#also my top three are always the exact same like. no matter what i do they just hog those spots
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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oscar’s 29th time in first place across both games
good for him, good for him
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roosterforme · 9 months
Alone With All Your Letters | Hangman x Reader
Summary: You had been with Jake for so long, he could barely remember himself without you. But he was ready for more, and he was tired of waiting for you to catch up to him. With a few ugly words, he broke your heart. And with one handwritten letter, you brought him to his knees. 
Warnings: Angst, smut, age gap, fluff, talk of pregnancy, 18+
Length: 3700
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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You had been with Jake for a long time. Almost seven years to be exact. And while he loved you and knew he wanted to be with you, sometimes it was hard for him to come to terms with the fact that you and he were still at slightly different places in your lives. 
He'd met you when you were still in college. College. And he had been... a bit removed from school by that point. He had been new to Top Gun and San Diego when you slammed into his life. You were out celebrating your twenty first birthday at the same bar where he was celebrating his thirty third. You were clearly mortified when you ruined his shoes with a pitcher of spilled beer. But when he laughed, you looked so relieved, he let you buy him a drink.
And then you let him buy you several. And then you let him get you an Uber. And then he joined you in the Uber and spent the rest of the weekend at your apartment.
"Jake?" you asked, holding up two dresses next to your shared closet in his house. "Which one for brunch?"
They were both short and would show off your legs. Jake would get looks from other guys his age when he kissed your neck or wrapped his arm around your waist. He would get the occasional, "Nice going, bro." Or even the, "Daaamn." 
You were young. You were hot. But Jake would much rather spend the day at home relaxing with you instead of heading out to a boozy brunch with your friends. Especially the day before an eight week deployment. 
"The blue one, Honey," he told you with a soft smile. As he watched you get changed, he stood and tried to choose a shirt for himself. But he was tired of helping you pick out outfits and trying to coordinate how his shirts looked with your dresses. It didn't matter. It was exhausting. 
And that was the trade-off for being in love with someone twelve years younger. He was in love with a woman who loved him back with every fiber of her being, but he was also in love with a woman who put off the things he wanted to do. He no longer wanted rowdy beach vacations and dancing all night in clubs. He wanted to go to Europe and visit galleries. He no longer wanted to go out to eat every night. He wanted to stay in with you and make a meal together. 
He always felt the clash. Always felt like he was conceding with what he wanted for what you wanted. And it had never been more obvious than when he asked you a few years ago if you ever wanted to have kids. 
"Sure, Jake," you had told him, kissing his cheek. "I love kids. But not yet. In another year or two."
He hated bringing it up, he really did. But your answer was always the same. In another year or two. But it had been three years, going on four. And nothing you were doing was telling him you were getting close to that point yet. 
But he got dressed for this brunch that he didn't want to go to. And he held the door and talked to your friends and drank a mimosa. But he just wanted to be at home, enjoying the last day before he shipped out on an aircraft carrier. 
Later that night, Jake watched you change into some lacy, light pink lingerie that looked delicious on you. And then you made a big production of avoiding his grasp with a laugh. 
"Wait a second," you told him, pushing him playfully away. "I have to put something in your duffle bag." He unbuttoned his shirt as you rooted around in your nightstand drawer and pulled out a stack of envelopes just like you always did. "Make sure you read them in order," you whispered, bending to tuck them into his bag.
"I always do, Honey. Now come here." 
You treated him to your mouth and your hands and your pussy, letting him have whatever he asked for. And he fell asleep wrapped around your body, listening to you say, "I love you, Jake. I'll miss you so much."
But the next morning, he felt anxious in that way where he knew he needed to say something again. He'd be arriving back in port just before his fortieth birthday. He knew he was getting older. He knew what he wanted. But if there was never going to be a compromise with the timeline, then he needed to be the one to make the decision for both of you.
As you stood before him on the dock, tears in your eyes and your arms around his neck, he couldn't hold the words back. "Honey. I love you, but... I don't know if this is working for me anymore."
He watched your face fall and your lips part into a look of shock. Your voice was only a desperate whisper. "Jake?"
This was miserable, but he had to do it. He swallowed his guilt and said, "I don't know what to do here. I don't know if you're even happy with where we are, but I'm struggling. I'm about to be forty. I'm tired of going out all the time. I'm tired of waiting another year and another year and another year to get serious about kids. I love you, and I want to do that with you, but I can't force you. So if we aren't on the same page any longer, then maybe we need to end things."
Your lips were quivering, and your eyes were welling up with even more tears as you let your arms fall away from his body. You stepped backwards, putting some distance between the two of you. Your gaze started to change from one of sadness to one of anger. And Jake regretted it. He regretted everything he just said, but it was too late to take it back. So he stood there in it and let the disgusting feeling of remorse wash over him. 
But his name was being called now, and you stepped away again when he reached for you. "Goodbye, Jake," you whispered, your voice rough with unshed tears as you swiped at your eyes. 
He turned and walked toward the long, daunting ramp that would take him to his deployment and away from you. Perhaps forever. Every time he turned back to look at you, there were more tears in your eyes, but you hadn't moved an inch. When he made his way onto the carrier deck, he dropped his bag and pulled out his phone. 
Jake called you over and over, watching you standing on the dock as you ignored his calls before tucking your phone away. He called your name, screamed it over the noise from the crowd of people seeing their loved ones off. He hollered until his voice was hoarse. And then he got his phone out again, waiting with shaking hands until he got your voicemail. 
He was looking right at you, and you were looking back at him as he said, "Honey, please. I'm so sorry. Please. I didn't mean any of it. I love you. I need you. I need you to be there when I get home. Please! Fuck! I'm sorry. Please stop ignoring my calls! I love you."
With shaking hands, he ended the call and redialed your number. Once again he watched you ignore the call, so he left you voicemail after voicemail as the aircraft carrier pulled away from the dock. He apologized as many ways as he could until your inbox was full and you were just a speck in the distance. 
Jake collected himself off of the deck and made his way to his tiny bunk where he sank down onto the unmade bed and cried. What was he thinking? If he had to choose between a life with you or one without you, he wanted to choose you. He fucked up, and now there was no way you were going to listen to him. There was no way you'd be there when he got home. 
He just broke your heart and then his own with a handful of idiotic sentences that he said in place of having an actual conversation with you. If he ever accused you of being less mature than he was, well, he was wrong about that, too. This had to be the dumbest thing he had ever done. 
"Fuck," he groaned as he started unpacking his bag. But your letters to him were right there, and he thought he was going to throw up as he untied the stack and took the top envelope in his hands. 
That would be your revenge in a way. He would spend his deployment opening all of your sweet notes to him. You always did this, and he always loved reading them. But now he'd let them hurt. He would let himself feel pain. 
But he was in no way prepared for what he read in that first letter.
I miss you already! I'm probably still on the dock waving and crying, watching you sail away. Eight weeks isn't forever, but I know every day is going to feel impossible without you. And I know you'll feel the same way. So let me send you off with a little bit of hope and a promise. When I told you I had a last minute appointment on Wednesday, I had my IUD removed. And I didn't get another one in its place. I'm ready. When you get back in two months, let's go for it. Let's make you a Daddy.
All my love
He folded the note back up as neatly as you had, and then he tucked it back inside the envelope and sprawled across the bed with his forearm over his eyes. And he didn't move for a long time.
Jake was basically useless out of the cockpit. He flew his missions, and completed his training exercises, but he had to force himself to eat and go to the gym. There was no outside communication allowed this time around, so he had no way to talk to you, not that you would have answered your phone for him. 
To make things worse, he'd been rationing your letters to him, spreading out the pain, prolonging the agony. Each one was sweeter than the last, and each one made him ache. But he read that first letter every night before he went to sleep. Because, for the briefest point in time, he'd had everything he wanted. And now he had, well, essentially nothing. And because he had nobody to go home to, the weeks were flying by. He was nearing the end now. Nearing his fortieth birthday, and wishing he could just stay for another deployment. 
Silently, he packed his bag that final morning, but he held onto your letters, wanting to feel their weight in his hand. After nearly seven years of having you standing on the dock waiting for him to arrive home, he was going to have to call himself a cab. He'd go home and process things the best he could without you, but first he would stand there and watch everyone else fall into the arms of their loved ones. 
Jake tossed his duffle bag over his shoulder and wound his way down the ramp. He took a deep breath as his boots hit California soil, and he walked slowly into the crowd of people on the dock. The evening sun was still bright and hot as he was jostled around by all of the bodies. Choruses of 'I missed you!' and 'I love you so much!' rang out around him. When he closed his eyes, he could practically hear your voice, that's how well he remembered every single time you collected him here, took him home, and made love to him. 
But when he opened his eyes, he gasped. You were standing off toward the back of the crowd, face expressionless as the setting sun illuminated your features and your yellow sundress. The color of honey. Why were you here? To have your chance at telling him off? Or perhaps... 
"Honey?" he called out, suddenly shoving his way through the crowd. "Honey!" He rushed to you as quickly as he could, but you didn't move an inch. The only thing that changed was your expression, which was turning more apprehensive as he closed in. 
"Jake," you whispered when he was right in front of you. He hated the look you were giving him. There was an awful sensation in the pit of his stomach, a mix of wanting to reach out to hold you, but terrified of the rejection you were probably about to rightfully hit him with. 
"Honey. I fucked up."
You nodded, and the softest smile found its way to your lips. "You really did, Jake."
He dropped his bag to the ground. "Even if you're only here to slap me in the face, will you listen to me for a minute first?" When you nodded, he said, "I was frustrated. I'm getting older. I'm getting old for my career. I'm getting old to have a kid. And I feel at times like I'm too old for you to be satisfied with me."
"Jake, that's not true," you insisted, eyes bright with tears. When he ran his fingers along your jaw you didn't stop him. 
"Whether it's true or not, it's in my head. And I can't get it out," he whispered. "But I love you. I want to be with you. As soon as I told you otherwise, I regretted every single word, Honey. I didn't have to read any of your letters to know I had just made the worst mistake of my life. I didn't even make it all the way onto the carrier before I was calling you."
"I know," you whispered as one stray tear slid down your cheek. "I know you didn't read the note before you called me. I was watching you the whole time."
Jake brushed the tear away, fighting the urge to press his lips to that spot. "Then why didn't you answer me?" he asked softly. 
"Because I was mad. I'm still kind of mad at you. Either I'm enough, or I'm not. What if I can't even have kids? You were just going to leave me?"
"No," he swore, shaking his head. "The fact that you said you were willing to try with me is more than enough. Okay? You're more than enough, Honey. I love you."
You swallowed hard and let out a shaky breath. "I wasn't lying when I told you that I'd catch up to where you were someday. I never lied to you, Jake. So next time don't try to rush me into something, okay?"
He reached for your hand. "Next time?"
You nodded. "Yeah. Don't fuck up again."
"Does that mean you'll stay with me?" he asked, desperation in his voice as he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
Jake pulled you against him, his lips meeting your forehead as he squeezed you. He let himself cry out all of the pain and hopelessness he had contained the best he could for the past eight weeks as you held him.
