nelweenfic · 2 years
Today it's a special day! 🥳
My sweet @edema--ruh is turning 25 and I want to congratulate you for making to your quarter of a century 😏🤫
You're an amazing person, an amazing writer and an amazing artist! I didn't know what to give you as a gift and I opted for a little drawing of our fav' ship ✨
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Happy birthday sweetheart ❤️🥳
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nelweenfic · 2 years
Hero Deku is well known in the fandom, talking a lot with his fans on the internet about the news about heroes in general or his favorite subject : Dynamight. 
But little did he know, Katsuki was one of his followers on his page. Even if Katsuki was used to praises from the nerd, he discovered that Deku was totally fangirling but also was another type of man while talking about him on the internet. Always respectful or private with awkward questions. 
And one day, the first day of June to be exact, Hero Deku shared an unusual picture of him that triggered Katsuki immediately. It was a picture of him, in his apartment, Katsuki went once or twice but something was odd. Then he looked at the sentence below the picture saying "Happy pride month everybody! I'm glad to be able to live it with you this time!" 
Katsuki's eyes widened at the screen and found what was odd. The bisexual flag on the wall behind Deku. Of course the media went wild about it and some of the fans asked if Deku knew the other Hero's sexuality! 
After one hour on the net, Katsuki discovered that also Kirishima, Kaminari, Jirou, Momo and Tsuyu came out that day. He hadn't even had a hint about their sexuality before. Katsuki never had interest in that but he couldn't let the thought of Izuku, loving men. 
He knew the guy since they were in diapers and he didn't know that he was Bi. That bastard should have told him. They were friends, right? 
But what was shaking Katsuki's was mostly that the nerd could be his. After all this pining, the years of different types of relationship, Katsuki had never thought his dream to be with Izuku that way would be possible. So, he decided to DM Deku via his fan page through his fan account. Thinking it would be a good idea. 
"Hey, congrats for your CO."
"Thanks, BoomBoomLove!" 
What now? It's not like he could say anything about him, he didn't want to blast his cover.
"Since some of the others are coming out, do you think we will see you dating someone soon?" 
"I'm not interested in any of my friends. Plus, I can't date right now." 
"Why? You also deserve love."
"Because I can't date, I'm a hero." 
"And? What's the matter?"
Katsuki knew exactly why. As a hero himself, he knew the risk of dating. The person being a direct target for the villain, or the fact that having a private life is hard and also hard to find time for them. But it wasn't a problem for Katsuki. They were both top heroes, so everything would fit.
"Because I don't want to think of losing that person." 
"But, if the person loves you and knows the risks, why not give it a shot?" 
"Thanks boomboomlove, but not many heroes go in a relationship for those reasons." 
"I'm sure Dynamight would date someone." 
"I don't think so..." 
Katsuki huffed, of course he wouldn't date anyone. Anyone except Deku. 
"If Dynamight was gay, would you date him?" 
"First of all, it's a personal question so I won't answer. And second of all, I won't assume his sexuality, we never speak about it." 
"Oh. I thought you would date him, you're all about him and you knew each other for years so I assume you had a crush on him." 
Katsuki felt almost guilty for asking things like this. He was known to be direct but when it comes to Izuku, he couldn't help and be that fucking pussy he hated so much. Katsuki watched the three little dots going back and forth before actually having an answer. 
"I'm happy that you think we would make a great couple but that decision isn't only up to me. Although, thank you for not questioning me again about my private life. Have a nice day." 
For everybody that could be a formal answer but Katsuki knew the nerd enough to know that, struggling to respond and then saying he was happy and not disgusting was enough hint for him to actually squeal in his bed like a teenage girl. So he decided to try another thing. 
"Oi, nerd!" He texted at Deku's real account.
"Yes, Kacchan?" 
The answer was immediate and Katsuki smiled in the same instant.
"I'm going to grab food at our restaurant, wanna join?" 
"Okay, but I need to go to the bank before, they don't take the card." 
"I didn't ask if you had money, you idiot." 
"But I can pay for myself, Kacchan."
"I don't care about that!" 
"Okay Kacchan, thank you!" 
