#also he is the main character of heroes of Olympus
Leo Valdez Fire Powers
Linking back to my last post about Leo Valdez. I talked about his fire powers and how inconsistent they are and how we never get to see them actually grow and evolve from beyond fireball. Then suddenly in the last book he able to nuke a earth goddess by himself. So what I’m going to do with this post is just simply try to fix this problem going book by book.
So let’s get started
The Lost Hero
Now for the most part this book is fine up until we reach King Midas Mansion. Now the part with Festus and the Leo is completely fine it’s actually a phenomenal scene so we’re gonna leave it alone. The problems only start to arise when Piper and Leo are turned to gold. The reason this a problem is because they try to fight but there powers suddenly don’t work. The reasons that’s given is that gold stops the other powers. Which is a really stupid explanation cause both of Piper and Leo’s powers come from them not an outside source. It really just seems like Rick wanted Jason to look cool so he took Piper and Leo temporarily out so Jason could shine. So how do we fix it? Simple don’t have Leo turned into gold or most specifically have his internal temperature be so high that the effects of the gold touch are slowed. So now Jason can shine fighting Lityerses while Leo keeps Midas busy so that he can’t just gold touch Jason. We even have stakes now since Piper is still gold and could be kept like that if Jason and Leo fail.
(Note:I have Piper still be kept as gold cause you can just say Midas has encountered charm-speakers and built up a resistance like most main villains in Heroes of Olympus)
Next part to fix is with Lycaon and his wolf pack. Here we instead of Leo about to run out of steam we have Leo be able to continuously just put fire onto the blockade until the Hunters come save the trio. Now Leo has more respect and we see he has a lot of destructive power on his side which will be more important later on in this book.
Another piece to fix is that part were they’re crossing the bridge to Aoleus palace in the sky. In this version of the story since we’re consistent this time Leo actually controls himself like he did since his mom died and now since Leo controlled himself. Thalia get to tag along with the trio and get to have more actual interactions with her brother.
The fight with Enceladus goes differently as Thalia and Jason are working together against Enceladus but maybe have a moment where Leo takes a cue from Enceladus with his fire breath and tries to do the same. It actually works though Leo is left unable to speak for the rest of the fight since the inside of his throat is extremely sore from it.
(Something like this)
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The fight with Khione would still end with Leo winning but Leo has to put in actually effort so it gives an explanation on he just doesn’t give the drill to Piper and help Jason while he fights Porphyrion.
The last change for the book would be actually having people react to the fact that he is the first fire user in 100 years. By react I mean they react with fear since the last one caused the London fire and the prophecy says there is a chance the world will be destroyed with fire.
So now at the end of the quest Leo is way more comfortable using his fire powers and they have only gotten stronger thanks to the quest. But now people at camp fear him because of his powers and he has to earn their respect.
The Mark of Athena
Now oh boy is this one gonna be a rollercoaster cause instead of having any scenes related to Sammy and the weird love triangle between Hazel,Frank,and Leo. I’m making all of them into training sessions for Leo with them being helped by Coach Hedge.
Why Coach Hedge you ask? Well to answer that I think you need to know that satyrs in Greek Mythology actually lived eternally unless they were killed. Why is that important you ask? Well Coach Hedge doesn’t really do anything aside from mess things up and be unfunny in the canon series so here I’m gonna use him for something. More specifically he’s gonna help Leo train his fire powers because in my version he’s the satyr who found Thomas Faynor and brought him to camp.
So now Coach Hedge has a reason to actually be on the Argo 2 and even had a past connections to the last fire user so now he actually useful. So now that we have all the things set the thing we’re gonna is replace all those useless Sammy,and love triangle crap with scenes of Leo training with Hedge.
The training Leo and Hedge are doing is actually control cause while Leo can contain his powers he needs to learn how to be precise with them. The motivation is because he himself wants to be the one to kill Gaea and being more precise will help. We could even have Hedge say something like “Kid your real powerful even more than your brother”. This line might even affirm that Leo will destroy the world.
All this training comes to a head in the shrimpzilla fight when while Leo tries to go after the Greek fire crate the monster knocks it overboard and grabs Leo. So now Leo using all his training gets a arm free,points a finger at the monster,and launches Greek fire from his fingertips at the shrimpzilla’s eye blinding it and letting the others finish it off. Hell you could even have Leo get so exhausted (cause it would the first time he did it) that when the monster lets from the pain he falls overboard and gets taken by the fish centaur and gets the information they need.
Everything after that is basically the same see how easy this is and how it actually expands on Leo’s fire abilites.
House of Hades
The imp scene goes differently as instead of running after them and looking like an idiot. Leo outsmarts them by using his fire powers to block off wherever they’re are going forcing them to talk to them. Leo makes a gamble and says that if they can beat him in a race to the tower they can keep everything. But if Leo wins the race he gets everything they have and they have to do him a fairer. The dwarfs agree and the race starts.While the dwarfs are making there way there Leo shows the reader a new ability he developed after training relentlessly since Percy and Annabeth fell. So he pulls a human torch and flies ahead of the dwarfs and gets to the tower first winning the race. Then Jason shows up and actually compliments Leo on his trading and new abilities.
Everything after this is completely fine. Yes including the bit with calypso.
It only when we reach the end of the book that we see Leo go real crazy. Here the Clytius the giant actually speaks to Leo and taunts him with fact that he’s basically useless and can’t help Hazel. He then goes on to relate the situation to Calypso and his mother finally hitting Leo’s berserk button. Thanks to this Leo flys out of Hazel safe mist and flies close up to Clytius. When he get close he charges up all his fire into his fist and punch him letting off a little fire explosion.
(Something like this but with fire)
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However after he does he basically loses most of his powers and falls into the black smoke. So now Hazel has to save him. This is sort of a teaser to the nuke Leo pulls off at end of the book series.
Blood of Olympus
Leo is actually in a tough spot now since Coach Hedge left with Reyna,and Nico. I would include a scene of goodbye between Hedge and Leo since they have a more son and father relationship since the training. The scene I would replace would be the scene of Hazel drawing Calypso but would include that he’s continuing his training even without Hedge because he doesn’t want to hurt Calypso accidentally though he is still training mostly to get stronger and kill Gaea himself.
So now his new training partner is Percy. I bet your wondering why Percy. The reason is because Percy is the opposite element so he can take a bit of heat from Leo. Not Greek fire levels but probably concentrated orange fire blast. Percy wants to help because he wants to get stronger as well. This also creates a parallel between the two as they are both the main characters of their series. Percy Jackson for well Percy Jackson & The Olympians and Leo Valdez for Heroes of Olympus. This also allows us to see Leo’s growth as he is know able to clash against The Percy Jackson and put up a challenge.
When they reach the island of Delos,Apollo compliments Leo on his fire ability’s and ask if he can prove he has any musical ability to get the curse of Delos. So Leo does his thing and gets the curse of Delos.
