#and definitely is spying on him without his knowledge
ohmigoshiloveu · 5 months
The Queen definitely dominated Shilo a lot, like we can all agree on that, right? That’s what normalized casually upending people’s free will to Shilo.
I’m just curious how far she took it. Shilo was capable of leaving his room and the castle, but was that because The Queen didn’t want to dominate him to never leave, or because that would’ve been a safety hazard? While Shilo was growing up did she dominate him whenever he wanted to stay up past bedtime? Whenever he didn’t want to eat his dinner yet? Whenever he asked one too many times to see the outside world, read new books, to have a friend? Did she dominate away tantrums, dominate him into sitting still for portraits, dominate him into apologizing after arguments?
Did she use her discipline to skip over all the times a normal parent would discipline their child or adapt to their needs? She’s an old, old creature, and grew up in a very different era, it might not have even seemed wrong to her, exactly, just a useful trick that let her speedrun parenting because she knew what was best for Shilo even if it deprived him of every opportunity to be a person.
Did that extend out to Jeffrey (assuming he’s actually their dad and not like, some guy that The Queen dumped Emizel on to hide him and just dominated into believing that he was Emizel’s father), back whenever they were dating/whatever the fuck led them to fuck? Did she dominate away rough patches, rewrite his memories of plans when something came up and she knew she couldn’t make it?
Did she ghoulify him?
Think about it. She’s this great, wise, powerful Queen of all vampires with enemies around every corner, and then she falls in love/?lust? with this frail, vulnerable human. He’s a weak spot that can be exploited, a hole in her armor, and that puts him in danger. His first line of defense seemed to be secrecy, but why not have his second line of defense be a bunch of blood points to use at will? Ghouls are stronger, heal faster, and even have limited use of disciplines! Heck, if she love loved him, then she’d be extending his lifespan so they could be together for all eternity, at the low low cost of his free will and independence. But hey, it’s not like he didn’t already love her, right?
I’m not sure what would’ve had to have changed for her to have cut contact with Jeffrey and Emizel, especially since she clearly didn’t learn any lessons because she still raised Shilo to be the way he is, but like. I just want you to imagine Jeffrey slowly transitioning out of being a ghoul once he’s cut off from The Queen’s blood, slowly realizing what happened, slowly realizing he’d had a kid while under a blood bond and all the fucked up shit that entails, and then having to wake up everyday and look at Emizel and be reminded of it all.
If he stayed away from The Queen under a level 3 blood bond then she probably explicitly told him to do so, maybe even dominated him into doing it, so even just taking care of Emizel might’ve been by her orders, and as he de-ghoulified he was actively choosing to continue to follow the last orders given to him by someone who put him through all of that. That might’ve strained his relationship with his son, just a little bit.
Idk if Charlie would’ve made things that dark, but I still doubt dating The Queen of a society that sees people as walking talking buffets went super well for Jeffrey.
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thebrightsilverlining · 4 months
How Secret Are the Phantom Thieves' Secret Identities?
Police: Know exactly who he is due to his arrests and even send people to spy on him from time to time.
Public: Have enough information to find out but not explicitly stated.
When the police revealed that they had caught the leader of the Phantom Thieves on November 20th (and later revealed his death), they did not mention his name. Instead, Joker is described as a teenager on probation for assault who was sent to Tokyo for the year. 
Though his school was not directly mentioned, the fact that the first incident occurred at Shujin Academy makes it relatively clear that that is the school he went to. Later, after his second arrest as leader of the Thieves, Shujin admits that he was a student of their school when pushing for his release.
Though they never mention his name, anyone who wanted to could easily do some digging on Shujin Academy, find out there was a transfer student in the second year who had a criminal record, and put the pieces together. So, though his identity was technically never leaked to the public, it appears as if it is more of an open secret.
Interestingly enough, Akane from Strikers does not know Joker’s identity. Despite being a superfan (to the point of running a Phantom Thief news livestream) she can only wonder who he might be. This implies one of three things. Either
A: Despite his identity being easy to find if one did some digging, no one has bothered to actually do the digging and thus he remains anonymous.
B: Hacker extraordinaire Futaba Sakura hid or obfuscated any evidence that could reveal the identity of the leader of the Phantom Thieves based on the information the police gave.
C: Due to the fact that it was the police who leaked most of that info, it is considered poor form to use that information to figure out the leader’s identity. 
Option C relies on social etiquette. After all, the Phantom Thieves are very anti-police, and their fans are likely too. The leader of the Phantom Thieves had no say over that information about himself being leaked to the public by the people who literally tried to kill him, so using that information could be considered wrong by his fans. Thus, even though most have a general idea that the leader of the Phantom Thieves is the transfer student from Shujin Academy, actually looking into who that is could be considered rude by Phans and PhantomFreaks.
The Phantom Thieves
Police: Have a hunch but ultimately no proof.
Public: No clue, but maybe some theories based on knowledge of the leader’s identity.
Because Joker never reveals who the rest of the Phantom Thieves are both of the times he is arrested as a Thief, the police do not have definitive proof regarding the other members identities. They likely have hunches, as based on the list Sae reads off during the November 20th interrogation, but any and all evidence is circumstantial at best and largely tied to the simple fact that they know the leader. And every single thief has plausible deniability. That being, they can say that they may have been friends with the leader, but they had no knowledge of his identity and were not part of the operation.
Without more evidence or a confession, there is really know way to prove otherwise, so all of the thieves’ identities remain safe. This is doubled due to the fact that, because there is little to no evidence implicating them and Joker adamantly denied their involvement, there is the very real possibility (at least to the police) that they may not actually be part of the Thieves. 
Joker had a lot of associates during his time in Tokyo, and figuring out which are Thieves and which are not runs the risk of the police arresting the wrong person based on little evidence, and landing themselves in hot water afterward. Especially with how popular the Thieves are. So there is really nothing they can do about the rest of the Thieves.
As for the public, because the police have so little to go about regarding the rest of the Thieves identities, the public knows even less. There’s likely speculation, based on the info regarding Joker’s identity that was leaked, but nothing even remotely close to concrete. At the very least, they have some silhouettes and the knowledge that one must be a hacker in order to have stopped Medjed and broadcasted Shido’s calling card.
Police & Public: Know he infiltrated the Phantom Thieves in order to orchestrate their arrest before mysteriously disappearing.
Akechi is in an interesting position. After Joker was captured, he went on television and explained to the public how he infiltrated the Thieves in order to get them arrested. Him being a double agent Phantom Thief is public knowledge, no leaking or digging required.
The tricky part is figuring out what people know about everything else. Shido being his father, him being the perpetrator of mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns, and all that. Sae is aware of his role regarding the deaths, but it is left unclear if it is just her or if that knowledge was shared with the justice system as a whole. Considering he went missing, bringing up his role in it all might have been considered unnecessary. There is an argument to be made for them knowing and them not knowing.
Similarly with the public, it is unclear whether or not his involvement would be brought up. In any court hearings regarding Shido’s case, they could have easily referred to Akechi as simply “Shido’s metaverse assassin.” Naming him directly is possible, but not necessary, so it is unclear what the public knows.
Police: Runs the gambit of No Evidence of Connection to Plausible Deniability is King.
Public: Varies based on public presence.
The confidants find themselves in a variety of interesting situations, based on how much they revealed when trying to get Joker out of jail at the end of the game. Regardless, all of them have plausible deniability. Which is to say that, even if they revealed that they knew the leader of the Phantom Thieves when making their case for his release, they can all say that they did not know until after his arrests, and there is no way for the police to prove otherwise. As such, none of them are actually in danger of any legal retaliation.
Overall, things are on a more case-by-case basis for the confidants, so I’ll go through them one-by-one.
Guardian of the leader of the Phantom Thieves. Police know, but claims plausible deniability (didn’t know Joker was a Thief).
Public could find him out by looking into Joker’s identity.
Claims the Phantom Thieves changed the ADP Chairman’s heart and freed them all from the cult.
Does not need to claim a personal connection to Joker to convince her people to protest his arrest. 
As such, police and public likely have no knowledge of her connection.
Uses his connections to make certain that Joker is not harmed while in prison.
Under the table - police and public have no knowledge of connection.
Note - Police could technically attempt to trace Joker’s purchases to connect him to Iwai, but Iwai still has plausible deniability (didn’t know what he was buying them for; didn’t care). 
That is, assuming Joker didn’t make all his purchases in cash. And that the police were able to get ahold of one of the Thieves’ weapons.
Reveals that Joker was the main participant in the test trials for her new drug in order to bolster his positive public image.
Plausible deniability. Had no idea he was a Thief when they were doing the trials.
Acts as part of Shujin in general when pushing for Joker’s release. Public already had a hunch that Shujin was the leader’s school, and this just confirms it.
All teachers have plausible deniability.
By looking into Joker’s identity, public could find out that Kawakami was Joker’s homeroom teacher, but not much else.
Finds the lady from the first case and convinces her to admit to the police what truly happened. Also writes a special article about the leader of the Phantom Thieves.
Has no need to reveal a personal connection. She’s simply a reporter doing her job. Police and public have no clue.
Rallies the gaming community to protest Joker’s arrest online.
Does not reveal a personal connection. Simply says that Joker is the number 1 ranked player on Gun About (makes sense considering their minor takeover of the website for the start of Shinya’s route) and that he wants to play against him. Police and public have no clue.
Admits publicly on television her personal connection to Joker when pushing for his release.
Plausible deniability. Had no idea that he was a Thief prior to his arrest.
Admits publicly his personal connection to Joker when collecting signatures pushing for his release.
Plausible deniability. Had no idea that he was a Thief prior to his arrest.
Protests Joker’s arrest and pushes for his release. Rallies his base and fellow politicians.
Has no need to reveal a personal connection. Simply a politician taking a stance on an important public issue. Police and public have no clue.
The prosecutor for the Phantom Thief case and Shido’s case.
Public and police know that she is aware of his true identity, as she actively met him.
Public not aware of any personal connection between her and Joker, just the professional connection.
So what’s the most the public could know about the Phantom Thieves?
The average person could know:
Joker’s true identity.
His parents’ names.
His hometown.
The jobs he worked.
His record.
His guardian in Tokyo was Sojiro Sakura, owner of Cafe Leblanc.
Sojiro has an adopted daughter named Futaba.
He went to Shujin Academy and had Kawakami, Ushimaru, Hiruta, Inui, Chouno, and Usami as teachers.
While at Shujin, he became friends with Yuuki Mishima.
He participated in drug trials run by Tae Takemi.
At some point, he became friends with Hifumi Togo.
One of his friends and possibly fellow Thief is a hacker.
There are seven Phantom Thieves (excluding Akechi), plus the cat mascot.
He played Gun About and was top of the leaderboard.
To get the Thieves arrested, Goro Akechi briefly pretended to be his friend and joined the Thieves.
When arrested, he was interrogated by Sae Nijima. Later on, he interacted with her when testifying against Shido.
Someone who did some digging could also know:
While at Shujin, he also became friends with…
Ryuji Sakamoto
Ann Takamaki
Makoto Nijima
Haru Okumura
Besides Hifumi Togo, he was also friends with Yusuke Kitagawa from Kosei.
Yuuki Mishima runs the Phansite.
He got extra tutoring from Kawakami after school (not what actually happened but what Kawakami’s confidant route was passed off as to Chuono).
Some theories might be:
The “cat mascot” is the Alibaba cat icon.
Both are cats connected to the thieves, and they only see the silhouette of Mona, so it is likely assumed that Mona has the blue crescent eyes, slasher grin, and bomb tail of the Alibaba cat icon.
Tae Takemi is the Thieve’s doctor.
The protag participated in her drug trials. Even if just after the interrogation, he likely needed medical attention. So, though she claims plausible deniability, people likely assume she knew who he was.
Makoto is NOT a Thief and DID NOT KNOW about Joker’s identity until after his arrest.
Her sister was literally the one leading the prosecution. Sae is shown to be a competent prosecutor. Wouldn’t she have realized her sister was one of the people she was trying to catch? Plus, what about conflict of interest?
Likely theories that Joker becoming friends with Makoto helped win Sae over to his side.
Shujin students likely state online that Makoto was spying on him for the principal because of his record, but then seemingly became his friend overtime.
