#alternate universe exo
glorianamultistan · 11 months
The General and The Prince
Park Chanyeol x Male Reader
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Contains:- mentions of wars, blood, and kidnapping.
<Part 1> <Next>
A little over a week ago, y/n's life was all over the place, and it still is; the difference is that now he is married to the vilest person he could have probably thought of while imagining a married life.
But life changes happen often so abruptly that one is found sitting in an emptied ballroom, with a burnt-up piece of dress shriveled up in hands clutching it tightly while the castle palace all around collapses.
Y/n was well aware of the fierceness of the General who was the primal cause of every defeat his kingdom had suffered; the end result of the war was pre-destined the day enemy troops crossed the inner walls of their most secured military base, but for it to come to this was never imagined.
A surrender was in process to safeguard the capital; y/n's father was hellbent on not letting the enemies cross the gates of the capital and destroy it like they have left ashes and misery in the path they have followed.
Yet General Chanyeol was not satisfied with it; he had to take the main palace down, and that was his aim, swearing which left his country.
Y/n sat there, ashen and mute, staring at the embers still there all around him; his clothes were still intact, he had a few cuts and burns throughout his hands and that was it; he sat as if in a trance, without any emotion on his face, so still that to an observer it would be a photograph symbolising doom.
Chanyeol saw y/n sitting there, he knew who it was and he knew why it was important to not touch him still; something in him was calling out, a melody, rising, rippling like an unknown sea coming up from the depth of the earth; it was the very last step which brought him so close to y/n that he was able to clearly see the tear stains on his cheeks that made enough metallic noise to break the young prince's trance and look up; there it was, the face that he denied to dance with at the last winter ball, still looking unfazed, 'let's get out of here your royal highness' said Chanyeol, with a proud grin, that is all he remembers before blacking out.
'Is this really the only thing you are going to ask for, General?' The King was shocked, and the Queen and the princesses too; everyone was ready for General Park to ask for rank promotion; the King even decreed a Dukedom, only for winning over the major ports and cities of the enemies, but to ask to marry the prince of the enemy was unprecedented.
'Yes your majesty, this is all. Now, if you may permit, I will take my leave.' Chanyeol left the murmuring throneroom and made his way to the room housing y/n, it was the fourth day since he arrived with the prince there, and he was informed that the younger regained consciousness last night.
'Leave.' As soon as he entered the room, he ordered all the attendees. He went forward and sat on the chair next to the bed facing the wall opposite to it. The prince was leaning on the headboard with his head down.
'So, your royal highness, how do you like our facilities here?' Chanyeol cocked while turning to look at y/n. No response. After a few minutes, the older continued, 'We will give the inner territories conquered by us back, and you will be marrying me for that to happen.' Y/n knew this was coming; all the threats the General made for years to make him dance with him whether he likes it or not, to marry him and only him, they were all real which y/n took in jest as he was too proud to accept such an invitation.
'You know, keeping quiet will not lead you anywhere, so say what you have to now, I am here to listen, I grant you a wish too, as is the ritual here, ask for anything but return.' Chanyeol was suddenly all perched up, looking at y/n. 'Respect' y/n whispered; his throat was still hurting due to all the smoke he inhaled.
'What?' 'I ask for respect; if you can grant that, I will say yes to the marriage.' There was a stretched silence, the fountain of the connected gardens was all one could hear, then a deep inhale, 'Okay, if that is the only request you have, you will have titles here too, I have been granted a Dukedom and you will be living comfortably, nobody will disrespect you, even at the court. I will assure you that.' 'I want respect from you too; you have taken, vehemently snatched everything, still you are returning the territories, so I will say yes, but I want respect from you too.' 'Will I get the respect back my prince?' Chanyeol smirked; he knew how irritatingly ambitious he was, 'Yes.'
The only win here seemed to be that of Chanyeol; it was the completion of his grand plan, the final nail in the coffin; this is what he has been dreaming about since he set his eyes on y/n a few years ago during a festival, he was just a mere soldier back then, he bloodied his hands to get to the level of a reputed General to be asked in a ballroom full of aristocrats, then too he was denied the chance to be with y/n as the prince knew how ruthless the General was and y/n hated wars and murders.
After a few days of convalescence, all of which were accompanied by Chanyeol, who updated him about the upcoming marriage and all the preparations, y/n was free to meet his family.
A troop was sent with him to the castle on the farthest side of his kingdom where his family was currently staying after the attack on the capital. His father was annoyed and his older brother was not helping with the mood too; they were all dejected that it had to come to this but none of his relatives even suggested going against the marriage.
'We will gain back our territories; think about your brother's future as a limited king; you need to persuade your fiance to let go of all the territories and not just the inner ones.' 'I am doing no such negotiations, I am already becoming the reason for you to get back what you lost shamefully, do not try to depend on any of my upcoming relations, have some self-respect father.'
'Self-respect!?' Y/n brother screamed making him bounce in shock a little, 'It was your deranged idea of self-respect that caused this war; if only you could have given him a chance he would have never attacked us like this. And look where you stand; you are forced to do what you never really wanted and did whatever you could to stop it.'
'Well, brother, you do remember who it was who first denied me to dance with him, don't you? 'A self-obsessed lowly General' is what you said when he asked you for a dance with me the very first time we went there for the Royal Ball.'
'But later he became a threat so I urged you to give him a chance too, then you were the one who was hell-bent on denying him!'
'Enough! Stop arguing about what has already transpired and think about the future. Y/n, son, you must not waver and make demands; you are a prince, he is a General, and the rank difference must come into play.'
'Update your information father, because you seem to be having none; he is a Duke now, and even if I am a prince, of a mostly fallen kingdom I must remind you, I have no intentions of making any more deals for and on behalf of this marriage. I will leave now, I am not waiting for dawn to have another fruitless discussion, farewell your majesty, brother.'
With a solemn bow, y/n left as he came, with the metallic clinks and rustles of the troop.
Reaching the other kingdom he was informed that rather than going to the palace, he would be going to the new manor of Chanyeol, which was now decked and ready for his arrival. He was greeted by the whole household and finally met his mother-in-law, who opposite to what he had expected, was too sorrowful to handle without any prior preparation.
'I am ashamed to be hosting you like this, your royal highness; please find a way to ignore all the mess; the house is still not up to date with all that is necessary to be having you here.' The lady wouldn't even raise her head, 'Please sit now Lady Park, I have no reservations as such regarding the place, I am pleased that I am not in a prison after a war, and please do not make a fuss about the titles, you are going to be my mother-in-law so we can work things out.' 'Oh no sir, I do not accept any of this, I am more of an apologist for my son's actions right now in front of you; he paid no heed to my requests and did what all his swelled-up ego allowed him to do. I don't know how will I ever get over the fact that my son forced you into such a situation.'
'Lady Park, I just had this conversation with my father and brother too; let us please move on from what has happened and try to resolve the situation peacefully and think about how the path ahead can be one that is less painful to go by.' 'You are as kind as the rumours suggested sir; please let me know about any trouble you have here, and I will look into it right away; let me take you to your room for now; you must rest before tomorrow's ceremony.' 'I am not a guest here Lady Park, I am supposed to live here, so please do not be at your tip-toes around my comfort; let us go; it is quite late now.'
Y/n's room was, for now, pretty well arranged; he could run away pretty easily from here, the manor was secured but if he asked Lady Park to help him, he was sure that she would do all in her power to let him go without a scratch; but it was useless to do so, he had nowhere to run and if somehow he managed to cross over to the other kingdoms there was no guarantee of his survival, he had no money of his own or any possession, so he sits down on the bed and flops, to stare at the roof and think, think about tomorrow when at a private ceremony he will accept now Duke of Sandria Park Chanyeol, then he will be living with that man under this roof, as his husband, for the rest of his life, was respect the right choice?
The rituals were over; they were married, no gala, no ball, a peaceful summation of more than five months of unrivaled violence. Y/n was sitting in his room, with a book open as a distraction while looking out of the giant window; the land surrounding the manor was beautiful, and the hills were lush green and mild dew which the mist caused made it all look fantastical.
'Come in.' Y/n answered the knocks and did not look back at the door, thinking it was some maid or servant who came to take his belongings, or gifts as they were, away, 'You looked beautiful today, Mr Park.'
Y/n stilled for a moment, then closed the book and turned back. 'Why did you knock at my door? This is your house.' 'I believe privacy should be respected too; you have all the right to say no.' 'I believe I lost all the rights to deny anything the moment I said yes to you today.' 'Don't make it more miserable than it already is dear, I have no intentions of hurting you, I just want to talk to you before going to my room.'
'Oh? I will get a room of my own?' 'Until you are ready to share a bed with me, yes, you will have a room to yourself.' 'Then I guess there will be no more direct descents for the Dukedom.' 'Time will tell. Well, if you have any requirements tell to my mother who is pretty much willing to serve you food if you want, (he sits on the bed) I will be going on a tour soon so we have a week to spend together and unfortunately my sister will be coming to meet you too.'
'You know, I feel like this is all a dream; as absurd as it may sound, it has yet to settle down on me, because I never thought I would be taken away from one prison to another like this. I knew my father wanted to marry me off as a peace offering to any kingdom willing, but it happened so that I was actually picked up, like a garbage bag.'
'Don't demean yourself; you are the crown jewel I snatched, and this is not a prison; you can go anywhere you want, do anything you want; you do not need my permission for anything, just remember to come back otherwise there will be useless wars again.' 'Don't worry, I will not run away, I will stay, and live, but do not expect me to reciprocate your feelings, whatever they may be, and we will be fine; a lot depends on this marriage, I do not want my people back home to suffer because of my foolishness.' 'Ah well, I will go now; also, try to accept people here too; they see you as a prince and no less; good night.'
The next few days were calm, weirdly bland, and nothing happened, which made y/n realise how calm life can actually be; back at home before the war all he did was read and attend events or be locked in the palace; there was nothing to do, he was not allowed to go anywhere too since the threat of people kidnapping him was always looming, which he never understood why, kidnap the crown prince why the other one.
On the third day Lady Kim, Chanyeol's sister, arrived, and she was like her mother in a grave mood, fidgeting while meeting y/n; he did not understand yet again, why such courtesies for a snatched prince, 'Your royal highness, I am sorry I was not able to attend the wedding, I live quite far away from Sandrian region and it was such a shocking and sudden news.' 'It is alright Lady Kim, please do sit down, you too Lady Park, I have said it to you multiple times don't wait for me to sit, just sit; let us cut back on some formalities insides these walls at least, we are a family now, forced indeed, but I have not a drop of vengeance in me, if you ask me honestly, I used to live like this back at home too, so, let us just be comfortable.'
'How are you adapting to the changes, sir? It gets colder than your kingdom here, I hope my brother has made arrangements for you to be at ease.' 'I am doing well, I have always adored winters more than the humid summers we had, so I can say I am better off here in some sense.' 'Oh it is good to know; we can all go and skate over the lake once it freezes and you can attend the winter festivals; we have a lot of them throughout the empire, I am sure the public is eager to meet you too.'
Lady Park put down her cup and said 'They are eager indeed, I have more than a dozen invitations for the balls and dinners already, and all asking specifically for his roya... I mean, y/n to join them.' It was as hard as biting a bullet for her to let go of the formalities in which she had soaked herself into the bones.
So it went on, and a week went by, full of still awkward lunches and dinners and a few guests to be entertained; throughout the week he did not see the head of the house anywhere, technically he was the head too but he liked Lady Park being in command more as he was not used to being the one in authority of a household.
One Saturday, after almost two weeks of disappearance, Chanyeol knocked on y/n's room around the ungodly hour of 1 AM. Y/n was a bit scared by the knock; he was writing a letter of reply to the crown princess as she had invited him to the palace for a private visit and did not expect anyone to be up this late. 'Can I come in?' The rasp was the giveaway, 'Please wait a minute, I am not presentable.' Y/n was not; he was in his robes; he quickly put on a loose shirt and trousers the said 'You can come in now.'
'Why are you up so late your royal highness.' The courtesy was more sarcastic than respectful, 'I have not been able to sleep, I have weirdly a lot of correspondents to reply to so I thought why not do that.' As he finished speaking and arranging paper on his desk facing the grand windows, he turned to look at Chanyeol and was shocked to see blood all over his clothes; for a moment he was stunned; y/n was not a fighter; he hated the very sight of blood when his brother would come from his military tours and right now, in front of him was a man almost soaked in blood, in his room talking to him, and he felt scared for the man, so much so that without thinking about who he is talking to, he had to verbalise it.
'What the hell happened to you!? So much blood!? Why are you here!? Go to a damn hospital for god's sake!' He almost screamed the last part, and was shaking so much that Chanyeol had to walk from the door side to hold him. 'Calm down, it is not mine.' 'DO NOT TOUCH ME LIKE THIS! I HATE BLOOD!' Y/n screamed in whispers while shutting his eyes. 'Okay! Okay. Will you try to calm down please, wait just turn around.'
Chanyeol took off his pads and shirt and gloves and threw them out of the room, then shut the door to come back in and saw y/n standing still, 'you can turn around now.' The glory of the human body was never so well available for y/n to look at like this; his brother was muscular and well built but nothing he can imagine, even the Commander in chief of his kingdom's army was not comparable to Chanyeol, yet he had to control himself once again. 'What happened? You are still wounded you know, I see the cuts on your arm, not that they should do anything to such a great General, but get treated I guess.' Y/N had already turned around again flustered.
'Nice to know you care, and sorry for coming in like this. I had no idea you would have such a reaction upon seeing blood. I will keep that in mind. I came to check up on you as I was attacked on my way here by some people who were allegedly from your father's kingdom, so I thought why not check up if you are safe or not.'
'Oh. Don't worry, my father does not want me back; they would never come for me; rather, they might kill me as it was pretty clear that I caused the war that destroyed them.' 'Something's wrong with your family, I have never seen anyone react like this to all the events that have happened.' 'Well, why dwell on it. I am here; you survived another attack, and all is fine.' 'Nice to know my survival is fine for you.' 'Don't get ahead of yourself; my survival depends on your survival, do not forget that you brought a prince from your enemy kingdom after a war. You must survive, I plan on living a long life.' Y/n turned and looked straight into Chanyeol's eyes.
