#alexa fury
kamala: i made you a friendship bracelet! carol, monica, and i have matching ones and i made goose a matching collar too
fury: you know, i don't really wear jewelry...
kamala: oh ok well you don't have to-
fury: back the fuck off this is mine im wearing it
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gyokujyn · 1 month
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CATWS 10th Anniversary | REJECTS! » Prompt: none » Title: alexa play run this town by jay-z rihanna and kanye west » Reason for Rejection: This was part of a series that didn't really have a good home as far as prompts and I didn't want to post it piecemeal, so I opted to leave it out. The idea was each of these characters with their own run theme song. For Nick Fury, I selected Run This Town by JAY-Z, Rihanna, and Kanye West. Look me in the eye and tell this isn't Nick's entire thing: "Can't be scared when it goes down, Got a problem, tell me now, Only thing that's on my mind, Is who gon' run this town tonight?" You can't do it.
a loving homage to A Softer World and @asofteravenger made for the CATWS 10th Anniversary Celebration
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bornmadbornbad · 1 year
Incase you didn’t notice… She’s the face of evil.
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bitchcraftmagic · 2 years
I have a coworker who has two giant expensive looking murals of the joker and iron man. They are objectively hideous, the creations of an unfeeling god. He also listens to Matt Walsh and PragerU daily, aloud. I have listened to the most insane propaganda that could be cooked up by a brain rotted bootlicking fascist this side of the Atlantic and I think I may perish from bottled fury.
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cellarspider · 2 months
18/?? Alexa, play Despacito
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And now, we return to Prometheus, which is trying to redeem the last two fifths of itself through blood sacrifice. Content warning for discussion of eyeball nastiness and death by immolation, Holloway.
Taking things slightly out of chronology this time, because there’s an excellent, quiet scene sandwiched in between lots of screaming: I'm sure they meant to put it in juxtaposition with this to heighten the emotion, but I refuse. We'll save that one for later. As a treat for me. And now, as a treat for me, Holloway is dying! Hurray!
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So, turns out we’re spinning the wheel of Inconsistent, Ominous Black Goo effects again, and landed on “hangovers aren’t supposed to make your eyes grow tentacles”.
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Holloway, apparently in denial, does not recall this fact until he’s gone out with what could generously be called a rescue party, to try and locate Millburn and Fifield. Janek belatedly and unwisely goes along to help, while David appears to go on a pleasant Sunday drive in his golf cart. He’s heading to a better scene, the lucky scamp.
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Millburn is very dead–a rubber snake jumps out of his mouth, so you know he’s toast. Fifield’s body is nowhere to be found, and it will make an underwhelming return later.
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Holloway collapses, covered in creeping black veins. Shaw finds this distressing. I would be fascinated to know if anybody in the audience agreed with her. I usually would, if only because certain kinds of screaming can kick me into sensory overload, but apparently there’s a psychological component to that response. And so I placidly watched Vickers meet them at the Prometheus vehicle bay with a flamethrower.
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I appreciate her belated interest in quarantine and sanitation, but frankly, it’s a little late for that. I already had my rant on that earlier. At this point, things have gotten so bad that even Holloway realizes that the only solution is to go 40k on his ass.
[Video description: A 40k meme clipped from TheRussianBadger’s review of the game Space Hulk: Deathwing: A player says “BROTHER. GET THE FLAMER. THE HEAVY. FLAMER.” Sudden cut to almost incomprehensibly fiery gameplay, with a dramatic choral soundtrack and in-game voice lines “WE ARE THE ANGELS OF DEATH!” “MY FURY IS MADE MANIFEST!”, and ends right before a player yells “I WOULD LIKE TO REGISTER A COMPLAINT” and spins wildly around, spraying flames everywhere.]
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Yes, Holloway burns to a crisp! I don’t know what the movie wants me to feel here, but whatever it is, I did not feel it. Did it want me to feel sad about this, because Shaw doesn’t want this to happen? Does it intend to raise the tension by having things spiral further out of control, demonstrating that a drop of the Ominous Black Goo is enough to kill a man in under a day? Am I supposed to take sick satisfaction in watching him die? All these are possible in bog standard horror movies.
However, this is a movie that wants to speak to something thematically. Holloway is positioned as a character we are not necessarily supposed to find sympathetic. As previously mentioned, the Engineers did not invite humanity to this planet. They were warning humans that if they continued to stray in their behavior, they would be killed by something that would come from here. 
Perhaps we are thus supposed to be asking questions about this: why would the Engineers do this? Why create humanity and then threaten to destroy their creations? What was their justification? David has turned this weapon on Holloway, making the choice that at least one man deserves the fate the Engineers planned for all humanity. Does he deserve that? Does anyone?
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I was not thinking any of those things in the theater. Because what I actually felt was a desire to return to the scene interwoven with this one, which we will get to next time. This is the danger of creating an unlikeable, expendable character: the audience may feel no pathos when they die, nor question the death’s necessity. If they’re not along for the ride, then they may simply shrug.
Particularly when the rest of the movie is such a mess. This is only their second day on the planet, does anyone else remember that? I mean, I’ve been here for what feels like eternity, but they behaved so stupid, so fast, that this feels less like the inevitable falling apart of dozens of smaller mistakes, and more like one gigantic katamari of mistakes that will not stop rolling until it has collected every mistake in the world, and is thus deemed worthy of becoming a star all on its own, to forever shine out how badly they fucked it all up.
Next time: one of the two good scenes people tend to remember.
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Citations for alt-text rambles:
https://youtu.be/vy5fgDvb9-c HYEEh-HAA!
Overflow Ramble, because tumblr lets you put in more alt-text than it will actually display in-browser:
A wide shot of Holloway with his arms outstretched, walking toward the vehicle bay ramp. Is this pose supposed to be a crucifixion allusion? I hope not! That would be baffling. Though as these posts have proven, something being baffling doesn’t rule out Prometheus doing it. Shaw is on the ground behind them, restrained by Janek. 
I’m trying to figure out if this was done on a studio stage, or on location. You’d think the latter wouldn’t be possible, but I’ve seen behind the scenes shots of them filming in the volcanic desert of Iceland, they definitely were in places that looked similar. But the background may still be fake after a certain point–outdoor green screens are a thing. 
The lighting on Janek and Shaw doesn’t quite feel right. Part of it’s the shadows: they’re darker on the people than in the background, which is a common problem for CG elements.The visual fidelity of the gravel behind them kind of has a sudden shift about halfway up Shaw’s head, and I’m not sure if that’s just focus or what.
If it is a composite of real and CG, it makes sense that it looks a bit off, though: these are background elements that are not supposed to be your main focus, on a shot that’s not held for too long. There’s always been trade-offs like that in visual effects, they’ve just shifted over the years. Anyway, back to Charlize Theron with a flamethrower.
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meowmeow-motherfucker · 6 months
Covenant- Chapter 3
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Summary: With the five year anniversary of the attack on New York approaching, Odin and Fury come to the agreement that an arranged marriage between Asgard and Earth would show good faith toward all future interactions. When Odin refuses Jane’s candidacy, Agent Coulson is tasked with finding a suitable wife for the prince of Asgard.
Pairing: Loki x OFC Claire
Warnings: mentions of hangovers, Loki being a classist dick, sexism, the patriarchy
Read it on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51197938/chapters/129363727
Taglist: @lokisgoodgirl @gigglingtiggerv2 @icytrickster17 @mysteriouslyfriedjellyfish @lokislilkitten @justjoanne242 @amlocked @ddmariegirl @mags-04-blog @sharris8 @meepycheep
30 days until the wedding
Claire’s first morning in Asgard dawned bright and beautiful, setting the sea below ablaze in glittering gold and silver. Fog rolled down the high mountains. Birds chirped gaily as the people below began to come to life.
Claire wasn’t awake to appreciate any of it.
Ragna, Claire’s new personal servant, was doing her best to awaken the future princess for the morning meal, but the future princess was proving to be a stubborn sleeper.