Today was his birthday. Forty. Jake was pretty sure he was on the verge of needing reading glasses, and sometimes his shoulder hurt when he got out of bed if he slept funny. But last night he slept funny because you were wrapped around him in bed. So it was worth it.
Things had been a little shaky after you picked him up at the end of his deployment a week ago. He'd begged you to stay with him in his house and work through things. You'd been living with him for so long, he honestly couldn't imagine his place without you anymore. You were having open conversations together, and Jake was finally starting to feel like things were getting back to normal. 
But he hadn't asked you once about your IUD, thinking maybe you'd changed your mind when he was deployed, after he word vomited all of his insecurities on you. No, he wasn't going to mention anything about birth control until you brought it up. So quite frankly, he wasn't quite sure if you and he had had sex with or without birth control last night. 
Jake went through his day, hoping that when he got home from work, you'd be there. And that maybe today would be the day you'd make it clear what you wanted now.
"Honey?" he called out after he unlocked his front door. 
"I'm in the bedroom, birthday boy!"
Jake smiled and headed toward your voice, stopping short in the doorway. You were perched on the edge of his desk wearing that light pink lingerie he loved so much. There was a cupcake on a plate next to you, and as he approached, he watched you strike a match and light the candle. Then you pursed your pretty lips to blow out the match, and Jake was right there. He kissed you, raking his fingers along your soft skin, so thankful you were with him. 
"Happy birthday," you managed between kisses.
"You look like my present, wrapped up all pretty."
Your soft laughter filled him up. "I actually got you a watch, but sure, I can be your present." You hopped down from the desk and ran your hands along the front of his uniform before taking his hand. As you led him toward the bed, you looked back at him, your eyes unguarded. "I'm still figuring out my cycles now," you muttered, shrugging nervously, "but I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating today."
"Honey," Jake groaned. "Say it. Please, say it."
But instead of saying anything, you crawled across the bed, letting him see your gorgeous ass. And when you eased yourself down onto your back and spread your legs wide, you asked him, "Don't you want to fuck a baby into me?"
Jake's eyes went wide as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside along with his undershirt. Then he eased himself down onto the bed, grabbing the backs of your thighs and kissing your core through the lace.
"Say it," he begged, watching you bite your lip and press your head back into the bedding. "Honey."
"I'm ready, Jake. I'm ready to make you a daddy."
With those words, Jake drew your legs back together and gently removed your underwear, letting the lace glide along your soft skin. And when he eased your legs apart again, he groaned. "You're perfect. I can't get enough." He pressed his lips and nose to your pussy, inhaling your sweet scent as he stroked your hips and belly with both hands. 
He could already picture you round and pregnant. He'd been imagining how beautiful you would be as a mom for years and years. When he kissed your belly button, you pushed your fingers through his hair. There was nobody else he'd ever wanted to do this with. 
When he met your eyes, there was a smile playing on your lips as you whispered, "Jake, we're going to have to do this all the time now. You know that, right?"
He groaned softly as he unclasped your bra and let his lips settle on your tits. "Yeah, I know," he told you, running his nose along the undersides of your breasts. "I'll fuck you full of my cum, nice and deep. Keep you full for as long as it takes."
"Oh, fuck," you gasped as he sucked on your nipples and unzipped his uniform pants. And then he was thrusting inside you, and the little sounds you made were the filthiest things he'd ever heard. He went harder, deeper, thinking about how he'd make sure you always had his cum inside you. How you'd smell like him. How he'd be on you all the time. 
"You're gonna look perfect carrying my child," he whispered, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. "Everyone will know what I did to you. Everyone will know how bad I wanted it."
The way you responded to him was too much. Your back was arched, and he could feel you tightening around him. "Everyone will know," you echoed in a moan. "They'll know you fuck me so good, Jake."
His forehead came to rest against yours as he panted. "You ready?" he grunted. "I'll fill you up right now."
"Yes," you whispered, taking his fingers and guiding them to your clit. With a few slow circles, he had you whining and squirming as you started to climax.
"Stay still, Honey," he whispered, his voice rough now. "Keep it all inside."
You were keening from his words and your orgasm as Jake filled you with his cum. "Fuck," you whined, and it was so loud and needy, he rammed his cock deep and held you to him while he pulsed inside you.
"Don't move, don't move," he whispered, kissing and licking your tits as your fingers stroked through his hair. "Don't waste it."
He was in love with you and the feel of your body. You wanted what he wanted. He would make it his mission to get you pregnant. 
"God, Jake." Your voice was raw and harsh as you said, "I'm getting your creampies around the clock now, aren't I?"
He lifted your hips gently off the bed and watched as he slowly withdrew himself from your pretty pussy as you whined softly. And when his cum started to dribble out of you, he gently fucked you with two fingers, pushing it deeper. "Around the clock," he confirmed. "Now let me eat my birthday cupcake and then I'll fill you up again."
You ended up sitting naked on Jake's lap and laughing while you had to pick the melted wax off of the icing. Then you fed him the cupcake, sneaking a bite for yourself as his cum oozed out of you and onto his khaki pants. He'd fuck you full again later. He'd keep doing it as long as it took.
"Happy birthday, Daddy," you whispered.
I wrote Jake again? It's becoming a habit now. Thanks for reading this one! And thanks for @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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neyswxrld · 5 months
caught in a crosshair
Crosshair x reader (gn)
summary: Snowball fight with Crosshair.
warnings: slightly suggestive at the end, reader gets pinned down, snow shower; 18+
word count: ~660
advent calendar masterlist
a/n: this is the fifth fic for my advent calendar! just as i took a small break from correcting this small fic to pick up my brother, he decided to throw a snowball at me. how fitting.
p.s. english isn't my mother tongue, sorry for misspellings! 
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You should have known better.
You should have known better than tossing a stupid snowball on his back.
But well, how should you know that the elite soldier and perfect sniper who was literally named Crosshair not only shoots his targets precisely but can also throw and never miss?
Needless to say  that he immediately bent down to take revenge when you hit him with the frozen ball.
What you didn't expect was him having fun throwing snow at you and not stopping at one ball.
One ball suddenly turned into two, two turned into three, and three turned into a whole snowball fight quickly.
Lucky for you, Crosshair is kind enough not to aim for your face, but in the end, it doesn't really matter. When you are able to throw one ball and don't even hit him with it, he throws at least two.
You were covered in white faster than you could count to ten, and as time went by, you got more and more desperate. You needed to do something, or you would never hear the end of it.
The next time he throws a ball at you, you duck just right, so it hits your face. You yelp and throw your weight behind you, falling into the snow that feathers your fall a little bit. "Ouch," you whine over-dramatically, holding your cold hand to your face.
You hear Crosshair sprinting towards you as soon as he hits your face, and he is next to you just a second later.
"You okay?" he asks, worried.
Instead of answering, you start grinning. In the exact moment, understanding crosses his features, your hand, filled with snow, already flies up to his neck.
"That is not fair!" He tries to shake you off, but you hold on to him like your life depends on it.
But as always, Crosshair is just unpredictable. He uses your tight grip to his advantage and easily pins you down with his weight, catching your hands between you. While you can't move yours, his hands have all the freedom they need to just grab the snow around you and shove it down your shirt.
"Oh, cold, cold! Stop it, stop it!" you yell, laughing, and try to push him off you. You don't stand a chance.
The snow is cold and wet, and you can already feel yourself starting to shake. "Cross-," you keep giggling and squirming, but you can't gain any control.
After a few minutes, he stops and looks you in the eyes with a raised brow.
"Had enough?" he questions. You nod in an instant. "Yes, yes. Please let me go," you almost beg, but you still have to chuckle in between your words.
"It's always the same. Can dish but can't take it," he mumbles, playfulness in his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. You just have to go over the top all the time," you smile back, but he just raises his other eyebrow, too.
"I'm just defending myself," he states, starting to climb off of you, reaching out with his hand at the same time to help you up.
Both of you start to brush the snow off your clothes, but wet stains still stay. Your teeth start to chatter. Hugging yourself, you turn around to Crosshair, who seems to be fine.
"We should go home, I'm freezing," you tell him. He nods once, lays an arm around you, and you start your short way back home.
This time, you aren't interrupted by snowball fights or snow showers. Instead, you enjoy the quiet (well, the quiet that was left after your chattering teeth) and your closeness.
Back at home, both of you decide that a bath would help warm you up the fastest.
You fill the bath tub with hot water and bubbling soap, light some candles, and let the evening fade out with soft touches and sweet kisses that fill you with warmth even faster than the water ever could.
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bratzforchris · 3 months
In Sickness and In Health
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Summary: In which Tara and Jake discover Johnnie has a chronic illness, but know they'll always be with him, no matter what <3
Pairing: (platonic! I do not ship the trio in any way) Johnnie x Tara x Jake
Warnings: Chronic illness (nothing graphic and no bodily fluids :)), Jake and Tara are still dating here
Word Count: 2k
A/N: In this fic, Johnnie has a chronic illness called PFAPA. You can read more about it here for more background :). I also have this chronic illness, so it's based on my experience <3 Thank you for reading!
Chronic illness was the worst thing to hit Johnnie’s life since, well, ever. His condition was especially painful and rendering, and he hated being bound to the couch or his bed for days on end, zapped of all energy. You see, Johnnie had PFAPA, which caused him to have extremely high fevers, sore throats, and just overall feelings of being unwell. Although it was mostly a childhood syndrome, he was one of the rare but very unlucky few that it had lasted into his adult life. 
Johnnie had learned early on in life that being a sick kid meant being a pitied kid. He hated the pitying looks people gave him and the quiet “you’re so strong” murmurs. They made him feel like a zoo animal, separated from the rest of the world, with people cooing at him in sympathy and then going about their day. It wasn’t even just the adults, though. Right up until the time he dropped out of high school to pursue his YouTube career, the other kids had stared at him and whispered about “the boy that was always absent” whenever he walked down the hall. 
And so, he hid it. The only people that knew of his illness were his mother and siblings, and his ex-girlfriend when they had been together. Even then, the only reason Johnnie had told her was because she questioned why a) he was so warm and b) why he wasn’t getting up, especially when it was a repeat occurrence. He was very lucky that his chronic illness wasn’t terrible. He still had some symptoms from day to day, like a weakened immune system and joint pains. But it was the periodic flare ups that practically killed him. It was one week out of every month, almost like a period. Johnnie would run insanely high fevers, getting up to 105 F (40.5 C), have awful joint pain to the point it hurt to move, have a pounding head and a sloshing stomach, and an extremely sore throat to top it all off. 
Fast forward to now, and Johnnie was currently living with Jake and Tara. He loved his best friends with everything in him, but at the same time, he didn’t want them to view him as weak or childish. Stupid logic? Yes, but there was no arguing with Johnnie. He was good at hiding his flare ups at first. He would coat his face in foundation and eyeliner to hide the dark eyebags from restless nights, and he would take enough ibuprofen to subdue a horse. He still didn’t feel great, but it was manageable enough to hide from the two. This, on top of his usual “emo” personality and occasional mental health struggles that kept him in bed for days at time was enough to make Jake and Tara not have a clue. 
