#and I go in again on Monday to finish the process and set up my direct deposit and everything
boag · 1 month
I just got another job and it pays more and is right by our new house😝
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ynbabe · 21 days
Cute situations w/ f1 drivers- ep2.
Asking the drivers if they 'wanna nap?'
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"Wanna nap?" You asked the man as soon as he stepped into his hotel room, tired and eyes red. You knew Ferrari wasn't some winter wonderland but you didn't know why Charles put up with it.
You had been close friends with the man, since before he'd started f3 too, you knew he bled Ferrari red but this wasn't bleeding this was suicide.
Nonetheless, you were there for him, every weekend, only today there wasn't much to do, he had just come back from some meetings. He looked at you and hummed, taking off team-issued merch and throwing himself on the bed beside you.
You turned on some sad Adele song and faded into sleep, holding the boy close to you, his head resting on the curve of your neck.
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"Wanna nap?" You asked Carlos as you both walked into his drivers' room, it was early in the morning at the Las Vegas GP and just as the year before they had messed up the timings and the drivers had to wait till four-thirty in the morning to get on with the programme.
Knowing the both of you, you were sure if you hadn't extended the offer the both of you would have ended up doom-scrolling through Netflix looking for some show to watch fighting off sleep.
"What?" He asked, shocked at the offer for a second before raising his browns and winking at you, "You finally feel my charm didn't you?" he laughed as he climbed onto the small and rickety bed next to you. "Smooth operator strikes again," he praised himself, pulling you close to him, enveloping you in his arms as the big spoon.
You groaned and kicked his shin, making him complain, "Dude you're so fucking lame!" You made fun of the older man who only replied with terrorism (tickling you,) "S-top, stop, I'm sorry," you laughed, trying to escape the death grip he had on you, eventually getting him to stop.
He let you catch your breath as he set an alarm, before trapping you in his warm arms again, both drifting into a comfortable sleep.
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It was way past midnight but you couldn't sleep, unable to get yourself out of the party high, too drunk to rest your brain. Thankfully you weren't the only one.
There was a barrage of knocks on your hotel room, a slurred voice with a British accent begging to be let in. "Y/n/nnnnn, I can't sleep," he cried once in the room, stumbling over nothing as you both made your way to your bed.
You giggled as he fell, brushing his hands over the cold blanket. You joined him, crawling onto the bed slowly as the room around you spun. You laid on your back, clinging onto the bed for dear life.
Lando noticed and piled on top of you, making you raise a question brow. "So you don't fall off," he muttered, his face buried in your chest.
"Ohhhh, that makes sense," you said, understanding his thought process as the spinning slowed down. "We should nap," you said out loud, eyes shutting due to the comforting warm weight on top of you.
Lando hummed in return, wrapping his hands around your waist, as you pulled one hand up to his and another grabbing his curls for extra support.
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There were two things everyone knew about Oscar, he hated waking up early and he loved sleeping. So when his trainer woke him up on a perfectly cosy yet cool Monday morning to exercise, he nearly wanted to kill the man, only stopping because that would take much more effort than simply going through with the workout.
Your apartment was closer to the gym than his, so he happily invited himself in to bitch and moan about his trainer and how that man must have hated him.
Rolling at your friend's antics, you pushed away your laptop, walking from the dining table to where he was sitting on your sofa.
"Wanna nap?" You had barely finished your question when you were pulled onto the Australian.
"I thought you'd never ask," he whispered, as he shuffled on the narrow sofa to get comfortable, you still on top of him, his arms wrapped around your waist and your face buried in his neck.
"Are you using me as a teddy bear?" You asked incredulously, trying to get up to no avail as the man's grip on you was far too strong.
"Yes, now let me sleep," he murmured, already half gone.
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George had a habit of pushing himself too far, ever since he was a child. When you guys had just newly become friends, the boy had spent hours trying to find out what exactly you liked and didn't, stalking your Instagram and your family's Facebook.
You had found it endearing but also concerning how he always wanted to be perfect. So when you walked into his house at midnight (you got a key made- there's a reason the both of you got along so well,) and found him staring unblinkingly at his laptop and a large mess of papers spread across the wooden coffee table.
"Dude, what is wrong with you," You whisper-yelled at the man making him jump, pressing a hand to his chest.
"Me? What is wrong with you?" He yelled, panting as you jumped over the back of the couch, sitting right next to him, ruffling through the papers much to his chagrin.
"Shut it, Georgie boy," you smirked at him using the nick name he hated. “What are you even doing, it’s so late?” You asked looking at the taller man who started off in a rant about the car and everything he was doing wrong, making you slide down on the sofa till you head was resting on the backrest. You lifted your feet up to rest them on the coffee table, making George rush to move a stack of papers so they wouldn’t be under your feet.
Perfect. You grabbed the man’s shoulders and made his head rest on your lap.
“What on earth are you doing!” He yelled more than asked, trying to get up but you doubled down.
“George you need to sleep,” you deadpanned as he tried to make you let him go, knowing his pleas fell on deaf ears he gave up.
You raised your brow, “wanna nap?” You asked teasing the boy.
“Only for a few minutes,” he pressed, making himself comfortable, while you tangled your fingers in his hair, “maybe more then,” he sighed and let his eyes shut, slightly watering and finally fell asleep.
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Lewis had never been a friend to you, he was more like an annoying yet caring older brother or like a fun uncle of sorts. The man was fiercely protective of his friends, even those whom he saw in animosity.
But you were different, Lewis would steal your coffee, eat your food, and push you around but he'd also sneak you Red Bull (much to his disgust,) into his driver's room during late races, walk you to your hotel room after parties and get you souvenirs from races you couldn't be at. Similarly, you loved to annoy the man, stealing his expensive jackets, which looked hilarious due to the size difference, stealing his headphones and running away with them and most importantly coming to him with your problems day or night.
So no, Lewis wasn't surprised when you showed up to his driver's room in the middle of the day, even though Toto had revoked your pass for the day (for bullying George, but it was worth it,). He was ready to tease you but then he saw your eyes, red and tears flowing down your face.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" He immediately came up to you, giving you a once-over to see if you were injured. "Did someone say something, are you hurt?" He asked panicking at your silence. You simply wrapped your arms around the older man, hiding your face in his chest, quietly sobbing and sniffling.
He walked you both to the sofa in his room, seating you down, trying to wipe your tears, "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked as you finally calmed down, using his arm as support to sit up.
You cleared your throat, "No, I just wanna nap," you hiccuped slightly.
"Okay," he leaned back so you could rest your head on his shoulder, giving you one of his airpods to relax, which you gladly accepted.
Lance & Fernando (they aren't always gonna be together but the situations... THE SITUATIONS WRITE THEMSELVES)
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"Oh honey that’s not," Lance said pointing to your coloured hair (matching with Alex) and thats how the conversation had started and had ended in a cat fight.
“At least I’m not a nepo baby,” you yelled as you threw a basket of oranges at him, which he dodged, darn those f1 reflexes. The basket itself smacked him square in the face, leaving a red indent across his nose. He glared for a second before jumping over the table you were fighting across and pulled your hair. “Owww, you bitch”
You bit his hands in defence, to which he kicked your shin, screaming you launched yourself at him, crashing the both of you to the ground, “oh my god, okay, truce, truce,” he panted, pushing you off him.
“Just so you can catch your breath,” you retorted making him mock you. In reality, you were definitely much more tired than he was. You were struggling to catch your breath, your head killing you where he grabbed a large chunk of your hair.
You turned to look at him, resting your head on his stretched arm, he was massaging his nose, the bruise turning purple now, “well that was fun,” he turned to face you.
“Sooooo fun,” you rolled your eyes, “wanna nap? My heads killing me,” you are far him in accusation but he glared right back pointing to his swollen nose.
“Sure,” he shrugged, shifting closer to you and closing his eyes. You opened your mouth to make a joke but were interrupted, “there are like a million oranges on the floor right now, I’ll throw one at you,” you accepted defeat and fell into a comfortable sleep.
That’s how Fernando found the both of you, slightly scowling but fast asleep, he took a picture for blackmail’s sake and placed a blanket over the two of you.
PT-2 w/ Max, Logan, Alex, Daniel, Yuki, Pierre, Esteban, Zhou.
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lincolndjarin · 8 months
constructive criticisms
main masterlist ✧ kinktober masterlist ✦
kinktober : day two - afab!ficauthor!reader x javier peña
prompt : virginity loss [ 18+ mdni ]
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word count : 5.1 k
summary : javier peña has been a thorn in your side for months, the last thing you need is for him to find out you write dirty fanfiction
warnings, etc. : language, fluff, smut, protected sex, p in v sex, oral m!recieving, fingering, mutual masturbation, viginity loss (duh), innocence kink sorta, squirting, reader is completely clueless when it comes to sex, javier is a dumb sweetheart in this, plot w a little porn lol
a/n : yippee! this is an idea ive had floating around for a bit and this seemed like a good opportunity to do it! easily the longest of the kinktober stuff lmao which is why i didnt want this to be day one cause i didnt want to set a precedent haha. also i hate this but it's october so like i can't do much about that lmao. AND the edit was rushed bc i gotta get to work so apologies for any errors!!
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  “What’s that?” You slam your laptop shut the moment you hear his voice. 
“Nothing.” You hadn’t heard him come into your office yet here he is, looming over your shoulder. 
“Didn’t look like nothing.” You can’t stand the mocking smile on his face. 
“Did you need something?” You do your best to sound patient. 
“I’ve got some suspect photos I need you to identify.” He’s still grinning from ear to ear as you hold your hand out for the file. You flip through the pictures before tossing them onto the pile of paperwork you’ve been trudging through. You’re waiting for him to leave but he just stays in place behind you until you spin around in your chair. 
“Is there something else?” You cross your arms in front of your chest, glowering at him. 
“What were you working on?” For god's sake, drop it. 
“Get out of my office Peña, or I won’t process your suspects.” Thankfully that gets him to leave, sighing as he closes the door behind him. Once you’re sure he’s not coming back you open your laptop again, quickly closing out your tabs. 
The last thing you need is for Javier fucking Peña to read your Star Wars fanfiction. 
He makes your life hell around the office enough as is. He makes fun of how you dress, he only ever asks you to file his paperwork, (despite the dozen others who are just as capable.) and you’re pretty sure he stole your lunch one time. He’s just in general a nuisance. (And it doesn’t help that he’s gorgeous and knows it.)
It’s not like you’re ashamed of your writing, you’ve mentioned it in passing to some of your friends around the office but Javier is different. He gives you enough grief without knowing how badly you wanna fuck Anakin Skywalker, you can’t imagine how much worse thing would get if he found you’re writing. 
So you get back to work, trying to forget the interaction entirely. 
