#am i really about to go sappy at 2 am <3
applestorms · 7 months
morality in the world of good omens
so i wrote another (admittedly very messy) essay on good omens not long ago right after watching season 2 but after finishing that, rewatching all of both seasons multiple times, and reading through the book, i have a couple more distinct ideas to get out...somewhere...if only for my own sanity. this is me throwing my thoughts into the internet before i pop, if you will. just 3 sections, below the cut.
1. environment, characters, & transformative fandom creations
to start this post off a bit more broadly, i've been thinking a lot recently about transformative fandom and the reasons why we write fanfiction/create semi-original works in the first place, as well as why certain aspects of fandom (writing, art, analysis, etc.) will be more appealing to me for certain shows/series than others. correct me if you have a totally different view of this, but in my experience i've found that i tend to naturally gravitate towards different parts of fandom depending on what the original medium of the story was- podcasts tend to lead to some of the most interesting art trends, for example, since there's more room for interpretation and character design tends to be more of an ongoing community project than something set in stone like for a tv show with live human actors.
in my own observation, i've noticed that a lot of the really big & excitable fandoms, the ones that generate tons & tons of fanworks more naturally (a.k.a. just because of the story itself & not other factors like a pre-existing franchise or hype about new great gay representation, etc.) tend to surround stories that fall into a kind of "sweet spot" that makes the creation of fanworks really appealing. if you've ever wondered why there are so many ravenous artists bending over backwards to draw gorgeous fanart for stuff like homestuck or south park or even minecraft youtubers, it's likely because those stories all fall into a sweet spot for drawing, with character designs that are recognizable at a glance and yet still simple enough that there is plenty of room for personal creative touches. (think also, if you're familiar with such kinds of homestuck terms: hyperflexible mythologies, A4:1524, and/or this archive link cause the official thing is down now for some reason)
the conclusion i've come to is thus that even something as basic as the original medium of a story can dictate a lot about what kinds of fan activities are more common or popular within said story's fandom.
so, back to good omens- for me, this all relates back because of a question i've been messing with in my head recently, about why i've been less interested in fanfiction for good omens than i have been for the last few fandoms i've been, almost all of which have basically broken my ao3 bookmarks.
this question has been fucking with me for a while now, largely because i'm not entirely sure what's motivating it. a lot of times i can figure out pretty easily why i might personally not be interested in some parts of fandom, but that's not really the case here. from what i've seen this fandom seems to be pretty mixed in terms of age, & the writing that i have read is certainly no worse than i've seen elsewhere, perhaps even better in some places- and yet, i can't seem to get entirely into it, even getting frustrated as i can't find something to my tastes for an ao3 bedtime story as i've grown so accustomed. what caught me off guard is that this was an issue that i ran into while watching season 1 as well, back when the series was still quite popular but not blowing up like it is right now.
a lot of this may seem like (and likely is, at least in part) basic overthinking, but i mentioned it all here because the answer i eventually came to is reminiscent of my previous reflections above on the nature of fandom & how/why fanworks are created.
a couple paragraphs above, i used the example of art as an example of how fandoms that generate a lot of original artwork will often do the most when the original story falls into a sweet spot of character design, but notably i think that this sentiment applies to a lot more than just art. if you've ever seen the copious amounts of kpop & hockey rpf fanfiction that lives on ao3, it should be clear that this applies to writing too.
i wrote this essay a while back responding to an observation about the lack of a more extensive symbolic language in fanfiction & i've toyed around with the idea more since, particularly in considering the question of why a lot of what we see as the staples of fanfiction exist in the first place. in that post, my response largely revolved around an argument of why we create fanfiction- namely, that fanfiction is created as in tandem with deeper analysis of the original story/series, as a way of trying to practically apply character analysis to a new context.
the key part of that last sentence to me is how a lot of this revolves around character analysis (and shipping, but really it's the characters that motivate the shipping in most cases so. same difference).
i tend to instinctively separate fanfiction into two separate categories: fanfiction that is based out of the original world/canon of the story (including but not limited to fix-its, deeper analysis fics that take a scene & extrapolate from it, continuations, etc.) and fanfiction that takes the characters from the original story & plops them in an alternate universe/AU. while i separate these out as two distinct categories of fanfiction, i should also clarify that i don't think these two groups are necessarily equal in terms of number of fics- rather, the vast majority of fanfiction tends to be AUs, keeping the original characters & changing any & all aspects of the world around them. again, this may vary depending on the story & Vibe of the fandom at the time, stories like game of thrones or harry potter or homestuck might have a lot more in the canon category by nature of any major dissatisfactions the fandom has with how the original story was told, but in most cases AUs are more popular. this was a lot of the basis behind my argument that fanfiction is created as character analysis in fact, since the characters are the most important part that carries over from original story to fanwork, as well as can end up being one of the most debated/scorned parts when it comes to fandom drift (i.e. "that's out of character"/"he wouldn't do that"/and all other such arguments about fanon vs. canon characterization).
basically, my conclusion in this case was that i was a lot less interested in gomens fic largely because i have a really hard time separating the characters from the world in the case of this particular story. aziraphale & crowley being an angel & a demon and dealing with all of the bullshit of their world when it comes to heaven & hell are such integral parts of their characters in my mind that i have a much harder time getting behind AU fanfiction that plops them in a totally different context. it's just a much harder sell for keeping the characters in character for me. (i also tend to not like s2 fix-its just cause, idk they're just not my style, which is where a lot of the recent blast of energy has led us.) to clarify, this is not a judgement, just a matter of personal preference and a reflection of why, even if a lot of fandoms will look the same from the outside/involve the same things like art, fic, etc., an individual's mileage can vary wildly when it comes to how they interact with different things online.
*additional note, also for clarification: i do want to acknowledge that a lot of this depends on pure popularity as well, popular fandoms will often end up with basically everything in terms of fanworks just by nature of how many people are interacting with & thinking deeply about the story. my point here is more along the lines of the fact that even within the more well-populated fandoms, certain types of fanwork will often Stick Out more to me than others, or even be visibly much more common than in other fandoms, due largely to the original medium/structure of how the story.
so, speaking of aziraphale & crowley in more depth now- why does the world of good omens feel like such an integral part of their personalities when it comes to characterization? up next, let's talk about morality within the context of good omens' perhaps surprisingly secular take on heaven & hell.
2. the amorality of heaven & hell (ft. the crowley quote apples you know the one)
(warning in advance that this section may be a bit limited since i'm not going to get super far (or very far at all, really) into the whole religious-analysis aspect of good omens.)
i've been binge-reading the original pterry & gaiman book for good omens over the last few days and it's been very fun seeing all the slight changes between the tv show & the original. you can really see the hand of the original creators in how the tv show was translated, even just by looking at which parts made it and which parts were deemed worth cutting out. i suppose having one of the original creators right there helping build everything really helps make a book -> show translation work, since the ASOUE tv series was also pretty well received- something about knowing what's the core of the series & truly important to keep in, and having more time to tell the story itself?
anyways, i have a short list of notes that i've been taking as i read, conversations that stand out to me or footnotes that particularly amused me, but i keep coming back to one line that stood out to me quite early on. in context, this line comes from crowley during the conversation where he is first attempting to fully convince aziraphale about stopping armageddon, specifically when they're talking about exerting equal forces on warlock to make him normal:
"You're saying the child isn't evil of itself?" [Aziraphale] said slowly. "Potentially evil. Potentially good, too, I suppose. Just this huge powerful potentiality, waiting to be shaped," said Crowley. He shrugged. "Anyway, why're we talking about this good and evil? They're just names for sides. We know that."
(pg. 67)
"They're just names for sides." if i had to pick one line to sum up the view on religious morality of this series, this would likely be it.
on the one hand, i tend to interpret a lot gomens' take on heaven & hell within the context of its political stance, something that is particularly obvious through a line from gabriel in s2e2 where he tries to clarify to aziraphale that heaven isn't trying to hurt job directly, but instead is just not stopping hell from doing horrible things to him. while there may be some additional nuance to add to this take within the context of british politics that i don't really know well enough to add about, i'm inclined to see this from the side of my own familiar american politics, which might hold some weight considering how long mr. gaiman's lived around here. point is, my current interpretation of that line is that it helps in more clearly establishing the analogy of heaven & hell as the story moves forward into newer seasons and thus more contemporary politics, equating heaven with mainstream liberal politics & politicians and hell with conservatives.
this stance seems to be emphasized even more in the tv show than the book which makes sense considering its been coming out more recently, and especially in season 2 which is still quite caught up in a lot of quarantine-based reflection. (the tv show puts a lot more emphasis on heaven & hell in general, actually, perhaps initially a byproduct of actually being able to see those environments in their entirety and all the angels & demons that populate them- but we'll get to that.)
the book takes a slightly different stance that, fittingly, seems more reflective of the time it came out. in particular, i was struck a lot more when reading the book by adam's rise (fall?) to power, and how much of it was motivated by a burgeoning nervousness/pessimism about climate change and the anxieties of younger generations that comes with inheriting an earth that feels so fucked up. honestly if anything it's only gotten more relevant in that respect, what with the current vibe on the internet & the hopelessness of the doomer gen z gang, but it also has a distinctly different flavor to me from the tv show, which i think is largely because it's less connected to Formal politics since again we see a whole lot less of heaven & hell as such distinct, bureaucratic entities.
instead, there is a very distinctly amoral aspect to heaven & hell that we get through lines like the one above and especially from characters like crowley. this is why i argue that good omens, despite having so many religious elements, is such a deeply secular take, especially when it comes to its ethics & morality- Good and Evil, notably with the capital letters in this case, has very little to do with actual actions and much more to do with the name that you stamp on top of said actions. heaven & hell and the angels & demons that we see directing and watching and generally fucking with aziraphale & crowley throughout the story are distinctly separate from humanity, and as we see even more as the story progresses, distinctly unaware about what it even means to be a human, in both a deeper philosophical & very basic and literal sense. Good and Evil is simply another name for the sides- and thus the true ethics is something separate, and based in a deeply human experience.
in my opinion this is also why aziraphale & crowley, lovers of humanity and also to some degree spokespersons of it from how much they've "gone native," tend to be so deeply at odds with both heaven & hell and always end up agreeing with each other over their own supposed sides. what makes aziraphale & crowley so distinctly different is that they ascribe to the same ethics & morality that humanity does, or at the very least are trying to figure out ethics & morality & How to Be a Good Person in the same horribly messy way that humans do, separating them from the black & white "this side Good & this side Bad," logic that the rest of heaven & hell instinctively ascribe to.
there's a lot of nuance here, which is also why i think there is such an emphasis on moral ambiguity (and love, but we'll get to that) throughout season 2. the story of job, grave robbing, & questionable attempts at matchmaking- aziraphale is working through a lot of Shit right now when it comes to trying to figure out what the Good thing actually fucking is, and i think it's key that a lot of that is motivated by crowley himself. crowley might'e been cast out of heaven for asking too many questions, but aziraphale is there & listening to them & giving them the serious thought they deserve, and that can't be overlooked.
sidenote: i couldn't figure out a place to shove this in, but i also wanna point out that a lot of this is tied to the idea of growing over time too. on the same page as the quote transcribed above is another line from crowley leading up to aziraphale's question that puts a lot of emphasis on the fact that warlock is going to be a product of nurture, not nature. again, this is an argument against basic black & white assigned-at-birth morality for the ability of humans to grow & change over time and be influenced by the people around them.
it's notable that despite adam's supposed origin as a Son of Satan, what really gets him to stop the apocalypse in the end is the fact that he doesn't really give a shit about all this big plans but instead just wants to hang around his friends. there's a lot of emphasis in the book placed on how beautiful & nice tadfield is as a place for a young kid to grow up, how well loved & fiercely protected it as as something beloved to adam. while he might be overwhelmed when faced with the full picture of how horrible the world can be, ultimately what he cares about is loving & taking care of the people & places that he grew up learning were precious, and the only way to do that is to keep growing & changing yourself within that world and trying to help it also grow into something better, not throw it all away just for the slightest chance that you could restart. a message worth taking the time to think about, at the absolute very least.
3. finding morality w/in humanity: crowley & aziraphale and speculation for s3
i have complicated feelings about both aziraphale & crowley throughout a lot of the show and especially in season 2. i think a lot of people, myself included, are inclined to see crowley as the voice of reason in this season, and for good reason- as i mentioned before, a lot of aziraphale's deeper questioning of the status quo and goodness (Goodness) as a whole is motivated by questions from crowley.
i kiiind of mentioned this in my previous essay, but to state it more clearly, my take on crowley is that he's arriving at the right answer for the wrong reasons, and, conversely, aziraphale is arriving at the wrong answer for... kind of also the wrong reasons but also slightly for the right reasons. let me explain.
crowley is clearly much more aware of the flaws in both heaven & hell than aziraphale is, which seems to be the basis behind a lot of his motivation in asking aziraphale so many questions in the first place. he's also, as maggie & nina point out in s2e6, deeply lonely, often running away or getting ready to fight literally anyone that isn't aziraphale (or humans, but that's a little more complicated). from his reaction to beelz & gabriel getting together, i think it's pretty clear that he still hasn't entirely given up on the whole alpha centauri idea, and it makes sense- as i said in that last essay, crowley basically won the argument at the end of the previous season when it comes to aziraphale & crowley, "making [their] own side," so he doesn't have much reason to face any of his personal fears until maggie & nina basically point out that they exist directly to his face. once they do point it out, however, he's very motivated to act & does so almost immediately, even after hearing what aziraphale has to tell him and being pretty thoroughly devastated by it.
my point here is that crowley is correct in seeing the toxicity of both heaven & hell, he's just flawed and largely motivated by fear (up for debate if that's all it is, but i certainly think it's a big part of it) in his desire to run away from it all. it's not quite armageddon, again he's going more flight > fight here, but he's still ultimately giving up and that's not a great conclusion.
on the other hand, as some others on this site have pointed out, aziraphale is certainly showing a lot of strength in his willingness to keep fighting & try to change things for the better, but it's not hard to see how that belief has been twisted. one of aziraphale's biggest flaw in motivation at this point imo is that he doesn't just believe in goodness but Goodness, the kind that's tied to heaven always being right & all actions being morally Good so long as they're done under the name of heaven, and that clearly also isn't great.
thus what i think the both of these two really need ultimately is that deeper connection to humanity, and the ethics born from humans interacting with humans. we can already see how strong these two are when they collaborate, even when they're doing their absolute best to be as subtle as possible, but what i think they need is to once again be grounded by humanity, not to get so caught up in the bullshittery of heaven & hell and Good & Evil, but once again find a goodness defined by the world that they mutually love so much and stick with it.
i keep tossing a question around in my head about whether or not aziraphale & crowley are going to end up human by the end of this series. it feels natural that they would, they're already so at home and in love with earth & around humanity, but i'm also not entirely sure if that would be a happy ending for them considering how long they've watched & loved the world as it's changed. perhaps taking this post into account is another push towards humanity as a happy ending, not running away to a cottage to get away from the world (i just can't see running away to a cottage to be together as as happy ending, sorry- it might work for beelz & gabriel but not for aziraphale & crowley), but choosing to settle down within that world that is so dear.
#'just three sections' LAFFS. YEAH#astronaut rambles#good omens#gomens#no but i like this one a lot better than the last attempt at a gomens essay#this one feels a lot cleaner. more focused?#got a bit sappy at the end but i don't mind humanity is always worth loving#also off topic but i read this really interesting paper at work the other day#about pratchett’s writing in discworld & zizek & religion#forget what it’s called now but it was an interesting take on how fiction/fantasy can allow for deeper insights/reflection of reality#got some discworld books today so looking forward to reading those once i slurp up the last hundred or so pages of good omens#also thanks to my dad for having some interesting commentary on the job interpretation in s2e2 today#i all but literally slept through sunday school so i think a lot of the more noteworthy religion takes in this show go over my head =3=‘’#man i am so very much looking forward to how season 3 continues this story#i feel like a lot of the big conclusions there are really gonna be important for the direction of the story’s main message#season 2 is just. such a transition season it’s hard to get super distinct conclusions sometimes#like it’s still going somewhere there’s shit developing#it’s not like sherlock where it just teases deeper meaning forever but gives you nothing#but. it’s just so obviously Not Over Yet and I Need More#anyways much love i need to go to bed now arghfjdkd lots of shit to do in the future but all i wanna do is keep writing gomens essays. sigh#brainrot central#oh yay my phone’s at 69% now ☺️ wheeee#good omens meta
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norrizzandpia · 9 months
Masterlist 1
- Disclaimer! All of these have happy endings, I am not one for sad endings lol
- More works on Masterlist 2 which you can find the link to on the pinned post on my blog
Lando Norris:
Reckless Driving
When McLaren thinks its funny to put Y/n in a sports-car with her boyfriend and a set of question cards. Spoiler Alert: She doesn’t!
The Infamous Stream
When Max streams and the chat goes wild for Lando and Y/n’s sappy love.
I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You Pt. 2
What if love isn’t enough? What if the obstacles are too great and all the whirlwind romance ends up being is the right person, but wrong time?
Call Your Mom
Y/n’s struggle with mental health and the journey, accompanied by Lando and her best friends, she goes through in order to get better.
London Boy
In which she falls in love with a London boy as an American girl.
After the Silverstone Grand Prix, Y/n wants to do something nice for her successful boyfriend, but she quickly finds out her kind gesture means a lot more to him than what she expected.
When living with their best friends proves to be the worst decision Lando and Y/n ever made.
Used Pt. 2
A bet can do more harm than good.
She Doesn’t Know Who I Am Pt. 2
Lando’s in New York and no one knows who he is. Especially the girl who asks for his number.
Enemies To Lovers, Ya Know?
They’ve always hated each other. Always. Right?
In which Y/n’s past is a little haunted, but Lando knows exactly how to make her understand that she is safe with him.
When a reality check causes Y/n to worry about him coming home to her every day for the rest of their lives.
Try On! (Smut Warning)
She thought his opinion on some new lingerie would be good. Spoiler alert, it was good. Really good.
The Softest Launch
He tried to be a secret, but the eyes never lie.
It’s the High Altitude. (Smut Warning)
They’ve missed each other. What can they say?
The Video Pt. 2
Y/n and Lando’s club dancing sends the F1 world into a frenzy.
Lando’s Biggest Fangirl Pt. 2 Pt. 3
His girlfriend. Lando’s biggest fangirl is his girlfriend.