“My lady?” Ragna hovered in the doorway before stepping inside to open the curtains.
“Alexa...snooze…” Claire grumbled. She hadn’t even opened her eyes and the room was already spinning. She didn’t remember setting an alarm on her Alexa but the bitch wouldn’t shut up and her head was splitting.
“My lady?” Claire groaned loudly and turned away from the sound.
“Alexa- stop!” she pleaded with the digital assistant. Ragna retreated to the main room, drawing short when she came upon Kari polishing the floor.
“How does our lady fare?” Kari asked.
“It is difficult to say,” Ragna replied hesitantly. “The lady seems reluctant to wake, but she keeps speaking to someone named Alexa?”
“Who is Alexa?” Kari wondered. Ragna shrugged. “Perhaps she is a friend of the lady’s from Midgard?”
“A friend whom she speaks to in bed?” Ragna asked, her tone scandalized.
“Perhaps the lady has...different tastes?” Kari suggested quietly, ducking her head when Ragna gaped at her.
“Do not speak of it, Kari!” she whispered harshly. “Our lady’s business is...well...it is not our place to speculate.”
“You would think they would have found a lady who desired the company of men.” Kari muttered as she scrubbed the floor.
“Alexa, shut up!” Claire groaned as she stumbled into the room, one hand shielding her eyes from the intense sunlight. Keeping her eyes scrunched closed, Claire groaned and swept her hand through her wild hair before daring to open her burning eyes. “Jesus fuck!” she jumped when she saw the two women in front of her. “Um- hi.”
“Good morning, my lady,” Ragna curtsied. Kari shot to her feet, curtsying a second later. “How do you fare?”
“Um...fine I guess. Were you- were you in my bedroom?”
“I was, my lady,” Ragna replied. “I opened your curtains and tried to wake you but-”
“Wait, that was you?” Claire asked groggily as she massaged her temples. “I thought you were my Alexa,” she chuckled, clocking the confused look the two women shared. “Sorry for telling you to shut up.”
“It is forgotten. My lady,” Ragna asked delicately. “Who is Alexa?”
“Is she of Midgard?” Kari asked with grisly interest.
“Um...sort of?” Claire rolled her shoulders as she sat on the couch, wincing as the aching joints popped. “She’s a digital assistant.”
“’Digital’?” the women shared another look of confusion. “She helps with her hands?”
“Does that mean we are digital assistants?” the second woman cackled with glee.
“Not quite,” Claire laughed. “Alexa is uh...she’s not a person, she is a machine. She keeps track of calendars, grocery lists, plays music...that kind of thing.”
“She sounds very talented, this Alexa,” Ragna replied. “But you need not worry, my lady, for I shall be your new Alexa.”
“Sounds great,” Claire grinned. “Can you remind me of your names again please? I am terrible at remembering them.”
“Of course, my lady! This is Kari, your chambermaid,” Ragna introduced the second woman. “And I am Ragna, your personal servant. Are you prepared to begin your day?”
“Can I have a few minutes?” Claire asked. “Also, is there any chance you can take me to the kitchen so I can get some wine for my headache?”
“I certainly can, my lady, but I can also bring it here if you would prefer.”
“Oh god yes, that sounds so much better, thank you,” Claire groaned, cradling her head as it throbbed. “What am I supposed to do today?”
“Yes, of course,” Ragna nodded. “Kari, fetch our lady wine and water. Some bread to soothe her stomach as well.”
“Right away.” Kari jumped to obey the command, disappearing from the apartment without another word.
“Today, my lady is to meet with Her Majesty Queen Frigga and His Majesty Prince Loki to begin preparations for your nuptials. You shall also meet the ladies of the court, as they shall keep you company in your new life here. The seamstress wishes to return so that she may begin work upon your wedding gown. Lastly, the All-Father has made arrangements for your official announcement to the people this afternoon.”
“Didn’t I just get fitted for dresses yesterday?”
“You were, my lady, but that was for your daily wear, not your wedding gown,” Ragna offered an apologetic smile when Claire groaned. “Shall I help you bathe while we await the wine and bread?”
“Thank you, but I can bathe myself.”
“Of course, my lady. Shall I start the water for you?”
In a matter of minutes, Claire sank into what had to be the fanciest bath of her life. The water was blissfully hot, steam rolling outward over the glossy smooth stones as she slumped comfortably on the stone bench. Claire took a sip of wine and sighed blissfully as her throbbing headache began finally to dull. As she soaked in the delightful heat, Claire enjoyed small bites of fresh warm bread and delectable creamy butter.
She could get used to this.
All too soon, she had to get ready to meet Frigga and Loki. Ragna helped her dress, lacing her into a light blue gown of the softest velvet. Claire sat at the vanity, watching in the mirror as her hair was dried and combed into submission. Claire would usually put her hair up to keep it out of her face, but as Ragna explained, only married women of Claire’s new rank were allowed to do so.
Once she was married, she would be required to always wear her hair up in some fashion.
Claire thought that was fucking stupid, but no one asked her.
As soon as she was deemed ready, Ragna escorted her from her apartment to another wing in the palace where she was to meet Frigga and Loki.
To Claire’s dismay, Loki was already there.
“Your Majesty.” Ragna curtsied to Loki as they approached.
“Good morning,” Loki greeted them politely. “I confess I am surprised to see you upright after last night.” he turned his emerald eyes on Claire. Claire rolled her eyes as the door in front of them opened.
“Good morning my darlings,” Frigga said cheerfully. “Come in, come in! We have much to discuss.” Frigga invited Claire and Loki in, gesturing for them to sit for tea. Claire and Loki both stepped forward, nearly colliding at the doorway. Loki gave her an irritated look before stepping back and gesturing for her to go first.
Ragna closed the door behind Loki, leaving Claire in the room with Frigga and Loki.
“Good morning, mother.” Loki greeted Frigga warmly. He did not greet Claire. Claire ignored the slight and choose to look around the room instead. Large glass windows made up one of the walls, positively glowing in the morning sun. Birds chirped merrily from their nests outside, occasionally casting distorted shadows on the cream colored walls when they took flight. Elegant chairs sat around a large round table laden with luxurious cloth and fancy china, complete with fancy cups and saucers with delicate floral patterns painted on them.
“Good morning. Now, to business,” Frigga gestured for tea to be served. A servant stepped from the corner to pour tea into the fine china teacups at their seats. “I couldn’t help but notice that the two of you got off to a bit of a rough start at supper yesterday,” Frigga cajoled the newly engaged couple. “I thought we would begin with a simple introduction to allow you to get to know each other. How are introductions done where you are from, Lady Claire?”
“Oh, uh,” Claire fidgeted slightly, feeling wildly out of her element in the dress she’d been shoved into. The material was plush and soft, but she longed for the clothes she’d brought from home. “The usual, you know, shaking hands, first name, last name…” Frigga smiled politely before looking at Loki expectantly. A look of annoyance flashed across Loki’s face before he extended his hand to her. Claire took it, giving him the same firm handshake she would anyone on Earth. His hands were different than she’d expected. Calloused and rough, but not unpleasantly so.
“Hello,” he purred in his smooth voice, his long fingers clasped around hers. “I am Loki...Odinson.”
“Hi,” she offered. “I’m Claire Fisher.”
“Fisher?” Loki gawked at her. He retracted his hand abruptly, glaring across the table at Frigga. “A peasant? Did you know about this?”
“Is there a problem?” Claire asked.
“Let me see if I fully understand this situation Odin has concocted. Not only am I to be forced to suffer through this farce of a marriage, I am expected to marry a PEASANT?!” Loki scoffed rudely.
“Excuse the fuck out of me, Your Majesty! Not all of us are born with silver spoons up our asses!” the servants in the room gasped at her profanity.
“How dare you; I am a prince of Asgard!”
“Tell you what; I can turn around and leave, and you can waltz your happy ass right back to prison. How’s that sound?” Loki scowled at Claire as she scolded him. How dare she shove her finger in his face! “OR you can grow the fuck up and work with me. This isn’t how I pictured my life working out, either, but I’m here, so do you maybe wanna change your fuckin’ attitude?”
