#also yes i gave him reading glasses because they look nice and youre telling me
arcanesprite · 1 year
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i feel like how i draw eusine says something about me
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《Part 3 for The Meetup
《Pairings:College!Eddie Munson x shyfem!reader
《Summary: After your successful first date, you and Eddie continue seeing each other. Things start getting more serious between the two of you.
《Warnings: fluff, smut, 90s!Eddie, mention of death but its not detailed, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, slight mocking, some size kink if you squint, spanking, dirty talk, fingering, thigh riding, cum swapping Use of a bass amp to get off. Voyeurism, cockwarming. Masturbation (male) oral (female receiving) orgasm denial. If I missed anything, please let me know nicely.
Word count: 13k
A/n: Please reblog, like, and leave a comment to support. Not proofread. Ignore any mistakes you come across.
Disclaimer: Please read parts 1 & 2 to understand the rest of the story. I also mention his mom in this part, but I wrote it way before the book spoilers were even released.
Mini series masterlist
18+ minors dni
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Eddie decided he wanted to surprise you at work the very next morning after your "conversation" together. He really wanted things to progress and work out between the two of you. While you both barely know each other, there is a connection that he's been dying to have with someone for a long time. He also just really wanted to see you again before you came to his shows.
He walked through the glass door, ringing the bell, and smirked when you saw you with a customer. Eddie really loved how cute you looked in your work uniform. He overheard the customer you were dealing with at the moment complaining about how his coffee tasted too fresh. Whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean he thought. Eventually, the guy gave up and just snatched up his coffee and walked away. Eddie muttered asshole under his breath as the guy was walking past him.
After the man left, you still didn't notice Eddie walking up to the counter. You threw your head down, wanting this day to be over with already. You were trying to remain as calm as possible.
"Can I get a basic vanilla latte?" He asked, clearing his throat to grab your attention.
You recognize that voice immediately and look up to see him standing there. He was once again wearing black jeans and a muscle tee with his bands faded logo on the front. His tattooed arms on full display, and you can tell he shaved this morning. "Oh, what are you doing here?"
"Well I need coffee....and I wanted to see you." He smiled, showing off his dimples.
"Also, i couldn't stop thinking about our little talk last night." He continued wiggling his brows.
You can already feel your face getting warm at the mention of what you two did.
"Shhh!, we can't talk about that..not here." You scolded him, eyes widening in panic.
"Okay fine fine not here... but I do need that latte." He leaned over a little to whisper. That cocky smirk replacing the boyish one he had just moments ago.
You put in his order and tried to busy yourself. Not paying him too much attention, as he seemed to be extra playful today. He definitely came by to poke at you a little after what you did for him. You normally wouldn't have minded if the two of you were alone together. But you are at work, and most of the customers are people from your shared campus. The thought of one of them overhearing what you and him got up to would haunt you forever.
He watched you running around behind the counter, trying to seem busier than you actually were. "So I also wanted to ask maybe if you wanna come to my place after work?"
You pause instantly when he mentions going to his place. Did you just hear him correctly? Go to his place? You must have been making a face because he quickly added on.
"We can watch a movie, and I dunno talk." He's brown eyes looking into yours, almost pleading for you to say yes. You don't know how he does it. One moment, he's sexy and confident. Then next he's shy and bashful his cheeks alway gave him away. They would turn a crimson red when he got put on the spot. You can tell this sort of thing is pretty out of his comfort zone, but he's trying his best to change that.
"Yeah sure uhh I have to go home first, though."
You moved to pick up his coffee and hand it to him when his order was finally called. "I get off at six o'clock."
"I can pick you up from your place at around seven then. It's not a problem." He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink.
Eddie started making his way to the door when you spoke up. "I don't get a terrible pun?"
He stops and turns to turns to you.
"I'm saving my best ones for tonight. " He said with a wink before exiting the coffee shop.
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You watched the clock on the wall like a hawk. Counting down every minute to every second like a mad woman. Were you nervous to go over to his place? Yes. But you also were excited to go and actually hang out with him. You know he invited you to watch his band perform, but hanging out in his home felt more intimate. No one else would have his attention it would just be the two of you alone.
Once that large hand hit six, you were booking it out of there and racing home to get ready. Eddie had told you he'd pick you up by seven, so that gave you almost an hour to get yourself together. You showered and changed into some more comfortable clothes. Your roommate is still out of town, and you thanked God for that. You knew the moment she saw you racing around your house, there would be a million questions thrown your way.
You looked at the clock sitting on your dresser and it read 6:58 pm. You don't know know how punctual Eddie is as a person just yet. You stared at the clock some more, and each minute that passed felt like forever. Your heart thumps in your chest as you patiently wait for the sound of his van. When it finally turned 7pm and there still was no Eddie in sight, you started to worry a little. What if he forgot to pick you up? He never said this was a date, so maybe he decided to do something else.
The clock in big bold red letters reads.
You were really starting to think he wasn't going to show. Until you heard the familiar loud sound of his motor pulling up out front. You made a quick dash for the front door, grabbing your purse. Eddie wasn't even on the last step yet before you're meeting him on your front porch. "Someone is a little eager to leave."
"Oh well I..my roommate is gonna be home soon, and I didn't want her asking a thousand questions." You lied. You'd never tell him that you've actually been sitting on your bed biting at your nails watching the time go by.
"Understandable. Sorry I'm late by the way I was cleaning up my place for you." He moves his arm hooking it around yours, helping you down the stairs.
"No, it's fine. I was busy getting ready anyways," you lied again.
Eddie opened the passenger side door to his van as you got in. Jogging over the driver side, Eddie hops in to sit on the plush blue seat. This is the second time you've rode in his van, and the first time, you actually paid attention to the details. His seats were a soft blue material. He had various band stickers littering the dashboard.
The back was empty except for a few cords thrown here and there. You would guess this is what he used to pack his band equipment in. His gear shift had a silver skull with fang like teeth and red jewels for eyes. You can tell he took a lot of care and put a lot of time into his vehicle.
"How was work after I left?" He asked, turning down his music.
"It was fine a little boring but not too bad." You shrug, playing with a loose thread of your pullover.
"I hope you like scary movies because I picked out a couple from block buster." His hand moves from the gear shift to give your thigh a quick squeeze. "I love scary movies."
"Good, I got us Evil Dead 2, Halloween 4, and The Fog." He made a turn down a street you're not familiar with, but notice it's not far from your home or campus. "You pick first."
"Uh, I wanna watch The Fog first, then Halloween 4." You said, noticing the van slowing down and pulling into a parking lot of an apartment complex.
The van comes to a complete stop, and Eddie turns to unhook your seat belt. He jumps out of the driver side to open up your door, helping you out. Putting a hand to the small of your back, guiding you to the main entrance. He opens the door for you to step in first.
"Welcome to my castle." He jested with a bow.
You giggled as you made your past him to enter the building. He puts a hand to the small of your back again as he guides you up the stairs. It didn't take long before you and him were at his apartment door. His place only is just two flights up. Pulling out his keys from his leather jacket, he unlocked the door and bowed for you to enter again.
You step in and notice right away that he has tons of music equipment around. To the right of you is a large TV set on a stand facing his couch. His home is dark and cozy with dragon and skull statues almost everywhere. Metal band posters framed on his wall and black curtains covering his windows. You notice a few personal framed pictures on the wall by his TV.
There is one of him and an older man with a gray beard. A picture of him in front of a playing table with what you assumed were his friends. There was one picture that stood out the most to you. It was smaller than the rest and pretty faded. There was a woman smiling with long dark curly hair holding a very happy toddler wrapped in a towel. You can only guess that must be his mother. He also had a gold locket hanging off the frame. You wanted to ask him about the photos, specifically that one, but decided against it. There could he some not so great memories you dont want to bring up.
Eddie was digging around for the movies when he noticed you staring at his pictures.
"That's my uncle wayne." He walked up behind you, pointing at the man with the grey beard.
"And this is my old DnD club."
He reached over, taking the picture off the wall to give you a better look. "See, this is Jeff, Gareth, and Grant, who are also my band mates."
He continues on now pointing at the younger kids in the picture. "This is Henderson, who is a little shit might I add. Then we have Lucas, Erica, and Mike."
He puts the picture back on wall and turns to set up his TV and VCR.
"What about this one?" You point at the faded picture of a woman and baby. Instantly cringing when you opened your big mouth.
"That's me and my Mom." He smiles fondly at the mention of her. "She passed when I was little."
"I'm sorry, Eddie." You feel guilty for even asking.
He looks up at you. "Wanna hear the story about how I first got arrested?"
"Oh, um, sure."
He clears his throat and puts a tape in his VCR.
"Well, I was about 16, and I had just got my first guitar. So I went to her grave because I wanted to show her. I saved up all of my money that summer, too. I was working at this mechanic shop and then did little tedious jobs around town for some extra cash. Eddies smiling, but there is some sadness behind his eyes.
"So I go to her grave and pull out my guitar and brag about how I paid for it all on my own. I laid back against her headstone and strummed away on the cords. I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I knew, I was in handcuffs getting put in a police car." His eyes getting glassy at the memory. You can see he's fighting back tears.
Clearing his throat again, "and that's how I got arrested."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring anything up." You apologized as guilt was eating away at you. "Nah, it's okay. I like talking about her."
"Any who you ready to watch this movie and eat?" He exclaimed, clapping his hands wanting to change the topic.
You nod feeling a little relieved he doesn't seem upset you asked about his Mom. He runs to the kitchen to pull out two pizza boxes from his oven and sets them down on the coffee table. He gets the movie started and turns off most of the lights except for in the kitchen. You and Eddie sit back on the couch with his arm draped around you. You lean close against him to get comfy as the main title starts to roll.
There was tension again and the not bad kind either. The same kind that was present when you were together in his van on your first date. Eddie kept glancing down at you as you tried to put all of your focus in the movie. You felt his fingertips brush your skin underneath your pullover. You looked up at him and noticed his attention on the screen. He was playing innocent. It was an innocent little touch at first, but he wanted to slowly work you up.
His fingers tracing light patterns as they slowly inched their way to the waistband of your tights. His eyes still focused on the movie when you looked back up. He seemed like he didn't notice you watching him, but he did. A devilish smirk appears on his face when he sees you squirm. He inches his fingers further until they are playing with the elastic of your panties. He pulls and snaps the band back against your hip.
You try to remain focused on the movie playing in front of you. He seemed like he wasn't really aware of what he was currently doing to you. His eyes haven't left the tv since he pressed play from what you can tell. You felt his hand dipping lower and lower into your tights. His hand almost cupping your sex. You're breathing heavier, anticipating for him to keep going further down. You feel a finger trace up your slit brushing over your clit. You let out a small gasp and try to remain calm. You look back up at him and notice his eyes remain forward. You turn back to the TV, and he chuckles to himself, watching you wriggle next to him.
You spread your legs a little wider, giving him more access. He took the opportunity to rub across your clit once more before moving your panties to side. His middle finger dipped down to your opening. He groans a low hum when he feels how wet you already are for him. Your breathing increases. You want him to keep touching you. He looks down at you for moments and notices how tight you're squeezing his leg.
He bends down to whisper in your ear. "Come sit in my lap, baby."
His breath tickled your neck.
You dont hesitate not for one second. You immediately moved to lay back on his lap, letting one leg hang off the side of the couch. You can feel his hard length pressing into the curve of your ass. His hand dipped down in your panties to glide his fingers between your wet folds. You whine, laying your head on his shoulder. "I know, baby. I know. God, you're so wet already."
"Keep going." You gasp when you felt one of his fingers press on your aching clit.
"Gonna make you feel so good tonight."
Your legs already trembling, and he's barely touched you.
"I can't wait to get you all messy." He grunted when he felt you shift in his lap. Your ass grinding against him. His cock painfully hard in his jeans it's just begging to be set free.
"Shit..take these off." He pulled at your tights.
You moved to yank them down to your ankles and kicking the tights off. Your slick already soaking through the lace material of your panties. He hooks his fingers in the waistband and pulls them off you almost tearing the fabric. You're completely naked from the waist down.
You feel his middle finger dip down again and tease at your entrance. Adding another, he pushes them in, splitting you open. His fingers lazily pumping inside you. Your slick dripping down, making a small wet patch on his leg. Your clit throbbing at Eddie's continued neglect. You can't take it anymore. You move your hand slowly to rub languid circles around your sensitive bud. "Fuck that's it play with yourself."
"You're so fucking hot." He nips at your earlobe watching as your and his hand works on your pussy.
His fingers plunging deep and harder inside you. Your breathing ragid as you writhe on his lap. Your moans mix with sounds of terror blaring from his TV. You're sure his neighbors are used to it. He curved his middle and index to massage that sweet spot on your walls.
"You like that, sweetheart? " He cooed in your ear.
"Mmm!, yes!" You moan.
You can feel him smile against your neck biting down on the skin. His fingers picking up the pace as they plunge deeper inside you. Your walls getting spread open by his thick digits. Rubbing your clit faster as you feel a tightness building up in your core. Your release approaching you much too soon. Your pussy making the loudest wet sounds as Eddie's fingers spread you open. His hand getting drenched in your slick.
"My girl gettin' close?" His rasped licking the shell of your ear.
Your ass grinding down harder against him making it difficult for Eddie not to cum in his jeans.
Your bucking up your hips as your own fingers work on your aching clit. Eddie can't believe this once shy girl is now lying across his lap with his fingers buried deep in her. The sight alone was enough for him to make him cum.
Your orgasm rapidly approaching, you feel your thighs twitcing, and you close them tightly around his hand, keeping him tightly in place. You're orgasm ripping powerfully through your body. Eddie takes his other hand to push your legs back open. His long, thick fingers stretching your sensitive walls as they pulsate around him. The pads of his fingertips pruning from your wetness. Taking his other hand to push yours off to rub on your clit helping you ride out your orgasm.
"That's it baby cum for me." He praised.
Your body vibrates as you came down from your high. Your orgasm leaving you almost limp in his arms. Your legs feel numb and jello like. Eddie carefully removes his fingers from inside you. There is a comfortable silence between the two of you as your breathing evens out. The only sounds in the apartment are now the ones of pure agony coming from his TV.
"Wanna make you cum all night long." He breathed.
You look up at him, eyes slowly opening and closing.
Can you sit on my thigh for me?" He asked softly.
You carelessly nod. Your body felt like it was floating.
You sit up and slowly move to stand. Your legs wobble, and you almost fall, but Eddie catches you by the hips. He guides you to sit and straddle his thigh. You can see the imprint of his cock in his pants. You lick your lips, remembering the size of him. You sit down your bare pussy now rubbing on his pants. His hands still firmly on your hips, moving you to grind against him.
"Like this." He showed you.
You take the perfect opportunity to lick and suck at the sensitive spot under his neck, earning you a little whimper from him. Your soft lips leave a trail of kisses behind after each bite. He tries holding back another moan as your mouth continues to attack his neck. You grind harder on his thigh, rubbing yourself against him like he showed you. His fingers digging into the your ass as your pussy grinds on him. Your clit rubbing on the rough material.
He can feel your wetness soaking his leg as you grow closer to cuming again. He removes you away from his throat and pulls you in for a sloppy kiss. Teeth clashing as your tongues dance together. He halts your movements on his thigh, lifting you up slightly.
"Look at that mess you’ve made." He teased. Your slick very noticeable on his dark jeans.
"Oh! Eddie. You whine loving how he seemed to be mocking you.
"W-we're supposed to be watching a movie." Your legs burning and your clit aching as you rub it faster on his leg.
"You looked scared.....thought I distract you." He sounded almost genuine. He licks a strip up your throat, making you let a small whine.
"M'not scared." You mumbled, trying to defend yourself. Eddie knew you weren't scared.
Each time you speak, every word is followed with a cry of pleasure.
Eddie laughs. "I know, you weren't. I was so scared. I had to distract myself."
He fakes a pout, gripping your ass painfully hard. His fingers digging into your skin.
Eddie pulls you back down against him roughly and moves to help you grind faster. Your chest rising and falling quickly as you feel another orgasm approaching you. You move against him rubbing your throbbing clit on his leg. You can feel that tightness in your core building up again. This time, it's approaching you stronger than the last.
"S'good." You mewled, grinding your hips back and forth.
You inhale your breath and bury your face in his neck as your second orgasm washes over you. It felt like adam was bursting open. You cum so hard on him tears leak from your eyes. Your hands grip his shoulders while he moves your hips to continue grinding on him.
"That's it cum all over me." His voice so deep and husky. You swear you could cum just by listening to him.
You rest your head on him, your body covered in sweat as Eddie rubs your back.
"You did so good." He whispered in your ear.
You sit there in his lap until you build up enough strength to move. Your mind hazy, and your vision is blury.
"Let's go to my room." He kissed your swollen lips and helped you stand.
"Okay." You move to get up, and Eddie takes you by the hand. Your legs feel weak but strong enough to still walk.
He guides you to his bedroom and opens up the door, revealing a large bed with black sheets. The room was dark except for a black light on the table next to his bed. There was a glowing green skull poster above his headboard. Eddie pulled you to the other side of the room and took your pullover off, revealing your bare breasts to him. Your nipples hardening into little peaks as the cold air hits your naked chest. He quirks an eyebrow up when he noticed you weren't wearing a bra tonight.
"Lay back for me." He asked, kissing you one more time.
You move to lay against the pillows behind you. You watch as he rummages through his nightstand, grabbing a bottle of clear liquid. He tosses it next to you on the bed and takes off his shirt. You can see the outline of his cock so prominent even in dark. Clenching your legs together, thinking about him buried inside you.
Eddie moves over to your side of the bed, taking his pants and boxers off. His pale skin glowing under the purplish lighting of his bedroom. His cock springing free and he lets out a deep sigh. "Im gonna cum on those pretty tits of yours kay?"
Biting down on your lip, you nod eagerly, waiting for him to begin.
He moves to straddle your waist and reaches over to pick up the bottle he tossed earlier. He pops the top open and squirts the clear gel on his palm. Fisting his cock rubbing the lube up and down his shaft. He brushes his thumb over the tip, smearing his precum. Eddie begins to stroke his shaft as you watch. He's pumping his cock in a slow pace watching you not taking your eyes away from him. You moved your hands to rub down his abdomen, and it was enough to send him over the edge. He lets out a strangled moan when he feels your nails scratch into his skin.
He leans over with one hand by your head, and the other still stroking his cock.
"W-wanna fuck you so bad baby." He groans above you. His face just mere inches away from yours.
Eddie's thinking back to that night you called him on his show. How your wanton moans ringed in his ears almost every night since then. He picks up the pace as he fucks his hand wishing it were you instead. The way you begged him help you cum for the first time.
He fists his cock faster lube dripping down from his palm and on your stomach. Some of it splashes on your chest from how hard he's going. His grip tightened when he heard you let out a little whimper. He's all teary-eyed and body glistening in sweat. His cock making a filthy schlick noise similar to what you heard on the phone last night.
"I wanna make you feel so fucking good." He sits back up pumping his cock so hard the veins in his forearm are now visible. His bicep flexing with every stroke.
Your hands move to grip and rub up and down his thighs. Your mouth watering as you watched his precum trickle down to his knuckles.
"You're so big, Eddie." You purred under him.
He lets out a choked sob loving when you tell him how big he is. He already knows, but hearing you say it does something to him. He's so desperate for you all he's imagined since meeting you is having you like this. Hearing you speak to him like that is almost too much to handle. How you're talking to him the same way he talks to you. The way your shyness fades away when you're alone together. He loves it.
Don't cum, Don't cum, Don't cum. His inner monologue chants. Eddie tries not to focus too much on what you're saying but fuck its hot hearing it coming from you.
"God, I'm gonna f-ffking ruin you." His voice strained from grunting so much. He's fucking himself harder to the point his arm is beginning to hurt. The chain on his wrist rattling and clanking around.
He moves up a little higher when he feels himself getting close. His hand fists his cock in a tight strong grip. His pulse quickened with each stroke. His aching cock begging to cum already. He's trying to prolong it, but he doesn't know how much longer he can hold out for.
"Need your cum Eddie." You begged digging your nails into his skin.
Rolling his eyes to the back of his head cursing under his breath. His mouth hung open as drool spilled down his chin and onto you. "Please cum on me."
"Jesus christ," He breathed. His legs almost giving out on him as he kneeled above you.
His hips thrust forward, rocking his bed against the wall. His hand tightened around him as he imagines its you. His tip leaking precum down to his knuckles. Eddie needs to cum now he can't hold it any longer. He fists his length pumping faster than before. His cock twitches in his palm, and he lets out the most animalistic groan you've ever heard. His cum shooting out and covering your tits.
He falls forward, almost landing on top of you. Your tits covered in his cum just like he imagined. Eddie sat up to admire the work he's just done on your breasts. He bends over without a second thought, licking his mess off you. His tongue lapping away until you're clean of him. Sucking and biting down on your sensitive nipples making you push your tits closer to his mouth. Eddie sat up to look at you for a moment. His mouth full of his own cum and spit. He grips your jaw with his hand firmly. Pulling your chin down until your mouth is opened wide for him. You already know have an idea of what he's about to do. You stick your tongue out far as it can go waiting for him.
Eddie spits his cum straight into your mouth getting it all over your tongue allowing you to taste him. You close your mouth, swallowing every bit you received. Enjoying the saltiness of his essence on your taste buds. "You like how I taste, huh?"
"I love the way you taste." You whisper, feeling his cum go down your throat. His taste lingering on your tongue.
"Such a good girl. You didn't waste a drop." He spoke softly, tapping your checking gently.
He moves to sit up straight against his headboard. You lay there naked, not really knowing what you should do next. Do you leave now? Does he want you to stay? Your insecurities start creeping back up. You shouldn't feel this way. He's never once made you think he didn't want to be around you.
"Fuck!..shit!" He breathed heavily laughing to himself. He notices how quiet you've gotten all of a sudden. "You okay?"
"Mhmm, yeah, I'm great." You look over at him. You weren't lying. You felt great, but there was this awkwardness that only you were feeling. You were bracing yourself to be let down and told to pick up your clothes and leave.
Eddies does the exact opposite. He isn't like that. Not with you. Most women left him afterward without a moments thought. No one ever stayed over, and he was hopeful you would. He wished at least one girl would have, and he'd wake up to them stroking his hair. He'd cook them breakfast and laugh over their food. That never happened. He went to bed alone and woke up alone.
"Want a shirt to sleep in?" He asked, bringing you out of your thoughts. His voice croaked.
"Oh, um, sure." You give him a shy smile.
Eddie did want you to stay and spend the night. He didn't want to you leave like you assumed. He runs a hand down his face, cleaning off some of the sweat, trying to gather himself a bit more. Swinging his legs over the side of his bed, he walks over to a chair with various discarded clothes. Picking up a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. He tosses the shirt over to you as he puts his pj's on.
The shirt is old with some holes and bleach stains. With an Iron Maiden logo plastered on the front. You throw it over your head and lay back, trying to get comfortable. "We never did eat."
"Too tired now." Your eyes growing heavy as you watch Eddie make his way back to you.
He gets back in bed, throwing the covers over you both. "Yeah, me too."
You turn so your back is facing him, sinking deeper into the mattress. His bed is warm and soft. You feel him drap and arm over you, bringing you to press up against his bare chest. You wanted to ask him something, but your mind is still foggy from earlier to recall what it was. Your body is so weak, and your legs feel like you ran a marathon. Soft snores from behind let you know Eddie has already passed out. Probably right when his head hit the pillows. You figured you'd stop over thinking things and just rest, too. You were definitely going to need it.
The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed and no sign of Eddie. His spot cold as the sun peaks through the tiny cracks of his blinds. You move to get up and make your way through his apartment. You're still in his old Iron maiden shirt as you remembered your clothes were previously thrown around his living room and bedroom. Your face heating up when you think about what the two of you did last night. What did he to you last night. How good he made you feel and never did he make you feel guilty for anything you didn't do. He didn't pressure you into doing something you were uncomfortable with.
You make your way down the short hallway until you stop at the living room. The curtains were wide open this time allowing you to see his home better. Not only did he play guitar and collect little figurines, but he was also an artist. Multiple paintings and drawings decorating his walls with a little EM scribbled at the bottom. A pan crashing in the kitchen startles you, and you rush to see if Eddie's okay.
You run and freeze in the doorway when you notice his bare back is to you cooking at the stove. The aroma of pancakes and bacon filling your nose making your stomach growl. He was making you breakfast. No guy you've ever seen made you breakfast before. The more you're around Eddie, the faster you feel like you're falling for him. He was too good to be true, you thought. There has to be something wrong with him.
He feels you standing at the door.
"G'morning, how'd you sleep?" He smiled over his shoulder, flipping another pancake.
"I slept good, actually." You moved to sit on a barstool watching him cook.
"Yeah, me too." A grin plastered on his face, remembering last night too. He smiled fondly at the memory of you naked on his bed.
"Hope you're hungry because I made food."
Your stomach growling louder at the mention of food. You and him didn't do much eating last night. "I'm starving, actually,"
He pulls down two plates, one for you and him. You sit gazing around his apartment, waiting for him to finish up. You must have been daydreaming because the sound of glass clinking in front of you made jump almost out of your seat.
"Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He sets a couple of pancakes on your plate. Picking up a can of whipped cream, creating a little smiley face for you.
"Eat up!" Eddie looked proud of his work on your plate. "I made these special."
He moves to sit down next to you and shoves a fork full of food in his mouth. You pick at your plate a little, wanting to eat but dreading the goodbye that's soon to come.
"You're not eating." He leaned over close as he noticed not one bite of food has been taken from your plate. "Sorry, I was just thinking."
"About?" He questioned, turning his attention back to the pancakes smothered in whipped cream and way too maple syrup.
"It's not important." You murmured.
You pick up your fork and finally take a bite of your pancakes. Your mood suddenly switches now that you have food in your belly. You didn't realize he had put blueberries in them. They were light and fluffy but not too sweet. The whipped cream made into the shape of a smiley face melting away.
You glance over, seeing him focused on his food, not a thought behind those eyes right now. He was mesmerized by the sugary goodness in front of him.
"I didn't know you played bass too." You commented, trying to grab his attention.
Nodding his head, he looked over and smiled. "Yep."
"I played bass in my first band, but I liked being certain of attention too much, so I opted for guitar." He joked, but you know there was some truth to that. Taking another large bite, clearing his plate of pancakes and bacon.
"Want me to play you a song before we head out for the day?"
"Sure!" You exclaimed, dropping your fork with a loud clunk.
You've never seen or heard him play before. You know you'll be seeing him soon this Wednesday, but you just can't wait that long. Even though it's only a few days away.
He hops off the barstool and heads over to pull out his equipment. "Come over here, sweetheart."
He moved this big amp to the middle of the floor and patted it while motioning for you to come sit down. You gingerly got up as your legs still feel a little wobbly. You plop your butt down on the amp. "Ah ah, straddle it."
There was a devious glint in his eyes.
You look at him confused but move, so each of your legs is on either side of the amp. He walked over, plugging in his bass and messing with the nobs on the Amp. He looked at you for a split second a sly grin appearing on his face. You're still confused about what he's up to, but you know he's up to something.
"Good girl." He bent over kissing the side of your head. "Gonna play my pretty girl a song before she starts her day."
You sit there all smiles while you watch him get everything set up. Maybe he is innocent time and isn't up to something. But you've seen that grin one too many times, and you've only just met.
"I'm gonna play you a personal favorite of mine." He plucked the string slightly, testing to see if the amp was on properly.
"Song is Orion by the way." He winked.
He begins plucking away at the cords and watches you intently. The amp in between your legs starts coming to life and rattle with vibrations. Your legs twitch, and you move to stand up, but Eddie shoots you a look, and you sit right back down. Your breath hitches the faster he starts to play. You try to remain focused on him, but the faster he plays, the more intense the amp vibrates.
"This is my favorite part to play." He raised his voice a little so you can hear him.
The song calms down just a little, making the amp die down. You exhale a deep breath, thinking it was over. Your clit throbs between your legs from Eddie's previous abuse last night.
"How you feeling, baby?" He asked, knowing the song was about to pick up speed again.
You stifle a moan. "I'm good."
"Grind on it like you did my leg." He commanded, shooting you a stern look.
He's never spoken or looked at you like that before. He sounded almost domineering, and you won't lie. You liked the way it made you feel.
"That's it, you're so good." His fingers steadily working on the bass slung over his chest.
You do as you're told and rock back and forth on the amp. The song picking up more speed, and you feel that coil in your tummy getting tighter. Your legs trembling as you struggle to do as you're told. Your body telling you to stand up and get off but the need to cum was too over powering. He picks at the strings harder and faster. "Oh fuck!"
"E-Eddie, I can't please....i-its too much," you pleaded. Your clit still sore from last night it felt almost bruised.
"You can. Just relax." He reassured.
You nod your head and focus while the vibration on your core intensified. You rock your hips, grinding down on his amp. Each pluck of the strings as the song changes tempo makes your whole body tremble. The song is coming close to an end, and soon, the closer you are to your release.
"Mmmfph! I'm gonna cum." You moan loud over the music.
"I know, baby!" He yelled back over the music.
You ride the amp harder and faster as your release approaches. With a sharp intake of breath, as another orgasm washes over you, sending shockwaves throughout your body. You almost topple over on the floor, but Eddie quickly rushes to catch you. "I got you, don't worry."
He set his bass down on the floor, holding on to your arm with one hand. He carefully helps you to your feet, and your legs almost give out. "You okay?"
"I'm okay, yeah." You panted.
"Did you like it?"
"Yeah, just warn me next time." You playfully swatted at his chest.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I had to make sure I'd be on your mind all day." He laughed, walking you down the hallway. He turned to see the very noticeable sticky mess you left behind.
He helped you to the bathroom, letting you get washed up before you both got dressed to head out. He mentioned how he has class, but he'd love for you to listen to his show tonight. You never told him you do that almost every time he was on air. Day dreaming about meeting him. You had class too during the same hours as him so you couldn't grab lunch like he'd suggested. Which is fine. You'll be seeing him in a few days anyway. You are going to miss him, though. You had fun and truth be told you didn't want to stay again. He didn't want you to leave either. If he could lock you up in this apartment with him, he would. No hesitations. Just the two of you alone together.
Eddie gave you a ride home so you can put on some clean clothes. He gave you one long kiss before you hopped out of his van.
"I'll see you Wednesday." He gave a wink before pulling off.
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Wednesday came a lot slower than you wished for it to. You tried to keep yourself occupied with work and class. Wishing the time flew by fast like the last time, but it didn't. Those last few days leading up to his performance seemed to drag a long. You just wanted to see Eddie and be with him. You already planned tonight was the night.
You planned your outfit and makeup. Already having your dress hanging up on your closet. Eddie had offered to come pick you up and take you to the bar, but you declined since you didn't know how long it would take getting ready. You'd planned to run straight home after work and not waste any time. Of course, things didn't go exactly to plan because you had to work almost an hour past when you're supposed to clock out. You pleaded to your manager that you have to leave soon. You had plans. Very, very important plans.
Finally, you were able to leave, and you sprinted home grateful you lived very close by. Busting through your front door, almost knocking down the pictures on your wall on the way to your bedroom. You were already extremely late to see him as is. You know his band already started their first song, and you hope Eddie doesn't notice your absence.
You threw on your dress that was much shorter than the last one he saw you in. You chose to wear heels again, knowing you were probably going to trip at some point tonight. You regret not taking Eddie up on his offer to drive you to the Hideout. Racing out the door and down the street into town. Now was a good time to regret not owning a car. Your feet are already killing you on the pavement. Luckily, the bar is right near campus as well. You're already cringing at the blisters that will be on your toes by tomorrow.
Flashing red signs and loud music fill your ears. You can see the bar on the far right corner of the busy street. Cars line up down the road as they make their to the same destination as you. Some of the people you can recognize from class or the coffee shop. Entering the bar, you can hear Eddie before you even see him. He's already thanking everyone for attending tonight. He told you his sets aren't long, only about forty minutes since other bands play there too. He begrudgingly has to share the stage.
You guess he was on his second to last song by the time you arrived. You felt terrible missing half of his show. You didn't expect to work so late, particularly on a Wednesday evening. You were a little taken back by the number of people out mid week.
You see him at last up on stage in far back. The bar is a lot bigger than you imagined. You're struggling to get closer to the stage. There is a tiny corner close to him that's empty you noticed. Your feet in pain and with people stepping on them as you push past, you won't be surprised if they're not bleeding yet. You almost have to force your way over there. You didn't expect this many people to show up. The Hideout was also the only bar closest to everyone, so obviously, they'd all gather here. Eddies band was also very popular with the local metalheads.
You finally reached the small little empty corner near him. You have a good view of the side stage and audience. You see him singing and thrashing away on his guitar. His hair is down and sticks to his neck. The chain hanging around his neck now tangled. His shirt is drenched in beer and sweat. Not his beer. Some guy apparently threw a drink on him earlier from what you manage to overhear from people in the crowd. They were applauding how Eddie threw the guy off the stage.
You look over and notice almost a sea of women in the front. Well, not exactly a sea of women but a very good amount of them. One too many for your liking. They're all make bedroom eyes at him and flashing their tits. You feel something coming over you as you watch them take off their bras and throw it on stage. You noticed one tied up and hanging from his mic stand. Were you jealous or angry? You're not sure, but you dont like how you feel. You watched him look at them and no one else. If you weren't jealous before, you sure as hell are now. Eddie was yours. There was this burning feeling in the pit of your stomach. You wanted to leave but not without him.
His set was coming to an end as he announced the last song Corroded Coffin would be performing tonight. You wanted to move so he could see you, but it's too late. A huge mob rushed to the front stage. People jumping up there with him to head bang. More articles of clothing are thrown his way. You lean up against the brick wall behind you, trying to calm down. Your nerves are all worked up not only from the girls but also from the number of people here tonight. You're not used to large crowds like this.
"Thank you, everyone, for coming to see us tonight. we're Corroded coffin." Eddie announced in the mic.
He moves to leave the stage and almost walks right past you. He doesn't notice you at first with his head hanging low.
"Eddie!" You yelled, trying to get his attention and grab his writs.
His head quickly pops up, looking to see who just grabbed him. His face softened when he saw it was you. "Hey, you came. Follow with me."
He intertwined his fingers with yours, leading you backstage. Eddie gave quick hi's and byes as you tagged along. It was much brighter back there with dingy white walls that had graffiti all over them. Different bands signing each brick signifying they played there. You overheard his other members discussing whose car would be moving the equipment back to Gareth's place. Eddie drags you down various different corridors until he's pulling you in a private bathroom.
"You like the show?" He asked, turning on the faucet to wash his hands and face off.
"Yeah, you were great." You still had this jealous feeling in your stomach. You felt build the more you tried to drown it out.
He turns off the water and walks over to you. You back away until you couldn't anymore. Eddie eyes at what you're wearing, licking his lips. Your dress is barely covering anything at all. "You look nice."
"Thank you." You whispered.
He bends down to give you a heated kiss. His lips crash onto yours. You open your mouth to breathe, and that's when he sneaks his tongue in. His hands creeping grip your ass over your dress. His kiss is intoxicating as his tongue explores your mouth. You melt into him.
He breaks away. "Need to take you home."
He's panting heavy pupils already blown out with lust.
"I wanna go to your place."
He pulls you away from the door, grabbing your arm and making a bee line for the exit.
"Don't you have to help pack up?" You try to keep up with him as your heels scrap the floor.
"They're fine."
You don't what possessed you, but the moment you got him alone in his van, your hands and lips were all over him. Reaching over to rub his semi hard cock over his pants while he tries to focus on the road. You can feel him hardening under your palm.
"S-sweetheart, come on, wait just a few minutes. He pleaded, feeling himself getting harder. His cock straining painfully on the zipper of his jeans. "We're almost there."
You lean over closer sucking and biting his neck, earning you a groan. You move your hand slowly down his abdomen until it reaches his belt. You unbuckle and undo the button to his pants. His eyes trained on the road a head. Both hands tight on the steering wheel, his knuckles are almost turning white.
"Oh god." He rasped when he felt your hand slip past his boxers.
His chest heaving and his jaw clenches. You were acting very bad right now. You know you should stop. You know doing this kind of thing can be dangerous. You just couldn't wait to have him any longer.
"W'nna gag on your cock Eddie." You smile biting your lip.
You continue teasing and rubbing his length. "Can you fuck me tonight?" He's so thick your hand can barely wrap around it. You're salvating, remembering how you struggled to fit him all in your mouth.
He coughed, choking on his spit when you heard you. He doesn't know what's gotten into you tonight, but he is not complaining.
You remove your hand from his pants and give the side of his mouth a quick peck. You move back to your seat and put your seat belt back on. You let him drive peacefully until he gets to his apartment building. He looks to the buldge in his pants and back to you. He's mad. Mad that you teased him like this and then just left him.
"Just wait until I get you inside." Eddie's eyes never leaving the road to look at you. His jaw clenching.
You squeeze your thighs together, getting turned on at what he's planning on doing to you. You don't know why, but you like seeing him get mad.
He speeds up when he sees his building ahead. You need him bad tonight. You can still taste him on your tongue. The screeching of tires coming to a complete stop, letting you know you've arrived at his place. Eddie wasted no jumping out the driver side and practically pulling you out of the van. He leads you inside with your arm still in his grip.
His lips are all over you as you're heading up the stairs to his apartment. You both tripped over one another, making your way up each step. His hands are running all over your body. From your ass and thighs to your tits. There wasn't a place he wasn't touching you. He just wants to throw you on his bed and rip that dress off from your body. Spread you open and have you begging him not to stop.
You don't even recall how you made it inside his apartment. You kick your shoes off and strip him of his shirt. Your lips are on his in a feverish kiss. He backs you up against the couch, your ass hitting the arm.
"Turn around." His mumbles as you bite at his bottom lip.
You break away to look at him, confusion written all over your face.
"I said, turn. around." He instructed in a demanding like tone.
You do as you're told and turn around. His naked chest pressed against your back. You can feel his hard cock pressing into the swell of your ass. "You were a bad girl back there."
"I think you need a good spanking, hm?" His mouth was right by ear as he whispered seductively. He moves his hand to give you a swift slap on your ass. You yelp when you felt him.
Your nipples harden through your dress. His hands are feeling up your legs. His fingers tips goasting over the skin of your thighs. He goes to remove your panties when he noticed you're not wearing any.
"Oh," He marveled, lifting up your dress. He tsks, shaking his head. "You're being so bad tonight." He's taunting you. Playing with you a little. Wanting to rile you up before giving you what you want.
He moves from behind you to sit down on the couch.
"Over my lap." He sounded frustrated he had to do this, and you liked it. His sudden dominance with you. A complete contrast to the Eddie you're used to.
You move to lay across his lap. You shiver with anticipation, waiting for him to spank you for the first time. Hopefully, it won't be the last you thought to yourself.
He hand pulls back, and with no warnings, he smacks you hard on the ass. You gasp and jolt forward. He doesn't give you time to adjust before doing it again and again. Your ass stinging from the impact his palm was making. His hand is an angry red shade from how hard he's going.
You don't know if you were supposed to count or not, but if you had to guess, you'd say he's given you five so far. Tears spilling down your face ruining your makeup. "Aww, you crying? No crying baby, you deserve this."
"You did this to yourself now. Take it like a good girl." Eddie sighed. He swats you again for the eigth time. "Could have gotten us hurt back there.
"Can't have my pretty girl gettin' hurt." He spoke gently to you. He was right. You shouldn't have done that.
Eddie, stops to check in on you. Not wanting to push you past any limits.
"You gonna be my good girl?" His hand smoothing over your very sore cheeks.
"M'sorry I'll be good." You sniffle. It hurt, but you liked it. The wetness pooling between your legs every time his hand connected to your ass.
He lifts up your dress, exposing your bare ass to him. His fingers moving to tease at your opening. Your slick running down your inner thighs.
"Someone enjoys getting spanked, I see." He mocked, slowly pushing two fingers in your entrance.
"Mmhm y-yes I like it." You mewled, feeling his fingers working you open. You let out a high-pitched squeal, feeling him curving them upwards. His thick fingers plunging in your pussy. You grip a tight hold on his thighs while his fingers are busy thrusting into you.
"Bedroom...now," He commanded in a stern voice, ripping his fingers from you with a loud wet pop as they make their leave. A long string of your slick connecting the two of you together. Eddie brings the two digits to his mouth, cleaning them off.
