angry too. She loves her nation and she hates it. Hates how it spits at her husband's feet and looks at her children like they’re nothing. Naoki hates that in many of her peoples' eyes she stopped being a Fire Nation citizen the moment she married San. (Or not, who knows if marriage between two nations is legal at this point. Especially concerning Fire Nation.)
Mako doesn’t know why his parents are suddenly fighting the soldiers but he knows what it means when they stop moving. He knows what could come next if he doesn’t get his little brother out. 
And they’re running away and they’re crying and hungry and their feet hurt. Mako struggles to bend to keep them warm, Bolin struggles to make them stable shelter. Neither of them have any idea where they’re going. 
They’re children who have struggled to survive. They have to learn to feed themselves, to keep themselves clothed in any manner they can. They’re rarely ever looked at when they roll into a town. Orphans of war are hardly a new concept, especially on the borders of the Earth Kingdom. 
Mako hates firebenders and he never bends in public view but fire is what helps keep Bolin warm and fed. It’s what keeps him close to his mother. Mako hates firebenders but he trains every second he can. He’s skilled enough to keep them safe but his fire is used only as a last resort. Mako’s good with knives. (He doesn’t generate lightning in this au, doesn’t even know that’s a possibility.)
People tend to love Bolin and then dislike him in a heartbeat. He’s a very “not all firebenders are bad” kind of kid because they’re cursing the Fire Nation right in front of his brother and it’s not fair. Mako’s not like that and Bolin’s Fire Nation too. But he knows well enough he can’t say that. Bolin’s not ashamed of his family but he thinks sometimes that maybe he should be.
It takes them years to actually reach Ba Sing Se and by then Bolin has forgotten why they’re here in the first place. Mako doesn't remind him. He doesn’t find their family. He doesn’t know them, he doesn’t trust them. Most of all he’s afraid they'll reject them.
They spend three years in the city. Living on the street and in abandoned buildings. They both take whatever job they can find. Mako’s 16 and Bolin’s 14 and they’re used to hard living by now. 
“These people are Fire Nation!” Bolin’s panic lasts only a moment when he realizes people are gathered on the street. Two teenagers around his brother’s age are sword fighting. The old man is trying to talk the teenager down, trying to tell them that they’re not who he thinks they are. It’s not surprising when the Dai Li takes one of the angry teenagers away. They said they’re not Fire Nation. People defended them. But Bolin can’t help but wonder.
Iroh is slightly worried it’s going to become a frequent occurrence when ANOTHER teenager comes in the shop asking if they’re Fire Nation. The difference is, he buys some tea and when he brings the cup to the counter, he leans over it to whisper his question. The problem is he whispers his question to his nephew who replies with a loud and impolite “no”. Luckily the boy seems unperturbed by Zuko’s brash behavior. Unluckily for them it just seems the boy decided for himself that they are. 
The boy becomes a regular. Not always buying tea but always trying to engage both Zuko and Iroh. Iroh is amused, Zuko is not. But the boy, Bolin, did promise to keep their secret. Iroh believes him, though he never admits to the boy's claims. Iroh eventually invites Bolin over for tea, much to Zuko’s chagrin. But he’s a hopeful old man and maybe someone as lighthearted as Bolin would be good for Zuko. 
Iroh learns a lot about Bolin in a very short time. Bolin loves to talk, especially about his brother. Apparently Bolin has had a very hard life, traveling, homeless, his brother taking care of them since their parents were killed. Iroh doesn’t really understand how Bolin is so ready to be friends with people he believes to be of the same nation that killed his parents. That is until he sees his brother. 
It’s Bolin’s eyes that threw him. Standing next to Mako with his dark amber eyes and the boys strong family resemblance, Iroh doesn’t know how he missed the Fire Nation in him. Mako politely apologizes for his brother’s intrusiveness and Iroh hopes maybe Zuko’s potential friend count just bumped up to two. But then Zuko remarks that he should be and the look Mako throws at his nephew makes Iroh realize he should focus on one for now. Still Mako somehow finds himself having tea with his brother, his strange old friend and their shithead nephew.
Another potential friend, a potential more, for Zuko comes in the form of Jin. She’s nice and he thinks her date with Zuko went well. But Bolin’s at their apartment the next morning without so much as a hello but a giddy “I knew it!” Iroh is reminded once again about his nephew’s fault in not thinking before he acts when Bolin told his tale about seeing and following Zuko only to see him light up the candles in a plaza without taking a step towards them.
It’s then that Iroh learns that Mako’s a firebender. Iroh is prevvy to a lot more detail about Bolin’s life then and Zuko quietly listens from his room. Iroh isn’t surprised to learn that Mako isn’t a fan of firebenders and wouldn’t exactly be happy about Bolin hanging around them. Mako wouldn’t be the first. 
Iroh is pleased that Bolin is so happy for him when he’s given his own teashop. But Bolin never enters and he’s surprised that Bolin didn’t greet them at their new place. It’s then that he realizes the kind of people he’s suddenly surrounded by. No shoeless, grubby teenagers in sight. He doesn’t get the chance to invite Bolin and his brother into his teashop before they’re invited to see the king.
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WAITTTT DID YOU GET ANY ZK ASKS YET? If not, pls do 1, 12, and 28 ☺️☺️ love you and your blog 🥺💞💞💞
Hey, girlie!!! Love you too, queen 💖💋
So let’s get to these questions, shall we?
“1. What made you start shipping Zutara?”
Okay, I’ma keep it real with y’all; I saw fanart and screencaps from the show and thought they looked cute together. But then once I watched A:tLA for the first time in a long time, I fell in love with their characters and their super dynamic relationship. Zuko and Katara have become my favorite relationship and favorite characters because they’re just a whole vibe, y’know??? Like who wouldn’t want someone who can let you genuinely be yourself with no judgement whatsoever and hear every word that comes out of your mouth and never take them for granted? Who wouldn’t want someone who embraces the mistakes you’ve made and tell you how much you’ve grown as a person and how deserving you are of love? Who wouldn’t want someone who takes all of you in and gives all of them back? Idk about y’all but that sounds like marriage material to me.
“12. What are your steambaby headcanons?”
HOO BOY, buckle up, y’all cause it’s about to get LONG!
So, I headcanon that Zuko and Katara have four kids; Izumi, Lu Ten II, Kya II, and Kallik (in order from eldest to youngest). I wanted to keep their canon daughters because I love them sm.