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You like to work late on fridays, it makes things easier, you don’t have to come in early on monday and no ones around to bother you while you work. You’re just about done with everything as you gather up all the finished documents, going from empty office to empty office as you leave the respective papers on each person's desk. 
You’re nearly done, you’ve just got Javier’s suspect list to deal with as you step into the bullpen to deliver it you’re surprised to see him still sitting at his desk, everyone else is gone, only his desk lamp and computer monitor light the large room. You approach quietly, wanting to get this done as quickly as possible so you can just go home. You’re about to clear your throat to get his attention when you freeze in place. 
You recognize the website he’s on. 
You’d know that red bar anywhere. 
There’s no fucking way. 
You feel your face getting flushed, a deep shame settling in your stomach as you take another step forward just to be sure.
Archive of Our Own beta
And just below that, the name of your favorite song, but more importantly, the title of your fanfiction. 
You’re so fucked. 
You feel a mess of angry tears starting to pool in your eyes as you hear him groan. 
That somehow hurts worse. 
Not only is he reading it, but he also thinks it’s so bad he’s audibly expressing it. You’re livid, and humiliated, you should spend this weekend looking for a new job because he’s about to become insufferable. Knowing him, everyone will know about it before you even get in on monday.
In your rage you walk forward noisily, tossing his files down onto his desk, turning, planning on glaring at him once before leaving, hoping he doesn’t see how truly upset you are. 
Nothing could have prepared you for what you’re met with. You’re expecting a smirk or maybe even a look of disgust, instead he’s gritting his teeth, his hair sticking to his forehead, a visible sheen of sweat on his face and most prominently, his hand haphazardly shoved down the front of his pants. 
You both realize the predicament you’re caught in at the same time. You stare way too long. Eyes lingering on the exposed skin where his shirt rides up, a trail of hair running down his naval. Neither one of you moves until you finally snap out of it, squeezing your eyes shut and turning on your heel, walking as quickly as possible towards the exit when you hear the squeak of his chair on the floor as he calls out your name. You don’t dare turn around though, not slowing your pace until you’re out of the building and in your car. 
Thankfully he doesn’t pursue you further as you drive home as quickly as possible. Hands tightly gripping the wheel the entire time. You can see your phone blowing up in your bag, the inside dimly lit the entire length of the drive. When you pull into your apartment building’s parking lot. You grab your bag and hurry inside, desperate to just go to bed and forget everything that just happened, ignoring the throbbing between your legs from what you just witnessed. 
You step inside your studio, locking up behind you as you toss your bag onto the bed, shedding your clothes and stepping into the bathroom, praying that a cold shower will clear your head. 
It doesn’t. 
You feel just as hot and frazzled as you did before. Maybe he was just trying to mess with you. If that’s the case then now he’s just sexually harassing you. 
Stupid fucking Peña. 
You pull a tank top over your head and throw on a pair of panties before collapsing on your bed. You don’t want to look but you won’t be able to sleep if you don’t, so you reach into your bag, retrieving your phone. 
Just as suspected you have an endless amount of messages from the man himself. You're about to start scrolling through them all when you read the most recent one. 
[ I’m coming over. ] 
Son of a bitch. 
You quickly scroll through the previous messages. 
[ I’m sorry, are you okay? ]
[ Call me or I’m coming over. ]
[ Please just text me back. ]
[ I really liked your story. ]
[ I’m sorry. ]
There’s about a hundred similar messages but one stands out to you more than anything else. 
He liked your story. 
Why does that make your face burn up?
You start typing, telling him that he doesn’t want to find out what’s gonna happen if he shows up but you’re interrupted by a knock on your door. You trip over yourself as you rush to your dresser, pulling on a pair of sweatpants before peering through the peephole. 
Sure enough, there he stands, he looks exactly like you’d left him, shirt untucked and askew, hair a mess, except now his hand isn’t in his pants. You’re about to reach over and turn your lamp off when he clears his throat. 
“I know you’re in there, your car was out front.” Well, so much for pretending you aren’t home. You hesitantly unlock the door before pulling it open, plastering a scowl on your face. 
“What do you want?” You try to look stern but you know you probably just look nervous. 
“I just wanna talk.”
You’re hesitant but you open the door fully, letting him in as you return to your bed, sitting and pointing at the loveseat in the corner for him. Neither one of you speaks, you watch as his throat bobs, he won’t look at you, staring at his hands instead. 
“How did you get my address?” You finally break the silence. 
“Your file.” He says sheepishly. 
“You can’t do that! That’s an invasion of my privacy!”
“That’s what you wanna be mad about?” Fair enough. 
“Fine, why did you do it?” You don’t like that he’s here, in your tiny apartment, the memory of him splayed out in his chair takes up all the space.
“Which part?” He finally looks up at you, meeting your gaze. 
“Why did you read it?” 
“I was curious.” He looks truly apologetic, it almost makes you want to believe him.
“Really?” Your tone drips with sarcasm. 
“You seemed really defensive, I wanted to see why.” It seems genuine but you know better. 
“You wanted to embarrass me.” You say plainly. 
“Why do you act like I’m out to get you?” His brows furrow and his mouth settles into a frown. 
“Because you are.” You say it matter of factly, you honestly can’t believe he’s acting like he doesn’t know. 
“I don’t understand what I did that makes you hate me so much.” You’re tempted to soften your gaze, but the last thing you need to do if this is all just some trick is appear vulnerable. 
“You can’t be serious.”
“Please, enlighten me.” He throws his hands up in exasperation. 
“You despise me! You torment me every single day!”
“Really? I torment you?” He points an accusatory finger in your direction. 
“You make me do your paperwork every single time, even when there are plenty of other people who are capable of it.” You feel the urge to stand and have this argument, you’re getting heated in several ways now. 
“You do it better than everyone else.” He shrugs like it’s a valid excuse. 
“Bullshit.” You snark as he puts his head in his hands.
“And I like the excuse to see you.” He mumbles before looking back up at him.
“You make fun of how I dress.” You’re quick to change the subject, not wanting to fall victim to his charms. 
“I do not.” His voice pitches up defensively. 
“You said I dress like your grandma.”
“That was a compliment.” He can’t be serious.
“How the fuck is that a compliment?”
“I love my grandma very much.” He sounds serious. 
“You’re a nightmare.” You fall back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, your head swimming with confusion. 
“Have you ever considered that I just wanted to be around you? You assume that I just liked to bother you but maybe I just like being near you.” He stands as you sit up, a look of honest upset on his face. 
“You expect me to believe that you did those things because you like me? Are we in middle school, Peña? You could have just asked me out instead of pulling my pigtails on the playground.” You stand, not liking the power imbalance of having him towering over you where you sit. 
“I did, you said no.” He crosses his arms and you scoff. 
“You did not, you can’t just make things up to get out of this conversation.” You poke a finger into his chest but he just brushes it away. 
“I asked you out to lunch two weeks ago and you said no.”
“I think I would remember that if it happened.” His anger fizzles out a bit as he looks you up and down. 
“I may or may not have thrown your lunch out that day so you’d be more likely to accept.” He gives you a sheepish look. “But you were so mad you brushed it off.”
“That was a serious offer? I thought you were messing with me.” He just stares at you, wide puppy dog eyes you have to turn away from lest you fall for this act. You don’t get a moment's rest though because as you stare at the floor a particularly harrowing thought crosses your mind. 
“How much did you read?” You turn back to him quickly. 
“Enough.” When you turn back to him he’s staring at his hands again. 
You both know what that means. 
“It seemed a little familiar.” He says softly. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You want him out, now.
“Don’t play dumb, you know what I’m talking about.” You’re going to look at job listings once he goes home. 
“I think you should leave.” You clear your throat, nodding towards the door. 
“I’m not leaving until we talk about it.” 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You sit back down on your bed, your legs feeling unsteady. 
“Well I do.” He takes a few steps in your direction and you immediately regret sitting. 
“I don’t care what you want, get out of my apartment, now.” You head is tilted up completely as you glare at him.
“Do you really not realize exactly what is happening here?” You can feel his breath on your face, cigarettes and spearmint. You turn your head to the side, refusing to look at him. 
This is exactly what happens in your story. 
“You’re an idiot.” You whisper, willing yourself not to get any more upset than you already are. 
“You wrote your story about us.” He says each word sharply as you grit your teeth. 
“I did not.” Now who’s just making things up to get out of a conversation?
“Everything that I did to you, he does to her.”
You don’t have a response to that. What are you supposed to say? He’s right, straight down to the confrontation where he tells her he wants her and she tells him that can’t be possible. He hates her. 
He kneels in front of the bed, moving to be in your eye line and when you go to turn your head he grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him. 
“I really did like your story.” You shove his hand away as he says it.
“Don’t mock me.” 
“Jesus, what do I have to do to make you realize I don’t have an ounce of contempt for you?” He stands, throwing his hands up in defeat.
You finally snap. 
“Maybe stop taking my shit and stop giving me extra work and stop invading my privacy and just fucking talk to me like an adult, you arrogant, immature, son of a-“ He grabs your face in both of his hands as he leans down and crashes his lips against yours, you let out a surprised squeak as he cups your jaw. After a moment he pulls back and you’re left staring at him dumbfounded. 
“Now, can we please talk about it?” He mumbles before pulling you in again for a single chaste kiss. 
“Okay.” You feel a little breathless at the abruptness of his actions. 
“I really liked it.” He smiles now, the energy in the room changing drastically. 
“You keep saying that.” You whisper.
“It’s true.”
“Wanna give me some constructive criticism?” You laugh but you can see his eyes flicker to the ceiling quickly and suddenly you want to press further. 
“You know you quoted me word for word a couple of times.” 
“You’re avoiding the question.” You laugh again but now you’re genuinely curious. 
“I guess I thought the sex scenes were the tiniest bit unrealistic.”
“Unrealistic?” You feign offense. 
“Well yeah I mean, it’s written like you’ve never had sex. They go at it all night and he never needs any breaks? And doesn’t she have like twenty orgasms? I’m pretty sure she’d be in terrible pain at that point.” He laughs softly but when you furrow your brows he stops. “I assumed because it’s fantasy that that’s intentional though.” He adds on quickly at the end. 
Your embarrassment is clear on your face as his own expression goes to one of poorly concealed surprise. 
“You’ve never-” He whispers, clearly shocked. 
“I’ve never.” You finish his sentence, not wanting to hear it out loud. 
“I mean, that’s fine.” His ears are burning red. 
“I know it’s fine.” You mumble. “I’ve had opportunities to, I just… I don’t know, I guess I made it too big of a deal in my mind and now I just don’t care but I’ve waited this long and-”
“Cariña, it’s fine.” He interrupts you now, that soft smile on his face never wavering. 