There was an understanding between them that some lines are put up and they shall not be crossed, and respect was mutual. 'I will be staying for some time; we have to go to the palace soon, a private invitation. I hope it won't be a problem for you to attend, I have yet to accept it.' 'I was writing to the crown princess; we can go, I have no problem, just keep your mother here; she will probably fall sick due to all the stress she will take about a royal visit.' 'You like her?' 'I never had a mother; she is a good company, but frail for her age; you never thought about her while fighting wars?' Now y/n was sitting on his bed, and Chanyeol was in front of him on the chair where a y/n sat writing letters.
'I thought of her; that is why I never told her any trouble or wound or failure I ever had, and I had a retinue of servants to look after her.' They were again staring at each other; where will all of this arrangement lead them? Nobody had any idea; it was a day-to-day event still.
'Well, I will take my leave; you should sleep, I will ask them to serve the breakfast an hour later than usual.' 'Don't do that; your sister and mother should eat on time, I will just get up early.' Chanyeol was surprised at how well y/n was settling in; it was as if for the first time he had somewhere to hold on to. 'Okay then, good night my prince.' Chanyeol smirked closing the door, and left y/n flustered again.
P.S.:- If you liked it, you can support me by buying me a coffee; link's on my page.
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jung-shook-iieee · 1 year
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Pairing : Jungkook x reader (f)
Genre : angst, breakup drabble?!
Warnings : tbh none, it's angsty...... ( we have a special guest here btw. Lol!!)
" So this is it then? " You nodded your head with tears filling your eyes.
" It is... I never meant to hurt you y/n." He swore and his doe eyes widened when he heard you sob.
" But you did. You did jungkook. " You whispered.
A/N 1- I can not pin point the emotions I feel towards jk here. He lost something very dearly to him just because of his immature behavior.
You noticed how things changed from the beginning, a part of you had always known that the relationship with jeon jungkook was meant to doom. You ignored the nagging voice inside your head telling you that he would never love you as much as you love him.
He would never reciprocate the feelings. He gave you hope even when he knew he would never keep his promises. He made you laugh like no one else did. He had a soothing scent that felt like home to you.
He ran to you whenever he needed a shoulder to cry on but never comforted you in your lowest days. But you didn't dwell on that too much. His eyes held those sparkling glint which you admired the most. He looked so innocent, so pure when he asked you to stay with him. He promised you that he would never leave you and you believed him. You were happy and so you thought that maybe... Maybe you are enough for him just like he's enough for you. But you were wrong, you never were enough for him.
How could you be enough for him when he never gave you his heart? He gave his heart to someone long ago! And he just needed someone in the meantime to hang on. Someone he could escape to, someone who would love him in the meantime. And you naively thought that he wouldn't go back to the same person who wounded his heart so bad. You never thought that he would grab the opportunity of going back to that same person. You never thought that he could use you so damn well.
" You'll never come back. Right? " You asked quietly. he stopped dragging his suitcase towards the door.
He didn't speak for a second and somehow he looked guilty. Maybe guilty for leaving you alone, maybe guilty for using you and your love. Maybe... Maybe...
He bit his lower lip and shook his head. " Y/n...you know I can't. I-"
" So this is it then? " You nodded your head with tears filling your eyes.
" It is... I never meant to hurt you y/n." He swore and his doe eyes widened when he heard you sob.
" But you did. You did jungkook. " You whispered.
" No. " He said firmly and came where you were sitting. He didn't sit beside you on the sofa, but on his knees while holding your hands softly. Making you look at him, you still found him soft. " You know y/n I would never hurt you, it's the least I would do. If I had met you first I thi-. "
" So just because you met her first you'll leave me.? " You pulled your hands back looking at him in disbelief.
" No, I didn't mean that y/n list-. " He furrowed his brows and tried to hold your hands again but you didn't give him your hand this time.
" You forgot how she cheated on you gguk? Not once, not twice but for three freaking months. Even when she met you first she couldn't keep you happy. I was the one who held you when you cried jungkook. " Your tone was harsher this time.
Jungkook's jaw clenched, he diverted his gaze and didn't respond.
" Pleas-ee gguk. Don't do this. She hurt you and you're still choosing her. Why I'm not enough gguk. Why? I gave you everything... Everything I had..... Then why are you pushing me away.? " You sobbed... It fucking aches inside your chest to see someone slipping away from your fingers. Someone whom you loved dearly.
He hugged you and you cried your heart out on his chest. He felt warm. Safe... He always felt like home to you. But probably this is the last time you're feeling him.
" I loved you y/n please don't forget that. Please don't hate me. She needs me and I-I don't- " He stuttered but you didn't let him complete and pulled back. You knew he is not in love with you anymore but hearing him say the same thing from his mouth...fucking hurts. And He has told you this stupid reason a thousand times.
" Please jungkook. I love you. Please do not choose her over me. Please stay we can sort-. " You were babbling and he cut you in between shaking his head in a no.
" I would never forget what you did for me. " He walked back a few steps.
" Please... " You begged, your voice was shaking by now.
" I know you'll be happy y/n. You are strong you'll move on. " He tried to console you but you were tired, exhausted from his fake hopes and intentions.
" STOP! Fuck you, Jeon. " You screamed and started smacking his chest so hard that you were sure that your wrist would hurt later on. He didn't budge, letting you do it because he knew he hurt you real bad this time. This situation broke you, said the unsaid things, he thought you weren't worth fighting for.
Your tears slowly slowed and faded, you regained your sense and walked away from him. Suddenly his presence was making you nauseous.
" Fine. Be happy with her and don't you dare take your ass back here when she fucks with you again jungkook. " You spoke coldly not even looking in his direction.
" Y/n don't do this. You're angry and don't hate me please. " Jungkook again walked towards you and tried touching your cheeks.
" No... This is over. This is it. You said yourself. " You smacked his hand harshly and your tone was getting cold.
Jungkook looked defeated, frustrated, and more like guilty. " I can ask yoongi hyung to- "
" I don't need your friends to watch my back when you were the one who stabbed me there. " You gritted your teeth. You realized your voice was way harsh when he flinched.
" You said this is over. So leave.! " You said showing him the direction towards the door.
" Y/n, please. " He again tried to speak but this time you aren't having his shits.
" Get out of my house Jungkook-shii. " You said plainly and he nodded accepting his defeat.
You watched him walking, grabbing his things, and moving out of your house.
your body had switched to autopilot, feeling numb as you laid on your bed. Thinking about what could go wrong. you were feeling drained as you stared at your ceiling. Slowly sobs left from your mouth as the realization hit you.....there's no more love, no more jungkook,s presence, no more his face would be the first thing you'll see in the morning. No one to call yours.
You shifted around your bed and found a photo frame of yours and jungkooks on the nightstand. It was a candid shot....your favorite one.....he looked so happy around you in that picture and you were staring at him lovingly. Jungkook didn't know the photo was being clicked, neither you did. You know it'll be hard to move on but you can't sit and grief over a person who didn't even fought for you. Who didn't gave a second thought before leaving you behind?
later you thought of asking for a transfer from your superior, maybe moving onto a new place would help you move on. You had skills, a talent so you'll be able to survive. You had no friends no family to start with...not even jungkook's. Indeed they were great guys but they didn't contact you after jungkook left. And that's when you realized that they never considered you in their group....just an outsider...a stranger. You never fitted between them and that proved jungkook's theory of not choosing you. His friends only tolerated you because of him. you never belonged there.
After a few days, your transfer request was accepted and you were all ready to leave the past and move on to a new city, a new place. You still got those flashbacks of jungkook's memory but you didn't dwell on that too much. It wasn't the time to grieve and cry over him but to let go. It was time to let go of those hurtful memories.
" why isn't she here yet? " Jimin asked irritatingly.
" patience isn't your thing Jimin. Is it? " yoongi replied as he sipped on his drink.
" no, it isn't. Our precious jiminie can't be patient for too long. " Taehyung teased Jimin as Jimin scowled.
" she'll be here soon. " Namjoon replied as he looked towards the door waiting for someone to enter.
It was almost four years to the day you left everything behind. They didn't contact you because of jungkook and when jungkook realized that he did mess up big he came back searching for you, only to find that you were gone.
He never thought that you would leave. You didn't have any close friends just your colleagues who didn't tell jungkook where you went because...let's just say that you asked for a favor for the first time and they did help you. You changed your number, your bank account, you weren't active on social media either so it took time to track you down.
" Are you sure she wants to see us.? " hoseok asked frowning in confusion. Because no one would call them great friends on your part.
"I don't think so. We did her wrong and we didn't even meet her because kook told us not to. Her heart was broken so I guess she did the right thing " jin replied walking towards the crowd.
" Hyung is right. I don't even know why jungkook is so reluctant on meeting her. She probably hates him and us. " Jimin stated the facts while trying to find jungkook in the crowd.
Just after that, you entered the ballroom like a cinderella indeed. almost every head turned towards you. You were beautiful as always in that baby blue gown and a soft and calming smile rested on your lips. You looked younger than before. You felt everyone's every on you and it made you nervous. But you didn't mind that much and walked towards the center. The waiter gave you champagne and you thanked him.
" wow...she looks - " taehyung gaped at your sight
" happy. " namjoon interrupted in between completing his sentence.
You sipped on your drink as you glanced around, several eyes were on you. It made your ears turn red. You were not a big fan of crowds and today you were the center of it. You just wanted to turn your back and hide in your cozy apartment. as you turned around you gasped...eyes widened as you saw who was standing in front of you.......
The sight in front of you froze you. You never expected to see the same pair of eyes again. Jungkook looked more manly and good in his fitted black suit and eyebrow piercing. He looked good there was no doubt in it, but what more shocked you was that how was this possible? how can he be here?
" you look beautiful y/n," he spoke with a small smile on his face and sparkles in his eyes.
Suddenly you felt at the loss of words. All the old memories, emotions flooded back making you nauseous. You could've done anything everything for him if he asked you to. But that was all in past, you've moved on. or maybe not.
" What are you doing here. ? " you replied as your grip on the glass tightened.
" I came to see you," he answered. Honestly.
" well I don't want to so please if you'll excuse me," you spoke coldly as anger erupted inside you.
He shook his head in a no as you were about to walk away. He almost held your hands softly to stop you. You pulled your hands away and frowned.
" It's just not..me...everyone's here..to see you. " His voice was rather soft as he gave you a piece of new information.
" look you need to leave...all of you." you gritted your teeth as he mentioned everyone. Why are he and everyone even here after so long? that makes no sense.
" We just got here y/n..and it's been- " Jungkook tried convincing you but he frowned when you didn't let him speak.
" Yes, it's been four years...four fucking years...jungkook...And I don't want to have any sort contact with you jungkook so please leave. " You snapped raising your voice by now.
Jungkook frowned as you dodged his advances. He still thought you're the same lovesick puppy who'll listen to everything he'll say. " You aren't going to give me a chance to even explain myself? " He said coming closer.
" What chance.? What chance are you talking about Jeon? You left me. That's it. End of the story. " You answered.
" I left I know... But.. I came back but you weren't their baby. Please listen-" His eyes showed some emotion. Which honestly you didn't want to acknowledge.
" I don't care. You have to leave jungkook, please. " You said softly as you don't want to make a scene here.
" Please y/n.....just 5 minutes please.? " Jungkook begged through his doe eyes. Years ago you would've done anything to take that pain away from his eyes but today you felt like you didn't care anymore. It's not your business.
" Jungkook no. Leave. " Your voice was Stern. That's it you won't entertain him anymore.
" Just a dance at least? Please-" He cupped your cheeks softly as you struggled with your inner turmoil.
"Jung-" You were about to say something but then he spoke again.
" I made a mistake I know let me -"
" Excuse me?..... Mind if I say something? " A deep voice cut in between taking both of your attention towards the voice.
Jungkook glared at the person and his displeasure was written on his face. " Yes. We aren't done talking yet. " Jungkook spat harshly.
" Jungkook. " You warned him.
" Oh is he jungkook?. " The same person spoke questioning you.
" I don't know you. So please excuse us. " Jungkook spoke as he glared at the person.
" Jungkook... Meet him. Kim Jongin. My fiance. " You introduced.
A/N2 : personally, I'm very proud of our y/niee.:)
@yellabella77 @bri-mal @sweetwolfcupcake @g-o-bs--fanfictions @miyaohyeahh @dearbambideer @favfanfictsbts @emojkluvr @abcdefjklmno123 @stannorr @kooookie @realhotficshit @sweetlovesjk @kookieboo @sublimekidoafknight @bonny-kookoo
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aermageddon · 29 days
it’s insane bc it’s been so long but some days i still miss taohun i cannot lie
REAAAAAAL i miss tao too.... him with sechan was peak fraternity exo like.... omg
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scarlet-sky4 · 2 years
Golden Eyes [Baekhyun x Reader]
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Pairing: Wolf!Baekhyun x Human!Reader (Sohee) AU: Wolves Genres: Hurt/Comfort, Supernatural Total word count: 7k
Sohee’s last encounter with a wild wolf has left her scarred in more than one way. Luckily, she can always depend on her best friend, Baekhyun, who she trusts with just about anything. They’ve been close ever since elementary school, but unbeknownst to her, he has a secret—he is not human.
The summer sun beat down on Sohee as she waited for her best friend to show up. She had already bought two iced lattes for them in the tiny coffee shop on the street corner. Now she lingered on the sidewalk and kept an eye on the nearby forest, knowing that he would emerge from the path in between the trees sooner or later. While she avoided said forest like the plague—for good reason—her friend Baekhyun had no qualms and took a shortcut through the woods whenever they met up. Their hometown was situated in a rural area of South Korea and the house where he lived with a bunch of his friends was right at the edge of the forest.
When her eyes searchingly scanned the treeline, she spotted his ash blond hair in the distance—he had bleached it recently and the new look suited him. Waving at him, she caught his attention and prompted him to pick up his pace. Despite running all the way from the forest into town, he wasn’t out of breath when he reached her and brushed his hand through his fluffy hair, trying to make it look neater.
“Hey cupcake! Sorry, I’m a bit late,” he grinned sheepishly, eyes forming crescents. Baekhyun had the kind of smile that simply took your breath away—Sohee would never grow tired of seeing it.
