#and idk what's worse that we even had it or that we'll never get it back
justapigeonn · 2 months
the thing i don't understand when ppl try to defend gray wing's constant bootlicking of clear sky is they'll always bring up the argument 'well DUH they're BROTHERS gray wing would never want to believe that clear sky's a bad person!!' but that entire argument goes out the window when you make them remember that gray wing literally threw hands with clear sky upon discovering he'd exiled their younger brother jagged peak after breaking his leg.
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gray wing travels to clear sky's camp to confront him PERSONALLY and when clear sky outright admits that he cast out jagged peak because he was 'weak' and 'no longer useful' to him or the group because of his disability, gray wing's first thought is to get PHYSICALLY VIOLENT with clear sky because he understands how fucked up and selfish his mindset is - and this is only book 1 mind you. he KNOWS that clear sky is willing to abandon those less physically capable than him out of his own selfish interest and physically fights him over it and is still understandably seething over it when he gets home and then we proceed to never reeeally see that side of him towards clear sky again (until one notable scene we'll get to later) even as clear sky gets progressively worse and more violent.
this bit has been discussed time and time again but for the sake of expanding my point - later on in the books when the moor cats come across bumble on the verge of death, gray wing himself and the others hear clear sky sheepishly admit from his own mouth that after finding her alone on his territory starving and desperate, he beat her to the point that she fell unconscious and he left her to her own devices
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clear sky severely downplays the situation and claims to only have given her a 'cuff to the ear' but because we've already witnessed him murdering a mother cat over a simple territorial dispute first hand through the eyes of thunder, the likeliness of this being a lie is almost absolute. and what can gray wing do all while bumble is bleeding to death on the ground and turtle tail mourns her? he worries about how clear sky's reputation might be tarnished in the eyes of the moor cats :( as if that wasn't already the case after his wrongful exile of jagged peak and his unnecessarily aggressive and territorial behaviour. all of a sudden keeping clear sky's name squeaky clean is of the utmost importance to him despite him not really caring about about that at all in the previous book and merely standing up for what was right and giving his brother the piece of mind he deserved.
but ok, what happens when gray wing witnesses clear sky murder a cat with his very own eyes? - not just any cat mind you, but an old tribemate and beloved friend/ally of gray wing. surely he'd believe it and act accordingly right?? yeah!.....
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....for roughly 5 minutes. even CLEAR SKY HIMSELF appears shocked
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later on in the early chapters of the blazing star it's only reinforced
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but yeah while that's all the text i can be bothered to sieve through right now, all in all gray wing had like 2 notable moments standing up to clear sky before resorting to being a spineless apologist for him. we KNOW he is capable of standing up to him and gray wing KNOWS what clear sky is capable of and what he's done but then he switches gears for little known reason. there's compassion and then there's sheer stupidity and gray wing repeatedly displays the latter.
i have no problem with gray wing still retaining some level of nostalgia and love towards clear because at the end of the day, yes, they are brothers they grew up together and were at one point exceptionally close, but that doesn't leave him any right to downplay the god awful things he did and protest when others are rightfully hateful towards clear sky.
anyways stan thunder idk why the fandom was always so adamant about casting him to the side and cultivating a rivalry between the two brothers when thunder was always a far superior foil to clear sky in every conceivable way
also p.s. please don't let me stop you from liking gray wing if you want to this is sheerly an over the top rebuttal to a common argument i see used to defend the author's poor writing choices
peace and love ✌️💞
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AITA for locking an ex-friend out of a long-time gaming account?
I (F16) had a friend, who we'll call V (F30s). We met on an online chat game, with the main focus being decorating rooms and playing mini-games with other players. She had been playing for well over ten years at that point, while I was still pretty new (about a year or two, in comparison). I had a pretty large friend group on that game, and when I met her, I kind of brought her into this group.
Several months (6+ ish) later, the group and I decided to create a knock-off room of some of the most popular rooms on the server. We had mostly all met in these popular rooms and just wanted one of our own for the friend group and others like us. This was largely my idea, along with my best friend, R (16M). R contributed the most in terms of financial support, and we both took on designing the room. Everyone else pitched in ideas, but were largely unhelpful in the grand scheme of things. V was the most unhelpful, as she would get pissy about small things that didnt go her way, even when she wasn't contributing to the creation of this room.
Eventually, the room was completed how R and I wanted it, with some input from the others. V did a 180 and was soooo happy with how everything turned out. Everything was back to normal with her.
Now, our room was not successful. We did not end up one of the popular ones. While a little disappointing, it was fine because we were still hanging out with our friends and having fun. About a month or two in, I got a message from R telling me to log on quick, bc the room was in disarray.
I logged in and people were telling me V had trashed it (all of us in the main group had complete access to the room, so could make changes as needed). While it wasn't "trashed" per se, it was a mess and it did take me a couple hours to fix everything.
Friends filled me in and told me V had apparently been secretly making her own room (another knock-off like ours, but worse) with a guy who had said some disgusting things about me, and several friends joined her in tarnishing ours before leaving to be with her.
This was an utter betrayal as I loved them all and had trusted them with something R and I worked very hard on for all of us. There was never any indication that V was unhappy with anything, as we spoke every day and she was always saying how much she loved our group and how we were definitely gonna be the most successful eventually and blah blah. I mean, I recognized that she was just saying what I wanted to hear, but still. I thought of her like a big sister.
[End Context]
A few days went by, and R and I were talking about everything that had happened. I was finally over the shock, and I was just angry. R said he wished there were some way we could get back at her. I remembered that V had given me her password months prior for an event she couldn't complete, and I had logged in and done it for her. I told him that she said it was the only password she'd ever used, since she was young, and I bet she hadn't changed it.
I was wrong, she HAD changed it, but she had also given me her email for the login information, so I tried the password on her email. I got in. So I changed her game password through her email and logged in.
She had been online, but this game would kick you off if someone else logged in while you were online, so I knew I had precious little time before she'd change the password back and I'd be kicked off.
So I went into her room, mass-banned everyone in there (including some of my former friends, one was the gross guy I hated), destroyed the room as much as possible, and then privated it so no one could enter (idk why I didn't just delete the room, wasn't thinking clearly ig). I then typed in as many censored words as I could so the auto-filter would flag her and get her account suspended.
Her account DID get suspended (and the game team was notorious for having the worst support ever. Once your account was suspended/banned, you almost never got it back), and I was auto-logged out. I logged back into my personal account, and R and I freaked out, just super giddy. V used an alt account to confront us, and ofc we denied having any involvement, but laughed at her anyways.
She did eventually (a month or two later) get her main account back, but before that she had lost all of her stuff, so she couldn't reopen her room. I was pretty satisfied with this, but some of the former friends who sided with her told me it had taken a toll on her mental health. I told them that all of their betrayals had taken a toll on MY mental health, so why should I be bothered, especially when I hadn't DONE anything (wink).
All in all, I felt justified, and she did eventually get her main account back, and I stopped playing not too long after that, but I'd still like to know what other people think.
What are these acronyms?
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yvmiqs · 1 year
knock, knock !
characters : first years x gn!reader ( can be interpreted as platonic or romantic , but i sort of built this to be platonic ! )
in which : sick prefect ! first years come over ! prefect gets a bit sentimental ! woooo ! *explosion*
notes : i made this at 12:00am and it's not proofread yet n idk if it makes sense (it's true, never listen to ur thoughts at night)
word count: 600+ words
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So, you had gotten sick.
'Well, I don't feel that sick, so this is fine,' You had thought earlier, until later that day you got an even worse headache from the questions Professor Crewel was pulling on the damned test. Speaking of, looking at your scores made your head throb even harder.
You sighed as you looked around the room, no Grim to be found. He was out being mauled by Crowley for causing a hissy fit in the halls again for who knows how many times now, but atleast you'd get some peace while you were sick, and right now you were quite ready to literally pass out.
A 'ding' from your smartphone interrupted your peace; so you turned your head, and buried iunder your pillow.
And yet, you still heard another ding. And another. And another and another and another-
'Prefect, open up!' A message from Ace in the First Years group chat. With a sigh, you got up, knowing that atleast one person would be there to bother you. Yay. You felt heavy, but you still got down, rubbed at your stuffy nose with a tissue, and opened the door to see the first years.
"Hello, human! We have brought a cure to your illness!" Sebek huffed behind Jack. You tilted your head in confusion. "Huh?"