No one had ever spoken to him like this. Even though he could feel the rage in him rising, he couldn’t help but respect the little (at least in comparison to him) mortal. She was bold, and clearly did not fear him.
“Please let me apologize,” Frigga hissed politely as she glared at Loki. “For my son and his atrocious behavior.” Claire huffed, ire still burning in her eyes. Deep blue eyes that Loki was annoyed to find appealing as she glared at him.
“No need,” she said diplomatically. She had already taken a shine to her future mother-in-law. “It’s not your fault he’s a spoiled brat.”
“I beg your pardon?” Loki scoffed. “Madam, perhaps things are different from whence you hail, but here it is customary that a prince should marry someone of standing; not some common waif who procures fish for a living!”
“What?!” Claire shrieked. “What about me has anything to do with fishing? I’ve never been fishing in my life!”
“Ha!” Loki barked a sarcastic laugh. “You are a talented liar, madam. I am almost impressed!”
“I believe I see the misunderstanding-” Frigga interjected before the pair could continue their argument. “Your culture widely uses surnames to differentiate between families. Our culture uses patronymics among the upper class; as a way of tracing one’s lineage. But among the lower castes, one’s surname often indicates their profession.”
“I see.”
“It is no matter,” Frigga said placidly, patting Claire’s hand comfortingly. “We shall simply present you with a patronymic instead of your surname. What was your fathers name, dear?”
“I don’t know,” Claire replied. Loki made a noise beside her and she glared at him. “What?”
“You cannot be presented as a fisher- it isn’t proper!” the prince complained.
“And if I knew my dad’s name, I’d give it! I’ve never even met the man.”
“You’ve got to be kidding.” Loki scoffed. Claire crumpled up her napkin and flicked it at him. The fabric napkin did not strike him as intended, as the jerk in question reached out to grab it before it could.
“Lady Claire, please,” Frigga held up her hands to silence the pair. “This is an unusual circumstance here in Asgard, but not unheard of. We can forego the patronymic and simply introduce you as Lady Claire of Midgard.”
“Works for me.”
“Wonderful,” Frigga smiled before clapping her hands together. “Now, I understand our emissary explained to you that you and Loki may not spend time alone until after you are wed. I have already planned a number of outings which will allow you to get to know each other prior to the ceremony, each with proper chaperones. And of course you will meet for official business as well.”
“Why is that? No offense but it seems kind of...antiquated.”
“It is a custom, meant to protect a young lady’s virtue.”
“Oh no worries, that ship sailed a while ago.” Claire chuckled.
“This must be a joke!” Loki hissed from beside her. “Mother, Odin cannot possibly be considering this-”
“I can hear you, you know! My lack of virginity doesn’t matter anyway!”
“It matters because if this were a proper marriage you would be pure, and if you were found to be anything but you would be shamed!”
“Oh like your virtue is lily white?! Please,” Claire scoffed. “Double standard much?”
“Let me be sure I understand correctly,” Loki’s chair screeched on the floor as he squared off with his intended. “You have zero societal standing, your parentage is questionable at best, and you are without virtue.” He counted her supposed misdeeds on his long fingers, meeting her furious gaze with a level smirk. “Have I missed anything?”
“Those are small potatoes,” Claire scowled. “I have more to offer than fulfilling outdated wish lists.”
“What is it exactly that you have to offer?” Loki’s condescending tone made her want to hit him. “Well?”
“I’m pretty good at punching assholes in the face,” she replied tersely. “Virginity is a stupid concept anyway; only men would be so arrogant as to think their dicks impact a woman’s worth!” Her lip curled in disgust as she raked a derogatory glance up and down his figure.
“That is quite enough!” Frigga scolded before Loki could respond. It was just as well, Odin likely would have thrown him back in his cell for what he would have said. “I can see navigating these cultural differences will prove difficult. However, we cannot let our tempers get the best of us,” She flashed a warning look at Loki before turning to Claire. “Lady Claire, you are new to Asgard, so I can respect that our way of things may cause some upset. However, as you are being inducted into the royal family, you must behave in a manner befitting that. Threatening to punch your future husband is decidedly not what one could consider to be well-behaved. You will apologize.” she gestured toward Loki, her tone warning Claire not to argue if she was smart.
“You’re kidding, right?” Claire never claimed to be smart. “I had to listen to all my supposed faults and I can’t be upset about it?”
“I would never discourage you to ignore such a slight,” Frigga looked pointedly at Loki before turning back to Claire. “Merely reconsider how you react to it. Part of your duties as princess royal will be to act as an example for the young ladies in the court. We must be dignified in all things.”
“I’d say my dignity is intact, and I’m not apologizing for sticking up for myself,” Claire shrugged, crossing her arms as she leaned back in her chair. “If it’s really that awful, feel free to rip up that treaty and send me back home.”
“Cultural disagreements are not a reason to invalidate the treaty between our realms. If it were, no arranged marriages would ever succeed,” Frigga replied, her tone icy. “Now, this presents an unusual dilemma we must account for. It cannot be changed, therefore we will not speak of it again. We will move forward as if nothing is amiss. This information does not leave this room, yes?”
“Fine.” Claire hissed. Loki shrugged, reluctantly straightening his posture when Frigga gave him a pointed look.
“Very well.” he muttered.
“Wonderful,” Frigga smiled at them. “We shall safeguard this secret as though our lives depend upon it. The two of you will be chaperoned at all times until you are wed, as per our laws and traditions. But I must stress upon you, especially you, Lady Claire, how detrimental this information could be should it ever come to light.”
“Even after we’re married?” Claire balked.
“Even after you are married,” Frigga confirmed. “The people of Asgard consider the virtue of their daughters sacrosanct. You will be held to the same standard even though you do not hail from this realm. It is your duty from now on to embody all the virtues that Asgard holds in highest regard.”
“Wonderful,” Claire muttered. “May I be excused?”
“You may. After an apology is made.” Frigga gave Claire The Look™, sending a shiver down Claire’s spine. She hadn’t seen The Look™ in over a decade, but it still made her palms begin to sweat. Still, she wasn’t about to budge. The dickhead would apologize first, or they’d be there for a while.
“I will if you will.” Claire said to Loki, looking at him expectantly.
“Surely you can’t be serious.”
“I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley,” The joke was out before Claire could reign it in. Both Asgardians looked at her blankly. Wrong crowd, Claire. “Never mind.”
“I will not-”
“Yes you will,” Frigga interrupted the prince. Claire felt a surge of smug satisfaction when Loki also received The Look™ from his mother. “Now.” The prince huffed indignantly at his mother, dismayed at being called to the carpet.
His jaw clenched, Loki turned to glare at his future wife. Never before had he met such a stubborn woman. Even now, she was unapologetic. It practically radiated from her in waves. She met his gaze without fear or flinching, and even had the gall to appear bored! She drew a deep breath and began to examine her black claws, the light in the room glinting off them as she turned her hand this way and that.
She would wait an eternity. Loki had spent five years in his cell doing nothing; he could wait until she grew old and died.
“I can do this all day.” She said, tucking one slim leg over the other. She was so smug in her satisfaction at having bested him. Loki tightened his grip on the arms of the chair he sat in, the material creaking under the strain. Claire’s gaze flickered down to his clenched hands before coming back up to his eyes. So she’d noticed. The corner of her mouth ticked up as they continued to glare at each other.
She was enjoying this! This slip of a woman deigned to play games with him? She had no idea who she was dealing with. What he wouldn’t give to choke the life from her.
“Enough!” Frigga set her tea cup down forcibly, making the fine china on the table tremble and breaking the tense silence in the room. “I would strongly advise you both to make your peace. Both of you have signed the agreement, invitations have been sent, preparations are underway. In one month you will marry and that is the end of it!” the queen sighed heavily, frustration clear in every line of her face as she massaged her temples. “We will take the day to collect ourselves, and try again tomorrow. You may go.”
