#and I’m not ashamed to say it
dindjarindiaries · 1 year
The rumors are true. I’m in the love with the beautiful tin can man
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ishipmutualrespect · 3 months
Someone please save me from Zayn’s eyelashes
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footballfangworl · 9 months
I’m watching the Miami game tonight idc. I’m way too invested in their story.
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self-titled-lives · 1 year
i would bump pussies with joan of arc if i could
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ready-the-sails · 2 years
Nace Appreciation Week | Day Four: Nace w/other characters
3x07 The Gambit of the Tangled Souls
This episode has to be one of the funniest of the show so far (imo)! The way Nancy and Ace co-parented her dads had me in stitches laughing. With Nancy as the high-stress parent and Ace as more of the “calm, cool, collected” type, they are such a perfect balance ❤️
Also, we can’t NOT appreciate the hilarity of Ryan Hudson and Carson Drew as 17 year olds. F#*king comedy gold right there,
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nicholasnelsons · 2 years
if you think that you are entitled to know a celebrity’s sexuality, block me. if you think you are entitled to know anyone’s sexuality, block me. if you constantly throw around the word queerbait when you don’t even know what that word is, block me. if you think real people with real lives and real feelings are capable of queerbaiting, block me. if you think that you are owed something just because you are a fan of a certain piece of media or actor in the spotlight, block me. and also fuck you
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wi1dshxpe · 3 months
gortash sets up a lending library at his estate after seeing durge’s in the bhaal temple. they both know they’re the only people who use them so it turns into a sort of game. durge loves music, so after enver’s last visit a book about viola has appeared in the temple library. enver fancy’s himself a jeweler so it’s only natural a scroll about gem welding would end up in his library. books relating to their schemes, hobbies, pasts, futures, inside jokes and aspirations get passed back in forth. the only extended pause is when a novel about star crossed lovers gets dropped in the bhaal library. it’s weeks before the favor is returned and enver receives a scroll about bhaalist marriage ceremonies. he doesn’t know whether to take it as an advance or a threat, so he accepts it as both.
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lazyasexual · 1 month
I don’t know if any other aromantic person feels this way, but sometimes I’m sad that all my friends (in a certain friend group) are in a relationship.
DON’T GET ME WRONG, I’m really happy for them and all their partners seem really chill (two couples are even between people of the group), but it makes me feel lonely at times, like when they start talking about/comparing their relationships and I’m just standing there like “yeah, sure”.
And I don’t want to feel like this, I want to be happy for them, but I can’t help feeling sad and knowing that one day they will all get married and have a family, like everybody else in my life and I’ll become a side person in the entirety of their lifes, even when they keep telling me that they won’t stop being as close when they’re with someone, but it still happen, no matter what they say, not even conciously. It just happens and I just have to accept that
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youbutstupid · 30 days
If you see the quote “screw comfort characters, who’s your confront character” and you go for one of the women of the BAU as opposed to one of the hundreds of vile male unsubs then idk what to tell you other than you might wanna consider some internalised misogyny
I really don’t think Jordan Todd being a bit snappy with Morgan or Ashley Seaver interrupting Reid is enough to warrant them being seen as worse than characters such as Jacob Dawes, Frank Breitkopf, Charles Hankel, Jason Clark Battle, George Foyet, Ian Doyle, John Curtis, Malcolm Ford, Hastings and Askari, Carl Buford, Edgar Solomon, Peter Lewis, Elias Voit…. To name a few
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sweetlywriting · 10 months
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Chishiya relationship headcanons <3
Gender neutral reader, no warnings
If you like to talk a lot he’s a very good listener, humming along and adding a comment when needed, and even if your not one for talking he likes the sound of your voice. It ensures him that you’re here with him, and not in any danger
If your not as advert to talking he’ll probably try to pry it out of you-you’re his partner, he wants to know your interests, values, viewpoints, dislikes, opinions, whatever it is he wants to know more about you. And in return, you’ll probably get to learn a little about him too
Always goes to games with you. He’s comfortable in the controlled environment of games and their straightforward rules, when you go with him there’s no chance of you dying. It’s just the easiest way to protect you, and one of his special ways of showing care
His affection is subtle, but it’s certainly there. Physically it might just be standing a little closer to you, or the occasional brush of shoulders. Mentally, though it’s seeking you out, taking your opinion into account, trying to encourage you when you’re down, letting you know about his past, making sure you eat before him, getting to be vulnerable with his words and telling you how much he truly cares <3
While he’s probably not one for pda, but I can definitely see him running a kiss along your knuckles when you’re panicking about a game, to remind you he’s there. A gentle hand your back when you’re falling behind the group and a rare smile that you reciprocate
He’s cool not cold, and won’t deny being with you, but won’t go out of his way to be flashy or flaunt your relationship
As a doctor if you ever get hurt he’ll 100% patch you up, though his hands shake at thought of his what could happen to you, he’ll blame it on not having done this in a long time, and make you forget with that suave smile
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racewinnerlandonorris · 11 months
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hellacoolperson180 · 5 months
Saltburn awakened something in me and idk if I’m okay with that
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what if . stsg/reader isekai au except reader gets sent from the canon universe to a fix-it fic :3…. where they’re married to satoru and suguru…..
