#again thank you so very much for this <33 i love u lots n lots n lots
omg i love your writing!! could you do a taylor swift song prompt of “so high school” x james potter? potentially with a ravenclaw reader?
looove this! so high school is absolutely james coded aaaaa. this is so short but i hope u enjoy anyway<33
so high school
❥ james potter x ravenclaw!fem!reader
❥ warnings; none really
❥ word count; 1.2k
❥ my ts masterlists; pt 1 & pt 2
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"oi, james!" sirius called his best mate and gestured for james to sit next to him as if he wasn't going to do that anyway.
"good morning, everybody," james smiled at his friendgroup, his eyes lingering on you a tiny bit longer than on anyone else, making your heart flutter and your cheeks to heat up. you glanced back Down on your plate in hopes to hide it.
"james," sirius spoke up again, "marry, kiss or kill; lily, marlene, y/n."
"well, we all know who'd he want to marry," marlene said in a low voice, only for you and lily to hear. lily snorted and you lightly elbowed her.
the girls were convinced that james fancies you just as much as you fancied him. however, you found that hard to believe that someone so perfect like him could like someone like you.
james frowned. "i don't like this game."
sirius rolled his eyes. "oh, come on, you just don't want to say it out loud so you don't hurt anyone's feelings." he tapped on his ear. "whisper it to me."
james lowered his head at the level of his best friend's ear and whispered his answer. you girls tried your best to read his lips but it was no use.
"oh." an amused look appeared on sirius's face and he looked at you. you stared back at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking.
come on, james. are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?
the gryffindor quidditch team won the cup.
just when it seemed that they were going to lose against hufflepuffs, james caught the snitch, making the score 250 - 260 for the reds.
you were never more proud of him than in that very moment. you jumped from your seat and yelled his name in a cheering tone, clapping so hard your hands almost hurt. like if he heard you, his brown eyes found yours in the crowd. he grinned and sent you a wink and a kiss. james was thanking you, you were his lucky charm.
that night, the gryffindors threw the biggest party ever. it was many student's last game at hogwarts so it was also a goodbye party. all of the team members were there and talked about the match and their time playing together in general.
quidditch wasn't your thing. you were the stereotypical ravenclaw and you'd much rather be in your bed, under cover and reading a book. but james practically begged you to be there. after all, it was thanks to you that they won. you knew that wasn't the truth but you couldn't say no to him and you were glad you didn't. he looked so happy and beautiful and you couldn't help but admire him.
"let's play truth or dare!" marlene's voice rang through the common room and every person there agreed.
"i think i'm gonna go back to my dorm, it's late," you yelled over the loud music into james's ear.
"nooo," james pouted and give you a puppy look, he got a hold of your hand. "you can't leave now. please? just stay here for ten more minutes."
you sighed. you hated how easily you'll do anything he says.
"alright," you said and let him drag you to the circle of people in the middle of the room. a lot of people had gone to sleep already or some could be found vomiting in the bathroom so there weren't a lot of you. you sat down next to each other and waited for the game to start.
marlene picked up an empty whiskey bottle and spun it around. it landed on mary and she groaned, knowing that her friend has some of the most. . . interesting questions and dares.
"mary," marlene grinned widely. "truth or dare?"
the blonde took a few seconds to think of a question before asking, "the freakiest place you did it at."
"that would be. . . a bed of one of my dorm mates."
"what?" lily, alice and marlene asked in terror, each of them wondering whose bed was it.
mary smiled innocently. "my turn," she spun the bottle. and then, everyone glanced at the boy beside you. you let out a sigh of relief.
"jamie, truth o—"
a devilish smile crept onto the girl's lips.
"kiss y/n."
your eyes went wide as the people around you let out an "oooooh".
"mary!" you hissed. "what the f—"
before you could finish your sentence, you were rudely interrupted.
he tasted of— well, alcohol. rum and coke, to be exact. but it didn't matter. he was kissing you, and your whole body was on fire, your heart rate raised to at least hundred more beats per minute and fireworks. it was maybe cliché, yes. but it was the truth.
before you could fully register what the hell was happening, he was pulling away, making your lips feel cold at the sudden loss of the warmth of his mouth.
his gaze shifted from your lips to your eyes.
"i imagined our first kiss differently," he spoke in a low voice so only you could hear, sounding disappointed. he reached for the bottle and spun it around so the game could continue.
you stared at him for at least ten more seconds. you couldn't believe what just happened and what he said after.
and you started to wonder that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way.
and in a blink of a crinkling eye, you were at sirius's and remus's apartment, sitting on james's lap in the living room. all of your boyfriend’s closest friends were there and just like any other saturday night, you had a film night. tonight, it was american pie.
james and you started dating only recently. it’s been a month,to be exact. so everything felt still really new. and you felt embarrassing for the fact that he still had the same effect on you like when you were bittersweet sixteen. it takes you back to the times when you used to admire him only from afar. but now, you get to kiss him. you get to touch him. 
like, for example, he was just touching you. as you tried to stifle your sighs, everyone seemed to be paying a great attention to the film. except for you two, of course. you coud not focus when james was constantly placing kisses in the crook of your neck and your shoulders.  you could not focus when one of his hands was drawing on the skin of yourupper thigh. you could not focus when his hot  breath made you shudder.
“james,”  you sighed quietly. “you got to stop.”
“and why would i do that?” he whispered back.
you rolled your eyes playfully. “you’re horrible.”
he shrugged. “you love me.”
oh, you did.
out of the blue, he spoke louder, “guys, me and y/n are sorry but we’re pretty tired so we’re headed home.”
all of your friends looked at each other and than back at you, saying “suuuuureee” in union.
“james, why are we leaving?” you ran outside after him.
he turned around and smiled. “you already know.”
“aw, we’re horrible!” you pouted playfully. “we’re abandoning our friends to have sex.”
“i’m sure they understand,” he said as he opened the door of his car. “remus and sirius used to do that all the time.”
you burst out laughing and let him pull you to the back seat.
no one’s ever had you, not like him.
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churipu · 6 months
Hi! ☺️ First and foremost, I hope you're doing well. Also, I just recently found your page and I love your writing!
I really liked your post on the super sensitive reader with the jjk men. Can I get headcanons of the jjk men with reader who is very stoic and a little emotionally constipated? Like they have never seen reader cry ever while in their relationship together, but then reader ends up having a hard week and ends up crying from frustration.
jjk men & their emotionally constipated partner
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featuring. shiu kong, itadori yuuji, todo aoi, geto suguru x reader
warnings. cursing and jjk men being sweet and soft to their partner <;33
note. hi anon! i'm doing great, hbu love? thank you for liking my works, you don't know how much that means to me, i hope you have a great day! and thank you for requesting, i find this request very interesting <33 also, thank you guys for the big amount of support i've been receiving for the last two days, can you imagine i gained like 140+ followers in that matter of time? i'm going to start violently sobbing istg. anw, i hope u sexies enjoy this <33
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SHIU KONG. shiu loves you a lot, even if you struggle in showing the love back to him, he knows you love him a lot. shiu would receive random messages (mostly a picture of something and then you tell him that it reminded you of him, probably deemed as your love language now). i feel like shiu is partly happy that you don't take things into the heart - but at times he'd be very worried about you. you never cry, you almost never get angry at him even if he did something wrong (you'd just tell him it's nothing and you weren't mad, but he sometimes think it's because you didn't want to engage yourself in arguments), and hell, he barely sees you smile at all.
shiu has heard you tell stories about your new work place, which you quote unquote as toxic. and you've been in the company for no longer than three months, but the stories about your very annoying co-worker and your boss never stops. he swore that the topic of your work place was the only thing that could get you riled up.
i feel like shiu would be the type of boyfriend who would tell you to stop working because he's financially stable enough to provide for you, but you decline telling him that you didn't want to live off of him.
shiu didn't force you to stop or quit your job though, he'd be glad to listen to you talk about your days at work.
"y/n? you're ho— darling, what happened?" he saw the solemn look on your face and realized that something must have happened (yet again) at your work place, he dropped the cigar that was lodged in between his lips and immediately approached you.
you shook your head, inhaling sharply before kicking off your shoes, "work, of course."
"is it your boss? or that same co-worker again?" shiu knew that it was either your boss or this one co-worker who doesn't seem to enjoy your presence in the office.
"both." you sat down on the couch, throwing your head back in exhaustion (you were about to cry and the only way to stop your tears from coming out was to just force it back in with your head back), "i'm getting my paycheck reduced this month."
shiu took a seat next to you, "why?"
"i was blamed for something my co-worker did, this is so unfair," your voice cracked a little and shiu pulled you into a hug, you choked out a sob, "this is so unfair," you muttered out, your pent out anger and disappointment finally seeping out in a form of tears.
"hey, shh..." he soothes you, pulling back to see your tearful eyes. he grazed over your cheek to wipe the droplets away, "let me take care of them, yeah?"
you shook your head, "don't have to, i don't want to make this into a bigger mess."
shiu planted a kiss on your forehead, "don't worry about it darling, you trust me, don't you?"
shiu had a "talk" with your boss and your co-worker the very next day and your co-worker ended up resigning right after, and your boss, well they never bothered you anymore (and you're getting an extra paycheck for the next half a year).
ITADORI YUUJI. people always wonder how you and itadori ended up with each other. him being this ray of sunshine, and you were like the moon. but he didn't care about what everyone says, he loves you — and that's what matter, right?
wrong. don't think that you didn't notice the enormous shit talking about you behind your back, about how you probably bribed itadori into dating you and what not. usually, you'd shove all those down the drain and forget about it.
but for some reason, you couldn't help but to rethink about what they said. how itadori isn't too fit for you, or how you don't deserve him at all. the only thing that managed to trigger you was how somebody said that itadori deserves someone more "emotionally available" for him, and that person isn't you.
you never liked being emotionally constipated, people always talk about you behind your back, saying how you're so distant and that being the reason you don't have any friends. you keep telling yourself that you're used to it when it comes to you, but when it comes to itadori and your relationship — you feel helpless.
"y/n? are you okay?"
you looked up at him, a glint of worry flashing in his eyes. and you can't help but to feel the frustration building in you as you remember the words people say to you, "yes..no? i don't kno—" you choked out, smacking your hand on top of your mouth at the sound you let out.
it just got worse when you feel the tears you've been penting up for the past few weeks come out. itadori blinked feverishly, a little surprised to see you crying like this. he has never seen you cry before, "y/n..?" he breathes out, his hand reaching out to you, but you moved back, trying to avoid his touch.
the embarrassment you felt was horrid, you hated crying in front of people, even your own boyfriend, "baby," itadori mutters out seriously, grabbing your arms and then pulling them away from your face, "tell me what's wrong. talk to me."
i feel like he knew where this was going, he had a hunch. for the past few weeks, you asked him about why he was with you, why he loves you when there were better people out there (you think). and he knew it was because of what people said.
"i...i just don't think i'm the right one for you, yuuji. they're right, you need a more emotionally available partner."
itadori's face fell when you said that, and he shook his head, pulling you into his embrace. rocking back and forth like a baby, "why would you say that? why would you listen to them y/n?" he asks quietly.
"i...don't know."
he pulled away, brows furrowed and he held your shoulders, "you're perfect for me, i don't give a fuck what they said about you and i. the next time someone says something, i'm going to beat them up," the thing is, he looked so serious you couldn't help but to chuckle.
"you just chuckled.." he breathes out, "my life is complete."
TODO AOI. he's very boisterous, and i feel like he'd be the type of person who would defend his partner everywhere they go. when you accepted his feelings, he was surprised since he never expected you to like someone like him. but he was pretty damn proud of you, and as a boyfriend, he shows you off like a trophy.
telling people about how amazing you are, how you make him happy, or how you treat him nicely. but people are fucking judgmental, some of them don't like the idea of others living happily — and you never thought that "these" particular people would target you next for it.
saying how fucking weird todo is for liking someone like you, and you had to be honest, it did get into you. and so began your avoidance to your own boyfriend, todo.
he hates it. he hated how you changed out of the blue, no matter how hard he tries to reach out for you, you weren't the same anymore and he never got why you decided to change.
believe me when i say that he tried asking his friends about it, or about tips to get you to talk to him. but really, they weren't much of a help, saying how you probably got bored and is avoiding him so he would be the one to break up first with you.
todo didn't want to let the idea of that get into him, but after a few weeks of you avoiding him non-stop, he began thinking the same thing. were you bored of him? did he do something that you didn't like? or is it because he ate the last chocolate chip cookie you were saving up and blamed it on someone else?
so when he got the chance to bump into you, he immediately took it as a chance to ask you about it.
"why are you avoiding me?" you tried ending the conversation right away by going the other way, but man is fast fast so he didn't let you — still wanting to know about the sudden change in your behavior.
todo knows how you didn't like being cornered, or how you don't like talking about the relationship, sappy shit. but if he didn't talk to you about this, todo knew he was going to regret it.
"y/n," he grabbed the back of your collar, pulling you back lightly, "did i do something wrong?"
you were silent for a few seconds before todo's ears perked up at the sound of soft, choked out sobs. you were crying. you were crying. and the panic sinks in, "i..i'm sorry, did i pull on your collar too hard?!" he panics, flailing his arms.
you shook your head, "...no, i'm sorry for avoiding you."
todo stopped his panicking and stood up straight, "i couldn't stop thinking about what people have to say about us, and now that i think about it, i feel like you deserve more than me," todo widened his eyes and looked around.
"who the fuck said that? i'm going to beat them up so bad people won't recognize them," todo mutters out and the corner of your lips tugged upward, "is that why you're avoiding me?"
you nod, "it was wrong. i know i should've said something about it. i'm sorry for avoiding you."
todo laid his hand on top of your head, brushing your h/c softly with a gentle smile, "you're perfect for me, fuck those people," he cusses out, "next time you hear em', don't forget to find out their names— i'm going to give them a lesson for it."
SUGURU GETO. suguru and you are like two peas in a pod. people never see him without you and vice versa, and often people would say that you both are the perfect couple. despite your personalities almost being the same type of calm, suguru is a calm man, and he's soft spoken. while you were just plain cold and stoic, rarely speak of something or even show your emotions.
someone bothering you? okay. someone making fun of you? okay. you were practically a walking definition of "i give zero fucks". but that doesn't mean you can't feel hurt, you are still human after all.
so when suguru told you about how he has a new co-worker, and how she has been clinging onto him, how she tries to get in his pants. you find it cute how he tells you about it, even telling you that you should come to his workplace so he could show you off.
you didn't feel anything because you trusted him. until you see the so called "co-worker" of his. she's pretty, you can't deny that. and you could see how she gets along with almost everyone, having no problem in instigating a conversation or complimenting people. people definitely like her.
that's where the insecurity began sinking in.
would suguru fall for her like everyone in his workplace does? would he leave you for her? so many questions you wanted to find the answer to.
you look at him, completely out of your daydream. he cocks his head to the side, "are you okay? you've been zoning out a lot lately..." he said, voice gentle and worried.
you nodded, "yeah. sorry. got a lot in my mind."
"do you want to talk about it?" he brushes a few h/c strands from covering your face, "you've been a little distant. is it something that i did, baby?"
god, just the thought of suguru thinking it was him made you a little sensitive. the past few weeks was already hard enough for you to contain yourself from breaking down, and him asking that made the tears you held in for so long drop out all at once.
suguru was a little taken aback and he sat straight up, alarmed, "y/n? baby? what's wrong?" he asks you gently, wiping the tears that never ceased from your face.
"i feel..i feel like i'm not enough. you deserve better than me, suguru." suguru swallowed the lump in his throat, he should've known, ever since you came to his workplace, you had started getting distant. and he should've known that was the reason.
suguru shook his head, cupping your face before giving you soft little kisses all over your face, "don't" a kiss on your forehead. "you" a kiss on your left cheek. "dare" a kiss on your right cheek. "say" a kiss on your nose. "that" a kiss on your chin.
the male gazes into your eyes deeply, "i love you," he softly said before planting a kiss on your lips, "you're the one i want, you're perfect for me. i can't see my future without you y/n, so please don't think about that..."
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tryingtofindava · 5 months
Hi! I saw your requests are Open. Can you do small cuddle hcs for the main 4 marble hornets boys! Maybe the reader(they/them pronouns!) is just a very cuddly,really physically loving person and the boys go with it (lord knows some of them need a hug or two)(And maybe things can get a lil steamy w Tim [hes my favorite])
Thank you in advance
𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬*ೃ༄
(Includes: Jay, Brian, Tim, Alex, Jessica.)
: ̗̀➛Back to source
a/n: adding home gurl Jessica bcs she needs more appreciation 🫡 OH AND IT GET A TAD STEAMY W TIM LMAO :33
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╰┈➤ 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬
He definitely returns your affection!! He’s just as much of a snuggle bug.
30% of the time you guys are laying somewhere wrapped in each others limbs as you two have a snooze.
Letting you wear his hoodie as you guys cuddle too (just don’t ask about the stains)
And when he wants to cuddle…
God does he make it obvious.
Wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, as he waits (somewhat) patiently. If you keep him waiting the chances are you’re definitely not gonna be able to finish what you were doing until a few hours or so.
And when you guys are cuddling. It’s gonna take a lot to get you guys up and functioning again.