Izumi - Nonbender; the crown Princess of the Fire Nation; looks pretty much the same as she did in TLoK, but she has black hair in youth; Wears signature Water Tribe hair loopies and Fire Nation top knot; Izumi is skilled in the art of dao swordsmanship, jian fencing (courtesy of Uncle Sokka), tessenjutsu (courtesy of Aunt Suki), and chi blocking (courtesy of Aunt Ty Lee); Izumi has ADHD—more on the inattentive side than the hyperactive—and her special interests include writing and reading (will expand on those), and one of her coping mechanisms is writing lists (just like Sokka), and when she is feeling overstimulated, Zuko and Katara let her take breaks and do what she needs to do to feel better cause sometimes old fashioned nobles just don’t get it; Izumi goes on a journey of self discovery because she has doubts about being the Fire Lord.
Lu Ten II - Firebender, but make it blue like Aunt Azula’s; Black hair, shaved at the sides, wears it in top knot when he has to be formal otherwise it’s always in a wolftail; Blue eyes like his momma 🥺; Tallest of the four; Light brown skin, like pretty mixed, you can tell he’s biracial; Lu Ten is skilled in archery and, like Uncle Sokka, loves to invent things; I know windsurfing wasn’t invented till the 1970s, but whatever this is fantasy, Lu Ten is a pro windsurfer; I base him mostly on Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet; Has a lot of unresolved angst (for reasons would be spoilers for a big A:tLA project I’m working on); Is a big momma’s boy, he loves and respects his momma, but he doesn’t need to drink respect women juice since it’s already coursing through his veins; May or may not be the next Blue Spirit 🤫
Kya II - Waterbender; looks about the same as TLoK counterpart; Total daddy’s girl; Katara 2.0; A trouble maker, her and Lu Ten are the chaotic duo of the siblings; Bisexual panic all day erry day; becomes the Southern Water Tribe representative and chairwoman of the United Republic Council; Goes to live in Republic City when she’s older; goes from SWT helping with her cousin Chief Amaruq (Sukka baby) and Republic City. Might help Korra with her waterbending training.
Kallik - Waterbender; Blue eyes, dark brown hair shaved on the sides in a wolftail with a braided beaded strand hanging out (if someone knows the official name please tell me), and brown skin; Kallik is a sensitive soul, he’s a hopeless romantic, loves theatre and animals; Iroh taught him how to play Pai Sho and make delicious tea and he would invite Zuko and Katara to tea parties with his stuffed animals; Wants to become a doctor to help people, so he knows a lot about human anatomy and medical stuff; Is part of the reason Katara gets over her fear of bloodbending, he shows her that it can be used for good; Becomes the new owner of the Jasmine Dragon once Iroh passes away and lives happily with his husband and two adopted kids while being one of the best doctors there.
Yeah, Zuko and Katara are proud of the family they created, and while they had their fears in the beginning, they love their babies with all their hearts and wouldn’t change a thing. If you’d like to hear more about my steambaby headcanons, feel free to DM me!
“28. What’s a Zutara fic trope you can’t get enough of?”
Oh man, I love me a good modern AU. There’s just something about Zuko and Katara in our day and age that just makes it that much more fun. Like Zuko and Katara going grocery shopping? Amazing. Them texting cute mushy things on their phones? Adorable. Just everything about a modern AU is fantastic.
If there’s any more questions you guys would like me to answer, please feel free to ask me them! I love talking about Zutara and A:tLA in general.
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KorrAsami Fanfiction
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JK I’m not really Zuko
In honor of KorrAsami’s 6th Year Anniversary, I’m sharing a short unfinished fan-fiction I’ve been working on since finishing the series for the second time. 
I’m not sure how this moment fits within Turf Wars/Ruins, but I’m picturing this as not too long after Korra and Asami return from their Spirit World vacation (maybe right after the events of Turf Wars end?), where Asami and Korra decide to move in together.  Enjoy!
(I tried to fix the formatting but Tumblr is annoying)
"I thought you said you were going to get something quaint?" Korra said sarcastically as she excitedly bounded through the apartment.
Asami giggled sheepishly, "I guess quaint isn't quite the right word, huh? It is smaller than the Sato Mansion..."
“Are you kidding? This view is amazing!” Korra chuckled as she ran towards a large open glass door that lead to a balcony that wrapped around the front of the apartment. Her bright blue eyes glinted with the reflection in front in front of her.
Their new apartment had a sweeping view of Republic City’s Yue Bay. The late summer sunset’s pink rays glittering warmly on the gentle swells. In the far distance she could also see Kyoshi Bridge, and Air Temple Island. Just a bit closer, was her past self proudly staring back at the city, seemingly admiring his accomplishment. Korra couldn't help but wonder if that was still the case - she wished she could ask.
Korra’s eyes then fell upon the ruins left in the wake of Kuviras attack. Her hand absentmindedly found the back of her head, “Er - if you look past the destroyed parts…”
“Think of it as an opportunity to make things even better that before!” Asami said walking up behind Korra and placing her hands on her shoulders.
“I actually already have some ideas in mind that I have to share with Zhu Li,” Asami added. Her hand found her chin as she looked at the shambles in the distance, her brow furrowed. Korra could almost see the gears in Asami's head churning.
Before Asami found a reason to disappear in her office for a few hours Korra interrupted her machinations. “How long do you think we’ll stay here?"
Korra and Asami found that after their fateful vacation in the Spirit World, they now had a new need for privacy that they didn’t really have before. 
The White Lotus members on Air Temple Island were still dutifully protecting Korra on Tenzin and Tonraq’s orders despite Korra’s fervent objections. They argued that extra security couldn’t hurt.
Korra and Asami were able to sneak away from them for a few brief moments of alone time, but eventually they would see or hear a White Lotus member lurking nearby. Although Asami was able to laugh at these moments, Korra was growing increasingly frustrated and Asami felt sorry for the White Lotus members that were being constantly chewed out by her angry girlfriend. Not to mention that when Tenzin’s kids were around, they clung to Korra like elbow leeches.
Asami's childhood home was now home to Mako, Bolin and practically all their known relatives. A lot of them having a hard time finding jobs in the Republic City job market. Although Ba Sing Se was a large and unforgiving city, and Mako's family had it rough there too, Republic City was also a harsh place to thrive in; Asami didn't want to rush them while they figured things out.
But mostly she felt haunted by the ghosts of her father and mother in those hallways – particularly now after her father's recent and gruesome death. She wasn’t ready to go back there even if there was a spare room available somewhere on the estate.
Asami shook the painful loss of her parents out of her head before Korra noticed a change in her expression, "I think we may be here for a while," Asami smiled tentatively.  
Korra didn't say anything, instead gently smiling back and moving closer to Asami. She gave Asami a light but meaningful peck on the cheek and looked deeply into her eyes, "Anywhere can be home as long as I'm with you."
Asami was sure that Korra noticed Asami trying to hide those painful thoughts. Korra always seemed to notice these things, especially nowadays.
Asami grabbed Korra’s hands and smiled, "I love you." She kissed Korra. Every time they kissed it was electric. A lightning bolt coursed through her body.  