Loki took off like a shot, practically running Ragna over as he bolted out the door. Her uncle was glaring daggers at Loki’s back as Claire left the room.
“I take it things didn’t go well?”
“You have no idea,” Claire groused. “Is it too early to get drunk?”
“Again?” Phil asked. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“No, but it’s a tempting one,” Claire grumbled as she watched Loki’s departing figure. “What an ass.”
“My lady,” Ragna spoke up. “The seamstress is waiting.”
“Okay, let’s go. See you later.” Claire tapped Phil’s arm as Ragna led her off.
Claire’s second meeting with the seamstress went better than the first, as she only had to be manhandled once. The seamstress chattered happily as she worked, talking about fashions and fabrics and which lady caused a scandal eons ago and still can’t show her face.
“Does my lady have a preference for color?” she asked as she draped fabric this way and that over Claire’s body. “Have you chosen your official color yet?”
“My what?” Claire asked dumbly.
“Each member of the royal family has an official color, my lady, which no one else may wear. His Majesty Prince Thor prefers red, whereas His Majesty Prince Loki prefers green. The All-Father and All-Mother wear yellow and blue respectively,” the seamstress explained. “Perhaps something complimentary to His Majesty Prince Loki?”
“I do like green, but is that allowed?”
“As His Majesty’s intended, you are certainly within your rights to wear green if you desire. You may also choose to wear blue or yellow to honor your new parents, but never red.”
“That’s fine, I look better in cool colors anyway,” Claire said. “Blue I like, green I like, but purple is my favorite.”
“A splendid choice, my lady. I can create a beautiful purple gown for your wedding day,” the seamstress smiled. “I will begin working on a more complete wardrobe for you in your chosen color.”
The minute the seamstress left, Ragna ushered Claire to the great hall for lunch and to meet the other young ladies of the court. Claire realized almost instantly this was going to suck.
She met at least six young women, all of whom were in fact much older (much, much older) than she was. Every single one of them claimed to love embroidery, abhor violence, and were as interesting as soggy paper.
Claire was losing her mind with boredom.
Across the great hall, Claire spotted a woman by herself. Tall, thin and dressed in armor, the woman was chugging a pint of mead. Claire decided on the spot she needed to be her friend.
“Excuse me,” Claire left the boring women in the dust and made her way over to the woman in armor. “Hi.” the woman peered at her just as she finished her pint.
“Another!” she called, smashing the tankard on the floor. “Forgive me, Lady Claire, I was parched. I am Lady Sif.” she dipped into a bow, clenched fist over her heart.
“No worries,” Claire grinned. “Nice to meet you.”
“And you, my lady. We certainly do need more female warriors here. Will you be joining us to train?”
“I would love to,” Claire’s grin bloomed into a delighted smile. “I’m not sure when I’ll be able to, with everything going on.”
“Of course, of course, you must be very busy,” Sif nodded. “Weddings are very consuming affairs.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” Claire snickered. “I can only imagine what I’ll be getting up to in the coming weeks.”
“Well, when you find yourself available, I hope you will come find me in the training yard. I am curious what a warrior from Midgard is capable of.”
“Hopefully I don’t disappoint.”
“I’m sure you won’t,” Sif smiled kindly. “After all, you impressed the All-Father. That isn’t so easily done,” she and Claire fell into companionable silence as her replacement mead was delivered. The other ladies Claire had left behind were still blathering on about needlepoint. “You’ll want to watch out for that one.” Sif warned, nodding toward the girl in the crown-like headband.
“Yrsa, right?” Claire guessed. They all looked like the same person, just in different shades of grey.
“Indeed, my lady. She is not so kind as she would have you believe.”
“What about the others?”
“The others I cannot say,” Sif replied. “As you’ve no doubt noticed, I do not subscribe to the same ideals as the other young ladies of court. I prefer to devote my time to defending my realm rather than embroidery.”
“Yeah, that sounds way more fun.” Sif chuckled as she finished her mead, clapping Claire on the arm.
“I must return, but I look forward to seeing you on the training field,” she said. “Best of luck with your…” a loud peal of girlish giggles erupted as Thor walked in. “New friends.”
“Yeah right,” Claire grimaced as the herd of women surrounded Thor to flirt with him. “Pretty sure I’m in hell.” Sif laughed heartily, clapping Claire on the arm again.
“That would be Helheim, my lady,” she corrected, both of them snickering as Thor disappeared in the swarm of women. “Don’t forget-”
“Sif! Where have you been?” Thor boomed as he walked toward them, having broken free of his admirers. “Sister! I see you have met Sif!”
“Hey Thor.”
“Can you join us on the training field? I would love to battle with you.”
“I would, but I have to stay here and gossip,” Claire smiled grimly. “Because embroidery is simply fascinating.”
“Pity,” Thor shook his head. “Loki would enjoy the chance to fight with you as well- at least, more than he has already.”
“Ha ha,” Claire said flatly. “Did he tell you he was class A dick?”
“He has not said anything, but he did not need to. Rumors abound already.” Thor waggled his eyebrows at her, his face breaking into a stupid grin.
“You’re kidding.”
“It is true, the servants hear everything,” Sif murmured. “News travels very fast here, Lady Claire.”
“Clearly,” Claire scoffed. “But he was a jerk and I stood up for myself, and I don’t feel guilty in the least.” Thor and Sif cackled like a pair of old crones.
“Well done,” Thor praised. “Loki needs someone to temper him,” he smacked a meaty paw against Sif’s and Claire’s biceps in sync, barely budging Sif but nearly making Claire fall. “We shall take our leave now, sister. Enjoy the rest of the afternoon.”
“Thanks, I’ll try.” Claire waved as they left the hall, leaving her behind with the cookie cutter girls.
Across the palace, preparations were underway for the royal announcement. Wanting to include him as much as possible, Frigga had invited Phil to join in and offer insight. Frigga was determined to blend the traditions of Asgard with the traditions of Claire’s home as much as possible.
“Thank you for coming, Son of Coul. I trust your accommodations are to your liking?” Frigga asked.
“Yes, it’s very comfortable; thank you.” Phil replied.
“Excellent. Walk with me,” Frigga requested, nodding toward the open archway leading to a balcony as he began to walk. Phil followed after nonchalantly, his eyes widening at the beautiful scenery all around them as they stepped outside. Down on the streets below, banners had been hung to celebrate the occasion. A sea of people had already gathered, their excitement palpable. On the large balcony, servants scurried about to finalize preparations. “I would like to meet to discuss specifics for the wedding,” Frigga said as she adjusted a floral arrangement on the railing. “Forgive me, the announcement will take place very soon and things must look perfect. I assume you will be giving Lady Claire away in lieu of her father? You are her only living family, yes?”
“Yes, correct on both parts,” Phil said. “Her father has never been in her life, and her mother died when she was sixteen.”
“It’s tragic, to be orphaned so young. I must commend you for taking her in as you did; it was a noble thing.”
“That’s not necessary,” Phil chuckled. “I’ve always adored Claire; she’s such a vivacious girl. She was too young to be on her own.”
“That is true. Were you brother to her mother or her father?” Frigga asked.
“Neither,” Phil said. “We’re family by circumstance, not blood,” he smiled. “I’ve known her since she was born.”
“I am glad she had someone to care for her,” Frigga murmured. “I will do all I can to watch over her.”
“Thank you. That makes me feel better,” Phil did feel a sense of relief that the maternal woman would keep an eye on Claire.
“To be honest I’m not sure she needs it. She’s very sure of herself.” Frigga hummed in agreement, a wan smile curling her lips.
“She made that quite clear this morning,” Frigga chuckled. “I don’t believe I’ve yet met a young woman with the gall to stand up to Loki. Most fear him too greatly to risk antagonizing him and simply let him do as he pleases.” she barked a laugh as she recalled their intense stare down. “She will be a good match for him. She will surely meet him tit for tat; the Norns know he needs a strong woman to check his ego now and again.”
