#and have him go ''well I'm just theorizing how it might have looked back in the day'' about any inaccuracies
luigra · 1 year
!! what headcanons do you have for team hillscrafted? :0
the first and most major headcanon is that it's a team that exists at all
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radioisntdead · 1 month
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Too sweet
Alastor x gn reader,
Mild ooc, reader is dessert themed also kinda imagining they have eyes that resemble 1930's animation but that's just me, casual backstory drop in the middle that's just never brought up again, death, pacing is a little off, Alastor is prepared with angelic steel this time! It does not help whatsoever!
Song: Too sweet
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It wasn't a secret that Alastor strongly disliked sweet things, it wasn't a complete hatred but he wouldn't willingly eat any, he preferred bitter things.
It can't be said I'm an early bird
You were as sweet as pure sugar, with that oh so charming smile of yours, your big ol' cartoony eyes, eccentric and positive attitude, not to mention you were quite literally dessert themed, Cake themed outfits, frosted purses, phone case adorned with spackled frosting, sprinkles and charms.
It's ten o'clock before I say a word
You were the most recent addition to the hotel, a few of the hotel's residents didn't quite understand how someone as sweet as you could've ended up in hell, it was theorized that maybe it was an act, a honey coated trap that would lead to the hotel demise or something.
Baby, I can never tell
That was thrown out rather quickly when you kept the same sweetheart persona even when alone, it was just how you were.
How do you sleep so well?
It was concerning to a certain few hotel residents when it was discovered that you had a thing for the Radio demon,
The way your eyes would linger on him for a moment too long, the way you would gaze at him love evident in your eyes.
You keep telling me to live right
Husk gave you a warning one night at the bar, you were sipping on a drink that had more sugar then any drink should, he was cleaning up the bar.
"Look kid, Alastor is a bad decision, this won't end well for you."
"I know." You had responded, twirling around that sickly sweet drink of yours
You weren't naive like your personality seemed to make people think, you knew Alastor was a bad idea, bad news, he was a cannibalistic murderer for heaven's sake!
To go to bed before the daylight
But it was alright to have a small crush that you wouldn't act on, it'd pass eventually but for now it wasn't bad to fantasize about dancing with him, cooking together or about doing something unholy like handholding! Nothing would become of it, you didn't have a good history with relationships anyways.
But then you wake up for the sunrise
Charlie was supportive of your little crush, she had found out about it after accidentally overhearing you drunkenly tell Angel Dust about it, that sugary little drink really did a number on you.
She decided she would try to push you and Alastor together, gently, She was such a great wingman!
After all Alastor tolerated you more than anyone else in the hotel so that's a indication that you might have a chance right? A truly slim one but a chance nonetheless!
You know you don't gotta pretend, baby, now and then
When Alastor began enjoying your company a little too much for his liking it was like he, from his prospective had been thrown into a horror movie and trapped with little to no way out.
He enjoyed some of your antics and reactions.
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake?
You were helpful around the hotel, helping out with advertising, you'd proofread scripts he had written for his radio broadcast, every time you went out for a treat you brought back some type of pastry or snack for the hotel residents, in particular you'd travel all the way to cannibal town to pick up something for Alastor, you didn't have too, but you did.
Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
As time went on the feelings didn't fade, especially since Charlie heavily suggested that the two of you should work together on hotel related things, and that pinwheeled into the two of you spending more time together, getting closer, and eventually you began to avoid Alastor, you had a tendency to ditch the people you were fond of in a way usually in a cruel fashion, you didn't mean too, truly! But you did and you didn't want to risk it with Alastor for his sake and yours.
If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great
You were a known partier back in your day, you died back in the heights of the roaring twenties where you had the money and privileges to go to lavish parties where anyone who was anyone could attend much like the parties Gatsby held in the great Gatsby, you lived what some folks thought the roaring twenties were all about, Flappers, speakeasies, parties and short-lived prosperity.
You were in your twenties, rebellious and reckless, drinking any drink given to you, playing around with people's emotions with those sickly sweet words of yours, taking whatever substance you were given, and a year before the stock market crash, you were found dead on the dancefloor poisoned by a former darling of yours who didn't like that you had left them because things were getting 'too serious' for you.
You didn't handle death well, and in order to keep at least some of your sanity you went to hurling yourself onto the hellish party scene, frequenting speakeasies, trying to keep some sense of what you knew, repeating harmful cycles, but you couldn't do it forever.
And so you gave up the party scene around the mid 40's, burning bridges and leaving behind many scorned people behind.
You were more unstable back then, but you had improved, at least you thought you did taking up the sweet attitude by a couple notches, switching from drinking alcohol each day to drinking sweet smoothies or milkshakes.
You cleaned up your act and you were continuing to keep it clean especially as you checked into the hotel.
No one there knew about your track record and you would like to keep it that way.
But while in this world
The avoidance didn't last long since Alastor cornered you asking why and you blabbered out your feelings in one big ramble.
And that was that.
I think I'll take my whiskey neat
Charlie was ecstatic to learn that you and Alastor had gotten together, Others were concerned particularly Husk, his bets were that either Alastor would end up owning your soul, you'd become just as twisted as Al or you'd end up dead.
None of them would end well for you.
My coffee black and my bed at three
The two of you were opposites, while he took his coffee black and bitter you loaded yours up with milk, sugar and whatever other toppings you wished, when he stayed awake for multiple days in end you snoozed away at night, when he was threatening someone who was messing with the hotel you were trying to defuse the situation with sweet words.
You're too sweet for me
Alastor didn't like sweet things, but he didn't mind you and your sugary sweetness, infact you could say he was growing a little bit of a sweet tooth.
Just the sight of your sweet little smile was enough to cause a slight ache in his heart and that fact that you could be called his now was just wonderful!
You're too sweet for me
He could see himself getting used to all this sweetness, he just needed to make sure no one knew that.
I take my whiskey neat
You smiled, listening intently and sipping on your sweet alcoholic drink while Alastor recounted an encounter he had, a glass of whiskey in his hand whooshing around as he spoke.
My coffee black and my bed at three
It was after a hotel game night mixed with alcohol, the two of you were tired and intoxicated, you were a giggly drunk, laughing at the most mundane things, Alastor was escorting you to your room and much to his surprise it was a challenge as you would stop every few steps to laugh at how the crack in the wall looked like a giraffe or how that stain on the carpet looked like a birthday cake!
You're too sweet for me
By the time he had finally gotten you to your room he was exhausted, you kicked off your shoes leaving them on your floor as you dived into your bed, reveling in the comfortable blankets.
Alastor rolled his eyes as he entered your room leaning down to pick up your discarded shoes to properly put them away in your woredrob, he intended to leave to his own room but you reached out your arms to him making grabby hands, he walked over and leaned in to see what you wanted only for you to suddenly grab him, pulling him down and covering him in the blankets before promptly passing out with your arm wrapped around one of his.
You're too sweet for me
He was going to get up, he truly was but he hadn't slept in hell knows how many days now, and the bed was warm, before he knew it his eyelids were drooped. His shadow thankfully decided to close the door to your room.
I aim low, I aim true and the ground's where I go
The next morning he was greeted by you humming while gently petting his fluffy ears, he wasn't sure you knew he was awake at that point, but he rather liked having his ears petted, at least by you and it wouldn't hurt to savor this moment for just a few more minutes before the two of you would have to deal with the duties that the day held for you.
I work late where I'm free from the phone, and the job gets done
Alastor preferred to have his radio broadcast aired in the morning but sometimes he wouldn't get the chance too, [Maybe he indulged a little too much in his morning time with you]
He would air around eight pm and sometimes you would hang around his tower, doing whatever activity you had brought along until he was done and the two of you would walk back to the hotel, maybe grabbing a bite to eat.
But you worry some, I know
Other nights you would turn on the radio in his room and curl up in a blanket on the leather chair he had, closing your eyes and listening to his oddly soothing voice.
But who wants to live forever, babe?
Alastor didn't particularly believe that heavens gates would accept sinners even if they were redeemed, but nothing is impossible and he, although he doubted it, could be wrong and the Hazbin hotel could be a success in redeeming sinners left and right and you were one of the residents checked in for redemption.
You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate
Alastor moved a piece of your hair away from your face, careful not to disturb your sleeping position on his chair, he could admit to himself that he had gotten attached to you, and he couldn't just have his darling little partner leave him behind to fraternize with the winners above now could he?
The rest of you like you're the TSA
He picked you up from the chair and moved you over to his bed, tucking you in.
If anyone in this damned place could get redeemed it was you.
I wish that I could go along, babe, don't get me wrong
And Alastor, well he wasn't the type to be looking for redemption or redeemed, he was even less of the type to blindly follow someone somewhere even if it was you.
He did wish he could see his mother who obviously was in heaven but that simply just wasn't in the cards for him, it was tragic but he did murder people, he died while burying a body after all!
You know, you're bright as the morning, as soft as the rain
Alastor cut into the dead deer he had just sat on his table, he was about to take a bite when he caught a glimpse of you shooting up from his bed looking around in hasty panic before you visibly calmed at the sight of him, with one of your signature surgery sweet smiles that caused swirls in his heart you bid him a good morning.
Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape
Alastor strolled into the hotel after a day of errands, only to see everyone cluttered together looking at something you were holding that he couldn't see, you noticed him and waved him over, grinning as you held the red creature in your arms that looked strikingly like Alastor, you went on a small tangent about how you had found the little guy while taking a stroll around the hotel.
If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait
In all honesty he wanted to hurl the creature out the window but you were stubborn in saying that the two of you should keep the catlike creature immediately dubbing it as your son much to Alastor's displeasure.