That's all you had to hear before leaving him alone. You strip yourself of your dress, throwing it to the floor as you sit at the edge of the bed waiting for him. His room is exactly how he left it the last time you were stayed. Your ass still stinging from his hand.
Eddie walked through the doorway of his bedroom. He's jeans discarded somewhere in his living area. He walks over and towers over you.
"You really want to do this?" He asked, making sure you were absolutely ready.
"Yes... I need you." You pleaded.
You desperately needed him. You can't go much longer without having him inside you. You felt like you were going to go insane. He's looking down at you with a soft gaze in his eyes. You felt safe. You always have with him.
He pulls his boxers down, letting his cock spring free. Eddie crawled over top of you until you were flat on your back. He reached down between your legs to tease at your opening some more, wanting to get you ready for him. You spread your legs wider, giving him more access.
Eddie hums at the sight of you spread out for him. Only him. Your pussy glistening in the dim light of his bedroom and it takes all his strength to not just fuck you right then. He sinks down to his knees and yanks you down roughly so your ass is hanging off the edge of the mattress. He spits down on your pussy before spreading your folds apart with his tongue. You sigh feeling his warm tongue lapping at your clit. Your legs hanging over his shoulders. The little stumble starting to grow on his chin, tickling your folds. It was too much.
You gripped and clawed at the sheets on the bed beneath you. Eddie puts one finger to your entrance and pushes in until it disappeared. He curved his middle finger upward pumping it in your pussy rubbing at that spongey spot on your walls. You grip his hair as his mouth works on your clit. He grunts against you, making your whole body quiver. Eddie is going at you like a man starved. His mouth never lets up for one second. His eyes closed as he got lost in your taste. Savoring every drop of your slick on his tongue.
Your legs try to close around his head, and he grips one tightly, pushing it away. Your hips lifting as you're writhing around feeling your orgasm building. Eddie can feel you getting close when your walls clenched and pulsed around his finger. His plump lips sucking at your clit harder. You were almost there. So close and just as you were about to cum. Eddie stopped suddenly removing his mouth from you and pulling his finger away. Your walls still pulsating as he denied you of your orgasm. His face was shiny and covered in your juices. He looks up giving you an amused look.
You frown at him, knowing he’s messing with you for what you did to him in the van.
"Why'd you stop? I was so close." You almost wanted to cry. "I need you...I just wanna cum p-pleeease make me cum."
You'd do anything at this point to have him inside of you. Your pussy was practically crying for his cock to nestled deep inside you.
"My girl wants me to fuck her?" He whispered with a sultry tone. "Is that it?"
"Yeah," you replied. your voice barely above a whisper.
"Aww baby, don't cry." Eddie cooed, noticing the sad look on your face after what he just done. He wasn't going to deny you anymore. How could he when you're looking at him like that.
You nod your head slowly. "Need it so so so bad."
"Gonna have you feelin' so full." He sits up aligning his cock on top of your pussy. Showing you how far in he's going to be.
"Look at that...look how deep I'm going to be." He's so hard for you. Feels like with just the slightest touch you give him, he could explode on the spot.
You squirm under his gaze, arching your back, waiting as patiently as you possibly could. You know he's going to go about this slow. He's going to be extra careful with you. He's going to tease and taunt you because he wants to here you beg for it. He holds the base of his cock slapping it against your sore clit. Getting his precum on your wet folds. Your chest rising and falling rapidly. Your face feels all fuzzy and warm.
"Don't tease me anymore." You whine, stifling a moan when the head of his cock dips down to your entrance. He pushes just a few inches in parting you open. Your eyes fluttering closed when you get a little taste at what's to come.
Eddie doesn't stay for long he removes himself teasing your clit with his tip. Rubbing your juices and his precum all over your sore bud. You thrash and grip a hold of his sheets. Your walls clenching around nothing again as they're so ready to be stretched open by him. Each time his tip pushes at your opening, you feel that coil in your belly creeping back up. You were on the verge of cuming just moments before he denied the chance. You know the second his cock sinks in you won't be able to hold it.
He rubs his cock up and down nudging your clit with his leaking tip over and over again. Your slick drenching his length. He thought he was going to need to use his lube, but that doesn't seem to be the case tonight. Your pussy is drenched with your juices. You were more than ready for him. Eddie just enjoyed getting you worked up. Hearing your sweet little cries anytime he gets his cock close enough to your opening. The way your legs squeeze around him, trying to keep him from moving away. How your eyebrows squint together and you bite down hard on your bottom lip. "Eddieeee," your whiny and breathy sobs make him almost take pity on you. Almost.
"Eddieeee," He repeated back, mocking the same pout you have on your face.
He drags his cock through your wet folds repeatedly making a lewd wet schlick noise.
" You're bein' mean,' you whine, tears spill down your face again. Mascara and eyeliner ruined in the process.
He stops that cocky grin reappearing on his face. "Is that so?"
You nod, not daring to say a word back. You're getting impatient with him. He's been working you up for what felt like hours now. Your clit throbbing and sore even with the slightest brush of his head making your breath hitch. His precum and your juices smeared all over your pussy. You assumed he's felt a little bad for you, when he starts to slowly pushing the tip of his cock through your entrance. Truth be told he could do this all night long if he wanted.
Eddie stills for a moment, only letting his tip split you open. Your head falls back against the pillows. Finally, you thought, but your relief was cut short when he removed it again. You huff in frustration and let the neediest whimper he's ever heard. Eddie relentlessly teasing your pussy as he slides his length through your folds. Slapping and nuding your clit with his length. Your body all sticky with sweat. Everytime his cock hit your tender neglected clit you begged and pleaded to him. You're teetering on the cusp of an orgasm and he doesn't seem to want to let you. Not right now, at least. He just keeps building it up only to rip you of the chance.
Your face twisting in a grimace. Why does he keep teasing you? You already learned your lesson. You were beginning to think he wasn't going to give you what you wanted after all.
"God!, you're so!-" Your sentence cut short when he licks his fingers and slaps your pussy just hard enough to shut you up. You gasped more so from shock.
The pain and pleasure mixed together was something you never thought you'd enjoy until tonight.
You instantly calmed down.
"Theeere she is." He purrs, pushing his thumb in your mouth as you instinctively suck on it wishing it was his cock.
"Ya ready for me?."Eddie asked, aligning himself back up at your entrance. He removes his thumb, allowing you to speak. A string of spit connecting you to him.
"m'ready." You rasped.
You feel the head of his cock right by your opening. "Oo!, yes, I'm--im ready." Your body burning with desire to feel him. To finally have him.
His thick tip gingerly splitting you open. Eddie getting just a few inches deeper than the last time, but it was enough to almost make you scream. He pauses to put both of his hands on each side of your head.
"Good....because I'm gonna make sure you can't walk in the morning." His assured speaking low.
You knew he was serious about that. You and Eddie have been yearning for one another for so long. You just know the moment he's inside of you, it is going to take all of his strength not to lose total control. You look into his eyes, pleading for him to give you more. You want it all. You need it all. You don't care how sore you're going to be tomorrow. Your brain clouded by lust and the need to be fucked by him.
Eddie pushes in a little more and dips his head to bite down hard on your shoulder. Your hands moving to tug at his hair. The feeling of you tightening up around him as he breaches past your opening was almost too much for him to handle. He can't cum. Not yet. He's just getting started. Eddie tries to focus on anything else. He's talked a big game to you up until this point. He needs to last, but you just feel so good. You're so wet and warm. You hug him just right, and he's not even all the way in yet. You're perfect.
"More." You begged, not knowing Eddie was keeping still for a particular reason.
"Patience baby, gimme a sec." He exhaled a long breath before kissing your shoulder where his teeth marks now were. "Tryin not to cum."
"Shit!, you're ju-just so fucking tight." He grunted.
You didn't know you were having this type of effect on him. You won't lie it feels nice knowing that. You lean up to kiss him. Your lips lazily press to his. You were soft and delicate with him. You moan in his mouth when you feel him pushing in a little deeper.
He breaks away, resting his forehead against yours. His breathing is ragged. He's sinking in inch by inch agonizingly slow. Trying to let you accommodate him. "You're so good, you know that?"
"S-so mmmfph, so good-- jus' for me." Eddie stammered. His jaw tightening.
"Jus' for you." You murmured against his lips.
"Yeah?" Only me?" Eddie questioned his tongue sneaking out to lick your parted lips.
You felt light-headed. Your mind clouded with so much lust. Every touch and kiss from him was deliberate and sensual. From the way he spoke to you to the way he caressed every curve of your body. You've never been touched this way. No one's ever made you feel this like before. There wasn't an inch of skin where his lips and hands hadn't been.
"Only you." You're breathless.
Eddies wild hair fell over his shoulders. His chain dangling by your face.
The events leading up to this moment were almost too good to be true, you both thought. The phone call. The coffee shop run in. The date. Everything felt surreal. Yet here you are together. He relished in how trusting you were of him so quickly.
Eddie kept pushing himself further inside of you until he was almost bottoming out completely. You wince slightly at the sudden stretch and size of him. "It's okay, relax for me." Eddie coaxed you as he tenderly rubbed at your side, helping you relax. He stays still for a moment, allowing you to get adjusted to his size some more. "I-I can take it...fuck, don't stop."
"Oh, is that so?" Eddie taunted.
"Ya sure I'm not too big for you?"
Swiftly shaking your head no. " jus' please Eddie."
You let out another whine, bucking up your hips. His taunting coming to a full stop when he pushes his cock in a little deeper.
"Goddamn, you're tight," He said through clenched teeth. His nostrils flaring.
Eddie carefully pulls out, leaving just the tip in. Only to slam back inside you, bottoming all the way out this time, letting out a long moan as he did. His length stretching your walls, hitting all the right spots. You've never been this full ever. He felt like he was in your stomach. He starts thrusting into you at a steady pace helping your pussy get warmed up to him.
His bed squeaked with every thrust he gave. He pulls his cock almost all the way out and glides it back in with so much more ease now. You're making the prettiest little noises for him. Your nails scratching over his over broad shoulders and down his back. "Mmm, Eddie, you feel so good."
"G'nna cum inside you." He grunted.
"F-fill you up...get you so full of me." He's blabbering, not really paying attention to what he's saying. "Want, ooh shit!-"
His words cut short when he felt your walls squeezing him. His hips rocking harder against yours. You can feel his balls slapping against your ass. The soft curls between his legs getting soaked in your juices. "Need your cum in me pleeease."
"Don't stop, Eddie!" Your throat burns the louder you called out his name. His cock rubbing that spongey spot on your walls just right. You can't think straight anymore he feels amazing.
His jaw clenches, and you can hear his teeth gritting together. "Ya need it that bad, huh?"
"Don't worry, baby, I'm gonna give it all to you." Eddie panted his voice raspy.
"You dirty girl." Eddie tried to tease again. He sounded like he was about to lose his voice."S'needy, begging for my cum."
You let out a loud whiny moan when he rolled his hips. His cock hitting a new angle on your walls. He moves to pin your wrists down beside your head. A shiver sends down your spine when he looked into your eyes. He's rough but gentle all at the same time.
Your juices, so creamy coating felt like his cock was drowning in it. His balls and pelvis now completely saturated. The both of you moaning in unison. He pulls his hips far back, slamming them against yours roughly. Your pussy making the loudest pornographic noises as Eddie continued pumping his cock inside you. The sound of skin slapping echoes off his bedroom walls.
"Oh my god!" You cry out.
He grips your wrists tighter, and you feel like your hands are going numb. Your bodies glistening with beads of sweat. "M'getting s'close."
The coil in your belly tightens the faster your orgasm approaches you again. Eddies cock pumping in your pussy at an almost brutal pace. Your breasts bouncing in his face as he pounds you in his mattress. "Gettin close too, baby."
"Gettin reeeeal fuucking close." Eddie grumbled as his hips rammed against yours.
Eddie, let's go of one of your wrists to snake it down and play with your clit. His calloused fingers rubbing tight circles on your aching bud. Your pussy clenching around his length.
"Fuuucking, christ." He cursed under his breath.
Your orgasm approaching you rapidly. His skilled fingers pressed down harder as he rubbed your clit. You throw your head back, exposing your neck to him. Eddie takes the opportunity to bite and suck on the tender skin. Your vision goes black, and there is a ringing in your ears. Your head is blank it felt like time stood still. You cum around his cock hard. Your orgasm hitting you in waves. Your legs shake violently around his waist.
Eddie stops thrusting for a moment to watch you come undone. "That's it. That's my good girl cum all over my cock."
"That'a girl." He praised as your orgasm left you unable to speak for some minutes.
He starts rocking his hips into yours. Your head is cloudy as you come down from your high. Your clit still throbbing and your walls still pulsating as your release fades away. Eddies thrusts are getting sloppier as his orgasm is quickly approaching him. Your pussy squelching louder when his cock glides in and out of you. The sound ringing in your ears. His sheets are an absolute mess from you.
"I-i gon-...I'm gonna cum." He moans fumbling over his words. His cock twitched and with a few more powerful thrusts he's spilling hot ropes of cum deep within you coating your walls. He doesn't stop pumping his cock until he's milked himself of every drop.
He collapses all of his weight on you. The two of you lay like that for a brief couple of minutes. You felt him easily remove himself from you, and you frown at the loss. His cum mixed with yours dripping out of your opening and onto his bed. Your entire body felt weak. His face flushed a light pink, making the freckles on his cheeks more noticeable.
Eddie sits up and moves from on top of you. He reaches over to grab a pre rolled joint and light it.
"Shit." He whispered to himself.
He brings the joint to his dry lips and takes a long puff. "Want some?"
"No thanks." You declined still feel dizzy, almost drunk like.
"Wanna take a bath together?" He takes a few more puffs before putting his joint out in the ash tray. The weed mellowing him out.
"Yeah... but I can't. I don't think I can walk." You confessed. Your legs still trembling from earlier.
He smiles proudly. "Here, lemme help."
Swinging his legs over the side of his bed, Eddie walked over to you, helping you stand. Your face heating up when you felt his cum sliding down your legs. "I should probably change these sheets, too."
Eddie helps you to his bathroom and sits you on the toilet while he gets the water ready.
"Come on, lets you in." He takes your hand and gently helps raise your legs over the tub, so you don’t fall.
You sat back and hummed, feeling your muscles relax immediately. Eddie gets in behind you and brings your back to lay on his chest. The warm water soothing you both as you clean each other. You feel like you could fall asleep right here if he let you.
"Hey, I'm gonna go change the bed you stay here." He gave you a long, passionate kiss before getting out of the bath.
You watched him put a towel around his waist and leave. You take the opportunity to clean off your face of whatever makeup was left. Hugging your knees to your chest, you feel sleep slow creeping up on you.
Eddies loud voice echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom startles you awake. "Let's get you dried off."
Your legs much stronger now than they were before. There was a small ache between your legs where he was once buried. You try to ignore it for the time being but you know you're really going to feel it in the morning.
Eddie gives you one of his sweaters to wear, so you'll keep warm. Your dress from earlier discarded somewhere amongst the mess. You jump back into bed next to Eddie. Nestling yourself under his arm curling up in his side. The damps ends of his hair dripping little droplets of water down his chest.
"So, uhh, what got into back there in the van?" He spoke out of nowhere.
"Hmm?" You faked like you didn't just hear him.
"You heard me."
Pushing your face in his side, trying to hide from him.
"What was that?" He jested, putting his hand behind his ear as if he didn't hear you the first time.
"I SAID! I got a little jealous. You huffed.
"Jealous? Of what?" He was in utter disbelief.
"The girls at your show...and that stupid bra on your mic stand." You sit up, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Oooh, my god!" He belly laughs.
"It's not funny." You argued, squinting your eyes at him. A hint of a smile dancing on your lips.
"You're right. It's not funny." He chuckles. His hand goes to cover his mouth, hiding his smile.
".....next time they throw their bras at me, I'll just sling shot them back."
"Thank you! That's all I'm asking for." You exclaimed dramatically.
He snorts, pulling you back against him to cuddle. You spent the rest of the night joking and making fun of one another lovingly. He admitted he should make you jealous more often if it gets you to act like that. That was quickly disregarded when you shot him a very dirty look.
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It's been a full year since that night. Eddie and you became inseparable. He's since graduated from college and got a good gig as a radio disc jokey for a local radio station. The concept of the show was almost the same, but there were some few minor changes. His "adult segment" got watered down to be more radio friendly. Eddie hated the censorship but figured once he made a bigger name for himself, he wouldn't worry about that stuff anymore.
You were in your last semester of college when Eddie finished. He asked you the moment he got his offer if you wanted to work with him and be his assistant. Not passing up that opportunity to spend more time with him. You said yes with zero hesitations.
"Come on, let me show you our studio." Eddie dragged you into a room filled with various mics and a desk. There was a light above him with glowing orange letters reading "On Air."
The last time you saw him, this excited about anything was when his old friends came to watch him walk across the stage. You didn't think you could be more proud. His eyes lighting up when he showed you the name plate on the door. "That's my name, babe." He tapped on the wooden door.
Tonight was his first show at his new studio. He was nervous but knew most of his listeners were still the same. You sat on the chair next to him. Your short tennis skirt hiking up at little. Eddie kept turning to glance at you while he read from a script. When he would cut to commercial break, his hand would wander up your thigh. You squeezed them shut and smacked him away.
"We can't do that, not now." You whisper yell at him.
"Who says? Who's gonna know?" He whispered back.
He bites his lip and groans. "Baby, I've been needing you all day."
"Sit in my lap. I'll behave." He pats his thighs giving you an innocent smile.
You knew better, but move to sit on his lap anyway. Your skirt lifted and showed the lace of your panties to him as you sat down.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard when we get home. He promised.
Your eyes widened when you felt his semi hard cock pressing against your ass.
"Ya know what, since you've been teasing me, I think I'm gonna tease you." He said, lowly licking the shell of your ear. One of his large hands running up your thigh to cup your sex.
"B-but I'm not." You tried to defend yourself.
"You are, you know how I get when you wear this." He picks up the hem of your tennis skirt. You do know how he feels about the it. He bought the article of clothing for you for a reason. He never could keep his hands off you when you wore it.
Eddie couldn't keep his hands off you, period, but the skirt wasn't helping.
The ads were still playing over the radio when Eddie suggested for you to announce the next song coming up after his brief segment.
"Wait, I have a much better idea." Eddie leaned to unbuckle his belt and pull the zipper of jeans down. "Lift up for sec."
You lean forward to lift up off his lap. Your ass is almost on full display. The only thing keeping you from him was the sheer material of your panties. You can hear him groan before running a finger along your covered slit. A wet patch already forming very noticeably. "I can't wait to get you home, but this will do for now."
He pulls his cock out from his pants stroking it before running his thumb over the leaking tip. He slaps and rubs it between your covered folds as you lean a little over his desk. He presses down on the head and hisses. You thought he was going to jerk off until he was back on the air, but you were dead wrong.
Eddie pulls your panties to the side, exposing your pussy to him. He slaps his tip at your opening from behind, dipping it in ever so slightly before pulling it away. Your jaw dropping open when you felt his tip nudging in your entrance. Your palms sweating on top of his desk, as you're feeling him part you open. The head of his cock shining with your slick. You can hear him groaning again with frustration that he can't fuck you the way he wants. "Sit on it."
"Wh- now! Right now?" You panicked.
"People are listening, Eddie." You tried to argue, but he shook his head.
"So? That's never stopped you before." He had a point. A very good point. You don't even need to turn around to see the smug, expression on his face. "Come on baby, I just w'nna feel you."
"Okay." You spoke softly, giving in to him.
You help hold his length as he aligns himself up with your opening. You slowly sink down on his length, taking him all in a few inches at a time. You sit down fully on him. He feels so deep this way. Eddie grips your hips to hold you perfectly still. He leaned back in his chair to get relaxed as his segment was about to begin. His eyes are half lidded. Eddie's already struggling not to cum and you haven't even done anything yet. His cock nudging at that sweet spot on your walls. "Ooh!, c-can you just push up a little."
"I-i can't take staying so still...its-" You pleaded. You would do all the work yourself while he continues on with his show if meant you could feel his cock stroking your walls.
He cuts you off.
"Shh, no." He quietly told you, covering his mic up his mic as the show was now starting.
"Alright, every b-body." Eddie tried reading his introductions but stumbled over his words when you purposely clench around his cock.
He shot you a look from behind. You were definitely going to pay for that one. You fidget in his lap, rocking your hips from side to side.
"If you don't keep still I'm gonna bend you over this desk and fuck you live on air." He warned, and you stopped moving straight away.
Was he serious? He couldn't be. You thought to yourself, but if you only saw his face right now, you'd know he was being dead serious.
He cleared his throat. "Alright, everybody, before we get started, my lovely girlfriend here is gonna announce the next song."
"Aren't ya." He thrusts up hard with no warning, making you gasp in the mic. His cock nestled so deep within you. You cover your mouth to keep from moaning out loud.
"Mmhmm y-yep." You knew these next couple of minutes were going to be torture. Absolute torture for you.
You take a long, deep breath.
"The next song....up...is Man in a box." Your voice shakey. Your hands squeeze Eddie's thighs. He's grinding you in his hips and bucking up. You bite back another moan, trying to escape your lips.
"Ah, no honey, that's not the right song. we just heard that one." Eddie's mocking you now. He knows how hard it is for you to keep quiet, and he's doing everything in his power to get you to break.
"Baby, you're being too obvious they're gonna know." Eddie thrusts his hips harder, shaking the desk. A soft moan escapes your lips. You try to play it off and clear your throat. You can feel Eddie laughing behind you. His chest vibrated as he watched with amusement.
You're trying to so hard not make anything noticeable. The people listening have probably caught on by now, you're sure of it.
He leans forward to show you were to read.
"Here, baby." He pointed on the script laying in front of you.
"O-oh, right, my mistake." You swallow hard.
His cock hitting a new angle every time he bucks up. Your head felt dizzy. Your slick making a mess of him and you. You're getting so close to cuming. Your walls so sensitive as your boyfriends cock spreads you open.
You breathe out and read what's on the piece of paper in front of you.
"Focus." He whispered at you.
You nodded rapidly.
"The next song is by the band The Pixies called Here c-comes your man." You squealed that part out when Eddie's hand lifted up your ass and slammed you back down. He smashed his face in your back to cover up any grunts he might make.
He squirms around his chair, holding you tightly to his lap. He lifts you off him the moment he felt your pussy flutter on his thick cock. He knows he wont be able to resist fucking you. Eddie most definitely knows you won't be able to keep quiet much longer either. You whimpered, feeling empty. You were so close, and he didn't let you finish.
"Be a good girl and I'll let you cum later." Eddie struggles to tuck his cock back in his pants with a satisfied grin plastered on his face. There's an aching throb between your legs.
"Promise?" You sit back next him in your chair. Disappointment written all over your face.
"I promise." He pouted right back at you, sticking out his bottom lip.
There were many times Eddie did those things with you live on his show. One time you both almost got caught right in the middle of fucking when his boss was paying a visit. The room was a mess where he slung everything off his desk to lay you on top of it. The other time was when you accidentally hit the unmute button on his mic, and for about five minutes, Eddie's listeners got to hear you both going at it on his desk. The equipment rattling and wood creaking. You begging him to go faster. The sound of his hand slapping your ass from behind.
Yes, he was almost fired from there, too, but he got them more media attention, so he got stayed. His show became number one locally, and then a few years later, Nation Wide.
Eddie would interview big names he used to only dream about. From Ozzy to James Hetfield and so on. He had a personal feud with Howard Stern when Eddie called him out on his show. He absolutely loathed that man.
You and Eddie stayed together throughout it all and even moved in with one another after your graduation. You still worked as his assistant in his now much bigger studio. Everything was going very well for the two of you so far, and you can't wait to see what else the future holds.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 4 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You and Jungkook get to know each other a bit better Pairing: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 4.6k~ a/n: Took me a while to get back to this story so I made this chapter a bit longer. Hope you like it! Read from the beginning
"Again" Jungkook says in a commanding tone, watching as I pick up the book I had balanced on top of my head while he had me running through the steps for a waltz on my own. (yes, like you see in those cheesy princess movies)
"Why am I doing this again?" I ask, stopping for a second to prevent the book from wobbling so much. "It's to help with your posture and balance. Once you've learned how to maintain proper posture then we can fine tune it to make it seem more natural" he says an eyebrow raised as he watches me trying to regain balance of the book as well as myself. 
"How much longer do I have to do this?" I ask as I finally am able to regain my composure. "As long as I tell you to. Now please stop talking and focus on what you're trying to achieve" he says and I roll my eyes since luckily I have my back facing him this time, leaving me able to blow off a little bit of steam without him noticing. 
Ten or fifteen minutes later he finally lets me take a break. "Here" he says while handing me a glass of water. I look up at him with a confused expression, wondering what's gotten into him. He's hot one minute and the cold the next and I really don't know where things stand between us most days. "Are you going to take it or not?" he asks, clearly getting impatient. 
"Yes, sorry. Thank you" I say quickly reach for it, our hands subtly brushing up against each other and neither of us pulling away right away. "Um, Mr. Jeon?" I say, questioning why he hasn't let go. 
"Oh" he says and pulls his hand back, acting as if he had touched a hot stove. "Rest for ten minutes and then be ready to begin again" he says, clearing his throat and walking out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 
Pulling out my phone I open Jesse's message thread and send him a text immediately.
'Bitch' I simply send, knowing that that kind of message will get his attention right away. 
'Bitch' is all he sends back, showing that he's listening. 
'Jungkook is acting weird again' I send, not really knowing how else to explain it. 
'Isn't he always though? What happened this time?' he sends, making a point but also wanting to know more.  
'He has me dancing around the room with a book on top of my head, you know very princess in training kind of situation' I send, annoyed at the fact that I've already been doing this for an hour. 
'Okay, doesn't sound too crazy to me'  he replies, not really sure where I'm going with this. 
'He's been doing stuff like this for weeks right? But today he's been leaning up against the wall and watching me, but I feel like this time he's checking me out more than anything. I don't know it just feels different. And he said I could take a break (hence why I'm able to talk to you now) and he gave me a glass of water' I send off, trying to get it all out before he gets back. 
'Okay and? Sounds like he's just being nice'  he sends back, not really getting the full picture yet.
'But the thing is, once he handed it to me he wouldn't let go of it. Like it took me a second to grab it because I was confused as to why he was being so nice to me but then when I finally did take it it was like he wanted to keep our hands touching. I don't know but it felt kind of weird' I send, hoping to get some validation for my feelings about this. 
'Oooo sounds like lover boy might be into you'  he teases and I can't help but smile and roll my eyes when I see the message. I of course told him about the dress incident and he's been teasing me about it ever since. 
'No he's not' I send, wondering though if he might be right. 
'Okay but what happened after that?'  he asks, pressing for more details since things have gotten a bit more juicy (how he would describe it, not me).
'Well I called out his name since he seemed to be in a bit of a daze and when he realized what he was doing he ripped his hand away and looked flustered? Nervous? I don't know but he definitely was more surprised by his actions than I was. And then he just kinda left and said to be ready to continue in ten minutes' I send, not really knowing how to describe his reaction. 
"Let's get started" Jungkook says, walking into the practice room again and I send Jesse a quick message telling him I have to go and lock the screen and throw it in my bag before I'm able to see his response. 
I stand up and smooth out my skirt and walk back towards where I had placed the book down and reach for it again but before I'm able to touch it Jungkook grabs my wrist and pulls it away and places my hand on his shoulder, and pulls me in by the waist. I take in a sharp breath at the sudden proximity and I'm left staring at him with a wide eyed look. "I thought I needed more practice with my posture" I say, confused as to why he's done this so suddenly. 
"You seem to be progressing faster than I had anticipated so I figured we should move on" He says, leaning towards me, leaving me having to close my eyes, not really sure what to do but I'm startled by the sound of music suddenly playing through the speakers again. Now just realizing he was leaning in closer so he could press play on the sound system. 
"Are you alright?" he ask with a smug look on his face after standing upright and seeing the blush that had started to form on my cheeks. "I'm fine" I say, clearing my throat and looking off to the side so I can avoid his playful gaze. I hear him chuckle under his breath and say something that I just can't catch which leaves me turning back to face him. 
"What was that?" I ask with my brows pinched together in confusion. "Nothing, now focus and try not to step on my feet like last time" he taunts and I grace him with a sarcastic smile in return before he starts to lead me in this waltz that we've gone through a million times at this point. 
"Head up, back straight, wrists relaxed" he lists off, fixing the small details to make everything look seamless and I can't help but agree. With these minor changes it feels more natural and comfortable with each and every turn. 
Once the song finally ends we both part and I do a slight curtsy to him and he bows back. "That wasn't horrible, wasn't the best, but better" he says, trying his hardest not to make his compliment go to my head. "Umm thanks?" I say with a questioning tone, thinking that I did a lot better this time but I guess he's someone who is never truly satisfied.
"Grab you things, we're leaving" he says and puts on his suit jacket and looks in the mirror, fixing the collar and making sure everything is in place. "What do you mean?" I question, quickly grabbing my jacket and purse off the table in the corner of the room. 
"Did your father not inform you? We're going out to dinner tonight, I need to asses your table manners and this would be the best way to go about it. We'll work on fine tuning the small details tomorrow if need be" he says and walks down the hall, rushing me out of his home. 
"I've made reservations for us so we need to make sure to be punctual, which you have gotten a bit better at so well done" he says and holds the front door open for me to head out first so he can lock up. 
For some reason that small bit of praise has a nervous feeling start to bubble in my stomach and I get slightly nervous at the thought of being with him like this. It's not a date or anything but it just feels weird, like it's uncharted territory for us. 
"We'll take my car. You father has already sent someone to pick yours up" he says, never bothering to give me a choice in the matter. I might as well not have a car at this rate, seeing as he always seems to make the decision to drive the both of us. "You know you don't have to drive me around right? I really don't mind taking my car and meeting you there" I say as I walk towards him where he's holding the passenger side door open for me. 
"I am well aware. It's more convenient this way. I have another meeting in the city again so I'll be dropping you off at home as well" he informs me and closes the door once I've gotten in. "You're really controlling did you know that?" I say, finally voicing my opinions since I'm tired of him making choices for me. 
"I believe I make decisions that would be the most advantageous for the both of us so if that's seen as controlling then yes I am. Are you done now?" he asks as he gets into the driver's side and puts on his seatbelt before starting the car. "Whatever" I mumble, crossing my arms over my chest and angling my body away from him. He decides to let this one go, honestly not seeing the error in his ways until I spoke up and makes it a point to discuss this later when I'm not already upset with him.
The drive to the restaurant is painfully silent and he doesn't bother to put any sort of music on leaving the tension that had built between us still thick with animosity (at least from my side). As we get closer though I start to realize that some of that anger and frustration might just be from the fact that I'm actually starving so I decide to make a note to give him a bit of a break, trying to be a bit more reasonable. 
Once we've pulled up I see that we're eating at one of the high rise restaurants that I've always wanted to go to and I can feel myself already start to salivate. "Close your mouth or you'll start drooling again" Jungkook says as he unbuckles his belt and gets out of the car, handing the keys to the valet, exchanging it for a ticket. 
I close my mouth and frown at him before going to do the same but before I'm able to open the car door on my own I see that he has yet again opened it for me and is now offering his hand to help me out. I have half a mind to brush it off and get out on my own but then I remember that we're in public and this is one of those times that I need to be showing off the skills that he has been teaching me, so I graciously accept it and step out of the car. 
"Good girl" he whispers to me and I turn towards him with a startled look on my face. "I could tell what was going on in that pretty little head of yours but you accepted my hand nonetheless so good job" he says and takes my hand, placing it on his arm to lead me inside. 
Being this close to him and especially in public feels different, he seems a bit more relaxed and isn't as short with me. It's nice but it feels weird, I just never know what version of Jungkook I'm going to get these days and it's making me dizzy. 
"Table for two?" the host asks us when we walk up to the podium. "Yes it should be under the name Jeon" Jungkook answers and I'm thankful that he does. I'm not a shy person so to say but I definitely feel out of my element so as the minutes go by he seems to bring me a sense of comfort and familiarity. 
"Ah yes Mr. Jeon, if you will follow me please" the host replies and leads us to our table that seems to be set up in a nice almost intimate corner of the restaurant. Safe from the pressure of the masses that are seated all around. 
I could've sworn I saw a senator or governor around here before we sat down as well as a CEO or two so it's nice to not have to worry about perfectly keeping up appearances as of yet. That's just what our family needs, a scandal because of me spilling a drink on someone important or not chewing my food properly and being called a slob. 
Okay that last one was probably a stretch but still it's not something that needs to be added to the list since our family is already under fire for my stepfather marrying beneath his social status. I want to do everything I can to keep from adding something else to his plate so I guess I should still be on my best behavior. 
"Good evening" our waiter says when he comes around to no doubt take our orders. "Oh Mr. Jeon, how lovely to see you again. Is this another one of your students?" he asks, looking over at me with a friendly smile. "Yes this is Miss y/n, my newest pupil" Jungkook replies, matching the same warmth the waiter has offered to us both.
Looking at him as he exchanges pleasantries with this man I can see almost a hint of a smile, a genuine one at that. They must know each other well since he recognizes him and already knows what Jungkook does for a living. "We'll have the set menu please with a glass of merlot for the both of us" Jungkook finishes and I'm startled out of my train of thought at the fact that again he didn't give me a chance to make a choice for myself. 
He notices the slightly narrowed gaze I'm giving him and he has the audacity to smile, clearly enjoying my reaction. "Why didn't yo-" "At the various events you shall be attending this fall you won't have much of a choice in the menu so it's better to get used to eating food that you wouldn't necessarily order on your own" he says placing his napkin on his lap. 
"At least you ordered the kind of wine I like" I mumble, mirroring him with my napkin at well. "What was that?" he asks, clearly using it to subtly scold me and ask me to speak properly or not speak at all. Or that's what he's told me in the past. 
"I said you have an excellent taste in wine" I respond with a pained smile, hating that I'm complimenting him, no matter how small it might be. "I asked Matthew what kind you tend to prefer and he gave me a few options" he says and takes a sip of the water that had already been placed here for us. 
"You asked what my favorite type of wine is?" I question, confused again by this constant push and pull between us. "Did I not just say that?" he says and before I'm able to respond the wine in question is brought to our table. "Your first course will be out in just a moment" the waiter from before says and he leaves us again as quickly as he had come.
"Try it" Jungkook says and waits for me to take a sip before he does the same. I do as he says and let the subtly sweet flavor envelop my tastebuds leaving me letting out an almost inaudible moan, surprised that wine could even taste this good. 
"Needless to say it is to your liking?" Jungkook asks, clearly amused with my reaction and I can't help but nod feeling embarrased. "Yes I guess you could say that" I respond awkwardly before taking another sip, trying to hide my reaction to it a bit more this time. 
The dinner goes on without a hitch. Jungkook and I actually engage in pleasant conversation and I end up learning a bit more about him. "So what you're saying is that because you hated how bratty and rude rich kids around you were when you were growing up that it made you want to become an etiquette teacher to fix the future generation of rich kids" I summaries, the thought of it almost laughable. 
"In so many words yes, I guess you could say that" he says, smiling at my simplified version. "So you've been a control freak from day one. I mean-" I say, my eyes wide while covering my mouth after I've realized what I had just said. "I think this wine has gone to your head y/n" he teases, this time using my name without any sort of formal title attached to it, somehow causing butterflies to stir in my stomach. 
"Yes you're probably right" I say, just now noticing the fact that he only had one glass at the beginning of our meal where as I am on my third. I set my glass down and start drinking water to hopefully clear up my head a bit but I guess the damage has been done. 
As we walk out of the restaurant with my arm linked with his just as it had been before we went inside I turn to face him while we wait for the valet to bring the car around. "I'm sorry Mr. Jeon, what I had said in there was completely uncalled for" I say, admitting to my fault. "It's fine, I guess I have been quite harsh with you from the very start and that hasn't been very fair to you" he says, again surprising me with the walls that seem to be breaking down showing me what a kind and considerate person he can be. 
Before I can say anything else our car has stopped right in front of us and Jungkook leads me over to it and opens the door to help me inside, trying his best to maintain some sense of subtly at the fact that I might be a bit tipsy. Wanting to hopefully keep both of our images in tact. He closes the door after he's made sure that I'm all set and exchanges the keys with the ticket and gives the valet a tip before going to the drivers side and closing it behind him. 
He looks over at me and leans over towards me, leaving me confused and closing my eyes again just as I had done before in the practice room today and before I'm able to say anything I hear him pulling the seatbelt over and buckling it around me. I open my eyes and see that he's still close even though he had already fastened it and we both just sit there for what feels like hours studying each other's features. 
"Thank you" I say barely above a whisper which seems to break him out of the momentary trance he had been in for a few moments and sits back up straight mumbling a quick "You're welcome" before pulling out of the parking lot and back onto the road. 
Again the ride is silent but this one is filled with more of an awkward air to it with some sort of tension as well. What kind of tension is something I'm not sure of but he's definitely gotten close enough to kiss me on multiple occasions today alone but I'm not exactly sure if that's just the kind of guy he is or if there's something else going on in his head. 
As we round the corner to my house I see Jesse's car parked outside with him sitting inside of it while on his phone. "Jesse?" I say aloud, perplexed as to why he would show up unannounced but I'm happy about it nonetheless. "Who's that?" Jungkook asks, his clear curiosity a surprise to me. "Just a friend" I say casually, trying to gauge his reaction and to my surprise I see the muscle in his jaw tense as he clenches his teeth a bit before tonguing his cheek soon after. 
When Jesse finally notices the car he looks up and smiles when he sees me and then looks over to the driver's side and sees Jungkook for the first time and gives him an unreadable expression. Unreadable if you're not familiar with him but with how close the two of us are I can tell that he's trying his hardest not to freak out after finally seeing him in person. 
As Jungkook moves his car further up the driveway Jesse makes his way up towards the house as well on foot, meeting us when Jungkook parks his car right outside the front door. "Jesse hey! Were we supposed to meet tonight?" I ask, still confused as to why he's here. "Yeah we were gonna watch a movie, remember?" he says in a voice much deeper than usual, throwing me off guard and checking out Jungkook who is standing right behind me. 
"Oh sorry Jesse this is Mr. Jeon, he's my teacher I had talked to you about. Jungkook, this is one of my friends from college Jesse" I say introducing the two, kind of catching on to the reason for Jesse's change in behavior. Jungkook comes closer and goes to shake Jesse's outstretched hand but still stands behind me, making him press up against my back, our bodies flush together for only a moment before he let's go and take's a few steps back to his previous spot. 
"Thank you for dinner Jungkook, I really enjoyed myself" I say turning to face him while Jesse makes his way over to the door waiting for us to say our goodbyes. "Jungkook?" Jungkook says, raising a brow at me, this being the first time I've used his first name. "I-I mean Mr. Jeon" I say, feeling flustered by my need for correction. 
"It's okay, you can call me that if you'd like" he say before reaching back into his car to grab my jacket and purse that I've left sitting in the passenger seat. "Oh, thank you" I say taking both of them and taking note of how he again brushes his hand up against mine. "Goodnight y/n" he says, placing his hand almost protectively on my waist before glancing over and giving Jesse a quick nod which he returns. 
"Goodnight" I say and quickly scurry off before I try to do something stupid and make matters worse and what I don't notice is how Jungkook closes the passenger side door and leans up against his car watching as I go and takes in the small interaction that Jesse and I have while I'm pulling out my keys to go inside. 
I only notice when I turn back around to close the door where we make eye contact for only a second before he pushes himself off of the side of the car and walks over to the drivers side and drives off. 
As I watch his car slowly disappear I don't take notice into the fact that I've slowly leaned further and further out of the doorway to watch him go until I hear Jesse's deep voice scare me half to death behind me. 
"Girl you got it bad" he says, laughing while I almost fall on my face from the precarious position I had put myself in. "I do not!" I say and turn around to close and lock the door before running up the steps to my room with Jesse hot on my heels. 
"Did you see the way he was looking at you? At me?" he laughs, seeing how defensive and flustered I am. "No" I continue and shush him so he doesn't wake up the whole house. "If looks could kill I would be six feet under" he says once we've gotten to my room. "Why were you acting all masculine out there? I mean not to say that you aren't masculine but you know what I mean" I say, pretty much knowing but wanting to make sure. 