“You always make me wait, Baekhyunnie,” she rolled her eyes in fake annoyance and held the iced latte under his nose. “But it’s okay, I like you anyway. Here, I got your favorite!”
“Thanks, I knew I could count on you,” he smirked and took a sip from the cup. He wore his favorite shirt, the one she had bought him for his birthday a few months ago. It had a huge PUBG logo printed on its front. He loved that game.
Sohee had known Baekhyun since elementary school, and although she had preferred to play with girls at this age (boys had cooties!), something about Baekhyun had intrigued her and drawn her to him from the first day she had met him. She couldn’t quite describe it, but he was different—refreshingly different. When they had been children, he had loved to play hide and seek with her and the other kids in the neighborhood. Sohee had no idea how he had accomplished it, but he had always found every single hiding spot, no matter how absurd it was. He was a natural at this game and many others as well. Tag for example. His stamina was out of this world, so he had bested everyone else. Nevertheless, he had never bragged about his skills. On the contrary, he had encouraged the other children to try a little harder next time and not to give up while wearing a big goofy smile on his face.
Over the years, this smile had matured and become quite alluring—Sohee would be lying if she said he didn’t make her heart flutter. He was a ray of sunshine, spreading a good mood wherever he was. Since he went to the gym often, he had become more athletic as well, and as his best friend, she often got to see him shirtless when they went swimming together or spent time at the lake. In moments such as these, she questioned the nature of their relationship—did she perhaps have a crush on him?
Many of Baekhyun’s female admirers were jealous of Sohee for spending the entire semester in university and the summer break with him. However, despite the countless admirers he had, Sohee had never seen him date anyone since high school, and even then, it had never seemed serious. She had often teased him about this, asking why he was so picky, to which he refused to give her a straight answer. In the end, he had given up on dating altogether. She herself had dated a few guys back in high school, but they had quickly broken up (definitely didn’t have anything to do with Baekhyun’s intimidating glares). Sometimes, Sohee thought he had gotten jealous. Not that there was any reason for this.
“Want to come home with me later? We could play PUBG if you want, my new laptop arrived this week,” she suggested while they strolled down the sidewalk, enjoying their iced lattes and basking in the summer sun.
He considered it for a second, but then he cringed. “Uh… no thanks, I’d rather not. You should visit me instead.”
“Don’t tell me you still don’t like Sushi?!” Sohee laughed and playfully nudged his arm. “Come on, my cat is very cuddly and sweet.”
“She hates me. The last time she saw me, she hissed at me and wouldn’t stop making a fuss. So annoying,” he groaned.
“Don’t act like you’re innocent, Baekhyunnie! I caught you growling at her when you thought I wasn’t looking,” she remarked and scrutinized him. “How the hell did you do that?”
Sohee was a little surprised when genuine uneasiness crossed his face, but he regained control in a blink and put on a convincing smirk. “Well, wouldn’t you like to know? It’s one of my many talents.”
“Like your amazing sense of smell?”
“I wouldn’t be shocked if you told me you’re a werewolf or something,” she joked and giggled.
He choked on his iced latte and coughed, wiping his mouth. Baekhyun fell silent for a while and received a confused glance from Sohee until he finally blurted out, “What if I was a werewolf? Would it bother you?”
“Huh, what kind of question is that? Weirdo.” She took a sip from her latte to give herself some time to ponder before she answered. Since she had brought up the werewolf thing, his demeanor had changed drastically—Baekhyun normally was quite easy-going and liked her jokes, but now he was tense. His back was rigid and he didn’t look at her anymore.
“You know what I think of wolves, Baekhyun. They’re terrifying and dangerous. I’m glad werewolves don’t exist since they would be even worse,” she muttered seriously. The wolves residing in the local forest were the reason why she hadn’t gone near it for six years. It was simply too risky—she still bore a scar on her shoulder from her last visit and she wasn’t about to add another one.
“Right,” Baekhyun sighed and gazed at the paper cup in his hand. His tight grip left little indents on its surface. “Just maybe… it’s time to confront your fear… You’ve been avoiding the forest for so long, even though there haven’t been any wolf attacks in years.”
Now it was her turn to pale—this topic was not easy for her, so he generally avoided it, but now he had changed his mind for some reason and gazed at her with pleading, sorrowful eyes. As if it was vital to him that she confronted the horror hidden in her memories and the anxiety she continued to suppress.
She had been fifteen years old when it had happened. That day after school, she had wandered into the woods on her own. The forest had been known to be a safe place, and the wolves who lived there had never bothered anyone. Not a single person had ever been attacked by them. However, this would change on that particular day. Sohee had encountered a large gray wolf that had acted aggressively when it spotted her. Sohee didn’t know what had compelled it to attack her. It had pounced on her, shoving her to the ground and injuring her delicate shoulders with its claws. She had struggled to keep the teeth away from her neck. Maybe she had screamed—she couldn’t remember. Her recollection from that day was blurry. All she knew was that someone—or something—had chased the wolf away. The image of beautiful golden eyes had burned itself into her mind. It was the clearest memory she retained from that day. At some point, Baekhyun must have found her and called an ambulance. She had been treated at the hospital, and he hadn’t left her side until her worried parents had arrived. To this day she couldn’t explain why he had looked so guilty afterward.
“What does it matter if I like wolves or not, Baekhyun?” she asked, tilting her head.
He offered her a wistful smile and shook his head. “It was just an idea, forget about it.”
Their conversation had ruined his good mood and Sohee didn’t understand why. It didn’t happen often that she saw such a sorrowful expression on him—witnessing it was painful. Her heart ached to see that big sunny grin she found so beautiful or even the attractive smirk he sometimes showed her. Why was it so important to him that she confronted her strongest fear? If only she knew the answer. Maybe he was concerned about her and wanted her to overcome her trauma. Perhaps that was why he kept urging her to overthink her opinion on the wolves in the forest. They had spoken about this topic before, but she had always declined his offers of help.
As she met his dull amber eyes, however, something within her changed. If it meant so much to him, to a person she valued deeply, shouldn’t she try to face her fear? Hadn’t she run from it for long enough? Six years had passed and she had made no progress at all. She kept locking the anxiety away, letting it eat at her without doing anything about it. The issue would never be solved if she didn’t take matters into her own hands.
She took a deep breath. Hopefully, she wouldn’t regret this. “I want to overcome my fear, but I don’t know how,” she whispered, risking a shy glance at him. And there it was—his smile was back, brighter than before. Her heart swelled.
“I’ll help you! Don’t worry, Sohee, you don’t have to do this alone.”
Sohee ignored the fear bubbling in her stomach, she attempted to control the trembling of her fingers. She walked a few steps ahead of him in order to conceal the insecurity written all over her face—however, there was no point in hiding it. She couldn’t hide anything from her best friend. He always noticed when she had something on her mind.
“I’ll wait for you, Sohee,” he thought as he followed her, his eyes gleaming like molten gold. “No matter how long it takes.”
Baekhyun took her change of heart seriously. A day later, he offered to accompany her into the woods. He was just as nervous about the endeavor as her, but for a different reason. The next hours might have a large impact on his life and his relationship with Sohee. Her overcoming her fear was crucial to him—a lot depended on this, much more than she realized since she was unaware of his biggest secret. As long as she was afraid of wolves, she could never find out about his true nature. The fear of being rejected by her was overwhelming—what if she was scared of him if she learned the truth? He couldn’t bear the thought of losing her like this.
Baekhyun could never be fully honest with Sohee, and the ongoing secrecy tainted their friendship. She was his treasure; someone he cherished. He didn’t like to hide his true nature from her. The weight of his secret rested on his shoulders every day, and he continuously asked himself if she would still like him if she knew that he wasn’t so different from the rogue wolf who had once hurt her.  
It was now or never. Sohee stood at the treeline, her gaze moving from the hiking trail to Baekhyun. Her friend was quiet today, and she hadn’t seen him smile at all. Nonetheless, his presence felt reassuring and gave her the strength she needed to go through with this. He knew the forest like the back of his hand, and his lack of fear calmed her.
“Are you ready?” he asked and studied her, assessing her worried expression.
“Yes,” she nodded. “Let’s get it over with.”
Baekhyun’s unreadable gaze rested on her for a few seconds. Then, he took her hand and linked his fingers with hers. The low timbre of his voice was like a gentle embrace. “I know you’re afraid, but I promise nothing will happen to you. You’re completely safe.”
He tugged at her arm and they entered the forest together. Sohee’s eyes flitted around, jumped from bushes to trees, to every shadow she could see. She was prepared for the worst—but she didn’t spot any wolves, not even when they ventured deeper into the woods. The more time passed without an encounter, the calmer she became, and eventually, she began to admire the pretty scenery. The forest wasn’t as dark and scary as she remembered. It was flooded with sunlight, golden rays breaking through the tree crowns and painting patterns of light and shadow on the ground. The leaves rustled in the breeze, and sometimes, she heard the chirps of a bird. They spotted a majestic deer and a tiny rabbit that she observed with a smile on her face. When she stepped on a twig, the cute animal got spooked and hopped away. Baekhyun and Sohee followed the hiking trail for about thirty minutes without any incidents until they reached a clearing.
“How do you feel?” he asked, his tone leading her to believe he was worried about her answer.
“I’m… okay. It’s overwhelming, but I’m okay. Your presence helps a lot.”
“That’s good. You’re doing very well.”
“We… we haven’t seen any wolves though.”
“They aren’t in the vicinity.”
“What? How do you know?”
His eyes widened a fraction. “It’s an assumption,” he said and cleared his throat. Sohee saw through his lie and wondered what he was hiding from her. His behavior had been a little odd today, almost as if he was nervous, but the more time they spent in the forest, the more relaxed he got. The same was true for her—she no longer felt her heart pound in her chest.
“Well, this isn’t nearly as bad as I thought. The forest is much more beautiful than I remembered.”
“It is,” he agreed with a peaceful smile. “That’s why I like to come here often. And… if you want to, you could tag along from now on.” It was a careful question, and frankly, he reminded her of a shy puppy when he posed it. He gazed at her as if he had expected to startle her with mere words.
“Um… okay. I think I can do that.”
He breathed out. The amount of relief she discovered in his gorgeous amber eyes was staggering, it engulfed her and suddenly, she felt the very same emotion. What she had accomplished by coming here today was something she could be proud of. Sohee glanced at her hands and noticed that they weren’t trembling anymore. Her fingers traced the scar she bore on her shoulder, felt its ridges through her shirt. The scar on her body would remain forever, but perhaps the one in her mind could be healed.
The path got more treacherous as they walked uphill—Sohee often stumbled over loose rocks on the ground and got a little annoyed at the fact that Baekhyun was always a few steps ahead of her. She didn’t want to slow him down, but if she walked any faster, she was afraid she might just break her ankles the next time she stumbled.
“How are you climbing over these damn rocks so fast? Are you a mountain goat or what?” she called out to him in a lighthearted tone and earned an airy laugh.
He waited for her to catch up, eyes twinkling mirthfully. Something about her remark seemed to be particularly amusing to him. “I’m the opposite of a mountain goat, cupcake.”
“A mountain lion?”
He snorted and shook his head. “Wouldn’t that be purrfect?”
Sohee stopped and stared at him. “You’re a clown, Baekhyunnie.”
“So you think I’m funny.” He grinned widely and offered her his hand when she stumbled over another stone. His eyebrow shot up at her struggle. “I’m worried you’ll end up breaking your ankles. You don’t go hiking often and it shows. Why don’t you get on my back for a while? It would be safer.”
“You want to carry me? Are you serious?” Her cheeks took on the color of ripe peaches. “I’m not a baby, though. I can walk myself.”
“Wrong. You’re my baby cupcake and I’ll spoil you as much as I want.” She didn’t have to look at him to know he was smirking—the smugness in his voice told her everything.
“Baby cupcake,” she groaned and pouted. “You can’t be serious. How can a grown man say something like that?”
But her friend just shrugged, not embarrassed in the slightest at his cheesy new nickname idea. “Stop sulking and get on my back already, or else we’ll be stuck here forever.”
“F-Fine.” He couched in front of her, hooked his hands under her thighs and when she wrapped her arms around his neck, body pressing against his back, he got up. “If I’m too heavy, you—”
“You’re almost like a backpack. This is not a problem.”
“I’m a backpack,” she deadpanned. “How kind of you.”
His back rumbled when he laughed. “No, you’re almost like a backpack. I would never call my baby cupcake a backpack.”
“Is baby cupcake any better?” she grumbled and put her chin on his shoulder as he walked. It was more comfortable like this. She was at ease being so close to him and breathed in his familiar scent.
“Of course it is.”
Sohee rolled her eyes. “I knew you would say that, Baekhyunnie.”
Again, a wide smile spread over his lips. He could bicker with her all day, especially when she was sulking—a pouty Sohee was fun to tease. Additionally, she seemed to have forgotten about her apprehension. She hadn’t voiced any concerns in a while. He considered this a small victory since it brought him a step closer to revealing the truth to her. She needed to know, he wanted to tell her so badly.
When the path became wider, he let her down so that she could walk herself. Baekhyun crossed his arms and gave her an expectant look. “So…”
“Do I get a reward for carrying you?”
“What do you want?”
“I don’t know, how about a hug?”
She blushed and her heart jumped before she reminded herself that this wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. They frequently shared friendly hugs. Sohee engulfed him with her arms and pressed her face into the soft material of his jacket. Beneath his baggy clothes, he was hiding a whole lot of muscles—it was distracting, to say the least.
“Aww, look how cute you are, my baby cupcake,” he whispered and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly.
“I’m not your baby cupcake.” She was very flustered by his affectionate behavior—but she loved it. Baekhyun being flirty was addicting. At least she assumed he was flirting, but it probably wasn’t true since they were just friends. At any rate, this didn’t stop her from enjoying it.
“You are,” he insisted with a smirk, amber eyes glowing golden for a blink. “And you always will be.”
Sohee had a lot on her mind. Ever since her hike with Baekhyun, the very foundation of her fear was crumbling, and the more she remembered the happy moments she had spent with him in the forest, the less she feared going there. They hadn’t seen any wolves yesterday. Most likely, the animals had been spooked by their presence and not shown themselves. The wolf who had attacked her so viciously years prior likely wasn’t in the area anymore.