“Do you think my writing would be better if I had more experience?” You say it like it’s a joke but he sees right through you.  
“I’m not sure, how much experience do you have just in general?” He stands, moving to sit beside you on the bed. 
“Well I’ve kissed people before.”
“That’s it?” You glare at him and he coughs nervously. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course.”
“I’ve been busy with work, it's just, it’s never been a priority of mine.”
“You do know… how to do it? Right?” You smack him on the arm. 
“Of course I know how to do it, you read my stuff.”
“That’s why I’m asking.”
“Oh come on, you said it was good!” 
“It is good! Everything but the dirty stuff is really good!” You groan, putting your head in your hands, he sits quietly beside you for a bit, rubbing your back. 
“Do you want me to teach you?” He says lightheartedly. 
“Seriously?” You glare at him. 
“It’s the least I can do for unintentionally making your work life hell.” He’s starting to sound more genuine in his over, it sends a chill down your spine. 
“So what? We just… do it?” You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the idea of losing it to someone who knows what he’s doing. 
“No we don’t ‘just do it.’ we do other stuff first.” He sounds amused but you’re glad he doesn’t outright laugh at you. 
“Can you just- can you just tell me what to do?” You rest your head on his shoulder briefly and he runs his fingers through your hair. 
“Is that what you want?”
“Yes please.” You mumble, feeling a strange mix of aroused and nervous. 
“Well, in one of the later chapters she blows him, right?” You nod slowly. “And you say it’s her first time doing it, she probably shouldn’t have been able to just take all of him in her mouth right off the get go, especially since he’s apparently nine inches? Which is a whole separate issue by the way.” You can feel your face getting hot all over again as he explains everything like it’s obvious. “If you want to start there we can do that.” He murmurs, trying to meet your gaze but you just keep trying to look anywhere else. 
“How big is it supposed to be normally?” You chew on your lip, hoping you don’t sound stupid, you couldn’t be more thankful when he once again doesn’t laugh. 
“It depends, but nine inches is a bit outlandish. Have you ever actually looked at that on a ruler? It’s way bigger than you think.” He holds out the estimated size with his hands and you have to stifle a giggle. 
“Fair enough.” You lean against him one last time before sliding off the bed, kneeling in front of him. “So she’s like this.” You watch his throat bob as he swallows harshly, everything is starting to quickly become real as he nods. You reach your hands towards the noticeably larger bulge in his strict jeans, stopping just before you touch him. “Can I?” 
“Yeah, of course.” With his approval you gingerly unzip the restrictive fabric, watching his half hard dick spring free. He’s certainly not nine inches but he’s still intimidating. You don’t have a frame of reference but you have to assume he’s on the bigger side of things. 
“You don’t wear underwear?” You scoff, trying to lighten the mood despite the combined anxiety and arousal pulsing through you right now.
“Not usually.” He murmurs, notably softer than before. 
“What do I do first?” 
“If you want, you can start by touching it, just do what feels right.” He reaches down to hold your face for a moment until you’re able to calm down a bit. You reach forward at a snail's pace until finally wrapping a hand around the base, jumping a bit as you feel him twitch against your palm. You slowly stroke him, just once before looking up at him, a reassuring smile on his face as you stroke him a few more times, feeling him swell until he stands fully erect. Almost absentmindedly your other hand drifts between your legs, you experimentally grind against your own hand as you continue to leisurely jerk him off, watching how he grips the sheets when you run your thumb over his drooling tip. 
“What do I do next?” You look up at him. 
“Spit on it, hermosa.” His voice is raspy and you sit up on your knees, a line of spit falling from your mouth onto the head of his cock, drawing a hiss past his teeth. It’s easier to stroke him when it’s wet, you experiment with different speeds, watching his reactions until in a moment of bravery you tentatively guide him into your mouth. You can’t help but feel pleased when his hand instinctively flies to your hair, not moving you in any direction, just holding you. You swirl your tongue around the tip, tasting the bitter pre-cum as you open your jaw a bit wider, letting him slide over your tongue. As you take him deeper you feel him against your throat and you quickly gag, coughing a bit as he gently pulls you off. “Go slow, don’t take more than you’re able to.” You cough again, catching your breath before taking him in your mouth again, slower this time. “Use your hands on the rest.” He murmurs, the low tone shoots through you and you quickly go back to touching yourself with one hand while using the other to stroke the half of his length that you can’t fit in your mouth. 
After a few minutes you begin to moan against him as you try to reach your own peak, your hand now haphazardly shoved down the front of your pants. He’s leaning back, his pupils pitch black as he watches you, his breathing unsteady. 
“You think you’re ready for more?” He says sweetly, caressing your hair. You pop off of him, watching a line of spit going from the head of his cock to your lips. 
“Sure.” You feel less nervous than you thought you’d be as you stand up, wiping your mouth on the back of your hand. You feel all fuzzy and slick between your legs, your pussy aches with need as he takes your hand, pulling you onto the bed with him. You sit up against the headboard as he strips completely, discarding his shirt and shoving his pants all the way down. 
You can’t help but take in the sight of him as he turns back to you. 
His warm sun kissed skin, the wide expanse of his shoulders a sharp ratio to his slim waist. He’s toned but he’s soft around the edges and his cock stands proud against the thatch of hair on his lower abdomen. You tilt your head the way it curves, admiring it until he laughs. 
“I want you to do something for me that wasn’t in the story.” He climbs back into bed with you, playing with the waistband of your sweats. 
“Sure, what is it?” You lift your hips, letting him pull them down, tossing them off the bed. 
“I want you to show me how you touch yourself.” You stare at him, a little shocked by the request, your eyes going wide. 
“I want to see, I want you to show me what feels good.” You want to feel more self conscious but he’s completely naked and something about the fact that you’re still a little covered up helps you relax, with a soft sigh you gingerly slip your hand down the front of your panties. You go off of muscle memory, recalling what you would do if he wasn’t here. 
Tracing your fingers in delicate circles around your clit, watching as he begins to touch himself, almost matching your pace. This would have been a fantasy of yours that you’d resort to when nothing else worked. Javier Peña in your bed, revealing some sort of secret attraction to you, you just never thought it would ever come to fruition. 
But here he is.
Ravaging you with his eyes as you dip two fingers into yourself with a shuddering breath, his own movements stuttering a bit as you do so. With everything leading up to this it isn’t hard to feel the familiar heat building as you expertly push yourself towards it. After a few moments more you shove your panties down completely, wanting to be unencumbered as you discard them. Without them restricting you, you can easily feel that hot tightening sensation approaching rapidly. Your breathing gets heavy as you grind your fingers against your palm, you feel the familiar fiery sensation in the bottom of your stomach as you start haphazardly fucking your own hand, you keep your eyes on the way he fucks his own until you’re just about to burst and he takes hold of your wrist, stopping you.
“Please I-” You let out a frustrated whine but he shushes you with a quick peck.
“I know, can I do it?” You nod frantically, you’d like nothing more. He gently pushes two fingers into you, you gasp in surprise at the sudden stretch as he slides them in and out slowly, continuing to jerk himself off with his other hand as he watches how you eagerly suck him in. 
It doesn’t take much from there. 
His thumb mirrors the motions you did against your clit and that’s all he has to do to push you over the edge. Your cunt spasming around his fingers as he works you through your orgasm, hot white burns the edges of your vision and you keep your eyes open long enough to watch as he squeezes the base of his own cock, groaning as he makes his own attempts not to finish. You're vaguely aware of him murmuring something that sounds like praise in Spanish as you get your bearings, he slowly removes his fingers, leaning forward on his knees to kiss you. You catch your breath through the kiss until finally he pulls back.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” His breathing heavy as he nudges his forehead against yours. 
“Is it gonna hurt?” You’re more curious than nervous at this point. 
“It shouldn’t, and if it does I’ll stop, okay?” He hops off the bed for a moment, searching through his wallet before tossing you a condom. 
“And you’re sure this is what you want?” You carefully tear open the condom wrapper, handing him the rubber ring with a nod, watching how he aptly rolls it onto his cock. 
“Probably wouldn’t have come this far if I didn’t.” You slide down the bed a bit so you’re mostly laying on your pillows as he positions himself on top of you. He still seems worried about you so you reach forward, taking his cock in your hand and guiding him between your legs. 
You can’t help but sharply inhale as he eases just the tip into you, your eyes flutter shut and your mouth opens slightly as you sigh.  
God, you wish you’d done this sooner. 
It doesn’t hurt. You expected a stinging, or a tearing, instead it’s just pressure. When you open your eyes you find his squeezed shut now as he slowly works himself into you, rocking slowly back and forth. He keeps your foreheads pressed together, occasionally, bumping his nose against yours. 
“Still good?” He whispers, a noticeable strain to his voice. You nod, watching curiously as he pushes his hips forward in one last motion to fully seat himself in your heat. His jaw is tense and he’s breathing through his teeth. “So fucking tight.” He mumbles before leaning forward, groaning into your mouth. 
“Does it hurt?” You ask when he pulls himself away with a soft smile. 
“No, it just makes me worried about hurting you.”
“I’m okay, I want you to move.” You look down to where the two of you are joined. Watching how he gently pulls himself from you just a bit before pushing back in. That’s when he bumps against that spot inside of you that suddenly has you seeing stars, your hands grip his shoulders as a moan slips out of you, the grin you’ve seen a hundred times before forms on his face, you’d once hated it but now it has you gushing around him. 
“Does that feel good?” He tilts his head to the side, nudging his nose against your temple as you nod fervently. He repeats the motion, pulling out about halfway before snapping his hips forward again, your back arching when he slams into the sweet spot inside of you. 
“Fuck- Peña, right there.” You whine, your nails leaving little crescent indents in the tan flesh of his shoulders. He gets into a steady rhythm with it, crashing into you with precise deliberate strokes, designed to make your head spin. He grits his teeth once more, his breath going ragged.
“Javier.” He pants, gripping your waist to hold you still. For a brief moment you almost see vulnerability in his eyes. 
“Just like that, Javier.” You stammer out as he bends one of your legs up, pressing you into the mattress further as he throws your ankle over his shoulder, the new angle letting him fuck far deeper into you than you even thought possible. The soft and slow Javier starts to dissipate as he bares his teeth, his breath hot and heavy through his tense jaw as he slams into you. The second orgasm building in your stomach isn’t like anything you’ve ever felt before, it’s molten inside of you, threatening to burst as he brings a hand to your clit.
“Shit- tell me when you’re close.” He growls, your vision’s already blurring again as an unfamiliar pressure settles within you. 