“Oh I’m sure she’ll have no problem with that,” Phil laughed. “She’s fierce when she needs to be. Her temper is not something to be taken lightly, I will say that.”
“What of this S.H.I.E.L.D. of yours; how is she involved in such business?” Frigga asked.
“She was one of our investigators,” Phil explained. “We constantly monitor for threats and when we find something we can’t explain, Claire and others like her are sent to find out what’s happening. Depending on what it is, investigators will either recommend the subject for further observation or subdue and contain it.” Frigga gaped at him with alarm.
“You will have to excuse my bewilderment,” she cleared her throat. “Female warriors are a rarity here in Asgard. Are there many in your company?”
“Of course. We take anyone willing to join. We actually monitor gifted children to see if they might be suitable for our training program. Claire has always been intelligent; once she came to live with me S.H.I.E.L.D. offered her the chance to test into the program and she was accepted.”
“What sort of things was she taught?” Frigga asked.
“We teach our students everything from combat to basic engineering but they are assigned different jobs based on their aptitude results. Claire was always very athletic and scored very well in combat and weapons training, so she was trained as a field agent before she went on to be an investigator.”
“And you would deem her a good warrior?”
“Without question, yes. She has been in the field since she graduated the program and has one of the highest success rates in her division.”
“I confess I am most curious to see how her skills will translate to her new role,” Frigga replied. “The people of Asgard do not need another warrior, you see.”
“I’m sure she’ll be fine.” Phil said with an optimism he didn’t feel. He had the strange feeling that somewhere in the palace, Claire was causing a ruckus.
“In time I imagine she will flourish, yes,” Frigga nodded. “I am eager for her to take her place,” she added as Loki arrived, fully dressed in his armor and bearing a dour look on his face. “Ah, Loki! I wondered when you would arrive.”
“I am perfectly on time, Mother, as always,” Loki replied. Phil chuckled as Frigga began to fuss over Loki’s appearance. “Mother, please.”
“Hush,” Frigga clicked her tongue at him. “You must look your best.”
“I look fine.”
“My darling boy, ‘fine’ will not do,” Frigga argued. “This is your first appearance with your bride-to-be!”
“If she manages to arrive in time.” Loki said coolly as a commotion from the hallway caught everyone’s attention. Claire came rushing toward them, Ragna hot on her heels.
“I’m here, I’m here,” she said hurriedly as she reached them. She’d changed from the dress she’d worn earlier, now in shimmery rose gold with a floral kransen adorning the crown of her head. Loathe as he was to admit it, the gown suited her curves beautifully. “What are you looking at?” she hissed at Loki when his eyes raked across her figure. Loki huffed in amusement, shaking his head dismissively.
“Nothing,” he replied smoothly. “I thought perhaps you’d gotten lost.”
“So sorry to disappoint.” Claire muttered as Odin arrived, setting everything in motion.
“Son of Coul, if you please,” Frigga gestured for Phil to step aside. Like a dance, people moved seamlessly into place until Loki and Claire stood just inside the large doors waiting to be announced to the masses waiting outside. Claire was so nervous she thought she might throw up. This would be her first official public appearance as the princess-to-be and she wanted to make a good impression.
“Stop fidgeting, it’s distracting.” Loki hissed at her side.
“I can’t help it, I’m nervous!” Claire hissed back. Loki rolled his eyes. “I know you don’t give a shit, but you could at least have a better attitude. This is important; I need to make a good impression on these people.”
“In that case you would do better to stop shaking so much. You’re not a leaf.” Loki said dismissively.
“Thanks for the support, asshole,” Claire scoffed. “Can I at least hold onto your arm or something?”
“You’re quite welcome,” Loki shot back. “And no, you may not. I’ll not add your insecurity to the list of vexing activities I’ve had to endure today,” He sniped. Claire growled and forced her arm around his, looping it rigidly and tugging him toward her for a better grip. Loki growled back and pulled his arm back forcefully to no avail. “I loathe you, you irksome woman. I’d rather rot in my cell than suffer an eternity married to you.” He growled through clenched teeth.
“The feeling is mutual, prick. Maybe I’ll off myself out of spite just so you get a one-way trip back to the dungeons where you belong.” Claire hissed. Loki laughed harshly, towering over her.
“Oh, what a glorious day that would be. Allow me to help you once we’re alone.” The servant straightening the train of Claire’s dress gasped in shock, and Loki spared her an irreverent gaze.
“Enough!” Frigga scolded them sharply. “It’s time,” she said, pinning the engaged couple with a warning glare. “Open the doors.” Loki straightened his shoulders, his already remarkable height somehow growing.
“You shouldn’t slouch.” he had the audacity to say to Claire.
“And you shouldn’t talk to me.” she hissed back, glaring at him sharply when he stepped forward and pulled her off balance.
“My apologies, I thought you were ready,” he feigned concern, one of his large hands shooting out to grab her free arm to stabilize her. “I can appreciate your free spirit, but you’re meant to wear the shoes, not trip out of them.”
“Oh I’m sorry, how stupid of me! I thought they were for decoration,” Claire bent down and grabbed the shoe still on her foot and threw it at the annoying prince. “Say another word, I dare you.”
Looking equally disgusted and confused, Loki gawked at the shoe print on his chest plate before glaring up at her. No one had ever had the nerve to treat him this way. He was honestly speechless.
Two could play at her ridiculous game.
“Another word.” A delightful blaze of fury crossed his fiancee’s face as trumpets announced their cue to appear before the people. Behind them, Frigga rubbed her temples in frustration before stepping behind the couple to steer them apart with a firm hand on their shoulders.
“Remember to smile, darlings. This is the start of a joyous celebration and everyone is here to celebrate with you. You will behave,” she said, her voice honey sweet. “Or else,” her sweet sounding threat hung in the air between them. “Claire, dear, correct your posture, just like we practiced,” a servant scurried forward to collect Claire’s discarded shoes, offering to help her put them back on, stepping back when Claire shook her head. “Loki, I expect you to be nothing less than a perfect gentleman. Claire is new to this, you must help her. And for goodness’ sake, be mindful.”
“Yes Mother,” Loki’s jaw tightened. The roar of the crowd outside made Claire a little nervous. She wasn’t used to being the center of attention; her work with S.H.I.E.L.D. had taught her to blend in and be unnoticeable. “Shall we?” Loki offered her his arm, and Claire took it, steeling herself with a deep breath. She corrected her posture, standing tall with shoulders down and back as Frigga had taught her.
“I’m ready.” she replied, letting Loki take the lead and guide her out onto the terrace.
A wall of noise assaulted her ears as they came into view- cheers and screams of delight seeming to come from all directions.
“People of Asgard,” Odin announced, his voice echoing for all to hear. “We are gathered for a joyous announcement. My son, Prince Loki, is engaged to be wed!”
The people below erupted in cheers, making Claire laugh. How was this her life?
At the front of the crowds, Claire could see a group of young girls. Some clutched stuffed animals, some clutched each other, others still clutched their mothers. Deeper in the crowd, children sat atop their parents shoulders. The children gaped up at them in awe, cheering for what they thought was true love. Claire envied them for the blindness of youth they still had.
Several people waved as they cheered, and though Claire thought it strange, she waved back along with Loki.
“Lady Claire of Midgard has long labored for the good of the people of her homeland, and has graciously agreed to join our royal family to continue her work for the good of Asgard.” Odin announced, prompting another chorus of cheers.
“Laying it on a little thick, isn’t he?” Claire murmured to Loki.
“He means to make you look honorable, and desirable. You need the help,” Loki replied placidly, glancing down at her. “Remember to smile.” Claire plastered on a fake smile, pinching Loki’s arm between the plates of his armor.
“Don’t tell me what to do.” she hissed through her teeth.
“My mother bid me help you, and I’m doing just that.”
“Would you like to criticize anything else?” Claire huffed. “You’re not exactly being helpful.”
