#and it's hard sometimes ngl! but you OWE it to yourself to love yourself
teeth-thief · 3 months
I think some of the sympathy and warning towards young girls in terms of beauty-culture technological advancements (ie snapchat/tiktok/instagram filters: possibly the most insidious of weapons against self-esteem) needs to be ESPECIALLY extended to transgender women.
Ladies, you will NEVER be the smooth-faced tiny-nose apparition in the camera. In fact, no one will!! And that's perfectly fine. It's all just a marketing tactic to make you feel bad about yourself and buy expensive potions and procedures. You are worth loving exactly as you are, and while filters might temporarily alleviate dysmorphia, they'll really only make it worse in the long run. I just wanna say from experience is all. I love you.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
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(1) Passionate about Learning
If we look at Hermione or Rory , they had a burning passion for learning. They were full of curiosity. They didn't just study for good grades , they studied because they were passionate to learn. They read alot of books. Ngl Reading is therapeutic . Hermione always went into detail , she read alot of books about the topics she was studying. There is a reason behind her being a " know it all " .
(2) Rely on Understanding , not rote learning
I was one of those who would study at last moment and rely on rote learning, I would still get good grades . But gradually I realized , studying at last moment is wrong and it makes education unworthy. After the exam , I would forget everything. Sometimes rote learning won't help too. Rely on understanding the concepts. Ofc there will be some topics that are just meant for memorization. When you come back from school , you should revise everything. It will makes things much easier for you.
(3) Be Disciplined and Dedicated
The best form of self love is discipline. Don't procrastinate. Procrastination is the cost of life you could have lived. Be mindful and prioritize your tasks. Start taking responsibility. You owe yourself to be disciplined and dedicated.
(4) Prioritize Education
Education is the most powerful weapon. Being educated and Intelligent is HOT ! HARD WORK WILL NEVER BETRAY YOU. Books are your best friends. When I had my exams or when I was in 10th grade, we had board exams . I studied really hard. It was lockdown but exams were still offline ( lol ). I cut off toxic people or anything which drained me or made me feel bad. I prioritized myself and my education. I used social media for 30 minutes only and I would watch content which made me feel motivated or good about myself. I unfollowed everything which made me feel bad. Did I regret it ? NO ! I GOT 98%. I strongly believe in manifestation too ( that's why this account exists ) so I affirmed for good grades too.
(5)Less Social Media or N🚫 Social media at all.
Alot of my classmates who are also exceptional at studying . Some of them joined Social media very late and some of them still don't use Social media. I joined Social media in Grade 9 but these days I try to use it as less as possible. This can be different for everyone. Maybe you use Social media in a healthy way and get good grades. For me , Social media can be draining sometimes so I use it less whenever I need to focus on myself. I was thinking to deactivate my account or take a break 😅. Most of the posts you see are scheduled btw, including this one .
(6)Find your WHY
Why are you studying ? What is your reason ? Is it because you want to make your parents proud ? Is it because you love learning ? Is it because you want to prove others wrong ? It is very important to have a reason for studying. Maybe connect your goals to studying. Let's say you want to become a dentist , now you can't become a dentist without studying ,right ?
(7) Find a Role Model
If you can't find your WHY yet , it's okay. Try to find a role model. It can be any real life person or a fictional character. It can be ANYONE ! My role models are Hermione and Elle Woods. You can put your role model Keychain on your pouch , stick their posters etc so whenever you look at it , you gain motivation to give your best. Again , it's okay if you can't find a role model . Become your own role model If you can't find any role model 😉
(8) Don't let Past intervene
It's okay if you weren't a good student from start . According to manifestation, you can revise being one too ! You can still change yourself and become a good student . You can prove all those people wrong by becoming a good student. Once a wise man said , don't let your past blackmail your present to ruin a beautiful future.
(9) Believe in Yourself & Be confident
Harry potter once said " Working hard is important but there's something which matters even more ; Believing in yourself " . Even if you aren't a potterhead , you should listen to Harry Potter. Another example can be Elle Woods , she believed in herself when no one did. She showed us the power of self belief. Be confident in yourself.
(10) Be attentive and Regular
You must be attentive in class. Participate in class and don't hesitate . I can understand if you can't participate in class because you feel shy ( I used to be like that ) but the more you push yourself to participate, the less you will hesitate. Gradually , you will feel confident too. Like Thewizardliz said , sometimes you need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable. Be a good listener.Also , be regular in your classes. If you aren't able to be regular, study at home. Some of my friends weren't able to be regular in school because of personal reasons but they studied at home . They didn't waste their time in unproductive stuff. Sometimes I was also not able to be regular at school but I studied at home and took breaks in between.
(11) Study From Youtube
I don't know if it's just me but youtube teachers can make the most complicated topics so simple. They explain everything in detail. Youtube teachers can be more helpful than school teachers tbh 😀. Self Study is important.
(12) Take care of Your Mental health.
It can be very hard to study with bad mental health. I tend to take care of my mental health. Stress can be the biggest distraction sometimes. So take care of your physical and mental health. Journal. Meditate. Take a break from social media if you need to. Use affirmations.Dance. Exercise. Read.Paint . Sleep. Whatever makes you feel better. Poor mental health can also interfere with your attention span so please take care of your mental health. Don't take it for granted 😃.
Short and simple tips
- Value your time. Time is money
- Self study is very beneficial
- Be organized
- Avoid Drama
🎀📖These are some tips which helped me and I live by these tips. I hope these tips help you too. I apologize if the post wasn't helpful🎀📖
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hana-no-seiiki · 5 months
Saw that post you made a little bit ago and was hit with an idea (ow)
A yandere that tries so damn hard to hold themselves back from crossing boundaries because while their love is, in fact, incredibly twisted and probably unhinged, they do love their darling. Hearing that Darling never had anyone respect them the way they deserved really grinded their gears. So the Yandere asks for permission before giving hugs, kisses, ect.
Is it out of genuine respect? Is a ploy/plot to gain Darling's affection a bit faster? Up to you, I'm very tired. I'll also let you decide how successful the Yandere is at Not Crossing Boundaries
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My yans in general are yans because they have no sense of boundaries, do not care about these boundaries, or expect you to have no boundaries because they have none themselves.
I think the only yans in my roster that will definitely respect that in a direct sort of manner are the Midnight Darling (Yan! College) ones. Purely because the reader there is at the top of the foodchain and they have a system for organization’s sake. Most of them would still stalk you, or ‘feel’ you indirectly by taking your stuff. But if you ever voiced it out, they’ll make sure that no one messes with the lines you’ve set.
That being said, they do expect a reward and will very much coax it out of you if not outright force it if enough time has passed by that they get impatient.
Try not to implicate who didn’t respect your boundaries, unless you want them dead or humiliated to death. Though I do see them hunting your family members down since that’s where stuff like that usually happens eitherway (totally not speaking from personal experience h a h a)
Particularly speaking, Justin (Yan! Jock) is actually the best at keeping his hands to himself. He’s great at adjusting. You just have to not tick him off or intentionally provoke him and he’d basically do whatever you wish. He cares more for how he can serve you rather than how you can reciprocate his feelings.
Amir is also very good at respecting your boundaries. Physically speaking at the very least. He is incredibly bad at verbal boundaries and can easily say something real bad at the worst times, but he does apologize and feels awful afterwards. He does awkwardly hover over you sometimes and is too shy to ask for permission, so you have to read him yourself to know when to ply him with kisses.
The worst for respecting your boundaries would be Yichen (Yan! Himbo)
What are boundaries? You’ve been bros for forever! Friends don’t have boundaries! You guys should always be open to each other! And y’know what he’s been feeling rather pent up lately. Won’t you be a dear and jerk him off as you sit prettily on his lap?
God while his is more innocent in nature, there’s also someone I haven’t written specifically here yet but have been brainrotting in dms w/ @not-a-bot-just-shy . Caterpillar (Yan! Ex Goon/Now-A-Villain) who just doesn’t care entirely. You’re hers whether you like it or not. Who are you to set boundaries when she owns you? Possessions don’t have rights much less should have the ability to say no.
She’s very similar to The Scientist (it’s in the name) who doesn’t even see you as human. Reader in that story is a monster so it makes sense but 🤷‍♂️ i dunno sounds kinda fucked up-
but yeah, a lot of my ocs are crap at it ngl. They’re needy sluts.
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ellecdc · 2 months
oh no omg babes i am the anon who asked about hockey i would never block you!!! firstly, i think its really cool (way cooler than me and my hockey habits, but if that's what i get for being only HALf canadian and not having as extensive of a hockey culture in the states :() that you keep up with the non nhl teams, i know usually its more personal and more fun to cheer for the more local teams, and also those dudes literally shred harder than the nhl sometimes! genuinely jealous of u there! also i literally don't have any legs to stand on in terms of nhl elitism (and also as a canadian, my entire canadian family is from alberta so 🙃). my teams are the sharks (literally foul) and the oilers. also you definitely are more plugged into hockey than i am babes i am very casual and random with my watching/supporting. for the lack of response, i just haven't been on tumblr as much this week (and i have adhd, which is mostly to blame) so i completely forgot i sent u an ask! also this ask has literally taken me several hours to draft so like, embarrassing on my end in terms of timeliness. you are valid and cool for cheering on the leafs (go leafs!!), but you are also much more than whatever sports team you like, i follow you because you are literally a wonderfully amazing person full of kindness and insane talent, and beyond the fact that i have literally nothing against the leafs. i am literally in love with u so i think the only thing that would make me block you is if you turned out to be a secret mass murderer or something (which seems highly unlikely so we are good there). i'm truly sorry if my lack of response made you feel uncomfortable or sad about sharing something about yourself, that was genuinely the exact opposite of the intended effect. because i enjoy reading both your stories and replies so much, and also value you as a person so much, i wanted to know more about you and other things you like! and i am really grateful and thankful that you did share about your hockey likes, and also grateful you continue to be so open with us. you have singlehandedly made me the most involved in a fandom community that i have ever been because you have created such a wonderful and welcoming atmosphere on your blog. so again sorry, and thank you for being so freaking cool. OMG i almost forgot about the hockey headcannon thing, as soon as i sent that last ask i was like why didn't i say anything about james and sirius they would absolutely gobble hockey right tf up. mayhaps it would be a bonding/truce between them and barty lol. ig the barty brainrot got to me too much (that fucking smut rattles around my skull so much you'd think i have rattlesnakes living in it. i refuse to believe you have never written smut before the remus fic. you're simply lying). anyways, sorry this is so long, but tldr is that i love you and you are amazing and you could never do anything wrong 🩷🩷🩷
omgomg omg ok I'm gonna respond to this in bullet points:
I was totally taking the piss im ngl; I didn't think you actually blocked me or assume that you were hating on me! I'm sorry hahaha I was making fun of myself really like "typical....cant even make friends properly because I have shit taste in hockey teams" 🤣
oof Alberta - thoughts and prayers my girl (gender neutral), Alberta is Canada's Florida
it's too bad about the oilers too because they have some really great players? but they suck just as hard Toronto, such a shame
"i follow you because you are literally a wonderfully amazing person full of kindness and insane talent, and beyond the fact that i have literally nothing against the leafs. i am literally in love with u so i think the only thing that would make me block you is if you turned out to be a secret mass murderer or something" ok so......what are we? 🥹🫣🤭😘 jk but you're literally so sweet; I'm sorry I made you feel like I was made/upset/offended or, worse, displeased with you cuz I'm soooooooo not and you don't owe me anything - least of all your time or effort in sending me messages 😭 -> also definitely not a mass murderer; far too lazy and don't like the mess, also, I'd likely break a nail - no thanks.
no apologies necessary at all babes, I'm a yapper and loved talking to everyone about it too and was just running my damn mouth
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo love you literally so much, thanks for being here and also for taking so much time to write to me; it's greatly appreciated <3
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romaritimeharbor · 3 months
Ngl it's a bit sad when you put effort on something you really wanted to do, planning everything just for it to not go as well as it went in your head. It's one of the saddest things about writing fanfic in my opinion, everything's just so unpredictable TT
But I was hit with the truth brick on the head and well, I discovered that I should be satisfied with what I wrote before anything. Idk if it makes sense but it's just that thing of "write for yourself, the work you would love to read". And that helped a lot because numbers will exist at the end of the day but like...
Just imagine 50 people in front of you reading word by word, getting interested and even starting to think about future possibilities of your work. Numbers will be numbers at the end of the day, but it turns into something else when you start to see them as individuals.
Also, how have you been? I know I don't send as many asks as I did before, but I'm still here!! :'D
(Might go off anon some of these days... I guess I went on anon for too much time haha. And from my experiences sending asks to you over most of 2023, I can say you're my favorite writer ever like ever. Your blog was what motivated and made me lose the fear of writing stuff, so I'm really grateful and kind of owe a lot to you jahsjws. Please take care of yourself!! Also, I've seen you have taken a SAT but I couldn't send a "good luck" ask so... I hope you succeed in whatever career you choose <33)
- 🦢 anon <3
it is. fanfiction is, unfortunately, quite unpredictable and most posts seem to get very few notes (let alone actual engagement), but i also think that's why it's important to have friends within the ff community <3 friends mitigate the negative effects of having no friendly engagement from strangers!!!!!!!!
there is a lot of value in thinking that way!! but i also think we shouldn't be shamed into not acknowledging the fact that sometimes you don't want to read your own work. that's why i'm so sad that the platonic fanfic community is so small. i don't always want to read my work, yknow? i already know what happens in my work. part of the fun of reading is not knowing what will happen!
i personally find it hard to see likes alone as individuals 💔 i thrive on connection with people, like you guys (my lovely anons and friends)!!!!! i love connection!!!!! but there is none with likes. to me, anyway. ultimately people either will or won't engage with my work, and i don't really care that much anymore. it's a minor annoyance more than a genuine frustration. moral injury started because of a request from 🐱 anon, so as long as they're happy, i don't think i mind such little engagement hehe <33 /gen
(STOPPPP YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY AWW you're literally so sweet 🦢 anon... you've been here for so long now, longer than most emoji anons. hell, longer than most of my mutuals, too, i think. i would love to be your moot!!!! but there is never any pressure to reveal yourself, of course. do it whenever you feel ready!! i will, and i hope you will also take care of yourself 🫶🫶 AND THANK YOUUU)
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kunikinnie · 2 years
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fukuzawa wants to go on a date
BSD: Love is War? 100 Followers Event Genre: fluff, pining Word count: 1.6k Warnings: none, I think Synopsis: There is a fine line between a friendly and romantic date. a/n: YES I FINALLY FINISHED ONE after how many months,,, yes I stole the idea from the current Mayoi event lol. Also ngl this feels SO different from any of the other fics under this prompt i'm so sorry
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Fukuzawa Yukichi is a man of few words. This makes whatever he says all the more important and heavier in weight, and even the slightest hint of his true feelings was noticed by anyone.
That is, anyone but you.
“It’s because you’re too subtle,” Ranpo once said to him. “At this rate you’ll only ever be a friend to Y/N.”
He wasn’t wrong, Fukuzawa knew that well, yet he just wasn’t programmed to be bolder. You’ve been friends for so long that he was genuinely afraid of what you’ll think of him if he tried to be more honest about his feelings.
Hahh. If only fate could be a little kinder…
“I bought you a little something, Yu-kun. It sort of reminds me of you.”
You handed out a keychain of what appears to be a cat in samurai clothing. He smiled softly as he accepted your gift, not just because he appreciated the gift but also because his heart fluttered at your last sentence.
You and a mutual friend of yours went to a feudal Japan themed park over the weekend before you left the country for a few weeks. It wasn’t unusual for you to hang out with close friends one-on-one even in far trips like this, but…
“Nao-kun even said it looks like you,” you chuckled. “Don’t look at me like that. He’s the one who said that, not me!”
Fukuzawa wasn’t annoyed at the comment itself. His mind had wandered to that one thought he’s been suppressing for some time now.
Haven’t you been hanging out with him a little too frequently?
Sure, he’s the one who always invites you to these little escapades. Sure, you think they’re just friendly “dates” (why do you even use the term?) as with any other person. But what if the day comes when he invites you as something more than a friend? What would you do?
