#also don't call me materialistic i just love her a lot
girljeremystrong · 6 months
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um so.. say your birthday was on december 8th and you loved christmas very much would you enjoy a sort of advent calendar of gifts to open everyday in the 18 days between your birthday and christmas or do you think it's more rewarding to open a few gifts on your birthday and then a few gifts on christmas..
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avatar-anna · 8 months
I literally ADORE the relationship between young dadrry and y/n. Their love is so pure and genuine. What are more things that Harry does to show his love and appreciation for her? ❤️
Harry is definitely the kind of guy who wants to make sure his wife is taken care of, so he's constantly checking in and being like, "Okay, Mama, what do you need from me right now?"
He constantly gives her back rubs before they go to bed, murmuring quietly in her ear to relax her.
Harry is a gift giver, so he constantly wants to shower Y/n with gifts. The only problem is, Y/n's not the most materialistic person in the world. Anytime Harry asks her what she wants for Christmas/birthday/anniversary/etc., she just wants something having to do with the kids or the house, and Harry's just like "🙄 No, what do you want?" So she has nice bags/shoes/jewelry, but Y/n's favorite gifts are things like the quilt Harry had someone make of old baby clothes, tour shirts, first sports jerseys, etc. and the more thoughtful/homemade stuff.
Dates! Harry loves to take Y/n on dates whenever they have time for it. Sometimes it's spontaneous when everyone is out for a sleepover and they happen to have a night to themselves, or Harry plans a nice date weeks in advance.
Harry is constantly saying I love you. With how crazy their lives are, sometimes he and Y/n don't have a lot of quality time together as a couple, but he always makes a point of saying I love you. When Y/n is stressed or running around and is feeling overwhelmed he's just like, "Hey, I love you!" And it always brings a smile to her face.
And on that thread, when Y/n is stressed/running around and hasn't been able to spend a lot of time with Harry, he kindly but firmly takes whatever she has in her hands, sets it down, and kisses her. Sometimes they just make out for a little, other times (most times) he props her up on a counter or pulls her into their room or dressing room and takes care of her properly.
He also likes to let Y/n have personal days. She does a lot for their family, so as a thank you, he tells her to go out and enjoy some time to herself. "I got it, Mama. Go have some fun." He'll set up little spa days for her or calls up her friends to take her out for the day.
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sussysluttyscorpio · 2 years
Random Astrology Observations Part-3
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(This picture does not belong to me in any sorts)
~Libra mars and fleeing from any sort of confrontation. These people HATE arguing even for the things that should be argued about. And then they complain that people walk all over them, like "Bro stand up for your shit"
And even they do argue, they do a crap job at it. They end up getting too angry, throwing things and end up arguing about something completely unrelated.
~Aries moons are ✨healers✨ These people redeem their childhood traumas by healing others from theirs. Unintentionally. They just feel like they are doing what anyone would have done.
One of my good exes had this placement and he helped me with my unhinged and dark Scorpio moon a hell lot. Finally, I feel like I'm in a good place in my life for once. Protect these people at any cost.
~On that note, let's talk about Scorpio Moons. Sorry, not sorry, for calling it unhinged. I mean, I love my Scorpio moon but god, has it not made me overthink about the most unrelated and stupidest things.
Scorpio moon natives might often get nervous and emotional anxiety. They feel too intensely and that's where the problem arises. Majority people can't match their intensity. This makes the Scorpio moon native agitated that why don't people get them? The frustration then erupts in how the mars is placed.
If mars is in Libra, the Scorpio moon native in turn gets passively angered, don't know how to direct their anger and gets even more emotionally angered.
If mars is in Aries, the Scorpio moon native gets explosive in their anger. This might get ugly if they lose their shit. The type of people whose anger scares people.
Trigger warning: Nightmares, Death, Depression
~I've noticed this thing with Capricorn Neptunes in 8th house that even though they don't get nightmares very often or if they do, it is about death. Death of their loved ones or even themselves, which then affects their physical well being too. They might feel sick or emotionally burdened. Maybe even get depressed.
~If you wish to settle in foreign lands, look at your North node (Rahu) If it is in 9th, 10th or 11th house, there is a chance that you might get the opportunity to either go to a foreign nation for higher studies or maybe even settle down.
This is because Rahu is all about leaving your home to see the world or materialistic gains. And it gives good results in the 10th and 11th house since they are the Upachaya houses.
~On that note, Rahu in 11th is a huge fame indicator as well. A very common placement in celebrities or people who've gained fame.
(Will Smith, Neil Armstrong, Abraham Lincoln, Lady gaga and many more have this placement)
~But the downside of Rahu in 11th is that it may make the native egoistic. Also, their views about friendship might be marred by selfish gains. They are the people who go by "Use and Throw" in friendship🤡
~I read somewhere Sidereal Sagittarius moons have the best mothers. Ever. My mother has it too and her mother, aka my granny, is just 🤌🏻❤️
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lynzishell · 16 days
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Ahhh TYSM for sending me this ask!!! Honestly, the timing could not be more perfect because I have been wanting to give Lex the spotlight for quite some time now!! I cannot tell you how much I ✨adore✨ this girl!!! And let me tell you why....
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💚Lex McPhee💚
Ahhh we love Lex, you guys! She is loud and extroverted and optimistic and compassionate and gives the biggest tightest hugs in the whole world! She's protective of those she loves, and has no issue telling off those she despises. She's very honest, and will always tell you truth, even if it hurts, but she won't be insensitive about it. Like.. "I know you don't want to hear this, but I'll be here with you while you process it" kinda vibes.
"Lex" is actually short for Lexus, which she absolutely hates. No one who wants to keep all their teeth would ever call her that... even her parents eventually gave it up. (She'd probably be angry that I even told you so shhhhh)
Speaking of her parents... She does not get along with them. They aren't necessarily terrible, they've just never seen eye to eye. They're very materialistic and snobbish and care too much about appearances. They fought a lot when she was growing up, and she was happy to leave home as soon as she could.
Where's that you ask? Brindleton Bay, of course! She grew up there, as did Asher, and the two of them have been Best Friends since middle school. They're both very energetic and animated when they speak, so the two of them telling a story together is either overwhelming or hilarious, depending on the person. And they tend to rile each other up and start bickering or wrestling or having silly competitions that spring up out of nowhere. (Lex is also *very* competitive lol)
After high school, she moved to San Myshuno. While she was sad that Ash didn't join her, she was glad to be in the city. She got a job as a tester at a gaming company while she went to school, and eventually became a developer there. And this is where she met Atlas! The two of them became friends quickly.. the extrovert adopting the introvert.. a tale as old as time.
BONUS: A few years later, Asher moved in with Lex in San Myshuno and got a job at the same gaming company where he met Atlas 🥰 Stay tuned for more on that in Part 4 🤸🏻‍♀️✨
Thank you again for sending me this ask!! ILYSM and I'm sending you Lex-style squeeeezees!!! 💖💖💖
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thegreymoon · 4 months
The Story of Minglan
I am at the midpoint of this drama! Yay! 🤗
And Tingye is still fucking off to who knows where and not getting on with making Minglan his wife 🤬🤬 My guy, please hurry! There are at least two spineless invertebrates still milling around, trying to make a mess of her life, and if you don't come back soon, I'm sure even more pests will crawl out of the woodwork. Ew.
An understatement 🤣🤣
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Aww, baby no 😢
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This is what happens when you have immature parents who have shit for brains. Shen Hong's playing favourites and neglecting all his children except Molan left them feeling so unworthy and unloved. And Wang Ruofu, bless her, does love Rulan to the best of her ability, but she is so superficial, materialistic and simply not smart, so Rulan grew up feeling that her love was conditional.
But this sisterly bonding is nice. They could be such good friends and allies!
LMAO, I, for one, am looking forward to seeing her head explode 🤯🤯
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Girl. There is no man alive worth jumping into the abyss for.
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This is such nonsensical, shameless, manipulative bullshit.
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She just wants to get Minglan away from Granny because she thinks a sixteen-year-old will be easier to manipulate when she's alone!
I hate these people with a burning passion 🤬🤬
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I thought I couldn't hate anyone more than Princess Pingning and then these wretches came along to prove me wrong 🤬🤬
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Fuck off. Then keep fucking off. Keep fucking off until you get to a gate with a sign saying "you can’t fuck off past here" climb over the gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep fucking off forever.
LMAO, it took her a whole five minutes to drop the mask 😂
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Granny Sheng made the wrong judgment call, these are not good people and you will not be happy here.
OK, I have to give credit where credit is due.
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He seems like a good guy. A little bit spineless, but he's working hard to grow one.
I am beyond fed up with these people.
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MTE, Granny 😠
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She has been disrespected enough.
Yeah, she just ruined your marriage prospects.
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I see Molan is reaping the benefits of her splendid marriage.
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The fucking nerve of these Cao people.
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Not only is Cousin Cao a convicted criminal, she was also married already to whomever and is now infertile because the main wife poisoned her. And this is who they ruined He Hongwen's engagement to the most perfect woman for? THE NERVE!!
In any case, good for Big Madam. I am on the side of every main wife who poisons her husband's mistress whom she is forced to take into her own damn house for whatever reason.
Also, I laughed when he said she tried to kill herself but of course they "saved her" 🤣🤣 OF COURSE THEY DID!!
Fuck manipulators.
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artzychic27 · 5 months
Inspired by this post, (https://artzychic27.tumblr.com/post/712203175464239104/i-love-ever-after-high-au-what-would-the-events/amp ) what would the mosnter high movies go like in School for Monstrous Youths?
Ignore how they're ordered
New Ghoul In School
It's Nino's first day at DuPont School For Monstrous Youths
He's fifteen days old and he likes to think he's... Well acquainted with monsters mentally his age. Though, he's only ever learned social interaction from his books, so... This won't go horrible
He's just gotta keep his limbs attached, try not to electrocute anyone, and the school year should go fine... What could go wrong?
A lot. He accidentally electrocuted a hallway full of students when one of his bolts came loose, had to fish his hand out of the fountain, and ran into a very awful harpy who may or may not have threatened him
But, there's a silver lining. He made three friends... He thinks
There's Kim, Marinette, and Nathaniel
He and Nathaniel sit in the back of class together, and Nathaniel keeps him awake through the lectures with some funny drawings
Kim got them out of a zombie traffic jam in the hallway, so he owes him for that
And Marinette redid his stitches when she noticed a few threads coming loose
Marinette: I love your thread!
Nino: Thanks, I love yours! What brand is that? Michael Gore?
Marinette: Ooh, you know your stuff!
Long-story sort, Nino finds his group of friends amongst his classmates, save for Lila, and things are going nicely until lunch one day
Lila decides to be petty and humiliate him during lunch by messing with his bolts, causing a power-outage all through school that also fries a few students' cell phones
This gets Nino sent to detention and causes students to treat him like the plague despite him explaining over and over that he had nothing to do with it
Fortunately, Alya comes to his aid, showing a video of the incident on her phone which shows Lila tampering with Nino's bolts without him noticing
Now Lila has detention because she's terrible, and Nino owes Alya big time for helping him
Alya: Buy me dinner Saturday night.
Nino: What?
Alya: Did I stutter, cutie?
Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love?
It's almost Marc's birthday!
He's gonna be sixteen, so this calls for a big ass party!
Nathaniel, meanwhile, has no idea what to buy him, and each of his friends' suggestions only makes him more anxious
Kim: Get him his favorite treats!
Rose: Flowers crowns are for any occasion!
Nino: A jacket he can’t chew through?
Marinette: Made it already.
Ivan: What is point of gifts on birth anniversary? You grow old, older, then be burried in snow.
So, he goes to Sacqueline, daughter of Eros for help
Meanwhile, The Science Kids are all going over the plans for Marc's party when they get on the topic of what Marc hopes Nathaniel will get him for his birthday, and in all honesty, he doesn't care
Marc: Oh, I'm not materialistic like that. I mean, don't get me wrong, what guy doesn't love presents? But I think I'm a little over that ever since Lucien.
Science Kids: ... WHOM?!
Lucien Rebois, the most charming human student at Marc's old school, Vadim Bastille. He could have had any monster, but he chose Marc
He doted on him, bought him so many gifts, and had Marc completely wrapped around his finger
But, sadly, Marc and his family had to flee due to an old grudge about The Silver Bridge, which they did not cause to collapse!
Marc: ... But, that's all in the past! So, Jean, any chance we can use the catacombs for the party?
Jean: Lemme provide the music, and you've got yourself a deal. Now tell me more about your romantic hunk of a man.
Lila, having overheard the conversation, hatches a plan to get back at the ghouls for not inviting her to Marc's Sweet 16
Meanwhile, Jean, Rose, Myléne, Ivan, and Reshma work to clear out the catacombs for Marc’s party. Of course, they have to be wary of the Pit Of Eternal Odor in the middle of the room, so they make a note to section that off so no one falls in... Hehehe
Lila begins her plan by calling Lucien (while pretending to be Marc's friend) and telling him that Marc misses him, which causes Lucien to transfer to DuPont as the school’s newest human student
The art club is helping Nathaiel put together a scrapbook of all the significant moments in his and Marc's life when suddenly, Lucien makes his flashy entrance and dazzles everyone in the school with his charming smile
Marc: *Tiny gasp* Luci!
Lucien: Emerald! *Hugs hum*
Nathaniel, of course, gets a little jealous when he sees Lucien and Marc hugging, but calms down a bit when Marc introduces Lucien to the others as his ex... Just a bit
They spend the day together, just to catch up as friends. Well, Marc wants to catch up as friends, Lucien is still certain Marc loves him and attempts to put a few moves on him, but Marc is totally oblivious
Simon: That boy's trying to put the moves on you! I see it with my own eye!
Marc: What? No, Lucien would never do something like that; he's too nice. Besides, he knows I'm dating Nath.
Cosette: And I know there's a stylish new belt buckle that costs five thousand euros, but I still want it.
When Lucien and Marc hang out again, it's not long before Marc brings up Nathaniel, and this is where Lucien gets pissed. But, he keeps his composure
Still acting like such a nice guy, he suggests Marc fly him up to the bell tower like old times. But once they arrive, Lucien corners Marc and hypnotizes him into loving him
Haha! Surprise! Lucien's a bad guy! Ah, you all knew that. He's learned a couple of tricks from the witches at Vadim. By that, I mean he threatened them with fire. And the effects of the hypnosis turn the victim's eyes red
Ismael: ... What the fuck?! *Gestures to Marc and Lucien kissing* Is no one else seeing this?!
Denise: Oh, you bet I am! Marc! What do you think Nath would have to say about this? You know, Nathaniel, your loving boyfriend?!
Marc: ... Who?
Science Kids: Le gasp!
Zoé: That's it! I'm out! *Walks away*
The Science Kids and Akuma Class find out what's going on with Marc when one of Nathaniel's gargoyle friends mentions they saw Lucien cornering Marc in the bell tower during one of their shifts
They send Alya to spy on Lucien while he's behaving like any villain and monologuing his plan in private- To make Marc his boyfriend once again, have him hang off of his every word, and find a spell to turn him human. Oh, and she finds out Lila set this whole thing up
Alya: Ooh, you bitch.
Nathaniel: *Loudly crying*
Adrien: It'll be okay-
Nathaniel: SHUT UP! When I see them, I'm gonna skin that harpy, and crush Lucien's skull with my bare hands!
Aurore: Or something non-violent.
Ismael: Right. We get Reshma to paralyze Lila, and then I'll-
Aurore: No nunchucks!
Ismael: Damnit.
The gang then turns to Sacqueline, who agrees to help them by shooting Marc with one of her arrows so he will fall in love with Nathaniel again
However, Lila foils their plan, and Sacqueline and Nathaniel end up falling in love with each other
Alix: This officially cannot get any worse!
Kim: Eew! They're kissing now!
After hours of research, Max, Simon, and Sabrina discover there's a way to break the spell of Sacqueline's bow so Nathaniel can break Lucien's spell over Marc
They can break the spell by smashing the bow, and they decide to do it at Marc's party, where everyone will be
On the night of the party, Marinette is about to smash the bow, but it's quickly stolen by Lila, who begins to shoot random monsters, including Lacey and Max, Simon and Cosette, Denise and Adrien, and Jean and Mireille. Kim then hatches a plan to use himself as bait to distract Lila while the others get the bow
It works until Kim is shot and falls in love with Chloé, but Nino removes his hand and throws it, which knocks the bow out of Lila's grasp
Ondine spills water on the floor, and Ivan freezes it which causes Lila to slip and fall, and she ends up dangling from the banner over the Pit Of Eternal Odor
Nino smashes the bow, which frees everyone from the spell
Alix shouts at Nathaniel to get him to show Marc his gift, but he is pinned against the wall by Lucien, who is surprisingly strong against a 370-pound gargoyle
However, Nathaniel still manages to convince Marc to look at the scrapbook, which reminds him why he fell in love with Nathaniel and breaks free from Lucien's spell
Then he confronts Lucien and throws him off Nathaniel
Marc: ... I remember EVERYTHING! You were the worst boyfriend ever! I stayed your pretty little trophy wife while you bought me a crap ton of superficial gifts I never even liked, threatened every guy that talked to me, endlessly touched me, gave backhanded compliments about my appearance, and made me wear a fucking collar like a FUCKING DOG! And if that weren't enough, you were the worst! Kisser! EVER!