Her outing with Baekhyun had reignited her stubbornness and her curiosity. She was ready to challenge her old beliefs and leave her fears behind for good. This was the reason why she had returned to the woods today—without Baekhyun. He had no clue she was here. Sohee wandered the forest on her own, letting her legs carry her in a random direction. Despite her determination, it was nerve-wracking to be here. She had to wipe her sweaty palms on her jeans and her gaze constantly darted around.
She walked through the forest for a good 20 minutes without seeing one of the wolves, enjoying the serene atmosphere of nature and listening to the occasional bird song. However, when she heard a loud rustle, she stopped. To her bewilderment, a black wolf emerged from the undergrowth, its fur allowing it to blend in easily with the shadows.
She took a deep breath, folding her hands in front of her stomach. This was unexpected, too sudden for her liking. Oh God, what if it would rip her to shreds and—again, she took a deep breath and stared at the wolf as it stared back. You can do this, Sohee. Calm down. It’s not doing anything.
She paused, unsure how she should act in front of the animal, and ultimately stayed rooted to the ground like a statue. The wolf inclined its head and approached her very slowly. Its movements were elegant and regal—it knew exactly how powerful it was, and yet it somehow didn’t look threatening. It was patient and gave her the time she needed to get used to its presence. This behavior was peculiar for a wild animal, but Sohee was too unnerved to question it.
“H-Hello there. How are you?” she said shakily and in a barely audible voice. The wolf’s ears perked up and it paused, simply watching her without doing anything. Despite knowing how stupid it was to talk to an animal, she did it anyway because it helped her keep calm. So far, she was doing a better job than expected.
She and the wolf maintained eye contact for a while, and she couldn’t stop herself from admiring the gorgeous golden hue of its irises. Since the animal seemed much more curious than hostile, she took a cautious step toward it, the fallen leaves on the ground crunching under her sneakers. Her knees were shaking and she feared they would give in soon. She continued to take deep breaths, but her pulse rose as her anxiety became overwhelming. She gasped. The wolf flinched at the sudden noise and let out a whine before it lay on the ground, resting its head on its paws. It didn’t look all that big anymore.
“Just… a little more,” she whispered. She was only a meter away from the wolf when her legs gave in and she fell to her knees. Her shoulders heaved with every breath she took.
“It’s not the same. It’s not the same,” she repeated until she was sure she had a better grip on herself. She used all the courage she had left and stretched out her arm. It was trembling like a leaf, but she didn’t back down. Her fingers touched the soft fur on the wolf’s head, and she looked right into its golden eyes. They seemed to glow brighter.
This wasn’t so bad. Actually, it wasn’t bad at all. The animal was calm and didn’t do anything threatening while she touched it. It was like it knew her fear; it could probably smell it. She retreated her hand, looking at it in wonder, unable to believe that she had just achieved the impossible; she had touched a wolf and she was unharmed. Glancing at her hand and back at the wolf, she felt proud of herself. Relieved tears gathered in her eyes. “This is insane,” she breathed.
She heard a low rumble from the wolf as it observed her, its gaze appearing more human than before. The way it looked at her instilled a sense of familiarity within her. She knew those eyes. Their color was a mix of amber and gold, glinting warmly in the sunlight. Where had she seen this shade before? It was rather unique, but she couldn’t put her finger on it, couldn’t explain why this color made her feel at ease.
She sat on the mossy ground and curiously observed the animal until it got up and walked to the other side of the clearing, peering into the woods. She bit her lip, thinking it would leave soon—she didn’t want to part ways yet! This animal fascinated her for some reason. Before she knew what she was doing, she had already raised her voice, “Come back, please!”
Strangely, it understood what she wanted and returned to her. Sohee patted the spot next to her on the ground, inviting it to sit next to her. She swore she saw the wolf’s eyes widen despite knowing it wasn’t possible. Stretching its legs, it lay down so close that its warm body was touching her thigh.  
Now it looked surprisingly endearing for a wolf, more like a puppy. She cautiously moved her hand to its back. The wolf didn’t seem to mind her touch and so she began to pet its fur, astonished at how soft it was. For an animal that constantly roamed the woods, it was too clean. With the wolf resting next to her, she allowed herself to relax, and the initial nervousness that had befallen her dwindled. She knew she didn’t have to expect any danger from this animal, and suddenly, something in her brain clicked.
“Your eye color is the same as Baekhyun’s. That’s a funny coincidence,” she mumbled as she observed the majestic animal. It opened its eyes and gave her its undivided attention, so she decided to keep talking. “He’s my best friend, you know? I’m very grateful to have him in my life… but honestly, I’d rather be more than friends.”
Was it possible for an animal to look shocked? Because that’s what was happening right at this moment. The wolf stared at her in disbelief, frozen solid.
“Um… what’s going on?” She flushed. “I just… I’m sorry, did I offend you?” Of course she didn’t. She was talking to a wolf. What a stupid question. Luckily, nobody except for the animal had heard it, or else she would be mortified.
The wolf sat up and licked her hand, covering it in slobber. “W-What the hell?” she squeaked at the weird sensation and pulled her hand away. “Eww, what was that for?” But now that her hand was gone, the wolf moved on to her cheek and pushed its nose against it. Its tail was wagging and it couldn’t stop showering her with affection. She protested when it tried to lick her cheek, giggling and narrowly avoiding its tongue. The wolf whined and chose a different approach. This time, it lay down and curled its body around her, putting its head on her lap.
“Are you a big puppy?” she smiled, petting its head which it seemed to enjoy thoroughly. “How adorable. When I tell Baekhyun about this, he’ll never believe me.”
The wolf made a noise that could have indicated amusement had it been human. It yawned lazily and prepared for a nap while she brushed her fingers through its fur.
The wind rushed past him as he shot through the greenery, dodging trees and jumping over plants and rocks that stood in his way. He could not believe what had happened. He hadn’t expected her to wander into the woods on her own. When he had spotted her, he had almost stumbled over his own paws. At first, he had considered turning around and hiding before she could notice him, but when he was in his wolf form, his actions were guided by his instincts, and they told him to approach her—being close to her was what he truly wanted, no matter which form he took. She had been reluctant at first, worrying him, but then she had warmed up to him. Making her smile while he was in his wolf form was a dream come true. She was ready to hear the truth.
Sohee was over the moon when she entered her apartment and removed her shoes. A permanent smile had manifested on her lips. She greeted her cat Sushi with too much enthusiasm which resulted in a confused meow. Then, she moved to the living room, intending to text Baekhyun and tell him about her experience today. Before she had a chance to sit on the sofa, the doorbell rang. She put her phone down and jogged to the door, only to discover none other than Baekhyun outside.
“Oh, hi Baekhyun! Nice to see you,” she smiled and let him in. They went to the living room together. “If I had known you would come over, I would have prepared dinner… or at least some snacks.”
“It’s fine, cupcake. You’re the only snack I need,” he replied and winked.
She stood motionless in the middle of the living room as if hit by a lightning strike, her cheeks gradually changing color. Had her ears played tricks on her or had he just flirted with her? “What?” was all she managed to answer.
This Baekhyun was certainly different. The Baekhyun she had met yesterday hadn’t been so frank. It wasn’t simply the bold remark that stood out to her, it was also the way he looked at her. Pride, adoration, and desire were reflected in his eyes. It made her feel things, dangerous things that weren’t meant for friendships. His eyes were golden, not amber. She blinked, but the shade remained the same—the same as…
“You visited the forest on your own. I’m proud of you, cupcake.”
“How do you know I was there?”
Something peculiar flickered over his face. “We met.”
“We didn’t,” she muttered and raised her eyebrows. “What are you talking about? I only met… a wolf…” She trailed off—he did have the exact same eye color as the wolf... and the wolf had been suspiciously intelligent too. “You’re not actually a wolf, are you?” she laughed nervously since the question must have sounded crazy to him, but he remained dead serious. When her eyes grew wider and wider, he chuckled.
“I am.”
“Are you messing with me?”
He grinned confidently. “Nope! I’ll show you.”
“Baekhyun, WHY ARE YOU TAKING OFF YOUR PANTS?!” she yelled and promptly looked away. The sound of his clothes falling on the ground made her blush. Soon after, something odd touched her wrist—it felt strange and caused her to glance down, only to freeze in shock. Where Baekhyun had been standing just a moment ago lay a pile of clothes and next to it sat a familiar-looking wolf.
“Huh?! Don’t tell me you’re really Baekhyun.”
And the wolf nodded, giving a bark that sounded like a laugh. His muzzle touched her hand again.
“…I think I need to sit down.” She staggered to the sofa and sunk into the pillows. The wolf—Baekhyun?—sat next to her and cuddled up to her. “I don’t understand what’s going on and how this is even possible, but… but you’re pretty cute for a wolf… Wait, if you’re the wolf from earlier, then that means…”
He had heard her confession, he knew about her feelings. She wanted to melt into the ground and disappear forever. How embarrassing… she had confessed to him without realizing it. What the hell should she do now? Before Sohee found an answer, Sushi made a sudden appearance in the living room. She hissed and growled at the large wolf lounging on her precious sofa, arching her back. Her fur stuck up in all directions.
“Sushi, behave,” Sohee reminded her, but the cat wasn’t impressed and sent death glares to the wolf before she sauntered away to the bedroom. “Now I know why she doesn’t like it when you visit.”
Baekhyun couldn’t answer as long as he was a wolf, so she was met with silence until the furry front leg on her stomach disappeared and was replaced by a human arm. He shifted back to his human self and remained snuggled up to her like a touch-starved puppy. Only this time, things were different. Her gaze traveled over his defined arm muscles, to his chest, and further down to—
“P-Put on some clothes, you perv!” she hissed and looked away.
“Nah, too lazy.”
“You litte...! I don’t wanna see your dick.”
He had the audacity to wiggle his eyebrows. “You don’t?”
“Argh, Baekhyun, what is this conversation?”
He laughed and got up, collecting his clothes while she stared at the ceiling. Only after she heard the zipper of his jeans did she dare to look at him. He took his shirt, weighed it in his hand, then shrugged and threw it on the sofa without putting it on. She had seen him shirtless too many times than she could count, but she would still drool over his abs like a lovesick teenager.
When he sat down again, he didn’t waste a second, wrapped her in his arms, and put his head right above her chest. “I have to tell you something, Sohee,” he mumbled.
“Yes?” She gently touched his silky ash blond hair and glanced down at him, wondering what he had on his mind.
“I love you too.”
She swallowed, tensing up. Okay, that was not what she had expected. “Baekhyun… you love me?”
“I do, I’ve wanted to be in a relationship with you for a long time.”
A thousand different thoughts shot through her mind. “How would a relationship between us ever work out? I mean, I’m human and you’re not…” she sighed and her body deflated in defeat. “I have so many questions, I don’t know where to begin.”
“I’ll answer them. No more secrets, I promise.”
Sohee took a deep breath and decided to begin with the most pressing question, “Why did you keep your wolf form a secret for so long? Didn’t you trust me?”
“I trust you more than anyone, believe me, but there are certain rules in our society, and the most important one is to keep our true nature hidden from humans. It serves to protect ourselves from hunters. There are a few exceptions, though.”
“Then why did you tell me now? Won’t you get in trouble?”
“Don’t worry, there’s an exception for a wolf’s mate,” he smirked.
“Mate? As in soulmate?”
“Yes. You’re my mate. Wolves only fall in love once in a lifetime.”
“I’m your mate?” and when it dawned on her what this truly meant, her expression faded from astonishment to pure joy. Happiness lit up her brown eyes and made them twinkle.
He grinned at her reaction. “I didn’t realize it for a long time. I just… assumed I felt attracted to you because we were childhood friends and close to each other. But when I turned eighteen, I knew that my feelings were stronger than friendship and concluded that you’re my mate… That’s when my pack began teasing me about our relationship, urging me to tell you the truth,” he sighed and shook his head. “However, I knew how upset you were about the attack and I feared you would resent me if you ever found out about my wolf form. So I kept it to myself because I’d rather be just friends than not have you near me at all.”
“Oh, it must have been so difficult. I had no idea,” she frowned. “I admit I would have been shocked about it, but I’m incapable of resenting you.”
Her answer seemed to relieve him. “The wolf who attacked you was a rogue. He had nothing to do with our pack, and ever since the attack, we’ve been more careful to defend our territory.”
“So I was at the wrong place at the wrong time?”
“Yes. When I heard your scream, I thought my heart would stop. I chased the bastard away and then returned to you in my human form,” he explained with a stony expression.
“Thank you. You’ve done so much for me,” she smiled gratefully.
“Baby cupcakes need to be protected,” he joked, cracking a smile when she groaned.
“What even is a baby cupcake? It makes no sense.”
“It’s an extra pretty and sweet cupcake. Just like you,” he grinned and bopped the tip of her nose.
“If I’m a baby cupcake, then you’re a puppy.”
“Huh, really? I thought you wouldn’t like it.”
“Any nickname is fine as long as you’re the one who made it up,” he answered. “Because I love you.”
Sohee would have to get used to this—otherwise, her poor heart would just give up one day. The butterflies in her stomach soared, and she leaned in to hug him. “I love you too. You… you have no idea how much you mean to me.”
A bold smirk graced his features. “If I mean so much to you, don’t you think it’s about time you give me a kiss?”
“A kiss?” She couldn’t believe it. All this time, he had kept his feelings for her hidden, and now she drowned in them. The desire to be with her poured out of him and completely overwhelmed her.
He shrugged. “I would ask for more, but we can start small.”
“Horndog,” she snorted. “If you want a kiss, then come and get it.”
His gaze sharpened and his lips formed a dangerous smirk. “Oh, I will.”
He pushed her backward and made her back hit the sofa—and then he was on top of her, caging her with his arms. His gaze spoke volumes, studying her rosy cheeks and the way she bit her lip in impatience. After everything that had happened, and the time he had waited for her, all he wanted to do was to make her his. His instinct compelled him to close the distance between them—he needed to hold her and never let go, he needed to kiss every inch of her skin. Her wonderful scent was a delight. She smelled of peaches; he would always recognize her unique fragrance even when she was in a crowd of people. He would always find her—just like he had done that fateful day in the forest. His precious mate needed to be well-protected.