“Five more minutes…”
He gonna be procrastinates a lot of the time just to snuggle with you some more lolz.
He will out do the doer (which is you).
╰┈➤ 𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
He was definitely a bit iffy at the start of the relationship. He honestly didn’t know what to do with your constant affection.
He wasn’t used to it after all :(
But, now it’s the thing he looks forward to most after frustrating operator bullshit. Walking through the front door and sluggishly trailing over to your shared room.
Opening the door to see you already peacefully asleep, slightly stirring as he laid down next to you.
Wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer and pressing kisses up your neck, nibbling slightly.
You turn around grinning at him, pulling him closer as you two share a passionate smooch. Pulling you up to straddle his hips.
╰┈➤ 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐊𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞
Another one who doesn’t know what to do with the affection.
✨T R A U M A T I S E D M E N C O R E✨
It’ll take a LOTTA time for him to ease up fully on it. Just try to give him announces of your love slowly.
And when he does get into it, he’ll be expecting to get at least 3 to 6 hugs a day, everyday.
Not the biggest fan of cuddling while trying to sleep though, but he’ll settle for holding hands. (even when his starts to get all clammy)
╰┈➤ 𝐉𝐚𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤
He remembers the first time you ever hugged him. He remembers so vividly tearing up and wrapping his arms around you.
Burying his face between the crook of your neck as he just… stood there with you in his arms, and him in yours.
He’s always on the lookout for your affection, knowing he’ll always receive it.
Like Tim, he also is ALWAYS bubbling for them night time snuggles. Once you two are comfy, you ain’t getting up.
╰┈➤ 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞
Pro cuddler.
She’s so quick to accommodate to your affection and needs.
You guys could be cuddling on the couch, a bed, the brand new fluffy rug, and she makes it the best experience possible.
Running her fingers through your hair, humming to you, as she rocks you slightly.
Nah cuz srsly her cuddles are life changing.
It’s like sleeping on fluffy clouds on a warm sunny day.
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sunshine--void · 10 months
🏠 Confessing to them 🏠
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Wally Darling
He shows no reaction on the outside
He just kinda stares at you for a hot minute
Because of this you obviously thought he was rejecting you
So you started backtracking, which only confused the poor lil yellow man :((
Eventually you figured it out tho
"So you don't love me?"
Julie Joyful
It was an accidental confession
She just looked so pretty you had to compliment her!
And by compliment I of course mean you blurting out how much you love her
Girly was immediately flustered
Sally Starlet
After a moment she happily accepted and returned your love
"Oh- ... Thank you neighbor!"
She already confessed multiple times albeit during plays so you thought she was just acting
L i t t l e d i d y o u k n o w
When you confess she is immediately screaming happily
She immediately kisses all over your face
Howdy Pillar
You did it while he was working
You came up behind him and just kinda blurted it out
Absolutely thought he heard you wrong so you had to repeat yourself multiple times which only made you more embarrassed each time
Eventually you get there tho eventually
Barnaby B. Beagle
You can expect a lot more free stuff from now on
Yay! No more awkward jokes!
"... I'm sorry, could you say that again?"
You were so tired of dropping hints he clearly wasn't getting
So you finally confessed
He thought you were joking </3
You had to really explain it to him
He did get it after that tho
Hooray! You now get a whole lot of bear hugs and fur in your mouth!
Poppy Partridge
You did it while the two of you were baking
She's extremely shy and embarrassed about it
But she's definitely not upset
Gives you a hug you got feathers in your mouth
Your gonna have a lot more baked goods from now on
Eddie Dear
W a t
He blue screens immediately
You like him?
When he realizes that you aren't joking or lying he gets even more flustered
Have mercy on his poor southern soul :-(
He's fidgeting with his hands and stumbling over his sentences
But he's very happy you told him
Frank Frankly
He likes you too neighbor <33
They were gonna confess! You ruined it neighbor... >:-(
Holds a slight grudge about it for like... 3 seconds
"You beat me to it..."
So dw your good
Then they see your face
Your poor, awkward, extremely nervous face
And they immediately forgive and forget
You guys go on a nice picnic then go bug catching
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mangekyuou · 1 year
HIII ur writing is so cute!!!!! i love them a lot, i wanna request law, luffy, n crocodile with maybe a crush ( or s/o whatever u see fit!! ) on reader who is gen like?? super duper quiet doesn’t interact n show emotion but the min anyone brings up what they enjoy ( animals, art, manga, etc!!) they just don’t shut up about it?? they get so passionate and can ramble on and on about their interest and i kinda want the boys to be like “cute… :)”
⟡    ֺ   𓂂  headcanons  ,  with an stoic s/o who is passionate about their interests.
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!!     characters! . . .  law, luffy, & crocodile.
!!     cw(s)! . . .  n/a. gn!reader. no pronouns used. not proofread.
!!     notes! . . .  thank you so much for the love !! such a cute request !! plus one of my favorite character tropes, stoic bub who is actually babie. thank you for requesting !!! <33
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law doesn’t realize he hardly knows what things you like until your face lights up after penguin brought up one of your hidden interests
watching you ramble on and on about your interests to penguin, he realizes he’s never seen this side of you.
it surprised him seeing you show any emotion other than your regular stone face
if you remember that face he made after bepo was acting cute after eating fish from the river, that’s the face he makes with you
he does listen well, so he remembers your interests. he’ll ask you about them later, happy to listen to you talk about what you love for hours
every day he finds a new reason to fall in love with you all over again
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luffy is very interested in your favorite things. he will go down a giant list of things in order to figure out what makes you happiest
it started off as a challenge to see how to get you to smile. a challenge that he failed. finally, you saw something related to one of your interests and you smiled big
he’d never seen you smile so big, let alone smile at all. he thinks your smile is so beautiful, and definitely wants to see it more
he asked you about your interests, listening to you talk about them. you know luffy as someone who doesn’t have the best attention span in the world
but here he is, laying on the deck, looking at you with stars in his eyes, still engaged in the conversation
you both look really cute
soon after he joins in on your interests. now the two of you are rambling together about your hyper fixations
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crocodile has always been interested in what makes you happy. you’re always so quiet and don’t seem interested in most things
when he finally asked you what you’re interested in and your eyes light up and you start rambling, he’s taken aback by just how adorable you are
he loves listening to you talk
during his free time at work, he’ll call you up and ask you about your interests just to listen to your voice, sitting back in his chair with a small smile
he loves buying you things related to the things you are interested in, bringing them home, and surprising you
seeing your eyes light up in joy and that smile of glee, it gets him every time
but of course, don’t forget to give him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you
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©MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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manddor · 1 year
GUT WRENCHING ANGST with ajax please thank uu
anything you ask, darling! @bwitch3d asked for something similar, so i made just one! thanks for the request. this one is a little long, but i hope u guys like it <33
ajax petropolus x fem!reader — forbidden lovers; angst + fluff at the end
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You remember exactly how your first year at Nevermore was. Traumatic. You were excited to make friends, since you felt extremely lonely at home. You were an only child and your parents never gave you enough attention. So you wanted to have friends that you could play with. Things that children normally want.
You met wolves, vampires, mermaids and gorgons - a species your parents despised. Although, you wanted to befriend each one of them.
Ajax Petropolus, a gorgon, gave you a huge smile and asked you to sit next to him in your first class. “Is this your first day here?” the boy's thin voice made you crack a smile.
“Yeah! How about you?” the boy nodded and you both spent the whole year together. Having fun, studying together. He became your first and best friend on Nevermore and you made a lot of other friends - but where you were, Ajax was and where Ajax was, you were.
When the holidays arrived, you were dying for your families to meet so you could spend the holidays together, but when your mothers saw each other, it was a disaster.
“You!” the two spoke at the same time. You and Aj looked at each other confused. They already knew each other and it seemed like it hadn't been a good interaction.
“What I said about gorgons, y/n! We despise them” your mother said and you felt the blood rush to your head.
“But mom-“ you tried to speak but Ajax's mom cut you off.
“You two are forbidden to talk-“
“Oh dear, let me give orders to my daughter, you should take care of this boy” your mother interrupted. How could they do this to you?
“Let’s go, Aj” the boy looked at you with no sparkle in his eyes. You could tell he was devastated. And you were too. You could feel your heart being shattered into a thousand pieces.
On vacation, obviously you weren't going to give up on Ajax’s friendship, so you sent him secret letters every day - since your mother had confiscated your cell phone. But he didn't answered.
You thought it might be his mom who wouldn't let him send letters, so when your classes started again, you tried to talk to him.
The boy was in the library, reading a book very concentrated. “We can't do this” he whispered without looking at you. He looked around, like he was embarrassed that someone would see you talking with him.
“Come on, Aj! You gotta be kidding” you nudged him, trying to make the boy laugh.
“I'm serious” he looked into your eyes in a way that broke your heart. It couldn't be true. “You need to get out of here, I'm busy.”
You stood there for a few moments and left. Not even noticing that a few tears were falling from your eye. Your first friend in Nevermore already hated you and haven’t done anything.
In class, Ajax talked to everyone normally, but he refused to look at your face. The rarely looks that he gave you were filled with sadness. He got close to Enid and Xavier - he spoke to them the way he spoke to you and it made your heart break even more.
Even though time passed, every vacation you had, you tried to find out what happened between your families, but you haven’t found anything.
“Mom, but forbidding me to talk to Ajax is surreal! Why so much hate between you and his family?” you insisted on every family dinner.
“Still not over it, y/n? Have you fallen in love with a gorgon?” your mother teased you.
“Of course not!” she smiled satisfied by your answer and it drove you crazy. “But what if I were, what would you do?” your mother gave you a death glare.
“Is this boy trying to make contact with you?”
“No, because you forbade us to talk!” you snapped.
“Honey, if he cared about your friendship, he would’ve gone after you...which didn’t happened.” the woman said like she was deathly sorry for you. If you could, you would leave your house and never come back again.
“You disgraced my life in Nevermore.” you leave the table.
“I think she needs a therapist” you heard your father whisper across the table.
But this year you swore it would be different. As much as you hated to admit it, your mother was right. If Ajax still wanted to be your friend he would at least smile at you. So the best thing you could do for your mental health was to give up trying to find a reason for your ‘breakup’ and enjoy the year in Nevermore.
And so you did, you met a funny girl - Wednesday Addams - she barely smiled, didn't even show much affection, but she shared her thoughts and theories about the monster that was in town with you.
“I think you're the only decent person after Enid in this school” she affirmed and you took it as the best compliment you had ever received in your life.
You also started seeing a boy. His name was Ryan - he was tall, brunette, dark skinned. He was handsome and fun. You were missing so bad to laugh with someone that it turned into something bigger.
“I think we should date, like boyfriend and girlfriend thing” Ryan whispered to you one day while you were studying in the library. Your hand sweated and your heart raced. You felt like you were more scared than excited.
You felt that the boy was strange today, his legs were always shaking. He seemed distant and you didn't want to disturb him. Thought it was a problem with his grades - but now you realized that it could be the nervousness of asking you to be his girlfriend.
“W-what?” you stuttered, not knowing if it was true or not. You thought you didn’t matched in that way, he was nothing like you. “Are you serious?” the boy just smiled but you felt like it wasn’t a honest gesture.
"Great, girlfriend! We're dating now" he yelled for the entire library to hear. Some applauded, others asked for silence and you still didn't know how to react. What just happened here?
The next day, the news had already spread throughout the school. Even Weems came to talk to you. “Congratulations on your relationship, y/n! But I don't want to see him go to your room at night!” she laughed. “I remember my teenage days like it was yesterday.” she threw a wink in your direction and walked away.
But you started to feel uncomfortable when you walked down the hall and everyone started whispering and looking at you. If there was one thing you hated, it was having attention towards you. Something Ryan loved.
“Are you alright?” Enid asked you as soon as you sat in your seat to start class.
“Apart from all those stares, I am” you flashed a smile at her and the girl put a hand on your arm.
“If you need anything I'm here, I ended up not posting this gossip on my blog, but that's because we're friends and I would hate to make you uncomfortable” she said making you confused.
“Thanks… I guess” you whispered the last sentence as soon as Tornhill entered the class
Your gaze met Ajax's who was staring at you as if you had just beaten him in a fencing duel, he was sad and nervous. This minimal interaction had been the only one in years. Your heart sped up and you hated the feeling.
At break, you spotted your boyfriend who was laughing with his friends. When they saw you, the boys moved away and Ryan looked a little nervous. He didn't even kissed you. Maybe it was because there were a lot of people around him still whispering about you.
“Everyone is talking about us!” you whispered to him.
“I know! And I'm so sorry, y/n! I swear it meant nothing to me.” he stammered.
“W-what?” you asked.
“Haven’t you heard?” he seemed relieved.
“Heard of what?” you murmured. Your attention turned to a murmur behind you.
“I can't believe Ryan hooked up with Barbara! I thought he and y/n were dating.”
“Not everything is as it seems, right?”
“He told me he asked Y/n to date just so she wouldn't feel so bad”
What the hell?
To be honest, you didn't feel sad that he had cheated on you, you felt embarrassed that everyone was gossiping about you the whole day and you didn’t even knew about that. You thought talking to Enid and getting the full story before you looked anyone in the face would be a great idea.
You couldn't even look at Ryan’s face again as he grabbed your arm trying to say something you weren’t able to hear. So you ran towards Enid's dorm.
You were so immersed in your own thoughts that you didn't even notice when you bumped into Ajax in the hallway, knocking over all five books the boy was holding in his hands. “I'm sorry” you murmured helping him pick it up. You thought he was going to fight you or ignore you like nothing happened - as he always did.
“You alright?” he asked still gathering some books.
“You know about it?” you asked and the boy answered you with a simple nod. You got mad at him for it. You'd rather he had just ignored you, because he didn't want to know about your life for all these years. Now that you had been 'chetead' he wanted to know how you were?
“Why do you care?” The boy swallowed hard and didn't give you any answers. You handed him the books and got back to what you really intended to do.
Enid told you that they had hooked up the day before Ryan asked you to be his girlfriend. Barbara - a girl you didn’t even know - was jealous and that's why she spread it to the whole school. “You really liked him?” the blonde asked you with a look of comfort. You knew you could trust her.
“To be honest, I don't think so. In fact, I didn't even say ‘yes’ when he asked me. I didn't disagree either... but I was in shock! I just didn't know what to do or what to say." you heard Wednesday snort and you and Enid looked over at the girl who seemed to be concentrated on her book.
“Ryan is the ugliest, dumbest person l've ever seen in my entire life!” you and Enid burst out laughing, Wednesday cracked a small smile.
“It's true, though, y/n, you deserve a person who wants to give you the world…” the blonde said holding your hands. “You and Ajax would be cute together” you felt your heart ache and tears gathered in your eye.
“Ajax and I are barely friends…” you knew that Enid was going to say something, but you chose to interrupt her. “| need to go up to my room, l'm a little tired and hungry! Thanks for everything girls, see you later.”
On the same night, when you got to your dorm, you thanked Bianca for being a girl who stayed in the library studying at midnight, so you would have free time to put your thoughts in order. As soon as you started to think about what happened in your day, all of your thoughts turned to books on the floor and a simple question. “You alright?”
You rolled over in bed trying to think about your boyfriend... ex boyfriend or whatever! And you were stressed for not being able to feel even an ounce of sadness for the cheating. In fact, you didn't even know if you could call it cheating, because it was supposed to be something sad and coming from someone you loved, but you didn't love Ryan.
So your thoughts - these were treacherous indeed - went back to every moment of your childhood that you spent next to Ajax. And how your separation hurt. That was a real feeling, someone you loved couldn’t be with you. And you hated him for not fighting for your friendship.
You hated him for every look he threw your way. Hated it when he didn't look. Hated that he talked with Enid the same way he did with you. You hated yourself for still having such strong feelings for him that you couldn't get over even after all these years.
The tears finally ran down your cheeks, and they became uncontrollable, you started sobbing. It was suffocating. You wanted to scream, you wanted to smack something, but all you did was lie in bed and try to sleep.
When you started to stop crying and feel sleep coming on, someone knocked on your door. “Who is it?” you screamed from your bed. Sometimes it could just be a prank that freshmen girls did, or it could be Bianca who forgot her key.
“It's me.” Ajax. Your heart went into your mouth. You couldn't open the door, your face was red and swollen from crying.
“What do you want?” you asked, getting up from the bed and heading towards the door.
“I just want to talk, okay?” he said quietly. Ok, you would have to open the door, it would be very impolite if you didn't.
You ran to the bathroom and washed your face hoping it wasn't so obvious that you had been crying all night because of him. He would think it was because of Ryan, though.
When you opened the door, you felt your heart beat even faster. He was gorgeous it actually hurts. He carried a box of chocolate in his hand, the box you shared when you were kids. You also noticed that his eyes were black and his nose was bleeding.
You didn’t say a word, you went to your bathroom to clean him.
“Are you crying?” he asked as soon as he entered your dorm.
“I was trying to sleep” you dodged the question.
“I didn't know that trying to sleep you needed to cry” he opened a sarcastic smile, but you remained serious. You weren't going to talk to him like you'd been friends forever. You started to clean the boy’s nose.
“What happened here?” you asked softly, and the boy looked at your eyes and you already knew the answer. He was fighting with Ryan.