“I- I am.” You pant out, he accentuates each thrust with a grunt and you feel yourself slip as he applies the slightest pressure to your sensitive bundle of nerves. You’re positive you’ve never come like this before, you soak his cock, a flood of your release pulses out of you as you strangle his cock. He collapses into you, your orgasm sending him over his own edge. You feel him throbbing within you as he groans into the pillow next to you. The two of you lay in a sweaty, breathless heap for a moment until he pulls out of you with a hiss, rolling over, his chest heaving as he lays beside you. 
“Now do you believe that I don’t hate you?” He gasps out. 
“I might need a little more convincing.” You grin, reaching behind you to turn your lamp off before rolling yourself over so you're on top of him.
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a/n : I have a very serious love hate relationship w this.
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octuscle · 10 months
Hey Support!
I'm a Highschool teacher. Many of my adult students are speaking Arabic while I'm teaching them. It annoys me that I didn't understand them talking and laughing. So I downloaded the chronivac app and wanted to change that I also speak and understand arabic. Something gone wong because I fill my English and German are getting more bed. And I feel the urge to pray 5 on a day... And ma skin colour change
Whats go on?
You have made a number of less than optimal settings. Let me stop the process and restart it.
Thursday evening 8:00 p.m.: As usual, you sit in front of the TV after dinner. First the news. Then a crime thriller. Okay, you could use the evening differently. But at the latest when you turned 40 two years ago, you became more domestic. You like to cook. You like crime thrillers. What's the problem? Interesting question… Somehow the thriller doesn't really grab you today. After an hour, you turn off the TV, pick up your cell phone, and study a lesson or two of Arabic before you go to bed.
Friday morning, 6:00 a.m.: It sucks that the gym your students recommended is so far from your townhouse. And it's not exactly on the way to school, either. But for almost a year now, you've been making your way there in the morning. Your discipline and the success of your training have definitely earned you the respect of your students. Only they still make fun of your broken Arabic. At least they are more careful to speak Arabic in your presence. They know that you already understand a lot.
Because most of your students are Muslims, you finish class early today. Not without giving homework for Sunday. Carrot and stick. You have a reputation as a strict and fair teacher. And you take advantage of Friday afternoon to go for a long bike ride.
Saturday morning, 8:00 a.m.: For three years now, it has been a tradition that you are the first customer of your Turkish barber on Saturday. The full program for beard, hair and face. The conversation turns once again to your Turkish great-grandmother. Wouldn't she turn over in her grave, that you speak quite good Arabic. But not a word of Turkish. Laughing, you ask to change the subject. You can vaguely remember Turkish lullabies. But you can't learn another foreign language.
With your beard freshly trimmed and your undercut in shape, you head to the studio. On Saturday, most of your students are also here early to pump themselves into shape for Saturday night. Sure, you could easily be the father of even your oldest students. But you are definitely the coolest teacher at the school. That's why you're allowed to go smoke a shisha with your students after the workout. And as usual, you stay in the café after your students have moved on. You enjoy your tea and chat with the host.
Sunday morning, 06:00: You don't go to the gym on Sundays. But you start the day with a long run through the city park. It's a matter of honor that you run bare-chested. Yes, you are 37 years old, but the hard training of the last years has given you a really crisp body. And you love to do some pull-ups with it in the open-air gym in the park. And you love it even more when you hear some appreciative remarks from the mostly Arab brothers here. A few know you, of course, but most wouldn't guess that you speak fluent Arabic. After the shower, you prepare the next week's lessons and correct exams. In the afternoon, two of your students come for math tutoring. You have adopted a bit of the weekly rhythm of your predominantly Muslim students, and Sunday is becoming more and more like a workday for you.
Monday morning, 5:00 a.m.: If you want to go to the barber before school, you have to get up earlier - especially when it's raining cats and dogs like today. You can forget about cycling. And with bus and subway the way takes even longer. But to skip the training? Or to go to school with your neck not freshly shaved? Unthinkable! And like every day, a few of your students are in the studio with you. You are a role model for most of them. Also because you respect their religion even as an infidel. This has also earned you a lot of respect among your colleagues. With no other teacher do the otherwise testosterone-driven young men cooperate as well as with you!
Tuesday evening, 8:00 p.m.: You love to let your tuned Audi roar in front of the shisha bar in the evening. Sure, you had to go into debt for the car. But when you see the guests craning their necks at you, it's worth it. Just like it was worth every minute at the gym when the waiter raises his eyebrows respectfully at the sight of your biceps. It's your 32nd birthday. For ten years you've been working hard for your body and your career. You're celebrating today in your favorite bar. With friends, family, your students and a few colleagues. They are rather skeptical about you. But those who are there get along with your German as well as your Turkish and Turkmen cousins. Although five of your eight great-grandparents have a Muslim background, you are still socialized as a Christian. But you are cultural tolerance in action. And people who have no understanding for this have no place in your environment.
Wednesday, 7:30 a.m.: Your car rolls into the teachers' parking lot, freshly polished. Your muscles are freshly pumped up. The day can come. Your colleagues complain that you live in a small two-room apartment in one of the worst neighborhoods in the city, but drive a sports car for EUR 150,000. All envious. Have no style. And besides, the apartment is perfect for you. Gym, Shisha, Barber… Everything directly in front of the door. And why do you need a big apartment? You can meet friends at the gym or over a shisha. And you prefer to correct your exams directly at school. Your colleagues are all weaklings anyway…
In the evening you smoke a shisha with some lads from the gym. It's almost 8:00 pm. The transformation has been going on for six days. Five of your great-grandparents are already from the Arab environment. And as you take a deep drag from the shisha, the sixth of your ancestors also becomes Arab. Your mother has a Turkish mother and a Turkmen father. Your father has a Moroccan father and a German mother. Three quarters of your roots are Muslim. And you are becoming, as you exhale, a good Muslim. And the improvement of your genetics makes your eyebrows bushier, your beard thicker and your hair darker. Yes, you still carry genes of the infidel in you. But you are an Arabian stallion.
Thursday, 04:30: You like the summer. Sunrise prayer is lovely early, so you can perfectly combine sports, barbering and an early start to work afterwards. Before work you have to go to the principal's office. Parents of non-Muslims have complained again. That too much Arabic is spoken in class. And that the break times are based on prayer times. Once again you pull the tolerance and diversity joker. And you point to your successes in integrating difficult cases into the classroom. And at the same time you knead the bulge in your pants. You know that the principal can't refuse you any wish. Not even the wish that you can't start the day without having cum. The conversation ends with the principal blowing you on all fours while you sit wide-legged in his chair.
Friday, 14:00: Your transformation is actually finished. In a few hours, your last German genes will be replaced by Moroccan ones. You are 26 years old. You have lived in Berlin since you were ten years old. You have had to make your way as an immigrant child. But just because you speak fluent German, Arabic, Turkish, Turkmen and French, you left the infidels behind early on. At school, in sports and also at university. Actually, you always thought that teachers were complete losers. Nevertheless, you let yourself be persuaded to study math and sports to become a teacher. You are now 26 years old and have completed your teacher training. You are the secret weapon for classes with young men from immigrant backgrounds. They accept a fellow believer with big upper arms. And even the other lads in your class emulate your example.
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Tank tops in your classes are standard. Arabic is obligatory as the language of instruction in physical education. Attendance at noon prayer is mandatory for Muslims, morning and afternoon prayer is optional. And Muslims don't blow, Muslims get blown. At least once a day. But don't worry… Whether it's in the principal's office, the teachers' lounge, or the locker room in the gym, you can always find an infidel to do it!
Hot pic found @tufas 
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riptideripley · 3 months
Chapter One: Catering.
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Word Count:630
April 18th 2022. The date replayed in her head like an ongoing record that could never be shut off. An annoying itch in her brain. It was the day she lost someone she thought loved her. Rhea Ripley.
Liv recalls that day very clearly in her mind,never letting it slip away. She was so close to a victory but let Rhea down..then lost her. Everything in her mind was spiraling, she tried talking to Rhea backstage but was just ignored and pushed to the side. She felt hopeless and alone.
She finally teamed with Raquel and moved on, but just when things were going well..Rhea came crawling back to ruin it. Injuring her tag partner. “You know Liv..if only you would’ve listened to me when i offered you a spot in my group.” she would constantly remind Liv every single day..until she did the unthinkable. She injured Liv.
Rhea sat backstage every Monday, watching every match since Liv had, even traveling to Smackdown. She felt bad for stalking a former lover like this when she has Dominik but..Dominik had other plans with Damian anyway so it didn’t matter to her what she did that much.
Rhea glanced at her phone, looking at the time only to see a text from Damian saying he’ll be with Dominik for the night. She chuckled silently to herself knowing exactly what he meant, tucking her phone into her pocket before rising out of her slightly uncomfortable chair. She decided to head to catering to grab a small snack since she barely ate all day, but there she was. The woman she was stalking. Liv Morgan. They made eye contact for a split second before Liv turned her attention back to the bottle of water she was grabbing. Rhea could only smile, she knew deep down Liv still loved her and only masked it with hate.
Liv tried to ignore her and just drink her water peacefully while relaxing after her match that got interrupted by Becky Lynch. Little did she know Rhea had followed her there and was watching her every single move. She felt the couch she was sitting on sink next to her and froze, not daring to see who it was..until she heard that familiar voice. “Liv..had a great match out there hm?” Rhea spoke, breaking the silence between them. It was just them two alone in the room, giving Rhea granted access to do whatever she pleased. Liv finally decided to give Rhea a quick look, or so she thought. It was like she was in a trance all over again. She just couldn’t look away which tortured her.
Rhea smiled as she noticed this, setting the plate of fruit she had down on the small coffee table and scooting closer to Liv. Before Liv could even process what was happening, she was straddling Rhea’s lap kissing her. God how much she missed these soft lips of hers..suddenly snapping into reality and pulling herself off of Rhea. “Awe what’s wrong honey? We were just getting started..” Rhea spoke softly as she stood up, towering over Liv who just stood there slowly processing everything. “I..I fucking hate you!” she yelled as she stormed out of the room leaving behind her water. ‘Sure you do’ Rhea thought to herself chuckling, grabbing her fruit and heading to her locker room. She noticed a note on her black vanity and began reading it as she munched on the pineapple from her plate.
“Meet me in room 222
- Liv. ”
Rhea has never grinned this wide in her life. Quickly finishing her fruit, she packed up her stuff and checked the time. 9:30. Enough time for her to go to her room before meeting Liv.
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k-s-morgan · 2 months
I can’t imagine what your going through right now, but please be safe and alive.. stay strong my friend
Another ask: i hope you're ok. please post a sign of life on your tumblr soon
Another ask: Katrin I'm so sorry, are you ok?