"I wanted to see how he would react to another guy being around you. One that he thought was straight and close to you" he teases while throwing himself on my bed. "Why would you want to do that?" I question, taking off my heels and grabbing some clothes to go change in in my bathroom. "Because I wanted to see if he would get jealous and if jealous was a person his name would be Jeon Jungkook" he says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"Why would he get jealous? He hates me" I say, not even believing the words that are coming out of my own mouth. "Please, he was practically green" he says laying on his back and picking up one of the books that I still haven't finished and thumbing through it. "He was not!" I say finding his observations ridiculous. 
"Did you see how possessive he got with you? How he purposefully leaned against you to shake my hand instead of going around. How he held your waist when he said goodnight. I'm pretty sure I heard him say that you could call him Jungkook now instead of Mr. Jeon right?" he lists, showing me what Jungkook's behaviors added all together really showed.
I groan after I come out of my bathroom, throwing myself on the bed next to him and staring up at the ceiling trying to process everything that happened today. "What am I supposed to think about all of this? What am I going to say when I see him tomorrow? What is he going to say?" I ask aloud, dreading the answers to these questions even though I know I won't be getting any answers tonight.
"Just go in tomorrow and act like everything is fine. Try out that more casual approach by calling him Jungkook like he told you you could. I don't know just take it easy and follow his lead and see where things go from there" he suggests and I take a deep breath, taking in everything he's saying and deciding the best thing I could do right now is try to distract myself. 
"Why are you here anyways?" I question, turning towards him now realizing that we never talked about him coming over tonight. "I wanted to hear about what happened after what you told me earlier today but I think I saw all that I needed to see" he says turning over to face me with a teasing smirk and I push him a little in response. 
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" he suggests. "Please" I groan out and he laughs at my response. While he turns on my tv I send Jungkook a quick message just trying to hopefully clear the air after what happened tonight. 
'Drive safe :)' I send before I can second guess myself. 
'Always x'  he responds almost immediately, leaving me smiling. Who knew that one little 'x' could make me so flustered.
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httpknjoon · 3 months
eagle-eyed | ksj
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plot | That time Jin saw you arriving on set with someone else.
word count | 805
genres | fluff(?)
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader
note | my first drabble about them in their pre-relationship era! this one's short but enjoy reading!
main masterlist | the a-listers: confidential masterlist
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It was around the first week of your filming for your second movie together, Lonely People.
Jin was just having a small chat with one of the crew guys from the sound department when he noticed an unfamiliar car arriving at the set. It’s not like he knows every vehicle in the set but this one caught his eye. It’s one of Bentley’s latest releases. So, whoever it is in that car does have a thick pocket. But he could not tell who it was. The glasses were tinted very dark.
Additionally, it was a very early call time, before four in the morning to be exact. The skies were still in deep shade of blue.  The scene he is about to shoot with you includes a beautiful sunrise, that’s why.
When the car stopped in one of the less crowded spaces, a bit distant from where was Jin standing. he was surprised to see you got off the passenger side of the car. You were wearing a loose white button-up shirt, tucked in your high-waist jeans. Your hair was tied in a messy bun, which is fine since you still have to go in the makeup chair before getting in front of the camera.
He watched your back leaning in inside the car once again, as if talking to the mystery driver, before closing the door. Even though it’s a little dim, Jin catches a small glimpse of the driver. With a medium-sized coffee in hand and a shoulder bag on the other, you walked in the direction of the parked trailer. Jin said goodbye to the crew member he was talking with before following behind you. 
“Hey, bub.” he greeted you.
“Oh, hello, Jinnie. Good morning.” Turning around, you smiled before leaning in to give him a friendly cheek kiss.
He didn’t mean to be weird. But that short interaction gave him a small sniff of a strong scent in your hair. It was familiar and he could tell that it was men’s shampoo. He tried to shake off any thoughts bubbling in his mind. Instead, he asked,
“Where’s Hailey?”
“She’s coming. We came with different cars, a friend drove me here,” you replied while typing in your phone before sipping in your coffee.
Jin reiterated, “A friend?”
His strange tone made you turn around to look at him. You stared at his face like you were studying his expression. He simply grinned.
“Yes, Jinnie. A friend,” you repeated, squinting, before walking again.
Jin continues to follow behind you until you stop in front of your trailer. He spoke again, “Well, your friend looks like the popular Kim Taehyung.”
Kim Taehyung is another well-known name in the industry. He is one of Hollywood’s favorite heartthrobs. Other than his works, he is also popular in gossip magazines with his ever-changing dating rumors. He is often captured by paparazzi hanging out with various actresses and personalities. His rumors often paint him as a womanizer.
As if the name was something illegal, you immediately looked around before pulling Jin, by his shirt, inside your trailer. You locked the door and eyed him.
You sighed, “Okay, it’s him. We’ve been seeing each other for like weeks now.”
Jin never knew how hard it was not to slump his shoulder until now. He didn’t want to look like he was disappointed or jealous because he wasn’t. He wasn’t. He. Wasn’t. 
“And I really like him. He seems very nice and sweet too. Plus, we are enjoying the company of each other. But it would really suck if the media gets their hands on us. So, I’m begging you, Kim Seokjin. Please, don’t tell anyone about this.”
Pleading, you looked at him.
And your eyes. Your eyes were doing those things on him. Again. Every time you look at him, he always sees those sparkles that he cannot see with anyone else. It does things in him that usually include a million butterflies playing around in his stomach. 
Feeling something stuck in his throat, he cleared his throat. The anxiety is written all over your face and he can understand why. Dating is hard in Hollywood. Privacy doesn’t exist for everyone here. But if you manage to keep a relationship secret, it can be really nerve-wracking to maintain it. And you saying this to him meant that you truly trust him. So, Jin exhaled through his nose. He raised his hand and acted to zip his mouth before throwing the imaginary key away.
He spoke, “I saw nothing, bub. What are you saying?”
Your expression relaxed while the corner of your lips turned upward. You wrapped your arms around his waist,
“Thank you so much, Jin. I appreciate it. A lot.”
“No problem, bub.” Jin hugged you back as he whispered, hoping it would hide whatever he was feeling.
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the-evil-lovable-simp · 4 months
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Sideshow Bob x vampire reader
Part 2
Since Bart's family didn't know you were a vampire, they had invited you on a day out, and unfortunately for you, it was a grand sunny day. As you were walking down the streets you were getting many weird looks, you were wearing a big sunhat with big sunglasses and you were holding an umbrella over your head. But there wasn't a cloud in the sky. You were all heading to a fair, it wasn't too far, and that's why you guys had decided to walk, much to Homer's dismay. As soon as you got there the two kids ran away and then you noticed that Marge and Homer had disappeared with the baby and then you were alone with crowds of people. You sighed and started walking around, it was hard to walk around through people with an umbrella. You watched the people run around and scream, that's when you saw someone sitting at a bench on their own, reading a book, it was...oh what was it, oh yes, Robert. You got out of the crowd. You slowly walked towards the bench and gently sat down, so quietly Bob didn't even notice.
"Hello, Robert," You said as elegantly as possible, he jumped slightly, not expecting anyone to be near or talking to him.
"Do, do we know each other?" he asked, you angled the umbrella so he could see your face.
"Oh, it's you, nice to see you again...um, I do apologize, I never got your name," he said trying to see your eyes under your glasses.
"It's (y/n)," You giggled.
"Well, I'm starting to think, (y/n), that you're stalking me," he said in a joking way. You laughed "Oh, no no, if I was, you wouldn't know!" You continued to laugh as his died down after you said that last bit. He then looked at the umbrella, this confused him further. He closed his book, this, attracting your attention.
"What are you reading?" you asked, he looked down at his book and then back at you.
"Only one of the greatest authors known to man, Shakespeare, the book I'm reading is called, Macbeth," He announced proudly.
"Oh, Gulielmus, for short I liked to call him Will" Bob stared at you perplexed as you continued.
"I even read some of his non-published books, he also gave great head," You said looking satisfied.
"The nerve, there's no way any of that happened," He argued as you stared at him blankly.
"Ok" you shrugged, he stared at you, expecting something else, he did not understand your humour.
"Soooo, what do, um, people do for fun in fairs?" you asked getting closer to him, scooching on the bench. It still surprised him that you were this interested in talking to him even with all the things he's done. He looked at the fair and then back at your face.
"Let me show you," he said getting up and putting his book away, he turned looking down at you, putting his arm out for you to link. You smiled, showing off your fangs. You shot up, energetically linking arms with him, you almost knocked him over. You put your umbrella over both over you, it only just fit over Bob's hair. You set off, walking towards a stall, there were no lines so you didn't have to wait. The man inside got excited because he finally had customers, he ran up to the counter, while the other guy was asleep on a stool.
"$10 for four goes," the man said.
"And people call me criminal," Bob grumbled to himself.
"What?" You asked even though you heard him, he coughed.
"Nothing..." He answered quickly, putting down the money and the man put down the four balls. "Now, what you have to do is hit the bottles with the balls, like this, watch," He said grabbing one and throwing it, it did hit it, but nothing happened, "ergghhereeh" you heard him.
"I'll try again!" he states, he grabs another and throws it harder this time......still nothing.
He hit his fists on the counter.
"This game is rigged I tell you!!!" He yelled as the man owning the stall jumped and looked scared, you wondered why.
"Can I try?" You asked, this caught both the men's attention.
"Sure, I don't want to do it anymore" Bob said giving you the last two balls. You put down your umbrella, it was ok since you were under the stall's shade. You aimed, but not at the bottles at the man on the stool, and you threw, you hit the man in the head making him fall over, but he didn't wake up.
"BAHA ha ha haha haa!" You heard next to you, you looked and saw Robert laughing.
"Ha ha ha you're haha you're supposed to hit the bottles!" Bob explained while still laughing.
"Oh," you said, you lifted your arm, getting ready, you lifted up your leg, and you threw, you used a lot of strength in this throw. The ball Caught on fire, it hit the bottle, but it also knocked over the table and all the rest of the other piles of bottles, ending up with them all smashing on the floor.
Bob and the man who owned the game you just ruined stood there with both their mouths agape. You turned to them with a wide smile.
"What now!?" You asked excitedly.
"Well, I think traditionally," Bob gave the man a scowl, "You get a prize," he smiled threateningly at the man, the guy cowered.
"Well, I h-have these," the man said presenting some Krusty the Clown merchandise.
"Ehggeehgah" Bob grumbled, "Don't you have anything else?" he said miffed off.
"Well..." The man gulped "I have these, years back some businessmen said they didn't need them anymore," the man explained putting down some really familiar cuddlies. You gasped and grabbed one, it looked like Robert, but in a weird green skirt thing. Bob's eyes widened, he had forgotten about those embarrassing things.
"Is this you!?" you asked amazed, Bob started fake laughing.
"Ha ha ha, (y/n) don't be preposterous, you jokester ha ha!" He said trying to change the subject.
"Well, it looks like you," you said.
"It sure is him-" The man started to add on to the embarrassment.
"No it's not!!!" Bob snapped.
"Well I like it," you said grabbing your umbrella once more, this caught Bob off guard, you like the cuddly of him?!?! You started to walk off, Bob gave the man one last scowl and ran to catch up with you, to talk some more.
(guys this story is also on wattpad)
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citrus-simp · 1 year
Mission Log 03
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A/N: The last chapter wasn't so great so I hope to make it up here; so overdo that I had to read the last two chapters.
Warnings: language
"This is Captain Erwin Smith and we are on the 36th day of our journey. Over the course of our first month my co-captains, medic, and scientist have been up and at work. I will not ignore the fact they are also my friends who have come back to brighten my days in this dark void." he said into the camera "The others in our crew have also woken up, we fully have all hands on deck. Our technician Molbit Berner works alongside Hange Zoe. Our young recruits Eren Yeager, Armin Arlet, Mikasa Akerman, Floch Forester, Jean Kirstein, Sasha Braus, and Connie Springer. They were entered into the program not only to aid in repopulation but as well as become our heirs and learn the skills to continue on. Food supply is stable, oxygen is stable, and the embryos are in stable condition...."
He paused as if he was hesitant to say what was on his mind. "...the only concern I would have would be our engineer. His name is Zeke...I had no information, no papers...nothing on him. He said he was an engineer and that he woke up in the shop. He's shown hard work and stays true to his word however I will be keeping a close eye on Zeke. Y/N Ackerman had a small scare the other day where she had also gotten a small injury while in the cargo. She's recovered well and works as hard as she always does. This is Erwin Smith logging off"
The ship was now lively with so many others. The younger crew learning their new skills and purposes on the ship. More work getting done, but also more people to interact and travel with. Mikasa, Armin, and Eren all happened to be very close friends, knowing one another from childhood. Jean, Sasha, and Connie were another trio who had met the first three in high school. The only outlier seemed to be Floch, although he was very dedicated to his work. He seemed distant at times, and kept to himself more. Luckily the space craft was very large to give everyone their own room.
"it's like having a bunch of brats and we're the parents"
"oh so you consider them your children?" you teased
"No, brat," he said pinching your cheek
"excuse me captain?" you hear a gentle voice
"oh, yes Armin?" the blonde stood next to you seeming a bit hesitant, no doubt because of your husband
"W-well there's a certain bypass in the system I don't have access to, could you help me?" he asked almost childlike. Levi would try and get you to admit it, but you never gave in. However, you may have a soft spot for Armin.
"Of course Armin," following the young blonde, you came to a screen and gave your access key "there we go, should be all set. I'll make sure to program the system for you guys to have access." you made a vocal note
"Thank you captain" the blonde smiles
"excuse me " a new voice sounds making you spin around. A new face. Tall, blond, full beard and glasses "Zeke Yeager, at your service" he extends a hand which you take and give a firm shake "We hadn't been introduced and I just had to know the lovely captain of this ship" he flirted with you
"Well it's nice to meet you Zeke and I'm not sure if you've met-"
"Me" the stoic voice calls behind you "Levi. Her husband." Now Levi had a very specific talent. And that was telling when men wanted you and this big ass blonde tree 1000% wanted you.
"Ah yes the famous Ackerman, I've heard and read much about you" he offered his hand which Levi did not take it and left him there until he brought it back to his side. "Hange is asking for you in the med bay by the way. Don't wanna keep four eyes waiting." he said crossing his arms. Zeke looks at you and leaves with a smile
"Stupid bastard" Levi mumbles
"Anyway come on Levi I want you to come check the embryos with me" you said tugging on his arm.
"Why the hell do I want to look at a bunch growing pains in the ass?" he asked as he was being dragged off by you. Even though he'd prefer not to, he'd rather do things to please you than to not at all. You get to the very secure and quiet room on the ship. You enter your pin and the door slides open with a hiss. It was like a library, each wall securely but delicately carrying new lives. Luckily the technology the ship had can sustain them until they are practically ready to be "born".
"Damn, how many are in here?" Levi said picking up one container and examining the Alien looking creature.
"From what I hear about 200. We have one set of twins, and one set of triplets." you said pointing to the containers that were in different colors from the rest. "The others have no relation tho....it's crazy don't you think?" you ask him
"that we're floating in space with a bunch of developing babies plus teenage brats? And Hange? Yes" he says sarcastically, pulling out a laugh from you
"Well yea but...all of this" you express towards the walls "This is where is all starts bur can also end. You have to admit it's a little scary. Its...up to us. Everything. The past, the present the future, its in our hands." you say with more in mind, and he knew.
"Y/N you kno-"
"Levi to the training bay" he groans hearing the intercom call him to go and train the recruits.
"We can talk later okay captain grumps?" you tease pecking his lips "I have to have some work done in here so if I'm not in our room I'll probably be here"
He pulls you in close to him and gives you a deeper kiss, as if he were going far far away. "Don't work too hard" one more kiss to your forehead was placed before he left to attend to his duties. Turning on the lights you go and sit at the desk near the back of the room and get to work.
You were generally in charge of the embryos and tracking their growth. Any abnormalities or effects were to be documented and monitored.
"Log number 38, this is captain Y/N in the embryo deck. The embryos seem to be developing well with no abnormalities. Each have grown to about 1 month along. They are still very new and delicate. We keep the shelves to a stable temperature to resemble the womb of a mother. We also do not keep this room cool like the rest of the ship" you note "Which means I sometimes sweat a storm in here. Now I know this is not professional but whoever is watching this, you've probably become a whole new society by now. new ways of life, maybe new languages, new everything. Just be sure to care for one another and the planet. Look on our mistakes and improve from that, I am terrified whenever I am in here. I am in charge of your very existence. I can only hope I'm doing it right. This is co-captain Y/N Ackerman signing off and continuing work"
As you worked tirelessly you hadn't noticed that house had gone by. You had eventually fallen asleep on your desk. As your form rose and fell with each breath. You felt a hand caress your upper back and fingers rake through your hair. You stir awake with a slight smile expecting to open your eyes and see Levi.
"mm Levi?" you stretch upward and turn to find yourself in the room alone. You could feel your heart drop into your stomach. You knew you felt someone touch you! You weren't imagining things! Saving the progress made, you quickly leave the room and lock it up.
You walk your way down the hall and to the right making your way to the dinning room. Everyone was there and seemed to have just finished their food.
"Captain Y/N, you must be hungry! You gotta try this chicken! Its AMAZING!" Sasha exclaimed waving a chicken leg around in the air making some of the juices fly around
"Sasha watch it!" Jean said trying to get her to stop flinging the food around. "You don't know if she wants that or not! Not everyone is as food obsessed as you!"
"I'm surprised you're not 200 pound more than what you are now" Connie added
"Cooonniieeee, that's meann" she wined with a frown.
It was never a dull moment with these kids huh?
"Thank you Sasha but I'll eat later. Do you know where Levi is?" you asked they all pointed to the main cockpit
"I think he's in there speaking with Captain Erwin and Hange" you nod and stroll over to the double doors and go inside where said persons were.
"Y/N perfect timing," Hange said clapping her hands together "how was that nap of yours?" she asks
"Well it was honestly strange-wait how do you know I was napping?" you asked
"Well, I was going to go and offer some food but you were drooling away on the desk" the scientist chuckled "but in all seriousness have a seat we've got something to discuss" You pull out the chair and sit
"Well, we are on course heading the right way. Our rough estimate is about a month or so. If things go smoothly, we preserve gas and supplies, we may get there even sooner" Erwin stated
"Wait...really?" you asked looking around at the other captains "so...we'll finally make it?" you ask again with hope in your eyes
"That's right," Hange sang "we'll finally be off of the ship, start our lives over, and our new future will begin"
"But that also means we need to have these recruits, taught, I shape and on track. That brings us to subject two" Levi said "Zeke, is my concern. We don't know what sewer the bastard came out of. You're in charge of getting information out of him but I don't want you alone with him"
"I can handle myself Levi you know that." you say crossed your legs as you explained your best offer "Look we have a room with a two way mirror. You stay on the other side and when you feel you need to come in, you come" ""I can handle myself Levi you know that." you say crossed your legs as you explained your best offer "Look we have a room with a two way mirror. You stay on the other side and when you feel you need to come in, you come"
Levi sighs heavily. He knew you were right, you were smart and quick on your feet. He hated how much he loved that about you. You can handle yourself in any situation, but he wanted to be the one to protect you.
"..fine" he gave in begrudgingly "We'll do it later this week." he declared. After setting a schedule for the meeting, Erwin had informed Zeke on what will be happening later on. But for now it was to your shared room, it was long day. You change into your more comfortable clothes while Levi was taking a shower. You rub your eyes and look at your reflection in the mirror. Maybe you were just imagining things.
"Hey, are you ready for bed?" Levi asked as he walked out drying his hair with a towel.
"Yea I am" you shuffled over to the bed and let your body fall limp on the mattress. "It's been a long day" you sigh opening your arms for Levi to come and lay in. Once he was dressed, he crawled over to your to lay on your chest. This was the best place to be in, on Earth or in space. No where compares to the comfort of your arms. You both lay there in the silence, letting yourselves drift off into slumber.
Little did you know of the lurking eyes that are watching you as you sleep soundly. The same eyes that have locked on to you for sinister plans only its twisted mind could know.
“Soon enough you will be mine.”
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catherinnn · 2 years
Last night.
eddie munson x fem!reader.
you broke up with Eddie months ago but you got so jealous when he got a new girlfriend that when you got drunk, you couldn't think of a better idea than to go his house and tell him.
warnings: jealousy, alcohol and drinking, mentions of sex, my english.
a/n: I think tumblr isn't showing my work in the tags anymore so if you liked this, I would really appreciate it if you interact with it. also I would really appreciate it if you read my latest work about Eddie x Henderson!reader, it's all in my profile. thanks!
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you walked from your friends car to the trailer's door you were already familiar with, you haven't been here for a while but obviously you remembered all too well about his trailer.
You knocked on the door and waited while you finished what was left on you beer bottle and tossed it somewhere in the grass.
"y/n? what are you doing here?" Eddie opened the door, he was in a pair of swearpants with no shirt on, God this was going to be harder than you thought.
"you!" you pointed him with your finger and with an angry expression.
"me?" he asked confused.
"yes! you! it's all your fault!"
"ok, you're drunk, come in, I'll give you some water" he went to fill a glass with water while you came in still frowning, still angry.
"drink it" he gave you the glass and you drank it all and then placed it on the table next to you "very good, so, why are you here?" he asked softly.
"because it's all your fault and I'm mad at you" you said angrily again.
"what is my fault?"
"because I was at a party and I met this jock who wanted to be with me but all I could do is imagine all the things you'd said if you met him, how you'd make fun of his hair and his clothes and all of his ridiculous things" you said in a sad tone.
"I'm still very confused" he said.
"and I wanted to be with him too, he was very hot and tall but all my stupid head could think about was you!"
"oh, I'm sorry" he said confused.
"I don't know what to do anymore, I miss you" you cried and sat on the couch behind you, pouting even more.
"what do you mean you miss me? I'm here with you" he joked.
"noo, I miss it when you were my boyfriend, I miss that Eddie" you explained as if it was one of your friends and not really him. but it was him, and he froze when he heard you. "and I shouldn't miss you because I broke up with you, it shouldn't be this way, it all stared when you got that new girlfriend of yours now and I hate her, I hate how she's all nice and cute with you, you're mine"
you did broke up with him almost three months ago now. your relationship got very serious too fast and you didn't think you were ready for that, you didn't realize how wrong you were until he got a new girlfriend, Clara, and it made you so jealous and sad to see them together at school in the spot where you were before and where you should be right now. you tried to just move on, you couldn't just go back to him and apologize now that he was happy with some one else. your friends helped you to try and move on but tonight, you drank a lot and stopped thinking about what you should or shouldn't do, you just did what you wanted, and right now, you wanted to cry and yell at Eddie for how sad he made you.
"y- y/n I think you are very drunk right now, and you should get some sleep, we can talk in the morning when you're sober" Eddie talked again after a few moments after hearing your confession.
you didn't say anything, just looked at him angrily.
"come on, you can sleep in my bed" he grabbed your hand and helped you go to bed. and because of how drunk you were, or maybe because of that nice and familiar smell of him in his bed, you felt your head spin a little bit and then fell asleep.
the next morning you were woken up by some screaming a little far from where you were.
you sat on the bed and looked around, that's when you remembered everything.
oh my God, you just remembered everything.
at the party you met this cute guy but you couldn't be with him because all you could think about was your ex-boyfriend, how you'd prefer to be with him at that moment and do the things you were going to do with that jock, but with Eddie.
but of course, you couldn't, he had a girlfriend now. that thought made you even more sad, so the best thing you thought about doing was to go to Eddie's and yell at him for how jealous you were. you dearest friend Robin thought that would be hilarious so she took you to his house and well, here you were now.
you recognized the screaming coming from the living room as Eddie's girlfriend, Clara and obviously, Eddie's voice too.
"that doesn't explain why she's sleeping in your bed" she said.
"I told you, she was drunk and she just fell asleep, I let her stay and I slept on the couch" he explained.
"ok, but why was she here in the first place?!"
"I don't know Clara! some of her friends just left her here I guess" he was tired, you recognized it on his tone.
maybe he was just woken up like you by his girlfriend, she saw you in his bed, and now they're fighting because of that.
you really needed to get out of there.
you got all of the things you recognized as yours, put your shoes back on and walked to the living room, where you obligatory had to pass through to get to the front door and walk the hell out of there.
"did you sleep with her?" she asked before any of them saw you.
"what? no-" Eddie began to explain when they saw you walk in.
everything went silent as they stared at you.
"um hi, I um- I'm really sorry about last night, I shouldn't have come here, I'm sorry... I should get going and leave you two alone" you said awkwardly and walked to the door.
"you're going to walk to your house? no, I'll drive you" Eddie said to you and Clara gave him a bad look.
"It's fine Eddie, I already caused enough, I'm really sorry, to both of you" you said opening the door and walking out of there as quickly as you could and went home.
you slept for hours and then woke up again to eat something, it was 4 p.m. and you hadn't even gotten breakfast, so you grabbed something from the fridge.
a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, you remembered you were alone at your house today, your parents were going to one of you relatives' house but you stayed because of how tired you were.
when you opened you were surprised to see Eddie at the other side of the door. your heart stopped, not ready to do the talking about last night yet.
"hey, I wanted to see if you got home ok after Clara went"
"I'm fine, umm, I just woke up from a nap really, didn't sleep much last night"
"yeah, I know, can I come in for a second?" he asked and you moved away from the door frame giving him space to walk in.
"do you- want something to drink or anything" you didn't want to show how nervous you were but you couldn't really help it.
"no, it's fine, I just wanted to come and talk a little bit... about last night and this morning" he was nervous too, you could tell.
"sure, yeah" you sighed.
"do you... remember anything about last night?"
"I do unfortunately" you joked trying to make this less awkward. he smiled a little and talked again.
"did you mean it?"
"what part specifically?" you played dumb.
"when you said you missed me and that you hated Clara" you were both nervous again.
"I don't... hate her, I just... I don't know what came through my mind last night, or why did I think that going to your house and cry at you would be a good idea"
he didn't say anything waiting for you to keep talking.
"I- these last month has been... hard for me, to see you with someone else, so last night when I met this other guy, I couldn't be with him, even if I wanted, I could only just think about you and that made me miss you but then I remembered that you have another girlfriend now and that made me sad and jealous, so then I really wanted to yell at you for how sad and jealous you made me, and robin thought that was a good idea so she drove me and well, you know the rest" you started to cry as you spoke about it.
"so it was all true" he made sure.
"a little bit" you said ashamed while tears kept running down your face "I know I have no right to be jealous because I was the one that ended it, but I didn't realized how much I missed you until I saw you with her... but I really do miss you and I do hate seeing her with you acting all cute and pretty for you, it's really hard because I want to be like that with you, no one else, and I'm so stupid for not realizing this when we were together but-"
"I broke up with her" he suddenly interrupted you.
"... what?"
"after last night, when you said all of those things to me, I couldn't stop thinking about it, about you and how much I miss you too, so I realized that I shouldn't feel this way if I was with another person. I didn't sleep at all last night and then Clara showed up in the morning and saw you in my bed, she started yelling at me and instead of wanting her to calm down so I could explain, I just wanted her to leave so I could talk to you, and so you could say all of those things again" his voice was braking showing that he was about to cry too. "after you left we kept talking... and I told her how I feel, I told her how much I miss you. she slapped me, yelled at me and then she left too, and after all of that, you want to know what I was thinking of?"
"what?" you asked him.
"I was wondering if you got home safely, after I broke up with Clara, all I could think about was how I should have taken you home so you didn't have to walk here in your heels and hungover like you were" he laughed at how stupid that sounded and you laughed at how cute it was.
you kept staring at each other, not knowing what you should do now.
he came closer to you and whispered.
"did you really miss me baby?" you could faint right there.
"I did" you said and wrapped your hands on the back of his neck.
he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you even closer.
and he kissed you.
he finally kissed you.
it was a very passionate and hurried kiss. after all the time you waited to kiss him again, all you longed for it, you were finally kissing him again.
"God I missed you so much" he quickly said and went back to keep kissing you.
and that's how you passed your afternoon, making out and then making love with ex --well, your boyfriend now, again.
you couldn't think of anything better to do.
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parragone · 1 year
ALSO kapglaz but this is something I abandoned because I don't feel like it reads very well, but also it's kinda cute. I'll recycle it later but
Context is that Kapkan, Tachanka, and Fuze agreed to approach Glaz individually, and Kapkan was the first to try
It was SUPPOSED to lead into smut, but oh well, it's not even edited
Be aware there is a v brief mention of Beslan, and also, it's clunky writing
It was a nice bar with a nice atmosphere and, most importantly, a lack of civilians. 
The bar on base had a strict rule against civilian entry, and for a good reason. While Spetsnaz worked to protect the public, many unit operators were prone to dark humor and unfortunate stories. The fact that at least one of the men who had bought him a drink had made a joke about land mines and how high someone’s leg could go and that Timur had laughed about it was proof enough that no civilian should be at a party, let alone a bar, on the base.
Tonight was slow. Only a handful of people were present, and while many were recognizable, none had been brave enough to approach him. As such, Timur had resigned himself to a night of drinking alone.
His assumption was quickly proven very, very wrong.
The man who sat next to him was someone he did, in fact, recognize; the notable scar on the arch of his nose angled just slightly down to the left was a dead giveaway, though the minute scars on his lips from decades of an anxious tell were something the sniper was fairly sure only he had noticed. He was slightly taller than Timur and slightly broader, with a preference for hand-to-hand that had given the sniper more bruises than he would ever admit. Not that they were ever unwelcome.
“Maxim Basuda,” Timur sighed into his drink. “Brave man.”
“On occasion,” the hunter replied. “I thought I could buy you a drink, Glazkov.”
The sniper turned in his seat and leaned on his arm, his impulsive smile far too visible for his liking. Maxim was dressed as casually as one could be, even if seeing him in jeans and a coat was startling when he was used to fatigues. “How many men have you seen buy me a drink in the last week?”
“No less than seventeen, yet you’ve gone home with none of them, Timur,” Maxim replied, as if he were simply reporting his ammunition. “I admit I was surprised when you refused Taras.”
“Unfortunately, all his skills are breaching, not socializing.” Timur sipped his drink as he gave the man a once over. “You think you can win me over when so many have failed?”
“I think if you give me five minutes and a chance to talk to you, you’ll be saying yes.” 
“Confidence, a slow and insidious killer,” the sniper put his drink down as he spoke. “Are you looking at trying to get me into a long-term affair?”
“It is my goal, yes.” The hunter held up a hand as Timur started to say something. “I know you are polyamorous and have no issue with it.”
“Study your prey, do you?” Timur shrugged. “Fine, so be it. You have five minutes from right now. If you succeed, you may order me a drink.”
Soon enough, Maxim had settled in properly and ordered himself a drink; a whiskey drink, which made Timur feel slightly better about his gin and tonic . The conversation started as many did, with a short discussion of recent events in each other’s lives. The fact that Maxim apparently had not one, but three brothers did not go unnoticed. The equally intriguing fact that he was apparently the eldest of these brothers was tucked away in the back of Timur's mind as he swirled his glass and raised a hand. 
"So," he asked pointedly, "I hear you're a hunter."
"Ah, yes," Maxim laughed as his demeanor shifted. His eyes got softer, and his shoulders relaxed. "Only twice a year."
"Still impressive. What do you hunt?"
"Deer, primarily. I hunt two to three each year in August, and once I've butchered and preserved them properly, my brothers do not need to purchase meat until the next year." He shrugged. "At times, the brass lets me bring the meat back to base with me, so long as it is a reasonable amount."
"You said primarily," the sniper replied. "You've hunted for other things?"
"Per the request of rangers, I have brought down two particular bears. The first was too aggressive towards people, and the second appeared to have some form of brain injury that had made it…." The hunter paused as if the right word eluded him. "It had lost whatever made it a conscious being. I believe the term is "mercy kill," and I happened to be heading toward the beast when the rangers caught up with me."
"Poor thing."
"It happens to the best of us," Maxim sighed. “I keep no trophies, or I would show you. You, however, could show me your hobby with little more than a trip home.”
“Oh? And what makes you so confident?”
There was a glimmer of pride in the man’s eyes as he gave a smug smile and sipped his own drink. "I know you are a painter." 
"Oh, you know, do you?” Timur raised an eyebrow as he set his drink down. “What gave it away?”
“You may not notice, but you have paint under your fingernails during some hand-to-hand drills,” Maxim replied with a small gesture towards the sniper’s hands. “Also, you sometimes smell of what I have figured out to be varnish.”
“Details,” Timur muuttered. “You got me.”
“Yet I have never seen your work.”
“I tend not to display it,” Timur sighed with a wave of his hand. “It is the sort of work that I feel would attract more questions than anything else.”
“May I ask why?”
“It is not what is expected of someone in the military, I suppose.” The sniper shrugged after a moment. “It is not combat or gruesome. I prefer more serene things, moments in time that cannot be found anywhere but my memory.”
“Such as?”
Timur smiled as he lifted his drink to his lips again, eyes trained on Maxim’s face and the glimmer of genuine curiosity in his eyes. It was almost odd to be confronted with someone who truly wanted to know more about him, rather than putting up with half-hearted conversation meant to butter him up for a casual encounter. He thought for a moment before he nodded slightly to the side and set his glass down.
“The one I am working on now is the Russky Bridge, or rather what I remember of it,” he explained. “When I was twelve, my father took me to a place along the riverbank where one could see the construction work in progress. He told me that such things were a matter of pride for politicians, but more of a bragging right than anything else. ‘We are a city of fishermen and sailors’, he told me, ‘what use do we have for a bridge when our boats do the job just fine?’”
"To make it easier for travelers, right? It was built in preparation for a summit, if I recall," Maxim replied as he tapped his jaw. 
"Yes, it was. And it was a pain in the ass to locals," the sniper grumbled. "Did not make me go to the military, but definitely contributed."
"What brought you to the military, exactly?" The hunter tilted his head in a sideways nod. "You seem like more of an artist than a killer."
"The Beslan siege," Timur replied bluntly. The demeanor of his partner changed slightly, and so the sniper gave a small gesture with his hand to try and both help himself explain and dismiss the anxiety that jumped into his throat. "The deaths unsettled me. The children most of all, but the whole affair was… I could not see myself standing idly by if I had the choice, so I transferred to the Cadet Corps and later was selected as a sniper due to my marksmanship and temperament. I hope the answer is not... too much."
"It is not," Maxim assured him as he shifted forward and hesitantly placed a hand on Timur's forearm, a comforting touch which the sniper did not reject. "I mean that. It is simply odd to hear the Beslan siege as someone's reason for joining when I myself served in it."
"You did?" How had he missed that? 
"I did, and several of my friends did as well," the hunter confirmed. "It was… difficult to serve in, and many of those I knew resigned after the fact." 
"I hope I did not make you uncomfortable-"
"Far from it," Maxim laughed. "I am glad you chose to take action on your feelings rather than spouting forth empty promises. It shows conviction that many lack. Some action is better than none, and you have clearly gone above and beyond in that sense. I have dealt with most of the trauma, and what is left is most certainly not yours to bear."
Timur felt his shoulders relax and let go of a breath he didn't realize he had held. Maxim's hand moved from his arm to his shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. The sniper rubbed his face with one hand and gave his fellow soldier a sympathetic look, one which was returned with genuine kindness. 
"And here I thought I had ruined my chance at a drink," Timur sighed with a sheepish smile. 
"Oh, I've won you over, have I?" Maxim moved his hand away and leaned on the bar, a smug grin on his face as he seemed to puff up like a bird. "I told you I could."
"Yes, but it took you fifteen minutes, not five," Timur countered. "So really, you should owe me three drinks. One tonight, two more at a later date."
Maxim paused for a moment and narrowed his eyes as his smile grew. "Are you saying I've won a second date?" 
"I am saying that I hope you intended for more than two." 
"Well," Maxim sighed, "I will have to ensure I do not step on Senaviev's toes, but I would love to take you out for another drink."
"Step on-"
Timur was interrupted by the bartender's last call and immediately sighed. He shook his head as he went to stand, his conversation partner right behind him with an equally sour expression as the bar's patrons began to collectively gather their things to leave. He found himself right behind Maxim as they shuffled out into the night air, the chill just enough for him to pull his hood up as they stepped out of the small crowd of soldiers. 
They made their way down the road in the general direction of base housing, neither breaking the silence for a short while. It was at the cusp of winter, not cold enough to snow yet not warm enough to frequently rain, and so they were caught in an early fog that would have made Timur want to rip his hair out if he were deployed. Instead, he found himself rather fond of the man next to him and the fact the fog gave him an excuse to be so close. 
"Step on toes, you said?" 
"Aha," Maxim replied with an awkward laugh. "Do not tell him that I told you, but myself, Senaviev, and Kessikbayev made a deal to come to you individually. We realized you flirted with all three of us and none of us were terribly keen on the idea of fighting each other if you had affection for each of us. Turns out, sharing is easy when you know who you are sharing with." 
"Oh, you've discussed this!" Timur feigned offense as he placed a hand over his chest, a smile destroying any chance he had of fooling Maxim. "Without me even there, for shame."
"Well, we considered dragging you into a conversation about it," Maxim admitted. "But we decided there were better ways. Are we going to continue this conversation in my quarters, or…?"
"We could, if you would like. On the condition you tell me everything," the sniper said with a wave of his hand. "I want to know."
"Ah, fine. If it means I can have you in my room tonight." The hunter shrugged as he continued walking and fished in his pockets. "We realized a month ago that we were being flirted with. It was Kessikbayev who suggested you may be polyamorous, and Senaviev was the one who asked you as indirectly as he could-"
"That's why he was so curious about my love life," Timur muttered. 
"- and when we realized he was right, we decided that we could share you if you wanted to be shared. Admittedly, I was keen on the idea because I find them as attractive as I find you." He shrugged as he finished and pulled out his keys, the electronic pass attached to them giving the two men access to the barracks. "We just did not want to overwhelm you, so we agreed on individual meetings and dates before we suggested multiples."
"I cannot tell if I am flattered you three are so willing or disappointed I was not there to see it," Timur confessed with a laugh as he followed Maxim to the stairwell. "Most men would be incredibly unhappy with such an arrangement."
"Most men are insecure at best, and controlling at worst. As long as I know who you’ve gone off with, I for one am far too happy to share you." The hunter tilted his head as he walked. “Must be why you’ve been single since I met you.”
"Mhm." The sniper paused on the stairs for a moment. "What are you expecting tonight?" 
"Expecting?" Maxim stopped on the landing, his hands in his pockets as he turned to look at Timur. "I expect nothing, Timur, I am happy with whatever you give me."
"Ah." After a moment of hesitation, Timur began to follow the man once again, his hands in his pockets. "You are allowed to call me Tima, you know, outside of operations." 
"Tima," Maxim repeated as he opened the door to the floor he lived on and motioned with one hand. Timur followed him down the hallway as the hunter got to his door and let them in. “I didn’t take you to have a preference for sweet names.”
“You’ll learn quite a bit about me the more you talk to me.” 
The sniper noticed that while the room was tidy, it was by no means a bland living area. He had successfully made his room reflect himself without breaking regulation; his shelves held survivalist books and field manuals, while his closet seemed to have practical clothes hidden behind his uniforms. His bed was well-made and, unfortunately, the only place to sit that didn’t have something tossed on it, be it a coat or a . Timur surmised he didn't have visitors very often as he sat on the edge of the bed and watched his host excuse himself to the kitchenette.
“I do not have anything worth a damn, but if you are still in the mood to drink,” Maxim said as he returned from the fridge to hand Timur a can. “This won’t count against the drinks I owe you.”
“Isn’t alcohol banned in base housing?” 
“It’s American. It shouldn’t legally count as alcohol,” the hunter replied. “I have to admit surprise. I thought you would be more reluctant to come home with me.”
“You and I both know that if you did anything, I could easily hurt you,” Timur replied with a shrug as he opened the can. “And even if I didn’t do so now, I’m an excellent marksman. Although, I would like to know what you want tonight.”
“I told you, I expect-”
“I didn’t ask for expectations,” Timur corrected gently as he took a sip of his drink. “I asked for wants.”
 The hunter raised his brows as he took a seat on the foot of the bed and tilted his can to the side. “Well. Do you want me to be honest, or do you want me to be polite?”
“Oh, honest. It's more fun that way."
