#and I don’t like the food and wine merch this year
youareheaven · 8 months
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this is what I feel like rn because I wanna buy clothes and accessories soooo bad but I don’t get paid until Friday
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apollostears · 3 years
BOYFRIEND [ s. todoroki ]
↬︎ anime: my hero academia
↬︎ featuring: prohero!shoto todoroki x reader
↬︎ warning(s): swearing, nsfw, endeavor
PLOT. hcs on prohero!shoto being your boyfriend.
ADVISORY. reader is black and female unless stated otherwise.
shinso hitoshi vr.
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↠︎ i believe that shoto (and the others) are more likely to be comfortable dating someone they’ve known for awhile.
↠︎ after graduating UA together, working at the same agencies together starting out, and now being in the top 5 of the hero ranks; y’all are certified besties.
↠︎ to celebrate the opening of shoto’s shibuya agency, the both of you had a night of expensive wine and home cooked food at your place.
↠︎ feelings were shared and now you guys were dating.
↠︎ dating prohero!shoto came with a lot of media attention.
↠︎ you had enough on your own, but add on endeavor’s prodigal son and one of the hottest proheroes to date, you got tabloids with your face on it every day
↠︎ shoto is still a v private person and was incredibly worried about how this would affect your relationship.
↠︎ with reassurance, you both were able to move past the excessive paparazzi and focus on your relationship.
↠︎ shoto is a v passionate lover.
↠︎ every time he speaks it sounds like a beautifully written sonnet that could put shakespeare to shame.
↠︎ acts of service is his number one love language. buying you flowers, dropping off lunch, opening/closing doors, massaging your body after work etc. are all things shoto just does naturally.
↠︎ he’s v giving and really just wants the best for you.
↠︎ is easily the type to give you the world both bc you deserve it and bc it was never given to them.
↠︎ as the years went by since being in UA, shoto became slightly more adjusted to affection so it wasn’t super awkward the first time you guys kissed and whatnot.
↠︎ but he’s still not keen on pda and prefers intimate/private settings.
↠︎ is an attention whore
↠︎ craves your attention, even before y’all started dating.
↠︎ always tries really hard to communicate well with you. like if he’s gonna be late for dinner or etc. expect a message or call from him in advance.
↠︎ is the type of bf to protect you from anyone no hesitation. you don’t like somebody, he now hates them. someone tryna talk ill about you? he’s brutally reading them for filth with the most monotone voice ever.
↠︎ is v gentle with you. never raising his voice or showing any negative energy. y’all’s relationship is really one of peace and safety.
↠︎ completely transparent w you. he cannot tell a lie.
↠︎ adores cuddling. loves being held and coddled, it was something he never knew he needed.
↠︎ but he also really loves holding and loving on you like you deserve.
↠︎ takes you on trips frequently.
↠︎ y’all almost always go somewhere around christmas and the start/end of summer.
↠︎ he loves spoiling you even if you don’t like it yourself, but he won’t go overboard.
↠︎ can’t really help much w doing your hair but always makes sure you’re prepared and stocked.
↠︎ really likes fucking you from the side.
↠︎ it’s just such a great position for him, especially when y’all cuddle.
↠︎ is, of course, into the mating press and before he started coming in you, it was just another good position.
↠︎ but once you allowed him to take that rubber off, his breeding kink was activated as he watched his cum mix with yours and drip out of your pussy.
↠︎ overstimulates you for his own pleasure. eating you out is one way to make him bust quick.
↠︎ your pleasure and happiness is such a turn on for him, that poor shoto can’t help but fuck his cock against the mattress while bringing you to your fourth orgasm w just his tongue.
↠︎ is really into fucking you to sleep. just can’t help but put his restless baby to bed.
↠︎ is not opposed to you taking the lead. doesn’t really believe in top/bottom, dom/sub etc. just whatever you into and vice versa, is what works.
↠︎ anytime you wear his merch or tight ass leggings/shorts, he loses his fucking mind.
↠︎ gets horny every time he catches you doing domestic shit for him. has fucked you several times on his kitchen table.
↠︎ will dirty talk you to HELL.
“there we go. such a nice pussy, sucking me in. might just give her my seed if she keeps behaving well.”
↠︎ and it always shocks u bc it’s like, todoroki?? where that mouth come from?!
↠︎ is lowkey possessive of you but it only activates around his family, particularly his dad.
↠︎ back to the breeding, some of endeavor’s old habits die hard and seeing how breed-able you look really makes him wanna act up. that’s when shoto gotta come out of character to remind you, and his father, whose pussy that is.
↠︎ is 100% into body worshipping. he loves praising you and vice versa.
↠︎ also likes cockwarming, especially in between patrol shifts and you’re in his office on his cock, feeding him soba. (it could let in a child!!)
↠︎ but then he gets sensitive and whiny if y’all do it too long so before you know it, you’re on your back getting fucked stupid.
↠︎ y’all don’t do a lot of crazy things in the bedroom, but shoto always delivers and makes sure you feel satisfied.
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↬︎ join the taglist: @rubinocore @nyxeclipse @sweeneyblue1@knjkitten@namjoonswifeyy @sunrayyellowhalo @pimpnameyannie @brownmochi
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
DNP Rewatch: Trying Pumpkin Spice On Every Food!
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Date video was published: 10/23/2020 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 424
This video is so chaotic...I am ready.
0:00 - great opening to this video. also, top tier Phil look again
0:09 - I mean, it seems like he went into this with a chaotic attitude, so no wonder the video turned out that way
0:18 - “an experiment” just sounds suspicious coming from Phil
0:23 - whyyyyy the eggplant emoji there 😂
0:26 - love that he’s impressed with himself for that
0:46 - don’t really want to hear food described as “wet” 
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0:55 - though he was just going with “nice” or “nope” but now he’s added a rating system
1:04 - Phil had way more confidence in that working than I would
1:12 - in a wine glass. because why not
1:14 - so much syrup, noooooo 😱
1:22 - always with his pointer finger sticking out when drinking
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1:42 - “experiment’s going well so far” is it?!
1:46 - he keeps grabbing thing by almost tossing them at himself (he did with the milk too!) so this was bound to happen
1:47 - he got SO LUCKY with that glass 😂
2:07 - bad choice there! I feel like probably he does this with all spices to try them, now that we know he used to lick salt as a child
2:15 - he deserves his annotation self-call-outs in this one. “sparingly” I mean...
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2:38 - yeah this one seems like it would be okay...maybe without the addition of the “pumpkin spice milk”
2:45 - he cannot get through a video with any sort of props without making a mess
2:49 - just incorporating making dinner into the video, sure
3:04 - “one of god’s delicacies” I don’t think I want to know how often Phil just eats marshmallows
3:16 - his hand-waving when he doesn’t like something! so consistent over the years
3:28 - Scream watching! he’s talked about it being one of his favorite movies and tweeted so much about Scream 4 when it was announced and released (1, 2, 3, 4, bonus Dan)
3:39 - unlike Phil I eat popcorn one piece at a time. which might be weird.
3:43 - this does sound delicious actually
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4:14 - seems like it, but maybe not with the syrup...
4:35 - this just made me want pizza now
5:02 - the progression of how he decided what foods and drinks to use...you can fully see how his thought process went. the milk and cereal. the popcorn, soda, and then soda flavored candy... 😂
5:11 - I think he is way overestimating what a “little” of the spice is
5:33 - the little things Phil just thinks of and incorporates are so great
5:44 - pumpkin spice and anything with cheese does not sound appealing...no thanks. I can’t believe this was one of the worst ones though
6:25 - why would he grab it by one leaf?! oh dear...
6:51 - actually surprised he went to the effort of cutting a whole pineapple. but also: why did he think this combo would be a good idea at all?!
6:54 - “since pineapple is a solid and a liquid” ...what. I mean I see what he was thinking...but. what.
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7:09 - really can’t believe the pizza was somehow worse than that
7:11 - “I feel like I’ve made out with satan” 😂
7:16 - why, why, WHYYYYYY
7:19 - he knows this is going to go poorly
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7:41 - the reaction was almost immediate. hand-waving!
8:14 - I don’t know...they keep coming up with more every year it seems
8:26 - Phil had released his new merch just a few days before this. this round of Phil merch was so good! there were also several behind-the-scenes clips (1, 2, 3) of the photo shoot
8:37 - Phil always wanting to eat his candles
The chaos is the funniest part of this video. He went in with that energy and he succeeded. It was best on the first watch when I didn’t know what was coming, but still entertaining on re-watch!
Between this video and the last is when I started to slowly get into the DNP fandom here on Tumblr. I re-watched both of their coming out videos on national coming out day earlier in the month, and that led me to start re-watching others, and then to see what was happening here. So glad I did! Although I did just lurk for several months before starting this blog. I remember this distinctly because of the stir caused by the empty chair in Phil’s promo for this video.
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
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2020.12.16 The World We Live In at Zepp Nagoya, 1st event report
They started with a huuuge delay, a bit of a mess with merchandise sale (with 1st and 2nd part being sold separately) etc.
And snow was teasing us when we were waiting outside because it is Nagoya😆
After the live footage (with a bit of a trouble one moment), music videos for Ochita and TWOM, they brought 4 sets of small high tables with chairs.
Fujieda stayed on the left side and first  apologized for the delay and announced that band members will arrive.
Everyone held their breath in as members came in, Toshiya and Die!
Die brought his hair game at the highest level, he also wore sunglasses with diamonds or something sparkling? Sorry, I was sitting in the last row on 1st floor😅 he wore all black, with a flowy/thorn style jacket.
Toshiya wore a brown leather jacket and a black DIRT top with the necklace thing.
Fujieda asked them to introduce themselves and next they talked about the Zepp Yokohama performance. Toshiya said he was nervous. Die said that he was surprised with how naturally it went for him, but he felt strange about the cameras (?)
Fujieda: how was it on that day?
Toshiya: it went by so quickly.
F: you were also filming a document. And the music video for TWOM.
Die: it took some time.
F: to complete it.
(they talked more about the video)
F: today it was unveiled in full for the 1st time. It was filmed in Takadanobaba.
T: it was a very small place
Next Fujieda asked them about their current situation.
Die said that things are not changing, the way they make songs stayed the same, there's no concert schedule, their surroundings/scenery is not changing at all, is stagnant. It felt like there was one single rythm for the whole year and suddenly it's December.
Next, they talked about the same time last year, when they toured in America. Die said because it feels like there was nothing this year it feels like it was very recently, like yesterday.
Fujieda: is there anything you've enjoyed even a bit recently?
D: today.
T: not really.
F: nothing?
T: the ramen we had earlier.
Next Fujieda recounts the events from Jan/Feb - Europe, March/SOGAI, May with the 5 day audio stream event. He asked them about it.
D: I listened to all of them. I got the setlists from the members earlier, but I still listened. It was really interesting.
T: I didn't watch.
F brought up the topic of the archives and special talk, that they also participated together then.
D: it was fun, exciting.
Next F talked about Pia Arena and the event for VIP ticket holders. T ???
After that they talked about WOWOW and members produced t-shirts.
T: it was quite hot, in summer.
D wanted to have his hair done properly (like all gorgeous-ed up?)
T joked that he changed his hair to this (while pointing the lenght with his hand)
Then they talked about the items they prepared for this event, F passed them their items, it seems it was the first time they saw the final product.
Die commented he wanted to make it more stylish/standing out, but then he was worried that fans won't be able to use it on daily basis. But they both have lyrics from Ochita
F: it's a simple design (in a good way)
And after that F struggled with pronouncing 必需品・ひつじゅひん・essentials while members were poking fun at him😆
F finally succeeded and commented he likes black because you don't have to worry about it getting dirty.
Next they talked about Toshiya's merch.
D: I was surprised by the size.
T: I requested big size, but this is huge (😂) also don't pink and purple ones look the same?
F: there are 5 colors, one for each member plus silver, sold at random.
T: sorry you got a random item (to fans)
F: but it makes it fun, like gacha/casaule toys. They got sold out for the 1st event.
Next they moved to the questionnaire, F passed them papers with questions from fans.
F: if you like any questions please read them.
T: like now?!
(isn't that the whole event idea?😂 )
Die went first.
D: 'what sweets are you into now?'
T: recently... a frozen mikan orange.
They talked about his ice cream during the special talk as well😆
F: how about you, Die?
D: the top of akafuku (mochi covered with red bean paste). In the past I only ate the top and gave the bottom to a kohai (younger friend/bandoman).
T: 'what was the food you ate in Nagoya when you visited for the first time? what  kind of famous Nagoya food do you like?'
D: first time ever? This time?
(they agree to talk about this time)
D: I can't eat unagi (eel) because of fishbones, but I ate a bit of hitsumabushi (famous eel dish in Nagoya).
(T laughed at him for being so weak😂)
F: hitsumabushi is definitely delicious. How about you, T?
T struggled with answering, F tried helping suggesting food they tried, Miso nikomi ramen. at Sugakiya (?)
T told us there was their shop in some department store where he used to go together with his family, so it's a nice memory for him.
D: 'are you into Kimetsu no yaiba/Demon Slayer?'
T: it's crazy popular now.
D: did you see it?
T: it finished recently.
D said he doesn't watch anime and he REALLY doesn't want to hear Kimetsu theme song anymore (it's played everywhere).
F: do you have a fav character?
T: not really.
F tried to encourage them to watch the movie.
T: 'during the period we were asked to stay home many people started to do more online shopping. What was the best item you got online?'
(I missed what was it that Die bought, but something to do with organizing I think???)
D: do you buy clothes?
T: not online.
D: so what do you mainly buy online?
T: alcohol.
D: buying in a bulk is good.
T: and I buy stuff that I can't find in normal shops.
F: what kind of alcohol?
T: wine.
T: 'because of the COVID situation there are many things we can't do now or we struggle with something. What is it for the band members?'
D: with the situation that there are absolutely no shows, nul, I actually started to question who I am.
They joked about needing some kind of therapy or training for when the shows will start again.
T: I really want the life with concerts back.
F talked about the additional The World You Live In event. Then it was the time for the final comments from the band members.
Die: ...hmm... standing on the stage right now I got to feel even more that I really want to play a concert, and it's a venue I really like. The situation is still not good now, things are difficult (concert and otherwise) but we're working on the songs for the next album, for the next year. I'd be really happy if we could have a tour at the same time with the album release.
Toshiya: in this kind of situation we can't do usual things, play concerts and so on. I'm always nervous, worried if people are going to come to our shows. But there are people who are waiting for us and for them I want to make music and plan concerts in the future.
Then Die stood up and said he wants to try standing in his usual spot on the stage, he walked around the kamite area.
Toshiya: you should play air guitar😎
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Hc inverse au! Fem Reader in Victorian era England and ynm characters are in our time.
You are a character in an anime and ynm are in real life
( he seems like the type to be into really dense, historical mangas)
He first read a manga featuring you when one of his students left their copy on their desk and he had to overview some students while they were using the presentation room.
He mostly just sat in the first row while the group of teens were recording hamlet for the theater class.
He didn't really took the story seriously so he started reading a lady who was trying to seduce a noble for a few pages, he was about to leave the manga given that he supposed it was a hentai but when you poisoned them with the wine cup he found it interesting
The main character had a set of very strong ideals that weren't so common in the historical context, be it strip nobles and royals from benefits, be a suffragette, or something similar .He ate the manga in five minutes
When he returns home (and leaves the item in lost objects, ofc) he checks online to buy the first volume to see if the background and sort are interesting along with every other volume and official light novel and Novella . He usually isn't home from very early to very late at night so it would be Louis most likely the one who receives the box with the books
"Brother, did you buy a box full of comics" Louis asks from the kitchen after he feels his older brother returning home
" oh? They already arrived? I thought they would be here next week" well Louis always was worries about how his brother didn't have any hobbies aside from teaching at the University so he was happy that he found something else to do with his life
He would ask for a sick day on a Monday or Friday so he could plan everything that was needed at his class that day and spend the weekend lazing around and reading the various volumes and the light novels. That day Louis and albert almost cried of happiness, that was the first time he took a sick day in all of his teaching years to take a break
The type of fan who creates theories that everything is symbolism, how they are ambidextrous to show that even if they intend good sometimes their methods are too extreme or how their hat was placed or the color of their clothes show their political affiliation. Nothing can be just a coincidence with him, everything means something
Is a big pain in the ass about historical inaccuracies, be it dress, manners or social hierarchy being off
" But listen this is the late Victorian era, where is their crinoline??/ They are supposed to be a Victorian dandy and the writer wants me to believe they would wear that? In that society?" williams turned on the lights to his younger brother room while walking in circles as if he was trying to calm down
" Williams it's 3 am. Please I want to sleep"
" Oh and don't let me get started when they crossdressed/dressed as lady northinburg, that tight lacing scene made me so angry" he was dragging his words, Louis guessed he was sleep drunk " how much I hate that, karolina or bernadette would kill those producers if they saw it" Louis simply opted to sleep while his brother was ranting about how the hairstyles were al wrong
When speaking of merchandising he appreciates his mature and elegant reputation so he would buy small things like cute stationery and notebooks and a few pens. Most of them either are about the main character, you, or have the anime title or something similar
A few students think that the professor brings some childish pens in case some student forgets one and he doesn't have to give them his mechanical pencil. He actually uses those pens when he is grading the exams. His notebook annotations look a lot cleaner and are more colorfully bc of the markers and pens
When and if your manga gets and anime he would be 100 percent bitching about how they skipped, if you are a minor character, scenes where you are introduced or you character gets development.
