#and it had to be done tonight bc tomorrow im gonna stay at my dads for the weekend bc of the incoming heatwave
ghosty1111 · 2 years
had a bath
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liliansun · 8 months
no one particularly cares but i need this moment to vent bc i’m on the verge of tears and i wanna smash a pumpkin against my wall. and like,, if for some reason you read this lmk if i’m being unreasonable bc i feel like i am but then again i’m not.
so my bf is going into the military and he’s gonna be leaving in december right? so he just left meps today and got to his house and said his family pushed his birthday dinner from tonight (it’s his birthday today) to tomorrow night. i was like okay, he was gonna come over in the morning and we hang out w my baby and then he was gonna skedaddle off to the bday dinner with his family.
with this information i was gonna make him a cake and surprise him bc i didn’t get to see him today. so then he tells me his dad pushed it off to wherever so he was gonna go out w his guy friends to hang out and plan for the bday dinner to be later this weekend and i’m like okay and he tells me he’s gonna come by later in the day tomorrow instead of the morning bc he’s out w the boys. i’m like okay, have fun and be safe and i update him and yada yada. so then he tells me he’s going to texas which is like a few states over (4+ hour drive in the night) and i’m in the middle of a cod mobile game and i’m thinking to myself. wtf? bc in my head that contradicted the whole plans he kept changing for tomorrow (context: i was off today and tomorrow) and then he’s like nvm my friends voted against it and idk if you think like me but i thought that was dumb as hell.
so then i’m in a sour mood, i lost my br match bc i was so just out of it bc i’m like wtf? sure go do whatever you wanna do w your friends,, but if we made plans to hang out how tf do you expect me to feel when you plan to go state hopping instead. so we get into this discussion which i don’t want to call an argument and he’s like “i’m sorry but at the same time i’m not” and i’m like. elaborate. bc that shit didn’t make sense to me. “he’s like i’m sorry i’m being difficult but i’m not sorry bc i assumed you had no plans for tomorrow. well sir,, i was trying to SURPRISE you and idk if me asking a million times what time you wanted to come over didn’t give a hint?? guess not?? but okay and i’m trying to end the conversation bc i’m annoyed and he’s annoying me even more by wanting to talk it all out right here rn and i’m the type of person who needs time to think over everything,, collect my thoughts and readdress it once i’m clear headed and can see where i was wrong and he’s not
and then we get to the point of conversation where he’s like well what do you have planned for tomorrow and i’m like nothing now, you wanna go out w your friends so go out w them and he’s like we’re not going and im like okay, so go do something else w them i’m just not in the mood and he’s like no i wanna see you and i’m thinking to myself that i don’t particularly wanna see him but ik it’s bc i’m in a bad mood and maybe i’ll feel better in the morning maybe i won’t but rn i’m like stay the hell away from me before i start crying. and he’s like well the latest i’ll be by is 3 and i’m like okay. nice. and he’s like my recruiter might need me around 4 ish and i’m like. so you mean to tell me you wanna drive 40 minutes to my house to turn around and drive another 30 minutes and come back for another 30 minutes?? this is coming from the man that literally told me earlier today “since i’m quitting my job bc i’m going into the military, i don’t wanna be reckless w my spending till then”
so i mention that bc that’s a waste of gas and idk where y’all live but that shit ain’t cheep here and he tells me to let him worry about that and i’m like okay bc atp i’m done having the conversation and he’s trying to be lovey dovey and i’m about to throw my phone into the gulf and cry to tswift songs bc i just don’t know what to do.
part of me is like let him come bc he’s gonna be gone soon and you don’t know how long or where he’s gonna be at for boot camp and part of me is like he didn’t take in consideration the fact that he made plans with me and threw them out the fucking window on the highway while he was keke giggling at the thought of driving idek how many hours away and sleeping with his friends in his friends’ car.
so yeah. if you’ve made it this far on my lil ted talk, i love you. i think i’m genuinely gonna go cry and hold my baby and just try to sleep bc my head hurts and my heart hurts and i feel like i’m being irrational but at the same time i feel like i have a right to feel this way.
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farfromtommy · 5 years
the rest of our lives //chris evans x reader
A/N: wrote this bc I couldn't sleep. its almost 4am and im tired but felt like writing some cute shit tonight. I love this so much and sorry if it doesn't make sense and for the mistakes but I LOVE IT. pls give it some love . 
Summary: chris and y/n visit her childhood home and tell her parents about their plans for the future
Warnings: angst, FLUFFFFFFFFFFFF, language I think, age gap but its not gross (chris 38, reader 22)
Word Count: 3,780
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With one final zip of your suitcase you were ready for your trip. You and your boyfriend of 2 years, Chris, were taking a couple days off to spend time with your parents. You hadn’t seen them since your college graduation and they had been bugging you for months for you and Chris to spend some time in your hometown. 
You were currently living in Boston and had completely expected that you weren’t going back home following your completion of university. Your life was in Boston. Although you missed your parents and your sister, you were so ready to start this new chapter of your life and be able to make it your own. 
You and Chris had been looking for a house together since you decided to stay in Boston with him. Your relationship was headed in a good direction and both of you were 100% in it for the long run. You wanted to wait till after you graduated to move in together, not wanting to worry about anything besides school. Chris had his realtor on the phone the minute your grades for your last semester had been finalized and everything was approved for graduation. 
When you sat down with him and both said what you were looking for in a house, the topic of kids came up. You knew Chris wanted a family, and you did too. You had both agreed to bring the conversation up again after some time in the house together. You were secretly hoping he was planning on proposing to you soon. You’ve been dropping major hints at him through your Pinterest board ever since you started having serious conversations about your future with each other. You were ready for it all. You wanted to marry Chris and fill your beautiful new home with a bunch of kids. 
You were also slowly convincing him to get Dodger a friend since both of you were always working, and you wanted to make sure he was never lonely when you were at work. 
Your amazing realtor had found a beautiful house right outside of Boston that had everything you were both looking for. You were just waiting for the final pieces of paperwork to come in and finally be able to call the house yours. 
Your lease on your apartment was up last month and had been staying at Chris’s place. All of the big things you didn’t sell from your place were in storage and everything else was with you. 
When you had mentioned to your sister that you and Chris were days away from closing on your new home, she had asked how your parents felt about everything. 
“They know our relationship is serious. They met him at graduation and had known about him well before that. Mom even talked about us having a fall wedding here, since the weather would be perfect. I haven’t told them about the house since we’ve known about this trip since everything with the house started. I want to tell them in person, so don’t mention anything to them.” You huffed. 
“I talked to mom the other day and she thinks that you made a mistake staying there to be with Chris. She doesn’t think your relationship is going to last, since he’s so much older than you. Hell, that’s what everyone thinks. She’s just worried, I think.” She expressed. 
“I’ve been hearing all of that for the past 2 years from everyone I know, especially from mom. Nobody knows our relationship better than we do. We both want the same things and are happy being together. So what if he’s older than me? Dad is way older than mom and no one questions the integrity of their relationship, why does everyone have to question mine?” I said back. 
“I know. I know you keep hearing this, and I’m sorry. I’m really happy for you, Y/N. I really am. Buying a house together is a big deal and I’m glad you’re ready to do that with him. You have everything so figured out and people are just jealous. I mean, you have the hottest dude in Hollywood in your bed every night. Who wouldn’t be jealous of that?” She chuckled. 
“Anyway, we’ll talk more when you get here! I’m so excited to see you. Call me when you land and I’ll meet you at home. Love you!! See you tomorrow.” The line clicked and you threw your phone onto your bed. You let out a deep sigh and moved your suitcase off of the bed so you could collapse. 