Korra too felt this rush of energy flowing through from the moment their lips made contact. She felt like her entire spirit was being undone. Like she could float away into the heavens if she wasn't tethered to the Earth by some force. By Asami.
Suddenly feeling vulnerable but at the same time electrified, Korra pulled away suddenly and bounded out the open glass door. For a second, Asami tensed up as Korra jumped and disappeared in a gust of wind. A few moments later she heard Korra from somewhere above the doorframe, "Wow this place is unbelievable!”
Asami sometimes forgot that despite Korra's appearance, as an airbender she was extremely light on her feet and capable of near flight, but Korra's recklessness and impulsivity still sometimes caught her by surprise.
Korra's head hilariously popped upside down from the top of the door frame. Her hair blowing upside down in the cool evening breeze. "Care to join me?" She asked extending an arm out for Asami to grab.
"You know we have stair-,” Asami was caught off-guard by the ease in which Korra, hanging upside down by a fixture using her legs, was able to pull her up and over the railings above their balcony. They both landed lightly on a small lush garden created by spirit vines.
"Yeah but this is more fun,” Korra said cheekily.
Thick green vines ran up and around the side of the building, creating a private yet open green space that was only accessible to their apartment. Asami picked this place knowing that Korra would love coming up here to meditate.
Asami and Korra spent a long moment sitting on the rooftop spirit garden watching the fading sunlight be replaced by the vibrant city lights. 
While some parts of the city were currently almost in complete darkness, illuminated only by the golden aura of the new Republic City spirit portal, other sections of the city seemed to be doing their best to carry on as normal. For this reason Korra felt hopeful for the future of Republic City.
Occasionally a friendly spirit would appear near them and say hello. One spirit sat with them for a while. It enthusiastically spoke of all the positive changes the opening of the spirit portals has brought to the world. This brought Korra some much needed comfort. It jovially waved goodbye as it faded away and promised to visit often.
Eventually Korra and Asami's conversations turned to silence. They wordlessly sat with their fingers loosely intertwined, listening only to the distant hustle and bustle noises of Republic City night life.
Their silence was not because of lack of topics, as the two lovers never ran out of things to talk about, but because both of them were wordlessly appreciating how wonderful this moment felt. How at peace they both felt. How perfectly balanced they now were.
A low grumble brought them back to reality. Asami's head turned towards Korra, who returned her amused look with the crooked smirk she loved.
"You heard that, huh?"
"You worked so hard moving all our stuff in today. You must be hungry," Asami said understandably.
"Starving, actually." Korra said rubbing her stomach looking forlorn. Korra was always ready to eat.
Asami and Korra decided to make their way back into the apartment. “So, what's for dinner?" Korra asked excitedly.
"I was thinking of this restaurant nearby that serves authentic Fire Nation food - how's that sound? I say we order in tonight."
"Perfect! I haven't had fire nation food since I met with Firelord Zuko before I—”, Korra trailed off, feeling embarrassed again.
"Before you took a much needed break to heal from all the trauma you've been through these past few years?" Asami cautiously joked. "I know it's hard, but I try to stop feeling guilty about that. You did what was best for you in that moment and that’s OK."
Korra smiled, "Thanks. I'm still struggling to come to peace with it all, but I’ll get there."
"Take all the time you need," Asami said gently. "But don't you dare leave me without any warning again! I WILL hunt you down, Avatar." She jokingly threatened, while pointing a finger at Korra.
Korra laughed, "Easy there, Sato! I swear I'm not going anywhere without you ever again."
Asami and Korra decided to change into more comfortable clothes while they waited for their food delivery. 
Once in sleepwear, they sat on the only available piece of furniture in the entire apartment: a bare mattress thrown onto the living room floor by Korra despite the movers offering to bring it up, as they were contracted to do.
Korra heavily dropped onto the mattress on her back and Asami joined her, lying across the mattress sideways and looking longingly at Korra.
Their eyes met. Korra heart skipped a beat. She wasn’t sure if Asami knew just how beautiful and alluring she was. Everything she did was unintentionally - or maybe in some cases somewhat intentionally - seductive.
 “So, ah- what should we do while we wait? We don’t even have a radio hooked up yet…” Korra noticed how the silky fabric of Asami's nightgown hugged her curves. She tried to control where and for how long her eyes wavered over Asami’s body.  
 “I don’t even know where my pai sho set is in all these boxes,” Asami said sitting up and looking around. 
They were surrounded by boxes and luggage, most of them belonging to Asami. Korra always knew that Asami had a lot of stuff, but this move made her realize that even more. It took Korra one trip to carry all her own possessions into the apartment from the moving truck. She lost count how long it took to get Asami's assortment of beauty supplies, clothes, gadgets, tools, paperwork, and other things upstairs.
 Asami then stretched over and across Korra’s body to look in an open box near her. Korra’s breath caught in her throat as she shamelessly studied Asami’s figure reaching over her.
Asami rummaged in the box for longer than necessary. At that point they both knew the pai sho set was not in that particular box. 
Korra noticed Asami’s cheeks were a bit red now. Her breath quickened. Make your move now, Avatar! Korra thought to herself.
Before Korra could act, Asami finally stopped looking through the box and turned to Korra, “It’s uh-it’s not there.” Her whole body flush and warm, and her eyes expectant.
Without any thought and without any hesitation, Korra sat up and hungrily kissed Asami.
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fyregrayfong · 4 years
Under Pressure 9|15
Chapter 9
Trust and Suspicions
You have to decide whether to take Mako's word or believe Lin. You start to make your own thoughts and investigation on the culture center explosion. How will you take it and will you be able to figure it out.
The plan is in place while you’re standing beside Mako and Asami, watching her workers place dummy crates onto one of Varrick’s ship. “the ships all loaded. Let’s get this sting operation going.” You’re about to start walking to the ship when Mako stops you “not yet, we need extra manpower.” You turn around and face them “who do you have in mind?” Asami looks at Mako “what about Korra? No better muscle than the Avatar.” You quickly look at Mako and speak up “I don’t think Korra is around” Mako nods “yeah, actually, she’s, um—she’s out of town right now.” He eyes you before looking down. Asami glances at the both of you “everything okay with you and Korra?” Mako brushes her off “yeah, yeah. Forget about Korra. I’ll talk to Bolin.”  You look at Asami and rub the back of your neck you see Mako is far away now before you lean over to Asami “they broke up, but you didn’t hear that from me” “what? Why didn’t he say something?” she looks at you and you shrug “they had a big fight at the station. Maybe he’s not ready to talk about it” you frown before you wave her goodbye “I gotta go handle some stuff at the office. Make sure I stay doing my normal routine and not bring any suspicion to the Chief. If there are any updates let me know.” You wave again as you walk away to the station.