When they finally reach Asclepius the guardian machine is way stronger and can’t be hacked because it was made by Hephaestus. So now they have to actually fight and can’t just asspull idiot mode out of nowhere. No mention as the fights happens doesn’t work. So Piper using her charm-speak is able to distract the robot. Then Jason and Leo use the opportunity to combine their powers and hit the robot with everything. Leo uses the power he uses on Clytius and hits it on one side while Jason summons all the lightning he can and hits it on the other side. So yeah the robot is absolutely fried and out of commison. As thanks for them freeing him, Asclepius makes the Physician’s cure and still does his look and comment at Leo. The other two have the same reactions as canon cause remember they have the same relationship in canon which means not very good.
So yeah the final battle goes on and Gaea actually gets to have some dialogue with Leo other than smarm because she has seen his growth and is low-key terrified. Probably has some speech about how no matter how powerful Leo becomes he will never be able to counteract unstoppable force. Then Leo basically goes okay and proceeds to rock her shit until he realizes that killing on the ground doesn’t work. So he just grabs her flys off and goes all supernova on her in the air killing her and him. This completes the prophecy line of him destroying the world cause Gaea is the earth and represents the world in the prophecy. Though he gets revived and goes get his girlfriend and lives a happy life.
(Something like this)
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(But green cause Greek fire is the hottest and in the air)
In conclusion Leo’s fire powers were super inconsistent and could have used some more development and retooling. But while I did fixed these issues I also gave Leo the respect he deserved thanks to this fire powers growing and providing more clues to help the reader link up that Leo will be the one to kill Gaea.
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lilsillustration · 2 months
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percy through the years
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
I think one of the problems with the HoO characterizations is Rick kind of forgot to give half the cast hobbies and general interests, and maybe like people they know outside of their families and outside of camp, or if he did remember to it rarely gets brought up for most of them, or in the special case of Annabeth - she randomly develops a hobby in weaving for exactly one scene and then never again. Apparently she just knew how to do that, even though it is a skill she has literally never used before nor uses again.
The best examples I can give of this are comparing/contrasting the examples of when we do actually get this with the lack-thereof: Hazel and Frank are good examples. Hazel has hobbies and interests generally unrelated to all her demigod stuff (horses and art) and we see this repeatedly discussed and brought up. She also knows and interacts with people outside of the necessities of her quest/Camp Jupiter or her family - Sammy was her best friend at school and they hung out and stuff! Meanwhile, Frank, as far as we know, doesn’t know anybody outside of his family even though he presumably went to school before Camp Jupiter? His hobby is... archery? That’s the only thing he ever really shows interest in but at the same time it only rarely gets brought up except for him using a bow as his main weapon and the like two instances of noting that Frank had hoped he was an Apollo kid for a little bit. The closest other detail we get to Frank having any other kind of hobby/interest is him mentioning off-hand that he used to play Mythomagic.
Piper and Leo - We can presume that Piper knew Shel before moving to Oklahoma, because Piper used to visit her grandpa often and as far as we know that’s also where Shel lives. But we never see Piper ever mention knowing anyone else in her grandfather’s community. Heck, when she’s introduced we’re basically outright told that she doesn’t interact much at all with any of her classmates outside of necessity, and we don’t even have any confirmation that before Hera’s mind-meddling that she even acknowledged Leo’s existence. Also, Piper has like, exactly zero hobbies. We do not know what Piper does in her free time or what she likes (except vaguely that she has surfed before), only really what she dislikes. Leo at least does have some kind of excuse for not really knowing anybody, and an explicit explanation about why that is the case and how he feels about it. Leo also has a repeatedly referenced interest/hobby in mechanics that’s very core to his character.
Percy and Annabeth? Pre-HoO, they both have plenty of interests and know people outside their general circles! Percy knows kids at school. Annabeth’s general outer social circle is Camp Half-Blood, because she grew up there, but she clearly knows people at camp. She’s also super into architecture! And Percy does a ton of stuff in his free time - he skateboards! He plays basketball! He has two pets he takes care of (Blackjack and Mrs. O’Leary)! Post-HoO he’s on a swim team! But during HoO? Percy’s hobbies just kind of disappear, besides “oh yeah he uh. Does water stuff.” There’s no acknowledgement of like, “Yeah Percy sets up a little basketball hoop on the back of his door on the Argo 2 and shoots trash at it.” Literally anything! And yeah, Annabeth’s architecture interest is somewhat acknowledged, but also like, not really? We at least get some kind of “Yeah, in her spare time she’s usually on her laptop working on stuff” but we also barely get any instances of Annabeth thinking about her friends at camp except for like, Tartarus.
For Jason it at least kind of works because a.) he has amnesia and it’s implied he doesn’t really have close friends at Camp Jupiter besides Reyna, so it figures he only ever really references random other legionaries like, twice. and b.) there is also the heavily implication that Jason doesn’t have hobbies, because his entire life was so focused around his training at Camp Jupiter. This works less with Reyna, but she also kind of has an excuse for not knowing people besides like, her sister and Jason, given she ran away when she was young, Circe’s island was destroyed, and she could have only been at Camp Jupiter for like 3 years maximum at that point. And she’s not exactly the most social character. We also don’t get much indication of her hobbies, besides she also likes horses and it’s heavily implied she likes nature/gardens? Presumably, given we get like, one note of that in HoO, maybe two if you count her living on Circe’s island, and then like one more nod to that in TOA. And we only get her POV chapters in BoO anyways so again, she has some excuses. Coach Hedge also is incredibly bland besides maybe him having a hobby in sports, and... violence? Which definitely does not count. And him lacking any POV chapters doesn’t really help.
I think this is why Nico continually feels like such a strong character, simply because we know what he does in his spare time. We know he knows people outside of the camps (most of those people are gods or ghosts, but he at least knows people) and technically you could argue him knowing about Camp Jupiter between BoTL and TLO counts too. He even references his old neighbor at one point. Obviously, he’s very into Mythomagic, and that comes up a lot because it’s his special interest and is usually also relevant to their quests. He travels a lot, and apparently used to when he was younger as well. We also learn he used to have a special interest about pirates and that apparently may have played into his crush on Percy. Like, all that is so simple and minor but it makes such a difference for how Nico feels as a character. Most of Nico’s stuff though is established in the first series, which definitely helps because the first series was pretty good about giving characters hobbies and maybe some people they know - Annabeth, Percy, and Nico we’ve already covered, but also like, Grover knows other satyrs and is usually practicing music and also we know what foods he likes. Thalia is very into punk culture and music. We know she particularly likes Green Day. We know she knew the Hunters of Artemis before the events of TTC. Rachel's whole thing is that she’s super into art and she has a bunch of connections through her rich family, and she’s basically Percy’s only mortal friend. They have lives!
If you put a protagonist in a room and told them to occupy themselves, you should have an answer for what they do. They should be able to name one person outside their immediate social circle who they are generally friendly with or vaguely know, unless they have a specific reason for that to not be the case. HoO crew needs to occupy their time by themselves, no weaponry, for twenty minutes? Hazel could be drawing, Nico could be organizing his cards, Leo could be tinkering, Annabeth could be working on her laptop, Percy could be trying out little skateboard tricks. Jason, Piper, Frank, and Reyna? What would they be doing?
