#also trying to work on visualizing magic attacks
musubiki · 8 months
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magic breaker
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stuckinapril · 6 months
Hi Cianna, just wanted to say I really admire your study ethic and general vibe on this blog (you inspire me to do better!)
Do you have any advice/tips for good study habits and staying focused? I find that I get some work done, but after a break I can't get back on track
Sorry for the long ask/ studyblr type of question;; what is your favourite hairstyle that you do with your hair! (I also have curly brown hair :)
Have a lovely day also <3
hi! i touch on a lot of points in this other ask, but a few specific learning techniques i abide by are:
parkinson's law. parkinson's law states that work expands to fill the time. basically if you have an essay that's due in a week, it will magically take you one week to get it done, even if the task itself could've been done in one day. to counter this i just set artifical deadlines for myself--even if an essay is due in a week, my personal deadline has it due in two days.
prime your brain prior to learning. if you need to study a biology chapter, pre-skim it the night before. this is not the time to go into detail--it's the time to familiarize yourself with the overview of the topic, so you should only be making a quick scan of the chapter. another priming method is to make a concept map of topics before diving into a chapter. as you skim write down key terms haphazardly, google those you don't recognize, and draw a concept map linking them together. this is effective bc it requires you to actually put effort into connecting the topics, takes no longer than 15 minutes, and speeds up the learning process that follows. it doesn't matter if you find out you're wrong once you dive in; what's important is you're actively thinking of how these topics coexist, as opposed to mindlessly taking notes or highlighting only to forget what you learned a couple hours later. i'm also a fan of concept maps bc i get to go back and highlight stuff i'm weak in, which is always a plus.
if you like to take notes, use it as another means of active recall. don't just passively take notes as you go along. what i like to do is i read a paragraph, close the book, then try to take down notes based off memory alone. this helps me both phrase the topic in my own words and realize what my learning gaps are, rather than just passively summarize without putting effort into truly understanding/memorizing something. anything i get wrong i hammer into my brain until i can't get it wrong anymore.
take notes effectively. our brain does not learn in sentences and paragraphs. it learns in bullet points, diagrams, and figures--and that's how i like to frame my notes. first i ask myself if i actually need to take notes to begin with, or if there are online notes out there i can use to save time (which, as a stem student, there typically are). if i do decide to take notes, i never mindlessly summarize. i always condense the material into bullet points, diagrams, concept maps, or visual representations. i also like to phrase my notes as questions rather than just passive summaries, so that when i review them i'm already testing myself in a way. most people would not understand my notes bc they're either very low-yield stuff, stuff i'm weak in, or bare-bones fragments of information.
always prioritize weaknesses. if you're weaker at chapter 18 of your textbook vs chapter 1, maybe start with chapter 18. don't spend 6 hours taking notes on chapter 1 if you're already strong in chapter 1. always attack your weaknesses first.
practice practice practice!! so so important. i owe all my As to mock exams, quizzes i make myself, end-of-chapter questions etc etc. imo practice matters a lot more than passive content review.
interleaving concepts helps with retention. an example of this is i like to do biology and chemistry one day, biochemistry and organic chemistry the next day, physics and psychology the day after... i'm not just doing biology all day, every day. another thing i like to do if i'm in a massive rut is i hop between tons of different subjects on the same day, which keeps me from getting bored/helps me understand the subjects better through distinguishing their differences.
retrospective timetable. an example of this is if i find i'm pretty weak in a particular physics topic, the next few days will disproportionately focus on physics over other subjects. inversely, if i just breezed through a biology chapter, the next few days will have less biology than initially planned. i'm constantly going back and revising my study timetable based on my performance of the day, rather than relying on a rigid prospective timetable that doesn't take into account my progress.
less passive learning, more active. spaced repetition is a big one. i love anki for this bc there's an algorithm that dictates how often topics come up again based on how well you answer them. other methods include active recall, having friends quiz you, and trying to teach the topic to others (or the plushie in your bedroom haha). if you find you're struggling to simplify topics and explain them, that's a sign you don't understand them very well yourself.
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cerulean-crow · 3 months
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I was a creepypasta and mlp grimdark kid- I absolutely loved them and they definitely shaped my interests in horror and gore that I have now! I am not immune to the nostalgia of these infection au’s, and honestly I am thriving. I love reading everyone’s ideas and seeing everyone’s art, and I got inspired to try my own hand at one!
I’ve been calling it the Crystal Heart Contagion. I am not sure how far I’ll take this but it’s fun to draw and think about. I considered going a bit crazy with actual gore, but this was just supposed to be a concept page and I wanted to keep it simple and just flesh out some ideas I had bouncing around in my head. Besides, I actually really like body horror that doesn’t involve a ton of gore- and like that note says, has an air of beauty alongside the disturbing elements.
Again, not sure how far I’ll take this- so I’m just gonna jot down some thoughts and notes! I’ll put ‘em under the cut because I am very wordy <3
Also I try to tag my stuff as best as possible because I know not everyone loves horror and these Mlp horror au’s as much as I do! I don’t want people to interact with my posts if it makes them uncomfortable, so if I miss a tag please let me know.
The Crystal Heart Contagion is transmitted when infected crystals come into contact with one’s bloodstream. The afflicted will experience body pains and stiffness at first, hemophilia, and symptoms like lethargy and migraines. The crystals will begin to form in clusters on the skeletal system, eventually breaking through the skin and, after a long enough period of time, will completely petrify the afflicted in solid crystal.
I imagine that one’s teeth, hooves, and horns are where crystals will begin to break through first. I like the idea of stylizing manes as they crystalize- but that’s exploration for another day!
I am currently thinking of the infection more like a parasite of some kind. Parasitic crystals that feed on magic and rely on living creatures to carry them farther in order to spread themselves.
The infection originally didn’t do much to change one’s personality, they would just get weaker and weaker as they were overtaken by the crystals. It was only when the infection started again, when Equestria was home to many more different species and overflowing with way more magic, that the crystals would begin to mutate at a rapid rate. Those afflicted would begin to show signs of aggression that would have them attacking others, thus leading to further spreading.
Some physical details I like is the eyes hollowing out and resembling geodes! Crystals emerging from the spines, horns becoming crystallized, and crystals forming over teeth and jaw to create fangs are all stuff I would love to flesh out in further detail.
I also love the idea of the chest ripping open to reveal a crystal heart held in a crystallized ribcage! I think I will forever be influenced by the Angel Trap in Saw 3
The idea of this infection is still developing and I’m still doing a lot of research and thinking on the words to describe it. My original thoughts took inspiration from a parasitic infection and rabies. My brain also likes thinking of it like a mold in how it spreads or thinking of the crystals like a coral reef (mostly as a visual inspiration)
The background and timeline is all still a work in progress. I haven’t rewatched the full series in so long and I’m implementing plenty of my own headcanons- so it’s all very vague right now.
The original idea is that the infection started during King Sombra’s reign. He created these parasitic crystals and unleashed them upon Celelstia and Luna’s army with the hopes of dwindling their numbers and expanding the reach of the Crystal Empire further through the Frozen North. When he was sealed away, Celestia and Luna would bring several of the infected back to Equestria for study. They would hide them away deep underground beneath a mountain, where the lack of nutrients in the rock would eventually cause the crystals to stop forming and enter some kind of hibernation.
Celestia would later build Canterlot after the banishment of Nightmare Moon, and she would use the very kingdom itself to block off the caverns and keep them hidden for everyone’s safety.
The Crystal Caverns would become known again during the Canterlot Wedding when Cadance and Twilight escaped from them. However, nothing would ever happen after the fact, and Celestia and Luna would continue to hope that with Sombra sealed away and the crystals dormant for so long, that this infection was truly no more.
When I first got this all in my head, the idea was that Flurry Heart’s Crystalling was what caused the parasitic-crystals to get a kickstart of energy and begin spreading again.
That is the part where the timeline starts getting really wonky. Cause I think I’d want Twilight to be running her school and have the young six around, but that’s in season 8 and the crystalling was in season 6. But I can honestly fudge the timeline however I want, it’s an alternate universe after all.
I think that Celestia sacrifices herself in order to save Luna and help as many people flee Canterlot as possible. This was when I still very early into thinking this au through and a potential story that could be told with it- and with the worldbuilding I’ve been doing over the last few days I don’t entirely know if it still fits. I love the scene in my head that comes from it though- so I decided to keep the sketch of crystallized Celestia in the end.
I love the idea of crystals on her head mimicking sun rays! And her forelegs and wings becoming one so she staggers around like a wyvern. That’s definitely a design I would love to flesh out if I get the time.
I am having fun!
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oya-oya-okay · 4 months
Hello hello, it’s me again! I love your most recent kuroxtwst request comic and it got me wondering; what do the NRC professors (🐶+🐈‍⬛+ 🦌) think of Ciel? Idk if it’s something you ever thought about, but the teacher-student dynamics intrigue me 😅
(This request doesn’t even need to have visuals if it’s too much, just text is totally fine with me!)
Hi!! Thank you sm for the question.🥰🥰🥰 It was interesting to think about it! So let me get started!❣️
I think Crowley thinks Ciel is a pretty capable boy and definitely doesn't think he's some kind of silly kid. He knows that Ciel is capable of more and will do whatever he instructs him to do! Crowley is probably interested in Ciel's seal on his eye and maybe he even wanted to know more about the seal than about the world Ciel came from. In any case, we don't even know Crowley's true motives in the game..!
I think it would be interesting for Divus to test Ciel in terms of studying. Perhaps he treated him more tenderly at first, but when he sees that Ciel is really smart and purposeful, he will treat him the same as all other students. Divus would also additionally teach Ciel! Ciel would work hard to get good grades in Divus classes 💖✨
Ciel would definitely spend more time with him than with any other teacher. Ciel would be more comfortable with him than with other teachers. I can't say that Trein perceived Ciel as a grandson or something like that, but he definitely treated him well and warmly. He would also additionally teach Ciel. They could communicate well and even make friends. Train also wouldn't let his cat get too close to Ciel🥰
THAT WOULD BE FUN AHAHA.. Vargas would definitely annoy Ciel. Ciel does not like to exercise, especially as much as Vargas trains. Vargas would like to train Ciel, perhaps even for his own good, so that he could somehow fight back as a bully. But considering Ciel's thinness, it would really be difficult. Perhaps someday Ciel would have an attack due to overloading in physical education, because he would really try to succeed in everything. Then Vargas changed his mind and did not demand too much from Ciel 🥺💗💗💗
Why not? Hehe! Sam would have called Ciel the little devil or given a different nickname as the little devil's child because Ciel definitely stands out from the others. It seems to me that all the teachers, as professional magicians, have noticed that Ciel is not an ordinary boy and he definitely does not tell something💔
In short, NRC teachers know that Ciel is associated with some kind of dark magic but don't want to scare other students/they don't have time to deal with it. I feel that Sebastian's appearance will be something special...🖤
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ouroborosorder · 2 months
what do you think the most stellar examples of arknights' vfx are?