           You walk up towards the desks of officers when Lin calls for you “Lieutenant if you can step into my office.” all the officers look at you and start murmuring. You gulp as you look down and make your way to her office, closing the door behind you taking a seat across from her. “Yes, chief?”
“you have any update on this case. Raiko is on my ass on finding the culprits” she groans as he pinches the bridge of her nose. “you’re guess is as good as mind, although…” you trail off and Lin looks up “what?” she snaps. You try to ease into it inhaling deeply “I think Mako might be on to something.” Lin groans out loudly “not this shit again… You’re not seriously believing Mako, right? It’s so far stretched”.
“I get that, but he’s doing more detective work than Lu and Gang.” You grip the arms of the chair sitting up. “that’s not Mako’s job to begin with” she snaps as she starts to glare at you raising her tone. “then who else is going to do the job!” you stand up out of the chair getting heated to Lin’s stubbornness on not wanting to listen to you “Lu and Gang are two lazy fools that don’t want to do anything. I’m grasping at straws here and Mako is the only one who has any sort of idea on what happened that night! He witnessed a man run out the direction from the building and drop that remote control. Which is what set off the explosives. That same sequence happened on Varrick’s ship during the theft--.” Lin jumps out of her chair and slams her palms on the desk “you better watch your tone with me, lieutenant.”
You put your hands on the edge of her desk and lean in to face her “you want progress on this case. I want this case solved just as fast as you do, Chief, but you don’t want to listen to Mako or trust what he has to say.” You glare at her and she snarls not liking, “what does Mako have to do with the case?” she barks out “You assigned me to put Mako down as MY shadow. I have a built a partnership with him. One that has built with trust and believing oneself while out on the field. I’ve kept quiet throughout this whole Mako butting in at the wrong times but I’m going to finally add my input. We’re supposed to trust each other on the force especially by the time we move up and get partners. How are we supposed to do that if we’re just bashing the rookies down, he’s showing interest and dedicating himself to solve this case but what are we really doing if we’re just going to brush him off.” You slam a hand down on the desk then stand up straight and pace the room. “So who does super-cop Mako think is responsible” Lin exasperate amusing you for a second as she drops down at her chair folding her arms. You sigh deeply as you rub your temple before you tell Lin Mako’s theory, “The guy Mako identified is a member of the Agni Kai Triad. He believes the triad was hired to bomb the cultural center during the peace march. We have no clue yet on who hired them, but Mako is adamant that it wasn’t the Northerners.” you put your arms behind your back as you look at Lin and she eyes you “This has Northerners written all over it. No one else would benefit from seeing the center bombed and ambush a ship war provisions. Yet, you believe him?” she says irritated and frustrated at this whole situation. “you took me back on the force because you trust my judgement, perception and intuition. Something is telling me to trust him. Call it a gut feeling. Mako hasn’t failed or disappointed us on the force,” Lin rolls her eyes and rubs her face “I’m not going to have my mind changed because you have a “gut feeling”” she groans out. “we’re not getting any closer just arguing here. I’m going to go find new leads” You sigh “I agree” she snaps as you walk over to the door putting your hand on the knob you stop for a second “All I’m saying since Amon, Mako has earned some trust. You’re usually always right, but this once… you may be wrong, Lin” you look back at her, your eyes softening before you open the door and walk out the office, head out the station. Getting ready for the night, you planned to change and take a taxi to the docks. It’s now or never, you have to prove to Lin and to yourself that Mako might be right after all.
“So when you asked for help you really got help from the Triple Threats” you lean on the railing as you look down at the water as you kick a small pebble off and watch it get lost in the clash of waves. “they’re all I could think of, plus they owed me a favor” he said, and you roll your eyes “I just hope this doesn’t blow up in our faces. Sorry I’m not trusting to triad members” you mumble while you eye two-toed ping as you tug on your jacket collar. You should’ve layered more clothes on after you changed from work. The wind is really cold in this area. “I used to work for them” Mako commented and you nod “yeah, I remember, but you did it to survive. You don’t do it anymore. They choose to do it.” You look out into the dark horizon, not a sight of light. You let the silence take over around you as the ship makes it way along the route where Varrick’s ship was on until Mako comments “this is right around the area where the attacks happened. So we should keep our eyes peeled and stay quiet.” Two Toed Ping starts rambling a bunch of nonsense and you lean your head down letting a groan escape your lips. Mako turns to Ping “Two Toed Ping, please” he stops then proceeds to ask Mako “so what’s it like dating the avatar?” both you and Mako sigh as you step away and go sit on a nearby bench. Imma let him handle that. You try to block out of the conversation and keep your eyes peel, your mind races back to that conversation you had with Lin. In the background you hear Ping calling out to Viper and Shady Shin about how disbelief he is that Mako was the one who broke up with Korra. You smirk and silently laugh hearing them tease Mako then look away crossing your arms, it’s been a while and so far and nothing. Maybe this whole thing is a bust.
Another 30 minutes of no action happening out here in the middle of the water you turn to Mako “you ever thought about cutting them off” you ask Ping as he shows you and Mako his toes and how he got his nickname “they’re my lucky toes”. Mako groans as he paces around and stops “wait, guys. do you hear that?” you look around then back at him “I mean besides the chatter and the waves clashing against the ship. Nope. Nothing. Just like the last past hour.” You huff as you slouch against the wall of the ship. Mako groans “Ah! What’s taking so long?” Ping chills back and puts his arms behind his head like he has no care “you just gotta relax, like me. sit back, knock your boots off enjoy the sound of the waves”. Mako growls “I’m gonna check out around the ship” Mako walks away leaving you with Ping “did Mako really break up with Korra or is that a bunch of phooey?” he leans over to you and you scoot over before getting up “that’s what he said, didn’t he” you walk over to the railings and look down at the waves. “I’m gonna go for a walk I’ll be back” you notify Pin as you walk down along the railings as Ping waves you off dozing into a nap. You keep walking as a hand comes out from a corner and pulls you towards them you’re about to fight them when Mako puts a finger on his mouth signaling to stay quiet. You gain your footing and stand “what’s wrong?” you whisper “I just overheard Shady Shin and Viper. We’ve been double-crossed. We have to get off this ship” Your eyes widen at the realization “who the hell would do that?” you whisper as you both start to run in the direction of the speed boats. You get stopped by the triad “where do you two think you’re going?” Viper smirks Mako grunts as he throws a fire punch at the men and you jump over the railing into the speed boat starting it up while Mako cuts the ropes. You slam on the accelerator and gun it back to the city while Mako fire bends at the two speed boats. You try to keep the boat steady to help Mako until Viper starts to waterbend large shards of ice out of the water and you start dodging “hang on!” you yell out as you start to maneuver around them. You think you’ve gained enough space between them when you’re suddenly sent up into the air by a large waterspout of water. “Holy shh….” You scream out you metal bend the seatbelts around you and Mako to prevent the both of you to fly off from the boat. You grab on tightly on the steering wheel feeling your stomach turn as you come crashing down. Making sure to keep control you land back on the water and continue on nearing closer to the City. You can see the city skyline coming nearer, “Almost there!” you see several other ships in the horizon and maneuver around them, Mako turns around “They’re getting closer!”. “not for long, grab on to something” you grip on steering wheel as you see two ships crossing each other and you narrow your eyes calculating the right time to turn and get in between the two ships. “watch out!” Mako scream you yell back “I got this! You worry about Viper and his men!” switch gears and speed off. Mako looks back “Nice job! One down, one to go.”  “yeah but where’s--“You swerve avoiding colliding into Viper who came from a different direction you try to gain control of the boat trying to prevent it from tipping over. The boat stalls out and you try to get it started back up “Mako, the boat, we’re stalled!” Viper collides into your boat head on and Mako fights off with Viper while you run and jump over to the other boat tearing off a piece of metal from their boat and wrapping it around the driver trapping him on the steering wheel. You look back at Mako who got knocked back into the seats of the boat and you snarl running over to Viper and jump over kicking him down on his back before throwing him back in his boat. You jump over the windshield and try starting up the boat as it sputters out until it finally roars to life, you switch gears and time it right to send the boat to dive into the building coming up fast. You swerve to your right avoiding collision and drive off along the harbor. As you and Mako watch the boat crash into a warehouse “so any ideas?” you yell out “someone paid the triple threats to keep us distracted.” You grimace “distracted from what? Did you offer them anything?” you look over at Mako before turning back to the water ahead. “Asami offered some vehicles and stuff….Asami…we gotta check out the Future Industries warehouse!” Mako yells as he holds onto the edge of the boat. You nod and make your way.