" Oh my goodness, they skipped to this ark? And 'the mask'? In that ark we get the development of many characters, yn, edward, Amélie, Alex. We are absolutely robed of their backgrounds and aspirations and how they are all connected"
" Brother be honest with yourself, you only wanted more animated yn, you follow their voice actor on twitter"
" That is not my point!"
he was watching it when he came late
Albert usually keeps company to his youngest brother until around 5-6 pm, then he leaves for work and returns around 12 am and eats dinner alone mostly.
When he returns from his job the house is more often than not totally dark so he makes his way to the kitchen and microwaves the leftovers and eats silently.
But one day it seems like Louis or williams forgot to turn off the TV before going to bed, he was about to turn it off but decided that watching something with the tv muted wouldn't wake his brothers up and kept watching.
He didn't pay much attention to it at the start but it became routine, he comes home, heats the food, sits down and watches that show so he grew quite fond of it
How much attention he pays to it depends on the type of plot it has, if it is light-hearted humor he would most likely not pay much attention but laugh when a joke came, one the other hand, if it's a more serious he would find it hard to take his eyes away from the screen
Second least likely to buy merchandising, if he buys it's mostly to wear home, a one size too big shirt for a pj (mostly for the comedy anime) or, if they aren't childish and look professional maybe a pocket watch like the one x character uses ( in the more serious one)
Won't buy the mangas if there are any because he is happy watching the animated version and already has to read a lot at work, but if he is gifted the volumes he will read them sparingly, maybe he will finish one volume every week and a half, unlike williams.
He spends most of his time home because of his illness and doesn't like to stress too much given that it makes the symptoms worse, he enjoys light hearted comedies or cooking in the victorian era or those typical time travelers who now have to live in different situations than those they are used to
He most likely found it after doing all the housework and being bored so he opted to browse the TV or netflix and fell on one specific serie
If it is a comedy he will listen to it while cleaning or cooking, he feels like he does everything faster and the housework is more enjoyable that way.
If it's a cooking related program he will watch as entertainment after doing everything and to get ideas what to cook, he is always surprised with the recipes that your character comes up with, be them savory ( things he will absolutely do the next day for lunch or dinner) or sweet ( things he will make more sparingly given he can't have too much sugar). I think of mangas and series like the duchess' 50 te recipes or shokugeki no soma
If it the third option he was interested on the alternatives to modern things, like how to make a more natural soap with animal fat and wood ash, or how to use certain plants to help a headache or stomach bug.
With merchandising he doesn't buy much, some kitchenware and some bowls mugs and maybe a tea set that isn't much of an eyesore. Overall he isn't all that crazy over that kind of things if there is a cooking book he will definitely buy it
He, like albert, doesn't care much about historical accuracy and if the events that happen are cohesive, he is there to have fun
He watched it because he heard his classmates talk about it and wanted to join them but was too scared to bother them if he didn't know anything. Baby has the social abilities of an anxious lobster
He comes home from college and looks the anime up in his phone and, like every broke college student, he watches it from an illegal streaming service.
He gets hooked up and stays all night watching it until his clock snaps him out of his trance and makes him drag his feet to his 7:30 am class
Fred tries and fails to talk to the group so, after the lesson, he drags himself to his room to be miserable alone. It's not until he reaches a certain chapter or episode where you say something that make him think, " if you wish to be loved you must face first your fear to be known" he keeps thinking about it, he didn't truly ever talk to the group, he cowarded before even trying.
The next week at that same lecture he approaches the group and tries to make some small talk
" Oh hey uhm i heard the past class that you liked (maga name)" he was this close to running to his desk and act as if nothing happened
" Yeah! You like it too?" The boy seemed to notice fred was nervous
" Yes! I really like it, what is you favorite character? Mine is yn" he certainly didn't have any favorite one before but after this he thinks your character is pretty good " they are really inspiring"
In terms of merch he is broke so there is none, If he had any money to spare he would buy notebooks and even those chibi statues or funko pops
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trillian-anders · 4 years
3,643 miles
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, smut (& exhibitionism), wee bit of angst
word count: 9.1k
description: established relationship; you’d met in college, both education majors. you really love bucky barnes, and nearing your five year anniversary when he proposes you go on a coast-to-coast road trip on summer vacation. you seem skeptical and unsure, but he assures you it’s worth it. 
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New York City, New York – Mile 0
You hadn’t been serious. Not entirely anyway. Months ago, when you said to Bucky, half asleep, “We should go on a road trip, just you and me.” You remember his raspy voice in reply,
“Oh yeah?” His fingers slowly trailing down your bare spine as you slipped off into sleep.
It was something you’d almost forgotten all about until he brought it up five months later.
“Hey, do you think we should rent a car or just take mine?” You were chewing on a pen cap, going over the essays you needed to grade by Monday, a glass of wine by your side. He was sitting across from you, laptop open and a notebook full of different scribbles.
“For what?” You ask, taking a sip of your wine.
“Our road trip.” Like you’d forgotten, like it was something you’d already decided on. You shake your head, confused.
“What road trip?” His brow furrows.
“You said you wanted to go on a road trip.”
“When?” He was silent for a moment, staring at you like you had two heads.
“Christmas… when we were going to bed, you said you wanted to go on a road trip.” He explains simply, “Just the two of us.” You shake your head again.
“I was drunk on Christmas.” As if it explains it away, “We don’t really have the funds to take a road trip across the country, how long would that even take?” Typing a few things into your search bar you sigh, “Two to three months?”
“They went like everywhere,” He defends, “We are just going straight across.”
“I don’t know Bucky…” You sat back in your chair, crossing your arms.
“I’ve been doing the math.” He comes to your side of the table squatting down at your side, “We have more than twice of what we would need in savings, we still have enough to put down on a house next summer.” A kiss to your hand and some puppy dog eyes. “And we will be back in time for Steve’s wedding.” A kiss to your wrist, “C’mon baby, we’re still young, and pretty soon we won’t have time to do stuff like this. We never get to do anything this adventurous, come on.” You sigh, he’s right.
For the last five years you two had been together you were both working full-time jobs and in college. When school ended and you both got jobs you stayed in the shitty studio apartment you’d gotten when you first moved in together on the cheap to save every penny you could towards getting a nice house in the suburbs, something you both desperately wanted whenever the subject of marriage and kids rolled about. Which seemed to be more common lately, more so with both of your parents than with each other.
“You’re not getting any younger.” From both your Mom and his. His younger sister was just starting college and nowhere near continuing the Barnes bloodline, so his Mom was especially needy with you as far as wanting grandchildren. Something you and Bucky had briefly talked about but hadn’t made any real serious strides towards having. Your implant was good for another couple years and it wasn’t a real concern.
“Okay,” You agreed, “We should probably take your car to save some money.” A rental for even a month would be way too much. Bucky grinned, kissing you, again and again.
“It’s going to be so fun.” A kiss. “Really is.” Another kiss. His hand slipping to palm at your breast.
“Bucky I have to grade these essays.” He shrugs.
“Grade ‘em tomorrow.” A tweak of your nipple, his mouth sinking down to your neck, a well-practiced weak spot that never failed to make you shiver.
“Bucky.” You whined, fingers coming to grip his shoulders.
“C’mon baby.” You were weak for it. Played right into his hands and he knew it. You were such a sucker.
The last day of classes came faster than you thought, the morning after, bright and early you were getting ready to hit the road. Bucky had let you over plan a little if only to satisfy yourself and solidify the fact that you wanted to go on this trip. Almost 4,000 miles. The road ahead of your seemed daunting but he liked to remind you,
“We have all summer; we don’t need to rush.” Which means if you need to stop for the night, then you needed to stop for the night, but the goal was to drive as close to each major destination as you could before looking for a room at a nearby hotel or motel. Whatever seemed more convenient. You’d packed one large suitcase between the two of you and a bag of snacks and drinks for the times where you couldn’t reach a gas station or got uncontrollably snacky and bored.
“Please don’t forget to water our plants.” You begged the blond. Steve seemed a little done with it.
“I won’t forget to water the plants.” He was going to forget, he was beautiful, but endlessly forgetful. You sigh, stepping into his open arms and hugging him. “You guys be careful, if you run into any trouble just give me a call.”
“We’re going to be fine.” Bucky took his friend into a hug after you released him, “We’ll let you know when we get to DC.” The first stop on the trip.
“Have fun! Try not to kill each other!” You roll your eyes, slipping into the passenger seat and plugging your phone in, getting the GPS set up. Bucky slipped into the driver’s seat, grasping your hand and laying a kiss on your palm.
“You ready baby?” You smile excitedly,
“Yeah, I’m ready.” Your little notebook in your lap. A polaroid camera for the aesthetic. A picture developing on your lap that you’d gotten Steve to take of the two of you in front of the car before leaving. The first stretch wasn’t very long. Just about four hours with mild traffic, but you knew with it would be closer to six, but once you were out of the North East the roads would open up at least for a little while.
You hit traffic trying to get out of the city almost immediately which is why you liked Bucky driving. Driving in the city was always stressful and you rarely ever had to do it, you’d never gotten that NYC aggression and seeing as he learned how to drive on these streets you let him take the first leg. You’d switch with him most likely somewhere in New Jersey, probably before you hit Delaware.
“Aren’t you excited?” He asks you. You had to admit, seeing him so giddy and excited about something further enforced the excitement you had been feeling about this trip. You’d never been anywhere further than the North East, once you broke free of DC you’d be in uncharted territory and it did excite you.
“Of course, I am.” You smiled at him, he leaned over the center console to kiss you, a loving sweet kiss interrupted by a loud honk from the man behind you, the light was green.
Washington, DC – Mile 233
“Okay, smile.” Bucky snapped a picture of you standing in front of the National Mall, the Washington Monument tall in the background. The day stayed bright and sunny. With the plan of hitting a museum before dinner, the two of you arrived around lunch time, stopping to grab some food before parking the car and walking around on foot.
You’d snapped a couple pictures of him on your phone while he’d been talking to his Mother during lunch, which you scrolled through while you walked to the next destination. The Smithsonian. The Natural History museum that had currently been doing an exhibit on the late Stan Lee. Something Bucky was excited about.
Copies of old prints. Videos of Stan Lee himself, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko. A bunch of first editions in plexiglass containers. His favorite, however, was the character his parents named him after. A life replica of the suit he wears in the comics on display. You took a couple pictures of him with it, sending them onto the group chat you had with him and his family.
His hand was in yours walking through more exhibits, both of you aimlessly walking up to different displays and stopped at the little gift shop for Bucky to look at some exclusive merch they had for the Stan Lee exhibit, including a paperback book about Stan Lee and a large exhibit book with detailed explanations about everything you’d just seen.
“Did you want to drive tonight?” Bucky asked while you were grabbing coffee, “Or do you want to find a room?” You playfully shove him, he playfully shoves you back.
Later your back would find the soft hotel mattress, giggling and a little drunk from the multiple drinks had at dinner. The hum of his lips against yours, fingers plucking on your strings, gentle moans and a hand pressed against the headboard as it smacks against the wall in a steady rhythm.
It was nice. This vacation was nice. And much needed after wrangling teenagers all day.
“I love you so much.” You moan against his mouth, the grind of his hips against yours making your eyes roll in the back of your head. His fingers laced in yours.
You knew that you and Bucky had a good relationship. It’s always been stable and nice and good. You love him and you know he loves you. You’ve never had to question that. Your last relationship, seemed like so long ago now, wasn’t that great. Time never made for each other, a great lack of communication, just being young adults and drinking too much at parties and screaming at each other in the car.
When you met Bucky it was an instant attraction. He was charming, sweet. He’d brought you snacks in the library and helped you study for your history exams. Currently, he was still slowly working towards his Doctorate, wanting to eventually teach at the college you’d both attended. But back then you’d moved in together almost instantly. Not just because the relationship came so easily, but because of finances as well.
Money was a little less tight when someone was sharing the bills with you.
Yeah, you had your arguments. Someone leaves their dishes next to the sink instead of in it. Someone keeps putting off taking out the trash. Someone doesn’t make the bed in the morning. Someone leaves their dirty socks next to the hamper than inside it. But they were small things. Things you could both try to do better. And you have.
Another thing all together was the sex.
You were never someone who said the sex had to be good right away. It takes time to learn someone’s body and really figure out what someone likes and what they don’t like. And while the sex has definitely improved over the years, he knew how to make you cum in less than two minutes and was very proud of that fact, your first sexual experience with each other had his head under your skirt in a dark corner of the school library like you were a Victorian royal canoodling with a servant.
You were red about it for days, thinking about how hard you came on his tongue almost caught by another student looking for records for their thesis. The grin on his face for a week afterward as he enjoyed the hastily decided exhibitionism.
It grew from there.
Bucky loved the fear of getting caught, it was one of his favorite things. You couldn’t even really remember everywhere the two of you had sex of some kind. And when you’d had your second pregnancy scare you decided to get the little implant you still have now.
“I love you so fucking much.” That grind. You loved it and he knew it. He would have your knees hooked over his arms, resting in his elbows, he would be deep, brushing your cervix and grinding his hips against yours, pubic bone grinding on your clit. Your nerve endings on fire. “So fucking wet.” Around him. You could feel his cock throb inside of you and you knew how badly he wanted to move, but he wanted you to beg him for it more.
And you would.
Your leg was over his thigh at breakfast. Sitting at the bar top of the little diner. “So I think today will just be driving.” Over a piece of toast, “I think it’s like… 10 or 11 hours.” So you’d probably get there just in time to get some sleep. He nods, taking a bite out of his omelet, his thumb brushing your thigh. You were scrolling through your phone. His fingers playing with the hem of your shorts.
“Do you want to drive first?” He asks, “Or do you want me to?”
 Nashville, TN – Mile 890
The road to Nashville cut through the mountains. Music blasting and windows down, you snapped pictures as Bucky traversed the winding roads that were mostly empty aside from shipment trucks and the occasional other car also travelling to some unknown destination. It was gorgeous out there.
“Could you imagine living out here?” You asked him as you spot a cabin mixed in among the trees on the side of the mountain not too far in the distance. He had his sunglasses on, his hair a little grown out and longer than he usually kept it was whipping around his face.
“Absolutely not.” He laughed. The city boy, through and through, you’d really struggled over deciding where you’d like to buy a house when the two of you decided to actually start saving. He wanted to buy an apartment first, but then a debate of what would be more realistic, what would give them enough living space for what they would be paying. There was a period of time where all you looked at were the pretty brownstones you knew you couldn’t afford, but once the two of you reeled it in and really looked you decided to move closer to where Bucky would be working as a professor.
“It’s bad enough you have me moving to New Jersey.” He laughs. But it was all a jest, he wanted to work for Rutgers in New Brunswick. It was where both of you went to college, after all.
“We should go camping.” You take a picture as you cross a bridge, capturing the rippling mountain water.
“You would hate camping.” He shakes his head, “You went to summer camp for a week in fifth grade and told me it was the worst experience of your life.” You sit back in your seat glaring at him.
“Maybe it would be different now that I’m an adult,” You offer, “And the only reason why it was horrible in the first place is because night one the girls said the cabin was haunted and then I just couldn’t sleep for the rest of the week.” Those little bitches. Bucky full belly laughs, the haunting of the girl was also on top of you getting a UTI and seeing a family of bears roam about outside one day so you couldn’t go outside.
“We are not going camping.” You huff but don’t answer because you know he was right; you’d hate camping.
“I don’t even remember the last time we had McDonald’s.” You say while dipping three fries into your small dipping cup of sauce.
“After finals.” It wasn’t as good as you remember it being, but you’d also gotten a salad to split as well. Not being able to quite justify eating strictly burgers and fries. Bucky’s memory was a steel trap, unlike his blond best friend. Bucky could easily recall events, almost in striking detail which really sucks when you promised to go do something and wanted to act like you forgot, he could tell you exactly when you said it.
Like drunk on Christmas when you say you should take a road trip, although this wasn’t a half bad idea.
“You got a 20-piece nugget.” He continues, “You ranted for the entire night about how they only gave you three sauces for 20 nuggets.” A history major who had great memory recall. Tests were very easy for him. The bastard. You used to be so jealous.
“Sounds like something I would do.” You laugh.
Nashville was dark when you’d arrived. Downtown thriving with noise and pedestrians as you drove around, tired, while Bucky looked at local hotels. You’d found a decent one for cheap not too far from where you’d been driving and as soon as that hotel room door shut you slipped into bed. Waking slightly when Bucky slipped into bed behind you, pulling you into his chest. The little wet strands of his hair tickling your cheek as he pressed a kiss there, falling back under.
The Parthenon. A life size replica of the one in Greece. A polaroid or two there. Nashville was gorgeous. Aside from the main city were little outlying towns with walkable shopping and a ton of little restaurants and local coffee shops.
You take a sip of your iced coffee, giving Bucky an odd look as he looks at a wall of cowboy boots. “You’re not buying those.” He turns and gives you a playful glare. “Babe, they’re $300, no. You would never wear them.”
“Maybe I’m going to make them a staple of my closet.” He shrugs, “That’s what that girl you watch says right, make something a staple and work your other clothes around it?”
“She doesn’t mean $300 cowboy boots.” You laugh. “You’re never going to wear those.”
“I could though.”
“But you won’t.”
You’d gone and enjoyed the city, hit a couple breweries and had bar food before doing a little tour of the Grand Ole Opry and walked around the Opry Mills Mall before grabbing dinner. The restaurant had line dancing and pretty decent barbecue. But the one drink they had, some sort of peach and whiskey, went down a little too smooth. And poor Bucky who hadn’t drank quite as much, was propping you up on his shoulder as you stumble down the street back to your hotel.
“We should go to an actual bar,” You whine. “I’m not tired.” You stumble, his arm wrapping around your waist a little tighter.
“You are tired,” He laughs, “Your bedtime was two hours ago.” You stick your tongue out at him but try to keep step. You’re sure he slowed down from his usual long strides for you.