Another ask: I couldn’t sleep are you okay
Another ask: It’s been three days are you okay
Another ask: You look so tired please sleep and don’t stress over the chapter we love you
Asks from @vacueabissi: I hope you and your family and loved ones are safe... I am with you with my heart... + I am so happy you are safe, I am sending you big big hugs!!!! I know it's diffcult in this situation, but try to rest a little if you can. I am sending you all my love and support❤️❤️❤️
Ask from @themoonfoundmyfantasy: Please tell me you are okay? x
And @prosile, I'm going to respond to your lovely long ask separately a bit later <3
Hi, my wonderful readers! Thank you with everything I have for your support, words of comfort and reassurance - you who sent these asks and everyone who left the notes, messages, and other kinds of support. Four bombings in less than a week is a lot, but two days of peace did wonders: I finally got enough sleep and I finished editing the BB chapter. It gained some new content in this process, so now it's 23K words long. I'd post it right now but I'd rather do it after I wake up because I need to take care of some minor AO3 technical issues.
Some of the explosions that woke me up on Monday, ruining the first bombing-free night. Children from the kindergarten running to the shelter:
My cats were terrified, just running around with wide eyes, and I fled to the hallway away from the windows. But, you get used to forcing yourself to live even where someone is set on taking this life from you. So I was working less than half an hour after this, and I ordered a small take-out to treat myself.
Fortunately, no one died in this attack.
So many terrible things happened in other cities, but I can't talk about it right now. I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine, to express my absolute appreciation and love for you once again, and to tell you that the BB chapter will be posted within a day because it's 100% done + that I'm already working on ATLWETD and my Batman fics.
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brightoakgame · 5 months
Irregular Monday Update, Edition 15
A very happy 2024 to you all! I hope January is finding each of you warm, well, and safe. ❤️
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(a peek at one current WIP, including Great-Great-Great Uncle Alfie, saber and all)
Thank you all for your support and patience as I muddled through the end of 2023; I've shaken things out to start fresh with the new year, and am now ready to offer some updates! ✨
I've completed two more sets of background lines (including the full version of the living room above!). With this, I'm down to just six remaining backgrounds to line for the town routes; Jasper's route I expect to add on an additional 3-4. Still, getting close!
Jasper's Route is now wholly rough-coded, with Act III for the other four characters currently in process;
Finally finished with dotting my i's and crossing my t's, and the demo should be going up on the Steam page very soon!
Courtesy of the talented Wudgeous, Jasper has his blinking assets completed and ready for implementation!
Next Up:
Fix an early Act II sequence of checks (once upon a time I was going to track character affection for this, before determining it didn't make sense in context);
Backgrounds etc. etc. etc.. 🫠
Launch fully into detail coding on Act II, now that I have placeholders for the missing backgrounds!
And a final footnote, particularly for those who arrived here from Burdock: as part of addressing my burnout from last year, I've started writing again when the mood strikes, rather than fighting it to continue on with XYZ Self-Assigned Task. This has helped very much in making the practical work left on Bright Oak more manageable and pleasant for me, and also resulted in the start of a brand new script, as well: Burdock evidently left me with a head still full of fae, so Project Next is gonna be another one for the Fair Folk! ✨
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studentbyday · 20 days
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week 1 / small commitments challenge
Summary: I was not focused on my challenge goals this week. I was preoccupied, thinking about the different paths I could take and weighing my options for the next couple of years. Not a bad thing, except I let the thinking invade every moment of my life I had to myself. That includes when I was supposed to be studying ochem and when I was supposed to be sleeping and when I was supposed to just be getting on with my day and doing mindless self-care stuff as quickly as possible so I can dedicate time to what's urgent. Yes, I needed to weigh my options and gather information across multiple days, but I did not have to go about it the way I did. It led to me becoming overtired and having difficulty sleeping which led to me being unable to get through my ochem goals which prevented me from doing anything else. The more tired I became as the week progressed, the worse it got. So my two new priorities for next week are: No. 1: Get enough sleep with a consistent sleep time (9pm be in bed, 10pm at the latest) and wake time (7am ideal but 8am bare minimum). Soothe yourself until you're calm enough to sleep. Like you would a baby (e.g. swaddle, massage/gentle touch, dark room, don't voluntarily subject yourself to anything stressful or overstimulating in the half hour before bed). That's how you stop and keep out of the overtired cycle. No. 2: Lots of meditation throughout the day! 5-10 mins when I wake up, minimum of 10-15 mins before bed (unless perhaps i feel less frazzled thanks to the meditation breaks which help me stay focused throughout the day? idk), and 1-2 minutes in between big tasks (those that take 2h or more) in order to reset my mind before I move onto the next task and give my brain a rest after processing lots of info on a deep level, so it can sustain that level of activity throughout the day and the rest of the week. I'm hoping that by prioritizing rest, I can succeed at my new study routine (which has also changed from last week as my priorities have changed...yet again) and work more efficiently and quickly while staying cool in mind! A chaotic breakdown of the week aka my sleep-deprived end-of-day gibberish where I try to make sense of everything that's happened lies below 😅
Monday: sleep deprived -> slow start to the day -> quite behind schedule. i listened to 1 and a half chemistry lectures, added to the notes from last week, read and annotated 1 of the 2 sets of notes i'm supposed to read this week, and answered all except 4 questions of a practice quiz on last week's material. asides from this, i did 1/3 of an Algebra 1 lesson, took a nap, and practiced driving.
Tuesday: later start than yesterday bc i wanted to get enough sleep. overall worth it, but that meant there wasn't enough time to get everything done and there were lots of distractions to field. i only did ochem and practiced driving today. i didn't even finish all the ochem i wanted to (i finished 1.5 lectures again, added to notes, started reading the second set of notes for this week, and answered 1/4 of the questions for 1 of 2 assignments for this week). i'm still trying to find a routine that works for this subiect bc it's really condensed (most weeks cover 2 lengthy modules at once 😭) and it's not a subject that's that easy to feel confident in just right off the bat...at least for me 😅 who knows, perhaps for the time being, i'll have to spend more than 4 hours on it a day until i feel confident in the fundamentals?? i also have lots to improve on in my lecture notetaking skills (i.e. trust my memory more and write down notes only AFTER i finish watching a lecture instead of attempting to write notes DURING the lecture and getting confused -> rewinding)
Wednesday: my problem this week is that i'm very distracted. still trying to figure out which path is best for me (i.e. to transfer uni or change program within my uni if that's possible...definitely probably shouldn't stick with my current program tho, that's one thing i've pretty much decided), asking around, doing my own research, trying to think of any combo of reasonable options i haven't explored yet (this is what i was doing for a lot of today). i really hate unresolved issues. they stick around in my head until it's resolved and even if i'm not actively thinking about it, i can still feel its presence in the back of my mind (and if it's big and concerning enough, it will keep bugging me at inconvenient intervals)! 😤 and this issue will stay unresolved until i have made a decision. and even then, i might still question it until enough time passes to show me that it was the right decision 😅 it's like...either i'm in "re-assess" mode aka "question every decision i have made and could make and predict to the best of my knowledge where it will lead me and do i like where it leads me?" mode (WHICH CANNOT ALL BE ANSWERED IN ONE SITTING SO HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SCHEDULE THIS?!?! 😵‍💫😫), or "put your head down and do the work" mode wherein i'm in danger of losing sight of the bigger picture. i swing from one to the other whenever smth happens to make me realize i've stayed too long in one mode. (like in this case where i was feeling very annoyed with my current lifestyle, finally decided to say "fuck it" to my strong desire to stay within my comfort zone, and explored other options and their pros and cons which included grad school admission requirements 🤦🏻‍♀️). i'm grateful to have this many options, but today i got so overwhelmed by them and the deadlines by which i need to have made a decision and the fact that there's a lot of ochem this week to do which is more urgent but also not as existentially worrying that i decided to rid myself of the mounting anxiety with a cardio abs workout. 🥵😮‍💨😮‍💨 it worked...but now i am so pooped and don't wanna get up 😅 (update: i did get up and did a little more ochem)
Thursday: too tired to do all the ochem i wanted to (i did a little reading, a little bit of lecture watching, and finished the last 3 Qs on 1 of 2 assignments this week). i keep letting myself get overtired with my overthinking against my better judgment (like, especially after an intense workout the day before??? girl, you need to sleep!!!). anyway, i've finally pretty much decided to just switch programs at my current uni but i don't think i'll really believe i've made the decision (objectively! all on my own! using a weighted pros and cons list! 😁) until the end of this week. 😅 it will still be a more rigorous program, although not in the ways i expected (but still good!), and it will challenge me in all the right ways but i won't rack up as much expense (thank goodness! 🙏🏻) and it will be a shorter commute and i will get to spend more time with family which is just such a relief. i don't want to fall into the rat race mentality, tho sometimes i think i need to. but perhaps that's just FOMO and comparing myself against others in an unhealthy way. like, i don't actually want a rat-race/hustle culture type of life for myself if i have the option not to live one, yet i sometimes feel like i need to be a completely different person living a completely different lifestyle in order to really make it in this society...well, there are many ways to skin a cat.
Friday: ochem lab, watching another lecture, reading the ch, working on ochem assignment, and driving.
Weekend: sleepy. reset routine and family time. finishing up ochem submissions for this past week (done is better than perfect! 😤) and driving.
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esotheria-sims · 1 year
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Random rambly updates accompanied by a random in-game screenshot!
First off: After much deliberation, I finally switched over to windowed full screen mode yesterday (yes, it took me THIS long to make up my mind about it). The giant screen is a total sight for my poor myopic eyes but my screenshots come out really long and I’m so not used to it. 😆 I’m looking forward to playing the game with the new settings, but really not looking forward to needing to crop every in-game pic from this point on.
So my question o the other windowed-full-screen simmers out there: How do you handle your in-game screenshots? Do you leave them as-is? Crop them? How do you handle cropping a bigger number of screenshots?
Secondly: I’m still confined to playing my game on the weekends only (being employed full-time sucks that way) which means I have limited time and can only do one or eventually two game-related things before Monday sneaks up on me again. This week, the ‘game-related thing’ was restructuring all my mermaid mods with a view to hopefully adding them to my regular gameplay sometime in the future. Midge’s Mermaid Mods Guide made the process so much smoother (all hail @midgethetree! 💚), but I still have to decide which of the countless, all equally gorgeous mermaid tail sets I’m going to get, and ofc settle on a somewhat consistent mermaid design. I think I’d like my mermaids to look a little more outlandish, kinda like on the pic above! The fella is a test mersim from a throwaway hood which I ended up playing for 5 hours even though I told myself I’d only go in-game to test the new mods, welp!
