#a very healthy meditation technique believe me
lexixxc · 1 month
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Magistrate Astarion (None of those shits happened version)
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acorpsecalledcorva · 3 months
hi! we've seen your post about mediums/possessions in other cultures and relation to plurality - we'd like to ask, do you know anything (or can you conduct to some resources about) experiences of channeling a spirit/superior being?
I know it's way too generalised like that... what we do experience is a partly voluntary-partly involuntary experience of partial possession by a spirit or deity. think like co-consciousness and intrusions of actions/thoughts, but instead of being "regular" co-consciousness within our system, is separate from us
sorry if it's too elaborate!
It's certainly a tricky one. I mentioned in the last post a case of possession consistent with DID, there's another example about a century later of a nun who believed she was possessed by Angels, but DID isn't the only mental health condition that would have been misinterpreted as a possession, schizophrenia, BPD, bipolar, tourettes, autism, heck pretty much anything could have been taken to be the work of the devil, in some cultures depression is viewed as being caused by bad spirits. To that end, modern practices pretty much all stipulate that mental health must be ruled out or advise that someone shouldn't become a medium if they experience mental health issues. This is less common unfortunately in the more eclectic non organised practices of the online witchy community.
It is something that the community has endless debates on though! There are a lot of witches who talk about having made contact and establishing a regular dialogue with deities, occasionally going so far as to date them. This is met with quite strong skepticism, usually along the lines of "why the fuck would the Egyptian deity Osiris take time out of his busy day to hang out with a 17 year old Walgreens clerk from a small town in Arizona?" but that also kinda depends on the spirit or deity. In Umbande, communication with a group of spirits colloquially called Pomba Gira is an encouraged and open practice.
Now for my own experiences and perspective, which may or may not be relevant as I don't know know anything about you, I started my practice shortly after system discovery. I had alters who were really interested in it but the host at the time was very against it. Since then, things have gotten weird. I haven't had any experiences as you've described, but I've seen things. Visions of a god chained up in a far away world, visitors in my bedroom at night, creatures that climb up the sides of houses while I walk around during the day. Many of these experiences have been quite distressing, and as such it's very important to me that I understand that these things aren't really there, they're just hallucinations. I've seen what happens when a practitioner becomes overwhelmed by psychotic symptoms entrenched in their spiritual beliefs and it's not pretty.
That being said, in other ways my being a system has been incredibly beneficial to my practice. So many exercises and techniques that are used to reach an altered state of consciousness is stuff that my brain does automatically and easily. When I've engaged in trance induction rituals slipping into the trance is as simple as taking a step through an open door. My ability to close off my perception of the outside world and look inwards is so beneficial both in meditation and parts work. Someone once gave me advice on how to alleviate chronic pain and it was something I had been doing since I was 10 years old. And so if I wanna get really Woowoo with it my assumption would be communication with and possession by spirits requires dissociation. To be able to turn off the parts of our brain that connect to this plane of existence and become open to others.
So to sum up, I would advise a healthy level of caution and exploration into any mental health stuff you might have going on, be truthful with yourself about whether this experience is beneficial to you or harmful in some way, if you know who the spirit or deity is and it's a known and established being then it's worth exploring precedent, but if it's all good then it's all good, right?
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trexovablog · 27 days
Ayurvedic Treatment: A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness
In today's fast-paced world, where stress and ailments seem to be part of our daily lives, many people are turning to alternative forms of medicine to find relief and promote overall well-being. Ayurvedic treatment is one such ancient system that offers a holistic approach to health, focusing on balancing the body, mind and spirit. But what exactly is Ayurveda and how can it benefit you? Let's look into the world of Ayurvedic medicine and learn about its benefits.
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Understanding Ayurveda
Known as the "science of life," Ayurveda has its roots in ancient India and dates back more than 5,000 years. It is a holistic system of medicine that emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda believes that health is achieved when there is a balance between these elements and illness occurs when this balance is disrupted.
Principles of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is based on several fundamental principles, including the concept of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) and the three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These doshas govern various functions in the body and determine our unique physical and mental constitution.
Doshas: The Key to Balance
Understanding your dosha constitution is essential in Ayurveda. Vata is associated with movement, Pitta with metabolism and digestion and Kapha with structure and stability. Balancing these doshas through lifestyle, diet and treatments is crucial for maintaining optimal health.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Ayurveda aim to restore balance and harmony in the body. They include a wide range of therapies such as massage, meditation, yoga, herbal remedies and detoxification techniques. These treatments are personalized according to an individual's dosha constitution and specific health needs.
Finding an Ayurvedic Centre Near Me
If you're interested in experiencing the benefits of Ayurveda, you may be wondering, "Where can I find an ayurvedic centre near me?" Fortunately, there are Ayurvedic practitioners and centres in many cities and towns, providing a variety of services catered to your requirements.
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Therapies and Practices
Ayurveda offers various therapies and practices to address specific health concerns. These include Panchakarma detoxification, Shirodhara (oil dripping therapy), Abhyanga (massage), Swedana (herbal steam therapy) and Nasya (nasal administration of oils).
Diet and Nutrition in Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, diet is very important because it is considered the basis of health. Ayurvedic nutrition focuses on eating fresh, seasonal and whole foods according to one's dosha constitution. It emphasizes the importance of proper digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies are an integral part of Ayurvedic medicine. A wide array of herbs and botanical extracts are used to treat various ailments and promote overall well-being. These natural remedies are often combined to create potent formulations tailored to individual needs.
Lifestyle Recommendations
In addition to diet and herbal remedies, Ayurveda offers lifestyle recommendations to maintain health and prevent disease. These include daily routines, exercise, stress management and mind-body practices such as meditation and yoga.
Ayurvedic Medicine for Weight Loss
For those struggling with weight management, Ayurveda offers natural remedies and holistic approaches to support healthy weight loss. By addressing the root causes of excess weight, such as poor digestion and metabolism imbalance, ayurvedic medicine for weight loss can help you achieve sustainable results.
Ayurvedic treatment offers a holistic approach to health and wellness, focusing on restoring balance and harmony in the body, mind and spirit. With its emphasis on personalized care and natural remedies, Ayurveda provides a valuable alternative for those seeking to optimize their well-being and vitality. Whether you're looking to address specific health concerns or simply enhance your overall quality of life, exploring the wonders of Ayurveda may be the key to unlocking a healthier, happier you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is Ayurveda safe for everyone?
Yes, Ayurveda is generally safe when practiced by qualified practitioners. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant.
2. How long does it take to see results?
The timeline for seeing results with Ayurveda varies depending on individual factors such as the severity of the condition, adherence to treatment protocols and overall health. While some people may experience improvements quickly, others may require more time for significant changes to occur.
3. Can Ayurveda cure chronic conditions?
While Ayurveda may help manage chronic conditions and alleviate symptoms, it is not a cure-all. It works best as part of a comprehensive healthcare approach that may include conventional medicine, lifestyle modifications and other alternative therapies.
4. Are there any side effects of Ayurvedic medicine?
Like any form of treatment, Ayurvedic medicine may have side effects, especially if not used correctly or in excessive amounts. It's essential to follow the guidance of a qualified practitioner and inform them of any adverse reactions experienced during treatment.
5. How can I find a reputable Ayurvedic practitioner?
When seeking an Ayurvedic practitioner, look for someone who is well-trained, experienced and certified by a reputable organization. You can also ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have had positive experiences with Ayurveda.
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accessibledaytrips · 3 months
A new study has shown how returning to exercise too soon can be harmful for long covid patients
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"We very clearly show that excessive exercise – only 15 minutes, but this is excessive for the patients – causes a lot of damage," says Brent Appelman, a researcher at Amsterdam UMC.
The research has confirmed what many long covid patients have experienced while struggling to recover after their diagnosis. With symptoms such as muscle cramps, pain, fatigue, and even brain fog – lasting from anything from two days to two months, depending on the person.
"The crash that these patients experience is so severe that it can set their rehabilitation back for many months. And you can imagine that regular exercise of one hour, intense working days of eight hours, or social activities of two hours, can show similar effects."
These symptoms are similar to those of patients with ME/CFS and POTS, and are a form of post-exertional malaise. With the number of POTS diagnoses doubling since the covid pandemic, learning more about this could be the key to treating long covid.
What is Post-exertional Malaise (PEM)?
Post-exertional malaise is a worsening of symptoms after exercise, triggered by ordinary activities that healthy people can tolerate. PEM is a hallmark symptom of ME/CFS and is common in long covid. The crash caused by PEM can happen instantly, or take days to appear, with 12–48 hours being most common.
Visit Accessibledaytrips.com for more info
Tips for managing Post-Exertional Malaise
Keep a diary- With some symptoms taking days to appear, keeping a record of your activities and health can help you identify your triggers. With this information, you can make the adjustments you need to minimise your symptoms.
Make accommodations- For example, using a stool while cooking can alleviate the strain from standing for long periods of time. Camping stools are great if you are going somewhere that may not have many places to rest. If you know heat triggers your symptoms, taking a handheld fan out with you can also help lower the strain on your body.
Pace yourself- Pacing yourself is one of the most important adjustments you can make for many chronic illnesses. Taking things slowly can pay off in the long run, helping to stop burnout. This could mean planning places to stop and rest while out, or separating out your tasks so you don't do too much in one day.
Prioritise rest- When PEM does occur, it is often helpful to rest in a dark, quiet room. While resting, avoiding screens and other forms of stimulation can help to calm your nervous system. Many people with chronic illnesses often struggle with sleep or feel less rested when they wake up, so creating good sleeping habits can give your body the rest it needs.