"Tch, I'll pick you up in ten minute." Katsuki hesitated a bit before adding : "It's a date." 
By the time he got ready and left his apartment, Katsuki didn't have any reply. It was only when he went on his motorcycle that he felt his phone buzzing. His eyes widened when he saw Izulu's answer. 
"You finally decided to ask, boomboomlove! See you in ten, Kacchan."
Katsuki huffed before noticing he had DM real's Deku's account still with his fan account. Katsuki panicked before laughing at his stupidity. Of course the nerd would know his cover, he knew him too well. And that's why Katsuki was madly in love with him.
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nelweenfic · 2 years
Katsuki was used to watching Deku leave the dorms every Saturday at the same time, coming back hours later also at the same time for three years. He assumed he went home to see his mom. 
But one week, Katsuki decided to follow him. It had been a long time since he had seen his parents. Katsuki then put on his camel coat and walked at a good distance behind the nerd. 
After years of being in front of the greenette, it was weird being behind him. Katsuki wouldn’t  admit that Deku had become  fucking hot. Those black jeans were making this ass really nice. Not that he would admit it outloud. 
Katsuki was too much into his thoughts that he almost didn't notice that Izuku turned to the left instead of the right, toward the train station. 
"Where are you going, nerd?" Katsuki growled, irritated that he was wrong all along. 
After all those years, Katsuki had never thought the nerd would keep a secret from him. Even for One for All Deku didn't keep it a secret very  long! That only made Katsuki grind his teeth. 
It was with anger and curiosity that Katsuki followed the little yellow backpack moving from street to street. Until they reached the hospital. 
Suddenly Katsuki panicked. Deku wasn't injured and even if he was, there was an infirmary at school. But with time, he had learnt to stop having big injuries. 
After 3 years it was about time! So why? Was Inko sick? He should have had a call from his mother about it. They were best friends after all. 
It was with more curiosity that Katsuki walked toward the entrance and was surprise to see that Deku was being greeted by all the women from the reception with a lovely face. It was sick to see that. 
Izuku smiled back then took the stairs. 
Katsuki smirked. Since he had told Deku once he was a lazy ass for taking the elevator, he had seen Deku taking the stairs only because 'you're right, Kacchan. I should train my legs more! Thank you for your advice!' 
It wasn't an advice. It was an insult. But Deku was Deku. Always seeing the good in Katsuki's attacks.
So he climbed the stairs slowly until Deku reached the door on the 4th floor. When Katsuki stepped out, he saw many walls painted in different colours and childish drawings everywhere. 
The noise was unnerving, children crying everywhere, nurses running from room to room. Katsuki had never liked children. He couldn't understand them. And they usually didn't like him either. 
Izuku on the other hand was perfect for them, always smiling and listening to them. Even when they were angry at him. 
He spotted the green curly head stepping inside a room on his left. He decided to keep investigating until he was face to face with a bunch of children behind a large window. 
They were all sitting in a circle, Deku on one of those tiny red chairs. He was doing movements with his hands and the children did the same. 
A nurse pushed Katsuki away from the door when she opened it to go out and Katsuki's eyes widened at the realisation. 
There was no sound in the room. 
It was silent. Only the fabric of the clothes when the children were moving made some noises. 
Izuku was talking to them in sign language. 
Without anyone noticing, Katsuki entered the room and put his back against the wall. Some children noticed him but Deku didn't make the effort to acknowledge him. 
Katsuki didn't mind. Well, that was a lie. He did mind it. But seeing Deku talking with only his hands was fascinating. The children replied  without noise. Katsuki felt pleased. 
A little girl gripped his jacket and pulled it to catch his attention. He looked down at her and she signed slowly, as if she was talking to someone who couldn’t sign. How wrong she was.
He smiled fondly when he signed back and the girl's eyes glittered with joy and she signed quickier. 
They talked like that for a little while before Katsuki heard someone clear their throat. Katsuki turned his head at the noise and found Deku with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. 
"It's time to go. They need to rest," Deku said with a soft voice. 
"Okay," Katsuki replied then let the little girl hug him before she left with the nurse. 
