#also Just his general anti socialness??????? hello?
glfry · 6 months
Can we agree that the "Thats two things" line from Mike was autistic as shit
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alexandraisyes · 4 months
Eclipse Character Analysis (Sun and Moon Show)
Alternate Title: Why I'm 95% sure Eclipse is a sociopath EDITED TITLE: An Analysis of how Eclipse's ASPD is reflected in his character
A hopefully unnecessary disclaimer: - One, hi, hello I am a sociopath, I do know what I'm talking about. This also means that a lot of what I notice and will describe about Eclipse are similar or the same as my own experiences living life in this mortal realm. What I will touch on in the "redemption" section is heavily based on the kind of intensive treatment I had to get in order to improve my behavior when I was younger, so it's important to note that while Eclipse will never be able to change his personality (like how I can't change mine, and you can't change yours), he can change his thought patterns, mentality, and behavior. The saying that "sociopaths can't change" is specifically talking about how we can't change our personality, which is true for everyone. That doesn't mean we can't learn to function better in civilized society or be taught emotional awareness and morals. - Two, hi, hello this is just what I've noticed and does not mean it's canon unless Reed or Davis themselves come onto my Tumblr and go "Yes, this, this is what is correct", and even then, you're allowed to have your own opinions and views on these characters. I'm just theorizing here EDIT: Reed and Davis confirmed that Eclipse is indeed a sociopath a day after I posted this here, and a week after my initial post in their server that is basically this but slightly messier. - Three, hi, hello I'm also a psychology student so I also know what I'm talking about in that regard too. I've been studying psychology and general medicine for three and a half years now, so I like to think I have some idea of what I'm talking about - Four, I use the terms sociopath, ASPD, sociopathic disorder, and anti-social personality disorder interchangeably since they all describe the same personality disorder - Five, this analysis is long, I cover the basics, an in depth, some potential scenarios, a redemption arc possibility, and some other thoughts I have about him. - Six, I made this disclaimer to address any potential misunderstandings, or harmful stereotypes that I tend to be confronted with any time I talk about ASPD. Now onto the good stuff!
Too Long; Won't Read - Here's a Summary
Attachment and Pride: Eclipse initially cared about Lunar, and his reaction to Lunar leaving suggests a fragile pride. His inability to connect with others is evident in his strained relationships with KC and Bloodmoon.
Masking Emotions: Eclipse keeps his darker thoughts to himself at the beginning, and throughout the show as well. He masks both his emotions, and his intentions throughout the show, and is careful not to show when people have upset or offended him. This behavior stems from a learned experience that letting his guard down leads to resentment.
Manipulation and Brash Communication: Eclipse is straightforward and brash when expressing thoughts, feelings, or opinions. He employs manipulation when needed but is mostly disinterested in others.
Boredom and Stimulation: He seeks reactions from people, often causing chaos for entertainment. Boredom, especially when stuck as an AI, prompts him to instigate situations for amusement.
Lack of Empathy: He also appears to lack empathy, as evidenced by his inability to understand emotions and his focus on getting reactions rather than connecting with others.
Touch Aversion: Eclipse's lack of physical affection aligns with the common aversion to touch seen in individuals with ASPD.
Remorse and Growth: Eclipse shows remorse only in instances where he hurts Lunar in the beginning of the show, indicating a potential area for growth. A redemption arc could explore his struggles without completely erasing his apparent sociopathic nature.
Writer's note: A thoughtful portrayal of Eclipse's sociopathy, should my theory touch on the truth, if continued in a storyline, could provide an authentic exploration of mental health challenges and personal growth. Care should be taken to avoid stereotypes (DON'T USE GOOGLE FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THIS I BEG)
Putting Him Under a Microscope - Full Analysis
1. Attachment and Pride:
Eclipse's initial connection with Lunar suggests a potential attachment, a notable aspect in individuals with ASPD who can form (highly) selective bonds. However, Lunar's departure significantly impacts Eclipse's pride. This reaction aligns with the fragile self-esteem often observed in those with ASPD. The departure becomes a perceived personal betrayal, triggering Eclipse's defensive response.
In individuals with ASPD, relationships often serve specific purposes, and Eclipse's attachment to Lunar may have been driven by a combination of genuine connection but also very clearly the utility Lunar provided in fulfilling certain needs or desires. (Which was helping Eclipse get the star of course)
Moreover, Eclipse's struggle with connecting to others, evident in strained relationships with KC and Bloodmoon, is a characteristic of ASPD. Individuals with this disorder often face challenges in forming and maintaining meaningful relationships due to their limited capacity for empathy and understanding of emotional nuances.
2. Masking Emotions:
Eclipse's tendency to keep darker thoughts to himself reflects a common coping mechanism associated with ASPD. Individuals with this disorder often learn to conceal their true emotions early on due to negative experiences when expressing genuine feelings. This learned behavior serves as a protective measure against potential backlash or social rejection.
The fear of vulnerability and subsequent consequences aligns with the interpersonal difficulties faced by those with ASPD. Eclipse's decision to hide his less socially acceptable thoughts is a strategic choice aimed at avoiding conflict and maintaining control over his image.
Professionally, the concealment of darker thoughts is recognized as a defense mechanism in individuals with ASPD. This protective facade, or 'mask,' becomes an integral part of their social interactions, allowing them to navigate social situations with greater ease. However, this constant need to mask one's true feelings can contribute to internal struggles and further isolate individuals with ASPD from genuine emotional connections.
One may ask, what 'darker thoughts' did Eclipse show, or receive backlash for? Well, let's see, when he was stuck in Sun for the beginning of his life, he was first confused, a bit scared, and completely disoriented. He was forgotten, and during the first parts we can see him trying to reconnect with Moon, however, his delivery, as individuals with ASPD tend to do, was brash. It didn't sugar coat what he wanted, and considering his earlier transgressions previously, they weren't taken well in the slightest. Instead of Moon trying to genuinely talk and explain, all he provided Eclipse with was "I changed, and you didn't." and in general was very annoyed and irate with Eclipse. There were several times during the beginning of Eclipse, where there could have been progress made with him, to help him work through his issues, his internalized fear of being forgotten again, and the accidental neglect, that just… didn't happen. Because Sun and Moon saw him as a virus.
Moon because Moon saw himself as a virus, so what else would he think of something that originated in his code, and acted like he used to? Acted like he still sometimes did, parts of himself that he didn't like about himself, living and breathing once again in the mind of his brother. Corrupting him.
And of course, Sun because he was just so tired and hurt and he finally thought he could have something only for this ball of code to make itself known? This peice of his brother that was left behind, that was formed from Moon's killcode? That was constructed from Moon's literal need to lash out, hurt others, and kill. I'm honestly a little horrified that this is never touched on in the show, because people aren't just born to be awful, that's not how this works. There were so many opportunities where toxic and awful behavior could have been stopped if it was handled properly.
Of course, I'm not blaming Sun and Moon. It's hard to help someone who doesn't understand they need help, and as a result the person won't want help either. Plus, they've said it themselves in the episodes where Lunar had returned from the dead. They were never programmed to understand mental health issues, and they have a hard enough time grasping the concepts of their own mental health issues to deal with other peoples. Especially other people who are actively hurting them, it's hard to feel sympathy for someone who causes you harm as far as I'm aware. (I personally wouldn't know)
But back to my main point, there absolutely were times in the beginning where Eclipse was just honest about his wants and desires, and was shown disgust and hatred for it. Which would absolutely make him be prone to masking, which he does a lot in the show from what I can tell.
3. Manipulation and Brash Communication:
Eclipse's communication style, characterized by being brash and straightforward, aligns with the speech patterns and tendencies often associated with ASPD. When he's not trying to pull a fast one over someone, he's very blunt, and he doesn't beat around the bush. Individuals with this disorder may utilize manipulation as a means to achieve personal goals or navigate social situations, but without a reason to sugar coat, they won't. Although sometimes not sugar coating is also employed as a manipulation tactic, which makes it tricky navigating conversation at times with sociopaths. Eclipse's lack of hesitation in employing manipulation reflects the calculated nature of his interactions, as we see him smoothly switch between fronts, acts he puts on to get people to agree with him.
His disinterest in others, apart from exploiting them for personal gain, is consistent with the self-serving behaviors commonly observed in sociopaths. The use of manipulation as a tool for control and amusement is a manifestation of the disorder's impact on interpersonal dynamics. When he contacts Moon for help with Killcode, even then he has his own motives that are only helped by Moon being distracted with Killcode, as well as having KC out of the picture.
Professionally, manipulation is recognized as a prominent feature of ASPD. Individuals with this disorder may lack the ability to form genuine emotional connections and, instead, view relationships as transactional opportunities. Eclipse's interactions, particularly with Sun and Moon, exemplify this transactional approach, where he derives amusement from creating chaos. This last bit (amusment) is important, and I'll cover it next.
Before I pop on over, this is where I'd like to touch on Servant Eclipse. He is very crafty, and very manipulative, but it doesn't fool Lunar, who he clearly cares about to some degree. (Again, will say it as many times as needed, people with ASPD can care about people, it's just a lot of effort at first, doesn't come naturally, and is reserved for a select few). Lunar in this reality probably knows Eclipse inside and out, and isn't fooled by the not very convincing "I'm just a husk now" act Eclipse is playing out with. I suspect that Eclipse also is aware the Lunar isn't fooled, but it amuses him to some degree to keep up the game. I can only imagine serving a "Lord Lunar" is a fairly excitable life, and it's unlikely he's extensively bored. He's also just as brash as the OG Eclipse, and doesn't sugar coat the truth, or tries to ease Gregory into topics.
4. Boredom and Stimulation:
Eclipse's constant quest for stimulation and amusement, even at the expense of creating chaos, reflects a key characteristic of individuals with ASPD. Boredom intolerance is common in this population, leading to a perpetual need for excitement and novel experiences. (Can speak from experience, I spend about 4-6 hours every day bored out of my freaking mind and it's absolutely torture - which is why I draw so much)
The portrayal of Eclipse as being "bored out of his mind" when stuck as an AI in KC's base underscores the challenge individuals with ASPD face in mundane or monotonous situations. The need for stimulation is a driving force behind their impulsive and sometimes risky behaviors. There's a certain kind of restlessness, and impulsivity associated with ASPD, very much an act before you think, get defensive when confronted, and maybe think about it two days later on the very small chance it triggers a sense of morals/remorse. (Then probably forget it happened, cause we are very good at not caring enough to remember half the stuff we do. This isn't a choice, by the way, people with sociopathic disorder just aren't wired to feel strong emotions like guilt and shame.)
Professionally, this behavior aligns with the clinical understanding of ASPD. Individuals with the disorder often engage in sensation-seeking activities to counteract feelings of boredom and emotional emptiness. Eclipse's enjoyment in hacking Moon's computer, causing reactions from Moon and Lunar, serves as an outlet for his need for stimulation and disruption, as well as fulfills other purposes in starting a conversation with Moon about KC.
And of course, now I get to touch on my two favorite things that just drill this in. When OG Eclipse gets the star… what does he do? He torments Sun and Moon instead of wiping everything away, and I'm aware this is mostly because he doens't have mastery over the star. But what does Sun say, when Eclipse shows up to torment them on top of the play structure. Something along the lines of, You're just bored at this point? Is that it?
And what does Eclipse do? He leaves. Because Sun is absolutely right, and it probably stings his ego to have someone he so fully has convinced himself of hating to be right about him. Even before he gets the star… just how much effort did he really put into getting the star? Sure, he had this big plan, but I think he was aware that the 'perfect world' would never make him happy to start with; he just felt the need to be something larger than life, so of course you must set the largest goals to achieve in order to be that. He could have gotten the star so much faster lets be honest. I fully believe he was just having too much fun messing with Sun and Moon, because it gave a reaction, and the reactions to his actions were exciting, breaking his boredom. He was bored a lot, stuck in Sun's head, stuck in Sun's body and pretending to be Sun, stuck as an AI, stuck with Solar Flare's AI fighting him, stuck being unable to use the star…….. seeing a pattern yet?
And of course, my second favorite thing. Lord Eclipse. Moon full out calls him out on how bored Eclipse is, and Eclipse first tries to deny it, then sees no tactical advantage to denying it, and admits that yeah, he is bored. He's been bored for ages and Moon is the first exciting thing in what feels like forever. He's not happy in his perfect world, but he isn't going to change is because that would cut his pride for Sun and Moon to be right about what he wants and needs after so many years. So many years of his Moon being dead. Of having Sun as an obedient servant, bound to his beck and call. He's bored, and it shows, and he knows that it shows.
5. Lack of Empathy:
Eclipse's consistent inability to understand and empathize with the emotions of others aligns with a central feature of Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). Individuals with ASPD often struggle with recognizing and comprehending the feelings of those around them.
His focus on getting reactions rather than forming genuine connections reflects the hallmark trait of lacking empathy. Eclipse's interactions with Sun, Moon, and Lunar highlight his detached and indifferent approach, as he manipulates situations purely for personal amusement without regard for the emotional impact on others.
Professionally, the deficit in empathy is a well-documented aspect of ASPD. Those with the disorder may comprehend others' situations on a cognitive level but struggle to grasp the emotional nuances involved. Eclipse's inability to understand why Lunar is upset and his constant pursuit of reactions underscore the emotional disconnect inherent in individuals with ASPD.
Eclipse's interactions with Lunar provide a poignant illustration of his consistent lack of empathy. Despite a seemingly genuine attachment to Lunar in the beginning, Eclipse's emotional disconnect becomes evident as Lunar leaves. The impact of Lunar's departure on Eclipse's pride and subsequent defensive reaction highlights the absence of genuine understanding of Lunar's emotions. Eclipse struggles to comprehend the significance of Lunar's departure beyond a perceived personal betrayal, showcasing a lack of empathy toward Lunar's perspective.