Joker proved he was a good and just person despite his record, so they became friends, but she never suspected his secret identity.
(Maybe even dating?! There’s definitely arguments online on if Joker is in a relationship and some are ride or die for Makoto. Everyone knows the most common love interest is the one outside of the loop that you can’t reveal your secret identity to for fear of them getting hurt!)
Hifumi Togo is a Phantom Thief.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Why would she reveal her connection to him if she was a Thief? Isn’t that stupid?
But that’s just what she WANTS you to think! STRATEGY!!
Because people think she would never do it, she did it! Perfect. Alibi.
Likely argued to be Futaba’s silhouette.
(Probably a very contentious theory. Lots of arguing on the forums.)
Yusuke is a Phantom Thief.
Most of the Phantom Thief cases (that are not minor Phansite requests) seem to have a personal focus.
Joker is a student at Shujin and both Kamoshida and Kaneshiro had some connection to the school. Shido attempted to kill Joker, and was also the reason he was on probation in the first place. Medjed actively targeted the Thieves and Okumura was at the top of the Phansite’s poll.
Which leaves Madarame as the odd one out. So, clearly, there must be some personal connection. And with Joker having been seen hanging out with Yusuke, that must mean he’s a Phantom Thief!
Argued to be Makoto’s silhouette.
Yuuki Mishima is the Phantom Thieves’ hacker.
He runs the Phansite, after all. He’s already involved in their tech stuff.
Now, whether he IS a Phantom Thief or just works for them is likely a big debate.
Some think he’s their “guy in the chair” who doesn’t directly participate but relays missions, hacks websites, and acts as mission control. 
Others think he’s the cat, controlling it as a remote control robot.
Ryuji and Ann are Phantom Thieves.
Plausible deniability or not, their silhouettes are just too distinct. Especially Ann.
Plus they were so close at the start of the year. Clearly, it’s suspicious.
Mika is a Phantom Thief.
Hear me out. Fox’s mask and high collar makes it so that you can’t actually see his hair length. She could totally be hiding her long hair in her jacket!
Plus, everyone knows that Mika and Ann are fashion rivals! And what's a vigilante crack team without some rivalries in the group? Joker was even seen with the two of them a few times!
This came to be purely because of the cross of fashionistas and Phans. Mika milks the theory for all the publicity it is worth.
Haru is a Phantom Thief.
There was BIG debate over Haru and her status. After all, are you really gonna say this sweet, lovely girl killed her father?
But, then again, the Phantom Thieves were proven innocent in the murder of Okumura. So the question changes. Not: Did she want to kill him? Instead: Did she want to change his heart?
BUT THEN AGAIN her father was a member of the Conspiracy, wasn’t he? Who’s to say she didn’t know about that already? Hell, who’s to say she wasn’t INVOLVED?
The fight tends to break into three separate groups. Group one says she got involved to change her father’s heart. Group two says she got involved after her father’s death, to find out what actually happened and catch the person who actually killed her father. And group three says she was part of the Conspiracy herself and joined to take the Thieves down, only to get attached and do a heel-face-turn redemption.
Group three also tends to make her friends with Akechi, as he also infiltrated to take the Thieves down. His awareness of the Conspiracy is unclear, but regardless those in group three tend to have Haru and Akechi turn on the police and Conspiracy to try and save the Thieves, only for Akechi to die or disappear so that Haru can escape.
Akechi cared about the Thieves/Had SOMETHING going on with Joker.
I mean, you don’t reference romance tropes during an interview regarding his time with the Thieves for nothing. The double agent can’t just be a double agent.
See the above dying for Haru theory. But also there are a lot of people that think Akechi and Joker were dating.
Suffice it to say, they don’t get along very well with the people who ship Joker/Makoto.
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randomshyperson · 1 year
Morning Grumpy Witch - Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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Summary: The one where moody Emo!Wanda has a bad morning, but luckily, she also has a soft spot saved for her girlfriend. [Requested]
Warnings: None really, all fluff with Avengers being a family and Wanda being a simp. | Words: 1.197k
A/N-> I deviated a little from the original request and ended up writing a shared POV with Reader and Bucky Barnes my precious baby. This is pretty small and sweet as requested.
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
It was common knowledge in Avengers Tower that Wanda could be a temperamental person. And so it was best to keep a distance until she regained her temper, especially after things went wrong, like failing Natasha Romanoff's same combat challenge four times in a row. Not that anyone was keeping score.
But Bucky was a recent member of the team, and well, he's trying to be a more considerate person and had no idea that while he was preparing breakfast, Wanda was falling down her ass, again and again, and having to deal with the provocative giggles of two veteran captains and a spy who seemed to take some kind of personal pride in managing to defeat a witch.
And just for this, when the team left the gymnasiums for the kitchen, he greeted them amiably and joined in the loose talk and jokes even if he didn't know exactly what the others were laughing at.
Clint - who had spent the morning reinforcing and repairing his bows - appeared in the kitchen and like the father he was, his first instinct was to ruffle the hair of an already irritated Maximoff, grinning at her grumbling protest as he leaned over to get a cup of coffee.
Bucky didn't do anything wrong. He just wanted to make conversation. The problem was the subject.
"So, Maximoff, everything went well in training? Someone needs to kick Natasha's ass one of these days. I imagine it's easier with your magical advantage." He commented, but Wanda remained silent to the countless giggles that arose from the Avengers present in the gym at the time of the training.
Natasha made an expression of false interest, which hid the teasing. "Yeah, Wanda, tell him how your magic tricks helped you fall flat on your face on the tatami four times?"
The table exploded into giggles, Wanda grunted in irritation and embarrassment, before standing at once with a small breakfast plate in hand. Bucky swallowed dryly when she offered him only an angry glance of red irises before turning away to the kitchen counter.
He leaned a little in Nat's direction. "Was it that bad?" He whispered, and the widow laughed before clarifying:
"She has potential, but she relies too much on magic tricks. She can't get past the first wave of challenges, because she can't charm a training hologram." Nat explains.
The table falls into a brief conversation, and Bucky steals a glance at where Wanda is sitting - and shattering a loaf of bread with more force than necessary.
From the small living room, two figures then emerge to join the meal: the Starks of the Tower. Unlike Tony and his fancy robe, you are dressed casually, and he vaguely remembers you mentioning that you had a meeting at SWORD later.
It is Tony who greets the team first- You follow him, smiling briefly before your gaze circles the room. 
"Where's my little witch...?" You ask distractedly, almost sighing when you see the crestfallen figure in the kitchen. 
"Careful." He warns naturally. "She's kind of moody today."
You chuckle through your nose, turning away without missing an opportunity to steal a sweet bagel from Tony's hand, and ignoring his protest to catch up with your girlfriend at the counter.
Well, Bucky assumes you are a couple at least. He has never asked about it, but it is in the way you look and behave around each other. 
And it's definitely in how you come up behind Wanda, hugging her and completely breaking her pouting expression with kisses all over her neck and face.
The team only pays attention to the display of affection when Wanda breaks into a giggle a minute later, the sound muffled between kisses that you steal from her.
Clint has a fond smile as he comments to the rest of the staff:
"It's nice that they get along so well." 
The Avengers hum in agreement. Natasha is swiping cream cheese on a cracker when she comments to Steve:
"Let's invite Y/N to watch the afternoon practice." She says turning her face to the two figures on the counter. Wanda's stool has been spun by your hands, and despite being all over her, you both have your attention on the table at the mention of your name. Natasha gives a little smile. "It's just that Wanda fights better when she wants to impress her girlfriend. Isn't that right, Maximoff?"
All Nat gets is a raised middle finger that makes the team laugh. You chuckle at the interaction too but lean your face to hide against Wanda's neck, your arms closing around her body and hugging her properly. Wanda ignores the team to hold you back.
"I like this." She whispers, arms tightening and making you hum in agreement against her skin. Still, the position is not ideal because of the height difference between your standing figure and her sitting. Wanda sighs in your ear. "Can we go back to our room? Take a shower together..."
You groan at the amazing idea, kissing her neck before pulling away to look her in the eyes. "I can't, babe. Business meeting" You remind her, mimicking the pout she displays with your response. "Sorry. How about later?"
"Natasha didn't lie, I really do have practice. I like the idea of you watching, though." She replies, and you flash a small lopsided grin.
"Hmm, I also like the idea of watching you sweat..." You tease, managing to make her cheeks acquire a pink color. You kiss her softly before commenting, "It's a date then."
You are kissing her again when Clint hisses in warning, his gaze on the clock on the wall.
"You'll be late if you don't leave now, Stark." He tells you, and begrudgingly, you pull away from Wanda, stealing a few kisses before doing so completely.
"I'm going to borrow your car, Tony. The Silver Bugatti." You declare as you walk past the keychain. Your brother grimaces.
"No way! You have your own cars!" He protests but only receives vague excuses before you rush out of the kitchen - Throwing a kiss in the air to your girlfriend before leaving completely.
Tony spends the rest of the coffee complaining that no one respects their older brothers anymore. Bucky is impressed that five minutes ago, Wanda nearly bewitched him over a question, and now she was having trouble hiding the silly grin on her face.
He got up to drop some dirty mugs in the sink, and ventured, "You two are sweet together. And you seem to really like her, with your puppy dog eyes."
Wanda's expression changed on the spot, the red returning to her irises but also to her cheeks.
"Are you mocking me?" She retorted but looked so adorable at having been caught that he just chuckled, his attention on his mugs.
"I wouldn't dream of it." He merely replied, chuckling to himself as Wanda stormed out of the kitchen the next moment. Stealing a quick glance at Steve across the table, he wonders if it would be a good idea to set up a double date, maybe even invite Maria and Natasha if the widow promises not to torment the witch.
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ratgrinders · 2 months
**spoilers for latest episode of junior year**
alright so kalina saying "it's the only name i can say" when talking about ragh barkrock immediately paints the picture that kalina entered the spy's tongue curse with some co-conspirators and that ragh barkrock could theoretically lead the bad kids to figuring out who they are without naming them directly. also, kalina saying it immediately after the mall incident implies these co-conspirators have something to do with the dead god, which would explain why it would be on cassandra's mind as well when kristin communed with her.
so who are these co-conspirators? we know its not lydia because kalina was able to mention her by name back in sophomore year, and even if that was retconned, lydia was able to say kalina's name a couple episodes ago and the curse goes both ways. this is interesting because that leaves a lot less options for who kalina could be referring to, since there aren't a lot of options for people simultaneously associated with ragh barkrock, kalina, and with the dead god.
with a lack of any other information, i'm immediately suspicious of jace and porter.
it was stated in sophomore year that ragh saw jace in the room with kalina and arianwen during the whole nightmare king fiasco, and also that after the prompocalyse fight jace got porter to heal ragh with "barbarian healing" which then infected him with kalina. this to me implies that kalina, after talking to jace and/or porter, conspired to intentionally get ragh infected. (side note: this is interesting because to my knowledge this is the only instance of kalina deliberately infecting someone rather than it being incidental, which implies that kalina had some sort of plan for ragh).
so how could either of them be sus:
porter of course is the running joke of being sus, but as someone who is possibly part goliath AKA giant, while simultaneously being a barbarian who harnesses rage and a paladin with an oath to his ancestors, it makes sense that a possible god he worships would be a giant god of rage. honestly though itd be incredibly funny if after 3 seasons of being sus there yet again isn't anything wrong with him
jace has less evidence considering we know even less about him, but he is in a place of scrutiny seeing as he's been specifically made vice principal in the absence of gilear. and as a sorcerer, one possible subclass is divine soul, which makes it very possible for jace to derive his power from the divine source of a rage god. plus, the last name stardiamond can definitely be associated with the 21 point rage stars that the god has. AND, most importantly i think, yolanda badgood specifically went to jace stardiamond with her concerns over lucy frostblade and NOT principal grix, and then later ended up dead, which is a very suspicious series of events.
it still feels like we don't have enough information, but ultimately im curious about 1. why kalina would specifically enter a spy's tongue curse when she hasn't really done that with her other conspirators and 2. what she may have wanted with ragh barkrock
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meiliarotten · 1 month
which merc is the best at giving oral?
God damn, you’re gonna make me choose?
Just kidding, I can totally choose… the top 3.