“You should just ask Y/N out. It’s not that hard!” A little imaginary Ranpo exclaimed in his right ear.
Fukuzawa ignored the tiny menace and focused on your stories about your weekend. Your soothing voice and bubbly excitement were enough to squish the nuisance to oblivion.
It’s always somewhat bothered him that you yourself never asked him to go out with you – even just as a friend. Aren’t you close? You’ve had wild adventures alone with people who were barely acquaintances, but the most you’ve ever invited Fukuzawa to was for drinks at a fancy bar after a long week. Did you just not like him enough?
“Which reminds me,” your tone suddenly changed, snapping him out of his thoughts “Are you free next Saturday?”
No, no he wasn’t. Morning ‘til night he was swamped. “What for?”
“I was thinking that maybe we should go watch that movie you were talking about last. Dinner’s on me, too! I feel like I owe you this much, plus I’m not going to see you for some time after I leave this Sunday.”
The little imaginary Ranpo popped up beside his ear once more.
“Damn that’s unlucky.”
“Be quiet.”
The rains were pouring heavier than ever.
The windows were being battered by water and wind and the steel skies made noon seem like night. That meant no difference in Fukuzawa’s workload, however, and he continued to read and sign papers like usual.
The tea Haruno had just placed before him would cool down faster than normal, he had to remind himself. There’s no enjoyment in drinking cold tea that tastes like lead.
The noise from the storm outside grows louder yet for Fukuzawa there was a sort of comfort in it. His thoughts eased by the warm tea felt secure; it was as if only he could hear them. Not that many people could (even Ranpo sometimes doesn’t get what he’s thinking) – nevertheless, he let his mind and heart wander together for a moment.
You had promised to keep your Saturday free just in case his would turn up free as well. Since then he’d been hoping that somehow his meetings would just disappear, yet it seems that even if that did happen the heavy rains prevented any “date” from taking place at all.
His eyes landed on his untouched phone. Would it hurt to ask if he could meet you once more before you left? It was already in the middle of the work week and you must have already made plans with other important people in your life. As much as he didn’t want to intrude, he just couldn’t resist the desire to meet you again. He just had to. Even if you were just going to grab something quick to eat. Even if it was just a short walk to the station. Even if it was just for a single passing moment.
He was afraid that he might never see you again.
“President,” Haruno knocked and peeked inside. “I’m here to confirm your schedule for the rest of the week until the next. Some clients rescheduled their meetings…”
She continued to explain things for him, scribbling on the clipboard she placed on his desk. His mind barely took in any information but one portion stood out to him.
“They wanted to move it from Saturday afternoon to Tuesday morning…”
As she finally ended her rundown of the next 7 days’ schedule, he glanced once more at the portion for this Saturday’s activities.
“That means there’s nothing by Saturday afternoon?”
 “Yes, sir.”
The moment she left, he quickly picked up his phone and dialed a familiar number.
Fukuzawa prayed unusually hard that morning. Please let this afternoon be spared from the storm, he begged, or else the trains may stop working and you’d have to cancel. Not now when he put in the extra effort and anxiety into today’s affairs.
He bothered to wear something a little different. Still the usual yukata but the fabric and colors were slightly more refined. One would assume that he simply had an important event that night and not think about it twice. But of course there were some who knew the truth.
“Don’t worry too much about it, Boss.” The real Ranpo surfaced from the Agency’s couch. “It’s gonna be fine.”
Fukuzawa grumbled in response. The weather wasn’t the only thing that was unpredictable, he thought, and it’s not like he had much experience to prepare for this in the first place.
“As long as you’re honest it’s gonna be fine,” the detective repeated.
But could he really be, given that he’s been trying to hide these feelings for so long?
So far, only the warm sun and sparse clouds filled the bright sky. Now he was waiting patiently for you to arrive at the garden you wanted to walk around at. It had a traditional sort of arrangement, one which he very much liked. He wondered if that meant you had chosen this place out of consideration for him but he quickly dispelled the thought the moment his heart began to latch onto it.
Fortunately, his mind didn’t have to wander for much longer.
You waved your hand as you ran to him, not at all worried if you slip on the pavement. The uncontrollable thrill at seeing him in a setting like this had made your legs move faster than you thought they could.
“D-did you wait long?”
“Not at all,” he replied, a small smile present on his lips.
There weren’t as many people in the garden as he had hoped. Just like the weather, things seemed to be going well. Too well, even. Your conversation was nothing short of meaningful and pleasant, and the scenery had only heightened the experience.
Suddenly, a drop of water tickled your nose.
“Is it drizzling?”
Before either of you knew it the rain began to fall. With only one umbrella at hand you two dashed for the nearest gazebo, both of your garment almost getting completely soaked by the sudden downpour.
“I guess dinner will have to wait…”
Your eyes were glued to the skies but your mind was fixed on the man beside you. Without him saying a word, you could tell he was beyond disappointed. That was the last thing you wanted from the person whose smile you wanted to see the most.
The shame clung to you more than patches of your wet clothes.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I should have-“ the words got caught up in your throat. Now was not the time to be emotional. “I knew this might happen and yet I chose this place. I’m sorry-“
“There’s nothing to apologize for. It’s not your fault.”
His low voice was softer than usual so you had to scoot over closer to hear him. The rain had dampened not just his words but also his temperament, it seems. But had you moved an inch closer you might have noticed the conflicted yet bashful expression on his face.
“There’s… something I’ve been curious about since I called.”
“If I said today were to be a proper date, would you have come?”
His eyes remained focused on the grey sheet covering the garden, yet his ears were still attentive to your small gasp. He wasn’t ready to look at your face let alone your feet from the embarrassment. Strange how even at his age his entire body managed to react so violently.
“I-“ Your lips struggled to form the words your heart had been screaming since the very beginning. “O-of course I would.”
Finally, his head slowly turned to face your own. Surprised eyes met gleeful ones, and soon they all softened just the same. For several silent but serene moments, only the sound of the pouring rain and beating hearts filled the space.
“Can I ask you something, then?”
“Of course.”
“If I asked you out on a date after I come back, would you say yes?”
Your cheeks began to turn scarlet the moment you spoke and only darkened when he chuckled lightly. This warmer side of Fukuzawa felt so surreal to you that if he hadn’t gently grazed his calloused fingers on yours, you might have thought this was all a dream.
“Yes I would, without question.”
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Hey, could I request a upper three x milf reader. Like she's rui's human møther replacement, but she genuinely cares for her family. Shw calls oni her little 'koibito', or her sweetheart, and spoils all of her 'children' when she goes down to the village with sweet treats to make and little toys?
I read this so many times with the biggest smile on my face.
Older Spider Brother = Ani (It was the name I found on the Wiki)
Older Spider Sister = Ane ( Her name was actually Ane not Oni, I might go back to naming her Oni though-), Koibito (Sweetheart)
Ok lets just say Ani can switch from his spider form to a human-looking form
You exited the small market filled with your koibito's favorite pastries and sweets as you entered another market, this time filled with Ani's favorite snacks.
This continued until you had everyone's favorite snack or play thing.
Straight to the woods you went after finishing buying everyone’s desires. You lived near the Mountain where it was rumored to have demons.
Anyone who walked in never came back out.
Who ever did later died days later, their last words being
"I was disturbing their perfect family"
You only smiled at the thought of it happening to you. Your smile getting bigger at the words 'perfect family'.
You stopped walking once you reached a hot spring with clean spider themed kimono sitting next to it. You placed the treat filled bags under a tree as you took off your current kimono. Now undressed, you took a short bath in the hot spring to wash off all the wisteria from your body.
Once finished, you put on your spider kimono and grabbed the bags and proceed to walk towards your house.
And Once you open the door, the first thing you heard was-
“WOULD YOU STOP EATING MY SNACKS YOU FREAK!” Your spider daughter yelled at her older spider brother. Ani’s only response was to spit his poison at her and laugh. Thank goodness Ane missed just barely.
“WHAT THE HELL YOU PRICK!? THIS ISN’T FUNNY” Ane yelled. “Ani, What have I said about using your poison in the house? And apologize to your sister” You say as you walked inside.
Ani scoffed, “Why should I? She called me a freak-OW” he screamed as he turn into his more human like form to touch is head that just got backhand slapped. 
“OW! What was that for!?”
“Apologize to your sister, like your dear mother had ask.” your husband, Akaza, demanded as he held a sleeping Rui. Ani held the back of his head once more before reluctantly turning over to his sister, who now wore a smug smirk across her face. 
“Hmph, even though your very poor when it comes to apologizing. I guess I’ll take it.” Ane taunted. “Ok now your asking for more poison-”
“Keep the poison to yourself, or else you don’t get to see what’s in the bag” You threaten holding up the multiple bags you had in your hands. The two spider siblings quickly rushed over to you to see what was in the bag.
Treats, toys, tools (You don’t understand why they want those) Different teas and baked goods.
When the spider siblings walked away with their new belongings, you went over to your husband and youngest child. The second you sat down next to them, you got forced right back up.
“Akaza, I’m fine!” You playfully complained. “Nope, Stay still”
You giggled at Akaza being concerned for you. He checked you up and down to see if you had any bruises, cuts, burns, scratches, rashes, literally anything that doesn’t belong on your body.
As he looked around your body, you started to pose for him. “Can you stop posing, I can’t find any-”
“I’m putting on a show! you should be grateful!”
“Eh- Pose once more I need a camera!”
“Ani...broke the...last one with his poison..” A sleepy Rui said snuggling deeper into Akaza’s hold. “Hi Rui! how was your day?” You say taking him from Akaza. “Father backhand slapped Ani 13 times today”
“Why did you count?”
“WHAT!? He can take it!”
“We spoke about this!”
“He’s a lower rank 2 in the making, he has potential!”
Both You and Rui gave Akaza a disappointed look.
No this is not ending yet. I just lost the courage to continue writing this so here are some headcanons..
Affection towards Older spider brother, Ani
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Someone put a warning anytime this guy shows up like damn
- .....
- See, it's hard enough to even strike a conversation with him
- He favors Akaza more than you
- And he has no shame saying it out loud
- But-but even though he can be an ass, he has a weak spot for the snacks you buy him and when you cup his face
- He can't take physical affection well
- He's the only one who doesn't know what to do when you hug him, so he just stands there
- He loves the snacks you get him
- very different from human meat
- He doesn't like the toys you get him so he gives it to Rui
- But if you get Ane toys he takes hers and claims that her toys are better
- Do you take care of his spider underlings?
- No
- Akaza's really aggressive with him
- In his eyes, Ani is a lower moon in the making
- So, the second you leave the house
- Akaza enters the house to train him
- Ani loves Akaza more than you because Akaza allows him to spit his acid/poison around the house
- Yes you come home to holes in the walls
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- Your little koibito
- Such an angel
- She favors you more than Akaza
- Loves literally anything you do
- Vows to become just like you
- You love to hug her the second you get the chance
- And she always accepts them
- She always by your side
- Loves to be held by you on bad days
- You both love to snuggle with each other
- Akaza loves to take pictures of you two when the both of you fall asleep
- Akaza doesn’t know what to with ‘little women’ so he spoils her with treats before bed (Which you forbid)
- For some strange reason, he’s an expert on hair, so he does Ane’s hair all the time
- If she wanted something you already said no to, she’s going straight to Akaza to ask the same question because she knows he’ll say yes
- Akaza also loves to carry her on his back
- But of course, this won’t be Akaza if he didn’t think she’ll be a perfect lower moon in the making
- So yes, she has to train too
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- “Hug me”
- “Hold me”
- “I want affection”
- “Mother, carry me”
- “Father, Mother is choosing Ane over me... She claims she no longer loves me-”
- He’s adorable
- and clingy
- VERY clingy
- Needs to be held at least 9 times a day or else all hell is set free
- Doesn’t have a favorite
- But if he had to choose it would be you
- But then it’ll be Akaza
- He can’t decide
- He loves it when you sit down with him
- Mainly because he sees it as an opportunity to climb on you to cuddle
- “Jesus, Akaza can you stop trying to train the kids into being lower moons?”
- “I’m not just training them to be lower moons...Rui would make a great upper moon! He has-”
- “Potential? Yeah Akaza baby, no, that’s not happening”
- Once you leave, its training time
- He’s very aggressive when it comes to training Rui
- He personally thinks that Muzan mis-ranked the moons, he believes Rui should be lower moon 2 at least
- Akaza just wants his kids to be upper moons like him
- But they do have their cuddle moments
- Doesn’t understand why you bought him plushies
- But Once you offered to take it back and get him treats instead, he didn’t want to give it back
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- ....
“Before you go out into the village, put wisteria all over your body to rid off any demons. I saw a hot spring not too far from here. Wash off the wisteria before you come in here”
“Ok Akaza”
“Always take the route Rui showed you. No shortcuts”
“Ok Akaza”
“Do not get injured on the way here. We might have to train harder if-”
“Akaza..Please shut up”
- You love him, but he’s very protective
- Sometimes he won’t let you leave the house
*Insert Protective Hugs* 
- You also have to train with the family, so Akaza doesn’t have to worry about you defending yourself
“NO! Baby look. The second the guy looks at you, you must give him a uppercut and break his nose. Then you tell him, if you ever look at me again.. I’ll get my stronger than Kokushibou sexy ass husband to beat your ass.”
“......I’m not doing that.”
“....Could you at least say it?”
- You have to start cuddle sessions because he sees it as a sign of weakness (he loves them though)
- He also loves the snacks you get him
- He loves Training  taking care of the kids
- He does the dad thing where he puts the all the kids on his back and does push up!
- Douma teases him for having a lower moon family
- Douma loves to come over To eat you
- Don’t worry Akaza deals with him
- Ngl Kokushibou also comes over
- Ani’s first reaction to him was-
“This motherfucker got 6 fucking eyes... Allergy season must be a pain in the ass-”
“ANI! Don’t say that to guests!”
- Kokushibou likes Ani for an odd reason
I think I went off topic-
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jeonjk1998 · 4 years
Be Mine | Jungkook
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: college!au jock!au goldenboy!au quarterback!au piercing!au fluff!au smut!au angst!au
Wordcount: 3886 words
Summary: Jungkook has always been the confident famous hot jock in your school but everything stared to change when he met you
Notes: I know my English sucks pls bare with me! Anyways I hope this could turn into a real fic someday lol and it would be an honour if anyone is willing to take the idea to write this and if you do so PLS TAG ME
Jeon Jungkook, the famous starplayer aka the quarterback
Not to mention, the sexy hot jock that every girl would drop their panties for
And let’s not talk about his well-built muscular body and that perfectly good looks of his
Has a shit tons of friends, he can easily befriend with literally everybody, lot’s of admirers as well
Also, he is not that typical kind of a fuckboy who sleeps around and he definitely wasn’t trying to get his dick wet at any possible chance
You cannot imagine how crowded the stadium would be because of the people who went to see him play whenever he has a game
You, however was the opposite, you love books and quiet places
Ngl, you are incredibly beautiful but you tend to keep a low profile at the most possible ways
Sure, you have always heard about the famous Jeon Jungkook here and there ever since you stepped foot in this campus
The guy’s name was literally everywhere, it’s like wherever you go, you could hear people talking about him, especially the girls
For instance, like how good is he in bed and how big his dick is or how hot he is
You’d admit, the guy is very attractive but you just don’t like the attention too much
Well, back at your previous High School, you were quite the famous girl and honestly? You don’t like the attention that much
Sure, everyone loves you but you always feel much better alone so you decided to have a fresh start at your new school
Not to mention, you could never really get used to how much your friends was OBSESSED with Jungkook
All the gossips and dirt, like who he slept with during the party or which Cheerleaders has he hooked up with during the game
It was funny to you because you sure have never seen them so hyped up before
And there’s also one thing you never realize up until now is that you actually have quite a number of close friends that were also in Jungkook’s friends group
Like Jennie, you guys met back in your previous High School when you were dating this guy who also is one of her friends and you guys then just get along very well
As for Jimin, who is one of the jocks in Jungkook’s group which you met while taking French classes
Well, you guys practically hang out after every class because why not? He’s fun and he loves hanging out with you
Also Namjoon, you met the guy when you first started to work at the library
Honestly? He might look quite terrifying when he’s not smiling but you swear once you started to get to know to him, he really is just a total sweetheart and also clumsy
You love spending time and sharing your interests with him because you guys literally have so many things in common
It’s not a surprise that you can get along with people easily because you were quite sociable back then
You have always been a very sweet and kind person and that’s the reason why you are so loved in your previous High School
It all started one day when Jungkook went to the library which he has never once stepped foot in to meet up with his friends
And the moment when he saw you, YOU, he swears that he feels like his world has been brightened up
He has never seen such a beautiful smile in his entire life before, and so he was lovestruck
The guy who was once full of self-confidence was gone
It usually wasn’t that hard for him to approach girls but everything was different when it comes to you
He was so nervous and afraid that he’d make a bad impression if he’d just use his pick-up line to flirt with you like he did to all the girls
So from that day onwards, he would always go to the library when he doesn’t have his practice just to see you or maybe talk to you one day
Oh god, he even volunteered himself for Namjoon to let him work at the library so he could make an excuse and talk to you
But no way Namjoon is letting him off the hook so easily because he knew that Jungkook doesn’t have the time for stuff like these
Not to mention, he even tried to get Jennie to hook you up with him
You remember there was this one time when you were at the class hall, ready to have your biology class and out of your surprised, you saw Jungkook sat down beside you and you swear he did not have to major in biology?
