#and he keeps saying the most unhinged things thinking no one can hear him
patolemus · 27 days
I've been thinking the past few days about how, after the scene in s2 where these huge chains fall from Stiles' locker, everyone in school thinks he's either in a gang or into some very deep BSDM, and there's like this tally that goes around where people annotate things they've heard him say and debate over why it points to one or the other.
I mean, someone will hear him say human sacrifices and they'll immediately go 'alright so this guy is roleplaying some very hardcore stuff', but then someone else will hear him say something like we gotta find the bodies and then it's like... maybe not roleplaying?
Werewolf? Depending on the context, it's a code word or the name of a rival gang (his gang??), or like some weird kink no one's sure they want to know much about.
Also, Derek Hale is definitely involved somehow, but this doesn't help clarify whether Stiles is in a gang or if he and Derek are just into some very kinky shit. There's a tally on that, too.
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arieslost · 4 months
fireproofs | ln4
summary: lando norris is hot and the 2024 fireproofs drive you crazy.
word count: 756
warnings: suggestive comments
masterlist — join my tag list here!
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you’ve been grateful to mclaren for many things over the years, but aside from a fast car, this has to be the best gift they’ve bestowed upon you.
you don’t think it’s an exaggeration when you say that your jaw unhinged the first time you saw lando wearing the new black fireproofs that mclaren has him and oscar in for the 2024 season. he’d sent you pictures, along with a text saying, “what do you think? 👀”
you’d responded with “yeah, not bad” and subsequently spent the next half hour screaming into your pillow. you were able to save face over text, but now that testing is here, you’re a lost cause.
you’d seen lando in black fireproofs before, but something about this year is different. something about him is different. he’s more confident, more determined, and he somehow managed to fill out even more during winter break.
lando had felt bad for mclaren’s car launch sabotaging your valentine’s day, so while you were in the middle of insisting that it wasn’t a big deal, he was booking you a plane ticket to join him in bahrain for the grand prix and testing the week before.
so now, you’re twiddling your thumbs as you sit in your boyfriend’s driver room, both anxious to see him before his testing session begins and hoping he’ll be occupied on the pit wall for just a little longer so you can figure out how to keep your composure once he changes into his race suit.
“you’re still here?” it comes out like half an exclamation and half a question as lando slips into the room.
“you haven’t even gone out on the track, of course i’m still here,” you giggle when he pulls you into his arms and starts pressing kisses all over your face. “i can’t wait to see you put the car through its paces. oscar looked pretty good out there.”
“i’d rather put you through your paces,” he mumbles in your ear, and you smack his shoulder.
“maybe later, if you’re not too tired.”
“i’m never too tired for you.” he winks and kisses your nose before turning to change.
you have no shame in ogling his ass out of the corner of your eye as he does so, but for the most part you’re looking at updates from the first session on your phone until he sits down next to you to put his shoes on.
those damn fireproofs.
they hug his body a little too nicely. the muscles in his chest, back, and arms are perfectly defined courtesy of the tight material. you can’t even think about his shoulder to waist ratio without feeling a little dizzy with desire.
“you’re drooling,” he teases as he stands back up, the both of you knowing damn well that he loves it when you stare at him.
“i can’t help it, you’re too hot.” you’ve never had a problem with telling him just how fine he is, especially because your praise always manages to make him blush and that just makes him impossibly more attractive.
“how am i supposed to let you leave this room?” you complain, wrapping your arms around his torso.
he buries his red face in your shoulder. “the sooner i leave, the sooner i come back and show you a good time.”
“i thought you were taking me out to dinner.”
“that’s what i was talking about,” his tone is dripping in faux innocence, and you know he’s messing with you when you feel him kiss your neck. “good to know where your priorities lie, though.”
you open your mouth to patronize him, but you’re cut off when he squeezes your hips, causing you to yelp. “you are impossible.”
“hmm, good thing you love me so much then.” you can hear his smile as he speaks, and you run your hands across his back, feeling every ridge of muscle through the material of the fireproofs.
your phone starts buzzing in your pocket— the alarm you’d set to remind yourself of when he needed to get in the car. “alright,” you reluctantly separate yourself from him, taking one last lingering look at his figure before he pulls the other half of his race suit on. “i’ll stay for an hour or two and meet you back at the hotel, okay?”
“what dress are you wearing tonight?” he asks as he holds the door open for you.
“the papaya one,” you smirk, and he groans, dragging a hand through his hair.
“you’re gonna kill me, baby.”
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note: i wrote most of this at 2 am in a purely feral state and did the bare minimum in editing because i’m drowning in schoolwork so apologies if it’s a bit rough!! mclaren posted a 10 second video of lando and oscar walking around and that was all it took.
lowercase is intentional because i wrote entirely on mobile!
requests are OPEN, and my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation! feel free to pop in!
reblogs are always appreciated <33
beautiful dividers by @/saradika !
tags (i’m sorry if i couldn’t tag you!): @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @emmma232 @lieswithoutfairytales @valisjustvaleria @bwormie @meribfox @xfuckoffx @rai-scutum @clara760-blog @reptaysgf @harryismysworld @caz-93 @positiveaspirations @satanfinalgirl @ln4lova @crazymofo-96 @x-d1vine @anedpev
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chronicbeans · 4 months
Queerplatonic Alastor x Reader Headcanons
Hehe my plan of writing headcanons for various Aroace-spec identity Alastor headcanons has begun. This one is with a cupioromantic and asexual Alastor in mind. I haven't seen enough of them, and as they say! "If you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself."
TW: Frustrations regarding romantic identity, complete unawareness of certain LGBTQ+ topics (my man's from the 1920's, he's almost completely in the dark), slight yandere behavior? (I feel he's just obsessive by default, regardless of the relationship type)
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• So, this man has never necessarily identified himself with any sort of LGBTQ+ labels. Back in his day, there weren't any terms to use for being asexual or aromantic. At least, not any that he knew of. He's always been comfortable with his sexuality, though! His main thought process was always "I'll probably find someone that I'm attracted to at some point, and if I don't, that's alright." That thought process has also followed him down to Hell, and stayed the same for all these years.
• However... Whilst he's very comfortable with his sexuality... His romantic feelings are very complicated, now. He's always desired to have one, and he's very confused as to why he hasn't felt any romantic attraction, yet. It makes sense that someone who wants a romantic relationship to be able to feel romantic attraction, yes? He's very much in the dark to the complexities of how these things really work, mostly due to him being from the 1920s-30s. He's caught up on slang and technology, but he hasn't bothered to keep up with sexualities and romantic identities, as he doesn't think about them much.
• So, does he ask any more modern demons and sinners for help? Ha! No. He's too prideful, and simply assumes that there probably isn't much of a difference in knowledge on romantic attraction as compared to his day. Yes, he's aware that there's way more identities for sexualities. People talk about them often, and he hears terms thrown around here and there as he walks through Hell. He never hears anything in regards to romance, though. It's simply not talked about as often, from his experience. So, he's completely in the dark. If anything, he's probably completely unaware that there are identities for romantic attraction.
• He does what he can to cope. This whole situation is very frustrating for him. However, at the same time, he thinks that it shouldn't be so frustrating. So, it's embarrassing to him, and he doesn't tell anyone about it. Instead, he does what he believes everyone who is single and ready to mingle does: reading romance novels. More specifically, he flips to parts where said attraction is described, or little scenarios that he wants is going on. Restaurant dates, walking through the park, dancing, holding hands and cuddling. Those sorts of things! Things nobody would ever expect someone as unhinged as him would want...
• The most frustrating part, however, is that he feels he should already be feeling such an attraction to you. You, being his most close friend. You're the one he trusts with certain secrets, one of the few people he doesn't mind touching him unprompted (besides, say, Niffty), and probably the only person he lets his smile down around. Though, he rarely does so, as he doesn't want to worry you. Unlike Niffty, who he sees as having a more familial feeling towards, he sees you as a close friend. His closest friend, but just a close friend, which frustrates him to no end.
• It takes him a long time to even think of mentioning it to someone. However, when he does, he'd feel too awkward to bring it up to you. So, he decides to speak to Charlie about it! After all, she has one of the more "modern" relationships. So, she probably also knows something about whatever is going on with him! And after the long and grueling process of talking to her? He comes out even more frustrated than before. Being unable to feel romantic attraction, but still want romance? Cupioromantic? It is all so confusing. However, he won't question it. He's clearly out of his zone, and he was horribly wrong when assuming the world of romance hadn't progressed...
• You, however, are his most trusted friend. His closest friend. So, he decides to waste no time in deciding to propose an idea to you. He's heard of these things called "queerplatonic relationships", and his understanding is that they are like friendships, but with some more traditionally romantic interactions involved. Which, whilst his understanding of the nature of queerplatonic relationships may be a bit off, he's trying his best. Once you explain it a bit further, emphasizing that they're closer relationships than friendships, but not romantic and can vary widely in affectionate interactions, he is immediately is set on trying to start one with you. Luckily, though, you agree rather quickly.
• Despite him wanting many of your interactions and ways of showing affection to be more traditionally romantic, such as cuddling or going out on friendly dates, he won't cross any boundaries. Both because you're his closest, most prized relationship with another person, and because he can't think of many other people who would even be willing to enter such a relationship with him if he ever asked. Not that he'd want to ask anyone else. There's a reason why he immediately went to you. It's hard for him to describe it, though. Despite being a man of words, whenever he tries to explain why he feels like you are the perfect person for him to enter this queerplatonic relationship with, he stumbles heavily.
• His little ideal for this relationship is, essentially, the types of things he's read in the romance novels he has. Sure, a little bit of a twisted version of it, but at it's core it's the same. He wants to cuddle in a nice, safe, and warm room (while there's probably the screams of an extermination going on the background). He wants to go to restaurants (this man's a cannibal so check your food). He wants to do the cheesy move of handing you red roses and candy as a gift (do not ask how he was able to buy such an expensive brand, or where the two large, heavy trash bags came from or what they are filled with).
• He's going to be very, VERY protective of you. Almost, if not completely to an obsessive degree. He knows how Hell is. People want power, and he's powerful, and you are close to him. He's sure many people are going to go after you, in order to get to him. So, your little relationship is going to be as well protected of a secret as it can be, at first, until he believes he can properly protect you from any danger. And after the secret is out, he's going to be right by your side the entire time. Literally. Whenever he can be, he's next to you. Nobody, except maybe Vox or another pesky overlord, is going to try to hurt you as long as he is there. Even then, he could completely destroy them, anyways!
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harmonysanreads · 5 months
Imagine Corrupted!Alhaitham in the Sumeru Hexagon AU who's a walking nightmare.
[ header credit ]
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Because of exposure to some mysterious phenomena in the desert, a part of Alhaitham becomes “corrupted” and takes control over his body. The uncorrupted remains of his consciousness are still there, but, against the more powerful force, he's resigned to a backseat—until he figures out a way to take back control, that is.
Corrupted!Alhaitham finds you lovely, if not a little stupid for always prioritizing other people's needs. Not to worry, he'll educate you on the proper path in no time! Unlike regular Alhaitham, he exchanges shame with boldness in letting his intentions be known. If you think hearing Alhaitham say some of the most outrageous things with the most blank expression known to humankind is unnerving, think again, because, Corrupted!Alhaitham never stops smiling. It's a mocking, condescending and arrogant smile that makes you wish the earth would split open and swallow you whole already.