Marinette: Oh, fuck! He went there! Alya! Simon! Tell me you're recording this!
Simon: *Recording the whole thing on his phone* I got everything after 'trophy wife.'
In a fit of rage, Marc pushes Lucien into the Pit Of Eternal Odor, he then falls on Lila, and they fall into it together. When they climb back up, they are then tossed out of the party by Chloé and Zoé's mummy bouncers.
Things end off with Marc and Nathaniel sharing a kiss
Escape From Skull Shores
For spring break, Ondine invites her friends to come with her to the Great Scarrier Reef. Of course, Chloé being Chloé borrows the family yacht
Zoé: Does mom know you took the yacht?
Chloé: Should I care?
Zoé: Nah.
But, on the way, the ship is attacked by a kraken and sinks, leaving the two classes stuck on a small raft.
Fortunately, nearby are two humans; Bartleby Farnum, an eccentric show-and salesman and his assistant Kipling, who covers his face with a sack because he is “too horrible” to look at. Planning to exhibit the, Farnum saves them
However, once he lays eyes on Nino, he gets this weird look on his face
Alya: Are you checking out my boyfriend?
Farnun: What? Of course not!
Alya: He’s taken!
Farnum takes the monsters to his home on Skull Shores, a skull-shaped island in the middle of the ocean, claiming he has to pick up supplies before going to Great Scarrier Reef
Once docked, the group is welcomed by the local population, the Tiki. Farnum convinces them to keep the group entertained while he… Takes care of things
Chloé expects to be treated like royalty by the Tiki, but to her shock and frustration, they giving that treatment to Nino for some reason. They even give him a necklace
Suspicious by Farnum and the Tiki’s behavior, Max, Kagami, Ondine, and Kim- during the evening- sneak around aboard Farnum’s boat to find out what he’s up to
Kagami: What can we expect to find?
Max: Well, most psychopaths keep momentos from their crimes. He may have them hidden somewhere. Look for a secret compartment, likely under the floorboards, behind a painting-
Kim: *Finds an old box* Or under his bed.
Max: That works.
They find an old roll of film and play it, discovering that Farnum had a partner who looked exactly like Nino. As the film continues, they learn that the partner was sacrificed by the Tiki to a beast that inhabits the island
Back on the island, Farnum reveals the existence of the beast to the students and how an explorer was able to soothe it
With that, the Tiki suddenly tie Nino up, and Farnum elaborates that the Tiki gave the explorer to the beast to keep him from attacking them
Alya: WHAT?!
Ivan: I knew strange man had ulterior motive.
Juleka: Then why didn’t you say anything?
Ivan: Poor timing.
A moment later the beast appears. The students are shocked and Nino is in a vulnerable position. Farnum and the Tiki launch their attack, throwing spears at the beast but the spears are not enough to harm the beast, and it leaves with Nino
The Tiki people force Denise, Cosette, Mireille, Simon, Ismael, Ivan, Alix, Adrien, Zoé, Chloé, and Marinette into a pitfall trap, while the others escape
Kim, Ondine, Kagami, and Max return shortly afterwards to find that they are too late. The four set off to save Nino on their own.
The next morning when Nino awakens a shy, handsome guy is with him. He then remembers the monster and tells him they should run while it is gone.
The boy answers that won't be necessary, as the beast and he are the same creature. He introduces himself as Andy, and explains that he changes into a huge beast if he experiences hate, anger, or fear, whether his own or another's
Nino: *Checking out Andy’s abs* Yeah… That’s… That’s bad… You, uh… Got a girlfriend or boyfriend?
Back In the village, Cosette and Ismael trick the remaining Tiki down the pit, and Ivan freezes then, allowing the group to use the Tiki as stairs to escape
Before they leave, they hear the Tiki beg for forgiveness. Figuring they can be of some use, Ivan unfreezes them, and the Tiki join forces with the students to stop Farnum
In the jungle, Kim, Ondine, Max, and Kagami are spying on Farnum and realize he has a tracking device planted on Nino via the necklace
Spotting them, Farnum orders Kipling to capture Kim, Kagami, and Max. Ondine runs off and dives into the water
As Farnum mocks Kim for his “coward girlfriend,” Kagami sympathizes with the timid Kipling, seeing that he isn't anything like his cruel master, and tries to encourage him to not be ashamed of whatever he's hiding under the mask despite what people like Farnum tell him. However, Kipling declines, certain he can rely on Farnum
While Andy and Nino walk around the island, the duo notices movement in the bushes and Andy, thinking it's Farnum or his minions, charges in to attack, only to find the surprised group of Reshma, Jean, Juleka, Luka, Rose, Aurore, Marc, Nathaniel, Sabrina, Alya, Lacey, and Myléne
Marc: Nino! We’re here to save you… And your rugged shirtless gentleman friend.
Jean: I saw him first!
Alya: Babe, I would like us to become a polycule.
Luka: Back of the line!
Nathaniel: Amateurs. *Pretends to trip* Oh, the pain! I need a muscular hunk to carry me the rest of the way in his big, strong arms! *Andy picks him up*
Lacey: You sly little bitch.
Suddenly, Farnum is spotted. Andy runs away but doesn't make it far before he has to hide and overhears the entire exchange between the students and Farnum
Though Farnum initially has the upper hand, Mireille, Simon, Ismael, Ivan, Alix, Adrien, Zoé, Chloé, and Marinette make their appearance with the Tiki who turn on Farnum
Only mildly bothered, Farnum takes his cane and makes a magnet appear, which pulls Nino to him. Threatening to suck the electricity from him with the magnet, Farnum shouts for the beast to appear
Andy, outraged that Farnum would go to great lengths just to get to him, changes into his beast form
Lacey: Fuck, that’s hot.
Andy can't do anything but comply with Farnum's orders, lest he risks Nino’s life. He changes back and turns himself in
Back at Farnum's boat, Farnum forces Andy to get in the boat as the students helplessly watch. However, the group is surprised to see Ondine rise from the water, backed up by a small army of dolphins as well as the kraken that destroyed the students' boat
This time, the kraken destroys Farnum's boat, then picks up Farnum and flings him into the jungle while Kipling runs after him
After the kraken repairs the yacht, the students resume their spring break trip, taking Andy with them. However, they forgot about Nino’s necklace
With Spring Break over, Nino tries to make Andy feel at home at DuPont, which turns out to be more work than he initially thought due to Andy's long-time isolation, he is unfamiliar with 21st century technology
However, a few students make him feel very welcomed
Nathaniel: Andy, you know, it’s customary for new students to try and carry a gargoyle.
Lacey: And to let at least five students every hour feel your biceps.
Luka: I think I’ll start.
Marc: Enough. All of you. *Wraps his arms around Andy* The nerve, trying to take advantage of a new student. *Feels Andy’s biceps* Simply cruel.
After some days, Damocles orders everyone to the auditorium for a speech about tolerance by a human guest speaker
While the human appears merely eccentric at first, he starts making all sorts of backhanded insults at the students, and appears particularly intent on tormenting Andy
Lila: I don’t know who this bitch is, but I am loving him.
Mme. Mendeleiev demands that he leave, as his speech has nothing to do with tolerance. The man only pesters Andy further, and he is pushed away by him, causing his disguise to fall, exposing him as Farnum
Several students try to fight Farnum, but he is too quick and witty for them. He deflects Alix’s gaze with a mirror, turning her into stone, douses Lacey with a spray bottle, and uses bug spray on Marc and Reshma
Andy, pushed by the chaos, transforms and bursts through the roof, sending the other students and teachers fleeing for their lives as the ceiling comes down on them
Andy tries to escape, but Farnum and Kipling, show up on the roof, and Farnum tells Andy that, just as with Kipling, a freak like him has nowhere else to turn to than to a man like him
Though Andy agrees with Farnum's reasoning and again turns himself in, Nino hurries up to the roof and convinces him otherwise
Nino: Dude! You can become a student here! You’ll have somewhere to stay and hundreds of people looking to date you! So… Think about that.
Kipling, finally fed up with Farnum's abuse, takes off his mask, revealing that his ears are shaped like an elephant's, and stands up to Farnum before he picks him up and throws him into a tar pit
During his fall, Farnum crosses paths with a flock of birds, causing him to end up not only tarred, but feathered too. The humans Farnum had called to take Andy into custody mistake Farnum for the beast and capture him
Adrien: So… There’s just a monster patrol squadron here to capture you whenever someone calls?
Marinette: Fun, isn’t it?
Although he finally broke ties with Farnum, Kipling is still unsure whether he'll be accepted until he spots two girls who have elephant ears too and clearly think he's a looker
However, Damocles announces he has grave news. Due to the damages done to the school, Spring Break is extended with a week to get reparations done
Students: *Cheering*
Damocles: No! That is a bad thing!
Ghouls Rule
As each year prior to Halloween, the students of DuPont are shown a video to warn them of the dangers they might face up until after the holiday as Halloween traditionally is the day that the humans come out to hunt for monsters
Nino, who's about to experience his first Halloween ever, is terrified while the others are just bored from seeing the video so many times
The gang tells him not to worry, but a few monsters can’t help but share their experiences with humans
Alix: Whatshisface comes at my mom with a sword and slices her head clean off!
Lacey: They trapped my parents in lanterns and threw them in the water!
Nathaniel: They chiseled my father’s wings into little nubs and threw him off the chapel!
Alya: They tried to put my sisters in vacuums strapped on their backs!
Cosette: My old man got one of his horns stolen!
Kim: Pow! Silver bullet! Right in my uncle’s forehead! Dead upon impact!
Juleka: Holy water was everywhere!
Marc: I still wake up at night screaming, “PESTICIDE!”
Chloé: *Fearfully hugging Zoé* They were everywhere! They tried to burn us!
Sabrina: *Groans*
Everyone: *Gasps*
Chloé: That’s horrible! Sabrina, I’m so sorry.
Nino: None of you are helping!
As they are walking down the hallway, the school is egged & TP'ed. The students rush outside to find out who the vandals are and find two humans driving a pick-up truck warning them that Halloween is mere days ahead while throwing some more eggs, which hit many of the students
This event sets the student body on edge as they wonder if they are in danger and ponder on ways to get back at their attackers, even if Mme. Mendeleiv forbids retaliation
Meanwhile, Alya wants to write a story about Halloween and does some research in the library with Nino and Ivan, who notices a map among the books she's got with her; a map to the Hall of Halloween
They ask Jean, the resident catacombs expert if he knows anything about the place. However, he doesn't but is willing to help look for it. With the map, the four actually find the place and learn the true story of Halloween, a way for humans and monsters to celebrate together
Armed with this new knowledge, they return above ground, finding everything gathered outside around a mildly gruesome pumpkin display—another attack by the humans.
Adrien takes it lightly, believing the human students to be out of ideas, and picks up a pumpkin. This activates a mechanism that has all the students outside the target of a rain of pumpkins.
Damocles announces an emergency meeting in the auditorium, where he advises the students to not go outside without human disguise until Halloween is over
Nino protests and holds a speech about being proud of who you are and that he has discovered that Halloween used to be a holiday to celebrate monsters
However, the students take his speech the wrong way and declare they'll take back their holiday by force, and Chloé takes it upon herself to lead the movement with Sabrina as her right hand
Nino, Marinette, Adrien, Alya, Max, and Kim witness a number of students giving each other strange signals. Thanks to one very talkative gargoyle, they learn that there's a meeting in the courtyard later where the students will discuss their plans to get back at the humans.
After Chloé’s speech about taking back the holiday, the group goes into the catacombs to get to New Salem High to vandalize it like what had been done to DuPont
When they reach New Salem High, they find a huge Skull drawn onto the school's front side. As they are wondering what to do to top that kind of vandalism, the Police arrive to investigate the damage. The students run and, as per the Halloween Warning video's advice, hide in a variety of clever ways
Eventually, everyone makes their way in front of a certain house, where they discuss who could be responsible for the graffiti and how to get back to the catacombs.
Before they can move, the door opens and a girl, Aeon, invites them in for the party, thinking they are humans in Halloween costumes.
Inside, most wish to use the opportunity to still exact revenge, while others decide to just enjoy the party. Nino meets a human named Aeon, who takes a special interest in the new arrivals.
The monsters handle themselves well at the party until three more guests arrive: the two boys that trashed DuPont and their 'boss', Brigette Van Hellscream. Coming from a family of famed monster hunters, Brigette immediately suspects that some of the guests are monsters and is proven right when this one guy decides to check out Rose’s “costume”
Guy: Dude, that costume is rad.
Rose: Oh, uh… Thanks! Your costume is rad as well!
Guy: How do you get the bones so real? *Sticks his hand through Rose’s ribcage* … Uh…
Rose: PERVERT! *Removes her hand, and slaps him with it*
Lacey: *Her hair lights on fire* AAAAAHH!!
Kim: AAAAAAHHH!! *Takes a bite out of a sandwich* THIS IS GOOD! AAAAAHHH!!!
A fight between monsters and humans is prevented by Jess and Aeon, who point out that there is no proof they have to be afraid of them. But just then, a siren is heard outside, and everyone rushes out the door to see the police arresting Jean. When Brigette points out that there are more 'evil monsters' present, the rest of the students run, leaving Jean behind for the time being to be incarcerated for the vandalism to New Salem
Jean is taken to the police station and thrown in a cell where he demands to be released but the Sheriff taunts him by calling Jean Austin’s pet name from him, Songbird
Jean: … You wanna go ‘n repeat that, warden?
Sheriff: Go on! You’re the so called opera phantom! Sing us a song, songbird!
Jean: … Well. If you insist.
Cue a flashy Jailhouse Rock number as Jean escapes and makes all of the guards go deaf and/or insane
The police will obviously search DuPont, so he hides out in New Salem High. Using some makeup he always keeps on him, Jean makes his appearance more human-like and covers the hidden part of his face with his hair
They’re rightfully wary of their new environment, thinking everyone is ready to attack him for being a monster, until they realize that no one knows about their monster side. Everything’s fine until some jocks attempt to beat them up, but Jess and Aeon save them
Back at DuPont, all the students that went to New Salem have detention, and while there, they all try to figure out how to save Jean
Simon: My family stopped eating humans after that thing with the sirens, so that’s a no.
Nathaniel: Uh… Boiling oil?
Zoé: Oh! A mummy’s curse!
Cosette: Guys, I’ve picked locks with my horns, lemme at it.
Ivan: I say we throw big, heavy rocks.
Denise: Agreed.
Kim: Adrien! You’re a human! What do humans hate?!
Adrien: Uh… Sticking with New Year’s resolutions, taxes, spoilers to good movies, and family reunions.
Austin T: I don’t care if you turn those bastards to stone, burn them alive, eat them, or turn them into your mindless servants! I want my boyfriend back! I'll reap them all in my path if I have to!
At New Salem High, Jean is easily fitting in and going undiscovered, until some of his makeup smears off and he goes to reapply. Unfortunately for him, Brigette followed him
Shortly after, New Salem High gets vandalized a second time, and both the humans and monsters think it's Jean
Alix: *Examining the graffiti online with Nathaniel* This doesn’t make sense.
Nathaniel: Exactly
Kim: … Okay, what’s going on?
Nathaniel: Everyone knows Jean has a flare for the dramatics. But there’s nothing dramatic about this! It’s just a skull!
Alix: And Jean would never do their line work so crookedly. Something’s going on.