Epel stepped in first, holding a plastic bag. "Ace and Deuce noticed ya were reeaaallll stressed out in class earlier," He motioned to Deuce and Ace, "So we decided to get ya medicine!"
You found yourself smiling at that. "Aww, Thanks, guys... Hey. Clean your shoes before stepping in, Ace."
"Yes, my oh-so wonderful parent." He rolled his eyes, obliging. "I don't remember raising a child like you." He faked a gasp at that. "Who's the other one anyways?" Deuce snickered, as Ace finally stepped in.
"Stop fooling around already," Deadpanning at the three of you, The Wolf Beastman took hold of the plastic bag Epel was holding and walked further into the hallway of Ramshackle, Epel with him. "Oh, Hey, We'll just put it in the living room!" Jack's voice echoed as you replied with a 'Mkay.'
Sebek stepped in next, walking with his head high- as always, next to Deuce as the last people to pass by as you closed the door. At this point, everyone already had reached the end of the hallway and were at the living room. You could hear their voices from there, they were always so loud.
You reminisced at the first time you met everyone as you once again wiped your nose. They were your closest friends in this entire world, and you were so grateful to have them.
They were chaotic, sure, but at the same time, it would be pretty boring around here if they weren't. Each of them were great to be around- even if one of them was made talking about their young master a conversation topic.
You let out a cough as you laughed slightly at yourself for suddenly getting sentimental when all they did was buy you medicine, but still, you loved them all to bits.
Speaking of them, They were getting increasingly louder, and you could hear pillows, feathers, groaning, and laughter from the living room. You walked further into the hallway, reaching the living room.
"Ya sure about that?! Prefect! Come join us! Woah, Jack!?"
"If your not gonna stop, Might aswell join in-"
"Hey, Ace, let's team up, yeah!?"
'Might aswell join in' ... Alright. You hope you don't get even sicker from this.
"OKAY, Deuce!"
You sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day as you took in the sight of the first years absolutely destroying your living room pillows. Grabbing the plastic bag on the table, you placed the medicine somewhere farther from the chaos.
You should stop them, but still..
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cambriancrew · 5 months
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So. It's been several days since this, but we still want to reply. We wrote out a long thing, Tumblr ate it, we rewrote it by hand, and we're just now getting around to typing it up.
And fair warning. We can't talk in depth about this interview and why we said what we said without also talking about the abuse we experienced from our ex. We'll keep it general and nonspecific as much as possible, but please just know, it was REALLY bad. Much worse than what we talk about here. Like we still have PTSD from it bad.
Also it may help to read the AMA we did on Reddit after this interview came out.
So. Our ex believed we either had DID or were demon possessed, and had very ableist views about DID that he used to threaten us with - believed we were dangerous to be around, for instance - and threatened us with involuntarily commitment. He also tried to prevent us from seeing any therapist or mental health care provider other than the extremely bigoted, very out of date pastor/counselor of the church we went to and that our husband worked at.
We worried that he was right, that we might fit the criteria for OSDD-1 because of our failing relationship with him.
But, in all honesty, our relationship had been falling apart for awhile, because he was abusive - obsessed with being the perfect fundamentalist Christian couple, bigotry and all. He tried to make us Crew stop being friends with people who weren't Christians, and people who were queer. He tried to dictate what books we could read - no more science fiction and fantasy even though that's the genre we write and even wrote together with him, or psychiatry books even though we worked in a geri-psych nursing home and what we read was relevant. Tried to dictate what we watched on TV and what games we could play - even though he was a huge Star Wars fan and that has huge Buddhist underpinnings, and played Dungeons and Dragons online a lot which he made us swear never to tell anyone because they might think it was demonic - hypocrite much?
He even got upset that we were talking to people about the issues we were having - he called it "emotionally cheating", regardless of the fact we talked with people we had zero romantic interest in - like our own mother.
Anyway. We DID get a different therapist. And something he said helped a LOT with our concerns about having DID. He said our issues with our husband stemmed from his controlling behavior and emotional and verbal abuse, not our plurality - because after all, there's no mental illness called "supports queer people" nor "prefers to read speculative fiction and books on psychiatry" nor "confides in trusted friends about difficulties".
That said. Our therapist and his overseeing psychiatrist did talk with us about what our husband was pressuring us to do: try to get rid of all of the non-Willows. We had a lot of long, tense discussions about this with our system, and knew exactly what would happen if we tried.
We Willows would have been locked away from the front. Jas, Varyn, and Aery would have taken over as primary fronters, and we knew they'd have no problem with that based on our experiences with playing tug of war for front with them. Without us Willows, we may have developed memory issues, especially if we Willows fought back or resisted. This also would have caused us significant stress which would have triggered our fibromyalgia, and may easily have gotten to the point we would have to stop working because we physically couldn't handle it. And undoubtedly it would have caused us social issues as well, because those three can't mimic us Willows well at all, and prefer to be overt anyway, and probably would have used that to put extra pressure on our husband John: "Sorry, you can't talk to Willow right now. I can take a message to her. When we she be back? Idk, whenever John stops being an ass."
This, per our therapist and psychiatrist, would have been enough for a dx of DID or at bare minimum OSDD-1 - and then our ex would have had a much easier time getting us involuntarily committed. (As he did actually try. Got the state involved and there was a court case and everything.)
Because being endogenic and having tulpas is not what defines whether you have DID/OSDD-1 or not - it's whether there's distress or dysfunction. Doesn't have to be constant, doesn't have to be severe, just has to be present enough to make it harder to function.
Also, we've been in therapy from that time till now, for our depression and PTSD. Those cause us distress and dysfunction. Being plural doesn't - it eases our distress and increases our ability to function. We get worse when we Willows try to do everything on our own.
Also? Tulpas absolutely ARE endogenic - they aren't caused by trauma, and that's all endogenic means.
And. We were not told by Reddit that our headmates are tulpas. When we stumbled on the community, we recognized that what we had done in creating our headmates unintentionally was the same things people in the community were doing on purpose.
We remember sitting down and coming up with the idea of Jas. We remember learning to hear her, in vague images and ideas at first, then longer and longer full conversations. We remember the thrill of first hearing her interrupt our thoughts. We used to have several notebooks and binders full of written down conversations between us, with us Willows doing all the writing for the most part but on occasion Jas would take over just enough to write her own notes - in her own handwriting, different from us Willows' handwriting. We remember meditating to improve our ability to hear her. We remember visiting her in the paracosm, and her visiting us at our writing desk and on the school bus and sitting next to us at church. We remember her creating Varyn. We remember creating Morrie, and when he went dormant. We remember making Tristan&, and when she broke off communication with us - they'll still only talk to Jas.
Point is, we know their origins, all of them. We were there.
There's no "they were there all along." There's no "we don't know where they came from so we just assume they're endogenic." They certainly don't have roles or even the natural abilities of alters - we had to learn to talk with them, we had to learn how to let them front, we had to learn how to switch.
Some of them identify as soulbonds due e to their connection to their home worlds, but "tulpa" still fits too. Even though some of them cringe at the word, as it's uncomfortably close to a term in the paracosm's primary language for something truly heinous.
Point is, Reddit didn't try and convince us of anything. We came to that conclusion all on our own - and not just us Willows, but the whole system.
And per our mental health care team, we don't fit the criteria for a dissociative disorder. We don't even have issues with general dissociation - we score a 10 on the DES-2, and only that much because of questions directly related to plurality, like hearing voices commenting on your actions. (The eternal peanut gallery lol)
Anyway. Back to Dr. Richard Loewenstein - he was told about our origins. He didn't say that our origins were the reason we did or did not have a dissociative disorder. He said it's about distress.
And now that we've long since kicked our abusive ex to the curb (along with the church that turned on us), we don't have even interpersonal issues like we had with him and them. The people we're close to understand and support us. Our health care team supports us, and even encourages us Willows to lean on the rest of our system as that's what's healthiest for us all.
We don't have a mild case of a dissociative disorder. We're not secretly traumagenic.
We're ready and able to even fight for things our ex threatened us with, including our ability to be out at work, our ability to go through the foster-to-adopt program in our state (and our mental health care team is willing to sign off on our ability to do that), and our ability to be free from the threat of involuntary commitment to an institution.
If our ex, the pastor-counselor, several of our ex friends, state medical officials, and more couldn't find enough proof to diagnose us with DID or get us committed, (versus our therapist and the overseeing psychiatrist and our parents), then there's nothing anything y'all can say that will prove what they could not.