“Sorry.” he whispered.
“For what exactly?” you teased and he looked at the floor.
“A lot of things” he whispered. “I don’t know where to start.”
“Ajax, I don't even know if you can explain yourself to me! You didn't want to fight for our friendship. Maybe I wasn't as important to you as you were to me-“
“That's not true and you know it” he interrupted you.
“No, I don't! How am I supposed to know if you started to despise me, you wouldn't even look at me.” you already felt your tears coming back.
“Just answer me one thing” he approached you, your heart was beating too fast. “Were you crying for Ryan?” Ouch. he touched your wound, but you wouldn't lie. You swallowed.
“No.” he closed his eyes for a few seconds, suppressing a smile, murmuring ‘good’. His croaky voice made you weak. Ajax knew he was the reason you were crying for.
“So let me explain” you walked away from him and sat on your bed, waiting for him to start. “Well, you know our moms aren't friends. And I questioned why all vacation that year.” At least it wasn't just you.
“I found a very beautiful knife in my grandfather's office, I asked him what it was and he told me that that knife should only be used to kill people of your species.” What? You started to get nervous. “He told me that a long time ago, a man of your kind had a relationship with a gorgon who was married... it turned out that they fought for their honor and the lover ended up winning... killing a gorgon.” This was looking like a book story, you were outraged. “So to this day our species hate each other.”
“But we could have fought it, that's no reason to-“
“You haven't changed at all, y/n! I'm not done yet…” you held back a laugh and he noticed, opening a shy smile. “I did something I had never done before, I argued with my family. I told you that you were the most special person I had ever known, that tradition could be broken, that we could declare peace.” he swallowed hard before starting. “But then they said that they would put people to observe us, and if anyone saw us together, they would hurt you.” he said. “And you know that Weems is a friend of my parents. Maybe you didn't realize it, but she watched us all day, if it wasn't her, it was Professor Tornhill.” Wow. “And I decided to stay away from you, to protect you, but you don't know how much it hurt me” he sat by your side and put his hand on his head. “And then I saw you with Ryan, like come on? He's an idiot!” you didn't know what to do or what to say.
You spent a few minutes with him in the same position. His nose made a noise and you knew he was crying. Shit. “I was worried that someone would say something to you that would upset you or do something to you and I wouldn't be there to protect you” he finally lifted his head and wiped away the tears. “So I didn't know what to do, if I stayed close, they would hurt you, if I stayed away, I couldn't protect you! I hate this! I hate that we've been put in this situation. I hate that there's no way out of this. But worst of all, I hate that I love you.” What? He loved you? Wow. Your hand began to sweat. Again.
“What made you change your mind?” you asked.
“I know I can't take this anymore. I can't hear your name on everyone's lips, knowing that there are people out to hurt you. I know my life would be so much easier if I wasn't in love with you. I promised to stay away from you, but I can’t. You are the bane of my existence. And I want… need to be with you, no matter the consequences.” he looked into your eyes and held your hand, you smiled, your entire body feeling warm, with a few tears falling from your eyes.
“I’m determined to leave my house if I have to. Let's create our own lives. I honestly don’t give a fuck about people say. We are destined to be together, I've never even thought that I could love someone as hard as i love you.” you walked up to him and wiped away a tear on his face.
You kissed him and it was a little wet due to crying. But it was sweet. It was desperate. You knew you love him. And you loved him so much, that it was killing you.
“I love you” he whispered against your mouth.
841 notes · View notes
chokchokk · 11 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 [𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬] | choi san x fem!reader
PART THREE of : have your way with words, be my people pleaser 
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“Be mine tonight, Y/N.”
𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜: The hour is twisted. You’re not at a club, you’re not sober, but most importantly, you’re not with him. Will Seonghwa do? No, of course not.
But he leaves you no other chance.
“You’re so pathetic, it might actually be worth a try.”
𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: angst, smut
𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜: 2nd half of PART THREE
𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 13.3k
𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐(𝚜): drug-use, drug abuse, alcohol, mdma (ecstasy, molly), vulgar language, just a lot of vulgarities and profanity, hate-fuck?, aggressive, teasing, cunnilingus, fingering, unprotected sex, sex with feelings but no love, sex with no respect, cumming inside; reader cant stop thinking about san, writer is a bit stoic, seonghwa is a hot bitch, hwa and writer are liars lmao
𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: the border looks that ugly on purpose btw not that you think otherwise LMAO
on ao3, this chapter is called “insanity” and i can’t promise it will be the only seonghwa-centred part throughout the series, but do please enjoy for the filth and angst of it all hehe!! <33 if you're asking “does san even make an appearance here?” i won’t tell you :P i know it's intimidating since there's just about like 10k build-up (because i'm a bitch LMAO) so if u wanna skip just find the second border i guessssssss
also, i really recommend listening to KLOUD's ESCAPE HALLOWEEN set (it's a soundcloud link) or any other hard tekno for the whole immersive experience lmao !!! <33
and also, thank you all very much for 100 followers and over 1000 notes ! ! ! wtf it's all happening so fast i can't catch up with yall....
𝚝𝚊𝚐-𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @brown88 : @svintsandghosts: @hanniebeesworld : @downbadreading : @shingsoluvely (kissing all of yall <33)
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Didn’t Seonghwa say “club” or are you being some conservative narc flaking out?
You’re standing in front of a white, slightly burnt industrial building that is barely holding on by itself, and taking into account how many people are smoking around here, the likeliness that it will catch on fire again is not too low. You can’t believe that you’re going to meet Seonghwa inside here, let alone San, let alone anyone with a healthy sense for flight or fight, but here you are, walking up to the line with confident steps.
Yes, it has made you very anxious that even the taxi-driver had no idea where he was heading. He promised to drive you back home if anything happened, so the taxi-hotline is on speed-dial— just in case— and you just thought, holy fuck, hopefully Seonghwa won't leave me alone here.
But once you’d seen the seemingly endless line of people, you knew you have arrived at the right place. Or at least something like the right place. It all seems off, this building in the middle of nowhere outside the city, but you told the driver the vague address and he found you this hidden ware- and clubhouse, both of you hesitating to confirm that this was the correct location.
Nothing here seems legal, smells legal, looks legal— oh well.
The only thing you can say with certainty is is that you are looking and smelling the best you have ever looked and smelled this entire semester, and even if you have no fucking clue who these people that are whistling at you are, you know you’ve done everything right tonight when they wave at you to join them. You just skipped a whole chunk of the line here, but nobody seems to mind it. What a democratic party, maybe it’s not all that foul play and people do appreciate good things, eh?
It’s not an exaggeration or empty self-boast: You, in your skin-tight, revealing black body-con dress, skin glowing under the harsh night-light, are absolutely ravishing. There are looks on you— uncountably many of them, and usually, you’d fold under their heavy gaze, but having taken a few shots of the cheap rum back at home, you reciprocate their curious eyes with a sleek, cheeky smile, down-right inviting them to bathe in your appearance.
While the group of people take in the presence of you, blurting out their first thoughts immediately upon thinking, your confidence only grows bigger. Thank god drunk people say the truth, because “damn, she’s hot” is the ego-boost you needed to face whatever awaits you in that cubic building.
“ARE YOU FUCKING READY?”, booms out of it and it seems like a voice sample that’s been altered that hellishly deep. The crowd outside cheers. They're not even a part of the shenanigans yet, but still, they’re screaming and already moving their body in anticipation, throwing funny looking candy (you’re very sure that’s molly) inside their mouths. They’re ready, but Y/N, are you? It is an honest question to ask yourself, and as you inhale the smell of people smoking the devil’s lettuce around you, you draw out how the night might progress for them.
You don’t know about San’s whereabouts, only that Seonghwa and him are going separately, which is a big plus if you want to fuck him today.
Uh-huh. Fuck Seonghwa. You’ve made it up in your mind because he just wouldn’t stop hinting at it in the car this morning. He is going to buy you drinks, going to show you his dancing, but most importantly, going to “make you enjoy yourself”, which of course, could just be wishful thinking from you iterating the conversation, but Seonghwa wouldn’t have bought the tickets for you for free if he wasn’t expecting some type of reward, would he?
At the minimum, the hinting painfully reminded you of the way you talked to San the very first days you first insinuated that he could stay over at your house and — oh, golly! — sleep there. Coming to think of it, your talk actually never worked, and it still ended up being San who made the first sexual move. You’re going to save Seonghwa from this embarrassment, and if not, you’re going to save yourself from your own embarrassment for if you do see San and his volleyball-“date” or whatever here.
Anyhow, at the maximum, you have a brain and are fully aware of the fact that people don’t “meet” at the club to just have a chat, whether it's him or San. People “meet” at the club to get crazy and fuck, and that’s exactly what you’re doing with Seonghwa — End of story. San is not going to write this chapter today. He won’t even end up in the epilogue, that’s how much you’re going to focus on Seonghwa. Go down. Get him on. Get on with him.
You bop your head a little bit to the deep bass that’s vibrating through the walls of the warehouse and the line is taking a painfully long time to move forward. You watch the people in your group chug down their self-mixed abominations and how they're throwing the remaining glass on the floor, whiffing their stimulants through their joints or gulping it down by tablets. Letting out a huff to exhale the sharp smell of weed, you try to become as detached as the ones around you, at the very least assimilate to their mood. You’re going to be with these people tonight, and just by putting one and one together, you get the feeling that it will be a long, ruthless evening. You can hear intoxicated screams leave the front door, the deep voice continuing to hype up their cheers.
It's all a hivemind of pure madness and … well, you're here for it, it seems like, no? Seonghwa is not going to be an exception, and you brace yourself to be meeting your date here.
Show you his dancing, he said…
You don’t know whether the DJ playing some extraordinary remixes or whatever to be deserving this much of screaming feedback, but it’s definitely music to get your mind lost to, you'll give this guy Mingi that; Splurging, ear-numbing beats and basses, inviting you to rock your body. You don’t hate the music, not at all. It just makes you question how Seonghwa was imagining to impress you. Here you are imagining body-rolls or whatnot, but this hard style techno isn't really the tune for that, is it? Okay, let's just say it's not music you'd turn on to get yourself into the mood on a Saturday night, that's what's there to it.
It’s ironical, really. Usually around this time you’d be fumbling around your phone on your couch to ask San if he’s free or not, and sometimes he is, but most of the time he’s not. Those days where he just comes over on your mark have been over long time. Now, he’ll either show up at your house unprecedented or ask you to show up at his house in an ungodly hour.
Huh, isn’t that one funny butterfly effect. You woke up early because of San's mistress and here you are, lining up to become Seonghwa's. Is this right? "I heard you were going to be at Mingi’s party. Meet me there." Even now, you’re trying to convince yourself that this contact name “volleyball” could be anyone, maybe even just a friend that is trying to link up at this not-so party-looking party. Hm, you think, would a friend text him so intimidatingly? San hates periods to end messages, it scares him. So no, not a friend. At least not a friend that knows him as much as you do. Someone he had a fight with, maybe? No, Choi San doesn’t have fights, he’s too avoidant of conflict for that. It has got to be someone that has once been close to him and a bit too close to your liking.
No, no, fuck no, let’s stop this, you murmur to yourself and wriggle down your dress so it covers your ass at least.
Fucking Seonghwa. That’s your one and only mission tonight, of course followed by having fun and getting all hell loose.
It will just be one night and it will either make you 1) want to stay with San, or 2) finally move on and agree that San is just a … friend with too many benefits. You have to convince yourself you’re not in love with San. You can’t be in love with San. Disregarding of how curious you are in meeting him here.
“Ticket,” the control-man orders around the people in front of you and you get out your phone out of your tiny bag for the ticket, when you see that Seonghwa has already messaged you.
Seonghwa (San’s roomie): I’ll be waiting at the bar for you by the way Seonghwa (San’s roomie): You have to walk up the stairs on the left when you enter Seonghwa (San's roomie): Excited to see you ;)
You have been guessing already that something was going to break tonight, but it might as well be those stairs Seonghwa is talking about. From the amount of people that are still waiting behind you, you hope that they’re not all trying to go the bar.
“Ticket, please,” the control-man repeats, but strangely enough, his tone is a bit friendlier to you for some reason. “Here you go,” you duplicate his kindliness and he nods, dropping his smile as soon as he moves on to the next guess. Strange.
You eye the buff guy, but the impatient crowd pushes you into the square door. In you go.
Harsh red lights, laser and smoke hit your senses. (Though you can only be so sure that the last part is really planned for the show-experience.)
Maybe you underestimated the capabilities of a warehouse. It’s still not what you thought of when you heard "club", but it surely still gets your club-mind going. Ignoring the grimy looking walls that seem to crumble with every beat that’s drumming inside your ears, the pungent smell of cheap-ass perfume, artificial sweeteners and alcoholic beverages strike into your nose, blurring your sight for a short moment. There are no windows in this hell-hole, but that’s the concern for another hour.
This is only the beginning. So, let’s focus.
Left, stairs, go up, there’s the bar Seonghwa was messaging you about. It surprises you that you’re not being swarmed by more people trying to get drinks, but it makes sense, since so many of them have already drunk outside or taken other substances to get themselves prepared for the night. That’s the first thing.
Second thing; suprisingly, the stairs are actually kind of durable. You can physically feel the bass run through your veins as you grab the handrail, but maybe that’s just because of the cold metal. Nothing to worry about here, you exhale and make your way up.
Lastly, and most importantly, look at you, you’re smiling. That’s the biggest, best thing. The euphoria these people are screaming out is down-right infectious, isn’t it? Their daft, hypnotic cries are calling out to you on the dance floor, but you’re going to be there sooner or later, with the man that brought you here in the first place.
“Hey, Seonghwa.”
“Hey, Y/N, you—“
He was sitting on a barstool, admiring the flashing lights all throughout the warehouse through his sunglasses, when you put your hand on his barely clothed shoulder and make him turn around.
“Holy shit, Y/N.”
You grin. Of course Seonghwa wouldn’t disappoint with his reaction. He rips the sunglasses from his face immediately, gets up from his seat and embraces you with one arm, not daring to let one eye sway away from you, his tongue pushed to the surface of his mouth, as he suppresses his gleeful grin. He looks star-struck, the supernatural-looking lights surrounding him are only emphasising this sight. Otherworldly.
“Where have you been hiding that?”, he asks, commenting on your body as respectfully as he can. You know he can’t handle a lot of alcohol, so his marvel must be double the truth, right? Seonghwa isn’t a liar.
“I’ve not been hiding anything,” you scoff and Seonghwa laughs nervously.
“Y/N, you look… absolutely fantastic.”
“You don’t look to shabby yourself, Seonghwa,” you smile and muster the charcoal-haired man from bottom to top. It’s very out-of the ordinary, but honestly, you should have expected something like this after he invited you here. It goes without saying, you could have served him the same reaction to his outfit. The man who was wearing sportswear? He’s now wearing a black, nylon, baggy pant, with a distressed knitted top that barely serves as an excuse for clothing as it is not covering any of his body parts correctly— and even if you’d already gushed about his athletic figure this morning, you have not expected to be seeing Seonghwa’s abs and breast this exposed this early tonight. There is jewellery all around his outfit, just dangling from the fabric, but also his ear and hands, spiky and shiny, almost hazardous looking.
Damn, either you haven’t seen Seonghwa enough or this dude has been hiding more from you than you could account for. He looks as fashionable as much as he looks demonic, ready to sin with you, and that is the most meaningful compliment of the night.
“Thank you, I knew you’d like it.”
“Really? Me?”, you laugh, getting your hair out of your face, tugging it behind your ear.
“You have a strange taste,” Seonghwa smirks and while you puzzle together what he means, he signs something to the bartender with his ringed fingers.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m ordering us shots. Keeping my first promise.”
“With sign-language?”
Seonghwa smirks and sits down again, you following him to the same.
"I'm a friend of Mingi's, they know me around, that's all."
"Y'all are weird."
“That’s just our ways here.”
“Your ways? You sound like some pretentious club-kid,” you nag.
“What if I am, huh? Are you gonna leave, if I was?”, Seonghwa teases and is served a tray of four shots, coloured a dangerously unnatural purple colour. He slides a 10-dollar bill onto the counter and the bar-keeper takes it with no words spoken out loud, which gives Seonghwa the time to devote all his attention to you. It’s flattering how astounded he is by you, as if he hasn’t seen you pretty ever in his life. But then again, you can only do so much styling and make-up when San calls you at 10 PM, asking you to “hurry”.
“We’ll see how the night progresses,” you smirk, and grab the first shot. Seonghwa also takes one and slightly raises the small cup.
“I won’t disappoint you.”
Sweet — the taste of the shot.
All types of fruits and harsh, cheap liquour plunge into your mouth and melt on your tongue. It’s going to make your head hurt the next day, one hundred percent, but maybe it will be Seonghwa to get you some pills to soothe the ache.
… If he wasn’t San’s god-damned roommate.
Or he could stay at your home. It’s been a while since another man than him has slept in your bed, and maybe it’s long overdue.
“Let’s hurry up, I wanna dance with you,” you gulp down the sugary liquid and Seonghwa chuckles.
“We’ve got enough time, Y/N. Let’s savour this one together.”