You were slowly dozing off when you had heard Dodger starting to bark, alerting you that Chris was home. He had been doing some small indie films in Boston, not wanting to get back into major productions until you were settled in your new house. You picked yourself off your bed and walked into the living room, seeing Chris toe off his shoes and place his things down. He greeted Dodger and walked over to you, mumbling a quick hi and placed a quick kiss onto your lips. 
“Hi my love, how was your day?” He asked as he walked into the kitchen. You took a seat on the barstool facing the kitchen, and watched as Chris started to look around for something to snack on. 
“It was pretty good. Work was how it usually is. I came home early and got all my packing done for the trip and just cleaned a little bit around the house. I left some things you might want to pack out on the bed just incase. How was yours? Anything exciting happen on set?” You asked, leaning back on your chair.
“Wrapped up everything I needed to do so I could relax and enjoy the next couple of days without worrying about needing to get back to set.” He took a beer out of the fridge and leaned against the counter and took a drink from the bottle. “How are you feeling about seeing your parents and telling them about the house? You haven’t really said much about it.” He took another sip and walked closer to you. 
He sat in the chair next to you and just looked at you, waiting for your response. You thought for a moment, collecting your thoughts before giving him an honest answer. You sighed and thought about the conversation you had with your sister. 
“I’m excited to tell time, but really nervous. I talked to my sister earlier and she had told me that my mom has been having doubts about us and was just worried that I didn’t know what I was getting myself into and blah blah blah. But I’m ready to set everything straight and tell her that she can’t doubt us anymore. It’s important to us that we do this and she needs to be on board with that. I know she’ll be happy for us, but you know how she gets. I think dad will be happy for us. He really like you, y’know. Tells me all the time that I need to fly him up here so you two can go to a Pats game. Poor guy had a house full of women his entire life and now he finally has the son he always wanted.” You rambled slightly. 
“Everything is gonna a work out, don’t be nervous. It’s 4 days with your parents and then we close on the house when we get back and should be moved in by the end of the next month. I know how important your family is to you and how much it means to to get their support on this, but you have so many other people who support you. You’re basically and Evans now and you have all of them standing behind us, cheering us on. Don’t worry too much on what might happen with them, but think about what’s happening with us now. Our life together is finally getting started.” He grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it before pulling you off the chair and moving you closer to him. You stood between his legs and wrapped your arms around him. His comment about you being an Evans filled your stomach with butterflies but you didn’t think much into it. 
For the rest of the night you just sat on the couch watching movies and eating random snacks you had in the pantry, not bothering to cook something for dinner. You snuggled up next to Chris and Dodger was next to you as you stayed in the living room well into the night. You had fallen asleep on the couch and next thing you knew, you were being placed on your side of the bed and tucked in gently. 
Chris placed a kiss on your forehead and moved some of your Y/H/C hair out of your face. You sleepily smiled at him before turning to your side and let sleep consume you. You heard shuffling around the room, assuming Chris was finishing any packing he had left. You woke when you felt the bed dip beside you and your were wrapped in a pair of strong arms. You moved closer to Chris and let sleep take over you once again. 
It was late afternoon and you and Chris had landed safely in your hometown. You were driving down the street that was still so familiar to you. You saw your parent’s house come into full view as you instinctually turned a corner. You drew in a sharp breath as you put your rental car in park and stared up at your childhood home. You had spent so many years of your life here and it was so weird not seeing it as your home anymore. You looked over at Chris and he grabbed your hand and squeezed it. He grabbed some of his things and opened the car door and stepped out. 
You walked up to the front door hand in hand and raised your hand up to ring the doorbell. Not even 5 seconds later your mom had answered the door and immediately wrapped you in a hug. She grabbed your shoulders and looked at you with joy. She brought you in for another hug before giving one to Chris. 
“It’s good to see you again, Chris! How have things been going for you?” Your mom questioned, moving out of the way so you could walk inside. 
“Everything has been going great, thank you! How have you and Y/D/N been?” Chris asked, looking at the beautiful house he walked into. He had never seen this place in person, just in pictures you had and through a phone whenever he was around when you video called your parents.
 It was so elegantly decorated. Family photos littered the walls, he could pick you out of all of them. One of the things he had hoped he’d get a chance to see were photos from your childhood. You have been through every photo album the Evans family had created, thanks to his mom. You knew he was looking forward to those, so you had made sure your mom pulled them out of storage for him. 
“Same old same old. We’ve been really looking forward to you guys coming to visit us. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve made Y/D/N clean this house over the past week. Had to make sure everything was in tip top shape for your first visit.” She winked at Chris and looked back at you. You plopped down on the couch, exhausted from your hectic day. 
“Thank you, Y/M/N. It’s really a beautiful house.” Chris said as he sat down next to you on the couch, putting his arm across the back of it. She nodded at him and went to go find your dad. You leaned into Chris’s side and he put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer. He placed a kiss on the top of your head before continuing to take in his surroundings. 
“Don’t fall asleep before giving your old man a hug!” Your dads voice said as he walked into the living room. You and Chris both stood up and you ran into your dads arms. You loved both of your parents, but you were always closer to your dad. He gave you a big hug, picking you up off the ground slightly and placed a kiss on your cheek. Chris walked up to him and extended his hand for a handshake once you were done greeting your dad. 
“It’s great to see you! Glad you guys could take the time to make it out here.” Your dad said, shaking Chris’s hand and pulling him in for a “bro” hug. 
“Me too. I’m excited to finally be here. I’ve heard a lot of stories and seen a lot of pictures of Y/N growing up here.” Chris said as everyone took a seat in the living room, the two of you going back to your original spots. 
You all sat around the living room talking for a while, just catching up on everything that had been happening in your lives. Your dad and Chris started to get into sports talk and your mom motioned for you to go with her to the kitchen. You stood up from your spot, excusing yourself from the conversation you were no longer interested in and followed your mom. She poured you glass of wine, and then one for herself and told you to take it to the back porch while she got something for your dad and Chris. You sat down on one of the chairs and got comfortable, your mom joining you a few minutes later. 
“So, how are things in Boston with Chris? We haven’t really talked much about it. After graduation we thought you were going to come back, and then you stayed and we were all kinda confused.” Your mom said taking a sip from her glass. 
“Things are really great between us right now. Chris has been spending most of his time in Boston doing some small projects so I see him basically everyday. Work has been going super well, I’m loving every second of it. I know you guys were really disappointed when I didn’t come back, but my life is in Boston now. Chris is there and all my frien-“ You were saying before your mom cut you off. 
“So Chris is your life now? Chris and work? What happened to family first? You were supposed to come home and help us out. We thought you were going to find your own place here and find a job and be able to be here for us. We were there for you all your life.” She criticized. 
“Mom, I’m 22 years old. Don’t you think I’m old enough to start building my own life? Chris and I are building our future together and I couldn’t just leave and continue doing that from here. I wasn’t going to make him uproot his life up to follow me here just because you wanted me to. I’m sorry that you don’t agree with my decisions but I think I’m allowed to decide what I think is best for me.” You said back to her. She rolled her eyes at your response. Before she could say anything back your sister opened the door excitedly greeting you. You were relieved she was finally here to pull you out of the conversation that had taken a turn south between you and your mom. 
You had gone inside with your sister and saw that she brought dinner for everyone. You went over to Chris and asked him to help you get your bags out of the car before you sat down for dinner. He had noticed your change in mood and quickly followed you outside. You quickly ranted to him about what your mom had said and blew off some steam before heading back inside with your things. Chris followed you up to your childhood bedroom, where you two would be staying for the next few nights. It was still the way you had left it. Pictures of your high school friends scattered around the walls, and posters of things you loved when you were in high school. Chris chuckled at some of them and you two headed back to the dining room. 