“Oh dear, will you tell on me to my mother?” Loki asked, looking away from the people he was waving to with a genuine grin. The peachy tone on her lips was rather fetching, now that he’d taken the time to notice it.
“If I thought it would help.”
“Goodness, I’m frightened,” Loki said sarcastically, enjoying the flare of anger her pursed lips betrayed.
���In one month’s time,” Odin announced from his place beside them, either unaware of their tiff or uncaring. “Lady Claire and my son shall wed, and Asgard will have its first princess in an age!” More cheers erupted from the streets below, nearly drowning out Loki’s request.
“Give me your hand.”
“Woman-” Loki stopped himself, his lips pursing angrily before he fixed his intense gaze on her. “Give me your hand.”
“You want it, you grab it.” Claire wasn’t about to play nice when he’d been a jerkwad all day. Even if he did look really hot in the armor.
“Fine,” Loki muttered, his hand darting out to grab hers. His hand was warm as it clasped around her fingers, his other hand snaking around her waist to pull her toward him. Outwardly, it would have looked gentle, but annoyed as he was Loki pulled hard enough to nearly make her stumble into him. What the hell is he doing? “My lady.” Claire was utterly surprised when Loki cradled her hand like a precious gem and brought it to his lips. Her eyes widened when he pressed his lips to her knuckles. Claire’s stomach flipped like it was on a roller coaster, her cheeks growing warm as her breath caught in her throat. Oh what the hell is this? Loki’s eyes danced with mischief as he glanced up at her, as if he knew what he was doing to her. Butterflies took flight in her belly and Claire swallowed thickly, doing her best to stay calm despite her thundering heart when they were ushered back inside. Settle down, you idiot. You do not have feelings for this arrogant ass.
“Well done,” Frigga praised as they stepped inside. The doors were closed behind them and Loki released her. Claire’s eyes met his for a brief moment before she stepped away with shaky knees. What the fuck was wrong with her? Get it together you dumb bitch. Loki gave her a knowing grin and Claire’s stomach dropped. Damn it, he knows!
Claire beat a hasty retreat to the feast hall, not even waiting for Phil. Her cheeks burned and her stomach butterflies wouldn’t stop fluttering. She wasn’t about to stick around so Loki could pick on her. The smug bastard.
By the time everyone else arrived, Claire was on her second glass of wine. The chair to her left scraped against the stone floor and Loki settled beside her with annoying grace. Claire and Phil struck up conversation while he sulked in silence.
“Are you attempting for five this night?” Loki suddenly asked. Claire didn’t answer, her mind a jumble all over again. What the fuck was that-what the FUCK was that?!
“What the fuck was that?” she asked sharply, setting her empty goblet down with a pointed clink. Claire asked Loki, but she also asked herself. It wasn’t like her to have reactions like that.
“What was what?” Loki sighed.
“That,” Claire hissed. “Out there.”
“It’s called a kiss,” Loki rolled his eyes, signaling for a drink of his own. “I’d thought your planet uncivilized before, but honestly-”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” Silence settled between them heavily as a servant filled their goblets. Claire was the first to move, allowing the sweet liquid to linger on her tongue.
“Have I upset you?” Something in Loki’s tone made Claire look up from her drink. To her surprise he looked genuinely unsettled. “Do you feel I took liberties?”
“No,” Claire shook her head and relief washed over Loki’s face. “I just wasn’t expecting it. Why did you-”
“At events like that, you play to the crowd,” Loki shrugged. “The people know our marriage is arranged, but rumors of true love abound to no end.”
“’True love’?” Claire scoffed. “People still believe in that garbage?” Loki shrugged. “Do you believe in it?”
“In true love?” he chuckled. “Certainly not. When I was a child, perhaps. Who doesn’t wish for someone to love them unconditionally? But it is a falsehood like everything else.”
“I’ll drink to that.” Claire tipped her goblet toward him before taking a sip. She hoped they served dinner soon; she needed food to catch up with her wine.
“How is it you managed to function today, if I may ask?” Loki peered at her over his goblet. “I don’t know many humans who could handle that much wine.”
“Do you think today was my first hangover?” Claire laughed. “I’ll have you know that I’m an expert at functioning when I feel like dying.” Loki huffed in amusement.
“Did you at least enjoy meeting the other ladies at court?”
“That’s one word for it,” Claire replied. “They’re obsessed with Thor. He showed up and they were practically falling over themselves to talk to him.”
“Typical,” Loki groused. “They have no shame.”
“They have no sense.” Loki laughed along with her, their eyes meeting as they enjoyed their private joke. Loki really was an attractive man, with those intense green eyes and sharp cheekbones. And soft lips.
Loki didn’t know what to make of Claire just yet. She baffled him at every turn, it seemed. She was mad at him for this and that, but the way she looked at him sometimes (like she was now) made Loki think she was mad because she wanted to kiss him. Or perhaps kill him.
Loki settled back into his seat, lifting his goblet to take a sip of wine as dinner was finally served.
He had plenty of time to figure her out.
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tawus · 19 days
Happy Birthday to Zaddy Toji Fushiguro here are 150 towards devoted to him~<3
on the bed, on the couch, on the kitchen counter, on the table, on the floor, on the balcony, in the shower, in front of the mirror, semi-public, DA BEACH~, melons, front, back, sideways, legs open, shouting, tight, wet, bondage, gagging, lingerie, a man and his stick, doggy style, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, moaning, hair pulling, scratch marks, hickeys, loud loud, noise complaint, sheets gripping, jaw-dropping, tongue rolling, Twinkie, creamy, gushy, lip locking, pounding, vile, vulgar, name calling, oral, anal, 69, call the ambulance for me, legs tangled, bed soaked, bed dead, chair, chair dead, blow job, mind-blowing, make-outs, hickeys, an absolute beast, salty taste, 10 inches, 3 veins, bulge, woops~ my panties slipped~, whole cake ass bakery, biting, marking, claiming, single parent?, Megumi's half-sibling?, half-siblings?, daddy gonna get milk, your friends don't know what you taste like but I do~, Alexa be a darling and play Fantasize by Ariana Grande.
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Oh! And water! LOTS of water
This is the oldest ask in my inbox and it’s about 4 months old 😅 Mokona ayo, you wrote it like you're ready to risk everything, including your happy marriage with Gojo, for a frisky night with Toji 👀 These are mad fertile grounds for Toji scenarios btw, so if y'all vote for one of these, I'll put out a lil drabble on the most voted topic 😌
Toji’s birthday is on 31st December apparently btw, which I consider to be yet another cruel joke by Gege 💀
As for myself, I wanted to write a scene from my Toji longfic idea as a response to this ask. In the conception of the fic idea, I often lamented (and still do) how reduced, sexualised, and simplified Toji is in 99% ‘Toji x Reader’ fics. But then it occurred to me that the goddamn scene I’d chosen to write for him and release to the world first – was chock full of sexual content as well. I was doing the exact same thing that I was trying to address in the Toji/Reader fandom…
I realised it doesn’t always have to be sex with him. So here’s some wholesome beachtime fluff with Toji 💕
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Face to face with him at last. Just you and him. Like he’d always promised you.
At long last you could take in the calm stillness of his Zenin features, not strained by his resentment of the lineage, not squeezed by his rage with its present members.
His wide forehead was as smooth as sea. His onyx bangs oscillated like pirate sails over his fanning black lashes – ever a rebel. Even like this, with you. Even as his lips parted, guardless at last against you, not scowling and not pressed in his fury with his clan, ready to finally accept your seal. The dagger-shaped scar at their edge – his unique signature to every kiss he ever gave you, the subtle ridge of which you’d always licked before engulfing him in your love, the ridge you could never ignore — for it was Toji, his history, his mouth.
Even as his broad chest lay bare for you to hug, to embrace, to compress with your heart, to press your happy tears against…it wasn’t really the same.
In this sunlight embalming the beach, Toji finally didn’t push you away. He accepted you. He didn’t tense.