Moreover, Eclipse's manipulation and attempts to provoke reactions from Lunar, even after Lunar has left, underscore his disregard for the emotional toll on Lunar. This behavior aligns with the typical patterns seen in individuals with ASPD, where the pursuit of personal amusement takes precedence over the emotional well-being of others.
Eclipse's inability to process and acknowledge his own damaged ego resulting from Lunar's departure further emphasizes his lack of emothional understanding. He doesn't want to admit that Lunar hurt him, so instead he just continues to shut it down, bottle it up, and let it churn into hatred instead of looking at what he did wrong. His resentment and refusal to acknowledge the emotional impact on Lunar highlight the emotional blindness inherent in individuals with ASPD, especially in the context of complex interpersonal relationships.
6. Touch Aversion:
Eclipse's noticeable lack of physical affection, as both seen throughout the show, and mentioned when Lunar clings to Sun and states that Eclipse never showed him physical affection, aligns with a common trait among individuals with ASPD. Touch aversion is a characteristic feature, as those with the disorder often lack the intrinsic desire for physical closeness or intimacy.
Eclipse's minimal physical interaction, even in what could be perceived as emotionally charged moments, is consistent with the general pattern observed in individuals with ASPD. The absence of hugging or comforting gestures suggests a limited appreciation for the emotional needs of others.
Professionally, touch aversion is recognized as part of the interpersonal challenges associated with ASPD. Individuals with this disorder may not instinctively seek physical connection unless it serves a specific purpose, such as manipulation or personal gain. Eclipse's avoidance of physical affection adds a layer to his character, illustrating how his interpersonal behaviors align with the clinical understanding of ASPD.
This aspect of Eclipse's character contributes to a nuanced portrayal of the disorder, showcasing how the lack of tactile expression can impact the dynamics of his relationships, particularly in situations where emotional support is expected. (Like seriously, even Sun and Moon hug when one of them are having an awful day, but Eclipse? He literally doesn't seem to understand why Lunar craves positive physical touch so bad, because he just… doesn't feel the need himself. You can never fully understand something you experience, and it's not like people were explaining these basic needs and wants to Eclipse… ever.)
7. Remorse and Growth:
Eclipse's occasional display of remorse, particularly in instances where he has harmed Lunar, offers a glimpse into a facet of his character that deviates from the (BAD DOWNRIGHT AWFUL) stereotypical image associated with ASPD. While individuals with ASPD are often poorly and harmfully characterized/stereotyped by a complete lack of guilt or remorse, Eclipse's moments of internal conflict suggest a degree of emotional complexity.
Professionally, the intermittent remorse aligns with the recognition that individuals with ASPD may experience moments of internal conflict, especially in relationships that hold personal significance. Eclipse's struggle with whether to apologize after hitting Lunar reveals a brief internal debate, questioning the severity of his actions against Lunar's emotional response.
However, Eclipse's ultimate decision not to apologize, driven by his failure to perceive the significance of Lunar's distress, reinforces the inherent challenges in navigating emotional landscapes for those with ASPD. This internal conflict and eventual dismissal of remorse contribute to a more realistic portrayal of the disorder, highlighting the ongoing tension between impulsive actions and moments of potential introspection.
Should Eclipse undergo a redemption arc, these moments of internal conflict could serve as a foundation for growth, illustrating that while individuals with ASPD may grapple with moments of remorse, their ability to sustain lasting change remains a complex and challenging journey. Of course, I'm going to cover this as well.
Redemption and Recovery
Eclipse's potential redemption could be approached with an understanding that a complete overhaul of his personality is near impossible, because as psychology has shown, you don't just change your personality. However, nuanced growth and positive change within the framework of his behaviors and thought patterns can be explored.
Increased Self-Awareness: Eclipse could undergo a process of heightened self-awareness, acknowledging the impact of his actions on others. This could involve introspection into the motivations behind his behaviors and the consequences they entail. This won't be something he does on his own, he's going to need someone behind him, pushing him to be better. Preferably someone who has no majorly poor history with him for the best results.
Therapeutic Support: In a realistic redemption arc, Eclipse might engage in therapy tailored to individuals with ASPD. This could involve developing coping mechanisms, enhancing emotional intelligence, and learning healthier ways to navigate interpersonal relationships. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a very affective type of therapy for people with personality disorders, or collections of disorders that combined provide the complications of a personality disorder.
Recognizing the Value of Relationships: Eclipse could gradually come to recognize the value of genuine connections beyond their utility. This may involve acknowledging the significance of relationships for emotional support and personal growth. This is going to be a process, and he will mess up. He will forget. It's something he will have to choose to work with in order for it to work, and even then he will make mistakes. It will be important to have patience with him, and instead of lashing out (cause that can cause a spiral back into poor behavior), working on these slip ups with him, and helping him relearn the significance of correcting it when he messes up.
Empathy Development: A full restoration of empathy is be unrealistic, Eclipse could work on developing cognitive empathy—understanding others' perspectives intellectually, even if not emotionally. This could improve his ability to navigate social situations more effectively. (This is what I do! <:happy_stim:867544047735275521>)
Establishing Boundaries: He should learn to set healthy boundaries in his relationships, understanding that manipulating and exploiting others for personal gain may provide short-term satisfaction but is detrimental in the long run.
Contributing Positively: As part of his redemption, he could find avenues to contribute positively to others' lives. This could involve utilizing his unique skills for constructive purposes, fostering a sense of accomplishment outside of manipulative endeavors.
Maintaining Accountability: Eclipse's growth would involve a commitment to being accountable for his actions. This includes acknowledging mistakes, making amends where possible, and actively working towards minimizing harm to others.
Embracing Personal Growth: Eclipse's redemption arc could focus on embracing personal growth within the constraints of his personality. It's about acknowledging that while he may not fundamentally change, he can adapt and evolve to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Potential Future Scenario: Eclipse Apologizes
Brought to you by someone saying that Lunar would refuse Eclipse trying to apologize, but I respectfully disagree, and here's why.
I think that if Eclipse ever does apologize to Lunar, Lunar would have literally no choice but to accept, because we’ve seen early on that he does not apologize
To genuinely apologize and acknowledge his wrongdoing would be major character development that would take a lot of time and struggle to get to that point, based on my theories/analysis about him
So by the time he can actually, truthfully apologize, there would be evidence to prove his struggle with his own twisted nature, and probably how he failed at times during the journey, and had set backs and road bumps. The others would have most likely seen the effects and effort it takes to learn to change for him, and would most likely acknowledge that he’s being truthful.
If Lunar doesn’t accept at that point, if it ever got to that point, Lunar would be acting irrationally due to emotional complications, would probably just hurt Eclipse when he’s trying to be better for his brother, and would most likely set him back. There’s a very destructive pattern of thought when it comes to personality stuff (which is what I think Eclipse struggles with, a specific personality disorder I’m writing a comic thingy about), because you can’t change your personality. You can’t will yourself to be a certain way, and so it’s very easy to destroy progress people make on self improvement. So lunar refusing the apology would most likely not only hurt Eclipse’s pride (like it was hurt when Lunar left his side the first time) but would also further his belief of “why bother if they won’t accept the fact I’m trying for them” that he’d probably struggle with throughout a period of character growth.
Lunar’s smart, and pretty emotionally aware. He can be petty, but if Eclipse were to get to that point, I don’t think Lunar would refuse it because he would have already seen the struggle and effort Eclipse had put through just to get to that point
Logically, Solar would be the best person to help Eclipse, not Earth
This is partly copied/pasted from some conversations and does analyze Solar a bit as well
I really honestly doubt that Earth is going to be able to help him, if he comes back, and I’m suspecting that Solar would do a better job because he’s the only who can understand, properly, the absolute hell that was waking up inside of Sun’s mind with no idea what’s going on and how he got there. Earth can be sympathetic and show him pity, but that’s not going to help him very much at the end of the day. He doesn’t want sympathy, he doesn’t want pity because he has associated that with being weak and out of control. He needs some one who will understand him, and who will fully understand how one small thing changed so much due to the snow ball effect. Which Solar would understand. He’s “nice eclipse” after all, aka just an Eclipse without such bad formative trauma. So he never spiraled, but he’s just as blunt and analytical as Eclipse tends to be, and would be able to actually communicate with Eclipse about his issues since it’s a situation he could have easily been in had things gone slightly different
Solar is probably the only one who can understand, and I mean properly understand, Eclipse’s trauma and bottled up emotions. And I think that if they’re going to give Eclipse someone who will support him, they should do Solar. He’s got all boxes checked
The ability to fully understand Eclipse
No bad history with Eclipse that would really affect how Eclipse treats him (It’s not like Eclipse knows he built the satellite)
Similar base personality, his just wanted warped and twisted in the start, but if you strip away Eclipse’s issues, they’re practically the same person… for obvious reasons
The willingness to say what needs to be said, and not try to sugar coat. Earth would try to let Eclipse down easy about stuff, ease him into it, and he’s gonna see that as her being manipulative because that’s how he manipulates people. He needs someone who is just going to lay things out on the table
And of course, Solar most likely wouldn’t think Eclipse is too far gone to change. Because how do you think that of yourself? And they are the same person, just from different perspectives. It’s a similar dilemma I have to just writing off Eclipse, when I take him apart and see myself staring back at me. But I was able to improve, it just took work, and it took a situation dire enough to get me to realize that if I didn’t want to ruin the few things I cared about, I needed to get my crap together. And that’s probably what he’s gonna need to, something that threatens what he cares about to the point he realizes that this can’t go on. (And I’m suspecting that something will be control over his own life, just like it was for me.) We saw at the end of his life, that he was starting to self reflect and realize that he needs to change somehow, and this was because his control over his own life was being threatened I suspect.
Extra, Smaller Analysis on Solar and Eclipse
It is important to note that Solar doesn't have this issue (ASPD), and I believe it's because he didn't suffer the same beginning that Eclipse did. They resolved the Solar issue when he popped into existance very quickly from what we can tell, and so he wasn't left in the dark for months on end, left to stew in his own agony and emotions. Personality issues are caused by trauma, and specifically ASPD is directly tied to neglect during the most crucial formative stages in development. Sun and Moon had no idea Eclipse was there, and didn't mean to abandon him, because they didn't know he existed. But this complete, and utter abandoment, what is probably internalized as a personal betrayal because I can imagine Eclipse being destroyed by the idea that Moon left him behind on purpose. Which is just… not a good thought for my man to have, because that leads to feelings of worthlessness, and self-hatred for not being 'good enough' to keep/take care of/help. Which then just snowballs into other negative emotions, that gets him all worked up, and then he's fuming at the fact that they left him. That they decided he wasn't worth keeping around, and how dare they make that decision about him for him?!
You can see how it gets out of hand quickly, as he realizes the neglect he's suffering from, the abandonment he's facing, and the fact that he's now trapped. That Moon got to escape, but he can't and it's not fair. This is the perfect breeding ground for that funny little disorder called sociopathy, and boy, there's almost nothing at this point that can convince me that he doesn't have it because it's all just a little too perfect. And the worst part?
I really really doubt it was done on purpose, but holy heck it would be so cool if it was. Not just because of how beautifully crafted it is in his character, how it's so consistent and real, but also because if it was done on purpose, it would show that the writers took the time to do real research about a disorder that is so often done so poorly, and is commonly confused with a completely different issue (psychopathic disorder). Even knowing that it probably wasn't done on purpose, I'm still gonna just cling to him because I love him and I want him to get the happy ending he deserves. And I mean that genuinely, people who are suffering and lashing out because they're drowing in hate due to unfortunate circumstances that were really out of their control deserve to be given the tools to improve themselves and their lives, and it would be wonderful to see this sentiment reflected in the show.
Wrap-Up Ramble/Writer's Notes
This is, of course, my own personal observations, and it is definitely a lot to read. I had a lot of fun constructing this thread, because it is so rare to find a character that I feel I can properly connect to. I've struggled with a lot of the patterns Eclipse has shown in the show that I've called out, and I've had to go through the steps in the 'redemption arc' section myself. It's not an easy process, and as I mentioned, him realistically improving is going to be a process that is going to be draining on himself, and the people around him. He will have to wake up and choose to go against the walls he's thrown up around himself every single day if he's going to have a realistic redemption, and it's going to be exhausting. But I do genuinely believe that he can change, and improve, because I was able to change and improve as a person. It took time, years of intensive self examination and cognitive based therapy, and it required a strong support system. Which hopefully, if he comes back to the show, he can obtain, because otherwise he will continue to drown in his own bitter stew of resentment for others and himself. And that's no fun, that's just depressing.
A lot of people look at Eclipse and think the villain, but I just can't. His actions make him a bad person, but taking apart the psychology behind him, and seeing how glaringly similar a character is to you that is supposed to be the 'bad guy'… I want him to be able, if he comes back, to get the proper 'recovery arc' that he deserves, and I really hope that if they do try to save him from his own demons, they do it properly, instead of giving him a complete 180. Because you can't change your personality, and Davis and Reed seem to be aware of that with Moon. Even when old Moon tried to be better, he was still an awful person. And the 'new' Moon is still eerily similar to the old one, and as the time goes on, he just becomes more and more like the old one. Because it's the same AI, he just lost his memories. He didn't do a whole personality change because he got his memory card wiped, because he's the same person where it counts. He just has the benefit of not having all of the pain his past self was carrying. He's free of the hurt, and trauma, and self hatred old Moon carried, but he's still Moon.
So I'm really hoping that they continue to accurately display psychology in their characters if they bring Eclipse back, because it is such an immersive show due to the fact that it makes sense. These things make sense psychology wise, their behaviors, actions, patterns of thinking and speech. And I really am looking forward to seeing if they bring Eclipse back because he's such a beautifully constructed character.