I’m Sorry To Go
She’s not quite ready to have him leave just yet.
What Are You Doing Up?
She can’t go to sleep when he isn’t there.
I Can’t Go a Second Without You
She was gone for five hours, but apparently that’s too long in Lando’s book.
Happy Birthday
It’s his favorite person’s birthday.
Don’t Wake Up Yet (Smut Warning)
When Lando gets home from a race weekend without his girlfriend, he just can’t wait.
Lacy Pt. 2 (Oscar Ending) Pt. 2 (Lando Ending)
To the song “Lacy” by Olivia Rodrigo, that should be enough summarized.
I Love Your Body
It was the mirrors.
Boyfriend Lando
Where the chat goes crazy for Boyfriend Lando.
Longing Glances and Whispered Confessions Pt. 2
In which, in the darkness of the night, Lando Norris loves Y/n Fewtrell, only for the pain of their secrecy to plague them in the daylight.
Oscar Piastri:
*I also have another Oscar imagine under the Lando section. It is titled Lacy and has an Oscar ending, something you will see if you look at it. It is the second part to an imagine focused on reader loving Lando when he loves someone else. The Oscar ending was incredibly popular and one of my favorites to write! Hope you stumble across this and find that Lacy (Oscar’s Ending)*
Let Me Love You
A friendship where the lines are incredibly blurred is risky, but it’s even more risky to fall in love with a girl who won’t let anyone in romantically.
Y/n’s and Oscar’s fun in his room takes a surprising, awkward turn very quickly.
- The Vacation (Smut Warning)
They just keep getting caught. (Could be read as a Caught Part 2 or a standalone)
This Is About Oscar?! Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Y/n’s new song exposes a side of Oscar no one knew about.
I’ll Be The Fred To Your Daphne
He’ll always be the Fred to her Daphne, the peanut butter to her pb and j, and the salt to her pepper.
Best Friends To Benefits To Lovers
They’ve been dating for months after being the closest of friends for years. The question is, however, did they start out as best friends with benefits?
The Quiet Night and the Loud Morning (Smut Warning)
It was bound to happen at some point.
Hurt Me Once Pt. 2
In which they just miss the childhood best friends to lovers trope.
She Wears The Pants, Right?
Nobody saw it coming. Nobody.
Let Me Help
She’s got a math test the next day and unfortunately, she can’t do math. However, her boyfriend can.
Loving You in the Shadows Pt. 2
They’ve been together for years. Well, they haven’t been together for years. Yet.
Cover It Up
That one piece of clothing was covering so much and Oscar just had to take it off.
She’s Missed You
In which Nicole and Chris welcome Oscar’s longtime girlfriend to live with them after he leaves, only to not tell him and have to update him when he shows up for a surprise visit.
Charles Leclerc:
When Carlos exposes Y/n watching edits of her boyfriend on Instagram. She’s incredibly embarrassed, but after an interesting conversation with the man himself, should she really be?
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mecachrome · 12 days
omg k i just saw ur top 3 landoscar moments post from october 2023... any changes/updates since then? new moments made it onto the list? or if not... favorite moment of 2024 so far? (i just like hearing (reading?) ur thoughts it's like reading an intellectual (but still sappy in my fave way) bedtime story 🥰)
hklsdfhlsfhd naurrr... this is so embarrassing why am i still deeply landoscarpilled 6 months later 😔
but honestly i have been thinking about this and the sheer volume of crasyinsane material and lore we've accrued since last year because now i'm like how would you even begin constructing a top 3....... the possibilities are endless!!!
in terms of pre-october content that i might have missed before, i'd say most of this ask still holds (lando's biggest fan dot mp4 will NEVER lose its insanity to me. quintessential landoscar meta as far as i'm concerned) but now i also desperately need 2 shout out portrait painting challenge...... when it came out i was of course susceptible to the "you look beautiful" bantz though mostly just wrote it off as shipbait and since then i've looked back on this video multiple times and been like ?! why was oscar's deference to lando so insane actually.... i've alr mentioned this b4 but 1) oscar taking lando's intro in stride and immediately responding i am ready lando norris 2) oscar playfully acquiescing and letting lando use purple after he'd already chosen it 3) >like 5 seconds later. "you like purple don't you?" "uhhhh... i can do now" (who says that.) 4) another stunning display of lando Nooticing and fixating on oscar's hair swoop and last but not least 5) the way oscar FOLDS OVER and giggles helplessly when lando tells him i've just done you all pink ??? like. OKAY. cheers
looking @ recent content..... personally i find 814 so fascinating because while there are many Discrete Moments i can point out that make my brain explode i also feel like to some degree the reason we (? or maybe just me. again i apologize for the nonsensical drivel i create) love to make parallel gifsets of them is because they have such an understated dynamic built off many minute unspoken habits and wordless exchanges and essentially Patterns so there is less of like... a need for spontaneous intimacy.... if that makes sense. it's about the consistency of reciprocal comfort... iterations..... palisades palisades......... ok this is totally not related to the ask i've just been rotating it in my mind
anyway 10 personable favs !!! arranged chronologically
finish the lyrics (oct 2023): a deeply obvious one but you can't Not include it 😩 i can't believe this came out a week after i answered that because seriously what da hell. @ OSCAR PIASTRI WHAT IS WRONG WITH YEWWWWWWWW. there are sooooo many things i could mention here that i feel have already been exhaustively expounded, the most obvious of course being the classic ojp Heart Eyes moment(s) (Many such cases......but also specifically the love story one) (like i'd argue silverstone was mostly responsible for getting 814 off the ground BUT this video was when their dynamic became the most "mainstream" and accessible to fandom as a whole... the amount of non-f1 fans i saw qrting reups of that clip!!!!) anyway but then you also get 👉 whatever the inside joke they have about old town road is. oscar saying "i reckon you'd be unreal in a karaoke bar in japan" which i still think is such a Line... just me ??? the way he verryryryyyy softly sings "yes" with lando at the end of their love story karaoke and the insane camera angle of him just out of focus. like. really in general there is just such a soft and lighthearted and Fun air to their dynamic in this video that makes me ;__; AND this is another prime moment of lando narrating oscar's firsts for him (singing on camera at mcl!!!) . ALSAURR lando tapping oscar on the bicep while sarcastically complimenting him. once again for two guys who never touch it compels me... actually i could go on about this video tbh like how oscar nearly falls off the couch giggling at lando playing the songs together and then it cuts to the next one and he's suddenly all flushed and his bangs have gotten all fucked up. he's so... they're so... let's move on.
splunk sim city challenge (nov 2023): many classic lines such as "i haven't even distracted you yet!" + oscar knowing his podium year and lando saying "you're a nerd!" + lando going ":) :o are you okay?" and so on... general setup of this challenge was crasy tbh. how it revolves around disrupting the other person's focus and the visual asymmetry of one being sat higher and having to lean over to distract them and how oscar just giggles goodnaturedly when lando sticks his cue cards in front of his face instead of getting annoyed and—SO ON. also forever obsessed with how oscar wordlessly lifts his eyebrows at lando at the end lol
that one sticker video (nov 2023): this video is insaaAAANEEEE to me. ANYONE ELSE??? first of all oscar and lando gingerly standing across each other on either side of the flower bed (while zak brown assumes a power stance directly on it lmfao) is already so visually overwhelming but then the way oscar glances up as he's removing the sticker from the cap, how you can seeeeee him calculating the move the entire time and being adorably pleased about it, @__@ the way lando grins at him afterward... (also crying at zb glancing at them and being equally charmed by their antics) wahhh TT__TT the vibes of this clip... immaculate
oscar thanking lando in their final post-race message (nov 2023): honestly the entire message in general but :__) one of my fav 814 moments OAT is oscar including lando in his thank you speech and lando not really expecting it and being genuinely touched by the gesture. lando is so endearingly fidgety the entire time honestly and the way he perks up a bit and wrings his hands together and playfully smiles at oscar when he mentions him... okayyy. anyway 2 me it's reminiscent of yes/no challenge "am i the funniest teammate you've ever had?" "(shyly) yeahhh... you're up there" (said in the same baby-ish voice as "so... lando?" UGH. UGHHHH) and how lando genuinely gets a bit awkwardly flustered by it like!!! god. wait ALSO i don't have the space for this so i'm throwing in end of season awards MMMM debatable + how gleefully lando threw oscar under the bus and in general just the incredible expression work going on for both of them during this exchange. God [2]
si rapid fire questions (dec 2023): this video was crucial in determining that oscar... well. is obsessed with accommodating and mirroring lando. many things we already knew (aka listening to whatever music lando listens to; insert prema lap "maybe i should move to an english team because the music's better" moment here) but equally important is oscar "stealing" lando's dinner, how lando presses him on the back to the future question until oscar just changes his answer to his, and of course as you know per my blog title NO I'M GOING TO KEEP YOU HAPPY is in my eyes top 5 most insane things oscar piastri has ever said. likeee... lando showing a bit of jokey remorse over enforcing his rules (don't even get me started about lando and game/challenge rules...) but oscar being sooo determined 2 honor his teasing 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 :melting_face: x100!!!
need to split this into two lists because apparently there's a div character limit 😔 continuing on
hilton spa ad (feb 2024): of course this pained me because of This Moment (specifically lando bringing his hand back down when oscar tried to lift it from beneath him 😮‍💨) but that is neither here nor there. obsessed with the salmon at the engineering table anecdote because the most logical explanation for oscar Not doing that anymore is because lando didn't like it... or he just eats different things now but we already know that he's adopted lando's preferred meal b4 so that's equally a lot 2 digest !!! also >the callback to their one million LOOK AT YOU/HIM moments >how they touch shoulders exactly Once when they sit down and then never again despite lando continuously leaning into oscar's space to get to the button... eugh. also just top tier oscar faces + hair 🥰
opening title behind the scenes (mar 2024): thinking about all the hilarious gifsets of this moment that i ate up deliciously 🧡🧡🧡 this was such a significant reminder of how 814 have just gotten like, exceedingly comfortable around each other & have learned 2 communicate via the most inscrutable expressions and noises and gestures that somehow suit Them perfectly x__x although i doubt they will ever really become ~effusive~ with each it's frankly even more devastating that they both help each other care less about maintaining appearances / how they often get so sucked into their interactions (see next bullet point) that everything else kind of just fades away in that instant.... all right ⚠️⚠️⚠️ maybe that's a bit of a stretch but we can pretend for the rpf lens!!! see also my tag spiel in this beautiful tuva gifset.
photo day antics (mar 2024): do you ever just...... what went on in bahrain. honestly. more from this weekend in a second but this video plus the accompanying photo encapsulate their dynamic so perfectly it makes me scream... how 814 are not only so annoyingly focused on each other all the time but also stand SOOO UNNECESSARILY CLOSE while every other teammate pairing is spaced out normally. yuki and checo glancing at them alksfdhdf 😭 truly so ridiculous that the poor photo person tried to get lando's attention and they pretended to comply for two seconds before oscar was lifting his foot to show lando his boot again. also why did it take oscar a million years to step away from lando and put a more appropriate amount of space between them...?! and even then it was barely that much........... (10 paragraphs of speaking later) I prefer really not to speak.
accidental waist grab (mar 2024): this gave me psychic damage so bad i should be lobotomized. we've already spoken about this perhaps erm excessively but why did lando feel the need to stand JUST as close to him if not closer after they broke apart. there was truly no need...... honestly the way this ship will have us looking up driver cams and staring at esteban ocon's ass as he gets out his car just for a single glimpse of their parc fermé dynamic.
bahrain post-race interview antics (mar 2024): You already knowwwww. the sky sports "he follows me everywhere" moment is equally important but the f1tv interview giving us horrifically natural banter (juxtaposing this with their previous interview moments...), lando's dumb faux australian accent and oscar playing along as always, and most of all them HIJACKING THE INTERVIEW & commiserating on camera together ❓❗️ lichrally the grid photo all over again. often when i have emotions over an 814 moment i worry that i sound overly He_Only_Got_Two_Eyes.jpeg but truly sometimes two people are just objectively insane. plus land of piastri/lando piastri.....
also runner up is the f1tv interview with lawrence aka lando's cooing noise @ oscar discussing lily (anyone else frame by frame color pick oscar's face to see how badly he flushed... no? just me?) + the beautiful self-aware surfacing of the CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS of their relationship...... !!! love when 2 guys expose and confirm their own sincerity in trying to verbally resist it. hem
is this anything. sorry eve LKSFDHLDHSF thank u for the ask & pls lmk what ur fav moments are too 🧡
90 notes · View notes
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4
Secret admirer part 5!!
This one really got away from me, but I hope you like it! Also, I lied, there will be one last part :) I had planned on this being a 5+1, so I’m glad it worked out to be that way!
Now Eddie is just waiting to see what Steve tries next. Just sitting back and reveling in the fact that King Steve “The Hair” Harrington, first of his name, mom of six or seven gremlins at a time, wants town Freak Eddie “The Banished” Munson.. and apparently has for a while too.
Life goes on like normal, but now every time Eddie sees Steve after finding out he was his secret admirer, he can’t help but smile a bit bigger.
He also confronts Robin, “You knew didn’t you?”
“Knew what?”
“Don’t play that shit with me; you knew it was Steve.”
“Oh. Yeah. Of course I did.”
“You told me to unpack tapes on purpose so I’d see his handwriting and figure it out.” It was a statement, not a question.
“I also wanted the tapes unpacked. Duh.”
“Ugh you’re the worst. I can’t believe I’m chauffeuring you to Casa de Harrington, of my own volition, on MY precious Thursday off.”
Robin rolls her eyes “You aren’t complaining about chauffeuring Max.”
“Well yeah, cause it isn’t out of my way to get her.” Eddie gestures toward Max and that gets her attention.
She takes her headphones off her head. “What are you guys arguing about?” She asks irritated, “And what’s it got to do with me?”
“Nothing Max, I’m just giving Eddie a hard time about his big sappy crush.”
“Oh, you mean the one he has on Steve?”
Robin and Eddie both freeze.
“Wh—Who said it was Steve.” Eddie asks, voice flat.
“No one had to say anything; there is a reason why we call you both mom and dad. You aren’t subtle about it. DAD.” Max snarks back at him.
‘We. She said ‘We’. As in The Party has been calling me that.’ Eddie thinks. So that wasn’t just Steve trying to make him feel better that day on the phone.. They actually see him as a dad. ‘Well maybe; maybe it was just as a counter to Steve’s ‘Mom’. Why would they even see you as a role model?’
Fuck! He needs to stop his spiraling now. Otherwise he’s going to get in a mood and Steve will notice, and somehow think it was his fault and worry about him, and then no one will be having fun anymore an_ ‘What the fuck dude, you literally just told yourself to STOP. SPIRALING. and now you are doing exactly that.’
“Well then who am I??” Robin asks, putting on a fake offended tone to break the leftover tension.
“Hmmmm…” Max pushes her new glasses back up her nose “You’re like a kooky Uncle.”
“Uncle??” Robin actually sounds offended this time. “No, actually, that makes sense.”
Eddie chuckled at the acceptance of her new role, the storm that was whirling around in his head starting to dull. “Now was this a party decision, or is that just you, Mayfield?”
“Just me for now. I will make sure to plant the idea in Dustin’s head when we get there and I’m sure he’ll call a Meeting with the Council of Doofuses to get it in writing.” And with that, the headphones were back on.
Eddie and Robin share a look, and before much longer they are pulling into Steve’s driveway.
“God, I don’t think I will ever get over how dumb this house actually looks.” Eddie looked over at Robin curiously as she continued to berate Steve’s house while collecting her things, “It looks like whoever built it back in the 70s or some shit had no taste, even by that decade’s standards.”
“Buckley. You’re telling me that this whole time I’ve known you, we could’ve been making fun of these Loch Nora snobs’ houses.. together? I don’t think I will ever forgive you for this discretion.”
This earns Eddie another eye roll from Robin (and a muttered “You and your goddamn dramatics..”) as they both get out of the cab. Max is long gone, Steve’s front door standing open in her wake.
“So how did your sleepover go with Vickie anyway? You didn’t say anything about it..?” Eddie asks as he grabs his bag from the back.
“It was literally just a sleepover.. I thought the vibes were there but she wanted to talk about her jerk ex-boyfriend and about boys I like. By the way, I have an embarrassing crush on you, don’t tell anyone.”
Eddie laughed so loud, Steve’s neighbors must’ve heard him (no matter how far away the next house may be). “Damn, I’m sorry Buckley. I’m sure that Eddie guy will return your affections eventually.” Eddie joked, patting Robin of the shoulder as they stepped through Steve’s front door.
There were bags all over the entryway, and from the screams filtering down the hall from the sliding glass door, all the kids were outside and in the pool already.
Eddie kicked the door closed behind him and Steve peeked his head around the corner from the kitchen at the sound.
“Oh hey guys, just put your stuff wherever, everyone else is outside, and I’m getting the burgers ready to put on the grill. Robin, will you show Eddie where he can change?”
Eddie looked over when Steve said his name, pulling his attention back from looking at the boring interior of Steve’s house. Had he never been here before? No, not even at one of the old King Steve’s parties..
“How’s he never been over before? That’s so weird.” Robin said as she walked down the hall, waving at Eddie to follow.
“Buckley, get out of my head. I thought you were only supposed to have that weird mind-reading thing going on with Stevie.” Eddie chided her as he followed her to a small bathroom off the laundry room.
“You’re just jealous you can’t read his mind; maybe then you both would’ve gotten your heads out your asses sooner.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and closed the door on her smirking face. Setting his pack down on the small sink counter, he started to change.
“Fuck, I don’t want to do this.” Eddie whispered to himself. He wasn’t exactly a shy person normally, but that’s what all his layers are for.. a pool party automatically called for only about two thin layers, max. And now he had the added concern about his new (admittedly metal) scars that have only just healed all the way. Scars that not only stretched the length of his sides, but those damn bats had gotten to his face and literally took his whole left nipple off. Again, metal, but also gave Eddie about 10 or 11 times more insecure feelings that he hadn’t yet learned to cover completely under his perfectly crafted bravado.
Leaving his briefs on under his trunks, and pulling his faded Metallica shirt back on over the bumpy red scars, he packed his other layers into his bag for later and headed back out to the kitchen.
He nearly crashed into Steve as he was coming out of the laundry room and Steve was passing by with a plate piled high with patties in one hand, a six pack in the other, and bag of buns hanging out of his mouth.
