#also love the idea that if whole can meet HMS in whatever space they exist he sees Darrell & is like
synthshenanigans · 6 months
I find it hilarious that like, most popular headcanons/ideas of HMS come from something that's in the actual album. Whether its the cover art or from a lyric, it makes sense with context or a metaphor. Then there's just a random ass chicken that came from nowhere.
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alexa-crowe · 3 years
Hey, loaf! Based on that post from the other day, would you be up for writing something where Scully finds out she is infertile in s2?
Yeah, I can do that for you, loaf. 💓 I definitely took this prompt and ran away with it kjsdhfjsdhf. The first section fulfills the prompt but the rest leads into an AU because I decided that I don’t want to hurt my Scullybaby <3.
The doctors all agreed that once her body readjusted, her menstrual cycle would follow suit. It was irregular before due to birth control but she’s been off it since she was... Scully hates to even think the word. It’s been months since Mulder stopped looking at her as if a simple hand on her back could break her, and her menstrual cycle isn’t even irregular—she just doesn’t have one anymore.
It’s baffled all the doctor’s she’s seen. Scully writes it off as an effect of whatever experiments were done to her and accepts her doctors’ conclusions that there’s nothing to be done about it unless she’s interested in having children.
The idea hasn’t crossed her mind much, aside from a distant yearning when she’s with her godson. She always assumed that she’d have kids one day after she fell in love with the right guy. Scully doesn’t know what she wants for her future anymore. All she knows is that she wants justice, and she wants the truth—both for herself and for Mulder.
Her newfound infertility is...something. She doesn’t want more pity. If she was stifled after her—if she was stifled before, Scully can only imagine that if she tells Mulder and her family that she can’t get pregnant it’ll be worse. The—what happened to her is something she can move on from, but this is not.
She’s experiencing early menopause, her doctor declares. It seems so final. She cries herself to sleep and goes into work the next day as if the shards of her future haven’t been ground to dust.
Though she’d tried not to give any of this much thought, she’d somehow assumed that the chip had been inhibiting the release of her ova for an unknown reason—maybe propagation is counterintuitive to Their agenda, who knows—but to find out that she didn’t have any, that all her chances at motherhood were gone... It’s a grief unlike any other.
Allentown. The name sends shivers down her spine if she so much as thinks of it. Flashes of her abduction (say it say it say it, don’t let them control you, you’re stronger than the trauma) and the knowledge that all the women at the MUFON meeting had chips and fertility issues and cancer... She takes off the next day and books an appointment with an oncologist.
The scans come back negative. The women said it could take up to two years to appear, though. Scully prays to God that it never happens.
She’ll never be a mother. Some days it hits harder than others. Some days she wishes that she could lay her head down and wake up in a world where she and Mulder have the lives they always wanted. She feels so violated and so disrespected, some days. On those days, she lashes out at Mulder, tries to leave him and this life of lies behind, but she can’t.
He’s not someone she can just walk away from.
These are the days that she smokes. These are the days that she calls up Ellen and asks for all the gossip she’s amassed. These are the days she gets drunk over the phone with her friend and spills secrets that no one else gets to know. Trent’s turning eight, Danes. I’m infertile, El. It’s funny how the person she sees the least knows the most about what’s happened to her.
These are also the days when she hits the town and drinks until she forgets. Sometimes she’ll go home with someone for the night and leave early in the morning, Mulder on her mind. He doesn’t know. He can’t know. It would break him even though it’s not about him, even though it’s not his fucking life.
She wakes up to a nosebleed and prays to God that he’ll give her a few more months to live. Just until Mulder’s ready, she thinks, tears running down her face as she holds a wad of tissues to her nose. Just until he’s ready to let go. He’s been such a constant in her life, such a tether. When things get bad, they go their separate ways, but they always come back to each other and find their balance.
It makes sense for him to be the first person to see confirmation of her cancer. It feels like the final blow. First, they take away her ability to make life, and then they take away her own life. She’s made her peace with it.
Mulder hasn’t—he refuses to do so. Standing there in the hospital hallway days later, Scully lets herself love him. His lips are soft against her chapped ones and her edges feel burned and frayed, but his love keeps her together.
“I found something, Scully,” he murmurs when their kiss has faded into an embrace with her head on his chest.
Her brows furrow. “What do you mean?”
“I found your ova.” There’s so much going on in that four letter sentence that it bowls her over.
“You—you did?”
“I took as many vials as I could and got them into a freezing container. I shipped them off to the Gunmen before I came here. They can keep them safe for when you get better.”
Scully’s chin starts to tremble and she presses her face into Mulder’s chest. “What if I never do?”
He cups her cheeks and gently makes her face him. “I won’t let that happen.”
She wants to believe him with all her heart. “I want to believe...” she whispers, a tear streaking down her cheek.
“Give me your fear,” he tells her, “and believe. I need you to believe.”
She nods against his chest.
Scully cries when she gives him the news of her remission, pulling Mulder into her embrace and showering his head with kisses and thank yous. He’s given her a second chance at life, but more than that, a chance at motherhood.
(“Dana, I have excellent news for you: your cancer is shrinking. You’re going into remission.” And then, when the shock and the joy had run their immediate courses: “It also seems that, in due time, your menstrual cycle will resume, so no worries on that end.”)
It’ll be months before she can truly start the process but she already feels lighter than ever before.
She waits a week after her return to work to ask him. They’re at his apartment, Scully curled against him as the movie’s credits roll. “Mulder,” she whispers, checking to see if he’s asleep.
“Hm?” He rolls his head to crack his neck.
“Will you make a baby with me?”
He looks down at her, eyes wide. “What?”
“I’ve been seeing a fertility doctor, a friend of mine. She’s examined the ova—along with several of her colleagues—and declared them viable.” Scully can’t keep the tremulous smile off her face as she gives him the news. “She said that I just have to secure a donor to begin the treatment plan. I want that donor to be you. I mean, you practically threw yourself at me in Home last year...”
She traces her finger along the back of his hand, looking away to give him some space. After a moment, he says, “You want me to...to be part of that equation?”
Scully takes a deep breath and sits up so that their faces are level, shaking her head. “I want to have kids with you.” She maneuvers one leg between his thigh and the arm of the couch so she’s straddling him, and sits down on his thighs. “I want you to be the father of my kids.”
Mulder gazes at her like a lost puppy until she reaches out to wipe away a tear trailing along his cheek. “Me?”
She nods and cups his cheeks. “You.”
He nods with her, a smile spreading across his lips. “Okay.”
“Yeah! Yeah.”
They’ve been reduced to monosyllabic words in their joy, giving up on words all together as they fade into deliriously happy teary-eyed laughter. Scully leans forward and kisses him.
To no one’s surprise and Bill’s chagrin, she tugs Mulder along to her family’s Christmas gathering at her brother’s place in San Diego. Emily’s existence only reaffirms their decision to do IVF together and their relationship. They’ve been more of a team than ever, and perhaps that’s what saves Emily in the end.
Mulder and Scully put off all the major changes they were planning to make in favor of giving Em time to adjust to her new life. She clings to them until she gets familiarized with everything, until “Dana” and “Mul’er” phase into “Mommy” and “Daddy”.
He learns how to make chocolate chip pancakes with his eyes half-closed at six in the morning. They both learn car seats like the back of their hands. They get used to this new life where the only reason they wake up in the middle of the night is to comfort their daughter and not board a red-eye flight for a case.
Scully’s known that Mulder’s a thorough person when he wants to be since they met. What she didn’t know is that he’s also extremely sappy. He kisses her frequently for no reason in the office, and his porn mag collection has been replaced by a stack of books on IVF and pregnancy and childhood developmental stages. He has a calendar tacked to the wall next to his door with all the important dates on it.
They tell Skinner about their relationship and the IVF in confidence, filling him in on all the relevant things to their decision to leave the X-Files. The department must go on, but they can’t be the ones to breath life into them with Emily and a baby. Skinner says he knows “some excellent agents” that can fill their roles.
Mulder goes with her to every appointment, even if he can only sit outside in the waiting room until he’s called in. He holds her hand during every comprehensive pregnancy test that’s done, and kisses away her tears when they come back negative.
They look at apartments together when they find the time between Emily and their new assignments, and sometime between moving in and starting Em with her new pre-school, something wonderful happens. When the test comes back positive, they both start crying at the clinic.
“You’re really okay with passing on the torch?” she asks in bed that night once Emily’s sacked out.
He nods against her forehead, his hand on her belly. “I’ve spent my whole life looking for Samantha, but I’ve never let her move on. Maybe she doesn’t want to be found. Maybe she’s dead. Maybe I’ll never find out. But I can’t pursue the answer to the question of what happened to her at the cost of everything else. You’re the one who taught me that there’s more to life than trying to solve mysteries.”
Scully nuzzles his nose. “You taught me something, too.”
“You taught me how to have the courage to believe.”
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jjkpls · 4 years
crayons ‘net’ (finale) (PG)
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> genre : fluffy fluff, light angst, comedy
> pairing : kim namjoon x reader
> words : 4k
> warnings : none (except a rusty quill)
>Y/N, a primary school teacher, is way too soft for the quiet, timid new child in her class. Little did she know, the adult version, who engendered this cutie, is even more charming.
> prior
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Time heals every wound.
Even the deepest, bloodiest ones, alike the ones inflicted to the ego. 
It felt like you wouldn’t ever get over how embarrassed you'd felt but you did, to a certain degree, get over it. The fact that Mr Kim didn’t appear before you for a few weeks helped a little, and the one that Jimmy was doing great -way better than you had expected, somehow, after overcoming the very first difficult step, he’s been able to improve profusely, consistently- helped immensely.
You felt like you've done your part regarding him and his overall situation at home. You helped as you could, you pushed the buttons just waiting to be pushed, needing that little extra help, and on his own, progressively, Jimmy’s found himself influenced by his environment and naturally, has been learning to adapt to it.
You shouldn’t interfere anymore is what you keep telling yourself. But for the past week and a half, after the class has been long dismissed, you've been seeing his little backpack, with the two bear ears decorating the top, skimming through the hallway as Jimmy's little legs shuffle to keep up with Adrianne‘s energetic walk. If you don’t see them, you hear them, or more accurately you hear her, talking to him, or mostly to herself, out loud as she furnishes the quietness of the corridors after all the children have left. 
The curiosity is eating you alive. You resist for as long as you can until you break, grabbing your mug in one hand and your dustbin in the other, not sure which one is a better excuse to be bursting in her way, and you catch them exiting one of the adjacent classrooms. Adrianne seems shocked, startles, and you mimic her as well as you can, feigning a coincidence. 
“What are you doing with this? You know I was going to take care of it.” 
“Oh, you know...” And you see that she doesn’t know but you don’t either and you have no idea what to add. Therefore simply you drop the subject altogether and start with what you're interested in. “Jimmy, why are you still here?” You ask kindly, tending a finger forward to swipe back one of his lock falling on his face. He doesn’t flinch nor winces at the gesture. You internally smile. Only half committed to answering, he looks back at you simply shrugging, pouty mouth twisting a bit. 
“His daddy is always late. I think they don’t have a nanny anymore.” 
“Oh is that right?”
“Hm. So little Jimmy keeps me company while I clean the rooms. I have to do the rooms, even if it can't be too fun for a little boy. Is it fun, Jimmy?” 
And Jimmy nods, quite eagerly even though he can’t possibly be sincere. Especially given the fact that if Adrienne is a lovely respectable woman that you appreciate dearly, you can’t deny that her boisterous voice with her tendency to go on and on no matter the lack of encouragement from the other end, can’t be too pleasing, especially after a full day of working the brain. You're guilty of sometimes closing your door when you stay late in your class to quiet down her ranting to herself as she goes from room to room to tidy up.
“Do you want to leave him with me? It’d be more convenient for you.” You're not exactly sure what motivates you as you suggest it. You can tell, from the line her eyebrows are drawing, that even if she won’t express it in front of him, having to watch over him and take him along on her route is not the most practical, definitely must make her waste time and efficiency. Still, you're not even sure why you propose to relieve her.
You just like the kid, you suppose. 
You ask yourself the question, actively, as Jimmy and you silently stroll back to your classroom. It’s only when you take a seat, him at his desk and you at yours, that you see the pile of today's writing exercises the kids submitted to you that an idea occurs. 
You're not sure of the ways your brain works. It seems to be working backwards recently. 
You decide you could teach him. Jimmy, if he’s not lost behind his other classmates, is still lacking a bit. Having started life in a whole different culture, being suddenly thrown in this new one, having to learn a new language on top of another drastically different one, while being lost in a sea of other children, the same age as him, but somehow way ahead of him, all of this is, you suspect, one of the main reasons why he doesn’t like to participate. His father had a point on that. And you want to give him the tools, the confidence to simply try. 
But it’s not like you can work over basis the other children mastered subconsciously, effortlessly, already long ago the few years of their lives. 
Here comes an opportunity though. Late afternoon classes, while waiting for his dad, assuming his schedule will keep allowing you the time.
“Thanks a lot. I’m sorry again, I’ve had a little issue with the lady who took care of him and-“
“It’s fine. Don’t apologise. Have a nice evening. I see you tomorrow Jimmy?”
You're all smiles and soft words but you don’t give Mr Kim much attention. Not meeting his eyes, facing towards Jimmy instead of him. You're not being petty. It’s simply the warmth who started spreading along your neck and cheeks as soon as you heard the opening of the main hall door from the distance, highly uncomfortable and impossible to ignore. You thought you were over it but clearly, you were wrong. Not seeing him directly for those few weeks of resting was entirely misleading. 
He is now standing in front of you and you have this awful feeling again, the one that’s making you feel like you regret every single life choice ever made by your own stupid self, any swipe of a butterfly’s wings that led to this moment. 
You're effective though. Not wasting any spare moment, as gently as possible, yet firmly, you intimate their way out.
This is how it goes.
Somehow he allows it to happen. From his stalling around, the way his lips open slightly full of intention but nothing ever coming out, he means to say something. He feels the awkwardness, the tension. He perhaps wishes to diffuse it but as polite and agreeable as you naturally show yourself to be, you're able to show yourself cold and distant.
You've given up on this anyway.
You don't know what this is, precisely. And you do not care to figure it out. You know it's not something reasonable, something you want to spend time thinking about. It's something that won't lead you anywhere, it's something that had never started yet made you do dumb craps and feel awful. So, screw this.
Carefully, meticulously, you apply the same routine to every single day. Mr Kim's schedule does happen to allow those extra courses. For a while, it's simply how it goes.
Until embarrassment -this bitchy disease- seems to grow on his side. You're not sure where it comes from, maybe he misinterprets your attitude, take it too personally. In any case, he grows weary of the time and energy he seems to believe he's making you waste on them.
He starts arriving, forehead soaked from how hard he runs to get to the school not too late. Sometimes he manages to be right on time and Jimmy doesn't even get to come back to you, escorted by Adrienne, for a quick reading of a short story or a low, very discreet recitation of a short poetry you've learned together before. In those cases, you're annoyed, and so is Jimmy -you can tell, from the puff of his cheeks and even sometimes, from the way he refuses to raise his eyes from whatever you're working on, purposefully ignoring the loudness of his dad appearing before you two, not ready as he is to go home yet.
Therefore, naturally, you have to talk to him.
It's not a pleasant thought. You're not enthused at the idea, you don't even know what to tell him incisively but you know, you have to talk to him.
It's all ridiculous. Jimmy has made progress even you didn't imagine possible. He's almost good to go and expend his freedom born from a tiny, shy but very much existing newfound confidence. But you like your late afternoon classes. And you know he does too. Also, he doesn't have much interaction with anyone besides his father. From what the later told you, even talking with his cousins is a challenge he struggles to submit himself to.
And there's his mom, gone, never to come back. Your heart aches each time you think about it. It's not your place, you have to remind yourself constantly. Yet, you can't help it. Because somehow maybe it is. You're not sure what that place is but maybe there's one for you. One that is a strange, coincidental, sort of fated little space for you to fill, for a little while, that will mark him enough to help him through this awful test Life had for him and possibly, even, later on in life.
Life is strange. It's filled with curious encounters with strangers that leave a trace within you, that you'll carry forever. They can hurt and engrave a nasty scar that'll affect you forever or the opposite, they can help heal, help bloom hope, inspire friendship and love and benevolence.
Somehow, even throughout your constant reminding yourself that you should not get too involved, you should not care so much as to let it affect your everyday life and state of mind and emotions, you've done exactly that. You don't exactly regret it.
It's a thing, so stupid and useless, that makes it feel like you regret it.
Because now, you have to talk to his dad and explain to him, fully, with sentences and blanks for him to answer and probably looks to spare his way for polite measures, what you've been doing and how it's more than fine that he's late after the classes end because it allows you time to spend together and work on a lot of different essential things.
"You had something to say to me?"
God. You don't want to talk to him.
You've been dreading this moment so hard for the past week that your steeping anxiety turned into deep aggravation and you can't stand looking at him. Just seeing him makes you angry.
"Mr Kim, I've told you multiple times before not to worry when you're late." He frowns a little, looking back at your severe gaze, confused. He nods slowly, not saying anything, and you assume it's because he isn't really in capacity of speaking right now. Not when his breath is so ragged and his brain probably dizzy from the race he submitted himself to from his office. "Yet you keep running in my class every day, all dishevelled and- and all-"
"But. But I shouldn't bother you-"
"Mr Kim. You are bothering me by not listening. What I've tried to tell you is that Jimmy and I can take advantage of your schedule.” Deep breathing in and out to calm down and slow the high ladder your voice naturally wants to climb, and you start again, only slightly less on edge. “If you're late, we can work on things we can't do during the day with his classmates. Haven't you noticed his improvements?"
"I- I did but-"
"But what?" You're plain rude. Arms crossed tight on your chest, eyebrows low above your eyes, sighing and almost tapping your foot on the floor. You look like a cartoonish version of an angry teacher. In other words, you look ridiculous. It's not justified whatsoever. Or more like, the reasons you're so mad are ridiculous and absolutely not related to his being thoughtful of the time he might be stealing from you by letting you, sort of, babysit his kid after your official work hours. You'll be embarrassed by it later.
He's cartoonish too. With his helpless "but-" and sheepish looks. Until he's not anymore. He has the shadow of a grin creeping on one corner of his lips.
"Feels like you're scolding me, Miss ___." He bites back a smile. His forehead has softened out, his gaze gentler and calmer, he doesn't seem to take personally your attack. Which he should but whatever. It's even more annoying because smiles look really nice on him and it's hard to stay as mad as you'd been when the dimples coupled with them are hinting their way on his honey cheeks.
"Precisely. I wouldn't have to if you'd just do what I'm asking of you." He beams blatantly now, having decided that somehow you're not mad anymore. As you said, staying angry when the softest looking dimples you've ever seen on anyone dig their way in his cheeks is an impossible task. And Your frown progressively turns into a barely upset pout.
A ridiculous, childish pout of a stupid child who's upset about being teased and flustered.
"You really like your students that much?" He asks, tone sweeter, not in a rush to obtain an answer. You're thankful for it because you wouldn't know how to express how you feel.
You do like your students “that much”. You like people. You want the best for them and you know how those couple of first years living in the world, experiencing it and its beings populating it are determining. You're not too crazy about all of them because some, unfortunately, have already been rubbed with distasteful attitudes by distasteful parents. But for the most part, you do love them a whole lot.
Also, you really like Jimmy Kim, for some reasons. He just directly affects your heartstrings and you simply can not help it. If you just wish the best for anyone, and especially for your students, for Jimmy, you wish even more. You wish only happy days and wonderful experiences and people. Maybe it's the sadness you read for months since you first met him in your class, reinforced by the newly glint of joy and excitement you've been catching recently.
It's all very abstract and confusing and hardly decipherable. So much so that simply trying to figure out your emotions, to convey them into an answer for him, you feel yourself getting emotional. You think he even notices. Therefore, simply, you settle for not much,
"Jimmy is a really sweet kid."
"I'm grateful for you noticing it." Mr Kim starts before taking a deep breath. "I just feel like you're too nice to us. I don't know if- I mean, maybe that's what you do for every family and if it's the case, it's- it's wonderful, very kind of you. But- I mean, don't you, I don't know, you must have your life to get back to. After work, even if I like my job, all I want is leave and you know, get back to my life."
"My job is my life, Mr Kim. I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to."
"It can't be all of it. You- you must- I don't know, want to go home to your boyfriend and go out with your friends and unwind and do fun things and I'm just trapping you here to care for-" You're ticking at that. Bold of him to assume that you have a boyfriend. Fortunately for you, you've learned from your mistakes and you know better, this time, than to correct him. You're not falling into that trap again.
"Mr Kim-"
"Namjoon." You raise an eyebrow, searching your brain for an explanation you missed. "My name. Sorry. You keep calling me Mr Kim and it feels weird."
"I-" It takes you a second to compose yourself. The firepit of rage has a little blaze threatening to bring the whole back to life and consume your whole gut. "Listen. You expressed your concerns. I listened to them. From that, I said that not only did I not mind, I wanted to take this opportunity. So now, the reasonable thing to do is to simply accept what I said. I'm not deceiving you but even if I were, it's my problem, you don't have to worry anymore, do you understand?" How can someone so concerned about making you waste your time can also waste it so expertly and your energy and sanity along with it? He, Namjoon, just stares for a second. His eyes then fall upon his son, a couple of meters away. You're both standing in the hallway while the boy sits patiently at his table, in the back, far enough for him not to hear a simple conversation but given your tendency to heat up for no proper reasons, you're worried he catches bits of the friction. He seems pretty engrossed in the book he's looking at though.
You observe his dad, watching over him, frowning. "Except if you have a problem with me." As on a reflex, his head spins around for his wide eyes to face you. "You do, don't you? You have a problem with me and that's why you're being so difficult!" He gasps, looking awfully offended but you can't even trust it. It'd make way more sense. It's all making sense. "Well, fine, but just say it then, instead of-"
"I don't have a problem with you!"
"Yes, you do. It's obvious. I don't even know how I haven't noticed before..."
"I don't have a problem with you, Miss ___!" Jimmy has definitely noticed now. He's watching you from his seat, four rows away. Curiously, he doesn't seem too fazed. He seems intrigued by the noise but not that concerned. "You're doing so much for us and I feel burdened because I want to give back to you but there's no way- I don't- nothing seems appropriate and I don't know what to do."
"You don't owe me anything, Mr Kim."
"I want to. Can't you be reasonable and accept that?" On his side, the fury has diminished, only a fading shadow remains, colouring his words into something more animated than his usual way of talking. "I really like you, I don't have a problem with you. I'm so thankful for you just entering our lives, sincerely. I'm sorry if I gave a wrong impression." Here comes the awkward tingle that has no right to be appearing. You have to chastise yourself, to rationalize, loud and clear to your delusional all-over-the-place heart, that his thoughts got lost and distorted by translation. He can't mean what he said no matter how much, apparently, your heart would like it.
"Well, ok, then." It's lame. Not very eloquent, pretty self-reflecting. But this man is a rollercoaster. It's hard to adapt and honestly, it's a miracle he hasn't thrown you out of the circuit. You don't know how to react. How to come back down from your suspicious accusations, from your childish outburst, from your giddy excitement at the words he didn't really mean the way you heard them.
That will do anyway. Deciding that most of your issue has been settled and that probably, by continuing this conversation, you're taking the risk to lose it again and possibly traumatized innocent Jimmy this time, you conclude, on a common agreement, the impromptu meeting. Mr Kim goes to help Jimmy pack up his stuff and slip his vest on.
They express goodbye to you, Jimmy waving quickly a hand half-hidden by his sleeve, Mr Kim nodding his head, lips tight as if not meaning to take the risk of saying something wrong.
"Have a nice weekend. See you on Monday, Jimmy."
Then Mr Kim stops in his track, his son bumping into his leg and almost falling to the ground if it were not for the strong grip keeping him upward by the hand. They were just about to reach the entry doors, a few steps away only from them. Mr Kim crouches to his son's height, says something to him, one of his hand cupping the side of his face, fingers brushing his cheek before he stands up, trotting quickly to you, still standing in the doorway of your classroom.