In no particular order, and completely based off my own bias, Medic, Spy, and Engie are the best at oral.
Medic, with his medical knowledge would know the right spots to focus on, although it may come off as a bit clinical at first. Sometimes he’ll even pull back to wax poetic about the sensitivity of certain parts of the human body- whether he does this because he truly wants you to know or if he’s just teasing you is a mystery. Once he gets really into it though you can sense his enthusiasm, and he is very enthusiastic when it comes to making you beg and whine.
Spy is similar to medic when it comes to enthusiasm- he’ll eagerly go all in, but might need to be guided a bit. After all, everyone likes different stuff- different strokes for different folks. That said, he will take that guidance to heart. If he’s without the mask, you can his hair around a bit to kinda steer him where you want (and he will most definitely enjoy that).
And finally, Engineer! Engie is probably the least experienced with oral when it comes to the three. However lack of experience does not equate to lack of skill. In my opinion Engie is one of those people that just takes to oral like a fish to water. He likes making you feel good, possibly even more so than feeling good himself, and that just motivates him even more. If you just want head one day and nothing more, he’s the man for you.
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Being a Magical Girl in Gotham (Platonic)
Part 1 Part 3 part 4
A continuation from the last part. I think I’m gonna later add stuff about y/n meeting other hero’s and villains plus some oneshots instead of just headcanon stories
Once again sorry/not sorry if characters are out of character . Also this is continuing y/n’a journey of continually getting more villains and hero’s to adopt them lol.
Y/n is literally becoming these Criminally insane villains’s emotional support child lol. And y’all can’t stop me from making that happen
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Months within your friendship with Damien your a regular visit to the Wayne manor
And Damien is more than pleased with this since he now gets to brag to his older half-brothers
You can only giggle as the youngest Wayne drags you away before any of the others are able to talk to you
Damien at the manor enjoys spending time out in the garden with you
Having small picnics as Titus lounges beside the two of your in the grass near the expertly planted gardenias in full bloom
Turns out he likes helping Alfred with the garden quite a bit
Turns out he likes helping Alfred with the garden quite a bit
Turns out he likes helping Alfred with the garden quite a bit
Turns out he likes helping Alfred with the garden quite a bit
Turns out he likes helping Alfred with the garden quite a bit
Turns out he likes helping Alfred with the garden quite a bit
They even planted a small raspberry bush that only the two (now three) of them knew about
It’s rare to feel as if sunlight was a thing in Gotham but out here it’s almost rare that there wasn’t a beam of golden light hitting your face
If you make a flower crown for Damien he’ll wear it with a bit of bitching but the minute his brothers make a comment about it he’s pulling out his sword
Speaking of which, he shows you his sword collection!
An honour only you get to see without the threat of being stabbed as an extra bonus
He has a wide array of them, all from different areas of the world and different time periods
It’s actually really impressive
(Definitely asks if you want one and plans to get you one as a gift)
His room is bigger than your apartment and half the shit there would cover 4 months of rent
You don’t mention this though
He has a lot of imported furniture from what looks to be the Middle East and Asian descent
If you ask about it he’ll actually be really happy to explain their origin and history
He’s very passionate about history and seems to have a ton of knowledge on all arrays of most countries
Definitely gets worried when you mention have cup noodles for dinner 4 times in a row and demands you stay for dinner
You do and it ends up being really fun
At school after that he makes sure Alfred packs an extra lunch for you to have
Mr Wayne himself is actually really nice and much different from the Himbo he’s often portrayed as by the press
He’s extremely friendly to you, always offering a smile and small hello when Damien drags you off to wherever
He doesn’t seem to mind you being in his home infact he seems to encourage it
When Damien had chased his brother Dick around for trying to spy on you and him Bruce sat down and talked with you
He actually thanked you for making his son happy
Also asks if maybe he could speak to your parents sometime
You just say that their usually really busy abroad but you’d that get a letter from them since you don’t have a phone
You can tell by that alone he’s worried, like real worried at the thought of you basically living alone in a city like Gotham
A week later you forge a note from penguin lol. That man has good handwriting but definitely lost a few years on his life when you said it was for faking a note from your nonexistent parents
Bruce might be considering to adopt you and his sons are fully encouraging this
At some point in going to the manor you began sometimes helping Alfred with some small chores by delivering Bruce’s tea
He finds it to be a pleasant surprise and give him more opportunities to speak to you
Bruce finds you to be a impressive young lady. One who’s wise beyond their years and someone who has a unknown but similar weight on their shoulders
It worries him since he sees himself in your eyes
He begins connecting some dots about the rumours he’s heard about some young girl vigilante?, he’s not sure what exactly to label them as
But isn’t 100% sure it’s you since they apparently look 17 and your clearly 15
He puts a pin in it though
Anyways you can bet that he’s now inviting you to his gala’s so Damien more at ease plus give you a nice night to relax
He pays for clothes and even gifts them to you afterwards
The minute he finds out your an orphan you best bet he’s pulling out the papers-
Dick is super excited to meet you! Minus the fact that Damien is basically hissing at him and dragging you away
When he does get to speak to you he kinda reminds you of Nightwing with how pleasantly chatty he is
He asks about how your school is, if your enjoying your stay and what you think of lil Dami etc
Probably suggests to Damien about having you over for a sleepover and that he’ll take over his patrol for that night
Damien his heavily considering it
Probably calls you stuff like “kiddo!” And some alternation of your name
Has Alfred bring you and Damien snacks when y’all are hanging out
Listen he’s just really invested in the fact that Damien has a seemingly normal friend whom he cares for
It means he’s learning and adjusting to a relatively normal life outside of being Robin which was something he always worried about
Like Bruce he kinda gets worried about how your parents are apparently abroad and left you, a 15 year old child alone in Gotham of all places
Gets even more worried when you refuse to get a ride home
Sometimes spies but always gets caught and chased off by Damien who’s slightly annoyed
He means well
When you join for dinner he likes to tell a lot of stories and listen to your own
Basically already considers you a part of the family and is waiting for Bruce to slap out those papers
Might try to pry about who’s your favourite superhero just to see everyone at the table silently hope
His hope is crushed when you say it’s Wonder Woman
Then Everyone’s hood is crushed when you say your favourite male superhero is supermen
Clark probably hears their crushed souls from metropolis lol
Tim is just plain confused and wonders if your being paid or need help
He might love Damien as his little brother but he also has the scars to prove that little shit ain’t always a law abiding citizen
When he does realize though that Damien didn’t threaten you nor is paying you (why did he even jump to that conclusion?) he finds himself curious
Bruce forbids him from looking through your entire internet history and trying to find every possible trace of your existence
You notice early on how he’s addicted to coffee (just like Nightwing mentioned about red Robin)
Like with Bruce you help Alfred and deliver him some from time to time
This along with the limo rides with him and Damien give you the chance to actually talk to him
He’s really passionate about his goals, talking about his passions and plans in life
He seems to be hard working like you are, but to a worrying degree where he pushes himself to the limit (like you do)
It’s somewhat worrying to you as you find him lunched over his laptop with 6 empty mugs of coffee and bags under his eyes
You can’t say much since that would be hypocritical
But that doesn’t mean you can’t distract him for a bit as to give home a break he desperately needs!
You use Rigel to get his eyes away from his computer screen. The small white ferret making him pause as he scoops them up
Also riddles galore, some of which you might’ve borrowed from Riddler (he’d be so proud)
He’s pretty determined in getting to know you after a while, figuring out what you like and don’t, or what type of food you preferred
It might kinda seem a bit creepy at first but you realize that this is his way of trying to show his care. Odd but kinda amusing once you realize he told Alfred and now you have an entire menu catered to your taste
At some point he might’ve peaked at your records and is confused when he can’t find anything
He hasn’t told Bruce but he’s getting more worried when he digs deeper to see you seemingly live alone in a shit part of Gotham
Realllly wants to tell Bruce but also doesn’t cause that’ll mean he disobeyed him and might get another “friendly” visit from Damien’s batarangs
Whoops…oh the pain of being too smart
Jason shows up one day while your hanging out with Damien out of fucking nowhere
Like your just laying in the grass, petting Titus and then bam there’s a shadow looming over you
He seems kinda pleasantly surprised that “demonspawn” has a friend
Teases the shit out of Damien in front of you in a very big brother kinda way
Whenever he stops by he brings McDonald’s like a cool bring bother or uncle
Damien complains it’s bad for your health but stops when you mention that McDonald’s is something you can barely afford so you appreciate the free food
He may be a little shit but he’s not gonna be an asshole about that…at least not anymore compared to when he first arrived
He occasionally picks you and Damien up from school or drops by at lunch to deliver some special food from Alfred
One day when Damien was sick and it was raining hard when you didn’t have a proper jacket her gave you his leather one
He let you keep it, saying that he had plenty of other one’s and that you suit it better
Mentions literature a lot, even seems to have a small version of pride and prejudice tucked in his pocket
Jason likes to joke that his white streak in his hair is from learning about Damien having a BFF now
Damien in return calls him geezer and encourages you to do the same
He’s the person who immediately notices when you have any bruises other than Damien
Reallly tries to convince you to let them drive you home when you once mentioned the area you live in
He’s gonna get more white hair if you mention the fact that your apartment doesn’t have a proper lock on it and you have to prop a chair against the door
If Damien doesn’t gift you that sword soon he’s gonna give you a pocket knife
He fucking adores Rigel, loves it when the interdimensional god ferret lays in his hair
Takes photos and jokes that their now his white streak
You caught him using a baby voice with Rigel and his brothers won’t let him live (hah) it down
Alfred is half convinced that your some type of universal sign by some god lol
Best grandpa
He secretly bakes you and Damien cookies just for you two and even leaves some that have chocolate chip smiley faces
As stated before by Damien’s request he begins making you a lunch as well for Damien to deliver since he wants you to have a good meal
God knows how much he has wanted another calm person in this household
Sometimes in your lunches you find little bundles of fresh lavender and notes saying “have a splendid day” and “do your best”
He really appreciates you helping him out even though he didn’t ask. He mostly lets it happen so you have the chance to spend time with other members of the family
He makes little treats for Rigel
Due to Tim he has your taste narrowed down and always makes sure to have your favourites when you visit
May or may not have thought of room decor if Bruce adopted you
He senses your an orphan. He just knows but wants the others to figure it out rather than saying it
If you’ll indulge him he loves talking about old films and classic literature like Dracula
He was actually the one who introduced Jason to it and would love to turn their two person book club into 3
Finds Rigel very cute and lets the small animal curl around his neck
He finds it really nice if you want to join him in cooking and would most definitely teach you new recipes
Except his cookie recipe cause that one is a pennyworth family secret
You once tried to lie about not being sick and he gave you a knowing look before giving you a care package of his chicken noodle soup and some medicine
Your half convinced he’s not human but not in a bad way, more of a “is he a god?” Or “is he like Rigel” sorta way
You get legal advice from Harvey about the entire ordeal. The past DA offering to do more than just legal advice if you’d like
You say that you want to handle this on your own so he and two-face relent
But not before saying that the offer stills stands
Both Harvey and Two-face enjoy your presence for various different reasons but the important one is that you treat them as their own separate people
With Harvey you talk to him about what it was like going to collage and being the DA
He often talks about his friendship with Bruce and their crazy times when they were younger
He often wonders how he’s doing
You want to tell him but know that doing so could reveal who you possibly are
Probably tells you if the time Bruce “accidentally” poured wine on an asshole professor in a white suit after harassing a few female students
Probably tells you legal loopholes that your not supposed to know but you appreciate it anyways
Two-face on the other hand is kinda more difficult to talk to but once you get past his walls he talks and talks
Most definitely tells you how to pick locks and evade taxes, I’m sorry but that’s what he’s gonna teach you
At some point he probably offers to “talk” to your landlord about why he illegally raised your rent
Tells you about how corrupt the world actually is
Teaches you to flip a coin
He and Harvey get a lot of bouts of pain due to the burns so there are times they’ll go quiet out of trying to deal with it
With maybe a little magic from Rigel you make a special burn cream that helps alleviate that pain