Katsuki watched Izu—Deku clean the room. He tried to help but, for the first time, Deku pushed him away. 
"Hey!" Katsuki groaned, "What was that for?" 
"Kacchan," Izuku sighed but his eyes were full of something. 
"Why are you here?" Katsuki cut off. "Since when can you sign?" 
"Because it's what heroes are for. Helping people." 
Katauki grabbed Izuku's hand when he passed by with his arms full of blankets. 
"Since when?" 
"Since you have your quirk, Kacchan." 
"My quirk? But you never—"
"That's because I hoped I would be wrong." 
"About what?" 
They looked at each other, no sound except  their breath. 
"About you. About your future." 
"My future?" 
"That's nothing, Kacchan. I'm doing this for the children now. They need a Hero and who’s better than us, former Heroes?" 
"I'm the one who judges if it's nothing, Deku. You're talking about me! Spit it out, nerd!" 
"I was afraid you would become deaf one day because of your quirk! And I wanted to be able to stay your friend even if you couldn't hear me anymore…" 
Karsuki's heart melted and so he turned his hand into a fist. Izuku would never let him go. Always being there for him. Always believing in him. Always taking care of his well being.
After all this time, Izuku had always wished to be next to him. Kacchan had always felt safe with him, even while being mean to him for years. 
His body moved without his consent but Katsuki didn't mind when his lips crashed onto Izuku's. 
The greenette gasped in surprise. Well, he would have if Katsuki hadn't pushed his tongue in his mouth. Katsuki smiled when Izuku fought and kissed back. 
They kissed for a moment and when Katsuki pulled back he saw that Izuku's mouth was a mess. His lips were red and swollen and it was the most exciting thing Katsuki had seen. He wanted to bite them. 
"Ka—Kacchan!" Izuku moaned when Katsuki pulled him closer, breathing against those red lips. 
"Shut up and kiss me." 
Thanks @cluelesspigeons for beta reading ❤️
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nelweenfic · 2 years
Like a clock
Thank you @cluelesspigeons for beta reading 😘
Since the first semester of their third year, Izuku has developed a new habit. Everyday, after doing his homework, around 7 o'clock, he went down from his dorm and sat on the chair in the kitchen, focused on his quirk notebook. At the same time, Katsuki left his friends from the living room and started cooking. 
Both of them didn’t talk until the meal was halfway ready and Katsuki took a spoon and turned around. 
"Nerd, I need your tongue," he said, ignoring the glances from the other students. 
"What is it tonight, Kacchan?" Izuku asked before taking a good mouthful of the meat with sauce. 
"Curry with chicken," Katsuki simply answered before going back to his meal. 
"It's delicious," Izuku complimented without looking at the blond. 
Izuku tried hard to not listen to their friends on the couches saying that they looked like an 'old couple' but internally, Izuku's heart fluttered and he glanced at Kacchan. He wanted so much to be a couple. 
"Oi! Deku!" Katquki shouted, waving his spoon in front of Izuku's green eyes. "Stop dreaming." 
"Sorry, Kacchan!" Izulu said apologetically. "What were you saying?" 
"Stop listening to the others' shitty rumors." Katsuki huffed.
"How did you—" 
"I'm not deaf yet," he said, sending death glares to the students who turned around, anxious. "And to be an 'old couple' we have to be old first!" 
"But, Kacchan?" Izuku asked, not understanding. "We're not a couple!" 
"Really?" Katsuki looked at Izuku, leaning his body on the table. "Then let's change that."
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nelweenfic · 2 years
Deku—Izuku was back after weeks of chasing villains alone, and Katsuki couldn't be more relieved. This weekend was his birthday and his wish was granted. He had apologised to his childhood friend after years of bullying and leaving him alone during a hard time. Izuku had accepted it and their relationship was better. 
But what surprised him the most was the feeling in his heart when Izuku and his friends were all around the table with a cake and gifts. Izuku was there, as if he always had been, smiling and singing with the others, those green eyes glittering with happiness. And Katsuki understood that the best gift he could wish for would be to never spend a birthday without Izuku. 