Sohee gazed up at him, at his ash blond hair that framed his face, and at his eyes which glowed golden whenever he looked at her as if she was the one who made them shine. She stretched out her hand and placed it on his cheek, inviting him to close the distance between their lips. He leaned in, propping himself up with his arms, and his breath fanned over her lips. Their first kiss was an explosion of sensations. His mouth melded with hers, lips moving passionately, gentle and rough at the same time. As her hands began to wander, exploring his taut abdomen, the lower half of his back, he growled into the kiss.  
“This was worth the wait,” he murmured against her lips, capturing her gaze with the cheeky shimmer in his eyes. “I love you, cupcake.”
Sohee beamed and planted a kiss on the corner of his mouth, where a cute dimple appeared whenever he smiled. “I love you too, puppy.”
✨ ✨ ✨
Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed this fic! I wanted to write a wolf AU for a long time, but since multichapter fics take months or even years to finish, I chose to write a oneshot instead. 💕 This is basically a wolf version of Spellbound; the themes are somewhat similar, with the exception of Baek and Sohee being childhood friends. 🌼 Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on this couple! ✨
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insywrites · 2 years
Story Masterlist ♡
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Note: This is a work in-progress list. Currently all are linked to my twitter but will slowly migrate them here. I just need to figure out how. lols.
Safe Place Pt.1 (Seulgi x Sehun | SeulHun)
Still and Always Be Pt.2 (Seulgi x Sehun | SeulHun)
Sagot sa mga Tanong (Seulgi x Sehun | SeulHun)
F.R.I.E.N.D.S...? (Seulgi x Sehun | SeulHun)
The 5 Times You Made Me Smile and the One Time You Didn’t  (Wendy x Kyungsoo | WenSoo)
We’re Fine (Wendy x Kyungsoo | WenSoo)
Broken Sonnet (Wendy x Kyungsoo | WenSoo)
Paean (Wendy x Kyungsoo | WenSoo)
SMTOWN at Suwon: Taking Advantage (Wendy x Kyungsoo | WenSoo)
My First and Last (Wendy x Sehun | WenHun)
Bake It with You (Wendy x Chanyeol | WenYeol)
Seryoso Ako (Wendy x Chanyeol | WenYeol)
SMTOWN at Suwon: Overcoming Excuses (Irene x Suho | SuRene)
Roadtrip (Kyungsoo | Kai | Seulgi | Wendy | Sehun)
Hate to Love You (Seulgi x Sehun | SeulHun)
Not Anymore (Joy x Jaehyun | JaeJoy)
Mark Me In Your Heart (Mark Lee x Yeri | MarkRi)
SMTOWN at Suwon: Not That Little Boy Anymore (Mark Lee x Yeri | MarkRi)
The Thorn That Came Along (Seulgi x Taeyong | SeulYong)
Hygge (Seulgi x Taeyong | SeulYong)
It Started with Kimchi Jjigae (Winter x Haechan | WinHae)
Fall Hard (Karina x Jeno | JenRina)
NYFW  (Karina x Jeno | JenRina)
M.U. (Ningning x Chenle (NingLe)
Sorry, Heart (Ningning x Chenle (NingLe)
Let’s Pay Pretend (Ryujin x Jaemin | JaemRyu)
Valen-whut? (Ryujin x Jaemin | JaemRyu)
▹Multi-group character:
To All The Flings I Have Before (Seulgi | Taeyong | Sehun | Yixing | JayB)
 JohnDy’s Playlist (2022 Valentine’s Day event feat. different writers)
To All the First... (NCT Dream one-shot series)
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thecandywrites · 2 years
The Switch Chapter 12
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Oh My God. Well, in classic ADHD fashion. I had this. And then I got distracted, with, like 2 rewrites, an update on a story I had before I ever wrote this one and like I have like 7852709 other WIPs and story ideas and story lines that I would LOVE to move onto too. But none of it can go until I just FINISH THIS FIRST. Because I HAVE PLANS and plot twists and there's still more to this rollercoaster of a ride of story, I just have to get through the technical difficulties which are WRITERS BLOCK of how I'm going to get from here at point A to point B. But once I get to point B, it'll take off again.
So, after...way too long, here is chapter 12
The Switch 
Chapter 12
Once everyone came to drop off their housewarming gifts, they soon left again to give you privacy to continue with the cleanse. Then Mildred came back with potpourri and several more things in large sacks on special carts with wheels she used the rather crude but efficient elevators to get up to the floor and take to your room before she started to move things into the room, with Kragan’s, Saffiro’s and Samantha’s help. But then not long after, that’s when the deliveries started to come pouring in- furniture, silk screens on special dividers to section off sections of the apartment and you had to take refuge in the toilet in the hallway to not disturb the movers trying to move things into the rooms while also not interrupting the cleanse. Which you were sure you were passing things you had eaten as a child since this cleanse was so thorough.
All manner of things were delivered. A new mattress, down pillows, sets of sheets and bedding, furniture and loads of other household supplies. And of course foods to start to make the broths for the soups that you’d be eating for the foreseeable future that Mildred and Samantha went ahead and started to prepare while Kragan and Saffiro and the others moved things around in the rooms which Mildred really appreciated. 
All while Samantha and Saffiro never seemed to be more than an arm’s length away from each other which Mildred found amusing. And once you had finished with the first wave of the cleanse and came back to the room, you quickly noticed and found it amusing too. Now that you weren’t jealous that Samantha would be moving onto Kragan after your eventual death. But as a prospect for Saffiro? She seemed much more agreeable. But you also knew her well enough that she wouldn’t be putting up with Solowardian high society well, not without turning it up on its head or keeping out of it all together. But you also knew Saffiro well enough that you could see his instantaneous smitten state with her. 
Mildred, even though she had noticed, was much more concerned about you and making sure you would be “set up proper” in the room. And after the initial bowel movement, you were simply very thirsty and wanted chilled water with slices of citrus and mint as even more special food preparation items and ingredients and utensils started to be delivered. 
“What is this? This isn’t wheat flour.” You noted when the huge sacks of special flour were delivered to the room with oriental writing on them.  
“It’s rice and rice flour. Because you should stay away from too much wheat because while you should still have bread, it needs to be refined white flour- not wheat for the first two to three weeks and then it can be slowly reintroduced and even then- in things like pasta, or small buns, preferably stuffed with meats and things. Having wheat when it’s fried in oil isn’t good for you. But in the market, Miss Sammy showed us a group of people who settled there from the Orient. They make steamed rice bread buns that are just like soft bread, but will be much nicer on your gut. And it shouldn’t taste too different to you. Or if it does, not too much to be off putting because you’ve been gaining a more world traveled palette like Sir Kragan has. And while we were in the market, we got to try quite a bit of it and it’s quite good. When you are up to it, we can go and you can try it and I’ll try to learn the recipes to make them for you. But that being said, we did get you some varieties of the different steamed buns and filled dumplings.” Mildred explained as she handed you a special steel container that had special layers in it, each with its own steamed buns and dumplings, all made from rice and rice flour before you sat down at the table with Kragan and openned it up and were delighted to see so many layers of dumplings and buns all contained within the thing before Kragan walked you through how to use chopsticks to pick them all up to help you eat them. 
“Oh. Well Yekmeni had a lot of rice dishes. I like rice. Especially the Byrianni style.” You noted as you looked at the metal thing and appreciated its design as the scents were surprisingly appetizing. 
“And they can make noodles and pasta out of rice flour too, because you can still have the pasta you are used to, we just have to be careful about creamy sauces and cheese. But apparently most of the Orientals rarely have cheese and that much dairy in their diet, which is part of the low residue part. We just have to be careful of the vegetables because you can’t have too much roughage in your diet. No seeds, no nuts, nothing too fibrous, like beans, lentils, potatoes, that kind of thing. Lots of super refined flour breads, meats, some oils and fats now that your gallbladder can take them. But that also means you have to be careful of fruits. Like berries and watermelon, but the other melons like cantaloupes, muskmelon and honeydew melon should be ok in small portions. But figs, dates, prunes, dried apricots and other dried fruits should be avoided for the next month, and fresh fruits and cooked fruits should be ok, so surprisingly, pies like apple pie or peach pie or pear tartes should be ok, as should citrus.” Mildred said as she looked over her copied lists of foods you could have and foods to avoid while giving you the originals. 
“But the great thing about the western Europa pasta is that instead of adding cream, you can add bread crumbs, that will give creaminess without cream and if you use that huge arborio rice, granted risotto is a labor intensive dish, but again, if you stir it vigorously, it’ll give the taste of cream without having any cream at all, it’s just broth and rice. Simple and easier to digest. And once you can have wheat pasta or oats or barely and things like that, the soups should be awesome instead of just having meat and broth.” Sammy volunteered cheerfully. 
“You are literally in the one city in the world where we have cooks from all over the world, the whole of the supersphere- all under one roof. And I know this diet looks like you’re giving up everything you love, but I promise you, we will find work arounds and this just means you can find new favorite foods.” Sammy added as she had put down several other tins of the same things for the five of you to sit down and eat since Saffiro and Kragan had insisted she stay to do so. 
You looked at the list and sighed when you saw all your favorite foods on the list that were foods to avoid. You loved all things dairy. You loved berries, you loved berried fry pies the most. You loved cheesecake as your favorite dessert. You loved ice cream, and frozen custard the most. You loved fried cheese around meats too. You loved fried just about everything. And you loved melons of all kinds. Especially a really good sweet watermelon. 
“Hey Samantha, Kragan said you’re really good with books.” You began as you all dug into the food. 
“Nothing compared to what I’ve heard Kragan and Saffiro praise of you.” Samantha returned. 
“They’re biased.” You smiled with a dissmissive waive. 
“But Kragan and I are starting a luxury skyship cruise line in The Contessina Project. And because you have experience with hosting nobility here at Souja Inn along with merchants of all kinds and because you help run the Inn side of the tavern, that gives you quite a bit of experience and a skill set and I’d love to have at the very least your invaluable input on the project. And if you’d oblige me to help me find the right staff for it because in Fitsdale, I’d want to partner with Souja Tavern so that tourists can stay here while their ships get resupplied. And once I can recover, if I could talk to the owners, I’d like to talk about having a wing of suites for potential guests for the line to stay here and have the same wonderful experience here that others have.” You proposed to her as she lit up excitedly. 
“I would love to help you with that. I think that’s awesome. We are actually going to be rebuilding a wing here in just a couple of months during our off-season. If you wanted to- you could invest in the rebuild and you could have a say so in how they’re built and laid out and what materials you want and we can even get the glass makers to put your Contessina Ship logos in the stained glass of the windows.” Samantha suggested. 
“I love that idea!” You beamed happily before Samantha and yourself began to bounce ideas off of each other as Kragan simply grinned and got your journal out along with his own while Saffiro offered a new one of his own to Samantha to use to write down the ideas down as they were being discussed as Saffiro was exceedingly happy that Sammy was not only a sweetheart but just as bright, intelligent and practical as you were but was also exceptionally pretty herself. 
Then Ainsley arrived with her family in tow.  
“Hey, oh wow! You guys got moved in huh?” Ainsley asked as she and her children and her husband came into the room to see everything already moved in and situated. 
“Well I came to offer this.” She held out a box that had a bunch of scented candles in it along with a jar of special lotion and a case of the softest toilet paper you had ever touched in your life. 
“I know you’re going to feel like you’re crapping your guts out for the next day or two and it’ll smell awful, so that’s what the candles are for. The lotion is to keep you from getting any hemorrhoids while you do so. So you just get a smear of the lotion on the toilet paper and then wipe it again to get clean and you should be fine.” Ainsley admitted as she knelt on the other side of you and murmured that to you quietly. 
“Where did you get this toilet paper?” You asked her as you held up the roll, cut in such a way that the edges were clean but the layers of the multiple plied super soft tissue paper could be seen. 
“Souja Papier. Which makes all manner of paper. It’s the top of the line ultra soft kind- second only to the toilet paper in Dorierra, or so we’ve been told. Every merchant that comes through gets it by the case to take home. But it is also should be only a quarter of the price of the toilet paper that comes out of Dorierra, or so we’ve heard from suitors that have traveled to and from there to get a bride. But compared to the other toilet papers it is still pretty expensive but that’s only because you’re investing in very good quality.” Ainsley answered. 
“Dearest…” You began as you turned your head over to Kragan who was about to eat a dumpling and paused to answer you before you could finish your sentence. 
“Yup, Souja Papier ultra soft toilet paper for the Contessina Ships, got it.” Kragan guessed as you beamed happily because he knew you well enough he could already tell where your train of thought had led to which brought an adoring smile to Saffiro's Mildred's and Samantha’s faces to see it before Saffiro reached over and felt it too. 
“Ooh, I’m going to have to get a case of it for home and my room.” Saffiro appreciated it. 
“I could have used this a few hours ago.” You admitted since you had to use the bathroom in the hall while the movers were in your room, Mildred’s room and Saffiro’s room. 
“Well, sorry, I meant to come earlier but I just got off work myself because I ran late with my other appointments today. But these should help.” She offered. 
“Thank you.” You thanked them as you hugged them tight. 
“So this is my husband Annick, who goes by Nick and this is our daughter Nadia and this is….” Ainsely introduced her other children.
“How have you been?  Your mouth getting you into any more trouble lately?” Kragan teased as he had gotten up and hugged Nick when he and his family came in and knew all thier kids by name as they did the same to him calling him "uncle Captain Kragan" which you thought was utterly adorable. 
“No, he’s been good.” Ainsley answered for him as you looked questioningly to Kragan when Kragan had said that to Nick.
“When we sailed on the Cromwell together, his mouth got us into more trouble than we could get ourselves out of, on several occasions.” Kragan insisted. 
“Well we learned valuable lessons, don’t bet against the greenhorns to get out of scrubbing the deck after being in port for three weeks and the ship was covered in seagull shit.” Nick answered. 
“Or the barnacles.” Kragan recalled. 
“And the barnacles, those damned things.” Nick shuddered at the memory. 