“We are on vacation,” Another whine, “We can stay out late.”
“Baby everything is closing,” He tries to reason, “It’s 2 am.” You gaze around the area you’re in. Stragglers, barely anyone around. It was a weeknight after all.
“But I don’t wanna go back to the room.” He gives you a look, stopping in the street and backing you up against the wall, capturing your mouth against his, his hips grinding against yours. “Bucky…” A whine against his mouth.
“You don’t want to go back to the room right?” It was a darker corner, the streetlight not quite reaching. His fingers unbuttoned your shorts, slipping his fingers into your panties to stroke at your clit. A moan muffled into his mouth. You could feel how hard he was on your thigh. Your mind frazzled and swimming in alcohol still, hand gripping his wrist as his fingers prod your opening, thumb continuing to move in tight practiced circles on your clit. Your legs were trembling as his face pulled away from yours. His forehead resting against yours, eyes connected. “You’re gonna cum for me, aren’t you baby?”
Fuck. “Yes.” A whine for a different reason this time, his fingers entering you and immediately stroking your g-spot. Your thighs clamping around his hand as you cum, your loud moan muffled by him capturing your mouth. He worked you through your aftershocks before pulling you tightly into his body, massaging the back of your neck, licking your taste off his fingers.
“C’mon baby,” He kisses you again, “Let’s go to bed.”
New Orleans, LA – Mile 1,422
Your head was pounding, eyes closed with a water bottle pressed to your skull. The music soft in the background while Bucky, bless him, offered to take the first leg of the driving. The eight-hour drive that you were sure would take about nine. He was an angel running into the gas station while you pumped the gas to grab you water and medicine for your headache. While not at all laughing about how you fell flat on your ass into the hotel room and begging him to kiss what was now a bruise on your hip and left ass cheek.
“I can’t believe I drank that much.” You groan, taking a sip of your water.
“I can’t believe you drank that much.” Humor in his voice. The asshole. You napped for the first hour or two, before Bucky began to get antsy. Shifting in his seat, trying to stretch his legs out.
“I can drive.” You mumble, coming out of your nap. “I just need my sunglasses.” His hands tightened on the wheel,
“I could probably go another hour or so.” He says. You roll your eyes,
“Next gas station, we’ll switch.” A sip from your water bottle, “You’re obviously uncomfortable.”  He grumbles under his breath, but does it anyway, stepping from the car somewhere in Alabama. He stretches and you swear you could hear a couple pops in his spine. After grabbing a couple snacks and some coffee from the gas station you were back on your way, feeling a little more alive than you had previously.
The music a little louder, Bucky pulled out the book he’d gotten at the Smithsonian, the windows cracked. You made it back on the road and towards your destination still 7 hours long.
When you’d been planning this road trip Bucky decided to make a bunch of playlists on his phone, each supposedly for a different kind of mood, but they all sounded quite the same to you. All but one which was just labeled ‘XXX’ and had such hits as ‘Pony’ by Ginuwine and ‘Sex with Me’ by Rihanna. Which is strange because you’d never had a sex playlist normally, but suddenly he thinks you need one to play on speaker on his phone next to the bed in hotel rooms.
The one he had playing originally was something mellow, without lyrics. Thoughtful to your raging hangover, but you needed something to focus on. Something you could sing, badly to, but sing to keep yourself from going crazy on a stretch of highway you felt like you’d been on forever. Which you kind of were. It was one straight highway for the entire 533 miles it would take to get you from Nashville to New Orleans. That little pitstop just dipping you off the exit and then putting your right back on.
It was brain numbing honestly and you tried to go as long as possible before switching back. Bucky had fallen asleep sometime an hour or so after you started driving, book folded over his thumb and seat tilted back.
You felt bad. You kept him up so late last night and then he’d let you sleep in while he got ready. Bringing you breakfast and coffee and waking you up slowly. You thought back to him in the hotel room, the soft kisses and whispers. He’d gotten you in the shower with the bribe of giving you a massage after, which he did. You glance at him in the rearview, his arm thrown over his eyes. You could go a little longer.
The first thing the two of you did getting into New Orleans was stop for a drive thru daiquiri before finding what hotel you’d be staying in for the night.
Bags down you sip on the strawberry liquor slush, sinking into the sheets of the hotel room. “Take it easy.” Bucky laughs, stealing it from you and taking a sip. “Don’t want a repeat of last night.” You stick your tongue out at him and he leans over and kisses you, your fingers moving to tug on his belt loop, pulling him over to the bed. Sitting up you continue to kiss him, beginning to palm him through his jeans.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” Mumbled against his lips as you begin to work on his belt. “I really appreciate it.” Looking up at him through your lashes as you free him from his briefs. His breath catches as your cool tongue licks the tip, mouth stained red. Wide and flat against his head. Tapping it on your tongue before circling around the tip and sucking it into your mouth, his fingers twisting in your hair, not pushing but just holding.
You drip spit down on his cock, using your hand to spread it down his length before sucking him back in your mouth, beginning to bob your head to meet your stroking hand. Your other hand moving below to fondle his balls.
You watch his head fall back, a gasp as his fingers tighten in your hair. You feel the spongey tip of him brush the back of your throat, holding yourself there for a moment before pulling off and stroking him root to tip. He bent over meeting your mouth, kiss passionate and lusty. When you part you sink your mouth back onto him, moaning.
His hips gently thrust into your face, you know he’s getting close, his breaths coming out in short pants, the barely there thrust of his hips when he’s craving more friction you oblige to, speeding up your movements and you gently tug on his balls.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum baby.” His head tossing back and a groan as he begins to empty himself into your mouth. You work him through his aftershocks, his hips giving one true thrust right at the end before you swallow. His mouth meeting yours in a satisfied hum.
You went to the French Quarter for dinner. A place with a live jazz band and good food. The atmosphere unmatched. The French Quarter was much less of a drunken mess than Bourbon Street itself, that beast to be tackled a different night. You had a little bit of a pregame with those daquiri slushes before dinner. Buzzed and comfortably riding it throughout. You’d sipped on a rum and coke while listening to the jazz. Just enjoying the night. Tired from driving but satiated from the food. Your hand rubbing your belly you were so full.
“I love you.” His fingers twisting in the stray hairs that fell from your clip. You smile at him, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his lips.
“I love you too.”
You stayed mostly sober while he drank on Bourbon Street. You let him sing horrible karaoke at Cat’s Meow and drug him away from his forced politeness with about six other woman and at least five men. And you let him lean on you and babble while you waited for the uber back to your hotel.
“You’re so fuckin—hiccup—pretty.” Wet on your ear, slobbering and you laugh. “Like so fuckin pretty.” His mouth sloppy on your cheek.
“You’re going to have a hell of a hangover tomorrow.” And it would be your turn to take care of him.
That day had been really nice, a little rainy but you’d gotten beignets and coffee at Café Du Monde and bought a pack of the beignet mix and coffee cup to bring home. You’d seen the Madame LaLaurie house which you were sure you’d be talking to Peggy about later, you’d walked around Jackson Square in the light drizzle and even made your way to walk around Audubon Park. You’d been surprised when Bucky said he wanted to go drink on Bourbon Street seeing as you’d been up for a while, but you obliged and now you were rubbing his back as he told you he was nauseous, his arms wrapped around the toilet bowl.
“I don’t feel good.” He blubbers.
“I know baby.” The tile was cold, hard, and uncomfortable. He gagged. And you sigh, wondering if you should just help him throw up so he would feel better. But he finally vomited. You got him cleaned up, helped him brush his teeth. Fed him some water and helped him out of his clothes. His arms wrapped around your waist as he sat on the edge of the bed. Mumbling words you couldn’t understand as you tried to pull his shirt off. His pants long discarded.
“C’mon baby.” You tug on the shirt stuck in his armpits. His arms weakly lift from your body, letting you lift the shirt off him and laying him under the covers. His fingers twisting in your shirt, “I’ll be right back.” In the bathroom you quickly wipe up the toilet, flushing the extra mess and grabbed the trash can, bringing it out to his side of the bed and resting it on the floor near his head, his arm hanging off the bed and already snoring.
The next day when you were eating breakfast, he drank heartily on a Bloody Mary, trying to get the hair of the dog and feel more alive.
“I can’t believe you let me drink that much.” A groan over fried green tomatoes. You roll your eyes,
“I didn’t… the guys buying you shots when my back was turned did.” It was a laugh really, how Bucky wouldn’t realize someone was flirting with him. So out of touch from being in a relationship, Bucky had been quite the charmer when you first met but had a really hard time noticing when someone else was flirting altogether. A marvel, but it’s true.
“But they were so nice.” He reasoned making you laugh.
“They really were.”
San Antonio, TX – Mile 1,965
Another 543 miles, which 541 were spent on the same road. Honestly it was probably the worst part. Driving in mostly a straight line for hours with long stretches of road in between each stop. But that’s how this part of the country was. It was hotter down here for sure, or maybe just because you were getting deeper into summer.
San Antionio was sweltering, you could feel your shirt sticking to your back as you took in the air conditioning of the hotel lobby you were currently in. The electronic keycard slipped across the counter to Bucky while you waited a step behind before shifting your bag back on and following him to the elevator.
The hotel was a lot like every other hotel, but the only thing you were really worried about now was the shower. Bags dropped and the small toiletry case in hand you slipped into the shower, letting the water run a little cold to cool you off before turning it a little higher to be more comfortable. You can hear Bucky enter the bathroom, the shower curtain being pulled back as he entered behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and dragging you back into his body. Just holding you for a minute.
“Are you okay?” He asked. Pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Yeah, I think I just need some alone time.” You hadn’t talked much during the drive from New Orleans to San Antonio. You were used to getting time apart from each other. Not that you didn’t like spending time with him, but sometimes you just wanted to be alone and right now you were getting that itch. He hums, his arms tightening for a moment more before pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
“After the shower, why don’t you take a nap before dinner, hmm?” He reached over grabbing the soap, “I’ll go grab us dinner and bring it back,” beginning to wash, “We can eat in the room tonight, sleep in tomorrow?”
“That would be nice.” You’d finished your shower, slipped into comfortable clothes and flipped through the local channels on the tv, finding something for background noise as Bucky left the room.
You would get like this sometimes.
Bucky was always a little more adventurous. Back in college you probably wouldn’t have done half the things you did if it weren’t for him. He was far more outgoing; he had more friends. He was always dragging you out of first your dorm, and then your shared apartment. He didn’t need the alone time like you did and at first he was a little hurt by it.
Like you didn’t want to spend time with him, and it wasn’t that. You just needed a little bit of time to yourself to just be on your own and decompress a little. But he kind of knew when you needed it now. When you got a little quiet. When you needed a little space. And he found himself enjoying the time that you spend apart. You were sure he was enjoying his little walk,
“I get to kind of quiet myself a little bit.” He told you, “I always feel like I’m going all the time.” There were often times where you’d spend time together in the same room just not talking, a comfortable silence as you watched tv and he graded papers or just laying in bed reading next to each other. You felt like you didn’t deserve him sometimes.
He always catered to your social anxiety and your stress and you try to do the most you can for him, but there’s always that fear of it not being enough. Like maybe you’d wake up one day and he’d decide that it just wasn’t a good fit anymore.
What would you even do then?
A quick nap, only thirty minutes or so. Then you lay there a little bit, listening to the tv ramble on some sitcom you didn’t recognize. You hear Bucky come in, a paper bag of food in his arms, your eyes meet his and he smiles.
You didn’t deserve him.
“I found this food truck,” He sets down the two glass bottles of soda on the little table in the room. “The guy who runs it, his family used to own a restaurant here in San Antonio, but they were shoved out of business by this fucking corporate bastard who wanted the space for fucking condominiums, kept raising his fucking rent until he couldn’t afford it anymore.” A kiss to your lips, “How was your nap?”
“That’s terrible.” Your hand on his back as you sit at the table, him across from you. “It was good, I think I needed that.” He starts laying out the food. Tacos, empanadas, a little container of radish and limes. Extra cilantro. Little sauce cups of spicy salsa. A hot container of grilled peppers and cactus. A small container of extra rice. “This looks really good, thank you.”
He brings your hand up to his lips, kissing it. “Are you okay?” He asked, biting into the empanada sprinkled with queso fresco. You nod, massaging his arm before digging into the tacos.
“Yeah baby, I’m okay.”
You had to see the Alamo, obviously. The big limestone building that was pivotal in the Texas Revolution and was now a history museum. But you were more excited for the river walk. Not far from your hotel a bunch of small restaurants and shops, very touristy and brightly lit, but beautiful on the San Antonio River. Tomorrow would be the Japanese Tea Garden and the Natural Bridge Caverns, but you always liked a relatively easy day right after travelling.
You found yourself really looking at him for the first time in a long time. The little wrinkles by his eyes when he smiles that weren’t there five years ago. How often he licked his lips. How often he caught you looking at him. You were sure you looked lovesick. You found yourself resting your head on his shoulder a lot. Your hand in his as you walked around, the steady motion of his thumb moving across your hand a soothing balm for your growing anxiety.
“What’s going on?” He’d ask you later. “You’ve been really affectionate today.” His hands around your waist in the elevator heading up to the hotel room.
“I just love you, that’s all.” His hands moving to cup your face, thumbs brushing your cheeks.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You meet his kiss, humming against his lips. The elevator doors ding and you walk to your room,
“I just want to sleep.” You hear him sigh behind you as you begin to get changed.
“No, what’s wrong?” Sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at you as you changed into your sleep shorts and tank top. His hand reaching out to yours and dragging you into his lap, your legs on either side of his, you wrapped your arms around his neck. “C’mon baby talk to me.” You felt silly.
“I just… feel like I don’t deserve you.” A laugh in his chest that made you feel dumb.
“I’m sorry baby,” His arms squeezing you a little tighter, “I didn’t mean to laugh.” His fingers tracing your spine. “I feel like I don’t deserve you sometimes, you’re always so patient with me. You pack my lunch for me every day.” He laughs, “You do cute things like bring me coffee when I’m studying or make me those amazing chocolate peanut butter cookies during finals. You know I love you,” He pulled back, your face coming from resting on his shoulder, his hand coming up to cup your jaw, brushing his thumb across your bottom lip. “I think we both like to take care of each other, there’s nothing wrong with that baby, you always take care of me so I try really hard to take care of you.”
“How are you so perfect?” A hum as you meet his lips, soft and sweet.
“How are you so perfect?” He falls back against the bed, dragging you down with him, his hand still rubbing your back. You softly kiss him and close your eyes, finding comfort in laying on his chest. “I think this trip was a really good idea.”
Four Corners Monument – Mile 2,936
“How could you have not checked that we were low on gas?” You were trying to not be angry. You were really trying not to be angry, but when there’s desert on either side of you it’s kind of hard not to be. It was sweltering and no gas also meant no AC.
“I checked our gas at the last stop,” Bucky was in the same boat, hands on his hips, “I think— “he sighs, “Maybe the gas gauge is broken.” You groan in frustration, stepping away from the car and pulling out your phone.
“Can you get a signal?” To call his AAA. A moment or two of him on the phone, before he hung up and turned to you.
“They said about two hours.” You huff, sitting down in the passenger seat, door open and arms crossed. You’d woken up extra early to make this 15-hour drive. You kicked at the hard ground with the sole of your sneaker, trying to calm down while Bucky paced a little.
“I knew we should have rented a car.” You glare at him from your seat.
“If you wanted to rent a car why would you ask me if we should take your car or not?” He didn’t answer. “Don’t blame me for this.” A sigh,
“I’m blaming myself.” A kick to his tire, “I’ve had this car for ten years now, we shouldn’t have taken it.” You worry your bottom lip, checking the time on your phone.
“If you knew we shouldn’t have taken it, why did we?” You didn’t mean for this to turn into an argument. But it somehow turned into a screaming match on the abandoned stretch of road. Not even over important things, things so insignificant like how he’d been taking his shoes off in the car and the stink of that or how you smacked your gum out of boredom. The heat leading the two of you to just explode for no good reason.
Two long strides, that is what was between the two of you. That’s all it took for him to grab you tightly and crush you against his chest, mashing your lips together. You moan into his mouth, fingers tangling in his hair for a harsh tug. Your back hit the side of the car, his fingers fumbling with the button of your shorts, tugging them open and roughly dipping his fingers into the wet heat between your thighs. Two fingers circling your opening before slipping inside and stroking your walls, thumb rapid on your clit.
Your hands fumble with his belt, your legs already shaking as you stroke his length, hot and hard in your hand. He removes his fingers from your now aching sex, “I need you so bad.” Shorts and panties shifted down on your hips, stuck on your knees, he turns you around pressing you to the car, feet kicking your legs open and you could feel his tip prod your entrance.
With one thrust he was home, his hips slapping against yours furiously, your hand drifting own between your thighs to strum on your clit, the pleasure growing. His hand rips yours away, replacing it with his.
“God you’re so fucking good.” Hot on you ear, “So fucking good baby.” That stretch and burn of him, on top of the practiced fingers on your clit brought you over almost immediately. A moan ripping from your lungs, as your clit became overbearingly sensitive. Your hand met his between your legs, trying to stop the steady motions, but he wouldn’t. His other hand left your hip and wrapped around your throat, dragging your back to his chest. “You’re gonna cum for me again.”
You were a mess, whining as two of his fingers slipped into your mouth and pressing down on your tongue, eyes rolling back in your head as you felt yourself gush around his cock. His hips giving a half a dozen sloppy thrusts before he moaned into your neck, emptying himself inside you. You catch your breath against him before your mind unscrambles and you realize that you’ve got cum dripping down your thighs in the middle of the desert.