Sweet — The spark in his eyes, his flawless skin, perfectly plump lips— holy fucking shit. Seonghwa is fucking breathtaking.
“Y/N?”, Seonghwa asks and you see that he’s already moved on to the second shot, waiting for you to move on.
“I didn’t know you had that kind of sexy stare in you,” your alcohol blurts out for you and in the meanwhile, you grab the next shot glass.
“Sexy stare?”, Seonghwa asks and grins.
“Screw you! You know what I’m talking about,” you hiss and show him your tongue to offend him, but Seonghwa just tilts his head, raising the glass to your face.
“Loveshot?”, he asks and for a moment, you don’t know whether he’s joking or not. Maybe you’re just feeling weird because a male has said the word “love” in your proximity. (The only man in your life who's a candidate in hearing that word avoids it like a disease.)
“Only if you mean it,” you purr seductively, lick your lips, and praise to fucking god he’s taking the hint. Seonghwa leans in and crosses your arms around, the cold rim of his drink suddenly resting at your lip.
“That’s not how loveshots work,” you notify, but you still mirror him and place your glass under his lips.
“Do you care?”
Seonghwa chuckles and with one movement of his hand, the second shot is flowing down your oesophagus. It’s cold, starkly contrasting the humid conditions in the warehouse, but it’s just enough to get your senses rolling again.
You don’t even care that you made Seonghwa miss half the drink, his alcohol tolerance will give him just the right kick from the first shot. Also he doesn’t protest at all, when you hop from your seat to finally get the evening going.
“Let’s go now!”, you order him around and he gladly obeys. “Lead the way,” he says, putting his hands on your shoulder, which he hopefully won't be able to keep there for long, as you both strut down the stairs and into the crowd.
The massive crowd is crazy, and it’s ever-growing.
“What is this place?”, you ask Seonghwa, as he’s being pushed against your back by the people on the way to the dancefloor and Seonghwa has the perfect opportunity to grab you by your hips to not lose you, but frustatingly enough, he doesn’t. His hands leave your shoulders and Seonghwa just tries to manoeuvre to you.
“I wouldn’t be able to tell you,” Seonghwa answers honestly and you look for a free place to roam and dance. People are trying to get as close to the DJ as possible, but once those are gone, there’s actually some space you can use— you just have to get there.
“You come here often?”, you ask, leaning backwards for your voice to hit his skin. You'll be hoarse by the end of the night.
“I’ve only went twice. San went to every single set of Mingi, though!”
“Really? San goes here frequently?”
“Yeah! Does that shock you?”
“Of course it does.” You stop, turn around and Seonghwa’s hands stay in place in his pants, as you talk to him. “This, all of this, doesn’t seem like San at all.”
“Hmm, I know what you’re getting at. But that’s just our boy, eh?”
You stare into his eyes and search for some type of playfulness, but Seonghwa means his words. This is where San roams— is roaming right now, maybe— and it, all of it, just fucking confuses you. This is not the "party" you would have expected to see that man in, and if that wasn't bad enough, he's apparently a regular. You hope you’re not pushing some kind of innocent image onto him, but despite the alcohol that's heating up your cheeks and making you dumber every talking second, you’re seriously puzzled. That he’s never invited you is questionable already, but is “that San for you”? You don't know.
Wiggling your hips, you try to retrace history to the very moment you had met shy little San at the seminar, up until now, where he’s grown three times his size and you feel like he's some type of fucking mystery that is impossible for you to solve. Nerd? Hopeless romantic? Hard to get? Playboy? San may act like he’s open-minded, but he’s the most secretive guy you’ve seen. Not like Seonghwa, who, mind you, is still looking at you with the most intense fuck-me eyes, that it’s actually eating you up.
“Let’s stop talking about San.”
“Why?”, Seonghwa asks, obliviously, eyes turning back to normal.
“Because it’s us here! You and I, Seonghwa and Y/N. If they drank a loveshot together, they should act like it, don't ya think, huh?” you grunt, already slurring your words. You start to move your body according to the heavy beat, tits jerking out to the front, arms waving like they have a life on their own. Seonghwa smiles and accordingly begins to step his feet where yours aren’t; your bodies are annoyingly close, but still not touching at all.
“How do you mean that, Y/N?”, he asks and you slap his revealed shoulder with the back of your hand to stop his teasing. “I thought you wanted to show me your dancing, Seonghwa!”, you whine and he laughs at your comment.
But Seonghwa doesn’t say anything after that, which gets on your nerves even more and in response, you turn your body slightly away while swaying your hips from side to side.
“You know what you said,” you hiss and he probably can’t hear you because the DJ is transitioning to a track with even more bass penetrating your ears.
You scurry your body to the beat and catch the gaze of someone in the crowd, who’s noticed you for the same reasons Seonghwa can’t keep his eyes away from you. The stranger is drilling his gaze up and down your chiselled body, licking his lips. Feeling playful, you make a suggestive expression towards him in return of the attention, winking at him. The male immediately makes his way to you.
"You do molly?”, he asks into your ear and you see that he’s got two skittles with cartoonish hearts and smileys drawn on them. That’s Adam. You never did him before, but you surely have heard of him, your friends have had him, your friends have loved him, your friends had painful break-ups with him. Merciless adam, MDMA.
You look back at Seonghwa who’s still dancing next to you, acting like he's not watching this whole situation go down, putting on his sunglasses again, and pushing it up his nose bridge. It sucks. His skin under the top is teasing you to look at it, and it feels so unusual to be longing for him, like you can't comprehend he's not... the other one.
So, though you do hesitate for a short second, you take two of the heart-painted ones and smile at the stranger, who sounds rotten from inside out, voice raspy and hoarse.
“Are you alone?”, he asks into your ear and while you think of answer, you muster Seonghwa, whose eyes you cannot track anymore, since the black cubic shades are hiding his prettiest possession. Is he still looking at you? Watching the sky? Who knows. Only he knows.
“Maybe?”, you answer and rotate your head to the stranger’s direction. You don’t care for this man, not at all, but what you do care for is Seonghwa’s reaction. Bouncing your ass up and down against the stranger's baggy jeans like the grand girl you are, he gets his hand at your waist and tries to pull you over his place, but, there he is, Seonghwa to come save the night.
“Fuck off, she's taken.”
He pushes the male away with his elbow and the grip immediately loosens up. “Hey, hey, dude, don’t hit me. Sorry, dude.” Seonghwa is visibly taller than him, and apparently that’s enough for the poor guy to get intimidated by his sunglassed face and disappear into the crowd with quick feet.
“YOU WANNA PLAY?”, the artificially deepened voice echoes through the warehouse and you stare into what you can make out from Seonghwa’s eyes with an earnest frown. You’ve felt unnecessarily angsty and frustrated the whole day since you saw that message on San’s phone, and this is the guy who’s going to hold responsibility for it, better with his whole fucking devotion now.
“What was that?”, you tease Seonghwa, who’s finally getting his hands out of his pockets and pulling you closer to him by your wrist. You can’t exactly read his expression since he’s covered his face still, but that actually makes it feel a lot better. There's something off about him, like Seonghwa is a stranger, like you’re not doing it for him, but rather… yourself. You're doing this because it makes you feel good, not the other way around. That's empowering.
“Whatever you want it to be, Y/N.”
“Stop tip-toeing around it! Are you going to fuck me or not? ‘Cause there’s more of those guys everywhere here,” your alcohol spits again and Seonghwa pants.
“Well, shit,” he laughs and finally glides into your waist with his arms. “That was direct.”
“I can flirt with you, but not under these fucking conditions,” you growl, intoxicated, recycling gritty air in your lungs, moving your sticky body to the beat and occasionally grinding against Seonghwa’s lower body with your legs from the front. "I can flirt and fuck you," he hums and frames his hands around your hips, connecting himself to you.
“Do you do molly, Seonghwa?”, you grin, the two pills waiting to be popped in inside your hand.
Seonghwa takes a look at the capsules, and you wait for his answer, as he appears to investigate them. Does he know what he's looking for? Apparently yes, as he pushes up his sunglasses and rubs the corners of his lips with two of his fingers, “Gimme.”
He picks it up from your flattened hand, and you would’ve loved to share it like a love-shot again, but before you could request it, Seonghwa has gulped it down. Not his first rodeo, you assume, and follow his suit.
Good thing that your throat hasn't dried out yet and the pill glides down your throat with your saliva. It's not going to take long until the jubilation of the alcohol you've consumed meets the ecstatic effect of molly, and you bite your lip with a grin. "Never thought I'd be doing drugs with you, Seonghwa," you purr and Seonghwa shrugs with a huff, “I thought you’d never even consider it.” Seonghwa exhales in the heat of it all, pulling you closer.
“What? Because of San?”
“Of course because of San,” Seonghwa cackles and puts his pointy chin in between the space of your collarbone and neck, so that his voice is hitting the spot of your hickey. “You know he’s here somewhere, right?”
“Yeah, but the probability that we’ll see him is like zero, so that’s not my concern.”
“You’d be concerned if he saw us, though?”, Seonghwa asks, loose-tongued, murmuring against your neck. He’s definitely fully gotten drunk, his body heavily weighing into yours, as he gets one arm up and around your head; his hand is tangled into your scalp without a caution of messing up your hairstyle. You finding out what the molly will do to him is only a matter of time.
“Are you asking if I’m committed to him?”
Seonghwa licks his lips, “accidentally” getting your skin with his tongue. It takes you aback a bit and you whine, your eyes dozing off for a short moment. You can still taste the remains of the shot at the back of your cheeks and it's the only thing you can sense correctly. Everything else is either fogged or slowly disappearing, or becoming even harsher like the red laser lights that you fear are going to pierce through you.
“No, I’m not asking whether you’re committed,” Seonghwa answers, leaning into your skin even more, “I know you guys aren’t in a relationship. Or, you know, at least he isn’t committed.”
It shouldn’t hurt, but it does. Even when you’re feeling very seduced because he is trying to get the same moaning reaction out of you by licking your sensitive spot and it’s working, you don’t want to be reminded that San doesn’t care for you as much as you do for him. Sure, that sounds harsh, but it’s the truth, isn’t it? You’re not the one living in the same space as San, Seonghwa is.
“Huh? Does he sleep with a lot of women?”, you ask him out of morbid curiosity, acting tough, as Seonghwa works deeper into your neck, getting the skin to soften for him.
“Do you really want to know?”
“Fuck you! Don’t protect me!”
“Ask him yourself,” he lisps, his sharp tongue grazing against your hickey, teasing your pettiness.
“I deserve to know.”
Seonghwa is the one rolling his eyes now, sighing, “You can be such an annoying brat, Y/N. How does San keep up with you?”
You try to yank your head back to show your discontent with his choice of words, but Seonghwa has you deep in his grip and puts you in place.
“You were the one who didn’t want to talk about San,” he lulls into your ear, stroking your hair to calm you down. Sure, that sounds reasonable, but still not an excuse to call you an “annoying brat”.
You take a wild guess about why Seonghwa isn’t just giving you the answer and argue, “I can still be curious, can’t I? San is not committed, you say? Why? Does he get more bitches than you?”
“He tried to get back with his ex.”
Wait, no. What the fuck?
“Huh, when?”, you ask, and irritatingly enough, Seonghwa has begun biting and licking into your neck at the one spot you can’t stop exhaling sweet noises for him. “Seonghwa, you better fuu-huucking answer.”
“Yesterday,” he murmurs against your skin and ding, ding, ding; things make a lot of sense now.
“No, you’re kidding,” you scoff, and push him away with all your strength. With a numbed mind, Seonghwa tumbles back and laughs, “Hey, it’s no big deal, he called you immediately after it didn’t work out.“
“Seonghwa, are you listening to yourself?”
“I’m saying it all like it happened, Y/N. San tried to win her back by inviting her to an expensive dinner, but then she flunked out right in the end, when he invited her back home. And, when he came home alone with a boner, San contacted you.”
“You're lying. Don't lie, Seonghwa, lying is a sin," your splur, but once his words have met your brain, it all just becomes chaos inside. It feels like marbles are rolling down inside your head and nothing is making sense, it’s all going nowhere and everywhere with this information. What are you supposed to feel like? Betrayed? There has never been a promise. Sad? You were going to fuck Seonghwa, you're not the most truthful, either.
“Come on, Y/N. You knew it the second San slammed you against that wall at 11 PM, didn’t you?” Seonghwa glides his thumb over your neck and grins, confirming the evidence of yesterday’s night. The roughful sucking of San could barely be covered up by concealer, and you probably sweated it away already.
“He— he said he was stressed.”
“Because of uni? Don’t lie to yourself, Y/N~”, the male purrs. Amidst of it all, Seonghwa is strangely still moving his body calculated to the beat, hitting each one of the drums with his shoulders, all while he hushes behind you to brainwash you with a whiskery voice. “It’s still San we’re talking about.”
You huff perplexedly and are too flabbergasted by his harsh words to not be affected by Seonghwa’s talking and let him hug you tightly again. He’s almost putting you into a headlock of consolation, or something that would have been great if it had been, indeed, consolation. (It is not. He’s almost choking you with his forearm and the way his hand is pushing into your scalp, nothing about this position is in any way soothing.)
“Tell me something, Seonghwa,” you gutter, since the thought has been recoiling rounds in your head forever and curiosity will always kill the cat. “… is she from his volleyball team?”
“No,” he answers and for some reason, this is a lot worse, “she isn’t, but— wait, how do you know about the girl from his volleyball team?”
You don’t answer. For the sake of your heart, you do not answer. You’re still moving, but you’re moving silently, staring into the humorously wild lasers that are teasing you just like he is.
Seonghwa gasps and cups your chin, his thumb meeting your lip, mushing the lower half of your face, trying to turn your face towards his direction, but you resist him. But who are you fooling. Seonghwa doesn't even need to see your expression to ask you, in an almost utterly disappointed whiny tone, "Nooo, Y/N, do you seriously check his phone?”
“I’m gonna punch you in your pretty fuck-face if you keep whining like that, Hwa.”
“Feisty and flattering, and a new nickname too! It must be my birthday,” Seonghwa chuckles and suddenly begins to nibble your earlobe, warm breath from his nose hitting the skin as he pants throughout his dancing. The alcohol is boiling inside you, being churned by the molly, and the crushing disillusionment is slowly into flaming, enraging, hateful desire. It has all gotta go somewhere, and for now, all you can do it talk with this scorching tone that is only going to turn into even more fuming, “How long has San been pining for his fucking ex?”
“For as long as I can remember," Seonghwa answers, seemingly not aware of the severity of this situation, "Middle of the second semester? Exam-season?”
“Nooo,” you scoff and can’t believe what you’re hearing. You don’t even need to calculate what time Seonghwa is talking about, it is engraved deeply into your memories. The same fucking exam season, when you were seeing San every afternoon and evening. You were right fucking there. He knew— you, on the other hand, not so much.
But you should have known.
“Well, yeah,” Seonghwa grins and is running his hands low to your stomach, almost touching your pelvis to get you worked up even more.
Should have known that you weren’t supposed to fall for San.
Angel faces hide the guts of devils’, and right now, your insides are over-cooking with the question "what the fuck were you thinking?" That he’d come around? Like no man in your life has ever come around? That San was the one? No, that San was going to believe that you were the one? 'Well, yeah', he should have, because you are the fucking one. You did so much for him, you could have done so much more for him, and it frustrates you.
“What are you grinning for, you motherfucker?”, you ask, as you peek over and see that Seonghwa has lowered his sunglasses and staring into your empty eyes, searching for a sign of life. You asked, but you don't really need the answer, the picture is drawn perfectly in front of you. Seonghwa is smirking for the same reasons he’s telling you all of this; it’s pretty clear.
“I like it when you’re bossy,” he chuckles, having become more than ‘a bit cocky’ with you, “unlike San. He hates that, right? He’s so weak-hearted, how can he—“
“You’re his friend, Seonghwa,” you insist and grit your teeth, pushing up his sunglasses again with your two fingers, poking into the middle of the lens to make it greasy.
“Friends can say things about each other!”, he giggles gullibly, and scrunches his face together.
All you can say is that Seonghwa sounds and looks moronic in those square sunglasses, senseless and boozed out of his mind, but in the short moment he licks his sharp canine teeth, you suppose that this is exactly how you need him to be.
“You listen to everything, don’t you?”, you ask him, giving into his touch, pushing your back profile so close to him, that there is no touchable space left between you two. Ass pressed against his pelvic area, you breathe heavily into his face that’s glued to your temple. “Every single night I come over to fuck your roommate?”
“Noise-cancelling can only do so much, and your sound is addicting,” Seonghwa pouts— babbling his truths like it’s water falling out of his mouth— and when you see his pink lip shine under the flashing lights, your mind disorients. He is still the pretty boy that says pretty words, even when he's probably faking all of it; he is getting your insides all fuzzy, and you are still being lured in by him, but not for the reasons Seonghwa would enjoy them to.
You’re chasing the feeling of his comfort and you know it. You’re chasing after the man that won’t leave you alone. Or no, you are alone— so fucking lonely because of him even— but you don’t want to be alone, you don’t want him to leave you alone.
Fuck. San.