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twothpaste · 5 months
also if you're still doing the character asks 🔥Flint. Complex character imo i used to think of him a lot
awww man, flint is sooo complex. i feel like he Very Often gets flattened down to a one-note Deadbeat Dad - or sometimes even a straight up abusive father - and i think that kinda take is just objectively misreading & misrepresenting the character. like. way way worse than with dr andonuts. flint's a cautionary tale about how grief can destroy good people. an amnesiac stripped of any conceivable tools he might've had to process trauma, stranded in a community that was likewise stripped of any means to empathize with him, denied support by the changing world around him. he desperately tries to restore his family & help lucas recover in the only way he knows how, blindly hoping he'll find the son he lost. and in so doing, abandons the son he's still got. his response to loss sets piss-poor examples for the twins, and spurs both of them to develop as characters themselves - in tragically opposite directions.
flint fucks up horrendously, and the consequences are severe as hell - but everything he does, he does out of love. the way he praises lucas' strength & independence, though deeply misguided, is loving. the way he eagerly tells lucas he's finally found claus, like he earnestly believes it's the one thing that'll make lucas happy again, is loving. flint cares so desperately that it blinds him. when he's portrayed as callous, uncaring, or cruel, it just makes my head spin. y'don't gotta be an outright monster to fail as a parent. sometimes people who care deeply still end up losing their way, and causing irreparable harm. flint is foundational to mother 3's entire central message, by god, the man deserves nuance.
as a bonus, i've seen lotsa folks lament that we didn't get eb64's party member version of flint. suggesting the flint we got is underdeveloped and unlikable by comparison. idk if this is a particularly unpopular opinion or not, but i dearly love flint as he stands. i get the impression a cool action cowboy dad who was present throughout lucas' journey wouldda been a totally different character - which would've changed the game's story & messages significantly. impossible to tell what the writers were cooking back then. it just kinda seems like a "grass is always greener on the other side" kinda deal to me, i guess. and a bummer to disparage the fascinating character we do have, all 'cause we're holding him to the completely different standard of a mysterious heroic cowboy we'll never get to meet.
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etincelleart · 2 months
From what little I've read of the posts about it, I feel very bad for you, but at the same time I'm happy at how well you treated him from the beginning to the end of his life, and I'm sure he was happy all that time too.
Unfortunately grieving is also an important part of loving someone, so don't try to run away from that feeling: if you feel like crying, cry, the same goes for posting things about it here, remembering good times… Just go through the process, taking your time.
Once you feel less bad… Well, look at how you took care of him and had a happy life together! you certainly have few regrets, and the ones you do have, you did your best in that situation, and that's the best way you could have lived with him.
A bad thing about life is that it happens everytime : a really good game or series that came to an end, a friendship that lost touch, an empty plate after lunch…. We can't control how things end, but the way you lived with your cat was the best way to live: you did what you could and enjoyed every moment. Our life may one day end, but nothing takes away our right to make the most of it while we can.
I apologize a million times if this makes you feel worse or anything, I just want to help you to get through this moment and feel better. A big hug, you'll get through this.
It doesn't make me feel worse and I appreciate talking about it so thank you ♥
Honestly I'm just glad this is something I realized ever since I lost my first cat. Fripon isn't the first cat I lose, but he was the one I had a special bond with, even if I was close of the others too. The first cat I lost was closer to my mom and Fripon was basically my cat child, just like Citrouille aha
When you realize that it's so important to enjoy every moment with them, it probably makes things easier because you know you took the time to make them happy. There will always be regrets, especially in the last moments, because you had things to do or maybe you had to go somewhere, but it's so unpredictable so it's hard and I think the last moments will never be perfect... But you still can make it as good as you can as much as you can
That's why when Oskar (the first cat I lost) left, Fripon cried so much because he was really close of him, and I remember playing with him and cludding with him after coming back from high school, even if sometimes I was just tired and wanted to lay in the couch
And I'm not saying all that to say "look what I did" like, it's just to say, spend time with your pets ? I just wish more people could realize how short their lives are and how we're a lot to them, we all have our lives but what they know most of the time is us ?
When we found Citrouille in the garden it's the same too, she was so small and scared, not used to humans, so for a solid month in september I stayed with her to play outside for a few hours until she was ready to come inside. And after that it was also important to idk, spend time and play with her, raise her because it was a baby, just enjoy time with them because they're not just here for decoration
I'm rambling a lot but animals are so important to me, and my cats are my babies and I just learned so much from them, and when they show me trust idk I just feel great to see the impact I had on their lives
So it hurts I had to say goodbye to Fripon in such a brutal way, but I'm at least glad I was here, and I'm happy it was during my vacations so I'm able to process everything, and don't have to deal with anything else, and I was able to say goodbye properly and put him somewhere where we'll plant flowers when the weather's better, and where we put candles. Giving him daisies and violets and his favorite toy, and just be able to say goodbye peacefully is also so important
It's like a family member, I just hope what will remain will be good memories, of him helping me with my studies by acting stupid, or licking my hands, or eating tons of tuna, or purring to ask for more food aha ♥
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groenendaelfic · 9 months
i love YR and i love wille and simon so much but i will be a simon defender till the day i die. i can see both wille’s and simon’s POVs for how they acted but idk as poor POC simon’s actions resonate more with me. regardless, the reason why i say this is because i always see so much more wille support/simon hate online than i do vice versa. im not asking for wille hate but im asking for prepubescent girls to stop supporting wille simply because he’s an attractive white boy. i dont know—maybe im oversimplifying things but what do you think about the split between simom defenders and wille defenders?
I get it. It's not fair but I get it.
Because Simon is all of us.
I might be able to identify more with Wilhelm when it comes to many things, his personality, his anxiety, his temper... but in essence every single one of us will always have more in common with Simon than with Wilhelm.
It doesn't matter how different our lives, upbringings and the small everyday things which shaped and defined us are from Simon's. It doesn't matter how much I see my younger self reflected in Wilhelm, how much I can relate to his struggles (I mean it does, but for this specific argument it doesn't). My life will still always be closer to Simon's than to Wilhelm's.
We are Simon. Simon fucks up. Simon makes mistakes. Far reaching mistakes, and it's always easier to be self-critical and insecure than not to.
I'm Simon. But I wouldn't have done xyz! (I wouldn't, I'd either have done something worse or nothing at all, which might just be worse still.)
Simon is a teen and he makes teen mistakes. Sometimes understandable ones, sometimes stupid ones, sometimes crazy ones.
It's normal. It's relatable, it's every one of us but different. Of course it's easier to be critical of Simon. To 'hate on' Simon. He is us, but he doesn't always act like we would, nor does he act like the idealized version of the beloved character we want him to be.
He's a teenager and he's flawed and he's human. We love him and we want him to be perfect but he isn't. Of course there's Simon 'hate'. It's not okay, but I get it.
Simon is us, but he makes mistakes we, however unconsciously, think we wouldn't. We think we would do better, or at least we hope so, and so we criticize him.
It's not right, but I also get the urge to do so even if I don't approve.
Wilhelm however? Wilhelm is different.
Wilhelm is a prince. Worse, he's a crown prince and future king. He's His Royal Highness The Crown Prince of Sweden, Duke of Some Historical Province or Another.
His entire existence causes a knee-jerk reaction of defensiveness. At least it does in me.
Him being a minor who didn't choose who he was born as helps, but it's not enough. Yes, his life isn't easy. Yes he's living with pressure none of us can understand. Not the irl crown princess and not rwrb's Henry.
But he also has power and privilege and wealth the likes of which we'll never truly be able to comprehend. No matter what he chooses to do once he's an adult, he'll always have that.
Wilhelm's entire existence is a reflection of most of what's wrong with this world. I cannot in good conscience root for him and I shouldn't like him. We shouldn't romanticize and glorify royalty, not even fictional one, because all their wealth, power and privilege is built on our backs and sustained by our backs.
I should hate him, not feel sorry for him. I shouldn't empathize with him.
And yet Wille is my bb and my fav and I love him and he never did anything wrong in his life. Not ever. Wille is perfect. He deserves the world and I'll defend him and his wrongs to the very end of it and damn everything and everyone else.
Because if I start to acknowledge, in all seriousness, that any of his mistakes or wrongs are in fact mistakes and deserve (more) consequences, no matter if it's the fact that he's an objectively bad friend to Felice (I'm already getting super defensive typing these words because Wilhelm, my poor bb, had reasons and deserves to be selfish!) or that you never, ever point any gun at anyone, not ever, or any of his other numerous mistakes, then I'm opening up a Pandora's box I cannot close again.