Last but not least: I’m working on a new BaCC update! There’s still a way to go, but I’ve made solid headway so far (21 out of 33 photosets finished, some 2/3rds still need captions). Dunno when it’s going to be share-ready, but I can tell you for sure that there won’t be a darn five-month gap between BaCC updates like last time. Progress! 😂
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WIP Wednesday - A snippet of one of my Steddie Week fics ;p
So I gave @scarcrossdlvrs a choice between my wips and this is what they chose sooooooo have this!!! The finished product will be posted on Monday over on AO3 and my writing blog, @gerrystamour CW: This fic is going to be EXPLICIT. This part of the fic is MATURE.
Steve found himself staring at Eddie’s mouth.
It wasn’t the first time he did that, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. But this truly took the cake for the most inappropriate time to do it.
It had been Steve’s bright idea to encourage Eddie to start holding the Hellfire meetups at his house, wanting to watch his boyfriend in action. He’d heard a lot about Eddie when he was in the zone, and Steve just wanted to see it. Plus, since they would be playing late that meant Steve could easily convince Eddie to stay the night and maybe, just maybe, if Eddie was super keyed-up after the game ended…
At the start, things were going well. Steve sat back and observed as they played and yeah, Eddie was a sight to behold when he was like this; passionate, animated, excited. Steve could watch him like this forever.
Then combat began, which meant there was a lot of bickering and squabbling at each turn and Eddie took this time to start snacking on the pretzels Steve set up behind his DM screen.
That’s where it started to go wrong for Steve.
The first couple of pretzels, Eddie popped straight into his mouth, crunched them loudly while he laughed openly at the plan the kids were trying to devise. Steve pulled a face, a bit disgusted, but he couldn’t deny the fondness he felt, too.
Then Eddie started doing that thing he did, that thing Steve was certain was deliberate and designed specifically to drive him absolutely insane.
The Dungeon Master would lift a pretzel to his mouth just to rest it on his plush bottom lip, poke his tongue out just enough to lick at the salt. Then he’d drop his chin just a bit, hook the pretzel with his tongue, and lift it into his mouth. Did Eddie finally chew it and be done with it? Of course not.
Steve could tell by the way his jaw shifted that he was playing with the pretzel on his tongue, sucking it gently. It brought images of Eddie sucking other things to Steve’s mind and it was actually embarrassing how quickly his cock began to wake up.
Then Eddie would chew the pretzel, putting Steve out of his misery, to describe the results of whatever the kids managed to do. To Steve’s dismay, Eddie just started the whole process over with another goddamn pretzel.
So there Steve was, half-hard and staring at his boyfriend’s mouth while a gaggle of teenagers were right fucking there, and he couldn’t bring himself to actually look away.
Eddie had started the ritual again, but this time the corners of his mouth were ticked upward in a little smirk. It was enough for Steve to tear his gaze away to take in Eddie’s whole face.
Eddie was looking at Steve, and now that their eyes met, his smirk turned into a dimpled grin. The menace lifted the pretzel he’d been licking gently just enough that he could poke the tip of his tongue through one of the holes suggestively. When Steve took in a shaky breath, Eddie winked and popped the pretzel into his mouth with a crunch.
Aaaaannnd the taglist of the ppl who say they wanna read all my stuff including WIPs~*~ @patchworkgargoyle, @indigohightide, @mylilplanet, @amerikanskaya-krassavitsa, @afewproblems, @xenon-demon (i already tagged Bee lmao)
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zegryphos · 4 months
A sketch! Also, an update on things
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Okay, things seem set in place well enough… time for an update I think!
Sorry if I've been a bit absent from socials lately, I've been in the process of looking for and applying to a few local job opportunities. And… I got one, starting next monday.
This has honestly been long overdue. To quickly recap, I've been living on my own after moving from my home country for about a year and a half now. So far, I was able to sort things out with savings, commissions and the odd side job I managed to pick up along the way. However, I ran out of savings a good while ago, side jobs have not been enough and, while I love doing them, commission work has not been consistent enough to get by on its own.
So yeah, getting a stable job was, at this point, kind of a necessity. And I'm glad I could sort something out. The job in question is not something I'm particularly excited about (aka nothing art or design related), but it's good enough for now. And the pay is good enough for me to start saving up again. After things have settled well enough into pace, I'll be able to continue looking for better options as well.
What does this mean for me in terms of art and other creative projects? Well, hopefully I'll be able to handle my schedule so that I can still do art stuff on the side, but I won't be open for commissions as often as I used to, if at all. I just don't want to leave people in a wait list, or to risk burning out on art in what little time I'll be able to have for it. So I'll be pivoting more towards developing my characters, worldbuilding, a bit of writing, and a good pinch of fanart for whatever tickles my fancy for good measure. I may still do commissions from time to time, to treat myself to something nice or to cover unexpected expenses.
I'll be taking this remaining week to finish up commission work that's already been paid for, maybe a quick sketch or two, and then we'll see how the new work schedule treats me. If I can, I'll try to doodle and post more often, no promises yet though.
So yeah! That's about how things are going. I've honestly been quite a bit stressed about my current situation for a while, and now that I'll have a stable job things should start to stabilize and hopefully improve soon enough. Here's hoping everything goes well! I'll see y'all around~
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elskamo · 8 months
More Shitty Life Updates
TLDR for those who wanna know but don't wanna read the whole thing: Mum forced me to reveal trauma that I wasn't ready to share, followed by getting Sciatica then being made redundant the next day. In pain, need money, you know where this is going.
The whole thing: I've been struggling a bit (okay, a lot) more than usual over the past week or so, yet again I've had quite a few negative life events one after the other. I am in the process of getting help for everything happening right now, I'm doing all I can to take care of both my mental and physical health.
Last Monday Mum realised my mental health has been getting worse again and refused to leave me alone until I told her what was going on. She kept badgering me for information and making up random accusations about what could have happened. She also kept sneaking into my old bedroom and looking through my belongings to try and find... fuck knows what honestly.
I've recently started delving into a past trauma with my counsellor that I'm not ready to share yet with anyone, let alone my mum, I will not be elaborating on it any further than this. Eventually it got to the point where I was forced to tell her, she cycled between being disgusted, accusing me of making things up, getting mad at me, and attempting to be supportive for a couple days. Frankly I feel violated as hell and it made my mental health nosedive even further.
By Wednesday morning I suddenly started getting shooting pains from my lower back going all the way down my right leg. It got to the point where I collapsed from the pain and had to be sent home from the office early. It took hours getting bounced back and forth between 111, the GP surgery, and out of hours care. Eventually they diagnosed me with Sciatica and managed to arrange for me to pick up some prescription painkillers the next day. The pain is nowhere near as bad as it was last week but I'm struggling to walk because of it and I haven't been outside in days.
The nail in the coffin came on Thursday morning when one of my bosses called to check up on me. He let me know that at the start of the week three of the staff had a meeting where they agreed that when my probation period finished at the end of October they were gonna let me go because they've decided my position at the company isn't what they need right now. Since I had to go off sick from the Sciatica they said they'd instead just make me redundant now.
It really came out of the blue, especially as I've been uncovering a lot of marketing, commerce, and general technical issues since I've been employed there and there's definitely no shortage of work for me to do. My mum is convinced they're lying and don't want me because of my health issues but there's no way of proving that. It does mean that I'm unemployed again and need to go through a few meetings with Universal Credit who will want me to get a new job ASAP regardless of my health.
So yeah, right now I feel like garbage. I've got help from one of my friends to sort out the UC stuff, particularly with proving my health issues. I'm still waiting to find out what I'm getting paid for work this month, since the phone call last Thursday no one has reached out to me to discuss pay or handing over tasks or logins. When the Sciatica isn't affecting my mobility anymore I'll be able to start reaching out to my contacts again and get help with job hunting and networking.
As usual all this means I'll probably be cycling between being ghostly silent or desperately looking for comfort content. Hopefully it's not gonna take another half a year to find a new job but if anyone is able to please donate on Ko-Fi or buy something off Redbubble or Ebay (the latter is UK only right now). Etsy is still pretty barren as things got kinda manic while I was setting it up but it should be properly up and running soon now I have a lot of time to spare again. I feel crappy to have to keep doing this but please do help if you're able to!
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bebepac · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday / Mood Music Monday 03/19/23
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Guess who’s back, back again! Bebe’s back, tell a friend, coming at you with another six sentence sunday.  Work is still busy yes, but I’ve still managed  to do some writing.   I did finish Twenty Five Twenty One, and I loved it.  Now Shadow and Bone is back and that’s another of my favorites, for Season Two, which inspired some things:
As Usual here’s what I’ve posted in the last little bit in case you were wondering:
School Dayz: Tornado Taylor 🌪
The Cordonian Arrangement:  Shattered Heart 
Original Post: 03/19/23 at 9:26PM EST. 
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Part 7: Memories of You
The Book: TRH/TRF
The Series: The Cordonian Arrangement
Pairings: Riley x Nico (Riley x M!OC ) past pairing Liam x Riley
Mood Music Monday Song Submission: Here Without You by 3 Doors Down
Status: Still in the Writing Process
He didn’t even notice her watching him, well not at first.  Nico was sitting up in bed reading a book.  She rested her body against the door frame, watching him.  Finally his eyes slowly drifted up from the book to her.
“What?”  He inquired.
She giggled at him.  Nico smiled back, shaking his head, not understanding.  “Tell me,  what's so funny?”
Riley giggled.  “You’re so cute, Nico.”
Nico set the book on the night table.
“I’m cute?”
Riley nodded her head.
“Very cute. Did you know that your lips move when you are reading to yourself?” 
Nico's smile widened, and he nodded in affirmation.
“Yes, I know, but only when I'm reading a book in English.  I like to sound out the words in my head while I’m reading, to practice my English.”
“You can barely detect your accent at times when you speak English.”  
“I learned it very young and because I practice! A lot of doors have opened for me in my life knowing multiple languages. I know we’re doing the right thing  teaching Angelo both English and Greek at the same time.  He speaks perfect Greek already.”
“He’s only two.”  
“Well he speaks perfect Greek for a two year old. I want all of our children to know multiple languages.  It’s important. I want all of our children to have every opportunity they can possibly have.”  
“All of our children?”
He jumped out of bed walking over to her, pulling her into his warm embrace.
“Yes, all of the children we’re going to have together, but we have to make them first. We have work to do Wife, come on!"
Riley squealed as Nico picked her up, carrying her over to their bed.
Based on her due date, that night three weeks before they found out about his diagnosis, Riley had finally gotten pregnant. 
They had created life together, before they knew Nico's life would be ending.
Riley blinked away the tears.  When she opened her eyes, their bed was empty. Nico passed away almost two months ago. It... was just a memory. A memory of when they were happy, before cancer invaded their lives.