“Well, honesty means I want to get both of us off before the end of the night and see under your clothing,” Maxim confessed. “And if not that, then I’d most certainly like to kiss you until one or both of us feels stupid.”
A moment of consideration was all Timur really needed before he gave his host an almost mischievous look. “Well, the latter can lead into the former. Just be aware that I do not typically take anything off on the first date.”
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bemtevis · 1 year
Istg at this point I'm just going to rewrite tlh out of spite for how awful cc treated them
James all of the sudden is this asshole who we barely ever seen reading AND WHERE DID HIS CUTE GLASSES GO😭😭
Christopher gets like zero acknowledgment even tho at the academy Thomas and Matthew were constantly backing him up(and sure we see this in chot but after ignoring him for two books and then killing him with zero grief :/)
Matthew...I actually don't have an issue with Matthew BECAUSE WE NEVER SEE HIS POINT OF VIEW, and I also feel his character might be the most realistic to the situation aside from Alastair and Grace
Thomas...she literally gave all his creativity to James. He writes poems and songs?? Where did that go?? We also never see him read or spend any actual page time with his family for more than a passing sentence
Jesse was fine ig until that scene with Grace...it's giving the Matthew and Alastair scene at the end of choi
Ari felt in character but I wish we could have seen more of her growth that wasn't just coming out and moving out
Anna is probably the one I'm the most upset about though because like, she was so nice in her original short story. And now she's just this straight up bitch who takes women's virginity for fun? CECILY AND GABRIEL'S DAUGHTER? I think fucking not.
And I hate that everyone moved past how creepy Charles dating Alastair and Ari was like, dude was a whole ass ADULT with a JOB preying on barely 16 year olds(we all know he waited for Alastair to turn 16 for consent laws😒)
And also why are all of the tid parents not present in their kids lives??? Tid and gotsm will, tessa, gabriel, cecily, sophie, and gideon would NEVER. And about the fairchild twins, I fucking hate that she did that. They already fucked matthew up by forcing him to either raise himself in order to take care of his dad or was babysat by the herondales, and he's probably going to be forced to take care of the twins too(yet another math/alas parallel)
Sorry for the rant I just have so many angry feelings about cc as a fellow author rn, like how fo you fuck up your own characters THAT badly-
oh pls do, I'm sure whatever you come up with will be better than canon
I mean he was kind of an asshole beforehand but I figured it was because of the gracelet and all, but his behavior barely changed after it was off! it was so pointless
JUSTICE FOR CHRISTOPHER! he was done so dirty! cc tells us the merry thieves love each other like brothers but then one of them dies and they barely grieve! show not tell, it's one of the first things you should learn as a writer
while I'm sure I would've glazed over most of them, I'm sure having matthew's pov would add a lot to the story. instead, his development is seen only through other people's povs and it falls flat, imo.
something I noticed while reading was that if it was one of thomas' povs, it would be about thomastair. I don't recall any instance in which it isn't. there was the night at matthew's flat, but that ended up being thomastair as well. we barely see him interact with his friends or family or hear about his interests and dreams! cc had something great with him and she threw it away, and for WHAT!
Idk why cc bothered to write james and jesse and everyone being so mad at grace, only for there to be only a few paragraphs in the epilogue about her forgiveness. it was such a cop out, tbh.
same as with thomas, all of ari's povs were about her love interest, except for the first one maybe. look, I know there is a huge cast of characters and it's hard to balance it all out, but cc's books are so filled with amatonormativity that it's hard not to see the pattern.
the thing with anna is that in chot, she feels more like what she should've been. same with matthew imo. they're flawed characters, yes, and don't always make the best decisions, but they're closer to what the narrative wanted me to believe from the start. I loved eet anna, but chog came and ruined her! then cc tried to retcon it, Ig, and it was such an abrupt change that it felt off putting!
yeah yeah absolutely! I've said this before, but the problem with charles wasn't that he was closeted! it was his weird predatory behavior, and that was completely unaddressed. he, like anna and matthew and grace, had his arc rushed so the consequences of cc's writing couldn't catch up with her, but WE READ THE BOOKS! we know he's fucking creepy!
tbh if you told me all of the parents were trapped in a bubble for most of this trilogy, I would believe you. they were not present at all. gideon and gabriel lost their kids to their own sister, and they don't even process it. same with sophie and cecily. it's like they don't even exist.
dw about it! sorry for the equally long, if not longer, rant lol. completely agree; cc's great at creating great concepts then not knowing how to execute them at all. it's so sad
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Bringing Up The Past
A fic for @kayssweetdreams . This fic also takes place in the events of Part 15 of her Prim and Proper Problems fic. Enjoy!
The drive to Aria's parents' house was rather quiet aside from the soft rock music that played on Aria's radio in her car. Leo sat in the passenger seat while Emma sat in the back.
"I'm a little nervous on meeting your parents, Aria," Emma said, breaking the silence. "Are they nice people?"
"Yes, they are," Aria replied, keeping her eyes on the road. "They'll like both you and Leo. Especially considering that you two are my friends."
Fortunately for Leo and Emma, unlike the drive to PPP, this ride actually didn't take long, only about 15 minutes. The two teens looked out the window of Aria's car and saw that they were now in a rather nice and quiet suburban neighborhood. Aria drove into a parking space and pulled the key out of the ignition.
"Okay, here we are." Aria unbuckled and got out of her car. Leo and Emma did the same. The three walked up to the blue Victorian-styled house and knocked on the fuschia door.
The door opened to reveal a tall man of a large figure with brown hair, a moustache, soft green eyes, and glasses with red frames. "Aria! It's so great to see you, Brèagha," He said, wrapping his arms around her in a tight but comforting hug. Leo took notice of the heavy Scottish accent Aria's father had.
"Nice to see you too, Father." Aria hugged Roy Montgomery back. "Oh, I brought two friends over. This is Leo and Emma." She nodded to the two teens that stood at the doorway. "They were actually wondering if they could talk to you and Mother."
"Oh! Nice to meet you two!" Roy said to them. "Do come on in, you three." He motioned for Aria, Leo, and Emma to enter the house. "I'll go get Esme."
Leo and Emma sat down on the couch as they looked around the house. It was a combination of both elegant and laid-back, so Leo was able to somewhat tolerate it. Aria sat in a chair that was between both the couch and loveseat.
Roy came into the living room with a woman that Emma knew was Aria's mother. Esme was a beautiful woman with Aria's honey brown hair and teal eyes. "Oh, I see our daughter brought over some company. You two must be Leo and Emma, yes?" Like Roy and Aria, Esme had a Scottish accent too.
"We are, Mrs. Montgomery," Emma said. "It's so nice to meet you and Mr. Montgomery. You have a lovely house."
"You can just call me and my husband by our first names." Esme and Roy both sat down on the loveseat. "So, my husband says that you three needed to talk to us about something. What is it?"
Leo took a deep breath. "Emma and I need to know: does the name Madame Prim ring a bell to you two?" He asked. "I only ask because, well, that woman did something to two of our friends. And now, they're not who they used to be."
Roy and Esme's smiles faltered. Looks of horror and shock spread across their faces. Roy turned to Esme and muttered, "Let me do the talking." After turning back to the three, he cleared his throat. "It does ring a bell, Leo. I'll tell you three everything. First off, Madame Prim's real name is Primrose Gaillot. She was originally from Paris, France and grew up in a powerful and wealthy family."
"Have you met Primrose's family?" Emma asked.
"Only one time and it was when she dragged me to her mansion just so she could brag to them about how she 'found the most perfect boyfriend'," Roy hummed in thought. "As for what they were like? They had…really high expectations on everything, including how Primrose should behave. But they always gave her lots of priviledges when she succeeded in behaving well in school. So it was safe to say that for most of her life, she grew up spoiled rotten."
"There's another thing you should know," Emma said. "We found out that Madame Prim has a secret ally. We have this letter that was sent to her to prove it." She handed Roy the letter for him to read.
As soon as he finished reading it, a flash of anger, shock, and horror appeared. "A Thighearna!" He exclaimed. "Brainwashing!? It's a good thing we didn't send our Aria to that terrible school, Esme!"
Esme had a look of horror and worry in her eyes. "That has to explain what happened to your friends, Leo and Emma," She said. "That horrible woman brainwashed them into the people you know they're not."
"We want to know if you two saw Madame Prim talk to anyone suspicious back when you were both in high school," Leo said. "Chances are, this person must have been the secret ally Madame Prim was working with."
"Now that you mentioned it, I did see someone," Roy said. "I was walking home from school when I noticed Primrose talking to a cloaked figure. I never got a good look on their face but I saw they had red and gold eyes. I hid and eavesdropped on their conversation. Apparently, they were both working on a secret project together. One that not even her parents were aware of. This project, according to the cloaked figure, was supposed to make ill-behaved children into properly behaved beings."
"How did Madame Prim meet this person?" Emma asked.
"Three days prior to me seeing that person, Primrose gushed about meeting someone online." Roy crossed his arms and frowned. "Said that she had a plan for her future and this person was going to help her out. I automatically knew that something was up when she said that."
"When you'd eavesdropped on the conversation, what else did you hear?" Leo asked.
"I heard the figure tell Primrose that they would gladly work with her and that their boss would accept her, but under two conditions: one, she agreed to only use the project for actual delinquents and two, any debts that she had must be paid with actual money."
"Speaking of money, our friend Mei found a suitcase of fake cash." Emma said, crossing her arms. "It was called Perfection Cash. I think she was planning on giving it to the person."
"That's not good…" Roy said. "Especially since the person ended the conversation, warning Primrose that if she didn't abide by any of those conditions, they and their boss will go after her…" He closed his eyes. "What else did you two discover?"
"We found a document that had a list of families that filed for restraining orders against Madame Prim," Leo said. "And get this, the majority of them aren't even from Timeville! Madame Prim must have been travelling around the world in search of imperfect children that she could take."
"This is bad, real bad," Esme said. "You must save your two brainwashed friends. Thank you for telling us all what you've discovered. And be very, very careful out there."
"We will, Mother," Aria said, standing up to leave. "I'll see you real soon." Emma and Leo followed her out the door.
They now had more answers. But now, it was time to save Kaylo and Yuri.
Kaylo belongs to @kayssweetdreams
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Aria and her family belong to me.
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adoracora-elizabeth · 11 months
The truth always comes out, chapter 12
"Edith?" Cora stopped her middle daughter when she got downstairs.
Edith just crossed the great hall. "Mama? I thought you would stay upstairs today. Papa told us at breakfast."
"How can I stay inside when the weather is this nice. I will rest, but outside. But that was not why I stopped you."
"Well, let's first go outside and get you on a chair." She hooked her arm in her mother’s. "Carson, can you bring the cushions outside and some drinks?"
"Of course, Milady. Good to see you downstairs again, Milady."
Cora gave Carson a smile. He was a hard-working man. Having a butler was something Robert insisted on, and Cora had to admit that in a house like this, it was easier to have certain staff. Mrs. Hughes made sure the maids did their jobs. There were too many rooms to clean herself. Especially when the girls were younger, she was glad about all the help. And now she was so used to having all these people in their house that she did not even notice.
Edith made sure Cora sat down on the lounge chair. She heard about her fall last night, and she wanted to be sure she was comfortable.
"So, now we are finally alone again." Cora started after everybody had left again. Carson had made sure they had enough drinks and food. "Can you tell me what is going on in your life?"
"What do you mean, Mama?" Edith asked.
"Well, I know Sybil is seeing Tom, Mary is going out with Matthew, but you never tell me anything about boys you are seeing."
"There is not much to tell." Edith brought her glass to her mouth.
Cora cleared her throat, what made Edith turn her head.
"Mama, your lungs are still not clear, are they?" She said with a worried face.
Cora stretched her hand towards Edith. "This will take time, but my lungs do not hurt anymore, this cough will also go away."
"Well, this has been nice, but I have some letters to write.” Edith got up and kissed her mother on her cheek. "I will see you at dinner."
Lazily Cora stretched herself, the sun was nice and warm. She rested her head against the chair and closed her eyes. Just for a minute she thought.
Robert was on his hands and knees in his dressing room. Where was that letter! He had it in his hands last night, he dropped it when he ran to see what happened in Cora's room. He scolded himself for not being more careful and at the same time he got mad that Cora had interrupted him. He needed to find that letter, he needed to know what was written inside, but most of all, what if somebody else read it? That would be a disaster, even though he did not know what was inside, he could guess the contents. Robert let out a deep sigh, this mess was getting bigger and bigger. He rested his back against the wall. How could he betray Cora in this way? Why did he not just talk to her, about how he felt. She would have understood, exactly how she understood right now, without knowing what was wrong. She thought he was mad, because of her lack of attention. Oh, she did not even know half of what happened. And yet she was trying to calm him down, her words of affection last night. Just thinking about her warm body against his last night, made his body tingle.
This morning when he opened his eyes, she was still laying close to him. Her top had crept up, showing her waist and belly. Softly had followed the lines on her skin with his finger. She turned fifty but still as beautiful as she was when he married her. They were both so young, she twenty-one and he twenty-four. He himself had gotten a bit chubbier and the grey hairs were present. But his Cora was still the raven-haired woman who he had met all these years back, he even dared to bet, she would fit in her wedding dress.
He shook his head, no time for daydreaming, he needed to find that letter. He got up and looked in the drawer again, but it was still not there. One more time he got on his knees to look under the bed.
"Milord?" Bates voice sounded. "Can I help?"
Robert shot up. "Yes, you can. Did you see a letter on the ground in this room?"
"I have not milord, but when I came in here, the room was already cleaned. Should I ask one of the maids?"
"I will do that myself." He walked passed Bates and rushed downstairs.
"Who cleaned my dressing room this morning?" Robert asked Mrs. Hughes.
"Milord?" Mrs. Hughes was standing with her back towards Robert, but quickly turned around. "I did not hear you come downstairs. Can you repeat that?"
Robert let out an annoyed sound. "Who cleaned my dressing room today?"
"Oh, it was either Anna or Daisy. Why? Is something not, right?" Mrs. Hughes ignored his rudeness.
"Where is Daisy?" Robert was too short, he knew that, but if Daisy had the letter, it was a disaster, she knew Jane was the sender.
"I saw her go outside; I think she is picking up some vegetables for dinner tonight."
Cora woke up from a hard voice. She recognized Robert’s voice.
"Where is that letter, Daisy."
"I do not know Milord." Daisy's voice was shaking.
"Do not lie to me. I know you have cleaned my room, so you must have found the letter."
"I haven't Milord, honestly, I do not know where your letter is." Daisy was almost crying.
Cora got up from her chair and walked towards the noise.
"Daisy, I will give you one more change, before I fire you. What did you do with the letter."
"You need to ask Anna."
"I am asking you and not Anna, tell me!" Robert was now shouting.
"She cleaned your room, Milord; I did not go into that room today. I do not know where it is. Please, Milord, I cannot afford to lose this job."
"You are not losing your job, over something his lordship lost, Daisy." Cora interrupted.
Robert's head shot towards where the sound came from, and his heart froze in his chest. Cora had heard this conversation. He should have known better and talk with Daisy inside.
"Daisy, you can return to what you were doing. Can you ask Anna if she has found a letter?" Cora's voice was awfully steady, Robert thought. She then turned towards him. "What is wrong, darling?" She stepped closer and he let her tough his arm. "Why are you so upset about a letter?"
Was this the moment to tell her? He looked up and saw Cora's weary face and knew this was not the right moment. "I am sorry, I should not have reacted like this. The letter is not that important." He lied. "I will go and apologize to her right now."
Cora's grip on his arm got stronger. "You better wait, the girl is to shaken up right now." Her other hand rose to his cheek. "Can you tell me what is bothering you?"
"You know what is bothering me, that Tom boy is. Sybil is going over there for dinner tonight and I do not like it at all. He has never shown his face at our dinner table."
Cora sighed. "Darling, I do not think, he thinks he is welcome at our dinner table. The last time he was here, you practically shoved him out of the front door." Cora felt sorry for Robert, he was really upset about this, but with this behaviour he was scaring Tom away and Sybil into his arms. "Did Mary tell you about Matthew?" She tried to change the subject.
Now Robert's face lit up. "No, she has not, is there finally something happening between them two?" He asked hopeful.
"There is, he asked her out on a date." Cora hooked her arm into Robert's and started walking towards the front of the house.
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
cut sokeefitz roadtrip content :)
a/n: this is my first draft style writing and i'm aware that the pace is too slow (which is why it was cut) so uh. please don't think this is my writing at its peak i'm begging you- also don't worry to anybody else who thinks having san diego in the section title twice is weird because i'm right there with you lmao. not my fault geographical names are weird though
Day 1: 6:22am - University of California San Diego, La Jolla, San Diego, California 
“Get up already, sleepyhead,” Fitz yanked on Keefe’s wrist again with both hands, even going as far as to dig his heels in as he leaned back. 
Keefe groaned into his - well, Fitz’s - pillow. “Fuck off, it’s spring break, let me sleeeeeeep,”
To Keefe’s credit, he really did look like all he wanted to do was sleep. His hair was always messy, but usually it was in an artful way that took an extra hour of him hogging the bathroom to achieve. Right now, it was messy because of bed head. Part of Fitz suspected that Keefe had also twisted around in a way that cocooned himself in the sheets on purpose. And normally, he didn’t show this much resistance to Fitz insisting that they had to get up and get ready for the day. 
Did Fitz have a hunch as to why Keefe was being extra stubborn today? Yes. Was he going to blurt it outright? Hell no. Reminding him out loud would be cruel, Fitz thought. 
“Yeah, but do you remember what nice thing we have planned for this morning?” It was a genuine question. He couldn’t tell if Keefe’s memories were swamped by foggy fatigue or not. 
Keefe rolled over, his back sinking a bit into the mattress. The corner of his lips had a bit of shine to it; drool he hadn’t wiped off his face yet, Fitz presumed. Ice blue eyes glossy with the remains of deep sleep struggled to maintain eye contact. The eyelashes framing them drifted lower again, eyes halfway open, staring somewhere lower on Fitz’s body - his mouth or neck, probably. Keefe had a habit of staring at those, even when he wasn’t only half awake. “No?” Keefe mumbled.
Fitz’s lips twitched into a halfway-suppressed smile. God, Keefe was so cute when he was tired. “Hiking with Sophie, remember?”
Fitz watched the memories come rolling back to Keefe. Watched his eyebrows shoot up and his eyes widen and clear, watched him wipe his mouth with the back of his hand, watched him barely manage to bolt out of bed without tripping over the blankets tangled between his legs. It was a bit like watching him come to life, in all honesty. 
“Right! Right right right, how did I forget,” Keefe’s bubbliness trailed off into murmurings to himself. His hands absentmindedly fluttered up to his hair, pulling the blond strands into something that sort of resembled his usual style. “What time is it?” 
“The first alarm I set went off at 6:00,” Fitz raised his left wrist up to his line of sight. Dim light peaking through the blinds lit up his watch just enough to read the time. Real gold rimmed the protective glass and clock face below it, with two thin black hands pointing towards different numbers - the big hand towards 6, and the little hand somewhere between the 32nd and 33rd tick mark. “So I could get ready for the day before 6:25, which is when I set the second alarm, since I was originally planning on giving you five minutes to eat and stuff before I told you to go take a quick shower and at least try to be fast about doing your hair. But you looked really peaceful and I felt bad about waking you up so soon, so I gave you an extra five minutes. And then it took about 2 minutes to get you out of bed. And now we’re here, having this conversation, and the time’s approaching 6:33am.” 
Fitz waited for Keefe to nitpick him for dragging him out of bed so early - early enough that the shadows were shades of grayish blue, muting the color palette of everything in the room. Early enough that the sun hadn’t even risen up into the sky to taint the light from outside shades of marigold.
Rolling his eyes, Keefe raised his arms above his head and clasped his fingers together, leaning back and popping his spine once or twice. “Gotcha. You don’t have to specify am, it’s easy to tell it’s morning.” He let one arm drop back to his side, and waved the other at their surroundings. 
Fitz glanced around their dorm just to indulge him. 
Neon painter’s tape stuck firmly to the floor divided Fitz’s half of the room from Keefe’s, the line only deviating from its straightness to outline a path to the bathroom. They didn’t really need it anymore - its original purpose was to make sure Keefe’s messiness didn’t leak into Fitz’s space, since it’d drove his neat-freak tendencies insane in the first month or so of being roommates. But then they’d started stealing each other’s clothes and borrowing each other’s things and the lines between what was his and what was Keefe’s mostly blended into this is ours. 
Ours being the sticky notes and highlighters and ballpoint pens and Tichronda #2 pencils and protein bars stuffed in the door organizer; the gray bean bags Fitz had bought that Keefe had scribbled zendoodles into with sharpie and some of Keefe’s shower products that Fitz used too every now and then; the dark hardwood floors and pale neutral walls decorated with Keefe’s paintings and photos of everything from Sophie holding her hamster Iggy to Fitz’s family grinning around a campfire; the consistently comforting atmosphere neither of them had ever really gotten in their own expansive rooms at home. Ours. 
The only exceptions to this broad ours were few and in-between. Personal devices, obviously. Mr. Snuggles, a sparkly red dragon stuffie, was Fitz’s and Fitz’s alone, no doubts about it. Fitz probably would’ve had more things that were solely his if he weren’t more on the minimalist side, but that wasn’t the case. Keefe had a bit more in terms of personal belongings: a so-ugly-it’s-cute green anteater plush named Mrs. Stinkbottom with a pink and white polka dot bowtie around her neck, so many art supplies that Fitz couldn’t even name them all, hair gel and other hair products Fitz didn’t use, and, of course, a collection of random things he insisted were pranking supplies. 
The entirety of it all, of this room they called home, was tidier than usual. A lot of Keefe’s side of the room had been packed away into the spots they were actually supposed to go, or into a roller suitcase. At least the fabric pattern is based on paint splatters. All the paint stains that got cleaned off Keefe’s desk last night can be here in spirit. Most of Fitz’s stuff was also packed away into a roller suitcase, but his was just a deep teal with gold accents. Not nearly as fun as Keefe’s. The rest was still hung up on the walls. 
“Earth to Fitzy!” Keefe snapped his fingers repeatedly by his ear. 
Fitz jolted back to reality. “Sorry, what?”
Keefe flashed him a relieved smile. “Good, you stopped getting all quietly sentimental. Anyways. You mentioned food - are we eating breakfast before we go, and if we are, can you please please pleeeeeease make pancakes?” Keefe clapped his hands together in front of his chin, uplaying his pout enough that it was kind of comical. 
Luckily for Keefe, comical was part of his charm, and Fitz was very weak in the face of puppy eyes from either of his partners. Or his sister. 
Fitz sighed. “Fine, but if you’re not out of the shower and done with your hair by the time I get back, all you’re getting is a protein bar or two.” 
Their dorm room didn’t have a kitchen, but there were some twins about ten minutes away that had turned the kitchen in their apartment into a “community kitchen”. Everybody should be able to make their comfort foods, was what Tam - the brother of the pair - had said when Fitz had asked, Why’d you two do this? Fitz had partly been wondering for the sake of their safety. Tam quickly added that they’d installed a key-lock door between the kitchen and the rest of the apartment, so the rest of their place was off limits, and that he’d installed home security cameras all over. And all of it is staff-approved, my sister Linh checked. He’d probably meant it as a threat to behave, but it’d soothed Fitz’s worries.
Keefe’s facial expression turned playfully serious as he nodded. With a cheesy salute, and an even cheesier “Yessir!”, Keefe dashed off to the bathroom.
Fitz shook his head fondly as he walked out the door. 
Right before he shut it, he heard footsteps scramble out their bathroom accompanied by a shout of, “Shit, I forgot my clothes!” 
Fitz couldn’t help but laugh.
Bestie my soul has left my body and ascended above the atmosphere. This Keefitz content has absolutely killed me in the best way possible. I have sooooo many thoughts and all of them are so so good about this. Like argh!!!
Fitz's exact planning on waking up and setting alarms, then being soft for Keefe and letting him sleep longer? Adorable. Keefe and Fitz are at the exact ends of the organization spectrum and you did such a good job showing it here. Literally all these details are canon to me. Keefe and Fitz being roommates in the Elite Levels and doing this? Yeah. It happened. It's happening.
"...early enough that the shadows were shades of grayish blue, muting the color palette of everything in the room. Early enough that the sun hadn’t even risen up into the sky to taint the light from outside shades of marigold."
I really didn't want to paste a whole paragraph but I couldn't help myself. This description is too incredible. Like I understand where you're coming from with the pacing but dude. I cannot articulate how marvelous the description of the lighting is in this paragraph alone. Like the whole excerpt is like this and it brings my brain so much joy. The comparisons of gray blues and marigolds paints your picture so well, 11/10.
"But then they’d started stealing each other’s clothes and borrowing each other’s things and the lines between what was his and what was Keefe’s mostly blended into this is ours."
Screaming crying throwing up. I simply think that they are a special flavor of gay your honor, and I love them so very much for that. Like yes!!!! Keefe and Fitz are totally sharing each others' clothing and other stuff!!!!! They deserve it!!!!
"Ours being the sticky notes and highlighters and ballpoint pens and Tichronda #2 pencils and protein bars stuffed in the door organizer..."
omg....they were roommates. This has been established but argh!!!! argh they're roommates and boyfriends and they love each other and share each others' things!!!!!
"a so-ugly-it’s-cute green anteater plush named Mrs. Stinkbottom with a pink and white polka dot bowtie around her neck..."
😳😳😳😳😳 (/pos)
I just!!!! This is so so so amazing dude. So incredible. I love this so much. All of the details about keefitz sharing a room, Tam and Linh with the community kitchen, Fitz being a softy because Sophie, Keefe, and Biana all have them wrapped around their fingers. All of it. Every single part of this is incredible and I love this more than anything.
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stardreamer28 · 1 year
‘cause I got this idea stuck in my head after I used that dang screencap lol...enjoy!
It started one day when he walked into the diner.
“Whale,” David nodded. He’d just finished giving Grumpy a ticket for the way he’d parked his truck after drinking.
“Nolan.” They may not have been friends but after some shouting from Snow about them being ridiculous and the Sheriff can’t just shove people because they stood too close, Charming! No he wasn’t thinking that, he’s with Red now.
They eventually became cordial. Victor still didn’t address him as the Prince but he also mostly stayed out of his way. He did need certain permits at times, you know.
David narrowed his eyes a bit and Tink who was at the next table tilted her head. Victor didn’t notice their reactions, just picked up a plate from Granny and set it in front of a customer.
“What?” he asked after finally seeing their stares when he grabbed a to-go bag for Henry’s wife and daughter.
“Long day?” David asked, hoisting little Neal from a highchair.
“Only the middle. Back-to-back patients before lab work,” the blonde answered. “Why, was there an accident report the nurses didn’t pass through?” He was usually on top of those lately.
“No just...”
Lucy and the young prince started giggling. The doctor flashed the kids a questioning stare and Lucy calmed quickly at her mother’s whisper.
“Vic, you just, you look very nice today,” Tink put in. The smile on her face widened. Perhaps a bit mischeviously. “New look?”
Now he really frowned. “Is this about my hair again? I told you all Ruby convinced me and I liked -”
Granny glanced up and cut him off by calling to the back kitchen, “Red! Grab another post-it!”
“Granny, I just gave you -” Ruby came sauntering out in an apron and red overshirt over her blouse.
Before she could ask if the order was wrong, the group gestured to the doctor. He exhaled exasperated and turned to her.
But the wolf just smirked at her boyfriend and bent down to jot something in blue pen. She then took the sticky note and pressed it to his jacket. He glanced confused at it and looked back up.
“You forgot again,” she whispered, leaning over the counter to run her fingers through his messy hair. Then tapped the glasses on his face.
Victor’s eyes widened and it would’ve been hilarious if he didn’t blush and turn serious really fast. “Yes, well one must wear safety goggles when experimenting.” He turned to their friends. “I guess I forget to take them off when caught up in my work.”
Everyone chuckled, Tink squeezing his arm, and the small family filing out to go on about their day.
Victor turned back to Ruby. “I remember, I just get busy sometimes.”
“I know,” her fond grin still in place. “But you do look really cute in them.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked on his own smirk. “You like them that much?”
“Yeah, very sexy.” She leaned in for a quick kiss.
“Maybe I should forget more often.”
“Honey, this is a family diner, move it along. Ruby, just tell him before he leaves the house next time, and get back to work before I add more deliveries to your list!”
Ruby rolled her eyes but laughed.
“Sorry, Gran,” Victor laughed now too before looking at his girlfriend. “See you at home later?” he asked.
“Definitely. And maybe...” she touched his goggles again before tucking them in his shirt collar.
Victor now smirked devilishly and backed out of the door with his bag.
If extra post-its showed up around the lab or his office at the hospital.... If she stuck one to his notebook when he wore the thick black reading glasses.... Or if they traded red tinted glasses when one of them squinted in the sun too much....
Well, that was for them to know.
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 01x08
“I feel like they could have monetized this differently instead of being social outcasts.”
Reminded Spouse of HunterCorps! SalmonDean
“This is the Native American land disturbance one, right? I remember this one.”
“I love how they show how there’s bugs there by showing a can of bug spray.”
“As if there isn’t a whole ass crew of people - there’s just these 2 dudes.”
“It’s ok - he’s just going to be bones. Not quite. Still dead though. Nice”
“HELP COME HERE NOW. But the guy is in his car saying he’ll be right there.”
Look at that stupid face with that stupid smile
“It was JACKED yo”
“Isn’t that the first time that Sam mentions their childhood was fucked and Dean brushed it off. Does it take longer for Dean to accept it?”
I think Dean knows they had a shitty childhood but what is he going to do about it right now? It’s easier for early seasons Dean just to ignore shit.
“This looks like the same housing complex they fucked up in Tokyo Drift”
“I 100% agree with that but idk if I’d want to blow my brains out.”
“Think of all the HOA fees”
“Oh my god. Oh my god. Forgot about that shit. That’s sooooo bad.” Then laughed
“Did the guy look embarrassed? Way to assume everything. How white of you.” “Oh my god.” 
“Who is that kid again? Oh yeah. Letterkenny. I remember you talked about it.”
“I’m going to assume you’re gay then going to punish my child now.”
“Bow hunting is pretty awesome though. Idk about killing animals but shooting things is fun.”
“Oh I gotta good song for this. You can link it once I find it.”
“I don’t quite understand insect people.”
“Oh that’s fake as shit. I’d be screaming because the FX are so bad.”
“It got the salesman first.”
“Let’s just walk over all the blood that hasn’t completed dried yet. Let’s move all the evidence. That’s fine.”
“Drive on the curb; no big deal”
🎶gonna go smoke weed in the woods🎶
“He’s playing with sticks in the woods.”
“Walking in the woods”
Laughed “how does that make any sense? If they were serial killers, would they actually say yes?”
“I feel like Larry also has a lot of money invested in this project, too.”
“College? Fuck College. You’ll be 18; you can do whatever you want.”
“Sam is part of the problem telling everyone to go to college; what a shitter”
“In a different time, the letterkenny kid would have made a better Sam. They look similar enough”
Told Spouse that Misha auditioned to play Dean
“It’s a skull probably. That’s probably not something you want to hold with your hands but ok. It’s not going to hurt you I guess”
“I dug up a cow skull once; it was weird. It was in the middle of the woods. I brought it home and Dad put it in the front yard. It was Weird.”
🎶bunch of skeletons in an unmarked grave. Masssss murder🎶
“I don’t understand the Munsters reference”
“Dean has rosier glasses about their dad. It’s not a bad thing, but I think he’s more of an optimist. He’s choosing to remember to the better things over the others. I can understand that.”
“This actor looks familiar. Idk who he is.”
“Why are we eating a dog eat trash? Then pan over to the Native guy.”
“Don’t forget we’re in a bad part of town since the dog is eating trash and there’s a Native guy standing around.”
“Jared’s dynamic acting at best. Every time I watch the show, it just gets worse to me.”
“What night would that be? Is that the summer solstice? What’s the opposite of the solstice?” Dean’s stupid lips.
“For what it’s worth, they gave him some dynamic dialogue and more of a part instead of just reading out of a book”
🎶you don’t break a curse - the curse breaks you🎶
“Way to be a douche Dean. You just caused all those rocks to hit the other cars in the parking lot. You know better Dean”
“Doesn’t this just fall through and there’s a million bugs or something?”
“Where do you get a million roaches for props? Those are real roaches. If you’re the props guy, do you just call the roach guy?”
“The dad thing points to how Dean learned how to deal with John”
Look how big Dean’s eyes are in this scene when they hear the bugs
“Idk if a bug can eat through the power lines but ok.”
Laughed at the bugs at the window “I remember laughing at that. I still find it funny, because bugs don’t usually suicide themselves like that.”
“A little bug spray will help I’m sure. You’ll be fine.”
“Is he doing the bug spray and lighter trick?”
“Might want to hold the flue down.” ‘Yeah ok.” “I think just spraying the bug spray would be more effective.” laughing at the whole situation 
“Look how effective that flame is. Oh so effective”
“And that roof was new. Look how shitty that is. Someone fire their builder. Oh my god. I know we’re dealing with a biblical plague/Native American curse, but come on.”
“That sunrise came up quick. Wasn’t it just midnight?”
“Just a few thousand bees and maybe 2 bee stings. 3 or 4 on their faces and necks.”
“Hey he didn’t drive on the curb this time. Imagine that.”
“This doesn’t make any sense - DIY mover. Wouldn’t you rent it and move shit yourself? But next to the logo it says National Moving Experts. So are you hiring movers or moving everything yourself? Pick one.”
“Somehow…I think insurance will cover your white ass. It’ll be fine.”
“Way to throw away the terrarium kid.”
“Way to agree with him, Sam. You’re supposed to encourage the kid and not tell him to fuck off.”
“How many daddy bonding moments before we see John? We’re having like 2-3 every episode.” “We ain’t in Kansas anymore.”
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secndlife · 3 years
Tumblr media
pairing: soonyoung x female reader
genre: fluff, smut, very little angst
summary: when you met soonyoung, you thought he was probably one of the most annoying people you had ever encountered. the more you found yourself wrapped up in him, that thought didn’t really change. he was still annoying. annoyingly cute, annoyingly charming, and annoyingly exciting. and, before you realized, you were annoyingly in love.
word count: 33.2k (read on browser or desktop. mobile will kill you)
warnings: blowjob, fingering, face fucking, dirty talk, mutual masturbation, unprotected sex, hair pulling, creampie, mentions of role-playing.
“There’s someone I want you to go on a date with.”
Doki’s words were barely interesting enough to make you look up from your phone. “I’ll pass,” you said, while scrolling through whatever social media was running on the screen. 
They threw a pillow at you, “You will not. He is cute and literally the perfect man for you.” 
“There’s no such thing,” you pointed out while finally dropping your device to look at them. “Besides, I have no time.” Work was pretty much your whole life for some time now, so in your free time the last thing you wanted to do was go on dates that were considered failures before they even happened. You were too focused in your career, and you didn’t plan on changing that anytime soon.
“Well, make time because I told Josh to give him your number and that you’re free this Saturday.” It had to be a joke.
You stared at Doki in shock. “Are you serious?” They did nothing but nod. “I’m not free Saturday? We’re supposed to go to Krys’.” 
Your friend got comfortable on the couch and started searching for something on the TV. “Krys won’t mind.” They shrugged, nonchalantly.
“Doki, really?” You whined. You much rather spend time with your friends than one a blind date on one of the few days you actually didn’t have to care about work.
“Yes, really.” Finally, selecting something for you to watch, the youngest sighed at your lack of excitement. “He’s cute. I promise. You’ll like him.”
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Two days later you got a text from a random number. It wasn’t late, but you were tired from another long day at work and already in bed. The message said something along the lines of “hey, I’m Josh’s friend and he told me to text you”. There was also a smiley face at the end. A couple of seconds later, another one came through, and it had his name. Soonyoung. Pretty. 
[9:37pm] you: hi! i’m doki’s friend and i’m so sorry they’re pushing you into this mess :/
You gave him your name and waited for a response. 
[9:38pm] Soonyoung: it’s fine! i’m excited! heard some nice things about you :)
For some reason, you felt something at the pit of your stomach, and you had no idea what that was. You decided to throw in a small joke to test the waters. 
[9:38pm] you: they mentioned i shower every day right?
[9:38pm] Soonyoung: hahahah! they did not say that but it’s good to know
[9:39pm] Soonyoung: are you really free saturday or was i just played?  
You giggled at your phone, fingers quickly moving against the glass.
[9:39pm] you: you’re in luck. i had plans but they got canceled :/
[9:40pm] Soonyoung: good! maybe we can meet at skyline diner at 7? :) 
You still had a chance to back down. Tell him that you weren’t really up for it. Not really in the mood. Doki would probably kill you though. Looking back, you should’ve known your heart was set on going already, even if your mind didn’t want to admit that just yet.
[9:40pm] you: it’s a date :)
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When you got to the diner on Saturday, the person you met was slightly different from the one in the picture you saw. He had less of a baby face, the raven hair pushed back with just a couple of strains falling on his face giving him a more mature air. 
“Hi.” When Soonyoung stood up and smiled, his eyes almost disappeared, and you thought he was very, very charming.
You smiled back, “Hi.” He gestured for you to sit across from him and, when you looked at him under the restaurant light, you saw his face had a light shade of pink over it. He was wearing a button-up shirt that had some type of neon pattern. He looked like what fun would do if it materialized itself. “I thought you were blond,” you pointed out after a couple of seconds. 
Soonyoung giggled, “I dyed it like, three days ago.” 
“Oh, so when you texted me you were having a beauty day?” You joked. You felt so nervous inside, but, for some reason, something about the man across from you made you that much more comfortable.
“Beauty night, yeah,” he said, head moving in a nod. His smile was too damn adorable.
You hummed, “Right. I didn’t see you blond aside from one picture, but I like it like this.” 
Another giggle passed his lips and his cheeks heated up slightly. “Thanks.” You offered him a smile in response and took the menu from the table. “Have you been here before?”
“Not really,” you said, while eyeing the several options in front of you. “Been wanting to, but no time.” 
“It’s one of my favorite places. I barely have to look at the menu anymore,” he confessed.
If this were any other date, you’d probably roll your eyes at the situation. But he didn’t sound arrogant or conceited. You didn’t think he even had that in him to be such things. You looked up at him, “Any suggestions?”
Soonyoung thought about it for a second, “You like burgers?” You nodded. “The cheeseburger is insanely good.” 
“I’ll have that then.” 
He felt a bit of pride and validation in something as simple as you accepting his suggestion and he wondered if that was normal. For him, it probably was. 
After the orders were placed, the two of you engaged in conversation naturally. You talked about what you do, Soonyoung’s passion for dancing overflowing in every word, and your excitement in handling marketing communication for a record label being just as visible. You talked about food and music. You talked about your favorite places and funny videos you had seen recently. You talked about travelling and about friends, a story or two about Joshua and Doki coming up. 
You had been on dates where you had to put a crazy amount of effort into keeping things moving, into finding something, even if small, to keep the conversation, but this wasn’t the case. Soonyoung was a very reactive person, finding something new to talk about in every response you offered. It was a nice change from your previous failed dating attempts. You also felt like he was really listening. He actually looked at you and not at your lips, despite some small, eventual glances. You felt like he was genuinely interested in what you had to bring to the table, which made things even better. 
There was something very exciting about him. He was still somewhat shy, you could tell. But he teased you here and there, and you wondered what else he was hiding behind his perfectly shaped eyes.
When you started talking about movies, you mentioned you wanted to go to the drive-in movie that would be happening throughout September.
“We can go on our third date,” Soonyoung offered.
You squint your eyes at him, “So we’re skipping the second one?”
He shook his head, a teasing smile across his lips. “No. I just already have plans for that.”
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“Soonyoung is so annoying,” you told Krys over a glass of wine. You weren’t really expecting a response, so your eyes went back to your phone.
Krys raised an eyebrow at you, “Who’s Soonyoung? Your hot date from yesterday?”
“Yes,” Doki responded while you were too busy sending him another message. 
He had been texting you since he dropped you off last night. A part of you missed the buzz you felt whenever you’re getting to know someone. That commotion of waiting for a text or for when you’re just about to see them again. So you just let this feeling wash over you as if it would never end. 
“He’s annoying, and you’re texting him?” She sounded confused. 
