#also anon i am so sorry if this isn't what you wanted i was possessed what can i say
mousy-nona · 3 months
Um hi random question for a possible prompt, are you okay with male pregnancy? Cause the prompt is Lucifer finding out that he on a drunken night had a one night stand with Alastor and that has resulted in a secret child that Lucifer never knew about until one day Alastor brings the young boy to the Hotel rather than leaving him with "Aunt Rosie"
TWO PARTS FOLKS! Skip this part if you don't like PWP
SMUT WARNING. LAST CHANCE TO TURN BACK. Also this may or may not be my experiment into smut – let’s see if it’s any good lol
The night of
Later, Lucifer would blame it all on the drink. 
(The devil’s brew, indeed.)
Three mistakes were made that night: the first was letting Husk bring that poison into the hotel in the first place. The second was allowing the grumpy cat and his slutty spider friend to pull him into an innocent drinking game that turned not innocent right quick. 
Note to self: never, ever agree to play strip poker with an ex-gambling Overlord. What the Hell was he thinking? 
Third mistake: allowing Alastor to exist. 
He only had vague flashes of the rest of the night, but for some reason he remembered Alastor as clear as daybreak: Alastor’s sharp claws as he scraped him off the bar, the slight rise and fall of his chest as he carried him up to his room, the soft brush of his hair as he dropped him in his bed. 
And he remembered grabbing his wrist. 
“Don’t go,” he’d whispered. 
And Alastor had stopped, a shadow inside of a shadow in the darkness of his room. “Sleep it off, boozehound.” 
Lord in Heaven, his voice. The static electrified his blood, combined with the heat that was always simmering at a low boil whenever Alastor was around.
He’d thought it was hatred. Maybe it was. It didn’t matter – hate and lust felt the same when it was soaked in whiskey and rum. 
“Why? Too scared to stay?”
He tried to throw the words out as a taunt. They came out like an invitation.
Alastor stilled. For a moment, Lucifer was convinced he would melt into the shadows, but he whirled around in one smooth pounce, clutching both of his wrists in one large hand. His claws dug into Lucifer’s skin, and the little pinpricks of pain sent shocks of electricity straight to his cock. 
“Scared?” Alastor snarled. “If either one of us should be scared…” He took one sharp claw and ripped through the thin t-shirt Husk had let him keep. The cotton fell apart like it was made of paper, revealing the smooth, white skin underneath. Alastor ran his hand down his chest, leaving five thin lines of gold behind. Lucifer sucked in a breath, feeling his dick jump and strain in his pants. Oh, the pain was glorious. “It should be you, your Majesty.” 
“We’ll see about that,” Lucifer batted back breathlessly.
Alastor hmmed, his red eyes glowing in the dark. Slowly, so slowly Lucifer felt like an eternity and a second had passed, Alastor loosened his grip on his wrists…and immediately plunged down on his neck. 
“Wha–” was all Lucifer could get out before a vise-like grip was throttling him. His brain screamed for air, his adrenaline going haywire, and all his nerves went into overdrive. Oversensitized like this, every one of Alastor’s touches made him twist and moan like an untried virgin. No matter what ungodly sounds squeaked through his tortured throat, Alastor kept going, running his sharp claws against the side of his neck, the lines of his back, the deep Vs of his hips. 
When he thought he might explode from the lack of oxygen, Alastor let go – and promptly tore the button off his pants. Lucifer’s mouth went dry as his traitor clothes slipped off, and he was laid bare in front of the wicked devil. 
“What do we have here?” His grin would make a lesser man’s skin crawl. 
Lucifer was not a lesser man. He was the king of Hell. And was he really just going to lie here and let Alastor strip him bare without even trying to fight back? 
Moving quickly, he entwined his legs with Alastor’s and flipped them over so Alastor was lying flat on his back and Lucifer was back on top. Alastor hissed, his eyes narrowing, but Lucifer ignored him. Seeing the normally buttoned up and pristine demon like this, his hair mussed, his coat half-open sent a surge of lust so powerful what little breath he had left whooshed out of his lungs. 
More, his fevered, whiskey-washed brain whispered. I want him ruined. I want him ravaged.
As if in a dream, he took hold of Alastor’s collar and ripped. The silk flew obediently off his body, revealing his toned muscles, the mouthwatering scars that dipped in and out of sight, tales of violence written in flesh and blood. Alastor was built lean but powerful, his chest as broad as his waist was narrow. Lucifer drank him in, gently touching each one of those scars with a veneration he hadn’t felt since the Fall.
I wonder if you’ll tell me these stories one day, he thought. 
Alastor shivered each time Lucifer’s fingers met his overheated skin. A small sound escaped the back of his throat, half growl, half groan. 
“Is that the best you can do?” He panted, his teeth gritted into a grin. A challenge. 
It was painful to avoid his own straining cock for so long, but Lucifer couldn’t let Alastor’s jabs pass unnoticed. He surged forward and captured Alastor’s mouth with his – all the better to shut you up with, my dear. Alastor’s tongue was as flexible and tantalizing as his shadow tentacles. They battled for dominance, Lucifer’s hands going straight for Alastor’s pants – and letting out a sigh of relief when he felt the unmistakable stiffness pressed against the fabric. A quick slide of his finger, and he was able to grab Alastor’s cock in one hand, winding his other into the astonishing softness of Alastor’s hair. 
Alastor snarled and broke the kiss. Lucifer had one glimpse of his face – eyes wild, his edges glitching, a step away from utterly undone – before Alastor sent him flying.
He landed with an oomph on his stomach, the softness of the blanket beneath bunched under his hips as he felt the ominous aura of Alastor crowd behind him. A hand fisted into his hair and yanked up, so rough he felt his scalp ache. Alastor leaned in, his breath hot and sweet against the crook of his neck. He jumped as an unmistakable pressure near his ass.
Alastor pushed. Lucifer let out a long, keening cry as he felt a claw enter him. There was nothing soft or gentle about it, but he found himself pushing back, panting violently as a rush of electric lightning arc up and down his body. 
It had never felt like this. 
“So hungry for it,” Alastor murmured, his grin sharp against his cheek. Lucifer moaned, his dick so hard it bobbed against his stomach. 
Another finger. Another rush of pleasure-pain. Another shock of lightning as sparks flew across his vision. 
Alastor hummed, as if considering something. The last sane part of Lucifer’s brain trembled with fear…and anticipation. He spat into his palm, readying himself for something.
“What if I do this?” 
Lucifer had been right to be afraid. 
Alastor scissored his two fingers while grabbing his leaking cock and pumping hard. His mind went blank. His back arched as his mouth widened with a silent scream, feeling the crash of pleasure so mindnumbing, so overwhelming, that he lost all control. Alastor bit at his collarbone at the same time, and the wires of pleasure and pain and everything in between nearly short-circuited his brain for good. 
Lucifer found his voice. He screamed as he felt the most violent orgasm he – or frankly anyone in this world – had ever known rip through his body. When he finally came back down to Earth, he realized he was on his back – and Alastor was between his legs.
“What? Did you think you were the only one who got to have fun, your Highness?”
Alastor pushed in. Lucifer’s ass burned as he struggled to take in his massive length. He closed his eyes, as if in pain, and the most delicious, static-burred groan tore from the back of his throat. It was the sexiest thing Lucifer had ever heard. His limp body, already exhausted from the pleasure Alastor had so savagely pulled from him, started stirring again. 
Then Alastor hit that spot inside of him, and Lucifer’s head fell back, a strangled scream forced from the very depths of his soul. Alastor, true to form, was not gentle. He dug his claws into Lucifer’s waist as he snapped his hips, going as deep as he possibly could with every stroke. He growled as he moved, the static moving in and out of focus in time with each of his thrusts. 
In the ghostly voices of the static, Lucifer could have sworn he heard his name. 
There was a screech, and Alastor shuddered, his muscles rippling as Lucifer felt his cock swell inside of him. 
“Let go, Alastor,” he panted. “Let go. It’s just us here.” 
With a roar, Alastor did as he asked. A raging heat filled his insides as Alastor collapsed on top of him, his hair damp with sweat and an almost-peace crossing over his face. 
Lucifer marvelled at it for a minute – before flipping Alastor back over and straddling his hips so that Alastor had a front-row view of his fully erect cock.
“What?” Lucifer grinned, his eyes glowing gold in the dark of the room. “Did you think you were the only one who got to have fun, Overlord?”
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Happy with the staff content this year but am I the only one who is disappointed with the PV we got? It's basically a slideshow of art we've already seen, major downgrade from the year 1 PV that had literally all the events. There was a drop in quality of the anniversary PVs over the years and it really shows this year. Sorry if you find this too negative I don't mean to hate I just wish Twst would do better for it's ANNIVERSARY.