The humans call for Jean's arrest, while the monsters generally are impressed with and proud of his supposed accomplishments
Lila only fans the flames by taunting the humans from her Critter account as Jean, claiming he had everything to do with the vandalism. Also, Chloé is using "Jean's" rebellion as an example of how monsters should fight back against their oppressors
Nino, Marinette, Adrien, Max, Alya, and Kim don't know what to think of the mess, but they decide to stop Jean before things get out of hand even more. With Max’s help, they find out that Jean is somewhere inside New Salem High and they go out to get him that night
Coincidentally though, right that night, Brigette and her goons are working to vandalize their own school again, this time in costume and with a camera ready to film the act as fake evidence that monsters were behind the vandalism
Brigette immediately spots the group trying to get into New Salem High and gets the police. They find Jean hidden away in a closet, but the reunion is cut short when Brigette and the police arrive to arrest Jean
The group is once again put in detention. Worse, during their talk with Damocles, he receives a phone call to turn on the TV
The Sheriff holds an announcement that he will return the true meaning of Halloween by condemning Jean to the Trick-or-Treatment, a death sentence not used in two hundred years. Damocles is further informed by the Monster Elder Council that no action will be or may be taken to save Jean
As much as the news hits everyone, two people are particularly upset. Brigette never meant for an innocent to die because of her schemes, and Chloé realizes she used Jean for publicity and that he's going to suffer for it
At detention, Nino comes up with the idea to get help from Jess and Aeon, looking for evidence that Jean has been framed
The others help him escape, and he manages to contact Jess and Aeon, who are willing to help. Their investigation leads to the discovery that Brigette and her goons were behind the vandalism of New Salem High, which solves that mystery. But that still doesn’t explain why Jean confessed- Oh, wait! It was Lila! They’ll kill her later
The group sets up a confrontation for Chloé and Brigette within the catacombs as representatives of their respective parties. Despite everything, the two bond almost instantly over their shared sense of fashion, the equal pressure to live up to their family's expectations, and wanting to do what’s best for their respective sides, including helping Jean
They go to the sheriff to explain everything to him, but he reveals that he couldn't care less
*Back at DuPont*
Denise: Are you fucking kidding me?!
Juleka: This is why I don't care for law enforcement.
Ismael: Do they realize they’re about to murder a teenager? In Phantom Years, he’s fifteen! That’s… That’s just fucked up.
The gang works on a new plan. Just freeing Jean will only have the humans come and get him again so more has to be done.
When a plan is set to not only free Jean but also hopefully save every monster, the Salem High students dress as monsters to draw attention when Jean is put in the Trick-or-Treatment machine, which forces the police away from the device to arrest the monsters
Nino and Ivan use the diversion to free Jean and then make a run for it on Ivan’s ice slide, in which they are also assisted by Max, courtesy of his rocket boots
As the police figure out they've been duped and give chase to the real monsters in their cruisers, Jess and Aeon rouse the human crowd to take matters into their own hands and attack DuPont
Lacey and Kim taunt and get the mob to follow them to the Hall of Halloween where the students are awaiting their arrival, much to the humans’ confusion
Brigette comes forth to confess she is behind the vandalism that plagued New Salem and that though she meant to protect the humans, she realizes she had nothing to be afraid of
The humans accept the confession and invitation, but then the Sheriff and his officers finally arrive, intending to arrest Jean and all the monsters present. However, the New Salem students challenge him to arrest them as well if they want to get to the DuPont students
The Sheriff, wanting to avoid the fallout if he arrests the New Salem students, saves face by claiming it's past midnight, and that means he is off duty anyway before sneaking off to the snacks
With all conflict ended and subdued, the party commences
Friday Night Frights
The students of DuPont are watching the Skultimate RollerMaze game between the Nightmares of DuPont and the Gargoyles of Granite City, and both sides of the crowd are cheering for their team
The four fearleaders; Candace, Cosette, Denise and Juleka; are cheering for DuPot
Ivan: So, what is point in 'skate game.' I've known how to skate since I was up to height of yak's knee.
Rose: Ivan, Skultimate RollerMaze is so much more than just a skating game! It's a course full of twists, turns, obstacles and so much more, and- PUMMEL HIS ASS!... The whole point of the game is how you react to what's thrown at you. Plus, we've got a tradition with the Gargoyles. Whichever school wins, they get the other team's school crest
Rocco, the leader of the gargoyle team, grabs one of the camera bats, and Gary, his fellow teammate, crushes it to leave no evidence of their cheating. Rocco and Gary then knock over Kim and Soo-Yeon, leaving them in the dust whilst chasing after the rest of the team
Brecken and Austin Q go into the course to replace Kim and Soo-Yeon. Spinelli and Rocco are neck and neck during the course, determined to win for their respective schools.
Rocco and Gary then notice Brecken and Austin Q are gaining on them, only before Rocco declares that they might as well finish off DuPont who, according to him, 'plays like a bunch of girls' (this statement, oddly enough, angers the completely masked player behind them)
After going through yet another course, Gary trips Brecken, causing him to crash into Austin Q. The mask player trips over them, and is left behind by the team, who yet again, cheats; this time more discreetely
Whilst neck and neck with Spinelli, one of Rocco's skates mechanically removes a wheel from Spinelli's and the last member of the team falls to the ground right before crossing the finish line, thus allowing Granite City to win the game.
A few days later, the students of DuPont are all distraught about the loss. Ivan is confused as to why everyone is so upset about the game, but Myléne tells him it's bigger than he knows, pointing out how the school looks worse than it normally is
An announcement from Damocles lets them know that the school spirit is gone. Ivan thinks it's nothing until Sabrina explains that the school's crest has an actual spirit which protects the halls of DuPont from falling apart, literally
However, getting the crest back is not as easy as it sounds, because with three injured players of the team, they might not be able to make it to the finals in order to beat the Gargoyles
Sabrina decides to look for clues in order to prove that the Gargoyles did cheat, due to the fact of Spinelli's skates breaking just before the finish line, which is an extremely odd coincidence. And at the realization that they will not be able to play at all, Kim cancels SKRM for the season, much to everyone's shock.
Days later, the school continues to fall apart, everyone even more miserable than before. Candance, Cosette, Denise, and Juleka realize this and then, out of the blue, Candance hatches up a plan to recruit new members for the SKRM team, so that way DuPont can beat Granite City and win back the crest
After a bit of reluctance, the ghouls round up almost boy in the school and judge them for the skills needed in Skultimate RollerMaze; agility, strength... and the ability to skate, most importantly
Whilst doing this, Sabrina, joined by Max, is in the SKRM track, looking for evidence that the Gargoyles cheated, however a certain something distracts her. A piece of stone that isn't the same material as the gargoyles' ski
Meanwhile, the ghouls judge the students carefully, only to the news that most of them can't stand in rollerblades. Lucky for them, Lotta attempts to teach them, only to be taunted by the fact that a girl is teaching them how to do 'their' sport. Nonetheless, she wows them and at first, she's skeptical once Cosette suggests she participate on the team, especially once the boys continue to say that girls don't play SKRM
However Lotta recollects a memory of a certain SKRM superstar...Alix Kubdel! Despite this fact, the boys stick to their motto that Skultimate RollerMaze is for guys and they all leave them to fend for themselves, however they team up together and vow to win for DuPont
Naturally, at the sight of ghouls in SKRM gear, the school is shocked by the decision of Candance, Cosette, Juleka, Denise, and Lotta to take the place of the former team. The former members are surprised, but not against it
Kim, although, tries to persuade them not to play. According to him, Alix Kubdel was an amazing player, but got demolished and was never heard from again
Lotta: Ah, that's just a kid's story!... Right?
Kim: No. No, I'm serious. The gargoyles creamed her... Good luck, though!
However the training they attempt to persue in is worthless, due to their little to no knowledge of the sport. Most of them can barely skate or follow the rules, although they try and do what they can.
During this training, Max finds yet another piece of stone, this one in the shape of a snake
Chloé, who's been watching them train, daringly rescues Candace from crashing and getting injured. They offer her a spot on the team, although Chloé refuses, preferring to lead rather than follow
Their first match up is against the all zombie school, worst in the league. However, Denise gets very nervous and trips, thus causing the team to false start, and get disqualified
Some idiots even video taped the fiasco and mock them
Deciding she can't let this go on any longer, Chloé joins the team, helping them with their posture in order to maintain proper balance. Kim, Soo-Yeon, Brecken, Austin Q, and Spinelli join in coaching them
After a strict training regimen, they're are ready for their debut against Vampire Academy. They play well, but are bested at the last minute by rough tactics of the vampires
During the game, Chloé was knocked into a pile of tires that contained a stone hand. Sabrina explains that is the last piece she and Max needed to rebuild Alix Kubdel, who had been trapped in stone for a few years
Alix offers her assistance as player and one piece of advise "... Quit playing like stupid boys and win like girls!" Thus inspiring their new fashionable outfits
When the gargoyles stop by their school to taunt them, they begin to mock the new outfits, and Alix and the masked player lock eyes for a moment. Before the two can say anything to each other, they're dragged away by their respective teammates
The DuPont team enters a round robin tournament, and eventually make their way up the leader board until they qualify for the final match between Granite City. Instilling the school with pride, they are are now wildly popular and even gained the respect of a few male students
The final match against Granite city is intense. The gargoyles try to muscle the team, but they use the agility and Cadance's powers to avoid many pitfalls
Eventually Denise gets injured, and Kim calls an injury timeout. Juleka is nervous about going in until Kim gives her some encouragement. The team starts up again
During the final stretch, Rocco and Gary about to go after Cosette, but then the masked player, suddenly tackles two gargoyles to the ground
Masked Player: I am done with you assholes!
Everyone: *Gasp*
Ivan: Now this is interesting.
Alix and Cosette slingshot Juleka to the front with Rocco. In a photo finish, Juleka wins by a leg
Now the champions, DuPont wins back their crest, thus restoring the school from its dilapidated state, and they get Granite High's Crest, but they decide to keep it for a week, since they're not complete assholes
Okay! Dramatic Reveal time!
Soo-Yeon: Let's just see who's under this mask! *Pulls off the masked skater's mask*
Everyone: Someone we don't know?!
Alix: NATH!
Nathaniel: *Alix hugs him* Hey, Alix.
Cosette: ... So, can we get an explanation here?
Nathaniel: Yeah, those assholes over at Granite High hated that a girl was better than them, so they turned a mirror on her during one game and broke her into pieces. I joined them so I could gather evidence, of them cheating and keep them from doing the same to other players. *Shows a small camera hidden in his helmet* Here's about a year's worth.
The movie ends with a role call of the new co-ed team: Kim, Chloé, Brecken, Soo-Yeon, Austin Q, Spinelli, Alix, Cosette, and Denise
Marinette plans a Flashion Mob, a surprise fashion show starring herself and her friends at school. Meanwhile, Ismael chases after a scarf made out of spider's silk given to him by Reshma, his best friend from Scaremerica, which was knocked from his hand by students attracted by the attention from Marinette's show
However, thanks to a mix-up orchestrated by Lila, Kim is put in a dress and heels and ends up tripping and abruptly ending the show
Thanks to Alya, however, the fashion show was put on FrightTube (with the awkward ending edited out) and had gotten quite a large amount of views, including Moanatella Ghostier, a renowned fashion designer
To Marinette's disbelief, Moanatella emails her, explaining she needs a protégé to carry on her designs, as she was running out of ideas, and when people stop paying attention to her, she fades away
So, she sends for three students, Eri Tanaka, Austin Armbruster, and last but not least, Marinette
With some encouragement from the others, Marinette agrees to go to Scaremerica. Of course, her closest friends and her significant others join in order to offer support
On the plane, Ismael tells Alix about Reshma and how she would send him accesories she made from her silk. However, she had stopped writing letters to her some time ago, and Ismael worries what this means for their friendship
So, Alix, being a kind soul, offiers to take Ismael to find Reshma and get an explanation
Finally in Scaremerica, the group drops Marinette off at Moanatella's headquarters, and Ismael, Alix, Lacey, and Sabrina go to look for Reshma while the remainder of the group take in the sights
Marinette meets Eri and Austin, and though friendly with each other, Moanatella coldly reminds them that only one of them will be her apprentice
With Sabrina's scooter, the chase for Reshma begins elsewhere when they spot someone else on a scooter with a jacket akin to Reshma's. Unfortunately the chase is a bust, as the rider was only someone else, and Sabrina crashes and breaks her scooter beyond repair. Meanwhile, in the cafe, the others discuss places to go sightseeing only to see Sabrina very sad about her scooter. Chloé offers to pay for a new one, but Sabrina assures her she knows a way to make money
Somewhere, in Moanatella Ghostier's Headquarters, Marinette notices Eri's book around and asks to see her designs, but she becomes angry and scolds her about the competition and that they're not supposed to be helping each other
As the trials go on, Marinette is berated for the third time for not following fashion rules. She finds the courage to look for inspiration in her old sketchbook, but Moanatella instructs her to throw it away if she wants to be part of the fashion industry. So, she starts designing like her while
After that, Moanatella tells the three designers that if they hear her ring the bell three times, it meant she decided
In a cafe, Ismael, Alix, and Lacey discuss Reshma and find a clue as to where she was
Back at Moantella's headquarters, Eri and Austin A find Marinette's sketchbook and are amazed by her designs. They realize Moantella's methods are harming her creativity, as well as their own
Now in a subway, Ismael, Alix, and Lacey are lead by a string of a spider's web to the forbidden area where it is said that no monster who came in ever came out alive
Ismael/Lacey/Alix: ...
Lacey: ... Let's go in!
They find Reshma, who has been used by Moanatella for her fashion designs. This was why she couldn't write to Ismael anymore. She reveals to them whoever wins Moanatella's "apprenticeship" will be locked up in the same place and be used just like him
At that moment, Moanatella and Marinette enter, and Moanatella traps Marinette in a cell with them
The others wander the streets, trying to find the others until Kim picks up their scents and follows them to the cells. Using their powers, they rescue them, but rather than wanting to flee, Marinette announces a desire to beat Moanatella at her own game.
Eri and Austin A show up, having sensed that something bad will happen, and give Marinette her old design book back. The rest get to work designing a full fashion clothing line, while Moanatella sets up her own fashion show across town
Despite having lots of help, the ghouls aren't going to get finished in time, so they give Marinette, Eri, Austin A, and Reshma pure black coffee, which causes them to work double-time
At last, the clothes are finished, so they gather them up to take it to the fashion show. Sabrina (who has bought a car with the money she's earned!) offers to help them get to the show
They crash Moanatella's show and show off Marinette's real fashion line. The people love it and cheer her on, causing Moanatella to vanish forever because no one is paying attention to her. Reshma, Eri, and Austin A express a desire to transfer to DuPont, and all is well
13 Wishes
A thousand years after some event no one remembers or knows, DuPont welcomes back the students for the new semester. Everyone talks about the upcoming events for the year such as the upcoming eclipse while expressing what they wish would happen throughout the new school year
Chloé, angered by the disrespect by some newer students, plans to take action against that and make sure they know she is not to be missed with despite Zoé's protests against it
However, her attempt at flaunting her status with a personalized locker that displays her name in lights causes a blackout. Zoé, Myléne, Nathaniel, Kagami, Adrien, and Sabrina,who were attempting to stop her before she could turn on the lights, are punished by Damocles to clean the school attic
Zoé tries to understand her sister’s reasoning but is dismissed by Chloé quickly. As she moves away and cleans more of the attic, Chloé unknowingly eventually finds a lantern and releases a genie named Gigi
The genie introduces herself and explains that Chloé is her new finder and is granted thirteen wishes
Adrien: Um, don't the legends say the finder gets three wishes?
Gigi: Oh, those were mistranslated. Yeah, you actually get thirteen wishes.
Adrien: Yeesh. Better not let Disney hear that.
Chloé uses her first wish to wish them and herself out of detention. As Gigi grants the wish, they disappear in a flash of light and unintentionally free a shadow version of Gigi, who follows them unseen
They later arrive at the mall to hang out as Gigi elaborates on Chloé's twelve remaining wishes and warns her there is a ‘dark side’ to using them. Seeing Chloé excited about using her wishes, Zoé advises her to take Gigi’s words seriously
Chloé, however, takes it defensively and runs off with the lantern while annoyed at her sister's words
Later, back at DuPont, Alya helps Marinette run against Louis for Student Disembodied President while Adrien shows Gigi around the school. Despite the argument earlier, Chloé took the advice to heart and uses some of her wishes to help her friends: Ondine can shift between freshwater and saltwater so both sides of her family won't despise her, Marc and Nathaniel's graphic novel becomes an overnight sensation and gains millions of fans, and Marinette becomes the new disembodied president
Before Chloé can congratulate herself, Lila torments her in the bathroom and leaves her crying alone. Watching from afar, the shadow genie uses this opportunity to take advantage of Chloé to wish for things more for herself
She summons Gigi, who is alarmed by the shadow genie and warns Chloé about the wishes. However, the shadow genie reminds her about the rules and Chloé uses her next wish to become even more popular
While enjoying her popularity, Chloé offers to wish the same for Zoé, who politely turns her down, not comfortable with all the attention
Adrien then talks with Gigi about her life in the lantern and discovers that she’s lonely and will leave DuPont after the last wish is granted. Not wanting his new friend to leave, Adrien looks for some sort of loophole
Adrien: If Disney's taught me anything, there are always loopholes!