You sighed, “He’s not actually annoying. He’s just, I don’t know. Annoying.”
Doki let out a laugh, looking at your friend while you were still answering the man with the prettiest smile you had ever seen. “You got it, right?”
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The second time you saw Soonyoung, he picked you up on a Saturday evening. His hair was down, and you welcomed the sudden change. When you plopped into the passenger seat, you were instantly taken over by a scent that shifted between floral and fresh. You liked it. 
“Where are we going?” You asked while putting on your seatbelt.
“You asked me that every single day throughout the week.” Soonyoung let out a laugh. “I’m not telling you.”
You sighed, “I keep asking because you’re annoying, and won’t tell me.” 
He shot you a smile, hands quickly shifting the gear and getting the car in movement. “You’ll see when we get there.”
“You’re unbearable.”
“Yet you’re going on a second date with me,” he pointed out, eyes glued to the side of your face while waiting for the traffic lights. “And have already scheduled a third one.” 
A huff escaped your lips, “Can you please keep your eyes on the road?”
“The car’s not moving, so technically, I don’t have to.” 
You shook your head, “Shut up.” You could feel your cheeks heat up, even when you commanded your body not to react.
A green light invaded the vehicle, and you felt it moving again. Soonyoung finally stopped looking at you, and it was like you could relax again. Irritating. So irritating. But compelling, in the same proportion.
Soonyoung had a hard time finding a place to park, so you ended up having to do some walking. The weather was perfect, your favorite. Not cold enough to need a jacket, but not warm enough to feel like you’re about to pass out. That’s why you liked early September. 
Soonyoung had a short-sleeved black button up shirt on. It had red roses printed all over it, and you thought it was a good contrast to how endearing he looked with his hair down. 
“Are you gonna tell me where we’re going now?” You said while walking by his side. 
The man rolled his eyes, “We’re literally on our way there. Can’t you be patient?”
He instinctively took your hand, “C’mon, let’s cross the street.”
When Soonyoung touched you, it was like feeling sparks. Literal electricity all over your body. You were taken aback by it and wondered if he felt it too. When he showed no reaction, you brushed it off, allowing him to drag you across the pavement. Little did you know.
Not long after, your curiosity finally settled. “Bowling?”
Soonyoung nodded, “Yeah. You said you liked it, but haven’t played it in a while. So I thought it would be fun.”
You tried to hold back a smile, but it was useless. So he was really listening. “I also mentioned I suck at it, right?”
He giggled, “So do I. Makes it even more fun.” 
An hour later, Soonyoung was almost dripping sweat and had a pout across his lips. “Is this what you call sucking at it?” He was losing and he was losing hard.
“Just didn’t think you were this bad,” you teased. “Wanna make a bet?”
He huffed, “Why would I make a bet at this point?”
You gave him a smile, “Because you’ll win either way.” He did nothing but raise a brow at you, so you continued. “If I win, I get to choose where we go for the fourth date.” 
“And if I win?” 
“You choose.” 
He thought about it for a second while you took another ball in your hand, a purple one this time. “How am I winning if you choose where we go on the fourth date?”
You turned to face him, “Because you’ll get a fourth date with me.”
Soonyoung giggled, “Wasn’t I getting that all along?”
“No,” you answered with a wink, finally taking your turn. Strike. You moved back and sat by his side, “So what do you say?” 
He knew you were playing, but decided to push the buttons anyway. “You really weren’t going to go on a fourth date with me?” 
You ignored his question, “Yes or no?”
“I won’t answer until you answer.” 
“I asked first?” You couldn’t believe him.
He shrugged, “Don’t care.”
“Are you serious?” No response. Astonishing. “Fine.” He looked at you. It was daring, dangerous even. That was your first encounter with the fire behind his eyes, and they were barely a spark then. But you’d meet it better soon enough. “Of course I was going to go on a fourth date with you. Are you happy now?”
Your words made him light up like a beam. “Yes.” He poked your side and stood up. “Bet accepted.”
Unsurprisingly, Soonyoung lost. He didn’t really care, as long as he got to see you again. You said you knew where you were going on date four, but decided not to tell him. 
“Really? This is how it’s gonna go?” He asked over pizza and milkshakes.
He laughed, “I bet you have no idea where we’re going.” 
You took a bite of your food and rolled your eyes, “Why would I lie about knowing?” 
“To annoy me as much as I annoyed you.” 
“Fuck you, I totally know it.” The dark haired man laughed again and your chest got warm all of a sudden.
Soonyoung felt more comfortable around you today. He allowed his hand to rest on yours for a second too long. He teased you more. If he thought about it, he’d even describe your presence as soothing. There was something about you that made him feel like he was about to dive into something so breathtaking that not all the air in the world could prepare him for it. He liked it.
It was crazy how time flew when you were by his side. For someone who huffed at every minute, you were actually enjoying yourself. Soonyoung was easygoing and fun and taunting. He kept you on your toes somehow. You liked that. He was good to look at, too. Almost too good to be true. 
You finished the food and threw some more conversation away. You went from Soonyoung’s kids class, to why pepperoni pizza is better than hawaiian. 
“I can’t believe you like pineapple on pizza. This is actually making me reconsider date three,” you told him while walking back to the car. He took your hand in his as soon as you left the bowling alley. He didn’t seem to think much of it, so you decided neither would you. 
He giggled for the nth time that day, “You’re the one with poor taste.” 
You bumped his shoulder with yours, “I’m going out with you, so I guess I might indeed have poor taste.”
Soonyoung reached for your waist with his free hand and pinched it. “Hey! Dating me is the biggest proof of actual, perfect taste.” 
“Dunno about that.” The two of you had to stop to wait for traffic lights. When you did, you felt Soonyoung’s eyes on you. “What?”
“Look, there.” He pointed to something on your left, somewhere in the now dark and star filled sky.
You turned your head in the direction he was signaling. After a couple of seconds trying to figure out what he meant, you called it a failure. “Where?” 
Soonyoung sighed, “How do you not see it? There, dummie.”
You squinted your eyes in the hopes of getting a better vision. Pointless. You turned back to face him, “There’s not—”
Suddenly, you couldn’t speak anymore. You couldn’t speak because Soonyoung’s lips were on yours. When you started paying attention to his actions, it was like he was made of fire, his touch igniting fireworks inside you. You felt, once again, sparks. An explosion of all possible feelings into one. He tasted like something new, but that didn’t actually feel unfamiliar. It was like re-discovering yourself and discovering him for the first time. 
Soonyoung used your intertwined hands to pull you closer to him. Once he decided you were close enough, he let go of your hand, only to hold your face. His palm was hot against your skin, and you melted into it. His other hand found its way to the low of your back, holding your body near. It was funny how you didn’t actually feel surprised, hands immediately resting on his chest as soon as he kissed you.
His movements were slow, delicate. He wasn’t hesitating, though. Soonyoung wasn’t a person that hesitated. Not with these things. Not with anything. But this wasn’t exactly how you’d think a first kiss would go for someone like him. You guessed you still had a lot to learn about the man who seemed to make your head spin. 
A bit after, he pulled away, but just enough so your lips weren’t touching. “Guess you missed it,” Soonyoung said with a giggle. 
You laughed, breath fanning against his face. “Maybe you should try to show me again.”
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“How was your third date?” Krys asked while setting up her streaming equipment. 
You took a sip of your tea and giggled, “It was nice.”
Your heart started warming up just from remembering it. You and Soonyoung went to the drive-in movie you brought up when you first met. They were doing showings on movies that had do-overs. You wanted to watch ‘13 Going on 30’, but that would only play Saturday and Soonyoung had a private class that day. You ended up settling for ‘17 Again’ on Friday.
The youngest looked at you suspiciously, “Did you just giggle?”
“She does that a lot now,” Doki mentioned while pouring themselves some coffee.
“I don’t?” You huffed. You didn’t giggle. You weren’t a giggly person. 
Krys was fixing her mic when she finally looked at you, “Did you fuck?” 
Doki scoffed, “She’s literally giggling, what makes you think she fucked?” 
You rolled your eyes, “No, we didn’t fuck.” 
“You’re barely paying attention to the movie,” Soonyoung said while pressing a kiss by the side of your neck. You had your eyes closed, head resting back on his arm. You were sitting by the backseat of his car, which seemed to be particularly spacious.
“That’s because you’re annoying and won’t let me watch it,” you whispered. 
He laughed by your skin, goosebumps forming all over. “I’m hardly,” he placed a peck there, “doing anything,” and another.
“Don’t play saint, Soon,” you warned him, mind perhaps a bit too lost in the sensations.
You felt him shifting by your side. “What did you just call me?” Your eyes weren’t open, but you could hear his smile.
“Nothing,” you denied. 
“Did you call me Soon?” The hand that was by your thigh squeezed it a bit harder.
He kissed the corner of your mouth, while you kept your eyes shut. “No.”
Soonyoung laughed, “You’re so cute.”
“So when will you fuck him?” Krys asked, cleaning her keyboard. Her boba tea was somewhere by the floor, and you wondered how long it’d take for her to knock it over.
You sighed, “I don’t know?”
“How sad are you that you didn’t get to fuck? On a scale of one to ten?” Her feet were dangerously close to the drink. Ten minutes tops until it was all over the floor. “It needs to be at least a six, or it’s not worth it.”
Doki ignored the question, even though it wasn’t even directed towards them. “He is so nice to her.”
“I think you meant annoying.”
You tried not to sniffle. You tried really, really hard. Especially because you knew you’d never hear the end of it. But when Zac Efron finished reading the letter at the courthouse scene, it escaped you before you could barely process.
“Are you—”
“No.” You didn’t even let him finish. This would be a nightmare.
Soonyoung slightly sat up to look at you properly, and you hid your face in your hands. “Oh my—”
“Can you shut up?” You said with a whine.
His laugh filled up the car, and you felt your ears burning in embarrassment. “No, don’t cry, c’mere.” He pulled you close to his chest, arms circling your body and legs attached to yours.
You sniffled again and huffed in annoyance right after, “Shut up.”
You felt his lips by the top of your head, “Don’t cry, it’s ok. I’ll give you kisses, do you want kisses?”
“No.” You pulled back to look at him and, when he stared back, he had the cutest smile you had ever seen. The most irritating one, too.
Soonyoung pouted and leaned in, “C’mon, kisses?”
“Well, I think you should fuck,” Krys said. One movement and the tea would mess up the rug. “When are you seeing him again?”
You didn’t actually hear her question. You were too busy rolling your eyes at a text you had just received.
[6:28pm] Soonyoung: did i tell you you’re really cute today?
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Date four took longer to come than you’d like. Between random texts and even some late night calls, spending a week without seeing Soonyoung seemed like an eternity. So now, when he was finally in front of you, a stupid grin across his lips, you wished that time stood still.
“How are you this red already?” You mentioned while taking a bite of your mozzarella stick. 
As being the winner on date three, you decided to take Soonyoung to a board-game bar. You kept the destination as a secret, little as possible being disclosed before you actually stopped by his place in a cab.
“What time should I pick you up?” He asked, voice hoarse in tiredness. He had just gotten home from a later class, hair still wet from showering. He decided to give you a call with the excuse he needed to know more about your date. Bullshit, he just missed hearing your voice.
“You’re not picking me up,” you stated, simply. “There will be alcohol involved, so you’re not driving.”
A giggle resonated through your ear, “Are you trying to get me drunk?”
You shook your head despite the fact that he couldn’t actually see you, smiling foolishly. “Maybe.” You then remembered something he said on the first date about his tolerance being awfully low. “Just enough to get you to spill your darkest secrets.”
“I’m an open book,” Soonyoung said, chuckling through the line once again. Before you had the chance to respond, he spoke again. “So if I’m not picking you up, you need to give me the address then.” 
You weren’t easily fooled. “Not really.”
A huff passed his lips, “So how am I supposed to get there, genius?” There was something about the way Soonyoung never failed to use a teasing tone with you that made you wonder what that meant, if anything at all. You wondered if he was in the same frequency, using taunt as a way to show affection, almost as if it was an actual love language. 
“I’ll pick you up in a cab,” you stated, simply.
“You’re really not telling me?” He laughed again. Soonyoung felt like all he did whenever he talked to you was laugh. And the best type of laugh, for the record. Maybe that’s why he wanted to stay in touch all day long, finding stupid reasons to send you a text whenever he could. Maybe that’s why his heart skipped a beat whenever he saw your name across his phone. Maybe that’s why he found you so damn addictive. 
You mirrored his reaction, “Nope.” 
“Fine,” he said, accepting defeat. 
After a couple of seconds, Soonyoung broke the silence. “I bet you looked really cute today.”
You sighed. You were glad he wasn’t next to you, otherwise he’d be able to see the way you looked when he said that. “Shut up.”
“I told you I have a very low tolerance.” His tone was soft, shy, even. You were discovering that the first stage of drunk Soonyoung meant quiet Soonyoung. His face was flustered and his voice got smaller. It looked like he had a hard time processing things as well, too invested in the way his mind was spinning. Usually, his thoughts moved at a faster pace. Even faster than the world around him. Now, it seemed like the tables have turned, and he could barely keep up.
The two of you had been there for some time now. Not too long, but enough to share two bottles of soju and play a couple of games. You won most of them. The conversation flowed absurdly easy, which was something you enjoyed very much about being with him.
You chuckled, “It’s fine. We can stop drinking.”
He shook his head vehemently, “No, I can still take a couple more.” He bit on one of the cheesy fries that rested by the side of the table.
“If you die on me, we’re not going on date five.” 
He felt like his body was on fire. Funny, Soonyoung felt like that the last time he saw you, too. And he wasn’t even drunk. “I won’t.” He couldn’t risk it, even though he was pretty sure you were just teasing. 
Soonyoung looked nice today, black hair pushed back once again. He had a tiger printed, long sleeved shirt and a back jacket on top. You remembered him mentioning he had somewhat an obsession with tigers. You found it almost cute, but didn’t really voice it out, opting on provoking him instead. The black, tight cut jeans made him look appetizing, especially with all the glimpses it gave you from his well toned thighs. 
The shirt was slightly tucked in by his front, a small leather belt adding up to his appearance. He also had a couple of metal chains hanging by his neck, but nothing too extravagant. They were thin, classic. You also took some time to notice how his earrings dangled whenever he moved back and forth while laughing. You had to admit, he looked good. Really good. And he looked exactly like himself. He looked fun, drawing just the right amount of attention, and like he could actually eat you whole.   
“Good, then.” 
Technically, Soonyoung didn’t lie. He didn’t actually die on you, but he was for sure slightly past his limit. You found out that the next stage of drunk Soonyoung was, much like his regular self, loud. But that wasn’t the most prominent feature. He was clingy. Real clingy. He moved to sit by your side of the booth, and it was like he was physically attached to you. While you tried to put the pieces from Monopoly on their place, he held your face and kissed your cheek multiple times.
“I’m trying to clean up, Soon.” You had given up on calling him for his full name already. It was long and Soon sounded oh so much better. Not particularly right, though. But still better. Easier. 
He giggled by your skin, “Ok.” His lips by your cheek, “I’m not,” again, “really,” and again, ”doing anything,” and again, “to stop you.” 
You sighed, amused at how needy he seemed to get under the influence of a couple of shots. How many, even? Adding up, he hadn’t even had two full bottles, while you had almost double and felt fine. Cute.
It took longer than expected to actually finish putting the game away, but you managed eventually, despite the fact that Soonyoung made it that much harder. “I think we should go,” you said, trying to detach him from you and hold back a laugh. It was no use. 
Soonyoung sighed and a pout formed on his lips, “Really?” 
You nodded, “You’re way past your level, and you have a private class to teach tomorrow morning. I should get you to bed.”
“Your bed?” He suggested. From the look on his face, you figured there was no intention behind that. At least, not for tonight. 
Thinking about it for a while, you could just get a cab, drop him off and go home. But you would probably just get worried unless you tucked him in. “My bed.” 
When you got home, you tried your best not to make too much noise. Soonyoung had managed to secure himself against your back, arms around your middle and lips never leaving your neck. You felt him giggle several times on the way between the building’s entrance and your room. 
“I’ll be right back,” you told the man once you finally managed to sit him by the edge of your bed.
“I’ll miss you,” he whined. “Don’t go.” 
You shook your head, heart growing at his words. “Stop being silly.”
Doki’s door was closed, which meant they were either sleeping or not home at all. You hoped they weren’t home, because you were pretty sure Soonyoung would probably wake them up at some point. The man had no control.
You were by the fridge getting some water when you heard footsteps coming your way. Soonyoung was unbelievable. You placed the cup at the counter and turned around, resting your back against the wooden surface and crossing your arms.
When he reached the room, Soonyoung looked at you as if he knew he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to. You swore you had never seen anything more endearing. “Hi,” he said, perhaps louder than he thought.
“I told you to stay there,” you whispered in fake annoyance. 
“No, you didn’t. You just said you’d be back.” Once he was acknowledged, he walked towards you, stopping close enough to be considered an invasion of your personal space. That seemed to be a concept Soonyoung had never heard about. “Besides, I missed you,” he said, caging you between his body and the counter. 
“Soon, let’s go to bed.” You tried to motion for him to move, but he didn’t budge. Instead, he started kissing your neck once again. You laughed faintly.
“Did I tell you how sexy you are?” He murmured against a particularly sensitive spot. You did your best to hold back a moan, but you were pretty sure he heard it.
He had to be kidding. “Baby, you’re drunk. C’mon.” 
Soonyoung applied a bit more pressure, teeth nibbling at your skin. The universe was really testing you today. “Just because I’m drunk I can’t tell you how fucking hot you are?” 
You gently took his face in your hands, using all of your self-control to not surrender to his ministrations. His hair was slightly down now, a couple of strands falling on his eyes. You brushed it off his face and he smiled. “We’re not doing this now.”  Your eyes were sweet. You weren’t shutting him down completely, you just thought this wasn’t the way to go today, as much as you’d like for him to fuck you up.
Even with all the alcohol running through his system, Soonyoung knew you were right. He wanted to do this properly. He wanted to do you properly. He was way too invested to waste the first time he gets to fuck you on being drunk and horny. He wanted to do it for hours, to make you moan his name like a goddamn mantra. Soonyoung just had to be patient. It just sucked that patience wasn’t exactly his forte.
He nodded softly, and you placed a gentle peck by his lips. “Let me just get some more water, and then we can go to bed.” Soonyoung stepped back, watching you move quietly across the floor. You offered him a glass, “Drink it.” He was in no position to refuse, the liquid almost calming down all the boiling in his blood. “More?” You asked once he was done.
The man shook his head, offering you a smile, and putting the glass inside the sink. “No.”
“Hmkay,” you said, taking a small bottle in one hand and Soonyoung in the other. 
When you were back in your room, you took your sleeping shirt and told him you were going to the toilet. He wondered why you didn’t get changed in front of him, but he guessed it was just not to fuel him up more. He mentally thanked you for it. 
Soonyoung removed his shirt and placed it by the end of the bed. He had no strength to properly fold it. Yeah, he was in no condition to have sex tonight. He thought of removing his jeans too, but he was scared you’d get uncomfortable. Something told him you wouldn’t, but he was too scared these were just drunk projections. 
He pulled out his phone and quickly texted Seungkwan to let him know he wasn’t going home. He couldn’t type properly, so he just hoped what he did manage to type was understandable enough. After he set up his alarm, he put the device on the small furniture placed by the side of your bed and let his eyes scan your room while he waited. The walls were all painted in traditional white, but he found it fitting. Your bed was big, you mentioned once that you valued a good night sleep, despite not getting one that often. There were two nightstands, one on each side. You also had a workspace set up, a relatively big desk and what seemed to be a comfortable chair. Before he could shift his attention to the art piece above your laptop, you opened the door. 
“Hi,” you said, shooting him a smile. Once you noticed he was still in his pants, you furrowed your brows. “You’ll sleep in jeans?” 
Soonyoung chewed the insides of his cheek, “Hm. Yeah. I wasn’t sure if—”
You giggled at how his face seemed to be even more red now, as if that was even possible. “Stop it. That’s really uncomfortable.” You took his shirt in his hand, folding it carefully. “Just sleep in your boxers, it’s fine.”
You tried not to stare. You really did. But Soonyoung’s body made your throat dry. He appeared to be a man made of contrasts. Especially now, while his face offered shyness and his body delivered pure sin. He noticed your gaze and instinctively tried to cover himself.  
“If I tell you you’re hot, will you try to fuck me again tonight?” You asked while folding his jeans.
Soonyoung let out an embarrassed laugh, “No.”
Once his clothes were all set by your chair, you moved towards him, placing yourself between his legs. You rested your hands by his shoulders and he looked up at you. “You’re really hot.” You leaned in, placing a small kiss by the corner of his lips, which were curving up slightly. His hands moved to the back of your thighs, massaging the skin gently. You then gave him a proper kiss. This time, he tasted like soju and craving. Too bad you wouldn’t be able to fully have it tonight. He kept his eyes shut and, when you pulled away, he whined. You caressed his hair gently, “Bed time.” 
You stepped towards the switch and waited until Soonyoung was comfortable against your sheets. “No, not that side. That side’s mine.” He giggled and moved further on the bed. 
Turning off the lights, you hummed in content as your head hit the pillow. The moonlight managed to find its way into your room through the not fully closed curtains. It allowed you to see Soonyoung’s body shifting, and his arm suddenly moving towards you, but almost immediately pulling back. 
“What are you doing?” You giggled. 
“Nothing,” he said, voice low. God, he wished he wasn’t drunk now. Why couldn’t he hold his liquor like the theoretically grown man he was? He felt like he was ruining everything with how fucking needy he was. And it wasn’t just the alcohol. It was you, too. Soonyoung’s heart was running, and it was running towards you. And he had no intentions of stopping it.
You touched his naked arm lightly and, despite being under the covers, he felt a shiver popping up his skin. You felt him tensing up, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Were you trying to cuddle me?”
Soonyoung sighed, “Yes. I’m sor—”
You leaned in and kissed his shoulder. “You can. I’d like that.”
And then he was all over you. You raised your head, so he could position his arm underneath. His legs tangled with yours, and he let out a breath in content. Once you were settled, you realized his chest felt like home. 
Soonyoung tapped your back, and you looked up at him. The way he smiled at you made the butterflies in your stomach dance all around. “Good night.”
You smiled too, even wider when he pressed a kiss at your forehead. “Night, Soon.”
You woke up to the sound of a phone buzzing. You tried to remember at what point you fell asleep, and when you realized you were still attached to Soonyoung, you furrowed your eyebrows. You hated falling asleep cuddling. 
You loved to cuddle, but just until those two final blinks before you’re actually sleeping. That was the sweet spot, the moment you go to your side of the bed and the person beside you goes to theirs. Apparently, that didn’t really happen. Fuck. 
Even worse, you realized you fell asleep laying on your left. That wasn’t your side. You couldn’t sleep like that. But, for you to face him, you had to. The realization made you tremble. Horrible.
Soonyoung shifted beside you, mind confused and not really understanding what was making the noise that had the audacity to wake him up. Especially when his head was almost pounding. 
“It’s your alarm,” you said, voice cracking. You cleared your throat in an attempt to adjust your vocal cords. “You have a class.”
The man let out an annoyed sigh, “Can you hand me my phone, please?” 
You barely opened your eyes, arms moving with ease towards the nightstand, but without moving too far away from Soonyoung. You handed him the minty device, and adjusted yourself close to him again. “What time is it’?”
“Almost eight.” Turning off the alarm, he checked a text from his student asking him to move the class to an hour later due to some family matters. Soonyoung thanked the gods for that. This meant he would be able to at least spend some time in bed with you before he had to go home and get ready. He locked his phone and placed it by the furniture next to him. 
“At what time is your class?” He felt so fucking good you wanted to stay there forever.
His fingers danced by your shoulder, and you hummed in appreciation. “It was at nine, but Changmin texted me moving it to ten.” 
“Good,” you said, pressing yourself closer to him. “Let’s sleep a bit more, then.” 
Soonyoung didn’t protest. The two of you didn’t actually sleep, rather settling for a small nap. He couldn’t be late, anyways. You didn’t want to risk it.
What woke you up the second time was Soonyoung’s incessant moving. He shifted once, twice, three times. “What’s wrong with you?” You grunted.
“Nothing.” His body moved again, this time it was the arm that you had as a pillow. You sighed and lifted your head while Soonyoung pulled the covers closer to him. 
You blinked a couple of times, eyes finally opening up and adjusting to the light. You tried to move closer to him again, but the closer you got, the more he tossed around. “Ok, what’s going on?”
Soonyoung was clearly uncomfortable. He shifted once more and let out a long groan. He repeated himself, “Nothing’s going on.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, “Then stop this and let me cuddle you?”
“It’s just—”
“Oh.” You saw it now. You definitely saw it. “Oh.”
He felt his cheeks burning up. As if last night hadn’t been messy enough, he did himself the favor of getting morning wood. You probably thought he was a freak. He covered his face with his hands, voice muffled, “I’m so sorry. I don’t want you to think that I’m horny all the time. Not that I’m not. I kinda am. It’s just. Urgh.“ Great. He was doing fucking great. He had to stop talking, or he was going to ruin it. “I’m sorry.” 
You giggled. He was so damn cute. You drifted closer, hands moving over his and making him look at you. “I can help,” you offered.
Soonyoung’s eyes went wide, “What?” He was doing his best not to rush into things, especially considering how he acted the night before. But the way you had just offered to get him off with doe eyes made it way too difficult.
You leaned in, pressing your lips against his neck. “Let me handle it.” You bit down on his skin and he let out a moan. 
“You really don’t have to,” he said, sounding as if the air was being sucked out of his lungs. 
You laughed and goosebumps formed across his chest and arms. “I want to.” Your hand moved to his cock, and he whined.
“You’ll have to be quiet, though,” you warned. “I’m not sure if we’re alone or not.”
Soonyoung nodded, chuckling lightly, “I’ll do my best.” 
“Good boy,” you said, straddling his lap. You leaned in, attaching his lips to yours. It felt desperate, as if the two of you waited for this for far too long. Soonyoung’s hands moved to your ass, squeezing it and earning himself a moan. 
You started grinding against him and he cursed. “I’ll probably cum embarrassingly fast.”
“I’ll take it as a compliment,” you said, with a laugh. You moved to his jaw, then to his neck, placing featherweight pecks and licking and nibbling at the skin. “We don’t have much time, anyway.”
Soonyoung was really trying to keep quiet, but this was all a bit too much. He wasn’t sure for how long he’d be able to hold it in. It didn’t really matter, anyway. He was sure he wasn’t going to last long, which was surprisingly unusual. It was all your fault, you were driving him fucking crazy. 
You made sure no part of him was left untouched. You placed kisses all over his chest, his navel, and his hipbone. Soonyoung was getting slightly impatient. “Baby, please.” 
You giggled, hand rubbing him over the black boxers. “Calm down.” 
“I’m dying here,” he said between chuckles. 
Your fingers hooked on the waistband of his underwear and he lifted his hips in response. Once the piece of clothing was thrown somewhere on the bed, you dragged your nails against his thigh and he hissed. 
“You’re such a fucking tease.” You looked up and smiled. Yeah, you’d be the death of him alright. 
When you finally took his cock in your hands, Soonyoung let out a small moan. “God, please.” 
You spit against your palm, fingers wrapping slightly tighter against his hard cock, pumping him slowly. He threw his head back and closed his eyes, wanting to focus solely on how good everything felt.
That wasn’t your plan, though. “Look at me,” you told him while leaning down, placing yourself comfortably between his legs.
Once you made sure he had his gaze on you, you stared back and gave his tip a small lick. “Are you serious?” He sounded desperate. Good.  
You held him by the base and decided it was enough teasing for today. You just really wanted to taste him. Once you actually wrapped your lips around his head, he lost it. “Shit, shit.” He had never seen anything prettier than the way you looked with his cock in your mouth. No one has never, ever, looked that good. 
Soonyoung wasn’t that big, perhaps slightly above average. That was good enough for you. Perfect, even. Especially as you were pretty sure his stroke game would be heavenly. He was a dancer, after all. But this was a thought for another day. Now, you wanted to focus on how good he felt inside your mouth. On the salty taste of his precum against your tongue. On the way his hand moved to wrap around your hair, pulling it just the right amount. 
You started bobbing your head, taking as much of him as you could. When the tip hit the back of your throat, Soonyoung’s hips buckled involuntarily, and you slightly choked, eyes watering. You didn’t pull back, though. “Fuck, sorry.” You squeezed his tight to reassure him. “It just feels so good. Your mouth feels so good, baby.” You felt your chest swell up in pride. 
You kept your movements for some time, Soonyoung dropping constant praises your way. When you swallowed him almost in full again, he whined louder than he should. You eyed him, mouth full, and he looked at you apologetically. “It’s just. Fuck.” He couldn’t think straight. 
You pulled back for a moment to catch your breath, hands still pumping him steadily. His grip on your hair didn’t allow you to move much further. “You’re so damn loud.”
Soonyoung let out an airy laugh, “Your fault.” Everything seemed to be your fault lately. From the way his heart was usually racing half of the day, to how much he giggled. 
Shooting him a wink, you went back into action, lips now focusing on his head while your fingers worked on his length. Soonyoung had much better stamina than that, but he felt his high approaching fast, thigh tensing up slightly. “I think I’m gonna cum soon.” He didn’t want to cross any limits, though. “Can I—”
Before he could finish, you pulled back just to respond. “Yeah, I wanna swallow it.” He wondered how he didn’t bust right then and there.
He closed his eyes for a brief second, as if that would do something to ground him. “You’re so fucking hot. Shit.”
Soonyoung didn’t last long after that. All it took was his tip hitting the back of your throat maybe two, three times, until you felt him releasing inside your mouth. You swallowed everything, like you said you would. You worked him through his high while he shamelessly moaned your name. If Doki heard that, you’d probably never hear the end of it. It was worth it, though. The way he sounded was like music to your ears. 
He pulled you away from his cock by your hair before you could actually overstimulate him. Pity. “Fuck,” Soonyoung said, head finally resting back against the pillow. 
You giggled and crawled up to his side. Wiping your lips with the back of your hand, you didn’t miss the chance to tease. “Well, that was fast.” 
He laughed, “I promise I can last longer than that. I can go on for hours, really. I was just caught—”
“It’s fine,” you said, chuckling while trying to calm down your breathing
Once he felt like he could move again, he put on his boxers and moved to lay on top of you, hands resting by the sides of your head. “I’m serious. Literal hours.” Your chest moved up and down in a laugh while he leaned in to place kisses by your neck. “When I’m finally fucking you, which, by the way, will be after our next date, I’ll prove it.” 
Your hands moved to the back of his head, pressing him further into you. “Okay,” you muttered.
“Make sure to put on your calendar,” he nibbled at the skin, and you groaned, “getting dicked down by Soonyoung next Saturday.” 
You giggled while he pulled back to look at you. “You’re absolutely ridiculous.”
“Thanks.” You were almost addicted to the way he smiled at you by now.
He leaned in again, but this time, to press his lips against yours. You kissed for some time, hands roaming with no specific direction. You would never get enough of him, it seemed. And you didn’t actually mind that. Especially as you had a feeling he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“I have to get out of bed, or I’ll get hard again,” he said while placing pecks by your jaw. “Hard and late.”
You sighed, “Okay.” Yeah, it would be almost impossible to stop if you kept going. Soonyoung didn’t move, though. He kissed your cheek. Your nose. Your temples. When his eyes locked on yours, something inside you turned. “You have to move,” you pointed out. 
Soonyoung rolled his eyes, “Fine.” He moved away from you, sitting up by the edge of the bed and stretching his back. You admired the way his muscles moved. 
He stayed like that for a bit, and you reached out to touch his waist, “You’re very, very hot.” 
His cheeks got warm at the sudden compliment. He also felt his dick twitch inside his pants. What were you doing to him? “So are you.” 
You didn’t respond, the two of you falling into a comfortable silence while Soonyoung got dressed. You were sprawled in your bed, not intending to get up anytime soon. You liked to enjoy your mornings there when you didn’t have to work, so you were going to do just that. Just not with the company you wanted. Your sleeping shirt was by your waist now, legs exposed into the dim morning sun.
While Soonyoung pulled his jeans up, he sighed at you in frustration. “Can you stop?” 
You got confused. “I’m not doing anything?”
“You just look so damn sexy like that,” he confessed. “It’s unbelievable that I can’t actually fuck you senseless right now.” You shook your head and laughed. “It’s not funny!”
You stared at him for a moment while he looked genuinely annoyed. You grabbed the covers, bringing it over your head, and turned to the opposite side. “Better?” You said from your fortress. 
Soonyoung huffed loud enough for you to hear, “No!” You felt the mattress moving below you, the blanket suddenly not covering you anymore and hands being placed on your waist. Soonyoung adjusted himself close to you, face pressed by the crook of your neck. “Because now you look so cute that I want to stay like this forever.”
He felt your back moving as you giggled. “You’re insane, Soonyoung.”
Eventually, he actually had to leave. Time was running, and he still had to go home before his class. You offered him breakfast or water or coffee, but he said he’d grab something on the way home. You kissed him goodbye and watched as the elevator door closed on him while he blew you another kiss. He had barely left, and you already had a tug on your chest from missing him. You were going crazy.
Once you went back inside, more specifically to the kitchen, you found Doki sitting by one of the stools with an amused smile across her lips. “Was that—”
“Did you—”
“I’m telling Krys.”
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When Soonyoung came home that morning, he found Jihoon by the living room with a plate of food in hand. 
“Morning,” he said, voice evidently overly excited for someone who had just gotten home at 9am.
Jihoon sent him a nod. Once he realized Soonyoung hadn’t actually spent the night there, he questioned the man further. “Wait, where were you?” He offered his friend a cheeky gin. “Her house?” 
“Yes.” His voice was filled with pride. “And I got myself a morning suck.”
Jihoon frowned, “You’re disgusting.”
Soonyoung took a bottle of water from the kitchen and went back to sit with his friend for a moment. “Hoon?”
The man sighed, “What?”
He thought of how he felt when he woke up in the middle of the night and had you in his arms. Soonyoung had dated a fair share of women before. But the way his heart grew bigger when you hugged him tighter was something completely new. 
“I really like her.”
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“Another round?” Soonyoung asked while kissing your neck.
You could barely breathe. He really wasn’t joking when he said he could go on for hours. “Are you serious?” He pressed himself on you, naked chest flushed against your breasts. “I just came for the fourth time. How are you still hard?”
He chuckled against your skin, “I told you. Hours.”
“Give me five minutes,” you begged. He hummed while biting on the spot right below your ear that made you moan.
Your legs were parted, but you barely had the energy to wrap it around his waist. It had been what, an hour and a half? You would be more than happy to call it a night, but Soonyoung clearly had other plans. 
“Are you sure no one’s home?” You asked while he pressed you against the entrance door. 
His fingers reached for the keys, turning it to ensure you’d have the much-needed privacy. “I made them go away, so we could have the place to ourselves.”
Soonyoung’s hands went straight to the sides of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss and humming in relief when he felt your tongue against his. You grabbed the belt loops on his dress pants and held him close to you. 
“I can’t believe I finally get to fuck you,” he whispered by your lips when you pulled away slightly in an attempt to catch your breath. “And for as long as I want.” 
He didn’t really know where to start. Soonyoung wanted to touch every single inch of your body. Your breasts, your ass, your waist, your hips. He wanted to make sure you knew how much he wanted you. He felt desperate, almost a bit too lost in his wish to please you. 
You seemed to match his thoughts though, because before he realized, your hands were rubbing his cock. “I can’t wait to feel you inside me.”
Your fingertips danced against his naked back while he continued his ministrations at the crook of your neck. “I’m gonna have to train you to keep up with me,” Soonyoung said with a laugh. This was a bad combo: you came too easily, and he had massive stamina. You knew he was going to make you pass out one day.
You sighed, “Really, Soonyoung. You’re a freak.” 
He lifted himself up, palms resting by the sides of your head. The smirk he had on his face made you wet. “Don’t worry, I’ve been told I’m a great teacher.”
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When you came back home on Sunday, fairly early due to having a brunch scheduled, Krys and Doki were already sitting by the kitchen. You pushed the door open and the smell of french toast filled up your senses. 
“Morning,” you said, dropping your purse by the shelf in the entryway. 
Both of them looked at you with entertained smiles. “Where were you?” Doki asked while flipping the food in the pan.
You rolled your eyes, “You know where I was.” They laughed at your response.
You sat down by Krys’ side, and she offered you a mimosa. “Does this mean you finally fucked?”
You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your drink. “Yes.”
She let out a yelp, grabbing your arm in excitement, “Oh my God! Was it good?”
“Can you shut up?” You said, covering your face with your hands.
Doki eyed you, “She’s asking a valid question, though.” 
The way Soonyoung slammed his hips against your ass was probably one of the best things you had ever felt. You were lying on your stomach, a pillow helping with raising your bottom slightly. One of his hands was by the low of your back to keep him steady. 
“Fuck, baby. That’s the best pussy I’ve ever had,” Soonyoung groaned while pulling out, only to push back in even deeper. 
You were almost dizzy at this point. You came for the second time not long ago, him managing to coax you into going at it again. He seemed to never get tired.  
You moaned, perhaps a bit too loud, when you felt him hitting a good spot. “God, Soonyoung. Feels so good.”
He leaned in, lips moving against your cheek, “You can barely keep it in from how tight you are.”
You rubbed your temples in distress, trying to hide the goosebumps that formed along your arms just from thinking about the previous night. Both of your friends kept staring at you, waiting for a response.
After Krys managed to steal a couple more details about your sex life, much to Doki’s dismay, the three of you ate comfortably. You loved their omelet, and you wished they’d make it every day.
“So when will I meet him?” Krys asked while taking a bite of her food.
You scoffed, “Hopefully not anytime soon.” You knew both of them enough to know that it would be a nightmare. Especially if alcohol was involved.
Doki laughed, “I have to admit, it would be chaotic.” 
“That’s not fair,” Krys whined. “I want to know the guy she’s in love with.”
“I’m not in love with him!” You weren’t. You really weren’t. “We went on five dates only.”
The rainbow haired woman did nothing but shoot you a glance, “Whatever you say, love.”
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A part of you was excited to have Soonyoung around your friends. A different part was somewhat scared. You weren’t the one to introduce dates in gatherings unless you felt it could actually become something. You wondered what bringing him as your plus one to Krys’ birthday party meant. He was friends with Joshua, of course, that being the whole reason why the two of you met. But that was usually how he was introduced whenever he came around their place, which didn’t happen often. Whenever they met, it was usually at Jeonghan and Seokmin’s apartment. 
Now, things were different. Now, Joshua wasn’t the one to invite him. You were. You invited him to go to a friend’s birthday party with you. It seemed deeper. More meaningful. It was nothing big, though. Just a couple of yours and Krys’ closest friends. But still, it seemed like a considerable step. Especially as you were someone who valued their opinions, so you just wanted everything to go well.
Soonyoung decided he wasn’t going to drink as he had a very important meeting over one of his choreography projects the next morning, so he offered to pick you up. Doki went over earlier to help set up everything, so it was just the two of you arriving together.
You fixed his hair while waiting for Krys to open the door, and he leaned in to kiss your cheek in appreciation. 
“Hi!” Your friend said, while welcoming you in. She was wearing her favorite dress, a tiara complimenting her features and living up to the title of the most important person in the evening. 
Her actual birthday was a couple of days ago, but she decided to celebrate it later on due to her busy streaming schedules. The two of you hugged, and you introduced her to the man by your side. “Soonyoung, this is Krys. Krys, this is Soonyoung.” 
He smiled at her, “Happy birthday.” 
“Thank you!” Soonyoung took your hand in his and Krys raised her eyebrow at you, her attention going back to him right after. “So you’re the famous Soonyoung, huh? Heard a lot about you.”
His cheeks heated up in embarrassment, “Good things, I hope.” 
Krys thought of teasing you, but she figured you’d be quite nervous already. Perhaps after you had some alcohol through your system she’d give it a go. “Very good things.” Soonyoung smiled again, eyes squinting as his cheeks moved up. He squeezed your hand a bit tighter. “Both of you know your way around, make yourselves at home.”
You decided on a Malibu Coke, and handed Soonyoung a glass of soda. “Tonight’s your turn to take care of me,” you told him while taking a sip of your drink. 