Yes, he's a teenager and he's flawed and he's human. Yes, he makes stupid, far reaching mistakes. Yes, it's everyone else who hands him his power and privilege. Yes, it's all inherited, as is his wealth, but that doesn't make it alright.
You cannot, in good conscience, root for Wilhelm without also acknowledging or at least being aware of the inherent power dynamics at play, and I'm not only talking about Wilhelm and Simon's relationship, but Wilhelm and everyone, including his mother and the royal court and the entire government.
All three need Wilhelm more than he needs them, and once he fully realizes that he's going to be (even more of) a menace.
Wilhelm doesn't have any political power on paper, but that doesn't mean that his actions can't influence and control the entire Swedish legislature for years. That can be good, sure, at least in the long term, but it'll also take away from much needed other laws etc being discussed and passed, ones which would better the lives of many Swedes directly and immediately. That is scary, because it's real, or it could be.
Wilhelm is a minor and Young Royals is captivating, fictional escapism. But my ardent republican heart (of the non US kind) still struggles with not getting immediately defensive when talking about my love for Wilhelm, because Young Royals is also so real and realistic and a reflection of so many things which are still extremely problematic in our oh so progressive, look at how much worse all the other countries are, can't you be happy with what you've got? part of the world in ways many other shows aren't, and Wilhelm and his rank and title and entire existence are at the heart of it.
The biggest 'problem' Young Royals has is that despite the premise, it is so realistic and relatable and well done. It's almost impossible to escape into the fiction of it to a degree where you can solely focus on the cute boys falling in love and the romantic tragedy of their struggles, without also being at the very least peripherally aware of our reality being reflected in every scene.
Young Royals is romantic and hot and heart-wrenching, but it also criticizes the system and society and shows us exactly how little people like Simon, people like us, matter to the upper class, and it does so from the very first episode in which Simon tries his best to stay strong and tells everyone exactly who the country's biggest welfare receivers are. And he's right.
Simon deserves our defense, our support. But I don't feel the need to. I should, because Simon is not as strong as he wants to be, but he's also a normal teen and nothing is easier than looking down on teenagers and people we can identify with or have things in common with. We all do it all the time, willingly or not, consciously or not, thinking we're better, that we'd do better, no matter how much we love them, because not doing so would mean acknowledging our own faults and flaws, would mean we'd have to admit that Simon is doing the best he can in a way most of us probably wouldn't be able to.
Wilhelm however? I can identify with parts of him despite of everything he stands for and not because, and that is scary, because I don't want to have anything in common with a future hereditary head of state.
I don't want to sympathize with royalty, with people who can control others around them with nothing but words, worse their mere existence. People who, were I to address them in anything other than the third person and with a title, would consider me to be the rude one, as would everyone around us.
And yet I do. I do identify with Wilhelm. I sympathize with him. I think I understand him, but scratching the surface of that is dangerous, because no matter how much we need escapism in these hard times romanticizing royalty, sympathizing with them and thinking they're just like us is not only tricky but dangerous.
It's what the elites want, all of them, while they laugh at our plight and profit off of our hard work. It's what gets horrible people elected president and billionaires turned into cool, dudebro heroes. It's a slippery slope and none of them are the exception, no matter how much they try to convince us otherwise.
Of course we get defensive, of course we're so passionate to highlight that Wilhelm's mistakes are okay and are overly critical of Simon's.
Defending Wilhelm is not rational, it's not logical, and yet it is, which is why I will burn down the world in Wille's defense and serve it to him on a silver platter, because my bb deserves everything and his feelings and struggles are valid and who am I to judge. Wille never did anything wrong.
Finally, I get where you're coming from, but please don't make this about prepubescent girls. Or teenage girls. Being a girl that age is hard. Your body and feelings are changing in ways you don't understand, people suddenly treat you differently. Adults, kids, other teens no matter their gender. You are sexualized, and your intelligence and skills are suddenly only of secondary importance at best. It's scary, and even when it's good it's not safe. You always need to be wary and careful lest you have to pay a price for your joyful inattentiveness, a potentially traumatic, life changing price. Being a prepubescent and teenage girl is also wonderful and freeing and eye opening in the best way, but anything you do or say will always be reduced to silly teenage girl, even by other teenage girls, someone to be made fun of and not taken seriously, when in truth nothing requires more strength and tenacity than surviving as a prepubescent and teenage girl. So if fixating on attractive, unattainable white boys helps? Let them and don't judge, no matter your age or gender. It's not perfect, but it's safe. More, it's a safe way to explore your budding sexuality and bond with others along the way, something which is so important when nothing about being a girl that age ever feels safe, not even when you think you can do anything and know everything. That attractive, unattainable (white) boy? Be it Wilhelm or the current boygroup heartthrob of choice? He is going to reveal private things about himself (most likely made up, but that doesn't invalidate how finding out those facts makes you feel) without demanding a price, you can develop an intense parasocial relationship with him and learn and grow from it, it can help you in many ways which aren't obvious at first (I still keep up with my teenage boygroup and listen to every one of their new albums even though it's been twenty years and I've had musical anhedonia for almost as long), and he will never, ever grope you or insult you or make you feel awkward and insecure, nor will he ever pressure you to do something you're not ready for (unless it's to spend money you don't have on useless stuff you desperately need). Please don't be condescending or judgmental of prepubescent girls, especially ones having to grow up in the age of social media and smartphones everywhere. Fixating on the attractive white boy is a matter of self-defense. It doesn't mean they aren't aware of what they're doing or that doing so isn't ideal. They know. Everyone is constantly telling them and making them feel guilty about it. Please don't be one of them.
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yawnzzznnn · 8 months
My opinion on the riize controversy even tho no one asked
TW: dating rumors : abuse : bullying : cheating : gold digging : using : toxic relationships : sex :
Ok first off the Anton dating rumor, for those who don't know Anton is rumored to be dating Vernon's sister idk how this rumor came about but I do know those two have been friends for awhile now and honestly I don't care like let the dude have female friends like I understand he's a new artist but that doesn't mean he's not human
Secondly the Sohee bar rumor, for those who don't know Sohee was rumored to go to a sex(?) Bar when he was a minor users dug up an old photo from Instagram and his caption had a curse word in it that's not what the focus is tho people say Sohee went to the sex bar to pick up girls and get drunk. I mean they could be true but who cares he was a teenager like you can't tell me as when you were a teen or are a teen we all want a little rush and for all we know Sohee could have had terrible friends Wich leads into the bullying rumors like they could have influenced him into doing things Sohee just don't seem like the type but you never know we'll see has time goes on.
Thirdly the Seunghan dating rumor, oh gosh this one..it keeps getting worse for those who don't know Seunghan is currently under fire for having pictures of him and his ex girlfriend kissing people say she was a minor and he wasn't but that was proven to be false they were both minors at the time with a 2 year age gap her being the youngest, to address this part of the story honestly who cares 😭 he was a kid he didn't know he was gonna become as big as he has like he can't see the future so really idk why people are so pissed at him. Moving on to the gold digging cheating and abusive side of the story, during the ex girlfriend rumors someone brought up him using his girlfriends for money cheating on them and gold digging there proof being a person who looks like him in the window I honestly don't think he did cheat abuse or use or gold dig I mean poor guy had to take a break from group activities because of this the company covered it as a "health" reason but the timing was weird, and when he came back he was seen crying before the activity started but idk lemme know your opinion.
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sucantslay · 2 months
Aoba Tsumugi analysis ( from the animation )
Most sources will be taken from the Reminiscences Selection ELEMENT ( animation? Anime? Idk, I'm not good at this )
As I promised, we'll be talking about Aoba today~
So, there is A LOT TO TALK ABOUT after episode 5. Like, when Aoba was asking: "This contract says that along with Nagisa and Hiyori, I will also quit fine after today's Live. It is a mistake?" And what happened after that! LIKE, the whole thing, the- the- I don't know how to make you understand, but that point just HIT. Every other episode, make this moment come to life. What Tsumugi wants, what he wishes for, it breaks, I can hear as the crack start to take form.
Alright, that is my thought on the last episode, but let's get into the real part, shall we?
I want you to know that this is MY PERSONAL way of viewing Tsumugi, so if you don't enjoy it, feel free to think differently.