The feeling of drowning in San’s praise, in his words, inside his bedroom, muffled by his sheets, it hunts you, it makes you feel watched, and it makes you feel like you’re hungry for something you can’t digest. Every word he has said to you is written in your memories in special font, and even though he is out of sight, San will always stay in your mind. Does he do it on purpose? Leave marks, with both words and his lips? To profit off of your yearning? To make himself feel better? To own something? To feel proud? Does he say it that loud on purpose, too? To make his roommate hear him? To make his roommate feel bad in order to feel good?
Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe San doesn't know Seonghwa is listening at all, maybe he doesn't care about any of it.
"Your pretty sounds," Seonghwa repeats himself, his face pressed against your cheek and you roll your eyes at his lips grazing your skin, his heavy breath from his nose warming it up.
These two men are woven by the same needle, knitted with the same material for they say surprisingly similar things and act surprisingly same, but for some reason, it does not feel the same. It is not the same. It should be the same. It should be the fucking same, fuck! You’re going to explode. The way that your head is spinning, your hips swinging, music ringing— people screeching, feet stomping— everything is happening around and inside you. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, livid. Brain, guts, uterus, livid. Let’s not talk about your heart or else we have to start over again. Just forget about your heart and think about the things that are of use tonight. What can you focus on? You can focus on your body glowing hot, but you could also focus on Seonghwa, whose baggy pants is rubbing against your thin minidress. It’s Seonghwa that you wanted, right? Or was it Seonghwa you were supposed to want, because he is the one that wants you back? — No, fuck, let's re-roll, quickly; Seonghwa is grinding against you right now, from behind, and that's exactly what you imagined, wasn't it? Under these lights, under this influence, this is what you wanted, wasn't it?
With the state of your mind, you can not agree with anything; your thoughts sound foreign and it's not your voice speaking, when you grind your ass back. It also doesn't feel like it's your eyes that you're seeing with; Seonghwa’s smile behind of you is becoming blurry and there’s just one more face that’s slowly appearing from the front-ends of your head. There’s a catch though; what you’re seeing is not the soft face you usually cup with your delicate hands and observe in awe when he sleeps, it’s not the face that lights up when he sees you enter through his front door, it's a face that's reading a text message from his fucking ex in the morning and immediately forgets that you're next to him, available as available can be.
It is actually going to make you puke, right here and there. All your emotions, all your ambitions, all of your fucking dreams. Who is San to you? What is he? You’ve known him for what, a year? — Okay fuck, that’s actually more than you thought, but still, it’s not like San and you have met up in any way that wasn’t purely sexual during all the time you knew him. Know him. You don’t know San. You don’t know shit about him. What are you— San and you? What are you going to be? Boyfriend, girlfriend? Has a nice ring to it, but fuck no, right? There are too many girls, right? Which is why you wanted to get yourself another man too, right?
“Come on, Y/N, forget him.”
While you have alcohol and molly inside you, singing two different songs of lust and desire, Seonghwa is moving his legs according to yours and pressing himself more against you. He’s one sadistic dipshit if Seonghwa thinks you could forget any of what you just went through just by moaning into your ear, but you're going with it.
You can't feel a lot right now, except that Seonghwa’s bulge perfectly fits in the space of your ass, rubbing up and down between the two circular shapes, getting himself more erected with every passing beat.
This whole situation is so fucked up and messy.
But, add one more: You are fucked up and messy. The music is building up loudly and people are shaking their bodies next to you, dancing in the high they've reached long time ago, eyes having lost any sign of concentration or sobriety, and you came here to contemplate whether you’re going to have a one-night-stand to prove a point, mixing drugs to get it on faster. You feel quicker, no, you are quick, rushing from one thought to another like you’re fleeing from your inner voices, both the devil and angel. They’re useless in this situation, they have too much reason.
And you don't need any reasons to think you're in the right to fuck him. Seonghwa’s hands are on your abdomen and gently massaging the skin, making you feel like he thinks you’re valuable, but you both know that this dance you’re holding right now barely cost you anything but 10 dollars in cash.
The red lasers haven’t stopped. They are pointing upwards or downwards for you, but you guess, from the way you’re watching Seonghwa’s lips right now, there’s only one way down. There has always been only one way down.
San chooses an ex over you? Then you’ll choose his dumb fucking roommate over him. Two can play this game, and even if he’s had the lead, you’re going to make your play. Is it going to hurt him? You don’t know. Maybe it won’t. But at least it will be over, right? At least this fucking thing will be over.
“Kiss me, Seonghwa.”
“You serious? I thought San was all up your mind right now.”
“Oh my fucking god, just do it before I take it back.”
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Seonghwa doesn’t let you ask twice. While people all around you are turning up to the beat-drop, he pulls your chin up and clashes his lips against yours. His teeth clank against you lip and there's a short, piercing pain there, but Seonghwa's high chuckle blows it away. It’s a violent kiss, but mind-numbing enough so maybe you can forget why you decided to kiss him in the first place. While your lips are working against each other, his hand is sliding down to your groin and it's dangerously close to the seam of your tiny dress. One tug and your whole leg is revealed to the crowd, but you don't look down to see how naked Seonghwa is making you; all you see is yourself, in the reflection of his square sunglasses.
His tongue is electrifying, when it forces its entry into your mouth. It’s long and tastes deliciously foreign- a mixture of alcohol and tobacco, which you haven't experienced in pair since a long time. San, no, “he” (this is what you’ll call him now) doesn’t smoke, which at first, you considered as a big win, because you were passively inhaling all the smoke from your prior flings that you’d had the feeling your lungs were being polluted. Yet a year later, you’re clean— cleaner than never before, you should be able to breathe, you should be able to think clearly, but you can’t. Did you think he was pure? Was it that? That he was this untouched man? Maybe he was. Maybe he was, when he was still a nerd who had never heard a woman say the word “sex” in his— or had he? Fuck, had he? You don’t know, you couldn’t have known. ‘He’ was a façade, wasn’t it? He turned into another person immediately, didn’t he?
Let's get back on Seonghwa’s lips.
You're reminded of your lost freedom and as much it drives you insane, it's driving you into a state of pure, adventurous lust. The way Seonghwa works across your slick tongue is animalistic and wild, and you feel like you’re being pursued with no escape. To catch your breaths a little bit, Seonghwa lets go off your chin and thigh, turning you around so he can have better access to your mouth. Not letting the enlivening music go to waste, he presses his lips on yours the second you inhaled for the second time.
You slip your hands under his knitted top, running them up and down his breast, his abs and abdomen to feel his muscles and skin. It’s only a matter of time until he asks you to move off the dance floor, but your alcohol is bombarding you with sweet suggestions you can’t let pass without saying. His exposed skin feels cold under your fingers, but when you cup his hardened erection through the fabric with your hand and move it according to Seonghwa’s tongue slicking against yours, he radiates heat.
“Fuck,” Seonghwa pants into the kiss and you hum, continuing to tease him on this godless dance floor. Nobody has their senses right and is observing you two making out with dozy eyes, nobody cares about anything here. There’s only right now, the song the DJ is playing for the mindless crowd of drugged, intoxicated people. Let’s get insane.
You try to get a good feel of Seonghwa’s cock and its girth with your hand. “You’re big,” you murmur, catching air again, “smaller than San though.”
And there you have it, men are so easy to galvanize.
“Say that again, you fucking cunt,” Seonghwa growls and digs his fingers into your ass, eyebrows pulled down so hard that his forehead could explode.
“Why? ‘Cause you’re better than him?”, you taunt him and click with your tongue, catching a breath. “You’re no better than Sannie,” you sneer, pointing at your hickey with your finger to remind him (but mostly yourself), “don’t think you could be.”
Seonghwa goes fucking angry. Apparently he thinks he’s done so much for you, has been so nice to you, has helped you, whatever, and this is how you show him your thanks. Grabbing your hair, he pushes his forehead against yours and you catch a glimpse of his darkened eyes, feeling the stinging pain from the impact linger, while he talks. His breath is scarce from having kissed you, so he’s trying his best to use his voice to taunt you.
"San is probably fucking his fucking ex-girlfriend right now, do you think you're any better than him, huh, slut? You are the one who's so fucking desperate to get him to love you, and you're still here with me, and you're kissing me, so we're both in the wrong, you fucking whore."
His words don’t mean anything to you, visiting the synapses of your brain, but leaving right after. You just grin with your eyelids covering half of your eye and Seonghwa realizes nothing is arriving inside your sweet, broken mind. Your cheeks are red from the lack of oxygen, drugs and you’re flushed at the cause of his libidinous touch, and Seonghwa sees he's been working around your hair a little bit too much, having ruffled it up to the point that a comb-through will not amount to a lot. You look like a crazy person to him, but nothing attracts a joke more than a hard-hitting punchline.
“We're both single,” is what you lull to correct him, licking over your lips that you can't feel anymore since Seonghwa has kissed them numb. "And I think that's all that matters."
You both hear the music come to an exhilarating high and slowly reach your evaporating point.
“You sound like San,” Seonghwa giggles and he probably thinks it's going to push you over, but it doesn't. He’s still staring into you like he’s searching for a weak spot, but you’re persistent, you’re needy, and while you are weak, you are unforgivably yourself, Y/N.
You smash both your hands on each of his cheeks and you look at yourself through the sunglasses, sneering, "Good. San is a better name to moan."
He scoffs and smiles so condescendingly sweet again, but out of his mouth comes nothing worthwhile. "I'm going to fuck your voice out of your fucking throat, you're never going to moan ‘San’ ever fucking again," he growls and you drench yourself in his vulgarity, kissing him repeatedly.
"Never again," Seonghwa repeats himself, digging his thumbs into your ribs, but his tone isn't as forcing as it is... begging. Asking—demanding you to put all your attention on him, like he knows your heart isn't his and he desperately wants to possess yours. Oh, he definitely knows. You're not fooling anybody, at least didn't try to, but Seonghwa is gullible enough to fall for your tricks, how it seems like. San is painted on your body all the while your dance partner is speaking through his heavy breathing; painted on your neck, in your eyes, it’s annoying Seonghwa, it distracts him, it makes him see red, and not the colour on your skin.
"Awww, do you want me to only moan your name tonight?", you baby Seonghwa, mocking that he's finally revealed his motivations behind all of this. At least you think you've hit the nail in the coffin, when you pout to mirror Seonghwa’s expression.
Seonghwa's greatest sin isn't lust, it's envy. It could be any girl coming and leaving their dorm, moaning San’s name through the thin walls, never to be seen again and he wouldn't bat a second eye, but you— Y/N? San letting a woman like you go without further notice sickens him, like a crime, like a mistake. To hear your voice be pleasured by San at night, and then hear you sing good-bye to the man who does not care as much as he does in the morning, that has sent Seonghwa into a spiral of jealousy, but you’re not sure why. Some fucked-up reason probably, though it doesn’t seem like an ex is the cause this time. Maybe it’s really just because of you.
Sorry to say that you don’t care about that though. Not one single fucking bit. You don't want any of that complex trauma-talk tonight. You want to have sex and forget the sex right after.
"Be mine tonight, Y/N," Seonghwa answers and his eyebrows are pushed in to his forehead. He looks sultry, at least the parts you can see. Sultry, passionate, ready to fuck you, no, desperate to fuck you, in fact, you can feel the pre-cum soak his pants, when you cup his girth.
“You’re so pathetic,” you smirk, “it might actually be worth a try.” Seonghwa lets out a breathy exhale, finally breaking. You don’t know if it’s the alcohol, the molly, or his issues that suddenly took over his conscience, but he doesn’t have any of that left. He grabs you by your wrist with a grip that leaves a white mark, and without forewarning, Seonghwa yanks you through the people.
You hit each and every one of the strangers on your way to wherever. Shoulder hitting against shoulder, breast against breast, it better not leave any more bruising that you already have on your neck. “Seong- wha!”, you wheeze, tumbling at his force, tripping over your own feet over and over. The hall is huge, and he’s seemingly seeking to get to the very end of it.
“Seonghwa!”, you repeat yourself, but he won't listen to you. You're being pulled into a rollercoaster of anything but emotions (at least for you) and you can hear laughter leave your mouth without reason as you pass by irritated people who find it impolite to be barging into the big crowd like this. This dude's crazy, they scorn, but they don't really look that lucid as well, you find, with the last bits of thinking you can do.
"Where are we going?", you ask, but mostly to reassure that you still have a sense for geographical knowledge. You can see the bar again, mobs of people dancing on the stairs so that it's shaking even more compared to how you two had left it, but most importantly, you see that this is a space that's occupied by your kind. So much skin. So many slutty outfits. Outfits? Lingerie. This side looks like a fucking strip-club. Are you at a strip-club? What the fuck is this place? No, seriously, what the fuck is this place?
Seonghwa is finally stopping and you catch a breath from the running. With him doing his weird hand-signs again, you recognize the security guard from the beginning, smiling under his sunglasses, showing an "OK"-sign and pointing to the back of the stairs. You could swear he winked at you.
"What the fuck?", you ask, but Seonghwa only shrugs, making you follow his backwards steps under the stairs, where in black graffiti 'MY PEOPLE DONT BELIEVE IN LOVE' is smeared all over the wall. The same walls are occupied by couples or at least people making out wildly with their eyeliners smeared beyond repair. Is this some sex-area? (No idea) Is this legal? (100% no) Does Seonghwa look so fucking hot without his top on? (Fuck) He does.
Your eyes go cross-eyed, when Seonghwa enters the most mirrored bathroom you've ever seen in a warehouse, but before you can question the fact why people invest in decorating a fucking porta-potty, the male is pulling off his knitted top with one smooth pull, barely waiting a second for you to close the door behind you. The vibrations of the music ring on the metal stairs over you, and you feel like the beat is mushing your brain one size smaller, when you're met by Seonghwa barging at your body.
Pushing you against the plastic door, you feel all of Seonghwa's naked torso with your hands stroking roughly over his skin, and you admire his jewellery sitting on his collarbones, getting your fingers at it around his neck to pull him closer. "You like my necklace?", Seonghwa murmurs, as he pushes his lips into the crook of your neck.
"Choke on it," you gutter and yank him upwards, kissing him. While you do so and Seonghwa begins to unclothe you by getting your arms up, you catch a glimpse of yourself through the mirror. Your hair isn't looking as silky as it did when you left your home, there's mascara smudged around your eye already, but if you're not mistaken, and you can see it by how Seonghwa is sucking your nipples the second your bra falls to the floor, you will look worse in no time.
But that's not to say that you aren't still looking gorgeous. You look bewitchingly sexy, eyelids fluttering with each of Seonghwa's eager touches that are tracing down your body. "Fuck, you look so good," he murmurs and he's trying to keep his eyes open in order to see you. He's gotten you naked pretty quick considering the circumstance, you would've wished for a bit more foreplay here, but maybe it's a reoccuring theme to be impatient.
"You are such a fucking gorgeous girl, San doesn't know what he's missing right now," Seonghwa wheezes and goes through his hair, once he has your dress dropping on the dirty floor, revealing your joke of underwear. If he had kept your bra, he would have seen that you've worn a matching set of burgundy lingerie, but Seonghwa's mouth is still drooling at your pair of perfect thighs, his hand stroking over his lips. You roll your eyes at him and lean your head against the plastic door. You've done such a good job forgetting his name, and here's this dumbass mentioning him again. "You bet your ass he's missing this, huh?", you snarl and play with your own breast with one hand, while the other is cupping Seonghwa's rib, gliding down to his v-line, where his throbbing cock is awaiting you.
"He doesn't deserve you, Y/N."
He wheezes again. It seems like Seonghwa is taking his last breaths, unable to form words since your fingers are exploring how quick they can get to his erection.
"And you do?", you snap back and scoff. He pushes his glasses up to his forehead and for the first time since a long time, you can see Seonghwa's eyes shimmer. Oh fuck, you think, and it's difficult to not kiss him again. You're a bitch. You know you're a bitch for not caring about his feelings, and you know you will indeed not be better than San if you ghost this man right after this evening, but it must be done. For your sake, at least.
"I do," Seonghwa answers, though a lot weaker and less confident than he used to be before. You sigh. He may think he deserves you, but you don't deserve him. His gaze is too sweet, you've got to put those sunglasses back on, if you don't want to develop something. The only thing you can look at to get your mind elsewhere is yourself, in the mirror.
"Don't try to prove yourself," you murmur and Seonghwa wraps his arms around your back and props you by your thigh to lift you up. You can see his back muscle tense up, as he has you steadily in his grip. "I'm not," he answers and there's something that's fluttering inside your breast, when Seonghwa licks up your jawline, because you feel everything; From how wet his tongue is, how warm his saliva sits on your skin to the way what an adoring look Seonghwa is wearing on his face, as he kisses you. "I got nothing to prove to you."
You smirk and see yourself looking very dozy, drunken on alcohol, drugged by MDMA, ducked by Seonghwa's hand between your legs. It's pushing between your folds and with your last bit of control you have over your body, you spread your legs for him, inviting him to get his fingers inside your panties, and of course he does.
With a grin, Seonghwa devotes his tongue to your jaw again and works it into your skin with circular motion. "So fucking wet, and I thought you didn't want to fuck me."
"Who said I wasn't going to fuck you?"