Listen…you get he’s a bad person and all but you don’t like seeing people in pain
It’s been that way ever since you were young and having to watch kids your age suffer
Maybe it was always in your nature to help others no matter how much it weighed on you
It’s probably the reason why Rigel had chosen you in the first place
Yeah, that makes sense
Mr freeze is kinda a sad grandpa that you find yourself visiting to check up on
You had fought his shadowmite when the anger from his wife’s condition rose up again
After that your welcomed to his small lab for as long as you can due to the cold
He often laments about Nora. How she would’ve loved to meet you
You always say that she will one day which gets a small melancholic smile
You can only spend up to maybe 30-45 minutes with him before your begin to freeze despite you changing your magical uniform to better suit the temperature
If you request it he’ll show you how to ice skate and finds it really amusing if you succeed and then slip into a pile of snow
Speaking of snow, you like to leave little snow men hidden around for him to find
He sometimes talks to Nora’s body about you when alone. He mentions how he’s been feeling a bit better as of late due to you popping by
You don’t know this but he and Nora always wanted a child. So having you around kinda helps fill a hole in his heart that he long thought was frozen over with grief
I like to think that in his spare time he’s taken up knitting and made you a pair of matching mittens, scarf and hat
Their a teal blue with little snowflakes designs on them with maybe a little hidden snowman
He sometimes sneaks in ice or snow puns to watch you process it for a minute and then laugh
It makes his day
Probably tells you that if you need a good murder weapon he can make you a good icicle that’ll melt away therefore removing evidence
It’s hard to think he’s a super villain until he brings up shit like that
If you literally give him anything as a gift he’ll end up cherishing it
You actually end up meeting Waylon by accident in the sewers since you use them as a kinda secret passageway across Gotham
Your surprised at meeting the literal giant man who looks like a crocodile but you don’t end up panicking much
Same shit different day in Gotham
He lets you pass and even guide you to where you needed to go
After that it kinda becomes a system of meeting him and talking as he guides you through the Sewers (even if you knew them by heart at this point)
You like giving him leftovers that you have even if you also need them
The two of you now have a small tradition of sitting and enjoying a cup of ramen once in awhile
He teaches you a few French phrases and tells you of New Orleans
Talking of the mixed French and American culture of the city
At some point he probably tells you to visit for him if you get the chance. You promise to do so and being back a souvenir for him
Of all villains you feel the most sympathy for him. Someone who was born with something that they couldn’t control and being ostracized by society for it
Eventually becoming what they feared in the first place to survive
At some point you trust him enough to tell him about how you live alone. Barely getting enough to scrape by and living in a shitty apartment after running away from an orphanage
He lets you sit on his shoulder despite the fact you can basically fly a few feet off the ground
Also likes to mess up your hair with his giant clawed hands
He always makes sure to be slow just in case cause he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you. You tell him he doesn’t and that you felt with worse but that in turn makes him even more gentle in being near you
During the winter you buy him a heater incase his condition also leads him to being cold blooded (which he is)
He definitely appreciates it since winters are really rough for him
Definitely finds the contrast of cute, small innocent magical girl and then giant, hulking, scaled lizard man being friends to be hilarious
During this time you begin to notice the Shadowmites kinda begin to thin out
It makes you a bit more relaxed and off guard (big mistake)
What had initially started out as a small gathering of them soon evolved into them all attacking at once
Biting and clawing as you did your best to stop them
By the end of it your left barely conscious, their hosts left laying on the ground passed out from having their energy drained
You could only hope they’d be ok as you find yourself stumbling towards the only place you could think of
You move purely out of instinct, your body moving on its own as your weakened abilities help you move from rooftop to rooftop
Today was luckily one of the days you’d meet up with Hood, at least meaning if you passed out there you’d be relatively safe since your apartment was too far away
When you get there you almost sob out of relief when seeing his red helmet that matched the colour leaking from your form
Dark blotches of red contrasting against the lighter colours of your uniform
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
University au where now that Dream is in university, he's not under the direct supervision of his shitty parents, so what they did was that they basically forced Dream to be roommates with someone of their choosing. I can't decide if Dream should be trans in this au, cause if he is trans, his parents probably would pick Thessaly to be his roommate. If he's not trans, then Alexander Burgess. If it's Alex, then Dream's family has known and trusted the Burgesses for years, and so can rely on Alex to spy on Dream. If it's Thessaly, I think they'd just pay her to spy on Dream.
Dream is not happy about this. It starts out fine, except for the fact that he knows that his roommate is an attempt on his parent's part to control him, which bothers him a lot. But it starts out fine. But then the roommate never leaves him alone. The roommate clearly wants to be friends, Dream is not interested in friends of his parent's choosing.
Enter Hob, who has seen Dream day after day dealing with someone who doesn't seem to be able to take a hint that Dream wants to be left alone, if it's Alex. Or if it's Thessaly, he's overheard her talking to Dream about "those transgenders" and Dream, who very much looks like the stereotype of a pre-t trans guy, looks very much uncomfortable. Either way, Hob is tired of seeing Dream bothered by this person who Dream clearly wants nothing to do with.
So one day, he manages to catch Dream alone while his roommate is in the bathroom or something, and invites Dream to join him for lunch.
Of course, Dream warns him that he won't be good company, but Hob just smiles and says that he expects that Dream would be better company than the person who clearly can't take the hint that Dream doesn't want to talk to them. If it's Thessaly, Dream just says darkly "oh she can take a hint, she's just been paid off by my parents"
Hob is even more sure that he wants Dream to join him for lunch, so Dream agrees on the condition that they go somewhere where Thessaly or Alex can't find them
From there, Hob, who conveniently doesn't have a roommate practically lets Dream move in. Together they manage to formulate a plan so that Dream doesn't go insane from his terrible roommate, but also his parents don't realize that Dream has thwarted them, although, if Dream is trans in this, then they'll figure it out soon enough when he starts T. But Hob and Dream get up to a bunch of shenanigans to trick and prank Dream's roommate, and fall for each other in the process.
Dream went to college expecting that he'd only be there for his studies, but he's not upset with how it turned out cause now he has a boyfriend. And Hob is very glad that he approached Dream that first time he caught Dream alone.
I LOVE the idea of trans!Dream managing to absolutely fuck over his parents and the dreaded Thessaly. I definitely think this should be t4t dreamling, btw. Hob is a proud trans man who's been receiving gender affirming care for a while, so he has all kinds of knowledge and tips for Dream. Plus Dream looks at him like 😍😍😍 with 50% attraction, 50% gender envy. Hob is so gorgeous and confident, he makes Dream dare to hope that there's a better future out there for him.
Hob spend many happy hours making Thessaly run in circles and pulling various pranks on her while Dream holes up in the safely of Hob’s room, enjoying his first few weeks on T without even having to worry about Thessaly reporting to his parents. Hob does all kinds of stuff with a "Dream dummy" that he put together, it has a big mop of black hair and Hob sets it up in bed, in the bathroom, in random places so Thessaly either a) thinks it's Dream or B) gets majorly jumpscared.
The summer after their first year of uni, Dream moves in with Hob for the summer. His parents think that he's doing some internship thing, but he's actually hanging out in Hob’s home village, being doted on by Hob’s parents. Oh, and he gets top surgery. His parents are going to be sooooo mad - but Dream feels truly free of them for the first time ever. He has Hob, and most of all he has himself. And he knows that he's going to make it <3
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Secret Agent Boy-Who-Lived
Writer: Watermelonsmellinfellon Ship: Tomarrymort TAGS: AU-HBP, Humor, Crack, Voldemort/Horcrux Shenanigans.
‘Subtly inquire about his plans for the future and his thoughts regarding blood status.’
It wasn’t a difficult task. It wasn't something that Harry could not achieve. But could he achieve it with the best results when he was trying to be sneaky?
If his life or the lives of others weren’t in danger, Harry was abysmal at pretending/sneaking. He usually got caught when he did so.
Dumbledore had asked it of him because of the new student. Well, ‘new student’.
Marvolo Slytherin, who was sorted into Slytherin. Harry had recognized that face anywhere. Tom Marvolo Riddle. Apparently, Voldemort had either gotten a new body, or he had made someone take the shape of his younger self. Either way, a young Dark Lord look alike roamed the halls of Hogwarts freely, having been sorted into Slytherin and taking up reins there.
Dumbledore had been rightfully wary and had asked Harry to befriend the ‘teen’. Voldemort should not know that Harry knew what his younger self looked like, according to Dumbledore. Harry should definitely be able to slip into the ‘teen’s’ life without much trouble.
Problem. Slytherin and Gryffindor were opposites. Their tables rested on opposite ends of the Great Hall. Their dorms on opposite ends of the school. Even in their shared classes, they sat on opposite sides of the room because Merlin forbid the students tried to mingle, let alone those from the most competitive Houses.
Harry knew he would have his work cut out for him. He contemplated the various ways he could stalk the teen but came up with nothing that wouldn’t get him a face full of flying bogeys or something worse. 
Certainly the Slytherins would notice the Boy-Who-Lived skulking about them. He needed a way to insert himself into Slytherin’s day to day life. A way that actually made sense
And so he had come up with this plan. He was a Gryffindor and he was known for diving right in while the water was boiling. He couldn’t think of anything else to get him the results he desired, so this plan would have to do.
He had a map of Hogwarts, an Invisibility Cloak, and knowledge of secret corridors and tunnels he’d found on his own that weren't listed on the map, because they changed often.
In the middle of the lunch hour, when the students were stuffing themselves silly, Harry stood from his position at the Gryffindor Table and made his way across the Hall. Some people quieted down when they noticed he was going into ‘dangerous territory’. Harry ignored them, because he had to get this introduction done before he lost his nerve.
Stopping a foot away from the group of Fifth Year Slytherins who had all been in quiet discussion before his interruption, Harry waited until he had all of their attention, before speaking.
Voldemort - or should he just call him Marvolo for now? - was also looking at him and his dark blue gaze held obvious interest and some confusion, which was perfectly understandable. This wasn’t Harry’s usual behaviour after all.
“Hello, Mr. Potter.”
Slytherin’s voice was incredibly smooth and sounded so much like the Diary had. Harry took note of how equally handsome he was as well. Voldemort was an attractive bloke, that was for certain.
Fixing the act onto his face, Harry allowed a bright and beaming smile to shine down upon the Slytherins. “Hi!” he said, enthusiasm almost too much for him to control.
The Slytherins exchanged wary looks. He’d never acted in such a way toward any of them before, so he couldn’t blame their mistrust. 
Keeping Slytherin’s gaze, Harry added, “I’m going to be spying on you.”
There was a collective hush at the table, which made the rest of the hall quiet down. Everyone was watching the interaction.
“O-kay?” Voldemort nodded, though he sounded questioning.
“Just thought you should know that I’ll be watching your every move!” Harry gave another blinding grin and traipsed back to his table, ignoring the looks, the whispers, and the questions his friends were shooting at him.
From his seat, he could see the shaking heads of the fellow Slytherins. Malfoy rolled his eyes for good measure. Marvolo Slytherin did not look worried in the least. 
That was the idea. If Harry blatantly said one thing, but did another, it would cause… suspicion. Hopefully, they’d be too unnerved by his declaration to consider he’d have ulterior motives. He was a Gryffindor after all. He couldn’t possibly be capable of thinking that far ahead.
Harry began his journey on the weekend. After he was called into Snape’s office and pretty much taken to task over his lacklustre plan and ‘completely idiotic ruination of the original plan with his Gryffindorish tendencies’, he set to stalking.
Harry slipped the Invisibility Cloak on and opened the map. Voldemort’s name - which actually came out to Tom Marvolo Riddle-Slytherin - was in the library. Not shocking, as the man most likely wanted something in the Restricted Section. Also, from how he’d sounded back in Second Year, the man was probably a swotty know-it-all.
Harry traversed the corridors silently, avoiding groups of students and any ghosts. They could apparently feel people when floating through them and would know he was there, even if under the Cloak. He was not taking risks with this.
Harry ducked behind an aisle that was a few feet from Voldemort. He slipped the Cloak and map into his bag and made it look as if he was browsing like others normally did. He nabbed a book on Runes and flipped it open to a random page.
Sowilo. Sigil. Sol. Something to represent the Sun. The shape of the rune on the page made him think of his scar. How interesting that this was the page he opened a random book up to. In fact, he’d never wondered why his scar was the shape it was, and suddenly wondered if there was a deeper meaning to it.