Also...this is a deep dive, it gonna get dark and some suicidal thoughts will be mention, so consider it before going into this.
Firstly: Tsumugi IS in a state of depression and it is not the "He looks just like a happy guy so everyone thought he was just fine."
Is a really heavy case, hard to depict but once you take a real close look at it, you'll find that this is nothing but deep and doom.
Like, is not a thing that can be stopped just by some cheer and joy, this is something already deep within him, and this "depression" is not even recognized as a (mental form of) sickness anymore. The owner of the body takes it in and lets the daunting bloom, so much so that it has become a forest in his heart, a forest that grows so strong and can't be easily cut down.
The ways he talks, the ways he treats himself just said it all. Like, the heart had already consumed it and made it a part of him.
And no, it isn't because of the last episode, it was there from the very beginning, and never did it fade away.
Tsumugi doesn't like himself, but it is not the hateful ways, is a way of absolute denial. Treats himself like a stranger, living not for him but for someone else purpose.
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And that the way he keeps himself from dying. Away from all that suicide.
When Eichi gave him a purpose, he took it. He sacrificed everything because he had nothing to lose.
He wasn't even there for himself. He just...a soulless body. Because Tsumugi thinks he was nothing but, a body, a hollow living being that needs to be useful to this world.
If not, was it even matter to keep living?
Tsumugi was blindly following Eichi, but that doesn't make him a puppet. It also serves Tsumugi's purpose in one way or not.
Because Tsumugi is desperate for something, that if he keep living and breathing like this, he need a purpose. Better or worse, Tsumugi was not yet to end himself all thanks to that contract of Eichi.
It tide Tsumugi to something, pulling him away from the thought of death. And he was, for a moment, feeling the happiness of having friends again.
That why he looks so blindly when following Eichi. He doesn't look for the reason, he doesn't care to think about the matter of why Eichi would befriend him.
All his cares is this body starved of joy and purpose to live on had finally been filled up.
Secondly: all the above also explains why he was so happy all the time.
It actually really messes up...but, I really, really want to talk about it so-
The reason for his ways of happiness isn't because Eichi gave him a reason to live. That was one thing, but other? Well...
That because he just accepts it. He accepts this dark and hateful side of himself and just goes: "Oh well, I guess I just wasn't that matter after all."
As I already told you about, Tsumugi accepted it, he didn't show any sign of fighting back in any of the episodes at all. This means that it already happened before the episode 1 event.
Tsumugi just...accept that he's the pain in everyone a*s, even for himself.
My art teacher once told me that: "If the owner, who made this art doesn't even love it, how do you expect everyone to?"
It relates to Tsumugi so much. That if, he didn't even love himself, who will...
He can't no longer be saved, that why he smiles, that why he always look so cheerful. Because sad or not, who would care?
If not even matter to him, then everything else just seen like a lost cost.
If everything falls, it simply is. Life will keep on moving, with or without him.
So, that is it. That why he was so cheerful all the time.
Even if he got hurt, got a cut, fell down from somewhere, and broke his bone, he'll keep on smiling. Because...tomorrow will come...it doesn't matter if he dead or alive. Things will keep happening, so why be sad?
Thirdly: You can get mad at Tsumugi for all you want at the library when Natsume and Tsumugi was having a fight ( Episode 4 )
Tsumugi wasn't evil. Yes, he is, to Natsume. But not to himself nor to me...
The ways he depicts it just...tell:
This fight is like a fish and a bird having fight, because the two are aiming for something different. This was not the same, so both did not understand each other word. Tsumugi happily let it pass, but Natsume don't.
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While Natsume care for the 5 Eccentric. Tsumugi was doing his duties. His new purpose was to make the school a better place.
It was Eichi's fault, but it was also Tsumugi who decided to follow him on his own wishes for a purpose. It was never a one side thing.
That why, in this moment when he said:
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He was never...being...mean. Nor was it the effect of Eichi's manipulation to make him become this evil. He just really buy into that plan of Eichi and follows it nicely.
He was never a kind being in the first place, his hands were filled with blood after the war, and he understand the action he had made.
He's his own living, who had a reason for following Eichi. I hope you did not take my word for fun and understand how well-written Tsumugi is. Alright?
Lastly: The "This contract says that along with Nagisa and Hiyori, I will also quit fine after today's Live. It is a mistake?" really broke me from the inside...
Because being together with Eichi was very happy for Tsumugi, and he wish this could continue forever...yet Eichi had other plans.
Decided to send Tsumugi away from his after the war ended.
To Eichi, Tsumugi was just like Nagisa and Hiyori. Got tied in by the contract, and after fine had done its work, Eichi wanted to set everyone free.
But to Tsumugi, it...not. He wasn't being held as this suffering hosted at all, he wished he could stay, as fine, as Eichi's friend and continue to fight aside him.
That's why it hurt. It hurt me so badly that both of them wanted the best for the other but couldn't understand what that person was in need of.
Bringing not just Eichi but also Tsumugi to suffer in silence. All on their own. Eichi wants to push Tsumugi away because he thinks that good for him, not to be stuck with this sick person who is a moment from going back to the hospital. Tsumugi wants to stay, because of all that time, they're now friend, this connection that can't be destroyed by the end of a contract, but to Eichi, it can.
To Eichi, the: "Who would want to befriend me if they don't want something from me."
And Tsumugi the: "I want to be useful to everyone."
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It...a pain to see that moment, when it breaks.
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It was a good friendship, but they couldn't understand it at that time. And when it already ends, Eichi regrets it.
Tsumugi, who is hurt, still stays with him. Eichi just ended it on his own. All along.
AllllllRUFHTTTTTT. That it for today! Thank you for reading this ~
I hope all TsumugiP have a happy night! ( It 22:00 here- help- I got a deadline to run for- But since I promise y'all so...)
Good night~ Good morning ~ Good day!
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boowritess · 1 year
okay but wouldn't it be funny if-
before Alejandro and Rudy got together, when Alejandro was in his Valeria phase; all the Los Varquaro's just didn't like Alejandro. everyone either had some idea or feeling that Alejandro and Rudy were a perfect duo, like the sun and moon, sky and earth, popcorn and movies, dance and song etc etc.
even if Alejandro and Rudy were both completely unaware, their soldiers knew. they knew and were absolutely livid when Alejandro and Valeria happened.
"dad-is-cheating-on-dad." like a hive mind this went rampant. and suddenly Los Vaquero's are half assing everything Alejandro is asking of them. being absolutely, unnecessary petty towards him, and when Valeria is on base, ohhh my days. the pair never get a moment alone because all of a sudden Alejandro is needed for the most smallest of things.
Los Varquaro's barging into Alejandro's office where he and Valeria are, every five seconds. "hey colonel! where's the toliet paper?" "do you want to come spar?" "can you come get the spider?" "alejandro! you need to look at this!" etc etc.
or, when Alejandro and Valeria find a small slither of peace, but they are interuppted again. all of a sudden the soldiers aren't listening to Rudy and Rudy has to go fetch Alejandro, but one of the soliders steps in to get him so their favorite dad didn't have to see their father cheat on him. this happens everytime Alejandro and Valeria are together on base.
oh and yes the Los Varquaro's are definetly sucking up to Rudy.
Los Vaquero's:
Dad we went out today and got your favourite chocolates oh and some of the snacks that you like!
We cleaned your weapons and your gear!
Dad we're cooking dinner! It's your favourite!
Oh you want us to do that? Of course we can! What do you mean other dad asked us to do that thing an hour ago? Oh strange don't remember!
Can we help with that?
Dad can we sleep in here tonight? What do you mean no!? Dad! We'll sleep on the ground!
There are always soldiers close by to Rudy. He's never alone. They are always hovering behind Rudy, this is especially worse when Alejandro is trying to spend time with Rudy and someone is always lingering by, or involving themselves. Also when Alejandro, Valeria and Rudy are together, one or a group of Los Varquaro's would swoop in. Whether to save Rudy or butt themselves into conversation.
Rudy figures out the reason for their change in behavior when he spots a few soldiers brushing off Alejandro's requests, others glaring at both Alejandro and Valeria. Los Vaquero's commanding officer, who was loved, respected and admired by the Los Varquaro's suddenly became the most detested. and it broke Alejandro because he didn't understand why.
One night, Rudy encourages Alejandro to go out with Valeria, there's a lot of things to do on base, but Rudy is adament. so Alejandro goes. While Rudy gathers all of the Los Vaquero's in one room.