Until that day
He and the little creature begun a little rivalry, whenever he had his arm around you that thing would try and headbutt it off.
On the plus side you had taken to dressing the little one up in ridiculous little outfits, usually to match you or Alastor, from dessert themed outfits to Alastor's signature suit.
The creature did not like being dressed the majority of the time as the little thing felt it was taken less seriously thanks to the outfits.
It was right, when the little one would strut around the hotel he was usually awe'd over by Charlie and Sir Pentious.
I'd rather take my whiskey neat
Time flew by as extermination day drew closer, preparing became the focus in the hotel, coating weapons in angelic steel, in particular you had a axe that you covered with dessert themed charms finding it funny, because imagine getting taken out with a dessert themed axe of all things!
My coffee black and my bed at three
You had just barely convinced Alastor to prepare to use an angelic weapon, borderline begging him to do so, you didn't know what you'd do if he got taken out or injured because he was too prideful and foolish to use angelic steel in some way.
You're too sweet for me
He just couldn't say no to you when you looked at him with those cartoonish eyes that reminded him of 1930's animation and surgery sweet smile!
You're too sweet for me
It was the night before extermination, everyone was ready, living this night as if they were going to die tomorrow, which they probably will but they had something to fight for! You indulged on the classic surgery sweet drink that you always got, sipping on it as Niffty declared Alastor king roach leading to you chuckling.
I take my whiskey neat
It was the time where everyone retired, laying in bed you gently brushed a hand through his awful haircut, the two of you chatted about what could happen tomorrow and what the two of you would do afterwards because obviously the two of you didn't intend on dying.
You let out a yawn, deciding to call it a night you gave Alastor a light peck before laying your head on your pillow.
My coffee black and my bed at three
Alastor channeled his inner Edward Cullen and watched you sleep, blanket curled around you, that little creature was snoozing by you, dressed in a onesie that you had obviously put on him.
He didn't say it often, or at all honesty but he adored you, the only sweet thing he would willingly indulge in.
He would do anything to protect you, you would survive the extermination, he would make sure of it.
You're too sweet for me
He, infact did not make sure of it.
It was during his little encounter with Adam, the first man had gone to attack him but you had ran in, taking the hit for Alastor.
Resulting in a large gash in your stomach, blood pooled around you as Alastor got a few hits on Adam before turning to you, clutching your body as shadows overtook the two of you, taking you to his radio tower.
You're too sweet for me
Alastor scrambled, his usual composed self gone as you were actively bleeding out, he tried to stop the bleeding but you had already lost too much.
I take my whiskey neat
He held you as he demanded to know why the hell you would jump Infront of him.
You simply smiled, lifting your hand to touch his face, you said three simple words that would be your last, the last thing you saw was Alastor's strained smile.
My coffee black and my bed at three
Husk was right, it would end one of three ways, either Alastor ended up with your soul, you became just as twisted or you died.
And many died that day, the hazbin hotel lost two of its residents, Sir Pentious and you.
Sir Pentious had died for his friends and you had died for the person you loved, sacrifices that landed the two of you into heaven.
You're too sweet for me
Alastor sat in his newly built radio tower, that damned creature that you had brought by his side.
He had managed to survive the hotel collapsing, good for him, unfortunately the person that brought him there didn't survive, and now he was stuck with Alastor, but maybe that wasn't such a bad thing anymore.
You're too sweet for me
Alastor despised sweet things, they were filled with sickly sweet sugar that would leave cavities behind in it's wake, even after being brushed away it would still leave some damage like you did, you left him like you had left others before only this time it was unwillingly, you were the sweetest thing he'd ever known, he made a unfortunately decision to get attached to you and now he paid the consequences, he would be unintentionally haunted by you, reminded of you every time he saw the portrait they hung of you in the hotel along with Sir Pentious or even with the cat that looked like him.
He wouldn't be making the mistake of falling for someone again that was for sure.
It's not like he could if he wanted to anyways.
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Good evening folks! I hope you enjoyed this! I wrote it all in one day, I didn't write it because I got tired but the reader is totally fighting people to go back to Alastor, just "I JUST DIED AFTER TELLING HIM I LOVED HIM, THAT IS TRAUMATIZING"
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impyssadobsessions · 2 months
Excerpts from my WIPS ;3 Guess Which story and when- or if its a story even up. If ya want.
“Keep communication lines on, we'll be moving towards your location.” Batman had replied, which made Nightwing clicked his teeth. “How much should I bet you're not going to do that?” Dick turned to ask Jason as both of them hopped off the bike. “Do what? I didn't hear anything.” “Okay, so a hundred at least.” Nightwing hummed, as he followed Red-Hood back towards the abandon lab.
"-One time she sent DASH! To babysit ME! I'm older than both of them now. Y'know how awkward that was? Though the look on Dash's face was hilarious.” Dick smirked, raising a brow. “The guy that bullied you? Why did she ask him?” “Ah, probably because he's a puppy that'll do whatever my sister asks. She knows it too.” Danny clicked his tongue as his face grimaced at the implications of it. “I may or may not have... scared him a few times. I do like a disappearing act.” Dick grinned as he could imagine what Danny meant. He did seem to take any form of “keeping tabs” on him as a challenge. Danny smirked back, a mischievous glint in his eye, before dropping his face. “Jazz was REALLY upset about it. I had assumed this was her being overbearing and protective like usual-I didn't realize how hard this was on her.” The guilt thick in his throat. “She broke down crying and.. I promised her I'll stay out of the house when she's not home. 'Cause I didn't know what to do.. or say. I just..” “Thought of the easiest solution?” “Yeah... I guess.” Danny shrugged, defeated.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shouldn't you be resting, sir?” Alfred scolded. A small amused smirk on his lips as he carried lunch on a tray. Bruce just made a grunt. His eyes glued to the screen of the laptop. Images, news articles, videos. Whatever he could find was displayed on the screen, while he bit at the end of his pencil. A notepad next to him. “Ah yes, very informative answer, Master Bruce.” Alfred set down the tray on the nightstand beside his bed. There was more than just lunch on the tray as it carried a medical kit. Bruce sighed. He shoved the laptop to the side and struggled to sit up more so Alfred could replace his dressing. “This whole situation just crawls under my skin.” “I say it does, sir.” Alfred's hands move quickly to help replace the doctor's handy work. “Secret government organization, children in peril, and the boarder between life and death getting thinner by the day. Certainly sounds like a recipe for disaster.”
Pete glanced back up at Mr. Smith. The man was eyeing him carefully, waiting for a reply. He must care about Gary in some way to go through this much trouble, right? And... it would be easier to contact Gary's grandfather than dealing with the headmaster. Pete bit his lip as he thought. “Um, Okay. S-sure.” “Atta boy! Hahaha!” Allen laughed as he smacked his hand on Pete's shoulder, making him stumble. Pete really needed to work on not being pushed around so easily. “Though, if you can mange to keep little Garreth in line, I'll add in a little bonus for your trouble. Since you're doing more than half what I was paying this damn school to do.” “That's not-” “Some good advice. Never work for free, Pete. Consider it a token of gratitude. After all, I think we both know watching my grandson isn't an easy task.” Allen winked.
Tim had no idea how he was going to pull this off. His eyes glancing from the Fenton parents to the boy he met yesterday, Danny Fenton. He knew he was dead. At least, was ghostly in some way. Danny didn't act or looked how Greta did, but Greta was visible as Deadman wasn't. So perhaps ghosts varied drastically? Either way, Danny being dead wasn't even the part that was bothering him. It was knowing he had to pretend he didn't know- while Danny sat right next to his oblivious killers. Well, the word killer might be too harsh. Tim theorized it was an accident regarding with a portal that opened on top of Danny. Which might also explain Danny's unique qualities.
“...Danny has traces of... Lazarus pit... stronger than yours.” Tim answered, with a concerned tone. They were afraid of how Jason would take it. And Jason was not taking it well, as he felt cold rage deep in his veins. The icy chill as he acknowledged that not only was Danny his blood... he shared the worse part of his blood. The reminder that they... Had died. Those scars... that was how Danny died and so far knowing their luck, he doubted it was painless. “Little Wing? Jay bird? You there, I'm almost at your location. How's Danny?” Dick called on the comms. Jason pulled the boy more into his jacket, giving him the best attempt of a hug he could. “Better than the fuckers who did this to him will be.”
Danny had made an unfortunate discovery. His powers, like all ghosts, were based on emotion. Other's emotions. Even worse, the strongest one was fear. Fear fed on itself and grew stronger and stronger. And what made him discover this, made his heart sink with dread. He was stuck powerless in Gotham as his friends were laughing themselves to death along with other hostages in the room. Danny cursed at himself for listening to Sam. He should have phased them out of there, regardless of Batman's no meta rule. Now the only fear emitting into the room was his own. They were too far from others for him to feed off of, and ectoplasm was low. No.. more like the ectoplasm was being pulled away from the ground of Gotham and seeping into some other being that was far too greedy. “Well, well, well~ Look what we have here? A little party pooper!” A man with green hair and clown painted face cackled, as he waltz his way over to Danny. The black-hair teen ripped his eyes from his friends, glaring at the man. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, while he stayed knelt over his friends. “Funny, most parties I've seen at least has music.” Danny was feeling sweat dripping off his face. He needed to do something fast, but if he couldn't transform.. then he wasn't sure what else he isn't able to do. Not like this man looked fit, but... Danny knew danger when he sees it. “Ah, but this is music! To my ears at least, ehehehehe!”
----------CAMP CAMP
“Ah. Smell that, Gwen?” “Smell what.” “That fresh breeze! We had gone a full twenty-four hours without a single camp activity catching on fire.” “Huh, I guess you're right! This camp only smells half as shitty-” “Where's Max?” Both Gwen and David utter out in realization as it had dawn that neither of them had seen the troublesome trio since breakfast. --- “Don't worry Max! We'll save you once I finish chewing off my leg-” “Nikki! DON'T!” “Well... I'm fucked.”