[For everyone's reference, here are the anniversary PVs in order of release: 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024]
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Mmm, now that you mention it, I noticed this trend with the Halloween PVs 🤔 For year 1, there was a video that showed all members of the NRC casy, even those that did not receive cards at that time. There were then several short variants of the PV released for year 2/Endless Halloween Night (part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4). Altogether, they feature all of the characters, including the students from year 1 but heavily shadowed and with glowing eyes to indicate ghostly possession. Even Glorious Masquerade features all of the students that get new cards for the event plus Rollo, although there are notably more still shots here. The Stage in Playful Land CM, by comparison, is significantly shorter and only shows us the three SSRs (Ace, Ortho, and Kalim) as well as the two new characters (Fellow and Gidel).
As this anon has said, the anniversary PVs have changed a lot over time too. The first one was the most animated and integrated several event outfits. The second one was also animated a fair amount, but you can tell corners were cut in some places where they transition to photographs/still images. This alone works thematically given that the player is a photographer, but you can still catch dips in quality when it comes to the art style. I remember finding Deuce running and the Kalim + Silver flying scene odd, as well as Jade and Trein's faces strange in general. Then the third PV rolls around and it only features the third years; the animation also seems to be much more sluggish (although this could be a stylistic choice; not sure). A friend actually recently pointed out to me that Lilia's pose looks like he was pulled straight from other assets; his artwork in the animation is almost the exact same as his smiling expression in the game. This year's is the most different (+ most static) and, like year 3's PV, only provides "new" content for a select few characters (the dorm leaders). They also reuse pre-existing illustrations already found in the game that don't seem to be picked for any particular reason (like, there are random Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles groovies in there). This direction, I'm guessing, is less costly and more efficient than making an entirely original animation, which is what was done in previous years. (Not that Disney or Aniplex is hurting for money to fund this, lol) Would I have preferred another PV in the style of year 1's? Yeah, for sure. I want to see other events and their outfits animated! Was what we got this year bad? Not necessarily; I think the production and editing was very technically impressive, but I'm still sad we didn't get anything substantially "new" to chew on (as someone who isn't a fan of most third years or the dorm leaders). Maybe it's just something we perceive as a deficit only because year 1 set the bar so high. It is what it is; whoever was in charge of the anniversary PV was probably doing the best they could with whatever budget they were given 😔 Let's hope that next year's will be a return to form, or that at least the money/effort is being redirected to other bigger projects (maybe the anime?).
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
HELLO LOVELY! I saw your tank top thingy and am now inclined to request this. Could you do a fem. s/o that wears nightgowns to bed for dazai, ranpo, and fyodor? bonus points if you add your favorite characters :)
Now im not talking about those skimpy, lacy, lingerie ones. nono, im talking about the long vintage ones. kinda like in peter pan, what wendy was wearing, but white. think cottage-core vibes.
you don't have to do this if you dont want to! but just remember, have fun! and stay hydrated! ❤️
GOOD DAY!! This is a very interesting req anon! I quite like it! I’d be lying if I said I never wanted one of these nightgowns that you’re referring to lmao. They’re just so graceful and pretty 💖💖 also you're very sweet thank you!
Reader who sleeps in a nightgown
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♡ pairing: Dazai Osamu, Ranpo Edogawa, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Mykola Hohol, Edgar Allan Poe x fem!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do these boys react to a reader who wears a nightgown to sleep?
♡ cw: A couple of naughty words, suggestive behaviour (goddamnit Dazai and Fyodor specifically)
note: You said I could add faves so I threw Mykola and Poe in there for the funsies (was gonna put Oda too but I could not think of anything for this poor guy I'm sorry) 🌸 Apologies for errors, hope you enjoy :)
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At first he probably teases you and says you look like a curtain or a ghost or something T-T
But he's not a complete jerk. He does think you look like an angel and he tells you as much eventually (I feel like he would lowkey be into old-fashioned romantic stuff sometimes especially if it involves you wearing a pretty nightgown <3)
Constantly quizzing you on how you're able to comfortably wear something like this to sleep because to him it looks kind of uncomfortable? When you try to tell him that it's fine and you think it looks pretty he drops the subject but lowkey still worries about it
Plays with your sleeves or the skirt of the nightgown while he's lying next to you
From then on if you guys ever watch old fashioned movies ft. women who wear similar nightgowns, he always points it out. He's like 'That's like the one you have! You look better in it though'
He's a charmer for sure this guy
Though he does think you look lovely, he is still a bit of a pervert. It's rather possible Dazai might try to feel you up through the nightgown. Damnit Dazai
Ranpo is honestly probably a little confused at first. Like this is the 21st century, why are you wearing this?
THAT BEING SAID he is actually rather happy to sleep with you while you're wearing an old-fashioned nightgown. It's like being wrapped in your own little silky blanket!
He fiddles with it when he's bored and rubs his face against it just because he's kinda weird like that (lovingly)
Probably asks Yosano/Fukuzawa about it because let's be real, as smart as Ranpo is he doesn't understand why you would wanna cover yourself in so much fabric when you go to sleep (autistic things 2.0 <3)
Otherwise he does think you look very elegant. He also thinks it's cute that you care so much about always looking nice even if you're just hanging out in bed with him
But at the same time he's like 'Well how are you supposed to eat snacks in bed if you're wearing something that isn't supposed to get dirty??/??????????'
Actually does make an effort to not get any crumbs on you though because he knows that you care about your nightgowns <3
He already thinks of you as an angel- so why not look like one too?
Fyodor is relatively old fashioned (at least in my head), so he's happy with what you've chosen to wear. It's mature and modest, but it's also so ~pretty~ that he can't keep his hands off you
Somewhere in his fucked up little brain spouts a twinge of possessiveness because you're just so enchanting and you look so innocent! Why should anyone else get to see you in your undergarments (even though it's basically a dress)? They shouldn't, end of story
Tbh he probably gets turned on if he thinks about it too long -_-
Fyodor sometimes likes to fondly watch you while you're sleeping, so the nightgown really adds cuteness points for him
He's always praising you for looking beautiful even in your sleep- probably compares you to Sleeping Beauty because he's messed up like that <3
He always holds you gently while you two sleep and presses soft kisses to your neck because that's like the only part of you he can access lol
Overall he acts very calm but is lowkey just a little TOO into it
Mykola is so dramatic about it. He's like 'MY EYES HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY AN ETHEREAL BEAUTY FROM THE HEAVENS' or something else dumb like that
But the thing is, he actually means that. He's just very theatre kid-esque in his delivery which makes it seem like a mockery lol
He just thinks you look so cute! He spins you in his arms and pinches your cheeks
Asks you to give him a couple twirls in the same way that your mother does when you're trying on a new outfit
I believe that 'yangoliatka' is a term of endearment in Ukrainian that means 'angel'? If so then he would ABSOLUTELY call you that (I'm so sorry if that's wrong- I don't speak Ukrainian T-T)
Picks you up bridal style 'to practice' because you kinda do look vaguely like a bride. When you get shy he just laughs (menace behaviour)
You know those noir films with those really drawn out but trying-to-be-romantic sex scenes (where the girl inevitably wears one of those fancy nightgowns?) Yeah he'd try to recreate one of those because he thinks it's funny
Yeah uh. He was absolutely the one who bought it for you in the first place.
He's just an old-school romantic boy and thought you would look beautiful in a nightgown! (spoiler: he was right)
Poe thinks you are ethereal, gorgeous, stunning, exquisite, graceful, elegant, ravishing, all of the above
In short he's totally enamoured with you and lets you know how beautiful you look even though you are wearing pyjamas
He's a gentleman and asks if you're alright with him cuddling you in case he creases it or something (plus he's also very much content to just sit beside you and admire you)
His heart is beating so fast as he pulls you into his arms because in his head is probably some insane paranoia about how perfect you are and how unworthy he is or something
He probably starts spilling all this poetic prose about how you outshine all of the beautiful women in history (y'know like Aphrodite, Cleopatra, Helen, and also Annabel and Lenore duhh)
He will be buying you more of these in different colours and styles for sure
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Before anyone comes at me- yes I am doing the asks out of order. Sometimes ideas come to me much faster for one prompt than they do for the other, but I promise I am doing my best to complete all of them. Also imagine being Poe’s sugar baby awhhh maybe I should write it
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red-riding-wood · 3 months
I’m so sorry about what happened to you and so many others. Disgusting misogynistic behavior. You all deserve so much better ):.