You call Asami using a nearby phone and tell her to hurry to the warehouse. You walk over to the light switch and turn it on, it finally illuminates the now empty warehouse. Your jaw drops as you ball your fists “whoever paid the triple threats stole everything.” Mako comments “I can’t believe we fell for this” you look down your eyes tearing up. Mako puts his hand on your shoulder “I’m sorry, y/n. This is my fault; it was my idea.” Asami runs over to the both of you and stops abruptly as she sees the scene behind the two of you and her eyes widen. You look at her and your eyes water “Asami…I’m sorry” Mako explains everything that happened and Asami looks in horror “I’m ruined…my company…it’s over…” she looks down in defeat. “we should check your other warehouses. Maybe they didn’t have time to hit them all.” He tries to give Asami some hope. Asami’s shoulders lower as some tears start to form at the corner of her eyes “you don’t understand. Everything I had was in here.” “we have to search the place for evidence. If I can find a lead…” he goes off trying to think of a plan “Just stop. We’ve failed, Mako” you beg him as you turn around your back away from the warehouse heading towards the dock in front of the building leaving Mako and Asami alone together. “it doesn’t matter anymore” Asami says quietly. “we can figure this out.” He quickly interjects “it’s over. I give up” she looks down admitting defeat. Mako turns to Asami and looks into her eyes “well, I’m not giving up on you.” Asami looks up with tears in her eyes, looking into Mako’s eyes and leans in giving him a kiss. You turn around and watch the kiss unfold gasping Asami steps back “sorry, I—” Mako looks around awkwardly “uh…it’s—it’s okay.um…anyways…I gotta run. I’m gonna find out who did this, with y/n’s help, and I know just who to ask.”  
Asami offers to give you a ride home you offer to drive and stay the night at her estate. She refused, wanting to be left alone. You sighed and nodded understanding and bid farewell as you step out of her car waving her goodbye as you head up to your place. You shower getting rid of the harbor smell off of you and change into some fresh clothes. You remember Lin and look at the clock it’s 1 in the morning you grab your uniform jacket. You walk over to bowl and grab your keys and get on your bike, speeding over to Lin’s place. You look over and knock on the door not getting an answer. She’s probably still back at the station. You get back on your bike and head over to the station.
           You walk up inside the station almost bared besides the two officers at the entrance and a couple of officers at their desk sleeping. You quietly walk past them and knock on Lin’s door “yes, who is it” you open the door and call out to her “Chief” she looks up quickly putting her glasses down motioning you to step inside. You walk in and close the door behind you. “where have you been?” she asks eyeing you suspiciously “I was investigating on the case.” you’re just now coming back? You should’ve just gone home.” she looks down at the paperwork “no, after I was done I went over to Future Industries trying to help Asami with her company troubles.” You explain then stop “I checked to see if you were home, but I forgot I was looking for Lin Beifong, so I came to her real home” you teased. “after our discussion in the office you just left without another word. Wondered if it would be a repeat of last time” she muttered you shake your head “whatever happens at work stays at work.” You approached her as you pulled a seat to sit at the side of her desk. “Plus, if I know anything about you… I figured you wouldn’t sleep or try to rest until you’re closer to solving this case. So maybe… you wouldn’t mind my help.” you lean over at her as you look into her eyes putting your hand on top of hers. Lin gives you a soft smile “that’s your job, lieutenant”. You smirk and rolls your eyes “yes, chief” you playfully salute then grab a file and start rereading the reports.
           After half an hour you set down a cup of coffee in front of Lin while you take a sip out of yours and get back to reading your notes before looking up
“there is something that keeps gnawing my mind.” You speak as you close your file looking out at nothing
“what is it?” Lin looks over at you
“Varrick” you mutter
“Varrick?, What about him?” she says coolly as she flips a page
“His indifference about losing a ship was just weird, don’t you think?” you arch your eyebrows as you think back to that scene in the interrogation room.
“Varrick has plenty of shipping boats, he owns a global shipping enterprise” Lin mutters back.
“Well yeah, exactly. He was transporting materials that he could profit and lost it. Yet he showed no anger or frustration after three attacks occurred in the same week. Most businesses would be furious if they lost potential profit. Isn’t that a bit peculiar?…unless” you stand and slowly walk to the window looking out at the empty low lit square.
“unless?” Lin perked up looking over to where you walked off to.
“unless Varrick purposely blew up his own ships…” you turn around to face her
“you’re seriously not proposing that Varrick destroyed his own ships for what?” she takes her glasses off and sets it down on the desk as she turns her chair to face you.
“I know that sounds preposterous but is it really that crazy?” you step towards her
“why would Varrick blow up his own ships. Like you mentioned he wouldn’t want to lose a potential profit if he’s getting money from his deal with Future Industries”
“yeah you’re right…” you trail off as you look back over out the window and let Lin go back to her paperwork.
