#also pap laughed 100%
alpacacare-archive · 1 year
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Not enough joy and light today. Time for silly dadster and papyrus 🙏
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llamagoddessofficial · 5 months
Drunk boys! How would they act? Would they reveal too much, wake up the next morning, and remember nothing? Or worse, would they remember everything?
Sans: He's not much of a drinker. He only drinks around people he 100% trusts to look after him when he's inebriated, he's worried about his 1HP. He might drink around the usual crew of Pap, Undyne and Alphys, but he rarely gets drunk.
... He might when it's just him and Mc, though, at home. When he's drunk around her, he gets clingy- he loses his 'maybe that's not appropriate for a friend' filter and he'll nestle his head into her lap and listen to her talk with a big happy goofy grin. If she moves around the house he follows like a shadow, holding her hand or not being able to resist the urge to touch her face and hair. He's like a particularly loving cat.
He always remembers in the morning. He just pretends not to.
Red: It takes a lot of liquor to knock this guy down. But when he does finally get knocked, it hits him pretty hard. How he acts when drunk depends massively on who he's with- if he's with people he doesn't like, he acts like himself but quicker to anger, and if he's with people he trusts he gets silly and laughs at everything.
Very drunk around Mc, he's not all that different. He's just gigglier and slurs his words. Except... he always this absolutely adoring expression on his face. Big soft eyelights, big soft smile, staring like she's his whole world. Every time she does anything at all, he gets 'the look'. She blushes a lot.
He's pretty good at remembering the morning after. He likes to tease her, if she did anything embarrassing.
Skull: Generally, it takes the same amount of alcohol to knock down Skull as it does Red. Red likes having the big guy as a drinking buddy, because at this point in his life, Red can drink most people under the table, and its fun to have someone else that keeps up with him.
Tipsy, Skull gets confused and dizzy. Actually drunk, Skull loses all his speech, and gets extremely cuddly. Though the outright cuddles are reserved for Mc (he has a habit of wandering off to go find her for snuggles) he also gets more physically affectionate with people he considers his friends/family. Red often gets Skull half-collapsing onto his shoulder, and even Sans finds himself occasionally getting gentle pats on the head or back.
He remembers absolutely nothing in the morning.
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
Anti-Racism in Glass Onion: It's A Whole Thing, Part Two
Picking up from here.
We’ll pick up this part with, finally: Helen herself. The heroine of the piece. When we first meet her she has natural hair, a sort of Southern/AAVE-mix accent, and she. Is. PISSED. I think this is the most important part, frankly--the heart of the glass onion of racism deconstruction in this movie, to just pile more burden on this poor overworked metaphor (it deserves a raise, frankly). I'm 34 years old and trying to remember a single other movie I've seen in my entire life where a Black woman is not just angry but enraged, furious, livid, seething, and isn't An Angry Black Woman. Helen is raging--and so are we. Helen is fuming--and so is Blanc. Helen is as angry as it's possible for one person to be--and the narrative says she should be, that we should be, that her anger is normal and natural and any person put in her situation would feel this way. Helen is destructive—and we relish and celebrate her acts of destruction. Black anger in movies usually comes in two forms: either it's carefully modulated so a white audience can take it seriously, or it's over the top and you're meant to either laugh at it or feel threatened by it. Helen is damned near homicidal--and the narrative is firmly in her corner. Helen is a Black woman and she is angry. She is not An Angry Black Woman. And that anger is shown through multiple lenses! We see her pour out her heart to Benoit, who she (correctly) trusts not to judge her; we see it cold, calculated, carefully modulated so as to not look like An Angry Black Woman to "the disrupters;" and we finally see it completely unleashed in a literal glass-smashing fire-setting explosive rage--that ends in her destroying an icon of Western white beauty standards. That picture didn't have to be the Mona Lisa. If the point was "Klear destroyed an extremely famous painting," it could as easily have been Starry Night. Or a Picasso. The choice of Mona Lisa was deliberate--not just the most famous painting of all time, but the most famous white woman. Also worth noting here is that there’s a theory that actually isn’t entirely crackpot (unlikely but possible, in other words) that the Mona Lisa is actually a self-portrait of da Vinci. (This theory posits that he painted himself as a woman as a way to express his sexual orientation, based upon the not-100%-but-pretty-solid theory that he was gay.) Add that in, and you’ve got Helen destroying the-man-Miles-wants-to-believe-he-is (artist, inventor, philosopher, legend). It’s white hegemony all the way down.
Now that we've looked at how Miles uses Black imagery, how the Black characters use Black imagery, and at Helen (who we'll come back to), I want to go back to "the disrupters" and not just who they are, but what they did to Andi.
Duke speaks for himself. He's racist, sexist, chauvinist, repeatedly attempts blackmail, and carries a gun like he thinks it's a way to advertise his dick size. We all know who Duke is. We've seen people just like him all over YouTube. We also see him get in "Andi's" face, basically telling her she's worthless--openly stating what I said above about the mammy, that she was worth something until she wouldn't feed them their pap anymore and then she was scum. He has no problem supporting the narrative that Andi was an ignorant hanger-on and (white, male) Miles the true genius.
Whiskey says she's on Andi's side, but we quickly see her fall into stereotype--she tells "Andi" she's going to leave Duke, she says "I just left him" while crying, "Andi" says "Duke got what he deserved!" (meaning: he deserved to get dumped), and Whiskey immediately goes full-blown "holy shit homicidal crazy Black lady, she's violent she's psycho she's dangerous." Yes, I realize Whiskey is deeply emotional at the moment and thinking more about what’s just happened than a conversation she had a few hours previously, but she instantly assumes "Andi" murdered Duke and is going to kill her. She's an ally until she's not, and it doesn't take long to scratch the surface.