TOA does actually answer that question for Jason, at least, because we learn that Jason makes tiny dioramas! That’s adorable! Why doesn’t he do that in HoO?! TOA also gives us more depth to Will Solace besides “He’s a medic and does medic things” with telling us that he’s into Star Wars. Like, that’s actually so much information to work with! Thank you! And then we also find out in TOA that Nico’s also kinda into art! We still don’t get anything new for Piper, Frank, or Reyna - besides again one more potential implication that Reyna thinks plants are Pretty Okay, and that nature is Mildly Alright. Like, not even “maybe she keeps a houseplant” territory, all we have is “if she had the option, she might be interested in visiting a flower garden.” But honestly TOA at least gives us something for most of the characters we see. Like at least one thing. Most of the rest of the writing is a mess but at least the characters are mildly interesting.
Anyways, give your characters hobbies, it’s good for them.
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on one hand, Nico using his powers once or twice and then passing out in his boyfriends arms is super funny. On the other, it’s annoying that he was made way less powerful after the first series and it happens to enough characters in heroes of olympus to be super noticeable. Percy losing the curse of Achilles, Jason being a big three kid and ex praetor who is said to have fought a Titan with his bare hands and just getting brain damage in a new way every time he’s in the same place as something plot relevant. A case could be made for Piper not learning how to fight with a sword in the months between her quest and heading over to camp jupiter, but in like the later half of the series.
in the Percy Jackson series, Nico has a couple instances of manipulating earth/precious metals. In heroes of Olympus, to make Hazel seem more powerful he acts like her sending a thing of gold back into the ground is way beyond his abilities. Like he routinely brings the dead back to life but she took down Gaea by herself in her first life so it was really not necessary for Nico to be less powerful.
it’d make more sense for him to be MORE powerful than in pjo because he’s older! And he’s older than Hazel!!
after Tartarus and dragging a forty foot statue across the world, yeah, that makes sense as a reason for him to be less powerful/exhausted. But despite him being a big three kid he never gets treated as consistently powerful after that and it’s infuriating.
i missed the established canon of him and the other big three kids being a huge deal and there’s so much that could’ve been done with him staying at camp and being able to do scary things consistently. he murders Bryce and all but I doubt anyone at camp knows it and he almost turned himself into a ghost doing it so it’s not like the reader ever gets the impression it’s something he realistically could add to his arsenal, even ignoring the moral qualms. so much is made about him being creepy and unsettling and he says multiple times that he has been isolated from other demigods due to being the son of hades! and yet he rolls up to camp and he never demonstrates why he has potential to be very very dangerous due to his powers. I think it would’ve been really cool to see people have to actually get to know him to see he’s not that different from them, in SPITE of a difference in ability and the disturbing nature of his powers
the most disturbing thing he does at camp in blood of olympus is nothing! he stops will from trying to save octavian. that’s got nothing to do with his powers.
#of course this all stems from the other major problems of the second series#like he forgets that Nico was only twelve in the last Olympian and ages him two years between the series#and the power scaling problems#but also#like with camp#there’s just too much going on in heroes of Olympus and not enough time#pjo took place over four years and there was one prophecy per summer plus that one winter in at the turning point of the series#the hoo books take place in less than a year#and it’s a lot of mini quests inside of side quests to progress the plot forward to even getting to the end of the series#juggling so many POVs and developing so many new main characters was done well#but it didn’t lend itself to also covering the conflict between the camps#in pjo the camp changes as Percy grows up#other characters grow up with him and have development - like clarisse#the brief glimpses of the camps that we get don’t really provide that#in addition Octavian doesn’t get as much development as Luke did and is a much flatter character#inferences can be made about him and fans can come up with plenty of headcanons and reasons he didn’t deserve his horrific death and#the main characters calling him evil constantly#but in plain canon he’s just got nothing on luke castellan#obviously I mean that in the writing way I don’t like luke#He’s a very effective villain though and a very human feeling character#as the human villain luke did so well and octavian you feel nothing for bc we don’t see annabeth caring about him or meet his mother#this is a Nico post that has gotten away from me in my ramblings#excuse me I just have a lot of thoughts on this series
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bellalove69420 · 4 months
My main struggles with the percy jackson fandom, but its an ADHD rant, that ended up being wayyyy longer than i meant it too.
I can't wait for them to do a heroes of olympus show (I hope so), and most of these leo girls are so surprised when he isn't this super hot, conventionally attractive guy, because in the book he isn't supposed to be conventionally attractive. He's supposed to be kinda ugly, that's one of the reasons he's so jealous of Jason.
It's one of the things that frustrates me most about the percy jackson fandom, is some of the erasure that goes on, in lots of characters. I mean so many. Not only Leo, but also Nico, Piper, Hazel, and Frank. People think of these characters in such ways that are so base level.
There are probably many others, that is just off the top of my head. Now there is things that are understandable, like how Hazel is just a cutie pie, but even then, I feel like people erase how truly powerful she is.
Also, minus nico, this happens mostly to the characters that are people of color, and I'm white, so I don't want to speak to much on something I don't understand. But it is something that happens very much, is that people see these characters as what they are on a base level, but not on a deeper level. Whether that is Piper and how she is barely brought up to be Native American anymore, and Rick Riordan hasn't done this, but I feel like this fandom has majorly white washed her. This has also happened with Frank, who, yes, in the book he does say many times "I'm from Canada, I'm not really Chinese" but thay doesn't mean as a fandom we erase that from him entirely.
This also happens with LGBTQ+ characters, I STILL find people writing nico di angelo x FEMALE readers. Which is unexeptable and not okay. That man has been out as gay for 10 YEARS, and people are erasing that as such a huge part of his character. What is wrong with u, there is a whole chapter that made me SOB as a 13 year old, that you people are not going to take away from me. Especially from someone who was outed.
Also, there are so many fanfictions I read where I feel like everyone's ADHD is just gone, like not there at all. What happened to that? That's such a huge part of how people discovered they were demigods. That's coming from someone who struggles from ADHD, also, if you don't know how to write it, do research, Google is free, and easy to use, and there is many good resources for ADHD research.
So, yeah, as a whole for such a wildly inclusive book series, that I love so much, I feel like this fandom needs to work on the erasure of minorities, as a whole.
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lusinzak · 1 year
Let me say this once and be done with it.
Nearly every character in Riordanvers had a tragic past and most probably has a tragic life.
Leo Valdez.
It sometimes seems that even the books forget what he went through and how unfair everyone was with him.
Starting from the beginning. He had the worst childhood of all. Let me explain.
He was the one from The Seven + Nico, who hadn't had a home since the age of eight. He was the one rejected by everyone around. It's like Percy had his mother, Annabeth had her father and later Camp Half-blood, Frank had a loving family, Piper had her father, Jason had Camp Jupiter, Nico had Bianca and also Camp Half-blood if he wanted, Hazel had a mother, but Leo was not wanted by literally anyone since age eight, lived on the streets occasionally and never showed his emotions to anyone.