Gigi: You keep mentioning Disney, what is it? Is it like a book?
Adrien: Eh, little of this, little of that. Disney is everywhere and cannot be stopped. So far, it owns many major networks and will soon take control of all television.
Gigi: That is frightening.
Adrien: I know, right?
As days pass, some of the side-effects of the wishes begin to affect the school and cause problems such as Ondine having an identity crisis, Marc and Nathaniel receiving hundreds of commissions a day, and Marinette's ideas as president not being taken well by the school
Zoé then tells Adrien and Gigi that Chloé is beginning to not act like herself, and she senses something strange within the shadows. Adrien asks if Gigi knows anything, but Gigi tells them that she cannot say anything due to the Lantern’s magic. Adrien and Zoé then try to find out on their own what is wrong with Chloé but are dismissed by her thanks to the shadow genie's influence
Kagami encounters Chloé and irks her enough to wish for Kagami to be turned into a nobody, making her unnoticeable by every student, including her partners
Zoé confronts Chloé on what she was doing. But rather than listen, she uses her next wish to make Zoé disappear into the lantern, leaving her shadow behind and giving Whisp more power
Adrien, Sabrina, and Nathaniel notice the changes and later find Gigi crying in the greenhouse with Myléne comforting her. Gigi is reluctant to explain as she is not allowed to influence the finder, but Sabrina points out that they are not the finder and Gigi should be able to tell them
With that logic, she leads the group away to the attic to explain everything regarding the shadow genie, Whisp and where the real Zoé is. She warns them of Whisp’s plan to use the eclipse and one of Chloé's wishes to gain all the power to banish everyone at DuPont and replace them with shadow versions to rule the world
Wanting to save their friends, Adrien and the others help devise a plan to save Zoé using an orb given to them by Gigi, which will allow them to leave the lantern. They later find Chloé and Shadow Zoé in the bathroom and confront Chloé to make her purposely wish them into the lantern to find Zoé, unknowingly leaving their shadow versions behind to cause trouble
Inside the lantern, Adrien, Nathaniel, Myléne, and Sabrina successfully find Zoé, but not without being confronted by Whisp, who lets them know that she has power within the lantern
They escape from her, and Zoé then shows them the ‘Genieology’ telling of Gigi’s story and why she was reluctant to interfere. They use a map to search for the missing shard of a mirror that will stop Whisp for goof
Meanwhile in DuPont, Mason senses a disturbance in the shadows and tries to help snap Chloé out of it while helping Kagami look for the others
The shadow monsters then make their move and help Chloé take over the school by replacing Damocles with herself as Headmistress and banishing Marinette and Kagami to the lantern, who then join the others to find the mirror pieces
As the monsters prepare for an eclipse party, Mason follows Chloé and sees that Whisp is the one controlling her. When he attempts to take the lamp, he gets captured by Chloé's henchmen. And rather than using up any more wishes, Chloé has Mason thrown in the basement with the other disorderly students
After finding twelve pieces of the mirror, the group find Whisp’s room and realize she has the last piece. After nearly losing the exit orb, Kagami gets it back and they return to DuPont with magic carpets Myléne managed to snag. They find DuPont has been turned into some sort of temple in honor of Chloé complete with gold statues
Adrien: Where did they get gold from?!
Marinette: At this point, are you surprised by anything anymore?
Adrien: Hey, monsters are the norm, but I want to know where they got all of that gold! Did they steal it?! Did she wish for it?! These are legitimate questions! And the audience deserves to know as well! People reading this, get up out of your chairs and demand answers!
Whisp tries to influence Chloé to make the wish, but Mason, who escaped his prison through the shadows, steals the last mirror shard and assembles the mirror to break the spell. Upon seing her reflection along with past moments she shared with her friends and sister, Chloé awakes in time and rejoins the others without making the wish, causing Whisp to fail as the eclipse ends
Chloé uses one of the remaining two wishes to undo all of her previous wishes, much to everyone's delight
Gigi is joined by a defeated Whisp, explaining the last wish will send them both back into the lantern. The monsters are reluctant to let Gigi go and plead for her to stay
Adrien: Just wish for her to be free! Come on! They did in Aladdin! Am I the only smart person here?
Chloé uses her last wish for Gigi’s freedom and surprisingly for Whisp to become what she always wanted to be: a real genie. Gigi happily grants the wish, freeing herself and allowing Whisp to become the new genie of the lantern
However, when Whisp leaves with the lantern, she falls down into the deep end pool to be found again someday...
Ondine: ... I can just go get her. I mean, I can swim and breathe underwater-
Frights, Camera, Action
A large part of the DuPont student body chooses to catch the new Vampire Majesty movie before classes one day. Juleka is among them, even though she openly disapproves of the inaccuracy of the Vampire Majesty series and considers its leading actress, Veronica Von Vamp, a hack
Rather than going to see the movie, Rose, Marinette, Nathaniel, Alix, and Marc listen to her about the true story of the Vampire Court in Transylvania, which she grew up amidst. With rare enthusiasm, she explains that the vampires find their leader by listening to the Vampire's Heart, a magic artifact that can locate the rightful ruler and lights up in their presence
However, the Vampire's Heart has failed to lead the vampires to their new ruler for four centuries and counting, though
Meanwhile, in Transylvania, the Prime Minister and interim leader of the vampires, Lord Stoker, has a problem. For four hundred years, the true ruler and the Vampire's Heart have been missing, but only he knows that his own niece Elissabat was supposed to rule, a fact only few know, but she fled when he tried to control her and no one knows her current whereabouts
Stoker has been pretending to be searching for the true ruler for centuries as a cover to continue his own reign. However, the Royal Court of Vampire Dignitaries has grown tired of waiting and threatens to replace him if he can't present the rightful ruler soon.
Trying to win time, he claims he can do so within a week. Remembering Juleka from centuries ago, he remembers that she is weak and shy and decides to make everyone believe her to be the queen so he can control her and continue his rule
Later at DuPont, Lord Stoker arrives and convinces Juleka with a fake Vampire's Heart that she is the queen, while also ensuring the other vampire students respect her, or face severe consequences for their disrespect
Juleka reluctantly agrees to return to Transylvania for her coronation in seven days but asks if her friends and brother can come along. Stoker doesn't object, so Marinette, Rose, Alix, Nathaniel, and Marc join her. Luka only joins because he's skeptical
After a long journey, the final portion is by train, during which Juleka and Luka tell a little about their past and reveal that the relations between their family and Stoker's are complicated and have been mostly dormant since everyone disappeared four centuries ago
Rose notes that her father was in Transylvania around that time. She herself seems to have more knowledge of the events at the time than is likely for her to know, but the group doesn't pay too much attention to it
At Castle Dracula, the group is delighted at first, and Juleka and Luka shows them all kinds of secret passages they remember from her childhood, and the group enjoys the luxuries of a royal lifestyle.
The situation changes instantly, though, when Luka finds his way into Stoker's office and learns that Juleka had been deceived. He shows the the fake heart, and with support from the others Juleka decides to fight back and find the real ruler for her people
Marinette and Marc deduce that there must be a clue to the who and where of the ruler is in Stoker's office, and so Juleka volunteers to distract Stoker while the others search the place for leads. Juleka has no trouble with her part, but the office doors are guarded. Fortunately, on top of being an excellent guard, Nathaniel's good at picking locks...
Nathaniel: All it takes is a steady hand... *Punches the knob off* See how steady my hand was?
The group finds a letter by Elissabat taped to the back of a portrait of Dracula, who was her father's closest friend. It reveals that she is the next Vampire Ruler and begs Dracula to help her escape Stoker's control. She had to take the Vampire's Heart with her so she could be found when she fled, but she wished for Dracula to take it from her and keep it safe. Of course, Dracula never found the letter, but the group can use its clue to find Elissabat on their own
The clue leads them to Londoom, England. They escape and use a boat docked in an underground cavern to travel to Londoom
Luka calls Adrien, Kagami and the rest of his friends at school. He explains the situation and sends them a picture of Elissabat from four hundred years ago to help search through the internet
Back in Transylvania, because someone carelessly left a book opened (Not gonna name names) on a page about Londoom when they were in his office, Stoker knows where they are
The group is welcomed in Londoom by Kierstin, Kim's older sister, who studies there to become a writer. She takes them to see the Crown Jewels in the Tower of Londoom, as that's what the group thinks the riddle refers to
There is, however, no note inside. Kierstin asks what the clue was and upon hearing it, realizes that the "crown" refers to the skull rather than jewelry and points the group at a statue of William Spooksfear near the Globe Theater
Marc flies up to get the skull and unlocks it, finding the next note. Elissabat writes that Londoom is no longer safe and that she'll travel further to New Goreleans, where she hopes Dracula will finally meet her. She even included a map. The group, along with Kierstin, return to their boat and sets sail for the USA, unaware Stoker's servant, Ygor is following them.
In New Goreleans, the map leads them to a ghost ship named the Bijou on the Bayou. On board, they meet Gerard Grundler, who is collecting samples from the swamp. He reveals the Bayou Bijou to be a ship famous for its numerous big-name guests and performers
Suddenly, Ygor hijacks the Bayou Bijou. The group appears caught at first, but Gerard calls upon the alligators living in the bayou to form a bridge to the shore. They escape, but Ygor sinks the Bijou on the Bayou, meaning the ghost ship isn't accessible anymore until the next full moon
The fear that they have to wait a full month to go back to look for clues is erased by Gerard, who took a few pictures of the Bijou on the Bayou and shows an encased letter by Elissabat
The letter reveals that Elissabat gave the Vampire's Heart to someone both she and Dracula trust, which Rose believes to be Veronica. Not only was she in New Goreleans at the time, the movie poster for the next Vampire Majesty movie depicts her holding the Vampire's Heart
The group sets out for Hauntlywood, which Kierstin is very pleased with and which has Gerard choosing to come along. Ygor continues to follow them and informs Lord Stoker of their new destination. Tired of it Ygor's failed attempts, Stoker transforms into a bat and heads off to Hauntlywood himself to capture Juleka
In Hauntlywood, Alix convinces threatens the guard at the gates to allow them entrance to the studios. Soon, the group is witness to a minor accident involving the director Scareantino and an intern makeup artist by the name of Cosette
They help Cosette out, which she thanks them for before hurrying along. The group continues on as well and is by sheer coincidence able to get Kirtstin a job as co-writer of Scary Stone
Rose locates Veronica's trailer, which the group gains access to with the help of Cosette, who has to do Veronica's makeup. All seems to be going well, but when asked about Elissabat, Veronica refuses to help, explaining that she promised Elissabat to keep her secret
Even a moving speech by Juleka about duty and the well-being of the vampires doesn't convince Veronica to say anything. The group is crestfallen, but Rose urges them to continue looking here in Hauntlywood because she feels Elissabat can't be far off
Meanwhile at DuPont, the Vampire Majesty movies have caused a conflict among the students at Monster High about which male love interests are hotter: Alucard or Edweird, with Chloé and Austin A leading the opposing sides of the argument. Evie, Austin T, Jean, Ismael, Brecken, and a few others stay out of it as the argument escalates as more students side with Chloé or Austin A
Fed up, Jean organizes a Cute Court for the students to decide who is the bigger hunk. Evie, who is not interested in either, is chosen as judge, Brecken gets to be the bailiff, and Sabrina is the court clerk.
After a long debate, Sabrina asks Max for scientific advice. It is then that Max makes a huge discovery: Alucard and Edweird are played by the very same actor!
Evie dismisses the case, and the students end the fight. However, Max is not done yet comparing people, now that she has solved one thing this way. Taking the photo of Elissabat that Adrien and Kagami have shown him and a poster depicting Veronica Von Vamp, Max realizes that the two girls are the same person
As the group keeps looking for Elissabat, they stumble into the Vampire Majesty studio, where they are ambushed by Lord Stoker, who demands that Juleka returns to Transylvania with him, but Luka offers to go in her place and comes up with an excuse on why the heart glowed around Juleka
Stoker is about to go along with this until Veronica comes to their aid by calling her security guards on Stoker. Juleka once again begs Veronica to tell where Elissabat is, and Veronica chooses in her favor this time
Taking off her wig, she reveals that she is, in fact, Elissabat. She asks Rose to take her hand, which causes Rose to light up. Elissabat explains that the person she entrusted the Vampire's Heart to was a skeleton guard, who in turn entrusted it to his daughter by placing it behind her ribcage after she was born
She's now willing to take on her role as queen, and as her first decree, Elissabat disowns her uncle and banishes him from ever holding an official office in the vampire community ever again, having her security guards drag him out of the lot
And it's at that moment, Cosette and Gerard find the others and tell them that they've decided to transfer to DuPont
At the movie premiere, Elissabat holds a speech to celebrate her acting successes and the honor of being the new Vampire Queen. She makes a point of thanking Juleka for her efforts in setting things right in the vampire community, and the movie starts
Freaky Fusion
Nino is being chased by a… Well, a monster. Six other students, with some bizarre looks, arrive to save him and escape from the monster through the hallways of DuPont
Adrien: Pause! Hello, I’m Adrien. You might know me as one of the few human students at DuPont School For Monstrous Youths. You may be wondering what my bro Nino is running from, who are those other monsters, and why they look so peculiar? Well, it happens like this…
DuPont is celebrating its 200th anniversary. Jean and Myléne are organizing a play to commemorate DuPont’s history
In class, the students are presenting their scaritage projects to Mme. Bustier
After Chloé finishes her presentation, Max shares about his mother, Claudia Steam, a mad scientist and a former teacher at DuPont who discovered the secret to creating life. One day, she mysteriously disappeared and Max held onto a time box to remember her
After Max, it is Nino’s turn to present. Unfortunately, he failed the project due to his lack of knowledge of his heritage and had to redo the project
Meanwhile, four new students arrive. All four of them are hybrids, and react standoffishly when greeted by the students
In the cafeteria, Nino, Adrien, Nathaniel, Ivan, Reshma, Cosette, Luka, Ismael, Jean, and Chloé, are having lunch together. Nino is still upset about not knowing much about his grandfather, Victor Frankenstein since his parents refuse to talk about him
Adrien: Why not?
Nino: Well, every time I try to go to my mom, she hisses, and when I got to my dad, he just goes, “RRRR! GRANDPA BAD!”
Max overhears and takes the group to his mother’s old workshop in the catacombs, where he believes has his mother’s old journal with information about Victor
After a long journey in the catacombs, the gang reaches the entrance to Claudia’s workshop and learns that it can only be accessed at the right time
The group searched and eventually found Claudia's journal, which explains that Victor was a DuPont student who was obsessed with discovering the spark to create life
On accident, Ismael's tail wraps around a lever. As he pulls it back, a machine activates and opens a portal, pulling all of them inside
The students eventually find themselves in the year 1814, realizing that the machine was actually a time machine that sent them back 200 years into the past to when DuPont was recently built
They decide to wait an hour until the lab opens again, but curiosity gets the better of them, so they go explore DuPont
There, Nino and Max witness Claudia Steam in a class session, berating a student named Sparky, who is interested in learning to create life
After class, Nino talks to Sparky and explains to him that his grandfather created life, getting Sparky interested... So interested that he sneakily follows Nino and his friends as they use the time machine to return home
However, The machine began experiencing malfunctions as the students are traveling through the portal.
Nino, Max, and Adrien return to the present, all limbs accounted for, but they discover that the others have been fused into Ivaniel, Rosette, Lukael, and Chloéan
Ivaniel: Okay... NO ONE IS TO PANIC!
Rosette: God! I have so much pent-up rage! *Kicks a hole in the wall*
Lukael: This fur is so damn itchy!
Chloéan: *Admiring their outfit* I'm... Not hating this.
Until Max can fix the time machine, they're stuck like this and must go about their usual day... Right when they're supposed to rehearse for the 200th-anniversary play
Ivaniel is uncoordinated due to his wings and ice powers suddenly flaring up, Rosette can't control her arms or tail, Lukael's vampire and werecat senses are causing some overstimulation, and Chloéan can't decide who will take the lead.