“Oh shoot-- Hey, you need some help?” Eddie automatically reached for the bag of buns so Steve could answer.
“Robin already went outside to claim a chair, can you take this too?” Steve handed Eddie the six pack.
“No problem, Stevie.” Eddie smiled at him and started out the door in front of Steve.
“Thanks Eds.” *SMACK*
“Oh. My. God. Eddie, I am so so sorry, it was just a reflex I swear! Even ask Lucas, it’s a sports thing, I didn’t mean anything by it..” Steve sounded completely stressed.
Eddie took a moment longer to process the fact that Steve Harrington just smacked his ass (reflex or not), before turning back to him halfway. Looking over at Steve, Eddie’s heart clenched to see him looking absolutely mortified.
“No worries big boy, I just didn’t realize that was on the table.” Eddie said, giving him a wink, then hurrying out of the house. He had to get out of there before he did something really embarrassing like dropping everything and jumping Steve’s bones at noon on a Thursday while there was a whole hoard of children nearby.
He stepped outside to various greetings of “Hey Eddie!” the most enthusiastic of which was Dustin, who had leapt from the pool to give a still dry Eddie a completely soaking wet hug around his middle.
“Hey Dusty-buns how ar--HOLY FUCK YOU’RE COLD! gET OFF ME!”
Dustin laughed at Eddie’s misery before jumping back into the pool (almost on top of Mike, who kicked away at the last second).
“Let me help with that, sweetheart.” Eddie heard Steve’s voice in his ear as he came up from behind him to grab the bag and six-pack from him and placing them on the table next to the grill with his burgers and the added plate of toppings he must’ve grabbed.
Sweetheart?? That was new...and most certainly did NOT make Eddie want to melt into a puddle, thank you very much.
Eddie knew he now looked completely sunburnt, despite just stepping outside a whole 30 seconds ago.
‘Ok, that’s how you want to play it, Harrington? First an ass smack, and now this??’ Eddie thought to himself. Time to crank up the flirting.
Eddie turned heel and marched back inside and directly to the freezer. He knew he had to have some in here somewhere, they are one of Dustin’s favorites.
‘Perfect.’ Eddie thought as he grabbed a cherry flavored popsicle, unwrapping it, and stepping back outside, grabbing a bottle of sunscreen as he went.
“Hey Stevie, can you help me out with this before your hands get all nasty?”
“Yeah sure Eddie, what do you ne__” Steve turned around from starting the grill to face Eddie at his question. ‘Fucking hell, Munson.’
Eddie was staring at him with those damn doe eyes, holding out the bottle of sunscreen in one hand, and had a cherry-red popsicle held in the other. His already red lips wrapped around the end. ‘When’d he get that??’
Steve cleared his throat and took the bottle from him “Yeah of course, turn around.”
Eddie flashed that megawatt grin at him “Thanks sweetheart.” Steve felt his cheeks turning pink at that.
Eddie turned to face away from Steve, the hand that previously held the bottle coming up between his shoulder blades to pull his shirt over his head. 
Steve noticed that Eddie didn’t pull the shirt all the way off his arms, just pulled it up and over his head so his head and back were free. A pang shot through his stomach at that ‘Of course he’s going to be self-conscious about his scars, fuck why did you think a pool party was a good idea?? Okay focus, just make sure to say something to him later on about them_oh fucking HELL’
Steve’s his train of thought imploded when Eddie decided to glance over his shoulder at Steve as he pulled his hair over the other with his free hand.
“This is going to be cold, sorry Eds.” How he had kept his voice sounding completely normal was a mystery to Steve, but now he had to focus on the fact that he’d be rubbing his hands all over Eddie.
He started at the small of Eddie’s back. Pushing the heels of his palms outward from Eddie’s spine where his fingers could come to a rest (however briefly) on either side of the older man’s waist and giving a slight squeeze.
Eddie’s breath hitched and Steve saw the blush bloom under the skin at the back of his neck. Deciding to ignore that (for now) Steve said “I told you it was going to be cold.”
“Shut up, Steve, it still caught me off guard.”
Steve chuckled and continued rubbing the lotion in, making sure to do a good job at covering every inch. Not just because he was loving being able to freely touch Eddie like this, but legitimately because he didn’t want Eddie to burn to a crisp.
He got up to Eddie’s shoulders and found some of his hair had slipped from the rest. Using a single finger, Steve brushed the stray lock from where it started behind Eddie’s ear, down across his neck and over the other shoulder. Eddie visibly shuddered and Steve smiled, “Sorry, your hair was in the way. We need to get you a hair tie.”
Finished with his back, Steve tapped Eddie on the shoulder, “OK you’re all good back here, do you want me to get your front too or have you got it covered?” giving the full King Steve smirk as Eddie turned back to face him causing him to blush more.
“I_I’ve got it.” Eddie stuttered, taking back the bottle.
How Steve managed to wrench his gaze from Eddie’s popsicle-red pout, he had no clue. “You might want to get your face done sooner than later, you’re already turning red.” Steve winked at a spluttering Eddie before turning back to the grill.
Eddie started grumbling behind him and Steve heard the rustle of fabric, assuming Eddie had fully removed his shirt now. 
Glancing over his shoulder, Steve could see that Eddie was turned to face away from everyone else as he applied the sunscreen.
That pang went through Steve again, this time closer to his heart. He turned to Eddie again and came to his side so he could speak to him quietly “Hey, I know you probably don’t want everyone to see, but just know that no one here will give you shit for any of them. Or if they do, they’ll have to deal with me.” 
Eddie had froze when Steve came up to him, but then tuned his face to look at him properly.
That same damn pang shot directly through Steve’s heart this time at Eddie’s big, lovely, eyes shining with unshed tears.
“Put your shirt back on if you need to, but if you want to leave it off, make sure to put extra lotion on the scars themselves..I made sure I did on the parts I could reach from your back.”
Eddie looked even more like he was going to cry now, but smiled gratefully at Steve and nodded. Steve smiled at him softy and went back to the grill to actually get food started for everyone. 
And if he did notice that Eddie went back to his own sunchair, sans shirt, no he didn’t.
Eddie had just barely sat down when Robin leaned over to him from her chair next to him “What in the actual hell was all that?”
“No idea what you’re talking about Robs.” Eddie said nonchalantly, laying back all the way in his chair.
“Uncle Robin, will you help me re-do my braids?” Max yelled from the other side of the pool before Robin could grill him any further.
‘Thank you Max’ Eddie thought. And just like Max had said he would, Dustin’s head whipped around to look at Robin who was already making room in front of her for Max to sit while she braided. 
Eddie watched as Dustin scrambled out of the pool and up to Steve “Steve, do you have a pad of paper and a pen or something?”
“Wh_what? Uh, yeah there should be one in the kitchen. The third drawer down from the phone? Wait! Dry off a bit otherwise you’ll slip on the tile.”
Dustin rolled his eyes and mumbled a “Yes, mom.” under his breath as he walked over to the pile of towels. He grabbed one off the top, barely dusted himself off with it, and dropped it on the concrete before hurrying into the house, still soaking wet. 
Eddie heard a small ‘Oh shit’ from Dustin that he could only assume meant he had slipped a bit on the tile like Steve said he would.
Dustin came back out in no time at all and called the rest of the goblins over to a small patio table on the other side of the pool. As soon as Max’s braids were done, she too went to the table, sidling up between Lucas and Eleven.
Dustin’s hand looked a blur as he would scribble something down to one thing someone said, then crossing other things out to a differnt comment. Eddie chuckled at the sight and leaned back again, closing his eyes.
After a bit, Steve walked over from the grill and sat at the end of Eddie’s chair, scooting his legs out of the way with his ass and grabbing a beer from the nearby cooler.
“You need more room for that thing, Harrington?” Eddie snarked, poking Steve’s hip with his foot before closing his eyes to the sun again.
“You need a new popsicle?” Steve flicked the end of the popsicle stick that was still hanging out of Eddie’s mouth.
“You just liked seeing me with something in my mouth.”
There was a pause, and Eddie felt the chair shift as Steve stood back up. He opened his eyes slightly when he felt the shade of Steve leaning over him. Steve’s face was right next to his, his mouth close to Eddie’s ear “And what if I did?”
‘Jesus H. Christ’ was Eddie’s only thought as he watched Steve(’s ass) walk back over to the grill.
Eddie had a bit of time to calm down after that when Steve yelled for everyone to come grab food, deciding to steer clear while the gremlins descended upon the feast and watch Steve ‘Mom’ over them all. “Grab napkins, Lucas”. “Mike put at least some lettuce on those, you need veggies too!”, “Dustin, cool it with the ketchup.”
That’s it. That was the last straw. Eddie’s in love. 
‘Fucking hell.’ Eddie shot up from where he was laying and sat at the end of the chair instead. ‘Fucking hell..’ Eddie stood up and started pacing.
Every thought he’d ever had about Steve Harrington whipped through his mind like a hurricane. Every time he thought Steve was cute back in high school, the one (1) time he saw Steve in his Scoops Ahoy outfit before he vowed to never return to Starcourt, every time he was confused at seeing King Steve being the one there to pick up the Hellfire kids after their sessions, Steve’s reaction to being manhandled into the wall of Reefer Rick’s boathouse, his willingness to follow the kids there in the first place to come help Eddie of all people, insisting on being the one to dive into Lover’s Lake so the others didn’t have to (him stripping off his sweater when he did and tossing it to Eddie when Nancy was right there ogling him too), the sight of him sweaty, dirty and bleeding in the upside-down that Eddie just needed to get covered up before he’d lose his mind (again), then realizing his mistake too late when he now had to look at Steve in his battle vest, swearing he was catching Steve looking at his lips in the same hellscape, Steve carrying him out of there when they were successful but hadn’t all went too well for Eddie, Steve being there in the hospital when he woke up spouting off to Robin about ‘If Steve were gay, do you think he’d fuck me?’ (’...Eddie, I’m Bisexual.’ ‘Oh sweet! I can only write with my right hand..’), and then, fuck, now knowing that Steve was the one leaving him these sappy notes just because he thought Eddie looked hot in the School play? Being a mom to all these kids that didn’t get time to be kids until now?
Eddie was gone. And probably had been for a while.
By the time he came down from his spiral, he was halfway though a burger that somehow materialized in his hand.
“The fuck?” Eddie looked to Robin, Nancy, and Steve.
Steve sat up from where he was laying, already back in his own chair, empty plate sat on his leg, “Oh, uhm, you seemed to be out of it when I told you to come grab food so I tried handing you something so I’d know you’d eat. You took it and started eating so I figured you were OK.”
Eddie looked from Steve disbelievingly, to Robin disbelievingly. Then back to Steve. “Th_thanks Steve.”
“No worries, Eds.”
Eddie sat back down on the end of his chair and finished his burger, his mind adding this to his list of reasons to love Steve Harrington.
Dustin had stopped scribbling furiously on the lended pad of paper by now, and Eddie called out to him to get him to share, hoping to get his mood back on track.
“Dustybuns, what have you all been doing over there this whole time??” Dustin looks at Eddie, then back at the rest of the Council of Doofuses, then back to Eddie before they all approach the older teens laying out on Steve’s patio furniture.
Max and El came over with them too (even Erica), from where they had assuredly been watching the chaos unfold from their own sunchair. The boys were now almost bone dry. That’s how long they’d been going at this.
“We’ve had to add in a couple people to The Party Family Tree.”
“Oh yeah? Whatcha got?” Eddie says at the same time Steve says “Oh god, here we go..”
Dustin clears his throat, “OK so we start with Steve as the Mom. Obviously.”
Steve’s sat up on his lounger now, and hangs his head into his hands at that.
“Sure.” Robin affirms for the rest of them, encouraging Dustin to continue and ignoring the miserable noise Steve makes.
“Eddie is the dad.” 
“Awe, Stevie!” Eddie places his hand over his heart, “Wait, when’s our anniversary?”
"You haven’t proposed yet.” Steve says into his hands.
“ANYWAY.” Dustin sounds loudly “So Steve and Eddie are the mom and dad. Robin is our Uncle on Steve’s side, Nancy is our Aunt on Eddie’s side.”
“Wait, what? Eddie laughs and looks over at Nancy who is trying to hold back her laughter behind her hand.”
“Yeah, and Hopper is Steve’s dad so I guess he’s our Grandpa.” Steve’s head snaps up at that.
“He’s old and crotchety enough.” Mike chimes in, shrugging.
“I am Jane Hopper so I am Steve’s sister now.” El says carefully, like she is remembering exactly how families work exactly.
Steve looks like he’s trying not to cry, looking at El with a small smile.
“What about Jonathan?” Robin asks, getting into it fully at this point.
Eddie could almost feel the weirdness hit Steve and Nancy at that, like a foot of snow falling all at once.
“He’s Steve’s oldest.” Dustin states matter-of-factly.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Yeah. He’s your oldest son; you had him way too young and he has already moved out.”
“He’s a little distant, but you know he’s happy out in Cali with his boyfriend and you see him on the holidays.” Will tells Steve, smiling brightly as the other kids laugh.
Steve, Eddie, and Nancy are honestly dumbfounded at the web they’ve woven around Mama Steve; Robin is absolutely delighted to find out about Steve’s firstborn. (”Who’s the baby daddy?” she asks him, getting a loud smack on her arm for it.)
Everyone’s waiting for Steve to say something. 
He stands up, turns to face his brood, and opens his arms wide in invitation. They all crowd in around him and the mask drops off his face as he finally lets the tears start flowing.
Robin and Eddie glance at each other before throwing themselves around their hoard, Nancy coming up to Robin’s side.
“I love you guys.” Steve says, his voice thick.
After a good long moment, Mike pipes up from somewhere toward the middle of the pack “Okay this is great but it’s still a million degrees outside and somehow I ended up in the middle of this furnace.” 
They all chuckle and separate from each other, some wiping tears away with their hands and others (Mike, Max, Erica) jumping back into the pool to disguise how wet their face may or may not have gotten.
Still wiping his tears away, Steve yells at them to “Dammit get back out so you can put more sunscreen on!” to choruses of “Yes, mom.” and more laughing.
“...So if Stevie and I get divorced, who gets which kids?” Eddie asks, and immediately has to start dodging Steve’s attempts to tackle him into the pool.
Dustin picks up the pad of paper and flips to a new page as the rest of them start yelling at him who they’d want to “stay” with.
A few hours later it’s getting cooler, a sign of the fall to come. Steve manages to coax everyone back inside with the promise of pizza and movies.
Eddie and Robin had gone in before the rest of the kids to get changed and start piling pillows, blankets, and even a couple mattresses onto the floor of the living room. Pulling everything out before the rest came in and started getting changed. Eddie is the first to plop down on the massive floor bed, right in the middle.
Robin fell back onto the couch that was now an acting headboard, “So, any more news on the secret admirer front?” she asks, nudging him with her foot.
“Boy do I have a story for you, Robs.” Eddie grinned.
“You mean about your latest rose?” Max came into the room with El, piling themselves on Steve’s armchair with the fluffiest blanket in the pile.
“The one exactly, Red.”
“Ok good, then I can Ignore you for the next two hours.”
Eddie threw a pillow at her head at that.
“Max was there when you found it?” This time it was Will and Mike coming in with their bags of snacks and finding a spot to lay out.
“Actually, she was there when the guy left the rose.” Max said from the chair.
There was a clatter from the kitchen, then Dustin came barreling in from where he was helping Steve with dishes. “So you know who it is??” he asked Max
“No doofus, Eddie was with me when the guy left the rose at Eddie’s trailer.”
Another clatter from the kitchen.
“You OK Steve?” Robin asked.
“Peachy.” he called back.
“Wait, so you guys saw him leave it? So you know who it is??” Dustin continued.
Lucas came down the steps then, Max’s walkman in his hand. He handed it to her before getting comfy in front of the girls’ chair. Erica following and squishing herself into the corner of the loveseat.
“We saw him, but couldn’t tell who it was.”
“So here’s the thing,” Eddie starts “I was with Max that night while her mom was at work, my uncle was at his shift, AND my van was in the shop. My trailer was dark and both cars were gone. Of course he’d think it was safe to be a bit bolder and leave this one right at my doorstep.”
Being met with ‘Ahs’ of understanding, Eddie continued: “But what he must not know is that trailer walls are thin, and I know what the gravel outside my place, and that second squeaky step on the porch sound like when someone walks on 'em. So when we heard it from Max’s living room, we looked out to make sure it wasn’t some person trying to vandalize my shit again.”
Steve had come into the room and leaned against the doorframe a bit earlier, dishtowel thrown over his shoulder, and now looked like a deer caught in the headlights. ‘Gotcha.’ Eddie thought.
"But alas, the night was dark, and we could barely make out a figure before whoever it was ran off into the night.” Eddie waggled his fingers like he was telling a scary story
“They walked to your house??” Dustin asked
“No dipshit, they probably didn’t want to be recognized by their car” Mike shot back.
“Who has that recognizable of a car?” came Will’s small voice
“Besides Steve? I don’t know.” Erica chimes in
“Me??” Steve asked, actually confused
“Yeah Steve, everyone knows your beemer.” Dustin said, rolling his eyes.
“So when I went back home, the rose was there.” Eddie pulled it out of his inner jacket pocket. “This one says “Think of all the things We've shared and seen, Don't think about the way things might have been” Eddie sings the line.
“Wow, your voice is really pretty Eddie.” Eleven says, breaking the silence that followed.
“Thanks, supergirl.”
“Eddie those lyrics have to be a clue” Dustin says, always the analyzer
Eddie makes eye contact with Steve from across the room and smiles fondly.
“I know.”
Pt. 6 will be here!
Now on AO3! Several Notes of the Most Amiable Nature
Thank you to @lunaraindrop and @starkdusk for being the first ones to encourage my ‘Steve is a jock and would smack Eddie’s ass accidentally’ brainrot 🥰
Tagging everyone I can!!: @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @cutiecusp @lilfroggies @panicatthediaz @bigboyandmetalhead @pluto-pepsi @funnymagicman-named-dandy @cringeisdeadandsoami @minjintea @saramelaniemoon @thegingerrapunzel @lightwoodbanethings @largechaos @kato-hoeven @stevesworldxx @notsopersonalcharlie @estilosexy @original-cypher @gleefully-macabre @disasterlia @imnotsureiexist @blurryjoji @nightmareglitter @deleataecount @withacapitalp @quevadilla @aringofsalt @werewolfpeterparker @lipglossanon @edmunsn @maya-custodios-dionach @straight4joekeery @sideblogofthcentury @iamsotiredman @ladydorian05 @resident-gay-bitch @undreamingscatworld @haluton @tsukiwashere @eddiehashands @wrayofmoonshine @2btheanswertothequestion @a-bun-danceoflove @xstevex-world @infinityonsighhh @buttonupintoblue @lallagoupsidedown @homeofthepeculiar @nightmareglitter
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absolutebl · 6 months
This Week in BL - It's weird where I am right now, Okay?