“you’re sound like a conspiracy theorist like Mako” she jokes
You smile at her but slowly frown at your thoughts
You’re lying back in Lin’s bed with her sleeping beside you. You’re both exhausted with staying in the office so late but even though your eyes feel heavy you’re unable to sleep. Your mind won’t stop thinking back on your suspicions about Varrick. Lin stirs and turns over on her other side shifting her body as she scoots over so she can rest her head on your chest putting her hand on your chest. You put your hand over hers and curl your thumb around her finger as you kiss her forehead watching her sink down comfortably and go back into a peaceful sleep. You smile enjoying watching Lin sleep then look up at the ceiling going back to your thoughts. The only people that knew about that sting operation was you, Asami, Mako and Varrick. You’re obviously not it, Asami would never do that to her own company. Mako…you don’t trust he would betray Asami like that or that he would drag you down like that, so that just leaves…Varrick. But why… ‘he wouldn’t want to lose a potential profit if he’s getting money from his deal with Future Industries’ Lin’s voice replays in your mind. You analyze that for a moment, Varrick wouldn’t be trying to overtake and gain control of Future Industries, would he? He wouldn’t play that dirty, right?
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sokkas-honour · 3 years
Hi! Congrats on ur milestone!! Could I get a atla and lok ship, I’m bi, 5’1”, afab nonbinary, dark brown hair and eyes and light tan skin, I’m a Libra sun, pisces rising, aquarius moon, an ISTJ/ISTP, I’d say I’m chill and laid back but I am kinda passive aggressive but I am nice and I relate a lot to Mai from atla, and I like art and painting and have a thing for aesthetics, I dress kinda grunge and am aiming to expand to like and like alt type and makeup, specifically eyeliner, is a big thing for me,
ofc you can! hopefully you enjoy it. (i’m not as knowledgeable on shera characters as i’m only on my second rewatch so pardon me in advance).
-> ship masterpost
okay so for atla, i ship you with:
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ty lee !!
when you told me you related mai, the first person that came to mind was ty lee.
first off, alt and girly girlfriend power couple, pretty much opposite aesthetics, just the power you two hold.
most definitely insists to paint with you, having painting dates in beautiful fields or overlooking valleys where it’s just the two of you, some snacks, paintbrushes, canvases, which always ends in cuddling.
insists on doing your makeup and believe me, she’s great at it. she’ll always do makeup looks more catered to her style but doesn’t mind trying other styles.
also clothes swap !! her in your grunge clothes >>>
for lok, i ship you with:
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korra !!
korra is most definitely a hotheaded person, even if she learns over the seasons to not be as impulsive, she still isn’t completely ridden of it. so your more calmer demeanour has most definitely stopped her from doing things she shouldn’t be doing.
after realising you were perfect for dealing with her impulsiveness, she definitely comes to you when she feels on the verge of not using her brain, hoping you might be able to talk her out of it before anything would even happen.
it’s definitely a contrast, the more inner emotions versus someone who isn’t afraid to let others know how they feel, but the two of you make it work. korra learning to read you pretty early on and always knowing how you feel.
will try to do your eye liner then try to do it on everyone in the krew.
for shera, i ship you with:
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glimmer !!
this girl needs a laid back person, especially when she grew up with a rather uptight mother, even if she sometimes feels totally opposite to your usual relaxed attitude, she’s always thankful to have it whenever she’s stressed.
she gives you a full room in the castle where you can work on your art. providing you with everything you need. she usually lets you do it in privacy but it’s not uncommon for her to come bother you to see what you’re working on
she may even ask for you to paint/sketch her, she’s rlly shy about it at first but you thought it was a great idea which made her so excited.
she then ends up hanging the painting you made as her official queen portrait.
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antimonarchy · 4 years
made the Krew as well for fun
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[Image ID: a picrew of Korra from the Legend of Korra. She is wearing a black shirt underneath a navy blue shearling jacket with light brown wool. She has her season 4 short haircut, and white earrings. She is smiling slightly, and the background is a dark gray with a large heart with the 6-colored pride flag. The copyright ‘poika’ is written in the upper right corner. /.End ID]
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[Image ID: a picrew of Asami from the Legend of Korra. She is wearing a white top with black stitching under a sleeveless dark red top, with a bright red blazer on top. She has a white scarf tied around her neck, and has a gold earring with a red gem inside. Her hair cascades down past her shoulders, with part of it gathered into a bun. She is grinning and the background is a light yellow color, with the copyright ‘poika’ written in the upper right corner. /.End ID]
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[Image ID: A picrew of Mako from The Legend of Korra. He is wearing a navy blue shirt under a dark red shearling jacket with light brown wool. He has short black hair and a slight smile, and is wearing a dark red scarf meant to represent his father’s scarf that he wears in the show. The background is a light orange color and the copyright ‘poika’ is written in the upper right corner. /.End ID]
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[Image ID: a picrew of Bolin from the Legend of Korra. He is wearing a short-sleeved green polo with brown stripes under an oversized dark green denim jacket. His hair is short and messy, and he is grinning. He has his trademark large eyebrows, and the background is dark green with criscrossing white lines creating a box pattern, and the copyright ‘poika’ is written in the upper right corner. /.End ID]
Bonus: Korra with her season 1/2/3 hair
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[Image ID: a picrew from Korra from the Legend of Korra. She is wearing a sleeveless grey shirt and has dark blue armbands and a blue ribbon tied around her neck. Her hair is mostly gathered into a high ponytail, with two strands of hair hanging on either side of her face. The background is a light blue color and the copyright ‘poika’ is written in the upper right. /.End ID]
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shadowsong26fic · 4 years
Some Stuff
Not a proper Coming Attractions post, that’ll come out on the first Monday of the month as always, but...a more general update on some projects (and also possibly looking for input?)
Basically, I’ve accepted the inevitable, that I’ve fallen back into ATLA in a big way. I haven’t actually rewatched the series yet, because my roommate was doing so and I kept popping in and out and I didn’t want to confuse myself by trying to do a straight rewatch while she was doing hers, but I have reread a bunch of old fanfic/RP logs, and have some plots I kind of want to work with again? Either as fulltext or as an AU Outline. Behind the cut are some more details, as well as seeking Opinions on which, if any, I should actually work on.
I am also Determined to not fall out of SW as this is going on, lol. More details about that behind the cut, as well.
(Also, I’ve talked about some of the stuff listed here on my writing discord, which feel free to come stop by and hang out! It’s basically an extension of this tumblr, only a little more interactive. Find us here!)
Star Wars Stuff:
I plan to take next weekend to bang out at minimum the next Precipice chapter, and possibly the next two (though I’ll stagger posting if I do manage to get both done). And then try and give myself a more active schedule to get the next parts of the series out.
I’m also working on a dragonshifters AU, which I’m enjoying a lot. I think OFLAM may be relegated to the back burner for a while, though I’ll probably kick it up again if I end up doing it for SWBB next year (unless I tease out enough of a Plot for dragonshifters to do that instead, lol). I’ve talked about some of the worldbuilding on my writing discord, too.