Dinner had been going well, despite your moms discreet bashes at your life choices, you ignored them and continued to enjoy the rest of the meal. As everyone was finishing, you decided it was as good a time as any to bring up the big news. 
“So mom and dad, you guys don’t know this but Chris and I have been talking a lot the past couple months about our future and where we see it going. Things between us have been getting serious for a long time, but we just put off pulling the trigger on anything until I finished school and found a good job. Now that I am done with school and found a really amazing job, we decided that it was time to start settling down and getting ready for the rest of our lives together. With that being said, when we get back home, we are closing on a beautiful house that we found. We bought a house and we’ll be moved into it by the end of next month.” You said looking to your parents, hoping to be able to read their expressions. Your sister had a smile on her face, already knowing the news. 
Chris grabbed your hand under the table and gave it a reassuring squeeze. You shot him a small smile and looked back at your parents. Your mom had an unreadable expression. She seemed to be going through a lot of things in her mind as she processed everything you had just said. You looked at your dad, hoping to get  a better reaction from him. He stood up from his chair and walked over to the space between you and Chris, and gave you two the most bone crushing hug possible. He whispered a few words of encouragement to you two before letting go and going back to his seat. 
“I’m so happy for you two. This is such a big step in any relationship and it can be really tricky. You seem to be handling it with grace and I’m really proud of you two. I’m sure you have searched high and low for the perfect home for you two, and I already know its going to be beautiful. I hope that once you are all moved in and settled and are ready for guests, you invite us to spend a couple days up there with you. All I ask is that you make sure the Pats are playing so Chris here can show me how you New Englanders party when they play.” Your dad said, looking at your and Chris with such love and admiration. “Not to push or anything, but I hope this house has some extra bedrooms ready for kids whenever you decide you’re ready for them.” He added. 
You chuckled at your dads comment and wiped some tears that fell from your eyes. “Yes, dad, there are plenty of bedrooms for kids. One of the things on our list was it needed to be family friendly. When you see it, you’ll see how perfect it is for a family. But we’re taking it one step at a time and we’ll talk about kids again when we’re ready.” You assured him. He mumbled good and looked over at your mom, who had been silent the entire time. She looked at you when she realized that all eyes were on her. “Mom, are you going to say something to them?” You’re sister chimed in. 
“I didn’t know you guys were really this serious about each other.” She responded. 
“Well after 2 years together I would hope we were serious about being together.” You smirked. 
“I’m sorry for the shit I was giving you earlier, I was just so scared that you were throwing your life away for some guy you were dating. If I had know the depth of it, I wouldn’t have been so harsh. I should’ve listened to you, Y/N. I was just worried about you and worried that he was going to leave you broken and battered. I’m sorry for not giving you more faith, Chris.” She admitted. You and your mom had both stood up and gave each other a long hug. This was the first time in a long time where your mom had been so genuinely happy for you. There was a big family hug, with Chris included. You joked that he was basically a Y/L/N, referring to the joke he had made to you yesterday. 
“Well I do hope that buying a house together means that a wedding is in sight.” Your mom had whispered in your ear. You shot her a look of ‘ I know right?! ‘ and you gave her another hug. Chris winked at you from across the room when you made eye contact. You send him a loving look and mouthed ‘I love you’ to him. He returned the look and mouthed ‘I love you too’ back. You felt butterflies in your stomach and your cheeks heat up. 
You had gotten ready for bed before Chris had and was all tucked in and ready to sleep by the time he came up to your room. He had stayed downstairs and helped your parents clean up from dinner while you showered and started to unwind. He saw your body on the bed and assumed you had already fallen asleep. You stared at him as he undressed in front of you and admired his amazing body. He caught you staring and shot you a suggestive look as he turned the lights off and went back to get into bed with you.
“We’re not defiling my childhood room by having sex in here. Plus my mom finally came around to our relationship and my dad probably loves you more than I do, so we can’t risk them hearing us.” You whispered as he pressed his body against yours. Your back was pressed against his bare chest and you gripped his forearms as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You turned your head towards him and pressed a kiss onto his lips. He mumbled ‘I love you so much’ between kisses. 
The love that was flowing between your bodies that night was unreal. You spent all night in his arms, exactly where you belonged. 
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mysteryofren · 4 years
The First Order Will Be Finished
chapter 33 of So Happy Together
note: i feel like this is the worst chapter ive written but im sad the first order is going to be ending soon :( i also involved some real life events in here bc obi-wan would be a die hard blm activist. anakin is an all lives matter bastard i dont care what you say.
 The day was finally here. Phasma was leaving tomorrow afternoon, and you all had 1 last day as a whole group.You all had slept over at your grandfather's house. You decided to stay there for the summer, and so did Elaine. Your grandfather was camping with you all, but he had to work so he wouldn't be able to help at Amilyns. You woke up and tiptoed out of your room. Peeking into his room you saw he was still in bed. He usually left for work at about 9. Looking at the clock on the wall you saw it was only 7:30. You walked to his bed and gently shook him awake. 
“Good morning my dear.” he said through a yawn. 
“Can I get the keys to the truck? We might need it to help Amilyn move furniture.”
“Of course they're in the den on the table beside my chair.” you nodded and went to get the keys when he called out to you. 
“Come back.” you walked back to the bed beside him, and he grabbed your face and pulled you to him. He kissed your forehead, and smiled before laying back down.
“I love you pop pop.” you said.
“I love you too. Have fun, and i'll see you tonight.” you walked out the room and headed downstairs. You got to the den and saw Gideon sitting in his bed. He usually slept with you, but every now and then he would get up to walk around or go to his bed. He stood up once he saw you, and trotted over. You scratched him behind his ears, and grabbed the keys from the table. Gideon followed you as you walked outside. You picked up a stray ball and chucked it out towards the forest. He ran after it, and you continued walking to the shed. After you opened it you grabbed the tents you knew were in there. You walked over to your car, and placed them in the trunk. Going back you noticed Gideon had given up his ball and had begun chasing a squirrel. He ran around a tree trying to see where it had gone when he saw it he began baying at it. You walked over to him, and patted his back when he sat down and just looked up the tree. Going back to the shed you grabbed the sleeping bags that were also stored in the shed. 
 You weren't sure why he kept so many in the shed. When you camped as a kid there were only 3 of you, but he had 2 tents, and 6 sleeping bags. Maybe they just kept them around in case they lost some. After you had your car packed up you went back inside with Gideon. Your grandfather was in the kitchen eating cereal. He was in his pajamas and was scrolling through his phone.
“Have you seen all those protests happening recently?”
“Not really, I haven't been on social media lately, why what's happening?”
“Just another innocent man being murdered by police.” He held the phone up to you as you looked at the article. 
“Thats horrible.”
“Yes I know. It seems as though not much has changed from when I was your age.” he had a sad look on his face. You walk over to him, and hug him before heading upstairs.
 Once you reach your room you see Phasma and Elaine are still asleep. You wake them up, and let them know you guys are leaving in a few minutes. You go to your closet and look for something comfortable to wear. You pick out a pair of plain black leggings and a baseball t-shirt that used to belong to your dad. You walk out while Elaine, and Phas get dressed, and go downstairs to feed Gideon. He laid next to the cupboard where you kept his bowl. As you brought it down he perked up, and went to the spot where you kept his food. Before putting it down after filling it you crushed up his meds and sprinkled them over his food. You placed it down and he eagerly began eating. Grabbing his leash you walked to the den and picked up his dog bed. This was going to be Gideons first time camping with you, and you knew it would be a fun little surprise for him. You walked out of the house and put them in your car with the rest of the camping supplies.