But the worst part is that unlike all the others (meaning The Seven+Nico) he never got the understanding he deserved. His friends considered him to be the seventh wheel. For some, he was just an annoyance. Not even his best friends knew his secrets, and no one deemed him and his feelings important or worthy of attention. Jason and Piper loved him, still his presence was not welcome. Leo had to face threats multiple times and even all alone. Worked the hardest throughout the entire HOO, made a giant ship all by himself, flew it across the world, and didn't get a thank you. He was the real hero in Heros of Olympus. Gaea knew how important he was going to be during the world saving operation and knew she could prevent it just by killing him. Was the main hero of the prophecy. He knowingly died without being entirely sure if he could be resurrected. He literally saved the day, but all the regards went to other demigods. Nobody even tried to make sure if he died. And even after dying and coming back, some say he isn't that smart.
What I'm trying to say is that Leo Valdez is the best character in the Percy Jackson but is not considered such. He was the only one ever, like EVER to come back to Calypso, he DIED for her, and yet nothing is clear with them. He was an amazing friend, but his friends only understood how they needed him when he was thrown into the sky. He was ready to help everyone but was not able to ask for help himself. He used humor to hide all the trauma from his past instead of accusing all, yet everyone thought it was insufferable.
I just want justice for Leo The Super-sized McShizzle Valdez.
Do you agree?
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tsarinatorment · 5 months
okay so-
on the discord i was scrolling through past convos in a desperate search for a link that i've seen before, and i came across another one of your and fsinger's aus starring Michael👀
It was like a Kronos Wins/Time-Travels AU where Michael, Thalia, Bianca, Nico, and Hazel are the MCs and I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and then when the first main plotpoint was basically Michael going "SAVE MY DAD" my FIRST thought was that one Puss In Boots: The Last Wish scene;
Michael, about Apollo: I will save you!
Every other god, suffering in Tartarus: Save us too!
Michael: ...if it's convenient!
like. gnawing on this au rn. i gnaw on all of your aus. this one and the Lee Lives/Apollo Becomes Mortal/BotL Au are officially my favs (Eclipse at this point is basically canon to me lol)
but yeah. I know this au has a BUNCH of beloved characters die, which would have admittedly upset me like, three years ago, but now?
now i merely eagerly rub my hands as my brain imagines how this scenario goes down eheheehhe
Ah yes, this AU! Not one I've thought about in a while, but still a fun one!
Fun fact, for you if you missed the origin of it, and also for anyone else who might be reading this and hearing about this AU for the first time - this is an AU spinoff of my AU fic Tears Will Not Wash Away Your Crimes, where defeated!Kronos from canon timetravels back to the start of TLT to take Michael out before he could become the threat that saves Olympus (see: my long rants on how by being the one to realise Williamsburg Bridge needed to break, Michael stopped Kronos winning on the first day of the siege). In that fic, he succeeds in making Luke kill Michael, and while the fic never goes on to state it, it does become an alternate timeline where Kronos does, in fact, win (due to various factors such as Luke's betrayal not being discovered because Percy wasn't there to survive being poisoned and reveal that he was the traitor, etc. and also Kronos knowing how the demigods/gods operated and basically having the cheat code of being able to squash anything they try before they try it).
But also I am a perpetual Michael!lives fan, so with the enabling of @fearlessinger, as you mentioned, another AU spawned off of this, whereby when Luke carelessly mentioned Apollo by name, he caught Apollo's attention and the god himself turned up to whisk Michael away to safety. In the end, though, it doesn't stop Kronos from winning, because no-one knows enough to trump what Kronos knows. Hence, Kronos wins!AU.
But then!
There are some key changes that go down because of Kronos' prior knowledge... Change #1: Thalia is not restored by the Golden Fleece. Kronos did this because he wanted her as his host, but he tried that last time and it failed - he won't try again. Change #2: The di Angelos do not leave the Lotus Casino. No Thalia in the running suggests that Hades may not have bothered to pull his own children back into the prophecy race - if he really wanted them to be feasible as prophecy children, he'd have brought them out when Percy was claimed, as that would make Bianca a similar age to Percy and therefore viable as an alternative. Bringing them out a year or two later makes his kids younger than both Thalia and Percy and doesn't actually make sense, unless it was a response to being the only Big Three god with no kids involved... Change #3: Daedalus doesn't die, because Nico isn't around Change #4: All our Greek Hero demigods (and the Hunters) are dead, barring the above, and Michael, who was kept safe on Delos the whole time.
And these changes all line up quite neatly into a ridiculously large plot, based on the following consequences:
Consequence #1: the gods are thrown down into Tartarus Consequence #2: the triumvirate's deal with Kronos for their support involved getting Apollo as their prize so Caligula can still claim the sun god spot and Commodus gets his revenge. Apollo is passed to them, instead of Tartarus Consequence #3: Michael is rather pissed off about all of this
What happens after that, well. Imagine Michael, no longer trapped on Delos because the twins aren't there, making his way to Delphi. Imagine Phoebe initially reclaiming Delphi, before Kronos realises she was never on her side and instead release Python to reclaim it; Michael has enough time to speak with his grandmother, but only very little before he's forced to flee into the Labyrinth to hide.
Imagine Daedalus trying to atone for all the deaths he's caused by keeping this one demigod still alive, hidden in the Labyrinth while Michael tries to work out how the fuck he's supposed to save the gods, but never even considering not doing it ("the gods", of course, meaning "Apollo, mostly").
Imagine Apollo weakened, but still able to make dream contact. Apollo not being able to dissuade Michael from trying to save him. Apollo with nothing left to lose except his one son he can't protect himself, so he gives Michael knowledge, things to help him stay alive.
Knowledge, like how the daughter of Zeus is a tree but isn't dead, can be healed by that golden fleece (Percy, Annabeth and Grover retrieved it still, but the tree was not sick and so it was never hung upon it). Knowledge, like how there are two more Big Three kids trapped in a place where time doesn't move.
(Imagine Apollo chained up and forced to be his own oracle as his divinity is drained away. Imagine a little girl with sickle-rings on her fingers being drawn to him anyway, this captive god of the Beast. Imagine the god that still wants to save a child, if only he had the chance)
Imagine Michael healing Thalia with the fleece, the pair of them fleeing from the remains of camp (the remains of Michael's home) as Kronos realises he's there. Imagine Michael and Thalia edging into a casino that's too bright, too jovial compared to their broken world, and pulling two younger demigods back into the timestream. Imagine lurking in the Labyrinth, in the Underworld and discovering a dead girl who still remembers when she shouldn't.
Imagine these demigods plotting, scheming, desperate, and the power of three children of the Underworld combined, pooling their powers together until they can go anywhere the shadows touch.
Imagine them rescuing a god, and the little girl coaxed along with them.