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top. However, I've put quite a few on hold for travel reasons.
Oct 2023 Wk 4
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Only a few screen shots for you this week, my hotel wifi is actually THAT bad.
Ongoing Series - Thai
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) 1 of 8 - Classic unlucky in love failed crush on straight bestie = both v queer and v emo yaoi. I gotta say I like these actors way better in this than their previous series, and maybe that’s because Tew is more like Tul and I just like Meen better when he’s… erm… mean. All of which is to say, this is off to a wonderful start and I am about to lose my very sleep deprived little mind... ready for a ABL ecstasy rant?
"I play support because that way everyone is happy to see me show up," might be the single best moment of characterization BL has EVER seen.
Look here, in the grand cornucopia of BL universes this is my metaverse. It's pulp... but relatively high production. It has an established pair that I know I like... but who were given crap before. It's a tidy little script, it's not gonna run too long, and it's ALL the archetypes and tropes I love but rarely see. It's Japan's style otaku plus Korea's style gangster, Thailand's style friendship group, and it arrived out of NOWHERE. It's Korea's IP & money, Thailand's talent, and China's streaming service.
Do we know what the hell is going on?
No we do not.
Do we care when it's this much fun?
No we do not.
(In this I speak for everyone... no, EVERYONE.)
This show I why I got into BL.
Don't bother me with trifles. Me and My Dear Gangster Oppa are sailing off into the infinite pixilated sunset together, thank you very much.
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 11 of 12 - I managed to watch most of it on low rez before YT "discovered" I was in Asia and therefore could not be allowed to watch Asian shows. (AKA my VPN failed me.) But it seemed like a good ep.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Lucky Love ep 10 of 24 - I enjoyed this 2 part installment, it’s a bit of a sad sack recovery SAGA, but the acting is genuine, the couple believable, and the story felt particularly queer to me. 7/10 but close to an 8. It was really quite charming.
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However: Next week looks not good on many levels - it's horror and I spotted guitar. Which is even more horrific. 
Absolute Zero (Thai Weds iQIYI) ep 5 of 12 - do temporal paradoxes exist in Thailand? That is the question. I gotta say Tor (Ongsa) is carrying this show and is doing a really great job, it's just the story itself doesn't resonate with me. Ugh it's so sad.
Is it, indeed, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
We only on ep 5 and had a full story arc already, there is A LOT more to go.
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 9 of 10 eps - the fact that in losing Sky Venus also lost his surrogate family explains his resulting bitterness a little bit more. I wish we had gotten this back story much earlier. Still stupid pulp made me cry, which of course means it's back in my good books. This story is slow as fuck, but I'm going on a rollercoaster with it.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 11 of 13(?) - I love them, okay? All of them. This is a great sappy classic Taiwanese BL and it is my baby and you can’t take it away from me. MINE. 
You Are Mine (Taiwan Fri Viki) eps 8 of 10 - oh noes it got sad, I thought they would at least would have had drunken sex before the drama. Sigh. Still the kissing was good, as it should be from Taiwan.
If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ (Japan Gaga) ep 4 of 5 - Amane is so brave. About being gay. Being out. Confessing. Its admirable if scary. Otherwise this ep was pretty slow. 
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Bump Up Business (Korea Gaga) 3-4 of 8 - how do I feel about this show? Conflicted. Are OnlyOneOf doing a great job? Yes, actually. Am I enjoying it? No, not really. Is this anyone's fault? I don't think so.
The little linguistic negotiation was cute tho. And we seem to have gotten idols kissing in a BL both in the same group, so that glass ceiling dildo has finally been broken.
NineMill are unexpectedly good, also KB plays a great evil ex. Of the 3, I think only Nine is good enough to go into acting permanently (but he's not tall enough). Still, all hail OnlyOneOf... kings of the "gay concept." You boys make me v nervous but as couple-branding goes, you just out branded Thailand. Mad props baibies. Legit never thought I'd see the day.
Trust Korea to be in it to win it.
Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 6 of ? - i pretty much just forgot to watch this.
It's Airing But...
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 8 of 12 - I will try to watch and do a series review in November but... not sure I will be able to. Fingers crossed.
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 8fin - completed but I couldn't catch the last ep, my final thoughts in Nov.
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 12 fin - completed, but see afore mentioned YT issues. I'll review it in Nov. I anticipate better internet soon.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) - in classic JBL fashion, I Cannot Reach You could not be reached. 
Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine? AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? (Japan cinema release in-country only) - This one is a movie from Japan so in customary fashion who tf knows when (or if) it will get international distribution. Salaryman Ayumu Koiwai just can't tear his eyes away from the strong, muscular man as he checks on the stocks of the vending machine in his office.
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) - adaptation of Harada’s manga of the same name (which I did not like) about a convenience store clerk who's stabbed, nearly dies, and returns home to find an angel waiting for him. With only 5 eps and a good chance this won’t end happy, I'm gonna wait and let you tell me how it goes.
Next Week Looks Like This
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Upcoming October BL
10/31 SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 1 of 14 - this is a horror BL featuring ghosts and other paranormal elements in a high school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools.
Upcoming November BL
11/3 Twins the series (Thailand ????) 1 of 10
11/17 Pit Babe (Thai) - Pavel my love!
11/19 Bake Me Please (OhmFluke but not, Thailand)
11/22 7 Days Before Valentine (Thailand) - horroresk
11/25 The Sign (Thailand) - horroresk
11/30 For Him the series (Thailand) - high heat
VIP Only (Taiwan) - may be delayed/canceled
Cooking Crush (OffGun, Thailand) - may be delayed, there some kinda gossip/rumor/shade happening at GMMTV
Wuju Bakery AKA Space Bakery (Korea) - this one may be DOA
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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My Universe - I just enjoyed the angle of this kiss shot.
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Uh huh. Sure, honey. (Bump Up Buisness)
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(Last week)
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luimagines · 10 months
He’s Sweet On You Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 will contain Wild, Legend and Hyrule.
Content under the cut!
“You know what?” You turned your head to look at the young man next to you.
“What?” He turns his head to look at you. Wild blinks slowly and smiles in that boyishly carefree way of his. 
“I adore you.” You kiss the scars on his face. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Wild hums, closes his eyes as you kiss him. “Thank you.”
He reaches over, scooping you up gently into his arms and pulls you close. “I happen to adore you too. So I believe this works out for the both of us.”
He laughs gently and moves your hair away from your face. “You’re very pretty.”
“Am I now?” You snort. “And what about you, Pretty Boy?”
Wild looks away. “If it was anyone else-”
“What? You’d try to disagree?” You grin and lean close to him.
He meets your gaze head on and smirk. Moving quickly, he dashes up and kisses the tip of your nose. “Maybe. But I don’t want to fight you.”
“I’d win that fight.”
“You would.” Wild giggles, running his hands over your back in alternating patterns. “But only because I’d let you win.”
“Nu-uh!” You kiss the tip of his nose as well. “I’d put up a good fight and win because I strong and powerful.”
“And beautiful and stunning and breath taking and talented and lovely and badass and-”
“Ok, ok, I get your point.” You laugh and turn your face away. It feels warm but you’re too happy to care.
“Do you?” Wild teases. He rolls the both of you over and pushes himself on top so that he doesn’t crush you. “Do you really? Because I’ll be happy to remind you. I’ll repeat it for as long as you’ll let me. I don’t think I’ll get tired of letting you know just how much you mean to me.”
“You’re sappy.” You push him away. He doesn’t budge.
Giggles fall from your lips regardless and Wild catches them one by one with his own.
“Marvelous.” Wild whispers against you. Noses brush hesitantly against each other as breathes begin to mingle. “Absolutely magnificent.”
“You’re too much.” 
“And you’re my one and only.” He kisses you once more. “Forever and ever more.”
You sigh, enjoying the attention. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer just because you can. “And you’re my knight in shining armor.”
Wild sags against you, groaning quietly. “We talked about this- the knights didn’t have shining armor. That was a myth and a show of social status. Not a common sought out truth.”
“What about my prince in blue then?”
“It better be the right shade.”
You laugh louder. “Fine! You’ll just be myyyyyy..... Link.”
“I like that one much more.” Wild smirks, leaning closer to you than before.
“I think I do too.”
“Is there anything you don’t need?” You look around the room. It’s covered head to toe with nick knacks and brick bracks and every square inch was littered with paddy whacks.
“What do you mean?” Legend turned his head to you. “This is just stuff I’ve collected over my travels.”
You hum. “I believe you, don’t get me wrong... But why would you ever need seven different shovels?”
“I just couldn’t get rid of them.” Legend returns o the box he was looking through. “It’s not like there’s six different people to take the shovels off of me.”
“Hmm.. I can think of a few.” You smile and looks around anyway. Legend had made you swear that you weren’t going to touch anything unless he was already giving it to you and you were trying to honor the code. But with so many little thing to poke through, the temptation was tough.
Not to mention that clearly everything had a little memory attached to it. It was bits and pieces of Legend that you wanted to know about and study. Maybe it would tell you stories that he would otherwise keep to himself. Would it be rude to search through them anyway?
Your brain tells you yes, without a doubt. But your heart has never been one to listen to reason.
“Here.” Legend closes the box and  makes his way over to you. “I want you to have this.”
You straighten almost immediately. “What is it?”
Legend smiles, gesturing you to bend your head down. You tilt and does as he asks, even if he doesn’t use his words. Something cold slides over your head and it lands with a sizable weight on your sternum.
You straighten up and put your hands over it. It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that he placed a necklace over you, but you don’t know the significance of it.
The necklace is a pearlescent blue with a gold clasp around it. There’s a small carving on the pendant but you can only see it as swirls. You don’t know if it has any meaning to it. All you know is that it must be expensive to be made from this kind of material and that it is very beautiful. Somehow- the pendant feels warm.
Looking at it makes you feel light an airy. Your heart could burst with emotion. If You spend too long thinking about it, you might begin to cry.
“It’s pretty.” You say quietly, admiring it. “Thank you, Link.”
Legend flushes. He’s always seemed to go a bit shy when you used his name while the others weren’t around. “It’s...charmed. Enchanted. There’s a spell on it. It’s not as fancy as anything the Champion has and it doesn’t work the way the Sailor’s stone works... but it gives the impression of ....my thoughts... to you.”
He kicks the floor with his toe. His whole face is pink. But his eyes.. his gaze...if so soft. So loving.
You clutch the stone tight in your grip, looking at it once more but with new determination. The same feeling from before grips you tighter with your acceptance. It’s overflowing.
You actually do cry.
It’s warm and loving and whole. Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect. It’s joy and happiness and elation. It’s fear and depth and height. It’s his thoughts, emotions- his heart.
Link loves you.
“I l-love too.” You say through the tears. A laugh blurts out and you jump on him in a hug. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect. Thank you.”
Legend seems startled but he grips you tightly. “Just so you always know that I’m with you, no matter what happens.”
You nod. “I’ll take good take of it. I promise.”
Hyrule had noticed that you were feeling less than stellar as of late. He wasn’t sure what it was but from what he could it was personal. Something that you didn’t plan on sharing with the group any time soon.
While he was willing to wait for how long it would take you to open up to him about it, he wasn’t about to see you down in your spirits if there was something he could do. So he started planning.
Granted, there was very little he could go to make it as extravagant as possible. He lamented to Time about it. He wanted to do everything in his power to make you smile. But there were things he was limited to. He didn’t have all the power in the world and he hardly had the funds to give you all that he wanted to.
Time has listened patiently and waited until he had said everything he wanted to say. “Perhaps-” He started with, “-they chose you not for your power or your abilities, but for your heart. Give them that, and it will prove to be enough.”
Hyrule steeled his nerves then. You had known from the beginning that he couldn’t provide much but he could do his best. And his best he will give.
Hyrule asked around the locals and managed to figure the best spot just outside of town.
When the night began to quiet down and the others were setting up camp, Hyrule snuck to your side and took your hand. “I have something to show you.”
He wanted to keep the atmosphere light, hoping that it would boost your mood as well. You didn’t seem to be any wiser. You tilted your head and began to follow him unquestionably. “What is it, Link?”
Hyrule tried his hardest not to preen. He loved it when you said his name. After so long of not hearing it around others, the small action had taken on a more intimate tone in his mind. “Something special.” He answers you. “It’s for you.”
You seemed to try and smile for his sake. It hurts his heart to see you struggle with something as soft and sweet as one of you smiles. 
Suddenly, Hyrule begins to feel sheepish. Maybe this wasn’t such a god idea after all. Oh well, you’re both already there.
“So remember the time when you showed me your happy place?” Hyrule clears his throat. He pushes past some bushes and clears the way to showcase his surprise. “I know it’s not the same but I tried to get a close to it as I could.”
You gasp and your hands fly to cover your mouth.
It’s a small swing, surrounded by the fluttering lights of fairies- something you knew only Hyrule seemed to be able to do. The ropes were tied around one of the lower hanging branches of the tree with enough soft cricket songs to put your mind at ease.
Tears spring to your eyes.
Hyrule scratches the back of his head. “It’s not much but I noticed that you haven’t been feeling so well-”
“Thank you.” You smile. It’s wet and weak, but genuine. You pull Hyrule close and give him a kiss. “You’re too sweet to me. How did you put this together so quick?”
You take his hand and begin to pull him to the swing. Hyrule follows you, feeling much better about his decision. “It wasn’t so hard. I know you mentioned that you would go to that corner when you were feeling bad. We’re just no where near it. So I thought instead of bringing you to your corner... I could just bring it to you...”
Man, that sounds cheesy.
You laugh as much as he expected and push him onto the swing. You quickly place yourself on his lap and make yourself comfortable. “I think it’s better than my corner.”
“Y-yeah?” Hyrule begins to push your both on the swing. “I’m glad. I was worried it wouldn’t even come close.”
“Nonsense.“ You hold him close. “It’s better because you’re here with me, of course.”
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littlejuicebox · 2 months
Midwinter Carol 8 / The Scheme
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Pairing: Ascended Astarion x Female Elf Sorceress OC
Word Count: 2.4K
Story navigation: [1][2][3][4] [5] [6] [7]
Summary/Setting: Based on the prologue/premise from my OneShot “A Midwinter Carol.” / Astarion and the OC broke up after his ascension. She left Baldur’s Gate for fifteen years, only to return just recently. Following the events of “A Midwinter Carol,” Ascended Astarion has been convinced to pursue a new beginning. Will he be able to change who he has become, with the help of his ex-lover or will he ultimately fall victim to himself?
“You’re far too comfortable within our arrangement, darling. Now, simply stand there and look pretty. It’s what you’re best at,” Astarion had finally drawled after a long silence between the two of them, feigning nonchalance at her comment while the white-knuckled grip on his goblet told another story.
Warnings: This will be 18+ / in game spoilers / Eventual Smut / Angst, trauma, fluff / Gore / Violence / PTSD / Astarion’s past trauma
A/N: Took two weeks, but we finally got there! I am going to try to start posting my longfics on a more consistent schedule. Stay tuned for the schedule, once I've figured it out lol!
Delilah loathed people in power. She hated the moneyed patrons looking down their noses at her, always with an air of disgust. The wealthy acted as if they were doing her a favor; as if they weren’t the ones begging for her skills.
The elite she entertained in the brothels might have different kinks, different preferences, and different fantasies that she danced around… but one rule applied to every entitled, powerful individual that purchased her time: they loved to hear themselves talk.
It was quite comical how much her clients would share when they perceived her as an idiot. They often thought her beneath them; nothing more than a glorified decoration, a plaything. An empty vessel to spill their seed into. 
But Delilah was far more cunning than she looked. She wouldn’t have been a whore, if only her circumstances had been different. Her aspirations had always been higher than sex work, and despite loathing people in power, she knew one of them would eventually be her meal ticket out of her situation. 
She was too smart to be a whore and yet too desperate to shy away from any opportunity that came knocking upon her brothel door. 
So when Astarion first spoke to her in Elvish, insulting her in the process, Delilah knew to stay silent. From almost the beginning, she intended to play the long game with the vampire and figured it best to appear ignorant. 
She assumed his goading to be a test. She felt the silver-haired elf wanted to know if she understood his native tongue, though she didn’t quite understand why at the time. So instead of giving any indication she knew Astarion had just called her a filthy whore, Delilah simply smiled and purred a superficial compliment; it was something about how sexy he sounded speaking Elvish.
He bought it. 
After that initial test from Astarion, he would often speak in Elvish when she morphed into Eirianwen’s shape. Most strings of his mother tongue were simply sweet nothings and lamentations he clearly would have preferred to say to the real woman, not the one he paid to portray her. It was tedious to endure the Ascendant as he relentlessly plunged in and out of her body, speaking sappy nonsense as she performed exactly the way he expected her to.
He always took forever to finish.
The ordeal was ridiculous, really. But her suffering proved worthwhile, for a time. It bought her connections to other elites, a new apartment, and — perhaps most valuable of all — pieces of information. 
Over the years, Delilah collected many useful bits  of knowledge from Astarion. The bastard loved to hear himself talk, in and out of bed, just like all the others. She sold some of the lesser information to his enemies and kept the most significant pieces stored within her mind. 
Delilah knew he held the secret to true power – it was etched upon his back — and she wanted it for herself. She spent years assembling pieces of the puzzle and carefully unlocking the vaults of his psyche for that one purpose. It was no easy task. 
But those years passed, and Delilah grew more impatient with the passing of each season. Astarion was dramatic, self-obsessed, privileged, and almost always held an air of missing that stupid sorceress. Constantly soothing his ego became a full time job, and Delilah began to think she loathed him more than she loved his money and connections to power.
Eventually, she thought she would simply convince Astarion to make her a true vampire, cut her losses, and just take those powers as a consolation prize. Her time enduring the Vampire Lord had been more than enough, and she was ready for it to end. She felt she understood why the real Eirianwen left him; if she’d had the means, Delilah would have been gone long ago, too.