"Miss ___." He's slightly out of breath, weirdly enough for a man who keeps in shape, at least, with the daily runs he makes from his work to his son's school.
"Do you like running that much?" He smiles a bright, wide grin that makes your heart skips a bit.
"I don't actually." He stops and throws a look over his shoulder, towards his son. "There's something I meant to ask but as I said, I feel it might be too inappropriate."
"Ask away."
"If it is, please just say so and ignore me and let's just pretend I've never said anything, ok?"
"Fine. Ask your scandalous question." He looks boyish for a second. Swallowing hard, Adam's apple bobbing obnoxiously along his throat, glancing one more time to Jimmy before he finally gets to it.
"Would you allow me to treat you to a restaurant some time?" You can't deny it, the flutter from earlier is back, stronger than ever. You're so enchanted, feeling tickly all over, like a fucking fifteen-year-old being asked on a date for the first time. It's absurd. Because you're not even sure that's what he means, again. This time, even if you're frustrated and flustered and you want to get mad at him for putting you through this, you can't because the unfamous butterflies are too excited, celebrating the sudden blooming of a garden full of flowers in the pit of your stomach.
"Like a... 'thanks for being the best teacher for my kid' type of diner?"
"Maybe." He has a pout on his mouth his teeth bite on. His eyes are smiling at the corner, but they hold a sheepish hesitation. You don't know if you can trust your perception. He does look like you imagine yourself to look like right now. You wonder if he feels the same way too. Or if, once again, you're imagining a lot of things that are not there.
"Ok. With great pleasure."
You're a coward. You know that. But it's ok, you decide. Because if it turns out to be a date, surely you'll figure it out, won't you?
There's a little stalling moment. A short instant where eyes discuss silently. They're better at speaking then your mouths are. Not arguing, meeting somewhere they understand each other and you have an evident sense of comfort there you're scared to lean in, but that screams at you that there's something very soft and gentle and deeper than simple politeness floating around. He nods, smiling to you or to himself, until he waves you goodbye, quite alike Jimmy did earlier and then he's trotting again, this time back to his son.
It feels like you're walking on some sort of stilts, jumpy, giddy, too excited to just saunter back in your classroom. On your table there's a drawing you've never seen before, sitting next to the neat pile of your documents. It's an adorable, colourful illustration of a girl. With the blue hair and the purple eyes, you hesitate for a second, but after further observation -the similar dress and hairstyle help- you conclude it's a portrait of you. A lovely portrait of you Jimmy has made, while his father and you discussed, that he left on your desk for you to find.
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A/N: what an abrupt ending lmao; sorry i couldn’t figure something better out. I really hope you liked it, thank you SO MUCH for reading :) kisses & hugz
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revasserium · 4 years
hinata + 26
haikyuu requests currently: closed 
although, if you have a hinata-request. send it in bc. chances are i’ll write it because i am #biased 
26. the length of daylighthinata ; 2,651 words 
a/n: i know i never post authors notes usually, but wow uh – i really liked writing this? and i think this might be one of the best things I’ve written on this blog to date. idk man. i just. really really liked this. u__u pls give hinata some love he deserves the world. 
five hundred, twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes – you hadn’t seen him in so long. it’d been three years – three times five hundred, twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes – that’s way too many minutes, and yet here he is, standing on your doorstep with a smile that you’d be crazy not to remember. 
you stare at him, and wonder where to even begin – he’s taller, that’s for sure, and tanner, so much tanner – well obviously, brazil is a sunny place. 
you open your mouth to speak, but no words come out. instead, you just stand and gape at him like he’d somehow stolen your voice from your chest (like ursula the sea-witch, and you don’t know how, after so long, he still seems to hold this kind of magic over you – can you call it a curse if you’ve missed it? the way it shifts the very fabric of your reality until you’re living in his). 
he scuffs his feet against the welcome mat and you can breathe again; he glances down at his shoes, scratching at the back of his head. 
“you’re… taller.” 
he laughs. the self-same open, melodious, uproarious thing you remember from three years before; he still laughs with his entire body, lets it shake him from core to shoulders, his eyes squinting shut. when he calms down enough to look back at you, there’s a pleased flush high in his cheeks. 
“yeah, guess so.” 
when you step aside to let him in, he grins wide enough to split his face, leaping over the half-step into your apartment, immediately crowding into your space till you’re pressed almost chest to chest. 
“oh-ho~!” he holds a hand up from the top of his head and moves it slowly over yours, “you’re right! i did get taller! maybe i even grew a little since i got back!” 
you lick your lips and try to swallow your heart back down your throat from where it’s beating against your voicebox. close, close, way too close. 
he smells nice, you realize – no, remember. but it’s different than before. he no longer smells of citrus shampoo and the slight dampness of sweat; now he smells vaguely of salt and suntan lotion. you allow yourself a grin as you look up, your eyes searching his face for the traces of him you still remember, are trying to hold onto. they’re still there – the light his eyes, the ease of his smile. 
freckles… that wasn’t there before. 
you stand there for a moment, chests almost pressed in your doorway, him now tall enough to tower (just a bit) over you, before he realizes and jumps back, almost stumbling over his own feet as his back meets the opposite wall, stuttering out something like an apology. 
at least that hasn’t changed. 
“s-sorry! i didn’t mean to – i mean – was that too close – it totally was – i just got so excited to see you again – it was like – mmm – that woooshhh feeling in my chest like – you know? i won’t do it again! i mean – not unless you want me to –” 
he cuts clean off at the sound of his name on your lips. it’s different too, than what he remembers. he swallows, unsure of what’ll happen next. but you smile, leaning towards him (he notices that your hair is longer, way longer than when he left – right, three years is a really long time – he likes it longer; he wonders if it still smells just as nice as it did before; it probably does) with a spark in your eyes and he knows he’s gone. 
three years across the world, and you’d think it would’ve stamped out this childish crush of his, one that he has no idea you harbored for him as well (your friends all wonder when on earth the pair of you will realize). it hasn’t. if anything, distance really does make the heart grow fonder, and shit – you’re saying something and all he can focus on is the way your lips still look way too soft – and is that lipgloss you’re wearing? you didn’t used to do that before. 
“… not listening, are you?” 
“huh? ah – i – uh – no… sorry i zoned out –” 
he flashes you a sheepish grin, scratching at the back of his head as he pushes himself back up from where he’d fallen against the wall. you huff and flicking a strand of hair over your shoulder. 
“i asked if you wanted coffee or anything. i was about to make some anyway.” 
“sure! yeah! i love coffee – that sounds – that sounds great!” 
he follows you into the living room, looking around at all the things that had changed, but noticing all the things that stayed the same. you still had your graduation picture hung up, right next to the picture of the team. you had short hair then – he liked short hair on you too. hell, he figures, letting his eyes wander across the walls of your living room, he’d probably still like you bald. the thought almost makes him laugh; he shakes his head. nah, he likes you better with hair for sure. 
“milk? sugar?” 
“hm? yeah – uh – whatever you think is good.” 
you quirk an eyebrow and he realizes belatedly that he must’ve said something wrong. 
“uh… milk… and sugar, both – please!” he grins, settling into a chair at the table, “thank you!” 
so you make coffee, he tells you about brazil, about the stretches of beaches that never seem to end, about the skies so blue it hurts to look too hard, about the way there’s always something that smells delicious in the air, always chatter and music in the streets. you tell him about how you’ve been, how college is great because you could finally drop math classes, but how it’s also kind of a nightmare because morning lectures are the freaking worst. 
you tell him about the upperclassman who really liked you, and kept on asking you out till he graduated. 
“i never said yes, though,” you say, nursing your cooling coffee mug. 
hinata quirks his head, “why not? wasn’t he –” he waves a hand through the air, before saying rather dumbly, “nice?” 
you smile, “yeah, he was nice. but… he wasn’t really my type.” 
hinata licks his lips, “you… have a type now?” 
you roll your eyes, “i’ve always had a type.” and you don’t have to look up to hear the pout in his voice. 
“i never knew about it.” 
you toss a bit of crumpled napkin at him across the table, “you never asked.” 
“oh.” and then after a second, “so… what is your type?” 
you hum, tapping your lips in mock contemplation. a single glance tells you that he’s watching you, and the realization shouldn’t make your stomach twist the way it does, but – it does. he’s watching you with those eyes of his, almost completely devoid of light, like tiny black holes, depthless, with enough gravity to swallow the entire world whole – to swallow you whole. 
“someone tall,” he visibly deflates, “but not too tall,” you continue, and he brightens up again, almost immediately. you grin, leaning back in your chair, your eyes flickering over him, “someone who’s really good at one thing –” you cast about, “like an instrument,” he crinkles his nose to disguise a huff, “or a sport,” he grins to himself, nodding as if checking off mental boxes, you wonder how long you can drag this out for before he realizes you’re not talking so much about a type of person so much as one single person. 
“they should be really driven, and passionate about what they do, y’know?” you watch as he nods enthusiastically, hanging onto your every word. you grin. 
“and… hm, i like guys who speak more than one language. that’s a nice skill.” 
“yeah! uh-huh!” 
“and… hm… someone who’s good at making friends, that’s important too.” 
you watch as hintata considers this, mumbling to himself – i guess i’m not bad at that – i make friends alright – yeah. 
you prop your chin on the heel of your hand. 
“someone who plays volleyball,” you say, wondering if it’s about time to start giving proper hints. 
“uwah! yeah! cause i mean – you like volleyball, so it’d be nice, right?” 
you laugh, nodding along, “yeah – and y’know, and i kinda have a thing for gingers.” 
“yeah, yeah! it’s a nice hair colo –” he stops dead in his tracks as realization dawns over his face and his pleased smile morphs into an expression of sheer disbelief. 
you heave a loud sigh, pushing yourself up from the table, “yeah, if only a guy like that existed.” 
hintata opens his mouth, shooting to his feet, but even as he opens his mouth to say i do! i’m right here! another realization blooms in his chest. 
i’ve always had a type. 
oh. oh. 
he blinks at you from across the table, his own prolonged ignorance finally cracking over his shoulders – all those years – all of highschool. all these years too. 
he collapses back into the chair, a helpless laugh on his lips as he cards a hand through his hair, mussing it up as he stares into the dregs of his now-cold coffee. 
“did you want another cup?” you ask casually from the sink, where you're rinsing out your own mug. once upon a time, you might’ve been angry, or upset, or any manner of things. but you’d realized somewhere along the way that loving hinata shouyou was never going to be a linear thing. and maybe it’ll take him a while to realize, but being best friends with him has taught you more than anything all the ways he says i love you – and it was a bit easier after that. 
“i – crap,” he chews on his lips, fumbling for words to say. 
you smile, “bathrooms down the hall to the right still. that hasn’t changed.” 
you turn just in time to see him flush to the roots of his hair, “that’s not what i meant.” 
“then…?” you lean back against the counter, watching as he struggles with his own tangle of emotions till he looks up again, his face a mask of determination. 
“go out with me.” 
you raise your eyebrows, a small smile playing at your lips, “sure, to where?” 
hinata groans, shaking his head, “i mean like – not outside – out like – like –” his cheeks are almost red enough to match his hair, “like – out!” 
you laugh, your entire body shaking with the sound, and it’s this more than anything that seems to ground hinata enough for him to stop stuttering. 
“properly – i mean. be – be my girlfriend.” 
you nod, biting down the swell of elation cresting in your chest, “okay.” 
“oh – okay?” he blinks. 
“yeah,” you say, “okay.” 
“oh – okay! yay! ah – this is great! waaaahhhh!” he leaps out of the chair, both hands raised over his head. it takes him all of three seconds to bound across the living room to the sink, both his hands raised as if asking for a high-ten. you laugh, raising your own hands. 
how entirely hinata-like – to high-five someone after asking them out. 
he claps his hands against yours, laughing, but his laughter fades as you don’t pull away, instead slipping your fingers between his. his eyes widen at the sensation of your pressed palms, and he almost hiccups at how his entire body shivers. 
and suddenly, he’s tugging you towards him, as if on raw instinct, as if all he wants is to be closer, just a bit closer, and you find yourself stumbling into his chest, gasping but never doubting that he’d catch you. so he does, his hands finding purchase around your waist, your hands against his chest – so solid from years and years of relentless workouts and practice. 
“uh – uhm – i uh –” he swallows, glancing from your eyes to your mouth, his mind seemingly short-circuiting somewhere between the two. 
“shouyou,” you say, leaning up onto your tip-toes (you remember when the pair of you used to be only two inches apart). 
he nods once. 
“kiss me.” 
he nods again, before leaning in, and the first kiss a little strange – the both of you still not quite sure of where your own lips are supposed to go, what the whole situation with the teeth is supposed to be like (credit where credit is due, both of you have watched enough romance – and the occasional porno – to know how it’s supposed to look but given everything that’s happened, practical application is still a bit rusty). the second kiss is better, and you can feel hinata’s confidence surge when he presses in closer, tilting his head to slot your lips better, the friction between you making you gasp. 
the third kiss, he’s already caught onto the rhythm. 
the fourth, you wonder if it’s quite fair for someone to be such a fast learner, your fingers fisting in the front of his shirt, all awkward, fumbling newness gone from his movements as he pushes you back against the counter, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks, thumb running along your jaw to tilt your head the way he likes. 
the fifth, you stop counting. you don’t have the capacity to anymore. 
after what feels like an eternity of kissing (and who knows, it might’ve been – maybe outside, years have already passed by, or maybe it was just a few, breath-stealing seconds), he pulls back, the both of you panting, eyes a little glazed over, lips slick and kiss-swollen. 
he grins, a wide, satisfied kind of thing, and you can almost imagine him purring in his chest. 
you laugh, quirking your head as you watch him preen under this new truth – the two of you being together – finally, finally. 
“you really have gotten taller.” 
you push up to give him another peck. he whines in the back of his throat, leaning down to try and follow your lips but you twist your head so his mouth lands somewhere on your cheek, and he decides that that’s alright too. he gives you a loud, smacking kiss, grinning into your skin. 
you glance at the clock. 
“well. now that we’re going out-out. properly,” you tease, “do you wanna order in takeout for dinner?” 
hinata laughs, the sound perfect and warm, rumbling through his chest, resonating into yours. 
“yeah – you know i worked as a delivery boy in brazil?” 
you nod, “yeah, i remember – you texted me pictures of your bike, remember?” 
“oh! oh yeah,” he grins cheekily as you try to wriggle out of his grasp to reach your phone. he holds on tighter. you sigh, reaching into his back pocket for his phone and swiping it open only to find a picture of yourself smiling back at you from his lockscreen. 
he tries to grab the phone from you, but you duck out of his grasp. 
“i’m just trying to seamless!” you laugh, dancing out of his reach as he tries half-heartedly to retrieve his phone. when finally, the both of you are laughing and collapsed on the couch, he hooks his chin over your shoulder. 
“next time, i’ll take you on a real date.” 
you smile, “sure. we can go to one of those fancy restaurants.” 
“uh-huh,” he nods, determined to meet your expectations. 
“and we can order all the most expensive things on the menu,” you tease, grinning wide. 
hinata sucks in a breath and you can almost feel him steeling himself not to deny you. 
“yeah – that’s fine – well, maybe we should look up the menu first, so we can see what we like.” 
you nod, “sounds like a plan.” 
“it’s a date.” 
you smile, letting your head fall back onto his shoulder. 
“yep, it sure will be.” 
109 notes · View notes
incomingalbatross · 4 years
For the ask: 001: Doctor Who; 002: Wodehouse ship of your choice; 003: character of your choice from Psych.
Thank you!
Doctor Who
Favorite character: ...I mean, it has to be the Doctor. He’s the embodiment of Chaotic Good, and he’s so entertaining and absurd and so deeply good at the same time. Even if there are regenerations I like less than others, I always love the Doctor.
Least Favorite character: ...Rose Freaking Tyler. I don’t talk about her much, because I don’t want to inadvertently start something with anyone who feels differently, but this is not a Rose-friendly space.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Canon-ish: Ben/Polly, Amy/Rory, Martha/Mickey. Non-canon: Harry/Victoria, Jenny/the son of Kate Stewart (he only barely exists in EU, but the idea of the Doctor’s daughter marrying the Brigadier’s grandson is just really cute to me)
Character I find most attractive: ...Hm. The Eighth Doctor, maybe?
Character I would marry: Harry Sullivan. He’s a sweet, gentlemanly dork of a Naval surgeon with traditional values--what’s not to love?
Character I would be best friends with: The Doctor. Not so much because he’s the character most like me, but because he’s very good at Being Friends With People.
a random thought: One thing I really love about the New Series is the increasingly consistent trend--especially in Moffat’s era, I think?--of explicitly treating the TARDIS as another character. It’s been there implicitly for a long time, but they made it much more canon and I appreciate that.
An unpopular opinion: Missy is not the Master, and I’ll never believe she is. This isn’t even about her gender, but about her whole personality.
My Canon OTP: Ian/Barbara, from the First Doctor’s era. This isn’t exactly controversial--I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything, in fandom or EU, where they weren’t happily together--but I love them.
My Non-canon OTP: Master/Clara... Which is entirely the fault of my sister’s fics. I wasn’t expecting to ship them!!
Most Badass Character: ...There’s so many to choose from. Aside from the Doctor, maybe Sarah Jane? Aside from being one of the greatest companions, she got her own spinoff show in which it was established that she’s been regularly saving the world on her own, she adopted two children and began mentoring three more in her fifties, and she was generally amazing for five seasons.
Most Epic Villain: ...The Master gets highest points for Presentation (as Megamind would say), and the Daleks are the most consistently menacing... But I think Rassilon scares me the most. He’s the founder of Time Lord society, and he’s evil. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: The Doctor/anyone other than River, honestly. (Well, or his Gallifreyan wife from pre-canon days--I assume they were a good match, from what canon evidence we have)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): ...A lot. Today, though, I’m going to say Sarah again. As said above, she’s a hero in her own right, and there’s no force in the universe that could stop her from having adventures. Reducing her to “female character pining after the Doctor and unable to get over losing him,” as they did in “School Reunion”, was a massive injustice to her character. (ESPECIALLY since their Classic relationship was not romantic. I mean, they’ve been shipped, of course, but their was nothing romantic in the writing or--IMHO--even the acting.)
Favourite Friendship: I think I’ve said this before, but the Doctor and the Brigadier. I love constant their friendship is, how much they’ve done for each other and respect each other, and how easily they fit back together every time they reunite.
Character I most identify with: ...I honestly don’t know. I love almost all of them, but I don’t think any of them click in quite that way, you know?
Character I wish I could be: Romana, maybe? She’s a Time Lady who traveled with the Doctor--that’s a pretty good deal!
Wodehouse Ship: I’m going to go with Mike/Eve here, for fun
When I started shipping them: As soon as the name “Jackson” appeared in Leave it to Psmith, I think. I trust and support Mike’s judgement. :P
My thoughts: I wish we’d, you know, seen them together. But I like that Mike has a wife he can take care of! I think that suits them both. (I also have a headcanon that Psmith went off--to the Drones, maybe?--and dug up dirt on Rollo, and that these discoveries were what pushed Mike to propose. Because he’s an honorable boy, and I think getting him to propose to an engaged woman would take some intervention from Psmith... Also I don’t like what we’ve heard of Rollo.)
What makes me happy about them: That they exist. That they got their farm, and that their best friends married each other, so the two couples can look after each other when they need to! 
What makes me sad about them: No content. :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: ...I’ve never read any fic of them that wasn’t written by myself or one of this Tumblr microfandom, so... Nothing, really!
Things I look for in fanfic: Anything of them interacting with Psmith/Eve is especially fun. (Someday I’d like to try the scene where they find out Psmith and Eve are engaged. Because A) if they’re told soon enough, it would be the same meeting where they share the news that they got the farm, which sounds delightfully chaotic B) last they knew, Psmith and Eve hadn’t even met, and C) the second Mike heard they’d met at Blandings, he’d know Psmith was behind getting them the money. Somehow.) 
My wishlist:
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: ...I’m sure there are other Wodehouse Protagonists who would suit them, but none come to mind. They’re good with each other.
My happily ever after for them: Hmm... For them to have lots of kids, and the Psmiths as neighbors, and play cricket with their combined families every summer. Margery can visit and be the fun aunt, and since they’re doing well financially maybe the Jackson parents will come live with them at some point? (I’d also like them to have a chance to help Psimth and Eve out of some significant trouble, since it’s usually the other way around... I don’t know what, though.)
Psych character: ...I’ll pick Henry, since I’ve been talking about him a lot lately
How I feel about this character: Good! He’s a good, though flawed, dad, and a good cop. (One of the few Lawful Goods in this cast, in my opinion.) He’s solid, and principled, and one of the few people who can really, truly keep up with/keep a hold of Shawn.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: His wife, I suppose? I don’t remember being a big fan of her, but he clearly still loves her, and I’m a sucker for “divorced couple reconciles” anyway... So yeah, Maddie.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Shawn, of course. Henry just... he built his whole life around raising his son, and it shows with him and with Shawn. They’ve both affected each other so much, and I love that the show just shows them being more openly important to each other as it goes on.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I’m not sure what’s “unpopular” here... But I think his training of Shawn was less about wanting him to be a cop, and more about giving Shawn A) something halfway constructive to do with his racing brain, and B) the tools to survive whatever trouble he'd get into in the future. Because, even then, Henry knew Shawn was never going to stay out of trouble.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish Shawn had told him he loved him out loud, to his face, which I don’t think quite happened. I’m pretty content with Henry’s content overall, though, I think.
Favorite friendship for this character: I’m going to cheat slightly and say Gus. It’s not exactly a friendship, but I love the implicit history there, and the way that Gus is practically his second kid and they both relate to each other as such. (I am also highly indignant that the “Henry & Gus” tag apparently doesn’t even exist on AO3... Distressing.)
My crossover ship: ...I got nothin. However, I have decided that in a Star Trek fusion AU (sort of a crossover!) Shawn’s mom would be a Vulcan. That’s the closest I’ve got.
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dandelionpie · 5 years
So I’ve been Having Ideas About My Future lately. And right now this one feels like the very beginning of a soap bubble - the part where you’ve started to blow into it but it hasn’t closed around itself yet. And I want to be really cautious with it so it doesn’t just pop before it can even get into the air, so I wasn’t gonna talk about it for a while, but also.
[Click through for a very long post about Maddy’s Career Options - replies are fine but please be gentle with my baby bubble hopes]
Okay, you guys.
So I was on the phone with my mother the other day, and I was having a sort of a panic attack (you know, like you do when you’re on the phone with your mother [kidding this is not normal and should not be trivialized, etc]), and I was trying to conceal this fact from her but it was Not Working. And I was dismayed about where my life was going, my lack of definite plans for a career, etc., and she said, “You know, I was actually gonna tell you - we had a lady come visit our school the other day and she’s an art therapist.”
And...here’s the thing. Usually my mother’s career suggestions kind of go in one ear and out the other. Because my mom’s great! Really! But she isn’t me, and she doesn’t always get what my life is like. So I usually just say “hm, yeah, I’ll look into it,” and then I don’t.
But I had genuinely just forgotten that art therapy existed. I knew about art, and I knew about therapy, and I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that people were putting those two things together, but somehow I’d just sort of filed that info in the General Trivia drawer instead of the Potential Grown-Up Jobs one. And...I’m getting sort of cautiously excited about the idea.
(I Started Writing Them Down and Then They Became Legion)
Every piece of art I like has a strong psychological element. That’s the common thread, dammit. That’s why I’m so picky about song lyrics, that’s why I can’t get into a book unless it’s got some sort of strong interpersonal/intrapersonal thread for me to snag my little English major hooks in. At the end of the day, the narratives that interest me are the ones where people are constantly feeling and processing things and I have to think a lot about why they’re doing that the way they’re doing it.