And then we get to Claire. She casts herself as a progressive politician in the Independent party, but we see her first perjure herself on the stand against Andi, and then do it again after Miles burns the napkin (albeit not under oath at the time). She will not actually stand up to protect the name, life, livelihood of not just one but two Black women. Oh, sure, she looks ashamed. But what good is silent guilt to Andi’s work, Andi’s legacy, Andi’s life, Andi’s justice? No good. No fucking good at all. If she’d spoken truth to power, Andi might still be alive. If she’d done the job she swore an oath to do in upholding the law of the United States, Andi might still be alive. Her silence didn’t just let Miles get away with grand larceny and character assassination; her silence killed.
Aaaand Birdie. Birdie is white-weaponized-womanhood writ large. Birdie is the victim because her phone was taken after she said something godawful. Birdie is the victim because people don't understand her blackface was a tribute. Birdie is the victim because she compared herself to Harriet Tubman and nobody understood she meant "in spirit" (or, frankly, probably what the hell she meant by "in spirit," because I see about as much similarity between Birdie and Harriet Tubman as I do between an apple and a seahorse). Birdie is the victim because nobody explained to a grownass woman that "sweatshop" means "factory built out of spit and human rights violations" instead of "place you make sweatpants." Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity, but to an extent there absolutely is malice in Birdie's actions. She never bothers to stop and ask why people are so damned mad at her, or why her career has taken two separate nosedives over antiblack statements. She never bothers to learn what "antiblack" means. And when confronted with the evidence Miles murdered Andi, she quickly pretends she didn't see it.
Finally, for living members, we’ve got Lionel. And he’s interesting because we see so little of him, but what we do see is Miles threatening him. Almost every time he’s got a speaking line, he’s trying to be a voice of reason, and every time, Miles shuts him down. This is part of the meta-narrative—Lionel isn’t a real person, he’s a person Rian Johnson dreamed up. Lionel could be any color. Lionel could be white, he could be Native, he could be Indian or Chinese or Slav. But he’s Black, and that’s on purpose, because he’s the only person in the movie Miles threatens onscreen. Duke gets killed, but Lionel is kept around even over strenuous objection—why? Because when Klear fails—and I think Miles knew it would fail—Miles will sail off into the sunset with the bankruptcy money and leave a Black man to take the fall.
And finally: Andi. We know, from seeing Helen at Benoit and Phillip’s, what Andi-not-glammed-up looks like. But now think of how she presents herself: straightened, dyed-blonde hair in the most I’m-not-just-a-white-woman-I’m-a-WHITE-woman haircut there is; Helen notes that Andi has schooled herself into a white-socialite “rich bitch” accent, even saying “who you fooling, girl? Not me”. Andi has lightened herself, whitened herself. And is it a surprise? She’s entered two fields that are notoriously white: STEM and business. She can’t have natural hair. It’s “unprofessional”. She can’t have a Black accent. It’s “ignorant” and “unschooled”. She can’t shed her skin to fit into a world that wants to put her “in her place,” but she certainly tried.
As an addendum to Andi—since it’s her wardrobe Helen is wearing—there’s some amazing color symbolism going on there, and I don’t mean the children’s hospital kind. When we meet “Andi,” she’s wearing a dress that’s mostly red and reminiscent of a blood splatter, with a tiny amount of brown near the hem. The rest of it is black and white, and the design of the bodice makes it such that the black and white are laying right against each other in opposition. Later that night, she’s in all white—and this is what she’s wearing when she’s shot and then comes back “bloodstained” with a red sauce Miles gave to Benoit. White hands put that “blood” on her, white hands created the opportunity for it to happen, and now there’s metaphorical blood on white—Andi’s blood, on Miles’ white hands. (There’s an additional bit of this in alive!Andi’s clothing, by the way, if you’re not convinced. When we see her in the Glass Onion bar she has straightened black hair and is wearing mostly black with just white cuffs and collar. When we see her in her office at Alpha she’s in dark gray, and in court, she’s in light gray. She dies in a pink sweater—the color of a scratch, before it turns into a bloody cut. Her wardrobe lightens as she tries to make herself better fit into the white ideal of what a businesswoman should look like...but it still ends in blood.)
Now let’s talk about Benoit Blanc.
What little we know of Benoit is that his family was probably either French or Cajun, based on how he pronounces his own name; that he’s a gay man with a husband; that he’s “the last gentleman detective” (if you watched Knives Out); that he’s apparently a bit of a comics fan; and, famously or infamously, that he’s Southern. So white Southern man in his mid-fifties—what do you assume you know of Benoit Blanc, if you don’t actually know him? I think it’s safe to say there’d be an assumption of antiblack racism. And yet—remember that pin I told you to stick in Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? We’re back there now—the first thing we see of him in Glass Onion involves him getting told off by a Black man and not only taking it with grace, but accepting that he needs to open up about his problems because of said Black man. He’s not threatened, nor does he feel the need to assert some kind of superiority or dominance—he just goes “okay, you’re right” and spills. And from there we jump immediately (timeline-wise, not movie-wise) to him listening to Helen’s story and agreeing to help her. Now this does not mean he’s some kind of perfect beneficent dude with no problems; he did something pretty shitty with the way he handled the whole “you have to go with me or it can’t be done” thing, and the narrative wants us to forgive him for it because he’s the protagonist. It serves the story, I realize that’s the point, but I do think it’s worth noting simply because if he falls victim to prejudice or stereotype at any point in the movie, it’s right here, with the idea that Helen is A Strong Black Woman—he absolutely could have used more delicacy handling this, given this woman’s twin sister was just killed. A positive stereotype is still a stereotype. 