“I think we needed that.” He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before wiping his cum off your thighs with a tissue, bundling it up and tossing it into the plastic bag you’d been using for trash and tying it.
You snort, buttoning your shorts, “Always the romantic.” He grins, taking a sip out of a water bottle before passing it to you.
“It’s warm.” He warns. You scrunch your nose, taking a sip of the warm water, sweat dripping down your back.
“How much longer?” He checks his phone and looks at you with a defeated expression.
“An hour.” You had to change your shorts.
“This is it?” Just a pavilion, one on each side of the square and the little circular concrete stepping area and a large plaque on the ground. He’s laughing, the stress of everything that just happened ending in this.
“You can be in four states at once.” You shrug.
Grand Canyon Village, AZ – Mile 3,165
It was busy and a little crowded at the Grand Canyon. Which was kind of to be expected. A lot of people taking pictures with their families and couples taking pictures much like you’d been planning to. But the view.
It took your breath away.
You’d seen different environments on this trip that before you’d never been exposed to. The North East was heavily wooded, and everything was tightly packed together. Having lived in New Jersey and then NYC it was very much the same. You marveled at the mountains on your way to Nashville and when you first hit actual desert you pulled the car over to take a real look. The swamps and muggy weather in New Orleans you hadn’t gotten enough time to explore, but the first time seeing Spanish Moss was unreal.
But this was something else entirely.
Bucky caged you in against the metal gate keeping you from getting to the edge, his chest to your back and rested his head on your shoulder. “This is incredible.” He agreed.
You snapped a picture on your polaroid.
And probably about a dozen pictures of the two of you together. A nice couple from Idaho even took a picture on his phone and one on the polaroid and in return you took their picture and gifted them a polaroid of themselves.
You’d left around dinner time. Ordering in and spending the night in the room after shoving your laundry in the hotel laundry room.
“We’re only eight hours away.” You grin. “Eight more hours until we are at the Pacific.” It feels unreal that you’re almost to the opposite end of the country, but whenever you pulled up the map on your phone that’s where it showed you.
Driving had been getting a little more difficult the closer you got to your destination. You were just itching to just get there already and you were not excited for the drive tomorrow. You hadn’t touched the bed yet, still covered in a thin layer of dust, you could feel it between your toes, but the hunger led you towards eating the sandwich and salad combo from the shop the two of you ordered from before getting into the actual shower.
You sigh, fingers tangled in Bucky’s hair. His mouth attached to your clit in a gentle suck. One hand drifting up to play with your nipple, rolling it between his fingers. Your hips grind against his face. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Almost, almost. His hand was fisting his cock the heat of it making your toes curl, cumming on his tongue. A few more quick tugs had him spilling over the tile. The best thing about hotel bathrooms was the water never went cold. Still hot and steamy as he pressed a kiss to your hip before standing. You bury your face in his neck, wrapping your arms around him as he pulled you close.
A soft rock side to side under the stream.
God you fucking love him.
Driving was honestly a hassle. You couldn’t go more than two hours without wanting to switch or stop, which as you grew closer and closer to California you began to see more houses and more people on the road around you.
His hand on your thigh as you finally crossed the California border, feeling a little more positive about finally getting to the end of the road before having to turn around.
Anaheim, CA – Mile 3,643
You read about California traffic, but it was unreal in person. The car hadn’t moved in a good five minutes you’re sure. How is this even possible? The gridlock because you’d taken an extra hour at lunch and gotten to California around rush hour.
“That was a mistake.” You sigh, rubbing your eyes. “We should have just hit a drive thru.” He rubbed your thigh affectionately.
“Doesn’t matter now,” He laughs, “We’ll get there.” You know he’s right, but you still feel a little string of irritation with yourself for not just pushing through a little more. “Are you excited?” He’s grinning, a squeeze on your leg.
“I’m very excited.” And you were. There was so much you wanted to see in California. And you both specifically set aside money to spend a day or two at Disneyland having gone to Disney World with both of your families before. Your Mom being a little obsessed, you were going to have to bring her back something for sure.
You had to get In-N-Out. That was a given. You’d almost stopped for it back in Tuscon but reasoned that you had to wait until California. “This is so good.” Bucky picked up some fries you had to order ‘animal-style’ just because it was an option. And it was so good.
“This was worth it.” Over a mouth of burger. Bucky nods,
“So worth it.”
Your toes dipped into the ocean. A hot and beautiful day. Bucky sat back a couple feet laid out on a blanket. You look back on him, propped up on his elbow, smiling at you. The water was warm, and it was unreal that it wasn’t actually green. At the Jersey shore the water is green from all the algae. But not here. It was actually blue.
His arms wrap around your waist, walking you both deeper into the water. The waves rocking gently over your bodies. The sun hot on your skin.
“This was so worth it.” Your legs around his waist in the water, his finger’s toying with your swimsuit bottoms. “Don’t.” Stern. It makes him laugh.
“Don’t what?” Fingers brushing on your labia through your swim bottoms.
“Bucky…” A harder press directly against your clit. Your eyes looking on the shore. “Stop.” Dragging yourself away from him you made him laugh harder, treading water to get back onto the sand, tossing a playful glare over your shoulder. “Pervert.”
A polaroid of the gate, Disneyland.
“The castle is small.” He says. Main Street similar to Disney World itself, but the castle was noticeably smaller than Cinderella’s castle in Orlando. But it was just as magical and just as expensive. You split a hand dipped corn dog and ate dole whip in the afternoon between rides.
It was a fun, but tiring day and left you both a little sunburnt on your nose and cheeks. You’d slept in the next day, barely able to pull yourself out of bed and your legs were sore from walking about ten miles yesterday. You UberEats breakfast to the room, well… lunch. And watched the weather forecast while trying to decide what to do that day, settling down on going to the Santa Monica pier seeing as the day was already half gone.
Bucky began acting a little strange halfway through your stay in California. He seemed anxious and more fidgety than usual. But every time you asked him about it, he shrugged it off as having too much caffeine or just being really excited to be going to go see the Hollywood sign or stopping by the Cecil Hotel, “Just to see it.”
It wasn’t until the night before you were going to start making your way back did you discover the reason why.
Sitting on the trunk of his car, facing the ocean. The food truck where you’d just had fish tacos and chips with guac off to your right, the only real light as you watched the sun set. He offered to go to the other food truck nearby and grab some ice cream. Homemade stuff boasted by the chalkboard sign on the side of the truck.
With his return and the comfortable quiet that came with watching the sun set over the ocean, you feel him shift to your side, fumbling with something before slipping off the trunk, his back to you.
“Bucky?” You watched him take a deep breath and turn, in his hand was a ring box.
Bucky had thought about proposing a million times.
Every time you’d bring him coffee at the library. Every time you’d turn down the bed before the two of you went to sleep. He’d almost proposed Christmas, but you’d wanted to drink so he held off.
When you brought up this road trip he started thinking about it, really. And decided that he would do it sometime during this trip.
He kept trying to figure out when he wanted to do it. That night of amazing sex in DC. The night you were babbling and drunk in Nashville. Maybe when he looked at you in that jazz club, your face lit up by the stage lights in New Orleans. He’d almost proposed in San Antonio when you were sweet and needy.  
He thought about it during your argument heading towards the Four Corners Monument but changed his mind. And at the Grand Canyon there were just too many people around. But here it was just the two of you, your car farther away from the crowd gathered by the food trucks. You’d just watched the sun set over the ocean. He knew it was now, he had to do it.
He wanted to do it.
“I had a whole thing… planned out.” He stumbles over his words, “I’ve thought about this every day for years now, I think. And I just… you’re the love of my life. You’re the only person I want to spend it with, and I know we haven’t talked a lot about getting married and I’m ruining this, but… This trip has really confirmed everything I already knew that I felt and I don’t think there’s any better time to ask…
Will you marry me?”
The ring felt strange on your finger but was easily ignored as your fingers tangled in Bucky’s hair. The windows in the car were cracked to keep them from steaming up, a practice well versed by both of your exhibitionist tendencies. The goal was to make it back to the hotel, but this abandoned stretch of highway would do just fine.
On his lap in the backseat you grind your hips against his, aching for it. Fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shorts and feeling his hands squeeze your bare ass while you work them down past his knees. A hover to adjust before sinking down.
Wet but not completely prepared, the stretch and burn a little intense. His mouth moving passionately against yours as one hand slipped between you and starting carefully stroking your clit. Your hands meet the head rest, using it as leverage to raise and lower yourself on his dick. His hips slip down on the seat a little to help you, thrusting up to meet your hips.
“I’m not gonna last,” He moans against your mouth. You start to gush around him, whimpering as you grow closer and closer to release. His hand that had been on your waist coming to tangle in your hair and tug, those practiced fingers of his between your legs finally bringing you over. He was quick to follow. Panting as you remain in his lap, feeling him soften, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you in tightly to his chest. Soft and loving,
“This was a really good idea.”
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socialdegenerate · 2 years
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I posted 1,767 times in 2021
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#and they don't have questioning powers during searches so don't fucking answer any questions bc they can't make you answer but they can use
My Top Posts in 2021
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Capcom: “We don’t know what a Klavier Gavin is and we don’t care, stop asking”
Me: *prints my own custom Klavier merch faster*
42 notes • Posted 2021-07-17 05:42:40 GMT
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55 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 11:34:47 GMT
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Shoutout to the offical Visupri art for making these two be So Much All The Time
107 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 02:46:32 GMT
Fairy Ranmaru ep 12
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174 notes • Posted 2021-06-24 23:51:12 GMT
Fanfic: Don’t Go Sharing Your Devotion
SO I was googling the irl restaurant that they copied for Joe’s restaurant, and it turns out that it’s one of those places that doesn’t have a menu because the chef makes a specific set of dishes that changes everyday. I love stupid details so of course I immediately stole that (and their opening days/hours) for my own fic.
SK8 the Infinity Kaoru Sakurayashiki x Kojiro Nanjo | Matcha Blossom | JoeCherry SFW 9,154 words
Kojiro didn’t particularly like it when people got absolutely plastered in his restaurant.
Fine wine was meant to be savoured, especially when he put so much time into choosing the right pairings for his food, and tipping it back as quickly as possible should have been saved for convenience store sake. Not to mention, drunks often didn’t appreciate that his restaurant closed at eleven and not a minute later, because Kojiro often had things to do that didn’t involve herding sloshed patrons around like rowdy cats.
But, like always, he made an exception for Kaoru. Sure, Kaoru was smug and annoying and liked running up his electricity bill and never attempted to pay the tab that Kojiro wasn’t actually keeping, but he was also Kojiro’s oldest friend and someone who was never, ever boring. 
Plus it was nice to see him actually walking again and not sneaking out of hospital against every-fucking-body’s advice.
234 notes • Posted 2021-03-23 11:37:02 GMT
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into the night (bakugou x reader) - chapter 4/?
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You were born to die.
It is a fact you’ve known since your quirk first manifested, and one you have been denying for just as long. You refuse your supposed fate and try to live the best life you can while remaining undetected.
But maybe fate has another plan. A chance encounter on a mountainside changes your life forever.
Chapter One
The day feels almost dramatically longer than normal. You love your dad and really should be relishing the time you get to spend with him, but your brain is elsewhere the entire time. It swirls with the urge to do more research, to try and figure out who exactly the blond is and why he was here. Especially if he posed any sort of threat to the small town, or if this was a sign of more heroes arriving. Unfortunately, being with Dad meant you couldn’t risk looking him up. It just wasn’t worth the risk of him seeing your phone.
So the day drags on until Dad leaves for his weekly ‘game night’ with the other older men of the village. He offers for you to join, but you wave him off and say that you’ll meet him at home. You remember being forced to go as a kid - at least until he was comfortable leaving you with someone else - and absolutely hating it. A bunch of men drinking, playing card games, and reciting awful jokes was never your style. Or you thought so anyway, but you seem to be spending many similar nights at Naoko’s bar.
There is a bit of extra time before the call with Naoko, so you pop into a nearby restaurant and grab some food to take home. You chat lightly with the man behind the counter, someone you knew vaguely from school, grab your food, and head out. One hand occupied with the bag, you use the other to reopen your search on your phone on the hero. You click the first article that comes up.
The article is dated from about three weeks ago and has a small paragraph at the top which spoke of a villain attack on the western side of Musutafu. Directly underneath it is a slideshow of photos. The first few showcase a rather vicious-looking villain destroying a small street. They seem to have some sort of mutant quirk along with...crystal manipulation? You wonder at the crystals surrounding the villain for a moment before swiping further. The next photo turns out to be a video. You hit play.
It’s a shaky amateur video, probably taken from someone's cellphone, with no sound. The camera follows an explosion in the distance quickly getting closer. The man you now know as Ground Zero appears on the scene almost impossibly fast, sending concrete flying around him as he lands in an explosion. The video ends there. You swipe to the next video. This one seems to be taken from above, out the window of a nearby high-rise building. Ground Zero fights from the air, held afloat by explosions. He calls out to another hero fighting on the ground. The distance is too far to see anything of the other hero other than the colour red. The video stops. You swipe to the next. The last part of the slideshow is a photo. Ground Zero isn’t in it at all, but the villain has been defeated. The red man from before is shown placing cuffs on the villain.
The actual article doesn’t have much information on Ground Zero. Actually, it doesn’t speak of the explosive hero much at all. If you hadn’t seen the pictures, you wouldn’t think he was a big part of the fight. The most the article speaks of is the destruction he caused at the site. The other hero - Red Riot apparent - takes the spotlight in the article, as it goes on about his numerous accomplishments and motivational words. It seems a bit unfair, truthfully.
By the time you have read through the article, you make it home safely. You hang up your coat and scarf, and toe-off your boots before heading into the warm house. Placing the food on the kitchen table, you make your way upstairs to grab your laptop. Laptop and charger in hand, you head back down to the table and get yourself set up. It is only a few minutes to five when you start the video call.
It rings for a few moments before being picked up. Naoko smiles in the video, giving a small wave before sipping from her glass of wine. She looks like she is at home, relaxed on her plush white couch. “So, any run-ins with your mountain boy today?”
“He’s gone.” You grab your food, sliding it closer. “Apparently he checked out this morning.”
She frowns. “So, no autograph then?”
“I guess not.” You shrug. Not like you were planning on asking for one anyway. That would be much too awkward after everything that happened. You begin to unwrap your take-out food, the call silent as you try to figure out what to ask first. “So, any idea why he was here?”
“I’m not sure.” She adjusts in her seat, crossing her legs and taking another sip of wine. “There's been nothing online about it, not even in the groups I’m in. It’s weird, usually, the media is all over him.”
“Why?” You ask, finally freeing the food from its plastic wrapping. You attempt to throw the plastic into the proper recycling bin across the room. It misses. Figures.
She chuckles. “Well, you met the guy for like a minute and determined that he was an asshole.” Okay, that's true. “He’s prone to acting out and gets into trouble with the media a lot. Especially recently.”
“I guess that makes sense.” You pause to take a bite of your food. “Why is a guy like that even a hero?”
Naoko shrugs. “He doesn’t really talk about his motivations or anything in interviews, but he’s good enough to be number six even with that personality of his.”
Number six? You swallow, thinking. Wait. “The number six hero?!” Your voice raises in shock. The hero rankings were pretty important, even you knew that. To be anywhere in the top ten meant you had to be absolutely amazing. “How?!”
She doesn’t react to your question, instead looking off to the side and swishing her wine. Her lips are pressed together in thought. “Maybe...maybe he was on a break.” She finally speaks, her voice trailing off a bit. “After all the drama from the JHBC...it would make sense to disappear…”
“Drama?” You prompt, after a long moment where she does not continue.
Holding up a finger in a ‘wait’ motion, she downs the rest of her glass quickly and stands up, disappearing from frame. A minute later she returns with a full glass and sits down. “The last JHBC was about two weeks ago-”
“What’s that?”
“The Japanese Hero Billboard Chart.” She gives you a look for interrupting but continues. “It's where they announce the new rankings. Usually, you can sort of tell who is going to be where in advance, this is more of an ‘official’ thing, but this year the number five spot was a toss-up between Ground Zero and Deku.”  Ah, one of the heroes you actually vaguely knew about. It was sort of hard not to know of the ‘new symbol of peace’ or to see his merch essentially everywhere, even in Hokkaido. “Deku blew everyone away by not only cracking the top five but moving immediately to the top 4.”
“Ohh, so there was drama between Deku and the old number four hero?” What did this have to do with Ground Zero being in Makkari?
Naoko smiled. “Nah, Edgeshot didn’t really show anything but respect for Deku as he took his spot. I mean, we all saw it coming in a way. That man is going to be number one sooner rather than later. The drama came from Ground Zero.”
She takes another long sip before continuing. “Nobody knows the specifics, although there is a lot of speculation online about it. As Deku was announced as the number four hero, there was a loud scream and a sound off-screen. The entire stream got cut out for a few minutes. When it came back on, Deku was on stage looking really uncomfortable. Ground Zero was called for his spot as number six, but the audience was told that he had to leave for an emergency. The guy has been essentially missing from all media since.”
“Extremely.” Naoko agrees. “The online consensus is that he lost due to his attitude. Around the time of the rankings, almost everything you saw about him was super negative. He seemed to be blowing up at everything. It was everywhere, I’m honestly surprised you never saw it.”  You shrug. It’s not like you had been aggressively avoiding all things hero for all your life. Nope.
“Anyways, after all of the media coverage, it was sort of weird when he just disappeared. Nobody saw him in fights or on patrol. Lots of conspiracy groups popped up that maybe he was injured or undercover or something worse happened at the JHBC, but no official source came forward.”
“And then he ends up here.” You mutter. “But why Makkari?”
“I don't know.” She shrugs. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in Hokkaido. He’s usually closer to his agency and the other top ten in Musutafu.”