What’s worse is that the class hall then started to fill up with lots of people and you swear you have never seen the place so crowded before
The teacher was even surprised but more impressed because of the situation “I do hope all of you came for my class because you wanted to, not because of any other reasons”
What’s weird is that you have been seeing Jungkook around more than usual because honestly, you never really saw the guy before
But now? He’s like everywhere, especially the library and all thanks to him the place became crowded in just a few days
Ngl, your friends were all like “Oh my god! you’re so lucky!” “You should’ve told us!” “He’s super hot isn’t he?”
It was kinda funny the way they were exaggerating because honestly? You didn’t really care that much
I mean obviously, a guy like him is way out of your league so you never really pay much attention to him
On the other hand, Jungkook practically begged Jimin to introduce you to him when he saw both of you were talking and laughing at the cafeteria
Tbh, he was a little jealous because of how close you and Jimin are but he knew there was nothing going on between the both of you
And FINALLY, after 8492736 years, Jungkook was finally been able to meet you officially when Jimin decided to bring you along with him to meet his friends
Well, you already knew Namjoon, Jimin and Jennie so it wasn’t hard for you to get along with all of them
Jungkook, especially was a total sweetheart and flirty too
You never knew the guy was actually fun to hang around because of your stupid stereotypes of his
And now, Jungkook finally has an excuse to go to the library to see you “Honestly, I hate books, I literally rent everything in the library just so I could talk to you”
And whenever you came over to the field? Jungkook would get all tensed up and try to impress you
Like purposely doing extra push-ups or one-arm pushups to get your attention, showing you he has been working out
It obviously made you look at him by all the screaming you heard from the girls
Or he’d suddenly get all serious during practice even though most of the time he would fool around with the guys
He wanted to impress you with a more manly side of him
It worked honestly, he’s Jeon Jungkook, who wouldn’t fall for his charms?
Ever since you started to hang out with his friends, he has gotten so much teasing whenever you’re around
But it just made him wanted to be more confident and loose around you
Honestly, the guy is such a dream, you never knew you could be attracted to him so easily
After all, you could never get sick of his stupid cheesy pick-up line and gosh, it made you flutter so much
“There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can’t take them off you”
“Sorry, but you owe me a drink because when I looked at you, I dropped mine”
“Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass by again?”
You swear you have never gotten so attracted to anyone like that before and you knew you fucked up
It's not easy to have a crush someone like him because of how different the both of you are
It’s obvious that Jungkook has lots of admirers and pretty girls hanging around him and you’re just you
It makes you feel so stupid that sometimes you’d catch yourself getting upset when he’s hanging out with the girls from Cheerleading
You feel so guilty feeling this way because he’s just hanging around with his friends, it’s not like he’s your boyfriend or something
And then there was this girl, Yooa from the Cheerleading team who always clings herself onto Jungkook whenever he’s around
What makes it worse is that you knew she has slept with Jungkook for a few times
She’s pretty and hot which most of the guys in the school were crazy about her
What you don’t know is that Jungkook stops sleeping around ever since the both of you started hanging out
And God, you have no idea how crazy the guy is for you
He literally talks about you ALL THE TIME
His friends would always tease him whenever he started to talk about you “Damn bro, you’re so whipped for her” “Man, she totally got you wrapped around her little finger”
Whenever you’re around, it would simply brighten up his days
He’d have that goofy lovestruck smile hanging on his face whenever he talks about you “I guess I found the girl of my dreams”
And everyone around him knew he was damned
He wanted to make you his so bad but he’s afraid you’ll reject him
His friends would hype him up and tell him that he doesn’t have to worry about a thing because they know for sure that you wouldn’t reject him
After so many bro talks, he decides to confess to you and GOD, he swears he’s never been this nervous before, not even before a game
He told you to meet him after his practice and he almost forgot to get you the roses that he has ordered a week before he wanted to confess to you and so he quickly ran out and went to pick it up
The moment he saw you standing there, he knew he couldn’t wait any much longer
You’re like the most perfect girl he’s ever seen
“Y/N, I like you, I can’t hold back my feelings for you any much longer now, you have no idea how much you’re affecting me now, you made me feel so many things that I have never felt before and I love the way you make me feel when I’m around you and it’s crazy because when I first met you, I’d never known that I could fell so hard for you. Will you be mine?”
You were blushing so hard that you swear your heart was snatched away for a second, you were just so nervous that you can’t even speak
But it was so obvious that you look so fluttered and wanted to say yes
Jungkook then chuckles when he saw how cute you were “So that’s a yes?”
Ever since you and Jungkook started dating, he has been the sweetest and most loving boyfriend ever
He’d give you all of his attention whenever you ask for him
He would look at you like you’re the only girl that exists in this world, there was just so much affection in his eyes
You love the way he makes you feel like you’re out of this world “If I had a star for every time you’ve brightened my day, I’ll be holding up a galaxy”
You absolutely LOVE it when he wrapped his muscular arm around you with his huge body topping over you
Honestly, it felt safe to be in his arms and you love the way he smells
The guy is so whipped for you that he couldn’t stop touching you whenever you’re around him
He would always grab the opportunity to kiss you when he got the chance
He knew you don’t like the attention so he would try his best to behave himself
And GOD, he absolutely loves the feeling of your lips on his
He could literally make out with you all-day
He doesn’t even care if anyone would saw the two of you almost fuck each other in school
He couldn’t care less as long as you’re with him
Ngl, the guy loves leaving hickeys on your neck because he told you he wanted to let people know that you only belonged to him
And he would get so upset whenever you try to cover it up
What’s more embarrassed is that he would show off his hickey to literally all of his friends after you guys make out
And not to mention that he gets dirtier with his stupid pick up line which you find it hard to resist
“For some reason, I was feeling a little off today, but when you came along, you definitely turned me on”
“Are you an elevator? Because I’ll go up and down on you”
“Are your legs made of Nutella? Because I’d love to spread them”
Sex with Jungkook was in another level
GOD, that man really knows what he’s doing, his stamina was no joke at all
It turns you on so much when he talks dirty to you
“Fuck, I want you so bad”
“God, you’re so sexy, it's hard to believe you're mine sometimes.”
“You like that cock deep inside of you?”
You have no idea how much it turns him on just seeing the look on your face when he was cock deep inside of you
There are so many times when he wanted to tell you that he loves you but he’s just too afraid to ruin what you guys already have
Despite all of that, it sometimes would still bother you whenever you saw girls drooling over your boyfriend, especially the girls from Cheerleading
You’d always heard them talks about Jungkook in a way it actually disgusts you and it made you feel so uncomfortable about it
Jungkook knew something was up, he tries to talk to you about it but you wouldn’t say anything which made him worried
When you decide to tell him about it, he’d just stare at you with the goofiest smile ever and it just made you so confused
“What is it so funny?” “Nothing, I just like how protective you are about me”
He wanted to give you his jersey for as long as he could remember and now, he finally has the excuse to give it to you
He told you to wear it whenever you came to see him so people would stop talking about him when you’re around
The first time when he saw you wearing his jersey, he couldn’t stop smiling while he was at the practice
You swear his coach almost asked you to leave because of how much you’re distracting Jungkook
Honestly, he loves to see you wearing his jersey, it would help in boosting his ego and make him feel more confident about himself
He would even purposely hurt himself just so he could hang out with you when he saw you came over to see him practice
He would be such a baby asking for your kisses, saying it would heal him “Baby, pls kiss it better, one kiss, that’s all it takes”
Even though he’s a tough guy, he’s just desperate for your attention
You remember when you brought Jungkook back on Christmas, everyone was so hyped up about you finally having a boyfriend
You couldn’t even forget how your big your sister’s eye grew when she first saw Jungkook as she mouthed a big WOW and HE’S SO HOT to you
Your mum even ask where did you even find such a handsome young man in your school
Even your Dad adores him, he’d tell you about how great the guy is
Honestly, you have no idea what did Jungkook told your Dad to make him like him so much
Most of the guy you brought back, your Dad was never fond of any one of them
“Seriously, what did you do?” Every time you asked Jungkook about it, he would just laugh it off and say that it’s because no one can resist his charms
Talk about the first time you met Jungkook’s parent, you were so nervous and you were so scared to mess it up
And it turns out that you actually have nothing to be worried about
Both of them are so sweet and kind, you really enjoyed talking to them, especially with Jungkook’s Mom
She was so nice and fun, sometimes she would even call you and ask if you’re doing okay or when are you free so she could have a mother-daughter time with you
You even remember there was this time when Jungkook’s 5 years old cousin came over
He would be so excited to see you and tell you about his day and about how Jungkook would bully him when you’re not around
It still makes you laugh when you think about it, Jungkook got so fed up whenever he came over, especially when you’re around
He knew the little guy has a crush on you and he would even sometimes threaten Jungkook that he’ll marry you when he grows up
Jungkook doesn’t really want you to come over when the kid was around because there was this one time when he saw Jungkook was hugging you, it made him cry so bad that it made Jungkook’s Mum got mad at him
“I swear if he cries one more time, I’m gonna throw him into the trash” You swear Jungkook looks so cute when he was pissed and it made you wanted to kiss him
But boy was you so wrong, one kiss and you’re already naked under him
You remember so well there was this one night when you came over to Jungkook’s apartment
You guys were supposed to watch a movie together but ended up eating each other’s out on the couch
And then it happened, he told you he loves you
You didn’t know what to do so you left him
You were so scared and confused, you like him, you do, but it all just happened so fast
But all you can think of is that guys just dated and you really don’t want to ruin anything the both of you have right now
Jungkook could literally feel his heart was torn into pieces the moment you left him
There’s so much going on in his mind right now, he doesn’t understand why would you leave him like that?
He doesn’t need you to say it back, he loves you and that’s all that matters
The way you reacted, how you just left him feeling like a fool made him got really mad
God, you feel so bad and you wanted to make it up to him the next day to find out that he’s ignoring you
You even try to talk to your friends about it and they were all mad at you “Y/N! Why you’d runway like that!” “C’mon, the guy is obviously head over heels for you!” “You’re crazy”
After getting so many scolding from your friend, you then head to the field to see if Jungkook is there, ready to apologise to him
You then decided to wait for him at the bleachers when you saw he was at the field doing laps
He definitely saw you but he didn’t come over to you like he used to
There was literally no emotion on his face when he saw you, it breaks your heart to see him like that
You’ve been waiting for an hour and you knew he wasn’t going to come up until you left
You then decided that you’d just come another time when he’s ready to talk to you
When you were about to leave, you heard some of the juniors from the soccer team were mumbling something about Jungkook hasn’t been performing well these days
You were worried about him which you decided to head over the locker room and talk to the guys
They told you about how fucked up Jungkook has been for the past few days and that he’s been slacking off on the field pretty much all the time
They say that he hasn’t been his best lately
Jungkook didn’t rest for days, he kept going to the gym or doing laps on the field or continue to practice even when coach is not around
He never told the guys what happened between you guys so they’d just assume that the both of you had broken up
Usually, all of them would wait for Jungkook because they are all worried sick of him
But since you’re here, they decided to leave and let the both of you talk
You’ve been waiting in the locker room for god knows how long, it’s almost midnight and he’s not even back yet
You were about to go and check on him when you heard the door slam open
You didn’t know what to do so you went around the locker and hide yourself
You swear you feel like slapping the shit out of yourself
Why are you hiding? You wanted to talk to him but why are you hiding?
That’s when you heard Jungkook ruffles something from his locker
He then sat down on the bench and took his phone out
You then saw your name appear on his phone screen and he was just staring at it
He wanted to call you so bad but he was afraid to face you, what if you rejected him? He wasn’t ready to take that risk at all
That’s the reason why he was avoiding you
You then heard he was sobbing?
God, it breaks your heart to see him cry, he looks so vulnerable right now and you don’t even know what should you do anymore
You then took your phone out and you decided to call him
He immediately answered his phone the moment he saw you calling
“Jungkook, turn around...”
When he saw you his eyes softened, he missed you and god you have no idea how much he has missed you
You can’t help yourself and tears started to roll down your cheeks as you rush to hug him
You keep apologising to him and tell him how sorry you are
“Baby please don’t cry, at least not for me”
You were crying so much that you can’t even speak properly “No! I-It’s my fault! It’s all my fault and I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to just run off like that, I-” He then shush you up and places a kiss on top of your head
“Hey, it’s okay, you don’t have to say it back, I just wanted to let you know that I love you and that’s all that matters, you’re all that matters to me, alright?” He said and kisses the palm of your hand
And that’s when you realise you have fallen in love with this guy standing in front of you way before he told you he loves you
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lokigayforhela · 4 years
Only three more parts to love bites. :( While I am a bit sad, part 28 is cute, and I like to know that Hela gets to live happily ever after lol. And ngl, I am excited to see your new stories also!! If I may, can I request a soulmate AU? It is possibly my favourite trope ever!
Throwback to when I had the drive to update a story every day. Those were the times, weren’t they? Anyway, I had lots of fun reading different soulmate AU ideas to get inspired, and ended up making up one of my own (I think? There are so many ideas out there, I don’t want to take credit for something someone else did). If you’re a visual person, here’s where I got inspiration for the tattoo. Enjoy!
Being single sucked.
It wasn’t that you hated, or were jealous, of all of yourfriends who had found the person whose tattoo lined up with theirs, you just…were tired of waiting to find yours.
Sometimes it felt like you were running out of time, and assupportive as you were of all of your friends and family members and classmatesthat were finding their soulmates and falling in love and getting intorelationships, you were ready for your moment in the sun, ready to finally findthat special someone who you were meant to spend the rest of your life with.
“Earth to Y/N, are you there?”
You were brought out of your silent revelry when you heardyour best friend speak, and you managed a weak little smile as you looked up,trying to ignore how awkward you felt sitting alone at a table full of pairedup friends. “Yeah, just… Just thinking…”
Out of habit, you looked down at the tattoo on the side ofyour arm, not quite on your wrist, but not quite on the back of your armeither. It was a design you couldn’t quite make out on its own, but youimagined once it was lined up against the arm of your soulmate, it would cometogether beautifully.
“Hey… I’m sure you’ll find your soulmate any day now.”
You shrugged a bit. “Yeah, I guess. It just… feels like I’mgetting left behind. You know?”
A few of your friends laughed and murmured in agreement, andstarted talking about how long their own experiences had taken, but you were alittle distracted, and too in your emotions to really listen to what they weresaying. A little too abruptly, you stood, causing the entire table to fallsilent, and you swallowed hard.
“You know what, I’m gonna… look around for a bit on my own. I’llcatch you guys later.” You shouldered your bag back on and turned to leave witha small little wave as your friends mumbled confused goodbyes.
You hadn’t meant to seem so standoffish and rude, butsometimes it made you feel a little lonely, to be the odd person out of thefriend group, and to have to listen to them all be cute and loving together. Youjust wanted that, too. Wanted the sweet stolen glances, the soft kisses, theconstant hand-holding.