Instead of obsessing over a perfect plan like his ‘other self’, Corrupted!Alhaitham is spontaneous and does whatever he feels like doing at any given moment. This has brought along massive criticisms from his counterpart, but, it's not like he listens to his ‘nagging’. Alhaitham likes to follow rules and routines, Corrupted!Alhaitham loves breaking them.
Alhaitham resorts to many (marginally discreet) methods to learn about you, Corrupted!Alhaitham just corners you and demands you tell him everything. He thinks rationale and logicality are only impediments if he wants to claim something, which appalls Alhaitham. Corrupted!Alhaitham is much more ambitious and might even re-apply for the position of Grand Sage, not for knowledge or anything— but, for the absolute power the position would grant him.
The worst part of this is, his unhinged behavior is only reserved for you. The majority of people won't believe his change to begin with because of his ‘normal’ behavior in public, but, on top of that, Corrupted!Alhaitham blackmails you to not even think about telling anyone. After all, if normal Alhaitham can act insane, his counterpart can act 'normal' for a certain duration of time as well. If ‘Normal Alhaitham’ and Corrupted!Alhaitham can reach a consensus though, they'd be unstoppable. One with the perfect plans to ruin the competition and another unhesitant in executing them, they'll no doubt be deadly. But, judging by how often they clash, that's unlikely to happen very soon.
Or, imagine Corrupted!Alhaitham in the Vampire AU—however, this time as Vampire!Alhaitham's twin brother who few people know of. Corrupted!Alhaitham discovers that Vampire!Alhaitham was keeping you, someone he was tasked to ‘get rid of’, hidden from the Vampire Lords. He threatens Vampire!Alhaitham that he'll tell the lords about this unless, he shares you with him. It wasn't an easy negotiation though, but, brotherhood won in the end I guess?
Corrupted!Alhaitham doesn't love you like his twin and neither will he ‘protect’ you for your sake. At first, he only saw you as his blood bank. To him, you're an interesting creature he likes to poke and push for his entertainment. Heavens save you should you be alone with him. Vampire!Alhaitham isn't a saint either, after all, he did agree to this. He treats this as some sort an experiment as well, maybe one of your endurance or, if his twin will end up with the same feelings as him. After some time, Corrupted!Alhaitham might admit to himself that he's.. fond of you—but, only because you entertain him so well!
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any brainrots on corrupted!alhaitham are warmly welcomed in my asks :>
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elllisaaa · 4 months
how seventeen would confess to you - vu vers.
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-> pairing : svt vu × gn!reader
-> words count : 3.5k words
-> genre : svt members crushing on you, fluff
-> warnings : while make you giggle and kick your feet
-> sorry if I made any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> masterlist | svt masterlist
hhu vers. | vu vers. | pu vers.
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he’s a tease.
i’m sorry but do something ridiculous and he’s gonna bring it back until the end of your life.  
but you’ve been friends for a long time, and you have many embarrassing things to remind him too. 
so it’s really a silly little war of who will tell the most unhinged story about the other. 
both of you like to do game nights, but you eventually realized how competitive he was, and how he didn’t mind cheating as long as he won, luckily, you were the same.
it makes you laugh most of the time, especially when he is like that with his members.
but he also knows when to calm down and be serious. he would be there for you without you even needing to say anything.
i think he’s a great listener too, ready to ease all your worries and remind you of your own value. 
he’s the sweetest when he wants to, but he’s also a menace.
because he’s also flirty sometimes, playing it as a joke but deep down, he hopes that one day you’ll catch on how much you actually mean to him. 
being the tease he is, his confession would be like that too.
“- So, I need your advice on a situation.”
You sat in front of him, handing him a hot mug of tea, enough to last through all his gossip. It was not unusual for the both of you to meet on your days off and just spill the tea about your coworkers and friends, laughing at each other's stories. 
“- I’m all ears !
I have a friend who’s like… Really in love with his best friend, he has been for years actually. I think everyone around them has noticed how much he likes them, except them of course. And he wants to finally confess, but he doesn't know how to, and I don’t know how to help him myself.”
Jeonghan tried to not let any emotion show on his face as he was telling you his well-prepared speech. His goal was to keep on his little game for as long as he could, just to tease you like he loved too. He got out of his thoughts when you talked again, answering his indirect question. 
“- Well, I think he should just go for it. If they’ve been best friends for this long, they should be as comfortable around each other as we are, and he shouldn’t be afraid of breaking their relationship or not. Like, if you were telling me that you have feelings for me, it wouldn’t change anything for me. You’ll still be my best friend.”
Suddenly, doubt was filling up his heart. Has he been mistaken by your behavior and his friends' comments about the two of you ? What made him so sure that you loved him like he loved you ? But now that he was there, he should finish what he started, right ? Jeonghan took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on his cup of tea, too shy to meet yours.
“- And if I tell you that this friend is me… Would you reconsider the best friend title ?”
The silence that answered his question encouraged him to lift his head from the contemplation of his drink, meeting your wide eyes already staring at him, making him giggle. You finally snapped out of it, a soft smile stretching out your lips as you reached for his hand over the counter of your kitchen, interlocking your fingers. Jeonghan hoped you couldn’t hear his heartbeat going crazy at the simple and sweet gesture. 
“- It depends… If I get to call you my boyfriend, then yes.”
“you can call me whatever you want as long as i’m yours.”
truly a gentleman like he’s holding the door for you, opens your water bottle for you, always asks if you need help when he has free time.
as seventeen makeup artist, you followed them on tour and on almost every event, being one of the seniors of your team. 
and joshua always asked you to do his makeup. 
you assumed it was because he had known you for a long time and was more comfortable around you than another younger makeup artist. 
but as time passed, he started to throw little compliments between asking about your day and what you had for lunch. 
he looooves the way you blush every time he tells you that you’re pretty. h
e’s so sweet too, always has one or two snacks ready when you come to do his makeup because he knows about your habit of skipping meals because of work. 
he would inevitably end up giving you his personal number, and you would talk all day, coming to know each other more and little by little, you fell in love with each other. 
but for the sake of both your jobs, it had to stay a secret, until one particular day. 
“- Where’s Y/N ?
- Ah ! They had to replace someone that called in sick today. I’m sorry, I know you like her to do your makeup.”
Joshua shook his head, encouraging your coworker to go on and carrying a little conversation with her. But she could tell that he was out of it. He was thinking about you. About how he became so used to your presence by his side everyday. How not having you close to him, talking to him, touching his face had him feeling empty, as if something was missing. Well, you were missing. And he didn’t realize until now how much he was relying on you. 
Of course, he knew how dangerous it was for his career to date you, how risky it was regarding your job too, but he couldn’t help being drawn to you everytime, and neither could you, like magnets attracting each other. He stayed professional on stage though, delivering his performance as perfectly as usual, but his members could tell that something was bothering him, and every one of them knew the reason very well : you. 
“- Hey Y/N.
- Joshua ? What are you doing here ?”
He didn’t answer right away, gesturing for you to follow him to an empty dressing room. You couldn’t help throwing glances all around you, making sure that no one was witnessing this. But you trusted Joshua : he would never put you or him in danger voluntarily. 
“- I have to tell you something. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and I believe you feel the same about it but I need to tell you regardless.”
His gaze was so soft, so loving, you couldn’t ignore anymore how he made your heart swell. You had noticed that your feelings were mutual, but you also knew that you couldn’t be together. 
“- You know we can’t… I don’t want to hold you back, I don’t want you to take such risks for me. You worked too hard for your dream to give it up just for me.”
Joshua could see your eyes filling up with tears, and he stepped forward, cupping your face in his hands in hopes it would comfort you. All he wanted was to take care of you, not to make you cry. 
“- It’s gonna be complicated, yes, but I don’t want to give up on either my career or you. You’re so dear to me, I think you don’t realize how much you mean to me, how right it feels to be appreciated for who I really am. Maybe… Maybe we can at least try. I love you so much Y/N.”
And how could you say no to that ? To his lovestruck gaze focused on you, only you ? How could you reject him when he’s all you can think about everyday ? You stepped forward to hug him, relaxing in his hold and warmth as Joshua let out an audible sigh of relief too.
“- I love you too, I love you so much…”
“you’ll be my secret, this way I can keep you all to myself.”
i think that he would be a little cold with you at first, out of shyness and because he’s an introvert.
but you always made sure to include him In your conversations with the other members, and to talk to him even if he didn’t answer more than two words. 
little by little, he started to open up, to feel really comfortable around you. 
maybe it was because of the way you always focused only on him whenever he was talking, or because you were always interested in whatever he was doing.
would want you to listen to every song he produces before everyone else because he values your opinion so much. 
he didn’t exactly know but he felt something so soothing when he spent time with you. 
so when mingyu told him that you had a boyfriend, he was disappointed – and even more so when he finally met him and saw how badly he treated you.
jihoon would go on and on about how shitty your partner was, advising you to leave him, not only because of his selfish reasons, but mainly because he felt like the boy didn’t deserve you. 
you would come to his studio after every fight, and he couldn’t do anything else than watching you cry your eyes out. 
“- I’m sorry, I’m always here bothering you…
- You’re never bothering me Y/N, if you need me, I’m here.”
You tried to smile, but that only forced another tear to roll down your already soaked cheeks. As if he knew better than yourself what you needed, Jihoon opened his arms and you gladly accepted his hug, basking in his warm embrace. 
“- What did he do this time ?”
Jihoon knew that his tone was accusative. But at this point, he couldn’t care anymore, he couldn’t bear to see you cry every other day because of an asshole who didn’t realize how lucky he was. And he could only assume that he did something bad, because all you’ve ever tried to do was make him happy. 
“- He just.. Forgot our date, again… I’m so tired of this Jihoon, I’m doing my best for this relationship to work but he doesn’t even try…”
Your voice was muffled by his hoodie, your face still buried in his chest as you talked, but your words still broke his heart. He was tired too. Tired of seeing you cry, tired of seeing you wasting your time for someone who didn’t care about you, tired of seeing you think that you were not enough. 
“- You already know what I think about this but… You should really leave him. You deserve to be loved, really loved. And he’s not loving you right.”
Slowly, you lifted your head from his chest, your teary eyes glaring confusingly at him. 
“- But who would love me right ? 
- Me. I would. I could be a better boyfriend than him.”
Jihoon lifted a hand, fingers brushing delicately against your cheek. He knew he could be good for you, knew that he could treat you well if only you let him, if only you let him one chance to prove it, he’ll do anything to make you happy. And you knew he would, knew that you would fit perfectly in his arms. But was it reasonable ? You had been with your partner for two years. Two years and still, what you felt for him never came close to what you felt for Jihoon, to how he made you shiver every time he touched you, to how he made butterflies come alive in your stomach every time he looked at you. 
“- I think you could…”
And even if both of you still needed to figure some things out, you knew that you finally made the right choice. You were finally where you belonged to. 