Okay so there are a lot of examples, so I'm going to try to keep my description of each one short. Unsurprisingly, most of my favorite effects are on more recent, paid skins for fan-favorite/meta 6* operators, since those are the ones they put their whole ass into.
Executor the Ex Foedere. The way that it weaves blasts of light and the shapes of Sankta wings into his shotgun blasts is absurdly creative. Perfect for a saint of Laterano.
Passenger's Skin. Specifically his S3. Stellar lightning is a weird pitch, but it's so fucking beautiful that it works. This is the effect that convinced me that I might enjoy being a VFX artist after all, not fucking kidding.
Jessica Alter. Look. Her skills are underwhelming as fuck, they're all the same shot effects every time. But. Do you genuinely understand how amazing these gunshots look? Do you know how hard it is to make a stylized gunshot that doesn't just look like magic? These are breathtakingly good. The glass shattering on hit genuinely made my jaw drop when I first saw it.
Eyjafjalla the Hvit Aska. It's hard to make a healer that genuinely looks unique, but Eyjalter's dreamlike colors and flat effects manage to bring the visual style of So Long Adele into every map and make it look reasonable with the artstyle.
Kirin R Yato. Monster Hunter's effects are extremely distinct, and seeing them recreate MH's style in Arknights' is really lovely. My one sorrow is that I wish there was more lightning, since like. Kirin.
Lin. Glass is a legitamately hard thing to pull off because it so often just looks like crystal, but leaning more into glass dust and shards makes it work perfectly. Her skin is also quite pretty, but it loses the glass look that made me love Lin to begin with.
Reed the Flame Shadow. Holy fucking shit holy fucking shit holy fucking shit holy fucking shit fire made of flowers?? The way the fire looks secondary to the whole thing while being undeniably present is stunning. Her skin is nowhere near as good tho.
Penance. Penance has such a stunning aesthetic that it immediately endeared me to her. Her vibe of gilded thorny chains carries to her effects and it works.
Texas the Omertosa. Fucking. Duh. It's hard to make a normal sword swipe look unqiue but Texas nails it. Her skin's effects are even more stunning, even if the animations are awful.
Minimalist. It's hard to make effects that are minimalist and still look good.
Specter the Unchained + Skin. I need to specificially call out her skin. Her skin may be one of my favorite pieces of effects at all time. The colors, the aegirian poetry as part of the visuals, the stellar water, it's all practically perfect.
Kazemaru. A sleeper hit!! She's got a lot going on with the "paper-controlling ninja whose clone has a completely unique aesthetic" thing so it seems like she might be too busy, but it manages to pull it off. Shoutouts to her clone's spawn, which actually does the slash mesh slightly wrong intentionally because the ring look actually helps a lot.
Goldenglow. It's rare that I see a lightning character and say "I have never seen anything like that before in my life" and Goldenglow's pink and blue stylized lightning genuinely shocked me.
Ling (Does it Wash The Strings). If you want my choice for best VFX in the game, this would at least be in running for first. It's flashy as hell, but manages to not be overbearing. The S3 dragon attacking with mountains rising from the earth alone is stunning, but the normal attack impact is my favorite part of the entire thing. It's so simple and elegant and stylish.
Amiya Guard. Amiya's Guard form is the combination of Amiya's Arts, Sarkaz Arts, Ch'en's swordfighting, the normal AK Arts and sword design languages, and a tiny bit of weird space tech to represent the Precursors. And it manages to come together to something that feels really cohesive while still drawing attention to how incongruous these elements are. The effects actively tell the story of Amiya - a girl with big shoes to fill, carrying the legacy of so many.
Ceobe, and her Unfettered Freedom skin. At this point in Arknights' lifespan, they had a much more defined visual language for how Casters look compared to melee units. Ceobe, being a Caster who throws fucking enchanted melee weapons instead of casting spells? So she combines their languages, with the buildup and trails of Arts casters and impacts of melee units, it's subtle and I love it. Unfettered Freedom deserves a special shoutout because I love geometric magic so fucking much.
Conviction's Skin. Why is this so good they're a joke operator.
Dorothy's Skin. I may have mixed opinions on this skin, but the effects are objectively stunning. I am personally heartbroken that she doesn't have the sand anymore, but that's a personal thing. I also don't like that her S3's range is obfuscated by the explosion but again that's nitpicking.
There's probably WAY more that I've missed and even more I cut for time, but those are my favorites after browsing the list of operators and skins for like, two hours straight. If there are a few I missed... Look, this list is this long already.
Also note that I didn't really list enemies or anything other than playable operators. Their enemy effects are usually... servicable, with a few standout exceptions with Talulah and Frostnova.
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songwings · 6 months
Deaf AU, or: Why Miriam Is Deaf and How This Changes Very Little
(Shard) Ok so! We've only posted art of this AU thus far but i feel compelled to ramble about it, so here we go. Also disclaimer that while this could be any sign language, we're more familiar with American Sign Language and the deaf culture in the United States, so that's what I'll say for this post.
The basic premise is that Miriam is deaf (born that way) - and not much else changes, besides a few things:
The mode of communication between her and Kiwi, and later Audrey (sign language.)
Kiwi already knows some ASL, there be deaf and hard of hearing residents in Langtree!
Audrey loses her hearing and becomes deaf over the course of the game's story, thanks to her very loud sword.
This AU manifested as a result of us seeing Miriam's loneliness and the isolation that seems to be inherent to being a Scary Witch - that's the same for deafness! You might not believe it, but many people see deafness as something horrifying and look away and ignore it. Witches seem to have this exclusive, closed-off culture in Chaandesh - particularly Mohabumi, where Miriam barely feels at home despite being around what should be her own people. That's a very familiar feeling to us and we felt like it'd be nice to explore in her character.
Act 1:
The AU centers around Miriam being deaf and Kiwi is annoying by singing to her until she notices them and tells them she's deaf. Funny doodles from Rostrum.
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Here's how Rostrum thought it'd go in Acts 2-5.
Act 2:
The introduction goes just the same, with everyone fingerspelling their names first, then Miriam and Saphy giving their sign names. Kiwi doesn't have one yet - they know enough ASL to communicate well with the witches but they weren't given a sign name back in Langtree. Art and sign names by Kyka.
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In the caves, Miriam will warn Kiwi about the trolls, but doesn't hear the troll when he jumps up right behind her and roars. Kiwi is bowled over, but I thought it'd be funny if Miriam just stayed right there, completely immune to the troll's auditory screaming.
"i can explode him right here"
"NO MIRIAM!!! let me try singing!"
"i have magical powers and i'm not the one getting bowled over by some screeching kiwi."
She just narrowly misses the troll's attack with a visual warning from Kiwi and lets the bard sing to him.
Later into Act 2, Miriam does everything just the same - yes, even getting a ride with the Coffee Pirates. Just because she's deaf doesn't mean she can't communicate with like, a pen and paper, or basic gestures recognizable to the Delphi locals.
Act 3:
Not much changes, either. (Miriam in regular Wandersong is always annoyed with singing in this act, anyways.) Though for ease's sake, the mermaids would know sign language, so they could teach Miriam the Overseer song in order for her to reach Kiwi in the collapsed Chaoscape. We haven't exactly decided yet what the songs would look like if they aren't exclusively spoken songs, but the mermaids would teach Miriam a different version that doesn't involve singing.
Also she'd shake Kiwi by the shoulders instead of yelling at them to wake up. This is just how deaf people wake up :)
Act 4:
Essentially the same. If we go with characterizing Peter as a nice guy, he'd know some ASL already and would sign to her on that date as opposed to playing music. Ooooor depending on how a balalaika works, he might show her how the instrument feels to play, and that might be Miriam's first introduction (in-game) to instrumental music.
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(The deafness doesn't really make her feel any worse than she already does in-game. I imagine Ira, Kiwi's mother, would be very curious about her deafness and ask her to teach the old lady a few signs.)
She would definitely enjoy playing the drums in the factory strike.
Meanwhile, Queen Order's castle. We meet Audrey. She's losing a little of her hearing at this point and is angry at the two for blocking her way. I haven't decided yet if she already has prior knowledge of ASL or not (leaning towards "no" but learns after she sees Miriam). She fights Miriam and actually can't speak to her, if she doesn't know ASL, but at least recognizes that she is deaf. After they finish fighting she yells and storms off - Kiwi would interpret for her after, I think.
Act 5:
Part One - Rulle
Night Sky
(Shard) I realized from this point onwards (after watching a playthrough) there's dialogue on the broom. I'm pretty sure you need at least one hand to steer a broom, but you can also sign with one hand, so let me just draw how I think that conversation would go.
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...yeah, this wouldn't work with ASL. For so many reasons. It's akin to being in the driver's seat and turning your head around to see the other person signing in the backseat. While balancing precariously on a broom that you yourself are steering. While the other person has to practically lean sideways so you can see them. While you are less than a foot apart. In the dark moonlit night or while the sun is glaring at you.
Talking on the broom is a no-go.
...but I really don't want these conversations to be missed out on, so I'll say Kiwi convinces Miriam to land a little sooner so they can talk while walking to their destinations. Also, maybe a flame or light spell so they can actually see each other. Though it'd still be hard to talk.
Frontier Inn
(Shard) My wingmate skipped over the border towns part in hir earlier notes! I'll fill in this part.
The deaf witch would gesture for a pen and paper, but the innkeeper would be confused and speak to Kiwi first. They would interpret for Miriam and redirect the talking to her and it should go on the same from there, albeit with that bit of inaccessibility in mind.
Also, she has to be shaken awake after sleeping on the floor.
Lumber Town
In the forest just before, Miriam wouldn't notice the quietness - but she would notice the absence of the animals. Just pointing out how this is kind of a trope in horror, that something is going to be silent before it's scary, but it would not be scary to Miriam. Until she sees the ghosts.
(Rostrum) Lightning strikes are LOUD.
At this point, Audrey's hearing loss becomes noticeable to her and she finds that she struggles to understand people. She remembers the silly bard and witch using those weird flappy hands during her fight. Out of sheer spite she tries to learn the local sign language, but has to ask Eyala to basically give her the knowledge the same way the Dream King did for Kiwi, so she's ready and actually excited to sign with Kiwi and Miriam when they arrive in Xiatian.
and next time they see her in Rulle Miriam is like "wait YOU know how to sign??? HOW MUCH TIME DID WE SPEND IN CHISMEST"
Audrey's like heheh it's no biggie i want to be accessible to everyone <3
But in truth she's losing her hearing - and is half freaking out about it - and that is possibly why she trusts them to get the Potion of Power then and there. She sympathizes with Miriam. she's still arrogant though lol At the King's palace, the King might be a little suspicious of Kiwi interpreting for Miriam, but not as suspicious as he is of the witch herself. Interpreters can't be at all that uncommon in royal settings as they do need to negotiate with other countries. But Miriam would feel a little left out by the ghost singing through Kiwi - it depends on how the Spirit Language manifests and whether or not that's visible to deaf people. (I like to think it might be. But if Kiwi is the medium for the ghosts to speak through...)