Not trying to sound like I think I’m super virtuous or whatever, but I tend to see good in most people, which might be an asset in that field? I get along well with a lot of personality types that friends of mine have cited as abrasive. Like, I can find people obnoxious but still notice enough of their good qualities to enjoy their company or at least tolerate it. And that’s a strength that’s served me well on a personal level, and a little on a professional level too (getting along with people helps just about anywhere), but I never thought of it as something I could use to particular effect in an actual career track.
That said, I have NO background in psychology. I had a couple lab rats, but they didn’t really teach me any of their secrets.
On cursory examination I have decided that I Do Not Like neurology. I have a lot of friends who seem to love it and that’s great, but....look, it just freaks me the fuck out. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent so much of my adulthood (read: all of it) preoccupied with the vulnerability of my physical being to various surgery-requiring problems. But the idea of my mind (that place where I spend so very very much of my time) being subject to the physical limitations of my brain (a part of my corporeal body [which has in the past proven itself to be somewhat unpredictable]) is so fucking terrifying to me that I’d prefer to spend as little time on that as possible please and thank you.
(Aside: I know the phrase “I don’t like the Brain; I just like the Mind) is like peak dualism, but I’m sure you all know what I mean, right? It’s possible to think about and work with the mind without focusing on the physical brain that gives rise to it. I’ve been doing that on the client end of things for years.)
A lot of the art I do is actually pretty therapeutic! To me, I mean. I never did figure out how to translate the whole cancer thing into an autobio comic (I eventually realized I simply didn’t want to and it was one of the most liberating moments of my life). But I have been relying on art for years to process my trauma. Most of my creative projects and ideas for them go back to that in some way, even if it doesn’t come across to the other people who experience them.
That said, I am...not the biggest autobio comic fan. There are so many things about that genre that rub me the wrong way. I’m glad it exists, I just don’t tend to enjoy consuming or creating autobio comics.                                       However, this might be a chance to see autobio comics through a new lens! And it also has the potential to set me apart - there are quite a few art therapists, but I’ll bet there are fewer whose background is in comics specifically.
I could have an office. I could go into private practice and have a place that I could build into a safe space for people to talk about their problems and work on them. I know it’s just a little thing (and I’m not sure yet if private practice would be feasible/right for me, at least right away), but I like the idea of making physical space for that kind of work.                                                                  (And if I sometimes also used it as a studio for comics, well, I don’t think that’s illegal or anything.)
I could be relatively independent in my career. I could work for an agency (and I think I’d probably have to, at first, but I gotta look into how all that works), but I could also spend at least some of my time in private practice, or working pro bono or on a sliding scale, or doing other stuff that allows me a great deal of flexibility and control over my schedule.
I like the idea of a type of schooling that has experience built into it. Like, you have to get a certain number of internship hours before you can be certified. I’m sure there’s more to it than that, but it’s nice to see a field that’s so up-front about the fact that you need experience before you can do your job.
A lot of art therapists work with traumatized kids, and I find that prospect faintly terrifying. But also maybe it would be good to get over that, if I want to Help People and Use My Strengths to Do Good Things In the World. Those kids are gonna be traumatized either way, and if I can handle it, it’d probably be cool if I helped them.
It would be so nice to not be broke literally all the time. Even with student loans, I think this has the potential to help that happen, if I do my research and play my cards right. And I might even be able to work *gasp* less than 40 hours a week, thereby freeing up my time for other projects. Or, you know, kids. Hell, maybe I’d even be able to feed them.
Nobody would be able to make me work Saturdays.
Not sure yet whether it’d be better to get an Actual Art Therapy Degree or do a more general thing and then get a specific art therapy certification after/during that? I’m leaning towards the latter because I’d like more versatility, but I’m getting the sense that the rules for who can call themself an art therapist are slightly stricter in Oregon, so I’m gonna have to talk to the people who run the program.
What with the horse in the hospital and all that, I was thinking about a career in activism. But I’m not sure I have the temperament to be a lawyer, and I hate talking to strangers (I’ll do it if I have to, but damned if I’m gonna go door-to-door every day). But this way, I could maybe help activists balance their lives and their activism. Activists need therapists.
I could help people like me, with medical trauma. I know all about medical trauma! It has literally been a constant since I was 18! And in college and after, I hated feeling like my problems were fake and that my illness affecting my life was the result of some moral defect. Without therapy, I don’t know if I would have kept going to doctors and trying to figure everything out.
Visual art has in many ways been a great avenue leading away from self-harm, for me. The physicality of it is so much more powerful, for me, than almost anything else.
I’ve been so conflicted lately with lots of ideas about art-as-saleable-product vs. art-as-catharsis-and-narrative-control. I kind of thought my interest lay in the former but now I’m wondering if maybe it’s the latter. Like, I still love comics and storytelling and I want to make comics for people to read, but at the end of the day, I don’t want to do advertising. I don’t want to build a brand. I just want to tell stories and draw pretty pictures that make people happy. And I know that’s not what art therapists do, but in some ways it feels like the field still lines up better with my goals than commercial illustration. Does that make sense?
Lewis and Clark has a program. PSU has a program (though not an art therapy one specifically I think). There are online ones and low-residency ones as well, although honestly I think I function best in a classroom. Right now I think I’m leaning towards L&C because I’ve heard really good things about their education grad programs from a couple of people, but: gotta look further into it.
I’m liking the prospect of being a student again. I like going to lectures. I like notebooks and pencils and pens and libraries. And according to one person I talked to, as a therapist you actually have to keep taking courses throughout your career as the field changes. It’s like a condition for licensure or something (at least in some parts of the field). I’d love to be able to keep learning my entire life in such a deliberate way.
And I think I’d be better at being a student now than I was at Reed. I remember realizing waaay too late that you could just...ask your professors for help with stuff. And they could say no! But they weren’t going to, like, set me on fire. So what if I just set up a meeting with someone involved in a program and said, “Hey, look, I have no psych background and an intense interest in therapeutic work; how do I do this?” They could tell me to go away, but that’s probably about it. In a way, I think it might be nice to take another stab at academia - redeem myself.
(I have no idea what my Reed GPA is and should probably figure that out. Pretty sure I got a C in Chem and at least one other class? But maybe they won’t mind.)
My original plan had been to fund my comics habit with a freelance illustration career. Because almost nobody makes a living in comics, at least not just in comics. It happens, but very rarely does it happen with creator-owned work. A lot of indie comics artists freelance or have some other sort of art day job, and I thought that was a lifestyle I could get into.  
But the Horrible Deep Dark Secret is...I don’t actually like freelancing that much, at least with my life the way it currently is. I mean, I love drawing and I love not being broke, so please keep sending people my way if they want someone to draw something (please please please I need the money). But the illustration industry is downright exhausting. It’s so hard to switch off, and it’s so much work even convincing people you deserve to get paid, let alone getting them to pay you. Mad kudos to anyone who has the time/energy to do that, but I’m not sure I do, at least at this point in my life.
But if I was planning to supplement my comics with another, art-related career anyway, what if I did this instead? What if it ended up being something I, Maddy, could enjoy and feel good about? Doing this (with my temperament) might actually a) pay better b) offer me more time and c) lend a sense of structure to my days that I definitely need and that freelancing sorely lacks.
Actually, having comics projects might even help with work-life balance in this field. I don’t know yet, but I’ve been told that a lot of therapeutic practice is establishing healthy boundaries between your work and your life, and I think it might help to have somewhere else to pour emotional energy when I’m off the clock.
Having another career wouldn’t mean I couldn’t make comics. Hell, it wouldn’t even mean I couldn’t sell comics. I could still make a website and freelance sometimes. I could still set up a Patreon. I could still publish my stuff on the web and in real life. I could still table at cons. And if things started going better than I’ve been planning for them to go, comics-wise, I wouldn’t have to keep being a therapist full-time. I’d have some flexibility, especially in private practice.
Anyway, I literally just started thinking about this a few days ago, so I have no idea if I’m gonna stay this excited about it. But...I’m enjoying looking into it. I’ve felt so much more hopeful the past few days - like my life might actually go someplace I could like. It’s a nice feeling and I would like to keep it.
I dunno. I’ve talked to some people and I’m gonna talk to some more people. Maybe set up an interview at the college in the next couple months if I can swing it. Prereqs would probably be somewhat hellacious, but that’s what I get for majoring in the humanities.
Okay cool I’m gonna go eat something and clean the kitchen. 
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kawaiibobatea-blog · 6 years
Chapter 06: Faith
It had only been a couple minutes since Grillby and Sans had entered the smoking house making sure to leave the door open to start airing it out. Grillby went into the kitchen, seeing through the thick smokescreen like it wasn’t even there. All the while, Sans was internally cringing at the loud beeping emitting through the empty home by the smoke alarm. It was reminding him to uninstall it for when this happened again. The sound continued to grate on his nonexistent nerves even while Grillby grabbed a trash bag and held it open awaiting charred items. One after another, items that had once been a part of their daily life were tossed behind him and landed with a clank inside of the trash bag. Sans was just about to throw a blackened baking pan behind him but was stopped by the warm voice.
“… right.”
Sans glanced out of the corner of his sockets, Grillby was tying the drawstring in multiple knots. Bulges from multiple pans and pots poked the polyethylene of the bag begging for a release from their constraints. He had just been tossing everything that had been blackened, charred, or even had a smoke smell-he had been through this situation enough to know that the smell was daunting to get out, if it ever came out-that he hadn’t realized how much he was truly getting rid of. When Grillby opened another garbage bag behind him, he looked at the counters. All black. Some renovations were going to have to be made. Almost everything in the whole kitchen was black and smelled of smoke. This was probably the worst that this has ever been.
“It’ll be fine.” Grillby tried to assure, but his friend’s crackling voice did nothing to sate his worry or his slight depression. He knew that his brother didn’t mean any harm and he wasn’t truly mad at his brother, he never could be. It was still depressing though to watch his best friend leave with almost all his and Paps’ kitchen items to throw them away.
A couple hours had passed and Grillby and Sans had almost successfully cleared every piece of charred belongings from the home. The trashcans outside were miserably full leaving the living room and kitchen a little barren. Sans could already hear his favorite pen scratching against job applications to raise some money to refill their home. He took a deep breath and closed his sockets-trying to drown out that agonizing beep. Priorities. Getting all of this out was priority-and tossed another baking sheet into the trash bag Grillby was holding open. All the bowls that had been in the living room had to be thrown away which meant he would owe his friends some money or replacements. The smoke from the fire had billowed out and into the air. Sans knelt and opened the small drawer at the bottom of the oven leading to more storage space for their pans along with the many metal utensils that Papyrus liked to keep there much to Sans’ chagrin. He had hoped that these had escaped the smoke and fire’s dangerous heat, but no such luck.
“troublesome fire…” Sans muttered and heard an aggravated crackle from behind him. “excluding present company, of course.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Sans wasn’t afraid of much in life, but Grillbs was one thing that terrified him. It wasn’t that his LV was high, neither was his EXP… but Grillby had something even more terrifying at his disposal; he could tell him-and be serious-about making him pay back his tab. He wouldn’t be able to pay it back even if he worked the rest of his long, long monster life. He would also have a hard time getting a decent paying job since some places were still discriminating against monsters working for them.
“heh, sorry grillbs.”
By the time they got back to the front of the house, the smoke had completely cleared. It was nice to see his house again. Sans was just about to speak when the fire alarm gave another beep, like it was desperate for attention. With a gold flash in his eye and a quick ball of blue fire, the fire alarm had given its last shriek of warning with a large explosion. Out of the corner of his socket, he saw Jason flinch backwards so hard he almost fell. If she hadn’t been there to grab his arm, he might have. Shockingly enough, Fall didn’t even seem phased at him using such intense magic without warning. Many humans still wanted at least a few seconds warning before using any level of magic. Then again, there was just something about Jason that didn’t set right with him. It wasn’t because he was her boyfriend either. Just with the way he side-longed some glances at the monsters, and at Fall. He found himself not liking it. Of course, Grillby had told him before that he had been wrong with people… which was true.
“BROTHER, I AM SORRY FOR RUINING OUR PARTY… MAYBE I’M NOT THE GREAT PAPYRUS AFTER ALL…” If Sans had any blood in his body, it would’ve turned cold. There wasn’t much going on in Sans’ life, however, his docile life with his brother was the thing he cherished the most. Papyrus was always smiling and fun-loving. He was able to make everyone happy without even trying with his cheerful voice and oblivious nature. It was soul breaking to see Papyrus’ shoulders slump in defeat and his smile fade.
“c’mon paps, you know that’s not true.” Sans said and shrugged his shoulders. He trudged over to his younger brother, smirking when he met socket contact with his only family. “things happen, hell, you know that i’ve done some stupid things before. we all have off days, today just happened to be yours.” Seconds felt like hours when Papyrus didn’t answer him right away. What felt like an eternity later, he lifted his head up and the smile had returned with full force,
“YOU’RE RIGHT SANS! TODAY WAS JUST AN “OFF DAY”!” Papyrus complimented and put his hands on his hips and watched as Sans nodded, taking out his comb and running it across his skull absentmindedly before returning it to his shorts pocket. “WELL, NOW THAT OUR HOSUE IS UNABLE TO BE USED FOR THE PARTY, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW?”
Sans glanced over at the group of people that were with them; the monsters didn’t seem too bothered with the cold. Fall however, even though she was trying to hide it, was shivering. How could he forget to at least let her inside? After all, she wasn’t really dressed well for this occasion. “c’mon, let’s head back inside. it must be cold out here for you.”
“N-No, I’m alright. Don’t worry…” Fall said, her cheeks red. Sans wondered offhandedly if it was from the cold or a blush at being found out that she had been lying. He settled with both.
“hm, too late kid.” Sans muttered under his breath and walked in with the rest of his friends, having Undyne close the door behind the group and ignoring the sigh that came from a tad bit behind him. With a glance at the clock, he noted that it was too early to call it a night, and Paps would be upset if he pooped out. It was only around nine thirty, but he was so exhausted.
“My bar is closed, but if desired, I can open it up and continue the party there.” Grillby adjusted his glasses, the fire crackling as he did so.
“OH DARLING! THAT’S PERFECT!” Mettaton gushed, clasping his hands together.
“YES! IT IS A VERY GOOD IDEA.” Papyrus agreed, his smile even brighter than it had been earlier.
Sans glanced out of the corner of his eye, seeing Fall fiddling with a stray thread on his jacket that she was still wearing. He had been so focused on restoring the house to the best of his abilities he had forgotten. He raised a brow bone and continued to watch her, digging her toe into the carpet. The monsters were chattering among themselves, setting the plan in stone that the party would continue at Grillby’s. “go on ahead, i’ll meet you there.” Sans said and scratched the back of his cranium.
“WE SHALL WAIT IN ANTICIPATION FOR YOUR ARRIVAL!” Papyrus complimented and ran out with some of their friends, the others following close behind.
When Fall glanced at the door and started to head out, he grabbed her wrist. She went rigid and he couldn’t help but think that she was worried about hanging out with a bunch of monsters. Many humans had been like that, even all these years later: they’d pretend they were okay with monsters and want to co-exist with them, but when one touched them or got too close they would revert to their discriminatory ways. Aggravated that he was letting it get to him, he let her wrist go with no words.
“Um…” Fall began, still looking down at the floor. “It’s a walk to Grillby’s and… I don’t have any… pants on…” A tomato red blush covered her face, reaching to the tips of her ears. A small blue blush of his own dusted his cheeks and he scratched at the back of his ivory dome again.
how could i forget that?
Clearing his throat, he glanced at the stairs, “hey, fall, follow me.” He said, seeing her not even hesitate in following him. How could he have been so rude in thinking that Fall was like those other humans he had encountered? He would have to apologize to her later and take whatever punishment she would deem adequate to group her in with those discriminatory humans. Hell, maybe he was a bit of the same way as those humans. He didn’t like that thought though. Thankfully, his door had been closed so his room remained untouched by the smoky smell of the fire. Among the mess in his room, her costume still laid perfectly neat on his sheet-less bed. “hey, kid, putting that back on isn’t going to help you with the cold.”
“Well that’s true,” She agreed holding the costume in her hand with her other on the zipper of his jacket. “Either way, it’s not like I can just keep these clothes.”
Sans was too busy sifting through his messy closet to answer her, not that there was anything to say. He may be lazy and somewhat nihilistic, but even he wasn’t soulless enough to let her make the trip to Grillby’s in just a T-shirt and a jacket. If they teleported, it would knock out all of the walking, but at the same time being at the party in a bar may be a little awkward for her. A smile came to his face when he held up the piece of fabric he was looking for,
“Basket ball shorts?” Fall asked.
“yeah, put these on. i don’t really have much variety in the clothes department, but, something is better than nothing right kid?”
This time, it was her turn to not respond. She held the shorts in her hands, the blush still on her face. How in the world did she have enough gumption to give him her phone number when she was standing here blushing at everything he did or said? Maybe he would ask her about that later, if he remembered. “i’ll wait outside.” He left and closed the door behind him. She hadn’t been phased seeing him decimate his smoke alarm with magic, but randomly teleporting may have been too much for the already frazzled girl. A few moments later, she came out with the shorts on and the drawstring tightened to make sure that they stayed on her hips. She had taken off the jacket and held it out to him, which he declined. “monsters aren’t as prone to the elements as you humans are.” He informed. “so keep it, i’ll get it back from you later.” Shoving his hands in his own shorts, he smirked when she was donned in his jacket again. “y’know, i wondered a lot of the time what i would look like as a girl, but with you dressed like that, i can get a pretty good idea.”
“H-Hey!” Fall said and zipped up the jacket.
“it’s a compliment kid.”
With Fall in tow, he walked towards the door and had a phalange over the light switch. “did you want to walk, or we could-“
“Do that teleport thing you do?”
“y-yeah… how-“
“Well, you’ve been coming to my store for a few years, sometimes you would use your magic outside of the store to get back home quicker.” Fall admitted, playing with the same thread she had been previously. “I don’t mind going that way… as long as it’s not too hard on you.”
“alright.” Sans went over and touched the small of her back. “i need close contact to bring you with.” In truth, he didn’t know how close one needed to be. She was the first person he had tried it with other than... He knew it would work, there was no questions about that. He just wanted to make sure that it would be okay for her to be this close to him. When she didn’t protest, he took a step forward and brought them both in the void between this part of the world and the next. They came out right in front of Grillby’s. Fall staggered a bit and grabbed onto the sleeve of his shirt for stabilization.
“S-Sorry…” She stammered but gripped on tighter.
“no need to be sorry, kid. the first person i took with me puked when we-for lack of a better word-landed.” “O-Oh…” Fall blinked, and her grip loosened on his shirt enough to where she could stand up on her own. “Maybe it’s something humans have to get used to.”
“hm, maybe.” Sans guided her into the bar by the small of her back.
By the time they got in the bar, everything and everyone was in full force. Grillby was behind the counter serving drinks and food to his friends, continuously shining his favorite glass. Out of the corner of his socket, he saw Papyrus and Undyne sitting in a booth with Alphys. Jason and…the girl… were sitting at the bar awaiting some food. Muffet was helping to serve the food that all the friends were ordering while Mettaton was providing entertainment in the form of singing and dancing while Napstablook was playing music for them. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.
“SANS! YOU MADE IT!” Papyrus exclaimed when he noticed the party of two that had come into the bar. He hopped up out of his seat, onto the table and jumped to the floor in front of them. All the while Sans had his hands in his pockets. It was perfectly normal to watch his brother climb onto things he wasn’t supposed to. “WE WERE BEGINNING TO WONDER WHERE YOU WERE. OH! SMALL HUMAN! YOU’RE WEARING SANS’ CLOTHES.”
“she didn’t have any, so i let her borrow some of mine.”
“SHE LOOKS LIKE THE HUMAN GIRL VERSION OF YOU!” Papyrus said and smiled brightly at Fall who had been taken aback by his very robust compliment. “IT LOOKS VERY GOOD ON YOU!”
“T-Thank you Papyrus.”
“OF COURSE, SMALL HUMAN! ANY FRIEND OF SANS’ IS A FRIEND OF MINE! NOW IF YOU’LL EXCUSE ME, I’M TRYING TO SOLVE THIS WEEKS PUZZLE IN THE PAPER ALPHYS BROUGHT.” With another hop onto his table, he sat back down on his side of the booth, intently training his sockets on the words in front of him. Sans shrugged his shoulders and went to the bar, taking a seat and helping her onto his.
“What puzzle is he trying to solve?”
“the horoscope.”
“yep.” Sans looked at Fall with his ever-present smile. “grillbs, can i get a burger for the lady here and an order of fries for me?”
Without a word, Grillby headed towards the back to cook their orders after setting a bottle of ketchup down in front of him. It wouldn’t take too long, after all, a flame elemental monster could control the fire in his kitchen better than any human stove or oven could. That’s part of the reason why he liked coming to Grillby’s, other than to spend time with his best friend. The food was always cooked exactly how you liked it, even if you didn’t tell him. Sans was focused on the sounds around him, sipping on the ketchup Grillby had left him. The smell of the food was wafting from the kitchen via the small gap at the bottom of the door. No doubt, the food would be done soon. He could already taste the food that would be sat in front of him. The fries would be worth the headache of throwing away a lot of the kitchen appliances.
“Um… Sans?”
“hm?” He swallowed the ketchup that was in his mouth and turned the barstool, hearing the all too familiar creak.
“How did you know to order me a burger?”
“when we were at my house, i saw you eyeing it with everything you are.” He couldn’t help but chuckle when Fall blushed a deep red. “no need to be so embarrassed about it. grillbs food is the best.” As if on cue, Grillby came out and sat the plates down in front of them, putting another bottle of ketchup on the counter. “aw, and i didn’t even have to ask.”
“Not for you.” Grillby said and pointed a thumb at Fall’s burger.
“fine. you win.” Sans held up his hands in defeat.
“Can I get you anything else, Miss?” Grillby politely asked.
always a charmer.
“Um, can I have a bit of alcohol?” Fall was meek about it. Why? This was a bar, order all the alcohol you want. “If it’s not too much trouble.”
“Of course, it isn’t too much trouble.” Grillby assured. “What would you like?”
“Um… I-I’m not too good with names. So just whatever you think would be good.”
“As you wish.”
Sans watched Grillby work at lightning speed, popping a fry into his mouth every now and again. It was nice to hear everyone laughing when just a few minutes ago it was full of sadness at almost catching their home on fire. He was worried that it was going to ruin their night, but of course, he should’ve known better. When it comes to Papyrus, no one can stay sad around him, so he ends up making everyone have a good time. The drink that he sat down in front of Fall was bright, colorful, and smelled nice. Her eyes widened, and she picked up the glass and looked at it.
“Wow! It’s so pretty…”
“well kid,” Sans saw motion out of the corner of his socket near the other end of the bar. “alcohol isn’t meant to just look pretty. taste it.”
“Right. Right.” She took a small sip from the straw that he had placed in the blue-green color show in a cup. “Ooh! Wow… This is really good.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
The more time that passed, the more Fall drank. The more that Fall drank, the more she would talk. The more that she would talk, the more she would get embarrassed; wash, rinse, and repeat until she was now the staggering mess next to him. She was on her third burger and fifth order of fries. She could really pack away some food. He was glad that she was eating that much bread and stuff that way she wouldn’t get sick. He had learned from her that it was a common thing for humans to do; surprisingly, it was recommended. It had been strange to him when they first arrived on the surface, but now it seemed obvious and normal. Papyrus was slamming his hand down on the table, excited that he had solved another puzzle in the Junior Jumble book that Sans had bought for him.
“Well, Frisk, are you ready to go?” Sans heard Jason from the other side of the bar.
“Yeah, it’s getting late and I’m pretty tired.”
Sans didn’t really care where they went or what they did and continued watching Grillby and a drunk Fall continue their very weird conversation on how Grillby could touch things without getting burnt. Now her inquisitiveness had went to his clothes. However, one thing that sent his attention the humans’ way was what Jason had whispered to her.