With that said, I feel like his own momentary dip into bias is actually what gives him the idea that really helps him spring the case open—as he realizes what he assumed, he also realizes he’s walking in as a white Southern man in his fifties. He, too, can be the victim of stereotype, but in this case he decides to weaponize those biases and prejudices among Miles and “the disrupters,” explicitly telling Helen he’ll “turn up the Southern hokum.” They want to be biased rich people relying on stereotypes? Oh, he’ll show them stereotypes. They’ll think he’s an idiot because of how he talks; they’ll assume he’ll take their side over Andi’s because of his origin. And they do! They confide in him openly about what Miles did to Andi, because he’s a white Southern yokel, right? He’ll assume Andi deserved it.
Except he doesn’t, because he’s bettered himself from that. Is he perfect? No. We see he’s not perfect. But he’s putting in the effort “the disrupters” don’t or won���t. And being willing to face that legacy and reputation is how he solves the case. It’s the tool in his arsenal that makes Miles underestimate him.
And finally, let’s go back to Banksy, who you may remember I initially ignored. There are two reasons for this, and both tie into the “is the Mona Lisa real?” thing.
First, Banksy is pretty famously anonymous. A single interviewer has met him and given us a gender (male), rough age (late 20s at time of interview), and race (white), but that’s all we’ve got. Miles didn’t commission Banksy because Banksy can’t be commissioned, and the kind of work he does suggests he’d tell Miles to shove his money up his ass. On top of which, Banksy is a graffiti artist, not a glassworker.
But more importantly, we’re never told it’s actually Banksy.
Someone on the boat says “Is that a Banksy?”, but this is never confirmed. And here’s where it gets interesting and is about to tie into the Mona Lisa: it can’t be a Banksy. Because, and this is a thing you probably wouldn’t know if you never got bored enough to do a Wikipedia deep dive (thanks, ADHD!), the reason Banksy works with stencils and flat colors is that by his own admission, he’s not actually a very good artist. He’s too slow to do the kind of work he wants to do without the aid of stencils. I’m not slagging off on Banksy, here, good on him for finding a way to do what he wanted to do anyway, but the point is you have to be fast to work in glass. He gets name-dropped specifically so someone can look bougie. That’s it.
But even without knowing that extra detail about why Banksy can’t do glass sculpture, we know he doesn’t. And this makes all of Miles’ art immediately suspect, and it’s supposed to be. I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to teeter back and forth for most of the movie on whether the Mona Lisa is real. But it’s important to note the callousness Miles treats it with, because it’s an early clue as to him being the murderer. To wit, the Mona Lisa is deeply fragile. We literally can’t clean it to see what it’s supposed to look like because the way da Vinci painted it made it inherently unstable (if you want to see what a truer-to-color version would have looked like, one of da Vinci’s students painted alongside him a piece now known as the Prado Mona Lisa that we’ve been able to clean because it doesn’t have that same instability). When it travels—which is basically “when the Louvre has to put it in storage for awhile” and that’s it—there’s an insurance policy on it bigger than the GDP of some countries. It literally makes the news when it’s moved. And it doesn’t actually go anywhere! It doesn’t join traveling exhibits, it doesn’t get shuttled around for tests, if you want to do work on the Mona Lisa you go to the Mona Lisa. It does not come to you.
Knowing all of this, if for some reason the curators at the Louvre came to you and said “hey, you’re in charge of the Mona Lisa for awhile,” what would you do? Put it in a case you perpetually keep open to humidity and corrosive salt air (remember, they’re on an island), with a hidden switch inside a badly-painted figurine? Like regardless of whether you think the safety measures around the painting in real life are excessive, you’d probably show it at least a bare minimum of respect and not needlessly expose it to potential severe damage. And if you loved it the way Miles claims to love it, would you even accept charge of the painting? Or would you be like “dude no, you have the experts and the resources, leave it there, you can take way better care of it than me”? (It’s not even in my top ten favorite paintings, possibly not even in my top fifty, but I sure as hell wouldn’t take it. I can’t even imagine what I’d do if the MoMA handed me The Persistence of Memory and said “take care of this for awhile.” I sure as hell would not have it in an open case in my dining room.)
And this is why 1) the Mona Lisa is real and 2) you’re supposed to go back and forth on whether it is or not. Because…surely he’s not that callous? Surely he understands the concept of respecting other people’s things, especially other people’s priceless property? Yes, he can certainly afford to damage the Mona Lisa, but—he wouldn’t, would he? Ah—but here’s the genius, the vacillation on whether it’s real tells us he’s the murderer, because one of two things is true. If it’s a copy, then he’s a compulsive liar. Plenty of people, including very wealthy people, the world over own high-quality replicas of extremely famous works, and it’s not seen as shameful or embarrassing—being able to say “this is as close as anyone will ever get to owning the original” is a kind of clout all its own. Miles would have no reason to lie about owning a spectacular replica except extreme self-aggrandizement. And if it’s real, then we know that no, actually, he doesn’t love it as much as he says—it’s a trinket to make him look good, and if the Mona fucking Lisa is nothing but a trinket, then what are the people around him? The ones he claims to love so much? It must be real for the ending to make sense—losing his own copy wouldn’t be “the end of Miles Bron”—but long before we come to that conclusion, there is literally no way for his treatment of the painting to come off as anything but borderline deranged.
And here’s where we get back to “this whole thing is literally just a takedown of racism”: the last time the Mona Lisa was appraised, estimates put it at several hundred million dollars—but adjusted for inflation, the estimated value in 2020 would be about one billion, and appraisers agreed when they valuated it that any price they put on it would almost certainly be surpassed at auction.
And the movie ends with a final explosive “and it’s not worth shit compared to a Black woman’s life.”
It’s not just about “a life is worth more than even the most precious piece of art.” It’s a takedown of racism all the way through.