“Well actually we learned in Wakanear that the mermaid population there love barnacles the way we love other seafood too and usually remove them from their whale friends which was why the pirate ships never had any barnacles and could sail faster than other ships in the past. And now that Wakanear is a Yekmenian province, we’re gonna be running all the Salgria ships through there from now on. Even if it’s just a two to four times a year visit. Especially the northern vessels that get them the most just to get the cleaning service the merfolk provide in removing them so we don't have to dry dock them.” Kragan volunteered. 
“Really? The merfolk communicate with dry landers there? And not in the whole- "siren song to your death" kind of way?” Nick asked. 
“Yeah, Princess Maisarra of Wakanear has a special relationship with them and she swims with them regularly and they talk quite a bit. Even Yekmeni has a special relationship with their merfolk population. And of course all mouras do since mouras and merfolk came from the same home world and share a root language since the species evolved side by side.” You added. 
“Oh, speaking of which, I should probably call Sarah and Audrey and Yana….” You remembered. 
“Nope, I already did that, they’re packing up and should be here tomorrow. Yana is bringing Zirvush fruit, which is like a cherry, and Agnes said it should be really good for your diet. And Yana swears that it’s both delicious and nutritious yet gentle on an upset stomach. Audrey is of course bringing adani fruits and seasonings and spices and another Messengerari for us to use here so we can keep in touch and not have to continually use the common ones in the squares. And Sarah is bringing Wakanear coconuts by the case because if you’re pregnant, and already nauseated and dealing with morning sickness, coconut water will be really helpful. And she’s bringing acai and avocados and the other tropical fruits that shouldn’t have too many seeds or too much fiber for your diet and of course they are also bringing a moura healer to heal everything else.” Kragan supplied. 
“Aw, they don’t have to trouble themselves just for me.” You sighed. 
“You’re their friend. They wanted to come and help. Audrey is especially sorry she didn’t fly you to a colony and to a healer herself while you were in Yekmeni last. So now, she’s bringing one to you. That, and she’s having a hard time getting Millie to decide on finishes for her ship because her tastes change with the tastes of the Solowardian court almost daily.” Kragan insisted. 
“Oh gosh, what color are they on now?” You asked. 
“Purple.” Saffiro supplied in a deadpan tone and a tired sigh as you rolled your eyes and bit into your soup dumpling and then took a tentative sip before an explosion of flavors seemed to bloom on your tongue. 
“And it’ll change a dozen more times between now and when that ship should be done.” You muttered between careful bites of the surprisingly hot soup dumpling. 
“Well we’ll get out of your hair so you can eat dinner. Don’t worry about anything Tessa, we got you. You’re part of the Souja family now. And we take care of our own.” Ainsely insisted which was exactly what Nora and everyone else had insisted earlier. 
“Thank you for welcoming me into it.” You thanked them before they saw themselves out as you were happy to simply sit down at the table with Kragan on one side of you with Mildred sitting at the head of the table with Saffiro and Samantha sitting across from you as you appreciated how well they looked together and their so not subtle looks to each other as you gave Kragan’s knee an appreciative squeeze under the table and a meaningful look. 
“This is really good.” You appreciated about the food. 
“It is, I thought it smelled odd at first but the more you eat it, the more you like it.” Saffiro appreciated as Samantha also helped him learn how to eat with chopsticks as she had already done with Mildred. 
After you had eaten your fill, it was time for another round on the toilet as Mildred, Saffiro and Samantha quickly took their leave to give you some more privacy as Kragan was already lighting up every candle that was in that box for the inevitable smell that was sure to follow. 
“They make a cute couple.” You noted as you sat down and felt like you pissed your body weight as it had never smelled so horrible before. But your kidneys were releasing every toxin that had been built up previously. So of course it would smell like liquid death. 
“Yeah they do. But I know Sammy, she would hate Solowards. She’s a Souja, Souja’s rarely leave Fitsdale.” Kragan appraised. 
“Maybe she’d take the place by storm and turn it on its head.” You shrugged. 
“Nah, the only way she would ever come, is if she could keep her independence which Solowards doesn’t give to it’s women with primogeniture and all that. And you said that women can’t own property. Which Sammy has in her own right. She’d never give it up.” Kragan predicted. 
“How good is she with accounting books?” You asked him. 
“She’s pretty good, granted not as good as you, but she’s pretty good. She does a lot for the Inn side of Souja Tavern.” Kragan answered before you grinned mischievously. 
“Oh no, I know that grin, what you got cooking up?” Kragan asked as he braved the stench and knelt between your feet in front of you as you were still sitting on the toilet.  
“Well I’m thinking- that if a relationship were to bloom and blossom between them, I think I know a way to even the odds in her favor.” You prompted. 
“I know Saffiro. He doesn’t like girls easily. His bar is already almost impossibly high. But Samantha is everything he’s never realized he needs. He needs a strong woman to support him and his heavy burdens. Samantha is strong. And Solowards needs to change. I think if the relationship blossoms and blooms, and her and I can see eye to eye on The Contessina Project. And we can agree on what needs to happen and how it needs to work. And I can trust her with it. I could always hire her to run the Contessina Skyport. But only if she can keep that job and keep all her income from it as her own and authority and control. And therefore it wouldn’t matter if Saffiro could make her a Duchess, she’d be independent yet they could help each other and she’d be strong enough to slap my father’s greedy hands off of it. But yet, still keep it in the family in a way. Do you think she’d go for that? As far as I’m concerned, she’s an heiress to the Souja Dynasty of the great and awesome Fitsdale. Which is more impressive than the capital of Solowards which is Varidhe. And if I can explain that I hired her because of her intellect and her work ethic and qualifications and aptitude but that I only trust her and her alone to run things for me in Solowards, much less Fitsdale. And that Solowards can’t have her or our business with its current unfair laws because I don’t trust them to not screw her or us over.” You proposed. 
“Well then lets see where that relationship goes. But that’s a big vote of confidence in Sammy and your opinion in her.” Kragan praised as you finally finished and wiped and quickly washed your hands before you got ready to go to bed early because it had been a very big day and all you wanted was rest. 
 “Hey can I ask you something?” Kragan asked once you both settled into the bed. 
“Please tell me it has nothing to do with the stench in the room?” You pleaded as you felt the stench of what you passed was horrific, no matter how many scented candles you had burned and what incense you had burning too. All you could smell was a rotting corpse from the pure evil that had left your bowels and bladder had flushed from your kidneys and liver. 
“No.” Kragan reassured you.
“Sure, shoot.” You answered as you laid in bed in the fetal position with Kragan spooning you before you felt Kragan take a deep breath and then hesitate to ask what he wanted to ask which made you frown before you rolled over in his embrace. 
“What is it?” You asked him as you looked up at him in the darkness of the room, only lit up with small flickers from the candles and the incense censors and the low glow of flames and embers in the fireplace from the small fire burning in there. 
“Maybe it’s not the best time to talk about this, you’ve had a really hard day, we should probably talk about it when you’re recovered.” Kragan noted. 
“Not if it will keep you from resting tonight. No more secrets, remember? What’s troubling you?” You asked as you looked into those gorgeous golden yellow eyes that still seemed to almost glow in the low light. 
“I know you love me now, but at what point did it turn from manipulating me into loving you and you manipulating yourself into loving me and you actually loving me?” Kragan asked. 
“Ah, I see why you would want me to rest and recover before you would ask me this and yeah, I can see why that would keep you awake.” You noted with a small but accepting grin before you rolled over and got the stack of letters you had written to your loved ones that Mildred had slipped into the bedside drawer to do with as you pleased, although the one you wrote to her, would be something she would cherish for the rest of her life. You used the low light from the fireplace to flip through them to find the letter addressed to him. 
“Here, read this. It’ll answer that and many other questions you could have.” You offered as you handed him the letter before you put the others back and rolled back into his chest and used his arm as your pillow to get comfortable. He used his enhanced vision even in this lower light to open it up and read its many pages, every once in a while then almost constantly the more into it he read- he petted down your head and back and pressing kisses into the crown of your head as you could hear and feel him start to get choked up as he read it. 
"My Dearest, Most Beloved Husband, Kragan. 
I hope that this letter finds you in good health and I wish you nothing but the best, and I hope Salgria Shipping can take the world by storm and that The Contessina Ships are also a great success. But most of all, I hope you can forgive me and especially Mildred and the rest of my family for what we have done to you. 
You see, only a couple of days before your offer of marriage came to my father, I had been diagnosed with very advanced side sickness and cancer that was terminal and inoperable and was given only weeks, to maybe a few months, but no more than a year left to live. That my belly would swell as if I was with child, but it would not be with a child, but rather, the tumor growing in size and from there, I would be mere days or hours from death. My entire family took the news very hard but kept such a diagnosis secret to save themselves from the runiation- since such news could cause. Especially since it would be seen as a family genetic defect, rather than a single member’s unfortunate ailment that had no cause and no cure. It was also kept secret so that the rumor mills and harmful gossip because such news threatened to destroy the family’s reputation and standing in society and business. The healers in Dorierra offered to try to cure me but for a sum of a million gold bullion. A sum that even if my father and every member of my family sold everything we had, could never hope to come up with even a small fraction of such a sum. Without my knowledge, my father agreed to your proposal simply to acquire as much funds as possible to pit them in the investments market, hoping by a miracle to even get up to a quarter or up to half such a sum. 
However, when Millie was informed of the betrothal, she threw a fit. And threatened to throw herself from the roof rather than marry you. She was the season’s Diamond of the First Water- meaning, aside from Solowardian Royalty, she was High Society’s most coveted bride and had already gotten dozens of betrothals in from every other gentleman in high society but none of them had the handsome offer you did. When Millie was informed of her betrothal to you, she came bursting into my rooms as I was already into my final confinement, preparing myself for my inevitable demise and my strength was growing less and less from one moment to the next. To the point I could not be out of bed for more than an hour without fatigue setting in and the pain from this side-sickness and cancer was excruciating if anything more than a shift were to touch my skin. 
But upon hearing Millie’s recounting of the events, I asked for her help to bring me to my father’s study since my father had refused to come into my rooms after my initial diagnosis. Especially since he had already thrown himself into making as much money as he could for a cure because he refused to accept that I would die before he could finance a cure. But I simply took his absence and withdrawal as his refusal to accept my perceived defeat and failure to be his first and greatest pawn in his well orchestrated play for fame, fortune and power. 
Once I had my father read your proposal, I must admit, I too was shocked. But with my terminal diagnosis, Ron’s bitter resentment and extreme prejudice against me and yet his already high and lofty standards that he would demand of me once I would marry him, the answer seemed obvious. So I suggested to my father to switch Millie and I in our betrothals. Ron had never met Millie before in his life and had not seen or gotten a chance to know her or possibly reject her yet. And if Millie had already decided against you based on nothing more than your kind and occupation. Then we both stood a better chance and meeting and making a good first impression with each other's betrothed instead since there was nothing in either one other than a business formality that our fathers had already agreed on without our input or consent. Millie of course was happy to get the second greatest groom in society besides our own brother Saffiro. And I was relieved to finally get a chance at a fresh new start, even if it was only for a short time. I instructed my father to tell the doctors to make up a believable lie about a horse accident that the Count and Countess Lavine would accept and most importantly Ron would accept and that would readily excuse my need for “medicine”to you. Which really was a concoction of poison meant to keep me energized, appearing healthy and strong but mask my true state of health and my other symptons of my terminal illnesses along with warding off pregnancy so that when the illness would finally run it’s course, my life and my life alone would be claimed, and no other, for even that was a burden too heavy for me to carry. 
My betrothal to Roncharles always hinged on me producing two male heirs within the first two years of marriage. And your betrothal never mentioned hiers or a time table at all. So behind Ron’s back, my father added 5,000 gold bouillon to Millie’s dowry and Senior Count Lavine accepted it. However, to induce Roncharles to accept Millie, everything was done to make Millie the most exquisite beauty possible and hopefully so great a beauty that Ron could never hope to resist. Mostly because Ron and Millie had never met before that night at the ball. Because every time I took Millie with me to visit the Lavines, Ron “conveniently” suddenly went on a hunt and refused to enter the house until I had left it first, much to his parent’s embarrassment and chagrin. 
However, in preparing myself for that ball, I had been informed by my brothers and father of your nature and personality and what approaches would work best. And when I wrote to you and you stonewalled me, I knew I was already fighting one losing battle and I did not wish to enter into another, especially at the same time. So that balcony was set up specifically by myself and my mother to make our first encounter as unintimidating, nonthreatening, and comfortable as possible. It was all done with calculated precision before you ever took your first step off that carriage at the ball. But while Roncharles was given the illusion of free choice. I knew you were too intelligent to fall for such a ploy and would readily see through the ruse. So I was determined to simply present as much of myself as you would let me reveal and let you make up your own mind about me one way or another. If you decided against me, I insisted to my father that I had already spent the last 18 years of my life being betrothed to a man who hated me. And if I was going to die in less than a few months, I refused to spend another moment in those circumstances again by forcing a betrothal onto yet another unwilling groom. And that if you refused me, you could claim any reason you wanted to refuse me, and that reason would be accepted and your dowry for your hand in marriage would be returned to you, no further questions asked. But even if all I could ever hope to be was your friend, then that was what I was going to be content with. 
Ron came into that ball and took one look at Millie, dressed up in the highest quality and most ludicrously lavish gown and accessories and decked out in more jewels than all of my jewelry in my jewelry box combined. None of it paste, all of it real. All glitter and glow. Even makeup made of crushed pearls and gold and silver dust and even diamond dust was applied to crushed flower petals and butters and balms to her skin to make her look utterly ethereal. She was made up to look like a Crown Princess and he bought into her illusion- in entirety- “lock, stock and barrel,” as you might say. He was immediately smitten and enraptured with her and she with him. And it happened only moments before you came into that ball. I was terrified he would take one look at her and dismiss her as quickly as he had me, or, heaven forbid, take one look at me all grown up and want to switch back. But instead, the moment it was evident that he was taken with her, the rest of his family and mine all breathed a collective sigh of relief, myself doing so the most. His father and mine both gave each other the nod of approval and agreement that the illusion of Ron choosing Millie of his own free will was a success. And I was told at the end of the night that once he saw her for the first time, he had no eyes for any other. Which was again, a great relief. And for him to propose the very next morning was the greatest relief of all. Because I knew that at least for the present, that she would do everything my father had always hoped I would do. And she would be happy and content and at the very least, taken care of while not exhausting my parent’s finances even more than she already had in setting up her own illusion of the perfect bride that even the brides of Dorierra would be hard pressed to compete with. Which is, sadly, all that Millie has ever wanted for herself. 