Stress management- Many chronic illnesses are believed to be worsened by stress. Managing your stress may help you reduce chemicals like cortisol, a chemical known to make PEM worse, as well as interrupt sleep. Your body works best and is more resilient when you're relaxed. Some ways to combat stress are:
Learning to say "no" and limiting your commitments
Meditation, breathwork, and mindfulness techniques
Yoga, if you're able to tolerate the activity without triggering PEM
Delegating or asking for help with stressful tasks
Practice self-care- Everything on this list so far is a form self-care. Another important part of self-care is listening to your body. Stopping to have a break when you start feeling strained and not pushing through things can help to stop burnout; practicing this is a form of self-care that anyone with a chronic illness can benefit from.
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your-dietician · 2 years
Don't Underestimate the Power of Yoga!
New Post has been published on https://backtherapyhealth.com/dont-underestimate-the-power-of-yoga/
Don't Underestimate the Power of Yoga!
“Yoga is invigoration in relaxation. Freedom in routine. Confidence in self control. Energy within and energy without”
What is “Yoga”?
The word “Yoga” is derived from Sanskrit which means “union”. Yoga is a practice which uses postures and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength. There are Yoga “pose” ~ or “asana” ~ offers you to become more aware of your body, mind, and environment. There are many kinds of Yoga, ranging from gentle level Hatha Yoga to more intense such as Bikram Yoga. Every form of Yoga improves your health benefits from head to toe ~ your muscles, bones, and joints.
*Please always consult your physician prior to attempt any of these yoga poses and movements or using yoga as a treatment for any injury!
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Yoga
I started taking Yoga few years ago. I had never known what a powerful one hour of Yoga class can do to your body and especially your mind. When I entered the class for the very first time, I thought to myself ‘here we go, this is going to be a very easy stretching and flexibility without a drop of sweat during this session’. In the first few minutes through our Yoga ‘warm-up’, surprisingly I can feel sweat drops rolling on my back.
Mind can heal the Body ~ Namaste
I find this true that all Yoga makes people more accepting and loving toward themselves and their body. Often, it’s not the intense hard core cardio or kickboxing classes or weight lifting training you need, but rather a relaxing or energizing class, depending on your symptoms. Consult with your physician prior to taking any of these classes, or attempt to perform any of these Yoga poses.
However, I learn that there’s a misconception to some that Yoga is only about relaxation. There are some basic Yoga signature “poses” ~ or “asanas” ~ such as “Sun Salutation”, “Mountain Pose”, “Cobra”, or even “Warrior 2″ surprisingly can be stimulating to your body. Tight muscles throughout your body, back, shoulders, legs, arms, including your facial expression can be a factor in pain, and calming your nervous system will help relax them. To get the most effective benefits, I personally recommend skipping the hard-core Yoga and other intense trainings and emphasize meditation and stretching. You’re never too young or too old to reap the health benefits of Yoga. As each pose names sound as intimidating to you, believe me they are very simple to follow. Find out and discover yourself how Yoga poses ” will help you relax, refresh, and restart your engine, soul, mind, and body.
YOGA is best natural Rx *
Stay Healthy. Think Healthy. Body and Mind. There are more scientific proof that YOGA offers more health benefits than just mind relaxation, breathing exercise, meditation, muscle stretching, strength, and flexibility.
Health Benefits to Muscles, Bones, and Joints: Not only it can improve endurance, but a regular Yoga exercise can help and maintain your body strong, as it involves all muscles areas in performing any of ‘poses’ ~ ‘asanas’ ~ to hold and balance postures, strengthening your feet, hands, shoulders, lower back, abs, hip, legs, and shoulders. Yoga’s stretching and breathing exercises improve your flexibility, helping joints, tendons, and muscles stay limber. As with treating a back pain, try a much calming and gentle practice, such as “corpse” pose. Yoga is often prescribed to help heal various injuries*, including repetitive strain injuries, knee and back injuries, pulled hamstrings, even minor skin burns. Improve Bone Density: Yoga is also said to be an excellent weight-bearing exercise that can improve your bone density; particularly beneficial for women approaching menopause, since Yoga can help ward off osteoporosis, or thinning of the bone.
Depression Cure: A recent study has stated that Yoga helps your body produce serotonin, a natural antidepressant, and helps lower cortisol levels, which are elevated in people with depression. A study showed that people who took a 1-hour Yoga class, three times a week for two months, said they felt less depressed, angry, and anxious. Most of them felt their depression had went into remission.
Benefits to Cardivascular system: Yoga has tremendous health benefits to your heart. The powerful “poses” or “asanas” keep your blood flowing while focusing on breathing. It is a cardio conditioning which strengthens core muscles while it keeps blood and oxygen circulating throughout your body. People suffering from hypertension can benefit from Yoga tremendously, as it can actually lower your heart rate and blood pressure.
Boost antioxidant for stronger Immune system: A regular Yoga practice helps boost antioxidants throughout your body, resulting a stronger immune system and increase ability to heal quicker against disease or injury. Treatment for autoimmune diseases: It can reduce the symptoms these diseases often cause, such as stiffness, malaise, fatigue, and weakness.
Reduces Anxiety and Stress: Yoga is an effective form of psychological therapy. Because yoga is a form of meditation, it results in a sense of inner peace and purpose. It has been used to help treat a wide variety of emotional and mental disorders, including acute anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Even children can benefit from yoga. Those with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity can learn to relax and get control by using yoga breathing and yoga ‘poses’ ~ ‘asanas’. Insomnia cure: A regular Yoga practice can help cure insomnia, which promotes to better and deeper sleep. The more soundly you sleep, the fewer pain chemicals your brain secretes. In addition, it can help fight fatigue and maintain your energy throughout the day.
*Please always consult your physician prior to attempt any of these yoga poses and movements or using yoga as a treatment for any injury!
I hope you find this somehow useful. Until then, here is an inspiring quote I’d like to share with you:
“The mind is everything; what you think, you become” ~ Buddha
Until then, be safe and stay positive in mind and heart!
Nicky Dare
Source by Nicky Dare
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actormaple66 · 2 years
Meditation FAQs
What's the very best meditation for me? It's hard to imagine the large variety of meditations that might not be beneficial. Of those varied types of meditations, the "best" kind is simply the particular one you find most beneficial... the type that best fits you. So perform experiment... and believe in your feelings and even instincts. It's in addition worth noting that will though we might begin meditation for one reason (stress release, improved attentiveness and focus, more deeply rest, etc. ), we might soon discover other and more profound benefits (inner peace and balance, stronger sense of self and goal, physical and psychological healing, etc. ). When should We meditate? Meditation should not be or even feel like an "obligation" -- though, needless to say, you will have to make time in order to do it. [Also see subsequent question. ] Once a few days is a good start. If you can meditate more regularly, all the much better. Carrying out a brief morning meditation can become extremely beneficial, mainly because it sets the appropriate tone for your own day. The morning is the very powerful period, and even spending 5-10 minutes in meditation can set up an inner equilibrium that can help support you throughout the day time. A period of time is also a good ideal time and energy to arrange yourself along with your strength with your intentions, your power, along with the "higher" support so that you wish to be able to create that day. Likewise, a short relaxation in the nighttime, or at the end of your work-day, helps an individual re-balance in the bustle of the day. During the period of a day time, these demands (work, school, family tasks, etc. ) may gradually draw all of us out of equilibrium and out of our "center. inch A brief meditation allows you recover this particular balance and re-center. It also gives your mind, human body, and emotions a healthy interval with regard to some much-needed rest. How do My partner and i know if I am just meditating correctly? The first rule of relaxation -- at least the meditation we all teach -- will be: You can not do it wrong. Meditation ought to, first and first, return you in order to you. And you are unable to experience you (or your process) incorrectly. In fact, trying to "do it right" -- efforting -- is really typically the only obstacle to be able to meditation. So when a person find yourself "working at it" or perhaps struggling... that's your current signal to halt, return to your deep breathing to get a moment, in addition to let this ritual go. Meditation helps us "release" -- release our tension and heaviness, release our mental "chatter, " release our own physical and emotional tension, release the fears and judgment. Recognize that release is definitely not something all of us "do. " Holding is something we all do. Holding will take effort. Release takes place naturally whenever we allow go of our holding -- any time we cease to effort. (In reality, one of the particular very powerful longer-term advantages of meditation is usually that we will integrate this fine art of "release" in to our day to day lives... therefore that we ending up "accruing" less stress, less heaviness, less emotional anxiety, and less worry even as we move by means of our days. ) And as an autoresponder to the past question, if carrying out your daily or weekly meditation begins to feel such as an "obligation, very well you've likely allow your meditation turn into "work. " You've strayed into of which "do it right" mode. Meditation need to not be difficult or heavy. Plus it's not a thing you need in order to concern yourself with "perfecting. " Meditation should end up being, first and first, your time for serenity and lightness: the time when you have permission to rest, and even a space in which you feel safe to discharge and open. meditation instruction baltimore Surely, if you've experienced a stressful day, it may get a while to rest into this meditative state. Techniques include some patience using this. But again, the lighter you will be and the less you "work" as of this, the sooner plus easier this perception of balance plus peace will appear. Does meditation "work" right away? Yes... and no. Every single meditation will almost certainly provide many immediate relaxation plus relief from anxiety, fatigue, and psychological tension. In any given meditation, on the other hand, your experience can range from outstanding and wonderful (in terms of typically the depth of nurturing, clarity, release, and even healing you find) to simply relaxing and balancing. Although one day your own meditation may get incredibly vivid, the particular very next working day you might struggle some sort of bit. So , be prepared for this specific. This "range associated with experience" is challenging to explain, except to say that meditation is a good extremely "organic" process. Because it lines up you with the own "higher" power and knowing, it will provide what you need and what you're ready for