“Next time, can you not invite me to parties like these? It gets really uncomfortable with all these monsters around.”
“Jason, stop that.” She had whispered back. Sans wasn’t really too shook about it, considering there were so many humans that still weren’t accepting and from the way that he had been acting through the night, it wasn’t a shock. What came next though…
“What? You can’t tell me it’s not weird. Especially that tall skeleton. Why does everyone try to kiss up to him? They’re all making it sound like he can cook and he’s talented but he’s not. He’s weird and a terrible cook. I mean he almost burned his own house down.”
The pinpricks for pupils that he had disappeared leaving nothing but black sockets devoid of any positive emotion. No one around, but Grillby seemed to notice. He didn’t ask but gave Sans a curious glance that did not get a anything in return.
“No, Paps can’t cook, but he makes up for it with spirit and determination. He doesn’t let anything falter his spirit and he’s a good skeleton.” She commented, defending Paps. It wasn’t like Sans didn’t expect her to defend Papyrus, but that she continued to walk out with Jason washed away her defense like it hadn’t even happened.
“Whatever, it sounds to me like he’s just pathetic.”
Sans squeezed the ketchup bottle, listening to the air escape the nozzle at the top. Just as the jingle of the bell sounded through the store signifying their leave, Sans teleported outside and stood in front of them earning an alarmed sound from Jason and a confused one from her. His eyes held no emotion but loathing and anger.
“S-Sans?” The girl commented, seeing the expression on his face.
“stay out of this.” Sans ordered, his tone deepening a little bit. “this is between me and him.”
“What? You and me don’t have any business.”
“Sans… You-“
“quiet.” Sans commanded, and she listened. “you have a problem with my brother, huh?”
“i’m waiting.”
“W-Well n- ah!” Jason yelled when Sans threw a bone in his direction scraping against the side of his face. “What are you doing?”
“Sans, stop!”
“monsters are pathetic huh?” Sans questioned, shooting a smaller bone his way, not intending to hit him. “papyrus has more heart than some of you humans ever will.” Papyrus was his weak spot. All their friends knew it, when something was said or done against his brother, all thoughts or morals went out the window. With a snap of his finger, he was surrounded by four Gaster Blasters, all pointing towards Jason. A tug on his sleeve, prevented another attack.
“I said ‘stop’!” Sans’ sharp glare looked down at his sleeve and saw his old friend attached to it for dear life.
“defending someone like him, huh? heh, figured as much. all you humans stick together.” His words were filled with venom as he flung his arm, sending the girl a few feet away from him on her butt. His attention turned from the girl back to the cowering Jason. His smile turned more into a smirk and he snapped his phalanges, making the blasters disappear. “be thankful you have that girl with you.”
“W-What? Why? What does Frisk have to do with this?” Jason asked, falling to his knees his legs being unable to keep him standing anymore. He screamed out when he was pulled towards Sans, nose to nose hole.
“’cause buddy, without her,” Sans chuckled humorlessly, his sockets searing holes into Jason’s eyes. Their gaze was so intense it felt like time had stopped. “Y o u ‘ d  b e  d e a d  w h e r e  y o u  s t a n d.” With a flick of his wrist, Jason was sent further away, and a pained grunt escaped his lips upon impact. He knew that he didn’t break the human’s bones, he would’ve been able to tell. He sure was going to have one hell of a bruise there, that was for sure. He shoved his hands back in his pockets, having his back turned to the scene he had created between him and the two humans. He heard the girl get up and head towards where her boyfriend lay, “. . . don’t let me catch either of you around my brother again.”
The girl sounded like she was about to cry with her small, pitiful voice. “B-But, Sans… I-“ He turned and looked at the girl, his sockets still black with anger.
“E i t h e r  o f  y o u.” His tone of finality shut her up in just a split second. He left both humans outside. He couldn’t believe it. She had defended him… Jason… the one who had insulted his brother. Humans really stuck together, even in these times. That must’ve been the reason that she wanted to leave the Underground. She just wanted to go back to the humans… They had been friends for years… At least he thought so. He wanted to believe it, but maybe it would be better if they hadn’t been… then it wouldn’t hurt this bad. Even if she didn’t explicitly agree with Jason, she wanted him to not hurt Jason. Why? He could only imagine how that would’ve hurt Papyrus if he had really heard it. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know. He had lost all faith in Jason (not that he had much to begin with), he lost hope in humans, he lost faith in Frisk.
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sawyergt · 6 years
51. Landing - Part 2
aahh, i’m sorry for taking forever to post the second part of this one-shot, it took a while but it’s here now!! enjoy ♡
Rick had no idea about what just happened. One moment, he was sleeping peacefuly on his bedroom; the other, his moms had shot a freaking giant man that was staring at them.
That's right, a giant, huge man, came from God knows where.
"Mom, what the hell do think you're doing?!" He asked with an angry voice. The poor giant just seemed that he had nowhere to go and had not idea about where he was and what his mom did to him didn't look the right way to welcome someone that didn't do anything to harm them. "He was only asking for help and what you did to him just scared him more than he already was!"
"Son, you and I don't have any idea about what that thing was and what it could do to us. My mission is to protect my family, no matter what I have to do, you and your mother will always be my number one priority." Ellen said in a very assertive way, which made Rick understand, somehow, the reason behind his mom's reaction towards the giant. Still, she didn't have the right to hurt and almost blind him!
"But you have no right to threat not it but him the way you did! In fact, the only thing you did was to provoke him! And-" He realized it was useless to keep proving his point since his mother wasn't really listening him after all, but he really did have a point. The big guy needed help and he knew that standing there just rambling for no one wouldn't be the solution. He was definitely going to look for a solution for the poor guy.
"Think, think... if i was injured in an eye what would be the essential thing that I would need..." He though about it for awhile and then he realized that he would have to make some kind of improvised eye patch. One that would be probably a hundred times bigger than an usual one.
"Well... that should do it." He ended up "borrowing" the biggest blanket he could find and went searching for the giant, in hopes that the giant could use it as an eye patch. He supposed that it would take a couple minutes, if not hours, to find the giant in the middle of the forest, so he decided to bring a flashlight with him.
He walked for what he though to be about one hour and it eventually started getting darker, so he decided to turn on the flashlight. He couldn't give up that easily on his search for the giant, not just because he was a curious kid by nature, but also because he knew that the giant needed his help, which made him feel also sympathy towards the giant.
Another hour had passed and he was starting to get tired and a little bit scared, since he couldn't see anything that his flashlight couldn't light to, when he heard a terrorized scream from the forest.
"Aaahh, go away!!! Go away now!!! Please!!!" The scream looked like it was coming from behind him, and then he looked at him. He saw those big, brown chocolate eyes staring right at him.
For a moment, Rick though he was about to pass out for just seeing the giant staring right at him. He looked at the biggest brown eyes he’d ever seen and the way that the giant was looking at him... the poor guy looked like he was preparing himself for his death, which made Rick feel guilty and sad for the giant. Did he really think he was gonna kill him in some merciless way?
"H-hey there big guy... look, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just here to help you. I'm-"
"S-stop pointing at me that... that thing that you're holding on your hand!!" He could actually see one or two tears falling down from one of the gianty's eye, the one that almost didn't get blind. "What is that supposed to be? A gun? A bomb? A... a gun? P-please!! If you're gonna do something to me just... just do it already!" He started covering his “good” eye in a way of protecting him, he really though that he was gonna get killed...
Then Rick realized that what was really scaring this guy was what he was holding on his hand: his flashlight. He was staring it right at the giant's face just to see it better, but he never though that the giant would never know about what that thing was.
"What?! O-oh! You must be talking about the flashlight I'm holding, right?" He pointed at his flashlight and the giant nodded shyly. "This is no gun, don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you big dude... this is a thing that is just supposed to help me see in the dark, and I can turn it off and on like this! See?" He then exampled turning the flashlight on and off, which made the giant's expression change from a scared one to an amazed one.
"H-how are you even able to do that?! Did you make it? How? Do you have any more of those with you?" The giant was way more relaxed right now and Rick was happy to know that he was not terrifying the big guy anymore. He could see that the giant blushed a little bit and felt a little guilty for overwhelming him with his questions. "Hm, I-I'm sorry for making so many questions... I probably look like I am really dumb and annoying, don’t I? I'm just-"
"It's okay, big guy." Rick said in a comforting way. After all, the main reason for him to be in this situation was to help the giant and make him realize that he meant no harm to him, despite what his mom made it look, treating him like he was some form of a threat, which Rick knew he wasn't, by the way that the guy spoke, by the way the he looked at Rick... this giant, weird man, was even kind of cute, Rick though.
"It's okay, I'm your friend. I promise you that I mean no harm... I'm just here to help you out with your eye; now I though that what you needed right now was a eye patch, so I brought this blanket to you to try to cover it." He then took the blanket he brought with him from his bag and extended it on his arms to the giant. "Hope it helps." He gave him a soft, kind smile.
The big guy didn't really know what to do with the blanket he was given, so Rick explained to him in the best way he could: "It's to cover your eye. Just... close your eye and press it gently to it. It might not make any miraculous but at least it's stopping your eye from getting any worse. I'm sorry for how my mother treated you like she did, she was just trying to protect us... but I promise you I would never do the same to you."
Coelli couldn't believe what he was hearing. The little guy was really being sympathetic towards him. At first he though that he was coming after him, with some sort of gun that he called a "flashlight", whatever that was, probably to blind his other eye like the other woman had told him before or even worse...
"Hm, t-thank you so much..." He then started to make an eye patch for his eye with the blanket in the best way he could find. "B-but... why are you doing this to me? I-I though that I was some sort of threat for your planet, some sort of threat for your species, because how your mother reacted to my arrival, I thought-"
"Wait." Rick said in a very assertive way, which made Coelli freeze and think that he should had kept his mouth shut. "Are you saying you're from another planet?" When Coelli nodded Rick's eyes got wide and a big smile formed on his face. 
That's so cool!!! So you're like, an alien? Is everyone in your planet your size? How far away is it from Earth? Well, that might explain why you didn't know about the existence of flashlights... can you seen in the dark?" He slightly giggled in a way that he hoped would not look offensive, he was just so amazed, I mean, it's not everyday that you get a change of communicating with a giant alien.
"Y-yes, I come from another planet, and yes, everyone there is about my size." He was actually not considered very tall between the other of his species, so feeling so big in comparison to this guy was really something new for him. "I-I can't exactly say how far away it is but I can assure that it's very, very far. You see, my ship just crashed in your planet and one of the first things that I saw was your house, so I tried to make contact but since I realized that I wasn't very welcome here I just... ran away." He felt another tear falling from his eye at the flashbacks he was getting and he started feeling sad again, hoping that he wasn't annoying the little guy at all.
Rick was with wide eyes the whole conversation but, as he saw another tear fall from the giant's face, he felt sad for him again. "S-so... what you're saying is that your ship crashed, which probably means that you have no way of contacting your planet again... am I right?" He was sad to hear a shy "Yes" coming from the guy's mouth, which just made him feel a need to protect him.
"Man, I-I'm really sorry for knowing about that..." He started thinking that if his family wasn't the first meeting him, some bad people, really bad people, could had met him, which made him feel kind of protective over the giant.
"Listen- I know that you didn't have the first encounter most... pleasurable to have and I don't really know how are the people from your planet, but your first encounter with a human could have been much worse, trust me." He then put a hand on his lap, in a way of comforting him.
"My name is Rick and I'm gonna be here for you no matter what. I'm gonna give you the best shelter that I can afford and all the food that you need. You're gonna be safe with me and hopefully my mothers and I are gonna do everything that we can to keep you safe from the bad guys. Gotcha?"
One more tear fell from the giant's eye, but this was a different tear than the others. He was now crying because he felt... loved? When he first crashed onto this planet, he though that he was all alone, all by himself, and with his first encounter he though that he was seen as a threat... but this little guy - Rick, he remembered - was really something else, and besides the obvious size difference, he actually felt that he was in good hands; metaphorically talking, of course.
"I... I gotcha, Rick! Hm... m-my name is Coelli." The excited but still a little bit shy way that the giant talked was really cute and Rick felt that he had won the giant's trust. This big guy was really something else.
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smilingformoney · 6 years
Endless Summer 3 Diamond Scene: Honeymoon with Sean
A darkly clad Anachronist approaches you. Elyys’tel Vaanti in the vicinity eye him cautiously. Time Raider: So you two are handfasted now, huh? Looks like fun. Time Raider: The Clockmaker asked me to bring you a gift. Your partner already knows about it. Sean: Got something I’d like to show you, [Name]. You: Lead on, husband. The Anachronist produces an elaborate timepiece and begins making adjustments… You’re suddenly propelled through time and space! 
You burst through the portal… onto the front steps of Elysian Lodge! Snowflakes dance in the air around you, catching the fading light of dusk. Stars are just beginning to appear in the wintry sky. You: I never pegged you for a cold weather kinda guy. Sean: You’re telling me there’s a better feeling than keeping someone warm on a cold night? Sean picks up a thick blanket, draping it around you and pulling you into his arms. Sean: I wanted to give you the perfect evening to kick off the rest of our lives. 
You: Sean… -How will you top our wedding? Sean +1
You: Only you could have the best day ever and think, ‘I can make this better.’ Sean: What can I say? I have a lot to live up to. 
-You don’t need to impress me. Sean +1
Sean: It’s not about impressing you. It’s about making you feel the same way I do when you smile at me. You: Just smiling? Sean: It’s a great smile. 
He pulls you in for a kiss. When you pull apart, you notice a folded piece of paper in his hand. You: What’s this? Sean: My grandfather wrote a love poem for my grandmother on their honeymoon. Sean: Reciting it’s kind of a tradition in my family. At just about every get together we have. Sean: I’m sorry they weren’t here personally to see us take this step… Sean: But maybe… these words, paired with a few things I’ve planned, can welcome you into the family instead. You: Sean, what did I do to deserve you? Sean: Funny. I ask myself a similar question every day. He shrugs another blanket onto his shoulders. Sean: Read the first stanza when you’re ready, and we’ll head to the first stop. Poem: Sunlight, stars, and sky above, hear my humble plea… Poem: Shine e’er bright upon my love, keep him/her safe and free. You notice a well-shoveled path in the snow, leading into the forest. You: Hm. I wonder where I’m supposed to go? Sean: I didn’t say it was a scavenger hunt. Wanna see what’s there? You: Only if you join me. He wraps an arm around your waist as you make your way along the path together. 
You enter a clearing in the middle of looming pines, the stars and snowflakes mixing above you. You: So pretty. Sean kisses the top of your head as you stare skyward together, wrapped in one another’s arms. Sean: My mom’s side of the family has a big camping trip at the end of summer, every year, for the last thirty years. Sean: I can’t wait to take you. The family’s going to love you. Especially the kids. They love it when someone new comes in. 
You: … -I hope our future kids are that sweet. Sean +1
You: Can you imagine, all the little ‘Sean’s and ‘[Name]’s running underfoot in a forest… Sean: You… wanna have kids? You: Is that a problem? He pulls you in close and kisses you passionately, hands cradling the sides of your face tenderly. Sean: The exact opposite. Just, hearing you say it… He looks away, eyes reddening as they well with tears. Sean: After everything I went through, with Dad… for a long time, I never wanted to have kids. Never wanted to be the father he was. Sean: But here… with you… His forehead leans on yours, voice reducing itself to a gentle murmur. Sean: You make me believe I can be better, [Name]. You: Sean, you are better. 
-Your family sounds so wonderful. Sean +1
Sean: My mom’s side is huge. I’ve got nine first cousins alone. You: You mean your second cousins also show up? Sean: And great-aunts and great-uncles and cousins once removed… it’s great. You: I can’t wait to meet all of them. 
-Only if we get alone time. Sean +1
Sean: Oh believe me, we’ll find somewhere to sneak off to… You: Sure you don’t wanna do that now? Sean: Don’t you worry, we’ll get there. 
He walks over to a nearby tree and pulls from its branches a bouquet of roses and another small note. Poem: Forest, plants, and earth below, listen to my prayer… Poem: Into food and shelter grow, for this life we share. You: Food and housing, huh? Let me guess, we’re heading back inside. Sean: Had to get you cold so I can warm you up. He holds your hand as you walk back inside the lodge, gently kissing your knuckles as you go. 
In front of a roaring fireplace, a small table for two welcomes you. A small but inviting meal is laid out on the plates. You: You can cook too? Where did you even find the time for this? Sean: The food is not my handiwork, thankfully. Or else we’d be eating burned carrots. Or hot dogs. Or toast. Sean: But hey, if there was ever a time to call in favours, I’d say our honeymoon’s a good one. He pulls your chair out for you. As you enjoy the meal together, you notice Sean staring pensively into the fire. You: Something on your mind? Sean: Oh… Well… Sean: Part of me is so happy, to have you in my life, to be talking about our future together… but I’m worried too. Sean: The Island’s Heart may not be restored yet, but what’s the missing piece? What if Rourke finds the answer? Sean: It’s just… I don’t know what we’re doing next. It’s a strange feeling. I don’t like it. You: I suppose you’re right. With the handfasting happening, I hadn’t even stopped to think about what happened to me. Sean: [Name], I’m sorry. We don’t have to-- You: It’s fine. It’s just… freaky, I guess. You: I mean, you saw it, right? That wave of energy that came out of me? 
You: What if… -Being here changed me?
Sean: I think this island’s changed all of us. You: I know, I just… I feel like I don’t even know who I am right now.
-Something’s wrong with me?
You’ve seen how destructive the Island’s Heart has been to Quinn. What if that’s happening to me? Sean: You haven’t felt it talk to you and pull you the way she does, right? You: Well… no. But still, it worries me.
You: I’ve tried to remember my family, and what happened before we came here, and I just keep coming up… with nothing. Sean: I know that’s got to be scary. We’re going to find out what’s going on there, don’t worry. He takes your hand across the table, humming a tune softly. Sean: ♫ Go ahead and doubt me through it all… ♫ Sean: ♫ But I ain’t never… ever… ever gonna fall. ♫ You instantly recognise the song and remember it playing in your head during the plane ride. You: I love that. Sean: Don’t worry. I’ll be performing in a shower near you, soon. When the plates are empty, Sean stands and begins clearing the dishes. Beneath your plate, another note is revealed! You: Oh, look what I found. Sean runs a hand affectionately through your hair and you open the envelope and read the next stanza. Poem: Rivers, lakes, and rain beyond, take heed to this cry… Poem: Let him/her wash within your ponds, ‘til pain turns to sighs. Sean: Think you know what’s next? You: I have an idea, at least. You stand, lacing his hand into yours as you walk up the stairs. 
You emerge onto the roof where the hot tub from New Year’s Eve is bubbling and steaming into the night air. Sean strips to his bathing suit and walks in, the soft light catching along his abs. You strip and join him, letting your hands roam his figure. Sean: Hi. You: Hi, handsome. Sean: There’s just one more stanza left… and I wanted to recite it to you myself. Sean sits on the ledge and draws you across his lap. His eyes stare reverently up at you. Sean: Body, heart, and soul within, I will only ask… As he continues to recite, he occasionally stops between words to trail kisses up your chest and neck. Sean: Care for him… from toe to grin… His forehead leans against yours, chestnut eyes staring into yours as he murmurs the last line. Sean: …As long as I may last. Your entire chest flutters as your lips meet, his powerful arms holding your body tight. You: Sean… I love you so much. Sean: I love you too, [Name]. Your kisses become more intense as the effervescent water caresses you. Sean: [Name]… I want you. 
You: … -I don’t just want you, I need you. Sean +1
Sean: Do you trust me? You: With all my heart. He places a hand on your hips, leaning you back… and prying your underwear away with his teeth. The warm, bubbling water beneath you makes your body tingle. You: Mmm… Keeping you in place, Sean gasps in pleasure as your hips move together. Your legs tangle around his waist as your back arches. You: Oh, Sean… You feel so good… Sean: Yes… Yes, I-I’m-- He cuts himself off, unable to focus on words in the heat of the moment. The two of you move faster, in unison, until… You: Sean… Ahhhhhhhh! Every inch of your bodies throbs with ecstasy as the stars shimmer overhead. 
-Let’s just take it slow for now. Sean +1
Sean: We’ll go at whatever pace you want. We have all the time in the world. You: You’re wonderful, by the way. Your arms grasp his broad shoulders tight as he pulls you further into his lap. Sean: I’m yours, [Name]. Tonight, tomorrow, forever. His lips catch yours again, nothing else existing in the world but the feeling of his touch… 
The sky is just starting to brighten when you finally awaken, pulled tight into Sean’s arms even as he sleeps. With his eyes still closed, you see his lips twitch into a smile, his head curling to rest against yours.
You: … -Kiss his face. Sean +1
You flutter soft kisses across his eyes, nose, and cheeks. Slowly, his eyes lilt open half-lidded, and he finds your lips. Sean: Good morning, darling husband/wife. 
-Kiss him lower. Sean +1
You begin to carefully place kisses down Sean’s chest. He mutters sleepily under his breath. Sean: Mm… [Name]… As you begin to move over him, his eyes pop open and his whole body reacts. Sean: Wh-whoa! Ohgod! He glances down to you with a playful smile before his head rolls back in pleasure. Sean: Good morning to you too. You: I’m sorry, what was that? You quicken your movements, refusing to stop until he stifles moans of pleasure into a pillow and quivers at your touch. 
-Wait for him to wake up. Sean +1
You stay there for a while, memorising every detail of his peaceful face, until eventually his eyes flutter open. When he sees you’re already awake, he smiles tenderly and kisses the top of your head. Sean: Good morning, sunshine. 
You: Good morning. You try to sit up and stretch, but Sean recaptures you, rolling on top of you to shower you with kisses and affection. You: Does it have to be morning? I don’t know if I want to leave this bed right now… Sean: Hey, if staying here forever was an option, I’d take it in a heartbeat. Sean: But when we’re done fixing the world… we’ll come right back here. And finish what we started. He lifts his hand to yours. Sean: Ready? You: Ready. You put your clothes back on, and head toward the time portal. 
The two of you step through and arrive a grassy hill outside of Elyys’tel. You notice Michelle standing by herself and gazing out at the sea. You: Michelle? Everything okay? Michelle: O-oh! Hey. She quickly wipes her face and gives you a smile. Michelle: Back so soon? How was your getaway? A dark streak of mascara remains on her left cheek. You: Is something wrong? Sean: You can talk to us, Michelle. Michelle: Oh, it’s just been kind of a long week, you know? You: Does anyone know you’re out here? We should probably head back. The others will be worried.
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isolavirtuosa · 4 years
Starting Over (For Real?) 45-46
[fanfiction] NaruSasu
Read the previous parts here.
- 45 -
  Naruto was in bed, staring at the wall.
I’d just finished blow drying my hair, and when I came back to our bedroom, there he was.
I didn’t know what to do for him.
I put my clothes in the hamper, and got into bed next to him.
He didn’t move.
I opened my mouth to speak, but I didn’t know what to say.  So I thought about what Naruto would do instead.  I inched closer to him, settling my arm around his waist.
He startled at the touch but then sank back into me.
I kissed his cheek, then rested my forehead against the back of his head.
“Sorry, love,” he said quietly, resting his hand over mine.
“Why?” I asked.
“I know you’re hurting, too.”
I rolled my eyes.  “I’m fine.”
His grip tightened on my hand.  “You can’t do that anymore.”
“Do what…?”
“Lie to me.”
I got irritated at that, pulling my hand away.  “So now I’m a liar.”
He sighed.  “Well, isn’t that what you call someone who doesn’t tell you the truth?”
“Fuck you,” I muttered, moving to get out of bed.
Naruto finally left the comfort of the wall, his fingers wrapping around my arm, keeping me there.  “Sorry, maybe that wasn’t the best choice of words.”
I glared at him, not pulling away, but ready to.
“Sasuke,” he said, sad and tired.
“So what’s a better choice of words?” I asked irritably.