He rushed to the greenette’s side and put his hand on Deku's waist to pull him against his chest. 
"Kaccha—" Izuku tried to ask but was cut off by Katzuki pressing his lips against his. 
Yeah, they will definitely spend all their birthdays together. Forever.
Thanks @cluelesspigeons for beta reading! 🥰 A little birthday fic for our great explosion murder god dynamight ❤️
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nelweenfic · 2 years
At the doorway
When you live in the same dorms with everyone you learn quickly who is making noises. Katsuki knew exactly where Izuku was at every moment. It was easy because he had a loud walk and he was often mumbling to himself while going from one place to the other. 
So it was natural that when Katsuki was in the bathroom he loved to tease the nerd every time by opening the door at the same time Izuku wanted to enter the stall. 
"Waaa—chan!" Izuku shouted in surprise. "Stop teasing me like that!"
"Damn nerd!" Katsuki hissed but he was beaming in his mind. "Don't stay in the doorway!" 
He pushed Izuku against his shoulder and the greenette looked down, apologizing. Katsuki did the same almost each time he knew Izuku was going somewhere. At school, at the cafeteria, at the bathrooms, even when he was in Todoroki's dorm room. 
"Kacchan!" Izuku groaned this time after being pushed out the doorway. 
"Watch where you’re going, Deku," Katsuki said with a smirk. 
But this time Katsuki was pushed against the wall across Deku's room. Katsuki screamed in surprise, his fist ready to punch but the fierce look in Deku's eyes was stunning. 
"Stop messing around with me!" Izuku growled. 
"Don't think too highly of yourself, nerd," Katsuki bit back. "You're just in my way." 
"You're only doing this to me. It’s like you're only stalking me!" The green eyes showed some anger, things that Katsuki thought were hot.
"That is not—" 
"It's been months, Kacchan!" Izuku came closer. They were almost nose to nose. "Do you still have a problem with me? Are you punishing me about my escape last year?" 
"Don't you like the attention I'm giving you?" Katsuki tried to argue back. This proximity was overwhelming, in a good way. 
"What?" Izuku seemed taken aback. "What do you mean?" 
"You cried for my attention for years. Now that I'm giving it to you, acknowledging you every time you're close to me, you don't like it?" 
"That's your way of giving me attention?" Izuku asked doubtfully.
Katsuki shrugged. In a way it was true. He liked seeing Izuku jump in surprise or even blush. He liked seeing his rival not being used to Katsuki touching his arms as he surprised him behind the door. 
"I like messing around with you," Katsuki said while Izuku was searching for something in his eyes. 
Izuku finally released his grip on Katsuki's shoulder. They pulled apart then, and he walked away. 
From that moment, Katsuki couldn't surprise Izuku anymore but it was the other way around. Izuku was always on his back, always behind the door. Even when Katsuki tried to scare Deku, the green haired teen took him back with a confidence that Katsuki had never seen before. 
Izuku touched him more often and if he jumped, he didn't jump back but jumped in Katsuki's arms. It wasn't natural. As if… 
Izuku was messing with him! 
Katsuki smirked. It was exactly the answer he wanted. Befriending his rival was onething, but flirting openly was another thing. Until, after a year of messing around, Katsuki learnt another thing. 
He couldn't leave Izuku. He wanted more. 
So it was natural that Katsuki burst out of his room in the middle of the night and waited in the hallway. He waited for Deku to finally move into his room. It was the morning. Katsuki was tired but he wanted to do it one more time. 
He heard the loud steps, going from the bed to the wardrobe. Then towards the desk and finally, coming to the door. Katsuki was ready for the moment Izuku turned the knob. The blonde stepped forward, pinning the greenette on the doorway. 
"Kacchan!" Izuku whisper-screamed, almost not surprised. 
"Quit messing around, nerd," Katsuki whispered back, putting his hand on Izuku’s left cheek.
"Tired of me already?" Izuku smirked, his nose brushing Katsuki's.
"Tired of not doing this already…" Katsuki growled but smiled at the same time. 
His lips brushed Izuku's slightly. It was one thing befriending his rival. But it was another thing loving him. 