You hugged him tightly like you’d always wanted, while red streaked down the corner of his mouth like dry saffron and his emerald greens glowed emptily toward the fading sky.
The sky that was calm. The beach calm. The sea – calm. Toji – so calm.
Too calm.
Calmness attained only by one state.
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bellaevilqueen · 5 months
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Hey, so this is my first fic on tumblr so please bear with me. This idea was on my mind most of the time, so I had to write it. It's a bit long, so I'll split it into two parts or more.English is not my native language.
Summary:Bella is an orphaned girl who lives with her stepmother and two half-sisters. At a ball in Fittes, she meets her Prince Charming and falls in love.
Our house was huge. We were one of the families that went to every party in London. That was until my mother died and my father married a nasty woman. She moved in with us with her two equally nasty daughters. Everything was fine until my father died, touched by a ghost. My stepmother took over the property. I was forced into the role of a maid. Apart from working at Rotwell and working at Arif, I had my hands full at home
-I'm not paying you to sit-I looked at my stepmother
-You don't pay me at all-
-The floor must be shiny, and then you will go to the shop to pick up our dresses for today's ball at Fittes-the annual Christmas ball at Fittes. It takes place three days before Christmas and all the richest families are invited
-And I didn't receive an invitation?-saying this, I stood up
-Honey, look at you. Who would want to invite someone like you?-I looked at my apron-clean the house and maybe I'll let you come with us-
-Thank you. I'll do everything-After cleaning the floor, I took off my apron and went out to buy some shopping and dresses. I entered a store with beautiful dresses. Everyone was choosing dresses for today's ball.I walked up to the counter
-Good morning. I wanted to pick up a dresses with the surname Renaldi-
-Just a moment-she handed me the dresses and after paying, I left. The dresses were heavy and I barely carried them home. I grabbed the shopping list and left. There were 6 hours left until the ball, so I can easily afford a donut at Arif's. When I entered, the bell rang. Arif greeted me smile
-My best employee and client. What brings you here?-
-I have some time, so I thought I'd stop for a donut-
-Sit down. I'll give it to you in a moment-I smiled and sat down in the corner of the room. I took off my scarf and coat and sat down. In a moment, Arif appeared with tea and a chocolate donut. He sat down across from me
-So tell me. Do you already have a dress for the ball?-
-No, but I'll find something. My stepmother let me go as soon as I cleaned the house-
-I gave you the day off to rest and go to the ball. Not that you'd work yourself to death-
-I owe it to them-I took a sip of tea and the door opened
-I'll come back to this conversation, just to serve the customer-he stood up and I looked at the newcomer. It was a boy maybe a year older than me. He brushed the snow from his hair and straightened his coat. I couldn't deny that he was handsome. He placed his order and left. I was still looking at the door that closed behind him. I didn't even notice Arif sitting down
-Who it was?-
-Anthony Lockwood.It's impossible that you don't know him. He's a regular customer. We send donuts to his agency, and sometimes George picks them up-
-He's the head of the agency?-
-But he's so young-
-You two would be perfect for each other- I looked at him and almost choked on my own saliva
-You are made for each other. You'd definitely knock some sense into his head-I laughed and looked at my watch
-It's late. I have to go. How much do I owe? -
-On the house.Buy yourself a nice dress-I smiled and left. After shopping, I returned home just in time.Two hours left until the ball. The stylists took care of my stepmother and her daughters, so I could get ready in peace.I found one dress that would be perfect for such an event. It was below the knee. Her powder pink tulle shimmered in the light. I did my makeup and styled my already curly hair. Ready, I went downstairs
-And what do I look like? -I saw fury on the stepsisters' faces
-It doesn't fit-Alexa ripped off one of my sleeves and her sister Tessa ripped off the other. Within a minute my dress was ruined. I looked at my stepmother with glassy eyes
-That's enough, girls. You must look impeccable. I heard Anthony Lockwood will be at the ball. This is your chance. As for you, you didn't clean the whole house-
-It's not true. I cleaned up-
-Really?-She pulled out the bag and poured its contents onto the floor. Black ash scattered on the freshly polished floor and my dress. I looked at it with tears in my eyes
-How could you?-I fell to my knees
-Girls, get in the car. Now I see why your parents didn't want to live with you-she left, slamming the door. I cleaned it up and left the house for work. Arif was very surprised by my presence. He was even more surprised when he saw me start to put on my apron with tears streaming down my cheeks
-What happened?Why aren't you at the ball-
-They tore my dress. They made the floor dirty. Now I won't make it-
-I knew this would happen. That's why, as your fairy godmother or rather,the fairy godfather, I have something for you- he pulled out a huge box from behind the counter-your mother had this the day I first met her. A 16-year-old girl ran away from the Fittes ball after a man poured champagne on her. Since then she always came here. Before she died, she told me to convey this to you in an exceptional situation. I think that now is this unique situation-saying this, he opened the box. A blue ball gown caught my eye. It sparkled with all those crystals. I gently ran my hand over the material
-She's beautiful-
-Go try it on - I grabbed the box and went into the back room. When I put on the dress, gloves and shoes, I saw a small note at the bottom with the inscription: "Maybe you will also find your prince at the ball. I love you very much, princess, mom." I smiled and left. Arif was sweeping the floor
-What do I look like?- He looked at me
-Just like a mother - he put down the broom and went to the counter - please. You can't enter without it - he handed me the mask and the invitation
-Thank you Arif-
-Don't thank me. You are like a granddaughter to me. You deserve it, now come on. The carriage is waiting - I laughed and took a taxi to the party. LUCY'S POV When we arrived at the party there were an awful lot of people. I nudged Lockwood -Look who's here again - I pointed to the two idiots and their mother
-Tessa and Alexa. Great, he took the champagne from the tray and drank it in one gulp
-It's good that we have masks. At least they won't recognize us-we nodded at George's words. Since our agency is getting more and more popular, this sick woman wants to set Lockwood up with her daughters
-Maybe George. Maybe-
-I should introduce you to the waitress at Arif's. She's sweet-Flo cleared her throat and George knew he was screwed-of course you're sweeter-
-Oh for God's sake, get a room-Kipps said and walked away in disgust, followed by Holly. There were four of us left
-I'll go get something to drink-A waiter walked past us with a tray of champagne glasses. Lockwood took two and George did the same.
-Here you go, Lucy-he handed it to me
-Thank you-
-We should dance. It's Lockwood&Co's first night off-I looked at George and he looked at me and we looked back at Lockwood-what? -
-Hasn't this champagne gone to your head?-
-I feel fine-
-We'll dance. It's better than standing here and listening to nice Lockwood. That's strange - before they could leave, the door opened. A girl in a beautiful dress walked in and everyone started whispering
-I'll ask her to dance-Lockwood handed me a glass and walked up to her
-I bet he'll fall in love-I whispered to George
-I'm betting £20-
-Do you always have to bet? -We smiled at Flo and answered together
-Always- George took Flo to a dance and I watched Lockwood talk to the girl.
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The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom. They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queen were weeping blood.
I love this part so much because my mind instantly goes "Bolton looks" and my Theon x& Cersei (interpretative dynamic I like ships when they are unclear) au involves a Tywin who didn't die and sent Cersei to be married off to Roose and everyone is miserable. She would be horrible to Theon, but I think it would be hilarious to witness this terrible contrast in the way both of them deal with public humiliation and overall distaste for life.
This is a dumb concept of course but I'm still fond of it. I know the theoncersei ship is mostly a joke but I read that one fanfic on life journal and I think it could actually be so interesting if it were taken as a serious idea. Especially if we have a Theon who has been at the hands of Ramsay, but not enough to be so visibly changed as to not be recognised anymore. The idea of him being suddenly trusted back into society with people expecting him to act like nothing has happened because there would be no visual evidence is so interesting and painful to me. It has the type of trauma one develops after a failed suicide attempt, but even more complicated. An AU where he is expected to be functional (or as functional as he was during agot-acok) while internally dealing with everything that has happened to him...