He started chewing on his bottom lip.  “I dunno.  You’re just so… you always act like everything is okay when it’s not.  You try and bury all your emotions and never acknowledge them and-”
“That’s how normal people are, Naruto,” I interrupted him.  “They don’t talk about every thought and feeling that they’ve ever had.  They don’t carry on-”
“It’s not carrying on, Jesus, Sasuke,” he said, dropping his hand from my arm and running his fingers through his hair.  “It’s hard for me, too, you know.  To say how I’m feeling.  To not just cover it up with a smile and stupid joke.  I’m… destroyed right now.  Do you get that?  Do you understand that Baachan is… and Gaara… they’re both gone.  They’re gone.  They’re...” he trailed off, closing his eyes tightly.
Naruto had actually lost something.  Something irreplaceable.  I didn’t have time to feel stupid and hurt and betrayed about being tricked by a fake mizukage Karin for months.
“I wish I could bring them back for you,” I said quietly, which was a stupid thing to say.  But I did.  Anything to take away the pain that was radiating off of him.
He didn’t open his eyes, just leaned his head in until it hit my shoulder.
I patted his back, trying not to be awkward.
“Well, you got your revolution,” he said, then laughed quietly.  It sounded a little hysterical.
I swallowed.  A little warning bell was ringing in the back of my head.  All of the kages are dead, Naruto is yours, and you’re basically a god.  Isn’t this the world you always wanted?  “This isn’t what I wanted,” I whispered into his hair, kissing his temple.
He shifted, wrapping his arms around me.
I hesitated, then hugged him, rubbing his back with my good hand.
He sighed, nudging his head under my chin.
It felt easy all of the sudden.
We fell asleep spooned up together.
Naruto woke up before me, and he had a cup of coffee waiting when I dragged myself to the kitchen.
“Thank you,” I said, kissing his cheek as I took the handle from his hand.
He gave me this smile that was grim around the edges.  He didn’t say much of anything, but after having his whole world turned upside down, it didn’t seem so strange.
He didn’t say much of anything for the rest of the week.
We were soon gathered for a debriefing in the kazekage’s office.  The Council was there, ready to install new leadership.
“We’re ready to choose the next kazekage.”
Naruto finally spoke.
I had to have Sai help me take him out of the room after his, “Gaara isn’t dead!” outburst, and we were followed by Temari and Kankurou.
“There has to be a way to save them!” Naruto cried, flailing around like a crazy person.
I’d thought he’d given up on the kages, and it felt strange to suddenly see Naruto… acting like Naruto again.  The solemn resignation was gone, and now he was pure adrenaline and passion.
“We’re getting them back!” he snapped, stomping out of the building.
Temari and Kankurou looked at one another.  They nodded, then turned and followed him.
Sakura was in the temporary lab that Suna had been putting her up in.  She had on a lab coat and goggles, but was just sitting on the floor staring into space.
“Fire up your beakers or whatever, we’re finding a cure,” Naruto informed her.
“I’ve been trying for months…” Sakura mumbled despondently.
“Yeah, with one of them in here sabotaging every move that you made,” he said, turning on one of said beakers.
“It’s over,” Sakura said, shaking her head.
“The fake Karin wouldn’t have been here if they weren’t worried that you’d figure something out!”
“Uzumaki is making sense,” Sai commented.
“There’s nothing!” Sakura cried.  “I’ve tried everything!  There’s… what the hell are you doing, idiot?!” she yelled, leaping to her feet and quickly turning off the beaker that Naruto had lit.  “This is a very volatile solution!”
“Well then why did you just leave it over a flame?!” Naruto protested.
“Because I didn’t think anyone would be stupid enough to just come in here and turn on the burner at full blast!” she snapped.
Naruto grinned at her, not even the slightest bit abashed.
Sakura blinked slowly, something changing in her expression.  I could see her eyes coming back to life.  “Dummy.”
Naruto rubbed the back of his neck, his smile widening.
“So what’s the plan?” she asked him.
“I have no idea,” he said, laughing.
“Then what are you coming in here and getting everyone all fired up for?”
“We’ll go to Orochimaru,” I said.
All eyes flicked to me.
“Karin… the mizukage told us not to go to him,” I pointed out.  “And yet he’s one of the foremost researchers in the world.”
“Uh, yeah, but like immoral research,” Ino put in.
“Okay, you’re in charge of Orochimaru,” Naruto said.
I looked at him, masking my surprise.
“I trust you,” he said.  “I think we need to find that crazy powerful farmer guy, too.”
“Kamenosuke,” Temari said.  “We’ve been tracking him.  He’s in the Land of Water.”
“Can I leave him to you?”
“I think I should stay here and keep an eye on the Council,” Temari said, shaking her head.  “Kankurou will go.”
Kankurou nodded.  “I’ll put together a team.”
“Okay,” Naruto said, climbing up onto one of the tables and standing up.
I suddenly realized that the room had completely filled up.
“What’s next?” Naruto asked, addressing the crowd.
I looked around the room.  The thing that struck me was that these were all ninjas from our generation, and they were all looking to Naruto to lead us.
Kakashi popped in, making himself the oldest ninja in the room.  “I need someone to make a magazine run.  All the best dirty magazines are published in Konoha, and they’ve stopped exporting due to the war and the famine,” he said with a dramatic sigh.
“Okay, so you’re in charge of checking up on Hyuuga,” Naruto said, waving him off.  “I think we need teams going into Water and Lightning to figure out the source of the fake God Trees.”
People were stepping forward, volunteering for missions.  They were offering ideas.
It suddenly seemed so obvious to me.
I would never be able to right all the wrongs that the hidden villages had committed, but it didn’t matter.  The way of thinking that had perpetuated those atrocities and genocides for so long were about to be replaced.
Our apartment became the new meeting hub.  Ninjas were constantly coming in and out, working with Naruto to determine the parameters of their missions.
The Council and the ANBU loyal to them lurked in the shadows, but they didn’t dare make a move against us.  For the moment, we all co-existed in Suna, the old guard and the new.
We all knew it wouldn’t last.
“We need to find somewhere neutral to establish a base,” Sai pointed out.
“Somewhere outside of the Five Great Countries,” I agreed.
Naruto consulted the map, shaking his head.
“How about the Land of Iron?” I suggested.
“Are you trying to start a war with the samurai?” Sakura asked, rolling her eyes.
“Maybe,” I said with a shrug.  I really fucking hated samurai.
“Love, we don’t need your bigoted vendettas right now,” Naruto said.
“Land of Sound,” Sai put in.
“Too tainted,” Naruto said, shaking his head.  “We want to start somewhere fresh.”
“How about Frost?” Sakura suggested.
“Too cold,” Sai said, pointing to his belly shirt.
“Then buy a whole shirt!” she cried irritatedly.
“Land of Hot Water?” I said.
“Oh,” Sakura said.  “That actually sounds pretty good.”
“Hm,” Sai murmured thoughtfully.  “Hot springs everywhere…”
“We can check it out,” Naruto said.  “We don’t wanna interfere with their hidden village, but… yeah…”
“They probably wouldn’t appreciate our military presence,” I pointed out.  The Yu ninjas were a bunch of pussies.
“But they also couldn’t stop us from coming,” Sai said cheerfully.
The two of us cracked up.
“I don’t even want to know what you two sociopaths are laughing about,” Sakura said with a sigh.
“But it’s funny because we’re promoting peace by using force to achieve it,” Sai explained between chortles.
“Hilarious,” Sakura said with a sigh.  “Well, I want to move my lab as soon as possible.  There are ANBU following me constantly, and I’m afraid they want to get their hands on the chakra fruit.”
“Pack everything you need tonight,” Sai said.
“Are we going somewhere?” Naruto asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Let’s go to Sound,” he said.  “There’s rumors that Orochimaru’s there.”
“Bring the very valuable chakra fruit right to that sicko’s front door?” Sakura grumbled.
“It’s Orochimaru,” I said.  “I’m sure he has his own to experiment on.  But my team is still recovering…”
“Best Friend, we are your team,” Sai informed me.
“Taka knows Orochimaru,” I said, shaking my head.  “The four of us have the best shot of getting anything out of him.”
“I don’t think we have the time to wait for them to recover,” Naruto said, shaking his head.  “They’ve been in that tree for months.  The amount of physical and chakra therapy that they need…”
I thought about it.  “Am I taking you three, then?”
“Team Seven, together again!” Naruto declared happily.
“Does that mean I’m invited?” Kakashi asked, appearing behind us.
“No,” we all said flatly.
“But I can get you all to Sound in the blink of an eye,” he said cheerfully.
“Yeah, and then be exhausted and worthless,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Hey, you don’t need energy or chakra to be eye candy,” he said.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in Konoha?” Naruto asked, squinting at him.
“Yeah, about that… they didn’t really like me being there.  I got some great nudie mags as souvenirs for you all, though,” he declared, holding up a magazine splashed with busty women.
“I’m gay,” I said flatly.
“I might be gay,” Sai added.
“I am definitely not gay,” Sakura said.
“I’ll take them,” Naruto said, scooping them away from Kakashi.
“Excuse you,” I said.
“What’s wrong with looking?” he asked with a shrug.
“Oh, if you put it that way, it seems educational,” Sai said, taking one of the magazines from him.  “You know, I think I might actually like looking at this.  Am I straight?”
“No one cares, Sai,” I said, frustrated by the insane people I was surrounded with.  “And you, why are you promoting delinquency in minors?”
“How old are you again?” Kakashi asked, squinting at us.  “I swear you were all thirty-seven.”
“You’re not even thirty-seven,” Sakura growled.  “Why are you like this?  Behave like an adult for once.”
“I’m definitely behaving like an adult,” he said, happily flipping through one of his magazines.
“This is sexual harassment!” Sakura yelled, grabbing it from him and throwing it out the window.
“A very lucky person is going to walk by this apartment,” Kakashi commented.  “See you tonight!”
“Did we agree to any sort of plan?” Sai asked as we all watched Kakashi disappear.
“Is he okay?” Sakura muttered.  “He’s gotten ridiculously pervy lately.”
“I need to debrief him about his mission,” Naruto said, getting up and moving towards the door.  “We’ll all meet back here tonight.”
“Okey dokey, boss!” Sai said.
The door closed behind Naruto.
“Are we really going to Sound?” Sakura asked, a wrinkle forming between her brows.
“Yeah, I think we are,” I said.  “And I don’t think we can come back here.”
Sakura sighed.  “I’m going to miss real food.”
“Sure, but can you even wait to be eating rations and living on the land again?!” Sai asked excitedly.
“I can’t even with you,” Sakura said, shaking her head.  She stood up and headed towards the door.  “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Later, skater,” Sai said as the door closed behind her.
“No,” I said.
“Come on, it’s what the cool kids are saying,” Sai protested.
“What cool kids do you even know?” I asked.
“I’m a master spy, Uchiha,” he scoffed at me.  “It’s literally my job to observe.”
“And you’ve been observing the cool kids?”
“That I have,” he said.  “The Academy has a treasure trove of brats with an over-inflated sense of self worth that makes them the right balance of sociopath and cool.”
“And the best you got from them was ‘later, skater’?”
“Oh, just you wait and see what I’ve got in store for you.”
“Oh, god…” I muttered, and then the room exploded.
 - 46 -
  “Sai?” I called, pulling myself out of the rubble.  Dust filled the air, making it impossible to see.  I started coughing as the dust settled in my lungs.  I ripped the sleeve from my shirt and tied it around my face.
“Up here!” Sai announced cheerfully.
I looked up at the ceiling, making out a vague shadow stuck to it.  There was also a giant hole in Naruto’s living room, leading to the outside.  “I don’t sense anyone.”
“They attacked and fled,” Sai said, dropping down beside me.  “I think it was just a warning.”
“Who was it?” I growled, brushing the dust out of my hair.
“Not Suna,” Sai said shaking his head.  “Didn’t feel like Konoha, either.  Maybe Kiri or Kumo.”
“Go find Sakura,” I said.
“On it.”
I grabbed everything we would need from the room, and then I was off to find Naruto.
Apparently our apartment wasn’t the only place that was attacked.  Smoke was rising up into the skyline all throughout Suna.
Naruto found me before I found him, flying around like an unhinged ball of golden light.  “You’re okay!”
“Of course I’m okay,” I said, rolling my eyes and refusing to show the same excitement at the sight of him unharmed.  “Where’s the pervert?”
“Right behind you,” Kakashi announced.
“Sai’s getting Sakura, and then we go,” I said flatly.
I expected Naruto to protest, but he nodded.
“So you don’t care at all that we’ve just been attacked?” Kakashi hummed.
“It has nothing to do with us,” I ground out, though it probably had a lot to do with us, and actually I was starting to get quite pissed.
“If you say so,” Kakashi said.
We moved towards Sakura’s lab.  The closer we got, the more obvious it was that it had also been attacked.
“Naruto!” a Suna ninja called, coming up behind us.  “What’s happening?”
We were suddenly surrounded by group of concerned jounin.
It was so ridiculous that high-ranking ninja would ask Naruto what was going on in this situation, but somehow he’d become the leader of Suna.
He started directing them, which was also ridiculous, because he didn’t know anything about what was going on.
As soon as the first group of ninjas was off, another group came.
“Leave him,” I grumbled, heading towards the lab without Naruto as Kakashi followed.
Of course Sakura was inside the burning lab, trying to salvage some of her research while Sai put out fires.
“It’s not important,” I said, trying to get her to leave.
“Of course it is!” she snapped.
“It’s all inside your giant brain,” I said, rolling my eyes.  “If you’ve got the chakra fruit, then let’s go while we still can.  Naruto’s already getting sucked into all this ridiculousness.”
“We were attacked,” Sakura said angrily.  “My research, my…  Who would do this?!”
“It’s the same old ninja politics bullshit!” I snapped.  “It doesn’t matter.  Whoever hates us today will be teaming up with us against whoever we both hate tomorrow.”
“I can’t just…” Sakura trailed off.
“I’m going then,” I said irritably.
“Sasuke,” Sai said, giving me a worried look.
“Orochimaru won’t talk to you anyway,” I said.  “It’s better if I go alone.”
“Just wait a minute,” Sakura growled.  “Drama queen much?  I need to get a few more things, and then we’ll go.”
“I think Sasuke’s practicing his denial,” Kakashi stage-whispered to her.
“And what am I in denial about?”
“The fact that you want revenge when someone so much as folds your sheets wrong?” he suggested.
“He just wadded them up!  They were completely wrinkled!” I cried, the memory immediately clear in my mind of Naruto opening the drawer to show me where he’d stored our sheets.
“So someone just blew a hole in your house, and you’re completely zen about it, but if Naruto makes your sheets wrinkly you put laxatives in his coffee?”
“No one ever proved that was me,” I muttered, but of course it was me, because I was a petty, petty bitch.
All of the fires were finally out, but the smoke in the air was heavy and we really didn’t need to be in there breathing it all in.  I stomped back outside, trying to clear my lungs out.
“Mommy!” a little boy cried, running up the street.
I ignored him and thought about taking up smoking again.  It would give me something to do instead of standing on the street like an idiot.
“Mommy!  Where are you?!” the little boy cried, running by me again.  He looked about four years old, so he must have been a baby when he got sucking into the God Tree.
I imagined myself pulling out a pack of cigarettes and shaking one out, placing it between my lips.  That was definitely the image I wanted to cultivate for myself.
But then there was the smell and the yellow teeth.
“Did you see my mommy?” the boy asked, tugging on my pant leg.
I looked at him.  “Kid, I don’t know your mother.”
He sniffed loudly.  “Can you help me find her?”
What about me gave off an aura saying, ‘please ask me for help?’  I definitely needed to take up smoking.  “Where did you see her last?”
“At the store,” he said, wibbling his lower lip at me.  “She was buyin’ vegetables and stuff and it was boring and then there was a big noise, so I tried to find where it came from.”
I looked at the charred lab.  “Have you thought about… going back to the store?” I suggested.
“I don’t know where it is!” he cried, suddenly going into hysterics.
“Come on then,” I said with a sigh.  I knew there was a grocery store the next street over.
The boy nodded with his big teary eyes and grabbed my hand.
I looked at it distastefully, then walked him back to the store.
His mother was outside, talking in a panic to a jounin.
“Mommy!” the boy cried, letting go of my hand and racing towards her.
“Baby!” she cried, swooping him up in her arms.
“Aw, you did that,” Kakashi cooed from next to my ear.  “Uniting families.”
I cringed.  “Let’s go already.”
“What’s the hurry?”
“The hurry is I’m tired of this bullshit village,” I muttered.
“You keep saying that,” he hummed.  “Seems like it’s something a little deeper.  Maybe a little fear perhaps?”
“A fear of what,” I said flatly.
Kakashi shrugged noncommittally.
“Did Sakura and Sai die in the fire?” I grumbled.
“Sakura and Sai are right here!” Sai announced cheerfully from down the street.
I looked at Sakura, carrying towering boxes of files.  “Did you bring the entire fucking lab?”
“Do you want me to just throw away all this research?” she snipped at me.
“Maybe he does,” Kakashi put in, smiling all the while.
“You need to cut out that passive aggressive bullshit,” I informed him.
All three of them laughed at me.
When the hell did I become the butt of everyone’s jokes?
“Oh, wow, Best Friend, you are so mad right now,” Sai said, slapping me on the back.  “Just because we all know how passive aggressive you are.”
“How am I passive aggressive?” I ground out.
That made them laugh more.
I walked away.
It wasn’t hard to find Naruto.  He was in the kazekage’s office, which for some reason had not been attacked, and was taking reports and giving out missions with Temari.  The Council hadn’t been able to choose a new kazekage what with most of the ninjas in rebellion against them, and apparently that meant that Naruto was the de facto leader of Suna now.
He looked up from the meeting he was in the middle of.  “Hey, love, what’s up?”, which showed how stressed out he was, because he knew that calling me pet names in public never went well for him.
“I’m leaving,” I explained flatly.
“You just got here…?”
“I’m going to Sound,” I elaborated.  “Now.”
“Sas’, come on, you can’t go now,” he said, gesturing around him.  “It’s chaos here.”
“It’s not my problem.”
“The marital squabble is real cute and all, but we have work to do,” Temari interrupted us.
Naruto looked conflicted, his eyes flicking between Temari and me.
“Someone from Suna let those ninjas through the gates,” I spoke slowly, enunciating each word.  “Someone more than likely working for the Council, seeing as how the only sites I’ve seen that were attacked were all places tied to the resistance.”
“You don’t know that,” Naruto protested.
“I’m with Uchiha on this one,” Temari said.
Naruto gave her a scandalized look.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the Council hired them to come in and do this,” Temari continued.  “They were probably non-ninjas from Water, acting on the orders of the daimyo to get us to stop poking around in their business, and the Council welcomed them with open arms because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
“Why are you two like this?” Naruto asked, aghast.  “Why can’t you think good thoughts?”
“You’re not that naive,” I said, shaking my head.
“Well maybe I’ve decided to be,” he said.  “Maybe not everything is a giant conspiracy.”
“It’s usually a giant conspiracy,” Temari confirmed.
Naruto sighed loudly.  “Fine.  Okay.  It usually is.  But before jumping to conclusions, let’s look at all the facts, yeah?  Let’s make sure.  Let’s know who exactly was involved and who wasn’t involved, and let’s not condemn an entire group of people based on the actions of a few.”
Temari and I both stared at him.
He flashed us a tired, 40-year-old man smile.
“Damn, Uzumaki, did you just read your boyfriend?” Temari asked, looking impressed.
“What part of me was read?” I muttered.  It wasn’t like condemning an entire clan for the rebellion of some had anything to do with me personally.  I had survived that condemning.
“Look, whoever did this is going to be held responsible,” Naruto continued, like he hadn’t just obliterated me.  “No one died, but people were hurt, and this kind of thing isn’t going to fly on my watch.”
“You’re staying here,” I said, frowning at him.
“Just until everything gets figured out.”
Our eyes finally met.
“I’m going to leave you two to your drama,” Temari said, stepping out.
“Are we having drama?” Naruto asked me, eyes going full puppy dog.
“No,” I said.  “I just…”
He waited.
“I would rather you come with me to Sound.”
“I know, and I’ll meet you there.”
“You don’t know when that will be.”
“We don’t really know much of anything right now,” he said with a shrug.  “We don’t even know if Orochimaru is still in Sound.  We don’t know what you’ll find there.”
Which was why he should be with me to find out.  “Fine,” I said.  “See you when I see you.”
Naruto smiled at that.  “You’re getting to be very codependent.”
“I think you’re confusing me with you.”
“I’ll come as soon as I can,” he said, pulling me in closer and suddenly pouring his chakra into me.
I gasped, startled, then closed my eyes, resting my forehead against his.
“Be careful, and don’t murder anyone unnecessarily,” he concluded, kissing my forehead.
I opened my eyes, knowing that they were glowing with a golden light.  “And you don’t get killed by a disgruntled civil servant.”
“Like any of those geezers could take me,” he said.
“They could hire the superpowered farmer who blows people up with his finger as an assassin,” I pointed out, pushing away from him.  “I’m leaving now.  Don’t do anything stupid.”
“I’ll do my best,” he assured me.
I wasn’t in the mood for a further scene, so I attempted to walk out the door.  A light tug at the back of my shirt stopped me.
“Really and truly be careful,” he said, leaning his forehead into the back of my neck.  I felt the press of his horns.
“Of course,” I said, hoping it didn’t sound sarcastic.  I didn’t mean for it to sound sarcastic.  Probably.
“Love you, Sasuke.”
“Me, too,” I said, because that was sufficient.
There probably would have been more nonsense, but then Temari came back in, irritated about damaged incandescent lights.
“Later,” I said, breezing out the door and leaving them to it.
Sai and Kakashi were at Sakura’s, having tea.
“It’s nice that the attack didn’t damage any of the other apartments,” Sai commented, sipping his tea.
“So nice,” I said.  “Who cares, we’re leaving anyway.”
“You never know when we’ll be back,” Sai said with a shrug.  “One day we’re enemies, the next day we’re friends.”
“So Naruto isn’t coming?” Kakashi asked, hovering his teacup in front of his mouth with his mask still covering his face.
“He’ll meet us later,” I said.  “Let’s go already.”
“Sit down for five minutes and have some tea,” Sakura said, putting down another cup of tea on the table.
I stared at her.
She stared back.
I sat down and had some tea.
When we finally left, it felt like things were clicking into place.
0 notes
steroidusr · 6 years
etrian odyssey III part 1: prologue
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holy shit, it's eo3
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As if tacitly admitting it, the Senatus ruling over Armoroad have invited explorers to their city. The invitation drew throngs of eager explorers who gathered to traverse the undersea maze. But none of the throngs who came to challenge that maze were strong enough to master it. The impenetrable ruins came to be known as the Yggdrasil Labyrinth, and its legend spread further... You yourself are an explorer who has heard its legend and now sail to Armoroad to investigate. Your only objective: to challenge the Labyrinth and win fame and fortune. Your hour is at hand!
i love that the whole plot of eo games is "explore this, get rich and famous"
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so the first place we can go is the explorers guild and-- ok that looks a little glitchy nds emulation is hard
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"I'm here to supervise all the explorers who find themselves in our fair burg. Here's a little something I give every new guild for signing up."
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the gradient text box looks cool (he also gives us a cross script, a resolve script, and an offense script. i'll get into what those are for later)
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"Think hard, because that name may be known someday across the seven seas. It all depends on you."
[i held a vote on our guild name and the channel chose “The Troll Slaiyers”, but that’s too long so i went with just “Slaiyers”]
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absolutely not but the people have spoken
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"Well then, step two is registering explorers in your guild. You'll need to hire a few folks, but it's up to you whether or not you want to become a member too." At the Explorers Guild, you can register explorers and organize your party. Choose your favored classes from the list and form a party of up to five explorers.
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you can talk to npcs in town too
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"Even experienced warriors get swallowed up by that Labyrinth every day... If you've come here as weekend warriors, I'll be straight with you: hit the beach instead."