All of that is interesting, sure, but honestly, the only thing you care about is: “Does that mean there's a villain here?”
“Let's hope not.” She sighs. “The heroes here seem to be acting the same. I saw Grand and Turtle Neck on patrol the other day and they seemed calm. Got myself an autograph easily enough.”
“Oh my god.” She pressed one hand to her temples. “You should at least know the local heroes, especially with your job.” You shrug, taking the opportunity to stand up and throw out your crumbs and extra packaging.
When you return, Naoko has a new glass of wine. “Well, no matter what he was doing here, he’s gone now, apparently.”
She hums thoughtfully. “Did he…Did he seem weird? Say anything?”
“I don’t think so.” You think back to your interactions with him. “I mean, I wouldn’t really know.” Drunk-you aside, anytime you spoke to him on the mountain was kind enough...wait.  “I gave him a lecture about his quirk…” You mutter. “Oh my god. I gave a pro hero a lecture about using his quirk without a license.”  You had been worried for him.
Naoko laughs. “Hey, it’s a story to tell at least.”
You think of your dad and shake your head. “No. I don’t want anyone to know. Nobody here seems to know there was a hero, and it's probably a good thing. And if he’s gone, there’s probably nothing to worry about.” Staring into the camera, you continue. “Don’t tell anyone, please.”
“I don’t get you.” She shakes her head, letting out a breath of frustration. “But, whatever girl, it's fine. I won’t tell a soul.” For a moment, neither of you speak. There's a bit of a weird mood between you both after the conversation, the type of mood that comes from two people with completely different outlooks on a situation. You wish you were there in person to break it.
A sound from her end echoes lightly through the computer. She gasps as a big black mass jumps up on her lap. Naoko makes a high-pitched sound and holds her glass above her head, careful not to spill wine on her white couch. “You little shit…” She mutters.
The weird mood breaks. You laugh. “And there is the man of the hour. I was wondering where he ended up."
“The only man allowed on my lap.” She jokes back, carefully placing her wine glass on the coffee table beside her laptop.
The conversation flows away from the topic of heroes and onto daily life. You grab a can of beer from the fridge and join her in drinking. By the time the call ends a few hours later, both of you are tinted red and giggling. You wish her goodnight and close the laptop. Your bones pop satisfactorily as you get up, stretching a bit once fully standing. You grab your stuff and head upstairs, depositing it on your desk before heading to the bathroom.
Nighttime routine complete, you change into warm pajamas and slide into bed. A quick look at the clock on your nightstand shows that Dad should be home in about half an hour, although by the way you’re yawning you doubt you will be awake. Stretching out comfortably in bed, you stare at the ceiling.
Your mind naturally drifts to the blond hero, going over the weird interactions you’ve had. A lot of what he said and did makes more sense in hindsight, like when he asked if you wanted his autograph or his complete shock at your warnings about his quirk and safety on the mountain. Honestly, you had thought he was just being a dick.
Well, it's over now. He’ll go back to Musutafu and you’ll go back to your life of only seeing heroes while on the job. In the end, Naoko was right, it’ll just become a story to tell in the far future.
The ground is covered in snow when you make your way back to Sapporo a few days. It happened quickly, as the weather tends to do this time of year. You had to cut your visit short by three days due to the heavy snowfall predicted for the area. Dad tried to argue that your team doesn’t need you that bad, but you were insistent.
The drive back is peaceful. It’s not too long of a drive, and soon you can see the city in the distance. You can't help but smile as you look at those big buildings looming ahead, lights almost like stars in the dark. The city is as congested as usual, but you make okay time as you drive through the city center towards your end of town.
After dropping off the car at the rental place, you make the walk home. The air here is nothing in comparison to the clear and fresh Makkari, but you’ll get used to it again soon enough. Pulling your luggage behind, you make your way through the city. It’s still early, really, so you decide to make a detour from your house. The sight of the bar, with its non-descript sign and dark windows, fills you with warmth.
It’s a quiet Wednesday night, with a few patrons littered throughout either drinking at tables or playing billiards. It’ll probably get a little busier a bit later. You glance over to the bar. Naoko is there, leaning against the counter and speaking to a customer. She looks up, eyes wide. Her mouth opens in shock, then she calls out your name. Leaving her customer, she rushes around the counter to wrap you in a hug. You return it happily. The customer, a regular that you’ve spoken to a few times, waves at you with a smile. It’s really nice to be back.
You sit on a barstool as Naoko makes her way back behind the bar,  placing your luggage beside you as best you can to not take up much room.
“I thought you were back on Saturday.” She says, a question in her statement.
“Weather.” You reply. “Makkari is supposed to be hit by a pretty bad snowstorm tomorrow.”
“I bet your dad wasn’t happy.” She hasn’t even met the man and knows. Naoko shoves a drink at you. You don’t know what it is, but take a sip. It’s...spicy.
You shake your head, a small smile forming. “He tried to convince me to stay.” It had been...difficult to say the least. He has always hated that you chose to live here. “So, what was I interrupting when I came in?” You smile apologetically at Naoko and the customer. The regular seems to be asleep against the bar. Huh.
“Ah, I was just telling Haru here about the fight I had to break up last night.”
“Oh?” You prompt, running a finger around the top of the glass. “What happened?”
“Just your average drunk assholes.” She replies. “Not regulars, thankfully. I had to use my quirk to get them out.” Naoko lets out a breath and leans against the bar. “I can’t imagine working here and not having my quirk.”
You nod absentmindedly. Her quirk - Calming Touch- does come into use pretty often at the bar. Calming Touch is pretty much what it says on the tin, she is able to calm down anyone she touches when she activates her quirk. It can work on any type of extreme emotion. Luckily, it’s not classified as a dangerous or physical quirk, so she is able to use it without a license.
Hm. There is a weird silence. You look up, locking eyes with Naoko’s. She seems tense. “What?”
“I’m so sorry!” She blurts out. “That was super rude of me.”
“The quirk thing.” She continues. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
Ohh...you get it now. “You quirkless?”  The voice comes from your right. You turn to see Haru awake, leaning against his arm on the bar. Huh, you didn’t realize he had been awake.
“Ah, uh-” You stumble through your words.
“It's okay,” Haru mumbles, laying his head back down on the bar, facing you. Dark eyes stare at you.“‘ ‘m too.”
“Thanks.” You smile, ignoring the pit of guilt forming in your stomach. You turn to Naoko. “ It’s okay. I’m used to it. Lived this way my entire life.”
“Still…” She sighs. The bar door swings open, slamming loudly against the wall. You turn to look over your shoulder. A large group of people has come in, a few of them looking at the door in shock. Well, it’s not like you haven’t accidentally done the same thing. After a moment they head towards the back where the pool tables are, four splitting from the group to head towards the bar.
“I’ll get out of your hair.” You say, sliding off the barstool. “I should be getting home anyway.”
“Be safe getting home!” Naoko asks.
“Always.” You grab your luggage as the four converge on the bar. “Bye Haru!” You call out, not knowing if the man fell asleep again, and leave the bar.
Leaving the warmth of the bar for the cold outside hits harsher than before. You wonder idly if the temperature went down while you were in the bar. Burying your face in your scarf, you turn left and head down the street. It's busy this time of night, but you maneuver effortlessly through the crowds.
It takes less than ten minutes before you reach your apartment. Looking up at the large building, you make your way up to the front door. It's not an especially nice building, but not horrible either. It’s pretty average, although the landlord is known to never reply to complaints. Still, the apartment takes up a huge portion of your paycheck.
You take the elevator up to the sixth floor and make your way down the hall to your door. Opening the door to a dark apartment, you’re hit by a sense of comfort. It’s always nice to be back in your own space. You toe off your shoes, hang up your coat and scarf, and head inside. Leaving the luggage at the door - a problem for tomorrow- you turn on a lamp and head over to your couch, plopping down.
After a few minutes of molding to the couch, you grab your phone from your pocket.
[Contact: Bossman]
You: I am back in Sapporo a few days early. Let me know if there is anything I can help with.
It might seem a little sad to give up your last day of vacation but you love your job, and it’s not like you have much else to do. Most of your friends share the same job as you, so it’s not like they are free often. You can accomplish everything you need -groceries, laundry, etc- tomorrow. Unless you go back to work, you know you’ll be spending most of the next four days on your couch watching tv.
You let yourself lay in the quiet for a bit longer. The mix of traveling and whatever drink Naoko had given you -and oh wow you forgot to pay, shit- making you a bit more tired than you would have suspected. It’s going to be an early night. Finally, you stand up and make your way to the bathroom. You feel a bit better after a quick shower, the last remnants of cold seeping from your system. But something about that warmth just adds to your tiredness. You don't even put on clothes, you just head straight to bed and fall asleep.
You dream of playing billiards with a bear. You lose.
It’s your phone that wakes you up. Opening your eyes a bit, you stare at the ceiling and contemplate the benefits of not picking up. In the end, the phone wins out. You roll onto your side and grab it, checking the contact.
[Contact: Bossman]
Huh? You pick up on the last ring. “Hello?”
“Hey!” The voice on the other end is way too chipper for this early in the morning. Wait, is it early? You check your phone. 8:35. Hm. Acceptable. “I got your message yesterday. If you want to come back early, I have no problem with that.”
“Really?!” You sit up. Ouch. A crick in your neck.
“Well, there's a bunch of paperwork you need to do.” You groan. He laughs. “Don’t be like that. It’s your paperwork that I’ve kindly allowed you to put on hold during your holiday, but it needs to be done.” A pause. You feel your excitement droop. Maybe a few days of laying on the couch will be better than paperwork, but if you have to do it anyways...“If you get it done early, I don’t see any problem with having you at-ready.”
“Yes!” You say instantly. “But, why?”
“There’s been an uptick in villain attacks recently.” He says. “We need all hands on deck. That’s all I can really tell you.” Ah, the wonders of bureaucracy. He always says the same line when it’s an order from the top.
“Alright.” You conceded. “Can I come in today?"
“Whenever you want.” There's a sound in the background.  “Gotta go. I’ll see you later?” You agree and hang up. After that conversation, you’re wide awake. Part of you wants to go straight to work, but you know you have some stuff you need to do first.
You stretch and slide out of bed. It’s colder than you expect. You shiver, looking down. Oh yea, you’re naked. Right. Heading towards your closet, you pick out some casual clothes and get dressed. You start the day with a quick run to the grocery store, grabbing take-out breakfast on the way home. You eat on the couch, laptop in your lap and check up on emails. After, you tackle the errands around your house by organizing your luggage, laundry, and watering your plants. You hum as you mist the nerve plant on your window, looking out. Your eyes scan the area around you. It's busy on the street below, as is usual for this time.
Your eyes lock onto a building a few blocks down. You can barely see it in between the other buildings, and it looks relatively nondescript from your angle. But that building is the single reason your rent is through the roof. The hero agency. It had been by your Dad's insistence that you moved to this building. It was the only one in the area with a rent that you could possibly keep up with. At first, you thought it was odd that Dad was so insistent upon you being closer to heroes, but the more you thought of it the more you understood. The only thing that man is more worried about than heroes is villains, and villain attacks in the area surrounding a hero agency are extremely rare. None have occurred even close to the area since you moved in.
Your phone alarm goes off, warning you of the time. 12:00p.m, time to go. You get dressed in your uniform, throw on your coat and scarf, and head out. Your workplace is on the east side of Sapporo, so you take the subway most of the way. The building, tall and surrounded by various emergency vehicles, takes up almost a block.  
The receptionist waves at you while on the phone as you walk by. You smile at him and continue to the elevator. The third floor is, as usual, in an organized state of chaos. Coworkers rush past you on their way out to some sort of emergency. Others sit at desks furiously typing away or are on intense-looking phone calls. You head towards the large office at the back, your boss's office. He is on a call but locks eyes with you through the window. The man looks at your uniform, rolls his eyes, and points towards the back of the room. You look over and fight back a groan. An empty desk sits there, a stack of paper already on the edge.
Still, you head over and plop down. The stack of paper looks even larger up close. You wish the department could just go paperless. You log into the computer, then log into your account and take a moment to stretch. A deep breath, and you begin.
Nighttime hits way before you are even close to being done. You take small breaks in between for coffee runs and the occasional small walk for exercise, but otherwise, you remain glued to your seat, determined to finish this work by the end of the day. The idea of leaving more of it for tomorrow is just too horrible.
Eventually, you submit the last of your work. You don't exactly feel accomplished, but the relief hits you nonetheless. Sitting up from your hunched position, you can feel the bones in your back crack happily. You check the time: 8:00 p.m. Not that bad, actually. You essentially did a full 8-hour day.
“Done?”  You look up at the voice. It's your boss. He has a coat on, probably on his own way out. You nod. “Alright, I’ll put you back on the roster. Keep your pager close.” He tosses you a pager and leaves.
At eight hours, you have four more that you could be on-call. Logging out of the computer, you stand up and head towards the elevator. After eight hours in this building, you need to get out for a little bit. You wander around the perimeter of the station, looking up into the sky and missing the stars.
The pager buzzes in your pocket. You startle and grab at it. The display simply reads EMERGENCY and a number. You look at it and break into a run back for the building. Luckily, you’re not far.
The number corresponds to the vehicle that you have been assigned. You find the ambulance quickly, the last of your team to arrive and jump into the back. The team usually consists of four people per vehicle. Two sit in the front, and two ride in the back. It’s a bit surprising when three people jump in the back. You sit down and buckle your seatbelt, looking over the others. The first is a man you’ve worked with before and the second is one you haven't. The new guy barely manages to do his seatbelt up before the vehicle begins to move.
“Hey.” You smile. The man looks over, face nervous. “I haven’t met you before. What’s your name?”
“Eito.” The guy has an adorable voice. Damn. “I’m a new hire.”
“And they stuck you with us?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. New hires don't normally go to your section of the department.
“My quirk.” Eito mutters. “I can create a shield of energy, only for about a minute, and they’re pretty weak but…”
“Ah, I see how that could be useful during a villain attack.” You nod, moving on to ask him questions about the emergency. Apparently, the call itself was vague, although that wasn't unique in your job. The Villain Attack division is called in the moment a villain is reported, so you never had enough information.
The ambulance comes to a skidding stop. You’re quick to unbuckle your seatbelt, gear up, and jump into action. Opening the doors was a weird scene, to say the least. Large cloth-looking dolls walk down the street, hitting buildings. They don’t seem strong enough to destroy them in one hit, but some of the nearby ones are crumbling. You can’t see the villain that must be controlling them.
The vehicle is stopped on the outskirts of the fight, carefully hidden away.
“We have one injured reported to the right.” The coworker in the passenger seat pops around the side of the ambulance holding a radio. “Let’s go.”
You move as a seasoned four-person team, the driver having to stay in the ambulance in case it needs to move. Your team stays on the outskirts of the battle raging on as you walk, ducking into buildings and behind cars to avoid notice. Eito trails behind you carefully. Eventually, you reach the injured woman. She is awake and bursts into tears as she sees your team. Eito and you watch the area around you as your coworkers attend to her. They assess vitals, ask questions and make the final decision that she is okay to move. She seems to have a broken leg, so they help stabilize the leg before helping her up. Your two coworkers are practically carrying the woman as they move, with you at the front and Eito at the back as lookout.
As you move, something catches your attention in the corner of your eye. A shoe on the ground. You pause, looking a bit closer. Shit. That’s a leg. Hopefully connected to a person. They’re mostly hidden behind some rubble, so you can’t even tell if they are alive or not.
You look at your coworkers and tell them the situation. “I’ll help you get her out, then I’m going back in.”
Your coworkers agree, and you all try to speed your walk as fast as possible to the ambulance. The moment you can see it in the distance, you call for a split and turn around. “Eito, come with me.” A two-person team is only slightly better than a one-person, in the case of issues popping up, but you’ll take anything.
Eito nods and the two of you make your way back to the area you saw the leg. As you make your way back, you notice that the fight has gotten a lot closer than it had been previously. You are going to have to be quick. You motion to Eito and the two of you creep up the street until you reach the rubble.
At first, you think he must be dead. The man lying there in a pile of blood just can't be alive. Eito crouches down beside him and checks vitals. “He’s alive!”
“Woah.” You crouch down and begin your own assessment. You use Eito mostly as an assistant, aware that time is not with you for many reasons.
The outcome of your assessment is grim. The man is bleeding heavily from a wound in his stomach, the cause of the blood around him. His whole body is twisted weirdly, likely a spinal injury. You can’t move him. Shit.
Eito works to stop the flow of blood as you reach for your own radio, calling for a stretcher and immediate assistance. Reaching into your pocket, you grab your small flare and light it, watching as the red light floats above the buildings. The flare is used in situations where the EMT needs assistance immediately but is unable to properly communicate their location. Your team will be able to find you soon. You hope. You go back to helping Eito stem the bleeding.
A large vibration echoes through the ground.
You look up again at the sound. A piece of the building above you crumbles, sending large shards of metal and concrete towards you. You think that you could survive this. Your patient won't.
As you stare, a green light overcomes your vision. The metal and rocks hit it harshly, angry sounds echoing throughout the area. Your wide eyes look over at Eito, who has his hand up, a green light emanating from it. A terrified look is on his face.
“I can't hold it!” Eito exclaims, arms shaking wildly. The green aura suddenly disappears. You close your eyes and brace for impact.
The impact never comes, but it almost feels like it did. The sound, deafening. Hot air forces you sideways harshly into the ground. Dust fills your nose.
You cough through the dust, opening your eyes. A blurry figure stands amongst the debris, covered in the same dust you’re breathing. You rub at your eyes and push yourself up. The figure - probably a hero- is standing with his back to you. You can't see much of him except for...gauntlets on his hands and blond hair.