You wanted to be loved.
Shaking your head to clear your mind a little, you walkedthrough the rest of the food court in silence, turning the corner to walk downone of the halls lined with shops, but you were surprised to see an unfamiliarstation set up. Curious, you walked a little further down the hallway, andquickly realized that there were little kennels and play areas set up, thesounds of dogs and cats barking and meowing and playing surrounding you. Youcouldn’t help but to smile. You lovedanimals.
You walked along the little row of animals, smiling andcalling each one by name, so that they all got some attention, and just as yourounded the corner to walk down the other side, you bumped right into someonewalking toward you, knocking the clipboard out of their hands. You felt yourcheeks heat with embarrassment immediately as you both knelt down to gather thepapers that had been knocked loose.
“Sorry! I’m so sorry. I should have been looking where I wasgoing,” you insisted as you reached across the floor.
“It’s fine. Happens more often than you’d think,” the othergirl muttered, and you felt yourself cringe a little in worry that she wasannoyed with you.
Once all the papers had been gather up, you looked up at herto hand them back to her, but found yourself frozen in place, fixated by howethereally beautiful she was. Hereyes were the most beautiful shade of blue-green you had ever seen, and herdark hair framed the pale skin of her face so perfectly that you were almostconvinced you were looking at a portrait and not a real person.
The both of you just looked at each other for a long timebefore the girl finally cleared her throat a bit, and looked down at yourhands, and you felt your cheeks grow even hotter. “Right. Sorry.” You handedthe papers back, and couldn’t help the shiver that ran down your spine whenyour fingers brushed together, praying that she didn’t notice it.
As you both stood back up, you looked back at the line ofanimal kennels. “I’ve never seen you here before. Is this temporary?”
“Mm.” The girl nodded once. “We’re here from the animal shelter.Hoping to find some homes for some of our adoption-ready little ones. We’rerunning out of space, and… well, we want as many of them to find homes aspossible.” She glanced at you out of the corner of her eye, and then down ather clipboard. “…I don’t suppose you’d be interested in playing with a few dogsto see if one is a right fit for you?”
You laughed a little, running a hand through your hair. “Ifeel like at the very least I owe it to you, after nearly running you over.”
The girl smiled, only a little, but it was the most she hadsince you’d bumped into her, and it was breathtaking. “Great. Just fill outthis form real quick, and we can start looking at some of the animals.”
You nodded, and took the proffered clipboard from her,filling out the paperwork quickly and handing it back to her. You watched insilence as she read over everything.
“Alright. Have you seen any animals in particular that arestanding out to you?”
You bit the inside of your cheek as you regarded thekennels. “…introduce me to some that haven’t been played with today.”
The girl studied you for a long time, and then noddedslowly. “…sure. Go pick out a play area and bring over one of our dogs. There’ssome hand sanitizer you can use before you start playing.”
You nodded and picked out a quiet little corner, watchingthe curious stranger as you rubbed the sanitizer in your hands. She was theprettiest girl you had ever seen, and though a tad standoffish, there wassomething about her that made you want to get to know her more, and you foundyourself subconsciously looking her over, trying to figure out where her tattoomight be.
Your sneaky scrutinizing was cut short as she turned backaround, leash in hand as she led a dog over to your little play area. “This is Faolan.He’s one of our wolf hybrids. He came from a litter with only one othersibling, a little girl named Fenris.” She smiled as she scratched his headgently. “Who I… actually adopted myself. I would have taken both, but I didn’thave the room, and my landlord wouldn’t allow it.”
You frowned a little as you looked at him. “That’s reallysad.”
The girl shrugged. “Unfortunately, most siblings areseparated, especially when it comes to shelters. We try to keep them togetheras much as possible, but it… doesn’t always work that way.” She looked at youthen, eyebrows raised in slight amusement. “You can pet him, you know.”
You laughed softly, and reached over her arm to scratchunder his chin, but came to an immediate halt as you looked down at her arm. Itdidn’t take you long at all to recognize the same style that your own tattoowas drawn in, especially considering the way you had reached across her hadleft your arms aligned perfectly. Now that you had both pieces of the puzzle,you could see that what you had thought to be a couple of curving lines combinedwith the other girls’ to make a minimalist-style outline of a wolf. Fitting, you found yourself thinking,and as you finally snapped yourself out of your shock, you looked up to see thegirl staring at you, just as shaken by the turn of events.
Suddenly, you felt extremely shy, pressing your lipstogether before smiling a little. “…hi.”
The girl huffed out a breathless little laugh of disbelief,and smiled, as well. “Hi.”
You looked back down at your arms, and wondered when you’dboth gone from petting Faolan to holding hands, but the way the simple motionhad brought your arms even closer together only made you more certain that youhad finally found your soulmate. Yousqueezed her hand gently as you looked back up at her.
“I… Do we kiss now? Is that what’s supposed to happen next?”she asked, not nearly as cold and brusque as she had come off before.
“…If you’d like to.” You shrugged a bit, leaving itcompletely up to her.
“…I’d like to.”
You nodded, smiling at her so softly, despite how nervous you were suddenly feeling, andcarefully reached over to cup her face, leaning in to press the gentlest kissto her lips.
It was chaste, as most first kisses tended to be, but youcouldn’t help but feel the sparks from the simple action, like every nerveending in your body had all lit up at once, and everything was just perfect.
You beamed as you drew back, relaxing when you saw the girlwas doing the same as she looked at you.
You laughed softly. “Y/N.” And you paused, as you lookeddown at the pup who had brought you together. “And I’ll take the dog.”
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
Commissioned by the lovely @folliaght, thank you!
~Requests are closed~ 
Masterlist: x 
I match you with: Masky & Jane the Killer
Alrighty SO
Because of her beef with Jeff, Jane doesn’t live in the mansion
But Masky does
So being in a relationship with the two of them can prove a bit… difficult
Most of the time, they usually just end up coming over to your place 
And they’ve got a nasty habit of dropping by uninvited whoops
Jane’s into a lot of the same things you are, so she likes taking you out to cool places on dates & trying new things with you
She lives to spoil you
Which means anytime you go out, whether it be to a museum, theater, fashion show or just a general shopping spree, not only will she pay for everything, but she’ll also buy you so. Much. Shit.
It can get a lil embarrassing tbh, but it’s part of how she shows affection
Dates with Masky tend to be more relaxed
He’d rather spend the night in, playing video games or binge watching some show/movie with lotsa cuddles uwu
Though sometimes, when you’ve spent the day out with Jane, he’ll put in extra time & effort to prepare a romantic one-on-one evening when ya get back
He knows his way pretty well around a kitchen, and after the meal, he might try to recite some cheesy poems because he knows you like them
Please don’t laugh at him, he’s trying his best
He’ll bring you out to a movie every now and then too, but museums & plays aren’t exactly his strong suit
Although he does have an interest in WWII, so he doesn’t mind going to history/war museums every now and then too
The movies you watch with him tend to be the slasher/horror genre, while you’re more likely to watch some cute animation films with Jane
But one time you made Masky watch a Ghibli film and he totally cried
They’re also both down to watch anime
Jane’s a bit of a closeted weeb
Homegirl’s also into vines & tiktok
She’ll search far and wide to reference one you haven’t seen yet
But you always know so much more than she expects lmao
Honestly, Masky didn’t even know what vines were before meeting you, and he’s thoroughly impressed at how you can recall them so easily
Also a lil terrified
Despite that, however, your sense of humour is pretty similar to his
So the two of you share a lot of ridiculous inside jokes
Especially when you’re either drunk or high
Both adore listening to you sing so. Much!
You've got such a pretty voice, they could listen to you all day~
On rainy evenings, there’s nothing Jane likes more than listening to you hum to yourself while maybe sketching or bullet journaling by your side
You’ve made some really cool looking collabs with her too!
And although Masky’s not really artistic, he’ll gladly hang out with you, vibing & watching you sketch with some vintage music on in the background 👌👌
They’ll try to help you out with your stage anxiety any way they can, giving you plenty of support & reassurance & lots of luvin’ so you at least get comfortable in front of them first
They’re super proud of the progress you make, and they’re always encouraging you to keep going
Overall, you make for a really good couple (triple??)
They’re always down to try new shit with you, then coming home and having a quiet night in, just hanging out, enjoying your presence & cuddling
Your skirts
You know they’re gonna be all over that, especially with how handsy they like to get ;)
Masky tends to be a bit more sly when his hands wander
He’ll make sure no one else can see & then chuckle to himself when other people ask why you’re getting so flustered
Jane, on the other hand, is much more shameless, and won’t care where the two of you are as she reaches over and grabs a handful of your thighs
They’re both major teases about it, but of course, anytime you tell them to stop, they will without question
They don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or anything, they’re just a buncha flirts around you~
Honestly, they buy you any clothes you want, but that’s partly because they owe it to you after always tearing what you already own
When Masky does it, it’s usually cause he can’t help himself
You just look so cute and flustered beneath him, he can’t help but wanna touch more and more of you, his large wandering and savoring your skin before oops your shirt’s got a huge gash in it now
Jane ruins your clothes just coz she can & likes to ngl
She loves little gasps you make when the material breaks apart around you
And she loves dragging her knife up and down your delicate skin, so one way or another, those cute outfits aren’t gonna last very long
They’re both dominant and possessive af in the bedroom
So you always end up wildly overstimulated during & after threesomes, since they’re always competing to see who can make you orgasm the most
Drunk & high sex btw? All the time
Jane gets crazy horny when she’s high
And the way you become so flirty and confident is such a huge turn on for Masky
He ends up pouncing on you without even meaning to in the first place
And he’s so much more dominant under the influence, especially if you get a lil bratty
The’re both huge fans of lace & lingerie
They’ll lose if if they wake up to you cooking breakfast in nothing but your underwear & one of their shirts
Just be sure you don’t wear one of their shirts around the other, because they’ll immediately get crazy jealous
But, ya know, that’s a great way to get their attention one way or another ;)
When it’s one-on-one sex with Masky, he isn’t sensual very often
He’d rather fuck out his emotions, so he’s pretty rough with a brutal pace that hits hard & deep and leaves you sore for days
Jane’s a bit more open to love-making
But she’s pretty attached to her knife, so she might drag it up & down your body even when she’s being romantic
Cuddles after sex aren’t even a question
They wanna make sure they respected your boundaries and you feel safe & comfortable before, during & after
They care a lot about you tbh, which isn’t something they’re used to
So plez be patient with them because they don’t always know what they’re doing when it comes to romance lmao
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years
college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: III (donghyuk's pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff pairings: mark+my/n (fem), donghyuk+dy/n (fem), platonic!mark+dy/n, platonic!donghyuk+my/n format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college bf warning: some swearing
or click here to meet your soulmate, eng lit!mark!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
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III: 별빛이 내린다 샤라랄라랄라라 (2+2=4)
the meeting of two souls: donghyuk & dy/n
welcome! back and to the next part
in which things actually happen! yay
so. up until this point
it’s been quite obvious i hope
that this is the one where The Soulmates Meet™
and this one right here is the one where donghyuk meets his future wifenew best (not) friend
dammit this is a set plot with SET relationships
major spoilers for future parts but hey :) y’all know it i know it let’s just.
let’s get to it!!
that day you accidentally sleep in after a late night and walk into your lecture looking pretty trashier than you would normally a few weeks into the first sem and you’re already tired it’s okay bby aww
and mark suggests skipping the next lecture and going for coffee instead
you’re like ok lmfao free coffee for me yay thanks marcus i owe you one
and to make up for the lecture he suggests he join you and your roommate with his own roommate in the library later that day to study the material you’d missed out on
so you’re like sweet study group hell yeah and apparently his roommate is also in biomed like your roommate? hey they might get along pretty well it’d be nice to have roommates in the same faculty hey
little do you know you little cutie you uwu
mark takes you to a cafe to buy you your favourite drink and a croissant bc you skipped breakfast again and he cares about his friends ok plus he was eyeing that donut next to the savoury menu in the glass cabinet and he would have felt bad if he got something to eat and you didn’t
you sit down, sipping your drink at the window seats and wishing your fatigue away
laughing with mark about what you slept so late for
my/n had been ranting about her love life again or perhaps lack thereof,,
don’t worry tho
after you’d gotten her to sleep, you’d gotten major feels for an essay question that you’d been tasked with due in a week but you hadn’t touched it until last night
staring at the prompt for at least half an hour trying to get your head around it and wondering what the hell you’d write about
but like they say
starting is half of it
so when you start spinning your words and getting into the writing mood
you accidentally wrote an entire draft without realising
albeit being full of loose ends and points you need to refine, etc., it was a decent body of work that you’d tackle for a few more nights before turning in
a skeleton, you’d called it
“a skeleton?”
“yeah. next thing i need to do is.. flesh it out”
“.. literally”
cue mark’s small pause
you know how mark’s laugh is very how do i put this into words hm dictated
you can HEAR each HA and they’re separate syllables yet sometimes they can vary in tone and length right it’s usually the more consistent HAs before he kinda loses it and starts throwing himself around
it was that laugh
honestly man finds everything funny his laughing threshold seems so low
and no matter how unfunny you are he WILL laugh at anything you say
and you’ve been doing it a lot lately
you could say literally any random thing and he’d already be ready to laugh (see Figure 1.1)
Figure 1.1
you: /snort/
mark, already giggling: “what”
you, still sniggering: /touches his elbow/ “arm knee”
mark: /inhale/ gotta live and breathe that oxygen
mark: HAHAHAHAhahAhaHAHAhahAhHa (decrescendo.. cRESCENDO)
^ that but looped, with intermittent slaps to your arm
anyways you never fail to make him fall out of his chair in laughter
but enough of that. dy/n is donghyuk’s y/n for a REASON ahEM
so after you finish up your breakfast at the cafe you go back to your dorm to take a power nap and recharge before your library session you were going to stay awake but mark forces you to take a nap and you’re like bro you just fed me caffeine now you want me to sleep??