Harry looked up, finding himself confronted with Slytherin. The other ‘teen’ looked surprised to see him there. Like it was impossible for Harry to set foot in a library. He withheld a scoff, because he’d set foot in this particular one, seven times, including this time. That was way more than the typical Gryffindor.
“Hi!” he said cheerfully, masking his annoyance with practice he’d learned from dealing with the Dursleys. “What are you in for?”
His eyes landed on the book about… Magical Illness? Why did Voldemort need such a book?
“Some light reading.”
For a second, Harry thought of Hermione. The book in those slim hands was not ‘light’ in any way. It could probably knock Hagrid out if thrown hard enough. Probably over a thousand pages as well. He shivered in terror at the thought of sitting down with such a book.
“And you?” queried the Slytherin.
Harry’s arms were already moving to turn the book around, displaying the rune for the man/teen to see. “Doesn’t this look like my scar?”
It was the best he had on such short notice. Lying on the spot wasn’t his best when he wasn’t in a hurry.
“Indeed. It could mean that you are blessed with great luck or success.”
Harry snorted. It didn’t specify which kind of luck though, did it? And his luck had been historically terrible.
“You don’t concur?”
Who even said words like ‘concur’ anymore? Unless it was Snape, Harry was definitely sure that this was Voldemort.
“No, I think it pretty much spells out the story of my life. Just that it never specifies what sort of luck I am ‘blessed’ with.”
With a shake of the head, Harry placed the book back on the shelf, uninterested in pursuing anything on Sowilo further.
Marvolo gave a nod. “As long as you’re certain.”
Yes, he was.
Slytherin had just left the Great Hall to head to Double Potions! If Harry was quick, he could make it there before him!
To the left of the Entrance Hall was a secret passageway that opened when someone sang Little Miss Moffat. The passage led to a portrait that was about ten feet away from the Potions Classroom. It was not common knowledge and Harry intended to keep it that way.
He brushed himself off and skipped ahead to wait in front of the door, knowing it would be baffling to see him already waiting. A moment later, Marvolo rounded the corner and paused mid stride to take in the fact that Harry was already there when Harry had obviously just been at breakfast and had even caught his eye as he was leaving.
Harry had to withhold his giggles because this was becoming fun! Who knew stalking Voldemort would bring him such entertainment?
This should have been a relatively serious situation, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit light over it. It’d been a while since Hogwarts was this fun.
What else could he do to throw the Dark-Lord-Turned-Teenager off his guard?
On Hallowe’en night, Harry had trailed after the Slytherins and managed to enter their Common Room with a group of First Years. He then stood beside the fireplace - which was alight with green flames - and waited for the perfect opportunity. Never had he been more grateful for his Invisibility Cloak.
In fact, he realised that he, Hermione, and Ron could have just used that to get into the Common Room in their Second Year and probably should have done just that instead of stealing potions ingredients. 
Well, it was in the past so he couldn’t really do anything about it now.
This part of the operation included subtlety. As subtle as Harry could be really. Every now and then he would reveal his head and then hide it again, while he chose a new side of the room to hide in. It was funny to see people double take or even triple take.
Of course, there was no chance of the possibility of Voldemort summoning the Cloak, even if he knew about it. The Cloak could not be summoned. A nifty little feature that Harry was ever so grateful for.
Eventually, someone went to a Prefect, which got a wider level of attention, and eventually, Marvolo became involved as they searched the room for the mysterious Harry Potter head. 
Harry snickered quietly to himself and proceeded to wait by the door for someone to leave so he could sneak out. It was far too easy to rile the Slytherins up.
Distantly, he was aware of how this was not the plan to get information out of Voldemort, but it was the most interesting things had been since Fourth Year, so he’d rather keep doing things his own way and hope for the best.
A/N: An idea from a very long time ago. I decided to share it here to tide everyone over while I have to deal with personal problems irl.
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goldeaglefire1 · 6 months
okay so. I have been inspired by @tf2heritageposts's recent poll. and with that in mind
Ranking How Deadly Each of the TF2 Mercs Would Be In A Fistfight
Note: following the rules of the poll here, we are saying this is simply fist to fist, with no weapons or equipment for either combatant. I think we all know that if ANY of the TF2 mercs had their weapons in this scenario you'd be fucked
With that in mind, from least to most deadly:
9. Sniper
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Honestly I think this is the most realistic match for. Anyone on this site really. Sniper's specialty is long range so if you force him to fight fist to fist he is not gonna have a good time. He even says in the comic that when he was a kid and other kids started fistfights that his go-to strategy was to climb up a tree and throw rocks at them. He would not be good in a fistfight is all I'm saying.
8. Scout
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Now if we were going purely by SKILL Scout would actually be a lot higher. He definitely has a lot of experience in fist fights, definitely moreso than the two above him on the list at least, and like. Meet the Scout literally has him solo a Heavy with nothing but his fists and a baseball bat. You are fighting Scout in his element he can absolutely kick your ass. The reason he is down this low is not because Scout is bad at fighting, but because Scout is a moron. Out of all the mercs Scout is the one you could most reasonably trick. It is not about "can you beat Scout" it's about "can you distract him long enough to get in a cheap shot to knock him out and book it." And, honestly, I think that's fairly achievable! If you can't manage that though you're fucked
7. Engineer
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We are now at the point where you are basically at the mercy of god. Engineer is down this low because, while all the mercs are at least a little insane, he's what you could argue to be the most reasonable one and the most likely to go easy on you. Aaaaaaand he also doesn't seem like the type to have fistfighting experience. That being said he can ABSOLUTELY kill you because, the thing is? He doesn't have two hands. He has one hand, and a mechanical prosthetic hand he can spin like a drill. Can't exactly remove that. Get him pissed enough and you are fucked
6. Medic
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Unlike Engineer, Medic not only will happily kill you but has the knowledge to kill you too. He knows how to fix all your bones and that also means he knows how to break them. Only reason he's down this low is because of the no weapons requirement. If he had his bonesaw you'd be fucked guaranteed but it'd be a bit harder to use his techniques with just his hands. He also doesn't have any notable hand to hand combat skills so like. Glimmer of a chance but in all likelihood that would be the Medic's glasses as he opens you up like a frog in a high school science class.
5. Demoman
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Demoman has absolutely been in a brawl fight before. Like we may have never seen him in one but there is no way he hasn't been in a bar fight. He also handles live explosives and a whole ass sword with a surprising amount of grace and precision despite being constantly drunk so you can't really count on that throwing off his aim either. He's the exact right combination of skilled, crazy, and competent that you're kinda fucked no matter what. The only saving grace is the constantly drunk thing. Hope he passes out in a drunken stupor before he can actually do anything
4. Spy
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Yes, Spy is a twink. Moreso than even Scout honestly. Yes, like Sniper, Spy's not exactly meant to be in a direct fight either. Yes, he's French. However: UNLIKE Sniper, being up close is Spy's ideal range, and he's a trained assassin. Do you really think he doesn't know how to kill you without his knife. Or that the guy who's entire job is to stab you while you're not looking is worried about fighting fair. As soon as you lose sight of him - which is probably going to be easy even without the Invisi-Watch - you're fucked. He's already behind you. Spy's only in fourth place because he's the least likely to get in a fistfight period.
3. Pyro
(NOTE: This section has a page from one of the comics featuring blood and a dead animal to make a point. If you're sensitive to that kind of thing skip ahead)
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Now, I know what you're thinking - "okay the Pyro's nuts, sure, but this high up? they have no weapons and they see the world as sunshine and rainbows! surely they can be reasoned with right?" And to that, I say: sure, they see the world as a colorful fantasy candyland and their flames as pretty rainbows. However!
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Bold of you to assume they don't know what they're doing. It does not matter if they have no weapons if you are up against Pyro you're fucked. Especially since they are one of the two mercs I can see starting the fight unprovoked for shits and giggles. Pyro cut off Soldier's hand in a car ride they have no sense of proportional retribution. Your only, very slim hope is that you find something flammable and something to light it on fire and use the ensuing flame to distract Pyro long enough to get out of there. And that has the caveat of "pray Pyro doesn't light you on fire first"
2. Heavy
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I don't think I need to explain this one. Heavy speaks for himself. Even the people who voted Heavy in that poll seem to be operating on the logic of "maybe I can convince him to be nicies to me" rather than actually beating him in a fight, at least going off the tags. If you're up against Heavy, you're fucked.
1. Soldier
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Yeah there's a reason Soldier had no votes for those first few hours. A master fears not the expert but the guy who has no idea what the fuck he's doing, and by god does no one know what Soldier is doing at any given point, especially Soldier. You cannot reason with him. You cannot predict him. Tricking him is easy but has a high chance of backfiring in a way that kills you regardless. His signature move is instantly snapping your neck. If you're up against Soldier you're fucked
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cameronspecial · 9 months
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 11)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Reference to a Panic Attack and Spoilers for The Cruel Prince.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.0K
Summary: Halloween, the best holiday of the year is meant to be spent with the people you love.
A/N: Definitely not me adding in the KitKat part because I just went on a road trip in the US and my Canadian self was disappointed with the KitKat.
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Friday night, Y/N finally has her first book club meeting. Rafe sits beside her with one hand on her thigh and the other holding his book. “I like how confident Jude’s character is. She is so badass,” Rafe inputs into the conversation. When the other members of the club found out Rafe is a part of it, it is safe to say they were shocked at the revelation and didn’t expect him to actually read the book. But ever since Rafe and Y/N started reading together every night, he has actually gotten through a few books. If they weren’t sleeping in bed together, they’d FaceTime each other and just bathe in the knowledge that the other was a shout away. For the book for the club, they would often take turns reading to each other. “Yass, she is an absolute queen. Like becoming a spy was so awesome,” Kate adds. The conversation continues until the hour is up and everyone has gone home. Y/N is getting herself a snack when she feels Rafe drop his chin onto her shoulder. He gives her a gentle kiss, “I think we should dress as Jude and Cardan for Halloween. You can put your hair up in horns and wear a dress. I can put on one of those flowy shirts that are like a pirate shirt. You’d love it.”
“That’s a great idea, we can go into town now to see what we can get. Ooh, but we should look at fan art first,” Y/N rattles, completely abandoning her snack to go check her phone. Rafe smiles as he sees the excitement on her face. She shows him multiple different pictures and he gives her his thoughts about it. Before he knows it, they are going into town to see what they could find. 
Halloween is Y/N’s favourite holiday. The idea of being able to pretend to be whoever one wants is appealing to her. This Halloween is especially exciting for her because Rafe actually wants to do a couples costume with her. Rafe is throwing a Halloween bash in honour of the holiday and she knows he is going all out just for her. He had her help him pick out a multitude of decorations, drinks and candies. She is trying to follow the video to make the horns with her hair for the costume, but she quickly grows frustrated with the task. “Ugh,” she lets out very loudly. This summons Rafe into the bathroom from the adjoining bedroom, “What’s wrong, my rose?” “This video is literally the hardest thing I have ever done,” she complains to her boyfriend. Rafe gives her a wicked smile and approaches her, “Here let me try.” 
He begins to work on her hair and she watches, shocked that he is able to do it without even having to watch the video. He can see her questioning gaze through the mirror, “I’ve been practicing how to do it with my sisters’ help. It took a lot of hair-pulling and arguing, but we were eventually able to nail it.” She feels a rush of heat spread across her neck at the effort Rafe is going through to make their first Halloween together perfect. She never asked him to do any of this, but he went out of his way to make the environment comfortable for her. “Thank you,” she whispers once he is done with her hair, turning to give a kiss on his exposed collarbone in the pirate shirt. He has yet to put on the crown or feather cape they had custom-made based on the fanart they saw. “You’re welcome. Could you help me put on a little eyeliner, please? It seems like something Cardan would do,” Rafe replies, reaching into her makeup bag to bring out the eyeliner. 
She gives a small nod of her head and pats the counter for him to sit on top of. He does as instructed and they both laugh as they realize it made him too tall. Y/N motions over to the toilet for him to sit on. Once he is seated, she brings his head into her hand and starts to apply the eyeliner. He starts to squirm in her hand, making it harder for her to do what she needs to. “Cameron, stop moving,” she chastises, holding onto his head harder. He shakes his head a little, “I can’t. It tickles. 
