#and gush about someone i find fascinating
evilfloralfoolery · 1 month
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simplyreveries · 5 months
hello, happy new year!
i wanted to request ace, rook, floyd and trey with gn s/o who loves cute things, and sometimes even gets emotional if something's too cute; reader thinks their boyfriend is cute too and sometimes rambles or smothers him because they can't help it LOL ,, sorry this idea has been in my head for awhile now
thank you!
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ace trappola
surprised but has gotten used to it whenever he sees you gushing about something cute you saw the other day or even just a cute bird you saw when walking too ramshackle. he doesn't really understand it, especially when you find yourself getting emotional over it—! he gives you wide eyes unsure of what to do. the first time he caught that he thought there was something actually wrong, so he panicked, and you were just like “there was this cute fish… i saw through the window at the mostro lounge…” im sorry but he laughed… but hey he did try to cheer you up… after that.
but when you came up to him teary?! grabbing his face and telling him how cute he is he gets all wide eyed and surprised as he stares at you before laughing and pulling away rather quickly with his cheeks all flushed. ace makes some painful attempt at joking and laughing off, acting all confused as you are why you’re suddenly doing this— you usually do this to cute pets or cute items not him!
sometimes whenever you take pictures on your ghost camera of him and show him, simply rambling and talking all about how cute he looks. (he claims he's not cute he's cool!!) but he can't deny the fact that he is totally sucking up and loving the positive attention from you.
floyd leech
he fluctuates between saying its cute as well or laughing at you because he finds your reaction cute and silly. most likely a mixture of the two. your fascination with cute animals and especial sea creatures as you're practically begging him to take you down to the coral sea so he can show you them all, he was the one to playfully propose that idea anyway.
he gets such an ego boost whenever you go on about how cute you think he is, he finds himself wearing and doing things more to get that reaction out of you. like though jade or especially azul chastise him about being more dressed formally when working at the mostro lounge— he told them that he kept the bedhead because you told him it looked cute on him, so he had to keep it obviously. he also comes up to you all the time and shows you something like ‘eel socks’ he bought and showed you because he knew you’d find them cute.
floyd can get a little bitter without shame when your attention and practically cooing over something or someone else. he’ll do anything to turn your direction back on him. which he finds to be quite easy because its usually something like giving you some cute charms or keychains he found at some shop and got it for you, that tends to do the trick hehe.
trey clover
he gets all bashful and surprised whenever you come up to him and hold his face in your hands telling him how cute you find him. he’s never really been one to think of himself as ‘cute’ if you will, that's more of someone like cater's thing. yet he is flattered nevertheless when you go on and on telling him what you find most endearing about him.
trey likes to ask you for advice for decorating treats and cakes as you always seem to get excited over choosing and telling him how to make it as cute and pretty as possible. and though it's not always his style, he does admit that you have a good eye for aesthetics.
does get a little concerned when you tend to become emotional about it as he feels like something is genuinely wrong with you and wants to figure out the issue— when it turns out it was just because riddle allowed you to hold heartslabyul's hedgehogs and you started bawling because they were too cute and small. poor treys heart, he was stressing out when he found you brought to tears…!
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animeyanderelover · 10 months
Anon: Hello, I would like to request again for Demon Slayer with a reader from the future (2022). Like the reader has powers able to travel through time and they decide to have their house planted in the Taisho period. But what they didn't know is that the world is filled with demons. They can also open portals to travel to their time period and can bring others along. How would Muzan, Upper Moon 1, 2, 3, 6( Daki and Gyutaro) and Tanjiro, Inosuke, Muichiro, Obanai, Giyuu react?
I made a poly!version for Gyutaro and Daki because otherwise there would have been 11 characters in here.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, stalking, protective behavior, paranoia, manipulation, gaslighting, abduction, murder
In the wrong place at the right time
Kamado Tanjiro
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❤️ Tanjiro is such a sweetheart for his darling, he doesn't mean to intrude on private matters but it's just not avoidable that he picks up thanks to his enhanced smell that you're hiding something from him and the others. You're lying although he's firm to believe that you have no bad intentions as your scent is pure with a tinge of guilt for not telling him the truth as the both of you have grown very close. Your excitement regarding the things around you is endearing though as you seem amazed with even small things and that only strengthens Tanjiro's resolve to protect you and guarantee that no demon will ever harm you. You don't know about demons as of now and Tanjiro, even if terrible at lying to someone, decides to not tell you anything about it as of now to not tatter your joy and optimism. Your ideal vision of the Taisho period gets shattered eventually though as you one night get assaulted by a demon and it's only thanks to Tanjiro that you're saved and only suffer minor injuries.
❤️ He has no choice but to tell you the truth now, you can't unsee it anymore and it breaks his heart when he sees your expression falter as you hear about demons and his affiliation with the Demon Slayer Corps. You're in disbelief and fearful, he can smell that much. Whilst you seem to process the new information, he suddenly blurts out the question he has meant to ask you for a long time. You've been hiding something too, haven't you? You see, whilst rummaging through your stuff in search for bandages and medicine, he found some very unusual objects he's never seen before. You're caught now as your startled smell gives you away and by now it's too late to avoid an answer because Tanjiro wants to know now. He's very understanding, amazed with your ability to travel through time, even asks you if you could take him and Nezuko with you if that's alright. There might be a way to cure her in your time too. He swears that he'll keep it a secret from the others to protect you. He doesn't vocalize a nagging fear that you might want to return now that you know about demons so subconsciously he starts spending more time with you, shows you the good sides of his time period.
Hashibira Inosuke
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🐗 This boisterous and confident young man waltzes into your life with an unstoppable force, oblivious to his growing feelings yet subconsciously acting on them nonetheless. Inosuke is unlike anyone you've ever seen and his abilities amaze and fascinate you, you can't help but praise him and gush over him. A huge ego boost for the Demon Slayer who in return spends more time with you to keep your attention and praise for himself. Really though, he gets insanely jealous if you compliment someone else, even his friends, and starts doing more reckless things just to prove that he's better. He gets himself hurt a couple of times because of his rash decions but enjoys it when you take him inside his house and care for his injuries. Unfortunately he has no sense for privacy and rummages through your stuff a lot of time, finds some weird things and comes running to you, wanting to know what it is. You never tell him though which only makes him more determined to find out. He even steals stuff and asks his friends only to hear that they don't know either.
🐗 You're keeping a secret from him and that does not sit right with him. He's your protector after all! He even keeps the demons away since nothing should dare to touch his darling! In fact it's the night where he senses a demon near your house and rushes to your rescue that he finds out as you remain unaware until the last minute and demands the sacrifice of shielding you from their attack, something he'd gladly do over and over again. You're horrified and worried at the same time as you cater to his needs and bandage his wounds, questioning him what that was. Inosuke, for childish reasons, refuses to tell you until you answer his questions and you cave in as his stubbornness and your guilt wins you over. Inosuke is a bit mad that you never told him, at the same time insists for you to not tell anyone besides himself though as he thinks he's the only one who should know. You're his to protect after all! He is stubbornly demanding for you to take him with you the next time you travel back. A part of him knows what your powers imply though, that you could leave him anytime. He's partially delusional, tells himself that you'd never leave him but don't wonder why all of a sudden he's so much more clingy.
Tomioka Giyu
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🌊 Giyu is not someone you're well acquainted with as he keeps to himself yet Giyu is someone who knows you very well, you've just never noticed him until now. He doesn't let you. Both of you have an interesting relationship as he's the one who saved you from a demon one time before, earning him your gratitude and the gain of quite a heavy knowledge. He's been keeping a watchful eye on you since that day and what started as a good will to see if you're doing fine has turned into an all-consuming obsession. How could he let this happen? He doesn't deserve you. A mandra Giyu repeats daily although his aching heart tells a different story as he longs silently to be able to stay by your side. You two do occasionally meet and sometimes you even initiate small talk with him, making his heart flutter and his chest tighten with warmth. How can you still smile so brightly despite being nearly killed by a demon? Why can't you smile at him like this all the time?
🌊 He passes by your house on that evening, something of a daily routine when he notices the weird light coming from behind your shoji doors. He can't sense any demon but assumes still the worst, he's paranoid for your safety after all. He comes storming in, surprising you as you're about to go back to your world to buy some stuff you need. Giyu doesn't know that though, all he sees is you standing inside some shiny portal. When he tries to reach you, the portal closes and you disappear, leaving him all alone there. He searches the entire area for any demons only to return inside your house with his heart inside his stomach, anxiously waiting and hoping that you return. Every moment feels agonizing but eventually you come back, fully aware that you can't talk your way out of this. He seems composed but he sits very close to you when you explain, still scared of the way you just disappeared. Your abilities are special indeed but he can't help the paranoid fear as he realizes that you could leave him anytime and you flinch slightly when shaking hands suddenly grasps your arms, asking you if you'd ever leave now that you know of demons. Please don't, he swears that he'll never let any harm come your way!