Seonghwa is too busy sucking on the other side of your neck (other side meaning the side that is still unhickey-ed) to answer, but you're persistent. You came to this place to fuck him, and you're pretty sure that nothing from what you told him tonight alluded to something else. And also, even when you're fucked out of your mind, you still have a sense for people who keep secrets. So while Seonghwa is sucking small patches of skin on your neck and you see yourself with an opened mouth with sighs leaving it that you can't hear with your own ears.
"San says things sometimes," Seonghwa murmurs and continues to plant roses on your neck that you can see appear on your skin, "but that's irrelevant now."
"What does he say?", you insist, but the charcoal-haired man puts on his sunglasses again and shakes his head. Switch. As if you hadn't had enough from men who were two-faced, Seonghwa hides his eyes, turning into an inscrutable being again. A stranger. A stranger who's groping your cunt from the front, making your groin tense up and push him closer from the back. You're wrapping him with your legs and holding onto him tightly, when he catches a breath.
"Meaningless things,” he pants and throws you over the door, your arms landing on the frail sink in front of you. The mirror expands and all of the sudden you see yourself in full quality, in all your glory and Seonghwa is only supporting you from the back. His hand is grabbing your chin and pushing it up to the mirror, his pointing finger smudging your lip. With your lips slightly opened, it just makes sense to you to lick around his finger and look at him with a demanding look, eyebrows sultrily pushed together.
"Fuck, Y/N," Seonghwa gulps and cups your breast from behind, massaging it, while he presses his hot lips on your back. "Can I eat you out? Please,” he sighs and you take his finger in, lubing it up with your saliva.
"Do whatever you fucking want," you sneer and balance yourself with two hands on the sink, as Seonghwa raises a leg and throws it over his shoulder, his pretty face planted into your pussy the second you've given him permission to. You spasm to the front, Seonghwa's hair tickling your lower abdomen, as he works his tongue over your slick folds. If his tongue was great for kissing, it's certainly great for cunnilingus too, no, maybe even better suited for it. He's reaching spots that haven't been reached by a tongue in a long time and with the wet muscle working in and out inside you, you're becoming a moaning mess with fluttering eyelids in no time.
"Fuuuck", you gasp, when Seonghwa kneads your ass that's extended out in the air. The sound of his slurping and the music outside assimilate and mix up, and if it wasn't for the hightened senses you got from your molly-influence, it feels like everything is hammering you down from the outside. You can feel each twitch of Seonghwa's mouth, how he smiles, how he's yelping for air, how he's licking over his lips — you're going to fall somewhere, and if it's not into the cheap sink and the mirror that's taunting you, it's in love with his tongue that’s going to make you cum.
"So soon?", Seonghwa murmurs, and two fingers begin to penetrate your gaping hole, as he flicks his tongue over your sensitive clit.
"Fuck, fuck!", you whine and Seonghwa takes note of how your entrance is tightening around him, angling his fingers towards your g-spot. "So fucking good!", you breathe and you're trying to get a glimpse of your mirrored image in front of you, but your eyes are rolling to the back of your head too much.
"Mhm~", Seonghwa hums with an amused tone, repeating a cycle of sucking and licking, pumping against your g-spot. You're flying, the loud tunes bombarding the walls of the porta-potty are slowly getting to your head and intrusing what's left of your conscious mind, only feeling the tickling sensation that is being eaten out by none other than Park Seonghwa.
Until it stops.
You were whining, announcing your impending orgasm, but he apparently had other ideas, pulling out his fingers and removing his lips from you the second you were drawing together your body, preparing for sweet release. "Don't fucking stop!", you yell and grab Seonghwa by his hair, pushing him closer to your cunt by force. "Seonghwa!"
Seonghwa, who you don't know if he seriously just wanted to be called by his name in this situation, chuckles in witticism and wraps his arm around your thigh, getting the other leg over his shoulder too. You're sitting up front now, and there is no space for him to get his finger anywhere near your cunt, but his tongue is more than enough.
"Make me cum or I'm gonna fucking leave, you fucking asshole," you growl and grip a big chunk of his hair to get your message across. The man below you moans and resumes his job, clearly attracted by your lust-driven dominance. 'I like it when you're bossy', you re-call, and before you can finish the quote in your head, Seonghwa has plunged his tongue into your cunt.
"Ungh, fuck!", you moan, a bit more sensitive and distorted this time. Trying to hold your heavy upper body straight, Seonghwa is laving at your cunt, driving you crazy with the speed of his tongue maneuvering inside you. Maybe it was better that Seonghwa edged you, because now every flick is shooting you further into the abyss of pleasantry. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," you stutter, the second wave of the overwhelming euphoria gathering itself like a tsunami.
Seonghwa is more relaxed than you are, though his whole face is busy being used to pleasure you. His nose is dug into your clit and he's shaking his head around to be able to tickle it all during the while he's cutting away his breath to pant into your heat and spreading your slick on his tastebuds.
"Make me cum," you whine, "make me cum with your tongue!"
"Say 'please Seonghwa'," Seonghwa smirks and has the tip of his tongue placed on your clitoris just enough for your orgasm to not be washed away, but definitely not coming, while you grip more of his hair.
"You fucking bitch, I'll never fucking—", you pant, but there's no other way around it. You need this orgasm. "You—"
Seonghwa looks up to you and you can see him waiting. Pushing your thighs together because he annoys you so much, you yank his head closer to your cunt and scream, "okay, fuck, make me fucking cum, Seonghwa, please!"
The man between your thighs chuckles through his nose and once you said the magic-words, he opens his mouth back open to lap around your clit and cunt like a mad dog. Having been denied your orgasm for the second time, the third attempt to chase it down hits you even more, making you breathe heavily and loudly, and this time, the strings are pulling you to total stupification.
"Please, please, please, Seonghwa, please—"
Repeating the words Seonghwa wants to hear so bad again and again, you're fuelling his decision to finally allow you to come. His tongue circles around your clit as if he was racing with the music and your face is parallel to the floor, when your body goes lax and the strands of Seonghwa's hair are the only thing keeping you up.
"Seonghwa, please," you whisper again, weak, and almost sent over the top, while Seonghwa growls under you, his tongue stroking over your sensitive bud until you're shaking and pressing your legs together. "Fuck!", you scream out and Seonghwa throws one leg away from his shoulder, your wobbly foot landing on the floor, when the male stands up and gets to fingers into your cunt.
"Seonghwa, please—", you gasp, when he rams them into your throbbing arousal that barely reached its high and you have to get your arms around his neck if your knees are still worth something to you. "Oh my fucking god," and other moans come spurred out of you and Seonghwa bites into your shoulder to add another stimulative pain to all the sensations you're feeling.
His fingers are long and slender and for all you can grasp, they know what they're doing, when they're driving in and out with no mercy. That this is Seonghwa, you don't really care, that this isn't San, you do just a little bit, but "caring" takes a bit too long in the brain anyway. If your first orgasm from his tongue made your head fly, the second one is evaporating it. Your head feels light and corrupted by the DJ screaming inaudible things into his set, an artificially deepened laughing-track following his ad-lib and your lower body is trembling like a new-born deer, when Seonghwa keeps pushing against your soft patch inside. “Stop— stop, Seonghwa—“, you pant and your legs hold Seonghwa's wrist until he wiggles it out.
"You good?", Seonghwa laughs. He walks behind you and raises your face by your chin, pressing his own cheek next to yours, so both of your faces are seen in the mirror, his pelvis pushed against your ass again.
"Uh-huh," you shudder, your runny mascara making your eyes sticky, "very good."
He smiles, though it's definitely not a friendly smile. This isn't what friends do. It never will be something that friends do and you try to find some type of sanity behind your sunken irises, but there's nothing there. There is someone knocking on the door, Seonghwa's phone is vibrating in his pants, and like the bad person you are, you can't stop to wish that behind at least one of these interruptions is a certain someone is waiting for you, asking for you or anything— fuck. It's worse Seonghwa somehow knows what you're thinking, taking out his phone with his free hand, your face still being cupped by the other.
"You think this is him, don't you?", he asks and lets his temple drop against the top of your head, "Let's bet."
"If you think I'm gonna bet on something like that," you hiss and grind your bare ass against his clothed cock to distract him from the fact he's correct, “you’re a fucker.”
"I'm gonna fuck you, so I don't know where you're coming from here."
You scoff and throw his phone into the sink, when Seonghwa seemingly opens the message and starts to grin.
"Seonghwa," and you know you're lying through your teeth here with the full awareness that Seonghwa probably knows that you’re lying as well, "I want you," and yet you have the very secure feeling that you got into his head.
"Hm, what?", he asks and looks confused, unable to be angry that you snatched his phone out of his hand. You smirk for a short time and lean into his hand that's stroking your cheek. "I want you, Seonghwa," you sigh and pout. If you can't commit, you might as well commit to the lie, right? Be a little opportunistic.
"I don't care about San," you whisper and Seonghwa pulls down his glasses, making him human again.
"Really now…”
Choi San: the connection is so bad Choi San: where are you right now?
You nod and there’s a black-tinted tear rolling down your cheek, warm and melting on your skin. Seonghwa takes his thumb and glides it over the flow and holds his hand at your cheek again.
Choi San: i saw her Choi San: wtf she looked so different
You both saw the message and you both decided to ignore it. It doesn't matter anymore, his hand was already between your legs, your arousal has already coated his fingers.
That's how this works.
His touch, caressing your woeful face, his eyes pitying your pain. He's still erected, definitely impatient, but Seonghwa has something that you haven't experienced for a long time. You don't want to think of it, you can't think of it, because it might just be an illusion, but when Seonghwa slides his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him, you have to suppress the suffocating feeling that you must never see this man ever again, if you don't want to carry this burden with you. You can't tell yourself enough, you do not want Seonghwa.
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But it's nice.
"Look at yourself, Y/N. Look how pretty you are."
It's nice to know that someone wants you. That someone cares to wipe away the tears from your eyes, though they're not tears formed by a sadness you’d be able to express, a sadness that encourages you to hold eye contact with yourself, as Seonghwa whispers words of comfort into your ear. "Don't cry, pretty girl," he murmurs, and it feels like the music is being subdued around you. You've fallen from grace. “You could have anything in the world..”
How nice would it be, if he was right? You’re not sad, you have everything you could, don’t you? It could be this is just another lie you're going to commit to to protect yourself, but Seonghwa is holding you by your throat, cutting your airflow. The blood curdles in your head and while the male behind you is opening up his pants, the phone blinks.
Seonghwa and you both look down. Incoming call: Choi San.
"Oh," Seonghwa exhales and immediately checks for your reaction in the mirror, but your expression is empty. The drugs are fogging your mind and there is no ounce of vitality behind your eyes.
Seonghwa turns the phone around. "Fuck me first, Seonghwa," you tell him, your voice wispy, barely understandable, he probably had to lip-read in order to understand what you were saying, "let's get it over with."
He doesn't appreciate your dismissive tone, but Seonghwa is too horny to say anything against it, pushing you over the sink, grabbing his cock and placing it near your cunt. While your abdomen is pressed against the dirty, cold surface, Seonghwa is murmuring something under his breath and gliding his hot, throbbing erection across your pulsating folds. "I don't care at all," you whine, trying to convince yourself and ignore the continuous buzzing from his phone, but also make him hurry up. There's an end-goal you're chasing here.
"Kiss me," you order the male behind you, and as he finally positions his tip at your entrance, Seonghwa tilts your head to the side, ripping your gaze away from his mobile. "You really like kissing, don't you?", he huffs and smirks, pushing himself into you in one slow thrust. "Fuuuck," you breathe, feeling your walls expand for his length, "what about it?"
"I just think it's sweet. It makes it more personal, doesn't it?"
"Come on, Hwa, are you trying to make me angry again? I'm getting tired here," you purl and visibly roll your eyes at him, your eyelids getting heavier with each word that's spoken out loud. Your body weighs into Seonghwa's arms and if he doesn't hurry up, you'll fall asleep, your pulsating cunt tightening around his girth.
"Sweetheart, let me talk," he says, in a soft voice that makes your heart drop. You don't want him, you don't want his sweetness, fuck, you only wanted Seonghwa for this one night, for his dick and dick only, why is he trying to get inside your head? Don't do it, you try to mouth to him. You don't know him, he doesn't know you, his cock is inside your cunt, this is the worst timing to—
"You're something else."
"Seonghwa, stop, before you say anything too nice. Just close your mouth, this isn't good for both of us, you already said we're bad people. You know we don't want this," you mutter and start moving your ass to somehow get his mind elsewhere, but through his whimpers and low moans, Seonghwa won't stop grunting under the influence.
"No, speak for god-damn yourself, because, shit, Y/N, I can't watch it anymore, okay? Every day and night— You come over and let yourself be played by San, that fucking asshole, and I just think—"
"Seonghwa, shut the fuck up!", you scream and you're a breath away from pulling his cock out your cunt and leave this place naked, but just when you thought you can't do it anymore, Seonghwa has gotten his hands on your hips, digging his fingernails into your skin as if he's trying to hopelessly keep you close, his pelvis clapping against your ass, as he strikes into you.
Surprised, you moan and your fingers slip against the edge of the sink, strands of your hair falling in front of your face. You weren't prepared for that kind of vigor.
"Don't you dare think I'm that pathetic," he growls and thrusts into you with force in a rhythm that is terrifyingly close to the music outside, his cock slamming against your inner wall, making your legs close up by themselves.
"I'm not thinking I could treat you better," Seonghwa huffs and gets the hair away from your face, grabbing your hair to clear up your view, "I'm thinking what a fucking cockslut you are, Y/N."
Drugs never make sad people happier. Never make broken people whole.
So even when Seonghwa makes you realize that none of the men in your life have ever taken you serious, a hoarse laugh leaves your mouth, and you tilt your head to the back to examine the traces of them on your neck. Your eyes glisten with the way you're being fucked from behind and your mouth is not closing, you've lost control over yourself a long time ago, and it's not when this long day started with you in San's bed, it's when he took off your shirt on that random night during exam season.
"You're lucky you're pretty," he grunts and you chuckle, smiling absent-minded, upper body see-sawing with Seonghwa's pelvis-movement. Your ass is slowly hurting from how hard he is driving himself in, but you're too busy looking at your neck.
Red, red, red. A little bit of purple. A big patch here, small spots over there; anyone could look at you and would know that you've been claimed by someone. Maybe even think that you're, gasp, in a relationship! They wouldn't guess it was two people to leave these hickeys, and frankly, they would be right to think you're claimed by one person only.
"San said he'd fuck me stupid," you giggle— you're fetching old memories from your mind, re-painting the colors, completing the gaps like a mandala; the same memories from the older days which you wouldn't call better, but certainly easier; from days where you didn't have to worry about a man breaking your heart.
Seonghwa scoffs and grabs you by your tit, pulling your nipple with harsh tugs, the sensitive, delicate nub being wounded by his aggressiveness. He's stopped being gentle a long time ago, leaving a big star-shaped mark on your ass by clapping the surface of his hand.
"San said I'm his whore," you reminisce, biting your teeth through the pain, and Seonghwa is speeding up his thrusting, his cock angled inside you to entirely fill out your tight space.
"San said—"
Seonghwa has had enough. He's pressing the surface of his hand onto your mouth and nose, silencing you, cutting you short of your air, your eyes rolling back, but it doesn't prevent your thoughts to continue tumbling down. Seonghwa may be jolting his hips into you like his life depends on it, and in a way, that may be true, but he'll never pleasure you like San could.
People-pleaser. San said he was a people-pleaser.
You don't remember the orgasm, you don't remember Seonghwa's loud grunt into your ear, you don't remember how much hot cum he ejaculated into you, how panicked the black-haired was, when he asked you whether you took the pill, how quickly he became sober and put his clothes back on, the speed of time seemingly passing like a rocket-ship, the music never stopping to blitz into your brain, how the porta-potty became really fucking empty, once Seonghwa left it, but what you do remember is how you took his phone that he forgot like the dumb-ass he was, and how weak your voice sounded, when you answered San's call that by some magical way, kept ringing in.
"Can you come fetch me?"
"Who is this?"
"Come fetch me, please."
And people-pleasers should do anything to keep their people happy.
Especially if they're Choi San and avoidant of conflict.
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part 4: coming soon!
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lxmine · 1 year
Heyy! I’m the person that asked for the pt 2 for the chest hc’s <3 I was wondering if you can do kissing hc’s for dottore, childe, Capitano, or Al haitham? (Separate) I loveee your writing <3
❝shut up.❞ + dottore, childe, capitano, al haitham
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+. fluff, lots of kissing, slight suggestive
+. summary ; genshin men kissing head canons <3
+. A/N yawl this isnt smut ok T-T but its kinda suggestive but not rlly, as you know im a minor so i wont be writing it too smutty LMAO AND THANK YOU GUYS FOR SUPPORTING ME! I HAVE REACHED 60 FOLLOWERS AND U GUYS DONT KNOW HOW GREATFUL I AM FOR THIS <33 ILY GUYS SO MUCH
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your first kiss with him was just kinda normal. this dude does not make a single reaction when he kissed you for the first time.
not bcuz he didnt like it, it was just its so he could tease you about it.