All secrets get found out eventually, though. You see, Jake was a loving, wonderful boyfriend; whenever Tara would ask for pain medicine for her period, there he was, already in the car and speeding to the local pharmacy. He was also a great friend, and would buy an additional bottle for Johnnie, who claimed he “liked” having an extra bottle of tablets on hand so he didn’t have to go into Tara’s bathroom should he need pain reliever. At first, Jake brushed it off, knowing Johnnie was definitely a tummy ache boy. However, after about three months of this, he realized Johnnie would ask for the pain reliever almost at the exact same time Tara would need it for her period. Like clockwork. 
“Eh, whatever,” he thought to himself, entering their house with a CVS bag. He had seen Johnnie naked more times than he’d like to admit. His best friend definitely didn’t have a period. “I’m back.” he called, entering the living room. 
Tara and Johnnie were sat on the couch, watching some sort of trashy reality show. Tara was curled up in fetal position from the awful cramps she was currently experiencing, while Johnnie was huddled up under a huge blanket, currently experiencing one of his worst flares up in over six months. Neither seemed particularly interested until Jake dropped the bottles of medicine into their hands. Johnnie immediately ripped into his, dropping three tablets into his hand and swallowing them dry. 
“Someone’s in pain.” Jake raised a brow at his friend while he opened the bottle for Tara, handing it to her along with her water and a kiss on the head. 
“...stomach ache…” Johnnie mumbled, not thinking Jake was going to call him out on it. 
“I can’t find my fucking heating pad.” Tara whined as Jake began to hold her, sitting between the two. 
Johnnie winced, biting his bottom lip and holding the warm fabric closer to his body under the blanket. He felt awful for taking Tara’s heating pad, but he had been desperate for relief from his aching joints. Thank goodness Jake had become focused on massaging Tara’s stomach so neither one of his friends would see his guilty face. 
The boy immediately stood up, clutching the blanket and heating pad to his chest. “I’m in pain and I’m going to bed. Night.” he said rather grumpily, already stalking to his room. 
Tara was pulled out of her pain induced haze to giggle. “It’s like Johnnie has a period.”
“Something like that.” he called back. 
Morning had come for the household and Tara was on a mission. She was going to find her heating pad. As much as Jake’s massages had helped last night, he would be gone today to film something with Scuff, so she needed the warm glory. She had searched high and low in every part of the house except Johnnie’s room. 
“Johnnie? Can I come in?” she asked, rapping her knuckles lightly on his closed door. “I need to look for something.”
No answer. Tara knocked again, and then waited. Had he gone with Jake to film? Finally, she twisted the door knob, speaking before she stepped inside. “If you’re in there, I’m coming in!”
The sight Tara saw made her heart shatter. Johnnie was curled up in bed, making sure her heating pad was placed strategically on his knees and wrists. Although the boy had three different fans blowing on him, he was wrapped in heavy blankets, snoring softly. The icing on the cake, though, was the look on Johnnie’s face. He just looked sick. His skin was more pale and ghostly than normal, save for a few, red acne spots. His eyes were ringed with purple and despite his heating pad and blankets, he was shivering. He looked overall unwell. 
Tara bit her lip, debating what to do. She really, really wanted her heating pad, but at the same time, Johnnie looked so comfortable. However, as she turned on her heel to leave Johnnie’s room, the floorboards squeaked under her feet and Johnnie groaned. 
It only took a few moments for the boy to blink open his eyes, and when he did, he flipped shit. “Get out.” Johnnie snapped, his voice hoarse from the flare up. 
“I’m not mad about the heating pad, Johnnie,” Tara said softly. “We all get sick. I’ll get a new one.”
“‘M fine. Get out.” he snapped again, clearly grumpy from the lack of sleep his condition was causing. 
“Are you sure?” Tara moved closer towards the bed, examining his sick form. “You don’t seem fine…”
“Tara, seriously. I’m fine. Just get out.”
As much as Tara put out a nonchalant attitude to the world, she really cared about her friends, and seeing Johnnie clearly in a lot of pain was hurting her. She gently moved to lay a hand on his forehead, but before Johnnie could swat it away, she recoiled and cursed. 
“Shit, Johnnie. You’re burning up.”
“I know,” Johnnie groaned, reaching over and grabbing a thermometer from his nightstand. Based on the way it looked, it was clear Johnnie had been flaring or ‘feeling sick’ for a while. There were empty popsicle wrappers and tea mugs, water bottles, vapo rub, and a variety of medicines and thermometers. Johnnie quickly took his temperature and then shrugged. “104.2 (40.1 C). Lower than last night.”
“Dude,” Tara looked almost dumbfounded. “You gotta get to a hospital. That’s like, scary high.”
Because of the fever and lack of sleep, Johnnie rolled his eyes, a sour tone pouring off his tongue. “I’ll be fine,” he rolled towards the wall. “Just gotta sleep it off.”
“Johnnie,” Tara said firmly. “You are not sleeping this off. You’re going to a hospital.”
“I’ll be fine. ‘M just cold. Maybe I’ll break my own fever record.” he groaned, using his arm to shield his eyes from the sun. 
“That’s it. I’m calling Jake.” she said, whipping out her phone. 
Johnnie bolted up, cursing softly at his aching joints. “Do not call Jake. I swear to god, Tara. Do not call Jake.”
“Johnnie, you’re clearly extremely ill. You need medical attention or you’ll get super sick…more than you are now,” she added, turning to leave. “I’ll come get you when he’s here.”
“I haven’t gotten super sick in 25 years and my fever’s been higher than this.” Johnnie mumbled. 
“What do you mean?” Tara stopped in her tracks.
Johnnie groaned, cuddling back under his comforter. “Since I was born. I’m chronically ill. Google it or some shit. I’m too tired to explain now.”
“...oh.” Tara whispered quietly. “I didn’t know. Is this like an all the time thing or?”
“It’s called PFAPA. Go look it up,” Johnnie already sounded almost asleep again until his voice suddenly wobbled. “But please, don’t tell Jake.”
Tara sat down on Johnnie’s bed, rubbing his thigh. That’s how she knew he must’ve been feeling pretty bad. Johnnie rarely liked physical contact unless he was feeling sick. “Is there a specific reason you kept it from us? It’s okay if you don’t wanna share.” she whispered, taking on a motherly role that few people ever saw. 
“Because you’ll pity me and I hate that shit.”
Tara frowned. “I understand. Thank you for telling me; that’s probably really hard. Do you need anything?”
Johnnie hesitated for a few moments before speaking quietly. “I want a popsicle. For my throat.”
His friend smiled, standing up and pulling the blanket further over him. “Specific flavor?”
Tara smiled as she left Johnnie’s room, going into the kitchen. She decided to put the kettle on to make Johnnie some tea, knowing tea helped her own sore throats. As the water boiled, Tara pulled out her phone, googling the syndrome Johnnie had mentioned. She grimaced as she read the WebMD article; it sounded extremely painful, like having the flu every single month. Once the water had boiled, Tara made Johnnie a mug of tea and then pulled the freezer open for a popsicle. Her heart practically shattered when she saw a surplus of popsicles, shoved to the back of the freezer. 
Bringing Johnnie’s sickness spread upstairs, Tara saw that he was practically asleep when she opened his bedroom door. But as she handed him the popsicle and tea, he sleepily mumbled “You can tell Jake.”
“Are you sure?”
Johnnie nodded tiredly, already sucking on the popsicle. “Mhm.”
“Huh,” Tara said, but she didn’t question it. “Okay.”
She sent Jake a quick text, hoping he and Scuff were near done. Although his temperature was “normal” for Johnnie, she didn’t feel very good about letting him lay here and burn up. Surprisingly, Johnnie didn’t protest when she sat down at the chair at his streaming desk. He just continued to softly sip the mug of tea. 
“Jake’s on his way.” Tara whispered softly. 
The sick boy just nodded, laying his fluffy, black, bedhead back on the pillow. Tara didn’t hear anything more for a few minutes, until soft snores wafted from Johnnie’s bed. It seemed like it was only a few minutes later when she finally heard Jake come into the house. 
“I’m bac-” Jake was practically yelling until Tara shushed him. 
“What’s wrong with him?” Jake asked, tipping his head towards Johnnie. 
“He has a chronic illness,” Tara explained softly. “We can talk then.”
And until then, Jake and Tara would be there to support their best friend, sitting quietly and watching over him as Johnnie slept. 
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biggestsimponhere · 6 months
‘Tis the damn season - Scott Barringer x f!reader
Warnings - Slight angst, this should be a full angst only angst fic but i can’t handle that rn 😭 Also sorry it’s not gender neutral i try to keep most of my fics gender neutral but Horizon only has boy/girl cabins 🙁
Christmas at horizon has always been the same. They take all the kids to see the lights in town on Christmas Eve, then everyone comes back and we drink Hot Chocolate (One of the only special things allowed) and watch a christmas movie. On Christmas day everyone opens whatever their parents sent them and if they didn’t get anything from their parents then Peter and Hannah would make sure they had something. You’ve been here several years. Three to be exact but that doesn’t matter. This year a new kid joined. You didn’t know who it was because you had been off on a trip with another group when he came.
You were sitting on the bench next to the window looking out at the snow, admiring it, then he walked in. The new kid. Scott barringer. You glanced up them back out the window before doing a double take. “Scott?” You said moving away from the window. Scott looked up at the sound of his name. You were right. That’s scott. Your Scott. Your childhood best friend and love of your life. “Y/n?” He said as he moved towards you. Tears formed in your eyes as he wrapped you in a hug. You breathed him in, holding him close. “What’re you doing here?” It only takes you a moment to register that he must be the new kid. “Scott, why are you here? What happened?” You said pulling away to look him in the eye.
The rest of the cliffhangers stood slightly behind you two, all of them looking confused as they’d never seen either of you so happy. “I got into trouble back home, drugs, so dad made me come here” He said smiling softly. “If you wanted to see me so bad you could have just visited y’know?” You say teasing him. He laughs before pulling you back into his arms. You two stood there for another minute before Peter walked in. “What’re you two doing?” He said laughing. “Hugging, whatre you doing?” You said pulling away from Scott. “Wondering why you’re hugging him if you don’t know him?” Peter said looking between the two of you. “I’ve known Scott since we were like four” You say looking back at Scott who’s smiling, content, looking at you.
“What do you mean?” A voice came from behind you all. Juliette. “What? Was the sentence not clear enough?” Shelby said nudging jules. “We grew up together” Scott says turning to jules. Juliette stops speaking after that. You and Scott move to the window and continue talking about all you missed. You talk long into the night, you smile as you realize peter must have told the others to just leave you two. You looked around the cozy room, your gaze stopping on the lit fire place. You were about to speak again when you noticed someone at the top of the stairs. You tapped scott and motioned with your eyes towards the stairs.