But not everyone is a trust fund baby. 
So, one evening, at another party almost identical in theme and guest list to the soirée they’d attended the week prior, Delilah broached the subject of immortality with Astarion. Her frustration quickly rose to the forefront when the Vampire Lord denied her far too quickly, as if he’d considered the option long ago and decided against it. 
“Why not?” she’d pressed, her arm wrapped around his, simply playing the all-too-familiar part of a decoration at his side as they walked about the great hall of some noble’s mansion.
But, even as she asked, Delilah knew the reason: she was a glorified shell in his eyes; nothing more than a novelty item. She was hardly permitted to be in her own chosen form for these parties, or in general, after all. Astarion never wanted to see her as her. He always made her rotate her appearance as his date, instead. She was never supposed to be Eirianwen in public, of course, because imagine the scandal; but she was always some beautiful being. 
Just not herself. 
Among the many strange aspects of the egotistical man she’d tied herself to for years, Delilah found it odd that Astarion seemed to prefer the appearance of rakishness without actually being a rake. Though she suspected he liked the idea of appearing unattached, should the real Eirianwen ever flit back into his life. Idiot.
“I am not currently paying you to speak, Delilah,” Astarion had warned in a low hiss, his jaw tensed as he’d refused to look at the woman holding onto his arm. 
She was in the form of some gorgeous, pouty-lipped, large chested brunette she’d seen while working in Waterdeep years ago. Astarion always seemed to prefer silver-haired dates, so Delilah intentionally gave him anything else when she was particularly irritated with the bastard.
“It’s been half a decade… she isn’t coming back, you know,” Delilah had snapped in response, unable to hold back her frustration after tempering herself for ages. 
Five years had been far too long. 
She’d been attached to this vile man longer than his precious sorceress ever had been and still played second fiddle to a memory. The thought made her insides boil with rage.
Not that she loved Astarion. Absolutely not. But she felt he still owed her something after all this time. Because truly, he was dreadful, and he would have done nothing of note with all that money and power if she hadn’t pushed him in the right direction. Hells, he couldn’t even sleep properly when they first met, let alone play political dragonchess with dignitaries and crime bosses. 
No, the majority of that had been her doing. But of course, in his pride, the Vampire Lord was certain it had been him all along. 
“You’re far too comfortable within our arrangement, darling. Now, simply stand there and look pretty. It’s what you’re best at,” Astarion had finally drawled after a long silence between the two of them, feigning nonchalance at her comment while the white-knuckled grip on his goblet told another story. 
But the shapeshifter knew her value was severely underestimated. She was more than a common whore, more than an attractive escort, more than just a shell of someone else’s form. And after years of catering to Astarion’s massive ego, one would think her other talents would be of value to the Ascendant – at least enough to consider turning her.
Apparently not.
Ultimately, Astarion kept refusing Delilah’s requests for immortality. Eventually, the shapeshifter decided she’d had enough; she would have to find another route to power. 
She’d wasted too much time already.
When Delilah first planned to break into the Palace, she knew entering through the dungeon would be most convenient. Waltzing in right through the front door, while potentially possible in Astarion’s form, would attract far too much attention. The servants swarmed him the moment he entered any room. Plus, she suspected her target happened to be in the bowels of the Palace, away from prying eyes – the dungeon would be faster, too.
It would be a quick job – get in, get out, get back to her new boss, get turned. 
She knew the secret entryway into the dungeon was enchanted and required a password spoken in Astarion’s voice. At first, this had been a significant dilemma. Delilah’s shape shifting was flawless, and yet she always failed to adequately reproduce voices. However, thanks to his unwilling donation of DNA at the auction, the woman successfully brewed a potion that perfectly captured Astarion’s haughty tenor. 
One utterance of “aeterna amantes” later and she found herself in the frigid cobblestone dungeon underneath her ex-lover’s abode. 
She could not help but feel pride for her multiple talents at this moment. If Delilah had been able to afford tuition at Blackstaff thirty years ago, her life would be inconceivably different. Self-study and natural talents could only get her so far, unfortunately. 
Locating the Jathiman Dagger – or “The God Killer,” as it had been called in the texts she read on the subject – had been effortless in comparison to her first trial. The ancient blade was rippling with arcane magic, and Delilah simply reached out to the Weave for guidance. Like a compass, the Weave led her straight to the second hidden passageway in the dungeon, this one much less guarded than the first. And there, behind an illusory wall, was the ticket to her future in the form of a well-worn, rusted dagger.
In truth, the woman thought the weapon that could kill anything from a god to a devil – and certainly a mere Vampire Ascendant, by that logic – would be far grander in appearance than just a simple serrated blade with a leather-wrapped hilt. At first, Delilah worried it was a decoy. But the arcane thrum when she touched the weapon was undeniable; all that was left on her end of the deal was to get back to Lady Lysandra and deliver the dagger. She could leave Edmund to rot if she wanted, Lysandra had indicated him to be disposable in their scheming. 
But standing on the precipice of her future, and try as she might, Delilah couldn’t bring herself to take the final jump and leave the stupid spawn. Not after the time they spent together the past few months. He’d been, over all, a gentleman. And when she finally propositioned him after weeks, he’d never asked her to change into any other form, despite knowing she could… that had been a first for her. 
‘Leave him, leave him, leave him,’ she thought as she made her way toward the secret tunnel leading out of the cobblestoned torture chamber.
And yet, against her better judgment and with half of her mind screaming in disbelief, Delilah stopped just before reaching freedom, tucked the dagger into her robes and began to climb the cobblestone steps of the dungeon. She willingly walked straight into the lion’s den.
Finding Astarion and Edmund had been simple; she only had to follow the pained grunts of the vampire spawn and the deranged shouting of her ex-lover. But as she walked in that direction, under cover of a simple invisibility spell, Delilah passed the master bedchambers where she’d laid under Astarion more times than she could count. Out of habit, she glanced into the room and spotted Eirianwen sound asleep, instead of writhing in pain like she should be with Delilah’s poisons working inside her body.
And gods that enraged Delilah. She wanted Astarion to suffer in the worst way, to watch the only person he ever seemed to love be tortured beyond belief, lose motor function, and eventually die after a long, chronic battle with the side effects of Delilah’s concoction. 
He deserved it, and by extension, Eirianwen did, too. She made him what he was, after all. 
But how was this possible? 
The knowledge-seeker in the shapeshifting woman decided to take a quick detour, temporarily ignoring the tortured cries from Edmund in the next room. He was strong, surely he could endure for a mere moment longer as she examined the sorceress, she thought.
After a quick study of Eirianwen, Delilah notices the ring on the sorceress’s blackening hand and realizes it's the flimsy golden band that’s protecting the woman. She remembers the auctioneer toting the magical abilities of the rings Astarion ultimately paid far too much for. 
But Delilah doesn’t dare touch Eirianwen to try and remove the ring. The newest potion coursing through the elven woman’s system had been a rush job; Delilah was not certain how potent the paralytic was or if it would transfer to her, another living being, via touch. It’s why she’d had Edmund carry the bottle around at the party, just in case there had been a mishap; her necrotic concoctions were much less potent on the undead, but on the living they were always particularly nasty. 
A flurry of curses on the other side of the wall, followed by more vitriol from the Vampire Lord, all coming from the space next door she knows to be Astarion’s office, finally rips Delilah from her thoughts and pushes her forward. She doesn’t have a plan. She really did not expect herself to risk her neck for this random spawn. 
Delilah morphs into Eirianwen’s form, mangled hand and all, and slowly edges her way toward the office. At minimum, she can distract Astarion and hopefully Edmund can break away with a bit of her assistance. He’s certainly strong.
When Delilah turns around the corner, she quickly realizes, much to her dismay, that any hopes of saving Edmund are gone. Astarion is crushing the other vampire’s skull in with one hand and plunging something into the man’s chest repeatedly with the other. Splatters of blood are sprinkled about the office like stars in the night sky. The man she’d spent months scheming with, fucking, and for whom she’d idly considered killing his master for once she achieved her goal is lying limp and mangled underneath the Ascendant. 
Edmund is gone. And the realization elicits a genuine, horrified scream from Delilah. In that moment she realizes that perhaps she actually cared for him… as much as someone like her could care about anyone. When Astarion’s eyes snap to her, Delilah forgets she’s in Eirianwen’s form and runs.
Before long, the woman recollects herself as the silver-haired elf shouts down the hallway, calling after his precious Ani. She turns to look at the Vampire Lord, her face filled with hatred, and misty steps as far as she can away from him, back toward the dungeon entrance on the lower floor. Delilah was supposed to leave the murder of Astarion Ancunin to Lady Lysandra… but she just decided that she changed her mind. 
She was going to kill Astarion in his own home, and she was going to savor every delicious moment as he watched the woman he loved stab him to death. 
A/N: Special shoutout to a reader, @lil23akira for absolutely calling this! I love that you were able to pick up on all my foreshadowing. And thank you to @leomonae and @tallymonster for reading this and providing feedback as I worked through what was the most difficult chapter to write thus far.
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tytoalbatross · 4 months
Ranking BG3 Companions Based On Whether I Think They Give Good Advice
1. Halsin
in all honesty, i would put halsin and jaheira tied for first place because it really depends on the way you like advice being given to you. halsin will first drag you outside on a nice hiking trail for The Talk, and depending on whether or not you like the outdoors will greatly impact his placement (at least compared to the other first-place). but his advice is extremely good ! he'll walk you through whatever you're going through (as well as the not-so-well-beaten path in the Woods) and give you ideas for how to approach it based on your personal experience. even if you didn't want to go on the walk and was upset about being dragged on a walk, you'll be even more angry after the walk that it actually kinda worked. 10/10
2. Jaheira
on the other hand, if you want (very good) advice being given to you closer to home, jaheira is undoubtedly your best bet. both she and halsin have the age and the life experience to help you, and she will especially be incredible at being both considerate of your side of things while also giving you brutal honesty whenever necessary. the only downside i can think of is that the whole thing will feel like you're being sat down and being given "a chat" by your usually very cool aunt. another 10/10 though
3. Wyll
what wyll ravenguard doesn't have in years he has in his wide range of experiences and whatever the faerûn equivalent is of binge reading sappy reddit stories. he's Very easy to talk to and even if he doesn't know exactly what to say to you after, he'll definitely sound like he knows what he's talking about. gives pretty general, safe advice and knows the ins and outs of a healthy relationship! however, wyll's advice will lack some credibility because he just. does not follow his own advice. especially regarding family problems
4. Gale
i'd like to mention that i'm rating these characters PURELY on advice. i'm not factoring comfort into the rankings whatsoever. however, if you're looking for comfort AND advice, gale might be decidedly awkward about the former depending on your relationship. which is understandable, considering he barely had any human interactions for a whole a year. no, tara does not count. for advice, gale will listen very intently to your entire problem, and you can see the gears turning in his head. "what" you ask. "well, i can't help but think--" and he just goes ahead and posits an entire gameplan to you. a very pragmatic and thorough plan, yes, but it may not actually be viable for you (pretty hit or miss)
5. Minsc
do i mean minsc or minsc and boo? i couldnt decide on a reliable ranking with boo involved, so this is assuming you caught minsc on the rare occasion that he's without boo. maybe he's taking a nap. minsc almost always suggests you go punch a wall about it. or punch the cause of your problems. it's not the best advice, but you might actually feel better after punching a wall. or punching the cause of your problems. and if he does give you specific advice based on your problem, it can either be surprisingly wise or a good blueprint of what not to do. win-win
6. Shadowheart
all of you people who immediately place shadowheart as the "mom friend" or caretaker of the group simply because she is a cleric and a woman; i am hitting you very hard on the head with a steel bat. shadowheart is unfortunately not socialized beyond her interactions with other sharrans (not an accurate representation of the average group of people), and depending on when in her character arc you ask her for advice, she may not even care to help you. even if she could. however, assuming she is trying to give you advice, she would do her very best to at least talk through the issue with you and suggest some. possibly questionable things. at the end of the conversation it just kinda feels like the blind leading the blind
7. Karlach
karlach is only so low on the list because i think she just wouldn't try to give you advice, at least not in any definitive way. she'd first and foremost trust whatever decision you'll make for yourself (even pre-emptively), and her first priority would be comfort. she'll do her damnedest to give you a hug (which depends on the status of her heart), and she will also suggest punching things. and she will join you ! you solved nothing but you do feel much better at least
8. Astarion
whether astarion even makes an attempt at giving you advice depends entirely on how much he cares about you. if he barely registers your existence, he'll actually try to tell you to do something, but it's godawful advice. closer to a shitty one-liner. if he does care about you though, his "advice" is actually more outlandish and ridiculous. regardless of whether there's another person involved, "have you considered just killing the guy?" and you stare at him like he just grew another head. but hey, you're not upset anymore! he might even be trying to get you to laugh and gape at him because "hey no normal fucking person does that" "but it would work?" etc. and you're even surprised into laughing because what the fuck. astarion will not give you good advice but, like karlach, you will feel at least a little better than you did before the conversation
9. Lae'zel
it even baffles lae'zel that you'd go to her for advice. you trot up to her tent at camp, with everyone else above fully ready and available, asking her for advice. "bold choice." then she proceeds to give you the most brutal, does-not-apply-to-non-gith advice you've ever heard in your life. is she trying? probably. is she used to giving advice beyond simply speaking her mind? not at all. if you're looking for her specific brand of "advice" or you're in the market for combat pointers, you might get something out of the conversation, but otherwise the whole thing just leaves you concerned about how gith society works.
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shurislover · 6 months
A Look into Letitias Spam ll
- i really love making these lol
- enjoy and thank you so much for showing love on the first one. i really appreciate it
- part 1
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liked by therealyn and 389 others
tishspams on a date kinda nervous ( drinks kinda nasty )
therealyn you’re such a wimp , those drinks were so good
jojovandalkidd @/therealyn bracelets are fire ! link please
therealyn i made them boo, i’ll make you some and bring it to you when i see you
jojovandalkidd this why you’re my absolute favorite love you 4 life
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liked by dominiquethorne and 596 others
tishspams CAUGHT 🤪
dominiquethorne get a room 😒
kosarali__ that’s what i’m saying
 therealyn dom baby if you wanna kiss just say that
dominiquethorne i’m ready when you are
jojovandalkidd pic snapped by me 😤
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liked by therealyn and 632 others
tishspams happy birthday to the love of my life, my princess , my baby , my future wife , my kids future mother , my overall everything. you guys truly don’t understand how much this woman means to me, she was one of the main people who pulled me out of this dark hole after losing my brother. she checked up on me constantly , she made sure i ate , made sure i took care of myself. she made me the woman i am today and i’m forever grateful. i love you so damn much , and i cant wait to celebrate tonight with you sexy ! the big 2 6 baby. cheers to more years ! tish and y/n forever and always , locked in 4L 🔒❤️
therealyn mi amor 🥺 love you forever and always , got me crying rn. you know i got you always.
jojovandalkidd can’t wait to celebrate with the kid . happy birthday y/n
dominiquethorne the big 26 !! cant wait to see y’all tonight
michaeldapaah lil one growing up
shionat my baby growing up 😭
1dessdior my girl y/nnnnnn you got yourself a special one , happy birthday boo
haydmclean celebrating big tonight
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liked by jojovandalkidd and 900 others
tishspams y/n on this, just know my baby cool where she’s at
haydmclean not people out here trying to break y’all up
therealyn they should know better, i don’t play bout mine 😤
jojovandalkidd let em know
therealyn you already know what’s the vibes
tishspams and therealyn
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liked by dominiquethorne and 13,587 others
therealyn i’m about to get real sappy on this. it’s the big 30 for my big baby 🥺. y’all when i say this woman means everything to me i fucking mean it. she has stuck by my side through everything, supports me in every single way and i just love her for that. i honestly thank God for you everytime i wake up and everytime i go to sleep. I am so grateful for all the amazing times we spend together, the happiness you bring into my life. Keep doing big things my love, keeping inspiring not only me , not only yourself but all the black girls and boys out there. I love you forever and always mi amor. LETS LIVE IT UP IN GREECE BABYYYYYYYYYYYY
tishspams love you 5 ever baby
therealyn 😘😘
jojovandalkidd Greece ain’t ready for us
therealyn NOT at all
daishamonee DIRTY 30!
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liked by daishamonee and 456 others
tishspams why she caught me slipping in her bonnet 😒
dominiquethorne bonnet for ???
jojovandalkidd right ?
winstonduke them little 3 milimeters of hair don’t need a bonnet
therealyn not too much on my baby. she got inches don’t play 😒
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liked by therealyn and 874 others
tishspams she wanna be me so bad
therealyn AND DO !
daishamonee i mean who wouldn’t
jojovandalkidd exactly! bro acting like the whole internet isn’t in love with her , she got a fly ass gf and living her best life ? come on now !
kosarali__ let it be known
winstonduke how you let your gf outshine you in your own fit ??
therealyn you’re so real ! she’s never getting this suit back.
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liked by dominiquethorne and 690 others
tishspams she thought the view was pretty…. but i thought she was prettier 🤭
daishamonee did google help you with this caption ?
tishspams sure did
dominiquethorne y’all so damn cheesy
haydmclean when y’all getting married ?? i’m ready for wedding season ?
tishspams soon come !