Also sending this bc I do believe he has made two new accounts. Drcranessweetestdoe and monsterfromthewoods. I have no proof these are him ,but it just strikes an absurd resemblance to his writing and he seemed to interact with both of them a few weeks ago. The first one hasn’t blogged in weeks either. Just seems strange. Once again though, I could be wrong. Just something for everyone to stay weary about. Stay safe ❤️
Thank you for the well wishes, anon! I really do appreciate you reaching out. <3
From my conversations with @drcranessweetestdoe, she does not behave like Kill (nor does her writing style compare to his), and I am pretty positive he is incapable (or at least very bad) at taking on different personalities since I believe I witnessed his attempt with the second account you mentioned. Aurora is very sweet, and she used to be a fan of Kill's writing and mine. I don't want people to be suspecting her of foul play because I do believe she is genuine. Kill has a pattern of reblogging fics as a way of seeing what victims he can latch onto and I see that as a coincidence with his reblog of Monster's.
As for @monsterfromthewoods... I was hesitant to make a callout, mainly because no one has actual solid proof that he is Kill. But, there is too much evidence for me to ignore, and I wanted to give my honest opinion and observations. Monster, if you are not this person, feel free to reach out and vouch for yourself, and if I am wrong, I am deeply sorry.
Fuck that. As I was typing this message up, I decided to check my DMs and noticed that my friend had said that he gave her the same name that, as of this morning, was revealed to me as his actual name along with his real picture and Facebook profile. That really sealed the deal for me. Here is the rest of my evidence to prove that this is "Kill":
Monster followed my friend around the same time that she blocked Kill.
Monster followed me the same day that I sent Kill a confrontational message, calling him out for his lies and pleading with him one last time for medical treatment and answers.
From the posts on Monster's account, and the one comment I know he made on my friend's post, his personality exactly fits Kill's. This is why I said I do not think he is capable or likely to be able to craft a believable persona.
Monster made a post about suicide, and a pro-Palestine post, the former of which Kill discussed with me a lot and the latter my friend pointed out as suspicious since Kill was also very strongly pro-Palestine. Seeing as Monster doesn't have that many posts yet on his blog, this isn't irrefutable evidence but it is very coincidental.
Lastly, I actually did my best to analyse and compare Kill and Monster's writing, since I had recalled a few things that stuck out to me when I read Kill's writing. Him and Monster share many similarities with their writing habits/consistencies. They are as follows (the examples listed are from 18+ content so please do not view if you are a minor):
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Use periods and exclamation marks -- but never commas -- as punctuation to end dialogue tags.
Starter dialogue tag always facing outward. Like: ”So... Tight”
Tend to each use a snapshot style of writing, favouring incomplete sentences with frequent use of periods. Examples: K: "His mind, usually so sharp. Focused and organized like the most expensive machines. A killing machine, that worked in perpetual motion, living off killing, adrenaline used like a drug." M: "Your dear, understanding doctor. Doctor Jonathan Crane, who laughed out loud suddenly a couple moments ago. The dark colour covering his exotic looking eyes as he revealed his real nature to you."
Similarly, they both tend to avoid using possessive pronouns and determiners. Examples: K: "_ Pale, little pussy peaked from between her thighs." M: "The scars covering _ man's pale skin," _ = absence of "her, that, the," etc.
Often use adverbs after verbs in a way that feels out of place.
Capitalise after ellipses, always.
"Y/n" always has a lowercase "n".
Sometimes use three ellipses, often use only two.
Use "pants" but never "trousers".
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Yeah, so, I may have spent way too much time on this. And I think most of this is redundant, now, especially after the name revelation, but still, I put work into it and didn't want it to go to complete waste lmao. I also had no idea until I was tagged today that apparently there are programs that do this sort of thing for you. Oops.
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thatgirl4815 · 9 months
I don't understand the need for a SandRay endgame tho, don't you think Sand deserves better than this? deserves better than to be the second choice, the one Ray goes after when Mew doesn't want him? I just can't seem to fathom wanting that for Sand and I would like someone to explain to me why would you want that haha
Ray doesn't care about him enough, when Mew was with Top, Ray stated that as long as Mew was happy, he was happy, he didn't try to break them up, with Sand tho, with Sand it seems Ray doesn't care about his happiness, about letting him move on, with Sand he is selfish and controlling and I don't think that is love.
I don't mean this to be rude (I am really sorry if my wording came across that way!) but I really wanna understand why anyone would want that for Sand haha
Hey Anon! Not rude at all--a very valid question. Ultimately: yes, I do think Sand deserves better, and that has been part of the reason why my Sand Protector heart and SandRay shipper heart have been at odds. But I'm going to use this space to rant a little, if that's alright.
If Sand and Ray was to be endgame the way their relationship is now, I would not be satisfied. Because you're right, Ray is selfish--tossing Sand around and using him when he needs him. In a lot of ways, I think Ray's relationship with Sand will be a catalyst for showing him just how selfish of a person he is.
Ray has problems. Ray is an alcoholic and a drug addict who seems to struggle with depression and self-worth issues. He's also very lonely. And I think Ray sees an out to a lot of those problems through Mew; he's constructed this fantastical aura around him. Maybe it's because Ray wants something easy: he thinks that if he can be with Mew, he doesn't have to feel unworthy of love. He's convinced himself of this so strongly that even someone like Sand, who he does care for, can't compare to the fantasy he's built up in his head.
Sand doesn't deserve to give Ray any more chances, because Ray is messing with his heart. At the same time, I think Sand struggles to blame Ray completely for this because he knows that they haven't technically committed to each other. For the moment, I think Sand blames himself more than anything. When Ray starts getting possessive is when things are really going to go downhill in the toxicity department. But amidst all of this, I am hopeful that Ray will see everything he is doing to Sand for what it is. When the euphoria of RayMew wears off, there could be clarity.
And it isn't just that Sand takes care of Ray either. It's that Sand takes care of Ray even when he doesn't have to. I've been thinking a lot about the fact that Mew came when Ray called two years ago, but Ray has never once called Sand for help, but Sand has helped anyways.
So really, when I say I want SandRay endgame, I mean that I want a SandRay endgame where Ray apologizes and, more than that, shows Sand that he was wrong. I would not blame Sand for walking away at all, but I like the thought of Ray realizing that he was caught up in a dream that was never going to be a reality. I think being with Mew will show Ray that he's been an asshole to Sand in ways that he might not have intended, even if he needs to take responsibility for them.
Does that make sense? Hopefully I'm not the only one who feels this way. Unrelated to the story, but I'm an FK stan to the ends of the earth, so I suspect that is also informing my opinion, haha.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
I just read your angst/jealous/drunk austin hc and imma need a fic like that when you’re not busy
oh anon. that was cute. i'm always busy with either my daughter, my job(s) or life in general. but also fics because i don't know when to stop. and this was from august. i'm so sorry. if you're still here. hi, this is one of three i started.
when will we get the time to be just friends
summary: a date goes well enough when you're broken up with austin. austin mildly ruins it by being drunk and calling you while being intensely jealous. the fact that he's in new york works to your advantage. fandom: austin butler | elvis 2022 rating: m pairing: austin butler x priscilla actress reader ( little dove verse, whatever you wanna call it ) word count: 1799 warnings: you know the drill. daddy kink. talk of a break up. jealousy. austin is drunk, dove is sober. no use of the y/n. dom/sub relationship. character bleed issues. mildly unhealthy dynamics. choking during sex. possessiveness. p in v sex ( unprotected via condom, but dove has a birth control patch ) author's note: for real though i am so sorry anon about how long this has taken. i still have like two other fics i started for this prompt and will probably post. so. if you're still here by golly you'll get a small feast. this is not canon, but consider it an offshoot? a what if? based on this headcanon/blurb/crumb thing.
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Consider you don’t block his number. Consider you just hang up the phone until five minutes later when you realize that for some ungodly reason you can’t stop thinking of what he said. He’s not wrong, you didn’t actually come with the guy you brought home and yes, you didn’t wear underwear with that dress, because it never really fit all that well when you did, it messed up the lines of the dress. 
You debate the merits of blocking his number as you stare at the phone because you know you should. You know that at this point the way you and Austin have been interacting with each other isn't healthy, that you two should have given each other a clean break. You two should have stopped talking to each other so that you could both- heal properly from Elvis and whatever you two had gotten wrapped into while filming. It's just that talking to Austin was easy, it's always been weirdly easy for you even from that first day. Of course that first day might have been more flirting than it was talking but all the time after and all the phone calls during quarantine and then the time spent as Austin and you, Daddy and Dove, and even Elvis and Priscilla- it was just easy to talk to him. You miss him, god help you but you miss his touch and miss his hand around your throat. Before you realize just what you're doing you end up shooting him a text asking where he's staying.