And when they've got one god back... it's only a matter of time before they get the rest.
(And when Kronos discovers it's Michael, again, that foiled him in the end... Well. Some Fates can't be denied)
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
I love Percy and Annabeth but they should not have been in Heroes of Olympus.
Because they overshadow everyone else.
People even say they skipped other characters povs just to read there's.
I love them but I think they shouldn't have been as prominently apart of the story.
Because yeah I love them but I've had 5 books of these guys, I'd really like to know the rest of the seven.
Hell Jason's birthday is the day they fall into Tartarus soo...tell me they aren't overshadowed..
Jason's our main character and he constantly gets pushed aside and is not written well and constantly compared to as being Percy's lesser version.
Which isn't fair.
And he's not given a chance to change that.
He's not allowed to exist outside of Percy because of course he isn't.
Percy's right there.
Also give them a break.
They just fought a war.
Personally would love if the lost hero started with a snap shot of the battle of Manhatten and zoomed out to the Roman part of the fight.
Jason leading the charge and just "Yeah.. That's me, your probably wondering how I got here."
And takes us all the way back to a mysterious woman giving Jason up and the wolves coming for him.
With us learning from kid Thalia demanding to know where Jason is that this Jason is her Jason.
Jason Grace.
We see the wolf house we watch Jason try to survive and absolutely break our hearts hearing someone so young think he's so alone and no one loves him.
Lupa becoming more motherly to him but that fear Jason has always remains that she will turn on him one day.
Jason wandering the streets to Camp Jupiter.
Jason's situation bring the reverse of Percy's.
Being out casted immediately and than put on a pedestal once he's claimed.
Jason immediately hating it.
Jason being pushed into this good soilder narrative but he doesn't fit it at all.
His upbringing has left him wild, less bothered with proper fighting techniques and more on survival.
He fights to kill.
He fights to live.
And no one else gets that.
Except one camper, Octavian, who's older than Jason abd the Augur.
Everyone after reading the Pjo series seeing Octavian...I got my eye on you Mr.
Who insults the elders and is the first to get Jason to laugh.
And encourages Jason to stand up for what he believes in.
Giving Jason the courage to deny his place in the 1st cohort and join the 5th.
Pisses everyone off.
Mostly the 1st.
Who are downright offended because you don't turn down the first cohort.
And Jason's like, but I just did.
The 5th have no idea what to make of Jason but in time they become friendly.
Dakota becoming a friend to him.
Jason knows this because he shares his kool aid with him sometimes.
He does get in trouble for squaring off with and scaring off some bullies of the upper cohorts.
Because Jason hates bullies and he recognises the kid, Frank being picked on.
Apparently they stole his stick and while Jason has no idea it's importance, it made Frank sad soo he goes after them.
Ends up on probatio and friends with Frank.
Who admires Jason's bravery and wishes he could be too.
So the rest of the leigion kinda miffed some 5th upstart is embarrassing them.
And so when the next quest is given its to him.
Quests are different here to Camp Half-blood.
Since they don't have a true oracle, specifics are never mentioned.
Leaving the leigion to give the prophecy to whoever they want.
And they want to knock Jason down a few pegs and so they send him.
Jason picking Frank and Dakota.
Neither of the two are hopeful because the day a 5th is sent on a quest is the day their funeral is held.
Not the case though and they do in fact succeed and do it well.
Frank even opening up about his stick and showing that he is as brave and courageous as he wants to be.
It's through that act of bravery Frank is claimed as a son of Mars.
And though he's not exactly sure he should be one, Jason and Dakota both tell him it suites him well.
They both even do the "all hail Frank Zhang, Son of Mars" speech.
Which makes him smile.
On the way back though they do find Reyna.
Jason gets the short straw and has to do the oh the Roman God's are real but she knows and that she's a daughter of Bellona.
And they all head back to camp together.
And while Reyna has her guard up she does genuinely seem to enjoy her company with the others.
She's also the only other person to truly understand how Jason fights and his instinct to survive.
Though she doesn't share why.
Octavian greets them, proud and Reyna is on probatio until they can see what cohort she fits into.
Though she remarks after seeing the egos of the 1st that the 5th might be better afterall.
Celebrations are held and Jason wonders if the quest is really over.
Also all or us wondering if Octavian was genuine about what he said to Jason to follow his dreams.
Or if he did it to take Jason's place in the 1st.
Can't tell me after Luke anyone of you guys wouldn't be mad suss of an older blonde boy befriending Jason.
Fool me once.
Shame on you.
Fool me twice...
Also reading the series prior and than this means everyone agrees with Jason.
Like we saw Percy fight for his life over and over and are just like... Oh you bitches gonna have a rude awakening when you face real monsters 💅🏽.
I have no idea what the quest would be but I'd want them to all line up to the next big prophecy.
Instead of it coming out of nowhere.
Hazel does come around but later on because of the doors and with her so does Nico.
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walking-wainbow · 3 months
saluton! i am ezra baard, and i go by she/her or he/him pronouns! (you get to pick) (and here is my pronouns.page)
⚠️ i am a minor (and aspec) and not completely comfortable with nsfw talk !! ⚠️
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that’s a lot of words… too bad i’m not reading ‘em…
i am speculated autistic and identify as queer (both in attraction and gender because i’m funky like that). i’m also like really white lol
i like to write my own books and draw my own characters. (and girls, i do like girls.) my main fandom is percy jackson (AND ALSO DUNGEON MESHI. GOD I LOVE DUNGEON MESHI), but moreso the heroes of olympus and the trials of apollo series. and i like some shows as well, centaurworld and hilda, etc. i am also trying to learn esperanto via duolingo :3c i uh i spend most of my time daydreaming
i run the @im-pandora-i-promise @applebees-honestly @i-give-you-lethal-weapons @mhm-wisconsin @her-grace-ratsita & @changelingposting blogs. i use @weblogging-wainbow as a reblogging blog.
AND AND AND AKHFLAJDKAKS MY GIRLFRIEND TEEHEE @my-chemical-migraine !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!! also !!!! my best real life mutual is @anxi0us-rav3n !!!!!! go annoy the fuck out of them shower them with your love !!!!!
i used to be @esrathebaard & @lov3rgrrrl & @raspberryflavoredfangirl, but yk duh i am no longer
i support palestine! zionists dni. as well as yk the usual shitty people, e.g. terfs, proshippers. also probably not blogs that are really nsfw
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my tags (even though i keep forgetting to use them):
#eb screams into the void (used when making posts)
#eb gets an ask! (used when answering an ask)
#eb talks to ppl (used when reblogging something that i have added to)
#eb rb (used when reblogging something i have not added to)
#eb scribble doodles or whatever (used when sharing my own art)
#eb writes on the walls (used when sharing my own writing)
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have a good day and drink your freaking water !!!!
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writingmia · 10 months
percy jackson/heroes of olympus love languages headcanons
In honour of the teaser trailer and the show release date, I have relapsed into my Percy Jackson addiction, so here are some of my headcanons for the characters and their love languages.