I also still owe some meme responses from way back, which I do intend to get to at some point I promise <.<
And I haven’t forgotten some other extant projects--Devoted!verse, the Ventress outline, Bail Unfucks the Timeline, Distaff, etc.--but they’re pretty back-burnered for the time being. If something Sparks in any of those, I’ll probably dive into it, but for now I’m not actively working on them in the way I am on dragonshifters and Precipice.
AtLA Stuff:
So, there’s sort of...four or five projects spinning around in my head right now, lol. One of which, if I do it, would not work as an outline so it would be fulltext. It’s canon-compliant, for the most part.
...well, I should interrupt myself here to say the following: I haven’t read a lot of the comics or tie-in novels, and my familiarity with more recent Word of God is limited. I’m basically operating out of canon defined as “it’s in the original show or WoG I’m specifically aware of, drawing in stuff from other sources as it appeals to me but otherwise ignoring it.” Where WoG contradicts itself (i.e., the timeline for Lu Ten’s death),I go with whatever answer I prefer.
In terms of worldbuilding details added in Korra--ehhhhh, it’s sort of held a little higher than the comics, etc. (in that, if I remember it, unless it Josses something I really, really liked/was foundational to something I’m doing, I’ll probably include it); but most likely whatever I’m doing will go AU enough during the first series for a lot of the other detail work/character-specific stuff to not matter.
Anyway! Back to the fun stuff.
There’s one story I’m playing with that’s not going to work as an AU outline. Depending on exactly what I focus on, there’s a couple different fulltext fics buried in it, and I’m not sure which I’d work on (or if I’d braid the two of them together). Basically, it deals with the siege of Ba Sing Se and Lu Ten’s death, and some of the fallout from that, focusing on an OC of mine and her daughter. I found a short fic I wrote for a challenge back in the day that ties into this concept, which is at the very end of this post. If I work on this, I’d probably change the names of the two relevant OCs and possibly how she gets her memory back (it was written specifically for a “what happened in the rest of the world when Zhao captured Tui” challenge; guess how many of them were Hama-related), but. Anyway, building on either the Siege portion of the story (which has a lot of West Side Story on its soundtrack in my head lol), or focusing on what she does after she remembers him. Or both! Both is also good.
The rest of the options are mostly Zuko-centric canon-divergence fics.
First option, Airbender!Zuko. This occurs because The Spirits Said So; he’s gotten very good at fake firebending using airbending. Probably to the point where he’s so deep in denial that he can’t even see the pyramids anymore, to stretch that analogy to the breaking point, lol. Basically, not much changes until the north pole, but there’s some ways for it to go from there...
Second option, Avatar Zuko. This one has been floating around in my head more lately. Reading old RP logs, my partner and I played through a bunch of different variants on how this all worked, but the one in my head right now is basically--a few months before he’s banished, they’re at Ember Island or something and he’s out on the ocean/fishing or something. Sudden storm, he stops the boat from capsizing through panicked waterbending. No other witnesses, for whatever reason. He initially decides he imagined it, something else must have happened. Except then, when he’s in the palace infirmary after getting his face melted, he does it again. At that point, he basically decides that his options here are “get turned into a weapon and kill A Lot of people, or get disappeared into some dark hole somewhere where I can’t cause any problems.” Neither of those is particularly attractive, so he decides to run away. He doesn’t know what his long-term plan is at this moment--if he’ll use the comet to regain favor/save his nation based on the context he’s operating under right now, or do something else. But he has about three and a half years before then. He figures he’ll spend a year at the Western Air Temple, looking for texts/mosaics/something to get him at least vaguely airbending; then go to the North Pole to learn waterbending for a year, then spend a year in the Earth Kingdom to learn earthbending. Planning, for the last two, to present himself as mixed and while he has a lot of his Fire Nation father’s features, he inherited bending from his other parent (or grandparent, when he goes to the North Pole). For those of you familiar with my original fic, this will also include the first iteration of a prominent secondary character from Feredar/The Farglass Cycle. Mostly so Zuko has someone to talk to at the WAT XD. 
Third and fourth options are a bit more nebulous, and both break off during the Ba Sing Se arc. First option, Zuko gets injured during the stampede when Aang moves the zoo (this will probably draw in at least one of my BSS OCs because I am pathologically incapable of not creating OCs, lol). Second option, Zuko leaves his mask behind in Lake Laogai, which means Aang will know he’s in the city. Not sure where either of those would go from that point but there’s some Significant Differences there, lol.
...anyway, that’s where things stand now. Which, if any, are y’all interested in seeing?
As promised, the clip from the Lu Ten story, originally written for a challenge back in...yeesh 2010 XD. Again, this is canon-compliant at least up until Iroh and Zuko arrive in BSS, and I’d possibly change the names and/or how she gets her memories back.
An Wei sat by the window, holding her little girl and watching the sky. Today had been one of Huai's bad days, so An Wei had her hand resting lightly on her daughter's neck, counting her heartbeats. The doctors had told her, back when Huai was a baby and they'd figured out what was wrong with her, to hope for seven years--but only to hope, not to count on them. So An Wei took special care to always, always watch. She never regretted her child, no. Occasionally, she wished she had never met Huai's father, but...well, she couldn't remember much about him, other than the kind golden eyes (false kindness?) that had taken her in so completely during the Siege. She didn't think about him very much. It was too painful--and dangerous. Above and beyond the dangers in thinking about the War That Was No War, her own father had... Well, he hadn't been pleased. She didn't remember the argument, but her uncle wouldn't have brought her to the Lower Ring midwife who had cared for her during her pregnancy if she hadn't needed to hide. Despite all of her vigilance, it was her own heart that skipped a beat when the moonlight filtering in through her window turned an eerie, dull red. She gasped and clutched her daughter a little tighter, praying that Huai would sleep until this went away, so it wouldn't frighten her. That is, assuming it would go away. She shivered and shifted Huai so the little girl was facing away from the window and watched in horror as the bloody moon failed to return to normal. "Please..." she whispered. "Please be normal when she wakes..." As if in response to her desperate pleading, the moon flared silver again after a half hour. But she barely had a moment to relax before it winked out completely. An Wei jumped and stifled a scream. "Don't be afraid of the dark, this'll light your way home." She jumped again. There was no one here in the room with her and Huai, but she could have sworn... The moon blinked back into existence and a pretty girl with long white hair rode in on one of its beams. An Wei stared up at her, still frightened, pulling her daughter away from the girl as best she could. The moon-girl bent down and kissed An Wei's forehead. "Remember now," she murmured, then faded out of sight. ** "Don't be afraid of the dark." He smiles and makes a little light in his palm, carefully transferring it to a bundle of sticks. "This will light your way home." ** She studies the hairpiece he wears in his topknot, turning it over and over in her hands. "There's something you should know about me, too. About my family." ** "We can make this work, Itsu." He's determined, hopeful, his golden eyes shining. "We'll talk to my father. He'll understand. We'll make it work. Meet me here, at the usual time." "I trust you." ** She waits and waits and waits, until long past dark, but he doesn't come. ** She hates speaking with her guardian, but she's scared and has nowhere else to go. "Please, help me," she finishes quietly. He nods. "I'll keep you safe, Highness. You and your child. I promise." ** The light spins around and around and around, and she forgets her name, forgets her lover, and in her place is An Wei, a young woman trained as a scribe, seduced by a nameless Fire soldier, rather than... ** Itsu let out a little sobbing breath. Huai shifted in her arms. "Mommy?" she whispered, still half-asleep. "It's okay, baby, everything's okay. Go back to sleep." "'Kay." Huai closed her golden eyes again and her breathing evened out as much as it ever did. Itsu held her daughter close. Twice over a princess, at the worst possible time, born with a broken heart. No wonder Long Feng hid us so deep.