... For a long time, we struggled to write this part where both Audrey and Miriam would learn the song. In the end, Vesta said this is how it would go:
(Vesta) Audrey is losing her hearing and tells the King to sing louder. He does. She says there has to be another way. The King sends her away and she's like RAAAUGHHH! Miriam follows her still, evading the palace guards.
Audrey stomps and Eyala appears. "Bestie, there IS another way!" She teaches her a different version of the song, with sign language, maybe, or a dance, but I like sign language better. It should be ASL poetry.
(Rostrum) And Miriam is able to memorize this after following her! Again, and unfortunately, the sunset sky scene doesn't happen. Though there might be a different scene where Miriam flew up to that "???" place Mask was at, with all of the butterflies, and is found tending to Kiwi when Kiwi wakes up and Miriam explains to her what's going on.
It's two days now.
Sky Temple (Sun Overseer's Song)
Instead of using a piccolo at all, Miriam has to sign the song that was given to Audrey. And instead of telling Kiwi to not listen too closely, she'd ask Kiwi to turn away so they can't see her awkward signing. Whether or not Kiwi actually does this is up to your imagination.
Part Two - Chaandesh
Before I go on ahead, a reminder. Chaandesh - and especially Mohabumi, and Miriam's reactions to feeling left out as a witch - that's the part that made us relate so strongly to her. And that is what inspired this AU.
One major difference in Chaandesh in this AU - though I don't think it changes the game very much - is that many witches do know ASL there, so some of the NPCs would sign to Kiwi! There would be a sizeable Deaf community in the city of witches especially. This isn't to say that all witches are deaf, but I wanted to point that aspect out as large Deaf communities do exist in most cities in reality.
And it'd also contribute to how left out Miriam feels, out of both the witch and deaf communities. It's difficult to get information about either if you just aren't part of them.
Mystery Forest
I'll say Vivian and Sandra know sign language, and would recognize that Miriam is deaf and sign normally to her. Everyone fights the monster and things go on as usual.
In the following sky ride scene where the Spell Squad flies them to the ferry... this IS the one scene where they could sign because someone else is flying the broom! Unfortunately there's very little dialogue in this scene.
The Ferry
I just want to point out this huge nugget of dialogue:
"This whole kingdom… feels like a big club, that I was never invited to."
The inspiration for this whole AU. This one line sparked all this. I'll explain more because I'm actually watching a playthrough just so I can get this AU as accurate as possible, so...
When Audrey appears, she'd probably talk in simcom, which is essentially a variant of ASL where you both sign and speak at the same time. Some might consider it offputting, but she'd be skilled enough at it - and she'd sign SO dramatically!
Only going to speak on scenes where I think Miriam's dialogue OR actions would change.
In the academy, when Kiwi sees her struggling on the broom... I mean, there's no way she can both sign AND re-learn how to fly on the broom. For hilarity, I say she falls the first time Kiwi gets her attention, and more sensibly, hops off the broom every other time Kiwi talks to her there. I don't think the conversation about music would change at all.
The Crater...
... we've thought about this so many times but it's only now that I actually see the conversation that I realize we don't need to rewrite this at all. It's strange, because before this game, and ESPECIALLY before this part, we just didn't like music. We didn't know what it meant. We didn't know how it could motivate people and be compelling. It felt like a big club that we weren't invited to. Sound familiar?
It's hard to describe how the game changed our feelings on music. In some ways they stayed the same - it's still a little exclusive, but it felt like it opened our eyes to how influential it really could be. The emotions behind playing an instrument, or singing, or dancing. And dancing is a physical form of music! It reacts to vibrations! So Miriam would feel right at home here no matter what her hearing status is. The drumbeats of Manny's music, and potentially the speakers amplifying the music in general, would reach Miriam if this was a loud enough space. In that moment she'd feel like she belonged, being brought back to home where music too was played with drumbeats.
Broom Ride
This necessitates its own section because it's an important conversation and it breaks my heart that, again, in this AU it can't be had on the broom. But I want to give this conversation justice because it hit close to home for us.
Miriam: "It was weird being in a city of other witches. I thought it'd be a place where i fit in. But I didn't."
Kiwi: "That just means you're special!"
Miriam: "Well. Maybe... I don't want to be so special. I've been special my whole life. Around Delphi, me and Saphy were the only witches. I never knew someone else like me. And I guess I still don't.
It doesn't feel good to be different like this. I feel like I'm just messed up. And I'll never fit in anywhere."
Exactly what being deaf or any kind of disabled feels like. It feels like a very specific part of being autistic, too... we're autistic so we know this well.
Kiwi: "We're outsiders... together!"
Sky Temple (Eclipse Duet)
Another strange part of this AU we've thought about for a while! We imagined them dancing, or signing together, or such... but if the order of events demands that Miriam learned the signed version of the Sun Overseer's song, and Kiwi learned the spoken version of the Moon's...
I think the way Kiwi sings by pointing their hand, Miriam could see it visually and perhaps her own hand movements would even mirror Kiwi's. Or the other way around. I think Kiwi would make an effort to visually convey the nature of their half of the song to Miriam, strengthening the harmony... the same way the moon reflects the sun.
The Eclipse
Miriam gets hurt. She obviously can't hear or see Kiwi, so Kiwi would shake her in a desperate attempt to wake her as Audrey walks up - and Audrey at this point has lost a lot of her hearing, but I guess if Miriam is unconscious, there would be no reason for her to sign as she's only talking to the bard. Albeit by now, her speech is inflected with numerous gestures to emphasize her points.
Kiwi is angry enough to raise their voice. It's not enough for Audrey. Either she doesn't hear them and turns around to pay attention to them, or she never does because she never picked up the habit to pay attention to the things around her. When you grow up as a deaf person, your senses overcompensate for the one you never had or lost - this AU's Audrey doesn't have that advantage just yet.
When they carry Miriam down from the Sky Temple... there's no way you can sign to someone while carrying them at the same time. So that little snippet of conversation doesn't happen.
No other changes. Also, this part breaks my heart, I want you to know this.
Act 6:
Audrey's Introspection
Miriam isn't here, and technically this AU is all about her and how her deafness affects small details in the game. So if this AU was only about that we'd stop here and skip ahead to Act 7.
However, Audrey is deaf by this point. And she has to contend with that while ALSO dealing with a singing bard.
In her first appearance in this act, I think she'd monologue with her voice. She wouldn't hear Kiwi's complaints as she drinks the false Potion of Power and collapses in that same hilarious way. When they're in the cave, she continues speaking with her voice until she falls to her knees contending with her mortality.
The bard tries speaking to her at first. Then they sign to her. Audrey looks up and signs back. "Not without my sword. And hearing."
(Brief author's note: I gave Eyala the sign name of "EYE-la." This is a very fun sign name and she would introduce herself with it when she discovered Audrey was losing her hearing and taught her sign language.)
The conversation in the cave goes roughly the same... Audrey seems like the sort of person to shrug off even losing her hearing, thinking that's what she has to do to be the hero. It matters a LOT to her, deep down inside - Eyala told her it was necessary, that she wouldn't need her hearing in the end anyways - but it stings to gain a disability in exchange for being the hero, doesn't it?
Is it a blessing or a curse that she doesn't hear the wails of the Overseers and monsters she slays? That she can't hear the Bard's songs anymore?
But then, Miriam simply being there disproves all of that. She's another person who doesn't necessarily connect with music in the traditional sense. It took her a long time to truly feel comfortable with music as a foundation of the world. Being deaf doesn't make you ignorant to the world, after all... it makes the world ignorant to you. Being deaf her whole life means Miriam's had to grow up fighting to feel like she fits into the world at all. She carved out her own path in life.
The Beast
Theoretically, the Hero and Bard could sign to each other even at that distance where Kiwi is on the cliff and Audrey is down on the platform above lava. If you have good sight, ASL goes a long way.
Act 7:
I like to think this is when Miriam gives Kiwi a sign name after they both return to Langtree. Unfortunately, I still haven't thought of a sign name for the bard, so that's on hold for a while.
Kiwi wouldn't have to interpret for the fairies, I think they can speak any language they need to communicate in. And that includes sign language.
We neglected to say what the spirit language would look like to Miriam who has been trained to understand it, but I think it'd be symbols. Literal visual symbols. Up in the air. Since it's mentioned that Kiwi speaks in strange symbols, which is a visual element, I think Miriam can see or sense the symbols and understand. Which also means she understands what the Dream King says as his last words.
The boss fight goes on as usual. Audrey signs VERY angrily to them after having her sword taken - with aggressive body language, faster signs that the bard and witch just barely pick up.
The Choir
... I'll be honest with you, we agonized over this particular scene for a long time. In the original game, the highlight is Miriam singing in front of everyone.
A singing Miriam would undermine this AU. It isn't vocal chords that deaf people most naturally turn to for communication - it's hands. I don't think a deaf Miriam has any reason to use her voice to sing here, even when she can use her voice.
So a change I'm making here in order to make myself feel more comfortable with this scene is that more of the crowd would dance - in fact, I think all of the people of the world would harmonize in their own way, be it with their voice, an instrument, dancing, or whatever other funky way they like. Thusly, Miriam dances in the end. It shouldn't be only singing that saves the world.
It's sad that the creators of this game didn't put in other means of singing, or explain how deaf people would harmonize with a worldwide auditory song, but that's okay. I know how we can harmonize in our way.
And that's the end of this long-winded post about how Miriam could be deaf and that'd change very little about the story. Also, I'm very tired from writing half this dang post and I hope it makes sense to people who aren't deaf.
I hope you enjoyed reading! And don't be afraid to ask questions if you're curious about this AU!
- Rostrum
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inksandpensblog · 6 months
The Box
I'm finally watching the episode! These are my stream-of-consciousness thoughts through my initial viewing. This isn't thought-out refined analysis, these are just the thoughts as I have them the moment they appear in my head.
They're getting better at the 3d running/walking animation.
Green being the one to notice details, like in The Village.
Green only drew one but then he just has three more? Cartoon magic or stickfigure magic? Or just saving time on a meta level.
This looks like a nice little toh that's a white-filled head, they're ALL white-filled heads (all look like freehanded circles though)
For a given value of "white," I guess, but they're all very light colors. And they all have head accessories. Interesting...
Okay it's kinda funny that nobody would talk to them and the truck is right there. Did they think the color quartet were giving handouts or something? None of them stopped to listen long enough XD
Ooh, so these are some kind of simulation chambers? Looks like they've simulated a desktop art program.