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we can choose up to five characters to bring along at a time i should add: characters in the front row take more damage from phys attacks and are more likely to be targeted, so it's better to put characters with high defense/vitality there
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[and this is the party the channel voted on]
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"Oh, but before you go, let me explain one more thing. It’s about the documents I just gave you along with the guild certificate... Smart explorers actually read them carefully. If you don’t feel like it, just throw them away... But if you hope to go all the way in the Labyrinth, you’d be well-served giving them a look."
In this game, powerful abilities called Limit Skills can be used by up to five party members. Limit Skills can be learned by obtaining documents with the skill details written in them. Gather various Limit Skills and use them well to make your time in the Labyrinth easier.
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and then we're sent back to the main town screen, only now all the facilities are available to us. we could go to the senatus first like the guildmaster suggested, or we could check out the other places in town...
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...and then youre immediately kicked back to the town screen. >:(
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"Then you’d best remember this: You stand in an assembly hall of the Senatus, Armoroad’s government. And I am she who wields the Senatus’ authority to manage explorers such as yourselves. This is where so-called explorers’ skills are tested to sort the true warriors from the cowards. If you want to be recognized as true Armoroad explorers, accept the mission I issue you now."
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Carry out these missions to gain various rewards and advance the game’s storyline. Select ”Accept mission” from the menu to see the details.
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so there are a few things we can do here. "accept mission", like the game said, lets us accept missions from the senatus. "report results" is how we report completed missions
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"report discoveries" lets us log monsters we've encountered and item drops we've won from battles. materials we get from gathering points are logged in the item compendium too. "talk" is self-explanatory:
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"Just don’t get lost in the assembly hall on your way here!"
anyway, you have to accept the senatus' mission before you can go into the labyrinth, so let's do that
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"The guard there will have more details for you. Look to him before you proceed. Ah, but you must have parchment first, eh? Here is the blank map given to explorers. Use it well."
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when she said we have to draw our own map, she wasnt kidding--a big part of the game is drawing a map of each floor on the bottom screen (...uh, i guess it's the "right screen" here) floor tiles are filled out automatically, but you have to draw in the walls and other details yourself
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NOW we're free to go into the labyrinth ...but we're not going to yet. actually, doing so now would be a really bad idea
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......because we still need to buy equipment
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"In that case, welcome to Napier’s Firm. We carry all the weapons, armor, and tools you’ll require. Here at our Firm, the customer is God. We’ll spare no expense for those who line our coffers. Though that is conditional on you participating in a transaction. No window shoppers, please."
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you start out with 500en (short for "ental"), which is just barely enough to get your party equipped
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(i start by buying shuro's sandals for everyone) ...it says theyre made of shuro tree leaf, so i have a feeling the name shouldve just been "shuro sandals", as opposed to implying there's a dude named Shuro or whatever
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i also buy an absurdly expensive shield for homare, because she needs a shield to use her tanky skills, and this is the only one available
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aaand we're broke
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"Skilled explorers have few qualms at parting with their money. Stinginess never saved a life. All things depend upon money. Your finances dictate whether you master Yggdrasil or die penniless. Remember that. So then, what can I get for you?"
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alright, everyone's all equipped. we could go into the labyrinth now, but im gonna check out the rest of town first just to get it out of the way
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"Not only can you spend the night here, we have doctors to treat your wounds, too! So, is this your first time in Armoroad? Isn’t it awesome? Those clear seas! Those blue skies!"
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we're gonna be seeing a lot of this place
"stay" lets us, obviously, stay at the inn. this fully heals the hp/tp of all (alive) party members. it also passes the time a bit, allowing you to stay at the inn until either the next morning or until nightfall
"treatment" lets us revive dead or petrified party members (later games had dead/petrified party members heal automatically when staying at the inn)
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"store" lets us put excess items in storage. this can be pretty useful because we have limited inventory space (and multiples of the same kind of item dont stack)
and "save" is, of course, the most important option of all:
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anyway, we're not actually gonna stay here, because there's no need to. also we're totally fucking broke, in case anyone forgot i mean, we WILL stay here, eventually. but not right now.
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ah, so youve heard about us...
"They call this the ocean city, ’cuz so many people from across the seas wind up here. I bet you’d enjoy taking a walk around town before you go down into the Labyrinth."
good idea! let's do that
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"Well, welcomes to you! This is the Butterfly Bistro, and I am the owner here! Once you finish the mission that the old lady gives all the newbies, I can give you work. ...Until the then time, have some drinkings and chattings with the other explorers here!"
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this is where you can accept quests, which are sort of like... mini-missions. tbh there wasnt much reason to do these in eo1 and eo2, cuz the rewards werent too great, but in eo3 they give you exp too, so it's worth it to do as many quests as you can
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anyway, let's talk to this dude
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(bar patrons dont have character portraits, unfortunately)
"I’m Wolfram, a troubadour. I’ve wended my way from the far north all the way to this ocean city. I’ve been here a long time... I may have a few words of advice about challenging that place."
(troubadours were a class in eo1/eo2. theyre bards, basically)
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what should we ask him about first?
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"Her sobriquet of the Porcelain Princess comes from her pure, white shining skin... Her voice is like music from the harps of the goddesses; radiant enough to tame monsters! But even the goddesses wouldn’t linger in her presence for having to compete with her face... She is Princess Gutrune, a lovely goddess of Armoroad in her own right! Her visage is the stuff dreams are made of... Though, mind you, I’ve never seen her in person. Each successive princess in Armoroad is named Gutrune. I’ll tell you the reason... later."
what should we ask next?
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"A free city of clear skies and white clouds, an endless sea, and a vibrant, eclectic culture!
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"...But freedom can’t exist without order. This country does have a royal family. Sadly, the modern royal family has been reduced to mere figureheads... Ah, but who then governs Armoroad? The aristocrats of the Senatus, led by a fearsome old crone! Consider her to be the true power behind Armoroad. You’ll most certainly meet her yourselves. There’s more to Armoroad’s royal family than that, but... Let’s leave that for another time, hm?"
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the calamity, AKA the backstory
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"But around 100 years ago, the center of Armoroad was suddenly swallowed by the ocean! Afterwards, the rippling waters became tidal waves... The gentle breeze gave way to earthquakes. Armoroad’s advanced technology was sunk, which ended diplomatic relations with nearby countries. It’s been a long road to recovery for Armoroad, but even today, it’s nowhere near what it once was... Not since the Calamity. If you ask anyone here, you’ll get nothing but a stony silence. Then again, that’s just because no one knows exactly what went on 100 years ago! It wasn’t all bad, mind you. After the Calamity, a Labyrinth was revealed, drawing explorers here. Though the Senatus had other reasons for gathering explorers... But that tale can wait for now."
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I've Had Enough Of This Guy
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"...Ah, but I jest, I jest. Come again, explorers, if you wish to hear my stories."
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we have better things to do..... such as talking to the barkeep instead
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uh... we're... working on it...
"...Ah, you are just heading out? You may want to gather info before you go in there. Oh, by the by the way, what’s the name of your guild? ...Slaiyers? That’s cool! I will make sure to be remembering it. I am hoping to do a lot of business with you, Slaiyers!"
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alright, there's just one last place i want to check out before the FIFTH STRATUM
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"You’ll need permission from the Senatus to go on voyages, so you should seek that out first."
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...well, that was pointless
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time to FINALLY get this show on the road
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0 notes
tuanntuanntuann · 7 years
Iann had some time off, and he was alone in Tuah's home (or so he thought). Strangely, Iann realized it wasn't often that he was home alone at Tuah's so to speak. Not because Tuah didn't trust him or anything silly like that, but just that they just enjoyed spending time together so much, even spare time was spent together. Tuah was at the cafe, and that meant Iann was either doing his own work, or hanging at the cafe. But he'd slept in this morning after his spider-adventure with Nuadia, and woke up to a quiet house, a cold cup of coffee waiting for him (thank you Tuah, so considerate) and the rest of the day free. A free day. How often did that happen. Iann could've left the house but...found he didn't want to. He stretched out, pretended he lived here, for real-real. He drank his cold coffee, ate some breakfast, read some of Tuah's extensive library. After a few hours of reading, Iann got restless, and decided to explore. Some doors were locked, and Iann didn't try to break in. Others were open, but with some items of interest that kept Iann entertained. And then...he hit jackpot.
Tuah had just returned from spending the morning at Rein's. the nymph had wanted to tell him about something that he couldn't tell over a phone call or a text, so he obliged. Apparently, he had tried to perform at Nuadia's bar and had stormed off in a fit of nervousness. Tuah spent the rest of his morning trying to distract the nymph from his troubles and made breakfast for both of them before excusing himself once he felt Rein was feeling better. He stopped by the grocery store on the way back (they were out of milk, among other things), and started to put the things away once he returned. When he was about to go to their bedroom to check up on Iann, his ears picked up some rustling from the small room. Furrowing his brows together he made his way towards the room and found Iann in the room. Tuah pressed his lips trying very hard not to panic when Iann started to rummage his collection, instead opting to wrap his arms around Iann's waist and pressed his lips on his shoulder. "Is this your adventure for today, kasih?" he asked, his tone light and playful.
Iann did hear Tuah come home, smiling to himself that the vampire didn't holler for Iann's attention. Not in the way Iann did whenever he came home 'Tuah, Tuah, drop everything you're doing and come pay attention to me' was Iann's usual routine when he came home from some adventure or another. Tuah just came home and gently went about his business, sweetly patient, with all the time in the world. But Iann didn't feel the need to flee the room and pretend he wasn't there, because - well. The door /was/ unlocked, practically an open invitation for Iann to snoop. And besides, what Iann found there was almost unbearably adorable, and certainly nothing terrible. So when he felt Tuah's arms around his waist, Iann's smile got even wider. He leaned back against Tuah (how much did he love leaning all his weight against Tuah Arjuna) and turned slightly to look at him. Iann lifted up an extremely vintage 1970s Star Trek lunch kit - still in its packaging. "Oh honeycake. I knew you were a Trekkie, but I didn't realize I'd fallen in love with a...dun dun dun.../Collector/."
Tuah “Ha, ha. Very funny kasih.” Tuah rolled his eyes at the other’s teasing, taking the lunch set from Iann and placing it back onto the shelf. Inside the room there were rows upon rows of collectibles and DVDs of every episode of Star Trek both the original series and reboots, each item was handled carefully to preserve their quality. “They were much cheaper back in the days,” Tuah heaved a sigh, as if that explained the reason why he had so many vintage collection of the franchise that he loved so much (though that didn’t explain the newer collection that he had in the room, but he wasn’t about to argue his own logic). “Now that you know my secret, I can’t let you leave this house,” he threatened, though it failed spectacularly as a grin spread across his face as he pressed another soft kiss on Iann’s neck, and wherever he could reach.
Iann "You think I'm kidding! As one capital-C Collector to another - you've just added a whole new facet to yourself, Tuah Arjuna. Hm? I mean..." Iann turned in Tuah's arms to face him, but also to reach out and remove a perfectly preserved science officer Federation uniform, encased safely in a plastic coverslip. He held it up to Tuah. "If you have a pair of Vulcan ears, then you know what I need you to be for Halloween." Iann let Tuah anxiously take the suit away from Iann and put the suit back on the rack. But Iann caught Tuah's hand and pressed it palm to palm with his, in the Vulcan split-finger greeting. "In fact, it's already decided, Me, you, and a werewolf I know named Lara Kirk, she's a huge Trek fan too, hm? We're going to be the classic trio for Halloween. Please please please, you'd look so cute," Iann said, doing his multiple kisses on Tuah's face thing, which he always did when he wanted something. "My green-blooded goblin."
Tuah scrounged up his nose as he was kissed, trying to focus on what Iann was saying instead of getting side tracked (to which he found he often did whenever he was with Iann whenever they were in the privacy of their home), “Miss Kirk?” Tuah blinked a few times trying to recall if he had met this werewolf the other was referring to. “I’ve met her. We were, ah, transported into another world together.” He would have been excited to be transported to a world where elves and dwarves and orcs existed and there were space pirates and magic that he had never seen in this world if he and Lara weren’t running away from said pirates and being too preoccupied trying to get them safely back into their own world. “I’m assuming that Miss Kirk is going to dress as the Captain, so that would leave you to be the Doctor.” He didn’t even pause to consider how ridiculous he would look with pointed ears and shaved eyebrows, already on board with whatever Iann had planned for them. “I might have a full set of the trio’s costume somewhere in here.”
Iann "You need to tell me all about it," Iann said, eyebrows raising and eyes lighting up at the idea of Tuah and Kirk getting embroiled in something so fantastic. Tuah didn't have to tell him now, but Iann would be eager to listen later. It was one of those things he loved constantly reminding Tuah - that Iann /wanted/ to hear about Tuah. How his day was, who he met, what he did. It wasn't easy to convince Tuah that Iann was genuinely interested in these things, but Iann was slowly massaging the idea into Tuah's levels of comfort. He put his arms around Tuah's neck, resting his arms easily on his broad shoulders and rubbing their noses together. "Right and right. I'll have to practice muh Suhthern ahhhccent," he drawled out with a grin, laughing when Tuah very seriously stated he had all three uniforms somewhere here. "Mmm-hm. And you have the dollies too, so you can play out your own Star Trek episodes you wrote but never sent to Gene Roddenberry, right?" Iann couldn't help but tease. In truth, the reality was pretty incredible. Iann imagined Tuah in the 1960's, television still a black & white novelty, and Star Trek a show so unprecedented on American television...and Tuah /lived/ through that. Had he watched the show at the time, or discovered it years later? He was actually there, living through the three seasons as they aired on TV week after week, marveling at this revelation of outer space and aliens and a message of hope. It was all just so...Tuah. "Is Star Trek what got you interested in your first true love?" Iann asked, picking up a fan that looked suspiciously like Uhura's fan-dance fan, and coyly brushing it along Tuah's chest. "Outer space, I mean."
Tuah ‘s immediate response was ‘oh, there was nothing interesting’ and tried to steer Iann’s attention away from him, but he fought the impulse and decided to indulge Iann with his misadventure with Lara. “Well, it involves space pirates,” he said, smiling giddily at the treatment he received before pressing his lips against Iann’s own, “so I’ll definitely tell all about it, hm. Perhaps we can have Miss Kirk over at Bean Me Up to regale the story together, hm. How did you meet Miss Kirk, by the way?” He couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at Iann’s attempt at what he called a southern accent. “If that’s your southern accent, then it definitely needs more practice,” he commented, though not unkindly as laughter still lingered in his voice. The laughter then continued at Iann’s comment on his attempt at writing a script, and at his teasing for having a play pretense with his collections. “I don’t have a knack for creative writing, unfortunately,” he said, shaking his head at the incredulity of having anything that he wrote being read by anyone. “I’ll leave that to those that are far better suited than I am.” Tuah hummed at the other’s question pursing his lips slightly as he mulled over Iann’s question. “I’ve always liked looking at the stars,” he said quietly, as if parting with a secret, “perhaps it was one of the reasons why I love the franchise so much.” Tuah then took the fan from Iann’s hands, placing it on the surface before taking Iann’s hands in his, pressing his lips against the knuckle. “Have you watched all the series to the show, kasih?”
Iann "Space pirates! That's...that...I'm jealous already!" Iann settled on saying, although he was mostly teasing. If Tuah or Lara were (in Iann's biased opinion) unworthy of such a fantastical journey he'd actually be jealous. Iann did believe some experiences were wasted on dull people. With this though, he was eager to live vicariously through his Tuah. Detaching only enough to keep poking and prodding more of Tuah's things - he had a collection of novels, some that Iann even remembered reading as a teenager only these were pristine - Iann made noises of delight as he asked: "Okay, tell me how things went today. You're home early, everything good at the coffee shop? Ned and the gang holding things together?" Iann shook his head and gave Tuah a Look. He bet that Tuah was an amazing writer, eloquent and old-fashioned in a charming way, but of course he was sweetly modest. "Well, you should write me love letters instead," he decided, not actually holding Tuah to this request, but just in jest. He paused his prodding when Tuah took his hands, and Iann returned automatically to him, pressing against Tuah and nuzzling along his face like a cat. "Ummmm I watched a lot of The Next Generation and some of Deep Space Nine. By the time the other ones came around I...I guess I found other things to occupy my time. Reality, hm? Supernatural reality." Iann kisses Tuah, and nibbled the vampire's bottom lip a bit as he thought. "Wouldn't mind seeing the version with the lady captain, though. I can't remember what it's called. What about you? Or are you a ToS purist?"
Tuah couldn’t help but laugh at the other’s reaction, secretly loving the way Iann reacted and always wanting more. “Well, we have our own adventures together,” he said, trying to convey that Iann had nothing to be jealous of. He was sure that Iann had had his own share of adventures, ones that were far more interesting than he had been through. “I actually wasn’t at the cafe,” he confessed, “I spent the morning at Rein’s. He sounded quite upset over the phone so I decided to head over there.” He watched as Iann continued to probe and prod at his collection, thankful that at least they were minted so nothing could damage or lessen its value. His attention shifted from the collectibles towards Iann, arching his brows at the snippet of information of Iann’s life. Like Iann immersing in his past, Tuah always wanted to know everything that Iann could offer, little snippets that he would tuck neatly in his mind to build around the man that he was in love right now. Iann grew up with his mother and his aunts, he was married twice, had a bad fall away with his first wife and his second wife drowned. Little things that strung Iann into the path that he had chosen. “How young were you when you found out that you were interested in the Supernatural?” Tuah asked, runing his hand along Iann’s side as he was lavished with kisses and nibbles. “I don’t know about being a purist, as you say, but I did watch every production. I’m looking forward to the latest installation too. It’ll be aired this September, from what I’ve read.”
Iann The replica of the original Enterprise caught Iann's attention, and the Klingon ship next to it. Had Tuah constructed these himself, painted on the details lovingly? "Our adventure is the best adventure," Iann murmured almost absent, brushing his hand along the protective cases, that prevented his hands getting on the precious treasures. And with good reason, since Iann had been working on his van and only haphazardly scrubbed his hands afterwards. He looked up at the mention of Rein. "Well shit, is he okay? Was it a nymph thing?" But Tuah's affectionate attention completely distracted Iann from everything except the other man. Damn Tuah and his ability to make Iann forget everything else except this loving vampire. Iann may bray for Tuah's attention, but Tuah had his own ways of capturing Iann's as well, the handsome sneaky devil. "I...I mean I told you how my aunt Lily looked after me when I was a teenager, right? When I was too much for Ma to handle, she kinda made it Aunt Lily's job..." Iann grinned, arching his neck eagerly for Tuah's kisses. "I was a little monster. Anyway, Aunt Lily was a witch, although I didn't really find out until I was an adult, but. She kind of...steered me on the path. Of occult, really. Runes and tarot and herbs and histories of witches and vampires and werewolves...that sort of thing. She'd...mmm...." Iann leaned more against Tuah, enjoying the attention as his own hands roamed along Tuah's back, massaging the muscles and cupping his ass. How shameless they were, just standing in Tuah's fanboy room and groping like teenagers. "...she'd make me go out into the woods behind the house and forage and bring her things and then she'd promise to teach me about them. God, I got lost so many times, once I spent a night out in the forest until Aunt Lily found me. We never told Ma, or else Ma would hide me," Iann laughed, because for him being smacked by his mother was normal, not cruel. "Latest installation of what?" Iann said, his voice dreamy, too saturated with Tuah's scent and kisses to think properly anymore. "Oh - Lara by the way, I met her years ago in Albuquerque. Or rather she caught me breaking and entering..." Iann gave a low laugh. "She was a cop then. And - coincidentally, she caught me robbing someone in Soapberry too, funny how these things happen huh?" Iann cupped Tuah's face, looking at him for a moment before kissing him deeply. "Tuah..."
Tuah shook his head. “More of a stage freight than anything else,” he muttered, “apparently he was invited to perform at Nuadia’s bar but promptly stormed off without another word. I’ll need to talk to Nuadia to get a full story, however.” He imagined both parties were upset, Rein definitely was when he met the nymph. He wasn’t sure if the fairy would want to meet him after their parting from Grizzle Island, however, having the thought that they had parted on rather bad term. Well, not a bad term, perhaps a big misunderstanding. Nuadia didn’t outright say that he had done something wrong, just in the way that they acted. Then again, he could have misinterpreted them, and was making baseless assumptions as a whole. He’d talk to the fairy later. For now, he was far too preoccupied with having Iann near him, touching each other as if newly discovering the other’s body with their hands. It was becoming more difficult to concentrate on what Iann was saying, though Tuah did make an effort to listen. Iann was talking about his past, so he had to listen. He wanted to listen. So he stood there, with Iann in his embrace looking absolutely delicious, trying to picture younger Iann getting lost in the woods while trying to help his aunt with the herbs that she had asked him to collect. “Were you scared?” he asked, trying to gauge what Iann was like in the past.”They’re making a prequel to the original series, apparently, and they’re planning to air it on Netflix.” It was surprising to him that they were able to carry the conversation seeing how distracted they both were. “Why were you even breaking and entering, Iann?” his tone chiding, though it was laced with fondness, as it always had whenever it concerned the man. Tuah simply hummed when Iann called for him, more content to busy his lips with nibbles on Iann’s skin than actually talking. He eventually pulled away, looking at the man as he stroke Iann’s face. “You look absolutely ravishing right about now, kasih,” he said, and to prove his point he kissed Iann just he had been kissed, then nibbling on Iann’s bottom lip.
Iann backed Tuah up because - lo and behold, the nerdy vampire actually had an exact replica of the Captain's seat in the small room. And After Iann cleared aside some knick knacks sitting on it, he sat Tuah down on it, then straddled the vampire's lap. Not giving him much choice, pushing Tuah's boundaries as usual just to see what it would take to have Tuah shove him off. Poor Tuah, Iann thought as he toyed with the man's hair on his temples. Iann knew he was being terrible, but he couldn't resist. "So ravish, Tuah," Iann invited, kneeling so Tuah had to look up at him, as Iann kissed him harder. He unbuttoned Tuah's shirt, so he could sprawl that gorgeous beefy chest. "I was terrified," Iann somehow managed to continue the conversation (it was kind of hot, talking about unsexy things while being so filthy), "I was pretty sure I was going to die. Then again I'm always pretty sure I'm going to die..." He laughed, rocking against Tuah's thighs and hips. "Are you excited?" he asked, then grinned wickedly. "About the show, I mean. I can tell you're /excited/, baby." He gave a nonchalant shrug about his b&e, clearly unrepentant. "It was for a good cause, even Lara agreed." And then as he pinched and toyed with Tuah's nipples, kissing him and exploring his mouth thoroughly with his tongue (oh god, that beautiful pink tongue, no longer blackened), Iann returned to the first topic of conversation. "Rein has the temperament of an artist, that's for sure. And Nuadia is an artist. I guess clashing was bound to happen. You're such a good friend for him, darling. So considerate and I'm sure you're an expert at calming the guy down, he's got a bit of a temper. I've seen it. Hm? I hope he appreciates you."
Tuah was far too happy to have Iann leading him to wherever he wanted Tuah to go, as long as he had the man in his arms and his lips against the other. He was a little distracted when he was being pushed into the chair, letting out an ‘oomph’ as he sat before his hands already pulling Iann onto his lap refusing to have Iann away from him. By the Gods, Iann was driving him insane with these acts of his, the familiar heavy weight on top of his body with his hip grinding against his own and eliciting a low moan that captured in Iann’s mouth. Another low moan escaped him as he felt warm hands against his skin, the contrast of heat between them causing a slight shiver to travel across his back, his eyes fluttering close and his jaw went slack for a moment. Already Tuah felt that it wasn’t enough, so when Iann pulled away and started talking, he started peppering kisses on the other’s shoulder, his own hand grabbing Iann’s arse and squeezing it gently. Tuah slipped his hand underneath Iann’s shirt, feeling the muscles moved underneath the warm skin as his hand travelled upwards. “Hm, very excited,” was all he could answer, before continuing, “By the heavens, what are you doing to me, kasih? Whatever it is, please don’t stop.” But Iann was talking again and he had to refocus on whatever topic that was revolving around other people and not themselves. Gods how he could be so selfish at times, though he found that the paid no mind that he was. “I’ll have to ask Miss Kirk about that.” His teeth caught the skin on Iann’s neck, leaving a light bruise in its wake before he kissed the spot where he marked Iann as his. “He does, I’m sure he does. I’ve never seen him getting upset whenever I’m with him, however.”