[to clarify--Itsu is Kuei’s sister. I forget how I set the relative ages, but assuming, as seems to be the case in flashbacks, that Lu Ten is about 10 years older than Zuko, he’d be somewhere between twenty and twenty-two when he died, depending on which date you believe; Kuei is around the same age (possibly a year or two younger?) and Itsu within two years of them.]
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ideklolwat · 4 years
Magical Avatars Au
Okay So I thought this would be crACk but actually, it would be a very good AU so yeah let's get started.
-So there’s Six elements that Raava gives, Light, Energy, Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. I think Raava has to pick every thousand years.
- let’s Talk about our Avatars, Wan element is Light. His kind of the outcast and keeps to himself a lot (His shy). His actually pretty clever and his only involved in philosophy club that’s it and is a Senior in high school.
-Korra element is water, she’s the school athlete though only a sophomore, she’s made a name for herself in the school and is very popular. You’ll see her in workout clothes and comes late after practice.
-Aang element is Air and is a freshman, he just got out of middle school and is a nervous mess, Korra and Him met when she was taking a class meant for freshman because her schedule was messed up. Aang warms up to Korra quickly, and so does Korra.
-Roku element is fire, is a Junior and the class president basically one of the smart kids, his often in the announcements and his electives being the student helper. His the goodie-two-shoes and tries to be the calm one.
-Kyoshi element earth and is a senior, student activist hands down. She’s also in her poetry club, She and Wan actually talk, and she wants Wan to show himself more and be more active in the school.
-Amy element is energy, she’s a sophomore she moves to the area from a different state, (She doesn't come in until later) she’s a sweetheart. she’s into fashion and is in the 2nd Orchestra and plays the violin.
-Raava can change her from any time she wants, so she goes with a white cat with blue eyes, Wan while walking home sees the cat and takes it home with him Tbh It’s kinda like sailor moon.
Raava: Yes, what of it?
Wan: Ugh Cats don’t do that...
Raava; Well, I’m Raava and I’ve been looking for you Wan for a very long time
Wan: How do you know my name!?
Raava: I’ve been watching you...
Wan; That’s creepy, A talking cat watching me...
Raava: But- never mind
Wan: I am fucked up right now, holy shit, Okay Wan snap out of it, you're in a daydream.
Raava; No, you're not in a daydream, Actually you're in real life.
Wan: Nope! I must be hearing things, All I wanted was to help a cat and this is the crazy shit I get..
Raava: Well, no, Listen. Repeat the words I’m saying, I call on the power of the Avatar state.
Wan: That doesn’t even make sense!
Raava: Just do it, and all your answers will be solved.
Wan: Fine! Ugh, I can’t believe I'm saying this but I call on the power of the Avatar state! (transforms)
Raava: Are you done?
Wan: What the hell! My hair, I have a goatee! What am Iwearing
Raava: It’s your Avatar state, you are the protector of light and peace-
Wan: What the Fuck. Holy shit. What the hell, What the actual fuck. This doesn’t answer anything.
Raava: Wan listen to me you are chosen for a very important task, Vaatu the spirit of chaos and darkness, has to awaken once more and he will use the forces of evil to kill humanity. It is your and five other elements to stop him.
Wan: Ugh, I’m in my last year In high school and applying to college, I don’t think fighting the forces of evil is what a normal 17year old guy would do... I don’t even think I could be good at this thing-
Raava: You have the most powerful element of them all, and you are their leader.
Wan: Leader!? Now you got the wrong guy. I’m just a guy who’s trying to get through the hell hole called high school.
Raava: you must accept your destiny, Wan.
Wan: (transforms out) Sorry, you got the wrong guy.
Raava: Very well, I will accept that for now. But I will be here.
-Raava hangs around, being invisible to everyone else around him, Wan tries to go through daily life with school work but he couldn’t help to see vaatu’s kiss on people's neck. When they get this marking awful things can happen, it can bring out the worst in people.
-Aang is being bullied by this girl named Azula who just so happens to be where Wan can see it and she has vaatu’s marking. Wan couldn’t stand by so he intervenes drawing attention to himself and pushing Azula back. Azula gets away, Wan is late to class but he doesn't care and helps Aang get to his class.
-At lunch, Wan and Kyoshi are talking and she heard the rumor that he helped a freshman fast and questions him about it. Raava meanwhile licking her paws like a cat, then Kyoshi asks
Kyoshi: WHy is there a cat next to you?
Wan:What the-
Raava: Hello,
Kyoshi: Wan, what is going on? I knew something was up when you helped that freshman.
Wan: Kyo, how can you see her?
Kyoshi: So you admit it.
Wan: Fine, this cat is raava, she’s trying to make me into a magical girl.
Kyoshi:(buts out laughing): Like solar moon? or pretty cure? Wait please don’t tell me it’s like Madoka Magica....because if it is that incubator is going to get it!
Wan: Shut up.
Raava; It’s Avatar, and your one too.
Wan:I’m not an Avatar, damn it!
Kyoshi; Avatar? ooh, now I’m interested.
-Kyoshi transforms in the bathroom and instantly loves it, Wan doesn’t. Kyoshi takes a liking to her new powers.
-Roku is next, then Korra and Aang. Wan stays in the sidelines while everyone else goes in until one fight where he couldn’t stay in the sidelines anymore since all the avatars; took a hard hit by Vaatu’s demons. Wan couldn't let his new friends get killed so...
Wan: I call on the power of the Avatar state! (Transforms Makes a sword and kills the demon)
Kyoshi: Thank god. Took him forever.
-Wan eventually accepts his new powers, book 1 would be mostly embracing it and him learning how to be a leader.
The sixth element isn't introduced until later.
@old-and-new-friends Thanks for writing the prompt I just wanted to expand on it and maybe make it into a fic...Idek.
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