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The Book:  TRR
The Series: The Vampires Live On
Part 4: The Vampires Live On
Pairings: Liam x Riley (in this decade)  (Gabriel x Alice) in the past
Mood Music Monday Submission: Missing You: By Brandy, Tamia, Gladys Knight , Chaka Khan
Status:  Still in the writing process
"Do you know where we're going?"
"Yes, the older part of the cemetery is in the back.  We should be able to find their graves rather easily.  I’ve been paying the groundskeeper to keep their graves maintained.”  
“All of this time?”  
Liam nodded.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know.  It just never came up in regular conversation.  You never talked much about what happened to her, to them, I didn’t want to push you. It was hard for you.  Every year on the anniversary, I don’t even have to look at a calendar to know, you pull away completely from me and you mourn for her.”  
“I miss her terribly Gabriel.”
“I know.”  
He pulled me close to him in a calming embrace.
“What do you think she would have liked the best about this century we are living in?”  
I laughed.
“The music.  She loved music and she loved dancing.  She would have loved it all.  She would have wanted to try it all. Every form of dance. I wasn’t as talented with dancing and singing as she was.  She created all our routines and painstakingly taught me all the movements.  She said I had two left feet.”
“I would have never known that, from the way you dance.”  
“I still count the beats of the music in my head to this day to stay in perfect time, thanks to her.”
“We’re here.”  
“I really didn’t think it would be this clean here. I know what you said, but looking at the other graves along the way here, I expected the same condition.”  
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“You know,  I can be very persuasive.”  
The Book: TRR
The Series:  The Blue Honey Cafe
Chapter 5: Moonlight Rendevous
Pairings:  None TRR MC is currently single. 
Status: Still in the Writing Process
“Pops believed in the hustle, I typically only  run it in the summers, because there are so many opportunities for extra outdoors events.  It’s more light snacks and some sliders sort of thing.  Are you here alone?”
“I didn’t know you had a food truck!”  
“Yep, I didn’t feel like staying in tonight and I saw the advertisement for the movie on the lawn.  I’m trying to put myself out there more, even if I go out alone. You know? Try to be more social, maybe I’ll make some new friends. That sort of thing.”
“I know I get it.  I have been thinking the same thing too.  Some of my school kids are home for the summer and want to run the food truck and I might let them so I can have more free time.”
“Have you heard anything about this movie?”  
“Yes, I heard this movie was crazy, but I haven't seen it yet, I've been wanting to.”
“Yeah I have wanted to see The Rotten Apple 🍎 too.”  
“Maybe you’ll get to have a break,  come find me, you can sit with me for a bit. Help me not feel like a loser sitting by myself here.”  
“Riley you’re definitely not a loser, and yes I’ll come find you when I can.”  
She smiled at him.  “I’d like that a lot.”
He noticed Riley picked a spot on the lawn that was in his eyeline from the food truck.  Did she do that on purpose so he could easily find her?
About thirty minutes into the movie the crowd had died down and everyone was engrossed in the movie  Elle, the main character of the movie was something else.
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“Who’s this large buttered popcorn for?”  Mason asked his part time worker Todd.
“For you,  I can handle the crowd, you go sit with that cutie you were flirting with.”  
He glanced out over the lawn, Riley was still sitting alone.
“If the line picks back up crazy, I’ll text you. Go.”  
Mason grabbed two more drinks and headed out to the lawn where Riley was sitting on a blanket.
“Is this seat taken?”  
Riley smiled.  “It is now, and you brought snacks!”  
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The Book: TRH/TRF
The Series The Rotten Apple🍎
Finale:  The Last Part
Pairings:  Eleanor x Nico / (Eleanor x M!OC)
Status: Still in the writing process because I apparently don’t want this to end. I really love this story line.
Elle rolled back over in bed, It was barely dawn. When she moved, she felt Nico's grip tighten around her. He softly kissed her earlobe and whispered in her ear.
"Go back to sleep, she's not up yet."
"Just because she's still sleeping doesn't mean that we have to."
"Mmmmm….wonder what's on your mind?"
Nico gently kissed her neck, nipping at her skin, grinding his hips into hers.
"Feels like the same thing that is on your mind."
Elle licked her lips pulling Nico's shirt off.
"A little delight to keep you in a good mood at work?"
"Yes, I love that idea."
“Then maybe you should lock the door?”
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lightshielded · 8 months
hello friends. sorry i haven't been around. everytime i think things will get quiet for me they don't. and the one time it did the mageseeker lore gave me whiplash and i had to spend like 2 weeks processing. making 4 champions lores non-canon and having jarvan become the villian then good guy again of demacia in the space of a couple in lore months really sent me around the block.
(i think riot regretted what they were doing with the other champions of demacia and wanted to back track it in lore but it just felt kinda meh. again ill work on my own head canons to smooth it out so come at me sylas rper i love you and will make it work.)
but i have some good news: 1) im in the final round of a set of job interviews for like my dream job. super exciting my interview is on monday! and 2) i finish my DVM in just 9 more weeks! how cool is that?! i made this blog back when i was in my undergraduate degree and now i'm almost a dr! thank you all for helping give me a creative outlet to keep me sane!
now one strange thing has happened - riot wants to unify all the worlds lore into one, seemingly using arcane as a base. this is very strange for demacia as in arcane the rune wars appear to only have occurred in the last 300 years which of course makes demacia VERY compressed in its 1000 years history to 300 years. for now i'm going to ignore this until they work out how demacia is going to work (since i admittedly don't like this change) but heads up if i have to really overhaul this blog eventually!!
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babycatlix · 20 days
invisalign check-in: final trays and retainers!
not that i think anyone still cares about this, i kind of stopped updating after my first halfway check-in because everything was kind of the same after that. there wasn't anything really new. but i'll tell you everything that happened after that halfway check-in:
since my last check-in with my first halfway check-in i finished up my first 40 trays. i had 4 retention trays which i used to hold my teeth in place while my next set of trays were being made. i had another 40 trays for my second round and 4 extras again. however, after my second round, my teeth were mostly in the right places! i was actually told to not wear my retention trays so that my back teeth could settle. when you have invisalign, your back teeth will naturally form a gap between them because of the plastic trays. so they don't touch when you're not wearing your trays. my orthodontist said this was completely normal and that i would have a settlement period, time for my molars to settle back in place so they touch again. for me, this lasted for 2 months. yes, my teeth did move a bit during this period (which i hated), but he wanted my back molars to settle before he did the final refinements.
during my settlement period, i got to eat food without my trays in for the first time in almost a year and... it was something. feeling food on my teeth again was really weird and my lips kept getting caught on my attachments, so i kept biting the inside of my mouth 😩 i got to chew gum, which was also weird, and i got to eat whatever i wanted without worrying about my trays getting torn up or staining. i ate a lot of indian food during my settlement period 😂
after my settlement period my back teeth were touching again and it was time for another scan! he said that there were very minor refinements that needed to be made. i only had 10 more trays to go! i am currently wearing a retention tray from those final 10. when i went in for my final check-in a few weeks ago, my orthodontist took my trays out and looked at my teeth and these were his exact words, "your teeth look perfect!" and idk why but that made me so happy! 😭
there are 2 more appointments i have to go to. attachment removal and getting retainers. they are 2 separate appointments. i assume that it takes a day or so to make my retainer, so tomorrow (monday) i'm getting my attachments off! i'm assuming my teeth will feel weird just like when i got my brackets removed from my original braces treatment. i think they're also going to fix one of my incisors, it was worn down before treatment started, i assume from grinding my teeth. my right one is fully formed and the left one is missing a corner 😂 i also think they're going to take my after pictures! i didn't think my teeth were too bad, but looking at my very first tray to now, i am astounded at how crooked and crowded my bottom teeth really were. i think my orthodontist did an amazing job and i'm really happy with my results!
the second appointment will be on wednesday. i'll get my retainers and they'll tell me anything else i need to do or any future appointments i need to have. i do remember my orthodontist mentioning another settlement period while i have my retainers. he said something about cutting off the back of my retainters, basically cutting off the molar part and only leaving the front teeth with the retainer so my molars can settle again. when i take my trays out to brush, there is already space and my back molars aren't touching again after just 10 trays. so i guess i'll be having a few sets of retainers, which again is built into my treatment plan.
but yeah, my invisalign journey has come to an end! it was a fairly easy process for me. i didn't have any issues with my teeth not tracking properly and only got teeth scans when i was scheduled to. the pain was pretty minimal for me and i had a total of 90 trays. 40 for my first and second rounds and then only 10 for my final refinements.
anyway, i hope you're doing well! make good choices, stay safe out there, and stay hydrated my friends! 🩵
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
Losing Control, Chapter 21
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‘Emilia Cooper, stay behind after class please. I need to discuss your work with you.’ Professor Laufeyson said firmly just before the end of the period.  
Emilia huffed, wondering what now. She hadn’t been cheeky at all during his class this time, as she was really stressed with some exams and the death of her parents’ anniversary looming…
When the rest of the class left, Emilia went to the front and stood on front of his desk, waiting.
‘Put your hand out.’ He said simply.
She raised an eyebrow at him, but did as he said and held her hand out, palm up. Loki reached over and placed something into her hand, giving her a squeeze in the process.
When she looked, she was surprised to see it was a key.
‘What’s this?’ She frowned.
‘A key.’
‘I can see that, but what for?’
‘My place. So you can let yourself in whenever you wish. Any time of the day or night.’
Emilia was a bit stunned, unsure what to say. Part of her wanted to cry, just at how sweet he was. He knew how stressed she was just now with everything, he had said last night he wouldn’t pressure her to be with him just now when she had so much on. But he wanted to be there for her, for whatever she needed.
This was his way of telling her: I am here for you, but I won’t suffocate you. You let me know when you need me.
‘Thank you, Loki.’ She smiled at him. ‘I’m fine though, really… But this will be handy to sneak in and steal your food.’ She teased a bit, making Loki smirk.
She tucked it into her pocket, then was about to go round his desk to him but students started coming in for his next class.
‘I expect that work done by Monday, Miss Cooper.’ Loki said firmly, and loud so the first lot of students heard and didn’t suspect anything.
‘Yes, Professor.’ Emilia nodded then ducked her head and headed out.
Loki had some marking to do that evening and Emilia had lots of studying to do, so they didn’t see each other that night.
Until the early hours of Friday morning…
Loki was asleep until he felt movement in his bed, then he felt Emilia crawling into bed behind him, wrapping her arms around his back and burying her face into his back.
He took her hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing her softly.
‘Couldn’t sleep, kitten?’ He hummed quietly.
‘No…’ He could hear the shakiness in her voice, and he felt some wetness when she pressed her face against his bare back.
Loki turned around so he could face her. He cupped her face and wiped at the tears falling down her cheeks. He tugged her in closer to him, arms tightly around her as he kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair.