“i’m going to make up for all the times he couldn’t be by your side.”
sweet and funny.
i feel like he would treat you like his partner even if you’re not, maybe to hint at you that he has feelings but i mostly think it’s just because he cares so much about you.
he’ll do things like giving you his clothes when you’re cold, or feeding you when you want a taste of what he’s eating. 
basically, it’s almost like you’re already together because he’s also very touchy and clingy.
he’ll hug you as a greeting every time, and he always has his arm around your shoulders when you’re sitting next to each other. 
tbh, he would start to question your feelings at one point because was he not making it obvious enough that he had a big crush on you ???
but at the same time, he’s afraid that you mistake that for just a very close friendship so he doesn’t want to ask you straight away either. 
so he would try to make something a little more sneaky by delivering a bouquet of your favorite flowers at your place, with a card only saying “i love you”. 
“- Maybe they’re from Soobin ?”
You and your friend start laughing, but Seokmin, who witnessed the whole conversation, was not. Did you really think that these flowers were from someone else ? He clearly remembered the day you told him what your favorite flowers were, and that you also told him he was the only one to know that. So why would you lie to him ? Or tell it to anybody else ? Maybe it was nothing, but his heart felt heavy as he got back to his video game with Wonwoo. 
You obviously noticed how Seokmin was very distant the whole day. It was supposed to be a fun afternoon with most of your friends, but you ended up being more worried about what was going on with him. Did you do or say something to upset him ? Did you hurt him in any way without being aware ? You couldn’t recall anything that could explain why he was so cold with you.
“- Hey Seokmin…”
The boy turned around when you joined him outside, and he couldn’t avoid you, nor the conversation that would follow this time. He knew that he was being childish, knew that he should have maybe just told you how he felt instead of being upset over you for something you were not responsible for. 
“- Hi Y/N…
- You’ve been kind of avoiding me… Did I do something ? I just want to understand what happened so I can fix it.”
Seokmin closed his eyes and sighed, a pained expression on his face. He was dumb, he was so dumb. He wanted to make you feel loved, not like you did something wrong when it was him who was being sulky over nothing. 
“- Fuck, no… You didn’t do anything, I promise. I’m just a coward.”
You looked at him, confused as you cocked your head to the side and Seokmin turned around to face you, trying to hold your gaze even if he could feel his cheeks start to burn from how ridiculous he felt.
“- The flowers… They are from me. And I heard you say that you think they were from Soobin instead and I… I don’t know why but it hurt because you said that you only told me which one were your favorites. And it made me feel so special, I wanted it to stay our thing.”
You stepped in, until you could hold his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers with his. The atmosphere had switched to a much lighter one as you smiled at him, finding him very cute as he tried to look composed but was really not, with his red face.
“- I was joking, I knew they were from you, they could only be from you. And yes, it is our thing, because I want to share this kind of thing only with you. You’re special to me, and I wanted to thank you for your gift but you didn’t let me.”
Seokmin shook his head, laughing at his own stupidity. But all that mattered to him was how it turned out in the end. 
“next time i’m offering you flowers, it’s to celebrate our first date.”
needless to say that he is a drama queen, always has something to bitch and vent about. 
but obviously, you’re the same - that’s why you get along so well - so you’re always here to listen to all his gossip, and vice-versa. 
i think that both of you would also hold a grudge about something ridiculous the other did years ago but that you still bring up during every argument (thinking about me and my best friend fighting over a piece of salad and a potato since middle school)
overall, it’s very entertaining to spend time with him because he’s so sassy… that’s hilarious. 
since you gossip a lot, you know almost everything about each other's lives, you have literally no boundaries. 
and you also love to sit down after a tiring week, with a show you both love as a background noise while you talk about what happened. 
a very comfortable relationship, based on trust and really open-minded.
that’s why you’re not afraid to talk to him about your love life even if seungkwan always seemed to push back on the subject (understandable when he had a crush on you for years).
“- So you’re going to meet with him again ?
- Yeah, I think so… He’s not really my type usually, but he’s not that bad, and he’s kind so maybe I should give him a chance.”
Seungkwan scoffed, looking away from your face and focusing on the tv instead. He didn’t want to hear another one of your failed dates with guys that didn’t deserve you. He never understood why you did that, not when he was right there. 
“- Why do you always react like that ? Do you not want me to find the love of my life ? 
- It’s not where you will find it.”
You hit his shoulder playfully, but you felt a weight on your heart as he rolled his eyes. Seungkwan was never really interested whenever you talked about your current love life. However, he loved to bitch about your exes, but everytime you mentioned a new guy you were expecting to go out with, he seemed almost annoyed. You never understood why, because he loved drama so much, and your dating life was the best source of drama. But for some obscure reason, he stayed silent. 
“- I just don’t want to be alone. 
- We’re always together, you’re not alone.
- I know but… I want to come home and have someone waiting for me and hugging me. And I want to fall asleep in somebody else's arms. And I want to feel loved at the end of the day.”
Your gaze was focused on the show playing on the screen, while Seungkwan was watching you, noticing how your facial expressions had changed. He knew you weren’t joking anymore, and maybe it was time for him to stop being silly too. 
“- I could do all that. You’ll never be alone if you were with me.”
When you looked at Seungkwan again, he was already staring at you, more serious than he had ever been. A smile blossomed on your face, because all you ever wanted was to be his.
“- Does that mean you're willing to offer yourself in sacrifice and be my boyfriend ?”
“if that means spending every day of my life by your side, then yes, i'll do it gladly.”
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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svt taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@lil-kpopstan @hann1bee @iraisswiftie
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stormgardenscurse · 8 months
made for you - puppet au
Summary: In a steampunk-esque setting, your guardian-slash-mentor left you with one thing after their passing—a self-autonomous puppet that was designed to blend in with humans, who would protect and accompany you in your mentor’s absence.
Characters: Floyd, Ace, Cater, Lilia
Warnings: mentions of blood in Lilia's!
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Outsiders might complain about Floyd’s flippant change in moods, saying that you seemed to be the only person he doesn’t get annoyed with.
In two ways this judgment was flawed: they didn’t know he was a puppet (and so thought he was merely a scary traveling partner of yours), and he does get mad at you sometimes. Namely when you do things for others that he thinks are unnecessary, because why do you have to be the nice one and try to maintain relations with people you weren’t even close with? 
Floyd never got why you stress yourself out with things like that—and if you told him to help you with such tasks? Expect him to either turn to a game of cat and mouse (behind your back, he’s the cat and some other person is the mouse) or fulfill it with a dangerous gleam in his eyes when a stranger sees him, saying ‘don’t approach me, I’m really not in the mood’.
He rarely directs his frustration at you, though. Call it part of his design or whatever, but for the most part he’s more lax around you, slinging his arm over your shoulder or asking if you wanted to do (insert unhinged scheme) with a casual tone.
You worry about the people that he does get into fights with. Floyd doesn’t pay much attention to his inhuman strength and things can get awkward when people question it—leaving you to stand there, contemplating if you should reveal the truth.
But… while Floyd doesn’t really care for the distinction between being human and not (as long as you treat him as equals), he finds it fun when people think he’s just an unpredictable human. The looks on their faces and struggle when he tests their limits are always a sight to behold. 
Humans really are quite amusing—but of course, you’re his favorite one.
Ace has an inner conflict, one could say.
As charismatic as he can be (and by god was he a convincing actor), Ace would always, at the back of his mind, be conscious of the fact that he wasn’t human.
Nevermind the fact he’s probably more humane than some people out there, but he always has the feeling that it wasn’t enough. There’s a type of jealousy that crops up whenever he sees you interacting with people—he’s not sure if he’s jealous of the way you are, with your quirks and emotions that he idealizes despite how he claims otherwise, or if he’s jealous of the others around you.
He’d never fall sick or actually feel physical pain. He could be repaired so long as his core was salvageable, and so Ace could never be your friend in the way he might want to be. He wonders, sometimes, that in an alternate world—if he was human, would you look towards him the same way you do now? Would you still pick him within an ocean of so many, if he wasn’t a puppet crafted by your mentor?
Instead of expressing this, Ace of course directs these feelings into a personality that’s a little bratty. He’d challenge your requests at times, asking if it was an ‘order’ and only complying if you pushed back.
You’ll hear a lilt in his voice when he calls you ‘Master’ mockingly. For the most part Ace’s mean streak isn’t that bad though—he does show concern for you and is essentially a best friend that keeps you grounded. Sometimes you wonder if he actually liked being bossed around, thinking of it as a way to acknowledge the odd relationship you had. 
You don’t see him as a servant or object, but perhaps he finds some comfort in the idea that he was made for you. That way, your attachments to one-another was completely normal—you’d always pick him, right?
Cater is a puppet that lets you know his world revolves around you, if only to see the adorable expressions you make in response.
He doesn’t care for his own maintenance that much, nor about hurting himself in your defense or while doing tasks. Cater’s good at masking such things too, with long-sleeved or layered clothing to hide his mechanical injuries away. He says it’s unsightly and he’ll just fix it himself later, but you always recognise when he’s lying about how it’s ‘not that bad’. 
It makes an odd feeling ache in his chest whenever you do that, making him sit down in the privacy of your inn room so you could patch him up. There’s an unreadable look in his gaze at times like those, asking you if you saw him as someone that could actually get hurt. You said yes. Cater makes sure to remember that. 
He’s flirty most of the time, acting good-natured with others but obviously trying to charm you in particular. People tend to think you’re a couple because of that, and is it so bad if Cater kind of likes the sound of it?
He enjoys how genuine of a person you are—sure, everyone has their own thoughts and darker side that they keep to themselves, but he’s never detected falsehoods in your emotions towards him. Maybe it helps that you know he’s a puppet—why would you feel the need to guard yourself from him the same way as others? 
He likes this exclusivity he has to the different sides of you, especially since he’s a key link to your past. It’s also easier to focus his time and energy on someone else than the gloom that sometimes spreads in his system, which was surely just another mechanical flaw.
"I'm just supposed to make sure you're happy, Master~ So don’t worry about it!"
No one would suspect that your cute companion would have a rather… uncompromising side, with it came to getting rid of nuisances that threatened your safety.
In his defense, he was kind of built to be a deadly weapon—the world is a dangerous place after all, and Lilia doesn’t mind being the one that protects you from those that may do you harm. Your mentor dabbled in areas that garnered them enemies, thus the association and knowledge you possessed was a dangerous light to greedy moths.
You never actually witness how he is in combat, though. Lilia always returns from his missions quietly, wiping the scratches and blood off of his synthetic skin. He greets you with a smile if you’re still awake at that point in the night, and you’re none-the-wiser about the expressions he can make when he gets serious on the field.
It’s night and day, the difference between how he is there versus how he is when mingling with people or with you. Lilia likes how you rely on him during your travels. He has a backlog of historical knowledge that he collected shortly after he was crafted, but nothing compares to actually being in different nations and seeing things with your own two eyes. 
He enjoys calling your name in a familiar tone and hearing you do the same. Lilia hopes to be a presence that reminds you of home, so it’s only natural that he cherishes the lighthearted and heart-to-heart conversations you have. 