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𝙹𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 ➬
𝐆𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (lowkey self indulgent)
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⨳ 𓏲˖ 🩹 ˖ ࣪ 📓 ָ࣪ 𓏲⋆.
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☕ 𝙹𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚊𝚗 who unintentionally finds a way to always speak so highly of you, constantly praising you for the little things to others out of love ➫
:・゚✧:・゚→˚₊· ꒰🧸꒱
🍞 Sitting on his office bench, Jing Yuan continued to read the book you recommended him a few days ago, so far he quite enjoyed the book; reading deeply into the books melancholy plot twist and theorizing about what will happen next; Jing Yuan would constantly have distinct facial expressions when he would encounter an unexpected plot twist. yanqing would notice the general's erratic face expressions and would quirk a brow in curiosity.
“May I am what you're reading general? “, Yanqing spoke with inquisitiveness, truly curious on what is going on in Jing Yuan’s mind.
Jing Yuan taking his sharp vibrant golden yellow eyes off of the book, he looks up at Yanqing standing next to him with his signature grin. Jing Yuan begins to speak with a delighted tone, “oh? Well, this is a book [Name] recommended to me, it's quite the read. They always know the best books to recommend, their taste are quite phenomenal. “
🌱୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅
☕ 𝙹𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚊𝚗 who can't cook for shit, so if you're able to cook he'll beg you to prepare his favorite dishes for him; some how his sly mouth always convinces you to cook for him ➫
:・゚✧:・゚→˚₊· ꒰🧸꒱
🍞 Walking into the kitchen, Jing Yuan lays his eyes apon you, a soft, tender smile forms across his face seeing you take raw ingredients out of the refrigerator. He slowly walks over to you, leaning on one of the counter tops while looking at you take out the marinated beef you prepped yesterday. You turn around to see him looking at you with a smile; you could see right through the deception.
“What is it Jing Yuan?” You continue to run around the kitchen taking out ingredients you needed to cook tomorrow's lunch, not even giving the man the time of day.
Jing Yuan began to speak in a sly tone, “I can't just watch my partner from time to time? It's truly-” you cut him of admittedly.
“What do you really want Jing Yuan?” Your tone sounds rushed, truth be told you didn't know what you where going to cook for this man.
“Well, I'm quite offended now. Is it really that peculiar for me to want to see my gorgeous partner?” His words flowed out smoothly, the smirk on his face says it all as you sigh stopping in your frantic tracks.
“No-, it is not. But I can clearly tell when you want something. “ your voice came out harsher than you intended, though Jing Yuan knew you weren't truly aggravated.
Walking behind you, Jing Yuan slowly wrapped his hands around your waist, he pressed his body against yours, laying his head in the crook of your neck letting out a small chuckle.
“Well, I might as well admit my wrong doings, “ he sighed, his breath tickled your neck making you shiver, “I did come in here for something. Though I should be polite when asking; may you please cook my favorite love? I would truly be thankful… “ Jing Yuan spoke in a gentle voice, you could feel the vibrations of his voice through your body. At this point you completely folded and just gave in.
“……fine… “ you let out a sigh. In defeat.
🌱୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅
☕ 𝙹𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚊𝚗 who gets jealous of Mimi because she takes up all of your attention so he does the most ridiculous stuff just to get even the slightest attention from you➫
:・゚✧:・゚→˚₊· ꒰🧸꒱
🍞 Jing Yuan looks across the living room from the luscious chestnut colored recliner to see you and Mimi playing together; you giving all your attention to his adorable companion made a feeling arise inside him, he was quite jealous, from a lion at that. Jing Yuan leans back into the comfortable chair, closing his eyes and letting out a loud sigh in hopes of pulling your attention away from Mimi, even if it's just for a second. Hearing no response he opened on of his eyes directing his gaze towards you would was still petting Mimi who was laying her head on your lap.
Making sure to sigh louder this time he yet again preformed the same action as before only to realize that you weren't going to say anything to him. Jing Yuan let out incoherent words about Mimi being all over you while you didn't even give him the time of day. Jing Yuan quietly get out of his chair and sits down next to you on the soft white couch in close proximity. You looked over to him as he pushed Mimi's head gentle out your lap.
"What'd you do that for-” you where cut off by the feeling of Jing Yuan’s head resting on your lap, a small smile was plastered on his face as he grabbed you hand moving it Stoke his hair.
You sigh as you run your hands through his silky hair, smiling, “If you wanted my attention you could've just told me so. Look at Mimi, she looks betrayed. “
Jing Yuan looks over to Mimi who some how has a look of betrayal on her face. He sighed but soon smiled after as he reached his hands out to Mimi to pet her. Unfortunately for Jing Yuan Mimi took this as a sign to rest her head onto of his, pretty much almost suffocating him. He struggled a little to push Mimi off while you laughed at the pair. to be honest you're surprise he didn't die that day.
🌱୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅
☕ 𝙹𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚊𝚗 who gets passive aggressive with anyone who tries to hit on you, he'd speak professionally but his words would be filled with rage when speaking➫
:・゚✧:・゚→˚₊· ꒰🧸꒱
🍞 It's late at night when Jing Yuan told you he would have to stay at the office for a while due to an over load of incoming paper work, you being the good partner you are, you decide to bring Jing Yuan his favorite take out food. As you are outside of Jing Yuan’s office a obviously intoxicated man appears in front of you, swaying back an forth slightly. He started to speak with you, eyeing you like you where some type of toy. You scrunched your nose up in disgust, turning away from the man and continued to walk to Jing Yuan’s office but this belligerent man would not stop following you, so you turned around and told hin sternly that you where not interested, though this did not stop his disgusting comments.
You feel hand slowly crib your shoulder gently and looked over quickly; thank god it was only Jing Yuan, though you can tell he seemed to be quite angry at the moment.
“[Name], are you doing ok? Us this drunken fool bother you my love? “ nothing but sweet concerns feel from Jing Yuan's mouth as he checked on your well being.
“Yeah! Who are you?! Get outta here, I saw them first” at this point this random man could barely make out any words coherently.
Jing Yuan looks at the man dead in his eyes, he smiles at him kindly but you could obviously tell it was a facade. “Sir, I think it's time for you to go home before I have to show you-“ Jing Yuan was cut off by the drunk man spitting insults his way. You can tell Jing Yuan is getting even more aggravated by the second.
“Just a friendly reminder, though I am a general, I have no problem having a physical altercation with a civilian. “ Jing Yuan spoke with pure malice filling his throat; at this point he was completely done dealing with this man and just wanted hin gone.
It was like a bell hand rung in the drunk mans’ head after hearing the words “general” and “physical altercation”.the man slowly started to apologize and back away slowly not wanting to provoke the general any longer. He soon began to run away far away from where you and Jing Yuan stand. Soon after Jing Yuan began to lecture you about not telling him where you are and about how he could've not been there, don't worry it's all out of love.
🌱୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅
☕ 𝙹𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚊𝚗 loves to hear about all of your special interest, taking important mental notes about your favorite aspects of such things, he'd would then gift you something that you like from your special interest like a week later➫
:・゚✧:・゚→˚₊· ꒰🧸꒱
🍞 You where rambling to Jing Yuan about the garden you had started a few months ago and how things where going. Jing Yuan sat there across the table from you as he rested his elbow on the table with his palm on his face as he stares at you with pure affection coated in his eyes. Just hearing your voice made Jing Yuan Falk to his knees;he is very detached to you and your interest.
“I really want Juliet's rose but it's extremely rare, I would do anything just to have it. “ you sighed out, thinking about how pretty the rose is, it truly intrigued you.
Jing Yuan raised an eyebrow after processing what you want dearly; it was now set in his mind that he would get you those flowers to plant in your garden, even if it was a challenge.
Boy finding those roses where quite a challenge. They where very pricey, though Jing Yuan didn't care about the price at all, he was way more focused on finding an good retail florist that can guarantee that the roses are in perfect condition. Jing Yuan would spend around 3 weeks looking for only the best to gift to you; he refused to give you nothing but the best. But finally after searching for what felt like years, he was finally able to find and but from a trusted source. He planned on giving you the rare roses when he got off of work for the day, thank god time past by fast because it seems like he's more excited than you'd be
Jing Yuan see you sitting on the couch next to Mimi who's curled up next to your feet. You look over to Jing Yuan who had a wide grin on his face as he called out your name voice laced in joy.
“[Name], do you remember the rises you wanted? Ah, the Juliet roses? “ Jing Yuan voice came out smooth and calm though he had a huge grin on his face.
“Hm, yeah why? “ you question him, raising an eyebrow
“Well, I remember you saying you wanted them, so I took it alone myself to get them for you my dear. “ his gaze softens as he looks at you, admiration visibly displayed on his face; he truly loved seeing you in joy
🌱୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
26 ASK! :DDDD🎉🎉🎉
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I do not.. :/ Sorry!
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:DDD Thank you!! ☕ I'm hanging in there as best I can <:) Thank you for the well wishes. I hope the same for you!
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@boxofcreampuffs (SKJAJD HORSE XDDDD)
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@chaotic-public-menace (Post in question)
<XD While that is true, this comic is way overdue. Its taken me some weeks to make and it should have been up like a month ago! I just wanna get it done already so I'm trying to not get distracted by FNAF and other drawing ideas-
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I haven't actually decided on whether or not the other Addison's were good or bad guys. This would change their reaction to seeing Spamton.