at any kind of given time. In addition to this will vary. The key factor within this variation is that, over time, meditation heals and enables at deeper in addition to higher levels, thus there will be peaks and base (... but you aren't actually always transferring forward). In this regard, meditation works subtly, but quite powerfully with standard practice and over the longer work. Beyond this, realize that "expectation" can be a tad of a barrier to meditation. When we are "looking" for a particular experience or outcome, we tend to "close" our energy. Planning on, like efforting, engages the mind and may keep us in the experience we actually need. Again, it's generally best simply in order to be patient and to "open" to typically the energy of your current meditation. I locate sometimes that we obtain caught up within my thoughts during meditation. What next? You should anticipate this to several extent; much more in the event that you're new to be able to meditation or in the event that you're particularly stressed at the period. Don't let it worry you. Part regarding the normal means of meditation is permitting your thoughts to be able to "run themselves away. " Your head is a believing instrument; this is not a downside. Even if an individual were a "master" at meditation, in case you use the mind your mind will certainly need time for you to "wind down. " The less you worry about this process (worry is in fact the mind "at work"), the sooner your thoughts will sleep and recede out there of your way. Focusing lightly on your breathing is some sort of natural mechanism to "shift" you apart from your ideas -- hence the importance on "breathing" in many meditation practice. ("Centering" in our deep breathing, in meditation training, will also help us go back to our healthful, natural body/energy tempos. ) If thoughts intrude at any time, unwind and return the focus in your inhaling and exhaling. If you can, attempt to treat these types of thoughts as distinct from you. Finding them as confuses moving freely through the sky is the very effective symbolism. Don't adhere to them. Just breathe in addition to let your thoughts move lightly on their own way. [Also observe next question. ] I feel as though my thoughts will keep getting in typically the way of the meditation, especially any time I'm worried regarding something. Exactly what do I actually do? Again, this particular difficulty will lessen as you meditate more. Our brains are "on" constantly, so that it may carry time before many of us begin to feel some "separation" by this constant flow of our views. But this will come. Again, typically the key is staying patient and not really fighting with your current mind as well as your views. If a believed or worry is actually weighing heavily upon your mind when you begin a deep breathing, let this yoga be the opportunity not necessarily to "escape" through or "shut off" this thought, but to lighten around that. In other words, use the relaxation simply to release some of the heaviness -- the worry or fear or pressure or perfectionism surrounding this particular "matter. inches Using this method, you restore balance to your mind and totally free up more of your "knowing" to understand and tackle the matter better. And just to be able to clarify... our brains and our relaxation should not be at probabilities. Meditation should support every faculty and even strength within us. And our head is a good strength. In relaxing our thoughts through meditation, all of us are not really getting our mind "out of the way" as much since we are offering our mind their much needed moment to rest and even recover. Yes, releasing from our "mind chatter" certainly takes on a key position within our meditation, because this "noise" can distract us by our deeper, even more centered awareness. But doing so in addition provides mind some sort of chance to settle so that that can completely incorporate the information we certainly have gathered -- and draw upon extra information that individuals may not "consciously" know we've gathered. And again, by supporting relieve heaviness in addition to worry from the thoughts -- which often burden and restrict our mind -- meditation helps people and our minds see more obviously and creatively. Certainly, meditation -- at least, most forms of meditation -- incorporate techniques that will help "connect" the mind with our various other faculties for knowing: the knowing regarding our emotional and even physical bodies, typically the knowing in our center, the knowing involving our higher self. And this "integration" expertise will confirm extremely in our lives.
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crazedtmnt · 2 years
Not rlly a request at all, but i have a headcanon that Mikey(specifically 2003) is actually rlly tech smart, but often asks Donnies help because he veiws it as bonding time even tho often donnie is grumpy about beong pulled away from his work
Do you have any headcanons you havent said before/rlly like?(i dont wanna waste your time with this ask lol)
Ah, sorry it took me so long to get to this, but I love this ask and I have a few headcanons that come to mind!
One I thought of that I like a lot is that Leo is a big fan of mystery novels and detective shows. He enjoys trying to figure out where the story is going and who the bad guy is. It keeps his mind sharp and he thinks it might help when they have to investigate crimes or stalk out bad guys--figuring out who they might be working with, where they're going after, what the point of their deals are, and so on.
I also like this headcanon because too many people think the thing Leo does to relax is just meditating, but, other than one or two times in the 2003 cartoon, I've never seen him meditate for fun. It's only ever for specific lessons or techniques Splinter is trying to teach. What is he often shown doing for fun in all cartoons, though? Reading books or watching TV. If I have to read one more story or headcanon that mentions Leo meditating when he's not training, I'm gonna scream... That's not an activity guys; it's a way to center yourself. It's essentially another form of training. Let Leo have some actual downtime.
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Moving on...
My second headcanon is actually pretty similar to yours, but it's less a headcanon and more a fact forgotten over time. XD Back in the 2003 cartoon, Raph is a huge motorcycle fan and is very good with the mechanics of vehicles and such. So while Donnie is the main engineer, I headcanon that Raph is also the one the others go to for little repairs and such. He's good with his hands and if he accidentally breaks the TV in anger, he'll be the one to fix it too. He finds maintaining vehicles, especially motorcycles, very calming.
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My third headcanon ties into the one above. A lot of people basically throw everything mildly science-related at Donnie, as if he does everything and his brothers only fight. But I believe first aid is something that both Leo and Mikey are adept at doing for their family. Donnie might be able to understand and create different chemical formulas, but he's not the one patching people up. He fixes machines, not people (he can if he has to, but he prefers not to--a side note to this headcanon is that I think Donnie is a little squeamish and doesn't like messing with sick or injured bodies because they gross him out).
Leo picked up first aid because he felt it was his duty as the eldest brother to take care of them, and Mikey picked up on it because he wanted to help and make sure Leo was taken care of too. Over time, they shared the responsibility and found their own ways to help.
Both patch up people after battle, but outside major injuries Leo is good about keeping track of everyone's health overall and ensuring his family is eating well and not straining themselves. He's the one who'll know how to stretch a sore muscle and what triggers a headache. He is always recommending fluids and healthy snacks if someone is feeling a little off. Mikey likes taking care of people once they are actually sick. He knows how to alleviate symptoms, how to cook nice meals for an upset stomach, and he's always ready to make a sick person smile. So, Leo tries to prevent you from getting sick and Mikey will take care of you if you do get sick.
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That's all I can think of right now. I definitely have more, but these are some of my most thought out. What headcanons do you guys have?
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scarletarosa · 2 years
So, I found your page last night and have been reading almost everything I can, since finding it. It's really intriguing and fills me with extreme happiness at the mention of several demons.
A bit of backstory; I followed Satan before but a "different version" of him. It was basically people calling him Lucifer, spreading misinformation, claiming he was calm and overtly nice and not anything like how he truly is.
As I said before, I've been reading through your page to correct any info. It's very fun and I have a few questions.
What exactly is Ego Death and how does one perform it? What basic meditation techniques should I be using? How should I safely Astral Project?
Also, every time I read about the demons and how they don't tolerate anyone's shit, it slightly scares me because I don't wish to offend them. I get into my head and freak out to the point that I'm stalling meeting with any of them; it's really hindering my motivation.
If you have any wisdom and/or tips to give, that would be amazing.
Hello and thank you so much for asking <3 The Ego Death is something mainly meant for those following the Right Hand Path, since they seek to lose their identity and join the Source upon death. For the Left Hand Path, we value the ego to a healthy degree, but gradually hammer away at the unhealthy parts, such as greed, arrogance, envy, and unnecessary stubbornness. All these things aren't supported by the demons, since they value empowerment of the individual through discipline, and those toxic things will only hold us back. So maintain your ego, but work on getting rid of the limitations.
For meditation techniques, it is important to be relaxed (make sure you didn't just drink caffeine or alcohol, or play a video game, etc). You need to breathe slowly and deeply, allowing yourself to become as if in a trance and feel like you're floating. There are two ways to meditate during this: the one where you try not to think of anything, and the other where you focus on a wise teaching or on releasing your inner-burdens.
For astral projection, that description takes a lot to write out, but it's more simple than people tend to believe. You are welcome to dm me if you'd like to know the process <3
As for the demons, they tend to be strict but they won't usually get angry if you make mistakes often. They know how humans are and have millions of years of experience. There are some who are more likely to get irritated than others, so it's all about choosing a more patient demon to work with at the beginning, until you grow enough to be able to properly work with a demon who is less patient.
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Sabo - Law - Marco x Procrastinating Reader (Motivation for studying)
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A/N : This was requested by @onepieceya​ . Thanks for requesting ! <3 This is for every competitive procrastinator. Here are some headcanons to motivate you to study. This is your sign : START NOW ! <3 These tips are verified by me. 
-When Sabo notices that you are procrastinating too much, his « big brother mode » activates. He will do everything in his power to give you the push you need.
-« Action comes before motivation ». He is a firm believer in this approach. He will convince you to take the first step. « Just do it for five minutes alright ? » Actually, this technique works well because once you start studying for five minutes you get into the momentum.
-And that was part of Sabo's plan of course.
-If he feels like you are a lost case that day, he will suggest to go study together in the library or in a coffee shop.