He followed your gaze towards the stairs but whoever was there left. “Who do you think it was?” Scott asked when you told him what happened. “I don’t know, how close are you with jules?” You ask quietly. He pauses clearly thinking of an answer. A few minutes go by before he speaks. “We’ve kissed… a few times” He says softly. You nod, slowly pulling your hand away from where it was resting on his knee in between yours. “We should get to sleep” You say standing up quickly. “Why?” He says reaching a hand out towards yours. You pull away. You don’t mean to it just happens. “Peter. He’s a real stickler for the rules and he’ll be by to make sure everyone’s asleep soon” The lie slips past your lips before you can stop it.
Scott nods and watches as you turn away. You put out the fire, tears silently streaming down your face. You brush past Scott quickly and head back to your cabin. When you got there the only person awake was Grace. “Hey” She said as you walked in. “Hey” Your voice comes out wobbly. Grace quickly looked up from her book. “Come here” She said setting her book to the side. “What’s wrong?” She says as you climb into her arms. “Scott” is all you manage to breathe out between sobs. “Your best friend scott? What happened?” She said stroking your hair, trying to calm you down. “He’s kissed jules, and it’s not even like it’s his fault, we’ve never had something, it’s not his fault i’m in love with him” You say curling further into a ball.
“I’m sorry, why don’t you get some rest?” She said softly. You smile slightly and return to your bed. You fall asleep rather quickly after losing all your energy to crying. You wake up the next day and turn over to face the clock on your bedside. You then realize you’ve slept in for half the day. You quickly get up and get dressed. You walk into the main cabin and the cliffhangers turn to look at you, your eyes drift to Scott who’s sitting next to Juliette and you quickly avert your gaze and move to your group. “There she is, good morning sleepyhead” Peter said as he looked up from where he was helping another student. “Good morning peter” You say quietly.
He quickly picks up on your bad mood and offers to go find Hannah. The two of them had basically been family since you’ve been here. You shake your head slowly. “I’m okay peter” You say leaning against Grace who was currently coloring next to you. “It’s not like you’d say if you weren’t” Daisy said from your other side. “Come talk, please” Peter said moving over to you. You let peter lead you towards his office and ignoring scott’s eyes trailing after you. You talk with peter for a solid half an hour before finally being able to go back to group. “Can we talk?” Scott says approaching you. Before you can say anything Grace cuts in. “I think you’ve done enough haven’t you?” She says sharply. “It’s okay grace, promise” You say standing up.
You follow Scott out into the snow, he leads you slightly into the woods so you two can sit on the bench peter set up. “What did i do? Please tell me, i didn’t mean to hurt you” He says quickly. “It’s nothing Scott really” You move to stand but he reaches out and holds you in place. “That’s not true” He says firmly, “I did something and i want to fix it” He says softer than before. “I’ve been in love with you scott, for years. You’ve never shown any interest in me and to hear you kissed jules it hurt” You say, tears falling down your face again. He wipes them away, slowly, softly, as if you were made of glass. “I’m sorry, i’m so sorry, i never meant to make you feel that way, i mean you had to know i love you” He said quietly.
You smile softly at him. “Really? Y-you love me?” You say, trying to figure out if this was real. “Yes” That’s all you needed to hear. You bring your hand up to his cheek and pull him into a kiss. The two of you spend the rest of the day doing things together, Snow angels, hot chocolate. “Come on we gotta get back to the cabin, it’s time for christmas lights” You say pulling scott off the ground. The two of you quickly run back to where everyone was loading into the cars. Peter smiles at you seeing the light practically radiating off of you. The two do you load into the cars and hold hands secretly as you drive through the mountains and back to town. “The lights are so pretty this year” You say smiling.
“Not as pretty as you” He whispers softly. You grin at him and nudge him. “You’re cheesy” You say laughing. “Only for you” He says reaching for your hand. The two of you walk around the cold, snow covered town, smiling like two idiots. “I love you” He says brightly. “I love you too” You say wrapping your arms around him. You hold him close under the glittering christmas lights of town and you finally feel at home. Peter and Hannah watch you two from a distance, smiling broadly. “Aren’t we supposed to be stopping this” Hannah says laughing. “Maybe, but they’re happy” Peter says back. They stand close together as they watch the love continue to blossom between you two beneath the bright moonlight cascading down to the christmas lights.
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chimkin-samich · 2 months
It's always very fun to check in on your blog after some time because every time I cannot stop myself from going "oh!!!! I know them!!!! That's so crazy!!" On literally every post. I scroll down on your blog of my own volition and every single post I'm like "wow what a crazy coincidence I see them again. That's my fren!!" And then do it once more. I really am out here with the three second memory of a goldfish and energy of a golden retriever seeing their owner walk through the door no matter how long it's been 😭😭😭
LISTEN SKDKFC BROSKI, I AM THE EXACT SAME WAY OK 😭 literally have so many ways to contact you but I see you on my feed and I too become a golden retriever, same exact thought of “omg my fren!” With out fail each time
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Your memes are also top tier as always 😩✨
I gotta say tho, I love how you could literally text me thru discord but you always drop an ask and I find it both hilarious and endearing 😭
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fate-of-gravity · 2 years
Chapter 1: The Arrival
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Summary: The Potter manor receives a surprise visit half way through the summer
Word count: 3.5k
A/N: This is my first chapter posting on tumblr, I hope you enjoy :)
Fate of Gravity- Series Masterlist
Sirius Black would like to say that he had been minding his own business when it happened. But he couldn’t say that without lying.
He had been setting up his newest and simply genius, in his mind, prank to pull on his best friend. It was so perfect that Sirius had to almost shove his fist in his mouth to keep his laughter at bay.
It was all planned out in his mind, and perhaps in his journal that he kept hidden under his mattress, away from prying eyes.
Sirius would lead his best friend, James Potter, down to the living room and claim he had something to show him. He already had a pile of the homework resting on the table that he was yet to complete before break ended, to act like he was to show James some of it for whatever reason.
Then as soon as James sat down on the same cushion of the couch that he always sat on, a puff of bright pink smoke- which was really just enchanted muggle hair dye- would fly into James’s hair, perfectly-and quite possibly permanently-dying his hair bright, neon pink.
The plan was also perfect due to the fact that Fleamont and Euphemia Potter weren’t home that day because of some important Ministry of Magic business. Fleamont would have laughed and Mia would have scolded Sirius, meanwhile trying to hide her laughter herself, had they been there.
Sirius stood back, putting his hands on his hips, and admired his work, even though he was hardly able to tell that it was there. That was the whole point though.
With one final nod, the prankster turned on his heel to walk upstairs and put his acting skills to the test, when he was stopped by a sound coming from the fireplace.
James had recently taken Sirius to see a muggle movie about aliens, and ever since, any small noise would make the boy tense up with fear of the slimy green creatures.
Sirius lifted his wand up and prepared to set whatever alien dared step foot in the household on fire.
Then, much to Sirius’s surprise, a girl fell out of the fireplace and landed on the red and gray patterned rug with a groan.
The black haired boy was too shocked to move, or speak for that matter. So instead of doing either of those, he was stuck in a position with his wand raised and pointed at the girl.
You groggily opened your eyes, but as soon as you saw an unfamiliar boy standing above you with his wand pointing directly at your chest, you jumped up, grabbed your own wand and pointing it at him in return.
“Who the bloody hell are you?” You demanded with a hard look on your face that told Sirius that you could- and would- fire a hex at him if need be.
Now that you was standing he was able to get a good look at you. You were about his age and wore muggle clothes consisting of a flannel on top of a muggle band shirt and jeans, confusing Sirius as to the fact that you had a wand, but were wearing muggle clothing. He got a closer look at your shirt and saw that it was Queen, a band that he actually loved very much.
“I could ask you the same question!” Sirius shot back, his wand now raised not only from shock, but in defense, knowing full well that he nor James were expecting any visitors today, let alone someone that he didn’t even know.
The two seemed to had a mini stare-down for about a moment before, at the same exact time, shouting, “James! There’s a stranger in your living room!” The two looked at each other with wide eyes, not quite knowing what to say or do at that moment.
The thundering footsteps of none other than James Potter could be heard throughout every room of the huge manor, making the walls vibrate. He raced down the stairs, most likely taking three at a time, the two couldn’t help but think. And their thoughts were proven correct when they heard a crash and thump in the direction of the staircase, causing both you and the strange boy to wince, but not wavering your attentions enough to check up on him because you both still had your wands pointed at each other.
“I’m good!” James called, jumping back up before running into the living room where he had heard the yelling come from.
He raced into the room to the sight of two people he knew very well looking like they were about to fight one another. Both of said peoples' heads snapped in James’s direction as he came bounding in.
At first James was confused, and then he finally comprehended that the you were in his living room, and without another thought, he let out a high pitched squeal and sprinted across the room, tackling you to the floor in a hug, pushing Sirius out of the way and knocking him off his feet in the process.
“Monkey!” He squealed loudly again, still hugging you tightly against his chest, referring to the nickname he had given you as a kid.
You just laughed and hugged him back with the same amount of force, “Hey there, Jamie.” You greeted with a goofy grin. Then the smile dropped as you groaned, “Now get off me, you fat oaf.” You had a little glint in your eye that told James that you were only joking about the name calling, though.
James huffed, “I’m not fat… or an oaf!” He defended as he got off of you before reaching out a hand and helping you up.
A very confused Sirius was still in the middle of the living room from where James pushed him, sitting there like an idiot. He decided to make his presence remembered, clearing his throat.
The two people looked over to see that the boy who they had forgotten about was in fact still there.
James’s face broke out into a grin and he quickly threw his arm over the your shoulder, “Y/n M/n Potter, meet Sirius Orion Black, my best friend. Sirius Orion Black, meet Y/n M/n Potter, my cousin.”
Sirius’s mouth flew open as he stood up, “Your what?”
“Cousin.” James told him slowly as if talking to a toddler, “You know? When your aunt or uncle has a child. And these are the ones that you DON’T marry… which is something your family is yet to learn.”
Sirius- who’s mouth had been opening and closing like a fish- snapped his mouth shut and glared at James a little and mumbled, sulking back, “That was uncalled for.”
Your mouth dropped in shock and you turned towards Sirius, who was scowling at the floor with his arms crossed, “Your family marries their own cousins?” To say you were horrified would be an understatement.
James let out a little yelp and clamped his hands over your ears and loudly whispered to Sirius, “She’s too young to hear inappropriate stuff like that!”
You rolled your eyes and elbowed him in the stomach, making him let go of your form and doubled over in pain, “I’m literally only six months younger than you!”
“That still makes me older!” James retorted childishly.
Sirius dramatically gasped and put a hand over his heart, getting over his initial shock, “I cannot believe you never told me that you had an attractive cousin!” And with that he flopped back onto the couch.
The boy had forgotten though, about the prank he had set up moments before, and the pink smoke flew up into the air and into his shoulder length black hair, turning it pink immediately.
The cousins hadn’t been paying any attention to what was happening with him though, as they both had their eyebrows furrowed in confusion, looking at the ground.