I had this idea that Spamton's world is a lot like Seam and Jevil's. Its more cruel and wicked than the original Deltarune.. And Spamton might not have been particularly close with the other Addison's.. They had no time for bonds or relationships. It was a dog eat dog world, every man for himself.
Branching off of that, one idea I had was the other Addison's had become jealous of Spamton's success and tried to kill him by pushing him into the acid pools.. Only for Spamton to survive and reemerge as a horrific looking creature..
If I go with the evil Addison story.. some Addison's might run away in fear just because of how horrific Spamton looks. Though some might deliberately abandon him becuase they hated him/were jealous of him and felt like he deserves this.
If I go with a story where the other Addison's weren't responsible for the acid fall.. they might still run away in fear. Seeing this horrible beast.. not realizing its one of their own.
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XD No problem! Soft boi Gregory is best Gregory!
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In my AU, none of the other Glamrock's know that Gregory exists. But if they did, maybe Roxy would envy it a bit..? Having someone look up to Freddy and not her might hurt her ego a bit.. :(
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Oh no no, his top and bottom row of teeth are separate. Like these pictures here show,
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(Post in question for the pictures)
The top row of teeth all fused together and became one big cracked tooth. And the bottom row did the same. But the two rows are separate and he can still open his mouth.
To think that if while he was initially melting, he had kept his mouth closed? His teeth would have melted together and he wouldn't be able to eat anything easily.. if at all.
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Please don't draw fanart of any of my stuff. There are no exceptions.
(Also thank you💖)
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Thank you! :DDD
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You just made their night XDD
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Thank you! I'm hanging in there 😅 I hope you are well too! :}}
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They're dry :x
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I imagine that Bonnie Bowl might have a flashlight.? And Pirates cove would have a box of confiscated Bon-cams XD
I don't really remember what the other collectables were in the game so I don't really have a reference to go off of..
Buuuut,,, maybe from Bonnie bowl you could also get one of Bonnies signature bowling balls? A purple bowling ball with a rabbit ears print on it somewhere.
And for Pirates Cove perhaps a cheap pirate captains hat? I had this idea that there's 100s of these cheap captain hats that Foxy gives away to the kids every day. So maybe that could be a collectable too? :00
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XD Once I'm done with this project that will be me. Posting the most painful angst I can conjure up
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I have not. But something tells me its about Hares/Rabbits XDD
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Yeah, me and some friends theorized about that. We thought "Maybe Vanessa or William is taking care of the animatronics and keeping them clean"
But even if they were, you cant help certain wears and tears. They would look noticeably worn, stained, torn in some places and a bit brittle in others after so many years of just existing.
They also missed out on a lot of scares by making them pristine. Bonnie's face could have had a crack/split down the side. "Oh yeah that's been there for a while, its fine" Only for it to fall of later in the movie revealing these piercing red eyes and a Childs head lodged in Bonnie's face/jaw.
Or Chica could have her beak come off or dangle down and reveal colorful wires hanging down.. and.. is that a childs arm.?
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(Post in question)
Oh yeah, he'd be scared. Even the Captain is spooked in that AU XD
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@kaiserdarken (WAAA SORRY FOR ANSWERING SO LATE! I was originally going to draw something as a response to this but I never got around to it and it got burriedddd.. my apologies. Better late than never I suppose-)
I do celebrate Halloween, which means Bibi and Jangles would as well XD For Halloween I like to dress up in some way and carve pumpkins. Although I forgot to carve any this year and didn't have a good opportunity to dress up unfortunately-
I can see Bibi wanting to dress up and carve pumpkins too. But he might not actually be strong enough to puncture a pumpkin to carve it <XD He'd need some help-
Jangles would just eat all of the candy. Plus pumpkin pie and more candy-
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(Again one of those asks I was going to respond to with a drawing but never got around to ittttt.. I'm sorry-)
Its been so long since you sent this I cant actually remember what it was referring to.💀 IM SO SORRY! Its still funny though! <XDD
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(Another ask I was going to respond to with a comic- sorry for the lateness!)
Thank you so much! And yeah, "Jangles looks like Papyrus," I get that a lot <XD
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(Yet another late ask that was meant to have a drawing attached😭 Sorry!)
(Bibi sweating profusely) "PLEASE do not die for me- I prefer you were alive--"
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@minnesotamedic186 (ANOTHER late ask meant to have its own post but I got lazy😭💔Sorry!)
The basic idea for my Kirby AU is that I took the other metaknight's and added them to the Kirby Right back at Ya universe :00 I cant remember what info I shared before because this ask was sent so long ago.. but I'll just recap Axe Knights story because it has the most detail!
Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower, and best friend. He was with Metaknight from the very beginning. They became star warriors together when they were both a bit young. Axe Knight truly believed in Metaknight. He saw greatness in his friend, he saw a true hero. And he truly believed Metaknight was going to end this war and save the world. Its because of this adoration and belief, that Axe Knight devoted himself to Metaknight and proclaimed himself to be his first follower.
It was not too long after when tragedy struck. A battle broke out and Axe knight sacrificed himself to protect Metaknight. As he lay on the ground, dying from his sacrifice.. he saw Metaknight too laying on the ground nearby. Unmoving, and in a pool of his own blood. Axe knight died with his heart twisted in grief. Thinking that his sacrifice had failed. And that his best friend had died.
Metaknight of course survived, and Axe Knights sacrifice was the only thing that saved him. But Axe Knight didn't know that before he died. Metaknight buried his best friend and left that planet in grief. Forever changed by this loss..
But Axe Knight.. wasn't totally gone. Axe died grieving, thinking that this world lost a great warrior; Metaknight. Thinking that it was so cruel Metaknight didn't get to live longer. To travel the universe and save lives. They were robbed of a hero. Because of Axe Knights failure. His soul was so disturbed that it couldn't move on. He later crawled out of his grave, with a fiery determination to make things right. To go out there and save as many lives as possible. To protect anyone he can and to help all who need him. Because that's what Metaknight would have done.
Eventually after years of blindly wandering the universe.. battling monsters and saving innocents.. he crosses paths with dreamland. He finds himself in a little town full of Cappys.. And then he runs in to a familiar face...
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I was going to draw a comic of Jangles making a vlog style video. "Hey guys, welcome to pranking with Jangles. Today I'm gonna prank Bibi by throwing this cheese slice at his face!"
He sneaks up behind Bibi who is sitting on a beanbag and reading or something- "Hey Bibi" He turns around
Jangles throws the cheese slice and it completely misses and just splats on the ground. "Oh oops"
Bibi: "????"
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@uay778 (The last ask that I was going to draw something for and never got around to. So sorry!)
I was going to draw a comic to this where I replace the bandages with clean, fresh ones. But then they immediately get soaked with blood again XDD Its just a part of my design!
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thurio-edau · 2 months
first of all, I should explain what I am going to do. starting with Ashlyn, I'll analyze and/or theorize the group. because there is a lot of depth to all their characters and I've really been wanting to do this for some time. it will be a total of 5 posts instead of 6, because I will be analyzing Tyler and Taylor together due to obvious reasons. I will also cut them at the beginning because they might be long and also there will be triggers.
Part 1: Ashlyn Banner
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I'm starting with Ashlyn right here as the protagonist and the leader of the series. Ashlyn's probably won't be very long since this is not a character analysis and instead, a mental characteristic analysis. even though her character is written so well that doesn't mean she has to be mentally sick, since she seems to be... well the most stable one -until the recent chapters-
what I'll be starting off with, will be autism. even though it's not confirmed fully in canon, Red herself said that she wrote Ashlyn with autism in mind so in this analysis I'll mostly go through with the symptoms she shows and how it explains her character.
her most obvious and constantly repeated symptom is her sensory issues. she is able to hear phantom noises and other things no one can hear due to her hypersensitive hearing.
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from the beginning of the series, she has been repeatedly struggling with loud noises even though she wore earplugs or noise-cancellation headphones. Ashlyn herself said that she didn't want to make friends growing up, one of the reasons being her sensitive hearing allowing her to hear everything. you'd also probably be wary of things like it if you had her hearing; any gossip, talking behind backs, rumours etc. would not be pleasant to hear and you'd be aware of everyone's true side.
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the group understands her problems with her hearing being too strong, and looks after her whenever there's anything loud. which was first seen at the arcade if I'm correct, Taylor asked her if she'd be alright and Aiden got punched in the face while he was worried about her.
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or the time Taylor and Logan were shooting at the centipede phantom, due to the bullets making extremely loud sounds for her. or in the facility, when Logan told her to cover her ears to take down a phantom.
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from the moment she was born, she had always been sensitive to any loud sounds. reminding here that autism is a neurodivergency, which means someone's brain is diverse than most other who we call neurotypicals. autism, ADHD, bipolar etc. are neurodivergencies that cannot be obtained later in life, and has always been at the person's brain.
I see myself in her frequently, I also wear earplugs constantly and my friends are aware of the sensory issues I have. her reactions to said sensory issues are written really realistic and correctly.
next, boundaries and distancing.
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once again, since the beginning, Ashlyn has been distancing herself from everyone around her. this part will mostly include Aiden due to him not understanding boundaries and having passed Ashlyn's lots of times.
autistic people tend to avoid eye contact, physical touch -if the person is not very close to them- and also usually not very expressive. for the love of god, the first time we see her geniunely smile is halfway through the series, when they get the car keys. the group's reaction to her smile is hilarious, even.
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after the events of that night, Aiden is trying to understand her boundaries. he's an affectionate/caring person inside, and wants to hug her but keeps it low by just holding her head.
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here we learn he did, indeed, hug her when he kept her from falling and Ashlyn even allowed it when she realized how scared he was for her.