Leave the bodyguard work to him; there’s a reason your mentor made a puppet for this purpose, after all. And honestly, Lilia’s quite happy with the way his life was right now. It was much richer than the endless clockwork of a workshop, and pretty things that did nothing compared to your warm words and sparkle in your eyes that was so undeniably human.
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doublekay · 1 month
The Lost Boys riding in your the car with you would include:
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Summery: This is just unhinged.
Warnings: GN reader! cussing, Paul and Marko being idiots. David being David. That’s it I think :D
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If you manage to not get in a car crash with these idiots then you’re lucky.
If the boys want you to drive them somewhere like places where their bikes can’t reach or they just wanna spend some quality time with you, then great! The only problem is that these boys are fucking maniacs.
Say you all are just driving at night going nowhere in particular, just going where the wind takes you, ya know?
First and foremost, sitting placement. Who’s gonna sit where? Well David of course with be sitting in the passenger seat next you, probably placing a hand on your upper thigh.
Marko is sitting in the back on the left side, him being on the smaller side helping him have more room but not by much because Paul is in the middle of the back seat taking up all the room with his legs and big body.
Let’s not forget about poor Dwayne, poor dude is on the right side in the back shoved in the door with no space because of Paul but he’s a trooper and he’s just happy to be near you. <3
David is probably telling you which lane to go in and probably telling you to different directions just because.
You are driving on a backroad with no cars in sight, just having a good old late night drive with the boys, who are most definitely are causing trouble.
David keeps yelling at Paul and Marko to stop fighting over what music to listen to on the radio.
Dwayne slapping Paul upside the head.
Paul screaming like a girl and being dramatic because his brother slapped him.
David putting his hand up higher on your thigh and the boys getting jealous because they don’t have that luxury.
You will sometimes put your hand out for which boy with take it. Probably all of them, then them fighting for which one can hold your hand.
Probably you have to set like a five minute timer for each boy so they have a turn.
I can see Dwayne getting car sick and nauseousin the car.
Paul most definitely will be crawling through the armrest of the car between you and David to change the channel of the radio then Marko dragging Paul by the hair to stop him.
Dwayne trying to calm everyone down so he tries to play “eye-spy”
“I spy with my little eye something that won’t keep his fucking mouth shut”. David said whenever it’s his turn.
“Dwayne, I think he’s talking about you pal”. Paul said to him and Dwayne puts down the window and jerks Paul’s head out the window as Paul screams and Marko laughing in the background.
Marko would definitely tell you to go faster and tell you to put all the windows down.
Rock music will 100% be playing very loudly for everyone to hear.
Car karaoke for sure.
Paul probably sings “Guns N Roses” and try’s to hit every high note but his voice cracks every time causing you and the others to laugh.
Dwayne singing a slow love song to you in your ear and being a romantic boi.
Marko cheering the boys up when they sing.
You know David’s ass is not singing a single note.
If you sing then the whole car will actually get quiet for the first time since they have been in the car.
Whatever song you sang or if you are off key the whole time, they don’t care. They will be hyping you up the whole time and them all trying to seal a kiss on your cheek.
David most likely smoking a cigarette and Paul smoking a joint.
Marko waves at everything he sees out the window especially if there’s any animals.
if you decide to go though a drive through then good luck to you babe!
You pull up to the speaker and you order yours first, then you ask what everyone else wants.
David and Dwayne are fine about giving you their orders but Paul and Marko? Nah.
Paul with jump over poor Dwayne and put the window down and he’ll yell out what he wants and probably orders too much food and gets mad if the ice cream machine isn’t working!
Dwayne has to jerk him out from the window and apologized to the worker.
Marko will probably get out of the damn car and just talk to the speaker like he’s having a normal conversation with a person.
The total is probably like 50$ bucks and you low key get nervous about the bill til Dwayne hands you a crisp 50$ dollar bill that he mostly stole.
You all eat your meals while sitting in the car in an empty parking lot while talking about different topics and things.
It’s calm and peaceful, the night sky is beautiful with stars and your car is full of all your mates.
Even though it’s chaotic in every way you wouldn’t change it for the world. You don’t drive them in your car often but when you do it’s always an adventure.
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ackermanbloodline · 8 months
"I think you made a mess." - Levi Ackerman x Female Reader
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Summary: Levi makes you squirt.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Sexual content. 18+, MDNI, NSFW. A heads up that Levi slaps the reader, but it’s for good reason.
* * *
Levi’s fingers delicately stroked the dripping folds of your cunt after you came down from your unth orgasm. You had lost track of how many you’ve had after the third one. Each one was mind-numbing and made your legs shake with vigor. Your voice was hoarse from all the moaning. You truly didn’t know how long you two had been going at it at this point. Maybe an hour? Two? 
It was no secret that Levi was OCD when it comes to being clean and keeping things beyond spick and span, but with you, it was a completely different story. He always wanted to absolutely ruin you during sex in the best possible way. Watching you tremble and whimper beneath him was beyond addicting. He was a greedy bastard; he wanted to watch you in that overstimulated state forever. 
Levi Ackerman was addicted to you in every possible way, although he would never let you know that. 
“Yeeeah, that’s my good girl,” his voice dripped low with lust as he stroked your face and kissed your forehead. “Shit, I love it when you cum.” 
His fingers began swirling around your clit again and you grabbed his wrist, your fingernails digging into his flesh as you did so. You still were seeing stars from your last high. Your sex was so sensitive that it actually hurt, even when he caressed it in the softest way. Your body involuntarily jerked back at his touch. 
You shook your head, “Levi… I… I can’t…” 
“Oh, but you can. And you’re going to take it.” 
He slipped two fingers back inside and even though your pelvic floor was still contracting, he slowly pumped them in and out. He laid beside you. He mentally reveled at how good you felt and how your pussy squeezed his fingers with such tightness. His dick was practically aching to get inside of you. As he fingered you, he took his time passionately kissing you. Your hands landed at the back of his neck to pull him closer. 
As time progressed, his movements became faster and more frequent and, as a result, it was harder to reciprocate his lips. Still, he pulled you in towards him and hotly whispered various things against your mouth. You swallowed his words with eagerness. 
“Does that feel good, baby?” “Yeah?” “Oh, I love hearing your pathetic little moans, fuck.” “Come on, sweetheart. Louder.” “You’re all mine, you got that?” 
You’d never heard Levi say these things to you in such a sultry way. He was so saturated with desire for you that he was practically going out of his mind. You looked down at his hand down at your sex and every vein in his arm was popping and looked like faded lines on a map. Levi curled his fingers upward to add to his assault and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your back arched up off the bed. 
Levi watched you like you were the most interesting thing he’s ever seen. His eyes are glued to your body as it slowly unhinges with his actions. He planted open-mouthed kisses to the skin of your chest and wrapped his lips around your nipple. Your skin was already partially littered with a few light hickies and bruises. His tongue swirled around it as it hardened and your moans became much louder than before. Your hands found their way to his hair, grasping at his black locks with desperation. 
His length gently brushed up against your leg as Levi also tried to get some type of relief and foggy trails of pre-cum smear against the skin there. You squealed out his name when he took a nipple in between his teeth and pulled back on it lightly. You felt your warm arousal drip down onto the sheets below. Levi was definitely going to have to change them after this. 
It was getting hard to breathe now. You felt dizzy from unconsciously holding your breath from the overwhelming pleasure. Your mind was only focusing on the center in between your legs. Everything else was tuned out. Something felt different, though… like a certain… ache or fullness that’s waiting to be released. It felt foreign. Your eyelids squeezed shut. 
Your nails dug into the muscles in Levi’s back as your orgasm neared. He noticed your walls clenching around him and met your lips once again. 
“Open those eyes for me,” he softly but firmly demanded. You had a hard time complying as the warmth between your legs was almost too strong but you find the willpower to do what you’re told. His eyes sliced into yours mercilessly. “That’s it, baby. Come on, you can do it.” 
His words of encouragement pushed you to the brink and your moans became broken and turn into shouts and shrieks. Your ragged breathing only encouraged him to go further. His fingers moved vigorously in your pussy and your body shook. A certain tingling sensation encased your pelvic floor, almost like you have to use the restroom. 
“Show me how pretty you look when you cum again,” he said with your name. 
Your orgasm took over you and you saw stars dance at the edge of your vision. You couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore, you had no choice but to close them. Waves of warm gratification washed over you and Levi’s fingers worked through them. He smirked down at you in your most vulnerable state. Pretty soon, your moans quieted and your body stopped moving completely. 
Levi’s eyebrows furrowed together. He called for you and received no response. 
“Hey, this isn’t funny,” he called your name again. “Wake up, now.” 
Still nothing. 
His heart dropped in his chest and his voice raised. He slowly raised his hand and with a lot of hesitation, slapped you across the face. Once. Twice. Three times. You were still limp. 
He leaned his head on your chest. Your heart was still steady and strong. A little elevated (probably because of your orgasm), but steady and strong. He releases a breath of relief with the sound beating loud in his ear. As a number of curse words left his lips, he quickly got up and retrieved a glass of cold water and a towel from the bathroom tap and splashed it onto your face. 
Your eyelids fluttered open and you were extremely disoriented. The room was spinning and everything was blurry. 
He rushed to your side and cupped your face. Your arms shakily wrapped around his naked body, his lips pressed into your hairline. Both of you closed your eyes. Now that he knew you were going to be okay, his breathing steadied and intense comfort took over his entire being. He used the towel to dry up the water on your face and in your hair. 
“You passed out,” he said. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart... How’re you feeling?” 
“Like... I just got hit by a train… but in a good way...” 
Levi didn’t respond. As he held you for a few moments, he silently made a vow to himself to not push your body that far ever again. He averted his gaze down to the foot of the bed and noticed streaks of wetness saturating the bed, which confused him. 
Until he looked down at the hand he was just fingering you with and noticed that it’s soaked. His eyes went wide. He tried to remember if he noticed anything as your orgasm ripped through you. It isn’t until he remembers the foggy memory of warm liquid gushing out in his palm that he realized that he had made you squirt. He just didn’t have the time to fully acknowledge it at the moment with you being unconscious. With you pressed up against his chest, you observed that his calming heart rate was speeding up.  
He used his other hand to stroke your hair soothingly, “Hey.” 
You responded groggily, “Hmm?” 
“I think... I think you made a mess.” 
“What do you mean?” 
He pointed down to the bed and you notice the same trail of wetness on the bed. You are confused. Levi and you had had sex a few times but nothing like this before.
“Wait… is that from… me?” 
“It is.”
“Are you sure it wasn’t from the water?” 
“Yes, I’m sure.” 
Your mouth dropped open. You had never squirted (or passed out) like that before. You buried your face in Levi’s chest in embarrassment and let out a pained groan. Levi grasped your chin and tilted it up, making you look at him. You shriveled under his gaze, even though it was warm and loving. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart. It’s flattering. Maybe we can try to do that again at a later date… preferably without you passing out.” 
You laughed, “Yeah, I would be willing to try that again.” 
Levi held you again and time seems to stop just momentarily. He broke the silence again after a few minutes. 
“You did well, you know.” 
“Mmm, as did you,” you pushed your lips forward onto his briskly. “Thank you.” 
“It’s my honor.”