“You never told him that you had a cousin?” You asked James, a bewildered expression taking over your features.
“Attractive?” James asked at the same time, equally as confused as his younger cousin.
Both of the cousins looked up at the same time to question Sirius further about those two different things when they stopped short when they saw the state that the tall boy was in.
Sirius was frantically clawing at his head, trying to get the pink out of his precious hair, and all the Potter’s could do was take one look at the struggling boy, and double over laughing.
“P-pads…” James tried to get out in between laughter, “Y-you really think that I d-didn’t know you were trying to prank me?”
Sirius stopped clawing at his head and frowned, “How did you know?”
James shook his head, sobering up a little bit, but still chuckling slightly, “You really aren’t the brightest, are you, Padfoot?” Said boy just continued to pout, “First, you insisted on going to a muggle store. So I brought you, but the only thing that you bought was pink hair dye! When I asked you about it, you said that it was for your little sister!” Sirius tilted his head, confused about what was wrong with his fool proof story, “Pads! You don’t have a sister!”
Sirius made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth as he came to the realization of the flaw in his supposedly flawless plan.
He pouted even more and slumped back against the couch with crossed arms, causing the two people standing in front of him to chuckle slightly.
James turned to you, “What are you doing here, n/n?” He asked curiously, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled that you are, but I just didn’t know you were coming.”
You grinned, “Well, Jamie, if you must know, mum and dad thought it would be good for me to stop by. Auntie and uncle said to make it a surprise even though they are working today, and they agreed that it would be good for me to stay over for the rest of the summer while my parents are in Egypt, seeing as I’m going to be attending your school this fall.” You finished off your big speech with dramatic jazz hands.
James broke out into the largest grin upon hearing the news and yet out a small whoop of excitement, pulling you into a hug, spinning you around and then started cheering and chanting, “You’re coming to Hogwarts! You’re coming to Hogwarts! You’re coming to Hogwarts! You’re… coming to Hogwarts?” He was now confused, “What about Beaubotox?”
You smiled at your cousin sheepishly, “I may or may not have been involved in a prank that may or may not have resulted in half of the school being on fire while the other half was submerged in water…Said prank may or may not have resulted in me getting expelled.”
James and Sirius just blinked at you once, twice, looked at each other and then burst out laughing.
They laughed so hard that their bellies started to hurt. “You’re going to fit right in.” Sirius was finally snicker out after he sobered up enough.
This caused you to grin. You opened your mouth to say something else, but then the fireplace erupted in green flames, making you pause, and out walked Euphemia and Fleamont Potter, both sporting grins to rival their sons.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite niece!” Fleamont exclaimed excitedly, rushing forward and bringing you into a hug, spinning you around like James had done only moments before.
You giggled, hugging him back tightly, “I’m your only niece, Uncle Monty.”
Fleamont set you down with a slight shake of his head, “No, that can’t be right.” He said with furrowed eyebrows, thinking that his niece was playing a joke on him. “Annabeth is also my niece!”
Mia’s eyebrows shot up, “Our neighbor, Mrs. Chase’s granddaughter? That Annabeth?”
“That girl we’ve seen, like, once in our lives?” James butted in, becoming as confused as everyone else.
Fleamont paused for a moment, “I do have another niece, I’m sure of it!”
Euphemia shook her head at her husbands antics at and then looked at you with a soft smile, “Hello dear.” She greeted before pulling you into a warm and welcoming hug.
“Hey, auntie.” You said, gladly returning the gesture.
Mia gently squeezed you one more time before stepping back and looking you over, “Oh, you’ve gotten so beautiful.” She beamed.
You giggled a little and shook your head slightly, “You say that everytime you see me, auntie.” You reminded her.
The older woman gave a firm head nod, “Becuase it’s true every time.”
James crossed his arms with a huff and pouted, “Just be happy she says stuff like that to you.” He informed his cousin, “Whenever she sees me during break it’s always,” he started to mimic his mums voice, “‘James stop slouching.’ and ‘James why is your hair still messy’ or ‘James, for the love of Merlin, put your shirt back on!’ or ‘James, your feet smell ghastly!’”
His mother turned to him with a raised eyebrow, “Oh, I’m sorry James, would you like to be told that you look beautiful?” She mocked playfully.
Said boy put his hands on his hips and struck a pose with his hip jutting out, “Yes, actually. I would like that very much.” He dramatically turned his head to the side and stuck up his nose.
His mother rolled her eyes and his father covered up a chuckle with a cough while his best friend and cousin just out right laughed.
Sirius continued laughing as he stood up and walked over to James, swinging an arm over his shoulder, “You look beautiful, Prongsie.”
James flipped his invisible long hair over his shoulder, “I know.”
Mia rolled her eyes playfully at the two boys before throwing an equally as playful wink to you, “Come on, let’s get you settled in and leave them to talk about who’s nail polish is prettier.”
“Mine, obviously.” Sirius said without hesitation.
James whipped around to glare at him, “Oh, really?”
The two girls exited the room, leaving the screaming boys behind them with giggles.
The older woman led her niece halfway up the stairs before you stopped, “Oh, I forgot my luggage in the living room, Auntie.”
Mia let out a little laugh and waved her wand, and the cases flew from the living room and through the halls right into your hands, catching them with a little, ‘umph’ at the sudden force of the objects.
There was a thud from the room the boys were in followed by a little cry of pain and the evil laughter of Fleamont and Sirius, letting the girls know that James had been resting on the suitcases when Mia had summoned them.
Euphemia led you to one of the many guest rooms in the manor and turned to you with a guilty look upon arrival, “Your room may or may not have been rented out to Sirius because it’s closest to James’s room so your uncle and I don’t have to hear them try and yell across the house to one another anymore.”
You shrugged a little, “When’s he gonna be gone?”
Mia quieted and turned serious, “He’s going to be staying with us for a while.”
Sensing her aunt's tone, you didn’t push it, instead just nodded and coming to terms with the idea of a stranger living in your room.
When you were younger, before you and James were sent to separate schools, you would stay over so often that it really seemed silly that you wouldn’t have a room to yourself.
After being left alone to unpack, you decided to wander the halls of the big house for a little bit, something you always used to do whenever you were bored, then you would go downstairs to socialize once you felt like it.
You walked up the stairs to the attic, but didn’t stay there, instead you walked straight to the back of the room and pushed open a window that was already slightly open, and began to climb onto the roof.
When you were young and needed to get away from people, you would run into the attic and then go out the window, leaving it only slightly open, and have time to yourself where no one could find you.
What you didn’t expect though, was to be greeted by the sight of your cousin's best friend sitting on the roof as soon as you stepped out.
You let out a little yelp of surprise and stumbled back out of shock, clearly not having noticed the signs that someone else would be up there.
Before you could fall off the roof though, you felt a large hand wrap around your small arm and yank you back into an upright position.
You breathed out a sigh of relief and looked up at Sirius who was already staring down at you with wide and panicked eyes.
He quickly put on a calm and collected mask over it though, “Careful, you could’ve fallen there.”
You huffed at his sort of rude tone, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes, “I wouldn’t have fallen.” You grumbled matter-of-factly.
He put his hands up in mock surrender, backing away, “Sure, sure, whatever you say.” Then under his breath he muttered, “Well aren’t you just a ray of sunshine.”
“I heard that.” You snapped, kind of angry that someone had found your hiding spot.
“What are you doing up here anyway?” He ignored your tone.
“I could be asking you the same question.”
You didn’t know why you was being so hostile towards the boy, he hadn’t persay done anything.
Sure he was living in your room, but that wasn’t his fault.
He also was now your best friend's so-called best friend.
So you maybe- just a tiny bit- held a grudge for the boy you hadn’t even met half an hour ago.
You hadn’t even realized that you had averted your gaze until you caught yourself staring at his beat up converse.
Your eyes quickly flickered up to find stormy grey ones looking down at you in a studying and calculating manor.
Without another word, you watched as he climbed down the roof and slipped through the window without sparing you a second glance, with a feeling in the pit of your stomach couldn’t quite place.
After Sirius had appeared back downstairs, you miraculously did a few moments after.
Nobody questioned where either of you had been, honestly not even realizing that much that you had left.
Dinner was spent with you and Sirius sending each other curious glances when you thought the other was looking, not taking Mia Potter into account, who had caught on and was smirking at her plate.
Afterwards, everyone retired to the living room for a wizarding chess bracket.
You and James played while everyone else sat back and watched them interact with a smile on their faces.
As the two cousins laughed loudly at something James said, Mia turned on the couch to face Sirius next to her.
“We raised them like siblings,” She explained to him, “Neither of them ever had any of their own, so they were there to kind of fill that void.”
Her head turned back to the two with a look so full of love and adoration that Sirius could hardly believe it was real, “They were both devastated at being separated when they went to school. But Y/n’s mother insisted on her going to Beaubotox because that’s where she went… and look how that turned out.”
Sirius nodded, not being able to help himself as he stared at the girl. Mia noticed and she let out a chuckle.
“What?” Sirius turned to her in confusion.
She just shook her head with a small, amused smile, “Nothing, nothing.”
The two sat in silence for a moment, looking over the scene in front of them, before the dark haired boy turned back to the Potter woman, “Mia… I can leave soon if you would like. Get out of your family's way.”
The woman’s head turned to him sharply, a stern look on her face, “You will do no such thing, Sirius Black. You are staying here because you are family and you most certainly are not in our way.”
Sirius felt his heart swell and tears almost welled up in his eyes on the spot, “Thank you.” He choked out, gratitude shining through his face.
James was laying on his back on his bed, facing the ceiling with his hands crossed over his stomach, deep in thought.
Sirius was laying on the ground, on his stomach, flipping through the Daily Prophet, kicking his legs back and forth as he hummed a muggle song.
“Hey, Pads?” James called out, breaking the comfortable silence that they had been sitting in for about half an hour.
You were with Mia and Fleamont downstairs, using the floo network to tell your parents that you had gotten to the house okay.
Sirius stopped kicking his legs and looked up at the bed, “Yeah?”
“What did you mean when you called n/n attractive?”
This caused the black haired boy to tense up and hesitate, he had realized after the words left his mouth what he had said earlier and regretted them immediately, and in front of James nonetheless.
He knew how his best friend was around those he loved, he was protective of them and would do anything for any of them, and he figured that you were no exception.
“Oh, that?” Sirius finally managed to get the words off his lips, “Oh, I was just being friendly, Prongs.”
James allowed silence to fall over the two for another moment as he thought through the answer he received before slowly nodding, “Okay.”
Sirius almost let out a breath of relief, happy that James bought it for now. In the future he would have to be careful, because no matter how pretty the girl was, James was still his best friend and he would never do something like that to him.
James spoke up again, “Besides… if anything I’m the attractive cousin.”
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naresnani · 1 year
For Peace
Fandom: Ikemen Prince | Adam Kain (OC), Adjisaka Kain (OC), Chevalier Michel | Words: 600
Tags: just a short dialogue
“You and him are the exact same.”