You Made It
This is the end of my massive post. Congratulations if you made it this far. If you did, uh, the password is Dorito. Leave it in the comments/reblogs to let me know you made it, haha.
I'd love to see people's thoughts on this and on him, so feel free to leave your thoughts as well in comments/reblogs. I'll try to reply to every single one I see. Again, I love his character so much, it's so well crafted, and it was so fun to take this apart.
Edit: I have been asked about where to find the thread/join in on the convo, etc a few times: I have a thread in the SAMS server here if you want to join the conversation
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 18 days
Hello resident Eridan expert! 0u0 I was wondering if you thought he might get on well with Aradia? Thank you for your time!
Actually yes! In moderate doses. After Eridan's character development. The list I like to keep of his platonic friends, from most to least close to him, is like.
Nepeta -> Dirk -> Feferi -> Vriska -> Aradia -> Other
So I already talked about how he and Nepeta seem like they'd actually make for really good friends - the Heart player who can't help but see the good in him, and Eridan liking nice people and the fact that the two of them have a lot in common. I've also made mention before about how I think he and Dirk would have an extremely lethargic, almost transactional bro-ship where they sometimes beat each other to death. A completely neutral friendship, where they do not make each other better OR worse, they just help each other take the edge off the Prince Ennui. Using extreme violence.
He and Feferi are also not so different, and, honestly, they're childhood friends. She's pretty fond of him, and he's TOO fond of her, but after his character development and he fully gets over her, I think they'd be perfectly decent friends. He and Vriska have much the same deal, but I think their personalities mesh slightly worse than his and Feferi's.
If you're wondering why Kanaya isn't on this list, it's because she hates his dumb ass and always has. I think Eridan thinks he's really good friends with Kanaya. Kanaya has literally never respected Eridan even a little bit. Same with Rose. It's really funny.
So Aradia is kind of the last person out of the characters that I think I'd emphatically call "Eridan's Friend." Everyone covered in "other" tends to be people who are everybody's friend (like John) or basically tolerant of his behavior in small doses (like Dave).
With Aradia specifically, there's a few factors to consider; first of all, she has a pretty negative view of highbloods in general, calling them "hateful sn0bs" at one point. She's a lot more tolerant as the stewardess of the afterlife, because Alternia's gone and everyone else is dead, but I think it should still stand that she'd be sensitive to anti-casteist sentiment, since casteism colored so much of her life back when she was, y'know, alive.
But the reason I think they'd work as friends is because Aradia has a bluntness and straightforwardness about her that happens to mesh well with Eridan's suite of issues. He's actually fairly easy to manage if you're fully honest with him and set and maintain very clear boundaries, because he doesn't catch social cues, but also doesn't really see naked hostility, bluntness, or aggression as bad things.
And Aradia can be viciously sarcastic, but her natural tendency is to be very blunt and honest and call things the way she sees them. This means that if she's ever too annoyed by Eridan, she will let him know that as bluntly as humanly possible, and then happily fuck off, with Eridan generally no worse for the wear (although he may have a negative reaction in the moment. But Aradia's self-possessed enough to not really give a shit as long as she's not in the wrong).
The main issue between them is that I think Aradia would believe Eridan IS a nasty, casteist highblood, unless somehow given reason to interact with him for an extended period of time. Eridan didn't really talk to the lowbloods, and the two generally had no reason to interact, so she'd basically have no reason NOT to believe him when he starts spewing bullshit. Moreover, Eridan's the type of aggressive idiot that would outright admit that if they'd FLARPed together, there was every chance she'd wind up orphaned or dead (this is just a neutral fact to him), and then comment that maybe it wouldn't have mattered because she wound up dead anyway (again, just a neutral observation to him). Writing Eridan mostly consists of coming up with words that make you cringe.
Aradia is smart enough that I think any extensive conversation or time spent with him would make her realize how performative his casteist stuff is, and how little he actually cares about blood color. Since she generally never had reason to interact or care about him before (not even her friends are friends with him), this would pretty much shift her opinion from "idgaf about him, seems like a snob like the rest of the highbloods" to "oh... he's funny as hell. what's wrong with him".
Once she figures out that he genuinely doesn't mean any harm or offense by the awful dumb shit he says, I think she'd be willing to engage with him on mutual interests (they both FLARPed, so they're presumably both roleplayers, and they could probably bond over death - something Eridan is unfortunately obsessed with and Aradia doesn't have many discussion partners over). Emotionally, she'd probably keep him at arm's length - he has a lot of Issues and Problems, and she's not really interested in helping him handle them (she doesn't really bother with trying to cheer people up on the bubbles so much as just explaining what they can do now that they're dead, and letting them make their own decisions). Not that she isn't a nice person, but I do think it'd just be kind of difficult for her to have too much sympathy for a guy whose problems were largely caused by being too aristocratic.
But, like, she would also pretty happily call him "her friend," because she always cuts it short when it gets too real for her, minimizing her negative experiences with him. I think eventually, like training a dog, Eridan would figure out that Aradia is just Not The Friend For That, so it'd become less of a problem as time goes on.
She thinks he's ridiculous and funny, calls him up when she wants to infodump on someone and her usual buddies aren't around, and I think they'd play good DnD together with Nepeta and Vriska. Yeah I know Vriska killed her but she killed Vriska so they're even. The energy at the table is deeply weird but Eridan wouldn't notice and Aradia would get a kick out of it, leaing poor Nepeta to suffer it alone.
Anyway, I love that Eridan's assortment of platonic friendships is so haphazard. Nepeta AND Feferi, who hate each other. Vriska AND Aradia, who killed each other. And also Dirk is there. He's the DM.
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
hey! hope this isn't weird but i wanted to know why you think artemis wasn't up to standards even in the original pjo series. you reblogged from me and so i had front row to your tags on the post about zeus jaja i've not seen people talk a lot about her and it got me interested as i'm a classics student!
- @zoebelladona 🌙
HELLO OH BOY okay so I have half a rant already about Artemis in terms of Rick and general aphobic tropes in the series. see: that open letter on twitter. i still need to transfer that to tumblr. fun fact: Rick replied to that post but deleted his reply at some point. probably because two replies after he replied to my post and word-of-god confirmed Reyna to be ace-coded he left social media for a bit.
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Fun times! Anyways.
The thing I dislike about Artemis as she's depicted in the series, besides her constantly appearing as a teenager and the aphobic tropes with that [see: open letter linked above] - which on some level is slightly more excusable than other examples given she's a goddess of young women, but given how he writes Athena, Hestia, and the Hunt instead leaves a bad taste in my mouth - and other similar aphobic tropes with her, is her whole weird anti-men thing (which is also, in itself, also an aphobic trope in this particular circumstance). I understand TTC was written in 2007 so that flavor of radical feminism that Artemis and the Hunt is clearly supposed to be was only just coming into major public awareness and the flaws in the ideology (and the inherent bigotry, particularly transphobia and racism that often comes with it) weren't as well recognized at the time. But in hindsight it leaves a really bad taste in my mouth for obvious reasons and is one of the things from the first series that severely aged poorly in my opinion, and I greatly dislike that in every subsequent retcon of the Hunt for other reasons Rick more or less retains that aspect.
Secondly... it doesn't make sense from a mythological standpoint? Because there are multiple examples of men being Hunters in Artemis' retinue. Even ignoring Orion, no matter how you go about shaking that stick (which for the record I really dislike how Rick retconned him in the series/wrote him in HoO), Hippolytus is a very notable example. Literally his big whole original shtick was he joined the Hunt because he didn't like romance and Aphrodite got so pissed about him not needing her (romance) that she killed him. And even when Aphrodite was trying to ruin his life he held on to his virtues and vow to Artemis (refusing advances even when his life was on the line). He is otherwise totally chill and devoted to Artemis. Some versions of his myth has Artemis have him resurrected after he dies (by Asclepius, which is why Asclepius is punished for reviving the dead). This also obviously doesn't address the major glaring logical flaw in Artemis hating all men which is... Apollo. Especially within the series he seems to be an exception for no reason, despite Artemis also very overtly having a "brothers are not an exception to the no-men rule." And from a modern queer standpoint, it obviously begs the question of stuff like gender identity within the Hunt and if you bring back the radfem stuff it gets real bad vibes real fast. Which also sucks when you particularly look at historical/mythological descriptions of Apollo and Artemis and how they very poignantly encompass defying gender roles and expectations particularly within their cultural contexts.
And every time Rick tries to retcon the Hunt, he somehow manages to make it kind of worse, particularly with the oath. I have a whole personal thing for how I think to best rectify all that nonsense in a way that isn't horrible and is related to some of Artemis' aspects in a more sensible way (buried somewhere in this monster of a post. Honestly i'd just recommend ctrl + f search "Hunters" on that post and it should be somewhere near the first ping there). In there I also go into some of my other thoughts for the general meh way the Hunt is written in the series, mostly being aphobic tropes and random death fodder.
So yeah. Basically, tl;dr: I am personally not a huge fan of how Artemis in the series is halfway to being a terf and chock-full of aphobic tropes. And I need Rick to stop retconning things into the ground.
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foxnapping · 6 months
! ! all hate will be deleted / blocked ! !
hi! you can call me Juno, Lupa, or Bruno!
i go by they/she/it
a therian/otherkin/nonhuman
i’m an asexual lesbian!
i have many theriotypes! most commonly a marble fox or a grey wolf!
i’m mostly going to use this blog for whatever nonsensical musings i have related to nature, animals, or art. i don’t have any friends who are therians/otherkin so i want to meet some people! even though i am extremely socially awkward.
this is also my first time posting on tumblr. i’ve mostly just spent my time on here lurking and watching other people post. so if i get anything wrong please feel free to correct me!
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- basic dni stuff
- z00philes
- pro/c0m/dark sh1ppers
- pr0ana
- anti Therian/otherkin/fictionkin
- mean people who don’t like to let people have fun
- other fox therians!
- other wolf therians!
- otherkin/kith/therians
- animal lovers!
- nonhumans!
- nature lovers
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interests other than otherkinity:
- Music (Mort garson, the oh hellos, AURORA, of monsters and men, etc)
- Wolfwalkers !
- paganism !
- folklore !
- mythology !
- sewing !
- botany (the study of plants)
- zoology (the study of animals)
- wildlife in general !
- history !
- art !
- art history !
- poetry !
- good omens !
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i hope we can all be friends!!
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cloudninetonine · 4 months
The Player and the Dollmaker
A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been as active for the past few months! Life and just general stuff got into the way, plus I've been feel extra anti-social :') But I'm gonna try and get back into the swing of things!!!
This story is based on my friend @next-hero-in-line's awesome new oc, the Dollmaker and by @batrogers's amazing fanfic based on said oc!! The Dollmaker for anyone who wishes to read it!
Warnings: Bad language (as usual to Player), blood/gore, temporary character death, reversed character death, hinted at a slighter darker Hyrule(?), also probably a lot of spelling mistakes I've been struggling with sleep lately piuhgfpiuf
Hyrule’s timeline was…something.
You were expecting it, truth be told, playing the very first Legend of Zelda game came with not only a huge reality check but the rude residents of the traveller’s Hyrule that had you close to tossing your device from the frustration of their snide remarks and coldness. With the troubles that brewed in the depths of the land, you couldn’t really blame the population- but there was no need to be snarled at for simply asking for directions.
“Mark my fucking words,” You growled, tugging at the material of your hood as you wondered through the village, monologuing to yourself like some crazed villain. “Mark them, goddesses, because trust if one of these nasty arse villagers sasses me again it’ll be between them and you.”
Yeah, you were not happy. Having to deal with the terrible crowds all day, your levels of cranky raised to the max and you were not about to deal with another one of these terrible people- even all the children were damn brats!!!
And to top it all off, it was raining, just perfect.
Huffing, you turned another corner, boots squelching against the mud of the (once) dirt path as you made your way back to the village outskirts, the camp resting deep within the crooked woodland that bordered the homes. You could catch the silhouettes of cloaked figures just by the bushes, speeding up your pace the slightest bit with your face relaxing from your raged scowl to a relieved smile.
Splitting up was not something you were fond of, especially in Hyrule’s land but with his flaming reputation with the locals that only further engulfed that of the Chain’s when they had first been seen in public with him would have been worse than just being seen as a weary traveller looking for some food and shelter. The stories of him being chased out of towns, to having rocks tossed his way and worse- you wanted to slam your fist into the nose of the first (definitely not) innocent bystander.
How could they treat their hero like this? Expendable? Like dirt beneath their boots? God, you hated it.
But, unfortunately, there wasn’t quite much you could do, was there?
You raised your hand, a yell at the tip of your tongue as you got closer to the cloaked heroes only for a sudden body to walk ahead of you, walking out from between the homes and right into your path- your yelp their only indication of their mistake as you bumped right into their side and had them near tumbling to the floor.
You were lucky this adventure had gifted you with faster reflexes.
“I’m sorry!” Your hand quickly grabbed their wrist, tugging them back up to a standing position before they could collapse into the mud. “I’m really sorry- are you okay?”
You caught bright blue eyes before anything else- well, eye, the other covered by her lucious, midnight purple locks- her hood did well to hide her features but that you could make out. Not many in Hyrule had quite striking attributes as she did and your mind rolled the many franchise characters in your mind in a curious search to see if she was familiar-
But no, you didn’t recognise her.
The woman blinked, studying you for the moment but her pretty pink lips stretched into a smile.
One you didn’t like.
“Hello.” She grinned with teeth as she once again looked you up and down. “I’ve been looking for you.”
You wretched your hand back like her skin was hot metal, keeping it protectively against your chest as you went to take a step back. “Pardon?”