Thanks to@cluelesspigeons for beta reading ❤️
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nelweenfic · 2 years
The first time Katsuki entered the café, it was before going to campus. The coffee shop was at the corner of the street, just on the right of the faculty and was well known by the students. How to survive college without caffeine? So when he decided to give it a shot, he saw a cute guy with a big smile like he had never seen before. The line wasn't huge and the girls in front of him were giggling when the guy asked their name and winked. 
"Fucking lover," Katsuki huffed. 
He focused instead on the black board on top of the counter, but the green hair was always in the corner of his eyes. It looked soft. Katsuki wondered what it would be like if he touched it.
"Next!" the guy shouted and Katsuki was back to reality. 
"Black with two sugars. A big cup, please." Katsuki said nonchalantly.
"Name?" The guy, whose name was Izuku, according to the name tag on his shirt, said with a flirtatious smile.
"Katsuki." he growled, annoyed.
"Okay," Izuku took the largest cup and quickly wrote something. "Okay Kacchan, you can wait here." 
"I'm not—" 
But he didn't have time to protest becauseIzuku was already walking to the coffee machine. He came back a minute later, handing the cup. 
"Have a good day, Kacchan!" Izuku said with a smile. 
The second time he went to the coffee shop was after his last class, in the middle of the afternoon. Denki had decided to study for their next exam at the coffee shop. Having a cup of coffee right next to him made him think better. Not that it was really helping because other than his degree he was as dumb as a child in Katsuki’s opinion. 
Eijirou and Mina followed and pushed Katsuki to study with them. Definitely not because he was top of the year. Not at all. 
When they entered, Katsuki spotted the green hair almost immediately. He was cleaning the counter while laughing with his colleague, a brown-haired girl. 
"Hello!" Denki said loud enough so both of them would see them heading to a table next to the window. 
"Izuku is here today. We're lucky!" asked Eijirou, not breaking eye contact. 
"Calm down, shitty hair. He's just an extra." Katsuki sighed at the same time Izuku walked toward them. 
"Well, I would love to be his extra!" Eijiro said with a wink. 
Izuku smiled at them and took their order. This time he didn't ask for their name. Maybe it was only for the to-go cups. But when he came back with the cups of coffee and tea he knew all of them by name. 
"Your tea, Mina. Denki, your latte. Kiri, here’s your black coffee and Kacchan, your caramel mocha." 
"Thanks bro! You're the best!" Eijiro said, bumping a fist with him. 
"Kacchan?" asked Denki. 
"Kiri?"  Katsuki asked back. 
Izuku giggled but didn't comment and left the table, ready to serve another one. Mina looked at Katsuki with a knowing look, sipping her tea. Katsuki tried to ignore her but Denki didn't drop it. 
"Why is he calling you Kacchan?" 
"Dunno, because he's stupid? He called me that for the first time weeks ago." 
"Damn, and he didn't forget you? You must be special!" Ejirou exclaimed.
"He didn't recall my name for weeks and I came here almost twice or even thrice a week," Eijiro said. "It was only when I said my full name that something clicked and he calls me Kiri now." 
Kastuki huffed and focused on his studies. There was no way that the cute guy had a click on him. 
"Stupid Deku," he whispered while writing his notes. 
The third time, Katsuki was alone again. He sat at a single table after school, though he didn't know why he was there. He was only staring at the cute guy behind the counter. He spent almost an hour without being acknowledged. 
Anger started flowing through his heart so Katsuki did the only thing he was known for. Being angry. 
"Oi! Deku!" he shouted, scaring almost all the customers. "Come here, you damn nerd!" 
Izuku patiently served the guy in front of him before coming toward Katsuki’s table. 
"Yes,Kacchan?" he asked with a small smile.
"Quit the flirting. Why are you ignoring me?" 
"Because you're creepily staring at me." 
"Tch. Kirishima kept talking about you and how amazing you are." 
"He did? He's a cool guy!" 
"He said that you shouldn't be here but that you should be at school with us instead. He said you're quite intelligent. So if that's so, why are you working here?" 