They are terrified. they get the lecture of their fucking lives. are reminded why Los Vaquero's exists, reminded of everything Alejandro has sacrificed for them, has done everything for them, has given Los Vaquero's everything he can and so much more. he doesn't ask why tbey have been doing the things they do. he knows why. they expect a punishment and are shitting themselves because when rudy wants too, his punishments are fucking brutal. but at the end they get,
"thank you. thank you for being the most caring, loyal, respected, people i've ever had the pleasure of working with. for caring and trying to protect me. i'm proud of each of you. i will not tell you all what to do. you know what's right."
then he wishes them all a good night, turning away. somehow getting no punishment was worse for the Los Varquaro's.
a day later, everything changes. Alejandro is met with no resistance, soldiers doing as told again, even being more welcoming to Valeria.
idk i just think it would be cute if the Los Varquaro's went fucking guard dog for Rudy
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gir-posting · 2 years
pls rant about tim burton, i gots to know
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(casually vibrates) my god what a rant you're gonna get
i was raised by two giant horror nerds so naturally i was pretty much raised on tim burton. so full disclosure this is coming from a place of disenchantment and sincere disappointment
i think the second i went to see ms peregrine's home for peculiar children is the exact second i got disenchanted with his stupid gimmick that hasn't worked for over 20 years now. because in the first five minutes they change exactly one word from the book that ruins the entire rest of the movie: very suspiciously they decided to make the protagonist polish instead of jewish! which is interesting! because ms. peregrine's is an entire story about the proliferation of antisemitism in the modern day which becomes completely pointless when you remove the jewish context from the story. and i know exactly why they did it too: they knew that they had to keep in something about world war 2, because IT IS A VERY BIG TOPIC IN THE STORY. but ohhhh nooo we can't make our protag a jew :( i know :) we'll make him polish instead the polish were oppressed by the nazis too :)) it immediately put a bad taste in my mouth and ive never been the fucking same with tim burton's bullshit since. (and that's not even getting into the fact that they made the only black character in the story one of the flesh eating monsters :/ which apparently aren't the nazis anymore because ohhh we can't discuss antisemitism actually sorry so where does that leave us. huh.)
speaking of antiblackness, did you know that in his willy wonka movie, he BROUGHT BACK the racist backstory for the oompa-loompas? the one that THEY FULLY CUT OUT in the 70s because of the civil rights movements going on? and all this combined with his comment that black people don't "fit his aesthetic" really just makes me want to bury him alive. lol!!
SPEAKING of his aesthetic: IT JUST FUCKING SUCKS. FOR TWENTY YEARS THIS "AESTHETIC" HES BEEN LEANING ON SO HARD HAS BEEN GARBAGE FROM A TOILET THAT'S ONLY EVER WORKED A SINGLE TIME. i hate the dim washed out gray tones with ~just a little pop of color~ because 9 times out of 10 he does NOTHING with it. it's just ugly! the only time i can genuinely think of where it was used in an actually interesting way was sleepy hollow cuz in that one apparently they made the fucked up blood in that tree bright orange to make it pop more. which is cool! IT HAS NEVER BEEN INTERESTING SINCE.
and the thing is i know he has the capability to make good interesting movies! unless beetlejuice was a fluke! which is a very likely chance! i can't understand how the man who made beetlejuice could possibly end up becoming the man who just KEEPS CHURNING OUT THE SAME SCHLOCK OVER AND OVER.
idk how to properly transition into this but i have to rant about this too: you know how people constantly have to correct others on who actually directed nightmare before christmas? how henry selick did literally all of the heavy lifting only for tim burton to slap his name on it and get all the credit, so that even today people still think it is Tim Burton's movie? well i watched a documentary on it (the movies that made us) and it actually gets so much worse than that! IT GETS WORSE!
not only did tim burton not actually direct the movie (complications with directing his batman movie which lead to him not Having Time for it i guess,) the only times he ever actually showed up for the production was to YELL AT PEOPLE. TO THROW AN ACTUAL FIT. during the documentary they went into how apparently a background artist showed up to give him some concept art and burton just...... threw all his work in the trash...... because the art wasn't as angular and colorless as he was imagining. IN THE TRASH.
the only other time he interacted with the crew was near the end of production where they showed him the ending they had worked on. in his stead the ending they wrote up was that the mad scientist was actually oogie boogie all along. is that kind of a weak ending? sure, i really don't like it myself, it doesn't make sense and kind of takes away from the other shit he does in the movie. do you know what i wouldn't do if i was presented with that kind of ending?
and either way i still reaaaaally don't think what he came up with was all that great either!
like maybe this is just my opinion, but the tone in this clip isn't present in ANY OTHER part of the movie. oogie boogie dissolving into thousands of disgusting bugs feels completely detached from the silly kind of uncanny musical ft danny elfman as a sad skeleton man. it's almost like..... the person who wrote it...... wasn't actually involved in the entire rest of the movie................ :///
needless to say the news about him getting his stupid hands on the addams family devastated me and i will not be touching that shit with a 30 foot pole. cool gomez! i don't trust you to treat him properly given your stupid racist history!
tldr: not only is tim burton a racist antisemitic uncreative artist i think the fact that he is this much of a bitch to work with just really puts a cherry on top of the whole thing. my god what a shitshow.
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problemswithbooks · 8 months
It’s so obvious hori only has no problem with killing off non lov villains, if it’s hero or lov they all got ridiculous amounts of plot armor. stain getting killed off by afo is exactly what I expected, how else can hori show that afo is not just a punching bag for every damn hero of every level? look! afo can actually kill someone super easy!
sorry, just can’t find this exciting
Yeah, I totally agree.
As I said in my previous post I always expected Stain to die (or just be forgotten about/thrown back jail). I was never someone who thought my fav would have a happy ending. In most media I consume my favorite character is usually a low level villain that gets killed, so I'm more then used to it. Him dying isn't my issue--it's how lazy and little story impact it had.
Some of my other favorite characters that have died have been Greed, and Kimblee from FMA, Nnoitra and Tesla from Bleach and Han'nya from Rurouni Kenshin.
All of these had deaths that either matter plot wise or were given emotional impact. None of these characters are particularly big players when it comes to screen time, especially Han'nya and Tesla who were essentially side-kicks. Yet, their deaths are given a decent focus and/or effect the plot/themes of the work.
Hori did try--I will give him that. He did have Stain think something somewhat sentimental and sort of pray, but it's just not really enough. All might wanted to save him, sure, but after he gets killed, All Might is then the main focus and his death is pretty much dropped. It doesn't effect All Might and why should it when Stain wasn't really given much personality besides 'crazy guy' even right before he died.
And I saw that someone said in my last post, I was jumping the gun and Stain could be alive--which, yeah, I guess Hori could pull another Gran Torino and hand-wave him back from what clearly looked like his upper body being turned into mush, but why would he?
The reason I think Stain is super dead is because he's so unimportant. Hori has given him zero story value. Even him helping the Heroes with Info was rendered pointless because Star reset the clock for them. Nor has he done anything to expand his character past 'insane murder man'. Heck, I'd argue he actually had more nuance when he first showed up then he did in his last chapter, that continued to paint him as an All Might obsessed weirdo (which isn't me saying he shouldn't hold AM up as an ideal, but maybe not have him remember his scent and sniff rocks--he could have just watched and seen which blood was AfO's).
There's very little reason to bring him back in, especially since he has no Quirk and would be super injured. The only reason to have him pop back up alive is to save All Might again and get a slightly better death scene. But then the one we just watched is rendered even worse because it was a waste of time.
And I guess Hori could just say he survived at the very end, but again what would be the point? To go back to jail? I don't see anyone but the main LoV getting off scot-free, so this would only make the situation look worse, since Stain actually tried to the Heroes (twice) and gets prison time, meanwhile the LoV who were helping AfO up until the very last minute get nothing. It would be equally weird to have him just pop up at the end and get a panel saying he was also rehabilitated when Hori never painted him as anything but a crazy killer. Like it'd need a bit more of an explanation, then i think Hori wants to spend time on.
IDK, I just think he could have given Stain's death a bit more oomph--mainly by giving a little flashback to his childhood. It would have helped with the theme of villains having been kids once, while also showcasing how much AM mattered to him.
But I guess we'll see how things go. Maybe Hori will surprise us and have Stain do something in the vestige world because AfO stole his Quirk. I doubt it but who the hell knows, Hori is unpredictable.
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enchantedblackrose · 1 year
Holding On
Part 1 of ?