“Well if you don’t, then it will be all smudged.” 
“Ughh, okay.”
“Rafe Jacob Cameron! Stay still. I’ll give you a kiss if you do.”
“Okay, fine.”
She finishes doing his eyeliner and goes to apply her own lipstick. Rafe is quick to press a kiss onto her lips, smudging her lipstick and imprinting some of it onto his lips. She giggles at the messy lipstick on her boyfriend's lips. She moves from between his legs and goes to get a wet cloth to wipe his lips. “Now, let me get you your crown,” she says, walking over to where it sits in his dress and placing it on his head. Rafe smiles up at her and relishes in the kiss she places on his forehead, “This kinda reminds me of the coronation scene from the book.” 
“Yeah, it kinda does feel like that with you being shorter than me right now. We should’ve gotten Mason to be Oak. Then we can recreate the whole scene.”
“Maybe, but I like this being just an us thing to do.”
“True. I just worry he feels left out sometimes.”
“It’s okay, we can include him when we do family costumes with our kids.”
“When we have kids? You seem to have our future figured out for us, don’t you?”
“I absolutely do. I was thinking you’d probably want to move out to England after you finish at Oxford, which I would definitely follow you to once I finish school. We would have four kids because I know you like the even number and you like the idea of kids always having a playmate. Of course, Sparky would move with us. And the house would definitely need a bay window for you.”
“That’s quite the plan you have. You’d really move to England for me?”
“I’d move to the end of the world for you. You are my forever.”
“You are my forever too.”
But a small part of Y/N can’t help but feel guilty about the idea of making Rafe move. Ever since she overheard Ward talking about the distance, she can’t stop worrying about their future. She knows he always planned to take over his dad’s company after he finished school and she didn’t want to be the reason why he didn’t realize that dream. She knows it’s what he wants to do to make his dad proud. She doesn’t even know what Rafe would do in England with her. It would also mean that they would have four years of being apart before they could be together again and she isn’t sure how she could handle that. Not wanting to think any deeper about it, she snaps out of her spiral and leads him downstairs to get ready for the party. 
Lacey and Mason arrive earlier to help set up for the party; the former with booze in hand and the latter with candy. Lacey is dressed as a chef, true to her future career choice and Mason as a handyman. “So what are you guys supposed to be? Pirate prince with pointy ears and a hot badass knife girl,” Lacey asks with a questioning brow, setting the box of beer cans on the counter. Y/N shakes her head at her best friend’s teasing, “Nooo, I’m Jude Duarte and Cameron is Cardan Greenbriar from The Cruel Prince. Silly.” “Ahh, so it’s a couples costume. Cute,” Mason adds, organizing the candy he brought.
The party is in full swing now. Music blaring, people screaming, bodies moving and Y/N is getting nervous. She is lost in a sea of people, getting pushed from every side. At a certain point, she couldn’t keep up with the crowd and tripped onto the ground. She curls into a ball to protect her head and heart. She begins to cry and feels as though her chest is tightening. Lacey had seen what had happened to her best friend and immediately shoves her way through the crowd to help. “Come on, it’s okay. I’ve got you,” Lacey picks her up and brings her to Rafe’s room. Lacey sits Y/N on the bed, “Tell me five things you can see, four you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell and one you can taste.” “The… The…” Y/N is so frazzled she can’t concentrate on the relaxing technique Lacey suggests. 
Rafe finds the girls in his room after searching everywhere for his rose. He starts piecing the pieces together as to what happened when he sees the pair and rushes to her side. “I’m sorry we got separated, I’m here now. Let’s do some butterfly taps and take some deep breaths in and out for me, my rose,” he advises with his hands rubbing the sides of her hips. He helps her place her hands in a cross on her chest. She copies Rafe’s breathing and begins to tap her collarbones, alternating between the left and right. The other two immediately notice her breathing start to slow down and her shoulders aren’t as tensed. He places a kiss on her forehead now that her breathing is finally steady, “There we go. You’ve got this.” He continues to whisper hushed encouragement to her.
Lacey can’t help but feel jealous at the sight in front of her. She used to be able to help Y/N calm down from a panic attack. Definitely not as fast though. However, she can’t help but feel happy that her best friend has found someone who understands how she works so much. She takes this as her opportunity to slip out of the room and go back to check on the partiers for Rafe, making a mental note to check on Y/N later.
 Oppositely, Rafe is feeling more confident in himself. He thought back to what his father said about knowing sooner rather than later that he couldn’t reassure her. This proves Ward is wrong. Rafe was able to assess the situation without being told what happened and help Y/N through it. He remembered what Y/N said about her panic attacks and jumped into action. He figures the party and getting lost in the crowd are probably the reason for her panic attack. “Wanna ditch the party and see if the pharmacy is already serving discounted chocolate and candies? We can head to the beach and eat it there while watching the waves,” he offers as soon as her breathing has steadied and she moves her hands into his. 
“But what about your party? You and Mason have to stop shutting down your parties before even ten just for me. You’ll both start having a bad reputation.”
“I couldn’t care less about what people think as long as the people I love are safe and healthy. But I was thinking of just letting Mason watch over everything.” 
“I would love to go get candy, but maybe we can go later. I think it would be more fun to go trick or treating. I mean we are in costume.”
Rafe chuckles at her childishness, “Really?! I mean, I don’t object to the idea, but you really think people will give us candy?” 
“Yeah! Not to brag, but everyone on this island loves me.” 
“That’s very true. Come on, let’s go get some clean pillowcases.”
Rafe secures two pillowcases for the pair and sends a quick text to Mason to keep an eye on things for him. Mason replies back quickly saying that he will and asks if Y/N wanted him to come check on her. Rafe answers by telling him she has now calmed down and wishes to go trick or treating. Y/N is excited about going out, but she isn’t sure how to feel entirely about it. She definitely noticed how Rafe would shut down his parties early and forgo going to other parties ever since they started dating. The girl would insist on him going without her or offer to go for an hour or two; however, he would always resist her pleas. She doesn’t want to change his personality, even though he says it is okay. At this moment though, Y/N could not be more glad that he is seriously okay with the idea of going out to get some candy. 
The houses on the Kook side of the Island often give out the best candy and it often becomes a competition between the houses. Halloween is the one time a year in which the Kooks do not care if the Pogues are on their property and most Pogues would dare to approach the rich side. Kooks welcome as many people to their houses to prove they offer the best treat with the number of guests coming at their door. Y/N remembers the excitement that would pass around in elementary school as the students would brag about the candies their parents bought. She and Rafe run up the driveway of a house while holding hands giggling like schoolchildren. They arrive at their first house of the night. After going through the trick-or-treating ritual, Y/N reaches into their bag to see what they got as they walk back to the road. Her eyes shine at the red wrapper in her hands. “What is it?” Rafe questions the girl. 
“It’s a Canadian KitKat! Yes, I love these.”
“What’s so special about a Canadian KitKat? We have these in America.”
“The Canadian one isn’t as sweet and it doesn’t leave that weird aftertaste. The chocolate taste much better. I had some when we went up to Canada for my mom’s book tour last summer. Here, try some.”
She quickly opens the package, breaks off a piece of the chocolate and shoves it into his mouth. Rafe’s eyes widen in surprise and he eats the chocolate bar, “Hmm, this is good. Why don’t ours taste like this?” 
“In Canada, KitKat is owned by Nestle and here, it’s owned by Hershey’s.” 
“I see. Well, next time I go to America, I’m going to pack a suitcase full of these for you.”
She looks at him with a huge smile on her face. The pair go to a few more houses and the next house on the street is quite dark. As they approach the house, a little girl dressed as Barbie is walking beside them. Rafe gives her a small smile and a wave. They make their way to the front door to see a duo of teens standing in front of a candy bowl with a please take one sign on a table. The teenage boys laugh as they take the whole bowl of candy without leaving one, even though they saw the little girl. The boys run past the trio without a care in the world. Little Barbie looks at the candy bowl with sad eyes and before Y/N can even do anything, Rafe is handing over his candy bag to her. Her eyes light up and she yells a thank you, running back to her mother at the end of the driveway. The mother waves her hand in thanks to Rafe’s sweet gesture. 
Y/N looks at her boyfriend in awe, “That was so sweet. But now you have no candy. How about we stop by the pharmacy for discount candy and head to the beach?” Rafe nods at the offer and leads her back to where he parked his car. 
She is examining the box of candy in front of her when he pops up behind her, wearing Jason’s mask from Friday the 13th. She jumps, startled at his sudden appearance in the strange mask. She gives him a light hit on his bicep and a frown. “Cameron, You scared me! Don’t do that,” Y/N reprimands her partner. Rafe laughs and wraps his arms around her shoulders, “I’m sorry, my rose. I was only playing. I love you.” He kisses her cheeks in hopes to soothe her anger. She shakes her head at him. “Ugh, I guess I love you too. Come on, let’s head to the beach.” 
They head down to the beach with the bag of candy in hand and a blanket wrapped around both of their shoulders. The duo sets themselves a few feet away from the water. The sound of the waves hitting the sand is the only noise that can be heard on the beach. Y/N rests her head on his shoulder and begins to eat the candy they acquired, Rafe looks down at the girl with a grin on his face. She looks more serene than she did at the party and he loves the way she is watching the waves in wonder. 
His life plan was always to go to UNC, graduate, come back home, and work for his father. It was engraved in his mind in his very first memory of his father. It had been their plan and Rafe never questioned it because he thought it was the best path to pleasing his father. He may have known Y/N for more than one-third of his life, but the plan never changed just from knowing her since he never thought he had a chance with her and he just suppressed his feeling for her. But, now, she is his girlfriend and they have a future together. This makes him question everything he thought he wanted for his future. Now, all that mattered to him is her being in the picture and if that meant going off to England with her then he is going to make damn sure he is by her side every step of the way. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @terraeluce @f4ll-for-you @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist
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blues824 · 1 year
The Remarried Empress where male Aizawa!Reader becomes Navier's spy since he's a master at working in the shadows. Need info? He's on it. Need something discreetly done? He's got it. Need someone to disappear? It's already happened.
He's interested in the Empress's state of wellbeing, making sure she's healthy and without stress (which sadly can't be avoided due to the dumbass Emperor and his hoe mistress). He's wary of Heinrey but relents when asked to.
He may be scruffy and unassuming but that's what makes him such a good man for his job; you'd never think he works for the Empress.
Only involves Sovieshu, Rashta, and Navier.
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This man definitely does not like you, and you didn’t like him. But, neither of you really talked about the obvious tension in the air. To be fair, neither of you really talked to each other at all. But anyone could tell that you two hated each other.
It could come from a place of intimidation on his part. He may be in a higher position than you, but you had a quirk that no one else could beat. Your quirk not only allowed you to stop the powers in your own world, but also allowed you to stop mages from this world from using their magic. Of course, the same rules still applied. Your eyes were still dry as hell and you had to constantly be staring at the person.
He hated the fact that you were gradually getting closer and closer to his wife, and it was to the point where she saw you more than him… and he was her husband. What was weirder was that you were a few years both their senior. However, you expressed no romantic interest in the Empress multiple times. He just doesn’t like to listen.
You acted more like a father figure to Navier, a person that she can confide in and that you can guide, kind of like your students back home. You still did undercover missions, but this time as a spy rather than a hero. The Emperor himself had no knowledge of this, but what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him… directly.
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She found you a bit unsettling because of your rugged appearance, and thus you didn’t have to go through the effort of avoiding her because she avoided you instead. But there was an obvious distaste on your behalf, and every single time you both were confronted with each other you let out a sigh before leaving.
The young mistress could tell that the Emperor was intimidated by you, but she couldn’t understand why. She did not hang around you enough to know that your quirk allowed you to stop someone’s magic as long as you are looking at them and don’t blink.
However, she could definitely see that you were getting closer to the Empress, and that scared her to no end. If Sovieshu was scared of you, and she was scared of the power that Her Imperial Majesty held, then you both surely would be unstoppable. However, she didn’t know what to do about it.
And no, she did not know that you were hired as a spy by Navier and assigned the task of listening in on conversations between her and Sovieshu and her and Ergi. That meant you were able to hear the predicament of blackmail that Rashta found herself in, and you reported it back to your employer accordingly.