He's lucky you've lived in New York for almost all of your life so that his answer that would be mildly incoherent to others is translated easily and you realize- his hotel is very close to your apartment. You still catch an Uber though, unwilling to walk in the heels and dress that you're in. Besides the wait for the Uber allows you to dwell on what you're doing. Dwell on the fact that you think you're going up to his hotel room to confront him but you know perfectly well that's not what's going to happen. He was so goddamn belligerent over the phone that you're surprised he didn't call you a slut, didn't tell you that you were still his like he hadn't fucked Lily Rose and Olivia and all those girls on the Masters of the Air set. You held no claim over him because you had tossed it away and you were okay with that- except sometimes- nights like this you couldn't help but wonder what would have been. What could have been, it would have been you and him on the date you had just been on. This dress would be a pool of fabric at the foot of your bed and he'd be entering you softly at first before you told him you wanted it harder.
Before you realize it, you're already at his hotel room door and you don't even get a chance to knock on the door before he's opening it as if he sensed you were on the other side already. He's not- fully drunk, you think, just enough that his tongue is loosened and that he doesn't have half the hang ups he's developed while talking to you since the break up. His eyes rake over your form, taking in how the dress clings to your body in all the right places to have him letting out a low groan. The finally settle on your thigh, peeking through the slit of the dress and he growls, pulling you in by the hand and shutting the door behind you in a rush. You want to tell him that you both shouldn't be doing this- that you're only here because you want to give him a piece of your mind but then you feel his lips on your neck, feel the slight brush of stubble against your skin and you whimper. The guy you had gone on a date with was fine, he was nice and great but he wasn't Austin.
"Missed you. Missed seeing you look this fucking gorgeous." He mouths at your neck, nipping just slightly before giving you an actual bite. "Showing off your legs, Dove. You knew there were going to be cameras there, knew I'd see it."
"I didn't." You whisper quietly, your hands against your own wishes move to grab at his hair, yanking at the strands. "Didn't see the camera till they already took a pic."
That earns a snarl from Austin has his hands move to find the zipper to your dress, which he finds quicker than he has any right to with how much liquor you figure he's had. "So he didn't protect you. Let my Dove get her photo taken against her will. You know I would have made sure no one saw you like that if you didn't want it. Would have only let me and the staff see you like that."
It shouldn't make your toes curl, the way he threatens that he would have protected you. It should bother you that he's still this possessive over you like you both just left the Elvis set but- it does. Your toes curl in your heels and Austin notices how you're shivering under his touch as he starts to pull down your dress.
"Gonna fuck you. Need to fuck you." He mumbles, his hands moving to cup your bare breasts because of course this dress didn't allow you to wear any undergarments. That boy would have enjoyed you like this, like only he has the right to. Like only he should, even if you're not his girlfriend- his sub- his everything and more any more. "Need my Dove. Gonna make you feel good, forget about him. Make you miss me."
You figure that maybe Austin is just gone enough that he won't remember your next words and you're feeling every feeling you've been trying to work through in therapy just rush to the surface. "I already miss you. So much. Why do you think i keep talking to you?"
After all, that's all you'll allow yourself to have because anything else means you broke up with him for no reason, for no purpose. You're not supposed to have anything else. Just maybe Austin as a friend, as someone who knows every single thing about you, who you trusted to submit to and who- broke your heart maybe as much as you broke his.
Something about you saying that spurs something in him, has him making the dress pool at your feet and has him lifting you up against the wall as he fumbles with his pajama pants, pulling them down just enough to free his already aching cock. It looks angry and red and covered in precum, almost as if he'd been playing with it before you arrived, a notion that has you moaning against him as he lines himself up with your cunt. You shouldn't be wet, you shouldn't be aroused by the way he's so jealous but it's done something for you, it's reminded you that this is why you thought he was perfect. He wants to protect you, he wants only you, he wants you with a focus that is terrifying and yet so endearing.
The feel of his cock after so long takes your breath away, has you clawing at his back because he's not pulling any punches so why should you, his thrusts are messy and fast and hard and you love it while craving maybe a hint of softness that you don't dare ask for. He starts to slur words against you, a hand moving to your neck to choke you lightly, his voice sounding like a mix of Elvis and like the California boy that you never met and you likely never will even if he can shake this drawl.
"Shouldn't have let you leave me. Should have come straight here to get you back. Love you so much. Miss you so much. Miss your everything so goddamn much. Want you by my feet again. Want my collar on that neck of yours." He keeps moving, keeps having his hand tighten but not enough to worry you. "Still got the necklace. Still mine."
You shouldn't entertain this, you shouldn't but the words are making you want to sob and you don't want to, you bury the urge and just grab onto his wrist with one hand and tap once. Yes. You're still his. You're always going to be his no matter what because isn't that the joke, that you don't think even if you can detangle every last bit of you that was Priscilla and even if he can detangle every last bit of himself that was Elvis that you're not going to be his and he's not going to be yours.
Maybe it's because he had already been playing with himself before you came or maybe it's from the way your cunt clenches around him as he tightens his grip but you feel him cum and hear his groan as he does. Your heartbeat rushes in your ear from the lack of oxygen and yet you swear you hear him whispering your name. Not Dove, not Cilla. Your actual government name and somehow that does it for you. He doesn't even have to touch your clit before a small orgasm barrels through you. It's small but the release you feel from it scares you in its intensity. His hand leaves your neck and you take the opportunity to breathe, the opportunity to catch your breath from the lack of air and from just being around Austin after so long. Austin- you figure- is doing the same before you feel him trying to nuzzle at your neck. You feel him placing kisses on your jaw, they're messy but they're also softer than you think he has any right to do after what he said.
"Stay here tonight." He asks as he pulls out. The words are soft, almost like he doesn't want to say them but he needs to. Needs you to hear them. "Please."
Austin does not beg, that was always you. That's always how it's been. You beg and you ask and you get what you want. Austin asks and you give because he is giving you what you need. The question, the plea makes you open your eyes that you hadn't even realized had shut at some point to just look at him. You see his blue eyes mildly glassy but brimming with what you think are tears. You know what you should say, what you should do but you're selfish and young and you can't help your answer, simple and said with a nod. "Okay."
You leave before he wakes up.
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distortedkilling · 1 month
Hii, it's the same anon from before! I really enjoy reading your comments about Mahito's character and also curses in general, so thank you for answering it! (Also your commentary on Mahito's more masculine design due to masculine violence was something that I also thought sometimes, I think it's really interesting)
About the sexuality stuff, it was the same type of questions to be honest. Like, how does he and other curses perceive it, how would maybe he identify himself with, etc. I've read this interpretation once that curses do not feel any types of sexual desires, and instead their instincts are more leaning towards violence, so bloodlust would be a type of lust for them, but this is just one of many interpretations, lmao. Have a good day/night again <3 I love your blog
Hello again! Thank you for the kind words and interest. Sorry this was delayed. My brain has been a struggle and I haven't much liked how writing my answers to this has gone. asdfghjkl I'm glad to hear you've had similar thoughts! I'd be very down to hear them. ouo
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So I can only speak for my interpretation of his character. When it comes to sexuality with Mahito, I kind of lean in a similar way to how I described his gender. In which, it's a concept that isn't given much thought.
I am about to use the word 'sexual' a lot in here, lmao. Excuse me.
Curses in general, in how I perceive and write them (since I like writing the disaster curses as secondary characters, though that has mostly been on Discord at this time), aren't inherently sexual beings. Unless they were born from something indisputably sexual. But given curses can manifest in different ways despite what they are born from, I'm inclined to consider that even sexual ones may not act or look like what they are. Which I think is fitting, given how visuals and behaviors aren't always indicative of someone wanting sex.
Examples that come to mind: A curse born from the fear of sexual intimacy may appear alluring but carves out all sexual components (genitals, specifically) of their victims. Or a curse born from extreme lust could result in it appearing disfigured and being one that consumes humans to satiated his own hunger. Which we see some of these kinds of representations throughout different folklore and mythologies across the globe. I wouldn't be surprised to see curses who murder their victims but the scene is sexually charged. Similarly to human murderers or serial killers who are guided by some sort of sexual drive or reasoning.
I don't think curses, even sentient ones like the disaster crew, really perceives it. It makes sense for Mahito to come across it and consider it, given the type of curse he is. But the disasters (sounds like a band name lmao) are further removed from humans despite desiring to possess a status like they have. Because it's not about becoming like humans, but being recognized as a people. Equality - even if they have no desire to change their ways.
Mahito is far removed from humanity in a morality sense and by nature. He's his own doomed narrative of being so close to humanity that he can reach out and run his fingers along it but keeps running towards being something monstrous. He's never running from his emotions, he just has never experienced anything to trigger something beyond his usual boredom or amusement so he doesn't know what anything is like. Which is why his ending is so impactful, imo.