then he tells you he ordered your drink decaf
you turn to him real slow
“.. you sick traitor. how dare you besmirch my name so. you scorn my forefathers and our dependence on the holy bean’s juices. betrayal runs rampant in your soul and mine stands at the mercy of your choices, them informed by the devil himself”
mark: /shrug/ “placebo effect yeet. hey, it worked for a bit. now you should really go home and get your sleep”
and he drags you back to your dorm and waves you off before going to his next class
you’re lowkey grateful for it tho when you take a shower and collapse onto your bed, falling asleep in what you think could be half the time you usually take
dreaming about losing your airpods and mark yelling at you to be more careful and then you two fighting bc you’d just lost your $300 bean sprouts but you could have sworn he took them
then police sirens went off out of nowhere and both of you were being arrested for assault and thievery
why you were the one being arrested, you had no idea but it’s a dream nothing follows the guidelines of hard reality anyway
just as you’re about to be handcuffed, you think to yourself, nope. i have a library session to attend. ain’t nobody got time for this shit
and you just
wake up
but the sirens are still continuing?? so you’re like ? is my building surrounded
they’ve come for me
even though you haven’t exactly broken any laws or have you
and you realise it was the alarm you’d set in time to get ready for your library session
so you grab your stuff and leave for the library, double checking with your roommate over text to make sure she was on her way
her lab class was taking longer than usual so she tells you she’ll be 10 or so minutes late
so you tell her you’ll be saving a seat for her and call mark to let him know you’re on your way to the library
“oh i’m already here lol. alright, i’m waiting for you outside”
and sure enough, you see him leaning on the wall of the entrance, eyes on his phone
you consider calling out to him but before you actually do, he glances up and spots you walking over tf do you have psychic spatial awareness mark
smiles and takes his corded earphones out
“you seriously need to upgrade those”
“they work fine”
“nop i’m getting you airpods for your birthday”
“dUdE thEy’RE tOo ExPEnSiVe. nO dUDE NoO”
at this point i should just put /MANIACAL LAUGHTER/ and you should know what laugh i’m referring to
/MLML/ for short
nvm it’s fine it’s kinda fun to type /MANIACAL LAUGHTER/
literally mark laughs in bolded italics i’m just sad i can’t underline it on tumblr unless it’s a link lmfao
n e ways
i digress
you shush him because you’re about to walk into the library
“qUIET DOWN marcus” turn that sh down for quiet new dawn
the library is almost full for the day but after a minute or two scouring the building you find an empty four seater in the middle of nowhere it’s CRAZY you can NEVER find a MIRACLE like this life couldn’t get better
i’m sorry
you speed walk to claim it even though there was no one else in your vicinity to threaten your territory
mark laughs at you trying to get to the table as fast as you could without all out running
getting out your things, you send a photo of your seat to your roommate and tell mark to send it to his roommate as well so they know where to find you
you start watching the lecture online while taking notes and since you’re not in the lecture theatre you can talk more audibly with mark not that you don’t talk in the actual lecture too,,
maybe you do text a lot,,, during class
mark usually says things like “.. implications of what now?? interpretation of huh?” to which you reply “i want cheese when i get home”
and he has to stifle his laughter while you keep your straight face and continue writing your notes he admires this ability ngl
and so while you’re watching it on your computer
you can say things like “fuck. i want pickles”
and mark will /throw himself back/ and cackle and probably say some shit like “DIDN’T YOU HATE PICKLES??” between his giggles
and you’re like “yeah. fuck pickles but like. fuck. pickles”
he almost falls off his chair at this point
but when he balances himself again he spots someone down the corridor and wave them over
“oii! over here dude”
you turn to glance at them to expect his roommate, but you see your own roommate talking to someone and wave her over as well
“heYY my/n”
you see the other person turn to your roommate and tell her something, , then she says something back
which is apparently shocking to them, because he glances over at mark and then at you
and then he looks again when your roommate points straight at you
to which you’re like ?? hi? y u look me
and then they both start laughing
you wonder if they were laughing at you or smth until mark’s like “tf is that idiot doing”
and u look at him like ? what idiot
“that idiot. the idiot roommate i told u about. the one who called u a homewrecker”
and you’re like
[info clog]
“that’s your roommate?” u point at the boy next to my/n, who r both still laughing at something going all “wOW r u KIDDING” he has a loud voice
and mark’s like “? yeah”
and you go
“.. the girl next to him is my roommate”
mark: “wait what”
that’s what she said
at that point they’ve made their way over to the table, still trying to hold in their laughter
you start to introduce your roommate to mark, who’s still confused by the situation
you: “mark, this is my/n, my/n this is mark”
my/n: “nice to see you again mark”
you: “wait. again?”
mark: “yeah we’ve met. hi my/n”
you: “what”
mark: “yeah”
my/n: “yeah”
his roommate: “yeah”
you: “i feeling like i’m missing something here”
turns out
surprise surprise
that one friend that my/n had made in her biology class was mark’s roommate oh my god they were roommates
whose name, you are told, is lee donghyuk
magical moment
us watching: heh 🤤
u can’t help but do a lil body scan from head to toe bc he a fine piece of cake we all know that
honey skin, oversized white t shirt, black pants, sneakers and lighter brown hair that looks fluffy the type of fluffy that makes u wanna touch it
yes he’s good looking. yes
then mark tells him your name
“she’s the one i said reminded me of you”
“r u talking abt me behind my back marcus??”
donghyuk laughs and holds out a hand for you to shake
“what kinda coincidence is this?? i adopt your roommate, you’re dealing with mine”
“oh you’re gonna have to get in line to adopt her, i’m her legal guardian, sorry donghyuk”
to which he goes
“lmfao then we’ll both be her parents”
“k but i’ll keep her on the weekends. you see her on the weekdays”
then he wipes his smile off his face and he’s like “who said we’re split”
mark and my/n are doing the /MANIACAL LAUGHTER/ at this point
mark: “so ,, seriously what are the chances”
you: “this quartet,, it’s fate guys it’s fate there’s no way about it”
yes it is. yes. it is
even that four seater table was free because of fate
donghyuk: “this calls for drinks later. we all free? no 9am classes tmr?”
my/n: “we have a physics prac at 8:30 dingus”
donghyuk: “ah shit”
you barely got any notes for that lecture for at least an hour because you end up talking altogether throughout the session but once you remember you’re in a library to study you request a ceasefire and agree to study for a bit which,, you gotta admit ,, isn’t really productive because you’re so excited to meet someone new
but the best part about the day was when you notice how many times mark is glancing at your roommate while she’s reviewing her notes, completely oblivious
donghyuk complains that he’s hungry after another hour or two and you suggest you all have dinner together
donghyuk leans back in his chair in a stretch, his jumper lifting up a little over his jeans and showing a bit of his belly “ah i’m craving chinese”
you perk up, “mE TOO”
so you all go to your favourite chinese place just outside campus where you find out that mark and my/n have the same taste and so do you and donghyuk
he points and u and goes “oH?”
mark and my/n: jjajang is fine : )
you and donghyuk: “JJAMPPONG IS SUPERIOR”
give him a bro five with the shoulder bump and everything
the boys walk you and my/n back to your dorm afterwards
donghyuk and my/n end up walking in a pair and mark walks alongside you
mark mentions how it’d be fun if you made a group chat together
you: “do it”
“i don’t have your roommate’s number tho”
you’re smiling wickedly at his reaction “?? ASK HER FOR IT”
“dude what?? no u make one and i’ll add donghyuk to it”
so u go
and you call out the two biomed kids walking in front of you
“hey donghyuk! give me your number i’ll make a group chat”
“sure lol” and you open up a new contact to let him type his number into your phone
he saves his name as hot boi hyuk ✌🏻
which you just leave bc you’re busy making the group chat
mark is still astounded that you asked donghyuk for his number so easily
you: hi hello good day
my/n 🌸: yeetus meetus
hot boi hyuk ✌🏻: bow before me
you: here before me lie the beginnings of a new era
you: one born from blood and stone
my/n 🌸: tf is she saying
hot boi hyuk ✌🏻: idk but lets go with it
you: together we rise from the rubble and sort through the debris
hot boi hyuk ✌🏻: yas queen
my/n 🌸: i hate this gc already
read by marcus the fool 🤡 at 8:21 pm
safe to say you stay up for a good while talking on that group chat while mark just sits idle,,
you honestly don’t know if he’s consciously reading or not maybe he just left his phone on the chat
and thus our quartet is complete,,
and they all lived
happily ever after
but this isn’t the ending tho is it
wink wonk /waggles eyebrows/
this is but the epilogue to the prologue
that doesn’t make sense but n e ways
our quartet has not yet become two pairings
y’all just don’t know what the future has in store for you :)
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click here to meet your soulmate, eng lit!mark!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
taglist: @lavellanfriendliness​ 
shoot me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in future parts!
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tenyxshx-a · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥  This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is: canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Are they underrated? YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main story? YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL
How strictly do you follow canon?
Pretty strictly honestly? I know people like to portray me as some canon-divergent or AU Doflamingo but I do insist that my Doflamingo is as close to canon as possible. Of course I add more emotional stuff to him but he’s still the Doflamingo we know and love from One Piece!
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals. 
I mean, shallow things first, he’s good looking. That aside, Doflamingo loves to play yet also takes things seriously. You want someone to hold a good conversation with? He’s good at that. You want someone who’s interested in more serious talk? He can do that. You want someone to spar with? He can take you on. You want someone to have fun with? His sense of having fun may be different but he’s in no way boring. Doflamingo is a man with many sides, and he’s very good at adapting to the companionship he’s with.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).
Doflamingo is a man with many sides, that also means he might exactly be what the other person doesn’t want. Doflamingo is very stubborn and whimsical so it can be hard to keep up. He also doesn’t like not getting his way so he can grow angry at that. Doflamingo is also sadistic, with little to no regard to the opinions of those around him.
What inspired you to rp your muse?
Honestly, it’s hard to describe. I just loved him after seeing him at the marineford war arc. He was cool looking, he had a giant feather coat (and I love birds), he was intriguing and ngl, his voice actor Hideyuki Tanaka also won me over. From that moment on I just kept on loving him more. With every detail I just got more interested. If it weren’t for Doflamingo I probably wouldn’t have kept on going on with watching One Piece.
What keeps your inspiration going?
Everything honestly? I just get inspired by almost anything! It’s not that I don’t have any inspiration to write him, it’s usually that I don’t have energy or emotional capacity to deal with tumblr rpc. But I’ve never ran out of inspiration for him.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice? YES / NO (I wish I could say yes, but t//mblr really makes me doubt it so *shrug*)
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO (not on here, but I love writing headcanon! I just don’t like sharing them. )
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO (same as the hc, I usually don’t write them on here)
Do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO (same as with giving the character justice, I wish I could say yes but on here, I feel like my portrayal isn’t good so there’s no confidence here!)
Are you confident in your writing? YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
I like to think I do? I just... Listen to it. I get a shitton of crap for my portrayal, both voiced in words and actions so regardless of whether I take it well or not, I take it. I like to try and learn things out of it. Granted, I rarely get criticism on here, I just get like... Hate... Or insults. Fun.
A lot of people nowadays don’t even know what criticism is and what isn’t.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?
Absolutely! I’m awkward at answering them though, because it feels like answering in your muse’s place? And sometimes you just know your answer isn’t what most people think about your muse so you’re kind of stuck between giving the obvious one or revealing your headcanons? But I love answering questions, they’re a great way to further develop your portrayal and they usually write faster than threads!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?
Not really. Half of the time they let you know anyways why they don’t agree lmao. People have their own hc. As long as someone doesn’t bash mine I won’t really take note of it? If someone disagrees that’s fine, if that someone proceeds to make a hc. completely the opposite of it and ends up explaining it like an ass, then I end up knowing why but wishing I didn’t.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
Like I take it on here, which is just accept it. People don’t owe you a liking to your portrayal. Everyone has different tastes, opinions and views so really, there’s nothing to do about it. I do prefer if people would just ignore it and move on but some people get really heated over not liking your portrayal. If someone openly and continuously disagrees and bashes I might not take it and tell them to fuck off.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
Hard if it’s openly expressed towards me, otherwise it’s live and let live. Not everyone’s gonna like the character you like, and honestly, that means more to like for you. I’ve had one person openly hate on Doflamingo though and it was very exhausting. I took it not personally but I still kind of got hurt about it? Granted there was more going on with that person but... It hurts if people express their hate about a character you love to you. If they stay away with their hate I don’t really pay attention to it.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?
Definitely! English is not my first language... Not even my second one either! And there’s nothing more hateful than rereading something on your blog you really love and then finally noticing a grammatical error... or a spelling mistake... It hurts Dx!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
I try to be, and I do think I’m wayyy more easy going than when I first started RPing. But even if you think of yourself as easy going, it’s how people view you that ends up telling whether or not you are easy-going!
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
➸  Tagger: @despairforme​ (thank you snail!!! ♥)
➸  Tagging: @mcnypieces​, you reading this, and people like me who should be on hiatus but are not on hiatus!
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jokerownsmysoul · 4 years
A gentle reminder.
Angel, take all the time you need to write! There's no rush, pressure or obligation to write within a certain time line or to get your WIPS out by a set date - my sweet winter child, you do this for free in your own time. You don't owe any of us anything so please, please take your time. Creativity ebbs and flows, it comes in like the tide and leaves just as quickly, so take all the time you need and want to write. Do this for you primarily, and for Arthur, and your tags - darling, all of us want to read your writing. It's poetic and just and right, and it flows so beautifully and naturally, like cool spring water. You and your writing are both ethereal, just like Arthur, and you hold up a mirror to his soul so naturally. You know him and you see him and you love him so deeply and it's inspiring. Take all the time you need, there's never any need to apologise for not writing or for taking care of yourself. We see you and we love you!💕💕💕
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Erika omgggg I dont know when you send me this? I'm only noticing it now by chance omg tumblr didn't send me the notif I suppose, it's so annoying these days 😩
Thank you so, so much darling. 😭💙 This is giving me so much comfort and makes me feel better already. And "sweet winter child" omggg this made me so softtt it's so freaking cute 🥺💙♥️💜 what you're saying is so true and you're right, we write for free in our own time and we don't have to write within a certain time line, but it’s hard not to listen to the little voice in my head telling me otherwise when the one pressuring myself it's me lmaoo sksk. It's just, I want to make all of you happy and post the request people sent me to make them feel better, I want to write them all at once and post them immediately, but I recognize that it's impossible and that if I really want to make y'all happy I've to be less hard on myself. I get easily overwhelmed and anxious, and I've so many things I want to write and so little energy to do so, and eventually I get insecure about my skills and this makes me even more overwhelmed, my brain is so annoying 😂 but thank you, your words are so helpful and I'll definitely come back to them in the rougher times. 🥺💙
Thank you for reaching out omg I don't know what I did to deserve all of you, you're always so kind and understanding 😭😭😭 and??? I'm so honored you see my writing that way angel. I can't explain through words what this means to me, I really mean it. Someone who loves my writing is the best compliment I could ever receive and I can't thank you enough nor describe how bright my smile is while reading your beautiful words. Thank you for saying that you all want to read my writing, I've been soaked with self doubt more than normal lately ngl sksksk, this means the world to me. 😭💙
The very same goes to you, you and your writing are ethereal just as much and you love Arthur like he deserves 🥺💙 your writing is always filled with so much love, adoration and I know that you're making him happy with everything you ever written for him. 💙💛 I'm so honored to be able to read and to know both you and your writing. And please, what you said to me goes to you, don't pressure yourself or apologize for the lack of contents in your blog because people loves you and understand that we're human and not writing machines. 💙❤️💜 Sometimes the worst enemies of us are ourselves, and God knows how many times I've been the enemy of myself, we should be more understanding with ourselves like we are for others writers. It's easier said than done, but we can try and thank you again for this message, me and Arthur love you so much and I hope you're having a good day 💙💛❤️
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cobwebsaint · 4 years
AHHHH YES alright obligatory NSFW warning and link to the original if anybody is compelled to leave some sweet kudos or a comment or anything. The garbage stays under the cut for the sake of your eyeballs and your dash.
[Before we even get into the meat of this mf let it be known I was BULLIED into participating in the Slipknot body fluids garbage trend and I still hate it but god was it all downhill from there. Y’all know who you are. Bitch.]
Corey really did have a hard fucking time shutting up, and it almost always got him in some level of shit. After getting the shit kicked out of him at bars and parties and shows approximately three trillion times, you would have thought he’d learned his lesson. 
He did not. 
[I have never spoken a word that was not true. The Corey Taylor gremlin is just an obnoxious big mouthed creecher. He cannot help thise.]
The man had no off button. He knew it, everybody else knew it— it was just something they all had to live with. Jim especially. Jim signed on for this bullshit every single day.
That was his own fault.
[Ah yes, the birthplace of what is now known as the domestic nightmares AU. I promise I’m actually gonna write it. I have a whole sandbox doc. But point is they’re stupid and they’re gross and they’re boyfriends.]
He was off on some godforsaken tangent again about nothing in particular, which Jim had tuned out a good ten minutes ago. Sometimes he felt a little bad about how easy it’d become to turn Corey to white noise, but then he caught something about what Ted Bundy did right or pounding back all the Kool-Aid at Jonestown (“It’s Flavor-Aid, James.”) and decided it wasn’t such a terrible thing after all. Some things were just better left alone. Letting Corey babble while Jim mindlessly twisted his fingers through his curls was a pretty good option in Jim’s book.
Of course, that was all up until Corey inevitably realized he was being ignored and made it a point to get the spotlight back. 
[In which Jim shares the same emotion towards Corey and his Sagittarius center of attention disease as the rest of us.]
Jim shifted away from the finger that was jabbing him hard in the ribs, pulling a face and looking down at Corey who had propped himself up on his chin, laying on Jim’s stomach. “What’d I do this time? Jesus.”
“You better be thinkin’ about something real fuckin’ important.” 
[Bold of him to assume Jim is experiencing thoughts at all tbh.]
“Oh yeah. Daydreaming about the day you’re finally able to sit and shut up for more than ten seconds.”
[Aren’t we all.]
Corey narrowed his eyes, punching Jim in the side, satisfied with the “Ow!” he earned in response. “You fuckin’ prick. You don’t get to complain.”