-He would even pack your things for you and drag you out as you find a million excuses. Little by little you will start cherishing those moments and « study dates » will become a habit for both of you.
-Even when you study alone, your thoughts wander and reach your favourite blond. You think of how he looks so focused, totally consumed in his studies. You end up associating this moment with him and that alone is enough motivation for you to get your school work done.
-He likes to look over your shoulder to check what you are reading or studying. Whenever you finish a task he ruffles your hair and encourages you « Well done baby~ See ? You were just being lazy. You are actually very efficient when you put your mind to it ! »
-He encourages you to recite your classes for him every night. « So, tell me, what did you study today ? Oh, history ? Sounds interesting. Tell me more about it. » He listens carefully, but sometimes he falls asleep as you are talking.
-Despite being very busy, he never shows it to you and does his best to motivate you. That alone is a big motivation since Sabo is hardworking.
-He is especially an expert in philosophy and is very good at argumenting. He will be of a big help for these subjects. But why does he only quote Marx and Engels ?
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-« It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it. »
-His approach is stricter and less focused on encouragement than on his knowledge about behavior and learning. He will suggest strategic methods to study smarter and not harder.
-Sometimes it feels a bit infantilizing, because he will create the best environment for you to start studying.
-« -Y/N-ya, no tumblr for you till you get your work done. ». Yes, he will even take your phone away if it means for you to focus. And don't try to be sneaky because this man will be ruthless and even keep your phone till your exams are over.
-He will be sure to keep an eye on you, so you will be studying in his office. He has to make sure that you don't get distracted looking at a wall or something.
-Studying in his office or in the submarine is an amazing experience. It's extremely peaceful ; the scraping of his pen against the paper and his steady breathing helps you focus.
-  « I will count till three » method. How does it work ? Law counts till three and if you are not studying when he is done you're in for a bad moment.
-He knows that studying in intervals is more effective so he will use the 50 minutes studying and 10 minute break method. Everytime the session ends he will check your work and encourage you with a « Good girl » or « Good job ».
-Expect a lot of coffee, but never after 2PM for you. His caffeine addiction and insomnia makes him extremely careful with your habits. He doesn't want you to be tired for your exams and knows how important it is to sleep well.
-He gives you lectures on the importance of sleep and healthy diet for learning and memory. All of this while skipping meals and sleeping less than 3 hours each night.
-He will make a study plan for you and make sure that you follow it. He will even follow your progress by sharing a common drive where you enter your daily tasks.
-Law secretely loves correcting tests (or especially loves circling things with a red pen and giving bad grades) so whenever you're taking a mock exam, doing some assignment or writing a paper, he will check your answers and give you a grade.
-This will make you extremely motivated, of course, you don't want to have the paper covered with red every time.
-You will never know what failure tastes like if you follow this man's advice. So be like Law, study smarter.
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-« Work hard and play harder » That's how Marco approaches studying. Being older means being wiser. He knows how challenging it can be sometimes to be proactive. He will usually tell you that in order to get to enjoy your leasure time, you have to start by working hard.
-He believes in your potential doesn't want you to regret your decisions later on. He will not be too intrusive in your studying process. He would let you do it your way but he will be always there to encourage you.
-« I really trust you- yoi ! Make me proud of you, al‘right baby ?» This is the biggest motivation actually. The fear of disappointing Marco will make you study harder.
-Everytime you get a good grade he is the first person that you think of. He gets really impressed and hugs you tight. He likes to take you out to a restaurant to celebrate your success.
-He cheers for you and encourages you daily. With a soft tap on your shoulder his kind words never leave your head « Keep going ! I believe in you. You're almost there doll. »
-Marco wouldn't mind rewarding you with gifts for your success. « Let's make a deal, I promise that I would get you that dress you were crazy about last time if you pass your exams. ». He has that sugar daddy side to him.
-He would always remind you to take breaks whenever he finds you studying for longer times.
-Marco would bring you morning coffee every.single.day.
-Meditation with Marco every morning for five minutes : Mental health is extremely important. He doesn't want you to get overworked so he makes sure to help you take preventive measures.
-Giving you massages, reminding you to stretch, bringing you a glass of water : Marco is a really caring partner. That alone is a motivation to keep going and never give up.
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As promised, I am back with a more in-depth post about what I’ve been working on over the past couple of weeks. Without further delay, I’d like to officially invite each and every one of you to TGA’s first ever REJUVENATION RETREAT! I’ve been thinking about putting something like this together for a while, and I’m really excited to finally see it come to fruition. There are going to be a lot of moving parts to this, so bear with me while I get through everything! I hope at the end, you’ll all feel moved and inclined to join in on the fun!
It’s no secret that yoga, meditation, and connecting with the higher self are all parts of my kooky preachings I’ve spewed on campus since the day I got here- and I don’t just mean this time around. But, they aren’t just that- they’re things I personally live by, and teachings/practices I wholeheartedly believe could benefit each and every person on campus. So, as we collectively come out of what has undeniably been another majorly divisive shift here at the Academy, I think now is the perfect time to focus on re-centering, relaxing, refreshing, and rejuvenating ourselves. 
Over the course of this weekend, myself and several other amazing students here will be hosting a series of workshops, all designed to help everyone get back to what really is important- mental, spiritual, and emotional health, as well as bonding and building positive and healthy relationships with those around us. These workshops will be interactive, educational, but most of all, they’ll be fun! Now, you don’t have to attend every single one to participate in the retreat, feel free to pick and choose which most speak to you! But, below I’ll leave a list of the workshops, including times, locations, and short descriptions of each. If everyone who wants to participate could reply letting me know which workshops you plan to attend, AND WHO YOUR PARTNER WILL BE for the partners workshops that would be great! Please remember that if you don’t have a partner, please let me know so I can pair people up! I want to make sure I have enough supplies and space for all! I’m really looking forward to this, and I hope to see everyone out, even if it’s just for one or two! As motivation, for every workshop you attend, your name will be placed in a raffle for a large prize-basket, the contents of which will include but not be limited to gift cards, self-care kits, yoga supplies, art supplies, and a few fun but educational books/materials to help in your quest for relaxation and self-discovery! 
SATURDAY-  10:00 AM: Morning Meditation Workshop- Learn about the mental, emotional, and physical benefits of participating in morning meditation, while gaining the practice you need to participate on your own! 11:00 AM: Food and You- Cover the basics of nutrition, the importance of reading food labels, and learn about the real impact your diet has on your body- physically, and otherwise. 12:00 PM: Journal it Out- Spend an hour discussing various journaling techniques and types, as well as its benefits! Participants will receive their very own leatherbound journals to take from the workshop! 1:00 PM-3:00 PM: LUNCH 3:00 PM: Mental Health and You- In an ever-changing world, where opinions on mental health, its definition, and how to best help and improve it are constantly being shoved into our faces, take the time to learn about the true meaning of mental health, how to recognize the warning signs of fatigue and burnout, and what steps you can take to prevent things from spiraling! 4:00 PM: Yoga for Beginners- Join us for this session on the basics of yoga, including discussion of its health benefits. Get started on your yoga journey! Each participant will receive a free yoga mat to take back with them!
SUNDAY- 11:00 AM: Art Therapy- Join a fun session centered around the benefits of using art to cope, improve mood, mental health, and as a de-stressor from life’s pressures.  12:00 PM: Music Therapy- Learn the benefits of using music as a medium to improve mental health, work through stress and emotion, and as a way to relieve yourself of life’s tension.  1:00 PM-2:30 PM: LUNCH 2:30 PM: Couples Yoga- The benefits of yoga go beyond those achieved on your own. Learn how to strengthen your relationship while strengthening your core with this couple’s yoga how-to. *THIS WORKSHOP REQUIRES PARTICIPATION WITH A PARTNER 3:30 PM: Who Are You, Anyway?- A workshop focused on YOU! Spend time in discussion forums, taking self-discovery quizzes, and learning about understanding all the things that make you, you! 4:30 PM: Sexual Healing- End this weekend retreat with a workshop that offers exactly what it sounds like- tips and education on foreplay techniques, exploration and demonstration of various kinks, erotic massage, and other methods of self-care through sexual discovery and healing. All participants will go home with a goodie bag full of fun, sensual toys and treats. *THIS WORKSHOP REQUIRES PARTICIPATION WITH A PARTNER
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sohlidarity · 4 years
How to gain control over your life
Just like Aristotle I believe in forming good habits in order improve your life and gain happiness. Here are some good habits I started to cultivate in my life.
sleep 8 hours per night  - maximize your day time:  sleep early and wake up early is the mantra. Try to get as much work done in the morning as possible. If something goes wrong or you need help you can always ask people because it is still the morning!!
exercise at least 30 minutes everyday: super duper hard for me lol but following a home workout has been a game changer for me as it cuts down the time I spend travelling to gym. But going to the gym or on a walk outside is also really good!! Joining a recreational sports team is also a great way!
meditate TWICE a day: I have been trained in Transcendental meditation for a couple years now but there are many free apps for guided meditations. People who are HUGEE overthinkers or get anxiety easily will find this more beneficial. But everyone should meditate!! 
drink 2 litres of water everyday: usually drink water before you eat your meals so you don’t over eat. 
eat healthy!!: cut out sugars. Eat more vegetables than grains. small portions. Intermittent fasting is great. Snack on almonds, walnuts and fruits. eat light dinners. GOAL is to avoid food coma and improve productivity lol. eat to survive don’t survive to eat. take your vitamins and supplements!!