The figure looks back. Your eyes lock with red ones.
No fucking way.
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
hiiiii, can i request a jumin fic where MC has a crush on jumin but is very shy and so ends up talking with the other members more and then jumin confronts her about it and she accidentally confesses/he confesses
Hiii! I couldn’t help but think about this song when I read your request~ I loved your idea, hope I did it justice! <3
Working for C&R was a dream came true. Landing a job in one of the biggest Korean companies seemed impossible for someone who had just graduated college. Jumin had been kind enough to offer a position in the HR department for MC since he had been so impressed with how great the RFA party turned out. But that wasn't why MC felt like she was dreaming. It was because that job gave her the possibility to see Jumin more often.
Even if she didn't see him on a daily basis, sometimes they would coincide in the elevator. Sometimes she would use her lunch break to force Jaehee to take a break as well and have lunch, since MC knew sometimes Jaehee would skip her meals and prioritize well. On those times, she would also see Jumin. Most of the times he was busy so she would just see him talk on the phone with a concentrated look.
All the members of the RFA had caught on the crush their newest member had on Jumin. She had even accepted those feelings when pressured by Saeyoung in a late night call, but denied the possibility that she would ever tell him.
"I just can't" MC had sighed. "He doesn't see me that way. He'd inheriting a company and the only thing I inherited from my dad is crippling anxiety. Do you think I could tell him I love him when I can't even ask him for lunch?"
Months went by and any ounce of hope MC would finally confess to Jumin "and finally give him something else to focus on but that furball", as Zen had said, had almost vanished from the RFA members. Jumin was dense, and every time Saeyoung would try to introduce the subject, he would just say he didn't have time for such trivialities.
It was a Friday afternoon when MC came to Jaehee's desk with a grin on your face.
"Lunch time!" she announced, holding two bentos in your hands. "I brought sometimes for you"
Jaehee smiled and thanked you for the food. She quickly cleaned up her desk and walked by MC's side, making their way to the lunch room. Since it was a little later than usual lunch time, it was empty, making it more comfortable for both women.
"So, how was your day?" MC asked, taking her chopsticks and taking her first bite.
"I'm having trouble with writing a speech for tonight's gala. Mr. Han is supposed to be awarded a prize and I have to write the speech I will say to introduce him to the audience"
"Ooh, sounds nice. What's the prize for?"
"He made C&R place as the Korean company with most growth of the year. So Chairman Han decided to organize a gala where he will be awarded the diploma. And I just can't figure out what to put in the speech. I can't think of nice things to say about him other than: 'Congrats on your prize, keep your cat away from me'".
MC laughed at her small joke.
"Maybe you could say sometimes about his work for animals? You know, about the shelter that he funds from his own pocket?" MC suggested.
"I suppose that's nice" Jaehee agreed, taking out her phone and opening the notes app so she could remember it later. "Anything else?'
"Mmmm" MC tapped her lips with the clean end of her chospticks. "Maybe you could add how he's always ready to help his friends, no matter what he's needed for him".
Jaehee nodded and typed away at her phone, making you a silent sign to continue.
"I don't know, Jaehee. I would talk about nice things he has, you know? How he always wears stripes because he doesn't like diagonals" she chuckled tenderly. "He likes them so much all his notepads are striped as well. Or maybe how, when he solves the newspaper's crosswords he nevers looks for the answer online, but rather use books to find it himself".
Jaehee looked at MC and her loving smile and smiled softly.
"I don't know how I could put that in a speech about Mr. Han and not having everyone over think I'm the one that's in love with him" she teased. MC pouted, not being able to suppress a laugh.
"You're so mean! If I wrote the speech I would say about how he hates using bagged tea and always wants to brew his own tea at home. He always did that for us the days I spent at the penthouse. I would say it's endearing whenever he's on a phonecall he always grabs a pen and plays with it in his hands. Or that when he drinks a glass of wine he particularly likes his lip crooks upwards, making him look sofisticated and cute at the same time. Or... I would just talk about his laugh, a little raspy and deep but mostly warm and just... perfect” MC paused. “You know, forget it. If I had to write it, I wouldn't know how I would even start".
"I liked what you said about my reaction to wine"
Both MC and Jaehee turned around quickly, just now noticing Jumin was standing by the door. MC parted her lips in surprise, her face quickly turning deep red, knowing he had heard her speaking like that about him. She wished she could dig up a hole and bury herself in it.
"I-I'm so sorry" MC stuttered, looking down at her hands. "I s-shouldn't..."
"Would you like to accompany me tonight?" Jumin asked. MC shot her head up, confused. The man cleared his throat. "I would like to have you as my date tonight at the gala. Would you want to?"
It took MC a couple of seconds for her to make sure she wasn't dreaming but she was in fact being asked to accompany the man she was head over heels for. She quickly nodded, earning a small smile from Jumin.
"Assistant Kang, I know it's your lunch time but please make sure to set an additional place in my table for tonight. Thank you. Oh, and there's a man on the lobby that says he has a package for you. That was why I interrupted you" he clarified.
"My new Zen fan merch" Jaehee quickly whispered in horror. "Oh, they must have mixed up my work address with home address. I'll take care of that" she said, standing up and leaving the room.
MC looked at Jumin again and have him a small, weak smile. Even if he had just asked her out, it didn't make it easier to get rid of the nervousness of being in his presence.
"I never knew you thought like that about me" Jumin confessed, a pink tint on his cheeks. "I... was surprised you noticed all those small details”. Seeing MC was too flustered to have an actual conversation, he chuckled. "I'll see you tonight, then. Oh, and... you always leave something in the glass or cup of everything you drink. I thought it was endearing" Jumin added, before closing the door of the lunch room after him.
MC couldn't help but smile once he left. That night was definitely going to be better than anything she had dreamt about.
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heyheshi · 4 years
10 Years of One Direction
1.9k words
written and uploaded: July 23, 2020
🦋 - fluff
Please like and reblog! Also please don’t post my writings anywhere!
I wasn’t really planning on uploading this Thursday and this isn’t what I was supposed to write lmao, my mind is all over the place for the past few days due to 1D’s 10 year anniversary but oh well, here I am, waiting for Zayn to say something... anyway HAPPY 10 YEARS guys! More power to our family! Gosh I feel so old!
"I'm almost done with the frosting babe!", you yelled from the kitchen hoping your boyfriend can hear you from his room upstairs. Slowly but surely, you wrote the delicate letters on the cake you made just for this occasion, "10 Years of One Direction".
"Come quick!", you heard footsteps descending from the stairs, "I'm done upstairs love, just gotta bring up the drinks.", Harry kissed your cheeks as he brushed passed you and opened the fridge to get some soda.
"Don't forget the wine. Is the laptop set up?", you asked finishing off the lettering with three exclamation marks.
"It's all done Y/N", your boyfriend laughs at you, "you're much more stressed than me! Loosen up lovie", he winked at you and run back upstairs. You just rolled your eyes and smiled.
You carefully placed the cake on the clean counter and cleaned up your mess. 30 minutes before midnight and you're not on your decent clothes yet!
Now, it's not exactly your fault why you're doing the cake this late. Your boyfriend thought that you made 2 cakes as that's what you both talked about but you decided to just make one and completely forgot to tell him.
You woke up nearing lunch - making a checklist on the things you need to get done for the day as preparation. Quickly eating breakfast (more like brunch) Harry made and started cleaning his room and did his laundry.
You often spend the night at his house so doing the domestic stuff for him is not much of a big deal to you. You basically live here anyway - but today needs extra work.
Around 2 p.m., you started to make the base of the cake as Harry leaves to go to the gym. You finished it, deciding to make the frosting later, and took a nap.
You woke up around 7 p.m., just in time to make dinner. On your way to the kitchen, you can hear H humming, something he does when he's alone. You smiled at the thought, cannot hold back yourself from kissing your boyfriend welcome so you run to where he is - quickly stopping in your track once you see him.
"Hi baby! The cake tastes so good, it'll be phenomenal with your frosting", you saw Harry eating the base of the cake smiling at you. You don't know how to react. Your mind working miles per minute.
"Har- i- babe! I only made one!"
"What do you mean you only made one, lovie?", Harry asked still eating the cake.
"I got tired earlier and just decided to make one...", face-palming yourself for your own carelessness.
"Oh shi- I, we can make another one! I'll make it! I'm so sor-",
"It's alright", you rounded the counter and kissed his messy lips, "I'll make another one, you can finish this one", you smiled reassuringly at him and squeezing his shoulder quick.
"I'll make our dinner, yea?", he offered. You can tell that he feels bad about eating the cake but it's really not a big deal at all. It's food, you're raised to share food and not spoil it. Plus you couldn't really be mad at Harry as he is your boyfriend and it's his special day in a few hours.
"Of course, I'll just start on a new batch.", you kissed Harry once again as you both started working in the kitchen.
Placing the mixture in the oven, the two of you eat the dinner around 8 p.m., Harry made your favorite Alfredo pasta knowing that he's trying to make it up to you.
Both of you being the slowest eater that you are, spent more than an hour eating - always teasing and flirting to each other like it's still the early stages in your relationship.
You told H to get his room ready and that you'll do the dishes instead and a little past 10 p.m., you're only starting on the mixture of the frosting.
Now, finally, you're ready to head upstairs and change into much cleaner clothes. Delicately holding the cake and walking slowly, you finally made it to Harry's room.
It looked like a huge fort, with his bed full of pillows and snacks and his laptop connected to the t.v. with their old music videos playing. You never pictured your boyfriend as the fairy lights type of guy but oh well this night, he is.
His room looks and feels really cozy, he even got balloons on his ceiling and the banner you made a few days ago is hung near his headboard.
You saw your boyfriend fixing the plastic table on the room where more snacks and utensils are placed. As if he can feel your presence, he looked back to the door where you are standing and quickly getting the cake off your hands to place on the table.
"Go get changed love, might as well binge on our old videos while waiting for them.", you only noticed that your boyfriend is already dressed for the occasion.
You forced him to wear their 1D merch with you. He is currently sporting a 1D pajama set, a Liam socks, and a Zayn beanie.
"You look cute babes!", you teased him and run to the bathroom to take a quick shower. You can hear him laughing at you and saying something sounding like "love her to death".
You changed to your own 1D pajama set matching with H and putting on a Narry socks and a Louis beanie and exiting his bathroom.
Harry is singing along to Perfect when you entered his room. You plopped into his bed and cuddled him.
"Ready?", you asked him giddily as you went to his laptop to open the zoom app.
"One kiss and I'm ready.", he winked at you and hugged you from behind. You shrugged him as a joke and pecked his nose. 
After connecting his laptop on zoom, you both went back to bed and wait for the others. One by one, the other guys started joining the meeting.
"Harry! Y/N! Man, how's everything?", Liam greeted both of you with Bear on his lap. The three of you are in the middle of your conversation when another user joined in.
"Oi! What's up fuc- oh sh- sorry!", Louis raised his hand as he saw Bear on Liam's screen. El only laughed at her boyfriend and started talking with the rest of you.
Niall joined a bit later speaking without a sound. The rest of you reckoned that he's having a hard time setting up his zoom app until another user joined, and that's when Niall's audio started working.
"Ello lads! And ladies! And baby!", Niall cooed at Bear while Bear only stared at the web came, shyly.
"Sorry guys! Z is still in the bathroom! You know him!", the very pregnant Gigi joined the meeting as the others started talking to each other. You haven't met her in person so you're fangirling over her. Harry squeezed you to his side and laughed at you lightly.
"Hello hello!", at 11:59, Zayn finally appeared on the screen, Louis cheering for his best friend's appearance.
Everyone started talking, Bear being taken away to sleep after a few minutes.
"Was gonna egg your houses, except yours - Harry and Zayn. Liam and Niall, you keep dropping hints fooking hell!", Louis exclaimed while everyone laughed at him.
"I mea-"
"Shut up Liam!", Liam only laughed and put his hands in the air at Lou's antics.
"Harry, Y/N, you two looked like you really planned this!", Gigi complimented you both while you blushed whispering a thank you.
"She forced me to wear this! And look at her socks!", H raised your foot so the others can see it.
"Awe Y/N this is why I love youuu", Niall teased you. You haven't recovered from Gigi, now there's another teasing!
"Leave m’ girl alone! She's fangirling over Gigi!", you nudge Harry's ribs hard, feeling so embarrassed. 
"Oh gosh, that's cute! I wanna meet you in person! I've already met El when we did this photoshoot, right El?", Gigi enthusiastically said as Zayn rubs his girlfriend's belly.
"Yes! We have to hang out! Ni and Li! Make sure your girlfriends join us!", Eleanor looks so happy and it makes you wonder how she does it in the midst of all the hate she receives. You and Harry aren't public yet and it makes you think of what will happen when you do.
"Harry keep it in your pants!", Lou suddenly shouted when he saw your boyfriend staring at you.
"M not doing an-"
"Baby fever man!", Niall laughed at Harry for being so obvious. You're so embarrassed at this point so Harry just flexed his room and the cake you made to remove turn the attention away from the both of you.
"Man, how do you think they'll react to the Infinity video?", Niall asked.
"Gonna be a blast, they don't know that Zayn had a part!", your boyfriend exclaimed beside you while everyone agrees. Within the next few hours, different websites will premier it and everyone can hardly wait.
Everyone stayed up until 5 a.m. catching up and reminiscing until they have to forcefully go to sleep for later. They can't wait to see each other for the interview with BBC where they'll be announcing their plans.
Each said goodbyes with a promise to arrive early to spend more time together before the taping starts at 12 p.m.
You and Harry both went to the bathroom to brush your teeth, Harry staring at you through the mirror as you did so.
"Mhve iwn wifh mo."
You rinsed your mouth with the water and replied, "what? I couldn't exactly understand you baby."
Harry finished rinsing his mouth, "I said move in with me... please."
"I- Harry re you sure? I mea-"
"Yes, I am! You're basically living here anyway! I want to take the next step with you.", he tried to woo you while hugging you in front of the mirror.
You nod and said yes. Turning around to kiss him. 
"I love you", he said. 
"Love you more", you kissed him once more, "Let's head to bed! You gotta be up nice and fresh for later," you tugged his hands towards his room and settled down.
“I always look good babyyy...”, and as much as you wanted to fight your boyfriend, he looks really cuddly now.
“Yes, you do, got a killer genes and all”, you run your hands through his hair smiling softly at him, as you felt your eyes became heavy.
“You do too! Our kids gonna have badass looks!"
“You definitely go a baby fever huh? Let's focus on your interview tomorrow first, yeah?”, you hugged him tight and tickled the back of his neck.
H only laughed, "Definitely got one, wanna be a father to our kids but I also can't wait for our fans to know what we're up to!", Harry placed his head on the crook of your neck.
“Good thing I want you to be the father of my future kids then... and tomorrow, they’re gonna love it! Gonna be thrilled about your announcement! Everyone’s been waiting for it! Happy 10 years again, so proud of you and everyone behind your band's success."
“Thank you lovie", Harry replied as he kissed your neck.
With that, you kissed his forehead goodnight and made sure your alarm is on to start the day.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
loud mouth colson baker(mgk) x reader
+++++++++ So I had a dream about him and it's all I've been thinking about all day so here ya go, this seems to be a theme lately lol
Song: aint talking bout love by van halen
tag list: @cynic-spirit +++++++++
"Wow you really know how to make a mess don't you."
My friend said, looking around at the room piled with clothes. I picked a shirt up and tossed it at him.
"Shut up, I told you I needed to clean out my closet."
He laughed at me, folding it and putting it in top of my desk.
"You're gonns need some serious help with this."
I began plucking clothing items off my bed and folding them.
"Yeah I know, colson's coming over later and so is Bree."
I watched John pick up another shirt and fold it.
"Lucky me for getting here early."
He joked. I sent him a knowing smile.
"Hey at least Id already started, everything is out of the closet and half of it I'm getting rid of."
I said proudly. He laughed a little at me.
"Okay, please tell me you are losing this one."
He said, hopeful, holding up a very old and worn out mgk shirt. I frowned and snatched it away from him.
"Of course not, colson gave me that the first time I ever went to one of his live shows."
John crossed his arms across his chest at me. Then there was a knock at my bedroom door, drawing our attention to colson standing in the doorway.
"I hope you don't mind I let myself in, the front door was unlocked."
He said with a smile. I dropped the shirt to the bed and went in for a hug.
"Of course not, I told you you can come in any time."
He held me with one hand as he fist bumped John, letting me go a second later.
"So, this looks a little crazy."
He said finally looking around the room. I let out a nervous laugh, going back to my spot at the end of the bed.
"I know it does now but once everything is sorted it'll be a breeze to put away."
He kind of looked at me like I was crazy before stepping over some clothes and making his way to me.
"Okay, where do you want me to start?"
I looked around for a second.
"Um, John's doing shirts, I'm doing this... Wanna start folding and stacking pants?"
I asked, pointing to them. He shrugged.
He walked to the pile and dropped to the ground, sitting with his legs crossed as he began pulling things out.
"So, what did I miss?"
He asked, John sending me a knowing look.
"Not a whole lot."
I said condescendingly, throwing the shirt back at John.
"She won't get rid of this."
He said holding it to his chest and looking down at it. Colson laughed a little bit.
"You still have that? That merch line hasn't been around for years."
He said in wonderment. I put my hands on my hips as he kept folding and stacking.
"You gave that to me, of course I kept it. Do you even remember that night?"
I asked pointedly. He thought for a second before shrugging.
"I don't know y/n I don't remember a lot of shit."
I rolled my eyes as I went back to folding and stacking too.