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despite keeping her boundaries always high, she let it happen this time, learning how to open up to people. before this night she was always on guard
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by time she starts to see them as her actual friends, like the found family they are. autistic people are similar to cats actually, like those stray cats that will claw you instantly if you look at their eyes for long or make sudden moves to pet them. the cat sniffs your hand first, you feed it for some time, then a slight touch. the cat gets used to you after your own efforts to get close to it. Ashlyn is a similar case, she had to almost die to get used to them and accept them.
next, special interests. this part is a bit short but I feel as if it still counts to be honest.
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ever since her childhood, she's been very interested in dancing. losing track of time as she does, not being interested in any other things if it wasn't related to ballet, making it a very important part of herself. her love for dance/ballet made her not take any interest in anything else like her self-defense classes her parents tried to give, and they were really surprised once she asked them to do it this time.
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like cmon she has a literal dance mat on her room
which basically wraps the main symptoms! I can't really think of any detail symptoms for now because it's midnight here but I'm thinking of updating them each time I get more ideas. for the next part, mental disorders.
personally, I must say that I don't think she suffers from any mental disorders or illnesses. she's not depressive, just closed off. you might ask anxiety but she herself had said she isn't shy or nervous, she herself just doesn't like to talk a lot which is fully valid. Ashlyn hasn't showed any problems in talking in front of audiences, she isn't paranoid -her hypersensitive hearing doesn't count since it's not paranoia; she knows what's in there because she hears- and seems to be mentally more stable than the rest of the group. I also don't think she has anger issues the way Ben and Tyler do, it's just that everything got on her nerves quickly before she got used to the team.
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she doesn't mind being the leader of the group and definitely isn't scared, as seen as how she went up against Tyler when they first were in the phantom dimension.
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Ashlyn is basically the autistic girl who doesn't like talking much and has high boundaries, but once she warms up to her friends she's willing to do anything for them as seen as the recent episodes in the facility. I'm almost fully sure that she is autistic, considering the signs she shows.
sorry if this was a bit boring! the next ones will definitely be more interesting because the rest of the characters have interesting backstories and oh boy some disorders, I just wanted to start with Ashlyn to see if I could do this the way it was in my mind. I'm sure the rest can be pretty good!
I'd like it if anyone else mentioned more stuff. next up will be Aiden, who has a plethora of characteristics and it's definitely going to be really interesting. thank you for reading so far but I won't be writing Aiden's now because hhhhhh i need some sleep
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ozzy-boy · 10 days
"lovesick" (Scale)
A good old-fashioned sick fic with our favorite assassin.
Scale blush blush x reader
You jolt hard at the sound of something falling to the floor of your living room with a loud thud. Cautiously, you peek into the room from the kitchen, only to find your boyfriend groaning on the floor. Your window was open, and your favorite assassin was face down in front of it, his foot caught on the windowsill and his cloak falling over his head.
"...Hi Scale. You good?"
He says something into the carpet, his voice muffled beyond recognition. It sounded like he said "I'm fine.", but it also could have been "I'm dying." It's hard to tell.
A frown can't help but reach your lips as you watch him pull himself together. Scale's slow, labored movements are completely uncharacteristic- especially since being nimble and agile was something he took pride in. The idea that something is wrong has completely solidified by the time you see his face.
Scale's nose and cheeks are red. For a second, you think it might just be because he hit his face on the floor, but his eyes are hazy and he seemingly has to squint to focus. The buttons of his shirt are misaligned and he keeps getting tangled in his cloak. You theorize that his fall was caused by one of his boots being untied.
"Scale, are you feeling okay...?"
"What? Of course I am."
He says it as if the idea that he was anything other than the picture of perfect health was laughable. His words are hard to believe, however, especially since you were watching him struggle to realign his cloak after it spun to his front, the hood partially obscuring his face and the clasp sitting against the back of his neck.
"Okay, no you aren't. You're sick."
"I am not!" He protests. Scale finally gets his cloak off and tosses it to the ground in frustration. "I am an assassin. Assassins don't get sick- Achoo!"
He sneezes, sniffles, then looks up to meet your eyes sheepishly.
"...Okay, that was bad timing, but I stand by my initial statement."
You can't help but roll your eyes. You loved him to death, but Scale was the most dramatic and stubborn person you knew.
"Woah- hey!"
Grabbing both his arms, you spin Scale around and push him down so that he's sitting on your couch. The fact that you're able to do it at all without any real resistance from his end is telling.
"W-What are you doing?"
By the time he's able to get his sentence out, you've unclasped the front of his shirt and opened it along with his pants. You're pulling one of his boots off by the time he starts to protest.
"You- I'm not a baby! Cut that out!"
"Let me take care of you, love."
You hit him with a dreaded triple threat- a kiss to his forehead, your hands splayed across his chest, the sweet pet name. Breath gets caught within Scale's throat and he sighs, slow and shaky. He can't deny your care when you treat him so sweetly.
"...Fine. Just know that I find this demeaning and beneath me."
You roll your eyes at his drama but he doesn't fight back when you help him change into a random set of baggy sweatpants and a big t-shirt. Luckily you've got some stuff laying around that fits him comfortably.
You're practically a magician but for sickness. Scale has no idea how you're able to swaddle him so quickly, but he finds himself overwhelmingly surrounded by all things you. He's laying on your couch, in your clothes, wrapped in one of your blankets. Being treated this way would probably be humiliating if he wasn't more focused on how much his head and sinuses hurt.
"Okay, stay here. I'm going to run to the store and-"
The assassin's quick skills haven't depleted completely, not yet anyway. Before you can move away, he catches your wrist gently. He swallows, too nervous to say what's really on his mind. It seems that he doesn't have to, and he can't tell if it's a blessing or a curse that you can read him so well.
"...Actually, I think it's better if I stay here for a while."
You settle down instead, maneuvering so that his head was in your lap. With gentle hands in his hair, Scale feels himself slowly relaxing.
"I..." Scale hesitates. The words he wants to say never quite align with with he actually feels, and this time is no exception. The second that sappy words of love and appreciation rise to his mind, they're overtaken by the urge to bury them deep in his heart and never let them out. Maybe his judgement is impaired from his illness, but he pushes through, just this once.
"I don't understand you at all sometimes. You're so... soft, and kind..."
"I know." You answer breezily, a joking smile gracing your face. "I'm kind of the best."
"Modest, too..." He scoffs, and it makes you chuckle. He can't help but lean his head over to rest on your stomach, feeling the rise and fall of your breathing.
"I-uhm. I love you. Even though it makes me sound like a dork when I say it out loud..."
"You are a dork."
"Wow. Thanks."
"I'm just teasing." You smile. "I love you too, Scale."
Based on the way he feels his stomach flutter and his heart beat rapidly in his chest, Scale has a sneaking suspicion that he's sick in more ways than one.
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sampofan28 · 15 days
Aventurine and the Masked Fools: An Uncut Ramble of a Mad Man With Bad Sleep
OKAY I'VE WANTED TO TALK ABOUT THIS FOR AGES SO HERE GOES: Aventurine being invited to join the masked fools is so awesome. Like just, genuinely so so so awesome. I LOVE THE MASKED FOOLS, THEIR EASILY MY FAVORITE FACTION IN GAME, AHA IS MY FAVORITE AEON. I've been big into their lore since 1.0 but for a lot of non-masked fool fans Penacony was an introduction to the masked fools for a lot of people.
I think they did great, AND HERE'S WHY. During Penacony we get to see Sampo and Sparkle, what I'd say are the two opposite ends of the masked fools:
Sparkle is a genuinely chaotic evil type of character; she enjoys suffering, she finds pleasure in the pain she causes right. She just likes messing with people in often the most cruel ways, and revels in the chaos. She is the most heinous and evil type of masked fool (and its really cool I love a good chaotic evil). She also appears to be how a lot of the Galaxy views the masked fools: as these evil weirdos who make no sense.
On the other hand, you get Sampo. Now, big lore enthusiasts have been theorizing he's a masked fool since like day 1, and it was confirmed back in the version Topaz came out in (I wanna say 1.4 but I might be wrong). But he's the exact opposite: he views those who find their elation through suffering (like Sparkle) to be distasteful. He doesn't like them, and it almost seems like he looks down/dislikes MOST of the other masked fools. Sure, he is all for going against the law, a little petty crime, some fun chaos, but he clearly has boundaries; he never seriously harms anyone, he never does any really horrific crimes, and we know he's good with kids. In fact, he enjoys playing with Hook and the other moles. He's a chaotic neutral sure but overall he's probably a positive force to Belobog. (Also I have a theory that he orchestrated most of the Belobog plot to take down Cocolia and save it but its not technically canon so yknow).
Now I'm gonna explain something a lot of people don't get about the Masked Fools; they are not purely chaotic, they do have a basic ideology, they believe life is meaningless and thus one should have as much elation in their lives as possible. BASICALLY: LIFE IS POINTLESS, HAVE FUN. Which each Masked Fool we've met interprets differently. The other aspect of the Masked Fools is often, NOT ALWAYS BUT OFTEN the ideology attracts people desperate, depressed by life, destroyed in some way. And they tend to reach out to these people as well; it makes sense, if your life has been miserable suffering for no reason, then yeah that would appeal.
AND AVENTURINE IS ONE OF THE BEST APPEAL TO SHOW THIS WITH. His life is horrific, tragedy after tragedy, loss after loss, his freedom almost always out of his hands; he's lived a terrible life that he really never had control in. And prior to the ending of 2.2 he didn't believe he had anyone like truly anyone there for him.