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twopoppies · 2 months
As much as I am laughing at those gf harries who are eating every stunt sighting/pap lime bike ride up having a meltdown how H is the greatest, most romantic bf ever while in fact (from the latest pap shots) he’s exactly me when I spot someone familiar and don’t want to talk with them so I just stare into my phone pretending to be busy and ‘oh I hadn’t seen you’ ‘cause #introvertproblems…let’s just be glad they eat his absolute bare minimum the way as he’s proposing her in public because that means his bare minimum is just enough for making this relationship believable and he doesn’t have to go further showing some pda. And also as much as I don’t like him stunting, I’m happy she’s respecting him and not clinging her ass on him like other previous fame hungry women (🫒) making him extra uncomfortable.
Oh, I 100% agree on all of that.
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theroyalsims · 2 months
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He's an engineer, self-made tycoon, and the dreamy boyfriend-cum-first-love of our Crown Princess Anya, but is he also the next face of luxury brand Draap?
Rumour has it that Gus has caught the attention of multiple luxury brands including Tartosan designer house Draap. The company is reportedly intent on getting the multi-hyphenated hunk to be the face of their next campaign. An industry source shares:
"There's been lots of offers for him ever since he and Anya went public. Suddenly, he's all everyone could talk about, and really, it's no surprise - he's incredibly handsome and he's got that rugged, manly look down to a T. Those piercing brown eyes, a jawline that could cut glass, and those darn dimples - he's 100% eye-candy material."
"People just want to see more of him, and that includes some really big names - like... I just learned today that G&D wants him for their underwear advert, but it's really Draap who's super intent on meeting with him and asking him to be the face of their new campaign for a new scent their launching."
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Alas, it's said to be highly unlikely that he'll ever say "yes" to the offers, no matter how lucrative they may be. The source further spills:
"I honestly don't think he's considering any of them. He just wants to focus on his work, spend more time with Anya, and get out of everyone's way. As it is, he gets plenty of attention - too much, really, and he's well aware that anything he does will eventually affect Anya, so he's very, very careful to not do anything to harm her. Anya is his priority - period. He couldn't care less about being on a glossy magazine, and it's not like he needs more money, either."
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Gus and Anya are reportedly laughing off his new celebrity status:
"They joke about it often, and they get a kick out of it. Just last week, they got invites to walk the red carpet at the Tartosan Film Festival - an event people would kill to get invites for. But, again, they don't need to be seen because they're happy and they have nothing to prove. " "Deep down, I think he hates all the attention, but he knows it can't be avoided. He used to be able to walk down the street, get a sandwich from a nearby stall, or have lunch at the park - now, he can't even get out of his office without being papped. But again, he's willing to deal with everything for Anya."
Sigh. All for the love of Anya. Where does one get a Gus these days?
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timbertumbr · 1 year
Okay hear me out here, for US, UF and SF, They have just been sucked through the matchine with and in the UT universe and are figuring things out and maybe a few months of that but what UT Sans and Papyrus forget to mention is that Pap is married to our dear sweet Y/N so they decide to pop by and vist and one of the Sans's (US, UF SF) open up and they hug them and are like "Heya bro! how are things? wheres pap ect ect" and they seen pap and obvs jump them cause they haven't seen their husband in a while. Chaos insues XD
WE'RE WHAT?! (Various Papiri X Reader)
Oh boy, this is going to be FUN! I'll write the reactions of the Sanses but know that it is 100% Papyrus X you.
-When Blue opened the door, he did NOT expect you to be there. In his universe, you were friends but often had to go to you.
-"Heya bro, how are you?" Bro? Are you really good friends? He hesitantly responded as you let yourself in, looking for your husband. When you spot the lanky skeleton, you speed walk and hug him tightly.
-Stretch was NOT expecting this, he did have a crush on you but you were acting like you were married, Blue was just as baffled as you talk about your day.
-And then YOUR Papyrus appeared out of the kitchen and you were confused.
-After some explanation, they learned that you were married and Stretch was a little flustered, apologizing and everything.
-You reassured the skeleton that it was okay, after all, multiversal accidents don't happen very often.
-Lets just say Blue is planning on getting Stretch and UnderSwap you together.
-Now with these two, UnderFell you are already dating Edge, if you weren't he'd kick your ass off the moment you touched him. (More like push you away because he's still a softy and doesn't wanna hurt you.)
-So when Red opens the door, you greet him like you did with UnderSwap and he's okay with it, you two are practically siblings in your time from how much you hang out.
-And when you see Edge, you hug him from behind and call him your nickname for Papyrus and he. Goes. REEEEEED.
-He is so stunned he starts stuttering and Red is just watching in amusement but also curiosity. Then Papyrus walks in and things get a little awkward.
-After explaining, Edge takes it like he didn't just melt under your hug and Red is just amused. He may or may not be thinking of wedding plans now.
-Rus crushed on you in his universe HARD and Mal just wants him to confess already.
-So when you open the door and greet him, he immediately knows what's going on and let's you in.
-When you see Rus, you hug him, greet him with a nickname and tell him how much you missed him.
-Rus is a MESS. Anxious on telling you that he isn't who you think he is and worried that you'd be mad at him.
-Papyrus appears, a knight in shining armor in Rus's eyes.
-After an explanation and numerous apologies from Rus, you were pretty chill about it and Mal had casually walked up to Rus.
-"So, ready to confess yet?" Rus gave him a glare but it did give him some ideas for how to confess.
-After all the multiversal craziness, Papyrus treated you to your favorite meal, some movies and shows you enjoyed and some cuddling as a way to apologize for not telling you sooner.
-You think it's sweet and even call it a date which makes Papyrus REALLY happy.
-All in all, this is something you'll laugh about in the future, for now, you're happy to be by your husband's side.