Authors Note: This are my personal headcanons for my interpretation of the characters, but I'd love to have a discussion if you disagree with me. I have tried my best to avoid putting physical touch as the main love language of any character, not because I find it less valid than others, but because I see a fair amount of mistyping with physical touch, since majority of people in love tends to want to have physical contact with their partner. Finally, these are non-specific, so you can apply them either for ships or as imagines with you and the characters.
English isn't my first language, so please beware.
Warnings: none
Percy Jackson: quality time/words of affirmation Percy's love languages were influenced by Sally Jackson herself, and the way she raised Percy. He didn't get to spend a lot of time with his mother, the one person he cared about the most, for in the first years of his life, so it became natural for him to treasure every second he had with her. This continued on when he found out he was a half-blood, especially with the dangers that come with the job and the constant knowledge that he or the people he cared about might not make it to tomorrow. Spending time with the people he cares about, no matter what they're doing, is one of the main ways he shows his love. Furthermore, he is very vocal with his affection towards his loved ones. He isn't scared to verbalize his appreciation for them, to praise them for their achievements or to verbally reassure them, much like Sally did for him growing up
Leo Valdez: acts of service/gifts When Leo cares about someone, he takes care of them almost subconsciously. He doesn't really think about the fact that he constantly does small things for the people he cares about - it comes naturally. He knows their favourite snacks so he can always have them at hand, he fixes their weapons or devices or whatever needs fixing without them needing to ask. On an equal level with that, he is also constantly making little gifts for his loved ones to make their life easier. A new weapon with the perfect balance for them? He made it immediately after hearing their weapon was causing them issues. He finds out what their favourite flower is? He's giving them a small bouquet of them, made from scrap metal he found lying around and just fiddled with without even thinking about it. He just wants to make the life of the people around him easier and he'll go to great lengths to do that
Annabeth Chase: quality time/acts of service Annabeth is a busy woman. She's always in a rush, always has a project to work on, a duty to fulfill, a place to be and people to please. So the way her loved ones know how much she cares about them is because she manages to find time to spend with them. They might not even be doing anything important, just sitting by the lake or in their cabin, not even speaking to one another, with Annabeth consumed by another project or a book, but she has found the time to go and be with that person. Even more, if she stops something she undoubtedly has to do, just to help out a person she cares about with a task or something else that gives them trouble, that is someone she is ready to die for. If you're anyone else and you try to bother Annabeth Chase, you can bet you'll end with a knife in the throat or, somehow worse, with the worst death glare you have ever experienced
Hazel Levesque: physical touch I find Hazel with a love language physical touch a fascinating concept because of the way she was raised. When she was a child, things were a lot more conservative, so casual touching isn't something that was implemented often. Still to this day, Hazel would sometimes get flustered or uncomfortable by PDA, so the fact that she shows affection to people by finding small reasons to touch them is something so special to me. Whether it would be a pat on the back after a job well done, casually grabbing a person's arm while telling a story to keep them engaged or sitting thigh to thigh when it's not strictly necessary, Hazel would find these little excuses to hold contact with her loved ones for just a bit longer, and while in the beginning she was very unsure of that, with time she had grown more confident and comfortable in showing affection
Those are my headcanons for now. Please feel free to share yours in the comments, I would love a discussion! If you want me to post more headcanons I have for the characters, or if you want me to do the love languages they live to receive, please let me know!
All from me for tonight, - mia
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muclunga · 4 months
Look, I like accurate casting as much as the next person but I just think its interesting how out of all the characters that were white in the books that are not white in the show, Annabeth is the only one getting hate. Not just casual hate…..hate hate. Annabeth, Grover, Clarisse, Luke, Chiron, Dionysus, Zeus and Hermes are all important characters that were white in the books. Yet the main heroine, deuteragonist and future love interest who went from being a tan blonde to being black is the only one yall are upset about…..interesting.
Oh actually wait, I have seen a few people complain about Clarisse not being white…
Clarisse….who happens to be the only other female on that list….
Very interesting indeed.
In fact, Grover is one of the main characters, part of the main trio, and i have never seen a white Grover anywhere other than the books. I have not, in the nearly 14 years since the movie’s release, seen or heard a single complaint about Grover’s race. Not in the movie, not in the musical, not in the show. But suddenly the blonde haired, grey eyed female protagonist is black and the world is ending? Yall are showing your ignorance.
Also side note- where are people getting this whole “underestimated dumb blonde” sub plot thing from? Percy makes a mental note of it once when he first meets her, then she plays into it when Octavian has her cornered in the Heroes of Olympus series. People are trying so desperately to say that this was an important aspect of her character now that she’s being portrayed by Leah, but i have no memory of it. Annabeth was far from underestimated and nobody has ever thought she was anything other than brilliant. She wants so badly to prove herself to her mom, but even Athena holds Annabeth in high regard. So what are people talking about???
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Leo Valdez And His Mistreatment
Recently I have taken some time to go back to some books and reread them for the hell of it. One of these books being the Heroes of Olympus series. Now the Heroes of Olympus series has been my favorites series overall yeah I know people think its worse than the others but I just honestly prefer the multiple point of views. Of course some characters could do with some fleshing out like Jason,Piper,Frank,and Hazel. My personal favorite of all the characters was Leo Valdez mostly because I though his fire powers were cool and he was a surprisingly deep character compared to fellow new characters.
But while reading I noticed multiple facets of his character that I felt did not need to be added or needed to be expanded on and this post I will tell you them all.
His Powers
I’m starting with his powers because that was the main thing that drew me in and in my believe sort of made Leo the person he was in the books. I mean without his fire powers he wouldn’t have accidentally killed his mother therefore never being an orphan and meeting Jason and Piper. This all say nothing about his frayed mental state.
So there pretty important but while also being important they are pretty inconsistent.
What I mean is that when Leo first uses his powers he had been purposefully not using them since he was 8 years old. This gives off the impression that has major control over his fire powers to supremes them for so long. Yet when they are on the bridge to the Wind God’s palace in the sky he suddenly loses control even though he realistically should have not done that since he had already shown he has major control over his power and wouldn’t suddenly lose control just cause he got excited.
Another problem his powers have is that they are supposedly super dangerous yet the only thing he does is throw a couple fireballs towards monsters and that’s it. Well except for when he somehow learns to nuke Gaea with his fire powers.
Wait what?
He learns to nuke somebody!
You see how his powers are super inconsistent. Like how do we go from fireballs to fire nuking a primordial goddess.
This problem seems to only exist for Leo since we get see Hazel get over her tragedy and control her powers to a far more powerful degree,Piper gets to hone her charm-speak so when she makes Gaea go to sleep it makes sense,and finally Frank multiple times throughout the series get to show off his shape shifting and how strong it is. So why does Leo never get this treatment cause we never see him actually hone his power and develop new ability’s from it.
Like your telling me the guy whose dad is the god of fire never once threw Greek fire out of his hands even though he is supposed to be the special fire guy.