"My mom owns the coffee shop,”Izuku said. “she asked me to help her. We didn’t have enough money for me to go to college." 
Katsuki lifted an eyebrow, not really sure about what to do with this information. 
"Do you need something? I have others customers, Kacchan " 
"Surprise me, Deku." 
"Why that nickname? It's mean." 
"It's mean to not remember the name of your customers. You're stupid. You're Deku." 
Izuku frowned but left with a smirk anyway. Katsuki snorted. Izuku should be stupid to let him win like that. 
It was a girl who served his coffee, though he saw something written on his napkin. 
"I think it's cuter to call you Kacchan, Kacchan. You're cute."
Then a line of numbers. Katsuki’s head snapped toward the counter and he saw Izuku staring at him then blowing a kiss. 
He didn't know why but that made his heart flutter with desire. No one had ever dared to reply to him like this. No one had ever dared to flirt this intensely with him. 
The fourth time, Katsuki was with his friends again. He had texted Izuku several times since the last time he had seen him, and the chemistry was definitely there. But they hadn't seen each other for a month because of exams. 
The group of friends was now heading to the coffee shop to celebrate. When they entered, he was hugged almost immediately by Deku. 
"Congratulations! You finished your exams, Kacchan!" 
"Oi! Calm down, nerd!" He laughed, green hair tickling his nose. 
"Watch out, Midobro. He will beat you!" Eijiro said nervously. 
"Yeah, Izu, no one has ever touched him like that. He doesn’t let anyone around him!" Mina exclaimed, also afraid. 
"Oi! I'm not a brute!" Katsuki shouted. 
Izuku giggled and pulled away. "Don't worry guys, he's like a Pomeranian. Loud barks but he just asks to be petted." 
Katsuki's eyes widened while the others broke into laughter. 
"What did you say, Deku?" he growled. 
"I said you’re cute’!" 
"Izuku!" One of the other waitresses called behind the counter. "I need your help!" 
"I’ll be there in a minute,  Uraraka!" he shouted back before turning to Katsuki. "I’ll see you later?" 
"When do you—"
"At 7:30. And I don't like fancy places." 
"I'll pick you up here." 
Katsuki head toward the other at the second Izuku left. 
"No comment. Not your business." 
His friends didn't talk about it but he saw them texting each other after that. Of course it was his first date that interested them more than their exams. But Katsuki couldn't blame them. 
He had a date with the cute waiter. 
Thanks @cluelesspigeons flr beta reading 🥰
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nelweenfic · 2 years
Katsuki used to play the drums and the piano since he was a kid. But there wasn't as much time now since he was in university. So when he did have time, he tapped his finger to some melody here and there. Until the random melody wasn’t as random anymore so he decided to put it in a notebook. 
After a month he had a bunch of songs. The blond never talked about his hobby to his friends. He was in a sports university after all. He was the leader of the football team so being a musician wouldn’t be a wise thing to share. He had a reputation to keep up. 
After a training, one day,he suddenly heard one of his songs—a piano one—being played in one of the music classes. 
"What the fuck?" he growled. He took his sports bag and only noticed that his notebook was missing. 
"What's up, bro?" asked Kirishima, watching him being a tornado from the benches. 
"It's gone!" Katsuki shouted.
"What is gone?" Denki asked but Katsuki ignored him and ran away. 
If a fucking extra took his notebook, there was no way they would take his songs. Those were his songs. 
When he arrived below a window, he heard not only his song but also some lyrics. Good lyrics. And that voice! 
Katsuki moved without thinking and jumped. If the person—probably a guy judging by the voice, had his notebook and had decided to put lyrics on a song, then it wasn't by accident. His hands grabbed the windowsill and he climbed. His eyes landed on green hair and the back of a guy with a flannel shirt. Katsuki stayed still on the window frame. 
His song was played perfectly. The lyrics fitted perfectly. And the voice was perfect for it, too. 
"Perfect…" Katsuki whispered. 
Suddenly the piano stopped and the man shivered. He slowly turned around, big green eyes landed on his own. The guy had freckles all around his cute face.
"Wh—what are you doing here?" the greenette asked nervously. 