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scaredycatqlt · 3 months
hey so how do you think Donnie rise would deal with having a s/o who is the common sense one of the couple? Like donnie over thinks and s/o is just like “sweetie. April’s just busy with work. She’s not avoiding you”. And s/o ends up being right. Or when he’s trying to fix something tech related and he goes over all the complicated variables and s/o is like “Have you tried putting it backwards?” He is none believing at first, but he puts it backwards anyway and suddenly the machine works and he laments in his head about classic donnie overthink. The times when he is right though s/o’s like “Fuck it up! I support you!”?
I like this idea. It’s an interesting dynamic to think about, especially considering how unhinged Donnie is…
Donnie X Logical! Reader [ROMANTIC]
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Donnie usually has the most common sense out of all of his brothers, which honestly isn’t a lot. At all. It’s a very low bar to beat.
But you’re the voice of reason in the relationship. You may not be as tech smart as him, but you’re a hell of a lot more logical in other ways.
Donnie overthinks A LOT. So having a partner who’s reassuring and reasonable is something that he would benefit from immensely.
even if he puts up a bit of a fight first…
He doesn’t like the feeling of people being smarter than him. That’s HIS thing, HE’S the smart guy. So sometimes your tendencies annoy him.
He’s not really mad at you, more so mad at himself for not seeing how obvious it was.
His brothers appreciate you because you help calm him down. While he can never truly be tamed, you help keep him in line, in a way.
And the times you agree with him are the BEST.
As soon as you give him the ‘OK’ he is grinning like a maniac.
When you’re not there, he probably thinks ‘what would they do?’ And either do that or completely ignore that. He’s chaotic neutral you guys.
If you’re not with him when he needs advice, he also might just text you. You probably get random texts at ungodly hours of the night.
“Is it really that bad to test my weapons on my brothers?”
Seriously though, his brothers are big fans of you. You help him control his chaotic side. (And also a bit of his brothers too, bc duh.)
He’s not the most emotionally available in general..but he tries to express how he’s feeling further along in the relationship.
At first in the relationship he mainly brags and shows off WAY more than he used to. He wants to impress you.
And maybe hear you say your proud of him
He definitely texts u a lot <33
You guys are a duo and bring out the best in eachother, that I can say with confidence.
Hope you liked these!!! They took like 40 mins to come up with 😭
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taintedbenevolence · 9 months
Yandere Itadori Yuji + Yandere Sukuna x fem!reader Headcanons
A / N - NSFW content is only on Sukuna's section. Itadori is underage; I will not be writing NSFW content for him.
𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄          𝕀𝕋𝔸𝔻𝕆ℝ𝕀𝕐 𝕐𝕌𝕁𝕀 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℝ𝕐𝕆𝕄𝔼ℕ 𝕊𝕌𝕂𝕌ℕ𝔸 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞!𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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                          JUST PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR LOVE. PLEASE! "
- ISFP - 15 y/o - He/him - March 20 - Caring + Obsessive Yandere 
Yuji, for the most part, isn't a yandere you can immediately notice. He does such a good job at hiding it that honestly, it could grow to be terrifying at how hidden it is. His obsession with you doesn't come out in front of you. Ever.
If you're unaware of it, he'll make sure you don't ever realize it, or at least try his best to make sure you don't. Both because he wants to keep the good friendship you have so far, and he doesn't want to unintentionally scare you off. He's rather gentle on a surface view, you could say. 
With the cheerful disposition alongside with that kind smile he possesses, Itadori is the last person you'd think is obsessed beyond redemption for you and you alone. And thank god he's trying to suppress it when you're present because if you just knew how unhinged he could be when it came to you ... only god knows if you'd ever see him the same again.
Yuji most likely doesn't admit he has an interest if anyone catches on that he's drifting off, thinking about something. Or someone. If somebody asked "do you like someone?" he will most likely shake his head no. He doesn't want anyone involved. Despite his accepting and carefree nature, he'd rather not drag in other people into his love life.
The few times you might rarely ever get a glimpse of his unhinged behavior is when somebody hurts you. The moment Yuji learns someone hurt you, he is beyond pissed off. He might be organizing himself in a rare occasion, but if he so much as hears a whisper or faint rumor that you were hurt?
He's not going to be happy. At all.
He will find you, no matter where you are, even if you're hiding. Any other matter can wait. They can scream at him that someone else is in need of help. But Itadori doesn't care. Not in the slightest. Not when you're the one who's in pain.
That's the scary thing of Itadori. As much as he cares for the wellbeing of the general population, he cares about you more than the rest. For all he cares, he'd die for you and kill for you. He'd do it all, go through hell and back just to be with you. He's like a switch. One moment, he's the caring boy you held a strong friendship with, the one who'd protect everyone.
The other? He could care less what happens to the world so long he gets to keep you for himself. Is that selfish? Yes. Is he aware? Yes. Does he care? Possibly. But will he ever bring himself to stop? Hell no.
You could say that as much as he hates it, Sukuna's traits might show a little when it comes to the latter side. He has no qualms in fighting for you. Verbally and physically. He just does not care.
As for how he tries to keep you for himself.. It's going to take him a long while to figure it out. The way he sees it, if he just drags you, it would terrify you beyond measure, and it wouldn't go too well. He wants to do it in a way you won't have problems with. Even though that's technically.. impossible.
He's definitely thought about taking you for his own with a chloroform rag, but he thinks it's too much of a hassle, and it'd still alarm you. He's also thought of knocking you out, leaving you unconscious until hours later, but he'd hate to hurt you.
So he just ends up being convinced about the fact that he can't take you for himself. Or at least, not kidnap you. Sounds good, right? Not really.
Because then he gets desperate. Increasingly so. He wants you. You. Just you. And he can't have that. And the more he grows desperate, the worse it is for you.
He begins to be a little clingy. At first, you just see it as something playful. He's just being adorable, how he clings to you, likes to be with you, you find it endearing. And for the most part, it is... right?
But it soon becomes a little concerning. He wants to be around a bit more than would be comfortable.
You're going out for a walk? Yuji's right by your side. You're buying some books to read alone? Yuji will accompany you! You want to go back home? He'll walk you back to it to keep you safe. You're calling a friend to make plans? He's going to tag along.
You were going to hang out by yourself someplace? Yuji so happens to be there already. You're going to a restaurant? He's gotten reservations! He's going to be with you, whether you like it or not.
If you ever asked him about it, he'd just say that he's doing this "for your own safety" despite the real reason being that he just is stuck to you like glue because of his obsession. But it doesn't end there. He begins to catch on that you're not exactly comfortable with this.
So he "stops" being with you so much, as much as it pains him. You feel relieved that he's not on your tail all that much, or at least, that's what you think. Because like hell he'd ever let you leave his sight. So he resorts to observing you from afar.
Contrary to what many would think, he makes it be very subtle, barely noticeable. The few times that you feel someone observing you, it's not something that makes you uneasy, and when you turn around and see nothing, you just tend to brush it off.
Yuji is patient. He has time. He has the will. He can wait for you to grow to love him too.
He'll wait until you confess with your face red and embarrassed. And he'll be more than happy to reciprocate. He'll love you with a full heart. So this could go two ways. It could turn out really well for you, so long as you don't find out the amount of people who've been indirectly threatened by him, and you keep loving him as the sweet darling you are.
Or it could be worse. You realize that any movement could result in a person's death. That your love is something sought after preciously. If you ever did, unfortunately, come to realize Yuji's obsession, you best believe he's not going to let you go anywhere.
Hell, if he has to strap you to a chair in your own room, he will- He's not going to risk letting you escape him now that you've found out the one thing he wished you hadn't. But at the very least, it also rids him of a burden.
He can now show you just how true his love his. His passion. His desire. It burns true and rightfully so. You'd do good to not outright reject him either. It would break him if you did, yes. His heart would be shattered. He wouldn't understand.
But at the same time, he would know why. Nevertheless, as much as he feels bad for you, he does not let go. At all. You'd expect that maybe after seeing your pain and dislike for this, he'd maybe loosen up a bit on the restraints, but no. If anything, he takes extra measures to be sure you won't go running away and escaping him.
And if you did manage to run away? Please; it's going to be less than ten minutes before he finds you once he realizes you're gone. It's pointless. You can't escape him, no matter how hard you try. And it'll only be worse for you if you managed to run and he finds you.
In all honesty, it is. His trust in you will decrease. Severely. If you had the freedom to even walk around through other rooms on your own, that privilege is also gone now. You're forced to be in the same place until Itadori comes back to be with you. He will make sure you don't run.
As kind as he is, he will be harsh, should you push him. A patient boy like him also has his limits. You ought to know better than to piss him off and cross the line.
Push his buttons enough times, and you'll begin to know what fear truly tastes like from firsthand experience.
Send your prayers. You might need them.
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                      AS LOOKED IN YOUR DIRECTION. "
- ENTJ - 1000+ - He/him - UNKNOWN - Sadistic + Possessive Yandere
Oh, you're an unfortunate soul.
If you caught the eye of Sukuna, it's fair to say your life is only going to downhill from this point and on. He gives zero shits whether you're consenting or not. He will more than happily drag you kicking and screaming to where he wishes.
He is a highly possessive, jealous yandere. Definitely obsessive, but most prominently a possessive one. And it shows. He never lets you out of his sight. The moment you caught his eye, your fate had been sealed. And your end.. wasn't a good one, to put it lightly.
He's stalked you since day one, and there's no other way to put it. He has. He knows your routine, your preferences, your dislikes, what makes you tick, all of those insignificant details of yours that nobody cares to pay attention to. He knows you better than you know yourself, probably.
It would scare you to think about it. And he wants that. He loves your fear.
From the moment you met, it's clear to him that he's not gonna let you go. Maybe he's a little bit passive at first, just flirtatious, but it's far too dark what awaits you beneath the surface. And you couldn't be more blind to it.
Let's not count how many he's killed. Honestly, he's killed for less, so a massacre in your name is nothing more than a sweet, heartfelt course of action for your affection in his eyes. The blood on his hands is more than you'd ever be able to know.
You most likely tend to avoid him, given he is the King of Curses. You think he's someone who's best left undisturbed. And to a certain degree, this is true. However, in Sukuna's eyes, it only amuses him that you try to avoid him.
He thinks it's funny how you try to find an excuse to not get close to him and to avoid him when even still he manages to find you. He will definitely try to and scare you a bit by making appearances next to you without making a sound. It's like he's just appeared out of thin air next to you and every time he does it you're almost scared shitless.
( Though really, he's just.. stalking you and then showing himself every now and then just to say hi. He likes to piss you off. Yes, he's an asshole- )
Sukuna doesn't really care if his feelings towards you are unhealthy. Hell, he's a curse. Why should he of all people care about whether his feelings are healthy or not? It's not like he's not batshit crazy.
Oh, and remember how it was discussed he'd drag you kicking and screaming with no problem? Yeah, this man (curse) is kidnapping you. Good luck with that. It's better if you don't resist either, because come on. Look at him. He could kill you at any second if he wished to. You're getting more mercy than anyone else ever would by his hands.