“You were looking for health items in town.” She clarified, still smiling and still very disturbing before your eyes. “I have just the thing.”
Please don’t invite me back to your home. Please don’t invite me back to your home. Please don’t invite me back to your home- “Oh? And- uh, what’s that?”
Your heart skipped in relief when she dug into the back hanging from her shoulder, plump with her own items and quite loud as she rummaged through until she made a small sound of victory and then proceeded to produce a…a doll. Her eyes looked over it proudly, her eye sparkling with a glee that made your stomach churn in a nervous rut, watching as her nimble fingers quickly straightened out the little toy’s clothing before handing it over to you- all the while still grinning that same smile she had been for the past few moments (had she even breathed?).
“For you.” Her voice was near giddy but still laced with her eerily calm demeanour. “A good healing item.”
“Uhhh, how much…?"
She giggled, airy and light. “A ‘thank you’ will suffice.”
Common sense had always told you not to take things from strangers, especially creepy ones that emerged from dark alleys with smiles that read trouble, eyes like a predator’s that shone with a lust for violence and blood- but, with a quick glance to your companions still waiting just ahead you felt the need to hurry this exchange so that you could return and be rid of this whole damn day.
So, managing to force a grateful smile, you accepted the item. “Um, thank you.”
You held back a cringe when her smile widened. “You’re welcome.”
Your eyes fell to the doll in your hands and you felt the air harshly exit your lungs, mouth a slight gape as you caught the familiar stitched face staring back at you.
“This-” Your eyes raised to meet…nothing. Nada. Zilch. Body twirling frantically to search for the woman who had once stood before you, face still stricken in slight horror before you let out a breath from your nose. “Typical.”
Gently, your thumb ran over the careful thread of the doll, taking in the very obvious features of yourself: your cape, your tunic with it’s gold accents, your hair and the discolour buttons for eyes, stitching of blue running down its face to its stubby little arms and a smile to top it off. Yes, this was you indeed and you knew exactly what this was.
“One up…?” You muttered, feeling dread settle on your shoulders.
Why would you need a one-up?
Your hands shook, thoughts racing through your mind as you continued to stare down at the small doll with anxiety bubbling in your gut. Was this a warning? Your fate decided? Were- were you close to death? Or did this Dollmaker find of your existence and wish to merely meet you? You weren’t quite sure, uncertain if being left in the dark was better or worse about the future with this item-
A hand came to rest over yours and your eyes flew up, meeting the frightened ones of Hyrule. Eyes of brown clashed green stared back into your own, pupils pin pricked with a similar fear to your own before he let out a breath and pushed the doll to your chest, his voice a soft whisper.
“Put it away.” He gently squeezed over your knuckles. “Don’t think about it- I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“It’s okay, I promise you.” He managed to smile at you, not quite reassuring but soft nonetheless. “Nothing will happen.”
You looked at him with apprehension. “...Link, I’m scared.”
His face hardened, eyes shining with a determination that you had seen time and time again. “I will protect you.”
…You couldn’t fight his words, you knew from his tone he would keep him promise no matter what. You knew that look, you knew this man and you trusted him, you could leave your life in his hands and he would keep that promise in his heart until his very last days.
But just because he could keep a promise didn’t mean fate couldn’t take over.
You stuffed the doll into your bag and took his out-stretched hand, letting him lead you back to the cloaked Chain so you could all return to your temporary abode within the woods.
You felt the stare of eyes on your back the entire way.
The past few days had been uneventful, save for the few black blooded and some more cruel Hylians of Hyrule’s homeland, everything had been pretty quiet and tame- yet you could still feel the unnerving tremble in your belly at every waking moment. Glancing around wildly, refusing to step away from the group, you don’t think you had even released Hyrule’s hand for those past few days, too afraid and too cowardly.
Even if the doll was in your possession, even if it brought you back- you would die.
You didn’t want to die out here.
But it seems, like you had expected, fate had decided to take that into its own hands.
It was Legend’s turn to watch for the night, sat in front of the flickering campfire with eyes focused on the surrounding trees and bush. His back was towards you when you woke, blinking away sleep and rubbing at your eyes when you felt the overwhelming need to use the toilet. Well, find a spot behind a tree, after all when was the last time you had seen a proper toilet? You shuddered at the thought.
“Where are you going?” The Veteran grunted, watching as you waddled through the sleeping bodies. 
“Toilet.” Your voice was hoarse with exhaustion, “Don’t worry I’m not gonna converse with the Shadow.”
The man huffed, poking at the fire with a stick. “Whatever.”
That was all you exchanged, carefully manoeuvring through the shrubbery to get a good distance away from the men. Not thinking, your mind still too seeped in sleep, forgetting the doll you had kept in a death grip these past few gruelling days as you hopped and shuffled to get to a sufficient spot to do your business then head back to camp. It didn’t occur to you that this may have been the moment fate needed, nor did you think about it being your last.
Done with your business, you took a few steps back towards the light in the short distance. Far enough that you couldn’t see Legend’s full features but close enough that you were still in sight, the hero had his head down towards the flames, not focused on you at all.
You sighed.
…You felt a burning.
Your whole body tensed- seized as the pain began to grow from a dull throb to a near rolling inferno, your breath suddenly ripped from your body as you felt the sensation of hot liquid begin to slowly bubble up your throat while you looked downed to the cause of the pain- a crossbow bolt punctured right through you, dirtied with red hot blood that idly drip, drip, dripped from the tip of the arrow right onto the dirt below.
Breathing only resulted in the blood to rise faster, tasting the copper in your mouth as you coughed and sullied your white tunic with maroon and felt your body sway as you felt your body quickly begin to lose it’s balance, your vision blurring with tears.
It must have caught your lung…were you drowning in your own blood?
You reached a hand out towards the camp.
You fell to your knees, then to your side, choking on more of the liquid.
Hyrule awoke to a scream.
Loud and violent, his whole body jolted at the sound as he lept into a seated position with his sword pulled ready, eyes scanning the camp frantically for the threat he had expected.
Only to see nothing. Merely his brothers in spirit, jolted awake and alarmed similarly to him as they all glanced around and wondered about the sound that had woken them all from their slumber.
Hyrule’s hand moved towards your body.
And his stomach dropped when he didn’t feel you there.
It was happening.
When the silhouette of Legend began rushing back into camp, bloodied and panicked the traveller knew already what had happened- he didn’t need to glance at the mass in the Veteran’s arms to know it was you, the bolt still protruding through your ribcage as the small blonde screamed for them all to do something- ready the potions, ready the fairies, anything. His hysterics would have been almost comical if the brunette didn’t feel like his world was crashing down around him as he watched your hand limply hang, unmoving.
“Oh dear Three-”
“Put them down, quickly!”
“We must remove the bolt!”
Hyrule pounced when his body finally snapped back into attention, rushing to your side like a bat out of hell when the blonde had carefully handed you towards the Captain and the Old Man- the soldier carefully snapping off the fletching of the arrow to slide the item out of your chest, the horrible bloodied squelch making the brunette’s stomach twist and churn in horror and fear.
He didn’t see Warrior’s fingers against your pulse, nor the slow head shake towards the horrified Time.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you.” He whispered gently, soothingly, as his hands glowed a familiar white.
“Traveller-” Warriors started.
“You’re going to be okay, I’m going to make it stop.” He pressed his hand over the wound, ignoring the blood blooming around his fingers and soaking them in red. “I know it hurts-”
“Traveller.” Time’s voice was firm, his hand landing on his shoulder. “Stop.”
Hyrule held back from decking the old man where he stood. “”WHAT?! NO!! Are you INSANE-”
“They’re already gone, Hyrule.”
Wild’s voice was…gentle. Gentle and pained as he kneeled next to the frozen hero, carefully moving his hands from the puncture wound to stop the man from further staining his hands in your blood. The Champion’s face was broken, ears down turned and eyes blank as he looked over your broken form- the spark that once danced in your eyes now gone with the gentle rhythm of your breaths.
Hyrule waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Your chest did not move.
Warriors hand gently ran over your eyes, closing the lids so that they no longer had to see the dead stare aimed towards the trees ahead. He moved to softly kiss your forehead after with an even softer apology.
“I…..I promised…” Hyrule muttered, eyes glazing over as tears began to blur his vision of your dead body, still warm to the touch. “I promised-”
“I’m sorry, brother.” Wild whispered, moving to hold Hyrule gently. “I’m sorry.”
The silence hanging over them all was heavy, save for the small sniffles and hiccups of the few. Twilight was trying to console a near uncontrollable Legend, bloody hands roughly grabbing the fur of his hide as he sobbed and choked on tears. Wind was turned into Four, the shorter man holding him close and away from the visceral scene. The rest were stock still, quiet and unsure of what to do, of what to say, as they continued to stare at your…corpse.
Warriors bowed his head. “We should give them a burial.”
“No-” Hyrule gasped, feeling both rage and a cold emptiness within him. “No, I- I need to-” “There isn’t anything else you can do, traveller.” Time’s voice was soft but firm. “Our only option is to bury them…and if we find our way back to their homeland, return their belongings to their mother.”
Hyrule perked up, head swivelling round towards your bag a little ways away.
His heart surged and in a moment of pure adrenaline, he shoved Wild to the side and dived towards your rucksack, ignoring his brother’s grunt or the other yells.
The brunette grasped the thing frantically, near ripping the strange contraption you called a zipper as he rummaged messily through your back, tossing your things wildly as he looked for the wretched ‘gift’.
“Traveller, stop this!” The voice of Four called, trying to grab his arm. “What are you doing-”
Hyrule didn’t even feel remorse when he roughly shoved his elbow into the nose of the short hero and sent him flying onto his arse.
More yells of his name were heard but they were quite easily ignored when his eyes finally laid eyes on the doll of your likeness, aggressively snatching the carefully crafted toy with a desperation and anger he hadn’t felt for years. He turned back to scramble towards your body, the doll gripped in his hand like it was his lifeline only for Sky and Time to roughly grab his arms, their voices falling on deaf is as he wildly scratched and bit at them, trying to fight his way out.
“Release me!” He roared, catching Sky by the cheek and causing the Skyloftian to wince in pain. “Let me go! I can save them!”
“Enough of this, Link!” Time yelled, both desperate and firm, his own face riddled in anguish. “They are gone! Let them rest in peace!”
Hyrule’s heart thumped painfully in his chest at the thought of you dead, lost to him forever more before he pushed himself harder until he caught the arm of the Old Man and sunk his teeth into the skin, the Hero of Time crying out in pain and finally releasing him- Chosen quickly diving to aid the blonde as the traveller rushed to your side and pressed the doll against you.
“Do your job!!” He yelled into the night air, “Heal them! Bring them back!”
Wild and Warriors pinned him this time, Hyrule’s face pressed into the dirt with them both keeping his arms down to stop him from swiping or nipping at his brothers once again.
“That’s enough!” Warriors’ commanding voice bellowed, pushing Hyrule’s face further into the ground. “Calm down or else, traveller!”
Hyrule’s eyes bore tears once again, struggling once more with both pleas and threats falling from his mouth, merging into a mess of gibberish the further and further he spiralled into a wobbly heap of tears and sorrow beneath the other Links. This couldn’t be the end, the doll couldn’t be a dud- it was supposed to bring you back. You were supposed to be here! You weren’t dead! You couldn’t be dead! He didn’t want you dead! This had to be a nightmare, conjured by Ganon’s monsters to torture him and break him. You- You-
There was a popping sound behind them and heads snapped towards it.
“What was that?” Time asked, still nursing his bleeding bite mark. “Where did that come from?”
Wind’s eyes were wide. “The doll just…exploded?”
Hyrule’s breath stopped.
Just as yours returned.
Shaky and hoarse, your body moved with a violent inhale of breath, shaking from the strain and following with heavy coughs as you breathed like it was the first time, lungs born anew. The others watched in a curious shock as you continued to hack and heave, pushing your body up from the ground- the doll falling from your chest into the dirt below.
The toy's chest held a puncture, white wool stuffing blooming at the hole with a few stray curls falling into the dirt.
Hyrule sobbed in relief.
“(Name)!” Wind threw himself at you, arms wrapping around your neck tightly as he shoved his face into your shoulder. “You’re okay- You’re okay!!”
You continued to gasp for breath, the many men around you rushing to your side to aid your effort as Hyrule pushed himself to his hand and knees, smiling a wet and wobbly grin as he listened to you, alive, once more- returned to him from the realm of the dead. You were back, you came back and his heart swelled with a plethora of emotions that made his entire being shake.
Hyrule crawled over to you, frozen and still not sure of your own surroundings as his hands came to engulf your face, his eyes looking back into your own- glazed in confusion and lingering fear that made his heart squeeze in regret.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, “I am so sorry- I broke our promise.”
Your mouth opened then closed. Then opened and closed once again. Looking for the words to express the feelings behind your petrified gaze, your throats managing noise but that alone in an seemingly endless cycle of struggle and torment. Only when you whimpered, tearing up with a shaky sob did the man embrace you and hold close- careful to keep the bloody hands off you. He didn’t want you to see it.
The dolls never did quite clean up the mess.
Hyrule trekked through his woodland, bumping through branches and harshly knocking away bushes as a man on a mission. Eyes narrowed with anger, the flickered with the flames of hell and rage as he stomped his way towards his destination.
“Where are you going?” Time had asked, watching the traveller pull on his cloak. “Don’t you think it unwise to leave when they just got to sleep?”
You laid in a comfortable heap in your sleep mat, wrapped in both your own blanket and the brunette’s, Wind and Wild laid comfortably beside you and Wolfie acting as your pillow. All were resting, vanished into the land of dreams with the many other men around camp. They were close too, like bodyguards they surrounded you afraid of what had already happened.
Time was left for watch and Hyrule took his opportunity.