Other habits to include which you probably do as a student anyway:
learn something new everyday
read 30 mins a day
Some other habits to go along with these are - 
journaling - Don’t need to journal every day but once a week to summarize your growth, what to improve on and what you are thankful for is great. Don’t focus too much on your shortcomings. 
scheduling every minute of your day - this is basically where you schedule eat minute since you wake up to when you go to sleep. A technique that many students use during midterm weeks. Not that great for people who enjoy free flowing work weeks but test it out!
Consume less social media - very self explanatory. delete some accounts if you need to. It is easy to keep scrolling for “inspiration” but that act is just brain numbing. 
Hope that helped!! Shoot me a message if you need to talk!
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relieverse · 3 years
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How I innovate, dream and make a change in the world:
"People born with Uranus in the twelfth house in their birth chart have a need to be of help and may give a hand to others in the most unusual ways because that’s the way they are: unusual.
It’s like their purpose in life is to contribute and they’re never expecting any recognition or reward when supporting others. It’s very likely for them to be artists because their mind is very creative and they love to be in the company of people who are tasteful.
They want to see beyond reality and to cross the boundaries between this world and the one that can’t be seen with the naked eye. Individuals having Uranus in 12th house are very eager to express themselves freely by studying, being involved in all kind of affairs and dealing with the unknown.
It’s like their best ideas and even the most ingenious inventions are somehow revealed to them in their dreams. Things will come to them suddenly and they’ll be very inspired in what they may be doing for living because they always have the answers to problems in their head.
It’s also possible for these natives to see in the future, but only if they focus enough. Many of them will mask their knowledge of deeper meanings in the unconscious of the collective.
It’s suggested they pursue a career in psychology and even the occult because they can understand things that others aren’t even capable to see.
Positions of other planets in their chart wouldn’t matter that much because Uranus in the 12th house always has them efficient at dealing with matters that aren’t of this world, so they would more or less have control over their chart.
When it comes to everyday realities, natives having Uranus in the 12th house can struggle with the simplest tasks.
They may suffer from insomnia and sleep when others are at work and the other way around. Having a rich imagination, they’re very capable of lucid dreaming, but some negative aspects with the planets in their chart bring them nightmares.
Uranus in 12th house individuals may work in the shadows and do great things while not even searching for recognition. They don’t seem to have enough confidence to do something too out of the ordinary, so Uranus makes them feel guilty for being too shy to express what’s in their mind or for not just doing what they want in life..
Nevertheless, my caution is a good thing because it keeps me grounded in reality while also don’t feel confined by reality. While some people are afraid to dream big, I look past the physical restrictions and try anything to make my wish come true. Because of this, I am unlimited to the kinds of jobs and careers I can do.
Anything, where I am surrounded by creative types and forward-thinking individuals, is a good place to start. And I shouldn't be afraid to knock down any barriers that I come across because that’s how innovations become a reality.
The one area I do need time to myself is when I feel stressed and need to recharge my batteries. It’s better to have some alone time, for I can focus on what’s bringing me down and figure out ways to get over the feeling. Pulling strings behind the scenes can be tiring, especially if I don’t have anyone else I trust to help me. While I constantly strive to make the world a better place to live, not just for others but also for myself, I would place a lot of pressure on myself to match my dreams exactly.
I have to build up your confidence and see myself as an independent person, capable of handling problems on my own. I amso good at helping others with their issues. This is one area where I can excel over everyone else. I offer a shoulder to cry on or words of wisdom to help others get out of a scary or tense situation. But I need to try that technique on myself as well. My compassion is my strength, so learn to use it as such. I shouldn't be afraid of change in my career or marriage. Embrace it as a way of moving forward in life. The only way to learn how to handle tough scenarios at work is to deal with them firsthand.
Sometimes I may dream too big, and it’s not a realistic goal. I have grand theories and ideas, and no one can rival me in terms of imagination and creativity. The only trouble is I spend more time with my head in the clouds than my feet on the ground to get anything done. While having the ability to dream big comes in handy, it can also prevent me from accomplishing my goals. That doesn’t mean I have to give up on it. I have to think about it differently. This is when I can shine and not feel guilty about it. A dose of reality is needed in both cases, so I have to find a way to focus on the more realistic parts of the idea. And I shouldn't turn and run from this responsibility either.
I can get so overwhelmed by the everyday errands and busy routine that all I want to do is hide. But this only adds to my habit of shying away from difficult tasks and situations. That prevents you from growing emotionally and spiritually. My inability to gain knowledge and experience stunts my personality and prevents me from becoming a mature adult.
I also run the risk of feeling upset or guilty when I can’t express myself well to others. If I don’t have experience discussing conflict or how someone or something makes me feel, I often believe I have to hold it inside instead. This will only cause negative emotions to decay and can make me miserable or even mentally depressed. I shouldn't let myself fall into that endless cycle of sadness and disappointment. It’s important for them to not be afraid of any obstacles in their way as innovation doesn’t happen when the inventors or creators are scared of the unknown. It wouldn’t matter how tense or uncomfortable the planet Uranus in the 12th house is, the natives with this placement will always want to be alone when reading, painting, writing or meditating.
The more they’ll spend time in solitude and doing these things, the more profound they’ll get to feel or their soul to have its peace.
While very compassionate and kind, they don’t express all these things directly, and many people may not get the chance to understand them or worse, might feel hurt regarding their attitude.
They need to acknowledge their spirituality or else they can end up being very unhappy and unfulfilled.
It’s possible for them to feel weak in front of the usual changes life has to offer because they’re thinking they can’t handle working with something new.
The truth is, their faith will always help them, so being fearful doesn’t make any sense for them. They should believe in themselves because otherwise, they can escape in a world of fantasy and avoid reality, which isn’t in any way healthy.
Some of them will discover they’re capable of great spirituality when they’ll get older. Others will be aware of their profundity, but won’t be able to express it until their identity doesn’t get formed.
The 12th house is the most sensitive for the placement of Neptune because it is the home of this planet. Therefore, when here, this celestial body has great influence over the unconscious of natives.
People with this placement are very sensitive to the society as a whole and sometimes feel like victims of chaos and immorality.
The same planet here has the capacity to turn collective ideas into pure art. One of the most famous individuals with Neptune in 12th house is Salvador Dali, whose paintings are very intense and imaginative.
These natives are all very kind and open to different emotions, no matter whom they may be dealing with. They have psychic abilities and can guess what other people are thinking or feeling.
The planet Neptune can make their ego feel overwhelmed because it’s always open to external stimuli.
They may be vulnerable because they don’t have any protective fences to surround their sensitivity and also because Neptune doesn’t have any boundaries when being here, in the house of images and feelings of the collective.
At the same time, this planet gives them abundant creativity and the wish to become great artists. Very talented with music, poetry, painting, photography and other forms of self-expression, natives having Neptune in 12th house can become very famous in the art world.
Furthermore, they have a need to be with others, to merge and to feel the love of the collective. They’re also very connected with the Universe as the 12th house and Neptune are both spiritual and resonate with what lays within people.
It can be difficult to describe them and their feelings because they’re all the time overwhelmed in their unconscious, which is ruled by the 12th house.
This house can have them feeling deeply about many things in their life, including their ancestors, as it rules over the past and the conscious memories.
Neptune will always feel at home in the here. Even negative aspects of this planet won’t stay in these people’s way when it comes to spirituality.
The 12th house goes over everything that’s beyond the conscious mind, and is ethereal enough to have the natives with Neptune in it connected to deeper meanings and the unconscious mind of the collective.
Individuals having Neptune in 12th house could be great psychologists, but this quality would be stronger in them if some planets in their 10th or 6th houses would be in good aspects.
If so, the natives with these placements will choose to deal with other people’s thoughts and emotions as a career and if not, they will still make great friends who are always ready to talk about their own problems.
They’re so good at dealing with different realities because they’re good clairvoyants and psychics. They may even dream what’s about to happen or in symbols that transmit them messages.
That’s why they should study mysticism and learn how to interpret their dreams. The problem with this is that also negative things from the other side can enter their world, in this reality.
Because Neptune is very passive and would allow for this to happen, their sensitivity may increase, and they’d absorb all the pain and suffering of the world.
People love them for being empathic and for easily perceiving their thoughts or feelings, but this can have negative effects over their own health.
What they should be careful with is their unexplained guilt as it can truly wear them down. Wanting to help everyone, they’ll never get to make this dream of theirs come true because there is no way someone can help so many people as they would want to.
Each time a person around them is going through some bad times, they tend to blame themselves and have an enormous amount of guilt creeping on them.
Therefore, they may end up not helping or causing the situation to be worse. If they really want to give a hand, they need to first establish who they are and how they can manage their own life.
It’s the same situation as the one with doctors as these professionals need to be very cold and balanced in order to do their job.
Another problem they may have is the fact that they’re prone to become addicted to alcohol or drugs.
In the situation in which Neptune is in square position with Mars, Venus and Jupiter, they would have a tendency to abuse everything that helps them enter a fantasy world and leave reality behind.
Neptune will love having them overindulging, but this can cause real problems for their body and health in general.
While the Ascendant is the one that’s rules over physicality, Neptune in a position too close to this sign would only cause the dependence on substances to be stronger on them.
Because this planet is at home in the 12th house, it influences the areas of life this house governs, in a great manner. People with this astral placement are highly intuitive and very strong in their heart.
They may seem passive, but when needed to, they can become fierce. These natives love the role of the underdog and to give a hand to those who need it the most.
However the 12th house can be pretty suppressive, so they won’t be too focused on taking action and most of the time feel guilty for nothing.