 When you came back in, Elaine and Phasma were downstairs already. You smiled as you asked them.
“You guys ready to go?” Phasma looked sad. You knew it was because it was her last day.
“I guess,” she replied. “I just don't want today to end. When I come back everything will be different.”
“It will be, but we won't be.” Elaine said as she hugged her. You all headed out to the truck and drove to the address Amilyn had given you for her new store front. It was deeper in the city, and was way bigger than her last place. It was on the corner of a building so it was the size of 2 stores. Perfect for how many patrons she had gotten since you met her. Once you got there you parked, and saw Hux was already there. You get out, and walk in with the girls and see him on a computer with Amilyn.
“Damn Red you got here fast.” Elaine teased him.
“He's helping me pick out art to hang in the cafe. Isn't he the sweetest?”
Phasma went over and patted his back. “He sure is.” 
He smiled at her and kept looking with Amilyn. You saw some chairs stacked up by the door and went over and grabbed 3 of them and set them up by the couch. You all sat down and looked at art for about an hour before you heard a car pull up.
“Matt and Kylo must be here.” you said as you looked out the window. First it was the sound of 3 car doors closing that seemed weird. Then you saw 3 people get out of the car. Matt was the first to walk in. Then Kylo. to your dismay the last one to walk in was Ben. He smiled at you while he walked in. You smiled back knowing this was going to be the hardest day ever. 
“Hey sorry we're late we had to stop at the store and get camping gear for us.” Matt said as he walked over to Elaine and kissed her.
“You guys are camping with us? I thought it was only you going with us for that.” you said to him as he finished greeting everyone else.
“Yeah. Mom heard me and Hux talking about it and told me to take them. I don't even think they want to be here.” Kylo was giving you a smirk that had Han written all over it.
“Oh I want to be there.” He said while still looking at you. Ben looked at him with anger in his eyes. He hit Kylos shoulder. Kylo looked at him and gave him a shrug.
“Alright, well, why don't we all get started while Hux keeps looking for art. Phasma, Matt, and whichever one of you is Kylo, help me get the curtains up over the window.” they all nodded and gathered together. She looked at Ben standing alone.
“I'm sorry I don't know your name.” she reached out to him to shake his hand, and he took it.
“Im Ben Ma’am.” he shook her hand and she smiled at him. 
“Well, Ben, I have some ovens I need moved around in the kitchen. Do you think you could do that for me?” 
“Course. I just need you to tell me where you need em” He responded.
“Alright Elaine, and Rose do you guys think you can set the tables up?”
“Yeah no problem.” Elaine said, You both walked over to set them up. Luckily they stayed built during the move. All you had to do was move them to their rightful places. Sadly there weren't enough tables to make the cafe look full.it was clear she was going to need more. You walked into the kitchen where she was helping Ben move the ovens around to let her know. 
“I ordered some more yesterday. I'll just put them in whenever. Do you think you could help Ben finish this? I'm gonna see what else needs to be done.” you nodded and took her place helping Ben with moving the last oven.
“So you excited for tonight?” he asked as you both began to move the heavy object. You figured if you act civil the night will go by quick.
“Yeah. I just wish we had more time. All of us together. I'm worried about Hux going so far away.”
“He's gonna be fine. He's smart. I know Matts really scared about Elaine leaving.”
“Me too. We’ve been with each other for 4 years.”
“You were only in 8th grade when you got here?” 
“Yeah it was before Luke did away with the middle school program.”
 You guys finally got done moving the oven and went into the main area to help more. Surprisingly you guys didn't take most of the day to get everything done. Amilyn had given you a few more things to do before it was close to time for you all to go. You had gotten almost everything set up except the few tables that were missing and the art Hux had ordered. You all sat on the couches she had set up. You had ordered pizza for everyone and you all sat with each other and ate.
“So what are you all doing after this?” Amilyn asked as she bit into her slice.
“We're heading to my grandfather's house to pack up for tonight.” you answered.
“That sounds fun. I can't believe this is my last time having all 5 of you with me.”
“6 actually.” Kylo corrected.
“Oh yeah Kylo is a first order member now.” you informed Amilyn. Ben looked confused for a second before he spoke.
“Wait, he's a part of your group now? He's barely here!” 
“Well all of us like him and he didnt fuck any of us over.” Elaine said passive aggressively while she took the last bite of her pizza into her mouth. Matt hit her shoulder and looked at her. 
“Well it's true.”  Ben looked sad for a second before going back to eating. You had told Amilyn what happened between you and him a long time ago so she knew what Elaine meant. 
“So Kylo when do you go back to school?” Amilyn asked, trying to get to know the newest member.
“School starts again in august, but i'm going back in about 2 weeks.”
“Oh good, at least I have time to get to know you.” She smiled at him and he attempted to smile back, but didn’t do so well.
“Well I do have something I want to say.” Amilyn put her pizza down on the small table in front of the couches.
“I have never in my life met a group of such amazing men and women like you guys. Hux, you are so smart, and kind. You are nothing like your father, and you will always be better than him.” she said facing him. He got up from his spot next to you and walked around the table to hug her.
“Elaine. You're such an extraordinary young woman. You are so beautiful, and you're so talented. Your personality is the biggest I've seen ever in my life and I know you're going to do so many things with your life.” you looked to Elaine to see she was crying and hard. Matt held her while she cried and Amilyn continued.
“I never had kids with my husband. We never wanted any. You all are the closest thing to children I have, and I couldn't ask for a better group of kids to love.” at that point you all got up to go hug her. All of you piled onto her, with the exception of Kylo and Ben. Amilyn had started crying too at some point while you all held onto her. 
“We love you amilyn. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I can't come here whenever I want.” Elaine said through her tears. You all got up, and you ran out to the truck to get your bag. You came back inside with it, and pulled out your camera. You handed it to Ben and grabbed Kylo's hand. You dragged him back over to where Amilyn was sitting. You sat him down, next to Amilyn, and sat next to her as well. Hux sat on the other side of you between the arm of the couch and you. Matt, Phasma, and Elaine got behind the couch, and crouched down to get in closer. You wrapped your arms around Hux, and Amilyn while smiling. Once Ben took the picture he handed it over to you. 
 The image developed, and you all looked at it. This was one of the last pictures you guys would take as a group. The last time you all would sit and talk with Amilyn. You handed the small photo over to her. You explained that you wanted her to have it to remember your last day as the first order with her. The last time she would have you all in one place together. The time came. You all had to leave. Amilyn had to go home to get some more paperwork done before she could officially open. You and the girls got into the truck, and Hux got into Matts car with him and the other boys. You began the drive back to your grandfather's house, and tried not to cry. It was 4 in the afternoon. By this time tomorrow. The first order will be finished.
tags: @wumboho @pylopenpolo @duty-isnt-always-honour
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Oc bullshittery pt.7
Bei: I trust flesh!
T.y: You think he knows what he's doing?
Bei: I'm not sure I'd go THAT far.
Rico: [Finds a crumpled up piece of paper] Hey, what’s this?
Quinncie: Oh, that’s my to-do list!
Rico: Wow, you’re being so productive, good for you, I never thought that–
Rico: [reads what on the list]
Rico: This only has my name on it...
T.y: What do you normally do when I’m gone?
Flesh: wait for you to come back...
Peach: why is Quinncie crying?
Elliott: He's drunk and saw a picture of Rico's boyfriend
T.y: But he is Rico's boyfriend
Elliott: Like I said, he's drunk
Quinncie: [crying on the floor in the fetal position]
Eva: [on day three of no sleep and forgetting to eat, looking completely dead inside] Self-care is for the WEAK!