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She did not find you intimidating. In fact, you both grew very close very quickly. And no, not in that way. You acted as a sort of father figure, as stated before, and she often seeked out your guidance in making crucial decisions for the Empire. You were a tough love, no coddling kind of parental figure, and that’s what she needed.
When you told her that you were suspicious of the new mistress, she was also very suspicious of her. So, she asked you if you would mind doing some espionage. You left with a bow, and you were now a man on a mission. And we all know that when Shota Aizawa is on a mission, he’s gonna fucking complete it.
You would spy on the conversations that Rashta has, and you’ve even caught one of her arguments with Viscount Lotteshu. You heard that she was being blackmailed, and she had to pay money and jewels to the Viscount so he wouldn’t tell anyone that she used to be a slave.
Then there were the conversations between Rashta and Duke Ergi that you listened to. Turns out that the mistress wants to be able to navigate her way through both poor folk and nobility. Everything you heard was reported back to the Empress, and she made her plans accordingly with Heinrey.
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obey-my-twisted-logic · 8 months
Name-Your-Friend : You find a rather tall boy with an interesting look in your yard at Ramshackle. Despite your initial wariness, something draws you to the man and an interesting friendship blooms. Platonic!Malleus Draconia x GN!Reader
Synopsis : you make a new friend who's almost as bad at socializing as you are. He's quiet, gentle and awkward in a way that's endearing. He won't share his name, so you decide on a nickname as you confide in this mystery man. Begins the night after Riddle's Overblot.
Warnings : general spoilers about the game Disney's Twisted Wonderland. Light fluff, purely platonic and friendly, use of personal head canons and what I know about the game pre book 5. Slightly different from the in game meetings but same vibe. INCREDIBLY SELF INDULGENT BECAUSE HORNTON IS MY BEST BOY. Reader is normal font. All thoughts and musing by Malleus are italic.
Authors Note : this has been living rent free in my head since I first met Malleus in game. They can't show us every second and every interaction, so I think there's a lot of late nights he visits because he's just as lonely, and it's nice to have someone who's not groveling, calling him "my prince" or scared of him. God I love him.
You were physically and emotionally done for the day. Grim was passed out and dreaming of tuna all ready while you began to close the curtains. As you did, something caught your eye. Something? More like someone. You couldn't tell from this distance but because of the lighting of the moon, you could see a student of NRC just staring at your house.
It definitely startled and when you made eye contact from the window you pulled the curtains shut and dropped to the floor. Why did you feel like you'd been caught peeping? After a moment of collecting yourself, you pull on a hoodie over your pajamas and stuff on your shoes before making your way down and out of the house.
The ghost trio gave light teases as you passed. A midnight tryst?! And so soon! You'd have to introduce them. You waved them off, a little annoyed but mostly focused.
Had he run off? You can't help but wonder as you step outside into the brisk air. Scanning your surroundings you find him nearer than before. He had what you could barely call a smile on his calm and handsome features. He was so beautiful you felt inferior. Shaking off the nerves, you stepped onto the dying lawn and stood beside him, looking up to see what had caught his eye.
You weren't sure if he acknowledged your presence, but he made no move to leave or brush you off. He just continued to stare up at your roof.
"Is it the gargoyles?" You ask suddenly. It was the only thing of interest you could spy. It kind of fit his spooky yet handsome appearance. "I couldn't believe myself when I was first dumped here. Old place has a lotta very cool bits and bobs, even if it is falling to pieces..." You grumble that last bit, still frustrated that Crowley had been avoiding the topic of fixing the roof, despite all your work so far. The near perfect grades you got, handling Riddle's outburst and Overblot without dying, and just generally baby sitting some of the rowdier students.
"A child of man?" Was the first thing he said. You try not to gasp, he had such a pleasing voice. "To my knowledge, this dorm has been abandoned and forgotten for quite a while." You noticed for a split second a look of confusion. Had you not been studying his face, you may of missed it all together.
"Ah yea, I had heard that from some of the ghosts and the headmaster. My name is [Y/N], I'm Ramshackle Dorms new Prefect." You explain quickly and offer your hand.
A moment passes, and you begin to feel a fool for offering your hand to a stranger. He does however accept it within his firm gloved grasp. "A pleasure to meet you child of man. I am-" he paused and shook his head. "My name matters not, you may call me what you wish. Though careful, you may come to regret it." He gave a playful smile, exposing sharpened canines. Between the horns and his teeth, you knew he wasn't human. This didn't scare you near as much as it should, but then again three of your roommates were ghosts.
"Shy?" You ask with a shrug and give it a thought. "How about Hornton? It's a bit on the nose but it's all my brain can come up with."
He bursts into laughter, giving you his first genuine smile. "You are quite fearless child of man. Truly." He gives you one last smile. "While it's been pleasant having the ruined house to myself, I look forward to what you bring to the future." He gave the gargoyles a fond look. "Remember the gargoyles as you fix things up, and give it attention." he finished with a short bow, as he burst into a beautiful green light, leaving nothing behind but some fireflies.
What a magical way to end a very long and unpleasant day. You hoped he'd visit again, he was pleasant to be near. He gave you an odd calm feeling, even though his aura screamed danger.
You intrigued Malleus Draconia greatly. Not that he had revealed his name. Despite his overwhelming aura, you approached him with little to no hesitation.
In the following months, you'd catch him admiring the quiet of your house, even going so far as to give you advice on how to deal with the OctoTrio when they had taken hold of the dorm, threatening to leave you homeless in a world that wasn't your own and was hardly kind. Especially not kind to those without magic.
Other times you'd join him in his quiet studies of the gargoyles and surrounding forest. Occasionally you would break the silence with questions or just to add your own musing to the about the surroundings and recent event. You told him about everything, from mundane classes to nightmarish Overblotting of several Housewardens.
His favorite part about you was how you genuinely treasured your time with him. You never pushed for his identity, happy to have him as your gargoyle enthusiast friend Hornton. He found himself chuckling over the name, even when not around you. Lilia had asked about you more and more as he noticed the lingering visits Malleus spent at Ramshackle. He waved it off, merely stating he needed to check on you, his "Child of Man" who was almost completely alone in a terrifying new world, full of a magic you had never seen before. Lilia would always laugh and nod along, even going so far as to deliver a holiday card when Malleus could not himself.
Not long after the winter, he was once again in front of Ramshackle, waiting patiently for his Child of Man. He was surprised when he heard your familiar footsteps. Not surprised by them exactly, more stunned by the speed and noise that you made rushing to open your door.
"Hornton!" You exclaim and practically threw yourself at him, embracing him. It felt like so long.
The embrace surprised the fae dragon, but he caught you none the less, carefully returning the embrace. "Awfully excitable tonight aren't you child of man?" He teased lightly.
You beamed up at him with a pleased grin. "Yes! Tonight is important. It's very special." You assure him, kicking your door gently open further.
Freeing yourself from his embrace, you give him a little bow and extend your hand for his. Before he could even pout, you continued to smile at him and take his hand. "Ramshackle is finally presentable enough for me to invite you in. Hornton," you begin to lead him inside. "I welcome you in to my dorm, come have a drink or something! I'm excited, you're the first person I wanted to invite in."
"You're inviting me inside Child of Man?" Malleus asked surprised, but genuine smile and delight on his face.
"Of course! You're one of my best friends, and I wanted to share this with you as soon as I could." You led him in and rambled about how you had to enlist Azul and professor Trein to finally get Crowley to get off his ass and make the place at least a safe haven from the elements.
Malleus had stopped listening from the moment you confirmed the invite. All he could do was smile and keep his hand in yours. You truly were special. His Child of Man would always remember to invite him, always remember to have him in your life. He quite looked forward to that night, and any following adventures he would have with you.
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chocol4tte · 17 days
More dimension travel au!!
It could also evolve to sasusakunaru??? I still need to read the manga (the anime is still something I might think on watching or not...)
Anyway, not everything is still set in Stones for the au or some events.
When the OG timeline!Team 7 arrives to the new dimension, Kakashi is on the borderline of life and death due to chackra exhaustion and they don't have any ally close to them to treat their wounds or trully rest.
Sakura and Sasuke, still with a kind of rocky relationship after all, manage to find their village in pristine conditions and both of them are found by other Shinobi thinking that something bad happened in their mission! Why are they so hurt and with different clothes???
Meanwhile, both of them are wondering if they are under a genjutsu? Because, why the hell is the village completely reconstructed without the 5th hokage?? In their shock they are redirected to the general hospital and realize that things are... different?
Sasuke is on edge all the time, because why is nobody trying to kill him for becoming a missing nin? Yet they are treating him with kindness? Sakura is more calm, yet anxious, they don't really have time to just stay around when their other two teammates are hurt and one about to kick the bucket... again?
When they are in the hospital being treated for their broken bones and other wounds, two familiar women come rushing to the office, to say that Sasuke was close to bursting into tears when he saw his mother, with a few more wrinkles yet still so beautiful like he remembered, was an understatement.
The same could be said to Sakura, it has been a while since she saw her parents, but seeing how her ex? Teammate react... they needed to go away. Now.
They waited until they were left alone, just for a moment, before Sakura, dragging Sasuke behind her and taking some medical supplies as well thinking that they were definitely under a genjutsu or something and their sensei and teammate being in danger.
In the meantime, notice goes around that Sakura and Sasuke came back to Konoha with injuries, yet their teacher was not with them. When Nohara Rin, head doctor of the main hospital, hears that, she rushes to see them and ask where Obito and Sai were, if they needed help or worse... yet they are not there. They try to look for them and it's just only the beginning of a manhunt. (Also, most likely the Alt!Sakura has longer hair and OG! Still has her short hair)
Before that, Team 7 finally arrive at their village, Obito, Sasuke, Sakura and Sai, (or the OSSS for the funsies), are ready to just, hand the report of their successful mission and rest in their beds. They didn't expect that the village came rushing right at them and began interrogating why and how the heck does Sakura and Sasuke heal from their injuries so quick?!
It trully becomes a manhunt and investigation of the "fake Sakura and fake Sasuke" and for them to be possible spies? Minato wouldn't allow it at all, he wouldn't allow that his dear wife and students village go through another war.
In the meantime, while Sakura and Sasuke are unaware thay they are being chased by most of the shinobi for almsot 2 days, Naruto waits for his teammates while taking care of his sensei, with the little medical knowledge that Sakura beat into his brain in a few minutes, plus some basic care to keep Kakashi alive.
He wished to go to Konoha with either of his teammates, but his wounds were a little more severe and was more weakened by attacking Kaguya. He takes the opportunity to speak with Kurama, or attempt to, since the lazy fox was now resting.
While waiting for Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto is attacked by a group of missing nin that were hired to spy Konoha, it's not that they were remarkably strong... yet he was so weakened and still kind of injured that... when he tries to confront them, he almost has his sensei killed by mere stupidity.
Anyway, while Naruto decides to hide himself and Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke are running towards them, now actively knowing that they are being chased by their own village.
I'm getting excited as well for the dynamics of the alternative dimension and Obito with his team!!
I'm putting my foot in my own mouth and mostlikely need to speedrun in reading naruto lmao also, this Au, for a possible fic, may be called: Tell me About Grief!