Hmm, so Orange's ability to just have whatever he wants manifest into existence with the stroke of a pencil is unique to him; these guys try the same motions and all they get are regular lines. (Also if Orange can do all that outside then why are they doing these experiments in the simulation chamber? Is it just for safety or can they not do it outside? Shady could use his toolbar outside just fine...)
Orange's drawings were alive, almost from the first line it seems. Before they even took their shape. These ones aren't.
I don't like how coldly they're treating my boy :(
and then they don't even interact?? okay, so...Victim is pretty single-mindedly focused on whatever is about to happen with Chosen, and whatever it is doesn't involve Orange so Orange is irrelevant to him rn. Why bind him then? Where's he going? :(
he went in. by himself. I'm...not sure how to feel about that. surprised? it's not like the thing had a door. though looking at that control-display, it does look like there's something within the chamber itself that's also containing Chosen. Or is that just the bounding box? I think it's a bounding box actually. So this is also a simulation chamber. (this is giving me all sorts of questions about how the artboard recognizes the toolbar icons as graphics while the tools still retain their functions as tools and I'm gonna stop before I spiral)
oh, it did have a door
WAITAMINUTE why is Victim's bounding box 2d and Chosen's 3d???
...oh. so...Chosen's fire registers as a separate graphic from him, then. good to know??
wait what the- just altering the visual is enough to affect his ability in producing that power??
why did we just cut to the hunter sharpening their spear? don't like that. not while you're stealing all my boy's natural defenses.
that one lingering second after Chosen's lasers die out but before he turns around to face Victim is haunting. Bro's been trapped and depowered again.
Okay nitpick but Victim's head isn't changing shape every frame and it's driving me up the wall. Did he have some work done between the last installment and this one?
I can't tell if I'm supposed to laugh or not at Chosen just standing there and tanking all of Victim's hits, and honestly I like that I can't tell, the dissonance is fun. But putting that aside...Chosen just let the dude have at him like it was no big deal. He didn't actually fight back until he decided he'd had enough. I suppose he could've just been confused about why this guy was attacking him...but he doesn't even block or dodge. He doesn't defend himself, his hands aren't even up, he's not even really in a fighting stance, and it takes him a bit to even retaliate. Even after the first one, his body language is just "bruh why." Which. Is an interesting attitude to have when he's trapped and depowered and being punched by a stranger.
Chosen finally counters, and it cuts to the control panel outside, looks like they're about to raise some setting. I've gotta take a break for a meeting, here's my thought: Victim never left the art program, in AvA1. In a very literal sense, he spent his whole life in it. It's where he found all the things that enabled him to fight back. In a weird way, it makes sense that this is where he's powerful, that this is where he's comfortable fighting. (and I know my personal headcanons are about to get blown outta the water but I'm really glad that I was on the right track in regard to this idea. though something I hadn't ever imagined was that he'd rely on other people to supply those advantages instead of obtaining them himself)
Meeting over, back to the episode! (I wonder if the title of this episode refers to the white chamber Chosen is in or the actual bounding box. Given that the mere appearance of a bounding box in Wanted was enough for many of us to clue in to Victim's involvement, even before he appeared in-person at the end of the episode, I'm leaning that direction. Amazing that it only happened once in the series before Wanted and it was already enough of a legacy to make him recognizable. I'm now realizing that in AvA2 the first thing Chosen did even before attacking the cursor was destroy the bounding box. Also realizing that the bounding boxes in this chamber aren't visible, unlike in the test-chambers in the previous scenes.)
interesting...each of Vicitm's limbs are separate graphics with their own bounding boxes, which is how they looked in the Bloop animation course that Alan made, but it isn't how he was in AvA1. Though he was recognized as a single graphic just a few scenes ago, so that might not mean anything.
why, stop, dude we get it you're strong now you've proved your point stop beating him up-
oh good Chosen's still got his own strength, he's fighting ba- what- okay what, can't take what you dish out??
Ooh, I don't think we've seen Chosen actually throw fire like that (instead of just blasting and halting blasts) since the early episodes.
okay, nice to know that Victim actually can dodge on his own
...don't like how little time it took Chosen to start feeling exhaustion...
...don't like how much trepidation the lasso is giving me. that feels like one of the crueler things to use against Chosen; not because we've seen it used against him before (only Victim and Orange have used it themselves, and only Victim has had it used against him, and good grief Orange and Chosen still don't know how Victim is connected to Alan-) but just because...I really don't want him bound and leashed again, he's been through enough of that. still, I had predicted that we'd see him using the lasso at some point in AvA6. I'm not happy I was right. (man, back before we knew Victim would make a proper return to the series I used to love the idea of him using it again. it's like the clearest example of him outwitting the animator and taking his tools for his own use.)
NOT THE NECK- they've never gone there, I don't like this-
oh what they actually- I was not expecting that. whips haven't appeared in the series before. oh I really don't like this.
God he's crawling back- why-
I had to pause. either the group outside just did something with the controls that Victim wasn't anticipating, or...Chosen felt threatened enough to turn his powers on himself and encase himself in ice as a defense. fuck. someone get him out of there. no flight, can't fight, man was pushed far enough he literally resorted to freeze. The Chosen One. I don't think that's ever happened before.
Fuck, that's just too much, I can't even bring myself to feel excited about seeing the duplicates again. though it is good to know that my headcanon about him needing to be in an art program in order to duplicate himself ended up being accurate. we'll see if my headcanon about it being one Victim with five bodies (as opposed to being five Victims) holds up. if they even have a way to show any difference.
[sighs, pulls AvA1 up in another tab] yep, they're all there. lasso, hammer, extended thumbtack (though it doesn't look like a thumbtack here, which is interesting), whatever that chain-accordion thing is, and the ninja star. why are you doing this? man literally froze himself immobile to get you to stop torturing him, just leave him be.
...haHAHAHA! Oh that felt good, that made me smile. Hopefully this means Chosen has recuperated a bit.
the animation of Victim on fire was so nice I completely missed Chosen breaking the ice XD going back to catch that made me realize that the other Victim duplicates literally just...stood and watched the one burning...
don't let yourself get backed into a corner-
OH he escaped the hold, nice-
I didn't realize until the lasso came back that he'd gotten rid of it when he broke the ice :( but before that he actually uses his fire-breath again, which is always nice to see. interesting to see it concentrated in a thin stream instead of just roaring out like usual.
oh yikes why- him on fire-
...don't do it, man...
OH HE OWNED THAT, LET'S GO!!! Great thinking, Chosen! (heh, nothing about this situation remotely resembles that time Chosen grabbed the cursor and forced it to click him free, but I was reminded of it nonetheless. something about the tool being turned against the user, but in such a different way than Victim does it.)
OH HE- ...oh...I was gonna say oh he learned, he adapted enough that he predicted them flipping his fire and he used that- but then they just nullified it immediately...
Victim don't snap the rope like that, we don't need any more implications we already know you're planning to put him in a world of hurt, why can't you just leave him alone now, what are you trying to prove
hh, back to Orange I guess...
oh! they're bringing him to the- okay that makes sense, if it only works when he does it then obviously the next step to figuring it out is gonna involve him.
wait was he- could he not move when the bounding box was picked up?? (also neat that he immediately got worried once he realized he's in a bounding box, dunno if that's because of what happened in the last episode or if it's just because...he spends a lot of time in an art program so he'd naturally be familiar with what they can do and what it means to be inside one)
...well, nice that they at least get his attention before picking him up
oh now you're being friendly, sure. yeah Orange ain't having it.
okay, [picks up pencil] [instant notetaking] was funny XD
aaw, it's swimming around him
oh it knows what the eraser means
...wait it wasn't an electric eel in the last episode-
hexagons- and the power flickered
okay Orange stumbling around trying to stay out of its way makes it clear that he isn't controlling this thing once he's finished drawing it, it's acting on its own. it...it really feels distressed.
hah, they're all cowering. losers.
oh, back to this.
...did you have to make it so personal, Victim?
a chair
...okay not sure why that happened, could Chosen not just...lean forward? I rewound to watch it again and realized he's exhausted again after the slow-mo ends (is that from the slow-mo itself or just his exertion from the fight before the slow-mo?) and he...doesn't even struggle when Victim lifts him by hand with a lasso to the neck. is...is he just ragdolling now? is he at the point where that's his best option for minimizing conflict?
...he is. he's ragdolling. fuck. (damn you cc!Alan for introducing ragdolling in a comedic short-)
...no? no what?? no, he doesn't know anything about the animator? (which we know isn't true, but why would he deny that?) or no, he isn't going to answer?
don't tie him up, please...
oh now he starts struggling?
...back to ragdolling. good grief, the way they animate his legs just swinging even though they can still touch the floor...
...heh, I appreciate his spirit, especially at this point, but...Chosen you kinda just put yourself in a worse position.
...oh, what is that? I don't think we've seen anything like that before. It's got the floppy disk that's used as the "save" icon in many applications, but it looks kinda like a headset.
...a VR headset specifically, I guess.
OH WHAT- okay rad animation, but WHAT
...oh fuck, I've always wondered if there was a way to see the data that would be a stick's memory. FUCK what are they gonna use this for
wait they're bring Orange here?! Or are they just passing on their way back to the cell? but why are they going back to the cell, was the eel too much for them??
...wait, what? signal lost, I assume because Chosen dislodged it enough to disconnect, and then...instead of picking up where it left off it jumps all the way back to Showdown?? was...was Showdown just on Chosen's mind? or is this the memory of him recalling it right before flying to alanspc to entreat Orange's aid? ...or...are memories from beyond the sky-barrier not compatible? that doesn't make sense...
what's with everyone's reactions to Second's powers?
...I forgot Orange's cell is in here. whoops.
oh this is how he finds out??
hands first ("I did that??") and then his eyes ("Chosen was right??")
...and of course. I expected they'd lock him down with extra security as soon as they realized, but. poor guy.
(dammit I purposefully refrained from making a "dark mode" joke, you didn't have to go and put it on the damn control screen)
...and even after that (which, judging by Victim's reaction, even he hadn't known about Second's powers), the animator is still Victim's priority.
oh, this isn't just any clip of the cursor's involvement in Showdown, this is specifically while Yellow was rendering the cursor in.
and then they immediately pan to Yellow which means that observation is actually gonna be relevant, FUCK-
("earnings growth," so they actually do have a business element to them)
aaand the security cameras caught them peeking out of the truck, they literally just started printing the posters and they've already located Yellow-
that fight is mesmerizing. we haven't seen one like this before, as far as direction and setting. plus it's really interesting to see how the four respond. I might look deeper into that later. also that was a cool transition.
and Yellow is dragged off. The story has never had one of the quartet singled out in-universe by the plot like this before. they aren't even apprehending the others.