Iguro Obanai
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🐍 Obanai adores you,there's no other way of expressing his feelings. Your unbridled adoration for even the simple things around you and your open mindset have captured his heart completely. If only he would have the courage to approach you though because so far you two have barely interacted with each other. It's not your fault as you've shown interest in him but the Hashira is avoiding you, shame crawling up his back every time. His existence is a tainted one as his past has branded him as something that should not be near you. You're his star in a dark night, he should never even dream about trying to reach you yet his desire has done so multiple times, wondering if you'd still have this shine in your eyes if you'd ever see his scared and vile face. Obanai is an excellent stalker, you never notice his presence which has silently sworn to keep all evil away from you, no matter if demon or human. There's this one time he sort of broke into your house and ever since he has his suspicions that you're hiding something.
🐍 It all happens very fast, a demon attacking you, Obanai instantly jumping in to behead them and you using your powers to escape, accidentally dragging him with you when he sees the weird light surrounding you with his hand instantly reaching out, grasping you and getting sucked in too. Obanai is frantic for a while, unfamiliar with those new surroundings and all the light and the noises, you have to quickly escort him somewhere else so he can calm down. You owe him an explanation, he's blunt as he demands one from you but is still aware enough to know that he owes you one too so both of you end up confessing the truth. True to his worshipping tendencies he really starts seeing you as something entirely different, even if it does nothing but worsen his cripping anxiety to be unworthy to be anywhere near you. At the same time there's a primal fear though to be left behind with time separating you too. Perhaps it's this new world that tears his defences down a bit but he grows very vulnerable with that thought, one of his hands clutching your hem tightly as heterochromic eyes stare at you. You...you wouldn't abandon your life in his time now that you know about the demons, right? He won't let you...
Tokito Muichiro
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🌫️ Muichiro might be air-headed and might have troubles focusing yet something about his darling is just demanding all of his attention and focus. You stay on his mind for reasons he can't fully explain but this is the catalyst of his growing obsession as you grab his curiosity with why he bothers so much with you. Hence why Muichiro often finds himself spending time with you, although he doesn't even share half of your enthusiasm and unexplainable thrill upon seeing steam trains or wearing the newest fashion. He's obtuse, bluntly questioning why you find such stuff so great when it's so common. He's most likely a bit too naive to recognize his obsession but what he does know is that he feels a strong urge to protect you and so he does, by literally just stalking you and following you around. He doesn't even have any bad intentions but is far too dense to see his way of protecting you as an intrusion of your privacy. He's the Hashira after all whilst you aren't even aware of demons.
🌫️ You encounter a demon in the middle of summoning a portal to buy some stuff you can only find in your time and all happens too fast for you to realize. In one moment this thing wants to attack you, in the next it's head is rolling on the ground with the Hashirama standing in your house, katana in his hands as indifferent eyes watch the demon burn. Then those blue, misty eyes turn to you and to the half-opened portal and thick silence embraces both of you as you feel half-terrified and half-stunned, your brain struggling to process what you've just seen. When he bluntly asks you what you're doing there, you struggle to come up with an answer as you don't know how to explain this without spoiling your secret. You should have known that Muichiro won't let you leave without giving him an answer though, arrogant enough to think that he deserves to know after having saved your life. Your hesitating reaction only makes him all the more curious which leaves you with little to no choice but admit it to him before daring to ask what that thing was. Your fear is obvious. You don't have to be afraid though, Muichiro will protect you. So don't even think about leaving him behind.
Kibutsuji Muzan
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🩸 You instantly arouse his suspicion for the simple matter that he knows the village and all of it's surroundings, he's currently hiding there after all and kills it's citizens to consume their flesh. You never belonged here nor did your house ever exist, it just appeared one night as one of his underlings tells him. One look into their mind lets Muzan see what they saw and true to their word, your house truly just appeared out of the blue. Whether you're a threat or not is not clear but Muzan is cautious enough to keep an eye on you and considering that you're often visiting the village, he uses his current disguise to approach you. If you would have known beforehand about the demons, perhaps you would have been a bit more careful when this man randomly approached you and offered his help when you were clearly lost. It's painfully obvious that you have little to no knowledge about this city but you seem excited and happy nonetheless. Foolish is what you are in his eyes, until you accidentally engage with him in a conversation about science and manage to impress him with your knowledge.
🩸 Perhaps you aren't as stupid as he thought you were because what you tell him is interesting enough for him to listen to you as you aren't deemed a complete waste of his time. In fact he finds himself enjoying your company a lot more than he should, one of the few steps it takes to violently push him down the stairs of possessive insanity as red eyes are now watching your every action with a newfound hyperfixation. It's his decision to pay a visit to your house that reveals the secret behind your knowledge to him as his eyes fall upon a few books in your bookshell, books written long after his time. You nearly jump out of your skin when you find Muzan in your house, sat on your couch and clutching a book in his hands, gleaming red eyes flying over the pages before his inhumane gaze meets yours with intrigue and fascination, only intensifying his obsession. From where are you, little human? You want to run but are stopped when he's suddenly in front of you, grabbing you with inhumane strength. Your reaction makes it very clear for him that you didn't know about demons but that isn't important. Important is that the key to his perfection might be found in the future.
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🌙 Call it luck or misfortune that your house just happens to be planted in the very rural area Kokushibo passes by, your little home somehow sticking out like a sore thumb due to it's quite odd design, unlike anything he has ever seen so far. Has this always been here? His six eyes are fixed on this strange building and it's at that moment that you happen to return home. From your own time period that is. All Kokushibo sees how a strange light suddenly appears in your garden and you walk through it, content with the stuff you've just gotten and unaware how a certain demon is watching you with sparked interest. What did you just do? It almost reminds him of withcraft if he wouldn't know better. Seems like he might want to keep his eyes out for you, you've certainly caught his attention. He's never met a human like you before, with such a strange ability. Kokushibo, without any obsession as of now, is rather patient. He serenely watches over you when he has time, picking up even the smallest bits of information.
🌙You're very smart and skilled, appreciative of the things and the humans around you as your eyes curiously observe anything that peaks your interest. At the same time you're horribly oblivious to the existence of the demons though, perhaps the only thing dampening your otherwise intelligent personality. That's what Kokushibo is there for though who has over time developed the urge to keep harm away from you, essentially your deadly and silent stalker.  You haven't used your abilities in a while but that's unnecessary, he has already figured out where you come from. Admittedly, breaking into your house and looking through your stuff isn't very polite but it's thanks to this that he knows that you apparently come from the future which would explain the strange design of your house and the peculiar stuff you have hidden in your rooms. It's quite fascinating as he wonders what the future looks like based on everything he has found. The demon does not forget about the possibility that this also implies that you can travel back anytime you want though, somewhere where even he can't find you. That demands actions as Kokushibo is too possessive to let you lead a quiet life. You'll find out the dreadful truth of his existence soon enough...
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❄️ You plant your house without a doubt in the right time as you have aways longed to live during the Taisho period but what you don't know is that your house is quite close to the place where Douma's cult is. So imagine the surprise of his followers when they one day discover this new building in the surroundings of the cult. Obviously their leader is instantly informed about this new discovery and quite a few of his followers demand you to leave as they find it insulting and disrespectful that you live within their territory unless you join their cult. Truly not a nice welcoming but Douma shuts all his followers, mildly interested which is enough for him to pay you a visit. You're not prepared for him though as he shoves himself past your body, curiously scrutinizing the interior before his eyes land on a funny-looking object and he asks you what it is. Your short outburst of anger interrupts him though as you demand him fiercely to leave as you won't tolerate someone just breaking into your house, even if it's some cult leader. You have some fire inside of you. How sweet~
❄️ His fascination with you is the reason why he allows you to live so close to his cult, to the jealousy of most of his followers. He likes spending time with you, gifts you presents to earn your trust. You mellow slightly out with time and for some reason that has his inhumane heart going all frenzy inside his chest, an unfamiliar yet addictive feeling. The new surge of ticklish and fuzzy feelings are such a delight to the demon who previously never felt anything. That is reason enough to claim, isn't it? Perhaps he had something a tad bit more romantic in mind though then visiting you only to see some of his followers attacking you, calling you a witch/wizard, sweet blood invading his nostrils yet the sight of you being beaten down fills his veins with icy blood lust. He mercilessly slaughters all of them, the last one babbling hysterically that they saw you using witchcraft before suffering the same fate as the others, leaving only you and Douma whose hands are covered in sticky blood. They didn't hurt you seriously flower, did they? You can't keep your secret a secret for much longer now and once Douma knows, he won't let you leave his side since he can't have you escape from him. Just do your best to keep him out of your time as he surely will ask if you could take him to the future.