“I have some business to deal with.” His voice was void of his usual softness, a growl of a predator with the malice near sharp as Ganon’s himself. “I’ll be back.”
Time narrowed his eye. “We will search for whoever did this in the morning.”
“That is not what I am doing.”
“Then what is? Tell me, traveller, what could you possibly be doing?”
Hyrule’s hand grabbed the doll, his hand tight enough to near pop its beady button eyes right from its wool skull.
Hyrule pulled his hood over his head.
“I will return soon.”
Hyrule ripped another branch from his face, eyes finally narrowing in on the large house in the distance. Like he had seen it once before, warped beyond comprehension yet still perceivable to his naked eye. It haunted his dreams now, echoes of a horrid encounter that shook him to the core and left invisible scars that still marred his soul-
She was there once again, the exact same spot as the time before, the exact same position, her arms crossed over her chest with a menial smile plastered over her lips that only grew as the Hero of Hyrule stepped out from the shadows of the trees, still tightly gripping the ruined doll within his grasp.
Despite her calm disposition, he could so clearly see the hunger in her eyes, even from his spot. “Did your friend like my gift?”
Hyrule’s hand twitched to his blade, hanging from his hip opposed to his back- easier and faster to draw. “I should kill you where you stand.”
The Dollmaker’s chuckle held a twisted humour like poking a sleeping, starved bear. “You should- but you won’t.”
Hyrule’s eye twitched. “What do you want with them? They have no power- no fighting capability or anything you could possibly want.”
“Ah,” She tapped her nose with the constant smile. “You will come to know. Or maybe you won’t, wouldn’t it be more fun to find out yourself?”
“Stay away from them.” He stepped up to her door’s steps, eyes manic in rage. “Leave them be.”
Her already massive smile grew.
The Dollmaker was not someone Hyrule liked to encounter. When her dolls appeared death usually followed, mostly his own, the many sawdust filled dummies gathering dust in the darkness in his bag as a constant reminder of what you had been through during his adventures. Sometimes he saw different ones, of faces he had only glimpsed at in towns or villages, but he saw them- he had seen one of her own long ago. Saw the damage dealt to it’s surface when he had the unfortunate chance of crossing into her shop looking for some magic items he was already lacking.
She liked to collect them; that was the idea he had conjured anyway.
Raising your doll high, he presented the damaged little soft toy towards her and saw how her pupils grew at the sight. While her hands were gentle to grab it she practically snatched it from his hands and cradled the thing close to her chest, gently caressing the spot where the hole had formed.
“Even a cursed doll, you handle them gentle.” Her comment made him huff, his arms crossing to hold back from doing something he regretted. “I showed them mercy, you know.”
Hyrule ground his teeth. “You think shooting them in the chest is mercy?”
“Compared to what else I could have done, yes.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s only fair if I have my fun.”
The Hero turned his head away. “You’re sick.”
And the Dollmaker hummed. “I will return with another.”
She disappeared into the darkness of her house, footsteps gently fading off as Hyrule stood just below the doorway, pearing in and hoping to see the mystery of her disorted abode. No luck however, his eyes only soaked in the dark abyssal, his ears twitching at the sounds of creaking floorboards and groaning wood of the walls, focusing and focusing in a near trance until the sight of her eye peering through the darkness made him take a cautious step back.
When had he climbed the steps?
“Here.” She said, once again both calm and giddy as she presented the doll to him- another little you, with a stitched little smile like the last. “I hope they enjoy it.”
Hyrule carefully snatched the doll away before jogging down the steps and headed back towards the forest without another word.
“It didn’t feel right to use sawdust.” The brunette paused, slightly moving his head in indication that he was listening- not that it mattered. He knew she would continue on, even if he had trudged off. “I felt they needed something a little more…lively and I of course couldn’t brush off the idea of using the finest of sheep’s wool. I think it suited them much more, don’t you agree?”
…Hyrule kept walking.
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capricores · 1 year
Hello! How are Pisces and Cancer risings different? They sound very similar in everything I’ve read.
hi! this is a great question and i love q's like these!! they definitely have a lot of overlap, both being water signs. however, here's some main difference in how their outward personalities may manifest:
pisces risings tend to be bubbly and outgoing! even when they're shy or anxious individuals, even when they aren't actually that social - when meeting new people, in new environments, when dealing with customer service: they're almost always very bright, cheerful and bubbly.
cancer risings come across as kind and caring, much like pisces risings, however - they generally are not what i would consider bubbly or outgoing! they tend to be a lot more reserved, and come off as more shy even when they aren't. pisces risings tend to chatter a lot, and enjoy conversing with strangers; cancer risings generally don't. they'd much rather stick to themselves and keep public interactions short.
this one is pretty straight-forward! pisces risings lean towards optimism. they usually see the world through a dreamy, hopeful lens and like to look for the best in things. it's very hard to crush a pisces rising's ability to dream and have high hopes for the future. sometimes they can be almost delusional 😭 cancer risings do tend to lean more towards a more realistic (even pessimistic a lot of the time) view on the world and people around them. they aren't as trusting and hopeful as pisces risings tend to be, and often view the world through a cautious lens. sometimes they can be overly negative as compared to pisces who can be so positive it leads to a delusion/dream world.
cancer risings are much much more of homebodies than pisces risings. pisces risings really enjoy going out and exploring, traveling, social events, etc. cancer risings have a shorter fuse and smaller social battery. they much prefer to stay at home, hangout with smaller groups of friends/just one friend, read at home, etc.
cancer risings are cardinal: they start shit. and i don't mean that in a bad way! they are the leaders, they get the ball rolling. they're always first to tackle projects, organize things, take on the boss position. pisces risings tend to lack motivation. it can be hard for them to start things, and very hard for them to finish anything. it can also be hard for them to lead as they're often more soft-spoken and have trouble telling others what to do; they prefer to follow. cancer risings are more firm and have no problem giving others directions. pisces do have amazing ideas and are so so creative; but they tend to lack the follow-through or planning. cancer risings are the ones always starting new projects. they're also more likely to be a workaholic as compared to pisces risings, who'd much rather be making their pinterest boards!
pisces risings go with the flow. they're mutable water, so they're extremely adaptable. they handle change easily; and probably experienced it so much throughout childhood that it's second nature. they generally seek out change and aren't huge fans of routine. you'll find pisces risings re-arranging their room at least once a week, and updating their personality/finding a new niche interest/changing career paths at least once a month. cancer risings are suckers for routine, and they don't generally like change. they'd much prefer to live in their hometown their entire lives, and you will not catch them re-arranging their furniture more than once every two business years. pisces rising would much rather move to a new country every year than be anywhere near their hometown. pisces has the eternal travel bug, cancer has the "let me stay within a 50km radius of my family/home at all times" bug lol.
some other little differences:
cancer risings are petty, they do not do the "forgive and forget"; pisces risings are very much the forgive and forget type (both parties to a fault, usually)
cancer risings, despite being very kind-hearted, can often come off as very cold at first! hard shell, as their representative animal would suggest. pisces risings are immediately very open and friendly with people
to add to that, cancer risings generally have a lot of walls up; pisces risings are open books
cancer risings are much better than pisces rising at deflecting people's negative vibes/comments; pisces risings are ridiculously influenced by their environment and people around them (ie: someone uses the wrong tone of voice, pisces rising might cry - cancer rising? not so much)
cancer risings tend to have more stable/consistent moods as compared to pisces risings (although this can also be a negative at times, when they're sad; it can last weeks, whereas pisces rising bounces back quite quickly)
pisces risings tend to have more sharp physical features, and generally look kinda fairy/elf like. cancer risings usually have softer features, and generally rounder features/faces as well
disclaimer: i also cannot stress enough that the ascendant, like any other placement, is only one piece of the puzzle! if someone has planets in their first house, strong aspects to their ascendant, a chart that really contradicts their ascendant, etc - the traits/etc listed above might not exactly apply. as always, the entire chart matters in interpretation ☺
hopefully this helps a little bit! let me know if you have any other questions!! <3 the ascendant is very much how we come off to others (outwardly/publicly especially), it's also how we view and interact with the world. it shapes our life path heavily and i consider it much more than just a "mask" as some people would say. i've also heard the interpretation (i think it was donna cunningham who said this but don't quote me on it) that the ascendant is who we were forced to become due to what we went through in our childhood!! which is an interesting way to view these placements. anyway!! tysm for asking this i missed getting astro q's!
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orthodoxadventure · 2 months
Hello, I prayed for you and I hope you’re doing well. I know lots of really heavy stuff has been going on in your life. I hope you have a good community you can really on, and friends to keep you company. I had to leave my friend group because they were anti-Catholic, and I am struggling with mental health. I have dreams to do something but I am scared I can’t get in. I feel so behind in life. For years you’re account has encouraged me, I hope you have close Christin friends to encourage and be with you if your ever lonely. I feel so empty most days, and hope I can have a strong Catholic community. I hope anything that is bothering or hurting you, you can overcome. I hope you get closer to God and you can do His will. I hope your dreams can come true. God bless you
Thank you so much for the kind message and your prayers, I really appreciate it. And please know that I will keep you in my prayers also.
I'm sorry that you're struggling to develop friends that are supportive of your faith. One thing that I would suggest, if you haven't already, is reach out to your doctor about your emptiness and your struggles. It may be possible that they would be able to refer you onto support services that can help you in this area. And I would also suggest trying to speak with your Priest about it, he might be able to again direct you towards services and groups that can help with these feelings.
One thing I would really suggest is trying to get involved in Church life as much as you can - ask to volunteer, participate in any social groups (or look to other Catholic Churches in the area that offer social groups and partake in those). If your Church has a coffee hour or something similar, then participate in that when you can. And if it doesn't, see if you can organise with the Priest to start one.
As much as online spaces are no real substitute for something offline, joining in with them can really help bridge the gap. And you might find local Catholics this way also. Find and join Catholic discord servers, see if there's any online reading clubs that you can join, connect with other Catholics on Twitter or in Facebook groups or on Reddit. And so on. Unfortunately, a lot of it is just about continually trying to push yourself out there and persevering.
Look also to events held in your local area in general, even if it's not faith based, it might be a good way of socialising with others and keeping yourself busy. Art workshops, gardening classes, cooking clubs, etc. Are all great ways of participating in the community - and get involved in volunteering as much as you can. Because these are also great opportunities to meet others with similar values, and of course, almsgiving and volunteering to help others is particularly good for the soul during Lent (as well as every other time).
I know it can be really hard, but please do keep trying and persevering. Because I truly do believe that over time, you will eventually develop the community and connections that you need. May God bless you, comfort you, and guide you!
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sapphyreopal5 · 11 days
Full disclosure : I am a Jared leaning J2 fan. I like the J2 dynamic though I also really liked Gen for the longest time.
For a long time, I believed Jared was happier now that he doesn't have to work on SPN as those last couple of seasons were really harsh on him. However, how sick he has been getting lately has me really worried. It's a constant thing and the fact that he is around family (particularly Gen) shouldn't he be doing well???The pain from these injuries would be a lot to deal with and then he has to get back to work constantly which I feel is always there.
He has a strong work ethic but I feel he has to carry everyone around. Like all the responsibility lies with him. Therefore, when you said this, it freaked me out coz of how true it feels with the way Gen's energy has felt lately.
I believe that it's more likely Gen is trying harder to make it so her husband dies younger (multiple times getting COVID and generally getting sick a lot, car accident he was in, etc.)
She doesn't seem protective of Jared anymore. I think her attention is either on herself or the kids. Though I don't like to admit it coz I liked her for so long but she does seem money minded. Like look at her extensive wardrobe while Jared is out there wearing the similar set of clothes. Like this itself says how different they are than each other and where their priorities lie. He is her husband so she is entitled to his money but it is just so strange.
On SPN, atleast he had Jensen to share his burdens but now looks like he has no one. I know his and Jensen's relationship wasn't always rosy but at least they had each other to talk to. Now it looks like the proverb, lonely at the top is coming true for Jared.
I genuinely worry for him sometime but I also believe that he is stronger now than he was before with regards to his Mental health given all that he has dealt with in the past couple of years itself. Also, I feel he gives Gen too much credit for that when it has honestly a lot to do with his own work in that direction. I just want him to be happy coz he deserves it.
Hello there Anon, thank you for this ask. Before I delve more into the nature of your ask, I want to share with you my story of how I first joined the Fandom and even started watching Supernatural from the get go.
Full disclosure : I am a Jared leaning J2 fan. I like the J2 dynamic though I also really liked Gen for the longest time. For a long time, I believed Jared was happier now that he doesn't have to work on SPN as those last couple of seasons were really harsh on him.
You see, when I first joined this fandom via joining Tumblr I myself was looking into the anti Danneel blogs first. Danneel owns who she is for better and for worse. She was historically territorial over Jensen and is far more outspoken about things than Gen is. For the record, I'm still to this day not a fan of Danneel's either. If I had seen Danneel on the street while being barely active in this fandom if it all but saw her on Supernatural, I might recognize her. Yes, her voice does stand out and her looks now are hard to miss (looking at you bright orange hair).
Gen on the other hand really doesn't stand out much on her own esteem. That might sound mean of me to say but she doesn't really have any features on her own that make her stand out or otherwise makes her memorable to me. Frankly if I saw her on the street, had only seen Supernatural and wasn't active in this fandom here on Tumblr, I would probably not recognize her on the street. She looks like a lot of other US American women who are of Italian descent. Just saying, what makes her standout is who her husband is overall from first glances. I'm just being real here. I myself will admit I thought she seemed much more pleasant than Danneel. The reality is that like I said before, she just knows how to play nice with social rules to skate by unnoticed. It's the ones who fly under the radar who concern me more than those like Danneel who have no problem speaking their peace, again for better and for worse.