Hearing his brother’s rough voice, directed to the First Prince no less, Adam winces. 
Yet still the loudest sound of the night is the crackling campfire, burning erratically in front of them. The three men had stayed up for the watch, their faces framed by the darkness, while everyone else seemed to have returned to their tents. In the midst of war, they’re all on edge, especially the other two, who are the current commands of the frontlines. Adji of the Yashpari and Chevalier the Rhodolitians. It’s been going… well, as well as you’d expect between two very different individuals. 
Though Adji had certainly mellowed out from the Adji that Adam remembers, he never really changed.
“Aiming for ‘peace’. And the sort of peace that you want only brings about more wars,” he said, softly, like speaking is a most tiresome ask. “Every man makes this mistake.”
Chevalier, despite himself, always listens. Whatever scathing critique Adji levied at him. Supposedly despite everything these two also understand each other very well. 
His unwavering posture faces towards the fire, and he just listens.
“Well, they make the worse mistake, I’ll admit. But only because Rhodolite hasn’t been given the chance yet, heh.” Adji’s faint smile only lasts a second. “If your roles are reversed, I’ll bet my life I wouldn’t be able to differentiate between you, and the Gilbert von Obsidian.”
“If our roles are reversed….” 
For some reason Chevalier is entertaining the thought.
At this point Adam has been glaring holes into Adji’s skull, without much success. He more often than not truly appreciates his brother’s boldness towards basically everyone around him, because it’s something he’s not able to do. However everything they’ve done to reach this far shouldn’t be leading up to a failed and broken alliance only because Adji refuses to be nothing less. 
“If our roles were reversed, we wouldn’t be here right now,” Chevalier finishes.
“Yes, we would be on top of rubble.” Adji absently stares into the distant forest. He hasn’t so much as glanced at Adam. “... This is something I won’t doubt you have learned well, but it’s often the case that men refuse to believe it,” he starts, still addressing the prince. “It never ends, milord. The struggle.”
Adam is filled with familiar feelings.
“There will be no final victory. And certainly none that’ll bring about lasting peace. To live, you constantly fight for yourself.” Adji’s words come so easily, like he has had this belief cemented in his very being. “So that there might just be a probability that you and your children live a smidge easier.”
“From my side, Kain, you seem no different either,” Chevalier said. “If given the power the gold and the influence, wouldn’t you safeguard your people no matter the cost?”
“Of course. What would be my point otherwise? However, I don’t delude myself into thinking I could save the rest of the world. This wish of yours is your error.” He looks past the prince. “People will still fight, no matter what, for a better life. Even better than what you think they deserve. And what one man or nation thinks someone deserves is often very wrong.” 
Again, Adji is met with silence. An attentive silence.
“Once you understand this… perhaps you’ll live with a lot less burden in your heart.” 
I know I have, he seems to imply. His acceptance of there being no end to the struggle seems to have given him… peace?
“I suppose this means there’s no end to a better life either,” Adam chimes in from the darkness.
“I suppose so, brother.” He returns to them. “I suppose you’re right.”
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walker-290 · 1 year
How fucking dare you fangirl over Jensen’s concert when you said he wanted Jared to die? FUCK YOU. I hope you have a horrible rest of your life.
1. I never explicitly said Jensen wanted Jared to die. I raised a question about his intentions and motivation of saying Never Keep Fighting a few minutes after he himself said Jared was lucky to be alive. Always Keep Fighting are the three words I tell myself everyday and to hear never keep fighting from the mouth of someone I used to look up to hurt me in a way I can never explain to you or anyone else.
But for a minute, forget all about it. Before I made that post questioning Jensen's mindset, I read at least 15 posts from AAs and hellers claiming the exact same thing, more explicitly than me, but they were celebrating it, they were applauding Jensen for it, did you wish for their horrible future too?
Am I the problem because I asked if Jensen was happy about Jared's accident? Or am I the problem because I hated Jensen for it rather than applauding him for it?
2. How dare I enjoy the concert. Hmm, I should have boycotted Jensen altogether. Because truly, honestly I don't like the person I see in Jensen Ackles anymore. I really don't see the guy I used to admire anymore, not even in the panels with Jared, not even when he is telling Jared "I love you too" or when he is calling Jared "an idiot". I think he is putting up a front. I don't feel like his smile reaches his eyes anymore. Or anything he is saying is genuine, and not something he is saying what he thinks people want to hear.
Having said that, for 4 years I admired him. I loved his music even before he released his first album. I have listened to all of his songs from both albums and each SNS a million times. When his albums came out, I kept my Spotify open 24/7 for a week and played the songs over and over again to help it make the top one on the chart. I didn't shut my laptop literally for a week.
If you go to my twitter or Tumblr, before prequel-gate and Walker, you'll see how many Jensen's SNS GIFs, Jensen contents I have posted Vs Jared or anyone else combined.
You just don't stop liking everything a person does just because their behaviour turned shitty. No matter how asshole your ex was, do you never miss the good things he used to do or something?
I have seen people who love Jensen and don't like or care about his music much because the type of music he does is not their cup of tea. For me, I love the type of music he writes with Steve. I still think, in the last 2 years, the most genuine smile I have seen on his face is when he was singing.
Again, I do not like the person Jensen is right now. And I still would never want him to have a horrible life. I wish him the best and if he is at his best when he is doing music, I hope he gets to do it more and on a bigger platform. The only bad thing I want to happen in his life is TW getting cancelled.
I am a random person on the internet who asked a bad question about a celebrity you like, and you are that much hurt about it to curse my whole life in an anonymous ask. So, try to imagine loving and admiring someone above everyone else for years and hearing mockery from their mouth about something that helps you be alive everyday...
Even if you don't believe me, whoever you are, I am genuinely sorry that my posts, takes or questions hurt you. I never meant to hurt anyone. But I am also deeply hurt and I know in my head that he is just a random celebrity I should totally avoid and let go, but it's still something I am struggling to recover from.
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I was tagged by @rayatii, so here I go
1. Are you named after anyone?
As far as I'm aware, no. Unless you consider nicknaming myself to count for this, then probably after James from the pokemon anime, and
2. When was the last time you cried?
Several weeks ago when I told a homophobe to shut up and somehow not getting beaten up by him, and then later when I told my mum about that I also came out to her - tears of both fear and happiness
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. I'm not great parent material to be honest.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I'm not really sure, I can't really tell sarcasm when I see it, that includes myself, so if you see me using the "/s" tone indicator know I'm rolling my dice there /gen
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Chess and currently learning some of the tournament card games. These are sports no matter what you think qualifies as sport - football is also a game and yet it's counted as sport. Either way if that answer doesn't suffice, I was pretty big on basketball in middle school, and the boys bullied me for it in middle school. Then they realised that it's actually kinda fun, and I have fallen out of practice by that time, and grew to hate it like most other physical game-sports.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Their linguistic quirks. Accents, regional words, peculiar mispronunciations, particular patterns of misspelling things.
7. What’s your eye color?
Deep brown, can't tell the exact shade. a mutual friend of Raya and I said once that I have "very loyal eyes" to compare them to the colour of brown dog eyes.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I want to see my blorbos happy. Although if "bittersweet" was an option here, I'd go for that.
9. Any special talents?
I don't consider myself talented in any particular way, but I know my friends would send me strongly worded PMs if I gave that as my answer, so I'll say, what many of them always put at the forefront of the good stuff about me, "Good at learning languages", and personally I'd also say "Pattern recognition" (especially when it comes to languages)
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Learning languages, learning about languages, playing ttRPGs, learning ttRPGs, writing (poetry and prose), reading (mostly prose but I like poetry too), traditional board games, traditional card games, modern board games, modern card games, zelda, graeco-roman mythology, mythology, history (chiefly before Napoleon) and many many more. I can already think of some stuff I missed but I don't want to make this post infinitely long
12. Do you have any pets?
Not I myself but my family has three cats! A tabby named Kati, a british shorthair named Boniface, and a ragdoll named Lucifer. We also used to have a yorkshire terrier named Little Knot (translating from the polish name, we don't have the same connotation of knot in regards to canine genitalia, the original name is Supełek)
13. How tall are you?
Last time I checked, 173cm
14. Favorite subject?
Language stuff. RPG stuff. too much stuff.
15. Dream job?
not one in mind. I thought I wanted to be a translator but with how I'm doing in college, I doubt I'd become that :')
and now for the 15 other people, lessee... @awerzo @nerothething @angeloftheeasterngate @carrotsareaces @quilveor @leosoularrow @cutthroatchorus @kettukakku-blog @mrvauxs @norislandia @hedgerian and I think that's about the extent to which I can name people off the top of my head have fun!
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
She Deserves To Have Your Name (A FrankenWolf Fic)
Howdy, dearies! This is my first stab at writing Frankenwolf (squeee!) and this fic is for @stardreamer28, who came up with the idea—hope you don’t mind me borrowing it for a while! It’s pretty soft, bc the premise is “Victor wants to simplify/modernize his last name for a Frankenwolf baby, but Ruby doesn’t want that to happen” and that really can’t be anything but domesticity with a sprinkle of Frankenwolf-typical angst. Read on and have fun!
Victor rested his chin on top of Ruby’s head. Her hair was soft and smelled vaguely of peach; he wasn’t sure if it was her shampoo, or if the diner had been making an unusual amount of peach pies lately.
He had really come to enjoy their Saturday afternoons together in the apartment. Now that Ruby had entered her third trimester, Granny Lucas insisted on restricting her work hours to the mornings so she could exercise or rest for the remainder of the day. In a little while, Victor was sure Ruby would sigh, stretch, and get up to change into her running clothes. She’d taken up running after the Dark Curse broke and swore she would keep it up until she was actually in labor.
Of course, it had been hard for Victor to get his own shifts rearranged, especially considering how few doctors there seemed to be in Storybrooke, but Victor had sacrificed Tuesday and Wednesday nights to the hospital in exchange, and he thought the bargain was worth it.
“I’ve been thinking about names for the baby,” Ruby said. Victor loved how her sharp voice melted into the most gentle tone when she talked about their as-yet-unnamed child. “Maybe Lydia after Granny?”
“She has a first name?”
Ruby shifted to look up at Victor, her face caught between laughing and frowning. “Of course she does! She wasn’t born a grandma.” She settled for chuckling as she draped herself back against Victor’s side. “What do you think?”
“Lydia.” Victor considered it. Names had power, even in his land of origin, and he wanted to be careful not to pick the wrong one for his baby girl. “I’m not sure.”
“It would sound really nice with Frankenstein,” Ruby offered.
“About that....I think we should renovate my surname for her. Frank would suit this world a lot better, and it doesn’t have the same baggage that Frankenstein does.” Victor had been devastated to learn how the Land Without Magic viewed him, and since they had lived unaware of their own magical worlds for nearly three decades, most of Storybrooke had developed a similar wariness of him. His daughter didn’t deserve to grow up with a name that was cumbersome both for its length and for its connotations.