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👊 Perhaps it's a bit naive of you to settle down near a beautiful meadow of flowers, the bright lights of the next city shining in the closer distance. You prefer the isolation though as it allows you to keep your abilities hidden whilst still being close enough to witness the charm of the city in the Taisho period. You think you're all alone but what you do not know is that Upper Moon 3 happens to stumble upon you and your little home, a bit surprised to see a human living so far away from other humans. That makes you easy prey for every demon but it's not like he concerns himself much with that. He decides to spare you though, out of respect for your peaceful and tranquil life. He'll leave it up to fate if you'll get eaten or not. He isn't supposed to care much more for you if it wouldn't have been for the fact that he just happens to witness how you use your powers to shortly travel back to the future, leaving Akaza staring bewildered at the spot you just stood as your presence has just vanished. Perhaps he should watch you for a bit longer after all.
👊 Strangely enough he finds himself growing fond of you over time and the seclusion that allows him to watch you all alone most of the time is a huge part of that. You're by yourself as you idly and diligently go through your daily life and Akaza watches it all. He's delusional for this idea but he can't help but think that you two have in a way a very intimate bond as he probably knows you better than anyone else, obsessively watching what you do. Your powers are no longer the only main focus of his as he finds himself yearning to be part of your tranquil life. He starts wracking his head around ways to introduce himself to you without scaring you but another demon does the job for him by attempting to kill you only to run for their life when Akaza makes an appearance, tearing them away from you and scaring them with his sheer presence alone before turning his attention to you and checking you obsessively for any injuries. You're frozen out of shock as you stare at him and his weird appearance. Surely it's only a question of time now until Akaza finds out about your powers and that'll manage to impress him whilst at the same time also making him slightly paranoid with the thought of you disappearing and never returning again. If you're scared of the demons don't worry, he can protect you against everyone and everything.
Daki & Gyutaro
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🌺 🟢 This just calls for a catastrophe in the making as those siblings are more than just a handful to deal with, especially for their darling who has to deal with their obsession. All that was not what you planned when you transported your house near the Entertainment District, buzzling with colours and life. It is an interesting experience nonetheless although you do try to stay away from every house that hosts the many Oiran. You still have to earn money though and is if fate just decides to screw you up, you end up working indirectly for the very house under which Warabihime is working for. By extent, you bump more than once into the terrible Oiran but thanks to your ability to travel back to the future, you manage to please her by bringing her hairpins, kimonos and presents unlike anything every other suitor can provide her with. You don't have to be surprised when she grows so terribly obsessed over you as you flatter her, much to the dismay of Gyutaro who has to endure her mood swings as Daki goes back and forth between despising you and adoring you. Yet despite his better judgement, his sister's obsession seems to be infectious as he soon finds himself in the same situation.
🌺 🟢 Both of them make each other only worse as it suddenly becomes a small competition who you might prefer more, don't be surprised when you're knocked out the next time Warabihime requests for your presence. Your introduction to demons is truly unpleasant as you have two of them at once hoovering over you who make it very clear to you that you are theirs from now on and should better obey if you don't want to be punished. Daki and Gyutaro make a horrible duo so it's no wonder that you try to escape by travelling back to your time, only that you didn't account for Daki's sentient obi slashes to stop you and inform her about your action. To say that she's furious is an understatement and Gyutaro isn't any better. How foolish can you be to go against their word so quickly? Daki only wants to punish you, single-minded until Gyutaro reminds her that both of them should find out what you did back then. You'll have to tell them to make their sadistic punishment a bit more bearable and even then Daki will still be mad that you kept this a secret from her. Yet it's also Daki who would be more slightly more willing to let you use your abilities, only to continue spoiling her with special presents though. They can't let you escape though. Never.
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theheraldsrest · 2 months
Hey! I really really love your blog! If I may request, during downtime, how would the members of the inner circle react to find the Inquisitor drawing/sketching them?
“Companions react to Inquisitor drawing/sketching them”
After our *cough* little thing with Bull, let’s have some fluff, shall we? Thank you anon for the ask!
-Lord Lex
“You did this? It’s certainly…it’s…how did you even…it’s amazing.”
-So surprised, no words. It makes him feel a little special that you’d choose to sketch him but also very embarrassed. In return, he tries drawing you. Might not be as good and there are a few rough sketches that were thrown in the fire, but he wanted to return the favor. 
“Oh! Look at the detail and the softness! I wouldn’t have even thought it was me from how stunning it is!”
-Absolutely gushing over it. Josey’s always had a fascination for the arts and to be the subject of the piece from someone close to her? Adores it, even asks to keep it. She has it tucked away in one of her favorite books. Will always compliment your art even when talking to dignitaries.
“I commend you on your artistic talent. Though, I’d ask you not to sketch me. Perhaps one of the ravens would make better practice?”
-Like Josephine, Leliana has an eye for art. She loves looking at the little details in your sketches and finds it a surprise that her face is amongst the papers. As much as she appreciates it, she’d rather her face remain a secret. She is your spy master, after all. Though, if she becomes Divine, she keeps the sketch as one of her favorite pieces of her. 
“Darling, as much as I’d like to say you're wasting your talents by leading the Inquisition instead of honing your skills, you are equally talented in both. Most usually fail to make me look this stunning.”
-It might not show on her face or in her words but she loves it. Several times people have been commissioned to paint her yet none come even close to your level of detail. More points if it’s of her smiling or laughing, the lines on her face as well as the wrinkle around her eyes gives her a sense of…normalcy. If she becomes Divine, she commissions you to do her portrait, no one else.
“You drew me? I think that’s gotta be one of the scariest pieces of your art I’ve ever seen! When you're done, can I keep it?”
-Though it doesn’t sound like it, he brags about it constantly. Even when he’s making fun of his slightly crooked nose or how his eyes might seem smaller than other dwarves, he’s complimenting the skill you put into the very minute details of his face. Varric will try to pay you for it even if you refuse, later trying to commission a drawing of Hawke when they come around.
“Oh, it’s me! Not really, but it’s Cole. But you’re trying to draw me…I can still remember his face, then.”
-He’ll stare at it for hours, his shoulders down. It’s been sometime since he’d been able to see his own face, forgetting that he even had a face. To see you draw that face, the real Cole, just from looking at him makes him happy. Will ask to look at it every now and then, just to make sure it’s still the same.
“I must say, you are quite talented and steady with your hands. It does allow others to see how the artist sees. You certainly make me seem…at peace.”
-From one artist to another, he gives you high compliments with very few complaints. It is unusual to see him drawn in such a way since he’s so used to seeing only the mosaics. He meant to get rid of it when he left the Inquisition, but just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“Inquisitor, though your craft is very beautiful and I admire how you can make these pieces, I must ask you not to sketch me.”
-Don’t get her wrong, she loves seeing your sketches but it’s mostly out of formality (and somewhat embarrassment) that she asks not to be your subject. If she becomes Divine, it’s one of the only pieces she prefers over the paintings. Though she does ask you, if you have the time, to draw something for her. When you give her a perfect picture of her brother and her, it’s one of the few times she truly hugs you.
The Iron Bull
“Holy shit. I’m alright when it comes to sketching, but you make it look pretty damn easy while so complicated! You even got my scars and the detail on my patch! Damn, boss!”
-Bull is used to doing quick sketches, usually of small details to make sure he could track someone or to remember something easier. Never had he really seen himself drawn so picture perfect that it completely baffles him. He looks at all the details with a smile on his face.
“I can’t believe you managed to get my good side! In all honesty, though, this is remarkable. And not just because it’s me.”
-He had studied some art pieces before and never really found any he liked, but he has now found one of his favorite artists. Constantly asks if you’ve done any new pieces just so he can look at the heart that goes into them. Ask if you could teach him to sketch as such so that he can add better drawings to his research notes.
“What the fuck! That’s me! How the fuck! How did you do this! You even got my eyes to be lined up! How the hell did you do that?!”