Funny story as to why I even started watching Supernatural. So, my twin sister who also delved into divination was getting readings about things like how "Jensen hates Danneel" and "Jared doesn't hate Gen as much as Jensen does Danneel but...." from her guides. It's actually her constantly bringing up Supernatural via her guides talking about it a lot (ahem, looking right at you, Poseidon!). Mysteriously her guides, including Poseidon who is also one of my guides, stopped bringing Supernatural up to my sister so much once I started watching it early September 2022. It seems they kept bringing up the show to my sister who kept bringing it up to me because they were acting through her to get me to watch the show. She to this day has not dived into the fandom side of things, nor has she even joined Tumblr for example.
I also remember one day when I was like 16 years old back in 2007 or so seeing Supernatural on the TV but back then I didn't know what the show was called. I noticed it was NOT Smallville the show I was watching a lot of at the time and therefore turned the TV off. It seems I missed other signs I should've started watching this show a long time ago. My brother used to watch Gilmore Girls when I was in high school around the same time period and even remember briefly seeing Jared on the TV screen at one point. However, I felt the show being about a preppy girl was not for me, as I was not about the popular kind of rich girl who lives in a bubble. I also remember over the years seeing Supernatural show up on my Netflix in the corner of my eye here and there but again didn't click on it. Strange given my kinds of experiences and interests ha ha.
She doesn't seem protective of Jared anymore. I think her attention is either on herself or the kids. Though I don't like to admit it coz I liked her for so long but she does seem money minded. Like look at her extensive wardrobe while Jared is out there wearing the similar set of clothes. Like this itself says how different they are than each other and where their priorities lie. He is her husband so she is entitled to his money but it is just so strange.
However, how sick he has been getting lately has me really worried. It's a constant thing and the fact that he is around family (particularly Gen) shouldn't he be doing well???The pain from these injuries would be a lot to deal with and then he has to get back to work constantly which I feel is always there.
Now, back to what you were saying about Gen. I brought up how I first joined this fandom because I feel like Gen doesn't really stand out on her own esteem and seems like a "typical woman" at first glance. Has her own organization pertaining to reducing our carbon footprint that seems more or less dedicated to doing so via gardening tips, creative ways to reuse/upcycle things (ex. Christmas trees, foil wrappers to make Christmas ornaments, etc.), and providing shopping guides from companies that are said to be more "sustainable" or "fair trade" or "green", something of the sort. I'm not sure of what more TOWWN has done outside of bringing awareness to some people namely in the Walker and Supernatural fandoms of new ways to be more environmentally conscientious. This is 100% okay but my point is, a lot of what TOWWN brings to the table is something a lot of other crunchy SAHM and even homestead wife blogger types do. She just has the means to go to "summits" and go on podcasts and whatnot with people to spread the word more. Also, plenty of women do book clubs. Many of them just don't ask their husbands to join in on their book discussions to get more views and tickets bought.
Honestly Anon, I'm not sure if there was ever a time in their marriage where she really did actually stand up for Jared. I too find it strange that Jared is not suddenly a lot more happy given he's now working on his passion project Walker and is not on the set of SPN anymore (the whole family being in his home country being a big part of why he was apparently unhappy and all while working on SPN). I can't seem to find much about how incredibly supportive of a wife Gen ever was of Jared actually. She just didn't outwardly call Jared out on public posts the way Danneel has Jensen for his eating a lot of gummies at one point.
For example, 2 days after Jared's arrest on Oct 27, 2019 this is Gen's Tweet below. Of course she's not gonna speak out against her walking wallet husband (*ahem* I mean Jared) publicly but really? Just a heart in the Tweet and she's suddenly such a supportive wife? Riiiiiiight... And no, I don't think the incident sounds that serious. I've seen WAY worse fights in my life including several stories about my son's dad who has knocked people out after hitting them in the jaw and was NOT arrested a single time. And people say Texans are some of the toughest people in this country, yet several people onsite here insisted he get arrested over this....
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Also, per her Instagram page, this post was made on April 28, 2022, before that on April 26, 2022 this one, this one April 22, 2022, and even this one from April 21, 2022 where someone commented they're "hoping for a speedy recovery for Jared! God is Good". For context sakes, these were about a few days after Jared was in the accident. Looking at the one from the 28th, she puts on a cozy outfit, opens her phone to the word "Health" and then "Headspace" followed by her putting headphones on and relaxing. Hmm, tuning out the problems going on with your husband just having been in a bad car accident, are we Gen? Because talking about eco-friendly swaps pertaining to "minding our #beeswax vs. using #plastic baggies" and Earth Day and books is so much more important than talking about your husband "miraculously" being alive as Jensen put it, got it. Duly noted!
And can we seriously talk about the timeline of events surrounding the 2015 breakdown please? And the chapter Jared wrote for the book Family Don't End with Blood (photos from that book included in one of my two reblogs of that original post)? Seriously you guys, Gen went home BEFORE this breakdown took place. You know who Jared spoke to first during this whole thing prior to him going home (called Jared not vice versa)? His friend Brian. A divine sign or "call from God" saying he was not meant to die on this day coming not from Gen but from a friend with whom he coincidentally shares a former mutual friend they lost to suicide. Now, if my significant other were to be in mental duress and feeling on edge, let's just say I would've stayed in Europe a little longer and tried to get them to talk about things 'cause I pick up on the subtle things in people. Instead, Gen would rather just "tune things out" and "march to her own beat" just like she did in that post 2 days after Jared posted about his car accident, which seemingly Gen said NOTHING about on her own Instagram.
I believe that it's more likely Gen is trying harder to make it so her husband dies younger (multiple times getting COVID and generally getting sick a lot, car accident he was in, etc.)
Ahh, so you did see my black magic and witchcraft related posts pertaining to Gen and even Danneel, eh? I will say that some of how people got sick from COVID is just strange to me. I mean, I heard of a woman getting it from her groceries someone else delivered who was NOT infected. A lot of people I knew personally talked about how they were face to face with someone who was sick with it but never caught it. Others I knew were having social get togethers at their houses but doing social distancing kind of thing, were more lax about wearing masks, etc. but still not catching it. Meanwhile, people who were following every guideline still caught it. It was just very strange to me overall.
I always said that if you're meant to catch COVID, then you will. It turns out there was more truth to this than I realized from a spiritual standpoint regarding divine blueprints and divine plans. It is curious how Gen seems to have caught it maybe one time but her husband Jared 3x. Also, why does he keep getting sick? What's up with him getting into multiple car accidents this lifetime of his? I standby what I said about Gen and black magic every step of the way. I also standby my statements that the childhood psychic that told her about her future husband, Peggy Rometo, also did some black magic. Maybe not quite knowingly but given the type of seer Peggy is, it doesn't surprise me that she was in fact picking up a so called "backup plan" in Jared's divine blueprints being Gen. Man, don't get me started on those demonic seers, they can be quite reckless.
Jared's not starting to suspect some "fowl play" on her behalf... is he? I remember the posts below and thought it was funny but then I started to realize that the word "fowl" and "fowls" seems to be showing up in multiple places pertaining to Jared's relationships. At one point his ex fiancée Sandy said this pertaining to their breakup prior to the Dallas convention in 2008:
"Dear Lena, It is true. Jared and I are no longer engaged. I did not want this information to have to come from me, but I felt it was necessary to confirm it in order to protect Jared from being asked questions about it this weekend in Dallas. Contrary to what you may have heard/read, our split was not caused by any fowl play on either of our parts, we simply decided that it was not the right time for us. We still love eachother very much, but we want different things in life, and it's a simple as that. Please know that it is extremely difficult for me to write this, and I can only imagine how hard it would be for Jared to have to talk about it in front of hundreds of fans. So I am answering the questions now with the hope that no one will make Jared have to speak about it publicly. Your support past, present, and future is very much appreciated. Thank you for everything, Sandra"
Strangely enough, according to the Chinese zodiac Gen was born in 1981 which is year of the Rooster (specifically a Metal Rooster). To add to this, the definition of fowl is as below per dictionary.com.
See synonyms for: fowlfowling on Thesaurus.com
noun,plural fowls, (especially collectively) fowl.
the domestic or barnyard hen or rooster; chicken. : Compare domestic fowl.
any of several other, usually gallinaceous, birds that are barnyard, domesticated, or wild, as the duck, turkey, or pheasant.
Sandy on the other hand was Year of the Goat being born in 1979 (specifically an Earth goat). I am bringing this up because it seems to me that Peggy was picking something up in their divine blueprints and, well, part of that involves Gen being born during a year of the Rooster and also her future with Gen and Jared owning chickens and whatnot. I mean they even have them stuffed after death as decor in their home (ironically in a bathroom where there are goats on the wallpaper as well). It's even been said that in China roosters symbolize ghost hunters according to this website with the reasoning being:
"In Chinese folk stories, all ghosts are scared by the rooster's crow. Ghosts can only appear at night, but the rooster's crow means the day is coming. So all ghosts fear the rooster's crow, for ghosts lose their power at dawn. The origin of this belief was very early. People living in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River paste a rooster picture to the door every Spring Festival. They believe this deters all ghosts from dropping in. Older people teach children to imitate a rooster's crow. Then the children are instructed that if they ever encounter a ghost, they should crow like a rooster to scare the ghost away."
As for what the 2024 Horoscope says about the Metal Rooster in 1981:"Those born in 1981 would take advantages of their talent at work in 2024, and win a job promotion probably. However, they’d better listen to the suggestions of trustworthy friends when they are in confusions or troubles. They could keep a good relationship with others in the surroundings, who may be willing to remind them when they are reckless. They need to adjust their mood and keep a positive attitude to everything, and also maintain a good relationship with their husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend."
Just some food for thought with how there are hints in our daily lives about what our divine blueprints and plans hold and how we all tend to miss them, Jared included. I mean he did play with some fowl feathers in the Instagram post below dated February 11, 2022 while wearing a Dallas Cowboys jersey along with Anson. Didn't Sandy have the typo "fowl play" in her letter she sent to her own fan's website around June 7, 2008 (which is no longer active by the way) above prior to the Dallas convention that same year in late spring 2008 (SAME year he met Gen by the way, born Year of the Rooster)? Hmmm...
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He has a strong work ethic but I feel he has to carry everyone around. Like all the responsibility lies with him. Therefore, when you said this, it freaked me out coz of how true it feels with the way Gen's energy has felt lately. On SPN, atleast he had Jensen to share his burdens but now looks like he has no one. I know his and Jensen's relationship wasn't always rosy but at least they had each other to talk to. Now it looks like the proverb, lonely at the top is coming true for Jared.
Some people might disagree with him not doing so good, particularly his fans and stans. I myself have seen some of these posts lately indirectly pointing to myself and other critics of Gen's with some including things like "how do you know Jared's not doing good?" and laughing at those who say not all is well with them (Gen and Jared). We may not have heard things directly from the horse's mouth as of yesterday say he's not doing good but it's not exactly difficult to know this if you pay attention and use critical thinking. If you look at Nashcon photos of Jared from this past December along with what someone who went there was telling me, it's clear at some point Jared was not feeling his best and I think Jensen knew it too.
I genuinely worry for him sometime but I also believe that he is stronger now than he was before with regards to his Mental health given all that he has dealt with in the past couple of years itself. Also, I feel he gives Gen too much credit for that when it has honestly a lot to do with his own work in that direction. I just want him to be happy coz he deserves it.
Anon, I know you may still like Gen some at least to some extent and I am not here to bash on you or anyone else for it. I believe in looking at the reality of things. We can like people despite their flaws, which stans and even certain fans alike can't seem to grasp. The facts point to more or less what you said highlighted here at the end. I also cannot emphasize the points I've made before about how I truly believe that Jared has tried convincing himself that Gen is good for him, he's happy and he wants nothing more than to spend more time with her. What does he get? Feeling like a stranger in his own home when he finally does get to spend more time at home.
Edit: a good friend of mine sent me this today 4/18/2024. Gotta add this in here, a famous photo of Jared with a rooster while drunk...
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eddieydewr · 7 months
I just read a post from a byler fan saying Noah fucked up his whole career and won’t get work now from that post. Like… most of hollywood and even non hollywood businesses, and governments, are openly supporting Israel and even Shawn Levy is supporting Noah(and not to play into stereotypes but they do realize a lot of jewish americans work in the entertainment biz??? hello? lol) so are these people just young and stupid cause I am like… bruh lmao. They are all omg he needs to clarify that palestine is not hamas or he’s not against palestine or whatever they said blah blah and im like … he did? IF YOU HAVE READING COMPREHENSION he was pretty clear he was not condemning the palestinian people? he literally said as much. BC HAMAS IS NOT THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE. like unless you are stupid af or you openly support a terrorist group, how is that confusing to you? how can the same people who can pick apart the subtext of byler be so willfully stupid in this regard? I can’t take them seriously. To believe he ruined his whole career for not denouncing Isreal and cheering on Palestine the second after hamas slaughtered hundreds of Jews in a place he has ties to. Do they stop to even think about what they are saying?????? I hope for their sake these people grow up and gain a few brain cells
lmao! antis have wanted noah to flop for a long time and expect him to be jobless after stranger things. he will be just fine, even if he decides to take a break from acting. some people also want season five to be cancelled because there are “too many zionists” in the cast and crew 😭 truly dense. there are genuinely horrible people who still work in hollywood and the entertainment industry but they want noah and people with similar views gone just because they condemn terrorism? btw angry people reading this, i’m referring to hamas.
it is indeed ironic that bylers are able to analyse and pick up subtext but struggle to comprehend what noah said. i’m sure if you said the weather is wonderful in israel, you’re a zionist or islamophobic! israel is a negative buzzword atp. for good reasons, yeah. but it’s not black and white. social media would be a lot more tolerable in general if people were able to read and not jump the gun if they see buzzwords or don’t understand the context.