Most likely there'll be no way to escape, and he'll have his own fun chaining you. He's not running risks. However, the restraints are more of a thing that he just would use for when he finally decides to take you for himself. He will be fucking you senseless.
Restraints such as chains, cuffs, and collars are an absolute thing he'd use on the occasion. He is tying you up. Sukuna is sadistic, and it shows. Knife-play may also be involved, though he takes care to not hurt you gravely, just enough to draw blood on some places. (As much as he hates to admit, he won't hurt you enough to kill you. He does care. In his own weird way.)
His sadism isn't just shown by the way he delights in your fearful expression when you plead him to spare others, to not kill them. It doesn't just show when you beg him, to the point tears brim from your eyes. It's honestly pathetic, the way he sees it, but he loves it. He's lovesick. Your suffering is his passion. Pain is pleasure, he'd say.
If you're a masochist, though? And you enjoy all that sadistic shit he makes you go through during sex? Oh god. You better not let him know. He's already a sadist as is, but knowing you enjoy that? It's going to amplify his excitement furthermore than is good.
The moment he realizes you like this, he will take things to a level above painful pleasure. He's going to put you through mind-breaking sex.
He's relentless, really, marking you in more ways than one, whether it be a mark on your neck left by a bite he did, or just fucking you until you can't even think properly anymore and you're all tight and wet, making you keep that length inside of you pushing and throbbing whilst you beg and scream. 
He wants you all to himself, so why wouldn't he go to the extremes? After all, he doesn't want anyone else to even touch you. Please. He'd kill them if they so even glanced at you in the wrong way.
It's not going to be hard for him to claim you as his, nor will it be hard to keep you. You can't escape from him. It doesn't matter where you run, where you hide, to whom you'll plead and beg to help and save you; he'll have his eyes on you and you alone, and he'll make sure that during that bothersome eternity he lives through, you'll be with him too.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 8 months
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SYNOPSIS: Lyney has a patience of a saint, but he's had enough of this game of cat and mouse. This time, he wants you, and no one will stop him for getting what he wants. (2nd POV) [ IDENTITYV AU ]
TW/S: Yandere tendencies, stalking (he's chasing you), minor character death (other survivors died), emotional manipulation, Arle teaches him how to """metaphorically""" cut off someone's 'wings', ooc Lyney and Arle, gore, teeth, Lyney is unhinged
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You couldn't remember what tipped him off. It could be from your actions, or it could be from what you said. Hell, it may as well be something that you unknowingly did that offended him— something that would normally not be a bother to him that became its own trigger.
Whatever it could be, you were in the other end of such a horrible fate. And alas, the last place you wished you didn't end up in had to be the one you loathed the most.
The eerie chimes of the bell echoing around the haunted town continued to plague your senses, followed by the faint meowing of the grin-malkin cats as you sprinted for your dear life.
You can hardly focus on what is there and isn't there, as all you had is to get the hell out of here and save this sinking match.
Your only task is to survive.
Survive the madness of the man that loved you in such a twisted, horrible way.
You were his rabbit, and Eversleeping Town was the location of his greatest show yet— a show that will capture not just your attention, but your own will.
Granted, the ever forgiving Illusionist made a simple deal— if you get out by any means necessary, be it the dungeon, exit gate, or, hell— even by completing the ciphers with your companions or saved by the Nightingale… He'll let you go.
However, should you go down, he would consider that as a win of his own, and that meant you cannot leave this forsaken match that you're under.
It's why you were prepared. You came with a companion or two that can assist you, even if it had its own drawbacks.
Alas, this did not stop the Knave from simply going after them first, leaving only 4 ciphers and the dungeon still hidden and closed from many prying eyes. You were clever to cover your tracks, but he is more so with removing the most trickiest companions yet.
Or, that's what many may think.
The Knave bas been taught from the best of the best— his "Father" has taught him of how to, in simpler terms, keep a bird from flying away in its cage.
Should Lyney need it, he needed to learn one crucial detail: he needed to learn just how to clip his beloved's wings first and keep them in his cage.
After all, if he had found a way to do such a thing… the outcome of the match will be nothing but predictable.
And the Knave thrives off of the uncertainty, and especially with being dubbed the Trickster of Eversleeping.
He'll let you off for now. He'll let you scurry around, trying and praying that he never catches wind of your antics.
After all, the moment he catches you, you will have to pray to whatever God you believed in that he feels nice enough to not take you down to his very grave.
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"Now, Lyney," he could vaguely hear 'Father' speak as she handed him his cards. Gesturing right before them was the sight of someone bound in the chair. The magician stood as he saw the stranger shake and struggle, trying to say something under the gag.
"You must learn how to use your tricks to matters such as this. I'm sure it will be hard, but I have faith that you can do it."
He seemed rather hesitant to speak with how the fool was trying and failing to scream. To beg, even. It was a pathetic sight if Lyney didn't had morals... Which he had, much to 'Father's' chagrin.
Oh well. It wasn't as though having morals can be a bad thing. Maybe it was better, so she can use it to her advantage.
"Take this, Lyney."
She hands the young magician an item. One that can be used with just a bit of force.
"Now, let Father teach you how to clip a bird's wings. All you have to do is watch and follow my lead. You can do that, right?"
He turned his gaze to the taller woman, then to the item she handed to him. The sight of the iron and leather caught his attention, and especially with the ends of it's 'mouth' being bloodied.
He should've dropped it the moment he had it. He should have done that and not agree. It was brutal to harm another person, and he knew that.
... But his 'Father' would simply dangle the life of Lynette over his head. She could simply threaten to send Lynette off to a dangerous mission, especially one where dying is guaranteed.
Many have died, and Lyney was not a stranger to that.
However, his sister was special. She was the only one he had left, and she to him. Should she die, he didn't knew what he'd end up doing.
And so, with a deep breath, he nodded and faced his 'Father'.
"Yes, Father."
That day didn't end in a simple case of dental work.
But he learned how to 'clip' a person's wings in exchange.
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Your chest began to heave as you traversed through the empty buildings of the town, fatigue catching up to you the more you spent running.
Although your legs ached and begged for a break, you continued running, feeling the rush from behind you— one from the grin-malkin cats.
Now, one can say that you thought covering your tracks was a skill you need to learn. And with that, you assumed it to be the case. However, you've yet to learn that it was better not to underestimate a hunter's skills.
A lesson that Lyney, a man whom you've helped when you were both survivors, would be more than happy to teach you.
As you vaulted over an open window, you felt the air grow harsh as it whipped you on your descent, your feet landing on the pavement. Feeling your muscles tighten, you grit your teeth and sprinted onwards.
Come on, I just need to get to the graveyard. I can lose him from there!
Alas, you were not gifted with the matter of stamina. Just as you've reached past the tracks of the tram, you could hear Lyney speak from behind you.
"Look at what we have here! Scurrying off, are we?"
And then, you felt it.
The harsh hit from Rosseland, his cat, as you vaulted over the window leading to the land of tombstones sent you flying; your back soon collided with one of the worn headstones, making you groan in pain.
In the midst of your suffering, Lyney vaulted through the window, his purple eyes twinkling as he crouched down to look at you.
"My, my, my little rabbit," he tutted, chuckling as he watched you crawl away from him with no avail. "Haven't we made a deal? If you manage to escape this match, I'll let you go. But since you went down... I get to keep you. Do you remember that?"
... You kept your mouth shut.
"... [Name]," he said, his right hand reaching over to grab your neck. "Answer me. Do you remember what our agreement is?"
"... I do."
And yet it feels like it's stacked against me.
Coughing, you turned your head away from him. You didn't need to see his face to know that he was happy to hear your agreement to the matter.
"See? It isn't so hard to agree, now, is it?" he asked with a lit of his voice. "Now, my darling... Now that I have you, I'd like for you to answer a few questions for me."
"... And if I refuse?"
Lyney laughed at that, but his voice was less composed. Perhaps it was more manic.
"Ahahahaha! What makes you think you're able to refuse, my little hare?" he asked, his eyes closed before reaching up to grab your chin. With an iron grip, he turned your head to him, his eyes open to face you with a chilling smile.
"I'd hate to have you toy with me like that. You know that, right?"
You wanted to say otherwise, but you were already incapacitated. If you ever decided to counter his claim, you knew that he would do worse than simply chairing you to one of the... Less than desirable chairs with rockets strapped onto them.
".. Fine," you breathed out. "I agree."
"Splendid," he said, pulling his gloved hand away to grab his hat. As he pulled it off of his head and turned it upside down, he reached his left to slip inside.
"Now, I don't want to you to force my hand. It's only a few questions that I want you to answer, and if you answer them truthfully... I may spare you by chairing you myself."
You didn't knew what that meant...
... Up until you saw a pair of pliers peek out from his hand, the dull gleam of iron greeting your horrified face.
"But if you lied, I'll have to resort to some more... Drastic measures."
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The hours you two spent together was, in short, torture.
You couldn't count the amount of times that your teeth got yanked with those metal ones, the pain and blood gushing as you wailed.
You could count other ways that would be better than feeling metal graze and nick at them. You could've asked for simply to be drugged, to face death by his hands, to bleed onto the ground that he walked on.
However, death was not a fate worse than this. And Lyney— rather, the Lyney you see now, not the one you know of— was a man who had a manic streak hidden under that smile.
As he yanked the nineteenth tooth out of you, he turned his head down to see blood drip down and stain your clothes. He scowled and placed his pliers down with four teeth now on his right side, grabbing a handkerchief to wipe the blood away.
He knew it was pointless. You did, too.
Maybe it was a way to distract yourself from the pain, and for him to justify his actions in doing such a thing.
Alas, delusions can only take you so far, and pain is karma's many mistresses. One of many that everyone in the manor is familiar with, you and Lyney included.
He began to dab the cloth more as blood spilled and tainted the fabric, his smile empty of its sympathy for your decision to lie to him. All he could see before him was his darling, whose way, way too stubborn for his good.
And one that is good to make him lose his patience.
"I have warned you, haven't I?" he asked, his voice chilling yet sickeningly sweet while he pulled the handkerchief away. Tossing it to a direction he could care less to look, he grabbed another from his hat to continue his 'treatment'.
"If you had simply stayed truthful, you wouldn't have to loose your teeth! And yet, you didn't listen," he concluded, tutting as you sobbed and turned your head from him.
"I pity you, my dear hare. But it's the price to pay with how you didn't listen to my warnings."
When the blood stopped spilling, he placed the bloodied fabric and stared at his handiwork. From the answers he got from you, he was quite... Intrigued with what you told him.
"Now... I'm going to ask you one more time."
Grabbing the now bloodied pliers, he positioned it to your twentieth tooth, ignoring the sobs you let out and your gaze full of fear.
"Do you prefer my dear sister, Lynette?"
He could hear your breath heave as the metal 'teeth' of the pliers began to tighten.
However, the answer you gave him was interesting... Especially when you whispered out 'yes' with your greatest efforts.
"Is that so?"
He couldn't help but laugh. So, you do prefer Lynette, his sister... Over him? What a farce!
He may care for his sister to death, but he would rather have you than her survive to be his lifelong assistant.
Especially now that his 'Father' gave him the role of Knave, and how his siblings have been punished for trying to go against him and save that sorry excuse of magician. Himself.