-We all know Sera’s drawing style. She keeps saying the same things over and over again because she’s at a loss for words. Except for cuss words. Along with the rooftop hangouts, she insists that you two just draw together sometimes. Some of the goofiest drawings come from these times, especially one of a cartoonish Coryshit falling from a very detailed tower.
A little speech bubble near it says “Oh shit, I shat myself!”
“I…I’m honored to be one of your subjects. Not to blow my own horn, but this looks stunning. You really are something special, hm?”
-Blackwall has done a lot of sketching himself and finds your art a breath of fresh air. Other than looking at bits and pieces of his reflection, he usually tries to avoid seeing himself. So when he sees your drawing of him, he almost doesn’t recognize himself. You both trade sketches of each other just for fun and even sketch together.
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bbcphile · 5 months
Thoughts on character and costume?
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I really love how the respective characters have different colour palettes, silhouettes but in particular material/textures to their costuming. Fang Duobing is a little princess so he gets pale pastels, fancy ornamentation and transparent gauzy fabrics which I find so cute, he’s not just rich he’s *expensive* and *pretty* it’s pretty funny that he matches the actual princess in the red leaves mountain case
DFS gets your wide shoulder bad guy rich deep colours with thick layers and lots of metal detailing but it veers towards grand instead of pretty. Hot topic young DFS is leather and studs lmao. Brocade and fur & shit.
LLH is a linen boi and he almost never has any metal on him, we all know his natural material hair ornament meta etc. Interestingly, he does share some colour palette and fabric overlap with FDB, we se him with his tits out transparent outer layer sometimes. No structure all flowy silhouette
someone on here made a post abt their differing sleeve styles but I can’t find it!
I wanted to gush but also do u have any extra costume thoughts + how they relate to one another? You have a great knack for finding good photos of the show too 😅
Thanks for the ask, @lei-llustrations , and I love your analysis of the outfits! I'm so sorry it took me forever to respond! I had grand plans for a full essay analyzing DFS's costumes, and then I ran out of spoons for doing that. (The short version of the point I was going to prove is that his a-Fei outfits have elements of what seem to be his favorite details from his fancier alliance leader outfits, so it seemed like evidence of LLH trying to make up for making him be in disguise and without his power. I'm thinking of the maroon-red one with studs in the sleeves in particular, but there are echoes of his preferences in the other ones, too.)
Since I'll never actually respond if I wait to put that meta together, here's a shorter one, with my thoughts on DFS's official Alliance Leader robes (screenshot taken from ep 40, when delivering the wangchuan flower).
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LLH and FDB both call him Di mengzhu in the wangchuan flower scene, because he's clearly dressed in a way that makes this an Official Visit. I find it fascinating that he wears his alliance leader outfit instead of his grey, maroon, and gold outfit that he wears for non-alliance matters (aka. the wedding room outfit, which he also wears for such Xiangyi-related purposes as the reunion duel that doesn't happen and grieving for him in the middle of the night). After all, he's giving LLH a gift to save his life and issuing him a friendly anniversary honeymoon challenge, so you'd think that would call for his dating outfit, not his official garb.
BUT! What if he's using his official Alliance Leader regalia as a way of saying that not only a-Fei/Lao Di, but also Di Mengzhu and the Jinyuan Alliance want him to live? It's more than just essentially creating Peace Treaty version 2.0, and trying to get life back to what could have been if SGD and JLQ hadn't ruined everything: their people at peace, and the two of them meeting for friendly duels rather than death matches. Yes, only LLH and FDB are there to witness it, but by showing up in his Official Capacity, he's also correcting all the narratives about the enmity between himself and Li Xiangyi, and in giving him the flower, he's officially declaring that Di Mengzhu wants Li Lianhua to heal and have his strength and power back more than he wants to gain martial arts power himself.
This is a HUGE deal. DFS formed the Jinyuan Alliance as a way of climbing the ranks of the jianghu, because his goal was to gain strength so he'd never be helpless or forced to do someone's bidding again. And yet, he wears the outfit that symbolizes that striving and his place at the top of it to GIVE AWAY THE FLOWER THAT WOULD CEMENT HIS PLACE AT THE TOP OF THE JIANGHU. He wants Li Lianhua to not just live but also to regain the strength SGD and JLQ stole from him, which would mean that Li Xiangyi would quite possibly defeat him, and he would welcome that, because it's not about self-protection anymore: now, what he wants more than anything else, is for Li Xiangyi/Lianhua to live.
If that's not enough of an emotional gut punch, try this: Di Feisheng told Li Xiangyi at the start of the show that swordsmen shouldn't have weaknesses. Di Feisheng has only really had two "weaknesses" (vulnerabilities might be more accurate): his desiring the wangchuan flower (which led to SGD and JLQ incapacitating him) and Li Lianhua. It feels like a monumental shift to me that, at the end of the show, Di Feisheng hands one weakness to the man who is the other: essentially, he is announcing to the world that nothing is more important to him than Li Lianhua's recovery, and he doesn't care who knows it.
It also feels very pertinent that his official outfit is wedding red, and he's essentially showing up in his fanciest remaining outfit to offer Li Lianhua his heart on a platter priceless magical flower in a box the way someone might show up at the house of their beloved with boxes and boxes of betrothal gifts. Not that DFS explained that or LLH picked up on it, because that would involve better communication skills than either of them had.
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Part 2 of this (diavolo & lucifer being very gay in canon) because I ran out of space in the first one
1. The entire Devildom thinks Diavolo & Lucifer are dating/in love;
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2. It just sounds cute okay
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3. Diavolo apparently notices when Lucifer's pupil dilates by 2mm 😐
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4. Diavolo probably has a 500pg book about how great Lucifer is
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5. Remember how much Diavolo gushed about Lucifer's butler uniform, took a lot of pictures of it etc? Apparently he saved that uniform or had a new one made, then took the first chance he saw
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6. Cottagecore?
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7. Diavolo finds Lucifer sneezing cute😬
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8. Diavolo prioritises Lucifer over everything, even his own kingdom & the way Simeon keeps poking at it & Diavolo keep avoiding directly answering him + Simeon later teases Lucifer about Diavolo liking him in S3👀
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9. The snow sculpture which looked incredibly realistic and had absolutely nothing to do with Christmas
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Can't have more screenshots so here's some important conversation word for word:
10. Diavolo, after meeting Lucifer for the first time, Lucifer tries his best to act like an ass to make Diavolo hate him but Diavolo still treats him kindly. Lucifer despises Diavolo at the moment because he's a Demon who according to Lucifer & the Celestial Realm can't even have a "well-ordered society". Diavolo somehow in a single night manages to form a crack in Lucifer's prejudices & make him doubt his Father who he holds in very high esteem. Diavolo also uses chess to prove his point about creating peace and a balance between the three worlds. This is the conversation that follows:
Lucifer (an angel): I see. ...Diavolo. Your strategy truly is fascinating. Do you think we could get together sometime? I'd like to learn more about it.
Diavolo: Are you talking about chess now? Or the nature of our relationship?
Lucifer: Heh...
^The ambiguity Lucifer uses when talking gives that old queer feeling of: Our relationship (whatever it may be) is very forbidden and anyone catching wind of it will be bad so for plausible deniability I'm going to tie the true meaning of this conversation to something more innocuous
11. Conversation they have after this^ flashback/particular conversation:
Diavolo: ...That's when you finally held out your hand to me, and we shook. The way you radiated charm as you smiled at me. I still remember it like it was yesterday. When I saw the look on your face I was convinced. You were fair and righteous, someone who would be able to lend an ear to anyone, to listen to what they had to say. Someone who had a truly beautiful spirit.
In other words Diavolo has the worst case of rose-tinted glasses, specially considering Lucifer was choking Mammon & trying to rip his arm of while Diavolo said all this.
12. Diavolo (in demon form): Back when he was an angel, he was so divine, so awe-inspiring that it was intimidating. But now he's attractive in a different sort of way. He draws your eye toward him and then doesn't let go. He truly is worthy of the moniker "Morning Star"! Even steeped in the darkness of the Devildom, he shines just as brilliantly as ever!
Lucifer (in demon form), blushing: ...Diavolo, could we change the subject, please?
Lucifer (in demon form): I've told you that it embarrasses me when you shower me with such excessive praise in public.
Diavolo (in demon form): Afterall you're already beautiful enough as it is!
a.) This is Gomez Addams level of devoted jfc
b ) Diavolo was straight up reciting poetry at one point
c.)......What's with "in public"....so it's fine in private?
d.) Diavolo gushing about Lucifer has the same energy as Mammon gushing about MC
e.) What do I have to do for someone to be this in to me?