He didn’t say anything, knowing there was nothing to be said. He just held her and stroked her hair until she fell asleep soundly in his arms.
In the morning he cooked her breakfast before they headed into Uni. At different times of course so as to not arouse any suspicion.
Loki knew she had a day full of exams, whilst he had an early finish due to no classes in the afternoon.
So he had another plan up his sleeve.
Emilia was exhausted, it took all her strength she had left to walk home after Uni finished. But then the thought of having to find something for dinner made her want to curl into a ball and cry. She just wanted to go to bed and sleep, but her stomach was rumbling as she had skipped lunch so she knew she should eat something.
She was confused when she got home to find her door was unlocked. Was she really that tired she forgot to lock it? Panic set in until she stepped inside and could smell something delicious in the air.
Loki popped out of her kitchen with a big goofy grin on his face.
‘Loki?’ She frowned, confused.
‘Hey, kitten. I know you’ve had another stressful day, so I decided to cook you dinner.’ He walked over and kissed her forehead, then helped take her jacket off.
‘Uh… Wow, thank you… Have you cleaned up in here?’ She said as she looked around, noticing her flat was a lot tidier than it had been when she left it.
‘Yes. Again, I know how stressed you are right now. Thought it would take something off your mind.’ Loki grinned rather cockily.
‘Housework is the worst. So thank you so much for doing that too.’ She smiled and hugged him tightly.
‘You’re welcome… I’m not all bad and scary, now, am I?’ He grinned and leaned back a little to look at her.
She shrugged and smiled more. ‘I dunno about that, you are still a bit scary.’ She teased, making him chuckle.
He gripped her chin and kissed her softly. Then slipped a hand down to her backside where he gave her a gentle squeeze.
‘I’ve ran a bath for you. Dinner will be another hour, so why don’t you go relax till it’s ready.’ He hummed over her lips.
‘Bloody hell, you’ve thought of everything.’ She giggled a little, making his heart soar.
‘I always do.’ He winked at her.
Emilia headed off to the bathroom to enjoy the bath. The hot water was nice lapping against her skin as she relaxed into it. She ended up so relaxed she almost fell asleep, but she fought to keep herself awake so she wouldn’t drown.
But then suddenly she had the thought of… how the hell did Loki let himself in?
Once she had washed and rinsed her hair, she got out of the bath and dried herself. Then put on her dressing gown and headed through to the kitchen.
Loki turned to see her with her hair wrapped up in a towel and her arms folded across her chest.
‘What’s wrong, kitten? Didn’t you enjoy your bath?’ He queried.
‘How did you get in here?’ She asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
Loki suddenly looked very sheepish as he rubbed the back of his head. ‘I uhh… I stole your spare key a few weeks ago. For emergencies.’
Emilia’s eyes widened. ‘What? I wondered where that went, as I was going to give it to you after you gave me yours!’ She squeaked. ‘So you’re not only a persistent, pervy professor stalker, but you are a thief now too.’
‘I guess I am.’ Loki nodded with a smirk. ‘And do you have a problem with that, hmm?’ He prowled towards her, making her back up till she had her back to the wall.
‘I guess not, if you keep feeding me and giving me orgasms.’ She shrugged as Loki pressed against her with his body, trapping her.
‘I’m sure I can manage that.’ He chuckled and kissed her.
That evening after eating dinner, they snuggled up on the sofa with Emilia on Loki’s lap and watched a film. He didn’t initiate sex with her, he just wanting to comfort her. She was too sleepy for anything that would use up energy anyway, so she was glad for just a relaxed night too with lots of cuddles and affection.
On Saturday, Loki had more work to mark so he went back through to his place to do some work in his spare room, which he called his study. Though Emilia always teased him that it was just a spare room, nothing fancy.
He was a few hours in when he heard his door opening, he smirked, knowing it was obviously Emilia.
She walked in a little sheepishly when she found where he was. He saw she had obviously been crying, he turned to her and opened his arms out to her. ‘Come here, kitten.’
She rushed straight over to him and crawled onto his lap, straddling over him. He held her tight and rubbed her back softly as he kissed the top of her head repeatedly.
‘It’s alright, my sweet kitten. It’s all going to be alright.’
They stayed like that for a little while, hugging while he comforted her.
‘I unfortunately do need to do some work… But I get the feeling you need distraction too. So, why don’t you be a good girl and take off your leggings and panties, hmm?’ He said in such a seductive tone that Emilia didn’t know how she didn’t cum on the spot.
She slipped off his lap and did as she was told, while Loki unbuckled his belt and put it neatly to the side on his desk, then he unzipped his trousers and pulled his cock out, stroking a few times till he was nice and hard.
Emilia’s mouth watered a bit when she eyed him up, but Loki turned to her and pulled her to stand closer. He pushed his hand between her thighs, making her part them a bit more for his access, and his long fingers began prodding around her sweet cunt, lightly stroking over her lips and dipping in slightly when she started getting more aroused.
‘Mmm, so easily aroused for me. Such a good girl.’ He purred as he slipped a finger up into her. He pulled his finger out after she moaned, and slid it up over her clit a few times, then pulled away. Making her whine in disappointment.
‘Come on, get on my cock.’ He patted his thigh again and helped her onto him, she gasped out loud as she straddled him and sank down onto his cock, his hands were firm on her hips to pull her down, not letting her ease up or take time to adjust as he filled her entirely.
‘Ohhh, yes. Suck a lovely cockwarmer.’ He growled and his cock twitched inside her, making her mewl in delight.
She was about to start moving on him, but he swiftly smacked her bum.
‘Did I say you could move, kitten? Hmm?’
‘N… No… Sorry, Sir.’ She trembled, slightly surprised at the telling off. But it aroused her to no end.
‘You do as you’re told and keep still. Your job is to keep my cock warm while I mark this work. Can I trust you to do that without any trouble? Hmm?’ He asked as he gripped her chin roughly, making her look at him.
‘Y… Yes, Sir.’ She whimpered.
Loki pressed a kiss to her lips, gave her some praise and then tucked her head to his shoulder so he could shift the chair closer to the table again, the movement making her moan. He smirked cockily as he picked up his pen and continued doing his work with her draped around and on him.
But her hands began to wander at the base of his neck, then through his hair and she tugged lightly a few times. Deliberately trying to get a reaction out of him.
And hell, she got a reaction. But not what she had been hoping for. Her wrists were swiftly grabbed and tugged behind her back, where he used his belt to tie them together at her lower back.
‘Sir, that’s not fair.’ She whined and pouted, she tried bouncing a bit on him. But that earned her a really hard smack to the bum, almost making her jump off him entirely.
‘FUCK!’ She yelped out, of course that caused her to get yet another smack.
‘SIR!’ She snarled at him.
‘I said, behave. No more whining.’ Loki said firmly, squeezing her cheeks together roughly as he gripped her face.
‘But how am I supposed to just sit here on your cock? It’s not fair!’ She whined again, even with her cheeks squished together.
‘I warned you, no more whining.’ He released her cheeks and opened the top drawer of his desk, she tried wriggling again, but he clamped his other arm firmly around her and dug his fingers in, making her halt her movements.
Her eyes widened when he pulled out a ball gag.
‘Do you always keep weird things in your drawers?’ She smirked as he brought the gag up to her face.
‘Always for emergencies when my kitten is being a brat.’ He smirked and narrowed his eyes at her, then pressed the gag to her mouth. ‘Open.’
She shook her head defiantly and kept her lips tightly shut.
Loki wasn’t going to let her get away with it that easily. He used full force of his swing and smacked her ass again, making her howl in agony. And it had the desired outcome as she opened her mouth so he could shove the ball gag in place. Then he tied it behind her head, making sure not to catch her hair in it.
She snarled at him through the gag, only making him laugh in amusement.
‘I will have obedience from you, kitten. Whether I have to forcefully take it or not.’ He growled and thrust his hips up, making his cock nudge deeper into her. Her eyes rolled back and her forehead fell against his shoulder.
In the position they were in, he was incredibly deep inside her, it felt far too good. But it was also SO torturous as she wasn’t allowed to move.
‘Now, you will sit silently and cockwarm me as I work.’ He said firmly and kept an arm clamped tightly around her waist, keeping her lodged down on him.
Whenever she attempted very slight movements, grinding down against him or squeezing her inner muscles, she would get a very sore swat to the backside. So she soon learned and just whimpered through the gag against his shoulder.
It was absolute torture, and he kept her like that for best part of an hour, until he was finished with his marking.
Then he leaned back and tilted her face up, she was drooling from the gag, such an erotic sight that she actually felt him harden even more within her, making him feel deeper than ever, if that was even possible.
‘Oh, kitten. Such a pretty sight, all frustrated and just desperate for some movement.’ He cooed and traced his fingers lightly over her features on her face, her skin tingled at his touch.
‘Do you want to cum?’
She nodded desperately, eyes pleading with him.
‘I supposed I could allow it.’ He twitched within her, making her tremble.
He held her hips firmly and began moving her around on his cock, still keeping deep so she could feel that really deep pressure building up. His pubic hair was scratching against her exposed clit, sending her hurtling towards the edge she craved.
And it didn’t take much for either of them. As soon as she started cumming on his cock, he came too and filled her up.
Loki panted hard and bit down on her shoulder, while she shuddered on his lap and was extremely sensitive. When he’d cum, he didn’t pull out though. She did feel him go slightly soft inside her, but he remained there.
‘Ohhh, kitten. So wonderful you are.’ He took the ball gag out of her mouth, she breathed in deeply, glad it was out. Her jaw was a little bit achey as she had never had anything in it for that long before.
Loki reached up and gently massaged her jaw. ‘Sore?’
‘Just a little.’ She shrugged and placed her head on his shoulder again.
She could already feel him growing a little harder inside her again, her walls fluttering around him in the aftermath of her orgasm helping him along.
‘Thank you.’ She whispered and nibbled on his shoulder. ‘For distracting me.’
‘Any time, kitten.’ He smoothed his hand up and down her back softly, just enjoying the moment of peace with her. While they were still joined in the most intimate place.
‘I… I thought I would be ok. Normally I am… Though sometimes I stay with Sky for a few days. But I think each year it gets harder, not easier. I don’t know why. But I just, let my mind get the better of me when I’m alone it seems.’ She opened up to him.
‘It’s bound to be a difficult time, darling… You know you can just stay here for the rest of the weekend, you don’t need to come and go. Unless that’s what you prefer. It’s entirely up to you.’ Loki said softly.
‘I’d like that.’ She smiled against him. Then she leaned back a little to look at him, her forehead was all sweaty and so was his.
‘I uhm… I always go lay fresh flowers on their graves. Would you… Would you come with me tonight?’ She asked, feeling a little shy about asking that for some reason.
But Loki smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘Of course I will.’  
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