The hybrid students take pity on them after witnessing the rehearsal and decide to help the fusions learn how to control themselves
Meanwhile, Sparky, who had followed the students to the present, steals a piece of the time machine, believing it is the secret ingredient to creating life
First, Ivaniel learns how to control his power and appendages
Lukael is getting a walkthrough on how to focus on a certain sound when it comes to his hearing
Rosette is learning how to have some better control over their newly added appendages
Chloéan gets a little lesson about leadership, such as which part of her takes charge and how not to let their new and confusing instincts take control over them
The Hybrids successfully help the new Fusions learn to control their bodies and powers, and everything seems to be going fine... Though, Sparky's been occupying the catacombs for a few days now
And he's created a monster he calls Creature 4.0
While in the lab, Max is nearly done fixing the time machine but discovers that a piece of it missing and quickly goes to inform the others
After Sparky successfully brings his monster to life, it goes on a rampage throughout DuPont after having a severe reaction to a camera, because Franken monsters don't do bright lights
It interrupts the school play and the students learn of Sparky’s antics
With the help of the Hybrids, they plan to lure Creature 4.0 back into the catacombs to shut it down
The creature continues to chase the monsters in the hallways and starts to steal Nino's classmates one by one
Having enough, Nino stands his ground and as the monster reaches for him, he sends a powerful current of electricity into it. In the process, this defuses the fusions and frees his friends
Upon witnessing this, Sparky learns that Nino's emotions are what gave him true life, which is something that his creation lacked.
After defeating Creature 4.0, Nino collapses. But, before he can shut his eyes, he learns that Sparky is his grandfather, Victor Frankenstein, before dying
In a panic, the students go to use Max’s recharge chamber in hopes of reviving Nino but fail, and begin mourning him
Just then, Claudia suddenly emerges from the time machine to help (Yeah, don't ask). She advises everyone to think of their best memories of Nino to save him since emotions are what gave him life
Alya spreads the word and everyone at DuPont begins sharing their best memories of Nino until he is successfully revived
Everyone then bids farewell to Claudia and Victor as they use the time machine to return to their timeline
The school play resumes, explaining DuPont's history and sharing the belief that every monster with unique flaws, is welcome at DuPont, or something corny like that
Great Scarrier Reef
It's a normal day at DuPont. Several students are practicing for a dance recital in the auditorium, and not doing very well due to Spinelli's complex cheoreography
Ondine, who's helping to set up for the recital's after party, watches them practice from afar, and despite Kim's encouragement to join, she declines
After they leave, Ondine steps on stage and dances superbly by herself. She then realizes Kim is watching her after he went back to get his bag, and utterly freezes up and faints
After waking her up, Kim asks why he doesn't dance with the others. Kim explains she used to dance back in her home at the Great Scarrier Reef but won't dance anymore. She leaves, unaware that Lila had seen her performance.
The dance recital takes place. The students are not impressed by the terrible dancing, and Spinelli couldn't be more embarrassed
Lila spots Ondine dancing along behind the backstage curtains and pulls back the curtains. Ondine freezes upon seeing everyone watching her and ends up getting tangled and strung up in the stage rigging.
The next day, Ondine is horrified to discover a video of her mishap has gone viral and created hundreds of meme pictures
Enraged, she pleads with Aurore to uninvite Lila from the after party, and she complies. The party, which is next to the outdoor pool, is in full swing and everyone is having fun until Lila storms in, demanding to know why she wasn't invited
Everyone calls her out for embarrassing Ondine, and the two start yelling at each other, unaware of the water in the pool turning into a whirlpool
Lila pushes Ondine into the pool, and Kim dives in to help her
Ivan: He realizes she can swim well, yes?
Myléne: Hush, it's sweet.
Adrien, Evie, Brecken, and Spinelli attempt to pull them out, but all of them are sucked under the water and vanish.
Everyone: ...
Roxie: *Backs away* And, we're backing away from the pool now.
When the group comes to, they discover not only are they underwater, but they have all transformed into half-fish creatures (Save for Ondine)
They are then greeted, rather dramatically, by Victoria, a mermaid, merman, merperson, whichever. Victoria explains that she cares for a reef garden, where each plant represents a sea creature. She's noticed that Odine's plant was wilting and summoned her to the ocean to help her (and bought the others down by accident)
Victoria: *Dramatically* RETURN FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!
Ondine: ... So, just go home?
Victoria: Yeah, just go home.
After swimming a long distance and getting used to their forms, they find themselves inside an underwater amphitheater, where they witness several sea creatures performing a dance
Ondine recognizes one of them - A squid girl named Margo
She explains that she and Margo used to be friends when they were children and once competed in a dance competition together. But one time before a competition, Margo started acting nastily toward her and deliberately tripped her up on stage. Ondine was laughed off the stage and has had stage fright ever since
The group heads to the Scarrier Reef city, where they meet Ondine's father, Arturo, her sisters, Olivia, Ophelia, Octavia, Olga, Oona, and Olympia. Arturo welcomes them to stay at his place
Along with hydra twins, Wade and Ripple, Margo watches Ondine from afar and begins plotting to embarrass her again
While Ripple is happy to go along with her, Wade feels they're being too harsh, resulting in the two siblings constantly fighting.
The next day, Arturo warns the group that a Kraken has been sighted in the area. After promising to stay out of trouble, Ondine, Kim, Adrien, Evie, Brecken, and Spinelli head out and try to figure out what Ondine needs to do to keep her plant from wilting and by proxy, get them back home
They run into Margo, who challenges Ondine to compete against her in a dance competition tomorrow. Ondine is reluctant, but when Kim encourages her (With puppy eyes) she agrees
That night, while practicing for the competition, Ondine is met by Wade and a sleeping Ripple. Wade tells her that he heard a legend about the Kraken: If she looks the Kraken in the eye, she will never feel fear again
Ondine thanks him for the help, but when he leaves, "Wade" removes his makeup, revealing him to be Ripple!
Ondine announces she's going to see the Kraken, and despite their protests and Kim's puppy eyes, they all agree to go with her. They swim down to the bottom of a deep-sea trench and go through the tunnels until they reach a large cave
Surprisingly, they discover a small living quarters and several drawings on the wall
Adrien: Huh. Does this mer-squid look familiar? *Points to a messy drawing of someone with tentacles*
Evie: I swear I have seen those markings before. Oh, and that hairstyle is quite familiar.
Brecken: Not really ringin' any bells- Wait... I'm seeing something. *Gasps* Guys! Oh my God! Margo's not a mer-squid, she's-
Kraken: *Growling*
Brecken: ... I'll tell ya'll later.
They barely make their escape. Finally feeling ready to take to the stage, Ondine and the group head to the competition
But just last minute, Margo reveals that there is no legend about seeing the Kraken's eye. She just made it up to trick her. Ondine is nervous, but Kim assures her that dancing on stage shouldn't be a problem after their narrow escape
Ondine takes to the stage and begins her dance. All goes well, but Ondine sees the audience and faints again at the climax of the act
Margo laughs at her, and the audience starts joining in, but Kim rushes to her defense
Kim: What kind of civilized people laugh at a humiliated teenage girl?! I mean, seriously! She faints, and you decide to laugh at her?! What the hell?! Shame on you, and you! And you! And especially you, sir!
When Spinelli proclaims that she even faced the Kraken, the crowd begins cheering for Ondine. Enraged, Margo lets out an ear-piercing scream... and the Kraken suddenly appears
The group swims back to the garden and beg Victoria to return them to DuPont. Victoria agrees but tells her that she still must face her fear
They summon a whirlpool and sends the gang through. They emerge back at DuPont, restored to their original selves, but Margo and the Kraken emerge from the pool
As the Kraken begins smashing the school, Ondine asks her friends and the other students to distract the Kraken while confronts Margo
She faces Margo realizing that all along, it was her and her bullying that was her greatest fear, but Margo cries that she was the one who was bullied, that everyone is always mocking her for her appearance
Hearing this, Ondine comforts her friend, and gives it to her straight
Ondine: DuPont has a cockatrice, troll, naga, ogre, and Jersey Devil. I think you'll fit right in around here
Margo tells the Kraken to stop... and reveals it is actually her father! She explains that she hated how her father was always considered evil by the townsfolk and eventually felt ashamed, so she decided to live away from him. She realizes she was wrong for not telling everyone how nice her father is and for bullying Ondine, who forgives her
With the school repaired, everyone celebrates with a party by the pool. Back at the Great Scarrier Reef, Victoria sees that Ondine and Margo's plants are finally back to full health, then he goes to fill out his transfer papers so he can attend DuPont
Annoyed by the lack of gossip in the school, Alya searches for news for her blog. Angered by her punishment for plagiarizing an essay with being hit with detention, Lila messes with Alya's draft and creates a rumor about the werewolves and werecats of the school having were-fleas
As the rumor sends the students into chaos with staying clear of Kim and Ismael. Alya observes what Lila caused and faces backlash for it
A short while later, Marinette begins to experience hauntings, with her locker acting strange, finding herself talking back to the teacher out of turn, and someone changing her hairstyle.
Kim and Ismael confront Alya about the post, but before she can explain she had nothing to do with it, she flees when Marinette, Nathaniel, Denise, and Cosette ask her about the hauntings
They follow her to the school's attic and watch as she unlocks a door and disappears into it. Still following her, they find themselves on a boat, piloted by the son of the Grim Reaper himself, Austin Tomassian. With his father away in Las Plagueas, Austin has the boat to himself, even installing confetti cannons on it
Alys appears and is shocked by their presence and explains about the Ghost World, where most ghosts live due to the stigma of their hauntings. Austin then explains that the boat is taking them to Haunted High, Alya's old school. 
Marinette explains her hauntings. Austin finds that impossible, as there hasn't been a haunting since the notorious Red Lady, a ghost who could move easily between the Ghost and Monster worlds until she was apprehended and imprisoned to work off her crimes
The boat falls prey to a pirate ship, the Salty Spectre, led by the teen ghost pirate, Beck King. However, it's just for a class at Haunted High
Dressing in robes, the gang enters the school. Alya reminisces about her old school but is shocked to see the number of students draped in detention chains, handed out by Principal Revenant and the three Hall Moanitors.
The group heads into the cafeteria to find the perpetrator of Marinette's hauntings. There they meet Alya's old best friend, Jacques, son of the jumbee, who has gone from the shyest to the most popular guy in school. As Alya introduces him, he suddenly becomes nervous and flies off
Their attention is then drawn to Petrov Geist, son of a poltergeist, who is vandalizing the cafeteria with ghost paint, which evaporates quickly, though the students cheer him on as he does it. The Hall Moanitors catch him in the act and shackle him after he crashes into Alya
When they try to chain Alya, she explains she is not a student at the school and is from DuPont. Revenant then spontaneously has the rules changed and unveils her friends as solids. They flee, pursued by the Moanitors, who discover the chains do not work on solids. They safely arrive back at DuPont, but Alya is chained and dragged back to Haunted High.
To get back into the ghost world, Mason takes them to the Boogie Mansion to look for the Boogie Sand that will turn them into ghosts so they can move around the ghost world undetected
Mason: Now. I have a very meticulous system. So, I would prefer it if you all- COSETTE! I SEE YOU! DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH THAT BOTTLE!
Cosette: Dude!
Kim: *Curls up on the floor and whimpers*
They easily find the right sand thanks to Mason's system and turn into ghosts
Meanwhile, Alya is given 10,000 essays to do as her punishment, which she takes in her stride as she loves writing, which greatly puzzles Petrov, who is also serving out his punishment. The two begin to bond, and when Petrov questions all the rules and detentions, he and Alya decide to investigate
Meanwhile, the Hall Moanitors, under Revanant's orders, head into DuPont and begin to seize the ghost students at the school, such as Jean and Austin Q.
Austin Q: *Clawing at the ground as he gets dragged away* NOOO! I burned too many bridges there! I can't go back! MOMMY!... Wait, what am I saying? FÉLICE! HELP ME!
Jean: *Getting dragged away* Cut the gas! You better go with some form of dignity!
Re-arriving at Haunted High, the ghouls meet Beck and Jacques, who help them control their ghost forms
Nathaniel: Wait... Now that I'm weightless, there's something I wanna do... CANNONBALL! *Dives into the pool and floats back up*
Having found no information about Revenant in the library, Alya and Petrov return to the main school hall and are horrified to find numerous DuPont students chained and being greeted to Haunted High by Revenant. 
Overhearing ghost students talk about how solids want to haunt them, Alya becomes outraged, loudly labeling the talk as stupid gossip, which alerts her friends
The Moanitors soon begin to give out chains for seemingly no reason at all. When this happens to Jacques, the group protects him, bringing them to Revenant's attention. She demands to know how they did so, and when they refuse, gives the Moanitors permission to shackle them
Petrov intervenes and takes them to a safe room only he knows of. Alya and Nathaniel admire the artwork, and Marinette comes to the realization that Jacques is the one who has been spying on him
Jacques: Can ya blame me? That bubbly personality, and the way you carry yourself- It's just too good not to copy.
Marinette: Trust me, dude. You could do so much better.
Denise: We will be having a talk about your self-worth when we get back home, young lady.
Alya, meanwhile, eavesdrops on Revenant's plan to get more students stuck at Haunted High and is discovered by one of the Hall Moanitors. Revenant questions her until Petrov appears and distracts her, giving Alya a chance to escape, although it means Petrov is heavily chained
Soon, the Moanitors capture the others, causing Alya to be angry at Petrov, believing he sold them out. However, Petrov reveals he stole the keys to the chains and transfers all the chains to himself
However, while Petrov had stolen something, so had Revenant, the item being the notebook Alya had been using to document their journey for her blog. From that, she discovers the Boogie Sand, and the Moanitors take off on Austin's yacht to find it. Now freed, the group pursues them on Beck's ship after rescuing the rest of the DuPont students
Angry at herself for making that mistake, Alya cools off in the library, only to find a book detailing that Revenant is the Red Lady of legend, as she sends the Hall Moanitors to do her work and never leaves the school
Jacques opens a portal, and they beat the Moanitors to DuPont, who begin to unleash Boogie Sand via confetti cannons on the students
Austin T: That's not what the cannons are for!
Jean: Whoa. Who's the hottie in the bitchin cloak? Wouldn't mind necking that guy until I sweat all the grease outta my nest if you catch my drift.
Austin Q: ... WHAT?!
Beck boards the yacht, however, and manages to steal back the sand before they can refill the cannons. Back at Haunted High, Alya reveals that Revenant is the Red Lady. Taking this in her stride, Revenant seizes the key and sends all the chains flying at Alya  
Chased by the Moanitors, Jacques attempts to open a portal to send them back to the ghost world, and with the help of the others and their ghost powers, is successful. The yacht appears as the Red Lady sends her chains flying, and they entangle the yacht and Moanitors.
Finally free of her chains, Revenant opens a portal and attempts to enter the Monster World. But finds that she still can't leave as more chains automatically appear on her. Revenant looks to blame someone, but Alya tells her that she's done this to herself
Alya: Bitch, you really think giving unjust punishments, spreading rumors and lies, and throwing more chains at students is helping you?! Give me a fucking break!
Kim: Clearly, your chains were being generated by your own conscience as deep down, you know what you're doing is wrong. So, you continue to punish yourself for your crimes against your students. It's a long, probably centuries-long, unhealthy cycle, really.
Everyone Else: ...
Kim: What? I can't be smart sometimes?
Seeing the error of her ways, Revenant repents and takes back the chains, becoming her first act of kindness, and a single link on her many chains disappears.
Oh, and don't worry. Everyone soon figures out that Lila was behind the were-fleas rumor
Not only that, but the ghost students no longer see any reason to fear solids, and cross over to their world from time to time. And, a certain reaper finds himself being flirted with by a certain phantom
And, later that night, the Hall Moanitors sneak into the Boogie Mansion and play around with the Boogie Sand
Mason: *Walks in and sees their sand completely disorganized* ... You... Fucking... BASTARDS!
And that's how the Hall Moanitors died... Again.
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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presleyhearted · 1 year
Hello!! Oh my goodness you follow me!! It feels amazing that people who write fanfictions follow me and you seem so lovely!!
I just have to ask if I could have the honor of being your first requester of a fiction to go on your materialist?
If so, then I was just thinking of someone fluffy, what if the reader has like really bad flight anxiety and is all nervous to get on the plane when they have to leave (70's Elvis please!) and so she pretends that she left something in the car confusing Elvis so he waits for her so they can walk up the stairs together and just talks to some of the fans. Eventually when she realizes he doesn't catch onto her hint she just get's up and walks up the plane with a fake smile. Eventually they sit in the back of Elvis's plane (Can be the Lisa Marie depending if this is set accurately.) and then all of a sudden the nerves hit when she's sitting down. Elvis is talking to some of the guys and stuff and doesn't notice your worried (I have a really bad habit of picking at my fingers when I'm nervous. So maybe reader does too?) and then when he realizes she's shaking her foot he asks if she's ok, and she tries to lie but he knows her too well. Anyway fluff/comfort please?
I know this is long and you don't have to but it would be greatly appreciated!!
Breathe in, Breathe through, Breathe out.
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Pairing: 70s!e x reader
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, fear of flying.