I think Mahito understands the concepts and sides plaguing humanity over sexuality (orientation and gender) but it's from an outside stance. He sees, observes, reads about, etc. but there is nothing there that applies directly to him - so he doesn't care. He isn't human, he doesn't need (or even want) to think like them. I wouldn't be surprised if his sexuality was as fluid as his gender. It's all based on convenience and curiosity, what he doesn't know about he'll look to discover answers to - provided it interests him.
I think getting other curses that don't have this curiosity drive would make it harder to get their interest in carnal things. It's more likely a deeper understanding could be formed with general intimacy and revealing shared similarities - since the disaster curses are bonded deeply on having an understanding of one another.
With Mahito I think he'd be more easy to persuade or gain the interest of. Sexual desires are just not a factor to him on the day to day, not a thought in his head on the matter. Not when he's so focused on his own growth. But if likes someone enough and they have his interest, he could be made curious on the matter. Whether by their prompting (easiest means, likely) or eventually coming into his own interest (potentially).
In regards to the bloodlust angle, I wouldn't be too surprised for that being a thing. I think it depends on the curse. Bloodlust is a type of lust, yes, but by definition that doesn't make it inherently sexual. Jogo's love for destroying humans and doing them harm is an example, or Hanami coming into full bloom when they ceased restraining themselves and had fun acting upon their bloodlust.
It comes across to me, especially by the disaster curses, that there's a higher chance of general intimacy to be found because they want to be understood and seen. Mahito doesn't necessarily care about that, which makes him all the more fickle. A sexual outcome with the disasters I feel like would be a slow burn, right? If it were to happen. But with Mahito, there's no predictions that can be made because it's entirely based on the dynamic he has with the other involved.
I don't mean dynamic as in trope, but the individual themselves. What he likes and dislikes, how he views them. If they ignite that attraction, if they propositioned him would he be interested enough based on who they are and the relationship involved? At the same time, it's possible something just clicks right across the board and there's less of a buildup.
Which could be the bloodlust angle you're bringing up. The thrill of a good fight, whether it's someone keeping up with him in combat or someone just surviving him exceptionally well (accounting here for sorcerers and humans who aren't combat leaning). Maybe things are vibing just right. Violence and sex are very often interwoven in terms of what the body experiences, or how it's perceived by humans on a philosophical level. I think Mahito would need a trigger of some kind to still get that into his head, though. He has no experience. He isn't even on the same level of a human virgin because the concept of virginity and sex wasn't even a thought bubble in his head. So he'd either have to know about sex and have that curiosity going into a scenario like that, or discover that idea during.
Oh, sorry, did he grab you a little too provocatively without realizing and you moaned? Did you just do something that made him make a god awful sound involuntarily?? That could be enough, sometimes. It definitely all just depends on the circumstances and how it unfolds, but I definitely think it's possible because he's absolute trash that would love that lmfao You have angles like: hate sex (whether it's nicer or meaner), fear of intimacy that he preys upon, harboring no trust in Mahito but sharing a mutual attraction that also applies to his nature.
I think the only issue with the bloodlust angle in general is remembering that these known curses by nature aren't born from anything sexual. Humans have those instincts in them by default because you know, breed to survive and all that. Base instincts, outside of aces of course (or aces that don't feel that at all, I know there are nuances there). So applying instincts to the equation won't work the same way here, in my opinion. Because Mahito's instincts are geared towards his core attributes and nature, followed by his interests that are more violent leaning. I feel like he's more-so restraining himself from causing violence than anything else so that he can keep himself entertained.
But! I think because he is a human born curse he stands a better chance at engaging with this side of humanity. On top of being curious and knowledge-seeking, if the right individual and circumstances present themselves he'd take the opportunity. Which means, while those instincts aren't inherently present within him - they can be awakened. In which case, good luck dealing with this new insufferable side of Mahito.
Thank you again for the ask! If I missed answering anything, let me know. You're always welcome to drop in and share your thoughts or ask things. ^^ <3 Have a lovely day/night yourself.
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vechter · 5 days
Top 5 Dick ships?
hello anon i think this is prolly gonna be the last one i do i've procrastinated enough today, also forgive me for not peppering this with enough comic panels i just can't be bothered to look for the issues 1) dick/roy- in my ideal world, dick moves back to new york after his batman stint and he and roy go on a crazy, adrenaline fuelled, bonkers mission to find lian, who is obviously not dead. brings things full circle to when they first got roy custody of lian from jade in nightwing: old friends/new enemies. they talk about roy's questionable titans for hire choices, dick's fear of being batman (let alone a really competent one) realized. they are both irretrievably changed from the last year but despite it all, they still fit. they find lian, cue heartbreaking reunion. and then they kiss <3 honestly tho they have so much history, roy started a whole ass team to help dick deal with his grief over donna despite the fact that roy loved her immensely too and was probably grieving her just as much. outsiders (2003) once again i am unable to be normal about it. 2) dick/kory- kory was probably the best thing to happen to dick. at a time in his life where he was hurting and struggling to figure out who he was beyond batman's partner, kory was a breath of fresh air. both she and dick have core desires of freedom but for dick, it tangles with the discipline and bruce of it all. they were so cute with their terms of endearment ("honey", "gorgeous", etc.), their pictures in each others' apartments, the way they were always touching. also just the fact that she can fly. the deeper meaning to kory will never let dick fall. it ended awfully and hurtfully but their love for each other changed them. for the better. they will always have that love for each other, even if they aren't in love with each other. i do think they are soulmates but very very clearly right person, wrong time.
3) dick/joey- im sorry none of those initial interactions were anything less than deeply, deeply homosexual. the way dick spent his entire birthday on tamaran monologuing at joey and joey heard it all. they have inside jokes! dick feels awe when he looks at him. also the fact that joey chooses to possess dick in titans. ahhhh what a fucking fantastic nuance to their dynamic.
4) dick/midnighter- when i do accept the existence of a post n52 world, midnighter is prolly one of my fav things to come from that era. i love the idea of a dick losing himself as a spy and subsequently choosing to engage in awful, awful self-destructing behaviour and midnighter clocking that but not rlly able to do more bc he's grieving his relationship with apollo, too. their relationship would just be a lot of adrenaline and lying and covert ops and it would be short-lived bc both of them know it isn't what they want, esp not even the person they want. also a lot of attempts to extract information from each other with progressively unhinged ways of flirting and stalking.
5) dick/being single i'm so serious,,, this is prolly my top one. he needs to be single bc either he is a staggeringly great partner or an awful one, no in between. i love him but if i were a fictional character and ever had to date him, i think i would combust from wanting to clock him. unfortunately, therapy will not fix him, i think it would just make him worse so he should just be single, untethered to any place or person (well, as untethered as you can be when you are as insane about bruce wayne as he is) and able to swing away. but also swing back to the people he loves.
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fyodors-husband · 7 months
holds mic out at yuo. do you have any shibusawa x reader hcs (can be fluff/smut whatever)
A/n: says into mic. I do actually! I have alot I love shibusawa, I'll do both fluff and smut for people who want both or just to read one!
After writing notes: Also I am so so sorry this took so long and is so short, I got writers block halfway through writing this, anon if you want more I will make a part w for you!
Cw: biting, nipping, mentions of dragons acting like cats, nuzzling, mentions of mating cycles, breeding, hair worship (?), playing with someone's hair, mentions of nest making, fluffy blankets, if i missed any please say!
English isn't my first language, please tell me if I made errors
°~•~○~°~•~○_FLUFF BELOW THE CUT_○~•~°~○~•~°
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Huge cuddler when not in public, not very big on PDA
He loves in when you play with or braid his long hair
I don't think he would ever show aby sort of emotion if he didn't trust you a SHIT TON
So congrats if you get him to crack a smile!
He is a dragon so he's probably very cold, would love fluffy pillows and blankets
(Esecially if he gets to cuddle you in them!)
He's also rich, so he'd probably get you anything you wanted
Gets you matching outfits like he did with fyodor and dazai in dead apple
He would also get you jewelry, he loves crystals a shiny things so you'll be covered in them
That one is non negotiable
If you play with his hair while cuddling he might purr
Will nuzzle into you since he is cold and you are warm
°~•~○~°~•~○_NSFW BELOW THE CUT_○~•~°~○~•~°
Definitely has a heat cycle
Is very very very clingy in this heat cycle
The only time you'll get PDA, and the most he'll probably do is cling to your arm
Which is alot, sk take it while you can get it
Going off of stereotypical tropes now, but I'm pretty sure he'd make a nest made out of thoose fluffy pillows and blankets I mentioned (DONT CALL ME OUT ON A/B/O IM SORRY.)