“I get to complain the most. Nobody else sitting here listening to you talk about the logistics of having a conjoined twin, y’know. I’ve earned that right fair and square, dude.”
“What, you’re telling me you haven’t thought about how you’d—”
[Just in case you were wondering, (you probably weren’t) the gremlin is thinking about how you’d fuck with a conjoined twin.]
Jim rolled his eyes and shook his head, but he still couldn’t hide the dumb little smirk that wanted to tug at the corners of his lips. “God, what the fuck is wrong with you?” 
Corey started up again and Jim immediately cut him off, reaching over to clap a hand over his mouth. “Ah! Don’t. Just. Shut up.”
[Jim: asks that question
Corey: starts telling his entire life story for the sixtieth time that week]
Corey batted Jim’s hand away, pushed himself up, crawling in close enough to swing a leg over Jim, straddling his hips. He leaned in, probably half a millimeter from Jim’s face, hands planted at either side of his head, curls cascading down around him. He was still pretty even when he was being a bastard and it was total bullshit. 
[You’re just mad your dick won’t you stay mad at him, James.]
“Make me.” 
Jim snorted a laugh. “Just say you want me to choke you out and be done with it.”
“Nah, that’s you. ‘Sit on my dick and strangle me, it’ll be great.”
“Don’t make me out to be the fuckin’ pervert when you’re the one begging me to step on your balls,” Jim retorted, barely even batting an eye. 
Corey sat up a little, leering down at Jim and running his tongue over his teeth. Eventually he just resigned to it. “Fair. But you’re still gross.”
[Points were made. There ain’t no winning here lbr.]
“Mhm. Right.” Jim reached up, threading a hand messy through Corey’s hair to bring him into a kiss. “You done bitching yet? Can I go back to only kinda hearing the crazy shit that comes out of your mouth again?”
“Hell no,” he said, shaking his head for that extra touch of dramatic emphasis. “Do you even know who you’re talking to? If you weren’t the size of a goddamn skyscraper I’d swear you just crawled out of whatever pit you came from.”
“Maybe I’m dumb, but I’m not that dumb. The great big mouth will never be silenced.” Jim giggled, bringing a knee up to knock Corey over beside him. He rolled over, pinning him down instead. “Y’know, except maybe when you’ve got a dick shoved in your face. Still making noise, but at least you’re not fuckin’ talking.”
Corey got a look on his face like he’d just reinvented the wheel, squinting his eyes up in a shit-eating grin, and Kill Bill sirens started going off in Jim’s head. No. Nope. We are under attack. This couldn’t be anything good. 
“Okay, but just consider— AND HEAR ME OUT, OKAY?” Corey cut in, watching the idea of interrupting him again flicker through Jim’s head. “What about two dicks? I bet I could fit two dicks in my mouth.”
Well. Huh. Maybe that did have Jim some sort of interested. He sat back a little, looking Corey up and down. “…You have my attention.”
“Listen, I know this chick and—” 
Jim had to laugh, ‘cause Corey thinking he was actually gonna share had to be the funniest goddamn thing to happen to him all week. He didn’t consider himself the jealous type. Maybe a little possessive sometimes. But he had to keep a tight leash on Corey Todd “Himbo” Taylor. Him being certified Awful was what got them into this mess in the first place. Jim just had a bad habit of catching feelings. Whatever, clearly Corey was more than okay with it.
[Yes I did use the word himbo in this fic and no I do not accept criticism. Also a bit of lore is that Corey essentially annoyed the absolute dick out of Jim until he was about ready to commit a murder all as an elaborate plan to get a date.]
“Nope, try that again.”
“Alright, what about Mick or—”
“Is that supposed to be better?” 
Corey groaned, punching Jim in the shoulder. “Why you gotta ruin all the fun? Can’t a dude get his face fucked and not get a bunch of shit for it?”
“Never said you couldn’t,” Jim mused. “But if you think I’m gonna let anybody else have that kind of satisfaction, you’re dead wrong dude. I’m the only one around here who deserves it. Take it or leave it.” 
Corey cocked his head to the side, staring Jim down like he was supposed to take him seriously. Like Jim didn’t already know the answer. Like he didn’t know that Corey was physically incapable of turning down the chance to get his shit rocked, whether it happened the way he wanted it to or not. 
“Fuck you. Fine.”
[Okay so this WHOLE FIC was deadass prompted by that stupid fucking picture of Corey with his fist shoved in his mouth skdjfg. So I was talking to Marina and I was like. Y’know. I bet he could fit two dicks in there. And I just kinda went buck wild. Jim was supposed to split the little bastard’s lips and shove a dildo in there too but that. Did not happen. Maybe someday.]
Content, Jim rolled off of him, got to his feet, and made a ‘well?’ gesture. Corey didn’t move, instead shooting him a look. A challenge.
Still playing that game. Alright.
Jim reached down, twisting Corey’s hair around his fist and dragging him towards the edge of the bed. “Really gonna be stubborn when you’re the one who’s begging for it?” 
“You want it all for yourself, you’re gonna have to work for it.” 
[Sir that is not how this works.]
Smug little fucker. Corey had put him through the same act at least a billion times now but somehow he still managed to find a way to get Jim to want to smack the ego right out of him. 
Corey slipped off the bed, knees buckling without (a ton of) struggle when Jim pushed him towards the floor. He tilted Corey’s head back, getting a firm grip on his jaw. 
“How you manage to be so cute while being such a pain in the ass still fuckin’ blows my mind, y’know.”
A giggle bubbled up in Corey’s chest. He strained against the hand in his hair, trying to wriggle his way out of Jim’s hold. He knew it wasn’t gonna happen, but hey— couple fingerprint shaped bruises never hurt anyone. 
[I didn’t realize how weird the wording here was until after I posted it ngl. Like. He’s angling Corey’s head back by pulling his hair and holding him there by holding his jaw. Just. To clear that up. I’ve been obsessing over this one little line for months cuz it’s a little weird but I Am Not Changing It.]
“You love it. Wouldn’t have put up with me this long if you didn’t. It’s okay, Peach. You can admit I’m hot shit.”
“Shut up, would you?” Jim tugged back, drawing a surprised noise out of Corey that only served to melt back into a laugh. “Jesus.”
“Come on, don’t be so touchy. I’m right.” Corey slid a hand up the inside of Jim’s thigh, pressing his palm into him and grabbing his already half-hard cock through his sweats. “If I’m not, then explain this away. Pavlov ain’t got shit on me.”
Nah. Nope. That was more than enough out of him. Jim wrenched Corey’s hand away, taking his hands off him just long enough to shove his sweats and boxers down and free his cock. “Open. And hands to your fuckin’ self.”
Thankfully, that was the one thing that Corey didn’t try and fight. He leaned his head back, opened his mouth, and locked his gaze with Jim’s. Stupid pretty blue eyes practically sparkling, knowing damn well he got Jim good. Fuck. Asshole couldn’t turn it off for a second, could he? 
Jim grabbed him, holding him in place as he guided his dick into his mouth. Warm and wet and fucking perfect as always. This little shit was gonna give him a heart attack some day, he just knew it. 
He started off slow, watching Corey melt into it. Eyes fluttering shut, cheeks hollowing out around him, hands clasped behind his back. Tongue laving expertly around the head of Jim’s cock like it was second nature. Hot shit was a stretch, but hot was a different story. 
“Fuck yeah, that’s good,” Jim groaned, hand anchored on the back of Corey’s head as he rolled his hips into his mouth. “All bark and no bite. Think it would be easier to just say you wanna get used like a toy. Least you’re good at it.”
Corey made a pleased noise, leaning into it, taking Jim’s length deeper. He opened his eyes again, looking up at Jim through his lashes and whining softly. A plea for more. More ‘cause he was a greedy little bastard. 
Jim took the cue, snapping his hips forward, tightening his grip. He heard Corey sputter around him a bit, which only served as further encouragement. He fucked into his mouth in quick, deep thrusts, Corey practically going limp before him. The heat, the way Corey pressed his tongue against the underside of his cock, face contorting a bit every time Jim’s dick hit the back of his throat. Jim was already wrapped tight around the axel but god, it was too pretty of a sight to give up this early in the game. 
Even if it was giving Corey exactly what he was trying for— a happy Corey was a quiet Corey.
Or quieter.
When Jim let up to let Corey catch his breath, he probably lost about half his brain cell count. Drool running down his chin, lips pink and swollen, crystal eyes brimming with tears— Corey looked practically ethereal. Like, fuck wings and halos. This was as close to angelic as someone could get and Jim fucking loved it. Shit. 
[He do be pretty tho. Also idk where the sudden religious imagery came from but like. I sure did stick with it huh. Whatever it works.]
Jim dragged his thumb over Corey’s bottom lip, breaking strings of spit that connected with his cock. He hooked his thumb under Corey’s chin, slipping two long fingers in his mouth and pressing down on his tongue. 
Corey closed around them, running his tongue between them before bobbing his head and taking them deeper. He moaned around the digits, shifting on his knees a little like he wanted to buck his hips into something that wasn’t there.
Satisfied, Jim retracted his fingers, rubbing them over Corey’s lips and chin and smearing spit across his face while he caught his breath. Jesus fucking Christ. He was feeling more and more like a ticking time bomb by the minute here, and Corey’s stupid obnoxious pretty blissed out face was doing him no favors. 
[At this point I was like. Hmmm. How many different ways can I ruin this stupid little rat’s entire career. This is really just the everything but the kitchen sink fic.]
No matter how good and perfect and fucked up and fucking slutty he looked down on his knees, taking whatever he was given, that didn’t change a damn thing. He was still the same terrible little demon that Jim knew and loved for some godforsaken reason. 
“‘S that it?” he rasped out, in between heavy breaths he knew he was gonna need to savor.
Nevermind. Jim was gonna kill him. Like, absolutely decimate him. 
He thrust back into Corey’s mouth, finding the same fast pace as before. Haphazardly pulling Corey into it, meeting every rut of hips, making him struggle more this time around. Jim watched him squirm, nails biting into his wrists, but they stayed where they were locked behind his back. 
This was that sweet spot, where Corey felt filthy and used and amazing all wrapped up into one. Sure, he could ask for it, but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun. All the back and forth was part of the game that made the end goal that much sweeter. And yes, he was terrible and loved every minute of bugging the shit out of Jim until he finally snapped. It got him the attention, didn’t it?
[I started to veer off into this sort of perspective shift thing and I didn’t know how I felt about it while I was writing it but honestly I really like how it made the story flow.]
He was worlds away for a while, reduced to nothing more than a hole to be filled while Jim fucked his face. All moans and sloppy wet sounds, soaking up every little sensation— stingy pain of his hair being pulled, jaw starting to ache, cock fucking throbbing and leaking a wet spot into his boxers every time he got the least bit of friction. Jim thought Corey was an angel and this was most definitely heaven. 
Of course, Corey only stayed on cloud nine for so long. Jim hit the back of his throat again, holding him there this time. He only gagged a little at first, tears spilling over onto his cheeks. Corey’s eyes shot open and he whimpered around him, but Jim stayed put.
The second wave was worse, and he finally had to unclasp his hands and bring them up to grip onto Jim’s hips— his sign to let up.
Jim let go and pulled back just in time for a full body wretch to hit Corey. He doubled over, bracing himself on his hands, thick, stringy deepthroat spit dripping from his mouth. He hung his head, breathing hard, and Jim felt his cock twitch. 
[Don’t @ me I had just been subjected to not one but SEVERAL puke fics and I was feeling an emotion okay.]
“Oh fuck me,” Jim said out loud, because Jim was a gross horny fool. 
He knelt down, laying his hand against Corey’s cheek, making him lift his head again. He looked positively ruined. Eyes red, cheeks tear stained, whole mouth wet and well used, the front of his shirt starting to go sheer from all the drool. God, all Jim wanted to do was kiss him.
“Good?” Jim asked, and Corey gave a weak nod. Jim moved in a little closer. “Hey, talk to me. You okay? Need to stop?”
“Yeah, ‘m good,” Corey sighed, leaning his forehead against Jim’s. “Don’t wanna stop, no. Was into it, trust me.” He let go of a gravelly laugh, “Just gimme a minute.”
Jim nodded his head, running his thumb along the curve of Corey’s jaw. “Fuckin’ pretty, y’know.”
[Oh no they’re sweet.]
“Shut up. Don’t just look at me like that. You look dumb.”
Jim rolled his eyes, “You shut up.” He curled his hand around the back of Corey’s neck and closed what little gap was left between them with a kiss. He tasted like cigarettes and salt and skin and it made Jim’s head spin and his stomach do backflips. Which I mean, was definitely due in part to the fact that his dick was cocked and ready to blow like a shotgun straight through the wall next to him. But Corey— the feel of his skin and the taste on his tongue and his weight on top of Jim when he was being dumb and pretty and needy and refusing to be anything less than the center of attention— well, that never helped Jim’s case. 
Soft little whimpers from Corey were muffled into Jim’s mouth, hands sliding around his broad frame and hiking his shirt up so Corey could trace over the curve of Jim’s spine. Little bit of contact, closeness that was lost when it wasn’t Jim balls deep inside of him. This was okay though. More than okay, fucking fantastic. Good to the point that Corey didn’t even try and fight when Jim pulled away. Especially not when he tugged his head back, making him look up at the ceiling as he licked a stripe from the very bottom of his chin, back to his lips. He kissed him again, like he needed to be attached at the mouth to survive, tongue easily gaining entry into Corey’s mouth and pulling more throaty moans from him. 
[Jk they’re still gross and in love.]
It was over all too quickly, Corey making a sound in protest as Jim pulled away from him and rose to his feet again. Jim yanked his head back, catching his lower lip with his thumb, mouth falling open once more. Before the thought even had the chance of passing through Corey’s mind of what the hell— Jim was bent over him, holding him in place as he spit into his mouth. Or rather back into his mouth. 
Oh. Shit. Alright. 
[Again, everything but the kitchen sink here boys.]
Several emotions flashed across Corey’s face before he settled in at acceptance, staring up at Jim with big, glazed over eyes as he towered over him.
“You want more?”
Corey nodded a very enthusiastic yes.
“Gonna be a good boy for me?”
That was met with some hesitation, knit brows and a shrug of the shoulders like he was weighing his options. Jim just shook his head. “If you’re gonna be a shit, then you can do it your damn self now. Prove you deserve it.”
Corey shot him a look, but he didn’t exactly try and argue. Wouldn’t be the first time he sucked a dick to make a point. Definitely not the last either. He sat up on his knees, wrapping his hand around Jim’s length, working him in slow, even strokes as he teased his tongue over the head. Jim about had an aneurysm from the looks of it and Corey couldn’t help but giggle. 
Jim knocked his knuckles against the side of Corey’s face. Not hard enough to hurt, but still enough to make him knock it the fuck off.
Stupid slut. 
[This still makes me giggle. Like you bap a fucking cat on the nose dksgdfj.]
Sucking the tip of Jim’s dick into his mouth, Corey gave a contented hum. He bobbed his head up and down, keeping pace with his hand, Jim lazily tracing his fingertips over the stubble on his cheeks. He mumbled a string of praise— ‘fuck yeah, baby’ and ‘so fucking good’ and ‘shit, just like that.’ Caught up and fucked up all over again. Corey Taylor was a bastard and Jim wasn’t about to give him up for a goddamn thing. 
Corey pulled off of him with a filthy ‘pop,’ wasting little time between then and ducking his head down to tongue at Jim’s balls. For what had to be the billionth time in the past ten minutes, Jim was briefly convinced he was going to leave this earth entirely. It was all he could do, to watch dumbly as Corey worked from left to right, sucking and moaning and swirling his tongue in just the right way to make Jim’s dick visibly twitch in his hand 
“Jesus fuck, baby.”
Jesus fuck, indeed. He was already seeing stars and he still hadn’t come yet. Here he was, giving the incentive of more when his knees were about to buckle. Who’s the jackass now?