But then it was time for me to do the same with you but taking the absolute opposite approach. Instead of dazzling, I had to be more "drab" so as not to intimidate you and reinforce the inferred chasim of our social standings by Solowardian standards which was honestly a relief since I am, by nature much more reserved and discrete. Instead of perfect poise, perfect manners and layers of pleasantries and formalities, I needed to be at ease to put you at ease and embrace informality and be honest and frank without being blunt and offending so that you could be relaxed and wouldn't feel pressured or persuaded or forced into this becuase I had already heard that your parents were practically dragging you into this kicking and screaming the way Roncharles had been all his life. But instead of rebelling against it because I was not his ideal. You were rebelling because I was a stranger and thought I felt the way Millie did, without actually giving me the chance to tell you myself how I felt about it. But all of that changed the moment you came into that ball looking like a masculine version of a damsel in distress and a mighty eagle in the silken binds of peacock feathers. I wanted nothing more than to save you from your discomfort and set you free from such constraints. 
The reason I felt that way was because I very vividly remembered when I was presented at the Queen’s court at 18 and I felt the exact same way you did. Every set of eyes of everyone in Soloward’s high society were on me. Looking me up and down and weighing and measuring me with just a glance. And while my mother is a Duchess and one of the leaders of Solowardian high society, even she could not save me from the Queen’s scrutiny or the scrutiny of her daughters, the Princesses. Princess Frangellica, upon watching me being presented- said that ‘it was a good thing I was already betrothed because had I not been, I surely would have died an old maid with only my fat belly to keep me company’ and the snickers among the Queen and the other Princesses soon infected the entire courtroom. And from then on, I was on a very strict diet and shoved into the tightest of corsets at social events, but even then, that first impression was impossible for me to shake or improve from.
But even with that history, I was terrified that you would take one look at me and judge me the same way they and Roncharles had done in the past. But I could not show my feelings or fears on my face or in my words, least offending you and fucking up all the hard work I and my family had already done and was already in the middle of doing. 
Because at that point, my family already had plans for your family so that you and I could make “our escape”. Gwendolyn was tasked with taking care of your sisters, Saffiro was tasked with taking care of your other brothers and my little siblings were urged to take your youngest siblings up to the nursery to play during the ball, which Mildred herself oversaw. 
That balcony’s table was filled with your favorite foods, which your mother had already provided myself and my mother the lists and recipes and the seating arrangement was set in such a way so that when and if you sat down, depending on where you sat, would tell me exactly how much work I had to do to prove the benefits of the match. But when you sat at the chair closest to the couch, it gave me hope that perhaps I had a fighting chance of at least becoming your friend. 
But that was the last of the manipulations. 
Because the moment you opened your mouth and blurted out ‘aren’t you angry about all of this?’. It was you who won me over. But I must admit, I did answer with a lie. I was angry. I was angry that I got cheated out of a life I had prepared for my entire life up to that point. I was angry that I had lived my life in so much fear of making the smallest of missteps, that I would be sure to fall. I was angry that I had spent my life being betrothed to a man who hated me to the core and would have to live in a society that only tolerated my person only because of my family and connections. I was angry that I lived in a society that did such injustice to every woman within its society. I was angry that I had never once been able to enjoy a day of my life or a meal in full and that it took a terminal illness to release me from the biggest moron on the supersphere. I was angry that everything I had ever done up to that point was for naught. 
But most of all, I was angry at Fate itself for demanding my life so soon, that only in its last moments, would it give me the love of my life to enjoy the precious but few moments I had left- with you. And from there, I was furious that I could never live the life with you that I wanted to. Because in my heart of hearts I have loved you. In my wildest of fantasies- I have grown old with you, wiser with you, more in love with you every moment after than any moment before. I would have had as large of a family as my body would have otherwise been able to bear. I wouldn’t have cared if we only had a penny and a single row boat to our names and only the clothes on our backs. But just for the chance to be together, I would have given anything. And have given everything. Even if I have to give the last of my life, just so that the latest and greatest idea you’ve ever had is to take flight. I would have loved to do nothing more than to soar in the clouds with you. To feel the crisp air in my lungs, a cloud’s gentle caress on one cheek and your hand on the other. I have loved you, heart, mind and soul. And I’m so sorry that our time together must be cut short just as we were gaining speed and height and momentum. 
But if you ever wonder if any or all of it was real, or imagined, or manipulated, please, believe me, our love was real, and genuine. And that other than the circumstances of our first meeting being manipulated to put you at ease, I never had to manipulate you personally any further. All I did was present myself to you and give you the chance to either accept me or deny me as I was. No other pretense or any other stupid bullshit. I was never a charlatan. 
Other than keeping my true diagnosis from you for fear you would retaliate against my family, I have otherwise done my best to be honest and transparent with you. Because you were never a fool, not even for love, even when I was. 
And while I will always feel guilty that you may look at this situation and feel you were taken for a fool. Hopefully, your latest dream inspired by your own true love for me, will make it back to you at least a hundred fold. And watching you soar cloud high in spirit has only lifted mine for the last time from even the depths of the grave. And I can only hope that if there is an afterlife, or a chance to be reincarnated- that we find each other again. But that we get to enjoy a full life together then, for twice as long as what has been denied to us this time around. 
My greatest regret in life, has not been feeling like I’ve been cheated out of a fairytale romance with my soul mate, for which- such a wound is beyond words. But it is otherwise- not being brave enough to tell you the truth with my own lips and face to face. You have given me chance after chance and opportunity after opportunity to tell you, and like a famous writer once said- “I was in the middle before I realized I had begun.” 
I should have told you that first night on that balcony. I should have told you that night as we were sitting under the stars hand in hand. I should have told you before you ever proposed. I should have told you before we said our wedding vows. And at the very least on our wedding night. But while my guilt has been eating away at me all along, I have been otherwise blissfully happy thanks to you. At least, I can say, with confidence, that I have lived up to my marriage vows to you. I have loved you, truly- with my whole heart and soul and mind. I have been wholly and completely devoted to you. I have never once been unfaithful or disloyal to you. I have never looked at any other with want or lust in my eyes after my eyes got the privilege to behold you. For it was for you and you alone that my heart beat for - after our engagement. And while I'm sorry our courtship was rushed, for not having much time left to live, it had to be so that I could enjoy what few precious moments I could with you. And after you unveiled the greatest wedding present in history in the form of a ship in my own name. Of which is an honor I never could have prepared myself to receive. I only wished to help it and you and every other amazing and incredible idea you have- or that we have had- become a reality. And I only hope that for such a great gift and service you have bestowed upon me, I have returned others to you in kind. And with such a diagnosis, knowing that death is coming for me, I could never in good conscience take any other's life to the grave but my own. Which is why I have done my best to ward off pregnancy. For the cost of my life is already too high a price for you to pay, I would never ask for the precious life of an unborn child to be paid with it. 
I didn’t want my diagnosis and my true health condition to kill those precious gifts before they could ever be realized or come to fruition. I didn’t want you to bankrupt yourself or your family trying to save a lost cause. Or pay any more on my behalf than you already had. Because while you feel you simply paid for the privledge to court me, I feel you paid a ransom for death’s prisoner, but for a time much shorter than what you were owed. 
You have been cheated my love. You have been cheated out of decades of time. You have been cheated out of money that was hard earned. You have been cheated out of happiness. You have been cheated out of so many great and wonderful things. And I would have loved nothing more than to offer up the world on a platter for your pleasure and taking. I would have been so happy to live my life beside you. I would have been so happy getting you the justice you deserve. I would have been happy to smear our happiness and success into Solowardian’s High Society’s faces. And I would have cheered as you continue to show the world just what you’re capable of and just how high you can soar. So far above the fray, that entire nations are mere specks on the vast surface of the supersphere. And I would have loved for you to show me a world where the sun never sets and the days are as beautiful as they were showed in the great works of art. And in theory- could never end if you don’t want them to. 
I would have loved to see how Salgria Shipping became an even bigger empire than even Dorierra. I would have loved to see The Contessina Ships bring you just as much joy and pride as I have, and as much pride and joy as you have brought me for the simple but divine right and privilege I’ve had to be your wife. Because you have clothed me in love, respect and dignity just as much as any other ever could have regal splendor, glittering jewels and gold. For what are such worthless things compared to the priceless? Especially when such physical endowments pale in comparison to the intangible, but perfect benfaction you have given me. You have loved me to the point of invention. A point I never knew possible before I met you. You have given a sick and dying girl, the chance to go on one last adventure before the grave could claim her so that such things were not just stories in books, but experiences and cherished memories, fully realized. 
It was the most painful thing I’ve ever gone through watching you sail away from your childhood home, you, and the ship you were on- shrinking down until my eyes could not distinguish it in the sky, knowing that it was the last time I would see you face to face. I sat the grass, it’s blades clutched between my weakening fingers wishing I had the wings of a bird to fly away with you, but feeling so tired and weak, I could barely stand. Wishing I had the courage to tell you the truth, and selfishly ask for you to stay so that the last things my eyes would ever see while on this side of the grave- would be your perfectly handsome face, the face of the one person I have loved more than all others. And a sight I never would have gotten bored or tired of. A face I have been waiting my whole life to finally see and know that your heart and soul were the perfect match and counterpart to my own, no matter the body such things possessed. I would  have loved nothing more than to see all the little bits of yourself mix with all the little bits of myself in any and every child we possibly could have ever had. I would have even adopted any child you would have ever had with any other. Because they were all part of you and I have loved you wholly and completely. And if those children were made in love, they would be kept in love and comfort all the same. It is a right every child should have- to be loved by the parents who made them. 
Now My Love, I am sadly running out of paper. Because I could go on for hundreds of thousands of pages of all the ways I have loved you and the life I wish I could have led with you. But I must be mindful of how much time and energy I have left. And I must, unfortunately use it wisely. So if I may leave some last advice for you. Please, head what you can.
First I ask is that you give yourself time to fully grieve me. And while in the beginning of our courtship, I mistakenly thought that while you fell in lust with me in such a short amount of time, it was easy to call lust 'love' when it would only be fated to last for a blink of time. And I thought that you would be quick to recover from me and do so pretty easily. And that in only weeks or months, you would weather the storm of grief in only weeks or months. Oh how wrong I was. I now know that that is not the case. We fell so hard in love with each other and so fast and so soundly, only Fate could be attributed to the almost instantaneous state of our relationship. And while there has been a healthy amount of lust, it didn’t hold a candle to love that blossomed and bloomed between us- right before our eyes. And for such a glorious and beautiful flower, it’s a shame it will only bloom for such a short time. Fate, for dealing me such a heavy, fatal blow, it at least had the decency to bring us together and not getting in the way of us uniting faster than we naturally could. I’m so happy that at least we got to be together, even for as short of a time that did. 
Please, do not let regret eat away at you the way it has me. And do not look back and mentally kick yourself for not seeing the signs that I was much more gravely ill than I let on that I intentionally buried and covered over and hid from you. The regret has been a burden that I only hope I have been able to bear it for both of our sakes. Also, please, do not give up on The Contessina Project. Rename if you must. But it is the future of the Supersphere and it will be your greatest triumph yet. Do not cut it off at the knees just because it’s namesake is no longer with you. Trust Audrey with it. She will see to it, that it is done correctly and I trust her to do right by you with it. And while she was aghast at the price Dorierra asked to cure me. She too sensed the severity of my sickness, and could not risk her own life or kingdom or the lives of her friends to try to cure me. Even she and Dr. Hayati sensed the severity and the terminal nature of my illness. And even they knew it was a lost cause. And I hold no ill will against them for sensing the truth. And while the healing stones bought us only a month or two more of time. Even they had limits. And Audrey wanted to respect my wishes to not kill and gut the Contessina Project just because it’s namesake was terminally ill. 
Also, hold true to the course we’ve agreed upon for Salgria Shipping. I hope that there will come a time, that the sun will never set on the Salgria Shipping Empire. And I hope you finally get the recognition for it’s success you’ve been owed all along. You’ve poured your heart and soul into it all your life. It’s only right and fair that it pays back in kind and takes care of you better than I ever could. And while I know having Salgria Shipping in one hand and The Contessina Shipping Enterprise in the other. You are strong enough to handle both. You are smart enough to chart the courses for them both. There is no one in the Supersphere who is more capable than you to do so. Never doubt yourself My Love. Trust your gut. It’s gotten you this far in life. It will take you farther still. 
Second, when you are grieving me, do not give into the way of the bottle, or any other substance or drug. Do not lose yourself to grief just to join me in the grave sooner than you naturally should. I will wait however long I have to be reunited with you, even if it’s in the afterlife. And please, for the love of all that is holy, don’t lose yourself into prostitutes either. For they will be like parasites. And they will surely keep any hiers you would give them only to continually be a drain on you financially. But when you’ve recovered and the thought of me no longer brings tears to your eyes and overwhelming grief to your heart. And that every time you close your eyes, you stop seeing my face, and your dreams of me lesson in frequency. And you are mentally, emotionally and psychologically ready to unite your heart with another. Don’t go looking for a pretty face with a pleasant voice who will agree with you on everything. But get a woman, no matter her nobility, no matter her breeding, no matter her background- who isn’t afraid to call you out, and stand toe to toe with you and stand her ground. Who is passionate about what she believes in and for what is right and just. She doesn’t need to be a genius, just smart enough to keep her wits and her head. Who is a hard worker and puts forth effort. Who will be a reasonable creature as much as she is an emotional one. Who will have a good balance and reasonableness. Someone who tempers justice with mercy. Someone with a good heart. And I want her to be able to look at you and not see someone to dupe out of a fortune, or her ticket to a luxurious life of ease. But I want her to look at you as her equal in all things. And to see your work load and only wish to put herself beside you under it’s yoke and pull with you if only to share the burden with you so that your own shoulders don’t give out. 