13. Diavolo has multiple copies of Lucifer in a swimsuit saved in different places (not the swimsuit he wears around MC & his brothers btw but the one he wears around Diavolo which is actually just trunks and & an open hoodie/shirt)
14. Diavolo might actually have a whole file of rare pictures of Lucifer? He's got the butler ones, the swimsuit ones and the candid glasses one that he threatened some poor guy to delete after saving a copy for himself
15. The ship in a bottle that Diavolo gave Lucifer, that he loves so much he keeps it in a place where he can always see it
16. Lucifer: No, that scream was far too vile to have come from Diavolo.
....so you know what he sounds like when he screams and you think it sounds good...?🤨
17. Diavolo gives a flustered Lucifer a piggyback ride around RAD
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pastrydragon · 4 months
Ok but Gale and Rolan
Like Rolan is a pretty popular character, people seem to really like him and write a lot of fan fiction about him. And obviously a lot of people love Gale too he's one of the main companions.
So why do I not see them shipped together?
Like the way Rolan talks about Lorraokan before he actually meets the fuck it feels like he kinda has a crush on him, like a little celebrity crush. So we know that Rolan is partial to what he thought Lorraokan was: A brilliant and ambitious wizard who's generous with his arcane knowledge.
And Gale very much ticks all those boxes. He was enough of a magical prodigy to be Mystra's chosen, he had a solid plan to become a GOD and the very first thing he does to try to romance you is teach you some magic.
You can't tell me Rolan wouldn't be following the party around in the tower after the battle, see Gale being king nerd very casually explaining stuff Lorrakaon didn't even vaguely understand and not go:
And with how many times Gale has proven to be a good person by saving the teiflings over and over, Rolan could absolutely mentally gloss over the whole "What if I used the crown of Karsus to become a god?" thing.
And I mean, Rolan could absolutely pull Gale. We know from playing the game that it is not hard to seduce Gale, to the point it's kind of annoying. Post game Rolan could just invite Gale over to look at "This fascinating new tome some adventurers sold me that was recovered from a shipwreck/ancient temple/dragon's hoard! And we haven't talked in so long, please stay for a glass of wine. Oh you write poetry? Tell me more. <3" And he's fucking genuine about wanting to hear the poetry because of course that nerd would.
Like it's not rocket science, honestly it ain't even algebra. I'd give it like 3 months tops before Rolan is bragging about his "BOYFRIEND who is a professor at BLACKSTAFF ACADEMY and did I mention he's adorable?" And he just keeps finding new things about Gale to gush about to the point Cal and Lia start to consider pushing off the roof of the tower just to get him to shut up.
Gale would also be perfectly happy in the relationship, like he really just wants someone who supports him and is a good person maybe? As a treat? And Rolan has shown to be a little heroic himself, protecting orphans, trying to rescue his family single handed and fighting with you against Lorraokan if his spirit isn't totally broken. He can even bridal carry Gale to safety with his 12 str. No really he has 12 strength, you can google it.
Like it's not the OTP to end all OTPs but it's cute. And I'm just confuzzled on why there's barely anything with these two.
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thetriplets3 · 1 year
hello, may i please request a fic where the reader is admiring Matt's facial hair? tysm my friend ♡
❁ smitten ❁
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We’re laying under your covers watching whatever movie you ended up choosing, since I picked last time. You lie slightly propped up against your bed frame, watching the movie intently as I lie on my side with my head resting on your arm. I find myself being more fascinated by you rather than the movie. I lie there admiring every inch of your face, most importantly your stubble.
I’ve never been a fan of stubble, but you’ve changed my mind; you can make anything look good. It suits you so perfectly, enhancing your already perfect bone structure. Something about you having facial hair makes you look so much older and mature, it just makes my heart swell. I could look at you forever. Your eyes still haven’t left the tv, you’re too focused on the movie that I couldn’t care less about because I have you to look at. You are far more fascinating than any movie.
“It’s creepy to stare at someone for this long, ya know” You say with a smirk on your face.
My cheeks grow pink with embarrassment as I shift my attention to the tv letting out a small “Oh, uh, sorry”.
You pause the movie, sensing a shift in my energy. “Hey, I was just joking, you know I don’t care if you stare, it doesn't bother me,” you say as you rub your thumb over my shoulder, your voice filled with sweetness and concern that you’ve upset me.
I continue to stare at the tv, still a little embarrassed to make eye contact, “I know, it’s- it’s fine.”
“Can you look at me please? I didn’t mean to make you feel embarrassed. What’s on your mind? What made you zoned out earlier?” you ask as you gently grab my face to get me to look at you.
“You. I was just admiring your facial hair. I think it looks really good on you. I like the way it defines your features, you look older in a good way, more mature. It makes you even more attractive. I didn't think you could get more attractive but you did. I don’t know it’s silly but I just like looking at you, you make my heart flutter,” I quietly say, fiddling with the drawstrings on your hoodie.
“I love that even after a year and a half of being together I still give you butterflies. You give me butterflies too, everytime I look at you,” you say with love dripping from your voice.
I finally make eye contact with you and give you a shy smile. The eye contact doesn’t last long as my eyes drift to your facial hair. I bring my hand up to rub my thumb against it. I can’t help but smile as I do so, you make my heart feel full.
“I think facial hair is my favorite look on you, it suits you so well. God, I love you so much my heart is doing back flips right now,” I gush.
“I guess I can keep it for a little longer knowing how much you love it but I’m shaving it once I can’t stand it” you say.
“You’ve got a deal. You better get used to me staring at you more often. It's not my fault you look good no matter what,” I say as you pull me in closer for a kiss.
@im-a-matt-girl @stxrniqlo @iluvmatt @antisocialties
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Omg there is just something about Alcina and Donna interacting with kids that make me go AWWWW from cuteness. how about headcannons with them finding a lost toddler reader and adopting them? have a great day/night!
So cute! Here’s what I made. I actually ended up making Y/N a baby in this one because it fit more with the ideas that I had. I only did Alcina for now, but I’m going to write head canons for Donna soon. Let’s get into it!
Alcina was a busy woman. She often tasked her daughters with patrolling the castle grounds for intruders.
One day, the girls found you, a tiny baby no more than a year old, sitting in the grass near the entrance of the castle.
Dani squealed with delight. “How adorable! I’ve never seen a human this size!” She said as she bent down and gently pinched your cheeks, making you giggle.
“Careful, Dani! It might be a trick to lull us into a false sense of security!” Cass warned, on edge.
“What should we do, Bela?” Dani asked and completely ignored Cass as she picked you up and snuggled you.
Bela furrowed a brow and scanned the area. “Hmm. It seems someone left this baby all alone on purpose. We should take them to mother.” She said as she went over and held out her hands to take you from Dani.
The redhead reluctantly gave you to her big sister.
“Hello, little one.” Bela said gently as she held you.
You grabbed onto one of her fingers and started chewing on it.
Bela made a grossed out face as you drooled all over her hand, but Cass was freaking out.
“It’s trying to eat you, Bela! Drop it and run!” She whispered harshly as she peeked over Bela’s shoulder to get a better look at you.
You stopped mouthing on Bela’s hand when you saw Cass looking at you. Suddenly, you began laughing and making grabby hands for her to hold you.
Bela smirked and turned to her brunette sister. “Here, Cassie. You hold them for a moment.” She said as she held out your wriggling form to Cass.
Cass blanched. “W-well-” She started before Bela placed you into her arms.
Cass instinctively put her arms around you so you wouldn’t fall, but once she held you for a bit, she quickly realized you weren’t a threat. She had never seen a human this cute before.
“Maybe mother will let us keep them!” She said, uncharacteristically chipper. Your little cheeks looked so soft. She couldn’t resist running a finger over them which made you squeal with happiness.
Bela shot Dani a knowing glance at Cass’s sudden fascination with you. She and Dani both knew that she was a big softy at heart.
“Well, come on, everybody! Let’s go see mother!” Dani urged.
The girls brought you to Alcina’s study.
Bela knocked on the door and Alcina called for them to come in.
Bela opened the door and ushered Dani and Cass, who was still holding you, into the room.
Alcina was neck deep in paperwork, but she turned and gave her daughters her undivided attention. “Hello, my loves. How did-” Alcina’s eyes widened when she saw you in Cass’s arms.
“Is that a baby?” She questioned as she stood and moved to get a better look.
“Yes, mother! We found them by the castle entrance. Can we keep them, mother?? Please?!” Dani begged.
Bela nodded at her sister’s request. “They were left all alone, they need us!” She said.