[Me: writing oral sucks it’s always awkward and repetitive
Also me: stretches the oral to 5k]
Jim’s head fell back as Corey worked his way back up his length, running his tongue along the underside of it before damn near hilting him on his first try. He choked a little, pulling back to center himself before he tried again. Obscene sounds and lascivious moans filled the air, Jim’s eyes squeezed shut as he focused on the heat burning in the pit of his stomach. All he needed was a minute or two and to watch Corey’s eyes roll back in his skull to be pulled taut and ready to snap at any second. 
“Fuck me, I’m so close. Come on baby, don’t stop. Know you want it too.” Jim’s hand had found its way to the back of Corey’s head again, forcing him further down, finding that perfect rhythm again. Call it a sign of encouragement. Or something. 
Yeah, encouragement.  
Corey worked him as hard as he could, sucking and licking and slurping and swallowing him whole until the vibrations from one final groan around Jim’s cock brought all these sensations to a crescendo. Jim held him down as he came hard, spilling down his throat, swearing and gritting his teeth. Corey nursed him through, sucking him slow as Jim’s arms and legs turned to jello. Watching through his lashes as he tensed and moaned, breathing in sharp, ragged inhales until he finally had to shove Corey away ‘cause shit. 
Jim sighed heavily, pushing his hair back and out of his face, staring down at the stupid cocky look on Corey’s face. Were he able to form a coherent thought, he would have taken his ego down a notch— unfortunately, mentally he was still somewhere off in orbit. Without being entirely aware of his own actions, Jim was grabbing Corey by the collar and getting him back up off his knees. He shoved his hands underneath the hem of his shirt, fingertips studying inches of skin, the hair on his stomach, sides damp with sweat, every bump and imperfection before finally pulling the ratty spit-soaked tee over his head. 
[And to your left, you see Service Top Brain immediately taking control the second Jim no longer has enough brain cells to resist it.]
He pulled Corey to him, hands on his waist as he backed up to the bed, knees giving way when they hit the edge of the mattress. Jim hit the bed and laid back, bringing Corey down with him and directly into a kiss. Strong arms circled around Corey’s frame, bodies pressed snug, mouths melded together as one. Whatever post-nut trance Jim was in, it was perfectly fine by Corey. This was close and safe and comfortable and I mean, with the way Jim was rocking him against his stomach, you weren’t gonna hear much more than the sound of his brain cells popping like balloons ‘cause his dick was taking up all the blood flow. 
[They may be stupid but you gotta admit. They are pretty tender too.]
A high pitched whine that (it was safe to assume) was supposed words fell from Corey’s lips as Jim’s connected with the center of his chest. He had pulled away panting, working his way down— mouthing at Corey’s jaw, nipping at his earlobe, leaving a trail of hickeys down his neck. Maybe it had caught Corey off guard a little, not getting told off for being a shit and all, but any and all attention was welcome here with open arms. 
“Fuck, Jim c’mon,” he barely managed to gasp out. Forming sentences wasn’t about to be the first to go. He had a reputation to uphold here. “Better not start messin’ with me now.”
Teeth clinked against metal, Jim tugging on the ring through his right nipple and ripping all the thoughts straight from his brain for a moment. He swirled his tongue over the hardening flesh before biting down. Corey shivered and bit back a moan, pain radiating through him and twisting up in his gut. Like he wasn’t already prepared to implode as is. “Mother fucking Mary. Now you’re just making it a point to be a dick. Nobody likes a tease, Peach.”
[Also calling Jim peach is Corey’s thing in this universe. It’s gross. And soft. They’re the worst.]
Nothing. Not even an upwards glance. 
Corey wanted to scream. He wanted to slam his fist down on the bed, call Jim some new variant on ‘cunt,’ fight back, take control. But he also really didn’t want this to stop. He was so hard it fucking hurt and Jim had him right in the palm of his hand where he could barely keep his head straight and honestly? He was perfectly fine sitting right there. He was probably just missing some cue. Off by a beat and too whiny and stubborn to realize it. (Which he was. Corey never claimed to be smart. Especially not when his lizard brain was kicked into overdrive and all he could think about was getting split in half.) 
[He’s so STUPID. God. Bratty ass dumbass.]
While the idea was pretty appealing, he couldn’t even begin to collect the agency he’d need for any of that anyway. There was now a hand dangerously high up on his thigh, thumb tracing line where it met his hip, and there was no goddamn way he was gonna be able to focus on anything else. 
So Jim still did want him dead. Cool. 
“God baby, what do you want?” Corey whined, raking his nails over Jim’s chest, watching red marks appear in their wake. “I wasn’t even that bad. Did everything you wanted, barely even gave you shit. What, you want me to get you off again? ‘Cause I can do that. I’ll gladly do that if it gets you to quit fucking dragging me along. I’ll do all the work and fuck you myself if I gotta. Could smash my face into a wall and call me a soul sucking whore for all I care. Jesus Christ, just give me more.”
Jim’s fingertips dipped into the elastic of Corey’s boxers, dragging across the front between his hips, just barely brushing against his cock before the waistband snapped back against his skin. Corey yelped, heels of his palms digging into Jim’s collarbones. He had no doubt Jim was thoroughly enjoying this, but the joke wasn’t all that funny anymore. Wasn’t very funny to begin with, actually. 
“Fuck me, Peach please. Please, I’ll do fucking anything. Just quit doing that.”
Suddenly Corey’s back was against the sheets again, Jim sliding back off the bed to tear his boxers down and toss them in some vague direction (he was only really going for away.) He nudged Corey’s legs apart and kneed back up between them, fingers curling around his cock. Corey’s hips immediately jerked up into the contact and he let out a hiss. Good god, he was so fucking sensitive he wanted to die. He made a noise that sounded more like a sob than anything, grabbing at Jim’s wrist. If he stopped he was going to scream but if he kept it up Corey was about to be launched into space and land on fucking Neptune. 
“Was that really so hard?” Jim questioned, and yeah. Maybe it was. Getting Corey to ask nice instead of being a colossal brat was like pulling teeth from an alligator. Fortunately for Jim, he was currently on a one way flight to the next realm. It was a little harder to keep all that up in the moment. 
Another “please” was all Corey managed— clearly asking for something else, something more— but Jim couldn’t just let him have that. 
“See, now you’re getting the hang of it!”
[Jim: See I can be an asshole too]
Corey snaked his arms around Jim’s neck, pulling him down to eye level. “Is it your goal in life to be a giant fucking pain in the ass?”
[Yes. That and buy a bike.]
“As much as it is yours, baby.” Jim laughed, nuzzling against Corey’s cheek. He mouthed little kisses against his jaw, slowly stroking him, pulling a frustrated growl from somewhere deep in his chest. 
He clawed at Jim’s shoulders, threading his hand through Jim’s hair and tugging back hard. More than anything, he was just trying to keep himself some semblance of centered. It wasn’t working very well. “Fucking hell. More, give me more. Give me your hands.”
Jim lifted his gaze, meeting Corey’s eyes, staring at him blankly. 
The grip around Corey’s cock let up and he groaned again at the loss of friction. It was gonna take next to nothing to make him fall apart. Callused fingers fingers slip up his torso and caught on his bottom lip, still kissed and swollen. “I’ll do that for you, but you might have to remind me how you earned it.”
Corey barely let him finish before he had his lips wrapped around two digits, working his tongue along them. He held onto Jim’s wrist, forcing them back and making himself gag hard. At this point, he didn’t care what it took. Besides, it was either keep his mouth busy or run it anyway. He flashed a look back up at Jim, batting his lashes and making sure to give him a little show before finally pulling off and kissing his fingertips. Is that wasn’t enough, then he didn’t know what the fuck would be.
And thank fucking buddha Jim’s mouth was enveloping his own just a moment later, one of his thighs being pushed back for a better angle and some leverage as Jim’s other hand slid between his legs. Slick fingers pressed against his entrance, drawing a pathetic noise from his throat, his legs twitching in eager anticipation. 
The first eased in, sunk home, and Corey could have sworn he saw the light in that moment. Glitter and gold and pearly gates, fluffy white clouds, and giant fucking bearpaw hands that were holding his entire fucking being in their palms. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to that— Jim being that big. I mean sure, his dick alone could take out a whole city easily, but it was all of him. Limbs and chest and hips and hands. Oh good god, his hands. Say what you want about how dumb and awkward he was otherwise, but he always knew exactly what he was doing with his hands. 
[HE DO BE LANKY AND AWKWARD. Also I still can’t help but think of how weird his hands are. Like they’re so SMALL in proportion to the rest of him but they’re still HUGE. James what the fuck is that shit.]
 Corey moaned into the mouth locked with his own as Jim started to pump in and out of him, the stretch nearly impossible feeling for just one finger. Maybe it was that he was already desperate, ready to burst, that had him so beyond himself. Maybe it was just the fact that Jim knew exactly how to poke and prod to make him start to come apart at the seams. 
He started to relax more, lean into it (or as best as he could with the weight on top of him.) Steady chants of ‘yes, yes, yes, more, fuck’ swarmed around whatever little bubble they’d been encapsulated in. Corey practically had Jim in a chokehold, holding him down as close as he could possibly get, foreheads pressed together. Completely and totally consumed. 
Another finger worked inside him, curling and twisting and scissoring him open, making him flutter around them and writhe to find just the right— 
“There, there. Don’t you dare stop. Holy shit.” Corey cried out, arching up off the mattress, holding onto Jim for dear life. “So fucking good. Feels so fucking good.”
Jim brushed his fingertips against Corey’s walls again, hitting that sweet spot and eliciting another borderline embarrassing moan. “Yeah, that’s it. Not so tough like this, are you? Fight so hard to get what you want and you still come undone for me just the same. Real good when you want to be, y’know.”
Whatever Corey wanted to say came out in an incoherent mumble— something something for you and something something damn lucky. His orgasm was already twisting and burning in the pit of his stomach, and his was still only very loosely tied to this realm. Beyond taken and fucked up and he loved every minute of it. 
[Fighting to the very end, even with fingers in his ass. Just shut up already you stupid slut.]
He couldn’t take his eyes off Jim as he wormed his way out of his grasp, sat back, spread his legs a little wider apart. He leaned down, and Corey was vaguely aware of him spitting before he felt like he was being properly split in two. A third digit joined the other two. God, it was almost too much. Impossibly full and tight and overwhelming, all thanks to James and his inhumanely big hands that were surely going to be Corey’s cause of death here one of these days. 
Corey couldn’t even breathe now, squeaking out another little plea for more, honed in on Jim like a deer in headlights. He knotted his hands up in the sheets, finally able to roll his hips and fuck himself against Jim’s hand without him pinning him in place. The blood rushing through his ears still wasn’t quite loud enough to drown out Jim’s encouragement— “So good, so pretty, look at you, perfect little slut. All mine. Come on baby, let me see you come.” 
That alone was enough to make Corey’s eyes roll back in his head, but one last perfect angle of his hips was what finally sent him over the edge. He came so hard his vision went fuzzy, limbs giving out as he spilled over his stomach and cried out, “Oh god, fuck daddy.”
[THERE IT IS. One of the terrible influences who shall not be named popped into my DMs like “Consider: unnegotiated honorary in a moment of carnal horny and then Jim just straight up CACKLES” and I was like well. Guess That’s Getting Throw In The Pile Too.] 
There was a minute of blank, overwhelmed and far away and completely beyond himself. Jim milked him through it, still working his fingers in and out as the aftershocks made him twitch and whimper, until he started to come back down again. Actually, the only thing that snapped him back to the here and now was realizing that Jim was laughing. Not just laughing, giggling like a goddamn school girl. 
You had to be fucking kidding. 
Corey reached out, attempting to smack him but missing entirely. “Fuck’s so funny?”
“Daddy? Dude. You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding right?” Jim dissolved into another fit of laughter, eyes scrunched up in a big grin. 
“Shut up. Shut your fucking mouth now. You don’t get to hold the shit I say when I come against me.” Corey huffed, sitting up on his elbows and trying to scoot away. Unlucky for him, Jim was still big enough to lean over him again and still be eye level. 
He pushed Corey’s hair back, pressing a kiss to his lips with a deep chuckle. “Quit your whining. You alright?”
Corey rolled his eyes, collapsing with a sigh and (albeit begrudgingly) circling his arms around Jim’s neck. “Mmm, peachy. Just shut up and cuddle me, you fucking demon. And you tell no one about that.”
[ANYWAY. This fic took me like three wholeass months or something so I hope it was worth it. There’s also a coinciding playlist that goes with this beast if you click on the AO3 link back at the top. Thank you for reading this disaster.] 
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goalkepa · 5 years
2k followers appreciation post💙
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I did the appreciation post when I reached 1k probably a year ago. And I feel like I need to write this again, not only because I keep this as part of the memories but also because I regard it as a chance to show my gratefulness to every single one of you who has become my friends or just simply support me, unconditionally. This post will be pretty long I guess. You can just scroll through as long as you feel annoyed. But if you have time, especially those who I will mention later, I hope you can read it word by word, because you guys really take a big part in my life. Without further ado, let’s get started!