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"Christmas isn't in July?!"
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        Writer! Fem! (Y/N) x Flower shop owner! Tanjirou
        Prompt from a prompt generator: "A owns a flower shop and one day B comes in. B slaps 20 bucks onto the counter and then asks  "How do I passive-agressively say 'fuck you' in flower?" and A bursts out laughing before making a bouquet for B"
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        The Kamado family was famous for their bakery’s fresh bread and flowers. The eldest son took over the bakery not too long ago and helped make a huge profit out of the family business with their diplomatic advertising and their delicious recipes.
        I became a regular customer soon after their eldest son took over. Their mother and sister tends to the garden growing organically grown flowers of many different varieties. 
        I figured that I needed to go outside instead of being cooped up in my bedroom all day writing as I multitasked from looking out the window and at half-typed page that I haven’t touched in 20 minutes. I quickly grabbed my keys and locked the apartment, deciding to leave and go get coffee. I took my laptop too in case I randomly get hit with inspiration or a idea as I spend an hour curled up on the side of some poor owner’s wall typing away at my keyboard (don’t ask why that was so detailed).
        It didn’t matter that I was in my pajamas and my hair was a little messy from just waking up 2 hours ago (it also didn’t help that I didn’t brush my hair when I woke up either). But that’s fine, lots of people go to places with coffee while looking like they got hit by semi-trucks. Besides, with a gamble of my luck, my hair might just fix itself. 
        I walked into the shop, noticing instantly that I was the only customer. The bell rang as I entered, walking up to the cash register and observing the menu. I’ve never been here before but I’ve heard of it from a friend or two. They said the place was really good but looking around this place looks absolutely deserted.
        Maybe I should call up one of my friends to see if they want to stay here with me, this place is a little creepy alone. I thought. Actually, never mind, I wouldn’t get any work done that way. 
        The sacrifices of being an anti-social writer I must make. Sacrifice my work or my comfort? I decided on my comfort, especially after I made eye-contact with a boy who started walking to the cash register from out of the kitchen door. If I leave now, I’ll feel guilty. 
        “Hello! What can I get started for you today?” the boy asked cheerfully.
        Chill, it’s only 3 p.m. right now… I thought, not quite enjoying his energetic persona.
        “Um…the raspberry lemonade?” I smiled nervously.
        I just realized that I don’t know how to explain what a Carmel Macchiato from Starbucks is so the boy could copy it nor did I realize how attractive the male was until he got closer.
        I suddenly felt self-conscious of my morning appearance as I started fiddling with my fingers and shirt as he typed the order down.
        “Anything else?” he questioned.
        I quickly looked at the menu, noticing the flower menu. I looked at it confused. His gaze followed mine as he smiled.
        “The flower menu? My mother and sister works on the garden in the greenhouse outside. The flowers are organically grown with no pesticides or chemicals so their all natural.” The boy explained. “They’re really pretty and great for gifts! I can explain the flower language for you if you want.”
        “Um, okay… I’ll have a vase and a white-pink orchid.” I answered.
        “Great choice! Did you know orchids have different meanings such as luxury, wealth, fertility, good fortune, and abundance?” he explained excitedly. 
        I felt a smile creep onto my face as his contagious energy got to me.
        “I didn't know that. I’m getting the flower so I can get good luck to being productive today—fingers crossed.” I smiled and crossed my fingers to liven my words.
        He smiled back. “Well, in that case, allow me to give you my own fortune.”
        Before I could ask him what he meant he disappeared behind the doors and didn’t come back until a few minutes. I waited semi-patiently as I looked around the small yet homey shop.
        I saw small heads peek out from behind the counter, easily being able to figure out that it was the other Kamado siblings. I looked at them nervously, unsure what to do as they stared at me curiously. Do they not think I can see them?
        I settled on smiling shy and awkwardly as I waved at them. They smiled, giggling as they scattered outside in excited and speaking in childish voices I couldn't understand. 
        I smiled slightly, well at least I made them laugh. The boy said soon came back from the back of the store with a vase filled with white-pink orchids. 
        "Here you go!" he smiled, placing the flower pot gently on the counter. 
        "Uh...I said one..." I mumbled awkwardly as I thought about how much that would be in total if I got them all.
        I'll admit, it looks prettier with all the flowers together but I don't plan on spending 30 bucks for flowers and lemonade for myself. 
        "I said I'll give you my fortune, didn't I?" he spoke gently, causing my heart strings to be pulled. "I was originally going to give you an extra but it seems my siblings wanted you to have more." He chuckled nervously as four heads popped out behind him in sync. 
        "W-what!? I didn't give her one!" one of the kids shouted, his face going red. 
        "Yeah, you did! Don't you lie, Takeo!" a young girl said. 
        "Besides, even the dullest flower can bloom the brightest with another's touch." The eldest smiled.
        I smiled back nervously. "W-well... thank you for thinking of me?" I commented.
        "The flowers are free." He smiled, reading my mind as he got straight to the point.
        "Free? You don't gotta, I can pay." I spoke, flabbergasted.
        "No, no! I insist! Though the lemonade you'll be paying for." The boy chuckled nervously.
        "Way to be a gentleman..." The young sister spoke sarcastically, puffing out her cheeks and giving her brother a disapproving glare.
        "Lady killer...and not in a good way." The tsundere brother teased as he placed his hands behind his head.
        I giggled, seeing the playful sibling banter between them.
        "You're all siblings, right? I heard this bakery was family owned." I asked, making small talk as I grabbed my wallet from my pocket. 
        "Yes. I'm Tanjirou Kamado, the new owner. These are my siblings, Hanako, Takeo, Shigeru, and Rokuta. My other sister is out back along with my mother." The boy, Tanjirou, explained.
        "I'm Y/N. You're the new owner, huh? How has that been treating you?" I questioned, trying to last the conversation as I slid him 20 bucks.
        "It's very exhausting..." he physically deflated, causing his youngest brother, Rokuta, to poke him and giggle. "Oh. The lemonade was two dollars." Tanjirou explained.
        "Consider it a thank you for the flowers and your hospitality." I smiled as I picked up my flower pot. "You think I could hang here for some time? I have some work to do on my computer and I love your bakery's atmosphere; it's calm and it'll help me think." I spoke. 
        He smiled excitedly and nodded. "Stay for as long as you like; we don't mind!" 
        That was the first time I met Tanjirou. Who knew my work would lead me to becoming friends with a locally famous baker? His bakery has now expanded and is now located a bit further from my apartment, yet I make an effort to try and get there every day. Whenever I skip a day, I'm greeted with kids huddled around me as Tanjirou they sulk about how much they missed me. 
        Tanjirou being Tanjirou, he's turned the bakery into a fundraiser too. Orphaned children and the children's hospital patients come here and hang out to get away from bad news or to enjoy their time with friends. I volunteered to read kid books and family-friendly novels for the children since I'm aware my books aren't exactly kid-friendly.
        Tanjirou was absolutely flabbergasted when he found out I was a writer, specifically the new trending writer Y/N (yes it was hilarious watching his face morph from excitement to confusion to embarrassment to guilt to straight up tears of how he didn't figure this out sooner).
        For months, I'd come in and help out. On days I didn't help, I'd work on my book or buy flowers. Tanjirou's been studying a whole bunch of flower language to try and figure out flower facts I don't know so he can impress me explain the meanings in more depth, but I believe it's endearing. Throughout our journey of getting to know each other, I've found myself to be slowly falling for him.
        "I need blue hydrangeas, some white lilies, and iris!" I explained in a rush as I ran up to the counter.
        "For your father? It's Father's Day! Did you know hydrangeas represent gratitude, grace, family, and beauty? And white lilies mean purity, innocence, rebirth, and caring. And Iris represents love and trust." Tanjirou explained.
        "Yes! I'm aware! Thank you!" I smiled, tapping my foot anxiously. "And I'm late to dinner!" I cried out. 
        "Oh! Oh no!" Tanjirou exclaimed. "I'll get your flowers right away!" he ran quickly, getting my flowers in just a few minutes.
        I slammed money down on the counter, not bothering to check the amount as I ran out towards the door.
        "Good luck! Tell your dad I said hi!" he screamed. 
        Yeah, my dad doesn't like you but I'll tell him. 
        Other encounters went like this.
        I slammed 40 bucks on the counter and looked at him Tanjirou irritated. "Give me the most hateful and rudest bouquet you can make while the flowers look pretty!" I huffed out.
        "U-um...what happened? If you don't mind me asking." Tanjirou questioned, nervously. 
        "I'm going to a party with my friends and we're doing Secret Santas. Unfortunately, my friend gave me my ex as the person I'm going to be gifting." I explained, glaring at the counter. "And I don't like them but I want it to be passive-aggressive." I smiled. "And, I'm petty." 
        "Um...okay." He laughed nervously, disappearing out back.
        He came back and handed me a bouquet.
        "Geraniums represent stupidity, foxglove represents insincerity, meadowsweet represents uselessness, yellow carnations represent 'you have disappointed me', and orange lilies represent hatred." Tanjirou explained. 
        "One more thing." I slammed another 40 bucks on the counter, this time more gently. "Give me a whole bunch of lavender, pink bluebells, peonies, roses, and red chrysanthemum." He gave me an extremely confused look yet agreed. 
        He came back with the flowers and looked at me confused. "I thought you said you hated your ex?" Tanjirou questioned. 
        "Yeah? Well, happy birthday and I love you." I blurted out, handing him back the love bouquet as I grabbed the hate bouquet and ran.
        "Thanks? But wait! Christmas isn't in July?!" Tanjirou exclaimed. 
        "The flowers are for you!" I shouted, before shutting the bakery door and racing out of the apartment, ignoring the smile present on my face.
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        Have any requests? Check my masterlist to see the characters I write for: Masterlist
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cherrysweather · 8 months
Hello! How are you? So, I have a request. Can you write about a scenario where Trucy gets bullied badly, LIKE EXTREMELY BADLY. But then, her S/O saves her from the bullies. Any format is allowed! And yes, thank you for reading!!!
Hello hello uwu
I'm fine? I think?
I hope you're doing well though ^^
Thank you for requesting and, let me give you a hug ;v;
It was so sad writing this because thinking about Trucy getting bullied hurts me TvT This is short and I'm sorry for it, but I really didn't know what to write and this work caused me to lose imagination more than once to write in general, I'm so very sorry
So, I hope I've written all the emotion well; I hope you'll enjoy! <3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trucy Wright is saved from bullies by her S/O:
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It was always like this.
It didn't matter if it was during breaks between school lessons, on her way home, during her shows rehearsals or her live ones, Trucy was never alone - in the worst way possible.
Spoiled, fraud, naïve, delusional - she was called like this and more so many times a day that her mind sometimes forgot her name.
It started when some of her classmates asked her to show them some magic tricks, complimenting her hard work in everything she was doing.
Of course, some people didn't like that -call them jealous, ignorant, stupid or just disrespectful- and started to bother Trucy, mocking every achievement she conquered.
What she thought and hoped would last for some time, took a regular seat in her life instead; if she answered correctly to an answer she was a nerd, then a loser if she failed a test, an attention-seeker if she talked to someone from another class, anti-social if she didn't.
Wrong or right, everything she did was scolded, they always highlighted the worst aspect of it.
Trucy learned when she was a child how to handle the kinds of emotions that these events made her feel, how to bottle them up and keep a smile for everyone around her and to try and convince herself that she was strong, she could do it on her own.
That's why no one ever noticed.
Phoenix was the only one who immediately noticed how her daughter would isolate herself even when Apollo and Athena were with them at the office, but when he tried to talk to her about it, she just smiled and told him she was fine apart from some school stress.
He didn't want to play the part of the invasive father, the one who asked and asked until the answers he wanted reached his ears, so he asked someone he knew Trucy trusted as much as she trusted him.
Of course, they noticed too. How she slowly stopped to tell them how her day went on their way home, how she stopped bringing her favorite deck of cards to show them some new tricks and many other small things that made Trucy the bubbly girl she was.
They talked to her, making her realize that she had to react and show those bullies that whatever they said or did didn't touch her. She didn't have to become like them, envious, mischievous or evil; ignore them, ask her friends for support and always opt for a smile. They remained close to her while she tried to do that, waiting for her after school if they finished earlier their own lessons and always checked on her mood and health.
And, it worked, actually.
They stopped talking badly about her, thanks also to the other classmates who started to call them out, they stopped ripping her books after a teacher yelled at them and a very menacing blue lawyer glared at their group with death in his eyes each time he came to pick up his daughter.
"You think you're strong?" "You always need someone else to cover your back" "It's easy to say you hold shows in theaters when others do all the work for you"
Her blurred vision didn't help at all while she searched for her safety contact to ask for help; she was walking back home with unrequired company- like always.
This time, she understood quickly that a smile wouldn't help that much after a kick hit her legs. When they grabbed her backpack, arms or clothes, she pushed them away, not being able to hit them in any kind of way. That was until she felt her scalp burn and almost fell backward, wiggling from the grip she hit someone's leg; that triggered, however, a pull to her hair that made her back meet with a wall.
The only thing she felt after a while was air being pulled out from her lungs as someone pulled her scarf tightly around her slim neck. She closed her eyes and continued to push them away, free herself and avoid visible bruises. How would she explain that to Phoenix afterward.
They waited for Trucy outside her school; she told them that Phoenix invited them for lunch with Maya, Apollo and Athena, so they hurried up once classes finished and waited. They realized Trucy probably forgot when just the staff remained inside the building, so they started walking towards Phoenix's house.
That's when their blood started to boil; it took a few meters ahead to spot Trucy's cape and the same individuals she talked about these last weeks, and what helped recognize them was the rather unfriendly way they were treating her.