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joesalw · 4 months
So apparently Miles Teller's wife Keleigh gave Taylor that ring?? Except then why did Keleigh like that tiktok theorizing the it was from Travis? If ever asked I'm sure Keleigh would claim she liked it because the women was right about stones being opal and blue topaz but come on the main point of that tiktok was "this ring was a gift from Travis" and Keleigh liking it was taken as confirmation on that. Which she bloody well knew would happen the minute she clicked like, which I'm sure was done with Taylor's permission. And why did she then wait so long to correct everyone?
I've gotta laugh at Keleigh, no doubt under Taylor's direction, trying to act like tHe MeDiA were fixated on the ring for no reason. Taylor was flashing that thing all over her bday pics, as the tiktok demonstrates, and she was showing it off to Keleigh and Miles, even though Keleigh apparently bought it for her, while being papped. Taylor 100% wanted everyone to see the ring, talk about the ring and speculate about who gave it to her. And of course? people figured it was from Travis? A boyfriend giving his girlfriend jewelry for her birthday is a very normal and frankly expected when said boyfriend is a rich football player. Also a ring featuring both their birthstones is generally considered a pretty romantic gift? Its kind of a weird gift for a friend to give imho, which is why I'm very skeptical that ring really was from Keleigh, even if Keleigh's birthday is also in October so opal is her birthstone too (OMG....is this the birth of Keylor!?!?! 😲🤯🤣).
Anyway call me crazy but I think there is something very fishy about Keleigh all of a sudden claiming that the ring was from her. Taylor seemed perfectly happy to let people think the ring was from Travis until today. What changed?
tin foil hat time: I think Taylor and Travis have broken up. My spidey senses have been tingling ever since he was confirmed to not come to her New York birthday party after weeks of speculation about all the romantic things he was gonna do for her bday. I was wondering if he was going to pull a Gyllenhaal (stand her up on her bday and breakup with her before Christmas) and now I'm thinking that might be exactly what he's done (although he apparently at least let her know he wouldn't be at her bday). If he has broken up with her I bet Taylor feels really silly having flashed that ring around so much during her birthday hence her now getting Keleigh, who's birthstone also happens to be opal, to claim it was actually from her. If they have broken up I doubt anything will be confirmed until early in January but it'll certainly be interesting to see what happens over Christmas and New Years. Google says the Chiefs have a game on Christmas Day and New Years Eve...
I could be way off base but this whole "psych!! you thought the ring was from Travis but its actually from Keleigh!!" thing just feels very off and defensive. And if the ring isn't from Travis then what DID he get her for her bday?? Given how public they've been with everything else its odd that Taylor didn't want to show it off. Or at least have the details leaked.
Right, if the ring wasn’t from Travis then why did Keleigh like a tiktok saying otherwise? And who in the world gives their friends birthstone matching rings like that one? But at the same time our TK bestie's two braincells can never come up with such sentimental idea.
So my take is, Taylor wanted people to think the ring was from Travis, so it was originally gifted by Keleigh, but planned by Taylor. She wanted to replace the memories of the opal ring and infinity bracelet that she was given by Joe, so maybe it was actually a show off to shade him like "Yes you gave me an sentimental opal ring once, but this new tacky one gifted by my new boyfriend is much better anyway." Hence she made Keleigh like the post to spread the news. But now idk what happened that made her take back the statement...
Maybe TK bestie saw it and it bruised his ego that his gf is buying herself gifts and crediting him for it? 💀😭
Or maybe your take is right too? Let's see🍿
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pokegalla · 2 years
Hi 💚 May I request headcannons for Underswap Papyrus with an artist S/O?
Why certainly!
Underswap Papyrus x Artist!S/O Headcanons
He is going to be pretty chill about it. But he really loves your work.
He likes looming over your shoulder just to sneak a peek.
If you’re the type to not let anyone see your work until you’re done and you scold him, he’ll shrug it off.
“What? I just wanna see….it’s looking amazing as usual. You worry too much”
Supports you 100%
Oh lord but when he sees sketches of him in your books or even paintings of his family all together. This man is an orange mess. Stuff like this remind him that you are his S/O. That you are apart of his life now and he’s apart of yours. And that makes him melt with joy.
Also expect him to drag you to bed or just sleep on you if you decide to stay up and finish that piece you wanted.
He’s teased you a few times already, taking his shirt off and posing, “Draw me like one of your French girls~”
If you blush and look away, he’ll love it. If you just draw him, he’ll be regretting that now he has to stay still as a model. Think of it as sweet revenge 😏
Oh and you know Blue is like an extra supporter. He literally cheers when you begin doing a new project. You and Paps just share a glance then laugh. He’s a little confused but he’s got spirit.
He’s even joined you on occasion to paint with you! It uh….always ends in a mess. And you already know Blue is gonna be pissed-
Mini story time:
You were in your art studio that Blue built for you (with help of course). You wanted to try a realistic drawing of the honey bottle in front of you. It was like tackling a new challenge and you were up for it!
“Hey there’s my two favorite things in the world. My honey and my honey bee.”
You giggled when you felt a hug and skele-kiss to your cheek, “Hey Babe. What brings you here to my humble abode?”
“Was looking for a little thief. Who’s taken my heart and my honey,” He said poking your cheek.
“Oh! My bad,” You giggled at the joke, “I can’t give you what you never had but I’ll be giving back the honey in a minute.”
He put his hand over his chest in mock hurt, “Well MAYBE I don’t have a heart cause you have it. See?”
You gasped when you felt cold paint on your cheek. You look at a nearby mirror to see he painted an orange heart on your cheek. Oh he wanted to play like that? You picked up your paintbrushes covered in paint.
“You wanna go?”
“Bring it”
After a little tussle of paint flying and chasing around, the two end up rolling on the floor, you on top of him and going nuts by painting his skull with cute hearts.
“Ok ok! You win Honey you win! Jeez….”