I’d love to mention some *old* friends first:
@thomas-partey :
Probably the one that has been there for me from the beginning of this journey? I always enjoy the time when we have talks, Yerika, about Atleti, about life. You are such a sweet and brave person, who will put all your efforts to reach the goals you set for yourself. That’s what I admire A LOT. Although we didn’t talk that much like we used to, because you’re not online pretty often anymore, just want you to know that I’m still here for you, always. And I feel like I’ll write you a message very soon🙈Thank you for always backing me up. Much love to you.💙
@coolsaul :
Awww Julie my superb French bean out there😍 I still remember when I traveled to Paris, I messaged you about some stupid questions like I was so worried that if I couldn’t find the location of Boutique FFF or if I went there and the store was not open etc. But you were so nice and patient to me at that time, and even now you will still answer ALL the things about Les Bleus and even share your amazing memories (like meeting all those French idiots) with me, which makes me feel so so honored and happy. Oh and not to mention how awesome you are as an Atleti’s fan and how ambitious you are as a beautiful lady. Wish everything goes well there in UK. Much love to you💙
And now here comes some *new blood*. I think I’ve talked to more people after World Cup compared to the time before this tournament. The reason? I don’t know. For me, this needs a lot of courage and I’m extremely glad that I sent the simple “hi” message to some of my mutuals (or few of you sent me first), who are all so freaking nice to me. I wrote the order randomly. In case I forgot to mention some of you, I’m truly sorry. It only means that I’m a dumbass and I honestly don’t know how to put my feelings into words. Anyway, I thank all of you a lot. Here we go:
@niguezsaul :
Needless to say, the funniest Colchoneros I could not ask for. When the game is live and you post your live update, it’s really entertaining. Sometimes it could be hilarious, or just so close to the truth. Your love for Atleti is very valuable and precious. Although I believe you’ve experienced the hardness of supporting this color, you will never give up, right? When the next season comes, you’ll definitely witness our spirit by yourself. Trust me, Karo. You won’t regret for being heartbroken for them over and over again. Much love to you💙
@the-place-to-sparkle :
Let me introduce you a sweet, kind, caring and beautiful lady. Her name is Cami. You’d better write it down. Girl, your love for the things you adore is the purest thing on this planet. Not only football, but also the way you dream of living in your life. On this site, there are too much hatred and negative things. But you are never affected by this. You’re always the one who shares positive stuffs, post some good vibes and reblog all those gentle reminders, which are helpful for those who need, including me. What makes you become such a unique person in my heart, is that you never hide the true side of yourself. This is why all of us love you, Cami. We love the real you and you should never change for anyone. Keep on sparkling✨ my lovely bean. Much love to you💙
@diogodxlot :
Okay so please let me say this again, you are so fucking beautiful ngl (Hector should open his eyes honestly😏) I really really love those locksreens you made, all of them. You have a good taste in aesthetic. I hope I can reach 1% of your level😂 And the thing that you said you cannot choose a single player to print on the jersey? That’s the cutest shit ever, Charvi, really. I hope you get yourself a jersey very very soon. Manchester United owes you one. And good luck to the last exam. You’re gonna SMASH IT. Much love to you💙
@lidah-itsme :
The most gorgeous Italian on this planet goes to…. Teresa🥳 You don’t know how much I love the story behind the name “Lidah”. This is not only such a cool thing but also a meaningful way to represent yourself. I love it. Also your love for Liverpool and Trent amazes me every single day. You’re such a nice fan, only focus on your team in a positive way. That’s what we need on this site✊🏻 By the way, I remember you love Eden Hazard, right? Maybe we should talk about how this happens, privately👀 Much love to you 💙
@draxla :
So, Nathália, my Atleti’s and Chelsea’s mutual. Becoming part of the Blues is not in my plan but here I am. And I’m so glad that there is someone who can experience the pain with me🤣 We haven’t talked too much, but I like you and your point of view. Your thoughts are so close to mine most of the times. I feel grateful for that. At here, there are too many different opinions and finding a person who thinks the way we do is such an awesome thing. I believe you can feel it too. Thank you so much for being my friend. Hope our teams still stop disappointing us for the rest of the season🙏🏻😂Much love to you💙
@erikscn :
Let’s first talk about the Gremi thing, joking😜 But this is probably the reason why we started our conversation. So, I guess, thanks to that😂You’re talented in writing. Your work for my boy Paulo is such a beautiful masterpiece. Promise me that you will never stop showing your talent, alright? What I adore you the most, is your personality. Those stories you told me give me clues about which kinds of person you are. And this IS the Greta I LOVE😌 Don’t ever feel that you’re dumb or not good enough. Being who you truly are is the reason why you’re on this post, and he knows it too! Much love to you💙
@holdmyhopeinyourhands :
First of all, thank you for being my coolest mutual askjsanjkn🙈 I honestly never saw anyone shares their deepest thought of players like you do, Mona. Those post you dedicated to specific players are enjoyable to read💞 And your love for PSG and Roma is the most supportive I’ve ever seen. They are lucky to have a fan like you. Never stop doing what you’re doing, including writing the umbrella academy fanfic. You have the rights to decide how to manage your blog and I’ll support you no matter what✊🏻 Much love to you💙
@avsensio :
Who is the funniest person on this site? Lexi. Whose posts always make me choke? Lexi. Who is the master of using memes? Lexi. I’m not going to give more clues about how awesome this girl is🤷🏻‍♀️ I still remember our first talk. It was an unforgettable night for me. After time goes by, we found out so many mutual points, like we are both March baby, our love for France NT and we both adore Lauv’s music etc… the things we share really cannot describe by words🥰 And remember you told me to not stop what I’m doing, to not affected by others? Your words sill impact me nowadays. And now it’s my turn to tell you, do not fucking change yourself for others. Yea it’s impossible to let everyone like you but you will always have my support. ALWAYS✊🏻Much love to you 💙
@fcsonny :
Nicole💞✨ Can’t believe we met on tumblr when you were at Taiwan. I noticed you because you reblogged my post of the football journal and said you are able to understand the content. My first thought was like “oh shit there are people who can understand what I’m rambling in the journal😱” and then I thought “wait you speak Chinese?!?!?😍” so we talked and this is honestly one of the coolest experience ever, not to mention how nice you are to me. Thank you for that and next time when you visit Taiwan for the fourth time, message me in advance so I can show you around👌🏻 Much love to you💙
@paudybalas :
I’ll never ever forget that you came to my ask box and told me I’m the reason why you decided to create a football blog😭That was definitely one of the warmest compliments ever happened in my life. And you know what? You’re meant to become an awesome football blogger. I may inspire you but you are the only one to make your blog perfect and honestly, I feel like a proud mom🙈Those gifs you made are art. Those personal stories we share with each other will forever be part of the memories in my heart. You inspire me as well, Ellie🥰Thanks a lot. Much love to you 💙
@football-laeli :
Don’t want to sound dramatic but you are absolutely one of the sweetest human beings here🤧 Positive vibes only, always trying to convey some good energy and that’s amazing, Janna. Also, I’m so glad that you decided not to hide your support for you club Ajax anymore💞You changed for your boys, is there anything more powerful than this? I guess none. You’re such a sweet lady, and I wish one day all these good things you give us could all go back to you, because that’s what you deserve😉 Much love to you💙
@disappointment-fc :
So, you are a special person to me. First, you support Real Madrid and you once tried to convince me to love Sergio Ramos😂 This...is honestly quite cool and you are a nice madridista, which surprised me the most najksjnjas🙈 Second, you like Jeremy Lin (right?). Please take care of him🙏🏻Third, you are my kid and I’m your mother. You never go to bed on time, which means I could spend more time talking to you so I’ll try not to ask you to sleep early in the future👀Anyways, you’re one of the few that sent me messages first and have always been nice to me since then, including encouraging me when my team falls down. That’s the kindest gesture I could not ask for more. Thank you, Chloe💞✨Much love to you💙
@theblxefox :
I’ll never stop saying how much I thank you for inviting me join the Chelsea family👀🤧 Without you, my love for Kepa would just remain the original level (now it’s unstoppable😏) I love the way you deal with Chelsea’s disaster, being sarcastic but the love is still strong. Also, on this site, you not only care about football, but also global issues, sometimes even political aspects. You are not afraid of speaking your thoughts. Meanwhile, you stay respectful and let others convey their opinions. We need more people like you, Tommer🙏🏻 You’re that kind of person I dream to become. A kind of person who is beautiful both inside and out. Much love to you 💙
@footballgotmeoncrack :
The only person I already met in real life before having a talk online✨ This is not a coincidence, Angie, I always believe it’s not. The story happened between us is the most unique, ever. I remember you because you were nice to me at the stadium, and you are still nice to me, every second since then. Your love for goalkeepers, like Hugo, Gigi and Iker, is so pure and strong. I could not quite understand why goalies needed to be loved before I also become a fan of a goalkeeper. That’s why I admire you a lot, because you already started to protect the most important and underappreciated role on the pitch✊🏻I’m so glad that you’re able to see your team Spurs this summer. I’ll pray for you to get Hugo’s autograph or even a chance to talk to him🙏🏻You deserve it, my bestie. Also, good luck to your studying in advance. Much love to you 💙
@madtimer :
My beloved Taiwanese mutual here🥳 It’s hard to find a girl who loves football in Taiwan. That’s why I feel grateful to meet one here, not to say how sweet this girl is. Your love for BVB and Milli reminds me of my love for Atelti and Grizi. They are quite the same. Being disappointed but we never give up on them, right Lisa? And all those gifs you made, the way you support your team, is something I want the most from a football fandom (tho I still haven’t download PS because I’m too lazy skajnskj) also you are the one that writes journal related to football, like print some players’ photos and puts some thoughts on it, which makes me so happy because I’m not the only weirdo doing this👀 Anyways, thank you for always being there for me when I need someone to talk in Chinese😜 Much love to you 💙
@hazantowifey :
Potato’s wife, sometimes I really want to punch your face when you said cruel things about football but sadly😂 I can’t, because those are the truths, and you help me accept it. I will never forget that day you commented below my post saying that I’m important to you. Like, I’m shocked because we didn’t really have a lot of conversation but you already regard me as your friend. I still can’t believe it really happened to me😭 You can never make me mad, because you always know how to make my heart go like “aww” by sending me Kepa’s gifs🤦🏻‍♀️ And I HATE you for that. Hope one day we can meet in real life. Maybe go to THE 1975’s concert or a football match, Belgium vs France, so you can wear your Hazard’s jersey and I can wear my Anto’s jersey😜 I’ll look forward to that day to come. Much love to you💙
My dearest 🐰 , the one that sent me messages first when I need it the most. An important person who always knows how to cheer me up. A person who will send “good morning” to me. A person that truly regards me as a real friend in her life. You take a big part in my heart, 🐰. No one can replace you. Your kindness is the reason why I opened my heart again, to make me believe that there are people I can trust on this site, to make me believe there is someone who will understand my feelings even tho they didn’t know me before🙏🏻 Except for talking about football, I love the time when we share our lives more, oh but maybe also when we are pouring our love for Kepa janskjnskdj🙈wow I really drag you into it I’m 👀 so proud of myself. Your reaction when you said you wanna dance with him in the rain, gosh this is the cutest thought EVER (oops I’m exposing you again 😬). You’re such a clever, independent woman. You’re much more amazing than you expected. Anyways, 🐰, thank you for becoming my best friend in life. Much love to you 💙
For the last one, it will go to my forever soulmate @footballffbarbiex
The one that joined me from the beginning of this journey. The one that has saved me from depression over and over again. We have been through many hard moments and shits together, which others will hardly understand. There are a lot of times when I only sent you a simple sentence, but you got it all. I don’t really have to explain anything you just know me too well. I don’t know why I’m so lucky to meet you in my life, to have you as a friend, a family. Besides being my soulmate, you’re a blessing to this fandom. First, I love your writing, a lot. You have to admit that you’re so talented at this part. That shhhh seires? Masterpiece. That Kepa’s one shot? Masterpiece. I won’t go on for the smut ones because that will expose myself ajsnjnaksjn😜 Second, you have a great interaction with your readers. You listen to their opinions, talk to them and always being so nice. We should all be grateful for those beautiful works you’ve provided to us. Third, you always care about our feelings and always being so respectful to everyone. You deserve love and love only, Amy💞 Words will never be enough to describe my thankfulness. But meanwhile I’ll never stop saying this, thank you, for being one of the most important people in my life. I’ll love you forever and ever💙💙💙
At last, thank you all those who came to my blog and left some sweet, kind messages. Thank you all for liking my stuffs, giving me encouragements or sharing your thoughts with me. It literally means a lot to me🙏🏻
It’s such a pleasure to be on here and I sincerely hope I can bring more joy and positivity to all of you in the future 💙
Love you guys so much,
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Got any advice for a girl who has 3 younger fanbro brothers who proclaim they will not be watching TROS in theaters? When I told my brothers the title, two of them groaned and said, yuck, seriously? And, my 21 year old brother, who really doesn't care about romance in action movies, always rolls his eyes when I bring up Reylo, and said the trailer reinforced his dislike for the ST actors. I know I shouldn't care what they think, but I do. I keep thinking I have to prove myself as a SW fan.
Hey Nonnie!
This is a really great questions :) I’ve been a fan since I was very young and it was something that I largely enjoyed on my own (family wasn’t much into it, though my aunt did make us watch Space Balls one time, so LOL I’ve got that, I guess?), so my experience will be a little different, but I’ll do my best. NGL, my first impulse was to type out “YOU DON’T OWE SHIT TO NOBODY NOHOW” but that’s not really helpful and, to be honest, it’s really a concept that I learned with age and experience because, for much of my life, I’ve also felt like I had to prove myself or justify my interests to others, esp when someone was choosing to criticize them. Also, this is a pretty common and normal feeling inside of fandom and in life, so you’re definitely not alone :)
It almost felt like it was a judgment on me. Somehow, I was doing something wrong by liking whatever thing I felt I needed to justify, so I needed to explain myself so that they could understand why I liked the thing because I didn’t like to feel like I was doing something wrong by liking it. I didn’t want them to reject me or think less of me because of my interests. But, as I’ve dealt with more of this kind of thing over time, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s okay for them to not give a shit about the things that I like and that I don’t owe them my time or a justification. I’m not wrong for liking SW just like they’re not really wrong for disliking it. It’s just the way it is in life. And, honestly, once the movie comes around, they might change their tune anyways because I have a feeling it’s going to be epic.
If I like something, it’s right for me because it’s right for me. Doesn’t mean that will be the case for anyone else, but it also doesn’t mean that I have to convert them or bring them over to my POV. The best thing for me was to find people who shared my interests and talk with them about how much I love the thing. For me, that was getting started in online fandom. I was also really lucky to find a group of friends outside of the fandom who are really supportive and patiently listen to my Reylo and Star Wars rants. I’ve also gotten more confident with my likes and interests over time, which really is just me becoming more confident as a person. The older I get, the less I give a shit about what other people say about things that ultimately don’t matter (like fandom). It’s supposed to be fun and I do my best to seek out the people and opportunities that are enjoyable to me :) Again, that’s after a lot of years of feeling lesser than, or like I needed to hide my hobbies, but now I just dgaf lol.
Another thing to remember is that peer pressure and influence from others is a real thing and some people feel the need to fall in line, or hate on things that “everyone” else hates on just because they don’t want to feel like they’re not part of the group (and, boy, is that group loud on the internet, even if they are small). So, it could be that they’re feeling outward pressure to hide their own interests and preferences (not saying that’s definitely the case, but it can be part of the reason). It happened with the PT too, where you get people who aren’t even into SW weighing in on how “terrible” the movies are. Because SW is so ubiquitous, everyone has an opinion on it, so there’s always going to be plenty of conflict in the fandom because not only do you have generations of people growing up and loving different facets of this series, you have people who think that a viable personality trait is hating on Star Wars (it’s not, they’re boring, and I’ve learned to just ignore them and enjoy with part of the fandom that is good for me). It takes a lot of guts to be open with your likes and hobbies and not many people feel comfortable with making themselves vulnerable like that. I know it was a challenge for me growing up because it stings to hear shit like “that fucking sucks,” or “what’s wrong with you [for liking that]” or “Isn’t that a boy thing?” But, again, it’s a reflection on them, not me. Mostly, I think people are jealous that they can’t openly like the things they like because they’re afraid of criticism. Which sucks. 
I wish we were more encouraging about interests instead of always making fun of people for being “too excited,” or “childish.” This would would be a more magical place if people could take themselves outside of their own experiences, fears, and insecurities, and realize that we’re all just stumbling along together, trying to get by, on this crazy rock that’s hurtling through space. People also get a lot more traction by talking about what they hate because it gets a rise out of others. Look at youtube or twitter. That shit is toxic as fuck (and this place can be too) with people continually focusing on shit that they say they “hate” but are actually obsessed with (and probably secretly enjoy, which I’m sure pisses them off, hence the overcompensating with hate to PROVE to themselves that they really do hate it--Gee, reminds me of a certain character, to be honest lol). 
Also, it’s okay if people don’t like Star Wars or don’t like the new movies or Reylo. It’s fine. As long as they’re not being mean about it. There are plenty of things that I just can’t stand, but I stay out of it lol. And, well, some people are just gonna be jerks about it and that’s a reflection of them and their current state of being. If they enjoy making other people feel shitty about the things that they like, then I imagine their own state of being isn’t that great. Now, with brothers, I’m sure the dynamic is different (I don’t have any brothers, but I grew up around farm boys, so I got some of the dynamic, but living with people makes things a bit more challenging). So it might just be a family thing where you’re getting pushback because you’re a family member. Family sure is like that sometimes. 
I’m going to stop myself from going on a rant talking about how Star Wars, while it has action elements, isn’t an action movie and people who have that expectation for the series are always going to be disappointed (it’s a space opera), but it’s also good to remember that some people just don’t understand romance, and maybe they don’t like it. And that’s okay. People are entitled to their own opinions and interests and, as long as they’re not starting fights over it, I’d just move on. 
You have every right to enjoy Star Wars just however you see fit. You don’t owe it to anyone else to justify or explain your preferences. Whether you’re deep into it, or just like the aesthetic, or want romance or Reylo, or like the ships, whatever, it’s all valid. 
Is there something about SW that you all like that you can share if you’re looking for a way to bridge the gap? I’d avoid topics that you’re never going to agree on, but maybe if you’re looking to have conversations with your bros about SW, talk to them about the things you enjoy that you have in common. Or, if they’re picking at the ST, just ignore the bait. IT’S HARD and I hATE IT because I want to rub people’s faces in how wrong they are, but I also have to take a step back and remind myself that it’s fake and in space lol.
In summary, you never, ever, ever, ever, ever have to justify yourself as a SW fan or with anything else out there. Ever. Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that, but with time and practice, it gets easier, I promise. Take it from a chronic over-explainer lol. You are good and valid and wonderful just the way you are and in whatever way you enjoy this series. No matter what anyone else says or implies. Star Wars is for everyone, and anyone that implies otherwise never understood the series to begin with.
AND if you read all this and think it’s shit and you have a better way to deal with it HAHA I’m fine with that. These are my personal experiences and thoughts on the matter, and what’s right for me isn’t going to be right for everyone, nor do we all follow the same path in life :) Hope this helps, at least so you know that you’re not alone and I’m cheering for you! 
Take care, Nonnie! And MTFBWY!
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