Word count: 1743 words
A/N: Well hello @elvispresleywife ! Thank you for trusting me with your request, although I am still new. I hope this lives up to your expectations! 💋
The car stops, a differ from your racing heartbeat. You feel your throat become dry, as your mind frantically screams at you to turn the direction, to not be here right now, to just not be. You knew what you were getting into before beginning this relationship, of course you knew. Your life and Elvis’ life couldn’t be more different. But out of all the factors that contrasted to your life, the one thing you could not fully grasp is how Elvis is constantly flying from state to state. 
Not because it sounded exhausting and busy, but the concept of flying itself. The sheer thought of stepping foot on a plane, being essentially stuck there in your seat for who knows how many hours, and then the movement of the plane landing. The very thought of it all made dread stem in your chest. 
You had flight anxiety. 
Elvis has done this routine hundreds of times, and this is the first time since being with him that you agreed to come with him to his next concert. You’ve only known each other for a few weeks, and really, you would make an ample amount of excuses not to go with him out of state. But soon enough, you felt guilty for lying to him and so when on a telephone call with him - you finally agreed. You did notice the faster thump of your chest after you agreed. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to tell Elvis that you have terrible flight anxiety. You didn’t want to worry him, as you know he already has a lot on his plate. You also see yourself as a fairly confident person, and you don't want people to judge you for this glimpse into something that you see as vulnerable. After all, it wasn’t only Elvis and you that will be on the plane. He is constantly surrounded by his entourage, the Memphis Mafia. And sometimes some of his backup singers, the Sweet Inspirations. You feel like if you show even a glimmer of vulnerability, there will be judging eyes. 
Elvis’ tug on your hand snaps you out of your thoughts, “Ready, honey?” He asks, an easy smile on his lips and tinted sunglasses covering his eyes. 
You almost say no. Almost let go of his hand and ran. But that is unfair to him, you know that. You don’t want to be the reason the smile of his disappears. 
So, instead, you nod and attempt to smile. 
The door is opened and you both step out. The wind hits your face, it’s greeting not helping with the nervous feeling at the pit of your stomach. A large crowd of people, his fans, were all excitedly chattering and streaming at the sight of their idol. You don’t blame them, but the sound and the noise from the plane elevate the fear within you. The web of fear grows larger as each second passes. 
 You need to do something. You need to do it now. 
You lean forward to whisper into Elvis’ ear, “Babe, I uh. . . I think I left my lipstick in the car. I’ll be back, okay?” You lie, hoping that he does not notice the subtle tremble in your voice. 
He raises an eyebrow confused before slowly nodding.
You hope that he got the hint. The hint that you may need to step back and sit this one out. You walk back to the parked car and explain to the driver that you forgot something, which you didn’t. He simply nods and unlocks the car for you. 
Your legs get the best of you and you practically collapse into the car, hurriedly shutting the door behind you. You can almost hear your head pounding at an insane speed, matching the beat against your chest. You attempt to breathe normally, but fail. The windows are tinted in this car, so no one can see you, definitely not looking for lipstick. 
You wait a while. Hoping that Elvis got the hint and will soon join you. You didn’t want him to stop everything and stop the entire plan. But more so for him to open the car door, see the state that you are in, and for him to be okay that you won’t be joining him. 
But it doesn’t happen. You peer at the window again, and see that he is halfway through the flight of stairs attached to the plane. He is happily chatting with fans, but you can feel that his eyes are darting towards the car - waiting for you. 
So, instead, you sigh. You leave the car and thank the driver. You then soon catch up with him, going beside him up the stairs. Your legs are trembling, and you feel yourself bite on your bottom lip - as if you forced a fake smile. A smile that signified anything but the anxiety that coursed through your body. Elvis was quick to wrap his hand around your waist, waving a goodbye to the fans before settling into the plane. 
You don’t know what’s worse - a private jet or a normal commercial plane. Both, you suppose. You guess that it’s good that Elvis has his own private plane, it makes things easier for him and his privacy. But now that you, yourself is observing the interior of it all - you feel your breath pause. The plane was remarkable in having essentially anything and everything that you could possibly have on a private, luxury plane. But it also emphasises just how much smaller it is. 
A small, tiny metal tube that you will be stuck in for the next however many hours. You both make your way to the very back seat, Elvis sitting next to you. Everyone is offered refreshments, and Elvis is engaged in conversation with Charlie and Red about a topic that you are unsure about. You don’t even know, their words are all inaudible to you and the laughter adds to the dreaded feeling. 
The reality of it all hits you as you are sitting down. Of course you immediately buckle your seatbelt, but you curse yourself mentally for taking the window seat. You were too in your thoughts to not notice that’s where you sat down. A direct, clear view of when the plane takes off and lands. You quickly pull the curtain over it. 
You try to look straight ahead, try to distract yourself. But you fail. You nervously pick at your fingers, a bad habit of yours whenever you are anxious. The trembling of your legs moves to your feet, the way that your foot is shaking. This time, Elvis surely notices it. He stops his conversation with Charlie and Red, “Let’s talk later.” He tells them, in which they both walk away and sit in their seats further to the front. 
He turns to you and he just knows that something isn’t right. 
“What’s wrong, darlin?” He asks, voice full of concern. 
You look at him and attempt to keep up your fake smile, “Nothing. I’m fine.” 
He doesn’t believe you. Of course he doesn’t. He knows you too well.
Elvis shakes his head, “I know you too well, Y/N. That foot of yours and your fingers, you're shaking like a leaf.” He points. 
“It’s stupid.” You say. 
“I don’t think so. Tell me, please.”
His gaze sees right through you and you know that there is no use in lying now. So you tell him about your terrible flight anxiety, and once you start spewing out all the words everything begins to click in his mind. All those times that you’ve made an excuse on how you wouldn’t be able to join him on the plane. On how you told him you forgot something from the car. It finally made sense, and he felt like mentally kicking himself for not figuring it out sooner. For not realising it all sooner. 
But he can’t reverse the past, all he can do is focus on you now. He wraps his hand around yours tightly, trying to ease the nervous energy. The stewardess announces to everyone that they should fasten their seatbelts and take off in five minutes. This only heightens your anxiety. Elvis places his other hand on your thigh, squeezing it in reassurance. 
Once you feel the plane begin to rumble into take off little by little, you feel tears prick your eyes. 
“Hey, I’m here, baby. I’m here.” He says softly. His fingertips under your chin, turning you to face him. 
The plane is now fully in the air, and you feel the beat of your heart relax the slightest bit. But not quite. 
“How are you doing?” Elvis asks, finding your silence uncertain. 
“I-. . . E what if it crashes? We are s-so high up.” You mutter, struggling to form a sentence. 
He shakes his head, “That ain’t gonna happen, y/n. Trust me. “ He says, but can tell that you are still not convinced. 
You find yourself leaning into his neck as you mumble, “I don’t want them to see me like this.” You glance at everyone else, who are not paying attention to the both of you at all, but your anxiety is getting the best of you. 
You think Elvis doesn’t hear you, but he certainly does. He abruptly stands up, pulling you up along with him. His arm wrapped around your waist as he tells everyone, “Y/N and I will be resting. Don’t disturb us.” He says briefly, and they nod. Some of the guys wink at Elvis, thinking that the opposite will be happening between you. 
You both walk over to the very back of the plane, and he settles you into the bed. The sheets are warm and inviting. You are both sitting down facing each other. 
“Breathe with me, okay?” He says, hands soothingly running up and down both of your arms. 
You nod. 
“Breathe in, breathe through, breathe out.” He instructs. 
You follow, despite the stinging pain of anxiety in your chest. You do this for a while, for the next few minutes, and eventually it calms down the racing heart beat against your chest. Your head is no longer pounding, and you can finally gain sense of eveything. 
Elvis sees your eyes grow heavy, you both are now lying down beside each other as you face each other. But his arm is gripping tightly around your waist. 
“Thank you. . . “ You say after a while, your voice is steady now. 
Elvis’ eyes are soft as he looks at you, “Of course.”
You feel your fingers tracing his jaw, and his face and Elvis finds himself closing his eyes at your touch. You lean forward and grant a kiss on his lips, “I love you, E.” 
Before he could even respond to your words, all the nervous energy from earlier catches up to you and pulls you in a quick slumber. Despite this, with your eyes closed, Elvis leans forward and plants a kiss on your forehead, cheek, and then lips. 
“I love you too, y/n.” 
And this time, your heart speeds up but with a reason your mind welcomes openly.
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we-staybhaalin · 4 months
🍭 What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
💐 What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially.
🥡 What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
🫦 What's something seemingly innocent that the other does, says or wears that turns the other on?
🍭 What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
A lot of what they disagree on probably revolves around method. Niralei is more pragmatic and Halsin is more willing to do the hard thing if it's right. She's not evil by any sense of the means, but she's very much capable of focusing her thoughts to "me and mine" and has no problem doing shit that gets the people (and herself) the things they need. Other people have to make it worth her while to get her involved if she has already clocked that helping them doesn't help her.
He butts head with her on this throughout the journey and I think she softens up a bit once they hit Baldur's Gate during Act 3. I don't think Halsin has a problem with her being able to make the tough decisions that she does. I don think he minds her being a bit of ball-buster when it comes to negotiating deals for the group either. The fact that she can talk her way through most things is a trait he deeply admires about her but he does find that her ability to just compartmentalize her needs, the group needs, and other people's need is scary to him. I think the one thing that sort of eases that feeling is that she does see his concerns with the way the city treats its marginalized citizens. She's an opportunist but she's not a monster by a long shot.
💐 What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
Oh my God,
I frequently see their best and most cherished moments of domestic bliss being Halsin and Niralei walking hand in hand through the town they are slowly building together. The sounds of children's laughter fills the air all around them. People call out to them and wave as they move through the incomplete streets, foundations slowly filling in and people set hard at work to lay the stone. I see them splitting off at the middle--him going towards the next building he's been thinking of putting up and her towards the people that are procuring materials to get it set up. They work their way around Reithwin in a day, walking hand in hand, idly chatting along their way, and then stopping by different places where either one of them will engage with the people helping them rebuild the city. Their form of domestic bliss is nurturing and working together. Of building up this small community, this place they call home. It's looking at each other and seeing that passion flaring within, of knowing that this work they are doing is what they both care so deeply about. It's about this place that exists, soft and eager for the shaping, their hands that give form to it, and their hearts that know this is the place they've always wanted to see through. A place where anyone can belong and that belongs fully to them.
They definitely would cook and clean together, although I think Halsin does better with the cleaning of things and Niralei is a much better cook. Halsin probably knows how to cook a few things for himself given how long he's been around but most of that was about utility and making sure the food did its job. Niralei likes indulging and a hell of a lot of decadence if she can help it. She's not as good as Nettlebane or Gale, but she's going to be feeding him some very lovely meals and Halsin's gonna be hovering close so he can learn them.
I think Niralei gets a special pleasure out of dragging Halsin around for some shopping. She's materialistic in a fun way and but also he has bigger arms so she needs him in case there's something she can't carry. Grocery shopping tends to be the more tame form of shopping between them but clothes shopping is something she loves especially if they're doing it for him. I think he's learned to love the way she lights up and gets animated talking to the tailor about fabrics and baubles that'll look amazing on him when he's getting his next outfit.
🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially.
I'll list three because I have many lmao
Francesca by Hozier. I think this stems mostly from the fact that I can already see how this relationship will impact the both of them. Halsin is going to outlive Niralei. He will probably bury her but will have loved her, and continue to love her, up until the end. And despite everything that happened to them, the circumstances that brought them together? They'd do it all over if it meant running into each other and loving one another again.
All Night by Beyonce. This stems entirely from the way they bring out these raw feelings in each other. So much of what other people bring to them is about perception but the two of them by the end of the Absolute Crisis will have seen each other in ways most others haven't. There's a foundation there and a clear future for both of them that they are going to spend the rest of their nature lives nourishing. They don't know they've found home in each other yet but they will. And when they do, so much of what they love about each other and see in each other will just be so amazingly clear.
Skin by Rihanna. I mean....issa fuck song...and they do like to fuck!
🥡 What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
Picture this:
A home nestled in a small town essentially full to the brim with scaffolding and clear signs of work on buildings in between. The sun has just disappeared behind the castle sitting on the edge of the town. Beyond the trees and the quieter unpaved paths of dirt is our house, flower patches and dirt mounds arranged in neat lines marks it distinctly from the rest.
Inside there is a man, an elf, older and starting to feel the wear on his body now from the day's work. He is warm and his skin is flush. He finished a bath not long ago and he smells like the oils the lady of the house gifted him weeks ago. His robes hold together with a solitary green belt and he occasionally pulls his pipe from his lips, rolling the smoke around in his mouth for a bit before expelling it into the air.
He's got a book open in his lap.
He doesn't know why he picked it up. There's a series of healing techniques he very much knows about all over the pages and some he's never heard of. Raiding the decrepit House of Healing was worth at least this but it'll be worth more if he can successfully convince the healers he's been scouting to move out this way. It'd be a shame to let the medical theatre go to waste and having a large treatment center gives Reithwin a major foundation to work with--a place where a renown healer already works with the supply to help everyone.
And then there's the tollhouse. They've found some masons and lumberers willing to make a move this way for the right coin. He has no idea where the money is coming from but if his love is willing to share, he won't stare into the horse's mouth. She's better with the wheeling and dealing--he's glad to have her here.
He puffs another cloud of smoke into the air. And then the schoolhouse. The children need a place to foster their education.
His ears twitch. Footsteps move across the creaking wood. A match strikes and a door opens. His heart races at the sight of her and she offers a small smile as she approaches her perch.
A series of pillows and blankets sits upon a bench that sticks out from a window that has a clear view of the river below. She reaches for her lute and sets it across her lap. Her voice breaks the silence first, a long and beautiful note that floods the space around them quickly. She strums the first note on key with her voice and the second follows, turning into a long string of them until it flows into a proper song.
The hearth near to him crackles and dances. Something magical fills the air around them and his ears adjust. The book goes forgotten and her music keeps him away from it. Before the first song concludes, he will have dumped the book on his desk and crawled onto the perch, head nestled on her lap as much as he can fit and he closes his eyes.
🫦 What's something seemingly innocent that the other does, says or wears that turns the other on?
Tbh I think they both are very deliberate and upfront about the things that turn them on in the moment. It's one of the most painfully positive aspects of both of them, that they are absolutely not above admitting to their horny desires and feelings about each other.
I think Niralei gets a little hot under the collar when she gets to just sit back and watch Halsin do work with his hands, namely when he whittles. His hands are big and full of evidence of work he's done. But she knows those hands well. The way they nurture. They way they heal. The way they grip her when she's trying to playfully roll away. The way they keep her steady while he's hurtling her towards the edge of her desire. He'll put those hands on her hips, or squeeze her knee, or whittle away at something and she'll have to simply pray his nose can't pick up on her excitement. He almost always does, though, and drags her off to put those hands to work on her.
Halsin, on the other hand, knows Niralei is an incessant flirt and loves to push buttons on him all the time. Her teasing is just a part of how she shows her affection for him and it's kind of enticing when she does it during moments where he can't immediately react on his desire. However, there are moments when Niralei becomes a completely different person and that's when she's singing. Her singing is the one part of her that comes from a place she can't conceal or pretend at. Her music is something that holds a lot of meaning and when she falls into a rhythm or song that grips her, she can absolutely grab an audience essentially by the throat and make them hear her in a way that is unlike any other way she speaks. Music is more than an art to her. It's something that comes from within and crept up through her soul. It's the closest he ever gets to see her pouring her entire heart out for anyone lucky enough to see it but it's also when he finds himself falling deeply, horribly in love with her. The way she commands an audience, keeps their attention, has them on the edge of their seats, or even hopping out of them with her runs--she very rarely goes through songs these days without him needing to pull her to the side for a private moment.
Love Day Asks!
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signedmio · 4 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request a romantic Hazbin Match up!
Just call me Olivia.
Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Straight
Style: My style ranges depending on my mood but it consistantly falls into three categories of dresses (Usually knee length with a fit and flare waist), comfy (Sweaters and comforters), and sexy (Think corsets and bustiers.). I like wearing make-up and styling my hair into cute styles (Sadly I suck at braiding.) Shoes… honestly I think I like all shoes except crocks. I love Nail art too!
Hobbies/Interest: Drawing, singing, gaming, reading and shopping. I like trying out new things from activities and foods. Favorite subjects are history, mythology, and computer science, and I like building furniture when I have a guide.
Book genres: Romance, Fantasy, Historical, and Mystery
I'm called a social butterfly by everyone I know. I've also been told I have a tendency to adopt introverts into my circle and care for them. No joke, I've been invited to place because I'm willing to talk to strangers and not shy away from conversation. I've been told that I'm very entertaining to be around because I'm very bubbly and animated in my interactions because I like making people happy.