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liked by haydmclean and 567 others
tishspams y/n on this ! bae sleep rn but look what i found lollll ( shes gonna jump me when she sees this )
winstonduke good luck to you when she wakes up
jojovandalkidd nah the auntie hairstyle is crazy
haydmclean this shit has me so weak i’m keeping this
dominiquethorne my new favorite picture
kosarali__ you’re definitely getting cussed out lol
therealyn y’all this picture has legit tears coming out my eyes
jojovandalkidd i’m gonna need you to text me in the morning to make sure you’re alive
haydmclean me too lmao good luck y/n
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liked by therealyn and 20,678 others
tishspams kept this a secret for a while , so i could bask up my excitement in private with my FIANCÉ 🤭 you guys SHE PROPOSED ! IM A WHOLE FIANCÉ ! A WIFE TO BE !
daishamonee WHAT ?
haydmclean shout out to @/therealyn for choosing me to help pick the ring. happy for you bro
dominiquethorne BIG CONGRATS !!
ayoedebiri WOAH ! happy for you letitia
officialsheiks been waiting for this moment
prada this a big one 🔥
s11mone so happy for you sis
littlesimz NO WAY !
shionat you deserve this so much
michaeldapaah BIG TINGZ
thewrightnikki I KNOW THATS RIGHT
was supposed to post this for her birthday
121 notes · View notes
treyisms · 11 months
beauty sleep
trey parker x gn!reader
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
cw: really sappy, lack of sleep
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- you’re falling asleep in your shared bed, or trying to, at least
- it’s 2:30 am and there’s still no sign of trey & you’ve been tossing and turning from having to sleep without his warmth and open mouth snores (as far as he knows, it’s annoying. but to you… nothing could be more endearing)
- that’s not out of the ordinary though, trey has a horrible habit of falling asleep at the office after a grueling 18 hour process to create the newest south park episode
- usually on nights like these, you stay up staring at the ceiling and thinking about him. hoping he’s resting his head in his hand at least, but a part of your belly gnaws at you because you know your boyfriend would never grant himself the gift of rest until the show was perfected
- the house phone starts ringing, and you immediately sit up in bed with a smile, already knowing it was him
- “hey baby! how are you?” and there’s a long, exhausted sigh before he answers :(
- “i’m okay, can you… can you do me a favor honey? i know it’s late..” and you can almost hear the way he drags his hand across his face and rubs at his eyes to wake himself up
- “anything sweetheart, what is it? you okay?” and there’s a slight little hitch in his breath on the other end of the phone and you can tell he’s getting teary :(
- “can you just… can you come sit with me? i’m so tired and everyone went home, i just.. i don’t want to be alone”
- and that is VERY open and vulnerable for trey, and if this wasn’t such a tender moment you would’ve commended him
- you agree and tell him you’re going to drive over now, still in your sweet lil pajamas he bought for you this christmas season, basically flying down the backroads to get to the studio
- once you get inside, you see that all the rooms are darkened, except for one… his big corner office that seems even lonelier than usual
- cracking the door open, you are greeted with the sight of your boyfriend hunched over in his wooden chair, fingers woven through his shaggy hair and his flannel pajama pant clad legs bouncing in nervousness as he looks up at you with wide eyes
- the tenderness and comfort that settles in his eyes when he sees you <333
- “oh, you’re here” “you needed me” “i always do” :’)
- so you spend the next hour cleaning around his office, readying him to go home but respecting his creative process… even if it is detrimental to his beauty sleep
- you sit to his right on the floor, piecing together some of the paper cutouts of the characters and formatting them for the opening scene trey has listed in the script— anything to ease his mind
- he sits, still typing, but turns to look down at you with a soft smile & red eyes. he brings his strong hand down to your hair, pushing it away from your eyes, and getting lost in you for the moment.
- as his hand rests on the side of your head he pulls you in to kiss your forehead, before letting you rest your head on his thigh and stroking your hair
- “only three more pages beautiful, i promise. you can sleep if you want, okay?”
- your eyes start to flutter as you succumb to sleep, yet you feel him staring down at you & you open your eyes to peer up at him
- even exhausted, and even with the food&drink stains on his sweatshirt, his face is the kindest and warmest you’ve ever seen
- “trey?” “hm?” “what’re you thinkin’ about?” “just thinking about you, that’s all”
- he’s still lightly scratching at your hair, lulling you to sleep as you lay your head back on his thigh, falling asleep to the light tapping of his fingers against the keyboard
- it’s safe to say the next morning that matt walks in to find you two curled up & sleeping on the floor of trey’s office (where trey definitely put his sweatshirt over you to keep you warm)
- sidenote trey definitely pulls your back to his chest when he sleeps, his hand balled into a fist as he holds you tightly but gently… always tightly but gently <3
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hollybell51 · 1 year
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Sam Winchester x AFAB!fem!Reader
Supernatural (2005), s03e02 “bloodlust”
Word count: 4.6K
Summary: you and Sam don't exactly see eye to eye with Dean's new friend, so you return to the motel by yourselves. Things... escalate.  
Content: smutty smut smut! Shameless, loving, gentle porn with a bit of a plot. Tooth rotting sappiness and fluff. Bit of hurt/comfort, bit of angst. Reader is just so in love with Sam (I am too dw). Sam is down horrendously bad for the reader (I'm horrendously down bad for him. I cannot emphasise this enough). Use of (Y/N), but not too much. Hickeys, making out, extremely light switchiness (barely noticeable, just healthily flexible dynamics), blowjobs, handjobs, fingering, safe sex, vaginal sex. Hugs all round (someone needed to give these boys one), Dean and the reader get along, Dean has like one soft moment, there's quite a bit of reminiscing and stuff. Gordon's vibes are Off. As above, set during season 2 episode 3.
Notes: HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVES! I'm (kinda) back, and my summaries have not gotten any better! Started watching Supernatural and got brainrot. Got lots of stuff planned but probably won't actually write it (sorry). The things I would let these two men do to me is insane like actually insane besties I am not ok. Anyways enjoy the by-product of my suffering, consider this a peace offering as I worm my way into the Supernatural fandom.
Also I have been working sporadically on some requests so if you made one chances are I've seen it and I have started it, but also I have Things in my Life right now that are very Stressful so yeah that's fun but yknow it is what it is, thanks everyone for being so supportive and patient with me xx
To say you were uncomfortable would have been an understatement. It wasn’t just how easily Gordon was talking about what had happened, or the too-bright light in his eyes as he recounted it, or Dean’s ease with the whole thing. It had been a freaking execution! And sure, the guy was a vampire, but the way the saw had just chewed right through his neck, the kicking of his legs as he’d died, the blood spraying over Dean’s face… yeah. As Sam had put it, decapitations weren’t really your idea of a good time. And it certainly wasn’t something you felt like laughing about over drinks. 
You could see Sam’s leg bouncing slightly, his face blank as he stared at the beer he was nursing. Your own stomach twisted with unease. Chances were, if he was on edge, so were you. The emotional interplay wasn’t new, and in fact, Dean gave you endless shit about it. “I don’t know what’s up with you,” he’d say. “I just gotta thank God I don’t develop some freaky emotional feedback loop with every girl I bang.” 
Now, Sam glanced at you, raising an eyebrow. You screwed up your nose. Not enough to be too noticeable, but enough to let him know you thought something was a bit off too. He nodded almost imperceptibly. 
“What’s up with you two?” Dean asked, frowning at your practically untouched beer. 
You shrugged. Sam shrugged. 
Dean rolled his eyes, taking a mouthful of his drink before turning to his new friend. “I swear,” he said, “they read each others' minds. He’s grumpy, she’s grumpy. She’s happy, he’s happy. I reckon if she stubbed her toe, he’d be limping.” 
Gordon barked a laugh, raising his eyebrows. “That so?” 
“Dean, come off it,” you sighed. 
He shook his head, smiling. “Lighten up, both of you.” 
You opened your mouth to say something about how you didn’t think lightening up was really appropriate given the circumstances, but the scraping of Sam’s chair cut you off. 
“I’m not gonna bring you guys down,” he said. “I’m just gonna go back to the motel.” 
“Yeah,” you agreed as he glanced at you, “I’m a bit tired.” 
Dean frowned. “You sure?” 
You nodded, standing. 
“Ok,” he shrugged. “Seeya.” 
“Seeya,” you smiled tightly, then passed him your unfinished beer. “You want this?” 
“You’re not taking it?” 
You shook your head. “Not in a beer sort of mood.” 
He gave you a searching look, then shrugged again and took the drink. “Sure.” 
“Thanks, Gordon.” You nodded to the other hunter. As much as you felt off about him, you didn’t need to be rude. 
He inclined his head back to you. “My pleasure.” 
Sam’s hand settled on your back as you joined him by the door, and you cast a final glance back at the two men remaining at the table. 
“Sammy!” Dean called, the car keys jingling in his hand as he tossed them to his brother. “Remind me to beat that buzzkill outta you later, alright?” 
Sam caught them with ease, Gordon’s enquiry of “something I said?” chasing you out the door. Hell yeah, it was something he said. It was everything he said.  
“Jesus,” you grumbled, shivering in the cold air. 
Sam snorted, absently shrugging off his jacket and handing it to you. Equally thoughtlessly, you put it on. It had become something of a routine. Sam didn’t exactly get too cold very often, but you did. He was many things, and “gentleman” was pretty high on the list by you reckoning. 
“I don’t know about all of this,” he said, feet crunching on the gravel as he headed towards the car. “Something’s…” 
“Off, yeah.” You swung into the passenger seat, arms crossed firmly over your chest. 
“I can’t quite–” The engine cut him off for a moment, but he didn’t finish the sentence anyway. It didn’t matter.
“I know, it’s a brain itch.” 
Sam sighed, shaking his head. “Tell me about it. Seatbelt,” he added as the car rolled out of the parking lot, another habit between the two of you. You could have sworn you’d have been dead years ago if you hadn’t had someone reminding you to use the damn things, a fact that both Winchester brothers were not afraid to attempt to drill into you. They hadn’t had much success. 
You hummed as you clicked the strap across your body, shrinking further down into the seat. You were feeling better now that you weren’t sitting across from Gordon, now that it was just you and Sam. You loved Dean, of course you did, but Sam was just so easy to be around. The two of you clicked, simple as that, and you adored it. 
“I’m gonna call Ellen,” Sam said decisively, frowning at the road. “Maybe she knows him.” 
You nodded. “Mhm, good idea.” 
You were still humming – the melody from something that had been playing on the drive that day, you thought – as you entered the motel room, gulping down a glass of water before jumping onto the kitchen counter. Your heels made a dull thud, thud, thud, on the cupboards as you swung them, the zipper of Sam’s jacket swishing over the cheap vinyl. You watched him take a seat on the bed and dial Ellen. 
You listened idly to his side of the conversation, eventually sliding off the counter top and coming to sit behind him on the bed. You rested your head on his shoulder, sighing. It had been an oddly long day. 
“But I thought you said he was a good hunter,” he was frowning. 
You thought you heard her say “Hannibal Lecter”, and frowned too. Shit, was Gordon some kind of serial killer? You hoped not. 
Sam’s back was warm under your cheek, but his shoulders were tense. The last few weeks hadn’t been easy. You hadn’t known John Winchester well, but the time you’d spent with him had been… Well, it hadn’t been nice exactly, but you could see the love he had for his sons. You couldn’t imagine going through what Sam had, almost losing his brother and then really losing his father in the space of a week. You thought he was handling everything reasonably well, all things considered.
There’d been one moment, just a few days ago, when you’d thought he might crack. Dean had been out like a light in the back of the car, and you’d reached around to snap a photo of him squished up against the window. You’d laughed at it – he looked ridiculous. When you’d glanced up to show Sam, he was staring straight at the road, a muscle in his jaw twitching. 
“Alright?” you’d asked, and he’d nodded.
You’d frowned. “Want me to drive for a bit?”
This time, a head shake.
He wasn’t alright, you could see that clear as day. “Sam, pull over,” you said softly.
He’d swung the car off the road so abruptly you’d jerked against your seatbelt, simply sitting with his foot on the brake and both hands on the steering wheel.
You’d reached over and put the car in park, switching off the ignition. “Come on,” you’d said, “out.” 
He’d leant against the side of the car, arms crossed, staring out into the field you were driving past. 
“Interesting grass?” you’d asked, bumping your shoulder against his. 
He hadn’t smiled exactly, but his mouth had definitely twitched up a bit at the corner. You’d consider that a win. 
“Seriously,” you’d prodded. “What’s up?” 
“I don’t…” He’d trailed off, picking at a loose thread on his shirt. “I can’t…” 
You’d frowned as he’d shaken his head, looking anywhere but you. You’d told yourself something like this was gonna happen eventually, prepped the whole “I’m here no matter what” speech a thousand times, but now you didn’t really know what to do. The only thing you could think of was to put your hand on his back, rubbing slow, soothing circles like your kindergarten teacher used to do when you were upset. 
Sam’s voice was choked when he finally spoke. “I can’t lose you.” 
Four words, but you were convinced your heart had shattered right there. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” you said, stepping to face him. You took his hands in yours, uncrossing his arms.
“How can you–?” 
You cut him off, shaking your head as you raised his hands to your face and kissed his knuckles. “I’m not going anywhere,” you repeated. “Nowhere you can’t follow.” 
He’d just nodded, pulling you into a tight hug. You breathed deeply, the strong smell of the most recent laundromat’s detergent all around you, your fingers bunched in the back of Sam’s shirt. 
“I’ve got your back,” you whispered. “You know that, right?”
“I know,” he murmured into your hair, “I’ve got yours, too.” 
“Good.” You’d pulled away, smiling as you stretched up to kiss him. It was soft and chaste, but that was all either of you needed. 
Then Dean had woken up and shouted at you to save your “romantic moments” for when you weren’t supposed to be driving. You’d grumbled that he was just jealous, which he’d vehemently denied amongst a lot of vomit noises. But later, as you’d waited for Sam to get back with lunch, he’d put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to his side. 
“I’m glad he’s got you,” he’d said. “Real glad.” 
“You’ve got me too,” you’d smiled. “Always.” 
He’d just stared at you for a moment, his arm still around you, before he’d cleared his throat and stepped back. “Thanks,” he’d muttered. “‘ppreciate it.”  
Now, with the same softness, you let your hand slide up Sam’s back and across his shoulders, then down his side. You brushed over his chest, down to his stomach, then back up to settle over his heart. You always forgot how big he was until you tried to get your arms around him, then it was like hugging a mountain. You loved it. 
He cleared his throat. 
You smiled, placing a soft kiss where his hair brushed the back of his neck, using your free hand to sweep it away. 
“Ok, yeah,” Sam said to Ellen. He sighed as your lips trailed higher, up under his ear. 
“Mhm, we will.” His fingers curled in the bed covers as you sucked ever so gently at the spot you’d found, the one you knew drove him insane. 
“Yep, alright. Thanks, Ellen.” A forceful swallow as you rubbed slow patterns across his front, nothing but the thin material of his shirt separating your hand from his skin. 
“Ok. Bye.” 
You smiled as the phone beeped, then was thrown to the bed. You eased your hand under his shirt, shivering as your fingers met the warm expanse of his torso. You could touch him like this forever, if you were given the chance. 
“What’re you doing?” he breathed, tilting his head back, baring his throat. 
“Kissing you,” you whispered as you moved down the muscle of his neck, “touching you,” as your hand ran gently over his pectoral, thumb grazing his nipple. 
“Mm, do I get to kiss you too?” 
You smiled. “If you ask nicely, yeah.” 
He sighed. “(Y/N), come on.” 
“Nope,” you laughed softly. “Ask nicely.” 
You felt his chest heave under your hand, and you pressed your mouth to his neck again. 
“Pretty please,” he murmured. 
You pretended to be considering this for a moment, dragging it out. Truth be told, you wanted him to kiss you just as much as he wanted to, but God it was fun teasing a bit. Especially like this, when it was you draped over his back, hinting at giving him hickeys, touching wherever you pleased. 
“Go ahead,” you replied. 
Before you could even draw another breath he’d turned and brought his hand up to cup your face, pressing his lips against yours. You let him lick into your mouth, his tongue sliding languidly alongside your own, the faint taste of beer still clinging to him. It was all so soft and gentle and full of care, everything you adored about him. 
He shifted back on the bed, turning to face you. Your hands were still under his shirt, arm still stretched across his body as he pushed against you. 
“I love this on you,” he murmured as his hands found the opening of his jacket, pushing it back over your shoulders. 
You smiled. “You want me to take it off?” 
“And this.” He plucked at the t-shirt you wore underneath, already coaxing it upwards. 
“Alright,” you laughed, batting his hands away. “Patience is a virtue.” 
“Whoever said that clearly never met you.” 
You looked away, hoping to hide the pink you could feel flooding your cheeks. However many times you did this, Sam never failed to get you flustered. You could sense his eyes on you as you stripped yourself of your shirt and his jacket, the intensity of his gaze sending shivers down your spine.
He started to shuffle back further onto the bed, one hand settling on your waist as he leant down to kiss along your jaw. You sighed, your mind halfway made up to just let him keep going like that. But no. 
“Uh-uh,” you said, pushing him gently off you. 
“What do you–? Oh.” 
You smiled as you slid off the bed, kneeling between his legs. You ran your hand up his thigh, deftly undoing his belt and fly. Heck, you’d had practice. “Can I?”
“Yes,” he nodded quickly. “God, yes.” 
You rolled your eyes, gesturing to his pants. “Well you gotta help me out a bit, yeah?” 
“Sorry,” he grinned, shedding them in one smooth motion.
“And those.” You pointed at his underwear. 
“Yes, your highness.” 
“Damn right,” you muttered as you kissed your way up his thigh, nipping gently at the skin of his hip. He smelled of the soap from last night’s motel room, faint but still there, a little sweat from the night’s earlier action. You could taste it where your tongue touched him, and man was it good.
His voice was breathy when he asked, “You gonna keep teasing me forever?” 
“Maybe.” You watched as goosebumps appeared where your breath tickled him, smiling to yourself. 
“Is that what’s got you smiling like that?” 
You sat back on your heels, arms resting on his knees as you looked up at him. He was so gorgeous, the shitty neon lighting of the room glancing off his hair in a kind of halo. You thought your next words through very carefully. 
“No,” you said slowly. “I’m thinking about how your cock’s gonna feel in my mouth. How you’re gonna say my name when I’ve got you so deep down my throat I’m almost gagging. I bet you won’t be able to keep your hands off me, I’ll make you feel so good.” 
Sam’s mouth fell open, his hands twitching where they rested on the duvet. 
“What do you think?” 
He swallowed. “I think I’m not even gonna take you up on that bet, I think you’re right.” 
“Ok then.” You smiled, leaning forward and taking his dick in your hands. It was hard and warm to the touch, already leaking precum. You licked down, then up again, swirling your tongue around the head. 
“Fuck,” he hissed. “Please, (Y/N).” 
“You want me to suck it?” 
“Yes. Please.” 
You shrugged. “Since you asked so nicely.” You sank your mouth down onto him, your hands working what wouldn’t fit. Sam’s thighs tensed, and you moved. You could have stayed like that forever, you thought, just holding him in your mouth. You had half a mind to ask about that, actually. 