“did… you not like it?” “oh dear, i was spacing out, darling. would you mind doing it again?” he smirks as he sits down on his chair and then pulls you closer by the waist, while looking up at you.
he loves it when you get all shy on him.
he’s not a fan of pda but i think if needed to be obvious, he would take off his mask while glaring at the person who was trying to get with you and just pull you in close and LITERALY make out with you.
he’s a sadist of course he loved the embarrassed look on your face.
but if you’re feeling sad and if he loves you enough to even comfort you (i dont think he’ll be that affectionate and just date for the thrill of it or just so he could have you as a personal test subject, but he’s hot) he’ll sit you on his lap and kiss you on your neck while he listens to your problem.
he also loves your neck sm, like when youre at home and wearing something that reveals your neck, he’d come behind you, arms wrapped around your waist as he kisses your neck softly.
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bro is majestic, passionate, and good at kissing ;)
i really like the thought of him being a big softie because!? why not!?!?!
whenever the two of you are cuddling, and your face is buried against his chest, he’s give you small head kisses or forehead kisses cuz he loves you sm.
kisses with a warning, “may i kiss you?” everytime he wants to. he’s a gentle man okay!?
daily forehead kisses from him <333
would have you sitting on his lap while yall make out 0_0
his arms or hand will always be on your waist no matter what.
insecure? of your face? your tummy?? don’t you worry dear, capitano is here to kiss it better <3
would kiss your insecurities away while sweet talking to you.
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no shame at all T-T in front of the other harbingers? yeah, definitely would kiss you out of no where to piss everyone off.
make out sessions 3x a day just like a meal fr (HELP THIS IS SO FUNNY)
love love love loves to hugs you so tight while you kiss.
he admires capitano so just like him, he loves having you on his lap while making out too, with his hand on your waist.
bites your lower lip whenever he gets cheeky.
sleepy kisses on the neck/chest whenever you cuddle and he’s the little spoon and forehead/head kisses whenever he’s the big spoon <3
just loves kissing you everywhere and anywhere in general tbh.
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al haitham
unlike childe, he likes to keep it lowkey.
holding hands under the table while the two of you study together, stealing kisses whenever no one’s looking.
but his personal favorite is kissing you at the library behind the big bookshelves whenever the two of you are alone.
holding you on the neck softly while he pecks your lips several times with a small smile on his face.
whenever he gets jealous of your mates, he would simply just steal you away from them and take you somewhere the two of you could be alone and just… make out.
kaveh isn’t new to catching the two of you in act, in fact he’s caught the two of you more than he could count by his fingers. and he’s tired of it T-T bro feels very single.
the first time was when you and al haitham are left in a classroom and your arms were wrapped around his neck and his around your waist.
“what the… fuck did i just walk in to??”
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THIS TOOK SOSOSOSOSOSOSO LONG IM SO SORRY T-T BUT NOW I HAVE OVER 80+ FOLLOWERS OMGG THANKYOUGUYS SM I LOVELOVELOVELOVEYOU ALL ISTG anyways this took too long but i rushed it T-T im sorry nonny </3 pls send more requests so i could busy myself because were having a week long break <33
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lowkeyrobin · 25 days
OMG I've had this idea for a while but fuckshit x shy turned confident reader where they're in the same class but fuckshit doesn't really notices reader until reader starts dressing for themself and does things they want to do instead of letting people walk all over them and fuckshit starts developing a crush and starts seeing reader everywhere !!! Thank you love you robinnnn <33
STOP I LOVE THIS WTF ♣️ dw I saw the other thing ik its u bae ; love you too freakazoid ; thanks for requesting pookieeee hope u enjoy
FUCKSHIT ; confidence
summary ; fuckshit develops a crush on the new you
warnings ; language, censored racial slur, weed
disclaimers ; fuckshits real name is gonna be olan (like the actor himself) as much as I don't like it that much it's the best bet + I don't wanna make up some random name for him 😭🙏 it's just bc ain't no teacher is gonna call him fuckshit and stuff ; also I do censor the n word one bc I'm not black, two it's how ray and fuckshit talk, it's not overused or anything, I'm just not trying to whitewash their speech and mannerisms and them reclaiming that word is kinda important for them because they're black skaters in the 90s so 🙏
word count ; 1k
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You used to cover yourself up a lot, even during summer. Sweaters and long sweatpants and jeans paired with hightop Converse were your usual outfits, even in the blazing LA heat.
You skated here and there, not at any parks or popular spots, just around. You shared a class with Olan, or Fuckshit as he likes to be called, at school. You had 12th period history with him, where he sat next to you.
You were very shy and reserved, you never talked to anyone unless spoken to and spent your time in the back of the class just getting through your work. Every so often, Fuckshit would try to talk to you to little or no avail. He never really noticed you much in the hallway or any other class either, so he didn't have any other way to talk to or see you through the day.
He didn't know much about you, which is why he also didn't know much about how you'd let people walk over, use, and bully you. He'd defended you in class once, but that was the extent of it. He wasn't a bully whatsoever, a fuckboy, yeah, but he wouldn't make fun of you for some dumb reason like the way you dress or the way you bite your nails.
But, now, he couldn't help but stare at you.
He could finally see your gorgeous eyes again, your smile proving that you were much happier this way. You seemed so excited and confident. He even noticed you in the hallway talking to someone with a smile on your face.
He had to say something.
"Oh, shit, like your shirt. Gravediggaz is fire." He smiles.
You return said smile. "Oh, thanks! You listen?"
"Hell yeah, n****"
He sees the kids who usually made fun of you snicker and whisper a few feet away, but pays them no mind. You follow his gaze and get a quick look before rolling your eyes and turning back to him.
"Fucking annoying" You say, placing a finger gun to your temple. "You skate, right?"
"Yeah, why? You trynna hang?"
"Maybe" You chuckle and shrug, "Going to the courthouse, just wanna show off some tricks at that party. Wanna come with me? You'd make it way less embarrassing"
"Yeah, of course" He grins, "Mind if I bring my boys along?"
"Oh, please. The more the merrier" You nod, "I'll be under the left tree at six, yeah?"
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Safe to say he couldn't wait to talk to you later considering he wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. Ray had been making fun of him all afternoon while Fourthgrade filmed it all, Ruben's laughter prominent in the background.
He was basically bouncing off the walls as the minutes ticked away, time coming closer and closer as to when he'd see you again.
"Put your dick away"
"Shut the fuck up! I'm just excited"
"Yeah, excited alright"
"I swear to God-"
He basically sprinted out the door when it hit 5:50, leaving the others in the dirt as he skated down the sidewalk as fast as humanly possible.
He saw you waving for him as he entered, and he quickly walked towards you with a smile and a blunt in his hand.
"Hey" He smiles, offering you said blunt.
You take it and blow a puff out of it, "Hey, glad you made it. Where's your friends?"
He looks over to the side, waving to a group of boys who were clearly trying to look for him. The three nod and talk toward you two, talking about something you couldn't hear.
You wave to them as they approach and sit with you, joining the conversation about everything skate and music related. As the sun sets, the area illuminated by white and colorful neon lights, you get up onto the building, top of the stairs, to show off some tricks. You see Fuckshit and his friends watching you, along with many other strangers who were watching other skaters show their shit off.
You grind down the metal railing and hop off with a kickflip. You glance over at the curly haired blonde, who's shouting some inaudible compliments. You see his one friend, tall and blonde, filming with a Camcorder. You didn't mind, you thought it was pretty sick.
The youngest out of them, maybe fourteen or so, hands a blunt to the dark-skinned boy with the locs, both of their eyes on you, like they're scanning your high-school coolness level or something.
"Ayeee, that was sick as fuck!"
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"Olan, is there something you need to share with the class?"
Fuckshit's eyes slightly widen as he slowly looks up at the teacher who'd caught you two whispering in the back of class.
"Nah, I'm good"
The teacher turns back to the board as you two quietly smile and snicker.
He can't help but get lost in your happiness, feeling comfort in your sneaky smile. He can't help but adore everything about you, from your humor to your skating, your music interests, it was like you were made for him.
The bell rings, nearly popping your eardrums once more as it dismisses you for the day. You walk side by side through the halls, taking the longest way through the school to go toward the front doors to leave.
"I just don't understand being a poser like that, it ain't getting you any pussy" He laughs, agreeing with your long tangent about how being new at skating didn't mean you were a poser, and that being a poser is lame. "Like what you doing when someone asks if you can do a trick or show them? You just paid for a deck to look cool?"
"Exactly! They act like we can't tell who's a poser and who's not!"
You reach the entrance, having to go your separate ways home.
"See you tomorrow, dude" You smile with a light chuckle, waving him a little goodbye as you step on your board to skate away.
"See ya! I'll bring those cookies tomorrow too!" He smiles and waves back at you.
Ray and Fourthgrade approach, confused and amused looks on their faces.
"Cookies? When did you become a baker, n***?" Ray asks.
"Shut the fuck up, I owe them"
"For what?" He asks again as the trio walk down the sidewalk, straying away from the street til they got off school property.
"Inviting us to that thing on Friday, and homework answers"
"Ugh, here he goes again"
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doiesfav · 9 months
hii i love ur writing!! just read mr. no name, it was such a cute and funny plot i love it!!🥺 would it be possible to get a part2?
(also more importantly, hope u have a good day~<33)
*˚:✧Mr. No Name PT. 2 - Mark ||
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''I wanna know your name''
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Pairing: nonidol! Mark x fem! Reader
Plot: After breaking up with your long time boyfriend your friend took you to a party to get over it, you weren't feeling it but when you arrived, you met a stranger there who made your heart feel warm again.
Genre: strangers to idfk! AU, fiction, short story
Contains: smoking, fainting, wounds and ig Jaehyun is just an asshole😭
wc -> 0,8K
Requested -> ✓ || by anon
a/n: hiii! Thanks for enjoying my fic I really appreciate it a lot TT, your comment made me realise a lot of people are enjoying it as well. Although I'm not the best writer I will keep practicing to get much more better and reach your expectations, again thanks!!
for better reading experience -> PT.1
(not proof read, sorry for mistakes!)
banners and dividers are self made
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After he left chuckling the repeated words ''Mr. No name'' you stayed in there to think about what just happened. The blonde guy whose name was unknown to you had an aura that probably made you have a little crush. You were drooling over him until you heard some screams down in the living room.
''Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!''.
Who was fighting who? You loved those kinds of situations, well, at least not when the ones fighting were your ex and your recent crush. ''So it was fucking you Mark, I fucking knew it'' You just discovered his name Mark, but it wasn't the most important thing right now. ''And what, are you gonna beat the fuck out of me?'' he then opened his arms to him showing how much confidence he had. ''Oh yes I fucking will'' and the fight started.
Jaehyun grabbed him by the collar and punched him straight on his cheeks which made Mark fall creating more space for them to fight. He got up and pinned down the ex boyfriend and gave him back the punch he received plus another one. Jaehyun tried to stand up but fell on his knees while Mark got thrown away by his strong hands. All of this was happening in front of you, you could have stopped the fight, yelled at them, or even called the police which wasn't a very clever thing to do since some of the guests were still minors. But you decided to just watch them fight until he noticed you.
''What? Gonna just stand there and watch while we fight our asses off?'' Those words made Mark notice your presence and when you two made eye contact he looked away trying to prevent it, ''You know Jaehyun, you are such a loser'' you said while sipping a glass of cocktail you randomly grabbed from the kitchen. ''I'm a what? Be so for real right now bitch'' He slowly got up and went straight to you, you didn't try to flinch as it would show your weakness. ''Hey don't come near her'' It was Mark's voice which made Jaehyun even more frustrated than he already was. ''Shut the fuck up blondie, I thought you were better than this'' He then turned his head towards you again and used his hands to cup your cheeks but your eyes showed no signs of fear.
Then a hand grabbed one side of your ex's shoulders and when he turned around, he received another punch that made him fall straight away to the ground. ''Fuck, I said do not touch her'' To be honest, when his hands disappeared from your cheeks your nervousness also did. Jaehyun after that punch didn't react and was left on the dirty ground, people started to worry and some even checked if he was still breathing. ''He's still breathing guys, probably just knocked out by his punch'' someone said out loudly. Jaehyun's friends then rushed to carry him away and everyone kept doing their things, it was now you and Mark between people who didn't care about your relationship. ''Great punch'' you said after giggling, ''Thanks, actually that wasn't my most powerful one'' You bursted out laughing after those words he said. ''Don't laugh, it's a fact'' ''yes I believe you''.
You two went outside to take a break from the foggy and crowded ambient inside, ''don't mind if I smoke right?'' you said as your urges to take a cig were getting bigger, ''yea sure''. You then lighted up your cig and Mark just put his hands in his pockets, the smoke you just expelled went in the direction of the wind, which was also where Mark was. He coughed after accidentally exhaling a bit of it, ''Oh gosh, sorry let's change our positions'' And before you could move your body a hand grabbed your wrist, ''no it's okay, stay where you were I'm f-'' he then continued coughing not as hard as the first time though. You had no option but to throw the cigarette away, ''it was fine, you could just have ke-'' you had to shut him up, ''Don't worry is just one cig, although you seem nervous'' he actually acted more nervous after. ''No, is just, I never smoke so, that doesn't mean you should leave it- It's your decision, I'm nobody to-'' Before he could continue you patted his head. ''don't be nervous, you sounded much more cooler in the bathroom''.
''So Mark right?'' He nodded, ''Yup, Mark Lee'', and your hand raised so you could shake hands ''Nice to meet you Mark'' He looked down and noticed, ''Nice to meet you too'' Both hands connected, and you could feel his recent wounds because of the fight. He could feel your soft and silky hands which he didn't wanna release because of the warmth of yours.
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Heyyy, thanks for requesting a part two, I totally forgot there was gonna be one but now there is :))) Remember would appreciate any kind of notes!! love you guys <33
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nian-7 · 2 months
HAIII!! it’s me vani from the matchup requests hehehe (if u remember…but it’s okay if u dont lawl) i really love all your writings from almost all the fandoms you write for!! i think it’s probably your writing style which makes me really like your writings alot maybe?? basically, I LOVE YOUR BLOG ALOT N YOU SEEM RLLY COOL TOO!! :3c 
also, I’d like to be friends w/ you aswell even though im literally a blank/empty blog…(;ω;) (sort of planning to probably post something soon tho, but im not sure when…)
ALSO NOW I WANNA REQUEST FOR SMTH NOW SOOO can i request letters A, G, I, K, & Q from the sfw alphabet with satsuki and anne??? thank you so much in advance! have a great day! ☆ (also love ur new theme btw :33)
HI VANI!! i do remember you, yes. i'm not that bad with names thankfully... BUT OFC WE CAN BE FRIENDS!! i'll be looking forward to whatever you post on your blog but i hope you enjoy your request!
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Anne, Satsuki x gn!reader
✧fluff alphabet (a, g, i, k, q)
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Affection (pda? how do they like physical affection?)
-Anne loves physical affection. It's always something they love to indulge in. Whether that's grabbing your face to turn it towards them for a kiss or just having their hand intertwined with yours.
Gentle (how gentle are they with you?)
-Super gentle! You're their lover after all, why would they want to be rough with you when they love you so much? Always touching you so sweetly and giving you kisses that are full of love always. They're a little playful but they're always gentle.
Impression (their first impression of you)
-I'm very certain that Anne notices your style out of everything first. Your style is what draws them to you in the first place so their first impression is based on how much they're into your style more than how you actually look.
Kisses (how do they kiss you? where?)
-Usually your cheeks or lips are preferred. They love leaving lipstick marks on your cheeks and they especially love it if you have squishy cheeks! It's always got an underlying playfulness when they kiss you but it's always full of love.
Quality Time (do they enjoy it? how do they like to spend it?)
-Of course! Lots of dates are in order when you date Anne. Usually they consist of going out rather than staying it. They love to spend time with you and they consider it all a 'date' whenever they spend one on one time with you.
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Affection (pda? how do they like physical affection?)
-Super duper embarrassed about it... Satsuki loves affection, especially from you, but he can't help but feel extremely embarrassed. PDA isn't something he always prefers and would like smaller affections when it's in public.
-In private though? Go wild. He loves it all even when he's red as a tomato. Like a sponge soaking up all the affection he can get from you. Pouts a little when you stop...
Gentle (how gentle are they with you?)
-Again, super duper gentle. He treats you like you're about to break sometimes and he becomes the biggest softie around you. He can't help it!! You're just so special to him that he can't bare the thought of accidentally hurting you!
Impression (their first impression of you)
-His first impression of you can go one of two ways, it just depends on what you want to see it as.
-Either one, he finds you interesting and/or cool and is interested in befriending you at some point. Maybe you met through a mutual friend so he was trying not to intimidate you... (if you prefer a sort of slow-burn story)
-Or.. love at first sight. Absolutely smitten by you in every way. Your laugh, your smile, your face, and whatever else he sees before he gets caught staring like an idiot...
Kisses (how do they kiss you? where?)
-Anywhere and everywhere is okay with Satsuki. He loves kissing you (even if he's too embarrassed to even initiate it...) so he doesn't even care where he's kissing you as long as he is kissing you.
Quality Time (do they enjoy it? how do they like to spend it?)