...of all the sticks to have a lighter, I never thought it would be Victim.
to be continued. good grief.
I have to eat before work so I'll think on all this and say more later.
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yuurei20 · 8 months
Riddle Info Compilation part 12: Unique Magic and Violence
Riddle’s unique magic, “Off with your head”, allows him to temporarily seal away the magic of other mages.
Cater explains, “To a mage, losing the ability to use magic is about as painful as losing your head completely.”
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Leona is the only character we’ve seen capable of deflecting Riddle’s unique magic, though even he becomes collared when Jack breaks his concentration (As he overblots, however, he breaks free, which we have never seen anyone else do.)
Riddle experiences the sensation of wearing one of his own collars during Book 6 when Idia forces him and the others to wear chokers that possess similar, magic-smothering capabilities.
Idia says that Riddle “busts out spells like he’s in hyperdrive. And his magic pool is way beyond other mages his age. He must’ve had special training from a super young age…and that artificially increased his pool. It’s the only possible explanation for these numbers. His strength is from hard work rather than being some kind of prodigy if you ask me.”
(Later on in Book 6, Riddle shares a similar suspicion with Azul. When Azul calls him a prodigy he responds, "I wouldn't say that...I can't be certain if I had any special talent to begin with.")
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Ortho says, “He also had a tendency to elevate his output and brute-force his magic during moments of indecision.
Idia says that Riddle can get away with such an inefficient tactic because of the sheer amount of power he has, and that Riddle’s mental state is heavily impacted by external factors. “He’s got magic muscle in spades, but he’s fragile physically and mentally. High offense, paper-thin defense…”
Riddle is extremely strong, securing the Housewarden position in Heartslabyul before the end of his first week of school. Riddle shuts down Ace and Deuce instantly in a duel and Crowley explains, “The better you are at accurately visualizing your magic’s effects, the stronger and more precise it will be.”
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We see several examples of Riddle jumping to violence at the slightest opportunity, actively trying to attack campus visitors during Halloween despite Trey, Ace and other members of his dorm begging him to restrain himself.
Riddle also compromises the efforts of the final team during Phantom Bride by becoming insulted when a ghost tells him he is too short for the princess and setting him on fire.
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Riddle is also quick to attack ghosts during Spectral Soiree, setting the surrounding area on fire multiple times.
Riddle says, “When someone gets violent with me, my response will always be the same…I’ll hit them right back!”
To Sebek’s confusion Riddle agrees with Ace and Leona about fighting Malleus during Spectral Soiree, saying that “The Queen of Hearts would never back down before a foe, no matter who they were! I behead ALL rule breakers, without exception!”
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When the ruse of the event is revealed, Riddle confesses that he attacked the ghosts unprovoked as he thought that fighting was the only way to get the other students back to normal. (An exasperated Lilia responds, “I thought you youngins were tech savvy enough to know you can’t just smack stuff to fix it!”)
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freemindedspirit · 9 months
Hey! Just wanted to ask, what would you do spiritually to protect your peace? I’m dealing with some… hexes/evil eyes/attacks from a shit ton of family members, like my mom, as well as people close to my family and it’s gotten to the point in which I’m barely getting through the day (not trying to trauma dump, and I’m very much aware that you are not a therapist lol).
So buckle up bc this is going to be long lol
I reblogged a post recently about the four different types of protection, you can look it up for further info.
I mentioned them previously to another anon, but i recommend doing some small rituals daily. This helps for 1. stopping the negative energy from building up and 2. Builds your magical stamina for bigger spells.
What you can do :
-visualizing : visualize yourself surrounding by a white or pink light, and visualize it removing all of the negative energy from you, and protecting you from outside negative energy. You can do it once or multiple times a day, when you are in public, before going to sleep, when you wake up etc.
-daily hygiene: while you are taking a bath or a shower, visualize the water cleansing you and watch as the negative energy goes down the drain. This works especially well if you are washing your hair.
Food and drinks: throw salt over your left shoulder while you cook, stir your tea/ coffee clockwise to add protection into the drink, or anticlockwise to remove negative energy. Drink water with the intention of it cleansing the negative energy.
Clothes : the color black, as well as iron, are both associated with protection. You can wear one or both with intention as an extra layer of protection.
You can add affirmations to any of these in order to strengthen them.
We are now going into more long term rituals and spells.
In order to do these, you will need to learn two skills first: how to direct your focus and energy and how to ground.
Direct your focus and energy: The previous exercises can serve as a training. You can also try to do yoga and focus on your body sensations, do meditation, sit under the sun,watch a candle flame, feel water on your hands etc. The goal is to try to avoid your mind from wandering in the middle of your spell, rendering them less effective.
How to ground: the goal is to get you to be connected to your body and to earth. The exercises from the “direct your focus and energy” category can work as well. You can also sit and visualize your core energy center (it can feel different for everyone) being connected to the Earth. A good thing about grounding is that it allows you to borrow from Earth infinite energy, so you don’t have to use your own for your spells.
In order to know what works best for you, you have to tap into your sensitivity. If you are very affected by the moon, then do a ritual linked to the moon. If you are more seasonal like me, do something yearly or linked to the seasons.If you have deities, do something linked to them or ask them to help you protect you.
I personally have a very layered protection, with a mix of deity help, runes, sigils ( i love sigils), enchanted objects and a few spell bottles or jars.
Let’s go with the different types of protection:
Defensive : These act as a shield or a fence. When you build one, make sure you do it in a way that it keeps you away from energies you don’t want, but let in other things. For example, if you use a good luck spell later, it would be sad if it was stopped by your own defensive spell. You can use affirmations such as “I am protected from energies which are not in my highest good”.
Illusory: you can lead the negative energy towards something that is not actually you. For example, you can make a spell jar containing a hair, and fill it with vinegar and nails, with the intention that negative energy that seeks you ends up stuck in the jar. You can then hide this jar in your bathroom, or in a plant etc.You can also learn to shield your energy in a way that you become invisible to people who seek you (I am such champion at that that i once wasted a paid reading bc the reader did not have the best intentions apparently and could not find me lol).The same way as before, add an an affirmation which make sure it wouldnt block you from receiving good things.
Aggressive: I put it last because usually people don't recommend beginners to start off with these. Basically, aggressive spells can require more energy, and it is with experience that you learn when they are necessary, or when they are going bad and you need to do something. The usual protective aggressive spells are “return to sender” types. But you can also find spells that are meant to scare the attacker into retreating.
Salt is commonly used as protection and purification, so is rosemary.
You can mix salt with ashes and it becomes black salt, which will absorb and transform negative energy.
Black crystals, such as black quartz, obsidian, tourmaline, have protection properties.
The color black and the element of iron have protective properties.
The rune Algiz is considered a defensive rune.
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Sigils : sigils are symbols that belong in chaos magic. They take effect when they become invisible or are destroyed. I personally prefer to create my own and i'm not willing to share them, but many people created some and shared some around witchblr. You can put a sigil on a paper and burn it, write it on toilet paper then put the paper down the toilet, write it with holy water around your windows and doors, hide it in or under your shoes etc
Ward :a ward is a visible symbol of protection. It can for example be a witch ladder, a dream catcher, a horseshoe, or any symbol you put over your door or around your entrance. My mom has a protective psalm in malagasy above a door which all guests face when they enter, for example.
Spells jars, bottles, powders, candles etc : I can't remember which ones I did off the top of my head, but many. A lot exists online as well. As I said previously, do what draws you in the most.
Electronic spells: Tech witches are a thing. The tech witch tag will probably be more helpful than my small category here, but there are many spells you can do without actually having to gather ingredients, especially if any form of witchcraft will be frowned upon in your household. You can do your spell on Minecraft, use a candle app, use a website etc. This is a great way to stay discrete as well.
WARNING: Every spell has a cost. I don't say this to scare you, but every spell you do has consequences. The first and most common one being energy. You can feel tired, drained, sleepy, have a headache, or have sore muscles after a spell. You should not do a spell if you are not in the right space to do so. It is normal if it is tiring. In order to help, you can borrow energy from other places. For example, ground and borrow energy from the Earth. Ask to borrow energy from the elements or your deities. Borrow it from running water or from sunlight or a candle or your phone (charge your phone if you are doing a spell using your phone). Especially dont forget to “close” the spell after you are done building it. Don't let it run on its own forever, you will be drained. I say this with experience lol, i am the type to forget i got a spell started and let my phone candle run and wonder why i got a headache. After you have done a spell, focus on self care. Hydrate, have a snack, go to sleep, rest. Enjoy feeling safe and protected lol.
Some people are massive energy powerhouses and can handle doing spells from their own energy. I am very not like this, i have little stamina so i instead guide existing energies towards where i want them to go.
I hope it was helpful !
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Can you do Headcanons of Outworlder fem s/o who has same ice and snow magic like Elsa (Frozen) with male characters of: Liu Kang, Kuai Liang, Tomas Vbrada, Bi Han, Kenshi, Shang Tsung, Havik, Rain, Syzoth and Reiko please?
[ ~"Let it Go"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1
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Ohhh!! looks like Sub-Zero has competition! let's see what come out of this!