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Gif credit @haileyupstead
Jay Halstead/Fem Reader
Summary: Your marriage to Jay is crumbling. You have to do what's best for not only you, but your young daughter.
Warnings: hints of alcohol abuse if you squint, um idk kinda angsty, bad writing.
Holding On
Part 1
Jay does his best to be quiet, gently closing the door behind him. The whole house is dark. It appears you haven't bothered staying up for him, not that he blames you; it was late. He slips off his shoes, stepping into the living room. He suddenly holds his breath, because even in the darkness he senses your presence. You sitting downstairs without the lights on was never a good sign.
You stand from the couch, arms slightly raised in front of you, attempting to deescalate things before they even start. "I really don't want to fight. I just need you to listen. You didn't call, Jay. Again."
"No, just listen. You promised me. You're a detective in Chicago and that's terrifying and you never check in anymore to say you're okay, that you're just running late. I'm tired of worrying about you. It's not just us anymore. And it hasn't been for almost 4 years," your hand unnecessarily gestures upstairs, referring to your daughter who is asleep in her bed. "I'm done. Mia and I will move out."
Jay lets out an inaudible scoff, "Y/n."
"I told you. Begged you, even. Then I warned you Jay. You don't talk to me anymore. You don't call, or text, you don't come home on time, and tonight? You can't even try to tell me it was about a case. Sylvie called, mentioned seeing you at Molly's. How many times is that just this month? You go out after work, never bothering to let me know. I understand; I get going out sometimes. But I don't get not letting me know. What's worse is, you're never with us. Not just physically. When you are here, you're not present. It's not fair. I'm done. Papers are on the kitchen table."
"Papers?" He asks brows furrowed.
"Divorce papers."
He turned, though he can't see them, enough light from the lamppost outside the dining room window trickles in to cast a gleam off your rings.
Jay swallows hard. "Y/n. Can't we talk about this? This is-"
"We have talked.  Or at least I have. For months I've been asking you to let me in," you sigh, hating that it had come to this. "Listen, I'll sleep down here tonight. Mia has a play date tomorrow morning. You can have breakfast with her, then we'll talk. Figure out some things. But this is happening."
"No. I mean, yes. But I'll take the couch tonight. And you and Mia should stay here. This is her home and we...I....messed this up enough. No need to upset her life more than we're about to.
"This isn't all on you, Jay," you say softly. "And I am sorry. I do love you. But this isn't a marriage anymore."
Jay nodded vigorously to keep from crying. 
"Can I-?" Your arms tentatively opened for an embrace.
"Always," Jay steps forward. His strong arms wrap around you. You hold onto him tightly, ignoring the doubts that start to creep in just from being near him. You cannot and will not allow even a moment of second guessing if you're doing the right thing. You both cry.
"I'm sorry y/n. I'm so sorry."
"Daddy, daddy!" Three year old Mia plops down onto a barely conscious Jay's stomach. A small oof escapes Jay's lips as he suppresses a groan. 
"Daddy did you sleep on the couch? Why you not sleep in bed?"
Jay wipes the sleep from his eyes and shifts Mia so he can sit up and have her on his lap. A quick glance at you tells him this isn't the time. He ruffles Mia's head affectionately. "I got home really late, baby girl. I didn't want to wake Mommy so I stayed down here."
"Oh. I want chocolate cereal to eat!" She slides off his lap. You and Jay look at each other, marveling at the ways of toddlers.
Jay swoopes her up and she giggles. "How bout Daddy makes you pancakes?" He places her in her seat at the kitchen table as you follow in.
"No I want chocolate cereal."
"Not today, sweetie."
There's a small pause. "I want pancakes!"
"Good choice," he chuckles.
Mia happily chats to you both as Jay fixes pancakes and you slice some bananas and strawberries. She has a lot to say. Some of it is nonsensical, but it's clear she's happy. Jay listens contentedly knowing there might not be another morning like this in his near future.
After breakfast, you get Mia ready for her playdate. You change her clothes, help her brush her teeth, braid her hair and pack a bag with snacks and toys she wants to share with her friend. Jay finishes cleaning just as Mia returns downstairs.
"Daddy, look at me!" She twirls around to best show off her outfit and points to the large bow in her hair.
"You look pretty, baby. Come here." He scoops her up. "You wanna play while we wait for Liv and her mommy to pick you ?"
"Yay! Play!" Mia squirms out of Jay's arms only to take him by the hand and lead him to her toys.
The two build towers out of blocks until there's a knock at the door. A shrill squeal of delight escapes your daughter as she runs for the door. 
"Not so fast," you laugh as you pick her up before answering the door. Your close friend, Vicki and her daughter, Olivia stand there with smiles. You let Mia down after instructing her to say bye to her dad. She gives him a big hug and a kiss, before running back to you. You make sure to grab her bag before you take her hand, leading her outside. You get Mia settled into her carseat and give her a kiss, while reminding her to behave. Vicki hugs you and reminds you that you can call if you need anything. You haven't even told her everything, preferring your marital problems to stay between you and Jay,  but from what you have shared with her, she knows that you needed to hear it. You thank her, wave goodbye and return back to the house. 
You close the door behind you, trying you're absolute best to mentally prepare for the conversation you're about to have.
"So," Jay awkwardly draws out the word, shifting his weight to the other foot. "This is what you want?" He has a duffel bag across his shoulder and a box in his hands.
"Of course not. But something has to change."
He sighs. "I'm going to stay with Will for a bit. Just don't give up on us, yn. Don't give up on me. Please?" His green eyes, shining with tears, bore into you, pleading.
You exhale slowly, then open the door for him...
Goes without saying, but please reblog and please, please lmk what you think!
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kitchenisking · 2 years
Fic Rec🥰
Oh, Alpha of Mine by whentheywrite - (Rating: Mature, Words: 9806, sterek)
When the alpha came for him, it was at the library. But Stiles had never wanted the bite.
It’s Not Pretend When It’s Real by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)  - (Rating: T, Words: 32742, sterek)
“At least we got this far,” Stiles argued. “Could’ve been worse. For now, they know he’s taken by someone in the pack.”
“Mm hm,” Lydia said, giving him a look. “You realize that you are now going to have to pretend to date Derek, right?” 
Stiles rolled his eyes. “Oh no, what a hardship. That sucks, boo hoo.” He motioned Derek emphatically. “He’s like, my best friend.” 
“Hey!” Scott insisted. 
“He’s like, my second best friend,” Stiles amended. “It’s fine, we’ll figure it out. Right?” He turned to grin at Derek, who was scowling at him.
Stop Crossing Oceans by greenleaf - (Rating: Mature, Words: 11654, sterek)
“There are no absolutes, Scott! No hard rights or hard wrongs! The world doesn’t fucking work that way and we can’t afford to think like that, because people are going to die! We signed up for that the moment we got involved with all this!”
“We? We?” Scott hisses. “Don’t you think you? Don’t forget that you’re the one who dragged us into that forest the night it all started, Stiles. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.”
Something inside Stiles cracks, so strong and so deep that he practically hears it.
don't know what i'm supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you) bycrazyassmurdererwall (smartalli) - (Rating: T, Words: 30926, sterek)
Stiles sees dead people. Yep. Seriously. 
(He’s got this. He’s totally got this. So what if one of them is Derek’s mom?)
We'll be Better Around the Second Time by Cantabo - (Rating: Mature, Words: 26589, sterek)
It's been months. Months of fading contact with the pack. Months of the silent treatment from his father. Months of nothing but himself and the occasional lesson with Deaton to entertain him. 
It's too much, and eventually, Stiles leaves.
For years, everything goes great, until of course his dad gets injured, and he is suddenly forced to deal with people he thought he left behind in his past for good.
OR: Stiles gets pushed out of the pack, hits the road, makes new friends, learns how to grow up, and falls in love.
Part of the Pack by JusteAmusant - (Rating: Mature, Words: 13035 sterek)
Season one of Teen Wolf, seen through Sterek-colored glasses. Canon Divergence after season 1 idk there's slow burn Sterek and a puppy, and way more Derek sneaking in through Stiles' window
“He could have shifted in front of them,” Derek hisses. “That means they find out about him, and in turn find out about me.” He pauses. “What the hell is that?”
“It’s a washing machine, what the hell does it look like? It’s a puppy.”