-He loves quality time. Much less embarrassing than physical touch or words of affirmation although he loves both of those things a lot. Just being in your presence is enough to make his day and he loves to go on dates with you.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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linawritestwst · 1 year
I like the s/o stubborn and naughty who always do some new mischief and that scolding works the opposite for them, it encourages them to be more naughty but s/o are very adorable in general idk xd so hcds with an s/o fem as well as in the description with pomefiore and neige <33
pomefiore and neige x stubborn and mischievous s/o headcanons (fem!reader)
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this is probably ooc for neige, but whatever, twst isn't giving us any content with him anyway, so this is how i personally see him *grabs rsa students and rollo* twst may not treat you right but i will. I WILL also ngl i had a lot of fun writing this!
vil schoenheit.
♡ sometimes.. he really has no idea how to deal with you. no matter how much he tries to scold you or make you stop, you do the exact opposite and you just keep causing even more mischief. seriously, you are more troublesome than some freshmen. some students have no idea why vil fell in love with such a chaotic girl like you and even vil himself wonders why it happened, but.. he feels like he knows the answer already.
♡ vil is the type of person who quickly adjusts and fixes your clothes first and only after that he asks what you did this time. you have to look good when you're apologizing for your behavior after all. vil can be very strict with you, but he has his weak moments too and sometimes, showing him your cutest smile or giving him your tightest hug can be enough to make you go easy on you. he's not proud of those moments though and other students can clearly see him blushing after that.
♡ maybe vil fell in love with you because you make his life more.. interesting? he would never tell you that because he knows just how much you would tease him after and he also doesn't want to encourage you to cause more trouble. though he has to admit that you really can be very cute sometimes okay most of the time actually and he loves seeing your smile even if it's that smile of yours that means you're up to no good.
rook hunt.
♡ he actually likes your personality a lot and doesn't mind you being a troublemaker at all! there's no way anyone would get bored when you're around and you can easily make everything so much more interesting! and just when rook starts to think that he has figured out how your mind works, you surprise him again. haha, you really are his little trickster, aren't you?
♡ rook sees nothing wrong with what you're doing, honestly. and if anyone tries to accuse you of doing something, he always knows what to say to make others believe that you're actually innocent. and yes, you running to hug him and kiss him on the cheek as thanks is part of the reason why he does that. he just can't help it, you're so adorable, he can't let anyone ruin your fun!
♡ you're so unpredictable, rook doesn't get you at all, but that's what makes him fall in love with you even more. he wants to know more about what's going on in that pretty little head of yours, but he also wants you to remain a mystery to him at the same time. sometimes, when you talk to him, rook just sits next to you and looks at you while saying nothing and still listening to every word you say. and sometimes you say such things that can shock even someone like him. also, he hopes you don't mind him watching you from time to time, he just wants to understand you better, that's all, haha..
epel felmier.
♡ hello?? you're literally gonna be the end of him?? he's always either too busy begging you to stop or he becomes into a red and flustered mess because of your teasing. when he's around vil, he tries to act more calm and he usually sounds like this: "u-um, y/n, i'm sorry, but can you please stop doing this? i don't think it's polite to act like this, you know.." but when it's just you two alone, he's much louder and more honest about his feelings. you just think of it as him feeling more comfortable around you and you're glad that epel loves you this much <3
♡ of course, you love to tease him in public too! oh no, you're suddenly feeling very sleepy, you sure hope epel doesn't mind you taking a nap on his lap.. he is trying so hard to keep calm. he's so embarrassed, he has no idea how to act when you do these things to him, what if vil sees him??.. though it does feel nice to have such a loving girlfriend who's not ashamed to show her feelings even when there's so many people around. it sure makes him feel more confident, hehe. w-wait, what do you mean vil is also there??
♡ epel has most likely fell in love with you exactly because of how open you are about your feelings. sometimes he wonders if you have any fears at all, because you're so brave, so confident, so honest.. you never stop being you even for a second and you don't care what other people might think of you. epel is the only person who you can listen to and still, it doesn't mean that you will actually take his advice. and you know that this boy secretly admires you and wishes he was just as brave as you.
neige leblanche.
♡ you know what. i can see him secretly or not so being into people like you. don't ask me why. he just thinks you're such a fun and interesting person! he doesn't get why others always tell him to be careful when you're around, you're so nice to him?? you always ask him for hugs and kisses and more attention in general, seriously, you're so cute! so yeah, it's basically just you, making use of neige's innocence, neige, who's glad to give you as much love as you want and rsa students, who thought neige will end up with a soft and gentle "princess" type of girl and. well. not someone like you.
♡ neige genuinely doesn't understand why people describe you as such a dangerous person. sure, you do have that mischievous personality, but it only makes you more interesting, right? you wish your boyfriend would give you a more unique reaction though. you try so hard to fluster him more, but he usually just goes "haha, y/n, you know that i love you too, but don't you think we should do this somewhere more private? you know, um, i'm pretty popular and all.." he's not gonna lie though, sometimes you make his heart beat a little too fast.
♡ surprisingly, it's actually easier for you to make neige react when it's just you two alone. perhaps it's because he feels like he doesn't have to be this cute boy who always smiles and who's always kind and polite to everyone, when you're around? maybe he can express himself more freely when it's just you? he's still more calm than you'd like him to be, but when you see his cheeks becoming a little bit red (and it's especially noticeable because of how pale his skin is), you know that you've done a good job.
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hyunluvscreamy · 1 year
can u do enha with a little reader 🥺 plz i love ur writing
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tysm anon<33 sunoo is my fav here💘😖💝
tbh heeseung had known abt it before you had even realized, just the way you always wanted to do more childish stuff,do those daddy little girl rolepays etc. so when you talked to him abt it you were so thankful how supportive and understanding he was. he took you to the store the next day n bought everything you wanted.
omfg jay would be the best at this spoiling you,showering you with love,giving you spanks when you misbehave. he absolutely LOVES how dependent you are on him the amount of trust you have for him boosts his ego sm,so if ANYONE were to make fun of you OH BOY their lucky if their life isn’t ruined then and there. anyways the important part is he loves you more then anyone and so do you<33
jake would feel like he just fell in love with you all over again, he treats you like you were made of glass one wrong touch and you would be broken. your his precious little baby and he wouldn’t change it for the world
sunghoon is so perfect for this, he’d always make sure to bring your coloring stuff n paci wherever you go, if you were to get embarrassed abt it he’d make sure to let you know it’s one of the many things he adores abt u and to whoever made you feel that way..their DEAD. would call you daddy’s little girl/boy/baby (he has a daddy kink IDC IDC)
jungwon would be slightly confused at first but wouldn’t judge you he would just ask you to explain it, he’ll do TONS of research he wanted to know everything abt u this included. the first time you had entered little space when he was around he made sure he was right by you giving you everything you needed n made sure to note all the little things you did.
OMG SUNOOOOO😖😖this boy would ADORE IT like he just can’t imagine a more precious thing, when you look at him with your big doe eyes and a paci in your mouth he just can’t resist the urge to smother you in kisses<33 the point is he thinks your absolutely adorable in and out of little space and would do everything he can to protect your innocence
niki understands it very well, bcs he didn’t have much of a childhood either so that made him even more protective of you. he knows you’ve been through a lot so he’ll make it his mission to let you know your loved and precious
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baldeslut · 9 months
hii !! hope you’re okay, can you write something about alejandro and y/n dating and one day both barcelona men’s and women’s team train together and alejandro can’t keep his eyes off her and he keeps encouraging her or anything else so the team tease them?
just to say your first story was really great ! finally someone who write about balde
Thank u for the compliment i very much appreciate it🫶🏼 and yes im am ok thank you for asking<33 so here you go!!
Alejandro Balde
Got some inspiration from the Glue song i think its rlly cute
warnings: none. just fluff. Enjoy<33
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Today was going to be different. Training with the men’s first club! I was excited to train with my boyfriend as he couldn’t take his eyes off me in the car
“Ale! Keeps your eyes on the road bebé”
I chuckled as he ran his fingers through my hair. We both got out of the car as he kissed my forehead before leaving our separate ways to the locker room.
As i walked out i could feel the butterflies growing in my stomach as he locked eyes with me.
“Hey Y/n Alejandro is looking at you!” Alexia blurts out
I see Alejandro turn his head almost instantly as his friends start to tease him too. I burst out laughing as my friends laugh with me too. We all get our boots on as the technical talk starts, a circle forms and they just talk off. I flashed a smile at Alejandro as he wipes his face, flustered.
“Pssst, Balde look” Gavi says as he silently laughs with Pedri
They set us into 2 different groups as one starts with a running drill and the other with a free kick drill. But i wasnt with Alejandro this time. He pouted as he jogged off to the other side of the pitch to start his running drill. I started with my free kicks as i scored all of them in, i turned around to see Alejandro slowing down in his tracks as he had a proud smile on his face as he made a small heart with his hands.
“He loves you eh?” Fermín says as he points over to Alejandro, as he gives him a look.
“Mhm yeah, he loves me a lotttt” I say as dragging the ‘lot’
A good 45 minutes have past as we walk over for a water break. Alejandro starts to jump up an down like a little child as he heard the water break announcement.
He ran up to me to give me a long, tight hug as he kissed my sweaty cheek (ew sorry omg😭). I saw down on the bench as he took his water bottle, spraying some on his head so he can cool off.
“Amor, your doing so well do you know that” He says
I lean my head on his shoulder as he continues to pepper me with kisses on my forehead.
“Alejandro! Shh” i giggle
“¿Qué? Hm fineee i guess you don’t want them to know your only mine”
“No im joking obviously. I love you Ale!”
I leant my head on his shoulder as he continued to pepper my forehead with kisses. I was tangled in his love. Im so inlove with him. He hugged me tight as the teasing began. He hushed me as he pulled closed for a tight long hug.
“They’re so cuteee” Salma said as she pointed out.
“I bet Alejandro was the first one to say i love you!” Pedri laughed
Alejandro scrunched his nose at Pedri as they continued to tease. It was like Alejandro wasn’t hearing any of this. So i did the same. You adored every single thing about him. To the way he plays to his personality.
“I love you bebé i just want you to know that alright?” He whispers in my ear
“Ugh my gosh here they go again” Lamine scoffs
“You don’t know what love is haha” Frenkie chuckles
“Yes mi amor, i love you soo much too”
A/N writing fluff is just so 👌 to me (i dont write it very often like… i usually only write smut so dont shame me😭) I hope u enjoyed! Its kind of shorter this time because tumblr kept lm closing without saving it so i just got tired of writing sorry🥲
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immortalmsmoon · 3 months
hiii<3333 love ur work especially ur persona 5 works hope your request box is still open <33
can i request how akechi wedding would be and how domestic life will be ?
hope u have a great day (and happy late new years!!!!)
Domestic Life With Akechi
Goro Akechi
A/N: Guys I'm back?? sorry i was gone so long!!! finally have motivation to write again. Thank you so much for the request!
Warnings: FLUFFFFF
Wordcount: 497
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definitely proposed to you, and refused to have it any other way. he had a plan, and their was no way he was doing anything else
it was really sweet honestly...so much bad stuff has happened in his life, he's ready for a break
made sure everything was perfect, and of course it was
probably took you to a flower field or somewhere the two of you could have some privacy
he's so used to having people fangirl over him, and sometimes he doesn't mind, but this is one of the few exceptions where he doesn't want anyone to interfere, or see it happen, really. he knew you'd probably like the privacy as well
not very awkward before and whilst proposing, but very much so afterwards. happy, but awkward nonetheless.
one of few times he actually gets flustered. he prepares this cute little speech, and he's not used to expressing that much emotion.
when you guys finally get married he is honestly so excited. he may not show it that much, but he really is.
again, everything is perfect. he's very organized about all of this.
also again, a cute private venue is where you get married. probably in a field with one of those white arch thingy's above you. a couple of your friends, your family, and maybe one or two of his friends. Akira probably end's up being best man, unless you have someone in mind.
you guys have a quiet but fun wedding, dance a bit, you know, the works.
he's not super romantic until you guys have some privacy, aka after the wedding.
he's uncharacteristically romantic, mainly because he never really saw a day like this coming, and he is truly so happy and lucky to have a s/o like you.
very sweet and kind of clingy. makes you food, and the two of you have a nice romantic night, ending it off with a nice bath.
now, when it comes to domesticity, its a lot of small stuff.
again, Akechi's not big on being physically affectionate, or even verbally. he usually shows you in acts, big or small.
he likes to make you breakfast when he doesn't have work, and prepare bath's for you after long days.
sometimes he'll pick up some stuff he knew you wanted or needed from the store and nonchalantly leave them on the counter for you.
does a lot of chores, and the two of you kind of have a little schedule for who does what and when.
also shows his love in the moments that the two of you have together.
he's pretty busy, but he always makes time to spend with you.
all of his dates are memorable or meaningful somehow, even if its just a visit to the jazz club. you always end up with a couple polaroid pictures or some little knickknack that the two of you picked up on your journey.
domestic live with Akechi is really calm and nice, and rarely is there many problems between the two of you.
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paulmcf4rtney · 1 year
teddy boy george x reader please!! fem reader, maybe paul or john’s sister? lots of fluffy cavern goodness would be much appreciated!! 💗
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anon asked for Teddy boy!George x fem reader!!!! THANK U SM FOR THE RQ! <33
definitely gonna go with paul hehe
-You being the sister of the prettiest boy in school gave you lots of attention, girls asking you for favors, giving you notes to pass n share to your brother, the list goes on.
-Paul always flirted back with the women he talked to, but he had competition with George either way when it came to girls.
-You were so in love with him the more you noticed his presence, which of course made it worse, you couldn’t help it. His smile, his wink.. The way he talked to you like you were the only girl in the world.
-Paul found out about this and gave you a stern talking to, about not to “date boys” and especially NOT GEORGE. It was hypocritical, he could flirt but you couldn’t date a single boy?
-Did you care though? No, no you didn’t. You felt seen for once, and not like a shadow behind your brother. You knew it wasn’t his fault and he was only trying to protect you.
-Either way you were on George’s radar, you both started to get closer (emotionally and physically) to the point you were having dreams about him.
-You talked to him almost every day at this point, before, during and after school. Your brother caught on but you told him nothing would happen.
“Aye, you wanna come by my place? My parents aren’t gonna be home, we can watch a movie.” George whispered to you in class with that thick Liverpool accent that made your body melt.
You nodded, trying not to alert the teacher and get you or him in trouble.
And after-school outside like always you meet up with him, this time you told your brother you had somewhere to be and not to wait up for you, that had raised a little suspicion from Paul but he didn’t want to give you a hard time anymore than he already has.
You were nervous? Sort of? This was the first boy that paid this much attention to you in what felt like forever. You held George’s hand by instinct, you were gonna pull away out of embarrassment but he locked his fingers with yours.
If your face wasn’t red before it was definitely red now. George spoke up again, “My house ain’t too far but I still gotta drive..”
“You have a car???” Surprised, I mean, why wouldn’t you be surprised!? When he walked you out to his vehicle you realized partially why girls liked him so much.. A hot ride and a guitarist at the same time was all he needed to score.
“Yep, a real beauty ain’t she?”
You hummed in response
You got in as he did, strapping in. He started the engine and drove off. You didn’t dare to touch anything or even look at him, you were bad with eye contact when it came to your crushes. (Sucks that Paul decided to always scare them away) But you knew George was different.
He didn’t take shit from anyone, not even your brother. In fact i’m sure he likes the idea that he’s going against Paul. George didn’t say much the whole ride, he put on music though.
You didn’t mind how quiet it was, but you were too deep into your thoughts to realize he had parked the car already, snapping you out by the sound of his voice. “Cmon, i’ll show you inside n’ let you pick out the movie if ye want.” And there was that fucking smile again.
He let you step out of the car, holding your hand again. His hands were very soft just like his voice, he didn’t rush you or try to make a move.. It was nice.
You entered, and his house was actually really pleasing in decorum. His parents definitely raised him well, it showed.
There was blankets folded next to the couch in a basket, pillows perfectly placed on each side.
George kicked his shoes off, so you did the same, he was asking you what you wanted to watch since his parents owned a collection of tapes/movies you looked through them, picking one that happened to be horror.
You both were *almost* cuddled up on the couch under the blankets, until a scary scene came on you jumped and grabbed onto George’s shirt, hiding your face in his chest. You liked scary movies but the scenes still make you jump.
He held you tight and petted your hair, whispering to you that there was nothing to be scared about. “Ya don’t need to be so frightened i’m here, it’s okay.”
You sniffled at his response, opening ur eyes to look at him and that’s when he kisses you. Softly, yet holding back in case you weren’t ready.. But you were ready and knew it.
It felt like a thousand butterflies were in your stomach and chest by how close your faces were.
George didn’t let you go or stopped kissing your head until the movie was over, anytime the movie had a jumpscare he’d hold you tighter. You really have never experienced something like this, it was so comforting.
This was the first step to dating and having George as your own, all to yourself.
“I can drive you home, pretty girl.” He said with that gentle tone again, kissing your lips longer this time, a smirk plastered on his face.
“Oh shoot yeah, you definitely should.. So, does this mean we’re like.. Dating?” You sprouted the question to him, averting your eyes.
“Guess it does, why else would I be kissing ye?”
You knew you would have to explain to Paul and your parents why you were gone so long, but it would be worth it. So so worth it when you get home. <3
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