You laugh triumphantly, “Ha! But hey. I’ll at least give something back….” His confused face turned bright orange when I kissed him on the teeth, “I can give you my heart in exchange~”
“Heh. Ok yah got me there….love yah.”
“Love you too”
They heard a gasp and they instantly paled, “GUUUUUUYYYS!!! Why is there paint EVERYWHERE?! It’s even on the ceiling how-?!”
Papyrus leaned his head back, “Hey bro. We’re just adding a little color in our lives”
You wave shyly, “Sorry Blue….”
You can bet he made you both clean that studio. Well Papyrus sipping on honey while you work. Be sure to hide the rest of his honey bottles. Y’know….for a prank.
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lq-jikook · 9 months
Where has taehyung confirmed his relationship? Because I haven't been made aware of this and please don't say the pap walk lol
I 100% agree with you. The moment Taehyung confirms his relationship I will gladly accept it, but until then it does seem like pr but I won't bore you with those details. Taehyung is clearly apart of the lgbt community. I'm not sure why jkkrs try so hard to deny it. Also, I'm not a shipper because jungkook has pretty much set the record straight. He's not dating tae or jimin lol. I'm so curious what makes you continue to ship jkk when they hardly even interact anymore. Jungkook and jimin have straight up told yall multiple times they don't see each other or talk to each other often. Jungkook sees his friend mingyu and taehyung more often than his so called boyfriend.. its not really adding up. Jimin asking jungkook to come see him more often during face era and jungkook flat out says no. Jimin and jungkook not being able to spare an hour to go support each other at music shows or at the agust d concert when they're both in the same city. Yeah, jimin went to NY but it was for his own schedule and to film official content with jungkook. I just don't see what yall are seeing.
there's just so much going on here 😭 ngl this did make me laugh
1) the "pap" walk was the icing on the cake but if by paps you mean fans that took pictures and got autographs signed then yes i mean the pap walk. that and the numerous other times they've been seen together and the pictures that were leaked way before this. (and something cant be pr if it was never officially confirmed by their companies bc that would be a shit pr stunt if they didn't profit off of it 😭)
2) you can be part of the lgbt+ community and be in a m/f relationship 👏👏 bi people exist no one is saying taehyung is straight. there is so much biphobia in shipping/fandom spaces please get your head out of your ass!!
"I'm so curious what makes you continue to ship jkk when they hardly even interact anymore. Jungkook and jimin have straight up told yall multiple times they don't see each other or talk to each other often"
im not even going to address the second half of your ask because this is SOOO outdated,,,we've heard it all before. you guys need new content
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Dear Charmie Family
Unfortunately freedom of speech doesn’t exist in our world when it comes expressing ourselves freely but I thought I might be able to express my opinion about this subject at least. First of all, I shall mention that I find it hard to believe that Armie had four mistresses or more I didn’t count them when I was reading the article, sorry😅🙈. The main reason that I can’t believe everything that was mentioned in this recent article is that who would take such paparazzi photos with one of their mistresses and being unable to touch them normally and then trying to hide their face in the photos since they are laughing and posing for paps🤔 Also the other woman who first started this terrible show on their IG is obsessed with Timmy and CMBYN, and used to attend cmbyn book tour, premieres and interviews.
Furthermore, how is that you’re so loved by your female costars that the moment they see you they are rushing to hug you and talk you since you always made them feel safe and have always been very respectful to them but suddenly the moment you announce your separation, you’re an a**hole, abusive partner, cheater, drug addict and mentally unstable. I mean how comes you were so normal before and then why creating a finsta the moment the weird show started and then why should you give its password to journalists to write such horrific articles about you. Moreover, those women don’t seem the submissive type at all and all of them want nothing more in life than fame. But obviously the mind behind this mess didn’t want to finalize their divorce since they knew their plan is incomplete if the one who’s guilty in your fake story won’t admit to everything that you wrote, I mean how else could she ruin his life and his career. But I do believe what he said about his childhood, family and committing suicide, anyone else in his situation might have had suicidal thoughts. And lastly why would he become so heartbroken and furious over the fact that his costar was being papped with their fake gf, and mentions fried chicken and NYC (obvious references) if at that time he had a wife and a mistress, that doesn’t make sense to me all. Also isn’t odd that you’re ex wife always got mad when someone commented that you’re so good at playing gay roles and compares being gay to being a criminal and now after you mention that you love kinky sex with women, you should also mention that you’re 100% straight and never had a male lover. Sorry if you don’t agree with what I said, you’re probably right and I’m 100 percent wrong but I just wanted to mention some of my thoughts. I couldn’t resist and I should add these wonderful photos to this post too, gosh I’ve missed those days💙💚
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Remember how less than two weeks ago we as a fandom were being laughed at and gaslit by media outlets (most likely with the go-ahead from his PR team) as being complete and total crazy weirdos for equating a pumpkin pic to something happening behind the scenes?//
I'm pissed too. What really gets me is the people still not accepting this is not 100% real. I'm not saying he's not hooking up with her (at least last January I think they were hooking up) but then after January, zero..nothing until Halloween, no sightings, a few likes only on IG. I just don't buy they're a couple, it all seems off especially considering how miserable he looks
Here's the thing: his PR, or some PR, started running the "crazy weirdo fans" narrative all the way back in December/January. It was one way they were discrediting what we were talking about, and seeming to discredit that anything was happening.
Look, to be honest, my mind is still all over the place on what is going on. I know back in December when the Trio showed up in MA my first gut reaction was why does this look like yachting without the yacht. I didn't like that thought at all, because it's just such a slimy consideration. But December/January still doesn't make sense either. It's clear they were in his houses, it's clear they were traveling with him and some of his close family/friends, it's clear something was happening. Yet his PR went overboard that first week in January to distract and distance him out of that situation; I mean, having to release that Gene Kelly project news that preemptively was desperate. (Unless, of course... that somehow figures into this whole mess. Like, we still haven't figured out what he's getting for blowing up his whole public persona.)