Trucy regained the courage to open her eyes again when she heard that familiar voice screaming against her bullies, pushing them away and finally freeing her neck from the grip of her scarf. No one there knew how they resisted beating them on the spot, calling them every possible way to make them feel as bad as they made Trucy feel, if not worse; to remind them of what they really were, how insignificant and vile.
They didn't even wait for them to go away, pulling Trucy away, somewhere safer to try and soothe her, speak to her; but that wasn't the ideal moment. Trucy slowly calmed down from the shock, but did not utter a word.
Once home, she just closed her in the bathroom, processing what just happened in the silence. Useless to say that once Phoenix learned everything, he knocked on the door softly, trying to get his daughter out of there and talk, doing his best to suppress his anger.
For once, hearing someone cry his lungs out was a positive sign; Trucy finally found the courage to let herself go, let off all the steam inside her while torturing her father's shirt and almost attempting to merge with his chest.
They waited, already thinking of ways to pay back those bullies as they deserved. When Trucy finished explaining the full situation, she gave herself a break, washing her face and dragging them to her room; lunch could wait.
She occupied her bed and used them as her pillow; her sobs could still be heard from time to time, her grip on the pillow was more than strong, so it was their hug on her. Only when her breath stabilized and she fell asleep they could relax, too. The gentle strokes on her hair didn't stop and they patiently waited for her times of recover to then find all together a solution.
Even though, Phoenix was already filling in the documents for a legal complaint for every one of those being.
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closetednobody · 1 year
C'mon, I cannot be the only that after all the shit they put Maya through with the demotion and the way Beckett was harassing Maya at work that thought that bottle of whiskey was well-deserved revenge?
She didn't force Beckett to drink. That was on him. I would've given Sullivan something too! Like, hire a PI, get photos of him and Ross and put all around the internet, the Stations, etc. If you're going down, bring them with you.
Like, why did everybody forgive Sullivan?
Honestly, there a lots of fingers to be pointed about Maya's breakdown.
Hello OP!
Sorry that I replied to this a little late, but no, you're not alone.
Although I wouldn't encourage Maya's actions, I understand why she felt compelled to do so, especially with how she was raised by Lane Bishop.
I also partially disagree with Ben's "you did that because you were in a bad place," and for Maya to "apologize when you feel comfortable" because it wasn't entirely Maya's fault. They saw how Maya was being bullied by Beckett - what did they do for their former captain who was demoted for saving a kid's life? NOTHING.
Of course, one would argue that Maya could learn from Andy's more diplomatic approach or Sullivan's more political (read: cunning) approach. Or maybe , she could've been patient for slightly longer, and things would've unraveled itself. But Maya has been patient - from being ignored by McCallister, bullied by Beckett, and unfairly lectured by Ross. In one of my posts, I've explained what could be Maya's thought process behind the blackmail (and probably why she wouldn't send PI on Sullivan and Ross) and that was the start of her... downward spiral.
So... should Maya give that bottle as revenge? No. If she is as heroic and noble as Andy Herrera, she shouldn't.
But Maya is an anti-hero. The twisted protagonist with a dark side. One who has been treated unfairly and has been "nice" for too long, and without Carina in her corner, she was... wounded. Feral. Desperate.
So, as far as Maya was concerned, Beckett was not an alcoholic when she gifted the bottle to him, as per Ross' wise and fair evaluation. So, a little whiskey to celebrate should be fine. (Maya's smirk when she left the room was sinfully satisfying.)
Should Maya apologize? Objectively, she doesn't have to. Conscientiously? She can. But it's not her fault. I hope we can delve a little more on her self-blame tendency, which is common amongst people who are recovering from traumas.
Sullivan's case? Honestly? Imo, it is just how the system/society treats men and women differently.
If a man fights for his rights for power, he is passionate and driven.
If a woman does the same thing, she is reckless and selfish.
Why? Because by social norm, women would generally become the "healer" while men are demanded to be the "hunter" - fascinatingly, it's something that is almost coded in our brains. But society and gender roles have changed so much that our brain, weirdly, couldn't adapt to it, hence creating biases that we subconsciously practice.
As "healers" (e.g., homemaker, mothers, etc), women are expected to be role models who are patient, forgiving, respectable, loving, optimistic, and the list goes on. Believe it or not, these are some of the traits associated with maternal qualities. Phew.
As "hunters" (e.g., earners, husbands, etc), men are expected to be goal-driven and focused because their main role is, basically, to go out, find supplies, and get their ass home, safely. They are expected to protect their home and dependents - by all means, at all cost.
But centuries have passed, and society has evolved. Even gender roles have shifted now, and the old norm doesn't seem applicable anymore. BUT! Our mind doesn't know that. (Recommending "The Idiot Brain" by Dean Burnett if you are interested in this weird conundrum.)
It's frustrating. But... *shrugs*
I never liked Sullivan after what he did to Maya, and I don't think I ever will.
I think I am rambling... so I'll stop here. 😆😂
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emeraldoo · 5 months
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hi, my name is bastion!! i have lots of other names im ok with tho, like bb, b, 8, shiver, weird, etc! im not ok with the nickname EM or EMERALD!
i am a zombie, jumping spider, maned wolf kin and fict kin Shiver from spl3 <3 i am also NOT a minor!!!!!! 18 yrs :•)) im also a rogue of mind!! (homestuck hoe.)
i am a trans male! i use he/xe/it prns! currently questioning my romantic attraction (pretty sure im bi-gay), but i am asexual!
i am the host in the zipties system, a did system!! some of the head mates have their own blogs, which ill tag :•)
i am audhd, gad, ocd, and a general cluster b pd haver!! i also have some delusions from ~an unkown disorder~ so! working thru some stuff still!
HERE IS MY COHOST!! please please PLEASE follow me on here bc it is my current fave social media :)))
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SPLATOON AUGHHHHH most of my blog is splatoon....
i freaking LOVE nnsg :•3333 the anime of ALL TIME!!
SCIENCE!!!!!!! i plan on majoring in microbiology and synthetic biology but i luv ALL science!!
MUSIC/BAND!! i play euphonium and play in marching band and concert ensembles <3
i luvvv itsv and atsv and all of the spiderverse stuf!!!!!! my fave spider in spider man india btw.!
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not all of our alters choose to make profiles, and we arent going to force them to make them. if you need to know them, just send a DM or ask
* = written by alter
BASTION (☘️): DAS ME BITCH! im the host and core of the system >:•D i am the main guy in this blog soooo ya. (he/him, xe/xem, it/its)
EM/@riddlekid (🧪): the rat. horrible terrible (/hj... i guess..!) obsessed with horrible ppl sooo. erm yeah. he is also a prosecutor.!! also second most freq fronter :•P (it/its, he/him)
JON/@just-dr (🎃): jon!! he is a protector and a fictive of jonathan crane.. he is nice :•)) he doesnt associate much with his source tho so shrugsies (he/him, they/them)
MILES (👤): i actually dont know much abt them... they do their job rlly good tho! protector n stuff.. cool! (they/them)
CORNELIUS (🩸): um... so it just split and formed prtty recently (as of 12/8/23) and i also. don't know much abt it! other than it's a fictive of cornelius stirk from batman unburied.. and a prosecutor! (it/its)
SILAS (🦕): little!! he is just a kiddo and he hasnt really used anything other than picrew on my phone so. but he likes colors and animals!! (he/him)
JADE (🌐): cutey patootie wolf thing! fictive of jade from homestuck andddd yeah!! cool (she/they)
KARKAT/@karkat-cornbread (🔥): fictive of karkat homestuck guy. gets very angry very fast. idk role but yeah. the amgry one ig (he/they)
* DAVE/@karkat-cornbread (🕶️): yea. is this bitch predictable or what lmfao (he/any)
* HAL/9K/@timothy-timeaus (🛑): Beep boop. Coolest splinter of Dirk. I'm also cool with the name Odyssey or 9k. (They/Them)
* EQUIUS (🐎): Yes hello I am Equius I am more active on the cohost but might still use this platform.
* DIRK/TIM/@timothy-timeaus (🔗): I'm my own subsystem of splinters. I'm just a ye ol Dirk splinter.
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DNI :•(
its not rlly. much? the only stuff i rlly care abt is jerks.. if ur a jerkkk (terf, racist, zionist, ableist, antikin, sysmed, transmed, antikink, whatever girl u git the gist....)
i don't have especially strong opinions on most discourse... slurcourse, syscourse, flagcourse, shipcourse... its kinda silly.! so um. whatever.
* (Hal writing.) Our take on pro/antiship is "It doesn't fucking matter". We aren't proship, we aren't antiship, we are just kind of shipping whatever the fuck we want. If you think it's problematic, we most likely won't care. Unless there's a genuine reason to be concerned, don't bother.
exclusionists!!!! i don't like you!!!!!!!!!!!! aphones, panphobes, biphobes, mspec gay/lesbian haters, antixenogender, anti neoprns, whatever! i do not like you at all >:•{
hp fans... you know why :•) please find a better media ..
nsft centric blogs... it's fine if you post nsft! but i am not comf with interacting kink/bdsm blogs :•P but i am PRO KINK AND BDSM! i love you kinksters <3 and this is ALL kinks!! no take backsies, this includes the 'gross' ones!!!!
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thecorvidforest · 11 months
Hi!! I saw that ur punk and I had questions if that’s okay!!! Im p sure I heavily align w punk ideology (and have already been cpunk for a while) (I strongly don’t want to conform to society and love all “weirdos”, fuck cops capitalism etc etc,,,) but I don’t listen to punk music or dress punk at all. I know u don’t have to dress any certain way (feel like ppl r gonna call me fake though) but people say u need to listen to punk music and I’m going to try !! but I’m very new and haven’t started yet.. when exactly is it okay to call myself punk? and umm while I do align with ideology I actually am very uneducated on anarchy and maybe similar concepts that I’m very interested in learning about but have no idea where.. can u give me any info on what being punk is really about and where to learn more? some people say there are “posers”’ but what exactly would make someone a poser?
hello! not a problem, i'm happy to tell you what i can :) (also ayy, fellow cpunk)
i would say that you can call yourself a punk when you're educated on the politics and ideology and can say for certain what parts you align with. being punk isn't about the aesthetic, it's about the ideology, so making sure you understand said ideology is the most important step.
that said, while punk ideology is generally left-leaning and anti-establishment, it's a massive umbrella that covers tons of different political beliefs. i personally am an anarchopunk, which is very left-leaning and centered around community instead of authority, but is directly against the beliefs of other subgroups like neo-nazi skinheads or national front which have both co-opted a lot of punk culture for its anti-establishment beliefs. there is no single set of punk beliefs, so it's important to do your research before adopting the label.
some places i would look to in order to learn more: classic punk literature (https://www.popmatters.com/punk-literature-101-recommended-readings is a great list of some places to start), and punk arts such as poetry, music, and zines, and punk history. dcdig.dclibrary.org has some fantastic collections that cover some of the history and politics that have influenced punk culture (i would very much recommend their DC Punk Archive Zine Library). in particular i'd look at the queer and BIPOC historical influences on punk culture, because those tend to get left out and knowing about that history is very important.
as for what makes someone a poser: posers in the punk community are typically people who embrace punk aesthetics but are uneducated on punk politics. they want the social recognition of the label but have nothing to contribute when it comes to their ideology. they tend to flock to places like tiktok where they can get that social recognition without having to talk about their beliefs. they also tend to gatekeep the punk community a lot. posers are not punk.
some red flags that a person might be a poser: they gatekeep the punk community, they don't talk about their beliefs and/or get irritated when people ask them about their beliefs, their punk fits are bought from amazon or other large corporations instead of being handmade or from small/punk owned businesses (it's pretty hard to tell from just looking though), they shame people for not listening to specific music or not "looking punk enough", they happily promote unnecessary violence because it's "edgy", they hate on everyone who doesn't agree with them, etcetera.
and in regard to your follow-up question about whether one can be emo/goth/nerd etc and punk at the same time, you absolutely can! these subcultures tend to overlap pretty often, and there's really no actual rules about what makes or breaks a punk identity other than being educated and honest about the labels you use.
i hope this helps, and good luck! :))
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
Hi! It’s my first time sending an ask ever and I barely know how this app works??? Anyways:
Regarding the post on 19(?)th April!!!
Omg one of my biggest pet peeves hahaha!!! “Just say Chinese!!!” As if there aren’t many groups of people of Chinese descent all over the world… As a Malaysian Chinese it’s so awkward to have to explain it and even worse when you have to explain it to Mainlanders!! (They literally do not know we exist… even though I would say Malaysian Chinese are one of the most steadfast in keeping the traditions alive due to… some… conflicts? between racial groups in the gov? Which had made the will to hold onto our roots strong) idk is it petty to be peeved about this type of stuff???
Also just in general!! I have a tendency to scroll really far down and like posts and the other day I saw a user telling people to not do that so I apologise because I think I might have spammed you. I’m sorry 😞
Also also! I CAN NOT believe that I had to find out about the whole Macron and his speech thing through you lol. It was really fun to read all the articles after I confirmed it on news channels! I have the article “Poland’s Morawiecki plays Europe’s anti-Macron in Washington” by POLITICO.EU saved because the entire thing was so savage!!!
Anyways I hope you have a good day. Sorry if I was annoying once again!! 🖤
hello I've had this hellsite as my primary form of social media since January 2012 and I am completely unhinged because of it. also you are not the only person to like-bomb my posts, don't worry about it. I'm glad you feel affirmed by my political posts lol. as far as your pet peeve, getting erased by nationalists is a pretty justifiable reason for anger and that's all I'll say on that.
European politics are so petty it's ridiculous. but entertaining.
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