You, on the other hand, were shocked at Alcina’s size, but her warm features and kind eyes made her seem less intimidating. You babbled and reached a hand out to her, hoping she would hold you.
“Absolutely precious!” She suddenly gushed and held out her hands to take you from Cass.
Alcina’s hands dwarfed your small body, but as she brought you closer and snuggled you to her chest, you had never felt safer.
You let out a satisfied sigh and started growing sleepy.
Alcina smelled of the finest perfume and her skin felt so soft on yours.
You let out a toothless yawn which, surprisingly, made Cass coo at how cute you were.
Everybody’s eyes shot to her in disbelief and she growled at her mostly involuntary reaction before clearing her throat. “Please, can we keep them, mother?” She pleaded.
Alcina raised an eyebrow at her typically stoic child, but chuckled at how taken Cass was with you. If even her hardest to impress daughter wanted you to stay, Alcina pretty much had her hands tied.
“Okay, girls. They can stay. However, we will need to find and purchase supplies for them. I think there is baby furniture somewhere around the castle, but we need to check.” She said as she placed a soft kiss on your head. You had already fallen asleep on her shoulder.
The girls quietly cheered, so as not to wake you up, when they heard that you were staying. Alcina smiled at their enthusiasm.
The next few hours went by in a blur. Cass made several trips to Duke’s to purchase odds and ends, while Bela and Dani searched the entire castle for things that you needed.
Alcina cradled you in her arms and gently rocked you as you slept. It was the best nap you had ever gotten.
When you awoke in the early evening, Alcina quickly fixed you a bottle and fed you.
She smiled as you held onto her hand and curiously gripped her pinky. “Hello, my darling.” She spoke to you in her velvety voice.
You felt so calm in her presence. It’s like she was meant to be your mother all along.
Alcina and the girls grew even closer to you during your first few days in the castle. Dani actually picked out your name.
“We need to call them something other than ‘Baby’.” Cass said one afternoon as she rubbed your head. She and her sisters were currently cuddling with Alcina as the lady of the castle held you on her bed.
“What about Y/N?” Dani suggested.
“A fine name, my love.” Alcina said as she reached over and affectionately cupped Dani’s face. “Y/N Dimitrescu.” She said, testing it out. “It’s perfect.” She declared, looking down at you in her arms.
You went from having no family, to gaining the best mom in the world, and three of the most protective big sisters ever. It seems your life as a Dimitrescu had now begun.
Note: Stay tuned for my Donna head canons!
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within-your-eyes-if · 6 months
I really hope you answer these ✨ 😭
My dear author, Your incredible talent never ceases to amaze me, and I can't help but gush over how fantastic the latest update was. I want to express my deepest gratitude for the outstanding work you do and for being such a wonderful person. I find myself consumed by a few pressing questions, and I kindly need your answers!
Is it be possible for a revenant (leese ✨😩) to have a child? I'm hoping with all my heart that the answer is yes, as it would be truly fascinating!
Furthermore, while there have been countless tantalizing scenes in this captivating tale, as for the main characters that have yet to partake in such intimate encounters. Might there be a future opportunity for our protagonist to remain a virgin until a specific romantic interest comes along 💖. I adore the idea of witnessing the romantic interest's reaction upon discovering they are the first and only. The sweetness of such a revelation is unparalleled...
Please know that I genuinely mean no offense or discomfort with my inquiry. I trust in your storytelling prowess to consider this possibility and let us know. Ultimately, it is your story, and you have the power to shape it as you see fit.
Thank you immensely for your phenomenal work and for taking the time to consider my questions.
With boundless admiration,
Thank you so much for your kind words! They are definitely encouraging, and I appreciate your enthusiasm. Let's get into your questions:
In the upcoming codex update, there will be an entry about Vampirism that sheds some light on how the curse can spread. There have been, though very few, documented cases of Daywalkers conceiving. However, other types remain unconfirmed, including Revenants.
The Warden being a virgin is something I intend to add, but I wanted to complete Part One first and think more about 'how'. I'm glad I did because not long ago, someone suggested making vices into checkboxes to allow more 'pick and choose'. I like this idea! There are some gameplay things I want to consider fully before doing this, however. Regardless, I will be starting this process after the Codex update.
Thank you for your questions and your patience! I'm sorry that I can't provide a definitive answer to the first one at this moment. There are some things, even if they seem insignificant, I need to keep under wraps!
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
The Fall
Steddie | T | ~3.4k | AO3 link
I picked my beloved pre-s04 Steddie for @steddie-week day 7: free space 🥰
Prompted by Steve Harrington's tendency to be a health&safety hazard in school corridors. (@sidekick-hero pspsps, it's here.)
Eddie probably shouldn't have been reading his book while walking the school corridors. Faceplanting on the floor in front of his laughing schoolmates and getting a concussion wasn't the greatest high school experience to have. But being then helped by his crush, someone he would never have expected to have a conversation with? Certainly wasn't the worst. Set in January of 1985, after the events of season 2.
In hindsight, Eddie probably shouldn't have been reading his book while walking the school corridors. But he only just got his hands on a copy of the second installment from Guardians of the Flame, and he couldn’t make himself put it down. It was hard enough that he couldn't keep reading it in his previous class, since the teacher discovered it wasn't the textbook he'd been hungrily devouring page after page and confiscated it. 
Besides, he was glad to escape the incredibly dull reality that any school break presented. None of the Hellfire members were in his year; although, if Eddie kept up with his unimpressive academic performance and repeated senior year again, a couple of them would be, so at least there would be some consolation for his misery. But for now, it was a choice between listening to his normie classmates' boring conversations about parties and hookups and homework and college picks, or disappearing into a fascinating world of adventure, magic and dragons. Eddie's pick was kind of obvious.
Still, he could have at least waited until he got to his next class, so he could sit down in the corner and read in peace. Instead, he inflicted upon himself the absolute humiliation of tripping over something soft, yet firm in his way and falling face first, not even having enough time to react and drop the book so he could soften the landing with his arms. His face connects with the floor; pain explodes in his forehead and nose, which immediately starts gushing blood; his arms, too, which are uncomfortably trapped beneath his body along with his book. Cold terror washes over him at the thought that he might have broken his wrists. If he can't play his guitar anymore, might as well keep lying on this floor until he bleeds out to death, or something.
As the initial shock of pain subsides and his ears are no longer full of cotton, he immediately hears it. The laughter all around him, the snarky comments.
Of course. It was probably one of them who tripped him up in the first place, to have some of what in their pathetic fucking lives passed for fun. Wouldn't be the first time. Yet another reason he should have been paying attention to his surroundings.
Eddie's usually very good at nipping that kind of attitude in the bud, laughing right back in their faces, using his creepy gimmicks to get them to back off with a parting, "what a fucking freak ". But he'd have to be standing upright for that, for starters. So he makes the first tiny move to accomplish that, tries to raise himself on his arms - nothing broken there, at least, thank fuck - but his hand slips on something, his own blood, apparently, and his chest once again connects with the floor, causing another ripple of laughter around him. 
And then, when he's seriously considering just lying there until the bell rings and hoping that they eventually find themselves some other entertainment, he feels a hand grip his arm, and a voice standing out of the whole ruckus.
"Jesus fucking Christ! Can't you see he's bleeding?! What is wrong with you people?!"
Eddie turns his head a little, and his eyes widen. Steve Harrington?! 
The rest on AO3
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fluffyhare · 2 months
I know I gush a lot about lee!Avery, but, the thing is... I think about ler!Avery a lot, too.
Gosh, the way he thinks tickling is so fascinating, and also so much fun...
The way he gets excited and a bit mischievous at the prospect of tickling someone, and then that eagerness turns quickly into sly teasing, because he is so playful... And there's nothing he loves more than making his friends happy and giggly, in any way he can...
He's practically made for tickling, too... with his scientific attitude and skillful, soft fingers. Since tickling doesn't exist in Cirropa (Cirropians have a unique way of touching each other, which I'll expand on later), it's a relatively new concept for him, which makes it all the more intriguing. Plus, he's especially fascinated by humans who enjoy it... it's so endearing for him that the delicate, warm, soft humans he delights to observe would take pleasure in being made to laugh that way... That they enjoy laughing just like he does, despite being so physiologically different, and they have such a special and unique way to experience it...