Cake: [coughs]
Eva: [frantically swaddling her in blankets] We need an ambulance!!!
Flesh: [Talking about Eva] Don’t worry! She likes your butt and your fancy hair.
Cake: [As she runs her hand through her hair] She thinks it’s fancy?
Camie brown: Wait, you're gay? As in, gay...gay? As in, you like women?
Peak Lilly: I thought I was being...
Peak Lilly: Crystal queer
Bei: alright boys ready to g– Thomas where’s your vest?
Elliott: [smiling mischievously] yeah Thomas where’s your vest?
Diel: ...
Diel: about that..
Pimp: Quinncie, baby. How can I get back on your good side?
Quinncie: It’s gonna take about three weeks of not talking to me.
Peak Lilly: Why aren't the dishes in alphabetical order!?
Camie brown: WhAt thE FuCK dOeS thAT eVEn MEAn!?
Flesh: [being kidnapped] Will I need my toothbrush?
Kidnapper: Shut up!
Flesh: I'm assuming that means you'll be providing the toothbrush.
Bei: [on the TV] Boss won't get off your back? Girlfriend won't stop nagging you?
Bei: Did that fuckstick Eva sell you a bullshit dagger that broke almost immediately despite the fact that you spent half your goddamn savings on it?
Bei: Have you considered... murder?
My oc's as popular vines:
Quinncie: so no head?
T.y: what the Fuck is up Kyle?!
Peak Lilly: Look at all those chickens!
Flesh: Hi welcome to chilis
Chii: Fuck ya chicken strips!
Poppet: ThAtS My OpInIoN!!
Charlie: Chris is that a weed?!
Diel: what up I’m Jared, I’m 19, and I never fuckin learned how to read
Peach: Wooow
Bei: Ms Keisha? Ms Keishaaaa!? oh my fuckin god she fuckin dead!
Paston: Hi my name is Trey I have a basketball game tomorrow.
Camie brown: I wanna be a cowboy baby!
Elliott: Im a bad bitch you can’t kill me!!!
Flesh: [on the phone] dad? i need your help! Th–
Chii: is the apartment complex on fire?
Flesh: ...no?
Chii: then it’s not an emergency. [hangs up]
Dax: well?! what did he say? what do we do about the portal to hell in the living room?!
Flesh: [shrugs] apparently it’s not an emergency.
T.y: [being strangled by a demon] HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT AN EMERGENCY??
Diel: [muttering]
Bei: Diel what are you doing?
Diel: I’m having an argument with myself so I can finally win something for once.
Bei: would you mind not doing that right now? We need to be quite-
Diel: Well I actually would mind, because I’m losing right now.
Bei: How can you lose an argument to yourself?
Diel: the voices in my head decided to join in, and they’re making some pretty solid points on why I should just kill the bad guys and take their money.
Bei: well that’s........ mildly concerning...
Elliott: MILDLY????!?!!
Chii: In terms of instant relief canceling plans is like heroin.
Chii: I hope flesh liked the shirt I got him yesterday. Oh, he called.
Voice mail: You have 17 new messages.
Chii: What?!
Flesh: Hey dad, thanks for the Bazinga t-shirt it's… great. I was just calling because I might need a ride later tonight. T.y can’t drive and I ran iris's car into a ditch after we watched Fast Five on Netflix together.
Iris: You still owe me for that.
Flesh: Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Cars are really flammable, did you know that? I didn’t know that. Well, I do now.. but anyway I’ll call you later if we need a pick up from the show, alright?
T.y: [groans]
Flesh: t.y, you’re up! Talk to you later, dad!
Voice mail: End of Message.
Chii: I’m not listening to all of these.[skips to the last message]
Voice mail: Message 17.
[loud screaming of pure terror as a booming demonic roar pierces the air]
Rico: hey i used to b uglier believe it or not.
Camie brown: What is the worst thing you've done sexually?
Charlie: .... I'm not sure what I'd want to call a worst..
Peak Lilly: A man..
Coccoh: pppfffttttt!
Eva: Stay the fuck away from my man, I won’t tell you again!
T.y: BITCH! I don’t wan yo man. Nobody wants yo man. That’s why he’s wit you!
Peak Lilly: It was the 80s, we did a lot of drugs back in those days.
Bren: How could she even do drugs?! She's a fucking alien!
Camie brown: Your mother found a way.
T.y: [decks said cop]
Bei: why did you do that??????????
T.y: I am not emotionally involved in this situation!
Eva: i sleep with a bow and arrow under my bed.
Bei: oh yeah? i sleep with a gun under my pillow!
Ashton: weak! i sleep with a nanobotic suit ready to be equipped!
T.y: damn, you's all are paranoid as hell!
Eva: yeah? what do you sleep with?
T.y: Elliott.
Flesh: So how about a change of name?
Diel: You know, one that sounds marginally less like a porno than your current one!
Bei: [unsheathes sword]
Diel: [running away] You just had to open your mouth!
Flesh: [ducking under a blade swing] My mouth? My mouth?!! This is your fault!!!
Eva: [slides flip phone across floor] Fuck this and fuck you! You little spawn of Nokia!
Peach: I wonder why I don't like anything around my neck.
Poppet: maybe you were hung in a past life?
[heavy pause]
Eva: -and that's why I think God doesn't exist!
Cake: sorry sugar, I wasn't listenin'.
Eva: what, why?
Cake: look hun, I just really want a cupcake
Paston: wow, that jacket is so soft that if someone hugged you they'd die on impact. And I have a deathwish! So come here!
Quinncie: [singing to the tune of "We Just Got a Letter" from Blue's Clues] I just got a message, I just got a message, I just got a message, and it's from your man!
T.y: Bitches be like "You mine".
T.y: First off I'm on probation, "I" belong to the state.
Bei: I was so angry at everything when i was 13. And i was right.
Bei: [get assigned a mission out of the city]
Bei: [drives off]
T.y: [storms into the apartment]
Rico: [sorting files]
Flesh: [at the computer]
Iris: [sharpening knives]
T.y: ATTENTION SIMPLETONS! Bei has JUST left the building!
Iris: ....
Flesh: ....
Rico: ....
T.y: and guess who’s been deputized as sheriff of this complex!
Rico: [hesitantly raises hand]
T.y: M E! 
Rico: [hand goes down]
T.y: now [presses play on bluetooth speaker] work bitches!
[Work Bitch by Britney Spears echoing throughout the apartment]
Flesh: uuuughhhh not agaaaaain–
Iris: [putting on makeup]
Flesh: [watching]
Flesh: Why do you use so many brushes for makeup?
Iris: Was Mona Lisa painted with one brush? 
Iris: NO!
Bei: [walks into the kitchen]
Apartment complex 404 Fam: [eating breakfast]
Bei: just a reminder; it’s Throat Punch Thursday
Bei: [leaves]
T.y: [checks imaginary watch] damn, that time again already ?
Quinncie: I made a fool of myself today and I will make a fool of myself tomorrow. Good night!
Eva: the only two important Michaels; Jordan and Jackson.
Peach: [while pulling out Michael Myers mask] wooooow aight bet–
T.y: they kicked me outta church bc i yelled “fuck the devil!” I thought we all hated that motherfucker!?
Peak Lilly: You know, one day you could be a great dad!
Chii: I already am.
Peak Lilly: flesh doesn't count.
Chii: so, what did I miss?
Dax: flesh died twice.
Diel: my goal is not to be the best, but to inspire someone enough to one day surpass me.
Bei: you can’t just say that every time you fail a mission.
Iris: wow i need a drink.
Iris: [pours chocolate milk into a shot glass]
Flesh: I think your calculations might have been off.