His Appearance
Allow me to read you this passage describing how Leo looks.
“Leo looked like a Latino Santa’s elf, with curly black hair, pointy ears, a cheerful, babyish face, and a mischievous smile that told you right away this guy should not be trusted around matches or sharp objects. His long, nimble fingers wouldn’t stop moving—drumming on the seat, sweeping his hair behind his ears, fiddling with the buttons of his army fatigue jacket. Either the kid was naturally hyper or he was hopped up on enough sugar and caffeine to give a heart attack to a water buffalo”
To put the description simply he is described as ugly and extremely hyperactive.
I don’t understand why Rick wrote him that way because why does the outsider of the seven have to be the ugly and can’t sit still.
It’s not like any of the other characters are described as ugly unless their Frank before Mars blessing. Rick has Hazel literally think that Percy is a Greek God. Piper is the daughter of the goddess of love. Annabeth is described as a princess implying prettiness. Hell it’s not even kept to just the seven, Will Solace (the character with no personality trait aside from being a doctor and loving Nico) is described as being hot by Nico.
So like why does it seem that Leo Valdez is the only character described as ugly and hyperactive. Hell it doesn’t even make sense that Leo doesn’t have a little muscle considering he’s a mechanic and mechanics have to lift heavy shit all the time like realistically Leo would have a decent amount of muscle.
Note:Expanding on his hyper-activeness, we know that demigods ADHD helps them react to monster attack better and Annabeth describes Leo as extremely ADHD so wouldn’t that just mean that Leo would have like spider-sense and dodge extremely well.
His Character Connections
Why does everybody seem to hate Leo or at the very least try to avoid speaking with him. Like for real half way through the series Jason,and Piper completely stop hanging out with him. The only interaction they have after the Lost Hero is them going to Asclepius to make the Physician’s Cure.
Rick tried to have Hazel and Leo be friends because she knew his Grandfather or something but that is so flimsy. Frank hates Leo from the jump even though he started the beef by asking Leo if he was Sammy and getting mad every time Leo looked at Hazel. Yet there the ones he confides his whole plan to beat Gaea.
Percy is yet another person who doesn’t like Leo even though they are the basically the same person in different fonts. Annabeth seems to dislike having Leo aboard the Argo with the rest of the seven because she has no problem making fun of Leo in her mind by mocking him cause of his ADHD but then again that’s a bigger problem with Annabeth’s character than their relationship.
The only thing that seems to like having Leo around is Festus the dragon who Leo rebuilt after accidentally destroying him in their first quest.
I don’t care what you say just because Calypso insults Leo a little. It doesn’t mean that she hates him because she actually care like she really fucking cares.
So to recap Leo only has two people that genuinely like being around him and seven friends who put up with him and don’t really want him around.
Compares this to the main character of the last prophecy I.E Percy. Everybody likes Percy even people who realistically shouldn’t like him like him. Like your Reyna the girl who lost a home and was put on a pirate ship thanks to Percy had a crush on him just because he was a decent fighter. Yes right I call bullcrap.
Small Problem
Leo Valdez is a character who throughout the series has a lot of problems in his character. One problem is his treatment towards or more accurately why does Rick write Leo to be incredibly disrespectful even though he himself acknowledges how it was for his mom to get a good job just cause she is a women. One scene that I think emphasizes this problem is when the trio of the Lost Hero book meets the Hunters of Artemis. Now your expecting that since Leo himself saw how hard it was for mother just cause she was women would be extremely respectful towards the Hunters especially Jason’s sister Thalia. But nope he goes right up to Thalia and just says she’s hot to her face like come on Rick your contradicting yourself. Then in Trials of Apollo Rick has Reyna teach Leo about respecting women no like come on Leo since childhood should have know to respect women. I know you might be saying that’s just the persona he uses around people but like that doesn’t change the fact he should have already knew not to do that thanks to his mother.
In conclusion Leo Valdez is a character who could have been treated far better by the story,author,and the people inside the story. He is a wonderful character who in universe only has two people that genuinely want him around and deserved to have his powers explored more than just fireball. But sadly he is riddled with holes that shouldn’t be there if you actually look at his character.
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ikatakoirl · 1 year
We need to normalize criticizing our favorite works, pointing out shortcomings in representation while simultaneously celebrating how far that representation has come. I’ll go first.
The Riordanverse (Percy Jackson and its spin-offs) is hands-down one of the best examples of mainstream queer representation for kids. It was probably the biggest formative element of my early queer journey, and I am so grateful for everything Rick Riordan has done for the community. I will continue to support him and his works with all of my heart.
That being said, he has a problem with squeezing his representation into the very last pages of the book, confirmed but not explored. We have three confirmed queer relationships involving demigods:
Nico and Will, confirmed in the last chapter of the series
Piper and Shel, confirmed on the very last page of The Burning Maze.
Magnus and Alex, confirmed in the last chapter of the series (they did kiss a bit earlier)
P.S. I forgot about Lavinia until just before posting, but her entire lesbianism also is introduced and concluded in the span of about a page.
As you can see, it’s extremely consistent. Like I said, these are the only three examples of queer teenage relationships over Riordan’s five series, and they all happen right at the end. We also find that most of the straight pairings (Percy/Annabeth, Frank/Hazel, Jason/Piper, Tyson/Ella, and even things like Hedge/Mellie are confirmed in the middle of the series and given room to grow our at least be referenced back to.
It’s unclear whether this was a conscious or unconscious decision. Perhaps Riordan felt constrained by his publisher. Perhaps he was afraid that he didn’t have the proper background knowledge to accurately write the details of a queer relationship. Both of these are understandable and valid, if a bit disappointing, and I would much rather that he wrote them as he did than not at all.
The good news is that it seems like he’s trying to fix it! He sprinkled in enough of Will and Nico in the first book of the sequel series Trials of Apollo for me to forgive him for their lackluster confirmation in Heroes of Olympus. But then he surprised us all by making Nico and Will two of the five main characters on the Trials of Apollo’s finale (The Tower of Nero), and I can tell you that the fandom ate it up!
But in case that wasn’t enough, soon after the release of The Tower of Nero, Riordan announced The Sun and the Star, now set for release this May! In this book, Nico and Will are the protagonist and deuteragonist, meaning the story will be entirely focused around them! And just to make sure Riordan absolutely knows what he’s doing, he’s decided to co-write it with a gay author Mark Oshiro to make sure they can represent the characters accurately!
And… and the best part… Riordan has done his fair share of novellas and short stories, and ever since the announcement I had assumed that that’s what this was, but no! It’s a full-length book with 480 pages! To compare, that’s strangely enough the exact same page count as The Tower of Nero! I’m so blown away by how much Riordan has gone above and beyond with this book, and I’m insanely excited for it. Sorry this turned into The Sun and the Star propoganda, I didn’t know that the publication date was so close or how long it was until just now.
Anyway, where I’m going with this is that I have extreme respect for a creator who’s willing to listen to feedback from the kinds of people he is writing about and constantly grow from those mistakes! He’s still by far my favorite author of all time. Love you, Uncle Rick!