He'd be very gentle with you I think
Unlike popular opinion he wouldn't be rough
Sure he would degrade you but he wouldn't hurt you really badly on purpose
Even though he is a sadist
What I think is he likes to see marks left on you but not painful ones
Eg, hickeys, bites, etc.
He's very very possessive lover
If he sees someone check you out while your together in public, he'll wrap his arm around your waist and tug your shirt down to see the marks he left
Queue you pushing him off and glaring
I think he would love to see you in pretty lingerie with the jewelry he bought you too
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Again, I am so sorry it's so short, I will make a part 2 if you wish!
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ad-hawkeye · 5 months
Ngl, I haven't been too interested in Lovebrush, but I really like that trope you mentioned with Alkaid. I'm a sucker for otherworldly love, and then people resisting it, is just icing on the cake for me. Maybe I'll go check it out now.
I can hear my phone storage crying in the distance. Lol
OMG FIRST OF ALL. ANON. I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE LOVEBRUSH SPAM. my brain is yet again Not Well, i fear, and i sincerely hope my tags are helping you block out any clutter. BUT. im glad you at least found some good in my ramblings!
there are a lot of things i like about lovebrush. while it might be harder to get attached to characters due to the "each world has an au version of the love interests" bit, it has its benefits. this aspect of lbc helps prevent ooc actions, as well as preventing the writers from loading new hobbies and skills onto the love interests because they've run out of ideas. like, if they want to give a new hobby, they can just make it something that au version likes.
base personality tends to stay the same, though. like what i mentioned with alkaid. he's gentle, respectful, and has strong emotions. it's nice because in both his godheim and eden routes, he resists the spells and otherworldly influences for lust and possessiveness, but genuinely and organically falls in love with mc over the course of the plot. it's a nice chance of pace from the writers being like oh look! he's under a SPELL or he's DRUNK or Whatever - isn't this behavior HOT.
i can't speak for the future of this game, but i like it a lot as of right now. also it feels easier to be ftp. due to the fact that the cards only have like. four minute long stories (if even that), there's less of a "i NEED it" to pulling cards. there's a lot of reruns too. so while i always feel guilty when recommending a gacha, i feel less guilty when it comes to lbc which is more ftp friendly.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Twst for me pls also congrats on getting 1k!
I first chose Jade. He looked interesting. I kept him around for a bit but it always felt like he watching what he says more than a normal person.
When Leona came, I switched to him. Ever since I've had Leona on my screen. He doesn't use a filter and sees the world for how it is. Life really isn't fair. I could relate to him.
Its probably over between me and Jade. Leona already told me that its best not to trust people like Jade. I'm not going to go begging for a lost friendship or get myself in postion that I dont want to put myself in.
To a everyday person I am quiet, polite, and hard working. I dont mind helping out, it keeps me busy when I'm not taking a nap. I have dark sense of humor and pretty cyincal of the world. But I like to see it as seeing reality. Its simply life will never be fair. I like to plan things and enjoy studying battles from history and breaking them apart.
I'm laid back do whatever one you see fit. All I ask is for a happy ending.
Cat-lover Anon
(I hope you enjoy this, cat lover anon. I decided to take kind of a serious route with it, since you seem to be a more realistic person. Hopefully it's still good 😅 also, as a fellow nerd, I adore that you enjoy breaking battles down. I 100% want to see you and Leona face off in a chess match)
A Tale in Which Leona Looks out for a "Friend", and that Friendship becomes something more
CW:Toxic Jade, Jade slander (I'm sorry, I love Jade, but it's so easy to slander him 😂)
You weren't his. 
Leona hadn't been close to you at first. He didn't trust Jade, and as Jade's lover, he figured you'd probably be the same as he was.
That is, until the day you were napping in one of his napping spots, and you sarcastically suggested you both cuddle. Never one to turn down an extra source of heat/extra pillow during a nap, Leona had plopped down on the ground and slotted himself in your arms, while snarking back at you about how this was a one time thing. 
Three months into being daily nap buddies and you were the best of friends now. While he wanted to be more than a friend to you, he wasn't a home wrecker. You weren't his. And having so many things in his life not be his, he was okay with that. He may not trust Jade, and he was very vocal about it, but you seemed happy, so he wouldn't push the issue past a snarky comment here and there.
Until you were teaming up to infiltrate the fairy gala. Jade had dropped by to give you lunch as Leona was helping you tie some parts of your outfit. The look in Jade's eyes was murderous as he gave you his usual smile. 
"I did not realize you were someone to put your hands on another man's property, hosuewarden. I see I'll have to be more careful about my possessions." 
All he was doing was innocently helping you with an outfit. And now he was being accused of who the hell even knows what! But he was more pissed that Jade had outright referred to you as a possession.
Luckily for him, you seemed just as pissed about it.
"Jade! I am not a possession!"
"I know my dear, but…"
"Do you really know? Sevens, he was helping me with my outfit! Get a grip!"
Jade eyes glinted sharply, and he moved in closer to you.
"My darling, what if I were to tell you he was madly in love with you? I've let this go long enough, but you shouldn't see him anymore. I don't think it's safe for you."
And with that, you exploded. The yelling and rage, maybe for Leona's sake, maybe for your own, or maybe for the sake of just being tired of being fed bullshit, filled the room, to the point where it caught the other's attention, and they had to step in.
Leona was a good friend. He helped you work through the break up. Helped you stand on your own two feet. Gave you encouragement and built you back up. All he wanted was for you to be happy. 
A couple months after the break up, you flopped into his nap spot next to him and snuggled in close. He was expecting this to be a regular nap session, and was starting to drift off, when he heard a quiet,
"Hey Leo?"
He grunted back in response.
"I don't think I've ever thanked you for being there for me whenever I need you."
"It's whatever, herbivore."
"No, it's not," you sat back up, and forced him to look into your determined face.
"I know how much energy it takes from you to do anything. And the fact that you are always there for me, always ready to tell things to me straight, means so much to me."
He attempted to roll over so that you wouldn't see how flustered he was getting, but you held him in place.
Although….he had to ask himself if maybe he really did want to have this conversation since he had more than enough strength to fight you off if he truly wanted to.
"Is there a point to this?"
"Yes," you said with a firm nod. "I don't know when it happened, but somehow I fell in love with you, you grumpy kitty cat. And even if you don't return the feelings, I think you should know that at least one person thinks you deserve to have a happy ending."
He laughed dryly. "You know I don't believe in those."
"I don't either. But…." You hesitated, "maybe we can find one together?"
You suddenly pulled away as though your own words shocked you. You pulled your knees to your chest and buried your face in them.
"Anyway, no pressure or anything. Just wanted to share."
Leona stared at you for a moment, then sighed heavily.
"If anyone can help me find a happy ending, I guess it would make sense that it would be some silly herbivore with bad taste in men."
You looked up and shot him a glare, but he simply smirked and cupped your cheek.
"Are you truly certain I'm someone you want?"
You nodded, unable to say anything as his soft eyes searched yours. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, then threaded his fingers through yours.
"Alright then. Let's find a happily ever after."
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seedlessmuffins · 9 months
aren’t you a new football fan? celebrating like you’ve won the fucking world cup after one arsenal win lmfao. i’m not a city fan but don’t get used to assna wins when you lot lose the league to city again. embarrassing behaviour
hi anon! let's clear the air, yeah?
first of all, yes! i am a new football fan, i just started watching seriously after the world cup, and i am also a new arsenal fan. however, i still care very deeply about the sport and my team's successes in said sport! that is what being a fan is all about <3 just because i didn't grow up watching european football doesn't mean that i have less of a right to enjoy it then you do! also, it is the most popular sport in the world with billions and billions of fans globally, and out of the entire sport, the english premier league is the most viewed league in the world. of football, but also of any sport. so you can't really gatekeep it, sorry!
second of all, i'm aware that this was only a regular matchweek, not the world cup. but there are two important caveats to that those being:
who we were playing
the fashion in which we won
for who we were playing, it's not a secret that outside of the spurs and the north london derby, manchester united is one of arsenal's biggest rivals and has been since the start of the premier league when they were competing against each other for titles and trophies. i won't go into premier league history with you, i am just a new fan who knows nothing after all, but you should know that beating a rival is always exciting, especially when you are competing against them for points and jockeying for the title to compete with man city. every win is important, and winning is better when it is against a historical rival team.
for the fashion in which we won, it was a close game until the very end. rashford scoring in the 27th minute, and odegaard answering back 35 seconds later. the teams were trading chances and possession, there were good chances and var calls that went either way, it was a close game where the teams were fighting hard. and then, in the 95th minute, rice scores an absolute screamer and it was truly scenes at the emirates. gabi jesus caps it off with a 101st minute beaut, and arsenal win the game. winning in the last 3 minutes of regulation time, with a bonus goal over 100 minutes into the game is exciting! it was thrilling to watch, and seeing a team that i support win that emphatically in that dramatic of a manner was so much fun. its an exciting thing to watch and its ok to be excited when there's a win like that!