What contains? Ice Powers Reader, Female Reader
How is visualized as? Cople Relation Ship, Family Relation Ship, Friend Relation Ship
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Smoke - Tomas
-Scared at first to meet you, will confused you are part of the Ling Kue clan and you are a spy for Bi Han, so at first you will be judged, and earning his trust will be not easy
-Proving you do not work for Bi Han things get more chill, Tomas will apologize for being rude towards you, something you accept it and understand his worries
-He already saw ice powers with Bi Han in the past, but only in training and was taken in battle, so you using it in another way is refreshing and interesting, he also likes you not to do just ice, but also snow
-to be honest, you being with him is a good change, is a change of picture related ice with danger and you showing its not, ice can be also a nice thing and show a lot beauty in it, sadly a beauty Bi Han dint have
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-Ditto but he not gonna act that aggressively but he will be cold and on guard with you, so it will be harder to convince him you not working for Bi Han
-Now proving you not working for Bi Han still Scorpion will have his eyes on you, just in case, he worried when you use your ice/snow powers, thinking you are taking your chance to attack, but no, you just doing ice statues
-He sometimes invites you to one of they trainings, possibly wanting to see more of you and your ice abilities, possibly trying to see more where there is nothing there, soon realizes you do not have much experience in battle and badly use your ice powers for battle purpose
-He will train you to defend yourself with your Ice Powers, but he make sure to not make other Bi Han, not make the same mistake twice
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-Not surprised, you are with the Ice Master inself, so surprised someone like him with the same powers will be not easy, and as you expected he will look at you, seeing if you really have potential
-Even so, he does not waste time, he offers you the deal to join his clan, after all an Ice alie will work just fine and he can take your powers to limits you never imagined, is your decision to accept his offer or not
-He will impress you Ice powers can make ice creatures being alive, and that something he can't do, and that something you have to be proud of surprised the master of Ice, and already has ideas for an ice army
-He will make sure to train you in no time, no waste more of does stupid snowman creations, but rather turn your heart as cold as him and help him with his cruel plans
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Kenshi Takahashi
-If knows is becuse of Sento vision, and will be the same alert and ready to attack, it will be hard to convince you not work for Bi Han or something related to him
-He will apologize as soon as proven to show you did not work for Bi Han, he will be feel too awkward about it, because he does not like judge people and more when is innocent, but you understand why he act that way
-He will feel odd you help him with his "eyes" or other kind of injuries to at least make the pain feel less or nun, but something soon gets used to it and he admires you can use your powers for good purposes
-Possibly if your two trust grows, he would ask you to help him to train, for more situations implied ice or cold scenarios, even if you dont have fighting experience, you want to help him as much as you can
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-You have potential, if you do not give a bad picture, he will soon offer you to join General Shao's army to take down the queen, is your decision if you accept it, but in a no situation he will see you as an enemy or force you anyway
-He dont understand why you use your ice powers for dumb things, like ice skating or ice sculptures, does some sort of things related of creativity or art, he just thinks can be used for battle as more wording thing
-Tho he likes it when you make snow, is relaxing and is like time just stops, like a dream in a deep sleep, he will not admit it or look "weak" at you, but very inside you know he enjoy this
-He will help you to be more stronger and train you so you can defend yourself, at the same time you help him to fight attacks related to ice if anything happen with Bi-Han
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-Good for you, he only has a little experience with Bi-Hand so he will not see you as a enemy as the others, maybe a little but not as big as the others
-Water and Ice, the same element just different structures, surely you two will just play around with both powers, doing an amazing performance, you two is like made of each other
-He will not force you about your powers, but he is very open to helping you to get your potential! who knows what more are you capable of with does powers of yours
-In the end, Rain will be the most acceptable of the rest of the characters, someone who will be connected more fastly from the others, and he is really happy to meet someone like you
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Shang Tsung
-Interesting~ He definitely knows you are not part of Bi-Hand, I mean, look at you, you look so kind and delicate, and showing your powers like nothing? if you were someone who worked for Bi-Han you definitely would not show your ice powers so casually
-He of corse will talk to you like a "friend", mostly always the topic is about your Ice powers, a little disappointed to know you never use they potential in battle, but that not matters~
-He will try to convince you to try experiment more with you Ice Powers, to see how much they can do, after all, make snow and ice creatures being alive is not something to see everyday, so he try to manipulate you to fall in his plan
-Fool of you if you hear him, you will regret your decision to the rest of your life
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-Attack first, ask later, he will capture you before even knows what attacked you, very confusing situation when he takes you to face "justice" so was had a conversation about you have nothing to do to Bi-Han or WHO is Bi-Han
-Good thing dint arrive to face "justice" when finally you give your explanation, he ask you a lot of things to see if you lying, most of them you was confused because you dint know most of them or what he talking about
-He apologies for such a thing and let you free, you accept his apologies and at least nothing bad happened apart of that, he will visit you just to try to start over again in a good way
-He will always get tense each time you use your Ice Powers, dont worry about it, he just same as the rest kinda affected with all the Bi-Han stuff and well he cant tolerate cold temperatures, but he will be less and less tense each time pass with you
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-Looking at you, analyzing you, he has suspects about you because you dont look a good-trained ninja, either way, will ask why someone from Bi-Han is here, soon he question was answered seeing you have no idea what he referring tho
-He mostly warns you about the world and does not try anything funny, you are just confused by his cold behavior, but I guess he just have his guard on, after all, even you dont know how to fight you still have powers
-It is just a matter of time he becomes closer to you and calmer around you, he enjoys your performance with your powers, after all he always saw powers used for battle, so seeing use it for entertainment and art was a very change of picture
-He insists you dont need to take care of him, but always you convince him to take care of his injuries with you powers, he can't feel pain unless different circumstances, but he appreciates your kindness
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Liu Kang
-He has his suspicions first, but seeing how you behave and how you use your powers he knows you are not part of Bi-Han, he just freaks you out by accident due dint knows he was there watching you doing your performance
-He really enjoys the way you use your Ice powers in such a wonderful way, and he is delighted to see more, you blush due to his nice words and attention, something you not get used to it
-He enjoy how creative you are using your Ice powers in as different ways as possible, you could say the sky was the limit but for you was not, he enjoyed seeing the ice animals being alive and moving around!
-You two sometimes do a performance with both of yall powers, fire and Ice, just as interesting a combination as you could imagine! synchronized to make such an amazing show, he always enjoy pass time with you as you enjoy pass time with him
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estellardreams · 2 months
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New Rehabilitation Patients - Five Month Aftermath
Current changes:
Working on physical therapy to conquer his Tachophobia and get back to running.
Got eye surgery to fix his damaged eyesight.
Didn't want to lose the bangs early on, but they were too big so they were cut much shorter as a compromise.
Sonic never got back to eating chili dogs as his favorite food. And that's fine by him (cinammon rolls are so much better).
Sonic is personally in Occupational Therapy in an effort to fix all of that anxiety that was forced upon him.
Ever since Tails began to eat more healthy, his fur began to appear a lot more softer and plush than way before.
Tails does a little flight training using his tails. He thankfully still knows how to fly previously, it's just that he wasn't able to.
Tails tried to return to engineering, but found that his new passion was becoming writing, so he stuck with that. He does still enjoy engineering, but it's no longer the only thing he does.
Amy's discuise had never come off, mainly due to all of the enchantments, but she honestly doesn't mind. It's a good look for her.
Amy sometimes does physical therapy with Sonic, but most of the time she doesn't.
Amy is the only member of the trauma siblings to not be severely traumatized I some capacity... Except for one case.
Amy is in grief counseling for obvious reasons.
Probably put under the more extensive treatment out of everyone. Shadow still had his old and new past clashing to the point that they had to deal with both traumas.
It took a good two months to begin to erase Starline's programmed in fake memories, but they do have the tendency to show up under very high stress.
Shadow was instructed to keep his body relaxed and try smiling when he genuinely means it. Since then, his ears and mouth position have remained mainly looking on-edge despite not actually being so.
Shadow also got surgery for his eyes, with the accidental side effect of them lighting up green when he uses chaos energy.
Shadow is undergoing magic therapy despite usually claiming he doesn't need it.
Collective Group
Whether they want to believe it or not, their attachment to Starline lingers, despite him being dead.
There have been a few cases of auditory or visual hallucinations of Starline in the facility, but never both at the same time. Usually it's his voice or the platypus staring at them from the open door or over them when they're trying to sleep... It leads to a lot of panic attacks.
All of them are in therapy.
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Sorry if this has been asked before, but towards the end of book 1, when Riddle’s signature spell gets blocked off by Trey, I’ve always wondered why Riddle tries to cast the spell in Japanese. Every time he uses it successfully we get that classic “Off With Your Head!” But when he unsuccessfully casts it, suddenly he’s saying the incantation in JP??
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This Anon is talking about 1-22 and 1-23 of the main story. In these scenes, Adeuce have lose their duel with Riddle and are collared. Ace then chastises his dorm leader for acting like a baby and decks him, inciting the other Heartslabyul students to follow suit in the rebellion (leading to them also being collared). Riddle becomes enraged at this insubordination and uses his magic to command rose trees to attack Ace. However, Trey intervenes with his own unique magic to temporarily override Riddle’s, turning both the trees and the collars into playing cards. This context is important for understanding the differentiation of “Off With Your Head” and “off with your head”.
In EN, when Riddle uses his unique magic (or signature spell, as they call it), the words in his UM begin with capital letters. If you listen to the voice acting, Riddle appears to speak his UM name in English.
The following images are Riddle successfully casting Off With Your Head to collar the mob students. If you refer to the second image, you’ll see that オフ・ウィズ・ユアヘッド is written in smaller characters on top of the bigger font (首をはねろ). This is because there are multiple different systems of writing in Japanese.
The larger characters are read as “kubi wo hanero”, literally the Japanese for “off with your head”. The smaller characters are from a writing system specifically for pronouncing foreign words (such as those in English), furigana, and are thus read as “ofu uizu yuaheddo” (“off with your head”). So when Riddle casts his UM, he is specifically speaking the English version of his spell’s name.
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After Trey rewrites Riddle’s magic, you can see “Off With Your Head” lacks capitalization. In JP, you don’t see the name for Riddle’s UM written as it was before. There is no “ofu uizu yuaheddo” (オフ・ウィズ・ユアヘッド). He only says “kubi wo hanero” (くびをはねろ), which is what was originally written in the larger characters during a successful attempt. This time, Riddle is reading the Japanese name of his UM.
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The most probable reason for why this occurs is that Trey’s magic is still in effect; Riddle is physically unable to use Off With Your Head because Trey has briefly turned “Riddle’s magic” into “his magic”. Maybe the incantation just doesn’t work and/or cannot be properly spoken because of this override. The changes in the text are most likely there to help communicate this distinction, as the visual novel format of the game limits how information can be presented.
Another possibility could be that, in this moment, Riddle is not actually trying to use his unique magic, but rather just trying to get the rose trees to respond to his commands again. Recall that in this same scene he had fully intended to use those trees to take out Ace; the “off with your head” in this instance could be more literal in that sense (gruesome, right?) rather than Riddle attempting to collar his dissenters a second time.
Hope that helps~ ^^
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lutawolf · 2 years
Love In the Air Ep 9 Review & Running Commentary
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We are now entering into the territory of Sky and Prapai. Be prepared people because there is going to be Sexual Assault triggers. I warned about this before but I think a few people really didn't understand. I'm also seeing a lot of people give backlash to MAME which is not cool. MAME does not do this for fun, it's actually therapeutic writing. I think that's one reason why I'm less triggered, I'm used to listening to and reading work by survivors. I'm more triggered when surprised by it, where I don't have a chance to brace myself. Luckily a lot of people have given me support with this.
For those who missed my early reviews, they can be found here.
Lets do this. Anybody else hear "I'm too sexy for my shirt." While Prapai is holding all this shit up and looking at himself in the mirror? No, just me, the old person in the room. Well okay then. Look at little sis with that brat energy. And look at Prapai just putting it right out there. Why? Because he has every intention of catching him. Look at you asking the youn gun for advice. Aren't you just in unknown territory.
I love Sky's facial expressions so much. You always know what he is thinking and at this moment he is clearly annoyed with the food situation. What is it with guys and condiments? Let us pick it up and look at it like it will magically turn into something. Hahaha, must be my imagination. 🤣🤣🤣 How often you thinking of him that you think it's your imagination? And look at Prapai implementing some advice and using that Nong title.