It's not just a flash in the pan for him, either. Tickling -- human play -- is a game, and one that he wants to not just learn, but be good at. It intrigues him that humans are not all ticklish in the same places, and though he's interested in finding your most ticklish spots, he's also interested in finding the spots you enjoy the most. Your enjoyment and comfort with being tickled by him is his utmost priority, so he's very invested in making the session as fun for you as possible. He holds a certain reverence for humans... he feels honored to be allowed to tickle you, that a human would trust him enough to be so vulnerable... to allow him to exploit that vulnerability through tickling. Though he does want to learn and understand all he can about tickling, teasing, and how it affects different people, that scientific curiosity never comes at your expense. He also knows that you are weaker and much more fragile than he is, and he will handle you with tender, expert care.
Playing right into his curiosity, is his fascination with humans in general, particularly how they are unique and different from each other... which means he genuinely gets excited to tickle people with all different body types and dispositions, and delights in learning how different personalities and bodies react to his tickling. Particularly interesting to him is shyness; he finds it adorable that it's often the shyest, most bashful humans who enjoy tickling the most... generally, they are also outrageously ticklish, and particularly enjoy his gentle brand of teasing.
If Avery cares about you, he will be particularly tender. If he loves you or considers you a friend -- which, frankly, is an incredibly low bar, since he already loves humans as a whole, he has a huge heart, and loves to make friends -- he will all but dote on you as he tickles you. He will respect anyone he is tickling no matter what, but if you're his friend, he will be particularly invested in gently pushing your buttons, making you blush, and trying to heighten your enjoyment as much as he can. He considers every chance at tickling you an opportunity for him to learn something new, whether it's a new spot, a particularly effective technique, or a certain combination of words that makes you uncontrollably flustered. The better he can make the session for you, the better it is for him.
The sweetest, most charming part of all this, is... though Avery would naturally be curious about tickling, anyway... It holds so much significance to him because of how important it is to Casper. He wants to understand tickling and teasing on the deepest level possible, not just for scientific reasons, but because he wants to share it with his partner and their friends.
God, I could go on and on...
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biconickyoshi · 1 month
An avatar nonshipper for years, I once found myself having an extremely vivid and emotion-filled dream of Zuko and Aang being destined for each other. Never once in my years of being a fan have I considered a possibility of shipping them, ever, but my brain casually decided to rewrite its whole chemistry in one night.
My first thought was, what the hell did I get myself into. Will my closest friends accept me as a newly converted Zukaang shipper? Will I ever find a community of like-minded people who, too, received prophetic dreams one day? Am I doomed to be in, dare I say, a rareship pit for the rest of my life?
In the end though, I am glad to have found people who see what I saw when my eyes opened to all the possibilities for the first time. The mind is a tricky and fascinating thing. I just wanted to send this as a message of support for your incredible work! It's everything I could have ever dreamed of (which I did, ironically), soft and romantic, loving and warm. There might not be as many of us, but I can see that our fandom is dedicated. I hope to see more of your Zukaang vision, as well as more others who like them as much as we do <3
Aaaa thank you so much for sending this ask, anon!! And for taking the time to read my fic! :) I absolutely love this origin story for how you started shipping Zukaang haha, because yes, it sounds like the universe basically gifted you a prophetic dream!
It seems like a lot of us started out not even considering Zukaang as a ship. That was me until one random day in 2021, when I just had an epiphany and realized the sheer amount of potential the ship had if only they had been a bit closer in age during the events of the original show (though I do still ship Zukaang with their canon ages once they’re in their 20s - they have the same age gap as me and my husband).
It was a pretty big deal that I started shipping Zukaang honestly, because while it took me like 14 years to even consider them as a ship, they are now one of my all-time top OTPs, if not my favorite overall. Prior to this, I was always an avid Kataang shipper (and I still think they’re cute and I’m glad they ended up together), but I’ve literally never been this invested in a ship before, especially not a non-canon one. This is also the first ship I’ve ever written fanfiction for too, and it’s a long fanfiction that I have consistently worked on for months now. I’ve been in other fandoms and had other ships where my interest was very strong, but never this long-lasting.
I also empathize with worrying about what your closest friends will think of you being a Zukaang shipper - that’s me as well lol. I still haven’t told mine. Thankfully my husband is super chill about it and even helps proofread my chapters, so at least I have someone irl who I can gush to haha.
I’m so happy to hear you’ve enjoyed The Avatar and the Fire Prince so much - it has definitely been a labor of love, not just for the Zukaang ship, but for AtLA as a whole. It has given me the opportunity to truly dive into the world, characters, and lore and flesh them out in ways they couldn’t be in the original show. Plus, it’s just been a blast to write! :)
Thanks again for sending this ask anon! We’re happy to have you in the Zukaang fandom! ❤️
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orcelito · 26 days
orcelito's trigun fic recs!
making this for @trigunfanfic's fic appreciation week! this is a nonexhaustive list & not in any particular order (aside from the smut fics, which i separated into another section). just a few fics i rly love & think should get more attention!!
so Here are the multichapters (some of which have smut, but it's not the focus):
someone to last your whole life by catchatter / @needlab7
this one is sooooooooooooooooooooooo 🥺 i was reading it as it was being released and MAN it drove me insane. every bit of the post-trimax love and healing i couldve ever wanted. genuinely one of my fav trigun fics. it's just so well written & evocative. it really does feel like Vash and Wolfwood... and just. aughghghgh im gonna have to reread it sometime bc it truly is something special
CAUSE OF DEATH (See instructions and examples) by neatrogenous / @floofyfluff
this is the other post-trimax fic that Changed My Life. i read it all in one go in one euphoric hyperfocus. i felt every emotion known to mankind. it is just. slkdfjsldfjlskdfj god. i adore how Vash is written here. both of them, really. it just feels so much like them. someday, i will reread this one Too...
Make it to Daybreak by @hypermoyashi (on both ao3 and tumblr)
god. what to say about this one. honestly i have never watched Demon Slayer so going into this fic i was missing that context, but i never felt like i was actually missing out on much. Allen does such a fantastic job at bringing u into the world without having to know anything about it at all. i LOOOOVE demon vash sooo much. so very much. im a little behind on updates rn sldfsdfkj but im excited to catch back up bc everything about this au is just Sooooo fun. everyone potentially interested in Demon Vash should read this. Do it. Right Now. 🥺 pls
Trillium and Ivy by @shastafirecracker (on both ao3 and tumblr)
AUGHHHHHH omfg this one was one of the first fics i read for trigun, and MAN it really set a high bar for me. im a little picky when it comes to modern aus, but this one is just so.... WONDERFUL... i read the entire thing in the first half of my day one day and spent the rest of my day in a fugue state. it was just SO SO SO good. i recently reread it and even having read it before, it was just as wonderful to read. realistic relationship development, compelling Saverem drama, all of it. it's also probably my favorite fic for the depiction of Vash's injury & recovery. the first time i read it i was just blown away by how realistic it felt, right down to the trauma memories of watching bargain bin movies while he was stuck in bed. honestly i could rant for forever about this one lol. it truly is special.
Wildflowers, also by ShastaFirecracker
i actually didnt know these 2 fics were written by the same person at first lol. Wildflowers got linked in my trigun server & i checked it out bc Fuck Yeah trans wolfwood. and then had my world just blown away. it's SUCH a good fic, & i really am such a sucker for fantasy au. and i was just absolutely gushing about how realistic the depiction of trans wolfwood was even before i finished the fic. SUCH a great fic. so imagine my surprise & delight when i went back to reread Trillium and Ivy and realized -- OH FUCK, it's by the SAME PERSON !!! such beautiful writing, For Real. i really do love these 2 fics.
Sun, Moon, and Stars by tragic_unpaired_electron (can't find a tumblr link on the fic or ao3 profile, so if anyone knows them feel free to share this with them pls !!)
WOW LOOK it's a fic that doesnt have VW as the main focus!!! unfortunately the only one of those on this list (i May be a tad predictable...), & it really earned its place here. it's just such a fascinating fic that answers the question of What If Tesla Survived? i adore the exploration of her strengths and struggles, as well as her sibling relationship with Knives and Vash. it's so INTERESTING, and it gets into the meat of fighting for the rights of Independent Plants (and plants in general) and just. man. i read this and wanted to devote my life to one Tesla Saverem. she is so precious and hard-headed and SUCH a good big sister. pls do read it, it's such a lovely fic
and NOW...
onto the smut fics lol.
there are Plenty of very good smut fics around, but these are the ones that really stuck with me. either for being Different than the norm, or just being very... well. ya kno lol.
dont worry about the picture this paints of me lmfaoooo
you'll never get enough by tagteamme / @phaltu
AGHHHHHHHHH oh my god this fic made me FEEL things. it's a boxer / gym au, and MAN does it do it well. u get the sweaty gym setting, u get the homoeroticism & horny pining, u get the blatant masochism that drives them both... im just obsessed with it. that stove scene is going to stay with me For Life. & the smut is of course VERY good, but the Vibes... oh the Vibes are so impeccable. obsessed.
there is a season for all things by SolidShrimp (cant find their tumblr on the fic/profile, but i Know ive seen them on tumblr 🤔 if anyone knows their url, pls do me a favor and send this to them!)