it also isn't just one win, this has just been our best win this season (imo)! we have only played four games, and we have won three and drawn one. so that is three wins actually, i am just celebrating this one the most, again, because of who we won against, how we won, and how we played to secure the win.
if the bit about "not getting used to arsenal wins" (i don't think you can call them assna when they came second in the premier league last season, and this season they haven't lost and they're in the champions league, right? but what do i know i'm just a new footy fan <3) is about the post where i said i forgot how good it feels to watch my team win, i don't think you understand what i have been through in the past 12 years as a sports fan. my hockey team has been on a losing streak almost this whole time, and we have been one of the flops of the league for awhile. just take a look at these gorgeous statistics from my favourite hockey team (that i have been a fan of since i was two, thank you very much)
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do you want to talk losing? i know about losing. i know about losing for a long time, in an embarrassing manner. if you want more examples from football, from january to april 2023 i watched psg play every week. that was embarrassing losing in football for real. i might be new to football but i'm not new to sports, and i have to be perfectly honest: coming second is not losing. and what happened today wasn't a loss at all! in fact, it was the opposite! it was a win!
idk about losing the league to manchester city, it seems to me that arsenal has a good system with talented players that can ball out. we will see what comes, as the season is long and there are many other competitions for arsenal to compete in, but i have faith in the gunners and i believe that they can win! (and ill let you in on a little secret: that's what being a fan is all about <3)
i'm not sure if the embarrassing behaviour at the end is for my behaviour or arsenal's behaviour, however i am not being embarrassing, i am just being a fan, and arsenal certainly wasn't embarrassing with their performance today. idk what you're seeing, but bestie i think you might be blind <3
thanks for coming into my inbox anon, hope this cleared everything up for you! next time, let's let people enjoy things yeah? i try my best to be positive on here, i'm hardly ever a hater and i like to spread joy. why don't you take some of that energy alright? alright. hope you enjoyed your stay <3
ps: arsenal definitely are winning the world cup :)
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total-drama-brainrot · 4 months
i’ve been seeing the anon hate for the rice krispies fic, and i dint really get it?? like, its so well written, and such a cool concept
also, the biggest anon hate thing is about non-con, which is usually in reference to.. unpleasant sexual advances on ao3, right? alejandro doesnt do that in the fic, he (from what we know so far) makes noah be more honest, and has an obedience trigger, as to not have him betray him
and you make sure to keep it tagged correctly, so people can filter out what they do or dont want to read, nobody is forcing them to read it, al la matchsticks on the eyes with a massive version of the fic on a wall, are they?
anyway, point is - the rice krispies fic is genuinely so cool, and an interesting way to explore their characters and others in regards to the plot
keep at it!! its so cool!! (i also thought id try and cancel out anon hate by sending anon love)
Anon, we shall have a spring wedding. /lh
I kind of glossed over it in the initial ask, but the use of 'non-con' in relation to my fic really rubbed me the wrong way, because it is usually reserved for SA and related offences- which isn't something that's going to happen in my fic.
RK!Alejandro's an obsessive, possessive creep, yes, but there are certain lines that I as an author am simply against crossing. Even in fiction that explores darker subjects.
I know they're likely making assumptions based on the whole 'hypnosis' concept- since the majority of hypnosis content used in fanfiction is sexual in nature, something I didn't find out until after publishing the second chapter, much to my embarrassment- so I'm considering adding a "Non-Sexual Hypnosis" tag to the fic itself, just for extra clarification.
(They're teenagers, why would I want to write SA content about them?! I'm far too ace to understand why people would jump to this assumption...)
But otherwise I think I've made it pretty clear that what I write in the context of the RK fic is intentionally messed up for the purpose of storytelling. It's a horror fic. It's going to be unsettling, and the characters are going to be less than moral. That's why I've tagged it as appropriately as possible (though if there are any tags you can think of that I've omitted, please tell me) and added the Dead Dove tag- fanfictions are tagged for a reason!
Sorry to go on a bit of a tangent there, I just really don't want people making unsavoury assumptions about me and my writing when I'm just trying to explore an interesting concept/plotline.
On a more important note; thank you so much for the support! It means so much to me, you don't even realise.
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mr-voorhees-husband · 2 years
What would the other Tssm characters be like as Yandere(s?)
Sorry this took longer than normal, some crap happened
Oh well. Back to our normal scheduled program!
Anon(s?) you spoil me <3
Warnings: Nsfw, Yandere, Kidnapping, Dubcon + Noncon touching (NO RAPE), unhealthy relationships (I am in no way romanticizing these relationships, and if you go through them please cut it off immediately and get police involved!)
Reader: Gender Neutral
Alexander O'hirn "Rhino"
Overprotective, Delusional, and Impulsive.
Alex is an... Interesting yandere. He has to have a previous relationship with you, it could be you two dating, or you're just friends. No matter what, he doesn't go yandere for someone he doesn't know, nor will he go yandere pre-suit.
Alex is impulsive, thats a given, but that doesn't mean he's dumb. He understands he's larger than you, but in turn, that also means he's very, very protective of you. He probably wouldn't even kidnap you unless you had some kind of violent encounter.
Either it be a fight, a villain holding you hostage, hell, even an asshole slapping you. Whatever it is, Rhino decides you're too small (no matter how big you actually are) to take care of yourself. This is when he kidnaps you, even if it doesn't seem like kidnapping at first.
He's even more impulsive than Quentin, he doesn't even think it through before tricking you to come to one of his and flint's old safehouses. When you get there, he'll treat it like nothing's wrong, until you try to leave. Which he refuses to allow. You can fight all you want, he'll just sit down, wrap you in a blanket and hug you to his chest.
"I'm doing this for us, small fry," large arms trapped you against him, the plush of the blanket doing little to calm you as titanium hide seemed to surround you, "can't you see it's for your own good?"
Flint Marko "Sandman"
Overprotective, Lucid, Manipulative, Clingy, and Thoughtful.
While Flint may not appear it, he's smart, especially when it comes to crime. Something about you had to have caught his eye, and more often than not there's a good chance the reason he met you in the first place was due to crime.
Unlike his partner in crime, Flint knows you can take care of yourself, which in turn means he knows his obsession over you is wrong. He just doesn't care. He loves you, and he'll make you love him back, one way or another.
He's manipulative, defensive, and knows it. He won't keep you against your will, but he will convince you he's the only one that can properly take care of you. He won't force himself on you, but he'll also ignore you for so long you beg him for any sort of contact.
Before long, you're depending on him for everything emotional. He's your confidant, your boyfriend, your everything. You can have a job, friends, all you want. As long as he can be with you every waking moment. He has to keep you safe, after all.
Your fingers dug into the sand of Flint's shoulders as you sobbed, his arms formed to almost a wing like shape as he held you impossibly close, "hey, hey," he pressed a sandpaper-y kiss to your temple, biting back a grin, "I got you doll, don't worry about them, all you need is me.."
Jackson Brice 'Montana' "Shocker"
Possessive, Self-indulgent, Manipulative, and Lucid.
He's evil. So evil, but the love is genuine. It isn't some odd obsession that he gained one random day, like Alex it was something that had to fester and grow. When it did, it already took him over completely.
There's a good chance at that point you two were already dating, which would make it all the easier to cut you off from everyone else. You were his, his to take care of and love. He understands its horribly toxic to make you believe that everyone else that isn't completely platonic to doesn't deserve to talk to you.
He understands it's wrong, but he also completely thinks it's understandable. After all, its for him, and he is your loving boyfriend. Sure he's a bit overbearing but it's for both of you, can't you see that? It's for the best.
He'd be the worse to have as a yandere I believe, because before long you basically have nothing. You'd have to play your cards carefully, make sure to not get too close to your male friends/coworkers, and whatever you do, don't cheat. He's far from afraid to get into a public fight.
"Darlin' c'mon," Montana leaned against the door of your shared bedroom as you continued to fill your bag with clothing, "sugar, it was one fight," he grabbed your wrists from the bag, making your head snap up in surprise, "I told ya' already, you ain't leaving."
So sorry I only did these three, work and classes have been hell, but by this weekend I'll try to throw out some hcs for Tssm!Electro and Tssm!Otto!