What Neptune does is put rose-colored glasses in front of the eyes of the natives, making them see and hear only what they want.
Neptune in 12th house people need to work on their self-confidence and to think of themselves as independent creatures who can handle any problem without too much help.
They’re very supportive and helpful themselves, so they’d do a great job as doctors or healers. Because they like to listen and to find solutions to problems, they would also be efficient as psychologists and even firefighters.
It’s easy for them to calm people down and to give hope everything is going to be okay. However, before focusing on others, they need to work on themselves and to make sure they’re grounded in reality, just enough to be able to help.
Their compassion makes them strong, so they should learn how to use it. Change mustn’t be something that terrifies them because it can only help their life to move forward.
It’s important for them to deal with problems directly, especially when these are about work. They’re sometimes so overwhelmed by the everyday life that they just want to hide and to escape reality.
This is the explanation to why they’re always shy and trying to run from difficult situations, which means they’re not always able to develop from an emotional and spiritual point of view.
When they can’t seem to get a grasp of the knowledge transmitted by what they’re experiencing, they should take a step that and look for their level of maturity.
In the situation in which they can’t express themselves the way they want to, Neptune in 12th house individuals start to feel very upset and even guilty.
They should learn how to talk about conflicts and discuss the feelings they get from others’ actions or words because holding things inside will only cause them to be more hurt.
I deserve all the happiness that life has to offer. So keep up with the big dreams and idealistic view of life. Just focus on finding a good balance between my fantasies and the world in which I have to live. I can create something new and wonderful that can help myself and others reach their goals. So I shouldn't give up on it because of my lack of self-esteem. Once I am able to take my ideas further than they’ve ever been before, I will build the confidence and momentum I need to go even further. Nothing will be able to stand in my way, not even those old pangs of self-doubt."
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maddiviner · 3 years
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It’s time for some juicy cryptid gossip!
Everyone has heard of Bigfoot, but what is it, really? A flesh and blood ape, or something even weirder? Today, we’ll be looking at Bigfoot and related concepts.
I wanted to interview Bigfoot himself, but ultimately decided it would be easier and less dangerous just to interview noted Fortean author Josh Cutchin.
Cutchin’s new two-part book series, Where the Footprints End focuses on Bigfoot and some of the weirder phenomena that tend to pop up surrounding this strange and hypothetical critter. This interview features discussion of Bigfoot as well as other interesting phenomena, usually known under the collective heading of High Strangeness...
Eliza: “There’s a lot of people who read my blog and other esoteric sites who really want to experience High Strangeness. There’s running jokes about going out into the forest wearing a red coat and picking berries in mysterious areas, in an attempt to encounter something. Mostly, this is just a joke, but a few people are quite serious about wanting to experience an encounter. Do you believe it is possible (or advisable) to go looking for that kind of encounter?”
Josh Cutchin: “It’s absolutely possible to seek these things out, and probably easier than a lot of us imagine. There are a few different approaches, mostly seeking out locales or altered states of consciousness. A good week’s worth of overnight stays at any ‘haunted’ location will probably yield some good stories, at the very least… then there’re occult disciplines, which I won’t delve into, that seem to have pretty striking results. While not necessarily endorsing it, a healthy dose of psychedelics will induce an altered state of consciousness as well, one which may have residual paranormal effects beyond whatever you encounter on your ‘trip.’
Advisable? That’s another topic entirely. Jeff Ritzmann—who sadly passed away a few days ago—had a method he viewed as successful for contacting the paranormal, but also highly volatile. On its simplest level, his technique involved meditating in any semi-isolated location (you can learn more from his November 2017 interview on Greg Bishop’s Radio Misterioso). Jeff always stressed two things: one, that the contact would come in whatever form you didn’t expect; and two, that this Other, whatever it is, wants that which is stable in your life, that which you value, and you should be prepared to lose relationships, finances, even loved ones.
It’s a sobering proposition.”
Eliza: “In the book, you talk about lures for Bigfoot. You mention that some people leave out gifts for him, often with disastrous consequences. As you mention in many of your books (A Trojan Feast, Thieves in the Night), giving gifts to these sort of entities seems to have a lot of significance and unintended results. What do you think is the root of the gifting fascination with these critters, regardless of what they are?”
Josh Cutchin: “If I had to hazard a guess, it all ties back to man’s earliest attempts to appeal to divine intervention, of burnt offerings and sacrifices. Offering consumables—food, drink, tobacco, et cetera—is a universally-held means of breaching whatever barrier separates us from the gods, the dead, and the spirit world. A direct line of belief can be traced from these older practices to things all of us do, even those not involved in the paranormal… take, for example, leaving cookies out for Santa Claus, or ‘pouring one out’ for a dead friend.”
Eliza: “Do you think that the various phenomenon described in your book, from the classical Bigfoot sightings, to the strange lights, and voices heard in the wilderness could all have the same cause? Or, do you hold the view that we’re dealing with different things that coincide?”
Josh Cutchin: “Some days, I think these topics are separate but overlap in significant ways. Others, I’m convinced they’re all the same thing, wearing different masks. My coauthor Timothy Renner said it elegantly: ‘Bigfoot may be the rarest and most sophisticated version of whatever this phenomenon is.’ I might take that one step further and posit anomalous lights—which are found in every paranormal topic—are the most common, simplest version of whatever the phenomenon is. Truth be told, that may be as close to ‘an answer’ as we get.”
Eliza: “From your books, I learned the difference between the usual “flesh and blood hypothesis” (F&BH) about Bigfoot, versus other perspectives. For readers who are unaware, there’s something of a debate whether Bigfoot is a physical animal, or… something else. Throughout both book, though, I couldn’t help but feel that you believe the evidence points away from F&BH. Would that be accurate to say?”
Josh Cutchin: “I’ve often said that every other discipline of paranormal study has ‘Bigfoot Envy,’ that there is more physical evidence for the existence of bigfoot than anything else in the paranormal. We have immaculately detailed footprints, alleged hair, blood, even droppings. All of it points firmly to a large, undiscovered primate…
… until you start listening to eyewitness accounts. Not every time, but certainly a lot of times there are anomalies that cannot be accounted for from a Materialist/Physicalist perspective, no matter how hard one works backwards from their preferred conclusion. Even some cases cryptozoologists like to cite as supporting the F&BH (like the Fred Beck ‘Ape Canyon’ events) contain outliers like poltergeist activity, abruptly ending trackways, et cetera. The supernatural seems at odds with the physical evidence until one considers that things like psi effects and ghosts—two phenomena we would all agree, if they exist, are intangible—can leave physical changes on our world.
If bigfoot are indeed flesh-and-blood creatures, they are, as Timothy says, ‘masters of evolution,’ with several abilities no other creature on Earth possesses!”
Eliza: “I enjoyed reading the accounts in the second volume of Where the Footprints End, but found much of it unsettling. Do you think that fear is a normal human reaction to High Strangeness, or something more related to existing societal views? I ask this because there’s been some debate amongst my friends about this. Also, many of my readers pride themselves in being comfortable with all kinds of strange things, but that might not well be the initial reaction in many cases.”
Josh Cutchin: “I think it’s probably like swimming with sharks. It’s natural to be terrified of one. Doesn’t mean it’ll harm you (though it certainly could). It’s a natural reaction, and it exists for a reason, for self-preservation. Over time you can desensitize yourself from that fear, maybe even handle the darn things… but there’s always a risk it could hurt or kill you.
I think the shark metaphor is apt, because—while there are undoubtedly a lot of evilly-aligned forces out there—I think most paranormal things are neutral, maybe even disinterested in us, but dangerous by nature. Like sharks!”
Eliza: “Can you imagine a time, in the the future, perhaps, when these sort of things are, in fact, understood by humanity? Do you think we’ll ever figure it out, so to speak? Someday, will Bigfoot and other High Strangeness phenomenon be explainable? Or, perhaps, are these things always going to elude us in their exact nature?
Josh Cutchin: “I think there’s the chance they’ll be accepted, but never understood. I think we’re already on the road to accepting the existence of the paranormal (or, should I more accurately say, re-accepting, since we obviously respected them in our past). But I think the ‘understanding’ part is why they’ve always seemed mysterious, and I think that may well be the part. The paranormal is a birthright for every human being, and an important component of our existence… but we were never meant to understand it. Not in the plane of existence, at least.”
Thanks so much for this interview, Josh! Your work is thought-provoking and as fascinating as it is unsettling!
I think I speak for everyone when I say that this interview helped me to understand High Strangeness and how it relates to other paranormal topics. If you’ve got an interest in the paranormal or High Strangeness, I definitely recommend checking out Cutchin’s books here.
Both volumes of Where the Footprints End are now available in ebook and print. Cutchin has also written books on other, non-Bigfoot aspects of these phenomena. These include Thieves in the Night, a look at supernatural abduction legends, Trojan Feast (about food in High Strangeness encounters) and The Brimstone Deceit (focused on scents and the paranormal).
So, thoughts, everyone? Have you experienced High Strangeness in your lifetime? Do you WANT to experience it? Does it frighten you? My views are mixed...