He leaned in, hand by your waist, and placed a peck by the corner of your lips. “Gladly.”
Soonyoung was shy at first, standing faithfully by your side while you mingled around. He got more comfortable later on when he spotted some more familiar faces, those being Seokmin and Jeonghan. 
You left him alone with the two of them while you went searching for your friends. You found them by the fridge, Doki fixing Krys another drink. You were past tipsy at that point, losing count of how many cocktails you had taken. 
“He really doesn’t look like he can fuck for hours,” Krys said, back resting against the kitchen counter. 
You giggled, “Shut up.” Yeah, you were definitely drunk.
Doki finished the cocktail, handing it to the youngest. She took the glass in her hands, chugging down almost half of it. “I can give you some tips on how to last longer if you want. You’re kinda like an old hag.”
“He’s doing that already,” Doki chirped in. “The other day, they were in her room for literally two and a half hours. That’s a lot of time for her.”
You felt your ears burning up, much like the rest of your body. “Can you stop?” 
“He’s doing a good job, then.” Krys said while elbowing you. You shook your head, staring at your friends in disbelief. “For real, though. He seems nice. And he’s sexy. Good for you.”
Soonyoung was nice. And yes, very, very sexy. But there was so much more to him that made you want to be by his side that you wondered where your feelings stood at that point.
The party flew by, you consuming more Malibu Coke than you should. At some point, most of the people had left already. You were sitting by the couch while Soonyoung fed you and Doki and Joshua cleaned up. 
“You look like a baby,” Krys said while plopping down next to you.
You shot her a face and opened your mouth towards Soonyoung, who gave you the last bite of one of the sliders Joshua had made. “She’s my baby,” he said, while you chewed.
You giggled at him. If you were sober, you’d probably throw some comment on how annoying he was. Now, all you could think was how much you genuinely liked him. 
“Gross.” Your friend sighed, “Why does everyone have someone nice but me? Even Joshua.”
“That’s because it’s not your time yet,” Soonyoung said while wiping the corner of your mouth with a napkin. “You just have to be patient, like I was.” When he smiled at you, you felt butterflies in your stomach.
“Okay, this is disgusting.” She stood up, a huff passing her lips. “I’m gonna go.”
“Bye,” you said, tone matching the gentle melody that was playing in the background. 
Soonyoung placed the plate by the center table, and you rested against his shoulder. “Tired?” He asked.
You shrugged, a chuckle passing your lips. “Maybe. Don’t really know.” 
“Drunk, aren’t we?” He said, patting your head.
“Drunk,” you confirmed. 
While Soonyoung was the quiet and, later on, clingy drunk, you were the giggly type. He lost count on how many times you had laughed at something he said. He didn’t really care that most of it was due to the amount of alcohol in your body. His chest still got bigger, and he still felt validated. 
“I can take you home if you want,” he offered. He didn’t really want to, perhaps a bit too entertained by this newfound side of you. It wasn’t that different from your usual behavior, just cuter. Softer, even.
You pouted at him, “I don’t want to sleep alone.”
He giggled, tone somewhat sad. “I can’t stay, the meeting tomorrow is kinda early.” Your pout got bigger. “Don’t make that face.” Soonyoung thought about it for a moment, “Maybe you can crash at my place? I’ll probably go to the meeting and get back before you’re up. Then we can have breakfast.” 
Seemed like a pretty good solution, he was happy about it. And from the look on your face, so were you.
When you woke up the next day, Soonyoung wasn’t there. When you took your phone from his nightstand, you were greeted by a couple of texts.
[8:27am] Soon: the meeting’s gonna take longer than i thought :/
[8:27am] Soon: kwan will prob make breakfast, though! 
[8:28am] Soon: so just head to the kitchen when you’re up :) 
[8:28am] Soon: be there as soon as i can <3
You sighed. That was about half an hour ago. You figured he wouldn’t be back for another hour from what he had said. You wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. And, when you heard your stomach growl, you figured you wouldn’t be able to wait for him for breakfast, either. So despite the nervousness in your chest, you got up, going to the common space after a quick stop in the bathroom.
You had briefly met Jihoon and Seungkwan the last time you stayed over. So when you appeared by the kitchen, they both greeted you with a smile. 
“Good morning,” the youngest said. Jihoon copied his words.
“Morning.” Your voice was low, and you wondered if they noticed how shy you were.
Seungkwan took a plate from the cabinet, placing it by the countertop. “Eggs?” 
You nodded, smiling gently. “That would be great.” 
Interacting with them proved to be fairly uncomplicated. Seungkwan shared some embarrassing stories on Soonyoung, so you’d have blackmail material when needed. Jihoon and you bonded over music, sharing some recommendations and playlists. They were fun, and you thought Soonyoung was a good match there. 
By the time you were almost done with your drink, which took quite a while, you heard the key turning by the door.  
“Hi,” Soonyoung said, placing his belongings on the table next to the doorway. “Oh, you’re up.” His face lit up when he saw you.
“She’s been up for a while, so I was just entertaining her with great stories,” Seungkwan said.
You laughed and Soonyoung sighed, “Fuck off, Kwan.” He turned to you, body placed behind your chair. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you said, looking up at him. 
He placed a kiss by your forehead and sat by your side. “What did he tell you?”
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Things with Soonyoung moved at a steady pace. You kept seeing each other week after week, sometimes more than once. Being next to him felt too good not to do. 
Sometimes you wondered if it was too much, too fast. If you were in it alone. But you got some reassurance from the way he looked at you or held your hand. So you allowed yourself to surrender to the dark haired man that had the prettiest eyes you had ever seen.
Lately you were overthinking about something that happened a couple of weeks ago. Krys reached an important milestone on her channel, so everyone decided to come over for drinks to celebrate. 
You got stuck in the office for the third time that week. There were a lot of new launches coming up, which meant countless meetings and an extensive workload. So when you got to Krys’, Soonyoung was already buzzed. 
You sat by his side on the couch after greeting everyone, and he let out a loud laugh over something Joshua had said. Once he noticed your presence, a big smile formed on his face. “You’re here!” From the sound of his voice, you could tell he was already at the further stages of his drunk persona. 
“Hi, Soo.” Some time ago, you started calling him that. You were used to Soon, but it still didn’t feel totally right. The first time ‘Soo’ rolled out of your tongue, you decided that was what you were going to call him.
Soonyoung leaned in to give you a kiss almost immediately. Once he let you go, he turned to Joshua again, keeping a steady hand by your thigh. 
Krys was seated in front of you, and you shot her a glance. “What?” She asked in fake confusion.
You pointed at Soonyoung discreetly, “I know this is on you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She held back a laugh, moving from her spot to disappear into the kitchen. 
You placed a hand on Soonyoung’s shoulder in an attempt to get his attention. It worked. When he turned to you, he had a foolish grin and his cheeks were red. “Having fun?” You asked.
He nodded much like a child, “Very much.” He placed a peck by your cheek, “Missed you, though.” 
You brushed the hair out of his face, “Missed you too.” You offered him a gentle smile, “On a scale of one to ten?”
Whenever Soonyoung drank with you around, you eventually asked how drunk he was. Especially as he had the tolerance of a child. You weren’t trying to control him, you would never really do that. The thing was that, for as long as people offered, he would drink. He had a hard time saying no. So if he was at any number after seven, it meant it was time to slow down before it got worse. Mostly because he knew it’d be awful if he went over that point. So he gave you a pass to warn him once he was at his limit, almost as if to remind him of it. And if it was way too much, you could even cut off the shots. That was his own suggestion after he ended the night throwing up on your toilet after being too caught up in Krys’ drinking games. 
Soonyoung thought about it for a moment, “The truth?” You giggled, nodding. “Eight.” Damn, were you that late? Or did your friend just do you dirty?
You rubbed his cheek, “Hmkay. Maybe let’s drink some water?” He agreed. 
Before you could stand up to go get it, Krys showed up with another bottle of soju. “Another shot, Soonyoung?” She said, voice full of tease. 
You scoffed, “Are you trying to kill my boyfriend?” 
Her eyebrows moved up in a surprised look, “Oh, so he’s your boyfriend?”
Soonyoung never brought it up. You honestly wondered if he remembered or if he even heard it. The two of you had been together for about two months now. The topic of being in a relationship didn’t really come up, so you just left it at that. You didn’t know why, but ever since you accidentally referred to him as your boyfriend, you started to wonder if that’s what he wanted. As for your wishes, you didn’t have to think. Soonyoung was too engraved in your heart for you to be opposed to making things official.
It was Sunday. You and Soonyoung were in your room watching whatever movie he had chosen, but you weren't paying attention. His head was by your chest, arms wrapped around your middle while you patted his hair.
“Can I ask you something?” He said, pulling your eyes from the TV screen. He sounded serious. You looked down at him and nodded. “Do we have one butt or two butts?”
You let out a groan, “Are you fucking serious?” Soonyoung was insane. You often wondered how his mind worked, and you were never really able to come up with a response.
He laughed, placing a kiss by your collarbone. “It’s a genuine question!” Soonyoung just loved to rile you up. He enjoyed, perhaps a bit too much, the way you acted as if he was crazy. Maybe he was. But you were still around, so this could only mean you liked it. 
Besides, whenever he said something stupid, he often found you with this one look. It was a very specific one. Like you tried to keep a straight face, doing your best to suppress your lips from curving upwards, but didn’t really succeed because you liked him too much. 
“I can’t believe you,” you shook your head, holding back a giggle.
“Personally, I think it’s one butt and two butt cheeks.” He gave you a small bite, and you tried to push him away. 
Your eyes moved to the back of your head, “I’m breaking up with you.”
Soonyoung sat up slightly, a foolish grin on his face. “Oh, so we’re dating dating?” Heat started spreading through your body, and you felt your heart beating slightly faster. You couldn’t respond, so you just stared at him with nervous eyes. He moved to lay on top of you, “Great! Does this mean you’re my girlfriend?”
“Shut up,” you said, trying to look away from his gaze.
He giggled, “Am I your boyfriend?” Soonyoung leaned in again, lips by the side of your neck.
“I am.” Soonyoung couldn’t hide his smile, it evidently showing while he kissed your skin.
You huffed, doing your best not to let the rush of excitement that was washing over you show. “You’re so annoying.”
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It was one of those days. You felt like pure and complete shit. Work was awful, to say the least. There was a lot going on at the label, and you were beyond overloaded. One of your colleagues had quit, your supervisor dropping all of his assignments on your lap. The worst part was that none of it was your scope. You felt like you weren’t doing anything properly, like you would never do anything properly. You hated working with the feeling of not knowing what you were doing. It made you anxious and incapable.
You were, generally speaking, an insecure person. Sometimes it creeped up within you before you could actually realize it in order to stop it. And once it started, it was like a relentless spiral. It washed over you, and, when it did, you couldn’t separate things. It was something about work? Well, fuck it. Let’s just unload every single aspect about you and your life that might possibly make you feel insecure and mope around for days until you were able to put it all back in the bag you carried around with all of your trauma. Because why the fuck not. Why would you be an emotionally intelligent person and know that feeling bad over work doesn’t mean you need to feel the same about your friendships or your relationship or every other area in your life? The line there was too thin, too blurry. You could barely see it. 
Your insecurities usually danced around not feeling loved and not being enough. Around that disgusting sense of being irrelevant and unimportant. And you hated it. You hated how you projected it and how you couldn’t properly cope with it, closing yourself off until it went away. Doki and Krys were somewhat used to it, the first living with you for long enough to know that it passes, and the second being your friend for long enough to know you’d get over it. They did their best to comfort you whenever it happened, though, making your favorite foods and just being around to let you know that you were very much loved. Soonyoung, however, hadn’t experienced that part just yet. And that only added up to the fuel within your chest. You wondered if he’d leave at the first sign of trouble. Because, up until now, things were easy and fun and effortless. But, today, you couldn’t keep that up. You could barely process all the thoughts that ran through your mind, let alone be the enjoyable person you were with him. You didn’t feel comfortable enough in your own skin for that. 
Soonyoung texted you multiple times during the day as usual, you responding once to let him know you were busy, words drier than normal. He asked if everything was okay and, obviously, you lied. You trusted Soonyoung, so it wasn’t really about that. It was just that stupid little voice inside your head telling you that, at the slightest sign of vulnerability, he’d walk out. Because, well, why wouldn’t he? So you just swallowed it all in and told him that yes, you were fine. 
When you got home, you found a note from Doki that they were at a cooking class with Joshua and that they’d only get back the next day. At least that meant you’d be able to cry as loud as you wanted, for as long as you wanted. You dropped your belongings by the kitchen counter, not caring enough to take them to your bedroom. You thought of showering immediately, but you had no strength for that yet, deciding to rest by the living room for some time. You turned on the TV, putting on whatever Netflix had recommended, and laying in the comfortable couch. You curled up, legs by your chest and hands under the pillow, not focusing on anything besides the voices on the show.
Apparently, you had fallen asleep, because when you realized, you were being woken up by the sound of the intercom. You sighed in distress. You hadn’t invited anyone over and Doki theoretically had keys. Did they purchase anything that was supposed to be delivered? At this hour? New pans? You had no place to put anything else, every single cabinet filled with their work stuff. 
You got up, feet dragging against the wooden floor. “Yes?” The tone in your voice was clearly not the best.
“Baby?” Wait. Was that Soonyoung? When you didn’t respond, he called your name.
Another sigh escaped you, “What are you doing here?” You didn’t mean to sound so accusatory, cursing mentally as soon as the words were out.
You heard his laugh and your shoulders were slightly lighter. “I came to see you. Can you buzz me in, please?”
You pressed the button reluctantly and, not long after, Soonyoung was by your door, a gentle smile on his lips. “Hi,” his voice was as soft as he looked. His hair was down, slightly peeking out of his beanie. His legs were covered by some black sweats, just like his torso and he had a fluffy coat on top. This November in particular had been colder than usual.
When you stepped to the side, so he could walk in, he placed a kiss by your cheek. “What are you doing here?” You asked again, but in the right tone this time. 
Soonyoung removed his coat and beanie, putting them by the shelf, and closed the door behind him. “I’m kinda worried.” He took in your tired features, “You ok?” 
You nodded, a bit too scared to say too much and let something show. You weren’t particularly good at hiding your feelings. That was part of why you just closed off when you were like this. You didn’t want to discuss it, nor could you hide. So self-isolating seemed the next best thing. “I’m fine.”
He squinted his eyebrows at you, “No, you’re not.” Soonyoung wasn’t the best at reading people, so he was grateful that he found himself a transparent person. It would for sure save him the trouble. Perhaps that’s exactly why you two were such a good match. He pulled you close, fingers lacing by the low of your back. “What’s going on?” 
You felt your eyes threatening to burn, meaning that tears would come anytime soon. You sighed, “Don’t really want to talk about it.” 
His lips found your cheek again, gentle pecks being placed repetitively against your skin. “That’s ok. Maybe let’s take a shower?” He offered. “Should help you relax a bit,” he smiled at you fondly, and, for a second, it was almost as if you had no worries. When you nodded, he kissed you again, on the lips, this time. It was delicate, as if he was too scared to break you. “C’mon.”
Even though Soonyoung smelled like he had just come out of the shower, probably finishing a class not long ago, he still went in with you. He rubbed your shoulders, paying them extra attention, fingers gently massaging the stiff muscles. He cleaned your face, hands running against your jaw and your cheeks. He didn’t say much besides some commands like telling you to turn around, so he could wash your back, or telling you to close your eyes, so he could let some water run over them. His hands were kind, his touch soft. Once you were done, he wrapped you in your towel, rubbing your arms and smiling at you. He seemed so tender that, for an instant, you didn’t feel like he would run away from you if you shed a tear or two. You actually got the impression that he would just pull himself as close as possible, so he could hold you until it was all okay again.
It was probably a bit too early for you to be lying down, but you didn’t really care. Soonyoung made you food, settling for some simple instant noodles. It was a good change from the fancier and elaborate food Doki usually feeds you. Once you were done, he did the dishes and then placed you in bed. 
The TV was on as background noise once again. You were pressed against Soonyoung’s chest, his arm drawing random patterns by your back, legs intertwined. His other hand held yours, warmth irradiating in every possible way. You sighed heavily, and he looked down at you, “You sure you don’t wanna talk about it?” 
You blinked heavily, feeling tears pooling at your eyes once again, “It’s stupid.”
His finger held your chin to make your gaze meet his, “It’s not stupid. If it’s bothering you, it’s not stupid.” He kissed your forehead, “You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.” As if he could read your mind, the next words that left his lips filled you up with reassurance, “I just want you to know that I’m not going anywhere if you do.”
So you chose to believe him, instead of the damaging voice at the back of your head. You gave Soonyoung a bit of an overview, how sometimes, during bad days, something seemed to trigger every single insecurity you had developed throughout the years. How you felt replaceable and insignificant. How it didn’t matter where it started, it all ended up taking over everything. A small tear hit Soonyoung’s sweatshirt. “I sometimes just feel like no one actually loves me and—”
“Wait, what?” He stared at you. Damn, how you liked his eyes. 
You let out a breath, “It’s just—”
He pulled you closer to him, as if that was even possible. “You know I love you, right?” 
“W-what?” The two of you had never exchanged those words. Theoretically, he teased you often with an ‘I know you love me’ whenever he made you particularly annoyed. But that was pretty much it. You knew you loved him, figuring it out probably a couple of weeks ago when he fell asleep on you while you facetimed, but you haven’t found the way or the moment to voice it out for him yet. Maybe that was linked to how your insecurities were peaking up for the past couple of days. You were scared he didn’t really feel the same, even though he was giving you all the right signs. 
Soonyoung smiled brightly, “I love you. So much.” He wasn’t the smartest with feelings, he knew that. But there was a spark in his heart that popped from the first time he saw you that never really went away. Soonyoung often acted like a child - he felt something good, but didn’t really know what triggered it, so he pressed all the buttons in a desperate attempt to feel it again. But, when it came to this, it was fairly easy to understand what he needed: you. He understood it was love when he was drunk at Krys’ party, and you accidentally called him your boyfriend. The way his breathing got faster and his chest got instantly warmer made him realize he was in it, and deep. And it just seemed silly that you felt like no one loved you, when he was right there, ready to give you the world if you asked. But only after teasing you about it.
“No, let me,” he said, interrupting you in the kindest way he could. You stopped talking, then, waiting for him to continue. “I know we all have our shit to deal with. And I know this is probably something you’ve been working for some time. And that it goes beyond me.” You nodded in agreement. “But whatever I can do to make you understand how amazing you are, I will. If I have to come here and take care of you every day just to show you how much I love you, I will. If I have to say it at every hour, so you start believing it, I will.”
You couldn’t quite explain what you were feeling. You just knew it was washing over you like the most powerful of waves. It was like he was slowly removing the bricks on the wall that kept you separated from everyone when you were having days like this. It was like everything he was saying was so genuine and so heartfelt that you had no choice but to take every single word as the ultimate truth. Especially as Soonyoung wasn’t a very good liar. 
Another tear escaped you and, this time, he wiped it with a gentle kiss. His hand moved to your face, fingers cupping your cheek. “I know I tease you all the time, and that you think I'm annoying,” he said, with a chuckle. “But I love you so, so much. I love how comfortable I am around you and how you make me laugh every time we’re together. How you’re so fucking sexy but also so smart. I love how you laugh at my jokes even though you don’t want to because you find them stupid. How you act like you don’t, but you always let me get all over you because you like it as much as I do. I love your eyes and your smile. God, your smile is so pretty. It literally makes me dizzy.” His thumb wiped away another tear, and he giggled, sounding slightly out of breath. “There’s just so much I love about you and I want to make sure you never forget it.” 
Soonyoung thought about it for a second before correcting himself. “No, wait. You can forget it sometimes. That’s ok,” he reassured you. “But don’t worry, I’ll always be here to remind you. As long as I’m here, you’re never not loved.” 
And then you were fully crying. Just sobbing against his chest while he held you close to him. He whispered praises and loving words by your hair while his hands rubbed your back in comfort. Now, it just seemed so silly that you had the audacity to think that he would do anything besides reassure and shower you with affection and the most selfless of loves. How dare you? 
You weren’t sure how long you cried. It didn’t really matter, anyway. Soonyoung’s grip around you never loosened. Once you were finally soothed, he gently dried your face with more kisses and pulled you back against his chest. While his fingers ran through your hair, he spoke again. “You, uh. You love me too, right?”
You giggled, sniffling from all the crying you had just done. When you looked up at him, eyes puffy and red, Soonyoung saw nothing but endearment. You moved the dark strands out of his face. “How could I not?”
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“Baby?” Soonyoung called out from your bed. It was late, you should be there with him, not by your desk and working. 
He whined, “Enough with that.” 
You laughed at his antics. “I just need to send a few more emails.”
“It’s literally eleven, you should’ve stopped working when you left the office.”
Soonyoung was a very work oriented person, and so were you. It was funny how the two of you were constantly nagging each other over it, and, at the same time, both quite easily crossing the line and being overworked. 
You were so focused on typing that you didn’t hear him shifting on the sheets and huffing in annoyance. When you realized, he was spinning your chair around, hands placed by its arms. “Baby.”
A sigh passed your lips, “I’ll be there soon, I promise.”
He leaned in, face close to yours. Before he could actually say anything, something by your laptop caught his eye. Soonyoung moved his head to the side to get a better look, “Wait, what’s that?” 
You turned around to know what he was talking about. “Oh. That.”
It was a frame that held a picture of the two of you. Soonyoung had a beanie on, black shirt and black jacket not that visible. He was scrunching his nose and your cheeks were glued to his, head slightly turned to the side and arms by his shoulders. 
“That,” he said, reaching out to hold it and properly inspect it.
“Krys got me the frame the other day and I decided to print the picture and put it here,” you explained. You didn’t really know why, but you felt somewhat shy over this. It was like placing pictures of the two of you around made things more real. Not like they weren’t, but it seemed like an important step.
Soonyoung had a smile on his face, “I like this picture.” 
You giggled, “Me too.” 
“You look cute,” he pointed out. After a couple more seconds staring at the yellow picture frame, he spoke again, “Damn, you actually love me.”
You shook your head in amusement, “Do not.” You almost scoffed.
He sighed, proudly. “You so love me.” 
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“There was this one party at Shua's, God. That was a nightmare,” Soonyoung said with a laugh. 
Jihoon sighed, “Not this again.” He took a piece of chicken and started eating in silence.
The three of you were having dinner together, alongside Seungkwan. It wasn’t rare for you to come over with food, genuinely enjoying spending time with your boyfriend’s flatmates. 
“You know how Jeonghan is, right?” 
You knew this story, you had heard it countless times, all of them while Soonyoung was drunk. Still, if it was for his entertainment, you were fine with acting as if you didn’t know that Jeonghan tried to get into Jihoon’s pants once. Seungkwan eyed you in annoyance and you giggled. Their dynamic was always very amusing to you.
Soonyoung took a sip of his Coke, “It was supposed to be a dude’s night or something, I don’t remember that part. And Jihoon was alone at home, so I managed to convince him to come with me. Jeong—” 
“Jeonghan hit on me, said I probably had a big dick and then complained that I didn’t want to fuck him. The end.” Jihoon summarized taking another bite of his food.
A frown formed on Soonyoung’s face immediately, “Why did you ruin it?”
“I’m one hundred percent sure she heard this before, but it’s acting like she didn’t just to please you,” Seungkwan teased. 
You laughed, fingers dancing through the hair on Soonyoung’s nape, “Leave him alone.”
He pouted at you, “Did I tell you this before?” You couldn’t really contain your look. “Why didn’t you say so?” You found him very cute when he whined. 
The youngest huffed. Seungkwan wasn’t your closest friend, but he didn’t really need to be to state the obvious. “Because she loves you, idiot.”
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Soonyoung was getting into his head. He knew that, he recognized the patterns. He had messed up more than one relationship over it. It was just that, sometimes, the little voice inside his head spoke louder and clearer than the reality. He felt uneasy, suspicious. He understood that there was no actual reason for that, but that didn’t really matter. 
There was so much going on in his life that he didn’t really have the time to stop and calm himself down, getting stuck between overwhelming feelings and self doubts. Work was hectic. He got a pretty big deal to choreograph for an upcoming group, but it wasn’t going as smoothly as he wished.
It was late. Pretty late. You heard the sound of your phone vibrating against your nightstand, and you groaned. Was Soonyoung drinking? No one else would call you at three in the morning. That was usually the reason why he called at this ungodly hour. 
“Hi,” you mumbled, voice hoarse in sleep.
A sigh echoed through your ear, “Did I wake you?” He stared at the clock on his dashboard. “Shit, of course I did. I’m sorry.”  
You rubbed your eyes in an attempt of being more alert. “It’s fine. Is everything ok?” He didn’t sound drunk. Weird. When he didn’t respond, you questioned him further. “Where are you?” 
“I’m just leaving the studio,” he confessed. He knew you’d nag.
“At this hour? Soo, it’s so late, you can’t do this.” 
He leaned back against the headrest, “I know.” Soonyoung chewed the insides of his cheek, “Can I come over?” 
Something was definitely wrong. “Uh. Yeah, sure.” He exhaled in relief. “Just call me when you’re here, and I’ll open up.” 
It usually took him about twenty minutes by car from the studio to your place, but due to the late night lack of traffic, he got there sooner. When you opened the door, he hugged you immediately, arms wrapping around your waist. “Hi,” Soonyoung mumbled over your shoulder.
“Hi?” You were very confused at this point, tone a clear mix between sleepiness and concern. “What’s going on?” 
“Can we just go to bed?” He pulled back, the bags under his eyes very evident now. 
You removed his hair from his face, thumb gentle against his forehead. “I’m kinda worried.” 
He let out a sad chuckle, “Let’s just cuddle, I’ll tell you in a bit.” For some reason, whenever he was in your arms, he felt like nothing could ever go wrong. That was his favorite place.
Once the two of you got comfortable, Soonyoung’s head against your chest and your fingers rubbing circles against his back, you asked again. “What’s up?”
He gathered some courage first, silence filling up the room until he was ready to speak up. “I fucking suck.” 
You looked down on him, “I hope you’re not referring to dancing.” He sighed, eyes the saddest you had ever seen. “Hey, no. You do not suck.”
“Then why can’t I get on with this damn choreography? I sit there for hours. Hours, baby.” Soonyoung pressed his head further against you. “Nothing comes. They’re calling me almost every day to know when I’ll have something to present. I have nothing. I’m scared they’ll drop me and hire someone else.” 
This was a new side of Soonyoung. He was usually confident. Overly confident, even. So seeing him doubt himself like that made your heart ache. 
He let out another long breath. “I’m not used to feeling like this. This is the only thing I know I’m actually really, really good at,” he confessed. “But now I feel like in a goddamn rut where nothing makes sense. Every move I come up with looks so bad and unfitting.” 
You chose to wait until he was done speaking to respond. He kept going for some time, mind racing much like his heart. He rambled and groaned and, if you looked close enough, you’d see his glossy eyes under the moonlight. 
“You done?” You asked, gently, once he seemed to have calmed down a little. You kinda wanted to move a bit, so you could properly look at him, but you decided against it. You felt like he’d take more comfort in a hug than in your truthful stare. 
“Yeah,” he whispered.
“Things get tough sometimes, Soo. But that doesn’t mean you suck,” you reminded him. “I’ve seen you dance more than once. I’ve seen the things you come up with. The way you look when you’re doing it is probably one of my favorite things about you.” Your mind went back to the first time you saw him dancing, stopping by at the studio to drop off something he forgot at your place. It was mesmerizing. “You glow when you’re dancing. It’s like you’re a different person, like there’s this, I don’t know, aura around you. That’s your element. Nothing will ever be as breathtaking as that. At least for me.”
Your fingers went to his chin to make him look up at you, and you offered him a sincere smile. “I’m not saying this because I’m your girlfriend. I’m saying it because I know this is your path. You were born for this. And a small rut won’t change that.” You knew very little about dancing. Soonyoung shared some stuff with you and picked up a bit from working in the music industry, even if not in the front lines. But you weren’t an expert. “Change your perspective. Try to choreograph in a different place. Watch some videos. Talk to Chan, or Jun. Ask for help. That’s ok, that doesn’t make you weak or any less talented.”
He seemed to be considering your suggestions, eyes drifting on possibilities. “You can do this, Soo. You’re the most passionate person I’ve ever met. This is your thing. You got this.” 
Soonyoung pouted, and you giggled, leaning in to give him a small kiss. “I’ll always be your number one supporter, no matter what. I believe in you so much, and it hurts to see you like this.” You kissed his forehead now, his nose moving in a scrunch. “But it’s okay, I know it happens. And I’ll be here to take care of you when it does.”
He made some progress on the choreography, but nothing that significant. Chan helped him a lot, but he still felt somewhat stuck. His deadline was coming up, and he was genuinely panicking at this point. On top of that, Soonyoung kept going over stupid stuff, and he felt like he was slowly losing his mind.
The two of you were resting on the couch, your head by his lap while ran his fingers through your hair. Your phone buzzed by your stomach, and you unlocked it, tilting the screen slightly so Soonyoung wouldn’t see who the text was from or what it was about. He thought of questioning why you did that. Were you hiding something? Were you bored of him? In the end, he stayed silent, lost in the wave of insecurity that took over him.
Soonyoung knew he wasn’t the most pleasant person on the planet. He wasn’t Seokmin, who was someone so nice that it made him a natural crowd pleaser. He was well aware of the fact that, sometimes, when his friends called him annoying, they kinda meant it. He knew they loved him, but he also knew who he was. He wasn’t that bad, at least he didn't think so. He was just conscious he had quite a personality. He also messed up some relationships over it. This meant that, when he found you, someone who could actually keep up with him and all his craziness, he was a bit too scared to lose it.
The mind was tricky when you were worried. It made you paranoid. Overly aware. Made you overthink. So when his girlfriend did something as small as moving her phone outside his vision camp, it was inevitable that his mind went to weird places.
Theoretically, he had nothing to worry about. Soonyoung was pretty sure you were still very much in love with him. Still, his trust issues seemed to be eating him up alive, taking over every thought and every action. He just didn't know what to do with this feeling that someone was always acting behind his back. And every time he was consumed by it, he ended up doing something absurdly stupid.
Doki moved out from your shared apartment the previous week, them and Joshua taking one step further into their relationship and deciding to live together. You were slightly sad to see them leaving, having been your flatmate for a little over four years now. Still, you were happy Doki found someone who suited them so well. 
And it's not like you'd be in bad company, much on the contrary. Instead of you moving out or putting up an ad somewhere, Krys came to live with you. She had a lot of stuff, so you needed some help to move everything. Soonyoung and Seokmin covered that part. 
It had been a long day, Soonyoung getting tired out from carrying boxes and setting up furniture. He was sitting by your bed, hair wet and body smelling like your soap, while you went through your wardrobe, collecting something to wear. He showered before you as you were still busy helping Krys with some small details in her new bedroom. 
With some sweats in hand, you moved over to Soonyoung, stopping between his legs. “Be back soon,” you said, lips forming a smile. He nodded, not displaying any further reaction. You furrowed your brows at him, “Everything ok?”
“Yeah, don't worry.” He forced a smile.
You were not convinced, fingers moving to lift his chin, allowing you to stare into his eyes. “Sure?”
Another nod, “Sure.” You fixed his hair and he hummed at the touch. “Go shower, you kinda smell,” he said, laughing and putting more effort into making it look like everything was fine. 
“Hey!” You pinched his shoulder lightly. “You're supposed to be kind to me.” You kept staring at him. Something was off. “You sure you’re ok?”
He chuckled lowly, “I'm fine, promise.”
You placed a kiss by the top of his head, “Okay.” 
Soonyoung rested back on your bed as you walked out, fingers reaching for the remote on the nightstand. Your phone was there, too. 
No, he wouldn't do it. 
He shook his head in a desperate attempt to make the thought go away. Soonyoung went for one of his favorite movies, trying to distract himself as much as he could. Some time later, he heard the noise of a buzz coming from your nightstand. You just got a text.
No, he wouldn't do it.
Soonyoung bit his lip in distress. Maybe just a peek? That wouldn't hurt, would it? He just really needed to make sure you were both still on the same page. Did he even have time for that? He didn't know how long it had been since you went to shower, but figured it wouldn't take much for you to come back.
No, he wouldn't do it.
He let out a sigh, hands moving towards the piece of furniture, but going back to his lap right after. Soonyoung tapped his finger against his thigh. It was like his hand was itching and tingling and the only thing that could stop it was doing something he knew you'd probably get pissed about.
Okay, he did it. 
Soonyoung took the black device in his hands, eyes staring at the screen. He couldn't even blink. His heart was racing, and he felt like he was about to pass out. He placed the phone on his lap and rubbed his palms against his shorts, the sweat over them highlighting his anxious state. Once they were slightly dryer, he picked it up again and, in an impulsive movement, he pressed the side button.
Of course, how could he forget? It was passcode protected, and he realized he didn't know how to unlock it. He stared at your lockscreen for a bit, a picture of you and him that you took in the elevator of his building. This was probably for the best. Now he could just place the phone back where it was and beat himself up secretly for doing something so ridiculous. Before he could do that, you opened the door, making him look up from the object in front of him. Soonyoung froze in place, elbows by his thigh and your phone obviously by his grip. 
You looked at him in confusion, not saying anything for a couple of seconds. You blinked once, twice, trying to understand what he was doing. “Is that—"
“I'm sorry,” he said, immediately regretting his actions. “I didn't look. I mean, I’m an idiot, so I kinda tried to, but I don't know the passcode. So I didn't see anything. I don't know why I did this. It's just that. Uh. It vibrated. So I thought it might've been something important. So I picked it up. But I didn't read anything,” he rambled. 
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, closing the door behind you. “Why did you try to go through my phone?” Your tone was slightly angry. But definitely less than he thought it would be when he imagined your reaction if you caught him.
Soonyoung sighed, “Because I'm stupid.” He had no other explanation. “And because I’m scared,” he confessed, voice barely a whisper. 
You let out a breath, moving to sit facing him on the bed. Before you spoke, you took the remote and turned off the TV. “Scared of what, exactly?” His eyes were down, hands on his lap while he played with his fingers. He didn't respond, so you pushed further. “You’re gonna have to talk to me, Soonyoung.” You didn't sound harsh. It was more like you were really trying to understand what was going on, so you could talk about it and move past it.
He scratched the back of his neck, “You remember that day we were watching Tangled in the living room?” You nodded. “At some point, you, uh, you got a text.”
“Okay?” You weren't following. 
“You got a text and then you kinda. You kinda turned your screen away, so I wouldn't see it?” Soonyoung felt like his heart was about to come out of his chest, just not in a good way.
Your eyes went wide in disbelief, “Wait a minute. You think I’m cheating on you?”
“No!” His voice was slightly louder now, desperate to take that idea out of your head. You looked at him and, if he stared long enough, he’d see you were slightly hurt. There he went again, allowing his stupid issues to ruin what was probably one of the best things that had ever happened to him. “I-I don't know what I think.”
“You’re gonna have to figure it out and tell me. Because, honestly, it does not look good,” you said, truthfully.
“I know,” he whined. He took a couple of breaths in order to calm himself down. Soonyoung had a terrible habit of saying whatever came to his mind, but he couldn't do this now. Especially as he had no fucking clue what was even there. He had never been so confused. Still, he had to explain somehow. “I’m just scared to lose you.” That was probably the best way he could summarize it. 
“Soonyoung, I—”
“Look,” he said, interrupting you. “I sometimes have this feeling that someone is always hiding something from me. Like there's something going on behind my back and, when shit hits the fan, it will break me into a million pieces. So, I don't know, I get paranoid and try to not let it catch me by surprise.”
You pursed your lips, “This sounds a lot like you think I’m cheating on you. And like you don't trust me.”
Soonyoung shook his head vehemently, “It's not about you. It's about me.” He took your hand in his, palms once again slightly sweaty. When you didn’t pull away, he relaxed slightly. “I trust you so, so much. Maybe more than I have ever trusted anyone. But this… I can't really control it sometimes. I just kept thinking over and over again what could you possibly be texting that you had to turn your screen away. And it drove me crazy that I couldn't come up with anything.” He squeezed your hand as if he was trying to prove a point. “I know you would never do this to me. It's just hard to not listen to this little voice in the back of my mind telling me I’m not seeing something. Or that you might be tired of me because, well, I know how I am. I know people can get ti—”
“So that's what this is about? You think I’m gonna break up with you?”
“Not exactly.” He wondered why you kept trying to guess what he was thinking if every guess you took was wrong. “I just love you so much that the thought of losing you is literally driving me insane these days. And I know this isn't a good enough argument to do something as invasive as almost going through your phone. Especially as I probably would have done it if it wasn't for the passcode.” Soonyoung sighed. “I know this is pointless, because I know you love me. But this thing is a bit too hard to ignore sometimes.” 
The two of you sat in silence for some time and, after clearing his thoughts a bit, he spoke again. “I've fucked up with other people because of how I am. And I know we talked about it before, but there was this one girlfriend I had… It didn't last long. But she tried to change me.” You remembered him mentioning this in one of your first dates. “She tried to change me, and she just made me feel so bad about myself. She said I was too loud, too impulsive, too much all the time. And I felt trapped, because I like who I am. So, in the end, she broke up with me because she got tired.” He looked at you, an endeared smile across his face. “So when I met you, someone who can so easily accept me, who makes me feel comfortable and loved, I just don't want to risk it.”
You took some time to process his words. “What you did is not okay,” you said, and he nodded in agreement. “But I get it. Can I just ask you something?”
You bit your lip, “Did anything else happen beside the text thing? Am I not showing you how much I actually love you?”
He shook his head in response, “No, it was just that.” You eyed him closely, trying to read past his gaze. “I promise. There's a lot going on lately, and I just haven't been able to manage my feelings well. When you call me annoying, I know you're joking. But lately it felt like it might be true. It was fueling everything up.”
You reached for his cheek, cupping it gently, “I’m sorry.”
“It's okay,” he said, leaning on your hand. “I know it's how we work.” Soonyoung smiled, thinking of the dynamic the two of you had built together. He wouldn't change it for the world. “I shouldn't overthink it.”
“Still, I don't want to do anything that makes you feel like that,” you mentioned. You brushed his hair out of his face, hands then moving down to lace your fingers together. “I love you so, so much. I had never been in a relationship that gets me this comfortable or shows me I’m this important. I love the way you make me feel, and I will not give up on that anytime soon. Okay?” Soonyoung nodded, eyes disappearing in a smile. “You'll just have to trust me when I say I actually can't live without you.”
You raised yourself out of the mattress to sit on Soonyoung’s lap, your gaze easily meeting his. His hands went immediately to your waist, while yours moved to the side of his neck. "I love you, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
“Okay,” he said, voice calmer. “I love you, too.”
“Good,” you said, leaning in for a kiss. “There's one more thing,” you said, pulling back.
He opened his eyes, whining at the loss of contact. “What?”
"If anything like this happens again, promise you’ll talk to me before you decide to do something stupid like snoop through my phone?”
Soonyoung giggled in embarrassment, “Promise.” So you kissed him again, doing your best to let your actions reassure him as much as your words seemed to do. 
The two of you stayed like that for a while, settling down for a movie later on. Once the credits started rolling, Soonyoung whispered your name.
He sighed, “Will you be mad if I ask you what the text was about?” Soonyoung wanted to let this go. He really did. And the talk the two of you had helped a lot. He just had this one last doubt he needed to get rid of.
“Babe,” you said, with a laugh. “It's about your Christmas gift. I sent it to Joshua’s place because you’ve been hanging around here a lot. I want it to be a surprise.” He felt so fucking stupid. “So he was just sending me pictures of it because it got delivered.”
Soonyoung blinked a couple of times. “God, I’m an idiot.”
You nodded against his chest. “Yes, you are.”
“I’m sorry again,” he said, placing a kiss at the top of your head. 
“It’s okay.”
“Baby?” He called you again, and you looked up at him. “Is the gift tiger related?”
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“I just think it's funny how whenever I wanted to throw Christmas parties, Doki would groan and shut the idea out,” you said, while taking another sip of your blackberry mule. “And now, here we are.” 
You loved Christmas. It was your favorite holiday. You loved decorating, and you loved wrapping gifts, despite your poor manual skills. Doki couldn't care less. So you spent four years asking them to help you with setting up the tree, only to now have them hosting a Christmas dinner. It came with being in love, you guessed. You had compromised over quite some stuff for Soonyoung as well. 