Diel: Well, they can't be off if I didn't do any.
Iris: [to Elliott] You... you... you rude person!
Dax: Go easy on him, iris.
T.y: [comes downstairs to find bei up and about]
T.y: wow you sure are quite the night person..
Bei: buddy I’m barley even a person!
Bei: No one expects an angel to set the world on fire. But than again I'm no angel.
T.y: oh yea? Well apparently, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
T.y: [Points at flesh] But this one got ran over by a fuckin lawn mower!
Diel: I look like I'm supposed to be stalking senpai in this outfit.
Diel: Who's senpai? Hell if I know but I'm stalking him that's for sure.
Tag list: @nansblockit @ask-the-amazing-greenland @slasher-beware @ticket-to-ride13 @illwaitinthisplace
If you want to be tagged just comment on this post or shoot me an ask/message, have a wonderful day!
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perfectpickles · 6 years
a long yikes
im used to putting my complaints on tumblr bc i only have like 2 followers so its just a rant space for me so there’s no need to read this
everything sucks some serious ass right now like what i’m like lowkey highkey depressed and ???
-i currently have the worst grades i’ve ever had before in my whole ass life like i literally have a d in english because i... forgot?? to do an assignment i literally forgot it existed and i was absent a bunch and i checked my grades a couple days ago and saw the zero for a 30pt assignment and just holy shit omfg. i’m planning to do it tonight and bring it to my teacher tomorrow but he’s like my worst most douche-y teacher atm and he really doesn’t like me i think im gonna write a mini speech and admit i have no real excuse and just turn it in and hope for the best at least so he knows im not blowing off the assignment
-i need/want straight semester As so i need at least Bs this quarter in everything but just omfg so many Ls i’ve screwed up so much lately i really don’t need english to be biting me like this i’ve always been an a student in english
-i used to be a straight a student but if i can’t pull my shit together effective immediately all i’m gonna be showing colleges is a sudden downward trend 
-i used to be really really popular but one of my best friends cut me off like a month ago. she said its bc im too negative but i kinda call bs because i didnt talk any more shit or complain any more than the rest of our friend group so i dont really know what’s going on there but one of my other best friends has basically drifted away from us to senior friends so i’m left with one of my besties but i used to have this whole clique and we were so close. it hurts because i feel so alone. there are only two friends of mine who i really trust atm except for some who are in college and far away so i kinda just drift through the day feeling lonely and like a loser because everyone hates me. i don’t know what i’ve done exactly but i used to have so many friends and now i have two and i have no classes with one and only one with the other and he’s a senior so when he graduates im left with basically nothing. i want my besties back but i dont think thats ever gonna happen at least not with the one who cut me off. i’m scheming to get them back but a huge part of me wants to give up because i don’t have the energy for much lately and another part of me thinks it’s over for good. i can hear people gossiping about me all the time and i know so many people hate me and it just sucks because i don’t know what i’ve done wrong. and if it’s that i’m too negative i’ve actually changed a lot in that regard lately but no one cares or has paid any attention because i’m almost completely alone.
-i’ve taken on too many activities and i know that but it’s too late to pull out of anything and i need all of them. but i’m so busy and i am really having trouble balancing 
-my dad’s been staying with us for just a couple weeks even though my mom’s gonna file for divorce soon its just really annoying because he keeps trying to bond with me but like dude you’re a huge asshole and you keep proving that every time your facade slips and also you almost killed me and my family only a few months ago?? why can’t he understand how little i want to spend time with him?
-i’m currently pulling an all nighter because i procrastinate too much and i’m so behind in like every class and it is unfortunate because i’m already tired and it’s only 1
-my boyfriend of eight months and i broke up last week and it’s definitely for the best like we sucked at long distance and it was a mutual decision but i realized that because everyone hates me and i’m too exhausted and depressed to put any effort into my physical appearance and health i’m basically gonna be celibate until i graduate and that is really gonna suck because since im not getting invited to any parties lately i have no chance at hooking up with anyone and the physicality of all that was a big destressor for me 
-not only am i too depressed to get anything done, i keep falling asleep randomly and accidentally and im not showering nearly as much as i should be and i need to do laundry but keep forgetting so basically all my personal hygiene is shit. i’ve been biting my nails out of anxiety again for the first time since seventh grade and i hate that because i loved my long nails. everything is unkempt and i feel gross and im just too sad and lethargic to take care of myself which is not great
-i tried to talk to my school counselor about this and now she thinks im a basket case and wants to see me weekly bc im one of those troubled family kids that make school counselors feel like they accomplish anything other than scheduling but i don’t trust her anymore and i kinda hate going
-mads drama has erupted and i would say it’s really not my fault at all for once but everyone hates me like the choral director hates me and some of the kids have been talking shit about me with her which sucks but i feel popular in that class like several people have been backing me up but my trust issues are hugely erupting at this point and i don’t trust any of my mads friends and im constantly on edge and anxious and uncomfortable in that class like i used to love arrogantly feeling like one of the best but people are jealous and are really fucking things over for me bc of it and that just really really sucks
-i gained back the 10-15 lb i lost because i’ve been eating my feelings hardcore
-i don’t know what to do to fix my grades they’re just getting worse and worse as i get more and more behind and it’s unfortunate
-in the past i’ve always had friends to turn to. things have been bad or messy but i’ve never felt lonely like this before. im too extroverted to drift through my days the way i do in a haze of nausea anxiety paranoia and exclusion. it’s driving me insane but also just generally making me sadder and quieter and a shell of myself as the days pass.
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audiovisualrecall · 5 years
Its 4:30
Im worried abt going and then getting my prd while i'm there, and the big piece isnt close enough to being done that a few hrs working on it will make it complete in time for thursday. But i will only have 4 pieces on the wall and the trio on a pedestal in the gallery without the big piece. And if i work on it today i can just prepare it to hang on thursday along with the rest and then continue working on it and have it hung up on the 16th...but i still dunno if itll be done in time. And i dont know when i'll get my period, so maybe i wont have those days to finish it to go itno the gallery. Maybe its okay to have a small number of pieces. I can finish the big one after the 17th then...except then what if i keep assuming i'm gonna get it and dont work on the big piece and then get my prd that week and am unable to finish in time for the 20th. I definitely have to finish the artist statement for thursday, but i can probably work on it tomorrow even if i get my prd tomorrow or tonight, i think.... but what if its a bad prd then i wont be able to work on the statement. And if i get my period tomorrow instead of tonight i could have the worst aspect of it on Thursday and be unable to go in. And sure if i cant go in i can email professor ho (and kauper) my statement, and i could text tasha and ask her if she could pick out a tall pedestal for me and a wall that could fit my stuff, and go in on friday with dad to prepare the trio for display and i can go set up in the gallery too. But Also!!! What if i dont get it tonight or tomorrow, what if i get it thursday? Thatd suck, whetheri was already there or not. But also it would mean friday would be the worst day so i couldnt go in then, and idk if i could send dad to my studio with the key to prep the pieces for display on his own?? How will he know how i want it to look? And what if someone is confused by him being there?? And id have to go on saturday to set up in the gallery, instead, if i was still home when i got it on thursday.