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fairycosmos · 3 years
this is random but like obviously we're in an internet culture or whatever where mental illnesses are basically being glamorized under the guise of "awareness" like it's cool to brag about depression/anxiety now and I absolutely hate it like I feel like we're sometimes moving backwards but also with that has come this weird "anti-recovery" stance a lot where like people completely disregard like meditation or going on a walk because they're like "OH YEAHHHH thankksss my depression is cured now 🙄" and like obviously no one is saying depression goes away by doing that stuff but it also makes life more enjoyable?? like going on a walk on a sunny day definitely brings more happiness to you than laying on your bed in the dark that can't just be disregarded because it's not a full on cure (also, meditation has quite a bit of science surrounding it about it's effects on the mind). i saw a tweet earlier that was like "students with anxiety should not be forced to present in class" and I understand the sentiment (and I also understand it's not the same thing as my example before) but as someone who had severe anxiety since childhood, like literally would cry before presentations, being forced to do presentations is what made me slightly less anxious. ofc it's not the same for everyone but almost every job requires presentations and life in general requires you to speak to people and the whole point of recovery is to be able to function a little bit better in life. idk I feel like the purpose gets ignored so much in the name of accomodations. I'm not saying accomodations shouldn't be made (they absolutely should in many cases) , but I feel like being in that fixed mindset that you're life *can't* be changed for the better is such a dangerous idea prevalent on the internet. sorry for this random rant I just needed to get it out lol
omg yessss >:( lets Dis Cus this bc it irks me too and i can’t sleep. to be honest throughout my teenage years i feel like i’ve noticed this very weird mentality just continue to develop online when it comes to mental illness. on the one hand it’s clear that most ppl esp kids can not afford or do not have access to the treatment they need  - like they don’t have any real world support so they just turn to the internet without thinking too much ab it. but because of that it’s a well of misinfo with literally no boundaries or critical thought. there’s definitely this self pitying competitive almost passive aggressive, even infantilizing, aspect to the way the topic is approached. like most therapists will give you these same standard self help techniques - go for a walk, do some meditation, breathing exercises - not to cure the mental disorder but to alleviate the effects of it in the moment. and i think teenagers or even ppl in general just like brushing that off bc it makes them feel like their pain is just simply too unique and deep to be confronted lmfao. also they often make their depression and anxiety a whole personality trait which causes them to take any well intentioned suggestion offered as a personal attack. when it comes to presenting in class, i’m kinda on the fence. i don’t think anyone should be forced, i think it should be a case by case sort of thing. maybe modifying for each individual child’s needs. for example, if a kid is really anxious over presenting in front of the class, the teacher could perhaps allow them to present in front of a smaller group instead so they still get the experience of public speaking without that much pressure, you know? and then they could work on building up to going in front of a bigger crowd bit by bit. i only say that bc i know different ppl respond differently to that sort of thing and i used to miss a lot of school out of pure (mental illness induced) fear which was just overall bad for me LOL. like you said accommodations come in handy when necessary i totally agree w that. anyway yeah like it doesn’t surprise me that a group of ppl dealing with often untreated mental illnesses can’t see any hope/ don’t believe in self improvement, but it’s super harmful rhetoric to spread as a universal truth bc like. the majority of mental illnesses absolutely CAN be controlled and you CAN live a whole healthy life if you learn how to cope with the specific makeup of you own brain. it’s sad to see children thinking they’re beyond help or a lost cause like that’s truly practically never the case :( theyre not even done developing, nothing is final you know. but ig it really feels that way in the moment and i totally understand that so i won’t undermine it. it just sux to see !! and adults should def be more mindful of that :( dw about the rant i gave you one back lmfaooo x
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obaewankenope · 3 years
Okay so, I have ADHD. I'm 18 and was diagnosed 2 months ago? Maybe one? I don't remember. Anyways, I'm constantly thinking about and bouncing between the "hey it's okay you can't do this, it's not your fault, you just need some extra help and you can do it!!!" and "you're so stupid, just try harder, if you cared enough you'd be able to do it. why are you asking for special treatment and being a burden?" lines of thinking.
And that, especially lately, has led me to hyperfixating on the fear that, hey, maybe even when I do start medication and have finally figured out how to manage this with my therapist... what if I still can't do it?
This is especially difficult when it comes to art. I'm an aspiring artist & illustrator, and the struggle to do something that I love so much is so incredibly frustrating.
And it makes me worry that, even when I am finally medicated and have what I need, and even now when I'm REALLY struggling... maybe the problem is me and not the clearly albeist system I'm forced to work in.
Maybe I don't love it enough. Maybe I'm not as passionate and dedicated and driven to succeed with my art as I think I am. And it is so unbelievably soul crushing to think that because, that's it for me, that's all I can think to do with my life. I don't really have anything else, which I know sounds dramatic but, yeah. And the idea that I might not care for it enough, or that simply caring for it isn't enough, is really messing with me.
Uh so I'm not really sure what I'm asking aside from, WHAT DO I DO? How do I manage this? How do you deal with the imposter syndrome? Help????
Okay so, there's a LOT to unpack here, bean, and we're gonna do it now at 2:39am because why the fuck not, right?
You're 18 which means your brain is still developing. That means you have to deal with the chaotic brain chemistry that comes with growing on top of the chaos of adhd. That sucks.
The whole swings and roundabouts thinking on your ability is, sadly, very common. Too common to be as normalised as it is tbh. The first thought process is the Good One. That's the one that is Accurate To You And Your Needs. The second thought process is the Society Mindset Of Judgement.
I call thoughts like that "brain weasels" - a concept my friend Lily mentioned one day in chat and I just instantly accepted it as reality.
All those bad thoughts, all those moments of "you're a failure" are given a Name in my mind. That is Brian. Brain Weasel Brian. My mother calls them Brain Weasel Paddy.
I heartily advocate that sort of thing. Adopting this method of Attributing A Name to the thoughts that Don't Help You, is a good method of teaching your brain to separate the bad thoughts and the good ones that help.
Sometimes it doesn't work. In my depressive episodes, it doesn't work great if at all. But that happens. Sometimes nothing helps then. Sometimes existing is about as much as I can manage. It's Sucky but it's not permanent.
Rarely, is anything truly permanent. We just tend to think they are.
Next, hyper fixating on fear.
Again, pretty damned normal if also very sucky. Our brains, no matter whether we're neurodiverse or not, are Very Good at remembering the bad and giving up lots of Risk Lists to consider. This mechanism helps us as a species in the wild, of course, but in the world we live in now... well, it's not the best mechanism out there.
We can't stop it, though. It's part of our evolution as humans. We can figure out tricks to help manage it. See, the biggest problem we have with fear and anxiety is we try to push it down and away or we obsess over it. Those are the worst options.
Anxiety and fear have to be imagined to be like smoke. Its there in the air. Its part of it when a fire happens and we need fires for warmth. So anxiety and fear is natural. It's healthy to have both but not so much that we can't function. The mechanism is messing up if we can't function.
Have you ever tried to capture smoke in your hands? It's not possible. You can't cup your hands like you would with water, can't grip it like you would a solid. No. Because smoke is a gas and it moves and shifts and fills up any space it can.
Anxiety and fear are like smoke. They're part of everything and exists because of Reasons and they can be a good thing but can also be a bad thing too.
It can also become too familiar for us sometimes. Like a smoker who lights up and savours the smell of a burning cigarette.
We cling to what we know even if what we know is bad for us. It's human nature. But just because we cling to what we know doesn't mean we can't be brave and let it go. That's human nature too.
We're a species of messy contradictions, after all.
Medication helps the brain chemistry and assists that fear and anxiety mechanism. It's not a cure, contrary to belief, but it will help. Therapy helps you work through things and medication helps settle your brain which will help you further.
Does that mean it's going to fix you? No, because you're not broken. You're different but not broken.
With your art and illustration and your desire to become an illustrator, I can wholly understand the frustration you feel.
But I wonder, does that frustration stem from fear of failure or from feeling so many emotions and not being able to figure out their source?
If its the former, then that's understandable. We all fear failure. But sometimes, it's not failure we actually fear. What we really fear is success. Because we don't know what to do if we succeed. That's a long term thing.
Failure can be immediate and short term. It's something we can think about in the immediate future because our brains are able to follow the tangent of time enough for that.
But success. Success means long term considerations. It means thinking about what comes after. It means considering potential promotions, opportunities, work pieces, connections and so on. It means thinking of those things beyond the short term where our brain's are most comfortable.
ADHD brains are not really built for long term planning. We're good planners for short term things. Good problem solvers. But rarely is it a long term sort of solution we come up with.
Not because we can't, but because we get so mirred in the details, in the What Ifs and the Possibilities that we lose our focus on the Whole Picture. We lose the tangent.
I don't necessarily think you're not passionate enough. Hardly anyone who draws lacks passion. They may lack technique, but passion... That's something any artist needs in my opinion. Even just a spark.
But being able to use that passion, to convey it, now that's the challenge. That's Hard.
Sometimes it's next to impossible.
The thing is, ADHD and Autism make you feel things Deeply and Chaotically. This makes you struggle to process those feelings.
Being a young adult with Expectations and Responsibilities on top of sucky brain growth chemistry just makes that struggle worse.
You may not be able to channel your passion into your art currently, but that doesn't mean you don't have it.
Think of your passion like a tube that's got a blockage in it. The pressure inside is immense but you've got nothing on hand to remove the blockage. It'll take time to develop the tools, to find them, to help. Or. It might have to remove itself.
This doesn't make you lacking in passion. It just makes you temporarily injured in the passion department. We don't blame someone for a sprained ankle resting. Don't blame yourself for taking time off because of this.
Imposter syndrome is... Hard. So, so hard.
I don't have an answer for you about how to handle it. I do a pretty poor job of it myself. I fake confidence, am awful at accepting praise, and constantly feel inadequate. I just hide it really well.