You were all at Joshua’s for a dinner and some drinks. You were sitting between Soonyoung and Krys, while Jeonghan, Seokmin and Seungkwan were on the opposite side, leaving the hosts to sit by the ends of the table. Jihoon had a work thing, so he couldn't tag along, which made Jeonghan quite upset as, according to him, this time he would’ve managed to get himself some good dick. 
Doki rolled their eyes, while taking a bite of their rib. “Leave me alone.” Joshua looked at them with endearment in his eyes. 
Krys caught it, “You guys are gross.” 
“You're just bitter because you’re single,” her brother teased, giving her his tongue. Jeonghan raised an eyebrow and looked at his flatmate. 
“Anyway, who wants more soju?” She said, standing up with a sigh. 
Soonyoung started drinking later on, when you were already kinda buzzed. He took a couple of shots with Krys and, not long after, was singing whatever song on the karaoke while Seungkwan yelled at him that he was ruining everything. 
You were sitting by the couch with Doki, while Krys was lost somewhere in the kitchen with Seokmin. “When do you think she’ll stop being dense? He’s literally like a puppy around her.” 
Doki sighed, “I don't know.” They poured two more shots, watching the current subject return to the living room with her faithful companion by her side. “We need to be drunk for this.” 
“I kinda already am,” you giggled. You two clinked glasses and got the soju in.
“That's something I haven't seen in a while, you and Soonyoung drunk at the same time.” Krys said, plopping down beside you. The two of you had very different tolerances. When you were reaching your limit, that meant he was literally dead or about to pass out. When he was reaching his limit, that meant you were hardly tipsy. Meeting in the middle was almost an event.
You looked at your boyfriend, his voice echoing through the place while Seokmin joined him. “I think he missed it, that's why he didn't drink right when we got here.” There was something fun and exciting about being inebriated with him and, honestly speaking, you missed it too. 
As time passed, drinks flew in, countless empty bottles of soju placed by the center table. It was Jeonghan’s turn, and he was singing to Aquaman while everyone hyped him up. You were having a conversation with Joshua and Krys on something he was planning on giving to Doki for Christmas, when Soonyoung appeared by your side.
“Hi,” he said, face red. 
“When does it get delivered?” Krys asked. He had decided to send it over to your place, much like you did to Soonyoung’s gift. 
Soonyoung moved over the soft fabric, arms reaching for your neck. “When does what get delivered?” He asked, placing kisses by your cheek.
“Doki's gift,” you responded, giggling at his actions.
He furrowed his brows, “Didn't you just give them the stove?”
Joshua rolled his eyes, “It’s not a stove. It's a Lacanche Range. And yes, but that was for both of us, so I’m getting them something else.”
Soonyoung hummed in acknowledgment, not really interested in that at the moment. He got closer, legs moving to try to sit on your lap. 
The man shot him a face, “Can you please not try to have sex on my couch?”
Krys let out a laugh, “Can you even get it up? You're fucked already.”
If you were sober, you would probably hush for everyone to be quiet. But as the alcohol was pumping in, all you did was shake your head in amusement. 
“Yes, I didn't drink that much yet,” he confessed. Joshua looked disgusted. 
“In that case, Josh’s room is right there,” she teased. 
His eyes went wide, “You are absolutely not doing it in my room!”
Krys thought about it for a second, pointing down the hallway, “You can go for the bathroom, then.”
Ok, it was getting too much. Joshua looked like he was about to commit a crime or at least ban a few of you from his house. “Can you all shut up?” You said, doing your best to hold back a laugh. “Soo, baby, please sit down.”
He moved closer to you, lips in a smirk. “I’m trying to.”
“Urgh, you guys are absolutely nasty,” Joshua said, standing up and walking away.
Sometime later, you were by the kitchen pouring yourself some water. You needed to calm down a little, head spinning more than usual. You were placing the glass by the sink when you felt arms around your waist. 
“Missed you,” Soonyoung said, chin resting by your shoulder. 
You laughed, “I was gone for like three minutes.”
“That's too long.” He stepped back for a moment just so he could spin you around, palms then placed by the counter. Soonyoung gave you a tempting smile, “I have an idea.” 
You raised an eyebrow at him, knowing damn well that this would probably be something insane. “What?”
He moved closer, hips pressing against yours. “I kinda have to go to the bathroom.”
“You're not serious.” He did nothing but smirk at you, the usual fire behind his eyes now more present than ever. “We can't do that.”
He whined, “Why not?” 
You rested your hands by his chest, “All of our friends are here. We can't just go fuck in the bathroom.”
His shoulders moved in a shrug, “Why not?” He sounded like a broken record. “It's not like they don't know we have sex.” Soonyoung did have a good point. He moved his hips once again, the friction going straight to your core. A small moan passed your lips. “See? I think you kinda want it.”
You would probably never do this sober. Ever. Especially with the friends you had, they would never let you live through it. And once they realized where you were and what you were doing, the disturbance would be endless. But, just for tonight, you allowed yourself to be indulged by Soonyoung's adventurous nature. So you took his hand and allowed him to drag you towards the bathroom between giggles and kisses.
He had you seated by the sink counter, keeping himself between your legs while he bit on your neck. As you didn't really have to face the cold weather, you decided to put on a skirt, something you were very thankful for now. You adjusted yourself, “Wait, what if we break it?”
Soonyoung laughed against your skin, “Then we probably won't be able to come here for some time.” He licked on the spot right below your ear. “But it seems strong, don't worry.”
He was right. You just felt dizzy, and you weren't sure if it was on the booze or on how good Soonyoung felt. Your thoughts were clouded, but you didn’t really care. Your hands moved to his ass, pressing him closer against you. 
Your boyfriend let out a growl. “I won't last long today. I’m half hard already,” he confessed. Yeah, you could feel it. And, honestly, it wasn’t difficult to get Soonyoung in the mood. It was like he was always ready, waiting only for you to give him a sign.
“Thank God,” you mumbled in half a moan. He let out a chuckle. If it was up to him, the two of you would fuck every day, for at least four hours.
He raised your skirt up to your waist, the contact with the cold surface causing goosebumps to appear against your skin. "Take this off,” Soonyoung said, referring to your already damp underwear. 
You whined, “For what? Just push it to the side.” He was a bit unpractical sometimes. You went for his belt and, not long after, his jeans were by his knees. 
Soonyoung did as he was told, moving the lacy fabric out of the way. A teasing finger ran through your folds. “Pretty wet, aren’t we?” He pulled away, but before you could protest, your mouth got busy. His eyes were stuck in yours while you licked his fingers, tongue swirling against his digits. 
The way Soonyoung looked at you during sex was something you couldn’t get used to. It didn’t really matter how many times you saw it, it would always make you shiver. It was passionate, almost as if he needed you more than anything else in the world. And, sometimes, or always, you couldn’t really tell now, he really did.
His lips replaced his fingers, and you hummed against them. You loved kissing him. You had been doing that for months now and the thrill was still there. You still got the same damn sparks you got when you first kissed on your second date. You felt like that would never go away. 
Your hands moved down, reaching for him through his boxers. Your fingertips traced the outline of his cock, touch featherweight. He let out a moan and you swallowed it. “Don’t tease,” he mumbled. 
Soonyoung’s hands started roaming through your body while his lips were still attached to yours. He squeezed your hips, cupped your breasts, pinched your thighs. It was like he was trying to memorize every inch of you. Once he was back where you needed, he spread your juices, slowly pushing a finger in. You were too wet already for his actions to give you anything besides pleasure. 
You finally pulled his cock out, hand immediately wrapping around it. “How are you this hard already?” You asked with a giggle when pulling away to catch your breath for a moment.
“It’s because you’re so fucking hot I can’t help it.” You felt your cheeks heating up at his answer. Soonyoung had always made you feel good in more ways than one, praises escaping him in the easiest of tones. 
“Move faster,” you begged. While his middle finger was inside you, his thumb pressed on your clit. He knew exactly how you liked it. Sometimes you wondered if you were that easy to read, or if your sexual chemistry was just extraordinary right from the start despite the obvious difference in resistance. Your forehead rested against his shoulder, lips between your teeth in an attempt not to make too much noise. 
His cock felt warm against your palm, the tip red and wet with precum. Spitting a bit on your hand, you gripped his length once again, slightly tighter this time, and he moaned. “Fuck, so good, baby.” You started moving up and down, doing your best not to concentrate solemnly on Soonyoung’s finger.
That was not enough. You needed more. “Add another.” He would never deny that to you. His ring finger then joined his middle one, curling up almost instantly. Slick sounds were filling up the room. It was too easy to get riled up, especially when Soonyoung was that good. 
The position was a bit messy, arms tangled between your bodies while you reached for one another. Still, it was clearly working from all the pants and moans that escaped the two of you. 
Focusing on his tip, your wrist turned in quick motions. Soonyoung threw his head back, clearly lost in the sensations. “I never want this to end.”
You moved your head up to his neck, teeth grazing against the sensitive skin. “I’m not edging you.” That was how he lasted for hours, through countless edging sessions. You didn’t have time for that, nor the patience. 
Soonyoung giggled, fingers moving even quicker. He applied some more pressure on your clit, and you whimpered. He took great pride in the way he could always make you moan. “So tight.”
You felt hot. It was like the room was on fire and your body was about to combust. When he hit a particularly good spot, you cursed. “Fuck.” Your head was spinning, and it was like being tipsy made everything more intense.
When Soonyoung felt you clench harder around him, he picked up the pace. “You’re close, right?” He knew it, he always knew it. But he liked to ask just to fuel his ego. 
You nodded, eyes closing shut. “Very close.” You were having a hard time keeping your movements up, especially when you were almost there. 
Soonyoung noticed, quickly reassuring you. “Let go of my cock for a second, it’s ok.” You didn’t protest, hands reaching for his shoulder in a desperate attempt to keep yourself grounded. You’d take care of him soon. His free hand went to your chin, fingers pressing on your jaw. “Look at me. I want you to look at me while you cum.”
You let out a cry, chest moving up and down rapidly. Just a bit more. “Shit, right there.”
“Tell me how it feels.”
“So good. Fuck. So, so good.” You couldn’t think straight. All you could think was of how amazing Soonyoung’s fingers felt. The way he eyed you made you feel bare. 
He leaned in, placing a quick peck by your lips. His thumb moved faster, the sensations making you moan louder than you probably should. If someone came by the door, they’d most likely hear you. At this point, you couldn’t care less. You were too close and this felt too good.
“Please, I’m so close, please.” 
Soonyoung liked when you begged. “You can cum, baby.” You squeezed around him, the sounds coming out of your pussy making your moans almost inaudible considering the music from the living room. He stared into your eyes and smiled. “Cum for me.”
With a couple more thrusts, you were done. Soonyoung’s grip never left your jaw, neither did the grin he had on his features. You cried his name in a moan while he helped you through your high. He wanted to engrave that image in his head forever, much like every single time he made you cum. He thought you looked the most beautiful then, face glowing as small droplets of sweat rolled down, expression stuck in pure bliss. He loved knowing he did that do you, loved knowing the effect he had on you.
You took some time to recover, head by the crook of his neck once he let go of your face. He rubbed your arms slowly, “You’re so sexy.”
Placing a kiss by his skin, you let out a laugh. “You’re so silly.” 
“I’m serious,” he said. “The sexiest woman I have ever met.”
You pulled back, taking his cock in your hands again. Soonyoung hissed at the contact. “Thanks, babe.”
“I won’t last long,” he repeated. His lips were trapped between his teeth, hair slightly stuck on his forehead. He was simply mesmerizing.
“Wait,” you said, lifting yourself up from the counter and adjusting your skirt. You got on your knees and looked up at him with a smile. “We can’t get cum anywhere or Doki will kill us.” 
Soonyoung laughed, head moving in a nod. “Smart.”
When your lips wrapped around his cock, head instantly bobbing up and down, he felt pure ecstasy. He loved everything about you, but the way you looked when you had his cock in your mouth was one of his favorites. One of your hands cupped his balls while the other one was placed by the base of his member, holding it still, so you could suck him off properly. 
His hand went to your hair, fingers tangling against your locks. Soonyoung couldn’t turn his eyes away from you. When you took him deeper, the tip hitting the back of your throat, he whined. “Feels so good.”
He started thrusting into your mouth slowly. Soonyoung had always known how to move his hips. You then rested your hands by his thighs, his grip on your hair tightening, understanding what you meant even though you didn’t voice it. You focused on breathing through your nose while he fucked your face, eyes slightly watering. 
A bit after, he pulled you away by your hair, “You’re gonna drive me insane.”
You smiled up at him, “Good.” He smiled back, watching as you stick your tongue out, so you could take him again. 
Much like he had predicted, Soonyoung didn’t last long. He thrust into your mouth a couple more times before you felt the taste of his cum against your tongue, swallowing every drop. Once his hips stopped moving, your lips focused on his tip while your palms twisted around his length. “Fuck,” he cursed at the overstimulation, pulling himself away from you not long after with a laugh.
He helped you stand up and wrapped his arms around your waist, “We should do this more often.”
You shook your head, lips curving upwards. “We shouldn’t. I’ll hear enough for the rest of our lives.”
The two of you fixed yourselves before going back out, washing your hands and adjusting your clothes. You used some cotton to clean your smudged make up while Soonyoung pulled up his pants and buckled his belt. 
He fixed your hair, hands then moving to cup your face. “I love you.” 
You giggled at his sudden words, “Love you, too.”
You checked yourself in the mirror one last time just to make sure your sex face wasn’t that apparent. It’s not like everyone didn’t know what you were doing, but you’d like to be at least presentable for all the comments you’d have to digest. 
When you and Soonyoung came walking through the hallway, his arm against your shoulder and yours by his waist, smiles very, very bright, Krys was the first to spot you. She let out a laugh, “How was the head, Soonyoung?” She had no shame. 
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, turning away to hide in Soonyoung’s chest while he hugged you, and you groaned. “It was great, thanks.” He had no shame, too. You could actually hear his smirk. You sometimes wondered how you managed to get yourself a boyfriend who was the male version of one of your best friends.
Doki looked at you in disgust, “You really fucked in my bathroom?” 
“Yes,” he stated, simply. You were still hiding. Doki and Krys would never leave you alone for this.
“I better not find cum anywhere,” they said, tone serious and a huff escaping their lips.
Soonyoung had a cheeky grin on his face, “You won’t.” He thought about it for a second, “She cleaned up good.”
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It was Thursday, which meant you’d most likely see Soonyoung once you were done with work. On Fridays, you started later, and he had no morning classes, so you usually could sleep curled up together, either at his place or yours.
Not a lot had happened since Christmas. Soonyoung was still annoying. And he was still your boyfriend. The two of you spent New Years together with your friends in Tokyo. That was the first time you took an actual trip together.
You could hear fireworks already exploding in the background. You could hear them in your heart, too. Soonyoung’s arms were wrapped around your waist, while your fingers were laced by his nape.
You were always very comfortable around him, but when he looked at you like that, your breathing picked up the pace. Almost as if the surrounding air wasn’t enough. 
“I can’t believe I found you,” he said, lips in your favorite smile.
You giggled, “Me neither. I can’t believe the most annoying man on the planet made his way to me.”
Soonyoung pinched your sides lightly, “Don’t say that.” His lips formed a pout.
“I’m just kidding,” you said, a chuckle escaping you. “I’m glad you found me, too.” You stared at him for a moment, “Can I tell you something?”
He nodded, “Anything.”
“You make me feel like I’m really, really loved.” Sometimes you had a hard time vocalizing everything Soonyoung placed in your heart. But, if you thought enough about it, it all came down to four little letters put together.
The man lit up like a beam. “That’s because you are.”
You smiled back, “I know. I hope you know you are, too.” 
“I know.” 
“I really love you.”
“I really love you, too.”
Soonyoung earned himself a drawer at your place. He was getting tired of carrying his clothes around. He gave you a frame with a picture of the two of you, one from Christmas. That one was for your office. You also met his family, which was kind of an event.
“So you’re going to Namyangju this weekend?” Jihoon asked over a beer. The four of you were having dinner and catching up as you haven’t seen Soonyoung’s flatmates in about two weeks. That was considerably a long time. For some reason, your boyfriend was spending a lot more time in your place than his.
You nodded, “Yeah, on Saturday.”
Seungkwan smiled at you, “Nervous?” 
Soonyoung’s ears perked up, focusing on your response rather than on the fried chicken in front of him. You let out a breath, “A bit? I mean, it’s natural.” 
He smiled at you, “There’s nothing to be nervous about. They’ll love you.”
Jihoon agreed, “His parents are amazing. I bet you’ll come home with so much food packed.” 
“You know,” the youngest spoke up, “I’ve lived with him for three years, and you’re the first girlfriend I've seen him take home.” 
“And the first one we really like and hang out with,” Jihoon added.
Soonyoung’s cheeks blushed in embarrassment, “Shut up.” He had a couple relationships here and there. Most of them weren’t even serious, anyway. Perhaps two, three actual girlfriends, but none of them staying around long enough for him to have the wish of introducing them to the most important people in his life. 
He went on a lot of dates, but never really succeeding on finding someone that suited him, someone that kept up with his sense of humor, but that could also pull the reins when needed. Someone that he felt naturally comfortable around, that made him laugh and kept him on his toes. None of the girls he shared a first kiss with had given him the same feeling he got when his lips first touched yours. Sparks all over. And he still felt that way. 
You looked at him, a smile on your face. For some reason, the part about Soonyoung never introducing anyone else to his parents made you slightly more nervous. So much pressure on you. That kinda had to mean something, didn’t it? It was good, though. It made your heart tingly. “That’s cute.”
Soonyoung had texted you around lunch saying his latest class would finish up earlier than usual, telling you to stop by the school when you were done with work, so you could head home together. You told him you’d be there. 
It was six now. You were on the elevator heading up to Soonyoung’s studio. You loved the studio. You had been there before, being well familiar with how it looked like. Still, you liked to look around whenever you went back. There were big mirrors against one wall and a couple of ballet bars. The sides were made of exposed bricks, giving the room an industrial feel. 
Watching Soonyoung dance was always very exciting. There was something about the way he looked whenever he was in his element that made your heart beat in your ears. It was always something that had a big effect on you. Some specific moments, though, more than others. Like when he was practicing in a crop top, his abdomen slightly showing, and he looked at you through the mirror. That wasn’t the only nor the biggest reason why you liked to watch him dance, but it was for sure a good motivator for your visits. 
Since he mentioned the class would be over by this time, you stepped foot into the room without much thinking. Big mistake.
There were about eight, nine children, all scattered across the wooden floor. They seemed to be around four years old. Several parents were sitting by the benches placed against the wall. Did he lie about his class ending up earlier? Typical.
When you walked in, his eyes caught yours immediately, you freezing in your tracks. Soonyoung clapped and smiled, you furrowed your eyebrows at him. “Class, I want to introduce you to someone.”
Your eyes went wide. He would not do this. He wouldn’t dare. You mouthed him a ‘no’, but obviously, he didn’t listen. Your boyfriend pointed at you, and heads started turning your way. The children looked curious, the parents looked unamused. 
“That’s Mrs. Kwon.” Big commotion. You heard some ‘ohs’ and some random yelling. You were going to kill him. “Come here, baby,” he said, reaching his hand out to you. 
Soonyoung was fucking unbelievable. They were children, you had no choice but to play along, and he knew that. His lips were curved in a teasing smile, and you felt like throwing a punch. Once you were by his side, his arm went to your waist, keeping you close to him.
“She’s so pretty, Mr. Kwon,” a girl with piggy-tails and pink sweats told him. 
Your skin started burning again in embarrassment. You looked down at her, “Thank you, honey. You’re prettier, though.” She smiled at you and, suddenly, you weren’t that mad anymore.
A little boy stood up. He looked like Soonyoung when he was younger, the memory of his baby pictures still fresh. He offered you his small hand, “I’m Dohyun. I’m four and a half and I love to dance.” You remembered Soonyoung mentioning him before when he was talking about “his kids”. Apparently, they were very similar, and he said the kid had a future in dancing. He saw it already. Even though Soonyoung didn’t mention, you knew that this was his favorite student.
You giggled, squatting down to meet his eyes and shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, Dohyun.”
“Are you married?” Another girl asked this time. She was sitting down and wearing a ballerina skirt. 
You shook your head, lips forming a gentle smile. “No, we’re not.”
“Yet,” Soonyoung added while you stood up. 
Before you could say anything else, she spoke again. “Kiss her, Mr. Kwon!”
“I don’t think—”
“Okay.” And then you felt his mouth on yours. It was short and sweet and loving. 
The kids started cheering, and you heard some adults laughing in the back. He pulled back soon enough and smiled at you, cheeks slightly painted in red. 
“Can she dance?” Dohyun asked. 
Soonyoung nodded, “Mrs. Kwon is actually a pretty good dancer. I bet if you ask nicely she can give a little show.” Your sneaky wrapped your arm around his middle and pinched his waist. He showed no reaction.
You pursed your lips, “You know what, kids? I kinda hurt my feet at work.” They whined. “So I can’t really dance today. But I’ll come back again and take Mr. Kwon’s class with you, ok?” You offered them a smile.
They seemed pretty happy at the response, hands thrown in the air and voices loud in tiny screams. You took advantage of the diversion to lean in close to Soonyoung’s ear. “I’ll kill you when we’re home.”
He shot you a smile, “Love you, too.”
Once things were calmer again, you told the children you’d let their teacher finish the class and that you’d see them soon. Dohyun offered you another handshake. Yeah, he seemed to have a lot in common with your boyfriend. 
You sat beside one of the moms, who gave you a kind smile and went back into focusing on her daughter. Your attention went to Soonyoung. The way his arms moved and how his voice got softer while speaking to the kids. He had a glow in his eyes that was not unfamiliar to you. That was the way he looked at you before whispering an ‘I love you’.
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Soonyoung was spending a lot of time in the studio lately. He had taken on new choreography classes and two or three private classes besides his usual workload. He still made sure to take some time to see you, though. Even if he was busy, even if he, theoretically, had no time, he still came to you. 
Yet, there was something you were overthinking. One of his new private students, Areum, made you feel insecure for some reason. He had shown you some videos of them dancing together, his intention being nothing but share his passion with you. Still, your eyes lingered on her longer than they should. She was beautiful, like her name indicated, and around his age. Tall, slim, long, blonde hair framing her delicate features perfectly. She was good, too. She seemed to move effortlessly around Soonyoung. 
He didn’t talk about her. He did talk about his classes, but not about her. He didn’t call her beautiful. He didn’t say she was funny. He didn’t say they had a lot in common. None of that. Still, you thought about it. You thought about Soonyoung leaving you for her. Someone prettier, more fitting for him. You cried about it, too. Late at night, on the days he wasn’t sleeping beside you. When you looked into the mirror, you wished you saw someone like her. Not someone like you. 
You did your best not to let it show. There was no reason for you to feel like that. You knew Soonyoung loved you. He made sure you were certain of that. And you knew you were doing nothing more than projecting your thoughts into him, going to therapy for long enough to recognize your behavioral patterns. Still, it seemed like you couldn’t abandon the thoughts. You tried, you really did. But there was this little voice there, whenever you knew he was at the studio with her, that made sure to repeat that he was about to fall out of love with you and in love with her at any second. 
It was Saturday, Soonyoung coming over after another class with Areum in the afternoon. Surprisingly enough, he enjoyed domestic dates quite a lot. The two of you still went out sometimes. You went to movies, bars, bowling. But he liked the most when he could curl up against you in a bed, feeling your head resting against his chest. Especially now, considering the cold weather. He was sure you noticed how his heart beat faster when he was by your side. 
He went straight to the bathroom for a quick shower, giving your lips a small peck before making his way through the apartment that felt like home to him. When he came back, wearing nothing but gray sweats, he caught you staring at the mirror by your door. You had a frown on your face. He had seen this before. “Whatcha doing?”
You shook your head, “Nothing.” You looked like a child that got caught doing something they’re not supposed to.
He closed the door behind him and moved towards you, arms resting by your waist and head nestled against your shoulder. “Doesn’t look like nothing to me.” 
You laughed, trying to make the conversation lighter. “What does it look like to you?”
“Like you’re bothered about something.” He looked at you through the reflection, tone gentle. “More specifically, about how you look.” 
Ever since you started dating Soonyoung, being insecure about your appearance became less frequent. He had this gift of making you feel desired and sexy and beautiful without even trying. It was like he couldn’t go a day without reminding you that, for him, there was no one that would ever compare to you. But, still, you were only human. You had tough days, too.
You bit the insides of your cheek, “Do you think Areum is pretty?”
Soonyoung furrowed his brows, “What?” 
You got scared to repeat it, almost realizing how stupid of a questioning it was as soon as it passed your lips. So you decided to apologize instead. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re feeling down over Areum?” He whispered by your ear. 
You sighed, “I don’t know.” You closed your eyes in distress, “I just think she’s really pretty, and I don’t look anything like her. And. Urgh. Nevermind.”
He pulled you even closer to him, “No. Don’t do that. You can tell me.”
“I’m just, I don’t know, scared you’ll realize she’s better looking and has probably a lot more common with you and break up with me and start dating her,” you confessed, voice low. 
Soonyoung let out a breath, “Can you open your eyes for a second?” When you did, you were greeted by the warm smile that he had on. “What do you see?”
“Us?” You tried. 
He laughed softly, “Yes. But I mean, what do you see when you look at you?”
You licked your lips, “Today’s not a good day to ask me that.”
“Okay,” Soonyoung said. “Then you wanna know what I see?”
“Are you about to be cheesy?”
He smiled, eyes shaped in crescents. “Absolutely yes.” You let out another small laugh. When you didn’t respond, he kept on speaking. “I see the most beautiful woman that has ever laid foot on this planet.” 
You shook your head, “Can you not say that?”
“It’s the truth, though.” Soonyoung’s grip got tighter. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me.” You pouted and he continued. “There’s so much I love about you and so many things that are just, I don’t know, breathtaking. I can go on for hours about it.” 
“You don’t have t—”
“I love your body. Every single bit of it. Your arms, your waist, your hands, your tummy, your breasts.” His voice was soft, delicate. But still firm, as if he was leaving no space for any questioning. “I love your thighs. Fuck, I really love them. And your ass. You have the best ass.” You couldn’t hold back a giggle. “I love your eyes, too. And your nose. And the way you scrunch it when I kiss it. But you know what’s one of my favorite things?” 
You stared at him, “What?”
“Your smile,” he said, kissing your cheek. “You have the most amazing smile and every time I see it I get dizzy and my heart feels funny and warm. I’ve loved it ever since I first saw it.”
You felt tears starting to form by the corner of your eye and Soonyoung looked at you fondly. “I don’t care about how Areum looks. I don’t care about Areum at all.” Honestly, you knew he didn’t. “I don’t care about anyone else but you. You’re everything I need. If I say you’re the most amazing, beautiful, sexy woman I have ever seen, then you are.”
He gently turned you around, hands now moving to cup your face. He held you like you were the most precious of objects, like the smallest of touches would be enough to break you. “You are so, so beautiful. And I wish you could see what I see because, if you did, you would never, ever doubt it.”
You let out a breath, lips faintly forming a smile. “Thank you.”
“I won’t ever get tired from looking at you because I think you’re fascinating.” Soonyoung leaned in, placing a small peck by your lips. “I love you and I don’t want to see you compare yourself to others. Because, in my heart, there’s no competition. It’s you, you’re it. And that’s all that matters.” 
“Even if Areum is prettier than me?” You sounded unsure. As if you didn’t have every single reason to believe him.
“She’s not prettier than you.” Your lips formed a pout again. “Baby, she’s not.”
You sighed, “Okay.” You wanted to believe him. Maybe you’d start soon. You felt calmer, though. At least for a little. Soonyoung noticed and seemed to relax slightly, too.
“If I have to tell you that every day, I will.” He smiled down at you, “If I have to tell you over,” Soonyoung leaned in, gently kissing your lips, “and over,” another kiss, “and over,” another, “and over again, I will.” 
You brushed the hair out of his face, “Okay.” You sounded better than the previous time. Soonyoung had always made you feel special. That would be enough.
A teasing smile formed by his lips. “I can show you, too.”
“Are you really offering to fuck me while I’m recovering from a breakdown?” You laughed, shaking your head.
Soonyoung nodded, “It’s called sex therapy.”
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“I have something for you,” you told Soonyoung while the two of you settled in the hotel bed. It was the weekend for Valentine’s Day. Theoretically, it was past midnight, so it was the fourteenth already. 
You once told him you had never been skiing. It was on one of your first dates. You still haven’t tried it, so he decided to take you to a ski resort for Valentine’s. Both of you kinda sucked at it, but you still had fun. You were still sore from both the skiing and your further activities, body begging for some sleep.
“Oh? Is it you?” He asked with a smile.
You laughed, “No, stupid.” Soonyoung pouted, looking up at you. He was sitting by the mattress while you moved to grab his gift by your suitcase. “Two things, actually.”
You sat by his side, handing him a small box of chocolate first. He giggled, “Following the Korean tradition, I see.” 
“Yes, so I expect you to give me chocolate on White Day as well,” you said, a laugh passing your lips. 
He kissed your cheek, “You got it.” 
Soonyoung looked at you and waited until you looked at him, too. “What?”
“Does this mean you’re asking me to be your valentine?” 
Your eyes went to the back of your head, “Soonyoung, we’ve been dating for about five months. And I think you’ve been my valentine pretty much since the day we met.” 
A smile showed up on his face. One of your favorite things about when he smiled was the way his eyes almost disappeared. He looked particularly adorable like that. “You’re not asking, but the answer is yes, I’ll be your valentine.” You rolled your eyes again. Soonyoung stared at your hands and saw another package in them. “What about that one?”
“Can you please be patient?” You said, with a huff.
He shook his head, “Not really, no.” The way he obviously took pride in that was almost unbearable. He was lucky you loved him.
You placed the gift in his hands, lips curving in a smile, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
He immediately reached for the insides of the bag, hands pulling back the tiger-print scarf you chose as a present. “Is this—”
Your head moved in a nod, “Yeah. I know you’ve been wanting this one for a while.”
He squinted his eyes at you, “Is this why you didn’t let me buy it that day when they were having the sale?”
“Yeah,” you laughed. “I bought it like the day before. You would’ve ruined everything.” It wasn’t a cheap scarf. Yves Saint Laurent wasn’t a cheap brand. Soonyoung had been checking the piece for some time now, almost purchasing it when he saw the 40% discount on the website a couple of weeks ago. You bugged him not to do it, saying that it would not match his clothes, that spring was right around the corner, so there was no need for another scarf at that point, that he had a similar one already. He seemed convinced, because he dropped the laptop and went to rest his head on your lap.
He pouted, “Why did you spend so much money on this, though?” 
You stood up, positioning yourself between his legs. You took the soft fabric from his hands, putting it carefully around his neck. “You can just say thank you and that I’m the best girlfriend ever.” 
Soonyoung looked up at you, adoration very clear in his eyes. “I love it, thank you.”
You fixed the scarf a little and, once you were satisfied, you leaned in, placing a kiss by his lips. “You’re welcome.”
“Wait, I wanna see how it looks.” Soonyoung stood up, feet quickly moving against the bedroom floor and leading him towards the bathroom. “Damn, I look so good,” he said, voice laced with confidence.
You giggled, “You do.”
“I totally get why you love me. I mean, how could you not?” When you didn’t respond, he kept speaking, still from the other room. “I give you great sex, I look hot, and I’m super nice. You’re so lucky.” Theoretically, he wasn’t lying. But when you saw him by the doorway, body resting against it, you still gave him a look. He had a smirk on his features now, “Does this mean you’re accepting my tiger agenda?”
“Absolutely not.”
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“Fuck, Soonyoung,” you said, breathing erratic. Your nails were digging through his lower back, and you were pretty sure he’d have marks in a couple of hours. He didn’t mind, though. He liked it, actually. It made him feel yours. 
His arms were by the sides of your head, palms against the mattress to keep himself up. The muscles on his back were tensed up, making him look even more enticing. His hair was slightly stuck to his forehead, droplets of sweats making him glow. Soonyoung was hypnotizing. “I think I’m gonna cum this time.”
You let out a moan when he hit just the right spot. “Finally.” He had edged himself about three times now. Or was it four? You didn’t even know. Whenever he was close and thought it was too early - and anything below two hours was considered too early in his dictionary - he edged and moved on to something else. This meant you ended up cumming multiple times, because whenever he was trying to calm himself down, he was all over you. 
Sometimes, he ate you out until your legs were shaking. He kissed you, fingers buried deep inside you. He sucked on your breasts, teasingly biting down on your nipples. He denied you a couple of orgasms, too. That was, according to him, a way to train you to keep up with him and his unrealistic stamina. That’s why you were always dead tired after having sex with Soonyoung. 
He let out a laugh, “Four times is enough for today.” Oh, so it was four. “This pussy is too good, can’t hold out anymore.”
The way Soonyoung moved his hips never failed to make your head spin. He usually started off rougher, needier. But when he decided he’d cum, he ironically slowed things down. His thrusts got deeper, but never sloppier. Maybe just a little when he was in his final ones. You had never been fucked like this and, honestly, you didn’t know how he managed.
“How many times did you cum today?” He asked, bottoming out, and staying like that while he stared at you. His lip was trapped between his teeth and his gaze would be enough to put you on a trance. 
You wrapped your legs around his body, “No fucking idea.” You scratched his skin lightly, “But if you’re a good boyfriend, you’ll keep moving and make me cum again.”
He smiled at you and your heart skipped a beat. “Can you take it?” 
“Yeah,” you said, nodding your head. “Please.”
Soonyoung moved closer, forearms now being the ones holding his weight. His chest was pressed against yours. It felt hot, like the slightest touch of his skin was enough to start a fire at the pit of your stomach. “You deserve it, don’t you? You lasted so long today. Such a good girl.” His lips then found your neck. “No work tomorrow, right?” You confirmed with a low hum. “Great.” He sucked on the skin hard enough to leave purple constellations all over. 
“Can you please move?” You begged. You were way too sensitive now, but knowing he was about to cum made you want to push yourself a bit more. For him. 
He laughed, breath fanning against your skin and awakening goosebumps all over. You felt his tongue licking its way down, lips by your chest now. “You taste so good.” Once he was satisfied by all the work he did there, placing some more marks, he pulled back, eyes on yours once again. 
Soonyoung offered you a smile and started to finally move. The noises that filled the room were so damn dirty you’d probably be embarrassed if you weren’t alone. Your hands danced around his back, moans escaping you every time his hips came in contact with yours. He moved like ocean waves. 
“You’re so fucking wet,” he said, lips finding yours. He wasn’t exactly kissing you, just trying to swallow your whimpers instead. “You keep pushing me out.”
“It’s because it feels too good.”
Soonyoung chuckled smugly. He knew he was good, but the confirmation he got whenever you said it took him over the moon. He picked up the pace and felt you clench around him. “Looks like someone’s getting close.”
You nodded, swallowing dry. “Please, I need you to make me cum again.” When you were this sensitive, you didn’t even need any extra stimulation. Soonyoung inside you and hitting all the right places every single time was more than enough. 
“I will.” He pulled back, resting on his palms once again, so he could move more freely. You closed your eyes, mind too caught up in all the sensations that were washing over you. “You look so pretty like that.” A laugh passed your lips, and Soonyoung wondered how he could feel something so warm in the middle of such a filthy scenario. 
He kept thrusting into you, and you were oh so close to seeing stars. Your thoughts were clouded and the only thing on your brain was Soonyoung. He was inside you in every possible way. “Baby, I’m so close.”
You squeezed around him once again, and he groaned in response. “I’ll never get enough of you.” 
You whined as he pulled out, only to slam back in slightly harder every time. Your body moved up and down from his ministrations, breasts bouncing in front of his eyes. You were fucking addictive, he thought. 
“Right there, shit.” You were almost there. You could feel it, and Soonyoung could, too, from how tight you were. 
“Are you gonna cum for me again? Cum all over my cock?” His voice was barely a whisper, almost getting lost between the moans you were letting and the slick noises that came from your body.
You nodded vehemently, “Yes. Fuck, yes.”
Soonyoung laughed, very satisfied with the reaction he was getting from you. He picked up the pace, but still making sure he wasn’t as rough as he was earlier on, well aware of the fact that you were tired by now. “Let go,” he said, gently. “I got you.” 
He snapped his hips a couple more times, and you felt your high wash over you. Your legs were shaking against him, lips parted as his name escaped you over and over again. He didn’t stop, though, chasing his own orgasm now and helping you with riding yours out. 
“Baby?” You called out, voice shaky and hands moving to push his hair away from his eyes. He hummed in acknowledgement, too busy to actually say something. “I need you to cum inside me.” Your tone was innocent, as if you didn’t know the effect your words had on him. 
“Fuck,” he muttered. “You know how this drives me crazy.” You were going to be the death of him.
You laughed, breath still erratic and body oversensitive. “I need you to fill me up. Please. Please.” You knew just the way to coax him. 
Soonyoung let out a groan, his movements getting almost imperceptibly messy. “I’m gonna cum.”
He was done. You felt him releasing inside you and nothing would ever compare. Soonyoung moaned and cursed and kept on fucking you until you were begging him to stop, body starting to hurt from overstimulation. He leaned in once again, capturing your lips in a slow kiss. 
“You’re literally going to make me lose it one day,” he said, between giggles. 
You rubbed his back gently, “That’s the point, isn’t it?” 
He placed kisses everywhere now. Your cheeks, your jaw, your neck. “You’re getting better at keeping up with me,” he teased between pecks.
“Better? Are you kidding me? We literally fucked for,” you stared at the clock by your nightstand, “three and a half hours.”
“I had another one in me.”
Soonyoung was unbelievable. A lunatic. “You’re insane.”
He pulled back to look at you once again, lips curved in a smile. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you to four real soon.”
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“I think his solo is coming up soon,” Chan said. He was sitting by your side, excitement very clear in his features.
Soonyoung wasn’t much of a public performer, building his career mostly behind the scenes, with choreography, or with teaching. So you usually had to settle for watching him dance at the studio, whenever he allowed. When he was choreographing, he didn’t really like to have anyone around. He was too focused. He needed to have a clear head, so he preferred to be alone. You obviously respected that, and it made you cherish even more the moments he actually invited you over to the studio to watch him.
The dance school was having a festival to showcase its students. Some teachers were performing as well, in the breaks between the bigger performances. They were short, small little pieces just to keep the crowd occupied while the next act got ready. Still, you were beyond excited to finally see Soonyoung on a big stage, like he deserved. 
His kids had performed not long ago, and you caught a couple glimpses of him by the side of the stage, dancing along and helping his students whenever they couldn’t remember something. Dohyun for sure stood out among all the other children, and you could clearly see why Soonyoung said he had it in him. 
When you looked closely into your boyfriend’s expression, you saw something in his eyes you hadn’t really seen before. It was happiness, but it had something else to it. Passion, but, most importantly, pride. He looked like someone who had just accomplished something great. And, in fact, he had. 
You knew he felt differently about teaching, for example, adult private classes, like Areum, than how he felt for teaching kids. When he was dealing with them, he felt more responsible. More aware and more important. So it was only fair he got most of his validation from watching them on stage. 
A lot of people came to watch Soonyoung. He tried to brush everything off, saying he would dance for barely two minutes. It wasn’t about feeling nervous or not being confident. Soonyoung wasn’t like that. It was just about him thinking it wasn’t that big of a deal. Maybe he was too used to being in the background that he kinda forgot the thrill and the importance of being on a stage for someone like him. Despite his efforts, no one listened to him, much like all of you did on a daily basis. 
You were sitting between Chan, who was previously his student and currently his personal friend and a teacher in a different school, and Jihoon, the latter being responsible for the music Soonyoung was going to dance to. One day, while they were hanging out in Jihoon’s music studio, he showed Soonyoung some samples, and he liked that particular one very much, his upcoming performance coming to mind immediately. The youngest made some adjustments and, not long after, Soonyoung had everything set. Seungkwan, Doki, Joshua, Krys and Seokmin came, too. All sitting close and almost as excited as you were. 
A man showed up in front of the velvet red curtains. The school had rented a beautiful theater, their budget coming from being a very prestigious and important institution. When he announced Soonyoung’s name, your heart immediately skipped a beat. 