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justs0nderings · 6 months
it’s been sitting in my brain but i just want to like contend with a very popular sentiment in the pjo/hoo fandom.
percy is an amazing main character; he’s likable and powerful and has enough darkness+depth that makes his story actually compelling. he’s very multidimensional — savior of olympus AND good friend AND scary, powerful demigod who has survived over again in situations most would not AND a killer… you get the point. I love percy. he was the character that really brought this world to us and i can never really love another character in this world as much as i love him.
that being said. percy is…. obviously plot-armored. he’s rick’s favorite character, the one he wrote for his son, the one who was meant to reflect his son. like…. ofc he’s depicted with such care and given these amazing powers. ofc he’s written as though he’s the strongest demigod.
but as much as percy is lovable and interesting and compelling… jason grace is anguishing. thalia grace is fascinating. the grace siblings, and in particular jason, are — imo — rich with intrigue and despair and have great potential in fannon to be the very thing that is more powerful than percy.
like we have to think it’s a little crazy that we think percy is more powerful than the children of the KING of gods.
and the truth is, as much as we fantasize about percy bloodbending and that scene in tartarus where he tests how much misery misery can take, we forget Jason and Thalia have the capacity for very similar things. jason can fly, he can manipulate the very air around him to lift his weight and project him forward, he wields lightning, he has been training with the sword for far more years than percy (and he’s a whole year younger). who’s to say the grace siblings can’t push the air out of someone’s lungs? who’s to say they can’t bring down a rain of lightning so severe it burns whole cities to the ground? who’s to say they can’t gather winds that level entire swaths of land? lest we forget — as much as water is copious, air is always there. there is nowhere the grace siblings can be where they cannot channel their power. there’s a reason no one touches zeus in greek mythology, and i truly believe if Rick (and the fandom) played a little less favorite with percy we could’ve had such an interesting sub-plot; jason grace, doomed to tragedy despite so much more raw power and potential vs percy, the boy who never really wanted to be hero, but the one who gets a happy ending.
(i also have very similar opinions about nico di angelo, really all i want is an honest conversation about abilities and powers in the pjo universe)
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itstivan · 5 months
I want a sbg x pjo au SO BAD. But in my opinion.. NO ONE DOES IT RIGHT!!! (in my opinion don’t attack me)
but i want to read it not make it!!!
but here it is.. what I THINK the sbg kids cabins would be.. with explanations.
I’ve debated about this for a while, talking to people in a discord server about it and shit like that. But in my opinion I feel like there are various routes you could take with this.
For example, say ashlyn or aiden are one of the MAIN characters. So a child of the big three. But I think they both do not fit Poseidon.
I feel like Ashlyn would be a child of Zeus, and Aiden would be a child of Hades. I don’t think I really need to explain why I think this, but wtv..
To sum it up, Zeus with Ashlyn because she took on the role as leader. And some more shit but wtv,
And Aiden as Hades because he’s edgy! /j
there’s more to it but I think you prob get my gist.
Ashlyn would be a child of Athena. I think everyone pretty much agrees with this. Her being the strategist while also being good at fighting. She make’s the groups plans and is the leader of the group. People rely on her, and her ideas.
(if this was an au I made, Ashlyn would be badass with a sword. idc what anyone says)
But I also feel like, Ashlyn gives off pretty roman vibes.
So I also feel like she’d be a daughter of Bellona. She’s very set on her plans. She’s mature (for her age, ofc she still has regular 14/15 year old feelings) and responsible. She’s responsible for her actions, good at fighting, mostly a rule follower, and a lot more.
So i’m very torn between Greek/Athena Ashlyn OR Roman/Bellona Ashlyn.
Aiden would be a child of Hermes.
Due to moving around a lot during his childhood links to Hermes being the God of travelers. As well as his speed and durability, a thing most travelers need. Also Aiden being mischievous also works with Hermes.
Ben would be a child of Apollo hands down.
The healing? Hello? He’s the groups designated healer. He healed Ashlyn, heals Aiden all the time, healed Tyler in the school, and also healed Logan. Or at least he tended to them wtv, SAME THING.
Also his love for music? Apollo being the god of music? it’s perfect guys i swear.
Logan would be a child of Demeter. Obviously because of his grandparents being florists, so maybe one of them is also a child of Demeter? Idk, anyways, he also has some ancestry to Urania, one of the nine muses, who is the patron to astronomy.
Now, the twins are tricky. They both have very distinct personalities and are completely different in the way they act. Tyler being standoffish, while Taylor being extremely friendly. And lots of other traits.
I feel like these two can fit under twos gods. So maybe either one of these.
I think they’re either Hephaestus kids, OR Aphrodite.
Hephaestus kids because Taylor is known for being in the robotics/mechanics club and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. Although she’s friendly to people and is an extrovert, I think she’d fit well be a Hephaestus kid. (similar to Leo maybe? except people like her… (sorry leo))
Now Tyler. I feel like he was the handyman of the house, which can be seen in that one panel of him fixing something. So I think he’d fit under that. And even if he didn’t tinker, I feel like he’d be the “mom” of the cabin and help other Hephaestus kids, like giving them tools and shit.
And then the twins being Aphrodite. I have no clue why but they kinda give off Aphrodite. They’re both popular and well liked, (even if Tyler doesn’t seem to like being popular…) they’re not pretty/handsome, and although Tyler has trouble regulating his emotions, I feel like he’d give pretty good emotional advice.
basically it for my sbg x pjo rambling… thanks for reading if you did :D
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mrsoftthoughts · 16 days
For some reason i feel like we don't talk enough about Hazel and Nico swords
I mean, the fact that bettwen the swordsmans 2 of the shortest characters are the ones with longer weapons is just crazy
This is not even a joke, Nico and Hazel swords are 3ft-blade-only, or in other words, that doesn't count the handle, that must've around the 7,8inch for hazel's spatha and 3.9 inch For Nico's sword ( which is something similar to a Kopis or a Falcata)
And something wild is that in Nico's case he has that thing since he was ELEVEN ( or twelve if we pretend that his age un hoo makes sense) that mf sword must be ¾ of his body at the time
Also, i feel that we need to make them justice and give those things a god name and maybe a new sword to hazel, because those are the most "average" weapons between the big tree kids, Thalia has a replica of aegis and a spear that takes form of a mace canister alongside the standar silver bow's of the hunt that also was bianca's weapon ( and that are pretty cool in my opinion), Percy has Riptide that doesn't need an introduction, and Jason used to have aegis and now has Juno's Gladius both being 2x1 weapons capable of being both a sword and a javelin
And then these two swords are just... Swords, at best Nico's is interesting due to how unhinged is the stygian iron (and that he seems capable of disappear and apear it of thin air/ shadows) but that's all, and hazel's is just boring, is just a standard weapon of the legion without anything special ( a completely nonsense since that she's one o the main characters of heroes of Olympus)
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