"Ah, I see how it is," he said, his voice merely a wheeze as his hand shook. However, it went still and firm once more, and he gave you a lopsided smile.
"Do you remember what I've told you before, hm? Back when we were simply 'survivors' in this forsaken manor?"
Your body shook.
"Magicians generally do not reveal the core secrets behind their tricks," he said, his smile widening. "And especially if it concerns their heart. However, I may just revoke that if you call me 'Master Lyney' and swear to be my only assistant— and only me."
He could see that you were shaking even more, and the fear was what drove him mad. Alas, he knew that he might nick at your gums if he got too rough.
Not that you mind, right?
"I'm curious how much of it you'd understand," he concluded, leaning over to continue in a whisper.
"And how long you'd last, hehe~"
And thus, he yanked your twentieth tooth, causing your screams to erupt all through the barren town and the Illusionist to shiver in glee. He always enjoyed the thought of performing, but maybe he has lost it while staying here for so long.
Putting the pliers away, he hushed you and began to rock your body, uncaring of the sobbing and your blood staining his attire.
"I just wish to make a point. And I hope you understand that, my assistant."
Alas, the day cannot last forever. Lyney knew that, and it's why he decided to do one last trick.
Covering your eyes, he grabbed a crimson red handkerchief— one tainted with your blood— and covered your face. With a whisper, he pulled it away, leaning back to see his handiwork.
"And... Voila!"
He seemed rather smug as he saw teeth were back in your mouth, each one untainted and straight like new. Still, the damage was done, as you continued to sob and wail, begging for him to not do it again.
That day didn't end in a simple denture fix, that he's certain of.
But he utilized what 'Father' taught him all those years ago.
And that was good enough.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2023
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
May I request something for fluff Friday?
Because it’s December! And it’s cold I was thinking maybe the reader teaching Hobie how to crochet? because I crochet and I think it would be cute if reader and Hobie made scarfs, gloves and beanies for the winter!
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AHHHHHHH S'CUTE!! Thank you both for requesting. I hope you two don't mind me combining them since they're both similar. Have a happy holiday, lovelies!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, they have an army of cats and a symbiote cat. Symbiote cat au, Lovestruck! Hobie, FLUFF
“And then you loop it around, and tada! You've made yourself a tiny scarf!” You let Hobie's hands go from when you were guiding his long fingers to finish his bright red and black scarf. He already laments the absence of your touch. “One down twenty more to go.”
Hobie turns to his side to face you fully, your smile blinds him for a second, he doesn't blame himself for what he does next.
“Thank you, lovie” he cups your face with urgency before the army of cats, especially the little devil spawn, gets wind of your little alone time in your shared bedroom. Peppering your face with hundreds of kisses, he makes sure no space of your skin is left unkissed.
Your giggles must've awoken the beasts because you hear soft mewls behind the door. The meowing turns into screaming then into panicked scratching.
“I think they've figured us out” you say in between laughs, good thing you're holding his shoulders or else you would've fallen off the bed from his barrage of wet kisses.
“They can't keep us apart!” Hobie's kisses hasten as you hear something slither under the door.
A black blob appears like a puddle, that puddle slowly solidifies into the most horrific thing ever: a cat. An alien cat that is unfathomably jealous of Hobie right now.
Symbiote cat or you so lovingly named, Blob, short for Blobius Cornelius Blobirington, who is currently hissing his way towards your intertwined forms. The village of cats outside continue to try and screech their way inside the bedroom.
“Bloby, no!” You yell frantically as the alien cat unhinges his jaw to open his maw, white pointy pearly whites greet Hobie as you try to stop Blob from eating your boyfriend.
Hobie puts himself in between you and the symbiote, “Try it! Let's see if you can even digest me”
“Hobie, don't rile him up! Here, baby!” You toss a ball of yarn as a last resort, which thankfully catches the alien’s attention.
Blobius Cornelius Blobirington follows the ball of yarn, the black spikes on his back smoothes out as he plays with the yarn.
“He started it.” Hobie narrows his eyes at the creature. Blob hisses back a response, baring all his teeth.
“Let's all calm down, please?” With your sweet words, both parties visibly calm down. Hobie relaxes his shoulders, while Blob returns to his ball of yarn. “We're all good?” You pause, eyes flitting from Hobie to the little symbiote who keeps an eye open for any more face attacking from Hobie. “Good, cat's out of the bag, I'm gonna open the door and show them their gift”
“We’re not done yet with the scarves though?”
“Oh, we'll continue that, maybe tonight?” You lower your voice, “okay?” Quickly smooching Hobie’s lips, he agrees with a knowing nod.
“Alright, but I'm putting down a door sealing strip so he doesn't interrupt”
You laugh, giving him one last kiss on his forehead as you stand up to collect the cats’ humongous gift. Hobie tries to grab your hand but Blob sees through his plans, he abandons the toy to stretch himself towards the bed, taking your spot with a large Cheshire grin.
“You little shit”
“I've got it!” their staring contest gets interrupted by your excited voice. “Can you open the door for me please?” Your sentence is muffled by the large knitted fabric in your hands.
Hobie opens the door with his web shooters and out goes a tsunami of cats, a blur of orange, black, brown and white furs stumble through the open door. Hobie jumps up from the bed, scooping an armful of cats in his arms. Meows of varying degrees of tone echoes out in the room while Blob sits comfortably and unbothered on your bed.
“Hello, yes, I know, sorry!” you weave through the crowd gathering at your feet. “Are you all ready for your present?”
Unfurling the fabric, you drape it on the floor while cats gather around it to either catch it mid air or to lay on the floor to let it flop on top of them. The cats play on the blanket, some avoid it, still apprehensive.
The colourful flower pattern catches Hobie's eye, he whistles out. “Bloody ‘ell, love. Did you make this on your own?”
“Yep! Took me half a year to finish. Do you like it?”
“It's fuckin' gorgeous! C’mere” Hobie raises his arms and out pours the cats who quickly land on their feet.
You carefully make your way towards him. You embrace him, his arms enveloping you in a tight hug. It's all part of your plan though, with one quick movement, you put the beanie on top of his head, he makes a sound from the back of his throat in surprise. With how speedy you put it on him, the beanie covered his eyes too.
“Whoops!” You laugh, carefully unfolding the hat to uncover his eyes. “There you are” beaming at him, you cup his jaw to lovingly rub at his growing stubble. “Now your head won't get cold on patrols. Does it fit okay?”
“Like a glove” he's all heart eyes, his hands staying on your waist. “Thank you”
“You're welcome,” you place a quick affectionate kiss on the corner of his lips “There's more by the way”
“Snogging or presents? ‘m good with either”
“Both” you say against his lips, before you meet though, you hear Blob hissing while climbing up Hobie's leg.
“Fuck! How?!” He yelps, thinking his spider senses have gone haywire under all the sickenly sweet fog of your kiss.
“Perfect, I've got something for you too!” taking the tiny beanie from your pajama pocket, you place it on the symbiote’s head, avoiding his sharp teeth. “Cute! Now you're matching!”
You take a step back to admire them both in their matching beanies. Grinning happily at your handiwork. Hobie glares at Blob who's still climbing up his leg with a sneer.
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Could we have octoville reaction to octo merchild misbehaving like attempting to beat them up , trying to escape, thrashing in their arms , and even biting , and even cussing them out and giving the middle finger
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Yandere Octorio x Octo Mer Child reader
Children get fussy that’s just a known fact. Even the cruelest and most coldhearted know that children are slaves to their unhinged emotions which can be kicked off by the absence of a nap, not being given their dinosaur nuggies, or not getting to play longer. But only the best guardians know how to handle these kinds of behavior at the very least eliminate the ones that cause it:
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Azul Ashengrotto 
More than anyone Azul has the greatest authority over you so he claims
You are the mini to his mega octopus status
So when he says your going back to your tank 
Your going back to your tank
“Let him go, (Y/n). It’s time to go!”
He didn’t mind that you were getting cozy in Scarabia 
It meant getting to keep an eye on Jamil
Kalim was perfect for keeping up with your energy 
But Azul notices how your skin gets dry or how sluggish you are returning 
You’re not just tired…you’re drying out 
On a deeper level, Jade’s discovered that your hybrid status has you needing things a mini octopus needs
You have an extremely thin phlegm that keeps you from drying out
And drinking water is part of it 
But with heat like Scarabia’s its best if you spend at least two hours in some actual water 
Letting the water give you oxygen through your skin
But for whatever reason, you don’t want to do that
Annoyed with how much time is taken away with putting on and taking off the bathing suit 
And the way Jamil demands you sit on the scratchy towels so you don’t make everywhere wet
“Nooooooo! Rgh! Noooo!”
With Kalim’s push, you’ll leave Scarabia 
But when you return to Octavinelle Azul gives you some guidelines about going 
And when you refuse he thinks aloud about not letting you go at all
he's mostly joking maybe not
And that sets you off
In the middle of the Monstro lounge your flailing, crying causing a huge scene
And like a struggling single mom that’s just trying to wrangle her kid, He’s straining as he pulls you into his office
Away from the invasive stares and curious looks of patrons
When he’s in there he pushes you in your mini tank clipping on the hole-filled top 
Which doesn’t move at all despite your little tentacles pulling and banging on the glass
He’ll start working on contracts, counting bills, studying all while ignoring your little tantrum
He waits until it stops, sleeping in your little hidey-hole
Then He cries 
Reduced to his baby octopus days he tries to remind himself that his baby just doesn’t want to listen
Not that you really hate him for stopping you from hanging out with someone more fun than him
All the parenting books couldn’t prepare him for this 
But when you awake still willing to wrap your little tentacles around his fingers he gains confidence again
“(Y/n)...how about we make a little contract, okay? Just something promising me you’ll always come back, okay?”
“Mmmm okay.”
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Jade Leech
“(Y/n) did you hear me? I said you can’t eat these. (Y/n)? Look at me, do you understand?”
You were being a little toad
Pouting and turning away after Jade didn’t let you eat one of the mushrooms he was dissecting
Some may say that previously working on edible mushrooms and giving one to you every other time may have conditioned you to expect it but whatever
You’ve squatted down low and plopped on the cold floor of his club room
Refusing to look at him with your little noises of refusal
He doesn’t mind being ignored…he knows you’ll forget anyway
But what he does have a problem with is when he turns away you’re reaching your tubby hand into his work station
He snatches your little hand using this closeness to grill it into you to listen
“(Y/n). Look at me.”
“Fine, then you're going to your tank.”
He’s dragging you or rather carrying you to your tank 
And as he shut whoever’s door to put you away he hears something mumbled under your breath that sets him off
“-old fish. S-upid klunt!” 
“...What did you just say?”
He turns his head like those dolls in horror movies
He gets that you were trying to say something else and he will hunt down who you got that from later but for now he’s bringing the hammer down
No one knows what happens when you're being particularly naughty
The best equivalent for what happens is that he commits to emotionally spanking you
a single look portrays that you're in for it
Talking you down until your begging for forgiveness while you nuzzle against his pant leg
He becomes that parent that you know to behave around
And its Azul who uses the most
“I’m going to tell Jade when he gets home!”
“No no! I sorry! No, please don’t tell!”