But that's emotion. That's fear and doubt and anxiety. That's societal expectations stoking the emotional disturbance of imposter syndrome.
Logic tells me different.
But logic is hard to believe. Especially when the emotions are very Loud and Distracting.
Sometimes you have to call those doubts and fears for what they are: Brain Weasels.
Sometimes you have to think of it all like it's smoke.
Sometimes you have to sit down and meditate, crossing a mental bridge between reason and emotion to deliver a message to both sides.
We are individuals who pick out pebbles from the river and admire them. Sometimes we keep them. Sometimes we put them back. Most times, we move on. Those pebbles are difficulties, challenges, doubts.
ADHD tends to try and keep the pebbles. Imposter syndrome uses them as building blocks.
Sometimes you have to dig out the foundations and toss those pebbles back before you can start to work on fixing up the rest.
This has become very rambly now, I'm sorry. Its 3:24am and I need to sleep. I do hope this helps in some way, though. If not for you, then for others.
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shinhatigf · 3 years
okay so I do have an anakin fix it au floating around in my brain in which revenge of the sith goes as well as it possibly could BUT that's not the important part of this post the IMPORTANT part is what happens to maul in this au. (disclaimer: all I know about maul's backstory is from watching the clone wars and reading his wookiepedia page so some of this might be inaccurate. bear with me)
okay so because order 66 didn't happen, maul is brought before the council. he was sith so the council would want to deal with him personally
I think with palpatine dead (fully and completely 100% dead no take backs) the influence of the dark side everywhere would be lessened. everyone would feel a lot clearer, happier, brighter, like a dark cloud had been lifted from their mind. this would include maul.
however, for maul, diving deep into the dark side has been something of a coping mechanism. amassing as much power as possible and giving yourself over to this dark higher power means you don't have the contemplate the fact that you were stolen from your family and home world and fed incredibly damaging rhetoric from the man who 1) let you die 2) immediately upon finding out you were still alive electrocuted the fuck out of you and killed the last part of your family and (imo) the only person you ever truly loved
so maul upon arriving to the jedi council, while slightly less affected by the dark side, is still full of pure rage, hate, and a clusterfuck of other emotions brought about by thinking about the jedi. he's a whole disaster
okay this is going to get very very long I'm going to put a read more here
I imagine some in the council would like to kill or exile him and be done with it, but after the inherent trauma of the clone wars and seeing how far separated from their ideals the jedi order has become, they'd show him mercy. this part may not necessarily make 100% sense but shut up this is the good things for maul au maul gets good things
therefore, the council would vote in favor of rehabilitation. what I imagine this would look like is maul would be heavily guarded and watched, and whenever possible he would be visited by jedi masters (and masters ONLY. they're not dumb)
maul gets his own quarters, which are big enough not to be stifling or tiny but small enough to still fit in a jedi temple where they value austerity and forsaking possessions. they would want to give maul as much freedom as possible while making sure he couldn't be a threat to anyone around him, which would mean he doesn't have much freedom at all. he's fed and watered and visited by at least one jedi master a day. these visits are usually someone meditating and trying to rehabilitate maul's mind while not being openly invading, rather guiding maul's broken mind into its natural state and removing palpatine's influence. these visits are also good old fashioned therapy (maul desperately needs to talk some shit out)
it would take a very very very long time but with guided meditation and constant consistent kindness and understanding shown to him by the jedi maul would start to heal. one of the major things that palpatine forcibly shoved into his brain is a distrust and particular hatred for the jedi, but after spending so many years in their care and with constant (almost annoying) understanding that belief system would start to break down.
it would start small. like one day maybe instead of feeling rage and anger around savage's death he feels sadness because for the first time he's in an environment where he has the space to breathe and remember his brother
I think once maul has actually started to improve a little bit and moved past his rage and murder phase that's when obi-wan would visit him. which would definitely bring back some rage and murder but also it would bring maul some closure. I'd imagine they'd both need some sort of closure, considering maul killed qui gon and obi-wan essentially killed him. but obi-wan saying something like "I forgive you. I'm not your enemy." that might throw a wrench into maul's thinking
so over time, maul is becoming less and less emotionally tumultuous. he's in a stable environment in which a set group of people visit him daily solely for the purpose of rehabilitating him, both through the force and just regular conversation as equals. eventually, after enough time in this environment, whoever maul is beneath the rage and pain and the dark side would emerge
this is the side of maul that I wrote this for. this is why he's one of my favorites.
maul is deeply intelligent, and rather calculating. while he usually forgoes rational thought to scream "kenOBIIIIIII" into the night he's very good at assessing a situation and how to get the best possible outcome. he feels things very deeply but he's incredibly bad at naming exactly what his feelings are and he's not very good at reading the emotions of others. I think a flaw of his is that he really forgets to take emotions into account, while for the jedi that's kind of their whole thing. (yeah the jedi are stereotyped as unfeeling warriors but that's not true at all, they acknowledge and release their feelings into the force. for them their feelings are the force.)
I think one day when maul is beyond resisting his existence at the jedi temple, when he slowly realizes "hey my life sucks a whole lot less than before" he manages to actually solve a problem for one of the masters who visits him regularly and has become the closest thing he can really have to a friend. said master (maybe kit fisto just because I like kit fisto) rants about a problem or a mission that they're having and maul just goes "well it's obvious, really." and manages to solve the problem like that by nature of his unique perspective.
and after a looong amount of time has passed, maul's role shifts from enemy, victim, and a patient to being a voice of rationality, a problem-solver, and someone to rant to when the whole jedi master thing gets to be A Lot™
seriously though I cannot stress how long it would take for maul to heal and get to this point. MINIMUM five years.
eventually maul and some people he's forged friendships with petition the council to allow him to have some more freedom. while extremely hesitant, without palps clouding their vision they could much more clearly see maul's mental state and what sort of danger he would pose to the jedi, and they would let him move freely about the temple
okay here's my favorite part of this whole thing. maul is a fucking nerd. he discovers the jedi library and goes insane. maul would read so many books about so many different things because he's interested in everything and he'd want to build his knowledge in a myriad of subjects. he would spend hours upon hours in the jedi library just reading every single thing in there. he'd beg one of the masters to let him access the "forbidden knowledge" just because it's knowledge and he wants it. and if that didn't work he'd find a way to break in (the forbidden knowledge did not disappoint).
I also think maul would love to spar with lightsabers and stuff. he'd know techniques the jedi wouldn't, and so in friendly spars with people he'd managed to befriend, he'd actually give them a fight and teach them something, while also learning new techniques from the jedi
I think maul would consider becoming a jedi for a brief second. he's happier here than he's probably ever been, finally free from palpatine's influence and in a healthy environment. but he knows it's not his path.
after spending a long time living at the jedi temple, having carved out something of a life for himself, made friends for the first time in his life, having finally achieved emotional stability, he approaches the order on his own. they expect, after having been long used to his presence, for him to ask to be a jedi. but he comes with an unexpected proposal.
maul asks to leave the jedi temple to go home to dathomir, to see what had become of his family and of the nightbrothers. he's much much more stable than he was, but he still has burning questions that palpatine would never have let him find the answers to. and he genuinely does want to get there, eventually. but he also wants to learn more about the force that the jedi wouldn't teach him, to learn more about the sith.
his departure is surprisingly more emotional than he was expecting. the jedi temple was the first place he'd ever actually felt safe, that he'd been allowed to just exist. he would miss it.
armed with all the knowledge in the jedi temple, he searches for knowledge the jedi wouldn't have access to. he finds the remains of mortis, and researches the mortis gods. he spends a period of time wandering around like batman crushing the people he doesn't particularly like (usually people objectively morally horrible. he spent years with the jedi he has ✨morals✨ now). he even made his way to ilum, and found two crystals to forge a new double-bladed lightsaber. (the blades are yellow.)
maul would also study ancient sith texts, and spend a lot of time investigating old sith temples (like the one on malachor). however, he doesn't have the same burning desire to seize the power for himself anymore. it's an odd feeling.
eventually he does return home to dathomir to find the genocide of the nightsisters (with only one nightsister, merrin, remaining) and the nightbrothers in disarray after the loss of the dictatorial government they'd lived under for generations. maul ends up taking over a la mandalore (but with a lot less murder and awfulness. ✨morals✨)
what I'd love to see is maul founding an opposite sort of order to the jedi. not necessarily the sith, since the sith treated him horribly and destroyed his entire life, but i think maul would believe that for the force to truly be in balance, you couldn't try to eradicate an entire half of it from the galaxy. I would love to see maul found an order of dark side force users that teaches about how to use the dark side, how to avoid total corruption, and the correct channels for the power you control.
maul would be a very effective teacher in the dark side because of how much experience he has with it. he experienced the absolute worst of the dark side, the total corruption and loss of self, but he also used the dark side to save the nightbrothers from destroying themselves after the loss of the nightsisters and used his power to keep them together and safe (not to mention the period of time with Batman Maul where he used the dark side to help people).
also I would love to see the new generation of jedi and the new generation of dark side users not to be in opposition for once. by nature of maul being rehabilitated by the jedi, he would teach about them and their teachings with a modicum of respect, and the two orders would be seen as two sides of the same coin. twins, almost.
maul would not be a child snatcher, he was child snatched. the dark side is different from the light in that its always there. it comes much more naturally to force users, and unlike the jedi, it wouldn't require you to join from a ridiculously young age. his order is always known and always open to any force user who wishes to learn about the force.
maul's life comes to an end peacefully, at his home on dathomir, having built a new society for the nightbrothers and a new order for users of the dark side.
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