Iann A shivering vampire. /'I did that'/, Iann thought to himself proudly, an accomplishment to him if ever there was one. The shiver after all, was pure sensory reaction, and it was beautiful to witness. He was fascinated at the way he could...do this, to Tuah Arjuna. Not that Iann was putting himself down, but perhaps he was rather reverent of Tuah for a myriad of reasons. He loved the vampire, but he also highly respected him. Iann did right from their first meeting, their brief acquaintance that led them on a path that Iann would never regret. "Mmmm..." he hummed in approval when Tuah's hands curved around his ass, and Iann sat in them giving Tuah a proper handful. But Iann was better at chatting senselessly than Tuah, and so he did. "He was gone for a while, hm? Maybe he feels out of touch, needs to get his bearings back," Iann pondered, then grinned. "I'm not doing anything! I'm being so good, I didn't tear open any of your packages of phasers and tricorders, even though I kind of wanted to..." He looped his arms around Tuah's neck again, eyes fluttering when he felt that familiar little nip against his skin, the inevitable bruise. Tuah...loved marking him, and Iann found it so unbelievable when he'd look at himself in the mirror afterwards. "You make me into a different person, did you know that?" He could feel the pull- that blood bond tugging them close together in a way Iann hadn't imagined. He pressed his forehead against Tuah's and demanded, "Let's move to the bedroom, hm? So we don't ruin your things. Take me to bed, amor."
Tuah simply hummed at the other’s words, too busy exploring Iann’s body to give a proper response. “Perhaps,” he said, “he’s so used to being alone before coming to Soapberry, so it’s easy for him to fall back to such routine.” Eventually he pulled away, just enough to admire the bruise forming on the other’s skin. He looked up then, eyes dreamy and lips curled into a smile. “And I think you should be rewarded for your very good behaviour,” he said offhandedly, letting out a soft chuckle as he grabbed a handful of Iann’s arse and squeezed it before giving it a gentle slap. Focus shifted to iann’s words afterwards, brows furrowed together as he looked up at his kasih. “How so?” he asked, genuinely wanting to know before putting in his two cents. “I think I’ve changed as well, thanks to your influence.” The thread that bind them hummed in harmony, with each decision they made together another string looped around the already strong braid. It wa disconcerting at first, but Tuah had learn to appreciate its existence, to see something so physical that sealed their love together. He fluttered his eyes close, his lips still curled into a smile at the request made. “So demanding, my kasih,” he kissed Iann fully on the lips as he easily lifted the other and started making his way towards the bedroom. “Does this mean I have to carry you around at all times now? Not that I have any complaints about it, mind. Just that I think we won’t be able to do much else, nor I think we’ll go out of the house much, if at all.”
Iann "We did promise each other a week of not leaving your home. Things are nice and calm, everything's a little peaceful, hm? Take some time off work and I'll stay here for a week let's just...enjoy this." Iann suggested, holding on a bit tighter as Tuah effortlessly picked him up. His legs didn't succeed in hooking around Tuah's waist so they kind of dangled a bit, no doubt making Tuah's stride a little awkward. But it didn't matter because it still felt good to be in Tuah's arms. "I mean we can go out and stuff but our time at home together can be utterly debauched..." he huffed a low laugh, hands skating down Tuah's back. "Like the sound of that, you beautiful kinky bastard? Don't even try to be all demure and blushing! You're a wicked sex fiend and you know it." And Iann loved it - a good segue-way into talking about how Tuah changed him. "Well for one, I feel a lot more lust. Like that whole primal sexual drive thing that people always describe where they can't help themselves? I get it now, with you. And I get now how that sex drive can really shape a person's personality, hm? You think I was teasing when I said you're my main focus of study now. But it's true, I'm obsessed with you, Tuah Arjuna."
Tuah “So I’ll have you all for myself for a whole week? No interruption whatsoever?” Tuah arched his brows, looking far too thrilled to have Iann all for himself, though he tried to hide it behind a curious and cautious look. “Are you sure you can abstain yourself from venturing out? No adventuring and running around town?” Gods he wanted nothing more than to have Iann all for himself, and honestly he felt one week was simply wasn’t enough. But he was afraid that Iann might grow bored staying home, seeing that his lover had never stayed in one place for long. There was always something for Iann to do, some kind of adventures that would get him in trouble with him barely escaping the jaws of death. So to have him bring up their promise to one another, a silly one that was simply said and agreed when they were tired of the bleakness of his sickness, well… “I like the sound of that,” he said once they were both in their bedroom, to both the idea of them being left alone in their little world in the safety of their home, and that he was Iann’s main focus. Tuah, son of Arjuna, being the focus of anyone surprised him greatly. It simply didn’t register to him that he could be of importance to anyone. “Tell me something else,” he requested, peppering Iann’s skin with kisses as his hand slipped beneath the other’s shirt, feeling the warm skin against his cold one. “How else I’ve made you to a different person, kasih? Tell me everything.”
Iann looked surprised at Tuah's questions and cautions, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized Tuah had a point to be so wary. Iann had a tendency of just saying things in the heat of a moment, and then not exactly breaking his word, but merely fulfilling it his own way. But Tuah's reticence went far deeper than distrust. Iann knew Tuah trusted him, tolerated Iann's ways all out of not just love, but understanding. They didn't try to change each other, but rather work with all the little quirks they each displayed. This wasn't about trust so much as...what else? Fear and worry. And most of all, Tuah's self-doubt. That rascally little demon inside his beautiful lover. So Iann wasn't offended or wounded when Tuah looked at Iann with caution and doubt. He was used to Tuah's hesitance now, and being Iann, it redoubled his will and drive. It was exactly the sort of thing Iann needed in order to carry something through with his brand of enthusiasm. He looked at Tuah, giving him a firm kiss on the lips before looking at him again. Iann's thumbs stroked along Tuah's dark eyebrows, smoothing them down. "A whole week, baby. You and me, no interruptions. I'll turn my phone off," he said with a promising song-song. "I'll saturate myself in you, from the inside out..." Iann ducked down licking along Tuah's neck, inhaling the vampire's scent. A blend of sweet spice from Tuah's soap and cologne, but something else underneath, cold and salty. It was intoxicating to Iann. "No caveats, hm? No 'if we need this'. The pantry's full, there's no emergencies out there, and you, baby. You're all I need." On the bed, Iann, lightly gasped at the feel of Tuah's cold hands, clamping his own hand down on it to warm Tuah's skin. The vampire would have to feed if any warmth would travel in his body and...Iann was looking forward to it. "You've made me kinder, Tuah. I actually give a damn about people's personal lives now...and frankly I think I'm handling it pretty well. No one's fled from me in tears yet," he said with a slight laugh, his fingers digging into the meat of Tuah's back. "You've made me rethink...everything about humans and vampires. And being a human...what it means." Iann's eyes flew open when he admitted that, staring at the ceiling. That was a huge one. He blinked for a moment, then pulled Tuah up, fingers brushing along the vampire's teeth and upper lip. "You've made me want your bite...fuck. Baby..."
Tuah hummed into the kiss, long lashes fanning his cheeks as his eyes fluttering close when he felt the soft touch across his face. Another shiver broke through and ran across his body as he felt wet tongue against his skin, his cock twitching in the tight confinement of his jeans. “A whole week,” he echoed what was already said with reverence. He felt his doubt slowly melting away, giving way that cautious happiness to bloom and spread across his entire body. The thought that Iann was willing to do this with him, for him… it was simply overwhelming. So much so that Tuah felt that it was twisted into something darker, his possessiveness coating the exterior of his happiness to have Iann all to himself. He liked the idea of being saturated with one another, loved that once the one week was up, they had lost their individual scent and simply created something new, something that was uniquely theirs. He moved to capture Iann’s lips with his own in a heated kiss, a kiss full of promise of the things to come and drowned Iann’s gentle gasp. “And you’re all I want. My Iann,” he pulled away enough to look into the other’s obsidian eyes, feeling himself being pulled deeper into the blissful abyss. It was his turn to trace the bumps and crevices on Iann’s face, tracing over the laughter lines and wrinkle on Iann’s forehead. By the Gods, the man was beautiful. “How did I get so lucky to have you,” he wondered aloud, one he didn’t expect to have answer. Tuah then listened as Iann spoke, the gentle adoring smile never leaving his lips at the other’s confession. He couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle. “Has anyone ever ran away in tears from you before?” he couldn’t help but ask. “I think you’ve always been kind, kasih,and I believe others see that as well. But I’m glad that I’ve made you kinder than you’re already are.” It wasn’t to say that he thought Iann was a saint, no one was in his opinion. Iann had his flaws, had inflicted damage onto others as others had onto him. But Iann was still kind despite it all, in his own way. He swept his tongue across the pad of Iann’s thumb before taking it into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks slightly to suck on the digit. “Do you…” he hesitated, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. Heightened arousal was making it difficult for him to think when all that was on his mind was to devour him, an echo of what he thought in the catacombs, when Iann first offered his blood to him. “Will you,” he amended, “drink from me? That night, when your mouth and tongue are red from my blood, I think you looked… well, it’s no surprise that I find it rather enticing, hm.”
Iann The reverence in Tuah's tone made Iann shiver suddenly, make him panic slightly when he wondered if he was appreciating this enough. He gripped Tuah tighter, scrambling to catch up; but Tuah's expression, god. Eyes closed, lashes brushing his cheek and just this...smile on his face as if he was being graced by sunlight after months of darkness. He didn't see Tuah's possessiveness; Iann was too caught up in the sight of Tuahface, body, entire self - just for a moment - looking absolutely at peace. 'I did that,' a part of Iann gleefully claimed, but it was chided immediately by another part: 'No, you're just reading too much into it. You'll never be able to do that for him.' Consciously, Iann had to pick between these two internal claims. He chose the latter, and cupped Tuah's face, and kissed Tuah's cool fingers as they passed over his lips. "Okay," he said and then shook his head. "It's got nothing to do with luck. You made all of this happen, hm? Your choices led you here and I'm so fucking glad they did." When Tuah called him 'kind' of his own accord Iann laughed; but then he realized Tuah meant it. "You might be a little biased," he demurred. "But I like your pro-Iann stances on things." He kind of lost his voice towards the end there though, as he watched Tuah suck his thumb in, that soft tongue swiping at the pad and making Iann's hips jolt. Encouraged by the involuntary movement Iann moaned slightly and ground his hips against Tuah's, wanting more friction. He fought to pull his concentration back to Tuah's words - because words were precious, after all - although it took a moment for Iann to realize that Tuah was asking. Slowly, Iann grinned, and then gave Tuah's ass a loud, resounding smack. "I'd love to..." Wait did that sound too overly-eager? Truth was, as weird and nauseating as it was to drink vampire blood, the effect afterwards was...so worth it. Iann loved that euphoria, better than any fucking drug because his feeling of invincibility really was exactly that. "You naughty, naughty vampire," Iann teased Tuah, surging forward to kiss him. He opened Tuah's mouth with his own, tongue licking across where Tuah's fangs dropped. "Bite your lip, baby, and I'll drink," he murmured against Tuah's mouth. He wanted it too - because once he drank Tuah's blood, well. They could go all-out fucking, at least for a little while. And Iann wanted to be rough.
Tuah opened his eyes when he felt the grip around him tightened, brows furrowing together slightly as he wondered what was on Iann’s mind to cause such reaction. He ran his fingers along the other’s face, thumb tracing across Iann’s cheek and down to his jawline as he tried to reassure the man from whatever concern Iann might have. His lips then curled into a slight smile when Iann once again explained that there was no such thing as luck, a contrast of his own belief that everything that transpired in the world was pulled by both one’s effort and one’s fate. He had to believe there was some higher power that guided his choices that led him towards his kasih, because if it was left to his own device Tuah wasn’t sure he would have lived this long, and wouldn’t that be a shame. He let out a chuckle, a huff of breath that escaped his lips as he kissed Iann’s lips. “I just might be,” he replied, “I mean, how could I not think of anything short of wonderful about my kasih, hm?” his eyes fluttering close once more when he felt Iann grinding his hip against his own, feeling his cock twitched against its tight confinement. Tuah felt his own hip moving in its own accord, his arm wrapping around Iann’s hip to pull him closer to feel the friction against him. “You’re wearing too much clothes, kasih,” he complained, trying to make pulling Iann’s pants free before throwing them across the floor and doing the same with his. The smile on his lips grew wider against Iann’s lips as they kissed, feeling the same surge of thrill when Iann agreed as he pushed the man back against the back. “Only with you, you know that.” Once he pulled back, Tuah let Iann watch as hazel eyes turned a rich golden hue and canine teeth pressing against the bottom lip as it bled. He swept the blood across his own tongue before kissing Iann once more, careful not to hurt Iann as they kissed. But between teeth and tongue clashing in his own heat, Tuah couldn’t help but bite Iann’s bottom lip a little too hard, causing their blood to mix. “Now we can go all out, hm,” he couldn’t help but tease, running his hand along Iann’s thigh before moving his hand between the other’s thigh.
Iann had a fleeting thought to ask Tuah if he agreed about luck versus hard work, but it was all washed away by how much he loved basking in Tuah's attention. It was ridiculous. He was a 38 year old man, not a young guy with the blush of newfound sex. Except...well it wasn't as if, for all of Iann's jadedness in life, he was particularly well-versed sexually. In truth it really only took his second wife to allow Iann to discover that he did indeed posses passion, desire, lust - the things most people normally felt. When she died, those newly exposed wires were still live, electric but open-ended - and when Tuah came into Iann's life, he attached them to the vampire with an eagerness to feel them again. "You flatterer, " Iann said, because really. He knew Tuah wasn't fibbing, but he made Iann far more epic than the reality. He wriggled and grabbed at Tuah's clothes as well, trying to help and only releasing his breath in pleasure once their skin made contact. God, Tuah was so cool, but it felt good against Iann's burning skin. He watched Tuah, all golds and greens and blacks, rich and vibrant, a vessel full of a very distinct, proud history. Then red joined it, and Iann kissed back hungrily, but made a little "Mmmph!" noise when he felt those sharp fangs puncture his own skin. "This is okay right?" Iann asked, breathless and paranoid. "This isn't enough to...no. You actually have to drain me dry, right? Okay..." Iann kissed again, sucking hard on Tuah's bottom lip and tasting bursts of salt and deep iron. Just enough for him to take a hold of Tuah, and flip the vampire onto his back. Iann grinned, bearing down on him. "Now we can go all out," he agreed with a wolfish smile, as he gave Tuah one more kiss, then trailed bites and kisses down Tuah's body. He paused at the muscled swell of his chest, sucking the nipple into painful hardness before moving on down. He knew the scars were there; and each time Iann's mouth passed over one, he looked up at Tuah, to see his face, his reaction. Pleasure, or eyes wide with a self-conscious anxiety?
Tuah let out a chuckle, moving his shoulders mimicking a shrug. “Think what you like, I still believe what I said.” He ran his hand along Iann’s skin, loving the contrast of warmth and cold between their skin. It was one of the many things that he loved about them, about their relationship. How Iann could make him feel so electrifying just by being close to him. He didn’t feel like this before, not when they’d confessed their love for one another. What he felt before was nothing like this, it was simply an infatuation that he could easily brush off, but now it transformed into something deeper that he couldn’t bear to live without. Part of him, a small part of him, was afraid that it would all be taken away from him at a moment’s notice, which caused him to grabbed hold of Iann by his shoulders, his grip tightened as he was kissed hungrily. Iann didn’t give him enough time to respond, seeming to have found the answer on his own before Tuah realised he was being kissed once more, feeling the soft mattress against his back as he was pushed onto the bed. He followed when Iann pulled away, trying to catch the other’s lips with his before falling onto the mattress and simply looked up at the man. His pupils blown until they were as black as Iann’s own, lips parted slightly in a mock grasp of breaths. Centuries of living and still he could not shake the habit. His eyes then fluttered close as his already heightened senses being overwhelmed with Iann’s lips and tongue and teeth. Tuah felt his body shivering every time Iann paid more attention than necessary on his old scars, warring between wanting to close his eyes shut fearing of what he would see on the other’s face, or keeping them opened to watch his lover going down on him. In the end, however, he compromise between the two, as he always did with everything in his life. He kept his eyes opened, meeting Iann’s gaze cautiously yet trusting him, trusting Iann not to do him wrong. His body arched as Iann sucked on his nipple, a low moan escaped his lips as he grabbed hold of the man’s hair into a tight fist, screaming in his mind to have more. “Please, kasih,” he pleaded, though he didn’t know what he was pleading for. “More.”
"You always want more," Iann said, somewhat entranced at the way Tuah...actually kept looking at him. And even more important, Tuah didn't try to distract Iann with his own enticing ability to give pleasure. Even for Iann and his forever-thinking brain, Tuah had a way of short-circuiting him just enough to make Iann go mindless, thoughtless, brainless. It felt so fucking good at the moment, somewhat scary afterwards. To know that Tuah was so good at providing a customized pleasure for Iann (was it customized? Maybe Iann's pleasure was as generic as all of Tuah's previous lovers), that Tuah could render him unthinking for long swathes of time. But here was Tuah now, facing his own fears it seemed. Fears embedded into his skin, that Iann's tongue roamed over. Scarred skin - especially large, thick scars like this - had a different sensation to normal skin. Iann knew, he often pinched and toyed with his own scars on his hands and arms when he thought, enjoying that weird numb mangled-nerves feeling on the smooth scar tissue. Did it feel the same for Tuah, on his unliving skin? "What does it feel like, to be you?" Iann wondered, as he bit down on a scar along Tuah's stomach. He bit harder than usual, pulling back to smooth his fingers along the red teethmarks that quickly faded. "I love every bit of you, even the parts you don't like..." Iann spoke, but he wasn't looking up at Tuah. He wasn't trying to convince Tuah of anything, speaking instead to the scar itself. Iann nestled down against him, and trailed his teeth lower, hand wrapping around Tuah's cock first. A squeeze first, and then Iann looked up with a grin. "At least we both like this, hm? I know I do..." Iann teased Tuah, lightly running his mouth along the tip, tugging the delicate skin down to lick along the slit first before sliding his mouth over the shaft. A long, gentle moan as Iann cradled Tuah's cock between lips and tongue, and Iann eased himself down slowly, warm and wet.
Tuah let out a breathless chuckle, tearing his gaze away from his kasih and towards the skylight above them. “Only with you,” he mumbled, the end of his words swallowed into a low moan with his nails digging into Iann’s shoulders when he felt teeth once again grazing against his marked skin. He didn’t realise he had his eyes closed, but he fluttered them opened, blinking a few times with his brows furrowed together as he tried to discern what Iann was asking. “I -” he paused, letting out a low moan and trying to give more thought before he answered. In the end, he gave up on trying to figure what exactly the man had meant. “I have no idea what you’re asking of me, kasih,” he confessed, letting out a breathless chuckle before shifting to get a good view of his paramour. It was a good thing that Iann wasn’t looking at him directly, because his eyes were wide and jaw slackened by surprise at the confession. He always found himself surprised that Iann would profess his love to him, despite the many times they had said it to each other. There would always doubt in his mind that Iann would soon tire of him, that stubborn thoughts that fed him to say that Iann would leave him for someone more interesting that him. Tuah managed to recover from his surprise and shook himself from such thoughts. But before he could reply, another low moan escaped him, throwing his forearm on top of his eyes. “You’re making it hard to think on an even basic level, kasih,” he complained, though there was a definitive smile in his voice. The smile turned into a shivered sigh as he felt the warm wet tongue and lips around his hard cock, his arm reaching out to grab Iann by his hair, Tuah’s legs spread opened wo allow Iann more access. “Alright, now I can’t think of anything other than this,” he spoke in a rush, his hip moving in its own accord.
Iann looked up when Tuah's legs got wider - goddamn that was hot, the entire sight of Tuah right now was electrifying and even though Iann was the one with the cock in his mouth, he couldn't help but admire just how utterly...slutty and debauched Tuah looked right now. There was no other way to describe it, the man was a beauty-shot jerk-off fantasy for likely millions of people with the way he looked right now. But millions of people weren't looking at him - only Iann. The arm carelessly strewn over Tuah's eyes was what made Iann pop off Tuah's cock and grin, hand teasing down the centre of Tuah's muscled torso. "I am being awful, aren't I," he said, his own voice gravelly and thick from desire, and from the feeling of Tuah's cock bumping up against the back of his throat. He faced a small dilemma - Iann suddenly wanted to talk. He felt aroused and deeply in love with Tuah just from talking to the man, and he wanted more. Sex - well. Sex was great of course, but Iann missed talking with Tuah, his confidante, his best friend. But one couldn't talk with a rock hard erection, that was certain, not even Iann. "I have an idea," Iann said, because he had tasted vampire blood after all. The effects were short-term but still valid enough to make Iann limber and sprightly. He shifted suddenly. "Don't you dare close up shop, baby," Iann said, with a demanding smack on Tuah's firm thigh, as Iann pivoted himself around, straddling on top of Tuah on his hands and knees - the perfect position for a 69. So Iann assumed - it wasn't like he'd done this before, not with a guy anyway. But his own cock hung tantalizingly over Tuah's face now, and Iann was positioned squarely in full possession of Tuah's, to do whatever the damn well pleased to it. Iann looked down, between their bodies, grinning upside-down at Tuah. "Go on," he encouraged, taking a lick of Tuah's cock to demonstrate. "Let's get off together."
Tuah “Not that I’m complaining, mind,” Tuah replied after a moment of gathering his thoughts. It was rather difficult when all his thoughts was about how amazing his cock felt inside the wet cavern of Iann’s mouth, so his kasih had to forgive him if he simply let his baser instinct guide him. If Iann wanted to have a talk right now, while they’re doing this,, he didn’t think he’d be able to carry on with the conversation. It wasn’t helping that Iann’s deep voice filled with desire. For him. Tuah turned his attention towards the man as Iann started to shift, his hooded gaze watched as Iann’s hard cock dangling so close to his face. His Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed, tongue swiping along his lips before he tore his gaze away from his prize and towards Iann’s face as the man spoke. He let his lips curled into a smirk before adjusting himself so he was facing directly the other’s cock, his hands running along Iann’s outer thighs and along the other’s side before wrapping them around Iann’s hip. He darted his tongue out and swept across the slit before moving along the underside. A muffled moan escaped his lips as he took the head of the cock into his mouth, taking as much of it into his mouth as he could. “Gods I could taste you forever,” he mumbled as he pulled the member from his mouth, pressing his lips against its head. Tuah dragged his nails across Iann’s skin, slipping his middle finger between the cheek and pressed the digit against the orifice. “You’re intoxicating, did you know that?” he pressed another kiss against the tip of Iann’s cock before hollowing his cheeks as he took the hard member into his mouth, sucking on it gently.
Iann "You can't taste anything..." Iann murmured as his sigh came out shuddered and thick with pleasure when Tuah's hands and arms and mouth just completely owned him down there. It was a perverse feeling that Iann never thought he'd enjoy, being possessed by someone else, but. This was were trust came in; Iann never thought he'd trust someone as he did his late wife, and now Tuah. It was...easier than he thought, to trust someone like this; and that realization scared him too. But right now, deeper thought was unnecessary - because Tuah's nails dragging made Iann's hips jump, cock plunging deeper into Tuah's mouth. "You like...the texture maybe? Or you're just a naughty, dirty old man who likes his mouth wrapped around cock..." Iann smirked, but then proved he was the same way, as he too sunk down onto Tuah's hard member. His hand gripped the base firmly, little encouraging pumps as he filled up as much of his mouth as he could with Tuah's cock. It was so large and heavy, a playful, velvety weight on his tongue. Iann lapped shamelessly, licking down the underside and curving around just enough to tongue and lap at Tuah's balls as well. Everyone got some playtime, and Tuah was downright intoxicating. "How does a vampire give off pheromones?" Iann wondered aloud, breath warm and panting against Tuah's sensitive skin. His own hips were moving of their own accord now, slowing fucking into Tuah's mouth like he couldn't help himself.