Jokes on everyone because internally I'm very shy and a nervous wreck, I just know how to hide it well. I definitely can suffer from feeling inadequet and have imposter syndrome XD Honestly to quote my favorite character: I'm an insecure, neurotic control freak… on crack. I can also be materialistic and pouty.
I'm very protective over my loved ones, think "Hurt them, I hurt you and no one will find the body." I tend to hover over loved ones if they are sick or sad and help take care of them.
I also can definitely be a bitch but usually the other person deserves my ire. I also will hold grudges if people backstab me or my loved ones. They can say they are sorry but I will not trust them again nor will I let them near my circle of people.
Fav Foods: I love spicy foods, baked goods, and love trying to make new dishes or eating them.
Love Languages: Physical Touch: I love to cuddle, hug and everything else under the sun. If I'm kissed on the forehead, I will swoon.
Emotional: This is a must because if there's no emotional connection why is there a relationship to begin with. I want to be able to talk to my partner and them to me no matter the situation. Both the good and the bad.
Gift giving: I don't care what kind of gift, for me it's the thought that counts that I was on his mind.
My type: I'm very specific in my type so I'mma choose two good and one bad: I want someone loving and caring, and not a jackass. Otherwise I will be the one punching them.
Lord… I sound like a mess XD I feel bad for this but I'm really curious so good luck!
hello olivia!! this was one i wasn’t so sure on who i was gonna do, but i decided on…
Sir Pentious !!
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Pentious definitely fits your type imo because he’s actually so genuine and sweet like I would not understand anyone who thinks he’s a jackass lmao
He’s very big on physical touch, but he’s scared shitless to initiate like anything ever, so the fact that he doesn’t have to worry too much calms him down a lot haha
Pen is a bit shy and a tad bit of a wreck haha so the fact that you’re social enough to draw him out of his shell a little AND aren’t too crazy for him is something that matches well with the row of you <3
He also feels very flattered if you ever get protective over him, it kinda makes him all warm inside, like you care about him so much to be protective? Like bro, he’s swooning
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
So, I have a niece. And my whole close & extended family completely pamper her. And my 2 year old is aware of this as well. I was wondering how the Lightwood-Bane, Fairchild-Herondale & Lightwood-Lovelace would pamper Lance in every universe. Coz he is THE First-Next-Generation. ( for eg, how would Magnus spend time/appreciate his first grandchild, what would Simon do with Lance, we know ofcourse Jace would be head-over heels in love with Lance. )
Yes. Exactly this.
I don't remember which fic this is mentioned in (probably LBAF) but we talk about how Lance is precious to the tmi gang because he is the first grand baby in his generation.
I find Izzy, Magnus and Jace to be very materialistic with their pampering - like they literally buy him whatever he wants (this boy was SPOILT af).
I also see Izzy being ready to throw hands (I don't care it's a four year old, Simon, if someone is mean to Lance I will call that asshole an asshole to their face.)
Also Jace just carrying Lance everywhere and refusing to let his little man walk 🥺
I can see Magnus and Alec taking him on a lot of trips (with Arthur of course) because we know Mavid are homebodies and Malec love travelling. They probs take Lance to a lot of different destinations (but Lance is cranky because he is a homebody too)
Clary and Simon are part of the nerd squad. They make sure this boy is cultured!! We know Lance loves superheroes and video games and these two are two to be blamed for that!!!
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kaddyssammlung · 26 days
Aqua Regia – Analysis
Name/ meaning: it dissolves gold.
“Well, my love is an animal call”
Did is say something somewhere about blind range and maybe killing something with your bare hands? I would never say that he did something like that but it kind of reminds me of this for some reason.
Either that or he was called by an animal? Maybe he means Sleep?
“Cutting through the darkness, bouncing off the walls”
I like this image. Love that is cutting through darkness. This is really nice. It sounds nice and also the image that it creates is just lovely.
“Between teeth on a broken jaw”
This makes me think about the car accident allusions. Or he means a broken jaw in a metaphorical way since he said something about jaws and how they show our true emotions.
“Following a bloodtrail, frothing at the maw”
This again reminds me of “Jaws”. It creates images of hunting and wild animals. I'm not really sure what he means though.
“These days I'm a circuit board Integrated hardware you cannot afford”
That sounds so damn cool! Seems like he is starting to say “goodbye” to someone? Hardware you can't afford...? I'm too good for you?!
“The perfect start to a perfect war putting down the roses picking up the sword”
It really seems like he is done with something or someone. Maybe he means Sleep.
“Aqua Regia”
Since he kind of hints on alchemy every now and then, at least in my perception, maybe you can see this referencing alchemy again? Since alchemy is about “creating gold” whereas Aqua Regia is about dissolving gold?!
“Well, my past is a holy book”
I wonder how he means this. This is me sensing some religious abuse again....or maybe he means that it has something to do with God? I don't know. It could also mean something positive. You really never know. I keep sensing relegious trauma though for some reason.
“A call from Olympus, ringing off the hook”
Olympus hinting at Greek mythology but I don't know which way to go from here because I don't know much about it.
“I'm stuck in a time where the mountains shook”
I take from that he is stuck in the past and also maybe there was a lot of drama going on with someone or maybe even him?
“And these days I'm a picture frame Screaming at the sunshine, singing in the rain”
I like the play with opposites. Most humans like sunshine and not the rain. I can relate to the feeling that sometimes the rain fits the mood better and then you look at the sun in an angry way. As if it was shining in a sarcastic way.
“Sugar on the blood cells, carbon on the brain”
Sugar I've got a taste for you....well! I still get ED vibes from this. Or from both of them. And carbon...maybe not breathing right? When you start to breath the wrong way because you are stressed?!
“Out of Eden's vices running through my veins”
To me this just represents the way we are so deeply attached to the materialistic world. Hinting on Adam and Eve maybe and how they were not supposed to eat apples from that forbidden tree?!
To me this always symbolizes how humanity is kind of a slave to the materialistic world.
“Oxytocin running in the ether”
I like that! Oxytocin has something to do with connection or connecting to others. Let's say you just slept with someone then your body is flooded with it.
Ether uses to be in the periodic table of the elements but someone made sure that it got erased. Not going into the depths this one, though.
“Silicon ballrooms Subatomic interactions if it's all good”
This is the nerdiest way ever of saying “sex”. At least that's what I think he means.
I'm picturing myself saying this my none existing girlfriend “let's have subatomic interaction tonight”.
(I think I need a girlfriend...for only one reason: that I can say this to her)
“Gold rush, acid flux”
That rush that love can give you? But he also says acid and I know the meaning of this word. Maybe he means drugs? Or maybe just acid from your stomach, when you ate the wrong food and then your stomach starts acting up? I have no idea.
“Saturate me, I can't get enough”
Imagine me sitting on a desk and raising my eyebrows in a suspicious way. Sex again Mr. Vessel?!
Of course he means just saturated atoms....oh well I don't know how to say this in English actually. I think he means saturated chemical compounds...or maybe not.
“Cold love, hot blood Running to your heart when you're thinking of”
Makes me think about the whole album of “This place will become your tomb” where it feels like he is torn between loving or hating someone. This feels the same way to me. Maybe he know that they are no good for each other but he still likes the thought of them being close to him.
I swear....this is such a BPD thing.....
“Oh and I am done dancing to alarm bells No wonder my ears are still ringing”
This makes me think of someone being highly emotional, very impulsive and also hysterical af...I think I know her. She is typing this right now. Okay, it's a past version of me that it reminds me of.
“And I am done fighting off change No wonder my arms are still swinging”
Change is often considered to something bad. It's us staying in the know. But it can also be something good.
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snistr · 1 month
I have an idea for a character. Not for me to play, but for me to play against. Not quite a wanted opposite, but a wanted connection. (I believe that's what group RP's call these sorts of ideas.)
Putting this idea under a cut, just so I don't clog the tags or people's dashes with a whole swath of text.
I don't mind changing this girl's name, but for the purposes of this post we're going to refer to her as Jade. And while there maybe could be another FC assigned to this character, I have a specific girl in mind for her general appearance as well; the girl goes by Honey Bee.
Now just right off the bat, sorry if these bullet points seem all over the place. I figure this is the most straightforward way to present these ideas, and also the most malleable. Like I said, details could easily be changed here and there.
Why is she sex-obsessed? Maybe she found porn at a pretty young age, and became addicted to it ever since. (And as time went on, the taste in porn just became filthier and more degrading.) Maybe her parents’ knee-jerk response to dismissing anything promiscuous made her all the more interested in it. Maybe she already had an internalized interest in male dominance and gender roles and the like - probably due to her dad being a controlling and/or abusive husband and father - and all it took was a little perusing on the filthier side of a social media network like Tumblr or Twitter, and from there she was just gone.
Why is she more than a little boy crazy? Maybe when she found out for herself what a man looked like when he was completely naked, she immediately fell in love with them. (It could’ve been something of a religious experience for her, where seeing a man’s cock was almost like seeing God in the flesh.) Maybe she’s had a tendency to grow really big crushes on guys, and that’s all especially been heightened when she becomes more promiscuous. (It could be a really bad case if her obsessions tend to go towards more jockish, douche-y types. Because, then she’d have an ideation for not only men, but bullish men who hold no respect for women.) Maybe she was sexually molested by someone - possibly a family member - and ever since, she’s come to crave and yearn for men because she associates them with aggression, and that’s what turned her on the most about the molestation. (Even if it was traumatic and shocking to her in the moment.)
Why is she dumb as a rock? Maybe she tries but gets bored easily, and can’t find it in her to concentrate during classes because she’d rather be doing anything else. Maybe she’s really shallow, and can’t help but get distracted by other, more materialistic things. Maybe she spends a lot of time on her phone, and can find herself way too fascinated by things like fashion or gossip (or porn) to really give a damn about education. Maybe she even finds herself rejecting education, because it doesn’t fit in with the warped view of the world she’s coming to develop.
Is she a female misogynist? (Or a gender traitor, as some would say?) Possibly. She’s definitely pro-men, and finds herself super attracted to men who exhibit misogynistic behavior. She finds any attention from any man to be an honor, though she does truly love being degraded and objectified. 
Does she hate herself? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe a man could make her feel really self-conscious and insecure about herself. Or maybe she doesn’t have any insecurity or shame; maybe she prides herself on being a shameless cunt, and is more than happy to prove her inferiority by either presenting her holes or degrading herself for the satisfaction of men.
Where is she in her life? I could see her being in the later years of high school at the earliest. Or maybe she dropped out before reaching senior year and/or graduation and got a GED. (Which could also be a factor to her subpar intelligence.) Though it could also be possible that she made it through high school - by the skin of her teeth - and maybe enrolled into college. (Either because that’s what everybody else was doing, because it’s what her parents wanted… or maybe she personally wanted to go to college herself, but for all the wrong reasons.)
How does she come into contact with men? Maybe she crushes on men who go to the same school as her. (Or maybe they give her all sorts of attention, and she either likes it or loves it, depending on who it is or what kind of attention she gets.) Maybe she goes after men she happens to see out in public, and they take full advantage of her. Maybe she gets cat-called, and she’s gullible enough to eat it all up and take it as a compliment. Maybe she flirts on her social media profile(s), and some of the men she comes into contact with are determined enough to come to her. Maybe she flirts at her job, and is basically like the token slut of all the female employees, regardless of whether she’s working at like a food chain or a more clerical, office-related position.
Now again, some of the details here can be changed. If you've got some suggestions yourself, I'd be happy to hear them! But yeah, these are basically the bones of a character I'd love to play against.
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cherry-interlude · 2 years
LDR Yin/Yang Songs
Yes, more. There's lots of these songs in Lana's music, from her similar lyrics, a story told through different songs or simply maturing one song years later. I'm not saying these songs are connected in reality, but I'm showing ways they could be considered to be
Prom Song Gone Wrong/Lust For Life
The obvious link is the shoo-wop, fifties influence on the music; while Lana is clearly a high school student in PSGW, she is just as in love and ready to escape and live her life with her lover in LFL - just shown in a more mature way
Brooklyn Baby/Lust For Life
The lyric is the clear link: "my boyfriend's pretty cool but he's not as cool as me"/"my boyfriend's back and he's cooler than ever". The link makes it sound like it's about the same person: in BB, Lana is in a band with her boyfriend, and several years later he 'returns' and comes "back", just as "cool" as she initially referenced. It's almost as if they matured separately and came together again, making for a sweet story
Born To Die/Lust For Life
The title also gives it away - going from being born to die, not caring about life and living, embracing the doomed nature of her relationship, to being exhilarated, simply in love and nearly happy. Lana shows such a difference from over the years, being melancholic and frank in her emotions and romances, but becomes optimistic and refreshed with age
National Anthem/God Bless America
These two songs are very much American in feel, with Lana literally comparing herself to the country's song and desiring to be respected as much as the land she loves; in God Bless America, she isn't materialistic and drowning in capitalism but honouring her love for the women of the country. She has a more open-eyed look at the country and some of its concerns, but in both she's just as patriotic
California/If You Lie Down With Me
These songs are about reaching out to past lovers and almost attempting reconciliation. In California Lana is respectful but tender, withholding her own feelings tentatively. In IYLDWM, Lana is more outright, simply telling him to admit his own feelings for her. She clearly loves him, but she isn't going to wait or tiptoe around their love
Mariner's Apartment Complex/Venice Bitch
'Venice bitch' is mentioned in each song - of course there are plenty of songs that have similar lyrics within their respective albums*, but these two songs work well as a pair. In VB, Lana is telling a tale of near-perfect love, with dreaminess, grounded suburbia and pure romance. In Mariner's, she's more honest, and shows how this person - to whom she is his Venice bitch - initially thought she was simply sad, and misunderstood her. Lana recognises their real emotions of mutual sadness in this song, rather than painting a fairytale with words in VB, yet both are ultimately positive.
Again, the lyrics are a hint, but so are the songs themselves. Both talks about catching each other on the "flipside", and seeing each other another time - perhaps to reconcile. Whereas Lana calls the shots in Flipside and dismisses her fairly toxic lover, still holding hope they will reunite, she reaches out in California - perhaps matured as much as he has. There similar references in both: "drinks on the patio"/"your favourite liquor off the top shelf"
Ultraviolence/Fucked My Way Up To The Top
Of course similar lyrics connect these songs again. Ultraviolence only plays a snippet of FMWUTTT ("lay me down tonight..."), but its existence in the song does connect them both. Lana is abused by her lover in UV (though of course the song can mean many things), yet she dreamily adds the lyrics "lay me down tonight" etc. in one of the choruses. This could be Lana's dreams of escape and hopes for her future - or it could be Lana's simple wish that her lover would just treat her carefully. However, FMWUTTT does sound like Lana's step away from the abuse and her own empowerment by taking control of her body and using it for her own means.
I Don't Wanna Go/Old Money
This is more for the night time/day time feel. There are plenty of Lana's songs that tie to the night time or the day time (I'll end up making a list of this probably) but these are two examples of that. Lana mentions the "moonlight" in IDWG, and the song itself feels as stark and barren as the night, where it appears to be set. However, Lana also mentions the "sunshine" in OM, a song where she feels more settled and strong, reaching out to a former lover and vowing to be there for him. These songs somewhat oppose, particularly as the former feels cold and the latter warm, and it's an interesting opposition.
Summertime Sadness/Happiness Is A Butterfly
This one is about feelings: happiness and sadness. Lana always embraces her sadness, particularly in the pained but enduring Summertime Sadness. Lana is just as sad in HIAB, describing a breakdown of a relationship in the verses, but she breaks into a gentle chorus about capturing her happiness and living in it. Again, there are plenty of songs that are either described more as sad or happy, but these two purely show those clear emotions whilst allowing her emotions to breathe further than simply happy or sad
How To Disappear/Video Games
The "yard" is mentioned in both of these**. In Video Games, Lana is in the "backyard", spending simple time with her lover while dreaming, sadly, of a former one. In HTD, she again has two lovers, expressing her love for them both at separate times - yet she had progressed in her relationship from VG, as if (on the same timeline) she has grown older with him and had a kid and "two cats in the yard"
Beautiful People Beautiful Problems/Blue Banisters
Lana sings of her friends in both - she duets with Stevie, who recognises her issues, and BB is an ode to the friends that support her through her life's changes. There are plenty of songs where Lana references and honours her friends, but these two pair well due to the use of colour: the green planet/green banisters, and the blue eyes/blue banisters. It's very simple but the message of the songs do connect well, with the colours adding a nice link (especially when green is a fresh, natural and grounding colour - like Lana's relationships with her friends)
*Venice Bitch/Norman Fucking Rockwell, which if I remember correctly I've already discussed.