“Absolutely not,” Ruby said. That sweet voice took on a hard edge; Victor knew she meant business. “Doctor Whale wasn’t the man I fell in love with. Doctor Whale isn’t the man I’m having a baby with. Victor Frankenstein is. And he’s also the man Lydia is going to grow up idolizing and loving and trying to emulate.”
“I hope she doesn’t.”
Ruby sat up again, leaning her elbows on her knees. One hand subconsciously went to rest on her now-prominent baby bump. “Vic, she’s going to have problems no matter which of us she wants to be like. She’ll probably be a werewolf, although hopefully there won’t be any boyfriend-eating in her future. And I bet she has all of your big, beautiful brains, and maybe she’ll use them for things other people don’t understand—but that doesn’t mean those things will be bad. Maybe she’ll perfect your science, who knows?”
She took Victor’s hand, twisting the gold band around his finger for emphasis. “The point is, our girl is going to own her heritage, and she deserves to do it with her father’s name as well as his legacy.”
Victor searched the depths of Ruby’s hazel-brown eyes. While he could never decide what exact color her irises were, he could always decipher her mood from them. And he found nothing but sincerity and earnestness.
He had once hoped his name would stand for life. It had been the only goal on his mind. But if Ruby could live with the name Frankenstein, and if she thought their daughter could manage it as well, then perhaps it was time for their name to stand for something else: their family.
“Lydia Frankenstein it is, then,” he agreed.
Ruby grinned (she was wearing her favorite red lipstick even for relaxing at home) and patted Victor on the knee. “Nice to have that settled before the pup is born,” she said teasingly. Victor would be the first to admit he’d dragged his feet, but he wouldn’t have let it get that far. “Now, do you want to come with me on my run?”
The answer was always no; running wasn’t Victor’s preferred method of exercise. He’d seen a lot of forty- or fifty-year-old joggers need joint replacements, and he wasn’t about to join them. Ruby, he figured, had extra endurance from her wolf gene, and probably didn’t need to worry about it.
He did help her off the couch, though. It was old and a little bit saggy, and she was getting rather round in the middle, which was a difficult combination to manage.
Lydia Frankenstein. Victor tried to picture her. She had Ruby’s compassionate eyes, which turned yellow under full moonlight, and slightly-too-sharp canine teeth. She had Victor’s own honey-blonde hair and she was wearing one of his lab coats.
Or maybe she had blue eyes, like Victor, and she had dark curls and wore faux-fur and a waitress’s apron. Whatever combination of her parents she was, she would also be her own person, free to make her own mistakes and gain her own notoriety.
After all, that seemed to be what Frankensteins, by blood or by marriage, did best.
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crystalelemental · 2 years
I caught up on the Ash vs. Cynthia fight and folks, I am choosing violence.
My stance on the anime has overall been really negative this tournament run.  Barring Diantha vs. Lance, nothing has been particularly exciting to me.  I can live with the Alain vs. Leon outcome, and the Ash vs. Steven outcome, I just feel like they could’ve done a bit more to make the match feel like it mattered.  I’m still not over Diantha vs. Leon, and doubtless, never will be.  But barring how hard they disrespected Diantha...this is the most bothered I’ve been.  This is worse than how sidelined Iris was.
It’s not because Cynthia lost.  I feel like I need to preface that.  Cynthia was always going to lose, no one should be surprised.  It’s not even strictly how she lost.  Ash still fights like a cheating anime protagonist (what the fuck is “Use Breaking Swipe on the shield to remove Stealth Rock supposed to be?), but most situations could’ve been handled equivalently without it, they just did it for dramatic effect (just have Pikachu tech in Electric Terrain this fight for Hypnosis immunity and it checks out, Breaking Swipe on Garchomp would’ve dealt damage that cancels out what Lucario would’ve taken from Rocks and the same outcome occurs anyway, etc).  It’s a mild inconvenience at worst.  In fact, I’m willing to say that on the whole the fight itself is really solid.  Part 1 is fantastic for ramping up the tension by taking Pikachu out early, the reveal of Dynamax Togekiss was amazing and that little blob actually did fantastic.  Even smaller bits like surprise, Roserade has Natural Cure, Gengar effectively accomplished nothing, is great.  It’s a little dumb that Cynthia apparently didn’t bring a Ground-type attack on Garchomp, but small potatoes in the grand scheme of an otherwise good fight.
No, what bothers me is what they did with Cynthia herself.
“By the way, win or lose, I’m retiring after this.”  That had people pretty mad, but personally, I was all for it.  Cynthia’s always had her fixation on her research and travels, and I had assumed this was leading into Black and White timeline stuff, where she’s going off to visit Caitlin’s villas around the world in her research, and is participating here just to show off that she’s the best, and retire on top.  Which is cool and interesting and works for her character.  But that’s not what happens.  No, instead, we get some nonsense in part three as she gets really into the tension of the fight with Ash, and decides that no, actually she’s not retiring, how could she ever give up something as fun as battling?
Fuck.  You.
That is stupid.  That is bottom of the barrel bullshit stupid.  You’re telling me the whole retirement thing was just so arrogant ploy of “Oh, I am simply just so bored of always winning.”  Fuck off.  That is the least compelling reason for anyone to do anything.  Especially for someone in her position.  You’re not even #1, Cynthia, what the fuck do you mean you’re bored?  All this motivation serves to do is make you intolerably arrogant for no reason.  To say absolutely nothing of the sheer disrespect it paints toward Iris.  Iris also had you down to your last Pokemon and was battling pretty well, but apparently absolutely nothing in that counted for anything?  Nothing Iris accomplished made you feel excited about battling, or like there was something worth doing in the fight?  Are you goddamned kidding me?  Fuck Iris I guess, not even good enough to register.  Oh but Ash is though.  I guess if you wanted to showcase a divide in his skill compared to Iris, there you go.  Just grind the poor girl further in the dirt, why don’t you?  But at the top of this list of bullshit, there is the most frustrating aspect of this whole situation.
Apparently the anime’s grand plan of action with Cynthia was to whole-hog rip off Volkner’s entire personality.  I’ve been on record saying I can’t stand Volkner, and it’s because of this exact thing.  Dude, you’re a Gym Leader in a region with a proper Elite Four.  There are five people at minimum who are better than you in the region, and you’re bored of battling because no one’s challenging enough for you?  Sounds like a you problem.  Like maybe you’re avoiding facing off against opponents that obviously exist and can challenge you, and then complaining when there’s not enough challenge.  It’s intolerably arrogant, self-important, and stupid.  And despite having plenty to draw from on the topic of a regional champion, this is all they could think to do for her.  Copy the worst personality trait of a gym leader from her own region.
I legitimately don’t know what I expect anymore.  I got two parts of really fun engagement with the battle, before the anime decided to remind me it can’t do anything right with its characters.  I’m just blown away at how little everyone matters.  Lance and Steven get swept aside and effectively do nothing.  Iris gets a little but is unceremoniously pushed aside, her entire association with Ash as a former travel companion and rival just rendered meaningless.  Diantha gets a really cool debut fight, only to be obliterated off-screen and pushed aside for Leon, who has been given exactly 0 personality thus far.  And now Cynthia just gets her entire personality obliterated and replaced with Volkner.  What an absolute shitshow.  In for a penny and all that, I’ll get to Ash vs. Leon eventually, but boy I am not expecting anything beyond the battle anymore.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
The Devils I Know - Number 7
Welcome to “The Devils I Know!” For this spooky time of year, from now till Halloween, I’ll be counting down My Top 31 Depictions of the Devil, from movies, television, video games, and more! And SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND! Number 7 is…Al Pacino, from The Devil’s Advocate.
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Several years before facing Peter Stormare’s Lucifer in “Constantine,” Keanu Reeves had to challenge the Prince of Darkness in the 1997 crime/horror combo “The Devil’s Advocate.” In the film, Reeves plays Kevin Lomax, an up-and-coming lawyer working in Florida. Lomax is not necessarily an evil man, but he is a highly ambitious one, and is both dedicated and skilled when it comes to his job: even when defending a client he realizes is guilty, Lomax is still able to find a way to gain an acquittal from the jury. He’s a man who refuses to lose a case, no matter what. Indeed, his incredible ability to help his clients gets him the attention of a prominent law firm in New York City. Kevin accepts their job offer and moves to New York with his wife, Mary Ann (played by future Evil Queen and Morticia, Charlize Theron), expecting big things from this change in his life…and he certainly gets them, thought not at all the way he expects. The head of the firm is Al Pacino’s character, who goes by the name of “John Milton.” (A reference to the writer of “Paradise Lost.”) At first, Lomax and Milton get on swimmingly, but over time, as Kevin’s life begins to fall apart – his wife going insane, his career taking nightmarish directions – he begins to realize more and more that Milton is not all he seems. It’s ultimately revealed that Milton is not only Kevin’s long-lost father…but, more importantly, that Milton is the Devil himself. Milton’s whole scheme is to force Kevin into a position where he will willingly become the father of the Antichrist, so that Milton can – of course – take over the world. While Pacino was always the first choice to play the Devil in this movie, the creators didn’t secure his performance right away. Apparently, Pacino initially felt the role of Milton was too one-note, and rejected earlier versions of the script no less than three times. He did recommend other actors who might be able to take the part – apparently, both Sean Connery and Robert Redford, of all people, were considered for the role, per Pacino’s suggestion – but these performers ended up being either unavailable or simply unwilling to tackle the character. Finally, on the fourth proposal - and with some changes made to the script by that point – Pacino accepted the part. Thank goodness (or badness, I guess, in this case), because it’s hard to imagine anyone but ol’ Scarface here doing such a great job with the portrayal of the Devil in the film. Pacino’s Devil is a wonderfully fun villain; he’s somehow a character who hides nothing and yet remains an eternal enigma. Much like Jack Nicholson’s Daryl Van Horne, there’s a mixture of coarseness and dignity to this take on the concept. Pacino swaggers through the role, and carries himself with…basically the exact kind of attitude you’d EXPECT Pacino as the Devil to have: he's somewhere between a gangster and a sleazy snake oil salesman. It’s Pacino at his most…Pacino-y, but he also has a strength and sense of uneasy menace to him that gives him the power and believability a part like this requires. He speaks so sensibly and makes many good and interesting points, yet at the same time he never hides the fact that…well…he is who and what he is. To me, when I think of the Devil, this is one of the first versions I think of, and it’s easily in my Top 3 of Pacino’s performances (my favorite is Michael Corleone, my second favorite is Tony Montana). All in all, an easy choice for high placement on this countdown. Also…Keanu, you should probably stop ticking off the Devil. It, uh…doesn’t seem to go well for you, whenever it happens. Plus, now you have both Michael and Dracula mad at you, so…(pauses)…oh, who am I kidding, he’s John Wick. He can take care of himself. :P Tomorrow, the countdown continues with Number 6! HINT: One…Two…Three Strikes, You’re Out!