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elvisabutler · 6 months
consider! (again) one more pa!reader thought and then I shall go. what if, in a very very far away reality, dove took the priscilla role for Sofia, say the real priscilla was only comfortable with dove playing her again and telling her story. oh the turmoil dove would go through :( it would be so difficult and complicated for austin and dove to navigate. (I'm sorry for the depressing vibes)
before i answer this, to everyone reading know that i am not interested in priscilla discourse because my views on priscilla have been clear from my beginnings in this fandom. y'all do you, and i do me and respect that i can love e and lisa with all my heart but still enjoy priscilla as a person. everyone is allowed to make mistakes, elvis, priscilla and lisa, alright? i don't give anyone different treatment i don't give others. also i swear on my life the sir being who he is was legit a thing from the beginning and not me trying to capitalize on the priscilla movie or anything.
consider anon that in my notes guess who's been sir from the beginning as a joke? (apologies for the gif, but ever since the casting was announced way back in the day i still find it hilarious, at least i'm hiding it under a cut lol). and never apologize for depressing vibes. i always am a sucker for angst/depression vibes.
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i mean i wasn't kidding once upon a time about kaia and dove sharing the same man twice. anyway!
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so i want you to consider dove who at this point is with austin trying to navigate their whole lives and the still faintly residual character bleed. and like she doesn't want to say no to priscilla because god knows she loves the woman and wants to do right by her and her story and the way she thinks sofia will explore it. but having to play opposite one of her exes. specifically one that wasn't bad necessarily but the only one who was actually her boyfriend and only her boyfriend. ( minus his...uh cheating elements. )
so consider she says yes, against her better judgment and she has to reassure austin nothing is going to happen because she's with him. he is her daddy, her elvis, her everything. jacob's in the past and it's not like it's papi or anything. but god, dove would be a mess internally because here she is acting opposite of jacob and once upon a time she was a bit in love with him. and jacob isn't necessarily cruel to her but he does at least make her remember this is why they broke things off. are they both a little older? yeah. but is jacob still the same guy she broke things off with? also yeah.
the true silver lining is just how short the filming is, because while it does still mess up dove something fierce mentally ( and truthfully, her therapist had advised against it ) it's also far more contained than the elvis shooting was. austin ends up visiting once or twice in the tiny time that shooting happens and is a bit more possessive than he normally is which is not necessarily healthy even if it's understandable.
but honestly, it doesn't send her into as much of a tailspin as she thought it would. she had been so prepared to have to be on the phone with her therapist every day and with austin needing to remind herself who she was! and now she just does her normal weekly check ins and- well she still calls austin every day but ya know, that's because he's daddy.
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psychewritesbs · 8 months
I have to say, it's disheartening to keep seeing the Megumi slander on the internet and the way they don't give credit to where credit is due. I especially dislike that people think Megumi is so weak-willed just because he can't regain control of his body against Sukuna and compares him to Yuji, a result of Kenjaku's experiment, who was designed to be a cage for Sukuna. It's definitely not just a matter of will power.
Did they honestly just forget that despite Megumi being broken over finding out Tsumiki's gone he still managed to interfere with Sukuna's cursed energy output? Definitely putting up a fight? Did they miss that Sukuna had to take a dip in the Bath of Evil just to further sink Megumi's soul to ensure he wouldn't be interfering as much? But even then, he still had to go and kill Tsumiki for further insurance. Like, this is a normal kid (as compared to a specially-made vessel) we're talking about. His body wasn't made to host Sukuna and yet even Sukuna recognizes that Megumi have the potential to suppress him as well. Heck, Megumi even surviving being possessed is already a miracle in and of itself. So I think in terms of will power and strength of the soul all of these ought to account for something.
I'm so sorry if I ranted. I've missed my boy and the odds of him being x'ed rising each chapter is making me bristle whenever I see people shitting on him (I really got to remove myself from the toxic spaces for a while). But onto my ask, on the possibility that Megumi's coming back, do you think he'll overcome Sukuna alone or will he get help? Personally I really want him to breakout on his own. That would be such a nice F U to Sukuna. And I want my boy to take back the mastery of the 10S. The recent chap leak (that I couldn't avoid for the life of me) revealing Sukuna's motives with the 10S and Maho gives me a bit of hope that Gege has yet to show us the full extent of this technique. And there's still Chimera Shadow Garden. I'd like to think Gege would be kind enough to give us a pay off for the deliberate progression of Megumi's character and abilities. Essentially another Origin of Blind Obedience pay off. Cause my boy deserve it so much 😭.
HOLA anon!
Rant away anon. This is what jjk Confessions Sunday not on a Sunday is for 😂. Even if I disagree with some of what I am sent, I always try to make it a point to understand where others are coming from. Otherwise Squishy calls me out on it ;)
Onto your question under the cut...
So I totally get how bromantic it is for Yuji to save Megumi. I do. It's an absolutely beautiful statement about the love these two have for each other.
With my recent realization that jjk is about... dun dun dun... DEATH, came a deeper understanding about how Gege is executing on this theme.
What I mean by this is that Yuji, Megumi and Nobara (the entire cast, really) have a shared experience of what it is like to face death as part of their everyday experience.
I know, I am late to the party. I can be dense like that.
Anyways... I think it's important that we agree on what it means to face your mortality. Most especially if you are young.
Spoken from experience, when you are young, unless you have had a brush with death or some sort of debilitating illness, death isn't something you think will happen to you.
When you are young, death is some foreign concept that happens to others. Never you.
Now, I'm not necessarily advocating that people contemplate death, but, also spoken from experience, there is a paradoxical truth about death that deepens the experience of the self--and that is that becoming aware of your mortality, if approached with the right mindset, becomes an invitation to live life more fully and with more intention.
So I imagine Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara, due to being the only 1st years, have developed a much deeper, unspoken bond than they would have with many of the other people in their lives.
That said, Megumi asking to be saved is such a desperate but beautiful expression of his vulnerability, which we hardly ever get to see by the way.
Not only that, it's bromantic af, mate! Ship or no ship, asking to be saved has deep implications on a soulful level.
To this point, Kiri by Monoral, the Ergo Proxy op, is one of my favorite songs ever because it captures the essence of love as a religious and aspirational experience in which someone asks to be saved.
But saved from what?
What does salvation even mean?
Come and save me
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I am kind of obsessed with this theme of redemption as of late because Gege is framing Sukuna as a religious figure redeeming and releasing characters from their existential woes.
Which is kind of what Megumi is asking of Yuji in asking to be saved.
Like in the lyrics to the song, Megumi is metaphorically saying "I need you to 'refill my place' and to 'complete my fate'. Come and save me".
He's saying "we're not heroes" but at the same time elevates Yuji to the role of one who can redeem.
It really is as simple as Megumi asking for help on a surface level, and as complex and deep as asking for salvation on a soulful level.
After all, as I said in a previous ask, when Megumi asked for salvation, he had recently learned Tsumiki has to take part in the Culling Game, meaning Megumi is likely feeling insecure and anxious.
"Come and save me, I am at the lowest I could ever be."
Now, I LOVE that Megumi is asking to be saved because, in doing so, he's showing character growth, you know, that one thing people say he doesn't have. For one, he's asking for help, and second, he's showing vulnerability, which I will never get tired of saying he normally suppresses.
So anyways, all of that to say that, the problem with this mentality is that, even if it means Megumi has grown, it absolves him of responsibility for himself.
He's basically saying "here you go Itadori, your character archetype is Pisces, the redeemer, so here are my existential burdens, go die on the cross for me".
Ok, not exactly. I am exaggerating to get a point across.
My point is that, in asking Yuji to save him, Megumi is absolving himself of the responsibility to develop the qualities he admires in Yuji or to acknowledge said qualities in himself.
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In retrospect, there's something about how Megumi having no qualms scoring 100 points is really about how he's willing to tarnish his soul and become irredeemable for the sake of saving Tsumiki.
And isn't it ironic that Megumi is on quest, just like a Knight, to uphold and protect the ideals of a Sleeping Beauty and yet he himself needs saving?
I am having a hard time verbalizing the paradox here, but Tsumiki's death is SO deeply symbolic.
idk, I don't feel like I'm doing this answer justice because I feel like I can go deeper with this because there's also something at the core of this idea about how Megumi is giving up on himself by waiting to be saved.
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Which is relatable af.
What I am trying to say is that if he gets saved in the sense that other people yank Sukuna out of him or wtv... then Megumi didn't learn his lesson, and that just means it is prone to happen again.
If Gege decides to go for the bromantic outcome, I am sure he'll show us the train of thought he took to get there. Maybe there is a way for Megumi to be saved AND for him to take responsibility for himself.
Whatever the case, like you dear anon, I need him to stop feeling sorry for himself, to stop doubting himself, to see himself as good enough, and to take back his agency and take back his life. Because in doing so, Megumi is taking responsibility for himself.
Something like that 😂.
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Thanks for the Megumi-love anon!
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