**Venice Bitch also could compare to these songs - Venice Bitch could be the dream life Lana lives with her Video Games lover, or How To Disappear could be the sadder side to Lana's VB song
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beautyandthewarcanons · 11 months
Beauty and the War characters and Melanie Martinez songs!
Hello, everyone! I hope you're enjoying your 4th of July! I've been thinking about this for a while- I love Melanie's music, and I wanted to see if I could decently match her songs up with the @poisonappletales cast! Just a disclaimer; some of Melanie's songs do deal with serious issues and are chock full of curse words. Not recommended for the youngsters! Also, be mindful that I will be referencing some scenes from the Beauty and the War Demo as well as other games, so potential spoilers ahead!
Barium: Play Date
You know I give a f*** about you every day
Guess it's time that I tell you the truth
If I share my toys, will you let me stay?
Don't want to leave this play date with you
Being the King of Virgo Island and having a harem, Barium has to allocate his time between everyone and everything that demands his attention. Though generous, he may come off as a bit too materialistic as well. What's wrong with curling up with a simple movie and a snack? If he's going to have one on one time with one of his mistresses, or a "play date-" it can probably be difficult for those who feel very attached to him to deal with times when he's occupied elsewhere. There's a mixture of longing and bitterness that he only has a fraction of his heart reserved for you, if he even has that much to spare. Who knows what would it take to turn that play date into something more?
Alexandrite: Spider Web
Spinning all your silk and moving all of your eight legs
To build a web that'll spread through the world
Feeding off our highs and lows
And curious to see us struggle
No one can leave once they merge
Very little is known about the "prince we do not speak of." However, the thought of him building a "network" of sorts- one where the Vi clan can operate by taking power from the other clans, seems to align with his implied style from other character testimony and perspectives thus far. As second in command behind his brother, it's no surprise that he would work more behind the scenes. Is he more tactical, strategically discreet, the hub of many eyes which report back to him their findings? Also, if Wildfire's tales of him hold any truth, the idea of a spider draining the life from its prey may be more literal than figurative. If you're not sure what I mean, play War: 13th Day!
Night: Cake
I'm not a piece of cake
For you to just discard
While you walk away
With the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back
What's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that I gave to you last night
Night has a reputation of being a player- a heartbreaker, and as Ambrosia describes, someone who should not be trusted. Seeing a woman as a piece of cake- something to be enjoyed once before moving on to the next thing, perfectly describes Night's character thus far. There's no deep connection or bonding, and that can be a huge turnoff to a woman looking for something more. Sure, he may offer a short time of thrill and high energy, which to some is extremely tempting. But I have to wonder, what kind of horns is this daredevil hiding? If Ambrosia's behavior towards him alone doesn't raise red flags, I don't know what will.
Onyx: Detention
I wanna go home, and you say "now is not the time"
F*** being all alone in the back of the classroom, ah
Start calling up my phone trying to say that I've been out of line
When all I ever asked was to go to the bathroom
There's no doubt that Onyx runs a tight ship as War Chief and he's a tough cookie to crack- if that's even possible. The idea of trying to reason with, let alone try to have a relationship with someone who is so utterly devoid of emotion, only dedicated to following the orders of his royal superiors can make those who deal with him feel like they're in their own form of "detention." Even asking a simple, harmless request could be easily denied if it's perceived to go against "orders." Get on the bad side of the Prince or the King, and you'll need a lot more than a hall pass to convince Onyx of being lenient!
Arsenik: Light Shower
I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes
I never once was treated right, you're what I'm missing in my life
As bright as the sun, give me your vitamin D
Let's run into another dimension
You make me feel like I'm on drugs
Anyone who knows me knows that I have a soft spot for Arsenik. The song's quiet guitar strumming and the sound of water makes this one of the most soothing and comforting songs on Melanie's Portals album. Arsenik may be a warrior, but there's undoubtedly a gentle side to him- he has a love for poetry, paces with a flower in hand, speaks politely and respectfully... any woman he would give his heart to would be extremely lucky. But as the song suggests, there is a need to be cleansed- there are things Arsenik isn't ready to talk about yet but has implied that he has done or been involved in things he isn't proud of. There's also a certain someone he may view as a "light shower" as well, illuminating his heart.
Viktor: Training Wheels
You've been riding two wheelers all your life
It's not like I'm asking to be your wife
I wanna make you mine, but that's hard to say
Is this coming off in a cheesy way?
Viktor is far more vocal and blunt about his opinions and thoughts than his uncle at times, and it has been implied that although they may be closer in age, Arsenik occasionally acts more mature as well. Though Viktor is more outgoing, he still does have a kind heart. However, in his travels from fun activity to fun activity, some communication and social cues may be missed by him along the way. There is much that is still a learning experience for Viktor, and this is more of a reason why he deserves someone trustworthy by his side. The idea of a woman taking the wheel could spell trouble for him if they don't have pure intentions.
Chase: Carousel
And it's all fun and games
'Til somebody falls in love
But you already bought a ticket
And there's no turning back now
Chase can be difficult to read at times because it's not easy to discern when he takes things seriously, unless a moment arises where he goes from zero to a hundred. Perhaps his motives for saying certain things or acting a certain way toward certain people will be revealed once the full game is released, but I feel that this sort of "tug of war" is portrayed perfectly in this song. You have to be a certain height to ride at the carnival... perhaps it could mean one or the other needs to see more eye to eye. He can be very charming at times, but his impulsive nature can also be hard to keep up with at times. There's a ticket, an emotional investment, that can turn into disappointment if the merriment doesn't live up to expectations. The question is, if his mind becomes set on something, does he put on blinders and go around in endless circles?
Wind: Moon Cycle
Acting like a real tough, furious
Blood swimming turn him amphibious
He says he doesn't care, that he's into this
It happens every time the new season hits
Wind was difficult to find a song for- and although much of this song in particular wouldn't apply to him as it covers a different topic entirely, some of the lyrics like the ones above have a "primal" feeling to it. Wind is an Imugi, with animal-like instincts. This means he is probably very in tune with nature, the "turning of the seasons," so to speak, with more heightened physical senses than members of the other clans. I can imagine that intimacy wouldn't bother him so much if it was engaged with someone he was in a relationship with. Also, the "acting real tough" lyric could speak to his "tsundere" type personality!
X: Gingerbread Man
I'm frosting
I don't need a man to make my life sweet
Prince charming
Just isn't the one that I think I need
Indeed, X is no prince charming! He's a tough cookie to crack- but not in the same way as Onyx, whom I used this phrase with earlier. He's a man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to get it. You're not getting a hopeless romantic with him, and he'll make sure you know just exactly what you're signing up for! Lyrics later in the song paint the picture of a more intense sort of love, and that is certainly accurate with X. If you're not living as his prison buddy, then you'd most likely be on the run- possibly being an accomplice to any and all antics he chooses!
Unknown: Teddy Bear
I threw you out, I didn't outgrow you
I just didn't know you
But now you're back
And it's so terrifying how you paralyze me
Now you're showing up inside my home
Breathing deep into the phone
I'm so unprepared, I'm f***ing scared
It's an eerie coincidence how this song has made me think of Unknown for a long time, being that it's an extra track from Melanie's first album, Crybaby- and then this past March, Unknown placed a great emphasis on teddy bears for his White Day responses! That aside, many of the lyrics do describe behaviors which are consistent with Unknown's bizarre and borderline obsessive personality. He certainly knows how to put on the charm to lure his kittens in- but once you think he's warm and fuzzy, things become... uncomfortable, to put it mildly. There are a few songs I had considered for Unknown, including Spider Web, but ultimately decided this was the most closely relatable to him.
Ambrosia: Pluto
I'll bathe in my ashes
Rise like a phoenix
Show me who I am becoming
Pluto, transform me
Turn off my lonely
I'll sit with my silence
Fix all my conflict
The above lyrics are from a part of the chorus, and I feel they relate closely with Ambrosia. Not only from the mention of a Phoenix, but being Ambrosia is central to the story Crown Ruler is creating, we may witness a great deal of growth- a "transformation" throughout all the games and from interactions within them. The first verse of the song gives me major Death Room and DTTR comic vibes- "walls closing in," and "friends that I thought were forever." It is my hope that Ambrosia is able to overcome all obstacles and pain and live a happy life as she deserves!
Rosemary: Orange Juice
Ooh, I wish I could give you my set of eyes
'Cause I know your eyes ain't working, mmm
I wish I could tell you that you're fine, so fine
But you will find that disconcerting
Aside from the fact that Rosemary dyed her hair orange and that oranges seem to be one of her favorite fruits, this song from Melanie's K-12 album discusses a very serious topic- eating disorders. Indeed, being unhappy with how one's body looks is an everyday struggle that can lead one to cope in mentally and physically damaging ways. In the game- spoiler ahead- in a conversation with Ambrosia, Rosemary implies that the reason she dyed her hair and wears concealing attire is to draw attention away from her body. It's a vulnerable moment for the typically outspoken Phoenix, and anyone with a soul would chime in with Ambrosia to remind Rosemary that she's amazing and adorable!
Jasmine: Pity Party
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry)
I'll cry until the candles burn down this place
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames
We don't know as much about Jasmine yet as we do some of the other characters. However, we have seen that like her cousin Rosemary, she can be very opinionated and is probably why they butt heads so much. She tends to be very invested in her appearance and becomes very annoyed if say, her hair is messed up. She also can become distressed by overall rowdiness. I ultimately settled on Pity Party for Jasmine because I can see her being very upset over not getting the recognition she feels she deserves. Her social investment also seems a bit exclusive, only being "inviting" toward certain people and clans she finds "advantageous" for herself and her family.
Bo Peep: Mrs. Potato Head
If you want a little more confidence
Potatoes turn to French fries, yeah it's common sense
All you need's a couple more condiments
And a hundred thousand dollars for some compliments
Bo Peep is fun, bubbly, and loves to go out with friends when not spending time with the King. As a mistress, she spends much of her time glammed up, adorned with the many jewels and other accessories that Barium gifts her with. Mrs. Potato Head, from Melanie's Crybaby album, is another song that addresses a serious topic- the need to feel "beautiful" through unnatural, often harmful means. Though plastic surgery probably doesn't exist on Virgo Island, just how far would Bo Peep go to maintain her "beauty?" How important is beauty to her above other traits? There's no doubt she's kind and is willing to lend a hand, but without all the makeup and shine, would she still feel like a star and worthy of love?
Wildfire: Pacify Her
I can't stand her whining
Where's her binky now?
And loving her seems tiring
So boy, just love me, down, down, down
Wildfire is by no means warm and snuggly. She's rough around the edges, and can be vindictive and quite cruel at times. There's no denying the love triangle between her, Arsenik and Ambrosia- Crown Ruler even posted this in a relationship chart at one point! Though Wildfire often won't even admit how she truly feels to keep up the image of being tough as nails, she takes any opportunity she can to lash out at the kindhearted Phoenix perceived to stand between her and what she wants- a man who is a fierce warrior with a gentle heart. The finer details of these relationships have yet to be seen, but in the meantime, there's certainly a lot of jealousy and resentment on display.
Brooks: Mad Hatter
I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad
The craziest friend that you've ever had
You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone
Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong
Over the bend, entirely bonkers
You like me best when I'm off my rocker
Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed
So what if I'm crazy? The best people are
Fellow Valkyrie and Wildfire's best friend, she's the more talkative and lively of the two. While Wildfire is usually more serious and sharp with her words, Brooks is often the spark to get her best friend going- or to spark some trouble around her. Brooks has absolutely no filter and will dive head first into something without a second thought, having fun while she's at it. Once she gets going, it's pretty hard to reel her back in- and she's not really concerned with how she's perceived by others, she'll laugh it right off! She's a free spirit through and through, and just like the energy bunny, she can't be stopped!
And there you have it! So, what do you think? Do these song choices make sense to @poisonappletales ' characters? Don't forget to check out their page and give Crown Ruler some much deserved love! In the meantime, happy Independence day to all who celebrate!
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obislittleone · 2 years
Hey, I also want to ask what are your thoughts about Obi-Wan's love life?
Like in the lore Obi-Wan got around and from what I know he had like three girlfriends but sadly they all tragically died😕
Idk what it is about Star Wars and having Obi-Wan just being alone and suffer through many tragic deaths of people he loves but honestly HoM reminds me of the relationship he had with the one female Jedi before she tragically died. The story between the two of them is very similar to the story between obi wan and y/n now except there wasn't an age difference and they weren't Padawan and master.
Idk this man deserves some happiness but yet a part of me is kind of glad that he's alone so he doesn't have to deal with any more heart break there was a rumor that Obi-Wan was going to have a love interest in the show but I'm happy they didn't do that because I didn't know how well they would have handled it but oh well🤷‍♀️💙💙💙
okay so I've read a lot of stuff in legend that says he got around, but in canon the only real 'relationships' he ever had were Satine, and a young knight called Siri Tachi, (who at the time was actually a padawan) but he never really pursued the latter and from what I know he even felt really guilty about it lol
I think I know who your talking ab and yeah i think it's from legends, because it hasn't been canonized technically.... but I can see why you would say that and actually it's not far off from obi and his padawan in HoM at all tbh
As far as my personal thoughts on his love life, I don't have many tbh... as much as I love him dearly, and believe he was very much capable of having a romantic relationship with someone, I don't believe he probably would have found one in canon after Satine, only because he became very cautious after that, and for him, the materialistic label of even having a relationship like that would probably not appeal to him anymore... I try to write him as accurately as I can only knowing this about him, that he would put his duty and beliefs above anything else, including attachment (minus the brotherly love for anakin ofc)
I think that the character/reader insert i've written might have been the closest thing to his ideal choice if he did have one, (which is why i've written her how i have) but obviously whatever i write could never be canon or legend so take it with a grain of salt...
anyways i elaborated way more than i should have-
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briarrosescurse · 2 years
Can I order a bouquet, ribbon and sparkle bwease 🥺💙❇️🎀💐 for roza and chanyuuuu
of course you can !! coming right up 🥺🥺
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
roza doesn't really have anything that she would call her most prized possession...? of course, there are a few things that she owns which she values a lot, out of sentimental reasoning, basically; which would be maybe some of her plushies or gifts she received from one of her wet nurses, but... there is nothing that she would defend her life with. she does appreciate and care for gifts from others that have a sentimental value behind them, finding them to be irreplaceable.
chanyu is far less materialistic than most, so he cares little for any physical possessions. gold, money, you name it - it's not in his field of interest. though he wouldn't necessarily use the term 'possession' here, if anything, his most prized one would be the falcons he often takes under his wing. he is quite a passionate guy when it comes to these birds and treats them with quite a lot of respect. the ideal partners for him; so of course, he would treasure them.
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
honestly, i love trying out anything for roza when it comes to aus! be it a romance focused one, fantasy, futuristic or even plain old modern world. it's fun to see how her character adapts to varying situations, considering that she simply is someone who works very well outside of her canon universe. though i have to say, ever since watching a vampire show a few weeks back, i've been very hooked on the idea of roza in an vampire au. usually, i like doing it the other way around, but for the one i have in mind, she's the vampire! smth abt an hierarchy between vampires, with roza being part of the ones with more abilities, less weaknesses and thus, a greater hunger. it'd be fun to see how it would influence her general morality, ehe
chanyu... honestly, i haven't thought a lot about different aus for him, but he absolutely has the potential for it. i feel like once ive figured out more for shundain's episode, it would be even More fun. but as of right now, i can definitely say that the mafia au is incredibly interesting with chanyu. i thought about it in depth and, basically, shundain would be heavily involved and responsible for the distribution of weapons, drugs and the such. they're also often hired as some sort of mercenaries. chanyu would be the leader, feared for his iron fist rule over his department. he often has had close calls with the cops, so his face isn't an unfamiliar one. i'd argue he has a tad more harsher and merciless as well, but doesn't really think of his men as disposable.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
roza's bouquet would most definitely include varying colors of roses, as well as asters (symbol of love, daintiness), butterfly weed/milkweed ("let me go"), crocuses in spring (cheerfulness, youthful gladness) and the like! obviously the roses are her favorite ones, but i feel like she would be very fond of milkweeds as well.
as for chanyu, his bouquet would include begonias ("beware"), black-eyed susan (justice), blue hyacinth (constancy), borago (courage, power) and maybe tansy (hostile thoughts, declaring war) just to be extremely on the nose. i don't think he has really any favorite flowers...? but i feel like if anything, he'd think tansies are pretty. rather simple and small but look beautiful in masses.
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