Tuah Muffled laughter escaped his lips, turning into a moan the cock slipped deeper into his mouth, almost choking him at the sudden movement. Musky scent overwhelmed his senses, and Tuah quickly adjusted himself to accommodate as best as he could so he could delved deeper into everything that was Iann. another muffled moan escaped him as he felt wet tongue and lips along his own hard member, before Iann so cleverly moved to give the same treatment to every part of his lower region. He pulled away, letting his eyes fluttering close as lustful laced shiver was felt across his body. Gods, the things that Iann was doing to him was absolutely intoxicating. Iann was intoxicating. At least to him he was, though he supposed it was as Iann had said; he was a little biased in his opinion when it came to the man. “Only yours,” he said after a while, pink tongue licking his wet lips and Adam’s apple bobbing as he gathered his thoughts. “I only like the taste of your cock in my mouth. Well, I like the taste of your everything in my mouth.” Another chuckle escaped his lips in a huff of a breath. “I can’t quite explain it. It’s true that I can’t taste anything, but I’m not wrong when I say that I can taste you, you know. Not just the texture, as you’ve pointed out.” He glanced towards his side where Iann’s thigh was so close to his face, letting his fingertips caress gently along the inner thigh. “I suppose my psyche is trying to make me remember how you taste like. Or how you’re supposed to taste like.” Tuah furrowed his brows as he came to that theory, jaw clenching slightly before he relaxed them, pushing himself so he was able able to plant kisses along Iann’s inner thigh. He did the same to the other side, taking his time leaving bite marks with his blunt teeth where he knew Iann would be most sensitive. He kissed the bite mark before letting his tongue made a broad swipe along the underside of Iann’s length up to his orifice before falling back onto the mattress. He hollowed his cheeks once more and humming as Iann slowly fucking his mouth, his hands simply caressing along Iann’s thighs encouraging him further.
Iann Those moans did things to Iann, toes curling in from the sound and balls almost tightening, ready to let loose as Tuah's fingers got busy too. It was ridiculous; he felt vaguely ridiculous right now, randy and eager as a 20-year old, but. A pause to catch his breath, and once more look through the gap between their bodies reassured Iann that none of this was being taken with levity. Tuah was enjoying himself and that reassured Iann greatly. He continued his attentions on Tuah, exploring his skin, the nooks and spaces between skin and hair at his leisure as he listened to Tuah try to describe taste. Iann listened with a grain of salt, thinking at first that Tuah was just trying to be romantic, make some exception to his limited taste when really Iann knew there wasn't one. But then again, it wasn't really like Tuah to sugar-coat, was it? Tuah didn't fool himself in anything. He either told the truth, or he deflected. Which meant right now, he was telling the truth: he could taste something about Iann. A memory, when his tongue was blackened and sensitive to taste. "You never got a chance to enjoy that..." Iann said softly, recalling the gift that was wrecked by the demon's illness. "So cruel. So cruel to my baby. We're going to start working on that again, hm? The tea, remember the tea, how...ah...oh-" Again, Iann's brain shorted out, as Tuah's soft lips and gently scratchy stubble laid a trail of kisses along Iann's tender skin. The bites felt so good, made Iann remember them in his basement childhood room, the first time Tuah bit him there and licked his blood. Iann hadn't been ready for it, he was startled, not even sure he wanted it. But afterwards, god. He couldn't stop thinking about it. The way Tuah's fangs dropped, his eyes turned golden and intense with thirst and desire, the red stain on Iann's thigh. "Oh fuck - fuck, Tuah," Iann closed his eyes and groaned, mindlessly fucking into Tuah's throat now and craving that release. "You're so good to be, hm? So good to let me...hn...use your mouth - jesus - " Iann's fingers dug into Tuah's hip, his other hand squeezing the base of Tuah's cock tight as Iann picked up the pace, got rougher and harder just long enough to cry out as he came. He shuddered, still thrusting, resting his face against Tuah's member, panting Tuah's name loud and unabashed.
Tuah simply hummed, distracting himself with Iann’s cock fucking his mouth and his hands running along the muscled thighs and the man’s side. There were a great many things that he regretted, though having lost his sense of taste had never been one of his biggest regret. Now, however, he had reasons to regret not being able to have a sense of taste of his own, simply because he knew how Iann was rather obsessed with it, or rather obsessed with finding a cure for his predicament. He didn’t want to see Iann being disappointed because of it as he was. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Iann was not capable of doing anything that he had set his mind to, far from it really. But he had to wonder how long would it take before Iann started to realise that it was all for a nought. How long would it take him to grow bored of an almost dead end pursuit before he gave up entirely? How long would he continue until he grew bored and started to find other distraction? Such train of thoughts were dangerous to pursue, hence Tuah simply tabled it and shelved it in his mind. Instead he focused on hollowing his cheeks as he continued to suck on Iann’s hard member as the man did wicked things to his own cock, his eyes fluttering close to imagine the salty taste on his tongue, facilitated by the musky scent that was uniquely Iann. His muffled moans were answer enough to Iann’s demand, letting his jaw relaxed with his hands on Iann’s hip simply to have something to hold onto as Iann fucked his mouth. Tuah felt the tightening around his cock from Iann’s grip, feeling the heaviness of Iann’s own length against his tongue as it continued to move erratically in and out of his wet mouth. And when Iann’s balls tightened he was ready to take the load, swallowing in big gulp as he continued to milk Iann. Gods how he wished he could see Iann’s face right now. It always drove such pleasure for him when he could see how much his partner was affected from what he was doing to them, watching their eyes rolled back or closed shut as their jaw slackened screaming either loudly or silently for him or some deity they only believe in the moment of bliss. In part it fed his own ego to know that he did that to them, which made him even more eager to please them. He then flipped them over once he felt Iann was spent, pulling his lips away from the cock with an obscene sound. His tongue running along his lips as he turned to look at Iann, his lips curled into a smirk and his hooded eyes still held a lustful gaze. “Thank you for the treat,�� he teased, making a show of brushing his thumb across the slit before bringing it into his lips. He shifted so he was between Iann’s legs, hand running along Iann’s thighs as he bent down to place kisses on Iann’s cock, moving to nuzzle his nose against the hair before letting his tongue move along the curves of Iann’s torso up to his chest. “You’re up for seconds, my love?” Tuah moved his fingers between Iann’s cheeks, letting his middle finger enter the small orifice as he showered Iann’s body with bites and kisses. “Because I’m not done having you yet.”
Iann "Bastard," Iann gasped, unable to do anything but let Tuah flip them over. His breathing came out laboured, heavy and ragged as his head fell backwards against the sheets. It was Iann who clung to Tuah now, holding him close, that beautiful hard cock kind of slapping him in the face, not that Iann minded. It was filthy and so was Tuah, in his own prim and prissy way. The juxtaposition tickled Iann completely - god, the man just fucking drank his cum down like blood and didn't even blink a fucking eye. Even went as far as to keep teasing Iann's spent cock, thumb swiping over the sensitive slit that made Iann buck in uncontrolled reaction. And then Tuah had to call it a treat. Like Iann had bought him dinner, or taken him to see a movie after a long hard workday. Iann laughed, shaking his head in disbelief, one hand finally letting go of Tuah's thigh to grip his own hair. "I can't believe you sometimes. I don't know what to do with you, Tuah Arjuna. " But his arms outstretched when he felt Tuah rising upwards, turning around so that they were face to face. Tuah's fingers remained between Iann's legs though, returning with that gentle but persistent intensity that summed Tuah up perfectly in bed. The man was insatiable, in the most incredible way, honestly. Iann sometimes felt like he could barely keep up; and what surprised him was that this didn't mess with his sense of control. If anything, he just felt this strange, new desire to...give up. Not throw in the towel but just give in, give everything up to Tuah, son of Arjuna, this vampire who was so intent on giving him love. By giving, it was how Tuah took. Iann saw that now: Tuah served, Tuah pleased, so that Tuah could feel pleasure. In a sick sort of way, Iann could understand that and again that should have boiled down to conflict, a struggle for control, but. It didn't. Iann didn't understand why, he really didn't, but there were dark, unpretty reasons that sometimes swirled in the back of his mind as he looked up at his beautiful lover. "No, you're not, are you?" Iann murmured, stroking Tuah's face, drowning in the dark galaxy of Tuah's eyes. He'd intended to take a shortcut, but Tuah. God, Tuah. No shortcuts for him. Only pure, unadulterated, deliberate and completely full experience. There was no saying no to that, Iann realized, and he couldn't stop staring at Tuah now, brow furrowing and mouth parting in small breaths as he felt Tuah's finger penetrate, the bites and kisses like Tuah was...well...consuming. Consuming, without tasting, god. Iann gripped Tuah a bit tighter, fingers digging into the flesh that would never bruise for long. "Please, mi amor. Please...I want you," he begged shamelessly, voice soft and breaking.
Tuah let out a chuckle at Iann’s befuddlement of his behaviour. “I think you’ll be able to figure that one,” he replied, moving to plant kisses on Iann’s skin before moving to kiss the man’s lips. He continued with his administration of his digit in and out of the pucker, drinking in the sound of shallow breaths and quickened pace of Iann’s heartbeat from his release and from the onslaught stimulation that he still received from Tuah’s treatment. The words that spilled from Iann’s lips left no doubt in his mind that the man wanted this too, and who was Tuah to deny him the pleasure, no? The thought made his lips curled upwards into a slight smile as he shifted slightly so his cock was lined perfectly between the other’s cheeks. “By the Gods, Iann, the things you say,” he muttered as he stroke his still hardened cock with his hand, groaning as his thumb brushing against the slit that was slick with precum. He rubbed the head of his cock between the man’s cheek, trying to find relief and denying himself the pleasure just a little bit more. “Do you need more blood from me? Help you recover a little bit faster?
Iann "Yes please," Iann said almost immediately when Tuah offered, eyes down, pinned to the girth and hardness of Tuah's cock positioned there but just not yet going in. Iann felt achey and a little tense, typical human problems. Things that, if he was a vampire or some other supernatural being with healing ability, he wouldn't mind at all. Maybe he'd like it, that painful pleasure. Because he'd know it wouldn't last or cause any complications. Things that a human in his middle years couldn't quite compensate for without a little boost. A thousand thoughts flit through Iann's mind then - about Faye and Fane and their talks of immortality not always tying into vampirism; about Martin Adjaye and Freddie and the blood, violent, desperate tactics that vampire used; about Bellamy and her crude jokes about Tuah really badly hurting Iann because of his goddamn human frailty. He groaned, shoving the thoughts back and concentrating on Tuah's face. "Bite your lip and your tongue and let me kiss you and taste your blood, baby."
Tuah did as he was asked, biting his lip hard enough that it bled before kissing Iann. It was intoxicating to see the way Iann’s own lips painted with his blood, with the muffled moans and the tangy taste of iron that sealed their kiss. His groaned, the head of his cock pushing incessantly against the small pucker. “By the Gods, I want you so bad, kasih,” he muttered, his hand grabbing hold of the base of his own cock and squeezing a little to give some kind of relief. “You ready for me?” Slowly he pushed his cock into the man, groaning as he felt his member being enveloped by the warmth. He pushed himself until he bottomed up, his hip moving in slow circle before pulling his cock out and push it inside once again, letting Iann adjusting himself. His eyes never left Iann’s own, feeling himself drawn into the obsidian gaze as he moved in and out. He could feel the soft thrumming from the thread that bound them together, a soft hum at the back of his head that he kept hearing every time he was near Iann. Millions thoughts crossed his mind, all focusing onto one man; Iann Cardero. stay with me, he heard himself plead, forever. Tuah moved to capture Iann’s lips with his, tongue and teeth and lips mashed together in their heated passion. “Iann,” he called out repeatedly between the groans and moans that escaped his lips, never tiring of saying the man’s name.
Iann "No," Iann said explosively in response to Tuah's question, but he was half-laughing as he said it, smacking at Tuah's shoulders while trying to urge him on. "I'm never ready for you! You're like a tidal wave and I'm always facing the other way. You knock me over - oh fuck god yes--!!" Iann's yammering was cut off in a strangled noise,, grit teeth and eyes widening and blasting out completely. Still, Tuah's eye contact held Iann there, helped him breathe into it - and with the vampire blood, he recovered from the sting and strain with remarkable ease. Oh yes - yes, this was what Iann wanted. He grinned, then chuckled in the back of his throat as the pain subsided into a sensitized bliss. Pure enjoyment - Iann made a light 'ahhhh' noise and then tilted his hips upwards, trying to take more of Tuah in. His eyes rolled up and his entire body started slacken, relaxed under Tuah's steady pace and strong grip. "Come on, baby," Iann said, once his eyes opened again, hands clutching Tuah's face to center him. The look in Tuah's eyes was so focused, so intense that Iann felt like his heart stopped for a moment before Tuah fucked it back into beating. "Harder and faster. Give it to me, hm?" Iann pressed a heated kiss against Tuah's open mouth. He clenched around Tuah's cock as it stroked out. "I can handle it."
Tuah laughed, pressing his forehead against the corner of Iann’s shoulder. “You’re such a romantic when you want to, kasih,” he teased, pressing his lips against Iann’s skin, moving up to his neck and to his jaw. Each kiss he paused to thrust his hip, his cock moving in and out of his kasih. Iann’s words kindled his own desire further, his gaze fixated on the many emotions that flitted across Iann’s face. His hand ran along Iann’s side and rested on the man’s chest when he saw the other’s minute expression, brows furrowing together slightly as he waited for Iann to adjust himself. He moved his hip slowly first, meeting Iann halfway in a heated kiss. A groan escaped his lips, his free hand clutching the sheet of their bed, when he felt the tightness around his cock. Curses flew from his lips in both languages that he knew fluently. Both his hands moved to grab Iann’s jet black hair as he started moving his hip and picked up his pace and slowed down. He trusted the man would tell him if he was overdoing it, so he decided that he would let loose of his control a little as he pushed deeper into Iann. “Gods I love it when you say that,” Tuah pulled out his cock and waited for a moment before pushing it back in forcefully. “How much do you want to be fucked by this cock, hm kasih?” Gods he loved when Iann talked, he loved when he was able to make the man speechless, and Gods he loved it when the man begged. “Tell me how much you want me, kasih, and I’ll give it to you.”
Iann "Why does that always sound like an accusation..." Iann said with a huffing laugh, as his hands scrabbled long Tuan's skin to find purchase. It wasn't like Tuah could sweat really; in fact sex with a vampire could make a human realize just how much they were pouring with all sorts of liquids and heat that vampires just...didn't have. Tuah emulated it though - funny how 30-odd years of human could still show up 350 years later in Tuah's gasps and explosive words. One day, Iann decided, he'd oil Tuah down before sex. Just...cover him in olive oil and then scrape it off to leave a thin sheen, ancient Roman style. Regardless, he grinned and panted and yelped slightly in surprise when Tuah took Iann's words and actions to heart - Tuah could feel, despite the unbeating heart and lack of breath. And Iann loved knowing he did this to the vampire. He didn't know how rough and demanding Tuah could get, until Tuah's strong hand fisted into his hair. His thrusts got jarringly hard and his words...jesus. Iann's eyes flew open again, looking at him like Tuah was a new person. Or rather - a new facet. Achievment Unlocked: Aggressive!Tuah. Iann grew excited, fascinated; his well rested cock jumping to attention between them. If Tuah wanted to go there, Iann could certainly play along. It kind of thrilled him, in a way he never realized he'd ever actually...wanted before. "So badly," Iann replied with an immediate eagerness. He urged Tuah to lift his legs higher (Iann couldn't quite do it himself, flexibility at his age and so forth). "I think about you all the time, baby. I think about your cock all the time, sucking it and touching it and letting it fuck me until I can't think anymore. I lo - ah- I love it." His voice jolted with every thrust, and pain shot through his system everytime, but the vampire blood did its job and compensated. Iann was bolstered by this. "I want to worship it, hm? And you..." Iann was enjoying the words he was saying, exciting himself as he braced his hands on Tuah's chest, rolling Tuah's thick dark nipples between his fingers. He angled his hips up more, to pick up some of the friction between Tuah's near-punishing strokes. "Make you keep me here for days, with nothing else for me to think about but being with you, paying attention to only you, drowning myself in you, mmm. I'd be so happy to just spend my time thinking about nothing else, but you, Tuah. Tuah...god Tuah--"
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ghozt1ng-blog · 7 years
Chapter 2 - Burrito Briefing
At least I’m getting a lunch out of this, Trick thought dismally as he got out into the rain. It was coming down harder than before.
    The ground was slippery with wet, dead leaves. Los Robertos shown through through the autumn gloom with its brilliant neon rainbow signs. The friendly sign of a portly Mexican chef beckoned patrons in to enjoy some great Latin American cuisine and a bad case of Montezuma’s Revenge. Trick had had the opportunity to experience both twice before. However, the food was too good to not forgive the imposed bowel movements. But today, he was not feeling the joy of excellent Mexican food; Agent Conturbatio, the Sphinx, was him to work with a geek to solve a case.
Yeah, he could work with Naomi, but that was because she was cool and spoke her mind unlike many of the other nerds he had met. All the others had the tendency to beat around the bush, drag others into long lectures about things that had no real weight in reality, and traded in a sense of fun for extra brain space. If he agreed to this case, which he hadn’t yet, he would have to deal with all three of those annoyances. At least his mother could agree with him. One of the few things they could agree on.
Gritting his teeth, Trick entered the restaurant. The Sphinx was easy to pick out in the sparsely patronized establishment: His trench coat, flashy tie, and shades stuck out like a sore thumb. He stood up as Trick and his mothered entered and gave them both handshakes.
“Thank you for making the time to come and meet with me,” He said genially. “I understand that most people at this time are getting ready for the holidays, but I do have a bit of an urgent case on my hands.”
“That’s okay. It was a boring day at school anyway. How can I help you with this new case?”
“Come over here and order first. My treat! Whatever you want.”
Trick decided that if he was going to suffer diarrhea, he might as well suffer it in style. He ordered the the chalupa with the works and extra hot sauce. The soda he drank along with it really didn’t do anything as the tip of his tongue burned with the tasty contents of the chalupa. His mom enjoyed a taco while the Sphinx chowed down on a burrito and a side of nachos.
“Yum! I love burritos! The idea of wrapping an entire meal into a piece of flatbread bespeaks an enlightened people,” Conturbatio said happily.
“Hm, yes. This place does have great food,” Trick agreed. “But now then, what is it that you wanted to discuss with me?” Please let it not be befriending socially inept nerds!
“Excellent! Now then, Naomi is being caught up by Agent Miles. I believe they’re at McDonald’s at the moment,” Conturbatio mused.
“Really? I could have gotten her! Those two don’t see eye to eye,” Susan said angrily.
“And that is why they needed to meet,” the Sphinx explained. “They need to know how to communicate and overcome their differences in order to work well together. Learning this skill is essential to a successful investigation now and a prosperous and happy life down the road.”
“Did you find that wisdom in rolled in your burrito,” Trick joked.
“No, but it should be. In any case, I hope that Naomi will be joining us. In fact, I am certain that she will. Now then, to business,” The Sphinx said around another bite of burrito. “You have probably heard of the supposed terrorist attack in Provo, Utah. Well, I think that there is more to the whole situation. Though the Department of Homeland Security for the moment has a solid case with those young men having connection to people in Africa, who might be terrorist affiliated, and that they were supposedly carrying a dangerous toxin, there is more to the story that the official reports have not taken into account.
“There is one Brandon Barney, who was there at the theater when the attack occurred.” The agent drew out of his coat a picture of a teen with a round face and thick glasses. “He witnessed what happened and reported to police that the dinosaurs on the screen, they were watching Jurassic Park by the way, that the dinosaurs on the screen came to life. This is not the first time that he or his family have filed reports or complaints of various forms of entertainment coming to life around them. Specifically their house. Brandon thinks they are cursed. I think that after what we saw with the wolves and vampires, it might be possible that they are.”
Trick nodded his head slowly as he took another bite of his chalupa.
“Where I need you and Naomi,” the Sphinx continued. “Is to connect with Brandon and get him talking honestly. Your mother has pegged him as the kind of boy who won’t want to talk to us. Especially, I think, after so many adults haven’t believed him. So, do you think you can help us out really quick, get the job done before Thanksgiving?”
“Uh, erm… I might not be the guy for this,” Trick said slowly.
“Why do you say that?” The Sphinx cocked his head to the side.
“I don’t get along well with nerds,” Trick said defensively.
“But you and Naomi are friends. If she isn’t a nerd, I don’t know who is, or what she is! Besides, you’ll have her there to connect with him on the things you don’t understand, and and you can use your quick speaking ways to get him and others to open up,” Conturbatio argued with a wave of his hand. “And don’t worry about your schooling. I’ll personally take care of the matter!”
Trick didn’t know what he was going to say. He knew that going with the Sphinx again would be another adventure and ticket out of school. And if he declined now, he might not get another chance. Plus, it would probably make Conturbatio think less of him. On the other hand, though, this just didn’t feel like the case for him. And what if Naomi didn’t want to work with him again!? Hadn’t she said she would never go on another adventure with him? He knew he wanted to have her there, but did she feel the same?
His pocket vibrated and he fished out his phone. “Hold on, just a sec.” He looked down and saw a message from Naomi. She had finally contacted him! He swiped his screen and opened the message. He read,
“So Agent Miles says that we are needed in Provo to solve another case. I’m game. BTW, this isn’t you inviting me along, so it doesn’t count!”
How did she read my thoughts, Trick thought as his eyebrows shot up. He then chuckled and typed his response. “Alright Agent Conturbatio. I’m game. I’ll see if we can’t solve your little mystery in record time.”
“That’s the spirit,” the Sphinx said enthusiastically.
“Trick’s mom watched the exchange with a guarded expression as her son finally asked, “But there is one thing I need to know from you. How are we going to deal with the curse if it turns out to be real? Last time, we kinda just got lucky.”
The Sphinx leaned in and said in a low voice, “All we need to do is prove or disprove the existence of a curse. If we can have undeniable evidence, we could possibly free four falsely accused men. From there, the FBI will work on further investigating and breaking the curse. I just need you and Naomi to dive into Brandon’s world and help us find what we need. Also, you youngsters are more in the know when it comes to fads and popular shows, books, and the likes. Well, at least Naomi should be. We boring adults in the FBI are not quite as knowledgeable.”
“Then I guess you are in luck,” Trick said as the bowel movements struck like angry rattlesnakes.
Naomi polished off her her cheap, fake fries as Trick’s response buzzed on her phone. She swiped and the message popped up on her screen. She read with satisfaction:
“But we are still going on an adventure together. It counts!”
So he was also on board. Good. She already knew that she wouldn’t be able to stomach this Brandon guy on her own. The picture Agent Miles had shown her was enough to peg this poor guy. He was going to slobber all over her when they finally got to Provo. She could use Trick as a shield and embarrass him as his quick wit and silver tongue got him nowhere with this brick wall.
She laughed to herself as she took a sip of her Coke. Agent Miles looked up from her phone and asked what was the matter. Yes, this lady was still annoying, but so long as she wasn’t trying to sound intelligible, Naomi and she could get along just fine. They had all throughout lunch.
“Nothing really. We’ll have Trick along for the ride is all. That guy can be quite funny, especially when he isn’t trying to be.”
Agent Miles gave her a knowing look and she responded sharply, “Stop thinking what you’re thinking, because that isn’t it!”
Okay, maybe she and Agent Miles needed to work out more than she had previously thought.
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