"You're playing my song. You stole my notebook!" Katsuki growled but smirked intensely. 
"Oh my—" 
"Who are you, nerd?" Katsuki said, jumping out from the window. He was taller than the other man. 
"Iukzu. Izuku Midoriya." He gulped. Katsuki could easily crush him. He was so small. 
"Do you know who I am, Deku?" 
"Kacchan, I mean, Kat—" 
"What did you call me?" 
"Kacchan." He was now looking down, Katsuki wanted to grab his chin to force him to show him those beautiful eyes. 
"You think putting lyrics on my songs gives you the right to be familiar with me?" Katsuki growled. 
"Sorry, it's just… The music was good and I thought I could add a little of myself to it." He gave the notebook back, stepping back from Katsuki's gaze. "I didn't mean to upset you. I didn't even know you were a musician either." 
"I'm not." Katsuki snapped, taking his notes quickly.
"You should be. These are amazing." 
Deku smiled. It was like an angel had fallen from heaven. The golden hour didn't help Katsuki. He couldn't stop staring at the nerd in front of him. But the student was ready to leave. Without thinking, Katsuki grabbed Deku's hand. 
"Kacchan?" Deku asked, surprised. "I won't talk if that's what you want." 
"What?" Katsuki said, taken aback.
"I won't tell others that you're also a musician. You're amazing on the field, I understand." 
"You do?" 
"Yeah. I know you," he said while pulling his hand away. "I'll see you at the next match." 
Katsuki looked at the nerd, taking his school bag and leaving the classroom. He was the first person who knew about his secret, the first one who successfully put lyrics on one of his songs which weren't lame. 
That’s not an option!
Katsuki ran out the room and shouted,"Oi! Deku!" 
The nerd turned around. 
"Come back here tomorrow, after my training. I'll have another song I want to work with you on!" 
The smile on Izuku’s face was the best thing Katsuki had ever seen. He didn't know why but he wanted to see more of it. 
"See you tomorrow then, Kacchan." 
Thank you @cluelesspigeons for beta reading ❤️
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nelweenfic · 2 years
Be quiet
Wednesday, 06/22 14:50
Deku : Kacchan, are you alright? 
Baku : Yes, you? 
Deku : Yes, I'm in the coffee shop, above the fountain's floor, you? 
Baku : The fashion clothes shop, below the fontain's floor. 
Fucking villain, what is this monster, a creation from the devil himself? 
Deku : I don't know but it kind of reacts with the noise, that why I'm texting you and not calling
Baku : I figured. What's the plan? 
Deku : We need to save those civilians and capture that villain. 
Since he reacts to the noise, we need to distract the villain and lead it somewhere else, where there aren't any people.
So outside isn't an option
Maybe underground? 
The parking lot can be a good place
Baku : You put those civilians in a safe place, I'm taking care of that fucking cyborg. 
Deku : Kacchan, if you're making noise, it's over! He will find you and
What are you doing? 
Fucking hot head, you're lucky I love you! 
I'm done with the civilians, but where are you? 
I'm going on the parking lot
That's not funny, answer me! 
Baku : fucking nerd, you distracted him, I was almost on him! 
Why did you do this? 
Deku : I panicked, and I saw the cyborg walking alone
I thought you were dead! 
Baku : I'm not you morron! I was doing my job! 
Deku : Sorry, Kacchan. 
What is the plan now? 
Baku : where are you? 
Deku : Behind the red car
Baku : Beside the pilone? 
Deku : Yes
Baku : ok, then I'm making noise
The cyborg will come to my direction
You trap him with black whip
Then I blast him, easy, no damage. 
Deku : ok
I'm ready when you are. 
Thursday, 06/23 11:07
Baku : Sorry for the blast, I didn't think it would resonate like this. You okay? 
Deku : I'm okay, Kacchan, the doctor said we will hear again soon. 
Baku : Stop smiling like that, I can't stand hurting you.
Deku : But we won
We always won together
I love you ❤️
This was my sample for an application for a zine. Unfortunately, I'm not into it, so I decided to post this one here anyway because I'm proud of this work! Love you ❤️
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