THIS ONE.......................... man. man. man. man. like i know xeno is The Average for fandom vash, except the normal flower "plantussy" doesnt really do much for me. im too much of a monster fucker for that i guess. it's not BAD, just not particularly exciting. this, though? now, THIS one left an impression. ive already gushed about it to the writer in the comments of the first fic (havent kept up with the sequel fics, tho i really should catch back up sometime) so i'll keep it brief here. just. such an UTTERLY delightful inhuman vash portrayal, to the point where his reproductive biology is just plain incompatible with Wolfwood & Meryl's (oh yeah, it's mashwood, which is WONDERFUL...). wolfwood and meryl are in over their head trying to figure out how to get vash off in his own way, but they do their Absolute Best!!! it's just rly sweet and i adore the way the writer went Full Ham into the inhuman aspects. utterly delightful.
Kick me once again, and say we'll never part by epsilontauri (doesn't look like they're on tumblr? there's just a link to their twitter on the fic. but if anyone knows them, feel free to send this to them!)
this one is. so. very. AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ok i will be honest this is probably my favorite vw smut. and it's barely even smut. the sequel is definitely much more sex, but this one is. well. it's some extreme, dangerous, and barely negotiated S&M. as the saying goes, it's neither Safe Or Sane, but it sure is consensual! it's just so. well looking at just the tags sure does reveal it. horrible coping, it's an intense fic, but it's just so.......... DELIGHTFUL........... i really really really love fics that stick to their guns like this. and i love how even though Wolfwood had a GREAT time, we get to see how it kinda freaked Vash out (he did Not like hurting Wolfwood), so the sequel is good for a fic where they're both genuinely having lots of fun. this one is actually rather not fun for Vash. but it's just. it's about the Extremity of it. the Possessiveness. pushing someone to their absolute limits!!!!!!!!! this is another fic that i rambled in the comments about bc. yeah. yeah. it's. just trust me. if ur into fucked up dudes being fucked up dudes, this is the fic for you.
& OKAY i think that's my list. again, it's nonexhaustive, but ive had enough typing i think lol
hope u guys enjoy the recs 🥺
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valve3nthusiast · 5 months
hi burnt ice anon here. can't say that i'm a mind reader lmao but this isn't the first time that my writing has managed to hit someone right in the kink~ so i'll take your response as the highest of compliments <3
anyways i really like yours and mold friend's merformer stuff so i'm gonna throw my hat into the ring with a bit of megamagrod (think that's their ship name) enjoy~
so rodimus and magnus are the captain and sic of the lost light, which i feel would be a research vessel investigating a series of shipwrecks caused a certain merformer out in the middle of the arctic circle
and oh boy do they find the merformer when they get there. he's massive, like half the size of their ship massive and immediately rodimus is down bad, because the intelligence of the big guy, who he soon learns is named megatron, is just so intriguing to a young intrepid researcher like himself. magnus is more concerned about his captain's/lover's new fascination with the merformer because megatron has drowned like six ships and there have been no survivors.
but after a late night conversation on an iceberg with megatron, magnus too, finds himself down bad. they actually learn that megatron was only attacking ships who were trying to hunt him down and that he has a really big interest in human literature
cue really sweet and fluffy courting between all parties involved and rodimus being a really fucking horny size queen and drooling over how massive megatron's spike is.
perhaps merformers like megatron have something to the conjunx rites and he spends his spare time making really intricate and very personalised gifts for magnus and rodimus
i feel like magnus would probably be the one to carry any eggs tho (bc rodimus is too small) but honestly i like the idea of the three of them adopting a child instead of eggpreg, maybe cause megatron's massive size (even for someone of his species) has caused some problems involving his fertility. or maybe there are eggs invovled, but bc of cross species stuff, they don't actually hatch and megatron reallys wants kids so they adopt instead
this is less horny and more gushing about sweet merformers fluff but i think those three would be so kinky, especially with how big megatron is and how much of a size queen rodimus is. but i really like your merformers stuff and i wanted to contribute in some way (hope this one's okay since it's less kinky
-burnt ice
This is simply so banger. Despite being called burnt ice, anon, you only drop fire into my inbox
Rodimus is living his best mermaidfucker life... "Ah yeah this is my wrathful sea god mermaid boyfriend <3 his spike is so big I feel it in my throat every time he fucks my valve <3"
If they do adopt a kid... I think they should go full circle, and have it be a merpup who was orphaned by mermaid hunters...
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Dream is a rare male omega. He doesn’t love it. Life is hard for male omegas. A lot of them try to pass as betas but Dream has too much pride to hide who he is.
He tends to be too feisty for his lovers and really chafes when someone really tries to get him to submit. His most successful relationships have been with betas. In this world alpha/alpha and omega/omega relationships are almost unheard of. But Dream can’t say he’s never thought about it.
And then he becomes friends with Hob who is a beta. He has masculine features and a subtle scent but all Dream knows is that he is fascinated by him. Thinking of him all the time, fantasizing about him…this is the closest to finding a mate Dream’s ever been. He’s vibrating with it. He thinks of Hob fucking him. And illicitly, wonders if maybe Hob would like Dream to fuck him. No alpha would, surely, but Hob is a beta. Maybe then?
One day Dream stops by the place where Hob works and he isn’t there. He isn’t picking up his phone either. When Dream goes by his house however, the air is full of the scent of an omega in heat. Dream is…heartbroken. He didn’t know Hob had a mate, especially one with the most tantalizing heat scent Dream has ever tasted.
Later Dream has licked his wounds and when they’re hanging out he mentions stopping by that day and offers his congratulations on what he assumes is Hob’s mating. Hob freezes and goes very quiet and Dream, uncomfortable, asks through gritted teeth if he can meet Hob’s omega. Hob ducks his head and says it isn’t what he thinks. He doesn’t have an omega. Dream drops it. He doesn’t really want the details. Now he’s just hurt he isn’t good enough to meet them.
Months go on. Dream can’t get over Hob and finally succumbs to going to a club one day, one specifically for omegas who are in or near heat and don’t have a partner. Dream isn’t in heat but he’s desperate to get Hob out of his head.
Only when he’s there he smells that scent again, the one he knows he smelled at Hob’s house. It’s Hob’s mysterious omega. What is he doing here? If there’s an omega out there who got to have Hob, how could they bear being out on the prowl again? How come they haven’t kept Hob? Who wouldn’t want him? Jealous and angry, Dream pushes through the crowd following the scent all the way to the bathroom and throws open the door.
And there is Hob, splashing water on his face. Only he isn’t with an omega. He is the omega, and he’s gone into a rather sudden heat and he’s the most beautiful thing Dream has ever seen.
I LOVE this. Omega/Omega and Alpha/Alpha pairings are like gold dust and I just love the idea so much!!!
Love the idea of Dream fantasising about fucking Hob. He can't help thinking about it - his dick is a decent size, he's sure he could make Hob cum - even though he knows it might not ever happen. He's still thinking about it even when he's mourning the possibility of a relationship because he thinks that Hob has a mate. He cries and sits in his shower and desperately gets himself off, imagining what it would be like if he could have Hob under him.
Seeing Hob there in that club bathroom actively alters Dream’s brain chemistry. He knows right then and there that he can't let Hob go. He's got to have him, whether society approves or not. He presses Hob back against the sink and scents him desperately while Hob whines and thrusts against him.
Hob had never imagined that Dream would want him, especially as he's an omega. He pretends to be a beta partly in the hopes of retaining Dream’s attention - while knowing that truly, nothing will ever happen between them.
Apparently he was wrong. Dream is holding him and they're both gushing slick into their respective underwear. Hob nips at Dream’s throat and they both make the most unhinged noises.
Later Dream will be mortified to admit that their first time took place in a filthy club bathroom, and that he came in his pants while eating Hob’s cunt out. When they do eventually make it home, Dream fucks Hob through his heat and leaves him far more satisfied than any alpha could.
Hob still masquerades as a beta, so their relationship appears more acceptable to others. But he can't help but laugh whenever someone jokes about him keeping Dream in his place. Because it's very much the other way around <3
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