So the Masked fools call out to him, and I think this was a great way to show the masked fools to a lot of more casual fans too: immediately you can connect the dots a lot of them probably were miserable or had horrible lives. Hell I haven't read Sparkle's lil character stories but from my understanding her life was/is pretty damn terrible. It also helps with Aventurine's character; he doesn't want to view life as meaningless, despite the fact he's clearly suicidal, he clearly sees a point in life. My mutual has much better explained it but yeah he connects much more to the preservation than you might initially think. Also ignoring the iffy elements of it I think having Sparkle and Aventurine interact so much was a smart decision thematically, as though this hopelessness the Masked Fools embrace is clawing at Aventurine, trying to lure him in, encapsalate him, and yet it doesn't. He finds a purpose, a will to live, he realizes he does have people who care for him ITS GREAT.
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Ep. 12 "Juggernaut" Review
This episode was certainly fast paced. I wished it was a teensy bit longer because I want more of my boys. That being said, the juggernaut sequences were absolutely fantastic. Everything from Hunter's crazy maneuvers to the TK troopers actually being competent were phenomenal. I loved seeing the crazy ride that our boys took as they raced against the Empire's forces and the lack of road. It reminded me of the tank chase in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Thankfully, both Indy and the Batch make it out (thank you Phee).
Also, shoutout to that one Steve Blum voice cameo for random imperial. He's awesome.
As usual, spoilers below
My discord friend and I both theorized that Rampart would return as a prisoner with information and boy, were we right. I'm just gonna say it, Rampart is hot with the scruffy look. Yes, I still hate his guts and he's still an ahole. But I have a thing for the scruffy look. This is because James Norrington was one of my crushes in Pirates of the Caribbean. I don't make the rules, ok?
Ngl, it was cool to see him return. Prison hasn't been kind to him, but it's clear he hasn't changed one bit. He might give up info out of spite, but his views on others he perceives as lesser haven't changed. I wasn't surprised when he had no clue what an Ugnaught was nor when he referred to Crosshair by his number. Unlike Kallus or Cross, who both learned from their mistakes (and obviously had honor), Rampart remains greedy. Although he offers information, he could sell the Batch out in exchange for freedom. We'll see how well that goes. Crosshair was right to be wary.
Side note: seeing Rampart being thrown around like luggage when he was stunned was hilarious. He deserved it though.
Speaking of Cross, his snark was golden. You tell them Cross. Snark aside, Crosshair is not ok. Even mentioning Tantiss is a trigger for him. He doesn't want to go back nor think about anything related to the place. But we all know he will because Omega needs him. She saved his life and he loves her dearly. But I'm glad Hunter and Wrecker didn't hold it against him. Although, I wished we got more dialogue on that whole situation. At least both of his brothers know that Cross didn't hand her over willingly or what not. And Cross trusts that Omega's choice wasn't without reason. Also, Cross' theme kicks in after his hand starts trembling and he needs a hug. He's been through so much.
The interaction with Phee was also really sweet. Crosshair finally got to hear the iconic "Brown Eyes." And the fact that Tech clearly talked about Crosshair in a positive light to Phee makes my heart melt. Tech doesn't know how much Crosshair has changed, but that love he had for him never went away. I am in tears. I also have no doubt that Tech would be impressed with Phee's stealthy drop off of the boys.
Something else I enjoyed was seeing the brothers work together like to good ol' days. It really reminded me of the earlier seasons and CW and just how much I missed it. Season 3 has been so heavy and dark that moments like these make me happy. Cross and Wrecker using battle plans while Hunter drives was so much fun to watch.
And then there's Hemlock. I can't wait for him to fall off Tantiss and die. He's so creepy and gross. I cringe whenever I see his stupid face. The way he showed Omega the children and was like "this is your new home" just made me want to hate him more.
And Emerie! She feels so trapped between her duties and affection for Omega. But she will choose a side in the end and I have a feeling it'll be Omega. My theory is that Omega will encourage her to help her and the children escape. Emerie will provide assistance and probably be killed by Hemlock.
someone please tell me how Echo is doing off screen. I love you sweet Echo; just stay off screen and you'll be safe. but also come back bc i miss your presence
Anyways, that's all for now. We're in the endgame now fellas. 3 more episodes. I will post some theories. Until next time, take care!
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yannig · 1 month
I need someone to theorize with me about the Pit Babe 2 trailer
Ok so I thought a lot about Tony and Way being back. And I think we've got 3 options, ranked in how likely I think they are to actually happen.
They are actually alive (faked their death, resurrected, or maybe even clones/evil twins).
They are ghosts/spirits/whatever. They are there but still dead.
They are not here at all. All of their apparitions are due to nightmares, hallucinations, paranoia, flashbacks, etc.
I am entirely uninterested in them being actually alive, one way or another. I think this is largely the most underwhelming option out of the 3, and yet also the one we're most likely to get. For me, Tony and Way being back from the dead would just negate most of the impact of the first season.
Oh Way sacrificed himself to save Charlie as an attempt to redemption? Yeah no he's still alive actually. Tony was finally put done by the son he always treated like a dog, and who at last managed to escape his hold? Nope, he survived.
Talk about a way to undo major character moments. (I hated Way's death, but it was still an important character moment. and Kenta turning on Tony was great.)
(for Way as his own character, it could actually be interesting. Like "yeah no, you don't get to just die and be done with the guilt. you actually have to work for redemption". but 1) I don't think it's where they're going; and 2) I'm not convinced it would stem interesting development for anyone else.)
The ghost option could be fun, I guess. I don't really have an opinion either way tbh, depends where they go with it. Ghost possession could be a fun threat.
I know what my favorite option is, and it's definitely n°3, which sadly I don't think we will get. Mind you, Babe would be perfectly justified to have nightmares or flashbacks about these 2, considering how much trauma they gave him. Also Way giving Babe trauma flashbacks might help me forgive what they did to his character. But well. The show hasn't seemed very interested in talking about trauma before so...
Basically, I think the most interesting option is for the show to toy with its characters' (and its viewers') paranoia, by leaving all 3 options open for as long as possible. Done well, it could make for a very good thriller.
Are they actually back or is Babe just hallucinating in broad daylight? Are they actually vengeful ghosts that need warding against or is Babe just having very justified nightmares? Is there a threat at all or are they all just paranoiac after everything that happened? Is it really paranoia if they're really after you? They all thought Charlie was dead, didn't they? Does anyone ever stay dead?
I'd argue that if that thriller part is done well, all 3 options could work as compelling endings. I also don't think (from the writing in season 1) that they could pull it off effectively.
Or even that they would try. Season 1 wasn't a thriller in the first place, and the S2 trailer isn't giving thriller either. My problem being: I'm not really interested by their return if it doesn't turn thriller.
Basically, what I'm interested in is what impact their return would have on the other characters, after thinking they were finally safe. Especially Kenta and Babe. Kenta who finally escaped, finally managed to turn on Tony, to get free from him. Babe who is finally safe after spending the last 10 years looking over his shoulder, after so many betrayals, after loosing his best friend in all possible ways, after thinking his boyfriend was dead. Imagine how terrifying the prospect of Tony's return would be.
But beyond that? I have no interest in what they would do as independent characters. Tony has plans? What does it change from S1? Way is being an idiot, either working for the villain or clumsily trying to earn his redemption? I don't care. That is the exact same thing they were doing in S1.
Basically, I'm afraid that by bringing them back, the show is just being lazy and re-creating the S1 status-quo instead of imagining new stakes. And I am entirely uninterested in sequels that just undo the original story's ending. Which is exactly what I'm afraid they'll do.
TLDR: the psychological impact of the potentiality of Tony and Way being back is much more interesting than them actually being back.
Sure, give me confirmed omega characters (Jeff and Kenta at least), give me AlanJeff and BabeCharlie being cute together, give me Sonic and North finally getting somewhere and maybe involving Kim (or aro/ace/aspec Kim, that would also work, but only if explicitly stated in the show), give me heats and mpreg and stop being cowards. I'll watch it for the relationships between the main cast if nothing else.
But I'm worried about what the big conflict is going to be.
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orbmanson7 · 1 year
Thinking on generation loss and what we know so far
Idk what the twist is, what Showfall's motive is, but....
(spoilers below)
There's something so distinct in that in episode one, sneeg said he had refused to do slimecicle's cooking show and got locked up. That implies he's done this at least once. But slimecicle said in episode two that he ate the mousetrap game piece to survive, implying he's also been through this before. But since he was the villain of the first episode then a victim in the second, we can theorize that the villains are just as trapped here as the rest of them.
And then jerma proves that theory very plausible, because when sneeg gets gooped from the hat in episode two and seems to understand what's really happening, he tries to escape but gets brainwashed again. While this happens, Showfall intervenes and literally pauses everyone, including jerma. When they put the re-brainwashed sneeg back, we can see jerma is not completely frozen, he can see what's happening.
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He really is just like the rest of them, and his death coming immediately after he says he's been "doing this for 30 years" is very suspicious. But how did he get to this position? because I'm convinced he's trapped there, too, but forced to put on a show and torturing people and making up puzzles, because it keeps him in some level of power or it's what he has to do for Showfall.
I think that's what happened to slimecicle, too, but probably more recently. My worry now is for sneeg. Because slimecicle purposefully tried to 'corrupt' sneeg in episode one to fight ranboo, and then with sneeg getting brainwashed again after trying to escape in episode two, only for him to act in ways where he went along with whatever ranboo did and then purposefully stopped Austin and himself from surviving in order to let ranboo win in the end...
But if slimecicle and sneeg died in episode one but then were brought back in episode two, maybe jerma and all the other hostages who died in episode two might possibly still be alive?
My theory right now is that Showfall is trying to create entertainment and is basically pulling a hunger games (in that they're making survivors into gamemasters) and they are trying to inaugurate ranboo next... To do that, he's being mind controlled so he won't make his own decisions, which seems to have significantly increased in episode two as he's no longer receiving input from the audience and begins to just wander aimlessly and act more like an NPC. If he's susceptible, they could possibly change him from this 'hero' title to anything else, another victim, another villain, anything!