If i go in today im assuming i'll get it tomorrow, and it might make sense seeing as thats day 32 and thats the second most likely day to get it, but i could also get it on saturday, which would kiinda suck purely bc i could end up missing the ballet (assuming im skipping group for the ballet, and if not then missing group anyway) but would probably be the easiest day to get it really, and i might be able to make the ballet anyway tbh...but theres no guarantee i'll get it on day 35 (sat) either. I could get it on monday (day 36). Or during or before my final crit. If i go and assume i get it tomorrow i could be wrong, or if i'm right ill be screwed re:thursday set up, and i could also lose the time to work on the statement. But if i stay home today, i'm kinda saying the big piece isnt important enough to be included bc i have no guarantee of finishing it in time. I could put the small practice pieces in the gallery instead if i had to.... anyway staying home might sorta assume i wont get it tomorrow, so its a wasted day spent doing nothing, or i work on the statement today just in case i do get prd tomorrow and am unable to finish in time, and if i dont get it tomorrow then i can relax tomorrow. Theres also a chance i'll get it tonight, as early as 6pm and as late as...technically tomorrow morning (12am , 1am, and 2 am have happened i think..). Which again could mean not being able to work on stuff tomorrow, bc tomorrow could be the worse day. Idk what this period will be like, if itll be easy first day and the second day will be D, or if first day will be both cramps and D...second thru third days or even 4th could also have some cramps or stomach weirdness or D. I dont remember if the next day is different if i get it at night, or if early am is more like getting it at night or in the morning. If i get in the morning its sometimes easier, and key is i can usually function by 6pm even if its a shitty prd. Idk. None of this helps my decison making though. And the stupid forms and labels complicate things so i cant really just throw the practice pieces into the gallery last minute unless i can throw forms together and my own labels together for them last minute too. But if i dont put the big piece in, will my work look small and lonely?! Should i make forms and request labels for the practice pieces too just in case??! Will having them there make it look any better? Im stressing. What if they think i havent done enough work this semester because its all small and i didnt finish any of the larger things??!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Still dunno if i should risk it and go in to work on the big piece, or stay home and finish the artist statement. If i dont get my prd tonight or tomorrow morning/noon maybe i can go in tomorrow to work on the big piece then. If i get my prd while im there i can ask to be picked up at 6 or whatever. And deal while i am there. I guess. I wont go if i get it while i'm home, but. Yeah. And i might not get it tomorrow, again, i could get it on saturday! That might be more likely. Idk. What if i stay home today and then end up caught in the same anxieties tomorrow and end up not going in again? Blugh. What if i go and then get my period there or on the way home? I can deal with it by wearing a pad. I just hate being not at home and running to and fro between studio and bathroom bc im *sure* i'm abt to get my period and its like nope and nope and then maybe yep! Time to be miserable and feel trapped and angry and upset! At least at home im in the comfort of my own home doing that. Xv and finding out i have it at home is still slightly easier... i dont have to walk very far anywhere, not to a bus and another bus, not down a hill or stairs off campus, not down a hall to get back and forth from the bathroom to my studio, the bathroom at home is very close by wherever i end up sitting (moping). :b
So i still dunno what to do. I want to stay home. Its comfy here and i dont wanna do anything or go anywhere. Especially not out into the cold. But i do want to work on that big piece. But also....not really. And at the same time i really do. And also dont. Ficking hell brain what are you doing
0 notes
mrs-jughead-jones · 7 years
Fort || Jughead Jones
Tumblr media
Prompt from @allineedisconnor: okay im having a serious case of feels bc of episode 4 so can i request one where like jughead goes to the readers house after the drive in is razed and they just talk about stuff and have a lazy afternoon curling up and watching movies like their own drive in
A/N: I know I said this would come out tomorrow night, but I was able to finish this prompt tonight and I wanted to post it ASAP! Hope you enjoy!
Gif by: @juptern (I just realized this is the second time I’ve used your gifs, is this alright?)
Saturday night. Also known as the time of the week where you could have your peace and quiet. Being involved with the Blue & Gold with your boyfriend Jughead and best friend Betty, and with updates on Jason Blossom’s murder coming everyday, you had been writing constantly. Saturday night however, was your relaxation time. You had finished all your homework on Friday and Saturday morning and planned to study for your tests on Sunday. Your parents were out of town for the weekend meeting up with old friends of theirs. You were home alone for the first time in a long time and you’d be damned if you didn't make the best of it.
Unfortunately, your peace and quiet time had been disrupted twice so far. First there were the Girl Scouts. Usually you loved them and their cute little ways to try to get you to buy their Thin Mints but today’s girls just wouldn’t chill with the bargaining. They even upped the price of their Thin Mints which they didn’t tell you about until after you had agreed to buy two orders of them. Then there was the fact that Jughead hadn’t texted you in two days. Now, usually you wouldn’t have minded, knowing that he was focused on his novel, but ghosting was unlike Jughead. Besides, you knew your boyfriend loved the drive-in theater that had bulldozed the previous day, and you wanted to be there for him. If you knew where he lived, you would’ve gone over to check on him, but you didn’t know where he lived. When you asked Jughead about it, he just mumbled something about having a rough home life and how it wasn't a good place to hang out. He didn’t like to talk about it and you got the message. So you left it alone. You guys either stayed in your house and watched movies or went to Pop’s and chatted about life. Despite your worry, you figured Jughead just needed some time to deal with the drive-in’s destruction and tried to relax. Just as you snuggled under the blanket with your mug of hot chocolate and Netflix playing on your laptop, a knock at the door reverberated around the house. You groaned in frustration, slamming the mug down on the coffee table and throwing the blanket off. What now? You stomped over to the front door and swung it open ready to tell whoever was there off when you were greeted by the sight of Jughead. The first thing you noticed was his humongous backpack and the posters sticking out of it. Then you looked up at his eyes. He looked like he was about to cry and your heart just broke.
“Jug…” you began.
“I don’t have anywhere to go.” he said, desperately trying to keep his wavering voice steady.
You quickly ushered him in and he dropped his heavy backpack on the floor, rubbing a hand over his face.
“Jug,” you said again.
He didn’t respond. You gently turned him around and placed your hand on his cheek.
“Jughead.” you said softly.
Jughead finally looked up at you, a tear rolling down his cheek. “I don’t have anywhere to go.” he said again, softer and more broken that you had ever heard him.
You looked up at him, searching his eyes for an answer of what could’ve happened. Did his parents kick him out? If they did, why did they kick him out?
“Come on,” you said softly, leading him to the couch. “Tell me what’s going on.”
In the next few hours that followed, Jughead told you everything. Everything about his dad, his mom, and Jellybean. The Southside Serpents, his dad’s job, his mom and Jellybean’s whereabouts, and where he had been living for the past few months. When he was done, he began to cry, finally breaking down after holding it all in after for so long. You whispered reassuring words in his ear as he cried in your arms, trying to stop your own tears from falling asking yourself, Why Jughead? Out of everyone in the world, why Jughead?
After a while, you noticed that your boyfriend’s cries went from heaving sobs to small sniffles and you ran your fingers through his hair.
“Jughead?” you asked.
Jughead looked up at you, his eyes and cheeks red. He looked so vulnerable.
“You can stay here. I’ll tell my parents what you told me. They’ll understand. You can take the guest bedroom. It’s gonna be okay,” you said.
Jughead looked up at you with the softest expression you had ever seen and nodded as he pulled away from your warm embrace, wiping his eyes with his jacket sleeve.
“Thank you.” he said quietly, his voice shredded from crying.
Your heart broke for what seemed like the millionth time that night, as you tried to come up with a plan to make Jughead happy again, at least for a little while. Then it hit you. You got up and started to take the cushions off the couch and position them so they made a wall around you and Jughead. Jughead looked at you confusedly, wondering what you were doing. You pulled the crumpled blanket off the couch and draped it over the wall of cushions creating a fort. Jughead realized your intentions and cracked a smile. Ignoring your now cold hot chocolate on the coffee table, you grabbed your laptop and another blanket and crawled into the fort with Jughead.
“I know it’s not a drive-in theater, but maybe it could be our own little theater?” you asked tentatively, hoping the raven-haired boy would like it.