I think there is something liberating about the Reek persona in the sense that there is no one who expects anything from him anymore (Alexa, play Bob Dylan's "Like a rolling stone"). He was so indignant when Jeyne asked for his help and to me that was entertaining because there was anger and rage at his internal treatment of her (What had she been thinking, that he would whistle up a winged horse and fly her out of here, like some hero in the stories she and Sansa used to love?) How dare she demand something from him? And then there is even more of that during TWOW when he is mentally raging at her for not remembering Mikken's name (Really Theon? Are YOU going to get mad at someone for hesitating at names?). Anyways there is so much anger in Theon during and after his torture, but it is always purely internal. From the outside, he is every whump fan's perfect protagonist. Poor little soggy meow meow who has been rivalling Dante's concept in Journey through Hell. From the inside it's a completely different thing (I like both of them. He is a reversible sweater and you can find beauty on both options); The way he refers to his torturers as "The Bastard's boys" (a nickname he doesn't dare to speak out loud but has given them himself. He indirectly refers to Ramsay as "Bastard" even if he is terrified of him) , the snark, the "she'll pray for you to march, Reek thought, and she'll pray that you never come back to her bed.", the way he thinks about the spearwives.
And yet all of that has to be repressed in order to keep himself alive and (considering the circumstances) safe. He has to swallow his pride and fury and his defiance and endure and I love that. Swallow your pride, my friend, it's not the worse thing you could swallow.
Cersei is different. Cersei almost always openly shows her disdain and fury at everything and everyone surrounding her and even after going through the cruellest humiliation she has suffered (Alexa, play Bob Dylan's "Like a rolling stone" again but this time the live version where people are booing him and he is sarcastically telling them how wonderful they are) she still keeps her head high, or as high as she can.
I don't know, both of them are on my top 5 pov characters and I would like them to interact beyond comedic relief type of dynamics (although I like those too) and I think there could be interesting explorations. I think in this weird nonsensical scenario where she becomes Cersei Bolton she would probably act like an anti-Jeyne in the sense that she too would demand for him to act more according to her notions of Theon Greyjoy but replacing Jeyne's soft and tender pleads for help with unjustified harshness and cruelty and a mocking type of defiance. Jeyne pets the dog, Barbrey taunts the dog, Cersei just straight up kicks it. I like imagining she would steal him from Ramsay as to have something mildly diverting in her boring Northerner lifestyle and that could be fun to explore.
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bornmadbornbad · 2 years
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ᅠᅠ ༉‧₊˚.𓆩♡𓆪༉‧₊˚.
ᅠI’m forever obsessed with this look, it literally spills out Goddess and Play/Pain character. I can’t wait to see what other look she pulls off and what happens next. What do you think will happen next? I think her and Bianca will be saved for Summer Slam or so, I’m not sure what direction they’re going for but let’s just see what they do.
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wegonbealright-09 · 2 months
I wouldn't have cared at all if Jimin had been stationed as a military cook if I'm being honest. Kths are dumbasses and talking about special ops like kth is the second coming of Nick Fury or something lol but even they wouldn't really care if he ended up being one. Exactly one (1) set of solos in bts would have given a single damn about their fave being a military cook
Alexa play ironic by alanis morissette
I don't really give a fuck about jungkook being a cook either. But uts the way they were debunking this think and calling it rumors started by us. But now that jungloo admitted he does the cooking and cleaning everybody on mute. And I love it.
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firespirited · 10 months
Barbie hate moments that have stuck with me:
mild - childhood distrust of/disgust with the Superstar face. She was the only one available when the boxes had cute Kiras, Teresas and Christies. Mackie wasn't at playline prices in the brief window of 2 years having fashion dolls. My sole Barbie was Sparkle Eyes. Collectors with love for Superstar completely changed my mind, she evokes a tenderness now.
Unexpectedly violent - 2002ish I bought a second hand Myscene Madison, she was from one of the early (but not first) lines with eyes that never quite aligned. I had a visceral reaction and cut her head into tiny pieces for jewelry (eyes, ears) after removing her hair and gluing it to a bald Bratz. (defacing a toy was something i'd never done and never considered so this was a bit of a shock)
Fury - my first model muse body: hard to dress, barely holds up even against a wall, can't sit in the slightest, movement restricted. Tossed it and didn't even regret not harvesting the hands and neck peg.
Abject disgust with the object and the company: Princess Alexa my first glue-head.
Fury again: Pretty n python. Not only was Mbili deformed and had lost definition but that stupid body couldn't sit. I carved the hips down but she still leaned to one side. I'm ok with the Grace face now but that body is trash.
The why??! Yoga Neysa with the circular pixelated clown blush and colours printed at different angles so the yellow was all over the place. I knew quality control was bad but not to the point that it doesn't even look human anymore.
The I'm so tired and you still managed to surprise me with how low you'll go: Barbie Extra mbili pink/purple split hair. Removing the tinsel did nothing for the brushability. Poly hair feels bad, combs badly, hangs badly. The dog weighs 70g. Cost cutting in all the wrong ways in Barbie form.
Other moments thankfully weren't in hand 'I paid money for this' moments but just massive disappointments: hobbit body in mini dresses, GG racoon eye overuse, dotty UV screenings, the fashionistas who's face comes off from basic day to day friction, barbie and the nutcracker, some of Nueras more colourblind ruffle messes with loud lips, Millie is Millie but the Neko is criminal misuse of the Lea sculpt, 100$ lunar new year Barbie, puffy lip filler and buccal fat removal collector Barbie and Ken...
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Fandom URL Tag Game!
The rules of the game are to write one song for every letter in your url, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.
I was tagged by @underacalicosky and @dark--whisperings thank you so much for tagging me 💜
This is one of those times when I regret my overly long URL 😅
W - Who's Laughing Now by Ava Max
I - I Don't Wanna Go by Alan Walker and Julie Bergan
B - Blinding Lights by The Weeknd
Z - Zombie by The Cranberries
E - End of Time by Alan Walker and K-391
N - Nightmares by WE ARE FURY with feat. Gallie Fisher
A - A Day At Sea by Everen Maxwell
D - Darkside by Alan Walker
A - Aurora by K-391 and Roxanne Emery
R - Rise Up by VINAI feat. Vamero
K - My Woman by Kim Larsen
S - Sing Me to Sleep by Alan Walker and Anders Frøen
I - In the End by Linkin Park
D - Dance Monkey by Tones and I
E - Enemy by Imagine Dragons and J.I.D.
R - Rainbow by Sia Furler
W - Walk With Me by Måns Zelmerlöw
I - In My Blood by The Score
T - Thunder by Imagine Dragons
H - Hislerim by Serhat Durmus with Zerrin
A - Across The Stars by Eliott Tordo Erhu
S - Stamp On The Ground by ItaloBrothers
O - On Top of the World af Imagine Dragons
F - Fuck U Love U af Alison Wonderland
T - The Resistance af Skillet
H - Hey Boy af Phillipa Soo
E - Euro Anthem by Kozah
A - Alive by R3HAB, Vini Vici, Pangea
R - Rule The World by The Fat Rat & Alexa
T - The Drum by Alan Walker
Phew 😮‍💨😅 30 letters later
The mix of songs (all from my Spotify playlist) probably says something about my poor taste in music 🤷
I am NOT going to tag 30 others, not going to happen! But feel free to feel tagged if you're reading this. ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜
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gyokujyn · 1 month
Run Series MasterPost Created for the CATWS 10th Anniversary, I rejected the Run series from the initial posting for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it didn't really fit with any of the event prompts. Secondly, it was a whole series that I didn't want to chop up and post piecemeal. The idea was each of these characters with their own run theme song and accompanying comic.
Nick Fury
alexa play run this town by jay-z rihanna and kanye west
Natasha Romanoff
alexa play run by daughter
Bucky Barnes
alexa play run (beautiful things)(highsociety remix) by awolnation
Steve Rogers
alexa play run boy run by woodkid
Sam WIlson
alexa play run by onerepublic
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