"It was the first of your live shows you invited me to. When it was over you asked if I was going to that party with you. of course I said I couldnt stay too long but you said I had to anyways. We were at that dude's house till, God, it must been like four in the morning."
We both laughed at the memory. He nodded his head.
"Yeah I remember now, you were so drunk. But that one chic spilled her entire glass of wine down the front of you and it's all I had when we got back to my place."
He laughed, John looking between us with a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but think fondly of that night, even if it did go quite awry.
"Sounds like quite a night."
John mentioned, sending me another knowing look.
"It really was."
Colson stood up and placed the stack of pants on the bed next to the one I was working on.
"If I remember correctly, that was also the first time you had drank yourself into a hangover. Literally."
I cringed.
"Yeah, I was so sick that next day, I was honestly just glad you were there."
I turned to John as he sat.
"I literally couldn't walk, I was violently sick the whole day, and the headache I had was like none I've ever had in my life."
Colson laughed a little bit, nudging my arm with his elbow.
"Lucky for you I'm a great hangover doctor."
°°°°°°°°° I looked to Bree as she handed me another hanger, the guys in the other room deciding on dinner. We had been at this most of the day and I was beginning to wonder who the hell let me do this to myself. There was a mountain of clothes by my door that was all stuff I had planned to get rid of. Part of me felt refreshed but I still had to finish putting away what was left.
"Aw I remember you telling me about this one."
She said picking up the shirt we had talked about earlier. I smiled to myself as I put it on the hanger.
"Ya know we had just finished talking about that night right before you got here."
She pouted.
"So I missed the best story about you two? No fair."
She protested, sulking down into her seat. I laughed a little bit.
"As if you don't know every detail anyway."
She perked back up as she handed me another shirt hanger.
"Well yeah but I still love hearing about it. That's when it all started."
She said winking at me and I waved the shirt in my hand at her.
"That's our secret ma'am."
I said through gritted teeth and she just laughed at me.
"They aren't in here what does it matter."
She said at me.
"You just love a man Willing to take you... Oops I meant take care of you."
My eyes went wide, my mouth dropping as I playfully gasped at her.
"Excuse you! He's just a friend."
I said matter of factly and she raised an unimpressed brow at me.
"Sure he is. It's not like you two don't flirt relentlessly at each other all the time or anything."
I rolled my eyes as I finished hanging the last few things up.
"What about it? Friends flirt with each other all the time."
She said flatly. Then John came in the room, colson hot on his heels.
Was all he said. Bree and I looked between them.
I asked and he held the phone out to me.
"Holy shit."
I said taking it from him.
"Do we really need all this food for just the four of us?"
Colson stepped to me and took the phone back.
"Come on y/n, if we're staying the night like you planned you know it's gonna get eaten."
I sighed.
"You buying?"
He grinned widely at me.
"Yes ma'am."
I caved.
He said giving John a high five and finishing the order. I shook my head.
"You two are ridiculous."
Colson grinned widely at me.
"Yeah, ridiculously hungry."
I laughed.
"You should put that in a song loser."
He handed the phone back to John, him walking back out into the hallway.
"Ooo wait! Are you getting barbeque?!"
Bree yelled, following him quickly. I laughed to myself as I pushed my clothes around in the closet, making sure everything was in its right place. Colson draped his arm over my shoulder, admiring my work.
"I'm proud of us."
He said.
"We got a lot done today."
I nodded against him, bringing my arm around his waist.
"Yes we did, and thanks again, it really means a lot. I definitely needed the help."
I said smiling up at him. He was already staring down at me. I let out a nervous laugh.
He grinned widely.
"I wasn't gonna say anything, but Bree is kind of loud..."
My mouth dropped open, taking my hand from his back and covering my face.
I groaned into my hands as he laughed, wrapping his arms around me and kissing the top of my head.
"Don't be shy baby."
He said, pulling my hands down. I couldn't help the mad blush making its way to my cheeks.
"What did you hear?"
I asked hesitantly, him snaking his arms around my waist.
"You like a man that can take you and take care of you."
He said proudly, a lazy smile playing across his lips. I held my breath and closed my eyes.
"Oh god."
I sighed out. He laughed again, rubbing his finger tips into my lower back.
"Hey, don't feel bad, we've been friends forever. Nothing I can't handle. Besides, I wouldn't flirt back if I wasnt a little interested."
My eyes went wide at his words.
"What are you saying?"
I asked skeptically. He smirked at me.
"Kiss me and find out."
He said lowly. I just stared at him. My brain couldn't comprehend what was happening. Before I knew it he was moving towards me and I couldn't breathe. A second later his lips were on mine and I was kissing him like my life depended on it. He dipped me down, holding me tightly to him. When he pulled away I inhaled sharply, needing as much air as I could get. Or at least that's what it felt like. My lungs burned and my brain was misfiring. He half smiled before pecking me on the lips again.
"God I should've done that ages ago."
He breathed out and I nodded.
I said, pulling him back down to me and kissing him passionately.
I heard Bree shout, making me smile against him. When he pulled away we both looked to the doorway, Bree dancing in place as John stood there with his mouth open.
"How long has that been a thing?!"
He said shocked. Bree punched his arm making him flinch away. She ran to us, giving us a collective hug.
"I love you guys."
She said looking between us and I couldn't help but blush again.
"Thanks Bree."
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idiottweets · 4 years
Here's the Q's and the A's from #asktheGhosts episode 2!
0:40: if you had to choose one of the ghosts to haunt you in real life, who would you choose?
Kiell says Pat because he doesn't want as much, Charlotte says "the less needy the better" and she'd go for Robin because he wouldn't be interested in her life, Larry replies that having Robin in your house would be like having a cat, Mat says it's hard to seperate yourself from your character in that situation and it's hard not to feel disappointed if you're not picked but him and Larry both agree that they want to be seperated from their characters
2:11: who is most like their character?
Charlotte says Alison is the most method she's ever been, they joke around about how she's constantly in character, Kiell answers that Ben is most like his character and the others laugh, Charlotte was going to say Pat but that's not really fair, Larry agrees with Jim being like Pat because they're both upbeat, Mat says the most problematic answer would have been Simon and everyone agreed, Kiell says he's never seen Simon outside of the workplace and Larry replies that you can rarely see Simon outside of work and that he had been working with Simon for three years before he had a reasonable sense that Simon liked him
4:40: for Kiell - how hard is it to play Mike, who can't see ghosts, and they're filming right in front of you? How hard is it to pretend they're not there? Who puts you off the most?
He says it's the hardest thing he's ever done, the scene in the first Series when Thomas puts his head through the car window he was sure whatever he did would be wrong and that he couldn't do it, when they filmed the second series he needed to get used to it again, Charlotte mentions that Mike seems to think the ghosts are floating and (!S3 SPOILERS!) Mat says him and Jim are writing an episode at the moment featuring the line "why does he think we're floating?"
7:27: for Charlotte - how did you manage to shoot the Moonah Stone dance without having a mental breakdown?
Charlotte replies it's like what Kiell has to do every scene, she says she did it by learning her lines really well and knowing when to talk to ghosts and when to talk to living people, Mat asks if she's aware of who she looks at when they're shooting scenes with the ghosts without the ghosts there (they shoot with the ghosts first and then shoot the same scene again without them), Charlotte answers she is and that she has to remember how the scene looked
10:00: do you have any memory of the first time you were put together and whether it felt natural and like it would work? How did you find that first moment of acting together as a couple?
Kiell replies they had met before, maybe in Edinburgh, Charlotte figured out about three days ago that she had seen him in a show there called "Happy Day", Kiell had seen Charlotte in panto in the same venue, Kiell and Charlotte don't remember the first thing they did together, but Charlotte really enjoyed the read with him, all the auditions for Ghosts sort of blur together for Kiell, the scene in the first episode where Alison finds out she inherited the house was rewritten loads of times because it was used for auditions and it had become "meaningless babble"
15:20: do you ever get costume envy?
Both reply no, Charlotte says no because of the corsets they women wear, but she likes Ben's/Cap's army uniform because of the structure, Larry gets costume envy because Charlotte and Kiell get to change costume, Charlotte says the costumes are incredible, especially Mike'a red tracksuit in series 2
18:15: who is your free pass in real life?
Mat questions if people actually have this in real life, Larry says he doesn't have the imagination for it
19:05: what was your most memorable and funniest line to say?
Kiell answers "west-wing socks" when Mike shows the fusebox, Charlotte's is "do come in on" but she really likes the sequence of events where Kitty says "can I see the bottle of wine", Alison passes it to her, smashes it on the floor and then Mike says "sorry, excuse my wife, she had an accident" and halfway through looks up at the pigeon
21:15: Larry asks if they have favourite episodes or favourite bits of scenes
Kiell really likes Pat's "wow!"
22:55: do you like gooseberries?
Kiell didn't know the gooseberries in series 1 were real, Charlotte didn't try one either when they were filming, Larry says they're a bit of a running joke about Kiell being a picky eater, Mat chimes in "do not give this man a lime"
24:35: if either of you were cast as the ghosts, which would you be? Or if you could create your own ghost, what would they be like?
Kiell replies he would want to be Humphrey, Charlotte would Mary because she sort of exists in her own world and because she existed during Puritan times which would be really interesting to witness, Kiell would be something like a sportsman if he could create his own ghosts, Charlotte said a monk ghost would be interesting and Larry replies that they were going to have a monk ghost, Mat says there used to be a monk who played chess with Robin, Larry says they talked about a monk or nun who was really foul-tempered because by becoming a ghost they had proved that there was no heaven and their entire life was a lie and they were regretful about what they had done
28:30: which ghost is most likely to make you mess up when filming a scene?
Charlotte says it's probably Jim, Kiell says Mat is just as bad, Larry replied Simon got "naughtier" in series 2 and Mat agrees that he made some big choices, and there's one line reading that he can't wait for people to see, Charlotte says there's something Lolly does in series 2 which is amazing
30:25: can fans get merch soon? Any ideas of merch?
Kiell comes up with a Mary thing, like an egg timer, that tells yoh when your food is ready, Larry and Charlotte suggest a Mike doll that says "why is that" with a pet pigeon, Charlotte say a board game where you throw Humphrey's head around, Larry replies with Humphrey head piñatas with little brain sweets coming out, Kiell says a doormat that says "come on in on through"
32:25: to Kiell - what was your relationship like with the pigeon?
He hated that pigeon
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
Tumblr media
2020.12.21 The World You Live In at Zepp Tokyo, 2nd event report
Fujieda again started with greetings, introduced himself and Takabayashi and then asked for applause for the band members.
And we got quite a surprise!
Kaoru and Toshiya came on stage!
Thus making Tokyo the only place where band members changed for each slot/session. As much as I'd love to see Kyo again I was happy as my friend only went to Tokyo and she's Toshiya's fan😊
F: please introduce yourself.
Kaoru: you already did lol. I'm Kaoru.
T: I'm Toshiya.
F: the last video you just watched was different from other sessions. The trailer for the concert film screenings that will start from February. It's something only you know right now. As you can imagine from the title it will be something similar to this, with the band members coming for the talk after.
K talked a bit about the situation as well.
T: it's still difficult to hold concerts, but this is something we can do. So I hope you will look forward to it.
Next F started the 'merch items introduction corner', he passed the items to the members.
K: I was watching the 1st slot and we talked about them in Osaka, too. (he talked more about the items and what members said)
F: yes, everything can fit in the pouch so it's a very useful item. You can buy all merch items and put then in the pouch and take home like that. Let's look at Toshiya's big pick key chains (he pronunced that very carefully😂)
They talked about members signs and company logos when suddenly K requested to have to lights in the venue set brighter so he could see everyone.
After that F announced they wil start with questions from the fans, passed the part of papers to others, but K gave his to F saying it's better if he chooses.
T: ok, I have a good one! 'It was Die's birthday yesterday, did you send him a birthday message? And are there any memorable presents you've received in the past?'
T: I got a bicycle. I was really happy at first, but then it was stolen from the parking area.
F: when was it?
T (I didn't catch it but from the context it must have been quite early on in their career)
F: during the tour?
T: yeah, we were always giving each other something for our birthdays, every year, but as years passed it got more difficult to choose something good and we then just stopped.
F: how about you, K?
K: I got a Mickey Mouse, about this size (he showed us with his hand, about 1m tall).
F: 'how do you deal with feeling tired?'
K: I go for a massage.
F: only during the tour?
K: anytime.
F: when the most? When writing songs?
K (laughing): but we're always writing songs
T: for me it's sauna.
F: do you often go when just staying at home?
T: for example after the gym
Ta: 'what did you eat most often during the stay at home period?'
K: ...what did I eat, what about you, Tooru?
Ta: sausages.
The whole venue kinda rotfled 🤣🤣🤣
F: that's cute😆
Ta: it's something I can usually only eat at home.
K: ...something I was really into...(still thinking)....(thinking)
F: for me it was Jiro-ken ramen.
T: at home?! So you weren't really staying at home?
F: I gained some weight after the overseas tour. I started to diet then, and one day a week, a cheat day, I could eat whatever I wanted. My cheat choice was Jiro, either at the restaurants or to take away.
K: ...what was it for me...
F: maybe nabe you talked about before? (in Osaka)
K wasn't impressed 😆
T: canned mackerel for me.
F: for when you drink etc? No, just like that?
They all laughed here a bit.
Suddenly K jumped in with a new topic.
K: in Osaka you talked about the theme behind Kyo's outfit, you said it was pink but he pointed his green hair as the main point.
F: that was difficult.
K: tbh I also thought the main idea was pink (he also talked about Kyo's use of Kansai dialect)
T: 'what were you able to do after becoming an adult?'
F: there's a lot of food people start eating when they grow up.
T: food topic again? 😆
F: for example for me it was raisins.
T: as I get older I can drink more. When we just debuted I couldn't drink at all.
F: drinking wine?
T: おっさんだから・'cause I'm an old guy.
K started talking about the food he couldn't handle when he was small but the next question kinda made me forget it 😅
' 'wet cat food is actually quite good, have you ever tried?'
F: I have a cat and sometimes when I give my cat wet food some will get on my fingers. I'd just lick it. You know some of it, the mackerel or tuna, it looks so good.
T: please send me a video when you eat cat food next time.
(but to be fair most of canned cat food in Japan is 100% fish🤷‍♀️)
K: 'when you can tour again what local specialities do you want to eat?'
F: motsunabe in Fukuoka
T: miso type?
F: of course (if not Shinya would kill him)
K: what did you eat in Sendai?
F: bento
K: in Nagoya?
F: nothing special
T: we had normal bento, but it was miso katsu (Nagoya's style cutlet)
F: but if it's not in a restaurant it's not the same. Anything you want to eat, T?
T: Beki soba from Niigata.
F: have you tried it before?
T: when we went there on a tour, I really like soba.
They talked but more about food, tare katsu, okonomiyaki from Hiro and Jiro again.
T: is Jiro really that good?
F: 😍
K: I've tried it before, but it's (just) okay.
F: it's all about how the noodles taste (type of flour etc)
(more food talk, choosing between salt and tare options)
K: 'what's your favorite onigiri (rice ball)?'
F: how about you, K?
K: I don't eat onigiri.
T: Me also, but if I have to choose it's sujiko/salted salmon roe.
K (about not eating onigiri much): right, you only eat soba.
T then told us the story how much he loved salmon roe even as a child. When he was quite small he went shopping to the local supermarket with his grandmother. When he saw salmon roe in the shop he just started eating it directly from the shelf/container. Of course when his grandmother and supermarket staff found out it got very noisy, but because he was so young it was forgiven.
(back to onigiri topic)
Ta: salmon for me.
F: oh that is nice, I love the most tamago-kake-gohan rice ball (TKG is a very simple, traditional Japanese breakfast dish - just rice with a raw egg eaten with soy sauce, sometimes other toppings), the Newdays chain is selling them
K: the chain operates only in this area, no?
F explained that there are Newdays in other places too, fe Sendai. He also really got into explaining all pros incl the tasty gooey filling inside of the rice ball.
K (imitating F) oh that's nice 😂
F: 'it got so cold recently, what's your favourite season?'
T: spring or fall, I don't hate winter but I definitely don't like summer.
K: fall. (he said as this year wasn't too cold he could go out a bit during breaks)
F: so 2~3 weeks ago was your fav time.
K: here in Tokyo at least.
F: 'as we're staying home much more now do you have a recommended tv series or a channel?' (not just a movie)
K: Cobra kai.
F: ah, you tweeted about it.
K: it will be on Netflix next month, the 3rd season.
K talked about The Karate Kid (Japanese title 'Best Kid').
F: I don't know it.
Ta: me too.
K (shocked): you're serious???
T: I know, of course.
F: 'Best Kid'? 'Best Fit?'
T: just stop it🙃
F: how about your recommendation, T?
T: The BOYS on Prime.
K: I haven't seen it, but it seems interesting.
T: it is! I also like BOSCH. I'm just watching like after work and so on.
After that K talked about how cinema with the capacity reduced by half was nice because you could put your bag on the seat next to you etc, but recently came back to the full house (Demon Slayer did that...)
F: 'how do you feel being in front of people first time in a while?'
T: I'm sorry it has to be done this way
F: don't say that😆
(missed K's reply)
T: it's tiring to be in front of people.
F: but we do it in an interesting way.
T: yeah.
T: 'what's your favourite game? Even including older ones like famicon?'
K: games?
T: Spelunker on Amicon😆
T/K in agreement: where you die so quickly
K: PS5 is so popular, I didn't win.
F: it seems Kyo won once but the information he submitted had a mistake.
K: I applied for Sony's lottery and Big Camera's.
F: you don't want PS5, T?
T: recently I don't play.
K: what about the... what was it Tsushima?
They all reacted with 'ah'
F: what kind of game is it?