But in the end Jade is always willing to forgive you
Always willing to genuinely smile as you tearfully apologize before even being reprimanded
“Aww that’s my good octopus, I’m not angry no no no…I was just disappointed…but you did so well to apologize, good job.”
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Floyd Leech
“Eh?! Octobaby hasn’t had their nap yet? Ohhh so that’s why you're so snippy!”
He’s down to play with you but he knows it’s a nightmare when your hungry or tired
He knows right now you need a nap
Even if he has to force you to take one
Now Jade says he can’t strangle you to sleep because you're just too fragile
So he just has to lock you in your tank, play your music, and make sure no one interrupts
That’s who he’s allowed to strangle
Even when you’re biting and thrashing in his hold 
To be honest he hardly notices 
Until your little pincers actually prick him some
“Did you just…bite me…?”
“Yes, you did.”
“I-i sorry. I sorry!” 
His silence speaks loudest
He’s angry
It just won’t be at you
He’s oddly nurturing putting you to sleep 
Then he’s raging at everyone who gets in his way 
“Who. The. Heck. Made them miss their nap?!”
He’s not letting anyone hurt you let alone ruin your schedule
There is a schedule for how they take care of you
He actually is really vigilant about it
So he is livid when others come and mess with that
“Octobaby bit me today…”
“Oh did you reprimand them?”
“Nope did it themselves! Besides it was the cutest little prick, if they weren’t acting out I’d want them to do it again!”
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your-mom-friend · 6 months
There's only two reasons Malevolent isn't set in the modern era
Arthur would look less insane by default because he could just keep an earpiece in and pretend he's on a phone call or has a hearing aid the entire time
Gay marriage is legal and if those two were allowed to be freely in love every episode would be twice as long because we'd have to go through 40 EXTRA minutes of homoerotic banter and they'd never get anything done
Sidenotes on these:
I think it would be supremely fucking funny if it was set in the modern era with the headphone thing because Arthur wouldn't appear crazy, he'd appear rude which is infinitely worse and would also annoy the fuck out of his villains and also friends because he looks like he's on a fucking phone call while fighting for his life.
If he pretended he had a hearing aid in he'd be like "I can't believe you're attacking me. I'm literally queer and disabled. You'll get cancelled" and everyone's like 👁👄👁
Also in the hearing aid situation, someone takes it off him or turns it off (idk how hearing aids work) so he won't be able to hear them except he still can and doesn't know how to proceed without his attacker accusing him of faking a disability he was absolutely faking
If they were in a time period where being queer is allowed we'd get Walking Bisexual Disaster Arthur Lester and get acknowledgement that everyone he meets becomes slightly obsessed with him for better or worse and they might (read: are) a little a lot mayhaps definitely attracted to him. a bit.
Arthur Lester would know memes. You guys he'd know what Vine was. He'd be a tiktok cryptid that every one-in-five teenagers in Boston has seen and witnessed doing something absolutely unhinged. A teenager on a train vlogging about their trip when in the background a blind guy is chasing down some random dude and the other guy tries to throw him off the train and the video goes Viral instantly
I'd love to see Arthur, most assuredly up to date with technology try to work with John, who has no idea what the internet or AI is or ORTHUR SOMETHING IS POSSESSING YOUR PHONE IT'S WRITING DOWN EVERYTHING YOU SAY
In conclusion, Modern AU Malevolent would be more comedy than horror-mystery
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nolita-fairytale · 10 months
hi gen! hope this finds you well!!!! and hope i’m not late to the party… but i’ve been thinking about luca having a long distance relationship. and since most of the time chefs have cooking as an act of care, could you think of hc for luca in this situation?
@translatemunson thanks for sending this one in.
dating chef luca long distance: a headcanon
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dating chef luca long distance would look like:
while luca works early most mornings, the two of you make sure to keep in touch. texts, voice memos, phone calls and facetimes when you can because he wants to connect with you as often as possible.
luca is always sending you tiktoks/instagram reels once he's off work -- things he thinks you might enjoy. you love to send pics back and forth: things you're doing, a great meal you had, a selfie when you have something funny to tell him or just when you miss him.
luca does not have read receipts and neither do you because truly, read receipts are unhinged and just make everyone involved anxious. (not me coming for read receipts, oops)
you try to physically see each other every 1 - 3 months, depending on where you're located, at least until your make it to your long distance end date. hear me out: i think that luca is going to move to you. "there will always be work for me as a chef, babe. and i want to be with you."
the week before a scheduled trip, it feels like time can't move any faster. you normally don't have too much trouble with distance, aside from missing him, but that week leading up to always feels agonous.
speaking of, leading up to a trip, luca busies himself with planning out menus, things he wants to make you, places he wants to take you, knowing that food is such a strong love language for the both of you.
the moment you reunite is always so sweet. in some ways, you don't mind the distance because it always feels so exciting when you see him for the first time after a few weeks to months apart. and can we talk about the reunion sex?! it is hot, hot, hot and it's the first thing the both of you want to do when you're reunited. (fully projecting here because i once had a long distance relationship and that ways always the first thing we did).
when you're not together... i don't think you and luca are big sexters... per say... but the man will indulge in phone sex when the mood strikes. just picture it. that deep voice over the phone telling you to touch yourself?! asking you how it feels? moaning with the phone on speaker while you tell him how much you need him?! how you can't wait to be together, jfc.
every day with him feels special, whether it be luca making you breakfast in bed or the two of you just doing nothing together, watching movies, cooking something together. he makes the most mundane of things feel like magic because the man has your heart.
somedays are harder than others, and you feel like you're missing out -- when his hair is longer, when he finds a new cafe that's become routine for him but is something you're only just finding out about -- and it makes your heart ache for the day that you get to live in the same city together.
long distance is hard, but you and luca make it as easy as possible by being kickass communicators and by meeting each other halfway. on the days it feels harder than others, you hold space for each other, recognizing that, while normally you feel good about it... you really fucking miss each other.
i know i wrote this in burn your life down but i stand by it: luca is a letter writer. perhaps after a particular tough day where you're missing the hell out of him, luca decides to surprise you by sending you some snail mail. you receive it a few days to a week later (depending on where you are in the world) and the care and love he poured into this surprise reminds you that it's all worth it.
this song and these lyrics make me think of dating luca long distance, so i will leave us on this note:
"so, can we strip down to our vitals? i'm obsessed with your design and I've missed your soul forever" -- superbloodmoon, holly humberstone & d4vid
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istoleyoursk1n · 5 months
Could I request a durge who, while they have more control of their urges than most other Bhaalspawn, will sometimes blurt the urges out in conversation to try and get someone to help them stop doing it just in case they try? It's half sweet and half chaotic, because on one hand, aw durge trusts them! But also, durge and the character were just having a nice evening stroll in a park when they turned to the character and bluntly said "Can you tie me down before I kill that couple over there?"
With Roland, Dammon and Wyll please!
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How would Rolan, Dammon, and Wyll react to a Durge who blurts out their urges?
Context: Durge starts blurting unhinged things out like “Can you tie me down before I kill that could over there?!” (I find this so funny)
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: ̗̀➛ ROLAN
“Gods damnit again?! What is it, the fourth time this week?! Can you behave enough to whisper when you utter those violent little thoughts of yours? It's like you want every damn person here to hear you! You’re embarrassing us both y’know!”
You what?! <— His live reaction caught in 4k
He’s well aware of your urges by now but they never fail to startle him. You always seem to blurt them out during the worst times too. He’s spilled his drink once because of you!
He goes from having to quickly shush your mouth by placing his own hand over it, to not so subtly scooting you away from everyone, and then having to use every damn magic trick in the book just to keep you from lunging at people.
He seems more annoyed than scared to be honest, having to scold you once again about ‘not ruining happy couples’ and to ‘stop trying to bite that dwarves leg’.
The whole situation ends up looking like both of you play fighting or Rolan trying to tend to a rabid dog. Either way, it's absolutely hilarious to everywhere who may bear witness to it all.
Eventually, when he's managed to get you to calm down, he’d be able to help talk things out with you, finding out proper ways on how this ‘urge’ of yours could be tamed without the need of you hurting yourself or others.
To his dismay, he cares for you deeply and despite it all, he’d be willing enough to help you through each and every one of your urges no matter how much of a hassle it all is to overcome.
And hey! If someone truly does piss him off, he has you to rely on to immediately go chasing after the poor soul with bared teeth.
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: ̗̀➛ DAMMON
“Hells, just hold onto me okay? We’ll get you home and away from this crowd if you think the urges are getting far too overwhelming. Don't you worry, we’ll be back in no time, just squeeze my hand and it’ll all be alright.”
He kind of just stood there awkwardly at first when he first heard you blurt out your urges. He’s so surprised by them that he needs to blink five times before actually processing what you just said.
It would be during the most unsuspecting times too like whenever the both of you were relaxing together side by side whilst eating a nice warm meal then suddenly you’d say something along the lines of ‘dwarf tastes better’.
He’s very much concerned about you and your mental state but he cares for you enough to listen and lend you a hand whenever you do decide to blurt out your urges.
At least then it gives him a clear sign as to when he should be tying you down or locking you in a room for the day.
He hates having to tie you up when your urges get worse, seeing you lash about and growl at him just pains him because he can't imagine the amount of stress you actually going through just to hold yourself back.
He’s probably been scratched by you a few times while he was trying to calm you down but he never once took it against you. Instead, those became his favorite scars all cause they came from you.
He would stay with you no matter how dangerous you say you are. He’d make sure that you’d have food and he’d feed you every time you’re mind was too scattered to eat yourself during the moments when you had to be tied up; for even the fear of dying by your hands does not scare him.
Though it does become an actual shitshow during the times he actually has to wrestle you down. It's funny to watch but Gods does it exhaust him.
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: ̗̀➛ WYLL
“By the hells, Is it that time again? Alright, calm down, just breathe with me okay? You're going to be just fine. Now quickly, let's get you somewhere safe before the worst comes to show, I doubt you’d want that poor couple overhearing what you said.”
He goes wide-eyed concerned for a moment as soon as your violent urges suddenly come out of your mouth. He truly could never not be shocked for when and where you say such things.
He’s somehow extremely prepared for it though that it's mildly concerning.
The first step is to take you away from any person aside from him in sight, if you are close to home, even better! But ideally, he either takes you to a secluded forest or an alleyway.
Next, he very gently restrains you whilst reassuring you that everything is going to be just fine. Better to restrain you while you're still in control of your own thoughts rather than when you go full-on feral mode.
He even has a timer for it. If for an hour or so you don't act up and remain calm then he lets you go but if you start lashing out then he knows it’s time for him to probably pull an all-nighter just to make sure you and the others don't get hurt. Note that either way, he stays with you.
He’ll be your number-one supporter in helping you control and contain your violent urges, always giving you hope in times when all you can see is blood red.
He’ll always have a plate of food ready for you when the urges finally settle and you’re back in the right state of mind. Perhaps even a warm bath if you're both in the comforts of your home.
Truth be told, the real reason he stays by your side is not just cause he cares but because one moment he looked away for about ten seconds, and you suddenly disappeared. The poor man nearly had a panic attack.
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