Sam moaned, his fingers twisting in the covers as you pulled your head back, then forward again, sucking and licking along his length. You’d wanted to take your time at first, tease him and see how long it took for him to be fisting your hair and moving your head for you. But now, breathing in the smell of him, feeling the weight and the heat of him, you were losing your composure. 
“Oh my God,” he whispered as you increased your speed, your hand moving in tandem with your mouth. His dick was slick with your spit and only getting messier, something you might have been embarrassed about in the past. Now it turned you on. 
You moaned, the vibrations jolting Sam’s hips despite his best efforts. You gave a tiny huff of laughter out your nose, lowering your head even further until the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. 
“(Y/N),” he panted. “Shit, (Y/N).” 
“Hm?” You glanced up at him, your eyes watering slightly. He made a sound you’d thought only existed in pornos – before you met him, that was – as his hand finally flew to your hair, his fingers carding through it. He was trying so hard to be gentle, and you loved him for it. 
“You look so hot like that,” he whispered. “How’re you so fucking hot?” 
You smiled, your enthusiasm doubling. You vividly remembered a conversation you’d had with Sam and Dean in the car once, where Dean had proclaimed that “there are blowjobs, and then there are blowjobs.” Sam had turned and looked at you, raising an eyebrow. Dean had yelled at you both and told you to get a room. What you were doing right now was definitely a blowjob, and you were loving every second of it. 
“I’m gonna cum,” Sam was panting, “(Y/N) oh my God I’m gonna cum.” 
His fingers tightened in your hair, his head thrown back and his cock twitching in your mouth. You went all in, sucking and licking and jerking with everything you had in you. 
Yes, you thought as you swallowed everything he gave you, basking in his muttered curses and groans like they were water and you were a wilted houseplant. This was heaven, right here. Every time you watched him come undone, you were completely convinced it couldn’t get any better than this. And without fail, the next time it did. 
He was still panting as you licked him clean, as gently as you could. His hand had settled on your shoulder, large fingers caressing your skin so tenderly it made you want to cry. 
“You ok?” you asked, sitting back. You patted his knee, watching his face carefully. He was flushed, a light sheen of sweat sticking some of his hair to his forehead. You hadn’t really paid much attention at the time, but now you wished you’d made him take off his shirt too. You loved watching his chest heave as he tried to catch his breath. 
“Ok?” he echoed, opening his eyes. He grinned. “I’m more than ok.” 
You smiled back, licking your lips. “Good.” 
“Come up here,” he said, patting his leg. “And take off your pants.” 
“Magic word?”
“Please.” Then, on second thoughts, “pretty please.” 
You laughed, but got up and shed your jeans anyway. You slid onto his lap, straddling his thigh and wrapping your arms around his neck. He kissed you softly, holding you close against him. The material of his shirt tickled your skin, very noticeably baring you from the silken warmth of his skin. 
“Off,” you said against his lips, plucking at the garment. 
“Off,” he repeated, tracing the line of your underwear. 
Almost perfectly in sync, the two of you shed the offending clothing. 
“I love this,” he whispered as he reached behind you, deftly unfastening your bra and pulling it away from you. He set it aside carefully, almost reverently, then bent his head and fastened his mouth to your breast. “Hey,” he said after a moment, frowning. 
You frowned too. “What’s wrong?” 
His finger traced a delicate circle over your other breast, tapping at a spot just above your nipple. “What’s this?” 
You squinted at the area, then laughed. The faded yellowish bruise wasn’t all that visible, but of course Sam would find it. 
“What is it?” 
“It’s a hickey. From you. From last time.” 
His face cleared. “Shit, didn’t realise it’d last that long. Sorry.” 
“Don’t be,” you smiled. “Makes me think of you whenever I see it.” 
“Maybe I should give you more, then.” 
Your grin widened. “Please.”
You rolled your eyes. “Pretty please.” 
“Ok.” He bent once more, sucking a matching spot into your unmarked breast. Then he added another one beside it, and a third right in the middle of your sternum. 
“No more low cut tops, I guess,” you sighed, stifling a moan as he moved downwards with another. 
“Shame,” he murmured into your skin, “I love those low cut tops.” 
“Yeah, I know.” 
“I’d be insane not to.” 
You laughed, then gasped as he ran his hand up your thigh. 
“Relax,” he said. 
“I’m relaxed, I’m so relaxed.” 
“Your heartbeat says you’re lying.” 
“That’s for you,” you told him, meeting his eyes. “That’s what you do to me.” 
“And this?” His finger darted between your legs, sliding easily with how wet you were. 
“Yeah,” you gasped, “all for you.” 
He cursed softly, then lowered you gently onto the bed. He propped himself half over you, half beside you, his hand stroking down over your stomach, your hips, around your pelvis. 
“Please,” you moaned. “Sam, please.” 
“Please what?” 
“Touch me. Please,” you added as an afterthought. 
“Nice manners,” he noted, rubbing achingly slow circles over your clit. 
You gripped his arm, fingers digging into the muscle as he bent and resumed his assault on your breasts. 
“You take such good care of me,” he continued, his voice muffled slightly by your soft flesh. “You always take such good care of me.”
“Cause I love you,” you whispered. 
“Mhm, you gonna let me take care of you too?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Of course.” 
You whined at the loss of his fingers on your clit, then bit your lip to quiet what would have been a loud moan as he slipped the finger inside you. The heel of his hand ground against your sensitive bundle of nerves, his finger putting just the right pressure in just the right places. You’d be a mess in no time, and you both knew it. 
“Fuck, Sam,” you panted, your back arching as you chased the feeling. 
“Hm?” His chest was warm where it pressed against your side, the muscles of his arm rippling subtly under the skin where your fingers dug into him. His free hand stroked your shoulder, his mouth busy littering your chest with hickeys. You could feel him growing hard again against your thigh. 
“Fuck me?” you half asked, half offered. 
He grunted softly at your words, nodding. “Got a condom?” 
“Mhm, yeah, sure. One sec.” You reached over to your jeans, rummaging in the pockets until you struck gold. Or foil, you supposed. You watched as Sam tore it open and slid it on, as easily as if he was tying shoelaces. He’d gotten stupidly fast at putting the things on, courtesy of the whole “Dean could get back any minute so let’s just be as fast as we can” element you so often found yourselves dealing with. You weren’t complaining. 
“Ready?” he asked, positioning himself between your legs. You rocked your hips gently, feeling his hardness pressed against your dripping centre. 
He nodded, then softly slid inside you. You both gasped at the feeling, the familiar stretch and the warmth of it. It was like he was made for you, the way he fit. 
“Fuck,” you whispered, your fingers twisting in the duvet. 
“Alright?” he asked, and you nodded. 
“Move,” you urged him. He did, slow and gentle. The light was doing that thing with his hair again, and you wanted nothing more than to run your fingers through it. Brush it off his forehead, kiss him there, smooth the faint worry line that seemed to be present more and more frequently. You’d do anything to make it disappear forever. 
“You feel so good,” he murmured, leaning forward to deliver more kisses to your chest. You were gonna have a whole forest of hickeys when you were done.  
“You feel good,” you replied. Your breath was coming short, a light sheen of sweat gathering over your skin even though you weren’t the one doing all the work. 
“Touch yourself,” he encouraged you, “I want you to cum while I’m fucking you.” 
“Shit, ok,” you replied, reaching down and running a finger in tiny circles over your clit. You loved how easily you could give and take control with him, how quickly and smoothly you could switch roles when you wanted to. It wasn’t just in bed, either, and you adored it. You adored him.
Your own hand combined with the steady thrusting of his dick was perfect. You weren’t going to last long, and judging by Sam’s shuddering breaths and muttered curses, your name sprinkled throughout, neither was he. 
“(Y/N), fuck,” he moaned, his abdominal muscles twitching and tensing. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you gasped as you felt the tightness coiling inside you, more, more, more– “Holy fuck, I’m gonna–” You released with a frantic cry of his name, your spine arching and your legs locking around his hips. You felt yourself contract around his dick, the stuttering of his strokes as he too reached his climax. 
He slowed eventually, coming to a stop as the tremors receded from your body and your brain returned to your head. You were spent, content to lie there with his warm, comforting weight on top of you until the world stopped turning. 
He rolled off you, peeling off the condom and tying it neatly before tossing it to the floor to be disposed of later. You turned to face him, your head resting on his bicep, his other arm draped over your side. His hand stroked your back, soft and loving. 
You smiled as you reached up, sweeping the hair from his face. “You good?” you murmured, cupping his cheek gently. 
He nodded, leaning forward to kiss you softly. You reciprocated, then stretched up and placed a kiss on his forehead. 
“How about you?” he asked. 
“I’m great.” Then you sighed, your thumb stroking tiny arcs across the curve of his cheekbone. “You’re so beautiful,” you whispered. 
“Look at you,” he answered. “You’re so beautiful.”  
You closed the few inches of space between you, pressing your lips to his. “I really do love you,” you said as you pulled away. “So much.” 
He smiled. “I know, I love you too. More than anything.” 
You went to kiss him again, but his phone buzzed and you froze. He groped for it blindly, frowning. You’d both learnt the hard way that if his phone went off and Dean wasn’t with you, it was best to check it. 
Sam snorted, flipping it around for you to see. 
The text, from Dean, was two sentences. “Back in 1/2 hour. Get decent.” 
“Screw you, Dean.” 
Sam laughed, tossing the phone to the side. “I guess we’ve got half an hour.” 
“I’m taking a shower then,” you said. “I saw a vending machine, like, right outside, and I really want a soda right now.” 
“I’ll get you a soda if you let me take the shower with you?” 
“Deal.” You held out your hand as if to shake on it, but he kissed it instead. Yeah, “gentleman” was definitely high up on that list. 
349 notes · View notes
Now hold on a gosh-diddly-darn minute, I noticed the entire time talking about a tipsy Peppino no one thought to ask this but what about tipsy GUS? I mean we saw him a li'l tipsy in the fastfood saloon escape, can I hear your thoughts about that/him please? Have they ever gotten tipsy together?
(I just like the mental image of the two alone, just being real giggly with each other (Gus just says "hey" and Peppi starts giggling which sets Gus off giggling) and being sappy goofs with each other <3)
HEEHEE u are so right and i am so sorry for withholding this information from the masses 😭
My homebrew for gnomes is that they are simultaneously hardy folk (able to eat virtually anything and immune to most poisonous creatures) AND extremely intolerant of alcohol. Theres no reason for that, i just like it alot :)
So Gus would be an extreme lightweight 😭 its SO bad; he cant speak clearly at all, he cant walk straight, he has the Worst hangovers and he wont remember anything from the previous night. The line between ‘pleasantly buzzed’ and ‘blackout drunk’ is so thin that Gus doesnt even try social drinking. If he MUST drink, it will be in the comfort of his own barebones apartment 😭 at least, until Peppino started hanging out with vigilante and his crew.
Gustavo LIKES drinking! Its just hard to find a good balance, and THATS bc he simply doesnt know how alcohol works. Peppino is like:
“Look ‘ere. All of these have a number somewhere on the bottle. Or a percentage. Lower the number, the better it is for you.”
Gustavo is like !!! Oh!!! That is very helpful! What would you recommend for me then?
“Probably…2-5%. 5-10 proof. Small 'a numbers.”
Gustavo nods, interested. He points at a bottle he recognizes from the last time he came here and got shitfaced. “That one up there; do you know how ‘a strong that one is? Or should i ask the bartender?”
Peppino squints at the company label. “45%.”
“Oh!” That makes sense. “Well what do you usually drink?”
Peppino recommends some of the LIGHT light wines, the ones that barely have a hint of anything. Theyre sweet (which Gustavo loves so very very much) and for the first time in a very long time, he Stays buzzed instead of immediately faceplanting into being blackout drunk.
Hes very. Playful. Is what Peppino would describe a tipsy Gustavo. He hesitates to use the term ‘flirty’ because that is not whats happening. But hes like. Clearly entertaining some gruff looking men like five times his size as they ramble drunkenly about random shit like ‘waow….thasso cool…and then what happened???’
Its funny at first bc Gustavo is so fucking TINY that all you can see of him, in the group of men as they yapyapyap about some inane shit that Gustavo wont even remember, is his tiny little tail 😭 It is less funny, however, when Peppino catches himself rambling about work and Gustavo is like (ears perked; tail swaying) ‘mmhmm. wrow…thats ‘a kinda nice…what else did you do??’ Peppino is like *buffering* (‘something is happening right now that will need to be addressed at a later time. Do not forget DO NOT FORGET. URGENT!!!!’)
Otherwise Gustavo is just a silly guy. Vigilante will make a joke and he laughs so low and deep that he sounds downright villainous 😭 Peppino will point out something stupid on the TV and like hours later Gus is like ‘…heeeuehuuueee…..do u remember [insert stupid reference] and Peppino will giggle. Peppinos affinity for throwing around ilus are met with Gustavo going ‘😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊’ with absolutely no way to even pretend to mask it.
Gustavo has fun being out in the saloon but he really enjoys drinking in Peppinos house. Its not nearly as loud as the saloon and theres usually homecooked foods like breads and soups (Because Peppino stress-cooks ALL the time). Brick gets to stay indoors instead of waiting outside the saloon, so Gustavo gets to mess with his soft fur contentedly. He just gets to be cozy; its quite nice 😊
174 notes · View notes
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Hi! This is a fic rec of my favorite established relationship fics. These fics are organized by word count from longest to shortest. You can view my other fic recs here. Enjoy!
We Are Only Just the Beginning by afirecannotdie (129k)
In the dim light of a dorm kitchen, Harry Styles meets a boy who flips his life upside down. Three years later, he's a senior in college, ready to take on the world with the love of his life by his side. And then Louis Tomlinson admits he doesn't know what he wants to do after college after all, and Harry's world flips again, this time not so pleasantly. He can't imagine his life without Louis, but he's starting to worry he might have to.
A college AU featuring lots of domestic sappiness, waffles, tattoos, late nights and early mornings, and above all, Louis and Harry against the world.
Been Together Since Way Back When by alivingfire / @alivingfire (95k)
Louis Tomlinson is a law student with a simple but effective four step plan: 1. Finish law school. 2. Get hired somewhere awesome. 3. Marry his best friend and boyfriend of two years, Harry. 4. Live happily ever after.
Harry Styles doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, where he wants to go, who he wants to be, or if he even wants the college degree he's almost completed. All he does know is who he’ll be with forever, as long as Louis wants to keep him around.
Or: the painfully realistic college au where everyone's poor, lovesick, tired of school, terrified of the future, and still having the greatest times of their lives.
Such Good Luck by casuallyhl / @casuallyhl (66k)
Louis smiles at Harry’s words, leaning into his touch. “Tell me again.”
Smiling, Harry takes Louis into his arms. Pressing gentle kisses to his face, Harry murmurs, “In six months’ time, I will have my twenty-fifth birthday. On that day, my portion of the inheritance will become legally mine. And I plan that very day to announce to my family that I have found love.” Harry chuckles as he runs his lips lightly along Louis’ cheekbone. “That, in fact, I found love when I was twenty-one years old, and that I have loved and been loved every day since.”
Or, an Edwardian AU where Harry is a young aristocratic lord and Louis is a working class dairy farmer. Secrets are a necessary part of their relationship, but Louis has one that could topple their whole world.
The Dark and the Dentist by sunshiner (66k)
“I know this song,” Louis whispers, and Harry has to lean his ear toward him to pick up what he’s saying. “It was written for people to dance to it. We should be dancing.”
We can’t, Harry almost spits, but it’d be stupid of him. Louis knows they can’t. Even if he looks like any regular Parisian in their twenties, and Harry looks like any hipster Parisian in their twenties, they can’t anyway. To be fair, they probably wouldn’t do it even if they were out. But if they were two uni students, both in Paris for an exchange, meeting over fallen books at the library, or because of mutual friends, or watching Monet’s Water Lilies?
“How would we dance?” Harry murmurs, mouth almost pressed to Louis’ cheek, so close he can feel his warmth. What a picture they must make, two millionaires freezing in a park and dreaming of a different life.
An account of the events of November 2014. Canon-compliant.
Time Passed by coffinofachimera (66k)
Louis struggles with their relationship as Harry grows into his identity.
Hands Clasped Tight by afirethatcannotdie / @afirethatcannotdie (47k)
“What am I looking at here?” Harry asks.
“This, my friends, is a ‘proof’ Instagram account, run by your students,” Liam announces.
“It’s got all this stuff about how the two of you are together,” Niall adds.
“I heard about that,” says one of the math teachers. “Confiscated a kid’s phone today when they were looking at it. I have to say, the evidence that you’re dating is pretty damning.”
“Really,” Louis says dryly. “Do you think being married for three years might have something to do with it?”
Or the one where Harry and Louis are high school teachers and their students have been playing matchmaker for over a year. Little do they know, Harry and Louis are already married.
The Best Kind of Bad by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze (40k)
Nobody really understood Harry and Louis. Not even Louis. But for Louis, the world began and ended with Harry, and there were certain things he just wasn’t capable of explaining.
or Louis is the town troublemaker and everyone hates him except for Harry.
You Watched Me Sink by bananasandboots / @anylessreal (38k)
They’ve discussed it a few times - the boyfriend thing. It’s not like it’s some forbidden, horrific, abandon hope all ye who talk about furthering the relationship sort of subject. They’re mature adults. They’re in tune with their feelings, their hearts’ desires, the way those butterflies swoop in their bellies whenever they so much as hold each other’s hands. They like each other. A lot. It’s mutual, they know. But for now, they’re just content to enjoy the simplicity of what they have, and what they have is great.
When dating in secret stops being enough, then they’ll discuss that too.
Or, the one where Harry teaches Sex Ed and sneaks around with the drama teacher, and doesn’t realize how out of tune he is with his true feelings until everyone else figures it out for him.
Part 1 of You Watched Me Sink Verse
Swallow My Words by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf (32k)
Senior year is stressful. On top of balancing school work, family, and friends, Harry's lacrosse team is vying to win the state championship, he's not sure where he's going to college yet, and he has a secret boyfriend that no one can know about.
Part 1 of Swallow My Words
Loved By Your Mother by superglass / @gaymoustache (31k)
Harry stretches out like Venus with her lover, growing sleepy in the late afternoon light with a baby growing inside her. Perhaps not literally, not physically. Not exactly.
Harry struggles to come to terms with wanting to have children, and what that means for their relationship. Canon compliant, set a few years into the future.