And I want you to see the same thing in her. I want you to find a partner in life. Who is your equal in all things. Who will bravely and resolutely walk hand in hand, step by step in life with you. Who will, and can- give you a wonderful, loving and supportive family. You have always been an adventurer and a traveler. Your mate should be wanting and willing to be the same. Ideally, she would rather have the small and simple over the large, gaudy and grandiose in all things. But who is not intimidated by any high society, nobility or royalty. Where she comes from, doesn’t matter, only that she will feel that she belongs to you. And that you belong to her. The way you have belonged to me and that I have belonged to you when we have been together. 
I’m so sorry My Love. But at last, I must say goodbye. I have enclosed some music I’ve composed for my family. If you can bear to hear it, I want you to listen to whoever can perform it and envision me singing it to you. Please, take comfort in knowing that while our love was short, it was true. And that for as strong and wonderful it was, it must be cut short. I’m not afraid to suffer and die, I have done my best to prepare myself for this, but I’m heartbroken that I must do so without you. Please understand that I only wished to spare you any suffering in watching me go through such an ordeal, especially when your presence was needed elsewhere. I can only hope that your scent in the pillow beside me will last until the end. So that even if my eyes can not behold you, to my sense of smell and my other senses, you never left my side. I’m only sorry that I didn’t have more time with you. 
P.S. Please do not retaliate against my family, for they were only moved to try to survive and make the most of an impossible situation. Please stay friends with Saffiro. For he is still young and needs guidance. Especially when it will come for him to find his own mate in life. He has had myself as his golden standard of a friend and companion. Which is not fair to any other. Especially him. He needs a strong woman. A woman who can go toe to toe with him and anyone and everyone else. A woman who is not only intelligent but wise to walk side by side and hand in hand in life the way you and I have done. This will be especially hard for him and I fear the only women up to the task are in Dorierra. And while I have asked for your own dowry for my hand in marriage to be saved for such a purpose by my father. Who knows what will happen between now and then. He may take at least a few years to recover from my loss at least. And perhaps, even if I must go, he can stay your friend. And perhaps you’ll both be recovered at about the same time and can help each other navigate unfamiliar waters and both of you can be brave enough to enter the future, better for what you have endured so far. And wiser for it too. I love you, I have loved you. And I will love you and I will be patient until we can see each other again, if not in the afterlife, than in the next life after this one.
 Your Loving Wife- Tessa"
Kragan couldn’t stop crying. He couldn’t stop holding you and kissing you all over your face as his tears wetted your face as your own tired eyes teared up in response as he put the letter down only to hold your face in both of his hands and kissed you all over your face as more and more tears came to his eyes before he moved his arm to wrap around and hold you as close as physically possible. 
“Don’t you ever think that you’re being selfish about anything ever again. I am never leaving your side again. I never should have left you and I feel like an asshole who abandoned you when you needed me the most and I will be damned if anything separates me from you from this moment on. If you can’t fly, I don’t fly. If you can’t soar, I won’t soar. Hell, clip my wings right now. I don’t need to fly or soar or any of that if you can’t do it with me. Nothing else matters to me than you. To hell with everything and everyone else. You are the only one in the Supersphere I love and need in my life. I can’t lose you. You have been and are and always will be my one true love and my soul mate. I don’t care if I have to go to Heaven and demand your soul back from the gods themselves. I will pay whatever I have to keep you with me. You are never a lost cause. You are never a burden and you will never pay for anything ever again. Not even my own stupidity. Yes Fate did us a great service in bringing us together but Fate can fuck right off if it thinks it will ever take you from me. I have worked my whole life to become as strong as I need to be to bear whatever I have to for your sake. If you didn’t have surgery just this morning, I would be fucking you so hard this bed would break into pieces, but I also want to make damn certain you are never hurt by anything. Even a paper cut, the offending piece of paper needs to be burned to have the audacity to cut you in the first place.” Kragan insisted inbetween desperate kisses and sobs as he held you so hard it was almost hard to breathe, but you were clinging to him just as hard as your tears and his seemed to intermingle before you let out a laugh about him setting paper on fire for giving you a paper cut which finally got him to crack a smile through his own tears. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. I will tattoo those words onto every inch of my skin if I have to because they are already practically ingrained into my heart as it is. Nothing about you was ever a waste. It was only to prepare you for a life no one in that stupid fucking place that you called Solowards could ever dream of. You are not going to die. Not from anything and never any time soon. Other than this special diet from recovering from the surgery, you are never going to go on any other diet, ever. And I will love you and respect you and dignify you and worship you every chance I get to for the rest of our lives. Please, never, ever hold anything back from me. I want to know everything. Even the small, inconsequential and mundane. Because you and everything about you is precious to me. Everything. I can’t do without you. I refuse. And anything and everything else can just fuck off until you heal from this.” Kragan insisted. 
“Ok.” You readily agreed, so happy and relieved he wasn’t angry or upset or resentful- at least towards you as you did the same and reciprocated in kind and simply clung to him with the same desperation he was clinging to you.
You were going to live. And you were going to be spending every moment after this with him, your husband, your one true love and soul mate and you were going to bear this precious babe, come hell or high water. 
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sasukelandia · 4 months
if i were the one to form exo in 2012 it would be like this:
dyo, chen, and baekhyun as main vocalists of course
absolutely no rapline. chanyeol will join suho and luhan in the sub vocalists division as a needed baritone. suho is still the leader and luhan will be the pretty boy stan attractor on top of that.
zitao, lay, and kai are the main dancers— with zitao specializing in wushu flashiness
exo-K will be made up of dyo, baekhyun, chanyeol, and suho & exo-M will be made up of chen, luhan, zitao, and lay. kai is a dual member cus he’s The Key (← that’s lore stuff btw)
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crymewatermelon · 2 years
hello tumblr! idek what im doing. but here i am, a complete tumblr nooby trying to save whats left for my au writing hobby 😬
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alijoydc · 2 years
Hi, paano po ba gamitin to😭 for backup lang incase i fail tayo ni twitter🥺
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velvetyexo · 2 years
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We're VELVETYEXO and we write fanfiction for EXO & Red Velvet!
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gusulanbaby · 2 years
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aphroditelovesu · 7 months
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⤷✿.。Since you voted yes to commissions, so here we are. I was a little unsure about the price, so I researched and tried to make it as fair as possible. I hope you agree with this! ❤️
Also, this is completely optional! If you don't want to, you don't have to request a commission! All the other requests works the same way!! ⤷♡.+ n a v i g a t i o n.
⤷♡.+ Status: OPEN.
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What I would write
I write for any gender, both character and Reader/OC, be it female, male, neutral transsexual. Any.
Yandere!Character x Reader, Yandere!Reader x Yandere!Character, Yandere!OC x Reader and Yandere!OC X OC.
Dark!Au, Gore, Disorders, Smut/NSFW, explicit language, soft!yandere, alternative AU, Horror, Age gap (depends on how much).
Romantic, platonic and general Yanderes, as well as more specific themes; example: yandere x depressive!reader.
Stockholm syndrome.
Pregnancy, childbirth and death in childbirth.
Non-Con, Dub-Con, BDSM.
Fluff; non-yandere.
Monsterfucking, specific kinks.
What I DON'T write
Any kind of NSFW content with children, anything with children will just be platonic.
I don't write NSFW with characters that have a childish appearance or personality, just platonic.
I don't usually write ships because I consider it something personal, but I can do it if someone wants to.
Age play, scap.
Minor x Adult (only platonic).
Prices (in $ and R$)
2,00 $/R$ 2,00 for 500 words;
6,00 $/R$ 6,00 for 1000 words;
12,00 $/R$ 12,00 for 2000 words;
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $3,00/R$3,00.
Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, Oneshots, Prompts
3,00 $/R$ 4,00 for 500 words;
10,00 $/R$ 13,00 for 1000 words;
18,00 $/R$ 18,00 for 2000 words;
20,00 $/R$ 20,00 for 3000 words.
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $5,00/R$6,00.
My list of current fandoms, but I can always add more:
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus.
Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Bridgertons, Twilight.
Genshin Impact, Detroit Become Human, Mystic Messenger, Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Series/TV Show
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, The Last Kingdom.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Historical Characters
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar and etc...
Additional Information
I accept payment via PayPal and Pic Pay only (PayPal = Ko-Fi)
Payment must be made before I start and I will always send you updates if you ask me.
I write in English and Portuguese.
I have a deadline of 5 to 10 days to complete your commission, however, if something unforeseen happens and it ends up being delayed, I will inform you.
If I write more than what was asked, obviously there will be no additions.
If you are interested, DM me with details and feel free to ask me anything.
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pantoneyoongi · 2 years
neon signs [masterlist] | myg
title ; neon signs [ drabble series ]  pairing ; campus crush!yoongi x campus crush!you 
description ;
namjoon doesn’t think it can get any clearer outside of yoongi building a giant neon sign saying i have the absolute biggest crush on you but apparently, book smarts don’t exactly translate when it comes to you and your massive crush on min yoongi.
(alternatively: namjoon and hoseok try for three years straight to get you and yoongi together.)
tags ; college!au, fluff, idiots to lovers, they’re both kinda shy and also stupid dense and therefore terribly cute, both of them know the other is the university’s campus crush but neither of them know they themselves are campus crushes, best friend!namjoon, yoongi’s best friend!hoseok, namjoon and hoseok are the most patient and exasperated besties in the world
tracklist ; happening again - katherine li, something - gnash, first love - exo, dimple - bts, healthy - prettymuch
notes ; 
um so i absolutely had an angstier fic planned for yoongi but then i thought of this and well. i couldn’t resist 
this will probably be another drabble series where i release it out of order but the masterlist will be in order :) i don’t have a schedule planned but i hope y’all enjoy !! 
blog tag ; series: nsyg
freshman year
↠ it’s a small world after all  alternatively, the first time you and yoongi meet 
↠ we are not cut out for this  alternatively, the origins of campus crush 
↠ you do this for fun?  alternatively, yoongi catches feelings (real)
↠ hoodie to marriage to children pipeline  alternatively, namjoon gets sick of lending you his sweaters
↠ interlude: do you know something?  alternatively, namjoon and hoseok try to pry a (not-so) secret out of each other 
↠ nice gloves  alternatively, yoongi decides winter isn’t that bad 
↠ just a really nice friend  alternatively, namjoon knows you better than you know yourself 
↠ jealousy is a disease  alternatively, yoongi meets seokjin 
↠ let’s talk about it  alternatively, yoongi considers sending hoseok to an early grave 
sophomore year
↠ not this again  alternatively, you definitely still have a crush on min yoongi 
↠ interlude: welcome to the family alternatively, hoseok adopts taehyung
↠ absolutely, without a doubt, no -- coming soon! alternatively, yoongi turns someone down in front of you
↠ i thought you were telling taehyung -- coming soon! alternatively, namjoon and hoseok forgot to tell taehyung The Plan 
↠ who do you think you’ve been fooling? -- coming soon! alternatively, you’re beyond the point of denying your feelings 
↠ those are called dates  alternatively, you and yoongi have weekly dates (fake) 
↠ troy bolton has nothing on yoongi  alternatively, yoongi tries to impress you (and succeeds)
↠ whenever you need me  alternatively, you have a bad day 
↠ coming soon!
junior year
↠ halloweentown is a top tier movie -- coming soon! alternatively, hoseok is not allowed to plan halloween anymore 
↠ chocolates are not a friend gift -- coming soon! 
↠ almost -- coming soon! alternatively, that one time yoongi almost kisses you 
↠ coming soon!
senior year 
↠ coming soon!
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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back to main masterlist
Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | 🍓 Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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peachysooxo · 2 months
Coming Soon
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The Last Time: A Kyungsoo AU Love Story
pairing: Doh Kyungsoo x Mila Rose Doh (OFC)
genre: romance, drama
theme: angst, solo!kyungsoo, EXO!AU
tropes: marriage in trouble, right person wrong time, elopement, jealous male lead, high school sweethearts
description: Mila Rose Park always believed in love and that there was someone out there just for her. Kyungsoo Doh never imagined he would fall in love so deep with a girl that was forbidden to him: his best friend Chanyeol’s little sister.
With the two young lovers decided to risk it all and elope when they were barely old enough to drink, they thought they knew much better than every voice telling them no in their lives. Even worse, they weren’t ready to handle the attention around their marriage because of who they were: international pop stars that both just so happened to be signed to Mila’s father’s record label, SPG Entertainment.
Mila couldn’t have possibly planned her marriage falling apart, especially because of the risk it took to get married in the first place. Being 25 and on the brink of divorce changed the trajectory of Mila’s life and her belief in love. To the public, Kyungsoo and Mila were music’s it couple. Behind the scenes, they began to avoid each other as much as possible. Kyungsoo was a workaholic, closed off, and had a jealousy issue that Mila overlooked for the sake of love.
Kyungsoo can’t imagine his life without Mila, he knew his possessive and apathetic ways were a problem but never fixed the issue. Any time the divorce petitions come in, Kyungsoo would outright deny them. Mila is a bright, bubbly and gorgeous woman but so stubborn and frustrating when it came to getting what she wanted. Kyungsoo lost sight of what he loved about her in the first place. Will Kyungsoo and Mila find their way back to where they started? How did they drift so far apart in the first place? Will they ever find themselves back in love, and not fake it for the cameras?
Welcome to the Romantic Universe - A series of 4 intertwined standalone stories featuring Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongin. Set in both New York and Los Angeles, this is an EXO alternate universe where EXO doesn’t exist as a group, but the members are all still close friends. Everything is a work of fiction and non canon. The only characters that I own are my original characters. In no way am I suggesting that the attitudes, characteristics and personalities depicted are how I see the EXO members. It is purely a work of fiction.
THIS IS IN NO WAY SUGGESTING THAT I WANT EXO TO DISBAND OR HAVE A PARTICULAR MEMBER TO LEAVE THE GROUP! This story is a work of fiction and is meant to be in an alternate universe. I hope you enjoy!
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hellohailu · 9 months
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exo suho (수호) — kim junmyeon (김준면)
• gold / nude ocean aesthetic moodboard
• it's for a merfolk alternate universe that i have in my head and will probably never finish...
hope you like it, and please don't hesitate to send me a request if you'd like a moodboard !
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