Dead, you mean those flowers, that are right there. Where I can see them. Those flowers you mean. 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry Sky, Prapai got your number. Look at that quick expression from Sky, he can't help but find Prapai just a bit funny. Clearly bribed! "I haven't figured out your eye color even though I'm right here." "Are you color blind?" "No, but love makes me blind"
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Trigger warning: Flash Backs: Deep breath. Yeah, that's about the whole of it. He is flashing back to when someone else, once told him they loved him.
PTSD is what occurs in people who have lived through a specific traumatic event or series of events like war, a serious car accident, sexual assault or natural disaster. C-PTSD is the result of prolonged exposure to trauma over longer periods of time, often during childhood. From a PTSD or C-PTSD stand point there are two different types of flashbacks: typical flashback and/or an emotional flashback.  A typical flashback is a sudden re-experiencing of a traumatic event in an person’s life. It might feel like you’re visually seeing the upsetting event over and over in your head, but it’s more intense than just a memory because your senses are typically triggered as well. Sight, sound, touch, and smell. Though the person experiencing the flashback may be safe, they don't feel safe. They are relieving all the experiences attached to that moment. An emotional flashback is when someone who has survived complex trauma feels “taken over” by an emotional experience such as scared, abandoned, helpless, or unsafe. Rather than re-experiencing a specific traumatic event in a relatively short period of time, an emotional flashback, can be quick or last for hours or days, sometimes even weeks. Typically it's when a person experience both that a panic attack will set in because the fight or flight has been activated. Yet there is nothing to fight even though mentally the person is sure they should be.
I want to point out that someone who isn't familiar with these types of flashbacks, isn't going to know how to explain them. It would be like never having ate a food but trying to describe it. Yet MAME describes it perfectly in their books.
So what Sky just experienced would be an emotional flashback. Even though it was relatively quick, we can't be sure he is actually over it. If you recall how Sky acted after having sex with Prapai, that was typical emotional flashback and you saw how long he felt that. Can I say that I'm pretty proud of Prapai for noticing that Sky wasn't okay. He is making his way out of fuck boy status. He's learning Sky and really trying.
Look at Prapai just grabbing Sky's hand. Guys, the fact that Sky isn't already swinging says a lot towards how he views Prapai. He is thick all over so lets cuddle 🤣🤣🤣 OH, Oh, see that face. Sky really does enjoy Prapai's humor. Which leads me back to the previous joke and the likely hood that he understood it to be a joke. Fuck, I love the way Prapai kind of drags Sky along. I love the way he is softly speaking to Sky. Like he is dealing with a timid puppy even though he knows this puppy has teeth.
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Could You Be The Wind That Passes By
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Aww, look at the cutie fixing his bed head. Meanwhile, Prapai just being amused. FYI in the book Sky dresses like this because of what was done to him. That is a common trait of SA survivors. I stayed in pjs for almost a year after the last assault. Also something that only an SA survivor would think to put in a book. Sorry guys, you might not like this review as much. Onwards. Sky doesn't see himself anything but ordinary but clearly Prapai sees him differently. Look at Sky's reaction to Prapai saying all this then when he gets to sweet lips. Awww look at him building up baby's self esteem. Prapai sees it too, he's so happy. Thennnnn he pushes too far. Dumbass. Haha, I love it, smack that hand Sky. Ouch, don't hurt me sky. Don't talk about yourself like that. First time going on a date with someone so down to earth 🤦🏽‍♀️ Have you even gotten to the date step before? The nipple piercings! Ha! They get talked about a lot in the book.
Prapai reminds me of one of my kids. I'mma poke you till you give me the attention I deserve. I call my oldest a black cat for this exact reason. I also call her a brat in the making. To which she replies "what's your excuse then." Um.. I'm a Sadist. We annoy for emotional damage enjoyment, totally different. Sky's inability to handle Prapai's flirting is so fucking cute. Here, let me just drink this water, I am completely immune to you. You know what. I'mma just leave.
Prapai is simping you guys. He is eating this shit up. He just chases after Sky. Sky is like bitch, I'm not a fuck buddy to your fuck boyiness. Pounce and Bounce 🤣🤣🤣 In the book Prapai is like dude, you knew that was a joke. Oh Oh, we are seeing our first bit of annoyance from Prapai. He wants Sky to know he is serious so he puts on his serious face.
Sky is like, no touchy touchy. I know a guy like you won't commit. You just enjoy the chase. Prapai you is like, dude, I'm not playing! Serves you right fuck boy. Gonna have to work hard if you want treasure.
Rain, you really trying to be upset right now. You really looking around you dumbass. Don't act like you didn't know that home boy was gay. No Rain, it's not obvious that you got bribed. Stupid Rain. It's okay Sky. Prapai, hurry back and pat the baby boy's head. I can't take this sad boy. And there it is guys, it's not that he doesn't like Prapai himself, it's that he can't trust himself to be with anyone.
Trigger Warning: Flashbacks: He dreams of being assaulted by the group. Even though we aren't seeing things, I think the fact that he has a nipple ring in indicates that he is back there. So, this time we are getting a typical flashback. Slight panic attack because it is a flashback dream but believe it or not this will actually help cushion the mind some. Which is why he isn't having a full-blown panic attack. By waking up, the body recognizes the need to not fight so it can begin the calm down process. At this point, I would like to say a huge thank you to the many people who in-boxed me with trigger warnings. NotFree even sent me time stamps. Thank you so much guys 💜💜💜
Aww, look at that smile. You guys, I can't tell you what it means to have someone there to distract you when wake up from a flashback. To have a bit of normalcy. While Prapai is cheesy, he is also giving Sky what he needs right now which is to not feel alone. Yes Sky, you are crazy but I'm here for it. Aww, he blocked his number. You gonna have to work harder Prapai. Ahh the mantra, this too shall pass. It's something I repeat at least once a day.
Look at Payu's face!!! Hahahah!!! Prapai wouldn't have gotten where he has gotten if he wasn't smart guys. It's just that he is a fuck boy and has never applied that intelligence and observation to a partner. Now that he is. Sky is screwed. Prapai cares. Fuck boy has gone simp. Ohh, look at that honesty. He tells him the truth, so he has an excuse to come see him. He likes a challenge Sky, he isn't gonna give up on you. You present everything that a boy like him wants. Face it boy's got a prey kink.
Oh No! Sky is sick! This fucking coconut. I love Sig your honor but seriously. Look how Sky helps everyone. He needs someone to take care of him. Did psycho buy another phone just to talk to his boy?? Niceee. Awww look, somebody is missing somebody. Looks like the walls are cracking just a bit.
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These lovely bunch of coconuts, smh. It's okay, I'm sure Sky will get it done. Well at least Sig tried to be caring. Sig, i'm gonna need you to fuck the attitude out of Som already. He's getting on my nerves. Go Sig go!! Love this Bitch. 🤣🤣🤣 I'll go piss him off again. Hhahahaha. Love this Bitch.
Oh baby boy. Damn this is hard because I know what this feels like. The mantra again, this too shall pass. I'm not kidding, I sometimes think that I need this tattooed on me. I'm not even kidding, it's really what gets me through shit sometimes. So why is Sky losing it. Because He has always depended on himself. His mom isn't in the picture, his dad wasn't really there. He raised himself there for he has been lonely and depended on himself, when he tried to depend on someone else, he was abused and let down. He can't afford to run that risk again. I need to hug the baby!
Bunch of coconuts but they are there for their friend. Prapai buying new sims cards every time he is blocked, lol. Look a boy jumping up and heading out the door before fully forming a sentence. Told you guys, Prapai was in love from the first slide in. That walk though, what the fuck is that. Like he got a dick up his ass. You need to practice the concerned walk dude. No dumbass you can't trust him but go head then.
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Nope not just sex buddy boy. You head over heels you are. HAHA the part where I called my boyfriend to be dad a bastard. Finally putting in the fucking curse words. Dude, he is so gone for this boy. Fuck that sound mike is annoying. In an ASK recently I explain that in the book Prapai is soul deep in love with this boy and though he is a scoundrel, Sky makes him a better person. He begins bettering himself to be better for Sky and he doesn't even really realize it. He just does it. See, even admits for never caring for a sick person before but for Sky he just does it without thought.
See, he even stopped himself because of his promise to Rain. He isn't a dick you guys. Just a fuck boy but he's getting better. Look at him even cleaning up!!
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I liked it! Yeah, he's still a fuck boy. I mean he practiced how to say Sky's name in the mirror. To be fair though, he's never chased someone or really had to flirt. His looks and money have always gotten him laid. Now he has to navigate this weird world since he wants more than that from Sky. I'm looking forward to seeing him grow into a better person. Well, we are at the end. Hope you guys enjoyed! 💜💜💜 Dedicated to @ellaspore and the coconuts mafia
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memestockpile · 6 months
relentless melt (2023) feel free to change as needed.
my own youthful vigor is perhaps not entirely what it once was.
a precious commodity, time.
keep your eyes closed, please.
i see we have some ground yet to cover.
i noticed that you knew more than you said.
well, i believe i've kept you here long enough.
if you want a better answer, you must ask better questions.
you appear to have a resourceful mind.
that's supposed to be a secret, remember?
a scream by itself doesn't necessarily mean a crime.
i was with you, you damn idiot.
we're all outta luck then.
did someone strike you?
i propose that we go and have a drink.
something about it seems off.
that's encouraging.
i don't want to just be promising, i want to be excellent.
it's an old bit of thieves' magic.
learning something hard takes time.
would you like to dance?
run along, unless you want me to cut your face wide open.
how long have you been working on this?
it's pretty, don't you think?
i used to have so many pretty things.
fashion: i do not understand it!
i appreciate the arts.
i'm trying to teach you something here, my young friend.
not much of a reader.
aye. devilment afoot.
i don't theorize. i'm not one much for it. i observe.
you're a bright man, [name], but also a young man.
i thought i was to take you to dinner tonight.
i'd just gotten started with something, something really important, and already it's over.
i offer this only as a gentle suggestion.
the last guy you introduced me to was -- pretty strange.
how'd you do that?
must be my hearing going, then.
well, lad, don't just stand there in the dark, come on in and say hello.
i've brought a friend.
it's a wonderful age, yours. so much yet ahead of you. an age of rich potential.
i'd be willing to learn just about anything that you'd be open to teaching.
why don't you tell me something.
will you join me in the study?
you don't owe me an explanation.
do you think the cases are related? part of a pattern of similar attacks?
i read the newspapers. i read them every day.
the papers don't know everything that goes on.
who knows why they do what they do.
we don't even know where to begin looking.
what are you, in disguise or something?
ace stuff, absolutely ace stuff.
i beg your pardon.
and i am going to ask, mister, that you shut your face.
you're both being ridiculous, and i don't want to see anyone get hurt.