Someone (this Hetch person) is trying to prevent that from happening by hacking in and making ranboo see things for what they are. But I don't trust this guy, either, because we don't know his motives, not any more than Showfall's. Maybe giving the illusion of choice is the endgame, maybe this has been going on so long, Showfall controls too many aspects and one measly person hacking in to try to save one person isn't going to change anything because the company is too powerful already.
Or maybe that's the point? Maybe ranboo has to be The Hero and that means the audience sees him getting outside help, that means he has to have hope that he can win and somehow be free... But, again, much like the hunger games, all of that is about keeping them trapped inside.
Not to fucking remember slimecicle's old tales of the smp quote here but, well, like he told those characters... You were so busy running through the maze, you never stopped to look for the cracks.
I think ranboo did something on the outside that got him taken and put into this show. Maybe he tried to help and now he's mockingly being titled as 'the hero'.
Maybe it was his intention all along to get caught, but he didn't know what kind of technology Showfall was using on the contestants and now he has to rely on the one person hacking in to try to get him out.
Or maybe this is just what happens every time. And, like generation loss, this show started out so simple, but it's degraded and distorted so much over time, it's unrecognizable and everyone involved has to be brainwashed to continue participating because if they knew the truth, they'd be terrified....
Idk what the big twist to all this will be, but there are a lot of possibilities in store for us. Sunday should be fun.
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httyddragonfox · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel: Power Rate Scale: Reality Warp Level
It seems really powerful people in this show can warp reality to their whims. Of course different people have different levels of how much they can do.
First, let's start with Alastor, I believe he's the lowest on this list. He has the ability to control shadow beings, and maybe he has voodoo magic. He can also manipulate how people are dressed, make certain objects appear in voodoo smoke, and can change the scenery around as he showed in "Hell's greatest Dad." I believe his power is akin to Dr. Facilier magic, messing with the appearance of things as well as people's perceptions and summoning shadow minions to do his bidding. He's the lowest on this list as he is probably the most powerful sinner, if not one of them.
Above Alastor, we have Charlie and Adam, I'm not sure who would come before who. Let's start with Adam, a very powerful soul who went to Heaven. He's able to play around with Charlie in the song "Hell is Forever," tossing her toward the gates only to throw her into a boiling pot which he is stirring. He also summons a guitar to play on as well as back up dancers. He summons clouds to walk on as well as the declaration of the moved up extermination. In "Welcome to Heaven," he summons paper to write on as well as a viewing sphere to watch Angel. Then there's Charlie, the daughter of a really powerful angel and demon. In the pilot she plays around with the scenery in order to get her point across, in the first episode she summons her notes to the meeting room. In the second episode, her footsteps seem to transport herself and Sir Pentious to a cloud filled area where fireworks spell out sorry. In "Welcome to heaven" she transports her notes to her in the court room and manipulates the images shown in the viewing sphere to get her point across. Their powers are quite similar, is just one is divine whereas she's more demonic. This makes it seem like Charlie has a similar amount of power to a deceased soul in Heaven, maybe slightly more as she has a demon form she hasn't popped out yet.
Next is Lucifer, as he has Genie level reality warp powers. Able to change the situation and pose people within them as if it was nothing, growing and shrinking them as he pleases, changing the scenery in seconds, making things bigger than notes appear (champagne fountains, caviar mountains) not to mention he can duplicate himself, that hasn't been seen yet. He can teleport, and make little pocket dimensions to fly around in. He can hide his wings and when they are released they are either small as in "Hell's greatest dad" or large as in "More than anything." I think he might have the ability to change his appearance slightly, as Seraphs have avian forms and it's theorized his is a swan, and he only appears as a demonic person as he's in hell and he can better fit in areas then.
Then there are the Seraphs in Heaven, I don't know if Lucifer is more powerful than them or not. We see them change their forms as they arrive in Heaven, Sera teleports herself, Lute, and Adam somewhere more private, Emily changes the imagery in the viewing sphere and summons Adam's note to take a look at it. We don't see them warp reality too much as they aren't as goofy and imaginative as Lucifer, we know they have a similar power-set to him, such as changing their appearance and summoning portals. That's all we know though.
Is Lucifer stronger than the Seraphs in Heaven and that's why they are afraid of him getting involved, or are they more powerful as they are in heaven and he is in Hell and he got a downgrade when he fell? Sera is certainly larger than him, of course she defends Heaven by allowing the exterminators to go kill souls in hell, so who knows if size equals power. She's definitely more powerful than Adam, as she's his boss. Maybe they all have a similar level of power.
Is Emily more powerful than Charlie though? She seems to be similar to her in status. The only thing we see Emily do that Charlie can't do is change her appearance. She is a younger Seraphim, maybe she's not as powerful yet. So Emily, Charlie and Adam have a similar level in power, meanwhile Lucifer and Sera have a similar level in power. Alastor is poweful sure, but he's only powerful for a damned soul.
Yes he has a large demon form, but Charlie still outranks him and hers is pretty small. Then again, there's a chance we may not have seen her full demon form.
TL;DR: I ranked their power on how much they could warp reality, from least to most: Alastor; Adam, Charlie, Emily; Sera and Lucifer.
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bellafragolina · 1 year
Everybody is submitting requests so I might do one as well 😅
In pokemon ranger guardian signs when you learn their respective signs you're able to summon and ride on raikou, suicune and entei (raikou can jump great distances, suicune can run on water and entei is able to destroy massive boulders in its way) so I'm thinking... Adaman, Laventon and Cyllene meeting and falling for a reader who just rides around hisui on their legendary pokemon buddy and helps out wild pokemon who need it?
~ ranger anon
ooh one for everybody!!
Adaman thinks you're a gift from above. He doesn't know the Pokémon you ride, but he can tell it's powerful. It walks with a heavy step, and its entire body rumbles with contained thunder. Adaman stares as you walk through the settlement, alongside everyone else, in awe of your majesty. Have you been sent by the Mighty Sinnoh to bless them with your time?
Raikou, you call the beast. It comes to you whenever you call, gallops across Hisui, leaping incredible distances. Adaman peppers you with questions about your steed whenever you come up riding Raikou, just to distract himself from how majestic and divine you look. Is he blushing? It’s the heat!
Adaman knows Raikou holds the key to winning your favor. He makes treats, indulges the beast in staticky pets, and becomes a preferred snoozing spot for Raikou. You laugh, seeing the giant feline laid across Adaman, his Leadeon so jealous. Still, despite the embarrassment, Adaman revels in the soft, warm look in your eyes as Raikou purrs, even if it’s because his hair is standing on end
Laventon first sees you at the Coastlands. You come in from the sea, atop a gorgeous Pokémon gracefully walking atop the waves. He’s smitten almost immediately, reminded of childhood tales of beautiful people sending sailors to their death. You could leave him right into the water, mounted on your stead
Suicune, you call it. A gentle beast of great power, but Laventon finds you are far more gentle. Your hands guide his, pressing them to Suicune where it likes to be stroked. Your voice is warm as you explain your story to the enraptured professor, and you listen to him theorize with a fond smile. Laventon finds himself dreaming of you before long, you and your beautiful smile
Should you ever bless Laventon with a ride upon Suicune, he is mystified. He clings to your back, watching his reflection and yours in the water's surface, disturbed only by Suicune's gentle steps. The faster you go, the more the water sprays up at you both, and Laventon can only laugh, in awe. He loves his job, and you, quite a bit
Cyllene first encounters you when she’s still in the Security Corp. While escorting some members of the Supply Corp, there’s a loud explosion. She whips around, and sees you atop your molten stead, sliding down the side of the mountain with rubble rolling around you. You approach her team, nod, then run off into the distance. Instantly, Cyllene is intrigued, and wants to know more
She sees you far more as time passes. You come, with your Pokémon ride Entei behind you, and greet her out on missions. You show her Entei, let her pat the Pokémon’s warm fur, and always disappear as quickly as you appear. Cyllene finds herself thinking of you often, wondering about you, about Entei, about where you go when you’re not around. You occupy so much of her mind that she’s nearly losing sleep
The closer you grow, the easier it becomes. You stay with Cyllene in her office, having peaceful chats or simply basking in one another’s presence. Entei lies on the floor before her desk, intimidating the newbies quite nicely. Cyllene can only be seen smiling when you are with her, and when the new Corp members are squirming beneath her and Entei’s stare
Everyone: enthralled with pretty person on mighty stead
Have a good night!
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Colored Gaze: Zachary Sallows Analysis
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Me after writing all of this SHWJFJWKRNJS
Mhm yeah its time for the british bastard to get anaylzed and theorized-
Not much has been said about Zachary's childhood except that he got his photography hobby from his dad and that he was raised to be a gentleman. I've mentioned this before but I think they may have mentally affected him alot and made him hold himself to high standards which feeds into his depression that has been confirmed that he has, all that going along with that Zachary hasn't felt love for anybody until meeting MC. 
Along with having years of repressed sexual desire which is probably why he's such a slut.
I also think that maybe MC being the only person he's felt love for is why he's so damn possessive over them. He finally met somebody that he feels something for so you bet your ass he's not going to let them go and show them all the love he can.[Even if he does it in a fucked way]
And Zachary is definitely more of a traditional yandere and I think its possible that Zachary would even break MCs legs to keep them with him. And of course I'm not saying this just because he's seems like the type but there was a post where it was very subtly hinted at.
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Take note of the "To him, its too early for that yet." Might be looking to far into it but thats what I'm getting from that.