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stierhai · 1 year
@clockworkspider​ tagged me, so I’ll give it a whirl!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Thirty.  I keep thinking I should write more, but then I get distracted by roleplaying, deciding to move continents again, that sort of thing.  Not this year because this year I’m moving continents again and I wanna pass the JPLT N2 but next year I think will be the year I do more writing. 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
119,672 words.  Lame tbh.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
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Ante(de)grade(ation) deserves it, though I really think Arc-V is a terrible show.  I feel a little bit bad about my top fic being for a series I think is garbage, because it means I don’t like engaging with people who enjoyed it.  But when I write for something I really like, I get intimidated, so... It’s always something or another.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes.  It kind of depends on the comment.  See my commentary on the above question.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ante or Capgras Syndrome.  They have the exact same themeing even if the setting/plot is different so I ended them more or less the same way. 
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
The Best Revenge is Living Well or Dear Forgiveness, where these are both very different fandoms but the ending is the same sort of theme: accepting that things have changed and you can’t go back to how things used to be but moving forward while carrying your past with you.  Same-ass ending.  Dear Forgiveness, is about reconciliation and The Best Revenge is about finding understanding, and one is between [Exes?  what the fuck do you call Shu and Nazuna, they’re basically exes] and the other is the Arclight family.  So whichever the reader thinks is happier kind of depends on the reader’s priorities.  I think they’re about even but I’d understand if someone preferred one to the other.
7. Do you write crossovers?
I’ve written three, but the point of two of them was kind of bridging the gap between ygo Zexal and Arc-V since it was originally heavily implied they were the same series but with a time-gap.  Then Konami fucked it, so I lost interest in finishing.  The other was a one-shot that was basically the same function, but with ygo GX + 5Ds.  So technically, yes.  However, I’m not particularly likely to do two casts fell through a portal and meet each other or whatever.  I’m not big into Isekai.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope.  I’ve gotten comments like `I don’t usually read incest`, but since they’re complimentary I can’t mind it.  Even though I think it’s a bit silly that they’re telling me their moral stance on the subject matter before being like I liked it anyway though.  If I wrote for bigger fandoms or wrote more prolifically, I’d probably get hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don’t usually, but I’ve written some.  I think the only smut I’ve posted to ao3 was two vampires and it was quite violent.  Like one of them slitting the other from groin to sternum mid-coitus.  So, gratuitous darkfic tbh. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of, but also why would you want to.  
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Yes.  Into Chinese.  Ante was one, and I forget the other but I remember giving permission for it.
 12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, Saturnaila which I co-wrote with Kaz.  Honestly, I’d love to co-write more, it’s motivating to be working with another person.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
All time makes this very hard to qualify.  No idea.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
15. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I’m good at understanding character psychology and writing distinct character voice.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Low motivation.  If I don’t think anyone else is interested (which is most of the time) I probably won’t turn anything out and my tastes are... what they are, so...
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don’t mind it, so long as the author knows the language in question.  If they google translated though it’s like... please don’t do that.  But I grew up on pretentious Good Omens and Hetalia fic that had footnotes as long as the fics themselves.  I imagine that biases my answer somewhat.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
YGO DM way back in middle school.  I never posted them and they probably exist only in notebooks that have long since been tossed.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I’ve got two fics for mcyt I might do at some point, though I’ll likely have to make an alt to post them just because that fandom is insane.  I’ve got more enstars to do at some point, some WataTomo, some EiShu, some IzuLeo. 
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Capgras Syndrome. 
And I’m tagging @hopefulrefrain​! 
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nelweenfic · 2 years
Hero Deku is well known in the fandom, talking a lot with his fans on the internet about the news about heroes in general or his favorite subject : Dynamight. 
But little did he know, Katsuki was one of his followers on his page. Even if Katsuki was used to praises from the nerd, he discovered that Deku was totally fangirling but also was another type of man while talking about him on the internet. Always respectful or private with awkward questions. 
And one day, the first day of June to be exact, Hero Deku shared an unusual picture of him that triggered Katsuki immediately. It was a picture of him, in his apartment, Katsuki went once or twice but something was odd. Then he looked at the sentence below the picture saying "Happy pride month everybody! I'm glad to be able to live it with you this time!" 
Katsuki's eyes widened at the screen and found what was odd. The bisexual flag on the wall behind Deku. Of course the media went wild about it and some of the fans asked if Deku knew the other Hero's sexuality! 
After one hour on the net, Katsuki discovered that also Kirishima, Kaminari, Jirou, Momo and Tsuyu came out that day. He hadn't even had a hint about their sexuality before. Katsuki never had interest in that but he couldn't let the thought of Izuku, loving men. 
He knew the guy since they were in diapers and he didn't know that he was Bi. That bastard should have told him. They were friends, right? 
But what was shaking Katsuki's was mostly that the nerd could be his. After all this pining, the years of different types of relationship, Katsuki had never thought his dream to be with Izuku that way would be possible. So, he decided to DM Deku via his fan page through his fan account. Thinking it would be a good idea. 
"Hey, congrats for your CO."
"Thanks, BoomBoomLove!" 
What now? It's not like he could say anything about him, he didn't want to blast his cover.
"Since some of the others are coming out, do you think we will see you dating someone soon?" 
"I'm not interested in any of my friends. Plus, I can't date right now." 
"Why? You also deserve love."
"Because I can't date, I'm a hero." 
"And? What's the matter?"
Katsuki knew exactly why. As a hero himself, he knew the risk of dating. The person being a direct target for the villain, or the fact that having a private life is hard and also hard to find time for them. But it wasn't a problem for Katsuki. They were both top heroes, so everything would fit.
"Because I don't want to think of losing that person." 
"But, if the person loves you and knows the risks, why not give it a shot?" 
"Thanks boomboomlove, but not many heroes go in a relationship for those reasons." 
"I'm sure Dynamight would date someone." 
"I don't think so..." 
Katsuki huffed, of course he wouldn't date anyone. Anyone except Deku. 
"If Dynamight was gay, would you date him?" 
"First of all, it's a personal question so I won't answer. And second of all, I won't assume his sexuality, we never speak about it." 
"Oh. I thought you would date him, you're all about him and you knew each other for years so I assume you had a crush on him." 
Katsuki felt almost guilty for asking things like this. He was known to be direct but when it comes to Izuku, he couldn't help and be that fucking pussy he hated so much. Katsuki watched the three little dots going back and forth before actually having an answer. 
"I'm happy that you think we would make a great couple but that decision isn't only up to me. Although, thank you for not questioning me again about my private life. Have a nice day." 
For everybody that could be a formal answer but Katsuki knew the nerd enough to know that, struggling to respond and then saying he was happy and not disgusting was enough hint for him to actually squeal in his bed like a teenage girl. So he decided to try another thing. 
"Oi, nerd!" He texted at Deku's real account.
"Yes, Kacchan?" 
The answer was immediate and Katsuki smiled in the same instant.
"I'm going to grab food at our restaurant, wanna join?" 
"Okay, but I need to go to the bank before, they don't take the card." 
"I didn't ask if you had money, you idiot." 
"But I can pay for myself, Kacchan."
"I don't care about that!" 
"Okay Kacchan, thank you!" 
"Tch, I'll pick you up in ten minute." Katsuki hesitated a bit before adding : "It's a date." 
By the time he got ready and left his apartment, Katsuki didn't have any reply. It was only when he went on his motorcycle that he felt his phone buzzing. His eyes widened when he saw Izulu's answer. 
"You finally decided to ask, boomboomlove! See you in ten, Kacchan."
Katsuki huffed before noticing he had DM real's Deku's account still with his fan account. Katsuki panicked before laughing at his stupidity. Of course the nerd would know his cover, he knew him too well. And that's why Katsuki was madly in love with him.
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linabirb · 9 months
I NEED TO SAY THIS: I READ THE ASK GAME AND YOU ACTUALLY CHANGNED MY OPIION ABOUT ROLLO?? BUT LIKE CONSIDER, NOT JUST MC AND ROLLO, BUT LIKE. WHAT ABOUT ROLLO AND RUGGIE INTERACTING?? MAYBE RIDDLE??? POSSIBLY EVEN IDIA AND ORTHO??!! ITS JUST LIKE, THEYRE SO. MANY! THINGS THEY CAN DO WITH HIS CHARACTER??!!! And then about yuno: imma be honest. I dont think her murder was abortion. She never even really confirmed it. She said she THINKS her murder was abortion, but that doesn't mean its official "oh she did abortion thats her murder" unless its confirmed by the mvs. My main reason for thinking this is that certain evidence in undercover doesn't line up with the mvs. For instance, the scene of her crime on her card, the image of her standing at the top of some stairs, hell even her final black out pose with as doesn't look like abortion to me. But I digress. I feel like with yuno people do the exact same thing with malleyuu. "Oh someone said (blank) so therefore its cannon." There is such a thing as "misleading" fandom like come on😑. Anyway I just had to get that off my chest let me know your opinion 🤗
i'm glad i did!! it means i did my job well 🫡 and yes rollo's character has such a huge potential, it's really a shame that he's supposed to be an event-only character. i wish they could let him interact with idia more too, since.. yeah, their backstories. imagining his interactions with ortho makes me so sad too.. again, i really hope there will be a part 2, since rollo literally said that they will meet again very soon and also i just have no idea what else they could do for this year's halloween event (since masquerade kinda was a halloween event) and also [2] this event was so successful, like if i was a twst dev i would be writing like multiple sequels already JSKDKLSLDLSD.
and yeah, i kinda say that yuno's crime was most likely abortion just for simplicity's sake, but her case really is weird. it's like, i understand why some people say that it makes sense for her murder to be like that (like why would she lie about it or something like milgram is supposed to make you think about what exactly do you consider murder and what you don't and i also just think they were a bit surprised to get so many fans overseas who are also all (or at least almost all) pro-choice), but the way she said it is so. like girl why do you "think" it was your murder. maybe it's just a manner of speech, like maybe she said it like that because it was supposed to show how cold she is and how she doesn't care about anything, but also i'm that person who always goes "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU "THINK"" in cases like that 😭 (it's so funny to imagine yuno say "yeah i think my murder was abortion" and then there's a flashback of her throwing her newborn child down the stairs) but yes what's the deal with those stairs. why is there so many of them. why do they get shown all the time. it's actually wild that tear drop didn't have them. AM I GOING INSANE OR DOES HER BIRTHDAY CAKE ALSO KINDA LOOK LIKE STAIRS.
tbh, yuno's case feels weird to me no matter what they decide to do with it. it's like, if it really is abortion, uh.. yay? congrats on three inno verdicts, queen? like idk it really does feel a bit underwhelming. maybe that's just me though.
and if they go "no actually it was something else" her t2 vd will look even more weird. like girl why would you have to lie. or like, did you actually forget about your crime because that's how much you didn't care about it?? i guess she could lie because maybe she thought that abortion will make her look more guilty or something, but if that's the case, HER BEING VOTED INNOCENT RIGHT AFTER THAT SOUNDS SO FUNNY. i saw many theories about her murder being not exactly abortion, but something like her falling down the stairs (on purpose) while she was pregnant, and i guess it does sound more interesting and makes more sense.
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