Like, honestly, he so didn't want us figuring out that he was on the West Coast before that blurb in People on January 13th about the Vegas trip. So much so that he sat on the floor of his L.A. house between two windows to record that ASP accounts video that he posted on January 10th. That was not some Vegas hotel room, that was his house, and he was desperately trying to hide he was in L.A., because he didn't want us connecting it to them being in L.A., at lest not before his required Vegas comped trip photo came out. So much manipulation.
And he did all that only to out himself in a Lisbon hotel room on January 26th. WTF?
And then it seems to have all blown up by the time Justin made the "plenitude" post on February 5th.
To me, I can see all that as having been some failed short-term hook-up situation. (Or holy hell, I hate to say I'm entertaining the thought... but sugar baby crap that didn't completely solidify.) But the shit that's started since summer, with the follows and likes and seemingly orchestrated posts, articles and pap walk... I honestly don't know. It doesn't look organic, which I will say the NYE trip at least sorta seemed that way. So, then what, because I can't believe it's wholly some orchestrated PR plot, because WHY WOULD THEY DESTROY HIS CAREFULLY CRAFTED PR PERSONA THAT MAKES HIM A LOT OF MONEY?
Does anyone have any idea that makes anything make sense? Because I don't buy the storyline Megan is selling, but also can't come up with what the alternative is.
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joe-moi · 1 month
It seems like a major difference to my perspective in the two groups is JQ fandom (not all but the ones making the bad rap) SEEKS OUT conflict and it's exhausting and toxic and ruins it. Comments come out to stir it up - sometimes in places where it's not even relevant just because there was a small opening or sometimes legitimately out of left field. Then get mad when others bring up valid talking points and hang on to things and never let them go. JK girlies sure can be a lil unhinged but buy in large talk about what's going on at the moment and don't go seeking out and inserting triggering comments to stir the pot.
Coming here and bringing up CSW and how we talk about her often...yeah. she posts and likes to get papped, we see her in media, she has projects and valid things to talk about because she's also a public figure. Some people here like her some don't. It's no different than Paul getting roped in on this blog from a tangent conversation and now he gets sprinkled in! We've analyzed that relationship because that's fun and ...also gossip but it was/is (I don't even know anymore) totally in the table to discuss. Christ...that's 100% what CSW wanted with those pics.
But we aren't coming back here every week to discuss those October pap pics and her headscarf every time we get a whiff of her name (ok we bring up the ass grab but only when applicable or in fun). We're literally talking about CURRENT CSW and talked about the breadcrumbs she both with JK and personally was sharing with media. That is SO DIFFERENT than absolutely anything that has gone on with JQ. Like...it's apples and oranges guys. And I still see A and K shit getting posted on other blogs. Like....dead horse being beaten, right? It's just not HERE because the mods have boundaries.
And I'm not saying every JK fan is reasonable (they're not. Im sure we all can think of some accounts or twts or whatever that make us absolutely cringe) and I'm not saying every JQ fan is out of pocket at all, but someone or a blog deciding to distance themselves from that kind of behavior is perfectly freaking okay, because they're allowed to have a boundary.
also ngl, and this isn’t meant to be mean to anybody that’s not in the JK fandom, but the JK fans are much funnier. I still think about some of the conversations we’ve had in here and they put me in stitches from laughing. And even on Twitter JK accounts are funnier than the JQ account. I personally like interacting with them more because I think that they’re funny and I like laughing. Whenever JQ gets brought up, which is like happening now, it’s kind of exhausting. It’s never lighthearted.
But I agree with everything you’ve said, and I love your reaction to this!
And you’re absolutely right there are a couple of JK accounts that I find incredibly cringe and weird, and I tried to avoid them. For example, I have them blocked. For the JQ fans I have so many accounts that I considered problematic blocked that sometimes it’s hard to even see anything happening in that fandom . There were so many that needed to be blocked. But both fandoms do have problematic people.
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sincericida · 4 months
Hey sincericida - long time no ask. I've been off tumblr for a while lol. Anyway I logged on today and saw your asks going wild 😂
Let me give y'all some insight re: those AG pics.
1. They're not dating. Screwing possibly, but not dating.
2. Everyone needs to stop fawning and projecting and look at the copyright on those photos lol.
And here's a tip that you and many fans (fans of ANYONE to be honest) might not know: if the copyright on photos is Splash (aka SpalshNews) or Backgrid then 100% one of the parties involved - or their "team" - called them. Those are the two agencies that we KNOW of that exclusively, only take pics of celebs/actors/singers/whoever when they are called to do so.
Why do you guys think the photos are so clear and crisp? Look how close they are. Those are not cell phone photos. Those are not "candid" pap shots.
And 3. Enty already posted a blind item about this today:
Blind Item #3
This A- list model who has been in the sports magazine, has lots of photographer friends. So, it shouldn't be shocker she had one waiting to take her photo with the foreign born former superhero."
She absolutely 100% had someone call the paps to take photos of her and AG. Sorry. They're not dating. She just wants publicity. 🤷‍♀️
Have a nice weekend!! 😘
Welcome back, dear!
So, here we go:
I started your text with good laughs and finished it with "Ouch". Yes, I realized that the photos are professional, not shaky and no way were made by a phone of a lucky passerby. It’s a pap shot, period.
Yeah, I also have a hard time stating that they’re boyfriends. I think they’ve been spending time together for a while.
I saw a possibility in one of those answers that I gave to this bunch of questions that came up in the last 48 hours. So I’m going to finish this answer by saying something that some people suddenly don’t like, but I had already pointed out: public relations. And not on his part. Nor would it be the first time that happened.