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lulu2992 · 6 months
If you’ve played Far Cry 3, you’ve probably seen its “prequel”, a promotional web series called The Far Cry Experience starring Michael Mando as Vaas and Christopher Mintz-Plasse as himself.
In Episode 4 (spoilers), Vaas asks the audience if they want Chris to live or die. People decided he should live but, since there were two choices, they had to shoot two versions of the final episode.
Well, a few years ago, I realized that, on the Ubisoft Japan YouTube channel, both versions were available! So in case you didn’t know this video existed, here’s what would have happened if people had voted for Chris to die:
The video is dubbed in Japanese and I unfortunately don’t speak this language, so I can’t tell what they’re saying... But if you understand Japanese or are good at reading lips, maybe you can :)
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robiny · 4 months
I need to vent about this - is there such thing as media literacy in lobotomy kaisen ? I see nuclear takes every day and I don’t engage with them because I know these people have their mind’s set and can’t believe anything else or their fragile view point will shatter. But how can you even argue satosugu were just friends 😭😭😭 like do you even have friends? shoko and gojo are friends, megumi and nobara were friends, geto and gojo? Im sorry but how much subtext can you overlook and how much subtext can there be for it to matter. OF COURSE gege is not going to STRAIGHT UP say they are gay lovers this is shonen and you are proving him right by arguing against it. AND ABOVE ALL ELSE the thing that truly pisses me of tremendously makes me genuinely hysteric, is people misinterpreting gojo’s last words to geto. HOW CAN YOU ARGUE WITH A STRAIGHT FACE THAT HE SAID ANYTHING BUT “I love you” HOWEEEWMEMDMSMSDN HOW, WHY WOULD THAT CONFESSION BE MUTED IF HE SAID SOME BULLSHIT LIKE UR MY BESTIE WHY like genuinely, these words weren’t hid from the audience just because, ITS A CONFESSION OF FEELINGS SO DEEP SO PROFOUND BUT SHAMEFUL AND SECRETIVE AND THEIRS FOR ONLY GETOS EARS TO HEAR AND GETOS HEART TO FEEL. WHY “LOVE IS THE MOST TWISTED CURSE” I WONDER WHAT MADE HIM THINK OF LOVE THIS WAY PROBABLY FUCKING UTAHIME NOT THE GUY WHO HIS SOUL KNOWS BETTER THAN HIS ALL FUCKING KNOWING EYES. WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR LOVE FOR A BEST FRIEND WHO HAS HURT YOU TWISTED ??? NO TF YOU WIULDNT YOU DONT PONDER ABOUT YOUR LOVE YOU DONT HIDE IT FOR 10 YEARS YOU DONT WANT IT BACK EVEN IF ITS THE THING THAT RUINS YOU. no but genuinely any other interpretation of the words is stupid, im sorry, it’s not just their relationship but also the scene itself. getos reaction… he was shocked, then happy, blushing because it made him ashamed but at the same time smiling because it made him so happy, wishing after pushing away gojo for years that at the very end gojo would stop loving him but he never did. literally at the brink of death, finding peace in the chaos, but facing this unconditional love, geto wished only for gojo to curse him a little so he wouldn’t suffer losing him…. best of friends everybody
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userparamore · 1 month
i blog for the girlies (gn) who have bought clothes bc they saw hayley williams wear it
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