Speaking of Zachary hurting MC one of the most surprising things is that Zach might be on some levels "the safest one" because he's the only one I can't see killing MC. I know alot of people give Seth the title of the safest but comrades- Lets not forget how this mf acts when he's mad. But alas even if Zachary wouldn't kill MC I definitely see him mind breaking MC if it comes to that point. After all it has been said that if things don't go his way then he'll bend it until it does.
There's also other evidence for that considering his favorite flower is a rose because roses still look beautiful even when they wilt. Now wouldn't somebody that your obsessed with still look beautiful even if their broken? :)
Also if anybody thinks that Zachary is safe because of his overprotectiveness,keep in mind that it's been confirmed that the reason Zachary wants to protect them is because it feeds his ego. 🙂 [Also once again could be something else of his depression since it makes him feel good about himself].
I would also like to mention one of my past theories for this next part,So yall remember my "Simon is a cannibal" theory? [That was debunked btw keep in mind] Well I noticed that in the devs response to it they said something among the lines of "When is my Zachary going to get a theory like this" and at the time I pushed it aside because I couldn't link it to any of the other clues I had about Zachary.
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[Credit to Colored Gaze on Twitter]
But it immediately clicked for me with that one art on Twitter of Zachary cooking- So does anybody else remember how its been mentioned that Zachary has other "hobbies" but its always been very vague about what they are? Well I think I had a correct theory just wrong LI-
Because with Simon it was just Entity being a lil goofy that made me think he was a cannibal but for Zachary now there's actual evidence(?) That HE is a cannibal. 
It makes me wonder why though he may be a cannibal and I've come to two possible answers even though I got to admit, their somewhat of a stretch.
So it could very possibly be that since he's uninstalling people left and right for MC that it might be his way of hiding the bodies. But then again its very possible that Zachary could have been killing before meeting MC to for this "hobby".
Or (and this one is a major strech), looking at all the other things he's into he could possibly have a thing for anatomy but I won't put much since I don't really have that much proof for it.
Also let me take you back to Zachary's ref sheet for a moment. You remember that "Has a unique sense of beauty" part? What if his unique sense of beauty is actually just what he wants. What he visuals. Of course he cares about what MC wants and their opinions but he still wants the future that he visualizes and he's going to do anything to get that.
But honestly, Zachary's not all that bad as some of us make him out to be. Yes even though he can get mad easily he won't show it to MC or take it out on them [Maybe in woo-hoo but thats not my point] and he's just a romantic guy that will take you to dinner and give you roses [andkidnapyou] and don't quote me on this but Zach actually looks very cuddable.
I already have a lot of theory/analysis on this post so I think I'll stop here for now until we get more info in Zachary. And thank you for reading my rant about this possessive bastard and have a nice day <3
Zachary belongs to @clrdgaze <3
@dont-wannadothis-anymore @amelia809
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theoryandahalf · 24 days
as much as I love ash gtlive will not work if it’s not at least 2 ppl on it as the conversational and theorizing craziness is what makes it gtlive. so if matpat leaves i wonder if the theorists will take turns on gtlive? or even just space out uploads? ppl talk about forgotten middle child film theory but gtlive is just the skeleton on the bottom of the ocean flor lmao
OMG. Do I get to talk about my Theorist conspiracy theories now?! YESS!! STRAP IN FRIENDS.
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So I agree with you anon, I think its very tricky to replace Matt on GT Live, that's why they didn't transition him off at the same time as the other channels. Personally, I think Matt's still on GT Live for three main reasons.
1.Failsafe. If they misjudged the transition and watch time dropped off dramatically, they had Matt still existing in the Theorist ecosystem and could use GT Live footage more frequently (see Tom's Kintopet episode for an example). I don't think they'd ever bring him back as host, but they're not stupid and they probably wanted to keep him around just in case.
2. Nostalgia. GT Live is special for Matt as its really the livestream that catapulted him into his big Youtuber status. I think Youtuber Kamermoon says it really nicely in their video "How Game Theory Survived the Hate"; the live channel was Matt's way of rehabilitating his reputation (and the reputation of gamers in the wake of Gamergate) by showing everyone he's a normal-ish likable dude. So he might be loathed to leave it because it has a lot of his emotions tied to it, and because it also requires slightly less work from him (by slightly i mean its still a huge commitment, Matthew please take a nap).
3. Profitability. I think a lot of older brands or brands that are frequent on the channel are reassured by Matt being the one to represent their products. I did wonder going in if the ad reads would be changed with the new hosts and overall there hasn't been as much #spon on the other channels. But you know which channel has had the uptick in sponsors? GT Live. So far we got at least three recently sponsored episodes on a channel that used to rarely get them. I think its because its Matt and the advertisers want him. He's well known in the industry, popular and safe. They don't know the new hosts. Thus I think Matt's kinda stuck on GT Live for a little while just until the advertisers adjust to the new normal and they have proof that the channels aren't tanking with Matt's departure.
So what does that mean going forward? Food Theory and Style Theory have lower views with Santi and Amy right now, and I think that's understandable. Those are the channels where Matt did the most live action so its the most jarring to have him missing.
(Sidenote thats also probably why there's more ads on gt live, sorry guys we have to live with them for a while)
What I think is going to happen is that over the summer you're going to see Santi and Amy on the couch with Matt much more frequently. Lee as well, but mostly because he lives down the street and he's an easy pull. I think they're going to try to slowly transition the audience to them so that they will share the live channel (Amy mentioned Theorist is looking to buy a studio space and I think that will allow Santi and Amy to film "Live" content from the west coast). I think its going to be much slower than the fast(ish) transition we had before for the above three reasons. But I'm fairly positive Matt will leave at the end of the summer (its rare that this man does not do what he says he will) and we will have a steady rotation of the various channels doing livestreams or lets plays, with Ash either running or organizing their schedules (basically serving as a mini Jason).
I also think there was always a plan for Tom to move to North Carolina because he has hinted many, many times that he wants to move to the United States and likes NC. It makes logical sense to move to where Matt lives since he's running the flagship channel and has to take over his boss' many industry contacts. The only thing that would stop him is that immigration is a bit of a mess right now in the US. I guess they stopped issuing as many work visas during the Trump administration and they haven't really recovered? Honestly I'm not 100% sure the exact story there, I just know its hard to move out here so they might have to wait a while before Tom could take over for Matt. If he eventually makes it stateside, then he can film live content with Lee as the "east coast" branch of Theorist, probably in Matt and Steph's house, until they truly give up and kick everyone out.
TL;DR...I agree that Ash will not be the solo host for GT Live for fiscal reasons (I'm also not 100% sure they want the role? Hard to say) and it might take a while for Theorist to get everyone in place for Matt's last departure. It will happen, just not right now.
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What if Edward is showing off the painting of Carlisle and the Volturi and then Bella is like "Oh hey, I know those guys! The nice one said they'd come back later..."?
This wouldn't happen.
Bella's old enough (and having learned from the Alec and Jane debacle) that had he met her in Phoenix or the airport she's taking a trip to Volterra where she's turned into a crystal cannibal person. (Bella would take this shockingly well as she's now very hot and cool).
Aro would not meet up with her, say "hey", and then come back for her later when anything in the world could happen to her (and would as she'd end up in Forks and nearly killed 12 billion times).
But Alright, It Happens
Well, this would have likely changed canon. Bella now has met people who look like the Cullens prior to the Cullens. She's probably going to bring that up earlier and have all sorts of theories about who these crystal alien people actually are. She might even theorize they're here for her given her recent run-in (with someone who said they'd be back) and that they're here, in all places, her home town.
Bella's conversations with Edward turn into baffling, "I'm onto you, sonny," things that Edward has no idea what she's talking about.
Edward stares at her dumbly for a moment and tells Bella that no, she didn't. If she had, after all, she would have been dead as these vampires eat people. Likely, Bella's just confusing them with someone else/some other piece of famous art.
Bella protests that she totally did.
Edward still doesn't believe her and Bella eventually has to pout and let him move on. Except, like Edward, Bella's innately stubborn and can't give up.
While Bella has no contact information, Edward dropped a terrible terrible hint "Volterra". Bella now knows which phone numbers to look up.
Bella doesn't realize how very stupid this is.
Bella calls the Volturi so that they can confirm to her vampire boyfriend that she totally met them. She has a fight to win, you see.
"Your what now?" Aro asks, and Bella gushes all the details of how she's dating this new vampire named Edward Cullen (and he's keeping her human) and he lives on animals and he's wonderful and attractive and wonderful...
"Well, my dear, you can't date him while human," Aro points out.
Bella awkwardly notes they haven't been dating long and um Edward um doesn't um seem to want to... turn... her...
"Nonsense," Aro protests, "He likely doesn't have the experience."
Then, out of the goodness of his heart, Aro offers to turn Bella. He'll fly into Seattle personally and they can get this done in three days. Of course, she'll have to come back to live in Italy for a while to prevent her eating people but Edward can come and visit.
Bella, overjoyed at the thought of being able to be with Edward forever (in Tuscany!) agrees. She does not tell Edward wanting it to be a surprise.
Edward is in an absolute panic when Bella then disappears the next morning and, only three days later, does he get a call from an international number from what is clearly a vampire woman claiming she's Bella and has been turned.
"FILTHY LIES!" Edward claims, believing that this female vampire murdered Bella, and somehow knew to call Edward (Bella doesn't have a cellphone so no contact lists so... Edward... yeah...)
Bella in Volterra is devestated and desperately asks how she can fix this situation.
Aro wheedles out of dragging Edward kicking and screaming to Volterra and notes Bella won't be able to meet with Edward for several years until she's fully under control.
"But you said his father's name was Carlisle?" Aro questions (because he's been really interested in this part).
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