True Love’s Gold by alivingfire / @alivingfire (27k)
Gemma starts responding to every single one of Harry’s texts—regardless of subject—with i don’t care, talk to louis. Liam lets Harry complain to him for hours on Skype, pretending he’s not doing other things while Harry whines about his problems. Niall thinks the whole thing is hilarious, texting Harry links to articles titled So, you want your man to propose? and 15 ways to get him ready for the aisle! and follows each of these up with page upon page of laughing emojis. Harry tries everything, literally everything he can think of short of grabbing Louis by tattooed forearm and yelling, “PROPOSE TO ME BEFORE I COMBUST.”
Or, it takes a village to arrange a proposal, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to go as planned.
If You Asked Me If I Love Him (I'd Lie) by allyasavedtheday (26k)
So Harry and Louis might have fucked up.
The day of their wedding was the single most perfect moment of Louis’ life and every single day since where he’s been able to call Harry his husband has been nothing short of bliss. There’s just one teeny, tiny problem…
Their families don’t know they’re married.
Or the one where Harry and Louis eloped but neglected to mention it to anyone. Meanwhile Lottie is getting married and the only way for them to not steal her thunder is by pretending they're just friends for the weekend. Featuring Harry and Louis as terrible liars who don't know the meaning of the word platonic and some Tomlinsons and Styles's who definitely don't believe them.
Part 2 of A Long Way From The Playground
Being of the Jealous Kind by zita17 / @louisandtheaquarian (24k)
A-list actor Louis Tomlinson and his partner fashion photographer Harry Styles weather the storm that is Louis’ fake relationship with his costar in the lead up to this year’s Academy Awards.
Featuring a fluffy teenage meet-cute, an angsty wine drunk Harry melting down over pap pics, Louis habitually overusing the word “baby,” and cameos by a vintage Umbro sweatshirt, the peace ring, and one hell of a Larry hug.
Or the justice for To Be So Lonely fic. Based on the lyrics to TBSL and a prompt where “Louis has to fake date some celebrity, while his boyfriend Harry sits at home.”
You Turn Me On, Make You Radiate by ballsdeepinjesus (15k)
When he presses inside for the first time in weeks, he’s pretty sure he sees stars behind his eyes at the staggering sensation of Harry’s body squeezing every inch of him. When he bottoms out, he stays buried inside for a minute just to catch his bearings, listening as Harry takes sharp breaths beneath him. When he finally feels like he’s under control, he presses his lips against Harry’s ear and whispers, “Are you ready husband?“
Harry throws his head back and groans. “Call me your spouse.”
[…or, a self-indulgent snapshot of hl’s sex lives over the course of 10+ years]
Garden of Edenby superglass / @gaymoustache (6k)
Another soft, grainy laugh. A puff from the joint. Green smoke towards the ceiling. Then hazy blue eyes back on his. “Said you wanted to tell me something. Was really important.”
“Oh,” Harry says. There was a reason he came back, an excuse he made up to find Louis and sucker him into letting him sit on his lap even though his weight often puts those thighs to sleep. “Can’t— um. Let me try to remember.”
a snapshot of being high and in love in Jamaica.
I'll Breathe Your Air Into My Lungs by blizzies (5k)
five phases of their relationship in a world where harry smokes a lot and skips school and hates everyone except his boyfriend and louis is in plays and is loved by everyone and they work even though nobody gets how.
Mon Petit, Little One by publunchesownmyass (5k)
They smoke, talk shit about everyone besides each other, and Harry wears his Mon Petit sweater.
Brown Skin and Lemon Over Ice by penceypansy / @penceypansy (2k)
A short one shot of a reunion in Italy, around the time Harry filmed the Golden video.
- He should know with more certainty which one is their bedroom but he’s only been here twice, only once since their things had moved in, and come to think of it, he’s not sure this is the room they slept in last time.
Regardless, he’s got clothes he knows are his hanging in the wardrobe, sees his old Stone Roses shirt crumpled and worn on the unmade side of the bed. He drops his bag, rummages through the drawers for a pair of trunks, goes into the bathroom to change. It doesn’t feel like enough of a home yet for him to be totally comfortable, but that should change soon enough. He can’t help a spray of the cologne sat by the sink, vanilla and wood and comfort.
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fromkenari · 7 months
Waterloo Letters #4 (4/4): Hometown stuff
Re: Hometown stuff A [email protected]                9/4/20 8:31 PM to Henry H, Fuck. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I’m so sorry. June and Nora send their love. Not as much love as me. Obviously. Please don’t worry about me. We’ll figure it out. It just might take time. I’ve been working on patience. I’ve picked up all kinds of things from you. God, what can I possibly write to make this better? Here: I can’t decide if your emails make me miss you more or less. Sometimes I feel like a funny-looking rock in the middle of the most beautiful clear ocean when I read the kinds of things you write to me. You love so much bigger than yourself, bigger than everything. I can’t believe how lucky I am to even witness it—to be the one who gets to have it, and so much of it, is beyond luck and feels like fate. Catholic God made me to be the person you write those things about. I’ll say five Hail Marys. Muchas gracias, Santa Maria. I can’t match you for prose, but what I can do is write you a list. AN INCOMPLETE LIST: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HRH PRINCE HENRY OF WALES 1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off. 2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?). 3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough. 4. How your hands look when you play piano. 5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you. 6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you’re a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after. 7. Your ability to recite Keats. 8. Your ability to recite Bernadette’s “Don’t let it drag you down” monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. 9. How hard you try. 10. How hard you’ve always tried. 11. How determined you are to keep trying. 12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters. 13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it). 14. The way you look when you first wake up. 15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio. 16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. 17. Your equally huge dick. 18. The face you just made when you read that last one. 19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it). 20. The fact that you loved me all along. I keep thinking about that last one ever since you told me, and what an idiot I was. It’s so hard for me to get out of my own head sometimes, but now I’m coming back to what I said to you the night in my room when it all started, and how I brushed you off when you offered to let me go after the DNC, how I used to try to act like it was nothing sometimes. I didn’t even know what you were offering to do to yourself. God, I want to fight everyone who’s ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn’t it? All that time. I’m so sorry. Please stay gorgeous and strong and unbelievable. I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you. I’m calling you as soon as I send this, but I know you like to have these things written down. A P.S. Richard Wagner to Eliza Wille, re: Ludwig II–1864 (Remember when you played Wagner for me? He’s an asshole, but this is something.) It is true that I have my young king who genuinely adores me. You cannot form an idea of our relations. I recall one of the dreams of my youth. I once dreamed that Shakespeare was alive: that I really saw and spoke to him: I can never forget the impression that dream made on me. Then I would have wished to see Beethoven, though he was already dead. Something of the same kind must pass in the mind of this lovable man when with me. He says he can hardly believe that he really possesses me. None can read without astonishment, without enchantment, the letters he writes to me.
McQuiston, Casey. Red, White & Royal Blue: A Novel (pp. 301-304). St. Martin's Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
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tizzypizza · 2 months
Top 7 idol list?
I was saving this so I could draw it at some point but oh my god I am SWAMPED and can't see myself with time to do it so top list umm.
1- Shiver. I think this is self-explanatory. I love Asian women so much (I'm Asian before anyone starts raising any eyebrows) and her personality is so funny. She's incredibly theatrical and dramatic and has this big persona that she puts on that falls apart SO quickly when it comes to her friends but otherwise she is fierce!! A force to be reckoned with!! But also a sopping wet little guy.
2- Marina. I love women in STEM I LOVE women in STEM so much. My two immediate draws are like... Traditional-looking Asian woman and Smart Woman so. Marina is such a fascinating character and it's always a shame to see her so heavily uwu-ified, she's super smart and she has a lot going on besides just her attachment to Pearl!! But TBH her attachment to Pearl is part of what endeared her to me. Girl who has experienced The Horrors and is kind of a living supercomputer becomes sappy mush when Girlfriend Flashbang. She was also the one who lowkey got me into Splatoon simply by being the prettiest Nintendo character I'd ever seen as a kid.
3- Pearl. I hesitate to put Pearl above Frye because really they're super tight in my head but the only thing that knocks her up a peg is that her dialogue is a lot more fun for me to write in English (Frye talks really interestingly too! She genuinely speaks like an old man in the Japanese but that's just not reflected in the English). I love her so much because at so many moments where she could choose to be snarky or witty with Marina or anyone else, she always chooses kindness and she's always so supportive in her own spunky little way. She's so genuine and fun and silly and self assured and confident and she's so COOL. I hate drawing her hair though. I actually used to kinda hate Pearl as a kid because I fell for the forehead propaganda but I know better now.
4- Frye. LIKE I SAID in my head Frye and Pearl are tied. I love Frye she's such a sweetheart and she has such a fun fierceness about her. She cares deeply for her friends and she keeps her cool the best out of all of her friends in Deep Cut and she DANCES!! Her character design is one of the most interesting designs I've had the pleasure of drawing a shit ton of times and despite being team Shiver nearly every time I get really sad whenever she doesn't win Splatfests :( She deserves it (and tbh I think she deserved to be the leader of Deep Cut but don't @ me on that)
5- Marie. I wish I had more opinions on Marie but given that my earliest hands-on exposure to Splatoon was Sp2 when my friend used to let me walk around as her Octoling and play a little bit of Salmon Run (lost outpost my beloved wherefore art thou) and I've never played Sp1 or 2's campaign I can't really say anything about her other than I think she's really pretty. I think she's often characterized as the more flippant and low-energy one which is a cool thing to see in an idol (who are typically meant to be all smiles) but she's also really silly! She cracks a lot of jokes in the Sp3 campaign!! She's also just really cool and really pretty and white is one of my favorite colors
6- Big Man. LISTEN!!!! I LOVE HIM I REALLY DO BUT Frye-Pearl are soooo close together in my head and I feel only a little less strongly about him than Pearl but I really really love him. He's a blast to draw and honestly he's a lot more fun in the Japanese since Frye and Shiver have extremely thick accents and he's the only one who talks like Just Some Guy. He helps reign them in but he can rarely control them. He's such a lovable little dude.
7- Callie. Love the girl but I've never once resonated with her. I don't do well in the way of happy-go-lucky fun types but I don't hate her! I think she's got a lot of room to be interesting. My friend characterizes her with some flaws relating to like. Octarian prejudice which I think is pretty dope. And I'm not a huge pink fan... But I WILL say she is one of the most fun to draw.
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Will you try? - Two
(Felix Volturi x reader)
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After well over a year I finally wrote something to post again. I swear, I have so many ideas I’m just too lazy ahaha, anyway I hope you like it! This sorry will probably take a while to finish, but alle the parts have a kind off closed ending so it’s still satisfying to read if you know what I mean <3
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Description: After dealing with the Newborn Army in Washington, Felix comes home to you.
Warnings: Slight mentions of smut
1666 words
You’ve been living in the castle in Volterra for about four months now and Felix was away on a mission. At first he didn’t want to tell you what it was about, but after you got on his nerves enough he finally told you it was regarding the red headed vampire Victoria, who was after your cousin. Apparently she wanted to revenge her mate James that the Cullens killed after he bit and tried to kill Bella. And now Victoria was assembling a newborn army to kill the Cullens and your cousin. You were trying to wrap your head around how Bella managed to get herself into these situations for a long time now, since you were kids. But then again you were one to talk, living in a castle in Italy with your vampire mate. Maybe it was because you two were related.
You insisted on going with Felix, Demetri, Alec and Jane, but after a heated argument, Felix put his foot down and while you pouted, you backed down and stayed behind. So you lounged around in your shared room and binge watched a few shows, Heidi sometimes joining you when she wasn’t on duty. She was your closest friend in the castle, even though you had the feeling that Jane was slowly beginning to crack and warm up to you too, which got Felix speechless, as he’d known her for centuries and she still didn’t like him.
While you where watching (Y/F/S) for the nth time, your phone chimed. Hello my love, we just landed so I’ll be there in about an hour, can’t wait to see you, it read and immediately a smile lit up your face. You really missed him while he was gone, it’s crazy how it’s only been four months and you were head over heels in love with the giant vampire. Neither of you said the three words yet, but you knew it was because Felix wanted to give you time and not send you running for the hills. That’s great baby, I can’t wait! I missed you, you answered and threw the blanket off you.
It was already 8pm, but you still wanted to brush your teeth and look somewhat presentable when he arrived. That’s one thing you were always insecure about, vampires could see everything so very clear and detailed, every pore, pimple, hair. You were glad all the rooms in the castle were soundproofed, otherwise you’d probably had to go to the next restaurant to use the bathroom with the knowledge everyone in the castle could hear you otherwise. You were sure the vampires were happy about the soundproofed walls too, glad they didn’t have to hear each other all the time. Leaving the bathroom you sat back down on the couch and resumed your show, waiting for your mate to come back.
Half an hour later the door finally opened and an exhausted looking Felix stepped in, as far as vampires can look exhausted. You immediately jumped up from the couch, the blanket falling on the floor, and made your way over to him. “Hey”, you smiled and as soon as your eyes locked, a smile made its way on his face. “Il mio amore”, he replied and opened his arms for you to step into. Your face pressed to his sculpted chest, he embraced you and bent down slightly to put his cheek on your head.
“Are you alright?”, you asked, muffled by his chest. “Now that I’m back here with you, I am”, he answered making you giggle. “You can be so sappy”, you smiled and you could practically hear him grin. “You know, back in my times people called that romantic”, he lectured you with a laugh and pulled you to the couch with him. Before your butt could hit the cushion, he sped to the coatrack by the door and took off his coat, before sitting right next to you. Even though you’ve seen him do this a thousand times already, your heart still skipped a beat. “I`ll never get used to that”, you breathed holding your hand to your heart. “Don’t worry my love, I mean at the bottom line your body is made to react to a predator like that”, he grinned and - just to prove his point you felt - was leaning over you a second later with his hands on either side of your head, your back pushed into the pillows behind you. And to his satisfaction your heart sped up again.
“You’re an idiot”, you laughed, lacing you’re fingers behind his neck, his smile shifting from playful to genuine. “Is this idiot finally getting a kiss though?”, he asked and with a smile you leaned up towards him, but he was already leaning down to meet your lips. Even though his body temperature was considerably lower than yours, you never felt more comfortable and at home than in his arms, with his lips on yours. You’ve kissed people before, but no one could ever come even close to the way you felt when Felix held your cheek with one hand, while slowly deepening the kiss. He was always like this, the perfect gentleman, especially compared to the teenage boys you’ve had experience with before him. But with his tall, muscular frame propped up above you and his tongue starting to trace your lips, you’d be lying if you’d say you weren’t thinking about more inappropriate things he could be doing with his tongue.
But if you tried to bring up the idea of having sex again, you knew exactly what he would say. That he’s afraid he’d hurt you - or even worse, not being able to control his own strength, especially with him being even stronger than a normal vampire (as if that didn’t turn you on even more). This seemed to be a vampire thing in general though, considering Bella told you Edward was the exact same when you last talked to her over the phone. It was good to have someone kinda being able to relate, especially to everything you had to give up. But all of that didn’t mean you wanted it any less. And it also didn’t mean you could control getting turned on by the attractive vampire on top of you, making Felix groan deeply and pull away.
“Damn you smell so good, you’re making this really hard tesoro”, he breathed, his hands clutching the fabric of the couch tightly while you laid under him flushed and panting. Taking another breath in, he clenched his eyes shut and buried his face in your neck with a moan. “Maybe that’s the plan”, you laughed breathlessly, stroking the hair at the nape of his neck making him sigh. “You know we can’t”, he whispered against the sensitive skin of your neck, your body almost reacting instinctively, clutching your legs together a little more. You could feel his body stiffen immediately. “I know, I know, but…we haven’t even tried, have we? And you seem to be in control just fine when we make out, so-“, you tried once again to convince him, your hands gripping the front of his shirt. “Love, there’s a considerable difference between making out and having sex”, he said smirking while pulling away from your neck and looking at you with those red eyes that made your knees weak.
“Yeah, yeah I know that, but-“, you tried again, but he immediately interrupted you with a slightly tense look: “What do you mean you know?” “Just because I’m a virgin, doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything before, we’re living in the twenty first century after all”, you said rolling your eyes at his possessive nature (trying to hide it also made you feel a certain way). This conversation wasn’t really going in the direction you wanted it to, because now he looked positively pissed off. You really did forget sometimes that his views and morals were from a different millennia, getting yourself in trouble once again. “Other men have…touched you before?”, he asked with a dangerously calm voice, his eyes narrowed on you. “Uhm…I wouldn’t say men, more like boys or someth…”, your voice chocking up under his fiery gaze, your hands slowly releasing his shirt while the hand on your hip tightened her grip. After staring at you for a few seconds with furrowed brows, seemingly thinking about something he finally opened his mouth: “Alright, we will try.”
You must’ve looked like a deer caught in the headlights, because he adds with a smirk: “Not today though, don’t worry amore.” Before you could muster up an answer he already claimed your lips again with a short, but passionate kiss before pulling back and leaving you breathless again. “If I’d known making you jealous would make it happen, I would have tried that months ago”, you giggled, beaming up at him with joy. “Don’t get your hopes up love, I can’t promise you anything”, he said with a serious look, shifting you both so that he was laying on his back with you on top, your head comfortably against his shoulder.
“I know, thank you for trying though baby”, you smiled, pressing a small kiss to his neck. He hummed, his eyebrows furrowing again slightly. “I really don’t like the idea of other men touching you”, he shared his feelings making you giggle slightly. “Don’t worry my love, since the day I met you I knew you’d be the only touching me from now on”, you promised smiling, feeling him relax underneath you. He pulled the blanket over both of you, knowing he’s cooling you down.
“(Y/N)”, he quietly said while pressing a kiss to your head. “Mhm?”, you hummed, your eyes closed, satisfied with having him back in your arms. “I love you”, he whispered, making your heart skip a beat. You immediately pushed yourself back up, looking into his eyes completely stunned. Considering he was such a strong and tall man, he looked kind off unsure right now waiting for your reaction. But you didn’t even have to think about it, a smile forming on your face. “I love you”, you whispered back. His face relaxed right away and he was pulling you down to meet your lips in another kiss, this one more soft and gentle than the others.
A small explanation as to why (Y/N) didn’t say “I love you too”: I read somewhere, a long time, that when someone says “I love you too” it feels like they’re just like accepting or confirming what the first person said instead of really meaning that they love the other person and it kind off stuck with me.
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