K: don't ask me😅 but it looks interesting.
T: it seems to be very popular abroad.
F: 'what's your favourite way to eat ozoni?'
(A new year soup with rice cakes)
Ta: the soy sauce based soup, with grilled mochi.
F: but what ingredients do you add?
K: isn't that way too detailed??
Ta (tries): spring onion etc
K listed grilled mochi, spinach, carrot etc. Then he told us about his family tradition to properly make rice cakes for New year, pounding was so loud even if you wanted to watch tv, you couldn't. But then they had enough for a month.
T: soy sauce style.
F: with miso or?
T: I said soy sauce.
F: what ingredients?
T: rice cakes, spinach, and what is that... (he started to make circles with his hand) ...?
F: naruto?
T (yeah that/nods)
F: in my family we do soy sauce, rice cakes, carrot, fish cakes etc.
K (ignoring F comment that they should finish now, in a teasing way): what about osechi, which dishes do you like?
F: konbu maki or kurikinton.
K: how about you, T?
T: that egg dish that is kinda like this (he gestured the shape again)?
Ta: tatemaki?
F: datemaki!
T: I think it's datemaki.
K: I like that beef roll with carrot and green beans inside (its 牛肉の八幡巻き)
F (making very dreamy face): Aaaaaaah that😍 green beans are so good.
F: ok, thank you all.
K: what about Tooru (Ta)?
F: it's time, sorry.
Last comments.
Toshiya: thank you all for gathering here despite the COVID situation. It's difficult to do concerts now so we tried doing film screenings. In difficult times like this it's not only about the band members, there's our staff and also the venues. I'd love to play concerts again, please wait for us.
Kaoru: it is a difficult situation to share my personal opinion... if we can't do the concerts in a way everyone can enjoy... enjoy, it will affect our relationship of mutual trust. I think this (COVID) situation will continue for some time still, so I think it's better to go with the film screening events. But we will keep checking the situation. Please stay healthy and I hope all of you will come to watch it.
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madame-brioche · 4 years
Part 1: Meet the Counselors 🦋
Winters — The Nutritional Counselor:
-teaches math during the off-season
-affectionately calls his campers "little chicken nuggets"
-gets up at 5 in the morning for a quiet hike
-makes sure you take your required medication and vitamins and use your inhaler, whatever you need
-goes around to let everyone know it's time for light's out
-will comfort campers with ice cream if they're feeling homesick
-secretly planning a fun last day of camp prank with Counselor Nixon
-lots of pastels in his uniform
-rescues injured birds and squirrels, and nurses them back to health
-knows every camper's name, hobbies, favorite color, allergies
-pinkie promises on everything
-makes the best ice tea and coffee in the cafeteria
-“I love all of you equally”
Nixon — The Chaotic Functional Counselor
-used to pull legendary pranks before becoming a head counselor but now just does mostly paperwork
-tells nightmare-fuel scary stories and then abruptly says "well goodnight" afterwards & leaves
-carries a secret flask and gets wasted at the campfire
-hungover af at breakfast the next morning
-pets every dog he comes across, and even lets his campers sneak one into the bunks to keep
-wears baggy shorts, a baseball cap backwards and rocks sunglasses indoors
-gets hyped for taco Tuesday's in the cafeteria
-hosts wine Wednesday's in the counselors' lounge
-takes spiders outside rather than killing them
-oddly competitive during icebreaker games
-talks shit about other counselors to his campers
-“can I get a double shot americano with bourbon?”
Lipton — The Mom Counselor
-ray of fucking sunshine
-keeps in touch with his campers after they leave
-has been working there for an insanely long time
-arts and crafts leader, orchestrating friendship bracelet making
-gets along with all the other counselors, never has beef with anyone
-gives the best advice, even if you don't want to hear it
-the best bear hugs omfg just makes you feel so safe and protected
-smells like campfire and s'mores
-literally made out of happiness and gummy worms
-surprises everyone with a pajama pizza party
-makes sure you're staying hydrated and getting enough sleep, applying sunscreen/bug spray, and having a good time
-come to him with any injuries, aches, or pains
-“What do you mean you’re not having fun?”
Speirs — The Varsity Wilderness Survival Counselor
-how did this guy get to be a counselor?
-hides contraband in a shallow hole by the obstacle course
-breaks all the rules but upholds them for his campers
-will come in and scare the living shit out of you if you don't listen to Counselor Winters' lights out warning
-only one who hits Counselor Sobel with a water balloon
-gets up at 4am to lift and run around the campgrounds
-only wears tank tops, even in the cold
-will test his campers by leaving them in the woods at night and expect them to find their way back
-maybe sheds one tear on the last day, maybe
-really high stakes trust exercises
-will suck the venom out of a snake bite to save your life
-moves through the forest without making a sound
-“I will throw you to the mountain lions”
Welsh — The Hip Counselor
-plays Wonderwall on his acoustic guitar during campfire performances
-hasn't showered in a week and it's noticeable
-grows a goatee and runs around barefoot
-is banned from helping out in the kitchen
-will set up your tent for you in exchange for drugs
-reigning tie-dye shirt making champ
-recycling king™️
-makes sure there's vegetarian options in the cafeteria
-smells like mother nature's armpit
-wears a bandana around his head
-can be found avoiding duties and playing ultimate frisbee with his campers
-“tbh, I’ve had five existential crises since we’ve been here!”
Compton — The Cool Friend Counselor
-wears a different flannel everyday
-calls you out for your bullshit during cabin meetings
-gives the best pep talks before games of capture the flag
-somehow manages to read 4+ books over the course of camp
-knows how to sew/patch up clothes
-leads most of the cheers and rallying songs
-hangs out with campers instead of other counselors in his free time
-always down for darts, archery, swimming, sailing, kayaking, you name it
-overshares personal life details during campfire sharing time
-will totally help you TP Counselor Sobel’s cabin
-once ate a bee on a dare
-“guys, I’m not mad but who put weed killer in my shampoo?”
Martin — The Don’t F With Me Counselor
-resting bitch face during camp cheers
-aggressively salutes the flag during morning assembly
-inexplicably good at memorizing everyone’s name on the first day
-openly drinks gin and tonic in the cafeteria
-the reason a few campers wanted to go home
-somehow ends up being one of your favorite counselors by the last day
-is not subtle about playing favorites
-cooks most of the food for the camp and will be insulted if you don’t eat what’s on your plate
-can do that loud whistle with his fingers to get everyone’s attention
-low key freaks out if one of his campers is missing and will not rest until they’re found
-mood can go from 0 to 100 over the pettiest things
-“Yeah I’m gonna need you to kindly pipe the fuck down with the crazy glue for the rest of craft time”
Randleman — The Boy Scout Counselor
-wears a lot of camo at all times
-scary good at poker
-smokes on the premises even though it’s forbidden
-talks fast and direct, commands your attention
-makes a mean s’more and prefers the marshmallow to be burnt
-will let his campers get away with the most shenanigans so long as it’s not hurting anyone
-actually cries the last day of camp
-kickball and flag football champion
-has wrestled a grizzly bear and won
-collects pocket knives and random critters
-bff’s with Counselor Martin and sometimes takes charge of Martin’s campers and vice versa
-has never gotten bit by a mosquito
-snores loudly and will sleep through anything
-has been granted camp counselor tenure because he’s been there so dang long
-“y’all wanna go sink a canoe?”
Peacock — The Cute But Clueless Counselor
-wears a lot of band t-shirts merch
-has song lyrics tattooed on various body parts
-rocks an intentional mullet
-constantly getting lost when leading hikes but great at improvising
-has a tan even if the sun hasn’t been out
-blood smells like cologne
-instructs canoeing and determines whether you pass the swim test or not
-has a way with animals and manages the small camp petting zoo
-got six stitches last year from doing a flip off the dock
-gets scared from the scary stories Counselor Nixon tells
-“la la la la if I can’t hear the ghosts they can’t hurt me”
Dike — The Absentee Counselor
-says “oof” after any minor inconvenience
-oversleeps and misses morning assembly
-a camper may die on his watch, you never know
-gives sub par motivational speeches
-tries to comfort homesick campers but ends up crying himself
-has a fear of swimming without water wings
-might get mauled by a bear later
-given up on learning his campers’ names
-calls other counselors for help
-has one facial expression at all times
-spits when he talks
-constantly stressed during outdoor camping
-passive aggressiveness af during cabin meetings
-sleeps with a night light
-“wait am I responsible for all of you?”
Sobel — The Narc Counselor
-literally no one likes him
-mission is to make sure everyone follows his rules
-carries around a bullhorn and a backup whistle
-failed the swim test
-says “fight me” but would get his ass kicked
-misspells everything
-will give you latrine duty if you leave your bunk bed unmade or the dishes aren’t in alphabetical order
-doesn’t participate in campfire games or sing alongs
-got left behind on a trail for 9 hours once
-confiscates any and all contraband camp items including non regulated shoes
-likes noodles with ketchup
-perpetual disappointed glare
-has a cold like once a week
-only allows one s’more per camper
-“and you will know my name is the lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee, now put this can of peaches back where it belongs!”
Stay tuned for Part 2: The Campers
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isnotys · 4 years
Seamless Part 1
Summary: After being Shane Dawson’s assistant for a year, things couldn't have been going better. However, Shane had other plans. He has decided that your next move is to jump headfirst into your true passion and with some unexpected partners.
Warnings: None
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It’s only been a short year after I moved to LA to work as Shane Dawson’s assistant and it has been the best decision I have ever made. After all of those grueling years in college, being an assistant to just any YouTuber would’ve been a hard pass, but this is Shane we’re talking about. I haven’t even been here that long, but he has already taught me so much about the business and has introduced me to the influential people that could potentially help me when I decide to pursue writing as a full-time career. 
By far meeting, Jeffree Star has been the craziest experience of my life, although he has been one of the nicest people I’ve met. However, after the last Jeffree Star series, Shane had said he wanted to do a few more lowkey videos. Like the ones he used to do with just Andrew, Drew and Garret. Something that didn't rely as much on just him and Andrew and this makes a lot of sense because the wedding planning had kept him and Ryland quite busy, even Morgan and I as well.
Shane has never stopped helping people though, no matter how busy he is. That is why he let me have the day off today because he had some people coming over for an interview/video/therapy session and Shane wanted to be able to help them with no interruptions. He was mainly worried about how loud Garret usually is, but he asked us all to stay out of the house for most of the afternoon.
So Ryland, Morgan, Garret and I decided that it would be a productive use of our day to go Christmas shopping. Especially because Ryland and Morgan’s parents are coming to California soon and then we are all leaving for Colorado. Despite it being the middle of December, the LA sun is shining bright and nothing more than a hoodie is needed to battle the not so cold weather. 
I was so honored that they invited me though. Not only has Shane become such an important part of my life, Ryland and Shane have also welcomed me into their family. My family doesn't celebrate Christmas and they live in another state, so they insisted I join them to celebrate it all together. After all, Christmas isn't the same in LA. 
After a long drive in the crazy LA traffic, we hit a few stores in Rodeo Drive and got most of what we were going to gift each other. However, we still hadn't gone to the most important one, Target. 
Just when we were coming into the store we saw none other than David Dobrik accompanied by his assistant, Natalie. I honestly thought that was who Shane was meeting with today so I was surprised to see them there, to say the very least.  We have met a few times before at influencer events, which Shane doesn't go to therefore Ryland and Morgan drag me along, so we just all talked a little and they quickly left because they had to film a bit with the squad. 
After saying goodbye to them, I immediately ask Ryland who was coming to the house today. David was my best guess and that had just been proven wrong.
“Ryland,” I begin to accept that my curiosity has finally gotten the best of me, “do you know who is coming to the house today to film the video?”
“Of course I do, hunty!,” he says smirking and with the enthusiasm and charisma he is known for, “Shane told me last week. But you, especially you, can’t know who it is just yet. It is all part of the master plan.”
“Well if it’s John Green, I think it is in everyone’s best interest that I am informed of what is going on,” I say trying to act unbothered and nonchalant, but Ryland can obviously tell that I am not happy that he isn't telling me anything. 
“As long as there are snacks, there shouldn't be any problem,” Morgan says clearly over with this whole thing. She for sure knows something I don’t. 
“SNACKS! You got that right, Morgan! Snacks and a good movie, that should be the plan for tonight,” says Garret excitedly and begins to laugh.
“Wait, why especially me? Why can't I specifically know about who’s at the house today?” I ask Ryland honestly confused and deadass scared for my job. What if Shane hired someone else and wanted to let me go? Before Christmas? This is the best job I have ever had, I don't want to lose it.
“Don’t worry it’s not what you think,” Ryland says walking away because he just saw some cute wine glasses. Ryland is clearly done avoiding my questions so we just keep shopping until we find what we need.
We finally make it back to the car after this long day and we are on our way home. Hopefully, we can just rest for the remainder of the evening because I am just exhausted. Ryland had picked up somethings and was planning to make a quick, homey meal so we could all have a chill night. Well, Ryland hardly ever cooks so, in reality, I’m the one making the food and Garret is gonna eat most of it before its done. We might need Postmates after all. 
It's about 4 o'clock, but the sun is already setting, which is what I hate most about the winter. We are all in the car heading back to the house and the sun shining bright on our faces as Welcome to the Black Parade plays in the background. Emo? Maybe, but it never goes out of style. 
As I lose myself in the lyrics, and Garret keeps talking about an upcoming Marvel movie, we finally arrive at the house. I am dying to take a warm bath and get out of these clothes because we have been running around all day and it might not be that warm, but I definitely look a little rough right now. As I look at my Lover crop top in the reflection when I get out of the car, I remember that Shane keeps telling me that I wear too much merch, and I am starting to believe he might be right after all. 
We get all the bags out of the G-wagon and when we walk into the patio entrance of the house, Morgan trips and falls. The decorations fly in the air as we all die of laughter. Shane and Andrew rush out of the door to check if Morgan is ok. She is, though we are all mad it wasn’t caught on camera. When we are finally able to stop laughing, I look to the door and I see the last people on earth I have ever expected to meet at Shane’s house. Suddenly it all makes sense.
He was filming a video with the Dolan Twins. 
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jinfilms · 4 years
han @knjz​ tagged me in this question tag and i’m finally doing it at 3 am lets get it 
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1. It’s your birthday! What did you ask for and did you receive it?
i h*te celebrating my birthday so realistically just merch or money...my bday is may 7 so we were quarantine this year anyway but my present to myself was mots tour merch !
2. What was the last song or album you listened to?
all about luv by monsta x i’ve been listening to it sm recently!! i bought it today when i was at target
3. What is your go to snack when you’re hungry or bored?
i don’t snack bc i don’t usually have time to .. but during my 10 min breaks at work i’ll get a single serving container of those white cheddar cheez-its bc they’re top tier 
4. What is your morning routine?
wake up, shower if i didn’t the night before, skincare.. i usually eat yogurt w granola and fruit and honey in an attempt to be healthy </3
5. What mythical/cryptid creature would you be?
i don’t know much about those but i think i’m the gen 8 pokemon sobble.. but only the first evolution sobble u know not the twink final evolution
6. How do you interact with somebody that you don’t like?
there are 0 people i interact with that i don’t like online bc everyones so precious :( irl though i’m very fake in front of them so they’d never know i hated them jdslksd it just comes with my job plus i live in the south where everyone is evil so i’m a self proclaimed pro at it by now
7. How do you define a toxic person?
my parents
8. Have you ever been to a concert or fan meet type of event? If not, would you want to?
i saw florence & the machine for my 13th or 14th bday and she’s an actual goddess irl but since then no... i want to see the boys live someday but that’ll probably never happen Don’t Remind Me
9. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
no...imo it is just a pseudo science but the quizzes are fun
10. If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), what would you want?
sight but i would rlly miss music and food
11. Who is your favourite celebrity or idol?
out of all of my biases and favs and whatever...hoseok takes the cake i just think he’s gotta be like. one of the most talented ppl in the world not even kidding ok...his singing and dancing and rapping and his heart...i think about how much he’s donated and his ability to teach and make people laugh all the time i can’t believe all of that can exist in one person but it does!! it’s hobi!!! his name is literally hope!!!!!!
non kpop related i think i’d choose bill hader or zendaya bc barry and euphoria are the only running shows that exist to me
12. If you could talk to your favourite celebrity(s) for a limited time, what would you tell them?
mmm i think i would tell hobi all of that^ if i had the chance.. he lives up to his name and he should feel proud of his accomplishments and if i could i would give him da world !
13. I’m taking you out on a date and it’s your choice. Where are we going?
staying at home and making a home cooked dinner and desert yum yum (i buy us expensive wine and my cats are there to scream for attention and it feels very domestic) 
14. Do you like sweet or savory foods?
savory...specifically spicy food i add hot sauce to pretty much every meal or else it tastes bland at this point 
15. Do you have any band merchandise or merchandise from any of your favourite artists? If so, what?
i have a lot of bts i won’t name it all, for nct 127 i bought all the neo zones, and again i bought monsta x’s all about luv version 1 today (i’m not gonna buy the other versions bc i don’t even stan them yet i just wanted to support them bc that album,, banger idk it was just a pleasant surprise cause i wasn’t planning on listening to it and now i see why there are so many monbebes!!)
i wanna start collecting txt albums and merch too but i honestly just forget they’re sitting in my amazon wish list lmao also exo and red velvet but not for a while...yall just wait till dragon dee debuts i’ll buy everything ever those boys deserve the world
tagging: @everythingoes​ @kyeomtae​ @sweetnightsjimin​ @scevery​ @honsool​ @taechnological​ @kimteahyung​ i don’t wanna tag too many people and risk annoying anyone else but if u guys see this i hope u are having amazing days/nights and i love u v much kiss kiss
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