Okay, I said, and I ran. Xoxo
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Why the Harkles may never be silent? by u/alreadydoneit01
Why the Harkles may never be silent? So I am really perplexed by the Harkles non stop PR. I think I realize why. Harry probably had a very high opinion of himself. He was the second most popular royal for a while. The Palace in order to placate his lunatic rantings-gave him far more importance than he deserved. He met with the Obamas, was always hanging out with Will and Kate getting equal billing. He probably thought he was bigger than everyone- even before Meghan-but they contained his crazy.Then he met Meghan who was the first one to indulge his fantasies and stood with him in his delusions. They probably demanded the moon and acted like they ran the BRF. Finally for the first time in his life, he was told no and in their combined delusions left in a huff. They got their 100 million Netflix deal and 20 million Spotify deal. But realized they now had bosses-not family who loved them and indulged them. Bosses questioning them about deadlines and demanding output for the money they got. Both lazy bums realized this was not what they wanted-they wanted to be bosses telling everyone what to do. Enter Oprah-they did a full on frontal attack hoping to shatter the BRF. They stood tall. Then came Netflix, Spare and finally Endgame-where they thought monarchy would be in ruins and the Harkles would be proclaimed King and Queen.​But nothing went according to plan. Their global dominance dreams are in ruins. Will and Kate got a standing ovation. They are the laughing stock of the world. Madame is reduced to doing pap strolls at parking lots. I think at some level they know they are done. They also probably came to know the meaning of the term "Hollywood friends" and how fake that world is. So they want back in . They have nothing and will do anything to force their way back in. I think they may even say they left because of the "racist" allegations against Archie, but are now doing it for their children blah, blah and bring change to the monarchy and will fight for that. They are vile and despicable.​Instead of being humble and crawling their way back, they want to force their way in, barge in. I think the two are absolute nuts, have no self reflection skills, are entitled beyond belief. So they will forever try to spin this to their own benefit, will keep demanding their benefits back-no work though, no respect for the line of succession, just me, me, me , me, me. So all they are left is to lob more insidious claims, but at the same time keep showing that they are still in with the royals. The only thing they have is the Invictus and they will milk that to the end. But this won't stop as we have seen with the flurry of recent articles-from the green goblin dress, to KCIII begging to see his grandchildren. They have no other cards left and they want in-at their terms and they want all to bow and surrender. But their delusions is what makes them so cringe and gives us so much fodder.​I think the delusional duo will continue their bizarre path of bashing the royal family and at the same time pretending to be close to them. The deluded duo want back in on their own terms-even though their plan on bringing the monarchy to their knees failed. They have yet to accept that all their plans have been washed away like sand castles and still think they are breaking through the castle defenses and just there. As reality diverges from their own version of reality-it will start getting even more bizarre.​​ post link: https://ift.tt/hApL3Wd author: alreadydoneit01 submitted: December 07, 2023 at 06:46PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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If you got this, describe your three mutuals using fictional characters they resemble (one person = 3 or more characters). Send this to three people, let the game begin
oooh boy @exist101 you remind me of amethyst (steven universe), tome kurata (mob psycho 100), and percy jackson (percy jackson) you're incredibly peppy and your posts are like a daily dose of dopamine even if i don't know what you're talking about most of the time /pos
@soda-pap you remind me of onionsan (undertale/deltarune), milly thompson (trigun), and mabel pines (gravity falls). you're chill but you're also incredibly funny. your posts are a blessing to see on my dash
@lumi-lightner you remind me of teruki hanazawa (mob psycho 100), shigeo kageyama (also from mob psycho 100) and skipper (barbie shows) you're like one of the genuinely coolest people on earth and we've been friends for a while. your posts make me laugh every day i want to run to the tdo server and reblog your posts at you /pos
thanks to the anon who asked this <3
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wellthatwasaletdown · 9 months
He went to Taylor play but not Olivia variety party in Venice😂😂 I have to laugh //
In all seriousness who’s prospects look significantly better and who’s getting the rave reviews and accolades right now. Who does the general public seemingly like and doesn’t put themselves in unnecessary drama, and mass attention on themselves? Who has multiple jobs lined up for themselves in the next coming years that she will actually do and be well in…all signs point to Taylor. So who would I rather show up for? Taylor 100%, he would’ve gained nothing but boyfriend points showing up to that event for Olivia he spent over a year and a half treating her like crap why would he turn a new leaf and go to her event even if he was sleeping in the same bed with her doing nothing that evening. He didn’t care and it didn’t serve him being there.
So many truths in this post. That's why outside the harries/ anti harry bubble this relationship is making no noise. I think it's mainly because of the harry fatigue setting in but also non fans seem to question his motive for being with her (everything op stated above) especially after the Grammy fiasco. Tbh outside of the hybrids Stan's most tr fans dislike this pairing and hate how his fans making everything she do about him. I know this blog hate Olivia but the way he treated her during the last couple months of their relationship seemed to have left a bad taste in some ppl mouth as well. Also her hate train has died down most ppl leave her alone and have started to like her again since she a meme. Only harries and anti harry blog still shit on Olivia (like no offense but this blog rarely refer to her by her name) So while the tattoo shit got a lot media attention it make him seem like a creep and loser by bother the public and his fans. Like public perception is wanning towards him and he can't keep running way from the valid issues critics have towards him.
This is funny.
The public doesn't think about Girl Boss anymore, so their perception of her hasn't changed. When they're reminded of her, like when the tattoo came out, the Shia thing is mentioned, and that same opinion is there.
The Harry Edward Styles and Taylor Russell relationship isn't really "making any noise" because they aren't doing the full court press like HOlivia did. This whole thing has been really low-key. The sightings have been few and far between, and there have been no full-fledged pap walks. That may change now that they are in the same city.
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