put that knife away. i've had more than enough knives pointed at me recently.
i've seen stranger things.
police don't know anything.
order some more coffee, on me.
you are in trouble, very much in trouble!
what exactly are you gonna do to me?
listen. i see what you're trying to do here.
you're a smart little bitch, i'll give you that.
i'm not frightened.
you're right. of course. i wasn't thinking. i'm sorry.
you're getting better at that spell.
let me close my eyes, and you describe him to me, and i'll see if i can visualize him.
is this where you live?
it seems like a noble experiment.
i have information. i learned something.
i know it's not what you want to hear.
i know the secret knock.
your reputation precedes you.
and what do you know of my loss?
please believe me when i say i understand your pain.
i am no longer interested in discussing things like a gentleman.
it was as though i were overhearing an entity that was suffering in hell.
what did i do, child?
it pains me to admit it, but yes.
you don't get to make that choice.
you caught me unawares with that trick the first time, commendably. but you're unlikely to catch me that way a second time.
do not speak to me of kindness. i do not want to hear that word in your mouth.
clasp your hands behind your back.
you and i are not alike.
this is not a matter for debate.
oh, my dear. my darling girl.
i'm not sure that's for me to say.
i asked you, [title/name], did i not? you would do well to answer.
can i order you some breakfast?
i got you a christmas gift.
i'm ok. it's hard, though.
i feel like i'm onto something here.
so you stole this book?
you're not a person who isn't brave.
how long was i out?
you're getting ahead of yourself.
you know what we're doing here is a crime.
you don't know that.
look, you don't have to do this with me, if you don't want to.
we're doing this together.
i know what happened to you, and i just wanted to say i am sorry.
you're distinctive looking, you know.
i don't have a better idea.
i heard you were looking for me.
i need you to do me a favor.
anything for family.
tomorrow night, i need you to make a policeman disappear.
forgive me if i don't shed a tear.
hey, buddy. you think you can see your way to buying me a drink?
let me think of how i want to put this.
sorry if i woke you. i couldn't sleep.
what's the worst thing you've ever done?
wily little bastard.
even with some whiskey in me i'm a good shot.
you damn kid, you move like a whip.
there's no coming back from that.
why don't you make yourself useful and hold this?
i don't really like the idea of you going down there to do something dangerous.
at the end of the day, you're still my [relationship].
you meet some interesting people in my line of work.
if this is where our time together ends, i hope it won't be, obviously, but if this is where it ends, i will want you to know that i won't have regretted a moment.
you look very handsome in your suit.
no. no, you can't. it isn't fair.
i hate to point this out, but i don't think it would be very wise for us to be found down here.
we accomplished something tonight. not without a cost, and the cost was high.
we should get you to a hospital.
i'm glad you're alive, [name].
i'm you, from the future.
you figured it out quick.
at the end of the day, it's just a scar. you get used to it.
do you want a cigarette?
this is weird.
it's a long story.
there are good people in every time.
ask me again in six months.
don't worry. you'll figure it out.
you want to know the truth?
you deserve better.
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marsmarvel02 · 1 month
So, I played Princess Peach: Showtime! last night, and I have some thoughts.
Warning: Spoilers for the entirety of Floor 1 under the cut.
Wow, the music is good.
I love Grape's design! So... unique!
Grape's name, however, is ... ehh. It could be worse, but I'd still prefer something a bit more intimidating.
Why does Stella have to make crying baby noises when she's upset? It makes it hard to take her seriously and it's honestly just really grating to listen to.
Stella's design, while not the worst thing in the world, just seems a bit... off to me. I can't place it, but something about her just looks... weird.
Why is light magic named "Sparkle"? It just sounds a bit... goofy.
Wow, the loading times for levels are... a bit much.
Why does the "level loading" music have to have that long, low horn that sounds almost exactly like the noise older Nintendo games make when they crash? The first time I heard it, I freaked because I thought there was something wrong with my copy of the game.
Why did they make B the action button and A the jump button? In every other game I've played, B is jump! That button switch has actually made me die a few times in a later level, and generally made me bad at parts that require jumping with quick reflexes.
Wow, this game IS easy.
The pre-transformation sections of levels where you just run around swinging your ribbon at stuff are honestly kinda boring.
Oh man, Swordfighter Peach looks AWESOME!
Again, the game is still really easy, but blasting your way through hordes of Sour Bunch members makes you feel INCREDIBLY powerful.
And I love the acrobatic and flashy dodges too.
Why does the very imposing knight with the hammer go down in one hit? Seriously, all you need to do is jump over his shockwave once and oop, down he goes.
The end boss is CRAZY! Who'd've thought that a Mario (spinoff) game would have you fight a giant killer plant that ISN'T a piranha plant! Also, wow, this random spinoff gets original bosses and Mario Wonder doesn't.
Jokes aside, though, I love the thorny flower bud boss. Does it have a name?
Normally stealth levels in games are the ones that everybody hates, but honestly this one is GREAT!
Again, the game is still pretty easy, but stealth-attacking enemies and taking them out in one hit also feels POWERFUL.
I love how the guards can't tell where Peach is when she has a freakin' SPOTLIGHT shining on her. Or when she's pressed up against a wall and her GIANT YELLOW PONYTAIL is sticking up above her camo paper.
Why does being spotted make Peach turn into a log and then teleport to just before whatever stealth section you failed? I mean, I get sending you back to try again, but what's with the log? Is it a reference to some ninja trope I'm not familiar with?
Oh man, the chase sequence is SUPERB. Especially the wallrunning bits, and
When the enemy drops one of the scrolls, and Peach somehow uses it to summon a giant wave to ride. It makes no sense, but it's FRICKIN AWESOME.
Honestly, I'd really like it if the wave chase had ended with the enemy dropping a second scroll, and Peach using it to summon another crazy setpiece. (Hey, I just realized, that wave is a "dramatic setpiece" both in-universe and in the video game sense.)
Once again, the section before the transformation is... rather slow.
Honestly, I was expecting this to be the "annoying gimmicky minigame level", but I'm pleasantly surprised. It's a gimmicky minigame level, sure, but not an annoying one.
While getting above the minimum required to advance in the cake-decorating and cookie minigames wasn't too hard, I can see that I'll have my work cut out for me when I come back to get all the Sparkle Gems.
This isn't too bad, but it's annoying how in the cookie minigame there isn't any visual indicator that you're about to overmix something.
One word: AWESOME!
Again, the ease at which you can lasso enemies and throw them around makes you feel powerful.
Oh, and that barrel-throwing fight sequence manages to simultaneously be both awesome and hilarious. I don't know why, it's just funny in the best way.
Crazy Thought: Cowgirl Peach tests her barrel-lassoing skills against Donkey Kong.
That horse chase sequence is pretty fun, but it's also where I died a few times because I lassoed when I meant to jump.
And, to top it all off, the boss fight against the leader of the robbers is epic. My only disappointment is that, when he's charging around the arena after you, you can't matador him into those piles of gem boxes landing the first hit revealed. I understand why you can't, but I still wish you could.
Floor 1/First Main Boss
It appears that Peach understands as much as I do that, while forcing open the door that's obviously full of dark magic might be a bad idea, it's also the only way to progress the game.
I'm not sure what to think about the fact that you need Sparkle Gems to open the Spooky Floating Door. I mean, the cost was low enough that it wasn't a problem for me, but I could see it frustrating someone who isn't very good at the game (especially since doors on later floors will probably use the same mechanic), and speedrunners are probably going to HATE it.
Why is the evil version of Sparkle named "Darkle"? It just sounds stupid.
Oh man, Disco Wing is awesome. Especially the part where THE GRAVITY FRIGGIN' FLIPS UPSIDE DOWN!
It's funny how the only time Disco Wing does that giant rolling attack is when the arena has been changed in a way that makes it possible for Peach to dodge it. Disco Wing, you could've won easily if you'd just done that attack a few times at the start of the fight!
Crazy Thought: Disco Wing meets Hole Punch from Paper Mario: The Origami King.
So, after fighting Disco Wing I finally checked out the dress shop, and THERE'S A DISCO DRESS! That is DEFINITELY what I'm wearing for the rest of the game (or at least until beating the next floor boss unlocks another crazy dress pattern.)
Disco Wing's boss theme wasn't very disco-y for some rea- WAIT, I JUST CHECKED THE OFFICLIAL SOUNDTRACK AND ALL THE MAIN BOSSES HAVE THE SAME THEME?! Nintendo, WHY??! Now I won't be able to hear Juno Songs make covers for each individual boss!
In conclusion, Showtime! is definitely a straight A of a game so far. If it keeps on being as good as it was, I might even consider pushing its grade up to an A+.
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fadingwinnerpirate · 8 months
You Should Play Noisz Starlivht
Noisz Starlivht is a rhythm game bullet hell RPG microgame collection rougelike Visual Novel, and if that laundry list of genres doesn't catch your attention, then the fact that it's the most diverse and inclusive piece of media I've ever experienced probably will. The premise is that four post high-school, if not post college, idols are performing a show when they're attacked by a Noisz Beast, which is basically the physical manifestation of a piece of music, and they're conscripted to repel these monsters using the Noisz by the mysterious Beyond. It's an odd mix of an idol story and a magical girl story, where the themes and tropes are more similar to the former, but the actual story structure is more reminiscent of the latter.
Also, everyone of the main characters is queer in some way, except one, and her straightness is used more as a joke than anything. The player character, who serves as Starlivht's Producer, is a wheelchair bound sapphic woman who's definitely not important to the plot haha. There's one trans man and a nonbinary person who changed their pronouns between this game and the prequel 2econds to Starlivht (which you should also play), which is neat! Two of the main characters are in a relationship from the word go, and the other is a trans woman who's voiced by a man in the songs because she's confident enough in her own presentation to not need to train her voice (she might also be too lazy lol). She's helped me cope with my own voice dysphoria because it makes me realize that people actually won't really notice or care if a woman has a deep voice, and the only reason you should do voice training is if you WANT to, if you try to do voice training purely because you think you SHOULD sound more feminine or whatever, you'll never be satisfied with the results. Uh, one of the protagonists is also ace, which is revealed over the course of the story, which is neat.
There are also a number of characters with disabilities and neurodivergencies. The Producer has already been mentioned, but one of the protagonist's big sister is also wheelchair bound, and there's even a little scene where the Producer recommends their wheelchair model to that character. There is also two characters who are a part of a system, which was a bit of a surprise for me, but not unwelcome. It also behooves me to mention that these characters talk like they're in a Discord chat half of the time, which is hilarious to me.
Also, the game is completely free to play, though it is greatly improved by spending the twenty bucks for the full version. It also works remarkably well for being a mobile rhythm game and (usually) only using your two thumbs. It's actually reasonably challenging, if that's something you care about, though there is an option if you just want to experience the story.
tl;dr- look at what.
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