In which Derek is a struggling Alpha, but still the Pack Dad, and oh god, does that mean Stiles is the pack mom?
cool story, bro by drunktuesdays - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 13087, sterek)
Based on a truly ridiculous conversation with Kalpurna about a hypothetical Stilinski Twins situation that ended up sounding something like: 
“FUUUUUUCK, is it a sweet valley high situation where Stiles is very aware that his twin is way more attractive and confident than he is, EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE IDENTICAL, and he always ends up with the hotter significant others and more friends and Stiles guesses that's why he's attracted to the pack at first, because it's something that's just his, not his twin's too. But of course, Stiles's twin gets bit and now he's part of Derek's pack, and Derek doesn't snap at him like he snaps at Stiles, never slams him into things, fucking FIGURES, STILES'S TWIN GETS EVERYTHIIIIIIIING.”
Kalpurna/good ideas OTP.
Slugs, and Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails by yodasyoyo - (Rating: T, Words: 8116, sterek)
Written for the prompt:
kid!Derek being super taken with kid!Stiles. And their interactions.
But I'm Only Human by spaceprincessem - (Rating: T, Words: 3266, sterek)
“Who did this to you?”
He watched Stiles flinch, taking a small step backwards with wide, fearful eyes. Derek felt his heart ache and he used all of his will power, the sweet lingering scents of vanilla and cinnamon, to anchor himself.
“Derek?” Stiles asked, his voice trembling slightly.
“Stiles,” Derek said hesitantly reaching out, the boy's bruised and bloodied face illuminated in the street lights, “who did this to you?”
Blood is (Not) Thicker Than Water by Anxiety_Baker02 - (Rating: T, Words: 78000, sterek) (this fic is just so so good!!!!!!!!!🙈🥰😍)
Stiles hasn’t seen his extended family in years- mostly because they’re assholes. His cousins bully him relentlessly, and his aunts and uncles aren’t much better. So when he hears that they’re coming out for a family reunion, he’s understandably upset. He knows the next week is going to be hell, and it’s made worse when a new pack shows up, vowing revenge on their pack. 
Also, Sterek happens.
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superanimepirate · 4 months
PJO TV Show Live Reactions Part 3
I'm out of Chocolate chip cookies, but I did have cereal and I'm ready for Medusa
Oh, and this is not spoiler free for the books and possible future TV show events
Oh the attic is creepy and the oracle is creepier I love it.
Ah Baby's first Quest and Oracle Visitation
Oh they didn't show the rest of the prophecy. Interesting? I'm not sure why exactly, I guess so we can find out later?
Oh he's actually choosing his companions. Oh he didn't wait for Annabeth that was cute.
Wait so Blackjack is just...at Camp? Does Luke steal him later?
Poor Grover on scooper duty. Of course Percy would choose him tho.
Oh! Ok there's the prophecy. He's worried about the friend betrayal. I don't if he thinks it will be Annabeth, since he had that little speech about trusting her to do what was needed to be done?
I love the Poseidon Cabin its so pretty! There's a water feature!
Oh. Hello. Luke
Oh I like the animation on the shows that's cute.
Oh. Yeah. I knew Percy was considering Luke. I'm so glad he chose Grover, who knows how that would have turned out. It...probably would be really bad actually.
Wait. Something I've never actually considered of before, can Grover talk to Thalia's spirit that's in the tree? Does the tree have a dryad? Don't all tree's have dryads? But Thalia's is a special tree. Huh.
Percy be nice! Before Annabeth smacks you lol, Thalia is a bit of a touchy subject, though I understand the comment of gods and saving Thalia.
Oh, we've cut out Argus?
Oh Annabeth is being difficult but it's kind of adorable. Grover...what are you doing? I mean, its adorable, but what?
Never split the party!
Hello old Mrs. Dodds. Annabeth, don't antagonize the fury
Oh, HoO foreshadowing?
Wait Percy, why bring the shoes in a box? Instead of wearing them or giving them to Grover?
"I didn't even know New Jersey had forests, but we found one!" Walker Scobell has somehow harvested the spirit of Percy Jackson, I fear he may be unstoppable
Pfft Oh Percy, you think you can just...call a goddess?
Grover the vegetarian is investigating someone cooking hamburgers on a Satyr path. Ok
Oh the statues actually look pretty cool
Hello again, Mrs Dodds
Oh, we've got her actually name now, cool. Hello Auntie Em. I'm really liking the actress already
Oh we aren't beating around the bush ok Hello Medusa
Ok, so far I'm loving this version of Medusa, but I wonder if we well get the meta commentary on how monsters take out grudges on the children of the gods, since she at least claims she won't do that to Annabeth. In this, did Annabeth get tormented by spiders
Annabeth, don't antagonize the gorgon
Medusa's story time! I'm glad they kept that she was a priestess for Athena, but they took out the screwing around in Athena's temple, or did I misunderstand that? Or maybe that's what Annabeth is talking about, calling her a liar? IDK there have been many versions of that story, including one that paints Poseidon in a very bad light and Athena in an even worse one so...
Oh, what are you offering Medusa? This is creepy and I love it
Creepy basement full of statues. Lovely
I'm not sure if I love or hate that Medusa is still beautiful in this instead of ugly
Oh the invisibility hat! That's smart!
Love that they used it against Alecto
But I'm still waiting for Percy to be Impertinent
Uncle Ferdinand! :(
Bury it in the basement? That's not impertinent. And would lose Annabeth her hat. Thank you Grover, they both need to hear this, I love Grover.
Ah, there it is. The betrayl line. It makes sense it would bother him during this quest.
Oh so Percy and Annabeth had monsters trying to turn them on eachother, is it Grover's turn? Will it be the Pink Poodle Gloriosa?
Ah. There's the impertinence. I love sending the head to Olympus, but I'm not sure how I'm going to feel about using that head against Gabe, he doesn't seem very abusive in this version, though abusers don't always go 100 % all the time so I guess we'll see
Percy is singing the song!!! These kids are too cute for this dangerous quest
Hermes! Oh are we going to see the delivery next episode? At least Hermes seems amused.
I like the ending song, and the credits still slaps
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theblondebondd · 10 months
some thoughts on this cap run since it's coming to an end now ( finally ).
there are just so many things about sentinel of liberty & cold war that were terrible. the amount of wasted time ( ten issues and majority of them are just filler bs that doesn't do any good ), killing roger, the lack of actual development - steve has friends now out of nowhere ; bucky is...well everything was wrong with bucky ; the overcomplicated, under explained outer circle lore - the lies the writers tweeted to hype up the run only for the majority of it to never happen, killing roger, everything to do with sharon, the lack of accountability being held against bucky and peggy, ian being brought back with no explanation and then...not wanting to see his family after years?? for some reason?? KILLING ROGER.
murdering roger so callously has to take the cake as the worst part. then to have his funeral be as disrespectful as it was? ( really? all you could have namor muster up was that " he was gorgeous "? one of his oldest friends, and that's ALL he'd have to say? ) and the poem steve says is fine, or at least would be if we'd seen him grieving at all this entire time since roger's death. but he hasn't been. ( the only person we even saw openly react to roger's death was sharon and we'll get into how stupid that is later ).
then there's the little shit :
the fact that they mentioned shipping steve and bucky, even though comic steve and bucky are a father and son duo
them having peggy basically call natasha a slut and get away with it
the weird " did steve or did steve not cheat on sharon with emma " jokes when he didn't
peggy actively pointing a GUN at emma and preparing to fire and then being told by everyone that that's okay & not being questioned for why she'd be so adversive to get out of literal mind control
bucky shooting steve and then dropping him off a building and having the nerve to ask why he's upset with him
need i go on with those?
now back to roger because again, everything that had to do with him in this story was...ugh. it's bad enough to take a character out of comic limbo just to kill him, even worse when he's one of marvel's many underappreciated and underused gay characters. but how do you make it even more disrespectful, i wonder? oh, i know, having your lead female character say, in her eulogy about him, that he was " a damn mess " when she admits to only knowing him for a week, and then that looking at him was " like looking in a mirror ", and comparing his experiences as a gay man in the 40s, to hers as a woman in the 60s ( is it still 60s? idk, i think so. points still stands ) and then having her confidently steal the spotlight from him at his funeral to show off that she's taking on his mantle. what were they even thinking? not only is it blatantly ooc, but it's just plain gross and cruel. it shows that they never cared about roger, or steve, or sharon, or anyone in that book, like they claimed to.
there are ultimately no words for how much i hate this run at this point, and i am confident in believing that finale #1 will only make it worse.
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