The first couple of notes of the music were played by a piano, the sound filling up your ears immediately. Soonyoung was wearing black dress pants and a white, long sleeved shirt. It had a bow on his neck, and it made him look like he belonged in a painting. He also had a red scarf hanging by his pants, and you guessed it would be a part of his number. 
When the spotlight hit him, you felt tears forming at your eyes. You had learned how to recognize the several shapes love could take through the years. You had learned how to recognize you were in love, too. A big part of it for you was being immersed into the other person’s passion. It was this idea of being able to hear them talk about or just watch them do something they enjoy for hours, even if it isn’t what you particularly like or understand. 
You had no actual knowledge on dance. Still, you loved to watch Soonyoung dance. You loved to hear him talk about new choreographies he’s creating. But now, watching him perform in front of several other people, with a glow around him that could only be described as magical, it was like this new part of your heart had just opened up. A part saved for Soonyoung only, for him and the way you felt about him at that particular instant. 
When he started moving, you swore you had never seen anything as beautiful. You had seen him dance before, more than once. But it was different now. It felt different. He didn’t miss a single beat. You always hear and read about people who are born to do certain things and, when they find that path, they go above and beyond. They exceed and they shine brighter than the sun. That was Soonyoung at that moment. It was like everything revolved around him, like he was the only thing that mattered. And, to you, it was. You thought that, at some point, Jihoon murmured something to you, but you didn’t actually hear a thing. You had tunnel vision, attention solemnly focused on the man on the stage.
It didn’t last long, you then realizing he wasn’t actually lying when he said he would barely be on stage for two minutes. Still, while you watched him, it was like time was moving slower. Yet, not all the hours in the world would be sufficient for something as great as this. You weren’t sure if it was the music, which gave you a sense of longing, the way he danced, which gave you literal chills, or just him, which gave you all the love you needed, but when he walked to the back of the stage, ending his performance, you felt a tear hit your cheek. 
You let out a small chuckle when you realized you were actually crying. You tried to understand everything you were feeling at that moment, but words seemed to escape you when you needed them the most. Actually, thinking about it, they weren’t really necessary there. 
Once the curtain closed, Chan turned to you. He was smiling, but when he realized you had tears on your face, he frowned. “Are you ok?”
You giggled, index finger wiping your face gently. “I’m fine.” A sigh escaped you, “It’s just the first time I actually see him on a stage.”
“Oh.” He laughed, having a better understanding of what was going on. “Yeah, he’s amazing.”
You nodded, “He really is.”
When everything was done, you sent half the people to your place to set things up while the rest of you waited for Soonyoung to leave. You were sitting by one of the benches close to the backstage door alongside Jihoon, Seungkwan and Chan. A lot of people came out before him, your legs bouncing faster every time the door opened, and he was not the one that turned the knob.
When he finally showed up, you stood up quickly and launched yourself into his arms. He laughed at your sudden display of affection, arms reaching for your waist. “Wow, isn’t this a nice surprise?”
You held him tight, heart beating in your ears. “That was breathtaking.” 
Soonyoung giggled, “It barely lasted—”
“I don’t care,” you said, kissing his cheek over and over again. “It was probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” 
“She even cried,” Chan said, voice low. 
Seungkwan elbowed him, “Shut up, they’re having a moment.”
“Did you really?” He asked you, eyes focused on yours. Cute, he thought.
Your lips formed a pout, “Yeah.” You gave his lips a quick peck.
Soonyoung raised an eyebrow at you, “But you’ve seen me dance before.” He was just genuinely confused because, for him, that was truly, nothing special. 
“I know,” you nodded. The rules were the same. It was just a different game made for you to tell him how you felt. “But it was the first time I saw you dancing on an actual stage. You looked so different. It was like you had magic all over your body.” Soonyoung smiled, teeth showing slightly. “You were born for this, and it’s just so amazing to see it.”
His grip on your waist got stronger, “Thanks, babe.”
You pulled back a little, hands moving to cup his cheek. “I’m really proud of you.”
Soonyoung was a funny person. He was confident. Perhaps even too confident, sometimes. Still, he craved some sort of validation, much like every single human on the planet. He was often too shy to ask, fishing for it in the form of compliments to others. Yet, most of the time, he didn’t even need to do that with you. You knew exactly what to tell him and when to tell him. It came with love, he guessed.
His chest got warm at your words. “Thank you.” 
“I’m not saying this because I’m your girlfriend, but I really have never seen someone as incredible as you. That’s where you belong, on the stage, under spotlights.” You offered him a tender smile. “I know you usually go for behind the scenes, but I think you should do this more often. I loved seeing you up there, and I love you.” You brushed the hair out of his face, continuing to speak when he didn’t respond. “Whatever you want to do, I’ll be by your side. But I really think you should consider performing more.” 
“If I performed every week, would you come see me every time?” There was a hint of teasing in his voice, as if he was trying to test you. Stupid, stupid, Soonyoung.
You nodded with no hesitation, “Every time.” 
He giggled, “Damn, I think you really love me.”
You laughed, too. Head moving in another nod. “Damn, I think I really do.”
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“Is this the last one?” You asked, placing the box by the kitchen floor. Soonyoung was taking the heavier ones and, according to him, putting up his gym hours to use.
He nodded, dropping another one by the counter. “I think so, yes.”
Soonyoung was moving in. Honestly speaking, you saw it coming. When Krys and Seokmin finally started dating a couple of months ago, you figured it was only a matter of time until they decided to live together. Especially as Krys complained almost every day about not waking up next to him, and even more if Soonyoung stayed over.
“Morning,” you told Krys when she came out of her bedroom. Soonyoung was sitting by one of the kitchen stalls while you made eggs for breakfast.
“How is this a good morning?” She said, voice grumpy.
Soonyoung laughed, “Oh, wow. Someone’s in a mood.”
A huff passed her lips while you stared with a confused expression. “How can this be a good morning if I didn’t wake up to Seokmin right next to me?” 
You sighed, a chuckle passing your lips. “Here we go again.”
“I just don’t think it’s fucking fair!” Krys said, sitting down next to Soonyoung. “You wake up next to tiger boy almost every day.”
“Can you not call him that?” 
She took a mug and poured herself some coffee, “Meanwhile, I can only see my goddam boyfriend in the morning on weekends.” 
“I just don’t get why the two of you haven’t moved in together yet,” Soonyoung pointed out, taking a sip of his drink.
“Because he hasn’t asked me to!”
Thankfully, Seokmin suggested that they moved in a couple of days after. If Krys asked, you’d deny, but you convinced Soonyoung to have a talk with him. Especially as you were well aware of the fact that he wanted to do it, but was just scared he was moving too fast for your friend. But, considering their dynamic, two months were more like two years. So the timing was just about right. 
“So what are you going to do now that she’s moving out?” Soonyoung asked, grabbing the popcorn from the bowl by your lap.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
He shrugged, “Who’s gonna move in? Do you have anyone in mind?”
Was he serious? Or was he just making fun of you? Either way, you decided to play along. “Yeah, I’m thinking of this one dude.”
“W-what dude?” 
“Just this one guy. He’s a dancer and I heard he has a great stroke game.” You drank a bit of your soda, attention glued to the TV.
You felt Soonyoung’s gaze on you. You paid him no mind. If you had turned to him, you’d actually be able to see gears spinning in his head. He squinted his eyes at you, “Wait. You’re talking about me, right?”
“No?” You did your best to sound genuine. 
Soonyoung bit the insides of his cheek. He was not jealous. He wasn’t a jealous person. But he just had an idea that, when Krys moved out, he’d be the one moving in. You didn’t know, but he had plans for the spare room already. He’d put all his tiger stuffies there, bring in some shelves, maybe some dancing stuff, too. He’d probably have some work to do with convincing you on some tiger printed decorations, but he’d manage. He hoped. So now, actually discussing it with you and getting a different response threw him off.
“Where did you meet him?” He thought about it for a moment. “Do I know him?”
You took some popcorn on your mouth and chewed slowly, working hard to stretch Soonyoung’s agony. “Through Doki,” you said, after some time. 
“Do I know him?” He asked again. He just hoped he wasn’t sounding too dumb. He still felt you were talking about him, though. It had to be.
“I think so,” your shoulders moved in a shrug. Playing with him was turning out easier than you thought.
Soonyoung tilted his head, clearly still very confused. “Does he have a girlfriend?”
You nodded, “Yeah. Doki says she’s a saint because he’s pretty annoying.”
He hummed, “And where did Doki meet him?” He tried to think of all your friends, all of Doki’s friends. Nothing. Who even was this guy?
“Through Josh.”
Okay, you were talking about him. It had to be. Still, he wasn’t totally sure. There was still this tiny piece of his heart that was scared you weren’t. “Baby?” You hummed in acknowledgment. “Are you talking about me?”
You could’ve gone further. Really. Made up a lot of other things. But when you looked at him, his lips curved in a pout and eyes clearly distressed, you felt bad. You sighed, a laugh passing your lips. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know,” Soonyoung whined. You did nothing but stare at him. You had this one face you gave him often. You know, when the person you love says something so stupid that you really want to keep a straight face, but you’re so endeared you can’t actually do it? So you have this half smile, filled with cherish and adoration, but still reflecting their stupidity. That’s the look you had on. He furrowed his eyebrows once again, doing his best to decipher you. Oh. Soonyoung smiled widely at the realization, “Are you asking me to move in with you?”
You moved your body to face his, “What do you think?” You repeated, a cheeky grin on your face.
“The answer’s yes.”
Krys and Seokmin started apartment hunting the next week, and, lucky enough, due to her connections, they found a great place for a great price. It wasn’t far from you and Doki, nor from Seokmin’s school. She settled for moving out on the first week of June to have time to figure everything out.
So, now that the time finally came, your place was filled with boxes and missing some pieces of furniture. You were excited, though. It wasn’t like you didn’t know what it was like to spend most of your free time in Soonyoung’s company. He had been hanging around a lot, and you were pretty sure this is part of why Krys was so on the edge about not seeing Seokmin as much as she’d like. Between her streams and his teaching schedule, they ended up seeing each other basically only on weekends. So when she woke up and had to see you and your boyfriend having breakfast together almost every day, she got impatient, wanting that for her as well.
Everything turned out fine, anyway. Soonyoung was getting tired of commuting and of still having to bring just some clothes around. The drawer he earned himself after Christmas offered too little space compared to the amount of time he spent there. He also found a really great guy to take his current spot with Jihoon and Seungkwan. Vernon was one of his closest friends, the two of them meeting him back in college when the music production and the dance majors had to work in a project together. So the day Vernon texted him saying he really wanted to move out of his current apartment, it was like the stars were aligning to make everything work out as it should.
Soonyoung left most of his furniture back, bringing his closet and some other things, like his desk and his chair. He didn’t really use them, but as Vernon had his own, he decided to take it with him. You had moved your office set to the spare room, placing Soonyoung’s closet back in the bedroom that the two of you would share now. 
You were standing by the doorway of the empty room, and a part of you missed Krys already. At first, you barely came into her room, claiming it was too colorful, too much. Whenever you said that, she rolled her eyes and hushed you away, saying you didn’t have to stay there. Later on, you got used to it, thinking it very much suited her. So now, seeing the back wall without her big rainbow wallpaper, it made your heart slightly ache. You had gone through this with Doki already, and it amused you how you were the one that never really moved away. That place had always felt like home, anyway. 
“What are we going to do with this room, huh?” Soonyoung asked, arms wrapping around your waist. His chin rested by your shoulder, skin warm against yours. It was hot now, the June weather opening up to the gates to the much expected summer. 
“Don’t really know,” you confessed. For the other two couples, figuring out what to do with spare bedrooms was easy, both of them settling for editing and streaming purposes. You and Soonyoung didn’t really have anything like that, but the place seemed empty with just your respective laptops, desks and chairs. 
He pulled you close. You usually hated touches around summer, being way too bothered by your own body and sweat. But, with Soonyoung, you found out you secretly didn’t mind. “I have an idea.” 
Whenever he said that, you immediately rolled your eyes. Especially because you knew something you probably wouldn’t like would end up leaving his lips. You sighed, “What?”
He laughed, chest moving against your back. “We can get a shelf, put it here,” one of his arms left your body to point at the wall by your side, “and then place my tiger stuffies on it.” You could hear the smile on his voice.
You were a strong advocate against Soonyoung’s tiger agenda, thinking he went very, very overboard with it. To be fair, he went overboard with a lot of things. But this one was, by far, the worst. Still, the stuffies were some of the most bearable parts. So you weren’t really that opposed to the idea of them being on a shelf in the spare room. At least they wouldn’t be in your bedroom. Soonyoung often turned them away whenever the two of you had sex, so them being in a different part of the house would save you the trouble.
You shrugged, “That’s not the worst thing you’ve ever suggested.” Your tone was filled with tease. 
“Oh!” Soonyoung was genuinely surprised. He expected a lot more resistance. “Great, then.” You laughed at his reaction. “We can go to IKEA tomorrow.”
You loved going to IKEA. “We can.”
“You know what else we should buy?” You hummed, waiting for him to continue. “A tiger print—”
“Absolutely not.”
A pout formed on his lips, “You don’t even know what I was going to say.” Soonyoung whined in protest. 
You shook your head, “Don’t have to. We’re not getting anything tiger printed.” 
“Sometimes I think you actually hate me,” he joked.
“Yeah, I do,” you snorted. “I absolutely hate you and invited you to move in with me.”
He placed a kiss by your cheek. “Fine, we can talk about that later on.” 
You rolled your eyes, even though he couldn’t see it. “I was actually thinking we could get some long mirrors? You know, so you can dance when you want to.” You pointed at the empty wall, “Place them all over there and just get you a small studio? I mean, I know it’s not a lot of space but—”
Soonyoung giggled, interrupting your train of thought. His arms turned you around to face him. You smiled at his actions, fingers lacing by the back of his neck. “Can I tell you something?” You nodded. “I’m really happy.”
You brushed the hair out of his face, thumb then moving to caress his cheek. “Me, too.”
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“Soo?” You called out when you opened the front door. It was Thursday and you stayed late in the office, which meant Soonyoung was most likely home by now. Unless he had also stayed late in the studio.
No response. The lights of the common areas were all out, making you furrow your eyebrows. Was he still at the school? 
“Ow!” You then heard his voice from the bedroom. You sighed. What did he do now?
You dropped your belongings by the kitchen counter, feet moving quickly in the direction of Soonyoung’s probable agony. When you reached the door, what you saw was nothing like you had expected. 
Soonyoung was naked. Up until then, normal. He was hard. Also, normal. And then it got weird. He had his cock in a pizza box. He wasn’t holding a pizza box on top of his body. The box had a hole in the middle and his cock was halfway through it. You blinked several times, maybe trying to understand that you weren’t actually imagining such a ridiculous scene. The cover of the box rested on his stomach, one hand keeping it up, while the other one tried to somewhat get himself out of the hole he had, quite literally, gotten himself into.
“What the fuck is going on?” Your tone wasn’t accusatory. You were just very much confused. It’d be great to come home to pizza, especially after a long day. But this wasn’t really what you had in mind. 
Your boyfriend whined at the sight of you, “Baby, oh my God.” 
You did your best to hold back a laugh, but this seemed too tragic, even for someone like him. “Soonyoung, what are you doing?” 
“I was trying to, you know, test it out before tomorrow,” he sighed, “but clearly I fucked up.”
You and Soonyoung had date nights every Friday. It was usually nothing big, just something you came up with to have something to look forward to during the week. Sometimes, it felt like every night was date night, but it was still nice to have that specific day saved for the two of you.
Date night didn’t mean a day you’d exclusively had sex. Especially as Soonyoung still had that insane drive, so you usually fucked almost every day. But, still, sometimes, you had special things planned. He liked to try different things and, if it was with him, you were open to pretty much anything. You trusted him too much not to experiment. And he was a very curious person, wanting to do everything at least once. 
Eventually, Soonyoung found out he really liked role-playing. It wasn’t your personal favorite, but you had a lot of fun, too. The first time you tried it, he acted as if you were a stranger in a bar and tried to pick you up. The two of you were at home, and you dressed up nicely to get in the mood. It took you a bit to adjust to it, the idea being something completely new, but you were a fast learner. 
When you got used to it, finding almost as much pleasure in it as he did, it became a recurring plan. You tried the classics - teacher and student, doctor and patient, landlord and tenant, boss and assistant - finding out it could really be a nice addition to the usual fucking. Soonyoung made your sex life anything but boring. The last one he mentioned wanting to try was the famous pizza guy. So when you came home to that, you had a bit of an idea of what he was doing.  
You rubbed your temples in distress. “Is-is your dick stuck?”
“Yes,” he said, with a cry. The pout in his lips got bigger by the second.
“Oh my God.” That was all you managed to say. You knew Soonyoung was quite a disaster sometimes. Still, not even in your wildest thoughts, you saw this coming. You were still frozen in tracks, barely stepping foot inside the room. 
“I think I cut the hole too small,” he explained, “which is actually a good thing, because it means my dick is bigger than I thought.” You looked up, a laugh finally managing to escape. “Don’t laugh!”
You looked at him, lips pursed. You inhaled a couple of times to calm yourself down, while he stood there, downing in his own embarrassment. “I’m sorry,” you said, “but this is just insane.” 
He shook his head, doing his best not to laugh, too. “Can you please help me?” 
You nodded, “Let me go get the scissors.”
Soonyoung’s eyes went wide, “What? Are you gonna cut my dick out?” He tried to take it out once more, but it was clearly pointless. “No, I’m not letting you do that.”
“What?” You asked, confused.
“You’re not chopping my dick off. I need it. You need it. I know I give good head, but it's nothing compared to my stroke game." He shook his head multiple times. "How can you even consider that? You're insane. Besides, it would hurt so fucking much." Soonyoung tried to fix things one more time, a groan escaping him when he failed. "More than this hurts."
You stared at him, hands put together in front of your chest in a begging manner. “Baby?”
“I’m gonna cut the box,” you said, tone obvious and amused. 
He blinked a couple of times, trying to make sense of your words. “Oh,” Soonyoung said, nodding his head. “That makes sense.” He blinked a couple of times, stopping you before you actually moved. “Wait!”
You sighed, "What now?" 
"I even drew on the top of the box," he exhaled in frustration. Your boyfriend's fingers moved to the cardboard material, bringing the cover down. It had a tiger drawing right in the middle. 
You squinted your eyes trying to see what was written there. When you realized what it was, you couldn't help but giggle. "Soonyoung's tiger pizza?" He nodded again and you snorted. "I'll try to cut as little as possible." 
"Thanks, babe."
Before going to the bathroom to get the object that had made him terrified about a minute ago, you finally moved closer to your boyfriend. You removed the strands that were falling on his eyes, trying to place them behind his ears. You had that look again. He stared at you in confusion. “I love you,” you said, with a laugh. 
Soonyoung giggled, “I love you, too.” You leaned in and placed a small peck by his lips. 
He was absolutely crazy. Unbelievable. Annoying. But still, you wouldn’t change him for the world. He messed you up in more ways than one. But still, no one did it better.
“But can you please hurry? It’s starting to hurt.”
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“I swear to God, Soonyoung,” you said, hitting his hand, “if you touch this food again, you will not eat.”
You were cooking. Or, at least, trying. It wasn’t an easy task when your boyfriend decided he was going to stay attached to you while you made dinner. His arms only detangled themselves from your waist to try to eat whatever you were working on at the moment. 
You stirred the sauce, putting a bit on the back of your hand. After having a taste, you realized it lacked a bit of salt. You had settled for something simple, going for spaghetti bolognese. Part of it because you liked it, part of it because you actually sucked in the kitchen. Doki fed you most of the time and, when they didn’t, you and Krys usually got take out. When Soonyoung moved in, you risked cooking a bit more, but still, it wasn’t much. That wasn’t really in your area of interest, to be honest. 
“You’ll let me starve?” He asked, placing a kiss by your cheek.
“Yes,” you said, with no hesitation. 
He laughed against your neck, “It’s okay, I can eat pussy later.” God, Soonyoung was absolutely shameless.
You shook your head, not believing his words. “Keep going, and you won’t get food or pussy,” you threatened. 
“You’re so mean to me,” he whined. 
“You deserve it.” You checked on the meat again. Almost done. “Can you please go sit somewhere while I finish this?”
He kissed you again, “No.” You sighed. “Am I actually stopping you from doing anything?”
You thought about it for a moment, realizing he was setting you up. You had no escape, actually. “No, but—”
“Then I’m not going anywhere,” he said, triumphantly. 
You huffed, “You’re unbearable.”
He pulled you even closer, “Yet, you went on several dates with me, and now we’re living together.”
Looking back at your relationship made you feel funny. Soonyoung wasn’t the type of guy you’d go for. You didn’t actually have a type, but he had nothing in common with your past love interests. Maybe that’s why it worked so well. 
You remembered how you couldn’t really stop seeing each other ever since the first date. You went out week, after week, after week. You thought about how you called him annoying at every chance you got, but that didn’t stop you from going back for more. He was that enticing. 
No one has ever made you feel like Soonyoung did. These feelings were hard to find, you discovered. And you often tried to explain everything that roamed through your chest when it came to him. It was like he placed every single good sentiment inside you with his hands, his lips, his hips. Like he had magic all over him and was capable of making you feel invincible.
Loving and being loved by Soonyoung was made out of contradictions. It was exciting, keeping you on your toes all the time. But it was also calming, soothing. It was roaming hands and desperate kisses. But it was also gentle touches and soft pecks. It was never knowing what to expect, the butterflies at the pit of your stomach never really going away. But it was also knowing each other so much you could actually predict one another’s actions and reactions. It was the delicious anxiousness of a surprise. But it was also the reassuring taste of familiarity. It was the frenzy of shared laughs. But also the warmth of relieving tears. It was the buzz of a first love. But it was also the maturity of a well-built one. 
When you looked at Soonyoung, you wondered how you fell this hard, this fast. But, thinking deeper about it, it was the only alternative. You remembered Doki’s first description of him, them saying he was perfect for you. You disagreed back then, saying there was no such thing as the perfect man for you. Foolish, you. There was, and life made sure he found his way to you. 
You weren’t really looking for anything when you met him. You felt fine, complete. You hated this idea that love’s supposed to make you feel whole. You felt whole already. And that’s exactly where the beauty in this relationship laid. Soonyoung didn’t complete you, he made you overflow. 
He brought out the best in you, and you did the same for him. You didn’t try to change each other, always focusing on simple adjustments and compromises. Besides, you loved who he was too much to ask for anything different. And he always made sure to remind you he felt the same way. 
You didn’t really like to think about not having him around. First, because you didn’t think you’d have to go through that anytime soon, or, perhaps, ever, but also because that would do you no good. So you just decided to savor what you had now. That was enough. 
The stereo was playing a song that the two of you liked, Soonyoung gently humming in your ear. “This song reminds me of you,” he said. 
“Really?” You tasted some of the pasta now. Just the right amount of seasoning. 
“Yeah,” he nodded by the crook of your neck. “I think during one of our first dates, maybe the second one, I’m not sure now. You mentioned not looking for a boyfriend, something like that. But I was already really into you,” he giggled at his confession, feeling like a high school kid. “So I just had to put a poker face on.” 
You laughed, turning off the pits and shifting your body to look at him. “Well, I didn’t lie.” You shrugged, “I really wasn’t looking for a boyfriend back then.”
“I know.”
A smile took over your features, “That didn’t stop you from finding me, though.” 
When Soonyoung looked at you, he felt sparks. The same sparks he got when he first took your hand on your second date while you were crossing a street, even though he acted as if he felt nothing. The same sparks he got when he first kissed you at that traffic light. The same sparks he got when he first fucked you in his bed. The same sparks he got when he first woke up by your side, the morning sun shining on your skin. The same sparks he was getting every single day ever since you stepped foot into his life. And he would never get enough of it.
He wasn’t really looking for anything when he first met you, too. Soonyoung was never really looking for anything. But that was his favorite thing about it, about you. It was the way that life was so amazing and so extraordinary, that it made sure you came to him at just the right time.  
So he just smiled, realizing how lucky the two of you were to share such a love. To have found someone that made you feel like that. He couldn’t really ask for anything else.
“I know.” 
Soonyoung pulled you away from the counter slightly, body then swinging rhythmically to the tune in the background. You giggled, “I have to finish dinner.” 
“And I have to dance with you for a bit,” he said, offering you a grin. 
It was pointless to fight, and, honestly, you didn’t really want to. So, once again, you just allowed yourself to be swept by Soonyoung’s endeavors. 
“Can I tell you something?” You asked, voice gentle. He nodded, “I don’t think I’ll ever feel this way again. No one will ever make me feel the way you do.”
Soonyoung got the sparks once again. It was like his chest was made out of fireworks, and you had just ignited them. When he looked into your eyes, he saw so much love he felt like he was really about to explode. 
One of his hands left your back to rest against your cheek. His palm was warm. “Lucky for you, I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
“Good,” you said. “Because I think I can put up with your annoying ass for many years from now.” 
“Are you proposing?” He teased.
“No,” you giggled. “We’re not getting married anytime soon.” 
You haven’t really talked about it, but you just had this feeling that it would come, eventually. Just not now. The two of you had several steps to take first. And, knowing your boyfriend like you did, you knew marriage wasn’t a priority for him, much like it wasn’t for you. You were happy like that. 
Soonyoung felt his heart beating faster at the mention of the possibility of spending the rest of his life by your side. It was thumping by his ear, he could sense it. He had no precise thoughts on marriage, not really having the time or the reason to consider it before, but just imagining you in a white dress gave him shivers. He’d leave this for later, though. He was too happy to change anything about it. He had a lot more he wanted to do before that. He had a lot more he wanted to do with you before that. So all he did was laugh and nod. 
He swirled you around for a couple more minutes and, as if on cue, the stereo echoed the same words that left his lips. “I think I love you so much.” 
“You think?”
“No,” he smiled your favorite smile, “I know.”
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a/n: oh wow. wow! this was a journey. if you made it this far, thank you. i legit do not know what to say because this came from a simple ask that gave me soonyoung brainrot for god knows how many days now. also, this is the most shameless self insert i have ever written in idk 4 years of writing. mc is me, the sides are my friends and this is all based on a universe we created and have been obsessing about for weeks. anyways! first, thank you to the two biggest supporters of this idea, @bbugyu​ and @babiemingoo​. if it wasn't for the two of you, this fic prob wouldn't even exist. thank you for the countless hcs that helped me build this, thank you for proof reading, and thank you for literally everything. i love you guys a lot!!!! thank you to my faithful beta, @yoongitalks​. what would i do without you? thank you @jaeyoonurl​ for making me add the pizza dick scene. it's prob one of my favorites. i hope this was as much fun to read as it was to write. as usual, my askbox is always open for feedback or whatever else you want to say or share! also, editing this was a bitch, so if you spot any formatting mistakes, pls, let me know!!!!! as i most likely missed something. THAT'S IT FOLKS I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
hii!! id love it if youd make a rafe x reader enemies to lovers fic where the reader gets a nipple piercing and rafe sees the piercing thru their thin/tight top? reader tries to tease him but rafe tries to ignore it and shit gets FREAKKYYYY lollol
Author's Notes: Y'all are little freaks...and I love that about you. I named the girl in particular for this story, sometimes it's just easier! Please let me know what you think if you have a moment. If this was your request, I hope you love it! xoxo
Warnings: Talk of piercings (might make people uneasy), Swearing, Drinking, Sexual references - Sexual innuendos, Smut *(biting, rough sex, mentions of choking , unprotected sex - please be safe out there, your choice how! ) All Characters are 18+
Requested? YES! Requests for OBX are OPEN!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
To say that Rafe loathed his sister Sarah's friend - Evie - would be an understatement. He didn't know why he disliked the girl so much, she had never really done anything to him to make him dislike her so much. There was just something about her that rubbed him the wrong way.
Maybe it was the way she didn't move out of the way for him when they crossed paths in the hallway at Tannyhill, the way she called him by his full name - Rafe Cameron - or perhaps, because she looked like the kind of girl that wouldn't give him the time of day. And that bothered the shit out of him.
It was a lazy Summer afternoon and Rafe planned on doing nothing with his day. Topper and Kelce weren't available for golf, and Barry was out. So Rafe cut his losses and decided he would hang out at home by the pool and drink beers all day.
As he descended the stairs towards the kitchen to begin his afternoon he heard his sister's laugh and the distinct sound of Evie's laugh just after. Rafe exhaled heavily as he rolled his eyes, succumbing to the notion that his relaxing afternoon would have the background noise of a witch's cackle.
"Ladies." Rafe grumbled as he quickly made his way through the kitchen, a beeline towards the fridge to grab a beer.
"Rafe Cameron, nice to see you." Evie smiled over the top of her phone as she showed Sarah a photo.
"Evie, see they rescheduled your burning at the stake." Rafe glared as he popped the top of his beer, sipped, then made his way out the patio doors towards the pool.
"Rafe!" Sarah scolded as she picked out a piece of fruit from the bowl on the counter in front of her, and threw it at the door as he closed it behind him.
Just as Rafe started to get settled on the lounge chair by the pool, the sun hot on his chest and face, the patio door opened and the girls came outside still giggling.
"Do you need to be here? Can't you take the car and like, leave?" Rafe sighed as he turned his hat back around to shield his eyes from the sun to properly glare at his sister.
"Last I checked this wasn't your house, Rafe. So, we're staying. Deal with it, or go back inside." Sarah replied with a roll of her eyes as she stepped into the pool.
Rafe let out a long, dramatic sigh as he pulled his hat down over his eyes but kept it high enough that he was able to see the pool just under the brim. He crossed his arms over his chest and listened intently to the conversation the girls were having.
"So, you and Anthony are done?" Sarah asked as she waded further into the water.
"So done. Couldn't be more done." Evie stated firmly, and Rafe heard the sound of clothing drop to the deck of the pool.
"That's what you said the last time, and then I had to come pick you up from that party and your knees were all scratched up -" Sarah stated a smirk evident in her voice.
Rafe's ears perked up at the turn the conversation was taking. He knew his sister had a tendency to pick friends that were less than good influences on her. But this? Oh, he would stay and listen to this.
"And that's why I got these done. It's my gift to myself for kicking that loser to curb. And my constant reminder every time I see it." Evie replied with a laugh.
Rafe was beyond curious as to the gift she had given herself. His mind raced as he thought of all the possibilities. And he had not even known she was with someone until that moment. Rafe pulled his hat back up over his eyes, squinting against the sunlight, then stood up from the lounge chair as not to seem like he had been eavesdropping.
But he was.
"Oh, Rafe Cameron! Wait up." Evie called after him as he headed back into the house to grab another beer.
Rafe gave the door a push to keep it open for her as he continued his walk inside the house again, the air conditioning cool on his skin. He opened the fridge doors once more, but felt uncomfortable, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as he felt a pair of eyes on him.
"Stop staring at me." He ordered as he grabbed another beer and closed the door of the refrigerator harshly.
"Just waiting for you to move, Rafe Cameron." Evie smiled while she leaned against the island counter, her sunglasses pushed up on the top of her head as her eyes scanned his body.
"Can just ask." Rafe grumbled as he shifted out of the way, flicking the tab of his beer can. He felt uncomfortable under her gaze but also confident, and powerful. He didn't know which way to go.
"Thank you." She nodded as she made her way passed him to open the doors of the fridge again and peered inside.
Rafe looked over at her through the corner of his eye as best he could, trying to figure out what she had been talking to Sarah about. What was the gift? He cursed his inquiring mind with a bite of his top lip and quickly turned on his heel to leave again.
"Oh, wait. Rafe? Can you help me? I can't reach the glasses up there." Evie asked with a strain in her voice.
Rafe turned around again with a sigh, placing his beer down on the counter then walked back over to the short girl trying to reach a glass in the high up cabinets. He easily reached above her head, grabbed a glass and placed it in front of her.
"There you go." Rafe mumbled as his fingertips trailed over the countertop as he backed up a little to give her some space.
"Thanks, Rafe Cameron." Evie nodded as she turned around to face him, leaning against the counter.
It was then as she was leaned up against the counter, arms holding her body up as Rafe noticed what Evie had been telling Sarah about all along. It had been under his nose, and under her tiny t-shirt the whole time.
"Who's Anthony?" Rafe asked with a clear of his throat he hoped wasn't too obvious before he pointed to her nipples, pierced, very visible through her white t-shirt.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Evie grinned as she got close to him, close enough that he could smell the chlorine from the pool on her and whatever perfume she used. She brushed by him, her nipples grazing his bare arm as she exited the kitchen and Rafe shivered.
Witch. Bitch....fuck, she's hot.
Rafe growled low in his chest as he turned around, grabbed his beer and took a big drink. He pushed the door open to the pool area again and stalked out to see Evie sitting on the pool deck, her feet in the water as Sarah floated on an obnoxious flotation device shaped like a swan.
"You didn't bring a suit, Evie?" Rafe muttered as he took another generous sip of his beer and placed it on the table beside his lounge chair.
"This is my suit." She replied as she kicked a leg out of the water.
"A white t-shirt and bikini bottoms?" Rafe inquired, attempting to keep his tone even.
She didn't reply, only tossed him a smile as she placed her leg back in the water while she leaned back on her hands. She extended her neck back, letting the sun hit her face as she let out a content sigh.
Rafe didn't like to be teased.
"Sarah, go pick up Wheezie." Rafe ordered as he finished off his beer and adjusted his hat on his head, turning the brim backwards.
"Why do I have to do it? You're the one with no friends and nothing to do." Sarah replied with a glare over the the neck of the swan.
"I'll get us all dinner if you go and pick her up. I don't like that Samuel kid she hangs out with." Rafe grumbled as he leaned back in the chair.
"Do you like anyone?" Sarah sighed as she pulled herself over to the edge of the pool and climbed out.
Sarah asked Evie if she wanted to come along, but Evie declined. She said she would stay here, dry off and make sure that Rafe didn't fuck up the dinner choice for them all.
"You want a beer, Evie?" Rafe asked once Sarah had left and it was just the two of them and the tension he wasn't sure how to label.
The two of them stood in the kitchen, looking through take out menus and avoided conversation. Rafe's eyes flickered over the top of the menu he was pretending to read and zeroed in on her nipples, still visible through her shirt and he was reeling.
"You should change your shirt before Wheezie gets back." Rafe mumbled as he quickly looked back at the menu in his hands so she didn't catch him staring.
"For whose benefit? Hers or yours, Rafe Cameron?" Evie smirked as she tossed the menu she was holding onto the counter, then leaned on her forearms and looked up at him.
"Listen. Maybe this Anthony character liked to be teased and have you shove your tits in his face, but I don't. So quit it." Rafe growled as he dropped his own menu to the floor and reached over the counter to take hold of her face, making her look right into his eyes.
"You don't like my tits?" She questioned, hands pressed to the counter as she started to climb onto it to get closer to him. The other shoe starting to drop.
"I love them." Rafe practically whined as Evie climbed onto the counter and crawled over to him. He tugged off her still wet t-shirt, dropping it to the floor before he reached for her breasts.
"Gentle!" She hissed with a yank of his hair as he tugged at either of the steel bars that pierced her nipples.
"Hurts?" Rafe breathed out as his nose brushed over hers, his palms kneading her breasts a little more gently as he let her pull on his hair.
"Not too much. You just look like you can get rough." She muttered as her other hand reached for his bicep and squeezed.
"Can be, yeah. Won't be this time if you don't want that." Rafe exhaled while his lips got closer to hers. She still smelled like chlorine, and her perfume was some sort of flower he couldn't name. He loved it.
Evie twisted her fingers into the hair at the back of his head and pulled his lips to hers, the other shoe finally dropping. Rafe groaned against her mouth as he released his hold on her chest in favour of wrapping his arms around her instead, pulling her close against him.
"Don't bite! Your sister will notice the marks." Evie gasped when Rafe removed his lips from his and kissed down to her collarbone, sinking his teeth into her skin still warm from the sun.
"Give you one of my shirts. Have to cover these anyways." Rafe mumbled into her clavicle as he reached up to palm at her breasts again.
"Because Sarah and Wheezie coming home to me in your clothes isn't more suspicious, Rafe." She scolded as she reached for his hair to tug his face up, making him look at her.
"Let me worry about them." Rafe growled as he grabbed her hips to lift her off the counter then placed her on the cool tiled floor in front of him. He spun her around and pulled her bikini bottoms down her legs, his breath in his throat at the naked woman in front of him.
"Here?!" She squealed as she tossed a frantic look over her shoulder at him, eyes wide as she waited for his next move. Rafe ran his hands from her shoulders down her back to her hips, simply admiring her form.
"Too much for you?" Rafe grinned, an eyebrow raised to challenge her.
"So, teasing is okay as long as you're the tease?" Evie shivered as her head dropped down, forehead pressed to the countertop as Rafe reached around to roll her nipples between his fingers again.
"Yes." Rafe stated simply, as if this were a fact she should have known upon walking into Tannyhill. He bent down to press a kiss to the back of her neck, a groan in the back of his throat as she pushed back into him.
"C'mon, Rafe." Evie whined as her right hand reached back to pull at his hair as he bit down on the creased of her neck while he untied his swim shorts, letting them fall to his feet.
"You're so whiny. So bratty. I fucking hate it." Rafe growled into her neck as he lined himself up with her entrance, choking out a breath at how wet she felt against him.
"Are you sure?" She exhaled and Rafe could hear the smile on her face.
Fucking witch. Beautiful, pierced, whiny, wet and warm fucking witch.
"If you wanna keep this gentle I suggest you keep your mouth shut, sweetheart." Rafe breathed in her ear as he pressed his tip inside of her, and he swore his heart stopped for a second as she clenched around him.
Her back arched and she let out a pathetic little whine that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he sunk inside of her completely. She reached a hand back to grab his wrist, her nails deep in his skin as he settled inside of her to let her adjust to his size.
"Damn." Rafe groaned as he pulled his hips back, fingertips pressed into the skin of her hips to keep her steady as he thrust back in. He sunk his teeth into her neck again, loving the way she bounced back into him when he did.
"More, Rafe. Please." Evie begged breathlessly, her neck extended to the side to let him mark her up. Rafe pulled his calloused fingers over her hips and up to her breasts again, kneading them before he rolled her nipples between his fingers.
"Hate how good you feel. Goddammit, Evie." Rafe growled while he wrapped one arm around her chest to pull her close while his other hand reached between her legs.
"Shit! Too much!" Evie gasped, her eyes wide when Rafe gave a firm thrust that sent her forward to the countertop once more. Her nails scratched over his forearm as he pressed his middle finger to her clit, finding it easily.
"Can't handle it?" Rafe grunted as a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, his middle finger circling her clit as he pounded into her from behind.
"Fuck you, Rafe Cameron." Evie sobbed out, back arched as she pulled one hand down his forearm and the other reached back to pull at his hair.
"You already are, and I can fucking feel you coming. You always this easy? Hmm?" Rafe panted as he unwrapped his arm from her chest to press his large palm to her collarbone, bringing her upright against him. He wanted to wrap his hand around that delicate little neck so badly, but he would wait. She had asked him to gentler with her, and he was trying so hard.
"You're a fuc - " She cursed but was cut off by Rafe reaching up and pushing two fingers in her mouth.
"Shut up, and just cum for me." Rafe growled as he pushed his middle and index finger further in her mouth, a shiver going down his spine as he felt her tongue swirl over the pads of his fingers.
As she came around him, whining around his fingers, Rafe was reconsidering his deep hatred for Evie. He chased his own release and kept an obnoxiously bruising grip on her hip with his free hand. Rafe groaned against the back of her neck, pressing his palm flat against her stomach to keep her flush against him as he finished inside of her.
"Shit." Rafe breathed out against the back of her neck, removing his fingers from her mouth. He gave her a soft kiss below her hairline as a thank you, and he hoped she didn't feel the way his breath shook on his exhale.
"I still don't like you very much." Evie whispered as she rested her head back on his shoulder, her eyes closed as she twisted his hair between her fingers.
"Don't like you all that much either." Rafe scoffed as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, although he had to admit in that moment just the two of them in the quiet house wrapped around one another - he didn't hate her all that much.
"I might let you do that again, though. If you give me a shirt, and order me food." Evie responded, her eyes opening just a little to watch as he kissed her forehead to the tip of her nose and then her chin.
"If you don't get burned at the stake first, be happy to do that again."
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