To your relief and delight, Jughead chuckled and nodded.
“It’s perfect.” he said.
You smiled widely as you used the last cushion to box the two of you in and you pulled the covers over you and your boyfriend, snuggling into his side. Opening your laptop and playing Witness for the Prosecution (Jughead’s choice,) the two of you began to watch. About halfway into the movie, Jughead looked down at you and realized you were asleep. He smiled and gently kissed your head.
“Thank you, Y/N. I love you.”
A/N: That was probably more angst than you wanted, but I hope the fluff in the end made up for it! For anyone wanting to know why I didn’t expand on their conversation; we know so little about Jughead’s background and family (and I’m sure they’ll go into more detail with that in future episodes) but I didn’t want to write anything that could be proved wrong as the show progresses so therefore, I’ll leave you to your theories! Also, Witness for the Prosecution is an A+ movie, I highly recommend it. :)
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haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
i need more money to buy little art
honestly tho feeling like for that ideal goal existence i’ll try get to someday, i’ll needa be making proper money comfortable and good so i can spend all i like on society 6 and other to buy shirts and bags and just everything to a house all in different art prints (mostly florals) bc just those pictures are  like everything i want but just so expensive. i’m trying to sum down like 10 to stickers, bc i wanna do up my laptop, but dedicating to a single decal (thats like 25 ON SALE) is too much esp since i love so much. so ive kinda decided to get a hard cover for the laptop just in case i break it, and just in case i do break my laptop that i can keep the stickers on the hard case and dont lose them to replaced parts. idk seems smart. ill probs buy a kinda shady cover off of ebay for 5 or 6 pound and then spend 20 on stickers for it :] since theyre on sale till 8 am today and its 3 am im probs just gonna settle and order them. might order cover tomorrow w my dad bc i need trust assurance. hes not all on board on the stickers so im just gonna go for it. theyre gonna be like my post cards. i buy so many every place. and no. not trashy postcards. i want art. i have so many postcards of paintings in galleries and so many from comic con art valleys (guess who wants to get so much more and 100% will) i love original art the most when its pretty to me and like everyone who sees it. simples okay but i prefer soft and detailed. excited now i can go to con and also be looking for stickers bc maybe ill get a few cool ones that wont cost me as much as the society 6 ones do. and then my laptop can replicate my walls, displaying all the art ive loved that ive been able to take with me (bc theres so much i obviously dont have on my walls) anyway im looking at these and making some small bc i suddenly realise this laptops got realestate. and the saddest thing w stickers (literally why i had one of those waxy paged sticker books as a child) is that i cant dedicate stickers to a single spot. its so much dedication. what if i buy a bigger sticker and it wont fit? what if i get the perfect sticker for that spot and it wont fit? (over lap i guess) how can i be sure i put them in the right spots to start with? augh i dont really wanna cover just half of it and obviously leave space bc that puts pressure on finding stickers and i might get ones i dont love. i cant get sick of any one bc itll be there  (joy of having multiple mean theres less getting sick of anything). anyway i think im happy w the sizes of these 10 stickers and can work w them (also for now i think im just gonna be going around the edges and leaving the apple logo as it is, esp bc it glows and theres already this shitty old smiley face sticker from my old psych teacher and i kinda dont wanna get rid of it, i just wanna add things around it so it doesnt look so: clean (actually dirty) laptop that a child marked as their own) 
anyway society 6 has random discounts all the time which is p rad and maybe the day im ready to invest in my own living space and dont feel obliged to check w my parents about just about any purchase, i’ll then subscribe to something thatll tell me what discount is on. that in mind, i think i’ll only get the 9 now, that hopefully wont cost too much, and leave a bunch in my wishlist, bc there’ll be another discount (this is 20% off everything)  and maybe that’ll be like 50% off stickers and boy then when my collection is underway you bet ill go for it. and like maxx sticks on their sketch book, if i dedicate to a new book maybe ill get more for that and have a pretty thing to keep and reminisce over (tho knowing me, ill not use it much bc i have a need for pretty things to stay perfect and presentable, and i have a need for everything that i might show to others to be like near perfect otherwise its sucks and ill feel bad bc i dont wanna show it off to people. like my art book, sure i couldve made it all experimental and crap and then edited the real pages together on the computer. but no. i needed everypage to be presentable and pretty and handwritten and creative. and they must go page after page, its so awkward showing someone something and then going “oh wait now these few are empty sorry yeah heres the next page” so i baasically have  a book with mhmmm 20-26 pages of beautiful spreads that im quite proud of inside beautiful covers ( i knew id want to be presenting it for years to come) and the back pages are just...empty. and theyll probably stay that way bc i no longer have projects to be doing to fill them with. maybe one day ill grow into myself and grow out the fear of ruining what ive achieved and fill some with new projects to please myself and be an indepenednt artist not just a teacher pleaser. you know its like that with my work too, like it has to have a direction and a plan that will be achieved, and its terribly frustrating when that vision doesnt happen. but i think thats the same with everyone. 
anyway on a side note, dont you guys think its so fun and cool how ive not done my post labs that were due last friday? how every night ends up being 3-4 am until i go... mhmmmm yeah i guess nothing is happening. like i hope id bloom and do work at that 11pm-3am window and then i get here, suddenly having lost all track and sense of time and just sigh. its wasted, its basically tuesday already. have to keep telling myself dates bc it moves so weird. i planned on getting shit done two days ago. here we are regardless. and the most ill get done is get those stickers ordered bc that is i guess what ive been half focused on for mhmmm5 hrs. then ill save my 7 dollars or whatever, have stickers on the way, tomorrow order the case and thats one insignificant thing done. then the question will be have i looked at summer jobs? no of course not ive looked at ballet courses. shush. i havent showered for days bc theyve just slipped by too laying in bed, maybe tomorrow ill take a shower and pick up all the trash and tissues on the ground. maybe i will. i know i wont get real work done tonight, and already ill be sleepy till 1 pm and by then mom will be again on me abt sleeping to latesoo... yeah no point. and here i thought id make a quick totes relatable short post about how i need more money to buy stickers and maybe a brief my ideal life is to have enough money to spend on art being in every part of my life and all this  being unique so people love coming to my house and go wow its so original and cool. and that turned into a word vent thats so far taken me over half an hour. hi my batterys dying. 
lng story short, i’ll order the stickers currently in my basket after so much though, suck it up and do it and know that i have a bunch over in my wishlist for that next maybe even better sale when it happens. the only thing is im taking all the rest as transparent which for sure dulls them down (yeah white background looks sick but for some its just more classy w transparent, then theres this one bear i’m 100% naming wojtek thats in white bc i feel it’ll be best for him, and i guess having him in white will set that theres no clear rules to follow and worst case if it doesnt fit he can come chill on the keyboard side next to my mouse pad thing) honestly i cant tell if i should be getting them all in white and just hope that theyll look gorgeous no matter what. yikes 3 dollar shipping for stickers, ok itll actually be 19.62 pound and using euro card 22.50 in  euros.... am i dumb? maybe. and tho im supposed to be saving money up so i have some, i also did get birthday money sorta recently soo... birthday gift from them. first set of stickers. deep breaths ok. my parents told me when i bugged them that i just have to make a decision and not ask them all the time, and he said to get 3 stickers i told him id pick 12 so i think getting 9 is reasonable. also oh shit realising that the delivery time is 1-3 weeks and im staying here only 1 and a half more so i should really order it to scotland even tho it might get ther ebefore i do bc my parents might not rly want to send them up to me. idk ok order to scotland, thank f at least one of my flat mates is staying and tbh i should really bring her some chocolate... shes done me faavours. 
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