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bleue-flora · 21 days
Well since everyone’s doing staged duo headcanon I might as well follow @dr3amofagame [post] and @elmhat [post], and throw in my two cents, which is probably less headcanon and more interpretation of canon.
c!Dream and c!Punz’s insistence on answers and power is only half true. Or at least not the full picture. They do want knowledge and answers but not because of power or greed, but because they were hurt by random people like c!Tommy and c!Wilbur showing up with no explanation. The power they strived for wasn’t a ruling, controlling power but the ability to protect what they value, whether from the rest of the server or death.
c!Dream did tell c!Punz about the torture. Debatable on how much detail he goes into but he does tell him, even if prompted first. I think this for a couple reasons. Firstly, to c!Purpled, c!Punz says, “But they were, Dream told me how Sam let him in freely and allowed him to do unspeakable things to him, that wasn’t a prison that was Hell in a box,” basically telling us that c!Dream told c!Punz and while this could be argued as manipulation, it also just makes sense. He also says “And Quackity was allowed to go in and torture him Every. Single. Day. Purpled, do you know what that does to a man, do you know the limits that people have it—it goes beyond those limits, it's not okay,” and his highlight of it being daily is telling to me. It didn’t have to be daily to be brutal and horrible and have lasting effects. Unless he watches Quackity go in and out covered in blood Every Single Day, at which point would cause some serious concern, then how would he know it was daily unless c!Dream told him? And I am of the opinion that if he had noticed Quackity coming in and out of the prison covered in blood, suspecting c!Dream was being tortured then he would have said something to c!Dream or in his own inner thoughts during the Jailbreak stream. Secondly, as someone with the Revive book it’d be kinda reckless to not inform c!Punz about what happened. He kinda should know who is a major threat and what lengths people are willing to go. After all, should they find out he has the book somehow he needs to be informed on what that could mean for him. But even so, I don’t think c!Dream just offered up that information without c!Punz either asking or doing/saying something that persuades c!Dream to tell him. c!Punz definitely suspects first before he learns more details.
c!Punz did not know why c!Dream wanted Quackity’s location or what he intended to do with the information in the scrapped lore. So, he didn’t take time to scope it out, it was more of - here’s where he lives sorta deal (like if c!Dream asked where Kinoko Kingdom is, then it’s not like c!Punz is going to scope out the place for booby traps and such, he’d just give the location). So, he doesn’t learn about the torture till after, when c!Dream is way worse for wear and tells him what happened in Pandora’s Vault, but I do agree, not about what exactly happened in the scrapped lore (it would make him look too weak).
I think I do have to agree with dr3 and elm on c!Punz going behind c!Dream’s back when going to Purpled. I don’t think c!Dream would risk c!Punz’s exposure like that after everything he sacrificed to keep them a secret and yea c!Dream definitely doesn’t have the info on c!Purpled and c!Slime to put together that plan. I could definitely see it as c!Punz’s own like redemption for the failed first attempt at revenge that he is inadvertently at fault for. Like after finding out about the torture and why c!Dream wanted to know where Quackity was, he is upset and goes to form a plan for better revenge, which after a certain point of success he ropes c!Dream in.
c!Punz does visit the prison, but not before Dream breaks out and not like all the time but just because c!Tommy or c!Sapnap may be watching the place doesn’t mean c!Punz can’t sneak it. He’s a spy after all, it’s kinda his job. I get this impression based on how c!Punz and c!Dream seem to show off the prison together in the finale - ‘let’s show them a part they haven’t been to before.’ And while the deterioration of the prison is a great parallel to Tommy’s overgrown home, both representing the poor mental states of the characters, I think it is worth noting that it’d be really suspicious if the prison was all nice. Like yea ideally no one gets in, but if they do it’s a good deterrent for the place to look dirty and abandoned. After all, who would live in such a mess? Is similar to the mindset or who chooses to live in their own torture box? Who chooses to live in their own hell?... 
c!Punz is jealous of c!George.
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charliewhaw · 26 days
What would happen if Alastor shared and accept Vox viewpoint of adaptation of time and advanced technology? Do you think you’ll become much stronger or just become very different but the same level!?
( This is a fun question! Alastor accepting new technology? Now there’s something to be curious about! ) (( Post edited and contributed to by balloondrifloon. ))
There are two ways this would go, and both have the same result.
Way one: Alastor would have accepted Vox’s offer to join the Vees. It would have either been a blatant yes or no, no in between. However, if Alastor said yes, then it’d be purely business.
He’d keep his friendship with Vox, so there would be that. But the Vees would only serve as a source of technological advancement for him.
Vox and Alastor would work together in creating new tech, but the advertisement of this new tech would be solely left up to Vox as Alastor’s interest in tech wouldn’t be monetary.
No, Alastor craves knowledge and power. He would contribute to the technological advances without participating in their intended uses. Like smartphones, for instance: He wouldn’t play on a smartphone, but instead, make smartphones fascinating enough to play on so he could spy on people through the phone cameras and microphones. He would spend his time gathering information to use against others when the time came.
Alastor’s true involvement in the Vees would be sinister. Outwardly, though, he would be a bubbly personality that Vox would happily show off to Hell as his partner in tech.
Way two: Alastor still rejects Vox’s offer. There’s no thought behind it other than not wanting to be owned by a company. He was an individual, after all. One that won’t easily go down as just another member of some organization. If he went down in history, he would want to go down as Alastor: The Radio Demon, not Alastor, that one member of the Vees.
If Alastor doesn’t join the Vees, he would have to put a lot more effort into staying on top of technology. However, Alastor is an insanely intelligent man and learning a new trick or two is definitely in his wheelhouse. He’d easily figure out coding and hardware design, with or without Vox’s help. Alastor’s technology wouldn’t be fun and entertainment-based like Vox’s tech is. It would be more focused, refined, and skilled at gathering intelligence. This could take any form that Alastor masters, such as hacking networks, spy systems, or even branching out into something uniquely his, like voodoo-infused weapons defense.
This would be available to the public but only in small quantities, because Alastor’s technology would still not be monetary focused. It would be considered an honor and privilege to own something Alastor designed, and people would literally kill each other for it. Owning weapons defenses, or spy systems, or being a part of his hacking networks would be seen as having a rare power. A sentiment Vox could never rival because his technology is commonplace.
Vox would have to fight to keep up with Alastor’s advancements. They’d constantly be toe-to-toe. Alastor’s would be creating software to hack into Vox’s defenses and gather data on both Vox’s audience and the Vees, while Vox would be in a constant state of upping his defenses to prevent that from happening. “Angelic Security” would never have been considered nor trusted seeing as hackers had a consistent window into Vox tech privacy and firewalls.
Vox, for the safety of his company, would attempt to put his rivalry aside and ask Alastor to join him on numerous occasions. These occasions would always be followed by rejection and another temper tantrum on Vox’s part.
In either situation, Alastor joining the Vees or not, Alastor would be the first to know anything that happens in Hell. You thought he was good at gathering intel to use to his advantage before? You’ve seen nothing yet. This would make it much, much worse. You wouldn’t be able to sneeze in your bathroom without Alastor knowing. Not a piece of information can get through Hell without being already known by Alastor.
Don’t call him Alastor. He prefers Al. It looked like “ai” and that amuses him.
You may think this is a lot of work for one individual, and you’d be right. Al can’t do it all by himself.
So he’d make himself an assistant.
His shadow would do just fine. He would infuse it with electricity and it would be able to jump into his tech and help with software design. Not only that, but it could easily travel through the wires and internet further work as Al’s eyes and ears on Hell.
Al doesn’t use a microphone. He’s got a headset looped around his neck at all times. The headset has little antlers and deer ears on it.
His attire is quite modern. Still spiffy, but modern-spiffy. He wears a red jacket that’s sleek, almost plastic-looking, and lacks tatters. It gives off a contemporary, digital appearance. Instead of his monocle, he wears smart sunglasses that have a HUD display from his point of view. The hoof-shaped soles of his shoes light up and change colors like RGB lights.
He’s really fun to look at.
Al would still attend the overlord meetings, however, he would seem far less interested, wanting to get back to what he was developing. He wouldn’t go in person, instead sending a hologram, so he could work while he listened to Carmilla talk.
Al wouldn’t have a radio tower. He’d have a recording studio with soundproof pads on the walls. Instead of using only radio, he would record digital audio, which he would make available live on his radio show, then later available on his website and other platforms as podcasts.
Al is a wifi hotspot. The hotel never lacks good wifi. People get so excited to see him because it means they finally have full bars in Hell’s naturally spotty connection. Vox’s wifi doesn’t reach everywhere, and where it does reach, it’s not exactly safe to use because Al’s hackers might be lurking, waiting for someone to connect.
Angel Dust would call him over to stand as near to him as he allows while he attempts to upload photos to Sinstagram.
Niffty wants him around while she streams her… ‘anime’… Al requests she wears headphones and keeps the screen from being tilted in his direction.
Charlie and Vaggie use him to keep up to date with the social media platforms Al advertises the hotel on.
Al runs the social media accounts for the hotel, even if they sometimes wished he didn’t. He might be technologically advanced, but he still doesn’t give a shit about what people think or say. His interest in social media is purely business and he has no fascination in it outside of keeping the hotel in the spotlight.
His influence would actually draw more people to the hotel, either as fans, or people who actually wonder if the hotel would work because someone as powerful and influential as him says it does.
He would monetize absolutely everything in social media that he could for the hotel’s budget, then leave the money at Charlie’s disposal.
Cannibal Colony takes a lot of influence from Al. Rosie does her best to keep the colony as tech free as she can, but she lets some things slip by if it means supporting her deer friend. That being said, they have an agreement that Al isn’t to bring new technology into the colony without Rosie’s approval.
Al’s voodoo power is still stronger than his tech power, but together, they’re a deadly combination. He infuses his voodoo into a lot of his tech, which is another reason his tech isn’t super mainstream. But, boy, does it pack a punch.
Al installs a soul detector at the hotel’s entrance without anyone knowing. It quite literally kicks any rejected souls away. Al decided one day that this included Lucifer. You can imagine the king’s surprise when a pixelated, hoof-cloven boot appeared out of the wall and punted him across the hotel’s front lawn.
Al’s prank was not appreciated.
Speaking of pranks, he’s constantly doing shit to ‘prank’ Hell. He never gives any context or ever comes out and says it was a prank, but you know he was fucking with you. Sometimes there’s not even proof he was, and it was simply a mind game. Pure entertainment for Al.
Like, for one example, Al dressed in blue all day long, only to act like everything was normal. He went outside and let people take photos of him. The next day, he’s back in his normal attire, and all photos of him have been altered overnight by his hacking systems and turned red. There is absolutely no proof he ever wore blue.
What? You saw it? No, you didn’t. He would never wear blue. Preposterous.
In conclusion, Alastor would be insanely powerful if he took advantage of technology. I guess we’re lucky he doesn’t.
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feralrabidcrow · 9 months
Can the Mercs Cook?
Scout: He can do like, the very basics. Like, use a toaster and a microwave and maybe make eggs on the stove if he tries hard enough. Most of his meals consist of stale baked goods, cereal, leftovers, takeout, and cans of Bonk.
Soldier: No. GOD no. This man probably eats out of the bin. Pulls a moldy ass sandvich out of the trash and eats it. He cannot cook. Do not let this man cook. "Let him cook" cease and desist. He would probably microwave metal.
Pyro: They get a little too excited around sources of fire to reliably cook without things getting out of hand. I imagine they quite enjoy cake decorating, however. Maybe Engie can bake a cake for Pyro to have fun decorating every now and again?
Demo: His cooking skill correlates directly to how sober he is. When he's in a more competent state, he's a fairly good cook, but the drunker he is, the more he falls into "Soldier" levels of cooking skill. They probably microwave metal together, what a couple of besties! He's definitely better than Scout, and can make things like pasta or bacon or pancakes, simpler things like that, nothing too fancy or complicated.
Heavy: He can make sandviches capable of saving a man from death, no doubt he's a god in the kitchen. Apart from his sandviches, he mostly just whips up simple things to eat when he's hungry, he could probably make more complicated things but he simply doesn't want to. I think he would have learned a lot of cooking from his mother.
Engie: I like to think Engie is the chef of the team, whether it's a little barbecue team get-together, or making everyone a nice big breakfast as a treat, he likes showing his gratitude to people with food. He puts a lot more effort into his everyday meals than many of his teammates.
Medic: He never cooks, ever. This leads most to assume he doesn't know how to cook, which is incorrect. Medic is probably one of the more capable cooks of the bunch, he just simply doesn't like cooking. Why he doesn't, who can say?
Sniper: Sniper is a master at survivalist style cooking. He can shoot, butcher, and roast any beast over a fire with ease. Being out in the wild, just his van and gun and whatever nature offers him, that's the ideal. Stick him in a proper kitchen, he feels a lot less at home. He can cook normally just fine, but it's not his favourite way to cook.
Spy: Spy is on gourmet levels of chef knowledge. I imagine he picked up the skills of gourmet cooking long ago, perhaps as part of an undercover job. He rarely cooks at the base, finding the lack of tools and ingredients available to him aggravating. But when he does, the smells get everyone's mouths watering.
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